IRC log for #asterisk on 20100927

00:02.00dandate2philippines to los angeles, is the data travelling through the pacific ocean or over europe
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00:11.39R-Guydandate2: I would guess (for what thats worth) it would go across the Pacific.
00:12.17*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
00:16.28R-GuyPing time for our traffic from the west coast to central China over the Pacific is 275ms -- Phillippines shouldn't be far off that.
00:17.26*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
00:32.39dandate2yeah from tracert looks like it goes right from manilla to los angeles. good thing i put the pbx in orange county
00:37.16*** join/#asterisk Poincare (
00:40.34dandate2would a DSL installation technician have any ability to affect the ping time and amount of packet loss experienced?
00:40.51dandate2im going to bribe the guy for the best wiring but dont want to throw the money away if it cant help =/
00:41.45mmattice"the best wiring"?
00:41.54dandate2here in the philippines is real hit and miss, a net cafe with a great connection is 16% faster than another cafe 1 block away with the same provider
00:42.23dandate2yeah when the installation tech comes could i bribe him for the best speed?
00:42.39dandate2not megabytes up/down but ping times and packetloss
00:43.46R-GuyProbably most important to make sure you get a clean pair from the DSLAM to you modem.
00:44.37dandate2are there any other terms for this or will the installation tech recognize DSLAM and "clean pair" universally
00:44.42WIMPyProbably most important to get the right configuration.
00:46.00dandate2i am so afraid, the center i rent gets 260-280ms to the pbx but this other center a block away gets 280-360ms
00:46.13dandate2my residential DSL gets 220ms
00:46.20dandate2i think im going to open a center in my house heh
00:46.30WIMPyNow, that's extreme.
00:47.47WIMPyMigt be a good idea to get a lower data rate. Better than lots of retransmissions.
00:48.12dandate2you mean less megabytes up/down ?
00:48.25dandate2wow thats brilliant
00:48.35dandate2no wonder my connection is so fast, its only half a meg
00:49.27dandate2does there need to be any excess bandwidth when only running an ATA adapter
00:50.50WIMPyIf you have bad line conditions I'd get a speed set that isn't much higher than needed.
00:51.54WIMPyFor voip reliability is essential.
00:53.23dandate2every center here with bad lines has huge up/down rates heh
00:53.47dandate2theres absolutely no redundancy
00:55.11dandate2no data centers here
00:55.17dandate2packet lossi s rampant
00:55.58dandate2then theres the calls dropping =@
01:26.43*** join/#asterisk kerframil (~kerframil@gentoo/user/kerframil)
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02:02.01*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:07.30*** join/#asterisk Hectaman (~Hectaman@
02:27.54*** join/#asterisk sshock (~sshock@
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03:16.22HectamanI've got a fire panel that tries to do a ton of dtmf signalling and then dies
03:16.31Hectamanthe call that is; outbound over a pri
03:16.50Hectamaninbound on the same 4 port digium card via an Adit 600
03:40.12*** join/#asterisk CajaCaliente (
03:41.56CajaCalienteHow is everyone?
03:44.03sshockHotBox: good
03:44.24CajaCalienteAhhh someone can read my name properly now
03:44.33sshockyep :)
03:45.55CajaCalienteWhat ver of * are you running sshock?
03:46.31sshockactually I haven't installed it yet, but when I do it will be
03:46.50CajaCalienteWhats your application for it and why are you sticking with the older version?
03:47.07sshockjust using what comes with my Debian
03:47.26sshockThere's three main reasons I want to try it out:
03:47.47sshock1. I have a gizmo account and have read that I can set things up with gizmo and google voice to get free incoming and outgoing calls.
03:48.17sshock2. I want to screen/block calls from certain telemarketers that are starting to bug me and won't stop calling back.
03:49.17sshock3. Just for fun I'd like to set up a cool menu that can do fun stuff
03:50.12CajaCalienteI have a small office building that I do work for a financial planner and we provide internet and phone services to the rest of the building.
03:50.13sshockI figure with my Linux and programming experience I ought to be able to figure it all out.  Just reading the PDF of the book now...
03:50.44sshockcool, so yours is an actual business application
03:50.45CajaCalienteInstall and explore, it's a pretty simple program when you're not using any POTS lines
03:51.08sshockyeah, one of my goals is to avoid POTS completely...
03:51.19CajaCalienteYea we got some cool stats, integrated phone books (via the Cisco 7960G's API and shit)
03:51.37CajaCalientePOTS are the only thing that gives me a fuckin headache with *, otherwise its smooth sailing all the time.
03:51.49sshockcool, that gives me hope
03:52.07CajaCalienteThat and I can't get the landlord to let me ventilate my closet so my PoE switch keeps burning out fans because of the dust and shit.
03:52.11sshockI'm guessing it won't be too hard to connect my * to gizmo
03:52.33sshockso is that where your name comes from?
03:53.01CajaCalienteUsed to be a big bud smoker
03:53.35CajaCalienteAnd I lived in a real small room in an apt with other ppl. Whenever they'd open up my door, smoke would pour out :) So I figured its appropriate
03:54.01CajaCalienteNow I'm wasting away my life doing tech consulting and being a US marine corps reservist... *sigh*
03:54.33sshockthat doesn't sound so bad
03:55.11CajaCalienteJust no money. Ran out of money to finish engineering school so w/ no degree finding stable jobs are hard.
03:55.23sshockoh; yeah, that sucks
03:55.33sshockthink asterisk will run on my Pentium 2 333MHz ?
03:55.58CajaCalienteHrmmm, probably. Depends on how thinned out the rest of the distro is I'd say.
03:56.31CajaCalienteHow well does Debian run on that box as is?
03:56.38sshockpretty good actually
03:57.00sshockI've already got a web server, smtp server, jabber server, mpd server, etc on there and never had any issues
03:57.24sshockand since it just keeps chugging along with no problem, I don't bother to upgrade it (aint broke; don't fix it)
03:58.24CajaCalienteAre you going to be recording calls?
03:58.33sshockI'm hoping since I'm just using it for home use, which means at most one or two simultaneous calls, it won't be a problem
03:58.38sshockhmm, not normally probably
03:58.57sshockactually if no one answers I think I'll have it forward to a google voice account that will do the voicemail for me
03:59.01CajaCalienteYou can start recording w/ a DTMF combination if you're ever interested.
03:59.59sshockI may try it out
04:00.20CajaCalienteWe record all the calls for my financial planner and then we have a CPA we do the service for as well. Encrypted and uploaded to off site storage making it immediately over compliant with the various regulatory bodies we have overseeing "us"
04:00.22sshockI've got Vonage right now, and one of the things that bugs me is lack of control and ability to do random stuff
04:00.37CajaCalienteHave you looked into OpenPBX and the sort?
04:00.48sshockI've heard about FreePBX
04:01.00CajaCalienteerm that's it :) my bad. had a couple of brews tonight
04:01.02sshockbut I was thinking of diving directly into asterisk
04:01.17sshockbut we'll see
04:01.26drmessanoYou wont be able to run a FreePBX based install on that box.. best to go with plain Asterisk
04:02.01sshockok, so my instincts were probably right on that
04:02.21sshockone thing I hate about Vonage is they charge extra to use a softphone
04:02.34CajaCalienteThat's some fuckin horeshit...
04:02.35sshockthat's so dumb; once I get this all figured out I'll be able to use any standard SIP client from anywhere
04:02.50CajaCalienteHave you looked into aretta?
04:03.17sshocknever heard of it
04:03.19drmessanoFlowroute is pretty damn good, and their pricing is second to none
04:03.48drmessanoAretta really doesn't offer anything priced well for residential
04:04.01sshockwell, if this thing with gizmo and google voice works, I'll have free incoming and outgoing calls to anywhere US and Canada
04:04.41sshockand if not, the gizmo prices are $4/month for incoming from POTS and $.01/min for outgoing to POTS
04:05.16sshockalthough since Google bought Gizmo, I'm not being charged the $4/month for incoming calls, and it says my call-in number doesn't expire until 2015
04:05.29*** join/#asterisk mog (
04:05.33sshockso I think the worst I will have is 1cent/min outgoing and that's it
04:06.59CajaCalientedrmessano What are you applications for *?
04:07.15drmessanoWhat do you mean?
04:08.18CajaCalienteHow do you use it?
04:09.30drmessanoI guess it depends which of the many installs I have done over the years, for various projects, using different features of Asterisk that you're asking about
04:10.18carrarMaking calls!
04:10.29drmessano^^ that's a big one
04:10.44drmessanoTaking calls  <--- Somewhere in the top5 as well
04:10.58carrarThats what DND is for
04:11.03carrarDND + VM
04:14.46sshockHere's a dumb question; to test asterisk, am I going to need two boxes, or can I do it with one?
04:15.02carrarYou will need 20 boxes
04:15.07sshockI'm guessing I'll need two, because both asterisk and a softphone will want to bind to port 5060
04:15.35drmessanoYou're gonna run the softphone off that box too?
04:15.52carrarsoftphones are not SIP Servers
04:15.54sshockjust for now; for testing
04:16.05carrarthey won't bind to UDP port 5060
04:16.22sshockoh, maybe it was only doing tcp
04:16.29sshockok, so maybe I can test it after all
04:17.12sshock(I want to do all my testing from a box behind my firewall before putting it on my firewall/server)
04:17.43carrarBuy a real SIP phone
04:17.57carrarYou're gonna want one anyways
04:18.07sshockyeah, not a bad idea, since I need to eventually; read my mind
04:18.22sshockwhat's a good & cheap IP phone?
04:18.39carrarLinkSys, Cisco, Polycom, Aastra
04:18.53sshockcan you find any for under $100?  A quick search showed cheapest one at $150
04:19.06drmessanoYes you can
04:19.11carraryou might have to spend more thenb 10 seconds searching
04:20.52sshockmy current (POT) phones are dying out, so I plan to buy IP phones regardless, rather than get a digital<->analog router or PCI card
04:21.45carrardo some bid sniping
04:21.55sshockoh, ebay; of course
04:21.58carrarget 4 for $30
04:22.19p3nguinFor parts or not working
04:22.26sshockthat would be sweet
04:22.49carrarah didn't read that part :)
04:23.14sshockthis one seems to only show the base station, not an actual phone
04:24.03sshockOf course, I also want it to be wireless :)
04:24.14carrarPolycom Spectralink 8020
04:24.15WIMPyNo, you don't.
04:24.20sshockwhy not?
04:24.20carrarthey work great
04:24.26WIMPyIf you want wireless, go for dect.
04:24.45sshockhmm, is that going to be expensive?
04:24.53WIMPywifi is a pita for realtime applications.
04:24.56carrarover $400
04:25.04sshockhmm, crap;
04:25.10sshockso maybe it would be cheaper to go the digital->analog route
04:25.18carrarOr get a Aastra 57iCT
04:25.23carrarit has a wireless phone with it
04:25.25WIMPyOr digital>digital?
04:25.38sshockwell, because normal analog phones aren't that expensive
04:26.13WIMPyNo, but then, you probably don't want to use them.
04:26.13sshockof course, then I would lose out on all the benefits of having IP phones
04:26.19carrardoing DA conversions is never the best option
04:26.38sshockwell, I'm doing it right now with vonage
04:26.45carrarI'm sorry
04:26.54sshockyeah, and of course they locked down the router,
04:27.04sshockso I can't even re-use it after dropping Vonage
04:27.33sshocka Linksys RTP300
04:27.45mmatticethey have a BOYD plan don't they?
