IRC log for #asterisk on 20100823

00:00.06rue_mohrCIF is just res. 252x388 I think
00:00.19[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: And that is how much bw?
00:00.37rue_mohrthey say its 24mbytes
00:01.11Guggeso you need a connection faster than 200Mbit ?
00:01.20[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: "they say" sounds like "I'm not looking and they are calling me on it and ar fucking with me".
00:01.22rue_mohrthats what they tell me
00:01.38rue_mohrno I fought with them over it for 2.5 weeks
00:02.18rue_mohraccording to them, it takes 200mbits and a 2Ghz+ processor
00:02.22rue_mohrto stream a webcam
00:02.25[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Fought with people?  Pardon.
00:02.33rue_mohr<rue_mohr> #videolan #mplayer, and #gstreamer
00:02.39[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: FUCK THEM
00:02.52[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: YOU aren't loking and they are fucking with you
00:03.00rue_mohrunfortunatly, their the only video codec people on irc
00:03.06Guggerue_mohr: yep, it takes 200Mbit and a 2Ghz processor to stream a webcam .. thats why you can buy cheap wireless webcams :P
00:03.25[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: We do video in here too you know...
00:03.39[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Asterisk has CODECS for that shit.
00:03.47rue_mohryes, but you do all hate me now
00:03.49[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Perhaps you should have read some of the big print.
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00:04.15rue_mohrwell, I was searching for it from terms of video, not asterisk
00:04.24rue_mohrvoip protocols are good at realtime
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00:04.52[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: and guess what , CODECS are VIDEO TERMS.  The fact asterisk can USE them is no excusse not to use it as a REFERENCE for things to LOOK FOR
00:05.27rue_mohryou can talk softly I shouted to 3 channels about it for 3 weeks
00:05.42[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: You have communication issues.  I'm quite aware.
00:05.49[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: "H.263 lets users scale bandwidth usage and can achieve full-motion video (30 frames per second) at speeds as low as 128K bit/sec. With its flexibility and bandwidth and storage savings, H.263 has a low total cost of ownership and provides a quick return on investment."
00:06.24rue_mohrI better tell them
00:06.37[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Quote I got in a 10 SECOND search.  Sure as shit doesn't sound like I need 5 MEGABIT
00:06.52[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: The fact you couldn't pull this up yourself is disturbing.
00:07.13rue_mohrI didn't have the term H.263 to search for
00:07.14[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Pick a codec.  "+ bandwidth" in a Google search
00:07.35[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: "streaming video" is generic shit.  It can mean ANYTHING
00:07.46rue_mohrI was looking for things like mjpeg, mpeg, rtsp, webcam stream
00:08.10[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: None of those imply a fixed amount
00:08.27[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Webcams come in a different specs and have nothing to do with the FORMAT.
00:08.29rue_mohrI dont know if its the way I read you, but over the past 3 years you sure sound angry
00:08.52[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: And those formats you mentioned aren't fixed by size or even necessarily relevant for your use
00:08.55timeshellrue_mohr : NO, that's just how he is
00:09.06rue_mohrhe wasn't always
00:09.08[TK]D-Fendertimeshell: indeed :)
00:09.11timeshellJust a very rude and inconsiderate person
00:09.57rue_mohrused to be pretty patient, when you get to know a LOT I think you start to get tired of repeating the same answers, and get kinda snappy with people who ask them
00:10.25rue_mohrI tried to start a bot to look for keywords and automatically answer the top 80% repeated quesions
00:10.35rue_mohrso far (the last 6 years) it just logs channels...
00:11.00timeshellThe thing is, people who ask the questions are usually newbs who haven't had enough exposure to even know how to look for the answers to the questions they'
00:11.02timeshellre asking
00:11.16timeshellAnd in fact don't even know what question to ask.
00:11.41rue_mohryes, not knowing the right terms to search for will usually not lead to search results that point to what you want
00:11.53[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Seriously.  You fought with IRC people and got nowhere.  How hard would this google search have been?
00:12.05rue_mohryes, I'm just looking for a H.263 library for linux
00:12.17[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: "One hour of video encoded at 300 kbit/s (this is a typical broadband video in 2005 and it is usually encoded in a 320×240 pixels window size) will be:" <--- answer from the FIRST LINK
00:12.28[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: 300kbps != 5 MEGAbits
00:12.32rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, well most of my google searches were trying to work out how streaming mpeg worked
00:12.48[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: You haven't even firmly picked a format yet.
00:12.48rue_mohrcause I'm not a video streaming guru
00:13.12[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: You don't need to be a guru.  You just need to actually pick a FORMAT to compare and a reason to use it.
00:13.23rue_mohrI determined that none of the existing video software (vlc, mplayer, ffmpeg) can do realtime streaming of a v4l device
00:13.40rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, and I had no pallette of formats
00:13.52[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: You jsut made your first V4L reference
00:13.55rue_mohrfrom what I understood, everything is encapsulated in mpeg
00:14.00[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Finally some details
00:14.15[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Anything else you care to add so we don't ahve to get them at large interfvals?
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00:14.34mmlj4rue_mohr: looking at your wish list earlier... the problem to me is finding FX* devices cheap... which means chinese or something like that
00:14.38rue_mohrusb webcam (cheapo) via v4l laptop computer via wireless to workstation
00:14.47[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Because you made a nasty wide-open blanket statement on the bandwidth requirements stating NO details.
00:15.04rue_mohrmmlj4, look for old T1 channelbanks
00:15.19mmlj4oh! yeah, that would work
00:15.21rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, sorry, wish I had logs
00:15.39rue_mohrmmlj4, remember to get a T1 card WITH a good echo canceler
00:15.48rue_mohrI use a mainstreet
00:16.00[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Well you came in HERE asking that way.  How you fought with those other channels isn't something we're expected to be psychic about.
00:16.25rue_mohrnewbridge mainstreet 3624
00:16.28[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Describe the end-point requirements a bit more...
00:17.52[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: how do you expect to hook into the "stream"?  How many clients?
00:18.16rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, ok, the lawn mowing robot has a 333Mhz laptop on it, with a usb webcam and a 802.11b wireless card, the only other decive ont eh wireless is a WRT54G thats hooked to a dual P3-1.2Ghz machine to monitor/control the robot
00:19.15rue_mohrthis isn't an asterisk thing and I'm not sure how it came up
00:19.27[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: If you're dealing with laptops you could set Ekiga up with video on it and just DIAL it from another soft-phone via *... or DIRECT.  Jsut set Ekiga to "auto-answer"
00:19.57[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Well * CAN be a part of the solution.  You just want to "get video" on demand.  A million tools to do that.
00:20.15[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: How do you think those cheap-shit D-Link Wi-Fi cameras work?
00:20.23[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Its all the same reall.
00:20.42rue_mohrno linux video software that exists right now seems to be abel to push more than 1fps live
00:21.16rue_mohrI honestly didn't think to look to voip software
00:21.19[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Pardon?  Ekiga (previously GnomeMEtteing) has done this for I dunno... over a DECADE...
00:22.49rue_mohrhehe, those people in the video channels are really behind the times
00:24.13[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: I won't vouch for how it is you came by the answer you got.
00:25.17[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Windows 95 came with NetMeeting which did this 15 years ago.  Seriously.... that was in the age of 100 Mhz computers.
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00:42.43rue_mohrthankyou for the peptalk, I wont give up on my project!
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00:52.53xhelioxman, the pain..
00:53.13xhelioxI can't bare to be on the same planet as these people
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00:53.15xhelioxI really can't
00:57.22dlynesAny recommendations on an iax or sip softphone for android?
01:00.16[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: sipdroid
01:02.29Guggesipdrod works "okay" ... needs srv support, and for some reason it turns on the screen whenever it reregisters on my desire
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01:35.05rue_mohrxheliox, me!? please by all means make a wireless rov to show me how its done
01:37.28*** join/#asterisk paranox (
01:38.16paranoxhas anyone ever seen this?
01:38.17paranoxkernel: dahdi: HDLC Receiver overrun on channel WCT1/0/16 (master=WCT1/0/16)
01:38.34paranoxit started happening at random on my asterisk server last thursday
01:38.51paranoxand the only way to get our lines back up is to power cycle the isdn ntu
01:39.18rue_mohrhow long did the system work for?
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01:40.14WIMPyparanox: Sounds like an interrupt problem.
01:41.53paranoxrue_mohr: since i've worked here (~10 months)
01:42.35rue_mohrah, well
01:42.43paranoxWIMPy: as in a pci interrupt?
01:42.52rue_mohropen er up and see if the motherboards caps are ok or if the tops are blown open
01:43.05paranoxdid that
01:43.08paranoxeverything looks fine
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01:43.40paranoxin my pri debug, the issue starts with: -- Timeout occured, restarting PRI
01:43.41rue_mohrI'm out of lucky-shot ideas
01:43.49paranoxthen scrolls: Sending Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended
01:43.52rue_mohrwhat the card?
01:43.52paranoxuntil i reset the ntu
01:44.04paranoxdigium te122
01:44.28paranoxcould it be the telco's ntu acting up?
01:44.45rue_mohr(this is where I try to get details needed for one of you people who know how to answer the question)
01:44.52paranoxthey have reset the circuit, though i have not made them drag out an engineer to test their equipment yet
01:45.26rue_mohrhmm, you should see alarms on the lights on the card if thats the case (I think)
01:45.41rue_mohrparanox, how long can you down the system to try things?
01:45.51rue_mohrdo you know how to make a T1 loopback connector?
01:46.01paranoxat the moment, not very long
01:46.17paranoxi've seen mention of a loopback connector so i could make one
01:46.29rue_mohr1 sec
01:46.41paranoxthe annoying thing is there doesn't seem to be a patern to it
01:47.01paranoxie. sometimes it will stay up for 30 minutes, sometimes it will fail after 10 minutes
01:47.24paranoxat the moment it has been up for ~50 minutes so i am doing well ;)
01:48.05rue_mohrso they are having to reset their system every ~30 mins?
01:48.19*** join/#asterisk Kyosh (whoa@
01:48.48paranoxi am having to reset the telco's ntu
01:49.00paranoxthe asterisk box doesn't need a reset
01:49.17rue_mohroh I see
01:49.35paranoxwhich is why i think it might be their equipment playing up
01:50.30paranoxalso, unplugging and replugging the e1 cable doesn't work either to bring it back up :S
01:52.36rue_mohrhave you asked them to run a test-set on the ntu?
01:52.54rue_mohrthey usually have a few layers of loopback tests they can do
01:53.04rue_mohrtough when its an intermittent problem tho
01:53.09paranoxnot yet
01:53.16paranoxyeah not sure how that will go
01:53.31paranoxit will probably work when they test it and they'll say there is nothing wrong with it
01:54.20rue_mohrlike trying to prove the rtp levels of a polycom phone are hosed, I dont know what you can do
01:54.22WIMPyOk, if un- and replugging the E1 doesn;t help but powercycling the NT does, the problem seems to lie outside ouf your responsibility.
