IRC log for #asterisk on 20101001

00:21.33*** join/#asterisk mpe_ (
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00:39.48*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
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00:49.14*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
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00:58.27*** join/#asterisk dzup2 (~alex@unaffiliated/dzup2)
01:05.43*** join/#asterisk dwayne (
01:15.53oDeski would love to have callerID displayed into my x100p for DTMF sent before first ring on wcfxo
01:29.58*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43|Mac (
01:35.23oDeskdo you know of any linux Dtmf raw decoder to text ? anyone ?
01:44.02*** join/#asterisk csnook (
01:52.19MontysoDesk; LEt me understand your question, what you want to do, would be to take an audio file containing DTMF and then using an application export it into a text?
02:02.24*** join/#asterisk dzup2 (~alex@unaffiliated/dzup2)
02:02.40*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
02:15.25*** join/#asterisk salviadud (~dick.gonz@
02:15.39salviadudguys, I'm not new to asterisk, but I am new to DID services
02:16.04salviadudI want my clients to call me at a mexican number (which I need to buy), so I can play with that call as I please
02:16.52salviadudI recently purchased an account at, but they suck so bad... I can't get it to work.  Asterisk keeps telling me about some invalid extension, I can't get calls to go out
02:17.02salviadudanybody know of a good DID service?
02:17.03bougymanout or in?
02:17.14bougymanDID service has nothing to do with outbound calls
02:17.20salviadudboth ways, they don't go out, don't go in
02:17.29bougymanthey never hit your box at all?
02:17.33bougymanor asterisk doesn't route them?
02:17.36salviadudyes they do
02:17.38bougymanthey're your outbound proxy, too?
02:17.47salviadudi got them as user and peer
02:17.59salviadudso, its 2 accounts on my sip.conf
02:18.09salviadudboth fail
02:18.24salviadudwhat I really don't get is why the outbound fails
02:18.28bougymani suck at sip.conf, hopefully someone here can help
02:18.36salviadudthey just plain suck, I don't even want to deal with them
02:18.49salviadudso, I'm looking for someone in the know of those services
02:18.50bougymandoesn't sound like their issue if it's getting to asterisk
02:18.52salviadudby another company
02:18.57bougymanwhat does the log say when you get an outbound call?
02:19.06bougymani use those services often, just not with asterisk
02:19.25salviadudthe real mistery, is with the inbound calls
02:19.41salviadudI get some gibberish about '' trying to get an unknown extension
02:19.43bougymanif they make it to your it's something in your dialplan or sip.conf that's wrong.
02:19.52salviadudno way man
02:19.52bougymaner to your asterisk box
02:19.59bougymanyes way man.
02:20.00salviadudi've used several sip services before
02:20.07salviadudthese guys suck
02:20.13*** join/#asterisk rolandbm (
02:20.38salviadudthank you!
02:21.04rolandbmhi guys. I haven't used IRC in quite a long time so tell me if I'm being a noob :)
02:21.21bougymanyou were just there.
02:21.34rolandbmi've got a problem with some DID numbers and I'm hoping someone can assist?
02:21.47bougymanrolandbm: what's the problem?
02:22.13ChannelZfile not found
02:22.36rolandbmI have a sip provider that has given us 10 DID numbers. I want to setup different IVR's for the number called, but I can't tell if the sip provider if sending across the DID dialed
02:22.53rolandbmI have debug logging turned on, but not sure what exactly I'm looking for?
02:22.59bougymanrolandbm: capture the packet and look at it (with wireshark)
02:23.11bougymanthat's the quickest road to this finish line
02:23.15bougymanit may be in a weird place.
02:23.30bougymani've seen them send it in all sorts of places.
02:23.48salviadudrolandbm, who is that provider?
02:23.48bougymanor you could ask them, they may know exactly where it is.
02:24.12rolandbmthanks bougyman, I've tried asking but they are taking their time sending it up to the admins :)
02:24.44rolandbmso I figured I would check on my own what is being sent to it. so if I get the packets, that should tell me what is being sent to the system as far as numbers go?
02:25.06rolandbmsalviadud, the provider is iiNet in australia
02:25.18ChannelZGenerally they should send to an extension of your DID
02:26.23ChannelZexten => 5551112222,1,NoOp(Dude called 555-111-2222)
02:26.37bougymani've seen some send it in P- headers, even.
02:27.56rolandbmok cool. Thanks guys. I'm mostly familiar with tcpdump so will get it to dump the info I need. :)
02:29.03rolandbmI figured I could get asterisk to give me that info. didn't think about doing a raw packet dump to see what was going on.
02:29.30ChannelZsip debug on
02:29.37ChannelZcall in.  See what you're getting.
02:29.43ChannelZNo need to dig through raw transport dumps
02:30.00ChannelZs/sip debug on/sip set debug on/
02:30.25*** part/#asterisk salviadud (~dick.gonz@
02:31.54*** join/#asterisk niekie (~niek@CAcert/Assurer/niekie)
02:32.19rolandbmChannelZ, I thought I tried that before, but going to give it a shot now
02:33.07ChannelZSo I'm not clear, have you just made an exten in your dialplan with your DID and it isn't working or you haven't tried anything?
02:36.14rolandbmWhat I've got is a trunk setup that has 10 DID's. I'm using FreePBX and have an inbound route setup for any number to go to our main IVR. What I want to do is use one of our other DID's to go directly to our sales. When I've tried to set up another inbound route for this, it still just goes to the main IVR.
02:36.43rolandbmSo my guess is that either the SIP provider isn't sending across the DID that is being dialed, or I don't have it in there exactly as they are sending it
02:37.37rolandbmbtw, the setup with the main IVR is working. It's just getting the other DID to go to the other route that doesn't seem to work
02:37.59rolandbmthats why I think it is the information being sent that is the problem
02:38.56ChannelZor a freepbx problem.  No help there.
02:40.36*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
02:43.03rolandbmyeah true. i've turned on the sip debug logging and that seems to be giving me tons of info. so hopefully it will be in there. thanks for the help
02:45.28*** part/#asterisk rolandbm (
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03:12.31*** join/#asterisk Nwab (~Benwa@unaffiliated/benwa)
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04:04.27oDeskMontys: yes exactly, decoding dtmf into txt
04:05.00*** join/#asterisk karthik (~karthik@
04:09.03MontysoDesk: multimon
04:09.17Montyshere is the command that you need to use:  multimon -t wav -a DTMF tx1.wav
04:09.53MontysYou should be able to download the src @
04:29.40*** join/#asterisk florz (nobody@2001:1a50:503c::1)
04:34.39oDeskMontys: the file extension is raw
04:35.19oDeskMontys: that i've built using dahdi_monitor
04:37.29Montys@Desk, I think dahdi_monitor can record wave file too
04:38.22MontysIn the case that you already have the file in raw, you can use "sox" con convert it to wave ; sox -r 8000 -s -w -c 1 tx1.raw tx1.wav
04:39.24*** join/#asterisk Nwab (~Benwa@unaffiliated/benwa)
04:39.40Montys@oDesk ^^
04:50.05*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
04:57.38ranjankarthik, hi karthik
04:58.07karthikhi ranjan
04:58.22ranjanmy virtual machine is ready. going to install asterisk
04:58.31ranjani hope the ./configure will do
04:58.48ranjanis there any other parameters that has to be passed?
05:06.14*** join/#asterisk deonv (
05:14.13p3nguin_ranjan: Apparently the default prefix is wrong, so you might want to specify --prefix=/usr/local at least.
05:17.26ChannelZhmm. haven't seen that one
05:26.24*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
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05:30.12*** join/#asterisk ranjan (7aac7b74@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:31.28ranjankarthik: hi karthik
05:31.37ranjankarthik: installed asterisk
05:32.07ranjankarthik: i think you are busy
05:32.10ranjanHi all
05:34.29ranjancan any one give me the correct configuration for defining a sip peer in /etc/sip.conf ??
05:39.00ChannelZNot really
05:39.16ChannelZCan you tell me how to fix my car?
05:52.59*** join/#asterisk the_weard (~mitch@
05:58.25*** join/#asterisk seanjohn (
05:59.14seanjohnif I put call-limit=4 for sip_general.conf will it affect my trunks, even with them having their own call-limit set?
