IRC log for #asterisk on 20100918

00:21.41*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
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00:40.06*** join/#asterisk moy_ (~moy@
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02:58.37*** join/#asterisk Kyosh (
03:00.11*** join/#asterisk chopp (~chopp@unaffiliated/chopp)
03:10.37choppI have attach=yes under [genera] in voicemail.conf, but isn't working for some reason.l
03:11.58ChannelZyou need to look at mailcmd and see if A. it's sensible for your setup and B. it works if you do something similar yourself
03:24.51*** join/#asterisk chopp (~chopp@unaffiliated/chopp)
03:28.28*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
03:32.29choppChannelZ: I have 'mailcmd=/usr/bin/sendmail -t', and it's sending an e-mail, there just isn't an attachment.
03:34.13choppsendmail is attaching the .wav locally, but aplay outputs silence with them.
03:47.45*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:01.46*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
04:03.06AliRezaTaleghanican some one give me a hint how to enable H323 on asterisk 1.6?
04:27.46*** join/#asterisk devdvd (
04:28.32ChannelZChannelZ: make sure whatever attachfmt= you are using is also being used as a normal format=
04:30.32devdvdi'm using asterisk and trying to configure srtp.  I am looking at this but im guessing it is out of date as the svn link to the srtp code for asterisk is no longer valid.  Is SRTP built into asterisk in 1.6.10? if not where can i get the code and preferably some updated documentation on getting it working
04:32.25drmessanodevdvd:  You'll want 1.8, which is in beta
04:32.42devdvdwhy? does 1.6 not support it at all?
04:36.11devdvdnative in 1.8?
04:40.36*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@
04:48.40*** join/#asterisk Besticles (
04:48.45*** join/#asterisk brendansterne (
04:49.47brendansterneGreetings.  I'm trying to debug SIP using the 'sip show history <callid>' command.  But cannot figure out what the <callid> parameter should be.
04:50.12brendansterneThe actual Call-ID value from the SIP headers does not seem to work
04:50.30brendansterneAnyone used this command and know what this parameter should be?
04:55.29Besticlesyou turned on sip call history right?
04:55.49BesticlesTurn on sip debugging, show that it shows in the console
04:55.52Besticlesas the call happens
04:55.59brendansterneI've done that
04:56.00Besticlesyou'll see the Call-ID on the actual call.
04:56.14Besticlesthe alphanumber string?
04:56.15brendansternelike this:  Call-ID: 20bb30ab7fc74e166d2d550c47d096c2@
04:56.22Besticlesnot working?
04:56.41brendansterneNo such SIP Call ID starting with '20bb30ab7fc74e166d2d550c47d096c2@'
04:56.46brendansterneis what I get back
04:58.27brendansterneI did a 'sip set history on'
04:58.30Besticleshmm, not sure.  i haven't used it in a long time.  Let me see if i can get it to work on mine.
04:58.47brendansterneDoes it only work for a call that is still 'live'
04:59.04ChannelZI imagine it's the asterisk call ID, like "-- SIP/vitelity-out-00000013 answered"
04:59.16choppChannelZ: still not working, this is my voicemail.conf
05:01.10ChannelZchopp: where is your attachfmt  ?
05:01.27ChannelZoh you're doing it per mailbox
05:01.57brendansterneChannelZ... I see in my log ->      -- SIP/qaproxy1-0000003f answered Local/dial@dialcall-b2d2;2
05:02.17ChannelZthe mailcmd should be up in the [general] section though I'm not positive it matters
05:02.28brendansternethis fails ->  sip show history SIP/qaproxy1-0000003f
05:03.28ChannelZchopp: and what version of asterisk are you running?  the mailbox syntax doesn't look right
05:04.31AliRezaTaleghaniChannelZ: hi man
05:04.31choppChannelZ: it's
05:04.46AliRezaTaleghaniare u interested with h323?
