IRC log for #asterisk on 20100819

00:26.20*** join/#asterisk bcrisp (~bcrisp@
00:26.24bcrisphi all
00:27.55bcrispI'm having an issue with outbound softphone calls, calls drop in ~ 20-30 seconds, think its a NAT issue (soft phones are behind nat firewall), * server is not. Can anyone provide a link to some troubleshooting resource on this?
00:28.18infobotsomebody said sipnat was Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
00:33.46*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:36.10*** join/#asterisk dwayne (
00:43.42*** join/#asterisk Micc (
00:49.57*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43|Mac (
00:55.28*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
00:57.12*** join/#asterisk russ (~russ@
01:13.14*** join/#asterisk mweichert (
01:15.08mweichertHi, I'm trying to use the Goto application with a variable in the context - Goto(ivr-${IVR_ID},s,1) but that doesn't work - the variable is never interpolated. When I include "ivr-${IVR_ID}", the variable get's interpolated but "ivr-4" (with quotes) is not a valid context. Any suggestions?
01:16.25*** join/#asterisk russ (~russ@
01:22.09*** join/#asterisk b0gatyr (
01:27.25upbinterpolated ?:PPP
01:27.52bcrispthis is getting on my nerves
01:29.44carrarKick it
01:30.01bcrisp30 seconds on the dot every time
01:30.11carrarhit it with a hammer
01:30.14bcrispi want to
01:30.20carrardo it!!
01:30.26carrareveryone is doing it!!
01:30.29carrarpeer pressure!!
01:30.31bcrispim not sure how to troubleshoot it
01:31.10upblsniff the network to see what causes the drop ?
01:33.49bcrispoh crap i think its the softphone setting
01:34.12bcrispphone seems to think rtcp is inactive possibly
01:35.29upbbetter verify what is actually happening and which party is breaking the connection etc
01:36.27bcrispit seems to resolve thie issue - xlite advanced options, "In times of network disruption, automatically hang up calls after: (RTCP has been inactive for 30 seconds"
01:36.32bcrispthe hangup after 30 seconds was the default
01:39.48bcrispyep it fixed it
01:41.24bcrispso its confused
01:50.23mweichertwhen using "goto" to jump to a different context, what happens to the channel variables?
02:01.36*** join/#asterisk csnook (
02:08.20*** join/#asterisk GoRK (
02:09.06*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
02:13.17GoRKis there a version of digium's g729 codec that works with 1.8 yet?
02:23.28*** join/#asterisk grolloj (
02:32.37ChannelZdon't think so
02:34.21*** join/#asterisk kerframil (~kerframil@gentoo/user/kerframil)
02:37.48GoRKthats pretty ridiculous if so
02:43.01*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
02:43.33pabelangerGoRK: No, they will release a version once 1.8.0 is released
02:46.09coppiceIt is ridiculous. It reduces the testing 1.8.0 gets before release, as many people need G.729 to be able to set it up and try it
02:46.43*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~sfds@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
02:48.57pabelangerRidiculous?  How? 1.8.0 is still in beta, API / ABI are still subject to change. g729 codec is a product, takes time and energy to build / maintain.
02:49.09*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
02:49.45coppiceif the API hasn't stabilised the beta is a ridiculous name for it
02:49.52*** join/#asterisk sbrath (~sbrath@unaffiliated/sbrath)
02:51.02sbrathI know fax is s sore subject, but what components do I need to make an email->fax->T38 Gateway solution. I don't have any hard lines, but I have a T.38 compatible provider.. Will AsterFax deliver via T.38 ?
02:51.27pabelangercarrar: Ridiculous!!1!one!
02:56.55*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
02:57.14LemensTSwhats the best way to prevent against sip phone password attacks
02:57.44bougymandon't use sip
02:57.46sbrathdon't put your asterisk box directly on the internet.
02:57.59bougymantwo good ways, there.
02:58.14sbrathuse a Session Border Controller...
02:58.23coppicethe death penalty for password attacks
02:58.24florzerm ...
02:58.28sbrathPick really good passwords.
02:58.36florzLemensTS: use proper passwords
02:58.49florzit's simple, isn't it?
02:58.52sbrathmonitor logs for password failures, and block IPs with iptables.
02:58.58florzsbrath: NO
02:59.16florzwe don't really have to discuss this every week, do we?
02:59.23sbrathwhich thing?
02:59.35sbrathpasswords or fax?
02:59.38bougymanwe use openvpn for any external access other than trunks that use IP auth from providers for inbounds.
02:59.48florzthe idea of adding a DoS vulnerability in order to prevent a non-vulnerability
03:00.01bougymandoesn't stop someone internally from trying to sniff or brute force passwords, though.
03:00.14LemensTSyea im getting thousands of attacks bring things to a creep...
03:00.38LemensTSNot that concerned with someone getting password
03:00.42bougymanwe never put a 5060 public on the internet
03:00.55bougymanchanging that port, even for inbound provider traffic, is a good idea.
03:01.10florzLemensTS: well, ok, in that case verify manually that the ip address is not a legitimate user and block it
03:01.36LemensTScant change port got too many voip adapters out there that arent provisioned
03:01.49LemensTSflorz: its from germany definately a bot
03:02.01bougymanLemensTS: all of them have an option to use a different port.
03:02.08sbrathflorz: which thing did I mention that exposes a DoS attack surface, any different than a asterisk directly on the net?
03:02.12florzLemensTS: I can tell you there are not just bots in .de =:-)
03:02.12bougymanyou ahve to provision _something_, the port is just one more thing.
03:02.20LemensTSive read about scripts on counting the number of attempts then blocking the ip in iptables....think that is what u are talking about also
03:02.28bougymanport knocking?
03:02.44bougymannone of your devices would support that without a fw in front of them that understood port knocking.
03:02.52florzsbrath: well, maybe I did just interpret what people usually suggest: you did mean to automate this monitoring and blocking, didn't you?
03:02.54bougymanby then you might as well have openvpned in.
03:03.20sbrathyes, watching logs, and scripting to have iptables blackhole  anoyances.
03:03.39florzsbrath: that is obviously a DoS vulnerability
03:04.22carraradapt a open root policy
03:04.41sbrathI guess if someone fakes the source IP against you and then you block it, sure.  I've really never had the block be automatic, just log, and manually add later.
03:05.26sbrathAs well as configure the software to exclude source ip's in known trusted blocks, then the worst I'd do is block someone from home I guess.
03:06.04sbrathSo now that the channel is buzzing, any words of advice to configure a email -> asterisk -> T38 provider -> Fax ?
03:06.27sbratht38modem + asterfax ?  Will that do it?
03:06.40carrarJust block all none USA IP's :)
03:06.57sbrathdoes someone maintain a list of non-us IP's ?
03:06.59carrarabout 80 lines in iptables
03:07.00coppiceasterfax is now noojeefax (dunno about that spelling) and I would avoid it
03:07.08carrarsee ARIN
03:07.17florzsbrath: well, yeah, that's fine, of course - but people often suggest blocking things automatically, and completely forget about the fact that (a) the attacker is not authenticated, therefore you can not block the attacker and (b) it's pointless to defend this way against passwords getting cracked
03:08.43sbrathhow nice of IANA
03:09.01sbrathWhat about HylaFax ?
03:10.13coppicethere are a number of email to fax add ons for *. use one of those with the built in T.38 support
03:14.09*** join/#asterisk Kyosh (~whoa@
03:14.28sbrathany youve tried? All look so imature..
03:18.13LemensTSi check every minute to see if sip channels is above 100, if so then it text's me....this seems easiest for catching problems in asterisk from what i have found
03:19.11drmessanoI just check to see what time it is in China.. if it's between 00:00 and 23:59, I am probably being attacked
03:20.11mweicherthello... using AMI, I'm not receiving hangup events... most other events seem to be displayed. I'm using EVENTFLAGS="on" ... any ideas? do I have to enable them explicitly somehow?
03:28.41coppicedrmessano: its 11:28AM in China, and we are being flooded with spam from US mail servers
03:33.28drmessanoServers made in China
03:33.43drmessanoIt's a vicious cycle
03:33.43coppiceare servers made anywhere else?
03:34.13coppiceactually, quite a lot of their power supplies are made in Thailand
03:40.03*** join/#asterisk russ (
03:49.16*** join/#asterisk Ziaeon (
03:52.30*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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03:58.17russIf I forward unanswered calls from my cell phone to my teliax DID, is there any possible to tell if an incoming call is a forward from my cell, or a call directly to the DID?
04:01.16jly2680someone here had asstrra phones work with their asterisk box?
04:01.17carrarprobably not
04:01.22*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
04:01.31carrarunless you see a diversion header, which I doubt
04:02.00carrarbut it wouldbe the cell phone creating that so your carrier probably hides that
04:03.24russI have a packet capture, let me have a look
04:03.43*** join/#asterisk adolfomaltez (~taro@
04:03.54jly2680if someone here can give me a aastra 4422 bootrom and application file
04:04.21russam I just looking in the IAX "NEW" packet?
04:06.35carrarjly2680, why not download it yourself?
04:07.10carrar4422 is a release?
04:07.19jly26804422 is not included on aastra site
04:08.05jly2680will i need this file to boot 4422?i need to set up a web server?
04:08.09russWhat is "call identifier"?
04:08.26russdoes that just index the call within the trunk?
04:19.25jly2680how to solve erroe unreachable client
04:22.39*** join/#asterisk corretico (~laguilar@
04:24.44[TK]D-Fenderjly2680: Have if become contactable.  Or register
04:25.32jly2680every 3 minutes my client becomes unreachable
04:26.33jly2680my asterisk is behind a nat server and my client too
04:26.47[TK]D-Fenderjly2680: Get a more stable connection or client, or increase your qualify time
04:27.48jly2680what is the default time for qualify time?
04:28.08*** join/#asterisk Micc (
04:28.16[TK]D-Fenderjly2680: 2000 ms
04:28.31jly2680how can i increase it?
04:28.34titterjly2680: what type of client?
04:29.05jly2680sip client..bm622 with voip ata
04:31.03titterjly2680: I have had some issues with clients dropping behind certain firewalls with my Polycom phones, however lowering the NAT keep alive has fixed the stability and the phones will stay registered with much more stability
04:31.25titterjly2680: This setting was a specific setting to the Polycom firmware, not *
04:31.34*** join/#asterisk Ziaeon (
04:32.18jly2680so i must adjust it on my client side?
04:32.29[TK]D-Fenderjly2680: SIP PEER
04:34.21*** join/#asterisk bdfoster (523b0c57@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:34.50jly2680il try now
04:35.14*** join/#asterisk nova911 (~Adium@
04:35.30*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
04:37.50*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
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04:38.13MiccI lower the registration expire down to 120 seconds to keep phones registered behind firewalls.
