IRC log for #asterisk on 20100821

00:01.00*** join/#asterisk moy_ (
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00:32.47*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
00:44.14JouvaWelp, finally found what I needed from debian to compile the dahdi module so that works now
01:02.07*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
01:03.32*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
01:45.35*** join/#asterisk zilasb (
01:46.04zilasbneeds some help on agi...
01:48.06zilasbin agi I need to call url to add payment into asp. I am using $ch = curl_init('');
01:48.20zilasbbut agi hangs up on me
01:48.33zilasbany ideas?
01:49.23jqlseems like curl is printing something to stdout
01:49.30*** join/#asterisk voxter (
01:49.32zilasbit does
01:49.39jqlyeah, asterisk dislikes that
01:49.40zilasbis that a reason to hangup?
01:49.50jqlasterisk is listening to what you're printing out
01:49.57zilasbany ideas to work around it?
01:49.58voxterany of you guys use a speed dial in a polycom phone that sends   "#" ? Apparently this used to work but now its sending the # escaped as hex
01:50.33jqlzilasb: umm... either tell curl to stop printing to stdout, or redirect stdout for curl
01:50.51jqlvoxter: it's kinda supposed to hex it
01:51.11zilasbjql: thanks. no idea how but will ask our god google about it
01:51.28jqlzilasb: good luck
01:52.06voxterjql: its supposed to hex a pound sign? that is a valid telephone digit.
01:52.53jqlvoxter: but it's sending it as part of a URI, where hex codes are equal to the character it represents
01:53.10jqlURI rules apply in SIP
01:53.18voxterjql: i wonder if i disable uri dialing if it will work right
01:54.00jqlI dunno. My phones have it disabled, but my dialplan has both # and percent-encoded variants
02:00.50voxterjql: is there a special way to add something with a # in it into a speed dial key and have it actually pass "#" ?
02:00.51voxter\# ?
02:02.22jqllord no
02:02.29jqlit's a layering issue
02:02.46voxterI get why urlencode is happening on characters, but do you have a workaround?
02:03.37jqlthe _phone_ says dial "45#", but the signaling layer says INVITE SIP/2.0
02:03.44zilasbjql: man i owe you a []). you a life saver!!!!
02:03.53jqlzilasb: cool. :)
02:04.18zilasbjql: simple thing like curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); did the job. can't believe I wasted 2-3 hours on it....
02:04.30voxterjql: ya, no, i get it when you look at the problem in reverse, but, how do i modify the phone's config to pass what i actually want?
02:04.38jqlzilasb: I have no idea what that does, but I'm glad it works for you. :)
02:04.43voxterjql: there has to be a way to send a proper "#" as a dtmf digit
02:04.49jqlvoxter: why would it be possible to turn off?
02:05.20jqlvoxter: it's like asking if there's an option to turn off the ability to hang up a call
02:05.47jqlwell, dialing as dtmf is a different issue
02:05.59jqlyou can probably do *that*
02:06.05voxterjql: except, its a reasonable expectation to program a speed dial key, and when pressed, have it send the digits you asked it to.
02:06.22jqlvoxter: it does. %23 is exactly equivalent to # in a URI
02:06.25jqlit's in the spec. :)
02:06.41jqlthey are interchangeable, rather
02:06.46voxterlet me rephrase my question
02:07.18voxterI want to program a button on one of my side cars, that when pressed, parks a call
02:07.36voxterThe logical idea would be to make a button send "#900" # being transfer and 900 being park call
02:08.12jqldid I forget to mention that a legal extension is: _%23X,1,Goto(#${EXTEN:3},1) ?
02:08.16jqljust sayin'
02:08.32voxterjql: # is a dtmf digit that asterisk picks up from features.conf and interprets
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02:08.38voxterim not trying to dial an extension that begins with #
02:08.45voxter# = blind xfer
02:09.16jqlso you want an enhanced feature key which dials dtmf
02:09.19jqlthat's doable
02:09.39voxterthats in the emkeys stuff right?
02:10.55jqlefk, I think
02:11.00voxterit looked to me like doing that would put a park key at the bottom of the screen, not assignable on a sidecar
02:11.14jqlahh, $Tdtmf$
02:11.28jqlefks can be assigned to speed-dial
02:11.32voxteroh i see how it works
02:11.35jqlrather, macros can
02:11.55voxterI have a efk set to
02:12.27voxterI guess then i put on a sidecar "!callpark" as the exten
02:12.36voxter(i labelled it "callpark" in efk)
02:12.38jqlyeah, that sounds right
02:12.50voxterlet me try this
02:13.17voxtershould <efk> be inside of <sip> or no?
02:13.56jqlno, I generally trust the attribute names to specify the xml path
02:16.41voxterso, sorry for the paste
02:16.54voxteri took the space out between dt and mf
02:17.44voxterthen in a speed dial i set tthe contact to "!callpark"
02:17.46voxterwe'll see if that works.
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02:18.22jqlwell, should be interesting, at least
02:18.44voxterthanks for the help
02:19.06voxterseems odd that they wouldnt allow a series of numbers to be speed dialed just as-is as digits, and force it to be a url encoded sip string..
02:19.27voxtershould be able to define a speed dial or some kind of button that simply sends whatever you set as dtmf digits in a call
02:19.39jqlwell, the sip string implies that you were actually dialing that destination as a separate call
02:19.43jqland/or transferring to it
02:19.50jqlwhen you actually wanted inline dtmf
02:20.13voxteri had set this key up intended to be a 'one key park'
02:20.18jqlyeah, speed dial by default is dial. never been a problem for me, but I understand the complaint
02:20.20voxterrather than telling people to hit transfer, then 900
02:20.47jqlI have a one-key park as well, but it's a blind-transfer macro
02:20.55voxterusing efk?
02:20.55jqlso I never expected dtmf behavior
02:21.01*** join/#asterisk russ (
02:21.27voxterwe sent it as dtmf with # (asterisk's built in blind transfer) so that it reads the park extension to the parker as well
02:21.38voxterthen on a group of like 10 phones they all have hints on parking slots 1-10
02:21.45voxterits like a simulated Shared line system
02:22.12jqlyeah. I'm considering using the Warning header as a message system back to the phones in order to allow dynamic park extensions
02:22.17jqlright now I have manual selection
02:22.26*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
02:22.31voxterid really love to see some more advanced implementation on polycoms
02:22.40voxteri have all but abandoned them in favor of aastras with their xml integration
02:22.53voxterthe polycoms at the time, at least, were far too limited to be able to deliver the same experience
02:23.22jqlpolycom mainly pisses me off with their software release policy
02:23.44voxterin terms of requiring to be polycom authorized to get the latest release?
02:23.51jqltheir firmware release cycle spits in the face of a heterogeneous network
02:24.02jqlno, they give the firmware away now, or near enough
02:24.06voxteroh, good.
