IRC log for #asterisk on 20100917

00:03.14*** join/#asterisk chopp (~chopp@unaffiliated/chopp)
00:05.29choppI'm trying to use msmtp instead of sendmail. Shouldn't putting "mailcmd=/usr/bin/msmtp" in voicemail.conf be working?
00:27.15*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
00:27.15*** mode/#asterisk [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
00:30.11leifmadsenJuggie: ping!
00:33.53GlobeTrotterzHi Guys, I want to use the queueaddmember application to add users to the Queue. I am using the extensions.ael. it does now pass the value for ${MACRO_EXTEN}. Is there a way to do pass ${MACRO_EXTEN} with gosub ?
00:36.01GlobeTrotterzdoes NOT pass
00:40.09ChannelZpass gas!
00:41.04pabelangercollect $200?
00:55.49leifmadsenGlobeTrotterz: uhhh... GoSub() is not a Macro()
00:56.16leifmadsenthus there is no ${MACRO_EXTEN} channel variable created. It's just ${EXTEN} like in the rest of the dialplan.
00:57.12ritztechanyone in the dialplan can you have the ability on a recording RECORD it and hang up without the # key
00:57.23ritztechor IF they do quickly force the pound key
00:57.53leifmadsenritztech: what dialplan application?
00:58.51ritztechjust custom
00:59.02ritztechexten => 1222,n,record(asterisk-recording:ulaw)
00:59.04leifmadsenthat is not the correct answer
00:59.10ritztechHAHA sorry
00:59.12leifmadsenwhat version?
00:59.23leifmadsen1.6 is not a version
00:59.31*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@unaffiliated/kavans)
00:59.32leifmadsen1.6.0, 1.6.1, and 1.6.2 are branches
00:59.35leifmadsenthere is no 1.6 branch
00:59.41KavanSsipdroid with a htc incredible - anyone else using this combo with asterisk?
00:59.46leifmadsenanyways, did you do 'core show application record" ?
00:59.57leifmadsenritztech: if you had, you'd see this:       k: Keep recorded file upon hangup.
01:00.17ritztechim trying to not have it need a # sign Just a hangup only because my PBX on the FXO returns me a Busy tone after the hangup is used
01:00.28leifmadsenritztech: see answer above
01:00.43leifmadsenritztech: you didn't really try very hard...
01:01.25*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43|Mac (
01:01.33ritztechHOLY SHIT theres core application and examples wow nice
01:01.55ritztechim on crack with a tint of crack
01:04.06ritztechso with the k do i do this
01:04.07ritztechexten => 1222,k,record(asterisk-recording:ulaw)
01:04.18ritztechexten => 1222,n,k,record(asterisk-recording:ulaw)
01:05.21ritztechohh , option let me try agin
01:05.26leifmadsenexten => 1222,1,Record(asterisk-recording.ulaw,,kx)
01:05.56ritztechyay :) just id it but not the 2 commas
01:06.38leifmadsenlook at the syntax
01:06.55*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
01:07.04leifmadsenin fact, there should be 3 commas
01:07.51leifmadsenyou need commas as separators if you're not passing anything to the fields
01:10.13*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
01:11.50ritztechcrapola soo it did work after i went 1222,n,Record but now it wont continue through the rest of the dialplan
01:15.34nnyso I have a directory with probably over a million files in it
01:15.35nnyat least
01:15.56nnysomeone turned "record always" on with a freepbx system 9 months ago, and let it run on 100 concurrent channels
01:16.13nnyi want to rm -rf it, (I can't ls it or anything)
01:16.22nnyls never spits output back
01:16.26nnyjust hangs and gets angry
01:16.48nnyi am worried there may be a useful symbolic link inside of it though that point back at files I actually need
01:17.29nnyany advice?
01:20.47ritztechleifmadsen what if theres more on the Dial plan does it mean it cant continue once i  hangup
01:22.00leifmadsenritztech: once you hangup, what would continue?
01:22.14leifmadsenthe dialplan is related to a channel which is what is processing your call
01:22.27ritztechthe rest of the Dialplan after the recording was recorded
01:22.48leifmadsenritztech: see the 'h' extension'
01:22.56leifmadsenritztech: you really should read the documentation
01:24.17leifmadsennny: I've had that problem before -- I ended up using xargs
01:25.07leifmadsennny: in my particular case I was trying to scp all contents of a directory where 'ls' would not work (and thus I couldn't just scp * remotelocation:/home/lmadsen
01:25.15ritztechh extension ?
01:25.22leifmadsenritztech: yes, the 'h' extension
01:25.29leifmadsennny: here is an example:    find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -IFILES scp FILES files@
01:25.51leifmadsenritztech: it's in the documentation at the link I provided
01:25.54infobotsomebody said docs was for basic documentation of Asterisk ask see (~voip-info) and TheBook (~book)
01:25.59infobot[~answers] Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & Docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
01:26.03ritztechhaha thats where im at
01:26.13leifmadsenread the chapters about dialplan
01:26.26leifmadsenvoip-info is quite a bit out of date
01:26.37leifmadsen(but then again, so is the book, which is getting an update for 1.8)
01:26.53leifmadsenbut it'll still talk about the 'h' extension as it is a fundamental aspect of dialplan programming
01:27.06ritztechi got taht asteriskbook like 2 years ago the oriely one
01:27.42ritztechso am i taking it the wrong way on that whole dialplan IT WORKS good but have to press pound
01:27.43leifmadsenguess you skipped a couple of chapters
01:27.51ritztechquite a few months haha
01:28.11leifmadsen<ritztech> so am i taking it the wrong way on that whole dialplan IT WORKS good but have to press pound  <-- does not parse
01:28.25ritztechim like working on hour 70 since sunday
01:28.34leifmadsenanyways, enjoy the documentation
01:28.36leifmadsenI'm going to bed
01:46.14*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
01:46.20*** join/#asterisk angler_ (
01:50.47*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
01:52.21*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:02.48*** join/#asterisk kevcox (
02:03.17kevcoxAnyone have a good recommendation for a standard PCI board that will accomodate 4 analog lines?
02:12.02*** part/#asterisk kevcox (
02:21.51ChannelZor sorry - it's the 410 not 400
02:22.14ChannelZor get the 800P for future expansion
02:49.22*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
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03:49.08ectospasmKevin`: Digium TDM410 + 4xX100M
03:49.21ectospasmthey've left
03:49.29ectospasmKevin`: tab fail, sorry
04:03.16*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
04:43.00joobiehmm.. anyone know how to improve echo issues?
04:43.32joobiesip phone connected to asterisk via g729.. asterisk then sends the call out pennytel as a sip provider using g729 and pennytel send the call to the 3rd party
04:51.07*** join/#asterisk p3nguin_ (
04:51.37ectospasmjoobie: sounds like acoustic echo to me
04:51.41ectospasmget a better phone
05:08.20p3nguin_Turn down the volume and see if that helps.
05:08.55*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-usxferqyujioohhu)
05:13.08joobietrying to get more info from the end user
05:13.14joobiei got a polycom 321
05:13.19joobiemics are ok in them
05:14.23ectospasmjoobie: are they using speaker phone when they get the echo?
05:14.58ectospasmPolycom 3xx series are about the cheapest they make, IIRC
05:16.12p3nguin_It is usually that they need to turn down the volume.
05:22.02Kevin`joobie: have you tried echo cancelling on the asterisk to phone side? although iirc the pure software side of that is a bit limited
05:22.21Kevin`oh, sip phone you said, nevermind
05:23.08Kevin`joobie: do you have echo problems if you call a perfect phone like a softphone from it?
05:23.08*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43|Mac (
05:24.45*** part/#asterisk nny (~Scott@
05:39.10*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
05:51.04*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
06:13.43*** join/#asterisk TobSnyder (
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06:25.21*** join/#asterisk pwnguin (~jldugger@ubuntu/member/jldugger)
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06:29.59pwnguinsilly question, can i use asterisk to route video conferences?
06:30.49pwnguinim kinda guessing yes, since I think SIP allows it, but i haven't tried it so I thought i'd ask
06:31.09ectospasmI don't know about MeetMe or ConfBridge, but they probably do allow it
06:31.24ectospasmI know Asterisk can't record video, though, or at least couldn't the last I checked
06:36.34*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~Yuriy@
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06:38.34*** join/#asterisk af_ (~getsmart@
06:47.38*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@
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07:25.28*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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07:52.50hyriandhow would you estimate the chance the deadlocks we're experiencing ( could be related to using a tc400b card?
07:53.27*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
07:53.31schmidtsgood morning all
08:00.58*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
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08:07.34joobiesorry Kevin` p3nguin_ ectospasm, just saw your responses but gotta run
08:07.39joobiewill jump online from home
08:20.41*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
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08:30.48UQlevare there any options to use https authentication by users to add their IP to the white list to allow access to SIP/IAX?
08:37.56*** join/#asterisk garymc (
08:46.48*** join/#asterisk bjornts (~nmabs@2001:700:200:10:20f:feff:fee6:6b69)
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09:24.49*** join/#asterisk joobie (
09:40.39*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:55.22*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
10:08.58xhelioxQuiet in here.
10:12.06*** join/#asterisk thansen (
10:16.46schmidtsits friday ;)
10:18.50Ikarushrm, I'd almost order one
10:22.24schmidtsnot exactly what i like but if it fits your needs, why not ;)
10:23.21*** join/#asterisk ahowlader (~Adnan@
10:24.21Chainsawschmidts: Cheap & nasty, just how he likes it.
10:24.58ahowladerhi tzafrir_laptop
10:26.19tzafrir_laptopahowlader, hi, what's up?
10:26.56ahowladertzafrir_laptop, nothing
10:28.11ahowladertzafrir_laptop, i shall discuss with you later, first let me establish to serve test
10:38.25Ikarusschmidts: it's mostly just to see how far chinese engineering has gotten
10:39.48Ikarusthough why Chainsaw just had to make that remark....
10:43.11*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
10:43.29c0rnoTaHello everyone
10:46.52c0rnoTaI have one little question. If i recompile libpri, should i recompile dahdi-linux and asterisk?
10:47.19c0rnoTaand if i recompile dahdi-linux should I recompile asterisk?
10:47.40c0rnoTarecompilation wired with version upgrade
10:54.21schmidtsbut atleast they are more beautifull than snoms :D
10:55.29*** join/#asterisk hrhrhr (~c1@unaffiliated/hrhrhr)
10:55.31schmidtsc0rnota i would recompile all, lipri, dahdi and asterisk each of them use functions from the other, so if you change something on one point you should make sure it would work on the other end too
11:02.20c0rnoTaschmidts: thx
11:04.39*** join/#asterisk Martinblr (~Miranda@
11:04.50Martinblrhow to set dialplan restriction for each extensions
11:13.04*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (~chatzilla@
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11:25.28henkis there a ael2 reference somewhere?
