IRC log for #asterisk on 20100904

00:41.51*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
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01:12.24*** join/#asterisk voip_troll (~les@
01:13.49voip_trollIs there any way for asterisk hairpin audio for 2 calls from/to PSTN (via SIP trunk)?  Currently a re-invite is happening, but I'd prefer Asterisk handles all the media.
01:19.27voip_trollWIMPy: Thanks - I had been setting it for the users but not the trunk.
01:25.06*** join/#asterisk fifer (~fifer@
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01:34.26*** join/#asterisk sweetpi (~sweetpi@unaffiliated/sweetpi)
01:40.28sweetpiWhat would it be called if I need someone to be able to call the asterisk box, enter a security code and phone number then have the asterisk box 3-way call the supplied phone number?
01:46.18p3nguinIf you call Asterisk and Asterisk calls another number, that's only a two-way call.  You could use DISA for that, but I'm sure it could be done just as easily with Authenticate(), Read() and Dial().
01:47.37WIMPycall through
01:49.53sweetpiyes call through. thank you
01:50.32sweetpip3nguin: I didnt know what to call it. there is only one line, so it needs to do it that way
01:51.02p3nguinOne line?  Like an analog phone line?
01:51.56p3nguinI think I understand why you said 3-way call, then.
01:52.19p3nguinAsterisk is actually a "phone" in the call.
01:53.02p3nguinNormally it would bridge the two other actual phones and not be a party in the call.
01:54.50sweetpiYes, I dont want asterisk to be part of the call, but I didnt know if that was possible with one analog line
01:55.22sweetpiIve never used asterisk before, do you think it is overkill for what im trying to do?
01:55.56p3nguinWhat's the point of it?
01:56.53p3nguinIt might be possible, but I wouldn't know how to configure it that way.  I don't see the purpose.  If you can make a call out to Asterisk, you could have just called the other person directly and not bothered with Asterisk at all.
01:57.43sweetpiTo let my friends kids be able to call their dad for free.
01:58.20sweetpiwithout me having to manually do it and be around when they want to call
01:58.44p3nguinOkay, that actually makes sense.
02:00.00sweetpiso call through is what I need to read about then?
02:00.27p3nguinHow are you connecting Asterisk to your phone line?
02:00.52p3nguinWhat type of interface/tech?
02:01.42sweetpiI was hoping I could just add a old modem to a box I have sitting around. or not?
02:01.53p3nguinNot likely.
02:02.45infobotrumour has it, modems is something you can not use as an fxo interface under asterisk.  See
02:03.09sweetpihmm. so even if it worked on linux it still might not work :/
02:05.37sweetpiyeah doesnt look promising. what kind of cost am I looking at for the cheapest supported card?
02:06.25p3nguinYou'd probably be better off buying an ATA that can deal with 3-way calling appropriately (assuming one exists).
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03:01.48sweetpip3nguin: I'm confused, it seems an ATA is to connect a phone or fax and go out on ethernet for sip?
03:02.26p3nguinSome ATAs have FXO ports for connecting to a phone line (wall jack).
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03:02.59p3nguinThe SPA-3102, for example, has both FXS and FXO ports.
03:03.36p3nguinI cannot remember what model number has only an FXO port.
03:04.55*** join/#asterisk crab (
03:06.43sweetpihow about this?
03:08.07p3nguinIt doesn't specifically say 3-way calling is supported.
03:11.01sweetpiI didnt expect anything to do it automatically, I figured I would have to set it up. Maybe I'm just being naive. I thought it should be fairly simple to make a 3-way call on the same line
03:12.27sweetpimaybe I should just make a minicom script :p
03:12.38p3nguinThe hardware will have to support making the 3-way call.
03:19.43*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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03:23.14crabcan someone comment on using IAX2 to connect two distant asterisk servers, one of which has a dynamic IP? is it a bad idea to even try, as i've been told?
03:25.54brookshirecrab: i don't think so... as long as the IAX2 server is static it should be fine
03:28.57crabbrookshire: what happens if a softphone on the server side tried to call an extension on the remote trunk side when the client's ip has changed?
03:30.00crabi mean, my local asterisk connects to the remote asterisk, but when someone tries to call me, my connection drops and my ip has changed. what happens before i re-establish the iax2 connection? some sort of "not reachable" signal?
03:30.31ChannelZdepends on your dialplan
03:30.55ChannelZThe actual device would be unreachable and show up as 'congestion' probably to the calling side
03:32.46craband once the iax2 peer reconnects, i assume retrying the call will just work.
03:33.25crabthanks. i guess the people who are insisting that a static ip is required on both ends are on crack.
03:33.43WIMPyYou could add openvpn to reduce the impact.
