IRC log for #asterisk on 20100920

00:00.23underdogye I am....trying to learn the system, so I just watned to get it up and running...I'm digging through the conf files now figuring out how things works
00:00.51ManxPowerunderdog, you will not learn asterisk by using a prebuilt system like FreePBX/TrixBox, etc
00:00.58ManxPoweryou will learn THOSE systems, but not Asterisk
00:01.29underdogno I'm digging though the asterisk configuration files now
00:01.52ManxPoweryou won't learn much asterisk from those files.
00:04.20*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
00:04.43russellbBesticles: did you have another question?
00:04.48underdogwell, reading the O'Rielly book may help also
00:04.56BesticlesYeah, I just don't know how to word it.
00:05.05BesticlesI definitely have a question, though. :x
00:05.08russellbBesticles: hehe
00:05.22BesticlesSo I understand what FastAGI is.
00:05.31russellbthat's a good start :-)
00:05.32BesticlesAnd I fully understand the limitation that I just ran into with the Dial Exec
00:05.56BesticlesEven if I override my code to ignore the result code, it wont do me any good because Asterisk will ignore any future commands
00:06.02BesticlesUntil the call finishes, correct?
00:06.22BesticlesIf DeadAGI allows me to execute code while the channel is on hook...
00:06.25BesticlesTHen whats the opposite
00:06.38ManxPowerbeardy, have your script either use .call files or Manager Originate
00:06.55russellbBesticles: you can use the Asterisk manager interface from your application, as well
00:06.56ManxPowerthose are the two main ways to make asterisk call something/somewhere without blocking
00:07.00russellbif you want to do some asynchronous operations.
00:07.05russellbsuch as getting/setting some variables.
00:07.14beardylooks around
00:07.19russellbwhat would you like to do while the call is up between the 2 channels that you feel limited from doing?
00:07.39BesticlesWell, let me paint the picture of what I am doing exactly.
00:07.46BesticlesI am using AMI to originate the call to DAHDI
00:08.23Besticlesoh wait.
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00:08.26BesticlesI dont have a problem.
00:08.41BesticlesI am exec dialing My 2nd box
00:08.47BesticlesThen using FastAGI again on the second box
00:08.58BesticlesTo dial the agent that resides on that second box.
00:09.02BesticlesBut I might have a problem.
00:09.06BesticlesLike recording the call
00:09.14russellbyou set up recording before the Dial
00:09.35russellbyou tell Asterisk to plz record this call kthx, and then proceed to Dial
00:09.49russellbyou can allow the agent to start/stop recording dynamically during the call, too, if you'd like
00:10.31BesticlesI haven't dipped into call monitoring..
00:10.32russellbbut in either case, you set it up before dial
00:11.58russellbor if you really had to (though this would be rare, i would think) you could asynchronously start call recording from your application using the AMI
00:12.17BesticlesI think I am going to do that.
00:12.31BesticlesYou know the only other thing I ran into that I am queezy with Asterisk
00:12.39Besticlesis that I send the Originate with AMI with a timeout
00:12.52BesticlesThe timeout starts as soon as I send the cmd.
00:13.17BesticlesI am basically creating a dialer / ivr solution, so I dont want the timeout to be too long.
00:13.23BesticlesBut I've noticed that if I make it too short,
00:13.32BesticlesAnd if the box is running slow, that it won't even make the call.
00:13.50BesticlesHave you noticed that?
00:13.56russellbI can't say that I have.
00:14.10russellbI'd have to look in more detail at how your application works and such ...
00:14.22BesticlesIt's all Async AMI/AGI.  lol.
00:14.37russellbyou're using Async AGI?
00:14.49BesticlesHonestly Russel, you are the man.  You put my mind at ease.  For a second there I was worried that I was writing code that I couldn't use.
00:14.54BesticlesNo, FastAGI.
00:15.00BesticlesAsync on my end.
00:15.00russellbheh, thanks.
00:15.14russellbit's a useful discussion to have, actually
00:15.23russellbi'm working on some AGI documentation at the moment ...
00:15.32BesticlesAh cool.
00:15.53BesticlesI went to Jared's class over here in Las Vegas.  We covered alot, but AGI/AMI was very little in scope.
00:16.08russellbcool.  Yeah, there is quite a bit in Asterisk
00:16.14russellbAGI/AMI is one of the more advanced topics.
00:16.50russellbat least anything you learn about the dialplan still applies to AGI programming
00:16.54russellbso you know what applications do what
00:16.59russellbAMI is its own beast, that's for sure
00:17.19BesticlesYeah. I log the communication back and forth of AMI.
00:17.30BesticlesAlot of information going back and forth.
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00:18.10russellbespecially if you turn on all the events ...
00:18.50BesticlesThe only other thing that I need to figure out was that he had his boxes preconfigured for TTS already setup, and it appears my installation doesn't have it installed, I am sure I can figure it out with alittle googling.
00:19.25russellbI would recommend using Cepstral.
00:19.54russellband if you want it to sound like the rest of the prompts included with Asterisk,
00:20.20russellbyou can play with some samples on that site
00:20.24BesticlesNice thanks.
00:20.54BesticlesI just have one last question, I promise.
00:21.08BesticlesIs EXEC DIAL application the only application that does not return a result code?
00:21.15Besticles(it does, just not immediate, i know)
00:21.21russellbno no, it does return a result
00:21.24ManxPowerBesticles, if it blocks in the dialplan it will block in AGI
00:21.25russellboh ok, sorry
00:21.41russellbit just takes however long it takes the app to run ... lots of things take a while
00:21.52russellbMeetMe(), Queue(), Voicemail(), a huge list
00:22.16BesticlesThanks guys.
00:24.39russellbyou're quite welcome.
00:24.42russellbgood luck to you.
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00:32.02*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (~chatzilla@
00:33.20BesticlesCrap I lied, question.  Originating the call using AMI, is there a way I can get Asterisk to determine a Answering Machine?
00:34.29[TK]D-FenderBesticles: "core show application AMD"
00:34.35MRH2hi if i have a live sip call that shows "Scheduling destruction of call..." on the CLI does theat mean the peer is not reachable - even though the media is still live
00:35.02MRH2this is a call via a sip gateway with qualify =bla
00:36.06ManxPowerMRH2, turn off debugging and I don't think you will see that message anymore.
00:36.11BesticlesThanks Fender
00:36.20MRH2aye i am trying to get to the bottom of a dropped call
00:39.09russellbBesticles: reliability will kind of suck, no matter what you do.  detecting answering machines is an unwinnable battle.
00:39.32ManxPowerPeople have gotten rich by writing better AMD
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00:40.08BesticlesYeah, we've experience that with our current Dialer/IVR application made by Dialogic/Envox.  Some is better than nothing.
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01:30.32underdogcan you wildcard the blacklist "list"...i.g. _222XXXXXXX to block all calls from 222 area code?
01:30.55underdogseen examples of people saying you can do this...but tried it and it didn't appear to work
01:36.11[TK]D-Fenderunderdog: What "blacklist"?  Where do you have this implemented?
01:36.35p3nguin_I know you can use it in caller ID matching, but if you're talking about BLACKLIST(), I have no idea.
01:39.34underdogdatabase blacklist put <CID> 1
01:39.37underdogin the AstDB
01:40.26[TK]D-Fenderunderdog: That doesn't support patterns, and is near useless.