04:38.15*** join/#asterisk nova911 (~Adium@
04:38.29MiccIt could be higher, but 120 seems to be good enough for all routers I've encountered so far.
04:38.58Miccits also good if there is a server failure, they'll know sooner and try their backup.
04:39.38*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
04:41.14titterMicc: My major problem was with what the Sonicwalls do when SIP transformations was set to on. It mangles the SDP. Unfortunately some of these shared office spaces have really strict rules, or terrible I.T. companies which makes supporting SIP phones behind their NAT a real pain.
04:42.04[TK]D-Fendertitter: Which is the very first thing we tell you to disable.
04:42.48titter[TK]D-Fender: Don't have to tell me ... try to explain that to an I.T. company that has no understanding of SIP but won't change the settings.
04:44.17Micctitter, we usually tell our customers to get new IT people if they aren't willing to make a simple change like that.
04:44.43MiccThen we recommend someone that knows how to do what we want.
04:45.15titter[TK]D-Fender: My company has decided that short term leases at shared office spaces is the way to go for all our regional offices. So I am now dealing with 23 different network and firewall configurations that are completely out of my control. Luckily I have only had a few issues, and the first office lease was the Sonicwall diaster. So every new lease goes thrugh a pretty much shake down.
04:46.27Micctitter, thats the key, to know what you need to know. In the begging its hard to know what you need to know until you run into it.
04:46.54MiccIt does get easier.
04:46.59titterYa, it was new to me that's for sure. I never ran into any issues with remote users and their equipment
04:47.27titterIt is this entry level consumer stuff that seems to cause problems, simply due to the fact is isn't configured correctly 90% of the time
04:48.13*** part/#asterisk adolfomaltez (~taro@
04:48.48Micctitter, in a lot of cases we replace the router/firewall when we install phones.
04:49.09MiccWe put in our own specially configured router with bandwidth management.
04:49.20MiccQoS isn't enough in most cases.
04:50.12titterMicc: Most of these places won't allow us to do that, or want to charge us way more than what it is worth ... it would of been cheaper to rent our own building. Had one the other day want an extra $300/mo to do that
04:51.15titterLuckily these are small offices, so it at most is usually 5-6 phones
04:53.21Miccoh, your sharing an office with already established companies that don't want to change their phones and network?
04:53.55Miccok then, you can't really ask someone to do something when there is no benefit to them.
04:53.58titterThere are companies that buy buildings, and rent out the offices
04:53.59MiccYour in a bit of a pickle.
04:54.00[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
04:54.17titterSo they sell us an office with x amount of data drops
04:54.46titterYa, so it has been learning how to make the phones work beind their networks
04:55.13Miccthats a bummer if you can't make any changes to their router.
04:55.29titterSome networks are setup correctly, others not so much ... I had to explain VLAN's to one I.T. company and why their setup at an office was a violation of HIPPA
04:55.29Miccsome phones might do better than others.
04:55.53titterThe Polycom's seem to fair pretty well
04:56.38titterI have a cental provisioning server that I configure the phones to ... they download the specific config files per each phone. I made a web GUI to create these configs, and soon will integrate that directly witht he dialplan I have setup in *
04:57.13titterI basically have 6 servers around the country with 1 or 2 PRI's at each location
04:57.34titterI am using includes and building office specific dialplan conf files to keep things organized
04:58.34titteri.e. chicago.conf would include the extensinons for that office, the ivr, and a context for the sip to use for outbound calling rules ... soem places don't have to dial the full 10 digits for local calls, so I simulate that for them
04:59.12titterI also control outbound caller ID numbers this way, as well as E911
04:59.31titterSeems to be working well, but I am sure I will find another way to do it in a few months and change it all
05:01.32Miccyeah, I use a ton of includes.
05:01.58MiccI try to keep all the ivr stuff seperate from outbound dial stuff and extensions and macros.
05:02.46Miccit wouldn't hurt to be in one big file though as long as you seperate it out for each location that probably keeps it organized enough.
05:03.44Miccwhat did you write the web gui in?
05:04.28Miccand you use tftp or http for provisioning?
05:05.10titterIf for some reason it is an older Polycom say a 501 I might have to use TFTP to get it to a bootrom that understands the newer syntax
05:05.23titterOnce it updates I switch it back to https and ship the phone
05:05.26MiccI've been meaning to get around to making a phone provisioning web app for a while. I have scripts now.
05:05.45*** join/#asterisk OrNix ( was just in front of me at the time, so I knocked it out quikcly ... it builds XML with a few simple lines of code
05:06.17Miccyeah, I'm a .net developer myself.
05:06.22titterPolycom is releasing their newest firmware soon, and the cfg files have changed ... again
05:06.29Miccworking on a project with windows azure at the moment.
05:07.03titterI like .net more than anything else I have messed with. I am a sysadmin by job title, but my hands are in everything including the PBX and all network admin
05:07.06Miccits been a bit of a learning curve, and some things don't work right like asmx on azure.
05:07.25titterThat would be a curve lol
05:07.47MiccI'm exactly the opposite, I'm a programmer by job title, but I have my hands in sysadmin.
05:08.27titterI am actually trying to think if storing dialplan in a SQL db or Oracle db is a good idea
05:08.30Miccits not bad though once you finally get it working. I had a hell of a time just getting simple stuff to work.
05:09.09Miccyou can use realtime with freetds and mssql server.
05:09.13MiccI did that for years.
05:09.23titterThats like anything lol, learning the Polycom cfg files was a fun task, but compared to the Linksys phones I have messed with, the Polycoms are so much easier
05:09.27Miccbut I never put the whole dialplan in there, just a few things.
05:09.41titterYa I would just put these remote offices includes in there
05:10.00Miccyeah, I still don't care for polycom, but I haven't tried anything but the web config on linksys phones and atas.
05:10.49titterMy boss is the CIO and he is an Oracle freak, so I would probably want to find a way to do it with Oracle
05:11.18MiccI don't remember how realtime works with extensions.conf but if it only hits the db on dialplan load, then it shouldn't be a problem.
05:11.43MiccI've only played with oracle on my home machine.
05:12.22MiccI'm sure theres an oracle ODBC client out there.
05:12.38*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
05:12.49titterYa I believe it does just that, I never really got into the DB and * stuff yet. I remember talking about it at Digium, but for now it was just easier keeping it simple as I was taking over for our old PBX guy who let the * server get hacked and rack up over 300k of long distance charges in a weekend. He left a SIP account with the username and password as Administrator
05:13.33titterIt was a 4 day weekend, and didn't have any type of notification sent to him
05:13.54titterSo they fired him, and sent me to Digium to crash course in the advanced class lol
05:14.15titterSo I have been doing this for a little less than a year
05:14.36titterYup all the calls were to Cuba
05:14.59Miccnot bad, it took me 4 years to get really comfortable with asterisk, and I'm on 6 or 7 now and I still feel stupid sometimes.
05:15.35titterThat class helped a lot .. looking at it now though, I think there should be another course for a truly advanced class
05:15.39MiccI never took a digium class though I would like to.
05:16.13titterHonestly the advanced class was more or less a very in depth introduction to Asterisk. The first day or so covered what was covered in the basic class
05:16.20Miccyou can do some really cool stuff with func_odbc.
05:16.49titterI would like to find a stats program to monitor all calls on the system
05:16.52MiccI guess they expect people to jump right into advanced without doing the other classes.
05:17.08Miccwe use one, but its not very good.
05:17.43Miccits good except when you want to know how many concurrent calls.
05:18.12Miccits called asterisk-stat
05:18.44Miccthe version I have was written in 2005, so there has to be something better by now.
05:18.47titterYa, I didn't take my dcap because it was more or less my first week with Asterisk ... but I feel I would of passed it. I did the pre-exam and had my practical knocked out with 30 minutes to spare. I had the dialplan almost written by the time asterisk was done compiling
05:19.29titterI was worried about the written side as that gets into a lot of voip and telephony jibberih like codecs
05:19.51titterI will check out that program
05:21.15*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
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05:48.17ChannelZAnyone get this a fair amount: "RTCP SR transmission error to x.x.x.x:14829, rtcp halted Operation not permitted"
05:49.46Miccprobably about once a day
05:50.34MiccI've learned to ignore. Its just stats anyways.
05:50.55MiccAnd the IP addresses are usually one of my providers which I don't expect to support rtcp properly anyways.
05:51.23ChannelZyeah I'm kind of puzzling over it.  It will happen in the middle of a call, so I'm not sure what the 'Operation not permitted' is about (like it's not allowed to bind to the socket, but clearly it already is and is sending plenty of audio data fine).  It's an ERROR class so I dunno about "just stats"
05:52.00MiccIt doesn't seem to affect the call.
05:52.36MiccI think from what I remember reading the RTP traffic will work fine without it even.
05:52.52titterI have a weird issue ... I have a SIP trunk setup to a Shoretel system. When I dial one of the hunt groups on the Shoretel system from Asterisk, it places Asterisk into MOH, then goes crazy once the call is answered and no audio is transmitted
05:54.16Micctitter, no idea, I really don't care for shoretel, but I know that doesn't help you when you need to interface with it.
05:54.59Micctitter, have you looked at sip debug to see if it looks right?
05:55.28titterYa it is weird ... the dialplan is 1 line ... a simple Dial to the SIP/shoresip/${EXTEN}
05:56.03Miccwhere is the MOH coming from? asaterisk or the shoretel?
05:56.17titterThat is what confuses me the most
05:56.32titterIt is dialing Shoretel, Shoretel answers right away, but then MOH starts from Asterisk
05:56.40Micchave you tried forcing a ring in the dial command with the r option?
05:56.55*** join/#asterisk csnook (
05:56.58Miccadd a little delay on the shortel side if you can.
05:57.27Micccan you dial other things on the shoretel side from asterisk without a problem?
05:57.39titterexten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/shoresip/${EXTEN},45,r)
05:57.42titterthats all it does
05:57.56titterLet me pull the log from my laptop, 1 sec
05:58.09MiccI would try to put some kind of delay on the shoretel side.
05:59.51MiccI've gotta get some sleep before I pass out at my computer.
06:00.18Micci know this is early for me, but I got up early this morning.
06:00.40Miccso good luck with that problem. good night
06:09.34*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
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06:22.18b14ckis doing some Asterisk coding for work tonight.
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06:38.26Alton35Still no joy with chan_local.  I will get back to screwing with it in a couple of days.
06:41.22b14ckAlton35, what's the problem with it?
06:43.32*** join/#asterisk deonv (
06:43.44Alton35I want to dial out _within_ my AGI,
06:43.57Alton35it's been a bit of a challenge.
