IRC log for #asterisk on 20100814

00:02.23paulcanyone got a copy of Allison Smith's funny "you're not the next caller in line" audio knocking around? not-next.gsm I think it was called?
00:06.46*** join/#asterisk l2cache (
00:30.12*** join/#asterisk _Guhit (
00:37.50hipitihopI have been happily running astersk 1.6.2 ubuntu package for many months and although I'm happy to edit dialplans and the like, it is a bit much to ask the same of my martner. Can I just add FreePBX on top ? other recommendations ?
00:40.36*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
00:58.29*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
01:18.38*** join/#asterisk moy (
01:32.51*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
02:23.40jmmills^ re: my comment before res_config_curl and or #exec includes should do the trick
02:35.17*** join/#asterisk csnook (
02:36.04*** join/#asterisk hipitihop (~denis@
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03:09.02*** join/#asterisk adolfomaltez (~taro@
03:20.43*** join/#asterisk kcamk (6382460e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:21.25kcamkcan someone help me with a problem where my outgoing calls disconnect after 30 secs to some numbers
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03:27.36*** part/#asterisk d00gster (~dt@
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03:45.14*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
03:51.59*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (~Dave@2001:1928:0:ffff::2)
03:53.28golikwid|macwhat error is it giving when it disconnects
04:03.21*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
04:05.12drfreezekcamk: what type of trunk? PRI, analog, sip?
04:08.29AliRezaTaleghanii am going to learn AGI,
04:08.38AliRezaTaleghaniwhich scripting language will be better, to work with mysql?
04:09.06AliRezaTaleghanishould i go toward the perl? vs python? or state on bash ?:-/
04:48.14*** part/#asterisk kcamk (6382460e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:15.29*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43|Mac (
05:29.11ChannelZAliRezaTaleghani: Any one you want that can read stdin and write stdout
05:32.56Alton35ok, goofy question time, I am trying to telnet to asterisk on port 5038 and can't get into the account I defined in manager.conf,
05:32.57Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
05:33.13Alton35I keep restarting asterisk, assuming it's picking up the changes in manager.conf
05:33.28Alton35Still can't get logged in any which way.  Where to look?
05:34.05Alton35The log files and console are unhelpful.
05:34.33ChannelZare you telnetting from the same box?  Is that port blocked?  Is it listening on the interface you think it is?
05:34.54Alton35yeah, it answers, just keeps saying:
05:35.09Alton35Response: Error
05:35.09Alton35Message: Authentication failed
05:35.40ChannelZHow are you trying to login?
05:35.50Alton35telnet 5038
05:36.02Alton35lemme paste 3 or 4 lines, um
05:36.23Alton35secret = secretx11
05:36.51*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (~Dave@2001:1928:0:ffff::2)
05:36.52Alton35I tried taking out the spaces in the secret= line,  but this is a faithful copy of the [mark] section above.
05:36.55ChannelZso you're doing Action: login
05:37.01ChannelZUsername: callouts
05:37.08ChannelZSecret: secretx11
05:37.15Alton35right, then 2 returns
05:37.49Alton35I assume there's not where this manager.conf file is commented out or anything, just can't see the problem.
05:39.18ChannelZ'manager show users' shows your 'callout' user?
05:39.45Alton35callouts, yes
05:39.55Alton35never used that before, but yup, it's there
05:40.26Alton35verbose 10 and debug 10 don't show anything more than the failure to authenticate thing
05:40.29ChannelZwell then all I can guess is either you have a hidden character or something somewhere or you're not typing the auth right
05:41.09ChannelZPerhaps your allow= line is what is holding it up, because you're not really coming *from* localhost
05:41.27Alton35let me see
05:41.38Alton35I guess I could always use the external ip, it's firewalled
05:42.24Alton35well, you'll be amused to hear,
05:43.18Alton35after I moved the ;deny= and ;read= commented-out lines out of the middle of the 4 lines I left, now it seems to work
05:43.18Alton35oh well, you have helped
05:43.18Alton35let me try to place a call, I'm sure more questions will ensue
05:45.25Alton35I did spend more than 1/2 hour trying this every which way, so you really did help.
05:47.50ChannelZhappy you got it working
05:49.14*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~nate@
06:00.35*** join/#asterisk gamedna (
06:11.34EmleyMoorI have now got my N97 connected directly to Asterisk, but have a couple of odd things going on:
06:12.28EmleyMoor(a) the phone is taking a long time to start ringing when a call is sent to it - 15 or so seconds after the other phones start ringing
06:13.03EmleyMoor(b) the phone is sending back many 415 (Unsupported Media Type) messages
06:13.17EmleyMoorIs there anything I can do about either of those?
06:14.08*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43|Mac (
06:15.59ChannelZso you're dialing it and some other phones with &  ?
06:16.48ChannelZhmm well the delay sounds like the phone just isn't paying attention
06:17.02EmleyMoorEven when dialed on its own there is about 15 seconds between the "Called" in asterisk and the phone ringing
06:17.27ChannelZHave you turned on sip debug?  Is it retransmitting the invite several times?
06:17.54EmleyMoorI'll see... hold on
06:20.20EmleyMoorLooks as though it's not
06:20.40ChannelZSo it's sending an invite and then getting a response?
06:21.18ChannelZAnd what's the response?
06:22.14EmleyMoor180 Ringing
06:22.28ChannelZbut it doesn't
06:22.52ChannelZWell that would be something with the device then, not asterisk.
06:23.25EmleyMoorSo, the best thing to do would be to take account of it
06:24.40EmleyMoorRight - no great problem. What about the 415s?
06:26.40EmleyMoorThe phone seems to be responding 415 Unsupported Media Type in response to asterisk's NOTIFY
06:28.54ChannelZI meant I don't know.  seems like an odd response to notify (which is usually just Asterisk giving message waiting indication)
06:29.20EmleyMoorHmmm... OK, not a great problem either
06:36.12*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
06:36.41*** part/#asterisk gamedna (
06:45.33*** join/#asterisk CoderForLife (
06:59.40*** join/#asterisk csnook (
07:01.13*** join/#asterisk gamedna (
07:01.58gamednais there a way to unregister a sip trunk from the CLI?
