IRC log for #asterisk on 20100811

00:00.31*** join/#asterisk korcan (
00:00.58*** join/#asterisk korcan (
00:04.40gamednais there a way to find out at runtime what the speex default configuration is?
00:07.11*** join/#asterisk Micc_ (
00:08.05Micc_Anyone know of good call center reporting/monitoring software that works with asterisk?
00:09.01Micc_I'm looking in the budget of free to under $1k
00:09.20Micc_or maybe something hosted but under $20 a seat.
00:09.29Micc_per month.
00:11.31carrarvici dial?
00:17.26Tukekeestá escuchando: Willie Colon & Ruben Blades - Siembra - Pedro Navaja - (0:21/7:25)
00:17.57Micc_that looks like a little more than they need.
00:18.23Micc_they just need something simple for about 10-20 agents
00:18.40Micc_Tukeke, are you rolling your eyes at me?
00:19.13TukekeMicc, no
00:19.55Micc_Tukeke, what are your funny faces about then? O_O ?
00:19.55bougymanMicc_: how about orderlystats?
00:19.59bougymanyou should be able to get it for that.
00:20.04bougymannot hosted.
00:20.32Micc_I think I saw an ad for that on voip-info
00:22.19Micc_Hmm, that looks like it might be the ticket. I wonder if it works on multi-tenant asterisk servers.
00:22.47bougymanmulti-tenant is a tad more expensive.
00:22.58bougymanwe got an unlimited license for $3000, single tenant.
00:23.07bougymanbut 20 user was something like $595
00:23.17bougymanso still well under your $1000
00:23.59Tukekeestá escuchando: Cada Loco con su Tema - no se - Si Nos Fueramos Venio - (2:45/4:47)
00:27.26xhelioxTukeke: Knock that crap off, no one cares what song you're listening to.
00:27.30leifmadsenNot sure how much it is, but I like QueueMetrics
00:27.46leifmadsenTukeke: you should turn that off or we'll have to mute you
00:27.56Tukekexheliox, -.-
00:34.23*** join/#asterisk gamedna (
00:41.21*** join/#asterisk cdahmedeh (
00:41.27TukekeYankee GO HOME !!!
00:44.54gamednaare there any advantages to using .conf  vs .ael files?
00:48.50gamednaany negatives to using .ael vs conf?
00:57.17leifmadsengamedna: well dialplan is better supported (code wise), but if AEL works for you, there is no disadvantage. If you find a bug however, you'll have to work around it (although I'm not saying it is likely)
00:57.37leifmadsenPersonally, I prefer dialplan, but that's maybe because I've been using it since before AEL existed
00:59.07gamednaleifmadsen:  Thanks for the feedback.   is AEL still supported by the devs?
01:00.39*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmuj@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
01:01.48leifmadsengamedna: it is to a certain extent, but the developer who initially built it has moved onto other projects
01:03.21gamednaleifmadsen: thanks, that is really a good point.
01:03.55gamednai know you can use the two methods together, so i guess its probably best to learn both.
01:05.23*** join/#asterisk mroe (~anon__@unaffiliated/roe)
01:06.08*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
01:06.27*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:07.22mroeIt seems that order matters when loading wctdm and wcte12x I thought listing them in explicit order in /etc/modules would be enough to load them in the correct order.  Is there a better way to ensure these modules load in the proper order?
01:08.45*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
01:09.28*** join/#asterisk nicoAMG (~nicoamg@
01:26.59exothermctrying to compile asterisk right now, but when I do make menuconfig chan_dahdi  is XXX.
01:27.14exothermcI have dahdi compiled and installed.
01:39.34*** part/#asterisk nny (
01:40.39p3nguin_Would a one minute recording of no audio have a smaller file size than a one minute recording of excessive audio (blasting rock music, jet engine, etc.) both recorded in the same format?
01:41.14exothermcp3nguin_: Typically should be the same.
01:41.31exothermcbut there maybe some silence suppression which would cause no rtp to flow
01:42.19p3nguin_Not sure how that would come into my equation.
01:42.53exothermcp3nguin_: for your understanding you should assume they are the same.
01:42.56p3nguin_I just want to know if no audio is the same size as some or lots of audio.
01:43.34p3nguin_How about a larger sample, maybe an hour?
01:44.03exothermcDoesn't matter.
01:44.44exothermcThere is a packet sent multiple times per second.  That packet contains the audio for that sample, no matter what is in that actual sample, the packet is the same size.
01:45.41*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
01:45.41exothermcNow if you record that into a format other than the raw format, you may or may not have size differences based on the compression codec you are using, but that is beyond the scope of asterisk.
01:45.59p3nguin_I wasn't even talking about Asterisk at all.
01:46.25exothermcp3nguin_: Well that is completely dependent on the compression codec.
01:47.29p3nguin_So the codec could compress voices or other sounds more than no noise at all, and could actually make a voice recording of a smaller file size?
01:51.26exothermclikely to be the complete opposite of what you describe that would be my guess.
01:52.55p3nguin_But in a raw format, substance and emptiness would be the same size.
01:54.25p3nguin_I guess that makes sense when I think about it and compare it to something like a text file.
01:55.05p3nguin_A text file with 100 characters would be the same size if you change each of those 100 characters to other characters.
02:01.00*** part/#asterisk mroe (~anon__@unaffiliated/roe)
02:09.27*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
02:23.07*** join/#asterisk thansen (~thansen@
02:49.28*** join/#asterisk angavmx (~angav@
02:50.09angavmxAnyone using a SIP trunk with voicetrading?
02:55.01infobotmethinks trunk is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
02:55.33gamednainfobot: a trunk is also the nose of an elephant
02:55.34infobotgamedna: okay
02:55.56*** join/#asterisk b0gatyr (
02:56.29gamednaangavmx: just looked at their site... they show "grey" "standard" and "premium" rates available
02:56.56*** join/#asterisk raden (
02:57.21gamednai wonder what kind of quality you would actually get w/ those grey rates
02:59.15bougymanYAY Fred from LOD Communications.
03:00.44gamednap3nguin_:  how do you use infobot?
03:00.58bougymanhe fixed the dtmf issue with a canreinvite=no and rfc2833compensate=yes
03:02.44p3nguin_gamedna: Ask it things, tell it things.
03:02.56gamednainfobot: what is asterisk?
03:02.58infobotgamedna: I think you lost me on that one
03:03.09gamednainfobot: what is the meaning of life?
03:03.11infobotgamedna: what are you talking about?
03:03.17gamednainfobot: asterisk
03:03.18infobotasterisk is probably an open source telephony toolkit, or #asterisk on, or, or just like a mini-mall
03:03.25gamednainfobot: help
03:03.32p3nguin_oh no.
03:03.45p3nguin_I hope it only replies to that in private.
03:04.39drmessano~help @ gamedna
03:04.55drmessano~shoot gamedna
03:04.56infobotACTION shoots gamedna in the ear with a spitwad!
03:04.56gamednayea, infobots usually only reply in private
03:05.12drmessano~shoot gamedna
03:05.13infobotACTION shoots gamedna in the eye with a glue gun!
03:05.13gamedna~shoot drmessano
03:05.14infobotACTION shoots drmessano in the ear with a frozen turkey cannon!