11:30.39*** join/#asterisk stix (
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11:52.49*** join/#asterisk mallchin (
11:52.52mallchinhi guys
11:52.54mallchinI'm having some trouble with voicemail, it goes to play a message to the caller stating they have gone through to voicemail then appears to hang -- the call sits there with no audio?
11:53.17mallchinit works from a sip phone, but fails on an incoming call via iax
12:09.28*** join/#asterisk |Physis| (~|Physis|@
12:21.09*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
12:53.49henkis there a ael2 reference somewhere?
12:55.07[TK]D-Fenderhenk: checked your tarball?
12:55.59henk[TK]D-Fender: hm, no tarball, debian binary package... i'll check.
12:58.02henk[TK]D-Fender: doesn't seem so. are you implying that there is one in the tarball? if so, i'll just download it and extract it... do you happen to know (part of) the filename?
12:59.10[TK]D-Fenderhenk: there are teh SAMPLE CONFIGS, and a DOC folder.  Maybe you should look a little
13:01.46*** join/#asterisk denysonique (~dennis@unaffiliated/dennisonicc)
13:01.49mallchinanyone got any ideas on my voicemail issue please -- why would the dialplan suddenly stop running and it sit doing nothing?
13:02.48*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
13:03.03henk[TK]D-Fender: there is doc/tex/ael.tex which looks like a syntax reference. now i just need to make a pdf of it or something... thanks
13:05.27henkah, it's read by asterisk.tex, so pdflatex asterisk.tex works. it throws errors but it works. and the resulting pdf has a complete chapter about AEL.
13:07.45*** join/#asterisk Ziaeon (
13:07.50russellbKatty: who is this person you suggested I be friends with?
13:09.41*** join/#asterisk stevo1664 (c34a9c0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:11.07schmidtsme ? :D :D
13:12.01russellbheh, are you on facebook?
13:12.24schmidtssure i am
13:12.49russellbk, then add me :-p ...
13:12.57schmidtsdone ;)
13:13.16c0rnoTaAnother question for you, asterisk guru: sometimes i'v got "channel.c: Got a FRAME_CONTROL (8) frame on channel DAHDI/.." What's mean FRAME_CONTROL (8)
13:13.39russellbcontrol frames are call signaling information ... 8 is *looks it up...*
13:14.25c0rnoTawhere you have looked ? :) i hadn't ffound it in source
13:14.41russellbi have the crystal ball that tells me
13:14.50c0rnoTarussellb: ^))
13:15.00russellbenum ast_control_frame_type
13:15.02c0rnoTathanks a lot
13:15.07russellbAST_CONGROL_CONGESTION = 8
13:15.09[TK]D-Fendersuspects it's really just a frosted light-bulb...
13:15.51c0rnoTa^)) okay.
13:15.52russellbschmidts: i'm having trouble reading your facebook page, haha...
13:16.32c0rnoTaa have asked, because a there was call drops after FRAME_CONTROL (8)
13:17.16c0rnoTabut no "got hangup request, cause .."
13:17.36c0rnoTaso, will see. Thank you, guys
13:21.34*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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13:32.23Kattypeeks in
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13:37.48c0rnoTaKatty: morning
13:38.13*** join/#asterisk d00gster (~dt@
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13:41.30stixIs a2billing the best and easiest solution if I want to bill users on my asterisk?
13:41.50[TK]D-Fenderstix: MS Excel <-
13:42.05c0rnoTaOne of my friends (Cache) makes attrafax (zoiper) patch for asterisk and want to do it more flexible and sensitive for dependants (like libtiff or libt30). Any suggestions or advices on this irc channel? Or we should try another one? :)
13:42.17schmidtsrussellb i wonder if you can read it, allmost its german :D
13:42.22stix[TK]D-Fender, and how is the export from asterisk to excel working?
13:42.42[TK]D-Fenderstix: Excel reads CSV.  The end
13:43.00russellbschmidts: that's what I mean.  I can't read German.  :-)
13:43.47stix[TK]D-Fender, but a2billing can create invoices automatically and probably a lot of other fancy features. It is free and Excel costs money.
13:44.05[TK]D-Fenderstix: OpenOffice
13:44.40stix[TK]D-Fender, also my users can sign into a2billing and have a look at their usage
13:45.35*** join/#asterisk d00gster_ (~dt@
13:46.30stixlet's just say that I don't wanna do manual work and therefore Excel and OO spreadsheet is not options. What would then be the best free tool?
13:47.57drmessanostix, you already sold us on A2Billing
13:48.06drmessanostix:  Are you asking or telling?
13:48.11[TK]D-Fenderstix: We'll take 2.
13:48.12*** join/#asterisk t_dot_zilla (
13:48.37stixI havn't tried any and I don't know if any other than a2billing exists - therefore I am asking
13:48.59drmessanoI would go with A2Billing, or code your own
13:50.46drmessanorussellb coded an entire billing system for Asterisk, in an airport mens room, with his iPhone, in 3.4 minutes once
13:50.50drmessanoIt can't be THAT hard
13:51.19russellbit's true
13:51.43stixwow :)
13:52.15filenever say "it can't be that hard" when billing is involved
13:52.51[TK]D-FenderViagra <-
13:53.10schmidtsit could be that easy. every call costs 10 $ even if there is no answer
13:53.31fauxalliancesounds like Deutsche Telekom
13:53.53drmessanoschmidts:  and even if you only thought about making the call
13:55.19drmessano"Man, I need to call my mom.. it's been weeks!"  "Wait.. Damnit, there goes 10 bucks"
13:55.34schmidtssorry mum, its too expensive
13:55.50drmessanoapp_thought is pretty scary
13:55.54fauxalliance"Mrs. Messano, you have a collect call, do you accept the charges?"
13:56.11schmidtsapp_thought OMG *rofl*
13:56.40drmessanofauxalliance:  My mother would probably keel over if I called her, keel over twice if I called collect
13:57.14hyriandanybody here going to sfd2010 in the hague tomorrow?
13:58.44*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
13:59.41drmessanoI always wanted to visit The Hague.  I just like the name.. Sounds like the 3rd and final album from the eurotrash popsynth-industrial-death-metal band "Guess 'N Height"
14:01.06[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Bless you :p
14:03.34drmessanoIt's really a find album.  Not as great as their non-denominational winter holiday album "Tan 'N Baum"
14:07.17*** join/#asterisk frigidzephyr (~rnewton@nat/digium/x-ytsuabqdjeohmfpc)
14:07.58BarthezZhmm, I can't get a clue on hte following error... " chan_dahdi.c:12826 pri_dchannel: Ring requested on unconfigured channel 0/0 span 1"
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14:14.12*** join/#asterisk GVT (
14:14.46[TK]D-FenderBarthezZ: Means you got a call on a channel you didn't set up for * to use in chan_dahdi
14:15.33BarthezZbut I don't see a channel 0/0 if i do a cat /proc/dahdi/1
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14:19.07BarthezZquite sure there shouldn't be a channel 0
14:21.19[TK]D-FenderBarthezZ: Considered the possibility that it is reporting is ZERO based?
14:22.18*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
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14:24.40GVTanyone know what the most popular phone systems are running asterisk? hardware solution wise
14:25.31[TK]D-FenderGVT: What fits your description of "phone system"?
14:25.45[TK]D-FenderGVT: Some might say "Intel"
14:25.50GVT[TK]D-Fender, the pbx server
14:26.35GVTGVT, I was thinking something more like switchvox, but that seems rather expensive in comparison to Aastra
14:26.38[TK]D-FenderGVT: GVT>    anyone know what the most popular "PBX SERVER" are running asterisk? hardware solution wise? <- as substituted still doesn't clarify
14:26.41*** join/#asterisk l2trace99 (~jr@
14:27.04[TK]D-FenderGVT: So bundled hardware w/ * as sold as a consumer product?
14:27.20GVT[TK]D-Fender, I suppose :)
14:27.32[TK]D-FenderGVT: Helps when you know what you're asking for...
14:27.56[TK]D-FenderGVT: Switchvos, Rhino's Ceros line, ScopServ, plenty of others
14:28.03GVT[TK]D-Fender, I am looking for bundled hardware, I'll need at least 6 fxo ports, and at least 1 fxs port
14:30.02*** join/#asterisk tengulre (~tengulre@
14:30.27tengulredoes the asterisk-1.8 support codecs g729?
14:31.03c0rnoTaI'v found General issue #18000 in mantis ^)
14:31.04*** join/#asterisk Kobaz (
14:33.09kaldemartengulre: yes, with non-free licenses:
14:33.14stevo1664i have a problem with my otherwise awesome asterisknow setup. I have setup Queues and enabled announce hold time, when it tries to do this it says your estiamted wait time is 1 <hang up> can anyone advise me how I may diagnose this have run asterisk -r -vvvvv and nothing obvious there (obvious to me anyway), I have checked the queue-minutes file is there.. Im running with freepbx, but no one on their IRC is helping me. Th
14:36.49*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
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14:38.16[TK]D-Fendertengulre: Not yet
14:38.43[TK]D-Fendertengulre: for the actual codec itself.  Passthrough yes, but I see no binary
14:39.12[TK]D-Fenderstevo1664: PASTEBIN the failed call.
14:39.32*** join/#asterisk coppice (
14:41.06c0rnoTaPeople. Another question :) what can you say about 'span 2 got hangup request, cause 102'? Where i can see, what timer issue i have?
14:41.10Kobazis there a way to run dialplan on channel 'making progress'
14:46.35GlobeTrotterzHi Guys, AgentCallbackLogin is now depriciated in 1.6. Anyone know how to log in and out ouf queues via the dialplan?
14:47.27stevo1664will do thanks
14:47.38GlobeTrotterzI am usung the extension.ael and the supplied instruction in queues-with-callback-members.txt . I have one problem
14:48.40GlobeTrotterzael uses gosun istead on macro, so the MACRO_EXTEN does not pass the value.
14:49.28infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:49.31[TK]D-Fenderstevo1664: ^^^^^^^^
14:50.00[TK]D-FenderGlobeTrotterz: then pass the exten as a paramteter in yoru Gosub
14:50.25[TK]D-Fender[10:41]<Kobaz>is there a way to run dialplan on channel 'making progress' <- no
14:50.51[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Short of a lot of direct new code.  Very messy of course
14:52.41stevo1664OK i have pastebinned my queue hold time problem at it is line 619 that is the last file played before hangup
14:52.48Kobazwell... it's either i modify asterisk, or adtran modifies their code, or comes up with something magical
14:52.53Kattywts headache. 2 dollah.
