IRC log for #asterisk on 20100813

00:00.00joobiehey guys.. anyone got an idea on how to use the queue system in asterisk, but make the queue member a PSTN telephone number (that's seperate to the asterisk box)
00:01.27[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Add a member that would dial that outside number
00:02.13leifmadsenjoobie: member => DAHDI/g0/14165551212
00:02.30leifmadsenyes, asterisk makes it trivial to do that :)
00:02.52leifmadsenor 'core show application AddQueueMember"
00:03.03leifmadsenand now I'm off to watch big brother with my future wife
00:03.16ManxPowerevery major asterisk release is rather buggy.
00:03.27bougymanwelcome to software.
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00:03.50bougymancan you recall a major release of anything larger than hello world that's bug-free?
00:04.15ManxPowerbougyman, I did not intend to imply that this is unusual
00:04.16mmlj4perfect example: KDE 4
00:04.28ManxPowerwaves to mmlj4
00:05.01ManxPowerdoesn't leif mean "future ex-wife"
00:07.58bougymanManxPower: the only question is how a project or applicaton's developers prioritize bugs.
00:08.16bougymando they drop everything, stop-the-line to fix critical bugs or security holes?
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00:08.50ManxPowerNo.  The only question is how long will I wait before upgrading to 1.8
00:09.10joobie[TK]D-Fender, how would it work if it dials the member and the member is busy (say the PSTN is engaged because the user is making a call out)
00:09.14my007mscan i use 24 PRI line in the same time use this card ?
00:09.25bougymanManxPower: anything without a full test suite or test-first development method/continuous integration process I wait for quite a long time.
00:09.32ManxPowerThere's this little thing called SCREAMING CUSTOMERS that make me hesitant to do ANYTHING that could affect the stability of the system
00:09.46bougymanManxPower: ^^ same
00:09.49joobie.. also does it only hand the call over as the PSTN end answers the call or will the caller hear the ringing tone / busy tone as it tries to dial the PSTN member?
00:10.17ManxPowerjoobie, usually EXACTLY the same way with a SIP agent.
00:10.29bougymanunless, of course, it's software I write or I know the author(s), then i'll go bleeding edge because that's where the bugfixes, most stable version will be.
00:10.42coppicebougyman: * uses the "huge untestable blob" methodology :-)
00:11.36bougymancoppice: well most voip projects i've seen use the seat-of-their-pants methodology.
00:11.37ManxPowerjoobie, assuming you are not using analog, of course.
00:11.47bougymani think only yate had a unit test methodology.
00:11.59ManxPowerAsterisk has a test framework in 1.8
00:12.07ManxPowerHeck, I think it is even in 1.6
00:12.08bougymanpeople think testing takes time.
00:12.10bougymanit _saves_ time.
00:12.17ManxPowerbougyman, writing tests takes time.
00:12.27bougymanManxPower: no, it saves time.
00:12.32bougymani vehemently disagree.
00:12.53ManxPowerbougyman, I didn't say it was a bad idea.
00:13.00coppicebougyman: well, * takes it to an extreme. if they pick up a library that comes with a test suite their first step is to throw away the test suite. their second is to merge the guts of the library in a borg like manner. thus you see well tested modules bit rot over time
00:13.24bougymancoppice: fun.
00:13.33my007mswhat does S/T BRI mean ?
00:14.08ManxPowermy007ms, technical or reality definitions?
00:15.38my007msManxPower i try to find way make me use big number of E1 with small number of servers and i find this card "A500 BRI"  but i don't know what it mean "S/T BR"
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00:15.59ManxPowermy007ms, S/T and U are specific interfaces.
00:16.05coppiceS and T are the things that go with U
00:16.54ManxPowerIn the USA the telco hands you a U interface, as I understand it, in most of the rest of the world the telco hands the customer an S/T interface.
00:17.55ManxPowermy007ms, BRI does not use E-1.
00:18.10ManxPowerPRI's use E-1
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00:24.08my007msManxPower what u advice to use A500 BRI
00:24.44coppicemy007ms: do you want E1s or not?
00:25.13coppiceso ignore the A500, and look at E1 cards
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00:27.34my007mscoppice does asterisk support any ct3 card ?
00:28.06Micc_OrderlyQ website is throwing php erros when I signed up for a trial hosted account. no space left on device it says. That doesn't really give me much faith in the product.
00:30.22coppicemy007ms: ct3?
00:31.22Micc_If you mean T3 cards, I think theres one. I forget what its called.
00:31.36ManxPowerThere isn't
00:31.55Micc_ManxPower, I believe your mistaken.
00:32.04Micc_Theres even a dahdi driver for it.
00:32.05coppicethe only E3 and T3 PCI cards seem to be ones that only do data
00:32.12ManxPowerMicc_, cite your source.
00:32.29ManxPowerDigium ANNOUNCED a T-3 card years ago, but the product never happened.
00:32.36coppicedigium used to advertise a T3 card, but never released it
00:32.39Micc_I wish I remembered, but I did a ton of research on this a few weeks ago.
00:32.49coppicesangoma has one, but its data only
00:32.52Micc_Its a sangoma card
00:33.18Micc_I don't remember it being data only.
00:33.23Micc_but I suppose that could be the catch.
00:33.34my007mscoppice so what the card i can use to get max number of call  over 8 span E1 card
00:33.40Micc_I'm pretty sure it was channelized as I found a dahdi driver for it too.
00:34.28ManxPowermy007ms, none.  If you have an 8 span e-1 card and E-1 PRIs than you can handle a max of 30 * 8 calls.  Nothing in the world will change that.
00:34.33[TK]D-Fendermy007ms: Sangoma A108D
00:35.27jamkois there a cli command to show the t.38 codec when it is in use?.. ie sip show channels (which does not show t.38)
00:35.55my007msManxPower and how many call in A500 BRI 30 * 24 ?
00:35.55coppiceMicc: and that is the only one they do
00:36.04Micc_it says it supports HDLC, which is the echo canceling codec, right? why would it support that if it was data only?
00:36.23ManxPowerHDLC is Cisco's "PPP"
00:36.26coppiceMicc: HDLC is packet framing
00:36.51ManxPowermy007ms, none.  You cannot connect an E-1 to that card.
00:37.05Micc_ah, ok.
00:37.11Micc_well thats a bummer then.
00:37.58my007msManxPower i  an ask my telco to provide me with whatever line type to get max number of call
00:38.04ManxPowermy007ms, Do you ALREADY own an E-1 card or do you want to PURCHASE an E-1 card?
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00:38.43Micc_I feel stupid now.
00:38.56ManxPowerIt sounds like my007ms doesn't have any lines or cards and just wants us to do the research for him/her.
00:39.18coppiceMicc: then its time to enter politics
00:39.34my007msManxPower i have
00:39.49ManxPowermy007ms, With a BRI you can handle TWO calls per telco line/card port.
00:40.13Micc_coppice, like Rod Blagojevich, you know he can't even type.
00:40.35ManxPowermy007ms, good.  That is an E-1 and PRI card.
00:40.43ManxPowerIt does not, cannot, and will never support BRI./
00:41.24my007msManxPower forgive me can i ask what diff between BRI and E1 i was think both is the same
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00:42.40coppiceBRI == 2 calls per port
00:42.42coppiceE1 == 30 calls per port
00:42.48ManxPowermy007ms, A BRI supports 2 calls and is usually a residential and small business service.  An E-1 is a generic term.  It can handle 31 calls.  If you use PRI over E-1 (which is usually the only way you can order a "voice E-1") then you can do 30 calls per E-1/PRI
00:43.17my007msyes exactly this my case
00:43.24my007mswe have 30 call per port
00:43.47my007msand i need to get card support over 8 port
00:43.58ManxPowermy007ms, why not buy a second 4-port card?
00:44.18ManxPowermy007ms, there are no cards that support more than 8 T-1/E-1 ports.
00:44.18my007msin fact i need to use 64 port
00:44.40ManxPowermy007ms, then you will have to design and build it yourself.  There is no such product.
00:44.42my007msso 64/8 = 8 card
00:46.00my007msis there something like linksys ata but for E-1
00:46.21my007msthis will take much processing out of my box too
00:46.22ManxPowerI can't help you with that.  Perhaps someone else can?
00:46.38WIMPySangoma has an E3 Card.
00:46.46ManxPowerWIMPy, DATA ONLY
00:46.53coppicemy007ms: there are a number of E1 to IP gateways from various makers
00:47.13WIMPyI know it's not available with dsp, but no voice?
00:47.59my007msthanks coppice ManxPower
00:48.05WIMPyscrolls up to see what it's all about.
00:48.20coppiceWIMPy: DSP is optional, but channelising is a requirement for voice. its not channelised
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00:49.21joobieManxPower, the PSTN user is not associated with asterisk - it's just a PSTN telephone number (analogue)
00:49.36WIMPyOh, I thought it coud do that.
00:49.46ManxPowerjoobie, then why are you asking here?
00:50.10my007msManxPower one more Q pleas is there equation let me know how much ram and CPU i need to run 3x8 span port E1 card with g729 codec
00:50.31ManxPowerjoobie, I guess it is better than FreePBX questions.
00:50.45ManxPowermy007ms, not that I am aware of.
00:50.55ManxPowerbut you could contact Digium.
00:54.05WIMPymy007ms: Now that's getting serious and sounds like a call for dedicated hardware, but unfortunaletely I haven't heard of any hardware E3 to VOIP gateways.
00:55.01JerJerceleron + transcoder card(s)   :)
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01:04.45coppicemy007ms: if you want most of the calls transcoded to/from G.729 3*8*30=>720 calls. try looking at separate gateway boxes for that volume.
01:05.08my007mscoppice like ?
01:06.02coppicethe the ones you will easily find if you bother looking
01:06.06WIMPymy007ms: For that trancoding I'm pretty sure, you woulnd't want more than one 8xE1 per server if you tried to do it on PCs.
01:06.47my007mscoppice i am try find if 5800 cisco router can help in this :)
01:07.15coppicecisco have various products that will meet your capacity needs
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01:08.15WIMPyI wouldn't really call Cisco first choice for voice stuff.
01:08.34my007msWIMPy i guess i have no other option
01:08.49coppiceyou wouldn't call the market leader first choice? rather odd option, that
01:08.54my007ms8 boxs each run asterisk will be very much
01:09.08WIMPyNot sure. It's not something I've been looking for, yet.
01:09.36WIMPymy007ms: Well, I'd guess 3 should be realistical.
01:12.03my007msWIMPy it's point to point termination  which mean maintain 6 box
01:13.19WIMPymy007ms: So you have a trunk of 24 E1 going from one location to another and want to replace them by as little IP as possible?
01:14.09my007ms64 E1 yes
01:14.11jamkois there a cli command to show the t.38 codec when it is in use?.. ie sip show channels (which does not show t.38)
01:14.31WIMPyDidn't I read 24 above?
01:15.19my007ms<my007ms> so 64/8 = 8 card
01:15.31WIMPyWell, I'd suggest skippting the transcoding and just use multiplexers. The bandwidth might not be as expensive as the cost for transcoding.
01:16.07my007msit is :( i will use transcoding card no problem
01:16.51WIMPyMay I ask where on earth you need 1920 channels point to point?
01:17.31WIMPyThat's enough for a medium sized city.
01:17.35my007mswhere is the other point have no land line
01:18.00my007msexactly it's city with zero land line
01:18.27WIMPyAnd how are you getting IP there?
01:18.59my007mssatellite connection
01:19.10WIMPyThat sucks.
01:19.19my007msno other options
01:20.37WIMPyHow far away from the next cable?
01:21.09my007msbelieve me it's the only option available :D
01:21.40carrarGlobal Marine Systems
01:21.47carrarthey can bring you fiber!
01:22.15WIMPystill wonders how such a big city with such a massive demand for communicatin infrastructure can be so far away from the rest of the world.
01:23.19my007ms64 E1 is not that big number it's very small city
01:23.36my007msand no chance to  bring  cable there
01:23.37WIMPycarrar: Yes, something like that sounds like a serious option in such a case.
01:25.49WIMPyWell, I can see big Cities being in the middle of nowhere, but the citizens there probably don't have a very huge demand for modern telecommunications, if only for financial reasons.
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01:27.08WIMPyI guess it's a good assumption that normally about 1% of lines are used at the same time, so that would make for some 200000 people.
01:27.29my007msno no
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01:27.51WIMPyWhere do you find that many people that didn't have telephone so far but all want one suddenly?
01:28.35my007msthe assumption 100% of the ppl use the line
01:28.56WIMPyA call center in the Arctic?
01:29.02carrargreat for cooling
01:29.07carrardatacenter in the artic!
01:29.10bougymannegative geothermal energy?
01:29.10WIMPyBut even call centers don't have 100%.
01:29.34bougymani know of lots of datacenters in iceland because of the cheap geothermal.
01:29.41WIMPyAnd Spambots are better located near wires.
01:29.42carrarIf you own the infrastructure you can make bank
01:29.46carrarstart laying cable
01:30.03bougymani guess the low cost outweighs the fact that the geothermal is because YOU'RE ON a VOLCANO
01:30.08carrarWhat city is this?
01:30.09bougymansorry for the caps, was apt.
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01:39.03coppicea data centre on a volcano sounds like a business plan from a superhero comic
01:50.01*** join/#asterisk Micc_ (
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01:51.06a1fahello... i have a call that keeps calling and hanging out on the line for 31 minutes with inactivity
01:51.24a1fashould i set absoulte time out in extension context ?
01:51.33a1fawhat is a best practice?
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01:53.51b14cka1fa, yah, just set an absolute timtout
01:53.57b14ckit's always a good idea to have one
01:54.06b14ckcan prevent some nasty bills in the worst case scenarios
01:54.13b14ckand there isn't really a downside
01:54.21a1fadoes the timeout change when context is changed?
01:57.15a1fai am also adding congestion()
01:57.22a1faand hangup on t event
01:57.28a1faany other events to cover?
01:58.42joobieManxPower, it's asterisk that manages the queue system
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02:00.16joobie[TK]D-Fender, do you know if i add a member to asterisk queue to dial an outside line, how it will work if the line is busy when it dials? also whilst it is dialling the outside line (in the progress of ringing), does the person in queue hear the ringing or does it only pass the call to the member once they answer?
02:01.49a1faso, does TIMEOUT(absolute) change when you change context?
02:02.09a1faor do you need to reset it for every context
02:02.37a1faand how do I tell waitextension()
02:02.55Slugs_joobie: if ur queue is full does it go to voicemail?
02:03.05a1fato wait for at least 3 digits
02:03.15a1fabefore checking to see whether or not the damn extension exists
02:03.23a1faits so easy to bruteforce the damn extensions
02:04.48ManxPowerjoobie, all calls out analog FXO ports are considered answered after dialing is done.  Use a PRI or SIP.
02:05.25ManxPowera1fa, the caller is in an IVR?
02:06.07ManxPowerjoobie, It should work the same as when dialing a SIP device.
02:06.14ManxPowerAssuming you are not using analog.
02:07.39Micc_joobie, you may want to require them to press a key to accept the call.
02:07.43joobieSlugs_, i havent setup anything about queue full afaik - so not sure
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02:08.15joobieManxPower, I would push the call out a SIP trunk, but it will be dialling a PSTN line
02:08.40Slugs_ManxPower: what's the default behaviour when a queue is full? for some reason it won't go to my vm box, it only does if nobody picks up if they are free.
02:08.47ManxPowerjoobie, What happens when you push calls to your CURRENT QUEUE AND DEVICES?
02:08.57Slugs_hopefully i'm explaining that right
02:09.08ManxPowerSlugs_, I would have to log into an asterisk box and do a "core show queue" to look it up.
02:09.11joobieManxPower, the caller sits in the queue until the member answers
02:09.19a1fai assume so
02:09.22a1faits a random number
02:09.27a1fasticks around for 31 minutes
02:09.30ManxPowerjoobie, does the caller hear ringing or MoH?
02:09.41Slugs_ManxPower: you wanna rtunnel?
