IRC log for #asterisk on 20100907

00:01.22*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
00:07.09[TK]D-FenderSlingky: "noload =>"
00:07.13[TK]D-FenderSlingky: "noload =>"
00:24.33*** join/#asterisk M0rg0th (
00:24.58M0rg0thanyone ever used a winbond ISDN card with asterisk? driver is w6692pci
00:26.19[TK]D-Fenderm0Some people have
00:26.25[TK]D-FenderM0rg0th: Some people have
00:26.41M0rg0thwith sucess?
00:27.01M0rg0thI can't make dahdi recognizeit
00:27.26[TK]D-FenderM0rg0th: Could be that DAHDI doesn't support it at all.  mISDN does however
00:27.58M0rg0thso I need to use asterisk 1.4?
00:28.15[TK]D-FenderM0rg0th: I never said that
00:28.51M0rg0thI tried misdn-inti scan and it cames back empty
00:30.59[TK]D-FenderM0rg0th: Lots of references.  Go read for a bit
00:31.22puzzledM0rg0th: in my experience the only reliable BRI support is with an Eicon Diva Server card and chan_capi
00:33.17M0rg0thwell, I was trying to use this one because I have one, but if I have to I'll buy a new one
00:33.48[TK]D-FenderM0rg0th: You should go look for a bit now,  Others have used winbond cards with mISDn successfully.
00:36.35M0rg0thI have been reading for awhile
00:37.13M0rg0thand I have also tryed several **trix distros
00:37.41M0rg0thbut none seems to recognize and use the card
00:38.35M0rg0thin trixbox I had best results when I did modprobe w9962pc, it created /dev/isdn but then nothing
00:39.15M0rg0thelastix doesn't load the module, maybe it's not compiled?
00:40.59*** join/#asterisk florz (nobody@2001:1a50:503c::1)
00:43.24[TK]D-FenderM0rg0th: Can't say.  None of those distros are supported here
00:43.52M0rg0thok, I have a small advance
00:44.38M0rg0thit shows /sbin/modprobe mISDN_dsp debug=0x0 options=0 poll=128 dtmfthreshold=100
00:45.13M0rg0thhow can I tell in asterisk if the card is being recognized?
00:47.52*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
00:50.50M0rg0thmisdn-init scan keeps coming back empty...
00:59.11*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:42.43*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k (
01:42.58darkdrgn2khi all, is there a free software to measure jitter/latency of an asterisk server
01:48.56*** join/#asterisk mode14 (~mode14@
01:49.23mode14anyone here know of anyone doing phone based ads... to monitize a phone application ?
01:50.34hmmhesaysthat would be cool
01:50.38[TK]D-Fendermode14: "phone based ads" as in?
01:51.41mode14as in, i have an app, ... i'd like to offer it free and play an ad at the beginning of the call
01:52.49[TK]D-Fendermode14: What "call"?
01:53.12mode14my app calls people before their outlook/google calendar appointments
01:53.15mode14to remind them ...
01:53.24[TK]D-Fendermode14: ok, starting to make more sense
01:53.45[TK]D-Fendermode14: So YOU have an app.. how does it place the actual call?
01:54.24mode14i'm using actually
01:54.51darkdrgn2ksoo any one.. jitter monitoring on asterisk?
01:56.28[TK]D-Fendermode14: Ok, We're losing coherence again.  you aren't painting a COMPLETE picture.
01:56.52*** join/#asterisk passthru (
01:56.58*** part/#asterisk passthru (
01:57.23[TK]D-FenderHe did indeed ... passthru
01:57.44mode14TK .. let me explain
01:58.07mode14my app calls your phone to remind you of google/outlook calendar appointments
01:58.12mode14so you don't forget them ...
01:58.40mode14instead of charging people for the service, i was wondering if there is a solution out there to place an ad at the beginning of the call ...
01:58.51mode14i place the call using's outbound call api
01:59.11[TK]D-Fendermode14: Ok, this sounds it has nothing to do with ASTERISK so far
01:59.30mode14ok u got me.  i just thought the asterisk channel may know of such a thing ...
01:59.43[TK]D-Fendermode14: You aren't clearn about what you are ASKING FOR
02:00.01[TK]D-Fendermode14: Are you asking if someone made a CALLOUT REMINDER SYSTEM, then yes, tons of people have.
02:00.18mode14asking about call based ad providers ...
02:00.26mode14like google ad sense for voice phone calls
02:01.07bougymanhate the idea
02:01.25[TK]D-Fendermode14: these could only be "recordings".  Also there is no way to track WHICH service caused the referral.  Sounds like a broken idea so far..
02:02.32bougymanthere are a ton of ways to do it, i just don't want to see it done.
02:02.33[TK]D-Fendermode14: Lets say you have 20 people doing reminder services and each share the same series of ads.  How do you pay them since you can't tell which one got the person to call?  With web links you get the REFERRAL.  Not over the phone you don't however.  there is no proof of anything
02:03.09bougymanyou could with zrtp
02:03.20mode14my app accesses the ad via a url
02:03.55[TK]D-Fendermode14: GETTING the ad is easy.  knowing who to pay off is another.
02:03.57mode14returns a wav or mp3
02:04.12[TK]D-FenderNormally you get paid for CLICK-throughs
02:04.14mode14via the get request my token id = my account ...
02:04.18[TK]D-Fender(on web ads).
02:04.23[TK]D-FenderNot just for displaying them
02:04.40[TK]D-FenderThe point is generating traffic
02:04.44mode14no way to click on a phone ad ...
02:04.48[TK]D-Fendermode14: and THAT is what you can't track
02:04.50mode14for instance, moviefone has ads ..
02:05.06mode14no way to know if i goto the movie
02:05.11[TK]D-Fenderthere is no 'referral" when you PHONE someone because of an audio ad on a call you received
02:05.17mode14but they know it was played ..
02:05.29mode14i hear u
02:05.31bougymanbeing listened to becomes the metric there.
02:05.36[TK]D-Fendermode14: And even if I DO go to the movie... how do they know is was because YOU played the ad?
02:05.51mode14they read my brain
02:05.52[TK]D-Fendermode14: maybe it was somebody ELSE's service that played it to me.
02:05.55mode14at the ticket booth
02:06.02[TK]D-Fendermode14: All they would get is STATIC :p
02:06.03mode14analyze my thoughts
02:06.27[TK]D-Fendermode14: Your business model is regrattably broken.
02:06.46[TK]D-Fendermode14: A new and nifty way to annoy people that isn't truly supportable
02:07.18mode14ok ic
02:09.52*** join/#asterisk M0rg0th (
02:10.36[TK]D-Fendermode14: regardless of how you want to control the business flow to cause a payout, this isn't anything just about anyone else would want to do.  Its an all new way to annoy people.  Couldn't you just start a telemarketing business like everyone else?
02:11.25mode14man u are bitter
02:11.36mode14obviously u completely miss the concept
02:11.41*** part/#asterisk mode14 (~mode14@
02:11.43[TK]D-Fendermode14: Who wants to be bombarded with ads?
02:12.05[TK]D-FendermodeWhy do you think we have pop-up blockers?  And about telemarketers, why do you have "do not call" lists?
02:12.32[TK]D-FenderMiss the concept?  No, I GET it.  The world hates being annoyed by advertising.
02:13.02darkdrgn2k[TK]D-Fender: and yeh googles model rakes in billions.... go figure
02:13.28darkdrgn2k[TK]D-Fender: but they know how to slip it in when your not looking :-P
02:14.02[TK]D-FenderdarkIndeed... and sitting back for 30 ACTIVE seconds of my life (maybe MORE... think of the fuckers who'll do this)?
02:14.15*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
02:14.25[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k: you can spell that out as a capital "FUCK OFF"
02:15.00darkdrgn2k[TK]D-Fender: LOL yeh well to be fair i loved teh beer line they had a few years ago where the guy talked for like 15 seconds then you can make a long distance call... that was kinda cool
02:15.49darkdrgn2k[TK]D-Fender: but that was years ago... now i think your right.. id be p-oed
02:16.00[TK]D-FenderdarkYeah, well when I get <.01$ / min calls anyway.... I seriously don't give a shit :)
02:16.17darkdrgn2k[TK]D-Fender: i agrea:)
02:16.21[TK]D-FenderThat is... if it actually cost me ANYTHING.
02:16.34[TK]D-FenderWhich for the past 5 years it hasn't
02:17.01darkdrgn2k[TK]D-Fender: LOL mind i ask how you get it free :-P
02:17.08*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
02:17.59[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k: No.
02:18.13darkdrgn2k[TK]D-Fender: ok then... how do you get free calls :-P
02:18.47[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k: I never said anything about telling you :p
02:18.59darkdrgn2k[TK]D-Fender: i know.. but you never said you wouldnt either...
02:19.19darkdrgn2k[TK]D-Fender: only way to find out is to ask :-P
02:19.29[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k: And that hope is one more thing I get to take away from you ;)
02:19.43[TK]D-Fendergoes to steal some more candy from babies
02:19.46darkdrgn2k[TK]D-Fender: LMAO yeh i can be annoying a...
02:39.56*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmuj@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
02:41.29*** join/#asterisk [gnubie] (~gnubie]@
02:42.01[gnubie]wonders if there's already a support on video conferencing in asterisk..
02:45.30sawgoodWith the sip.conf file, what are the differences between the use of registar= and/or auth=
02:45.59sawgoodI see registar= is used in the [general] section and auth= has its own section called [authentication]
02:49.29[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: Calls yes.  Conferencing no.
02:50.07*** join/#asterisk adolfomaltez (~taro@
02:52.32[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: thanks. just to confirm because we may need a video conferencing system here. then, polycom may be the way to go
02:52.50*** join/#asterisk bfurst (
02:53.28[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: Depends on your definition.
02:53.57*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
02:54.26[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: we just need to see each other remotely during the meetings
02:55.12bfurstHello all, having an ongoing problem in which my asterisk box (1.6.2 from ubuntu repository) is allowing outbound calls fine but caller can not hear the recipient on inbound calls. I had this working on an older version, then when my server crashed, waited a while then installed the newest version and changed a few deprecated commands and I'm running into this problem. If I put in my incoming sip account info into x-lite it all works
02:55.45[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: It is a question of QUANTITY
02:56.23[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: for now, 3 different remote locations as i can think of
02:56.35bfurstInbound is google-voice>gizmo5 account currently.
02:56.42[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: usual problm is people not configuring their server properly to work from behind NAT
02:57.03[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: Verify that you have followed the guide
02:57.05infobotsipnat is, like, Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
02:57.32bfurst[TK]D-Fender] I've tried a few different NAT settings as I suspected that being a problem, but I'll definatey check out this guide. Thanks!
02:58.27*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
02:59.59*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
03:04.21bfurst[[TK]D-Fender] Yeah, I've done everything in the first link and had seen the second before; I've tried using the externip=flag, currently using a stun server (, and in the first link it lists that canreinvite=no which I had in my old server but seems to have been changed to directmedia=no in the new version. Also, I have global nat=yes set, nat=no set in my local device sip registration (my PAP device
03:05.06[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: pastebin your sip.conf masking only passwords
03:05.31bfurstK, one moment please.
03:06.23*** join/#asterisk wdbl (
03:15.53bfurstSorry, using a combination of my old conf file and the ubuntu sample config and had to clear out most of the comments to make it smaller. Here goes:
03:16.06bfurstWell, that didn't work.
03:16.12bfurstHold on, new to this irssi.
03:16.39bfurstOk, gotchya.
03:17.47bfurstNeat, I've never seen that site before. Here's the link:
03:19.20[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: Ok, your problem is that everything AFTER you Register line gets IGNORED
03:19.23bfurstI've gone through several different variations on that config, previously I'd been trying to get it sorted working with some people on a different forum. I've tried a variety of different things, most I can't think of at the moment.
03:19.28[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: Move those other lines above it
03:19.45[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: REGISTER "ends" [general]
03:20.02[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: Move that one line, and it will probably work
03:22.46bfurst[TK]D-Fender I moved the register => line to just above 45 so it's now the last thing in general. Did asterisk -r and then reload but still have the same issue. Did I miss a step?
03:23.28*** join/#asterisk boodu (
03:23.55[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: Also forget stun and put a real IP/hos (externhost).  next what have you forwarded to your server precisely?
03:24.15[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: And verify that the internal IP it refers to is still accurate
03:24.21[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: and check your local firewall
03:27.56*** join/#asterisk frek818 (
03:28.45bfurst[TK]D-Fender: Commented out the stun server setting and externrefresh, currently have a DMZ set to point to my asterisk server. I have a linksys 2 line PAP device connected on the network and no firewall running on my server.