03:33.55brookshireor dynamics dns
03:34.31WIMPyWhat would that help?
03:34.39ChannelZthey're not on crack but you will have little service outages when IPs change depending on how often you re-register for instance
03:34.42brookshiremap to the hostname not the ip
03:34.52brookshireip changes, so does the dns entry ;)
03:35.45brookshireusually if your service is up, the ips don't change for a while.. unless the provider is just doing something funky
03:36.05WIMPyThe DNS change will probably take a lot longer than a register. Especially if you trigger it when neccessary.
03:36.20brookshiredepends on the timeout
03:37.02WIMPyI haven't tried on IAX however. But with SIP a asterisk -rx "sip reload" in your ip-up should do the trick. Probably wors with IAX as well.
03:37.48WIMPyOr (as I said) openvpn. That will even prevent active calls from clearing. You will just have a short(ish) drop out.
03:38.37brookshireand lots of overhead
03:39.41WIMPyYou can use it without encryption.
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08:14.51TobSnydercan yomeone tell me why an incoming DID is set to another DID?
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08:53.23doolittleworki think you are setting the cle ti the 4383 number
09:07.50*** join/#asterisk Diffen2 (
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10:48.35[sr]howdy people
10:50.12*** join/#asterisk Z_God (~julius@2001:888:141f:0:221:5dff:fe2a:6806)
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11:02.23*** join/#asterisk Xtratoz0rz (
11:04.27Xtratoz0rzI wonder if anyone can help me? Im very new to using Asterisk and im trying to make an outbound call using IAX however is does not work. It says that it regected connect attempt with requested/capability 0xc/0xc incompatible with our capability 0xe703
11:05.08Xtratoz0rzI have been searching the net for a fix for a problem and i think its to do with the codecs.. but cant figure out how to fix it
11:13.26*** join/#asterisk coppice (
11:18.28odenkos_ntbkXtratoz0rz: never used IAX, but you could try changing your preference of codecs on your local peer settings if you think that it's cause is codec incompatibility..
11:21.40Xtratoz0rzI tried adding disallow=all and allow=gsm to the iax.conf but it brings up the same error
11:22.00Xtratoz0rzi have tried a few diffrent codecs but allways the same problem
11:22.09Guggedid you try allow=all ?
11:22.21Xtratoz0rzyea i tried allow=all also
11:23.40odenkos_lunchXtratoz0rz: then that's not a codec issue I think
11:24.23Xtratoz0rzthe exact error is
11:36.25*** join/#asterisk freckle (~viperdude@
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13:26.22tuxxieHow can I isolate a call in the cli when there are alot of calls bein processed?
13:29.54coredumbHi where can i find some complex IVR examples?
13:30.23*** join/#asterisk Hounddog (~IceChat7@
13:31.02Hounddoghi, i installed asterisk and am trying to connect my softphone... now i was just checking with netstat and i do not see that asterisk is listening anywhere on port 5060 for the extensions
13:37.20drmessanonetstat -ln | grep 5060
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13:37.47Hounddogforget it... me idiot forgot to take the proxy out of the softphone...
13:39.24drmessanoRegardless, netstat isn't going to show the UDP ports with your query
13:39.37drmessano5060 UDP is what you would be looking for..
13:40.27freckleanyone been using skype for asterisk around on here?
13:41.51Hounddogahh ok
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13:42.02tuxxieHow can I isolate a call in the cli when there are alot of calls being processed?
13:42.59freckletuxxie: depends on how you can identify the call, i set verbose to 0 and then do a show channels and scroll till i find it
13:44.24tuxxiefreckle, I am looking for more of a call trace to see here the call dies
13:45.05freckledo you want to see the SIP trace of the CLI output?
13:45.53tuxxiecli out put
13:47.39tuxxiewell and the sip
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13:49.18frecklethe sip is what will tell you more IMHO... for that i use ngrep
13:49.33frecklesomething like....
13:49.56frecklengrep -tq -W byline 504@ port 5060
13:50.11frecklewhere 504 is the extension you want to monitor
13:52.02*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
14:02.32drmessanofreckle:  I've been using SFA
14:03.11coppiceSFA == nothing
14:03.17freckledrmessano: what's that?
14:03.39freckleduh, Skyke For Asterisk
14:03.42drmessanoDidn't you ask ...
14:03.49freckleyes, sorry
14:04.24freckleso how are you managing to dial Skype users which are alpha/numeric usernames?
14:04.54drmessanoI setup numeric extensions to dial specific users
14:05.05frecklelike shortcodes
14:06.19frecklei was thinking of a simple database with a numeric code for each skype user, then a click to dial setup...