05:04.47brendansterneOK... so while the channel is live... if I do a 'sip show channels' I get a list of live channels
05:04.54brendansterneOne of the columns is Call ID
05:05.35brendansterneBut its an id like '399b34364cf9abe' which doesn't appear to have anything in common with the Call-ID header, or the SIP channel id
05:06.05brendansterneI wonder what that call id (399b34364cf9abe) is?  Any is there any way to see it from the logs, or do you have to run 'sip show channels'?
05:07.15ChannelZbrendansterne: ah. That is the call ID.  sip show history will only show the history of active calls - it's the SIP history for the call, but not history as in you can do it 15 minutes later and see what went on
05:08.16ChannelZAnd hello AliRezaTaleghani
05:08.42ChannelZchopp: but anyway you were saying earlier it is working, it's sending a mail, and attaching something that is just blank?
05:09.04brendansterneChannelZ: ok.  but then it might be hard for me to get a 'sip show history' for the bug I want to report because it happens during call setup and I'm not sure there will be time to do a 'sip show channels' then a 'sip show history <callid>'
05:09.32ChannelZif you're making a bug report I think you'd want the actual SIP..
05:09.36ChannelZsip set debug on
05:09.54brendansterneYep.. I have that on... the bug guidelines also say to get a sip show history
05:09.59ChannelZHistory just shows a condensed version of each message that went back and forth
05:10.05brendansterneAhhh... ok
05:10.23brendansterneso sip debug should be good enough
05:10.39brendansternealong with a .pcap perhaps
05:11.03choppChannelZ: it's being emailed out to gmail without an attachment, and sending mail to my local user with an attachement.
05:11.06ChannelZif the call setup is failing as you say yes getting a history is hard to do
05:11.15brendansterneCan I submit a bug agains, or does it need to be against the latest 1.6 trunk version
05:12.09drmessanoIt is fixed in SVN?
05:12.12ChannelZbrendansterne: They'd probably prefer you test against the latest release to make sure it's something that hasn't been fixed
05:12.14drmessanoIs it*
05:12.21BesticlesI've downloaded the new version of X-Lite.  When I connect a call to it, and click Answer, it appears to pick up the call.  The other end, only hears ringing.  I have fiddled and fiddled with it, I can't seem to figure out what is causing this symptom.  Any suggestions?
05:12.44ChannelZchopp: maybe gmail is hosing something up
05:12.45drmessanoDoes the old version of X-Lite work?
05:13.19AliRezaTaleghaniChannelZ: hi man, i have some problems, and don't know the exact or best way to solve, i need to trunk between a cisco AS5300 and my asterisk..
05:13.29brendansterneok.. so I need to get the latest 1.6 from svn before submitting the bug?
05:14.01ChannelZchopp: based on the syntax I see in your pastebin however, it would be emailing 'chopp', and trying to send a page to
05:14.06AliRezaTaleghanii tried SIP trunk, but cos the AS5300 was not able to make registered users, that way didn't work
05:15.03ChannelZwell I have no clue about your AS5300
05:15.25BesticlesThe old version works on my computer @ work.  I am vpn'ed into the office network and decided to work on my project.  So I downloaded xlite here, and noticed its a new version, it looks totally different.
05:15.52AliRezaTaleghaniChannelZ: umm
05:15.59AliRezaTaleghaniHow about H323?
05:16.04AliRezaTaleghanion asterisk i mean
05:16.38ChannelZchopp: your problem is your syntax
05:17.47choppisn't that correct though? extension_number => voicemail_password,user_name,user_email_address,,user_option(s)
05:17.49ChannelZAliRezaTaleghani: never used h323.  There's a channel driver for that..
05:17.58AliRezaTaleghaniChannelZ: tnx
05:18.13ChannelZchopp: yes but you have   1 => 69ab4,1,chopp,,,attach=yes|attachfmt=wav
05:19.02ChannelZchopp: password=69ab4   username=1   user_email_address=chopp   (that's what's between the ,, in your example)
05:19.11*** join/#asterisk mpe (
05:19.29ChannelZAliRezaTaleghani: I think there's one in asterisk-extras but I could be lying
05:20.08AliRezaTaleghani:D why lying?