02:10.01ManxPowerthen the caller should hear MoH when you send them to a PSTN number via anything except an FXO port.
02:10.09ManxPowerSlugs_, rtunnel?
02:10.10joobiekk thanks
02:10.15Slugs_reverse ssh
02:10.16xhelioxSlugs_: I don't think you should be propositioning ManxPower in that way.
02:10.31ManxPowera1fa, don't guess.  Find out.
02:10.46ManxPowerSlugs_, I was not offering free consulting.
02:11.08ManxPowerI was (apparently too subtly) suggesting you look it up for yourself.
02:11.36Slugs_ill keep at it
02:11.42ManxPowerSlugs_, Are you running FreePBX?
02:11.56Slugs_all cli
02:12.11ManxPowerSlugs_, the answer to your question is dirt simple.  Look up the queue app and FIND OUT what the default for when the queue is full is.
02:12.32ManxPowerI believe it is also set in queues.conf
02:12.45Slugs_hmmm i must be missing something
02:12.52Slugs_ill keep looking
02:13.34ManxPowerSlugs_, I assume queue exits and the call continues in the dialplan, but it would be pretty stupid for me to tell you that when you can look yourself.
02:15.22Slugs_exten => s,n,Voicemail(5924@stations,u)
02:15.47ManxPowerSlugs_, what that have to do with queues?
02:15.59Slugs_if users are 'busy' in queue, is there a diff flag to go to vm in dialplan
02:16.11Slugs_oh i thought it was in the dialplan
02:17.14ManxPoweryour question was about queues.  What does it do when when the queue is full.  It doesn't run the voicemail application, that is for sure.
02:17.18ChannelZthere's a different argument you can pass to VoiceMail if that's what you mean
02:18.00Slugs_ChannelZ: like if busy goto vm
02:18.14ManxPowerLook at the "n", option.
02:18.25Slugs_perfect ty
02:19.34ManxPowerChannelZ, it sounds like he's asking how to play the busy message when sending a call to voicemail.
02:19.52Slugs_ManxPower: sorry no
02:20.11ManxPowerAlso, define "busy" as it relates to queues.
02:20.28ManxPowerbusy = queue full?  busy = all agents are on the phone?
02:20.33Slugs_when the queue is full, and nobody picks up the phone after 20 sec it goes to voicemail box
02:20.41Slugs_busy = all agents on phone
02:20.55Slugs_so when it's 'busy' it does not go to vm box currently
02:21.00ManxPowerhow do you define "full"?  Do you specify the maximum number of callers allowed in the queue?
02:21.33ManxPowerWhich is it?  Full or busy?
02:21.48Slugs_oh wow good question....
02:22.27ManxPowerTo me "full" = cannot accept more callers and "busy" = all agents are on the phone, hang around in the queue until one is available.
02:23.11ManxPowerOf course then you also have to handle what to do when an agent just lets the call ring on their phone and not answer (walked away from desk).
02:23.47Slugs_it appears that if both people are on the phone, and a 3rd calls in and after 20 sec the caller get's a message saying "your call cannot be connected at this time".
02:24.16Slugs_yeah in that case it goes to vm fine after 20 sec's
02:25.13ManxPowerSlugs_, you mean, exits and the dialplan sends the call to voicemail, right?
02:26.02ManxPowerYou must be using some form of "it" with which I am unfamiliar
02:26.17ManxPowerin that sentence "it" parses to "queue"
02:26.37Slugs_;) it = the call
02:26.49ManxPowerno "it" is "dialplan"
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02:28.20Slugs_can i busy out a queue to test something?
02:34.28*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:36.20jamkois there a cli command to show the t.38 codec when it is in use?.. ie sip show channels (which does not show t.38)
02:38.15Micc_there are some t.38 debugging options
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02:39.17jamkoI can see it in the sip trace... but just wondering if there is a quick command to show it in use.
02:40.24Micc_sorry I was thinking about fax for asterisk commands like fax set t38cap
02:40.41Micc_I didn't realize it was specific to fax for asterisk till now.
02:41.28Micc_you would think sip show channels would show t38 channels too.
02:41.48jamkoyou would think.. but it keeps it as ulaw
02:41.50Micc_what about core show channels?
02:42.03Micc_thats weird.
02:42.22jamkounless of course I am not reading the sip trace correcty, but it seems clear that all parties accept the reinvite.
02:43.01jamkoand faxes are completing 99.99% of the time, from across the wan, through asterisk, and out to the provider, with NAT involved at some points.
02:43.26jamkoI just don't think ulaw could do that with such efficiency.
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02:44.04Micc_so there is still a .01% failure rate you figure?
02:44.17jamkoYea.. if the line is busy. lol
02:44.47Micc_oh, well thats a different problem. I'd be happy if I could get faxes to work 98% of the time.
02:44.59jamkoAnd why can'
02:45.07jamkowhy cant you?
02:45.30Micc_I have trouble with fax for asterisk. I think its the problem.
02:46.11jamkoAre using it for terminating and originating the fax, or just passing it through?
02:46.16Micc_I'm starting to believe its some of the worst commercial software available. If they made it open source maybe it wouldn't have so many incompatabilities.
02:46.25Micc_it seems like it has problems with some fax ma chines.
02:46.29jamkoSo you are terminating and originating it.
02:46.42Micc_terminating and originating.
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02:46.58Micc_we call it a hybrid fax.
02:47.02Micc_Its great in theory.
02:47.25Micc_We gave up on using a PRI for sending a receiving faxes.
02:47.39jamkoYea, I am just passing through the T.38... The one extra step doesn't do much for me, unless you are offering an efax solution as a service to people.
02:47.43Micc_We could not get fax for asterisk to be reliable enough even with a brand new PRI card.
02:47.55hariomI am trying out 1.8 beta 3 and installing it from SVN. When 1.8 final will be released how can I update my installation without downloading the entire thing from scratch?
02:48.22Micc_hariom, if there is a patch you can just apply the patch.
02:48.37Micc_hariom, oh svn. nevermind, you should be able to svn update then
02:49.12coppicejamko: if you get such high success rates, I assume you are sending between specific points in your tests. quirky FAX machines and quirky T.38 implementations mean 99% of all call is never achievable in a mixed environment
02:49.20Micc_jamko, I think we'll have to put our efax service on hold for a while.
02:49.45hariomMicc_: Once I do SVN Update or make update as suggested, will it be necessary to to make install etc once again?
02:49.54Micc_coppice, thats part of the problem we are seeing with faxing.
02:50.30Micc_hariom, I haven't done it myself, but I would assume you will need to run make install again.
02:51.00Micc_I have a spa2102 down stairs I need to go set it up and test it.
02:51.12hariomMicc_, in that case I will need to save my config files?
02:51.14coppiceFAX for asterisk is based on one of the most mature T.38 + audio platforms around, but I have weird logs from people that seem to indicate it has some funky bugs
02:51.21Micc_I'm going to try just t.38 pass through, but last time I tried it at a customer location, it failed.
02:51.34Micc_But I didn't spend a whole lot of time playing with it, maybe just 30 minutes.
02:51.44jamkocoppice, if you lock in a working configuration with a specific t.38 provider, and you have commerical grade T.38 atas hooked to your analog fax machines, you will get a very high success rate.
02:51.55Micc_hariom, no, make install shouldn't overwrite your config files.
02:52.07Micc_hariom, make samples I think will install sample config files.
02:52.37coppicejamko: what does commercial grade mean? for example a cisco more than 2 years old will give poor results
02:52.59jamkoCisco also makes linksys... Try mediatrix.
02:53.04Micc_jamko, I have found some fax machines won't even talk to some atas
02:53.15Micc_like grandstream has issues with some fax machines.
02:53.16coppicemediatrix has a very buggy T.38
02:53.27Micc_and even audiocodes I've noticed has some issues with some too.
02:54.16coppiceI can list some interesting issues with the audiocodes T.38 implementation
02:54.24jamkowell right now I am getting good results.  I have spent a lot of hours pursuing it though.
02:54.27Micc_I've tried 4 or 5 different ATA manufacturers. linksys seems to be the best so far.
02:54.47Micc_I had great results with an spa8000, so thats why I'm going to try the cheaper spa2102 now.
02:55.15JerJeri finally just got T.38 working myself
02:55.27JerJermalcolmd kicked me in the right direction
02:55.28jamkoNot to say there are not bugs, like this one I reported yesterday when asterisk gets the T.38 from a sip cluster:
02:55.29coppicethe linksys ATAs have serious issues with T.38. use a cable more than 5m or so between the FAX machine and the ATA. a 1m cable can give wacky results. it must be hyper-sensitive to be that quirky
02:55.40Micc_JerJer, what provider you using?
02:55.45titterMicc_: What were your problems with the faxes? I am running two fax servers off two PRI's and my receieve rate is around 98-99%
02:56.08JerJerheh my own
02:56.17jamkoT.38 rocks..
02:56.26jamko: )
02:56.40jamkoBut then again I am a real sicko.. soo
02:56.45JerJertitter:  having a PRI makes it very nice
02:57.04JerJera pure SIP play is a bit more unfriendly
02:57.07titterJerJer: I still have some problems with certain people saying the faxes do not go through
02:57.15titterJerJer: The rate is very acceptable however
02:57.25coppicetitter: with a closed user group you should get about 99.5% success rate with a decent FAX system
02:57.42Micc_titter, fax for asterisk? I had consistent failures from certain machines.
02:57.48jamkomediatrix has a very good echo cancellation.  Fax over analog is even buggy, so I would not blame T.38 entirely.
02:58.13jamkoI am pure sip, and have great success.
02:58.15hariomWhat is the SVN for * trunk 1.8 version. I should install trunk or branch?
02:58.47tittercoppice: It really depends, we are hammering the thing. We accept insurance applications in the 70-80 page range ... it works well. I am using the last branch of SpanDSP I could find, and 1.6 ... do you know if 1.8 has any improvments?
02:59.48Micc_titter, so your using the free app_fax that comes with asaterisk?
03:00.07coppiceI think the main improvements in * are with T.38 negotiation, which is a minefield. The very latest spandsp has some updates to deal with some "unusual" conditions, but most people won't notice the difference
03:00.11titterMicc_: Yes, app_fax and spandsp with digium cards
03:00.25Micc_I started using fax for asterisk early on, so I didn't give app_fax a good try because it didn't support T.38 when I was playing with it.
03:00.30jamkoSpanDSP is the goods. app_fax rocks... free t.38 negotiation for all.
03:00.38Micc_titter, yeah I think that could be better than fax for asterisk.
03:01.34Micc_do I need spandsp if I'm just going to use t.38?
03:01.39jamkoSo does anyone know a CLI command that will actually show T.38 in use?  similar to sip show channels?
03:01.41coppiceI was surprised to be contacted recently by 2 people moving from fax for asterisk to spandsp to improve their results. the commetrex engine in fax for asterisk should be a really good one
03:01.42titterMicc_: It works well, most errors are "Unexpected DCN while waiting for image data." or "Disconnected after permitted retries."
03:02.32titterI just setup a third server with a new provider that I hope helps resolve some issues. I believe it was my PRI carrier doing something funky on their side causing some issues every so often.
03:02.37jamkomicc - yes spandsp is what pulls it all together.
03:02.50Micc_I was hoping by paying for a couple licenses they would give me the support I needed to make it work perfectly.
03:03.04Micc_They gave me great support, but never could solve the problems.
03:03.22coppicepeople complain a lot to me about the support for fax for asterisk.
03:03.23hariomMicc, I am installing branch 1.8 from: ; Is it right?
03:03.44jamkospandsp, and 1.6, just watch out for reinvites from a sip cluster.  Make the ata initate the reinvite.
03:04.41Micc_hariom, I don't know, but that sounds like it should be good.
03:04.47jamkofax for asterisk is like the kiddy slide.. You move, but it's not the real thing.  The real deal is tough, kicks your ass, but in the end you get what you wanted.
03:04.48titterThe only problem I have had with it so far is sending more than one page ... but I haven't tried it in awhile. I actuall may mess with that tonight.
03:05.09Micc_hariom, did you check on ? it should say the branch URIs.
03:05.50jamkokind of like being locked inside of a switchvox.. let me out!
03:06.10titterjamko: at least it's not like being locked inside shoretel
03:06.13hariomIn download I found SVN link but it is not mentioned about branch uris
03:06.49Micc_hariom, your guess is as good as mine then.
03:06.50jamkolol ..omg
03:06.52*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~nate@
03:07.03Micc_I'm gonna go get my spa2102 and start playing with it.
03:07.18jamkoyeee hawww it's a party!
03:07.22Micc_I'm gonna setup spandsp and app_fax instead of fax for asterisk too.
03:07.31jamkoYou go!!!
03:07.44hariomAs the discussion is going on for fax and *, is there any good document to try it out?
03:08.05Micc_is the interface similar? I mean the dial plan status messages and stuff for app_fax compared to fax for asterisk?
03:08.11titterWhile we are talking about fax, anyone suggest a few e-mail scripts that are cli supported, or redundant?
03:08.22titterMicc_: fairly simmilar
03:08.30jamkouhhhhhh.. maybe the notes you take as you fail 100000 times, before success.
03:09.02jamkowhat linux distro are you on?
03:09.08Micc_jamko, I was gonna say there is a ton of documentation, but good, uhhh not so much.
03:09.26titterMicc_: core show application ReceiveFAX will give you the status codes
03:09.53titterMicc_: core show application SendFAX would be the other
03:10.05Micc_titter, email scripts that are cli supported? what do you mean?
03:10.29jamkothe voip-info wiki page has a good overall guide on getting spandsp installed etc.. but other than that, just turn on your tcpdump, and have at it.
03:11.29titterMicc_: Currently I am using a perl script to send the fax via e-mail based on the incoming DID ... however it is not redundant, meaning if it fails that is the end of it. This isn't an issue for most of my faxes as I have the Oracle DB scrape the faxes into its system for other data entry reasons ... but some faxes get e-mailed and I wuold like to make it a bit more safe
03:12.07titterMicc_: is the perl script I am using
03:15.55titterMicc_: just for giggles this is my dialplan for handling faxes
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03:17.20jamkodon't forget to make sure ports 4000-4999 flow freely for your end points.
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03:20.02Micc_titter, I use mux, but it doesn't solve your problem. If you have sendmail or qmail or some other mail server it can store it locally and queue it till it gets sent. I use a mail relay server so I don't have to manage that kind of thing.
03:20.21Micc_I use dyndns mailhop relay
03:20.27Micc_or mailhop outbound I think.
03:20.54Micc_But still if it fails then don't you have the fax on disk still?
03:21.29titterI tried sendmail but adding it to the dialplan was ok at best, didn't allow me to set certain items
03:21.34titterIf it fails it is on the disk
03:21.51titterSo I just need to be able to resend the e-mail and fax attachment
03:23.37Micc_oh, so you need to know if it fails from the dialplan or something.
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03:24.34Micc_Do you have a web portal for customers to see their faxes online? That was always the solution I thought of for the problem of undeliverable emails and email failures.
03:25.00titterYes, but some users want it e-mailed
03:25.15Micc_titter, I would just use a relay, let it handle the queing of the message.
03:25.27Micc_which they should get 99% of the time.
03:25.37titterThe problem with System() is it returns Success even though sendemail fails
03:26.07Micc_I'm not sure why your even failing sometimes. I haven't had a failure sending an email message ever, but I had a couple times it get stuck in spam before I started relaying through dyndns.
03:26.07WIMPyWhy would sendmail fail?
03:26.48Micc_right, if your just queing the message, sendmail or whatever your using shouldn't fail.
03:27.10titterMicc_: Haha it was a quirky issue ... once upon a time the public routing tables between our exchange server and the fax server refused to talk to each other it went down for two days until I had the ISP change the routiing tables
03:27.13Micc_Do you have intermittent internet connection?
03:27.32Micc_well that explains it.
03:28.00Micc_Then in that case you would write a quick script to query the database and resend all those emails between the times you know it was down.