01:54.46rue_mohrtrick is otherwise proving it
01:54.55paranoxheh, exactly
01:55.02WIMPyWhat kind of line is used to carry the E1?
01:55.02rue_mohrmaybe ask for a test next time it goes belly up
01:55.21paranoxrue_mohr: i think that's my plan
01:55.26paranoxWIMPy: what do you mean?
01:55.40WIMPyThe physical line.
01:55.44rue_mohrcause, come to think of it, WIMPy has a point, if repluging it dosn't work, its still in a failure mode
01:56.13paranoxWIMPy: it's a cat5e patch cable between the ntu and pbx
01:56.20rue_mohrbefore the ntu
01:56.33WIMPyThe other side.
01:56.44paranoxoh, sorry
01:56.50WIMPyFrom CO to the NT.
01:57.46paranoxit's over twisted pair
01:57.48rue_mohr* still has no tin-can interface cards...
01:58.49WIMPyYes, but what kind of line? Uk2? DSL? The NT should give a clue about what it's converting from/to.
01:59.05rue_mohrtin-can has its problems, people can only have two calls on hold at once
01:59.20rue_mohrsingle pair must be dsl
01:59.26paranoxsorry, no idea
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02:00.03WIMPyProbably, yes.
02:00.16WIMPyAnd that's known to have issues.
02:02.00paranoxheh, no reset for an hour now
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02:06.45thehartypical PRI cable can just be a passthru, right?
02:06.49thehari never remember
02:07.48WIMPyIt's a straight 1:1, yes.
02:08.16theharthought so
02:08.31thehar(*&*(&@#$# piece of (*&$ panasonis d500 vs adtran 924e are fighting
02:09.20paranoxlink just went down but reset itself without any intervention this time
02:09.45WIMPyThat's the normal issues you get with DSL.
02:09.55WIMPyQuite annoying :-(
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02:54.47dlynes[TK]D-Fender, thanks
02:55.21dlynes[TK]D-Fender, do you happen to know if sipdroid works well when the asterisk server is behind a router?
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02:56.13[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Why would any client give a crap about that?
02:56.22[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: they don't KNOW it is <-
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03:14.27dlynes[TK]D-Fender, i suppose so, if you put your asterisk server on the dmz
03:15.18[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: * needs to be correctly configured for itself.  This is not the client's problem.
03:15.36[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: The road is not responsible for you putting gas in yuor car
03:16.29dlynesyeah yeah...was just hoping somebody had found a way around the router issue by now, but i guess not
03:17.39[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Router issue?
03:17.57[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Holy shit... hasn't theis gone around the block enough timess EVERY week?
03:18.04infobotextra, extra, read all about it, sipnat is Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
03:18.44[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: How many years have you been here?
03:18.55[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: 4 or 5 now?
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07:09.05rishikeshmusiconhold extension not working for me with this
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07:11.47ox42Does getting a BYE and the CANCEL after INVITE is a normal call flaw (I thought it should be CANCEL and the BYE)
07:16.18ChannelZrishikesh: answer() first
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07:44.25rishikeshmusiconhold extension not working for me with this why?
07:46.45J4zenGoodmorning guys, i'm having some issues i hope you can help me with or point me in the right direction. Our SIP "trunk" provider has changed their infrastructure in such a way that (as they claim) SIP and RTP streams are coming from two different IP-addresses. The result is that outbound calls still work fine, but inbound calls are dropped as Asterisk doesn't recognise the inbound peer's address (as it differs from the registered "t
07:46.49J4zenit drops the call immediatly
07:46.53J4zen this is what happends
07:47.27J4zenhow can i create a situation where it drops all anonymous inbound calls, except for the inbound calls coming from the two specified ip addresses?
07:48.16rishikeshhow do i setup musiconhold extension
07:48.39calmhrishikesh: 09:16:18 <ChannelZ> rishikesh: answer() first
07:48.48rishikeshi did it
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07:49.17rishikeshwhether that 8888 and 121 should be same or different?
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07:57.50rishikeshplz help me
07:58.44AliRezaTaleghanirishikesh: am not so expert, but, what is up with u?
07:58.48AliRezaTaleghanilet me know
07:59.17rishikeshi want to setup extension 121 as musiconhold
07:59.35rishikeshmeans when a user dial 121 it will play musiconhold
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08:00.25AliRezaTaleghanidefine a context : [onholdcon]
08:00.51AliRezaTaleghaniadd this lines: 121,1,Answer()
08:01.18AliRezaTaleghaniall is this
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08:01.43rishikeshwhere to add this
08:01.54AliRezaTaleghanithen, define this context for ur externenstion, for example in the time u define sip ext
08:03.00rishikeshbut in my extension context its from-internal
08:03.15rishikeshwhere do i add those lines?
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08:04.07AliRezaTaleghaniu have 2 way
08:04.12rishikeshtell me
08:04.19AliRezaTaleghani1- change from-internal to the new context
08:04.38AliRezaTaleghani2- add the following line, in from-internal context
08:04.48rishikeshwill it work for my extension if i change that
08:04.49AliRezaTaleghaniinclude => onholdcon
08:05.24AliRezaTaleghanii preffer the second way, to save current dialing plans to
08:05.31rishikeshwhere can i find from-internal context
08:06.21rishikeshwhat about exten>= lines
08:06.29rishikeshwhere should i add those lines
08:06.47AliRezaTaleghani@ the end of the file, that u found the from-internal contex
08:08.30*** part/#asterisk ox42 (
08:08.34rishikeshfrom-internal-additional context is there but not from-internal
08:08.50rishikeshwhere should i add 121,1,Answer etc
08:08.59E-bolaDo anybody know why some of my phones send asterisk: Got SIP response 403 "Use Proxy"
08:13.34AliRezaTaleghanisearch the the context on that extentions*.conf for that special context
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08:17.29rishikeshi have found
08:17.38rishikeshits on extension.conf
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08:22.23rishikeshits not working for me
08:22.30rishikeshextension 121 is not available
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08:25.49rishikeshextension 121 is not available
08:27.41AliRezaTaleghaniwhat extention do u login with?
08:27.44AliRezaTaleghaniis it sip too?
08:27.55AliRezaTaleghaniif it's give me the out of:
08:28.12AliRezaTaleghanisip show users
08:28.38AliRezaTaleghani&& did u reload new config?!
08:28.52AliRezaTaleghanirishikesh: && did u reload new config?!
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08:32.24stixHi guys. Can I change the rtp port range which asterisk uses?
08:33.33Tim_Toadyyes stix in rtp.conf
08:35.40stixthanks :)
08:36.11stixis nat=yes in sip.conf useless if I don't have a sip_nat.conf?
08:38.27Tim_Toadysip_nat.conf? thats not a stabdart *conf file
08:40.17stixokay, I just read about it here:
08:40.31stixit is a way to tell asterisk what your external IP is
08:41.16*** join/#asterisk Deathvalley122 (~Death@unaffiliated/deathvalley122)
08:42.36stixit is also mentioned here:
08:42.49Tim_Toadynot really, u can just add this in ur sip.conf: externhost or externip
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08:43.58E-bolaits a freepbx file
08:44.02E-bolaas it says in the guide...
08:44.17Tim_Toadystix read here for details how to configure sip:
08:44.43*** join/#asterisk CoderForLife (
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08:51.55rishikeshi restart my pc even
08:54.27ectospasmrishikesh: does the Asterisk CLI command,"dialplan show from-internal" show the target extension?
08:57.26*** join/#asterisk Deathvalley122 (~Death@unaffiliated/deathvalley122)
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09:23.23rishikeshsip*CLI> dialplan show from-internal
09:23.23rishikesh[ Context 'from-internal' created by 'pbx_config' ]
09:23.26rishikesh-= 0 extensions (0 priorities) in 1 context. =-
09:26.10ectospasm!pastebin | rishikesh
09:26.18ectospasmoops, not in this channel
09:27.15ectospasmrishikesh: 121 isn't listed there, what does your [from-internal] context in extensions.conf/extensions.ael look like?  Use if you need to paste configuration.
09:27.52*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
09:29.30rishikeshwhat to do?
09:29.48rishikeshi have extension no from 301-306
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09:29.58rishikeshthey all are using context=from-internal
09:30.52rishikeshin the from-internal context, i have added include >= radio
09:30.53ectospasmyou need to separate the word "extension" from meaning a phone in your mind.
09:31.09rishikeshthen what to do?
09:31.34ectospasmyou see the extensions 301 through 306 in extensions.conf?
09:31.43ectospasm...or are they in the radio context?
09:31.58rishikeshi see in extension.conf
09:31.58tzafririnfobot, tell ectospasm about pb
09:32.15*** join/#asterisk _omer (~omer@
09:32.19tzafrirectospasm, that's how you send it in a private message
09:32.24ectospasmAh, OK
09:32.34ectospasmI haven't frequented this channel in a while
09:32.57infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
09:32.57ectospasm...and I must have forgotten.
09:34.22ectospasmrishikesh: you should put the 121 priorities (steps) in the context containing 301-306.  Show us your config in pastebin if you need to.
09:35.41ectospasmpaste your extensions.conf into the pastebin form, and send us the link.
09:35.59ectospasmsome may allow you to pick a file to use instead of pasting
09:38.16rishikeshi use virtual machine
09:38.23rishikeshhow do i copy paste?
09:38.40ectospasmI dunno, that'd depend on your VM implementation
09:39.05rishikeshi use to connect from putty through ssh
09:40.55ectospasmtry that rishikesh
09:42.41ectospasmwait, I corrected it
09:42.57ectospasmrishikesh: try
09:44.02rishikeshwhat is that ; other extensions
09:44.17ectospasmit's a comment, a place holder for your other extensions.  Ignore it.
09:45.11rishikeshits the same thing as include >= radio
09:45.34rishikeshi have place that 121,n,answer in radio context in extension.conf
09:46.39ectospasmah, I see.  Unless you have 1 priority somewhere, 121 doesn't have a place to start.  You need only one '1' priority (instead of 'n'), but not having one means Asterisk doesn't know where to begin when you dial 121
09:46.55rishikeshits example
09:46.56ectospasmrishikesh: see this:
09:46.58rishikeshi add 1
09:47.07rishikeshand followed by answer
09:48.32ectospasmyou'll have to use pastebin to copy and paste (from PuTTY) everything you're talking about, since I can't tell what's wrong this way.
09:49.45E-boladont understand what you have to setup in a firewall to have sip clients work behind nat when your asterisk is somewhere on the internet
09:50.22infobotnat is, like, Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
09:50.33E-bolahave setup all that
09:51.35ectospasm it may be more configuration than just setting up Asterisk and the firewall...
09:53.50ectospasmtypically all you need is nat=yes and qualify=yes (or some value like 2000 for 2sec of keep-alive)
09:55.38rishikeshhow do i select all in vi
09:55.59E-bolayep have that as well
09:56.06E-bolabut it still depends on the firewall as far as i know
09:56.20rishikeshwhat is that place holder for other extenions?