07:02.07gamednaor force it to re-register
07:02.31gamednaor is restart the only way?
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07:13.22hipitihopis it possible to time a call duration and interject and playback something which both parties would hear ?
07:16.51Alton35one party for sure, but can't remember if it's possible for both parties
07:27.54*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
07:29.10gamednaAlton35: how do you do it for one party?
07:36.20*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
07:39.18Alton35look at the options for the dial() statement
07:39.25Alton35L I think
07:46.02hipitihopwould it be possible to setup time quotas to particular number
07:47.45ChannelZI've never used them but 1.6.2 anyway has a whole shitload of options for limits and playing sounds to both sides
07:49.41ChannelZgamedna: sip unregister  to make Asterisk forget about a peer, but it's up to that peer to re-register.
07:50.56gamednacan i sip unregister and then do a restart?
07:51.19gamednanot sure if that will work
07:51.38ChannelZyes but that still won't necessarily force a peer to re-register
07:51.49gamednaoutbound call to a peer wont work either.
07:52.39ChannelZregistration is sort of a one-way thing.. the whole point is so that a remote peer can inform Asterisk (or a proxy, etc) what IP it's at.
07:53.22gamednaprobably need to setup a test
07:53.31gamednaand see what happens when i drop the peer
07:53.58ChannelZThe peer generally has registration timeouts whereby it will re-register every so often
07:54.46gamednaright, but for some reason this one peer is not disconnecting
07:55.01gamednathe registration stays, and for some reason its not routing calls propertly
07:55.20gamednaits almost like its stale
07:55.59gamednaprobably buggy device
07:57.50hipitihopanyone here using FreePBX on ubuntu 9.04 and asterisk ?
07:58.21fenrusi would recommend #freepbx
07:59.33ChannelZIf the device is changing its IP or something but not re-registering, that's the device's fault
07:59.47hipitihopfenrus, what distro are you using ?
07:59.53gamednathought that was the case, but the device is behind NAT and Static
08:00.03gamednaand there are other devices that are there too
08:00.12ChannelZ'unregistering' it on the Asterisk side isn't going to cause anything interesting to happen besides for Asterisk to forget its last known IP
08:00.13gamednanone of the other devices have a problem
08:00.43ChannelZSo what happens, does it just become unreachable and/or its unable to make calls to asterisk?
08:00.53gamednacant recieve or send
08:01.13gamednabut it works whenever i powercycle the phone or restart asterisk
08:01.14*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
08:01.20ChannelZso perhaps the firewall on one end or the other is unmapping the ports.
08:01.23*** join/#asterisk Deathvalley122 (~Death@unaffiliated/deathvalley122)
08:01.32ChannelZAre you using qualify for the peer?
08:01.40gamednalet me check
08:02.16ChannelZsip show peers   should show you under 'status'
08:02.57fenrushipitihop, i'm using debian
08:03.19gamednaits always been OK ~30ms for the status
08:04.53gamednaqualify is not set
08:05.01gamednaso its whatever the defaults are
08:05.14ChannelZit probably is globally if you're getting 'OK (xx ms)' for it
08:05.37ChannelZHow long does it take before it becomes unreachable if you do nothing (make no calls, send it no calls)
08:06.00gamednaaccording to sip show settings..   Qualify:                0
08:06.29gamednathat i am not sure of
08:06.58gamednai thought it would go down overnight
08:07.06gamednabut it does sometimes and other times it does not
08:07.14gamednawill lock up during the day
08:07.21gamednai have a replacement inbound
08:07.36gamednajust has not showed up yet
08:07.43gamednapolycom 550
08:07.49gamednathe only one that has a problem really
08:08.04gamednaother polycom 550s dont have an issue
08:08.29ChannelZin the same location?
08:08.59ChannelZAre they using different ports then?
08:09.37gamednaswapped netowrk wires, factory reset, firmware reinstalled, changed configs
08:09.56gamednaeven swapped ports on the network switch
08:10.02gamednav. kooky
08:11.44gamednasounds like its a bug w/ the phone
08:15.29ChannelZyah dunno
08:17.31gamednaChannelZ:  thanks for the help.
08:18.40ChannelZor lack thereof :)
08:19.27gamednaChannelZ: qualify was a big hint as to what was probably going on
08:20.11gamednawill try qualify=yes on monday
08:20.14ChannelZnot if all the other phones are the same, behind the same firewall, and setup the same
08:20.37gamednaChannelZ: supposedly the same...
08:20.47gamednacould be a id10T error
08:20.50gamednaon my part
08:20.51ChannelZDo a 'sip show peer xxxx' and see what the Qualify Freq shows up as
08:22.08gamednadont see it
08:22.20ChannelZwhat version of asterisk?
08:22.45ChannelZah.  Maybe that's a 1.6 thing (or it's called something different in 1.4)
08:22.57gamednaim checking on a 1.6
08:22.58gamednaright now
08:23.07ChannelZits near the end, like 6th from last
08:23.12gamednashows up on my 1.6
08:23.12gamednaQualify Freq : 60000 ms
08:23.15gamednabut not the 1.4
08:23.21gamednahmm, maybe upgrade?
08:23.35ChannelZthat's default.
08:23.38gamednabeen working rock solid for over a year
08:23.43gamednano config changes
08:23.47ChannelZIt's not that 1.4 doesn't have qualify, just that it doesn't show those settings that way
08:24.02gamednayea, aware of that...