03:29.17bfurstStill is doing the same thing.
03:30.12bfurstIf it helps at all, here's my current incoming call layout: Google Voice->Gizmo 5->~My DD-WRT router~->asterisk server->PAP->standard analog phone.
03:31.05bfurstNow if I have it set up like this: Google Voice-Gizmo 5->~My DD-WRT router~->X-Lite softphone for Windows, incoming call works just fine, both parties can hear each other fine.
03:31.47bfurstAnd If I do Google Voice->Gizmo 5->~My DD-WRT router~->asterisk server->X-Lite softphone for Windows, it breaks again. Can hear caller's voice but caller can't hear mine.
03:32.13[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: make sure your provider entire;s are nat=no <-
03:33.47bfurst[TK]D-Fender: Sorry, do you mean the Gizmo 5 account and rapidvox contexts should be nat=no, or just the 45 and 46 (PAP device and X-lite respectively)?
03:35.38darkdrgn2khey any one know of a us proxy i could use :-P
03:38.18booduI use asterisk, do you know if there are NVfax files for this version ?  If no, can i use instead for fax detection ?
03:38.39booduwhat can i use ...
03:39.36[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: gizmo, etc
03:40.42bfurst[TK]D-Fender I went ahead and changed all contexts to use nat=no and that didn't fix it. Switched nat= flags back to the way they were and updated the pastebin entry so you can see what everything is curently set at.
03:44.01[TK]D-Fender[] <- should be NAT=NO
03:44.09[TK]D-Fender[rapidvox] <- ditto
03:44.56[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: Also I'm not sure on the newer parm (directmedia).  I've heard mention, but perhaps you could use try addinging the canreinvite=no under [general] at least.
03:45.24[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: Then upon failure, enable SIP DEBUG and pastbin a failed call
03:50.58*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (~chatzilla@
03:55.46*** join/#asterisk TUplink (
03:56.39TUplinki recently setup a trixbox ... i have got SIP working for peers but i cant get one IAX client to connect or put anything in the asterisk CLI at that any ideas?
03:56.57BeeBuuis there a way make asterisk say the agent's number before he/she answer a call of the queue?
03:57.29[TK]D-FenderTUplink: Last half of that made no sense
03:58.13[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu: there is AgentMacro in queues.conf, or vai whatever you use to dial them
03:58.28bfurst[TK]D-Fender: Added canreinvite=no directly under directmedia=no, pasted SIP log of failed call to using sip.conf at
03:58.32TUplinkZoiper and otherclients wont connect IAX2... wont even put anything in asterisk -vvvgrc
03:59.06BeeBuu[TK]D-Fender: AgentMacro?
03:59.59TUplinkalmost like the port isnt there for the client to connect to... but how can i test is a UDP port is open?
04:01.14[TK]D-FenderTUplink: Send a packet to it.  check your firewalls.  check is is even loaded.
04:01.21[TK]D-Fenderbeego read the sample configs
04:01.27[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu: go read the sample configs
04:01.34bfurstTUPlink - Stupid question, but for your IAX clients, did you make sure to put them into IAX.conf instead of SIP.conf? Use netstat -an to check if ports are open.
04:01.45BeeBuu[TK]D-Fender: this?
04:01.49TUplinklol using freepbx
04:01.58TUplinkIAX2 extension
04:02.03bfurstAh, ok, sorry. Missed that part.
04:02.45TUplinknetstat -an | grep 4569
04:02.45TUplinkudp        0      0      *
04:02.57[TK]D-FenderTUplink: and you should have IAX2 debug enabled
04:03.17[TK]D-FenderTUplink: And run TCPDUMP as well to verify that the packets are reaching you
04:03.40TUplinkhow do i enable debug?
04:03.42*** join/#asterisk grendal_prime (
04:03.55TUplinki got it
04:04.03TUplinkIAX2 set debug on
04:04.24*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
04:04.36grendal_primesooooo im looking at several diff sip servers...i have had no luck with yate, or  freeswitch just cant seem to get them working.  Is this any easyer?
04:04.55TUplinklol i have no idea what this means.....
04:05.06TUplinkgot some stuff with debug
04:05.13TUplinkthe client is hitting the server
04:05.48bfurstPaste the output of the debug to and drop link back here.
04:06.07[TK]D-Fendergrendal_prime: Probably.  But it depends what you mean by "sip server"
04:06.16[TK]D-Fendergrendal_prime: that is a dangerously vagure term
04:06.45[TK]D-FenderTUplink: Ok, that is a registration... not a call
04:07.01grendal_primeok how about if i explain what i need to do...and you tell me if its complicated with asterisk?
04:07.21TUplinkgo figure....
04:07.26TUplinkcant register
04:07.51TUplinkiax2 show peers shows 2101             (Unspecified)   (D)  0             UNKNOWN
04:08.46[TK]D-FenderI'm not seeing any TX
04:08.56[TK]D-Fenderyou'd better not be isolating by IP
04:09.10grendal_primei have a cell phone that gets great 3g service.  everywhere but at my house.  I do however have comcast cable my house.  I also have several (3 or so) cell phones that have wireless capability that my company emps use to im each other..and i started thinking...hey...why dont i set up a sip server gateway so they can all call each other and also make oubbound calls through my home server?
04:10.19TUplinkall of the extension configs are default
04:10.25TUplinkallow/deny are
04:10.53grendal_primebasically these people are in wifi range all the time.. so it seems silly to have cell phone service for each of them when ...well my cable connection is 3 megs up and 12 down.
04:11.40bfurst[TK]D-Fender Sorry, I know you're really busy-did you get a chance to look at my sip debug log?
04:12.39grendal_primei have a virtual enviroment o build these in.  should i just build an ubuntu box and install asterisk from the repos?  or should i use the asterisk now iso?
04:15.19[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: <-- this is current?
04:15.42[TK]D-Fender[23:58]<bfurst>[TK]D-Fender: Added canreinvite=no directly under directmedia=no, pasted SIP log of failed call to using sip.conf at
04:16.13[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: If so then WTF is that REGISTER doing breaking up [general] like I told you to change from the very start?
04:20.18bfurstWoops, sorry, that was not the most recent one. I had all my pastebin windows up, then went to update one so the authusername and username under the gizmo 5 context matched the SIP long. This is the most current:
04:21.54[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: [] <- still says NAT=YES.
04:21.55bfurstActually, that last one should also have canreinvite=no under directmedia=no. I've been just chaning the pastebin instead of repasting the sip.conf and modifying the personal info out.
04:22.09[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: Go fix this all up
04:22.20[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: you are running this in circles
04:22.25bfurstRight, I changed it to nat=no for both and the rapidvox but it still didn't work, so I changed it back.
04:24.02[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: I'm failing to see consistency and am having trouble trusting what you're showing me.  I have to second-guess everything now.
04:27.01*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
04:27.37TUplink[TK]D-Fender: you have anymore ideas for me? its not the client i have tryed 3 difrent ones from 2 difrent boxes
04:28.00TUplinkplacing IAX2 calls works like over enum
04:28.48TUplinkshould i see a failed login attempt on the CLI if the secret is wrong?
04:28.55bfurstK, I'm posting my sip.conf as is, right now:
04:29.03[TK]D-FenderTUplink: You haven't shown anything useful
04:29.34TUplinki dont know what i need to show??
04:29.38TUplinkim lost
04:30.02TUplinkthe last time i setup an asterisk box i HACKED it all up and didnt use freepbx like 4 years ago
04:30.13[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: <--- &^@$.  [] is NAT=YES again
04:30.29[TK]D-Fender[rapidvox] AS WELL!
04:31.18[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his recently rusty-nail upgraded ClueBat (tm)
04:32.09[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: context=default <-- next you should never EVER have a context named [default].  This is a security risk in and of itself
04:32.28TUplinkdo i have to setup a TRUNK maybe for the IAX clients?
04:32.34TUplinkor just the EXTENSION
04:32.41[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: Your [general] points there as well.. Un-authed calls will have access to it.  HORIBLE
04:33.04[TK]D-FenderTUplink: just Extension
04:33.32TUplinksee why dosnt it JUST work lol
04:33.51[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: [general] should point to a dead-end... or a context with only the most minimal of things you'd want any randome hacker to potentially dial
04:34.08TUplinkim about to pull my hair out
04:34.29[TK]D-FenderTUplink: I do not see your firewall dumps.  Or your enabling IAX2 DEBUG.  Or the complete call attempt.  Or TCPdump running in parallel.
04:34.40[TK]D-FenderTUplink: Or ... ANYTHING for that matter.
04:34.56bfurstYes, I'm just telling you how it is right now, this very second. When you told me to set it to no, I changed it to no. Then I said that didn't fix it so I was chaning it back to yes. You never said anything after that until I was explaining my configs much later, so I left it as yes. As is my understanding, since my server is being NATed it should be yes. I thought we were changing it to no just to see if it works. If it definately sh
04:35.17[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: I said put it as no, and you keep changing it back...
04:35.28[TK]D-Fenderthey should ALWAYS be no.  The guide told you as much.
04:35.34*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
04:35.45TUplink1st firewall dumps isnt the pastbin enough to show that the port is passing to asterisk   cant compleat a call because it dosnt register and and the IAXdebug was what i put on pastebin
04:36.02[TK]D-FenderTUplink: I never see RESPONSES in there
04:36.20TUplinklike server to client?
04:36.56[TK]D-FenderTUplink: <-- these are ONLY RX's.  NO TX's  we don't see what is SENT
04:37.45TUplinkso how do i get what is sent?
04:38.02TUplinkor is asterisk just not sending it
04:38.09TUplinkbump it... i give up
04:38.38[TK]D-FenderTUplink: You don't seem to be getting the idea...
04:39.03*** join/#asterisk ChrisDoubleU (ChrisW@2001:5c0:1109:aa00:1845:6675:ad0c:7ea9)
04:39.19*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (bryan@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
04:40.23bfurst[TK]D-Fender: You told me to change it to nat=no, I did, told you it didn't work and immediately changed it back to nat=yes. Every one of my configs after that reflected this change. You only told me once after that to change it back to nat=no and then said I needed to repaste my configs, so before changing anything I just repasted my config. And per that guide, unless I'm completely misreading it-it says it should be nat=yes since I'
04:42.24TUplinkno i dont
04:42.41TUplinki dont understand UDP..... i dont know how to sets somthing you cant see
04:43.07[TK]D-FenderWhile it is behind NAT, this other server will “take care of its own business” as far as dealing with NAT is concerned so to us it might just as well be public. <-
04:43.17*** part/#asterisk ChrisDoubleU (ChrisW@2001:5c0:1109:aa00:1845:6675:ad0c:7ea9)
04:43.23[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: Providers do their own shit right.  You HAVE to trust the IP's THEY give you
04:43.56[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: So the answer is NO.  Unequivocallly NO.
04:48.03*** join/#asterisk Dovid (Dovid@
04:49.29bfurstK, now I understand. Under the general context, should nat=yes then since according to that guide it says to put it there if I'm behind a nat? My current config said no.
04:50.55[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: [general] = yes, [providers] = NO, [aphonethatisremoteandbehindnat] =YES, [aphoneonthesamelan] = NO
04:52.57bfurstMakes sense. I made those changes-  Still running into same problem-getting audio from caller, but caller can't hear me. What would you recommend I check next?
04:53.18*** part/#asterisk TUplink (
04:56.45[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: pastebin a failed call with SIP debug enabled.  the entire call.
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05:00.39bfurstHere's the one I had done earlier: I did sip set debug on, made the call, said a few things into cell phone, spoke into the landline, verified I couldn't hear audio on the cell phone, hung up, then did sip set debug off. Do I need to let debug sit a while longer after I hang up?
05:02.19bfurstOf course, that was with nat=yes. I'll do another one.
05:02.27[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: I do not want na earlier one.
05:02.34[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: this is with bad configs.
05:02.44[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: I am not in the business of time travel...
05:03.39bfurstYeah, I already said I'd do another one??
05:04.41bfurstI just wanted to make sure it wasn't a problem with my capture method so I didn't make the same mistake again...
05:04.41[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: Do another.  Also what is your local phone on the OTHER side of this call?