03:05.23p3nguin_~insult drmessano
03:05.37drmessano~format gamedna
03:05.47drmessano~fdisk gamedna
03:06.06drmessano~sudo gamedna
03:06.13infobotsomebody said sudo was (SUperuser DO) better than su, according to talon.It is able to give limited super user privileges to specific users, or can allow you to do silly things like run X apps with root perms, or good in scripts with "username ALL = NOPASSWD: /some/program", or, or good for ordering sandwiches, or not pseudo
03:06.39drmessano"good for ordering sandwiches"
03:06.44gamedna~fsck drmessano
03:06.45infobote2fsck /dev/drmessano : warning! filesystem contains morons!
03:06.49drmessanoMake me a sandwich
03:06.52p3nguin_sudo make me a sandwich
03:06.56drmessanosudo make me a sandwich
03:07.04gamedna(poof, you are a sandwich)
03:07.10drmessano~sudo make me a sandwich
03:07.30drmessano~make me a sandwich
03:07.30infobotmake: *** No rule to make target `me a sandwich'.  Stop.
03:07.43drmessano~make poo
03:07.44infobotmake: *** No rule to make target `poo'.  Stop.
03:07.44Maliutadrmessano: I don't think make takes multiple targets as arguments
03:07.52p3nguin_~make love
03:07.53infobotmake: *** No rule to make target `love'.  Stop.
03:08.00drmessano~make war
03:08.01infobotmake: *** No rule to make target `war'.  Stop.
03:08.07*** join/#asterisk yidiyuehan (
03:08.15drmessano~drop table infobot;
03:10.20yidiyuehanIs there an IRC channel for astmanproxy?
03:13.00russellbi didn't think anyone used that anymore
03:13.09russellbbut to answer your question, no
03:13.15russellbthis one would be as relevant as it gets
03:17.33gamednawhat is astmanproxy?
03:18.06gamednanm, just looked it up on voip-info
03:18.18gamednarussellb: yea, i deserved that
03:19.06drmessanoYes you did
03:19.10drmessanoand don't you forget it
03:19.15drmessanoAs matter of fact
03:19.22gamedna(* sits  in shame in the corner *)
03:19.28drmessanoStore it in a hash table so you can reference it faster later
03:19.41russellbdrmessano: now who said you got to show up and rub it in :-p
03:19.44drmessanoOh, forgot the !!!!
03:20.05drmessano(* sits  in shame in the corner *)
03:20.49drmessanoShouldn't you be busy fixing a bug or something?
03:20.58drmessanoI hear there's bugs in Asterisk
03:21.07russellbshouldn't you be busy getting me a beer?
03:21.10drmessanoOnes with BIG POINTY TEETH
03:21.23drmessanoYes sir
03:21.25drmessanoSorry, sir
03:21.54russellb~hug drmessano
03:21.55infobotACTION gets a running start and tackle-hugs drmessano
03:22.04yidiyuehanWanted to develop an interface to control asterisk and update the event.
03:22.19yidiyuehanWanted to use astmanproxy but it seems that not much docu available....
03:22.23drmessano~hug russellb
03:22.24infobotACTION sneaks up on russellb and suddenly hugs russellb tightly
03:22.27russellbyidiyuehan: you can just connect directly to the manager interface.  I'm not aware of any reason you need the proxy anymore.
03:22.29drmessanoThat's as good as it gets, bro
03:23.36yidiyuehanrussellb, direct connection is not that easy as I need to build the library serving as an agent to talk with asterisk.
03:23.41yidiyuehanand astmanproxy has done that for me.
03:23.54yidiyuehanparticularly I may need to control multiple * boxes.
03:25.02*** join/#asterisk mroe (~anon__@unaffiliated/roe)
03:25.45*** join/#asterisk keith4__ (~keith@unaffiliated/keith4)
03:26.11*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43|Mac (
03:28.25mroeok, gonna do my best:  I have a T-1 connected to *.  6 channels of that T-1 are in a 'hunt group'.  Other than the main number does each channel need to have DID assigned to it, like how analog hunt groups work?
03:33.26*** join/#asterisk soman (~somnath@
03:37.27*** join/#asterisk philipp64|laptop (
03:38.03*** part/#asterisk angavmx (~angav@
03:40.55*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
03:55.58gamednaanyone here use vitelity?
04:00.58ChannelZI do
04:01.27gamednaChannelZ:  what has your experience been like?
04:01.47ChannelZFine so far.
04:01.58ChannelZBut their IAX doesn't work so use SIP
04:02.10gamednaHow many channels do they give you?
04:02.35ChannelZGood question.
04:02.47gamednathey dont really say on their site
04:02.53ChannelZAt least 2 incoming that I know of.
04:03.09ChannelZI just use it for my home phone so I've never really cared
04:03.18gamednaah ok
04:03.28gamednaright now im using
04:03.31gamednaoutbound, metered
04:03.40ChannelZThey have a 'virtual pri' service if you need lots but I don't know what the cutoff really is
04:03.55gamednacall quality has been good
04:05.03TJNIII never really had problems with their IAX service, but I dropped it several months ago as I never used it.
04:05.12gamednaim shopping around for a good, reliable inbound carrier w/ about 4 channels
04:05.31gamednapay per min sounds ok from vitelity, 1.2c/min is not bad
04:05.44ChannelZhuh.  I couldn't get it to work at all.  I could register and it would maybe sometimes send 1 call to me, and after that it's like it forgot my registration and assumed I was unavailable
04:05.46gamednaflowroute has the same rate but unlim chan
04:06.07gamednaChannelZ:  Which provider?
04:06.16ChannelZVitelity.  For IAX
04:06.20TJNIIWell, maybe it was doing that for me and I didn't know it.  I set it up as a backup, it was almost never used.
04:06.35gamednaChannelZ: I am using IAX w/
04:06.44TJNIIIt always showed as resistered OK, though......
04:06.45ChannelZI went in circles with support, they kept having me change totally inconsequential things and then said "we don't recommend using IAX"
04:07.27ChannelZI asked them why they put it on their page as a supported service then.  They stopped replying.
04:07.53ChannelZbut SIP has been fine for my needs and I really don't care one way or the other, it just makes firewalling a little easier.
04:08.13TJNIIHeh, yea.  IAX was why I went with them.  I wanted a backup that used a different protocol.
04:08.32ChannelZHuh.  I wonder what the deal with me is
04:08.52ChannelZwas anyway.  I should try it again sometime, but meh..
04:08.57TJNIIDid they always show as registered, but the calls were dropped?
04:10.09ChannelZWell from my side I couldn't tell that anything was wrong.  I registered fine, it periodically poked them with no errors, asterisk seemed happy.. but I'd dial my own number and it would just give me an error message, and then send me a failure email like my connection was down or I wasn't registered and it didn't know where to send the calls.
04:10.21ChannelZI even have a static IP.
04:10.36TJNIIThen I could have had the same problem and not known it.
04:10.48ChannelZWere you using it for outbound only?
04:10.58ChannelZor I guess you said you weren't really using it at all much :)
04:11.06TJNIII never advertised the Vitelity DID,  I only used it a couple of times to test my main DID through Broadvoice.
04:12.02TJNIII guess I didn't use it enough to get the "full experience," then.
04:12.10ChannelZAh.  Yeah it was strange, it's like it accepted my registration but couldn't remember it longer than about 5 seconds.  Or other servers weren't getting info from whichever one I registered to
04:12.41gamednawho do you use for DID now?
04:12.49TJNIII use Broadvoice.