08:24.32gamednaon both of my servers quality=0
08:24.34ChannelZYou might set it's qualify down a little, to like 30000 to make sure the NAT firewall isn't losing the port mapping
08:24.36gamednaaccording to sip show settings
08:24.52gamednacould be my isp
08:25.03gamednai remember reading that some ISPs are blocking voip
08:25.17gamednawonder if its a default 5060 port
08:25.42ChannelZBut I'd think that'd be a flat out block, not 'randomly dropping packets on port 5060'
08:26.18gamednaport is 5062
08:27.06*** join/#asterisk FILLVAIO3 (~v_agarkov@
08:29.05FILLVAIO3Hi Guys! Is there possible to limit 1-incoming and 2-outgoing call by each SIP account (type=friend) in Asterisk
08:29.51gamednaChannelZ: while i do love diving into asterisk trying to figure this out, i think its probably best if i just #1 swap the phone, #2 upgrade asterisk to the latest 1.6, and #3 make sure the firewall is playing nice
08:34.50gamednaChannelZ: w/ all that said, it still bugs the crap out of me that i cant really narrow it down
08:35.19Alton35randomly dropping UDP packets is a symptom of an overloaded/unreliably connection....
08:35.38Alton35if you're sure it's that, then maybe something's not right, even a bad cable, hard to say.
08:36.41Alton35or gotta be a way to test the same thing on another connection
08:36.46gamednaAlton35: firewall load is around 0.04   asterisk box load is around 0.02
08:36.58gamednaAlton35: will test it when i get the phone back
08:37.21Alton35I understand.  These boxes can push quite a bit of traffic.  But cables/etc can make some very weird errors.
08:37.29*** join/#asterisk qvsqvs (~anonymous@
08:37.49gamednaAlton35: already swapped cables
08:38.03Alton35ok, just guessing here
08:38.35gamednaits a good suggestion... many overlook that... had them swap phone cable, network port, wall port..
08:38.52gamednawe replaced the cables on the firewall
08:39.04gamednaall are good cat 5e wires
08:39.21Alton35g729 or something more demanding of bandwidth?
08:39.47gamednabut their internet upload is 5Mit
08:39.58Alton35could be something to test anyway if it's not too difficult for you
08:40.08gamednaswitch to G729?
08:40.25Alton35just to see what happens
08:40.27gamednai can try... i have a few extra G729 licenses laying around
08:40.45Alton35although many people just stick with it exclusively, depends on what you are doin
08:41.10gamednaim thinking of switching to G729 exclusively, but i like G711 for the audio quality...
08:41.11Alton35I try to do that, even record all files in g729, I guess it's as good a standard as any
08:41.59Alton35a friend of mine is telling me how he doesn't have any standard on his 2 systems and several phones... but strangely enough has troubles with any recorded audio!  so some sort of standard might help him.
08:42.04gamednado you license the codec's on your * box? or are you just using passthrough?
08:42.24Alton35I have 10 licenses from the past.
08:42.38Alton35I think you need them to record and play back files.
08:43.08gamednai believe you are correct
08:43.42gamednaare there G729 processor cards?
08:44.12Alton35golly, how many connections are you thinking of?  and unless you are transcoding I don't think you need anything like that.
08:44.25gamednathat is for another setu
08:44.34gamednaand yes for transcoding
08:44.55Alton35hmm, don't know, kinda avoided that problem
08:45.08Alton35you might be able to do it anyway, or dedicate a machine or two to it.
08:45.24gamednaone option is to gang all my licenses on two machines
08:45.27gamednaand just have them transcode
08:45.33gamednaand the other just passthrough
08:45.41FILLVAIO3Hi Guys! Is there possible to limit 1-incoming and 2-outgoing call by each SIP account (type=friend) in Asterisk
08:47.27gamednajust thought having a card may make things a bit easier
08:48.12Alton35have a look at that window
08:50.42*** join/#asterisk honree (
08:51.12honreedoes anyone know how (or even if it's possible) to do immediate dialling on a sipura spa-3102?
08:51.44honreeie do away with the sipura's dial plan strings and just pass all dialled digits immediately to asterisk
08:52.03honreeasterisk is the place where that sort of thing should be done, not in each sip fone
08:52.21WIMPyhonree: That's an extremely seldom feature for sip.
08:52.33honreewhat does that mean
08:52.38WIMPycouldn;t agress more
08:52.39honreethe grandstream adapters allow it
08:53.14WIMPySeed to wake up ... :-)
08:53.36WIMPyNeed. damn.
08:53.37honreeputting dial plans into every sip phone AND in asterisk is dupliction
08:54.17honreewhat do other people do?
08:54.20ChannelZSIP doesn't really work like a touch tone phone
08:54.40honreeas i said, the grandstream adapters and phones do
08:55.01*** join/#asterisk bintut (
08:55.10honreeall dialled digits are sent as soon as they're pressed
08:55.11ChannelZBy what mechanism in asterisk does this happen?
08:55.29WIMPyalso uses it on the Snom. But that's really a rare thing for sip devices.
08:56.26honreeis that because sip is usually point to point?
08:56.44WIMPyThe Snom just sends an invite for the complete number after each digit, ignoring errors that indicate an incomplete number.
08:57.05WIMPyNo it's because SIP dosn't really support that.
08:57.06ChannelZthat's what I was just going to guess.
08:58.37*** join/#asterisk mpe (
08:58.56honreewonder why sipura dont add it as a feature
08:58.57WIMPy/If you want your phones to bahave as a normal phone would behave, avoid SIP./
08:59.11ChannelZAnyways as far as a phone dialplan goes I've only got a few broad patterns in there, it's not a 'duplicate' of the asterisk dialplan by any means
08:59.57honreehow does that work in view of being able to dial via a pstn gateway?
09:00.26fenrushonree, i just thought of that too
09:00.26WIMPyAnd acutually getting Asterisk to find the end of overlap dialling can be quite challanging as well and in fact prohibits the use of some features.
