IRC log for #asterisk on 20100817

00:04.10jamkoCan someone get me a yum command for all the dependencies?
00:06.49jamkosorry wrong channel
00:09.38*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
00:13.40jamkoHowever not such an outlandish question, even with it being in the wrong channel.. ie - yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel bison openssl-devel \
00:13.41jamkolibtermcap-devel ncurses-devel doxygen curl-devel newt-devel
00:13.56jamkoetc etc etc
00:15.09radenask in #suse
00:15.19radenuse zypper
00:16.52leifmadsenjamko: this is the minimum I've found for compiling basic asterisk
00:16.53leifmadsenyum install gcc gcc-c++ make wget subversion \
00:16.53leifmadsenlibxml2-devel ncurses-devel openssl-devel \
00:17.07leifmadsenvim-enhanced is optional
00:19.39*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
00:21.17jamko@leifmadsen: thanks, I'm good on asterisk.. My question was meant for #opensips .. BUT if you have a yum command for opensips dependencies on centos 5.3, I would really appreciate it.. : )
00:21.57b14ck<3 vim-enhanced
00:27.51leifmadsenI don't use OpenSIPS
00:28.08*** join/#asterisk csnook (
00:35.17*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (bryan@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
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00:38.03ghostnik11dogboy: I know it has been a long time but i did, i was the guy that asked you about the info for how to get free outbound calls through google voice and asterisk + dialplan etc.
00:38.19ghostnik11dogboy: i did it
00:38.35DogBoyneat ghostnik11
00:39.15ghostnik11dogboy: i don't have to use cellular minutes, thank you and guess what i didn't even need the dial plan because there is an app that does what the dial plan was going to do
00:43.18ghostnik11dogboy: thank you again, and if you ever need to information on how i did it through a cell phone just let me know, because without your help i would have never figured it out, thank you agian
00:44.15*** part/#asterisk ghostnik11 (
00:44.20DogBoyI don't have a data plan on my G1 ghostnik11
00:48.44*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:53.47*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (~LemensTS@
00:56.29LemensTSif i call out using xlite to my sip provider to a phone, and click hold on xlite after the call is answered, moh works for like 20-30s then the call is hung up automatically. not seeing anything helpful in the cli...this is asterisk
00:59.18*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
01:04.16*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
01:05.52pabelangerLemensTS: Enable SIP debugs and see what happens
01:08.42b14ckYo, quick question. Since you can do includes like: #include <*.conf> , is it somehow possible to do wildcard includes and specify a specific file to exclude?
01:08.52b14ckI want to include all .conf files, except for a file named config.conf.
01:08.58b14ckAny ideas? :)
01:12.24pabelangerb14ck: create a subfolder and symlink the .conf files?
01:13.43b14ckpabelanger, hrm
01:13.57b14ckI suppose I could.
01:14.08b14ckActually, I should probably just re-do the directory structure.
01:14.15b14ckDoesn't make perfect sense to have it the way I do.
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02:02.03*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@unaffiliated/kavans)
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02:30.08*** join/#asterisk Micc (
02:30.29MiccIs OrderlyQ a hosted only service or can you install it on your own server?
02:33.08[TK]D-Fendermicc: yes you install it on your own server
02:33.55MiccTKD-Fender, any idea how much that option costs? I can't find pricing anywhere. And what kinds of dependancies does it have? I really didn't like queue metrics because it required java.
02:34.19pabelangerIt is per agent, and on his website
02:35.04*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
02:37.59[TK]D-FenderMicc: You know they have a nice contact page... it also alludes to having resellers which I suspect they may refer you to
02:38.42*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
02:41.49*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@unaffiliated/kavans)
02:44.08MiccTKD-Fender, I've sent them multiple messages. Still waiting to hear back from them.
02:44.13*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43|Mac (~GameGamer@
02:48.23[TK]D-FenderMicc: they clearly don't want your money...
02:49.35MiccI kinda thought that when the free trial signup page broke and it gave me an out of space on device error.
02:49.49Miccthen their international number wasn't reachable.
02:53.29*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (~LemensTS@
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03:16.44*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (~nighty@
03:17.11*** join/#asterisk stphn (~stephan@
03:17.25stphnany ss7 gurus around?
03:20.14bougymanyou mean: people intimately familiar with the asterisk codebase?
03:20.20bougymanyes, some of those people are here from time to time.
03:20.44bougymanrarely do the questions presented in here need such level of support, though.
03:21.17bougymanstphn: is this on digium hardware?
03:23.42[TK]D-Fenderbougyman: One does not have to know all about the * codebase to know about SS7
03:23.58bougymanno, that's just what I consider a 'guru'
03:23.58[TK]D-Fenderstphn: What in particular do you want to know?
03:24.08bougymani suppose everyone has their own perspective on that.
03:24.15[TK]D-Fenderbougyman: * codebase != SS7
03:24.19bougymani was more trying to drive to a specific question.
03:24.21stphnwell, i need to send TNS info to the switch I am interfacing with
03:24.29[TK]D-Fenderbougyman: There is some "perspective" for you to consider
03:24.30stphnand I am using asterisk of course
03:24.59[TK]D-Fenderstphn: Which driver, and what hardware?
03:25.09stphni looked in isup.c from libss7, and it seems that the TNS piece in not complete
03:25.16bougyman^^ [TK]D-Fender the what hardware was my specific query to him.
03:25.21stphnI've got a Sangoma A104 installed
03:25.26bougymanthere we go.
03:25.29stphnand working, I might add, except for the TNS portion
03:25.53*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog_ (
03:25.54stphnasterisk 1.6 and the latest dahdi
03:25.59stphnfrom the Centos Repos
03:26.07stphnnot trixbox or anything like that
03:26.10stphnjust vanilla asterisk
03:26.35[TK]D-Fenderstphn: There is generally very little by way of SS7 user in here normally... have you already posted this on the mailing lists?
03:26.47stphnI looked at chan_ss7, but it seems that its mostly for the ITU variant
03:27.05stphnI haven't, thought I would check here first
03:27.29stphnwell, perhaps I can fill that gap when I become more comfortable with it
03:27.35[TK]D-Fenderstphn: Not a bad idea, but statistically unfavourable as SS7 goes
03:27.52bougymanstphn: the guys in #sangoma will assist with sangoma-specific ss7 stuff from ~9-5 eastern, m-f
03:28.19*** join/#asterisk radic (
03:28.21stphnI noticed, but I imagine they'll want you to use their stack, as opposed to libss7
03:28.33stphnsurprisingly, their ss7 stack is pricy
03:29.00bougymanthe smg-ss7?
03:29.09stphnwell, thanks for you time guys
03:29.14stphni appreciate it
03:29.40bougymanit's on their ftp site for download i didn't know it had a cost if you had their hardware.
03:30.01stphnYeah, i believe you have to license it
03:30.05stphnbut I am not entirely sure
03:30.18stphni like how clean and integrated libss7 is, too
03:30.19*** join/#asterisk binbash_ (
03:30.21bougymanoh, the ss7boxd binary is licensed
03:30.28stphnso i would prefer it, were it complete
03:31.13stphnchan_ss7 looks like a confusing mess with scant documentation, plus it seems like itu is the only variant it supports
03:57.24*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
04:03.07golikwid|macanyone know off hand the asterisk command for highest number of simultaneous calls so far the system has handled
04:03.30stphnnot sure there is a cli command
04:03.34stphnhave you looked into snmp?
04:03.56golikwid|macwhats that
04:04.06stphnsimple network management protocol
04:04.15stphnthere are MIBs for asterisk
04:04.24golikwid|macsounds complicated lol
04:04.40golikwid|maci think i have an app for that on my iphone
04:04.43stphnit's really pretty simple when you get your head around in
04:05.19stphnquick google search turned this up
04:05.43stphnand here
04:05.49golikwid|maci love yu
04:06.00stphnI used MRTG on my network
04:06.10golikwid|macthat was a typo not a confession of love lol
04:07.06golikwid|macim always scared of screwing up a production system installing new things...
04:07.06stphnbed time for me
04:07.15golikwid|macthis is a weekend project for sure
04:07.19stphnah yeah, but that's the best way to learn
04:07.29golikwid|maci have learned alot than
04:07.29stphngood luck!
04:15.06jamkoAnyone experimented sending SIP URI calls with TCP transport?
04:35.29*** join/#asterisk TTT_Travis (
04:37.32TTT_TravisMy phone system runs both of my businesses -- looking for an ip phone that would allow me to connect to two extensions -- to identify which business the call is coming in for and to set the caller id when I call to the right business---possible?
04:41.00Corydon76-digTTT_Travis: PRI circuit or SIP trunking?
04:41.15TTT_TravisSIP trunking
04:41.39Corydon76-digDo you have internal extensions?
04:43.08TTT_TravisYeah currently just 1 extension per phone...I have a rigged up dial plan so I dial a 9 before outgoing calls for biz1 and 8 for outgoing calls for biz2 so it switches to a different trunk which sets the caller id correctly
04:43.42TTT_TravisBut it seems like there has to be a better way
04:43.45Corydon76-digThat's exactly what I'd suggest
04:43.53*** join/#asterisk KingDavidNYC (
04:43.59KingDavidNYCHello everybody
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04:44.39TTT_Travisok well the problem we have is with incoming calls..the receptionist doesn't know which business the call is coming in for --- for example if someone calls for Biz1 she anwers -- hello Biz1 -- but currently she doesn't have any indication
04:46.08Corydon76-digI'd suggest changing the CallerID to prefix a letter for each business
04:54.10TTT_TravisIs there an IP phone that could say set line 1 to Extension 5001 and line 2 to Extension 5002 just for the receptionist phone? so then calls would come in for Biz1 on Line1 and Biz2 on Line 2 -- this is how are old dinosaur phone system worked
04:54.30KingDavidNYCfriends, I have to write a program that has to give the caller the option, at the end of the call, to press 1 if he wants to recharge, and then continue the call... The way I would do this is to write a php script that runs every minute in linux, but maybe there is an easier way to this, can anyboby please tell me if I am overworking it?
04:55.05KingDavidNYC...or if I am right :)
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05:53.03*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
05:53.54AliRezaTaleghaniChannelZ: hi, do u have time, i had a problem with AGI-perl script
05:54.35*** join/#asterisk metfan2007 (~jc@
05:55.04metfan2007Hi all! anyone successfullly tested SSML and CEPSTRAL in the dial plan?
05:58.10AliRezaTaleghaniL-) hi all, can anyone give me a help about this AGI problem... my AGI-perl script is this: and where i use the, this is the log
05:58.12AliRezaTaleghaniit do nothing...
06:00.41*** part/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
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06:28.45Bendbankshi everyone just done a new asterisk now install with the asterisk gui option and when I go to the http://ip address nothing happens anythoughts
06:29.25TTT_Travistry http://ipaddresshere:8088
06:30.29TTT_TravisI think it's actually http://ipaddresshere:8088/asterisk/static/config/index.html
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06:31.39Bendbanksno to either of those TTT_Travis
06:31.52TTT_Travisdo you get 404 or no response?
06:31.53Bendbanksserver is up I can ssh in
06:32.14Bendbanksunable to establish connection
06:32.20Bendbanksis the error
06:32.23TTT_Travistelnet localhost 8088
06:32.31TTT_Travissee if that ^ connects
06:34.03Bendbanksno connection refused
06:34.32TTT_Travishmm that means the gui server isn't running
06:34.44TTT_Travisrestart asterisk?
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06:38.08Bendbanksmmm i actually can not do that it want let me in asterisk stop will stop it asterisk -r to restart right
06:38.23Bendbanksnone will work
06:38.32TTT_Traviswhat distro are you on?
06:39.40Bendbankswhich is what comes from asterisknow iso
06:40.11TTT_Travishmmm I'm a debian guy
06:40.23TTT_TravisI think in centos you type "service asterisk stop" and start etc.
06:45.17Igneousdoes anyone in here happen to have experience with CAC Adits?
06:50.24*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
06:56.25metfan2007any one with app_swift?
07:01.06*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
07:01.18AliRezaTaleghaniL-) hi
07:01.54AliRezaTaleghaniwhich application, i can use to Say the text" Hello"! not the Say Phonetic
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07:49.55klashnivhullo all; quick question: whats the asterisk 1.6 equivalent command for 'g729 show licenses'? thanks
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07:59.08tzafrirklashniv, should be the same
07:59.24tzafrirI suspect that the g729 codec module is not loaded
08:00.11klashnivwanted to check if the license was installed
08:00.39*** join/#asterisk mechbangirc (
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08:03.12mechbangircasterisk is automatically generating incoming calls.
08:03.35mechbangirc[Aug 17 12:33:00] NOTICE[26464] chan_dahdi.c: Got event 18 (Ring Begin)...[Aug 17 12:33:01] NOTICE[26464] chan_dahdi.c: Got event 2 (Ring/Answered)...
08:03.53tzafrirklashniv, the module can load regardless of licenses
08:04.08mechbangircany idea?
08:04.21klashnivthanks, decided to use another codec, cheers
08:04.29tzafrirmechbangirc, it got an event from the low-level driver
08:04.33*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (~chatzilla@
08:05.03tzafrirmechbangirc, what device is connected there?
08:05.05mechbangirctzafrir, you mean dahdi?
08:05.55mechbangircits tdm400p
08:06.11tzafriris it a FXS module? Is there a phone connected to it?
08:06.36mechbangircyeah it has 2 fxs and 2 fxo modules
08:07.02tzafrirwas this event on a FXO or on a FXS?
08:08.02mechbangirci'm not quite sure, but i think its on FXO
08:08.31tzafrirDid it only happen once? Does it happen occasionally? All the time?
08:08.52*** join/#asterisk mikkel (~mikkel@
08:09.25mechbangircit happens all the time, normally after every 2 to 3 hours
08:11.25ChannelZqwest used to reset our lines or do something crazy every night and I'd get weird crap like that
08:11.28*** join/#asterisk BitMonkey (
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08:11.40BitMonkeygreets all
08:11.57BitMonkeywas wondering, is there an asterisk-addons that can be used with asterisk1.8beta?