06:44.21Alton35Right now I seem to be able to invoke 2 cooperating AGIs, but the audio doesn't come through yet.
06:44.49Alton35I wish I could just invoke one, but it seems that you have to invoke one to do the dialing and another to deal with the call after it connects.  I have no idea.
06:45.24b14ckI'm confused.
06:45.25b14ckWhat do you mean?
06:45.36Alton35well, think of a calling card program,
06:45.36b14ckIf you post your directory structure, agi code, etc, i'll help
06:45.49b14ckYou can dial out from within an agi
06:45.53b14ckjust use exec
06:45.59Alton35someone calls in, then you can dial out in your programs (my agi) and no problem, I have done a lot of that,
06:46.05*** join/#asterisk csnook (
06:46.19Alton35but just to originate a call, sheesh, very difficult it seems.
06:46.31b14ckYou want to originate a call from within an AGI?
06:46.34b14ckOr from nothing?
06:46.39b14ck(eg: no inbound call to trigger it)
06:46.52Alton35right, strictly from nothing
06:47.21Alton35actually a background process runs and monitors databases, then originates calls.
06:47.35b14ckok, i can help with that
06:47.40SiNGLeris there a big difference betweek chan_h323 and chan_ooh323?
06:47.42Alton35so with the .call file format I just get success or no success
06:47.44b14ckis the background process running on your asterisk server, or a remote server?
06:47.53b14ckAlton35, use call files then
06:47.58Alton35I do.
06:48.02b14ckwhat call files are you generating currently? (give me an example)
06:48.11Alton35lemme make a new pastebin, just a minute
06:48.12b14ckI'm a call file pro:
06:48.23b14ckSiNGLer, no idea
06:49.13b14ckWhat language are you using btw?
06:49.21Alton35php + phpagi
06:49.24b14ckI'm pretty good with C, python, and PHP if your code is in there
06:49.30b14ckI can probably debug / figure out what the issue is.
06:49.36b14ckif you also include relevant code
06:49.41Alton35sure, hold
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06:55.22Alton35In this one I'm doing what I described, trying to use 2 cooperating PHP programs, one to do the dialing and another to do the logic after the call is answered.
06:55.38Alton35I wish it could all be together like it should be.  The last advice I got was that those functions should be separated.
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06:57.11b14ckyour test call file has a problem in it
06:57.23b14cksee how in your channel line you have /n?
06:57.31b14ckwas that supposed to be a '\n' (newline character)?
06:57.42Alton35no, you're supposed to put that in
06:57.57Alton35it has to do with chan_local
06:58.07b14ckTry do do:
06:58.07Alton35something about not dropping the channel variables when connecting
06:58.16b14ckIt will work properly withou tit.
06:58.21b14ck*without it
06:58.53Alton35well, I haven't noticed any difference yet, but I figured that might be due to my own ineptitude... or poor .call file documentation!
06:59.09b14ckthe documentation is poor
06:59.14b14cki wrote some good docs on it if you're interested
06:59.32Alton35interesting has some, and my personal website has others:
06:59.52b14ckBut anyhow, what happens when you spool one of those callfiles? (in the cli)?
07:00.03Alton35ok, duly noted
07:00.04b14ck(make sure you do: core set verbose 99 before spooling it)
07:00.12Alton35I have verbose 10
07:00.25b14ckraise it
07:00.27Alton35um, the system dials me
07:00.31Alton35I didn't know it could go higher
07:00.41b14ckdo: core set debug 99 as well
07:00.47Alton35same there, I thought it was 10
07:00.48b14ckThat will give you detailed information about the callfile as it's being processed
07:00.59Alton35anyway, it will call me,
07:01.11Alton35then go silent, sorry, I should have included the CLI output,
07:01.21b14ckSo it can connect to your extension 1000?
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07:01.34Alton35anyway, when I hang up, the 2nd program then "answers" and starts into the call logic.
07:02.01b14ckWell, the way it should work (based on your code), is:
07:02.05b14ck1. It'll call your extension 1000
07:02.21b14ck2. Once you pick up, it'll immediately start executing announcements-calls-new,s,1
07:02.47b14ckSo, is it doing both those things?
07:02.51b14ckOr is it failing on an AGI?
07:03.07b14cklike announcement-2 or w/e
07:03.09Alton35it doesn't seem to run step 2 until I hang up.
07:03.27Alton35I thought that calling answer() in the program would connect the channels properly.
07:03.46Alton35oops, sorry, hold on,
07:03.47b14ckAsterisk automatically answers() the call when it is set via the channel: or context: extensions
07:04.03b14ckso forcing an answer is redundant
07:04.25Alton35well, I've had it be significant when trying to do silence detection
07:04.28Alton35kinda odd, but anyway
07:04.37b14ckYou can do a wait() instead
07:04.39Alton35one question,
07:04.44Alton35yes, wondered about taht
07:04.54b14ckThere's an asterisk bug if youre doing silence detection.
07:04.58Alton35my question is, can I do it all within one php program like it should be.
07:05.05b14ckIf you don't play audio on the channel BEFORE detecting silence, it wont work
07:05.16Alton35Yes, I learned that, and worked around that.
07:05.20b14ckah =)
07:05.23Alton35I can do that in the agi I assume, so no problem.
07:05.25b14ckwriting a dialer? :)
07:05.31Alton35I just want my bleepin' dial statuses.
07:05.46Alton35The system calls to schedule people for openings, nothing spam-like
07:05.56Alton35but I want my dial statuses like I got in my calling card program,
07:06.06Alton35and I want to roll over if one provider is congested, etc.
07:06.12Alton35the normal stuff anyone would want.
07:06.26b14ckThat stuff should be handled by your system, not the call file code.
07:06.34Alton35That's what I mean.
07:06.39b14ckeg: Instead of dialing through a AGI or whatever.
07:06.41Alton35Can I get it into the php program where it should be?
07:06.45b14ckYou should have a global subroutine that handles it
07:06.48b14ckIn asterisk
07:06.57b14ckTo fail over to trunks based on preference.
07:07.13Alton35you mean in extensions.cofn
07:07.24b14ckmost people create an `outbound` context
07:07.33b14ckwhich does LCR as well as failover
07:07.34Alton35but if I could just get the call I could do it all in my php program
07:07.55b14ckWant to paste your announcement-2.php code?
07:07.59Alton35I know, I just want things to be more programmatically/database controlled.
07:08.00b14ckProbably getting stuck there.
07:08.18b14ckSince you never get the call to [announcement-calls-new]
07:08.51Alton35hmm, that paste was -2, lemme paste -1 here
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07:10.18Alton35this is the "logic" side of it, what I really want to accomplish after I connect with the destination
07:10.31Alton35and these were both in the same program, you can see the stuff commented out I think.
07:10.40Alton35and I'd prefer them back that way if possible.
07:11.21b14ckalso, try changing your contexts to this:
07:12.28b14ckSo, when announcement-2.php is running, does it print 'announcement-1.php starting'?
07:12.55b14ckAlso, if you want them in the same program, just accept command line arguments.
07:13.03Alton35oh God, I stopped working on this the night before last
07:13.06b14ckEG: you could do: AGI(announcements.php,send)
07:13.11Alton35anyway, trying to remember the details
07:13.15b14ckor whatever
07:13.25b14ckthat's the same as doing: php announcements.php receive on the cli
07:13.31b14ckso just parse argv
07:13.35b14ckand run logic based on that
07:13.36Alton35hmm, no possibility of putting it all back together, the program dials, the other end answers, we then continue to the logic?
07:14.07Alton35It was so decent in the calling card program, I'd like to see that functionality again.
07:14.09b14ckYah, you can do that.
07:14.20b14ckThe php needs to be re-written.
07:14.24Alton35I just don't see how.
07:14.36b14ckHere's some pseudo code (I'll pastebin it)
07:14.43b14ckjust so you get the idea of what i mean
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08:45.15Diffen2Hello, I have two asterisk server and the second one are connected to the first one over a registered sip-trunk. I guess i have missed something out here, but shouldnt my user account on the second asterisk
08:45.41Diffen2be registered in some kind towards the first asterisk user extensions?
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09:41.56benedictHi @ all! Ive got a problem. Sometimes, when i dial a number i cannot connect to this number and i hear an announcement "Sorry" if i dial the number again everything is fine.. unfourtunately this error is not repuduceable, how can i debug it over a longer time?
09:42.44fenrusenable debugging and dial until you get the error
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09:43.17fenrusdo you have that kind of playback configured somewhere in your pbx?, perhaps when some trunk is congested ?
09:44.14benedictit is a problem of one of our customers and i didnt setup this asterisk system, so i dont really know :(
09:45.02benedicthow can i find out?
09:45.40benedicti have to say that im new to linux..
09:45.42fenruscheck the dialplan ?
09:47.27benedictcan you tell me how i can activate the debugging especially for my problem?
09:49.35Tim_Toadybenedict this sounds like a freepbx setup
09:50.02fenrusno, since i dont know anything about your setup
09:50.03fenrusget someone that knows asterisk to have a look at it
09:50.04Tim_Toadypropably some peer or phone is getting offline
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09:50.49Tim_Toadyanyway log into aserisk console with 'asterisk -rvvv' and watchout for the messages while making the call
09:51.20fenrusthat sounds really awsome on a high traffic astersik ;)
09:52.01benedictyes it is freepbx, its not high traffic, i dont want to be connected to the console all the time so i wanne know how i can get the messages into a file
09:52.02Tim_Toadya grep like option on the console would be cool :P
09:52.38Tim_Toadybenedict u can setup this in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
09:53.21Tim_Toadyi think its allready setup lke this if u run freepbx, check for /var/log/asterisk/full
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09:56.06EmleyMoorIt even works without any "insecure" now - no explanation as to why
09:56.12benedictok lets see..
09:56.38benedictthis file is 341mb..
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09:57.22Tim_Toadybenedict maybe u have to disable full logging when u re donr with that, or enable log rotation
09:58.18fenrusruns away
09:59.38benedictdoes "full" also log the output that i normally get in the cli?
10:00.37Tim_Toadydepends on the settings in logger.conf, in ur case i think yes, u get full logging of the console and debug messages
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10:01.51benedictin the logger.conf there is the entry set "full => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose"
10:02.29Tim_Toadyit cant get more full that that :P
10:03.38benedictsorry for my stupid questions but i switched from windows to linux...and in windows everthing is so easy :/
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10:05.45Tim_Toadyto monitor in realtime without using the console just run 'tail -f /var/log/asterisk/full'
10:06.45benedictcool thank you
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10:24.22russthats neat
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10:25.00russthe mmx code in the oslec echo canceling kernel module breaks the userspace on my box
10:25.16russcompile the dahdi stuff without MMX, and everything is fine
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10:29.04Tim_Toadyamd cpu russ?