03:28.12titterMicc_: Trust me, it was crazy ... all other alias IP's from both locations would work with each other, but just the mail server IP was failing. I assumed somewhere along the route it was blocked. The other time I had a hard drive fail and the server went down for a short period
03:28.20Micc_with a little overlap. some people might get an extra copy, but at least they'll get all of them.
03:29.02titterMicc_: Ya I am just trying to think of the best way to do it. There was a reason I didn't use sendmail, and I can't remember
03:29.36Micc_titter, I don't use sendmail because it was difficult to dynamically create the messages with the headers and attachments that I wanted on the fly.
03:29.59Micc_titter, now I use mux and create header files in /tmp
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03:30.10titterMicc_: That was basically the issue, and trying to use it with System() was just a pita ... so I found that perl script that works very nice, but isn't fauly tolerant
03:31.23Micc_titter, I use func_odbc to put the information into the DB then I call a shell script with TrySystem, one for failed, one for sent, one for received and one for failedin
03:31.49Micc_they create the email and lookup the accountcode to find the email address to use.
03:32.41Micc_then I have a php script that runs in a cron job every minute to look at the faxes in the db and see what work needs to be done.
03:32.54titterMicc_: Intersting. I was thinking of writing a small shell script that can read the output of sendemail and force it to retry until success. I didn't want to make the script very complex,but I guess once it is setup that is the end of it
03:33.23Micc_titter, that wouldn't have helped with the situation you explained though.
03:33.30Micc_You would have retried for 2 days.
03:33.43Micc_you won't want to keep asterisk waiting for a shell script for 2 days.
03:34.00Micc_Its best to handle the failure out of band.
03:34.28titterMicc_: True. Well System() should just execute the script ... and once it executes it should move on I was assuming
03:34.48Micc_just take note of the failure and try agian with a cron job or manually run a script to resend all the failures when you know there was a problem.
03:35.17WIMPyIt moves on when the script exits. But I still don't see the original issue.
03:35.22Micc_titter, your right, maybe it does. But still, you wouldn't want a bunch of shell scripts running for 2 days.
03:36.19WIMPyIf the mail can't be delivered, sendmail still wouldn't fail, but retry for some days. (I think two by default).
03:36.21Micc_WIMPy, the original issue was a misconfigured mail system somewhere outside of his control.
03:36.23titterWIMPy: I was not using sendmail rather a perl script due to exactly what Micc_ said, creating the messages with the headers and attachments that I needed on the fly was messy at best
03:36.52titterWIMPy: So I had an issue where I lost connection to the mail server for two days, and the e-mails were never retried
03:37.27WIMPyOk, so use a local sendmail (or whatever) and let it cope with such situations. That's what tey are designed for.
03:37.58Micc_titter, I would just log the failure and flag it in the DB with the fax data, then you can always run a script later to resend failed emails.
03:38.15Micc_I suspect it will be a rare occurrance though.
03:38.30titterWIMPy: Generating the e-mail to sendmail from a System() command didn't work well
03:39.03WIMPyYou can still use whatever script you like, just let it connect to a local sendmail.
03:39.04titterMicc_: I am going to mess with it now ... see what I can come up with
03:39.23titterWIMPy: Not a bad idea
03:39.54titterWIMPy: so send the e-mail through localhost via sendmail and have sendmail retry the queue I presume?
03:40.03Micc_yeah, thats a good idea, and if you really don't want to setup sendmail and manage it, at least use a relay.
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03:40.51titterI use Messagelabs as a relay for my Exchange setup ... but I think the local sendmail idea is much easier
03:40.58WIMPyWell, there isn't much to set up to just relay some mails. Maybe a relay host.
03:41.02Micc_titter, yeah you can still use your perl script, just point it to your localhost mail server or a relay.
03:41.38Micc_yeah, it should be too difficult to setup a simple relay sendmail server.
03:41.40titterYa sendmail is pretty much setup out of box in centos
03:41.53Micc_I have nightmares of files.
03:42.10titterwell any local mta would work
03:42.31titterSo lets see sendmail is kind of flakey ... never used qmail ... what else
03:42.54carrarsendmail is only as flackey as the person configuring it
03:42.55titterpostfix and exim
03:43.11WIMPyI prefer others for real mail, but just as a outbound mail queue I find sendmail the easiest.
03:43.17carrarYou don't edit btw
03:43.26carraryou use just a few lines of m4
03:43.34carrarand it creates the cf for you
03:43.34WIMPycarrar: YOU don't :-)
03:43.41carrarread the instructions
03:44.03carrarbeen using sendmail since the mid 90's
03:44.12carrarit's been solid
03:44.28Micc_carrar, me too, 1994, but I never learned the m4 configuratoin.
03:44.34WIMPySame for me, but I found the m4 stuff much more confusing than the .cf.
03:44.52carrarjust take time to learn it
03:45.13Micc_me too, plus the sendmail book was all about the cf syntax.
03:45.30WIMPyAnd in the next step replace your extensions.conf by extensions.ael :-)
03:45.36titterHmm in 1994 I was 8 years old... so sendmail is new to me :p
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03:45.55Alton35I still prefer the .cf but it seems like you gotta learn the .mc eventually.
03:46.32titterWIMPy: Thanks for pointing out the obvious, no clue why I didn't think of that
03:47.00WIMPy"Shit happens" ;-)
03:47.27WIMPyand to all of us that is.
03:47.34titterI think I was trying to overcomplicate things lol ... so I am going to use sendmail to relay the e-mail to my real mail server, so if the relay fails it will retry
03:48.34carrarholy cow, 29,446 viwes on the nasa perseid meteor shower stream
03:48.40carraractive viewers
03:49.32ChannelZthat's a lot of lazy fuckers who won't walk outside and look up
03:49.34titterheh, that is crazy ... I wonder how many people could go outside to just view it
03:49.44carraror can't cause of clouds
03:49.55titterThat is a valid excuse
03:50.02hariomIs it possible to store incoming recording into mp3?
03:50.05titterI bet 22,000 of them could just walk outside
03:50.08WIMPysimply forgot to go outside.
03:51.06titterAlright, time to mess with sendmail ... and then find new hold music to please our new acquisition ... bleh.
03:51.07*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
03:52.43ChannelZI'm not wearing pants so if I go out and look, people will see a streak of a different kind
03:53.34WIMPyChannelZ: Maybe an interesting expreriment to find out which one ppl are more interested in? *eg*
03:54.25ChannelZturns on his webcam
03:55.16ChannelZoh.. I almost forgot about Futurama tonight
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03:56.34titter[Aug 12 20:55:38] WARNING[2449]: chan_sip.c:17621 handle_response: Remote host can't match request NOTIFY to call '5976c9d6-e60fdea0-67d9e7b9@'. Giving up. -- This error is pissing me off.
03:56.43*** join/#asterisk ajm0716 (
03:57.17WIMPyMe too. Change the priority in the source.
03:57.58WIMPyActually, that's a good idea. Why didn't I before?
03:59.23titterWIMPy: Hmm, let me know how it goes\
03:59.39WIMPyIt's hidden. Can't find the whole string.
04:00.33titterWIMPy: Blarg.
04:00.56WIMPyThere are 4 of them.
04:01.36kfifeFucking european numbering plans.  That's all I'm goign to say!
04:01.39*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
04:01.58kfifeNo wait.  There's more:  Fuckign end users
04:02.42xhelioxFucking life..
04:03.01titterFucking Obama
04:03.07kfifeCan't connect--long-ass number in the wrong fucking country is in czechoslovakia, but is really a sweedish number with the CC46 omitted.
04:03.40kfifeGet some weird-ass recording resulting from dialing half-a-number in czechoslovakia--a red herring.
04:03.49kfifeFuck those fucking fuckers.
04:04.06kfifewhat a waste of precious hours of my life.
04:04.09kfifeI'm going to bed.
04:04.17kfifeThanks for listening to my rant.
04:04.51kfifeGod bless the north american numbering plan.
04:04.56WIMPyAt least we have country codes and not just continent codes :-)
04:05.31kfifeYES, even if it DOES include Canada but NOT mexico and also DOES include some islands.
04:05.35xhelioxkfife: Uh, no?
04:05.57kfifexheliox: ?
04:06.07xhelioxAt least in other countries they have the mobile prefixes so that you can safely implement a caller pays system.
04:06.25kfifeI'm sorry but Caller-pays sucks
04:06.33WIMPyThat's an important one, yes.
04:06.53kfifexheliox: we have that too:  It's called 900 numbers.
04:07.02xhelioxrolls his eyes
04:07.19xhelioxThe comparison is absurd.
04:07.30kfifexheliox: go on...
04:08.01WIMPyYou can't sensibly discuss telephony issues with americans.
04:08.42xheliox900 #'s are commercial entities, caller pays in terms of mobile calling is nothing of the sort. Why should I be obligated to pay for an unwanted phone call that comes to my mobile?
04:08.56xhelioxAnd even if I don't answer, I'll have to pay to check VM.
04:09.07kfifexheliox:  Here's my answer:
04:09.19hariomHas anybody used OpenBTS?
04:09.24xhelioxWIMPy: I'm an American. :P
04:09.59xhelioxSo it's more expensive, that's your argument?
04:10.01WIMPyxheliox: Exceptions ... :-)
04:10.16kfifexheliox:  You're right about the 900 system.  The comparison is not apt.
04:10.18xhelioxAnd you're paying too much for mobile calls to the UK.
04:11.06xhelioxYou think the mobile spectrum is limitless?
04:11.13kfifexheliox: Yes.  The point is that when you do not charge fees to OTHER THAN the party to which you have relationship, opportunism ensues.  Ever hear of
04:12.27kfifexheliox: Dave Ericsson's entire business model is predicated on a third party getting ass-raped by rural telcos
04:12.28xhelioxI haven't, but if the implication is that you're going to establish a conference call every time you want to make an off the cuff call to a UK mobile (or wherever), that's highly impractical.
04:13.41kfifexheliox: That's not it at all.  FreeConf... is a conference call company that carries 10% of ALL us conferencing.  Free to end users!  What could be better?
04:14.36ChannelZfree porn
04:14.59xhelioxsuspects the phrase 'you get what you pay for' is appliciable
04:15.06hariomOpenBTS anybody?
04:15.07kfifeThe pont is that it's opportunism.  There are other pricing models that foster a competitive atmosphere.
04:15.30WIMPyWhat did you say was the corelation?
04:16.12kfifeWIMPy: ?
04:16.37WIMPyMobile rates and conference calls?
04:17.02kfifeWIMPy: I encourage you to read the transcript
04:17.27kfifeWIMPy: ...when you do not charge fees to OTHER THAN the party to which you have relationship, opportunism ensues.  Ever hear of
04:17.43xhelioxlol - deflection, member of the tea party are we?
04:21.27Micc_kfife, I remember the fiasco.
04:21.54Micc_kfife, that reminds me of the LIDB dipping conversation we had earlier too.
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04:26.49kfifeIt's just opportunistic stuff.  You can't blame the companies for being opportunistic--it's like blaming a dog for barking.  BUT I DO think there are revenue models that tend to foster more efficiency.  I don't think caller-pays mobile is better for end users.  The wireless subscriber is in the best position to negotiate a competitive rate.  International wireless terminations happen at 10x the terrestrial rate.  Sure it's great
04:26.49kfifefor the guy with free inbound minutes, but net net everyone pays more for their communicaiton.
04:27.15kfife...under caller-pays that is.
04:28.30WIMPyThe subscriber can only chose one rate per subscription, while each caller can chose the carrier and thus the rate for each single call. So that's bullshit.
04:28.50kfifeand to guys like me in the US?  My minutes are so cheap I don't give a shit if I burn 10 or minutes a month on wrong nubmers
04:29.44coppicekfife: callers costing the receiving party money is a really screwed up idea. that's why I get telemarketing calls at 4AM while travelling to other continents
04:29.57hariomWhat needs to be done to get secure DTMF and Recording from *?
04:30.49WIMPyFortunaletly(?), paying per call (or minute) is a dying concept anyway.
04:31.26kfifeWIMPy: Speaking of bullshit, Tell me how many carriers you can choose from when you dial from your mobile.
04:33.03WIMPykfife: I refuse, as I don't want to get involved in dumb rethorics. Make you mind up. Is it about calling to mobiles or about calling from mobiles? Don't assume I don't knoow the difference.
04:33.09kfifecoppice: I'm in the US.  It's very a competitive wireless market.  My wireless minutes are so cheap that a non-issue.
04:33.36coppicekfife: when you are roaming to other countries?
04:34.13WIMPycoppice: He's probably on some technology, where he can't.
04:34.31coppicethe US market used to be competitive, and we used to envy it. these days it just looks messed up
04:34.42xhelioxAnd FWIW, it's hilarious to me that any American would have any nerve preaching about opportunistic capitalism.
04:34.53kfifecoppice: When I roam to other countries I buy a SIM in that country
04:36.20kfifexheliox: You think I'm preaching opportunism=bad?
04:36.50xhelioxSurvey -- anyone think differently?
04:36.57coppicewell, that keeps costs down, but its really clunky not being able to use your normal number. its not very practical for most people who need to be contacted while tracvelling
04:37.20kfifecoppice: You're exactly right about that.
04:38.31kfifexheliox: /surveymonkey.  I encourage you to read the transcript: ...You can't blame the companies for being opportunistic--it's like blaming a dog for barking.  BUT I DO think there are revenue models that tend to foster more efficiency.
04:39.41xhelioxOk. I'm really quite done.
04:40.55kfifexheliox: Me too.  Why can't I find a provider who will terminate to mobile at less than 10x the typical terrestrial rate.?
04:41.29xhelioxBecause you're presuming a fixed rate on the mobile side when there isn't one.
04:41.44xhelioxAgain, deflection, presumption.. tripe.
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04:42.34kfifexheliox: and you're actually truly trying to make the claim that 10x is somehow a good outocme?
04:43.01kfife...or preferential to the outcomes that ensue from other models?
04:43.59kfifexheliox: or said more properly--is an outcome favorable to the end user?
04:44.16kfifeNext topic: religion and politics!!
04:44.23kfifeI'm out of here!
04:44.53kfifeThanks for a lively discussion.  I'm in one of those ranting moods :-)  Could you tell?
04:45.01*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
04:46.26WIMPyBTW: Before the technology was availabe mobiled used tobe billes as landlines in the areay where they were used plus a air frequency fee.
04:47.06WIMPybad typing :-(
04:52.10ChannelZIn my day we'd yell into a can with a string tied to it
04:53.49[TK]D-FenderChannelZ: Yeah yeah... and the greatest threat to man was swooping pterodactyls :p
04:54.48radendoes anyone have like a number not in service recording
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04:56.09WIMPyOh, and BTW2: That was the time when you had to know which area a mobile was currently located in to be able to call it.
04:58.01ChannelZ(it's in the Pat Fleet sound set anyways)
04:58.19ChannelZsprinkle with Zapateller()
04:58.25[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
04:58.35titterAnyone have any recomendations for voice over talent?
04:59.54coppicedoes that mean speaking loud instead of thinking?
05:00.55ChannelZget George Lowe
05:00.58titterBasically ... I am sick of our employees recording awful messages
05:01.13titterCIO said go for it, so I fiugured I would ask in here first lol
05:01.37ChannelZAsterisk lady Allison is for hire
05:02.09titterYa, that would be interesting
05:03.26titterTime to dig into this new Polycom firmware ... yay for changing the cfgs -,-
05:04.41*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
05:05.38ChannelZdo you want chick prompts or man prompts?
05:06.10titterWon't be my call, I found and posted a job ... see what happens
05:06.27titterI have to run it by ops and let them make the scripts ... I am just the lonely i.t. guy
05:11.19ChannelZI should get one of the vo guys record something for me next time we do a spot.  I did our greeting :/ -- Chris rocks.
05:12.57coppicea Chris Rock voice over might be interesting
05:13.17xhelioxlol - No, no..  ;)  Chris Davies rocks.
05:13.30ChannelZGood morning!  Fuck you!
05:13.58xhelioxWhy are you calling us!? BITCH!