08:12.50tzafrirBitMonkey, no. It has been merged into Asterisk ( addons/ )
08:12.58BitMonkeyah excellent, thanks!
08:12.58tzafrirModules are not built by default
08:13.04BitMonkeygood to know
08:15.25EmleyMoorIs there a way to make asterisk accept SIP call requests from a registered peer without further authentication?
08:18.58*** join/#asterisk wierdo (~jimmy@
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08:20.59EmleyMoorHmmm... tried that - obviously not the answer to my problem - still waiting on responses from elsewhere
08:21.52klashnivok, another dumb question, how do i load the g729 codec in asterisk 1.6?
08:22.16hrhrhrEmleyMoor: explain your full problem to ChannelZ. he is pretty good
08:22.27ChannelZmodule load codec_g729a
08:23.41klashnivmodule load codec_g729a Unable to load module codec_g729a
08:24.07klashnivmodule load format_g729 Module 'format_g729' already exists
08:24.35klashnivtried the format_g729 as it was the only file with g729 in its name
08:24.53ChannelZthen you're missing half of it
08:24.59Micc_I think there is something wrong with T38 ECM. I set it to none, sip show peer shows none, but it still manages to negotiate it and try to use it.
08:25.04EmleyMoorWhen I am connected from my N97 over 3G to my asterisk box, I can only receive calls. If I try to make one, the asterisk box sends a 407, and then a 401 when it rejects the phone's response. The same phone functions just fine over WiFi, at least at home. I am seeking information to help me track down the cause of the problem. Please see my paste at
08:25.19klashnivthing is, if its already loaded, why wont g729 show licenses work?
08:26.53*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
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08:27.58ChannelZklashniv: because it's not loaded.  You pasted the failure yourself
08:28.15ChannelZdo 'module show like g729'
08:28.16*** join/#asterisk Secret_Hamster (                 Raw G729 data
08:29.36pifhi, what file contains command aliases again?
08:29.44ChannelZthat's it?  So that's only the file format handler, but not the codec.  You're missing the codec.
08:29.47hrhrhrChannelZ: off the top of your head, common reasons for the following? WARNING[3304]: chan_iax2.c:7771 socket_process: Call rejected by <Unknown>
08:30.07klashnivdoesn't asterisk 1.6 come with a g729a codec?
08:30.17hrhrhrklashniv: mine doesn't seem to
08:30.26ChannelZyou have to go download it
08:30.45klashnivok, cool, thanks
08:30.53*** join/#asterisk hariom (~hariom@
08:31.03ChannelZYou need to get the one that matches your asterisk major version, and you can also get them built/optimized for different architectures
08:32.00ChannelZhrhrhr: not sure. is a remote system than the one that spit out that message?
08:33.07hrhrhrone is native asterisk 1.4 and the other is asterisknow (1.6)
08:33.14*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
08:33.20ChannelZso the other end rejected the call, if it's your box look on its console and see why
08:33.35ChannelZEmleyMoor: try   insecure=invite,port   for that peer
08:33.38hrhrhriax debug output is lacking somewhat
08:33.54hrhrhras far as i can see tho, the box that produces that error is not authing to the other side
08:34.53ChannelZwell without seeing any configs or dials I can't guess much
08:35.21hrhrhrok cheers
08:35.34hrhrhrit just seems that i must figure out the way freepbx does stuff
08:35.50hrhrhrbit of a steep learning curve which im sure its not sposed to be :P
08:37.11ChannelZI guess on paper freepbx is supposed to make things easier but when I looked at it it was a little confusing and the documentation beyond the very basics was pretty much non-existant
08:37.37EmleyMoorChannelZ: Will try that shortly
08:38.22ChannelZEmleyMoor: Whatever SIP client you're using seems to be kind of crap, it sends the INVITE, Asterisk rejects and tells it how to authenticate, but it just ignores it and starts registering again.
08:39.28*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
08:42.06EmleyMoorChannelZ: Still the same with that insecure setting. I think you are coming to the same conclusion as me - blame Nokia
08:42.35Micc_t38 is such a pain in the ass.
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08:46.53ChannelZI dont understand why you're getting a 'proxy authentication required' as opposed to just an 'unauthorized'
08:46.57*** join/#asterisk ankur_6997 (~Dev_1@
08:47.03hrhrhrand it works for him over wifi...
08:47.40hrhrhrpastebin a successful call over wifi EmleyMoor?
08:47.44ankur_6997hi can i connect PSTN telephone line to my asterix box so that the calls comming in that lines can be terminated at an IVR prompt ?
08:48.20ankur_6997what kind of hardware will be required ?
08:48.52EmleyMoorhrhrhr: Cannot do that until this evening at least - but may well, so that the difference can be seen.
08:49.24ChannelZankur_6997: didn't we answer this question a week or two ago?
08:49.46EmleyMoorI have posted the information to Nokia - I'll see if it gets me anywhere.
08:49.48ankur_6997yes but chat was intruppted
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08:50.03ankur_6997ok using linksys s3102 ?
08:50.43hariomHi, I am getting error while playing a prompt: WARNING[2621]: format_ogg_vorbis.c:521 ogg_vorbis_seek: Seeking is not supported on OGG/Vorbis streams!
08:51.44hariomankur_6997: do you have pstn line connected with asterisk?
08:52.04ankur_6997not yet
08:52.51ankur_6997but soon if some one clearly tell me that linksys s3102 will be fine
08:54.07*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
08:54.11ChannelZIt has 1 FXS (plugging a telephone into) and 1 FXO (plugging into the wall to your telco)
08:55.01ChannelZIt's slightly confusing to configure but works and is cheaper than a TDM card if all you need is one line
08:56.39ChannelZEmleyMoor: what version of asterisk is this
08:56.50*** join/#asterisk chasing`Sol (~rc4@
08:58.26ankur_6997thanks channelz
08:59.33hrhrhrif we have any iax gurus here, i'd be interested to know why AUTHREQ is not sent in some instances
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09:01.19EmleyMoorAn upgrade to is reasonably possible in the fairly near future and can probably be brought forward if it will help.
09:01.58ChannelZit might but I really dont know
09:02.49EmleyMoorAs it is, I may be upgrading the hardware on that box soon - if so, the new installation will be that version
09:03.12chasing`Solhi guys, if i want to write an application such that when someone calls in and start interacting with asterisk, asterisk starts interacting with a database fetching, updating the caller's records, where do i start?
09:03.48ChannelZchasing`Sol: AGI
09:03.51chasing`Solshall i write a dial plan, or shall i interface asterisk with an agi?
09:03.52ChannelZmore than likely
09:04.54*** part/#asterisk klashniv (
09:05.38ChannelZugh 3am.. way past my bed time
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09:08.26newasterxHellow all...
09:09.41newasterxmay i drop a question ?
09:11.25EmleyMoornewasterx: No need to ask to ask - just ask
09:11.40newasterxoke emley...
09:12.03newasterxI am implementing ToIP  by using asterisk 1.6.12
09:12.16newasterxusing SIPcon1  for textphone
09:12.45newasterxmy question is why i can not sent a  text message  while voice message is very clear
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09:19.57ankur_6997can agi be used to set multiple varibles that can be used in asterisk ? in just one agi call  from dialplan?
09:21.18WIMPyankur_6997: Sure
09:21.47WIMPyYou can do as much as you like before returning.
09:23.40ankur_6997i can't find a example using  fastagi do you have one ?
09:25.18WIMPyJust repeat to 'set variable'.
09:26.20Secret_Hamstercan anyone think what would cause a phone to reboot on call pick (and sometimes just being called)
09:26.43EmleyMoorWhat sort of phone?
09:27.07Secret_Hamsterit's a cisco 7912, it's something either in the configs. It also reboots if another phone in the huntgroup picks up the call to the huntgroup
09:27.15Secret_Hamsterhowever, outbound calls are fine
09:27.23WIMPySecret_Hamster: Buggy Software? Or someone who doesn't like you configured something nasty.
09:27.53EmleyMoorSo basically it reboots when it stops ringing?
09:28.03Secret_Hamsterthe thing is I'm abit of newb to this, and I've taken over the system from the previous admin, but left pretty much alone
09:28.29Secret_Hamsterit reboots if you call it directly (sometimes only when you try to pick the call up)
09:28.49Secret_Hamsterit reboots if someone else in the hunt group picks the call to the huntgroup up
09:29.23EmleyMoorDoes it reboot if the caller hangs up before it's answered?
09:30.08Secret_Hamsterlet me check
09:30.51EmleyMoorSecret_Hamster: I guess you have other similar phones about - am I right?
09:31.30Secret_Hamsteryep, mine is the same, also tested with another one
09:31.42Secret_Hamsterit just seems to be something to do with that login/exten
09:31.52EmleyMoorHave you tried exchanging the configs?
09:32.02Secret_Hamsteryep, works with other configs
09:32.12Secret_Hamsterother phones do not work with that config
09:32.18EmleyMoorThe problem moves with the config?
09:32.48Secret_Hamsterbut as far as I can tell, it has the same setup as all the others
09:33.11EmleyMoorIn that case I'd be looking te make a new config for that phone - preferably starting from one you know works.
09:33.23Secret_Hamsterdone that already
09:33.42Secret_Hamsterused the same script to create other test ones, they work fine
09:34.13Secret_HamsterI presume it has something to do with the database info in the asterisk server, but I'm abit light on that area
09:34.37Secret_HamsterI've looked at the show sip peers, that seems to be okay, not sure what else to look at
09:36.55hrhrhrSecret_Hamster: im sure there's an option to reboot fones via sip invite
09:36.58hrhrhryou might wanna look into that
09:37.19Secret_Hamsterit rings sometimes
09:37.32Secret_Hamsterbut then cuts out on pickup
09:37.48Secret_HamsterI presume that is in the server config?
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10:23.46newasterxanybody have experience of implementing text over IP ?
10:25.21ruyonewasterx, like mIRC?
10:25.55WIMPyOr e-mail?
10:28.33WIMPyOh, wait. I think we're actually sending text over IP right here.
10:36.04ruyoDoes a Wi-Fi AP with WMM read DSCP values?
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10:52.03Secret_HamsterOkay found the answer out to my issue, the rebooting phone. The name of the user appeared to be too long
10:52.13Secret_Hamstertwo days I've been looking at this
10:53.45WIMPywonders if that would work with the callerid as well.
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11:33.54newasterxi means like this
11:34.09newasterxas asterisk support video, voice
11:34.26newasterxand now we can combine with text tooo
11:34.33newasterxrealtime text
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11:40.58tzafrirnewasterx, you mean: instant messaging?
11:41.14tzafrirThere is a IM protocol for SIP called SIMPLE
11:42.05tzafrirLikewise XMPP is known to be used as a IM protocol of Jingle (a slight understatement)
11:42.31*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
11:43.12newasterxinstant messaging  and realtime  is little bit different
11:43.34newasterxjust read that
11:44.00newasterxcurently i am using asterisk 1.6.12  for SIP server
11:44.13newasterxand SIPCon1  as textphone
11:45.37ruyoApparently, dialplan-wise, it's pretty much the same as a regular phone call.
11:45.40newasterxbut i am still can not send text to another SIPCon1
11:45.48ruyoNever tried the real-time text though.
11:46.05newasterxruyo : try this
11:46.12newasterxits pretty cool
11:46.39ruyonewasterx, try forcing the codec to t140 to see what happens.
11:46.51ruyoOnly allow=t140
11:47.13ruyoOh, and allow=h263.
11:47.15*** join/#asterisk telnettech (~telnettec@
11:47.26ruyo"at least one video codec as H.261, H.263 or H.263+ is needed"
11:47.32newasterxbut simple as what u say
11:47.45newasterxbut not so simple as what u say  :)
11:48.16ruyoDoes * actually makes the call?
11:48.34*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
11:48.51newasterxvoice is very clear
11:49.01newasterxusing  SIPCon1
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11:50.05ruyoWith only t140 and h263 you can have voice?
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12:32.26Kobazman this is frusterating
12:32.38Kobazthat too
12:33.04Kobazany time i update this one customer to any 1.6.2... there's horrendous problems after it's been running for more than a day
12:33.29Kobazi think it's probably related to this bug that causes moh to get corrupted
12:33.47Kobazi think if i can find and fix that... it might be good
12:36.43Kobazthat just happend about 10 minutes ago
12:37.05Kobazit doesn't usually crash when i do that... but that time it did
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12:48.08hariomD-Fender, was dissconnected. Did you write any reply?
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12:49.39hariomanybody else to offer help?
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12:51.32ChainsawKobaz: Have you spoken to jkroon? He had a pretty significant 1.6.2 crasher at one point.
12:52.33[TK]D-Fenderhariom: You did not write anything since I arrived until that question.
12:53.14KobazChainsaw: i haven't
12:53.27KobazChainsaw: i just posted it to -dev... which i should have done ages ago
12:53.37ChainsawKobaz: I believe he solved it in the end; I've been keeping a 1.6.1 release in the portage tree just for him.
12:53.46zambahow does asterisk work in a virtualized environment?
12:53.56hariomThis I wrote before, in case if didn't reach you. My net got disconnected for few minutes. [TK]D-Fender: taking the yesterday conversation forward, I am not able to play ogg/vorbis file properly. First, it is confirm that it is required to resample to 16bit 8Khz. Second after doing that if I run, I get error that seeking is not supported on ogg/vorbis streams
12:53.58Chainsawzamba: Not very well I would say.
12:54.17[TK]D-Fenderhariom: And I see NOTHING
12:54.18zambaChainsaw: why's that?
12:54.24Chainsawzamba: VoIP has low latency requirements. It does not deal well with high latency or unpredictable latency.
12:54.31hariomdidn't get
12:54.36Chainsawzamba: Especially the latter can be problematic in a virtualised environment.
12:54.37hariomwhat do you want to convey?
12:55.17hariomHow to play ogg vorbis files on playback?