09:00.30fenrusmust be really shitty ;)
09:00.51honreethe work around is u can press # when youve finished dialling
09:01.05honreethat comes under your really shitty clause imo :)
09:01.07ChannelZPSTN numbers have a pattern
09:01.07WIMPy(That does not include the emulated sip way)
09:01.39fenrusa number in sweden can vary from three to 16 digits i think
09:01.45WIMPyChannelZ: Only in some parts of the world. So no.
09:01.49honreesimilarly in the uk
09:02.08beardyMy phones have a timeout (default 5 seconds) after which all pressed digits are sent.
09:02.09honreenew numbering schemes mixed with older ones
09:02.11fenrusbut sure, "most" works..
09:02.14WIMPyAnd in 'evil Germany' :-)
09:02.29ChannelZSo you dial a certain number, and then just sit there and wait for the phone company to 'time out' before it puts the call through?
09:02.31fenrusbeardy, that's how my 7960's work too
09:02.41beardyfenrus: (7940s here)
09:02.52WIMPyChannelZ: No. They know when the number is complete.
09:03.02honreethe phone company's exchanges know how to match
09:03.03ChannelZLike I said.  They have a pattern.
09:03.07fenrusChannelZ, the phone company does not "time out", they have intelligent number analysis in their switches here in sweden ;
09:03.14honreethey have a record of all possible 'dial plans'
09:03.28WIMPyi.e. you type your number and expect to hear a ringing tone immediately after you pressed the last digit.
09:03.37honreeand that works
09:03.39fenrustheir "pattern" often exist of hundreds of thousands of numbers
09:03.43honreeand asterisk is the place for it
09:03.51honreeas that is the equiv of the central office
09:03.58honreecertainly not your telephone
09:03.59fenrusbecause you can move a number betwen different telcos here ;)
09:04.07WIMPyThere is no patterns. It's just the list of all numbers in use.
09:04.15beardyWell, they just read the number, switch if necessary after the "area code", use the rest for customer extension. If the number doesn't match, due to either length or just not used, the proper tones are played back.
09:04.19fenrusbut hey, i dont need to do that, because i dont have crap-phones ;)
09:05.04honreegrandstreams have a simple drop down box in their config for it
09:05.09honreeturn the feature on/off
09:05.12honreeend of story
09:05.24honreeits not rocket science
09:05.36fenruscase closed, problem solved.
09:05.40WIMPyBut I know that this functionality is no very well known in this cimmunity, what unfortunaletly shows in what you can achieve with Asterisk.
09:05.52honreeer so anyway the answer to my question appears to be my sipura adapter is rubbish
09:05.58honreein this regard at least...
09:06.17fenrushonree, have you checked all configuration options
09:06.22honreeyea :(
09:06.26fenrusthat's a shame
09:06.27beardyIn general people should drop old expectencies of analog phones.. more than once I've seen people wanting to dumb down SIP to act stupid, aka like an analog phone.
09:06.42honreei was hoping that some sort of special dial plan syntax existed
09:06.45WIMPyfenrus: No not the end of the story. Your dialplan will come with some challanges as well.
09:07.24WIMPybeardy: Yes, but not for the worse.
09:07.25fenrusWIMPy, my dialplan is quite easy since i only have one telco, and connected to it via sip.. :)
09:07.46honreeeardy im not advocting removing the dial plan capability from sip fones.
09:07.59fenrusbut the company i work for has 8 nokia AXE's and a couple of ericsson ones ;)
09:08.02honreeim merely saying that /as an option/ it would be nice to be able to bypass it
09:08.04WIMPyI have some hard time getting dialling to local exensions right.
09:08.18fenrusWIMPy, oh, okay - what seems to be the problem? :)
09:08.41WIMPyThe part where you want to be able to dial them just using the local number as well as with their areacode added.
09:09.09WIMPyhonree: I'm absolutely on your side.
09:09.22fenrushonree, did you check for firmware upgrades?
09:09.38beardy(I just made a comment, not on anyone's side. ;) )
09:09.40WIMPyThe only way I found that to work is to add the extensions twice.
09:10.02WIMPyWell, actually 4 times, as I want it with international prefix as well.
09:10.03ChannelZyou could do something gay like make a single digit in your phone's dialplan to start the call.. that hits a matching extension in your * dialplan which then just answers, does a WaitExten and the rest gets handled by your asterisk dialplan
09:10.21WIMPyBut that only works as long as all numbers are from the same area code.
09:11.07WIMPyChannelZ: Yes, but I guess it would fail if you dial from phonebook.
09:11.51fenrusWIMPy, you want to force a call going to a local phone to not leave your pbx, turn at your provider and get back to your pbx and the correct phone ?
09:12.36beardyI guess you could match on areacode+yourprefix+$lengthofextension with two IF:s, letting through lower than, and higher than, your first and last extension?
09:12.38WIMPyIn fact it wouldn't work otherwise as not all numbers are hosted at the same provider.
09:13.25fenrussounds like that it'll be quite a long dialplan then ;)
09:13.27beardy(That's for a series that is..)
09:14.07WIMPybeardy: No, a) you that length aproach wouldn' work here and b) you'd need to match before you know the number is complete which breaks dialling.
09:18.22WIMPyActually it even prevents me from having a default route.
09:18.22fenrusof course you're using ranges in the dialplan, but if there's alot of them it'll be some config to mess around with..
09:18.23ChannelZHow come the Sipura phones don't have a config option for reading minds so it knows what number I intended to dial and when I'm done?
09:18.23*** join/#asterisk mboehn (
09:18.23fenrusChannelZ, just add a feature request :)
09:18.23ChannelZpeople lament about how steering digits are evil
09:18.23honreeit doesnt need to read minds or anything like that
09:18.24honreeall it needs to do is blindly pass dialled digits to asterisk
09:18.24honreeits very very simple
09:20.12*** join/#asterisk infobot (
09:20.12*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.8.0-beta3 (2010/08/10), (2010/08/10), 1.4.35 (2010/08/10), *-Addons, 1.4.11 (2010/04/15), dahdi-linux 2.3.1 (2010/05/25), dahdi-tools 2.3.0 (2010/04/13), libpri (2010/06/29) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-bugs
09:20.13WIMPyDon't use extensions that clash with real numbers.