05:20.19AliRezaTaleghanino problem i will search more ;)
05:20.21AliRezaTaleghani&& tnx
05:20.24BesticlesDammit, I figured out right after I asked the question.  My bad.
05:20.59ChannelZAliRezaTaleghani: because I don't remember
05:21.32ChannelZIn fact it's "asterisk addons", not 'extras'.  See?  Lies!
05:23.24AliRezaTaleghani:) ok, i get it
05:26.27choppChannelZ: well with out that 1 in there, it worked as it should. Thanks for the patients. :)
05:38.42*** part/#asterisk brendansterne (
05:52.55*** part/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
06:09.11*** join/#asterisk mpe (
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07:32.39ChannelZSo are Besticles like testicles only better?
07:32.48Besticlesthats right.
07:33.19BesticlesDunno was a name in a MMORPG that I played for a bit.
07:36.48*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
07:37.07drmessanoDo you have the Best Testicles?  Some chix are IN to that
07:38.29drmessanoHmm.. My Gwibber is horribly broken.. Shocking
07:40.30ChannelZThat's what SHE said
07:50.12*** join/#asterisk brc007 (
08:07.36*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
08:37.44*** join/#asterisk karthik (~karthik@
08:55.07xhelioxmiddle of the night conversation on #asterisk -- never lacking that disturbing quality.
09:06.24*** join/#asterisk hehol (
09:09.25*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
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09:17.50*** join/#asterisk amaache_ (c42efc32@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:18.30*** join/#asterisk ybit (~quassel@unaffiliated/ybit)
09:21.28odenkos_ntbkhi all, when asterisk says it needs gsm(E) to compile codec_gsm, what exactly does it need?
09:36.19*** join/#asterisk Rajmohan (~raj@
09:40.00xhelioxodenkos_ntbk: Probably need to install libgsm-devel
09:42.35odenkos_ntbkxheliox: thanks, I'll try that
09:51.57*** join/#asterisk eastr (
09:52.23eastrI am looking for video based conferencing solution, would also be interesting to look at commercialized solution. anyone have any recommandation and with a good reason for it?
10:10.47*** join/#asterisk gain_ (
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10:51.20*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
10:56.39*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
10:56.47*** part/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
10:57.45*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
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11:00.50*** part/#asterisk mpe (
11:08.02*** part/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
11:34.56*** join/#asterisk Failrar (
11:47.20*** join/#asterisk jonmasters (
12:08.34*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
12:10.14AliRezaTaleghani:) who have time to help me? i am looking for a way to play the Agent-ID or Agent name, to the caller of a quque
12:32.11*** part/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
12:56.36*** join/#asterisk NiugeS (
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13:23.39*** part/#asterisk g_r_eek (
13:49.26*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
14:10.58*** join/#asterisk Flashtek (
14:12.58FlashtekAll: I am hitting a bit of an issue with regards linking vTiger with my asterisk server..
14:13.13Flashtekhas anyone here git any pointers ?
14:23.02*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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14:25.11Flashtekwaves to leifmadsen
14:33.04*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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14:35.57*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
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14:39.57*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
14:45.48*** join/#asterisk SoulRaven (SoulRaven@
14:57.27*** join/#asterisk whtsup (
14:57.49whtsupi m getting error on intalling asterisk
14:58.13whtsupconfigure: *** XML documentation will not be available because the 'libxml2' development package is missing.
14:58.13whtsupconfigure: *** Please run the 'configure' script with the '--disable-xmldoc' parameter option
14:58.13whtsupconfigure: *** or install the 'libxml2' development package.
14:59.45*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
15:05.53Flashtekwhtsup: install libxml2 then, or disable the xmldocs
15:06.34hefferor just go with the packages of your distro
15:06.38hefferif there are any
15:09.48*** join/#asterisk Trixboxer (
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15:16.11p3nguinThey should make those error messages more descriptive.  They're so cryptic, it takes a "computer genius" to understand what they mean!