12:55.26KobazChainsaw: ah... i'm stuck on because of this
12:55.42KobazChainsaw: there's other issues when i try and bump to a newer 1.6.0 too
12:55.48[TK]D-Fenderhariom: show me the FAILED ATTEMPT, and the file.
12:55.55KobazChainsaw: this customer just has the crazyest problems i've ever seen
12:56.52ChainsawKobaz: And there are no funky third-party driver stacks involved?
12:58.40*** join/#asterisk kpettit (
12:58.48[TK]D-Fenderhariom: [Aug 17 15:44:26] WARNING[2786]: format_ogg_vorbis.c:521 ogg_vorbis_seek: Seeking is not supported on OGG/Vorbis streams! <-- seems to say your file is bad
12:58.59KobazChainsaw: other than sangoma... no
12:59.13ChainsawKobaz: I consider pipewan a third-party driver stack.
12:59.25Kobazi don't consider it a funky one
12:59.49hariom[TK]D-Fender: I can play this file using "play" on my system
12:59.55Kobazthat could be related though
13:00.06Kobazi can't produce the problem in the lab with just using sip
13:00.09Chainsawhariom: It wants to seek. It could be something as mundane as seeking around metadata. Try to keep to a bare stream.
13:00.16Kobazmaybe i'll try and load up a t1 with the sangoma drivers
13:00.46[TK]D-Fender[08:59]<hariom>[TK]D-Fender: I can play this file using "play" on my system <- irrelevant
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13:00.58ChainsawKobaz: *nod* I'm not convinced it is a pure SIP problem. I have had a lot less crashers then others here and that seems to be because I have my ISDN behind SIP gateways.
13:01.07hariom[TK]D-Fender: GOT IT.
13:01.08[TK]D-Fenderhariom: * does not like stream formatted OGG/Vorbis
13:01.15KobazChainsaw: i've been moving to those... it's been much better on those boxes
13:01.24ChainsawKobaz: So SIP-wise it's fairly solid. DAHDI & third-party drivers... not so much.
13:01.32[TK]D-Fenderhariom: Just like it does not like VBR MP3's, ID3 tags, etc
13:01.43KobazChainsaw: i've gotten really burned by dahdi this year... so none of the new installations are using line cards
13:02.01Kobazeverything from t1 randomly going down to complete box lockups
13:02.02ChainsawKobaz: What brand have you gone with? I ended up with Patton on the system I inherited.
13:02.11Kobazonce dahdi was gone... perfect operation
13:02.23ChainsawKobaz: They're quirky telco gear with useless documentation. But they are very stable.
13:02.51ChainsawKobaz: Adtran, okay. I'll put them on the list as well.
13:03.07Kobazi really like them
13:03.14Kobazthey have 10 year support on boxes
13:04.54Kobazyou use something like that?
13:05.27ChainsawI have 4118 for my analog gear and 4634 to talk to ISDN BRI.
13:05.31Kobazit says multi port... is that one of those stupid boxes where you buy the box with only one t1 activated and have to buy licenses to use the rest?
13:05.51ChainsawI don't do T1/ISDN PRI. My deployment is not that big.
13:06.09drmessanoVoIP Gorilla?
13:06.27Kobazi found an 8 span pri for cheap... but firmware wise you can only use one port... and then you pay like 300 dollars each to activate the extra ports
13:06.32Kobazdrmessano: first hit in froogle
13:06.38Kobazdrmessano: dunno
13:06.44drmessanoOok ook?
13:06.59bougymanwe pay about $4k for our 8 port (108ds) but they're rock solid.
13:07.14bougymanthat's with EC.
13:07.30bougymanfor the ones not facing the telco it's abotu $1600k for 8 ports
13:07.40bougymaner just $1600
13:08.12Kobaza 108ds of what
13:08.17*** join/#asterisk doolittlework (
13:08.21Kobazfroogle wants to sell me hilighters
13:08.42KobazPENSXS159 - Highlighters, Retractable, 108/DS, Assorted
13:08.53drmessanoRetractable?  Sweet
13:08.56drmessanoBRB then
13:10.10[TK]D-Fenderhariom: Don't know what to tell you....
13:10.12*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmuj@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
13:10.24[TK]D-Fenderhariom: Why are you even using OGG again?
13:10.40hariomWhats the meaning of stream file? It is a normal ogg file without any ID3 tags
13:10.58KobazChainsaw: the weird thing... is same dahdi drivers... same sangoma drivers... 1.6.0 on this box is just fine... switch to 1.6.2 and it's trouble
13:11.08drmessanoYou're banging a SQUARE peg into a ROUND hole.. Use WAV or MP3
13:11.12Kobazbougyman: oh yeah... but i'm staying away from line cards
13:11.17Kobazbougyman: i know sangoma is cheap
13:11.30*** part/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmuj@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
13:11.35bougymani don't think it's that cheap
13:11.44bougymanthey're usually a bit higher than rhino and digium.
13:11.59Kobazyeah but rhino sucks
13:12.12Kobazand digium... well... i haven't used their t1.. but i've had problems with the analogs
13:12.13hariomSo that I don't have to keep 2 formats, one for playing on * and one on my system. I will convert all to ogg so that I can play on both the systems
13:12.14doolittleworkhi there need some help with recordings, i have two files xxx-out.ulaw and xx-in.ulaw does anyone know how to convert them so i can hear whats on them?
13:12.21bougymanbut the warranty is great on the sangoma and we've got two ds3s worth of PRI running on them for 3 years now.
13:12.32[TK]D-Fenderhariom: What "other system"?
13:12.45bougymanplus they do most everything on-card (one interrupt/card) so CPU needed to run 8 spans is negligible.
13:12.53hariomMy own laptop
13:12.58[TK]D-Fenderhariom: VLC handles GSm just fine, along with probably jsuta bout everything else
13:13.21Kobazbougyman: if i could slap an asterisk box together with a sangoma card in a SFF machine.. cheaper than i can buy a sip-pri gateway from a vendor... then i'll start using them
13:13.22[TK]D-Fenderhariom: and "laptop" is a SIZE/FORMAT of computer... it doe s not denote any specific functionality
13:13.52bougymanKobaz: you could, baraccuda does (cudatel) but minus the asterisk.
13:14.28hariom[TK]D-Fender: See, if one can keep a single format for all the future needs then why not? I can play ogg on any play but not gsm. I can play it on my mobile as well. I can share it with anybody I like without worrying about format.
13:14.28coppice[TK]D-Fender: well, it implies fly swatting potential, so it does give some indication of functionality
13:14.37Kobazbougyman: cheaper than i can get an adtran904?
13:14.48bougymanKobaz: i haven't priced the adtran
13:14.56[TK]D-Fenderhariom: then MP3 it is
13:15.00bougymani was looking at mediatrix and audiocodes before I found my current solution
13:15.09bougymanthey were 16k+ for 8 port PRI gateway
13:15.16bougymani'm sure that's all come down now (maybe?)
13:15.19Kobazi pay about 750 per t1, on adtran
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13:15.48Kobazand... i call them up... and they fix my problems
13:15.52bougymanthat's pretty solid.
13:15.58bougymanthough same on the support side.
13:15.59Kobazif i build it myself (dahdi)... well... then i'm out of luck
13:16.06bougymancept I irc them and they log in.
13:16.11bougyman(the sangoma folks)
13:16.19Kobazyeah sangoma has good support
13:16.25Kobazbut they wont help you with asterisk obviouslty
13:16.28hariom1) MP3 may have license problem. 2) To me, it seems like Mp3 can consume more resources than ogg. 3) Ogg is open source. And as you said in your previous msg, ogg and mp3 and id3 tags
13:16.31bougymansure they will
13:16.41bougymanthey help with asterisk more than anything.
13:16.52bougymanthey've set up asterisk, yate, and fs for me.
13:16.52Kobazso yes.. sangoma has great hardware... but the sangoma<->asterisk integration is what kills the deal
13:17.00Kobazbougyman: they charge you for it?
13:17.03bougymanKobaz: no.
13:17.05*** join/#asterisk OlafsenM (~mark.olaf@
13:17.08bougymanthey do it all day in #sangoma, too
13:17.11OlafsenMhello, need help
13:17.15Kobazthey've never helped me with asterisk
13:17.18bougymanfar more asterisk questions than anything else in there.
13:17.27*** join/#asterisk Orentet (
13:17.37Kobazthey say "sangoma card is working fine.. the problem is in your sip software.. that's all we can do"
13:17.39hariom[TK]D-Fender: I want to know where I am doing wrong. Need for ogg Vs MP3 Vs GSm can change anytime so better to know the process and pitfalls.
13:17.42OlafsenMchan_dahdi.c: -- Channel 0/2, span 1 got hangup ACK
13:17.59OlafsenMi get this message without first hanging up the channel
13:18.11OlafsenMand after this message the channel stays active in Asterisk
13:18.17OlafsenMhow can that be?
13:18.19bougymanOlafsenM: yuck.
13:18.23bougymanwhich asterisk version?
13:18.38OlafsenMi don't see hangup request, only ACK
13:18.52OlafsenMis maybe something wrong with telco?
13:18.54Kobazbougyman: can they help me with libpri crashes?
13:19.02OlafsenMwho requested the hangup in first place
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13:19.33bougymanKobaz: perhaps... i stopped using libpri about a year and a half ago when i was seeing crashes caused by it.
13:19.39[TK]D-Fenderhariom: * is not great with OGG. What is this "mobile" you're talking about?  a PHONE?  What phone likes OGG?  Will your next one?  Thinking you can use one format for everything often leads you to picking a crappy choice.  And you have not mentioned ANY of the specifics of these various devices you are using.
13:19.50bougymanusing sangoma_prid now.
13:20.19Kobazbougyman: oh... i didn't know they had their own pri stack
13:20.47bougymanthey built it after they took over maintenance of openzap (now freetdm)
13:21.05Kobazthat's the biggest problem i've had with line cards... is bugs in libpri
13:21.41hariom[TK]D-Fender: ok so you say that * is not great with ogg so there might be problems. Ogg Vorbis is one of the best choice today when it comes to Free and Open source audio files. Google WebM supports Vorbis too.
13:22.18Kobazgood stuff
13:22.34[TK]D-Fenderhariom: I love blind idealists.  Try not to place your ideals to far above what WORKS.
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13:23.06[TK]D-FenderOpen != supported
13:24.10hariom[TK]D-Fender: Hey I will call that as exagration. Sorry but I am not offending. I guess I was asking for help to resolve the issue I have in hand. Not to change the work plan because there is nobody to solve that issue.
13:24.55kukuIF I have 1.4.22-4 running, and I would like to have added, do I need to upgrade asterisk, or can I just download that SO from somewhere and attach it ?
13:25.11[TK]D-Fenderhariom: Well perhaps you could contact the author of format_ogg and see about having it cleaned up to your taste.  Thing is that NOW doesn't seem to make using it a good idea.
13:25.39hariomOk, now it is getting little clear that Ogg is not very good with *. What do you suggest to go with Mp3.
13:26.15hariomwill playback support that? Is there format_mp3 like thing?
13:26.25hariomor fork mpg123?
13:26.25[TK]D-Fenderhariom: I personally agree that OGG should take over its segment.  I'd love to see proprietary formats all die to comparable open equivalents, but I also won't pidgin-hole myself with "dreaming" either.
13:26.55hariomhmm... right
13:26.55[TK]D-Fender[09:26]<hariom>will playback support that? Is there format_mp3 like thing? <- yes... perhaps you've heard of ASTERISK-ADDONS
13:27.09hariom:) yea.
13:27.20hariomNeed to check that out now again.
13:30.38*** join/#asterisk shapr (~shapr@nat/digium/x-aohtmvrgqpxqulpw)
13:32.11OlafsenMguys: Channel 0/26, span 1 got hangup, cause 81
13:32.20OlafsenMinvalid call reference value.
13:32.26OlafsenMwhat is happening?
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13:33.25pabelangerOlafsenM: This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message with a call reference which is not currently in use on the user-network interface.
13:33.49OlafsenMlol, i know that
13:34.11OlafsenMbut why is asterisk sending wrong call reference?
13:34.13pabelangerSo, now you know what is happening
13:34.23OlafsenMno, I don't :)
13:36.31WIMPyMaybe it's trying to clear a channel that has already been cleared?
13:36.51WIMPyWhat happened before?
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13:39.00pabelangerOlafsenM: Enable an ISDN trace and see what is going on.
13:39.55OlafsenM[Aug 4 12:51:01] VERBOSE[4082] chan_dahdi.c: -- Accepting call from 'xxxx' to 'xxx' on channel 0/4, span 5
13:40.14OlafsenM[Aug 4 12:51:03] VERBOSE[4082] chan_dahdi.c: -- Channel 0/4, span 5 got hangup, cause 81
13:41.24WIMPyThat's why I was already tempted to correct myself, speakting like asterisk. It's about a call, not a channel, off course.
13:41.46WIMPySo the logged information is not particularly usefull.
13:42.24pabelangerOlafsenM: *CLI> pri set debug on
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14:07.25gnarfhaving some serious trouble getting dahdi up and running on my machine, everything was working fine a few days ago, but I had to recompile the wanrouter drivers for my card... here are some commands that might be useful if you can think of anything that might help (error message included in pastie as well )
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14:09.11leifmadsenpabelanger: ohai!
14:09.58[TK]D-Fendergnarf: do "dahdi_cfg -vvvv" and then restart *
14:10.47pabelangersalutes leifmadsen
14:11.07leifmadsenpabelanger: better not be the middle finger kind!
14:11.53[TK]D-Fenderprepares a 21 gun salute ... and aims it at pabelanger
14:12.14gnarf[TK]D-Fender: worked... should dahdi_cfg be in my startup scripts?
14:12.32[TK]D-Fendergnarf: Yes.  You failed to initialize DAHDI first.
14:13.22pabelangerrolls a six sided dice. +4 dodge
14:13.32gnarf[TK]D-Fender: i don't need the v's in the startup script do i?
14:14.05[TK]D-Fenderapplies the modifiers and hits pabelanger for 3D12 + 5,000,000 damage!