05:04.55[TK]D-Fender[45] <------
05:08.20bfurst45 is a Linksys PAP2T. Connected to it is an analog telephone. Here's the sip debug log:
05:09.44*** join/#asterisk TedNJ40 (
05:09.56TedNJ40Guys:  I have a big problem.  My Trixbox box is not responding correctly when I ping it by its name.  If I ping it from any windows machine it resolves its name to (hostname.domain) and replies with my ISP IP Address instead of my Box's IP Address.  If I ping it by its IP Address then it replies normally from that IP Address.  Does anyone have an idea as of where I screwed up?
05:12.29TedNJ40I have installed DNS (Bind8) in my Fedora Box and I am using it for internal resolution only.
05:12.53carrarThen make sure to use that IP of your DNS server as the nameserver for all your machines on your LAN
05:13.20carrarand make sure you've added it correctly to the forward zone file
05:13.48TedNJ40From my Windows machine, it resolves the hostname of the fedora box correctly but it resolves the trixbox box with the ip that my ISP assigns me.
05:13.53TedNJ40Thanks, checking now.
05:13.58[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: Ok, this is looking normal.  Go make an exten to Answer, Record() a file, and then Playback() that file.  Test this from your phone, then make your inbound call go there as well
05:14.28carrarWhats the FQHN for your host in question?
05:14.33[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: QC both independent of each other.  And be warned, DD-WRT is a known NAT offender.  It may be responsivle.  I hope you have another router to test with.
05:15.30bfurst[TK]D-Fender: Unfortunately I don't. :( I'd be willing to reflash it though, do you know if tomato is any better in this regard?
05:16.44TedNJ40Carrar:  I call it
05:16.45carrarTedNJ40, you should be running 9.7.1-P2 FYI
05:16.48TedNJ40It's something I made up.
05:17.04carrarso you have a entry for your in
05:17.13[TK]D-Fenderbfurst: Unsure.
05:17.29carrarand does it resolve on your dns server?
05:17.36TedNJ40I don't.
05:17.37carrarwell then you need to setup DNS correctly
05:17.52TedNJ40Carrar:  I followed a guide to create an internal DNS only.
05:18.30carrarmight join #bind
05:18.36TedNJ40All I created was an ACL, view called internal and a zone called
05:18.44TedNJ40I thought that's all I needed.
05:18.46TedNJ40I am new at this.
05:18.58TedNJ40I am between new and borderline dummy.
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05:19.47carrarWhy are you using views?
05:19.59TedNJ40That's what the instructions told me to do.
05:20.05carrarIs this a outside reachable DNS server?
05:20.12TedNJ40Wait, I have just tried to ping and it replied with my ISP IP.
05:20.20TedNJ40This is weard.
05:20.29carrarbecause you probably are using a wildcard in your zone file
05:20.29TedNJ40It shouldn't be an outside reachable dns server.
05:21.28carrarJust put your server in your hosts file and forget DNS
05:21.34carrarunless you want to go learn DNS
05:22.18bfurst[TK]D-Fender: I'll try setting the Answer/Record() plans up but I don't know the exact syntax to use so I'll probably just head to bed to night and research/test it tomorrow. I did however do a wireshark capture and use the telephony feature to playback the audio and the streams I was getting from the server had audio both ways. That makes it look like the DD-WRT is the problem, but I wonder why everything worked on the old version of
05:23.06bfurst[TK]D-Fender: I'll also lookup tomato compatibility, that may be what I need to do. Thanks for all your help!
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05:26.51[TK]D-Fenderis off
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06:32.59schmidtsmorning all
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07:02.21Dovidhi. anyone here using voip monitor ?
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07:10.53v1sI have 2 different ipkall numbers. do I need to have a different context for each one in my sip.conf or do I just need 1 and it will handle both? thanks
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07:19.26Alton35vls:  One context will handle both.
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07:20.28v1sthe context is for incoming calls? and the register statement is for outgoing calls? is that correct?
07:21.01v1sor does the conext serv for both incoming and outgoing
07:21.18Alton35contexts are for incoming really,
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07:21.46Alton35registering works in both directions if I'm not mistaken,
07:22.13Alton35the problem is that the other end my work differently, if you register then that may authenticate you for both directions on their end, never mind what happens on your end.
07:22.37Alton35I have seen a lot of goofy behaviour, sometimes type=peer works, sometimes type=friend, sheesh
07:23.08v1syes I notice that also ;)
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08:30.15jojo^Would it be possible for asterisk to a SIP call with "m=audio 17702 RTP/AVP 125 101. a=rtpmap:125 G.nX64/8000."
08:30.21jojo^and record the audio+video?
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08:51.53ectospasmjojo^: I had a customer ask the same question... I don't think there's a way to record video with Asterisk, but I may be wrong.  I'm trying to get an answer by tommorrow, otherwise it will be next week before I have one.
08:59.08dandreI have in my modules.conf autoload set to yes
08:59.28dandreI also have noload =>
09:00.16dandrewhen I do in CLI interface module show, after a restart, somemodule is still there.
09:00.25dandreWhere is my mistake?
09:02.01ectospasmdandre: does another, automatically loaded module depend on  What is the actual module you're trying not to load?
09:03.51dandreI don't see anything inthe log showing that there is some dependency error.
09:03.52dandrefor example the modules:,,, ...
09:04.47kaldemardandre: based on two lines in your modules.conf, no one can tell you what the mistake is.
09:05.11dandreok I'll pastebin
09:06.44dandrehere is my modules.conf:
09:08.44kaldemaryou have a strange [global] in the file.
09:10.55kaldemarare all noloads not working or just some?
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09:16.03dandreoups ! shame on me , I have just relized that the file I was working on wasn't the file used by asterisk. Sorry for ythe inconvenience
09:17.56ectospasmdandre: hey, it happens!
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10:09.47[Jasper]hej guys
10:10.00[Jasper]I'm trying to get voicemail up and running...the boxes work
10:10.04[Jasper]but when i redirect a sip call
10:10.06[Jasper]I get the following:
10:10.18[Jasper]Failed to write frame  == MixMonitor close filestream
10:10.24[Jasper]and no actual voicemail is recorded
10:11.08Tim_Toadycheck paths and permissions
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10:14.38[Jasper]Tim_Toady hmm
10:14.43[Jasper]could this be a permission problem?
10:14.46[Jasper]to where it writes too?
10:15.15[Jasper]under what user does asterisk run?
10:15.20[Jasper]it's own?
10:15.36[Jasper]../var/spool/asterisk is root owned
10:15.46[Jasper]with drwxr-xr-x  9 root        root        4096 2009-02-11 15:15 asterisk
10:16.16Tim_Toadyand asterisk is ran by user root or asterisk?
10:16.28Tim_Toadycheck it with ps
10:16.32[Jasper]when I run ps aux | grep asterisk it reports /usr/sbin running as root
10:16.39[Jasper]./usr/sbin/asterisk I mean
10:16.58[Jasper]could it be that I redirect wrongly to the mailbox?
10:17.38[Jasper]exten => s,6,Voicemail( jasper ,s)
10:17.40[Jasper]is that correct?
10:24.26[Jasper]Tim_Toady ?
10:25.36Tim_Toadyhard to tell without knowing ur configuartion, pastebin ur voicemail.conf
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10:37.15[Jasper]ok Tim_Toady
10:38.18[Jasper]Tim_Toady :
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11:01.46[Jasper]Tim_Toady ?
11:01.48[Jasper]are you still tehre?
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11:54.16hyriandHi! I'm looking for some assistance on how to debug a problem we've been having with asterisk. We're using a Dell 2900 server with a sangoma a104 card and a digium tc400b transcoder card (quite possibly unrelated to the problem) with asterisk 1.4.24 and the problem we're experiencing is that the AMI sometimes stops sending out events. It does seem to process commands though. When I re-connect using asterisk -r, it may or may not work..
11:54.48russellbyou should try upgrading to the latest version of Asterisk.  1.4.24 is quite old.
11:55.41russellbSpeicifically, there have been 847 fixes in Asterisk 1.4 since that version.
11:57.16hyriandhaha, yeah.. I know.. problem is that we've been having different problems with newer versions so we used a version that works reasonably okay with the gear we supplied to our other customers
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11:58.09russellbas you wish.  I can only help if you're up to date.  good luck.
11:59.12drmessanohyriand:  and here you are having a problem with 1.4.24.. how is that one better?
12:00.07drmessanohyriand:  What if the specific issue you are having is resolved in a newer release?
12:00.07hyrianddrmessano: 1.4.24 works fine most of the time, the latest version at the time we installed it didn't
12:01.23drmessanohyriand:  Ok, but you're now asking us to troubleshoot an old release, where your problem very well could be a bug that's been resolved.  So how do you expect to resolve it in that case?
12:01.34hyriandI'm not asking you to troubleshoot anything
12:01.53drmessano[07:54] <hyriand> Hi! I'm looking for some assistance on how to debug a problem we've been having with asterisk.  <--- ?????
12:02.28hyriandjust looking for some pointers on where to start debugging this problem
12:02.32hyrianddebug it myself
12:02.40russellbdrmessano: too much coffee?
12:02.44drmessanoStart off by upgrading to lastest release
12:02.55hyriandI'll try to convince my boss
12:03.06hyriand(I hate bosses)
12:03.23hyriandthanks for your time anyway!
12:03.50drmessanorussellb:  Nah, just stressing the importance of not asking for help troubleshooting an issue on a release where the issue may indeed be a bug that was resolved over a year ago
12:05.22hyriandthat was going to be my next question actually, what would be a good way to search the bug database in this case.. but no worries, I'll try to convince my boss
12:05.51russellbusing google foo with ""
12:06.08russellbhowever, your bug sounds like a deadlock
12:06.28russellband the symptoms of a deadlock can be very odd - just because you notice it because of manager events doesn't mean it's a bug in the manager code
12:06.31russellbit could be anywhere, really
12:06.52hyriandyeah, I figured as much
12:07.05russellbif you're a C programmer, it may be possible to debug and fix using the tools we have buillt in to debug such things
12:07.12russellbotherwise you're better off with the upgrade path
12:07.25hyriandyeah, I'm pretty familliar with C
12:07.26russellbif you have trouble with the latest, come back (or come to #asterisk-bugs)
12:08.00russellbhyriand: ok, well for deadlocks we build with the DEBUG_THREADS option on.  "core show locks" will give you a list of threads and which locks they hold (or are blocking waiting to acquire)
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12:10.47drmessano   <-- I like to start with the release summary for the next release, especially when we are talking about something really ugly... Usually there is that "Ah HA" moment
12:11.05hyriandrussellb: ok, I'll start by rebuilding this version using DEBUG_THREADS while I convince someone to let me upgrade.
12:11.36oryxtecguy if we are behind firewall then we must enable these ports for asterisk .. UDP 5060 and RTP 10,000 to 20,000
12:11.39drmessano#14705: [patch] Deadlock when manipulating module_list over AMI and CLI   <-- that's one of the fixes in 1.4.25.. not sure if it relates completely.
12:11.39oryxtecis that correct
12:11.40hyrianddrmessano: yeah, I've done that all the way up to the current version (even later major versions)
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12:12.34hyrianddrmessano: from what I remember, it wasn't related, but I'll have a look at that issue again. thanks!
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12:15.27telnettechrussellb: what is the lastest "stable" version of asterisk. I know I dont want the 1.8 yet.....i am looking to upgrade to 1.6 though
12:15.46drmessano--> /topic
12:16.06russellblatest 1.4.X or 1.6.2.X are what is currently supported
12:16.09[TK]D-Fenderhigh-5's drmessano
12:16.31drmessano1.6.2.x is a pretty solid branch
12:17.00drmessanoIf I didn't want to play with 1.8 here soon, I could stick with 1.6.2.x with no complaints
12:17.23[TK]D-Fender's recently rusty-nail upgraded ClueBat was made from a 1.6.2 branch...
12:17.53telnettechok thanks....will download and start the testing process.......
12:18.13drmessano1.4 always felt like there was a lot of duct tape involved
12:18.38hyriandwhat's wrong with that? duct tape holds the entire universe together, doesn't it? ;)
12:18.39russellbbut honesty is appreciated
12:18.44drmessanoNo, didn't mean it like that
12:20.33[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: 1.8 becomes LTS, no?  At what point should he be able to forget 1.4?
12:20.45russellb[TK]D-Fender: yes, 1.8 will be LTS (similar to 1.4)
12:20.56russellbthe current published date for 1.4 security only mode is January 2011.
12:21.04russellbHowever, I think we'll probably push that out a few more months.
12:21.16drmessanoI just know 1.4 got off on a bad foot and took quite some time to stabilize... 1.6.0.x was stable out the door, with the exception of the newly added SIP TCP stuff, which was worked out eventually
12:21.35russellbwe're trying to make 1.8.0 solid ...