04:29.24carrarby yourself a cheap inexpensive sip phone
04:29.33sshockoh, BYOD; you spelled the acronym worng :)
04:29.42carrarThose work fine too
04:29.44mmatticedyslexic typing
04:29.52sshockthey might,
04:30.09sshockbut the point is I already bought this RTP300, and I don't know if there's a way to unlock it from Vonage
04:30.35mmatticeyou can ask them obviously
04:30.38sshockthe voice settings page just says "Please contact your service provider for further information."
04:30.55sshockyeah, I bet they'll just love to tell me how to unlock it
04:31.05WIMPyDoesn't google come up with any howtos?
04:31.26sshockHmm, there might be something on it; I haven't actually searched for that yet.
04:32.33carrarLet me know if there is anything you need googled
04:32.49sshockso, maybe this will be cheaper than buying IP phones...
04:33.00carrarand more problems for you
04:33.07carrarhave at it
04:33.49sshockof course, I don't want to play around with that until I'm 100% sure I've got asterisk set up and working how I want and ready to drop vonage
04:34.20sshockI'm sure once unlocked Vonage won't help me "fix" it back
04:35.06carrarWhy not keep Vonage and their hardware working and buy a sip phone
04:35.07WIMPyOTOH IADs can be bought for 10.95.
04:35.45carrarthen if you wanted to you could connect Vonage to your asterisk box
04:36.45mmatticeImprovized Audio Device
04:36.46WIMPyIntegrated Access Device - Modem / Router / ATA combo box
04:36.57sshockoh, ok; I've heard ATA before but not IAD
04:37.30WIMPyNGN termination
04:37.59sshockdo they have IADs that can provide multiple lines?
04:38.25sshockI've got cat5 running through my house, so in theory I should be able to have 4 POT phone lines
04:38.46WIMPyYes. Those el cheapo ones have 4 analogue and 1 ISDN port.
04:38.58WIMPySorry. 3+1
04:39.21sshockbecause the main feature I don't want to lose by going with analog phones is the ability to have one phone extension for me and a separate one for my wife
04:39.38carrargo SIP
04:39.47carrarPOT is so going backwards
04:40.03sshockwell, that's what I thought originally too
04:40.11carrarand you were originally correc
04:40.12sshockbut I'm being told a wireless IP phone is sooo expensive
04:40.22carrarYou have cat5
04:40.25WIMPyNo, but to shitty.
04:41.46sshockI don't think I could go back to a corded phone, even if it is a sweet IP phone
04:41.54sshockthis is for a home setting, not an office
04:41.57carrarPut your computers one wifi channel 1 & your wifi sip phone on 6 or 11
04:41.57WIMPyIt's nice if you're on your way, but the conversation may suffer from quite some glitches.
04:42.24WIMPyIf you don't have neighbours...
04:42.32sshockhmm, but to use different channels means buying another wireless AP, right?
04:42.48carrarand one that works best with the wifi sip phone
04:42.55carrarsome reqire mmw
04:43.10sshockif you say it is worth it
04:43.21*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
04:43.54sshockthat wouldn't be too bad; I can get a wireless router pretty cheap
04:44.58sshockwouldn't it be possible to have an IP phone with a base station that is hard-wired to the network
04:45.13WIMPyCheapest and reliable solution is a BRI card in your server and an ISDN dect base.
04:45.38WIMPyMy experiences with the cheap SIP dect bases were less than great.
04:48.52carrarsshock, read this:
04:50.11carrarSpectraLink 8002 also works great
04:50.48sshockbut I still don't think I want to spend that much
04:50.57carrarthen buy crap
04:51.02carrarand get crappy results
04:52.18ChannelZWon't you take me to
04:52.21ChannelZCrappy town!
04:52.31carrarbus is leaving soon
04:52.36carrarsshock is driving
04:52.56carraras noted, it's the short bus
04:53.33sshockI can upgrade later; for now I just want to get * working.
04:55.13sshockI may just do all my testing with softphones...
04:55.15*** join/#asterisk shamelessn00b (
04:55.49WIMPyAt least you don't waste money on crap then.
04:56.01carrarTelephoney depot sells the Aastra 57i CT Wireless VoIP phone base station for about $200
04:56.13carrarSIP phone with awireless handset that also rings with it
04:56.37carrarin 1.9ghz dect rf space
04:56.47sshockhmm, that doesn't sound too bad
04:56.52WIMPyFor 172 EUR you get an ISDN dect base incl. 5 mobiles.
04:58.03sshocknot bad
04:58.11WIMPyBRI cars is 20.- so you get five reliable phones instead of one.
04:58.55carrarJust get a single story house and yell louder
04:59.38sshockso does BRI card mean I'm using ISDN?
05:00.34carrarand it will cost more in service
05:00.34sshockISDN uses same connection as normal phones?
05:00.53sshockor does it use cat5 (rj45)?
05:01.24carrarbri is single pair
05:01.26WIMPy8p4c, so what's usually calles RJ45
05:01.41WIMPyTwo pairs.
05:01.52carrardpends how many lins
05:02.07sshockwhat do you mean by cost more in service?
05:02.29carrarsip service over the internet will be cheaper then getting ISDN service
05:02.50WIMPyWe're not talking about getting an ISDN line.
05:02.55sshockok, yeah; I'm not interested in any ISDN service
05:03.16WIMPyWe're talking about using an ISDN interface to connect dect phones to an Asterisk server.
05:04.31sshockok, so all I'd have to do is plug a BRI card into my * server and connect a CAT5 cable from that to the phone base station
05:04.54sshockand * will know how to talk to that, and the quality will be good?
05:05.03WIMPyMore or less. You will probably need a crossover cable.
05:05.25sshockso that's not a SIP phone then
05:05.40WIMPyDepends on your card and used software. But they can be made to talk.
05:05.52WIMPyThat's not SIP, no.
05:06.05WIMPyThat's good old telephony hardware.
05:06.05sshockbut it's still going to have more functionality than a normal analog phone
05:06.12sshockor no?
05:06.58sshockok, I'll definitely keep it in mind for when I'm ready to start buying phones
05:07.14WIMPyOnly problem is that it seems impossible to do call transfers with Asterisk, but unless you want to use oter phones as well, the dect base will handle that in your case.
05:07.40sshockok, I see
05:08.14WIMPyBut maybe one day this exotic feature will find it's way...
05:08.19drmessanoYou can do transfers.. you always have feature codes
05:08.35WIMPyThat's not a transfer, that's crap.
05:10.00drmessanoIf you say so
05:11.26sshockhere's a dumb question; don't most IP phones still use standard old RJ12 phone connection for the handset (and headset) jacks to the base?
05:11.48sshockat least, I know my shoretel phone I use at work does
05:12.03drmessanoRJ12, no
05:12.05WIMPyWhy should they be different?
05:12.05shamelessn00bWIMPy: you can do transfers, eg the teco sends you 1234XXXX and you get the last 4 digits from the extension sent and dial it
05:12.11drmessanoRJ12 is 6P6C
05:12.37WIMPyshamelessn00b: Pardon?
05:12.59sshocksorry, can't keep my terms straight
05:13.00drmessanoSome call the standard 4P4C handset jack an RJ9, but it doesn't technically have an RJ designation
05:13.18WIMPycan never remember those RJ*, but then they are usually only used wrongly anyway.
05:14.24*** join/#asterisk WWGD (~WWGD@
05:15.08sshockthe reason I ask is because, technically doesn't that mean I could connect an analog phone (even a cordless one) to the IP phone base station?
05:15.52shamelessn00bWIMPy: you can use AMI, register an event, when the user presses a button you can redirect them where you want
05:16.01WIMPyReceiver != phone.
05:16.49WIMPyshamelessn00b: Yes, but that would be the same as the inband "feature" stuff and won't work with any phones transfer feature.
05:16.57sshockdoh; ok, I think you're right
05:17.31sshockI think I might be able to receive calls with it, but it wouldn't recognize any dialing
05:17.33WIMPyWhich indeed seems odd to me as 1.8 got a lot of other less important features added in that direction.
05:17.52WIMPyNot even that.
05:18.14drmessanosshock: Nonsense.. even the plugs fit, which they wont, the cordless will expect a line present.. the won't be
05:18.26drmessanosshock: Nonsense.. even IF the plugs fit, which they wont, the cordless will expect a line present.. the won't be
05:18.33WIMPyThat's a completely different interface, even if you can get the plug in.
05:19.16shamelessn00byeah I mean 1.8 got that voice pitch changing feature, who needs it anyways :/
05:19.54WIMPyshamelessn00b: Oh. Well, I tried that one before. It's fun, but rather senseless.
05:20.45sshockso regular analog cordless phones use 5.8GHz spectrum; what does DECT use?
05:21.40shamelessn00bSRTP and SDES support might be useful
05:21.42WIMPyDepends on country. 1.8-2.5 GHz
05:21.47*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
05:22.50WIMPyDefault is 1880-1900.
05:23.35sshockisn't it stupid that 2.4GHz has to be shared by everything from WiFi to microwave ovens?
05:23.57sshockseriously, why should my network have to flake out when I go heat up a burrito?
05:24.03WIMPyUse wires.
05:24.27sshockyeah, but no one wants to use wires to talk on the phone at home, now do they?
05:24.57WIMPyI don't want to care about charging batteries.
05:25.16sshockwell, yeah that can be annoying, but most base stations I know of also charge
05:25.34sshockso your phone charges when you're not using it
05:25.51WIMPyAnd you always have to search for the phone, because you left it in some strange place.
05:27.11sshockhehe, well that is true, but you also have base stations with a "find HS" button
05:27.21drmessanoWIMPy, do you use one of those 10-yr old Nokia cell phones with the 160x160 display on it because "those smart phones will never last"?
05:27.44WIMPyActually I don't use a mobile phone any more.
05:28.00drmessanoAnalog or die?
05:28.29WIMPyNo Analog for me.
05:28.44WIMPyI prefer some comfort.
05:28.57*** join/#asterisk sipsurfer29 (47ac599b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:29.03sipsurfer29what's a good DID provider?
05:29.11WIMPyThat's why I occasionally rant about the voip stuff.
05:30.52sshocksipsurfer29: I used Gizmo which was $4/month for DID number, but then Google bought them out and suspended new user sign-up
05:31.06sshockso that won't work for you
05:31.33drmessanosipsurfer29, Flowroute is pretty awesome
05:31.38sipsurfer29so what's a good provider where I can receive calls for as little cost as possible?
05:31.41sshocktoo bad Google Voice won't let you forward calls to any SIP number, cuz then your DID would be free
05:31.43sipsurfer29flowroute? alright i'll check them out
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05:42.00*** part/#asterisk sshock (~sshock@
05:48.16CajaCalienteAnyone here use agents?
05:49.07uqlevCajaCaliente, the secret ones?
05:49.22CajaCalienteuhhh not sure. Basically here's my issue:
05:50.04CajaCalienteCalls comes in on DAHDI 1 to SIP/ClientA, ClientA does a transfer (not blind) to ClientB by calling them to announce who is on DAHDI 1, then completes the transfer to ClientB
05:50.26CajaCalienteI end up with two call recordings with no definitive way to collate who the end (internal) party was
05:50.52CajaCalienteAnd I had read something along the lines that using some sort of call queue with agents would work?
05:51.21CajaCalienteI just wasn't sure if that fit my bill because I'm talking about like 2 DID's coming into 3 internal SIP lines
05:51.36uqlevregret I have no idea
05:51.54CajaCalienteDo you use call recording or CDR at all?
05:57.41*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
05:57.48CajaCalienteHola Faustov
05:58.28CajaCalienteWhat solutions have you used * for?
