IRC log for #asterisk on 20100812

00:04.16pabelanger-lapbougyman: What version of Asterisk has you tested with?
00:12.02*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:12.29*** part/#asterisk thansen (~thansen@
00:13.53Micc_how stable is 1.8?
00:18.18Micc_I'd love to start playing with it, but I don't have a free server at the moment.
00:18.18Micc_I want to play with SRTP.
00:22.01*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
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00:50.36*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43|Mac (
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01:40.08*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
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02:09.53*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
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03:11.06*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (~cesar@
03:13.07leifmadsenCurious if someone is good with math here. I want to graph some general numbers to see the numbers of calls I'd have over a period of time if I had a value of Calls Per Second (CPS), Length of each call (in seconds), along with a total duration (in seconds).
03:15.28*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (~LemensTS@
03:16.56LemensTSam i safe to just remove voicemails in /voicemail/default/users/INBOX/.txt & .WAV & .wav    ? or is there also data stored in a db somewhere?
03:28.52*** join/#asterisk soman (~somnath@
03:29.17golikwid|maccant you just use the ari to remove them
03:42.25*** join/#asterisk Micc_ (
03:42.48LemensTSgolikwild: you mean ami?
03:45.12LemensTSi dont see a ami voicemail deletion cmd. I wrote my own voicemail portal like FPBX has but mine is for Asterisk 1.6...I was just going to use PHP unlink to remove the voicemail files when the user wants to remove, didnt know if there would be a trail left in a database or something
03:49.00*** join/#asterisk philipp64|laptop (
03:53.37*** join/#asterisk Ziaeon (
03:59.51gamednahas anyone tried asterisk on amazon EC2?
04:01.34JerJergamedna:  it works.  expensive imho
04:01.56gamednawhat about their IP assignments?
04:02.08gamednai hear that they are dynamic ,and problematic for sip connecitons
04:08.39*** join/#asterisk Ziaeon (
04:08.54LemensTSApparently asterisk just looks at the txt files in the voicemail directory because i deleted the files and now it shows only 2 messages in the cli for that user instead of 3...
04:11.35JerJergamedna:  they are dynamic in the sense of you will get a new ip for each instance, but you keep that ip for as long as your instance is running
04:12.06*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
04:12.28gamednaJerJer: any other providers that you would recommend?
04:12.37gamednasimilar to EC2
04:12.43JerJeri would be biased
04:12.54gamednawho do you work for?
04:15.13JerJerits my company, which is not quite ready to discuss, yet
04:17.29*** join/#asterisk bsdfreak (
04:17.32xuserleifmadsen: define a call
04:18.15xusergamedna: check out rackspacecloud
04:19.13gamednaxuser: do you use it?
04:27.16*** join/#asterisk shamelessn00b (
04:27.32*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (~LemensTS@
04:58.11*** join/#asterisk hemantvoip (~hemant.vo@
05:01.05hemantvoiphi all
05:01.51*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
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05:25.08*** join/#asterisk b14ck (~b14ck@
05:35.47Micc_gamedna, where are you located?
05:40.13*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
05:40.20gamednaMicc_: why do you ask?
05:40.31gamednaim in TX, USA
05:41.42Micc_Trying to think of hosted asterisk companies that might be in the area.
05:41.51gamednaah, thanks
05:42.10Micc_vitelity might have something like that, but I don't think its scalable like EC2, but I don't think you would want to do that even if you could.
05:42.28Micc_an infinitely scalable asterisk box would have deminishing returns.
05:42.53gamednabut finitely scaleable may have some advantages
05:43.09Micc_TX is a good location, its a major hub.
05:43.20gamednayea, too bad im in san antonio and not dallas
05:43.40gamednabut that is only a few hrs away
05:43.53Micc_yeah, you could still host in dallas and be good probably.
05:44.15Micc_What exactly are you looking to do with it that you think you need such scalability?
05:44.24gamednamostly experiment
05:44.53gamednabut im looking at hosted voice apps
05:45.01gamednanot pbx stuff
05:46.04gamednaanother option is to just buy a few servers in key datacenters and run Vsphere / Esxi
05:46.19gamednaXen, or something else
05:46.30gamednai am just tired of dealing w/ hardware.
05:46.43Micc_depending on what your doing, virtualization can be a problem for time sensative data.
05:47.02gamednai have been using VMware in one form or another since its inception
05:47.18gamednayou are right though
05:48.27gamednaright now im facinated with virtualized asterisk
05:48.44gamednaand what i can actually do with it
05:48.57gamednafrom and application standpoint
05:50.07shamelessn00bwe are running asterisk primarily for IVR
05:50.43shamelessn00bits quite easily managable really
05:51.08Micc_shamelessn00b, virtualized?
05:51.11*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
05:52.11Micc_Most of the time we found virtualized asterisk was fine, but there were some weird things that happened every once in a while that we couldn't explain. Haven't had any of those issues since moving to a dedicated server.
05:52.38Micc_We tried two different hosting companies with different virtualization platforms, both with the same results.
05:52.50Micc_one was xen and one was virtuoso I think.
05:54.36gamednaever use ESXi?
05:54.45gamednai have found it to be very stable
05:55.43Micc_No, but I have read about it. Thats the vmware commercial product, right?
05:55.45gamednashamelessn00b: are you running it virtualized? what provider do you use?
05:56.00gamednayes, but you can use it for free
05:56.24Micc_Is it a trial? I think I remember, its the management peice that costs money.
05:57.11gamednaits an ISO that you install on hardware, and it completely reformats and takes over as a baremetal hypervisor
05:57.25gamednayou then need to use their VirtualCenter to manage the VM's running
05:57.38gamednathe trick is that you are only allowed to connect to one ESXi instance at a time
05:57.46gamednaand cant manage the whole bunch from a central location
05:57.54gamednathat is what you need to pay for, the VSphere
05:58.08gamednayou can run 10 ESXi servers, but you will need to manage them seperately
05:58.16gamednalogout of one, and login to the next
05:58.37gamednabut... there are API's that you can use to manage the machines from the command line
05:58.48gamednayou can write your own scripts.
05:59.06gamednaw/o vsphere you loose the ability to migrate VMS's automagically, etc...
05:59.13gamednabut in general i have not needed that
05:59.29gamedna<<< Juggles for ChannelZ
06:00.09gamednaChannelZ: better?
06:02.15Micc_gamedna, right thats what I call the management piece.
06:02.56Micc_I did look at that before, and I really liked the looks of it, but I would want to buy that management piece so I can migrate vms and stuff.
06:03.00gamednaIMHO, if you are managing  < 20 ESXi boxes.. you dont really need vsphere
06:03.30Micc_yeah I should try it first I guess.
06:03.32gamednaMicc_:  you can do it, but you need to write a few scripts... not that hard acutally
06:03.49gamednai have 4 ESXi boxes here in my sandbox at home
06:04.07gamednasome powerful, some not
06:04.12gamednai move VM's all the time
06:04.18gamednajust have to do it from linux
06:04.20Micc_I might have to try that on our next machine.
06:04.24gamednaanother tip...
06:04.30gamednaif you decide to go ESXI
06:04.39gamednaalways have at least ONE windows XP or Win7 VM
06:04.44Micc_I'd like to run a couple linux and one windows server.
06:04.49gamednawith the management software on there
06:05.17gamedna(i think linux works too)
06:05.26Micc_can I run the management software on windows server 2k8?
06:05.34gamednai believe so
06:05.48gamednathe only drawback is that you cant manage that particular VM
06:05.50Micc_can the management OS be running in VM too?
06:06.21Micc_can't manage it, what do you mean?
06:06.23gamednai have a 512MB /  8GB VM that runs XP for the management OS
06:06.40gamednawell,  cant really shutdown an OS that you are running on
06:06.47drmessanoSo, I can run the VM management in a VM that I manage with the VM management?
06:06.52drmessanoFAR TEH HELL OUT
06:07.14gamednai do it all the time
06:07.25gamednaSince i am on MAC, i have no other choice
06:07.36gamednacant run the tools on mac yet, and the web stuff just blows IMHO
06:07.36drmessanoI hear that all the time
06:07.48Micc_I thought you didn't need to run an OS to host the other OSs?
06:07.49drmessano"I am on a MAC, I have no other choice"
06:08.05gamednadrmessano: dont reboot, be-root.
06:08.28gamednaMicc_: you dont...
06:08.39gamednayou can install ESXi
06:08.43gamednaon 10 machines
06:08.45*** join/#asterisk nova911 (~Adium@
06:08.49Micc_but you have to run the management software at all times to keep the other OSs up?
06:08.55gamednaand run the management software on a seperate computer
06:09.05gamednanot at all
06:09.19gamednaim just giving you the tip for convenience
06:09.36gamednahaving a small XP vm with the tools on there makes it super easy
06:09.41Micc_but you can't shut it down, why?
06:09.49gamednayou cant shut it down from ITSELF
06:10.01gamednaif you are logged into that VM, you cant shut yourself down
06:10.02drmessanoAn Egg can't lay a chicken
06:10.05Micc_oh, you mean the management tools allows you to shut down the other VMs.
06:10.09gamednafrom the MGT console
06:10.39Micc_ok, got it. I would want my VMs always up though probably, but I get it now.
06:10.50gamednahere is an example
06:10.57gamednasay you got new hardware and you wanted to migrate everything
06:10.58Micc_So the management tools are free too?
06:11.20gamednaif you were logged into that VM MGT OS, you could do all the other OS's except the MGT OS
06:11.27gamednaall you do then, is logout
06:11.30gamednaand use it on another desktop
06:11.37gamednayes, mgt tools are free
06:11.41gamednait comes w/ it
06:11.58gamednayou can do iSCSI
06:12.05gamednaall works
06:12.19drmessanoWhat about iNAS ?
06:12.28Micc_Thats some good shit.
06:12.30gamednanope, but it has SNAS
06:12.37gamednaand PIZAZ
06:12.42drmessanoWhat about iCUP?
06:13.12Micc_I might use that for one of my consulting gigs. They need some in house servers for a 30 person office. I think one server with 3 or 4 VMs might do the trick.
06:13.28drmessanoYou're the one who stated "I scuzzy"
06:13.45gamednayes, got me again, i did.
06:13.48Kyoshsup game
06:13.55drmessanoSup Yoshi
06:14.09gamednaMicc_: one word of caution, be sure to read the hardware requirements.. ESXi is slightly finiky about what hardware it runs on
06:14.11Kyoshpeers at the doc
06:14.25gamednasupports all major "server"  class machines, but white boxes are hit / miss
06:14.38Micc_gamedna, I was thinking a supermicro box.
06:14.42gamednathere is a website that is dedicated to listing all the white box machines that esxi supports
06:14.46gamednashould be fine w/ supermicro
06:14.53Micc_dual quad core or dual dual core.
06:14.57gamednai have an older Dell SC400 P4 box, and it runs fine there
06:14.57drmessanoESXi bitches unless you have a box with hardware virtualization and 2GB RAM minimum
06:15.15drmessanoI know it is
06:15.22Micc_of course.
06:15.22Kyoshhe is the doc
06:15.34gamednabut 2gb is not enough
06:15.38gamednareally go for 4 or 8gb of ram
06:15.44Micc_Its gotta be a decently new proc with hyper v support.
06:15.57*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
06:16.10Micc_ram is cheap.
06:16.11drmessanoWindows XP with Virtual PC running 512MB RAM should be enough for anyone
06:16.13gamednalook i run on a P4-2.4ghz w/ 4gb of ram, single core
06:16.18gamednaand i have 6 Vms on there
06:16.20gamednaand they all run fine
06:16.26Kyosh640kb ram should be enough for anyone
06:16.59Micc_lets use 7 bit bytes while we're at it
06:17.19Kyoshare we using modems again?
06:17.26drmessanogamedna:  Isn't that all relative?  I mean, my NT Workstation domain of 75 workstation VMs and 1 NT Domain Controller runs fine with 4GB RAM, but you know
06:17.38gamedna7 bit bytes + 1 crumb
06:17.59gamednadrmessano: of course...
06:18.14drmessanoYou only need 11MB RAM to install NT4
06:18.36gamednadrmessano:  you could run 100 freeDOS vms too
06:19.01drmessanoI prefer PC-DOS, TYVFM
06:19.17drmessanoI'll pay for my DOS, thank you
06:19.20Kyoshi dont wanna work
06:19.21Micc_Dr. DOS
06:19.23gamednamy point is that im running Win2k8 (32bit) server, 2 modern linux distros, freeNAS, TRIXBOX, and something else
06:19.26gamednaand it runs fine
06:19.28Kyoshi just wanna bang on my drum all day
06:19.34*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
06:19.40drmessanogets the hounds
06:20.03Micc_oh no, you can't swear in here, gamedna.
06:20.08Kyoshgamedna, what kinda server and how much ram?
06:20.10drmessanoI couldn't hear you over the sound of me racking my shotgun
06:20.23gamednaDell Poweredge SC400
06:20.23ChannelZIt's The PBX For Whores
06:20.36drmessano"Tricks Box"
06:20.39gamednaITS the PBX for people who like to easily provision 60 IP phones in under 30 mins
06:20.52ChannelZI can do that
06:20.53drmessanoFriends don't let friends turn Trix
06:21.35gamednaKyosh: Dell Poweredge SC400, P4, 2.4ghz, 4GB ram,  2x500GB - RAID 1
06:21.37Micc_gamedna, then when you have a problem with one of those phones, you'll never know how to fix it because you don't know what it did.
06:21.43drmessanoTrixbox is the PBX for people who think Kerry Garrison is a swell guy, and don't care if Fonality knows what he ate for dinner
06:21.59Micc_gamedna, so you saved yourself a little time, but you lost the war.
06:22.00gamednaMicc_: i am familiar w/ the dialplan
06:22.12Kyoshgamedna, yea that should work fine
06:22.15gamednabeen running trixbox since 2008
06:22.23gamednano problems thus far
06:22.28drmessanoYou poor bastard
06:22.30gamednabut i only use it for what its indented for
06:22.40gamednaIVR, Voicemail, and Extensions
06:22.50gamednafor everything else i use asterisk
06:22.51drmessanoNo gaming?
06:23.04drmessanoTrixbox is my fav first person shooter
06:23.15gamednai thought it would be your favorite target.
06:23.19Micc_Thats a good one, I'll have to remember that.
06:23.22ChannelZShooting hookers is so 2009
06:23.37drmessanoChannelZ:  Nothing wrong with a dead hooker
06:23.39gamednaChannelZ:  cant wait till its retro...
06:24.17ChannelZOne of the few funny SNL skits I can remember.. a gameshow called "Old French Whore"
06:24.31drmessanoChannelZ:  If you party a whole weekend and don't end up with at least one dead hooker in the back of someone's car, you may as well go hang out at the retirement home and buy a minivan
06:24.46ChannelZ*buzzes in* "Uhh, I think my whore is dead."
06:25.50*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
06:25.59ChannelZOh looks!
06:26.24drmessanoHell, Vegas was so hard up during the recession that if LVPD caught you leaving town without a dead hooker to take home, they would give you one as a souvenir
06:27.07*** join/#asterisk Alton35 (~alton@
06:27.11ChannelZsweet I know where I'm going for the weekend
06:30.35drmessanoI think I just got figure out how i am gonna make my first billion
06:31.30drmessanoWell, typing a coherent sentence, first off
06:32.02drmessanohosted whores..
06:32.14Kyoshi love cludwhores
06:32.15drmessanoWho wants to write an API?
06:32.25gamedname me me me!
06:32.53drmessanoTrick is gonna be sanitizing inputs and outputs versus overall function
06:33.43drmessanoI would hate to kill an instance due to a senseless buffer overflow
06:34.07ChannelZwe already have those, walk into any Apple store
06:34.18Kyoshcloudwhores are better
06:34.35gamednayea but hosted-whores are more reliable and perform better
06:34.38ChannelZYes but iWhores cost more and come with a sticker
06:35.09Micc_it says I can evaluate vsphere for 60 days.
06:35.15Micc_I thought it was free?
06:35.21drmessanovsphere isn't
06:35.22gamednavsphere is the management stuff
06:35.29Kyoshyea but cloudwhores are distributed for your satisfaction
06:35.50gamednapersonally i like timeshare-whores
06:37.07Micc_ok, I guess I signed up for a vsphere evaluation.
06:37.08gamednawhen you register you can request as many keys as you want
06:37.11shamelessn00bMicc_: no not virtualized, but we are running a cluster
06:37.19Micc_I just need vsphere hypervisoresxi.
06:37.33gamednathat is for 32 bit hardware
06:37.56gamednaESXi 3.5  (32bit)   or ESXi 4.1 for 64bit
06:38.06*** part/#asterisk adolfomaltez (~taro@
06:38.36gamedna3.5 does not give you access to GO
06:42.33gamednaMicc_: remember esxi install will re-format your entire machine
06:43.09Micc_thats fine
06:43.30Micc_I'm only going to test when i get a new machine
06:43.41gamednaseen it happen to many people
06:43.52Micc_good to know
06:44.25Micc_I've got an old server I could try it on, but I'd have to image the drive first.
06:44.33*** join/#asterisk arossouw (
06:44.36Micc_I need the windows server 2003 installatino thats on it.
06:44.49Micc_I wouldn't mind turning it into a vm if theres an easy way to do that.
06:44.59*** part/#asterisk arossouw (
06:45.05shamelessn00bHow popular is SS7 in USA btw?
06:45.12Micc_I dunno if that server supports a hypver visor though
06:45.31Micc_shamelessn00b, dunno, I've never used it.
06:45.32gamednawhat machine?
06:45.41Micc_its an older super micro.
06:46.12*** join/#asterisk arossouw (
06:46.45arossouwhi, i am thinking of writing a script to monitor line status of isdn, is there a way to get a return code from asterisk to indicate line ok
06:46.47gamednagot a #?
06:47.30Micc_intel xeon 2.4 ghz. 1gb ram.
06:47.39gamednashould work
06:47.57gamednawill run only 1 vm
06:48.06gamednaw/ only 1GB but good for testing
06:48.34Micc_I could probably get more memory for it pretty easily.
06:48.45Kyoshshamelessn00b: its popular
06:48.54Micc_is there an easy way to turn the current OS into a vm?
06:49.56shamelessn00bKyosh: where you from?
