IRC log for #asterisk on 20101007

00:00.08cobolfoojust add memory and hard drive youself, not very hard
00:01.17cobolfooI usually install ubuntu 10.04 LTS and add asterisk + dahdi (compile newest sources) and setup a FreePBX web interface on it
00:01.44DeVLthanks for that but Im looking for a complete already behind
00:01.55cobolfoook you mean a Asterisk Appliance ?
00:01.58DeVLand this is just a test bed so it doesnt have to be of quality
00:02.17cobolfooyou can have a asterisk appliance for 300$
00:02.27DeVLno just a PC/workstation to test the latest build
00:02.57cobolfooOk, I have problems understanding you, for me adding ram and HD is something that takes maybe 5 minutes to do
00:03.25cobolfoobuy anyway, you can find a bundle which already contains hd and memory on newegg
00:03.42DeVLyea thats not a problem but I dont want to search around for compatible RAM, HD etc...just a complete box that will run asterisk
00:04.48*** part/#asterisk DMeloUK (
00:04.53DeVLyea thats all I need is some specs on a good/average proccessor, memory, hard drive and whatever else
00:08.13*** part/#asterisk DeVL (
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02:13.08radenis there a way for asterisk to read a mysql table for Callerid info ?
02:17.19*** join/#asterisk fr00d (~andi@unaffiliated/fr00d)
02:20.59p3nguinMYSQL() should do it.
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03:15.45p3nguinMoo you say?
03:27.18*** join/#asterisk DMeloUK (
03:29.06p3nguinAnyone have any experience with Extreme Broadband Engineering brand coax splitters?
03:29.09p3nguin5-1000 MHz / EMI -130 dB
03:29.17p3nguinWe usually use Antronix, but I'm ready for a change if these aren't junk.
03:33.07*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
03:33.56jameswfI hear they are extreme
03:34.47jameswfbest way to find reviews is to google: <product> sucks
03:34.51p3nguinI'm sure they are extreme... I'm only curious if they're extremely good.
03:35.22jameswfmarketers dont often use the word sucks
03:36.19p3nguin"BDS102H sucks" and "BDS102H is junk" don't turn up anything.
03:36.46p3nguinwait, maybe one.
03:39.00p3nguinIt was a thread saying Monster splitters are junk, and a recommendation to buy the BDS102H.
03:39.13*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
03:41.49p3nguinI guess I'll get a handful and see how they work out.  If they suck, I won't buy any more.
03:43.40*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
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04:04.10pabelangerWhen using Originate over AMI, how do you use exten => t and exten => i ?
04:07.37pabelangerI assume use a local channel
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06:00.37schmidtsgood morning
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06:52.06*** join/#asterisk `paul (~kutimoy@
06:53.48`paulif i have  123 => {Noop('test');}  and 123 => {Noop('test2');}  which one will be followed the first or last in extensions.ael?
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06:57.31kaldemar`paul: are they in the same context?
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07:04.40`pauli did a test
07:05.05`paulfirst one is followed
07:06.50kaldemarwhy would you have two exactly same extensions in the same context?
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07:08.28`paulkaldemar: i have lot of tollfrees already set up im generating a php script to extract tollfrees from a db and write it to a file and include it on top of extensions.ael :D
07:09.09`paulif ever there are similar tf i want the one from DB to be followed lol
07:09.30kaldemaryour dialplan sounds horrible.
07:10.37`paulits like this
07:11.15`paul88888888 => {&answerservice(queue-name);};  <-right now
07:12.01`paulbut it should be
07:12.01`paul#include file_generated_byscript.ael
07:12.01`paul88888888 => {&answerservice(queue-name);};
07:12.51`paulwhere file generated's queue name depends on DB
07:13.40ChannelZwhy would they cross though
07:13.48`paulbut there is a chance that 888888888 could be in the file
07:14.11`paulbut i want the one from the DB to be prioritized :)
07:14.27ChannelZthey sort of get merged if memory serves
07:14.41ChannelZYou shouldn't be duplicating extensions in the same context
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07:15.51`paulbut eventually all numbers should be coming from DB
07:16.24ChannelZthen pay attention to what you're doing and make sure things are in their right place.
07:16.42`paulso i was just wondering for now, if i have 1234 from the include file and 1234 after the include which one will be followed
07:16.51ChannelZWhy would you bother with a DB anyway if you're going to have some of the same crap in the static dialplan?
07:18.21`paulhmmm its like the queue is determined by a site
07:19.02`paulim in the process of putting everything in the DB and removing the static stuffs
07:21.05ChannelZWhy make hundreds(?) of discreet extensions anyway?  Go the other way around, make one that matches a pattern and calls an AGI or something to do the DB lookup and figure out what to do.
07:24.23`paulis that better? then for every call i do a query? cause on my method i just queryl the DB when there is a change?
07:25.52ChannelZI guess it depends on how many you have, how often it changes, and how up-to-date you need it to be.  Right now you have to re-generate, re-write and re-load the dialplan every time you make a change
07:26.43`paulthats good point
07:27.42`paulok thanks
07:27.49`paulwill look into agi approach
07:28.31*** part/#asterisk `paul (~kutimoy@
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08:03.04*** join/#asterisk TobSnyder (
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08:13.15TobSnydershort question: is it possible to enable instant message function, e.g. when using x-lite there is an IM functionality but I do get the response "method not allowed" when trying to send messages
08:13.39*** join/#asterisk krion (~seb@unaffiliated/krion)
08:21.46kaldemarTobSnyder: what version of asterisk are you using and what method is x-lite using for the messages?
08:24.17TobSnyderasterisk - x-lite seems to use SIP/Simple MEssaging
08:24.22TobSnyderbut not sure on x-lite
08:24.46Tim_Toadylats time i checked asterisk had not support for sip messaging, dont know if they added in 1.8 but i think not
08:24.53kaldemarTobSnyder: looks like SIP messages are not allowed outside of a call, and that causes the 405 method not allowed. this is the case in 1.8.0 rc2 too.
08:25.09TobSnyderactually I just wanted to try it internal
08:25.10kaldemarthe messages are supported when a call is up though.
08:25.24TobSnyderwhat happens on external calls would have been my next question ;)
08:25.57TobSnyderdoes this also apply on asterisk 1.4.33 ?
08:26.09kaldemarTobSnyder: yes
08:26.39kaldemarfirst you'd have to define what an external call is from your point of view.
08:27.05TobSnyderjust lets talk about internal
08:27.11TobSnyderand external later
08:27.31TobSnyderinternal means from sip sofrtphone to another sip softphone (both x-lite)
08:27.36kaldemarwhat do you mean by internal? calls are just calls to asterisk.
08:27.59TobSnyderand external would be a call over pstn, e.g. ISDN
08:28.04kaldemarwell, make a call between them and send a message. if x-lite uses SIP MESSAGE, it should work.
08:28.53kaldemarwell, you can't send SIP messages over ISDN, some conversion would need to be made. depends on how you deliver calls.
08:33.19TobSnyderI still get "Error: Method not allowed"
08:33.53TobSnyderhave just made a call and tried to send instant message
08:36.49kaldemartime for a sip debug and pastebin...
08:37.09*** part/#asterisk FlashDeluxe (
08:39.15Tim_Toadyonly way i know to get sip messaging is to set a ser/openser/opensips/kamailio/whatever_is_called_this_week sip proxy infront of * and let it handle the sip traffic
08:43.04TobSnyderTim_Today: am I right that when using openSER (or similar) I don't need asterisk at all?
08:44.23Tim_Toadydepends, if u just use sip and u dont want to connect to landlines/pstn/isdn/gsm or u dont want voicemail and other services then u can replace it
08:44.48Tim_Toadyusually u get the to work together and let ser handle the sip leg of the call
08:45.19TobSnyderah I see
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08:54.35TobSnyder made it clearer for me
08:59.31TobSnyderkaldemar: any idea ?
09:01.14TobSnyderif there would be an easy patch to asterisk or even just a config switch to enable simple sip messaging in asterisk it would be great
09:01.39TobSnyderthe integration of SER with asterisk seems to demand some more time
09:03.43Tim_Toadyser is a PITA to setup
09:05.11*** part/#asterisk rymkus (
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09:17.36creativxsoxmix is chewing cpu like its 1999
09:17.45creativxno wonder people are complaining about choppy sip audio
09:17.50TobSnyderTim_Today: thats what I guessed
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09:23.56kaldemarTobSnyder: don't try to use asterisk for instant messaging until it has proper support for it? see this:
09:26.39*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (~chatzilla@
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09:31.56creativxcan i make soxmix / lame always run at lowest priority?
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09:56.36kaldemarcreativx: use nice to run it? man nice
09:58.19creativxkaldemar: yeah looking into nice/renice
09:58.34creativxironic choice of app name.. since the app is behaving bad :)
09:59.42henki'd say that's exactly the opposite of irony?! o_O
10:01.47eMBeehmm, it's a command, like kill kills something, nice makes something be nice
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10:37.53TobSnyderkaldemar: thanks for the link to the slide
10:42.10*** join/#asterisk Markous (
10:42.56MarkousHello, i need help on how to connect to the Asterisk Manager
10:43.04Markouswithout getting this error [Oct  7 12:20:21] ERROR[23748]: utils.c:1173 ast_careful_fwrite: fwrite() returned error: Broken pipe
10:44.49Markousi use PHP as programing lang.
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11:25.18fors1any aussies in here? I could use a recommendation for a good provider in the Melbourne area. I'm not from, nor based in Australia my self, so I have no local knowledge about the different providers. SIP or IAX for a small business
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11:42.10TobSnyderdoes anyone have some experiences with SNOM phones?