06:01.09*** join/#asterisk wierdo (~jimmy@
06:01.45CajaCalientewierdo: What solutions have you used * for?
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06:02.37wierdoCajaCaliente, call centers, office PBX ... many things
06:03.10CajaCalienteHave you done much with call recording?
06:04.10CajaCalienteWould you be willing to maybe comment on a predicament I'm having?
06:04.14*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
06:04.48CajaCalienteCalls comes in on DAHDI 1 to SIP/ClientA, ClientA does a transfer (not blind) to ClientB by calling them to announce who is on DAHDI 1, then completes the transfer to ClientB
06:04.57CajaCalienteI end up with two call recordings with no definitive way to collate who the end (internal) party was
06:05.13CajaCalienteAnd I had read something along the lines that using some sort of call queue with agents would work? Any for sure answer?
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06:05.17CajaCalienteI just wasn't sure if that fit my bill because I'm talking about like 2 DID's coming into 3 internal SIP lines
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06:08.23wierdocan you just write in some variable which is the first  internal party and include it in the recording name
06:09.14CajaCalienteI suppose that would be a kinda hack to get it done but I had heard there was some sort of clean solution for it
06:10.27wierdomaybe, but i have to run some tests, not shure how it could be done right now
06:11.06CajaCalienteNo worries, just joined up to maybe help a few souls and be able to bounce some questions against others
06:11.15CajaCalienteThanks for your willingness though
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06:26.24J4zenCan anyone recommend a good book/readup on VoIP(or Asterisk) and SS7/C7?
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08:30.48heffertzafrir_laptop: vzaphfc with dahdi 2.4.0 doesn't seem to work. error message is "Unable to receive TEI from network in state 2(Assign awaiting TEI)!", seems okay
08:31.19tzafrir_laptopzaphfc, right?
08:31.25hefferright, from your git
08:31.51hefferversions are asterisk 1.8 rc2, libpri svn r2006, dahdi 2.4.0
08:33.47hefferit never gets over the stage of waiting for a TEI assignment
08:51.07Dovidhello ev1
08:51.20Dovidtzafrir: moadim lesimha
08:54.59tzafrir_laptopheffer, is layer 1 down?
08:55.30tzafrir_laptopCan you call out? Call in? Call out possible only shortly after an incoming call?
08:55.57tzafrir_laptopDovid, hi :-)
08:57.35heffertzafrir_laptop: i'll check. i can't call in or out though. i'll test the calling out after calling in
09:04.36heffertzafrir_laptop: the card doesn't react to incoming calls, outgoing calls makes it emit TEI management messages, layer 1 is up and card is in TE mode
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09:48.58TobSnydersomeone familiar with timing parameters like prewink, preflash, wink, rxwink, rxflash, flash, start etc?
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09:59.56rethus1need ConfBridge Dahdi ?
10:04.37tzafrir_laptopTobSnyder, what about them?
10:06.08tzafrir_laptopheffer, what do you have in /etc/dahdi/system.conf ?  Also: can you enable pri debug 2 on the span (intense debug)
10:06.21tzafrir_laptopand include a short trace from it, that is
10:07.57heffertzafrir_laptop: system.conf:
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10:14.09heffertzafrir_laptop: debug log:
10:14.37catphishi just installed 1.8 on a new host, unlike 1.4 it seems that when connecting with "asterisk -vvvvvr", I get no log output, how do I view the log?
10:18.59ectospasmcatphish: be sure to enagle console logging in logger.conf
10:19.35catphishi'm using a config from 1.4 - not sure if i'll need to make more extensive changes?
10:19.50shamelessn00bheffer: you system.conf looks suspicious to me
10:19.50ectospasmyeah, that will probably be a bad idea
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10:20.04catphishi don't even have a logger.conf :(
10:20.26ectospasmthat's a problem.  I don't know what the default behavior is then.
10:20.45catphishi'll spend more time on a new config
10:20.45ectospasm...I know FreePBX disables console logging by default.
10:20.51heffershamelessn00b: that's what is generated by dahdi_genconf
10:21.34shamelessn00bwhat card do you have
10:24.50rethus1is "SET CALLERID only for meetme, or can i use it wit ConfBridge or Konference too?
10:25.56heffershamelessn00b: a HFC-S PCI (the cheap cologne chip ones)
10:26.28rethus1did somebody know how i can set the User:id in Konference to another calue?
10:26.56shamelessn00bit supports T1?
10:31.30tzafrir_laptopheffer, just another sanity check: that connection is not ptp, it's ptmp, right?
10:31.56ruyoAnyone knows where can I get information on how to interpret mISDNdebugtool output?
10:32.23ruyoI'm looking at mISDNdebugtool.h but the info there doesn't add up to the actual debug output.
10:35.08fauxallianceGood Morning
10:36.08heffertzafrir_laptop: yes ptmp
10:36.20heffera standard german ISDN line :D
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10:42.39c0rnoTaHello everyone
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10:44.07themArtAny change with some help with a 'utils.c: fwrite() returned error: Broken pipe' error?
10:47.46fauxalliancethemArt, php probably.  what does the generators log indicate?
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10:48.46themArtfauxalliance: yar.. PHP.  I'm trying to originate a call.  Any simples solutions?  Use Perl for example?
10:49.13c0rnoTaI'm using E1 channel to connect to PSTN. Sometimes I get debug messages "Got a FRAME_CONTROL (8) frame on channel DAHDI/". I receive this when call is active and people speaking. The call drops when this message was received. My telco said, that my PBX disconnect the call (send Disconnect frame with cause 16 - normal clear). russellb siad: "control frames are call signaling information ... 8 is  Congestion"
10:49.24fauxalliancethemArt, start looking at the php logs... pastebin it
10:49.55themArtfauxalliance: Okley dokes.  I'll see what I can dig up :-)  Ta!
10:50.25fauxalliancethemArt, you had it right the first time... use PERL as this is obviously a PHP buggy way of managing sockets... however, not a simple solution./
10:50.40c0rnoTaI thought I was getting Congestion frame from telco but it's not
10:51.04themArtfauxalliance: ha!  I'll take a look.  Could be quicker in my case!
10:51.35c0rnoTaSo, the question is: What  is the initiator of the message in the log?
10:51.46tzafrir_laptopc0rnoTa, and that congestion did not come from the remote end?
10:52.02tzafrir_laptopIt can also be "wrong number" and such
10:54.46c0rnoTatzafrir_laptop: yes. There is no Congestion frame in 'pri debug'. This message appears when call successfully set.
10:56.37fauxalliancethemArt, check out the manager.conf  read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,originate
10:56.37fauxalliancewrite = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,originate
10:56.56themArtfauxalliance: I've got read: all and write: all
10:57.03themArtfauxalliance: That should work huh?
10:57.10fauxalliancethemArt, you will probably still get that broken pipe, but the call should originate properly
10:57.33fauxalliance(debian lenny  *1.6)
10:57.47fauxalliancePHP 5.2.6-1+lenny8 with Suhosin-Patch
10:58.19themArtfauxalliance: The exten is SIP and the number is internal.  The internal has Monitor and WaitForSilence.. The call originates correctly, but, the call recording file appears empty.
10:58.39themArtfauxalliance: If I call the number via a SIP client, it recird the call quite happily.
10:58.53themArtfauxalliance: (records)
10:59.36fauxallianceanother kettle of fish entirely
10:59.54themArtha!  thought it maybe :-(
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11:02.36fauxallianceGood Morning Naikrovek
11:02.40themArtfauxalliance: thanks anyway :-)
11:02.48fauxalliancethemArt, GL!
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11:33.02rethus1did somebody know how i can set the User:id in Konference to another value?
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11:53.21TobSnydertzafrir_laptop: concerning timing parameters like prewink, preflash, wink, rxwink, rxflash, flash, start etc: just want to know how to configure them, to enable the Hook Flash key (Recall-Key) on analog telephone sets
11:54.39tzafrir_laptopTry reducing the size of rxflash
11:55.11TobSnydercurrently those values are not set in any config, so a I guess they are set to default
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11:56.41TobSnyderdefault of rxfalsh is 1250ms, so what would you set there
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12:02.37Naikrovekoh god i hate my boss, job, career, life, planet, solar system, universe
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12:08.01fauxallianceNaikrovek, *grin* it's Monday after all
12:08.32shamelessn00bNaikrovek: who doesnt
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12:25.08francispereiraOutbound calls from my  asterisk server work but I am unable to hear the voice. Could this be a codecs problem? If so, how do i debug it ?
12:25.27infobotit has been said that sipnat is Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
12:26.10[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Regrettably my server is down...
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12:29.51francispereira[TK]D-Fender, any pointers about debugging my sound problem
12:32.19ectospasmfrancispereira: as drmessano pointed out, it seems you've got a SIP+NAT issue
12:32.56ectospasm~sipnat | francispereira
12:33.06ectospasmoh, so redirections don't work
12:33.16ectospasm~sipnat > francispereira
12:33.57stixIs Beronet okay or is it cheap copies of Digium?
12:34.08stixI am thinking about buying a BRI isdn card
12:34.20russellbyou should buy Digium, obviously :-)
12:34.44stixrussellb, yes I have recommended that to my customer, but he found something cheaper :)
12:34.59stixand I have never tried Beronet's products
12:35.18russellbstix: tell the customer that Digium makes Asterisk, so you're going to get the best experience with DIgium products
12:35.21russellbworks there by the way
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12:36.17stixrussellb, yes I told him that. A distributor of Beronet told my customer that Beronet is making the components for Digiums cards.
12:36.33stixbut I doubt that :)
12:37.31drmessanoSo there's your out
12:37.42nemithstix: who uses BRI?
12:37.45drmessanoThe distributors of said cards are a bunch of liars
12:37.52russellbnemith: all of Europe, heh
12:38.01nemithwell most...
12:38.21russellbevery last one of them!
12:38.30stixnemith, why do you think, that Digium, Sangoma, Beronet and others make BRI cards? :)
12:39.00Naikrovekholy shit nemith is in here
12:39.11Naikroveknow i wonder if he's always been in here
12:39.49stixHas anyone actually tried a card from Beronet?
12:39.53Kattypokes Naikrovek
12:39.58stixanyone in here I mean :)
12:40.15Naikrovekhugs Katty.
12:40.16Kattystix: i have not. i tend to avoid items i can't get support on, should i need it.
12:40.24Kattyhugs on Naikrovek
12:40.32fauxalliancewonders why Alan T hasn't recorded prompts yet,,, "you, you and you, in queue, you and you, on hold. "
12:40.33stixKatty, yes okay
12:40.38drmessanoYeah, and since the Beronet distributors are a bunch of liars...
12:40.57Kattystix: a lack of support gives me heart burn. it gives my clients heart burn too
12:41.07ectospasmthe Beronet guy I talked to earlier seemed nice enough
12:41.29Kattyif only nice paid the bills :<
12:41.40ectospasmI dunno, I wasn't calling for support (-;
12:41.44drmessanoectospasm:  Which side are you on, anyway?
12:41.51Kattywho says he has to take sides.
12:41.53ectospasmdrmessano: I work for Digium (-;
12:41.56drmessanoI just did
12:42.04Kattywell you don't count ;P
12:42.21fauxalliancecounts drmessano twice
12:42.21Kattydrmessano: <3
12:42.38drmessano[08:36] <stix> russellb, yes I told him that. A distributor of Beronet told my customer that Beronet is making the components for Digiums cards.  <--- Sounds like they are the enemy and must be stopped
12:43.02drmessanoI recommend a full boycott
12:43.12ectospasmsounds like someone is misinformed.  Don't attribute to malice what should be considered incompetence
12:44.06drmessanoTell that to Stallman
12:44.12ectospasmor however the quote goes
12:44.24Kattyi agree with ectospasm
12:44.30Kattythe benefit of the doubt should be given.