06:02.39*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
06:08.37[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: No
06:12.24*** join/#asterisk oej (
06:42.00*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
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07:07.10*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
07:14.26*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
07:16.19*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~Yuriy@
07:16.55ranjanHi all, just started with asterisk
07:17.24*** join/#asterisk niekie (~niek@CAcert/Assurer/niekie)
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07:30.05schmidtsgood morning
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07:47.57*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
07:53.00*** join/#asterisk BenC[UK] (
07:53.16BenC[UK]morning people
07:53.40BenC[UK]anyone used 7970 with asterisk before, really strugging to get mine to register
07:53.48*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:20.12petern_I use one, but with chan_sccp.
08:24.55*** join/#asterisk TobSnyder (
08:28.19*** join/#asterisk cods (~cods@rsbac/developer/cods)
09:05.36*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~sfds@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
09:20.14*** join/#asterisk the_weard (~mitch@
09:20.24BenC[UK]I got it working
09:20.29BenC[UK]But its using Nat
09:20.35BenC[UK]Imean, using NAT is the problem
09:20.38BenC[UK]its reigstered locally now
09:21.05*** join/#asterisk nextime (~nextime@unaffiliated/nextime)
09:22.33nextimehello all. Is there any browser based java applet sip softphone installable on own web server available somewhere for free ( to be used by a poor no-profit organization )?
09:24.47*** join/#asterisk hehol (
09:36.50*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:43.36*** join/#asterisk jermey_g (
09:45.06jermey_gWhat does this mean,  channel.c: No channel type registered for 'zap'
09:45.35*** join/#asterisk mpe_ (~mpe@
09:45.55jermey_gI got no tdm hardware in the box. I just use ztdummy.
09:47.41kaldemarjermey_g: it means that you don't have the zapata channel driver loaded. are you trying to call over zaptel or when do you get that?
09:48.10jermey_gI don't call over zaptel. I just use sip
09:48.36*** join/#asterisk GhOnDiE (~GhOnDiE@
09:48.38kaldemarwhen does that message occur?
09:49.17GhOnDiEanybody good with the manager interface
09:51.48jermey_gkaldemar:in the logs, i see it every 2nd minute WARNING: --message--.
09:52.25kaldemarjermey_g: what happens in the CLI when you get it? what is asterisk doing when it happens?
09:55.24*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (~mhb@2002:5208:d7a8::1)
09:58.34jermey_gkaldemar:i have enabled verbose log to the file, so i ll see in few mins.
10:01.04*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
10:11.13*** join/#asterisk Jasnejac (~kvirc@
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10:33.43*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (~gtejkgjke@
10:38.48dandate2So i'm going to have a 1MB T1 line connected to a cisco ATA router with 6 iphones. the total bandwidth requirement is 1003.28kbps or .98 MB . will this be enough to support 6 ip phones using ulaw or should 1 phone use g722?
10:39.47WIMPyG.722 uses the same bandwith as G.711.
10:40.32WIMPyAnd 1 mbit schould be about twice as much as you need for 6 calls.
10:40.57dandate2really? it says in the bandwidth calculator that total use is .98MB
10:42.02dandate2and lists various rates for g722, one of them also being 64 kipbs, but also shows 56 and 48
10:42.30WIMPyHmm. Yes. Haven't seen them in use however.
10:42.59WIMPyThe .98 must be the combined rate in both directions.
10:43.14dandate2i'm told that the bandwidth of the T1 is pooled
10:43.29dandate2so if i'm downing at .75MB i could only upload at .25MB
10:43.39dandate2but this is just what the sales rep said =;
10:44.49WIMPyThe line would do 1.5mbit full duplex, but I don't know what you pay for.
10:45.39*** join/#asterisk metiu_ (
10:45.42dandate2they said 1.5mb would cost more
10:46.11WIMPyCheck your contract.
10:46.39*** join/#asterisk freckle (
10:47.09metiu_hi, is it possible to have two UAs with the same extension on two servers call each other? it seems that the server sees the incoming call as if it's coming from its attached UA, instead of the UA attached to the remote server
10:47.23metiu_e.g. different area codes, same telephone numbers
10:47.37metiu_one asterisk for each area code (powerful machine indeed)
10:48.07metiu_number 456-95616 calls 987-95616
10:48.10dandate2looking at the contract, really isnt very descriptive =/
10:48.33*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~sfds@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
10:48.35WIMPymetiu_: It all depends on your dialplan.
10:48.52dandate2Service Name: <I-Direct 1mb>  Port Speed
10:48.52dandate2(Kbps) : 1mb
10:49.14dandate2or for $200 more per month i can get 1.5mb
10:50.38metiu_WIMPy: I guess I'd have something like exten => _456XXXXX,n,Dial(SIP/server456/${EXTEN:1}-phone)
10:50.46kaldemardandate2: find some technical person from the provider to clarify that.
10:51.07metiu_and exten => _987,n,Dial(SIP/server987/${EXTEN:1}-phone)
10:51.39metiu_what I see on the other end, however, is a call from 95616 which is seen as local
10:52.14metiu_should I change the callerid to add the prefix?
10:52.40WIMPymetiu_: Either use the complete callerid or get the calls from the other server to a seperate context that adds th area code.
10:54.36*** join/#asterisk cusco (
10:54.53cuscowhy is this call from one * box to another * box forbidden?
10:56.18cuscopeer 150 is registered in ast-box1, peer 202 in registered in ast-box2
10:56.20WIMPySIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
10:56.27cuscoyes, but why not?
10:56.46cusco192.168.2.5:5060               N      covilha            105 Registered           Fri, 01 Oct 2010 11:55:56
10:56.53WIMPyWrong user and/or password.
10:57.01WIMPyRegistration is a different matter.
10:57.53kaldemarcusco: because you have a secret defined for the peer. it is supposed to send a new invite with a challenge response.
10:57.55cuscoso do I need to specify dial SIP/202@lisboa with password?
10:58.13cuscowell shouldn't it follow the registration settings?
10:58.22kaldemarcusco: no, it shouldn't.
10:58.42cuscoso I must specify the apssword on the dial?!
10:58.54kaldemarcusco: or in a peer in sip.conf
10:59.09dandate2i think i'm reading the bandwidth calculator incorrectly. when I state for incomming and outgoing bandwidth this is concerning the PBX corect?
10:59.16cuscokaldemar: box2 has a peer in sip.conf with a apssword
10:59.27cuscoif box1 wants to dial.. also eneds the peer in sip.conf ?
10:59.44dandate2i'm calculating bandwidth for a remote location from the pbx where there will just be ip phones. will I need to factor incomming and outgoing bandwidth?
10:59.49kaldemarcusco: it needs credentials, whether they are in the dialplan or in sip.conf.
11:00.01WIMPycusco: You need to put the password somewhere.
11:00.21cuscoit is in a "register" line in sip.conf ... heh
11:00.49kaldemarcusco: the register line has nothing to do with calls that originate from the box.
11:00.52cuscook so the dial can be SIP/202:secret@lisboa?
11:01.38kaldemarthe sample sip.conf has a nice list of dial strings, that being one of them.
11:02.13dandate2it just stumped me that the calculator looks at incomming and outgoing channels. this refers to the PBX being the centerpoint right
11:03.13WIMPyThat would make sense.
11:03.43dandate2ahahah need to change my contact to 512kb then
11:04.02dandate2512kb should support 6 ip phones at a remote location?
11:04.07*** join/#asterisk kerframil (~kerframil@gentoo/user/kerframil)
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11:04.46cuscokaldemar: what if the other box is registered here...
11:04.52cuscoand the peer is set here
11:04.56cuscook I got it reverse..
11:05.30WIMPyRegistratio is only to tell the other end, where to find you.
11:06.04cuscowell, but in sip.conf there is a peer with the secret on it
11:06.07cuscowhat is wrong then?
11:06.40WIMPyIf you connect two servers, you probably don't need to register.
11:06.44kaldemaryou're not using any information in sip.conf when you dial the way you do.
11:06.54WIMPyAt least not if the have a static IP.
11:07.29cuscook.. so I can use the same peer on both?