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10:33.04jayveeI just Ctrl+F’ed my copy of Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, and there isn’t one single mention of Jingle. Not only that, but there are zero Google search results for the error I’m getting (“jingle_alloc: no jingle capable clients to talk to.”). Where could I get help on integrating Jingle and Asterisk?
10:33.46jayveeIdeally I’d like to be able to both call Jingle clients from SIP, as well as SIP numbers from Jingle. But even if only one direction is working, it will open up a whole window of usefulness.
10:34.41russTim_Toady, via c7
10:35.04russthe mmx register saving code seems questionable
10:35.05OlafsenMguys, who is here running SS7 with FS?
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11:00.36tzafrirruss, hi
11:01.19tzafriryes, got that report. looks odd. We do use oslec with VIAs
11:04.12russthere have been changes with the way fpu's and task swtich is handled in recent kernels afaik
11:05.39tzafrirI'm not sure I can get a working g729 codec. What other asterisk code can use MMX code? I suspect this is something to do with the same code on the stack
11:06.00tzafrirspeex can use SSE2, IIRC but not mmx. What about gsm?
11:06.05russyou can probably compile any codec with mmx optimization
11:06.40russbut the g729 licensing would give you a go ahead to use it for testing/debugging iirc
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11:08.15russthe page claims 'Under patent law, it is a legitimate use to study or experiment with a patented technology without paying for a patent license' fwiw
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11:09.06russyou could probably reproduce with mmx code running at the same time as dahdi using the oslec
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11:12.27russI at least know it would be bad if the kernel tried to do its own fpu operations inside a dahdi_kernel_fpu_begin/end block
11:13.09russit seems to assume that it is in interrupt context, and several other bits of code in the kernel seem to assume that the fpu is ok to save/restore if it is not in interrupt context
11:13.19russbut not all the dahdi_kernel_fpu_begin/end blocks run in interrupt context
11:14.09russbut the oops I'm getting seems like it is from an NULL task struct or fpu struct
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11:16.48E-bola gives a n error 400
11:16.55E-bolaits linked from
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12:42.25Miccwhat does Connected Party Identification Support mean?
12:42.46wikiiIAx2 show Channels  shows all active channels but their Format is "Unknown"
12:42.47E-bolaThere apear to be an issue with the contrib init.d script for debian in 1.8 beta3
12:42.59[TK]D-FenderMicc: when the remote side gives you THEIR callerid when you call them
12:42.59wikiiplese chk this link
12:43.37Miccnice. I assume that only works with other sip providers that suppor that?
12:44.08[TK]D-FenderMicc: I haven't heard of its use with ITSPs, jsut with PBXs for when you call an "internal extension"
12:44.11infobot[~cpid] Called-Party ID is possible with * using patches on Mantis.  See :
12:44.32Miccoh ok
12:45.03Miccdo most phones support that too?
12:45.27wikii..@<[TK]D-Fender> plese check this link ::
12:45.42MiccI don't see why I couldn't use it for in network calls too.
12:46.34Miccso what is Call Completion Supplementary Services support, and Advice of Change support?
12:46.56MiccI wish they put links to some of this stuff in the release notes.
12:47.21[TK]D-Fenderwikii: USELESS... show the ENTIRE FAILED CALL
12:47.43[TK]D-FenderMicc: I believe what you were mentioning was Advice Of Charge
12:47.47birchquicklyMicc, these are standard terms you can Google.. I don't think the release notes are meant as a tutorial
12:47.51Miccwait its Advice of Charge support, yeah
12:48.04Miccright right, will do.
12:48.11[TK]D-FenderMicc: And I'm not sure about the meaning of the former
12:49.05birchquicklyThere's CCSS
12:49.15MiccI'm a bit excited about srtp.
12:49.51Miccthat could be a new product offering for us.
12:50.04birchquicklySRTP is overrated
12:50.17Miccwell is it secure or not?
12:50.44Miccwhy is it over rated to you?
12:50.52birchquicklyYes, so is wrapping your kid in bubble wrap before he goes to school.  Overconcerned?  Maybe.
12:51.02coppiceit is secure if used properly. support is still patchu, though
12:51.19coppiceVoIP without SRTP is crazy
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12:54.58birchquicklyDo not love without a glove?
12:55.50seanbrightE-bola: what issue would that be?
12:58.09wikii..@<[TK]D-Fender> plese check this link ::
12:58.11Miccthis has got to be the most undefined unknown acronyms i've seen in a while.
12:58.29wikiii hve uploaded  all logs
12:58.33MiccI think I get the idea though, its for pay as you go cell phones mostly I think.
12:59.32E-bolaseanbright: the part involving /etc/default/asterisk makes it not work for me. It just stops returning nothing, if i remove that part it works fine
12:59.43fenrus"pay as you go"?
12:59.52fenrusprepaid ?
13:00.00[TK]D-Fenderwikii: Using a call-file to send yourself a fax?
13:00.29Miccbirchquickly, I agree with you for the most part except when it comes to companies with unique scenarios that really do need to keep information under wraps.
13:00.32[TK]D-Fenderwikii: nope... humm...
13:00.54wikiisorry cant understand ur question
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13:01.49birchquicklyMicc:  The odds of someone getting in place to intercept the RTP stream are so minimal it's not even worth arguing about.  There's bigger things to worry about, IMHO
13:01.51seanbrightE-bola: will take a look
13:02.00[TK]D-Fenderwikii: Cause No. 28 - invalid number format (address incomplete). This cause indicates that the called party cannot be reached because the called party number is not in a valid format or is not complete.
13:02.13[TK]D-Fenderwikii: - Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup, cause 28 <-----------
13:02.19seanbrightE-bola: i don't have /etc/default/asterisk and it is working fine for me
13:02.29Miccbirchquickly, I know and I agree, unless you know your being gunned for.
13:02.40wikiibut when i call the same number from my sip phone it rings
13:02.54E-bolaseanbright: i tried to remove it as well, didnt change anything, was quite weird....
13:02.56[TK]D-Fenderwikii: I don't see anything usable to compare
13:02.56seanbrightE-bola: do you get an error message or it just silently fails?
13:03.03E-bolathe only weird thing on the system is that the kernel is relatively old
13:03.08E-bolaseanbright: silently fails
13:03.17seanbrightE-bola: hmm
13:03.21WIMPywikii: A 'type of number' problem?
13:03.23Miccbirchquickly, if someone wants to get in the middle its not that hard.
13:03.24E-bolait quits in the if sentence where its supposed to check for the default file
13:03.27wikiitell me whhich logs you need i will upload them
13:03.36E-bolai traced itwith simple echo sentences to see where it stopped
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13:04.01[TK]D-Fenderwikii: I don't see the COMPLETE failed call (no PRI DEBUG in there), and I don't see this GOOD call you said this should mirror.
13:04.01seanbrightE-bola: and /etc/default/asterisk doesn't exist?
13:04.14E-bolaseanbright: nope, i delled it
13:04.22E-bolamakes no sence at all....
13:04.36seanbrighttzafrir: any idea on E-bola's issue?
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13:04.44seanbrightmaster of all things debian
13:04.50Miccbirchquickly, although its much more difficult than the old days of tapping a land line.
13:05.07wikiihow i can debug pri?? tell me command
13:05.19SiNGLerE-bola: debian use that default file for settings and for asterisk enabling
13:05.46E-bolaseanbright: you know if the default file is new? i dont normally use it when compiling asterisk myself, so im wondering if it was used in earlier asterisk versions of the init script
13:05.50SiNGLerwhere should be line, which you modify/uncomment/whatever to allow asterisk startup
13:05.56WIMPywikii: Sorry just came in and didn't get the whole story.
13:06.03[TK]D-Fenderwikii: "pri debug span 1"
13:06.28SiNGLerE-bola: modify startup script :) afaik debian package use default file (even 1.4)
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13:07.04wikiiok thankyou.. i will upload all logs tomorw and let you know.. rite now iam away from server acess
13:07.40E-bolaSiNGLer: yes the debian packages, but this is the tarball
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13:08.06wikiiWIMPY .... whenevr i send fax "Busy Signal is detected"
13:08.09SiNGLerand you use debian startup script, which probably is from package, dunno :)
13:08.34SiNGLersolution would be to use blank default, or modify script
13:08.38E-bolano i dont, im sory but i guess you dont know the tarball too well. There are included init scripts for the common dists, including debian
13:08.43SiNGLerI'd go for script modification
13:08.59E-bolaI already have a solution, i just removed the problem parts of the init script. Im just reporting back to be nice :)
13:09.24SiNGLerE-bola: I know tarball, probably into tarball was included script, which was used for debian package
13:09.51WIMPywikii: You send out a PRI? And you get an address incomplete wehn fending fax but not when calling the same number from a phone?
13:10.10E-bolaSiNGLer: if i recall correctly the init scripts are different
13:11.00wikiiyeah i send it  on pri
13:11.10wikiiyeah true
13:12.41[TK]D-Fenderwikii: "busy signal detected" is NOT the problem
13:12.50[TK]D-Fenderwikii: You call did NOT go through.
13:13.37WIMPyAnd a lot of obfuscation.
13:13.43wikiiok <[TK]D-Fender> ... where iam doing wrong.. in configuration ??
13:14.00[TK]D-Fenderwikii: Who says the CONFIGS are at fault?
13:14.10wikiiiam asking sir
13:14.14[TK]D-Fenderwikii: You can't even look at 2 calls right now, so just come back later.
13:14.22wikiii am new t asterisk
13:14.39[TK]D-Fenderwikii: Don't ask for an autopsy when you can't even present the dead body
13:14.56fauxalliancei thought i smelled something fetid
13:15.03wikii<[TK]D-Fender>  sorry . :(
13:15.32WIMPywikii: Apart from that number problem you also have a BC problem. SPEECH is going to cause trouble when sending faxes.
13:16.03[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: there is no signal for "fax"... it is not a "data" call
13:16.25WIMPyBut a pri intensive debug of both a successfull and a failed call will help.
13:16.30[TK]D-Fenderwikii: Forget that last remark and come back with debug of a failed and a matching good call as you have claimed.
13:16.46WIMPy[TK]D-Fender: It's 3.1kHz Audio for G3 Fax.
13:17.13wikiiOK sure  Thankyou both.. thanks for your time
13:17.39WIMPyMany PKXs won't route a speech call to a fax.
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13:32.23tzafrirE-bola, still here?
13:32.37tzafrirI see that this script will fail if readlink is not installed
13:33.13benedicthi! I have an 'Asterisk' and 'console dial' does not exist, how can i make an outgoing call over the cli with that version?