12:44.42drmessanoKatty:  You don't count
12:44.50drmessanoKatty:  Burn.
12:44.51Kattythat's okay. i volunteer my opinions anyway.
12:45.43[TK]D-FenderEveryone is entitled to my own opinion ;)
12:46.02ectospasm"If I'd wanted your opinion, I'd have given it to you."
12:46.09Kattyokay so on a lighter note
12:46.18Kattymy mom's apple tree was overloading, so i brought some apples home
12:46.36ectospasmKatty: did you install Android on any of them?
12:47.08Kattyshould i make regular ole apple pie, or this new apple pie recipe i found which is.....
12:47.41drmessanoBest thing you can do with an overloaded Apple is hit Open-Apple, Closed-Apple, then press and hold the power button for 5 seconds
12:48.22francispereiraectospasm, [TK]D-Fender drmessano I have another context when incoming calls are forwarded to a mobile number . All those calls work. Do you think it would be a sipnat problem ?
12:48.46[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: Dialplan has nothing to do with netowrking issues
12:50.33rethus1how can i list event-Listeners that add via a script to AGI? is there a way on the cli to see them?
12:50.47francispereira[TK]D-Fender, but those calls work. They come in to the PRI on to the media gateway and media gateway sends it to the asterisk server from where the server forwards it to a mobile number which is sent back to the media gateway and on the the PRI. Infact there is no firewall inbetween at all. Maybe i am wrong
12:51.36[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: I see no configs, no proper description of the call path and most importantly, no SIP DEBUG for a failed call to debug
12:52.35infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
12:53.16*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (
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12:53.51catphishis is possible to disable Packet2Packet in 1.4?
12:54.04catphishcanreinvite=no doesn't seem to help any more
12:56.38francispereira:) [TK]D-Fender here is what the call log looks like
12:58.33[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: Everything appears to be on a closed local LAN.  Is this correct?
12:59.07francispereirayes it is
13:00.17[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: dump your firewall
13:00.43Naikrovekahh, yeah:
13:00.53c0rnoTa'm using E1 channel to connect to PSTN. Sometimes I get debug messages "Got a FRAME_CONTROL (8) frame on channel DAHDI/". I receive this when call is active and people speaking. The call drops when this message was received. My telco said, that my PBX disconnect the call (send Disconnect frame with cause 16 - normal clear). russellb siad: "control frames are call signaling information ... 8 is  Congestion" So, the question is: What  is the initiator of t
13:01.03francispereirai did a iptables -F
13:03.13[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: And on whatever system is running X-lite.
13:03.29[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: What about INBOUND from that AudioCodes?
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13:04.45elred_c0rnoTa, check
13:06.02c0rnoTaelred_: please look to this
13:06.19c0rnoTaelred_: line 81
13:06.45francispereirain bound calls are forwarded to the same server . all inbound calls are forwarded back out through the media gateway, here is my extensions.conf
13:07.10francispereirax-lite is running on windows 7
13:07.17c0rnoTaelred_: after that asterisk send hangup and call drops
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13:08.28elred_c0rnoTa, sorry i am not an expert, i don't know what exactly is the FRAME CONTROL (8) that trigger the hangup
13:08.39elred_maybe someone here will be able to tell you
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13:12.18c0rnoTaelred_: russellb said: control frames are call signaling information ... 8 is *looks it up...* Congestion.
13:12.55c0rnoTaelred_: thanks for annention
13:13.13[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: Add "canreinvite=no" to your gateway peer and retest
13:13.26[TK]D-Fenderfrancispereira: And again, your DIALPLAN has nothing to do with this.
13:14.31francispereiraI wanted to show you how inbound calls are handled :)
13:14.42francispereiralet me try canreinvire=no
13:15.37catphishi am really confused about canreinvite vs Packet2Packet bridging
13:15.50catphishsetting canreinvite=no seems to enable p2p on my system :(
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13:16.43leifmadsencatphish: I'm pretty sure packet2packet means it is going through asterisk still, but is not being transcoded. A native bridge is where packets going between end points directly
13:16.55leifmadsenif I remember correctly -- that is a little bit of a confusing area, I agree
13:17.03catphishah ok
13:17.22leifmadsenthere was a bug that had to do with packet2packet bridging a while ago and file explained it to me, which I've partially forgotten and need to document
13:17.34francispereira[TK]D-Fender, canreinvite=no WORKS !
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13:17.45leifmadsenthere were settings that would allow you to somewhat control how that worked (i.e. packet2packet or native, since the issue only showed with packet2packet I think)
13:17.51francispereirawhere do i find docs on options like this
13:17.59francispereirathe book certainly doesnt have it
13:18.01catphishi'm having endless issues with silent calls on a nat
13:18.24catphishtoo many firewalls :(
13:18.33rethus1Events in AMI: first i have to enable EVENTS - after this i have to tell, which events should be catched ?
13:20.09jamkocatphish: get yourself a block of statics, and put everything on the wan.
13:20.53catphishjamko: that'd be nice
13:21.03catphishbut hopefully unnecessary
13:23.35francispereira[TK]D-Fender, thanks !
13:23.44jamkodepends a lot on your firewall.
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13:25.13leifmadsensounds like app_meetme wasn't compiled, likely due to a lack of a DAHDI timing interface
13:25.19fauxalliancecatphish, i have four levels of NAT with a bridging router... is that too many?
13:25.25leifmadsenyou need to install DAHDI, even if you have no hardware
13:25.50catphishfauxalliance: more than one level of nat is bad design IMO
13:26.57fauxalliancefour that work are better than one that doesn't ;-)
13:27.19catphishfauxalliance: how about one that does?
13:28.13fauxalliancecatphish, we are bridging two demarc's then dyking out two three subnets... clumsy, but hierarchically sensible
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13:28.58fauxalliancecatphish, how can I invite you to pick a router and whack it with a maul if I only have one ;-)
13:29.34fauxalliancethat would be a 'half router, with the works
13:29.37fauxalliance' ;-)
13:30.17fauxallianceAre we going to be living on IPv4/NAT for the rest of our lives?
13:30.36drmessanoNo, I like NATing IPv6
13:31.07catphishsomeone should write into the IPv6 protocol that NAT is banned
13:31.22fauxalliancelet's try multiplexing multiple transports over a single TCP connection ;-)
13:31.33kukuleifmadsen: so I have to recompile in order to get it working ?
13:31.51[TK]D-Fenderkuku: Yes
13:32.41fauxallianceThere is no shortage of IPv4 addresses, because NAT!  This is stymieing the adoption of the protocol.
13:34.10rethus1Events in AMI: first i have to enable EVENTS - after this i have to tell, which events should be catched ? - Right? But how can i tell which event to register ?
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13:36.14[TK]D-Fenderrethus1: HUH?  You get ALL EVENTS.  You don't get to pick WHICH.
13:36.24[TK]D-Fenderrethus1: It is yoru job to parse out the ones you care about
13:36.39rethus1ah, ok, thanks
13:37.10leifmadsenkuku: well you need DAHDI installed, then you need to look in menuselect and make sure app_meetme is selected, then you need to compile the module and install it -- yes.
13:37.27underdog <-- Enterprise Phone Systems Comparison Guide...has some cost numbers in it...metions open-source but no costs associated with it
13:38.01*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
13:38.06underdog <-- buyer's guide from same group
13:38.12[TK]D-Fenderunderdog: Of course not.. who makes their own solution look bad? :p
13:38.30fauxalliance[TK]D-Fender, Kool-Aid?
13:38.42[TK]D-Fenderfauxalliance: DO NOT DRINK!
13:39.59Kattypamples [TK]D-Fender
13:41.03bougymanit's not like the asterisk website mentions much about freeswitch or yate or opensips or ... or anything but asterisk.
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13:41.43fauxalliancebougyman, don't hear much about the Baptists down the the Episcopal either...
13:42.29bougymanfauxalliance: sure you do.
13:43.45fauxalliancebougyman, sotto voce, perhaps
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13:45.44fauxalliance[TK]D-Fender, the Flavor Aid is the one that bites.
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14:06.11c0rnoTaGuys, where i can get answer for my question? The question is: Why channel.c write my "Got a FRAME_CONTROL (8) frame on channel DAHDI/..." When there was no frame from telco received?
14:07.43c0rnoTaAfter that message call drops.
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14:47.41NiugeShi all.. using trixbox and was wondering if someone could assist.. I am looking for some help.. At the moment, if for example extension 1003 answers the phone to 0208 123 123, and then transfers the call to 1001, the call is logged as a call between 1001 and 1003.  This provides false figures on the reports we generate using the CDR.  any suggestions?
14:48.35CajaC[a]lienteI have a very similar probably
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14:50.03c0rnoTaNiugeS: blind transfer?
14:50.52NiugeSno ...
14:51.01CajaCalientec0rnoTa sometimes you don't want a blind xfer
14:51.09NiugeSi aggree..
14:51.26c0rnoTaNiugeS: i think transfer method is the root of the problem. Have similar too. Because the uniqueid changes too
14:51.36NiugeSbut i have just noticed the same problem with the ivr..  if someone calls in the call gets recorded against the ivr however an extension picked it up..
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14:53.32NiugeSdoes anyone know if there is a fix to it?
14:54.12CajaCalienteI was just talking with wierdo a few hours ago about this very setup. he was going to try some things and get back to me
14:54.18c0rnoTaNiugeS: what version of asterisk-addons?
14:54.49rethus1can i use "set Callerid" fot setting name and number for an incoming sip-call (sipclient like twinkle)
14:54.57WIMPyWhat version of Asterisk are you guys using?
14:55.31NiugeSc0rnoTa i'm using trixbox
14:55.37NiugeSor trixbox was installed
14:55.46NiugeSi'm not overly technical but had it instaled..
14:55.49WIMPyInteresting. I don't have the problem on
14:56.23CajaCalienteWIMPy my issue is kinda self inflicted but I'm unsure of how to resolve it
14:56.40WIMPyI get CDRs for calls from A>B and A>C with both the same ID.
14:57.07NiugeSWIMPy so it preserves the callerid and passes it on correctly?
14:57.11CajaCalienteDAHDI1-1 calls into SIP/Main wanting Alex. SIP/Main calls SIP/Alex, announces whos on the line, then transfers. This results in two separate call recordings that are hard to piece back together as well as disjointed CDR data
14:57.37WIMPyNiugeS: Yes
14:58.50WIMPyCajaCaliente: Well, it's not nice, but not hard either. Look for identical IDs in the CDRs.
15:00.33WIMPyErr, or just put the ID into the filenames.
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15:01.30WIMPyist still in the process of waking up.
15:02.01CajaCalienteWIMPy negative I have different unique IDs
15:02.40WIMPychecks on an axfer...
15:03.40eugeneodenis there a trick to get asterisk ( to propagate codec-changing sip reinvites when directrtpsetup=yes?
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15:05.59WIMPyCajaCaliente: Right. That only seems to work for blind transfers.
15:06.41CajaCalienteYea thats what I'm getting at. I have been yelled at to use agents or someshit like that but I wasn't sure if my small setup warranted it
15:07.21WIMPyMine wouldn't, but that might be an issue for me as well.
15:10.09WIMPyIt seems rather obvious that it gets a new ID, really. Would probably be best to generate tree CDRs inthat case, I guess.