01:40.37[TK]D-Fenderunderdog: And you have to actually call it from the dialplan yourself
01:41.06[TK]D-Fenderunderdog: Better for you to do yourself
01:41.30HeldwinI am looking to buy some equipments, and look with my ISP to get the caller phone number, but is there a way to use asterisk as an intercepter for analogic calls ? line -> something -> asterisk -> ATA -> anloagic phone ?
01:42.15[TK]D-FenderHeldwin: Yes, there are tons of devices to let * use analog lines
01:42.33[TK]D-FenderHeldwin: Lots of PCI type calds, Analog FXo ? SIP gateways, etc
01:44.51Heldwinok thank you :) I found a few ata box for the asterisk -> analogic phone, but not sure yet what I need for the line -> asterisk
01:45.18Heldwinan ata box will work too ?
01:45.43[TK]D-FenderHeldwin: Typically the term ATA is reserved for devices you plug phones into, but not lines.
01:45.48p3nguin_You can use any ATA that provides at least one FXO port plus Ethernet.
01:46.09HeldwinI cannot seem to be able to buy a pci card, because site like digium, but it seems they ask for a credit card, and I don't have
01:46.15[TK]D-FenderHeldwin: Opposite purpose.  Linksys SPA-3102 is a device that gives you 1 FXS, and 1 FXO.  Might do the job for you
01:46.22*** join/#asterisk jakent (
01:46.41Heldwinok thanks. I saw a few linksys on a reseller around here
01:48.52Heldwinthey have the spa 3102
01:59.25*** join/#asterisk exothermi (~exothermc@
02:00.02exothermiIs there anyway to set how long between hanging up a dahdi channel and when it becomes available to the group dialing pool?
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02:11.04oshkoshHi everyone hoping for assistance.  I enabled a pinset on my only outbound route, and enabled pinless dialing on each of my extensions except for 2.  Problem is if I call forward or use follow me now, when people call in, they're prompted to enter their password followed by pound since I guess it's forwarding using the outbound route...
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02:55.47corey`Hi, I need to create a dial plan where by a user can set the destination of an extention by dialing another extention proceeded by the the digits of the desired destination. which dial plan application command would I need to use?
02:57.38ChannelZI think you'll have to roll that yourself
02:57.43infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
02:57.55ChannelZsee the "hot-desking" section if memory serves
03:00.14ChannelZ(but depending on the devices you use, they might have built-in 'call forward' features of their own
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03:02.20corey`thank you ill check out the book
03:02.38underdogdoes zapateller play a 3 tone SIT?
03:02.54underdogmine is playing a single beep...not sure that is correct in researching SITs
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03:18.55b14ckHi all. Can someone tell me how I might tell if an AMI originated call was: BUSY, NOANSWER, or some other condition code? I'm trying to figure out how to get the call status.
03:35.15ManxPoweryou don't want to use the built in call forward or dnd of the phones.
03:35.39ManxPowerusers will set those options, then they will forget they set them and call into the helpdesk screaming about your stupid phone system being broken AGAIN.
03:38.21NuggetManxPower is wise.
03:38.26Nuggetignore him at your peril
03:38.31underdogfigured it out...needed to Wait() after the answer prior to playing SIT
03:39.25underdogyou just want to round robin call forwarding...keeps things interesting
03:44.34ManxPowercorey`, exten => _303XXXX,1,Dial(Zap/g1/{EXTEN:3})  user dials 303 + number to dial, the dial strips off the first three digits
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04:13.24underdogcan see why asterisk GUIs are such a pain to work with....the more I start trying to customize asterisk and the GUIs keep wanting to overwrite my changes
04:14.07ManxPowerunderdog, now you understand why you should be on #FreePBX or whatever gui you are using.
04:14.23underdogor both
04:14.37underdogjust have to know which one is having the "issue"
04:14.42ChannelZor not using it in the first place
04:15.50underdogit's all good and I can take the "you idiot, that's not an asterisk" comments
04:16.14ChannelZPeople who want to learn Asterisk shouldn't be downloading AsteriskNOW which sadly is not really stated anywhere
04:16.51ManxPowerunderdog, but you don't understand enough at this point to even know WHICH part, Asterisk or your GUI is having the problem.
04:17.09underdogi think most of the time 99% will be the GUI
04:17.33ChannelZgoes to watch Rubicon
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06:47.37schmidtsgood morning
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06:53.35ChannelZgood?  it's monday.
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07:06.48schmidts:D thats right
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07:37.09elliot98where can I search the irc archives?
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07:39.06ijpalmerHi all, I've got forced answering setup using SipAddHeader but when the agent is using a headset I need it to beep in their ear a couple of times before a call is presented to her, does anyone know how to do this.  Thanks
07:42.09jqlsee M(x) for Dial
07:43.42jqlerr, according to TFM, the A(x) option would be easier
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07:50.30ijpalmerThanks, jql, sometimes when it's staring you in the face you don't see it
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08:41.57elliot98where are the irc archives kept? is it in searchable format?
08:59.16schmidtswe still dont know elliot ;)
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09:15.02russthe irc archives
09:15.06russthat is awesome
09:15.25russunless of course he just means the #asterisk archives, then it is just a regular boring question
09:21.21*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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09:29.58elliot98I seem to recall a website with all the irc archives...
09:35.17elliot98russ: hehe, just the asterisk archives, plus asterisk-dev
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09:37.08kaldemarelliot98: from uncle google:
09:37.27elliot98that's it!
09:38.39Jasnejacthat's a useful thing to know, cheers
09:39.16elliot98just wondering if it is searchable too!
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09:50.08stixHi guys. How is it possible to put a call on "hold"? As I see it, the term doesn't even exist on Asterisk. Should I use the "park" in stead?
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10:08.04Chainsawstix: Going on hold is generally a signal that your SIP (soft) phone sends out.
10:08.15Chainsawstix: It is supported; complete with music.
10:08.16stixyes I see
10:09.02stixso how can I do it from the AMI?
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10:54.55schmidtsARGS what could be the reasion, i cant register from one asterisk to another after i have done a upgrade vom 1.6.2 to trunk?
10:55.06schmidtsi allways get an 401 unauthorized
10:55.15Chainsawschmidts: Trunk is not supported, go for the 1.8 branch instead.
10:56.09schmidts:P my problem is, i had to develop my patch for trunk, but i cant test it without registering a user (or more) to it
10:57.15elliot98when I upgraded from 1.4.18 to 1.4.33, it seems fax passthrough started to fail
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11:05.47Chainsawelliot98: Try to bisect it. Make smaller steps.
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11:23.04schmidtschainsaw, same in 1.8 ;)
11:28.12schmidtsthats my sip config on the 1.8 system
11:28.40schmidtsthe real strange this about this, a cisco spa phone can register against 1.8 but a 1.6 asterisk cant :(
11:31.04elliot98Chainsaw: I remember I needed to apply a patch that worked
11:31.35elliot98when I upgraded one time before from 1.4.18 to
11:31.58elliot98basically, another server techie made some changes overwriting the patch
11:32.17elliot98so I'm trying to find it again
11:34.10TobSnyderwhere can I find a list of all voiceprompts with text
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11:44.26tzafrir_laptopTobSnyder, the Digium ones have a text file with the prompts in the tarball
11:44.35tzafrir_laptopNot sure about the others
11:46.31coppicetzafrir_laptop: the site still seems to have leftover stuff about Howler
11:49.06TobSnyderok I will check them
11:49.23TobSnyderwhen tying to make an outoging call I get Destination out of order (27)
11:49.32TobSnyderbut the number dialed work 2 hours ago
11:49.39TobSnyderso what does this mean?