11:09.21dandate2will I need to include RTCP when deciphering bandwidth usage of ip phones at a remote location? (determining the bandwidth rquirement of the remote location)
11:10.06kaldemardandate2: if you use RTP, there will be RTCP involved, just like last time you asked.
11:11.12kaldemarthe bandwidth usage is minor though.
11:11.31*** join/#asterisk Benwa (~Schnitzel@unaffiliated/benwa)
11:13.59cuscoit is still replying with: Oct  1 12:13:26] NOTICE[27494]: chan_sip.c:17917 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"Tiago Geada" <sip:150@>;tag=as22e3e4e4'
11:14.26cuscolet me show you sip.conf bit on both boxes... hold
11:15.03dandate2im just triyng to figure out what connection speed the remote locatino would require, ive been confusing myself this whole time thinking 1 call would need 159kpbs
11:15.43dandate2but thats hwo much it requires at the pbx site right
11:16.27cuscois something wront here...?
11:16.50metiu_WIMPy: where can I find a way of putting the incoming calls on different contexts based on the incoming server? right now I have a default context for incoming call and one for the local UAs, but as I said the UA "100" gets routed in the local UAs in any server where there is a UA "100"
11:17.17metiu_I thought it would have been put in the default "incoming" context, since it's routed through another asterisk server
11:17.33WIMPyPut a context= into the peer.
11:18.13metiu_you mean registering each server to each other as a peer, right?
11:18.53metiu_so that I address e.g. SIP/server1/100 SIP/server2/100
11:19.04WIMPyAlso for you: If you know where to find the servers there's no need to register.
11:19.32metiu_ok wrong wording, I was meaning adding an entry for the server in sip.conf or iax.conf
11:19.54WIMPyYou don't have one?
11:20.44metiu_still studying the issue, in the beginning I just added entries for the few users on each server, with the proper host= line
11:21.00metiu_but I guess it should be the other way around
11:21.23cuscosee... once again  401 Unauthorized
11:21.55*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~anonymous@pdpc/supporter/active/zeeek)
11:22.17Zeeekslept poorly last night
11:23.26*** join/#asterisk Dovid (Dovid@
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11:33.45*** join/#asterisk Nwab (~Benwa@unaffiliated/benwa)
11:34.41*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
11:35.04Naikrovekwhat is the newer technology: 3G or EDGE
11:35.12Naikrovekstupid question but i never followed the cell technologies
11:35.41Naikrovekokay thanks
11:36.01Naikrovekgot a kindle yesterday
11:36.06Naikrovekwell, it arrived yesterday
11:36.07Zeeek3g or edge?
11:36.15Naikrovekat home i get edge, at work it's 3g
11:36.54Naikrovekfree wireless forever :)  or until edge & 3g go away, anyway
11:37.46Naikrovek3g definitely feels faster
11:37.58Zeeekit's way faster
11:38.03Zeeekwhen you have it
11:38.28Zeeeknow you just need to hack the kindle to be able to use that 3g for something else
11:38.50Naikrovekcan be done, kindle has been jailbroken for some time
11:38.52Naikrovekbut, eh.
11:39.21Naikroveknot fussed on voiding the warranty atm, nor do i want to ruin it for everyone else
11:40.00Naikroveki don't wanna be one of those guys that hacks all their stuff, giving device manufacturers reason to not include free lifetime 3G connectivity in future devices.
11:40.02*** join/#asterisk rossand (~aross@
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11:42.30Naikroveksome of the free ebooks are very poorly formatted, too
11:42.38Naikrovekwhich sucks, yo
11:43.33*** join/#asterisk csnook (
11:43.55ZeeekI think we should discuss leifmadsen 's upcoming wedding. It's more related to asterisk
11:44.08Naikrovekhey congrats to him!
11:46.11oDeskhow to decode the DTMF signal from wav file into text ?
11:46.12Zeeekso instead of a wedding planner, leifmadsen needs a dialplanner!
11:46.13Naikrovekdude marriage rules
11:46.17Naikrovekyou're gonna like it hopefully
11:46.27Naikrovekmarriage also sucks (at times)
11:48.52Naikrovekbut if it's a good marriage, it's rewarding
11:50.11*** join/#asterisk Nwab (~Benwa@unaffiliated/benwa)
11:50.41leifmadsenya, we have already been living together for over a year and bought a new house (we moved in a month ago) and things have been pretty good so far :)
11:51.03Zeeekliving in SIN? :-(
11:51.29Zeeekwhen she squeeze the toothpaste from the middle, it starts to go downhill fast
11:51.54Zeeekleaving the milk carton out of the fridge
11:52.16Zeeekpretty soon she finds it obnoxious that your shoes are there to be tripped over
11:52.20drmessanoWhen she chases you with a knife, that's a red flag
11:52.34Zeeekand then the beginning of the end, when she realizes you own too  many SIP phones :)
11:52.56Zeeekdrmessano: no, when she chases you with a red flag, THAT'S a red flag
11:53.22Zeeeka red flag would be normal in Switzerland tho
11:53.38Zeeekso, VoIP Abuse - the ugly secrets
11:53.49Naikrovekflag football..
11:53.51Zeeektoday in about 4 hours on #vuc
11:54.30drmessanoVoIP Abuse?  Like "Show me on the doll where the Grandstream touched you" ?
11:54.38*** join/#asterisk ukine_work (
11:55.04Zeeekdrmessano: no, it's more show me on the VX-1500 where she put her ....
11:55.11Zeeekbut we digress
11:55.25ZeeekWe love this idea
11:56.11drmessanoAh, Honeypots
11:56.25Zeeekthe word is self-arousing
11:56.32schmidtsto catch the big bad hacker bear ;)
11:56.34Zeeekbut again, we digress
11:58.00Zeeekcome on over to #vuc between now and 4 hours in the future
11:58.05Zeeekor come on over in the past
11:58.10Zeeekand stay for a while
11:58.17drmessanoWhat about a simple Asterisk install that allows an easy registration, but only makes calls to the Chinese governments "Nark on your neighbor" line
11:58.52ZeeekI'd like to find a serious remedy for those robotic calls I get in the middle of the night
12:01.55drmessanoYeah, I had someone asking me for help on something yesterday in another channel that was omitting that he worked for a telemarking firm because he knew all help would stop if he had stated it up front.. but that there's "good telemarketers" and "bad telemarketers".  I fail to see a difference, except for the ones exploiting other machines for making calls
12:03.17ZeeekIt's really tough to moralize. When telemarketers call, I feel bad about being mean to them because they're struggling to make a living and exploited by the people who pay them
12:03.43ZeeekBut the robot ones piss me off and I wish there was a way to infect them!
12:03.52fauxalliancedrmessano, i like the 'if you generate revenue, you hire a consultant' rule of thumb
12:04.23Zeeekfauxalliance: totally agree
12:04.37*** join/#asterisk viraptor (~viraptor@
12:07.22drmessanoWell, what annoys me more than anything is that if you were spamming and had an issue with your postfix spooler, they would laugh in your face.. But since the open source telephony community is supposed to be such a friendly bunch, we should happily help them spam people over the phone with Asterisk.
12:07.22*** part/#asterisk Montys (~dmartinez@nat/digium/x-clvbdysgzmrnlxxf)
12:07.27drmessanoI call BS
12:07.49TobSnyderhello drmessano
12:07.54TobSnyderand all the others on here
12:08.01ZeeekI call Roto Rooter
12:09.14*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
12:09.47drmessanoOh, and for what it's worth, Ubuntu 10.10 is pretty sweet
12:09.54drmessanoThat is all
12:10.04viraptorhi all, I was wondering if anyone has experience with database-based dialplans -vs- fastagi knowing all the logic -vs- very complicated static dialplan with hundreds of variables... any general opinions about this topic? let's say I have enough logic to generate 5M of rows in the db
12:11.48TobSnydershort question: I have "destination if no answer" set to ring groups, but even when someone hangs up his ringing phone, the call goes on to next ring group. Is there a way to avoid this, as I would say: if nobody is answering the phone its okay to go on to next ring group, but if someone hangs up the call without answering, it's clearly he doesn't want to accept that call
12:12.44schmidtsviraptor what do you want to know?