15:17.40hefferp3nguin: regardin the installation error mentioned above?
15:18.48p3nguinI was just thinking about it.
15:19.01hefferp3nguin: you'd only hit that error if you try compiling asterisk from source
15:19.12p3nguinrun the 'configure' script with the '--disable-xmldoc' parameter option    <--- WHAT COULD THIS MEAN?!
15:19.28hefferand if you're trying to do that you're either already a "computer genius" or you're just not knowing what you're doing
15:19.31p3nguinor install the 'libxml2' development package.     <--- WHAT ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT?!
15:20.29WIMPyYou need to be a genius to do configure&&make&&make install?
15:20.44WIMPyis a genius
15:20.55hefferp3nguin: the thing is: almost all distros i know have packages for asterisk and if you're a novice you should try using them first
15:20.56p3nguinNo, only to read the words on the screen.
15:20.57carrarNever heard of XML?
15:21.07hefferWIMPy: note the "" :P
15:22.08WIMPyOTOH I'm nut sure if you need to be able to read in order to type.
15:25.31*** join/#asterisk chasing`Sol (
15:39.53*** join/#asterisk odenkos_ntbk (
16:01.46*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
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16:25.40*** join/#asterisk [SySteM] (
16:26.02[SySteM]Hello.. I search some help.. i try to connecting two incomming call please, what is the best way ?
16:30.21Flashtek[SySteM]: explain more
16:31.09*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
16:32.47[SySteM]i want than two incomming extern call can be talk together
16:32.52[SySteM]is Meetme the only solution ?
16:34.17*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
16:35.13[SySteM]I got multiple incomming come wich arrive on a public channel (= press 1 to talk to "name save before", press 2 to talk ...), on press on the dynamic incomming call, two personn can talk together
16:36.40[SySteM]all person are caller from extern
16:36.54[SySteM]so.. is Meetme the only way ?
16:43.57p3nguinThat's probably what I would use until I gave it a lot more thought.
16:45.37[SySteM]not possible to use a id channel
16:45.41[SySteM]to connect ?
16:46.10p3nguinYou want caller B to be able to call in and connect up with caller A, right?
16:49.55p3nguinWhat will caller A be doing?  Why is caller A already on a call?  And who is caller A talking with?
16:50.25[SySteM]caller A musiconhold
16:50.42odenkos_ntbkwhy not use queues then?
16:51.30p3nguinYou could use queues and make caller A an agent who logs in and sits listening to MoH.  MeetMe would do the same thing, though.
16:51.45[SySteM]its the same problem : can a caller be caller on a queue
16:51.52[SySteM]* be called
16:52.08p3nguinnot unless you make that person an agent, also.
16:52.17[SySteM]ok understand for agent
16:52.27[SySteM]but cant create queue dynamicly
16:52.39[SySteM]destination is to create a chat with lots of caller
16:52.55p3nguinWhen an agent logs into his queue, he listens to MoH until he receives a call.  When the caller hangs up, the agent listens to music again.
16:53.04[SySteM]and to work with queue, obligation is to create one queue by agent
16:54.14[SySteM]but in reallity .. A or B or C choose to talk to A or B or C
16:54.22[SySteM]so cant put them musiconhold
16:55.34p3nguinI'm thinking MeetMe is a good idea for this.
16:55.37[SySteM]want they have in round : "A name", "B name", "C name".. if anyone press * since "X name" is says, script ask X if i want to take the call..
16:56.02[SySteM]its a chatroom with only private possibility
16:56.33[SySteM]i thinking Meetme is the good solution too but
16:56.42[SySteM]in my script got for each channel a unique id
16:56.50[SySteM]like SIP/mytrunk-XXXXX
16:56.52*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
16:57.13[SySteM]i was thinking than it was possbile to dial SIP/mytrunk-XXXX from another caller
17:08.43[TK]D-Fender[SySteM]: Curious as to what you're trying to do based on that line I got coming in.