12:21.47russellblots of testing, including new automated test infrastructure
12:21.52drmessanoI've never felt uneasy about any of the 1.6.x branches.. and I expect the same from 1.8
12:22.14russellbhope so :-)
12:22.30russellbor it's my ass, heh
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12:27.47Dovidhi. i am trying to do system("/etc/script.php ${CHANNEL}")  I get back Unable to execute /etc/script.php. the file is currently set to 777 so anyone should be able to run it. what else would make issues and let me run a script ?
12:28.00drmessanoAsterisk has become pretty damn stable over time and as long as issues with new features are triaged and resolved quickly, that perception won't change.  You really don't see a lot of "OMG, the core is horribly broken" sort of regression anymore
12:29.13Dovidfigured it out. I had extra quotes
12:29.58drmessanoUnlike some of those dicey 1.4 "teen" releases...
12:30.32kaldemarrussellb: btw, what kind of testing do you automate, if i may ask?
12:30.33drmessanoI could probably get one of my cats to bury those in the litterbox
12:31.46kaldemarrussellb: mostly unit and integration testing or do you have a system that even makes calls over channels and analyses voice throughput?
12:31.52russellbkaldemar: lots of stuff, different scenarios including parking, transfers, all of the AGI commands, SIP calls, IAX2 calls, ...
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12:32.11russellbwe have 2 automated test suites: a unit test suite (built in to the code), and an external test suite that performs funcitonal tests
12:32.19russellbit makes calls and verifies that the right things happen
12:32.49drmessanoWho does it call?
12:33.09russellbitself usually :-)
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12:36.11russellbbamboo is pretty pissed off right now.  something broke last week, heh.
12:36.29drmessanoI was looking at it a few mins ago
12:36.31kaldemarrussellb: right things as in opening channels and correct signaling? or does it analyse some voice samples?
12:36.32russellbwe've got some cleanup to do this week (of course, that's exactly why we do this, so we find out now instead of users after release)
12:36.53russellbkaldemar: it does talk detection to make sure an audio path is setup.
12:37.06drmessanoRed Bamboo = Angry Panda
12:37.10russellbkaldemar: we're also working on some automated load testing setups that do voice quality analysis and such, but not quite ready yet
12:37.23russellbdrmessano: very
12:38.40kaldemarrussellb: a framework with easy voice quality analysis would be awesome.
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12:38.54russellbyep, working on it :-)
12:38.56kaldemarrussellb: interesting to know anyway, thanks.
12:39.01russellbsure, no problem
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12:39.45[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: <-- they now have advanced fighting techniques.  Beware the angry panda!
12:41.24drmessano  <-- more impressive
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12:43.15[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: He held the blade!  Clearly a hoax!
12:43.57drmessanoYeah. If it were IRL, he would have Obi-Wan'ed himself
12:45.54[TK]D-Fender"Strike me down and..." mmmmmm BURGERS.....
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13:04.50TobSnyderanybody know how to set Progress Indicator (Calling equipment is non-ISDN. (3)) on outgoing calls?
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13:12.00pabelangerTobSnyder: Progress()?
13:12.54TobSnyderno thats not what I am searching for, I guess
13:14.16TobSnyder5 < Progress Indicator (len= 4) [ Ext: 1  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0)  0: 0  Location: User (0) 5 <                               Ext: 1  Progress Description: Calling equipment is non-ISDN. (3) ]
13:14.25TobSnyderthis is what I want to "imitate"
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13:50.27*** join/#asterisk Yudaisrael1984 (
13:51.52Yudaisrael1984quick question when a user is listeinig to the voicemail using comedian mail the voicemail system is reading him the wrong time. i check on the msg0001.txt in the voicemail box and there it has the correct time
13:52.15Yudaisrael1984why is this happening (btw in linux when i write date it shows the correct time)
13:52.39[TK]D-FenderYudaisrael1984: Check the tz in yor voicemail configs
13:53.24Yudaisrael1984so i looked there and there is nothing written there in regards to the time zone
13:54.08Yudaisrael1984so shouldnt it be using the system time?
13:54.31[TK]D-FenderYudaisrael1984: No.  VM users can be situated in different zones
13:54.51Yudaisrael1984thanks i will then write in the correct values thanks
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14:01.12*** join/#asterisk Katty (
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14:02.00Kattygood morning pretties!
14:02.12hrhrhrg'day sport
14:02.31Kattywhat's the good word
14:03.36[TK]D-FenderKatty: Haven't you heard?
14:04.12Katty[TK]D-Fender: it has groove?
14:05.15Kattyinfobot: bird
14:05.15infobotit has been said that bird is the word.
14:06.10Yudaisrael1984[Tk]D-Fender thanks i put in the values and it worked but heres another question why would a system stall after typing in reload on the cli??
14:06.38Yudaisrael1984so far every time i do a full reload (CLI COMMAND reload) my entire system stalls
14:07.13Kattywhat's the song with 'it has groove it has meaning'
14:07.54[TK]D-FenderYudaisrael1984: Unrelated and unqualified.  Yuo'ev told us nothing about your setup.  "Hi, my car doesn't work, WHY!?!?!"
14:08.03*** join/#asterisk korcan_ (
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14:08.25[TK]D-FenderKatty: Frankie Valli's "Grease"
14:09.26Yudaisrael1984ok so Asterisk on centos 5.1
14:10.22[TK]D-FenderYudaisrael1984: Almost 20 releases behind on a dead branch?  No thanks.
14:11.11Yudaisrael1984meaning that because its that old u dont want to even try to figure it out
14:11.13Yudaisrael1984got it
14:11.38[TK]D-FenderYudaisrael1984: You describe the sort of bugs that get found and fixed...
14:11.59Yudaisrael1984got it
14:12.02Yudaisrael1984thank u
14:12.06Yudaisrael1984have a good day
14:12.40[TK]D-FenderYudaisrael1984: Your's is 2 years old
14:14.08Kattyi need a new song.
14:15.54beekKatty:  I want a new drug?
14:17.48Kattygoodness. what decade was this in
14:17.55drmessanoHe who upgrades last, reads slowest
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14:20.15beekKatty: 80s.   Huey Lewis and the News
14:20.26tzangerthat's the power of love!
14:20.37tzangerdammit now I have to go watch the back to the future trilogy
14:21.13beekIs that bad?
14:21.19tzangerId on't have it with me
14:21.44beekThat's bad.
14:22.12drmessanoI am fresh out of Flux Capacitors
14:22.17Kattyhugs beek
14:22.40beekhugs Katty
14:22.48*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
14:25.38tzangerI had the control arms on the driver side replaced on my car. the thing feels like I'm travelling through time now when I hit a tight curve at high speed :-)
14:26.16Kattyi approve of zoomzoom.
14:27.15*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (~manxpower@
14:27.46[TK]D-Fender[10:20]<tzanger>that's the power of love! <- on my perform list...
14:27.52tzangerthe car's not a .. nissan? are those the zoomzoom cars?
14:27.55tzangerbut it sure does zoomzoom
14:27.59[TK]D-FenderMazda <-
14:28.02ManxPowerI just want to advise everyone to NEVER EVER EVER buy a NextTone switch.
14:28.19tzanger[TK]D-Fender: close. :-) I drive a vw
14:28.46[TK]D-FenderKatty: Don't Dream It's Over - Crowded House
14:28.50ManxPowerTheir latest product is the Windows Vista / Windows ME of SBCs
14:28.55Kattytzanger: corvette= zooomzzoom
14:28.58Kattytzanger: also transam
14:29.14tzangertransam? eek
14:29.23Kattytrans am = <3
14:29.26tzangeralthough I do think that the new chargers are hot
14:29.34Kattyyes they're pretty.
14:29.42Kattynot sure i'd drive one tho, not curvacious enough
14:29.42tzangerI don't know if they drive well (never been in one) but they sure look great
14:29.58tzangermy women need to be curvaceous, not my cars. :-P
14:29.58Kattythose new eclipses are pretty
14:30.04[TK]D-FenderKITT <-------
14:30.11Katty[TK]D-Fender: i also approve of this song
14:30.16ManxPowerI'll stick to my 1990 Ford Ranger, thankyouverymuch
14:30.24Kattywhat is a ford ranger
14:30.33Kattyis that a truck?
14:30.40[TK]D-FenderKatty: I'll be giving it a firt-run acoustic tonight...
14:30.43ChainsawKITT was a 1983 Pontiac Firebird wasn't it?
14:30.43ManxPowerKatty, light pickup truck, good gas mileage
14:31.12tzangerI've got a '99 passat, it goes like a bat outta hell, everything in it is stock except for my own ignition control module submodule (I blew a channel and I'll be damned if I'm gonna pay $300 for four stinking mosfets)
14:31.25Naikroveki have a ford ranger and i hate it.  it does get good mileage though
14:31.33ManxPowerNaikrovek, why do you hate it?
14:31.39[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: Same basic profile, but the Trans-Am had the bigger motor, the bulge air-flo vent on the hood, and a few other things
14:31.45Naikrovekwell i hate my particular one, not rangers in general
14:31.49Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: *nod*
14:31.52Naikrovekand i hate mine because it's a piece of S
14:31.53tzangerso I have a single mosfet on a heatsink tie-wrapped to a few hoses nearby and a couple wires to make the connections where needed. I want to build my own ICM and actually measure/montiro the spark current
14:32.13tzangerhow goes, ManxPower? looooooong time no talk
14:32.26KattyManxPower: ahh i see.
14:32.31ChainsawHi Katty :)
14:32.33ManxPowerhey tzanger!
14:32.34KattyManxPower: trucks are occasionally useful...for furniture
14:32.40Kattyhugs on Chainsaw
14:32.42KattyChainsaw: how're you dear?
14:32.58ChainsawKatty: *hug* I'm good. Patton firmware upgrades went okay for a change :)\
14:33.04Chainsaw:) even.
14:33.06KattyChainsaw: horay! :>
14:33.16ManxPowerKatty, I used it for moving lumber, but keep it because 1) can't afford something else and 2) gets better gas mileage than most cars
14:33.23tzangerI'd like a truck, but I'm a farmboy at heart
14:33.35KattyManxPower: nothing wrong with that
14:33.41tzangerI'd like a 350+cc enduro or dual-purpose too though
14:33.53tzangerManxPower: really? what kind of mileage are you getting?
14:34.23Kattyi should learn more about cars.
14:34.34Kattysomething more than just changing the oil
14:34.40tzangerI don't know too much but I am itching to start tinkering
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14:34.47ManxPowertzanger, not sure right now.  Was getting something like 180 miles on a 1/4 tank of gas.
14:34.52Kattyhi p3nguin <3
14:35.09ManxPowerDon't know what it is currently since I got a new motor, but it is not much less.
14:35.40tzangerI blew my motor 3 years ago (broke the timing belt, I never had a car that a) had a timing belt (instead of a chain) and b) had an interference engine
14:35.43Kattywhat useful things should i look into learning? it'd probably be good to know how to put a spare on. and check the air pressure in the tires
14:35.44tzangerthat was a costly lesson
14:36.10ManxPowertzafrir, my engine had just a little over 300,000 miles on it when it finally blew up.
14:36.18Kattyi also killed my first car, due to not knowing about changing the oil
14:36.20tzangerbut man the rebuilt engine is awesome, and I think they actually got the turbo working too
14:36.56tzangerManxPower: nice... I blew the timing belt at 210000km (not bad for the original timing belt, heh, they're a recommended replace at 60kkm)
14:36.58ManxPowertzanger, The old engine will be rebuilt at some point so I have a spare.
14:37.26tzangerI just changed the original fuel filter too.. the mechanic said he'd never seen such nasty crap coming out of a fuel fitler before
14:37.43tzangerand last year I changed the plugs, they were still the original (1999) bosch ones
14:37.55tzangerI put iridium ones in, but I think I am going to put the original ones back in, it ran better with them
14:38.23ManxPowertzanger, iridium sparkplugs?  Don't they only work when you have a clear view of the sky?  8-)
14:38.41tzangerKatty: yeah basic maintenance... air pressure, change oil/air filter, check fluid levels and be able to identify when they look off
14:38.44tzangerManxPower: hahaha
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14:43.10Kattytzanger: i will have to find someone to show me
14:43.15hrhrhriridiums worked marginally better for me i'd say
14:43.27Kattytzanger: which is a bit of a problem because my girls know about as much about cars as i do
14:43.35hrhrhrdecat and new plugs got me +20bhpz
14:46.27*** part/#asterisk Alagar (
14:47.19hmmhesaysWhats shakin?