14:55.31[TK]D-Fenderstevo1664: Perhaps your queue kicks out callers if nobody is taking calls.  I see ti distribute to several
14:55.39*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
14:56.49[TK]D-Fenderstevo1664: And actually I don't see your actual call's end in there
14:57.29stevo1664i have two calls in progress
14:57.31[TK]D-Fenderstevo1664: the one ending in "134" is your inbound caller.  I do not see THEIR hangup
14:57.43stevo1664134 is the first call
14:58.03*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~RLACUMBA@
14:58.13stevo1664136 is the one that gets booted, it will only play hold time if there is at least two people in the queue
14:58.17[TK]D-FenderAh, looking at now
14:59.31*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
14:59.48GlobeTrotterzI need to capture and store the agents Caller id when the clerk first signs, and store it into a variable, ie; ${Agent1} ..  then when agent 2 logs in store the caller id in a varialbe ie. ${AGENT2}..   then the dialplan will call the Agent with this... 7799 => &callagent(SIP/${Agent1})      macro callagent(device)
15:00.16ruben23hi guys any opensource video conferencing..?
15:00.30[TK]D-Fenderstevo1664: -- <SIP/ccm-county-02-00000136> Playing 'digits/1.ulaw' (language 'en')  == Spawn extension (from-internal, 50005, 9) exited non-zero on 'SIP/ccm-county-02-00000136' <- It is looking like their end killed the call.
15:01.18[TK]D-FenderGlobeTrotterz: So change your Gosub to ALSO pass the 7799
15:01.37stevo1664right, it always happens after 'your estimated wait time is 1
15:02.43stevo1664so I think it must be triggered by asterisk somehow. I am running with freepbx so the config files are a bit weird, so I thought I might try to build a normal asterisk server, I have several queue config files with Freepbx
15:03.21GlobeTrotterzThanks D-Fender: Can you give me a tip as how to do this please. I am have basic programming skills
15:03.22[TK]D-Fenderstevo1664: I don't recall any issues about queues like that.. I would think your client has an issue.  Was that YOU calling in yourself?
15:03.34GlobeTrotterzless than basic :)
15:03.36[TK]D-FenderGlobeTrotterz: See how you pass that 1st parm?  Pass the EXTEN as well
15:03.54GlobeTrotterzah ok
15:04.21GlobeTrotterzi got you,, thanks alot D-Fender im gonna try to figure it out,, iwilllet you know how it goes
15:04.25stevo1664yes, my phone is on cisco call manager, dialing the queue on asterisk, the queue member/agent is a hunt group on call manager
15:04.51stevo1664i could try to call in from a sip client registered to asterisk perhaps?
15:05.35*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
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15:07.18mallchinanyone help with my voicemail stopping unexpectedly? it works phone -> sip -> asterisk voice system2 -> voicemail  but fails phone -> pri -> asterisk voice system 1 -> iax -> asterisk voice system 2 -> voicemail
15:08.44[TK]D-Fenderstevo1664: Good idea to test.  Confirm if it is isolated to one calling source
15:09.40*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
15:12.28mallchinhave I got voicE?
15:15.25*** join/#asterisk silvestre_id (
15:17.50Martinblri have a isdn bri router and connected the output to asterisk via fxo port, when the lines are busy after 30 minutes the call is automatically disconnected, becuase of a busy tone is detected....
15:21.28thecardsmithi've got my entire asterisk built from yum repos in centos... and i want to run patlooptest, but, for the life of me i can't figure out what package provides it, does anyone know where it is? thanks :)
15:23.52*** join/#asterisk freckle (
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15:24.37t_dot_zillawhat does 'Diversion' mean in a SIP Message Header
15:25.12*** join/#asterisk T3CHKOMMIE (~juleshoeh@
15:25.22T3CHKOMMIEhello everyone!
15:26.58T3CHKOMMIEi was wondering if anyone has experience setting up a simple asterisk box and tieing it directly to a google voice account. i have been reading alot of tutorials but they all reaquire a gizmo 5 account or a sipgate account. i was wondering since google can now my calls from gmail is there not a way to tie in the server driectly to this service now?
15:30.50*** join/#asterisk darkskiez_ (
15:33.15*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
15:33.21bougymani don't think asterisk has a channel driver for it, yet.
15:33.40bougymanFreeSWITCH does, you could run an fs instance as a proxy for it.
15:34.22T3CHKOMMIEbougyman, i'm a pbx noob still. is freeswitch like asterisk?
15:35.13bougymanit's another open source voice (and some video) engine.
15:35.18bougymanso yes, in that way it's like it.
15:35.33russellbAsterisk has had a channel driver for google talk for many years now
15:35.40Qwellgoogle voice
15:35.42bougymanrussellb: does it support voice calls?
15:35.47russellboh sorry, didn't read clearly
15:35.48russellbbougyman: yes
15:36.02bougymanrussellb: oh neat, last week this convo was had and someone said it did not.
15:36.12russellbgoogle*talk* though
15:36.17bougymanno, google voice
15:36.17Qwellit's been there since 1.4..
15:36.20russellbwhich is something different than the google voice gmail thing
15:36.26T3CHKOMMIEim just trying to set up somthing in my appartment to make and recieve calls, i have some sip phones laying arround and i dont have a "real" phoneline to my hosue, i just wanna get something landline like. any ideas?
15:36.28russellbright, i dunno about that :-)
15:36.31bougymani think he's talking about the google voice, isn't he?
15:36.37bougymanthat's the channel driver i'm talkin about
15:36.45russellbprobably, sometimes i jump into the middle of stuff and don't read backlog ...
15:37.00leifmadsensame here :)
15:37.09thecardsmithi've made my * take a call from the PSTN and then bridge to make a free outbound LD call to the PSTN with GV
15:37.28thecardsmithjust toying with it, the GV just seemed like a sweet telephony toy
15:37.35Qwellit is just google talk apparently
15:37.36bougymananyway, it could even run on the same box, T3CHKOMMIE, i know people doing it (asterisk as the pbx with a stripped down FreeSWITCH just for the google voice stuff)
15:38.47T3CHKOMMIEbougyman, so i understand corretly, i get a * box running with freeswitch (for the GV drivers) then i connect * box to interenet and gv account and i can make sip calls from home throught gv?
15:39.08Qwellit's not SIP.
15:39.08bougymanyou'd connect * to fs via standard sip
15:39.17bougymanand fs to GV with your uname/pass
15:39.41bougymanit'd just hand everything off to asterisk over sip.
15:39.43bougymanjust a dumb proxy
15:39.51QwellT3CHKOMMIE: Do you want google voice, or the gmail voice thing?
15:39.58*** join/#asterisk Bubu (
15:40.58T3CHKOMMIEi just wanna be able to make calls with gv
15:41.13T3CHKOMMIEand get my home sip phones to ring when somone calls my gv number.
15:41.24T3CHKOMMIElooking to make a landline replacement (comcast is gay)
15:41.44bougyman (receiving) and (originating) -> docs on how to do it.
15:42.16T3CHKOMMIEbougyman, awsome, that makes more sence. do i need to have two server boxes? or can i run * and FS on the same system?
15:42.29Qwellgtalk != google voice...
15:42.35bougymanyes, you can run them both on the same system.
15:42.42Qwellthat wiki details how to use gtalk.  which Asterisk has supported for a very long time.
15:42.44bougymanyou simply have to change some default ports.
15:42.54bougymanQwell: and google voice.
15:43.04Qwellit says Google Voice, but no.  It's gtalk.
15:43.22bougymanit's my google voice account
15:43.33bougymani guess they use the gtalk protocol on that.
15:43.46bougymanso your gtalk driver should support it, no?
15:44.15Qwellall you have to do is check the "Forward to gtalk" option in google voice.
15:45.09T3CHKOMMIEmust be missing something in the difference between gtalk and gv....
15:45.29*** join/#asterisk b11d` (
15:45.33bougymangoogle voice allows you to send your calls to gtalk
15:45.47bougymanthat's what you have to do to use the dingaling (google talk) driver explained above.
15:46.09*** join/#asterisk sol (~sol@unaffiliated/sol)
15:46.10T3CHKOMMIEok, so when i make a call from "gmail" am i using gv or gtalk?
15:46.28bougymanand if it's gtalk asterisk should be able to do it with it's gtalk channel driver?
15:46.35T3CHKOMMIEbut when i get a vm from my gv number thats gv?
15:46.39bougymanso no need for two systems, T3CHKOMMIE
15:47.45T3CHKOMMIEall the tutorials i have been reading from NERD show alot of different things to set up. it seems like it wold be easy or "simple" to connect * to gv if both can use sip. but im not telephony expert.
15:47.53QwellT3CHKOMMIE: Don't read his garbage.
15:47.56Qwellit's complete crap.
15:48.02Qwellignore everything he says - he's wrong.
15:48.13Qwellwhere he = nerdvittles guy
15:48.16T3CHKOMMIEah, ok. it seemed like alot of stuff to do.
15:48.50T3CHKOMMIEso, in a nut shell if i want to get my SIP landline working throught Google services , i can just used * and thats it?
15:48.57QwellIt's not SIP.
15:49.17QwellPlease stop confusing protocols...  It's very important that you get it right.
15:49.28T3CHKOMMIEhu, i was pretty sure i read that * can do sip.
15:49.33Qwellof course it can
15:49.42Qwellbut you went from talking about jingle to SIP..
15:50.25T3CHKOMMIEoh, well crap, i was under the impresseing that gtalk used SIP to make its calls.
15:50.38T3CHKOMMIEi think i read that from NERD?
15:50.45Qwell<Qwell> ignore everything he says - he's wrong.
15:50.52*** join/#asterisk dforbu (~dforbu@
15:51.19T3CHKOMMIEok, so then phone => sip => asterisk box => jingle => gtalk?
15:51.29Qwellpretty much
15:51.36frecklehi, is there a way to inject audio into a one channel of a call in progress?
15:51.42T3CHKOMMIEok, thanks, im glad i got atleast that figured out.
15:52.13T3CHKOMMIEso then my * box should be able to jingle to gtalk. and that is how i can make in/outbound calls?
15:52.28Qwellor you could just use a simple ITSP, of which there are hundreds.
15:52.35infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
15:53.07T3CHKOMMIEAH! now, is gv not a itsp?
15:53.13QwellNo it is not.
15:53.25T3CHKOMMIEhu. so how is it that i have DID with them?
15:53.40QwellThey provide DIDs.  That doesn't make them an ITSP.
15:53.42*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
15:53.52Qwellat least, not an open one
15:54.15T3CHKOMMIEso an itsp would be like... sipgate or gizmo5?
15:54.22infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
15:54.23Qwellbut yes
15:54.35Qwellof course, gizmo5 is Google now..
15:54.42freckleQwell: since when has being open been a requirement to be a ITSP?
15:55.00Qwellfreckle: kinda pointless if you can't send calls through them
15:55.04T3CHKOMMIEok. and its possible for me to set up a sip based landline at home with out an itsp if i jingle to gtalk correct?
15:55.18freckleQwell: you can
15:55.24QwellT3CHKOMMIE: you're confusing terms again, but syre
15:55.33Qwellfreckle: as of what, 2 weeks ago?