06:51.06arossouwfound something
06:51.35Kyoshnew york
06:51.49gamednaMicc_:  yes
06:51.53gamednavmotion i think
06:51.54gamednahold on
06:52.12shamelessn00bI'm using cacti graphs to monitor asterisk
06:52.59gamednathat is not it
06:54.04gamednathere we go
06:59.15Micc_gamedna, thats perfect.
06:59.20*** join/#asterisk iscsi (~light@
06:59.26Micc_I'll have to play with that this weekend.
06:59.36gamednaw/ 4.1 you can use VMWARE Go
06:59.46Micc_If I can find more memory for that machine, i'll be in business. It looks like its dual proc too.
06:59.46gamednaand that will help you provision and do the P2V conversion too
07:00.08shamelessn00bbut I'm looking for something that would let me monitor call quality on sip trunks
07:00.22shamelessn00bnot wireshark alone
07:00.32Micc_shamelessn00b, sip show channelstats
07:00.43Micc_it can help, although sometimes its not very helpful.
07:00.54Micc_I find it doesn't report correct stats on some connections.
07:01.27shido6shamelessn00b: u need something that will monitor MOS scores from the phones ( if they are linksys or spa or cisco you're good ..)
07:01.42shamelessn00byeah exactly
07:01.44shido6I was looking at VQadmin from Device Expert pplk
07:01.55shamelessn00bMOS scores on a trunk, all active calls
07:02.28shamelessn00bI use this program called AQUA to get MOS scores on SIP streams, but I have to extract the RTP data using wireshark
07:02.46*** part/#asterisk arossouw (
07:03.09Micc_I don't think xeon's are 64bit, at least the older ones anyways.
07:03.29shido6im sorry ,
07:03.57shamelessn00bI have yet to figure this one out though
07:04.28shido6if u need help
07:04.43*** join/#asterisk qvsqvs (
07:05.09shido6you never know whos listening
07:09.11*** join/#asterisk cdahmedeh (
07:14.07goddvashido6: Does the SPA series have the calculation of MOS scores built in?  >>  if they are linksys or spa or cisco you're good .
07:19.13Micc_dnag, my xeon is a prestonia, only 32 bit. So I can't use esxi 4.1
07:20.26*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
07:21.42gamednaits ok, 3.5 is good
07:24.45Micc_ok, I think I can only get 1gb sticks for it though, so I'll only be able to do 4gb.
07:24.55Micc_But that should be great for running 4 vms.
07:24.58gamednashould be good for a test system
07:25.58Micc_cool. time for bed. Good night all.
07:26.58gamednaMicc_: Nite!
07:39.53*** join/#asterisk iscsi (~light@
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08:01.00*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@nat/redhat/x-rhitpgsanzahljcs)
08:01.17henkmorning, i am still having an issue with custom sounds. where do i put them so they are found? i was told asterisk would look in 'astvarlibdir' as defined in asterisk.conf, so i put them in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ but it doesn't seem asterisk finds them there... how could i debug that further?
08:01.49*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
08:04.47ChannelZwhat version of asterisk?
08:05.47ChannelZAsterisk uses the language layout by default, so /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en if you're setup as english
08:05.51henk asterisks error messages.
08:06.18ChannelZDon't give the extension in the filename
08:06.21henki 'gave up' and tried an absolute path. no luck either.
08:06.27henkafair i tried, let me try again.
08:06.30ChannelZIf you have "fooyou.ulaw" you would Playback(fooyou)
08:07.10ChannelZmake sure whatever user asterisk runs as has read permission to the files as well
08:07.36henkoy, you're right, must have overlooked that the first time! without .wav it gives a more meaningful error:
08:07.49henki'll work on that and see what goes. thanks :)
08:08.22ChannelZfor wav they must be 16-bit 8khz mono
08:08.57henkdamn, got the 16bit and the 8khz but not mono, let's see, audacity should be able to do that for me...
08:09.00henkthanks again :)
08:13.55ChannelZsure good luck
08:15.37WIMPyhenk: Make sure not to add any tags to the file.
08:21.44tzafrir_laptophenk, it's not astvarlibdir. it's astdatadir
08:29.09henkWIMPy: good to know, thanks!
08:29.44*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:30.15henktzafrir_laptop: oh ok... are you sure? sorry to ask that, i'm pretty sure you know what you're talking about but the same counts for [TK]Defender afaik and he's the one who told me...
08:33.26tzafrir_laptopjust looked again in main/asterisk.c (look for "astdatadir" and "astvarlibdir" , with quotes)
08:34.00tzafrir_laptopAlso note that in latest debs /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/en is a symlink
08:34.43tzafrir_laptopIf you want to override that, maybe place "custom" directly under /usr/share/asterisk/sounds
08:37.46*** join/#asterisk ajm0716 (
08:42.17henktzafrir_laptop: ok, cool, thank you very much, sounds good :)
08:43.20henktzafrir_laptop: oh, i guess that's even better: /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/custom -> ../../../local/share/asterisk/sounds
08:46.57*** join/#asterisk ruyo (
08:51.43*** join/#asterisk Beltechs (~Beltechs@
08:52.24henkok, i saved the recorded file in audacity as a microsoft wave file with 16bit, 8khz, mono. it plays fine in audacity and sox, but asterisk plays it at double speed. also it says "Playing 'custom/I7_Geschaeftszeiten.slin' (language 'en')" although it's .wav. what is wrong?
08:54.56ChannelZthat's normal (the .slin part)
08:55.12ChannelZthe double speed, not so much
08:55.28Beltechshello Im trying to debug an extension I used sip debug and have posted my findings. Can someone please help decipher? I see something about sip:Unknown@.....
08:55.55tzafrir_laptophenk, does asterisk play other files well?
08:56.07ChannelZhenk: so what does it say if in a shell you do "file I7_Geschaeftszeiten.wav"
08:56.13henkso i'm almost good now :-/ is there a definitive reference on what formats, bitrates, whatever asterisk actually _likes_ in soundfiles?
08:56.57tzafrir_laptopWAV is a rather simple container format. Look at the wikipedia entry for ".wav" .
08:57.25ChannelZBeltechs: looks like your Asterisk is just having problems reaching the peer.. firewall perhaps
08:57.52henktzafrir_laptop: good question. no. i tried the 'your-msg-has-been-saved.gsm' that comes with asterisk in debian. same issue...
08:57.55tzafrir_laptopAsterisk likes a single one - "telephony" - 16 bits per sample, 8000 samples per second, mono
08:58.30ChannelZthe gsm plays fast?
08:58.30tzafrir_laptopI suppose this is a timing issue. Try:   timing test
08:59.35ChannelZwhat codec is the channel you're testing on using?
08:59.40*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
08:59.44henktried several times, same result each time.
09:00.32henkChannelZ: uhm, i'm not sure how to tell... is that it: Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
09:00.40Beltechs1 out of 4 extensions is working
09:01.09henkChannelZ: ah no, you mean sip show channels? then it's 0x8 (alaw)
09:01.47ChannelZBeltechs: Your asterisk is unable to talk to on port 9448... or it's replies are not making it back.  I don't know why that is, but it's generally a firewall issue on either (or both) sides
09:02.02tzafrir_laptophenk, interesting. I thought timerfd was working well
09:02.37tzafrir_laptopAny chance you could try to use res_timing_pthread instead ?
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09:02.58henktzafrir_laptop, ChannelZ: i'm not sure if that matters, but regarding timing it might: the server asterisk is running on is a xen guest.
09:03.17henktzafrir_laptop: yeah, sure, the system is not really productive anyway, yet.
09:04.50henktzafrir_laptop: i guess i have to noload the timerfd module and load the pthread module in modules.conf? anything else?
09:04.54ChannelZYou say it plays twice the speed, is it pitched up as well?
09:05.14tzafrir_laptopTHough IIRC noloading timerfd should do it on its own
09:05.20henkChannelZ: no, sounds like it just skips every second 'frame' or whatever.
09:05.32*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
09:05.43ChannelZok... so yeah it seems like a timing issue
09:06.04gamednanite all
09:06.11ChannelZthough interesting your 'timer test' numbers seemed fine
09:06.27*** part/#asterisk gamedna (
09:06.55ChannelZbut perhaps the vm is bending the rules of time
09:07.22*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
09:07.31henkokaayyyy... great. now the stock gsm files plays just fine and my own file sounds 4x faster than expected...
09:07.42henkChannelZ: yeah, i guess xen vms tend to do that sometimes...
09:07.55ChannelZYou'll be able to get through so many more voicemails this way
09:09.38henktoo bad it's our "We are currently not available. You can reach us Monday to friday..." announcement when no one's here...
09:11.06henktiming test with pthread:
09:11.19henksometimes it's 1004 milliseconds
09:15.14henki'll try other formats of wav that audacity supports...
09:15.49ChannelZstill it's not twice as fast.  Does it feel like a second between when it says "Using the 'xxxx' timingmodule for this test..." and "It has been 1000 milliseconds..."
09:16.47henkChannelZ: yes.
09:16.59*** join/#asterisk modsaid (~modsaid@
09:17.09modsaidgreetings everyone
09:17.20modsaidhas anyone tried using the jack_hook before ?
09:17.22ChannelZhmm that makes no sense
09:17.22henktoo bad the command's not blocking, i could use 'time asterisk -rx "timing test"' to check exactly...
09:17.37ChannelZare you testing on a softphone?
09:18.29henkChannelZ: setup is a bit special: i have a cisco 7905 series here, connected to a cisco C1700 call manager which asterisk registers to via sip.
09:18.54ChannelZhmm a few variables
09:19.27ChannelZI don't suppose your * is reachable via SIP on a public IP I could call to test
09:19.47henkit isn't...
09:20.04*** join/#asterisk lauris (~la@unaffiliated/lauris)
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09:20.15henkok, tried the gsm6.10 format audacity knows, that's even worse... lot of errors.
09:20.23ChannelZwell perhaps try a softphone on your workstation just to narrow it down and make sure it's not something odd happening with your other setup
09:20.28henkasterisk tries to deduce the file format from the extension right?
09:21.21ChannelZSort of;  It tries to find the best possible file to use based on the channel codec, and looks for the file with various extensions as a result
09:21.44henkok, what channel codec(s) should i use/allow?
09:21.48ChannelZit assumes the extension actually matches the content though
09:22.14ChannelZDepends on your needs, but ulaw/alaw at least
09:22.50ChannelZ* will transcode when it can if for instance the channel is gsm but the only available format is wav or ulaw or whatnot
09:23.54ChannelZwhile a call is going you can do 'sip show channels' and it should list the codec being used
09:25.31henkok, i'm on ulaw, was on alaw, both have problems...
09:26.44ChannelZwell try a softphone just to rule out your cisco setup
09:26.48henkok, next wavefile format...
09:26.57henkhm, yeah, good idea too...
09:27.03ChannelZbed time for me, good luck
09:27.10henkthanks, good night!
09:28.09modsaidanyone tried jack_hook before?
09:33.29henkomg, it really plays almost flawless via a softphone :-/
09:35.26*** join/#asterisk Failrar (
09:36.25henkargh :( wrong again, must be something else... i guess i'll just take real hardware and try with that...
09:36.42henkthat eliminates one possible cause of problems...
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09:51.34*** join/#asterisk lukhas (~lucas@bearstech/lukhas)
09:52.39lukhasI'm having trouble to set up transfers to internal extensions (SIP phones) for incoming IAX calls
09:53.03lukhastransfer from SIP to SIP is working fine
09:53.34*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
10:02.11ruyolukhas, is DTMF working in incomming IAX calls?
10:03.43lukhashow can I test that? Whenever I press keys, I hear the DTMF tones in the other phone, in both directions
10:04.04lukhas(even if I press # before)
10:05.38lukhasI have dtmfmode=rfc2833 in iax.conf
10:06.48ruyoIs the IAX account a phone?
10:07.10lukhasnope, it's a VoIP provider
10:07.48lukhas"regular telephone" -> VoIP provider <- iax trunk -> our asterisk -> SIP phones
10:07.51ruyoOk. So, when you receive a call from your provider, you can't transfer it to another phone?
10:08.00*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
10:08.11ruyoAre you allowing transfers on those calls?
10:08.22lukhasI thought so
10:08.44lukhasthere is "transfer=yes" in iax.conf
10:08.56lukhasbut obviously that's not enough :)
10:09.40ruyoTry using the Dial app like: exten => <exten>,<prio>,Dial(SIP/<exten>,,t)
10:10.04ruyoThe 't' argument allows the callee to transfer calls.
10:10.15ruyoAnd the 'T' allows the caller.
10:10.47lukhasindeed, no sign of 't' in my dialplan, damn
10:12.19*** join/#asterisk AlienPenguin (~my@
10:13.16AlienPenguinhi, if i n my dialplan i have: exten => 911,1,Transfer(SIP/120@ then every call should go to that specific sip address?
10:13.50sawgoodexten => 19164892236,1,Dial(SIP/4104)
10:13.50sawgoodexten => 19164892225,n,Dial(SIP/4104)
10:14.11sawgoodhi if I want specific CID to match, is this the right dialplan statement?
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10:15.34ruyoAlienPenguin, I think only SIP calls get transfered like that.
10:16.10AlienPenguinruyo, and if 120 is a registered user? i just want the call to go to the direct IP address and not be handled by asterisk
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10:18.29lukhasruyo: 't' in the Dial application did the trick, thanks!
10:18.33*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
10:18.37ruyoAlienPenguin, I think that if the user accepts unauthenticated calls it should work. I'm just guessing, though. I don't really know how Transfer works.
10:18.37sawgoodWhat I am facing is this (the Asterisk box) receives a call from the ITSP (it is processed correctly) ... Now, the Asterisk box has a 2nd DID, but it is not processing the call correctly when it is received (it is following the rules for the 1st DID)
10:19.02ruyolukhas, np.
10:19.12doolittleworkhi there i have a wierd implementation of asterisk i must do, i need to link it to our legacy pbx, we want to record our cusomer service line, I managed to get this working i have made some custom filenames for the recordings and setup a samba share
10:20.21doolittleworkmy problem is that i wan t to reference the call whiles on the line with the customer, is there a way to display something like a unique id in the xlite screen for every call, and then link that into my recoding file name
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10:21.57Kalidarnhey does anyone know how to set openmode on a tdm400p?
10:22.26doolittleworkKalidarn: what do you mean by open
10:23.00WIMPydoolittlework: Generate an ID and put it into CALLERID(name)?
10:23.03Kalidarnit's saying
10:23.08Kalidarnfor example
10:23.16Kalidarnoptions wctdm opermode=UK
10:23.23Kalidarnsorry my blindness i meant to say opermode
10:23.23ruyosawgood, what is the extension string you're using to handle the call?
10:23.43Kalidarncourse that only will work with linux kernel modules
10:23.47Kalidarni'm using freebsd
10:24.16Kalidarnhint.wctdm.0.opermode="AUSTRALIA" put in /boot/device.hints should work
10:24.42Kalidarnlast time i had to modify the source
10:24.47Kalidarnbut ill try this :P
10:25.07*** join/#asterisk Trixboxer (
10:25.23AlienPenguinruyo, well i do remember it used to work with asterisk 1.4.x but now i get a different behaviour with
10:25.41Kalidarnanyways doolittlework (normally i'd stick around but i have to reboot this box to test it so ill be back in a bit).
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10:31.23*** join/#asterisk Kalidarn (~unknown@unaffiliated/kalidarn)
10:31.38Kalidarnmmm doolittlework seems that doesn't work. :(
10:31.45Kalidarnguess i'lll have to modify the source
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10:35.15ruyokaldemar, to set opermode try using "modprobe wctdm opermode=AUSTRALIA"
10:38.20sawgoodhow does one tell exactly what Asterisk is doing with an incoming SIP call when it arrives at the box (I have sip set debug on)
10:40.04Kalidarnruyo: yeah that's for linux.
10:40.09Kalidarnbecause it's linux module.
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10:41.08Kalidarnwhat i've found is it doesn't actually work when setting hint.wctdm.0.opermode="AUSTRALIA in /boot/device.hints
10:41.27Kalidarnso i had to edit line 300 of wctdm.c
10:41.51Kalidarnand change static char opermode[128] = "FCC"
10:41.59Kalidarnto static char opermode[128] = "AUSTRALIA"
10:43.19*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
10:44.33geemeeHi all. When having 2 asterisk boxes linked together I can dial another extensions from one side to the other side OK however I cannot route calls to another box when using IVR. I presume this is since 1 box isnt aware of the other extensions. Is there a way around this?
10:47.17DennisGgeemee: you can use DUNDi for it
10:47.33*** join/#asterisk m0t3jl (~petr.mote@
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10:48.18Kalidarni'm back
10:48.43doolittleworkif i record files in mp3 can asterisk play them back to me or do i need to add additional  apps to asterisk
10:49.30Kalidarnhmm, yeah kernel panic but yeah
10:49.34Kalidarnnow it says AUSTRALIA mode
10:49.40geemeeDennisG: I will look into Dundi. However the other box is very old and reluctant to upgrade will this be a problem?
10:49.44m0t3jlHi, would someone mind explaining me the equipment I need to buy when I want to connect Asterisk PC to some 4 state lines and about 15 office phones? I'm not really sure that I understand the logic involved, what is it with the cards and modules and stuff? ;) Thanks a lot
10:50.17Kalidarnthat said freebsd probably hasn't got the newest zaptel driver
10:50.18m0t3jlI have a working test environment with just pure VoIP-enabled Asterisk.
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10:56.19SiNGLerm0t3jl: you need to connect lines and phones to PC. you can use internal cards, or converters (gateways) to SIP, and connect via ethernet to server
10:57.48*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (~chatzilla@
10:58.23m0t3jlSiNGLer, that much I know, but what are the advantages/disadvantages of using for example internal card instead of a SIP gateway?
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10:59.04m0t3jlSiNGLer, I need fax support, so I probably need an internal card so faxes are not digitalized and dedigitalized ;)
10:59.30UQlevm0t3jl: internal card for desktops only, and it is powered from PC
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11:00.00SiNGLerI personally think that is available, internal card should be used
11:00.18SiNGLersaves power, space, better quality
11:00.22UQlevm0t3jl: it worth to have traditional telephone network apart from asterisk, imho
11:00.25*** part/#asterisk geemee (
11:01.23m0t3jlUQlev, not sure what you mean ;)
11:01.51UQlevm0t3jl: I mean if your asteris server is down, no communications?