14:14.33[TK]D-Fendergnarf: No, but a visual readout is nice
14:14.47[TK]D-Fendergnarf: What are your running it on?
14:14.52gnarfcool, lifesafer... was getting really stressed out over that one...
14:15.15gnarfthe wanrouter startup script took care of it before...
14:16.58gnarfseems that when i recompiled those drivers, it installed the /dev/zap -- ztcfg script instead of the dahdi / dadhi_cfg script
14:18.34KingDavidNYCfriends, I have to write a program which, in the middle of a call, just before the balance is up, sends caller to a script. The way I would do this, as a way of handling the timing, is to write a php script that runs every minute in linux, but maybe there is an easier way to this, can anyboby please tell me if I am overworking it?
14:18.35[TK]D-Fendergnarf: You could symlink it if you felt like it
14:19.15[TK]D-FenderKingDavidNYC: What happens then?
14:20.02KingDavidNYCthe program asks the user if he wants to recharge his balance with his credit card, and if approved, joints the 2 people again
14:20.03WIMPyKingDavidNYC: Do you allow multiple calls for the same account? If not just check the balance at the beginning and use Dial option L.
14:21.28KingDavidNYCWIMPy: I dont see in option L the ability to send one channel to a dialplan
14:22.44KingDavidNYCI am looking for an option where I can start a process just 5 seconds before the end of the call
14:23.33mysterKingDavidNYC, how will you know when the call is going to end?
14:23.33fenrusa psychic option ?
14:23.36WIMPyKingDavidNYC: I think it stays in the dial plan, but if you want to hold the 2nd leg to eventually reconnect the two it's definitely for something more sophisticated.
14:23.44KingDavidNYCfenrus: yes!
14:23.45mysterpsychic hotline.
14:24.02KingDavidNYCmyster: yes!
14:24.52KingDavidNYCI have to put the pyschic on hold, while I send the customer to recharge his balance
14:25.07KingDavidNYCI can do all that with the AMI
14:25.42*** join/#asterisk razu (
14:25.47KingDavidNYCit is just the part of starting a process just before time is up
14:26.17*** join/#asterisk pbrunnen (
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14:27.09KingDavidNYCagain, if I use crontab for a process to run every 60 seconds to check whose time is up, I get the feeling I am overkilling the computer
14:28.07*** join/#asterisk crowb4r (~JKLOBUCAR@
14:28.19KingDavidNYCand by the way, those psychic women, it is like 8 of them, and they are hot
14:28.27[TK]D-FenderKingDavidNYC: M()+ spawn script that sleeps for the timeout period.  Use AMI redirect the channels.
14:29.24kpettitI'm using 1.8 asterisk and trying to get jabber.conf working.  I get a successfull jabber connect and can see user go online but I then get a asterisk Segmentation fault.  I don't get a seg fault if user cannot connect, only if user can connect.
14:29.41*** part/#asterisk gnarf (d15e2a04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:30.04kpettitI've read about some iksemel issues and have build that from source with different methods show on and rebuild asterisk as well with the same problems.  Any ideas?
14:31.28*** join/#asterisk mr-m (
14:31.28KingDavidNYC[TK]D-Fender: I see... man, that is genious
14:31.33mr-mdoes anyone use aastra 6757i's? i can't get it to speak only rfc3261, the phone keeps sending a Record-Route/Route header in my dialogs...
14:32.32KingDavidNYC[TK]D-Fender: Thanks man, that's awsome!... you are great
14:35.31[TK]D-FenderKingDavidNYC: You're welcome
14:35.48*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
14:41.20radenGood morning KingDavidNYC
14:41.58KingDavidNYCraden: what's up!
14:43.22*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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14:47.26newasterxwhy  in my callee  i got this message "No m=text found in SDP"
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16:03.21Diffen2Hello, im planning on installing a couple of patches on my asterisk. Can someone link a guide on how to do that? i havent found anyone. im planning on going from 1.4.24 ->
16:04.31*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@unaffiliated/kavans)
16:05.08pabelangerCustom patches? or just upgrading from .24 to 27.2?
16:06.09*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
16:06.43Diffen2official digium pathers
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16:08.18pabelangerdownload Asterisk, un tar asterisk, apply patches, ./configure, make install.  Restart asterisk
16:08.26p3nguinIf you want to use the official patches, that will be the same as using the official releases.
16:09.22p3nguinThere's no real good reason to patch up to using official patches... just get the tar ball of the version you need and get to work building/installing.
16:09.27Diffen2ok so i can go from 1.4.24 directly to p3nguin i just want to patch and touch as little as possible in the system
16:09.49p3nguinThere's no good reason to patch up to that version.
16:10.07pabelangerDiffen2: Usually yes, however read UPGRADE.txt and CHANGES in the source folder
16:10.19p3nguinIt is no less work to patch several versions as compared to simply installing the version you want.
16:10.23pabelangerp3nguin: not for you, but maybe him
16:10.45*** join/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (~Mundt@
16:11.56p3nguinIf you apply patches to a current version, you still have to recompile it and then reinstall it.  That's essentially the same work as downloading the version you want to use and compiling and installing it.  But without the patching work.
16:12.33asteriskATmarmuDhi guys, I can't get numbers following after my telephone number (00000000XX) into asterisk. is it possible that my NTBA doesn't forward them to my isdn-interface which is connected to asterisk?
16:12.44Diffen2ok hmm im confused here, what version should i update to? i havent read all the patchnotes so i havent got the hole situation. i read that 1.4.24 is not a safe version so thats why i want to update to a couple of patches.
16:12.46asteriskATmarmuDif I dial 00000000XX only 00000000 gets to asterisk
16:13.12p3nguinYour dialplan could be blocking it.
16:14.20*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
16:14.33WIMPyasteriskATmarmuD: 1. The NT is dumb and only forwards messages. 2. It is normal that you get a call to your base number, it's up to you to request more digits.
16:14.52WIMPyAsterisk will do that for you when your dialplan is set up correctely.
16:15.11pabelangerDiffen2: I would recommend setting up a staging box and copy your production settings to it.  Then you can test any version of Asterisk before moving it into production.
16:16.26Diffen2pabelanger sounds like a plan
16:17.07garymcAnyone willing to hold my hand? I need help with "core show application gotoif" commands
16:17.13garymcsetting and understanding them
16:17.21infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
16:17.39asteriskATmarmuDWIMPy: thx, so if I dial 00000000XX the NTBA will get that call (even if the "correct" number is 0000000) and forward all digits
16:19.24newasterxwhy  in my callee  i got this message "No m=text found in SDP"
16:20.02WIMPyasteriskATmarmuD: Forget about the NT. It's just an interface converter. You're talking tou the switch in the CO. And it depends how you call that number.
16:21.02WIMPyIf you use overlap dialling you get a setup to your base number and the extension digits follow as they are dialled. When dialling en-block you get the whole number at once.
16:21.25chazzamoh noes
16:22.29Diffen2pabelanger whats the "most secure" patch on 1.4 that doesent have a lot of bugs in it? I know its a stupid question but im asking anyway
16:22.52*** join/#asterisk crowb4r (~JKLOBUCAR@
16:24.02pabelangerDiffen2: Couldn't tell you.  I usually go with the latest version, that way if there are problems, you can report them to the issue tracker.  Otherwise, if you are using an older version of Asterisk, first thing they will tell you is to upgrade and retest with the latest version.
16:24.25Diffen2pabelanger ok thanks man
16:25.10*** join/#asterisk evilgeenius (5b663e22@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:25.19WIMPyasteriskATmarmuD: If you dial interactively, it's overlap. If you enter the number first and lift the reveicer afterwards, like on your mobile, it's en-block.
16:25.32*** join/#asterisk crowb4r (~JKLOBUCAR@
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16:27.21[TK]D-FenderDiffen2: As always.. the altest....
16:27.30evilgeeniusHello All, I am a complete and total nubee at all of this.  I have just signed up for a sipgate account, so I have my own number.  What do i need to do to get started with asterisk and connect it to my number?  I plan on using the Ruby RAGI framework to play about with it.   I am just installing asterisk but I have no idea where to go from here.  I will look into it offcourse but Is there any useful tips you could give me to get
16:28.02[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: ~book
16:28.05infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
16:28.20Diffen2ok TK d-fender hmm so 1.4.35 then :)
16:28.33Diffen2i dont dare upgrade the system
16:28.35[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: And "connect it to my number" is completely vague and what the number leads to
16:28.47[TK]D-FenderDiffen2: Nowhere to go but DOWN then
16:28.56[TK]D-FenderDiffen2: Let us know when you hit rock-bottom
16:29.19[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: how does a NUMBER talk to a SOFTWARE PROGRAM?
16:29.22jamkoHere is what I am getting after reinstall asterisk, thinking I should just reinstall again, but:
16:29.27jamkoservice asterisk st/usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: line 145: 20852 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) nice -n $PRIORITY ${ASTSBINDIR}/asterisk -f ${CLIARGS} ${ASTARGS} > /dev/${TTY} 2>&1 < /dev/${TTY}
16:29.28jamkoAsterisk ended with exit status 139
16:29.28jamkoAsterisk exited on signal 11.
16:29.32evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: like I said, im a complete nubee
16:30.01[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: You can't even tell what a "number" leads to?  I have a number... when it gets called my CELL PHONE RINGS.
16:30.07evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: All I can tell you is that i created an account at and now have a number.
16:30.37[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: then you are receiving calls to it over **SIP**
16:30.55evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: cool, that is a start
16:31.01[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: So go set up your sip.conf and minimal dialplan to process the call.  Sipgate should ahve minimal samples for you
16:31.03evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: woohoo
16:31.55evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: Ok, when I have modified sip.conf, what is the next step
16:32.20[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: TEST IT and see what happens.
16:32.54[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: before we start lets just get another item out of the way.  Are you running your * server behind a NAT router?
16:33.35evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: yeah it will be.  It is behind my router provided by my ISP.  The server is setup as a DMZ so it receives all traffic.
16:34.28*** join/#asterisk crowb4r (~JKLOBUCAR@
16:34.37evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: So, after I have installed asterisk, and changed my sip.conf, will the system do anything?
16:35.06evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: how will I know if it has worked at all?  I mean, its a fresh install of asterisk.
16:35.06*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
16:35.45[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: fOLLOW THIS GUIDE FOR nat SETTINGS.  iT IS required.
16:35.55[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: THEN test it.  pLACE A CALL AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS.
16:36.08evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: what should happen?
16:36.19[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: what did you TELL it to do?
16:36.35evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: nothing yet
16:36.52*** join/#asterisk crowb4r (~JKLOBUCAR@
16:36.56p3nguinI bet that's what it will do, then.
16:36.59evilgeeniusI plan on installing RAGI and playing around with ruby to get something working.  Have you heard of RAGI?
16:37.11evilgeeniusHas anyone heard of RAGI? is it commonly used?
16:37.23[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: No, it isn't
16:37.33evilgeeniusIt works in a simular way to the RubyOnRails web framework that i use a lot.
16:37.41[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: And your call will do nothing if you don't configure it to do otherwise
16:40.07*** join/#asterisk GhOnDiE (~GhOnDiE@
16:40.41GhOnDiEhi, anybody here with experiance using voip for broadcast radio stations?
16:41.54[TK]D-FenderGhOnDiE: VoIP != broadcost.
16:42.23WIMPyGhOnDiE: What's the relation?
16:42.57p3nguinLots of people use VoIP at their radio stations.
16:43.38evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: what's the simplest thing I can do after I have changed my sip.conf to test if it is setup correctly?
16:43.55GhOnDiElooking for a studio clock software that can interface effectively to sip to display line status.
16:44.07[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: Place a call and see if it fails at the point where * accepts the call and tries to dump it into the dialplan.
16:44.53[TK]D-FenderGhOnDiE: "clock software"?  huh?  What sense of  "time" relates toa  call processor like *?
16:45.06*** join/#asterisk pgarcia (
16:45.16GhOnDiEwell i use asterisk and wondered if somebody may have any ideas?
16:45.28[TK]D-FenderGhOnDiE: "lines status"?  What lines?  Connected to what?
16:45.54GhOnDiEstudio incoming line, phones dont ring in broadcast studios
16:46.03GhOnDiEnormally you have a phone light that flashes
16:46.17drmessanoGhOnDiE:  Look for a BetaBrite or similar
16:46.42pgarciaHi... I'm trying to get Libpri working with BRI in asterisk, but I cannot make it dial through a specific span/channel. Is this possible? Anybody knows it?
16:46.45[TK]D-FenderGhOnDiE: park your calls.  Enable presence for your parking lots.  The end
16:46.50drmessanoGhOnDiE:  All purpose LED display.. then with some scripting can interface with Asterisk via the Serial port
16:47.29WIMPypgarcia: What's happening?
16:47.39drmessano[TK]D-Fender:  He's looking for some way to get an overhead/on wall call display
16:48.06GhOnDiEive solved the other little problem i had in freepbx chan earlier
16:48.12GhOnDiEnow on to the next problem
16:48.15[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: He said "clock".  Hold on.. I have to set my dishwasher to BROIL.
16:48.51pgarciawell, I'm using something like exten => 600,1,Dial(DAHDI/2/7000) and I would expect that the second span should be used... but it just return error  "app_dial.c:1747 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI' (cause 0 - Unknown)"
16:49.11drmessanoGhOnDiE:  We have BetaBrite displays going on that I am planning to do just as I described.. one in each studio, scroller for the hotline, request line, etc
16:49.23pabelangerpgarcia: Is DAHDI installed and loaded?
16:49.23drmessanogoing in*
16:49.24*** join/#asterisk titter (
16:49.59WIMPypgarcia: That's 2nd channel, not 2nd span. Are you sure your interfaces are working?. dahdi show status
16:50.01pgarciayes, I can receive calls though.. this is a test extension that receives a BRI call and places another one...