04:12.52ChannelZIt was hard to track down really, it seemed like if I called within about 10-15 seconds of registering it would work and then stop, but I think the more I tested it was just totally random when calls would or wouldn't come in
04:13.29TJNIIEh, It worked when I used it, but in retrospect I used it very, very little.
04:13.56TJNIIHeh, I'm still registered even though my account is closed.
04:14.04ChannelZLike I said the SIP has been flawless but I was a little disapointed at the total IAX fail
04:14.08TJNIII should probably erase that from my iax.conf......
04:15.23TJNIIYea, I got mine when I dropped my cell and was paranoid about being pure VoIP.  My SIP account with broadvoice has been fine.
04:15.33TJNIIThe power and internet has been less reliable.
04:16.49gamednai have lots of problems w/ broadvoice
04:16.54TJNIISpeaking of which ... I need to yell at the city tomorrow for interrupting power without telling me...
04:17.00TJNIIAt least the UPS is getting used......
04:17.29TJNIIgamedna: Really?  Like what?
04:17.37gamednaregistration drops all the time
04:18.06gamednaso inbound calls are really iffy
04:18.12gamednacalls can be jittery at times
04:18.21TJNIII have seen that.  Registrations will fail for about 15 minutes.  It is rare and inconsistant for me, though.
04:18.36gamednahappens often enough for me
04:18.59gamednahave emailed them several times, and they keep blaming my ISP
04:19.29gamednabut then i ask them... why dont my other sip / IAX2 connections have the same problems
04:20.00TJNIII think I had issues like that with one of their proxies, my memory is fuzzy, though....
04:20.07gamednacomcast, verizon fios, time warner, etc.. i have used it on all these ISP's and have had the same problems
04:20.20gamednatried different proxies too
04:21.07likwid|macwhat router are you using
04:21.20likwid|macyou may have already said i just got back
04:21.33gamednaTJNII: you are not the first person that has said that broadvoice works well for you...
04:21.49TJNIIHuh.  That hasn't been my experience.  Sometimes I get jittery calls, but it hasn't been bad enough to be a concern....
04:21.59TJNIIThey must just hate you.
04:22.05gamednalikwid|mac: different routers... DIR-655, linksys, and i have a couple IPCOP firewalls
04:22.13likwid|maci have a pbx with the same problems you are describing
04:22.19likwid|macit was the sonicwall
04:22.21gamednaTJNII: yea, that is what i mean...
04:22.27likwid|maconce i removed it everything cleared up
04:22.38gamednaright now im on a DIR-655
04:23.02gamednaand i can talk all day long to, sipgate, and my other PBX in boston (from texas) w/o a problem
04:23.05likwid|macmy problem as far as i could tell was the way sonicwall handled nat
04:23.08gamednacall out using broadvoice
04:23.22gamednalikwid|mac: that makes sense
04:23.47likwid|maci would sit and watch it and it would register and unregister over and over
04:23.58likwid|macsometimes calls would fail sometimes they would go through
04:24.02gamednanot trying to bash broadvoice btw...  they have been good to me over the years.
04:24.52likwid|macim sure you already tried adding a qualify statement ot the trunk
04:25.54gamednawell... let me double check... to be sure
04:26.09likwid|maci ended up moving mine out from behind the router
04:26.16[TK]D-FenderQualify will not help them any...
04:26.30likwid|macit will try to keep the connection alive?
04:26.46[TK]D-FenderAnd with SonicWALL you only have to disable the SIP NAT Traversal crap
04:26.56likwid|macyea i tried it ever way
04:27.03likwid|maci never could get a configuration that would work
04:27.05gamednaqualify is set to yes, as per broadvoice's support instructions
04:27.11[TK]D-Fenderlikwid|mac: First UDP is "stateless, and you don't need to keep THEM alive.
04:27.21[TK]D-FenderThey live quite well without our help
04:27.54[TK]D-Fenderlikwid|mac: that would be what followed the "and"
04:28.14[TK]D-Fenderlikwid|mac: Also why there is a comma there
04:28.27gamedna<[TK]D-Fender w/o qualify=yes, the registration drops much more raplidly
04:28.33gamednaer.. rapidly
04:28.48[TK]D-Fendergamedna: that has absolutely NOTHING to do with your register statement
04:28.53likwid|macit made a difference on mine too...
04:29.02[TK]D-FenderDelusionally perhaps
04:29.14gamedna<[TK]D-Fender ... i am aware, but that is the case according to them
04:29.28[TK]D-Fendergamedna: Fever dreams, nothing more
04:29.35gamednado you have a broadvoice account?
04:30.00likwid|machow much is broadvoice charging
04:30.21gamednalikwid|mac: they have different plans, byod light is 9 a month,
04:30.23*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
04:30.50gamednalikwid|mac: im planning on dropping them once i find a better inbound provider
04:31.01gamednajust need to port my number to them
04:31.14likwid|macwhat does your orig cost?
04:31.26gamednai dont use them for outbound
04:32.05[TK]D-FenderOrigination is INBOUND
04:32.22gamedna9 /month unlimited inbound
04:32.22likwid|mactermination is outbound and origination is inbound
04:32.29likwid|macoh wow
04:32.32likwid|macthats cheap
04:32.52*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:33.05gamednaactually 5.95, but ends up being 9.XX a month
04:33.10gamednaafter taxes and fees
04:33.11*** join/#asterisk adolfomaltez (~taro@
04:33.14[TK] = $4/mo
04:33.57gamedna<[TK]D-Fender do you use les?
04:34.02likwid|maci wonder if broadvoice has limits lol
04:34.13gamednalikwid|mac: i have never hit them
04:34.17[TK]D-Fendergamedna: As of recently yes, as do several of my customers.
04:34.21[TK]D-Fendergamedna: All happy
04:34.23likwid|macwould they be suspicious if i ported a few hundred dids
04:35.02gamedna<[TK]D-Fender how many channels per DID?
04:35.27likwid|maci bet one if its unlimited
04:35.31likwid|macmaybe 2
04:36.47gamednalikwid|mac: they say IP Trunks unlimited on their site... but sometimes there is fine print
04:37.47[TK]D-Fender2 normally.  Other setups is up to 5
04:38.35likwid|machow do they provide service so cheap and make money
04:38.39gamedna<[TK]D-Fender might give them a try and see how it goes...
04:39.25likwid|macPer-Minute DIDs support four-concurrent channels.
04:39.32likwid|macFlat-Rate DIDs support two-concurrent channels.
04:39.40likwid|macMultiple Concurrent Channels (Virtual PRI) available
04:39.47likwid|macso there area  few options
04:39.55gamednawhere did you see that?
04:40.54gamednastill not bad...
04:41.05gamednawill work well for some of my customers
04:41.08likwid|macdepends on what your doing with it
04:41.45likwid|macwhy dont you just colo a switch and buy wholesale and resell it to customers
04:41.51likwid|macdo you have the traffic?
04:42.12ChannelZHmm.  My MOH no worky.
04:42.13[TK]D-FenderI don't actually use them for VoIP technically... I have them originate, and then retermintate a # to a sales guy's cell phone.  Basic telcos were dumb-fucks whos aid they couldn't do it.
04:43.01likwid|macthats pretty popular in my area
04:43.26likwid|macwe have alot of snow birds that want a local number but want to keep their cell phone from up north
04:43.31likwid|macso the grandkids can call
04:47.15likwid|macbtw side not on moh i really like the new music in the latest asterisknow release
04:50.28likwid|macthe number you have dialed is a party on your line please hang up and allow sufficient time for your party to answer
04:50.33gamednalikwid|mac: were you asking me or tk about the traffic?