15:10.23CajaCalienteHow would one go about doing so?
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15:18.06areayhi all... i'm using reportholdtime for one of my queues, i was wondering if it's possible to play additional sound files (such as which queue the call is coming from) to the agent when they answer the call...
15:20.01WIMPyCajaCaliente: Fiddle around in the source, I guess.
15:20.31CajaCalienteIts not a huge deal, my client deals with it but I'd love to solve the issue at some point
15:20.59WIMPyCajaCaliente: It sure seems like a good idea.
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15:26.01rethus1can i use "set Callerid" fot setting name and number for an incoming sip-call (sipclient like twinkle)
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15:30.51[TK]D-Fenderrethus1: You can change the calleriD on any call you want
15:31.30fauxalliance[TK]D-Fender, on _most_ trunks.
15:31.56[TK]D-Fenderfauxalliance: "incoming sip-call".  INCOMING
15:31.58rethus1[TK]D-Fender: mhh, thats not depends on the conference-plugin i use (meetme, konference )?
15:32.26[TK]D-Fenderrethus1: Plugin?  WTF is a "plug-in"?  Call processing = dialplan = whatever the hell you want to do.
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15:34.17fauxalliancerethus1, ;-)
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15:42.00R-GuyAnyone know if there is still a Spanish Asterisk IRC channel?
15:44.14fauxallianceR-Guy, #elastix-es
15:44.34R-Guyfauxalliance: Thanks.
15:45.30[TK]D-Fenderrethus: that has NOTHIGN to do with setting callerid.
15:46.12fauxalliances/any call/any sip call/gc
15:51.01*** join/#asterisk FlashDeluxe (
15:55.07FlashDeluxehi! i have got problems with my asterisk server, if i dial out several numbers, the error appears, that i get a busytone altough the user at the end is not phoning. My sip telephone says "error 503" and dmesg shows the following ""
15:55.08FlashDeluxe[35562.616719] qozap: Unassigning channel 0/2, timeslot 2!
15:55.09FlashDeluxe[35651.047597] qozap: Unassigning channel 0/2, timeslot 2!
15:55.40FlashDeluxei am using Asterisk
15:56.04QwellUpgrade.  Don't use BRIstuffed.
15:57.25*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
15:59.45fauxallianceI presume Qwell means that the 'BRI-stuffing' kludge is not required in future (current?) releases
16:01.45QwellNo, I'm saying that it breaks a lot of things, and will likely block any upgrade paths.
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16:04.14fauxallianceTo elaborate further, the BRI support in Asterisk 1.6 uses the _same directives_ as bristuff used, and thus his migration will not be too painful.
16:05.05drmessanoI like a good BRI-stuffed burrito
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16:05.23WIMPyprefers feta.
16:07.24rethus[TK]D-Fender: did u now the application konference as replacement of meetme? if i do konference list, as user i have only numbers.
16:07.43rethusi search a way to set the usernames there, but with set callerid, it seems not to work.
16:07.49FlashDeluxethanks for help..
16:07.50rethuswith meetme it worked like a charm
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16:07.57iscariohello, i would like to know what is the difference between monitor and mixmonitor (except that mixmonitor is able to launch a script after the recording...)
16:10.08fauxallianceiscario, you can call one in a script
16:10.34fauxalliancethe other in dialplan.
16:11.58iscariofauxalliance: so in the dialplan, the role is the same right ? (because both exist as a dialplan application)
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16:13.15fauxallianceiscario, monitor also keeps seperate files for input and output... mixmonitor, gues what, mixes them.
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16:13.26iscariook thanks fauxalliance
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16:14.26iscarioso i have another question : i can't record a confBridge conference with mixmonitor, is it normal ?
16:18.43fauxallianceiscario, normal, is calling meetme with 'r' — Record conference (records as ${MEETME_RECORDINGFILE} using format ${MEETME_RECORDINGFORMAT}).
16:19.14iscarioi do not use meetme fauxalliance, but confBridge
16:19.26fauxalliancemy ignorance
16:19.29iscarioi did not install dahdi so
16:19.43fauxalliancethere's your (potential) timing issue
16:20.32BesticlesWorkHas anyone deployed asterisk as a outbound dialer here?  I am pricing out two dell servers, each will have a 1x1TE412PF.  I have never seen asterisk in production, so I don't know if I should put emphasis in CPU & HDD power.
16:20.59iscariotiming ? in fact in each time the record stop when confBridge is called fauxalliance
16:21.19fauxallianceBesticlesWork, how many calls per agent?
16:21.54fauxallianceiscario, whats wrong with meetme?
16:22.52iscarioi did not try meetme, my question was specific with confbridge, that's why I asked. I guess i'll have to install meetme :)
16:23.03iscariofauxalliance: thx!
16:23.05fauxallianceiscario, or get a 'proxy' to record for you
16:23.27iscariooh, which proxy are you talking abt ? fauxalliance
16:24.00fauxalliancea sony beta cam for all asterisk cares
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16:29.24fauxallianceBesticlesWork, unsolicited PM's are just a rude as your planned application.   "We basically blast the crap out of call lists non stop..."  nice
16:29.41fauxalliancehands BesticlesWork a cookie.
16:31.25drmessanoBuying servers before ever having used Asterisk.. Hmmm
16:31.56[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I'd like some fries with that please...
16:34.13*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~sfds@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
16:34.59fauxallianceLola “Lola, gehst du einkaufen ? Ich brauch Servers!”
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16:36.38ManxPowerI have callevents=yes in sip.conf [general] (Asterisk 1.4.x) and I am not getting a Hold event when a call is put on hold from a phone (Polycom).  When put on hold, the device shows Idle instead of Hold.  Has anyone had this issue and if so, how did you solve it?
16:37.54BesticlesWorkFaux, we're a collection agency.  That's what collection agency does.
16:39.00fauxallianceBesticlesWork, I just set up a blacklist for an abortion clinic,  we're not debating who's going to hell, just that PM's (unsolicited) are rude, and don't expect too much 'free' help for your venture.
16:39.45QwellBesticlesWork: No, that's what shadily operated collection agencies do.
16:40.19infobotfauxalliance has karma of 1
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16:41.48BesticlesWorkI see.  Well, I apologise for the "unsolicited" PM.  I haven't used IRC before until I started working on this project.  I wasn't aware that the use of PM's are rude.
16:41.57Naikrovekah well
16:42.02Naikrovekwe all learn from our mistakes
16:42.15fauxallianceQwell, once, one of these collection types kept calling, wondering whey she was getting her personal mobile every time she called ;-)
16:42.23QwellBesticlesWork: PMing somebody without their permission is just like cal...oh wait.
16:42.35WIMPyIt obviousely depends on where you are in IRC land.
16:42.53Naikrovekin a lot of places it's normal
16:42.58Naikrovekbut not here
16:42.59ManxPowerI thought faking your Caller*ID to fale your identity was illegal in the USA.
16:43.01fauxalliancenote's that this sure isn't DALnet
16:43.02Naikrovekfreenode ingeneral actually
16:43.26p3nguinThere's an act on caller ID spoofing, but I don't know that it ever made it into law.
16:45.13Naikrovekipv6 prevents spoofing, wonder if we can use that to get around faked callerid somehow
16:45.53fauxallianceNaikrovek, sounds feasable... picture 3g mobile network, hardware serial / DID pairs.
16:46.03fauxalliancespoof that!
16:46.26p3nguinIt's not hard.
16:46.54p3nguinIt's rather easy to change the IMEI or MEID on most phones.
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16:47.28fauxalliancep3nguin, not hard at all... can I ask how you update the pair with the carrier?
16:47.51fauxallianceI.E. you can't do your own ESN swapout.
16:47.54p3nguinThere's no reason to update anything with the carrier.  They've already made the associations.
16:48.16fauxalliancetangential...just a thought
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17:09.06idespinnerhey folks, having a brain fart here; whats the asterisk app that records dtmf digits into a variable?
17:09.19[TK]D-Fenderidespinner: Read()
17:09.40idespinner[TK]D-Fender, thank you, that is it!
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17:16.01Qwellsneakattacks Katty
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17:20.30citrushey all,   i was hoping to see if anyone could recommend a good 1 800 provider.  with call quality and reliability being a focus.     company is in USA and we expect mainly USA customers calling
17:22.18fauxalliancedrmessano,  "see also; "I was told, I didn't listen"
17:23.25*** part/#asterisk rethus (
17:23.38fauxallianceand ftfw,
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17:25.21s34nis anybody here doing realtime?
17:25.41p3nguincitrus:, Flowroute
17:27.52drmessano  <-- FTW
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17:35.06citrusp3nguin: Thank you
17:35.26citrusi take it trixbox is not very loved in here
17:35.43Kattydrmessano: cute.
17:35.43Naikroveknot really, no
17:35.45*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
17:36.05KattyNaikrovek: did you see the pie i'm making tonight?
17:36.18Naikroveki did not.  been fighting issues all day
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17:36.41citruswe used trixbox as a pbx at our work.    i hate it. as well
17:36.58KattyNaikrovek: <- Apple pie with a crumb topping, pecans, and caramel sauce
17:38.18Naikroveknot a huge fan of the pecans but looks excellent anyway
17:38.29KattyNaikrovek: not a fan of nuts at all?
17:38.32KattyNaikrovek: in pie
17:38.42Naikroveknot in pie really, no
17:38.44Naikrovekthat's not true
17:38.50Naikrovekmaybe just not on top
17:39.01Naikrovekdespite my extensive eating career i've not eaten a lot of pie
17:39.08[TK]D-FenderPecan pie > YOU
17:39.11fullstopHow was the Pizza?
17:39.11Kattyah right.
17:39.16Kattyfullstop: well.
17:39.34Kattyfullstop: it /would/ have been all right i think, but the friends i made it for decided they wanted two pizzas rather than one deep dish
17:39.39Kattyfullstop: so it kinda messed it all up
17:39.51Kattyeh, i'll try again
17:40.20fullstopI pickled some jalapeno pepper slices, but I won't know if they are any good for about a month.
17:40.46fullstopWe didn't get much rain this season, so they were very hot.
17:40.47Kattyhrmm. not a fan of those pickled
17:40.52Kattyprefer them freshly sauted.
17:41.03Kattyyou ever made jelly with them?
17:41.06Kattypreserves. whatever.
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17:41.10fullstopIt's going to frost soon, so I had to use them up.
17:41.32fullstopNo.. I've made poppers with them, but my wife hates the way it makes the house smell after frying.
17:41.55Kattyah, yeah...i get that
17:43.04s34nI'm looking for advice on the best way to maintain a phone directory
17:43.18p3nguinIs there no way to get FollowMe() to NOT say "Please hold while I try to locate the person you are calling."?
17:43.27bmoraca_works34n: i've always used an excel spreadsheet...
17:43.31Kattys34n: ftp.
17:43.43s34nI would like unskilled people to be able to add and remove numbers, voicemail boxes etc.
17:43.50Kattys34n: excell.
17:43.50bmoraca_workp3nguin: script it yourself :)
17:43.54Naikroveksimple webapp
17:44.08Kattythat would work too
17:44.16p3nguinAn option would be nice for that.
17:44.34s34nI can build a simple app to parse the * conf files and present them for editing, but I was thinking more along the lines of ldap
17:44.43s34nor something sql-based
17:44.56bmoraca_workp3nguin: it's not hard using astdb and local can be as complex as you want it, though
17:45.09s34nso I started looking at realtime stuff
17:45.26s34nI was hoping for some perspective from veterans
17:45.35fullstopbmoraca_work: I was able to get queues up and running with your advice the other day -- thanks.