09:56.29E-bolamy problem is, i have 2 phones on the same lan behind the same nat firewall connected to the same asterisk server somewhere on the internet
09:56.40E-bolaif 1 calls the other, it doesnt register it when you pick up the phone
09:57.58ectospasmrishikesh: it's just a comment, IGNORE IT
09:58.14rishikeshbut i have done all the settings required
09:58.19rishikeshwhat should i do now?
09:58.25rishikeshi am not able to call 121
09:58.49rishikeshi have been trying this for past one week
09:58.50ectospasmyou need to paste the entire configuration to pastebin, giving us one line at a time is not helpful
09:58.56rishikeshi am not able to make this work
09:59.15rishikeshhow do i copy paste from putty
09:59.32ectospasmrishikesh: if you need to, transfer extensions.conf to your workstation, and use notepad (or some other text editor) to select all of it so you may paste it.
09:59.58ectospasmrishikesh: if you highlight in putty with the mouse, it's automatically copied to the clipboard, if memory serves me correctly
10:01.40ectospasmE-bola: if both extensions in sip.conf have both nat=yes and qualify=yes, you shouldn't need to do anything else.  qualify=yes keeps the connection open so the firewall knows where to send the traffice when one phone calls another.
10:02.16ectospasmyou would need to set that in both contexts in sip.conf, I don't think having both in [general] will cut it.
10:02.46ectospasm...but even then, some clients won't work.
10:04.04E-bolaSet what in all contexts?
10:04.15E-bolai have qualify= and nat= on each peer
10:05.24rishikeshsee this
10:06.04E-bolaectospasm: hmm i just configured a stun server on each phone (snopm 320) and that apparently made it work....
10:06.18*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
10:06.44rishikeshthis extension_additiona.conf
10:07.34ectospasmE-bola: yeah, some endpoints require that.
10:07.36rishikeshthis is sip.conf
10:07.58E-bolaectospasm: it must have been either stun or ICE that fixed it
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10:08.08E-bolathats fine, but i dont understand why its necesary
10:09.17ectospasmrishikesh: the extensions separater is either '=' or "=>", not ">="
10:09.19E-bolaweird now it works even without a stun server, i must have changed something important in asterisk...
10:09.31DNDguys any idea why my x-lite and PortGo shows 503 service unavailable whenever no one is answering the phone?
10:10.28dlynesrishikesh, if you're wanting much help on your config, you're probably going to be better off asking on #freepbx as uses customized configs that not a lot of people in #asterisk understand, and with the new version, I believe it's migrated to freeswitch as well
10:10.32DNDi mean after it rings for some time, it send busy tone then a message saying "The Number is not answering" then gives out 503
10:12.11DNDso the problem is after that i cannot dial anything unless restarting softphones to re-register
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10:14.58*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Delphi@
10:15.06DelphiWorldhow do i show my iax2 trunks?
10:15.13DelphiWorldtzafrir: :P
10:15.30ectospasmDelphiWorld: iax2 show peers should work, or maybe it's iax2 show users
10:16.07DelphiWorldectospasm: this show my iax users, no?
10:16.11DelphiWorldi want to show iax trunks
10:16.43ectospasmiax2 show peers should work
10:16.54ectospasmworks for me here.
10:18.14DelphiWorldectospasm: do you have ast1.4?
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10:19.24ectospasmDelphiWorld: no, but I could in a second, gimme a moment
10:19.42hrhrhrit's the same in 1.4
10:19.46DelphiWorldectospasm: please, only if you could get 1.4 iax.conf file (default)
10:20.19DelphiWorldhow do i list all my asterisk channels modules?
10:20.58*** part/#asterisk dandre (
10:22.05ectospasmDelphiWorld: ls /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/chan*
10:22.16DelphiWorldlol ectospasm
10:22.25DelphiWorldectospasm: do asterisk 1.4 have "include" in conf?
10:22.39DelphiWorldi don't want to kill my iax.conf file but i want to include other peers
10:22.42ectospasmor, you can run "module show like *chan*
10:22.58*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~Dovid@
10:23.05ectospasmDelphiWorld: yeah, you can #include another file, or include => another context
10:23.21DelphiWorldectospasm, example for include file please?
10:23.25ectospasmAsterisk 1.6.2 (and maybe others) let you use templates.
10:23.39Dovidanyone know what this error means ? SS7 got event: HDLC Bad FCS(8) on span 1/0
10:24.07ectospasmDelphiWorld: #include filename.conf (if it's in /etc/asterisk/) or "#include /path/to/filename.conf"
10:24.21DelphiWorldectospasm: thank you
10:24.46ectospasmDovid: Bad Frame Check Sequence, it's when an HDLC frame fails the checksum and is discarded
10:25.12ectospasmusually one instance of that is nothing to be alarmed about
10:25.25Dovidit keeps coming up on the screen
10:25.29DelphiWorldectospasm: doe i need to use ""?
10:25.31ectospasmif it happens frequently enough, you'll have audio or D-channel problems
10:25.34ectospasmDelphiWorld: no
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10:26.46Dovidectospasm: If it comes up every few seconds that means there is an issue on the line ?
10:27.21hrhrhrDelphiWorld: what kinda cfg are you gonna include?
10:28.20DelphiWorldhrhrhr: other iax2 peers
10:28.59hrhrhri can understand wanting to keep the file separate but how many peers you gonna add?
10:29.20DelphiWorldhrhrhr: lol only 3 or 4;)
10:30.03hrhrhris it worth it? :)
10:30.29DelphiWorldhrhrhr: yes, for me!
10:30.29hrhrhrconsidering they are jailed within the [context] anyway
10:30.34DelphiWorldhrhrhr: to kype it easy to read
10:30.59DelphiWorldand is not evean working for me if i show my iax peers or registry
10:31.53hrhrhr'iax2 show peers' gives no output?
10:32.18*** join/#asterisk wikii (~wiki.mir@
10:32.21DelphiWorldhrhrhr: yes
10:32.47hrhrhrtried restarting asterisk?
10:33.00hrhrhrit does that with me for some sip stuff occasionally
10:33.10hrhrhrseems to start in 'spaz' mode
10:33.22SiNGLerit enough to "iax2 reload" ot "iax reload" don't remember which one :)
10:33.31wikii[TD]-fender please check
10:33.44hrhrhri've had some odd results with iax2 reload
10:33.47hrhrhr9/10 it works
10:33.53wikiiSingler please check
10:34.05hrhrhrif you're able to tho, a full asterisk restart might be worth a shot
10:35.48*** join/#asterisk slavon (~slavon@
10:36.07SiNGLerwikii: it's the same problem with fax?
10:36.12hrhrhrdoes that work? you may need trunk=yes
10:36.31DelphiWorldhrhrhr: lol trunk=yes require timing
10:36.34wikiiSingler yeah
10:36.41hrhrhryou may also need a context per peer...
10:36.42slavonhello. where is asterisk module for jabber and gmail in RH asterisk repository?
10:37.05SiNGLerwikii: try setting same callerid as in phone, check if it works
10:39.27wikiisoory cant get u
10:40.36wikiisingler where i will change callerid
10:40.58SiNGLeri'd do this: Set(CALLERID(num)=100)
10:41.38wikiiok  i will set this in my dialplan
10:41.38DelphiWorldhrhrhr: could you configure it for me please;)
10:42.11wikiione more question singler.... i want to configure in asterisk
10:42.23wikiione more question singler.... i want to configure SMS in asterisk
10:42.41SiNGLerI never did SMS in asterisk
10:42.57SiNGLerso will not be able to help you
10:43.00wikiiok thankyou
10:43.02slavonfor sms you may use misdn
10:43.27wikiiwat is misdn
10:43.28DelphiWorldslavon: misdn for sms?
10:43.55hrhrhrDelphiWorld: i can barely configure my own pbx :P
10:44.10DelphiWorldhrhrhr: ?
10:44.23slavonsorry) chan_mobile)
10:44.58slavonor use dahdi if prov support it
10:45.09slavonin our projects we use external xml web services. )
10:45.24wikiiSlavon  please send any howto  link
10:46.59E-bolaIs there anyway to make the asterisk console show longer lines?
10:47.02E-bolalike for sip show peers
10:47.40DelphiWorldhrhrhr, ok, now how i should add iax users?
10:47.51*** part/#asterisk wikii (~wiki.mir@
10:49.25SiNGLerDelphiWorld: check this link:
10:50.08DelphiWorldSiNGLer: thank you a lot
10:53.00DelphiWorldSiNGLer: iax users/trunks are confusing
10:57.13*** join/#asterisk elred_ (~elred_@unaffiliated/elred-/x-5010831)
10:58.10DelphiWorldyo elred_!
10:58.40elred_salut Deathvalley122
10:58.50elred_salut DelphiWorld
10:59.07DelphiWorldelred_: lol
11:05.37ruyoAnyone knows where is the dahdi debug going?
11:06.05ruyoOr if I need to restart dahdi after doing "echo 1 > /sys/module/dahdi/parameters/debug"
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11:25.48DelphiWorldnow i have a sip and a iax2 user
11:25.56DelphiWorldhow do i configuere them to call betwan users?
11:26.05DelphiWorldcoppice: :P
11:28.10fauxalliancedialplan DelphiWorld.. presumably they just _dial_ each other.
11:29.00DelphiWorldhow do i specify endpoint in app_dial?
11:31.16fauxalliancemagic dialling wand?
11:32.42fauxalliance @ DelphiWorld
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11:36.09DelphiWorldFaustov: but see:
11:36.28DelphiWorldFaustov: i want to create a user with "101", that's both iax and sip so how ast identify it?
11:36.54Faustovah, autocompletefail
11:37.41SiNGLerDelphiWorld: 101 can be both. In dialplan you must specify what you want to dial, ex exten => 101,1,Dial(IAX/101)
11:38.07DelphiWorldSiNGLer: so i should add also dial sip?
11:38.20DelphiWorldSiNGLer: sory my friend will comm online and explin to him please
11:39.13SiNGLerDelphiWorld: it depends what you want to do. if you want that dialing 101 would ring SIP, then you specify SIP/101, if you want IAX, then you specify IAX
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11:45.26RienzillaHey everyone. I just got a new voip phone. I have a bunch of snom 300's and snom 360's, which are provisioned via dhcp. All these phones nicely get an address via dhcp, and then request their settings file from the webserver set in dhcpd.conf. But my new phone (snom M9) suddenly requests / (instead of /blah-{macaddress}.html). Do m9's configure themselves differently?