05:14.13ChannelZhumm.  I think we've used that guy for Dish Network
05:14.26ChannelZbut they all sound the same after awhile
05:15.04xhelioxHe's very popular, I hear him on the radio all the time doing ads for various local businesses
05:19.03*** join/#asterisk mpe (
05:19.33ChannelZyes I am almost positive this is the same guy
05:27.36*** join/#asterisk shamelessn00b (
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06:22.08Alton35guys, a question,
06:22.14Alton35sheesh, this is driving me nuts,
06:22.36Alton35I want to call out from within an AGI, which I know very well how to do during an existing call,
06:23.17Alton35but to create a new outbound call from Asterisk, I don't know how to do it without Asterisk doing the dialing and then connecting me with a given place in extension.conf
06:23.22ChannelZwell an AGI is only run during a call so... you want to use AMI
06:23.29ChannelZor use a call file
06:23.55Alton35but the call file seems to be the thing that makes the connection first, then connects me to a given place in extensions.conf or an agi
06:24.04Alton35whereas I want the agi to run the dial statement of course.
06:24.07Alton35so I can see the results.
06:24.56Alton35I keep wondering if the originate command will get me around this problem.
06:28.15ChannelZSo you want to pick up the phone, dial an extension, and then have an AGI call something different.
06:28.47Alton35yes, actually it's all launched in the background
06:28.56Alton35databases, that sort of thing
06:29.11ChannelZok but RE: an AGI can't run on its own
06:29.21Alton35so if I have to detect everything in the dialplan it's not elegant
06:29.28ChannelZSo you must use the Manager interface
06:29.40Alton35looking at that, it seems to do the same thing as a call file really
06:29.42titterIs moh still only supported at 8kHz in 1.6?
06:31.07ChannelZWell I don't know what is you want to do then that can't already be done.
06:31.49ChannelZMOH should be supported at whatever rate is appropriate for the codec it's encoded in
06:32.00Alton35basically dial out from within my agi, written PHP, which gives me all sorts of consistency and programmatic control.
06:32.18shamelessn00bhey can I get a good example on the externalIVR app?
06:35.47titterChannelZ: Thanks. I am guess same goes for all audio? So I were to have IVR's recorded I need to sample them at whatever rate the codec supports?
06:37.49ChannelZyes.  8khz/16-bit is a common denominator for converting to ulaw/alaw/gsm/etc.  Digital telephony has been 8khz 8-bit forever.
06:38.25ChannelZThe 'high bandwidth' codecs are rare but if you were using them you'd record at whatever rate and then encode them into that format
06:40.32titterAlright, will need to normalize and fix up these moh files then ... sound like poo if I use mpg123 and sox to convert
06:40.34ChannelZYou could certainly record at a higher samplerate for 'future-proofing' and just downsample to 8khz
06:41.05titterYa I am going to record these at a high quality, and work on down sampling at the best quality I can achieve
06:49.48*** join/#asterisk tris (
06:56.32WIMPytitter: It's the 4th occurance of the NOTIFY warning, BTW.
06:57.51titterWIMPy: You've been busy lol
06:58.19WIMPyYes, been reading about hacking cars.
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07:02.53titterI saw that article, looked interesting ... didn't take it much further
07:04.29ChannelZyes.. yes it is
07:05.19henki am trying to route calls coming from our cisco call manager to the context 'callman', but it's always routed to 'default'. my config and some cli output is on can anyone tell me what's wrong or why it happens like that?
07:06.20*** join/#asterisk mpe (~mpe@
07:11.27ChannelZeither that's not your sip.conf or you changed it and didn't reload it
07:14.50henkChannelZ: well, it's not my complete sip.conf, only the relevant part. i did reload it for sure, i just restarted asterisk even though i didn't even change anything in the last 14 hours... so i guess it should be loaded.
07:14.59henki'll paste the complete conf.
07:17.05ChannelZWell your problem is:  No matching peer for '42' from ''
07:17.32henkhm, but why? isn't the ip from the block in sip.conf supposed to match the ip?
07:18.19ChannelZnot for a 'friend'
07:19.54ChannelZif the type=peer for [callman] it will match by IP
07:20.38*** join/#asterisk m_c_le (
07:20.39henkuhm... man, this is confusing. i read this: and it sounded a lot like that's what type=friend does: behave as if there were two identical blocks, one for each user and peer, and route incoming AND outgoing calls to the named context...
07:22.46*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
07:22.59ChannelZthe information for 'type' is varied and confusing, it's very poorly documented IMHO.  It's not "can this device make or receive calls or both", it does affect how Asterisk matches calls to peers
07:24.15WIMPyI think I never fully understood it. Lots of confusing explanations. :-(
07:24.23*** join/#asterisk OlafsenM (~mark.olaf@
07:24.28OlafsenManyone here?
07:25.05ChannelZI don't really either.  Even The Book makes it out like it's for restricting the direction of calls but really doesn't explain the peer matching.
07:25.36ChannelZthe sip.conf.sample in 1.6+ at least is fairly straightforward
07:25.47ChannelZOlafsenM: I seen 210 people.
07:27.36*** join/#asterisk deonv (
07:27.38OlafsenM* q921.c: Don't be so noisy when D channel is down.
07:27.47OlafsenMthis is in ChangeLog of libpri
07:27.53OlafsenMi'm using
07:28.07OlafsenMand now it's printing
07:28.09OlafsenMchan_dahdi.c:4153 pri_find_dchan: No D-channels available! Using Primary channel 109 as D-channel anyway!
07:28.10OlafsenMall the time
07:28.17OlafsenMfor SPAN that's not even connected
07:28.30OlafsenMbefore upgrade this warning wasn't printed
07:28.38shamelessn00bOlafsenM: which cards are you using
07:28.39WIMPyThat's the reason.
07:28.42henkChannelZ: ah, think i found that section "Naming devices", right?
07:29.05shamelessn00bI had the same issue 3 days back
07:29.53WIMPyThe type of card shouldn't matter here. I have the same on bot a Digium and an el cheapo card.
07:29.56ChannelZhenk yes, and also in the "DEVICE CONFIGURATION" section which elaborates a little
07:30.18*** join/#asterisk gamedna (
07:30.42shamelessn00bI asked the other party to reset their equipment
07:30.53OlafsenMand? did it helpp?
07:31.02gamednaevening all.
07:31.21shamelessn00byou sure that the channel mapping is correct right
07:31.37OlafsenMi'll have to ask my colleague
07:31.44shamelessn00bin system.conf and wanpipeX.conf
07:31.56shamelessn00band chan_dahdi.conf
07:32.07shamelessn00bpastebin those files
07:32.10gamednahow much overhead is there when using SRTP vs RTP?   CPU and/or Bandwidth wise?
07:32.45ChannelZSo you don't get something for nuthing
07:33.55OlafsenMwhere's that?
07:34.25henkThe type=friend is a device type that accepts both incoming and outbound calls,
07:34.30henkThe type=peer also handles both incoming and outbound calls.
07:34.43henkfundamental change compared to 1.4, right?
07:34.47ChannelZencryption is always going to take extra CPU and there is overhead so yes more bandwith too
07:34.47shamelessn00bfriend is generally used for softphones
07:34.51shamelessn00band peer for trunks
07:35.18ChannelZIt has nothing to do with softphones
07:35.33shamelessn00bthats what I make out of it :P
07:36.02shamelessn00bdamn so srs
07:36.12OlafsenMshamelessn00b: i'm working on it
07:37.46OlafsenMshamelessn00b: u need all wanpipeX.cfg files?
07:37.49OlafsenMfor all spans?
07:37.54*** join/#asterisk hrhrhr (~c1@
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07:38.32ChannelZthe user/peer/friend really controls how Asterisk matches a call with a peer in the config.  The whole 'incoming' and 'outbound' calls is a bad (IMHO) way to try to explain that "a call from the outside world" might appear to come from different people, but from the same IP (your ITSP for instance) but that a local extension phone will (generally) always appear the same
07:40.04yidiyuehanHi, is that a way to announce the participants name in the conference instead of just counting the total number?
07:40.30shamelessn00bOlafsenM: no gimme any
07:40.42ChannelZSo in your case, you have a an incoming call "From: "Hendrik Jaeger" <sip:42@>  --  as type=friend, it's trying to find a peer named [42].  As type=peer, it's trying to find a peer with the host=
07:40.44shamelessn00bany one of them
07:40.56WIMPyyidiyuehan: Take a look at the options.
07:42.32yidiyuehanWIMPy, what I mean is: I want to know who are in the conference right now, maybe I call a number, it will announce all the parties name to me.
07:42.57yidiyuehanIt's available for CLI meetme list, but I am wondering whether I could convert it to voice.
07:43.15WIMPyyidiyuehan: So you want the names of all current partivipants for a new caller?
07:43.43yidiyuehanand I might even not joining the conference.
07:44.01WIMPyMust be possible somehow.
07:44.12WIMPyBut that's a self build.
07:44.17henkChannelZ: does the conf look better now? it's still not routed correctly :(
07:44.20OlafsenMshamelessn00b: chan_dahdi.conf
07:44.57yidiyuehanWIMPy, so it's not avaliable right now?
07:45.08OlafsenMshamelessn00b: wanpipe8.conf (SPAN is disconnected)
07:45.21yidiyuehanWIMPy, if not I need to use some text to speech to do that I guess.
07:45.24WIMPyyidiyuehan: Not as a finished solution, I know of.
07:45.34OlafsenMshamelessn00b: system.conf
07:45.43shamelessn00bOlafsenM: what does the output of wanrouter status show you
07:46.01WIMPyyidiyuehan: If you enable name recording and announcement, those sample must be available somewhere.
07:46.13ChannelZhenk, does "sip show peer callman" give you a list of crap?
07:47.04henkChannelZ: yes: i notice subsc.cont. is not set. is that normal?
07:47.17WIMPyOlafsenM: Didn't you say it was a span not even connected? In that case just don't configure it, either.
07:47.44yidiyuehanWIMPy, yes, that's true, what I want is to play the extension user name. For example, I call in as extension 601 and don't record any name for the conference. Upon monitoring 601 will be played.
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07:51.29OlafsenMshamelessn00b: status
07:52.32ChannelZhenk: yeah that's fine
07:52.58shamelessn00bOlafsenM: wanpipe4 and wanpipe8 dont have physical connectivity
07:53.11henkChannelZ: ok, too bad...
07:53.24shamelessn00bcheck the cable patching
07:54.09shamelessn00bsend me wanpipe1.conf and wanpipe4.conf
07:54.26ChannelZhenk: I'm not sure whats going on, you reloaded yes?
07:55.00*** join/#asterisk lyetz (~lyetz@
07:55.39henkChannelZ: yeah :-/
07:58.25OlafsenMshameless|away: wanpipe1.conf
07:59.17OlafsenMshameless|away: wanpipe1.conf
07:59.26OlafsenMshameless|away: wanpipe4.conf
08:01.18ChannelZhenk: humm.  I just setup an ip-based peer over here and it's working as expected (besides trying to send SIP replies back to the wrong IP, which is a different issue :)
08:01.38*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
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08:14.27ChannelZhenk: try setting "insecure=port,invite" for your callman peer
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08:15.55ChannelZ(insecure=port is actually probably what you're hitting)
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08:25.55ChannelZhenk: well I'm off to bed, but I'm 99% sure your problem is needing to set insecure=port -- Your Cisco thing's return port is a high random port number which is causing it not to match the peer because it matches by IP and port
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08:27.34radenwhats the dudes issue
08:28.36radengoing to sleep
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08:33.07gamednacan someone explain to me what phoneprov is supposed to be used for?
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08:40.08jrzwoohoo I'm free  from asteriks.. freeswitch + fusionpbx roooooooooox
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08:42.39shameless|awayOlafsenM: there?
08:43.26deathwing00does anyone have an iso for asterisk now with zaptel instead of dahdi?
08:43.40hrhrhrthe latest distro has the option for both
08:44.36deathwing00what option in the boot?
08:45.23deathwing00ad do you have an iso of asterisk 1.5
08:45.36deathwing00it cannot be downloaded any more :(
08:45.54hrhrhr1.4 / 1.6 zaptel and dahdi
08:46.03hrhrhrversion 1.70 of ak
08:46.08gamednaare there any tools that let you test T.38 fax on asterisk?
08:49.27deathwing00hrhrhr: in the grub menu I do not see any option when booting the cd
08:49.40deathwing00hrhrhr: there is an option without freepbx
08:49.43deathwing00but that is all
08:57.27henkChannelZ: wow, thanks a lot :) you were right, setting insecure=port fixed it!
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09:02.55tzafrirdeathwing00, what do you need it for?
09:03.07tzafrirWhy not just build Asterisk yourself?
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09:31.39deathwing00how do I remove dahdi and put in zaptel?
09:31.43deathwing00there's nothing in the repos
09:31.48deathwing00[Aug 13 11:31:12] WARNING[3257] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
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09:35.11m_c_lewhy dont you use DIAL(DAHDI....
09:35.34Faustovdeathwing00: rename all Zap/... to Dahdi/...
09:35.44deathwing00and then?
09:36.11Faustovand then fire ze missiles?
09:36.53m_c_leDial(DAHDI/g1/${EXTEN}) for example
09:38.55deathwing00let's see
09:39.02deathwing00extensions.conf: span_1 = Zap/g1
09:39.02deathwing00extensions.conf: exten => 888,1,Dial(Zap/32,10,Ttm)
09:39.02deathwing00extensions.conf: exten => 887,1,Dial(Zap/33,10,Ttm)
09:39.02deathwing00extensions.conf: exten => s,1,Dial(Zap/32,10)
09:39.02deathwing00extensions.conf: exten => 1234,2,Dial(Zap/11/${EXTEN},15)
09:39.09deathwing00what do I do with that ^^^
09:39.20deathwing00I have a working zap configuration in a dahdi machine
09:43.08Jasnejachas anyone any experience with voicemail contexts?  I'm sure I'm missing something simple but things will only ever work if I put all the mailboxes in the default context
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09:45.48SiNGLerJasnejac: use context name in Voicemail() app
09:46.37JasnejacI have, it doesn't seem to work.  There has to be something I haven't set
09:47.22fors1in voicemail, is there a possibility for a user to easily delete all old messages? Takes a lot of time to delete one by one.
09:47.39fors1Or if it is possible to automatically delete message in spool after it has been sent by email
09:50.21*** join/#asterisk Bloudermilk (
09:50.58BloudermilkAnyone know if there's a torrent available for the latest AsteriskNOW?
09:51.08BloudermilkThe ISO is downloading painfully slow over http
09:52.58*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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09:57.30doolittleworkhi there all
10:00.04doolittleworkI have a question regarding the MYSQL application, i got it working in regards to adding data to the database, after connect and query the database i add the data, and clear the result id but i see the result id increments, should it not reset to 1, is this something to be concerned about
10:00.25doolittleworkthis is what i mean ---.>
10:02.51SiNGLerdoolittlework: probably your mysql column id is set to autoincrement, nothing to worry
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10:07.25doolittleworkThx SiNGLer
10:10.50hrhrhrdo asterisk provide uk voices yet
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10:12.42Chainsawhrhrhr: No, Digium do not provide that out of the box. We had someone record them for us.
10:13.14Chainsawhrhrhr: There is word of jkroon having english announcer voices with a south-african accent. I might ask for those. I find that accent quite pleasant as well.
10:15.24hrhrhri used uk voices in the past but had to pay for them
10:15.33hrhrhri guess that's the only way to go?
10:15.53hrhrhrno one takes a pbx seriously with 'wrong' voices
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10:17.21JasnejacI want pirate voices, that'd be fun :D
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10:21.55michael-ihrhrhr: did you check out these?
10:22.23hrhrhri didn't but i will
10:22.26hrhrhrcheers :D
10:22.37michael-ino problem. I've been using them for a few years now
10:22.42hrhrhri'm sure 'alison' was one of the voices i used before
10:23.37*** join/#asterisk m0t3jl (~petr.mote@
10:23.42m0t3jlHello everybody!