12:13.48drmessanoTobSnyder, FreePBX questions are more appropriate in #freepbx.. they are frowned upon in here
12:15.20viraptorschmidts: some general ideas about the performance of one -vs- the other... I'm running off of the db right now, but started to migrate some stuff to fastagi - I wonder if it's worth going all the way - if it takes many queries to route one call, maybe there's a better way
12:15.21*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
12:15.33Zeeekdrmessano: is also frowned upon here :)
12:15.40infobot[drmessano] the leading cause of censorship in #asterisk, maybe a Doctor, not really a mess um a no..... The Doctor is accepting new patients, <drmessano> I am not a OB/GYN but I'll have a look anyway, and is earning his reputation daily, or wearing oompa looma underwear
12:15.46Zeeekfrowns upon drmessano
12:16.02drmessanoI am the leading cause of censorship in here, afterall
12:16.14infobotrumour has it, zeeek is someone who once said "learning asterisk using a GUI is like learning sex through masturbation. You'll never get to the good stuff."
12:16.28Zeeekwow that's a little out of date
12:16.42schmidtsbut still true :D
12:16.42Zeeekstill true,  though
12:19.24*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
12:19.39Zeeekoh oh. Better behave now
12:20.04Zeeekmember:%5BTK%5DD-Fender  is in the building
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12:20.53Zeeek[TK]D-Fender doesn't work with my tab completion
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12:47.05dandate2Does 2 people talking over eachover require 2x the bandwidth at the iphones end?
12:49.57*** join/#asterisk willianmazzardo (
12:50.05willianmazzardotzafrir, hello
12:51.06[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: HUH?
12:52.45dandate2well if i am speaking and someone is trying to interrupt me, does this boost my bandwidth requirement for an ip phone remotely located from the pbx?
12:53.06dandate2the bandwidth is pooled so uploading drains from the total downloading and vice versa
12:53.44schmidtsdandate2 this depends on the signaling you use, if its sip you only have some sip packages incoming to your phone
12:54.39willianmazzardo[TK]D-Fender, hi
12:54.58dandate2yes using SIP, the bandwidth calculator states the IP phone needs 79.63 kpbs, but if 2 people are trying to talk over eachother does this not double the bandwidth used?
12:55.01willianmazzardodo you have the patch for OSLEC in dahdi 2.4.0?
12:55.03dandate2since im sending and receiving conversation at the same time
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12:55.53[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: RTP is CONTINUOUS in both directions.
12:56.01[TK]D-Fenderand SIP != voice.
12:56.12ZeeekSIP === voice
12:56.42schmidtsSIP + RTP == Voice
12:56.50dandate2so to have 6 ip phones at a remote location, they'll just need 477.75 kpbs of total bandwidth regardless of how much arguing is going on right
12:56.56[TK]D-Fenderschmidts: No, RTP = voice.
12:57.06[TK]D-Fenderschmidts: SIP = Call setup.
12:57.10willianmazzardoSIP = sinalization ! :D
12:57.31schmidtsokay let me say this the right way SIP + RTP == CALL
12:57.49[TK]D-Fenderschmidts: SIP = call, RTP = media
12:57.56dandate2because i'm ordering a T1 line tommarow morning, they gave me the option of 512kb, 768kb, and 1MB. dont wqnt to mess thsi up!
12:59.00schmidtswith call i mean the whole call not only the signaling
12:59.46dandate2so theres absolutely no extra bandwidth used when people are arguing over eachother? i worry because at 512kb i would only have 40kb difference from the total used by the ip phones according to the bandwidth calculato
13:00.04dandate2so i imagine 1 person interrupting will cause all the lines to break heh
13:01.56[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: You don't seem to get it.  Voice is CONTINUOS.  BOTH WAYS.  Packets always flowing even if they are QUIET
13:02.17[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: it is not variable
13:02.30Zeeekwhat about xmit silence?
13:02.47[TK]D-FenderZeeek: You mean that concept that Asterisk does not support?
13:02.49dandate2k thx
13:03.00[TK]D-FenderZeeek: What about it? :p
13:03.18Zeeekyes, the one every SIP phone has a config param for
13:04.02dandate2is .wav a supported audio codec for voip heh
13:04.03[TK]D-FenderZeeek: Not every, but lots, sure
13:04.10ZeeekI was watching the bandwidth on a video ocnferencall today. The video bw was about 10k if my image was stable, 12 if I rolled my eyes and 25-50 if my body moved
13:04.38ZeeekUnfortunately, those tests shortened the call and she hung up on me before I could um, finish
13:04.49Zeeek<ba da boom>
13:05.17Zeeekrim shot?
13:05.22kaldemardandate2: .wav is not even a codec.
13:05.31dandate2right its not compressed at all
13:06.07*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
13:06.16Zeeekhence the name "lossless"
13:06.25Zeeekor "uncompressed"
13:06.26[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: Waht does compression have to do with anything?
13:06.32kaldemardandate2: it's a format, not a codec.
13:07.35dandate2.wav and ulaw are the same file sizes tho right?
13:09.01drmessanoSpeaking of telemarketers
13:09.09[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: wav does not imply a specific BITRATE or other properties
13:09.10dandate2nm i figured it out, i was wondering cuz the pbx can play .wav files for the moh but i just realized it is only transcoding it to ulaw
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13:33.42Kattygood mornings
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13:34.09ZeeekKatty: mine's long gone
13:34.23Kattywell you can pretend.
13:34.25Kattyhugs on Zeeek
13:34.29anonymouz666why DTMF's coming from GSM network is so hard to work properly?
13:35.14ZeeekKatty: did you get adopted yet?
13:35.23KattyZeeek: yes.
13:35.39Zeeekwho are the lucky family?
13:36.00KattyZeeek: ->
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14:03.48*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (
14:08.17m_tadeuhi...I'm having some trouble understanding what externip represents in sip.conf. In my case, I have the asterisk server, a dsl router, and sip clients in and outside the local network. Which does the externip represents?
14:08.25*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
14:09.03tzafrirwillianmazzardo, pong
14:10.13anonymouz666m_tadeu: você tem que definir o externip e também o localnet. todos os endereços que forem fora do intervalo do localnet serão substituidos pelo externip.
14:10.51Zeeekm_tadeu: that is your IP address that tje world sees
14:11.22m_tadeuso it would be the dsl router external ip?
14:11.47[TK]D-Fenderm-It SHOULD be
14:11.48anonymouz666could be in your case, don't forget to redirect the ports.
14:12.11*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
14:12.15Zeeekm_tadeu: yes
14:12.29m_tadeuthanx guys
14:12.32*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~anonymous@pdpc/supporter/active/zeeek)
14:16.44m_tadeuI'm only redirecting the port this enough?
14:16.50anonymouz666of course not
14:17.09anonymouz666look at your rtp.conf and also redirect the range of rtp ports.
14:17.36*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
14:18.10m_tadeuwoww... got it ;)
14:18.14m_tadeuthanx again
14:18.44anonymouz666m_tadeu: is it hard to trust in someone talking portuguese, right?
14:19.27m_tadeuanonymouz666: on the contrary ;)
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14:23.59willianmazzardotzafrir, do you have a patch file for OSLEC in dahdi 2.4.0?
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14:34.09tzafrirwillianmazzardo, try
14:34.23willianmazzardotzafrir, thanks a lot
14:35.27anonymouz666so a contribution from aligera? nice to see
14:36.14anonymouz666the APC4XX driver is already in DAHDI 2.4?
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14:43.43metiu_is it possible for 2 softphones on the same machine as the asterisk server to call each other? I have 2 linphones on one host both registered to localhost, if I call one from the other the asterisk log loops forever with "Native bridging SIP/..... and SIP/....."
14:44.15*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
14:45.07m_tadeumetiu_: I never tryed it, but ig you put them in a different por it should work
14:46.03metiu_yes, they are on 5060 (asterisk), 5062 (linphone1) and 5064(linphone2)
14:46.05*** join/#asterisk myster (~myster@
14:46.10metiu_very simple dialplan
14:46.39m_tadeumetiu_: what does asterisk console say?