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11:53.10DelphiWorldSUP DUDE sekil
11:56.59*** join/#asterisk rishikesh (~Rishikesh@
11:57.46rishikeshsomebody help me plz
11:58.09rishikeshi need to configure music on hold on ext no. 121
11:58.31rishikeshlike voicemail when i dial 121 i would like to listen to musiconhold
12:00.10SiNGLerrishikesh: pastebin your configuration
12:01.22SiNGLerI don't see your configuration there
12:01.57*** join/#asterisk Weazel (
12:02.11rishikeshsee this
12:02.19rishikeshthis extension_additiona.conf
12:03.25*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
12:04.37SiNGLerI guess you need to set up some test pbx, so that freepbx conf wouln't be in the way. Basically what you need is here: I don't know where in freepbx conf it should be inserted
12:06.02SiNGLeroh, and your radio context is incorrect
12:06.23SiNGLerit says "exten >= 121,1,Answer" etc, but should be "=>"
12:06.58Weazelhey guys, i;
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12:07.54Weazelhey guys, i'm having trouble with outbound fax on my PBX,  looks like the system is sending the word "fax" instead of any numbers to the PRI  - the fax is analog machine connected to an analog PBX which is connected via PRI to the asterisk... can anyone shed some light on this issue ?
12:08.35Weazelit seems it is displaying   "   Called g1/fax   " I've searched around google, but only found people with the problem not with a solution
12:08.54SiNGLerWeazel: check if correct exten is comming from your analog pbx
12:09.02SiNGLermaybe it's only an error in dialplan
12:09.05[TK]D-FenderSiNGLer: Because that is what YOU put in your DIAL.
12:09.13[TK]D-FenderSiNGLer: Maybe you should look at what you're doing.
12:09.17WeazelSiNGLer:  what do you mean? how can i check that?
12:09.42SiNGLer[TK]D-Fender: what are you talking? I was commenting rishikesh pastebin
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12:10.48[TK]D-Fenderrishikesh: Ok, then that was for you
12:10.59Weazeli think its an error in the dialplan aswell, but i can't seem to find the problem, inbound faxes are recieved fine, and in the CLI i see the call being dialed as it should but right when it says called g1/0524242424 it'll say
12:11.10SiNGLer[TK]D-Fender: chat snip:
12:11.14Weazelapp_dial.c:     -- DAHDI/2-1 is proceeding passing it to DAHDI/61-1
12:11.18Weazelchan_dahdi.c:     -- Redirecting DAHDI/61-1 to fax extension
12:11.21Weazelchan_dahdi.c:     -- Hungup 'DAHDI/2-1'
12:12.14*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:12.35SiNGLerWeazel: pastebin dialplan and verbose call log
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12:13.23Weazelthere is the verbose
12:13.26[TK]D-FenderSomeone actually posted a FreePBX dialplan here?!
12:13.34drmessanoyes, sadly
12:13.35[TK]D-FenderYup, it's a Monday all right....
12:13.42drmessanoand 3 lines of FAIL
12:14.10Weazel:( i'm pretty new to this whole thing, cut a noob some break
12:14.34[TK]D-FenderWeazel: Your inbound call appears to be from a FAX.
12:15.08Weazel[TK]D-Fender: but its an outgoing fax
12:15.09[TK]D-FenderWeazel: What Are you doing here exactly?
12:15.17Weazeli don't understand this behaviour
12:15.49SiNGLerI think it is automatic fax detection, which redirects call.
12:16.10Weazeli got 2 pbx connected via PRI cards  1 asterisk 1 analog old one, the fax is connected to the analog one, and when i try to dial a fax number out from the old pbx it goes through the pri of the asterisk and this is what happens
12:16.30Weazelit doesn't happend when a fax is recieved nor if i dial out from any other analog ext
12:16.38Weazelonly when it is from a fax machine
12:16.49[TK]D-FenderWeazel: Disable fax detect on your channels leading to the other PBX
12:17.26*** join/#asterisk crowb4r (~JKLOBUCAR@
12:17.34Weazelu mean the faxdetect=incoming  disable that ?
12:17.47[TK]D-Fender[08:16]<[TK]D-Fender>Weazel: Disable fax detect on your channels leading to the other PBX <----------------
12:18.29DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: ast now in openwrt d-link dir300
12:18.42[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: \o/
12:18.49DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: :P
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12:20.22Weazel[TK]D-Fender: if i disable my fax detect, wouldn't it affect my incoming faxes aswell ?
12:20.43[TK]D-FenderWeazel: Incoming from where?
12:20.44Weazelor can i put the faxdetect=incoming under a group=1 ?
12:21.06[TK]D-FenderWeazel: And you "group" isn't something you put other parms under in there
12:22.01Weazelfrom PRI of my main line
12:22.08Weazelthat is connected to asterisk
12:22.24WeazelPRI > asterisk <PRI> Analog pbx
12:22.55[TK]D-Fender[08:17]<[TK]D-Fender>[08:16] <[TK]D-Fender> Weazel: Disable fax detect on your channels leading to the other PBX <----------------
12:23.03*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
12:23.45Weazel(canceled the faxdetect and trying to send a fax)
12:24.29Weazelok thanks i'm trying
12:24.33Weazelbless you D-fender
12:29.31Dovidon Asterisk when using ss7 is there any way to set the national or international indicator from the dial plan ?
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12:33.41Weazel[TK]D-Fender:  how can i set faxdetect=incoming only to specific channels
12:33.58[TK]D-FenderWeazel: Set parms.  do "channel => ...".  Change parms do som more "channel =>"
12:34.36*** join/#asterisk markitoxs (
12:35.14tzafrirDovid, which ss7? chan_ss7? chan_dahdi?
12:35.45markitoxsIm trying to log all BYE messages, as i am inerested in the RTP-RxStat field, but a netcat does not capture that header, any suggestions?
12:36.20Weazel[TK]D-Fender: not sure how to do that :/
12:36.44Dovidtzafrir: Chan_dahdi
12:37.28*** join/#asterisk frek818_ (
12:38.27tzafrirWeazel, do you want to set it to all dahdi channels? All PRI channels?
12:38.29hrhrhrmy understanding is with voice, * will choose the least cpu taxing codec. so g771 should be preferable over gsm, ya?
12:39.05tzafrirhrhrhr, not exactly. Asterisk will attempt not to transcode at all
12:39.31*** join/#asterisk mog (
12:39.47tzafrirso if you e.g. call from gsm, gsm will get a preference
12:40.11Weazeltzafrir: only to channels 1 through 31, rest can be disabled
12:40.32tzafrirso basically:
12:40.41tzafrirfaxdetect = incoming
12:40.55tzafrirchanel => 1-15,17-31
12:41.00hrhrhrif i've replaced my voice files with g711, they're not gonna get used over gsm? ;/
12:41.05tzafrirfaxdetect = none
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12:53.56hrhrhranyone using these?
12:54.02hrhrhrlots of files are missing...
12:54.42drmessanoProbably not many using the missing ones
12:54.52drmessanoDue to their "missing" status
12:54.55[TK]D-Fenderhrhrhr: WIKI = random otdated crap
12:55.31hrhrhri guess i have to buy the voices then?
12:56.23drmessanoDepends on what voices you need
12:56.44*** join/#asterisk rossand (
12:56.51drmessanoIf you need something beyond the Asterisk standard voices, yes.. That's why people do voiceover work
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12:59.25Dovidtzafrir: Chan_dahdi
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13:04.16beekhrhrhr: You're welcome to the voices in my head.
13:09.11Dovidanyone know Matthew Fredrickson name here ?
13:11.38malcolmdDovid: creslin
13:11.41stixThere is an encrypted version of SIP right? Where can I read about it?
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13:22.50ruyoDoes anyone have any idea why incomming calls from an analog line makes DTMF sounds when answering in an analog phone?
13:23.36ruyoUsing a analog card (Openvox A400P)
13:23.51[TK]D-Fenderruyo: Perhaps your telco uses that to signal DID's delivered over that line.
13:24.04[TK]D-Fenderruyo: Your card doesn't make the other side send you DTMF.
13:24.21tzafrirruyo, version of asterisk?
13:24.30*** join/#asterisk elred_ (~elred_@unaffiliated/elred-/x-5010831)
13:25.06ruyoI thought so, so I added bystdetect and cidsignalling=dtmf. Asterisk is 1.4.34 and dahdi is
13:25.37*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmuj@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
13:25.47ruyoJust a sec, I'll paste chan_dahdi.conf
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13:28.46ruyochan_dahdi.conf and system.conf:
13:32.22ruyoI thought of echotraining using DTMF to adjust echo canceling, but even without it I get them.
13:32.30*** join/#asterisk cdahmedeh (
13:33.04[TK]D-Fenderruyo: Do yuo have "usecallerid=yes"?
13:33.33ruyoI do.
13:34.09*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
13:34.24ruyoI've tried with "usecallerid=yes" and without it, but never "usecallerid=no". I don't know what the default is.
13:35.36*** join/#asterisk mpe (
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13:37.46ruyoBy the way, analog phones connected to an analog gateway (analog->sip) doesn't have that problem.
13:39.39*** join/#asterisk mpe (~mpe@
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13:46.14*** join/#asterisk peep (637c543e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:46.21peepgood morning all
13:47.48peepcould anyone give a noob some help with a simple dial plan?
13:48.12*** join/#asterisk hardcore (~hardcore@2001:470:1f0b:761::1)
13:48.20infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
13:48.26pabelangerpeep: ^^
13:48.39*** join/#asterisk telnettech (~chatzilla@
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13:49.32peepheh, see total noob!
13:50.16ruyoI bet infobot is here against his will.
13:50.40infobot[tk]d-fender, i love abuse, feed me!, or whack, yo
13:51.17ruyoOr not.
13:51.37[TK]D-Fenderpeep: PASTEBIN is your friend.  Show us what you're doing, what happens and where you don't like the oucome.
13:51.39infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:52.39pabelangerinfobot: have a cookie
13:52.40infobotTa.  *Munch*
13:52.49peep - in this simple custom context im attempting to write a line into a DB when the call is created. Should be simple but if the far end hangs up before the cleanup and disconnect lines are hit a ton of zombie connections get left open on the mysql server. the voip-info entry for mysql() recommends cleaning up the connections in the h extension but there were no examples
13:52.59*** join/#asterisk andrechr (
13:53.01peepbasically - I know im doing it wrong, I just dont know WHAT im doing wrong!
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13:56.48*** join/#asterisk FlashDeluxe (
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13:58.27Weazeli get "Set(REALCALLERIDNUM=9000127"   how do i add a prefix of 3 to this callerid ?
13:58.33marcompileso does anyone know how can I use multiple soundcards with chan_alsa
13:58.47FlashDeluxeHi @ all! Ive got a problem, if i want to execute "dahdi_genconf" i get the message "Empty configuration -- no spans" but is see the card mit lspci
13:59.10[TK]D-FenderWeazel: Show us the call
13:59.43pabelangerWeazel: Set(REALCALLERIDNUM=39000127")?  Or are you  looking to do it dynamically?
14:00.18[TK]D-Fenderpeep: What is the point of doing those 2 commands AFTER the dial?
14:00.39[TK]D-Fenderpeep: Oh, and your "h" won't ever get called because you have no "1" priority
14:01.31peep[TK]D-Fender - I originally was calling them after line 5 but if the call was terminated before it hit line 6 the connection would stay open, also DOH!