14:06.27drmessanoNot really.. No different than you handle SIP, IAX, etc now
14:06.30freckleneeds to be easy for co-workers to use
14:06.53drmessanoIs every extenion not just referencing a SIP/IAX2/ETC user?  Same deal
14:07.26frecklei want a user on the office system to be able to dial myskypeid
14:07.41drmessanoYes, we established that
14:08.18freckleso as they can only dial numeric I thought of using agi to translate a number to a skype id
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14:09.16Guggefreckle: if its a small number of skype id's, why not just an extension for each, just like for each sip device?
14:09.36freckleit could run to 1000's of skype id's
14:09.42Guggeso can sip devices
14:10.12frecklebut with a db and agi you dont need to reload the system all the time
14:10.30Guggeyou dont need to reload the system to change the dialplan
14:10.36Guggeyou only need to reload the dialplan
14:10.43freckleGugge: exactly
14:10.50drmessanoSo rather than having 1001 dial BigRoger123, they're gonna dial 24476437123 ?
14:11.32freckledrmessano: nope they will dial a 4 digit shortcode or look the user up on the intranet and click to dial
14:12.53drmessanoand exten => 1001,1,Dial(Skype/BigRoger123) is not acceptable?
14:13.22frecklewh have a massive dialplan when you can acheive the same thing with a AGI?
14:14.13drmessanoWhy waste resources with AGI when you can just put it all in the dialplan?
14:14.45*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
14:14.50freckleI have never had a resource problem with AGI
14:15.12frecklearound 8 million calls a year and it just works great
14:15.13Guggewhy said anything about resource problems ?
14:15.17drmessanoYou mean it doesn't use any resources?
14:15.31frecklewhat resource then?
14:15.55Guggeits gonna use more resources
14:15.58Guggeno doubt about it
14:16.03Guggeif its gonna be a problem, likely not
14:16.26odenkos_ntbkhey all, do you think it is usefull to read the SIP RFC?
14:16.32Guggebut why not just use odbc to lookup directly from the dialplan?
14:16.42Guggeand skipping the AGI stuff
14:17.03drmessanofreckle:  EXECUTION of ANY command uses some sort of resource in a system.  AGI is going to cost you more than something executed from the loaded dialplan, no doubt
14:17.08freckleit's a trade-off between the server resource (minimal) compared to human resource to manager dialplan
14:17.08Guggeodenkos_ntbk: that really depends on what you need :)
14:17.25odenkos_ntbkGugge: common knowledge :)
14:17.28freckleodbc = yuck
14:17.38Guggeodenkos_ntbk: then reading anything is usefull :)
14:17.55Guggefreckle: then use MYSQL() if its a mysql db, or whatever else you use :)
14:17.59odenkos_ntbkGugge: I'm trying to make a SIP client almost from scratch..
14:18.07Guggeodenkos_ntbk: then read the RFC :)
14:18.28freckleGugge: I am, I was justing seeing if any alternative... but heard non better
14:18.28odenkos_ntbkGugge: getting ready to :)
14:19.01Guggefreckle: you could dial the skype id directly like 999-skypeid, from the phones (my snom phones can dial letters)
14:19.15Guggeand make a 999. extension that dials the skypeid
14:19.25freckleGugge: my users are not that savvy, or care about dialling like that
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14:19.30drmessanofreckle:  You said you were going to use AGI, not MYSQL()
14:19.50frecklethe AGI script calls a MySQL query
14:20.03Guggeyou can call the query directly from the dialplan with MYSQL() :)
14:20.12drmessanoRather than having Asterisk do it natively?  OK
14:20.23freckleyes but I can do other stuff if I call an external script
14:20.39Guggei havent needed to do anything i couldnt do in the dialplan yet :P
14:20.44frecklelike deciding who is allowed to dial skype etc
14:21.10Guggebut sure, if you know the scripting language better than the dialplan language, go for it
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14:22.02frecklewell for instance deciding on the call time based on a tariff lookup and prepaid balance
14:22.28Guggewhich is all stuff you can lookup from the dialplan too
14:22.35drmessanoWouldn't that just be multiple MYSQL() queries from the dialplan?
14:22.50Guggeor one query, with a couple of joins :)
14:23.12freckleprobably but I can develop a script tonnes faster... horses for courses I guess
14:23.37Guggeas long as you know its gonna require more resources, go for it
14:23.49Guggemost servers has way to much power anyway :)
14:24.09freckleGugge: it has never been a problem before in 5 years of offering a commerical ITSP service.
14:24.22drmessanoNobody said anything about a "problem"
14:24.44freckleif it's not a concern why mention it?