09:20.35ChannelZYes but "dial as you go" via SIP is going to hit extension 303 as soon as you type the second 3, even though you intended to continue on with 5551212
09:20.55honreesame if u do it in the sip fone
09:21.20beardyChannelZ: It's routed according to best match. If you have an "5 digits+whatever" extension, that is used.
09:21.25beardyChannelZ: Yes, it would.
09:22.01ChannelZexcept you can put a pause in the phone's dialplan so it would only accept 303 if you stopped dialing more digits for a second etc.  I don't think you can do the same in the * dialplan
09:22.14honreeif u have some sort of 'escape' like pressing pound before the special range then u dont need to do that in the sip fone dial plan u cn do it in asterisk
09:22.36beardyChannelZ: But it would be a bad design choice to have local extensions matching known areacodes or extensions.
09:22.47honreeok well that sounds a bit odd way of having your dialling
09:24.19honreesigh oh well i spose ill have to just do it the long way :)
09:25.04ChannelZOdd is a localized point of view
09:25.30honreewell odd as in i dont know of any other system tht does that
09:25.38ChannelZdoes what
09:27.08*** join/#asterisk qvsqvs (~anonymous@
09:27.49honreewhat u said
09:28.23honreehas a system where there are two (or more) overlapping number ranges, differentiated by an arcane system of the caller pausing during their dialling
09:32.48ChannelZit was just an example;  I just use a steering digit which is perhaps old-fashioned, but keeps me from having to write some crazy-ass dialplan, regardless whether it's in the phone or in asterisk
09:33.02ChannelZIt also helps that in the US our phone numbers are a consistent length
09:33.31honreeheh ok
09:38.40WIMPyYes some sort of prefix IS a good idea.
09:39.16WIMPyI however always preferred the idea of using * as an internal prefix.
09:40.01ChannelZYeah I should have put all my local extensions as *xxx or #xxx
09:41.33WIMPyBut that clashes with standard service codes. And as we can't use normal facility based signalling with Asterisk, they seem like a good idea.
09:41.41WIMPy(read workaround)
09:44.33WIMPyMaybe if it becomes a good idea to swaitch to dahdi for bri in the (hopefully) near future, a patch for facilities might be possible.
09:44.55honreeit might depend on the location your in in the uk, but i /think/ i can get away with overloading local 2xx and 3xx numbers
09:45.09WIMPyBut it might be a good idea to add screening capabilities first.
09:45.16*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
09:45.41WIMPyThe word "think" makes me shiver.
09:46.19WIMPyReminds me of adapters that used 999 as configuration prefix as someone *thought* that was safe.
09:47.41honreewell if the emergency number changes to 2xx something, ill be knackered
09:48.02honree999 i always thought was a poor choice of number
09:48.15honreeespecially as it came from rotary dial days
09:48.36honreesomeone must have thought mmm let's see what 3 digit number takes longest to dial in an emergency...
09:48.54honree911 is better
09:49.08honreemaybe they thought 999 was easier to remember
09:50.33WIMPyOh right, 999 is even more interesting in the uk. Here they are just ordinary local numbers.
09:50.51honree999 is a local number?
09:50.55honreelocal police station...
09:51.48WIMPyNo, ordinary subscriber numbers. Probably longer than 3 digits.
09:52.14honreei think 911 and 112 work here also
09:52.29honreealtho not widely publicised - so as not to confuse people i spose
09:52.43WIMPyBut I imagine those adapters would have been interestin in th uk. If you have an emergency it's surely interesting to find out that you actually can't call for help.
09:52.50honreeyet at the same tme allow foreign visitors to use the number theyre familiar with
09:53.17honreeyes and have to log into asterisk to edit the dial plan while your house is burning down
09:53.35honreethen find that you forgot to edit the dial plan on your sipura...
09:53.43WIMPyWith a black box there is no logging in and editing anything.
09:53.55WIMPyErrr. Yes.
09:54.07WIMPyhates dialplans in terminals!
09:54.09EmleyMoorhonree: 999 was invented because it was easier to modify the old payphones to dial it free than any other reasonable number
09:54.19WIMPyThat's definitely not where they belong.
09:55.37honreei shouldnt think the mod was done in the payphine itself but i take your point
09:55.53WIMPyOoooh. That reminds me of those really old payphones that had an extra emergency box with a lever to turn left or right for either police or the fire brigade.
09:56.14honreehaha yea
09:56.31EmleyMoorhonree: It was - it was a short circuit on the dial - originally released by inserting minimum fee
09:57.03EmleyMoorIt was on 1-9 until 999 came in, then they modified the dial so that 9 would dial as well
09:57.39honreeso u could actually dial 9 or 99 or 9999 for free too...
09:57.41WIMPyHa, found one on wiki. A newer type of payphone but with the emergency box still in place.
09:57.46EmleyMoorWe can use 112 now (EU standard) but not 911
09:58.33EmleyMoor(we used 0 for operator back then of course)
09:59.47EmleyMoorBTW are you the honree I know from elsewhere?
09:59.52*** join/#asterisk Jasnejac (~kvirc@
10:00.43honreeif you are the emleymoor i know from there...
10:00.47honreesmall world innit
10:00.53EmleyMoorYes, rather
10:01.17honreedo u work in telecoms?
10:03.09*** join/#asterisk comsol (~Manipur@
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10:03.25honreewhat company/area?
