IRC log for #asterisk on 20100929

00:03.48*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
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00:36.22*** join/#asterisk chopp (~chopp@unaffiliated/chopp)
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00:48.11*** join/#asterisk eugeneoden (
01:01.27*** join/#asterisk creativx (
01:02.37*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
01:13.21*** join/#asterisk ukine (
01:26.40*** part/#asterisk drmessano-lt (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
01:33.13*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@
01:39.25*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:39.48*** join/#asterisk tengulre (~tengulre@
01:40.13tengulrewhere have free g72x codecs?
01:40.56*** join/#asterisk unspin (
01:42.47ectospasmtengulre: you'll have to be more specific
01:43.32tengulreectospasm, why?
01:44.46ectospasmtengulre: Which specific codec are you looking for?  I'm sure most G.72x codecs have a free reference implementation, but in order to use them commercially (and legally) you'll need to purchase a license.  I don't know much about anything other than G.729, but I know it's true for that codec.
01:45.26tengulreectospasm, OK, I see.
01:47.31*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
01:48.37*** join/#asterisk p3nguin_ (
02:12.21*** join/#asterisk moy_ (
02:19.11*** join/#asterisk riscphree (
02:23.06*** join/#asterisk spaceout (spaceout@gateway/shell/
02:46.15Juggiethere is a free g729 codec avail which in some countries is legal
02:46.19Juggieyou can find it if you look
02:46.31Juggiethat said its nice to suport digium and buy their g729 codec
02:47.30tengulreJuggie, give me the URL for download .
02:48.52Juggiegoogle it
02:49.42Juggietook me 10 seconds to find.
02:57.10*** join/#asterisk marienz (~marienz@freenode/staff/marienz)
03:00.16*** join/#asterisk rift0r (
03:01.00rift0rWhat would be the syntax for an if statement if I have a registered peer at ext 500, and whenever he dials out I want him to use trunk2 instead of the default sip trunk?
03:06.21*** join/#asterisk rift0r (
03:07.56ChannelZwell firstly a SIP peer and 'ext 500' are two totally independent unrelated things
03:08.42rift0rok it is a sip peer, and the phone is registered as username 500
03:09.57rift0rwhenever this peer dials out, i want it to use trunk2
03:12.32*** join/#asterisk csnook (
03:13.50*** join/#asterisk chasing`Sol (
03:24.54*** join/#asterisk toothkit (~betch2k@
03:26.16*** join/#asterisk fofware (~fabian@
03:30.05*** join/#asterisk moy_ (~moy@
03:31.56ChannelZthen ${dialtrunk} would either be BobsTrunk if the peer was called 'Bob-Softphone' or it would be NormalTrunk if anything else.
03:32.11ChannelZor whatever
03:39.37*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
04:08.58*** join/#asterisk seanjohn (
04:09.03seanjohnwhat is different in 1.8?
04:10.51seanjohnand why not wait until most are in 1.6.x before making a 1.8
04:11.02seanjohnor merge the changes in 1.6
04:12.38ChannelZFor the same reason it's not still called 1.0
04:12.41seanjohnI'm still using 1.4, there is a 1.8 release candidate now and most aren't even in a 1.6.x branch
04:13.09ChannelZMost what? most people using you mean?
04:13.34seanjohnyeah but the same reason people won't go to 1.6 is because of changes needed to be made on their systems for their config to keep working.
04:13.48ChannelZSo what?  That's their failing
04:14.02seanjohnand now people in 1.6.1 or lower will probably have a problem going to 1.8
04:14.07ChannelZWe're supposed to halt all progress until people wake up?
04:14.28seanjohntheir failing that digium changes dialplan syntaxes or deprecates dialplan functions/applications
04:15.00ChannelZTheir failing that they're apparently too lazy to read a CHANGES.txt file to figure out what did.  It's not that bad.
04:15.09seanjohnknowing them, they'll change, for instance, voicemailmain() to voicemail(main,etc..)
04:15.22ChannelZSo stay at 1.4 where you are.  Nobody cares.
04:15.55seanjohnyes, I could, but to get anticipated features, I must go to 1.6, 1.8, or w/e supplies it
04:16.04ChannelZIf people don't upgrade then whatever they have is working well for them and they apparently don't need whatever new functionality has been put in since.  It's like welfare.  No motivation to change
04:16.04seanjohnjust for one feature
04:17.03ChannelZso you want new features without anything changing.  Yeah that makes perfect sense.
04:17.29seanjohnthere should be an EASY way to merge one application from another version, minded that it doesn't require other things from that version to work properly, in an older version.
04:17.47seanjohnI know I manually can edit the source code
04:18.22ChannelZProgress isn't always EASY
04:18.26ChannelZDeal with it
04:18.55seanjohni didn't know there was a changes, I am reading the changelog.txt
04:20.11*** join/#asterisk viq (~viq@unaffiliated/viq)
04:20.20seanjohnI use swift from cepstral with 10 ports. To go to 1.6.2.x I would have to find the correct app_swift for 1.6.2 to compile
04:22.11*** join/#asterisk psykon (~joel@
04:22.21ChannelZ3rd and 4th party software is a bitch
04:23.01seanjohnthanks for letting me understand channelz
04:23.10*** part/#asterisk seanjohn (
04:25.53ChannelZI don't want the world, I just want your half.
04:30.46carrarI like 10th party software
04:32.36*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
04:48.40drmessanoYeah, that seanjohn dude is annoying
04:49.50drmessanoSadly, if he's using app_swift and not app_cepstral, he can google and find there's been a 1.6.2 compatible release for some time
05:05.56*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
05:13.59ChannelZYeah I noticed that too.
05:15.15*** join/#asterisk hehol (
05:30.19[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
05:32.14*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
05:34.11*** join/#asterisk Russ (
05:34.14*** join/#asterisk deonv (~adium@
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05:36.39*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
05:49.23*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
06:19.16*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
06:19.21*** join/#asterisk wierdo (~jimmy@
06:27.23Russwhat does "'caller ABODE AIR' is not a verboser number" mean?
06:29.24Russwhat the heck is a verboser?
06:32.44kaldemarRuss: sounds like you have an invalid verbosity level for app Verbose
06:33.23Russah, I'm probably not escaping what I'm passing
06:34.13kaldemarthat may occur if the message has an unescaped comma.
06:36.53Russthat would be why there is an LLC on the next line
06:37.23RussVerbose(caller ${CALLERID(name)});
06:37.32Russdo I just change that to Verbose("caller ${CALLERID(name)}");
06:38.26*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
06:41.02deonvis there any "free" "OpenSource" multi-tenenat like App available for Asterisk?
06:41.43kaldemarRuss: what does ${CALLERID(name)} look like? that may not be enough, but go ahead and try.
06:42.23*** join/#asterisk the_weard (~mitch@
06:43.01RussI think it was "ABODE AIR, LLC"
06:43.14Russbut since it comes from an outside source, it could really be anything
06:43.40ectospasmdeonv: you can configure Asterisk to be multi-tenant, and you shouldn't need anything more than the appropriate application of dialplan
06:45.54ectospasmbasically, each tenant has their own contexts (sections) of dialplan, you can create separate voicemail domains, and each tenant can have a different SIP peer/user that they connect through.
06:47.04deonvectospasm: Excellent. Thanks for the Info. Can I do this via the FreePBX gui? Or is there another GUI you'd recommend?
06:47.11kaldemarRuss: you could try defining the level as 0 for the command, or using app NoOp instead, as you seem to always want to print the text.
06:48.13deonvectospasm: Here is a tool I came across.
06:48.33ectospasmdeonv: I wouldn't use any GUI to set it up, it will be far too limited.
06:48.53*** join/#asterisk akoma1s (quasselcor@unaffiliated/akoma1s)
06:49.01ectospasmGet a copy of the book, and piece it together yourself.  It may take longer, but you'll have a more robust solution in place
06:49.06infobot[thebook] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
06:49.12deonvectospasm: There is no documentation and source code is not available for download
06:49.27ectospasmdeonv: then don't use that
06:49.36deonvectospasm: Excellent. Thanks.
06:49.54deonvectospasm: Thanks again for the info. Appreciate.
06:50.04*** join/#asterisk sbingner (
06:58.25ectospasmdeonv: no problem
06:58.50*** join/#asterisk Fruchthoernschen (
06:59.49FruchthoernschenA Newbie must say realy cool software, helps me save my money ;)
07:00.42Russbtw, I don't know if it actually makes a difference, but it seems like early audio helps get rid of telemarketers quicker
07:01.02Russtwice, then if they are still ringing, answer, play it again, then hang up
07:04.17*** join/#asterisk TobSnyder (
07:04.38ectospasm*that* was weird.  I had open a list of international country codes, made some notes because I couldn't get in contact with someone, and I looked back at that window looking for the next person's county, and the page was already on the right section, and my eyes went directly to the right dialing code before they looked at anything else.
07:04.50ectospasmyeah, it's late
07:05.50TobSnyderWhen using Asterisk 1.4.33, what would you prefer to control asterisk via PHP scripts - AMI or Call Files (or any other way?)? I want to originate calls, e.g. like Click2Dial, Make outoging calls from MeetMe conference rooms and hang them up again etc.
07:06.48ectospasmTobSnyder: call files, or AMI.  It's your choice.
07:06.56ectospasmWhichever seems easiest to you.
07:07.44TobSnyderfor my click2dial I am currently using AMI - but it seems that mostly it works, but sometimes it doesn't (like I have to click twice to get a call)
07:09.07TobSnyderand as I've read at some firefox addons they will not support AMI in future because of it's "unreliability" or something like that - that made me unsure
07:11.30*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:11.56*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-cuiqeufcazydhqsw)
07:16.10the_weardcan somone plz help me with this irretating error im getting on my snom phones on asterisk
07:18.09henk317 lines of paste - find the irretating error
07:18.28henkfeels like easter :)
07:19.14the_weardim not able to make outgoing calls
07:20.24the_weardhenk one is my xlite soft phone that works fine but the other is my snom 320 that is not working on outgoing calls but is receving calls fine
07:25.35*** join/#asterisk thansen (
07:27.42*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:28.18TobSnyderline 287  == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
07:28.48TobSnyderCause No. 58 - bearer capability not presently available.
07:29.22TobSnydertry to enable pri debug span X
07:32.13TobSnyderthe_weard: if you're using ISDN, than try "pri show spans" to check what spans are available, "pri debug span X" to debug this span and than make a call again and check what Bearer Capability is sent out through ISDN / DAHDI
07:49.08*** join/#asterisk bjornts (
07:54.54*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
07:57.16*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (~chatzilla@
07:57.21the_weardok TobSnyder im using a sangoma a220 analog card
07:57.37the_weardthat command doesent show me anything
07:57.58*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
08:04.19TobSnyderah ok
08:04.54TobSnyderthan try to compare the logs between your SNOM and your X-Lite call
08:07.03WIMPygoes for a codec issue.
08:08.43*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
08:14.34*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~Yuriy@
08:15.05the_weardyes i did and there is no clear indication of what is wrong?
08:15.31ectospasmthe_weard: did you observe the failure with SIP debug enabled ("sip set debug on")?
08:32.13*** join/#asterisk DND (~clarencec@
08:32.28DNDguys is there any other reporting tool aside from a2billing?
08:32.44DNDit seems a2billing is too much for us
08:32.47the_weardok setted it now
08:51.26*** join/#asterisk jeremy_g1 (
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08:53.30jeremy_g1Hi, I have ordered g729 codec licenses and I have got the keys in the mailbox. I have followed the readme file but after /root/register writes the licenses file to disk, i get stuck on the next step: bech_g729 utility execution. I see this message No valid license key found.
08:53.38jeremy_g1Can digium support me on this?
08:54.04jeremy_g1I have ordered like 300 lics.
08:56.31*** join/#asterisk chasing`Sol (
09:01.01*** join/#asterisk Jasnejac (~kvirc@
09:12.08*** join/#asterisk ruyo (
09:14.49*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
09:17.04beardyjeremy_g1: Sounds like something an email to them would answer best?
09:23.20*** join/#asterisk toothkit (~betch2k@
09:25.19*** part/#asterisk chopp (~chopp@unaffiliated/chopp)
09:25.47*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (~gtejkgjke@
09:27.27dandate2Hi everyone, so I found out the local ISP offers 1/2 MB T1 lines (512kb). I calculated 6 people on the phone with no computers using ulaw will use 504kb. Is the throughput really this accurate or will I need the 1MB line? Are there any other overheads I'm not factoring?
09:29.42petern_so is it 0.5mbps, or a T1?
09:30.19petern_a T1 is 1.544mbps
09:30.21dandate2its a T1 line set at 512kb
09:30.48dandate2the ISP here in the philippines offers 1/2 MB, 1MB, 2MB, 3 MB, in that increment
09:31.01dandate2but 1/2 MB i'm told is only 512kb
09:31.28dandate2really worried about that 8kb difference heh
09:31.57dandate2but it comes in on a PRI and connects to the router via serial port
09:33.33kaldemardandate2: there are some overheads you forgot since your total is that small.
09:33.51petern_ulaw is 64kbps, 6 * 64 = 384kbps
09:34.08dandate2i'm told that ulaw can be up to 84kbps though factoring tcpip overhead
09:34.16petern_so 384 + overhead...
09:34.31kaldemarIP, UDP and RTP overheads
09:34.37dandate2so i figured 504kb maximum if the PRI connects directly to the cisco ATA
09:34.54kaldemarand SIP of course causes some traffic. and RTCP.
09:36.22dandate2how to know if I need to check RTCP on this?
09:36.48kaldemarif you use RTP, you use RTCP. but RTCP overhead is minor.