14:25.32drmessanoIt's a problem when resources are exhausted.. the fact that it's going to cost MORE resources to execute the AGI than via Dialplan doesn't address whether or not it becomes the point of "problem".. that's pretty much up to how your system scales
14:26.04frecklein my case it is not a concern
14:27.43drmessanoIf someone tells you carrying an elephant in your truck is going to use more gas, telling them "Ive never run out of gas" is almost as useless as telling them what color underwear you're wearing
14:27.51freckletaking the SIP registration off asterisk saves the most resource
14:30.03bougymanif you take all the phone traffic routing off asterisk it would use even less.
14:31.02frecklebougyman: I have Kamailio does that for me
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14:43.14bougymani only toyed with kamailio a bit, in the end we decided to write all our routing and config in ruby, where we were comfortable and most competent.
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14:44.07frecklebougyman: if it works for you cool
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15:06.15odenkos_ntbkas I am reading the RFC I wonder.. if I unregister a sip peer, and set it to not register to *, and then I call something like exten@asteriskserver, then that call is treated by * as an anonymous call, if I get it correctly?
15:06.35russellbmaybe.  :-)
15:06.51russellbthe registration doesn't really have anything to do with it
15:07.26russellbwhether you're registered or not, each call will be authenticated if it matches a peer entry that has a password
15:08.00odenkos_ntbkrussellb: yeah I read that the registration is only used for incoming calls..
15:09.06odenkos_ntbkso if someone has a peer named exactly like one of asterisk's peers and calls my * server it will not be treated as anonymous? (if i set host=dynamic in the peer ofcourse)
15:10.11russellbdepends how you configure it ...
15:10.20russellbif it's type=friend ... probably
15:10.27russellbtype=peer, then no
15:11.06[TK]D-Fender[11:08]<odenkos_ntbk>russellb: yeah I read that the registration is only used for incoming calls.. <- With * yes.  Some other servers use this as a way to firewall un-authed calls
15:11.40[TK]D-Fenderodenkos_ntbk: as in if 1 places stays reg'd it will refuse other reg's within a timeout period, and calls, etc
15:11.52russellb[TK]D-Fender: you need threaded IRC
15:11.57[TK]D-Fenderodenkos_ntbk: and every call is authed with *
15:12.15odenkos_ntbkok, thanks russellb and [TK]D-Fender :)
15:12.30odenkos_ntbkI'll go and read on..
15:13.24[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Basket-weave :)
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15:28.08rue_houseso, compared to an 80Kbit isdn stream, why is there so much latency in 100mbit voip to cuase so many echo problems?
15:28.35rue_housecause none of the key'd digital 80kbit isdn systems have echo problems
15:31.31rue_houseits not conversion time, the isdn systems have to do convrsion
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15:34.38[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: 80kbit says NOTHING about latency. that is a straight-line path to the digital interface.
15:34.43[TK]D-Fenderrue_house: rather
15:35.11[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Already corrected, you may re-adjust your panties now :p
15:35.16rue_houseyes, but you would think at 100mbits, you could atleast match the latency of a 80kbit system
15:35.24[TK]D-Fenderrue_house: Local LAN?
15:35.41[TK]D-Fenderrue_house: And what are you using as your measurement for "latency"?
15:35.43rue_houseno routers
15:35.52[TK]D-Fenderrue_house: And VoIP doesn't HAVE echo
15:35.52rue_houseI'm basing this on echo
15:36.00rue_houseyes, the conversion does
15:36.14rue_housebut none of the keyd isdn systems have that problem
15:36.14[TK]D-Fenderrue_house: Echo happens at the TDM>VoIP interface level
15:36.21Greek-Boy[TK]D-Fender: Still no ops after all these years?
15:36.25Greek-Boytsk tsk
15:36.32[TK]D-Fenderrue_house: The "conversion" is within a device.
15:36.48[TK]D-Fenderrue_house: There isn't a LAN between the two
15:36.53[TK]D-Fenderrue_house: it is one box.
15:37.09[TK]D-Fenderrue_house: And all EC is not made equal
15:37.20[TK]D-Fenderrue_house: Nor are all conditions
15:37.22rue_housethe isdn has NO echo canceling
15:37.34rue_housesay like a nortel 616
15:37.48rue_housepots->isdn no echo
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15:38.05[TK]D-Fenderrue_house: Digitial systems do handset EC at the PBX level for those handsets.
15:38.16rue_houseif I understand you right, your saying the echo is caused by a bad pots interface
15:38.19[TK]D-Fenderrue_house: Built in
15:38.33infobotsomebody said echo was an issue which can be best fixed using this link:, or fixed with fxotune:, or best fixed by troubleshooting your pci bus:
15:38.57rue_housethere isn't echo canceling in those systems tho, its ulaw timeslice conversions
15:39.06[TK]D-Fenderrue_house: Used to be a good link showing how impedence matching, etc plays into things.