02:24.11voxterso they just dont release often enough?
02:24.19jqlthey just keep end-of-lifing on the one end, and then requiring the newest fucking release on the other
02:24.20voxterIt also pisses me off that now i have to go grab two versions
02:24.27voxterahhh yeah
02:24.32jqlnew phones require bleeding edge firmware. old phones are dead and gone
02:24.36voxteryou need a version of the new firmware, then a legacy firmware for the others
02:24.40voxterand some do one thing, some dont
02:24.56jqlI'm actually up to three separate firmwares
02:25.08jql"stable", "old", and "required for new phone X"
02:25.16voxterpolycom is by far worlds behind aastra in terms of managing them
02:25.19jqlfucking X
02:27.48rue_mohrpolycom sucks if you ask me
02:28.02jqlwhat's your preference?
02:28.07rue_mohrso far, aastra
02:28.16rue_mohrbut everyone seems to be making voip sets
02:28.35rue_mohrpanasonic, .... some I cant pronounce...
02:29.25rue_mohranyone ever tried * with a panasonic voip set?
02:29.44jqlthe list is a lot shorter as a carrier. remote provisioning excludes a lot of fly-by-night handsets. :(
02:29.51jqlthey try. really they do
02:31.16voxteri do aastra, polycom
02:31.19voxterthats pretty much it
02:31.28rue_mohrI'v only worked with the 2
02:31.30voxteri'll do cisco or linksys if someone insists and or begs but i dont advertise them
02:31.34rue_mohrI hear grandstream is junk
02:31.46voxterwhats the latest polycom firmware on a 601?
02:32.03rue_mohrOur isp's aren't reliable enough to do wan voip, so I'm doing localized systems
02:32.06voxterI just tried to get this one to update but still seems stuck on 3.0.3
02:32.18rue_mohrjust getting into aastras aastralink 160
02:33.03voxteri passed on that one
02:33.06rue_mohrno, I gave up on the 601's cause polycom *cant* tell me the gain limits, the defaults are so badly messed that even in a quiet office my users cant hear anything
02:33.08voxterI partnered with a local ADSL provider
02:33.30rue_mohrno aastra audio problems
02:33.43voxterand deliver "point to point adsl" utilizing peering arrangements
02:33.50rue_mohrand the users can see th digits their dialing, which is a big complaint on the polycom
02:34.08jqlthe winner is: 3.1.6!
02:35.22voxterwas just on my way there :)
02:35.43rue_mohrdoes polycom do a canned pbx?
02:36.10jqloh lovely, the 430 was end-of-lifed with 3.3.x
02:36.30rue_mohrALSO the polycoms have a memory leak and need to be rebooted every few months
02:36.38rue_mohrhad some STRANGE issues
02:36.51rue_mohrlike calls transfered to them having no audio
02:38.10jqlthat would be among the reasons I dislike living on polycom's bleeding edge. I keep a nicely aged release around for anyone who doesn't feel like they need an IP5000 or something
02:38.11rue_mohrI think the polycoms adjust the mic level with the earpiece volume, but I dont ahve a sip-spy-scope to prove it
02:38.21voxterHmm... jql, i downloaded the 3.1.6 legacy combined, and my 601 here is downloading a sip.ld file and claiming it is the same as the one it has (3.0.3) - any ideas?
02:39.01jqlvoxter: hmm. I dunno how the combined works. I've been using split for years, now
02:39.21voxteroh, should i be doing that?
02:39.26voxterim still confused as to whats the deal with them.
02:39.32voxteri thought combined just included an updated bootrom too
02:39.36jqland by years, apparently I mean more than one, and less than 2. :)
02:39.49rue_mohrbut I was just looking at the gstreamer software and It think I can make a program to do eavesdropping and give you audio levels in db
02:40.19rue_mohras currently there isn't a way to watch sip audio levels
02:40.26jqlno, combined has all the phone models' firmwares in a single file
02:40.34jqlwhile split branches out into individual models
02:41.40voxterok ill download split
02:42.22*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
02:43.00jqlsplit requires bootrom 4.0, is the main thing
02:44.00voxterpretty sure all my phones are on bootrom 4.0 or higher
02:44.23rue_mohrand you can download the resultant config from an aastra phone to help you write configurations, most things can be set from the webpage unlike polycoms, "there is a webpage, what more do you want?"
02:45.11jqlheh, I disable the webpage on all of our phones, so I guess I'm out of touch with that. :)
02:47.04voxterI dont do web-provisioning unless its a pinch or a test
02:47.15voxterits asking for trouble later. i guess if you only deal with 10 phones who cares
02:47.18voxterbut i have 1000s deploeyd
02:47.37jqlyeah. if a user has touched the phone config, it might as well be destroyed
02:47.47jqlwields the iron fist of God
02:48.17voxterI like how you think jql, where do you live? do you need a job? :P
02:48.38jqlSan Diego, and I'm expensive. :)
02:48.48voxterDo you do this for a living already?
02:48.49rue_mohrI'm waiting for the day our main product is not a Panasonic TDA30
02:48.51voxterI'm in vancouver
02:49.04rue_mohrI'm in 'vancouver'
02:49.13rue_mohrwhat country is your vancouver?
02:49.15voxterVancouver washington? :P
02:49.24voxterI'm in canada.
02:49.24rue_mohrmines canada
02:49.26jqlI've been to both of those. I'm from Seattle
02:49.26voxter"Real" vancouver.
02:49.35rue_mohrI'm out of van, a ferry trip
02:49.40voxterrue_mohr: island?
02:49.52rue_mohrthe 'other' ferry, 'Langdale'
02:50.13voxteroh yeah.
02:50.21voxterI own/operate a business voip company here in the lower mainland
02:50.46voxterthe client im working on at the moment which is one of my last on polycoms is Warner Brother Studios
02:50.48rue_mohrdo you have a few hundred thousand to start a sip provider up here?
02:51.03jqlheh, WB
02:51.11voxterrue_mohr: we just opened pops in seattle, miami, phoenix, LA
02:51.14jamkoJust to confirm, ODBC must be used for storage of voicemail messages in a mysql db???  Using *
02:51.17*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
02:51.22voxterand just inked a deal doing integrated voip with a large firewall provider.
02:51.26jqlmy company keeps getting pinged by Canadians wanting service, but we always have to say no
02:51.26rue_mohrI cant even get isdn or fractional T1 for less than $1300/mo
02:51.31jqlserious, wtf Canada?
02:51.53jqlit's like the ghost of ma bell is rattling her chains up there. it's sad
02:52.09rue_mohrthe lack of isdn was a surprise to me
02:52.32jqlI can offer e911 service to the yukon territories, but I have to pay 2c/min origination in Toronto?