13:35.04grollojHi. Is it possible on an asterisk host to use one IP on the host for all SIP traffic and a second IP for all RTP traffic?
13:35.39tzafrirbenedict, originate?
13:35.54tzafrirDo you want to generate a call from the sound card?
13:35.59Naikrovekcore show application originate
13:36.04Naikroveki think
13:36.25tzafrirIf so, you probably need something along the lines of: module load
13:36.32tzafriror:  module load
13:36.34benedicti only wanna check the connection and make an outgoing call to my mobile phone or sth
13:36.47E-bolatzafrir: yep
13:36.59benedictits not necessary to hear sth
13:37.23E-bolai dont have a readlink package on this debian server....
13:37.47E-bolai have /lib/init/readlink
13:39.13[TK]D-Fendergrolloj: No.  * is not a "SIP Server".  it is a B2BUA
13:41.21grollojhmm. ok. asterisk would still be handling both the media and signaling. i thought i might be missing something in a nat config.
13:41.41grollojbasically, trying to keep sip on a private net and open rtp up public.
13:42.35[TK]D-Fendergrolloj: There is no split.
13:43.07grollojfair enough. thanks.
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13:51.08tzafrirE-bola, but it is not in the PATH
13:51.34tzafriranyway, what happens if you run the script? nothing?
13:51.36E-bolawell is /lib/init/readlink the readlink u refer to?
13:51.42E-bolaprecisely, nothing
13:57.16benedictIve another question to originate, i don`t get it.. I want to make a call to 01577xxxx in context 'test' via zap... Hows the syntax?
13:58.00[TK]D-Fenderbenedict: {channel] is as you you would put in a Dial() comamnd
14:01.56benedictso i have to make 'originate Zap/g1/01577xxx' ?
14:02.06muiroWhen using queues, I believe I remember being able to designate a local channel to ring, but then some other device to use for status. Is my memory off or can I do that?
14:02.29seanbrightmuiro: you can do that
14:03.27seanbrightfrom queues.conf.sample:
14:03.32seanbrightmember => Local/1000@default,0,John Smith,SIP/1000
14:04.11muiroah, okay, I was just opening that up to read it
14:04.12muirothanks much
14:04.33muirothough, one followup. Can I use custom device states for status?
14:05.00seanbrightnot sure.
14:05.04muiroit's easy to test
14:05.09muiroI'll report back
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14:08.29benedictno i executed: originate Zap/01577xxx@test extension 01577xxx@test but nothing happend :(
14:10.02[TK]D-Fenderbenedict: Do"Zap/01577xxx@test"  look like something valid to put in a Dial() to you?
14:11.33tzafrirE-bola, so try:    sh -x /etc/init.d/asterisk start
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14:14.07stopeI just installed asterisk from source but app_mysql is not there, what am I forgetting?
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14:14.33anonymouz666app_mysql really sucks
14:15.23stopeok, well what do you suggest?
14:16.11stopeIt may suck in your opinion dude but it is relatively robust
14:16.28anonymouz666Use func_odbc instead
14:16.39benedict[TK]D-Fender: Oooopa^^ You`re right, i forgot the 'g1' -.-*
14:18.45[TK]D-Fenderbenedict: "@" has no place is a ZAP CALL
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14:20.52benedictyes sorry, was a typo 'originate Zap/g1/01577xxx extension 01577xxx@extension_custom.conf' works
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14:22.39[TK]D-Fenderbenedict: @extension_custom.conf' <- pardon?  You have a CONTEXT that looks like a FILE NAME?
14:24.31benedictyes, but i works :S @test works too
14:26.39benedictconfusing, but both works... its only for testing, so it doenst matter^^
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14:27.26festr_hi, can DAHDI sniff T1 to pcap?
14:27.34festr_or it only does wanpipe?
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14:35.56ixtiHello, everybody.
14:36.12ixtiCan somebody help with asterisk 1.6.2 + gafachi ?
14:36.52ixtiAfter they switched to new clusters I can't get it to work (old config works but not very reliable, while new config does not works at all)
14:37.28Kyoshnew cluster?
14:37.56ixtiHere's what I receive in console with sip set debug on :
14:38.16ixtiKyosh: well, I just cited their website ;))
14:38.47jamkoixti:  I use gafachi with 1.6 .. when did problems start? is giving me adds for
14:38.57seanbrighttargeted advertising is AMAZING
14:39.01jamkoseanbright: yay!
14:39.33Kyoshixti, dont trust provider to give valid working examples of configs
14:40.49Kyoshits up to you to know how to config
14:40.52Kyoshwith that said
14:41.02ixtijamko: well, before they added gafachi1a, gafachi1b there was only one gafachi. so when I left old server - it works (sometimes) when i put new one (e.g. 1A ( Rochester, NY SIP Cluster) it doesn't
14:41.24jamkoI terminate to Rochester.  What is the issue exactly?
14:41.26*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (bryan@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
14:41.53ixtiKyosh: well, with old server same config was working good
14:42.00Kyoshoy their examples are a headache
14:42.05ixtijamko: it just doesn't calls
14:42.13Kyoshoh you mean the cluster of servers
14:42.19Kyoshgo back to the old config
14:42.21drmessanoseanbright:  Lucky you.. all my pastebin ads want me to buy livestock
14:42.27drmessanoseanbright: :(
14:42.37Kyoshdrmessano must be in the stix
14:42.56ixtiKyosh: and that's the funniest part - it doesn't work with new servers too :))
14:42.59Kyoshgo back to the old config, change the ip's to match gafachi 1a or 1b
14:43.16Kyoshknow what
14:43.18*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
14:43.29Kyoshloves his targeted asian girl ads
14:43.49ixtione second I'll try to write it from scratch.
14:43.54jamkoixti: are you ip authenticating?  hopefully
14:44.36jamkogettin' me some asian.
14:45.32ixtijamko: nope
14:45.37ixtijamko: should i?
14:46.27jamkoI don't see why not.
14:47.14jamkoixti: ip auth - easy, easy like sunday morning.
14:47.37ixtiwell, basically looks like authentication work just fine. at least I see gafachi1a/username in the sip show peers
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14:48.46ixtibut i can't make a call. will try to setup ip authenticating now.
14:49.58*** join/#asterisk corretico (~laguilar@
14:51.12ixtino difference :((
14:51.28jamkoDid you setup ip auth at the gafachi site?
14:51.35jamkoyou have to put your ip address into their gui.
14:53.32ixtijamko: yes. I know. and I have did it
14:59.17E-bolaHmm 1.8 beta3 keeps giving me this when testing 1 snom320 to another: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session.
14:59.45E-bolaguess i gotta disable rtp encryption on the phones
15:02.34jamkoixti: what is the message on the cli when the call bounces
15:02.55*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:05.11ixtijamko: -- Attempting call on SIP/01134617179433@gafachi for s@pstn-incoming:1 (Retry 1)
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15:05.29ixtijamko: and then == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 and that's all :((
15:05.45ixtiverbose and debug are 3
15:08.07ixtijamko: ahhh... i'm stupid idiot....
15:09.21ixtiwas trying to make a call on SIP/...@gafachi instead of SIP/...@gafachi1a
15:10.09ixtijamko: does ip based authentication really better than standard one/
15:12.23*** join/#asterisk dailylinux (
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15:13.15mnuzaihani am having problem with "HangUp()"
15:13.41mnuzaihanIt seems that after i had recorded my voicemail and press pound key (#), it doesn't hangup.
15:14.15mnuzaihaneven though i have "HangUp()" at the end of my extension configuration
15:14.45*** part/#asterisk dandre (
15:15.12Kobazmnicholson: more info needed.... where is the call coming from... and going to (what technology.. .analog/t1/sip/etc)
15:15.48mnuzaihanthe call is coming from my client -> asterisk server on public IP
15:15.54mnuzaihanasterisk using SIP
15:19.42mnuzaihanAfter i press pound and got a "goodbye" audio, the session is still active.
15:20.09mnuzaihanThe problem might be due to this:
15:20.27mnuzaihanThe Hangup must be after "Spawn Extension" if i'm right
15:20.28ruyoDoes _*XX*X.# match?
15:20.29ruyoConsidering I need a number that can vary length between * and #.
15:21.11*** join/#asterisk bobboau (~bobboau@
15:21.36bobboauis anyone awake in here?
15:22.48ixtithanks everybody. :))
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16:05.58p3nguinruyo: I think _*XX*X.# will match one * followed by two numbers followed by one * followed by one number and another one or more characters followed by #
16:06.19*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (~CunningPi@
16:06.22nnyOdd situation, I have a setup that has worked fine for a couple of years, and suddenly has started someting weird. I have a specific subnet attached to a seperate switch using a VLAN, and all of a sudden they can dial out, but dialing in just terminates. Pastebin here, I am the only one with access to any of the switches
16:07.36ruyop3nguin, that's what I'm aiming for. I'll be able to test it in a while and I'll let you know.
16:08.01*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
16:08.21[TK]D-Fender[12:05]<p3nguin>ruyo: I think _*XX*X.# will match one * followed by two numbers followed by one * followed by one number and another one or more characters followed by # <- no
16:08.31p3nguinIf you only need two numbers between the two * it might work.
16:08.49hrhrhrhow can i check if the number dialled by the user is only 6 numbers, then append an std code?
16:10.23hrhrhr,70,twW) <--- and what does twW mean
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16:11.10[TK]D-Fenderhrhrhr: "core show function LEN"
16:11.22[TK]D-Fenderhrhrhr: "core show application dial"
16:11.36hrhrhrteach a man to fish, eh? :P
16:11.45[TK]D-Fenderhrhrhr: and "t" != timeout
16:12.12[TK]D-Fenderheads to lunch
16:16.01*** join/#asterisk mechbangirc (
16:16.13mechbangirchi channel
16:17.36mechbangirci just installed asterisk and zaptel packages on debian lenny. when i try to connect to asterisk 'asterisk -vr' i get this error in logs "res_config_pgsql.c:782 pgsql_reconnect: Postgresql RealTime: Failed to connect database server asterisk on Check debug for more info." any suggestion?
16:18.17mechbangirci have mysql cdr enabled in cdr.conf i dont know why postgresql is there, i want to use mysql
16:18.45*** join/#asterisk ruyo (
16:19.08ruyo[TK]D-Fender, p3nguin, it did work.
16:21.00fenrusdisable postgresql then
16:21.02ruyoWith *XX*X.*X.# I can make, for instance *67*12345*543#
16:21.17Corydon76-digmechbangirc: When you install from packages, you need to seek support from the package maintainer, first
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16:23.23mechbangircCorydon76-dig: i dont know much about package management, anyway thanks
16:24.33Corydon76-digmechbangirc: any idea what version it is?