15:39.30[TK]D-Fenderrue_house: ANY 2-wire to 4-wire conversion needs this
15:39.54rue_housethen shy dosn't a 616 have it
15:40.11[TK]D-Fenderrue_house: Its built into the interfaces.
15:40.18[TK]D-Fenderrue_house: it isn't an "option"
15:40.20rue_houseits not
15:40.24rue_houseits not there
15:41.03rue_housea 616 set and ksu dosn't have any echo canceling in it, it dosn't ahve the problem in the first place, by which if thats what you mean
15:41.28rue_housethe isdn system has as much echo canceling as a pots set
15:42.23rue_housethe high point being the speakerphone muting in speakerphone mode
15:43.03rue_houseyou can take two isdn system reciever and back to back them and they will squeel like a pig
15:43.05[TK]D-Fenderruethat is AEC, not far-side ECno
15:43.30rue_houseyea, thats my point
15:48.53rue_houseI wonder what the prop delay IS on an isdn system
15:49.46rue_house(when I say echo, I do mean the uses perception of it)
15:50.44rue_housewhat makes it all worse is that users start shouting into voip phones when they start sensing echo
15:51.03rue_housethe isdn systems are all fixed gain
15:51.39rue_housewhich is a challange with voip, there is no way to even monitor the rtp levels on a voip call
15:51.52*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
15:52.12rue_houseyou have a audio line with gain controls on both ends, and a distortion box in the middle
15:53.17rue_houseI think part of the key may be that voip systems do linear analog->digital conversion, and THEN convert it to ulaw
15:53.29rue_houseisdn systems use ulaw adc/dac's
15:54.36rue_housebut I cant prove that as I dont have info on a 'voip' pots card
15:56.54rue_housedont most voip sets have an adjustable packet timeslice setting?
15:58.28rue_houseI think with an isdn system, your prolly only a few samples between encoded and decoded, and thats at 2Khz samples
16:04.43rue_housebefore I try to write a rtp stream level monitor, is there one out there? (there wasn't last I looked)
16:05.46*** join/#asterisk crazybyte (~crzp@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
16:07.49[TK]D-Fender[11:53]<rue_house>I think part of the key may be that voip systems do linear analog->digital conversion, and THEN convert it to ulaw <- ULAW = digital.
16:08.11[TK]D-Fenderrue_house: Anything else is a codec conversion which has nothing to do with echo, etc.  This IS the source
16:08.45[TK]D-Fender[11:54]<rue_house>but I cant prove that as I dont have info on a 'voip' pots card <- You have one already
16:10.19*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
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16:35.44DelphiWorldi am calling through sip
16:35.49DelphiWorldfrom sip to asrterisk
16:35.55DelphiWorldand then go out through iax
16:35.57DelphiWorldbut no audio
16:36.02DelphiWorldwhat could by the problem
16:36.10DelphiWorlddoe asterisk iax2 need rtp ports?
16:37.05*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (~Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
16:37.16rue_house[TK]D-Fender, there is a difference in linear adc and then recoding to ulaw as opposed to a ulaw adc
16:39.18p3nguindelphiworld: Check your NAT stuff on the SIP calls.
16:39.33DelphiWorldp3nguin: local, no nat
16:42.05DelphiWorldp3nguin: iax is remote but sip is local
16:43.47p3nguinIAX2 usually passes NAT without issue, so I wouldn't concentrate my energy on the IAX2 side of things.  I would be trying to troubleshoot both sides independently.
16:43.55DelphiWorldp3nguin: evean betwan iax & sip users no audio
16:45.09*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
16:46.45ruben23hi guys
16:51.04DelphiWorldany help?
16:55.01p3nguinI gave you something to do, but you haven't completed it yet.
16:56.55DelphiWorldp3nguin: what something? repit it?
16:57.50p3nguin"I would be trying to troubleshoot both sides independently."
17:15.05*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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18:11.48jamko     ..... this an example of a sip.conf that I am trying to get into realtime static.  I am stumped on the correct values for "category" in the authentication section of sip.conf... Does each UA entry become it's own "category" or does every UA fall under the "Authentication" category?
18:11.58*** part/#asterisk voip_troll (~les@
18:12.26p3nguinMaybe its own category.
18:12.58jamkolines 85-88 are the most relevant to my question.
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18:19.09jamkoYea most likely... which would mean authentication would be a one time category with no var_name or var_val .. I guess I will just have to try it.