14:46.49leifmadsenmetiu_: ya, using x-lite all I ever had to do was make sure the clients were setup to be on different ports
14:46.53leifmadsenlistening on different ports
14:46.55*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
14:47.14metiu_e.g. exten => linphoneX,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}-phone)
14:47.20metiu_e.g. exten => _linphoneX,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}-phone)
14:47.30metiu_yes different ports
14:47.35leifmadsenexten => _linphoneX will not do as you expect
14:47.45metiu_just guessing it, sorry
14:47.46leifmadsenexten => _li[n]pho[n]eX
14:47.59leifmadsenN == n == pattern match character
14:48.00metiu_great that's a very good point
14:48.18leifmadsenSIP trace, console output, and RTP debug required
14:48.22metiu_don't know why it keeps looping saying Native bridging
14:48.26leifmadseneither do we
14:48.29leifmadsenand we don't have the info
14:48.35metiu_next thing I'll try is to reset all config to supersimple
14:48.37leifmadsenstart with the debug
14:48.56metiu_back to you in some time thanks
14:48.56leifmadsenyou should always start with super simple configs while developing until you get something working
14:49.06leifmadsenheads over to a meeting and some more work
14:49.34m_tadeuso, here's the deal. I have 2 agents waiting for calls in a queue. When I call from outside the network, it runs all the dial plan properly, enters the queue, get moh. When the agent picks up, no sound goes in or out. If I call from inside the local network everything works fine.
14:50.00*** join/#asterisk bent_screwdriver (
14:50.14infobotsipnat is, like, Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
14:51.06[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: unfortunately my server is still down...
14:51.43m_tadeuno prob...checking sip nat solutions wiki
14:52.51*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~root@
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14:53.42p3nguinI should have stolen a copy of your sipnat stuff for a situation like this.
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14:59.28bipolarIf asterisk loses it's pri timing source, does it switch back to internal timing or just drop the pri altogether? Our pri vendor called me today to tell me they are seeing some issues with our timing, and wants me to check to make sure our system is still using external timing. I'm not sure how to check. The PRI is set to use external timing, but I don't know if it has a fallback to internal or not.
14:59.45*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
14:59.57m_tadeup3nguin: would be nice :) [TK]D-Fender, is there a way to share that info?
15:00.59*** part/#asterisk izod (
15:06.32smooth_penguinhey p3nguin
15:07.02smooth_penguinstill havnt got my CID working, even with the DTMF - FSK convertor :S
15:08.10m_tadeueverything in the sip nat solutions wiki checked...but still not working
15:08.51p3nguinsmooth_penguin: That's a ditty sheal.
15:09.06smooth_penguinany luck on the syslogs
15:09.13smooth_penguinIm still hoping to compare
15:10.12p3nguinRunning tcpdump on the syslog port showed some packets, but syslogd never wrote anything to my file.
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15:13.06jamicquehi is there any way to use zaptel/dahdi service codes like dnd (*79) on sip friends?
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15:27.48Kattyugah. i'm not feelin so well. this cold weather is rough.
15:28.44p3nguinIt has me messed up, as well.
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15:31.36ManxPowerThe alabama department of health is AGRESSIVE.
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15:43.57wcselbyin asterisk 1.4, is there some way for the queue / agent system to understand that an agent is on a call, that's not a queue call, and thus not send calls to that agent?  agents are logging in with agentcallbacklogin()
15:45.47leifmadsenwcselby: yes, just enable the ability for end points to have device state working
15:45.57leifmadsenwcselby: I presume you mean the calls are delivered via Local channels?
15:46.05leifmadsenoh nevermind, AgentCallbackLogin()
15:46.17wcselbyleifmadsen - well, kind of
15:46.29leifmadsenyou just need to make sure device state is working (i.e. showing as InUse etc), and enable "ringinuse=no" in queues.conf
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15:47.02wcselbysee, I thought that's what I had done
15:47.08wcselbyhmmm, let me look through al lthe conf files again
15:47.18wcselbythis doesn't require any kind of patch for device state or anything, does it?
15:47.36[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: IIRC 1.4 can't associate another device tot he agent channel as that points to indeterminate dialplan.
15:47.42leifmadsenjust make sure device state works correctly
15:47.55leifmadsenare you using Local channels to deliver to agents?
15:47.58leifmadsenand are all end points SIP ?
15:48.01[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: IIRC that is only an option with AQM
15:48.13wcselbyall endpoints are sip, yes
15:48.37wcselbythis is my AgentCallbackLogin command -> AgentCallbackLogin(${CALLERID(number)},,${CALLERID(number)}@agent-calls)
15:48.50wcselbyand then agent-calls is at this pastebin: ....
15:49.29leifmadsenare your agents setup to be [4165551212] or something?
15:49.46wcselby4 digit callerid's, when they dial in
15:49.55wcselbyso they're Agent/2625, for example
15:50.16leifmadsenok you're using GROUP() and GROUP_COUNT() -- so you could either enable that in other locations, or you need to make sure device state is working (which is unrelated to those functions)
15:50.18[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Just to be clear here, how is AgentCallBackLogin at all aware of the relationship between a SIP device and an Agetn channel Local Channel reference?
15:50.48*** join/#asterisk elred_ (~elred_@unaffiliated/elred-/x-5010831)
15:50.59leifmadsenah ya, I don't use chan_agent. I use AddQueueMember() and RemoveQueueMember() so that the SIP peer is directly in the Queue() so device states work
15:51.08[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: AQM :)
15:51.20wcselby[TK]D-Fender - yeah....
15:51.22leifmadsenI've personally never used AgentCallbackLogin()
15:51.24ks3Is it expected that if a transfer context has an h extension, that gets called prior to a pattern-match extension that matches the transfer destination?
15:51.25wcselbylooks that way
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15:58.49ks3I seem to be having the same issues as, but that was reported fixed over a year ago.
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16:16.17WhitorHowdy... I've got a polycom soundpoint ip 430 that I'm having trouble with... Actually its -all- of my ip-430's.  When a user presses the message button, the phone dials the number in a certain field in its web config interface... the "Address" field.  Problem is... that the Address is not the number called to access VM ... *98 is.
16:16.27Naikroveki just answered you in #trixbox
16:16.39Naikrovekyour phones are configured incorrectly
16:16.56Whitorwoops, sorry. didn't say my nick so it didn't flag me
16:17.01WhitorI'l talk over there
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16:31.17vader--hmmm cisco sent me a replacement 7940G phone and it's different then my current ones
16:31.25vader--i can't seem to unlock the settings
16:32.12wcselbywhere can I see the sourcecode for AddQueueMember() ?
16:34.29Kobazfrom app_queue.c
16:34.39wcselbyyeah I just found it, thanks :)
16:34.41Kobazwcselby: is your grep broken?
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16:37.22ruyoCan I Playback() a wav file?
16:37.30ruyoOr a mp3 for that matter.
16:37.49wcselbywav yes, mp3, not by defualt
16:38.04wcselbyi think you can compile in mp3 support using asterisk-addons, though I've never done this
16:39.30ruyoOk. About wav then, how can I specify the file type or can I transcode it?
16:39.52ruyoI'm getting [2010-10-01 17:36:02] WARNING[21566]: file.c:992 ast_streamfile: Unable to open usr/thankyou (format 0x1000 (g722)): No such file or directory
16:43.01ruyop3nguin, tried Playback(usr/ty) and Playback(usr/ty.wav)
16:43.54p3nguinDo you have a directory named /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/usr/ and a file in it called ty.wav?
16:44.11wcselbyit's looking for a g722 formatted thankyou file
16:44.17ruyoI have some .sln files there that are working.
16:44.45ruyoI'll try changing allow's.
16:44.50p3nguinAsterisk should be able to transcode a wav if it was looking for a g.722 file type.
16:44.57wcselbyp3nguin -that's what I thought as well
16:45.16wcselbyanyways, my brain is hurting, so I'm not much help in here.  think i'll go get something to eat
16:46.31ruyoRemoving g722 I get 2 more errors.
16:46.48ruyo[2010-10-01 17:45:56] WARNING[22686]: format_wav.c:156 check_header: Unexpected frequency 16000
16:46.48ruyo[2010-10-01 17:45:56] WARNING[22686]: file.c:386 fn_wrapper: Unable to open format wav
16:47.13p3nguinThe wav needs to be 8000 mono.