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12:09.10schmidtstobsnyder yes but you dont want to hear them ;)
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12:25.51TobSnyderschmidts: please let me know about )
12:26.53doolittleworkhi there, i am linking two servers with IAX2, working i want to use a huge extension number to pass data from one server to another something linke this Id-003_xnumber-7843233221_unicode-343332 i can get the call on the other side but if the string changes say to Id-0003_xnumber-7843233221_unicode-343332774 how can i fix this
12:27.46doolittleworki in turn what to add the data to a mysql database, but id the string length varies, breaks my code
12:30.03schmidtstobsnyder we have used arond 100 pieces off the snom360 on different places and really had strange problems
12:31.15schmidtstobsnyder the bug i really loved happens if you put on call on hold to start a transfer (opening a second call) and a third call comes in, when you press transfer you still have the first call on hold, and transfered the third call to the second
12:32.02schmidtstobsnyder and we also had some strange one way audio things after several minutes (>20) if a snom has done a transfer
12:33.48*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
12:34.49schmidtsand only for a personal opinion they are just ugly if you compare to a cisco spa525g for example which costs nearly the same and is much more reliable
12:38.04drmessanoCisco?  Take that back, now!
12:39.39[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: that is effectively a Linksys model
12:39.40*** join/#asterisk francispereira (~francis@
12:39.47[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Which I'd say is jsut fine really...
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12:41.35francispereiraI forward calls coming to a select few extensions. How do i get asterisk to show the source caller's number when the call is forwarded ?
12:42.37drmessano[TK]D-Fender, he said the "C" word
12:50.48TobSnyderit seems there is even no good SIP Hardphone?
12:51.08schmidtsLinksys are good even if they know named with the bad C word
12:51.26[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: First you can't forward to a "few" numbers.  Second it depnds HOW you did this "forward"
12:51.29schmidtsbut they still use the old sipura webinterface which is IMHO the best out there
12:51.53[TK]D-FenderBest web interface = NO web interface
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12:58.02francispereira[TK]D-Fender, The call comes in through the PRI on my media gateway. The gateway forwards all incoming calls on to the asterisk box where each DID is an extension in sip.conf whose context is "forward_calls". In the dial plan "forward_calls" i say anything that comes to an extensions forward it to another number
13:00.52[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: I fail to see a clear definition of what is "forwarded" here.
13:01.17[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: So far all I see is a context with the word "forward" in it's name.  Name doesn't matter
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13:04.28francispereira[TK]D-Fender, here is what my sip and extensions.conf look like
13:05.14TobSnyder60 € for a SIP phone
13:05.42[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: I fail to see a suitable description of where an actual TRANSFER occurs
13:05.46drmessanoschmidts, I haven't touched a Linksys Web UI in ages.  All TFTP/HTTP here
13:05.49[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: Dialplan means nothing here so far.
13:06.15[TK]D-FenderTobSnyder: Completly no-name cheap shit phone...
13:06.18[TK]D-FenderTobSnyder: ....
13:06.21infobotit has been said that ygwypf is You Get What You Pay For.  If the sole factor in your decision to purchase a product or service is that it's cheaper than everything else out there, don't be surprised if it's also worse in every other respect than everything else out there.
13:06.26leifmadsendrmessano: +1
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13:07.40TobSnyderbut when I see that even Snom 360 has problems like described by schmidts
13:08.22francispereira[TK]D-Fender, a call destined for 39382006 comes via the PRI on the media gateway which sends all calls to the Asterisk box. Since its context is forward_calls and there is a entry for it in the dial plan i.e #
13:08.22francispereiraexten => 39382006,1,Dial(SIP/trunk_media_gateway_34/<9898989898989>) the call gets forwarded to 898989898989
13:08.45francispereiramaybe i am doing this the wrong way
13:08.47[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: that is NOT a forward!  That is just a DIAL
13:08.50francispereirabut it seems to work for me so far
13:08.59drmessanoTobSnyder, you name SPECIFIC products, then when someone says "that's a POS" you gravitate to "I guess there is no good SIP phone"... No, everything you name just happens to be shit
13:09.00[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: Never call Dial() "forward".
13:09.03francispereiraWhats the right way to forward ?
13:09.14[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: You are misuing the word.
13:09.28drmessanoTobSnyder, Linksys, Polycom seem to be favorites.. stop pulling up no-name chinese shit
13:09.35francispereiraso can i say Forward()?
13:09.41[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: * does not even get out fo the way.  it is sitting int he middle of the call.
13:10.02TobSnyderjust wonder why even snom 360 for something around 200 euro, "made in germany" also is shit
13:10.27[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: and if the number changes from the # coming in then it is your peer setup that is wrong.
13:11.01[TK]D-FenderTobSnyder: Because the ability to make shit products is not geographically limited <-
13:11.03drmessanoTobSnyder, schmidts cites SPECIFIC issues with that SPECIFIC model.  Do you not believe it is remotely possible for a MODEL to have issues?
13:11.37drmessanoTobSnyder, and since when is PRICE a function of QUALITY?
13:11.50francispereirawould saying  exten => 39382006,1,Forward(SIP/trunk_media_gateway_34/<9898989898989>) be the right way to forward a call ?
13:11.54malcolmdpossibly; but snom runs similar/same firmware across the 3xx series phones, no?
13:12.05infobotygwypf is, like, You Get What You Pay For.  If the sole factor in your decision to purchase a product or service is that it's cheaper than everything else out there, don't be surprised if it's also worse in every other respect than everything else out there.
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13:12.51[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: Why are your continuing to use the word "forward"?  YOu are incredibly unclear about what you are actually trying to do, and what your current approach's problem is
13:13.33m_tadeuhi...I'm trying to use PlayDTMF within the AMI. I send the command and the response is "Success: DTMF successfully queued", but no sound is hear in the softphone
13:13.35francispereira[TK]D-Fender, ok back to square one
13:13.39[TK]D-FenderTobSnyder: Cheap shit tends to be shit.  Just because it is comparitively expensive doesn't necessarily mean it's GOOD however
13:13.41francispereirai am pretty lost
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13:13.47francispereirai have to forward incoming calls
13:13.50TobSnyderso I will check out polycom and linksys
13:13.57[TK]D-FenderTobSnyder: today's magic phrase is "not mutually exclusive"
13:13.57francispereiraand I am using the above approach
13:14.12[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: DEFINE "forward".
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13:14.39francispereiraif a call come on number A it should automatically be redirected to number B
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13:15.26[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: Well Dial() will call out and BRIDGE teh call.  Does that work?
13:16.18francispereirayes it does
13:16.26francispereiraworks like a charm
13:16.56[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: Then if the number that comes in is getting overriden, then it is the faul of your peer definition for where you are dialing out to.
13:17.04[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: fault*
13:17.29[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: Most common trouble item is seeting "fromuser"
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13:19.34francispereirathe call originates from a hard phone that comes in through the PRI line. are you saying that my entry in the sip.conf is not correct ?
13:22.03[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: If you are saying * gets the proper callerID when the call arrives, but doesn't SEND the right caller-id when you call out then it is your SIP PEER that is wrong, or the receiving end is IGNORING the caller-id you send
13:22.59francispereira[TK]D-Fender, how do i check of the correct called id is coming in . Maybe some NoOp in the dial plan ?
13:23.20[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: So you don't even know if it comes IN right?
13:24.24francispereiraIt does what its supposed to do. "Forwarding" from one number to another work, by using the Dial(). But no, i dont know anything more
13:25.43[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: You seem to be telling me you haven't actually LOOKED at your actual calls yet
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13:27.13francispereirasorry, i am certain this is pretty basic, but how do i look at an actual call ? I have been using to -vvvr to see the debug info. But thats all. Please point me in the right direction
13:27.27francispereiraand the cdr logs
13:27.42*** join/#asterisk dacm_work (
13:28.17dacm_workHi guys.
13:28.43dacm_workDoes asterisk need any special settings to work in the UK when using a SIP trunk?
13:28.58mmlj4I can't see why
13:29.01dacm_workI'm having a problem with one of my analogue phgones
13:29.24mmlj4SIP is SIP
13:29.27dacm_workI'm having a problem with one of my analogue phones and don't know if it is just because of the adapter or asterisk itself.
13:29.37dacm_workMust be the adapter then.
13:29.45mmlj4mjght be
13:29.57mmlj4what brand?
13:30.00[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: Go enable SIP DEBUG at CLI and pastebin a complete call in/out
13:30.07dacm_workBasically the dial tone seems to time out before this particular phone can be bothered to dial.
13:30.28[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: What does a SIP trunk have to do with an analog phone?
13:30.29mmlj4tried another phone?
13:30.32dacm_workmmlj4: The adapter is a Linksys/Cisco 3102.
13:30.44mmlj4those are decent
13:31.07mmlj4you're not using a rotary phone perchance? no idea if those work
13:31.30[TK]D-Fender[09:30]<dacm_work>Basically the dial tone seems to time out before this particular phone can be bothered to dial. <-- please be EXTREMELY clear about which interface you are fixing here.. the FXO, or the FXS, and where the issue occurs
13:31.31dacm_work[TK]D-Fender: It doesn't. Just wanted to point out that asterisk was directly connection to the PTSN (which may well need special settings, I don't know).
13:31.40*** join/#asterisk timeshell (~timeshell@
13:32.06dacm_workmmlj4: Nah it's a DECT phone from panasonic.
13:32.30mmlj4panajunk  # sorry, I used to repair electronics for a living
13:32.36[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: " asterisk was directly connection to the PTSN" <_ WTF?
13:32.46[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: Yuor description is becoming even MORE vague
13:33.27dacm_work[TK]D-Fender: s/was/wasn't/
13:33.34dacm_work[TK]D-Fender: Sorry about that.
13:33.49[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: was vs wasn't != any clearer
13:33.50dacm_work[TK]D-Fender: It doesn't. Just wanted to point out that asterisk wasn't directly connecting to the PTSN (which may well need special settings, I don't know).
13:33.56[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: Start over.
13:34.12dacm_workWhich was an answer to <[TK]D-Fender> dacm_work: What does a SIP trunk have to do with an analog phone?
13:34.20[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: And WTF is a "direct" connection, let alone an INDIRECT one?
13:34.38[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: Just start over.  Completely.