02:52.32rue_mohrone of my customers wanted ... 2 of them..... wanted 2 lines and 5+ numbers
02:53.57rue_mohrhow much is T1 thre?
02:54.56voxterfuck isdn, fuck t1.. I mean, if it were cheap
02:55.29rue_mohrour isp is not a reliable carrier
02:55.30voxterI just get DSL and peer with the dsl provider and provide my own PPPoE
02:55.43voxterso i am single-hop back to the customer
02:56.03voxterI can give out my own ips and all , and they give me free "on-net" traffic since im not routing out to the internet at all.
02:56.06rue_mohrthe data networks are flimly as gazoo here
02:56.07jqland what does *that* cost? heh
02:56.19voxterfor 3mb/1mb
02:56.24voxterits perfect
02:56.31rue_mohrwow, we cant get that up here for less than $500/mo
02:56.46voxterthe thing is you have to partner with an ADSL provider and become a reseller of theirs
02:56.53rue_mohrvia eastlink, telus.... no
02:57.02rue_mohrthere is only telus up here
02:57.08rue_mohrthey dont partner
02:57.13jqltelus, telus, and sometimes telus
02:57.16voxtermy resller is a subset of telus
02:57.30voxteror smarttnet, or skyway west
02:57.57rue_mohrmost of our area dosn't even have dsl coverage
02:58.03voxterah that could be a problem then ;)
02:58.18rue_mohrI'v thought about building a buyout
02:58.30rue_mohrthe cable isp is quite unreliable
02:59.14rue_mohrso for now, its aastralink 160 with pots lines
02:59.26rue_mohror home-rolled asterisk
02:59.38rue_mohrwhich is a problem cause we need techs who can service that
02:59.48rue_mohras opposed to a tech.
03:01.23voxterhrmmm... :/
03:01.43voxterthis 601 boots and then asks for  2345-11605-001.sip.ld
03:01.47voxterwhich hasnt been updated
03:01.56voxterin the <mac>.cfg file it just specifies "sip.ld"
03:02.03voxterthe 3.1.6 split didnt contain an updated  2345-11605-001.sip.ld
03:03.33*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
03:03.50jayteeevening *ers
03:04.32jqlerr, weird
03:05.22voxterhmm. put the   <APPLICATION_SPIP601 APP_FILE_PATH_SPIP601="sip_316.ld" CONFIG_FILES_SPIP601="phone1_316.cfg, sip_316.cfg" />
03:05.25voxterinside of the <mac>.cfg file
03:05.31voxterit seems happier. fucked up kludge
03:08.05drfreezeAnyone have some docs on setting up haproxy with AGI?
03:16.00p3nguin[Aug 20 22:09:23] WARNING[18325]: app_voicemail.c:3547 make_email_file: Sox failed to re-encode /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/202/INBOX/msg0000.WAV: An error occurred during file processing (have you installed support for all sox file formats?)
03:16.04p3nguinWhat's the fix here?
03:16.12p3nguinIt worked prior to upgrading asterisk.
03:16.49carraryou installed support for all sox file formats?
03:17.00*** join/#asterisk DarkNet (
03:17.00p3nguinNo clue.
03:17.11p3nguinIf I knew how that was done (or not done), I might know how to overcome it.
03:17.52p3nguinIt isn't something I have intentionally changed, so I don't know.
03:19.05p3nguinThe last time sox was upgraded was 2010-01-27.  I've gone through multiple versions of Asterisk since that.
03:19.39p3nguinI guess I'll start rolling back Asterisk versions until it works again.
03:24.38p3nguinOkay, so it isn't the build of Asterisk that makes any difference.  I just rolled back to a version where I know it was working, but the error still shows up.  What could it be?  Where do I need to look to fix it?
03:24.40*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
03:25.14jqlI'm guessing there's not an extension <-> format mismatch?
03:25.39jqlfile /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/202/INBOX/msg0000.WAV   # should say something about wav
03:26.26p3nguinDoes not exist.
03:27.01jqlI can't blame sox for that
03:29.59carrargrep format voicemail.conf
03:31.00p3nguinI thought it could have been that I used to have more than one format specified, so I put it back to wav49|gsm, and made sure that every .WAV in the mailboxes have a .gsm to go along with it.
03:31.38p3nguinBut I think I'm going to specify only wav49 and delete all the gsm files.
03:34.40p3nguinI don't understand the "support for all sox formats" thing, though.
03:35.01p3nguinIt sounds like something is missing, but how would I include whatever is missing?
03:43.27p3nguinIt'll record to .gsm just fine.  I can use "file convert" on the CLI to convert the gsm to a WAV with no trouble after the .gsm is recorded.  What the hell is wrong that it won't record to .WAV anymore?
03:48.05*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
03:48.23*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
04:00.15p3nguinIt doesn't make any sense to me.
04:01.00p3nguinI see plenty of results including this problem when a google it, but there is no solution.
04:01.14p3nguinwhen I google it, rather.
04:04.32v1sp3nguin: do the directories have the right permissions?
04:06.47radenCan i have a web app track extension status somehow ?
04:12.39*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
04:25.06MrHanManHas anyone gotten a Cisco 7925g wifi phone to work with Asterisk?  I followed a howto on voip-info, and got as far as updating the firmware, but it doesn't seem to be registering to Asterisk.  I'm not really sure where to go from here.
04:27.10MrHanMani'm not sure even how to see if Asterisk loaded chan/sccp
04:28.22MrHanMansccp show devices return no devices, but also no errors, so i'm assuming that means the chan was loaded
04:33.01MrHanManhere is my SEP[MAC].cnf.xml -
04:34.48MrHanManhere is my sccp.conf -
04:35.32*** join/#asterisk Ziaeon (
04:37.48p3nguinv1s: As far as I can tell, yes.
04:38.30p3nguinv1s: app_voicemail is able to create the voicemails in gsm format, but spews that crap when trying to create them as WAV.
04:40.00p3nguinmrhanman: You installed chan_sccp-b already?
04:40.19MrHanMancompiled v3rc1
04:40.20p3nguinDid you run module load chan_sccp?
04:40.37MrHanMani added it to the modules.conf and rebooted
04:41.00p3nguinThat's a bit of overkill, but it should have picked it up nevertheless.
04:41.19p3nguinCheck it.  sccp show version
04:41.57MrHanManSkinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP). Release: 3.0 RC1 -  (built by 'root' on '2010-08-21 03:18:56 UTC')
04:43.00p3nguinI'm successfully using SCCP channel Release: v2 - 1246.
04:43.41p3nguinI don't see anything on your sccp.conf that's sticking out as being wrong.
04:44.08MrHanManthe problem may be in extension.conf
04:44.12MrHanManlet me paste bin it
04:45.00p3nguinYou mentioned that the phone isn't registering to Asterisk.  That's not an extensions.conf issue.
04:46.19MrHanManoh, would i determine where the breakdown is?