16:26.07Corydon76-digmechbangirc: that's tremendously old
16:27.11mechbangircactually i want to use a2billing, and guys at a2billing say either 1.4 or 1.2.
16:27.26Corydon76-dig1.2 is on security support only
16:28.14Corydon76-digBut I mean that is a tremendously old version of 1.4.  We're now at 1.4.35
16:28.47mechbangirci ve used 1.6 for quite some time. now for a2billing i have to downgrade. I always used to compile asterisk. this time i installed from package and now i dont know what is happening
16:29.07mechbangircyea debian loves old stuff
16:29.20russis it one of the built in vertical service codes interfering?
16:29.33Corydon76-digDebian also loves installing poorly tested patches in their packages
16:29.50*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
16:29.55bougymanexplain poorly tested?
16:30.19bougymanyou may be talking about sid or squeeze.  stable is tested by CI, users, security team, others.
16:30.39mechbangirci dont know much about debian. before that i had centos it was great but now i like archlinux more than any distro
16:30.43Corydon76-digbougyman: your mysql odbc driver is utter crap
16:31.04gr0mitok, anyone recommend a good DID provider for a tollfree number?
16:31.10bougymangr0mit: flowroute
16:31.28Corydon76-digbougyman: I had to put a workaround in Asterisk for the crap that is the packaged odbc driver
16:31.31gr0mitUS tollfree i mean
16:31.33drmessanoI second Flowroute
16:31.50gr0mitok i will google them
16:32.08Corydon76-digbougyman: to be fair, it's not just Debian, but package maintainers in general that add patches that get rejected upstream
16:32.29bougymanCorydon76-dig: is your bug there?
16:32.32mechbangircok now unload(ed) => problematic.modules and finally there is only one warning left "pbx.c:2981 ast_register_application: Already have an application 'Directory'"
16:32.57Corydon76-digbougyman: nope
16:33.13bougymanCorydon76-dig: if it were you'd be part of the solution.
16:33.19bougymanthey don't let grave bugs sit for long.
16:33.24Corydon76-digbougyman: tis easier for me to install those from source.  And faster.
16:33.55bougymancan you explain the env so I can replicate it?
16:34.01bougymani never use mysql, so haven't run into it.
16:34.43Corydon76-digbougyman: shared connection, connection times out, first thread reconnects and everything works fine.  Second thread attempts to use the reconnected connection and the process crashes
16:35.11bougymanshared connection meaning two asterisks?
16:35.22bougymanor two things using the unixODBC data source together?
16:35.29Corydon76-digshared connection means multiple threads in a single process
16:36.27Corydon76-digI added idletimeout in res_odbc to workaround this specific problem
16:36.55Corydon76-digIf we drop the connection ourselves and reconnect (as opposed to the server timing out the connection), no problem
16:37.11mechbangirci am now going to compile 1.4.35. i noticed 1.8.0 beta 3 is out
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16:37.55bougymandoesn't * have native mysql support without using odbc, Corydon76-dig ?
16:38.05bougymanreading newsgroup threads about this
16:38.12Micc_I'm starting to think orderlyq is going out of business or they just have really bad IT people.
16:38.13jamkobougyman: yes
16:38.54jamkoodbc I believe is only needed for func_odbc, or with integration into shared db with opensips.
16:38.58Corydon76-digbougyman: How do you think I test ODBC?
16:39.08jamkoor other 3rd party solutions
16:39.13bougymanMicc_: how's that?
16:39.22bougymanwe use orderlyq, it's been great for our collection managers.
16:39.47bougymanit's just a template for us (development) so we can replace it with out own, but it's bridging the gap between our old proprietary one and our new internally devved one.
16:40.16Corydon76-digAnd yes, I nearly forgot about func_odbc
16:40.46bougymanCorydon76-dig: understood.  i know some of that packages maintainers, i'll see if I can replicate it and get it fixed, if it's not already fixed in squeeze.
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16:43.59Micc_bougyman, when I signed up for a trial, I got an error that the device was out of space. So then after I sent them an email about it a few days later they fix it and I was able to create a test account. Now I can't login because the server seems to be offline. the main site is there but after login it redirects to
16:44.25bougymanMicc_: oh, we use orderlystatsSE, a self-hosted version.
16:44.29bougymani never tried their hosted.
16:46.12gr0mitMicc_ what is the prb with orderlyq?
16:49.46[TK]D-Fender[12:21]<ruyo>With *XX*X.*X.# I can make, for instance *67*12345*543# <- nothing after that "." matters
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16:51.03ruyo[TK]D-Fender, indeed.
16:51.51bougymani detest the pattern matching.
16:52.12bougymanwhy not just give people pcre or posix regex?
16:52.15ruyoIn that case I can only have *XX*XX*X.. It's a good enough match.
16:52.49Micc_gr0mit, is down.
16:53.35bougymanthis is why I didn't use the hosted product.
16:54.47hrhrhrif i pass a call from pbx 1, to pbx2, over iax, can i send it out of pbx2's zap channel, using 's' exten to pass the call to dial (with EXTEN)?
16:55.07hrhrhrwhich bit of the book should i read for this
16:55.16drmessanoAll of it
16:55.33hrhrhrit wont dial unless i have a dialplan for the specific number
16:55.36[TK]D-Fenderhrhrhr: Every call is jsut a call.  From a phone to *.  Out to another *.  In on that other *.  Out to something else.
16:55.39Micc_most hosted companies are on top of that stuff like white on rice.
16:55.46hrhrhri think 's' should let me get away with this but it doesn't work
16:55.51bougymanMicc_: i haven't noticed such.
16:55.57[TK]D-Fenderhrhrhr: and the "s" exten isn't magical.  Doesn't matter what yuo use for patterns as long as it leads to the outcome you want
16:55.59bougymani've seen outages with some of the largest.
16:56.15bougymanheck I recovered amazon to a backup site in jersey one time, they were completely incompetent.
16:56.17[TK]D-Fenderhrhrhr:  using 's' exten <-- dosn't actually eman anything
16:56.30ruyohrhrhr, if you Dial(Zap/1(${EXTEN}) from the 's' extension, you'll Dial(Zap/1/s)
16:56.33hrhrhri've included a context, top of the list which processes s
16:56.43gr0mithave you called orderlyq?
16:57.10Micc_I know outages happen, but not knowing about a major outage till a customer tells you is not acceptable for a hosted company in my mind.
16:57.24Micc_yeah, their overseas number isn't working for me.
16:57.50drmessanoMicc_, My biggest peeve is when the company blames their hosting or upstream and takes NO blame on themselves
16:58.02gr0mitMicc they are based in UK
16:58.09gr0mitI met the guy who runs it
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16:58.37drmessanoMicc_, THEY are the ones who chose their provider and their hosting, they are the ones reselling/selling services using the aforementioned.. they should take some credit by proxy
16:58.43Micc_I know. I'm not sure why the number wasn't working, maybe it was a vitelity problem, I'll try calling again.
16:58.54gr0mittry calling their UK number
16:59.18Micc_gr0mit, thats what I meant, I tried their UK number.
16:59.25drmessanoMaybe they are down
16:59.26gr0mitCall us on +44 845 0045 413
16:59.31gr0mitthis one?
17:00.03gr0miti get straight through
17:00.19gr0mitmust be your telco
17:01.00[TK]D-Fenderhrhrhr: extension doesn't matter as long as it leads to what you want it to do.
17:01.15*** join/#asterisk csnook (
17:01.27p3nguinI've had issues calling UK numbers on (who is using Vitelity) in the past several days.
17:02.53p3nguinJust fyi.
17:07.38*** join/#asterisk morex (
17:07.40morexHi there
17:07.57morexI gather there have been some problems reported here with the US OrderlyStats managed service
17:08.08gr0mitp3nguin, what numbers are you having issues with?
17:08.11morexI do technical support for Orderly Software who provide the service
17:08.16Micc_I opened a trouble ticket with vitelity about it a few days ago, they just said to try it again.
17:08.36morexWe are having an issue with one of our US servers, us3, which has developed a slow-fail on the hard drive
17:08.45Micc_morex, yes, I'm having problem loging into my trial account on
17:08.55Micc_Can you move my account to another server?
17:08.58*** join/#asterisk sol (~sol@unaffiliated/sol)
17:09.33morexWe've already ordered a replacement server from our hosting provider
17:09.49p3nguingr0mit: 0845 072 7227, 0845 071 0759, and the 845 0045 413 that you pasted.
17:09.50morexAnd we've moved the hard-drive intensive processes to a different server
17:10.08morexSo there shouldn't be any further problems moving forwards today, and we hope to have a full replacement tomorrow
17:10.16morexI am monitoring the server closely
17:10.41russI can't call 011448450045413 with teliax
17:10.49gr0mitp3nguin, these are all UK non-geo numbers
17:10.59gr0mitwith higher than standard call rates
17:11.07gr0mitwonder if they are being blocked?
17:11.19morexMicc: Yes your account will be moved to the new server as soon as it's available
17:11.52morexIf you have any further difficulty, please call us straight away on +448450045413 or +442075827228
17:12.02morexIt does look like this will be the last of the problems today though.
17:12.28gr0mitmorex, they had issues calling your 0845 number from outside UK
17:12.37gr0mitit was me that called you just now
17:12.46gr0mitas they could not call the 0845 number
17:13.12morexAh yes sometimes the carrier blocks it
17:13.20morexI'll add a geo number to our web site now.
17:13.26gr0mitgood plan!
17:13.34gr0mithates 0845 numbers
17:13.38Micc_morex, can't you move my account to a server that is working right now?
17:13.50Micc_or is it only on that one server
17:14.13JustmanHey guys. Are there any callbacks mechanisms in Asterisk able to raise events on hangup while ast_structure containing my dialplan variables is still accessible. Thanks in advance for any help.
17:15.09morexIt's just this one server that's affected by the hardware issue
17:15.18morexAnd it is working right now
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17:36.39mnuzaihanhi all. I am using asterisk v1.6 (SIP) and whenever i use time or voicemail (after pressing pound to finish with message), the connection is not terminated and from ngrep it doesn't show any BYE.
17:37.32mnuzaihani keep seeing "INVITE" though
17:40.35[TK]D-FendermnPerhaps you should be showing us the failed call
17:40.40[TK]D-Fendermnuzaihan: Perhaps you should be showing us the failed call
17:42.22mnuzaihan[TK]D-Fend: the calls did not fail. But at the end of everything (time, voicemail records and pressing #), the session is still active and i did not see any "BYE" from asterisk.
17:42.31mnuzaihani'm using SIP
17:48.00drmessanoSo there's nothing wrong with the call?