09:37.21dandate2mmm how to know if I use rtcp heh
09:37.54dandate2I just got a basic freepbx install at a colocation and SIP trunks
09:38.56kaldemarSIP uses RTP, so there you go.
09:40.49dandate2Total bandwidth (incoming and outgoing):  1003.28 Kbps
09:41.05*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
09:41.43dandate2so when they give me a 1/2 MB T1. Does this provide me full streaming of that speed up and down or is it a pool that if I'm downloading at 1/2 MB I can't upload at that speed?
09:42.12ectospasmdandate2: that's something the ISP should answer
09:42.24ectospasm...because our answer is "it depends"
09:42.32kaldemardandate2: you should probably ask the ISP about the characteristics of their product.
09:43.14dandate2oh man if it werent the case... I'd need more than 1MB just to cover the 3.28 kpbs!!!
09:43.29dandate2thats like an extra $350/mo =0
09:44.02dandate2i think i'm going to pull my hair out or order an array of cheap DSLs heh
09:44.22ectospasmI've seen some services touted as "synchronous", meaning same up and down, but that term isn't pedantically correct
09:44.40ectospasmdandate2: that would be disastrous to use on a SIP trunk.
09:44.56ectospasmtypically DSL has very low upload rates need something with same up and down
09:45.33dandate2right but enough to handle at least 1 person using ulaw, so for 6 IP phones I could get 6 DSLs at $20/mo each heh
09:46.19ectospasmyeah, but are you going to set up the routing table so a call doesn't get denied if there's already one up?
09:46.24*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
09:46.27dandate2assuming they want me to pay $1300/mo for a 2MB T1 if their bandwidth was pooled up and down
09:46.45dandate2the calls go into a queue is that what you mean?
09:47.07dandate2pbx is at a datacenter
09:47.21ectospasmno... if there is already a call up (doesn't matter where in the PBX it is), what happens when another call comes in?  How is it going to go over the right DSL line?
09:47.46ectospasm...assuming you can only get one or two concurrent calls on one DSL trunk
09:48.10dandate2each DSL line will connect to a seperate ATA device
09:48.40ectospasmOh, so these are remote to the Asterisk system?
09:48.55dandate2no silly we're chilling in the noisy ass data center =)
09:49.00dandate2yes all remote heh
09:49.37ectospasmThat would work, then, but it may be rather inflexible.
09:50.01dandate2because of lack of redundancy i imagine
09:50.05ectospasm...are these DSL trunks gonna be shared with normal Internet traffic (web, e-mail, etc)
09:50.12dandate2oh hell no
09:50.20dandate2this is for industrial application, there will not even be computers in the room
09:50.21ectospasmOK, good
09:50.28dandate2going to give these call center agents manual type-writers
09:51.24dandate2but uhhh..spending an extra $350 for a MB to cover 4kpbs...this is just bad business
09:51.35ectospasmLooks like the solution could work, then.  But you'd have to get another phone line in for expansion, or if one of the extensions (ATAs) needs to move to another site, I could see it being problematic
09:51.58*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
09:52.17ectospasmactually, if you used a better codec than G.711 you'd probably be better off.
09:53.02dandate2i'm just worried about delay times due to compression at some end
09:53.16ectospasmG.729 (or GSM even) would be MUCH better.  Compression times are negligible.
09:53.22dandate2its a hard selling campaign real fast paced. trying to get that toll quality in a 3rd world country as much as poissible
09:53.44ectospasmG.729 guarantees toll quality at 8Kbps
09:54.16dandate2hmm how costly is the licensing? I'm seein up to 25 people calling in and waiting in queue with all 6 agents on the phone also
09:54.21*** join/#asterisk krion (~seb@unaffiliated/krion)
09:54.28ectospasmDigium sells licenses for $10/channel
09:54.38ectospasm(disclaimer) I work for Digium
09:54.59ectospasmare you planning on doing any call recording?
09:55.29ectospasmare the agents going to be doing any meetme or three-way calls?
09:56.01ectospasmyou could probably get away with six channels for these ATAs (assuming they supported G.729)
09:56.29ectospasmif they don't, they should support GSM which is slightly less efficient (and slightly lower quality) at 13Kbps
09:56.56dandate26 channels? I thought a phone call used 2 channels? or is this only seen at the pbx end
09:57.27ectospasmwell, you'd only need one channel per ATA (one channel includes both up and down)
09:57.36ectospasmthis is only seen at the PBX
09:57.47dandate2right because its sending to the IP phone and trunk at the same time
09:57.57ectospasmwhat kind of trunk does the Asterisk system have?
09:58.04dandate2SIP trunk
09:58.21ectospasmwhat codec does it use?
09:58.46dandate2its set to ulaw but they also offer g729 transmission from the trunk level but would have to get a lot of licensing for 25 callers i imagine
09:59.47dandate225 licenses for the callers and 6 for the reps = 31 g729 licenses. am I calculating this correctly?
09:59.54ectospasmWell, if you set everyone to G.729, you can do passthrough and not use any codecs (since no transcoding will take place).  The moment you go from one codec to another, though, you'll need the codec to transcode
10:00.08dandate2yes thats what i was thinking
10:00.34dandate2just dont want to be short licenses and have people get a busy signal though =/
10:01.02ectospasmit'd be safe then to get 31 channel licenses.  Also, the beefier the PBX machine the better.
10:01.28ectospasm...although I haven't seen G.729 be a performance hog in a while.
10:01.34*** join/#asterisk hrhrhr (~c1@unaffiliated/hrhrhr)
10:02.19dandate2PBX is pretty nice, dual-core u-server. though I'm thinking if I use G729 I could run a PBX out of the philippines and save $1,000/mo on the server rental and colocation
10:03.04ectospasmOK, that should be plenty (especially if all it's doing is acting as a PBX)
10:03.30dandate2though I dont know where i would buy a u-server in the philippines and probably not safe to ship even through fedex heh
10:03.38dandate2would i beable to run an industrial quality pbx on say a desktop computer?
10:03.55ectospasmI wouldn't trust a desktop machine for that purpose.
10:04.07ectospasm...though it is possible
10:04.37ectospasmthough since it's software only it would probably be OK
10:05.12dandate2would be different if i were using cards>?
10:06.13ectospasmscenario would be different.  Desktop class machines don't fit well in real-time scenarios very well.
10:06.25dandate2k thats what i thought
10:06.29ectospasm...whether you're using software or hardware.
10:06.38dandate2probably give me the occasional processing lag
10:07.05ectospasmI've seen customers install our interface cards into desktop-class machines and have nothing but problems.
10:07.17ectospasm...but it also happens where it... just... works....
10:07.21dandate2the electricity flow isnt very redundant here either. just turning a u-server on would probably cause brownout
10:07.44ectospasmyeah, that's always a concern.
10:08.22petern_what's a u-server?
10:08.29dandate2rack server
10:08.40ectospasmI assume you mean 1U
10:08.41dandate2hella noisy
10:08.54petern_ah, 1U server
10:09.07petern_size doesn't really indicate power consumption though :)
10:09.14ectospasmtrue dat
10:09.26petern_intel atom 1U servers, for example...
10:09.50ectospasm...and just because it has a loud fan doesn't mean it consumes a lot of power.
10:10.03dandate2alright so ill talk to the isp and find out if their t1 bandwidth is pooled up/down. consider running 6 basic DSL lines and test it with ulaw, go with g729 if its crap
10:10.22*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~Yuriy@
10:10.42ectospasmdandate2: do you already have the six analog/DSL lines at the call center site?
10:10.44*** join/#asterisk Trixboxer (
10:10.46dandate2*whew* all this while marketing supervising serving and hustling (flex)
10:11.01dandate2no right now we just have 1 business class DSL and it sucks
10:11.07dandate2every day is quality problems
10:11.24dandate2and the reps have computers and are opening youtube
10:11.27ectospasmyeah, but I assume the provider isn't gonna give you six lines with no installation fees
10:11.38ectospasmdandate2: install squid
10:11.41dandate2oh its the philippines, everything here costs in pennies heh
10:11.43Russdandate2, autotune the news increases productivity at least 2x!
10:12.14ectospasm...only allow sites necessary for their job, no others.
10:12.15dandate2like $25 installation fee
10:12.29dandate2right thats what i realized
10:12.40dandate2got to get rid of these damn computers and go back to manual type-writer
10:13.05ectospasmum, if you installed squid and set it up right that wouldn't be necessary
10:13.26dandate2well its a waste of electricity, i dont want to run a bunch of computers just so they can use notepad and skype
10:13.35dandate2skype chatting with people in the same room lol
10:13.40fors1I'm currently setting up asterisk in one of our satellite offices. This one is located in US, and to be honest I don't know much about the US numbering plan. Is there any good documentation on how outgoing routing should be configured, and an explanation on how the numbering system works? (area codes, long distance, short distance etc etc).
10:14.32fors1ectospasm: that should get me started, thanks :)
10:14.38*** join/#asterisk Failrar (
10:15.16ectospasmfors1: all countries in NANP begin with 1 (as you know).  Depends on the telco whether you have 7 digit or 10 digit local numbers
10:16.22ectospasm1(NXX)-NXX-XXXX is general form, where (NXX) is the area code, -NXX- is the exchange, and -XXXX is the extension.  (This is using Asterisk extension pattern notation)
10:17.06ectospasmthere is no way to tell by looking at a number whether it is landline, VoIP, or mobile.
10:17.33fors1yeah. so, basically, if you want to call the neighbor building, the extension is sufficient? Or do you always need to include the exchange?
10:17.36dandate2unless its really ugly looking you can assume its voip
10:17.53ectospasmfors1: always need the exchange, unless you don't go through the PSTN
10:18.23ectospasmfors1: if it's through the PSTN, you'll need to consult the local telco's documentation whether the three-digit area code is required.
10:18.46ectospasmfors1: also, some locales require the leading 1 when dialing local, others don't.
10:18.59fors1ok. how about special (national) numbers? like 911, is there any 4 / 5 / 6 digit numbers that is reachable without area / exchange number ?
10:19.08ectospasmusually the telco will respond with a message if you dial incorrectly
10:19.36Russthe number of rules and exceptions is scary
10:20.08ectospasmX11 numbers can be passed to the telco with no extra digits.  I don't know of any telco that will route 4-6 digits.
10:20.25Russthey used to, some rural areas might still do it
10:20.30ectospasmEssentially, it's 7 digits in same calling area (not necessarily same area code)
10:20.41ectospasmRuss: right, but that's becoming less common.
10:20.52ectospasm...or 10 digits in same calling area
10:21.26fors1thanks for all the input. I feel like I'm stepping into a minefield here.
10:21.43Russthere are even some places where international calls are "local calls"
10:22.12Russthat's why I like dialing out on a VoIP provider
10:22.20ectospasm...and some international calls will be NANP numbers, so they seem to be US
10:22.20fors1one last question. here in norway it's common to use the "0" to get an external line (when you're behind a PBX). Is it the same in US? Don't want to confuse the employees over there.
10:22.26RussI hate that telco's give you the "it is not necessary to dial a 1..."
10:22.34ectospasmfors1: usueally it's '9' here
10:22.41ectospasmfors1: but that's configurable by you
10:23.27Russectospasm, and sat phone calls
10:23.34fors1yeah, I know. Just don't want to create extra confusion on the employees, want to do the "common" thing. So they would expect to dial 9 991 for emergencies? or is some numbers excluded from "get an external line first"
10:24.00Russ is a good place to scan
10:24.15ectospasmfors1: you should probably route 911! to emergency services immediately
10:24.27ectospasmput both 911! and 9911! in your dialplan
10:24.32ectospasm...AND TEST IT!
10:24.47RussI usually test by adding an identical rule for 511
10:25.01ectospasmyou should really test by calling the actual 911
10:25.17ectospasmthey don't mind, if you keep the testing at a minimum
10:25.20fors1ok. and the operator don't mind me testing it?
10:25.32ectospasmthey actually want you to test
10:25.53ectospasm...if someone really needs it, and it *doesn't* work, the company running the PBX is liable.
10:26.07ectospasm...or can be
10:26.08fors1great! thanks a lot for all your help. will read through the wiki article and make sure at least the emergency number works :)
10:26.41ectospasmfors1: you can always dial 18005551212 to test long distance
10:28.45ectospasmfors1: and then find the number of a local movie theater to test local
10:28.59ectospasm(typically they play recordings, but ymmv)
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11:28.07jeffikis it possible to retrieve a voice mail after user deleted it?
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11:29.41jmkgreenwe're getting reports that some dtmf tones are not being registered; we're running a pretty old asterisk connecting to a voip provider but since it's a random problem we're wondering if there are particular places to look?
11:30.18jmkgreenunfortunately when we switch on debugging the volume of calls means the service stutters badly which doesn't help matter
11:31.28joobiejeffik, negative.. but check out the folder where ur voicemal is stored.. just do a ls -R in there to be sure
11:31.39joobieim not sure if there's a folder it mvoes to when the user deletes.. but that will tell u
11:32.31joobiejmkgreen, u need to record the call to hear it
11:32.34joobieit could be packetloss
11:32.45jeffikjoobie: tks, I will look there
11:32.54joobiebut given ur box shits itself when it records
11:32.58joobiethat's not a good sign
11:33.04joobiei mean it's not much i/o to record??
11:33.06jmkgreenjoobie: hm, not good then
11:33.28joobiei duno man
11:33.34joobiei had a similar problem about a week ago
11:33.54joobiebut it was that a user tries to access voicemail and puts in the correct pass, but they get a prompt saying incorrect pass
11:33.57jeffikjoobie: can you tell me where folder is?