13:35.19*** join/#asterisk timeshell (~timeshell@
13:35.22francispereira[TK]D-Fender, here is what sip debug looks like
13:35.26dacm_work[TK]D-Fender: Well direct would be connecting to the PTSN through an analogue line or ISDN, indirect would be through a 3rd party, i.e. a SIP trunk.
13:36.35mmlj4dacm_work: sorry I could not help you, I hope you get it sorted
13:37.12[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: Where is the problem?  You have an ITSP (stop calling it a SIP TRUNK", and a Linksys ATA with 2 different kinds of ports on it.  That is THREE things.  Now which ONE of those is the issue?
13:37.55dacm_workI have an analogue phone connected to an adapter (Cisco 3102) connected to both an analogue line and an asterisk server (which connects to a SIP trunk). When I dial on the analogue phone the dial tone seems to time out before the phone dials (~3s). Was just wondering if asterisk could cause that or if it must be the adapter that's doing it.
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13:39.01dacm_work[TK]D-Fender: I've noticed the timeout on the landline so far. Need to check if it still happens when calling internal lines over asterisk.
13:39.07dacm_workhang on
13:39.14dacm_workmmlj4: Thanks.
13:39.51[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: what "land-line"?  Timeout WHERE?  At what point of what process?
13:40.01[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: Still completely vague.
13:43.41dacm_work[TK]D-Fender: The land-line (analogue line) connected to the Cisco 3102. The time-out is on the dial tone on the phone. It you pick up the phone you get a dial tone for 3 seconds and then it changes which seems to be some kind of timeout.
13:43.53*** join/#asterisk laggo (
13:44.09dacm_work[TK]D-Fender: Sorry if I'm still being vague, I'm trying to be as specific as possible.
13:44.14[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: Picking up the phone is the FXS, not the FXO.  Why am I hearing about *@* things at one here?
13:44.33[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: Those 2 ports typically have JACK SHIT to do with each other.
13:44.37laggoi've set up a new install of asterisk on my server and it's registering to my sip account just fine. but i can't seem to connect my softphone to it (it's like the server isn't accepting the connection, even though the firewall is turned off). how do i diagnose this?
13:45.14[TK]D-Fenderlaggo: do you see the call arrive with SIP DEBUG enabled?
13:45.19dacm_work[TK]D-Fender: I just wanted to know if I could eliminate * as the cause of the issue. It only seems to occur once the 3102 has registered with * you see.
13:45.45laggoit's not a call, i'm just trying to connect my softphone via the sip friend entry
13:46.03[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: You are bringing multiple elements into the picture and not isolating ONE as being the problem or describing WHT is "timing out"
13:46.07laggoi can see calls arrive from the sip account i've registered the server to
13:46.24[TK]D-Fenderlaggo: Yes, well do you see the REGISTER come in or not?
13:46.35*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
13:47.03[TK]D-Fenderlaggo: then check your firewalls, routing, etc, end to end
13:47.53laggo[TK]D-Fender: for the REGISTER to appear, the server just needs to be accepting connections on the port (default 5060) right?
13:48.02laggoi.e. port forwarding wouldn't be an issue yet
13:48.03dacm_work[TK]D-Fender: Well once the 3102 registers with * the dial tone seems to time out afetr just 3 seconds. By timeout I mean that the dial tone changes and no longer seems to accept any dialled numbers and requires the user to hang up and dial again.
13:48.11pigpenHi all, I am running Asterisk, new deployment, when I have a call passed from an IAX trunk (gsm) to voicemail, I get the following:
13:48.12pigpenNOTICE[10258]: channel.c:3079 __ast_read: Dropping incompatible voice frame on IAX2/sjs-ccnbi-8590 of format slin since our native format has changed to 0x2 (gsm)
13:48.22pigpenAt this time the audio stops.
13:48.37[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: that is a setting on the SPA for the FXS dial timeout.
13:48.50[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: Go read the manual to see which parameter to adjust in it
13:48.54pigpenlike:  "Plea......." as in "Please leave a message at the tone"
13:49.18dacm_work[TK]D-Fender: Ok. I'll look into that. Thank you very much for the pointer, as well as your patience.
13:49.29*** part/#asterisk analogkid (
13:49.34pigpenI have had this issue with several production boxes, but have downgraded to 1.6.1.x to resolve the issue for the time.  So it seems as if it is in 1.6.2.x at this point.
13:49.38mmlj4well, that took only 15 minutes
13:49.41*** join/#asterisk frigidzephyr (~rnewton@nat/digium/x-bgkyrbegtyezerbo)
13:49.45francispereira[TK]D-Fender, any leads ?
13:52.12[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: From: <sip:2243484673 <--- is this the proper callerID coming in?
13:53.10[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira:   -- Executing [39382000@forward_calls:1] Dial("SIP/trunk_media_gateway_32-000033be", "SIP/trunk_media_gateway_34/9890960855") in new stack <-- this is you calling out.
13:53.15*** join/#asterisk eugeneoden (
13:54.01[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: From: "2243484673" <sip:2243484673@>;tag=as3b148e76 <--- This is the called CALLERID coming in being used as the "from" when you call out.
13:54.01francispereirayes it is
13:54.08laggois port 5060 supposed to be open for TCP as well?
13:54.21[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: So * is passing this # on.  If the other side is overriding this, then it isn't *'s fault or problem.
13:54.33[TK]D-Fenderlaggo: Not by default
13:54.36*** join/#asterisk b_d (~brian@
13:56.06francispereiraline 79 and 80 right ?
13:57.09*** join/#asterisk ronndonn (
13:57.54[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: 76 is the real "to" which is exactly who you dialed.  79 is the callerID you are passing
13:58.09[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: So you are giving them the right number, and they are ignoring it
13:58.15laggo[TK]D-Fender: could you give me a bit more help testing this setup?
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13:58.49[TK]D-Fenderlaggo: As in?
13:59.07laggoi'm just lost, i've been doing this for hours. i can't seem to get this stupid softphone to register
13:59.07ronndonnHi all. Trying to set up two separate home offices with the a single phone number. I have asterisk set up and working, call the number and rings in both offices. Problem I have is we can only pick up and talk from my location. Here's what my sip.conf looks like and some output from asterisk when the other office picks up: Sorry if I sound dopey, I don't know how else to explain the issue.
13:59.11*** join/#asterisk golikwid|mac (
13:59.21laggoi have no idea how to diagnose where the problem is
13:59.28[TK]D-Fenderlaggo: If packets aren't arriving, it isn't *'s fault.
13:59.38[TK]D-Fenderlaggo: And you haven't described your scenario at all.
14:01.21laggoasterisk is connecting to a sip account i have at a free provider, set up as a sip peer - incoming calls on this work just fine. i'm trying to connect a softphone to asterisk with a sip friend account i've set up in sip.conf, but nothing happens at all, it's as if the softphone never tried to connect.
14:01.24[TK]D-Fenderronndonn: who is "my location"? and describe the actual symptom of the failure
14:02.09[TK]D-Fenderlaggo: Anything else to add?
14:03.02laggoi've disabled all firewalls on the server. locally i'm behind a NAT router but outbound connections work fine (i can ping the server, i can connect to it by ssh)
14:03.23ronndonn[TK]D-Fender: sorry, my location is Sam and the symptom is Owen hears the ring but cannot talk
14:03.53*** join/#asterisk zoid_ (~awainer@
14:05.35[TK]D-Fenderronndonn: Does * acknowledge that he answers?
14:06.01ronndonn-- SIP/Owen-101c4cf0 answered SIP/mynumber-101cbba0
14:06.54*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
14:07.02[TK]D-Fenderronndonn: And where is your phone located relative to *?
14:07.19[TK]D-Fenderlaggo: Same goes with YOU <-
14:07.38[TK]D-Fenderlaggo: You haven't described ANYTHING about what is trying to conenct to *, and what path t takes.
14:08.17laggoit is just a piece of software, i've tried a couple of different softphones. it's behind a NAT router
14:08.23ronndonn[TK]D-Fender: on my local network
14:09.20[TK]D-Fenderlaggo: Please provider a proper complete description....
14:09.39laggoi don't know what else to say
14:09.44[TK]D-Fenderronndonn: no packets means firewall, pointing to the wrong IP, or general networking issue
14:09.50[TK]D-Fenderlaggo: .......
14:10.20laggomaybe i'll try a different bindport
14:12.00ronndonn[TK]D-Fender: pointing to the wrong IP, do you mean the externip in my sip.conf?
14:13.30[TK]D-Fenderronndonn: I'm talking about your PHONE pointing to ASTERISK
14:15.59laggo[TK]D-Fender: is there a way to try everything using TCP instead of UDP?
14:20.18ronndonn[TK]D-Fender: I'm confused, wouldn't the fact that * recognizes Owen's answer mean his phone is pointing to *
14:21.47*** join/#asterisk BugKhaM (
14:23.32BugKhaMI'm using zaptel + libpri with TE110P and experiencing a problem where the caller is hung up when entering DTMF too fast.
14:23.48BugKhaMany idea where I should look at?
14:24.24[TK]D-Fenderronndonn: Mixed your issue up.  Disregard.  pastebin a NEW call with SIP DEBUG enabled
14:24.36BugKhaMI also have relaxdtmf=yes in zapata.conf
14:24.57[TK]D-FenderBugKhaM: I do not see any relation between the two
14:24.58drmessanoBugKhaM, Zaptel is old as hell
14:25.14drmessanoBugKhaM, could be some ancient bug.. you should try DAHDI
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14:31.03BugKhaMdrmessano: yeah, for some reasons I need to use asterisk 1.2, so I can't use DAHDI
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14:34.53[TK]D-Fenderronndonn: Check your firewalls on the remote side?  What ports do you have forwarded to*?  What router are THEY behind?