10:03.25comsoli need help on asterisk
10:03.51EmleyMoorCable&Wireless Worldwide, London, mostly in acceptance testing
10:03.55comsoli want to setup a no. for so that every user on extension can listen to simultaneously
10:04.00honreei used to work at GEC/GPT on system x
10:04.18honreei was in the processor group (PUS)
10:04.30comsoland the audio source is to be from streaming server
10:04.53honreealthough i was only really involved in teh operating system on the processor i didnt have much to do with CPS
10:05.20EmleyMoorMy asterisk use is purely domestic. btw
10:05.48honreeso is mine really
10:05.52comsolanybody who is asterisk expert
10:05.55comsolplz help me
10:06.35honreei have a vpn voip connection to a friends and my office number is routed thru it but that's about it
10:07.08honreecomsol sorry - not ignoring u - i just dont know the answer
10:07.28EmleyMoorcomsol: Same here sorry
10:07.37comsolany other guys
10:07.57honreeid be mildly interested in the answer too
10:08.11honreeim just fiddling with ring cadences now...
10:08.28EmleyMoorI too am interested in the answer
10:08.37EmleyMoorhonree: Fiddling with them in what way?
10:08.50honreewell trying to get them to work basically
10:09.04WIMPycomsol: MusicOnHold
10:09.04honreedifferentiate between an external and an internally originated call
10:09.17honreei can do music on hold
10:09.17EmleyMoorhonree: Zap/DAHDI?
10:09.31honreebut i think he means live streaming
10:09.39honreeem: dunno
10:09.57honreeive googled and found :
10:09.58comsolhow to listen to music on hold or any no. to listen music on hold
10:09.59honreeexten => 5555,1,SetVar(_ALERT_INFO=Bellcore-r7) ;
10:10.26EmleyMoorhonree: I know how to do it for Zap/DAHDI
10:10.43honreethis is on sip
10:11.03EmleyMoorAh - no idea on SIP - got nothing that supports them
10:11.10honreeheh ok
10:11.27honreenot sure if the fone will even pass the cadence thru...
10:11.39comsolhow to listen to musiconhold
10:11.46comsolany specific no?
10:12.06EmleyMoorcomsol: Set one up that calls the app MusicOnHold
10:12.09honreeexten => 1201,1,MP3Player(/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/MOCR.mp3)
10:12.36EmleyMoorI have a MOH-test in among mine
10:12.51honreesee if u can guess what that is ;)
10:12.59honreeits a test yes... but what of
10:13.28comsolhow to setup?
10:14.47infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
10:16.49honreemmm adding that bellcore cadence line seems to have stopped the phone ringing altogether
10:17.47EmleyMoorhonree: I suppose some change is better than no change...
10:19.19EmleyMoorMy system currently supports full London-style dialing btw
10:19.47honreemine works ok with cov local and also 18866...
10:19.55honreeautomatically adding the appropriate prefix
10:20.09EmleyMoorMight move my internal extensions about a bit depending on what happens with local numbers
10:20.09honreeso i can dial a local or national number and it does the right thing
10:20.54EmleyMoorAt the moment, _[378]XXXXXXX works here
10:24.38EmleyMoorMy internals have the last four digits of their appropriate DID at present. Would have gone for last 3 if that hadn't have meant starting with 8
10:27.12EmleyMoorNon-DID tend to begin with the same digit
10:27.36EmleyMoorDo all Coventry numbers still begin 76 or have they launched any new ranges yet?
10:27.37honreefrom what i can tell this dect phone doesnt support different ring cadences
10:28.03honreefunny u should say that i think there's a new ranging coming soon
10:28.07honreecant recall
10:30.06honreeactually this phone is registered on a different base
10:30.18honreeso its possible not all features of the phone can be used
10:30.28honreejust lowest common dect feature set
10:31.12honreedunno if gap mandates caller display?
10:31.37WIMPyNot sure. But never had any issues with that.
10:32.09EmleyMoorhonree: I doubt they'll use a range not beginnig with 7 in Coventry for a while unless and until they expand it out to, say, Warwick
10:33.26honreewell ive just about got this working well enuf now
10:33.31EmleyMoor024 70 is seemingly allocated
10:33.50honreeit does a windows messenger broadcast of the caller info to anyone on the lan who cares to listen
10:33.57honreelittle popup of who's calling
10:34.24EmleyMoorhonree: I send caller IDs over Jabber
10:34.29honreei also wrote a simple filter program that consults a flat file for barred numbers or categories and transfers them straight to voicemail
10:34.56EmleyMoorI use the DB at present for stuff like that
10:35.32honreei chose messenger as it's on all pcs as standard
10:35.38honree(albeit not turned on)
10:35.45EmleyMoorIt gets to be a pig though - we get a lot of calls from "that can't be right" caller IDs
10:36.02honreeon pstn?
10:36.14honreei used to get all sorts on the gradwell office line
10:36.18EmleyMoor0000000000, 009145... on IAX
10:36.20honreei moved it to a hardwired bt line
10:37.24EmleyMoorI suppose Meriden is actually the most likely "next intake" for 024
10:37.45WIMPyHmm. Is there an issue with pri set debug file in 1.8? There seems to appear no data.
10:42.15WIMPyAnd what's a channel type 1?
11:26.11*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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12:32.38ahuemerhi, i have a problem with the asterisk build process
12:32.59ahuemeri.e. with the variables for the used compiler
12:33.33honreehas anyone tried running asterisk on an alix board? should work i think...
12:33.52*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (
12:34.06ahuemeri want ./configure and make to use something as compiler that is user given
12:34.13ahuemerbut i don't know what to do
12:34.20ahuemercould somebody please help me ?
12:35.01*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (
12:35.51ahuemerthere is a definition for CC in, but setting CC for configure does not have any effect when running make
12:35.56ahuemerany ideas ?
12:36.02EmleyMoorahuemer: How did you set it?
12:36.55ahuemerEmleyMoor: thanks for your answer. one sec please
12:37.00honreeany reason youre not using the system CC?