11:34.04joobieworks everytime OK.. just from this international caller dialling in
11:34.18joobieso i setup call recording to actually hear the call to see if the tones come through correctly
11:34.28joobieduno how else u would debug that scenario
11:34.55joobiejeffik, duno man.. just search ur asterisk tree for one of the voicemail extensions
11:35.02joobieit creates a dir with the voicemail extension
11:35.06joobieand dumps the crap below that tree
11:35.23joobiesorry, dont have access to an asterisk box atm to check
11:35.33jeffiki think i found it var/spool/asterisk/voicemail
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11:41.03jeffikjoobie: tks, but seems it's really gone
11:41.30joobiethat sounds like the location
11:41.35joobieand sounds like it would delete it:P
11:41.46joobiei mean the user did ask it to be deleted - this aint imap with purge ;P
11:43.09jeffikunderstand, I told him probably not but I would check, it's the CFO (pays my bill) so wanted to give it a try
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12:12.31ectospasmjeffik: it's gone jim. Once a user marks it for deletion and hangs up, it's gone.
12:13.02ectospasm...unless you make backups of that directory on a very regular basis
12:13.55ectospasmI could see setting up a backup tool to run every 10 minutes or so, and backup voicemail messages, but that requires foresight.
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12:23.00c0rnoTaHello all
12:24.02c0rnoTawhy after "channel.c: Got a FRAME_CONTROL ( 8 ) frame on channel DAHDI/5-1" asterisk hangups the call. (send disconnect frame)?
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12:25.52dacm_workHi guys,
12:26.32dacm_workWhen trying to make or receive calls through a SIP trunk I get messages about not having an audio codec available.
12:26.49dacm_workWhat steps should I take to debug this issue?
12:26.50*** join/#asterisk the_weard (~mitch@
12:29.52c0rnoTadacm_work: try to 'sip set debug ip ...'
12:31.22c0rnoTadacm_work: and take a loot at Audio codecs compatable.. There should be line like "we have: .. they have:.... combined: ..."
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12:45.34*** join/#asterisk xoveruk (~xover@
12:45.42xoverukhi all
12:46.27xoverukI have a phone that will not register on asterisk. I have enabled sip debugging and checked the error logs. I can log into the phone but there is no record of it attempting registration
12:46.49[TK]D-Fenderxoveruk: then packets aren't reaching *
12:47.10*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
12:48.46xoverukTK, where do I go from here?
12:49.08xoverukif i enable debug does it log this to /var/logs/?
12:49.59[TK]D-Fenderxoveruk: If you see nothing in sip debug then there is nothing to look for in logs
12:50.04[TK]D-Fenderxoveruk: Packets aren't arriving
12:50.21[TK]D-Fenderxoveruk: Check your firewalls, networking and where you have the phone pointing to
12:51.13*** join/#asterisk dacm_work (
12:51.43dacm_workHmm bit worried about this internet connection if I want to run voip...
12:52.39dacm_workHi guys,
12:52.42dacm_workWhen trying to make or receive calls through a SIP trunk I get messages about not having an audio codec available.
12:52.45dacm_workWhat steps should I take to debug this issue?
12:53.11dacm_workI have data from trying to receive a call with sip debug on.
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12:58.32c0rnoTadacm_work: take a look on it: Capabilities: us - 0x0 (nothing), peer - audio=0x10c (ulaw|alaw|g729)/video=0x0 (nothing)/text=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x0 (nothing)
12:59.33c0rnoTadacm_work: "sip show peer Orbtalk" output?
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13:04.07TobSnyderdoes automon => *1 work without wW in dial options?
13:05.08kriondamn you "channel.c: Avoiding deadlock for channel"
13:05.39xoverukthanks TK
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13:11.31krionwhat could be the cause of a flood of avoiding deadlock for channel 0x
13:14.18the_weard @ ectospasm
13:15.10the_weard[TK]D-Fender can u plz assit me with this problemo?
13:15.56the_weardi can phone into my home but not out? with my xlite softphone i able to phone out but not my snom phones?
13:16.38krioni don't earn enough money in order to even try to debug the matter :)
13:18.40c0rnoTakrion: bad source code is the main cause of deadlock issue in my opinion :)
13:18.55dacm_workc0rnoTa:  us - 0x0 (nothing) would that mean somewhere in my config I'm disallowing all codecs?
13:19.29*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
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13:20.06c0rnoTadacm_work: it means that for peer Orbtalk all codecs disabled. allow alaw, ulaw or g729, or all of them
13:20.32dacm_workThat says nothing too.
13:20.39dacm_workI wonder why they are being disabled..
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13:22.12c0rnoTadacm_work: sip.conf ar your's disposal
13:22.23*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
13:22.23krionc0rnoTa: i'm running stock debian's asterisk
13:22.41dacm_workc0rnoTa: Seems I was stupid and put disallow all after my allow lines.
13:22.52dacm_workc0rnoTa: Thank you very much for your help.
13:24.25c0rnoTadacm_work: no thanks for me. It's household problem :)
13:25.48c0rnoTakrion: low data transfer with hdd could be the cause too. Take a look at your system state. There shouldn't be errors in `dmesg`.
13:26.22Kattydistributes hugs and muffins.
13:26.36c0rnoTakrion: and as I said, I solved a lot of deadlock issues by upgrading asterisk
13:26.44c0rnoTaKatty: good morning
13:26.52c0rnoTaand thx for hugs :))
13:29.28krionc0rnoTa: for sure it would fix it i guess
13:30.08krioni'm running
13:30.21krionshould i try a rc in production :-D
13:32.37*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
13:32.38Kattyc0rnoTa: <3
13:32.40KattySuPrSluG: ohai
13:33.00SuPrSluGKatty: ciao
13:33.29SuPrSluGKatty: dobry rano
13:33.54SuPrSluGur pie looked delicious
13:35.48Kattythank you.
13:38.26c0rnoTakrion: I don't think so :))
13:38.50c0rnoTakrion:  You shouldn't try 1.6.2 in production :))
13:41.22*** join/#asterisk merlin8282 (
13:41.51merlin8282Hi all. Does someone know if a softphone exists, that supports the BLF feature ?
13:42.23kriondu -hs /var/log/asterisk/messages
13:42.44krionmerlin8282: hum, interesting question
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13:43.34krionhave you tryed ekiga ?
13:44.16krionc0rnoTa: really ? why not ?
13:44.20merlin8282yes, I didn't find this feature
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13:44.49krioni got and looks fine, except deadlock from time to time and some "on hold" problem (related to rtp but not sure)
13:45.37krioni got asterisk 1.4.7 on my sbc trough
13:47.36Kattyso. i might getting a baby squirrel.
13:47.46Kattya neighbor of mine found one knocked out of a nest.
13:47.55coppicedo they taste good?
13:49.06Kattythis is my frowny face
13:49.08Kattyand it's frowning at you
13:49.34c0rnoTakrion: I don't trust 1.6 branch :))
13:50.43xoverukwhat is the maximum level of verbosity when connecting to asterisk using -rv?
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13:51.30krioni was thinking, like, release are sort of a debian way, 1.4 old stable , 1.6 stable, 1.8 testing
13:54.16[TK]D-Fenderxoveruk: 6 is the largest effective value IIRC
13:54.30[TK]D-Fenderxoveruk: And you can set it in CLI regardless fo what leve it was logging in
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13:58.01timeshell_atworkShouldn't ${CALLERID(num)::3} return the first 3 digits of the callerid?
13:58.44wdoekes20:3 should, dunno about just :3
13:59.50wdoekes2merlin8282: twinkle
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14:02.45kaldemartimeshell_atwork: no, you need the 0 in there.
14:02.51deonvis there a User GUI Portal for Asterisk? i.e See CDRs, Setup Speed-Dials, etc?
14:03.06timeshell_atworkThank you, that works
14:03.16timeshell_atworkI was using this as my example:
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14:06.32krion# wc -l /var/log/asterisk/messages
14:06.33krion60425101 /var/log/asterisk/messages
14:06.37krionhahaha :)
14:06.43krioni must say, i've the biggest
14:07.08kaldemartimeshell_atwork: well, using a nearly 5 year old email regarding a severly outdated asterisk as a reference, you get that. :)
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14:08.38kaldemartimeshell_atwork: doc/tex/channelvariables.tex, the asterisk book or even voip-info wiki are better places to look at.
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14:12.30ritztechwhen i use sip its Instant to the beep
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14:31.16leifmadsenAnother preview of some dialplan that will be part of the next #asterisk book!
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14:33.12anonymouz666are you using macro? isn't this depracated?
14:33.23leifmadsenMacro() is not deprecated
14:33.27leifmadsenI wish people would stop saying that
14:33.46leifmadsenGoSub() is the preferred method in most cases, but in this case, using M() is the right thing
14:34.06anonymouz666yes, I use GoSub
14:34.11leifmadsenSo do I
14:34.19anonymouz666but there are macros too
14:35.34anonymouz666M() save me once. So I keeping use. Was the only way to keep recording once the caller transfer the call and hangups.
14:35.53anonymouz666Using MixMonitor
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14:37.30anonymouz666and native atxfer
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14:39.48anonymouz666leifmadsen: does the book cover SRTP?
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14:43.18freckleI have 2 openser boxs both serving the same SIP domain. When asterisk gets a call for that domain I want it to send to both opensers, how do I do this?
14:44.29freckleleifmadsen: the problem is how do I setup the sip.conf to refer to both openser
14:44.59leifmadsenfreckle: I think you're not providing some critical information
14:45.02freckleif i refer to each openser by IP then the domain doesn't get preserved in the URI
14:45.48freckleI already have [openser1] and [openser2] in the SIP but wu
14:46.12freckle...when I dial the SIP URI get's changed to the IP of the openser box
14:46.21anonymouz666freckle: yes, that's correct
14:46.32anonymouz666why do you need to keep the domain of RURI?
14:46.34freckleI want the SIP URI to preserve the domain
14:46.40p3nguinDon't dial by SIP URI.
14:46.45frecklebecuase openser is doing multi domain support
14:46.56*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
14:46.58anonymouz666freckle: you could use fromdomain=
14:47.16freckleanonymouz666: i need the To: preserving not the From:
14:47.20*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
14:48.43anonymouz666I didn't get you
14:49.23anonymouz666explain better
14:49.37anonymouz666From and To headers are cosmetics only
14:49.46anonymouz666nobody should route nothing based on the To: header.
14:49.49freckleif you use fromdomain= it changes the From:. I need the To: changing to the domain openser is serving
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14:49.54anonymouz666you should expect the domain of the request URI
14:50.10frecklebut I need asterisk to send the call to 2 openser with the same INVITE
14:50.44anonymouz666ok, you are doing the wrong approach.
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14:50.57freckleso what should I be doing?
14:51.05anonymouz666OpenSER doesn't need to expect the To: header to define the domain
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14:51.32freckleanonymouz666: it is doing multi domain support
14:52.08anonymouz666the multi-domain support is done watching the domain of the request URI
14:53.43anonymouz666you should use something like domain module... and the function if (is_domain_local("$rd")) ... else ...
14:54.11freckleanonymouz666: yes I am already doing this on a single openser with 500 + domains
14:54.49frecklebut what happens when you have more than one openser serving the same domains and you want asterisk to send a call to one of those domains
14:55.22freckleyou want the request to fork to both servers
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14:56.07anonymouz666doesn't make sense to me
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14:56.26frecklethe UA could be registered on either Openser...
14:57.00wwalkerI have an app that controls making calls, so the app creates virtual CDRs.  Yesterday, the calls started going out with the wrong callerid #.  So, I checked the app logs, # is right there.  So, I then look at the asterisk CDRs.  all the CDRs show
14:58.31wwalkerthe callerid as both the callerid and the DNIS.  (still confirming I'm sending the right callerid to asterisk, so I assume the VOIP provider is the problem) Anyone know how to fix the CDRs?  The calls are all made via AMI Originate
14:59.28anonymouz666freckle: ok, answering your question... I don't know a way to change the To: header in Asterisk.
15:00.06anonymouz666of course, everything is possible when you touch chan_sip.c.
15:00.19freckleanonymouz666: i don't think it is possible in Asterisk... i will probably have to fork the request to the other server using openser
15:00.47anonymouz666for me, the approach is totally wrong
15:01.10frecklewell I have been doing it this way for 4 years with over 10 million calls...
15:01.46anonymouz666alright then, you don't need any advice from me :P
15:02.12anonymouz666if it working just leave it there.
15:03.17ritztechive done this before but im stuck at Outbound SIP/Trunk   it says SIP/Mitel/8123  am i missing anything its all local ?
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15:08.56blingblinghi everybody ... what s up
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15:09.56blingblingis there a way to send a messange when i receive a call ?
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15:11.10blingblingreceive a message when i receive a call ..  something like
15:11.13blingblingexten => 1,1,Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=espera)
15:11.14blingblingexten => 1,2,Queue(from-pstn3)
15:11.44p3nguinWhat does "send a message" mean?
15:12.07blingblinga way to receive a message that says support , comercial , just a message , like receive the caller id in the softphone ..
15:12.36p3nguinYou can change the caller ID.
15:13.23blingblingbut there is no way to do that in exten => ?
15:13.38anonymouz666change the caller ID through the exten =>
15:13.39leifmadsenblingbling: of course there is
15:13.51leifmadsenblingbling: exten => Set(CALLERID(name)=FOO:${CALLERID(name)})
15:13.57p3nguinYou're trying to say you can't change the Caller ID in the extension?
15:14.11blingblingthanks .. i will try that
15:14.12leifmadsenwell at least he's saying he doesn't know how to
15:14.38blingblingyes , i m saying that i dont know how
15:15.07p3nguinI guess I misinterpreted the "there is no way to" part.
15:15.28bougymanoh, different ESL.
15:15.33leifmadsenEnglish as a Second Language
15:15.36bougymangot it
15:15.43leifmadsennot ASL :)
15:16.00bougymani'm used to ESL in a different context in telephony, had to context switch.