16:50.06drmessanoGhOnDiE:  They can be the "clock" 99% of the time, then change to a HOTLINE scroller or REQUEST scroller when theres a call, if you like
16:50.13evilgeeniusI spoke to a phone engineer who just came to fit our new telephone system at my work.  He said he only uses Asterisk as a utility thing that lets him add simple services to an existing full fledged off-the-shelf pbx system.  Is this true?  Would you not use Asterisk as a full phone system that does everything?
16:50.27pgarciaso, the number after "/" is the channel number? not the span?
16:50.33*** join/#asterisk crowb4r (~JKLOBUCAR@
16:51.03drmessanoevilgeenius:  He's an idiot.. Asterisk CAN be used as a gateway to a standard PBX to access services it doesn't natively support, but Asterisk is used for PBX's worldwide, call centers, ITSPs, etc
16:51.12pabelangerpgarcia: correct, however you can setup groups.  IE: Dial(DAHDI/g1/12345)
16:51.15ChannelZyes.  The channel numbers are sequential
16:51.37titterCan someone explain to me why this call is answered by a Shoretel hunt group, but kicks back to Asterisk and drops it into MOH ... and then once the call is answered goes to the following warning? I am stumped lol
16:51.37pgarciamaybe it is a newbe error... As fxo and fxs, BRI also uses channel numbering, for example 1 is the first span, first channel, 2 is first span, second channel?
16:51.41pabelangerso, group your spans together.  g0, g1, g2, etc
16:51.55drmessanoevilgeenius:  Most other PBX's are feature limited and overpriced by about $25,000 to $250,000 or so
16:51.57pgarciagrouping are working for me
16:51.57[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: I use Asterisk to make me COFFEE and as a jukebox
16:52.16drmessanoevilgeenius:  Asterisk can pretty much do anything
16:52.31drmessanoevilgeenius:  Especially replace a large or small PXB
16:52.36ChannelZIt saved me 30% or more on my car insurance
16:52.59WIMPypgarcia: Yes, it's a little unfortunate for different types of interface with completely different context to share the same namespace, IMHO, but that's the way it is.
16:53.25coppiceChannelZ: I found a way to save 100% on my car insurance
16:53.39pabelangersteal the car?
16:53.39drmessanoAsterisk makes me coffee, turns my lights on an off, wakes me in the morning, provides Magic 8-Ball like services for decision making, and provides PSTN service for family and friends.. and that's just what I am doing at HOME.
16:53.59pgarciahmmm, I see... that's make sense to me. Let me test using this numbering....
16:54.00ChannelZcoppice: Ahh, the 'undocumented worker' route
16:54.35evilgeeniusdrmessano: He said off the shelf systems were just easier to setup.   Would you have to build a complete system from scratch or does all the functionality already exists in modules that you can just add to it?
16:54.46coppicenah. I live in a place with working public transport, and few people want cars
16:55.49pabelangerevilgeenius: Asterisk is not a product (out of the box).
16:56.03[TK]D-Fenderpabelanger: We ship boxes now :)
16:56.23drmessanoevilgeenius:  You can start from scratch or use something like AsteriskNOW which gets you most of the way there
16:56.25[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: Asterisk is jsut about complete control over your calls.
16:56.36[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: It will jump through whatever hoops you set up for it.
16:56.42[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: What do you WANT to do?
16:56.52titterevilgeenius: I find Asterisk very simple to setup ... I can compile and compose a basic dialplan in around 30 minutes now.
16:57.04drmessanoevilgeenius:  But Asterisk with a GUI is a complete blank slate for you to do EXACTLY what you want, maybe to more of an extent than you need or want, but it's there
16:57.13*** join/#asterisk crowb4r (~JKLOBUCAR@
16:57.22drmessanoevilgeenius:  But Asterisk WITHOUT a GUI is a complete blank slate for you to do EXACTLY what you want, maybe to more of an extent than you need or want, but it's there
16:57.29pgarciaBTW, anybody knows whether libpri is supporting Overlap dial in Network mode?
16:58.01drmessanoThere's many ways to get Asterisk going.. From scratch, AsteriskNOW ISO, other GUI's or dialplan building apps, etc
16:59.08WIMPypgarcia: Yes.
16:59.13evilgeeniusdrmessano: what do you do?
16:59.29WIMPypgarcia: But for NT ptmp you need 1.8.
16:59.32*** join/#asterisk mpe (
16:59.35[TK]D-Fender[12:56]<[TK]D-Fender>evilgeenius: What do you WANT to do?
16:59.42evilgeeniusdrmessano: Do you start from scratch or use AsteriskNOW?
17:00.09titterevilgeenius: Most in here probably start with Asterisk and not the GUI
17:00.16evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: How do you program it? What language/framework?
17:00.47drmessanoevilgeenius:  Both... Sometimes I may need a simple Asterisk box for a simple task, other times I build a FreePBX system up by hand (which gets you nearly the same end result as an AsteriskNOW install)
17:00.58[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: If you are looking at RAGI then you are not doing a GUI at all... you are learning one programming language with great limitations instead of learning how to program * yourself
17:01.09[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: and neither is "using a GUI"
17:01.12p3nguinevilgeenius: You have so much more control over things when you start at the bottom and build Asterisk up yourself.
17:01.26[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: So again, what do YOU want to do exactly?
17:02.05evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: so * is a language itself?
17:02.25drmessanoAsterisk dialplan is unique to Asterisk
17:02.25[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: yes, the dialplan (what processes your calls) is its own language.
17:03.02[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: 99% of * = dialplan.  getting a call in is virtually nothing.  DOING something with it is another matter.
17:03.03evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: if there is a programming language framework that makes creating applications easier then I will use it, that is how you get things done easier/more efficiently.
17:03.14drmessanoIf it was written in PHP or Ruby, it would be called Astrsk (note the missing vowels) and the website would be PINK and GREEN
17:03.32*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (
17:03.39ruyoAnyone knows if tos_sip option (sip.conf) change all SIP messages?
17:03.40evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: for example, I use the RubyOnRails web framework that allows me to create applications at blazing speed that are easy to maintain.
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17:04.32drmessanoevilgeenius:  Asterisk dialplan is more akin to scripting level programming vs some higher level devel
17:04.50[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: Don't throw generic words like "application" around so much.  Its a worthless buzzword right now.
17:04.56[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: Get SPECIFIC .  Fast.
17:04.57drmessanoYou don't need a framework.. Just google, a look at the book, and some REAL motivation
17:05.08evilgeeniusdrmessano: So how do external languages interface with asterisk? is there an api or something?
17:05.15[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: Several
17:05.18infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
17:05.22[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: For those who have any NEED of it
17:06.03*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
17:06.04drmessanoControlling Asterisk via the API is really silly.. The API is there for interfacing externally, but you really should write your dialplan and the core of your call control IN Asterisk
17:06.42*** join/#asterisk fofware (~fabian@
17:06.45evilgeeniusdrmessano: why? if using a higher level language can help you create your applications quicker? with less code.. an easier maintainability?
17:07.12drmessanoSome have set up a VERY basic config and used their own preferred language to do EVERYTHING via AMI to Asterisk, but those people also burn ants with magnifiers and drive around in scary red vans with "free candy" spraypainted on the side.
17:08.06evilgeeniusdrmessano: lol, you're right, i think assembly should be the only language used when writing programmes, those darn people who use higher level languages and get things done quickly!! damn them!
17:08.13drmessanoevilgeenius:  I think once you read the book you'll realize how silly this route is.. Asterisk dialplan isn't that hard
17:08.33drmessanoevilgeenius:  No, the comparison is not the same
17:08.48evilgeeniusdrmessano: How do you interface with a backend database using the dialplan?
17:08.58drmessanoYou're talking about driving a car with a remote control and some servos attached to the wheel vs learning how to sit in the car and just fscking drive it
17:09.34evilgeeniusSo how do you integrate a backend DB with your dialplan?
17:09.38drmessanoevilgeenius:  ODBC or there's an addon MySQL connector
17:09.46evilgeeniusdrmessano: lol
17:10.06evilgeeniusdrmessano: You need to get out of the dark ages....
17:10.14drmessanoI do?
17:10.40evilgeeniusdrmessano: Actually I prefer it when there are plenty of old-schoolers around, they make me lood good when i do things x10 quicker :-)
17:11.10drmessanoYou asked how Asterisk interfaces with a database and I told you
17:11.15drmessanoWhats with the other shit?
17:11.16WIMPyevilgeenius: Dou you also write a module for Apache instead of looking into httpd.conf?
17:11.21evilgeeniusdrmessano: I rarely use SQL to interface with backend DBs
17:11.32drmessanoGood for you
17:11.43p3nguinThis was entertaining earlier, but now you're starting to look like an asshole.
17:11.56p3nguinNo one cares if you're some elite high-level programmer.
17:12.04evilgeeniusp3nguin: im not
17:12.06evilgeeniusp3nguin: at all
17:12.22*** join/#asterisk nova911 (~Adium@
17:12.24evilgeeniusp3nguin: I just know how to get things done quickly using the latest technologies
17:12.31ruyoAsterisk's dialplan is pretty high level programming, tbh.
17:12.34[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: And you are still in Generic Land (population : YOU)
17:12.34p3nguinhence the "elite"
17:12.38evilgeeniusp3nguin: which is always a lot easier than working low level
17:12.46p3nguinexcept when it's not.
17:12.47drmessanop3nguin:  Sounds like another one of those tools thats gonna show us all up and write a framework for language-of-the-week to interface with Asterisk and then realize he should have just written some dialplan and went on with life
17:13.00[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: So what do you want to do EXACTLY?
17:13.00titterevilgeenius: You are making yourself look like a fool
17:13.04WIMPyevilgeenius: But you don't seem to know the difference between programming new software and configuring existing software.
17:13.25p3nguinYou don't have to WRITE Asterisk... just use it!
17:13.25evilgeeniusWIMPy: explain
17:13.39*** join/#asterisk fofware (~fabian@
17:13.47evilgeeniusp3nguin: do you not write the dialplans?
17:13.56p3nguinSure, and it takes a mere few minutes.
17:14.11p3nguinIt's pretty much like basic scripting.
17:14.14drmessanop3nguin:  I can do with with PHP-On-Perl-C++-On-Rails-.NET.. AKA POPCORN
17:14.26pabelangerdon't feed the trolls
17:14.33p3nguinheh, popcorn.
17:14.33[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: You don't evenknow what it LOOKS like yet let alone  have  abasis of comparison based on what HE is doing with it and you can't even get off your ass to tell us what YOU want to do with it.
17:14.36evilgeeniusp3nguin: what about when you integrate it with a backed DB?
17:14.56p3nguinAsterisk has DB support included.
17:15.10evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: im just gona play around with it at first.  Then maybe work into integrating it with our DB
17:15.16[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: You are just spewing generic crap about added higher-level frameworks to lower stuff = better and necessary at all times.  Worthless unvalidated rhetoric
17:15.19evilgeeniusp3nguin: not using sql though
17:15.43[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: and "integrating" is again more generic junk.
17:15.53drmessanop3nguin:  POPCORN or PEANUTS framework all the way
17:15.56titterevilgeenius: What DB technology
17:17.26[TK]D-Fendertitter: BINARY!
17:17.27drmessanoHe's googling for one
17:17.34drmessanoGive him a moment
17:17.35evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: Well, we have a large customer database... we have several project managers in several different branches that deal with groups of customers.... all this info is stored in a DB and managed through a web interface.  When a call comes in, id like to look up the client in our database using the number, then find out which project manager(s) deal with that client, then forward it on to the project managers mobile.....
17:17.37drmessanoLynx is a little slow
17:18.09[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: So far about 2 lines fo dialplan.  Go install your framework to circumvent that now :p
17:18.17drmessanoLOL yeah
17:18.25drmessanoSimple DB lookup?
17:18.29*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
17:18.40drmessanoBreak out the Rubies and the Rails
17:18.44[TK]D-FenderdrActually... you could probably do it in the DIAL command itself in 1 line with FUNC_ODBC :p
17:18.49[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: ^^
17:19.10evilgeeniusall the info about which project managers are associated with customers is stored in a DB. 2 lines?
17:19.17drmessano[TK]D-Fender:  I demand a better API.. the line is over 45 characters
17:19.17p3nguinor 1
17:19.46drmessanoYeah, 1 or 2.. Depending on how much of the book you read
17:19.54evilgeenius1 very big line?
17:19.57[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: To get the manager's # is probably 1 field in the customer record.  that is 1 line fo dialplan to pull it from the DB
17:20.02drmessanoNo, 1 well written line
17:20.08drmessano2 if you cant nest
17:20.21[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: And dialing it it pure #.  You can only COMPLICATE that action with "frameworK"
17:20.30evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: The manager' # is stored in the managers table.
17:20.32[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: Because you have no concept of how calls coming in/out
17:20.56evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: the association between managers and clients is stored in another
17:21.02[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: Yes, and I suspect its a single SQL query to chain the 2 files together <-
17:21.11[TK]D-FenderONE LINE
17:21.22[TK]D-FenderLEARN IT BITCHES
17:21.33*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
17:21.41evilgeeniusi know it
17:21.49drmessanos/Where is your god now?/Where is your framework now?/
17:21.50pabelangerOk, next topic
17:22.03ChannelZLet's talk about chicks, man
17:22.10evilgeeniusThere can be several project managers per client, so if one project manager doesn't answer, then it needs to ring the next...
17:22.31pabelangerdrmessano: I actually find this pretty funny, as I'm working on a framework ATM ;)
17:22.43evilgeeniusThe client also has the option to listen to information about their current jobs...
17:22.57asteriskATmarmuDChannelZ: woohoo, my topic, finally! ;)
17:22.59evilgeeniusThis information is stored in about 300 tables...
17:23.15drmessanoOMG.. is this isn't a troll..