17:45.56bmoraca_works34n: you can build whatever you want.  it doesn't necessarily have to tie in to the asterisk configs.  you can build it completely standalone
17:46.02bmoraca_workfullstop: nice.  glad i could help.
17:46.38s34nbmoraca_work: but I want it to affect asterisk
17:46.54bmoraca_workfullstop: it would be pretty awesome, though, if you could poll device state across servers without employing AMI
17:47.11fullstopIt really feels like IAX2 should be able to do this.
17:47.12bmoraca_works34n: well, that's a very tall order which goes far beyond "company directory"
17:47.20Naikrovekbmoraca_work: you can with hints after i think
17:48.13fullstopNaikrovek: only at the server level.  That is, you can specify IAX2/remote/2611 but it only does the hint for IAX2/remote
17:48.14bmoraca_workNaikrovek: it seems to me that asterisk should be able to subscribe to hints on a remote system.  not sure if it actually can, though.
17:48.19s34nbmoraca_work: I was hoping for not so tall
17:48.32Naikrovekthere was an update that made it work for BLF
17:48.37Naikroveki'm sure people in here are using it
17:48.41Naikrovekthey should speak up
17:48.54fullstopI am very interested in this if it is true for 1.6
17:48.56bmoraca_works34n: you're talking about something like freepbx or other PBX management frontends.
17:50.00*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
17:50.41bmoraca_worki'm still not sure it's possible...i don't really see anything in the configs about asterisk subscribing to other servers
17:50.43Naikrovekfullstop: 1.6.1 and later.
17:50.54Naikrovektook me like 45 seconds to find that
17:51.30bmoraca_workthat's more complicated than GROUP_COUNT
17:51.46fullstopNaikrovek: Sorry, I was looking to do it without a new daemon.
17:52.06Naikroveknot a new daemon
17:52.10fullstopOne leg of my system is on embedded hardware, and adding such things is difficult.
17:52.44Naikrovekhadn't read that far yet
17:52.49Naikrovekwell i guess you're fucked then
17:53.05bmoraca_worknah, he got it working for what he needed
17:53.14bmoraca_workor, rather, what he told me he needed :)
17:53.52fullstopyes, it's working... but I'd always prefer a more simple solution.
17:54.16Naikrovekyou can also do it over XMPP
17:54.28Naikrovekyou may or may not already have an XMPP server running
17:54.55Naikrovekthey're very particular about which server you use though...
17:55.07Naikrovekthought XMPP = XMPP but is willing to be corrected
17:56.42Naikrovekand omg the manual registration
17:56.44bmoraca_workfullstop: you're really only adding 3-4 lines of code...which can be completely generalized so that you only have to add them once.  yeah, it's an extra step, but it's not that bad
17:58.14fullstopbmoraca_work: Using a local context has some downsides, but I'm not sure how negatively they will impact me.  For example, "show queue qname" shows agents called over the local context as not busy, and the SLA numbers will never calculate correctly.
17:59.00*** join/#asterisk Kant (be12315d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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17:59.20fullstopThat is, it shows "in use" only when the phone is ringing.  Once it is answered, it goes back to "Not in use"
17:59.55bmoraca_workthat sounds like it should be a bug
18:00.21bmoraca_workor at least "not fully implemented" yet
18:00.49fiferI'm looking for some pointers to troubleshooting fax reception. I have * with fax support compiled in, and Spandsp 0.0.6pre17
18:01.34fiferI'm getting a success rate of about 1 out of 20. I can see app_fax through debugging keep training down to 2400 bps but still failing.
18:02.10bmoraca_workfifer: what is your transmission medium?
18:02.21fiferThe one success was fairly poor quality. Just trying to figure out where to go from here. I'm terminating in * from 2 PRI T-1's
18:02.26fiferNo sip involved
18:02.38bmoraca_workmight have an echo cancellation issue
18:02.58bmoraca_workecho cancellation should be off for faxing
18:03.11ManxPowerThe answer to my question is "callevents = yes is documented as telling Asterisk to generate Hold/Unhold Event: in 1.4.x, but it does not actually work"
18:03.28*** part/#asterisk Kant (be12315d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:03.33fiferI have mg2 set for all the chanels, how can I turn it off for incomming fax?
18:03.50ManxPowerfifer, the fax tone will disable the EC.  This is per ITU specifications.
18:04.17ManxPowerno faxes would work on the global PSTN if this was not the case.
18:04.20*** join/#asterisk Letoric (
18:04.25s34nbmoraca_work: freepbx is an interesting project, but I would really just like to tie asterisk into my existing provisioning system
18:04.27fiferRight, makes sense
18:05.10bmoraca_workfifer: still might consider checking the dahdi channel when a fax is supposed to be coming in to verify that EC is actually off on it
18:05.28fiferHow can I check that?
18:05.29s34nI don't want to maintain my asterisk conf files separate from my normal IT systems if I can avoid it
18:05.44bmoraca_workfifer: "dahdi show channel" in the CLI while a fax is coming in
18:05.49bmoraca_workon that channel
18:05.51fiferI'll check
18:06.16s34nSo I can have my provisioning system rewrite any affected conf files whenever anything changes (ughh)
18:06.17bmoraca_workif the system is overloaded, it might not accurately detect the fax tone
18:06.40s34nor I can try to get asterisk to tie to a common ldap or sql backend
18:08.03bmoraca_works34n: i believe there was an attempt to get asterisk realtime to work with ldap, but I don't think it was successful.  you can have realtime work with a SQL backend (though I was unsuccessful in getting it to work with MSSQL backen) though there are a host of caveats and things that could potentially not work properly
18:08.04s34nor, perhaps there is an api that lets me do granular modifications of asterisk running config without having to bound entire subsystems
18:09.31bmoraca_works34n: you can.  "sip reload" will reload the sip configurations.  "dialplan reload" will reload the dialplan.  Both are non-destructive to existing channels.
18:11.27fiferIt is always trying to recieve the fax, app_fax always is involved trying to train up, but I checked and EC did NOT get turned off on the active channel the fax was on
18:11.53fiferIt did indicate "Fax Handled: yes" but EC was on
18:12.01bmoraca_works34n: you can also try and use extconfig to store static configurations in an ODBC database
18:12.40fiferIs there a way to manually turn off EC for a channel for one call? Just to test
18:13.30fiferCPU load is very light
18:13.53bmoraca_worki believe faxdetect in chan_dahdi.conf might be necessary
18:14.02Deeewaynefifer, check chan_dahdi.conf and look for 'faxbuffers'
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18:15.36fiferfaxdetect=incoming, no "faxbuffers"
18:17.17Deeewayneenable the fax debug, set verbosity high (10), and pastebin the output
18:19.03fiferHere is the last one I did:
18:20.08*** join/#asterisk ghenry (~ghenry@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/ghenry)
18:20.10ghenryAnyone do Ghana DIDs? if you can
18:23.43fiferis faxdetect a global option or per channel?
18:25.36[TK]D-Fenderfifer: Always per channel
18:26.51fiferI'm sure my config needs some work: Here is my chan_dahdi.conf/dahdi-channels.conf:
18:27.25fiferI'm guessing I need to add faxdetect to my two T-1 span blocks
18:27.54fiferis reloading dahdi distructive to existing channels?
18:28.04fiferThis is our full production system
18:28.30fiferI always assume it is, but thought I would check
18:28.42bmoraca_worki don't believe reloading the asterisk dahdi config is destructive
18:28.51bmoraca_workthat said, i've never tried it before :)
18:29.03fifer:-), how brave do I feel today!!
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18:29.17fiferWell, I have to run to lunch so I can get back for a meeting
18:29.25bmoraca_workjust tell them the telco hiccuped and you're on the phone with them to sort it out
18:29.45fiferI'll add faxdetect to my T-1 span blocks and see what that does.
18:29.53Deeewaynefifer, use dahdi_monitor to record the audio of a fax, then use audacity and look for a gap of silence as small as 20-60 ms in the audio
18:30.41fifer@Deeewayne: What would that indicate?
18:30.56Deeewayneyou fax killing gap of audio
18:31.33Deeewayneand then set faxbuffers to the sample value.  It might help
18:32.30fifersomething like faxbuffers=>6,full
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18:36.50R-GuyCan anyone confirm that "Tono IME" means "MWI tone" ?
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19:08.31Letorichas anybody had difficulties with $MIXMONITOR_FILENAME not passing through correctly when executing a command as part of app_mixmonitor?
19:09.04LetoricI've tried using ${MIXMONITOR_FILENAME} as well as $MIXMONITOR_FILENAME and both are not providing the correct result
19:09.32[TK]D-FenderLetoric: And we see none of what you are attempting.
19:10.00leifmadsenwell $MIXMONITOR_FILENAME definitely wouldn't work
19:10.22LetoricI thought maybe since it was at the command level at that point, it *might*
19:10.26Letoricbut alas, I was wrong ;)
19:11.23Letoric[TK]D-Fender: What would be helpful for you to help me in this, the command? The output, which is blank? I'll be glad to provide anything necessary to debug
19:11.45LetoricI hoped it might be a simple 'oh yeah, that was deprecated and you need x'
19:11.54[TK]D-FenderLetoric: Your dialplan and the actual failure at CLI to acheive what you are trying to
19:12.01bmoraca_workwow, the elastix update mirrors are stupid slow right now
19:12.04[TK]D-FenderPASTEBIN <------------------
19:12.09infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:12.11Letoricyep. Give me a couple to pull it in
19:12.28bmoraca_work30 kB/s...was downloading from the centos mirrors at over 5 MB/s...ick
19:17.13imox1234hello, i have problems to answer a call from 1und1
19:17.34imox1234i get all the time a error like this here [Sep 27 21:14:43] NOTICE[8485]: chan_sip.c:20118 handle_request_invite: Sending fake auth rejection for device "anonymous" <>;tag=as20d4eaba
19:17.44imox1234and here is my sipdebug
19:17.52imox1234can somebody help me what is wrong?
19:18.19imox1234i have this problem only by the shit 1und1 provider sipgate works great
19:20.40[TK]D-FenderLetoric: I see you referencing a variable... where the hell do I see you SET IT?
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19:21.08Letoric[TK]D-Fender: that variable is innate to the mixmonitor application
19:21.14Letoricthere is no setting it
19:21.34[TK]D-FenderLetoric: REALLY... and what does it say it should be filled with?
19:21.45Letoricit says it should contain the file name for the recording
19:21.51Letoricwhich is set in the statement in that first line
19:22.20[TK]D-FenderLetoric: MixMonitor(${UNIQUEID}-${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%G%m%d_%H%M%S)}-${CALLERID(num)}.wav,,mv /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/${MIXMONITOR_FILENAME} /mnt/monitor/${MIXMONITOR_FILENAME}) <-- this does not SET your variable
19:22.32[TK]D-FenderLetoric: That REFERENCES it.  You did NOT do a Set() <-
19:22.41Letoric[TK]D-Fender: •The variable MIXMONITOR_FILENAME will contain the name of the file used for recordings
19:22.49Letoricthat is from the documentation on the mixmonitor application
19:23.19LetoricI'm not saying I'm doing it right, I'm sure it's an error in my method, but that is what the documentation said, thus why I was relying on it
19:23.24[TK]D-FenderLetoric: You have a timing misconception.  it may be populated AFTER the MixMonitor command gets called.
19:23.32WIMPyLetoric: You are calling teh application that sets teh variable. So it can't be set at that point.