14:35.24*** join/#asterisk bcrisp (
14:35.32drmessanoBugKhaM, 1.2 is extinct.   If this were a bug, there is nothing anyone can do to help you
14:35.51*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
14:36.32bcrisphi all .. using for quite a while now. Noticed that we were losing dialplan functionality for no apparent reason. After rebooting the server and running CLI, we see "Unable to connect to remote asterisk message
14:36.36*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
14:37.40bcrispnot sure how to proceed
14:37.40drmessanobcrisp, so, Asterisk isn't running at startup then
14:38.04bcrispi ran service asterisk start, receive an OK message, but still can't launch CLI
14:38.19ronndonn[TK]D-Fender: the port is 5060, 7070 - 7080, the remote side sip is pointing to 5060
14:39.11*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
14:39.38bcrispwhat we noticed before this issue was that dialplan functionality was being lost.. actually it looked like it was taking a very long time to load the dialplan with dialplan reload from CLI it was normally very fast.. then very very slow, writing an info message every 1 second or so for each extension found
14:39.49[TK]D-Fenderronndonn: You should be forwarding 10000-20000 unless you changed your port range in rtp.conf
14:40.41bcrispok it is a space issue
14:40.46*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
14:40.47bcrispout of disk space on the server yikes
14:41.05bcrisp"unable to open pid file '/var/run/asterisk.pd'
14:41.30drmessanobcrisp, 20GB HD?
14:41.43bcrisphonestly i don't remember .. hosted rack shack server
14:42.09bcrispwith revolving logs and no call recording didn't think we'd have a space issue
14:43.56*** join/#asterisk garymc (
14:44.55ronndonn[TK]D-Fender:  my rtp.conf has: rtpstart=7070 rtpend=7080
14:45.18[TK]D-Fenderronndonn: Remote side shouldn't have any forwarding at all
14:45.22laggo[TK]D-Fender: okay, i've got the register packets going now!
14:45.30[TK]D-Fenderronaand I asked what ROUTER they are using
14:45.39laggoasterisk is responding to all of them with 401 Unauthorized
14:45.57ronndonn[TK]D-Fender: airport extreme
14:46.07[TK]D-Fenderronndonn: try another
14:49.34pigpenOk, I have narrowed down my issue.  On 1.6.2.x, when I have calls that have any sort of playback (either by the command playback or from the VM prompts), the audio might start, and if it does, it is stopped.  No errors.
14:50.26pigpenI have tried this with the default sounds that came with the 1.6.2 dist, 1.6.1 dist, recordings from voice vector and custom recordings recorded directly on the system.
14:50.47pigpenany help would be greatly appreciated, as I don't want to stay on 1.6.1 forever.
14:51.48ronndonn[TK]D-Fender: sarcasm? He does not have another router handy. Im using the same router here, seems to be working
14:52.13bcrispmy /var/log/secure file is HUGE
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14:55.53deadpigeonanyone familiar with smdi? ive gotten it to work fine except i have these ping messages that I see when I cat my serial port, every 2 minutes.. and they eventually add up until asterisk is ready to send a MWI message.. what happens is all those ping msgs get tossed at the switch infront of asterisk's mwi, and the switch fails to process the message.
14:56.12deadpigeonif I send the mwi again right after this before another ping message can be generated from wherever, it works great.
14:57.43deadpigeonJust not sure where to start looking for the culprit... it's clearly not the Asterisk process doing this, and I don't believe it's the switch either.
14:59.06bcrisphmm can you list contents of a file in reverse order with cat?
15:01.35deadpigeonEven if there's a way to strip the data strings, which there is via the RS232 to IP converter, I wouldn't want to have to go that far to match everything that isn't an SMDI message.
15:02.43ronndonn[TK]D-Fender: would you be willing to look at a screenshot of my remote devices config and let me know if you anything strange?
15:03.37bcrispyay network attacks on the phone server
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15:07.55mltlnxQuick question here, I have a timeout on a queue, after the timeout it should go to Voicemail, however it just says "nobody picked up in 60000ms" and then continues in the Queue? Any suggestions?
15:08.57*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
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15:12.19[TK]D-Fendermltlnx: Maybe you you should SHOW US.
15:12.38mltlnxgood idea...
15:13.40*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
15:15.00p3nguinShowing us what's going on so we can get a better idea of the problem and devise a plan to correct it...?  That's a TERRIBLE idea!
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15:30.18metiu_my asterisk is using console/dsp to talk to a speaker. It starts with less than 5% CPU. After a while, it rockets to almost 100%, how could I debug it?
15:30.23visik7anyone using iaxmodem with mgetty ?
15:31.03*** join/#asterisk doctorpepper (298defa9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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15:40.17pigpen[TK]D-Fender, would you have a few minutes?
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15:41.45pigpenas noted above versions, 1.6.2.x, upon any playback (playback, background, vm)
15:41.58pigpenthe audio starts, then quits
15:42.09pigpenAlso, I noticed the dialplan progress stopps.
15:42.33pigpenAsterisk does not show any error or issue.  Other calls are not affected.
15:43.04pigpenI have only had this issue on 1.6.2.x (I have been trying 1.6.2.x across many versions, hoping this would be resolved)
15:43.35pigpenSo I can't believe I am the only one with this issue, so I am starting to believe either it is a bug or it is my dialplan.
15:43.57pigpenbut, bare dialplan, with noting more than a simple playback, it happens.
15:44.46leifmadsenpigpen: what is the dialplan?
15:45.00leifmadsenpigpen: you probably need a Progress() or Answer() prior to the Playback()
15:45.22pigpenAh, tried that.
15:45.29pigpenI saw those too.
15:45.38pigpenI am not doing early media, but I tried that anyway.
15:46.25*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
15:46.37pigpenOne thing I will try is a direct sip phone.  Currently I am SIP->Asterisk 1.6.1.x-> IAX -> Asterisk 1.6.2.x
15:50.09pigpenOk, just tried it locally (Polycom SIP -> Asterisk 1.6.2.x) and it worked fine.
15:50.40pigpenSo it must be something involving the IAX
15:52.02pigpenOk, more info:
15:52.34*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
15:53.15pigpenPRi -> Asterisk 1.6.1.x -> IAX -> Asterisk 1.6.2 -> dialplan which simply "exten => 888,1,Playback(en/vm-theperson)"
15:53.21pigpen^^^ does not work.
15:53.32pigpenAudio hangs after about 1 second of audio.
15:54.13pigpenThe First asterisk box (1.6.1.x) has 6 other iax trunks to other 1.6.1.x boxes with varying loads.
15:54.25*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
15:54.31pigpensame codec.  NAT is not involved.
15:55.13pigpenI can call in this fashion, and carry on a conversation to a remote person just fine.
15:55.23pigpenJust when there is a playback involved, it gets borked.
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15:56.01pigpenIf I don't hear any ideas soon, I'll just open a bug.
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15:56.21pigpendoesn't know why he gets all the weird shit.
15:57.05fleixiusMy calls are not being disconnected on my Cisco CME even when the client hangs up.  Any ideas?
15:58.25bmoraca_workfleixius: the moon was backwards last night
15:59.23pigpenshit, I knew there was something.
15:59.57*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (~cesar@
16:00.20Qwellbmoraca_work: Is that when the werehumans come out?
16:00.51bmoraca_workmust be
16:01.26pigpenwonders is jitterbuffer is screwing me.
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16:04.41pbxecdoes anybody have experience using outbound fax detection with DAHDI?
16:06.33krioni got a deadlock again
16:06.47krioncan the AMI be in relation with it ?
16:07.08krionbecause it often happen just after one of my script connect to the AMI
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16:15.19pbxecwhat do you use AMI for?
16:16.05pbxecI try to use AMI to generate calls from URL for outbound calls,, but fails with AMD and fax detection
16:16.40pbxecbecause channel answer is needed for detection and connects the call before
16:18.26pbxecdoes have something similar to NVfaxdetect?
16:19.02*** join/#asterisk theHub (~karl@
16:19.11bmoraca_worknvfaxdetect has been adapted for 1.6, yes
16:19.17bmoraca_workyou can find the source online
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16:21.20pbxecis it compiled by default?
16:25.08pbxecNVfaxdetect is the only way to detect outbound fax using Dahdi?
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16:30.33bmoraca_worki am not aware of a statically linked library available for download
16:35.38pbxecI already compiled spandsp 0.0.5 and found diff file for nvfaxdetect
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16:40.01BenC[UK]Hi Guys, I think I have  a weird one - im trying to set a queue to not call busy users..
16:40.07BenC[UK]I have two extensiosn assigned to the queue
16:40.19BenC[UK]but they're still getting incoming calls when they're already on the phone
16:40.38frigidzephyris call-limit set for the users ?
16:42.11BenC[UK]call waiting was on!
16:42.23BenC[UK]I've been trying to sort the queue settings :/
16:43.04frigidzephyryeah look into  call-limit=  and limitonpeers=  , they may be useful to resolve that issue
16:44.31pbxecI patched with nvfaxdetect diff and app did not show
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16:48.42leifmadsen1.6.2.0? wow
16:49.02leifmadsenBenC[UK]: what version of Asterisk?
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16:49.44leifmadsenBenC[UK]: you want to enable 'callcounter=yes' in sip.conf
16:49.55leifmadsenBenC[UK]: then enable ringinuse=no in queues.conf
16:50.14BenC[UK]thank you
16:50.19leifmadsenBenC[UK]: call-limit has been deprecated, so don't bother with that
16:51.25frigidzephyrwha, i can't keep up with that stuff
16:51.35frigidzephyrwhat version was it deprecated in? 1.8 ?
16:52.09BenC[UK]ok, set that now
16:53.11*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
16:54.20leifmadsenfrigidzephyr: 1.6.x -- look at the CHANGES and UPGRADE.txt
16:54.32leifmadsenfrigidzephyr: that stuff does get documented funny enough :)
16:54.37*** join/#asterisk riscphree (
16:54.47frigidzephyrahh, yeah then in 1.8.X changes I also see  the option "busylevel"
16:57.47*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
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17:07.04ronndonnif a sip phone rings but cant respond when picked up, is this an issue with the config of the device, [TK]D-Fender: was helping me out earlier and I'm still struggling to figure out the problem
17:07.42pigpenronndonn, sounds like a nat issue.