17:23.30drmessanoWe're up to what, 3 lines.. maybe 4
17:23.34evilgeeniusThe logic for this is currently within the application logic in a ruby on rails application
17:24.18[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Correct, the lure has struck bottom and he's ANCHORED :p
17:24.18drmessanoThe logic is Asterisk 101
17:24.19evilgeeniusim just telling you what my situation is, im not trying to be a troll
17:24.19drmessanoCouple simple lines of dialplan
17:24.19evilgeeniusDont be so defensive
17:24.19drmessanoI'm not
17:24.19[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: Go learn *.
17:24.19[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius:  install it.  Get your call in.  DO SHIT
17:24.45[TK]D-Fendersmirks at his homonym humour
17:25.00titterHow about someone help me figure out why this gets kicked into MOH!
17:25.30drmessanoAsterisk isn't my project.. But if you're gonna open your mouth, you should open your ears too.. Asterisk doesn't need a bunch of crap piled on to execute the very SIMPLE demands you've made thus far.. Which is maybe why it's so successful.
17:25.31pabelangertitter: enable Verbose on your console
17:25.38titterpabelanger: it is.
17:25.56*** part/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (~Mundt@
17:26.00infoboti guess collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to doc/HOWTO_collect_debug_information.txt or
17:27.06evilgeeniusdrmessano: Surely using a very powerful high level language has its advantages?  Are you saying there's no point at all to using anything other than *?
17:27.09[TK]D-Fendertitter: If get pu on hold because you bridged it to a channel that PUT him on hold
17:27.19[TK]D-Fendertitter: which looks to be this "shoretel"
17:27.32evilgeeniusdrmessano: is * really a brilliant well-designed language?
17:27.47[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: You are spouting framework merits with even having a relative understanding on what it SITS on top of.
17:27.56evilgeeniusdrmessano: Is it simple and easy to understand and maintain? Do you have to be a * expert to understand it?
17:28.27drmessanoevilgeenius:  Asterisk is very good at making itself work, evilgeenius.. Here you go again with the framework stuff, and completely ignoring that what you want to execute here is like 3 lines of dialplan.. 5 minutes work..
17:28.28titter[TK]D-Fender: That is what I was thinking, the dialplan is as simple as exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/shoresip/${EXTEN},45,r) ... it rings to the Shoretel system (a very awful PBX), and a queue on that system answers ... didn't think it would put the call into MOH on the * side
17:28.36drmessanoDo you like making things harder than they really are?
17:28.36evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: im just trying to get an understanding
17:28.46[TK]D-Fendertitter: It clearly does.
17:29.13titter[TK]D-Fender: I see that it does, but I was confused if it could rather. Thanks for the clarification.
17:29.15[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: No, you want to generically argue the merits of a framewaork while having no understanding of what it is sitting on.
17:29.26[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: So jsut stop.  NOW.  And go learn it for yourself
17:29.29evilgeeniusdrmessano: no, easier, that's why i use ruby.
17:29.35evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: I will
17:30.07evilgeeniusIf the api is really bad then I could totally understand where you're coming from
17:30.12evilgeeniusis it really bad?
17:30.18titter[TK]D-Fender: Actually the real issue is once the call is answered by another SIP phone on the Shoretel system, * goes to that Warning, has a hissy fit, and no audio is transmitted to either side
17:31.16drmessanoevilgeenius:  You can insist all you want on how great your powerful, high level languages are.. but fact is, I would feel pretty stupid putting REAL TIME into making something work in my language of choice when native language does all you need and is less than a few minutes work.. As someone asked earlier.. do you use httpd.conf to configure Apache or do you waste your time configuring it using some framework?
17:31.18*** join/#asterisk SirLouen (
17:31.40[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: STOP.  NOW.
17:31.48[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: Go work with *.
17:31.52evilgeeniusdrmessano: Most of the systems I interface with ruby have their own language.  But ruby makes it easier to work with them all.  Are you saying * is different?
17:32.02[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: The rest of this framework conjecture is pointless.
17:32.02pabelangerOk, off-topic, anybody recommend a virtual whiteboard software?
17:32.14[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: Just. Fucking. DROP. IT.
17:32.21evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: Chill
17:32.47[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: Every time you jump back to it you're just going to keep getting more of the same..
17:33.48SirLoueni have an analog telephone conected to a tdm410p to a fxs port. the card has been configured in the kernel but the telephone doesn't receive power
17:33.57SirLouenany ideas on how can i check what can be happening?
17:34.33*** join/#asterisk mpe (
17:34.36pabelangerSirLouen: did you attach power to the molex connect on the tdm410p?
17:34.51*** join/#asterisk cusco (~trilili@
17:34.56drmessanoevilgeenius:  Are you really that inept that there's only one language you can use to make this work?  MANY people write dialplans in Asterisk and go on with their life.  You seem to insist on using the API here, and we've told you how senseless it is.. What you want to do with Asterisk doesnt SCRATCH the surface of what it can do.. you have BASIC, SIMPLE requirements that are 5 MINUTES work.. Why insist on the API?
17:35.05evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: I didn't realise you'd be so senstive on the issue of using an external language.   Its like me going into #sql and them getting pissed of because i've told them that using an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) means i don't have to waste my time writing raw sql anymore.
17:35.13SirLouenpabelanger uhm not so sure the card was into the server when i received
17:35.17SirLoueni much check that
17:35.27drmessanoevilgeenius:  No one is being sensitive.. you're just not listening to common sense.
17:35.28SirLouenthanks for the guidance
17:35.30cuscohaving the following dial: Dial(SIP/6542${EXTEN:4}@gateway,,g); -- allows me to execute more statements following the dialplan, right? the g flag does that, right??
17:36.16cuscoit doesn't seem to happen
17:36.18drmessanoevilgeenius:  You're going to spend more time learning the API than you will these 4 lines of code to create a solution to what you presented
17:36.18SirLouenis just a single molex just like the case fans received isn't it?
17:36.19[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: Perhaps they understand that for the GOAL such extra scrap is pointless?  that is a "validated" answer".  You however hype merit without having the basis of comparison.  What do you call a person who compares things they know nothing about?
17:36.23evilgeeniusdrmessano: I'll use any language.  But im thinking long term, and creating solutions that can integrate with many other external services.
17:36.25[TK]D-FenderGLEN BECK
17:36.42*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
17:37.05ruyoSirLouen, like HDDs.
17:37.41[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius: If you're thinking ":logn term" think about how long that frame work will follow *'s development and the added dependency.  All while not having a qualified comparison as to what the different implementations would look like
17:37.42pabelangerSirLouen: Yes
17:38.12evilgeeniusthere is nothing on the RAGI site :-(
17:38.53cuscoI have the following dialplan for outbounds:
17:39.01jamkoAsterisk crashing when starting after new install.... Could someone take a look at this pastebin please:
17:39.02p3nguinWhy is this still an issue?  Let evilgeenius waste his own time while we continue doing things in a more sensible manner.
17:39.06cuscothe NoOp() before the Hangup doesn't print...
17:39.14cuscoso im assuming dial,,g ain't working ?
17:39.30pabelangerjamko: Drop safe_asterisk and start asterisk directly.  asterisk -vvvvvcg
17:39.35[TK]D-Fendercusco: How would we know.. you aren't showing us the CALL
17:39.49evilgeeniusAll the interfaces we create  at my work are web interfaces, so the management of the phone system would be a web interface.  Does it not make sense to use the same language for everything?
17:39.56EmleyMoorI have a pastebin of debug from a good call from my N97 (over WiFi) - hrhrhr and ChannelZ suggested it may help - either of them about?
17:39.58cusco[TK]D-Fender: ok hold...
17:40.00evilgeenius[TK]D-Fender: nice talking to you, youve been a real help
17:40.09pabelangerjamko: Also read doc/backtrace.txt on how to get an unoptimized core dump, then pb the backtrace
17:40.11bougymanevilgeenius: it does if you have a team that focuses on one language.
17:40.17bougymanbut watch out for the sledge hammer.
17:40.33bougymanfor instance, you probably use whatever language you specialize in plus javascript, right?
17:40.35[TK]D-Fenderevilgeenius:  as long as it leads you to actually seeing what you're dealing with with *, sure.
17:40.38cusco[TK]D-Fender: there is a lot happening, it is just hard to filter out the call...
17:40.59bougymanevilgeenius: you looking at ruby as your language?
17:41.09evilgeeniusbougyman: well, if all the logic is contained in the web app/db, id have to re-create/duplicate the logic in *.  Does that make sense?
17:41.09bougymandid you not like adhearsion?
17:41.18evilgeeniusbougyman: yeah i was thinking of using ruby
17:41.19[TK]D-Fenderbougyman: He hasn't even INSTALLED * yet
17:41.24[TK]D-Fenderbougyman: And knows nothing of it.
17:41.28bougyman[TK]D-Fender: so he's jsut doing research.
17:41.40cuscook got it. [TK]D-Fender the cli output is here:
17:41.41[TK]D-Fenderbougyman: Spare yourself the net result of the last half hour of insanity here
17:41.43bougymani was right where he was 3.5 years ago.
17:41.52bougymanso I can relate.
17:42.00evilgeeniusbougyman: is adhearsion any good?
17:42.11bougymanwe had a team of ruby, java, lisp coders, and two network engineers.
17:42.21bougymanbut little to no voip know-how.
17:42.30bougymanevilgeenius: yes, it's good at what it does.
17:42.40bougymanbut I don't like dsl's so much for what I do.
17:42.46bougymanfor what you are needing it seems to fit the bill.
17:43.04evilgeeniusbougyman: i dont know exactly what ill be using it for yet, im just looking into it
17:43.18*** join/#asterisk crowb4r (~JKLOBUCAR@
17:43.19evilgeeniusbougyman: is it asterisk on the backend?
17:43.32bougymanevilgeenius: yes, adhearsion is (for-now) asterisk-only
17:43.39bougymanit's being ported to yate and freeswitch, accd to the devs.
17:43.56evilgeeniusbougyman: did you look into RAGI?
17:44.11bougymanyes, i met the ragi author at a railsconf in '07 or '08
17:44.15bougymanthat's what led me down this road.
17:44.26evilgeeniusoh cool
17:44.36evilgeeniusWhich road? adhearsion?
17:44.44bougymanruby controlling phone switches.
17:44.51bougymanhad to learn voip basics first.
17:45.14evilgeeniusbougyman: so you're all for it then?
17:45.29bougymanthen tdm/PRI, then finally got in to controlling them with external processes (ruby)
17:45.52cuscoso it seems the g flag ins't working...
17:45.52bougymanwe used adhearsion for about a year but then ran into scaling problems so wrote an Event Socket library in ruby for our apps.
17:45.58*** join/#asterisk clintc (
17:46.08bougymanevilgeenius: yes, it's a fine venture.
17:46.12evilgeeniusSo do you use RAGI or adhearsion?
17:46.18evilgeeniusIs ragi still going?
17:46.28evilgeeniusbougyman: there is nothing on its web page
17:46.41bougymani don't use either anymore.
17:46.59evilgeeniusbougyman: what do you use?
17:47.04cuscoDial(SIP/6542${EXTEN:4}@gateway,,g); is syntaxt correctly isn't it? dial(bla,timeout,options)
17:47.17bougymanan event socket library we wrote, it's not asterisk based.
17:47.52evilgeeniusbougyman: so its a ruby library?
17:48.17evilgeeniusIs this a commercial product?
17:48.33bougymanno, open source, githubbed.
17:48.41pabelangercusco: what version of asterisk?
17:48.48evilgeeniusWhat's wrong with adhearsion/RAGI? why did you write your own?
17:48.55evilgeeniusbougyman: got the link? :-)
17:49.03bougymanevilgeenius: off-topic in here, pm.
17:49.17pabelangerjamko: Ok, now generate a backtrace from the core dump.  Read doc/backtrace.txt
17:49.43pabelanger[Aug 17 13:40:43] WARNING[9194]: config.c:1102 process_text_line: parse error: No category context for line 14 of /etc/asterisk/cdr_mysql.conf
17:50.04[TK]D-Fendercusco: So what NoOp don't you see that you feel you should?
17:50.48*** join/#asterisk a1fa (~a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
17:50.57a1fawhat is the 10-digit dialing compliance called?
17:51.36[TK]D-Fendera1fa: You're probably thinking of ...
17:51.39infobotsomebody said nanpa was North American Numbering Plan Administration; the organization responsible for administering the integrated telephone numbering plan serving 19 North American countries.  Regulatory authorities in each participating country have plenary authority over numbering resources, but the participating countries share numbering resources cooperatively.
17:52.16a1fasomebody just implemented 11 digit dial and disabled 10 dial
17:52.19a1faso i have to complain
17:52.44[TK]D-Fendera1fa: could you be a little more generic please?
17:52.55*** join/#asterisk CoderForLife (
17:52.59a1fathe phone company requires 11 digits vs 10
17:53.10drmessanoWe're not the phone company
17:53.14drmessanoTyr #tacobell
17:53.15a1fai know :)
17:53.29a1fadrmessano : i knew D-Fender would know the answer
17:53.33[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: All I got was "CONGESTION" :p
17:53.53[TK]D-Fenderorders a quadruple bypass
17:53.57jamkopabelanger... thanks... stupid oversite.. pesky ; in the wrong place.
17:54.06a1fa[TK]D-Fender : speaking of Congestion.. I had this number that calls me every month, and stays stuck in the IVR for 31minutes
17:54.11*** part/#asterisk hurdman (
17:54.19infobot[~cds] Call Discconect Supervision is a service placed on analog lines to be able to signal you that that the calling party has hung up.  This is typically done either by a momentary battery cut, or by a polarity reversal on the line.
17:54.44[TK]D-Fendera1fa: Or stop looping your damn IVR forever like a schmuck :p
17:54.44*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
17:54.49a1fai just set the absolute timeout :)
17:54.57a1fathere, i fixxxd it
17:55.00[TK]D-Fendera1fa: No, stop looking forever like a schmuck :p
17:55.28[TK]D-Fendercusco: Well?  Which NoOp?
17:56.02a1fabut absoulte timeout fixes everything
17:56.09a1fahar har har
17:56.19a1fait even stops lousy complaint calls i used to get
17:56.31EmleyMoorOh, so that's why Asterisk and my N97 aren't getting on...