17:25.51*** join/#asterisk moy_ (
17:31.59Flashtek[TK]D-Fender: can I pick your brains ?
17:32.28*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
17:36.10*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh (
17:36.18[TK]D-FenderFlashtek: You can coose it, but it's already accounted for and I'm not selling ;)
17:37.40Flashtekhave you used vTiger ?
17:40.28[TK]D-FenderFlashtek: Nope.  No CRM
17:41.53*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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21:24.04*** join/#asterisk anthony- (
21:25.21anthony-care to help me out?
21:25.33Flashtekexplain the issue..
21:26.01anthony-My sip carrier isnt passing a 'confort noise'/ringing sound after they get the call
21:26.18anthony-is there a way i can insert my own ringing sound?
21:26.47anthony-doing Ringing() only works till before the sip provider gets the call
21:26.58anthony-but after that, im still stuck.
21:28.43anthony-any ideas or should i RTFM it some more
21:29.58ManxPoweranthony-, do not answer the call before sending it to the provider
21:33.34*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
21:33.38ManxPoweranthony-, pastebin the dialplan you use for making a call
21:33.55ManxPowerAre you using any Answer, Read, or Playback or Background in your dialplan?
21:36.08anthony-one moment while i pastebin
21:36.11ManxPowerthen I await your pastebin
21:37.50anthony-i have got the important part sectioned off
21:38.01anthony-with a bunch of hashes
21:39.30ManxPoweranthony-, BTW, "confort noise" and VAD have nothing to do with ringing.
21:39.58ManxPoweranthony-, the easiest thing for you to do is switch to a provider that does not suck.
21:40.27anthony-actually, my problem is the recieving end
21:40.43ManxPowerIf that is not an option then you have a long, confusing road ahead of you because you will have to learn how to diagnose SIP issues.
21:40.45anthony-vodafone is now selling their own sip service in greece, and they suck.
21:41.04ManxPoweranthony-, the person you are calling is not hearing the phone ring?  That makes no sense.
21:41.11anthony-no, they are
21:41.22ManxPowerThey are the "receiving end"
21:41.24anthony-but i am not hearing any ringback while ir's ringing
21:41.52ManxPowerwhat happens if you set up an extension that just runs Ringing and then Wait?
21:41.56ManxPowerdo you hear ringing then?
21:42.16anthony-if you do a wait command, does the system go to the next step?
21:42.48ManxPoweranthony-, It does nothing until the wait timeout happens.  This will allow you to determine of it is a local issue
21:42.49anthony-i need it to pass the call and keep sending a ringback till 'answered' comes in
21:43.05*** part/#asterisk Flashtek (
21:43.09anthony-other numbers work fine.
21:43.13ManxPoweranthony-, "pass the call and keep sending a ringback till 'answered' comes in"  <-- ASTERISK DOES THIS BY DEFAULT.
21:43.13anthony-its just a certain few.
21:43.27ManxPowerSince it is not working for you, you have to determine the problem.
21:43.56odenkos_ntbkanthony-: the problem is, the provider picks it up, therefore asterisk stops ringback, and then calls the other party..
21:44.03odenkos_ntbk* I think
21:44.05anthony-odenkos_ntbk: thank you
21:44.09anthony-odenkos_ntbk: yes!
21:44.17ManxPowerodenkos_ntbk, he would see that as an Answered in the CLI.
21:44.24ManxPowerif that is the case there is NOTHING that can be done
21:44.48odenkos_ntbkManxPower: yes, but it would be answered sooner than the other party picks it up..
21:44.52ManxPoweras far as asterisk is concerned the call is answered.  It cannot know if the ITSP answered the call or if the destination answered the call.
21:44.56anthony-odenkos_ntbk: but by the time they pass the call and someone answers, its empty space.