04:47.00p3nguinIncrease the debug level in sccp.conf and reload it.
04:47.20p3nguinIn v2, I have to unload and load... there is no reload feature.
04:47.45p3nguinMaybe v3 has the reload working in it.  module reload chan_sccp
04:48.40MrHanManwhat should i increase it to?
04:48.48p3nguin1 or higher
04:49.05radenis it possible to monitor line status via a browser ?
04:49.07p3nguinI'd probably try 2 or 3.
04:49.35MrHanMani set it to 3
04:49.48MrHanManbtw, it doesn't support reload
04:50.11p3nguinToo bad, I suppose.  unload it and then load it.
04:50.28p3nguinIt should be producing debug output already.
04:50.29MrHanManpowering on phone
04:52.53MrHanManthe phone says "opening [asterisk ip]", and that's it
04:53.11p3nguinSo it isn't loading the necessary files, I would say.
04:53.52MrHanManit downloads the SEP[MAC].cnf.xml, at least
04:54.36p3nguinThere are probably four firmware files, XMLDefault.cnf.xml and SEP<MAC>.cnf.xml that should be in your tftp directory.
04:55.51MrHanManyes, it downloaded and upgraded the firmware
04:56.23p3nguinI also have imageversion specified in my [devices] section.  I don't see it on yours.  Not sure if that's important or not.
04:57.23p3nguinimageversion = P00308010200   for my older equipment.
04:58.39MrHanManwhat's the iptables command to add 2000 to the allow list in the INPUT chain?
04:58.42radenHow do i make it so when people dial out asterisk does not pickup the 1 before they dial ?  my call records are all messed up
04:58.51*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
04:59.02radeni have 10 digit call logs with a 1 at the beginning
04:59.51radenanother issue comes up what happened when someone dials out of country using like 14 digits  ?
05:02.29p3nguiniptables -I INPUT -p udp --dport 2000 -j ACCEPT
05:05.33MrHanManok, that's in there
05:06.19MrHanManwould the time/date being way off on the phone hurt?
05:06.28p3nguinI wouldn't think so.
05:06.54p3nguinI expect once you get things working chan_sccp will update that time anyway.
05:08.13MrHanManstill no sccp debugging
05:08.35*** part/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
05:08.44p3nguinChange it to debug level 10.
05:09.16p3nguinIf nothing shows up with it on 10, it's borked.
05:09.52p3nguinMine, by default, was on 1 and it showed plenty of debug info.
05:11.36radenam i invisible tonight ?
05:11.54jqlanyone hear something?
05:12.00p3nguinStupid crap... they closed down Jack in the Box and turned it into a Mexican restaurant.  Now I don't have any place to get a raspberry smoothie.
05:12.33p3nguinjql: Not voicemail, that's for damn sure.
05:13.07jqlloss of a jack in the box is tragic. what does one do without their curly fries?
05:13.22jqldelicious, crispy, curly fries. *mmmmm*
05:15.30p3nguinWhile recording the voicemail message, the message exists as .WAV in the tmp directory, but once I press 1 to save it, the error pops up and the message file is lost.
05:16.51*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
05:17.02MrHanManstill nothing in sccp debugging.  now what should i do?
05:17.25p3nguinOh, here's some progress on the voicemail...
05:17.52p3nguinThe problem was:  app_voicemail.c:3547 make_email_file: Sox failed to re-encode blah blah blah
05:18.32p3nguinSo I changed attach = yes to no, and left another voicemail.  No problem with it.  The file is saved as .WAV and the error did not appear.
05:19.38p3nguinmrhanman: Consider using one of the v2 versions?
05:20.34MrHanManworth a shot, i guess
05:22.54AliRezaTaleghanihi, all
05:23.24AliRezaTaleghanican some one tell me, how can i modify the incoming calls dialplan..
05:23.27AliRezaTaleghanii mean:
05:24.10AliRezaTaleghanithe call from the cisco,  get in with this pattern  5xxx
05:24.22AliRezaTaleghanimy internal extention is xxx (ex. 432)
05:25.00*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
05:25.03AliRezaTaleghanihow can i route the incoming 5xxx into xxx extention (ex: 5432 => 432)
05:25.05russjust like bash
05:25.55p3nguinThe call is to 5432, but you want it to be routed to SIP/432?
05:28.22AliRezaTaleghanip3nguin: yes
05:29.20p3nguinIf you're using patterns, it would be something like this:  exten => _5XXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1},30)
05:30.06AliRezaTaleghanip3nguin: tnx.. will test it today :)
05:30.06russor a jump ${EXTEN:1)@context
05:30.08MrHanManok, v2 is installed and still no's got to be something stupid
05:30.22AliRezaTaleghaniruss i get
05:31.29AliRezaTaleghaniruss: sorry, i wanted to copy your id too, but cleared the history ;)
05:31.41AliRezaTaleghaniit was jump into pattern?
05:32.18russif you have have a context that handles dialing the SIP extensions, you can jump to that
05:32.37russpassing ${EXTEN:1} as the extension to use in that context
05:33.04AliRezaTaleghaniwell, tnx 2 much
05:33.41*** part/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
05:35.54MrHanMannow, sccp show devices shows the device, but Reg. State shows None
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05:38.44gamednadoes the playback function depend upon dahdi?
05:39.21gamednaanother way to put it is... can i compile asterisk w/o dadhi and still use playback?
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05:54.44MrHanManjust copied a config from the mailing list with the latest SVN v3 sccp module, and i'm still not seeing any debug info on the console.  it's like the phone's not even connecting to asterisk at all.
05:55.58*** join/#asterisk rishikesh (~Manipur@
05:56.50rishikeshi need to setup musiconhold as extension so that anybody can call and listen as radio on pbx
05:56.54rishikeshplz help me
05:58.51rishikeshi want to setup extension 301 as musiconhold so that my users can listen to radio by calling 301
05:59.10jqlwhat's hard about that?
05:59.17rishikeshtell me
05:59.23rishikeshhow to do that?
05:59.33jqlexten => 301,1,MusicOnHold(radio)
06:00.06rishikeshwhere to add that config?
06:00.16jqlradio is a moh configured in musiconhold.conf
06:00.41jqlby you
06:01.04rishikeshok, but 301 is not available when i dial
06:02.21jqlif you setup the call to go to context [example], and add exten => 301,1,NoOp(Example Radio MOH)  ; then you should reach it
06:02.22rishikeshit says extension is not available
06:02.27jqldoes that make sense?
06:03.21rishikeshthat all configuration should be add to extension.conf rite?
06:04.03jqlwell, you configure sip.conf to actually direct to [example] via context => example
06:06.52rishikeshtell me with some example
06:07.37rishikeshdo i need to add configuration on extension.conf and sip.conf
06:08.40jqlwell, and will probably help more than I can
06:09.26rishikeshok, thank
06:09.32rishikeshi wil check it out
06:14.14rishikeshit is not clear
06:14.45rishikeshfirst i have to add 301 extension in sip.conf or extension.conf?