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18:41.49Hounddoghi, i have a problem with my asterisk... i registered an extension but whenever i trie to call outside i just get this error....  WARNING[1493]: chan_sip.c:12334 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden" from '"station 100" <sip:0000000000@>;tag=as7563cc8e'
18:42.08Hounddogi currently have no idea how and where this can happen
18:43.35Hounddogif someone could help on this i would really appreciate it
18:44.05Hounddogthis is running on a ubuntu server scratch installation with asterisk 1.4
18:48.34*** join/#asterisk lhz (
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18:52.36*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (~Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
18:58.57ChannelZwell we need to see the sip peer from sip.conf first of all
18:59.19HounddogChannelZ sure :)
18:59.40Hounddogthis is the sip.conf
19:02.24ChannelZand what are you dialing, which peer is it - would help to see the complete verbose console output
19:02.42Hounddogyou want the sip debug?
19:03.58ChannelZmaybe but just the console with some verbose turned on (3 or 4) is a start.  We have no idea what you dialed, what you dialed it from, etc.
19:04.27ChannelZI'm assuming at least it came from '400' since it's the only thing in your config
19:04.38Hounddogverbose 3or 4 would be the asterisk -vvvvvvg ?
19:05.11ChannelZyeah or 'core set verbose 4'
19:05.40ChannelZbtw remove the quotes from your callerid string in sip.conf
19:05.40Hounddogahh ok :)
19:05.42Hounddogone sec
19:08.57ChannelZwho is SIP/testcarrier ? that wasn't in your config
19:09.13Hounddogoh sorry... there is another config
19:09.16ChannelZit's coming from whatever that is though
19:09.49*** join/#asterisk m0t3jl (~petr.mote@
19:10.40Hounddogthis is vicidial config... just realised that the carrier is there
19:11.00Hounddogi was thinking this is an asterisk problem maybee
19:11.11Hounddogi compiled everything from scratch...
19:11.23ChannelZwell RE: it's them sending back the 'forbidden' so you'd have to ask them why.
19:11.41Hounddogyou mean vicidial?
19:12.08Hounddogso it is no error or anything in asterisk you think
19:13.09ChannelZwell it could be a configuration error on your end, but the rejection is coming from them
19:14.00Hounddogthis could be a tough one
19:14.38Hounddogi will just check something
19:15.36ChannelZnext you can look at sip debug and see specifically what it's returning
19:16.10Hounddogwill do that...
19:16.17ChannelZit might not like your auth - they might be looking at your callerID number for the DID and not getting it
19:16.22Hounddogi am just copying my sip conf from one server to this one...
19:16.34Hounddogon the other server it is working
19:17.27*** join/#asterisk dailylinux (
19:18.42Hounddogdifferent error at least lol
19:25.53*** join/#asterisk Dovid (Dovid@
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20:17.18HounddogChannelZ i have changed some things but now i get this... maybee you know about that... dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
20:22.27DovidAsterisk can't get to the SIP Device
20:22.32Dovidprob. not registered
20:24.14Hounddogyou mean to the xlite softphone
20:24.31Hounddogi'l just check if it is registered
20:26.03Hounddogcan i see which phone is currently registered?
20:26.05*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
20:27.03HounddogDovid in sip show subscriptions it is showing nothing
20:27.13Hounddogi guess that could be it or?
20:28.33*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
20:29.49HounddogDovid is registered
20:33.51[TK]D-Fendervoip_troll: Hounddog Where is the complete failed call + CLI dump for that device as well as "sip show peers" to match
20:34.35Hounddogone sec
20:35.11Hounddogsip show peers
20:35.59Hounddogcli dump
20:36.04Hounddoggetting the sip debug
20:37.03Hounddog[TK]D-Fender :)
20:38.01Hounddogi'l get also the configs if required
20:39.22[TK]D-Fender[Sep  5 02:06:14]     -- Executing [0012023267300@default:2] Dial("SIP/cc100-08f2bd98", "SIP/abhas/0012023267300") in new stack
20:39.24[TK]D-Fender[Sep  5 02:06:14] WARNING[9825]: app_dial.c:1183 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 3 - No route to destination)
20:39.31[TK]D-Fenderabhas is not reachable, this isn't your PHONE.
20:39.49[TK]D-FenderHounddog: You showed up cc100.  That isn't what gave the error
20:40.15[TK]D-Fenderabhas/51037                (Unspecified)    D   N      0        UNKNOWN <-----------------------
20:40.25[TK]D-FenderHounddog: No way to get to abhas
20:41.14[TK]D-Fender[16:24]<Hounddog>you mean to the xlite softphone <- no he didn't   He meant whatever you CALLED which was clearly not the phone PLACING the call
20:41.34Hounddogthe phone placing the call is the cc100 extension
20:41.38Hounddog1 sec
20:41.58[TK]D-FenderHounddog: I know that.  THAT is fine.  The peer you are CALLING is not.