15:55.38frecklemaybe not all destinations, but it is still internet telephony
15:55.55freckleeven if only to other providers it is internet telephony
15:55.56T3CHKOMMIEQwell, what im i confusing. im not trying to be "smart" i just really want to understand this :(
15:56.09T3CHKOMMIEthanks for the help btw.
15:56.09QwellT3CHKOMMIE: "sip based landline" makes no sense whatsoever
15:56.19T3CHKOMMIEah, ok
15:56.28dforbuso.. back in the old days, on my * 0.9 system, I had voicemail with options in mysql table, one of the options was outgoing=yes - which made * play the unavail.wav and hang up.  that option has a different syntax in 1.6?
15:56.45freckleQwell: i only know Gtalk can call other Gtalk... thats internet telephony
15:56.45T3CHKOMMIEi want to have sip phones in my house, running over cat5... with just interent to my house.... so thats what i was implying :/
15:56.51Qwellfreckle: gv != gtalk
15:57.13freckleQwell: sure, I thought it was Gtalk you were talking about
15:58.55frecklehi, is there a way to inject audio into a one channel of a call in progress?
15:59.42T3CHKOMMIEQwell, i seem to have this habbit of starting a project and not completly understand something, and wasting 50 hrs of my life realizing i was trying to do something that wasnt possible. so im just want to make sure i understand it well before i start. for example. i spent 3 months not knowing what "packet injection" was and trying to crak my WEP... boy was that frustrating and very unsuccessful.
16:03.09T3CHKOMMIEso im going to set up my * box to connect to my gtalk account and then i should be able to make out/inbound calls. right?
16:03.33Qwellbut I still say you should just use an ITSP.
16:03.34p3nguinOnce you figure out how, let me know.
16:03.58*** join/#asterisk VanClone (~whatever@kernel-panic/vandyke)
16:04.15VanClonehello voipers
16:04.15T3CHKOMMIEya, i understand its easier, but i dont want to deal with that, i would rather learn to directly link the two.
16:04.48T3CHKOMMIEQwell, thanks for the help and clarification, now that i know how its supposed to work maybe i will be able to google away from NERDs suggestions!
16:05.16VanClonequestion... does asterisk store logs for what people dialed during an IVR?
16:05.40QwellVanClone: I believe CEL covers that.
16:05.47Qwellsimilar to CDR, but not quite
16:06.02VanCloneseparate module, I assume
16:06.08drmessanoIs Gtalk+Gvoice even working in * right now?
16:06.10VanCloneI'm using trixbox CE atm
16:06.23Qwelldrmessano: gvoice isn't relevant.  it's just gtalk
16:07.12QwellVanClone: yeah, you're screwed then.
16:07.26drmessanoQwell:  Yes, it is.. GVoice is working with the chat applet, and supposedly to Gtalk, but from I understood there is another issue with calls hitting Asterisk.. Maybe an API change or something with Jingle
16:07.50Qwelldrmessano: The gtalk client is infinitely backwards compatible.
16:08.00QwellSo, no API change Google makes should ever break chan_gtalk
16:08.16Qwellor, rather...
16:08.29Qwellthe gtalk servers are infinitely backwards compatible to all versions of the gtalk client.
16:08.47VanCloneQwell: the problem I'm having is that for a certain extension, someone had to try three times before getting directed to that extension, and got a message saying the extension didn't exist in the two failures
16:08.56QwellVanClone: #trixbox
16:10.01VanCloneQwell: thanks
16:10.41drmessanoWell, let me put it this way.. I have calls routed to Gtalk.  I have had Gtalk in * for some time.  Calls never hit Asterisk via Gtalk.. I know they're being routed to Gtalk because Pidgin tried to answer them, but they apparently don't support google's variant of XMPP/Voice, so the audio doesn't set up properly.
16:10.59drmessanoI also know someone else had the SAME issue a few days ago
16:11.25b11d`someone mentioned that gtalk was broken in asterisk atm..
16:11.31b11d`maybe that was in -stable or something
16:12.01drmessanoWell, maybe that's it
16:12.59drmessanoI haven't tried making any gtalk calls with * in some time, so I guess it could be completely broken and not just some unimplemented change
16:16.10drmessanoI wonder if Gtalk was kneecapped in Asterisk so Gvoice+gtalk wouldn't undermine the Skype compatibility.  Gosh, that's a pretty good conspiracy, even for me.
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16:16.17drmessanoNow to get it down to 130 characters
16:20.05b11d`yeah that's a good conspiracy..  probably all done by the CIA who operates Skype
16:20.36b11d`i once worked on a prog!*@U(*@U(A  NO CARRIER
16:22.51drmessanoThe CIA operates Skype which they use for branch office trunking to their ECHELON monitoring locations
16:23.17Kattywhat in the snickerdoodles is going on in here.
16:23.31carrarwaiting to be EATIN!!!
16:23.33Kattyi leave for 5 minutes and everyone's talking about the CIA?!
16:23.44drmessanoWhich happen to be the closets AT&T's C.O.s and the basements of all public high schools
16:23.45carrarThe snickerdoodles ARE NOW DIAMONDS!!!
16:23.46Kattycome on now, don't talk behind my back
16:23.55QwellKatty: CIA came in and arrested everybody while you were gone :(
16:24.05KattyQwell: i am the CIA.
16:24.24drmessanoA lot of people don't realize the CIA uses high schools for recruiting and free office space
16:24.39Kattythey have some interesting tests.
16:24.46Kattyand that's all i'm allowed to say on the topic (=
16:25.38Letorichello folks. Is it possible to assign multiple IP addresses to a single SIP provider?
16:25.39carrarhands everyone a National Security Letter and orders everyone to not talk about it
16:25.52LetoricIE, our backup SIP provider has 3 IP's they want us to use
16:26.17Kattyanywho! it is time for luncheries.
16:26.22carrarWhats good
16:26.32carrarThats good letoric
16:27.48carrarround robin between them all
16:27.48carrarMCI is the same way exect they have 4 IP's
16:27.54Letoriccarrar: How?
16:27.55p3nguinHmm, Internet Explorer and SIP?
16:28.06carrarUse Asterisk from Source!
16:28.09carrarand get rolling!
16:28.26carrarWrite a very simple AGI
16:31.17carrarThat just passes the call to the next IP thats in order or used least or however you want to write it
16:31.17carrarI myself put the IP's in a db so I can change them at anytime and look at hit stats on them
16:32.17carrarYou can too!!
16:32.17carrarWith the power of Asterisk from Source
16:32.17carrarNothing is impossible!
16:34.31ccomp5950sorry, been at it for the last few years, seems impossible =(
16:34.52carrarThats impossible!!
16:42.11*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
16:42.16tzangerKatty: I didn't think girls did that
16:42.56MartinblrI have a Netmod ISDN BRI router and from the router I have connected the analog port in Asterisk via FXO card. When the lines are established, after 31 minutes the call is automatically disconnected.While checking the log it shows as busy tone is detected
16:45.17drmessanoI think it takes 31 minutes for hardware to realize BRI is extinct
16:45.28tzangerhow do vlans isolate anything when the computer is plugged into the phone and the phone into the wall? even without vlans, then phone's MAC won't see the computer's traffic since the phone's switch will not broadcast the computer's packets to the phone's internal switch port
16:45.36drmessano"OMG, why didn't you tell me someone BRI'ed in this?"
16:47.19drmessanotzanger:  The IF on the LAN port of the phone is in front of the internal IF of the phone and the PC port
16:47.59tzangerdrmessano: the phone would have a 3 port switch. 1 to the upstream (wall), one to the phone internal ethernet and one to the computer ethernet jack
16:48.48fauxallianceI'm always amazed how people get themselves all tied in a knot when the topic of VLANs comes up...
16:48.51drmessanotzanger, correct
16:48.55tzangerI mean the only thing I could see woudl be that the phoen wouldn't see broadcast traffic for the computer's vlan, but come on, that's almost zero these days
16:49.19drmessanotzanger, it IS 3 ports
16:49.23tzangerfauxalliance: I'm not tied in a knot, I'm questioning the utility of going to all the trouble to set up vlans when you're plugging the computer into the phone
16:49.32VanClonelooks like not even CEL would help, which is only available on * 1.8
16:49.41fauxalliancetzanger, SOP
16:49.59drmessanoPhone IF <----> LAN <---> PC Port
16:49.59carrartzanger, the phone tags it's traffic
16:50.04carrarthe pc is untagged
16:50.26p3nguinYes, the phone tags it is traffic.
16:51.06carrarif setup that way that is
16:51.25tzangerp3nguin: ok, what is the advantage of this?
16:51.35tzangerso the phone doesn't see SMB broadcast traffic? I don't get it
16:51.38carrartraffic segregation
16:51.55tzangercarrar: yes, but switches already do that
16:52.16fauxalliancetzanger, not quite as abstractly as a switch.
16:52.34fauxallianceswitches are almost as dumb as hubs.
16:53.02fauxallianceand hubs are about as smart as a pack of paperclips.
16:53.23fauxalliancevlan tagging fills the gap between switch and router
16:53.37fauxalliancerouter = smart
16:53.38tzangerfauxalliance: no
16:53.44tzangerfauxalliance: you have your core switch
16:53.50tzangeryou have your phoen switch
16:53.53fauxalliancemaybe I'm too abstract.
16:53.54tzangerthe phone switch is only receiving 3 things
16:53.59Martinblrdrmessano: if we put some call delay in asterisk that will help...
16:54.07tzanger1) broadcast traffic. 2) traffic for the computer's MAC and 3) traffic for the phone's MAC
16:54.28tzangerso again, other than getting rid of broadcast traffic which is already next to nil, why go to the trouble of installing a VLAN?
16:54.29carrarbroadcast traffic stays within a vlan
16:55.02tzangercarrar: yes but I'm not really seeing the advantage of preventing a phone from seeing the oh... 5 packets a minute of broadcast traffic that any modern network has?
16:55.02drmessanoMartinblr:  Make Asterisk wait about 45 mins before it realizes there's a BRI connected to it?  Brilliant
16:55.38carrarthen you probably have no need for VLANS :)
16:55.46fauxalliancetzanger, scale up.... quickly... see what happens...
16:55.47drmessanoMaybe this will all be clear when we switch to IPv6
16:55.55tzangerVLANs make great sense when you aren't plugging your computers into your phones.  you set up the VLANs on the core switches and then the phone traffic stays on the phone network and the computer traffic stays on the computer network
16:56.02carrarhahah drmessano
16:56.04fauxalliancedrmessano, you haven't yet?