11:01.53m0t3jlSiNGLer, I personally think that too. It seems to me that it should even be a bit cheaper than external gateways
11:02.21m0t3jlUQlev, What do you propose? ;)
11:02.30*** join/#asterisk markitoxs (
11:02.36UQlevm0t3jl: see above
11:03.01SiNGLerif server is down, you can use mobile phone :P
11:03.05markitoxshow can i set the rtp TOS flag?
11:03.43*** join/#asterisk OlafsenM (~mark.olaf@
11:03.52SiNGLerbackup telephony can be implemented but it depends if it pays off.
11:04.31markitoxstos_audio=EF ?
11:04.36UQlevflat rate for pstn is not that high
11:05.16m0t3jlSiNGLer, that's my concern, we have lots of mobile phones, so it's more likely Asterisk will be the backup in case mobile phones are down :D
11:05.56SiNGLerUQlev: but you will not install analog and VoIP phones on every worldspace
11:06.14SiNGLerand mobile rates aren't high too
11:06.18UQlevm0t3jl: main reason of VoIP to reduce call charges using termination providers
11:07.40m0t3jlUQlev, what I'm trying to do here is to replace our old analogue PBX capable of the same stuff with added features like VoIP (so our customers who have VoIP can call us free of charge), voice menus, queues, etc
11:08.13m0t3jloh half the sentence I wrote just disappeared ;) ... analogue PBX with Asterisk PBX capable of ...
11:08.22UQlevm0t3jl: afaik in Praha call rates are not the same as in USA ;P
11:09.10*** join/#asterisk zorp75ck (
11:09.21m0t3jlUQlev, actually I'm not in Prague, I live a bit to the east of Prague ;)
11:09.28OlafsenMguys, help
11:09.30OlafsenM"chan_dahdi.c: !! Got reject for frame , but we have nothing -- resetting! "
11:09.44OlafsenMwhat's happening?
11:09.50UQlevm0t3jl: are there cheaper telephones? :)
11:09.56doolittleworkWIMPy: you still here?
11:11.23*** part/#asterisk lukhas (~lucas@bearstech/lukhas)
11:11.23doolittleworkWIMPy: thank you callerid(name) works like a charm
11:11.45m0t3jlBut back to my original question. Suppose I want to replace our old analogue PBX with Asterisk without changing much of the stuff the users are used to. I think I'll go with the internal cards and I won't think about failover. I figured out that when I want to buy such cards I don't only need to buy the card itself, but also some modules, is that true?
11:11.51m0t3jlUQlev, I guess not
11:12.15m0t3jlUQlev, I usually take USA as an example of a cheaper country as far as communications are concerned ;)
11:12.42doolittleworkm0t3jl: why dont you use the legasy as an fxs, isdn gateway?
11:13.01SiNGLerm0t3jl: user will use analog or VoIP phones?
11:13.58SiNGLerand your state lines are PRI or BRI, I guess BRI, because you have only 15 users
11:14.30doolittleworkif a customer does not want to upgrade to asterisk on the fly because of cost, it is always better to link it to the old system then fade it out as money becomes available
11:15.27UQlevm0t3jl: voice menues, queues and other crap are just fassion, it is not helpful for business
11:15.52*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
11:15.53doolittleworkI have successfully integrated asterisk to work with Philips, siemens, avaya, samsung, plessey, nortel, ericson, keeping the feutures of the legacy plus all the bonus uf having asterisk
11:16.25UQlevdoolittlework: asterisk server itself is very little investment
11:16.41doolittleworkif i dial from a softphone is there a way to change what is on the screen, while in a call?
11:16.50sawgooddoolittlework: what type of IAD do you use to support the legacy key system?
11:17.00m0t3jlSiNGLer, they use analog and I don't think we'll be switching to VoIP any time soon ;)
11:17.06doolittleworkUQlev: the cost of the phones is what scares the customers off
11:17.22m0t3jlSiNGLer, PRI is ISDN? If yes, then we have BRI ;)
11:18.05SiNGLerPRI and BRI are basically ISDNs. PRI is E1 in Europe (30 channels), BRI - 2 channels
11:18.44doolittleworksawgood: use pri, bri to link to system
11:18.53m0t3jlSiNGLer, oh, then I think it's BRI, we have 4 lines (cables) as far as I know
11:19.08UQlevm0t3jl: changing traditional telephone to VoIP phone will not give your users any additional comfort or benefits
11:19.14m0t3jlSiNGLer, and you can only have one call at a time (using one of the lines).
11:19.16SiNGLerI would use card to connect state lines to server, use analog card for fax (or use analog line, if possible), connect users via analog-sip gateway
11:19.23m0t3jlUQlev, I am not doing that
11:19.56SiNGLerm0t3jl: wait a minute, one call per line? maybe it is analog line?
11:20.09SiNGLercan you connect ordinary phone to that line?
11:20.10m0t3jlUQlev, I am replacing the old malfunctioning analogue PBX with Asterisk.
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11:20.13UQlevm0t3jl: Install pilot asterisk server with softphones only let users see what is this
11:20.16m0t3jlSiNGLer, it is ;)
11:21.23m0t3jlUQlev, gosh, I am talking to a wall :D I've already said that earlier. I have a working Asterisk server with VoIP accounts. Now I want to connect it to our phone network and slowly replace the old analogue PBX ;)
11:21.46SiNGLerthen you'll need FXO and FXS cards/modules to connect lines and users.
11:22.08doolittleworkm0t3jl: do you need help doing this
11:22.38m0t3jlSiNGLer, that I know, but I can't figure out which cards work well with Asterisk and if I just buy a card and that's it or if I do have to buy also those modules they talk about ;)
11:23.34m0t3jldoolittlework, I am trying to find out which hardware should I buy to be able to connect my Asterisk to our phone network ;)
11:24.30SiNGLerI can say only about Sangoma cards, because I work with them (but never used FXO/FXS cards, only digital). You need a card, and module to that card, depends what you need FXO, or FXS modules. one module can support a few lines, don't remember correctly.
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11:26.57m0t3jlSiNGLer, so when I buy a card with let's say 8 phone lines, I have to buy 8 modules for that card?
11:27.37leifmadsen1 module = 1 port
11:27.39SiNGLernot exactly
11:28.01SiNGLerexample is Sangoma's BRI card (A500). One module is 2 lines
11:28.02doolittleworkm0t3jl: if you are using 2 bri(4 lines) the b410p is the best 4 port bri, you can use to from telco to asterisk and 2 to link to your old pbx
11:28.05m0t3jlI would never thought there's enough room for that on one card :D
11:28.52m0t3jldoolittlework, the old PBX will be burned at least ;) It's malfunctioning :D
11:30.29doolittleworkm0t3jl: never kill old technology, if it was not for the old we would not have the new
11:30.49*** part/#asterisk markitoxs (
11:31.21m0t3jldoolittlework, I don't have anything against the old, but it's malfunctioning. I got hit by a lightning bolt ;)
11:31.27m0t3jlIt ;)
11:31.41doolittleworkso where is the guru, i need to send a ref number to a phone whiles in a call, pref display it on the screen of eyebeam if possible
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11:32.01doolittleworkm0t3jl: are you ok???
11:32.32doolittleworknatures death row
11:32.43m0t3jldoolittlework, it was the PBX that got hit, not me, though ;)
11:32.57m0t3jldoolittlework, so I am fine, thanks for asking ;)
11:33.20UQlevm0t3jl: do you think Asteris will protect itself from surges?
11:34.04m0t3jlUQlev, I don't
11:34.32SiNGLerm0t3jl: take a look at sangoma's A400 and/or A200. One module is 2 lines. you'll need 2 modules for analog and 8 modules for users.
11:34.42m0t3jlUQlev, it's just that it's impossible to repair the old PBX, so we're switching to Asterisk
11:35.10m0t3jlSiNGLer, so there's not place for 8 modules, but only 4 ;)
11:35.37SiNGLerm0t3jl: you need expansion card, see pictures
11:35.59UQlevm0t3jl: those zap cards will cost you more than local PBX
11:36.15m0t3jlSiNGLer, so there's a baseboard, to which I connect daughter cards, and then I have the modules? ;)
11:36.56SiNGLerwhere is base card, to which you connect modules, if you need more, you connect daughter card. It's cheaper than buying additional card
11:37.20SiNGLerand cards are synced this way
11:37.39m0t3jlSiNGLer, I was thinking that way
11:38.02m0t3jlSiNGLer, so it is more stable when I use daughter cards instead of using more basecards?
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11:38.49SiNGLeralso you can go with SIP gw. buy one (4 lines) for state lines. and one bigger for users. connect fax directly to line for better quality, of live with little degraded faxs
11:39.29m0t3jlSiNGLer, they are not little degraded, by the way, from like 15 tries, I got one received :D
11:39.30SiNGLerI worked with Audiocodes devices, Can't say about others
11:39.41SiNGLerIt depends on config
11:39.56SiNGLerI managed to get good results
11:40.44SiNGLerbut maybe your faxes had higher speed, then where would be more degradation
11:40.55SiNGLeralso you can terminate fax on server
11:42.17doolittleworkwhat asterisk application contols what is displayed on the eyebeam screen
11:43.56m0t3jlSiNGLer, I tried that as well, but it did not work either. There was some error that Asterisk is not able to recognize the image data ;)
11:44.19SiNGLerI use iaxmodem+hylafax
11:44.48SiNGLerfrom asterisk dial iaxmodem. Hylafax picks it up and proccesses
11:44.49m0t3jlAnd you terminate faxes on server?
11:45.14m0t3jlAnd then you send them via e-mail?
11:45.53WIMPyBTW: There is no support for G4 fax in any of the solutions, is there?
11:46.57m0t3jlWIMPy, it is when you connect the fax directly to a state line :D
11:47.19SiNGLerand fax machine supports it :)
11:47.24WIMPyThat even works without Asterisk. I know :-)
11:47.41SiNGLeryes, a failover! :)
11:47.45m0t3jlSiNGLer, do you have any experience with Sangona A400E?
11:48.38SiNGLernop, but I guess it wouldn't be difficult
11:49.34m0t3jlSiNGLer, it does not have any ports directly on it, instead it has some sort of LPT port-like connector, do I get a special box with phone line connectors with that?
11:50.46SiNGLer12 ports would fit on card. you get cable, and you connect to phones via cross (don't know if it is correct name in english)
11:50.57SiNGLer*would not
11:51.48SiNGLerI guess legacy PBX was connected similar way
11:52.19SiNGLerI googled image:
11:52.36SiNGLersomething like that
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11:52.47m0t3jlSiNGLer, what the bloody hell is that ugly-looking thing? ;)
11:53.27m0t3jlSiNGLer, I don't use connectors but directly wire the phone cable to that, am I right?
11:53.30SiNGLerAnd I saw at sangomas site they say, that can provide Y cable to connect 2 cards to one to connect to similar things
11:53.52SiNGLeryes, ex lower wire - phone, upper - card
11:54.01doolittleworkWIMPy: thanks for the help on ethe incoming ref number using callerid(name) is there a way to send sip info  messages to eyebeam softhone whilis in a call
11:54.19SiNGLerand you pair it at digits. first wire on left of "1", second on right
11:55.12m0t3jlSiNGLer, I think I'll have some telco guy do that wiring for me ;)
11:55.50SiNGLerand using that thing is easier to manage everything, if needed you can tap into line, or insert a fuse
11:57.24WIMPydoolittlework: I don't think so. You might be able to use system(sipsak...). But I can't help on that one.
11:58.05m0t3jlSiNGLer, nice
11:58.48doolittleworkta thx for the direction
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12:08.17gnusivahi all, is it possible to connect a gsm modem to asterisk instead of pstn line?
12:10.09WIMPyNot the calssic 'modem' things AFAIK, but the are cahnnels for USB sticks and Phones via BT. Or you can use SIP-GSM gateways.
12:12.50WIMPyfinally got a phone connected via dahdi on 1.8. *fanfare*
12:14.24hrhrhrwhat card?
12:14.48hrhrhrim gonna have to move our pri card over to dahdi at some point
12:15.17russellbalso check out chan_datacard -
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12:21.19m0t3jlSiNGLer, damn. I was just told that one of our lines is actually an ISDN ...
12:22.02m0t3jlSiNGLer, so there's actually 3 analogue lines and one PRI (it has 4 channels).
12:22.38WIMPym0t3jl: Sounds a little unlikely. Are you sure?
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12:22.55m0t3jlWIMPy, what is unlikely?
12:23.21WIMPyA PRI with only 4 channels. You'd use 2 BRIs for that.
12:23.39m0t3jlWIMPy, the ISDN line is not currently connected to the PBX, it has one phone of its own. It's sort of detached office, but in the future we would like to connect it to Asterisk ;)
12:24.12WIMPyIf it has a phone connected it's definitely not PRI.
12:24.13hrhrhrcan you even use 4 channels from pri
12:24.18m0t3jlWIMPy, oh, then it's probably 2 BRIs. I know there are four numbers on the line, but we only use one.
12:24.29WIMPyhrhrhr: In theory...
12:24.31hrhrhri don't think you can get provisioned on less than 6/8 around here
12:25.00joobieanyone know much about isdn redundancy?
12:25.10joobiei pay my provider for a PRI30
12:25.14WIMPyI think the concept of fractional PRIs was ditched here some years back.
12:25.15joobieif they drop
12:25.17SiNGLerm0t3jl: you can have many numbers on one BRI/PRI line
12:25.22joobiehow can i ensure my ISDN doesnt with them?
12:25.55WIMPyjoobie: What's your question?
12:26.14SiNGLerm0t3jl: I think you should find out exactly how many which types you do have, then plan accordingly
12:26.44joobieWIMPy, is there a way to ensure ISDN redunancy in the event that the provider you use for ISDN drops?
12:26.53WIMPyOr even better, try to tidy up in that process.
12:26.54joobieis there like some sort of failover technology for ISDN that can be used??
12:27.02WIMPyjoobie: Get a 2nd line.
12:27.24joobieWIMPy, how will that help with routing of the numbers that are assigned to the ISDN trunk with Telco#1 when they go down?
12:27.30SiNGLerm0t3jl: you can check your bills or use analog phone to check which lines will work with it
12:27.32OlafsenM"chan_dahdi.c: !! Got reject for frame 119, but we have nothing -- resetting! "
12:27.36WIMPyjoobie: Or forward clls in case of failure.
12:27.37OlafsenMwhat's wrong
12:27.47joobieWIMPy, telco is DOWN
12:27.50joobieaka they cant forward
12:27.53joobietheir shit is off the air
12:28.12joobieis there some failure mechanism that can be used in ISDN to revert the numbes to another trunk.. something in the industry as a standard for this?
12:28.17WIMPyjoobie: If your telco goes down, your screwd, unconditionally.
12:28.22joobieif they are down, i cant ring them to ask them to forward the numbers
12:28.33joobieu serious? there's NO failover mechanism in ISDN?
12:28.40joobiefor example in IP, there is BGP
12:28.43WIMPyThere is
12:28.49joobiewher eyou can setup a BGP relationshp with another isp
12:28.50m0t3jlSiNGLer, that's how I found out about the ISDN line ;) Totally it's 5 FXO, 4 EuroISDN numbers and 16 office phones...
12:28.55WIMPyBut there is not fail over for an entire telco.
12:28.55joobieand then route the same ip to their equipment
12:29.14joobieWIMPy, not an entire telco, just my ISDN circuit with the numbers that are associated to it
12:29.36WIMPyjoobie: Then it's back to my first answer: Get a 2nd line.
12:29.47SiNGLerm0t3jl: how many ISDN lines do you have? 4 numbers can be on one or 2 lines
12:30.00joobieWIMPy, then it's back to my 2nd comment - the telco is down and they cant forward when they are down
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12:30.36m0t3jlSiNGLer, by the looks of the bill it seems like one line
12:30.53WIMPyjoobie: Now what is your question? Is it about a line being down or a telco being down?
12:31.11joobieWIMPy, i have numbers assigned to my ISDN from my telco
12:31.21joobieif my telco goes down, how can i make those numbers accessible
12:31.29joobie.. if they cant forward because their systmes are down
12:31.41joobie.. with IP, if this happened, BGP would handle this and route the same IP over a different route
12:31.57joobiemy question is, is there s similar thing i can get the telco to setup which will be able to route the numbers over a different trunk
12:32.05joobieis there a "standard" to handle this type of siutaiton
12:32.07WIMPyYou get a 2nd line with the same numbers.
12:32.24joobieand you can do that with 2 providers?
12:32.29WIMPyAnd yes you can also use forwarding, as I already wrote.
12:32.29joobiehow so .. what technology is it called?
12:32.41joobieforwarding i cannot do if the telco is down
12:32.50joobieive had this situation where my telco had a complete outage in their NOC
12:32.57WIMPyForwarding would work with a different telco.
12:33.00joobiethey couldnt forward numbers, so the numbers just went to a busy tone
12:33.19WIMPyYou do the forwarding before the line goes down.
12:33.24joobiebut if telco#1 went down, whom owns the numbers, forwarding wouldnt wokr?!?
12:33.27m0t3jlSiNGLer, do you know if it's possible to have that numbers transfered? Like moving all the FXO numbers to ISDN or vice versa?
12:33.41joobiei'm talking about unscheduled outages
12:33.52m0t3jlSiNGLer, I don't quiet like the idea of using two technologies...
12:34.02WIMPym0t3jl: That would sound like a sensible idea.
12:34.03joobieis there something like BGP
12:34.07joobiefor ISDN indials?
12:34.09WIMPyjoobie: YES!
12:34.12joobieit sounds like there isnt from what you're saying
12:34.16joobieforwarding is NOT BGP liek
12:34.23joobieif the telco #1 drops, so does the forwarding
12:34.26joobiewhat dont you get about that?
12:34.33WIMPyYou setup forwarding in case of failure, just like in case of busy.
12:34.47joobiewhat is that called
12:34.51joobie"forwarding in csae of failure"
12:34.55WIMPyYou still don't seem to know what your question is.
12:34.57joobieis there a proper industyr term for this?
12:35.18joobiei know my question, you don't understand
12:35.25joobieyou're going aroudn in circles
12:35.26WIMPyYes, but it doesn't spring to mind ATM.
12:35.27SiNGLerm0t3jl: not sure how it is in your country, but it is possible
12:35.30joobieand im getting pissed
12:35.39joobiethat term
12:35.40joobieis what i need
12:35.55WIMPyAsk someone else, please.