11:56.34TobSnyderok tried with mobile phone, does not work either, seems that the destination is indeed not reachable
11:56.49TobSnyderbut than the "Error" message of asterisk is a  bit confusing
11:57.23TobSnyder(all circuits bus now)
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13:12.51Apocalipsehello people...
13:13.09Apocalipsehow can i change codec definition in asterisk?
13:13.37Naikrovekcodec definition?
13:13.41Naikrovekyou want to change which codec is used?
13:14.09Naikrovek1) from asterisk console "core show translation" to see which codecs are available
13:14.41Naikrovekdo you want to change the codec that the phones use or that goes out the trunk to the provider (in the case of the voip trunk)
13:15.16Apocalipsechange codec for phones...
13:15.24Naikrovekwhat do you want to switch from / to
13:15.33Apocalipse729 to 711
13:16.29Naikroveki believe 711 is the default for asterisk
13:16.58Naikroveksomewhere in your sip.cfg (or iax.cfg if you're using iax phones) there will be something like "allow=g729" -- get rid of that
13:17.05Naikrovekmake sure g711 is not in the disallow list
13:17.29Apocalipsein sip.conf i got that... allow=g729
13:17.44Naikrovekdoes it say "disallow=g711"
13:17.57Naikrovekor actually
13:18.02Naikrovekjust change that g729 to g711
13:18.04Naikrovekoh wait
13:18.06Naikrovekto ulaw
13:18.09Naikrovekmake it say
13:18.15Naikrovekif you're in the US or japan
13:18.21Naikrovekeurope should be "allow=alaw"
13:18.30infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:18.42Naikrovekthen just remove the g729 line
13:18.46Naikrovekand don't paste in here
13:18.48Apocalipseonly that?
13:18.55Naikrovekdoesn't annoy me much but freaks others out
13:18.57Naikrovekthat's it
13:19.01Naikrovekremove the g729 line
13:19.08Naikrovekand reload asterisk
13:19.14Naikrovekyou may need to restart
13:19.17Naikrovekdon't remember
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13:19.43Naikroveksounds like you don't believe me
13:19.43Apocalipse1 min... let me try...
13:19.52Naikrovekwhat kind of phones do you have
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13:20.57Naikrovekwhy are you switching away from g729
13:21.08Naikroveklicense thing or just voice quality
13:21.43Apocalipsenot working...
13:22.30Naikrovekdid you restart asterisk?
13:22.32Naikrovekor do a sip reload
13:22.39ApocalipseNaikrovek, my problem here its a little bit complex...
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13:23.09Naikrovekalright what's the real problem then
13:23.32Apocalipsemy scenario [phone] <-> [hipath 8000 siemens] <-> [trixbox] <-> PSTN
13:24.06Apocalipsewhen i made a outbound call to an internal extension its ok
13:24.24Naikrovekbut when you want to call out out, it fails because of codec problem
13:24.38kaldemarApocalipse: ask in #freepbx, if you use trixbox, it generates your configurations and will most likely override any modifications by hand.
13:24.44Apocalipsewhen i tranfer this to another internal extension i got no RTP
13:25.02NaikrovekApocalipse: let's take this over to #trixbox
13:25.19Apocalipse0 answer there...
13:25.22Apocalipsebut ok
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13:25.44Naikroveki gotta stop lurking in there and i gotta knock this "be helpful" instinct out
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13:44.02_zoom_hi, can i ask asterisk to force certain frame size for rtp?
13:47.27[TK]D-Fender_zoom_: normally like "allow=ulaw:30" IIRC
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13:48.46kaldemar_zoom_: doc/rtp-packetization.txt in the source package contains some documentation.
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13:58.51MRH2Hi if I am sending sip traffic to a gateway/provider and qualify = x ms, if a call has already been handed off to a media gateway at the provider and the main sip gateway/peer at the provider becomes unavail or too slow to respond would that cause a call to be dropped?
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14:00.12MRH2( I am assuming no)
14:02.22[TK]D-FenderMRH2: Qualify has no impact on calls in progress
14:02.31MRH2cool thanks
14:02.51[TK]D-FenderMRH2: If you drop a ton of RTP taht could kill a call, but then you'd notice to moment that started happening
14:06.08MRH2media is fine and then the call just cuts, intermittent problem (which I guess means it is likely a network issue)
14:07.22[TK]D-FenderMRH2: Time to hit the SIP debug and confirm which side calls it quits first
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14:11.30MRH2<---trying to understand the sip stuff - although i do see "Asterisk-HangupCause: Normal Clearing"
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14:25.32stixI can set up call forwarding for an extension by updating the asteriskdb's CF family. Can I do something like it if I want to forward calls to queues?
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14:31.08[TK]D-Fenderstix: What isn't "forwarding".
14:31.13MRH2thanks for the confirmation about qualify - i gtg unfortunately
14:31.26[TK]D-Fenderstix: That is a DB value which is meaningless without dialplan that cares about it
14:31.59stix[TK]D-Fender, apparently something in the freepbx dialplan cares about it then
14:32.18stixI'll figure something else out
14:32.22[TK]D-Fenderstix: Which is something you shouldn't be asking about in here...
14:32.24infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
14:32.29[TK]D-Fenderstix: Second door to the left
14:32.33stixyes yes I know
14:33.54*** part/#asterisk _zoom_ (~user@
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14:39.00WindBackI need to connect an * server to a Ericcson PBX using an h.323 trunk. The Ericcson technicina says that I need to authenticate in his pbx sending some key. SOmbebody know which option should I use for this in h323.conf.? Anybody has experience on chan_h323 in asterisk?
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14:58.33kevcoxWhat is a reasonable rate for managing up to a four port Asterisk box?  I have a school wanting us to maintain their system.  We would provide the computer and any changes made to the system but they will buy the phones and install cables where needed.
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15:06.41QwellWhat do you feel your time is worth?
15:06.44leifmadsenkevcox: I just charge an hourly rate
15:06.52Chainsawkevcox: Generally you would charge for your time, yes.
15:07.07Chainsawkevcox: Unless you want to organise this like a flat-fee subscription?
15:07.13kevcoxI was thinking of a flat $85 a month.
15:07.28leifmadsenChainsaw: I believe he wants a flat-rate subscription type maintenance contract
15:07.30Chainsawkevcox: Just about two hours of your time, okay.
15:07.43leifmadsen$85 wouldn't even cover an hour of my time :)
15:08.00Chainsawleifmadsen: Yes, but celebrities always charge extortionate rates :)
15:08.06leifmadsenChainsaw: haha
15:08.15leifmadsenI'd probably charge at least $2000 a year
15:08.17kevcoxIt is a school...
15:08.53russellbpublic school or private?
15:09.21kevcoxNo offence
15:09.21Qwellextortion rate then
15:09.33kevcoxcan't spell today
15:10.45leifmadsenI charge the same rate whether the client is a non-profit or a megalomaniacal corporation
15:11.32kevcoxI typically give 10% off rate
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15:14.18kevcoxWe typically manager servers and firewalls so this is a new area for us the closer that telephony merges with IP traffic.