04:51.06gamednai am thinking about it
04:51.22likwid|maclevel 3 has lowered their minimums
04:51.37gamednalikwid|mac: to what?
04:52.12gamednai actually know someone @ level3 from childhood
04:52.28*** join/#asterisk Ayatolla (~Ayatolla@
04:52.29gamednamay be able to get that waived
04:52.42likwid|macfirst time i called they told me a million mins
04:52.46likwid|macthan 250000
04:52.50likwid|macnow 10000
04:52.53likwid|macso who knows
04:53.01gamednawhat is their rate for 10k?
04:53.23gamednayou can pm if you like
04:53.28likwid|macidk the salesman just called yesterday and is going to call back with a proposal
04:53.48likwid|macim sure you know that i cant tell the rates anyway...
04:54.19likwid|macevery carrier i have delt with uses ndas
04:54.27[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
04:55.05gamednalikwid|mac: true dat...  but @10k i figured they would not do that
04:55.14likwid|macim not at 10k
04:55.26likwid|macthats just what the min is
04:55.26Ayatollahi folks, i used to play around with astersik for some years ago.. at that time the was something called fwdOut.. any similar site/asterisk community now a days?
04:56.00likwid|macasterisk is not a toy
04:56.06ChannelZahh interesting, I think MOH has issues when channels are bridged
04:56.07likwid|macbut it is fun to play with
04:56.46likwid|maci think apple pissed of adobe and now they are messing with my flash player
04:57.07*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43|Mac (
04:57.14gamednaim working on writing an asterisk synthesizer
04:57.43gamednai definitely find asterisk fun to play with
04:57.50likwid|macthe the the the the number you have ddddddddialed is not in in in service
04:57.55Ayatollaasterisk is fun to play with
04:58.24gamednaanyone ever make a loopback dialplan?
04:58.36likwid|macnot on purpose
04:58.39gamednawhere it keeps making sip connections to itself.
04:58.46gamednathat is fun.
04:58.51*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
04:58.55likwid|maci did it earlier today
04:59.12gamednahow long b/f your * box died?
04:59.35likwid|macit didnt
04:59.44gamednamine died after 45 misn
04:59.50likwid|maci didnt let it go long enough
04:59.59likwid|macit was a production system that was in service
05:00.02gamednasip show channels was  LONG!!!
05:00.12likwid|macthats cool
05:00.22likwid|maci should do it in my sandbox
05:00.29gamednathat is where i did it
05:00.42gamednai wanted to figure out how to deal with that problem in case i did that by accident
05:00.43likwid|macoh no do it on a primary switch
05:00.46Ayatollaand the purpose?
05:01.03gamednaand how long I had before the system would di
05:02.34gamednaAyatolla: just basically stress testing..
05:04.04gamednalikwid|mac: other than level3, what other providers do you use?
05:04.43likwid|macglobal crossing
05:06.24gamednar u in a datacenter?
05:06.31*** join/#asterisk roe (~roe___@unaffiliated/roe)
05:06.33likwid|macno im in my bedroom
05:07.08likwid|macbut yes
05:09.18gamednahaving global crossing in your bedroom must ruin your sex life
05:09.57likwid|macas i only serve a small area i am in negations with the ILEC to interconnect
05:10.21likwid|machaving global crossings in the bedroom only helps
05:11.08gamednav. kewl
05:11.12likwid|macironicly one on my maserplans is to run fiber from the co to my garage lol
05:11.14gamednalikwid|mac: what area do you serve?
05:11.23likwid|macits only 1800 feet
05:11.29likwid|macis that lame
05:11.35likwid|macit feels weird saying it
05:11.36gamednalikwid|mac: no... that is awesome
05:11.48gamednaim 26 miles from the CO
05:11.49likwid|macbut for now im in the datacenter
05:11.58likwid|macim in a very small rural area
05:12.05likwid|mactier 4 all the way
05:13.27likwid|macthe local underground cable contractor wants 20000 dollars to make the run
05:13.47likwid|macso i am seriously considering doing it with a shovel and a garden hose
05:13.55likwid|macok more than a garden hose maybe a fire hose
05:14.12likwid|maci feel like the concept is sound though
05:14.48likwid|macim more excited about the idea of having a fiber connection in my house than anything else
05:15.43gamednayour world of warcraft will run awesome!
05:15.57likwid|maci actually dont have any games lol
05:15.59gamednafrag some noobs w/ that l33t sht
05:16.20gamednahad to go there though.
05:16.42likwid|macbut the local radio station is interested in me streaming their signal over the internet
05:16.45likwid|macso that might be cool
05:17.16likwid|macthan you all can listen to the oldies all daya nd night long
05:17.33gamednayou should give them an asterisk server where people can call in and listen
05:18.03likwid|macmight work
05:18.07likwid|macnot a bad idea
05:18.14likwid|macnot sure who would call in and listen though
05:20.00AliRezaTaleghaniL-) can i have good, wiki or guide about SIP trunk, the matter is that one side is behind NAT
05:24.42infoboti guess sipnat is Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
05:24.44likwid|macBy far the best way to deal with the issue of VoIP NAT Traversal is to avoid the cause of the problem in the first place:
05:24.44likwid|mac•Do not use NAT and obtain public IP addresses for all VoIP devices
05:24.44likwid|mac•If you cannot avoid NAT, use IP Tunneling between VoIP devices on different LANs
05:24.45likwid|mac•Use a public service. Eg sign up both sides to FWD and call from one to the other. Look at user authentication page for ways to control who has access to your internal lines
05:24.45likwid|mac•Use servers that implement IETF's One of those is
05:25.43gamednaFWD = free world dialup?
05:29.08bougymani've found #2 to be the most reliable.
05:29.17bougymanit's even better than #1 in many cases.
05:29.34bougymanwhere the public IP may be dynamic, the tunnelled (openVPN for me) IP will always be the same
05:29.46bougymanthat helps a lot on network failures/disconnects/resets.
05:29.54gamednai use #2 as well, but recently switched to using IAX2
05:30.02gamednaIAX2 works well over nat
05:30.23likwid|macdoes iax2 require registration or can they be static
05:30.24bougymandunno, i stopped using a couple years ago
05:30.46bougymaniax2 with too many calls over a connection (about 20-25) led to crosstalk on our boxes.
05:31.00gamednai use multiple trunks
05:31.08gamednaand limit to 20 calls per trunk
05:31.23gamednafor IAX
05:31.23bougymani haven't had the prob with sip
05:31.37gamednabut that is b/c i have an inbound and an outbound trunk
05:31.42gamednaso i can monitor them differently
05:31.47gamednaer seperately
05:32.34gamednaOffice A <---> Office B
05:32.41gamednaTrunk 1 ... allows calls from A to B
05:32.48gamednatrunk 2 allows calls from B to A
05:32.54bougymanon the same hardware, same box, we were getting crosstalk at 25 calls consistently.
05:33.08bougymanchanged to sip and we've run as high as 96 calls with no issues.
05:33.15gamednabougyman: what kind of crosstalk?
05:33.23bougymangamedna: callers hearing other calls.
05:34.41gamednacomplete calls getting crossed... ??