12:36.33joobieWIMPy, my penis is hard
12:36.55WIMPyGreat. Try youporn, then.
12:37.40m0t3jlSiNGLer, damn the fool that invented this system :D
12:38.03SiNGLerblame the progress :P
12:38.05m0t3jlSiNGLer, why would he buy an ISDN line if he had already 5 FXOs ;)
12:38.41SiNGLerto use more numbers on one line? to save on wires? because ISDN = 2 analogs
12:38.45WIMPym0t3jl: Better ask the other way round. Then the answer is probably: Because of the old PBX.
12:38.50SiNGLermaybe it was cheper
12:38.56m0t3jlSiNGLer, I know, but we presently still use only one of the numbers :D
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12:39.51m0t3jlSiNGLer, I'm now looking on some of the prices they have for ISDN cards. Do I get it right that on one of the ports I get two numbers?
12:40.00joobiehey WIMPy that's a good site
12:40.33WIMPym0t3jl: Usually you can get up to 10 or alternatively a DDI block.
12:40.41SiNGLerm0t3jl: what exactly do you look at? one ISDN line can have 2 calls at one time. Numbers can be much more
12:41.23[TK]D-FenderBRI = 2 channels.
12:41.29WIMPyAnd that's two active calls, BTW.
12:42.04m0t3jlWIMPy, oh, so it's like that. Maybe we have one line with four numbers, but only 2 channels.
12:42.36WIMPyAbsolutely possible.
12:42.54m0t3jlBut when there are four ports on an ISDN card, I could be having 8 channels, therefore 8 simultaneous calls, right?
12:43.31m0t3jlThat's what I call clever ;)
12:43.33SiNGLerdepends on card, sangoma's A500 have Y cable, su you can connect 2 BRI's to one port
12:44.02SiNGLerA500 use jack with 8 pins, BRI need only 4 :)
12:44.25SiNGLerI mean socket RJ-11 - 4 pins, RJ-45 - 8
12:44.26WIMPyI'd prefer to call that two ports on one socket.
12:46.30m0t3jlBy the looks of it I'd be more happier if they could take the one number we use from the ISDN and make it an analogue FXO ;)
12:46.57m0t3jlCause the cards are cheaper and I could use the same card and daughter card I would use for the office phones...
12:47.38WIMPyErr, no. BRI cards cost next to nothing. And you have a lot less trouble.
12:47.40SiNGLerBut then you will not be able to receive multiple calls on one number
12:48.02m0t3jlWIMPy, next to nothing?
12:48.05WIMPyAnd are much more flexible, right.
12:48.05SiNGLermaybe it was a reason for ISDN?
12:48.23m0t3jlWIMPy, here the A400E costs 8K CZK, the A500 costs 10K CZK ;)
12:48.38WIMPym0t3jl: <30 EUR in the next consumer electronics store.
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12:50.23m0t3jlWIMPy, are we living in the same world? 30 EUR is like 762 CZK... I don't think I can get an ISDN card for that kind of money here...
12:51.07WIMPyI'm pretty sure, you can. Just go for a normal one, not one that has voice applications printed on the package.
12:51.22m0t3jlWIMPy, what is a normal one?
12:51.50m0t3jlSiNGLer, how much is that E500 you were talking about worth?
12:51.50WIMPyThere are tons of el-cheapo ones, like, e.g. Longshine.
12:51.53SiNGLerdoes sell cheap ISDN cards?
12:52.05SiNGLerm0t3jl: A500?
12:52.12WIMPyI don't think they sell the cheap ones.
12:52.28m0t3jlSaiSoma, the ISDN one
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12:52.52m0t3jlSaiSoma, ups, sorry about that
12:52.56m0t3jlSiNGLer, the ISDN one
12:52.57SaiSomam0t3jl: np:)
12:53.17SiNGLercheck there prices are fair
12:53.55WIMPyIf you need a multiport one, check the ones.
12:54.01SiNGLernot sure from where we get them, afaik there are sangoma's distributor in Poland, but I personally don't buy them
12:54.19SiNGLermy boss does :)
12:55.03m0t3jlSiNGLer, lol, the A500BRM would cost something about 6K CZK (converted from EUR) there ;)
12:56.45m0t3jlTHat's like 150 EUR difference, man ;)
12:57.43SiNGLermaybe that other is with echo canceller?
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12:58.41m0t3jlSiNGLer, echo canceller costs 150 EUR?
12:59.04SiNGLerat version with hardware ec is 483,46 euro
12:59.19WIMPyProbably not. They are really expensive. But can be very helpfull as well.
13:00.58joobieanyone want to setup a trunk to AU with me
13:01.03joobiei got free local calls
13:01.17joobieneed a UK / US trunk preferably
13:02.40m0t3jljoobie, AU is Australia?
13:02.56m0t3jljonmasters, pitty, we don't call there much ...
13:03.39m0t3jlSiNGLer, if that version had ec it would be a lot cheaper than the, which I doubt...
13:04.04SiNGLerm0t3jl: does it have D at the end of model?
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13:05.21m0t3jlSiNGLer, it's just A500
13:05.45m0t3jlSiNGLer, why does it have 3 ports, when the modules are 2 port? ;)
13:06.24SiNGLerbecause there are cables which split, and you can connect 2 port on one socket
13:06.42SiNGLerwe discussed this earlier
13:07.05m0t3jlSiNGLer, I know you talked about it, but I did not realize it
13:07.09SiNGLersangoma has rj45, which is 8 wires. rj11 is 4 wires
13:07.34SiNGLerso first 4 wires are for first isdn, later 4 for second
13:08.14m0t3jlSo one port on that card is actually two lines?
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13:09.02SiNGLerI have to go afk, will be back in 30min
13:09.12m0t3jlSiNGLer, no problem, thanks for the advice, though
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13:29.08ruyoAynone installed bristuff on a Debian Lenny?
13:29.27ruyoThinking on trying that instead of mISDN...
13:30.15sawgoodI have a situation/need to solve a concern for an Asterisk 1.6.x box:  I have a group of 4 SIP phones ... which all need to 'act' as one single extension (not as a ring group) ... is this even possible?
13:30.57[TK]D-Fendersawgood: What is the functional difference?
13:31.31ruyoSince a SIP account is associated to an IP address I don't think it's possible to use the same account on 4.
13:31.34sawgoodmight be symantics ... but ... call one number (four phones ring) because any work at any of the four phones all do the same job
13:31.57sawgoodany worker I mean at any of the 4 phones all do the same job
13:32.02[TK]D-Fendersawgood: How does a "ring group" (shit term) not do that?
13:32.14ruyo601,1,Dial(SIP/601&SIP/602&SIP/603) doesn't do the trick?
13:32.30sawgoodwell, if a VM is left for a ring group can it be left on all four phones at once?
13:32.35[TK]D-Fendersawgood: "make 4 phones ring where only 1 might be expected for a similar action" <- sounds the same to me
13:33.07[TK]D-Fendersawgood: You don't leave VM on a PHONE.  VM is in ASTERISK, and * can inform whatever phones about whatever mailboxes you want
13:33.24ruyoYou can use the same mailbox=xxx@xxx for them.
13:33.30sawgoodgood point ...
13:34.02sawgoodwell, this leads me to another sub-variable ... which I'll leave off for the moment ...
13:34.16ruyoCallerID? =P
13:34.26sawgoodI cannot recall exactly why I felt like a ring group would be different then calling four phones at once
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13:34.36sawgoodBut, now I'll go back to the LAB and set it up  ..
13:35.11sawgoodThe client wants the four phones in the 'staff A room' to all ring anytime someone needs help from the 'staff a people' ...
13:35.33sawgoodsometimes, one phone will ring and the worker is not at their desk, but the other 3 staff members are (but their phone did not ring)
13:35.55sawgoodI call it lazy worker not picking up a known call for them, but they say, well I did not hear my phone ring
13:36.11jamkoThen create an extension that they can dial when they want all phones to ring.
13:36.55ruyoYes, like and extension that represents the whole room.
13:36.59ruyoOr a queue.
13:37.18sawgoodSo, let me ask this sub-variable ... (if the four phones are extensions 101,102,103, and 104) and I have a ring group of x400 (which calls all four phones)
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13:37.44sawgoodHow can I 'tell' Asterisk to deliver the voicemail left for any missed call to x400 to go to 101-104?
13:37.49[TK]D-Fendersawgood: Phones are not extensions
13:37.57[TK]D-Fendersawgood: And AGAIN, there is no DELIVER
13:37.58jamkosip.conf mailbox=
13:38.17[TK]D-Fendersawgood: Devices are INFORMED about VM.  Everything else is dialplan.
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13:38.50sawgood[TK]D-Fender: perfect answer ... let me try to re-word this
13:39.20[TK]D-Fendersawgood: And if you want a single VM to be saved as SEPARATE COPIES into multiple mailboxes, that is another matter
13:39.36jamkosip.conf peer definitions, tell asterisk which phones to inform of voicemails in specific mailboxes.  One peer / friend can have as many mailboxes assigned to it as you want.
13:39.38sawgoodImgine a SIP phone with a MWI light ... it goes red when a VM is 'ready'
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13:39.56[TK]D-Fendersawgood: mailbox=101@default
13:40.00[TK]D-Fendersawgood: mailbox=400@default
13:40.07[TK]D-FenderWATCH TWO BOXES
13:40.20sawgoodThe light only goes RED if a VM is for x101 for example ... how do I make it go RED for x400?
13:40.32sawgoodIts really that easy?
13:40.47jamkolol .. that was easy.
13:40.51ruyoIn all the phones.
13:41.02sawgoodGenerally, the web GUI for the phones only support one entry for VM
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13:41.06rocksfrowhey guys,
13:41.15rocksfrowthis guy complaining about the issue, but doesn't bother letting others know how to fix it
13:41.21rocksfrowhow can I get YUM to force install res_fax updates?
13:41.26[TK]D-Fendersawgood: FUCK THE FUCKING GUI
13:41.39rocksfrowplease help
13:41.39[TK]D-Fendersawgood: You should know better than even refer to it here
13:41.43SiNGLerm0t3jl: I have 20min before I go home, if you need, I can answer your questions
13:41.57rocksfrowError: asterisk14-res_fax_digium conflicts with asterisk14-addons-core
13:42.03ruyoYou can make the phone call a VoiceMailMain extension and _then_ you log in with whatever account you want.
13:42.08jamkoYea don't use the phone gui for anything more than you have to.
13:42.19sawgoodI was talking about the setup of the individual phone and its process to register
13:42.22[TK]D-Fendersawgood: and You have a general entry block where you can enter other parms for your "extensions" and can add it THERE
13:42.42sawgoodyou are right, sir ... sorry to bother you .. I guess its too early in the AM
13:42.56jamkorocksfrow: why don't you just uninstall and recompile...
13:43.02rocksfrowi've done this previously but forget how to get YUM to force install this package, or do I need to use rpm directly
13:43.06rocksfrowi'm installing via repos, jamko
13:43.11rocksfrowand because it's a live system, lol.
13:43.28rocksfrowresearch shows it's simply a license issue and it IS safe to force install
13:43.36jamkorocksfrow: never update live system, or it may not be live anymore.,
13:43.37rocksfrowi just can't find how to force install
13:44.00rocksfrowwell, same goes for uninstalling/recompiling
13:44.05rocksfrowdoes anybody know how to force rpm install of this package?
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13:44.28[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: man rpm <-------
13:44.31jamkopoint taken, yes, but in that scenario you should put up a backup box.
13:44.43rocksfrowjamko, i'm updating the backup box first
13:44.46rocksfrowthen if all goes ok, updating the live box
13:44.51rocksfrowi was lieing when i said its live
13:44.55[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: Glorius list of little 1-char codes that like DO STUFF and such awaits you...
13:45.10rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, lol... you answered my question by simply saying rpm
13:45.17rocksfrowi just wasn't sure if YUM could do it directly
13:45.42jamkomake /uninstall
13:45.49jamko: )
13:45.52rocksfrowim not installing from source bro
13:45.56rocksfrowthat's not hellpful
13:45.56[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: man yum <--- didn't look there either I bet
13:46.04rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, i did so
13:46.07rocksfrowhave you"
13:46.13rocksfrowyou see a force tag?
13:46.15rocksfrowdoubt it.
13:46.16[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: If it ain't there... it doesn't exist
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13:47.10WIMPyruyo: Bristuff still exists?
13:47.11sawgoodHow about this situation (I hope I get it right) ... a manager tells his assistant (I'll be in a meeting for 30 minutes) catch all my calls (without the manager having to use DND or call forwarding)
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13:47.22sawgoodThis is more common then you might think
13:47.24_structzHello All, I'm having a problem with WaitExten() When the context is executed from a sip number waitexten works properly, when is a incoming call from E1 the waitexten goes to timeout even if the numbers are typed
13:47.50[TK]D-Fender[09:47]<sawgood>How about this situation (I hope I get it right) ... a manager tells his assistant (I'll be in a meeting for 30 minutes) catch all my calls (without the manager having to use DND or call forwarding) <-- FreePBX owns your ass.... stop asking in here.
13:48.58sawgood100% correct (again)
13:49.06sawgoodtoday might be a rough day for me
13:49.12[TK]D-Fendersawgood: And you're depicting it like the server and/or phones are supposed to be PSYCHIC.  "Hi I don't want to take any action, but I expect magically automatic results".
13:49.24*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
13:49.42_structzjamko, dtmfmode is set to rfc2883
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13:49.50jamkosawgood:  you need to have asterisk in a db, and write a gui for users to control the dialplan.  Short of that there is nothing you can do, unless of course you push "DND"..
13:50.37ruyoWIMPy, I don't know..
13:50.39[TK]D-Fenderjamko: He's already running FreePBX.
13:50.52ruyoSeems it doesn't anymore.
13:50.54[TK]D-FenderJamPerhaps you've missed the big print...
13:51.01jamkoyes perhaps.
13:51.16rocksfrowi used yumdownloader to download the package file, then rpm -ivh --nodeps
13:51.29rocksfrowthanks, i guess smartass answers are better than no answers :)
13:52.03*** join/#asterisk cherva (~cherva@
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13:52.12jamkostructz:  Do you have ,T,t at the end of the dial command?
13:52.29[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: It helps when you read the little 1-lett instructions it HANDS you on demand...
13:52.37LemensTSCan anyone look up who owns a mobile phone number? Someone keeps calling me and annoying me...
13:52.50[TK]D-Fender[09:49]<_structz>jamko, dtmfmode is set to rfc2883 <--- I hope NOT
13:52.53rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, yumdownloader was the trick... not rpm
13:52.59_structzjamko, There is no Dial command at all.... the call incomes to a certain number. and goes to WaitExten and even if the number dialed goes to timeout
13:53.07rocksfrowim very aware of rpm and it's flags, i should  couldn't figure out how to get the damn package file from repo
13:53.10[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: How you get the RPM isn't important...
13:53.11WIMPyLooks like Asterisk can't hadle a phone disapperaing during a call. Wonder if that also happens on PRI.
13:53.19rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, i wasn't to get it using the repos
13:53.24*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (~HAMming@
13:53.27[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: and you can surf it with a browser just fine...
13:53.27_structz[TK]D-Fender, ??
13:54.00rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, do you know if these same GPL issues exists with 1.6?
13:54.16[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: Which?
13:54.19rocksfrowi plan to setup a new box on 1.6 soon, and hoping these annoyances disappear
13:54.38_structzjamko, When the calls is from another sip number(on the same server) works properly, but when is a incoming call from E1 goes to Timeout
13:54.48rocksfrow...the GPL issue I was just speaking of, with res_fax_digium and addons
13:55.11*** join/#asterisk crowb4r (~JKLOBUCAR@
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13:55.31chervacan someone explain to me why when I dial a trunk named "out_9" in the logs I see "SIP/foo......" when sip foo is another number, but the extensions specified for the DID of out_9 are ringing........... in short everything works but in the logs there is different "SIP/<trunk_name>" is shown...
13:55.39[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: Ok, I only just glanced at that... Never touched before...
13:55.43[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: and I don't do RPM
13:55.53*** part/#asterisk crowb4r (~JKLOBUCAR@
13:56.11_structzanyone ? can help me out?
13:56.13rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, ok
13:56.49[TK]D-Fendercherva: Where do you get the idea that "out_9" is a "trunk"?
13:57.10jamkosorry,,, I am looking at freepbx real quick.. Is there a gui that works well for stupid end-users?
13:57.17[TK]D-Fendercherva: and what you dial is a TECH/PEER/NUMBER.  I'm sure the "peer" sure isn't "out_9"
13:57.19cherva[TK]D-Fender, my bad I just used that name for the example ..........
13:57.46jamkostructz.. stand by
13:58.05[TK]D-Fendercherva: Maybe you should show something real for us to look at.
13:58.42cherva[TK]D-Fender, what do you need ?
13:59.32*** join/#asterisk nova911 (~Adium@
13:59.39[TK]D-Fendercherva: For you to SHOW us the problem.
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14:04.10_structzwcselby, hi :D
14:04.15[TK]D-Fender_structz: You are showing us NOTHING
14:04.43WIMPyInteresting. I can only get the wcb4xxp module to work when loading (and unloading) hfcmulti first.
14:05.08cherva[TK]D-Fender, ok I have 2 trunks, named Viki and ZzZ, when I call Viki in the logs I get this .. why there is SIP/ZzZ not SIP/Viki there ? except this everything is ok the extensions specified for Trunk Viki are ringing when I call this trunk.........
14:05.32_structz[TK]D-Fender, I have a number(6298) on the incoming context when the call is placed from another sip number(on the same server, and different servers) works properly, but when is a incoming call from E1 goes to Timeout (sip numbers on a server E1 on another, comunication between=SIP)
14:05.52[TK]D-Fendercherva: because that is the peer it matched
14:06.34[TK]D-Fendercherva: Which is probably because you set "insecure=port,invite" for them and it picks the FIRST because it doesn't need to CHALLENGE them
14:06.51ruyoWIMPy, wcb4xxp is the new module to use BRI with DAHDI?
14:07.05[TK]D-Fender_structz: Don't give us a story, show us the FAILED CALL AND CONFIGS
14:07.46cherva[TK]D-Fender, is this a problem ? and what should be the insecure part to show me the right trunk names ?
14:07.53WIMPyruyo: Yes. Well, not that new.
14:08.21ruyoWIMPy, yeah, as new as dahdi. How is it working out for you?