17:57.37*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog_ (
18:02.37*** join/#asterisk rustyclarkson (
18:04.29rustyclarksonAny suggestions for a good way to run a command ASAP after Asterisk is started? [without getting "Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk//asterisk.ctl exist?")]
18:04.29rustyclarksonIs "sleep/wait" the most sensible solution?
18:05.05p3nguinDepends what you want to run and why.
18:06.03rustyclarksonI would like to run '/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx "originate Local/hack@moh_hack application Echo"', and because I want my MOH stream to always be active
18:09.02*** part/#asterisk newasterx (~dasdasdsa@
18:10.06[TK]D-Fenderrustyclarkson: Mod whatever script you use that loads it in the first place
18:11.51rustyclarksonyea, I'm using /etc/init.d/asterisk, which runs start-stop-daemon, after start-stop-daemon, if I run '/usr/bin/asterisk -rx "<command>"', I get "unable to connect to remote asterisk...", my current solution is sleeping for 5 seconds before running the command
18:12.18rustyclarksoni was just wondering if there was a better way for knowing when i'll be able to run the command :p
18:12.37ruben23hi guys i have asterisk using voip trunk, but when calling even a single call there is a great echo on the line, is there any work around for this..?
18:13.00Naikrovekrustyclarkson: after asterisk has started (not necessarily when the startup script returns) is when you can run -rx commands
18:13.26*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
18:14.13[TK]D-FenderrustWell you know you need to wait... so WAIT.  You wanted the TRIGGER POINT.  You have it.
18:18.45cusco[TK]D-Fender: the noop() before the hangup on
18:19.11Naikrovekrustyclarkson: it'll probably suffice to look for the .pid file to know if asterisk is running
18:19.49pabelangerrustyclarkson: asterisk -rx "core waitfullybooted"
18:20.23pabelangerthen: asterisk -rx "your command"
18:20.46WIMPyHmm. Since 1.6 I din't have any trouble doing asterisk;asterisk -rx.
18:21.58rustyclarksonThanks Naikrovek, [TK]D-Fender and pabelanger. I'll try and work with waitfullybooted. ( I really like that )
18:22.15*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@unaffiliated/kavans)
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18:27.37pgarciaWIMPy, I was in a meeting... sorry... for NT PtMP I have to use 1.8? You know why?
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18:28.27WIMPypgarcia: It wasn't available before.
18:28.33op_techhi, I just joined this IRC anyone here perhaps able to help me with matching channel state with extensions?
18:28.37WIMPyAt least not using dahdi.
18:28.59op_techshow channels and show channels verbose don't provide hold status; sip show channels does
18:29.16[TK]D-Fendercusco: Line 37.  Looks like * killed the entire CHANNEL.  Why else do you think "h" got called?
18:29.17p3nguindrmessano: Did you record your own sounds for your 8-ball?  I use SetCalledParty() and just display the answer in text on my phone display, but if there are sound clips available, that would be nicer.
18:29.29op_techhowever, I can't figure out a way to get full channel ID from show channels to match with the sip channel
18:29.51pgarciaWIMPy, I see.. so using Dahdi, this feature is available only on 1.8 ... Other than that, everything is supported in 1.6 (nt, te, pp with/without overlap)?
18:30.23pabelangerop_tech: I think your looking for device hints.
18:30.27WIMPypgarcia: yes
18:30.34op_techno, not device hints
18:30.42op_techI'm trying to implement chanspy
18:30.58jamkoI know this is an obvious message but, new to putting * in DB, sooo:  Realtime mapping for 'sippeers' found to engine 'mysql', but the engine is not available
18:31.04op_techbut a user can be on multiple channels, with someone on hold
18:31.18op_techI'm trying to find the correct channel by looking at hold messages on the console
18:31.25op_techand spying on the channel not on hold
18:31.31pgarciaWIMPy, interesting... but probably a back-porting is possible... or there are core changes that make this very hard to do it ?(maybe this is more a question to #asterisk-dev...)
18:31.46op_techthe user can't loop through the channels using * for privacy reasons (no permission to listen in)
18:32.45WIMPypgarcia: You can use other channels, depending on what versions of other stuff you require and what hardware you're using.
18:32.54op_techright now I have a perl script which takes in an extension, finds any channels associated with that extension/username, and I need to match those channels with sip channels to find hold status
18:32.56Micc_I get these errors a few times a day and I've read up on this error and done everything it says to fix it but it still seems to happen. Is it something I can ignore? Here is the error  Incoming call: Got SIP response 500 "CSeq Number Out of order" back from
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18:34.33pgarciaI see.. I'd like to stick with Dahdi, though... I'm not sure where I'm gonna need NT/PTMPso I can keep going  ... Are you aware when 1.8 is due to be released?
18:34.47op_techjamko, does your mysql client connect?
18:35.07op_tech(did you set up odbc?)
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18:35.18WIMPypgarcia: No idea. Just tried the beta3.
18:35.44WIMPyAnd after I tried, I'm not sure I want to change to dahdi soon.
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18:36.08hardwireyou jerks kicked me.
18:36.20hardwirestupid nickserv.
18:36.20pgarciaWIMPy, hmm... could you tell me the main reasons for that?
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18:37.35op_techno one here has experience with channel identification?
18:37.39WIMPypgarcia: I managed to kill it immediately and I see configuration issues. And otherwise chan_lcr has worked very well for me since I changed there.
18:38.06WIMPyBut let's see how 1.8 develops.
18:39.22pgarciathat's the good of having different options... I'll give 1.8 a try, just for fun.....
18:39.42jamkoop_tech:  I followed this article to a T:  The mysql and odbc configs are at the bottom:
18:40.47hardwireanybody other than me experienced a problem with sip requests blocking eachother while one request waits for an ACK?
18:41.01op_techdid you do the optional stuff also?
18:41.29op_techhardwire, have you experimented with canreinvite?
18:41.42op_techdid you do the optional stuff also? that's to jamko
18:41.45hardwireit's kind of strange.. if my DSL is congested chan_sip becomes unresponsive if it's attempting to route a call through it .. completely blocking all internal SIP traffic as well while it waits.
18:41.52jamkoop_tech: everything except for libpri
18:41.53hardwireop_tech: yeh.. not really related.
18:42.22jamkoand no speex
18:42.45hardwireop_tech: what sort of channel identification (I just rejoined)
18:42.48op_techjamko: have you tried mysql command line?
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18:43.08op_techhardwire: basically, I'm trying to match up channels from show channels (show channels verbose) with sip show channels to get the hold state
18:43.15jamkoI can connect to the mysql and see the database.
18:43.33op_techshow channels doesn't show the hold state, and sip show channels doesn't have the same information I need to get from matching extensions and adapters
18:43.45hardwireop_tech: core show channel xyz.. get the channel id.. look for the ID in sip show channels
18:43.53hardwireop_tech: or write a quick manager program to handle it.
18:44.00hardwiresince it will see all the information as it happens
18:44.09op_techhardwire: the problem is in an agi, it's not getting the full channel name
18:44.21hardwireonly the first x chars right?
18:44.36op_techhardwire: it cuts off the full channel name, and I can't then find out more information about it. On the console, I can tab to complete the channel name
18:44.52hardwireop_tech: set a variable before you call the AGI with the currentl channel id.
18:45.01hardwirethat way it magically appears as an agi variable
18:45.05hardwireuse the CHANNEL function
18:45.18op_techhardwire: won't help; it's an agi to chanspy on a given extension
18:45.44hardwireop_tech: I don't see how seeing it in sip show channels would help with that application
18:46.04hardwireis it an IVR to chanspy?
18:46.22op_techhardwire: basically, a user can be on multiple calls, and I need to find which one is not on hold. As far as I can tell, only sip show channels shows hold state
18:46.49op_techit's not an IVR as much as a perl script to take an extension, loop through channels that use that extension/username, and find the one that is not on hold
18:47.46op_techIf you can think of a better way to do it, I'm all ears. extenspy doesn't work; it doesn't capture outgoing calls. chanspy lets me loop through with *, but the specs don't allow for the party spying to listen in, only to whisper
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18:48.11hardwireop_tech: I think it's in your best interest to make a manager daemon that collects this information and puts it somewhere
18:48.21hardwirebecause using the CLI won't help much.. too much overlap
18:48.51op_techthe manager will return the proper channel variable?
18:49.18hardwireop_tech: either use manager api and log events and make a note of them.. or use it to query using getvar
18:49.44hardwiregetvar, sip/channel-blah, SIPCALLID
18:50.19op_techbut how do I get the full sip/channel?
18:50.41hardwireop_tech: do me a favor and look at "core show channel SIP/blah-xyz" on an active channel
18:50.49hardwireany of those vars should be fetchable from the Manager API
18:50.57hardwireyou can also list sip channels afaik
18:51.30hardwirehmm.. maybe not on the sip channels.
18:51.32op_techI don't think you understand.
18:51.44op_techshow channels
18:51.44op_techChannel              Location             State   Application(Data)
18:51.44op_techSIP/7277-021-094875b (None)               Up      Bridged Call(SIP/7277-061-09cc
18:51.49op_techThe channel is cut off
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18:51.58op_techcore show channel on that WON'T find the channel
18:52.05op_techit needs me to tab to get the rest of the channel name
18:52.34hardwirecore show channels consise
18:52.38hardwirecore show channels verbose
18:52.41hardwiredoes that help?
18:53.07TTT_TravisWho do you you guys recomnmend for SIP termination? I only use about 1000 minutes outbound a month so looking for something pay-as-you-go probably
18:53.28op_techno, I am already using verbose
18:53.30bougymani've been very satisfied with flowroute.
18:53.31p3nguinI like or Flowroute.
18:53.39op_techIt gives me more information, but not a longer channel name
18:53.44hardwireop_tech: use concise
18:53.56hardwiresorry.. spelled it wrong earlier
18:53.59TTT_Travishaven't heard of flowroute so I'll have to check them out
18:54.33hardwireop_tech: or.. like I said earlier.. use the manager API to log events as they happen .. no polling the CLI needed
18:54.40p3nguinYou're looking about about 1 cent per minute for calls in the US.
18:54.44op_techso concise gives it to me, thanks. But it's almost impossible to find the correct channel I need
18:54.47hardwireonce you tap into the manager API via telnet and watch the call flow.. you'll understand
18:54.47Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
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18:55.21op_techI feel like using a manager is overkill; there is a lot of traffic, and it would require a lot of sorting...but I can play around with it
18:55.36hardwireop_tech: computers are really.. really.. good at sorting.
18:55.36TTT_Travisis there a way to just add a few dollars on to test? or does it require $25 minimum?
18:56.01hardwirethey freaking live for it
18:56.03p3nguinYou can apply the $25 minimum and test.  If you don't like the service, ask for a refund of your unused funds.
18:58.02p3nguinI can't imagine why you'd want to get a refund, though.  Check the termination rates on the web site before you apply funds to your account.
18:58.48p3nguinTheir prices for DIDs and unlimited DIDs are very low, too, so you can even get a phone number from them if you want.
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19:03.43hardwireI'm thinking to get around the chan_sip problems I'm having I should probably use openser as a registration server as well as outbound proxy.. should be fun
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19:04.05hardwireat least for any traffic using a circuit that may ever be congested.. ever.
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19:07.28Naikrovekhowcome everyone is so much more expensive than my provider
19:08.05Naikrovekright now i have unlimited trunks.  $44/mo for unlimited everything.  US, Canada, most of europe = free, part of the cost of the trunk
19:08.09uqlevNaikrovek, then your provider is cheating
19:08.20bougymanNaikrovek: who the heck is that?
19:08.25bougymanoh.. $44/month per trunk?
19:08.32bougymani can beat that with a bunch of providers.
19:08.43bougymanif a trunk == one concurrent call.
19:08.49Naikrovekand the per-minute guys i'm about to switch to are $20/trunk, up to 20k minutes, then $0.009/minute after
19:09.16bougymanflowroute virtual pris are 17.95/month, but I haven't seen how much usage that is.
19:09.22bougymanit's supposedly unlimited.
19:09.26bougymani'm sure there must be caps, though.
19:09.29Naikrovekunlimited, but not free
19:09.42Naikrovekper-minute on everything (even local)
19:09.49Naikrovekwhich makes sense
19:10.05Naikrovekthe provider i'm about to switch to does free local though, even when i go over 20k minutes
19:10.16Naikroveklocal calls still use bandwidth, so it makes sense that they cost a little something
19:10.26bougymanwhich provider is taht?
19:10.36bougymanthe only sip-local providers i've found are airespring and verizon.
19:10.43tuxxieI am going to create an IVR that has five options that will be numbered 1-5. I have extensions that start start with 1,2 and 4's. Will this create an issue for my ivr?
19:10.56fauxalliancenot at all
19:10.58Naikroveklet me look it up.  i'm going through a reseller - let me get the name of the provider itself
19:11.47crowb4rI like vitelity personally
19:11.50tuxxiefauxalliance: was no to me?
19:12.11fauxalliancetuxxie thats affirmative.
19:12.24tuxxiethanks :)
19:12.24fauxalliancepersonally, link2voip is swell.
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19:16.57jsidhuis there a commandline tool to normalize audio or change amplitude of a .sln file? if not, how can i convert it to a wav?
19:17.13fauxalliancejsidhu, sox
19:17.51jsidhui see examples of converting sln to wav, but when i try to reverse the process, it says unknown format, .sln
19:18.28fauxalliance @ jsidhu
19:18.54jsidhuyes, that only talks about wav to sln, not the reverse
19:19.27fauxalliancethe point is now moot.
19:19.38bougymanis macro-stdexten some sort of standard?
19:19.44bougymanlike... will it get used by default?
19:19.56bougymani don't have it anywhere in extensions.conf but it seems it is being used.