05:35.00gamednaor just frames here an thtere
05:36.39gamednabougyman: what ver of *?
05:36.44*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
05:37.01bougymangamedna: old, 1.4.22
05:37.12bougymangamedna: complete calls getting crossed.
05:45.08gamednabougyman: very strange...
05:46.12bougymangamedna: not from a google search.  seems quite common.
05:47.33gamednabougyman: not seeing anything for 1.6
05:47.42gamednalots for 1.2 and 1.4..
05:49.32gamednahmmm, good to know though, will look out for it if i expand the trunks to 40 chan
05:50.14likwid|maccould just use sip
05:50.19likwid|macis iax better?
05:50.39bougymanit should be.
05:50.47bougymanbut hasn't proved to be, in our environment.
05:51.10likwid|maci set up all my customers to use iax2
05:51.18likwid|macbut they are all like 4 or 5 channels
05:51.23likwid|macso not been an issua
05:51.24*** join/#asterisk russ (
05:52.11gamednalocal lan i find sip to be better
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05:52.37gamednain my experience i find IAX to be better over the net
05:52.46gamednabut those are < 20 channels
05:55.21gamednastill find it amazing that people get such different results
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06:00.34*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
06:00.57likwid|macdoes asterisk need anything special to use 722
06:05.53bougymana license?
06:11.41*** join/#asterisk [netman] (~netman@
06:13.15likwid|macwho sells them
06:14.03likwid|macG.722 patents have expired, so it is freely available.
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06:15.58SiNGLerlikwid|mac: if I remember correctly 1.6 supports 722 out nativelly
06:16.02*** join/#asterisk shamelessn00b (
06:16.41likwid|maci only have one 1.6 switch
06:16.50likwid|macthe rest are 1.4 and 1.2
06:17.47SiNGLerquick googling shows this:
06:18.15*** join/#asterisk [netman] (~netman@
06:19.04likwid|maci need 100 g729 licenses...for educational purposes
06:20.08gamednalikwid|mac: is that true?
06:20.27gamednalikwid|mac: nm, misread... 722, not 729 .. i almost crapped
06:20.40likwid|macthere for commercial purposes but it was wortha try
06:21.14gamednai need 1000 g729 licenses for..... philanthropic purposes.
06:21.42likwid|macyour quite the philanthropist
06:22.11bougymanthey can all go to hell, we built out with extreme switches so we didn't have to worry about bandwidth or throughput
06:23.23gamednawhich switches do you have?   Summits?
06:23.46gamednabougyman: which line of extreme?
06:24.18bougymanoh, yeah.
06:24.23boodusomeone has already compiled mISDN with oslec patch ?
06:24.23bougymanX650 is the core
06:25.30bougymani just like that they're all the same os, from the tiniest extreme to the largest.
06:26.23AliRezaTaleghanican i have  a simple problem? (ofcourse for u)
06:26.36AliRezaTaleghanihow can i setup trunk
06:26.44bougymanwhat kind of trunk?
06:27.16infobotwell, trunk is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term. the nose of an elephant
06:27.16AliRezaTaleghanion side is a asterisk with valid IP
06:27.16AliRezaTaleghanithe other is behind NAT
06:27.26AliRezaTaleghania wiki, guide  or some what step by step
06:27.32AliRezaTaleghaniSIP trunk i mean
06:28.07bougymanset nat=auto on it in sip.conf
06:28.12bougymantaht's all the advice I have.
06:28.20AliRezaTaleghanihow about host=?
06:28.24AliRezaTaleghaniset to dynamic?
06:28.32bougymanperhaps that?
06:28.33gamednahahaha,  nose of an elephant got added to infobot
06:28.38AliRezaTaleghanithis should be done about the NAT ed side?
06:29.05AliRezaTaleghanik. let me try more .. will be back soon
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06:36.48likwid|maci just paid the same bill twice
06:37.31gamednalikwid|mac: whats your address, im gonna send you an invoice
06:37.48Maliutacan we all send him one?
06:37.53likwid|mac123 west fake street
06:38.13likwid|macanytown,anystate 12345
06:38.19likwid|macjust mail it there
06:38.27gamednaOH!!!  .. WEST fake street...
06:38.30gamednano wonder why it didnt get there
06:38.38likwid|macor you can just just give it the post man and tell him to take it to chris
06:40.09gamednaphew... thanks for reminding me actually, i almost forgot to pay a bill
06:40.34likwid|macthe number y ou have dialed is not in service
06:40.42likwid|macplease check the number and dial again
06:41.25gamednafortunately, its not that bill
06:41.34*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
06:42.54gamednai have two remote astersik servers that are now joined by a single IAX trunk.    Unfortunately they both have extensions in the same range 200-299
06:43.37gamednawhen dialing from one to the other, the callerid gets reported as the source extension.  Is it possible to modify the callerid to show something like 5201,  where 5 is the outbound route to the other remote office?
06:44.07*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
06:44.33gamednaany ideas?
06:46.49likwid|maccaller i d module
06:47.23likwid|macand dial plan injection module
06:47.31likwid|macif you wanna use freepbx
06:47.45gamednaboth boxes are trixbox, so basically freepbx
06:48.02likwid|macadd the 5 to the outbound trunk
06:48.19likwid|macand create dialplan injections with the 5
06:48.34likwid|macmight be an easier way not sure
06:49.22gamednaare you refering to the CID lookup?
06:49.35likwid|macset caller id moduke
06:49.58likwid|macyour going to have to upload it
06:50.18gamednathis one?
06:51.28likwid|macthere is probably a macro than can be written in the dialplan if you know more than i do
06:51.49gamednalet me try the cid thing
06:51.58gamednai would rather set it up with the UI
06:52.20likwid|macim working on a puzzle here too
06:53.37*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
06:54.09gamednawhats that?
06:54.43likwid|macso i have a main switch that just routes calls
06:54.54likwid|macseveral pbx's out  in offices
06:55.31likwid|macwhen a call comes in from a carrier it comes to the main switch than goes to the remote switch
06:55.50gamednanot using something like opensips for that?
06:56.11likwid|macwhen a remote switch places a call it goes to the main switch for routing either to another switch in house or outside to the carrier
06:57.00gamednaare you familiar w/ that?
06:57.15likwid|macmy concern is what happens when the carrier sends a call to the main switch and it doesnt match one of the did's in the main switch for some reason it will route it back to the carrier
06:57.21likwid|maccreating a loop
06:57.29likwid|maca perhaps costly loop
06:57.44likwid|macim not sure how to pevent it
06:58.12gamednacan you make 2 contexts
06:58.33gamednawhere the remote switches incoming calls go into a different context than the carrier
06:59.08gamednainbound calls from the carrier are only allowed to the DIDs
06:59.13*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
06:59.28likwid|macbut i need the remote switches to access the dids
06:59.52gamednanot sure what you mean by that
07:00.05gamednathe DID info is only on the remote switches?
07:00.12likwid|macthe remote switches are phone customers
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07:00.56likwid|macso if one customer calls another i need the main switch to route the call instead of sending it out to the carrier
07:01.24SiNGLerlikwid|mac: you can set channel variable, and before routing to carrier check value or something like that
07:02.47likwid|macits only going to be a problem if i happen to make a mustake and dont have one of my dids in my main switch
07:02.52likwid|macbut i make alot of mistakes
07:03.15gamednacan you make a script to query the DID's from each remote server
07:03.21gamednaand update your main switch accordingly
07:03.52gamednathat way you dont have to worry about making mistakes
07:04.17gamedna( you can read that as  <<< is lazy )
07:05.19likwid|macit also kinda sucks cause i wont be able to just blindle add did's to my carrier account and have them go to ss-noservice
07:05.46likwid|macsince the any any will just route bck to the carrier
07:06.06gamednacarrier provide an API?