14:08.48ruyoBecause mISDN is giving me an headache.
14:09.02ruyoI can't get regular PTP to function correctly.
14:09.32WIMPyruyo: Well with a patch from issue 17694 you can get hfc4/8s cards to work in NT mode.
14:10.13WIMPyruyo: Forget mISDN, at least the old one. It has been abandoned more than two years ago.
14:10.23[TK]D-Fendercherva: because it ISN'T checking it matches the FIRST peer that has the same IP <-
14:10.27WIMPyAt the moment I'd still recomment mISDN2 with LCR.
14:10.50ruyoWIMPy, yeah, I'm trying to get that one up now.
14:11.12ruyoI beleive I need to compile a newer kernel though.
14:11.25cherva[TK]D-Fender, so there is no problem ?
14:11.28ruyo(Debian Lenny)
14:11.30WIMPyWith dahdi I have two issues ATM: The first that I need to use mISDN befor dahdi will recognize the card and the other that it won;t end a call if the line goes down.
14:12.20WIMPyruyo: Use a current kernel and use a git version of LCR.
14:12.24ruyoWIMPy, maybe mISDN is blocking the resources, no?
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14:13.03WIMPyruyo: No it seems neccessary to put the card into a state for dahdi to make use of it.
14:13.33anonymouz666JerJer: how was the T.38 1.6 test?
14:14.08[TK]D-Fendercherva: that is how it works.  You want it to do something else, make sure they auth instead of "insecure".  If you can't then change what else you log to separate them easier.  Or update your CDR's after the fact.  Or whatever
14:14.09malcolmd<JerJer>     -- Channel 'SIP/FlowRoute-00000011' FAX session '6' is complete, result: 'SUCCESS' (FAX_SUCCESS), error: 'NO_ERROR', pages: 2, resolution: '204x196', transfer rate: '14400', remoteSID: ''
14:14.09malcolmd<JerJer> so far so good  :)
14:14.10malcolmd<JerJer> added the redundancy and maxdatagram
14:14.13malcolmdanonymouz666: ^
14:14.41ruyoWIMPy, if you don't have mISDN installed, do you have the same problem?
14:14.59malcolmdhad to edit  t38pt_udptl in sip.conf for redundancy and maxdatagram options
14:15.00cherva[TK]D-Fender, thanks
14:15.12anonymouz666was using the spandsp then
14:15.15anonymouz666no FFA
14:15.18WIMPyruyo: I _NEED_ misdn to be able to use dahdi.
14:15.26malcolmdyou were?  jerjer's test was using ffa
14:15.35[TK]D-Fender_structz: I only see a single exten they ACN dial in there (6298),  Also as this is a SIP call I don't see what mode is being negotiated, nor  what mode you set
14:15.45malcolmdi don't know if he retested using spandsp later
14:15.51tzafrir_laptopWIMPy, huh?
14:16.12ruyoWIMPy, ah, thought dahdi could take care of everything
14:16.36tzafrir_laptopIt does
14:16.40WIMPytzafrir_laptop: the wcb4xxp module won't recognize the card unless I modprobe hfcmulti;rmmod hfcmulti first.
14:16.52WIMPyruyo: That's the idea.
14:17.10tzafrir_laptopWIMPy, that's a bug in the module. What card is it, exactly?
14:17.23_structz[TK]D-Fender, the person will dial some number that will match  _6[4-6]XX its a little above that live.. i didn't putted on the pastebin
14:17.41tzafrir_laptopWIMPy, and also: are you sure it's not simply an issue of hfcmulti getting there first?
14:17.48tzafrir_laptop(not blacklisted)
14:17.54*** join/#asterisk Futnet_Jkenney (
14:18.00Futnet_JkenneyGood morning everyone
14:18.04WIMPytzafrir_laptop: Not sure. Tehy are all sold as Junghanns, but I don't know what's original and what isn't.
14:18.24[TK]D-Fender_structz: So far I don't see anything USEFUL for this call.  Nothing that proves DTMF modes, etc, and you showed me a crap looking dialplan sample.
14:18.30WIMPytzafrir_laptop: No modules get auto-loaded.
14:18.51Futnet_Jkenneyi have  a problem i am attempting to figure out SLA,  However i want the feature to be as a receptionist where you can see if the person at (ie extension 201) is on the phone by turning the line button red on the polycom side car
14:18.52WIMPyI just rebooted several times to confirm that behaviour.
14:18.59Futnet_Jkenneycan someone point me to a good tutorial
14:19.26[TK]D-FenderFutnet_Jkenney: that isn't "SLA", that is "presence"
14:19.40jamkobuddy watch
14:19.46Futnet_JkenneyThanks TK
14:19.52[TK]D-FenderFutnet_Jkenney: just look up "polycom presence" on the WIKI and read up on "dialplan hints" while you're at it
14:19.54ruyoDo you have libpri, WIMPy?
14:19.55infobot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
14:20.00_structz[TK]D-Fender, what u mean?
14:20.13Futnet_JkenneyYes but if i am running out of mysql can i still run hints?
14:20.16WIMPyruyo: Sure.
14:20.44[TK]D-Fender[10:20]<_structz>[TK]D-Fender, what u mean? <- Ok, you don't seem to be getting it.  HOW ME THE FUCKING SIP CONFIGS AND CALL WITH SIP DEBUG.
14:20.58[TK]D-FenderFutnet_Jkenney: I don't believe so.
14:21.12ruyoWIMPy, that was my last idea, sorry..
14:21.15[TK]D-FenderFutnet_Jkenney: Unless ther has been a very recent change this has not been possible to date
14:21.23_structz[TK]D-Fender, full context :D
14:21.35WIMPytzafrir_laptop: It identifies as "Cologne Chip Designs GmbH Device b562"
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14:21.47Futnet_JkenneyThanks TK
14:22.27tzafrir_laptopWIMPy, have you tried Junghanns' latest drivers?
14:25.28anonymouz666anyone in here already access a serial modem (v92) through E1/T1 using DAHDI? It seems to connect but doesn't work any changes.
14:25.49*** join/#asterisk mifadir (
14:25.57mifadirHi everybody
14:25.57anonymouz666PSTN -> E1/T1 -> Asterisk -> E1/T1 -> Siemens -> Modem
14:25.59WIMPytzafrir_laptop: Nope. I just tried latest dahdi with the te_ne_override patch. Will take a look at that version.
14:26.05mifadirany one try asterisk with ZRTP
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14:28.38tzafrir_laptopWIMPy, does latest dahdi get rid of the need for mISDN?
14:29.50WIMPytzafrir_laptop: That was on
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14:34.27Kobazit looks like the behavior of chanisavail changed between 1.6.0 and 1.6.2... it seems to always return an available channel when checking local channels (Even if the exten doesn't exist)
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14:35.57_structz[TK]D-Fender, < sip debug on the sip numbers server. sip debug on E1 server
14:36.07WIMPyqozap doesn't want to build.
14:37.58*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
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14:39.55simondIs there some way to adjust voicemail volume when using IMAP as the store?
14:39.57hrhrhrwhat has happened to 'sip show peers'
14:40.03hrhrhrwhat's the new cmd fs
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14:40.35WIMPyhrhrhr: Better ask why you don't have it.
14:41.03hrhrhrwhy dont i have it :(
14:42.42henkwhen i have an entry in sip.conf with 'context=callman' shouldn't every call passed to asterisk from that peer/friend look for extensions in that context?
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14:43.42WIMPytzafrir_laptop: qozap misses function set_current_state and TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE. I guess it needs an older version of something (as usual).
14:44.42[TK]D-Fender_structz: From 1 * to another?
14:44.57[TK]D-Fender_structz: Where do I see the the FAR end GOT any DTMF properly?
14:45.00henkthe calls just land in default context and can't find the extension :-/
14:45.26[TK]D-Fenderhenk: Who said it MATCHED that peer on incoming?  Perhaps you should loko at the CALL
14:45.35WIMPyhrhrhr: module show like sip
14:46.45henk[TK]D-Fender: i'm not sure if i can follow you, but i have only 2 friends configured and none of them have 'context=default'. how do i look at a call?
14:47.34hrhrhrwhy does everyone feel compelled to answer in riddles
14:47.54hrhrhrsip show peers = 1.6 command has changed to...? :)
14:48.16_structz[TK]D-Fender, forget it!
14:48.27_structzI'll figure it out here.. tkz anyway
14:48.42WIMPyhrhrhr: It's still the same. You seem to lack sip support.
14:49.10hrhrhrhow can this be possible with an out of the box install of *now
14:49.46hrhrhri realise this may not be a question for this channel tho, so thanks for your reply
14:49.59WIMPyhrhrhr: Possibly because it's not configured? I have no idea, what *nows defaults are.
14:50.13hrhrhri could be going out on a limb here
14:50.18hrhrhrbut i kinda assumed sip would be default
14:50.30Qwellclick the big orange button and restart asterisk
14:50.31hrhrhrthat wildly exotic protocol... sip
14:50.33henkhow do i place calls coming from a certain peer/friend in a certain context?
14:51.11hrhrhrthere are no changes pending Qwell
14:51.20Qwellclick it anyways
14:51.30hrhrhrthere's no orange button tho
14:51.37Qwellthen restart asterisk
14:52.02hrhrhrbest way to do so from *now?
14:52.13henk'sigh' i'll just use [default] then it seems...
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14:54.29jamkoIn case anyone is banging their head against the wall with a problem related to a T.38 reinvite from sip cluster, Digium just acknowledged by bug report:
14:54.53*** part/#asterisk simond (
14:56.05[TK]D-Fender_stuYou'll probably get ti once you actually start looking at the big picture
14:56.20*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
14:56.25[TK]D-Fenderhenk: * CLI + SIP DEBUG
14:56.39henk[TK]D-Fender: and look out for what?
14:56.46henki was that far already...
14:56.51[TK]D-Fenderhenk: just LOOK.  Use your eyes.
14:57.11[TK]D-Fenderhenk: and if you don't see anything that is tipping you off then show US
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14:59.04henkyeah, tomorrow, thanks for the 'help' though...
15:00.25hrhrhrQwell: that sorted it, n1
15:01.17*** join/#asterisk Deathvalley122 (~Death@unaffiliated/deathvalley122)
15:01.56[TK]D-FenderNobody looks in here anymore.  You'd all be selected as jurors and the accused murderer would get off because you collectively refused to actually look at the videotape that clearly shows him doing it.
15:02.07[TK]D-FenderI wonder why some people even bother.
15:13.31Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: because to some people, computers are magic, and we're just supposed to know.  we're expected to have seen the problem before and to remember what the solution was.
15:13.46Naikrovekand to give up the solution freely
15:14.08[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: "remember" the problem?  We never get to SEE it.
15:14.19Naikrovekpart of the magic thing
15:14.23[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: "Hi my car doesn't work.  WHY!?!?!?!?"
15:14.27Naikrovekthere's no logic in magic
15:14.39Naikrovekto some people, cars, computers, televisions, are all magic
15:14.39anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: try to put gasoline
15:17.40Futnet_Jkenneycars aren't magic?
15:17.47[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Of of my most hated words : programagically.
15:17.48Naikrovekdefinitely not
15:18.08Naikrovekautomagically programagically, high on my hate list as well
15:18.32[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Used by some dumb-fucks at my head office who wish to engender the thought that actual programming even for minor shit is VOODOO.
15:18.55[TK]D-FenderAnd this is NOT by anyone in IT.
15:18.56Naikrovekor that it's easy to fix any problem with magic
15:19.52[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: It is... because if it were difficult... then it wouldn't be magic, and it'd look a lot more like "Real Work" (tm)
15:19.56Futnet_JkenneyI believe i have figured out my presence issue.  Thanks to you guys and the folks over at Digium
15:20.37Futnet_JkenneyI big thanks to TK in pointing me in the correct direction
15:20.54Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: yes, and their request to add simple functionality to existing apps & services requires real money and time to accomplish.  hogwash!  it sounds simple, so it is simple!
15:21.35Naikrovekthere needs to be some public shaming for people who make decisions but don't have to deal with the consequences themselves, in the business world
15:21.36Futnet_JkenneySome people live in a harry potter world when it comes to IT and development
15:21.43NaikrovekFutnet_Jkenney: some?  most.
15:22.02Futnet_JkenneyI was trying to be kind
15:22.07Naikroveki know
15:22.10Naikrovekjust annoying
15:22.11Naikroveknot you
15:22.24Naikrovekthe people who assume i can fix things in a few moments
15:22.27Futnet_JkenneyThat is why my support extension plays the harry potter theme as the ringing
15:22.40Naikrovekthat's a damned good idea right there
15:22.41Futnet_Jkenneyor sometimes the old skewl bat man theme
15:22.55Naikrovekmine plays zelda stuff but it's getting old
15:23.16Futnet_JkenneyI have Super Mario playing when you call my house
15:23.58Futnet_Jkenneyas the ring back
15:24.08Naikrovekthat's cool
15:24.17Futnet_JkenneyI found a site that has all the audio from all the games
15:24.20Futnet_Jkenneyfor download
15:26.21Naikrovekooh i need to set up some overwatch (from half-life 2) sounds on my phone
15:26.24WIMPyWow. The ISDN part seems to be seriousely b0rked :-(
15:26.28Naikrovekfor when certain people call
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15:28.49flambohey there folks.. i've been asked to look at a project for dial-in data connections, an order system receives dial-up connections from shops that order stock, it's to leverage modem based order system that's already around the country here, so we're looking to setup an FRI ISDN connection into a datacenter,, we have quotes from some folks, but what kind of ISDN card do i need for the server?
15:29.12flamboone person suggested a BRI card from Digium, which sounds sensible, but at $550 it seems very high end,
15:29.33flamboif i'm supporting a multi channel FRI ISDN line, is something that expensive required?
15:29.45flambothe card i was pointed to was the Digium te122
15:29.56Qwellwhat is FRI?
15:30.50flambomaybe it's a UK/ european standard,,, PRI or a FRI ISDN line. is 32 and 16 channel ISDN
15:31.33flamboso we're just going with the 16 channel line, as we don't imagine receiving more than 8 calls at once (i'm hedging a little in assuming that 1 call requires 2 channels, just in case; )
15:31.44WIMPyflambo: For data connections I'd look for an old NAS.
15:31.56flamboan old NAS?
15:32.05QwellIf you're doing data stuff, Asterisk is really the wrong thing to use..
15:32.39WIMPyflambo: Network Access Server
15:32.45doolittleworkhi there is there a way to assign a unique identifier to a recording filename
15:32.56doolittleworknever mind dum question
15:33.06[TK]D-Fenderdoolittlework: You pick the name.  Increment a number or something
15:33.11flambothe situation is that shops around the contry use a stock dispensary computer installed at each location that dials up with a modem to wholesalers, in this case my client, we just have to plug in a server, how does a NAS help here?
15:33.39flamboWIMPy: oh, not network attached storage?
15:34.18WIMPyflambo: Like Cisco AS or Lucent Max
15:34.31flambowe're just going to put some python code on the back of the dial-up data connections that receives the order transmissions and stuffs the decoded orders into mysql
15:34.36doolittlework[TK]D-Fender: was hoping u show up, do yo know of a way where i can send text to the screen of eyebeam whiles on a call or just before a call starts?
15:35.02WIMPyflambo: Pre IP?
15:35.15[TK]D-Fenderdoolittlework: Maybe you should read their admin guide or something <-
15:35.16flamboPre IP?
15:35.33doolittleworkta thanx that a start
15:35.47WIMPyflambo: From times before the invention of IP?
15:36.09flamboWIMPy: you mean using some kind of serial protocol or something, i honestly don't know.
15:36.48flamboWIMPy: in this case we're just leasing a server from a hsoting company and sticking in the ISDN PCI card,, UPC are connecting the ISDN line into the Data Centre,
15:37.04WIMPyflambo: That could make a big difference. Other question is if they use modem or ISDN?
15:37.25flamboit's all been talked through, just wondering if that card is a good choice,, and what kind of system we can use to connect of the back such as asterisk? or should i look into some kind of modem library?
15:37.47flambosomething that provides an interface to python for the ip stack on the back of the modem or something.
15:37.52WIMPyDepends on your needs.
15:38.04WIMPySo is it IP?
15:38.18flambook, so you're saying i need to know more about the type of dial-up connection,, what are the possabilities? i think it is IP
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15:39.21WIMPyIP or not and what kind of connection, i.e. modem or ISDN and in that case what protocoll.
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15:50.09golikwid|macanyone know where i can sell a used fonality pbx
15:50.17Qwellgood luck with that.
15:50.25[TK]D-Fendergolikwid|mac: Craigslist
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15:57.56telnettechgolikwid|mac donate it to the local tech school so that they can reuse the hardware for learning purposes....Haha!!
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16:03.17flamboWIMPy: sorry was on phone, (and i'm teathered so it cuts my connection while i'm talking)
16:03.43flamboWIMPy: you were saying regardless of IP or not, i need to know what kind of connection, modem or ISDN and in that case what protocoll?
16:04.08drmessanoA used Fonality PBX?
16:04.25drmessanoDidn't we have the conversation about *dead hookers* last night?
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16:04.31flambowell, the client locations are using modems to dial up over regular POTS lines.
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16:04.58flambokind of like old dial-in banking telephone connections were done, i just don't know  what to look for in terms of determining the call connection types.
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16:05.24flamboand haing a multi channel ISDN line on our server, will that work?
16:06.04flamboIf we wanted to accept calls from this software and capture the connection types, if we just hooked up a modem to a regular telephone line and tried to figure out the protocol that way, what would i need?
16:06.18flamboI think at this point, i'm confused as to what hardware to commit to.
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16:14.50Qwellflambo: Why would you use a PBX for this?
16:15.40WIMPyflambo: Ok, if you need modem connectivity, a ISDN card won't get you very far.
16:16.38WIMPySo a NAS migt be a better idea, but they are best at IP. For anything else you'd need something rather special.
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16:20.26drmessanoWhy wouldn't an ISDN card work?
16:21.24drmessanoSounds like he needs a simple PPP connection from the remote clients, which would work fine over a PRI
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16:24.09doolittleworkcan one write date to mysql using the application mYSQL?
16:24.32Qwelldoolittlework: That is the idea.
16:26.45doolittleworkhow would one do that @Qwell  exten => _X.,1,MYSQL(Connect test localhost testdb 123456 refgen) this connects so can one just add this exten => _X.,n,MYSQL(INSERT INTO table 1 ???????