15:16.05ritztechive done this before but im stuck at Outbound SIP/Trunk   it says SIP/Mitel/8123  am i missing anything its all local ? i tried from-pstn from-trunk im not sure where its failing
15:16.10ritztechinbound worls
15:16.27WIMPyMight get interesting with ETL then?
15:17.29p3nguinSIP/Mitel/8123 means extension 8123 on the peer named Mitel.
15:18.16p3nguinDoes sip.conf have a [Mitel] definition?
15:20.26p3nguinritztech: You...  ^^^^^^^^
15:20.47ritztechit should looking
15:21.02p3nguinsip show peer Mitel
15:22.25p3nguinIt either exists or it doesn't.
15:23.33Kattywhat does a vegan zombie say
15:23.45ChannelZ"please kill me"
15:25.44ritztechyes it does hav it
15:26.12ritztechnot sure if i have context right
15:26.13p3nguinGreat.  Now show some type of failure.
15:26.17ritztechi have from-pstn haha
15:27.45beardyKatty: What are you eating today then?
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15:28.07Kattyi made thai peanut stirfry last night.
15:28.20beardyOh, nice.
15:28.29Katty <- but with rice, and no meats.
15:28.59beardyWhy no meat, are you a vegan zombie?
15:29.41bougymanchicken with no meat?
15:29.47bougymani'm confused.
15:29.47ritztechwhere would i go look up context to make sure i can outbound dial rcorrectly
15:30.22beardyChicken is included in meats..
15:31.30Russthere's a zombie in your yard
15:31.42Russwe don't like zombies on our lawn
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15:33.07beardyKatty: I might try that sometime. With the meat.
15:33.47p3nguinbougyman: Never heard of BOCA Chik'n?
15:33.56bougymanp3nguin: taht's not chicken.
15:34.02p3nguinChicken, but without meat.
15:34.13bougymanthat's oxymoronic.
15:34.23bougymanit's not even chicken-flavored.
15:34.28bougymanit's faux.
15:34.58*** join/#asterisk chrism2671 (~chris@
15:35.02p3nguinWhy would they not make it chicken flavored?
15:35.18chrism2671anybody got CID lookup working over HTTP?
15:35.38bougymanbecause to be chicken flavored it would have to contain chicken!
15:35.40chrism2671my Asterisk just doesn't seem to fire off the request
15:36.37leifmadsenQwell: hi! thanks for *facepalm* :)
15:36.38leifmadsenvery useful
15:38.20beardyritztech: What do you mean go look up? Put a phone in the context, on an extension, and try calling?
15:38.23fauxalliancebougyman, could be worse... TVP
15:38.40ritztechsame context as in sip/mitel ?
15:38.52ritztechi even tried DISA inbound and dialing outbound
15:38.56ritztechit just sits there ?
15:40.55*** join/#asterisk the_weard (
15:40.56p3nguinI still haven't seen any evidence from a failed/stuck call.
15:41.07*** join/#asterisk crowbar7 (~JKLOBUCAR@
15:42.51*** join/#asterisk bmoraca_work (~bmoraca@
15:46.03ritztechhmm in sip debug i get a From: "Unknown"<sip:Unknown@>;tag=as4cc75b1d
15:46.03*** join/#asterisk dzup2 (~alex@unaffiliated/dzup2)
15:46.08ritztech14.23 is the asterisxk
15:46.48p3nguinAt least it's a version from this century.
15:46.55*** part/#asterisk R-Guy (
15:47.01ritztechFrom: "1111"<sip:1111@  THIS IS WIERD ....
15:47.24ritztechTo: <sip:8123@>;tag=as5ffff50a   shouldnt it be TO 8123@
15:47.28ritztech14.2 is my asterisk
15:47.48p3nguinoh, I misunderstood.  I thought you were saying 1.4.23 was the Asterisk version.
15:48.34KobazThank you for selecting Gaylord National\u2122 Resort & Convention Center on the Potomac.
15:48.34ritztechOHh haha
15:48.38ritztechSIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized  hmm
15:50.07*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:52.31Qwellwhachu talkin bout leifmadsen?
15:53.12fracBlendanyone got time for a rule question?
15:53.40*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
15:53.53fracBlendI've got a bunch of phones on CME I'm migrating over to asterisk
15:54.02p3nguinAsk it, and if no one answers, you'll know they have no time for it.
15:54.16*** join/#asterisk wcselby (~wcselby@pdpc/supporter/professional/wcselby)
15:54.29fracBlendI have a rule on asterisk that points back to the CME something like _0[23]XX
15:54.46*** join/#asterisk NuclearLucifer (
15:55.01fracBlendbut when i move a phone over and add a rule that says _0308 or similar is now local, it still tries to go out the sip trunk
15:55.21fracBlendam I getting borked by sort order or seomthing?
15:55.44*** join/#asterisk McBoingbo (
15:55.47ritztechwhere do i find the Right Context is that where its not connecting
15:57.01McBoingbohey guys, we are using Polycom 301's with Plantronics S12 headsets and getting a lot of complaints there is echo on the other side (poeple calling in, sales folks with headsets do not hear any echo but other end is bad) any ideas?
15:57.49*** join/#asterisk zxvff (
15:58.20Naikrovekecho happens in places where the analog <--> digital conversion is made
15:58.38Naikrovekdo you have telephony hardware in your asterisk server?  if so, does it have echo cancellation module on it?
15:58.50McBoingbono hardware, no
15:59.18Naikrovekso pure voip connection within your facility, up to whomever your sip provider is?
16:00.05Naikrovekphones > asterisk > internet > voice provider
16:01.29NaikrovekMcBoingbo: where'd you go
16:02.41*** join/#asterisk oej (
16:03.12*** part/#asterisk merlin8282 (
16:06.15*** join/#asterisk JimDickenson (
16:07.06wcselbyNaikrovek - there you go again, scaring off the customers
16:07.25Naikroveki felt i was being helpful
16:07.30wcselbyyou were
16:07.33Naikrovekbut maybe i'm psychotic and don't know it
16:07.33wcselbyI was being silly
16:07.40*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
16:07.52wcselbyif you were, would you know it?  that's an interesting question....
16:07.59Naikrovekmaybe this whole IRC channel is a hallucination of mine
16:08.59wwalkerNaikrovek: what IRC channel?
16:09.10drmessanoMom, is that you?
16:09.14NaikrovekI KNEW IT OMG WTF BBQ LOL
16:09.28drmessanoWait, I thought this was 4chan
16:09.34WIMPyputs on Imgaination -- "Just an Illusion"
16:11.20McBoingbosorry Naikrovek userland pulled me away
16:11.28Naikroveknp man
16:11.36Naikrovekor woman, however you are
16:12.02McBoingboI dunno, research showed Plantronics S12 works really well with Polycom 301, but man its shit, echo no matter how low you put the amplification
16:12.02Naikrovekso it's voip for you from phones to asterisk to voice provider, yes?
16:12.27Naikrovekdo you hear the echo on your side or do callers hear the echo
16:12.33McBoingbocallers hear it
16:12.42McBoingboit sounds great from the headset side hehe
16:12.43Naikrovekokay, and no echo if they pick up the handset and use that?
16:12.55McBoingbono echo when handset is picked up yes
16:13.20Naikroveksounds like the plantronics is the problem
16:13.39Naikrovekwonder if you can adjust the polycom's echo cancellation to work better with the headsets
16:13.49McBoingboyeah, I took the headset out of the amplification system and put straight into phone, still echo
16:14.41Naikrovekcan you turn off noise cancellation
16:14.46*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
16:14.50McBoingboturn off?
16:15.08*** join/#asterisk reallost1 (
16:15.27wcselbyget setup with a vendor with a nice return policy and test out several different headsets
16:15.39Naikrovekwell, yeah the noise cancelling.  so stuff external to the headset is muted, the headset actively mutes that stuff so your call is clearer
16:15.42wcselbyi've honestly never heard of a headset causing echo
16:15.45wcselbybut it's possible
16:15.50Naikroveki haven't either
16:15.51bougymanamps do it all the time
16:15.57*** join/#asterisk sbrath (~sbrath@unaffiliated/sbrath)
16:16.01sbrathI have a call coming in from a PSTN caller, to a SIP phone number, and I get about 27 seconds of dead air before trixbox "rings" the caller. Also, I don't see trixbox "get" the call till about 15 seconds. Is there any way to get the telco to simulate ringing as the call is routed?
16:16.17Naikrovekthe noise cancelling microphone - can you turn off the noise cancelling part, and just make it a straight mic?
16:16.22*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
16:16.39sbrathI know it's trixbox, but I think this is more a SIP call thing, I can also try routing the call to my asterisk from source server.
16:16.42ChannelZyeesh, what are you on, a modem?
16:17.02sbrathThe connection is a 6M/1M Cable
16:17.14ChannelZand it takes 30 seconds to figure out where to go?
16:17.23p3nguinSo then you are using a modem.
16:17.31McBoingbodont think I can disable noise cancel Naik
16:17.52McBoingboonly options I see on this S12 is the ability to make amplification lower/higher
16:18.01sbrathYou call from my ATT cell in wisconsin, to a 800# that routes to a 920xxxxxxx number hosted by SIP provider.
16:18.11McBoingboyeah the S12 system uses an amp
16:19.07McBoingboI thought it was the amp causing the echo on the caller side, but I stuck the plantronics s12 just the headset into the headset plug of the polycom 301, and still echo on caller side
16:20.04Naikroveki'm still leaning towards the noise cancellation feature of that mic.  presumably it's an active system or they wouldn't mention it in the product literature
16:20.12Naikrovekbut i don't know
16:20.34McBoingbocan someone hook me up with a simple rj9 headset that will work with polycom 301 that ships to Canada?
16:20.37Naikrovekif you can find a way to plug that headset into a computer or something and see if there is echo there that might help the troubleshooting process
16:20.57fauxalliancedyke it out, one hop at a time, then nuke the offender ;-)
16:21.13*** join/#asterisk usjew1 (~alex@
16:22.18McBoingboI am grabbing some lunch, will be back though to see if you guys can help out with my echo problem, thanks for the help so far!
16:22.39Naikrovekyou can probably go to radio shack and pick up a simple headset right now if you want
16:22.56usjew1does anybody has experience with chan_gtalk?
16:22.59Naikrovekthey have all kinds of phone stuff like that
16:23.07Naikrovekit's expensive but they let you return things
16:23.17Qwellall they have now are RC cars and stereos
16:23.22Qwelloh, and cell phones
16:23.28wcselbyi was about to say
16:23.30Qwell...and batteries, obviously
16:23.31Naikrovekthey have lots of phone stuff in there, including headsets
16:23.34Naikrovekmaybe it's just my local one
16:23.41Naikrovekmine has tons of hobby electronics stuff too
16:23.42Qwellever priced them?
16:23.54Qwell$17 for a resistor.  No thanks.
16:23.57Naikrovekyeah they're insanely expensive but he wants something he can test with then return
16:24.00Naikrovek$17 lol
16:24.02Naikroveknot quite
16:24.03Naikrovekbut yes
16:24.33QwellYou've got questions, we've got batteries.
16:25.30ChannelZand the most expensive adapters on Earth
16:26.11usjew1have anybody managed to use gtalk to call PSTN for free and get calls from PSTN using the new google voice service?
16:26.14[TK]D-FenderOr the lowest quality shit house(ish) brand equivalent that you'd never want to touch
16:26.22wcselbyusjew1 - no
16:26.41usjew1wcselby: should it be possible?
16:26.59wcselbyusjew1 - the last conversation I saw in here said no, but people were planning on going out there and testing
16:27.10*** join/#asterisk Russ (
16:27.31wcselbyusjew1 - so we'll see.  i've got either chan_gtalk or chan_jingle (i forget which) sending me IM's with call details when calls come in though
16:27.41*** join/#asterisk csnook (
16:28.45usjew1wcselby: u have any experience with getting gtalk to work in general,i have the setup,i can atleast "get" calls from my cell phone,however my clienet doesnt ring i just see the message in the logs
16:29.32wcselbyyou mean outside of asterisk?
16:29.56drmessanothe Gtalk in Asterisk does not work with GtalkWeb, which means the calls from GVoice wont work
16:30.08ritztechcan i do like Record 2 at once  ? exten => s,n,Record(${PAGES}~${MonitorFile1}.wav,,,k)
16:30.18drmessanoThere is a branch out there with working code in it, but who knows if it will ever get merged
16:30.24usjew1wcselby: i am having a feeling that one of 3 things is wrong either bug in the asterisk i am using 1.6 latest from asterisk web site,NAT however atleast i should get the client tell me i got the call i dont care for sound just yet,or more likely is context extentions bussnes,but i am not gettiong any errors from asterisk so its weird
16:30.45drmessanousjew1, ^^^
16:30.47ritztechexten => s,n,Record(${PAGES}~${MonitorFile1}.wav,,,k AND {MonitorFile2}.wav,,,k) With just only 1 record
16:31.18[TK]D-Fenderritztech: No, but you can just copy the file after.
16:31.27usjew1drmessano: what is GtalkWeb and how is it defferent from normal gtalk as supported by chan_gtalk
16:31.34[TK]D-FenderratAnd we lost touch for planning the deployment for your project...
16:31.41[TK]D-Fenderritztech: And we lost touch for planning the deployment for your project...
16:32.08ritztechit was harsh i have another job and wokring 24 straight days haha
16:32.13[TK]D-Fenderis off to lunch
16:32.20drmessanousjew1, There's a different RTP setup I believe.. I am not completely sure of the differences.. if you google for Gtalk-web or gtalkweb, you will find the associated Asterisk bugs and links to the branches where the working code exists
16:32.26[TK]D-Fenderritztech: Another job?  As in left the one you were at?