20:42.13Hounddogahh ok
20:42.50Hounddogwhich means something in my config is screwed
20:44.42[TK]D-FenderHounddog: Nothing tells me that.
20:45.43Hounddogi am confused
20:46.25*** join/#asterisk ahowlader (howlader@
20:46.42[TK]D-FenderHounddog: you never suitably describe WHAT "abhas" is and how you SHOULD be interacting with.  So why should I think your configs are wrong?
20:47.05Hounddogabhas is the carrier information
20:47.24*** join/#asterisk Deathvalley122 (~Death@unaffiliated/deathvalley122)
20:48.03[TK]D-FenderHounddog: The only reason * wouldn't have an IP is because you didn't set a fixed HOST for it which is what you do normally.  Providers are fixed
20:48.18[TK]D-FenderHounddog: your PHONE are usually mobile (dynamic)
20:49.20Hounddogthis is abhas currently
20:50.54[TK]D-FenderHounddog: You have 2 HOST LINE in there
20:51.05[TK]D-FenderHounddog: You set it up top and screwed yourself a few lines lower
20:51.35Hounddogi see what you mean
20:51.42Hounddoghost dynamic...
20:51.46Hounddogone sec lol
20:53.06Hounddog[TK]D-Fender YOU SAVED MY DAY
20:53.19Hounddog[TK]D-Fender can i donate some money to you? honestly...
20:53.36Hounddogand btw... to make you feel sad... i was paying someone to set it up :(
20:53.38[TK]D-FenderHounddog: Always welcome
20:54.21*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Delphi@
20:54.28DelphiWorldp3nguin: :P
20:54.46DelphiWorldp3nguin: i just back
20:54.53p3nguinSolved the issues?
20:54.59*** join/#asterisk Math (~mrene@freeswitch/developer/Math)
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20:57.39DelphiWorldp3nguin: still bothring myself
20:57.46DelphiWorldp3nguin: at least you know i am freeswitch fan
20:57.58p3nguinI did not know that before.
20:58.57DelphiWorldp3nguin: ;)
21:14.21DelphiWorldp3nguin: please could you pastebin original sip.conf & extension.conf?
21:14.36*** join/#asterisk netmax (
21:15.14p3nguinI don't know what you mean.
21:15.25DelphiWorldp3nguin: original sip.conf (unmodified)
21:15.32p3nguinI don't know what that is.
21:15.48p3nguinAre you talking about the samples that come with asterisk?
21:15.49DelphiWorldp3nguin: 1.4*
21:15.57DelphiWorldp3nguin: yes
21:16.03p3nguinThere are no "default" config files.
21:16.21p3nguinI can look for the samples for you, though.
21:16.43DelphiWorldyes, please, p3nguin;)
21:17.25[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: Why don't YOU go look at the samples?
21:17.31[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: Go download them
21:17.44DelphiWorldp3nguin: i didn't know it, URL please?
21:18.25*** join/#asterisk crazybyte (~crzp@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
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21:20.24schreiber1337Can anyone help me understand where "myprovider-out" comes from in the following line?
21:20.32schreiber1337exten => s,n,Set(PEERCHECK1=myprovider-out)  ; SIP peer name as defined in sip.conf
21:20.52p3nguinThat's the peer name, as defined in sip.conf.
21:21.32schreiber1337So, if I should replace that with the extension number that I want to check?
21:21.37[TK]D-Fenderschreiber1337: It doesn't come from anywhere, you are setting a variable to hold that name.
21:21.48[TK]D-Fenderschreiber1337: that line doesn't CHECK anything
21:22.08[TK]D-Fenderschreiber1337: You are setting a variable and we have no idea what you are doing with it after
21:22.14p3nguinExtension numbers have little to do with peer names.
21:24.00schreiber1337If trying to create a macro to check the status of a SIP Peer prior to paging over it's speaker...  having a hard time determining the best way to check a phones status... any suggestions.
21:24.29p3nguinover it is speaker, hmm...
21:25.08p3nguindelphiworld: pastebinit has failed me, so I can't paste the sample file.
21:25.11jamkoDoes realtime allow for asterisk to share registrations across multiple boxes?
21:25.26DelphiWorldlol p3nguin
21:25.55p3nguin[rob@asterisk ~]$ pastebinit -i /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf.default
21:26.01p3nguinNO URL !
21:26.12[TK]D-Fenderschreiber1337: We has NO idea what you coded.  That 1 line setting a varibale means absolutely nothing to us.
21:26.19p3nguinI never had this problem before. must have changed their stuff again.
21:26.33schreiber1337OK.. .let me pastbin my macro
21:26.39[TK]D-Fenderschreiber1337: You have not shown your code, or pointed out where things went wrong
21:32.07DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: any URL?