15:14.26kevcoxThe input was a good help.
15:14.39Chainsawwill now forever envisage leifmadsen going "one... million... dollars" when asked for a quote
15:15.06leifmadsenChainsaw: that's where I start the negotiations
15:15.09Kyosh$2k/yr is not enough
15:15.27kevcoxCome on how many changes will one make
15:15.27WindBackSomebody knows a good documentation about chan_h323 for asterisk please?
15:15.40leifmadsenkevcox: that's exactly how you get burned (with statements like that :))
15:15.42Kyoshfor $167/mo?  nopes
15:16.08kevcoxFor four ports and about 20-25 stations
15:16.12Kyoshgotta start with at least $500/mo
15:16.16leifmadsenKyosh: I forgot to state that over the year I'd limit the number of "incidents" and not unlimited add/move/changes
15:16.28kevcoxI figure you have to stay close to the market
15:16.36Kyosh$2k a year, 5 incidents
15:16.43kevcoxI may feel one way but it doesn't mean I'll get it
15:16.52leifmadsenthen I'd find a new client
15:17.27leifmadsenI've had people come to me and say, "I'll pay you $X instead of $Y dollars" and I usually ask them to find someone else.
15:17.39mmatticewhere $X < $Y
15:18.59leifmadsenyes :)
15:19.12leifmadsen$X never ends up being > $Y in the offer for some reason
15:19.19leifmadsen"You don't charge enough! How about $500 an hour?!"
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15:19.46kevcoxI guess it might also help to limit types of changes by the box I run
15:20.08leifmadsendon't get stuck in a contract where you're managing the system and have to add new features and such for a flat amount
15:20.45kevcoxIf they need the basics I could use AskoziaPBX
15:20.56kevcoxVery basic on top of Asterisk
15:23.00Naikrovekis rewatching You Suck at Photoshop and is reliving hilarity
15:25.46Nuggetheh, I forgot about those
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15:29.07Naikrovekooh postgresql 9 is out.  nice.
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15:38.59leifmadsenNaikrovek: damnit! I hope I don't have to redo the Relational Database Integration chapter now! :)
15:39.19Naikroveki doubt it
15:39.25Naikroveki can't tell if you're joking
15:39.32leifmadsenheh, either can I
15:39.33Naikroveki wonder if i'm autistic or something
15:39.38Naikroveki can never tell
15:39.45Naikrovekand being around people makes me nervous
15:39.53Naikrovekfine on irc tho
15:39.59leifmadsenyou'd likely have aspergers syndrome rather than being autistic
15:40.28leifmadsenif you were truly autistic, you'd have been diagnosed long ago
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15:41.39LantiziaLo are there special version of dahdi/libpri/addons/etc... that should be used with  or just whatever the latest is?
15:42.08[TK]D-FenderLantizia: Latest
15:43.32leifmadsenLantizia: should always be the latest -- there wouldn't be special editions for versions
15:44.03Lantiziaok I'll get just 1.6.2-current of asterisk and addons and current of dahdi
15:44.20Naikrovekleifmadsen: i dunno. i only got diagnozed with narcolepsy and heamochromatosis last year.  although autism does show itself a hell of a lot easier
15:44.27Lantiziaif I want dahdi linux and tools... do I just get complete instead?
15:44.50leifmadsenLantizia: yes
15:45.19Naikrovekaspergers would be nice though, i guess
15:45.23Naikrovekability to concentrate
15:45.23leifmadsenNaikrovek: ya, aspergers is like a very high functioning level of autism
15:45.37leifmadsenvery hard to diagnose though
15:54.56tzafrir_laptopActually from what I heard it is too easy to diagnose...
15:55.40Naikrovektoo easy to misdiagnose probably
15:55.44Naikrovekhell i dunno
15:56.22coppicethe main problem to diagnosing most of these kinds of issue is parents in denial
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16:05.09ghenryhi, with AMI, what's the best way to get the status of my extension to show me what call I'm on etc. so I can see the callerid of who's called me?
16:07.42leifmadsencoppice: that's crazy
16:08.03coppiceisn't HTML5 fun?
16:08.12leifmadsenand scary
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16:14.19Naikrovekhtml5 is kinda awesome
16:14.28Naikrovekas much as HTML can be "awesome"
16:14.41LantiziaHey since I'm compiling asterisk from the original source it is thus "outside" of my distribution and as I understand it should be compiled in /usr/local/src not /usr/src... but since the very asterisk binary installs to /usr/sbin not /usr/local/sbin.... should I use /usr/local/src or /usr/src to compile it in?
16:14.48coppicenow they are cranking up JS speed, there are some impressive HTML5 demos
16:16.23LantiziaI know there is no hard right or wrong answer here... just opinion
16:17.04LantiziaDo I compile what is an outside of distro thing in /usr/local/src when it won't actually install under /usr/local
16:17.37QwellLantizia: it doesn't matter where it's compiled.
16:17.46LantiziaQwell, I'm well aware of that :)
16:17.58drmessanoSo why did you ask>
16:18.08Lantiziabecause I'm after an opinion on which of the two locations
16:18.09drmessanoThe answer is:  It doesn't matter
16:18.21LantiziaI'll take a rain check on that answer
16:18.48drmessanoI think you should compile it in /tmp/etc/local/src/asterisk/exports/src/local/etc/temp
16:18.58p3nguinlantizia: Things you install should be installed with a prefix of /usr/local.  It doesn't matter where it is compiled.
16:19.18Lantiziap3nguin, but asterisk does not install to /usr/local
16:19.39p3nguinThen you've ./configure-ed it wrongly.
16:20.02Lantiziap3nguin, it's ./configure-ed as it was extracted... shouldn't be ready for /usr/local already?
16:20.07p3nguinman hier
16:20.32LantiziaI know the FHS already - whats your point?
16:20.55drmessanoAsterisk installs to /usr/sbin on CentOS by default
16:20.59p3nguinIf you're installing it in the wrong place, you've configured it incorrectly.
16:21.01drmessanoI compile in /usr/src
16:21.18drmessanoThere, real world example
16:21.21Lantiziap3nguin, or it comes misconfigured is my point
16:21.33fauxalliancedrmessano, your
16:21.39fauxalliance'r real?
16:22.07drmessanoNo, I am a facsimile
16:22.14QwellThe configure script is there so you can configure it how you choose.  The options you've chosen (ie; the defaults) install into /usr/.  I fail to see why this is such an issue.  ./configure --help
16:22.16fauxalliancemy clone is on stress leave..
16:22.29drmessanoWhich is why it's so important to get T.38 working.  I need to fax myself back to my home planet
16:22.49LantiziaQwell, why is /usr/local not the default?
16:22.56fauxalliancedrmessano, in colour?
16:22.57QwellBecause it's not.
16:22.59drmessanoQwell, because p3nguin says it's wrong, n00b
16:23.14QwellWhy isn't the default /var/tmp/bacon/?  Because it just isn't.
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16:23.23LantiziaI proclaim bug
16:23.35Qwellrolls his eyes and goes back to doing something useful
16:23.48p3nguinJust because it is wrong by default does not prevent the user from configuring it correctly.  That's what the configure script is for.