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19:23.58LetoricOk, pardon my stupidity, but if the command function is part of the mixmonitor application, why would the variable not be stored at that point?
19:24.29WIMPyYou reference it *before* starting MixMonitor.
19:24.40Letoric<command> will be executed when the recording is over. Any strings matching ^{X} will be unescaped to ${X} and all variables will be evaluated at the time the application is called. Where <command> is a system (Linux shell) command, see Asterisk cmd System for example values.
19:24.58LetoricI guess I'm really not understanding this one
19:25.04GoatHunterhi, my cell provider seems to block upstream sip packets, tried changing the port, no good, I can hear the side im calling but he cant hear me, server is trixbox 2.6, any suggestions? I tried also using STUN server via the cellphone (running sipdroid)
19:25.21Letoricyou want me to set a variable beforehand, then reference that in both places? Because it says that the command won't get the environment variables
19:25.26[TK]D-FenderLetoric: ${MIXMONITOR_FILENAME}  <-- does that look properly escaped as per those instructions?
19:25.32WIMPyJa, should work with ^{}, but not with ${}.
19:26.21LetoricI didn't understand that part ;)
19:26.53LetoricI'll give that a shot and let you know. Thanks for that
19:29.15Letoricthat worked
19:29.19Letoricgah, such a small thing ;)
19:30.39Letoricof course, now I just have to get it to actually DO what it says haha
19:30.56Letoricthanks again guys. As always, you're great
19:31.20[TK]D-Fendertosses Letoric's chickens & eggs into a pan and FRIES BOTH OF THEM.
19:31.28[TK]D-FenderNEXT!@@!@! (c) BKW
19:31.59carrargreen eggs?
19:33.10tzangerthere's a name I haven't seen in a long time
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19:34.01Letorictzanger: you know Eggs? From Florida??
19:34.20Letoricor you referring to Dr Seuss
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19:44.25paulcOHAI KATTY!
19:44.56Kattypaulc: herroes.
19:44.57t_dot_zillais there any tool or way of testing for call complettion in asterisk? we'd liek to add an alert to our nagios server if call does not complete
19:44.59Kattypaulc: how're you dear
19:45.22*** join/#asterisk wcselby (~wcselby@pdpc/supporter/professional/wcselby)
19:45.25[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: what kind fo call?  Complete what?  Where is the call prior/post?
19:45.38Kattyglomps wcselby
19:45.48wcselbyheya Katty
19:47.21wcselbyso I've had a fun day.  first client has an asterisk that doesn't always respond to invites from his sip provider.  upped logging on that one and checking to see what's going on.  next client has a phone that just randomly reboots itself during the day.  another client called and said inbound calls sometimes just ring and ring a nd ring and ring, and if it does ever get through, it's really faint.
19:47.31wcselbyfirst client is also running asterisk 1.2.10
19:47.33wcselbywhich is fun
19:48.06wcselbybut they'd rather wait to upgrade until they're ready to go to the fully latest version, instead of me doing an in-place upgrade to latest 1.2 release, just to see if that's causing the issue, etc
19:48.16wcselbyand who knows when they'll be ready for that
19:48.38t_dot_zilla[TK]D-Fender: just an internal call to MoH for 3 seconds and then hang up
19:48.41wcselbythird client has a trixbox 2.8 box, which is always fun - except I don't have any of the passwords, etc
19:48.54wcselbyoh, and my trial version of mirc expired and wouldn't let me on
19:49.06wcselbybut - the weather outside if perfect!
19:49.12wcselbyso I'm overall in a good mood
19:49.17wcselbyand talkative
19:49.29p3nguinPeople use mIRC?
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19:50.23wcselbyp3nguin - i used to not use it, but the client i do use doesn't notify me when someone says my name, so if I'm not looking I miss it
19:50.34wcselbywhich mirc did just fine
19:50.37wcselbyif that makes sense
19:50.43p3nguinWhat client doesn't have hilighting?
19:51.06p3nguinKvirc even has a balloon pop-up for it.
19:51.18wcselbythat's what I use, if it has it I don't know how to enable it
19:52.25*** join/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
19:54.22p3nguinSettings > Configure KVirc > Interface... Notifier.
19:58.14[TK]D-Fender[15:48]<t_dot_zilla>[TK]D-Fender: just an internal call to MoH for 3 seconds and then hang up <- how is this "incomplete"?
19:58.52t_dot_zillawe want to test to make sure call goes through
19:59.42*** part/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
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20:00.19[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: You seem to be saying it hasn't.  What does a call that does not "go through" look like?
20:01.21fiferIs "module reload" nondestructive to existing channels?
20:01.34[TK]D-Fenderfifer: It will trash existing calls
20:01.37fiferI know that dahdi restart destroyes all existing
20:02.06fiferI was just trying to make sure I was not missing a nondestructive way to load changes :-)
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20:02.17[TK]D-Fenderfifer: There isn't with DAHDI
20:02.27fiferLooks like I'll have to either wait for a calm in the storm or the end of the day
20:02.42fiferI'm not really surprised, just checking
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20:04.53bcrisphi all, im receiving the following error: "res_config_mysql.c:581 update_mysql: MySQL RealTime: Updating column 'lastms', but that column does not exist within the table 'sip' (first pair MUST exist)!" . I set enable=no in cdr.conf, is there somewhere else I have to edit to disable cdr and these associated errors?
20:05.22Kobazregisters for astricon
20:05.27bcrispthe idea is to correct the table structure for recording cdr info in mysql, but for the meantime i just want to disable it altogether
20:05.43wcselbybcrisp - that's not a cdr error, it's mysql realtime, which is controlled in extconfig.conf
20:05.58wcselbyKobaz - did you get any kind of discount?
20:06.04bcrispwcselby: awesome, thank you
20:06.14Kobazwcselby: the yeah was for a different channel
20:06.17Kobazwcselby: no, i didn't :(
20:06.26wcselbyKobaz - i ask because last year they had a discount for IRC users
20:06.31wcselbybut I haven't seen it pop up here yet
20:06.51Kobazi asked about it too, but Qwell said i was too late
20:07.12wcselbyyeah they had another discount that was 100 off if you early registered
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20:07.26wcselbythe one I used last year was a 20% off, and I registered 3 weeks before the con
20:07.29wcselbyso who knows
20:09.02bcrispwcselby: i made the edits to extconfig and now am receiving other warnings:  config.c:2020 find_engine: Realtime mapping for 'sippeers' found to engine 'general', but the engine is not available
20:09.32wcselbybcrisp - i guess maybe you should backup and tell us what you're trying to do
20:10.16bcrispi was using mysql for recording cdr / realtime.. starting receiving errors of a missing field, now I want to disable whatever is choosing to log to mysql till i can figure out how to fix it
20:10.29tzangerLetoric: I'm referring to bkw
20:11.12wcselbybcrisp - did you recently update?
20:11.23wcselbybcrisp - is your mysql database even online and accessible?
20:11.29bcrispwcselby: no, i think I may have had this issue in the past but just have greater verbosity now
20:11.57wcselbyare you using mysql realtime for sip peers?
20:12.22wcselbyrealtime isn't just logging, it's for providing registrations and dialplan and all kinds of stuff, depending on how you've set it up
20:12.24bcrispI was hoping to, but everything is specified in sip.conf
20:12.32bcrispi was preparing to do so...
20:13.25wcselbybcrisp - ahh, well, verify you've properly setup your database, it looks like you've got missing columns that are expected to be there
20:13.59bcrispwcselby: right, but my question was how to disassociate * from mysql altogether
20:14.03bcrispso i can avoid the issues
20:14.23wcselbycomment out your entire extconfig.conf file?
20:15.22wcselbyperhaps also comment out the mysql connect statements in res_config_mysql.conf as well....
20:15.55wcselbythey're not connect statements, it's the database definition, is what I meant
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20:15.57wcselbybut yeah
20:16.32bcrispi think that will produce errors.. there are a couple of places that specify mysql as the destination / source (logging, realtime, etc) .. just a lot of config files to look through heh
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20:20.38ferdnai have a digium echo canceller card... what colors should the leds on it be?
20:20.44ferdnai only get red
20:21.07WIMPyThey are duo-colour?
20:21.12ferdnai have no idea
20:22.05WIMPyI've got 8 green ones.
20:22.48bmoraca_workover 9000 green ones
20:23.07WIMPy8 on that card.
20:23.29WIMPyMight have some 2000 in my drawers as well.
20:27.40ferdnaWIMPy, i only see 6 leds in the card it self
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20:31.26WIMPyThere are probably different versions. But I didn't see them all until they lit up.
20:32.38fiferwell, I was able to restart dahdi with faxdetect=both
20:32.51fiferset properly for both T-1 spans
20:33.11fiferWhen I look at an active channel trying to recieve a fax it still shows EC as on though
20:35.38fiferIt does apear to be trying to work at 7,200pbs rather than training down to 2,400 but I still keep getting this error at the end:
20:35.40fiferapp_fax.c: Error transmitting fax. result=13: Unexpected message received
20:35.44t_dot_zillahow do you display output of an asterisk command from shell?
20:37.39t_dot_zillafor instance, asterisk -rx "originate zap/1/123456 extension 1@greeting"  shows no output to shell
20:38.45WIMPyCan you have multiple host= lines in a peer definition to match on incomming calls?
20:39.07bmoraca_workt_dot_zilla: what are you expecting to see?
20:39.28bmoraca_workWIMPy: i don't believe so.  that kind of defeats the purpose of the "host" field...
20:39.34t_dot_zillai'd like to see some output from it. is there a way to have the xtension print something? like 'OK' ?
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20:45.38bmoraca_workt_dot_zilla: use an AMI originate if it's important to verify that the command was successful.
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20:49.31bmoraca_workyou can use perl if you want
20:50.03t_dot_zillado i need to install anything on the asterisk end ? module ?
20:50.13t_dot_zilladoes it have to reside on the asterisk machine?
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20:58.02Kattyhhhhelllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooo nurse
20:58.35Kattyinfobot: seen jblack?
20:58.42infobotjblack <~jblack@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 70d 3h 6m 34s ago, saying: 'Hi'.
20:58.51Kattyoh my.
20:59.16fiferSo, one continuing issue I apear to have is that EC is not being turned off for a dahdi channel when an incomming fax is being recieved.
20:59.30Kattyi also have a continuing issue.
20:59.34Kattyit's called 5 not coming quick enough.
21:00.07fiferfaxdetect is set to both but I can see the EC is still on when I look at the in use channel when a fax is comming in
21:00.44fiferI'm also getting a different error now:  app_fax.c: Error transmitting fax. result=40: Unexpected DCN after requested retransmiss
21:04.49*** join/#asterisk rdahlin_1 (
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21:21.40LetoricAre there any caveats to using mixmonitor to run a script, instead of a single command? I'm having difficutlies that we're still attempting to debug....but when I execute the same script, with the same command that the verbose output on the call log shows, it works
21:22.03Letoricin a meeting so can't do the pastebin atm, but thought I would throw it out there
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21:25.46Kattybored bored bored.
21:28.32leifmadsenKatty: make me a pie!
21:30.18wcselbyi'll take a pie
21:30.28wcselbyif you're giving them away
21:36.40Kattyi'm actually making a pie tonight.
21:36.56Katty <- that one.
21:37.40fiferI understand there used to be a command to manually turn off EC in a dial plan "ZapEC(off)" is there something currently active in dahdi? I'm on * and dahdi 2.4
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21:48.45fiferSo, one continuing issue I apear to have is that EC is not being turned off for a dahdi channel when an incomming fax is being recieved.