07:06.25*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
07:06.31likwid|maclol more automation
07:06.43*** join/#asterisk Deathvalley122 (~Death@unaffiliated/deathvalley122)
07:06.46gamednaare you API savy?
07:06.56likwid|macnot really
07:07.13gamednai can help you w/ the API stuff if you like
07:07.23likwid|macmaybe i should just buy a commercial softswitch
07:07.35gamednai may be a complete n00b when it comes to asterisk, but i am a bonafied software engineer
07:07.45gamednamore like bonafried, but that is another thing
07:08.14gamednafrom my perspective, it looks like you need a web interface to manage your DID's
07:08.18likwid|macwhere you located>
07:08.24gamednasan antonio, tx, USA
07:08.41likwid|macorlando, fl
07:08.56gamednammmm... disneyworld
07:09.16likwid|macyea im actually an audio engineer that landed in telecom
07:09.25likwid|maci used to work for the disney company
07:09.39gamednaah... what division?   My brother is an Imagineer
07:09.57likwid|macnot imaginnering lol
07:10.12likwid|macjust the tech operations
07:10.12gamedna(he is in Pittsburgh... doing robotics research )
07:10.16gamednastill fun
07:10.25gamednadisney has some crazy stuff
07:10.39likwid|macthey do alot more than people know about
07:11.11gamednabro is researching autonomous humanoid robots for disney.
07:11.40gamednabasically disney wants to have free walking pirates of the carabean
07:12.39likwid|macthey will im sure
07:12.48gamednaits pretty far off..
07:12.53gamednaprobably 20 years
07:15.26likwid|macactually im not sure this loop a mistake would create would generate a bill cause the channel is unanswered
07:15.36likwid|macits just router back to the carrier
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07:15.50gamednayea, but it uses bandwidth
07:16.15likwid|macyea but is it self sustaining or does it end when the caller ends the call
07:16.49likwid|macalot of things have to line up for this katastrophe to become a reality
07:18.14likwid|maci think im going to set it up durring off peak hours and see what happens
07:18.23likwid|macmaybe it will colapse on its own
07:19.59*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
07:22.08likwid|macit loops 3 times than dies on its own
07:22.28gamednato me it sounds ok for one call
07:22.34gamednabut may be bad if there are 100
07:22.36gamednaor 20
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07:27.21likwid|macoh well im off to bed
07:28.34gamednalikwid|mac: nite..
07:37.23russits so beautiful
07:37.45ChannelZDouble rainbow, OH MY GOD!
07:38.14russneeds a little more work, but I'm getting really close
07:38.28russI really wish the ITU was some type of publishing body
07:38.47*** join/#asterisk mikkel (~mikkel@ 7, 10 digits the same as 7 to 10 digits
07:46.29russprobably not, 7 to 10 is probably 7, 8, 9, 10
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07:48.20WIMPyWhat a bloat
07:51.48*** part/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
07:55.26WIMPyMore like doubleloat
08:00.29tzafrirWIMPy, hi
08:02.34WIMPyHi tzafrir: I have to admit I didn't really get your question. Do other cards change their behaviour regarding to jumper settings?
08:03.22tzafrirWIMPy, the qozap drivers do not seem to have such a switch. Rather, they detect the settings from the jumpers
08:03.53tzafrirNow, if you have to both change jumpers *and* change modle parameters, this is plain silly
08:04.33WIMPyAgree, but the te jumpers are only between the line drivers and the socket and in no way connected to the chip.
08:05.22WIMPyThat's why I don't use them. It's easier to put a X-Over adaptor in beween, especially if the card is built in already.
08:06.19tzafrirI also don't like the idea of using a module parameter for that
08:06.33tzafriras I want to allow a system of more than one card
08:06.41tzafrirEven though those are not common
08:06.54WIMPyIt's the only way, unless you add a fifth jumper per port.
08:07.49*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@nat/redhat/x-ksjmdpntlsbasumy)
08:08.13WIMPyWith mISDN2/LCR you don't configure NT/TE mode in the driver. It's only done in the application.
08:09.12tzafrirwell, you do configure nt/te in the application . You don't configure nt/te ATM in the driver
08:09.22tzafrirBut you suggest to configure it in the driver
08:10.15WIMPyThat wasn't my idea. Acually I was under the impression that it was neccessary to tell the driver in order to be able to configure NT mode at a higher level.
08:10.21tzafrirIIRC with the HFC card you have to know if the card is NT or TE even for the low-level operations. Not exactly sure
08:10.53tzafrirSomething related to the HDLC decoding?
08:11.17WIMPyI didn't dig that deep, but that sounds unlikely to me.
08:13.22WIMPyAt the lowest level it could be as simple as a bit telling the hardware to transmit the E-channel instead of receiving it.
08:17.02WIMPyIt's been quite some years since I looked at the low level stuff.
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08:36.12WIMPytzafrir: BTW: There is no support for the USB versions, is there?
08:36.30tzafrirWIMPy, noone wrote it yet, I guess
08:37.13WIMPyWould have made testing easier. I usually use the netbook for testing.
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09:06.55russnow that's starting to look like useful data
09:07.07russdear ITU, please publish data like the above
09:08.23russautogenerated from
09:08.42*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (steve@
09:09.19gamednaruss: what are you working on?
09:09.40russI'm trying to make a e164 parser and dial as you go AGI piece
09:10.14russit takes as an argument the phone number you are dialing from
09:10.58russso if you are dialing from +359... (bulgaria), then it knows that if you dial 00, you are trying to dial internationally
09:11.22gamedna011 for usa, etc..
09:11.58russthen if you pass it a number, it can also fill in the iso3166 alpha2 code
09:12.54russthen I'll need to make stuff to pull additional data from nanpa
09:13.02russother people can fill in other countries
09:13.10*** join/#asterisk Lantizia (
09:13.15gamednaso you are just doing the framework for this
09:13.25WIMPySounds interesting.
09:13.35gamednagreat stuff
09:13.45russand a set of scripts to pull and process data from sources like ITU and nanpa and put it in either xml, or maybe postgres
09:14.43*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (bjarne@2001:470:dc32:0:c62c:3ff:fe2d:b7db)
09:14.59gamednawell, im off to bed... nite all.
09:15.46russI saw all the area codes hardcoded in the callerid superfecta scripts and wanted to vomit
09:16.07*** part/#asterisk gamedna (
09:16.20WIMPyWasn't that the same list as before?
09:16.40WIMPyThe pastebin
09:17.31hrhrhr_anyone use dundi
09:17.33russIt is updated to have the iso3166 code,  and also to parse the other fields (eg, if international_prefix is 001,007, there are now two international_prefix tags)
09:17.37WIMPyNo, it's not the same, just looks similar.
09:19.03hrhrhr_or enum
09:19.06hrhrhr_enum sounds cool
09:19.53hrhrhr_is enum a way of determining whether the company you're calling has a voip compatible pbx
09:20.25russI really wish would share their work
09:21.21hrhrhr_online fonebook?