14:47.35Kattynot a whole lot. come show me how to change a tire.
14:47.54hmmhesaysdo you have your service manual or not?
14:48.15hmmhesaysthat'll show you exactly where the jack points are
14:48.37Kattyyeah but the service manual won't snuggle with me once the tire is changed.
14:48.57*** join/#asterisk jayrod422 (
14:49.39jayrod422if i have two asterisk servers is there a way i can combine meetme rooms?
14:50.32hmmhesaysoriginate a call between each server?
14:50.54WIMPyjayrod422: Just dial one from the other, but beware that joining conferences can give extra echo.
14:51.03jayrod422pretty much has two conferences (one on each server) and i want to combine them
14:51.11jayrod422how bad
14:51.56WIMPyDepends of the former situation, but it will make things worse.
14:52.34tzangerhrhrhr: I heard all kinds of good things about iridum plugs so I figured I'd give them a shot. Honestly though the 10 year old quad-ground platinum bosch plugs that were in there showed no real wear and the car ran great on them. I have also read that the 1.8T really seems to love them, so I may go back
14:53.06tzangerKatty: isn't there a meetup group or something similar in your area? I know that various auto shops in my neck of hte woods offer basic maintenance training days that are free and open to the public
14:54.11[TK]D-Fender[10:50]<WIMPy>jayrod422: Just dial one from the other, but beware that joining conferences can give extra echo. <- makes no sense.  EC is at the edge.  2 internal meetme's don't count
14:54.27[TK]D-Fenderjayrod422: You're FINE
14:54.48[TK]D-FenderjaySo Originate a call between them like they said
14:54.54[TK]D-Fenderjayrod422: ^
14:55.34Kattytzanger: that's a good idea.
14:56.43hmmhesaysotherwise it is pretty straightforward
14:56.45tzangerone word of advice on tire pressure -- buy your own air pressure gauge... never trust the one on the compressor. they're designed to be industrial strength and vandal-resistant, not accurate. :-)
14:56.48hmmhesaysprobably find a youtube video on it
14:58.35WIMPy[TK]D-Fender: What's "internal" about "two servers"?
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14:59.09Kattytzanger: is that something i can pick up at Target?
14:59.16[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: VoIP doesn't Echo so unless he's going to pump it out over analog the point is moot
14:59.24tzangerKatty: yep, or sears, or pep boys, or whatever the auto shop in your area is
14:59.32Kattytzanger: mkay
14:59.38Kattytzanger: how many pounds of pressure should a tire have?
14:59.46hmmhesayswhich includes speaker phones
14:59.52tzangerdepends ont he vehicle and time of year and your kind of driving
15:00.13WIMPyEcho usually happens because the delay gets too long for the echo cancellers. So every bit of delay adds to the chances of massive echo.
15:00.22tzangermy car I put 34-36psi in year round, but I'm in Canada, not Arizona
15:00.38Kattycolder it is, more pressure rquired?
15:00.39tzangerthe tires usually have it written on the sidewalls what they are designed for
15:00.45hmmhesaysKatty, it should be whatever your manufacturer recommends for that vehicle which should be printed on the sticker on the inside of your door
15:00.46Kattyah okay
15:01.00[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Still not goin to happen :)
15:01.15hmmhesays36psi here you'll end up blowing a side wall out
15:01.31tzangerKatty: no, but I generally deflate slightly (couple psi) in really really hot climates because if you're driving hundreds of miles the friction and heat will get you what you want
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15:01.35hmmhesaysthat also seems awfully high for winter driving
15:01.40tzangerhmmhesays: where's here?
15:01.54hmmhesaystzanger, what the heck man your logic is completely backward...
15:02.13Kattyhow often do you check tire pressure?
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15:02.32tzangerKatty: your supposed to do it weekly... I do it maybe once every few months or before a long trip
15:02.33hmmhesaysyou want more of the surface of the tire to contact the road in winter conditions and less in hot conditions
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15:03.23tzangerhmmhesays: yes, but there's also a performance/mileage tradeoff... honestly I inflate them to the same pressure in my area (ontario, canada) year-round
15:03.43hmmhesays36psi is way to high for an average consumer grade tire
15:04.16hmmhesaysunless you're running low profile  18-20 performance tires
15:04.42tzangernah, regular old tires. maybe I've been leading a charmed life
15:04.51tzangerI'll go check the sidewalls at lunch, I'm pretty sure they say 34
15:05.39Kattyhi leifmadsen
15:05.49*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (~manxpower@
15:05.52hmmhesaystzanger, the print on the side of the tire is the Maximum recommended pressure, the average pressure recommended by the manufacturer of the vehicle is on the maintenance sticker
15:06.13leifmadsenKatty: ohai!
15:06.15leifmadsentzanger: hi!
15:06.24*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (~manxpower@
15:06.27Kattyhugs leifmadsen
15:06.48leifmadsenACK hugs Katty
15:06.52ManxPowerDoes anyone have any real world examples of what would cause Asterisk to return a SIP 503 or 603 response?
15:08.07tzangerhey leifmadsen how's the new digs?
15:08.30leifmadsentzanger: great! we just had our 2 week inspection and nothing too major going on -- getting our slate sealed today
15:08.49tzangerdoes anyone here know of OEM hw echo can ICs? I'm looking for only 2 channels (yes, this client's an idiot)
15:09.02leifmadsentzanger: appliances came on Saturday, so that was nice :)
15:09.07ManxPowerwonders if leifmadsen has realized that "marry" means "throw out all his stuff when you move in together"
15:09.20leifmadsenManxPower: I just left all my stuff in my condo downtown
15:09.41ManxPowerleifmadsen, I'm still sorry for your loss.
15:09.55leifmadsenya, but now I have all new stuff
15:10.07leifmadsenyou'd not feel very sorry for me if you saw my dining room table I bought
15:10.17leifmadseneveryone seems to comment on it
15:11.41Kattywell i'm happy for leif
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15:11.50Kattyhugs on leifmadsen
15:11.51leifmadsenI'm happy for that guy too :)
15:11.55leifmadsenhe's alllllllright
15:12.08Kattyand he deserves to be happy!
15:12.08leifmadsentzanger: I owe you a beer
15:12.18tzangeryou do?
15:12.26tzangerer yes, I mean yeah I remember that!
15:12.27leifmadsentzanger: yes, but you have to come hang out to get it
15:14.26Belgarathnot going to happen :P
15:14.56Kattyyou totally owe me a soda, too.
15:15.30Belgarathand me a keg of vodka
15:16.16KattyBelgarath: you would die.
15:16.29pathwhat can mean a yellowish led on a TE140P ?
15:16.39paththeres an E1 plugged in
15:16.39BelgarathWell some people are better suited for drinking than others
15:16.53KattyBelgarath: you cannot down a keg of vodka.
15:17.03KattyBelgarath: unless you are cleaning with it, in which case feel free to clean my house for me
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15:20.32evangeliondoes anyone know how to disable SRV lookups on asterisk?
15:21.00evangelionwe see many of these messages
15:21.01evangelion17:13:56.051088 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 49009, offset 0, flags [DF], proto UDP (17), length 73) > 64808+ SRV? _h323ls._udp.83.137
15:21.15BelgarathKatty: that depnds how big the keg is
15:21.37Belgarathbut usually it is something below 20l
15:21.41[TK]D-Fenderevangelion: srvlookup=no
15:22.07evangelion[TK]D-Fender: in h323.conf?
15:22.53[TK]D-Fenderevangelion: Go try
15:23.06[TK]D-Fenderevangelion: And this is clearly a channel driver parameter
15:23.31evangelion[TK]D-Fender: i know! is it out of topic?
15:26.09[TK]D-Fenderevangelion: No, you jsut asked a config question...
15:26.41evangelionOK, thank you
15:27.04*** join/#asterisk daemon (~Paul@2001:470:92bc:0:216:d4ff:fedc:9c95)
15:27.34daemonhey all what codec should I be using if I have an upload of 765kbps (90KBps) I may have up to 3 outbound calls
15:27.37daemonlikely not many more though
15:27.43hrhrhrevangelion: as an aside, what software outputs the above message?
15:28.04daemonthank you hrhrhr
15:28.05evangelionhrhrhr: tcpdump
15:28.06[TK]D-Fenderdaemon: Whatever you want
15:28.15daemon[TK]D-Fender, ?
15:28.26daemon[TK]D-Fender, sorry I wanted to know which would work without breaking apart :P
15:28.32[TK]D-Fenderdaemon: Not sure what isn't clear about that.  bandwidth isn't an issue
15:28.38daemonoh ok
15:29.06daemonthank you :)
15:30.19evangelionthank you
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15:39.01Kattyhmmhesays: the lil sticker on my car door says 30psi, and something about adding 4psi when tires are hot.
15:41.24Kobazrubber expands with heat
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15:43.23Kattyoh ah.
15:43.24p3nguinI hate how low my sticker suggests to inflate my tires.  I think it wants 26 on the front and 27 on the rear.
15:43.27QwellKobaz: it's the air itself that gets compressed/expanded
15:43.52p3nguinAny the max pressure on my tires is 44.
15:43.54hrhrhryou let air out normally when it's hot? around a track/hard driving anywya
15:44.25Naikrovekfill with nitrogen gas to stop the expansion and contraction of the air in your tires
15:44.31p3nguinYou're not supposed to reduce the pressure when it's hot.
15:45.08QwellI wonder if you could fill your tires with helium...
15:45.17Qwellwell, I mean, obviously you could, but what would happen?
15:45.41p3nguinDidn't the Mythbusters try that?
15:45.45Qwelldid they?
15:45.50p3nguinI think they did.
15:46.07p3nguinIt could have been a dream of mine.
15:46.49[TK]D-FenderI've seen all of them up until the last month and so far no, they haven't to my awareness
15:47.26[TK]D-FenderI can imagine it being perhaps measurable, but certainly not significant
15:48.57Kattyis there supposed to be a psi suggestion on the tire too?
15:49.04Kattylike printed /on/ the tire, somewhere
15:49.24p3nguinThey did put helium in a football.
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15:50.12p3nguinkatty: Tires will have a maximum inflation printed on them.
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15:50.29[TK]D-Fender[11:49]<p3nguin>They did put helium in a football. <- THAT I could believe might be "significant
15:50.41Qwell[TK]D-Fender: negatively
15:50.49xoverukI would really appreciate if someone could guide me through troubleshooting an AIX trunk that is not working
15:51.12Qwell[TK]D-Fender: in order to get the same pressure, you'd have to add more, meaning it would be *heavier*
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15:51.57p3nguinBut helium is lighter than air... there are a lot of factors involved.
15:53.08p3nguinkatty: If your tires are "load rated" tires, they will have a couple different pressures listed for varying load amounts.
15:53.40Kattyp3nguin: i'll go have a look and see if i can find it printed on the tire somewhere.
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15:55.13xoverukcan anyone advise how i can check if a trunk is connecting?
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15:56.00[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: "A regulation NFL football will fly farther when filled with helium as opposed to compressed air at regulation pressure (13 psi). **busted** Under the same amount of impulse force under the same atmospheric conditions, balls filled with helium showed no significant difference from balls filled with compressed air. It was also shown that, under the same impulse, both types of balls...
15:56.02[TK]D-Fender...had the same initial velocity; since the helium-filled balls have less mass than the air-filled ones, the helium-filled balls have less inertia in flight: in fact, they may perform worse than air-filled balls over larger distances.
15:56.18[TK]D-Fenderxoveruk: Define "connecting"
15:56.41[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Lighter, but acts counter-intuitive to
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15:57.18xoveruk[TK]D-Fender if the trunk is established?
15:57.41[TK]D-Fenderxoveruk: There is no such thing as "established".  VoIP is not a "connection"
15:58.07xoverukI cannot make outbound calls.
15:58.22[TK]D-Fenderxoveruk: You can see if that accepted a REGISTRATION from you (if you do so), and you can look at CALL ATTEMPTS.  but there is no permanent "connection"
15:58.33[TK]D-Fenderxoveruk: Then perhaps you should look at the OUTBOUND CALL
15:59.00xoverukhow do I do this?
15:59.26[TK]D-Fenderxoveruk: "help sip" <- go enaqble SIP DEBUG.  and PASETBIN is your friend.
15:59.28infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:02.37xoverukI have an iax2 unreachable status next to the trunk that i want to use.
16:03.03xoverukI do not know what the output of these commands means as i cannot find documentation on them, just how to execute them.