14:02.33*** join/#asterisk moy (
14:02.49upbone way to solve this would be to write a mysql proxy in Visual Basic .NET and put it between your MySQL server and Asterisk
14:02.54[TK]D-Fenderpeep: SHOW us the call.
14:03.49[TK]D-Fenderpeep: You just want to add one record, right?  System() out and call mysql directly.  1 line.
14:10.11tzafrirFlashDeluxe, what's the output of:   dahdi_hardware
14:11.54FlashDeluxetzafrir: pci:0000:08:00.0     zaphfc-      1397:2bd0 HFC-S ISDN BRI card
14:12.00*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (
14:12.03hrhrhrrussellb: those are both yank voices; digium sell uk ones?
14:12.15tzafrirFlashDeluxe, the driver is not loaded
14:12.40*** part/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
14:13.04FlashDeluxeok and why?
14:14.13FlashDeluxetzafrir: do you mean zaphfc?
14:14.20peep[TK]D-Fender - I only want to write one line to the DB but the DB is on another server so I dont think system would work(?) Ill generate some calls now and post them to pastebin
14:14.25tzafrirFlashDeluxe, yes
14:14.42tzafrirdahdi_genconf modules; /etc/init.d/dahdi restart
14:15.00upbpeep: ofcourse it would work but its an incredibly stupid solution
14:15.02russellbhrhrhr: no
14:15.07[TK]D-Fenderpeep: You can call whatever you want from CLI.  Incluuding calls to apps taht will issue MySQL commands on other servers.  Scripting is scripting
14:15.12upbthe overhead of executing mysql client is pretty big
14:15.46[TK]D-Fenderpeep: What happens when you close off your DB BEFORE you dial?
14:16.35FlashDeluxetzafrir: it seems that zaphfc doesn exist and that i have no timing (ztdummy?) device
14:18.22*** join/#asterisk peep_ (637c543e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:18.27peep_[TK]D-Fender: in your opinion then is it a better practice to just call an external script rather than trying to use mysql() ?
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14:18.43tzafrirupb, so is the overhead of opening a connection to a different server
14:19.46[TK]D-Fenderpeep_: What is the result of my previous corrections?
14:20.18upbtzafrir: the mysql client would need to open it anyway versus being able to use a connect pool
14:22.07*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
14:22.22Polysicswhere can i find docs for the Bridge AMI command ,please?
14:22.45tzafrirFlashDeluxe, what version of dahdi-linux is it?
14:22.48*** join/#asterisk csnook (
14:23.04FlashDeluxetzafrir: dahdi-linux-complete-
14:25.11Polysicsbridge is in tehre but is not documented :-)
14:25.36*** join/#asterisk rossand (
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14:28.52tzafrirPolysics, asterisk -rx 'manager show command Bridge'
14:29.51peep_[TK]D-Fender: - with the changes you made it seems to work! The only problem is that sometimes clear is getting called without any resultid after it and I get an error like whats after the "####' in this pastebin
14:30.04Polysicstzafrir, many thanks
14:30.18peep_[TK]D-Fender: Do I even need to do a clear for an insert statement since its not returning a result set?
14:30.26*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
14:31.07Polysicsbtw, does bridge do what i think it does? :-)
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14:31.21[TK]D-Fenderpeep_: that was fixing the "h" exten.  That was a clear first step, but that cannel var is dead  byt he time you hit it.  What about the suggestion to clean it up BEFORE the dial?
14:31.27Polysicsput two channel in communication with each other
14:32.45*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
14:36.27Polysicsargh, ehm... it might be that Bridge actually does NOT do what i think it does :-)
14:36.40Polysicsi am using that for a FollowMe implementation
14:37.17Polysicsi was under the impression that user SIP/1001 could call an extension, that would Originate a call between 1002 and a n IVR context
14:37.38*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@unaffiliated/kavans)
14:37.41Polysicsif 1002 presses 1 or whatever to accept, 1002 gets bridged to 1001
14:38.03Polysicsbut i am getting channel not found for 1001 (the original caller)
14:38.22Polysicsall of this is implemented in Adhearsion, but i suppose the principles are there anyway
14:38.51Polysicsam i babbling or there is any logic in my idea? :-)
14:38.58peep_[TK]D-Fender: I changed it to attempt to clear right before the dial but the resultid still seems to be null a good portion of the time -
14:41.11[TK]D-Fenderpeep_: exten => _X.,n,MYSQL(Clear ${resultid}) <-- shouldn't this be ${connid} ?
14:43.43*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
14:43.56ruyoAnyone knows the DAHDI equivalent of "Bellcore/Telcordia Caller ID Scheme" of a Grandstream analog gateway?
14:44.16*** join/#asterisk peep (637c543e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:44.22FlashDeluxehi, asterisk doesn`t appear in /etc/init.d/ can somebody help me? Its Version
14:44.31PolysicsFlashDeluxe, on debian?
14:44.42Polysicsyou need to copy the init script from contrib
14:44.44peep[TK]D-Fender: and that is what we call a little too much reliance on copy/paste XD
14:44.54FlashDeluxePolysics: yes
14:44.56Polysicsopen it, change a few variables at the top, and chmod it
14:45.01ruyoFlashDeluxe, did you "make config"?
14:45.46Polysics[TK]D-Fender, sorry to address you directly, but i am stumped, isn't Brdige supposed to do what i think it does? :-)
14:46.00FlashDeluxeruyo: no -.-* after make config it works, thanks =)
14:46.16Polysicsruyo, lol, i suck, i was doing it by hand
14:47.00ruyoIt kind of says inside a big box after doing "make". :P
14:47.21Polysicsthen i kind of suck :-)
14:47.43*** part/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@unaffiliated/kavans)
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14:49.14Polysicsand still can't figure out what i am doing wrong ,if anything
14:50.15[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Dial + M().  You made this complicated for nothing
14:50.21peep[TK]D-Fender: - ok now that variable is being called correctly but i am still seeing these warnings
14:50.25[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Never needed originate or bridge in the first place
14:50.46Polysics[TK]D-Fender, i was trying to implement the whole thing in Ruby. still, i see your point
14:50.50*** join/#asterisk Zebaril (
14:51.00Polysicsjust for educational purposes, what does Bridge do then?
14:51.29[TK]D-FenderPolysics: What it says
14:51.37Polysicsno it doesn't :-)
14:51.48[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Takes 2 channels.  Bridges them together
14:51.53Polysicsok, i just needed to know that, i am at least using the correct function
14:52.05Polysicsi will give myself 1 more hour then move to Dial+M()
14:52.51*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
14:53.03[TK]D-FenderPolysics: No, so far you are using a shit-ton of unnecessary crap
14:53.22Polysicsbut one of them is the correct command :-)
14:53.35[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Congratulations one finding today's masochism outlet.
14:55.54[TK]D-Fenderpeep: For a test, add a 5 second wait between your INSERT and the clear.  Just as a sanity check to see if there is a race condition, etc
14:57.44*** join/#asterisk dulloa (Dave@
14:57.59peep[TK]D-Fender: Same error, is it possible that there just isnt anything to clean up in memory after an insert?
14:58.02dulloahi !
14:58.38[TK]D-Fenderpeep: Wouldn't make sense not to be able to clean up... Keep that CLI option open...
14:59.43peep[TK]D-Fender: Yeah I agree, just seems to be a lack of documentation on this particular command. In the meantime, I will remove the clear line and watch memory utilization to see if we start running off the rails
15:00.50[TK]D-Fenderpeep: Open eyes is a good thing... I'd google up some other code samples using this to see if there is any useful commentary
15:01.20dulloaHi, I purchased a codec and let me know when I send the license
15:01.26FlashDeluxemhhh i ve got another problem, dahdi show channels doenst show any channels :( (th pseudo channel is there)
15:02.13*** join/#asterisk ArtemMakhutov (~ArtemMakh@
15:02.49p3nguindulloa: How will we know when you have sent the license?
15:04.07ruyoFlashDeluxe, have you done "dahdi_cfg -vvv"?
15:04.41FlashDeluxeruyo: yes it says
15:04.47FlashDeluxelooks ok for me
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15:05.37ruyoWhat card is that?
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15:06.09FlashDeluxea no-name-very-cheap hfc card ;)
15:06.11*** part/#asterisk sa000 (fressh@unaffiliated/sa000)
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15:06.38FlashDeluxewith a cologne chip on it
15:07.00*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
15:07.23p3nguinSo it smells nice, too?
15:07.23sa000hi! in terms of jitter, packet loss or delay do asterisk box has some functionality to minimize these problem effects ?
15:07.59ruyoI never used dahdi with BRI cards, but if that's a 1 port and dahdi represents both audio channels plus the D channel, looks ok.
15:08.47peep[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for your patience dude, I know exactly how not fun it can be dealing with noobs
15:09.22FlashDeluxeyes the dahdi_cfg looks good but asterisk doesnt seem to know the card or the driver i think..
15:09.23infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
15:12.34FlashDeluxedahdi show status tells me that it knows the card :S
15:13.28ChannelZdahdi_genconf makes only a fragment of a config file which you need to include in your chan_dahdi.conf
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15:13.54ChannelZ(I'm assuming that's what you meant above by dahdi_cfg?)
15:13.59ruyoFlashDeluxe, if you do "module reload" what does it say?
15:14.04[TK]D-Fenderpeep: There is a difference between "noob" and "twit".  Inexperience can be corrected :)  keep it up...
15:14.35*** part/#asterisk dulloa (Dave@
15:14.44ruyoFlashDeluxe, by the way, do you have chan_dahdi.conf made?
15:16.38*** join/#asterisk FILLVAIO3 (~v_agarkov@
15:17.03tzafrirFlashDeluxe, what's the output of lsdahdi  ?
15:17.04FlashDeluxeahhhh, ChannelZ: You`re right, it wasn`t configured in a right way... ruyo: the config file was there, but as i said, i configured it in a wrong way
15:17.49FlashDeluxeseems to work now, thanks for help @ everybody :)
15:18.03FILLVAIO3Hello guys. Is there possible to change CALLERID(all)=name<number> in queue for each member different?
15:18.44Kobazanyone have any documentation on how to use/set connected number information
15:18.56sa000anyone comments on my question ?
15:22.48fauxalliancesa000, asterisk has some... the rest is inherently TCP/IP.
15:23.49ChannelZexcept RTP is UDP
15:23.52p3nguinWhy would it be TCP when our signalling and media are on UDP?
15:23.54[TK]D-FenderFILLVAIO3: Where? When?
15:24.40sa000fauxalliance: thanks. Can i get the exact doc to read about this?
15:25.03fauxallianceyour s/tcp/udp/protocol stack
15:25.26Polysicsone last thing before i go to the macro method
15:25.33*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
15:25.39Polysicsis there a way to make a channel wait indefinetly while listening to some audio?
15:25.42sa000fauxalliance: i mean related to asterisk
15:25.42ChannelZsa000: Asterisk does have a jitter buffer, see sip.conf for adjusting it.  Most end points do it themselves as well
15:25.56fauxalliancep3nguin, UDP falls under the /IP part ;-)
15:26.13fauxallianceTCP/IP, learn how it fits together, there is no escape.