10:23.50m0t3jlSiNGLer, remember me from yesterday? ;)
10:24.53SiNGLerhi, yes, I do
10:26.52m0t3jlSiNGLer, apparently it is possible to have our HTS lines converted to EuroISDN, so I will probably be using some ISDN card and FXS card.
10:27.39m0t3jlSiNGLer, is there any trouble I should be concerned about using two cards like that in one PC?
10:30.52SiNGLeryou should make sure, that where will be enough space for cards :) about more technical stuff you should try to talk to sangoma support. I didn't use they analog card (as I mentioned you yesterday), but it should work, because other cards work without problems (ex BRI and PRI). They can be reached at #sangoma, but note that they are Canadians, and now it is night where :)
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10:48.48tuxx-hey guys, whats the best way to send a sip notify from an agi script? Were looking at the agiphp object, but every exec involves an application, and sip notify is a cli command, not an application. We tried to do this with AMI, but this is far too slow.
10:49.37tuxx-hm, found a post on the internet saying its not possible, maybe anyone have some other good idea? :P
10:50.26m0t3jlSiNGLer, so you just connect BRI lines to your Asterisk and everything in offices are VoIP phones, correct?
10:52.59SiNGLernot everywhere. Usually analog phones are connected via Audiocodes analog-SIP gw, because it is cheaper.
10:55.01hrhrhrm0t3jl: digium used to recommend only one interface card per computer
10:55.05hrhrhrnot entirely sure why
10:55.48hrhrhrthere may be a valid reason or it might be the old 'omgz irq conflicts' argument
10:56.05hrhrhrhowever, i used a b410p and it was an excellent card
10:56.31hrhrhrevery analogue card i tried was crap in comparison
10:56.55hrhrhrfrom x100p to whatever the top of the range echo cancellation fxo card from digium was at the time
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10:57.02hrhrhrperhaps i didn't have it setup well enough
10:57.26hrhrhreither way, i wont ever setup pstn on asterisk again
10:57.48hrhrhri notice you mentioned fxs tho, so this might all be useless info :P
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11:01.06m0t3jlhrhrhr, I'm going to use ISDN lines, not PSTN ;)
11:01.40m0t3jlSiNGLer, which gateway exactly is that?
11:05.36hrhrhrm0t3jl: i can recommend the b410p then :D but no doubt there are cheaper cards/equally good performing cards out there
11:06.56m0t3jlhrhrhr, I don't think I need EC, though ;)
11:07.48m0t3jlSiNGLer, remember how you told me about that Y bracket I can buy for the A500?
11:08.20SiNGLerY cable is included with card
11:08.31m0t3jlSiNGLer, automatically?
11:08.53SiNGLerdunno, maybe manually :P
11:09.16m0t3jl2 m 8-pin RJ45 port splitter cables included.
11:09.30m0t3jlSiNGLer, that's it, isn't it?
11:09.37SiNGLeryes, it is it
11:10.00m0t3jlSiNGLer, and that's for all the 6 lines?
11:11.06SiNGLerone cable is for one socket (2 lines). I don't remember if 3 cables are included, but because we have unused some, I guess 3 cables are inculded
11:11.44m0t3jlSiNGLer, we'll see ;) I was trying to find them on, but I was unlucky...
11:11.50SiNGLerplease note, that in your description plural form of "cable" is used
11:12.05SiNGLerso probably more than one :)
11:12.06m0t3jlSiNGLer, I missed that ;)
11:12.33m0t3jlSiNGLer, do you know whether they ship them with Remoras as well?
11:13.39SiNGLerremoras should be ordered separatly
11:15.12SiNGLerand don't forget about backplate (I don't remember if it is included with remora)
11:16.48m0t3jlSiNGLer, they have it in the picture, so I'd presume the backplate is included...
11:20.41SiNGLerI'd check if I were you :) but I guess it may be included, because on analog card you can connect only one remora
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11:43.19EmleyMoorHave any of you any advice on a good way to connect a mobile handset to an Asterisk setup, with varying STUN requirements (some need it, some need *not* to have it) short of bouncing it off
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11:47.23deathwing00Running dahdi_cfg:  DAHDI_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22)
11:57.57drmessanoEmleyMoor:  Why would you need that if you're running Asterisk?
11:59.11drmessanoEmleyMoor:  Any remote SIP device should connect to a properly configured Asterisk with a problem
12:00.41*** join/#asterisk qvsqvs (~anonymous@
12:01.02EmleyMoordrmessano: From experience, I can tell you I end up in awkward situations where the phone won't ring if I haven't done SIP appropriately
12:01.30EmleyMoorThe problem is, "appropriately" varies
12:01.46drmessanoEmleyMoor:  No it doesn't
12:02.10EmleyMoorOK, what is invariable and appropriateL
12:03.13drmessanoEmleyMoor:  The settings in Asterisk's SIP config that affect external communications, especially behind a NAT, are invariable.  Configure the box properly and it will work.. Period
12:03.17EmleyMoorI find some places I visit need STUN over WiFi, others need STUN *not* to be enabled
12:03.41*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
12:03.41EmleyMoorI have tried everything I can find
12:03.42drmessanoIf you understood the issues, you would understand how completely invariable the settings are..
12:04.42*** join/#asterisk {Repelex} (~{Repelex}
12:05.20EmleyMoordecides to re-examine the settings very closely
12:05.28*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:05.29{Repelex}hi... the asterisk and java have a good integration ?
12:05.43drmessanoEmleyMoor:  With SIP in Asterisk you are account for (1) Basic firewall ports, which are solved with opening ports (2)  Asterisk invites when the Asterisk box is NAT'ed, which are solved with externhost/externip, canreinvite, and NAT= and (3) Internal clients, which is solved with localnet= that overrides the NAT settings for internal users
12:05.45drmessanoThat is is
12:05.58infobotsipnat is probably Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
12:06.02drmessano^^^^^ EmleyMoor
12:06.29drmessanoIt's not rocket science, and it's something many, many, many have set up successfully
12:07.29EmleyMoorMy server is not behind NAT but my client sometimes is
12:07.44drmessanoEmleyMoor:  Doesn't matter
12:09.30drmessanoEmleyMoor:  The firewall on the remote end should track the connection through the NAT and Asterisk could care less.. the NAT config in Asterisk is entirely how ASTERISK handles remote connections and needs NO predetermined network information on those remote clients
12:09.44EmleyMoorhas found one discrepancy and will see how it works
12:12.19*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
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12:18.42EmleyMoorHmmm... not ringing
12:19.50drmessanoDo you have ports open in your box?
12:21.35EmleyMoorI haven't opened any specifically but have no reason to suspect they aren't open. I get two-way audio when calling from the device
12:21.49*** join/#asterisk rossand (
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12:24.02drmessanoHave you looked at the CLI to see why the call is failing?
12:25.11EmleyMoorYes, but it's not a specific enough Dial - will write one that is and try again
12:25.43*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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12:28.06EmleyMoorIt takes a long time to start ringing...
12:29.14EmleyMoor7 rings of my Zap phone before it responds - any way to speed it up? If not, I can probably live with it
12:30.53EmleyMoorHmmm... can't make it go over 3G at the moment either (phone's fault)
12:32.19EmleyMoorNow it is, but no response showing on CLI when I try to make a call
12:33.08EmleyMoor... and no route when I try to call it
12:35.26drmessanoEmleyMoor:  Doesn't sound to me like using a 3rd party or STUN will fix your issue here.. you can't even get a call OUT.. which sounds like dialplan
12:35.33*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
12:35.42EmleyMoorDialplan is not being "hit"
12:35.44*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
12:36.57EmleyMoorI try to make a call and the CLI shows NOTHING - not even attempting to do anything
12:38.56deathwing00ok, I brought the card to work with dahdi
12:39.11deathwing00now I get this error message which is the same I was getting with ZAP:
12:39.12deathwing00[Aug 13 14:30:02] WARNING[4872] app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'Dahdi' (cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion)
12:39.20deathwing00does anyone know what that could mean?
12:39.23deathwing00primary down maybe?
12:43.11*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
12:43.19EmleyMoorApart frm the slow starting to ring, it seems fine on my home WiFi.
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12:47.06EmleyMoorAs for 3G, I can't persuade it to use that right now
12:51.34[TK]D-FenderDeathvalley122: Could mean several things.  Show us the call and your confis
12:51.37infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
12:52.32drmessanoEmleyMoor:  What does your WiFi and 3G have to do with Asterisk and this OUTBOUND call?
12:53.10drmessanoEmleyMoor:  If your call isn't showing up in the CLI, it's not making it to Asterisk
12:54.48EmleyMoorIt fails to make it through ONLY on 3G
12:55.05bougymanEmleyMoor: your 3g provider may be blocking.
12:55.19*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
12:55.22bougymanmany do.
12:56.36EmleyMoorThey're not
12:56.44EmleyMoor(I pay extra for them not to)
12:56.57bougymandoes tcpdump show the packets arriving at the asterisk box?
12:57.07bougymanor ngrep or whatever you like to sniff with?
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13:00.31drmessano[08:54] <EmleyMoor> It fails to make it through ONLY on 3G <-- Wow, valuable detail you should have mentioned an hour ago.. Call your provider.. Not an asterisk issue
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13:18.40tompawI am trying to run an a2b installation on the latest * build. When I exceed ~130 concurrent calls, Asterisk is going nuts and I'm seeing loads of "utils.c: write() returned error: Broken pipe" errors in its log. No other errors (agi / mysql / php) are reported. Any ideas what could be causing the issue?
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13:41.48[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Broken Pipe is almost exclusively an AGI/AMI problem
13:42.36[TK]D-Fendertompaw: Yuo need to look in CLI to see precisely where they are happening
13:43.49bougymantompaw: i've seen that a lot with mixmonitor
13:43.51bougymanare you recording?
13:45.00bougymantompaw: are you using munin or any other external scripts that talk to the asterisk?
13:46.56bougymangoogle shows a bunch of the agi's which are known to exhibit this behavior
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13:53.51hrhrhrexten => _9|.  <--- would that match all calls prefixed with a 9?
13:53.53hrhrhrit looks wrong
13:54.34WIMPyit would match anything starting with "9|".
13:55.03wcselbyhrhrhr - are you talking in freepbx?
13:55.09hrhrhrexten => _9.,2,Dial(IAX2/blah  <--- job done?
13:55.19hrhrhrwcselby: i am in there too, yeh
13:55.39wcselbythat's almost the syntax for freepbx
13:56.00*** part/#asterisk deonv (
13:56.11hrhrhri think that's where i got it from, the gui
13:56.19hrhrhrhowever, this box is non fpbx
13:56.26hrhrhrand i need to direct some calls to another box
13:56.27*** join/#asterisk moy (
13:56.37wcselbybut in an * flat config file, you'd want something like "exten => _9.,n,Dial(${TECH}/${EXTEN:1},${TIMEOUT})
13:56.49hrhrhrok cheers
13:57.17wcselbythe :1 added to ${EXTEN} makes it strip off the 9 when dialing
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14:10.36EmleyMoorSorry about that, lunch time came
14:14.15EmleyMoorPackets are being both sent and received involving the 3G-connected client, but asterisk is not responding, nor can it send a call to the phone - says no route
14:15.03*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
14:18.12EmleyMoordoes some more settings checking
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14:28.30hariomHi, how to get recordings in mp3 format instead of wav or gsm or anything else?
14:29.07jamkoTOPAW: Most systems limit the number of file descriptors that Asterisk can
14:29.07jamkohave open at one time.  This can limit the number of simultaneous
14:29.07jamkocalls that your system can handle.  For example, if the limit is set
14:29.07jamkoat 1024 (a common default value) Asterisk can handle approximately 150
14:29.08jamkoSIP calls simultaneously.
14:29.50jamkoIf your system uses PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) edit
14:29.50jamkoroot            soft    nofile          4096
14:29.50jamkoroot            hard    nofile          8196
14:29.50jamkoasterisk        soft    nofile          4096
14:29.50jamkoasterisk        hard    nofile          8196
14:29.51jamko(adjust the numbers to taste).  You may need to reboot the system for
14:29.51jamkothese changes to take effect.
14:30.12WIMPyjamko: Stop flooding the channel.
14:30.20infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:30.25jamkowimpy: just trying to help.
14:31.11EmleyMoorI can now make calls from the mobile device over 3G - but cannot call to it - Asterink says there is no route
14:31.41fenrushow is the mobile device connected to the asterisk ?
14:32.38EmleyMoorfenrus: As a SIP client
14:32.52*** join/#asterisk DeonV (
14:33.06fenrusEmleyMoor, is there routing to and from the correct contexts ?
14:33.11fenrusand the extension
14:33.50EmleyMoorfenrus: Yes. Same device over same account works fine (apart from slow starting to ring) over WiFi
14:34.26hariomanyway to record in mp3 format?
14:34.51fenrusEmleyMoor, all right, is your 3g-connection somehow NAT'ed by the ISP ?
14:35.04WIMPyhariom: Not out of the box.
14:35.08EmleyMoorfenrus: Maybe.
14:35.09fenrus(some isp/telcos's do this to "save" public ip-addresses)
14:35.41hariomThen how can I convert with 16 bit 8Khz?
14:35.42EmleyMoor(no NAT needed for from it, if that helps)
14:36.14WIMPyhariom: What do you want to convert?
14:36.33*** join/#asterisk d00gster (~dt@
14:36.43harioman in coming customer request to mp3
14:36.51hariomgsm to mp3
14:37.04hariomI guess that can keep good quality
14:37.26WIMPyhariom: use a converter like sox after the file has been recorded.
14:38.02hariomsox or lame?
14:38.28WIMPyI don't think lame will read gsm.
14:40.05EmleyMoorStill no cood even with a STUN server in the loop
14:40.11EmleyMoorno good*
14:40.16hariomWIMPy, do you think wav to mp3 will be much better than gsm to mp3?
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14:41.05WIMPyhariom: Don't know how much, but it will be better, yes.
14:42.21fenrusEmleyMoor, enable some debugging and pastebin the results
14:42.36EmleyMoorfenrus: How much debugging?
14:43.04fenrusEmleyMoor, begin with some, and then increace if you cant see anything interesting
14:46.50[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor: STUN has absolutely nothing to do with the packets getting to * in the first place
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14:49.30EmleyMoor[TK]D-Fender: Thank you... that confirms I needn't mess with that
14:50.02EmleyMoorProving hard to even register with debug on - nothing useful yet
14:51.09*** join/#asterisk eliel (~eliels@
14:53.15EmleyMoorOther than lots of messages about destroying dialogs, nothing is coming up even with debug at 5
14:53.27[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor: SIP DEBUG
14:53.44[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor: Everything else is meaningless bullshit
14:54.38KattyQwell: ping.
14:57.07a_nonamissI'd be greatly appreciative if someone could give me a hand with this SIP trunk I've been trying to get up for a couple days. I've had a trunk up using Trixbox for over 2 years to this provider, but I'm trying to bring one up on Elastix and have thus far been able to get it working only for outbound calls.
14:57.29a_nonamissI'm so close I can taste it. I can't figure out what I'm missing.
14:57.51*** join/#asterisk SuperBock (
14:58.00SuperBockHello all
14:58.30a_nonamissWhen I dial the number associated with this trunk, (running a sip debug on the peer) I see the call come in to my elastix box
14:58.51SuperBockDoes anyone here now if there's any situation with Asterisk queues (1.4), where a caller position (that is announced) may increase?
14:58.55a_nonamissbut it's returning "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized"
14:59.06*** join/#asterisk desiac (
14:59.18EmleyMoor[TK]D-Fender: There's too much, going too fast. Any way to "catch" it?
14:59.32a_nonamissI've checked all the settings and tried to match the one that's working, but I'm missing something.
14:59.47KattyEmleyMoor: log files.
15:00.08EmleyMoorBasically it boils down to it's reaching maximum retries
15:00.47ruyoEmleyMoor, you can add "verbose" to "messages" in logger.conf, that way it goes to /var/log/asterisk/messages
15:01.13[TK]D-FenderEmleyMoor: Thats why God invented scroll-back buffers.