16:23.58Lantiziawell if /usr is for the distribution to use... and your provided tar.gz's are clearly outside of that scope
16:24.05Lantiziathen why would /usr be the default!
16:24.26ghenrySorry, what's the best way to get the status of my extension to show me what call I'm on etc. so I can see the callerid of who's called me? Can anyone point me to the right command/s?
16:24.28Lantizia"Because it just is" is just a crap answer lol
16:24.40ghenryI'm reading
16:25.17p3nguinlantizia: That's how some people say "We did it wrong, sorry."
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16:25.40Lantiziap3nguin, you're making me feel better :) aaaaw I'm all blushy lol
16:26.36drmessanoWhy is apachectl and httpd in /usr/sbin ?
16:26.38QwellCall me when FSH mandates that we use /usr/local/
16:26.52Lantiziadrmessano, you get them via your distro?
16:27.04cuscohow can I diagnose why a call is on a queue... and it is not ringing in memberes registered in the queue...?
16:27.10p3nguinInstall it from source and it won't be in that location.
16:27.30p3nguinI think the default for apache2 is /usr/local/apache, if I remember right.
16:27.41Lantiziahurrah for apache lol
16:27.58tzafrir_laptopQwell, it doesn't. However the FHS recommends so
16:28.09p3nguinOf course it's been like 10 years since I cared how to install apache from sources.
16:28.11drmessanoIf you're so sure this is a bug, submit a bug report.. let the masses decide
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16:28.40Lantiziadrmessano, nah it's only a matter of time FreeSWITCH takes over anyway and it installs to the right place lol
16:28.59drmessanoFreeSWITCH taking over?  Laughable
16:29.02Qwelltzafrir_laptop: actually, it doesn't even recommend that.
16:29.02p3nguinYeah, there's no mandate, but it does say THIS IS THE STANDARD, PLEASE OBEY IT.
16:29.11makafreHey guys, how are you; quick question, I have 2 IPs on my server (same nic), but SIP users can't register on both, just the primary IP, any hint ?
16:29.24Lantiziawell this is #asterisk - I wasn't expecting agreement :)
16:30.11p3nguinLocally installed software must be placed within /usr/local rather than /usr unless it is being installed to replace or upgrade software in /usr. [27]
16:30.17tzafrir_laptopQwell, "Locally installed software must be placed within /usr/local rather than /usr unless it is being installed to replace or upgrade software in /usr. "
16:30.20p3nguin"must be placed within /usr/local"
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16:30.32drmessanoLantizia:  Yeah, and you seem like a newb, so I would expect a baseless, uneducated comment about FreeSWITCH vs Asterisk.. So :)
16:30.52Lantiziadrmessano, I can be expertly yet whimsical... doesn't make me a newb :)
16:31.04Lantiziayou just seem like a bit of an asshat tbh
16:31.19cuscoI really cannot understand what is wrong with queue() that it does not dial to members in the queue
16:31.22Lantiziaeveryone is entitled to label lol
16:31.38Qwelltzafrir_laptop: "locally installed software" refers to stuff that can't be mounted elsewhere
16:31.57drmessanoLantizia, an educated asshat who understand the space the two products compete in?  Yes.
16:32.04Qwelltzafrir_laptop: ie; over NFS
16:32.09tzafrir_laptopActually traditionally /usr/local was a potentiall shared mount point
16:32.11p3nguinGreat, now the FHS is open to interpretation.
16:32.18Qwellwell, no.  opposite
16:32.25Lantiziadrmessano, and you're thinking behind the idea I don't?  you've no idea what I do and do not know about!
16:32.32Qwell/usr/ was potentially shared.  /usr/local/ is strictly not shared.
16:32.52Lantiziadrmessano, still this is #asterisk... if you want a FreeSWITCH why don't you PM me so I can ignore you
16:33.04fauxallianceLantizia, asterisk consultant by any chance?
16:33.11tzafrir_laptopQwell, wrong
16:33.34drmessanoLantizia, I don't PM without asking.. It's IRC etiquette.. but I wouldn't expect a newb to know that :)
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16:33.48Lantiziadrmessano, I do but it's not without asking is it... it's with invite :)
16:33.48Qwell"That means that /usr should be shareable between various FHS-compliant hosts and must not be written to. "
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16:35.28tzafrir_laptopQwell, the point is that when Asterisk is installed from source, it is a "Locally installed software"
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16:39.30p3nguinOf all the times I ever compiled asterisk, I never knew it was installing into the wrong place... I ALWAYS use ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc because I ALWAYS roll it into a package.
16:41.36drmessanoNow you know... and knowing is half the battle
16:41.37Lantiziap3nguin, oh sure if it's going to be packaged then it makes sense lol
16:43.04p3nguinBut it should never be assumed that it will be packaged, and therefore should require setting the prefix for the purpose of packaging.
16:44.24drmessanoBut are you installing on behalf of the local user or on behalf of the distro?  In that scenario, you're both..
16:45.00drmessanoSo is that where /var/tmp/bacon comes into play?
16:45.11p3nguinWhen packaging, it is for the distro only.
16:47.57drmessanoI guess it's sorta like if you roll a bunch of joints, you pretty much become a prime candidate for "intent to distribute" which labels you a "dealer", but if you're going to smoke them yourself, you're the "customer".. which brings up the problem as illustrated with schrodinger's cat.. you simultaneously exist in both states
16:48.21Lantiziatzafrir_laptop, please can I call him names again ? :D
16:48.48drmessanoLantizia:  Sorry if I am talking over your head.. Maybe you can google some of this
16:49.26fauxalliancegets all puffy eyed at drmessano's expert analogy.
16:49.47Lantiziahe's single too lol :P
16:49.58*** part/#asterisk Lantizia (
16:49.59drmessanoI am?  Not quite
16:50.00fauxallianceand the moral of the story drmessano ?  Allways keep one rolled in the holster.
16:50.07leifmadsenya! drmessano is mine!
16:50.44*** part/#asterisk kevcox (~User@
16:51.03leifmadsentzanger: nice
16:51.27tzangerleifmadsen: that's in case someone tries to pull a fast one on you
16:51.34tzangerI know you're a little gullible and all, but I like you
16:51.42tzangerwouldn't want you to get shanghai'd
16:51.42leifmadsentzanger: yay! I like you too
16:51.51drmessanoI guess I could have told him about my gorgeous fiancee but talking to him about girls was probably as bad as talking to him about any subject that requires more than a 4th grade education.  *sigh*
16:52.04leifmadsentzanger: sometimes I lie though
16:52.17p3nguinHer wife Jennifer... what kind of freaky people are they?!
16:53.04tzangerleifmadsen: everyone lies sometimes
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16:55.31WWGDreferences to rolling joints and schrodinger's cat in the same sentence... i love this channel
16:55.58drmessanobows and burps
16:57.48tzangeroh man, this year's the 200th anniversary of oktoberfest!
16:58.00fauxalliancewhat fun...
16:58.01drmessanoMay we burn a witch?
16:58.23fauxalliancehow about an effigy of Guy Fawkes... that comes next.
16:58.38drmessanoMaybe a "Strange Brew" marathon?
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17:03.36leifmadsentzanger: beer!
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17:09.14leifmadsentzanger: over there!
17:09.37bougymanany vici users/admins about atm?
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17:35.48kristianpaulWha's the digit i should use to add a delay after a call is stablished?