16:56.14Martinblrdrmessano: is that really help...:)
16:56.34tzangerfauxalliance: sure, but again a small office (<50ish people) has no real need for VLANs if the computers are already being plugged into thep hones
16:56.36carrartzanger, thats how it works when you plug the PC into the phone also
16:56.37drmessanoI've tried to explain this to you dumbasses time and time again, but maybe I will sit back and just wait til you see IPv6 and how it fixes all these problems.. ALL of them
16:56.39Martinblrdrmessano: but if i answer call after 45 minutes nobody will be on the call
16:56.42tzangerthat's what I'm trying to understand
16:56.46carrarif you configure it correctly
16:56.50tzangerdrmessano: :-)
16:57.04tzangercarrar: ok, but again
16:57.17drmessanoIPv6 promises to make SIP secure, HTTP secure, and speed up GOPHER
16:57.17tzangerthe traffic for BOTH computer+phone is already hitting the physical switch in the phone
16:57.18ccomp5950I'm waiting on the first service pack for IPv6, I hate being an early adopter =(
16:57.31carrarone is tagged and one isn't
16:57.36tzangeryou're not saving any bandwidth. you're not saving any switching capacity becuase the little switch already has ot handle the traffic for both
16:57.39carrar(at the phone)
16:57.51fauxalliancetzanger, then for you... non issue
16:57.52tzangerit's not saving you a damn thing nor making things any easier on the (oftentimes) crappy switch in the phone
16:57.54carrarWhen it hits the switch the swich tags them
16:58.03carrarwell tags the pc
16:58.07drmessanoccomp5950:  I am using TCP/IP Automatic Updates.  I need to run a net dist-upgrade and go to ipv6 I guess
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16:58.44fauxalliancedrmessano, nope, you just plug in the IP/4 to 6 adaper... just like HDTV
16:58.49tzangercarrar: Listen, I understand switching architecture and I understand VLANs. I'm not sure you understand my question. You're not isolating very much since ALL traffic for phone+computer has to hit the 3-port switch in the phone
16:59.09drmessanofauxalliance:  I am still waiting for my IPv6 coupon from Microsoft for Windows 2000
16:59.11tzangerwhereas the main point of VLAN is isolating traffic
16:59.13carraryou are isolate by vlan tags
16:59.14tzangeryou're not isolating very much
16:59.22tzangerdrmessano: hahaha
16:59.28carrarbecause the phones traffic is tagged
16:59.31ccomp5950sounds right, my TCP/IP implementation is still stuck on IPv3.5beta4 Release Candidate 2.  I sit in my office wondering why no one emails me =(
16:59.34carrarthe pc is not
16:59.54fauxallianceccomp5950, ARP was really fishy in that release.
17:00.00*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
17:00.03ccomp5950I have to telnet into IRC, do you know how many PONG requests IRC servers send?
17:00.03Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
17:00.08tzangercarrar: but the point is that the 3 port switch STILL sees traffic for both
17:00.09fauxallianceSSH is secure.
17:00.25fauxallianceahem, reverse netcat sometin sometin
17:00.34carrarIf you think it
17:00.42carrarIf you think its a switch try moving the plugs around
17:01.08drmessanoccomp5950:  I ran the IPv3.11 with the IPv4 "Community Technology Preview" addon...  I could DHCP an address, but not actually communicate with anyone.. I could send email to myself, but then again, I do that now.
17:01.44fauxallianceto:root from:root re:root
17:01.47ccomp5950I didn't like that one, didn't work well with BeOS =(
17:01.59fauxalliancethe Amiga loved it.
17:02.17fauxallianceand I still run that on OS/2 warp 4
17:02.47drmessanoccomp5950:  Didn't work with the NeXT machine I had.  When I found out they turned NeXT into OSX and still nothing worked, I already knew why.
17:02.49ccomp5950there was a community patch where it would work with BeOS but only on full moons and you had to install a light sensor.  I think the developers were picking on me.
17:02.49tzangercarrar: I am almost positive that it's a 3 port switch and not a 3 port hub.  Switches are stupid cheap now (and yes, you're right, they are only smart to the extent that they can match MAC ID) and I'd be very surprised if aastra or polycom phones had hubs
17:03.18Poincaretzanger: you're absolutely right, besides those phones hqve 100mbit switches and youre network/computers probably have gbit
17:03.41drmessano10mbit should be fast enough for anyone
17:03.43tzangerPoincare: that too
17:03.45fauxalliancetzanger, does it have an ARP cache/
17:03.55tzangerfauxalliance: possibly a VERY small one
17:04.03tzangerbut then again it's only watching for (most cases) two MAC addresses
17:04.04fauxalliancethen it's a switch
17:04.20Kobazdrmessano: 640kb should be enough ram for anyone
17:04.23drmessano"His" and "Hers"
17:04.30fauxalliancecan you see traffic destined to other ports on the device?
17:04.45fauxallianceyes? stupid hub.
17:04.52tzangerfauxalliance: and in fact if they wanted to save money they could... they only need to watch for ONE MAC address... the phone itself. Any traffic not for the phone or broadcast goes to the other interface
17:05.05drmessanoKobaz:  Glad you got the joke.  Please donate to my legal defense fund
17:05.12Kobazdrmessano: heh
17:05.16fauxalliancetzanger, perhaps we can incrperate that into IPv7
17:05.41b11d`no its IPv2010
17:05.55b11d`or IPvISTA
17:06.07fauxalliance<haiku> TCP/IP, learn how it fits together, there is no escape</haiku>
17:06.10drmessanoI'm stealing that one
17:06.22drmessanoIPvISTA SP2
17:06.32fauxalliancenow with *nix interconnectivity
17:06.45fauxallianceand VLAN support ;-P
17:06.54b11d`now with options that'll make you drool but which will be removed from the actual final release
17:07.05drmessano"Microsoft Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Explorer Protocol for Workgroups 2011"
17:07.30ccomp5950switches back to FDDI
17:07.42fauxalliancethats an interconnect for ya!
17:07.53ccomp5950token ring...ON CRACK!~
17:07.55b11d`fsck that.. lets to back to digiboards and 1200 bps modems
17:07.58drmessanoRS232 ZIP cord LAN with Diodes
17:08.06fauxalliancewe had dual FDDI's with countercurrent tokens between bldgs... fkcing wicked
17:08.27drmessanograbs the frozen yellow hose and taps
17:08.49b11d`there IS always IP over Avian Carrier
17:08.56b11d`the RFC on that is pretty serious stuff
17:09.10ccomp5950they haven't implemented error correction in it yet =(
17:09.11drmessanob11d`:  Sure, until you get Avian Flu and need to reboot
17:10.08fauxalliancedrmessano, they keep me up all night.. fighting with the other misdelivered packets... best effort my ass
17:10.09drmessano"WARNING: VERY SERIOUS ERROR 0x73672363   You may be infected with Avian Flu.  If this is the first time you're seeing this message, you're probably fscked anyway."
17:10.53drmessano"That is all."
17:11.53fauxallianceanyone want to trade a VRRP license for a Zircom 9 pin serial to ethernet adaper?
17:12.16carrarYou need a license to do VRRP?
17:12.25carrarWhat is that crap
17:12.28b11d`VRRP is patent encumbered by Cisco
17:12.40b11d`there is CARP now which is free
17:12.40VanCloneoh another Cisco protocrap
17:12.49Martinblrdrmessano: is there any other way to overcome with the call disconnection..
17:12.50carrarHSRP in cisco
17:13.01fauxallianceHot-Standby my ass
17:13.12VanClonecisco owns both HSRP and VRRP
17:13.26drmessanoI want to patent HLRP
17:13.27VanClonenot really
17:13.28fauxalliancethe IETF had a hand in it.
17:13.49VanClonedrmessano: what's HLRP?
17:13.50drmessanoHighly Litigious Routing Protocol .. "Use it and we'll sue you to death, like SCO"
17:14.27drmessano"How well does it work?"  "We don't know.. can't implement it without suing our own asses off"
17:14.31fauxalliance^^^ too funny... courtesy of OpenBSD.
17:14.39carraruse CARP!
17:14.49drmessanoCan't Always Route Properly?
17:14.57fauxalliancecarrar, PF
17:15.25b11d`never had any issues with CARP
17:15.48drmessanoIGMP = I Guide MOST Packets
17:15.55fauxallianceCARP is awesome... and free.  and truly redundant and unencumbered.
17:16.31b11d`Many Packets Lost Suddenly
17:16.41coppiceInternet's Got My Packet
17:16.43fauxallianceb11d`, hear the CARP tune above?
17:17.07b11d`i've followed openbsd for like 10 years
17:17.12drmessanoBGP = Bitbuckets Gate Poorly
17:17.27fauxalliancePeople look at me strange listening to the tunes with the top down...
17:17.48drmessanoISDN = I Should Die Now
17:18.20fauxallianceBRI  = better ring indefinitely.
17:18.37KobazISDN = I Still Don't Need
17:19.07KobazISDN = Instantly Spending Dollars Needlessly
17:19.15drmessanoBRI = Budgeting Reduces Income
17:20.19drmessanoADSL = Always Down, Significant Latency
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17:20.49drmessanoGSM = Grandma Sounds Muddy
17:20.50fauxallianceISDN = intentionally slow digital network
17:21.30drmessanoCDMA = Called, Deaf Man Answered
17:21.52drmessanoThat sounds like Verizon
17:21.56drmessano"Hello?  hello?"
17:21.57b11d`Called Dad, Mom Answered
17:22.21drmessanoCalled Dad, Mongolia Answered
17:22.59b11d`China Dialed, Mongolia Answered
17:23.39fauxallianceCPE = carrier pigeon equiptment
17:23.44coppiceClinton Did Marketing in Asia
17:25.09fauxallianceOracle - A proprietary system used to convert human souls into cash.
17:25.10hefferUMTS is called "Unerwartete Mehreinnahmen zur Tilgung von Staatsschulden" (Unexpected earnings for the repayment of national debts) in Germany.
17:25.30drmessanoiphone = i'm probably holding old nextel equipment
17:26.01hefferbecause they made 50 Billion € by auctioning UMTS frequency licenses
17:27.05Kattyhhhhhhhhhellllloooooooooooooooo nurse.
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17:32.09fauxalliancedrmessano, How many telecoms consultants does it take to change a light bulb?
17:32.14fauxallianceNone, no one will do it but theyÂ’re all willing to talk about the prospect of change.
17:32.38fauxallianceTwo mobile phones walk up to a pub. One says to the other: IÂ’ll go inside and check things out.  After a few loud noises inside, the mobile phone gets thrown out the front door.  He says to his pal, “You canÂ’t go in there. Bad reception.”
17:33.11fauxalliancezero stars of five... agreed
17:33.29b11d`Bacon and Eggs walk into a bar.. bartender turns to them and says "Hey! We dont serve breakfast here!"
17:33.31drmessanoTwo Trixboxes walk into a bar.. the third one ducks
17:34.01tzangerwow, the comedians are out in full force today
17:34.02*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~RLACUMBA@
17:34.02drmessanoOk, no, the third one didn't duck.. Kerry Garrison just says it did
17:34.16drmessanoTRIXBOX ALWAYS DUCKS
17:34.30drmessanoOh, the good old days
17:35.04leifmadsentzanger: ohai
17:35.06*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
17:35.10drmessano"trixbox contains absolutely no spyware.. and by that, i mean, we know what phones you're using and who is banging your wife when you're at work"
17:35.11*** join/#asterisk b0ot (~Jinxed---@
17:36.07b0otAny idea how my phones in my network are able to talk to one another fine, but my sj softphones are only able to recieve audio not send it
17:36.47fauxallianceNAT gone wonky?