17:50.08carrarnever say goodbye
17:50.22carrarbon jovi does it so well
17:52.40mnuzaihandrmessano: It cannot hangup automatically after pressing pound in voicemail, or after reading on the time/date.
17:53.05mnuzaihandrmessano: the session is still active and it doesn't hang up by itself.
17:53.07drmessanoOk, so the call FAILED, and you were asked to pastebin a debug
17:53.44carrarCan you move the microphone a little bit closer please
17:56.05fenruswill the real slim shady please stand up
17:57.36drmessanoI think he's trying to make a wish on an airplane
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17:57.49[TK]D-Fender[13:50]<carrar>never say goodbye <- I play that with my band
17:58.05[TK]D-Fendercarrar: And jammed it up yesterday with another group I play with
17:58.16drmessanoStick to your Guns is the best Bon Jovi song, ever.
17:59.21drmessanoFunny that they perform it so little, there's a video of them trying to do it live, and Jon is holding a lyric sheet.. and still messed up the song
17:59.30[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I did "Wild Is The Wind" at an acoustic open-mic night last week...
17:59.42drmessanoAh, love that one too
17:59.57*** join/#asterisk mechbangirc (
18:00.12[TK]D-Fendermnuzaihan: ASTERISK SIP DEBUG FROM CLI + VERBOSE
18:00.16mnuzaihandrmessano: those are the ones that i see in ngrep. no "bye" statements and after it announces the time, the connection is not dropped.
18:00.19drmessanoI remember the day I bought New Jersey, when I lived in New Jersey, better than I remember 911
18:00.24[TK]D-Fendermnuzaihan: Clear enough?  We want PROOF.  Complete circunstances
18:00.26mnuzaihanTK: ok
18:00.59drmessanoI call it BJNJ Day
18:01.54mechbangirci setup res_fax and res_fax_digium modules, checked the status from cli>fax show stats everything looks ok. so what next! in the dialplan how do i make use of it. btw this is free one line licence from digium.
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18:05.25[TK]D-Fendermnuzaihan:  see every transmission failing.  I'd go check your FIREWALLS if I were you
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18:06.46mnuzaihan[TK]D-Fend: running off VPN with a separate range of VPN client IP than LAN, so i guess my connection is NAT-ed.
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18:10.58[TK]D-Fendermnuzaihan: I guess you need to completely reevaluate your networking.
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18:17.41carrar[TK]D-Fender, lets hear some sound tracks!!
18:18.13[TK]D-Fendercarrar: You on FB?
18:18.17carrarhell no
18:20.08drmessanoI was gonna add you, carrar
18:20.16*** join/#asterisk fofware (~fabian@
18:20.39carrarI have my own web site, no need to maintain two sites
18:20.49drmessanoYou have the awkward social deficiencies of an Amateur Radio operator or somethin?
18:20.54carrarand turn over my privacy control to some company
18:21.21[TK]D-Fendercarrar: I have nothing personal on mine.  And I'm only tagged in 4 videos from my band's page.
18:21.48carrarFB is just more thing to waste my time on checking
18:21.58[TK]D-FenderFull privacy block, no personal data, no photos, no useless apps, etc.
18:22.01carrarhowever I do bgp peer with facebook
18:22.05carrarbut thats it!
18:22.44[TK]D-Fendercarrar: Well as a musician this IS a good means for me to keep up with events I do actually care about.  That's about it.  No family members, ex's, etc on there.  Just closer friends and music contacts to keep me up to date
18:24.17carrarAren't there any muscians version of FB?
18:24.28carrarThere is a maoney making oppertunity
18:25.37[TK]D-Fendercarrar: Actually there is.. one where you can do track mixing as well so you can collaborate with oterh musicians on a fixed recording,e tc
18:25.54[TK]D-Fendercarrar: Forgot the name, but I'm sure its easy to find
18:26.23drmessanoI wonder if they used anything from Justin Frankel's Ninjam project
18:26.47drmessanoThat seemed like a pretty awesome platform for collaboration
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18:51.44Qwell[TK]D-Fender: who's the guy that works at/for CAT?
18:51.49Qwellhappen to know offhand?
18:52.15[TK]D-FenderNo idea
18:57.32QwellNaikrovek does.
18:58.36seanbrighti was close
18:59.59*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
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19:06.54mnuzaihan[TK]D-Fender: I've remotely accessed the machine on LAN via RDP (there is no firewall between the remotely-accessed-client and server) and i have the same problem.
19:09.55[TK]D-FendermnYour packets aren't geting responded to... nothing much we can say here...
19:16.17*** join/#asterisk adyn (~adyn@unaffiliated/adyn)
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19:25.15radenQwell, its Naikrovek  hes gone for day headache
19:25.23radenQwell, something I can help you with
19:25.35Qwellis that english?
19:25.57radenQwell, is what English ?
19:27.44radenyawn , I'm outta here
19:28.40Qwellraden: I mean I don't understand your response.
19:35.12radenQwell, Yes Naikrovek is the one who works at cat , he is gone today left work early with a headache .
19:35.57*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
19:38.30QwellI see
19:43.56*** join/#asterisk odenkos (
19:52.26*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
20:07.37*** join/#asterisk Obeliks_ (obeliks@gentoo/contributor/Obeliks)
20:08.01Kyoshdoes asterisk support UUI?
20:09.55*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
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20:18.05pabelangerKyosh: UUI? Avaya?
20:32.32*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmuj@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
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20:49.17Kyoshhell if i know.  im not even sure what UUI is
20:55.58ChannelZUser User Interface!  So nice they named it twice
20:59.21drmessanoWait, you want to know if Asterisk supports UUI and you don't know what UUI is?
20:59.28drmessanoYes, no, yes
21:05.12ChannelZUrge Urinary Incontinence
21:05.44*** join/#asterisk bmoraca_work (
21:29.31*** part/#asterisk crowb4r (~JKLOBUCAR@
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21:31.28Kyoshdrmessano, someone asked me and i didnt know how to answer.  so i said "hell if i know", but then the boss said "find out"
21:31.30Kyoshso here i am
21:31.39Kyoshnot like its my job, but the boss says it is
21:37.15*** join/#asterisk csnook (
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21:42.47infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:43.20*** part/#asterisk lukhas (~lucas@bearstech/lukhas)
21:45.50ChannelZWell it's not like it's our job either
21:48.37*** join/#asterisk mboehn (
21:53.00*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:56.39golikwid|machey fellas
21:58.07ChannelZheeeeyy sexay ladyy
21:59.24*** part/#asterisk bsaxon_ (~bsaxon@
21:59.39*** join/#asterisk Sipster_ (
22:18.38jtoddKyosh: Asterisk supported UUI information elements on Q.931, but it is unknown if they currently work.
22:19.05jtoddKyosh: They were utilized for experimentation by AT&T testing some years back.  Search the mailing lists.
22:21.30seanbrightthere was a #define in chan_dahdi to enable it; not sure if it's still there
22:22.11seanbright/* define this to send PRI user-user information elements */
22:22.17seanbright#undef SUPPORT_USERUSER
22:22.38seanbrightthat's in sig_pri.c in trunk.  in chan_dahdi.c in older branches i'd guess.
22:27.11jtoddseanbright: Thanks, that's it.
22:27.55jtoddNot sure if the original asker is still here, but that's the answer.  Now, how it works, EXACTLY, is up to speculation.  Most networks don't transit it over network borders, and some don't even move it aorund internally.
22:28.12jtoddOr it's different length limits based on what type of switch is connecting.  Not very standardized.
22:28.26jtoddBest To Try It Yourself.  BTTIY.
22:34.26*** join/#asterisk tessier (~treed@kernel-panic/copilotco)
22:36.28tessierAnyone ever have a problem with only one Aastra phone at a time being able to register out of 6 phones NATing out through a Linux/Shorewall firewall to an asterisk box behind another Linux/Shorewall firewall behind a one-to-one NAT (so port numbers and everything map correctly)?
22:36.51tessierFor some reason it is just this one location. Other locations with phones behind NAT all talk to asterisk perfectly.
22:37.09jamkoNAT issue.
22:37.11tessierWhat is odd about this location that does not work is that the phone system used to be local to these phones.
22:37.22tessierjamko: Yes. I'm wondering exactly what the issue is though.
22:37.31jamkoNAT : )
22:37.51tessierOther remote locations behind NAT (Linux based wrt54g's) are working perfectly.
22:37.53*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
22:38.04tessierSo it seems it would have to be a NAT issue local to these non-working (except for one) phones.
22:38.12tessierI suspect a bogus setting in the phone somewhere.
22:38.27tessiernat=1 for all of these phones in sip.conf
22:38.48jamkoI assume you are using separate sip ports for each phone.
22:39.20*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
22:39.49tessierjamko: No.
22:39.58tessierjamko: And neither are the correctly working remote phones behind NAT.
22:40.12jamkowell that is a small miracle.
22:40.16tessierI've set up tons of asterisk and Snom phones.
22:40.35tessierAnd a few crap Grandstreams. And they have never needed such things. Nor does it make sense that they would be needed.
22:40.43tessierThe main factor is having a decent NAT implementation.
22:40.55tessierAll of the low end crap NAT boxes that cause those troubles greatly complicate things and I avoid them.
22:41.00tessierLinux on both ends for me.
22:41.15jamkook... well good luck with that .. I suggest you use separate SIP ports.
22:41.16tessierBut a TCP connection is a tuple of local and remote ports.
22:41.25tessierWell, port and IP.
22:45.40jamkoHow exactly is your wrt54g knowing which device to send traffic to, if you can only point 5060 to one ip address at a time?  If the request originated behind your NAT, then you might have a chance, but if the request originates outside your NAT, good luck man.  The solution is not a better NAT device, the solution is not to use NAT period.  SIP and NAT don't mix, never will, and never did.
22:47.28NuggetNAT blows goats
22:47.51jamkoBut, best effort configuration if NAT is absolutely necessary, is to use separate SIP and RTP ports for each device behind the NAT.
22:48.47carrarIPv6 4ALL
22:48.56jamkoword up carrar!
22:49.11carrarw3rD Y0!!
22:49.29carrarI got my /32
22:50.00bougymana /32 is one ip isn't it?
22:50.04bougymanor are you talking ipv6?
22:50.08carrarIPv4 it is
22:50.13carrarbut we're talking IPv6
22:50.18bougymanah cool.
22:50.50*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
22:51.20bougymantunnel broker or direct from ISP?
22:51.32carrardirect allocation from ARIN
22:51.48bougymandoes your ISP offer v6?
22:51.58carrarwhois -h \!6as7752
22:52.03bougymannice to know some will.