09:21.34russunrelated to your query
09:22.00russit tells you if a call is a local call or not and if you need to dial a 1, etc
09:22.17russI HATE the bell message, you do not need to dial a 1 when dialing this number
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09:22.39hetii#j C
09:23.50WIMPy"It has never been more complicated to use a telephone, than now."
09:24.23russalso an annoyance, many voip providers don't accept e164
09:37.23bn-7bcruss: rwell IMHO the reaosn for that is with ei64 tere is no provifer the can charge termination fees to so no revenue is created
09:43.36henkcan anyone recommend a good reference to asterisk, sip.conf especially? i need accurate and uptodate information on how to use register-statements and peer/user blocks. seems pretty old.
09:46.08*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (steve@
09:46.37hrhrhr_the whole e164 thing
09:46.49hrhrhr_we have a * box
09:47.04hrhrhr_i bet there's loads of ppl all over the world with similarly capable systems
09:47.37hrhrhr_but opening the initial dialogue with them you'd like dial their pstn/pri alternative and never know it could be a free call
09:47.50hrhrhr_is e164 the solution to that? or am i barking up the wrong tree
09:50.13DennisGhi, is here someone who knows how to get a correct FIFO way for multiple queues?
09:51.02DennisGi have a client with multiple queues and the FIFO is very odd.. if there are 2 people on place 1 in the queue then they will be assigned random to the same agent
09:52.36DennisGis there a way to have FIFO for ALL queues? just based on the summary of all available queues
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10:15.57hrhrhr_the answer to my own question above, is a resounding 'yes'
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10:21.18tzafrirhrhrhr_, you were barking at the wrong tree?
10:28.48hrhrhr_e164 is exactly what i thought it was
10:28.53hrhrhr_and it looks pretty cool
10:29.13hrhrhr_im just trying to find out who got control of
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10:59.03AliRezaTaleghaniL-) can someone lead me about AGI?
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10:59.30AliRezaTaleghanifor example, i have an script, which check the users, input in some conditions,
10:59.41AliRezaTaleghaniand finally decide to change the user, queue
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10:59.53AliRezaTaleghanihow can i set user queue, by AGI
11:00.05AliRezaTaleghanii need just the last part, how to set queue
11:17.59*** join/#asterisk Pouet78 (56d6b1e4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:18.11Pouet78Hi all
11:19.01Pouet78I have a problem with my asterisk 1.4.17 (on Ubuntu 8.4 LTS) on Voicemail
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11:20.12Pouet78I have the prompt (in fact no prompt just the beep) but when I leave a message the audio files are empty and statistics are always 0 sec duration :(
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11:35.06*** join/#asterisk hmmwhatsthat (hmmwhatsth@
11:36.51hmmwhatsthatIm trying to verify that a user actually has Record()ed something. Can it be done without executing shell commands from the dialplan?
11:43.13DennisGyes. with the System() command
11:45.24*** part/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
11:46.07hmmwhatsthatDennisG: That is esentially executing shell commands, I was hoping for a variable or similar
11:47.46Pouet78Why all my messages are empty?
11:48.05Pouet78(0 duration time)
11:48.22tzafrirPouet78, empty?
11:48.27tzafrirOr don't exist?
11:48.33tzafrirIf empty: no disk space?
11:48.50Pouet78no disk space problem
11:49.12Pouet78wav are 44 bytes (only the header)
11:49.28shamelessn00banyone used sangoma cards?
11:50.01Pouet78; ; Message Information file ; [message] origmailbox=1234 context=default macrocontext= exten=1235 priority=1 callerchan=SIP/0912345003-081dd968 callerid=0912345003 origdate=Wed Aug 11 01:06:19 PM CEST 2010 origtime=1281524779 category= duration=0
11:50.17Pouet78any idea?
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11:51.46hmmwhatsthatPouet78: Have you tried debugging this? i.e. "core set debug 10" and "core set verbose 10" or some such and see what * says?
11:54.33Pouet78nothing really special :
11:56.19hmmwhatsthatPouet78: Just a shot in the dark here but have you loaded all the necessary codecs for transcoding?
11:57.16hmmwhatsthatPouet78: codecs and formats
11:57.21*** part/#asterisk hrhrhr_ (~c1@
11:57.35hmmwhatsthatg729 -> wav
11:57.46Pouet78I think so
11:58.26*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
11:58.42Pouet78in fact for the moment I don't care the format so I asked to record in g729|gsm|wav49|wav
11:59.20hmmwhatsthatPouet78: try setting it to only use wav
12:01.19Pouet78this was the case before
12:01.31Pouet78I added the other to try...
12:02.35hmmwhatsthatPouet78: Ok. Might be a missing lib since only the header is written but Im not familiar enough with the source code to say for sure
12:02.44Pouet78in translations, I only don't have ilbc and g722 which should not be used.
12:04.34Pouet78I don't have sound card configured (disabled in BIOS) so no alsa or oss in my system, is this a problem?
12:04.48hmmwhatsthatPouet78: no
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12:09.35Pouet78so you have an idea of the possible missing lib?
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12:10.52hmmwhatsthatPouet78: Not really, but Id check what audio libs are actually linked. On another note. Is the call successful if the call is answered instead of forwarded to vm?
12:11.15hmmwhatsthati.e. answered by another phone
12:12.20Pouet78Yes the call is received by asterisk because I correctly the beep prompt
12:12.58hmmwhatsthatPouet78: Yes but can both parties hear eachother?
12:13.43Pouet78Oh when I call one phone to an other, no problem...
12:14.22Pouet78I only need one voicemail (direct)
12:16.43*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
12:17.32hmmwhatsthatPouet78: Strange problem indeed. Are the phones and asterisk in the same subnet?
12:19.05Pouet78yes (in a little complicated as I use ADSL RGW with FXS connected through ADSL + PPP ...)
12:19.13henkwhich soundformat is recommended for PlayBack()? and how to record, via asterisk, sox, whatever?
12:21.51hmmwhatsthatPouet78: Well since theyre all in the same subnet you can easily use wireshark or tcpdump to sniff the RTP streams going via asterisk
12:21.58Pouet78henk: For me the best is to have many formats available, then asterisk will chose the best
12:22.23henkPouet78: ok, how do you record? how do you convert?
12:23.47hmmwhatsthathenk: record > convert >
12:23.54Pouet78I have made the dumps from the asterisk. Seems that all packets are received
12:24.45henkhmmwhatsthat: yeah, thanks, i know that site... it's just awfully out of date in several places.
12:25.08hmmwhatsthatPouet78: Ok, besides the RTP streams you see SIP signalling, right? Who sends the SIP BYE?
12:25.11henkis that recording and certing stuff still valid? nothing "better" or "easier" came around in the meantime?
12:25.38hmmwhatsthathenk: you might want to try the google ;-)
12:26.23henkhmmwhatsthat: i know the google but that turns up hundreds of year old results whereas here i can get the latest info that's actually still used...
12:26.27hmmwhatsthatPouet78: Ok, does the phone have some kind of logging capability which would allow you to see the reason for hanging up
12:26.57henkbut nevermind, i'll just use the old way and pretend someone said "that's still up to date and the way to do it"
12:27.09hmmwhatsthathenk: :-)
12:27.15Pouet78No I don't have access to phone logs
12:27.42hmmwhatsthatPouet78: Bummer, thatd really help
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12:39.03jamkoIRC newb here, so please excuse me if my etiquette is bad.  I am having an issue with how asterisk is handling T.38 re-invites.  Anyone game?