15:26.14ChannelZfauxalliance: there is no error correction or packet ordering in UDP
15:26.27fauxalliancethanks for clarifying that for sa000
15:26.28NaikrovekChannelZ: no, but there is in RTP I believe
15:26.31ChannelZfauxalliance: packets arrive when they arrive, in whatever order, if they arrive at all
15:26.46fauxallianceindeed. that was my 'best effort'
15:26.59Naikrovekthat's the cool feature about UDP
15:27.07Naikrovekas a programmer UDP is so much easier
15:27.12ChannelZNaikrovek: yes but fauxalliance is saying that TCP/IP handles it which is not correct
15:27.47NaikrovekChannelZ: ah.  yes.  UDP has no native error correction or retransmission facilities.  if packet is dropped, it's gone.  hope you didn't love it and cherish it
15:28.19ChannelZUDP is more like standing on a street corner yelling, rather than having a one-on-one conversation
15:28.27Naikrovekudp multicast is like that
15:28.34*** join/#asterisk t_dot_zilla (
15:28.40fauxalliancedon't put words in my mouth ChannelZ... what is not managed by asterisk, is INHERENTLY handled at by the protocol stack... ie... the TCP/IP suite.  what ever is in there is in the RFC's... start there sa000
15:28.51ChannelZin terms of the person you're talking to maybe hears you sometimes, maybe doesn't
15:29.10fauxalliance'best effort' != guaranteed delivery
15:29.16Naikrovekit's like talking to your wife while she's trying to watch TV and surf the web at the same time
15:29.21Naikrovekmaybe she'll hear you, maybe she won't
15:29.38fauxalliancesend the divorce paperwork registered mail Naikrovek ;-)
15:29.41sa000 .. In this  video this guy is calculating jitter and also other traffic but whats the point than with comparision in terms of jitter,delay or packet loss. Let say asterisk with free switch. I mean its all up to network ??
15:30.17*** join/#asterisk bradleyd (~bradleyd@
15:30.18FILLVAIO3<[TK]D-Fender> For example: i have a queue with two members, first is SIP/101 with prority 1, second is IAX2/79261234567. For each of them i need to set specific CALLERID(all) before queue will call to them. Is there possible?
15:30.29sa000i mean there is no role of pbx than with respect to jitter,delay , packetloss
15:30.46fauxalliancesa000, barely,,, at the codec level.
15:30.55fauxallianceyou can play with some 'windows'
15:31.56bradleydI am trying to get the SIPCALLID from a BRIDGEPEER in the dialplan. I cant find any builtin functions to do this
15:32.09sa000<fauxalliance> you can play with some 'windows': which windows ?
15:32.17fauxalliancetx and rx ;-)
15:32.39fauxallianceis all out of context, therefore, coffee.
15:33.01ChannelZAsterisk de-jitters receiving media, if it's in the media stream
15:33.42ChannelZAs set in sip.conf or iax.conf if you're using one or the other
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15:34.33p3nguinbradleyd: How about SIP_HEADER?  If the info you are looking for is in the header, this function should be able to extract it.
15:34.37fauxalliancechapter 15, section four of 'the book' sa000
15:35.40*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
15:35.55Polysicsis upgrading from 1.6.11 to 1.6.2 configure, make and make install for the most part?
15:36.23FILLVAIO3[TK]D-Fender: For example, i have a queue with two members, first is SIP/101 with prority 1, second is IAX2/79261234567. For each of them i need to set specific CALLERID(all) before queue will call to them. Is there possible?
15:37.23fauxallianceFILLVAIO3, saw that a moment ago... please clear your clipboard.
15:37.25[TK]D-FenderFILLVAIO3: Not with those CHANNEL TYPES.  Only 1 channel type lets you "do stuff" selectively.  Guess which.
15:37.29*** join/#asterisk thansen (
15:37.39[TK]D-FenderPolysics: There is no 1.6.11
15:37.54Polysics[TK]D-Fender, i mistyped, it is
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15:38.34[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Make sure that config differences don't pose issues and that 3rd party/addon modules are supported/replaced
15:39.32sa000fauxalliance: The future of asterisk ?
15:39.37Polysics[TK]D-Fender, aside from third party stuff (which is only the official Asterisk addons), does that mean i can take a look at CHANGES, then have a go at it and eventually fix the config on the go?
15:39.57fauxalliancesa000, v2
15:39.58[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Unless the changes crash you out immediately.
15:39.58bradleydp3nguis: I tried that but it tells me that it is only for sip calls, but the call is a sip call.  It is an outbound call
15:40.29sa000fauxalliance: sorry but i didnt understandt this short cut v2?
15:40.31*** join/#asterisk cdahmedeh (
15:41.13infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
15:41.28sa000yes got it
15:42.19*** join/#asterisk myster (~myster@
15:45.51sa000fauxalliance: thanks. reading
16:10.32sa000thanks all
16:11.13Polysicsok, time to make install over and see what happens
16:11.19Polysicsaka. "pull the pin and throw"
16:11.35ChainsawPolysics: The world as we know it will end!
16:12.32PolysicsChainsaw, maybe not, but my server might :-)
16:14.56*** join/#asterisk FILLVAIO3 (~v_agarkov@
16:15.00FILLVAIO3Hi again
16:16.36FILLVAIO3Dows anybody know how to change CDR cols values before its will be writed to mysql db?
16:17.42*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (~CunningPi@
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16:23.10b14ckFILLVAIO3, do you want to modify a particular value? Or just change which fields are written to the database all together?
16:24.36Polysicsapparently the world survived, and so did my server
16:25.05*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
16:25.36FILLVAIO3b14ck: i need to change [src] value before its writen into table
16:25.55Qwellchanging src seems to be a bit silly..  why not set the userfield?
16:26.29b14ckFILLVAIO3, yah, not sure exactly. Not sure why you'd want to do that either =)
16:27.23FILLVAIO3Ok. thanx
16:27.25*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
16:28.53FILLVAIO3But what about more then one collumn to write my own vars? is that possible?
16:29.16b14ckFILLVAIO3, yah, you can actually make your own CDR rules (what columns you want, etc.)
16:29.25b14ckYou can configure it in the cdr_custom.conf file
16:29.56b14ckYou can find some examples online:
16:30.22b14ckSo you can add custom fields there, then edit your MySQL DB to add those fields, and write whatever you want to them.
16:32.00*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
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16:32.09FILLVAIO3Ok. thanx, i will try this now!!!
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16:42.27FILLVAIO3b14ck: i have configure cdr_mysql.conf, and there [columns] with [alias =>]. Can i use this config for my purposes?
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16:52.50FILLVAIO3but how to make any action after queue ends?
16:55.51FILLVAIO3any, for example run macro
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17:03.29[TK]D-FenderFILLVAIO3: "h" <- Asterisk Standard Extension
17:07.08FILLVAIO3[TK]D-Fender: thanx again! Is possible to set h extension for all contexts globaly?
17:08.55[TK]D-FenderFILLVAIO3: Extensions are in contexts  they do what you put in them.
17:09.03[TK]D-FenderFILLVAIO3: There is no "global".
17:09.18[TK]D-FenderFILLVAIO3: Then again, maybe you should think about INCLUDE's
17:10.13*** join/#asterisk v1s (~v1s@
17:10.50b14ckmy allergies are killing me today
17:11.56FILLVAIO3[TK]D-Fender: i know about includes, and try it early. But i don't understand why i can't use in different extensions includes more than one time
17:12.22v1sif I have Ringing -> Wait(1) - Congestion in my context what should happen if some one callls? and if I replace it with Hangup what should happen or be different?
17:13.32v1sFILLVAIO3: why do u want to use includes more then one time in one extension?
17:13.43FILLVAIO3[TK]D-Fender: Sorry, need to go. thanx for help! Good day for ya.
17:14.20[TK]D-Fenderv1s: Depends and what your call is coming in on.
17:14.59*** join/#asterisk voip_troll (~les@
17:15.07v1s[TK]D-Fender: like if I am using ipkall number
17:15.40voip_trollIs there a way to load an audio file that is going to be played back multiple times (outbound calls) to eliminate the disk i/o overhead?
17:16.03v1s[TK]D-Fender: I am trying to do call back but I want the line to just give a busy signal with out having to answer. But both seem to just be ringing
17:16.36[TK]D-Fenderv1s: Perhaps you should be SHOWING us.
17:16.39infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:16.45v1svoip_troll: I read an article somewhere where u can setup a ram disk then use it to play the files to or from.
17:17.06[TK]D-Fendervoip_troll: RAMFS <-
17:18.52[TK]D-Fenderv1s: where is the CALL to look at?
17:19.10voip_troll[TK]D-Fender: Thanks :)
17:19.19*** join/#asterisk adyn (~adyn@unaffiliated/adyn)
17:19.52v1svoip_troll: maybe check out tmpfs also
17:20.27pabelanger+1 for tmpfs
17:20.41voip_trollYea :)
17:24.24v1s[TK]D-Fender: what u want the full debug or v+10 ?
17:25.20voip_trollThe problem with tmpfs is it uses swap... which puts me back into problems with disk io
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17:25.52v1svoip_troll:  I think it only goes to swap if it runs out of mem
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17:26.15v1sEverything stored in tmpfs is temporary in the sense that no files will be created on the; however, swap space is used as backing store in case of low memory situations. On, everything in tmpfs will be lost.
17:27.18voip_trollah, didn't see that in the dox I'm looking at.  Thanks :)
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17:32.34ruyoWhen setting an option in chan_dahdi.conf, it remains for all channels until told otherwise, right?
17:33.09ruyoOr does everyting reset when "channels => X" is used?
17:34.12[TK]D-Fenderruyo: No reset
17:35.47ruyoIt'd give me hope if you told otherwise. :P
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17:40.46Naikrovekah, TF2.  you are so fun
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17:48.22mnuzaihanhi. I have a question.
17:48.29infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
17:48.37mnuzaihanok. ;)
17:49.06mnuzaihanis there a way to reroute to another trunk if the quality of the current trunk is sub-optimal?
17:49.25mnuzaihansomething like LCR but more for quality instead
17:50.43mnuzaihanfor example, if the latency is too high.
17:51.22mnuzaihani'm using SIP for trunking to upstream providers.
17:51.33*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
17:53.44leifmadsenmnuzaihan: sounds like RTCP stuff, which isn't well supported in Asterisk at the moment. There is a branch oej_ was/is working on that might be good for you to test.
17:54.22mnuzaihanoej_ is the name of the repository branch?
17:54.32mnuzaihanok.. got it.