16:47.18ruyoLooks like it's an invalid/weird wav.
16:47.30ruyoOh, it _must_ be 8000 mono?
16:47.54p3nguinI'd probably open it in audacity, change it to 8000, and export it.
16:47.55ruyoThought it could transcode any wav.
16:47.58p3nguinYes, it must be.
16:48.05ruyoOk, then it's explained.
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16:51.45ruyoNeat, mp3 works as well.
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16:55.43metiu_new problem: it seems that I cannot Page() a locally connected UA
16:56.18metiu_it complains about not being able to translate to g723 to slin (I have disabled g723 everywhere, in sip.conf and even in phone.conf)
16:56.37metiu_i.e. from g723 to slin
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17:00.11murraytmi'm trying do use a callfile to dial out over a sip trunk and play a sound but the callfile just expires instantly. incoming calls work fine. can someone help me with that?
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17:10.52bmoraca_workoffline defrag of a 22gb exchange database on a failing drive != fun
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17:13.48StultisIf I have a VPMADT032 configured, should I take out MG2 ec out of the .conf files?
17:15.01[TK]D-FenderStultis: It won't use SWEC as long as you have HWEC installed.  Its good to leave it
17:15.43StultisCouldn't find a definite answer online even though the question was asked multiple times
17:17.33*** join/#asterisk Kevin` (
17:20.05murraytmwhen i try to dial out over SIP using a callfile, no SIP messages are generated. i think i must be doing something very basic wrong.
17:24.30fiferanyone have any experience with printing fax tiff files as they come in? Specifically with scalling issues?
17:24.41[TK]D-Fendermurraytm: Maybe you should PASTEBIN your call file so we can SEE what you are doing.
17:24.50fiferI have a context that uses the system() command to print a fax after it comes in using cups
17:25.11[TK]D-Fenderfifer: Perhaps you should ask in #printing
17:25.16fiferit works fine with one exception, the fax is not scalled properly to fit in the page.
17:25.39fiferI can but since this specifically has to do with fax printing there is a real chance someone here has done exactly what I'm trying to do
17:26.16fiferthis is as much about the fax aspect of things as it is about cups
17:27.21murraytm[TK]D-Fender: going to pastebin the sip.conf also
17:28.47[TK]D-Fenderfifer: It's a TIFF.  It isn't a fax.  It's just a file now.
17:29.41fiferRight but at a diferent resolution likely depending on the fax resolution sent, so a fixed scale will likely not work.
17:30.13murraytmmy sip.conf:
17:31.28[TK]D-Fendermurraytm: You have global SIP debug enabled and get nothing?
17:31.50*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
17:32.08[TK]D-Fendermurraytm: Also, don't archive the call-file, reduce your retry times, etc to 5 sec and a maxretry of 3
17:32.33[TK]D-Fendermurraytm: Also you you haven't described how you are preparing that file and passing it off to get called
17:33.48murraytmw/ sip debugging on, asterisk says it's attempting the call, says "using SIP RTP CoS mark 5" then "Really destroying SIP dialog Method: INVITE. But no INVITE was displayed in the debug info.
17:34.36murraytmthis call file is just hand written in vim then moved to outgoing. i'll try your retry time suggestions now.
17:36.29[TK]D-Fendermurraytm: that is NOT SIP DEBUG.
17:36.58*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (~gtejkgjke@
17:37.38murraytmsip debug is on. plenty of other messages scrolling by but nothing is generated by this callfile.
17:37.51dandate2what kind of specs on a machine do i need to run about 60 channels, queues with moh, no transcoding?
17:38.28dandate2right now i got a dual core 2.8ghz 1mb ram, is that overkill?
17:38.45[TK]D-FenderMy analog watch has more RAM than that...
17:38.51dandate2im sorry
17:38.52dandate21gig ram
17:39.05[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: Taht machine is plenty
17:39.30dandate2is it overkill tho? reason is im overpaying for my server rental i'd like to just buy my own and put it in a datacenter for $250/mo
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17:40.04dandate2but server machines are expensive =(
17:40.11dandate2so trying to save every penny on a purchase heh
17:40.50dandate2the weird stuff warehouse has single core machines flatbed u1 slot machines for like $100
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17:42.17[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: What happened to your OMG itz teh SH1ZN1T Y0  Optiplex server?
17:43.02*** join/#asterisk pyite_mac (~dschreibe@unaffiliated/pyite)
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17:45.47bmoraca_workdandate2: you can get HP DL360 g3 dual processor with 3gb RAM and 72gb 7200RPM hard drives for <$200 shipped on ebay a lot of the time
17:46.22murraytmshortening the RetryTime and setting MaxRetries to 3 didn't change anything. could this have something to do with the host=dynamic in my sip.conf file?
17:46.30dandate2fender: dont remember what u talking about heh
17:46.54dandate2ok ill look for that dl360
17:47.54dandate2is it possible to backup freepbx and restore onto a new machine without having to do all the configurations again
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17:52.38[TK]D-Fender[13:46]<dandate2>fender: dont remember what u talking about heh <- You remember... the onle You "stole" and they went to complain that it wasn't a "server" like you claim they described it as...
17:52.49[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: Your exploits are legendary....
17:53.36[TK]D-Fender[13:47]<dandate2>is it possible to backup freepbx and restore onto a new machine without having to do all the configurations again <- no this info isn't clearly in FILES you could possibly just copy over raw......
17:53.55[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: And like I should ahve to remind you .... this isn't #freepbx
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18:15.12nsgndirect me to a more proper channel if it is not this one, but i'm having frustration with the flash operator panel. any time i drag/drop a call to a parking space both ends get hung up on. drag/drop transfers to actual phones work fine thoughts?
18:17.36[TK]D-Fendernsgn: There is no IRC support channel for that
18:17.55*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
18:18.07[TK]D-Fendernsgn: Perhaps you should look at the AMI request it generaets and debug that vs your dialplan, etc
18:42.39*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
18:44.21DrDigidandate2, i dont know what your doing but i got 4 1U servers from weird stuff warehouse in person, both had dual opteron 3.0ghz processors and 1gb of ram (i upped them all to 4gb) I installed 300gb hds into each one and I have one running fine as an asterisk system
18:45.29DrDigithe other 3 have a 4U case i got from weirdstuff with a power supply for $45, brand new in the brand new box, i put aQ6600 processor in it and 3TB of disk space and 8gb of ram and put the 4 1u's and the 4u at in fremont ca
18:45.39DrDigicost me $200 a month for colocation
18:47.10Kattypeeks in
18:47.23DrDigii paid $140 per 1U and bought 2 and went back a few months later and they had them for $95 and i bought 2 more, i spent like $300 on ram, another $200 on hard drives for them and the 4U i had everything but the motherboard already, i bought a usb timer for the 1 asterisk system
18:47.27carrarDL360 G3 or higher aren't too bad
18:47.41Kattygives carrar a fry
18:47.46carrarG4 is 64bit, G3 is 32bit
18:47.57beardypeeks at Katty
18:47.58carrarruns with the FRY!!
18:48.14carrarWHAT DOES IT MEAN!
18:48.17carrarOMG it?
18:48.25Kattybeardy: ohai
18:48.26carrarDouble Frys across the sky
18:48.38beardyKatty: allo
18:48.52carrarThe Fry is so VIVIDE
18:49.17Kattyidk about that.
18:49.19Kattybut they are kinda salty
18:49.34carrarIt's Double Complete Fry!!
18:49.52Kattyyou're a looney.
18:50.16Kattyor possibly just caffinated.
18:50.16Kattythat's another good explination
18:50.28carraryes CAFFINATED
18:51.02carrarand approx 45 mins away from making another stbx size venti iced hazzlenut latte
18:51.04Kattyi've not had a good blood pumping caffeine trip in awhile.
18:51.16carrargive or take a hour
18:51.27carrarI also have to go fix my lawn
18:51.32Kattywhat broke.
18:51.36carrarI missed a obvious spot yesterday while mowing
18:51.42carrarI can't believe I did that
18:51.43Kattyoh i see.