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15:02.07telnettechanybody have experience configuring an Edgemarc 4300T?
15:02.37EmleyMoor[TK]D-Fender: Perhaps I should have added the word "far" a couple of times
15:04.30a_nonamissSo any thoughts on where I could possibly start to look at why my box is rejecting the incoming call?
15:04.55a_nonamissIf I switch the trunk back to the old box, it accepts the call no problem.
15:05.12EmleyMoorI have found a log with it in... will trim and pb
15:06.15a_nonamissBoth boxes are NATted behind their own public IP addresses.
15:06.26a_nonamissPeer setups are identical
15:06.38a_nonamissTrixbox is running Asterisk 1.4, Elastix is runnign 1.6
15:12.35jamkoa_nonamiss:  type=peer host=ip.address.of.terminating.peer
15:13.32a_nonamissOops sorry
15:14.15jamkoget rid of username
15:14.32[TK]D-Fender[11:13]<a_nonamiss>externip=xx.xx.xx.245 <- this is NOT a peer options
15:14.38jamkoand add permit=ip.address
15:15.00[TK]D-FenderAlso NO need for "permit".  that is ridiculous
15:15.06a_nonamisspermit = IP address of the SIP provider?
15:15.18[TK]D-Fenderdo not add at all
15:15.36jamkoyou certainly do if you use deny=
15:15.43[TK]D-Fender[11:13]<a_nonamiss>insecure=very <- should be "insecure=port,invite"
15:16.05[TK]D-FenderJamAnd where do you SEE a "deny"?  Not that he should even HAVE one.
15:16.40jamkoI don't but it's how my peers are setup, and they work fine.
15:18.07[TK]D-Fenderjamko: That is no basis of comparison or debugging.
15:18.42[TK]D-Fenderjamko: My car has a radiator problem.  Maybe you shold change yours.  That might fix your windshield wiper problem....
15:19.01[TK]D-Fendera_nonamiss: And go enable SIP DEBUG and actually LOOK at the call <-
15:19.20a_nonamissI've enabled sip set debug peer <peer>
15:19.24[TK]D-Fendera_nonamiss: and FFS, PASTEBIN next time :)
15:19.30infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:19.31a_nonamissYeah, sorry. :)
15:19.55jamkoI was not done with what I was going to suggest he add.  If I had completed before you jumped in, the deny would have made sense.
15:20.22a_nonamissI removed the username. It didn't fix it, but didn't hurt the working outgoing calls, either.
15:21.01a_nonamissremoved exnernip, too. Added in sip_nat_custom instead of peer.
15:21.14a_nonamissActually, it was already there, so it was just superfluous.
15:21.49a_nonamissAgain, I started by just copying one that's worked for over 2 years from an old trixbox that I didn't set up, so there might be other things in there.
15:22.33[TK]D-Fendera_nonamiss: I'm getting a lot of "story", and not a lot of "show"
15:23.26*** join/#asterisk Firass-z0r (
15:23.38a_nonamissLet me knwo what you need. I appreciate the help/
15:23.50jamkoa_nonamiss...stand by... I had this issue once before..Let me chck the kbase... It might be a good "guess" since I am not looking at your debug.
15:24.12infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:26.42EmleyMoorDamn, this is hard!
15:29.53[TK]D-Fendera_nonamiss: pastebin your [citynet] entries DIRECT from sip.conf (or whatever INCLUDED file they are in)
15:30.06[TK]D-Fendera_nonamiss: mask ONLY passwords
15:31.32jamkoa_nonamiss:  try adding the "fromuser=ip.address.of.peer"
15:32.27a_nonamisswill fromuser=FQDN of peer work the same?
15:33.16jamkoaslong as the FQDN resolves correctly.. Not sure if there would be a reverse lookup, which would mean you need a ptr record with your isp.
15:33.39[TK]D-Fendera_nonamiss: I did not say "from the GUI".  go to your CONFIG FILES and pastebin the ENTIRE section.
15:33.55[TK]D-Fendera_nonamiss: verify if there is a peer & a user entry
15:36.25a_nonamissI updated the last pastebin with the relavent entries from sip_additioanl.conf
15:37.01a_nonamissor not
15:37.05jamkoa_nonamiss the fromuser=ip.address should be on the peer sending the call.
15:37.53[TK]D-Fenderfromuser= <- this should be your USERNAME, not an IP ADDRESS
15:38.10a_nonamissAh. OK.
15:38.56jamkoFender is correct.. I was thinking of a setup WITHOT the use of username=
15:39.16a_nonamissUpdated, still no love.
15:39.55[TK]D-Fendera_nonamiss: and your peer should be "nat=no"
15:40.24jamkoalso make sure no usernames match device names.
15:41.22*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
15:41.24jamkoI would get rid of the username= field all together. Base your auth on peer name, and host ip addresses.
15:42.06jamkonm --- you already did that.
15:42.16a_nonamissYeah, username is gone. No affect.
15:42.50jamkoyou don't need secret, if you use host= permit= and deny= parameters.
15:43.58a_nonamissdeny=all, permit=ip.address.of.provider?
15:44.46timholumdoes anyone know of a tutorial on how to set up phone's to user login's, I would like it so any of my technitions sit down to a phone, dial a number, type in there password and then there extention goes to that phone. I know it is possible but i dont know where to start without writting a bunch of agi scripts
15:45.00jamkodeny= host= and permit= would be the ip address of the connecting peer to that box.
15:45.14jamkoand then get rid of secret
15:46.38a_nonamissMeh... that broke my outbound.
15:46.58jamkowhat is the error
15:48.27*** join/#asterisk clintc (
15:48.55EmleyMoorHow does Asterisk determine whether a SIP peer is reachable? Is there a way to make it assume it isL
15:48.59jamkoa_nonamiss === get rid of type=user
15:49.07jamkochange to type=peer
15:49.16jamkothen you don't need secret
15:49.25hrhrhrqualify=yes i believe
15:52.42jamkoif a sip peer is defined as type=peer, asterisk doesn't care much if it is reachable.  You can set qualify=yes to monitor if it is online for your own concerns though.
15:53.04a_nonamissFor the trunk, when I remove the secret, outbound calls stop working.
15:53.16a_nonamissWhen I put it back in, they are going out fine.
15:53.45a_nonamisstype=user is only in the incoming settings, user context it from-trunk
15:55.33EmleyMoorqualify=no makes it work but I'd prefer to make qualify work
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15:59.15JerJerqualify just adds extra bandwidth / resource usage with very little benefit, imho
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16:00.55jamkoa_nonamiss: sorry i misread your original post.  I assume your provider does not care what your ip address is, and they are authenticating you with user name and password?
16:01.13a_nonamissYes, that is correct.
16:01.31a_nonamissI've used another provider that authenticated on IP address. Much easier to set up.
16:01.42a_nonamissBut my home office vetoed us using them. :-/
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16:05.15EmleyMoorJerJer: Hmmm... fair enough - anyway, I will see how it perform
16:08.03Alton35Fender, you look to be around, let me ask you....  How to originate a call, say with a .call file, and detect BUSY, NOANSWER, and that sort of thing.
16:08.18Alton35I'm under the impression that we only get control in extensions.conf after the call is actually answered.
16:08.45*** join/#asterisk connorm (
16:09.12JerJerAlton35:  after the Channel:  XXX  gets answered
16:09.27connormanybody here willing to help me troubleshoot meetme?
16:09.37JerJerconnorm:  if you ask a specific question
16:10.11connormwell I don't really have a specific question. it's not working
16:10.40Alton35JerJer, not sure I understand yet.  I do know I need to Answer(), just not sure where to look for failure, DIALSTATUS, that sort of thing....
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16:11.17jamkoa_nonamiss: drop the fromuser then, as long as they are not asking for an ip address.  Do they specify both a username and a password for you, or just a password?
16:13.16Alton35I'd prefer to dial from within an AGI as I do when I bridge a call, but it doesn't seem like that is going to happen.  So would just like the minimum functionality, how to detect a reasonable variety of dial statuses.
16:13.55JerJerAlton35:   I would use the AMI to originate calls
16:14.24Alton35I wouldn't mind that, but it seems to have the same result, only runs your code after the other end answers, no?
16:14.47WIMPyAlton35: What code?
16:14.55EmleyMoorI might have to lengthen my ring timeout, as it takes ages for this phone to start to ring, but I think I am about sorted now
16:15.01Alton35Just any code, I want the dial status.
16:15.15Alton35Have never found a example on the internet how to determine the dial status when originating a call.
16:15.30WIMPyAlton35: IIRC you get that back via AMI, so no need.
16:15.55Alton35hmm, lemme see then....
16:16.02WIMPyIt's some years ago I used that. But I think I got the status directely.
16:16.32a_nonamissOK, so I set up a new trunk in FreePBX using only the default parameters. It's much simpler now, but still not working for inbound calls. Works for outbound calls.
16:16.38Alton35thanks, let me look into it, I'll be back to report
16:16.48a_nonamissHere is the trunk setup and the SIP debug.
16:17.33a_nonamissThe call is definitely being passed from my provider to me, but my box seems to be denying it.
16:19.02a_nonamissIf I register the same trunk using xlite and the same parameters, it works perfectly incoming and outgoing with all the default settings.
16:20.05jamkooh so this is an orignation issue.
16:20.15a_nonamissThe SIP provider is definitely geared towards registering softphones and not asterisk servers, but it's working perfectly with a Trixbox on the same internal network (different public IP.)
16:20.33a_nonamissYes, I'm sorry that I didn't make that clear.
16:20.39jamkoif this is an origination issue "inbound to your box" then type=friend is what you want.
16:21.03jamkoand disregard what I just added to your earlier postbin.
16:21.20jamkoAnd there should be no user name and password to send to you then.
16:21.22JerJerjamko:  more like a type=peer with a context=
16:21.36jamkojerjer is righ
16:21.51jamkoyou need to setup 2 different provider entries
16:21.52a_nonamisstype=friend in the [citynet] section or the [from-trunk] section?
16:21.59jamkobecause you use this provider for in and out.
16:22.12jamkoso when you set it up for origination, you are breaking the termination etc.
16:22.16a_nonamissFreePBX sets up 2 provider entries by default.
16:22.42a_nonamissSo should I consider the [Citynet] entry to be fine because I can make outgoing calls?
16:22.55a_nonamissAnd only mess with the [from-trunk] section?
16:23.00a_nonamissThat helps a lot. :-)
16:23.50a_nonamisstype=friend had no effect.
16:24.09jamkoyou need to add the originating provider's ip address to the peer entry.
16:24.11JerJeri have always hated type=friend
16:24.22jamkosee you are authenticating them, and you only need type=peer
16:24.23JerJerit always fucks shit up
16:24.31JerJerin one direction or the other
16:24.44jamkotype=friend is not needed as jerjer is so elegantly pointing out.
16:25.15a_nonamissLOL - Trust me there has already been a lot of cursing because of this trunk.
16:25.19jamkoUnless your provider is really anal and want you registered to even send traffic to your box.
16:25.40a_nonamissThey're sending the traffic, I'm just denying it, and I don't know why.
16:25.55JerJerbecause your config is trying to proxy auth
16:26.00jamkook then you need to add their ip address to the peer.
16:26.08a_nonamissas host=?
16:26.19JerJerand maybe something like  insecure=invite,port
16:26.20a_nonamissor permit=
16:26.30jamkoyes host=
16:26.37jamkotheir ip address.
16:26.43*** join/#asterisk nova911 (~Adium@
16:26.44jamkoand don't use a fqdn.
16:27.11jamkoat least until you get it working.  DNS can be a whole other issue.
16:27.23JerJeri would use whatever the provider gives
16:27.30JerJerif they give you a dns entry, then use it
16:30.24jamkoget a hold of the sip.conf.sample file, and pick through the authentication sections.  It will help you to really understand what you are doing.  Markster was generally pretty thorough in his explanations, typos and all. : )
16:32.49jamkoBut for the future, I would suggest you use providers that allow for ip authentication across the board.
16:32.56jamkoThen you can just have one entry per provider, with type=peer.
16:33.10jamkoand not worry about which is term and which is orig.
16:34.54*** join/#asterisk Goshen_ (
16:35.38a_nonamissI'm going to plow through the sip.conf.sample file, but in the meantime, could it be something other than these specific entries?
16:36.07a_nonamissSince I have a trixbox running to the same provider (even using the same trunk) with the same configuration, and it's been working fine for years.
16:36.50a_nonamissThe most significant difference between the two is the new one is Asterisk 1.6 on Elastix and the old one was Asterisk 1.4 on Trixbox.
16:37.03JerJertrixbox is most likely not even authenticating anything
16:37.10JerJerits just matching on the peer
16:37.24a_nonamissSo Elastix is set up to try to authenticate by default?
16:37.34JerJerno clue
16:37.41JerJeri do know trixbox is garbage
16:38.12a_nonamissHence the switch. :)
16:38.51hrhrhrall the distros are crap if you don't understand them
16:38.53hrhrhrlike me :P
16:40.41jamkoa_nonamiss - sendrpid = yes and trustrpid = no
16:41.08JerJerthose wouldn't stop authentication
16:42.30a_nonamissYeah, still same result.
16:44.26JerJera_nonamiss: pastebin the cli mess
16:44.50a_nonamisswhich sli mess, the debug?
16:44.53JerJerperhaps with sip debug on
16:47.59*** join/#asterisk timeshell_atwork (
16:48.01a_nonamissWould a pastebin of a debug of the working trixbox help anything?
16:48.18JerJerthe provider isn't responding to the authentication
16:48.46JerJertake secret out of the peer and reload
16:48.47a_nonamissShouldn't permit=ip.address just permit him without authentication?
16:50.44*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (~anonymous@
16:50.45JerJerpermit would do that, but what if your provider changes ip addresses?
16:50.57a_nonamissI could use permit=FQDN
16:51.07a_nonamissBut I tried that to no avail.
16:51.09JerJeror they have a dozen ips
16:51.27JerJerit should work without a secret
16:51.37JerJerif not you have bigger problems somewhere
16:51.57a_nonamissIf I take secret out of the peer trunk, it doesn't work. If I take secret out of the from-trunk it has no effect (Still doesn't work)
16:52.41*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
16:53.00JerJerhuh?  wtf is from-trunk ?
16:53.11JerJerthat sounds like a context that should be in extensions
16:53.35JerJerthat entry in sip.conf surely is not being used
16:53.52a_nonamissIt's the incoming trunk definition.
16:53.58JerJerFound peer 'Citynet2'
16:54.19JerJeryou want to use type=peer always in sip
16:54.42JerJertype=user and friend are left over concepts from IAX
16:54.52a_nonamissFreePBX has them as "Incoming settings" and "Outgoing settings"
16:55.23a_nonamiss"Outgoing" is working fine. "Incoming" is not.
16:55.49Corydon76-digJerJer: not completely.  type=user/friend does different matching than type=peer
16:56.16jamkotype=friend is used when registering your phones.
16:56.17JerJerive NEVER used a type=user or friend in my sip.conf
16:56.24*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
16:56.40jamkoif you want to authenticate a phone by user name and password, you need to use type=friend
16:56.41Corydon76-digJerJer: it just applies a different matching algorithm
16:56.51jamkoi believe anyway.
16:57.33a_nonamissSo then if I were to get rid of the [from-trunk] section, what would be the proper way to make sure the SIP trunk is registered with the provider and accepts incoming connections without trying to authenticate?
16:57.38ChannelZit really should be changed to "matchby" or something with sensible option names
16:57.50Corydon76-digWithout a secret, type=peer will match on the first matching record, instead of matching on the username
16:58.11JerJeri kind of liked oej"s ideas on it
16:58.35Corydon76-digJerJer: Note that I am not making a case for how it should be, just a case for how it is
17:02.02a_nonamissFound peer 'Citynet2' for '6145950579' from xx.xx.xx.84:5060 SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
17:02.22ChannelZit would probably go a long way if the current options were just better documented
17:04.19JerJera_nonamiss:  without a secret in the peer?