21:32.27[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: <--
21:37.36schreiber1337[TK]D-Fender:      Does this look like I'm at least on the right track?
21:39.03[TK]D-Fenderschreiber1337: Dependsing how you call that... yes I guess
21:39.11[TK]D-Fenderheads off for a while
21:39.49*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@2001:470:1f15:d79:225:ff:fe44:74ec)
21:40.41DelphiWorldp3nguin: exten => 883.,1,Dial(IAX2/mixvoip/${EXTEN})
21:40.43DelphiWorldthis ext is good?
21:41.15p3nguinnot quite.
21:41.17*** join/#asterisk ccesario_ (~ccesario@
21:41.38p3nguinMake it _883. or lose the .
21:41.46*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@2001:470:1f15:d79:225:ff:fe44:74ec)
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21:49.06DelphiWorldhow do i use echo app?
21:49.41fenrusexten => 1234,1,Echo()
21:49.43DelphiWorldp3nguin: exten => _555.,2,Echo()
21:49.47DelphiWorldp3nguin: good?
21:50.06p3nguinIt could work.
21:50.17fenrusisnt it good practice to use "n" instead of numeric ordering ?
21:50.38p3nguinyes, it is.
21:51.35DelphiWorlddidn't work
21:51.47fenruswhat happens ?
21:51.56p3nguinOf course it didn't work.  You dialed 555 thinking it would match that pattern.
21:52.14p3nguin555 does not match that.
21:52.29p3nguin5550 does.  5551 does.  Et cetera.
21:52.32DelphiWorldp3nguin: is faling back to my trunk
21:53.03DelphiWorldi forgot answer
21:53.21p3nguinNo, you forgot to call a number that matched.
21:54.31DelphiWorldlol, p3nguin! no application echo!
21:54.49p3nguinYou don't have Echo() ?
21:55.37DelphiWorldp3nguin: note, this is not IBM server, but asterisk in openwrt
21:55.41DelphiWorldthis is mini asterisk
21:55.50p3nguinMaybe you left it out?
21:56.06DelphiWorldp3nguin: not me but the package
21:58.02DelphiWorldp3nguin: how do i dial through sip?
21:58.48DelphiWorldp3nguin: no, sip urp
21:59.22p3nguinDial(extension@peer) or Dial(extension@peer.peerdomain.tld)
22:00.17schreiber1337Anyone have a method for checking to see if an extension is in use?
22:00.32p3nguinExtenSpy() or hints
22:01.36schreiber1337I tried Hints... doesnt' seem to exist in the latest * ...
22:02.03p3nguinI'd be pretty surprised if it doesn't.
22:02.28p3nguinThat would be almost like leaving out sip in the latest *
22:03.29schreiber1337Well maybe I mis spoke... this is what I get.... " There are no registered dialplan hints"
22:04.14schreiber1337Do I need to define something...somewhere to use hints
22:04.22*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
22:05.17DelphiWorldhow do i cleare my sip registration?
22:06.56*** join/#asterisk Diffen2 (
22:09.03DelphiWorldhow do i turn up sip traces?
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22:22.49DelphiWorldp3nguin: working right now
22:25.00DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: success!
22:32.02DelphiWorldhow do i set dtmf type?
22:32.09DelphiWorlddoe iax2 support rfc2833?
22:32.43p3nguinI don't think iax2 has more than one mode.
22:32.59*** join/#asterisk b0gatyr (
22:33.35DelphiWorldp3nguin: so what mode is pocible?
22:33.52p3nguinthe only mode.  It is not changeable.
22:34.32DelphiWorldcould by sip only?
22:34.55p3nguinIn sip, you can change the mode with dtmfmode.
22:35.29schreiber1337p3nguin: Thank you so much!  I've been screwing around with different methods for hours now trying to make this work...
22:36.22DelphiWorldp3nguin: but dtmf cross iax2 & sip not working
22:43.42DelphiWorldany idea?
22:45.14p3nguinWhen things don't appear obvious, I prefer not to guess.
23:26.33DelphiWorldp3nguin: i think my dtmf issus will get fixed up on phone reboot
23:26.42DelphiWorldp3nguin: my phone was using inband audio
23:26.47DelphiWorldswitching it to rfc2833
23:28.06DelphiWorldp3nguin: worked!
23:38.54DelphiWorldhow do i answer in early_media?
23:41.01DelphiWorldcould someone recomand a voip provider that provide iax trunking
23:49.41p3nguinThat's who I use, anyway.
23:49.51*** join/#asterisk moy_ (
23:54.01p3nguinAre you in the US wanting to make most of your calls within the US?

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