17:37.03b11d`had that happen once, was an incorrect default gateway
17:38.07Kattyleifmadsen: ohai2u
17:38.41dforbuso.. back in the day, on my old system, I had voicemail with options in mysql table, one of the options was outgoing=yes - which made * play the unavail.wav and hang up.  that option has a different syntax in 1.6? I dumped the db into my new * install and it has no effect anymore..
17:39.36*** join/#asterisk odenkos_web (d45113aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:40.51dforbub0ot - firewall blocking traffic in 1 direction?
17:41.25*** join/#asterisk trelane (~trelane@funtoo/staff/trelane)
17:41.33fauxallianceone-way auido screams NAT foo.
17:43.09odenkos_webhi all, I'm compiling * on a low-end machine.. it doesn't have gtk+ installed for menuselect to work.. is there any other way (some file) to edit the list of features it should compile?
17:43.18*** join/#asterisk myster (~myster@
17:44.02fauxallianceodenkos_web, how low end?  do you plan on accomplishing much with it?
17:44.36b0otfauxalliance, NAT?
17:44.53fauxallianceb0ot, yes NAT
17:44.57Tim_Toadyodenkos_web you dont need gtk, only ncurses
17:45.10b0otfauxalliance, what do you think the issue is
17:45.11*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
17:45.31fauxallianceb0ot, firewall
17:46.16b0otfauxalliance, i have the firewalls both disabled
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17:47.01odenkos_webfauxalliance: sparc procesor, 256 MB ram, *really* low end.. and I will only use it as a home system with < 10 peers
17:47.20odenkos_webno dahdi, no meetme, no pri.
17:47.28fauxalliancebarebones for sure.
17:48.21odenkos_webso is there any file the menuselect options are saved to or something?
17:51.56ectospasmmenuselect needs ncurses, last I checked...
17:52.14b11d`also gonna need to be in an X environment otherwise the console screen is too narrow :)
17:52.19b11d`failed for me anyways
17:53.18odenkos_webb11d`: I'm sure I don't have X on there ;)
17:53.30b11d`theres a .h file you can modify to change the width req..
17:53.35b11d`dont remember it though :)
17:53.50odenkos_webb11d`: thanks for the tip, I'll look into it
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17:58.45asilvaany help with this ::
18:07.14trelaneis there a sip switch that can terminate a large amount of t1's (more than 4) and provide SIP to an asterisk PBX?
18:07.44Kobazaudiocodes makes one i think
18:07.49b11d`get a bunch of t1 cards ;)
18:08.20Kobaztrelane: for a sip switch like that from something like audiocodes is going to run you about $30k
18:08.27WIMPyLast time we came to the conclusion that 8xPRI cards give you the highest possible port density.
18:08.48trelaneKobaz, and if I hate audiocodes with an insane burning passion? (anything from Cisco or Adtran?)
18:09.06trelaneWIMPy, elaborate?
18:09.07Kobaztrelane: then you'll need to roll your own
18:09.12Kobazpersonally i love audiocodes and adtran
18:09.13trelaneKobaz, noted
18:09.35Kobazi just wish audiocodes were a little cheaper
18:09.47ritztechanyone know where to obtain Asterisk Support im having the worst luck with all these consulting companies
18:09.52trelaneKobaz, I love adtran and would prefer to use them, I had a REALLY bad experience with getting an audiocodes product configured, a manual written in incredibly fluent engrish, and non-helpful customer no-service
18:09.56WIMPytrelane: Sangoma
18:10.06trelaneritztech, what problem are you having?
18:10.14trelaneWIMPy, I do in fact love them, they're good folk
18:10.15Kobaztrelane: 904 series, but it's single pri
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18:10.41ritztechits an advanced thing that im trying to get done with QUEING outbound paging
18:11.01Kobazthey are making a pure multispan pri->sip sometime next year
18:11.20ritztechAnyone know a good Asterisk support Company that actually is legit
18:11.23b11d`the sangoma people SUCK now
18:11.38b11d`they used to be great, then within 6 months they just dropped the ball BIG time
18:11.46trelaneb11d`, what happened?
18:11.48b11d`no support people return calls or email, no sales.. nothing
18:11.52b11d`forced me to buy digium cards
18:11.57b11d`i used to LOVE them
18:12.01b11d`bought a dozen pri cards from them
18:12.14b11d`tried for over a week to contact them without any success
18:12.25b11d`phone.. email... nothing
18:12.37b11d`so i have nothing good to say about them now
18:13.45trelanethat's sad :(
18:13.55b11d`yeah, i think so too..
18:13.57trelanethey failed to make the channelized T3 card I wanted
18:13.58b11d`i friggin loved them
18:14.19trelanebecause being able to terminate 28 t1's on a PCI slot in linux would have made me happy beyond belief
18:14.34b11d`no way the PCI port could handle that
18:14.49trelaneb11d`, sure it will, there's more than enough bandwidth
18:14.55b11d`PCIe ?
18:15.00trelanePCI yeah
18:15.05trelanebut you could only do 1 in a system
18:15.10trelanePCIE... that would let you do one per x1
18:15.26trelanenotes that even 1 in a system is cheaper than a 7206
18:16.04ectospasmritztech: Digium (-;
18:16.42ectospasmritztech: they offer Open Source Subscriptions, including for queuing support
18:17.14ritztechthey are like charing $8000 for this type of customizaitin
18:17.43trelaneritztech, that is actually a fairly complex customization.  I was considering quoting it, but you have to queue the pages somewhere and have an AGI app play 'em one at a time
18:17.51ectospasmritztech: Oh, I wasn't aware this was classified as consultative support.
18:18.38trelaneectospasm, sadly what he's asking for is fairly complex, you'd either have to write an AGI script (which I don't do), or write/modify a module to handle it
18:18.43trelaneit's a cool idea though
18:18.50ritztechwhich im not sure how to Que the pages at all unless any of you can quote me for AGI support since my dialplan actually works
18:19.01ectospasmyeah, and Digium won't help you write the AGI, even with an L4 subscription.
18:19.13ritztechthats sucks haa
18:19.23trelaneritztech, check the extension of the pager, record the page to a file, and run an agi or something that checks the folder, plays the pages in order, and deletes after playing
18:19.55trelaneyou might even be able to do the last bit with a bash script, cron, and a call file
18:19.56ritztechhow would i look at a agi (is taht some sort of perl thing)
18:20.05ritztechi did read of a .call file
18:20.26trelaneritztech, in the end I think you're going to have to generate a call file based on a spool of recorded pages
18:20.27ectospasmAGI: Asterisk Gateway Interface, essentially a dialplan script to be executed in any language you so choose
18:20.53ectospasmyou could have a call file execute the AGI
18:21.19ritztechi have no idea on .call files Though i did see this
18:21.20ectospasm...and use cron or some other shell program copy the call file to the outgoing spool
18:21.35ectospasmritztech: it's in the book
18:21.44WIMPyDon't copy!
18:22.03ectospasmWIMPy: ah, yeah, but I never have problems with it that way
18:22.17ectospasmWIMPy: but of course I only copy from the CLI prompt
18:22.20WIMPyPure luck.
18:22.30WIMPyThat doesn't matter.
18:22.52ectospasm...and my call files are rather short, just channel, application, and data.
18:23.08ectospasm...but I concede your point.
18:25.17ectospasmactually, in all my years of doing this, I have yet to see a call file fail when I used cp rather than mv
18:25.29ectospasm...but there is always the potential
18:25.32*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (~manxpower@
18:25.38ManxPowerIs anyone here familiar with the phpagi add_event_handler function?
18:27.48ManxPowerI can't seem to make it keep waiting for events without exiting.  wait_response seems to expect to wait for a response to a sent event and sleep() just blocks
18:30.58*** join/#asterisk Letoric (
18:31.49ManxPowerThere are exactly 11 hits on google for: phpagi add_event_handler
18:32.09Letoric<--- Windows background, so forgive the next question please ;P
18:32.20LetoricWhat is the proper way to 'upgrade' Asterisk on a linux system
18:32.37Letoricdo I remove the old binaries/
18:32.42ManxPowerLetoric, reinstall, but do NOT run "make samples"
18:32.49ManxPowerLetoric, you don't remove the old binaries.
18:33.02Letoricok. Now here's another question that ties in
18:33.16LetoricWhat happens when you were on an older version that loaded modules that the new one shouldn't load
18:33.31Letoricdoes the make install do some kind of clean-up first?
18:33.53Letoricjust thinking outside the box, to make sure I do things correctly each time
18:33.55ManxPowerLetoric, your pbx blows up until you fix the issue.  If you want uninstall features then you have to use an Asterisk package for your distro, and that is not recommended.
18:34.16Letoricheh, ok ;)
18:34.42Letoricmy CEO is a hardcore unix guy, but he just removes all the old stuff and reconfigures things each time
18:34.46Letoricthat seemed like the hard path to me
18:34.47ManxPowerLetoric, unless you are moving between major varions it should not be a problem.
18:35.07ManxPowerLetoric, Asterisk is one of the only software that I do NOT recommend using package management with
18:35.36ectospasmLetoric: you'll have to clear out /usr/lib/asterisk/modules, then Asterisk should start OK
18:35.49ectospasmLetoric: do NOT run "make samples" as ManxPower stated
18:35.51ManxPowerLetoric, most of the time the process of upgrading asterisk is: ./configure && make install && asterisk -rx "restart now"
18:36.07LetoricThanks. I'll keep it in mind for future upgrades
18:36.14ectospasmI've just started doing something at work, passing --prefix="/opt/asterisk-<version>" to configure
18:36.29ectospasmthere all Asterisk related stuff for that version exists in /opt
18:36.31Letoricso far I've been running a test box and a production box, and just alternating them each time after I test so it's always clean
18:36.37ManxPowerectospasm, you must be using 1.6.x
18:36.44ectospasmManxPower: works for 1.4, too
18:36.49ectospasm...for the most part
18:37.20ectospasmActually, I'm not at work so I can't verify that statement
18:38.50Kattyecto spasm.
18:39.00Kattyohai wcselby!!!
18:39.03Kattyhugs wcselby
18:39.14Kattywhat's blazin
18:39.26wcselbynot much
18:39.44ManxPowerI've like to blaze Javascript into ashes
18:43.02ectospasmManxPower: yep, I confirmed:  ./configure --prefix="/opt/asterisk-1.4.35" works, all directories in asterisk.conf are OK.
18:43.02Kattywcselby: pretty plum day
18:43.02wcselbyjs ain't too bad
18:43.40ManxPowerwcselby, it is not bad if you drink the "everything is an object" model.  I do not.
18:44.07ManxPowerI like PHP because it tries to be useful, not pedantically perfect.