06:15.54rishikeshwhat was that context [example]
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06:47.35v1sis there any oss for speech recognition that works with *?
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07:28.51russwhy does have a html interface to a csv database of space objects?
07:28.57russ,,USA,,VIKING 2 LAND,,,,SPA-AA,62,,,,1169,01.07.1975,
07:30.40russyou can put field specifiers in, like ?sel_satname=AUSSAT A 160E
07:31.13russwhy don't they have this awesomeness for their other data that gets locked away in .pdf and .doc?
07:34.35ectospasm'cuz that would make too much sense?
07:34.50russtheir space department must be the cool department
07:37.03russneato, they have an ftp with maps of all the satellites and the frequencies they use
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08:07.22coppiceThe ITU coordinates the world's commercial satellites, and stops them treading on each other toes
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11:47.04garymcanyone about?
11:47.27garymcjust wanting to know if anyone has experience with Polycom phones
12:04.35garymcMWI message waiting indicator. Im that far upto now. Looking in the phone1.cfg file and cant work out how to turn it on :(
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12:25.46MrHanManwould the time on a Cisco 7925g prevent it from connecting to asterisk?
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12:43.36MrHanManOK! finally some progress.  The phone is now registering.  I had enabled iptables to pass port 2000 traffic...but only udp.  after a netstat, i saw that it was listening on tcp.  as soon as i added a rule for tcp:2000, it registered
12:44.10MrHanMannow, after i place a call from the device, after a few seconds i get a busy signal
12:47.54MrHanManhere is the sccp debug, if anyone can help me decipher it -
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12:53.21MrHanManDo I need to have a custom extension setup?
13:10.31MrHanManmore progress!  after fixing the settings in extension_custom.conf, i can now call the phone successfully!  unfortunately, i still get the same behavior when calling from the phone.
13:22.42MrHanManSIP to SCCP works great.  I can even hit TransVM on the phone and it works as expected.  I just can't figure out why SCCP to SIP isn't working.
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14:01.26shaprGood Morning #asterisk! Wassup?
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15:08.43seanjohncan you do [app-somefunction-${somevariable}] as the context?
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15:15.24v1sseanjohn: you mean like a macro?
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15:42.16MrHanMananybody had any luck setting up a Cisco 7925g?  I can make calls to the device, but none from it.
15:42.42MrHanMani noticed this in the debug output - "notify asterisk to set state to sccp channelstate INVALIDNUMBER (14) => asterisk: Device is invalid (4) on channel SCCP/705"
15:43.15MrHanManhere's a pastebin of the whole transaction -
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15:58.09Intel``hi guys may i know the command to show the table of conversion time between codecs?
16:00.32v1score show translation
16:00.48v1score show codecs
16:01.02v1sIntel``: that what u needed
16:04.52nitramMrHanMan: have you tried chan-sccp-b?
16:05.09nitramMrHanMan: i will have to do the same thing next week, setup a 7925...
16:06.47MrHanManyes, i have v3preRC2 installed and working.  I can receive calls on the 7925, but I can't place calls from it.  I was hoping someone else had encountered a similar issue, as I don't think it's the phone itself.
16:07.06rue_mohranyone know a linux app for voip w/ video?
16:07.42MrHanManx-lite has a  linux version, doesn't it?  ekiga should work, too
16:08.21nitramMrHanMan: what device type did you use?
16:08.38nitramis there already one for 7925?
16:09.28MrHanManyes, i believe so - it wouldn't work at all otherwise, right?
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16:12.54MrHanManah, it seems like it's trying to dial 01701 instead of just 701...why would that be?
16:13.37MrHanManmaybe...that's what it's showing on the display, anyway
16:13.57nitramMrHanMan: do you have some sort of diaplan on the phone itself?
16:14.12MrHanMannot unless it is there by default
16:17.08nitrami do not think so
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16:18.54MrHanMannitram: that may be my problem
16:19.04MrHanMannitram: looking into it
16:19.23p3nguinmrhanman: You got the phone online, finally?
16:20.08MrHanManp3nguin: yep, it was the port...i allowed port 2000/udp, and it was listening on tcp
16:20.25p3nguintcp?  WTH?
16:20.46MrHanManp3nguin: don't ask me why, but thank God for netstat or i never would have found it
16:20.51p3nguinThe phone was TCP or the channel drvier was?
16:20.59MrHanMani'm not sure
16:21.11MrHanManthe channel driver, sorry
16:22.19MrHanManseems to be that way by default.  i can't find where i specified it, anyway
16:23.04p3nguinI'm going to check mine.
16:25.11MrHanManp3nguin: i can receive calls on it, but i can't place any
16:26.02nitramMrHanMan: anything specific to the 7925?
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16:26.22MrHanMannitram: what do you mean?
16:26.37p3nguinMine appears to be on TCP only, too.  So I have to apologize for telling you to add only -p udp in iptables.  I assumed SCCP was UDP just like SIP and IAX2.
16:27.00nitramMrHanMan: anything different to 7975/7960?
16:27.01MrHanMani made the same assumption
16:27.29p3nguinIf your phone can get calls but not make calls, that's a context/extension problem.  What context did you use for the phone in sccp.conf?
16:27.35MrHanMannitram: honestly, i can't say.  this is the first cisco phone i've setup.
16:27.49nitrami see :)
16:28.31MrHanManhmm...context is 'internal'.  i think it should be 'from-internal'
16:28.49p3nguinMake it match your dialplan like you use on other phones.
16:30.12nitrambtw. do you guys know what happened to the "privacy = full" feature?
16:30.26*** join/#asterisk GoRK (
16:30.31nitramthat you could see incoming and outgoing numbers on the other lines?
16:30.59nitramthat does not work anymore in trunk
16:31.06GoRKhello; is there a version of the digium g729 codec that works with 1.8 and/or trunk?
16:32.27p3nguinnot yet
16:32.38GoRKi hear that there is not which is both disappointing and absurd
16:33.05p3nguinAs soon as there is a release of 1.8, the commercial apps will be compiled and available.
16:33.44GoRKwell thats too bad guess i wont be testing it then
16:34.23pabelangerGoRK: How is it absurd?
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16:34.58MrHanManwoohoo! it works!  the context was the problem
16:36.08p3nguinI forgot to change my context setting at all when I first tried that channel driver.  context sccp did not exist on my dialplan.
16:37.10p3nguinEasy fix, though.
16:37.40GoRKpabelanger: it's absurd because it limits testing and limits the ability to qualify products or configurations for an upcoming release; why have a public beta at all
16:37.57MrHanMani should have noticed that, but i'm glad it works now.  thanks alot for your help.