18:51.48Kattyhow embarassing.
18:51.56Kattyi won't tell, k?
18:52.05carrarI TRUST YOU to tell NO ONE
18:52.18Kattyhi sweety
18:52.28carrarDO NOT TELL wcselby!!!!
18:52.31beardyhugs Katty
18:52.40Kattyfilters carrar's blood.
18:52.44Kattyhugs beardy
18:52.53carrartakes another sip
18:53.11wcselbyheya Katty
18:53.15Kattydear universe, thank you for this amazing drug called caffeine.
18:53.28wcselbycaffeine gives me migraines
18:53.34wcselbywell, too much of it does
18:53.43wcselbyso, decaf coffee for me all the way
18:53.45wcselbyroot beer, etc
18:53.50Kattyroot beer is yummy.
18:53.54Kattyand cream soda too
18:54.01wcselbyi can drink one or two dr. peppers during the day, but more than that and I'm regretting it
18:54.28wcselbyi'm also supposed to avoid chocolate and alcohol....but c'mon, who avoids those?
18:54.43wcselbyi just try to avoid excess
18:54.47Kattyi consume those in moderation
18:55.00wcselbyand instead, fill myself up with fatty, unhealthy foods
18:55.15Kattyi have no room to talk today. i'm eating chicken nuggets.
18:55.16wcselbybut they sure taste good!
18:55.28Kattybeen eating well all week tho.
18:56.09Kattywcselby: that they do :>
18:56.51beardyhad green tea
18:56.57wcselbyugh, trying to wrap my head around this queue / agent issue for my client
18:57.08wcselbythey're using chan_agent, and it's just messing all kinds of things up
18:57.10Kattythink about boston cream cupcakes instead.
18:57.45wcselbyi'm afraid i may have to just rewrite their whole queue structure from the gound up, without chan_agent
18:58.20wcselbythe problem then becomes, they've got a working, functioning queuemetrics system that, as far as I can tell, relies on chan_agent
18:59.16wcselbyguess I need to go spend some time on queuemetrics's website looking through manuals and faqs and forums and such
19:03.27Naikrovekjust now watched the "double rainbow" video. far out.
19:03.36Kobazall the way!
19:03.43Naikrovek16million viewers before you means "you're late, sucka"
19:03.48KobazNaikrovek: now that you've watched that... watch this too
19:04.05Naikrovekdouble rainbow all the way oh man what does it mean
19:04.08Naikrovekthat's so intense
19:04.12Naikrovekwtf is this dude smoking
19:04.36wcselbyNaikrovek - peyote
19:04.44Kobazwatch that too
19:04.44wcselbyaccording to a friend that has smoked much of it
19:04.46Naikrovekoh he's got long hair and a log beard
19:04.49wcselbyi think i got the spelling wrong
19:04.58Naikrovekthat clears a few things up
19:05.45*** join/#asterisk martyndev (c815e702@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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19:08.03Kobazdouble rainbow... all the way
19:08.12Naikrovekall the way
19:08.19Kobazheh, you watch it?
19:08.38Naikroveknot the psychedelic action scene, watching that now
19:08.58Naikrovekflower petals
19:09.19NaikrovekTF2 has a mode like that.
19:09.31Naikrovekyou shoot someone and baloons and party streamers come out of them
19:09.49Naikrovekwhen you blow them to bits, instead of body parts, it's mechanical gears and wrapped presents with bows
19:10.47Naikrovekdouble rainbow ... all the way :)  nice ending
19:10.50Kobazhah yeah
19:12.32jdoeNaikrovek: birthday mode.
19:12.36*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
19:12.37Naikrovekthat's it
19:12.42Naikroveki love that mode
19:12.44Naikroveknot sure why
19:12.44jdoeNaikrovek: they turn it on for the tfc and tf2 birthdays
19:12.56Naikrovekyou can turn it on whenever you want if you run a server
19:13.10Naikrovekas i recall
19:13.15wcselbyNaikrovek - did you hear about the Mann-conomy update for tf2?
19:13.20Kobazi played tf classic back in the day
19:13.31Kobazwaiting for the little red dot to glow for the sniper
19:13.33Kobazand then BAM
19:13.37Naikrovekyes, i didn't like it at first, then i learned that the content creators get a cut of the money made from their stuff and then i liked it
19:13.58Naikrovekmost of the stuff is craftable
19:14.08Naikrovekall of it is available via random drop so i won't be buying any most likely
19:14.08wcselbyall of the new stuff is
19:14.22Naikroveki crafted a wrapped fish a bit ago :)
19:14.26wcselbyhaha nice
19:14.29jdoeI don't like it, but it's mostly because I object to the stupid new stuff they added... on the blog in their wank design posts, they made a big deal out of how when they were designing the characters they wanted to make the silhouettes immediately identifiable so you'd know what a character was even if you couldn't see it.
19:14.40Naikrovek"fish kill!" in the combat log when you kill someone with it
19:14.46jdoe... and then they killed that by making them have wildly different abilities depending on what they're holding ;)
19:14.53jdoeA+, Valve.
19:15.04wcselbyi like some of the new toys
19:15.12wcselbyscouts get a natasha handgun
19:15.13wcselbythat's gonna suck
19:15.26wcselbyand they can cover you in mad milk, which the descriptions says "a non-dairy product".......
19:15.42wcselbythe more you think about
19:15.49Naikrovekall the TF2 stuff is like that
19:15.56Naikrovekthe more you think about it, the funnier it all is
19:16.00wcselbythe new spy knife is going to suck
19:16.15Naikrovekthe spy with the beard with the SLR camera in it, all held on by a rubber band
19:16.20wcselbysilent backstab and assume the new identity
19:16.22Naikrovekyes that new spy knife is ... mmm
19:16.27Naikrovekif only i played spy
19:16.35wcselbyheh, yeah
19:16.57wcselbythe spy video was awesome
19:17.10Naikroveki tend to focus on one class for several days at a time
19:17.14Naikrovekright now: medic
19:17.27Naikroveki need to know your nick in tf2 so i can friend you
19:17.31wcselbylol, i've got over 100 hours played on soldier, everything else is 5 hours and under
19:20.49Naikrovekwcselby: well I play as PepsiMAX usually
19:20.53Naikrovekif you see me, say hi
19:21.07wcselbyNaikrovek - lol, did you get those /msg I just sent you?
19:21.18Naikrovekoh .. um.  yes.
19:21.24Naikrovekbut i didnt' notice them until now
19:32.22*** join/#asterisk drmessano-lt (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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19:39.55joakoIn sip.conf I set qualify=5000 for a sip peer, and afterwards every few hours asterisk stops communicating with the server. it won't communicate again until I stop asterisk and start it again. What causes this?
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19:47.29joakopabelanger, No, everything is working except 1 SIP peer, and sip debug shows asterisk sends messages but never gets a response. If I place a call from peer to asterisk I see nothing in sip debug
19:48.03[TK]D-Fenderjoako: Clearly a networking issue
19:48.12*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
19:48.38joako[TK]D-Fender, If it's a networking issue, how can only restarting asterisk solve it?
19:49.25[TK]D-Fenderjoako: Because * got tired of sending and never getting a response and restarting * resets the "Am I tired of this non-responsive moron" counter
19:51.06joakoThe SIP peer is reachable, if i disable qualify it works fine seeminly forever, if I enable qualify for that peer it doesn't last more than 12-18 hours and then dies until I restart asterisk
19:51.33joakoand since I am not registering, it makes no sense that sip debug does not show any messages from that peer when this happens
19:51.52joakoIf what you said were correct I would still see SIP messages from that peer
19:52.14joakoAnd I see astersk sending SIP OPTIONS, so it isn't "tired of non-responsive moron" it keeps on trying
19:53.30[TK]D-Fenderjoako: Well you say * does send out requests that never get answered.. lack of answer... well... not an * problem
19:54.27joakoNo, it seems like a bug in *. Otherwise how can restarting * control the remote peer?
19:54.57joakoqualify=5000 peer doesn't stay up *TO ASTERISK* more than 18 hours, when it dies restart asterisk and it works again
19:55.33[TK]D-Fenderjoako: I'd have to see a lot more comprehensive data to drill this much more..