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17:46.22exothermiHow do you control the time between when a channel hangs up and when it becomes available to the dial group?
17:50.12Naikrovekhangup = available for next call, I think
17:50.15Naikroveknot sure if it's configurable
17:50.19Naikrovekwhat are you trying to do
17:50.37Naikrovekoh you want a wait time after a queue member hangs up from a call.  to let them log what happened or whatever
17:51.06p3nguinwrap-up time?
17:51.23Naikroveki'm thinking that's what he wants but we'll never know until he replies :)
17:53.11Naikrovekanyone know any good configuration management software?  free as in beer would be best, if possible
17:53.23Naikrovekotherwise i'll write one
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17:53.48exothermiNaikrovek: actually these are analog channels, and it take the CO about 6 seconds to reset their gear.
17:54.12NaikrovekQwell: my supervisor suggested Excel but neither VIM nor Excel beat paper and I want to implement some process
17:54.14exothermiNaikrovek: So after I hang up a channel I want to ensure that it isn't attempted again for 6 seconds.
17:56.26Naikrovekno idea
17:56.31Naikrovekprobably a way though
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18:13.06exothermi[TK]D-Fender: You have any idea how to delay that?
18:13.46carrarKeep track of channels in a db
18:14.07carrarfor a outgoing call query a free channel based on last used time
18:14.42leifmadsenwhen you hang up the call, in the 'h' extension, set the value of EPOCH to the AstDB, then when placing a call, check the EPOCH and find the diff and delay for the remainder of the time
18:15.30exothermiok thanks
18:16.22leifmadsenSet(DELAY=$[${EPOCH} - ${DB(last_used/channel/1)}])
18:16.24leifmadsensomething like that
18:16.39leifmadsenmy math is wrong I'm sure
18:17.06leifmadsenGotoIf($[${DELAY} < 6]?wait,1)
18:17.32[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Nifty idea.  unfortunately he said dial group.  If that means he doing "g0" etc, this itea won't work since you can't lok a channel out of a group
18:17.33leifmadsenexten => wait,1,Wait($[6 - ${DELAY}])
18:17.55leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: I didn't read back that far, but you should still be able to find what channel the call actually went out on
18:18.05leifmadsenyes, he'll need to be clever and figure something out
18:18.43[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: You could put maybe a global dial-colkout in effect...
18:18.50exothermiya I need to do this across 70 channels
18:19.25p3nguinMaybe you could get the phone company to make some adjustments.
18:19.35exothermip3nguin: lmas
18:19.37carrarlike fix their crap
18:19.56exothermicarrar: ya like that is going to happen.
18:20.03p3nguinIf you tell them "Fix your crap," they might be less likely to comply.
18:20.18carrarGot a ticket open with them on it?
18:20.59exothermip3nguin: "Hey Qwest, would you mind replacing your switches in you CO for me?
18:21.04*** part/#asterisk kristianpaul (~kristianp@unaffiliated/kristianpaul)
18:21.44carrarI've gotten Qwest to do a lot
18:22.05carrarbut you have to keep on them
18:22.15[TK]D-FenderThat's what SHE said
18:22.22exothermicarrar: You've had them go as far as to replace a full switch?
18:22.33carrarif it's the problem
18:22.52carrarreplace cards, move DSLAMS, fix their ATM
18:23.06carrarcome out and re-wite the nbeighborhood
18:23.09p3nguinYou know they'll question your qualifications when you ask for such extreme measures.
18:23.18carrarThey are responsibile
18:23.31p3nguinDoesn't mean they are accountable, though.
18:23.39exothermiFrom the people I have talked to they just say that it is the norm for a carrier's gear to leave the channel open for a few seconds (since there is no disconnect supervision)
18:23.41carrarUp to you to make them accountable
18:23.53p3nguinAt which time they question your qualifications.
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18:24.08exothermiThese are CAS T1s using loopstart
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18:25.02carrarWith so many lines, why are you not using straight T1's to begin with
18:25.51carraror am I miss reading your stuff
18:27.22exothermicarrar: They are straight T1s
18:27.47carrarcan you switch to Koolstart
18:27.59carraror something else
18:28.06exothermiThat may help.  Let me check.
18:28.57*** join/#asterisk hehol (
18:29.48carraralternativly you could switch to pri
18:29.54carrarbut probably cost more
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18:47.08nnyanyone ever dealt with a dialer that uses tones to alert the system of a new call>?
18:47.36nnyhave a client with a "strata dialer" working on a recording solution.. wondering if I can use the tones + features.conf and some sorcery to start a new recording
18:47.41nny(sounds like heavy sorcery)
18:48.31leifmadsennny: yes
18:48.36leifmadsenas long as the tones are DTMF
18:50.20nnyleifmadsen: yeah I need to do a test call and see what asterisk thinks of the tones with debug. I assume at the point I can do some channel magic, start a new MixMonitor and create additional magic as needed
18:50.56leifmadsenwell I've used features.conf to cancel a call recording, so I see no reason it couldn't start one too :)
18:51.13nnyleifmadsen: nice thanks
18:52.07nnyanother stupid question I guess since I am here and elgible. I have a bunch of MCF files that were originally g729 that someone tried to record with orecx's GPL version. I was told it's possible to use transcode but don't see support for that specific item. Am i missing something?
18:56.32*** part/#asterisk shayy (~shayy@
19:07.28*** join/#asterisk Letoric (
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19:21.16LetoricAfternoon folks
19:21.40LetoricAnybody know of a way to tell mixmonitor to spool files in 1 location, but when finished, move them to a final location?
19:22.44LetoricOur CFO wants access to the monitor files, to give you an idea of what I'm trying to achieve. The thought was using a script to copy the completed files to a location he can access
19:23.17Letoricmixmonitor doesn't seem to spool in a tmp file, it seems to constantly write to an appropriately named file for whatever call it's working on
19:23.17tzangerLetoric: do the move in a hangup handler
19:23.27[TK]D-FenderLetoric: Use Monitor() and mix/move them afterwards yourself
19:24.52Letoric[TK]D-Fender: I'm trying to put as much automation into this system as possible so that when they replace me (it's inevitable, us in IT are never permanent) they won't have to struggle too much
19:26.02Letorictrying not to use samba, as we already have unix servers exporting shares with nfs, so that's the preferred dump location
19:26.22Letoricdidn't want to have it write the files to a network location while recording, in case of any failures, thus the need for a script
19:28.00*** part/#asterisk frigidzephyr (~rnewton@nat/digium/x-ykjqxoszcaybkigf)
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19:41.19[TK]D-FenderLetoric: Go for it.  You have our permission.
19:42.59KavanSLetoric, hire....a....consultant
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19:46.15LetoricKavanS: Thanks for your opinion, I was looking for advise on how to handle the issue myself.
19:46.40Letoric[TK]D-Fender: uhm...thanks? You're usually pretty helpful, bad day?
19:48.02KavanSLetoric, the amount of education necessary to bring you in tune with this - and to accomplish it effectively, you will want a consultant
19:48.15KavanSor that CFO of yours might just say "hey this outsourcing thing, way better than that half assed job Letoric did for us"
19:48.30[TK]D-Fender[15:23]<[TK]D-Fender>Letoric: Use Monitor() and mix/move them afterwards yourself <-- I did tell you to use Monitor for this...