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17:11.40pbxecgot NVFaxDetct compiled
17:11.52pbxecand showing on CLI
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17:17.36ronndonnpigpen: bit of a noob, where do i start
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17:30.22infobothmm... sipnat is Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
17:30.32infobotnat is, like, Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
17:35.46citywokis there an easy way to tell if the QoS values are being set on packets coming out of asterisk?
17:36.26*** join/#asterisk visik7 (~Adium@unaffiliated/visik7)
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17:39.57stoffellcitywok, tcpdump is your  best bet i guess
17:40.14citywokyea, i just did that actually and it appears as though * is NOT setting the ToS bits. 10:39:24.018173 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto UDP (17), length 200)
17:41.09*** join/#asterisk visik7 (~Adium@unaffiliated/visik7)
17:43.48*** join/#asterisk datalay (~datalay@
17:43.54citywoklol, if i set tos_sip, tos_audio in [genera] of sip.con it works, but those settings on peers in realtime* don't actually work. argh!
17:43.58datalayNo compatible codecs, not accepting this offer, how can i solve this, im using g729
17:44.01datalayhow can solve this :(
17:44.26[TK]D-Fenderdatalay: You aren't offering a compatible choice.  So go see what each side want s and make them happy
17:45.09datalaydear sir, if you advise me something for solution i ll be happy
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18:26.35dandate2how do i reload asterisk without disconnecting all active calls?
18:26.44citywokwhat version?
18:26.45dandate2peticularly so my new music on hold song will start playing
18:27.35dandate2just reload? not "asterisk reload" , u positive that wont disconnect the 20 people listening to music right now heh
18:27.53*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
18:28.04citywokwell, that reloads the config.  if your config is screwed up and somehow * crashes, then it might disconnect everything :P
18:28.27citywokin my call center our system reloads itself every 20 minutes all day long applying new changes to queues ,etc.
18:29.17*** join/#asterisk dzup2 (~alex@unaffiliated/dzup2)
18:29.41dandate2righteous it worked
18:30.10leifmadsentrust no one on this channel :)
18:30.24leifmadsen<-- especially that guy
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18:36.03datalayhow can see status of my outbound trunk
18:36.07datalaywith rasterix
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18:37.28p3nguinbash: rasterix: command not found
18:39.07datalayiam calling with x-lite but i cant see anything in tail -f /var/log/asterisk/full
18:39.25datalayi want to see what s wrong for calling
18:40.14tbensonAnyone have a good production 1.6 using Bridge?  I am trying to see if there is a big performance difference between bridge and meetme
18:40.21[TK]D-Fenderdatalay: "asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv"
18:40.27[TK]D-Fenderdatalay: and enable SIP DEBUG
18:41.10datalayhow can i enable SIP DEBUG my sir
18:41.25[TK]D-Fenderdatalay: "help sip" <- go look at the directions for your version
18:42.09datalayhelp sip
18:42.55datalaythere s no command like help sip
18:43.06[TK]D-Fenderdatalay: SHOW US
18:43.08infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
18:43.47*** join/#asterisk drudge` (tacos@unaffiliated/drudge/x-837452)
18:44.36datalaydhcppc3*CLI> core show version
18:44.38*** join/#asterisk baddemanax (
18:44.42datalaysip debug on
18:44.46datalaynot working for me :(
18:44.50datalayor sip debug
18:45.02[TK]D-Fenderdatalay: PASTEBIN your attempts including the one showing the instructions
18:46.15drudge`good thing docotrs dont require pastebins before they take a look
18:46.36Naikrovekone day they will
18:46.37[TK]D-Fenderdatalay: You did NOT do the command I showed you
18:46.49datalaysorry iam trying agaion
18:46.57datalayasterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
18:47.02drudge`doc, my shoulder stopped working yesterday. doc: prove it. pb it.
18:47.36Naikrovekone day we'll have little measurement equipment measuring everything, ready for doctor visit.  doctor will review data and say "oh, i see you had H1N1 there 3 months or so ago."
18:48.02drudge`do they make clamav for hoomans yet
18:48.04Naikrovek"and i can see you have some loss of feeling in your shoulder.. okay."
18:48.06drudge`defeat the bad virii
18:48.11datalay[TK]D-Fender can u check it agaion please
18:48.27Naikroveksip set debug on
18:48.50Naikroveksip set debug <ip address or peer name>
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18:49.08Naikrovekahh no such command sip... weird
18:51.11datalaythere s no command
18:51.15datalaycore set debug
18:53.51tbensonIs anyone using Bridge() in production with more then 20 conference rooms?
18:55.48[TK]D-Fendertbenson: Bridge is not meant for "conferencing".  Its a 1-shot hook
18:56.00datalay[TK]D-Fender why are u saying wrong commands
18:56.05datalaythere s no command like: sip debug on
18:56.13*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
18:56.22[TK]D-Fender[14:55]<datalay>there s no command like: sip debug on<--- I did not tell you to do this
18:56.38citywoksip ?
18:56.46citywokit will tell you what the available commands are
18:57.03*** part/#asterisk tbenson (
18:57.07[TK]D-Fenderdatalay: Does "sip show peers" give you anything?
18:57.14*** join/#asterisk tbenson (
18:57.30tbensonhmm, bounced out before I read whatever you sed.
18:57.39[TK]D-Fender[14:55]<[TK]D-Fender>tbenson: Bridge is not meant for "conferencing". Its a 1-shot hook
18:58.12datalayNo such command 'sip show peers'
18:58.30citywokmodule load
18:58.37[TK]D-Fenderdatalay: pastebin "ls -la /etc/asterisk
18:58.58tbenson[TK]D-Fender: sorry meant ConfBridge.
19:00.08citywokapparently he didn't want that much help
19:00.36*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~sfds@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
19:06.24Naikrovekor, he figured it out
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19:15.09ccomp5950either that or he thinks "ls -la" is one of those prank commands like "rm -rf"
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19:19.20breardoso.. I have a digium TE412P (w/ onboard EC) and users are complaining of echo..   from what I can ascertain, I do NOT not need to be adding anything to chan_dahdi.conf or system.conf to enable this HWEC...yet it doesnt seem to be working, so I'm clearly wrong...
19:19.22breardoany advice?
19:19.40breardodo I need to set 'echocanceller=1-12,mg2'  (or whatever the syntax is) in system.conf ?
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19:20.25WIMPyCheck your dmesg after starting dahdi.
19:20.42WIMPyOr look if the EC module makes a big lightshow.
19:25.03breardolight show?
19:25.08breardosorry I dont follow you :)
19:25.13breardoI will check that dmesg.. thanks :)
19:28.13[TK]D-Fenderccomp5950: Do you know why I asked?
19:28.41ccomp5950to see if he even has asterisk installed, I would hazard to guess.
19:29.07ccomp5950or just to see if he is actually trying.
19:29.07citywokto see if he configured anything at all, ever?
19:29.13*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
19:29.22citywokcheck if all the file timestamps are the samples lol
19:29.24[TK]D-Fenderccomp5950: No, he showed that much.  I doubt he install the samples, had a modules.conf at all because chan_sip didn't load.  Or perhaps he screwd his permissions on the files.
19:29.47[TK]D-Fenderccomp5950: He may have left from embarrassment realizing his error, etc...
19:30.03[TK]D-Fenderccomp5950: Or just quit  out of frustration
19:30.07[TK]D-Fenderqho knows
19:30.23citywoklol, either way the world is a better place now :P & by world i mean #asterisk
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19:34.14ccomp5950makes sense.
19:34.36ccomp5950I must admit I'm not on the up and up on the diagnostic process here, thanks for explaining the reasoning.
19:35.38[TK]D-Fenderccomp5950: Step 1 to seeing if your car works isn't putting the key in the ignition, its verifying that the car even exists....
19:35.53*** join/#asterisk Indi0 (
19:35.54citywokor making sure it has all the parts installed... tires are important.
19:36.03[TK]D-Fender"But the key fell through open air!"
19:36.20carrarDidn't wonderwoman have a jet like that?
19:36.51carrarstill trying to find that damn island
19:37.07carrar'Paradise Island'
19:37.37drudge`i know where paradise city is
19:38.03[TK]D-FenderTake me down....
19:38.08[TK]D-Fenderrocks out
19:38.25[TK]D-FenderIf I knew any more hair-metal songs I should buy stock in Revlon.
19:39.16*** part/#asterisk ariel_ (
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19:45.46p4tr0p1Got SIP response 500 "Previous INVITE still in progress" back from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
19:47.51[TK]D-Fenderp4tr0p1: I'm sorry, you forgot to phrase that in the form of a question </trebek>
19:51.41p4tr0p1i have an 1.4.3X asterisk box and when one of my SIP peers receive a call, it lengths about 10 min and hangs up
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19:52.40p4tr0p1CLI returns that response
19:52.57*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
19:53.17[TK]D-Fenderp4tr0p1: Then perhaps you should do a SIP trace on the complete call
19:54.08*** join/#asterisk Brack10 (~tbrackett@unaffiliated/brack10)
19:54.29Brack10so I have to unhook my local loop from the phone company to use asterisk to handle analog phone calls right?
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19:54.58[TK]D-FenderBrack10: no
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19:56.36Brack10won't the dialtones compete?
19:56.46[TK]D-FenderBrack10: With what?
19:56.49Brack10each other
19:56.58[TK]D-FenderBrack10: Takes 2 (or more) to compete...
19:57.01Brack10I've got asterisk providing dialtone and the phone company providing one too
19:57.14p3nguinYou won't be providing a dialtone over SIP.
19:57.29Brack10I'm talking about hooking up my existing analog phones to asterisk
19:57.33Brack10in my house
19:57.35p3nguinAnd you won't be providing dialtone over your FXO port either.
19:57.43[TK]D-FenderBrack10: First Astisk is software.  You cant plug a copper wire into software.  Next there has to be 2 DEVICES on the line.  Why would you do this?  What would they be?  Why would they be used concurrently?