21:45.02odenkos_ntbkyeah.. switch the provider
21:45.04ManxPoweranthony-, pastebin the cli output if a failed call
21:45.36anthony-okay, can i get one more shot to re-explain my issue or just pastebin?
21:45.58ManxPoweranthony-, the pastbin will tell us more than you could ever tell us.
21:46.08odenkos_ntbkanthony-: we know your problem, and pastebin will tell us even more
21:46.42tzafrir_laptopA friend of mine wants to have some better understanding of a device with Asterisk included
21:47.06ManxPowertzafrir_laptop, that was unusually unparsable for you.
21:47.09tzafrir_laptopHe managed to get access to the filesystem there. But not to the shell
21:47.30odenkos_ntbkchuckles at ManxPower :)
21:47.34*** join/#asterisk shayy (~shayy@
21:48.34tzafrir_laptopthat device has in /usb/sbin/asterisk something that appears to be asterisk, probably 1.2
21:49.12tzafrir_laptopThat is: the copyright string has: "Asterisk , Copyright (c) 1999 - 2005,"
21:49.42tzafrir_laptopWhich means that the version string is deleted, and that the version of Asterisk is no later than r8122 / r8123
21:50.04ManxPowertzafrir_laptop, time for a GPL lawsuit?
21:50.23tzafrir_laptopany idea how to get shell access on the system or whatever?
21:50.50anthony-okay, i cant right now cuz its kinda late in greece and i dont wanna wake anyone.
21:51.01tzafrir_laptopOr even get asterisk to reload its config?
21:51.10ManxPoweranthony-, come back when you can do the needed troubleshooting
21:51.18ManxPowertzafrir_laptop, no access to the asterisk CLI?
21:51.22anthony-but another way to explain it would be
21:51.38ManxPoweranthony-, I already told you the answer, I just wanted the pastebin to confirm it.
21:51.51tzafrir_laptopNo. Only (r/w) access to the file system
21:51.51anthony-ManxPower: okay, ill try another provider.
21:51.54ManxPoweryour ITSP sucks and your only option is to switch to a different ITSP
21:52.00ManxPowertzafrir_laptop, any JTAG support?
21:52.25ManxPowertzafrir_laptop, if you can write to the file system you should be able to write to /var/run/asterisk.ctl ?
21:53.33odenkos_ntbkanthony-: or, just ignore it
21:54.29anthony-from that time and onward, there is no ringback till i see answerd.
21:54.50ManxPoweranthony-, your carrier is not sending back the right messages
21:54.55anthony-and yeah, it looks like ignore it is the only option.
21:55.22ManxPoweras you can see there is NO " SIP/voipdiscount8669-09c112c8 answered SIP/06-b54c8900"
21:55.32ManxPowerso your ITSP is NOT answering the call
21:55.51anthony-it says answerd when the other party picks up
21:56.08ManxPoweranthony-, one option is for your do run Answer in your dialplan, then Ringing, then Dial.  Make sure you have a /etc/asterisk/indications.conf or that won't work
21:56.35anthony-okay, i will try that, thanks.
21:56.37ManxPowerwhen you answer then ASTERISK ignores what the far end sends and just plays ringback tones until the call is answered.
21:57.02anthony-cool, that is what i want to do. thanks.
21:57.04ManxPoweranthony-, the fact your ITSP does not actually Answer the call is good for you.
21:57.34anthony-actually, the problem is with vodafone in greece, their stuff isnt setup right.
21:57.53anthony-if i call a regular landline owned by "at&t" it works fine.
21:58.04anthony-with the same TISP
21:58.24anthony-its just when i call those numbers, but yes, thanks. ill keep quiet now and let you know how it went.
22:06.40anthony-ManxPower: did i do what you suggested correctly?
22:07.02ManxPoweranthony-, yes.
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22:07.57anthony-okay yeah that doesnt work for me, looks like i gotta live with it. or think of some other super hack solution.
22:08.17anthony-thanks anyway.
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