19:48.34citywokLetoric: monitor writes to a file in the monitor folder.  you cna do whatever you want with it via a script after the call has ended by using the hangup extension.
19:48.38[TK]D-FenderLetoric: "core show applciation Monitor"
19:48.55[TK]D-FenderAnd NO, you will NOT use the "hangup" extension for this.
19:49.12[TK]D-FenderLetoric: There is a nifty parm you should have read up on in there already for this
19:49.24[TK]D-FenderLetoric: It's all hidden in the big print :)
19:49.45Letoric[TK]D-Fender: I did read up on that, it's just that there was also some commentary about monitor being somewhat buggy when using mixing
19:49.48citywokwhoops, that's right i forgot you can pass the post-execution arguments in to the monitor command directly.  been a while since i wrote all that.
19:50.20[TK]D-FenderLetoric: Monitor isn't going to do the mixing.  You are in your script as well as moving the file.
19:50.44Letoric[TK]D-Fender: Something about using the same threads? Sound familiar? Again..I am rather new, I was just being precautious because of that
19:50.49citywokyea, mixmonitor is what i'm using at the moment but it sometimes muxes the halves incorrectly and the calls overlap.
19:51.03[TK]D-Fendercitywok: And is a command I am not advising
19:51.11Letoricalso mixmonitor allowed me to use something that allows passage between channels while maintaining the recording
19:51.29Letoricforgot the exact command, but I can find it if it doesn't ring a bell already for you
19:51.31citywok[TK]D-Fender: yea, are there any other reasons to avoid it?
19:51.55[TK]D-Fendercitywok: I don't know all the fine points on this, jstu those big overview ones that really differentiate them
19:52.12[TK]D-Fendercitywok: Monitor() opens more doors
19:53.40Letoric[TK]D-Fender: Can you still use AudioHook_INHERIT with monitor?
19:53.57[TK]D-FenderLetoric: That would be one of those points I don't know so well
19:54.11Letoric;( That's a critical function for us
19:54.20LetoricAll calls have to be fully recorded :/
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20:41.34rdirciohi guys
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20:42.09rdirciodo you know of a working callprogress tone detection configuration for Mexico?
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20:46.24simondDoes anyone happen to know why I can't close a terminal after running some asterisk console commands?
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20:47.40frigidzephyrsimond: huh?
20:47.56frigidzephyrsimond:  like the actual terminal window?
20:48.00p3nguinpress Ctrl+Z and see what it says.
20:48.01simondlike I do something like 'asterisk -rx "sip show peers"', and then I try to exit out of the terminal window
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20:48.48frigidzephyrare you clicking a GUI close button on the window? or are you just typing exit to get out the CLI, then exit again to get out of the terminal ?
20:48.48simondI come back to the shell just fine, but something is stoping the terminal from ending when I log out
20:48.54p3nguinUsually when a terminal doesn't want to "exit," it is because there is a child process still running.
20:52.13simondIt's a problem I've run into consistently across centos and debian, from asterisk 0.7 to 1.4
20:53.07simondI mean intermittently
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20:54.51simondalthough this time it's during an upgrade process in a virtual machine snapshot, so maybe I'll finally figure out what it is.
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20:59.42rlankfohello, i have a sip phone registered but to register i had to open ports 5060 tcp/udp on the firewall, now when i make a call i can't hear the other person and they can't hear me
20:59.54rlankfoare there more ports that i would need to open? inbound or out? i only opened 5060 inbound
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21:01.45Dougyrlankfo: tcpdump it
21:01.57Dougyor do something like that
21:02.53p3nguinrlankfo: You have to forward/open the RTP ports, too.
21:03.31p3nguinSIP is only the signaling, RTP carries the audio.  You can find your RTP port range in rtp.conf (probably UDP 10000-20000).
21:03.48rlankfoinbound and out?
21:03.56rlankfoi almost opened 10000-20000 UDP
21:04.19p3nguinThe ports have to be allowed in both directions.
21:10.55trelaneI'm taking some errors on a T1, other than accusing the provider of outright lying is there anything useful in pri debug?
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21:13.03jorenhey, I'm hoping somone could give me some advice.. I'm trying to setup a voicemenu in asterisk-gui, but when I add a "playback" event, it says "& donnot listen for keypress events"
21:13.20jorenis there any way to get it to listen for keypress events from the start?
21:15.04p3nguinUse BackGround() instead of Playback().
21:16.11jorenp3nguin, ahha, thank you very much!
22:00.30Kobazman, grandstream phones suck so bad
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22:01.45jinxedis there a channel variable for the extension the caller entered the system from?
22:02.49Dougyi want to set my pbx to ring the extensions for 30sec (done), then call my cell phone, ring for 15sec, ifn o answer, go to phone again, then voicemail
22:02.52Dougyis that possible
22:04.14p3nguinjinxed: ${EXTEN} is the extension.
22:06.22jinxedp3nguin: isn't that for the current context?  what about after a goto?
22:07.02exothermi[TK]D-Fender: would it be possible to create a fifo using astdb?
22:07.24[TK]D-Fenderexothermi: It holds data like anything else
22:08.33exothermi[TK]D-Fender: you see i'm thinking about replacing the dial groups with a fifo of channels
22:09.08[TK]D-Fenderexothermi: "the dial groups"?  Pardon?
22:09.19[TK]D-FenderexothermAls I have no idea what feeds your FIFO list.
22:10.26exothermi[TK]D-Fender: instead of round robin (r0 etc) where it moves through a set list incrementally and picks any available channel, it would move though a queue choosing the channel that has been unused the longest.
22:14.28[TK]D-Fenderexothermi: There is a queue strategy for that
22:14.56exothermi[TK]D-Fender: for dahdi channels?
22:15.57[TK]D-Fenderexothermi: No.  Now you've gone from ring-groups to DAHDI grouped channels...
22:16.04[TK]D-FenderexothermDoes the channel really matter?
22:17.34exothermi[TK]D-Fender: my plan is to solve my "channels aren't available until x seconds after hanging up" problem.
22:19.26exothermi[TK]D-Fender: So if I create a fifo, and put the channel into it x seconds after it hangs up. Or the more approximate version of having total call limit set to y less than total channels and using the fifo it is probable that the next channel assigned will have been unused for at least x seconds.
22:19.54*** part/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
22:20.15exothermiI guess what would happen if I set the dahdi channels as queue members?
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22:48.36drmessanoGot an email from Flowroute stating they had added a "maximum outbound rate" fraud control under the user account settings.  Very nice!
22:50.03drmessanoI guess it doesn't help if you have a callcenter and turn it to 11, but then again, if you run a callcenter and get exploited for tens of thousands because of an improperly configured Asterisk box, I want the address of your HR person so I can apply for your job.
22:54.39Dougyis that correct
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22:57.56drmessanoWell, assuming those Xs are your number and that ,5, is the line of 1000 where it forwards to your cell, and vitel-outbound is the proper peer, and that you're using a gregorian calendar where 60 seconds is approximately one minute, and that your name is Dougy, I would probably say "yes"
22:58.31drmessanoBut that's taking a lot into account from one line.. and while I may love CSI, I am no Gil Grissom
22:58.59Dougyok let me pastebin a bit
22:59.45Dougyeverything works fine, it comes in, rings my 7960, after 5 secs it calls my cell (or at least asterisk shows the dial the same way it is if i dial it by hand), but my cell never rings
22:59.51Dougythen after 60 secs, my phone rings again and then goes to VM
23:08.00p3nguin_Get rid of the Ringing().