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21:49.18[TK]D-Fenderfifer: It'd better not.
21:49.19fiferI'm not sure if this is the main issue I'm having with successfully recieving faxes, but it is the main one I can find
21:50.24*** part/#asterisk mpe_ (
21:51.00fifer[TK]D-Fender: ? everything I can find and averyone I ask indicate that dahdi will automatically turn off EC when fax tones are detected on that channel
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21:55.06[TK]D-Fenderfifer: EC isn't on automatically.. its enabled when needed normally.  You can't EC a call that isn't there
21:55.25[TK]D-Fenderfifer: Having EC off is REQUIRED
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21:56.12fiferWhen i inspect a dahdi channel that is in use for a fax call EC is still on
21:56.18*** part/#asterisk ningia (
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21:56.57fiferdahdi show channel
21:58.20fiferThis is an example of what I'm getting:
21:58.58[TK]D-Fenderfifer: If you are in app_fax you are already in too far to debug
21:59.06[TK]D-Fenderfifer: You need to see the channel as it comes in
22:00.30fiferThis is what someone else in irc asked me to confirm, that EC was off during the call on the in use channel
22:01.17[TK]D-Fenderdahdi show channel X
22:01.18fiferI'm terminating fax from two PRI T-1's and have faxdetect=both and faxbuffers=>6,full
22:01.37fiferthat is what I'm doing
22:01.43fiferwhen the call is active
22:02.22fiferI do a test fax, watch the dahdi channels for the CID of the incomming fax, then when it is connected I check that channel
22:13.15*** join/#asterisk Bloudermilk (
22:13.17BloudermilkHey all
22:13.40Bloudermilkis the SHELL() application supposed to be built in to Asterisk 1.6.13?
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22:17.53[TK]D-FenderBloudermilk: No such application exists
22:18.19BloudermilkWhat is ?
22:18.45[TK]D-FenderBloudermilk: Exactly what it says
22:19.33BloudermilkHelpful, thanks
22:19.51BesticlesWorkI have attempted to setup Festival on my box.  Festival is reporting that it accepted the client, and then disconnects.. no errors.  Asterisk is reporting is also reporting no errors.  Yet on the phone I hear nothing.  I don't know what the next step is to debug my problem.  Any suggestions?
22:20.05[TK]D-FenderBloudermilk: Got a failure to show us?
22:20.33BloudermilkI think I see my problem. I failed to see the difference between an Application and a Function
22:20.46BloudermilkSHELL() should be used in conjunction with SET or something
22:21.06[TK]D-Fenderbougyman: Congratulations... I was wondering when you would catch that :)
22:21.20[TK]D-Fenderbougyman: there is no such APPLICATION.
22:21.29WIMPyjust found out that you need a qualify=yes for each IAX peer, even if you have qualify=yes in [general].
22:21.37[TK]D-FenderBloudermilk: Dangnammit
22:22.07BloudermilkD-Fender: Your ambiguity mostly translated to rudeness :)
22:22.57[TK]D-Fender[18:17]<[TK]D-Fender>Bloudermilk: No such application exists <- Not ambiguous.  Every words was very specific to it's intent.  Not an APPLICATION.
22:23.35[TK]D-FenderBloudermilk: But you seem to have worked past that hurdle... onwards to great success...
22:24.01BloudermilkD-Fender: And you too
22:25.21fifer[TK]D-Fender: When I do a dahdi show channel x on a channel with a live fax call I should NOT see EC on. Correct?
22:25.39fiferIt almost looked like you were indicating otherwise....just trying to make sure I have this right
22:27.31[TK]D-Fenderfifer: Having EC enabled on a channel that is trying to fax will fuck it the fuck up.  COMPLETELY.  Crystal clear enough for you? :)
22:28.46fiferThat is NOT what everyone else is telling me so you need to explain
22:29.34fiferEverything I can find says that a key and solid part of Asterisk+dahdi+fax is the detection of fax and the turning off of EC for THAT dahdi chanel for the duration of THAT call
22:30.39fiferI was told to use dahdi show channel x to see if this is working properly and it looks like it is not, which is what I'm trying to figure out
22:32.44fiferthe dahdi setting "faxdetection=incomming" is either part or of this or the key to it. This setting is set for both of my T-1 spans
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22:37.56fiferfaxdetect=, bad momory
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22:51.04BloudermilkDoes anyone have any advice when it comes to monitoring the health of asterisk boxes for auto-scaling?
22:51.20BloudermilkFor instance, which properties to monitor
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23:07.53dandate2I have a DSL with 0.25MB upstream. I am reading that ulaw requires 84kb transmit for the softphone factoring tcp/ip overhead. Does this overhead bear weight for each softphone? Because 84x3 = 252kbps I am afraid that I would push the limits. There would be no computers on this network just an ATA adapter
23:09.34bmoraca_workwith SIP, yes, the overhead exists for each channel, not just each device
23:09.43bmoraca_workwith IAX, the overhead is once per device
23:10.22dandate2so with that kind of upstream i could only safely run 2 phones
23:10.25bmoraca_work256k upstream might be sufficient if there was no other use on that particular network.  if there is other use, and you expect three simultaneous calls frequently, then you will run into issues
23:10.49dandate2well my thing is
23:10.55bmoraca_workdandate2: you could run more phones, but you're likely to only get two simultaneous calls to sound good
23:11.05dandate2here in the philippines, the more MB you add to your maximum bandwidth limit the slower the ping times
23:11.31dandate2and the T1 line is $1300/month for 2 MB
23:11.33bmoraca_workas long as the ping time is faster than 150ms, you won't see quality problems caused by latency
23:11.49dandate2well it just dont get that fast here heh
23:12.16dandate2my 0.25MB upstream DSL gets 220ms-260ms to los angeles and thats hella fast for the region
23:12.37bmoraca_workyou'll likely get quality problems, then
23:12.47bmoraca_workeven without the bandwidth congestion
23:13.04dandate2most  net cafes where they have 2+MB connections get 280-360ms to LA
23:13.13dandate2now thats bad heh
23:13.15p3nguinthe T1 line is $1300/month for 2 MB   <-- WHAT?
23:13.22dandate2yeah i got the price chart right here
23:13.30*** join/#asterisk nny1 (
23:13.44p3nguinI use more than 2 MegaBytes on IRC every day.
23:13.46dandate2the 1MB was only $650 /mo but they discontinued it
23:14.04nny1hmm not sure where to start on this one. configure: error: cannot find install-sh,, or shtool in `pwd` "."/`pwd`
23:14.07dandate2now i'm looking at $1300/mo and a $500 installation fee
23:14.14nny1trying to compile asterisk, get that when I do ./configure
23:14.24nny1assume something in my build tools, any help appreciated
23:14.31dandate2but I figure I could just get 4 low bandwidth DSLs for my call center and only spend $80/mo
23:16.14dandate2but yeah $1300/mo, cuz they got a monopoly with 30 cent per minute call rates to PH
23:18.33nny1nothing like working at 7 pm because of a compile error HOORAY!
23:20.54*** join/#asterisk [cannibalera] ( is a file generated by autoconf / automake
23:22.54nny1so asterisk- is apparently just missing this key file? I somehow doubt it
23:23.03nny1and this place is dead and useless as always at this time of day :\
23:24.39nny1meh fuck it, time to regress to a known working source file huzzah!
23:28.34nny1jesus jumping christ on fire in a handbasket. works
23:28.50nny1yet latest "current" craps the bed on compile. Amazing
23:28.56*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@2607:f2c0:a000:166:218:f3ff:fe51:c71)
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23:30.38dandate2when I check my upstream at, is it just telling me the maximum or my average?
23:31.53WIMPyIf that makes a difference you've got bigger troubles than bandwidth.
23:32.20*** join/#asterisk Fruchthoernschen (
23:32.51WIMPyWhat is a Fruchthoernschen?
23:33.35FruchthoernschenHello does someone knows an softphone which works with asterisk and supports soudnservers like pulseaudio?
23:33.54nny1isn't this some impressive garbage,23756,24692,24878,24879,26751&sugexp=ldymls&tok=CyBXcLWiliL3czO3Xxlmag&xhr=t&q=asterisk+,,%22&cp=19&pf=p&sclient=psy&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&
23:33.54FruchthoernschenWIMPy, don't know ;) I needed an Nickname.. ;)
23:35.46Fruchthoernschenthere are much soft-phone applications but I can't get them to work or they are out dated. I have successfully teste erika v. 3.2.6 but it don't work with my soundserver/pulseaudio {kde}
23:36.14dandate2well when it starts the test it begins low and gradually reaches its max
23:36.28dandate2would that cause problems for voip?
23:36.46WIMPyActually I thought sound servers were outdated since dmix?
23:37.08Fruchthoernschengood question
23:37.18WIMPydandate2: That's probably just the test.
23:38.05WIMPyZoiper will happily play to dmix.
23:41.00FruchthoernschenWIMPy, sounds good,
23:42.00*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
23:43.07nny1hmm note to self, slap people who use spaces in file names in linux
23:43.30nny1kind of hilarious
23:43.51nny11.6.2.0 craps out on make install - space in directory name files are untarred in
23:44.03nny11.6.2.13 craps on ./configure, can't find install-sh due to same reason
23:44.36*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (~ectospasm@
23:44.48nny1I always use underscores out of habit and get laughed at for it. Here it is 2010 and I have found two instances were it breaks things
23:48.18ferdnahow do you increment your handset volume?
23:48.32ferdnai mean not from the phone, but from the asterisk box
23:51.20FruchthoernschenWIMPy, can you help my with zoiper to register it at my asterisk?
23:51.47FruchthoernschenI should use sip to type in my account settings?
23:53.59leifmadsenferdna: VOLUME() function
23:54.29ferdnaleifmadsen, awesome... let me research this function... thank you
23:54.54kfifeHow many concurrent manager connections do you need to have before something like astmanproxy becomes a good idea?
23:55.00leifmadsenferdna: no available in 1.4
23:55.09leifmadsenkfife: hundreds?
23:55.19leifmadsenkfife: astmanproxy is pretty much dead fyi
23:55.25kfifeBeautiful.  That's what I needed to know.
23:55.26leifmadsenI don't think it's been developed since about 2007
23:55.31ferdnaleifmadsen, rxgain
23:55.44leifmadsenferdna: then you're talking about analog lines -- you did not specify
23:56.04leifmadsenyou just made a general statement, so I gave a general answer
23:56.05kfifeleifmadsen: Thanks.  Are there things out there to take its place or is it dead because Asterisk doesn't need it anymore.
23:56.15ferdnaleifmadsen, thanks you point me to the right direccion
23:56.17kfifei.e. "Hundreds"
23:56.29kfife...enough for practical purposes
23:56.39leifmadsenkfife: I don't think it's really necessary anymore. The primary reason I think was to create an abstraction layer that was more secure, but you can use TLS now I think to connect to the manager
23:57.11leifmadsenkfife: however, I have not load tested the manager, so I'm not sure how many connections it can handle to be honest -- I personally would figure it'd be somewhere around the same as a channel to be honest
23:57.41kfifeGreat.  I've got a PHP script that could hit hard'ish doing a fleet of astDB lookups.
23:57.52leifmadsenkfife: let me know how it goes :)
23:57.58kfifeThanks.  I'
23:58.57kfifeleifmadsen:  I'll be touching on it briefly at Astricon.  It's part of a FFA routine to test the status of a fax. AstDB will return "Trying" "Retrying" "Complete" etc.
23:59.20kfifePHP script used to trigger the fax handed in via PDF,  PHP get routine for the external app to lookup the status on demand.

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