17:54.35mnuzaihanthanks. :D
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17:55.02oej_It's "pinefrog", mnuzaihan
17:55.02leifmadsenmnuzaihan: maybe this one...  -- I can't tell because oej_ has crazy naming that doesn't help you in determining what the branch actually does
17:55.16oej_That's exactly the branch
17:55.35oej_There are README files in most of the branches to explain, leifmadsen
17:56.04leifmadsenoej_: you have a lot of branches -- it still makes it hard to search through all the README files to find what I'm looking for or for recommending to people to test
17:56.20leifmadsenif there were 3 or 4 branches it would be less of a problem, but I see like 20-30 in there
17:56.48leifmadsenyou need an index.html file in there or something
17:56.56oej_Right. I've started to add some tags to the crazy names
17:57.07leifmadsenless crazy names would be helpful :)
17:57.29oej_The crazy names will still be there, but pinefrog would be pinefrog-rtcp-1.4
17:57.57WIMPyHas there ever been any activity towards supporting G4 fax with Asterisk?
17:59.27leifmadsennot to my knowledge
18:00.23WIMPyThat's the impression google gave me. That's bad. :-(
18:01.56leifmadsenbad is a relative term
18:03.11WIMPyWell, that makes it hard to sell as a business communication system.
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18:05.31leifmadsenin some markets, perhaps
18:06.04leifmadsenI haven't had a problem selling it to my business customers
18:06.12WIMPyIt didn;te bother me so far, as I only used * for IVR type of stuff and at home.
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18:06.31leifmadsenI've not once had someone ask me about G4 faxing in the 6+ years I've been doing asterisk
18:06.38bradleydduring the hangup, I can get the correct channel from BRIDGEPEER--${BRIDGEPEER}  if I core show channel BRIDGEPEER I can see SIPCALLID but can figure out how to get it via dialplan
18:07.06*** join/#asterisk Z_God (~julius@2001:610:1908:8000:21e:ecff:fe5d:679e)
18:07.13leifmadsenbradleyd: use DumpChan() to find channel variables, otherwise you might want one of the SIP...() functions or CHANNEL() function
18:07.16WIMPyBut I've been asked for a 20 branch company for a "normal" phone system. And they are still using fax.
18:07.47leifmadsenwhy can't you just keep the fax separate on their own lines? Why complicate things?
18:08.09leifmadsenor route the calls from Asterisk through to the fax machines directly
18:08.20bradleydI will try DumpChan(), since I tried SIPCHANINFO and SIP_HEADER(Call-ID) to no avail
18:08.54leifmadsenbradleyd: it is highly likely you'll find what you need in a dialplan function rather than a channel variable
18:08.55WIMPyBecause a fax to e-mail type thing would be a very good argument, saving the cost of the fax machines.
18:09.03infobotA telecommunication system for UNIX systems. URL:
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18:09.55WIMPyYes, but with iaxmodem that will only do G3 fax, if I get it correctely.
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18:10.46bradleydleifmadsen: thats what I thought, but the disconnect seems to be that a customer calls in--we park them..then we spool a call that hits a outbound context to an agent.  I need the sip call id from that leg
18:10.54bradleydthanks for the reply
18:12.12WIMPyI found capi4hylafax, but that requires the AVM capi to do G3 fax and I'm not sure it it could be connected to cahn_capi.
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18:21.05bradleydNo application 'DumpChan' for extension (call_agent, h, 4)
18:22.44*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@unaffiliated/kavans)
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18:23.12KavanSok - running into a number that I dial that is busy routinely - suggestions for a macro that detects for busy, and redials automatically for me? - maybe a pause of 2-3 secs
18:23.16KavanSsomeone else doing this I assume?
18:24.12t_dot_zillai'm repeatedly getting this error: queue frame: Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to .... and it's causing CPU to skyrocket
18:24.21t_dot_zilladoes anyone know what is causing it?
18:24.45KavanSn/m - cmd retrydial
18:24.47KavanSreading now...
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18:30.02p3nguinbradleyd: If the 'h' extension has been executed, there is no more channel for DumpChan() to dump.
18:30.38MiccKavanS, I think there is also a new callback feature in 1.8 when a line is busy it retries and calls you back when it goes through.
18:30.54KavanSMicc, doh :( running 1.4 here
18:31.08KavanSreading some more online - looks like there's something that can be done with AGI scripting and a "call" file
18:31.18MiccKavanS, I think there are some similar scripts or dialplan examples on that may do the same thing.
18:32.13MiccKavanS, also I wouldn't recommend using 1.8 in production for a while.It'll take a little time to work out the kinks I'm sure.
18:32.14bradleydnod, just figured that out
18:32.30KavanSMicc, yeah was thinking that...1.4 has been uber reliable for us - don't want to hop into the mix yet
18:33.31MiccKavanS, 1.6 has been reliable for us in the last 8 or 9 months. Before that it was crashing all the time.
18:34.11MiccI can still cause a crash with fax for asterisk on occasions though.
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18:38.36[TK]D-Fender[14:31]<KavanS>reading some more online - looks like there's something that can be done with AGI scripting and a "call" file <- Raw dialplan can do this
18:39.01KavanS[TK]D-Fender, interesting - trying to find more info on - not seeing the example I'm looking for - any suggestions on keyword/search terms?
18:39.19[TK]D-FenderKavanS: Originate()
18:42.20MiccTKD-Fender, is Originate in 1.4?
18:42.52p3nguinThe dialplan app is not, but that doesn't matter a whole lot.
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18:45.31leifmadsenMicc: nope
18:45.49leifmadsenMicc: like p3nguin said though , just the dialplan app -- you can still do it via Manager and such
18:46.20Miccleifmadsen, which means TKD-Fender just sent KavanS on a wild goose chase.
18:46.22[TK]D-Fender[14:42]<Micc>TKD-Fender, is Originate in 1.4? <- no, but you can also call asterisk directly for this
18:46.24p3nguinI was recently told to run it with the System() app.  I must say it works perfectly.
18:46.24leifmadsenKavanS: why not make it simple and just check the ${DIALSTATUS} channel variable and if it is BUSY loop back and try something else
18:46.47[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: thats what I just alluded to
18:46.53KavanSleifmadsen, was thinking that - just enabled busydetect=yes on chan_dadhi, hoping to see if it will work well
18:47.06leifmadsenwhy do you need busydetect?
18:47.24leifmadsensounds like you're using analog
18:47.26KavanSarticle I'm reading suggests to enable it - maybe I am barking up the wrong tree
18:47.32KavanSyep, the trunk dialing outwards is analog
18:47.53leifmadsenI don't know.... test and see what works
18:49.46KavanSok, I will research a bit more - thanks for the direction on this guys, got a lot to read
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19:11.06ariel_hello folks
19:11.17ariel_hardwire: you around?
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19:18.04t_dot_zillai'm repeatedly getting this error: queue frame: Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to .... and it's causing CPU to skyrocket
19:18.13t_dot_zilladoes anyone know what is causing it?
19:19.50Diffen2Evning, I have started to use SNOM 320 phones and now it seems like the audio in the calls can be online for more 20 sec. then the audio disaperas.
19:19.55Diffen2Maximum retries exceeded on transmission 2d3afd11-8d309abc@ for seqno 102 (Critical Response) -- See doc/sip-retransmit.txt.
19:19.55Diffen2[Aug 23 21:17:20] WARNING[5099]: chan_sip.c:1998 retrans_pkt: Hanging up call 2d3afd11-8d309abc@ - no reply to our critical packet (see doc/sip-retransmit.txt).
19:21.44frek818_Diffen2, Are these phone on the same local network as the Asterisk box?
19:21.57Diffen2frek818 no
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19:30.28b14ckpokes frek818_
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19:54.16mnuzaihanhi, i have another question on RTCP. Between me and the upstream would be no issues, but if the upstream has another trunk upstream, will RTCP on my end detect the degradation of quality?
19:55.16mnuzaihanor maybe this question is best answered in the mailing list. :/
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20:07.06citywokSo my Asterisk install crashed after a reload, it appears as though the SIP module may have locked up.
20:07.22citywok1.6.1.11 (i know, i plan to upgrade to 1.6.2 soon)
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20:11.47Chainsawcitywok: That's sad, yes. Without upgrading to the newest available 1.6.2.... not much is going to change.
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20:17.55pabelangercitywok: Or test with 1.6.2 and see if it is fixed, if not report a bug, get fix then backport to
20:18.37citywokIt doesn't happen every reload (they are scheduled once an hour), but it seems to happen once every week or so.  Though typically it happens at the midnight reload and not in the middle of the day.
20:23.03citywokI'll do another test upgrade and see if everything i have is compatible with 1.6.2 and see if i can upgrade this week.
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20:25.59fofwarehello all
20:27.28fofwareone question, in asterisk 1.4  [mydevice] regexten=2000 need something more to work?
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20:31.02pabelangerfofware: What are you trying to do?
20:31.42fofwareI trying to define a device like example in sip.conf for xlite
20:32.08fofwareand regextension with some numberr
20:32.43fofwarebut I if define with this way extension number not found
20:33.09[TK]D-Fenderfofware: Feel free to show us
20:33.14fofwareand if i defeine [9999] , blblblblblb
20:33.14pabelangerfofware: Then why not use the existing example with sip.conf for xlite?
20:33.43fofwarethe extension work
20:34.12fofwareI'm ussing the example but it don't work im my case
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20:57.34Diffen2Hello, i have a problem that i have a bad feeling about. When i dial out from a device the ACK that should be sent to the server are sent to a completley different address...
20:59.05DeVilSoulBlacKhi any one have url to shared how to enable skype under asterisk
20:59.06Diffen2Seems like the invite, session in progress and the ok to the device are correct. but the ack are sent way off
20:59.11DeVilSoulBlacKno from zero
21:01.17*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:01.47infobotit has been said that skypeforasterisk is a Digium-made channel driver that allows Asterisk to connect to the Skype network using a Skype-supported connection method. Unlike all other solutions it does not require X11, kernel modules, or a Windows machine. See for details
21:01.58[TK]D-Fenderfofware: SHOW us the error.
21:02.14[TK]D-Fenderfofware: And where exactly are you expecting it to CREATE this extension and what are you expecting it to do?
21:03.12fofware[TK]D-Fender: when I call from other extension the error is extension not found
21:03.34[TK]D-Fenderfofware: And what do you expect it to DO?
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21:05.18DeVilSoulBlacKqwell i get this "chan_skype.c:869: confused by earlier errors, bailing out"
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21:05.53fofware[TK]D-Fender:  handle _request_invite: Call from device1 to extension 2002 rejected because extension not found
21:05.53fofwareI expect the extension ring, like if I define the extension with number for example [2002]
21:06.14[TK]D-Fenderfofware: [2002] is NOT an "extension"
21:06.31[TK]D-Fenderfofware: You seem to have some fundamental misunderstandings about * and those parameters
21:06.58[TK]D-Fenderfofware: "regexten" will in no way make an extension that will actually dial anything at all
21:07.11DeVilSoulBlacKi have asterisk
21:07.17fofwareright it is a device, sure many thiings i don't understand very well
21:07.32QwellDeVilSoulBlacK: without seeing much more information, nobody will be able to help
21:07.41[TK]D-Fenderfofware:  Completely forget about "regexten".  You do not need it.