16:32.32[TK]D-Fenderritor jsut MORE?
16:32.42*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
16:32.42[TK]D-Fenderritztech: or just MORE?
16:32.44usjew1i see thanx
16:32.45ritztechi have 2 with a bunch of side work
16:33.05[TK]D-Fendergotcha... BBIAB
16:33.08drmessanousjew1, There is indeed something different.. and it has to do with calls made from the Gmail web client, but also affects the GVoice call setup in the same way
16:34.26drmessanousjew1, Apparently the way jingle is implemented in a few IM clients also differs from Asterisk's implementation.. there's yet another branch addressing it, with working code, but no clue on any plans to merge it
16:34.41*** join/#asterisk dacm_work (
16:34.41drmessanoI was hoping for 1.8.. but.. *sigh*
16:35.35usjew1drmessano:yea i saw ur twit u getting famous ;-)
16:35.55wcselbydid he just call you a twit?
16:36.03*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
16:36.06usjew1drmessano:so u saying their jingle codec is diffrent between web and desktop client?
16:36.06drmessanoI am already infamous.. Fame should be right around the corner. or jail.
16:36.19fauxalliancewcselby, tweeter _is_ for twits ;-)
16:36.43drmessanousjew1, not codec.. it's more in the call setup or something with the RTP stream
16:37.33usjew1drmessano:what definatly be awsome if they get it to work in 1.8,bye-bye phone bills
16:38.32Naikroveki rediscovered smoething i had buried in the bookmarks
16:39.01drmessanousjew1, yep.. But 1.8 is at RC already, so it won't make it.  I may end up setting up a minimal FreeSWITCH install on the same box as I think it's working there
16:40.09usjew1ok sounds good
16:40.53drmessanoJust a thought.. I am not big on the idea.. but even if it's 6 months before 1.10, that's 6 more months to wait
16:40.56leifmadsenfunny enough, we're working on that right now. chan_gtalk already exists, but appears to maybe have a bug or two that is causing Google Voice calls from work
16:41.05leifmadsenit will likely be working by 1.8.0
16:41.08usjew1drmessano:i will look into it,free calls is nervana which phreakers for the last 40years tried to accomplish,we can get it now without getting arrested,historical times
16:41.26drmessanoleifmadsen:  I have seen the two tickets.. and they haven't moved much in ages.. a bump by you, a test in the last month by someone else.
16:41.49leifmadsendrmessano: I'm not telling you I hope they get fixed, I'm telling you they will be getting fixed soon
16:42.16*** join/#asterisk MasterXP (~IceChat7@
16:42.16drmessanoOk, does that mean the one GtalkWeb issue AND the other Jingle issue?
16:42.23leifmadsenJingle is not related to this
16:42.32paulcJabberSend: I want to be able to use \n to do line breaks but it seems JabberSend passes through the literal string. The coder in me says it's got to be easy to do the substitution in there somewhere. The lack of Asterisk/C code experience says "Argghh! Go to the pub!" - anyone know the magic sauce I need?
16:42.33leifmadsenI'm talking about chan_gtalk, not chan_jingle
16:43.23drmessanoWell, there is yet another bug in Jingle that makes it more or less useless as it stands now
16:43.57leifmadsenpossibly a true statement
16:44.02leifmadsenI'm just talking about chan_gtalk
16:44.35drmessanoIt would be nice to see them both working for 1.8.. then Gtalk and Jingle calls would both work
16:44.50leifmadsena lot of things would be nice
16:45.14leifmadsenI'll take what I can get
16:45.39Juggieleifmadsen: nub
16:45.40drmessanoWell, if Jingle isn't working, it should be removed from 1.8 then with the fixed gtalk support left in...
16:45.48*** kick/#asterisk [Juggie!~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage] by leifmadsen (nub THIS)
16:45.56*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
16:46.00Juggiehaahah :)
16:46.03theharleif 1 others 0
16:46.13Juggiei change my mind. leif is my hero.
16:46.17infobotYour Personal Self-Government Score is 40%, Your Economic Self-Government Score is 90%.
16:48.48usjew1btw wanted to ask you on technical level whats difrfrent between Asterisk and FreeSwitch,like architecture,configuration,supported protocls,etc..
16:49.07paulcbacks away slowly
16:49.29Qwellrolls his eyes
16:50.03sbrathanyone have a how-to on using DIDforSale with a nat'd asterisk behind an iptables firewall?  I guess I need to proxy in udp 5060.
16:50.34Naikrovekusjew1: read about that on the freeswitch site.  he lays it all out.
16:50.50QwellWith absolutely no bias or incorrect information AT ALL.
16:50.52Naikroveki don't know much about either so i can't tell you anything regarding the differences
16:51.02Naikrovekhe's clearly biased but i dunno how much
16:51.06Qwell(and certainly no outright lies.)
16:51.25*** join/#asterisk d-tech (~d-dtech@
16:53.33*** join/#asterisk drudge` (tacos@unaffiliated/drudge/x-837452)
16:53.35bmoraca_work<cleveland voice>erverybody lies</cleveland voice>
16:54.27Naikroveki thought that was the House tagline
16:54.32Naikrovekthey say it in every single episode
16:54.51bmoraca_workyeah, but House doesn't sound as funny as Cleveland when he says "erverybody"
16:55.15Naikrovekthough when you hear that actor's normal speech you may be surprised to learn that he's british
16:55.17*** join/#asterisk fullstop (
16:55.24Naikrovekin here i'm sure that's common knowledge but my wife was spooked by it
16:55.27bmoraca_worki'm not surprised
16:57.11fullstopI'm using the macro-stdexten on, and something is baffling me.  Here's the log:
16:58.27fullstops,n,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1) should go to s-NOANSWER.. but it doesn't match for some reason.  It ends up matching the "_s-." pattern.
16:58.29leifmadsenwhat is baffling you?
16:59.09Kobazfullstop: probably because you have a _s-. defined before s-NOANSWER
16:59.27fullstopNope.. It's the last line in the macro
16:59.40Kobazdo a dialplan show on that context
16:59.48Kobazand pastebin
17:01.11leifmadsenthe order defined in extensions.conf has no bearing on the order of matching
17:01.59fullstopleifmadsen: if I remove _s-., it just bails on the channel
17:02.01Kobazleifmadsen: i never looked at the internals of the matching... but i found the defined order to be very important
17:02.24leifmadsenKobaz: the defined order in extensions.conf does not matter -- it is sorted when loaded into memory based on rules
17:02.41leifmadsenfullstop: then something is wrong with the first priority of s-NOANSWER
17:02.44leifmadsenlike Voicemail() doesn't exist
17:02.46Kobazfullstop: it's not going to match s-NOANSWER
17:02.46fullstopdoes it match the most specific pattern
17:03.01leifmadsenfullstop: yes
17:03.20Kobazyou need to do this: [s][-][N][O][A][N][S][W][E][R]
17:03.26fullstopsilly question, but how can I verify that Voicemail() exists ?
17:03.42Kobazfullstop: it's nothing to do with voicemail
17:03.48Kobazfullstop: your extension is not matching
17:04.00leifmadsenKobaz: no he doesn't
17:04.06leifmadsens-NOANSWER is a literal, not a pattern match
17:04.31Kobazleifmadsen: i've had to do character set matching like that, when the text wasn't matching for me
17:04.33leifmadsenfullstop: core show application voicemail -or- module show like voicemail
17:04.38fullstopvoicemail show users gives output.. so I assume that I have 'Voicemail()'
17:04.43leifmadsenKobaz: only if you prefix with a _ do you need that
17:04.53Kobazhmm, k
17:05.04Naikrovek_ means "everything that follows is a pattern"
17:05.06Kobazwell in any case, there's something wrong with the exten
17:05.09*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
17:05.09KobazNaikrovek: yeah
17:05.32fullstopeven if I did not have voicemail, wouldn't it step into that part of the dialplan and spew some sort of error message?
17:05.45leifmadsenyes, in which case, you need to do:   _[n]ever-XXX if you want to match:   never-123
17:05.47Kobazyeah it would
17:06.08*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
17:06.17Kobazleifmadsen: oh, just the first one needs to be []'d ?
17:06.58Kobazthat's just a weird problem
17:07.04Kobazpastebin your console output?
17:07.21leifmadsenwith debug enabled
17:07.57leifmadsenI'd also like to see "dialplan show macro-stdexten"
17:08.08wcselbyKobaz - only certain, reserved characters, need to be escaped like that
17:08.11leifmadsenoh you already showed that
17:08.20wcselbyKobaz - n, i, s, t, .... one or two others I think
17:08.26Kobazwcselby: oh okay
17:08.27leifmadsenN, Z, X, ., !
17:08.33wcselbythere you go
17:08.43leifmadseni, s, t, are extensions, not pattern match characters
17:08.54fullstopleifmadsen: which debug do you want on?
17:09.02fullstopverbosity is at 20 right now
17:09.10leifmadsenfullstop: actually, I need to go to lunch now, so someone else will need to help you
17:09.19fullstopenjoy your food!
17:09.20wcselbyleifmadsen - ahh, it's been a while since I had to deal with those, so yeah...
17:10.17wcselbyfullstop - do a "dialplan show macro-stdexten" in the CLI and pastebin that
17:11.01fullstopmight have figured out what it is
17:11.12Naikrovekwhat is it
17:11.14Naikrovekwhat was it
17:13.21fullstopIt doesn't work with extenpatternmatchnew=yes set.
17:14.21fullstopprobably a bug
17:14.32*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
17:15.06[TK]D-FenderNo, clearly a FEATURE
17:15.57fullstopI don't want any voicemail anyway.  :)
17:16.33Kobazyes, all the bugs in asterisk have been squashed long ago
17:16.52*** join/#asterisk Benwa (~Schnitzel@unaffiliated/benwa)
17:17.16wcselbyfullstop, if you comment out that line in your dialplan (the _s-.,), does it do what you'd expect it to?
17:18.39wcselbymust eat now
17:19.09Kattyhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeelllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooooo nurse.
17:21.48fullstopwcselby: nope.  it just bails on the channel
17:21.57fullstopI am not a nurse.  Just Dr. Dad at times.
17:22.20*** join/#asterisk Letoric (
17:22.35[TK]D-Fenderfullstop: PASETBIN
17:22.39[TK]D-FenderPASTEBIN even
17:23.08fullstop[TK]D-Fender: I have, but is there anything else you want to see?
17:23.20[TK]D-Fenderfullstop: Full currnet and the call
17:23.28fullstopIt never matches with extenpatternmatchnew=yes, but does match with extenpatternmatchnew=no
17:24.51*** part/#asterisk fracBlend (~fracBlend@unaffiliated/fracblend)
17:27.41fullstop* version
17:27.54[TK]D-Fenderfullstop:   '_s-.' =>         1. Hangup()                                   [pbx_config] <-- he said to REMOVE that and test
17:28.21[TK]D-Fenderfullstop: So remove it and test with extenpatternmatchnew=yes
17:28.37fullstopI have already presented that pastebin.. let me find it.
17:29.02Letorichi [TK]D-Fender - any chance you know where the coloring for vi is coming from, when I edit an asterisk config file as a regular user?
17:29.08LetoricI would love to get that in place for root ;p
17:29.24[TK]D-FenderLetoric: Don't use vi...
17:29.49Letoricmy boss has a hardon for vi, I'm kind of stuck with it
17:30.23LetoricI see that vim has it the coloring, which is nice
17:31.18p3nguinletoric: It's vim, and it is syntaxing that provides the color.  :syntax on
17:31.43fullstop[TK]D-Fender: amended with dialplan show macro-stdexten --
17:31.55Letoricp3nguin: Thank you ;)
17:32.14fullstopLetoric: :colorscheme elf-lord is nice
17:32.20p3nguinA lot of systems have a link from vim to vi, so you'll never know you're really using vim.
17:32.48fullstopelflord, that is
17:33.45ChannelZYou'll know when every key you hit does something retarded
17:33.54fullstopI actually like vim.. but I hate when I stumble upon a solaris system and they have the ancient vi which does not allow you to move the cursor while in insert mode.
17:34.19fullstopand you end up with [B[B[B[U all over your screen
17:34.27LetoricHeh, I've grown used to that, but it has taken a lot of painful undo's to do so ;>
17:34.41[TK]D-Fenderfullstop: that is looking like a bug now...
17:35.02fullstopI use busybox's vi implementation on some systems.. there is no undo!  It just prints "not implemented!"
17:35.19[TK]D-Fenderfullstop: I can understand a prioritization issue between a sparse pattern vs specific, but not a failur to find a match with a speciific alone that exists
17:35.24fullstop[TK]D-Fender: is there any way I can help debug it further?
17:35.51[TK]D-Fenderfullstop: No, I think that las one pretty much says it.  You have only 1 possible match, and it looks 100% accurate yet doesn't
17:36.37fullstopI will turn off the new matching for now.  Should I submit a bug report?
17:36.42*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
17:38.16[TK]D-Fenderfullstop: I'd say yes
17:39.56*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
17:41.12fullstop[TK]D-Fender: What category would you put it in?  Core/general ?
17:42.08[TK]D-Fenderfullstop: Nore sure of what better palce, but it sounds about right
17:47.27bmoraca_worknano > vi :P
17:51.12fullstoppico > nano... :-P
17:51.51bmoraca_workmy knowledge of vim is ":wq" and "i"
17:52.58carrarWhat else do you need to know
17:53.02p3nguinHmm.  I haven't used "i" since the advent of the Insert key.
17:53.16fullstopI still use i.  It's closer than insert
17:53.24bmoraca_workp3nguin: the Insert key doesn't work when connected to a system via serial console
17:53.35carrarAre you suggesting there are other editing commands? :)
17:53.40p3nguinI'll keep that in mind.