16:37.59NaikrovekGoRK: because there are other things, besides g729 to test
16:38.27NaikrovekGoRK: be angry all you like, but it's you who's being absurd.  test it when its released
16:38.56Naikrovekif you're THAT desperate to deploy 1.8, then switch codecs
16:39.21*** join/#asterisk nova911 (~Adium@
16:39.31pabelangerGoRK: g729 is not in beta, Asterisk is.  Once stable, Digium will then test their product and release when ready.
16:39.41MrHanManwhat exactly does 1.8 bring to the table?
16:40.06Naikrovekcheck the CHANGES document
16:40.08chazzamand SRTP and IPv6
16:40.09Naikrovekfor new features
16:40.23chazzamfor some of the big highlights, lots more stuff too though
16:40.27GoRKNaikrovek: what low bandwidth codec that has hardware support in a decent phone would you suggest i use for a user on satellite then? Have been waiting for SRTP for a while and would like to see how it goes
16:40.46NaikrovekGoRK: if you need 1.8 then wait until you can test it.  i dont' see what the big deal is
16:40.53Naikrovekit's not out yet.  you can't test it.
16:40.55Naikrovekwait until it's out
16:41.15pabelangerGoRK: Does your hardware support speex?
16:41.21Naikrovekyour logic says you can hop in a time machine and bitch that voip isnt out in 1850
16:42.26pabelangerYou could always contact Digium and see if they would release a version for $$$
16:44.54Corydon76-digGoRK: are you on 64-bit or 32-bit?
16:46.11Corydon76-digGoRK: I'll build one for you, but please understand that it is built with NO OFFICIAL SUPPORT
16:46.16GoRKi never suggested it's not digium's right not to release it; i just suggested that i think its the wrong move becaue i think there are people with a use case for it that would benefit both themselves and digium in being able to test it. I think most of you are misunderstanding me here as complaining about as wanting 'something for nothing'
16:47.01p3nguinIt's going to be hard to beat service like this.
16:47.05GoRKCorydon76-: Thanks for the offer and being the voice of reason. I appreciate it. I am 32 bit prescott
16:48.16garymcOk anyone know how I can get my Polycom IP phones showing MWI again. Here is a copy of my sip.cfg
16:52.29drmessanoGoRK:  I was told G729 would begin to be build when RC1 is out
16:52.34garymcthey dont tell the user that a voicemail has been left. Just dont know how to get them to work again. Is it an Asterisk or fpbx setting or the phones them selves
16:53.31garymc[TK]D-Fender : ???
16:57.00Corydon76-digGoRK: please understand that it will take awhile; I need to work out the build issues
16:57.36GoRKCorydon76: no rush or urgency at all; again i appreciate it
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16:57.58Corydon76-digGoRK: and it won't be published anywhere officially
16:58.13garymcanyone know if this sip.cfg is the place I need to be looking to fix my issue?
17:00.42pabelangergarymc: Enable a SIP trace and see what is going on.
17:17.52garymcpabelanger : How do I do a sip trace?
17:18.02garymcsip debug in the cli?
17:18.16infobothmm... collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to doc/HOWTO_collect_debug_information.txt or
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17:37.58newasterxwhy i alway got this message
17:38.00newasterxX-Asterisk-HangupCause: User busy
17:39.53pabelangernewasterx: Because your User is busy?
17:40.13pabelangerwe'd need to see a debug of your call
17:41.02newasterxshould i copy paste to here...
17:41.08infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:41.14p3nguinnewasterx: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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17:50.24silvestre_idSomeone could tellme how reset queue stats in asterisk 1.4.30? I can't update to newer version now...
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17:51.25chazzamDoesn't restarting Asterisk clear stats?
17:51.30jly2680aastra 4422 dhcp problems
17:52.13pabelangersilvestre_id: *CLI> queue reload?
17:52.45silvestre_idI need restart stats without restart asterisk. Older versions works with module reload, but in this version i cant find a way to do this
17:53.20chazzamI think I remember something stating about just that
17:53.28chazzamthat behavior changed somewhere
17:54.10silvestre_idI just could "queue [add|remove|show]"
17:54.27p3nguinOdd.  When I reload the queue module, my agent stats are reset.
17:55.00p3nguin"has taken no calls yet"
17:55.42silvestre_idpabelanger: this is for 1.6.*.  I need backport this to 1.4?
17:55.51pabelangerp3nguin: Yes, there has been some recent discussion about it.
17:56.27p3nguinMaybe I misunderstood.  I thought you all just said that reloading the module didn't reset the stats.
17:57.28pabelangerp3nguin: 1.4 only
17:57.43pabelangersilvestre_id: Yes, you would need to backport logic
17:58.06p3nguinI'm using 1.4.35 and my stats are reset when I reload the module.
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17:58.58pabelangerHmm, looks like its working again
17:59.29p3nguinIt has always worked that way for me through all the 1.4 versions I have used.
17:59.40silvestre_id1 Yeas ago, I use and module reload reset the stats... but in 1.4.30 doesnt work... pabelanger I will try this backport in the weekend. Thanks
18:00.01p3nguinI always hated that the stats got reset.  That's how I know it always reset them.
18:00.51pabelangerI'm understanding, is that is a bug and will be fixed shortly.  Might want to get into the -dev discussion about it.
18:03.50silvestre_idIf in 1.4.30 doesnt reset ant for 1.4.35 reset... maybe just need to acept an additional flag to reset stats or not.
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18:04.24p3nguinI'm pretty certain that it reset stats for me in 1.4.30, too.
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18:04.48p3nguinReloading the queue module has reset queue stats in every 1.4 version I have used.
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18:06.43silvestre_idThe reset stats is good to do with logrotate. I do this all day at midnight.
18:07.11p3nguinall day... at midnight
18:07.23newasterxhow to contact a issue reporter in ?
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18:09.02Corydon76-digp3nguin: language barriers
18:09.50p3nguincorydon76-dig: Yeah, I have that problem every day on Mondays.
18:11.22Corydon76-digYou can have any color car you want, as long as it's black
18:11.44Corydon76-dig(Henry Ford)
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18:16.25kukuAnyone aware of RPM's for Centos of 1.4.23 and up ( not 1.6.x)
18:17.13p3nguinof course
18:17.29Intel``asterisk RPM?
18:17.34kukuI can't seem to find any, I harly use RPM
18:17.50Intel``hmm actaully i got mine from asterisknow yum repo
18:17.59Intel``so its a matter of yum install asterisk14
18:18.09p3nguinThat's where I would have looked.
18:18.14kukulet me check
18:18.20Intel``it will not install the gui
18:18.31Intel``unless you do yum install freepbx
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18:19.22Intel``i can give you the .repo file if you want
18:19.24kukuI have asterisk installed
18:19.29kukuyes please
18:19.42kukuI just need to update from 1.4.22 to 1.4.23
18:19.53kukuneed AUDIOHOOK_INHERIT that was backported to 1.4 in 1.4.23
18:20.01p3nguinWhy such an old version?  Current is 1.4.35.