19:57.45*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
19:58.25Brack10ok I'm aware that I need an analog phone card to accomplish this
19:58.37p4tr0p1[TK]D-Fender, I'll do a trace again, and back with the results
19:58.45Brack10Right now my local loop goes into the phone company which provides dialtone
19:59.16p3nguinAnd that's the end of it.  You won't be adding more dialtone on that line.
19:59.36Brack10Yeah but I want my analog phones to use asterisk to dial out instead of the phone company
20:00.09p3nguinYou're not going to continue using the phone company to make calls?
20:00.37p3nguinHow will you make calls?
20:00.44Brack10Asterisk over SIP
20:00.48p3nguinto what?
20:01.04[TK]D-FenderBrack10: If you want to put your whole house's wiring onto a single FXS interface so it goes through * then yes you would split at your demac.  FXo > Telco, hose wiring > FXS
20:01.05p3nguinto an ITSP?
20:01.07Brack10the PSTN via a sip provider's gateway
20:01.08citywokwhy don't ITSP's set the QoS bits on calls?  I imagnie they'd be ignored by the vast majority of the world but it couldn't hurt, right?
20:01.21Brack10ITSP, sure
20:01.34Brack10citywok: they get stripped out by ISPs
20:01.56p3nguinAs [tk]d-fender mentioned, you'll have to disconnect your telco from your house at the NID.
20:02.32p3nguinVonage probably has a video on how to do it.
20:02.56Brack10I have a pretty small apartment, I might just get a cordless phone
20:03.14p3nguinThat could work, too.
20:03.26Brack10too bad IP cordless phones cost like 200 dollars
20:03.51p3nguin$35 for a PAP2 and $20 for a cordless phone.
20:04.15Brack10but that's dissatisfying
20:04.22p3nguinUse more duct tape.
20:04.30Brack10Now there's an idea
20:04.33*** join/#asterisk asphere_ (
20:04.49Brack10oh wait I have an iphone
20:05.37p3nguinIf you have wifi on your phone and an access point, you already have a very expensive cordless IP phone.
20:05.53Brack10You're right
20:06.08p3nguinNow you just need the appropriate SIP app.
20:06.18[TK]D-FenderAnd you'll watch your battery get eaten up fast.  Charge often
20:06.28Brack10That's true
20:06.43Kobazbut the battery on a smartphone gets eaten up fast anyway
20:06.49Kobazat least non-blackberrys
20:06.54Brack10I already have a PAP2
20:07.04[TK]D-FenderKobaz: My new Galaxy S is doing good...
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20:07.16Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: i got a droid... i get about 30 hours of battery life
20:07.19[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Just need an H.323 video client for it...
20:07.28Brack10Maybe a cordless phone wouldn't be such a bad idea just to save battery
20:07.29Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: my blackberry got like 7 days out of one charge
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20:07.44[TK]D-FenderKobaz: And regular use?
20:07.49Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: regular use
20:07.49Brack10haha my iphone gets like 12 hours with regular use
20:08.01Brack10my old blackberry got about 24 hours with regular use
20:08.04Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: like, maybe one/two calls a day, minimal surfing, some games
20:08.06[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Oh well.. probably because you weren't having as much fun with it ;)
20:08.07Brack108330 which is slower than dirt
20:08.25Brack10oh wow netsplit
20:08.27Brack10that brings me back
20:08.31rdircioi'm having an issue, cannot make outbound calls through a dahdi device until after i receive a call
20:08.32citywokBrack10 i'm pretty sure my colo isn't stripping out the QoS bits
20:08.35rdirciohave you seen that?
20:08.42Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: having the droid sit idle, is about 30 hours... if i do anything with it, you can knock off an hour of battery for every 10 minutes of use
20:09.21Kobazand that's after major tweaking, turning off all kinds of stuff
20:09.42Kobazi think there's still some stuff i can turn off, like this stupid uninstallable news and weather... although my phone is rooted so i can surely get rid of it
20:09.52[TK]D-FenderKobaz: I haven't gotten there yet... I charge nightly anyway... which reminds me I need to get some more SUB>MiniUSB cables...
20:10.03*** join/#asterisk theHub (~karl@
20:10.15Kobazhah yeah. my mini usb's are all useless now... i went and ordered three microusb cables
20:10.49Kobazjust you wait, and we'll have to all switch again to picousb and then the following year nanousb... and then to wireless usb charging
20:10.54citywoki bought some of those adapters and they all broke within a few weeks, cheap pieces fo shit.  buy the $1.39 cables off of amazon and call it good lol.
20:11.11citywokKobaz i hope i dont have to buy a new cable for wireless charging :P
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20:11.44Kobazi'm gonna pick up a solar charger too
20:12.03[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Mean USB> MicroUSB
20:12.19[TK]D-FenderKobaz: new standards and all
20:12.36Kobazat least they are standardizing now
20:12.48Kobazthere's a push for notebook power standards too
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20:14.12Kobazpolycrum question
20:14.25Kobazdo you guys know how to keep the extension number displaying while you're on a call
20:14.50Kobazor doing anything else for that matter... as soon as you're off the idle screen you lose your extension number display
20:15.06[TK]D-FenderKobaz: No, thats just the way it is
20:15.19[TK]D-FenderKobaz: you should know your buttons anyway....
20:15.34Kobazit would save me a lot of trouble of printing out labels to stick on every phone
20:15.36*** join/#asterisk crowbar7 (~JKLOBUCAR@
20:15.54citywokpeople need to know their extension WHILE on the phone, but odnt already know it? wtf?
20:16.09Kobazthe problem is, someone sits at someone elses desk and is on the phone, and gets asked for an extension to reach... and they are like... umm... hmm... i don't know
20:16.25Kobazso i printed out sticky labels for each phone, with the number on it
20:16.27citywok"the extension i'm talkign to you on right now" :P
20:17.10Kobazthe polycom is so configurable, i would be really surprised if you couldn't change some of the displays to show your exten
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20:17.51[TK]D-FenderKobaz: This isn't an "option"
20:18.05[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Feel free to hack up your own ROM's for it if you feel like it..
20:18.13[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Or get a label maker...
20:18.15Kobazyeah maybe not, probably need to modify the bitmaps for the display or something
20:18.18citywoknot everything needs to be fixed via technology :P
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20:18.25bcrisphave a strange situation: all of a sudden, when we use our out bound SIP provider to make calls out of *, we get a busy tone for only certain numbers
20:18.27Kobazyeah the label maker is the current solution
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20:18.51Kobazcitywok: it's just a hacky fix
20:19.39citywokbcrisp what's the SIP debug say?  talk to your provider about it
20:20.02bcrispit doesn't have any unusual output
20:20.14bcrispour company has 2 voip setups
20:20.17citywokis the busy tone coming from the remote provider then?
20:20.31citywokthen you really should talk to them about it
20:20.37bcrispi think we've had some odd network issues lately
20:20.41bcrispyeah.. thanks will do
20:20.46bcrispthe problem
20:20.48citywoksounds like they are having issues if they are giving you the busy signal
20:20.50bcrispis that it only happens when coming from *
20:20.59bcrispif you dial from cell or other system it does ring through
20:21.41*** part/#asterisk nny (
20:24.56citywokbcrisp that could be their upstream provider, i frequently have issues where my cellphone acts differnetly than my ITSP.
20:25.23citywokITSP can't get their, but i can from my cell. submit ticket w/ provider giving SIP debug output, description of problem, time & phonenumber and they can figure it out / fix it.
20:25.28[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAb
20:26.48*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
20:29.24bcrispwhat is weird is this happening just after a major network attack
20:30.05tbensonanyone know if there is a performance difference between meetme() and confbridge()?
20:30.28citywokfail2ban is my new best friend
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20:34.20jsidhuhey guys, i setup a trunk and am having a small issue. Everything works, but I dont hear a ring when I call their number... The destination rings, but the caller doesnt hear any ringing..
20:34.47citywokevery number you call?
20:35.03citywokcheck your SIP debug and see if you receive a 180 (or is it 183) RINGING response
20:35.23citywokI had a similar problem with a handful of numbers on flowroute and turns out i wasn't getting the RINGING response in SIP
20:35.33jsidhui see a 180
20:35.38jsidhuSIP/2.0 180 Ringing
20:38.31p3nguinYou could fake it.
20:38.51p3nguinAdd the 'r' option on your outbound Dial().
20:39.18p3nguincore show application Dial
20:40.08jsidhuinteresting, how would i go about getting this setp
20:40.20p3nguin<p3nguin> core show application Dial   <--- clue
20:42.23jsidhuyeah thanks, exten = _+1555555555,n,Dial(Sip/700,30,r)
20:42.27jsidhuthat would do it?
20:42.39p3nguinThat's not an outbound route.
20:42.55*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
20:42.59jsidhuno, its not a problem outbound, its inbound. If i cann that number, i dont hear ringtone
20:43.08jsidhuunless im looking at it wrong
20:43.08p3nguinWell, I guess it could be.  Forgive my presumption.
20:43.29p3nguinThat's the correct way to fake ringing, though.
20:44.29p3nguinYou mean if I pick up my phone and call your DID number, I won't hear ringing, but you will and you might answer?
20:45.08p3nguinWhat do you have before that Dial() command in the extension?
20:45.28jsidhuexten = _+15555551212,1,Answer
20:45.35p3nguinRemove that.
20:45.47p3nguinand change the n in the next line to 1
20:46.34p3nguinThere's really no good reason to explicitly bring up the channel immediately before Dial()ing a phone.
20:47.03p3nguinIf you were going to bring it up, do some other fun stuff, THEN Dial() the phone, that might be different.
20:47.14jsidhuoh ok, understoof
20:47.17jsidhuthank you, that worked
20:47.32p3nguinwithout the r or with it?
20:47.51jsidhuyes, without the r
20:48.05p3nguinGood.  Always go without it when possible.  People will laugh at you if you use it when you don't need to.
20:48.14jsidhuok cool
20:49.14mmlj4hrm? timtoady hangs out here? go, larry!