21:07.53fofware[TK]D-Fender: ok, I did understan bad
21:08.00DeVilSoulBlacKskype for asterisk ist possible work under zaptel ?
21:08.02KobazDeVilSoulBlacK: i have an 87 oldsmobile... can you fix it?
21:08.06DeVilSoulBlacKor i need update to dahdi
21:08.23QwellDeVilSoulBlacK: Asterisk 1.6 doesn't work with Zaptel...
21:08.41*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
21:10.14citywokthere was a comic last week about what it meant if you capitalized random letters in your name, or used l33t speak. DeVilSoulBlacK i suggest you go find it.
21:10.42fofware[TK]D-Fender: thanks a lot, I don't understand very well yet about extensions, devices, etc
21:10.53[TK]D-Fenderfofware: Time to go make your dialplan.  Also to realize you did not set the CONTEXT for your devices.  this is where their calls should land so you can process them
21:11.10[TK]D-Fenderfofware: the dialplan (extensions.conf) is 95% of Asterisk.
21:11.35[TK]D-Fenderfofware: the few lines it takes for a SIP phone to be "usable" is nothing at all really.  the real work is PROCESSING your calls
21:11.54*** join/#asterisk io_error (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/ioerror/x-29167786)
21:12.31fofware[TK]D-Fender: ok, width dial plan I have less problems, but now I'm cheking all parameters for sip.conf
21:12.44beardyfofware: Setting the context where calls to your devices will land is _very_ important.
21:13.13io_errorI have a question I cannot find the answer to in the docs. When someone calls in and is directed to voicemail, I want only the user's greeting played; I want to get rid of the automated message that says "Please leave your message after the tone" etc. How can I do that?
21:13.25io_errorAnd, i only want to do this for some extensions
21:13.32[TK]D-Fenderio_error: "core show application voicemail" <-
21:14.30io_errorAh, there it is. What a strange place for it to be. :) Thanks!
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21:33.38fofwarebeardy:  yes, I'm looking for more simple way to configure asterisk in embed devices and use less settings are possible to save space and processor time
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21:34.59pabelangerfofware: look into templates for sip.conf, will help cut down on redundant settings
21:35.58fofwarepabelanger: yes I looked it
21:36.58[TK]D-FenderNot worth it
21:37.19[TK]D-Fendercouple of bytes of a sip config file should not screw you
21:37.30[TK]D-FenderIf you're that tight, just shoot yourself now and be done with it
21:43.45beardyThat's a bit drastic..
21:44.59fofware[TK]D-Fender: I have working Asterisk over devices with only 4Mb of flash and processor of 180Mhz, and now I lost sounds and VM because os is biger than last year but work fine for home use, now is needed devices with 8Mb of flash to get a good PBX for home users
21:45.18*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
21:49.49fofware[TK]D-Fender: I know you don't like asterisk running on embed device, but it could be good, every body have a DSL router, so if asterisk run on many of them, will be good for every body, special for peoples that live in countryes where comunicatios are too spencive
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21:52.54[TK]D-Fenderfofware: I didn't say embeded was bad
21:53.18[TK]D-Fenderfofware: I said if you think you need to use SIP TEMPLATES then you are penny pinching to a pathetic degree
21:54.14fofware[TK]D-Fender:  :o)
21:56.18DeVilSoulBlacKis away: auto-away
21:57.00DeVilSoulBlacKis back (gone 00:00:42)
21:58.13QwellDeVilSoulBlacK: Turn that off.
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22:11.11TrixboxerHi, Is there a away where I can avoid the call cut due to extension becoming unreachable at the time of call transfer ?   like the call will bounce back to the person who had transferred it
22:11.39Qwellit's unreachable..  what would you like it to do?
22:12.12Trixboxerit will ring back to the person who had transferred it, like for eg
22:12.54Trixboxercall came on 1000 and the person at 1000 transfers it to 2000 but 2000 is not registered yet then the call will again ring at 1000
22:13.15Trixboxercurrently its hanging up
22:13.23TrixboxerI dont want to use voicemail
22:13.27pabelangerTrixboxer: its called an attended transfer
22:14.07Trixboxerpabelanger, hmm do I need to do something special for it ?
22:16.23pabelangerif you are using features.conf, look at atxfer
22:17.17TrixboxerIm using hard IP phones and the people are used to habit of pressing transfer button... so can asterisk take care of it automatically ?
22:18.47pabelangerTrixboxer: Not unless you some how remap the 'transfer' button to dial asterisk first.  Otherwise, the transfer is handled outside of asterisk control
22:19.19Trixboxerok, will check it out.. thanks mate
22:19.22[TK]D-FenderTrixboxer: Change their habits. I recommend elctro-shock
22:19.45citywokYea, changing habits is hard.  I have told like 30 people to dial the phone, THEN pick up the handset. that's a hard habit to break.
22:20.05Qwellwhat?  why?
22:20.32citywokSome people take too long to dial while looking up the number, so the phone times out and dials whatever they have entered.  (it's set to 5 seconds)
22:20.40Trixboxer[TK]D-Fender, hahaha eclctro-shock so their hairs go like *
22:20.50Qwellso fix your phone dialplan
22:21.24citywokYea, I need to just set the timeout to 10 seconds I think.
22:21.43citywokPeople need to learn how to dial faster. not pressing a button for 5 seconds, what are you doing? lol.
22:21.49[TK]D-FenderTimeouts?  Pardon?
22:22.23citywokThe dial timeout on the Aastra phones. if you don't press a button for X seconds with the handset off-hook it assumes you are done dialing and sends the dialed digits out.
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22:22.34[TK]D-Fendercitywok: Excellent
22:22.58citywokSet to 5 I've had a 2 or 3 people complain that it's too fast, out of 150. lol.
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22:24.16citywokWhat POE switches do people use/recommend?  We're considering switching away from softphones and replacing the 100 agents with Aastra 31i's, but we'd have to replace our switches to support all the POE.  I've seen people say the 48 ports only have enough power for 24 phones, and the 24 ports put out jsut as much power as the 48's, so i'm thinking a bunch of cisco 24 port POE's.
22:25.00citywokApparently the Aastra's register w/ the POE switch @ 15 watts even though they dont use that much, and the 48 port cisco's i've seen only support 24 @ 15 or 48 @ 7.7.
22:27.07Chainsawcitywok: We use a Brocade FES4802-ILP.
22:27.22Chainsawcitywok: (You may see them as Foundry in second-hand channels)
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22:30.40citywokYup, I see that.  big 2U sucker.  I'm not sure i want to carry 2 of those to the Philippines in my suit case. lol.  Does it power all 48 ports @ 15W? i don't see any mention of it.
22:32.10*** join/#asterisk variable_office (
22:32.51variable_officeAsterisk is not sending a 180 message back to the upstream device when it is acting as a sip client. It just goes straight from 100 to 200
22:32.54Chainsawcitywok: It has a 600W PSU, so based on my calculations it should come close.
22:32.59variable_officehow can I get it to send the 180?
22:34.54fofwareabout DIAL... If I mix a SIP/devices with IAX2/externalPbx/, for example DIAL(SIP/6000&SIP/6001&IAX2/otherPBX/2020) sips devices are in local PBX ring one time and when DIAL to IAX2, my local pbx think the call was answered and still ringing on external, Exists any way to fix that, maybe ussing SIP/OtherPBX/2020 ?
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22:37.32fofwareDIAL to more than one PBX only work in this way?
22:38.11[TK]D-Fenderfofware: What your other PBX does isn't *'s problem...  make it not answer before actually answering on the farther end
22:38.58Chainsawcitywok: Update, 480W available for PoE; so 10 watts per port. It negotiates for 15.4, the next step down is 7.7; do you know the actual consumption per unit pelase?
22:39.00Chainsawcitywok: please?
22:39.44citywokChainsaw: The actual consumption "depends on how many modules you have attached", so the phones register with the switch for a full 15
22:40.08citywoki think they use something like 7 or 8
22:40.34Chainsawcitywok: Okay. 10 watts per port should cover it.
22:40.35fofware[TK]D-Fender: so you think i have an error in dial plan of second PBX? with propper one must be work perfect?
22:41.07citywokDoes the switch not mind if you register 48 ports @ 15, since they are only using 7 or 8?  The cisco's won't allow the extra ones to negotiate the POE.
22:42.03Chainsawcitywok: I'd have to test that. Worth asking Brocade perhaps?
22:42.43[TK]D-Fenderfofware: "local pbx think the call was answered" <- it WAS answered.. and the remote PBX is sitting in the way of its separate outbound call
22:44.10citywokChainsaw: Yea, i've asked our vendor to ask aastra how many watts these things actually use on POE, I'll check about brocade/foundry for the wattage stuff.
22:45.44Chainsawcitywok: It's likely you'll end up with 2U kit if you want that power budget though. I just don't see a way to do all that in a 1U box without liquid cooling.
22:46.29variable_officeanyone know about asterisk never sending out 180 sip ringing messages?
22:47.18pabelangervariable_office: network routing issue?
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22:47.46variable_officepabelanger, No I tried putting a tcpdump right on the interface
22:47.51variable_officeit skips it entirely
22:47.56citywokChainsaw: yea, i'm tempted to use 24 port cisco's, that way if i lose a switch i don't get completely wiped out.
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22:48.14pabelangervariable_office: pb at SIP debug from Asterisk
22:48.21Chainsawcitywok: I would look further then just Cisco though. Tends to be overpriced for what you get.
22:49.06variable_officepabelanger, pretty sure I checked sip debug, but let me double check
22:49.43theharAnyone ever manageded a *&*$ing Panasonic D500 "hybrd' pbx? heh
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22:51.16variable_officepabelanger, nope straight from 100 to 200
22:51.37citywokChainsaw: Yea, i'd go with older 10/100 24 port POE switches and use my existing RPS's to power them.  We've got mostly 48 port 10/100 switches now running on the RPS's
22:51.44pabelangervariable_office: pastebin it, so we can all review it
22:52.21Chainsawcitywok: Okay :)
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22:57.07pabelangervariable_office: what does your Dial syntax look like?
22:58.10variable_officepabelanger, standard ... Dial(SIP/)
22:58.50variable_officepabelanger, or standard ... Queue(xxx,t,,,600)
23:00.01pabelangervariable_office: indications.conf loaded?
23:00.45variable_officepabelanger, there is an indications.conf present. looking for a specific value? is there a way that i can check if it was implicitly loaded?
23:01.02*** part/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
23:01.51variable_officepabelanger, I just upgraded from to and there was no change
23:01.57pabelangervariable_office: *CLI> indications show us
23:02.04pabelangershould tell if they are loaded.
23:02.31pabelangervariable_office: So, this used to work with .8 but stopped when you upgraded to .11?
23:02.52variable_officepabelanger, no I have no idea if it ever worked, but I just tried upgrading to .11 in the hopes that it would
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23:09.50variable_officepabelanger, pabelanger btw indications was/is loaded
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23:33.06variable_officepabelanger, does your asterisk send a 180 ringing?
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