18:20.29kukuThe system is running well, don't want to introduce too many changes.
18:21.18Intel``how did you install the old one?
18:22.00Intel``not sure what will happen if you upgrade. just make sure you do it in a test environment first
18:22.08Corydon76-digkuku: what about all the bugfixes to the backport since that time?
18:22.23kukuIntel``: trixbox... ( i know )
18:22.55kukuCorydon76-dig: I'm worried trixbox have issues if you introduce too much.
18:23.19kukuCorydon76-dig: If that doesn't help, I'll wipe it clean, and get it working on 1.6
18:23.48Corydon76-digkuku: seriously, if you want to introduce just a few changes, you need to track the entire tree and review every patch that was committed since to see if there is anything that you need to have
18:24.22Corydon76-digMaybe not the entire tree, but track the entire branch
18:24.46Corydon76-digtrixbox has issues, even if you introduce nothing at all
18:25.22Intel``so trixbox or *now? =D
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18:25.42Corydon76-digI wouldn't recommend any GUI at all
18:25.46Naikrovekor that
18:25.53kukuCorydon76-dig: I understand.
18:26.21kukuIts not easy to admin 50 phones without gui. Especially if you need the client to review CDR's, recordings, reports, etc.
18:26.31WIMPynewasterx: Try to locate them in here. Otherwise, I don't know.
18:26.34Intel``i believe these gui-based asterisk is great if its behind a firewall but not good if you will show it directly to the public
18:26.45Corydon76-digA GUI can be helpful for rapid user add/change/delete, but anything else, you really need to understand the underlying mechanisms
18:27.36kukuI've been setting up asterisk since  2005, compiling. trixbox is a nice choice for some clients.
18:27.49Corydon76-digYou don't compile trixbox
18:28.09kukuI know.
18:28.26Intel``yes you just do yum update to update everything
18:28.28Corydon76-digSorry, I missed the period
18:28.45p3nguincorydon76-dig: You're pregnant!
18:29.01Corydon76-digp3nguin: My bf will be so happy!
18:30.10Intel``wait i thought you were talink about punctuations :D
18:30.20Naikrovekkuku: AsteriskNOW > Trixbox
18:30.22Naikrovekby far
18:30.25Corydon76-digIntel``: I was.
18:30.29Naikrovekavoid trixbox if you can
18:31.16Corydon76-digIntel``: You probably think I'm female, now, too
18:31.41Intel``just a hint
18:31.56kukuNaikrovek: how so ?
18:32.18Corydon76-digIntel``: 0 for 2
18:32.56*** join/#asterisk diegomad (~mad@
18:33.47Naikrovekkuku: yum update works.  fewer things to break, it's FreePBX and not some fork of FreePBX like Trixbox uses, zero fonality customizations.
18:34.45kukuBack when I tested it, it was in beta, and had half the functions of trixbox
18:35.12Intel``kuku for me the reason i switch to asterisknow is its more logical because digium and asterisk are partners and they ensure their products compatible with it.
18:35.15Naikrovekare you really going to base your opinion of the current version on a beta you tested years ago
18:35.26Naikrovek"digium and asterisk are partners" lol
18:35.35kukuhere goes nothing:  yum --skip-broken update asterisk.i386
18:36.09kukuIntel``: based on my understanding, digium  and asterisk are not partners... more like husband&wife
18:36.24p3nguin"digium and asterisk are partners" ???  What?
18:36.27Naikrovekdigium is a software & hardware company.  Asterisk is software.  Digium produces Asterisk.  Digium produces AsteriskNOW.
18:36.58Naikrovekand a lot of other stuff
18:37.01p3nguinThat's like Toyota and Camry being partners.
18:37.21Intel``ok i admit got the wrong word for that +D
18:37.45russmore like canonical and ubuntu maybe?
18:38.26Corydon76-digkuku: husband and wife?  Nah, lesbian life partners
18:39.08Corydon76-digAsterisk brought the U-haul on the first date
18:41.09kukuok, so the asterisknow repos didnt help
18:42.27Intel``i believe trixbox added some conf files not standard to asterisknow
18:43.33chazzammv /etc/asterisk{,-trixbox} && mkdir /etc/asterisk ?
18:43.45chazzamthen install the asterisk and freepbx packages from yum?
18:44.43kukuI just need the core asterisk to be 1.4.23 from 1.4.22
18:45.12p3nguinYou could always roll your own.
18:46.04kukubut I still need trixbox to work :0
18:47.21Naikrovekback up the machine
18:47.22Naikrovekyum update
18:47.27Naikrovekand see if it works
18:47.46Naikrovekif it doesn't (it won't) restore from backup, try another method
18:47.52kukuI'm working off of a cloned drive now. yum update, wants to kernel i686 as a dependancy, I have  386 kernel
19:07.17*** join/#asterisk Intel`` (~DND@
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19:16.52brendansterneGreetings.  I have patched my asterisk with a new feature - the ability to configure (via contacthost in sip.conf) the SIP Contact header host part.
19:17.08brendansterneI'm wondering if this would be helpful to others
19:18.00brendansterneAnd how I might go about progressing this feature into asterisk.
19:20.03*** join/#asterisk matagou_ (57f8bf49@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:20.13matagou_hello, asterisk users
19:20.34matagou_have a problem regarding CLIP on pstn lines
19:20.46matagou_connected to AEX800 card
19:20.55drmessanobrendansterne:  Versus in the register string?
19:21.53matagou_PSTN provider told that CLIP-DTMF and CLIP-FSK is supported on their carreers
19:21.53brendansternedrmessano:  Right now asterisk fills the SIP Contact header with <sip:user@hostip:port>,  I needed to be able to set it to <sip:user@hostname:port>
19:22.41brendansterneinstead of <sip:123@> I needed <>
19:22.46kukubrendansterne: maybe #asterisk-dev
19:22.55brendansterneAhhh...   ok
19:22.59brendansterneI'll check asterisk-dev
19:24.54matagou_should i provide the chan_dahdi.conf?
19:25.02b14cksup guys
19:25.44*** join/#asterisk hopper75 (
19:39.58infobotrumour has it, sipnat is Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
19:40.04Naikrovekbrendansterne: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
19:47.26Naikrovekdrmessano: i have you ignored but i'm sure you'll be happy to see me trolling you again
19:53.54kukuUPDATE: I compiled asterisk 1.4.23 from source, and it works so far with trixbox 2.6 without breaking it.
19:54.14kukupeace to all- I'm out.
19:54.28pathHey guys. Need help in here!. Ive just setup an ivr and when Background app finishes I cant do any DMTF. Though if I press before it finishes the sound file, I can go through the menu.