23:08.08Dougywill it do it automatically?
23:08.19p3nguin_Get rid of the numbered priorities, in favor of using n instead.
23:08.23Dougywhat is n
23:08.34p3nguin_Get rid of the spaces in the app data.
23:08.45Dougyionstead of , 5)
23:09.00Dougywhat is the benefit of n over number
23:10.39p3nguin_But here's the catch... your SIP/1000 phone is going to ring for ONLY 5 seconds.  Is that really what you wanted?
23:10.54Dougyfor the moment yes, i want it to quickly ring here once so i know it works, then redirect to my phone, and come back
23:11.03Dougyit will eventaully be more like 60 sec instead of 5
23:11.08Dougyits just for testing sake
23:11.28Dougyp3nguin_: why n instead of number
23:12.07p3nguin_Do you think people are going to let the phone ring for that long?  60 seconds is a long time to wait... 10 rings.  I don't know anyone that waits that long before assuming there is no one to answer and hangs up.
23:12.21p3nguin_Why n?  Because this is not Asterisk 1.2 anymore.
23:12.21Dougywell, 60 was hypothetical
23:12.27Dougyand oh?
23:12.29p3nguin_n means NEXT.
23:12.30Dougywhat does 'n' do exactly
23:12.36Dougywell that makes perfect sense then
23:12.40Dougylets try it
23:13.16paulcI have a dial to my desk phone & a local channel.. that delays a few secs, then goes to my cell.. specifically for my front door buzzer system thing.. works great (using Local/... + delay)
23:13.19Dougyseems to work profectly
23:13.24Dougyperfectly rather
23:13.27Dougythank you :D
23:13.47Dougyso ,Answer and ,Ringing are useless these days?
23:14.06Dougyoh, hi leifmadsen
23:14.10leifmadsenohai :)
23:14.13Dougyhow are you
23:14.18p3nguin_Useless in general?  No.  Useless in your specific given circumstance, yes.
23:14.36Dougywhere are they practical
23:14.40Dougyjust for argument's sake
23:14.43Dougyis trying to learn a lot here
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23:16.02p3nguin_Let's say you wanted to Answer the channel, bringing it Up.  You would use Answer().
23:16.27Dougyseems simple
23:16.29p3nguin_Most people don't want the channel Up when it is still ringing.
23:16.34Dougyi owe you guys a lot for the help
23:16.36leifmadsenit affects CDRs
23:16.52leifmadsenDougy: beers can be sent to 50 Losino St., Caledon, ON, Canada, L7C 3N5
23:16.56Dougyi just need to figure out now how to record a .mp3 and  upload it so it will use that for a VM greeting instead of using a SIP phone and recording it
23:17.00Dougyleifmadsen: sadly i cannot buy you beer
23:17.01Dougyi am 17
23:17.09leifmadsenDougy: money is also acceptable :)
23:17.23Dougypaypal got disabled for not being 18
23:17.26leifmadsenDougy: that, or you could grab a copy of the book from
23:17.28Dougybut since i turn 18 tomorrow......
23:17.34leifmadsenI don't need your money :)
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23:17.49exothermiis there anyway to implement a queue (from a data-structure perspective) or linked list in asterisk dialplan?
23:17.50leifmadsenkeep it for college :D
23:17.53leifmadsenit's very expensive
23:17.53Dougyleifmadsen:  what is your role in the project
23:17.59Dougyand im actually off to college in about 10 minutes
23:18.10leifmadsenDougy: I write documentation and am the primary bug marshal and release manager
23:18.37p3nguin_Don't let him fool you, he's only here for decoration.
23:18.37leifmadsenexothermc: I don't quite understand the question, but I could probably build at least a simple queue from dialplan
23:18.41leifmadsenit's true
23:18.44leifmadsenI just talk big
23:19.37Dougythx guys, bbl
23:19.43exothermileifmadsen: basically I need a simple queue (basically a dahdi trunk group that would do leastrecent)
23:20.02p3nguin_Oddly, Queue() provides simple queues.
23:20.26Dougymy queue was simple
23:20.31Dougycall main #, ring all phones, goto voicemail
23:20.37Dougydownloads asteirsk book
23:21.03p3nguin_You could also throw some sound files in front of the Dial() commands and add MoH rather than ringing sounds.
23:21.14exothermileifmadsen: so instead of r,R,G,g (which keep track of where it left off (versions of roundrobin)) I need leastrecent which would be more like a queue/fifo
23:21.32Dougyp3nguin_: my next task is conferencing and maybe some MOH
23:22.08p3nguin_For home, I use Playback(silence/1&vm-dialout).
23:22.32leifmadsenexothermc: so why not enable leastrecent method for Queue()?
23:22.59leifmadsenthe dialing groups do no have the method you are looking for. You'd have to create some clever dialplan to do it.
23:23.27exothermileifmadsen:   this is simply for dialing pstn and selecting a channel, full queues are overkill.  Plus I can't answer the A-Leg until the B-leg answers.
23:23.43leifmadsenmore information was required then to answer your question properly
23:24.03leifmadsenjust keep track of the information in the AstDB and program the dialplan to do what you want
23:24.07Kobazwhat about answering improperly
23:24.15leifmadsenKobaz: that is what I did apparently
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23:24.22p3nguin_dougy: MusicOnHold is pretty simple.  You can use the included music files, download some free-to-use mp3s, or even stream from the internet.
23:25.00exothermileifmadsen: I'm just looking for a way to do this in the dialplan, but the data-structures I'm thinking to do it with (an array) don't seem to be there.
23:25.27leifmadseni could program it, but I don't have time to do it right now
23:25.29leifmadsenI'm heading out
23:25.40exothermileifmadsen: ok thanks
23:25.46leifmadsenyou don't need an arrow
23:25.53exothermiwhat would you use?
23:25.54leifmadsenjust use a loop and some astDB information
23:26.08exothermileifmadsen: ahh I guess that would work.
23:26.17leifmadsenof course it would
23:26.36exothermileifmadsen: not exactly efficient, but it would work :)
23:26.47exothermiheads off to code it up.
23:27.03leifmadsenif you need something complicated then use an AGI
23:27.16exothermileifmadsen: oh ya, that is even better.  Thanks
23:27.21leifmadsenuse a real programming language if you need programming language type things
23:27.38leifmadsenthis is not rocket science :)
23:27.42leifmadsenand now I'm really out
23:36.36paulcScreenpops: JabberSend can send a URL to the end user, they click the link, tada - web page with all the relevant details (that page built in house). Seems easy enough. Versus some kind of "soft phone with built in URL passing for screen popping" if such a thing even exists? Thoughts?
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23:48.20GlobeTrotterzHi DFender, thanks fro helping me out with the agents log ins. I am now passing the value with gosub.  Now i am able to log the agents in and out of the queue. But i set the calls to be recorded. but its not recording. In queues.conf i have .. monitor-format = gsm & monitor-type = MixMonitor
23:48.37GlobeTrotterzdoes anyone else had that issue before?
23:48.43exothermiis there a way to call a shell program from asterisk and get the return value as a variable?  Or set a variable to the value the program returns?
23:50.26exothermiahh the SHELL  function
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