19:55.46nextimeis there any browser oriented free sip client cross-platform ( a java applet maybe? ) deploiable on my own pbx?
19:56.47joako[TK]D-Fender, hence my question. Where do I look?
19:58.14*** join/#asterisk zoid_ (~awainer@
19:59.02zoid_Hi, I'm new to asterisk amn I'm having problems setting up extensions.conf for an ivr
19:59.09zoid_so far, I have this
19:59.27zoid_the problem is at lines 11 and 12
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19:59.44zoid_I want to read a DTMF and act upon, send the user to a different menu
20:00.10zoid_but both gotoifs return true, so the first one allways exectutes
20:00.40wcselbyzoid_ - there's many ways to do that, but to address your specific situation, you need to add a $[] around ${opt}=2
20:01.31zoid_like this?  exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${opt}=1]?mainmenu,1,1)
20:01.55wcselbyyeah, that looks bettter
20:02.13zoid_thank you wcselby, I'll try that
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20:02.20wcselbyalso, you could also look at WaitExten() instead of Read()
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20:04.17pabelangerLooks like Aastra is hiring, if your based in Toronto
20:05.48wcselbyringinuse=no, queue show support shows member is In Use, but still sends calls to it.
20:06.23wcselbyusing addqueuemember with a SIP interface listed in the last field
20:09.04*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
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20:09.44fullstophappy friday, all!
20:11.06fullstopLet's say that I am interfacing with another system over SIP.  Our system handles the IVR and other services and, if required, the caller is transferred to a remote system.
20:11.40drmessano-ltLets not say that
20:11.49fullstopoh no!
20:11.58drmessano-ltLets use IAX instead and add in some clowns
20:12.23fullstopI was hoping for some RFC 1149
20:13.37fullstopAnyway, on the other end, calls may be placed into a queue based on the number of available agents.
20:14.02fullstopTheir billing numbers include the call time from when the call leaves the queue until termination.
20:14.20fullstopThere is absolutely no way of knowing how long the call sits in their queue, correct?
20:18.03carrarWrite a API
20:18.35carrarWrite some drivers
20:18.41carrarand write some programs
20:18.54carrarThen click GO
20:19.12*** join/#asterisk ChUbB (
20:19.35carrarWhat kind of queuing phone system has no logs fullstop
20:19.46carrarMake it happen!!
20:19.58carrarReport back in a hour on how you made it work
20:20.30carrarI'm gonna go mow what I missed in my yard yesterday now
20:20.47carrarclock is ticking
20:21.24fullstopIt's not my queue -- it's some other black box in this situation
20:25.17*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
20:34.55carrardefine black box
20:35.04carrarresearch it
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21:01.18carrarmakes obvious coffee sipping sounds in earshot of Katty
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21:19.36jsidhuhey guys, i just setup a sip trunk and whne making a call to it, the calling party doesnt hear any ringing.. just silence.. would someone point me in the right direction on where to look? google wasnt much help, perhaps my keywords are not good enuf..
21:24.45joakojsidhu, do you see 180 Ringing in your sip debugs?
21:25.07wcselbyfreaking commas
21:29.00*** part/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
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22:23.26oDeskcan i join current active channel ?
22:23.58WIMPyoDesk: ???
22:24.05lesouvageDoes anybody of you knows about ESPA (European Selective Paging Manufacturing Association) support for Asterisk? It seems to be a regular interface to interface beepers with Asterisk, but I never heard about it.
22:24.17oDeski mean how can i join current active call between two parties and speak to them ?
22:25.15WIMPylesouvage: Never herad before. I only know UCP or TAP.
22:25.36WIMPyoDesk: Throw them and yourself into a meetme.
22:27.53oDeskWIMPy: if you can assistme to do so using asterisk CLI ?
22:28.05*** join/#asterisk astassistant (~skip@
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22:28.34lesouvageThere is a requirement in a paper for ESPA compliances but I actually don't know what it excactly is. What should be interfaced to a phonesystem when a beeper beeps?
22:28.43WIMPyoDesk: You have to use AMI.
22:28.57oDeskWIMPy: btw, why not to use something like Spycan context but this is different because i want to speak and they can hear me
22:28.58WIMPyAFAK you can't divert both call legs via CLI.
22:30.07WIMPyoDesk: IIRC you can "whisper" when spying, but that would only be to one of the other partivipants, as far as I understand it.
22:31.47oDeskWIMPy: sorry i meant ChanSpy()
22:32.45*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
22:32.56WIMPyOk, it says you can actually talk to both.
22:35.50oDeskWIMPy: what parameter i need to pass to Chanspy inorder to do so ?
22:36.12WIMPycore show application chanspy
22:39.52oDeskWIMPy: i think it's mentioned that  pressing 5 will change the mode to whisper
22:40.36WIMPyAnd 6 to barge.
22:40.48*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
22:41.23oDeskWIMPy: perfect , thank you for your help
22:42.12*** join/#asterisk mducharme-laptop (cebc7904@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:42.25mducharme-laptopor evening rather
22:42.48mducharme-laptopI'm having an outbound caller ID issue.. it appears that my caller id on one server is passing out the extension number instead of the phone number
22:46.38*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
22:57.56carrarmducharme-laptop, set your caller id number to something
22:58.15mducharme-laptopit is set, that's what I'm so confused about
22:58.35carrari don't see it
22:58.50carrarPROOVE IT
23:00.36carrardrops a pin
23:01.37mducharme-laptopit looks like it's an issue in the database
23:01.42mducharme-laptopasterisk can't read the users caller id from the database
23:01.44mducharme-laptopso it's using the extension
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23:02.14carrarlet me know if there is anything else I can help you fix
23:02.30carrarbalance due: $250
23:05.21[TK]D-Fender"Database" .... pardon?
23:05.51carrarYou didn't see the paste?
23:06.37[TK]D-Fender[18:58]<carrar>i don't see it
23:06.47carrarmducharme-laptop wanted help so he deceded to show us abslutly nothing
23:07.05mducharme-laptopsorry, it's hard for me to paste from freepbx
23:07.13carrarthats good
23:07.18carrarsince we don't support freebpx
23:07.20WIMPyoffers brand new Net-Ray glasses for 99.95 each
23:07.35carrarjoin #freepbx
23:07.42carrarbe FREE!!
23:28.24joakoI enabled qualify=5000 for a SIP peer and ever since I loose connection to that peer ever few hours. Restarting asterisk resolves the issue, how can I fix this?
23:30.32mducharme-laptopcarrar there is no help there
23:30.38mducharme-laptopI really need to get this working
23:30.44[TK]D-Fenderjoako: patebin peer dumpss, SIP debug, call attempts, AstDB dumps, etc.   FFS SHOW US SOMETHING
23:31.14mducharme-laptopare there any debugging commands that will show me the callerid lookup process?
23:31.30mducharme-laptopwhen I run a database show ampuser
23:31.53mducharme-laptopthe outboundcid for all users shows up just fine
23:32.54joako[TK]D-Fender, SIP debug shows only Asterisk end, nothing from the SIP peer, what else do you want me to say?
23:32.56mducharme-laptopwhen the pri card gets it, it is only getting the 4 digit extension instead of the direct line
23:33.32*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
23:33.42[TK]D-Fendermducharme-laptop: That is FreePBX dialplan busllshit and is NOT supported here
23:37.21*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
23:39.45[TK]D-Fenderjoako: If nothing comes back from the peer, there isn't much to debug is there?  How is it *'s fault if they don't answer?
23:41.52joako[TK]D-Fender, when I restart * the peer comes back online. I understand what you are saying, but it is not that the peer has gone down. The moment I restart Asterisk -- be it 5 minutes or 5 hours after the peer becomes unreachable -- the peer becomes reachable again
23:48.50[TK]D-Fenderjoako: Do you see regular OPTIONS traffic on it all this time?  Did you check logs for timeout warnings?
23:55.32*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
23:59.03dandate2so im going to host my own pbx in a datacenter and need to know how much bandwidth to purchase. we see at the most 30 callers in at one time. 6-8 speaking with a live agent (remote from server) and 22-24 waiting in queue. is 5MB overkill for this?

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