18:44.44wcselbyi didn't say I used js
18:44.53ectospasmheh, Bjarn Stroustroup said you should only use OOP when necessary
18:44.53florzPHP? useful? muahaha!
18:44.54wcselbyjust that it ain't the worst one out there
18:45.02wcselbynot sure which one I'd call the worst one
18:45.03ManxPowerwcselby, I would not use it if I had a choice.
18:45.14wcselbyi always end up mostly doing perl scripts for my needs
18:45.58wcselbybut you know, according to a prominent poster on the -users mailing list, you can initialize xxx number of C programs in the time it takes to load the perl / php / whatever compiler to run one of those scripts
18:46.19ectospasmwcselby: it's an interpreter, not a compiler
18:46.22wcselbyof course, it takes a week to write one of those programs, but I digress
18:46.39wcselbyectospasm - whatever, I'm not a programmer, obviously.  i write scripts in perl
18:46.51ectospasmPerl/PHP/etc. are generally interpreted, not compiled.  Although compilers do exist.
18:47.11ectospasmYou could compile a Perl program, and it'd run almost (or just) as fast as a C program
18:47.22florzno, you could not
18:47.33wcselbyuh oh
18:47.35wcselbywhat did i start
18:47.38ectospasmThere are Perl compilers.
18:47.42wcselbynot a programming relgious war
18:47.42*** join/#asterisk imox1234 (
18:47.44florzthere are not
18:47.52Tim_Toadyperlcc is deprecated :P
18:48.15Tim_Toadyunmaintained and not in the def distribution anymore
18:48.24ectospasmTim_Toady: distribution of what?
18:48.27Tim_Toadyof perl
18:48.37ectospasmThere can't be commercial compilers?
18:48.47florzplus, even if there was, that wouldn't make it run as fast as C
18:49.05florzwhich is kindof a bogus comparison anyway
18:49.27ectospasmit would run faster than the interpreted Perl
18:49.40florznot necessarily
18:49.42Kattywcselby: programming jihad on you!
18:49.49Kattywcselby: <3
18:49.51ectospasmflorz: depends on the compiler, though.
18:49.58florzand on the interpreter
18:50.15wcselbyKatty - apparently
18:50.17ectospasmin general, though, compiled programs will always be faster than interpreted ones.
18:50.51ManxPowerspeed kills
18:51.09ectospasmhow can you get optimization in an interpreter like you can with a compiler?
18:51.19KattyManxPower: only if you hit something
18:51.28wcselbyKatty - or it hits you
18:51.34Kattythat too.
18:51.47florzectospasm: by building it into the interpreter
18:51.49b0otOk, I have a weird issue with my softphones. I can only get one way audio where the softphone can recieve audio but not talk when I dial out. BUT when I am dialed the softphone is able to recieve/transmit audio  any ideas?
18:52.09florzectospasm: also, you are assuming that there is much that can be optimized
18:53.31ectospasmflorz: I let the compiler/interpreter determine that.  But then again, I'm not a programmer, either (-;
18:57.17Kattywcselby: adreneline++
18:58.23Kobazokay so i have a weird problem
18:58.25KobazGot  RTP RFC2833 from (type 101, seq 009324, ts 1620315480, len 000004, mark 1, event 00000001, end 0, duration 00160)
18:58.34Kobazi have a background() and a 1 exten
18:58.50Kobazi get a dtmf digit of 1... but it doesn't do anything
18:58.58Kobazand asterisk doesn't report any dtmf recieved in the dialplan
18:59.04Kobazif i call from a different phone... it works fine
19:01.29ectospasmKobaz: are you sure the phone is set for RFC2833?
19:01.41Kobazboth phones are rfc2833
19:01.48Kobazsomething is different somewhere though
19:01.51Kobazotherwise both would work
19:01.53ectospasmare they otherwise identical phones?
19:02.05Kobazpolycom 331
19:02.21Kobazwhat's weird. is i see the rfc2833 going through
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19:03.07ectospasmI dunno then, that is weird.
19:05.02ectospasmI'd suggest going over the problem phones settings, in the phone, not sip.conf et al.
19:05.30ectospasmI can't remember the last time I saw this, but I want to say it was because the phone DTMF mode was set for inband
19:05.40b0otOk, I have a weird issue with my softphones. I can only get one way audio where the softphone can recieve audio but not talk when I dial out. BUT when I am dialed the softphone is able to recieve/transmit audio  any ideas?
19:05.46b0otHere is my sip debug log:
19:05.53b0otor at least a good portion
19:06.32ectospasmb0ot: is there a NAT between the softphone and Asterisk?
19:06.45b0otshouldn't be ectospasm
19:06.58b0otits all a private network
19:07.20b0otThere should be no NAT
19:07.35ectospasmsounds like a problem with the softphones
19:07.46carraror pc firewall
19:08.12ectospasmI always forget about that part.
19:08.20ectospasm...I don't deal with softphones much
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19:09.45ManxPowerHere is the code I'm having problems with:
19:10.07ManxPowerif ANYONE has experience with phpagi's add_event_handler I'd really appreciate help.
19:12.30b0otectospasm, carrar I have completly turned off the firewall on both pc's and they are running two different versions of SJphone
19:13.02b0otAre there any free softphones that are recommended for compatiability for asterisk?
19:13.05ManxPowerb0ot, turn off reinvites and to a tcpdump to see what is going on
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19:13.47b0otManxPower, how would i do that?
19:13.59Chainsawb0ot: Ekiga comes to mind.
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19:15.27Kattystares at clock
19:15.44retentiveboyLikely it's a silly questions but...  Is there a way to detect an inbound SIP/T.38 fax call before answering a call?  Wondering if I can get away with using a single inbound number if my provider supported T.38.
19:16.11b0otChainsaw, do you have something that more just a phone for an interface and works with windows. I dont need/want any of the chatting features
19:16.34wcselbyretentiveboy - if you're on 1.6.2 there's faxdetect=yes on sip.conf
19:16.51wcselbyor maybe "on" instead of "yes"
19:16.53wcselbycheck the sample file
19:17.04Chainsawb0ot: X-Lite in that case.
19:17.13Chainsawb0ot: Or it's paid more fully-featured brother Eyebeam.
19:18.02ManxPowerb0ot, set canreinvite=no in sip.conf [general] then execute tcpdump on the asterisk server
19:18.18retentiveboywcselby: I remember that from back when I was using zap channels.  It only worked once the call was answered for obvious reasons.  Is T.38 signaled early enough like that?
19:19.27retentiveboyduh, it's described in the config file.  nm
19:21.56odenkos_ntbkhey guys.. I'm getting this error when compiling chan_sip.. any ideas?
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19:23.42WIMPyodenkos_ntbk: Truncated file?
19:24.44odenkos_ntbkWIMPy: think so?
19:25.42ManxPowerodenkos_ntbk, download the source from again
19:25.48NiugeShi all...  i am trying to build a low level report in Excel.. at the moment I download and copy and past the CDR however someone mentioend I can connect direclty to the CDR.. can anyone point me to some documentation or let me know how best to proceed?  Thanks
19:26.07odenkos_ntbkManxPower: ahhh.. great
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19:29.33Kobazectospasm: now both phones don't work with dtmf
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19:30.45Kobazectospasm: actually it seems random... sometimes dtmf works, and sometimes it doesnt
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19:32.51b0otX-lite looked promissing but it  wanted me to install some c++ package or something. Has anyone here used firefly, (it also is a lot smaller than x-lite)
19:33.27ManxPowerKobaz, sounds like you are connecting to an ITSP.
19:33.46odenkos_ntbkWIMPy, ManxPower: the sha1sum is correct on the download
19:33.59ManxPowerb0ot, Understand that "all softphones suck".
19:34.31b0otManxPower, my network consists of 4 phones... two soft phones and two polycoms. 3/4 phones are on the same subnet, and the other is 1 jump
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19:35.30b0otI don't get how It can have transmit/recieve audio on softphones when you call out from a real phone to the soft phone, but not when you place a call with the softphone
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19:36.49WIMPyodenkos_ntbk: You must have something fundametally incompatible (or missing?) then. However such kind of errors can also be caused by hardware defects.
19:36.56ManxPowerb0ot, there is no difference
19:37.31ManxPowerb0ot, have you done a tcpdump to see the ACTUAL RTP audio packets reaching the server?
19:38.00ManxPower(the reason you want canreinvite=no is so the data continues to be sent via the server and not directly between the two phones.
19:38.15odenkos_ntbkWIMPy: could you define "hardware defects" please?
19:38.20ManxPowerb0ot, Oh!  Do you have g729 or g723.1 or the "all" codec enabled in sip.conf?
19:38.32ManxPowerodenkos_ntbk, memory corruption
19:39.08WIMPyodenkos_ntbk: Memory (incl. cache), CPU, bus.
19:39.10b0otManxPower, codec=all
19:39.20ManxPowerb0ot, DO NOT EVER DO THAT!
19:39.27b0otwell allow=all
19:39.36ManxPowerdon't do that either 8-)
19:39.51ManxPowerdisallow=all and allow=ulaw when you are testing
19:40.07ManxPowerb0ot, otherwise Asterisk could select a codec that IT DOES NOT SUPPORT
19:40.43ManxPowerUsually your call would drop if that was the case, but better to keep your codecs simple when you have problems
19:40.47odenkos_ntbkManxPower, WIMPy: my chan_sip.c file isn't corrupt in any way.. it must be something with the hardware, but since I'm compiling this on a virtual machine.. I don't know what could be wrong
19:41.37b0otManxPower, so it should be. [general] | port = 5060 | bindaddr = | disallow=all | allow=ulaw | context = bogon-calls ?
19:41.51ManxPowerodenkos_ntbk, if chan_sip.c is not corrupted then there are only two other things it could be.  1) compiler bug 2) on disk file corruption of some part of the compiler or 3) memory or hardware issue.
19:42.06ManxPowerb0ot, don't use port or bindaddr either
19:42.46b0othow will my phones connect to it then?
19:42.56NiugeSdoes anyone have a suggestion on how to remotely connecto the the CDR database?
19:43.16ManxPowerb0ot, Asterisk will pick the correct defaults
19:43.29odenkos_ntbkManxPower: as much as I know it could be any of them
19:44.42WIMPyodenkos_ntbk: You could try to re-install your toolchain. Otherwise a memort test might be a good idea.
19:45.59WIMPyThe best memory test is compiling something big with gcc, however. Like compiling gcc itself. If that succeeds the memory is ok.
19:46.34b0otManxPower, now I can transmit audio from the softphone, but can't recieve audio from the softphone
19:49.54Kobazmy computer locked up
19:51.13odenkos_ntbkWIMPy: how much memory does gcc need to compile *?
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20:04.10ManxPowerb0ot, pastebin your tcpdump
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20:06.48b0otManxPower, I don't know how to do a tcpdump here is my sip.conf: extentions.conf: and sip debug:
20:09.32ectospasmb0ot: man tcpdump or man wireshark
20:10.41Kattyectospasm: i just can't get over your /nick
20:10.55ectospasmKatty: you like it?