17:53.49fullstopI'll have to think about the baconcake
17:53.54bmoraca_workit's important
17:54.12p3nguinHave you seen the candied bacon cookies?
17:54.53bmoraca_workthe little supermicro boxes i use for my asterisk servers are really neat...i can redirect all BIOS and POST output to serial, and then with linux, I can use a serial TTY.  makes it that much more appliance-like
17:55.57fullstopI think I will actually make bacon ice cream.
17:56.21bmoraca_worki made watermellon sorbet was pretty good
17:57.21bmoraca_workalthough i was so busy this summer that i never got around to getting the ice cream maker out
17:57.46*** join/#asterisk toothkit (~betch2k@
17:57.54p3nguinI was just saying yesterday that I would like to make a batch of blackberry ice cream.
17:58.03Qwellblackberry isn't bacon.
17:58.03bmoraca_workthat sounds good
17:58.10bmoraca_workbacon sorbet?
17:58.31fullstopI got 3 watermelons this year.  I would have had 4, but my wife picked one when I was out of town... and it was white on the inside.
17:58.32bmoraca_worki wonder how fine my food processor could grind the bacon up...or maybe someone makes bacon powder...hmmmmm
17:58.47fullstopa blender would probably do a better job
17:59.08fullstopthe food processor would make nice bacon bits, though.
17:59.38fullstopget a mortar and pestle and go to town.
18:00.28tzangerSFW, fun waste of time (on a real browser)
18:00.30bmoraca_worki'm getting off early today...maybe i'll dig out the ice cream machine and make something fancy for my sister's birthday tomorrow
18:00.39leifmadsentzanger: that thing is fun!
18:00.48tzangerso's your mom
18:00.51leifmadsenI'm putting the rest of my BBQ together tonight and making burgers
18:00.58leifmadsentzanger: my moms dead
18:01.15p3nguinCrack open a cold one.
18:01.22tzangeryeah, she doesn't make a lot of noise
18:02.21leifmadsentzanger: O.O
18:02.48bmoraca_worknecrophelia jokes...yay!
18:03.51tzangerwwhat kind of bbq did you get?
18:04.04tzangeris craving some pulled pork now
18:08.05leifmadsentzanger: I have 10 lbs of pork butt in the freezer for that :)
18:08.23tzangerwoot, party at leif's
18:08.43tzangerI'm gonna go get me a jimmy john's sub for lunch though
18:08.51tzangerultimate porker, #17 with cheese
18:08.56tzangertotal awesome
18:10.47leifmadsentzanger: yummy -- I go this BBQ:
18:12.27tzanger.. infrared?
18:12.56Qwellyeah I don't think they understand what infrared means..
18:13.11tzangerbut it's QUANTUM INFRARED
18:13.19Qwellthey also have *GAS* infrared grills.
18:13.39tzangeron the drive down yesterday I swear I had some infrared gas
18:13.49tzangerI'm very happy it was just me in the car
18:13.56tzangeralthough I am positive I have rotted out the foam in the seat
18:15.02bmoraca_workelectric grill?  eww :P
18:15.29bmoraca_workoh, wait...that's a gas infrared gril...who the heck does that work?
18:15.42Qwell<Qwell> yeah I don't think they understand what infrared means..
18:16.02fullstoptzanger: I always thought that a funny idea for a movie would be to show years of people sitting in airplane seats, eating beans and expelling large quantities of gas.  Then, the plane makes an unexpected water landing and someone uses that seat as a flotation device, allowing years of flatulence to be released and causing them to pass out.
18:16.34Qwellreally?  you think that'd be a movie?  a funny one, at that?
18:16.47fullstopoh no, part of a movie.
18:16.53tzangerit wouldn't be a bad youtube clip
18:17.13fullstopHave you seen piranha 3d?
18:17.20fullstopYou don't need much these days.
18:17.54bmoraca_work3D boobs...makes it ALMOST worth it
18:18.03bmoraca_workbad moveis are still bad, though
18:18.23fullstopShark Attack 3: Megalodon is one of my favorite bad movies.
18:18.34fullstopIt's absolutely awful.
18:18.41fullstop...but so fun
18:19.13bmoraca_worki watched Megashark vs. Giant Octopus on Netflix...that was a terrible movie, lol
18:19.18fullstopI still don't know how they roped John Barrowman into that one.
18:19.35fullstopI've not seen that one.  Someday soon.
18:19.53bmoraca_worki haven't gotten around to watching Killer Clowns from Outer Space or Ghost in a Teeny Bikini yet
18:20.04bmoraca_workso many aweful B movies on Netflix and so little itme
18:20.17Naikroveki watched Xanadu once
18:20.28Naikrovekone of the worst movies ever made
18:20.39fullstopThey actually made a sequel to shark attack 3, but it was titled Shark in Venice.  It starred a baldwin brother (not the successful one) and Scarlett Johansson's older sister.
18:21.10bmoraca_workScarlett Johanssen isn't bad...but there are better
18:21.17fullstopIt's her sister.
18:21.33fullstopthe one you never hear about that stars in sub D-grade movies.
18:22.06[TK]D-FenderSub D-Cup?
18:22.20Naikrovekvanessa johansson if you wanna google her
18:22.25fullstopimdb doesn't have a photo
18:22.30Naikrovekgoogle does
18:22.42Naikrovekoh man what a link that is
18:23.29Naikrovekcripes she looks awful as a blonde, too
18:23.35Naikrovekstay natural vanessa
18:23.37fullstopSo, regarding airplane seat cushion flatulence.. there has been much worse.
18:23.58fullstopand, yes, I would find a clip of that scene amusing.
18:24.01Naikroveki sat in a theater to watch transformers once and wound up sitting in a freshly peed-on seat
18:24.12Naikrovekgot my money back and then some
18:24.15fullstopit wasn't that scary.
18:24.28fullstopno need to wet yourself
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19:01.58ManxPowerI just want to say Adtran support is *awesome*
19:03.10bmoraca_worki've never had a problem dealing with them
19:04.25ManxPowerbmoraca_work, it is refreshing to have a tech call you back less than 15 mins after submitting the ticket, he knew what he was doing, and solved both issues I was having.
19:04.57carrar"Did you plug the power cord in"
19:04.59bmoraca_workyep, i've never talked to one who couldn't help me
19:05.10bmoraca_workdo you mind my asking what the issues you were having were?
19:05.20ManxPowerI toured their HQ and labs last year.  very impressive.
19:05.44ManxPowerbmoraca_work, My permit/deny in the VPN selector ACL did not match the permit/deny on the VPN server.
19:05.58ManxPowerI was lazy and specified a much larger range on my side.
19:06.02bmoraca_workyeah, Adtrans are more picky than Ciscos as far as that
19:06.39bmoraca_worki've experienced that before when connecting an Adtran NetVanta to a Cisco IOS router using IPSec VPNs
19:06.49ManxPowerbmoraca_work, you know about dhcp excluded ranges, right?
19:07.11bmoraca_workor is there some bug with Adtran and htem?
19:07.13ManxPowerIt seems Cisco and Adtran treat them the opposite of how ISC dhcpd treat them.
19:07.23fullstopSo.. when recording voicemail as g729, when my stream is g729 passthrough.. why does it try to go to slin as an intermediate format?
19:07.35fullstopCan't it just write the 729 stream?
19:08.03bmoraca_workCisco IOS and Adtran have their DHCP server setups very similar from what I recall...both specify the network to the DHCP server and then refine it by specifying excluded addresses
19:08.03ManxPowerfullstop, what formats do you allow in your voicemail.conf?
19:08.16ManxPowerfullstop, NO other formats?
19:08.31fullstopno other formats
19:08.55ManxPowerfullstop, and ALL your VM prompts are in g729 format and you are not answering the line first and don't have any weird dial lines involved?
19:09.14fullstopcorrect. all audio files are 729 encoded
19:09.19fullstopjust a single line
19:09.37ManxPowerbmoraca_work, on ISC if you don't exclude the addresses of your statically defined hosts it gets upset.  In adtran you must NOT include those IPs in your statically defined gosts.
19:11.30bmoraca_workare you speaking about static reservations or statically assigned IPs on the device?
19:11.56ManxPowerstatic reservations  (i.e. hardware-address THEMAC for a "pool" of 1 ip
19:12.12bmoraca_workwell, i can see the merits of either
19:12.40ManxPowerat home virtually all my hosts are static reservations
19:12.50bmoraca_workwith Cisco, you have to create a whole separate DHCP pool to do reservations.  haven't done them with Adtran because I usually have a server onsite that does DHCP
19:13.02ManxPowerI got tired to connecting to the router to find the IP of my TiVo, for example.
19:13.22ManxPowerbmoraca_work, they do it exactly the same way as Cisco.
19:13.33ManxPowerbut different from the ISC DHCP I use on linux almost every day.
19:13.35bmoraca_worki always thought that was clunky as hell
19:14.06bmoraca_worki use Windows DHCP server most times...never really let me down, though it can have problems with multiple scopes and helper addresses
19:14.24bmoraca_worki usually use the Cisco layer 3 switch to provide DHCP if I'm doing voice vlans
19:14.27ManxPowerfullstop, See this? Executing [s@macro-stdexten:5] Dial("SIP/2612-00000022", "SIP/2611,17,tTr") in new stack
19:14.33bmoraca_workfor the voice vlan, that is
19:14.37ManxPoweryou can't do that and expect passthru to work
19:15.24fullstopManxPower: the phone didn't answer, and it goes to VM.
19:15.34fullstopAlso, that phone has a 729 license
19:16.06ChannelZI use post-it notes with IPs scribbled on them
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19:16.30ManxPowerfullstop, do a "sip show channels" while the VM app is playing the prompts.
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19:17.05mysterI use post-it notes with different colors.  Shapes if it's a printer.
19:18.36ManxPowerbmoraca_work, my boss bought me a netvanta 3120 to replace my Cisco 1721
19:19.23fullstopI found a solution.
19:19.48bmoraca_workManxPower: I like the 3120s...they're cute.  they're way weak in the VPN department, though.  don't try to put more than 2 on it or you'll have lots of problems
19:20.38Qwellfullstop: that Qwell guy seems pretty awesome.
19:20.44fullstopHe sure is.
19:20.45ManxPowerbmoraca_work, two is the most I would ever use, also most of my traffic is non-vpn.
19:20.54fullstopEven if he turns into the incredible hulk at times.  :-P
19:21.57bmoraca_workfullstop: if you specify "t" or "T" as dial options (or "w" or "W"), asterisk has to be in the media path, which means you need to be able to transcode g729
19:22.14*** join/#asterisk ybit (~quassel@unaffiliated/ybit)
19:22.40tzangerhmm, I really need to get a system in play that after 10 invalid sip registrations from an IP it auto-drops them on the iptables level
19:23.25ManxPowertzafrir_laptop, fail2ban
19:23.45fullstopbmoraca_work: the server that I am connecting with over IAX does have a 729 license.
19:24.02p3nguinTakes like five minutes to set up that with fail2ban.
19:24.15fullstopHowever, the one I am connecting these phones to is not intel, and I can't get 729 licenses for it.
19:24.17ManxPowertzafrir_laptop, surprisingly easy to set up too.
19:24.21bmoraca_workfullstop: the server that is issuing the Dial() with the tT needs to have the g729 licenses
19:24.34tzangerp3nguin: true
19:24.35ManxPowerfullstop, um, phones use chips that have g729 in them.
19:24.47bmoraca_workfail2ban is awesome
19:24.51fullstopWe are talking about 2 different things.
19:24.51ManxPowerI'm not aware of any IP phone that does not support G729, I'm sure there are some
19:25.02fullstopyes, the phone has 729
19:25.11fullstopthe server which the phone connects to does not.
19:25.23ManxPowerfullstop, Sounds like poor planning to me. 8-)
19:25.28fullstopthe server which that asterisk server talks to, the one which interfaces with dahdi, does have 729 licenses.
19:25.48ManxPowerIs your non-Intel box a PIKA or some other PoS?
19:25.56bmoraca_workfullstop: if you're trying to record a voicemail in g729 on a server that doesn't have g729 licenses, you cannot have asterisk in the media path (which means no DTMF transfer (tT) or call recording (wW))
19:26.52fullstopnot pika, but it is arm based.
19:27.29bmoraca_workfullstop: why not use a Supermicro 5015A?  tiny 1U box that's easily wall-mountable and is Intel-based
19:27.39ManxPowerI have little interest in running a PBX that is so underpowered they need to use busybox.
19:28.38fullstopThis box is $80, and we are using it to put phones at remote locations over a vpn tunnel.
19:29.01fullstopNot a lot of phones, but a few here and there.  It is powerful enough for this purpose.
19:29.09bmoraca_workwhy not just put the phone there and have it connect straight back?
19:29.14fullstopno vpn
19:29.35p3nguinSupermicro 5015A ... Atom based?
19:29.42bmoraca_workp3nguin: yep
19:30.01fullstopyou are concerned about invalid sip registrations and setting up fail2ban.. but I only have to be concerned with a single port.
19:30.16bmoraca_workfullstop: so you've got your little $80 box doing a VPN and asterisk?
19:30.39fullstopand if it goes tits-up, it can be replaced easily.
19:31.03carrarWe're gonna need to vote on that
19:31.06bmoraca_workfullstop: well, your only real option, then, is to use g711 as the codec.  or maybe iLBC and have the box transcode to ulaw to the phones (unless your phones support ilbc)
19:31.13bougymanfullstop: we're using atom netbooks for that.
19:31.29bougymana bit pricier, but not a whole lot, and you get a built-in console and wifi router.
19:31.37bougymanplus ups
19:31.48fullstopbmoraca_work: I don't think you understand... I have voicemail working...