20:49.20jsidhuanother question, my caller ids come with a +1, so +15555551212, and when looking at the list of missed calls, we cant dial directly, i guess i need to change the dialplan to allow for the +1?
20:50.06p3nguinExecIf($["${CALLERID(num):0:2}" = "+1"]|Set|CALLERID(num)=${CALLERID(num):2})
20:50.12citywokset the callerid and cut the + off of it
20:50.40citywokwhat he said :P
20:50.49jsidhucool, thanks
20:50.52p3nguinI probably wouldn't change the extension matching for outbound -- I would modify the caller ID incoming.
20:51.14citywokagreed, one line is easier.
20:51.39citywokthough you can always use a goto and cut the + and send it back in to the same logic as if it didn't have the + on it, but you'd also have to modify your phone to allow + dialing
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20:52.02citywokthats how i handle 12535551212, 2535551212, 5551212, i just use Goto() and use one set of logic
20:53.02*** join/#asterisk talntid (
20:53.08jsidhuthis should be done *before  the dial command right?
20:53.25talntidCan't seem to find any information... anyone have a way to make it so when a certain number calls incoming, i can play them a message automatically?
20:53.41talntidif ($incomingnumber == XXXXXXXXXX) { do this } kind of thing....
20:53.54p3nguincaller id matching
20:53.56citywokexten => 12535551212,1,Playback(you-suck)
20:54.07p3nguinThat would play for ALL.
20:54.37citywokoh then you need to use an if and check the callerid :P -- i was thinking all calls to a certain number, not from a certain number
20:54.43leifmadsenexten => 4165551234/9055551212,1,...
20:55.10citywokwait, leifmadsen is that legit?  is the 905551212 the callerid to be checked?
20:55.18mmlj4hrm? that's valid syntax now? the second number being the outgoing CID?
20:55.19leifmadsencitywok: yes, and it is legit
20:55.25leifmadsenthat's been valid syntax for a long time
20:55.28citywokholy crap i never knew that, thank you for that trick!
20:55.30p3nguinThat's incoming cid.
20:55.34leifmadsenthat's for incoming CID matching
20:55.36leifmadsennot outgoing
20:55.43talntidi am looking for incoming.
20:55.49citywokgotcha, yea it makes sense i just didnt' know you could do that.
20:55.52mmlj4ok, that makes less sense
20:56.04citywokso many little tricks that you can do that i dont know about lol.
20:56.16WIMPyBTW: Does exten/ work again to match anonymous calls?
20:56.42WIMPyhasn't tried for ages.
20:58.16talntidhmm... does not appear to work for me..
20:58.23citywokleif on processing does it process the exten/callerid,1 before exten,1 ?
20:58.37leifmadsenit is more specific
20:58.45talntidexten => numberbeingcalled/numbercallingfrom,1,Playback(hello-world)
20:59.04citywokslick, gracias senor.  i figured it would but figured i'd ask. thanks
20:59.39jsidhuapplication 'ExecIf' for extension
20:59.55jsidhuNo Application, is there a module which needs to be enabled?
21:01.12p3nguinMy example is kind of crude, but it should work.
21:01.19jsidhumaybe the spaces in it
21:01.22jsidhulet me look again
21:01.30citywokyup, it gives you the idea of how it works
21:01.56p3nguinThe ExecIf command I put above was EXACT.
21:06.57talntidi have successfully implemented it.
21:07.06talntidthanks leifmadsen =]
21:07.44citywokcore show application execif
21:07.56theharExecIf = lovely
21:08.01citywokmine gives not available for al the info, but it does tell me the command exists
21:08.17jsidhuthanks penguin, appreciate it
21:08.37citywokpenguin in 1.6 is says to use ?Application(params) after the execif[]
21:09.43jsidhup3nguin: pbx_extension_helper: No application 'ExecIf' for extension
21:10.03jsidhuim on a OpenWRT box, so perhaps theres a module that needs to be enabled?
21:10.03p3nguinjsidhu: Did you use it just like I put in the pastebin?
21:10.07jsidhuyes i did
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21:10.37jsidhuhonestly, my callerid is always going to be that format, so i dont really need the ExecIF
21:10.46talntidleifmadsen, maybe you also know... instead of exten => XXXxxxXXXX/numbertomatch,....
21:11.01talntidcan Instead of numbertomatch, can i make a variable with multiple numbers?
21:11.21p3nguinAlright, then Just change it.  Set(CALLERID(num)=${CALLERID(num):2})
21:11.25jsidhup3nguin: ,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=${CALLERID(num):1:12})
21:11.30jsidhuyeah that works for me
21:11.47WIMPyOoops. Sorry.
21:11.52p3nguinI use the ExecIf because of having it change at times.
21:12.07p3nguinUsing ${EXTEN:0:2} would get the first two numbers of ${EXTEN}... is there a way to get just the LAST two numbers from ${EXTEN} ?
21:12.25WIMPyp3nguin: -2
21:13.11leifmadsentalntid: no, in that case you should build some dialplan to utilize ${CALLERID(num)} and perhaps a loop
21:13.19citywokWIMPy is correct, ${exten:-2}
21:13.23leifmadsenthen you can check all the numbers in whatever list you have
21:13.40talntidroger that. :)
21:13.58talntidi figured that solution, but didn't know if you had a genius built-in way of doing it :)
21:14.48p3nguintalntid: If you're trying to build a blacklist, there's a prescribed way to handle it already.
21:15.17bmoraca_workastdb could do it pretty easily
21:15.32talntidi am, p3nguin. :)
21:16.53p3nguinYou just need to add your numbers to the DB.
21:18.52p3nguinI set the last calling number for each incoming call, then use it to blacklist the last caller with this dialplan:
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22:05.13talntidnot finding a command to write to a file... using the asterisk commands... should I use system() ?
22:07.55leifmadsentalntid: try STAT()
22:08.20leifmadsenI can't remember if that is used for writing, or just checking permissions thought
22:08.36leifmadsenah just for checking perms
22:09.00leifmadsencore show function FILE
22:09.03leifmadsenI think that might be what you want
22:23.04talntidusing too old of a version of *...
22:23.07*** join/#asterisk dan__t (
22:23.24talntidAsterisk 1.4.17~dfsg-2ubuntu1
22:23.34talntidscared to upgrade because it can break all my zaptel stuff.
22:24.44dan__tKind of related, maybe a bit OT, but I was hoping someone was familiar with one- or two-party recorded calls.  As a service provider are you obligated to disclose that the call may be recorded to the called party, or is it the calling party's responsibility to inform the called party?  Can a provider that records a call on behalf of the calling party have any liability for the recording of that call, if any?
22:25.22talntidfirst, we are not attorneys... and this varies from state to state...
22:25.24WIMPyWhat country?
22:25.54talntidso, although I am not going to give the answer, because I don't know... please be advised that anyone who DOES give an answer, may give me a wrong answer... or one that applies to THEM..
22:26.15dan__tI know it varies from state to state.  I've read up on it.  However, nothing that I've read addresses a provider's role in the matter.
22:26.19bmoraca_workdan__t: in general, in the US, BOTH parties need to be made aware that a call will be recorded.
22:26.29citywokdan_t check which state, in most states it's two party, some states are one.
22:26.45dan__tFederal law dictates that AT LEAST the calling party is informed.  16 states mandate that both the calling and the called party are informed.
22:26.51citywoki used to have a list of two party vs one party states in a text file, broken down by area code per state but i dont know where it went
22:26.54talntidcitywok, but phone providers record for "debugging" reasons, and they don't inform...
22:26.57dan__tI've done my homework.  I promise.  Again, nothing addresses a provider's role/liability.
22:26.58DefrazFor example Idaho is one but, once of the two parties needs to say it will be recorded.
22:27.45citywoktalntid none of my providers record calls, working with Qwest, and Flowroute.  If you believe they are recording... please explain why.
22:27.47Defrazif you record it then record it at the request of the yoru client but they should be the one to say it is being recorded. It is an option of the service you give them.
22:28.08talntidcitywok, mine does.. when I call them with an issue, they pull recordings to investigate the issue...
22:28.22talntidAccessline Communications
22:28.25citywokhrmmm that seems like a problem to me. lol.
22:28.27dan__tRight.  "should" be the one to say it is being recorded.  Now, as a provider, must you play some automated audio when the call connects to disclose this etc etc.
22:28.37talntidalso... *waves to Defraz* hi neighbor!
22:29.03citywokare you sure they pull up the actual audio from the call, or just the SIP logging?
22:29.17citywokmy providers all log all of the SIP traffic, but not the RTP/media streams.
22:29.18talntidthey have played recordings
22:29.35Defrazwaves back!
22:29.52citywokwow, they must not have many customers, or they have wasted a ton of resources on recording all those calls. lol
22:30.19citywokcall recording at an ITSP level can't possibly be cheap
22:30.29talntidyeah, i connect a -lot- of calls daily...
22:31.16citywokyea lol, i only do 5k, recording my 5k is very easy but to record all of their customers hundreds of thousands if not millions of calls per day, and encode/store all the recordings...
22:31.33talntidi record my 25k and even that's easy
22:31.46citywokbut i'm pretty sure they shouldn't be doing that.  remember the verizon wiretapping government stuff? lol
22:31.49talntidbut i agree, if they are recording all, they are in for a problem.. :)
22:31.50*** join/#asterisk MuskyHusky (Smegma@unaffiliated/coil)
22:31.51MuskyHusky[Oct  7 22:30:08] NOTICE[24160]: chan_sip.c:20063 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension 's' rejected because extension not found.
22:32.09dan__tAlright, well, guess I've got more research to do.
22:32.13dan__tThanks for your help.
22:32.18talntiddan__t, again..
22:32.20talntidlawyer ;)
22:32.35dan__tFigured this would be a good starting point for information, regardless.
22:33.03MuskyHuskyim trying to recieve calls from my account
22:33.18citywoki'd say your status as provider doesnt alter the fact that one/both parties need to be informed by state law.