19:20.23jsidhusox: Failed reading test.sln: Do not understand format type: sln
19:21.09fauxalliancesox -t raw -r 8000 -s -w -c 1 {inputfile}.sln {outputfile}.wav
19:21.31fauxalliancedid you 'man sox
19:21.38fauxalliance' jsidhu
19:21.53jsidhuyeah reading thru the man page, got lost a bit
19:22.08jsidhuthanks for the tip
19:22.13fauxallianceno sweat
19:22.28p3nguin$44 per month?  I haven't spent $44 on my phone service in an ENTIRE YEAR.
19:23.57bougymanis it ; Create voicemail mailbox and use use macro-stdexten
19:24.12bougymanthat's the comment on hasvoicemail = yes
19:24.31p3nguinSounds like some sample crap.
19:24.42bougymanso if we get our phones out of users.conf and into sip.conf we can alleviate that?
19:24.51bougymanor just change that to hasvoicemail = no?
19:25.03bougymanit's in [general] in users.conf
19:25.04p3nguinStop using sample configs.
19:26.03bougymanthat's exactly what i'm in the process of doing.
19:26.26p3nguinWhen you stop using sample configs, macro-stdexten will only exist if you create it.
19:26.44bougymani've removed all references to it, we have to do this iteratively
19:26.49p3nguinAnd there will be no reference to Macro(stdexten) unless you create them.
19:26.56bougymani've come behind another * engineer who set this up approx two years ago.
19:27.20bougymanwe had to strip out the astguiclient and then his own special agi stuff first.
19:27.25bougymannow we're on this stdexten stuff.
19:28.25bougymanp3nguin: seems Dial will drop to macro-stdexten if it exists, too.
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19:28.48p3nguinNot unless you tell it to (or don't tell it not to when using sample configs).
19:29.19p3nguinIn a default config, nothing exists until you create it.
19:35.27jsidhuhow can i tell file is playing for music on hold? ive got the logging turned up pretty high and still dont see any mention of which file is selected to play..
19:37.54jamkoIf I don't have any peers setup for asterisk realtime, but peers are attempting to register, would I get this message:  [Aug 17 14:32:01] WARNING[10081]: res_config_mysql.c:159 realtime_mysql: MySQL RealTime: Failed to query database. Check debug for more info.
19:38.35p3nguinjsidhu: I would probably run something like  lsof -u asterisk|grep -i "sln\|ulaw\|gsm\|wav\|mp3"  so see what files are being used.
19:38.59p3nguinto see, rather.
19:39.22KavanSoh snap
19:40.45jsidhuthanks p3nguin
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19:45.09hardwireexten => h,1,Hangup
19:45.13hardwireincredibly redundant.. right?
19:45.26hardwirethat's not even a failsafe of any kind..
19:45.56Naikrovekp3nguin: yes, $44/mo with all the fees and taxes included, and about 20k minutes of usage per month
19:47.21p3nguinIf you use enough minutes that you need an unmetered service, $44/mo. is probably a great deal.  I don't use that much, though, so it wouldn't be a wise choice for me to go to an unmetered service.  Is it Voice Spring that has that rate?
19:47.22*** join/#asterisk fraudory (d56be9a9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:47.41Naikrovekp3nguin: agreed.  yes.
19:47.45fraudoryHi all, quick question and wondered if anyone might be able to help me. I'm running System() to execute a couple of perl scripts, but they take a while to perform and this seems to 'hold' up the dialplan execution... is there any similar function that doesn't care about the result of execution?
19:48.35Naikrovekfraudory: i forget - can you have perl fork, then return, and do the work in the fork?
19:49.32p3nguinIf I ever need a crapload of minutes, hopefully I will remember that rate from that company.  For now, however, I'll continue with my few dollars per month services.
19:49.47Naikrovekp3nguin: yeah for home use unlimited trunks are silly
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19:50.49fraudoryNaikrovek: Ahh, thanks for the suggestion yes I'll take a look into that
19:51.10crowb4rNaikrovek: I think you can
19:51.27Naikrovekfraudory: you can easily write a perl script wrapper that calls your script and returns immediately, ignoring the output
19:51.33crowb4rfork and return, but continue to work in the fork.
19:51.43Naikrovekyeah i think you can too, but it's been a while since i've done it
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20:21.32TTT_Traviswhats the best cheap IP phone for SoHo users?
20:24.13keith4define "cheap"
20:24.41Micc_aastra 6730i
20:25.06Micc_I've heard snom is pretty good and similar price range I think.
20:25.09WIMPyDoes it have to work?
20:25.18keith4heh. yah... check ebay
20:25.18Micc_don't get grandstream
20:25.28keith4polycom's low-end stuff is decent
20:25.38Naikrovekpolycom's everything is awesome
20:25.52WIMPySnom 320/360/370 is good, yes.
20:26.07keith4isn't there a 330 in there, too?
20:26.15keith4i can't keep their models straight
20:26.27keith4... or is that polycom? ;-)
20:26.33WIMPyThere is a 300, but thats different and I don't know how good that is.
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20:27.02Naikrovekpolycom has a 320,321,330,331,335,450,550,650,670
20:27.14WIMPyThere is th 8xx series, but that's solid gold.
20:27.19keith4i have a few snom 300s. they're okay
20:27.28Naikrovek320 and 330 are discontinued but mentioned because they were effin' popular
20:27.29keith4very basic functionality
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20:32.20Naikroveki used snom way back in the day
20:32.24Naikrovekliked them when i used them
20:32.36Naikrovekbut it's been oh 8 years
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20:41.18titterAny reason the callerid number on my Polycom would show as sip:1112223333@ instead of just 1112223333? The name shows as just 1112223333
20:41.27titterIncoming calls^
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20:50.10p3nguinIs there a function or application to force lower case letters in a given string?
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20:53.49p3nguinI saw something about TOLOWER() and TOUPPER() to change case, but I guess it doesn't exist in 1.4.
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20:54.41Corydon76-digp3nguin: there are an ever-increasing number of features which are not in 1.4
20:55.06p3nguinI'll keep holding my breath for a 1.8 release.
20:55.42Corydon76-digp3nguin: I'd say about 4 weeks or so
20:55.53Corydon76-digbut then again, it's not my say
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20:58.14p3nguinAre 1.5 and 1.7 nonexistent, or reserved similar to the way the Linux kernel reserves the odd numbers?
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21:06.03drmessanoDo the current 1.6 applications work on 1.8... Fax, G729, SFA, etc>
21:06.42chazzamthe 1.6.2 ones might
21:07.00chazzambut I dunno =/
21:07.11drmessanoWell, I was looking for an authoritative answer.. I could guess too :)
21:07.13chazzamI haven't had a chance to test that out yet
21:09.39chazzamactually, I might could do that now
21:11.01WIMPyI'd be more interested if it's possible to connect chan_capi to capi4hylafax via a capi loopback device. Has anyone tried that?
21:11.54WIMPyOr is there another solution for G4 fax, I haven't found yet?
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21:13.27chazzamhmm, well, the G.729 generic_32 module loaded, but didn't load my license for G.729
21:13.47chazzambut then, I haven't tried loading that in probably 6 months or more, so I dunno if the license is still valid =/
21:13.58chazzamso ... non-conclusive
21:18.43chazzamhmm, re-registered, and I still just get failed to initialize copy protection
21:19.19chazzamI am running svn though r282366
21:23.13leifmadsenI'd call Digium then because that's a commercial module
21:23.23leifmadsendrmessano: the answer is no they do not
21:24.18leifmadsenp3nguin: 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, and 1.7 are non-existent
21:24.18drmessanoleifmadsen: Thank you
21:24.18drmessanoI guess I will wait before I blow up my home system for 1.8
21:24.19leifmadsendrmessano: you'll have to wait until Asterisk 1.8.0-RC1 for new commerical modules to be built
21:24.36leifmadsenduring the beta it is possible the API/ABI could change (although at this point unlikely)
21:24.38drmessanoAh ok
21:24.43drmessanoMakes sense
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21:38.39TTT_TravisPolycom 320 or aastra 6730i?
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22:18.19jkroonhi guys, i'm looking to package the g729 codec for gentoo.  However, due to slight limitations in the ebuild naming format (specifically the version part) makes this difficult without some help from upstream.  Is there somebody here I can speak with with regards to possible help from Digium's side or should I contact support?
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22:34.57Micc_TTT_Travis, only thing I don't like about the 6730i is that you can't send it a alert-info header to silent the ringer.
22:35.23Micc_If you need that feature then get the Polycom, if not, the 6730i is a good bet for the money.
22:36.56Diffen2Hello, im trying to connect a asterisk to another asterisk. if i do a register => uname:password@ip the first asterisk/1000 it works really good. but if i add a second line to the same ip but a different username and tries to call that number i get username mismatch, have <1901-iptelefonibolaget>, digest has <1902-iptelefonibolaget>
22:37.26Diffen2isnt it possible to have two type=friend users registered to the same ip of the first asterisk?
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22:38.08Micc_Diffen2, I can't think of a reason why you would want to do that.
22:38.32Micc_Diffen2, you can pass as many calls as you want through the same peer.
22:38.41jkroonMicc_, there are reasons for doing that (accounting/billing purposes usually)
22:39.00jkroonDiffen2, create a single type=user that auths based on host and two type=peer entries.
22:40.31Diffen2jkroon hmm ok so in the sip.conf only one register line? and that should be a type=user?
22:42.10jkroonno, you end up with two register lines, one for each username+pass, a [prov] type=user; host=i.p.a.d and two [user] type=peer; host=i.p.a.d sections.
22:42.51Diffen2ok i wil try that out
22:43.57p3nguintype=user does not authenticate based on host.
22:44.43p3nguinRegister statements are only to tell the other system how to reach you.  It is intended for dynamic IP addresses or mobile user agents.
22:44.52Diffen2this is odd :D the type=user doesnt work but the type=peer work. the type=peer didnt work before but now it works fine.
22:47.00p3nguinEach of the two asterisk systems would only need a single register statement and single peer definition.
22:47.37jkroonok, i had a trick around it, the above def works with IAX/2.  p3nguin - a sip user is always first located on host= line before attempting a lookup by username if I'm not mistaken.
22:48.40p3nguintype=user authenticate by username, type=peer authenticates by IP/port.  type=user only allows calls to go inbound to asterisk.
22:49.05Diffen2hmm i dont get it, if i set the type=peer on both the users in sip.conf only the first register => line works. not the second one.
22:49.08jkroonhmm, so sip and iax/2 differs on that.
22:49.28jkroontype=peer on one and type=friend on the other?
22:49.46p3nguinYou only need ONE register statement.  Stop trying to complicate things.
22:49.56jkrooni recall having issues with registering two SIP accounts on a remote server.
22:50.14jkroonDiffen2, what is the purpose (for you) of having two registers ?
22:50.23jkroontwo different accounts from the same provider?
22:50.48p3nguinI thought he said he was interconnecting a pair of Asterisk systems.
22:52.32Diffen2since the second asterisk is not connected directly to a pstn gw im using the first asterisk to send the calls to the second one. the second one is a bigbluebutton server so there will never be outgoing calls, just incoming to a specific conference room. so after the register=> info i have done a /1000 for conferenceroom number.
22:52.35jkroonin that case i agree with you, he can get away with only a single type=friend on both sides, and if he's on static IPs no register statements at all.
22:53.25Diffen2works great with one regitster but not two, if there is a smart way to separate the calls to the second asterisk (im sure there is) i would love to learn. I just thought that my solution was pretty neat :D
22:53.55jkroonyou could just on the first asterisk server do Dial(SIP/peername/1000)
22:54.43jkrooninstead of Dial(SIP/peername) ...
22:55.10p3nguinRegardless how many calls you want to push between the systems, only a single register would be required on each system to locate itself to the other system.
22:55.13Diffen2hmm cool
22:55.56Diffen2ok p3nguin, should it be a peer register then
22:56.19p3nguinregister is register is register.
22:56.34p3nguinThe register statement tells another system how to contact you.
22:59.18jkroonp3nguin, i'd still like to know how you would handle the case where you obtain multiple SIP accounts from a provider, ie you can't control what they use, and you HAVE to register each of those accounts to them, as well as be able to dial out with the different accounts (for example based on who the "internal" user is)
23:00.13p3nguinI would use a register for every user that needs its own account.  I would also probably include the username in the Dial() command.
23:00.56p3nguinBut that's just a first guess since I don't have any reason to do that myself.
23:01.49p3nguinThe point was that to interconnect two asterisk systems together only one account is required on each system.
23:04.39rustyclarksonNaikrovek: thanks for the idea of waiting for the pid, wasn't long enough so i decided to use the /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl to wait for. Turns out it's long enough to submit commands, but some applications haven't registered yet, so I still have to wait longer.
23:05.41rustyclarksonpabelanger: thanks for the idea of waitfullybooted, it's pretty neat, unfortunately I'm still getting "No such command 'originate Local/hack@moh_hack application Echo'..." if I run the command after it returns from "core waitfullybooted", so i still end up having to wait another few seconds
23:09.26TTT_Travisis there any mac software that integrates with Asterisk to dial calls etc.? I would use hudlite but my server is debian and I can't find hudlite-server software for debian
23:11.16bougymanmost ofthe mac guys I know use adhearsion for that
23:12.33TTT_Travisyeah were mostly just looking for a way to initate calls from Address Book etc. and maybe show incoming calls caller ID on screen or something
23:13.07bougymani bet the #adhearsion guys have done all of that stuffs.
23:13.53TTT_Travisok thanks
23:26.02*** join/#asterisk Ziaeon (
23:33.47*** join/#asterisk coppice (
23:33.57Corydon76-digbougyman: only thing I really don't like about Adhearsion is how their people have seem to have really drunk their own KoolAid
23:34.36Corydon76-digIn essence, "Adhearsion is the bestest, so everybody else should stop trying."
23:35.32Corydon76-dig(Seriously, they told Asterisk core developers to stop trying.)
23:38.06carrarWhy haven't they stopped!!
23:38.09*** join/#asterisk hipitihop (~denis@
23:46.41Diffen2p3nguin and jkroon thanks for you help :)
23:46.44Diffen2now its time for bed
23:51.25*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (

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