12:38.00ahuemeri want to build asterisk in a distcc environment and i have problems with that. although i believe asterisk _would_ compile find with just the right variables
12:38.12ahuemerCC=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc ./configure
12:38.26ahuemerwhen i run make afterwards, i get as first line
12:38.37ahuemerCC="cc" CXX="" LD="" AR="" RANLIB="" CFLAGS="" make -C menuselect CONFIGURE_SILENT="--silent" makeopts
12:38.41ahuemerwhich is not what i want
12:38.55EmleyMoorahuemer: Try the other way round - you want it as a parameter, not an environment variable
12:39.57ahuemeri did
12:39.59ahuemer./configure CC=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc
12:40.00ahuemerand got
12:40.06ahuemerCC="cc" CXX="" LD="" AR="" RANLIB="" CFLAGS="" make -C menuselect CONFIGURE_SILENT="--silent" makeopts
12:43.17ahuemeri tried even this
12:43.19ahuemer./configure HOST_CC=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc BUILD_CC=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc CC=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc
12:43.32*** join/#asterisk bintut (
12:43.35ahuemersince i found these 3 variables in makeopts
12:48.35ahuemerEmleyMoor: anything i could try ?
12:51.41*** join/#asterisk exvito (~exvito@
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13:00.56ahuemernobody ?
13:04.26honreearent they supposed to be paths?
13:15.28*** join/#asterisk ahuemer (
13:15.41ahuemersorry, my screen session died
13:15.48ahuemerany ideas ?
13:20.16*** join/#asterisk Rajaie (
13:20.59Rajaieanybody here can help ?
13:22.10UQlev!seen anybody
13:23.14Rajaiehi , I have bought A TE405P card , it was 5th generation card
13:24.01Rajaiei am losing the d-channel whil the pri is up
13:24.20RajaieI have tried the configuration on 4th gneration card with the same configuration and it went fine
13:24.45RajaiePri have been shown to be tested on other working servers ; so we are sure there is no problem with span 1 & span 3  ( span 2 and span 4 are not working)
13:25.15Rajaiepri show spans is showing the following
13:25.26RajaiePRI span 1/0: Provisioned, Down, Active
13:25.34UQlevRajaie: regret I have never used tel cards yet
13:25.51Rajaiewhere I can have help regarding this issue , I am running out of time
13:26.57Rajaiesorry to bother you UQlev .. thank you bye
13:30.57UQlevRajaie: < have you seen it?
13:31.23*** join/#asterisk bintut (
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13:38.35RajaieUQlev: very usefull always used it in my configuration
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13:52.08infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
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16:16.08Carp1Can I ass SIP users via the manager?
16:17.11Carp1using the API
16:17.16fenrus(har)ass ?
16:17.32Carp1Or do I have to manually edit the file?
16:17.36[TK]D-Fender"ass" is a nound, not a verb
16:17.47fenrusah, you mean add ?
16:18.19Carp1i was like what the hell are they talking about haha
16:18.24Carp1yes, add*
16:18.43[TK]D-FenderCarp1: Nothing vaguely resembling a "natural" way.
16:19.12Carp1slaps Carp1 around a bit with a large trout
16:22.38Carp1or maybe I should ask this....Whats the best way to add a SIP user via a PHP script? :)
16:23.11[TK]D-FenderCarp1: Where does a "sip user"'s definistion EXIST?
16:23.42p3nguinsip.conf, type=user?
16:24.34Carp1Sorry [TK] I don't understabd..
16:25.05[TK]D-Fender[12:23]<[TK]D-Fender>Carp1: Where does a "sip user"'s definistion EXIST? <- what stores the data that DEFINES the account
16:26.21Carp1Sorry, its on FreePBX. I wasn't thinking...Does that use MySQL?
16:26.44[TK]D-FenderCarp1: 2nd channel to your left.  Go.  Now.
16:27.52Carp1I was here because it wasn't really a FreePBX question
16:28.26[TK]D-FendercarYou don't even know WHERE the thing you want to change is
16:28.35[TK]D-FenderCarp1: You can't even tell your head from your ass on this subject
16:29.00[TK]D-FenderCarp1: And the answer is VERY different because of FreePBX
16:29.53Carp1easy killer
16:30.39Carp1and you're right....otherwise I wouldn't be here asking, right?
16:31.06[TK]D-Fender[12:27]<Carp1>I was here because it wasn't really a FreePBX question <- it IS.
16:31.25[TK]D-FenderCarp1: Because anything you tend to do outside of it gets blown away by it later
16:38.34Alton35Well, I'm back with the same question, how to originate calls and get back a dialstatus.
16:38.51Alton35I tried AMI and it makes calls but really no different than creating a call file as far as I can see.
16:39.42[TK]D-FenderAlton35: Get back where/how?
16:40.33Alton35I guess you tell me.  I haven't found any way to get it back,
16:42.09[TK]D-FenderAlton35: Then dial a LOCAL channel and have that do the outbound attempt AND cleanup for you.
16:42.59Alton35I thought of that.  In that case I'd be inside of my AGI and be quite happy,
16:43.07*** join/#asterisk d00gster (~dt@
16:43.10Alton35just not sure how to dial a local channel.  :-)  Can you give me an idea?
16:43.15[TK]D-FenderAlton35: If you need it, sure, why not
16:43.37[TK]D-FenderAlton35: Local/extension@context/n
16:44.27Alton35I will read up on it.  I assume it "always works" and basically connects me to a dummy channel.?
16:44.39*** join/#asterisk xheliox (
16:45.09[TK]D-FenderAlton35: Chan_local <- Learn it.  It is what makes * really usable
16:45.44Alton35good, I knew I just had to keep asking.  :-)  let me read a bit, and I appreciate it.
17:07.33p3nguinIs /n an undocumented option for chan_local?  I've never been able to find out anything about it.
17:07.36*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
17:08.01leifmadsenp3nguin: then you didn't read doc/tex/localchannel.tex
17:08.44p3nguinI admit I don't know my way around the included documentation.