16:26.53*** join/#asterisk kalimc (
16:28.31kalimcI have a basic setup for incoming calls, when I dial my DID (444-555-6666) I see on my asterisk that the EXTEN value is 3701, I have nothing like that setup, however my actual number is XXX-XXX-3701.  Where should I start looking for why the exten is only a 4 digit value?
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16:34.17telnettechkalimc.....sound like that is the DNIS that telco is providing to you when your DID number is called
16:35.13kalimcI see, I will check that.  Thanks can either setup in your dialplan to dial your internal extension when the DID is called or call your Telco and tell them what you want to come in as DNIS
16:36.21kalimcOk, this is all coming back to me, I will call the telco, and get this taken care of.
16:37.09JerJerdoolittlework:   if you expect something like that to scale, I would use FastAGI
16:37.11JerJerbut that's me
16:40.53WIMPyflambo: Ok, if you need modem connectivity, a ISDN card won't get you very far.
16:40.58WIMPySo a NAS migt be a better idea, but they are best at IP. For anything else you'd need something rather special.
16:41.18anonymouz666WIMPy: I need it and I am using an ISDN card
16:41.24anonymouz666and I am also in trouble
16:42.12WIMPyanonymouz666: What do you need?
16:42.34anonymouz666there are basic 2 cases.
16:42.42anonymouz666make the ContactID protocol to work
16:43.06anonymouz666and then make a modem v92 to work passing-through an Asterisk box integrated with Siemens
16:43.53WIMPyPassthru is something entirely different.
16:44.30anonymouz666is it? I don't understand modems
16:44.36anonymouz666but still doesn't work
16:45.10WIMPyYou can't get the modem to connect via Asterisk?
16:45.21anonymouz666it connects and it stops.
16:45.43WIMPyWhat's your setup like?
16:45.45anonymouz666you can't issue any settings
16:46.14anonymouz666PSTN -> E1 -> Asterisk -> E1 -> Siemens PBX -> modem
16:47.10WIMPyHmm. I can't see why Asterisk should do anything bad in there. What happens exactely?
16:48.10anonymouz666I think the problem is due Echo Cancellation in DAHDI.
16:48.48flamboWIMPy: ok so i'm confused, we will have an ISDN line going to our server in the data Centre, the digium te122 card is in the server and can receive incoming calls from modems in other locations? is this not the case?
16:49.17anonymouz666right now, I am looking for a way to port the DAHDI to disable the echocan from DIALPLAN
16:49.21anonymouz666and test the whole thing again
16:49.34WIMPyanonymouz666: That's quite possible. Have you tried to disable it?
16:50.05anonymouz666WIMPy: If I disable what happens to the calls? :)
16:50.09flamboWIMPy: I also realise this is an asterisk chat room, so if you don't know or are feeling this is too off topic i also understand :)
16:50.10WIMPyflambo: It can receive calls, yes. But it cannot terminate them. It's not a modem.
16:50.58flamboWIMPy: terminate you mean be the end point of a telephone call?
16:51.49flamboWIMPy: i think this is where my understanding lacks,, i'm just a part time code monkey and project manager.
16:51.53WIMPyflambo: You need a modem on your end. Or some software modem, but I don't know what the capabilities of iaxmodem are. Mind you fax is a lot easier than normal modem.
16:52.02WIMPyflambo: Yes.
16:55.17flamboWIMPy: well, the te122 card is PCI card in the server, and then we would use a software library that implements the modem stack or to control the calls by code ourselves? does this cover what you're meaning here?
16:56.15flamboWIMPy: you're making me concerned now that our idea of getting an ISDN Line is pointless?
16:57.05Kobazisdn = i still don't need
16:58.00WIMPyThat software is some heavy dsp stuff!
16:58.19WIMPyAn ISDN line is always good, but you need the right equipment.
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16:58.39WIMPyThat's why I suggested to look out for an old NAS.
16:59.01WIMPyThat will have the neccessary modems in hardware.
16:59.11[TK]D-FenderZapRAS <-------------
16:59.43flamboWIMPy: ok, so what kind of servers, Cisco AS and lucent Max you mentioned.
17:00.14WIMPy[TK]D-Fender: He needs modem
17:00.19flamboany model names i can watch out for?
17:00.31[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Look closer
17:00.58WIMPy[TK]D-Fender: Is there modem emulation in zapras now?
17:02.02WIMPyflambo: Another thing: Do have any idea on how to communicate with the callers at all?
17:02.27flamboWIMPy: not sure what you mean?
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17:03.12WIMPyflambo: I guess you want more than just a connect, i.e. transfer some sort of information.
17:03.58WIMPyInfo on dahdiras still says "no modem emulation included".
17:04.12flamboWIMPy: ahh, i havej a file specification,, i'll be a bit transparent here,, it's for pharasuiticle orders.
17:04.55WIMPyThat's a much later stage. How will that file be transferred?
17:04.59flamboWIMPy: there's an order message definition already in place, that's why these dial-up systems are in place, it's a system that's in operation for about 15 years, the client wants to take advantage of the fact that pharmacists in our country are already used to the dispensary system
17:05.32flamboso they have a definition document covering the messages formats.
17:06.29WIMPyOk, so if you have that, you should know whether it's running on IP.
17:07.00flamboWIMPy: well no, they dont' discuss the connecitno medium in the documentation.
17:07.08flambojust the message structure.
17:07.46WIMPyWell, you need to find out, how to get these messages.
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17:13.09flamboWIMPy: ok, thank you for all your feedback.. i'll do some googleing and reading and see where that gets me,, i'll be able to ask more informed questions next time :)
17:13.41flamboright, gotta disconnect,, my phone is teathered, my one internet connection right now.
17:13.44flambothanks for everything : )
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17:35.32doolittleworkhi there i am no mysql expert, but i can not figure out how this works, or why this ---> system(mysql -u refgen -h -e "INSERT INTO callinfo VALUES ('', '${CALLTIME}', '${NUMBERDIALED}','${REFERENCE')" --password=123456)<-------does not work
17:36.04*** join/#asterisk fifer (~fifer@
17:36.16leifmadsendoolittlework: first thing is you'r emissing a } on ${REFERENCE
17:36.44leifmadsendoes it work from the console?
17:38.12[TK]D-Fenderdoolittlework: And you aren't referencing the DATABASE to use either
17:38.27[TK]D-Fenderdoolittlework: And the reason you aren't doing this via MySQL() is ... ?
17:41.31b14ckdoolittlework, there's a MYSQL application you can use in your dial plan (it can be installed via asterisk-addons). It'll simplify what you're doing, and give you verbose error messages if your credentials are wrong and stuff like that. That approach would be much better.
17:43.49*** join/#asterisk tzanger (
17:44.00tzangerhello everyone
17:44.08tzangerbeen a long time
17:44.34tzangeranyone here (besides me) who has some lower-level POTS experience?
17:45.03tzangerworking on a new FXO interface, and the people who designed it are getting all kinds of echo even with MG2
17:45.10doolittleworkive tries MYSQL() but they are rattling my brain with the \ for spaces ,,,,,, and ''''''
17:45.19WIMPyPOTS as in the historic stuff? ;-)
17:45.37tzangerI'm convinced that they've got their DAA configuration or part-68 set up incorrectly since dialing the local Milliwatt number gets them a -12dBm tone
17:45.41tzangerWIMPy: exactly :-)
17:46.00*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
17:46.13tzangerIt's been a while since I've had to play with FXO, but I am pretty sure that the acceptable path loss is about 3-4dB, is it not?
17:47.05Naikrovekuh oh.  noticed i've been chewing on a bit of Cat5e cable sheath for a while.  PVC?  Chlorine bad...
17:47.36tzangerNaikrovek: han a little lead steadies the nerves
17:48.01tzangerI used to hold the solder in my mouth when working on circuits... quick and dirty "third hand"
17:49.48Naikrovekare there any games that are better than Half-Life 2?  Gebus this game is wonderful
17:52.10doolittleworkOther characters that need to be escaped are quotes (\' and \"), commas (\,), backtick (\`), and backslash (\\). so this is so confusing First i do the connect hing using MYSQL() then the following-->  INSERT/ INTO/ callinfo/ VALUES/ (/'/'/,/ /'${WHATEVER}/'/,/ /'${WHENEVER}/')     ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
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17:53.11doolittleworkok i lost it
17:53.20Naikrovekyour example shows / but you need to \
17:53.36Naikrovekmy stupid technical mind noticed that first
17:53.45Qwelland spaces aren't in that list...
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17:53.57doolittleworkyes i know i saw i reversed it but stil no entry in database
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17:54.26doolittleworkspaces are on the web page forgot to include
17:55.02Qwellwhat web page?
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17:58.45tzangeranyone have the "rule of thumb" for acceptable path loss on POTS lines? is it 3-4dB? I'm seeing some things online that are giving 5.5dB as acceptable but htat seems awfully high
18:00.42tzangeralso seeing "line" specs at -8.5dB(!) and "trunk" specs at -5.5dB, but this seems to be an article from the 80s
18:02.49Naikrovek3.5db is 50% loss I believe
18:03.03Naikrovek5 seems high if that's correct
18:05.19WIMPyUnfortunaletly there are different types of db, but either 6db or 12db makes a factor of two.
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18:05.45Naikroveki may be thinking of wireless db or cable or something
18:05.51Naikrovekbut i remember reading it somewhere...
18:06.37[TK]D-Fender10db = double
18:06.47Naikrovekor half
18:06.59Naikrovekin the case of -10db, yes?
18:07.18[TK]D-Fenderis only learning while shopping for amplifier cabinets...
18:07.47Naikroveksee sound is different yes
18:08.12Naikroveksound, radio, and waveguide are all different i think
18:09.26WIMPyErr, right it is 3db or 6db for a factor of 2.
18:13.38*** join/#asterisk rezzen (~rezzen@nat/transgaming/x-kezrdrmxpnozpqdv)
18:16.27jdoelooking at -- why does /usr/lib/asterisk need to be writable? Is there anything there other than modules?
18:18.06Naikrovekif only there were an online ... encyclopedia (i guess) with some ability to search... maybe in the future this will happen and i'll be able to learn about decibels.  in the meantime I'll eat my yogurt and wish for a better day.
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18:29.00Qwelljdoe: Have you tried doing `ls /usr/lib/asterisk/` ?
18:29.29QwellNaikrovek: don't be silly.  go to a library like the rest of us.
18:32.02Slugs_i got a ticket that somebody has hijacked the pbx and is making outbound calls from a particular #, if i know the number can I stop this?
18:32.31QwellSlugs_: or you could change your passwords and fix your dialplan
18:33.09bougymanSlugs_: do you have a B2BUA extension available public or a DIDS extension?
18:33.16jdoeQwell: I don't have a stock install so I'm not sure offhand what that dir in a distro package is in an install from source.
18:33.18bougymananything that would let them relay?
18:33.24bougymanif not, you've got a bad dialplan, yeah.
18:33.47Slugs_so the only way to make unauthorizesd outbound calls is if somebody had our passwords?
18:34.14bougymanERROR[1721]: chan_sip.c:15385 sipsock_read: We could NOT get the channel lock for SIP/1002-085cd050!
18:34.16QwellSlugs_: or if your dialplan went against what the README-SERIOUSLY.txt file says.
18:34.19bougymanis that always a deadlock?
18:34.27ChannelZYour dialplan could be sufficiently bad as to allow someone to call IN to you and then dial back out
18:34.28tzangerNaikrovek: you're talking about power levels vs voltage levels I think
18:34.41tzanger[TK]D-Fender: will know
18:34.43tzangerhe knows everything
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18:34.50Naikrovekaccording to wikipedia, i'm talking about power vs field
18:35.05Naikrovekbut they're both logarithmic
18:35.08tzanger[TK]D-Fender: what's the rule of thumb for acceptable path loss on a typical POTS line? is it as high as 5.5dB?
18:35.08Slugs_ok one sec.
18:35.13tzangerwell decibels are logarithmic
18:35.47Naikroveka) power or intensity, b) amplitude
18:35.49Qwelltzanger: I'd bet tzafrir_laptop knows
18:35.51Naikrovekdifferent measurements
18:37.11infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
18:37.36bougymanhrm... no one has seen "ERROR[1721]: chan_sip.c:15385 sipsock_read: We could NOT get the channel lock for SIP/1002-085cd050!" behavior before?
18:37.43bougymani have this on both of the * boxes I have left.
18:38.13tzafrir_laptopQwell, I'm not sure what the question is, but dB is basically log of power
18:38.15tzangertzafrir_laptop: ping? Do you know what the rule of thumb for acceptable path loss on a typical POTS line is?
18:38.35Naikrovektzafrir_laptop: OR ampliyude
18:39.15tzangergot a friend with crazy-ass echo using MG2, and he's blaming MG2 for his woes, but I always found MG2 to be pretty good, at least of FXS. calling the local milliwatt number says -12dB and that seems awfully damn low to me
18:39.37anonymouz666MG2 is good, OSLEC is better
18:39.38tzangerI'd be happy with -3 to -4dB but -12?  Stuff I'm seeing on the intertubes is saying -5.5 and even -8.5dB as what the telco will call acceptable
18:39.50tzangeranonymouz666: yeah OSLEC's next
18:39.52tzafrir_laptoptzanger, is that really FXS there?
18:39.53Qwelltzanger: try without MG2? :p
18:40.01tzangertzafrir_laptop: no, FXO in this case
18:40.07tzangersilabs 3018+3050 DAA
18:40.26Slugs_here is the pb of my dialplan
18:40.31tzangerwell if the rx audio really is -12dB he's got a problem with his part 68
18:40.50Slugs_any obviously issues allowing this 'hijacking'
18:42.22QwellSlugs_: what about the #include'd files?
18:43.08Slugs_Qwell: ill paste them as well
18:43.10QwellSlugs_: and how are they getting in to the PBX?
18:43.44tzangerKatty: it's a little late to be getting out of bed, dear.
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18:45.42Naikrovekkats stretch all day long
18:45.50Qwellthey also sleep all day long
18:46.08Naikroveka Kat can do both
18:46.58tzangertzafrir_laptop: any ideas?
18:47.53tzafrir_laptoptzanger, for starters, is it indeed mg2's fault? If you disable it, it's gone?
18:49.51[TK]D-Fender[14:35]<tzanger>[TK]D-Fender: what's the rule of thumb for acceptable path loss on a typical POTS line? is it as high as 5.5dB? <- not a clue :)
18:51.16Naikrovekdoesn't someone, ANYONE, have an uncle or something that works at a phone company that can answer this
18:51.24TheDavidFactoris there a way to know in the dialplan what local IP the call came in on? I thought some the SIP* functions might have it, but didn't find anything. Using asterisk 1.6.2.x
18:51.56[TK]D-FenderTheDavidFactor: They do.
18:52.29tzangertzafrir_laptop: no, it's not that it's MG2's fault, it's that MG2 isn't handling it
18:52.49tzangerbut again, -12dB when calling the local mW number tells me he has a problem in his part68 interface
18:54.02tzangertzafrir_laptop: I'm positive that MG2 will work just fine, but they like to balme software so I'm making them inject a 0dBm signal into the tip+ring with a simulated phone line and measure the waveform at the DAA input pins, and then measure what is sampled
18:54.09tzangersomething's not right and I"m positive it's in their design
18:54.24TheDavidFactoris it one of the sip headers? SIPCHANINFO has two IPs but they're both for the peer/client
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18:58.33TheDavidFactorthe SIP header "TO" gives me what I need, thanks!
18:58.51QwellTheDavidFactor: you're welcome!
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18:59.15tzangerman I feel like such an old fogie.. I still have my 1.4.x servers and 1.8 is in the works
18:59.20tzangerhell some of my contracts are still on 1.2.x
18:59.36QwellSlugs_: ?
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19:05.44BezNalogovHello people.
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19:06.22Kalidarnhi, i'm trying tor un fxotune -i 4 but it causes my system to kernel panic, I'm running on freeebsd 8.1
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19:07.18Kalidarnit used to happen more before i made sure my TDM400P card was sharing an IRQ, its now on its own IRQ but it still happens.
19:07.36BezNalogovI used asterisk 1.4 before and in there I made an IVR based on opening hours. Now I migrated to asterisk 1.6 and this menu doesn't work anymore. I get this error: [Aug 12 21:06:29] WARNING[12194]: pbx.c:4349 __ast_pbx_run: Channel 'IAX2/000E3000448C-613' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'tmp-mainmenu-be', but no invalid handler. The menu can be viewed here: What is wrong with my menu and how can I get it working
19:07.36BezNalogovunder asterisk 1.6?
19:07.55Kalidarnfxotune.conf's last entry is 210=5,255,252,0,2,254,0,255,255 would this infer it got up to 210 before /dev/zap/210 crashing?
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19:08.51Kalidarninfact all the entries from 1-210 have 5,255,252,0,2,254,0,255,255 as the recorded numbers, could i perhaps make up 211-252 from that?
19:11.16henk[TK]D-Fender: sorry for reacting a little harsh before, i was annoyed from work and assumed my question was clear and easy to answer without having a specific problem. looks like i was wrong.
19:12.00alex_voiphello trying to iax trunk a 1.4.32 box with and the caller on 1.4 box gets hungup but i can see the iax dialog continuing between the 2 boxes and the 1.6 box running through the priorities...probably something simple but i'm just not seeing it
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19:19.15Kalidarnoh i'm using asterisk 1.4.
19:19.53Kalidarn:( can't do fxotune -s get, open error on /dev/zap/1: Device not configured
19:21.37BezNalogovI used asterisk 1.4 before and in there I made an IVR based on opening hours. Now I migrated to asterisk 1.6 and this menu doesn't work anymore. I get this error: [Aug 12 21:06:29] WARNING[12194]: pbx.c:4349 __ast_pbx_run: Channel 'IAX2/000E3000448C-613' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'tmp-mainmenu-be', but no invalid handler. The menu can be viewed here: What is wrong with my menu and how can I get it working
19:21.37BezNalogovunder asterisk 1.6?
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19:24.02alex_voipBezNalogov, tmp-mainmenu-be only has includes there is no s extension in it and that is where the call is being sent
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19:24.14Kalidarngrrr :( kernel panic
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19:24.48BezNalogovalex_voip, This menu did work perfectly under asterisk 1.4. Now under 1.6 I get this error
19:25.39BezNalogovNormally the includes will include a s extension
19:28.56[TK]D-FenderAll of the includes are CONDITIONAL... perhaps you should actually look athte current CONDITIONS.