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16:07.36xoveruk[TK]D-Fender where do i see these REGISTRATION events
16:08.12ManxPowerDoes anyone have any real world examples of what would cause Asterisk to return a SIP 503 or 603 response?
16:08.49[TK]D-Fenderxoveruk: pastebin your configs masking ONLY passwords as well as "iax2 show peers"
16:09.23[TK]D-FenderManxPower: If you accept a call but don't Answer() it and your other dialplan just ends without and dial attempt, etc, you'll get a 603
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16:13.33xoveruk[TK]D-Fender when i issue iax2 show peers it display the port numberand next to some of the prots (T) what does that stand for?
16:14.00fullstopHi!  Is there anywhere to look for definitions / examples of trunkgroups, spanmaps and channels?  chan_dahdi.conf is rather confusing to me, and I'd like to understand what I am doing.  In the end, I would like to have both a TE122 and TDM410P configured.
16:14.20[TK]D-Fenderxoveruk: PASTEBIN <------------
16:15.10*** join/#asterisk TobSnyder (
16:17.42[TK]D-Fenderxoveruk: I don't see legit IP's in there, I don't see the configs I asked for and you haven't clarified which entry I should be looking at
16:19.56hrhrhrxoveruk: where are those trunks going? the latency is huge. pipe being raped?
16:20.57*** join/#asterisk apocn (~apo@unaffiliated/apocn)
16:21.57xoverukhrhrhr it is bad at times
16:22.01p3nguinxoveruk: The (T) means you have trunk enabled for that peer.
16:22.02xoverukis there a limit?
16:22.10hrhrhri dunno
16:22.12ManxPowerThanks, TK.
16:22.17hrhrhrbut it is prolly the reason they are unreachable
16:22.28ManxPowerDoes anyone know of a way to make Asterisk delay a few ms before sending the ack?
16:22.35xoverukdoes it require ICMP enabled on the firewall?
16:22.55[TK]D-FenderManxPower: the ACK to what?
16:23.02hrhrhrit requires qualify=yes in your config for each peer
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16:23.08hrhrhrif some are working, i doubt it's a firewalling issue
16:23.13ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, the reinvite
16:23.22hrhrhri think it sends tcp/udp echo requests anyway
16:23.25hrhrhrcould be wrong tho
16:23.29[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Oh... vi
16:23.51ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, I'll answer my boss with "no" then.
16:25.03[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Correct answer :0
16:25.23*** part/#asterisk rossand (
16:26.19xoverukhrhrhr one of the trunks that shows a reponse time doesnt repond to ICMP echo request, so I assume this is not relevant
16:26.52xoverukI can see the call made in real time but it errors with engaged tone.
16:27.18[TK]D-Fender[12:17]<[TK]D-Fender>xoveruk: I don't see legit IP's in there, I don't see the configs I asked for and you haven't clarified which entry I should be looking at <--------
16:27.57xoverukSN02 trunk
16:29.53[TK]D-Fenderxoveruk: Provide the rest please.
16:31.27[TK]D-Fenderxoveruk: MASK ONLY PASSWORDS.  Try again <_
16:33.01xoverukwhy do you need the IPs?
16:33.13p3nguinWhy doesn't he need them?
16:33.22xoverukWhy does he need them?
16:34.10ManxPower$100 BOUNTY FOR: we need a patch to Asterisk 1.4.20 to add some kind of delay between when Asterisk ACKs a 200 OK and sends the reinvite for reinvite=yes
16:35.10*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
16:35.15xoverukhow many ms is this?
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16:35.25xoverukthe IPs match
16:35.36xoverukThis was working yesterday
16:35.58Qwell21600000ms is 21600000ms
16:36.08QwellYour question fails to parse...
16:36.46xoverukafter the number was dialed i received that message
16:36.48[TK]D-Fender[12:35]<xoveruk>This was working yesterday <- doesn't do a thing to help you
16:36.50xoverukwhat does that mean?
16:36.55hmmhesaysKatty sounds about right
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16:42.16xoverukwhat does Rx-Frame Retry mean on the CLI?
16:42.41xoverukthat the frame was dropped due to congestion?
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16:48.37xoverukwhat would cause the trunk to show as UNREACHABLE?
16:48.51p3nguinBeing unreachable, obviously.
16:49.12p3nguinActual latency is far higher than the qualify time.
16:50.51[TK]D-FenderClearly doesn't really want this solved yet...
16:51.14p3nguinI knew that when he argued about the IP addresses.
16:51.36p3nguinLike you're going to hax0r his IPz and steal all his VoIPz.
16:51.49*** join/#asterisk imox1234 (
16:52.59[TK]D-FenderI have unlimited free calls and couldn't give a rats ass about anyone else connectivity.  But if people want to play all paranoid with fractions of usable info then I'm not going to waste my time.
16:56.49drmessanoMaybe he's worried you'll hack him and fix his box.  Right now he's got 3 days into this tough problem and his boss is buying every minute of it
16:58.49[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I WANT MY WEEKEND BACK!@
16:59.32Kobazwere you laboring on labor day
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17:01.09ChannelZAttention: Call files in the future are nifty.
17:01.17ChannelZThat is all.
17:01.37drmessanoCall files in the past are shifty
17:02.02ChannelZThis hold music, however, is not.
17:02.27*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
17:02.31drmessanoI enjoy the sounds of Bollywood for my MoH at home
17:06.32Kattyomnomnom chicken salad
17:06.46tzangerI'm gonna have me a jimmy john's sub I think
17:06.49tzangerultimate porker
17:07.01Kattyi've been debating trying that place
17:07.08tzangerI have only ever had one sub
17:07.12tzanger#17 the ultimate porker
17:07.17tzangerbut it's good and I'm sticking to it
17:07.20Kattyi presume it has meat.
17:07.20tzangertheir cookies are good too
17:07.31tzangerKatty: yes, specifically piggy meat
17:07.32Kattyis it shredded pork?
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17:07.46tzangerit's applewood smoked bacon and ham slices
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17:07.59tzangerit's delish
17:08.03Kattyi like ham.
17:08.12Kattyin small ammounts.
17:08.17tzangerI always go to the dog park and watch the dogs play while I eat and listen to the sports gossip
17:08.24tzangerI never understand any of it because I'm not a sports person
17:08.33tzangerbut I find the debates and the passion with wish the people speak about it interesting
17:08.33Kattythat's okay. you can pretend.
17:08.54tzangeror I end up listening to WDET (NPR) which I also find pretty damned interesting most of the time
17:08.57Kattysome people do seem rather into it, tho i don't really understand why or how.
17:09.14tzangerI lvoe watchign my boy play hockey, but I can't stand watching NHL on tv
17:09.25tzangeralthough with good seats at the arena it's not bad, but by good seats I mean press box
17:09.25Kattywell that's because it's your son.
17:09.43tzangerno, I don't know that it is... I have a theory on why I dislike professional sports in general
17:09.45fullstopI was unaware that Jimmy John's was in Canada.
17:09.56tzangerfullstop: it's not, I'm on contract in michigan for the next year or so
17:10.04*** join/#asterisk txwikinger (~quassel@sblug/member/txwikinger)
17:10.21Kattytzanger: oh?
17:10.26fullstopI can't stand watching most sports on TV... but I do enjoy watching american football..
17:10.41tzangerKatty: when I pay top dollar for an nhl game, I expect stellar performance. what you end up with is mediocre performance and a lot of bullshit posturing. the fact that they stop games for tv commercials kills me
17:11.31Kattytzanger: ah :<
17:11.39fullstoptzanger: Hopefully not near Detroit.  ;-)
17:12.00Kattyi have a small appreciation for football, but i think that's only because i was in halftime a lot
17:12.11fullstopmarching unit, eh?
17:12.18Kattyband, yeah
17:12.35Kattydid flag core one year. it was boring
17:13.08tzangerKatty: but when I watch kids play, I'm expecting to have fun and once in a while you see a really good play and it is just like the cherry on top of an enjoyable day
17:13.22fullstopI went to high school with Luke Ravenstahl.  He played the drums in the marching unit, and somehow ended up as the mayor of Pittsburgh.
17:13.23tzangerwheras pro sports you have a certain expectation of stellar performance and you're oftentimes disappointed
17:13.34russellbKatty: marching band <3
17:13.44tzangerfullstop: I'm in Plymouth
17:13.54russellbdid drumline back in the day
17:14.04Kattytzanger: ahhh, yes. i can understand that.
17:14.17Kattytzanger: it's also fun seeing kids having fun
17:14.30tzangerKatty: that and pro games are so goddamned expensive too it helps to "justify" the expectation
17:14.51fullstopHockey equipment for children is quite expensive as well.
17:14.55Kattyrussellb: drumline++
17:14.55tzangerfullstop: yes.
17:15.19Kattyrussellb: i would have totally considering dating you in college.
17:15.24fullstopMy kids are only 6 and 2, so it's not an issue yet.  I don't see them wanting to play hockey, though.
17:15.41Kattysmart + drumline = win
17:15.47russellbKatty: haha, i'm flattered.
17:15.55tzangerfullstop: 15, 11, 10, 6 and 18mos for me. the 10yo is playing hockey, and I bet the 18mo will too
17:15.56*** join/#asterisk sarg (~sarg@
17:16.13Kattyrussellb: <3
17:16.25Kattyanyone seen google's logo today?
17:16.29fullstoptzanger: that's a lot of kids.  :)
17:16.39russellbKatty: holy crap
17:16.41russellbthat's crazy
17:16.51Kattyyes, but what's it for
17:17.31*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
17:19.26sargtrying to find out why asterisk stuck in ast_waitfor_nandfds for some calls? any ideas?
17:20.05drmessanoGoogle's birthday
17:20.18russellbsarg: that is normal, it's not stuck
17:20.33*** part/#asterisk sarg (~sarg@
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17:20.42russellbthat is the sleep state, while it waits for something to happen (audio to arrive and be processed, for example)
17:21.01sargrusselb, it should catch 200 OK from other side
17:21.19drmessanoAgain?  Yeah, every year
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17:23.41p3nguinI thought they had a birthday logo a while back (this year), which included a birthday cake.  Perhaps it was for someone else.
17:29.15*** topic/#asterisk by russellb -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.8.0-beta4 (2010/08/24), (2010/08/10), 1.4.35 (2010/08/10), *-Addons, 1.4.11 (2010/04/15), dahdi-linux 2.3.1 (2010/05/25), dahdi-tools 2.3.0 (2010/04/13), libpri (2010/06/29) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-bugs,#astricon
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17:44.40kalimcAre the T1/E1 cables just standard Cat5 Ethernet cables? Can I put a load balancer in front of a digium card?
17:46.05*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:46.13[TK]D-FenderkalYou can plug whatever you want in front as long as the signalling matches
17:46.19[TK]D-Fenderkalimc: ^
17:46.31kalimcah ok, thanks
17:47.23*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (~manxpower@
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17:49.17hmmhesaysKatty,  that is pretty sweet
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18:08.29fullstopDo sip trunks require a dedicated timing source like IAX2 trunks?
18:08.29Kattyhey wcselby
18:08.43*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
18:09.09fullstopI'm looking at setting up a small phone system, which runs on an embedded platform.. where it will be difficult to obtain a dedicated timing source.
18:10.09fullstopNow, I am somewhat new to *, so maybe I am doing something wrong... but I would like the phones hooked up to the embedded platform to be able to call each other, but I wish for them to connect to a remote system to make outbound calls.
18:11.22p3nguinThat's what Asterisk does.
18:11.26fullstopI have IAX2 set up between the two, so that I can call users on the central host.. but I can't seem to make it accept calls to generic "_91800NXXXXXX" types.
18:11.34fullstopp3nguin: hey, I'm in the right place.  ;-)
18:11.48fullstopI'm sure I am doing something stupid, but I'd like to know how stupid I am being.
18:11.59p3nguinDo you have a dialplan for 91800 numbers?
18:12.30fullstopI set up a context, [from-trusted-remote], and included the trunkld context from the samples.
18:12.44p3nguinAlso, the whole 9 on the front of numbers is pretty silly.  Consider revising that.
18:13.27fullstopp3nguin: that will be gone, but until I move the T1 circuit, I am interfacing with an analog card to an existing system.
18:13.58p3nguinLet's start with a single phone.  You created a peer entry for it... what context did you set in that peer entry?
18:14.03fullstopwow, let me check something.. if I did what I think I did, I should be ashamed.  I will inform you of my ineptitude shortly.
18:16.35fullstopp3nguin: okay, I am inept.  :-D
18:16.54fullstopp3nguin: it is working now.  I doubled up a digit in the dial plan.