17:09.11[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: No, there are comments about it... normally when a local channel calls out and gets bridged, the local channel is dissolved, and the outer channels get bridged directly.  This means post-call processes, etc usually get cut off.  "/n" forces chan_local to always sit as the intermediary
17:10.26leifmadseni.e. /n makes chan_local act as a "real channel" which lives and is not processed out of the call
17:12.06[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: It is a great way around all sorts of things users find problematic.
17:13.34p3nguinI use local channels for several things, but I've never used /n on any of them.  I've never known why to or when to.
17:13.35*** join/#asterisk ibercom (58006256@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:16.03leifmadsenp3nguin: all explained in that file I told you about
17:16.11leifmadsenit's a very good read for people who use chan_local
17:16.12p3nguinWould it be fair to say that the /n should be used any time you dial a local channel and want to have additional priorities for the exten after the Dial command?
17:16.14leifmadsen(or those who want to)
17:16.21leifmadsenp3nguin: read the file -- it'll answer many questions
17:16.54leifmadsengrab the latest and read the text file if you're bothered by the latex formatting -- both a .txt and .pdf version of the documention is generated for you
17:21.17p3nguinI've got a basic txt in 1.4.34.
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17:29.20TigerplugHi all, I'm new to asterisk and just about to build a testbox. I'm thinking about CentOS 5.4 and compile asterisk from source? - is there any better choice?
17:29.51ChannelZuh oh, distro wars..
17:30.18xhelioxTigerplug: That's the way I'd go. But you'll probably get 5 different answers.
17:30.44xhelioxUse whatever you're most comfortable with, really.. there's no much difference in what's under the hood from distro to distro, just different styles realy.
17:31.26Tigerplugxheliox: thanks :-)
17:38.16[TK]D-FenderTigerplug: Good way to start
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17:58.02p3nguinIs there any way to craft an exten so that when phone1 makes a call, the call goes where it is supposed to go plus the exten somehow places a call to phone2 and launches ExtenSpy or ChanSpy?
17:58.28p3nguinWhen calling two local channels with one Dial, whichever device answers first wins.  So that doesn't work.
18:00.32*** join/#asterisk nova911 (~Adium@
18:03.11p3nguinThe purpose would be to monitor calls from a specific phone without recording the calls.
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18:09.34p3nguinMaybe use Dial's G option and dump the calls into a MeetMe?  Would that work?
18:11.24p3nguinI'd rather just use ChanSpy or ExtenSpy if possible.
18:11.54darkpixelI'm trying to find a clearer definition of the AMD return variable AMDCAUSE.  Using the Ubuntu-installed defaults, AMD consistently returns 'TOOLONG-5500'.  I've tried answering the phone saying 'Hello?', 'This is Aaron', "Big Bob's Pizza, what can I get you", and I've tried mixing up the amount of time it takes to get the phone up to my mouth to start talking.  AMD always returns TOOLONG-5500.  What is too long?  ...
18:12.00darkpixel... The greeting?  The silence?  The docs and google aren't any help.
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18:22.04p3nguinI just don't know how to get started.  Can someone give me some ideas?
18:23.58[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: M() + Originate
18:24.10[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Spawn the spying call-out.
18:25.10[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: You could spawn a call to meetme + chanspy so the person spying can "log in" to it without having be be waiting and that also lets multiple people jump in
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18:50.32p3nguinI don't have any Originate dialplan application on 1.4.34, so I guess I am going to be using the MeetMe after all.
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18:56.22[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: ... AMI / CLI Originate .. or call file....
18:56.36[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Immediate meetme = trouble
18:56.48p3nguinI want this to be purely in dialplan.
18:57.02[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: CLI it is then
18:57.17p3nguinNo user interaction.  All dialplan.
18:57.35[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Holy crap think a little when i tell you that is the answer...
18:58.08*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
18:58.29[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: M() + System(/usr/bin/asterisk -rx 'originate QWERTYUIOP')
19:01.54p3nguinVery interesting.
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19:33.51honreeadios folks
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19:44.12*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
19:52.05JerJerugh i really hate app_queue
19:52.46JerJerwhy would it keep sending calls to a given member when that member already has an active call ?
19:57.14*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~nate@
20:02.07p3nguinUsing the System(asterisk -rx "originate ...") method in dialplan, is there no way to set the CALLERID information that will be sent to the phone through the originate?
20:02.11*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
20:03.25p3nguinUsing Set() right before the System() does not do it.
20:23.39[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: No, in that case you might instead build a callfile with System calls (pure dialplan) and in there yuo can set those
20:24.03[TK]D-FenderJerJer: perhaps you could try looking at the actual calls in progress and what it's making...
20:37.11*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (
20:42.14JerJerheh ?  i have one caller active in the queue and when a second one comes in it calls the already active member
20:42.56[TK]D-FenderJerJer: So I see......
20:43.03[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Oh wait... I DON'T :p
20:43.25JerJervery simple ...  member Bob has an active call,  app_queue gets another call and sends it to member Bob
20:44.13JerJerinstead of member Sally
20:44.22JerJerwho does not have any calls
20:48.33[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Remove story, insert configs and call debug
20:50.33JerJeri can see why people have problems with getting help
20:50.48[TK]D-FenderI certainly can.
20:53.14JerJerseanbright:  obviously i have that set
20:53.23JerJerthis is not my first rodeo
20:53.35seanbrightoh good
20:53.39seanbrightwhat version of asterisk?
20:53.50[TK]D-FenderYes, but we've found our clown already ;)
20:53.57JerJer1.6 svn from two days ago
20:54.25seanbrightthere are 3 1.6 branches
20:54.46JerJerso there must be 3 different versions of app_queue then huh ?
20:55.05seanbrightsorry i couldn't help
20:55.15[TK]D-Fenderseanbright: Its ok....
20:56.27[TK]D-Fenderseanbright: You can't save all of them...
20:58.54*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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21:17.44seanbrightJerJer: when the first rep is on the call, what does 'queue show' and 'core show hints' output?
21:25.23*** join/#asterisk csnook (
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23:35.24*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (

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