22:35.06bmoraca_worki'm having a hard time thinking of a reason why a provider would be recording calls
22:35.14bmoraca_work(of customers)
22:35.53dan__tBecause.... as a provider.. they asked me to?
22:35.54bmoraca_workthe facility should be there to record if required by law (with accompanying warrant), but providers should not otherwise be listening in to customer calls
22:36.22dan__tbmoraca_work, I know about the "in general" laws that you mentioned earlier.  I was inquiring about the specifics.  But, as I've told talntid, I'm pretty sure its just lawyer time.
22:38.13bmoraca_workdan__t: if a customer has asked you to record all calls, that customer needs to make its callers aware that their calls may be recorded
22:39.18WIMPywouldn't offer to record generally. Only on a per call basis. That way you can be sure, your custormer is away of the fact ant that he needs to inform the other party.
22:39.51dan__tWhile I appreciate your input, it doesn't sound definitive.  Lawyer time.  heh.
22:40.42dan__tBut when I learn, I'll pop back in here and let you guys know, if anyone cares.
22:40.53bmoraca_workdan__t: whether the call is being recorded by the client or by you (the provider), if anyone is going to be accessing it, callers need to be made aware that the call is being recorded
22:41.37bmoraca_workhaving the service provider record for you to avoid having to tell customers is a loophole that the FCC isn't stupid enough to have left open
22:41.41dan__tAccording to federal law, only one party needs to be implicitly informed.  The laws of 16 states, however, mandate that both parties need to know heh.
22:42.14dan__tI don't know how else to explain this.  You seem to think "a provider" would do it for malicious purposes.  That's not the case.  So...
22:42.34bmoraca_worka provider could do it for malicious purposes.
22:42.46dan__tLike the whole "to avoid having to tell customers" thing is, well, not even part of the equation.  You made that up.  THat's not what I'm getting at.
22:42.49bmoraca_workthat's the rub.  "would" doesn't matter.  "could" is all that matters.
22:43.08dan__tOk.  Well thanks again for the time.  I'll chime back in when I learn for sure.
22:43.29bmoraca_workdan__t: yours, and your customer's, intentions may be good.  the laws, though, need to be written to accomodate people who aren't so scrupulous.
22:43.43dan__t(again:  lawyer time)
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22:52.30talntidmind shooting me an email when you find out? -- i'm curious
22:53.10citywokspokane wa? ewwwww
22:53.16talntidyeah :(
22:53.27talntidlol yup
22:53.36citywoki didnt even know htey had internet out there
22:53.50p3nguinmuskyhusky: They obviously are not sending calls to extension 's' on your system.
22:53.54citywoki guess it's only fair they have it in spokane if we were able to have a call center in Colville.
22:55.07talntidnow you are not telling the truth.
22:56.02talntidwhat could possibly be in colville?
22:56.08drmessanospams eric
22:56.16MuskyHuskyp3nguin, its the same sip provider trying to route it through asterisk
22:56.56p3nguinmuskyhusky: The same as what?
22:57.06drmessanoColville is a swamp, in the middle of a swamp, surrounded by swamp.. in the swamp area of the state
22:57.10MuskyHuskythe person calling me is using the same sip provider as i am
22:57.12citywoktalntid, not a whole lot. there's a roundabout and a stop light. also "the mall" (walmart)
22:57.29drmessanoLast time I was in Colville, I didn't even know it
22:57.30p3nguinmuskyhusky: What you showed says that the call is being send to the s extension.  But it says that you don't have an s extension.
22:57.43MuskyHuskyyeah whats that mean
22:57.54MuskyHuskyi need to make a 's' extension?
22:57.54citywoki wonder how many asterisk users there are in Redmond/Seattle. we should have an asterisk drinking group. lol
22:58.03talntidand there was a... call center there?
22:58.12talntidthis facinates me.
22:58.37p3nguinmuskyhusky: Typically you're going to tell the ITSP what extension to send calls to, and it is rarely going to be the s extension.  Then you would configure the real extension to accept calls.
22:58.43citywokyea we had a small call center that had as many as 70 people at one point
22:58.45talntiddid they hook horses to a roll of copper wire, to generate electricity for the call center?
22:58.56talntidwow, what did you guys do?
22:59.08talntidi'm currently expanding mine to 70...
22:59.10citywokhah, close. every couple months some jackass with a backhoe somewehre between spokane and colville would cut the fibre. god that was annoying.
23:00.23talntidbut started in colville.... huh....
23:00.32talntidmaybe there is hope for my call center.. lol ;)
23:00.38citywokno, started in seattle area, we did have a location in colville though
23:02.04talntidwith the 70-seat call center, was the IT load a one-person job?
23:02.41citywokall the core equipment was in redmond, so yes never more than 1 IT person in cv
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23:02.58talntidah, i see.
23:03.16talntidI use LTSP, and the core equip is onsite..
23:03.24talntidLTSP doesn't like going over distances ;)
23:03.31citywokwhat's LTSP? lol
23:03.37MuskyHuskyp3nguin, i try and call my friend and i get this ARNING[24160]: chan_sip.c:17791 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden" from '"Anonymous" <sip:Anonymous@anonymous.invalid>;tag=as3
23:04.48talntidthin client environment
23:04.50drmessanoLightweight Telephony Shuttling Pidgeons?
23:04.56talntidso close.
23:05.04citywoklol @drmes
23:05.51citywokwe use atom's as our desktops now running win7 & softphones.  the softphones probably won't last too much longer though.
23:06.15talntidpolycoms here...
23:06.19drmessanoNothing like waiting 3 days for a phone to boot
23:06.32citywoklol, no kidding.  we use aastra's.
23:07.00talntidyou referring to the poly boot time?
23:07.17drmessanoThey call it "7" because that's the amount of RAM it takes to make it boot in under 5 minutes
23:07.42talntidi tried it. my android phone boots faster than my polycom
23:07.52citywoklol, it actually runs very well on 1gb on my netbook, i've got a 2gb stick but i'm too lazy to put it in.
23:08.17citywokmy droid takes so long to boot that it makes me want to smash it to bits. if the polycom takes longer dear god what is it doing, building an arc?
23:08.25drmessanoI've got 3GB on a year-old Dell notebook and it runs like XP did on a PIII..
23:08.30talntidi have samsung captivate..
23:08.35talntidso it's not terrible...
23:09.04talntiddell d830, 4gb ram, c2d.. :) runs 7 great.
23:09.21talntidexcept for graphics. the quadro video card chokes..
23:10.55drmessanoWell, I don't care what anyone says.. 7 is buggy as hell.  There's way too many "glitchy" little things that make it intolerable at times
23:11.15citywoki haven't found anything i truly dislike about 7
23:11.43drmessanoI'm probably going to go back to XP at work until Wine runs all my specialized apps
23:11.45citywokthe biggest annoyance i have is how the remote desktop windows snap and fullscreen if they aren't set to your max screen res.
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23:12.12talntidmy desktop is way overpowered for windows 7... and my experience has been close to flawless...
23:12.15citywoki think it acts the way it does because of the new win7 snap feature, which is pretty freakin handy
23:12.31drmessanoI knew Windows would finally snap
23:13.20drmessanoI guess now would be a bad time to mention that snapping Windows have been in alternative OS'es for a while now
23:13.32drmessanoNo, no it wouldn't
23:14.24citywoklol, i can't really use anything else. i live in a microsoft world.
23:14.41citywokbeing a sysadmin for a windows network, using linux is like cutting my productivity in half to avoid the devil. lol.
23:15.24drmessanoSame here, to a point.. I have a file server that I RDC into and handle my AD tasks
23:15.46citywoklol, 50 windows servers here.  if i had to remote for everything i'd kill myself.
23:16.03citywokonce you figure out how totally awesome RemoteApp is... life will never be the same again
23:16.58drmessanoWell, I have 40 machines in my automation system running Win2k, and if I didn't remote into them, I would spend a lot of time walking, driving, and standing in front of KVMs
23:17.03drmessanoSo you learn to remote
23:17.11talntidfuck. i forgot about a dinner date... and just ate a sandwich...
23:17.25citywoklol drmes i feel so bad for you with win2k. lol.
23:17.40talntidyeah, i'd slit my wrists.
23:17.45drmessanoI have
23:17.48drmessanoSeveral times
23:17.49citywoki generally have 3-8 RDP windows open, but remoteapp has drastically cut that down.  Having to remote in to exchange to admin an exchange server is so 90's
23:18.01drmessanoBut they keep saving me, because they need me to keep the stations on the air
23:18.24talntidso tell them to upgrade....?
23:18.34talntidtell them y2k is coming, and win2k won't work.
23:18.38citywokyea unlessy ou work for free, upgrading is probably cheaper
23:18.55drmessanoNot that easy.. it's like $4000 per machine
23:19.31citywokwhat the hell do they do?
23:19.42drmessanoRun a bunch of a radio stations
23:19.43citywokif they are 10+ years old, the tech in them can't cost that much to upgrade
23:19.58drmessanoYeah it can, thanks to M$
23:20.25drmessanoNew machines are $2100.. and because of Windows 7, all my $1800 sound cards are obsolete
23:20.47talntidwrite drivers :)
23:20.47drmessanoCan't run XP on the machines, because Dell doesn't have drivers
23:21.04citywokThen buy HP's ;)
23:21.11drmessanoCan't do that either
23:21.38citywokWhite box time then!
23:21.44drmessanoI wish
23:21.59drmessanoI could build something so much cheaper... Just isn't an option
23:23.30drmessanoIt's "turnkey by mandate"  Approved hardware for the specific application.. hardware that requires Win7, that necessitates new sound cards..
23:28.00dmzuhh why are you running xp then :)
23:28.44citywokb/c the $1,800 cards dont run on 7...
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23:34.30talntidwoot. a bug marshall :P
23:37.13bmoraca_workwoohoo!  texas won and the yankees are winning!
23:38.01dan__tNo clue how the Rangers are pulling that off.
23:38.19dan__tThey hadn't won a post season game in over 10 years or something ridiculous like that right?
23:38.51bmoraca_worktoday was their third ever post season win
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