17:04.21*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
17:04.58ChannelZinsecure=invite ?  (I haven't really been paying attention to the entire conversation)
17:04.59a_nonamissIf I take the secret out of the peer, my outgoing no longer works. My provider requires it int he configuration (even though I'm using a register string to register the trunk)
17:05.19a_nonamissI've tried insecure=invite and insecure=very with no luck
17:05.21jamkoyou need a separate peer setup for outbound and inbound.
17:05.37a_nonamissAnd there is no password for the inbound
17:06.18hardwireany way to force, actually force, chan_sip not to send SDP information to a peer for progress audio?
17:07.03bougymanthat could enforce it pretty well.
17:07.18hardwirebougyman: if only it could slice packets
17:07.29bougymanwhat do you mean if it could?
17:07.32bougyman-t mangle
17:07.35bougymanslice and dice all you like.
17:07.36hardwireoh yeh
17:07.52hardwirethat sounds more fun than it probably is right now
17:08.06bougymanyou could even attache nbfilter to it and modify the packet in flight if you like.
17:08.21bougymani've had to do such horrid things before to correct devices that sent bad packets.
17:10.48bougymanhardwire: < packet slicing
17:12.54*** join/#asterisk iam8up (
17:13.37*** join/#asterisk puzzled_ (
17:13.47iam8upi am looking for some business that offers this as a service - i want to have a DID (we'll say 937-555-1234) pointed to an asterisk box and all it does is dial 800.123.1234 pause 8 - anyone aware of someone that does that?
17:14.38*** join/#asterisk m0t3jl (
17:14.43m0t3jlHello everybody! ;)
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17:20.09[TK]D-Fenderiam8up: Why would you need an * box at all?  Just get them to terminate it directly for you
17:24.24iam8up[TK]D-Fender, needs to dial that extension
17:24.49iam8upwe are using the genband m6 and broadsoft broadworks - neither of which can dial digits after a call is terminated
17:25.33*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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17:29.16[TK]D-Fenderiam8up: I'm saying have the PROVIDER do it
17:29.26*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
17:31.28*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~PhatJ@asterisk/original-h323-guy/JerJer)
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17:33.45[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: PM
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17:43.01connormI have a conference room (600) set up in meetme.conf and extension.conf says exten=2,1,meetme(600)
17:43.16connormthe voice on the phone says "that is not a valid conference number"
17:43.36bougymanwhat timing source do y'all use for IP-only (no PRI/TDM timing device) boxes?
17:44.26connormI was trying to set ztdummy, but it wouldn't work, and then I got lost in all the technical terms
17:45.21bougymanyeah, ztdummy is not a valid timing source.
17:45.33bougymani'm thinking about trying a VoiceTime: USB Voice Synch Tool, just seeing if anyone has tried it.
17:45.38bougymanthe vicidialer guy swears by em.
17:45.46ChannelZI forget when along the way 1.6 it appeared, but there are some new internal timing sources not requiring DAHDI
17:46.35Naikrovekbougyman: dahdi_dummy
17:46.42ChannelZMeetMe still uses DAHDI for mixing, but the new ConfBridge is moving away from that dependency as well
17:46.56bougymanNaikrovek: i meant hardware.
17:47.03*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
17:47.13Naikrovekwell dahdi_dummy uses the USB clock as I understand it
17:47.15Naikrovekwhich is hardware
17:47.29connormI was told that's what ztdummy uses
17:47.38[TK]D-Fenderconnorm: If you do not have Zaptel/Dahdi properly set up with a functioning timer then you may get that warning erroneously
17:47.49bougymanwhatever ztdummy is using is nonsensical.
17:48.04Naikrovekare you virtualized?
17:48.26connormvirtual machine?
17:49.04*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog_ (
17:49.09Naikrovekvirtual machines are okay, if you're using a modern virtualization system
17:49.21Naikrovekyou can have trouble if you use some 32-bit virtualization business
17:49.47*** join/#asterisk frod (~Frod@
17:49.58bmoraca_worki use 32-bit ESXi and have 0 troubles
17:50.01frodis there a reason why the recordings table is empty while the *.wav files are created  ??
17:50.03connormok so what's the easiest way to get this timer working
17:50.54[TK]D-Fenderconnorm: Install DAHDI.  modprobe dahdi_dummy.  Initialize DAHDI.  Start *
17:51.13Naikrovekbmoraca_work: you won't always have issues with 32-bit but i've never had issues on processors with virtualization support
17:51.28Naikrovekbmoraca_work: speak the F up when people say that virtualizing phone servers doesn't work, btw.  they don't believe me
17:51.50bougymanvirtualizing phone servers works great.
17:52.28bougymanasterisk's timing in virtual machines has not been stellar, though.
17:52.30bmoraca_worki have 11 pbxes virtualized with 4 windows servers on two HP DL380 G3 servers I picked up for <$400 each
17:52.41Naikrovekbmoraca_work: nice
17:52.43connorm[TK]D-Fender: do you mind walking me through that
17:52.47bougymanESXi is a high-bar for virtualization.
17:52.55Naikrovek... not really
17:52.57Naikrovekit's free
17:53.02bmoraca_worki like that it's free
17:53.57bmoraca_worki've got one virtual PBX that averages 6 simultaneous g729 calls and 30 complaints at all
17:54.03bougymanfree isn't free.
17:54.07Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: it seems like the new dahdi's don't have dahdi_dummy anymore  (version 2.3)
17:54.19QwellKobaz: it's all automagic now
17:54.25Naikrovek"free" == "free will always resolve to true
17:54.30Naikrovek"free" == "free" will always resolve to true
17:55.09Naikrovekbougyman: what do you mean "free isn't free"
17:55.20Qwell"It's only free if your time is worth nothing."
17:55.35Naikroveki would agree if you were talking supporting 100 linux desktops or something
17:55.43Naikrovekbut esxi can be set up in 15 minutes
17:55.48Naikroveknot counting the install time
17:56.01NaikrovekESXi effing rules
17:56.05bmoraca_workactually, 15 minutes is about right :P
17:56.13KobazQwell: it'll be nice when all the timing uses use timerfd and the dummy dahdi driver can go away
17:56.14bmoraca_workit deploys way quick on real servers
17:56.23Naikrovekit's super slick
17:56.35bmoraca_workalso, I bill an average of $300/mo for each of my virtual it's well worth my time
17:56.42bougymanNaikrovek: I mean exactly what I said.
17:56.50QwellKobaz: well, meetme doesn't use dahdi for timing.
17:56.52bougymanfree can mean monetary or otherwise.
17:56.59bougymanthat its monetarily free does not meant that it's free.
17:56.59KobazQwell: in 1.6.2 ?
17:56.59Qwellit's for mixing.  so it's still needed
17:57.07Qwellany version.
17:57.08Kobazoh.. yeah mixing too
17:57.22Kobazwhatever the requirements on dahdi... it would be cool once they no longer require it
17:57.34Qwellmeetme will probably always require dahdi
17:57.49Qwelluse app_confbridge or whatever it's called
17:57.54Kobazi thought app conference didn't
17:58.02Kobazbut it doesn't have all the features
17:58.07Qwellpatches welcome.
17:58.13Kobazyeap i know. i know
17:59.30*** join/#asterisk mpe (
17:59.33connormis app_conference easy to set up
18:00.01Kobazit's the same as meetme pretty much
18:00.03Kobazminus a bunch of stuff
18:00.52connormwhat I'm really asking is if you can walk me through the process because I'm short on time and not fluent in CLI
18:01.29Qwellit's easy..  install dahdi, install asterisk.  done.
18:02.13connormasterisk is already installed
18:02.24connormit's up and running already
18:02.29Qwellyou have to install dahdi, then reinstall asterisk.
18:03.01connormis there a way to find out if dahdi is already installed?
18:03.04KobazQwell: i've never had to set up dahdi first
18:03.13Kobazconnorm: lsmod | grep dahdi
18:03.14*** join/#asterisk mroe (~anon__@unaffiliated/roe)
18:03.30QwellI didn't say anything about setting up dahdi.
18:03.36russellbdahdi has to be installed first so that Asterisk detects that DAHDI support is available
18:03.43russellbelse it won't build stuff that uses it
18:03.59Kobazoh... yeah... i forgot about that
18:04.08Kobazi use a central build server... so i never have to deal with that
18:04.22russellbfancy pants
18:04.30Kobazconnorm: also:  find /lib/modules/`uname -r` -name "*dahdi*"
18:05.03*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
18:05.04Kobazso i always rsync the built asterisk to the target machine... and then build dahdi if needed
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18:06.55connormso do I really have to reinstall asterisk?
18:07.05connormbecause that is the last thing I want to be doing
18:07.23*** part/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (~Mundt@
18:07.48connormfind command found nothing
18:08.10bmoraca_workrebuilding asterisk isn't really that big of a deal
18:08.16*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
18:09.37connormhow is it done?
18:10.08bmoraca_workthe same way you did it before
18:10.15bmoraca_workor did you install from an RPM?
18:10.16connormI didn't do it before
18:10.36connormit was installed from a disc, but I didn't do it
18:10.57Kobazyou'll need to set up dahdi
18:11.03Kobazand make sure asterisk is built with dahdi support
18:11.04*** join/#asterisk Z_God (~julius@2001:888:141f:0:221:5dff:fe2a:6806)
18:12.33connormok please just tell me exactly what to do
18:12.39connormI'm frusterated and lost
18:12.52connormdo I download it?
18:13.45infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
18:14.03Kobazit's free... read it and then come back
18:14.23bmoraca_workconnorm: without knowing how asterisk was initially installed, we can't really help you too much
18:14.44bmoraca_workwe don't know what versions you're running, if they were instlled from source or package, etc...
18:14.47Kobazconnorm: asterisk is not a "plug it in, and it works" type of system... you need to understand how it all works
18:14.47bmoraca_workjust too many unknowns
18:15.21connormthanks a bunch for the info
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18:38.36*** join/#asterisk Janos (~asd@
18:39.23Janoshey there, i need to dial a Zap channel and if it fails or is busy i need to dail an IAX channel, is this possible ?, any links with info ?
18:40.10fenrusyea, just it after the zap channel in the dialplan
18:40.37Janosthanks, checking link now
18:42.00[TK]D-FenderJanos: No need.  Just dial them back to back
18:42.13*** join/#asterisk rootlinux (
18:42.46Janos[TK]D-Fender: sorry i don't follow
18:42.49xheliox[TK]D-Fender: Sort of messy, isn't it?
18:42.56rootlinuxi get the following message: No such command 'extensions reload' (type 'help extensions reload' for other possible commands)
18:43.07[TK]D-Fenderxheliox: No, it is LESS messy because you don't actually CARE why it failed
18:43.08rootlinuxi am using asterisk 1.4.24
18:43.19[TK]D-FenderJanos: Dial the first.  Then dial the second.  The end
18:43.30[TK]D-Fenderrootlinux: dialplan reaload
18:43.41[TK]D-Fenderrootlinux: not "extensions"
18:44.17rootlinux[TK]D-Fender, No such command 'dialplan reload' (type 'help dialplan reload' for other possible commands)
18:44.36[TK]D-Fenderrootlinux: jsut "relaod then"
18:45.10Qwell[TK]D-Fender: "reload then" as opposed to "reload now" or "reload later"?
18:45.40[TK]D-FenderQwell: SOON :p
18:45.49fenrusdo i want to feel good now, or later ? :)
18:46.09xhelioxreload eventually
18:47.13rootlinux[TK]D-Fender,  "reload" work
18:48.06rootlinux[TK]D-Fender,  but is strange "dialplan reload" was working
18:56.33Janosis it possible to hang up a zap channel ?
18:56.55*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (~HAMming@
18:56.58Janosin the console that is
18:57.38mysterJanos, soft hangup <channel>
18:58.25Janosmyster, thanks a lot
18:58.32Janosanother thing i have a Zap/1-1
18:58.37Janosme sorry
18:59.38Janosi have a AEX800 with 4 lines, but for some reason the channels are not hanging up when the call ends, any hints where can i start looking ?
19:01.00Janosi do have a Hangup at the end of the extension in my dialplan, do i need to add anything else ?
19:01.30infobot[~cds] Call Discconect Supervision is a service placed on analog lines to be able to signal you that that the calling party has hung up.  This is typically done either by a momentary battery cut, or by a polarity reversal on the line.
19:01.34[TK]D-FenderJanos: ^^^^
19:01.40[TK]D-FenderJanos: Call your telco
19:02.34*** join/#asterisk mpe (
19:04.29*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
19:06.17Janoskk, will look into the term
19:08.40Janosjust one more thing, if i call from an internal sip phone to the pstn, and i hang up on the pstn end, i do hear on my sip phone the busy tone but the channel won't hang up until i hang up on the sip end, is this how asterisk behaves or is this caused by lack of cds ?
19:09.04Naikroveklack of something
19:09.13*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
19:09.18anonymouz666I am in.
19:09.54JanosNaikrovek: any way to know what am i lacking ? :P
19:10.27Janosonce i hang up on the sip end the zap channel is release
19:11.36Naikroveksupposed to work the other way as well.  i would discuss cds with the telco
19:11.51JanosNaikrovek: kk thanks a lot
19:13.23uqlevJanos, with asterisk must be careful. Using softphone if not hang-up but just close client will hold on the line for hours
19:13.52[TK]D-FenderJanos: Lack of CDS
19:17.00*** part/#asterisk frod (~Frod@
19:17.39Qwelluqlev: sounds like a crappy softphone.
19:18.13uqlevQwell, that's my favorit zoiper
19:18.26anonymouz666rtptimeout could also be useful in some cases
19:18.30[TK]D-FenderWhat crappy softphone?
19:18.34*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
19:18.57[TK]D-Fender[15:13]<uqlev>Janos, with asterisk must be careful. Using softphone if not hang-up but just close client will hold on the line for hours <- this is saying the USER is a total moron.  There is no insurance against morons
19:19.16[TK]D-Fender"Hi I don't know how to &#$^ing hang up a phone"
19:19.42anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: you can expect anything from an user
19:19.44bougymanstill bad behavior for the software not to send the BYE to active channels before closing.
19:20.17uqlev[TK]D-Fender, users of sophtphones are not sysadmins, those are grandma's wives, children
19:20.27bougymangrandma's wives?
19:20.35bougymana polygamist lesbian grandma?
19:20.50DogBoyyou can talk about it or you can do something about it, there are always going to be more morons
19:21.18DogBoyit's like complaining about gravity
19:23.30*** join/#asterisk CoderForLife (
19:23.38anonymouz666damn... brute force attacks against asterisk servers are more common than you can imagine
19:24.11Naikrovekthere was a time when coming in here with your IP exposed would get you attacked
19:24.19anonymouz666and people are calling for free.
19:24.32[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: "I can imagine quite a bit" - Han Solo
19:25.02anonymouz666I am admin of a SIP PROXY
19:25.12*** join/#asterisk rootlinux (
19:25.13anonymouz666and we send account for Asterisk users
19:25.34anonymouz666and them configure the peer in the * server
19:25.43anonymouz666I got lots of calls to Cuba
19:25.48anonymouz6661h~ duration
19:26.26anonymouz666probably the asterisk didn't set a strong password... things like 1000 and passwd 1000 active...
19:26.38anonymouz666format e.164... and free calls...
19:27.08anonymouz666sad but true.
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19:45.49radenis there a way I can make asterisk Ring my phone every morning @ 7:00
19:47.56fauxalliancei am sure there are at least a dozen ways to schedule a wake up call.  or reminder call booty call or otherwise
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19:49.13fauxalliancebefore of after the beep?
19:49.20fauxalliances/of/or ;-)
19:49.31ChannelZI think the beeps are kind of repetitive and constant
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19:52.33trapaDoes anyone know if there's a way of making a linksys pap2 work on a rotary dial (pulse dial) phone?
19:54.55Chainsawtrapa: I've gotten that working on a Patton 4118 gateway. If there's no pulse dialling option in the web interface, it seems unlikely.