19:32.03tzangerlacy thong and right. <whistles>
19:32.04fullstopI don't need call recording for in-office calls.
19:32.36fullstopI need call recording on calls going into a queue, all coming from the server with dahdi cards.
19:32.58jdoetzanger: it's okay, I like to feel pretty too.
19:33.18fullstopFor this, tT and wW works -- the dtmf is ignored by the * server on the ARM and the parent server takes care of this.
19:33.32bmoraca_workfullstop: your issue is that the voicemails are recording in slin and not g729, right?  well, I've given you the answer to that.  if you don't care about that, then there's no need to ask a question.  however, it's likely that all of your calls are being changed down to g711 because you're attempting to do something which can't be done (transcode calls on a box which can't transcode g729)
19:33.42fullstopbmoraca_work: read up a bit
19:33.57tzangerjdoe: :-)
19:34.00fullstopbmoraca_work: setting an option (no silence detection) allowed my VM to work as 729.
19:34.20fullstopThere is no need for asterisk to transcode the VM, other than to watch for silence.
19:36.36*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
19:40.40Kattycarrar: ha
19:40.55Kattycarrar: i worked out. now i am hungry. feed me :<
19:42.05Kobazwhat did you do?
19:43.09fullstopguesses zumba
19:43.44carrarfeeds katty cheesecake
19:46.41p3nguinbmoraca_work: There isn't room inside that chassis for four hard drives, is there?  I see the specs say 4x SATA.
19:47.07bmoraca_workyou can fit two 2.5" SATA drives if you buy an optional caddy
19:47.21bmoraca_worki only ever put 1 3.5" drive
19:47.22p3nguinThey expect you to hang the disks off the back, or what?
19:47.40fullstopHow comparable is the supermicro atom to a core i3?
19:47.43bmoraca_worki'd never put that many drives in one of those
19:48.02bmoraca_workfullstop: not possible to compare.  vastly different architecture (Atom is in-order, for instance)
19:48.10bmoraca_workso, it works great for some things, not so good for others
19:48.22bmoraca_workas a pbx, though, it works pretty well
19:48.27fullstopI'm speaking in terms of asterisk.. :-)
19:48.32p3nguinI'd imagine they're good for a PBX.
19:48.34fullstopoverall performance
19:49.03p3nguinI run a PIII Coppermine, so I'm sure the Atom can do just fine.
19:49.30fullstopmy $80 box is 400MHz MIPS..
19:49.39p3nguinEven at 50 calls, Asterisk doesn't use over 5% CPU.
19:49.46fullstopwhich might beat the coppermine.   ;-)
19:50.22Kobazas long as you dont do any transcoding, you can support bunches of calls
19:50.26Kobazbunches of oats
19:50.37tzangerthat reminds me I better get over to jimmy john's
19:50.52fullstoptzanger: they had $1 subs in philadelphia the other day
19:51.08tzangeraxeterisk, that's when you run it on heavy metal.
19:51.13tzangerfullstop: nice
19:51.20Kobazi got pizza in philly last week
19:51.23Kobazoh man that was good
19:51.27*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
19:51.33fullstopYou are in Michegan on contract, right?
19:51.39p3nguinEven with all 50 calls in a MeetMe, it barely goes above idle.
19:51.42fullstopwow, where did my brain go
19:51.45Kobazfullstop: who?
19:51.58fullstopKobaz: tzanger, in Michigan
19:52.04Kobazi dunno
19:52.34tzangerfullstop: yes
19:53.05fullstopwe had the conversation about JJ's before.
19:53.21fullstopI was surprised that they had JJ's in canada.. but you're not in the great white north right now.
19:53.59tzangermichigan is definitely great white north :-)
19:54.14*** join/#asterisk fracBlend (~fracBlend@unaffiliated/fracblend)
19:54.28fracBlendWhee, figured out 9.0.3 firmware
19:54.41fracBlendanyone got any tips on getting mwi to work?
19:54.54fullstopno no no.  The line is clearly drawn at the border.
19:55.13fullstopEverything south of there is rainbows, green grass and sunshine.
19:56.02tzangerfullstop: haha
19:56.37wcselbyhey Naikrovek - did your kindle ever come in?
19:57.02Kattycarrar: <3
19:57.18Kattycarrar: i'm actually making cheesecake tonight or tomorrow night
19:57.40p3nguinI like cheesecake.
19:58.02p3nguinProbably a little too much.
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20:02.58leifmadsenp3nguin: cheesecake <3
20:03.22theharyes leif is
20:04.32Kattyp3nguin: i'm making oreo cheesecake.
20:04.41leifmadsenpounces on Katty
20:04.43Kattyp3nguin: the kind with oreo crust, and little oreos stuck into the cheesecake
20:04.55Kattyhugs leifmadsen
20:05.02leifmadsenKatty: I think I will go finish building my BBQ now so I can make burgers...
20:05.09leifmadsenOH! I need to call the wife to pick up propane
20:05.18Kattythat sounds very manly.
20:05.18theharwaits for invite and flight
20:05.20Kattyi approve.
20:05.28leifmadsenKatty: I am a man!
20:05.40Kattymost excellent.
20:05.44leifmadsenthehar: you are invited -- I do not provide travel :)
20:05.53theharshakes fist
20:05.59thehari'll bring good american beers!
20:06.19Kattydo those two words actually go in the same sentance?
20:06.23Kattyerm 3
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20:06.32theharfightin' words
20:06.41Kattyi hate beer.
20:06.44Kattyit's disgusting.
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20:06.50QwellKatty: boo
20:06.56theharQwell: exactly
20:07.05KattyQwell: more for you.
20:07.31LemensTSHey All. Anyone know if the Polycom boot methods/cfgs are the same across 231, 501, and 550's?
20:07.58LemensTSSorry not cfg's, formats
20:09.42*** part/#asterisk fracBlend (~fracBlend@unaffiliated/fracblend)
20:10.05fullstopsorry, beer is awesome.. and there are plenty of good american brews.
20:10.11leifmadsenI love beer
20:10.13leifmadsenI also love wine
20:10.22fullstopleifmadsen: where are you located?
20:10.28leifmadsenToronto, ON, Canada
20:10.47fullstopyou should have a good selection there.
20:11.10leifmadsenfullstop: yep, plenty of beers at The Beer Store
20:11.44fullstopI don't know if Souther Tier ships up there, but if you like wheat beer their Hop Sun is tasty.
20:12.00LemensTSGet some Spotted Cow from Minnesotta if you ever are close to there, mmmm
20:12.07leifmadsenfullstop: ya haven't heard of that one
20:12.21LemensTSI mean Wisconsin not Minessotta
20:13.04Kattyhow about mojitos instead of beer.
20:13.35fullstopwhiskey on the rocks?
20:13.47fullstopsurely we must agree on something.  :)
20:14.24Kattyno :<
20:14.29Kattywhisky is not good.
20:14.33Kattyneither is tequila.
20:14.42Kattyvodka and rum is okay tho.
20:14.46Kattywhen mixed with something.
20:14.49fullstoprum & coke?
20:14.57Kattyi got drunk on rum and coke the first time.
20:15.04Kattyi tend to avoid it now
20:15.13theharmmm beer
20:15.27wcselbyrum and dr. pepper is good
20:15.31Kattymalibu and cherry dr pepper is good.
20:15.32wcselbyjack and coke
20:15.38wcselbycrown and coke
20:15.41leifmadsenI hate jack
20:15.43Kattythose are whiskys
20:15.47wcselbycrown and coke tastes like vanilla coke
20:16.00leifmadsenweisers deluxe please
20:16.01wcselbyjack is good when it's in something else
20:16.05fullstopand there is a difference between whiskey and whisky
20:16.09leifmadsenjack is good when used to clean guns
20:16.12wcselbyi don't really drink much of anything straight up anymore
20:16.20leifmadsenjack is not good for drinking
20:16.27wcselbyYES KATTY
20:16.44wcselbymargaritas can be good, too.  get a lot of those down here in houston
20:18.03fullstopI don't drink much straight up these days.  I will have scotch on the rocks, though.
20:18.45fullstopThe only thing I've had straight up recently was sambuca.
20:19.21beardySambuca is nice. I've gotten some taste for whiskey.
20:19.28beardyI rarely drink at all though.
20:19.54carrarKatty, AND BEING CAUGHT IN THE RAIN
20:20.02beardyOtherwise, I like White Russians.
20:25.08Kattycarrar: :>>>
20:25.22Kattycarrar: also rain is wet. and often cold :<
20:26.09leifmadsenI like Bailey's on the rocks
20:26.14WIMPySometimes it's so cold, that it isn't wet any more.
20:27.30KattyWIMPy: :>
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21:02.25syadnomhi.  I am seeing something strange and having a strange experience. as follows
21:02.43carrarmmm drugs
21:03.12syadnommy 'full' log shows my chan_zap as detecting each dialed digit multiple times.  so I see 'Dialing 'wwww6720129' and then I get lines like
21:03.33syadnomDetected digit '6' 3 or 4 times, then Detected digit '7' 3 or 4 times.
21:04.08syadnomwhen dialing, sometimes I can getting a missing digit, sometimes the wrong digit because of the strange dialing.
21:04.26syadnomI added the wwww to put a delay in because I thought I was dialing before the dialtone.
21:04.28syadnomAny ideas?
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21:07.09Kattylay off the brownies.
21:09.14*** join/#asterisk mducharme-laptop (cebc7904@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:09.29mducharme-laptopI have a routing question
21:09.49infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
21:09.56mducharme-laptopI am forwarding incoming calls on a PRI on one asterisk server to another by having a route the calls 7777 on the other asterisk server
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21:10.32mducharme-laptopit is working but it's not checking the DIDs, so the calls are all going to the default route
21:11.12mducharme-laptopI think it's because of how it's dialing the 7777, so the did is not getting passed to server #2
21:11.32mducharme-laptopis there a different way of redirecting all calls from one server to another that will preserve DIDs?
21:11.33*** part/#asterisk Brack10 (~tbrackett@
21:12.24[TK]D-Fendermducharme-laptop: PARDON?  All this speak of "DID's" is irrelevant.  The call comes in on the exten it lands on with the CallerID that it has.  How you pass that to your 2nd server is up to you including what number you dial over to it.
21:12.29*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
21:12.59mducharme-laptoptkd-fender let me explain
21:13.00[TK]D-Fendermducharme-laptop: and "dialing the 7777" tells us nothing.  that is a number.  There is no implied functionality associated with it
21:13.19[T]ankim getting brute forced by someone trying to log into my sip peers. can someone quickly help me with the commands i need to add only specific ips to my iptables? googling is taking a while and i want to hurry and get this shut down
21:13.26mducharme-laptopI have one server that is fully set up as the phone server, it has all the extensions and people on it
21:13.26[TK]D-Fendermducharme-laptop: PASTEBIN is your friend.
21:14.00mducharme-laptopI have another server running asterisk, with no extensions, nothing, only the PRI coming in and a trunk to the asterisk server with all the phones
21:14.11[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: iptables -a INPUT -s -d DROP
21:14.25[T]ankthat drops the offending IP?
21:14.33[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: yes
21:14.36[T]ankthank you
21:14.53mducharme-laptopwhat I want is for any incoming call through the PRI to be directed through the IAX trunk
21:15.10mducharme-laptopso that it is as though the PRI was plugged into the server with all the extensions
21:15.22Qwelljust use an IAX2 switch.
21:15.37Qwellthat's like... ridiculously easy.
21:15.43[TK]D-FenderQwell: Not happening....
21:15.45Qwellleifmadsen: Why don't people use switches anymore? :(
21:15.53[TK]D-FenderQwell: Check your channels...
21:15.55LetoricAnybody know a reliable method for telling Asterisk to roll logs after x size, or x days?
21:16.08leifmadsenQwell: because they are not well documented and are old school? :)
21:16.11QwellLetoric: logrotate
21:16.11[TK]D-FenderLetoric: logrotate <- JFGI :)
21:16.14Qwellcheck the contrib/ dir
21:16.22Letoricseparate product?
21:16.22p3nguinletoric: You don't have Asterisk do it, you have logrotate do it.
21:16.26Letoricahh ok
21:16.28Qwellleifmadsen: but they are awesome!
21:16.30bougymani hate logrotate.
21:16.32mducharme-laptophow do I do that for incoming calls?
21:16.32leifmadsenQwell: I'm awesome!
21:16.34p3nguinIt's used in almost EVERY distro by default.
21:16.34Qwelland your face is oldschool
21:16.47bougymanso is SysV, hate that, too.
21:16.49*** join/#asterisk boodu (
21:16.51LetoricI'll check it out. Thank you p3nguin and [TK]D-Fender
21:16.56Qwellleifmadsen: You should put yourself in the acknowledgements in your book.
21:17.03Qwell"Myself: For being awesome."
21:17.24*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
21:17.37Qwell(I'm totally kidding BTW.)
21:18.11leifmadsenQwell: I've already done it
21:18.24mducharme-laptopqwell how do you se up an iax2 switch?
21:18.34QwellI should totally stop joking about that.  You actually take me seriously when I say things.
21:18.44mducharme-laptoplike I know where to put the switch command
21:18.49mducharme-laptopbut I don't know what section heading to use
21:18.52mducharme-laptopor understand what it does
21:19.05QwellYou're using FreePBX.  You can't.
21:19.27mducharme-laptopI can edit the config file manually can't I?
21:20.06mducharme-laptopthe one server receives calls in the from-pstn context
21:20.17mducharme-laptopso if I set up a from-pstn-custom
21:20.31mducharme-laptopas that would be included in from-pstn.. and put the switch in there, would that do the trick?