20:10.56Kattyectospasm: it induces giggling every time.
20:11.05ectospasmI'm glad I amuse
20:11.08Kattyectospasm: <3
20:11.26b0otectospasm, i can capture an interface with wireshark... should i do it making calls?
20:11.53ectospasmb0ot: yeah, see if you get RTP flowing in both directions on the failed call
20:12.32[TK]D-Fenderb0ot: Your SIP debug did not contain a CALL
20:13.33odenkos_ntbkManxPower, WIMPy: I changed the virtual machines memory from 128 to 256 and chan_sip compiles as intended.. thanks guys!
20:15.38b0otaaaaahhhh what the heck now it works!
20:15.41b0otI didn't change anything
20:20.56ManxPowerb0ot, it started working because [TK]D-Fender showed up.  He is called the Asterisk Whisperer around here.
20:21.55b0otLol [TK]D-Fender has helped me multiple times :) but I would be hesitant to ever use anything with whispering to describe it :p
20:22.19[TK]D-FenderWhiper-Page <- very useful
20:22.29[TK]D-FenderChanspy w/ whisper
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20:28.43cesuraseancan someone explain the advanage of using a TDM card?
20:28.47cesuraseanvs SIP?
20:29.05Kobazas usual, depends what you are doing
20:29.43carrarif you don't have internet
20:29.58carrarfaxes work better
20:30.06[TK]D-Fendercheckout time.....
20:30.33carrarprobably better connectiviy quality
20:30.56cesuraseanso a TDM card is actually better?
20:31.23carrarover what
20:31.36carrarnot necessarly
20:31.37cesuraseani already have a SIP for vonage setup
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20:31.46carrarYou haven't given anydetails
20:31.47cesuraseancant i get faxes using that?
20:32.04cesurasean - you can see my config here
20:32.29ManxPowercesurasean, SIP will be as reliable as the sum total of how reliable every connection and router between you and your SIP provider.  A TDM card will be as reliable as your telephone line.  You decide.
20:32.31carraryou will be limited to 23 concurrent calls with a PRI
20:32.34cesuraseani don't quite udnerstand this shit cause im a newbie
20:32.58carrarthen go with a PRI
20:33.12carrarless for you to potentially worry about
20:33.19carrarbut again, no details
20:33.19cesuraseanManxPower, thx. that's what i needed to hear.
20:33.39ManxPowerTDM is almost always more expensive, but is generally more reliable
20:34.06cesuraseani will start as SIP and maybe migrate once i learn asterisk a bit
20:34.10ManxPowerUnless you are in the NYC area, then who knows how reliable TDM will be.  Verizon seems to like randomly screwing up our customer's phone lines.
20:34.21ManxPowercesurasean, that is the best idea I've heard.
20:34.41cesuraseanthanks guys
20:34.57carrarand, build your asterisk from Source!!
20:35.13cesuraseani used debian repo to install it. :)
20:35.16cesuraseanworks fine!
20:35.42ManxPowercarrar, we sometimes get "commit" dates from Verizon for a problem being fixed that are 2 weeks in the future
20:36.30ManxPowerthey also love to break some other line at the same customer when they are there to repair a line.
20:37.20ManxPowerToday we had Verizon claim that the customer denied them access to take the line down, but somehow Verizon can't actually tell us the tech's name.
20:37.49ManxPowerAnd the building manager, who would have the key to the telcom closet and the customer claiming Verizon never showed up.
20:38.13carrarThat happens
20:38.25carraror they put it in the wrong building
20:38.26odenkos_ntbk:se noai
20:38.27odenkos_ntbka:se ai
20:38.32thecardsmithone trick i use when i file a ticket with verizon...
20:38.34odenkos_ntbksorry i always flag the ticket as "d-channel down"
20:38.40thecardsmithfor t's
20:38.45thecardsmithand that freaks 'em out, for some reason
20:38.50thecardsmiththen, i just say "oops."
20:38.53thecardsmithso I just get someone on the phone
20:39.58thecardsmithcause usually it takes 'em like 4-8 hours to respond to my tickets, otherwise. although we have gear at a vz data center, and those guys are actually "ok", like satisfactory
20:40.38ManxPowerthecardsmith, usually these are either data lines (T-1 or EoC) or POTS
20:41.31thecardsmithgood ole copper! nice. i think we have data from vz too, but, yeah pris from 'em mostly
20:43.22ManxPowerI love PRIs and would only use PRI if I had a choice.
20:43.59thecardsmithi dig PRIs myself... although I'd use SS7 if I had a choice
20:44.08ManxPowerOur customers with lots of DIDs usually use a PRI because it is quite a bit cheaper per-DID than using SIP from Verizon Wholesale.
20:45.15thecardsmithno kidding!
20:45.18thecardsmithi would've guessed otherwise
20:46.34ManxPowerthecardsmith, So would I, but VZ considers ALL SIP DIDs to be "foreign" and are billed as though they are pulled out of a remote CO
20:48.39thecardsmithahhh ha, alright, that does make sense
20:48.52thecardsmithdoesn't usually count the beans... although he has gotten the short end of the stick from the bean counters!
20:49.17ManxPowerRecently Verizon has started leaving orders in a pending state after the install completes.  We can't open trouble tickes on the lines when they are still in an "install" state.
20:49.47ManxPowerhappened twice this week
20:49.50thecardsmithrolls his eyes
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20:49.52thecardsmithsounds like vz
20:50.17ManxPowerthecardsmith, the ONLY way we get that issue fixed is to conference the repair people and the install people and let them fight it out between themselves
20:51.03thecardsmithit's fun kickin' telephony tires :) company is -finally- switching from Windows/Apex/Dialogic platform to a Linux/Asterisk/Digium platform, and it's a psych up... but I did get in trouble for spending too much time on the project right now XD
20:51.08ManxPowerI am assuming incompetence rather than malice, but the customers are the ones that pay the price.
20:51.25thecardsmith"cock up before conspiracy" the saying goes
20:51.40thecardsmithit's usually the case, totally
20:51.52thecardsmiththe only line telephony companies know: "it's the other end"
20:52.37thecardsmithalright, my weekend starts now... :) I'll be back! nice kickin' tires *thumbs up*
20:53.25lirakisis away: off to the pub
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21:08.10Kattycarrar: <3
21:08.30carrarPOOL PARTY!
21:08.36Kattycarrar: man i'm feelin punked
21:08.45Kattycarrar: 5 needs to hurry up and get here already
21:08.52carrarCOFFEE UP!!
21:09.26carrarBeing that I am from Seattle I am drinking a latte as I type
21:09.37carrarfresh ground beans, home made espresso!
21:11.34Kattycoffee :<
21:11.41Kattyit tastes funny.
21:12.33carrardo what I do
21:12.36carraradd hazzlenut
21:12.42carrarand soy milk
21:12.55Kattysoy milk is win!
21:13.04Kattymilk tastes fun :<
21:13.30carrarMilk can also be fun
21:13.46carrarlike with oreos
21:13.52Kattysoymilk is better with oreos
21:13.58carrarjust saying
21:13.59carrarI can be
21:14.19carrarMaybe milk has lost that loving feeling from you
21:14.25carrarwhich is ok
21:14.28Kattyyes :<
21:14.30Kattyit has :<
21:14.40Kattywe are not very close these days. sniffle.
21:17.42Corydon76-digKatty: try almond milk?
21:18.14Corydon76-digDoesn't have the gritty texture of soymilk
21:21.51KattyCorydon76-dig: i have not.
21:21.57KattyCorydon76-dig: not a huge fan of rice milk.
21:22.09KattyCorydon76-dig: could have been the brand i tried tho. i will see if i can find some almond milk.
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21:31.12ManxPowerKatty, Almond Milk (at least the brand I tried) does not have much protein in it (unlike real milk or soymilk)
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21:35.56Kattyhi fender bender.
21:37.15[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
21:40.20Corydon76-digManxPower: if you're getting all your protein from milk, you have other problems
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21:42.42ManxPowerCorydon76-dig, maybe I'm getting too much protein
21:43.30Corydon76-digManxPower: that actually is possible, especially if your protein intake is excluding carbohydrates
21:44.02Corydon76-digAtkins diet increases your chances of dying prematurely
21:44.49Corydon76-digDr. Atkins is not around to defend his diet, as he died prematurely
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21:45.35ManxPowerI'm not vegan or anything like that.  I just think that eating dead animals is somewhat disgusting.
21:46.02ManxPowerI do try to be aware of my protein intake.
21:46.06Kattyi just think most meat tastes funny
21:46.09[TK]D-FenderLIVE is where it's at....
21:46.11Kattytacos are good tho
21:46.18Kattyand chicken strips
21:46.20[TK]D-Fender"It's not the kill.. it's the THRILL OF THE CHASE!!!!!!"
21:46.22[TK]D-Fenderrocks out
21:46.34ManxPowerKatty, as long as I can keep from remembering where it came from, I do occasionally eat meat.
21:46.39Katty[TK]D-Fender: alient ant farm, smooth criminal
21:46.53Katty[TK]D-Fender: what i'm listening to ;)
21:47.44Corydon76-digManxPower: you don't break a chicken's neck with your bare hands, then pluck and cook it yourself?
21:48.00ManxPowersomehow I think there would be more vegetarians if everyone had to go on a tour of a working slaughterhouse in gradeschool.
21:48.21Kattyprobably, ManxPower
21:48.33KattyManxPower: but i don't know. this country is very fond of cheap meat.
21:48.38Corydon76-digonly among kids who couldn't stomach it
21:48.39[TK]D-FenderKatty: I play "Movies" by AAF
21:48.49ManxPowerKatty, they are welcome to eat all the meat they want.
21:48.56Corydon76-digOther kids would slaughter their pet dogs
21:49.29ManxPowerI did not say "everyone would be come vegetarian".
21:49.40ManxPowerCorydon76-dig, my family slaughtered some of our own animals.
21:49.44[TK]D-FenderManxPower: "you are what you eat" :p
21:50.01ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, then I am a pizza.
21:50.15Kattyi am.......not answer that one.
21:50.39Corydon76-digKatty is a soybean?
21:50.57Corydon76-digor just soylent green?
21:50.58Kattywhat is the dealio with today.
21:51.04Kattycome on 5, hurry up
21:52.23odenkos_ntbkanother problem at compile-time.. *sigh* .. any clues?
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21:53.03ManxPowerodenkos_ntbk, what version of Asterisk
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22:01.08odenkos_ntbkManxPower: I'm clueless guess I should try again in the morning.. I thought I could compile it by midnight atleast..
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22:05.44NuggetCan you spot the IT guy?   No cheating!
22:09.23odenkos_ntbkahh.. ok, good night
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22:44.07kerxNugget, lol
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23:44.52ariel_evening folks
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