18:17.17[TK]D-Fenderfullstop: No. YOu saw your own error and understand it, AND owned up to it.  That qualifies as a "silly OOPS"
18:19.56Kattygoogle logo.
18:19.58Kattyshake the browser
18:20.03KattySHAKE EEET
18:20.58[TK]D-FenderKatty: huh?
18:21.38p3nguingrabbed the monitor off the desk and shook it vigorously...
18:22.57Katty[TK]D-Fender: pull up in your browser, and drag the browser around
18:24.04[TK]D-FenderKatty: Thought thats what you meant and when I tried... nothing
18:24.40*** join/#asterisk sol (~sol@unaffiliated/sol)
18:24.41solhi everyone
18:24.46solI just noticed Yealink phones "call home"
18:24.49solvia UDP port 123
18:24.55solto places in China
18:25.02solthought I'd let everyone know...
18:25.02Kattywell hello there.
18:25.05Kattyi'm doing fine, thanks for asking
18:25.06Kattyhow are you
18:25.16solawesome, thanks, potential bot!
18:25.18odenkos_ntbksol: I'm using them, lol
18:25.37Kattyyou're a bot.
18:25.45solodenkos_ntbk; I haven't poked at the traffic, you might wanna firewall off outgoing port 123
18:25.59solI'm not sure why these phones would need to do this
18:26.21odenkos_ntbksol: info about users is always useful
18:27.00solodenkos_ntbk; of course it is.  credit card #s are too.
18:27.41Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: try it in chrome
18:27.47solthey don't ask to do it
18:27.49solnor mention that they do
18:28.00solpoking through the extended configs to see if theres anything
18:28.46odenkos_ntbksol: let me know if you find smthng
18:28.48solyea I don't see anything about "Send information to manufacturer in China" anywhere
18:30.03[TK]D-Fendersol: And what NTP server are they pointed to?
18:31.33solshit 123 is ntp?
18:31.43solthat'll do it...
18:31.45solsorry :)
18:32.15solI should've checked /etc/services first hehe
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18:35.07p3nguinChanging the NTP address to something not in China fixes that, right?
18:35.12solp3nguin; should.
18:35.13chuckfit can still be a problem if the ntp is pointed outside your network
18:35.30solI do have a default NTP server inside the net
18:35.40solit shouldn't be going out, but it's my fault for assuming it was a call home
18:35.41p3nguinLots of people use external NTP peers.
18:35.52*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (bjarne@2001:470:dc32:0:c62c:3ff:fe2d:b7db)
18:36.42chuckfyeah, but if your phone is pointed to an unknown ntp server, they may be tracking where their phones are being used
18:36.57chuckfthus letting them know where a potential phone system is
18:37.42solseems safe enough
18:37.49solthey're using
18:37.58solso just any random chinese NTP server
18:38.52chuckfthat's not as bad, but I would still configure phones to an internal ntp
18:39.14[TK]D-Fender[14:31]<sol>shit 123 is ntp? <- chump :p
18:39.17p3nguinIf it were a very specific server address, I would start putting that address on every system I encountered so they would think their phones are in places where they aren't.
18:39.54sol[TK]D-Fender; lol.  I double checked when you asked :)
18:40.07*** join/#asterisk imox1234 (
18:40.40solp3nguin; they'd probably fly a jet over and bomb me thinking I've copied their firmware to make my own SIP Phone company
18:41.51TobSnyderdoes anybody know how to set progress indicator in isnd setup message
18:46.26solKatty; you *could* have been a bot
18:48.48solthe odds of you being a friendly female IRC user were 1/61766
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18:57.31Kattysol: orly.
18:57.33Kattyinfobot: Katty
18:57.34infobotwell, katty is the only girl in the channel, so be nice to her
18:57.54Kattyhow bout them odds!
18:59.34Kattyalso, i checked my tires and it says max psi 25
18:59.39Kattybut the car sticker says 30
19:01.39p3nguinThe tires say 25 psi max?  That's not very common.
19:01.48p3nguinMost say 35 or 44.
19:02.00p3nguinCommon passenger car tires, that is.
19:04.09fullstopMine are 32 psi max
19:04.23fullstopsorry.. 32 psi is what they want, you can go higher.. but I wouldn't do it. car is tiny
19:06.01Kattydoes that have something to do with it perhaps
19:06.13p3nguinWhat kind of car is it?
19:06.24Kattypontiac sunfire
19:06.50p3nguinIt should have pretty standard 14" tires on it, with probably 35 psi max ratings.
19:06.57[TK]D-FenderKatty: Far from "tiny"
19:07.15p3nguinEven the 12" tires on a Metro have at least 44 psi max rating.
19:07.22Kobaz14" is pretty small
19:07.39p3nguinstandard on passenger cars.
19:13.13tzanger25?! wow
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19:14.32Kattyi wonder why mine are so low then
19:15.11Kobazcheap crappy tires?
19:15.16solKatty; yes, definitely.  I'm not a gambling man, but %0.0016 seemed like a safe bet.
19:15.24soler, to bet against.
19:15.26solI guess that's why I'm not a gambling man
19:15.33KattyKobaz: not that i'm aware of.
19:16.00Kattybut mayhaps i should have someone look at my tires
19:16.29*** join/#asterisk adyn (~adyn@unaffiliated/adyn)
19:18.09solKatty; go with the tires psi
19:18.13solit'll never be wrong
19:18.22*** join/#asterisk mducharme-laptop (cebc7904@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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19:19.04mducharme-laptopI'm trying to use penalties in a queue
19:19.07mducharme-laptopbut it doesn't seem to work
19:20.05mducharme-laptopfor phones that are penalty 0 it rings them just fine
19:20.14mducharme-laptopanything with penalty 1 rings for a split second and then stops
19:20.28b0othow do you register non number users?
19:20.59mducharme-laptopanybody have any suggestions?
19:21.41solKatty; sidewall flex isn't really that important, it's just that your tire tread should be ideally flat to the ground
19:22.16*** join/#asterisk deadpigeon (
19:22.23[TK]D-Fenderb0ot: Don't name them numbers
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19:22.46b0otin the sip.conf
19:23.02[TK]D-Fenderb0ot: [whateveryouwanthere]
19:23.24[TK]D-Fenderb0ot: [tom] , [dick], [harry]
19:23.36b0ot[TK]D-Fender, would it be
19:26.32TobSnyder[Sep  7 21:26:08] NOTICE[23900]: chan_iax2.c:6486 update_registry: Restricting registration for peer '940' to 60 seconds (requested 300)
19:32.37Kobazpgadmin just took out my computer
19:35.24*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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19:43.12kalimcis there any how-to's on installing the dahdi_dummy driver?
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19:45.44p3nguinInstall dahdi and the dummy will be included.
19:47.19kalimcok great
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19:49.03b0ot[TK]D-Fender, so if the name was something like sip:fooname@
19:49.09b0otwhat would i put in the []
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20:07.00b0ot[TK]D-Fender, what does status unreachable mean
20:07.11[TK]D-Fenderb0ot: Means it can't be reached.
20:07.19b0oti mean i get the imediate definition
20:07.22b0otbut why might that be
20:07.23[TK]D-FenderDoctor, doctor, it hurts when I raise my arm like this!
20:07.29citywokb/c you did something wrong
20:07.34b0otI am able to call out on it
20:07.39b0otbut not call the device
20:07.47[TK]D-Fenderb0ot: perhaps it never REGISTERED
20:07.57citywokit could call out if you have guest access enabled, so that could mean nohting at all
20:07.59[TK]D-Fenderb0ot: Or it did and failed a QUALIFY.
20:08.17b0otsip show registry says 0 sip registrations
20:08.23p3nguinThe phone can call out even if guest access is disabled.
20:08.24b0otbut my phones show that they are registered on them
20:08.28citywokno shit b/c it says unreachable
20:08.48p3nguinGuest access is for unauthenticated calls.  The phone could very easily send authentication when it is making the call.
20:08.50b0otcitywok, i have 2 phones that say status OK
20:08.59citywokwhen you make a call do show channels and see what it thinks the peer is
20:10.37[TK]D-Fender[16:08]<b0ot>sip show registry says 0 sip registrations <- this is ASTERISK registering OUT, not your PHONES registering IN
20:11.33b0ot[TK]D-Fender, ahh thanks
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20:20.12Kattypeeks in
20:22.01*** join/#asterisk cityLights (
20:22.05cityLightshi all
20:22.17cityLightscan I ask about asterisk manager interface here?
20:22.34citywokdon't ask if you can ask, just ask
20:23.01cityLightsgood, right channel
20:23.20cityLightsto use playDTMF I need to know the Channel
20:24.05cityLightsI originate a call , so I know the extension in that channel, but I miss the serial here:
20:24.52citywokwhy can't use use playdtmf in the dialplan?
20:25.03cityLightshow to get that xxxxx when I already know the extesioin
20:25.06citywokpass the DTMF to be passed with your originate command in a variable
20:25.16citywokand handle all of that from your dialplan
20:25.36cityLightscan I pass dtmf when originating a call?
20:25.40citywokalso, when you originate a call it will tell you what the channel was that got originated, type it in to the console by hand and look at what it spits back at you if you'd rather do it this way
20:25.50cityLightseven then I will need to send the password later
20:26.01citywokno, but you can pass a variable with the DTMF digits when originating the call, and then use dialplan to play the DTMF for you
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20:26.21citywokless risk of missing something that way
20:26.54cityLightscitywok: can you please show me such an example of sending dtmf as variables?
20:27.17citywokin the originate command you can do Variable: DTMFTOPASS=71049,OTHERDTMFTOPASS=2490
20:27.41citywoklook up the help for the originate ocmmand and it will give you the exact syntax in the event what i typed isn't 100% correct
20:28.45*** join/#asterisk bklang (
20:29.31bklangCan anyone tell me the minimum Linux kernel version for Dahdi?  Will recent versions of Dahdi run on a 2.4-series kernel?
20:30.05Tim_Toadydahdi requires 2.6
20:33.44citrus2does anyone have any experiance using ss7 over an t1/isdn line?
20:38.43Kattycarrar: mmmmcrackers.
20:38.55carrarI had a meat sandwich
20:39.15carrarsliced ham, turkey and chicken
20:39.49Kattythat doesn't sound very good.
20:39.50carrarand then made venti espresso latte with hazzlenut
20:39.59carrarOh it was good
20:40.00Kattynow that sounds good.
20:40.10carrarIt had spinach on it too
20:40.22Kattywouldn't you rather have a yummy bean and cheese burrito?
20:40.25carrarmayo, dijian mustard (sp)
20:40.36carrarand some horserash stuff
20:40.43carrarWife eats Nato
20:40.48carrarand it comes with this spicy stuff
20:40.52carrarI put that on too
20:40.58Kattynever heard of it.
20:41.09carrarstay far clear of nato :)
20:41.16Kattywhat's nato?
20:41.24carrarrotting soy beans
20:41.40carrarstinks like the worst smelling feet
20:41.52carrarand it's all very sticky beans
20:42.04carrarhorrid smell
20:42.13carrartast ok
20:42.19Kattyrefried beans are win.
20:42.29carraryeah totally different
20:42.45carrarIt's a crazy Japanese thing
20:42.52Kattyi see.
20:45.39*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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20:47.26Kattycarrar: take these crackers away from me
20:47.29Kattycarrar: and hide them
20:48.46carrarsmash them
20:48.58carrarthen THROW them up in the AIR
20:49.19carrarlet them be free
20:49.52carrarflying crackers all the way
20:49.56carraracross the sky
20:50.14Kattyi hid them from myself.
20:50.46carrarWhat kind of crackers?
20:51.44tzangerI have a craving for triscut
20:51.46carrarah yes, those are a problematic cracker
20:51.52Kattytzanger: those are also lovely.
20:51.56Kattybut let's not talk about crackers.
20:52.04tzangerwhat shall we discuss?
20:52.17*** part/#asterisk bklang (
20:52.43Kattyyour mom.
20:53.28*** join/#asterisk schmidts (563b1f02@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:53.32schmidtshello all
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20:54.50Diffen2Evning. In Asterisk 1.6 is it possible to see extension status even if a call is redirected to a cellphone using cfa or followme?
20:56.01*** join/#asterisk Knightfal (
20:56.11WIMPyDiffen2: Need more information.
20:56.23tzangermy mom?