21:21.13mducharme-laptopI'm sorry for being so newbie here
21:21.23mducharme-laptopbut I can't get in touch with my pbx vendor
21:21.28mducharme-laptopand it's a bit of an emergency
21:22.16mducharme-laptopb/c if it doesn't happen in the next little while people may die.. the system is used for an emergency medivac call centre
21:23.17p3nguinDon't blame your usage of FreePBX on us.
21:23.46Letoricp3nguin: That pastebin you showed, it uses a wildcard and the info I read guided against that - anything I need to worry about?
21:24.53Letoricp3nguin: nm, I am guessing compress will give them a new extension so the wildcard won't catch them
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21:24.59Letoricthanks again
21:26.05[TK]D-Fendermducharme-laptop: Anything that sensitive to outage should have planned a proper administrator
21:26.27[TK]D-Fendermducharme-laptop: And pumping voip calls over IAX between multiple server is far from "reliable" by their normal standards
21:26.33[TK]D-Fendermducharme-laptop: is that over the internet?
21:27.53bougymanthis reminds me of the hospital I got sent to who had a switchvox and hadn't paid support.
21:28.23mducharme-laptoptkdfender yes it's over the internet, unfortunately this was the result of a temporary set up
21:28.38mducharme-laptopwe had to start setting up a server to ge tthe phones going because the vendor was going to be late with the phone appliance
21:28.48mducharme-laptopthey got it to us late, and it was plugged in just two hours before the PRI went live
21:29.03mducharme-laptopso we have this temporary server all set up and running with everybody, but the PRI in a different box
21:30.28[TK]D-Fendermducharme-laptop: If lives depend on it the this looks like to idea of a moron.
21:31.00Letoricp3nguin: Not very nice ;P
21:31.18p3nguinletoric: What's the problem?
21:31.50p3nguinletoric: Asterisk logs don't have "extensions."
21:32.03p3nguinletoric: It's just a regular old file name without a dot in it.
21:32.13Letoricit doesn't back up the files, it just makes a new messages file that is empty
21:32.14[TK]D-Fendermducharme-laptop: Either way all you need is a peer on each end to pass of the calls.  On your PRI side point your PRI channels to a custom context that will Dial() the other server via that peer.  On the receiving end, point the context to from-trunk.  And set the DID's up there.  The End
21:32.36Letoricp3nguin: I'm working with it now, it's on the lab system, so no real harm
21:32.39p3nguin# ls -l /var/log/asterisk/messages*
21:32.40p3nguin-rw-r----- 1 asterisk asterisk 20733 Sep 29 16:30 /var/log/asterisk/messages
21:32.40p3nguin-rw-r----- 1 asterisk asterisk 19951 Sep 26 06:37 /var/log/asterisk/messages.1.gz
21:32.43p3nguin-rw-r----- 1 asterisk asterisk 23010 Sep 19 04:03 /var/log/asterisk/messages.2.gz
21:32.46p3nguinLooks fine to me.
21:33.09Letoricp3nguin: hrm, I figured you were pranking me since you told me last week not to paste y'alls code on a live system without checking it hehe
21:33.20Letoricp3nguin: I'll see if I made a typo or something
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21:34.41kerxhi all, my polycom phone is trying to make an outbound call, but I get this error:
21:34.52kerxNOTICE[24331]: chan_sip.c:14422 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user "pedram" <sip:pedram@>;tag=73DCE29D-B67620D0
21:35.37p3nguinletoric: logrotate rotates logs.  It's what it does.  If you tell it to compress, it will compress the files after rotation.  If not, the logs will still be rotated, but will not be compressed.
21:36.39p3nguinmessages.1.gz as compared to messages.1
21:37.11Letoricp3nguin: I understand that, but for some reason, it isn't creating the .1.gz - that's the part I'm looking into
21:37.52p3nguinCopy my file contents, pasted it into a new file with an appropriate name in the appropriate directory.
21:38.28p3nguinMine is asterisk under /etc/logrotate.d/ as you can see.
21:39.19Letoricyeah, that's what I did
21:39.30Letoricnow I'm running logrotate asterisk -f
21:39.58Letoricit sends the remote commands ok, I see those pass in the console
21:40.02p3nguinlogrotate -f asterisk would be more sensible.
21:40.17p3nguin(even though you don't need to force it)
21:40.23LetoricI'll see if that makes a difference
21:40.24ManxPowerkerframil, you do not have a [pedram] section of sip.con
21:41.17Letoricp3nguin: same deal
21:41.27kerxon internal phones in the call center, should the type=peer or type=friend ?
21:41.30Letoricit creates the new file, but doesn't rotate
21:41.36LetoricI'm using CentOS 5.4
21:41.41Letoricerr, 5.5 actually I think
21:41.45p3nguinHow does it create a new file if it isn't rotating?
21:42.02p3nguinIf it isn't rotating, then the file already exists, and cannot be created again.
21:42.19Letoricwell, that's where the -f was probably changing the reaction (just a guess)
21:42.51adelasis it possible to use a Dual T1 card (TE220B) with 2 different T1 PRI provideres?
21:43.01bougymanshould be
21:43.16Letoricyeah, -f forces it, but it's still not rotating, only clearing the log
21:43.18p3nguinlogrotate essentially does this:  mv messages messages.1 && touch messages && gzip messages.1
21:43.41bougymani've never tried it with a digium, but i've got other cards with multiple-providers per card.
21:44.06adelasdamn i hope so
21:44.17adelasdid you use zaptel?
21:44.22adelasor the newer drivers?
21:45.00Letoricwell, could it be placing the files somewhere else? I'm operating as root, that's the only difference between your script and mine
21:45.20p3nguinIf you aren't getting the results you expect, you could have a permissions issue, a file name issue, or a mis-copy of my asterisk logrotate config.
21:45.45p3nguinIf you're running asterisk as root, that's your first mistake.
21:45.49*** part/#asterisk wwalker (~wwalker@
21:46.10Tim_Toadytrying to setup a sangoma card in asterisknow, i got the wanpipe rpm from this page: but i have a prob with chan_woomera its not loading:
21:46.26p3nguinNot that it'll prevent logrotate from working, but a mistake nonetheless.
21:46.29Letoricagreed, regarding running it as root, and that's in the lab to be worked through, it's how it ran on Solaris when the boss had it, so I started small ;p
21:46.42LetoricI'm running logrotate in verbose to see if I can see what's up. Thanks again for your help
21:46.45Tim_Toadyany ideas where i can get the source of chan_woomera sangome uses and compile it myself?
21:47.55Letoricok, this is messed up. It says it's doing it properly when I run it verbosely, but it doesn't show the files lol
21:48.05adelasbougyman, did you have faxes running through the cards?
21:48.14bougymanadelas: sure.
21:48.36adelaswere you running 1.6?
21:48.39adelasor 1.4?
21:48.41p3nguinShit, I messed it up too.
21:48.45bougymani did not use zaptel, used openzap
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21:48.51bougymannow freetdm
21:48.57Letoricit's cleaning up the archive file right after it makes it
21:49.52Letoricp3nguin: I added rotate 5, and now it is working
21:50.06Letoricp3nguin: maybe a difference between the packages we have?
21:50.06p3nguinI wonder if there is any issue with empty files.
21:50.19ManxPowerTim_Toady, you might get a better if you asked your question on a channel where it was on-topic.
21:50.26p3nguinlogrotate 3.7.8 - Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Red Hat, Inc.
21:50.37LetoricI'm on 3.7.4
21:50.44ManxPowerlogrotate has an option to not rotate if the file is empty
21:50.53Letoricyeah, I was using force, so it was definitely rotating
21:50.55ManxPowersee /etc/logrotate.conf or whatever it is called for your distro.
21:51.03Letoricbut it would delete the .gz right after
21:51.39p3nguinI suspent you didn't copy my rotate file exactly, or your file names are different from mine.
21:51.40Letoriclogrotate.conf has defaults at weekly/4
21:52.04LetoricI did p3nguin I'll even pastebin if ya want!
21:52.07*** join/#asterisk Get_The_Fish (
21:52.13Letoriceither way, adding rotate fixed the issue
21:52.17p3nguinI also use weekly and rotate 4.
21:52.27Letoricmaybe logrotate isn't processing it's config file properly?
21:52.39Get_The_Fishcan someone shed some light on the EXTENSION_STATE function?  What is meant by "hinted extension" in the function notes?
21:53.32ManxPowerGet_The_Fish, was not helpful?
21:53.56ManxPowerGet_The_Fish, A hinted extension is an extension with a "pseudo" priority of "hint"
21:53.57Get_The_Fishnot enough for me to wrap my head around... I just need a little push
21:54.17ManxPowerexten => 1234,hint,SIP/9876
21:54.44Get_The_Fishand then you can get the state of 1234, right?
21:55.00Get_The_Fishinstead of SIP/9876 (is it really that simple?)
21:55.08ManxPowerthe state of extension 1234 would be based on the device SIP/9876
21:55.28Get_The_Fishah I see I see... I told you I just needed a little push
21:55.54ManxPowern00bs frequently set their SIP user IDs to be the same as the user's extension, but that is a bad idea.
21:56.32Get_The_FishI seem to remember that there was an issue with using realtime extensions with DEVICE_STATE, do you think that the same would apply to EXTENSION_STATE the same, or is that no longer an issue?
21:56.47p3nguinSIP/<random letters and numbers>
21:56.56ManxPowerI cannot comment on Realtime in any way.
21:57.23ManxPowerp3nguin, I use the MAC of the device with -a -b -c, etc appended to register each call appearance independently.
21:57.55Get_The_Fishyeah, I am using a rather complicated hotdesking schema, doing these "extension to user mappings" (for lack of a better term) addresses some issues.  Thanks ManxPower.
22:00.27p3nguinletoric: Are all the other log files rotating as prescribed by their respective config files?
22:03.31Letoricp3nguin: TBH, Asterisk is the only thing running on the box outside of the built-in system stuff. I don't know how often the system logs *should* rotate, but /var/log/messages is definitely rotating without compression
22:08.04Letoricit's working now with create and compress commented out (I would rather have them easily viewable, disk space isn't an issue)
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22:08.21LetoricI know when I move asterisk to run as asterisk, I'll have to put that back in though
22:09.29Letoricoff to play pool, see yas tomorrow, and thanks again for the help
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22:14.50BenC[UK]evevneing guys, quick question on agi... I am sending a call directly into an agi script, which prompts the caller for some information, if they enter valid information, I want to put them into a queue... I've got everything working up to sending them to the queue - just not sure how to do that
22:15.06*** join/#asterisk mateu (
22:16.17ManxPowerBenC[UK], in your AGI set a dialplan variable, when you exit the AGI check for that variable and send the call to a queue using the dialplan if that variable is set.
22:16.51ManxPowerYou do not want to execute long running applications like Dial or Queue from in an AGI
22:17.42ManxPowerYour AGI will suspend until the application exits.
22:18.05BenC[UK]that makes sense.. just not sure how to edit the dialplan!
22:18.44ManxPowersounds like you are using a GUI
22:19.06BenC[UK]well, I have been using FreePBX, but doing some things from the command line too
22:19.31BenC[UK]I've started with asterisk late last night
22:20.03russellbyour AGI application will only suspend if you write it that way.
22:20.26russellbif you don't want to suspend, don't block waiting on the response :-)
22:21.33russellbthe dialplan _will_ block, in AGI you at least have the option not to block if you'd like.
22:21.40russellbjust my 3.14159 cents.
22:21.51BenC[UK]russellb:  how do I set it not to block?
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22:22.21BenC[UK]i'm using phpagi
22:22.47russellbah, if you're using a library, you probably can't.  they're usually written to block.
22:23.08russellbbut in any case, you're just in the same boat as the dialplan is.
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22:23.47BenC[UK]I dont mind blocking.. we're talking about 10 users at a time max.. shouldnt really cause that many problems ... hopefully, if it does, I can revisit
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22:24.01oDeskdoes wcfxo accept fwringdetect argument ?
22:28.10ManxPowerthose cards have not been manufactured in close to 10 years
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22:34.02cornbread7733Anyone here brilliant with Aastra dial plans?  I have a few phones cannot dial LD.  Can dial local.  Can dial local and LD with xLite and iSIP via iPhone
22:35.34cornbread7733My Aastra models are 53i, 55i, 57iCT
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22:50.33carrarcornbread7733: might start back at the default and workit out how you want it; sip dial plan: "x+#|xx+*"
22:51.07carrarinstructions are in the firmware admin guide
22:52.40carrarpage 5-56
22:55.21BenC[UK]ok, I give up for a minute with the Queue..
22:55.35BenC[UK]next question, I keep getting "all circuits are busy"
22:57.31cornbread7733carrar:  I will check the guide out, but I have pretty much started with default already, and added dial plans to attempt to correct.
22:57.53carrarthen go back to were it was working
22:57.59carrarand figure out what you did wrong
23:00.03cornbread7733It was never working... that is the problem.
23:00.22cornbread7733... it is working from xlite and iSIP
23:00.35cornbread7733...but not Aastra 53i, 55i, 57iCT
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23:10.23fiferI moved from * 1.6.0 to on Friday and * is now no longer logging cdr to MySQL. Nothing has changed in the config.
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23:15.03fiferif my * config was setup properly to log cdr to MySQL should "cdr show status" indicate something under "Registered Backends"
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23:32.27fifercan you restart cdr with out an * restart?
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23:40.50cuscohello folks
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23:50.50jsidhuso ive got asterisk running on openwrt box, and am using a sdcard to record voicemails etc. If I call that extension direct and leave a voicemail, it comes out fine. When I forward calls from my main PBX via IAX2 trunk and leave a voicemail, the beginning is allright, but the rest of the message appears to be garbled (sort of like its playing at 3x-4x the normal speed). anyone have any tips to troubleshoot this one?

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