19:28.59titterJust curious how people are handling receptionist phones, are you using the call parking feature, or using a queue?
19:29.01[TK]D-Fenderlike DATE & TIME
19:30.20BezNalogovI found the problem. in Asterisk 1.6 the | sign has been replaced with a comma (,)...... nasty....
19:30.31BezNalogovI changed the | to comma's now and it works
19:31.53alex_voipyeah sorry just went through changing my dialplan for that same reason and i just ignored it in yours :P
19:33.37alex_voipnow if i could just figure out why 1.6 talks to itself....
19:33.49*** join/#asterisk mroe (~anon__@unaffiliated/roe)
19:34.02BezNalogovNo problem, I was also already messing with it for 1.5 hours while the solution was actually so simple...
19:34.05BezNalogovCan happen
19:34.08mroedoes anyone know of a way to test faxing if all you have available is the one fax machine you would like to test?
19:34.29mroelike is there some service that will send a test fax to a number?
19:35.30titter will send a free fax in about 15 minutes or so
19:35.58Qwellmroe: hp has a service.  some 800 number
19:37.05tittermroe: the HP one you send a fax from your machine to their toll free, and they send one back.
19:37.18mroetitter, that is handy
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19:38.03Kalidarnhmm so when i do fxotune -s why does it tell me "open error on /dev/zap/1: Device not configured"
19:38.21Kalidarni have my fxotune.conf file 1-252 entries in /etc.
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19:38.33Kalidarnthe asterisk service is stopped.
19:39.04KalidarnI was referring to which seemed pretty straight forward
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19:58.30jamkoAnyone know of a good wholesale origination and termination provider, that supports T.38 traffic??
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20:01.06rizwankHi there! Does anyone have any recommendations on the best way to prepare music for MusiconHold or MP3Playback so that it sounds decent on a G711 connection... or (gasp!) a G729 connection...
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20:02.59jamkomusic on hold sucks on compressed channels.  G711 should be decent right out of the box.
20:03.36rizwankWhat can do I do the music as a pre-process to help.... make a mono-mix, make it 8bit, reduce the freq range...?
20:03.44*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
20:04.22[TK]D-Fenderrizwank: G.729 was not MADE for "music" frequencies
20:04.40RoyKneither was g711
20:04.44rizwankyeah. Sorry, I meant, on G711. =)
20:04.47*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
20:04.48[TK]D-Fenderrizwank: It tends to make it sound shitty.
20:05.02[TK]D-Fenderrizwank: You shouldn't have to do anything for G.711
20:05.04rizwankI totally get that.
20:05.16rizwankI'm just trying to make it sound *less* shitty. (Working within constraints.)
20:05.54RoyKrizwank: transcode it to 8bit 8kbps, that's what g711 is
20:06.27[TK]D-FenderWhich will sound totally differnt than * transoding it like it already does...
20:06.34[TK]D-FenderCRAZY PEOPLE
20:06.51Kobazfor shizzle
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20:10.23RoyK[TK]D-Fender: it'll save some cpu, and other software have better ways of transcoding music to alaw than the ones in asterisk
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20:11.15war9407anyone know why when I use iAX2 dialer for the iphone, it sounds great but if I setup a Monitor() for it, it sounds like crap, but if I disconect from the iphone and it only plays the other person talking on the other side, it sounds fine?
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20:11.53t_dot_zillaany body ever use ?
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20:17.38[TK]D-Fenderwar9407: My guess being that Monitor gets the raw end of the jitter-buffer
20:18.31mroetalking to telco representatives that don't understand the service they are providing is extremely frustrating
20:18.50*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (~CunningPi@
20:19.08RoyKare there any plans on opening asterisk as in pure GPL, or does Digium still stick to this quasi-openness?
20:19.25RoyKthere's a lot of code out there that could be used to fix things........
20:19.36russellbRoyK: welcome back, troll
20:19.41[TK]D-FenderRoyK: * is released as GPL
20:20.36RoyK[TK]D-Fender: I know, but no GPL code gets into * without disclaiming the code......
20:20.36leifmadsenthat's totally true
20:20.48leifmadsenand it will not change in any foreseeable future
20:21.04RoyKI feared taht
20:21.28RoyKif the Digium folks opened up, it'd be the best PBX in history
20:21.36russellbit already is, kthx
20:21.38QwellGo ask the GNU folks why all of their software requires similar licensing.
20:21.49russellbQwell: even more so, they require copyright assignment
20:21.53[TK]D-FenderRoyK: Just because its released as GPL doesn't mean the main branch has to accept your patches and be redistributed as such.
20:21.57*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*] by leifmadsen
20:21.57*** kick/#asterisk [RoyK!~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage] by leifmadsen (RoyK)
20:22.08QwellHe's welcome to help fork it again.  It worked out so well last time.
20:22.12leifmadsenthis was going nowhere fast
20:22.20seanbrighthe's stating opinion
20:22.21[TK]D-FenderRoyK: Doesn't make it any less GPL.  It just means they own your submission for the right to re-use intenally for whatever closed offshoot they feel like
20:22.31seanbrightnothing he said was inflammatory
20:22.44[TK]D-FenderQwell: Which fork?
20:22.53russellbseanbright: true
20:23.00seanbrightkickbanning was a bit much
20:23.03leifmadseninflammable means flammable?!
20:23.03russellbthough he does have a history of being a serious troll
20:23.13thehartrolls about
20:23.28seanbrighthe's infamous... you know... more than famous
20:24.18russellbwho wants to get me a soda
20:24.22russellbi will totally pay you 15 cents
20:24.44theharhand deliver the 15 cents USD and I'll get you a soda.
20:25.10russellbi'll hand deliver a swift kick in the balls
20:25.11russellbhow's that!
20:25.20QwellYou kick with your hands?
20:25.21russellbi lie.  i just didn't have a good comeback.
20:25.29theharhey now
20:29.57*** join/#asterisk csnook (
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20:30.36csnookI feel like I'm missing something obvious, but I can't find any actual packages on
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20:31.35csnookso, um, where do I download it?
20:34.16Qwellcsnook: are you on CentOS 5?
20:34.46Qwellinstall that, then you can use yum
20:35.27mmlj4I get them:
20:35.38csnookI guess "tested" is dead?
20:36.13csnookbtw, the install instructions need updating
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20:37.01csnookthey enable tested by default, not current
20:37.07csnookand tested is empty
20:37.15Qwellno it doesn't
20:38.08csnookokay, the ones at /downloads/yum are right
20:38.13*** join/#asterisk deonv (
20:38.19Qwellwhat are you referring to?
20:38.33mmlj4we're just full of incorrect info today
20:39.28csnooknevermind, I had a dyslexic moment
20:39.54csnookthanks for setting me straight
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20:41.23titterIs there a way to ring members in a queue in the order they are listed in the queues.conf, and also if they are on a call to not ring their phone, but skip to the next member? round robin sort of does this, but if the second member is avilable and they answered last ... the next call will go to member number three, even if the second member is off the call.
20:44.02mmlj4I could do that with a AGI script, dunno if * supports it out of the box
20:44.52xhelioxtitter: Weights and ringinuse=no
20:45.02xhelioxwith call limit (presuming you're using SIP)
20:45.58xhelioxSorry, not weights.. penalties -- same difference though.
20:46.39xhelioxagents with the higher penalty will be tried last.
20:46.41csnookdo I need the centos-digium repo if I'm only doing VoIP?
20:47.25xhelioxYou don't "need" it regardless of what you're using Asterisk for.
20:47.42titterI tried both, and it didn't work ... I have the strat set to ring only, and assigned the penalties as 1-4 ... but if I call the queue as the second caller it rings penality 1 again
20:47.54csnookI just thought it might be some sort of addons for digium hardware
20:48.07xhelioxtitter: I suspect you don't have call limit set properly in sip.conf then.
20:48.17csnookwhich, given that my server is 1200 miles away, doesn't apply to me
20:48.29Qwellcsnook: Digium commercial software.  FaxForAsterisk, etc
20:49.18csnookall I'm doing is interrupting people's dinners
20:49.35xhelioxtitter: Are you using chan_agent?
20:49.58xhelioxor just SIP/agent_id ?
20:50.40titterxheliox: no, basically I am trying to simulate using the four line apperance for the Polycom with a queue for a receptionist. So I have 4 sip accounts registered to the phone as labeled them as line 1-4. I will check the call-limit ... didn't think of that
20:51.03xhelioxfor ringinuse=no to work properly, you have to have call-limit set.
20:53.10titterseems to work
20:53.23titterxheliox: thanks
20:54.09xhelioxexcellent.. np
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21:00.16[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
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21:11.21mtryfossanyone experienced one-way audio on a dahdi-channel ?
21:12.41ChannelZYeah I called this mute guy once
21:12.53mtryfosshah. funny :)
21:13.00tzafrirmtryfoss, this is a call from DAHDI to? What DAHDI exactly?
21:13.32mtryfosscomes in through a dahdi-channel, and is bridged with iax2 to another server
21:13.42mtryfosstried a mixmonitor on the dahdi, and no sound
21:14.10ChannelZwhich way
21:14.30mtryfosscaller han hear my customer, but not opposite
21:14.36mtryfossinbound call
21:15.50mtryfossthe funny thing is.. we have 22 E1's with a lot of traffic, and only one customer complaints
21:16.10ChannelZmaybe their phone is busted
21:16.40mtryfossthis only happens in about 1-2% of their calls
21:17.01ChannelZyou said it goes IAX2 to another server, then where does it go?
21:17.07mtryfossas I wrote.. tried mixmonitor on the gateway, and it's true
21:17.28mtryfossthe first thing that happens when the call arrives is the monitor, and there's silence
21:18.16titterI have had it happen but it was dahdi -> iax -> sip -> pbx with down syndrome aka shoretel -> sysadmin with an iq of 6 configured IIS -> mpls -> remote office
21:18.26mtryfossI'm wondering if those redirected calls sometimes sends some crazy signals which makes the channel not get completely up
21:18.59csnookmtryfoss, my old workplace used some voip service, and my boss would sometimes not be able to hear me when he called my cell
21:19.05csnookvonage, that's what it was
21:19.13csnooksee if they're on vonage
21:19.24mtryfossno voip involved here
21:19.29mtryfossonly isdn
21:19.38csnookI mean the customer
21:19.42csnookthe customer is on isdn?
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21:34.04{Repelex}hi... asterisk and java have a good integration ?
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21:42.17*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 1.8.0-beta3 (2010/08/10), (2010/08/10), 1.4.35 (2010/08/10), *-Addons, 1.4.11 (2010/04/15), dahdi-linux 2.3.1 (2010/05/25), dahdi-tools 2.3.0 (2010/04/13), libpri (2010/06/29) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-bugs
21:42.20*** join/#asterisk korcan (
21:42.49csnookAnyone know of a good doc for installing asterisk on centos without having the ability to install kernel modules?  I'm just trying to do VoIP stuff, so I don't need the hardware support, but the package deps want to mess with my kernel.
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21:44.02*** join/#asterisk Micc_ (
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21:44.52Micc_BezNalogov, did you solve your 1.6 include problem?
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21:45.17Micc_I think he left.
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21:46.40timholumhello, I have a question, I have in my extenstions.conf exten => s,n,Dial(SIP/208&SIP/207&SIP/200&SIP/201&SIP/205|20|tT) is there a way to run a script based on which one picks up?
21:47.02timholumI would like to have a log of which tech picks up the phone
21:47.18mmlj4you just want a log?
21:47.30mmlj4that's logged already
21:47.46timholumand to be able to have my hang up script upload the recording and tag it apropriatly
21:47.57mmlj4that's harder
21:48.33mmlj4I haven't done anything like that... perhaps someone else knows?
21:48.59timholumthere is there any enviromental variable that tells what extention picked up?
21:49.10timholumis there not there is there :)
21:49.29mmlj4probably so
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21:53.41ChannelZcsnook: build it yourself from the source
21:53.51leifmadsentimholum: try doing a DumpChan() in the 'h' extension and see if anything exists there to tell you who picked it up
21:53.57csnookChannelZ, that's what I was afraid of
21:54.11leifmadsenit's not hard
21:54.23leifmadsenthere's even a free book...
21:54.37Qwellleifmadsen: I read that it was written by nubs.
21:55.23leifmadsenQwell: well it's free; what do you expect?!
21:55.30QwellAsterisk is also free!
21:55.34Qwellare you suggesting...
21:55.43leifmadsenI might be
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21:55.56leifmadsenok, I am done -- time to go drink wine
21:59.13ChannelZcsnook: the package shouldn't require any kernel modules unless they built DAHDI into the same package.  If it's separate, just don't install DAHDI
21:59.33timholumI have exten => s,h,DumpChan() and nothing happend when I hung up?
21:59.46timholumI have the console open, should i print stuff to the screen?
22:00.30JerJerno its  h,1,blah
22:00.32Qwellcsnook: it is separate
22:00.47leifmadsentimholum: you used 'h' as a priority, not an extension
22:00.52JerJerh is a special extension
22:00.54timholumahh, ok :)
22:01.12JerJerhere's your sign   :)
22:01.14csnookI tried to install asterisk16 and it wanted to mess with my kernel
22:01.31csnookwhich, honestly, I'd be fine with, if I had the technical capability to do so
22:01.32JerJercsnook:  must be some lame package then
22:01.37Qwellcsnook: "asterisk16" is a meta package
22:01.54Qwellit just has deps on "standard" things.  you can install just the -core package and it'll work fine.
22:01.55csnookQwell, yeah, I figured that, digging into it now to see what I really need
22:02.05csnookwill do
22:02.21timholumDIALEDPEERNUMBER is what I am looking for thanks for the help :)
22:03.29*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
22:07.29jamkoAnyone know of a good wholesale origination and termination provider, that supports T.38 traffic??
22:07.57mmlj4it's a free edition of an o'reilly book... those aren't written by newbies... if you want that, use apress
22:08.29exothermcjamko: national or regional?
22:08.45jamkoUS 48 for now
22:09.07exothermcjamko: There are a few that do term, but I'm not aware of anyone doing full 48.
22:09.18exothermcfor origination that is.
22:09.42jamkoWell I would settle for the origination not being full 48.
22:10.00exothermcjamko: Qwest does toll free origination with t.38, but that is about as good as it gets.
22:10.16exothermc360 Networks has a fairly good foot print that does t.38
22:10.46exothermcpaetec or point 1 may also, but I'm not sure about their t.38.
22:11.14exothermcmost of those have a west coast focus though.
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22:12.03exothermcactually broadvox does a full deck with t.38 I believe.  Their prices are so high though I wouldn't consider them wholesale even though they claim it.
22:12.15jamkoThanks!  I use gafachi for the T.38 termination, but they do not offer local DIDs for Origination, and their TF termination is a "best effort" scenario, and they do not care much if your calls don't place.
22:12.31jamkoon the TF that is.
22:12.56exothermcthat is surprising.  Typically providers love TF term, and make sure it works.
22:13.10exothermcIf you have enough TF term, you can get paid for it.
22:13.48jamkoExactly what I said when I called today.. Supposedly they are "disussing" it, but for now don't care for it.
22:13.54*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
22:14.04nix8n82what is TF?
22:14.07jamkoI know Simwood out of the UK loves TF traffic because of wht he gets paid for it.
22:14.23jamkonix8n82: Toll Free
22:14.35exothermcjamko: I don't think gafachi are that customer centered.
22:14.47jamkolol .. yea..
22:15.05exothermcI wouldn't have even thought of them as a wholesale provider actually.
22:15.26jamkoUnfortunately Simwood has cid issues on termination, and doesn't support T.38.
22:15.46exothermcjamko: sounds sketchy at best.
22:16.06jamkoThanks again, I will check out 360 for sure
22:16.33exothermcjamko: Ya they are a largish, org, so nothing moves fast, but it is rock solid.
22:16.53exothermcjamko: I have had the odd routing issue with them though, but on the whole been satisfied.
22:17.04exothermcno more issues than we have had with VZB or Qwest though.
22:17.15jamkoexothermc: gafachi or simwood?
22:17.38jamkowhat type of odd routing issues?
22:17.43exothermchaven't used simwood, and bailed on gafachi years ago (which means nothing now)
22:18.18exothermcjamko: Just standard stuff, getting 503s when it is a valid DID, and once a 404 on a valid did
22:18.44jamkoyea typical..
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22:18.53exothermcjamko:  How many minutes a month of US term do you have?
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22:19.23jamkoVery minimal right now.. Maybe 20,000 at best
22:19.32exothermcjamko:  lol ok.
22:19.43exothermcYa I don't think you are looking for a wholesale provider then.
22:19.55exothermcminimum commits are going to start at $1k
22:20.43exothermcJust get a high rate reliable provider that you can send traffic to and forget about it then focus on growing the business instead of starting off chasing rock bottom rates.
22:22.07jamkoYea.. that's what I'm trying to do.  Perfect the infrastructure, build the biz, and then go real wholesale.  Right now I do fine at .009/minute
22:23.09*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
22:23.46jamkoShit I just got T.38 working properly yesterday on termination.. but did get my first Digium bug acknowledged:
22:24.22exothermcjamko: If you can get me $0.01/min for the full US I'll send you 500,000 minutes per day to start.
22:24.37Micc_We've been using Vitelity for years, pretty solid service for TF.
22:24.52Micc_And they have failover DIDs you can set for each TF DID.
22:25.09Micc_vitelity is 1.2 cents a minute I think.
22:26.02exothermcor even 48 state us.
22:26.14jamkoYea I have heard Vitality is pretty solid.  I use Voip.MS for the fail over DIDs.  Their management gui is  real nice.  Do you have an e-mail address? I or my partner can send you some information.
22:27.00kfife.01 to the 'full us' (not including rural clecs :-) )
22:27.39Micc_jamko, you said you got t.38 working properly yesterday, so did you find a work around for your re-invite bug?
22:27.41xhelioxI've only been using for a few months, but I'm highly impressed.
22:27.42kfifeVITEL is nice but every now and then the two-bit carrier they farm out to messes up my outbound callerid.
22:27.57kfifeVery infrequent, but it happens.
22:28.02Micc_jamko, I've been playing with T.38 for almost a year now. It drives me crazy some times.