20:56.27tzangersure what would you like to know
20:57.51*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
20:57.58KnightfalDoes anyone know why MOH would sound choppy but if we play the same file with Playback() it sounds fine. The calls are coming in TDM then as a sip trunk over an MPLS circuit. Another note the in conversation audio is fine as well.
20:57.59Diffen2wimpy well if i call your extension and you are call forward always to you cellphone. will you extension be set to busy when we are talking or will it be set as not busy as it is in 1.4.
20:58.35WIMPyIt it IS not busy.
20:58.45Diffen2wimpy ok too bad
20:58.52WIMPyAnd it's usually called CFU(nconditional).
20:59.23WIMPyBut depending on your setup you might be able to see when the forwarded call ends.
21:00.30Diffen2Ok since there are a number of applications that can show extension status it would be nice to see if a user are on the phone
21:00.42Diffen2even if it has been forwarded.
21:01.01WIMPyIt's no longer that extension then.
21:02.12Diffen2true wimpy but the call are directed from that extension and it would be lovely if for example an operator would be able to see that
21:08.20WIMPyDepending on the te technology used, you should in most cases be able to track the calls via AMI.
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21:10.20Diffen2Wimpy ok so its doable, i just have to find an application that can handle that. I have tried iSymphony and it doesnt show that information.
21:10.23[TK]D-Fenderor mod your dialpan to check a few extra vars
21:11.41Diffen2tkD-fender hmm how do you mean?
21:13.20pabelangerDoes multicast RTP exist in 1.6.2?
21:13.53pabelangerspecifically app_rtppage
21:16.36leifmadsenpabelanger: uhh... I think it does...
21:17.59leifmadsenpabelanger: checking though'
21:18.27pabelangerleifmadsen: Ya, I don't believe so.... 1.8
21:18.39*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
21:18.44leifmadsenpabelanger: yep
21:18.50leifmadsenpabelanger: didn't make 1.6.2 I guess
21:19.55leifmadsenI am hungry
21:31.00Kattyhi leif
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21:38.08KattyHI LEIF
21:39.19KattyNaikrovek: so i solved half the problem with the inability to do pushups
21:39.48KattyNaikrovek: the triceps are coming along just fine, but the pectorial muscles apparently are too weak to do much
21:40.39beardyI'm sure we're now many wondering how?
21:41.20*** join/#asterisk bmoraca_work (
21:41.55Kattyhi bmoraca
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21:43.27rmanhi everyone, just quick question: is there any book/howto/manual about version 1.6 (not 1.4) ?
21:45.07Kattyinfobot: thebook?
21:45.07infobotthebook is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
21:45.17Kattyrman: not sure of the version on the pdf, go have a look see tho
21:45.22[TK]D-Fenderrman: "howto" is hardly different
21:45.36KattyNaikrovek: know of anything basic to help build up those pectorial muscles?
21:45.38[TK]D-Fenderrman: And there are other books (non free) that have a lot more 1.6 speciric bits
21:45.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: or you.
21:45.47[TK]D-FenderKatty: pushups
21:46.04rmani can't find any, all sems to be 1.4 related
21:46.05[TK]D-FenderKatty: no equipment needed.
21:46.06Katty[TK]D-Fender: pre-pushup
21:46.14Katty[TK]D-Fender: i can only do like...3 regular, and 7 girly
21:46.28[TK]D-FenderKatty: then you need to do more.  and often
21:46.47[TK]D-FenderKatty: At the peak in my martial arts class we hit over 300 in 1.5 hour class
21:46.56[TK]D-FenderKatty: and that was MIXED with our training
21:47.05Katty[TK]D-Fender: that's nice, but you're also a male.
21:47.25Katty[TK]D-Fender: but i suppose i could do girly pushups every day
21:47.32plundraPretty sure 300 pushups at once isn't something ALL males do... :-P
21:47.40[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yes, but understand that it was murderous, and got a w2orkout every time...
21:47.51Kattyplundra: all males that want to, for the most part, can
21:47.57Kattyplundra: just takes awhile
21:47.59[TK]D-FenderKatty: just work at them.  REALLY work.  There isn't a short-cut
21:48.23Katty[TK]D-Fender: no i fully expect to be jello when done
21:48.25Katty[TK]D-Fender: and shaking
21:48.38Katty[TK]D-Fender: but it's frustrating that i can't even hit 15
21:48.41Qwelljello is a bad thing to be after working out
21:48.46Qwellis jello
21:48.53KattyQwell: omnomnom
21:49.43[TK]D-FenderKatty: feel free to consdier your room for improvement.  Let that be your exercise and your metric.
21:51.18*** join/#asterisk korcan_ (
21:56.49citywokWith * email option turned on and save emails turned off, i'm assuming if for some reason the email doesn't get delivered you'r just toast?
21:57.51*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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22:20.41solif girls do too many pushups
22:20.44soltheir breasts turn into pex.
22:21.06solalso, pecs sometimes.
22:23.05solthose kinds of women are equally intimidating to men
22:23.08solalso, equally attractive.
22:23.17sol(as other men)
22:26.14*** join/#asterisk ChUbB (
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22:41.33dshapI have an Asterisk box that's connected to the internet and is registered to a SIP trunking provider for making calls to the PSTN.  Does anyone have any idea how I might be able to submit "GSM Requests" through Asterisk?  If you have a mobile phone on the GSM network, you can dial special codes which get submitted somewhere and then some information comes back.  Is there any way to submit these requests without the mobile phone itself?
22:44.31Qwellrequests such as?
22:48.53Kobazbooty calls perhaps
22:48.57*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
22:49.12Qwellparses and reparses the question
22:49.33QwellKobaz: I can't disprove your theory.
22:50.53Kobazdshap: any further details on these "gsm requests?
22:50.56p3nguinAlright, qwell, the game used to be fun when you did it to the first 100 people... now stop pretending like you don't know what GSM requests are and tell the guy how to submit them.
22:51.27[TK]D-Fenderdshap: How do you make "GSM requests" from a regular analog phone?
22:51.30beardyThey are requests such as account balance, if on pre-paid card, for instance.
22:51.41Qwellbeardy: So, your providers account webpage?
22:51.56Qwell(I was fishing)
22:52.22dshapKobaz: hm not really.  basically i'm trying to build this phone-powered service and it requires that i have the voicemail backdoor number of the user.  instead of asking a relatively non-tech-savvy user to dial the code on their phone and retrieve the number, i'd like to send the request on their behalf (using the caller ID field) and get the number for them
22:52.41dshap[TK]D-Fender: don't know of a way - i just know how to do it from a GSM mobile phone
22:52.48Qwelldshap: No, there's no way for you to do that.
22:52.59dshapQwell: darn
22:53.11Qwelldshap: Look at how google voice does it.  They just say "Dial this.  Done."
22:53.31Qwell(though, I think their instructions actually change their voicemail, which is probably not what you want.)
22:53.48beardyThere's always a way. But it'd be very phone model specific.
22:53.59dshapQwell: I'm trying to figure out how GotVoice ( is able to pull of their "Silent Delivery" service (
22:54.23dshapthey used to have a demo up there (not anymore), you could put in a phone number for any mobile carrier and they'd be able to deliver a voicemail to your voice mailbox without calling your phone
22:54.43dshapand i'm pretty sure they weren't making 2 simultaneous calls (like SlyDial presumably does)
22:54.46Qwellthey take advantage of a flaw in many providers voicemail systems (which, mind you, isn't legal), and dial them with their own number.
22:55.05dshapwait, what?  what's not legal
22:55.15QwellMaking a call with a number you do not own.
22:55.24dshapcaller ID spoofing
22:55.38dshapwhat is the flaw in the voicemail system?
22:55.56dshapi'm intrigued
22:56.03Qwellthat it thinks if it receives a call from a subscribers phone number as the callerid, that it's the caller calling from his phone.
22:56.06p3nguinSpoofing's legality is open to interpretation.
22:56.09Qwelldshap: got a cellphone handy?
22:56.18Qwellcall your phone, from your phone.
22:56.36Kobazif you have voicemail security turned off... you will immediatly enter your voicemail
22:56.56Qwellthough looking at this, it may not actually use that method
22:57.09p3nguinThe newest act says that you cannot spoof with the intent to commit fraud by providing a number which is not yours for the purpose of withholding your real identity.
22:57.22Qwellmaybe though.  more likely, it probably has a list of numbers for common providers
22:57.24dshapQwell: just called my own phone and got a voicemail IVR, didn't hear an option to deliver a voicemail
22:57.37Qwelldshap: there is one if you don't log in
22:57.40Qwellusually O.o
22:57.54beardyIn the US, for some provider.
22:57.55dshapi didn't log in
22:58.05dshapalthough i didn't need to be logged in
22:58.23dshapit said press 1 to listen to messages, press X to...other options
22:58.23p3nguinIf you have rights to a number, I don't see a problem with using it as caller ID on another phone, e.g., my cell phone number as CID on my home phone system.
22:58.28*** join/#asterisk hipitihop (~denis@
22:58.33Qwellp3nguin: no, that's perfectly fine
22:58.57Qwelldshap: Then your voicemail is insecure. :)
22:59.01QwellSet a password.  Now.
22:59.08p3nguinBut using kobaz's number on my phone system to call qwell because I don't want qwell to know I am calling... that's illegal.
22:59.10*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
22:59.17dshapQwell: wait, so you think that if i had a voicemail password enabled, GotVoice wouldn't be able to silent-deliver me messages?
22:59.25Qwellno, it still would
22:59.40Qwelljust would :p
23:00.01*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
23:00.05dshapi'm lost here...i thought you suggested that GotVoice is calling my own number, FROM my own number, and is then somehow able to deliver a voicemail in my voice mailbox without calling my phone
23:00.23dshapbut i'm still stumped on how they'd be able to do that :(
23:00.31Qwellyes, if it's using that method, it should still be able to :p
23:00.48schmidtsin austria this wouldnt be illegal if you own the other number and gave your ok to this
23:00.57schmidtsatleast with a pstn number not a mobil one ;)
23:01.20*** join/#asterisk coppice (
23:01.23dshapQwell: you're saying you think there's some option in the menu (that you can access WITHOUT a password, all the time), to deliver a voicemail message?
23:01.38Qwellon t-mobile, yes.
23:01.57p3nguinIf I want to leave voicemail for someone silently, I usually call my own voicemail and wait on it to say "if you've entered the wrong mailbox number, re-enter the mailbox number now," then put in the actual one I wanted to call.
23:02.24dshapthat only works if the person you're trying to leave a voicemail for has their voice mailbox on your regional voicemail system
23:02.30dshapthere are hundreds of systems for each carrier
23:02.52dshapwait a minute i just got an idea !
23:03.14dshapmaybe if GotVoice calls my number (from my number), they redirected to the voicemail system
23:03.26dshapthey can somehow detect (with the headers?) where they're redirected to
23:03.30dshapand that's the backdoor number they call
23:03.33dshap(from a different number)
23:03.40dshapwhich lets them deliver messages?
23:03.44dshapwait no
23:03.57schmidtsiam not sure about t-mobile how the made it in usa but AFAIK you could also dial a 22 between the prefix and the number to directly enter the voicemail
23:04.21dshapschmidts: in the US?
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23:04.57schmidtsas i said iam not sure ;)
23:05.44dshapQwell: if you can help me out here i'd be forever grateful.  i've been trying to figure this out forever
23:05.50schmidtsin austria t-mobile just has the prefix 0676 followed by a 7 digit number and if you dial 067622xxxxxxx you will get directly to the voicemail of this number, but only to leave a message not the option menu
23:06.10dshapQwell: GotVoice definitely was able to silently deliver voicemails to people on verizon, at&t, sprint, and t-mobile (i tested all of them).  i've got to figure out how they're doing it
23:06.31dshapschmidts: if there was an equivalent in the US, i'd be set, but i don't think there is :(
23:07.02schmidtsdoes t-mobile have a country wide prefix or not?
23:08.21dshapschmidts: i dont know
23:08.31dshaphaven't been able to find anything on google that suggests they do
23:10.13schmidtsin germany 13 is the code to get directly to the mailbox but i didnt find it for us
23:11.13*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
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23:14.29dshapQwell: don't think they're doing the call-your-own-number trick :(  it doesnt always work
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23:56.41rift0rCan someone help me out, I have 1.4.x installed on a debian box and whenever I try to dial out via my sip trunk it tries to go out via a zap trunk which I dont have
23:57.00rift0rinternal calls work fine, and I have no zap trunk defined in sip.conf or extensions.conf
23:57.42rift0rthat's the error I get
23:58.05rift0rand when it dials out it tries to go to  "Zap/g2/+number"

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