22:52.11bougymani got on the beta program with the only isp here who offers it.
22:52.17bougymanthey still haven't rolled it out.
22:52.18bmoraca_workyeah, a /32 is an "isp" increment...organizations are generally given /64s from ISPs
22:52.30bougymani have two /48s
22:52.39bmoraca_workHE is giving those out
22:52.56bougymanbut they're just toys without an isp that supports v6
22:53.19carrarwe have 4 full transite IPv6 providers
22:53.31carrarplus lots of peers
22:53.57bmoraca_worki got a /64 from HE when they first started doing it...but i never set it up
22:53.59p3nguinIPv6 is still a novelty in most places.
22:54.11bougymanthat's how the telcos around here treat it.
22:54.21bougymanonly a couple small ones are even considering it.
22:54.22bmoraca_workIPv6 is so overengineered that it likely won't be fully deployed for another 10 years
22:54.24p3nguinUntil they NEED it, they will continue that way.
22:54.39bougymanand charter (the worst ISP here) is the only one offering it, and only in beta, and they're delayed on deployment.
22:55.04carrarmost people won't be prepaired
22:55.24p3nguinCharter is the worst in your area?
22:55.26carrarand people who are, will stand to gain
22:55.38bougymanp3nguin: for the most part.
22:55.56bougymani'm sure there are some I haven't tried or had a client use that may be worse.
22:56.10p3nguinCharter is usually among the best.
22:56.12bougymanbut couldn't be much worse than charter without a business death wish.
22:56.17bougymanthey're the CI Host of ISPs.
22:56.44carrarthe only reason for a ISP to not deploy it is lazyness
22:57.18carrargranted thats a great excuse
22:57.39p3nguinI like that Charter offers Ultra60.  That's a nice speed for home cable modem service.
22:59.29bmoraca_workcharter around here caps off at 10mbit, and if you pay for that, you're more likely to get about 5mbit
23:11.50*** join/#asterisk Letoric (
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23:12.52Letorichiyas. I'm having a bit of difficulty with asterisk and * when dialed from my handsets. It keeps reporting invalid extension even though the dialplan context has _*4101 as an extension
23:12.58Letoricany thoughts on what I'm screwing up?
23:15.17Letoricrunning for the code
23:17.35WIMPyNot unless you tell us what the problem is. But _*4101 does not look like a sensible extension.
23:18.24LetoricThe error is 'Call from '4108' to extension '*' rejected because extension not found
23:18.33Letoricso it never lets me finish dialing anything past the *
23:18.40Letoricit instantly handles it as a call
23:19.12Letoricif I specifically put only * as an extension, it processes that ok
23:19.31Letoric(if I add that to the dial plan context)
23:19.36radenp3nguin, i have ultra 60
23:20.45raden   <<<< actual results
23:21.28radenI can get 30 - 35 MB burst sometimes
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23:29.50Letoricany idea WIMPy?
23:30.26LetoricI have looked through the dial plan several times, and have even gone as far as purging everything in the context, to see if it would at least wait for me to press additional digits
23:30.48Letoricthe only time it seems to allow me to use * is if I specifically make an extension for * by itself ;(
23:31.39WIMPyWhy do you use pattern matching but have no pattern?
23:32.02LetoricI found an article for how to allow people to transfer directly to voicemail
23:32.16Letoricit suggested using _*${EXTEN}
23:32.32Letoricexcept it's not really the variable, just did that to make it easier to comprehend ;p
23:33.04LetoricI guess I can try it without the pattern match
23:33.40Letoricsame issue
23:33.57Letoricbefore I can even attempt to press another key, it is already issuing busy signal
23:34.30WIMPyWhat kind of technology? Could it be the terminal?
23:35.01Letoricthe phone?
23:35.02*** join/#asterisk golikwid|mac (
23:35.36Letoricthe phone works ok on another asterisk system, running 1.4.x code base
23:35.47Letoricdifferent dial plan there though, everything was slopped into 1 context
23:36.11Letoricor nearly everything at least
23:36.15Letoricusers were broken out
23:36.25Letoricphones started in default though, which contained 99% of all code
23:36.37golikwid|maccan anyone think of a good few songs for a construction company's MOH
23:36.40WIMPyBut it works with numbers starting with *?
23:36.43Letoricit is a Polycom Soundpoint IP 670 though
23:36.44golikwid|macroad construction
23:36.59WIMPygolikwid|mac: Bob the builder? :-)
23:37.14Letoricon the old system, it works. I was trying to start the new system from scratch and build it more in line with public perception of best practices
23:37.26Letoricthat way it's easier for the next guy to walk in behind me ;>
23:37.53TJNIIOn the road again, Can't drive 55, "Damn this traffic jam" (or whatever its called by DaVinci's notebook, King of the road....
23:38.03golikwid|macWhere the Blacktop ends, She Thinks my tractors sexy, bless this broken road, where the sidewalk ends, we built this city, road construction is what i have so far
23:38.06TJNIII'd go for traffic jam songs, but I can only think of one....
23:38.13golikwid|maci have king of the road too
23:38.19golikwid|maclove cant driv 55
23:38.23WIMPyWhen you use a sip phone, it ususlly does not do overlap dial, that is it shouldn't contact Asterisk before you completed dialling.
23:38.24golikwid|macand in the road again!
23:38.56WIMPySo I'd check the phones dialplan.
23:39.09LetoricI am, just not understanding what is catching it
23:39.19Letoricthe console isn't providing much insight, nor is messages
23:39.48WIMPyLook at the phone, not the server.
23:40.11Letoriccan you elaborate some?
23:40.24LetoricI'm rather new at this, not sure exactly what I'd be looking for on the phone
23:40.33golikwid|macTJNII: i like the idea im concerned about the DAmn in the song though...conservatives might not like it
23:40.37LetoricI have about a week of experience with asterisk heh
23:41.18jamkoletoric:  What kind of phone?
23:41.28LetoricPolycom Soundpoint IP670
23:41.53golikwid|macit's a tele-phone
23:42.01golikwid|macis that a kind?
23:42.59WIMPyLetoric: Look for a dial paln on the phone.
23:43.25jamkoim pushing f and 10 damn it..
23:43.30jamkonothing happening.
23:44.09golikwid|macare you looking at the settings through the web interface of the phone?
23:44.15golikwid|macor the phones menu
23:44.19jamkoletoric: ip hope you are using the config files
23:44.56jamkothat's where the backbone of your polycom is.. web interface, not so much.
23:45.01LetoricI am
23:45.07Letoricthe config files don't have any dial plan in them
23:45.13golikwid|macbut the web interface is prettier
23:45.13Letoricfor the phone, that is
23:45.33Letoricdon't even know the password to use the web interface of the phone heh
23:45.42golikwid|mac654 Polycom
23:45.44Letoricjust using tftp (don't yell!) to configure it
23:45.50golikwid|macwell Polycom 654
23:46.26Letoricthat didn't work ;(
23:46.37golikwid|macwhat didt work
23:47.07Letoricpolycom username, password 654
23:47.09golikwid|macusername: Polycom Password: 654 or are you not talking to me
23:47.11Letoricor vice versa
23:47.18golikwid|maccapital P
23:47.19Letoricyeah, I was talking to you goliwid, thanks
23:47.34Letoricno worky ;(
23:47.36golikwid|macthats the default for polycom
23:47.45jamkoletoric:  sip.cfg - dialmap section
23:48.21golikwid|macits Polycom and 456
23:48.25golikwid|macim lisdexic
23:49.08golikwid|macLetoric:  did that work?
23:49.36Letoricchecking, was looking in the cfg file
23:49.47golikwid|maci dont deal with polycom much my clients are too cheap :(
23:49.49Letoricyes, that did work. Thanks
23:50.02golikwid|macbut they did give me one to try out so i have one on my desk lol
23:50.45jamkogolikwid: what do you use?
23:50.57jamkonm.. misread what you said..
23:51.01golikwid|maccause they are pretty
23:51.10jamkothought you said polycoms were cheap.
23:51.13golikwid|macand i can brand them
23:51.15golikwid|macno sir
23:51.20golikwid|macmy customers are though
23:51.55jamkomost customers are.... forest for the trees I tell em' ... no sir..
23:52.25*** join/#asterisk russ (~russ@
23:52.30golikwid|macyea i have a doctors here that prefers paying me to clean up other peoples messes than just paying me in the first place
23:52.43Letoricthe dialplan in sip.cfg seems pretty simple
23:52.49LetoricI don't see anything about *
23:53.07Letoricand the timeout is 3|3|3|3|3|3
23:53.07golikwid|macare you using the asterisk hunter
23:53.16Letoricnot sure what the asterisk hunter is, sorry
23:53.36golikwid|macits a commercial around here that one of the cable companies use
23:53.40golikwid|maci think its Brighthouse
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23:53.52golikwid|macit was alot funnier in my head
23:54.12Letoricwe're going live with the new system tomorrow at lunch
23:54.22golikwid|macyou'll be fine
23:54.24LetoricI'm trying to work all the minor kinks out before then, this is really the only one plaguing me
23:54.38golikwid|macas long as you can get asterisk to play the technical difficulties message your good
23:55.02golikwid|macthe number you have dialed is not in servie
23:55.09golikwid|maccustomers love that one
23:55.56Letoricso......any other thoughts on the issue with *?
23:56.12golikwid|macwhats it doing
23:56.14golikwid|macor not doing
23:56.20golikwid|maci didnt really see your orig problem
23:56.41golikwid|machey i gave you the web password
23:56.45golikwid|macis helpfull
23:57.24Letoric<Letoric> The error is 'Call from '4108' to extension '*' rejected because extension not found
23:57.24Letoric<Letoric> so it never lets me finish dialing anything past the *
23:57.24Letoric<Letoric> it instantly handles it as a call
23:57.24Letoric<Letoric> if I specifically put only * as an extension, it processes that ok
23:57.24Letoric<Letoric> (if I add that to the dial plan context)
23:57.40LetoricThe phone I'm using starts in context [phones]
23:58.04Letoricthat context includes 3 other contexts, [internal] [parkedcalls] [outgoing_calls]
23:58.21Letoricinternal includes a context for [stdexten]
23:58.37Letoricdon't have a from-internal
23:59.07Letoricif it's internal, and it's being dialed from a phone with context phones, I would think that the include would hand off ok, and it does for other extensions
23:59.12Letoricit's only * that is giving me hell
23:59.18golikwid|macok so the dialplan in the phone is matching it and sending it out
23:59.33golikwid|macso what is your phones dialplan
23:59.34Letoricyes, the phone is sending it to asterisk, asterisk is rejecting it
23:59.48golikwid|macwell maybe its rejecting it cause its partial

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