22:28.41Micc_kfife, has that happened recently? I think they may have changed providers.
22:28.51jamkoMIcc_ : yes I had to turn off t.38 reinvite from the provider side, and let my ATA initiate the T.38 re-invite.  It seems a T.38 re-invite from a SIP cluster was causing my problem with Asterisk.
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22:28.58kfifeMicc_: Hmmm. I want to say within the last two months.
22:29.33Micc_jamko, so set canreinvite=false on the sip peer that is the provider?
22:29.36kfifeMicc_: It's quite hard to tell right?  You would only notice if your called party says: "WTF. why does your callerid say X"
22:29.46exothermckfife: I still can work with that.
22:30.09Micc_kfife, I think I remember seeing that sometimes.
22:30.18kfifeexothermc: Micc_:  Still they're great.  Best in show says me.
22:30.40kfifeMy favorit thing about Vitelity is that they can set OUTBOUND CNAM.
22:30.41Micc_kfife, I think they've changed how they do callerid too, I can't send them 3 digit callerid anymore, but I used to be able to.
22:30.42exothermckfife: who?
22:30.53jamkoMicc: no set canreinvite=yes across the boardm, and tell your provider NOT to issue a reinvite on T.38... Let you sip peer do the initial re-invite.
22:31.15exothermckfife: outbound cnam isn't technically possible.
22:31.45kfifeBe careful what you assert :-).  In other words, called party sees "Karl Fife" or "YourCompanyName" instead of "Chicago, IL"
22:31.57Micc_exothermc, yeah I was just going to say that too.
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22:32.05kfifeexothermc: CNAM is alive and well
22:32.12jamkoLevel 3 constantly swaps caller ids downstream on term providers.  It sucs.
22:32.22exothermckfife: Oh yI thought you said "send"  It can't be sent, but you can set it, correct.
22:32.49Micc_kfife, that all depends on the cnam lookup provider they are using though. They can't change them all on the fly.
22:33.11kfifeYou send the number, the terminating telco dips against the LIDB entry managed by the originating telco.  Terminating telco pays, originating telco gets paid.
22:33.26exothermcMicc_: Right you can't change it on a per call basis, but it is near realtime.
22:33.26joobiehey guys.. anyone got an idea on how to use the queue system in asterisk, but make the queue member a PSTN telephone number (that's seperate to the asterisk box)
22:33.28jamkokfife: let me elaborate, I have canreinvite=yes in sip.conf for all peers, and then I actually go to my providers website and turn off T.38 reinvite.
22:33.48Micc_exothermc, right and with vitelity it costs 10$ I think or 5$.
22:34.10kfifeMicc_ if the CNAM source is some half-assed google lookup, then yes, it depends.  If the CNAM source is the LIDB, then no.
22:34.15exothermcMicc_: To set names on DIDs?  that doesn't make sense.
22:34.22Micc_kfife, exothermc, I would think that being able to set the cnam on a did you order is a requirement that all providers should be able to do.
22:34.45exothermcMicc_: mostly because they would be stupid not to, yes.
22:35.24Micc_Is there a way to interface with the LIDB directly?
22:35.49exothermcMicc_: You can, but easier to use an aggregator like SNET or TNSi
22:36.17exothermcMicc_: then you can dip directly using SIP, SS7 or SIGTRAN
22:36.21kfifeLIDB is tightly controlled by the ILECS and CLECS because it's a valuable asset.  Vitel has figured out a way to legally obligate the 'keepers' of the LIDB to populate with their records.
22:37.07kfifeWhen you dip the 'real' LIDB it costs money every time, and you pay about 2¢ per dip, and you sign an agreement not to cache.
22:37.33exothermckfife: "obligate"  is wrong, if you actually own DIDs/TNs you are required to have access to set them. and by own I mean there is no one above you.
22:38.04exothermcand if you are paying $0.02/dip you are getting bent over and.....
22:38.07Micc_which means you would have to be a clec to own the dids.
22:38.16kfifeexothermc:  I believe you are wrong.
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22:39.07Micc_Last time I asked vitelity about their clec status, they said they were not a clec.
22:39.14Micc_and they didn't need to be.
22:39.17kfifeexothermc: I'd be very interested to know a provider who will do 'real' CNAM dips against the LIDB for less than 2¢ with less than a $1000/month committment.
22:39.31Micc_but I would think they must have another entity that is that they control or work closely with.
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22:39.42exothermckfife: Our rate with TNSi is about $0.0043 per dip
22:39.52exothermckfife: No commit.
22:40.01flapjacksIm tring to pass a did from my zaptel card to my legacy PBX so it now how to route the call it will ring the legacy PBX but does not pass the did what im i missing
22:40.19kfifeexothermc:  How do you connect?
22:40.50exothermckfife: IP
22:41.04kfifeexothermc: how much money do you spend with them in a month?
22:41.19Micc_flapjacks, what does your dial command look like?
22:41.29exothermckfife: actually just looked at the bill it is $0.004 /dip if it is on net and $0.0055 if it is off net.
22:41.54exothermckfife: we spend $23k with them a month now, but started out with next to 0.
22:42.03flapjacksone i pick up the phone i hear dtmf tones like its trying to dial the number
22:42.22exothermcbut we also do our LRN dips with them, and SS7 for our TDM stuff with them.
22:42.49exothermcbut those were also more recent additions.
22:43.06kfifeexothermc: Is this their 'home-brewed' data source or is it ultimately the same source that Verizon dips?
22:43.18Micc_flapjacks what kind of pbx is the legacy pbx and how is it connected to asterisk? through the PSTN?
22:43.25kfifeexothermc: I hope you're right by the way.
22:43.30exothermcthey may have a commit now, but I would be surprised.  $0.02 has an extreme amount of gravy built in.
22:44.05exothermckfife: It is LIDB
22:44.49kfifeexothermc:  Not bad.  I know a lot of CNAM providers were recently 'chased' (read threatened) out of buisness by upstream providers.
22:44.52Micc_exothermc, what is LRN?
22:45.04exothermckfife: The LRN stuff is sourced from telcordia I think but that is the only DB that you are actually allowed to buy and cache.
22:45.15flapjacksits a samsung OfficeServ500 connect to my rinoT1 card which is acting like the PSTN for the PBX I can make calls from the samsung out the rhinoT1 and out sip trunk provider
22:45.36exothermcMicc_: If a number is ported from one carrier to another the LRN dip will show what carrier it is actually pointed at now.
22:46.18flapjacksMicc_: I can recive calls to on the samsung they just ring the operator group because no did was seen
22:46.25exothermckfife: Ya not to many upstreams allow you to resell access to the DB.
22:46.30exothermcfor obvious reasons.
22:48.04kfifeexothermc: I wonder if TNSi is in violation of their TOS.  The compensation system is a bit messed up these days, but it was my understanding that the originating LEC was compensated right around one cent for the dip.  It may depend on who you are too--in other words I'm sure AT&T doesn't pay Verizon 1¢--but I
22:48.05exothermckfife: Just to put the cnam stuff in perspective for you.  $0.002 / dip would be a high rate for payout, much less a sell rate.
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22:48.36exothermckfife: ya no $0.01 is really high.
22:48.38kfifeI'd bet some rural lec might a lot more.
22:49.00exothermcrates are all individually negotiated between carriers.
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22:49.16exothermcWell you see it isn't that simple.
22:49.41exothermcyou can't just charge "more" since you have to have an aggreement to do so. and getting a big boy to agree to $0.01 won't happen.
22:50.01kfifeI'm happy to use TNSi.  I havent' shopped it in years.  It is (was) obviously a racket, and maybe they've broken the BS in the supply chain.  It was bound to happen.
22:50.20exothermcplus as a small fish trying to get agreement with hundreds of carriers.....
22:51.31exothermcThat is the reason TNSi exists.  You give them the keys for your cnam data, then they pay you $0.00143 or around there depending on the source carrier of each dip, and they take a cut and make all the magic happen.
22:51.54exothermcThey already interface with all the carriers at some level.
22:52.12exothermcI think it is them and SNET who are basically in the game anymore.
22:52.26exothermcand SNET got bought out by ATT(and company)
22:52.45kfifebeautiful.  I always thought it was a matter of time before somebody was able to do that without pissing off the incumbents!!
22:52.53kfifeexothermc: ^^^^
22:52.56kfifeThanks for the tip!
22:53.16exothermcbut ya if you have someone selling you at $0.02 they are either taking a big cut or getting screwed themselves.
22:53.43kfifeI've talked to the proprietor.  He's getting screwed.
22:54.00kfifeonly slightle less than I am :-)
22:54.04exothermcget a TNSi connection and sell to him.
22:54.21exothermcof course getting them to give you legal rights to do so will be a miracle.
22:54.44exothermcbut you don't have to tell them, and they should never know.
22:55.10kfifeexothermc: LOL
22:55.29Qwellwho actually owns/runs ILDB?
22:55.54kfifeQwell: good question
22:56.08exothermca great racket is get your own numbers, then you are paid for the dips, then you just place outbound calls to a source that will dip them, and never connect the calls.  Kinda like printing money.
22:56.36exothermcQwell: It is kinda like who owns/runs DNS?
22:56.54Qwellfair enough
22:57.26exothermcQwell: managed by Telcordia I believe, either that or NEUSTAR.
22:59.14exothermcQwell: but ya being able to access the LIDB I think is kinda like being a root registrar, you need to be certified that you know what you are doing etc.
23:04.12Micc_exothermc, Maybe thats why I get all these calls to all of my customers from DOCTORS NETWORK, but they never connect.
23:06.18Micc_They call someone on my network almost every day, somtimes many different customers in a day. Theres no way they know all these different customers and their DIDs in different rate centers. Its not like they are all grouped together or something.
23:06.34Micc_It really makes me wonder wtf they are doing.
23:07.03Micc_And what really ticks me off is sometimes it makes aastra phones ring forever until each phone is picked up.
23:07.54Micc_which reminds me, I need to call aastra about that. Theres got to be something they can do in the mean time until asterisk can fx it the right way.
23:13.40exothermcMicc_: Ya that isn't it, because if someone picks up then their will be a duration no matter how small and whoever would just be going backwards.
23:14.00kfifeMicc_: can't you just have asterisk ring them for x seconds then fall through to the next priority (for example answer, and play them monkeys, or "Hang the hell up" message :-)
23:15.14Micc_kfife, yeah but the did is always different. not always, but it seems to be a pretty big range.
23:15.37kfifeexothermc: Do you know the mechanism by which companies like YouMail (and MNO's
23:15.37kfifeusing their own voicemail system) are able to redirect ALL calls from a ALL
23:15.37kfifesubscribers to *just one* voicemail DID, yet determine WHICH subscriber did
23:15.37kfifethe redirection?
23:17.08kfifeMicc_: Do you have hundreds of DID's or are you sending just ANY sip call to your phone?
23:17.21exothermckfife: I'm not sure I get what you are saying, but if you mean the "new VM provider" be able to tell which voicemailbox and original calling party?
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23:18.33kfifeFor example T-Mobile sends ALL unanswered calls from all subscribers to ONE voicemail system access DID number.
23:19.06exothermckfife: Ok ya that is just do to the fact that SS7 has more information built in than SIP does.
23:19.30exothermcSS7 have information about DNIS and ANI, but also billing DNIS and billing ANI.
23:19.40flapjackswould it be the pbx or zaptel config issue that is wiating to send the DID number until after the call is picked up on the zaptel channel
23:20.02Micc_kfife, we have hundreds of customers, so we have hundreds of DIDs.
23:20.24kfifeexothermc: I'm talking ISDN PRI.
23:20.33kfifeexothermc: I had always assumed this was simply done using RDNIS.  In other words, the original calling party's CallerID is passed with the redirected call, (and I assumed) the redirecting subscriber's number was passed via RDNIS--thusly the voicemail system knows to place the call into the voicemail account belonging to the RDNIS value.
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23:21.41kfifeIs there a 'normal' way to do this (such as a QSIG call transfer message), or is it more likely a home-spun and carrier-specific message, such as a Q.931 facility message.
23:22.03exothermckfife: I'm not sure you have much control over what is put on the PRI.  I know those things are set, but I would have to look at libpri to see what is exposed.
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23:23.27kfifeexothermc:  I'll just have to debug the PRI channel and redirect the calls to myself so I can see what's visible.  Basically I want to redirect calls to Youmail for their transcription service without using DropBox because doing so obliterates the original CallerID
23:23.32exothermckfife: I'm out of my water on this one, but I know on ss7 you have access to 4 number fields.
23:24.32kfifeexothermc: I see.  So big boys like MNO's have better-than-PRI type connections enabling them to do telephone voo-doo that may be outside of scope for a lowly PRI group.
23:25.07exothermckfife: you can just do the transcription via wav file and http service, probably going to get better results.
23:25.16ManxPowerI just arrived.  What specifically do you need to do?
23:25.40kfifeexothermc: you mean for example via the YouMail API?
23:25.50exothermckfife: Correct, but with that "may be" caveat.  I'm pretty new to PRIs.
23:26.16exothermckfife: I didn't know youmail allowed wav file transcription.
23:26.44kfifeexothermc: The idea is to give smartphone users access to all features of the well-implemented youmail apps--including from our terrestrial lines.
23:26.48Micc_I'm lookin at the cdrs for all my customers and this DOCTORS GROUP or DOCTORS NETWORK comes up with disposition answered but generally always about 3-6 seconds in billsec. The callerID numbers they call from are varied but looks like within the same block maybe.
23:26.53exothermckfife: I'm saying their are services out there that will allow you to send them a wav file via http API call and get back text.
23:27.03ManxPowerIt is trivial to set your own callerid on a PRI (or SIP) if your carrier allows you to.  (many do)
23:27.23ManxPowerSpecifically the Caller*ID NUMBER.  Name can also be sent to the telco, but they will always ignore it.
23:27.36Slugs_Question about asterisk call queues, if all agents are busy in a queue, it says 'your call cannot be connected at this time' instead of going to the mailbox that was setup.
23:27.44exothermcManxPower: Ya you are missing the point.
23:27.57ManxPowerexothermc, I did ask for details.  Nobody provided any.
23:28.03exothermcManxPower: if you pass just the CLI then the service won't know which VM box to attach it too.
23:28.16kfifeexothermc:  Such a service may not have the well-implemented smartphone apps.  YouMail does transcription via DropBox (email), but like I said they fu¢k up the callerid.
23:28.50ManxPowerexothermc, So you want to pass DNID to the destination telephone number?
23:28.52exothermckfife: You sure that you are passing out the correct caller ID?
23:29.09ManxPowerDo you need to know the callerid info of the caller at all?
23:29.11kfifeexothermc: I'll look into their API, but redirecting the call with their RDNIS like VOO-DOO is the simplest, most robust solution.
23:29.21exothermcManxPower:   Well there is the key, you need to pass both the DNIS and the billing DNIS.
23:29.45ManxPowerexothermc, that does make it more complicated 8-)
23:30.09exothermcManxPower: They use one to see what number is actually sending to them (for the correct voicemail box) then they use the other to put on the mail to say who the call actually originated from.
23:30.18kfifeexothermc: Yes.  We've redirected the calls to ourselves, and it's showing up right.  My bet is on QSIG redirect
23:30.53ManxPowerexothermc, *nod*  Maybe 2BCT is something that should be investigated.
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23:33.07mmlj4what up, ManxPower?
23:33.43kfifeLove the new 1.8 chanspy: S: Stop when no more channels are left to spy on.
23:34.36Micc_kfife, talks about RGN and using it to know which voicemail box to use but says it only works on a PRI.
23:35.01Micc_kfife, how stable is 1.8?
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23:36.49Slugs_Question about asterisk call queues, if all agents are busy in a queue, it says 'your call cannot be connected at this time' instead of going to the mailbox that was setup.
23:39.23Slugs_hardwire: you there :)
23:39.38hardwireSlugs_: no .. I died
23:39.57hardwirecheck your context and queue flags.
23:40.10hardwiremake sure you have your priority numbers in order or 'n'
23:40.20Slugs_sorry to hear that, and ok
23:40.21kfifeMicc_: Right. RDNIS is not specified is SIP.  (BUt it is in SIP-T)
23:40.25hardwiremake sure the PBX at your office isn't saying that vs asterisk
23:40.27hardwireturn on verbose.
23:40.42kfifeMicc_: Beta-3  Not going to risk my job over it :-)
23:40.51kfifeMicc_: not on a production system
23:42.38Micc_right, I just remember 1.6.0 was super unstable even after final release, it wasn't till about I think it started to get better.
23:43.58Micc_It was about 6-8 months after first release that it was stable enough to run in production.
23:44.58leifmadsenyou can't run any commercial modules at this point either, so you're pretty much limited to development servers at this point unless you don't use G729, Skype, etc...
23:47.11kfifeleifmadsen: Thanks for the tip the other day about 1.8 chanspy
23:47.19leifmadsenkfife: hope it was useful
23:47.21kfifeIs there a backport to 1.6.x
23:47.43kfifeleifmadsen: ^^ ?
23:47.54leifmadsenhave you created it? :)
23:48.10leifmadsenit's probably not that difficult unless it uses something crazy
23:48.21leifmadsenjust do a diff between the files and find the feature you want
23:48.25leifmadsenmight not be very difficult
23:48.27kfifeleifmadsen: lol.  I'm not technically there yet.  One day I will be.
23:48.44kfifeleifmadsen: good idea.
23:48.51Micc_I've never used chanspy.
23:49.19Micc_It sounds like a lot of fun, but just never needed it.
23:49.47kfifeleifmadsen: If there's no crazy changes, would it be as simple as copying the app_chanspy.c from the 1.8 source tree to the 1.6.2.x tree?
23:49.56leifmadsenkfife: it might be :)
23:50.48kfifeleifmadsen: Please evaluate this statement: "If it works for a handful of test calls, it probably wont cause asterisk to segfault. " :-)
23:51.10leifmadsenYMMV :)
23:51.38kfife1 = Strongly disagree, 10 = Strongly agree, 11 = this is my favorite guitar--it's so special that you shouldn't even look at it.
23:52.11kfifeIt's ONE louder
23:52.46leifmadsenexten => start,1,Set(Result=${RAND(1,10)})
23:53.03kfifeleifmadsen: :-)
23:55.47kfife[TK]D-Fender: :-)
23:57.30jamkois there a cli command to show the t.38 codec when it is in use?.. ie sip show channels (which does not show t.38)

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