19:54.45pathI already tried setting timeout response
19:54.56chazzamTry WaitExten(#) ?
19:55.08chazzamYou have to have something listening...
19:55.29path thats my voicemenu
19:55.49patheeh no I just wrote Wait to pause the dialplan
19:56.22chazzamWait doesn't listen
19:56.26chazzamWaitExten does
19:57.54pathworked like a charm! thanks chazzam
19:58.04chazzamnp, take luck!
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20:18.06EmleyMoorhas had a couple of REGISTER attacks launched against his Asterisk box tonight
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20:24.00hardwireI think I'm experiencing some funky bridging
20:24.05hardwireeven though I'm transcoding
20:25.08hardwirecalls over IAX go to a remote PBX with a TDM400 in it.. the TDM400 has some FXS modules
20:25.43hardwirewhen the call is bridged I get choppy/choppered audio to the standard telephone
20:25.46hardwirefrom works fine
20:26.04hardwirehowever if I call over IAX to SIP (transcoding along the way as well) it's fine
20:26.16hardwireand local calls between the TDM400 and the * server appear fine (echo test)
20:26.23hardwireecho cancel is completely disabled
20:26.26hardwirehow.. strange
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21:03.54jamkoI brought this up yesterday but would like to hear some more debate on it.  What things work better in realtime, and what things better with static realtime.
21:04.23*** join/#asterisk carrar (~tim@2604:5000:11:1::3)
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21:26.54pabelangerjamko: Depends on what you need to do.
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21:43.53jamkopabelanger: I would like for multiple * boxes to share a central DB, mainly for ease of swap in/swap out, and for a desire to have uniformity across all.  Having to reload * is not really a huge deal at this point, but one less thing to do is always nice.
21:46.08jamkoHowever, I am concerned a little about a lost connection to the db server with dynamic realtime resulting in all boxes going down..
21:54.17*** join/#asterisk Gary_B (~IceChat7@
21:55.43Gary_Bwhat kind of setup would be required for a business critical asterisk pbx setup in a small company (2-6 employees/receptionists). Pika sounds good and cheap but i hear wouldnt be a reliable solution
21:55.53Gary_Bare there any appliances?
21:57.19p3nguinWhat's wrong with Asterisk?
21:58.25p3nguinLet me rephrase.  What's wrong with using Asterisk for that scenario?
21:58.52Gary_Basterisk is a given, its the hardware it would run on
21:59.26p3nguinGet a decent business grade desktop PC.
22:00.52Gary_Bpabelanger from #askozia has mentioned going for a PC with dual power supplies, RAID 1/5 HDD
22:02.01Gary_Bits for a taxi company, ie if the pbx fails, the business stops
22:02.10p3nguinI probably wouldn't bother with the dual power supply thing... that could prove to be a huge expense.  I would, however, keep a spare PSU on hand just in case.  It should only take a couple of minutes to swap a power supply.
22:02.35Gary_Byea but it would be unattended
22:03.00Gary_Bwith maybe a 12 hour service level for hardware replacement
22:03.09p3nguinI would probably consider RAID 1.
22:03.35p3nguinIn an unattended location, the price of the dual power supply may be justified.
22:04.17WIMPySetup two complete PCs and switch on the spare one if the first one fails.
22:05.09Gary_BWimpy: that couldnt be done till i got there either
22:05.56WIMPyWhy is it located where not even someone could press a button?
22:06.24Gary_Btaxi offices
22:06.41WIMPyYou'd need monitoring then. Also for a redundant PSU.
22:06.46Gary_Bwith just receptionists on 24hr shifts
22:08.12WIMPyShould be enough to press a button. But it could be automated.
22:10.16Gary_Bive put this idea on hold numerous times before. The typical office would just have say 4 lines and 2 phones/receptionists. Telephony side i just need to capture the CLI of calls answered, the problem part requiring a pbx is matching the clis to the receptionist who answers the call, a cli capture box cant do that.
22:11.23Gary_Bi saw Askozia and though a simple embedded pbx device would be the answer, but thats not a reliabe solution
22:11.41pabelangerwhat is your budget?
22:12.52pabelangerThat will dictate your 'reliability' for your system
22:13.44Gary_Bpabelanger: im unsaure of the budget. Rather its the "reliability" that will determine whether i go ahead or not!
22:17.58pabelangerWell, determine what is an acceptable downtime if a problem was to happen, 5 / 30mins, 1 / 4hours, 1day, etc. Then spec a system from there. You may just get 2 system, and cold swap the 2nd box if the first fails, however that requires somebody onsite.
22:18.58pabelangerFor me, I've used Dell 2950 in the past when clients required redundancy.
22:19.16pabelangerin the range of $5000 a box
22:24.00Gary_Bpabelanger: your right id need to look at the requirements again
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22:32.00Gary_BWimpy: i see what you mean RE a redundant PC setup,
22:34.33Gary_BWimpy: that particular setup looks expensive, but interesting
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22:36.12WIMPyGary_B: It all just depends on how much you want to spend. Do you have a reasonably big UPS in your budget, for example?
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22:53.13Gary_BWIMPy: that needs factored in as well, i was thinking of a managed service priced at x amount per month, the question also is how many months do you go without making money, would the monthly cost a small business is willing to pay be worth it
22:57.47b14ckstarting an asterisk hosting service? oO
23:03.15Gary_Bno. is there money to made from starting up a service like that anymore?
23:05.23b14ckI don't think so. Not with twilio / tropo, etc. is a briliiant site, i found the quality of the service has been degrading recently thoug
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23:08.26Mark22Gary_B: it is possible to make money with it, however the quality has to be great (and prices low) so making money will be hard if you don't have enough volume
23:13.53jamkoanyone have any stats on how much bandwidth sip uses for signalling etc?... Not including any audio, just for sip.
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23:42.25Gary_Bif i place a standard PSTN phone call from one computer to another, i could use dtmf codes to transmit decimal number, this would take quite a long time relatively, is there a quicker but reliable way to transmit a number, could i cut the time of each dtmf "noise" in half and it still be reliable?
23:44.05Gary_Bin essance im talking about setting up an old modem to modem system, but i would be routing the call through asterisk at one end to generate the noise/tome using tap ins at the other end to listen to the tones
23:44.57Gary_Bhow quickly could i send a single decimal digit across such a setup?
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23:54.06Gary_Bim basically looking for a more efficient alternative to dtmf
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23:56.09Gary_Bi mean sending encoded information between computers over an open standard pstn call
23:56.17Gary_Bor isdn call
23:58.38Gary_Bsorry, the use would be for computers to communicate some basic information between the 2 parties with the minumum interuption to the talking humans
23:59.47Gary_Bie send some information across at the start of the call, just a few digits, dtmf would be an option but that would be very noticable to the humans

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