19:55.26Chainsawtrapa: Big fan though, I have one of these:
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19:59.24trapaI'm doing a themed event with some decortive phones.
19:59.42trapaI'm also doing a treasure hunt, so I want clues to be delivered through recordings sent to the phones.
20:00.35trapaBut it would be even more cool if people dialed other extensions to solve riddles and get more clues. BUt these are rotary phones, and they definatly have to be connected to a sip adapter before our asterisk box, because the asterisk box will be on the other side of the hotel.
20:00.57trapaSo i'm thinking the only really good way of doing it would be to set up a hotline. BUt i'm not sure how to do that either
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20:02.13Chainsawtrapa: Patton 4118 will do it for sure. Probably has pulse mostly by virtue of being telco-grade kit.
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20:03.11Chainsawtrapa: Or you get some cheap & nasty pulse-to-DTMF converter from eBay and stick that between the Linksys contraption and the phone.
20:03.22Chainsawtrapa: Depending on your budgetary constraints and deadlines.
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20:11.00timholumdoes the hang up extention not run if the system is hung by the client? I have a hang up script that renames the recorded file exten => h,n,System(/bin/mv /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/${CALLFILENAME}.wav /var/www/html/rec/${CALLFILENAME}_${CUT(DIALEDPEERNUMBER| |1)}.wav) and it only works if hung up by my sip phone?
20:11.03timholumany ideas?
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20:12.04timholumchazzam: that is 2 options up, i go StopMonitor() Wait(2) then that line
20:12.22timholumthe wait(2) is to allow the system time to release the file
20:14.07timholummy s and h configs
20:14.47trapachainsaw: Sorry, got caught up with work calls.    Yeah probably need just a el-cheapo from ebay. Don't want to spend a lot of money for a two day event.
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20:16.26kristianpaulHello, there is a "good" asterisk client for Windows  (not xlite)?
20:17.04a_nonamissI've been through 'em all, and the only ones I can tolerate are Bria and Zoiper, neither free.
20:17.24a_nonamissBria is a good phone, but their support is horrible, and I can never get ahold of anyone, even sales, for days.
20:17.37kristianpauli was tryinbg ekiga wich is libre but dint worked well on windows yet
20:17.41a_nonamissZoiper has a free version.
20:17.46a_nonamissBut it's feature limited.
20:18.06kristianpaullets see
20:18.21a_nonamissYou may want to give it a try. The limitations precluded it from being useful to my company, but maybe you'll be OK.
20:18.43kristianpaulcan i trasnfer calls with it?
20:19.07a_nonamissNope. :) That's the limitation that kept me from using it.
20:19.28a_nonamissYOu can transfer using feature codes in Asterisk, but not directly int he client.
20:19.38kristianpaulyes i did that with XLite
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20:27.12timholumIt is very strange, It works perfictly if my sip phone hangs up, but if the number I call hangs up the script does not complete
20:27.37timholumis there a limitation with the h extention?
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20:49.47[sr]howdy people
20:49.48*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
20:49.55[sr]from one week on mini-vacation :p
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20:51.26[sr]hi WIMPy
20:58.26ChannelZno touchy
20:59.06EmleyMoorI am getting a lot of 415 (Unsupported Media Type) messages in my Asterisk console - they are originating from my N97. Is there anything I can do about them?
21:00.36ChainsawEmleyMoor: Yes, try to avoid negotiating media types that Asterisk does not have native support for.
21:00.45ChainsawEmleyMoor: A safe bet is to only negotiate ulaw, alaw & GSM.
21:01.05EmleyMoorOn that, I negotiate alaw and ulaw only
21:02.55EmleyMoorAh - it may have been due to videosupport...
21:03.11EmleyMoorAh, no - still happening
21:03.40ChainsawIf you enable video, you will want to negotiate video codecs in addition to your ulaw/alaw audio codecs.
21:04.07EmleyMoorI have disabled it for that client
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21:54.26*** join/#asterisk NiceUserUser (~niceuser@
21:55.06NiceUserUseris it possible to have Asterik respond to more than one phone number? not an extension though
21:55.22NiceUserUserlike can I connect a Dialogic line card to a trunk line, and then have Asterisk on the other end
21:55.31NiceUserUserand use dialplan to respond to any 10 digit number?
21:56.15drmessanoAnalog line?
21:56.53drmessanoAsterisk has no way of knowing what number was dialed if it's an analog line, unless you have distinctive ring or something
21:57.23NiceUserUserthe dialogic line card in one of the sides would be a CG6565 that connects to a T1 trunk
21:57.35infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:57.44drmessanohave a look at the Asterisk book.. Asterisk can do a lot
21:57.45NiceUserUseryeah I was reading that one in PDF
21:57.57NiceUserUserits advice is to hook up to SIP
21:58.17NiceUserUserwould SIP only allow me to have one number though?
21:58.23drmessanoNo, thousands
21:58.34drmessanoSame with a T1
21:58.40drmessanoOnly analog is limiting
21:58.49NiceUserUseroh nice.
21:58.55drmessanoSince there's no intelligence on the line with anaLOG
21:59.48ChannelZjust dropped an anal-log
22:00.26NiceUserUserso I would just have to have the SIP provider to assign a bunch of numbers to me?
22:00.55NiceUserUserthat's the part I don't quite get. I get how awesome the dialplan is
22:00.59ChannelZyeah. or not
22:01.11ChannelZYou can have one number but multiple channels
22:01.34NiceUserUseri want to have like 100 numbers and use dialplan to do different stuff with them
22:01.44ChannelZyou can do that too
22:02.37NiceUserUserabout configuring for that, should I use SIP? or can i have a 40 channel linecard hooked to a T1. I guess I'm confused about how those T1 channel connections work. Any resources you would recommend to go learn about that?
22:02.46ChannelZgenerally ITSPs send the call to an extension the same as the DID
22:03.04ChannelZThat depends on if you want to do the actual call termination or not.
22:03.18NiceUserUserI think I do
22:03.23ChannelZYou can do VoIP over the net, or get an interface card and do T1
22:05.14ChannelZThere's not much to get.. you would get PRI service from a local telco... shove a card in your Asterisk machine, plug the cable into the card, and configure
22:05.20NiceUserUserif I get a hold of a 40 channel card and hook it up to the T1. Does that mean I can only have 40 numbers at all? or it means I can have 40 open voice calls going on
22:06.19WIMPyT1 has 24 channels.
22:06.21m0t3jlNiceUserUser, you can have as many numbers as you like
22:06.34drmessanoYou can have as many NUMBERS as you like
22:06.35m0t3jlNiceUserUser, the amount of channels is limiting ;)
22:06.46drmessanoJust not more than x number of concurrent calls
22:07.10NiceUserUserso the concurrent calls are limited by the number of channels, but I could have unlimited numbers?
22:07.22ChannelZwell.. as many as you want to pay for
22:08.16NiceUserUsermakes lots of sense
22:08.44NiceUserUserwould it be possible to hook two Asterisk machines and have them call each other?
22:08.52ChainsawNiceUserUser: Sure, with IAX.
22:08.55ChannelZof course
22:08.56NiceUserUserlike, can I use a crossover cable or something
22:08.59ChainsawNiceUserUser: The Inter-Asterisk protocol (version 2).
22:09.32ChannelZ(or even over the interwebs)
22:09.36NiceUserUserah ok, see I want to have one Asterisk box answering and making calls to another system that isn't asterisk
22:09.45NiceUserUserso I'm trying to figure out the actual hook up
22:09.58ChannelZwell that depends on 'the other system' then
22:10.16NiceUserUserif I need to go through a Telco, or if I can crossover Asterisk and the "other system"
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22:11.13NiceUserUserthe other system hooks to a T1 trunk
22:11.40ChannelZHmm.  Would the two be local to each other?
22:11.49ChannelZphysically local
22:12.11NiceUserUserlike next to each other, local
22:12.24DogBoya couple cans and a string then
22:12.28ChannelZThen yes I guess you could could one span up to the other system
22:12.36ChannelZs/could/could hook up/
22:12.44ChannelZgrrph. FAIL
22:12.53ChannelZanyways yes
22:13.27NiceUserUserso how would I go about this hook up? cross over cable? or hook both to the trunk and then crossover the ports?
22:13.41NiceUserUserI need to read more about T1 stuff
22:13.52NiceUserUserany books or resources you would recommend that are specific to T1 ?
22:14.22ChannelZWell I think you could do a crossover and it would just be like a little private T1 network.  (anyone?)
22:14.32NiceUserUserthat's what I would want
22:14.45NiceUserUserI would want the two systems to only dial each other
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22:14.52WIMPyYou can only connect one device to a T1 and to connect two T1s you need a crossover cable or adapter. That's not the same as for ethernet, tho.
22:15.55NiceUserUserso if I do this cross over, and dial 555-555555 on machine A, will Asterisk be able to use a dial plan that matches 555-555555 ?
22:16.47NiceUserUserany ideas on how to do this if machine A is on T1 and Asterisk would use SIP?
22:17.02ChannelZdoesn't really matter
22:17.11NiceUserUserat that point someone has to route the T1 traffic and that's not clear to me how
22:17.14WIMPyWorks very well to put Asterisk into a PRI connection as long as it's only one PRI.
22:17.31WIMPyWith trunks of multiple PRIs I just discovered multiple issues.
22:17.31ChannelZTo Asterisk everything is just a 'channel', and channels can be connected to each other.
22:17.52ChannelZSo it doesn't matter if a call comes in via SIP and exits via T1 or vice versa
22:18.43NiceUserUserah ok. But at that point is not as easy as one crossover cable, but I would need someone who manages the T1 infrastructure to do such connection
22:19.21ChannelZWell, a telephone company to connect you to the rest of the world
22:19.23WIMPyWhat exactely do you want to do?
22:20.16NiceUserUserI want to have two systems dialing and answering each other. One of those would be Asterisk. I'm trying to decide if I want Asterisk on a T1 (cross over cable), or via SIP
22:20.40ChannelZThese two systems talk to the outside world though yes?
22:20.45WIMPyWill any of them also be connected to something else?
22:20.47ChannelZOr just to each other?
22:20.56NiceUserUserI would like them to be connected to just each other
22:21.19ChannelZthen as I said about 20 mins ago it depends 'on the other system' and what it is.  Does it even talk SIP?
22:21.24WIMPyThen you have to use whatever the other box supports.
22:21.32ChannelZI was assuming this was a legacy system, an old Mitel switch or something you were trying to interface with
22:21.51NiceUserUserthe other box is hooked to a T1 trunk
22:22.01ChannelZthat goes where?  To the outside?
22:22.09WIMPyIf it has T1, you need T1 as well, and te  crossover cable.
22:22.28WIMPyAnd where will that T1 line go that's now connected to the other box?
22:22.53NiceUserUserThat I don't know
22:23.06ChannelZscratches his head
22:23.21WIMPySo again:
22:23.23NiceUserUsergoes somewhere, but I would unhook it form wherever it is hooked and just do crossover for example
22:23.26WIMPyWill any of them also be connected to something else?
22:24.02NiceUserUserconnecting them to each other over T1, means I have to get a line card for the Asterisk box.
22:24.02WIMPySo you want to ditch that T1 and connect the box to an Asterisk instead? And nothing else?
22:24.19NiceUserUserdon't want to ditch it.
22:24.29NiceUserUserthe T1 box would normally call a human
22:24.36NiceUserUserI want to replace the human with Asterisk
22:24.45WIMPyBut you don't want to cnnect it?
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22:25.06NiceUserUserI want these two to be connected to each other, because I don't need to call anyone outside just each other
22:25.14NiceUserUserif I use T1, then cross over and that's cool.
22:25.14WIMPyNo describe the WHOLE setup, else this is not getting forward.
22:25.18NiceUserUserbut then I have to buy a line card
22:25.25ChannelZSo this existing box sits in a building with local extensions hooked up to it, but nothing else?
22:25.35NiceUserUser@ChannelZ yes
22:25.49ChannelZIt doesn't make or receive calls to/from the outside world?
22:26.04NiceUserUserso I was thinking Legacy box can stay in T1, then magically connect T1 to SIP and have Asterisk on SIP so I don't have to buy a multichannel line card for Asterisk
22:26.23NiceUserUser@ChannelZ. It could, but not as it is configured
22:26.35NiceUserUserright now is only internal
22:26.41csnookreading this is making me so happy I don't have to work with physical phone hardware
22:26.43ChannelZThen I dunno what the T1 line is doing plugged into it in the first place.
22:27.00WIMPySo you actuially don't use/need that T1?
22:27.02ChannelZIn any case, you can't just "connect T1 to SIP" they are not the same
22:27.35NiceUserUserI figured that, that's why I was more excited about the T1 cross over
22:27.53NiceUserUserI think doing the crossover then I don't have to go through an actual phone provider
22:28.01ChannelZYou could connect Asterisk to whatever this thing is via a T1 crossover.
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22:28.11NiceUserUserthen legacy T1 box and Asterisk can chat to each other.
22:28.21ChannelZI'm not sure what the point is but you can do it yes.
22:28.44NiceUserUserYou guys have been awesome. Thanks so much for your help!
22:29.21ChannelZWe have no idea what we just helped with, but ok yeah you're welcome
22:29.45ChainsawSome robo-dialler of doom no doubt. What have you unleashed upon the world ChannelZ. Evil things.
22:29.54ChannelZGlorified voicemail system maybe
22:30.13ChannelZChainsaw: Yeah but he said it doesn't talk to the outside world.  That's the fascinating bit.
22:30.35ChannelZSo maybe it just annoys cubicle-dwellers.
22:31.09WIMPyAlmos as fascinating as the guy yesterday who needed to transcode 1920 channels from G711 to G729 and back again.
22:31.36ChainsawDollar signs appeared in the eyes of any Digium guys/gals present.
22:31.45ChainsawHow many does the dedicated DSP card do again? 70?
22:32.02Chainsaw"So, how many PCI slots do you have? *cash register sound*"
22:32.39QwellChainsaw: like an E1 worth
22:32.40WIMPyDoesn't matter. I don't think you want to put more than one card into one PC with that amount of transcoding.
22:32.55QwellWIMPy: why not?  it's all being offloaded to the card
22:33.06Qwellvery little CPU used for that
22:33.21Qwellerr, not 1 E1
22:33.25Qwelllike 4 E1s.
22:33.38WIMPyOh, there is actual hardware support for G729 transcoding?
22:34.04ChainsawWIMPy: Sure. It isn't cheap.
22:34.06Qwellyes, digium TC400
22:34.18ChainsawWIMPy: But no more license hassles. Buy it once, done.
22:34.23QwellChainsaw: it isn't much more than the $10/channel you'd pay for the software licences
22:34.36WIMPyOk, so 2xoctopri and 4xdsp maybe?
22:34.50ChainsawQwell: It isn't exactly at a "Sure, I'll have 5!" price level either.
22:35.14QwellChainsaw: sure it is, if you're planning on transcoding ~600 channels of G.729.
22:35.22Qwellit's really not much more.
22:35.28WIMPyWould be more like 32 of them.
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22:39.40rootlinuxits possible keep the two channels alive before an Dial command?
22:42.35QwellWhich 2 channels?
22:43.16rootlinuxis call conference is created with Dial
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22:43.32rootlinuxsorry i am not an asterisk expert.
22:45.41ChannelZneither am I but I still don't understand the question
22:47.57rootlinuxChannelZ, nevermind, i found the answer ..
22:48.10rootlinuxIt's Friday.. :)
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23:04.31jmmillsDoes asterisk have conditionals for configuration templating... my use case: have my configs in a a git repo - have a dev server that auto-pull from the master branch upon commit - this way configuration is at least sanity checked. The problem I don't want the dev server connecting to the same sip resources as the production server
23:05.04jmmillsSo I was hoping there is was a conditional include or something like that so I could maybe do like: #include "sip.d/$hostname.conf"
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23:06.32jmmillsI suppose I could put everything under template toolkit and then use a Makefile, but I was hoping to not have to inject that layer of misdirection
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