12:41.09*** join/#asterisk hemantvoip (~hemant.vo@
12:41.42hemantvoipHi All
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12:43.18hemantvoipHi jamko
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12:49.20jamkoHell all
12:49.36hemantvoiphows the things out there jamko?
12:49.43hemantvoiplooks like you got kicked out
12:50.11henki have some comprehension problems and hope someone can help. we have a cisco call manager (C1700) here and it maps '99' to our asterisk via ipv4. i just upgraded asterisk to 1.6 for several reasons. i did and do _not_ have a register statement in my sip.conf an yet asterisk is and was able to receive calls to '99'. how come?
12:50.15jamkoI need some help with a T.38 re-invite issue.  Late night last night hemantvoip.  Yourself?
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12:51.02hemantvoipi am just doing *nothing*
12:51.36jamkohenk - just a guess here but, allowguest=no ?
12:51.53hemantvoipyou are talking about this issue:
12:53.10[TK]D-Fenderhenk: You don't need to register to receive calls
12:53.49[TK]D-Fenderhenk: REGISTER tells the other server WHERE to send calls to.  If they already know your address then you have no need for registering
12:55.18jamkohemantvoip:  I saw that issue last night, and I don't think it is the same thing.  I will tell you a bit about it.
12:57.27hemantvoipneed to see some logs
12:58.39jamkoRunning - If the mediatrix ATA initiates the T.38 Reinvite, all works fine.. If my provider (gafachi) initiates the T.38 Reinvite, asterisk will try routing the call back to the incoming context of extensions.conf, to the callerid set for the mediatrix peer.  Here is what comes across the console:      -- Now forwarding SIP/mediatrix1-0000002a to 'Local/5555555555@incoming_calls'
12:58.39jamko(thanks to SIP/my_service_provider_4-0000002b)
12:58.39jamko[Aug 10 11:59:17] NOTICE[23691]: chan_local.c:534 local_call: No such extension/context 5555555555@incoming_calls while calling Local channel
12:58.39jamko[Aug 10 11:59:17] NOTICE[23691]: app_dial.c:789 do_forward: Failed to dial on local channel for call forward to '5555555555@incoming_calls'
13:00.22hemantvoipyou need to verify if the extension is defined
13:01.41jamkoIt's not defined.  This issue is when terminating from asterisk.  After the T.38 Reinvite, Asterisk attempts to route the call back to the incoming call context?  It makes no sense.
13:02.14jamkoDo you want the debug output from /var/logs/asterisk, pcap tcpdump capture, or sip degub output from the console?
13:02.30hemantvoipmail me at
13:02.39hemantvoipor if you have pastbin
13:06.02jamkoI will e-mail you.  Thanks!!
13:06.21henk[TK]D-Fender: makes sense. thank you
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13:19.00bougyman[TK]D-Fender: rfc2833compensate and turning off reinvites was the solution to my dtmf issue.
13:19.13bougymanthanks for your assistance debugging yesterday.
13:22.46*** join/#asterisk tomarch (
13:24.06[TK]D-Fenderbougyman: Glad you found it
13:24.23bougymanwell, Fred from LOD Communications found it.
13:24.48bougymanbut I had all the traces and stuff he needed to do so, and had taken enough steps that he got there pretty quick.
13:25.08bougymanthumbs up to LOD Communications support.
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13:38.02m0t3jlHi, is there a phone out there that would support both Skype and SIP? ;)
13:38.42henkafter upgrading to 1.6 my recordings are played a bit strange. hard to explain: a bit too fast and skipping over some 'frames' or something. any idea how to debug that or what might cause it?
13:41.03*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
13:41.59[TK]D-Fenderm0t3jl: An Android handset with both clients.
13:42.23m0t3jl[TK]D-Fender, pretty fancy and expensive, huh? ;)
13:42.48[TK]D-Fenderm0t3jl: depends on your idea of "expensive".
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13:52.01henkwhere is the path to sound files configured? there are several paths in asterisk.conf, but none for sounds specifically... where should i put my own sounds?
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13:53.41[TK]D-Fenderhenk: Wherever you want
13:55.04henk[TK]D-Fender: ok, where will asterisk look for them if i give a relative path?
13:57.53henklikwid|mac: ok, thanks.
13:58.03henkis that path hardcoded?
13:58.08likwid|maci have no idea
13:58.29likwid|mac./var/lib/asterisk is the default
13:58.46likwid|macyou can always add a different lang set and put it in a  new folder
13:59.02likwid|macthan add the language=nameofnew folder string
13:59.20likwid|macin the sip.conf and aix.conf
13:59.33henklikwid|mac: ok, thanks
13:59.45likwid|macare you using freepbx?
14:00.23likwid|macdon't forget to have them at 8000 mono if they are wav files or they won't play
14:00.57bougymanhenk: what codec?
14:01.02bougymanwe had that problem with gsm.
14:01.19likwid|maci cant seem to make gsm sound good
14:01.30[TK]D-Fenderhenk: asterisk.conf ---->  astvarlibdir
14:02.15henklikwid|mac: nope, plain asterisk
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14:02.44henkbougyman: not quite sure, i think it's gsm...
14:02.55henk[TK]D-Fender: ah, great thanks :)
14:03.07likwid|maci've never tried to compile it myself
14:03.28likwid|macprobably some combination of laziness and ignorance
14:03.45henklikwid|mac: oh, sorry... it's precompiled from debian testing. but it's plain debian, no specialized asterisk distribution.
14:04.03henkbougyman: what did you do about it?
14:05.48bougymanhenk: dropped gsm
14:05.50bougymanwe're all ulaw now.
14:06.40likwid|maci wasnt sure what to do when i got pat fleet's voice files in ulaw thought they wouldnt work but they work fine
14:06.48michael-iIs there a negative consequence to putting the pattern indicator "_" in front of extensions in extensions.conf which are not patterns?
14:06.50likwid|macbetter in fact ;)
14:07.20leifmadsenmichael-i: yes there is
14:07.34michael-ileifmadsen: speed? messes up the look-up tables?
14:07.46leifmadsenthat will not do what you expect
14:07.53henk[TK]D-Fender: astvarlibdir => /var/lib/asterisk and my sounds are in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom/*.gsm. i tried PlayBack('custom/file') and 'sounds/custom/file' but asterisk keeps saying "file not found"... any idea?
14:08.00leifmadsenthe letter 'n' has special meaning in pattern matches
14:08.03henkbougyman: ok, did you convert your old filed or just rerecord?
14:08.07michael-iand _1234,1,NoOp() ?
14:08.09bougymanhenk: neither.
14:08.20bougymanall our sounds come from fs, it transcodes on the fly.
14:08.28michael-iso far, I do not allow any string extensions. They're numeric or patterns
14:08.29leifmadsenmichael-i: that would be fine, but is totally unnecessary and dangerous if you change it to have anything with letters in it
14:08.34leifmadsen"so far"
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14:08.40henkbougyman: and what format are they stored in? mp3, wav, WAV?
14:08.50bougymanhenk: mostly wav.
14:09.05bougymanbut we have some mp3 and some shoutcast streams for hold music and other stuffs.
14:09.07michael-ileifmadsen: so far is right... gotcha. I'm trying to avoid some really crappy rewriting in my gui to handle both cases now
14:09.08henkbougyman: ok, thanks.
14:10.00*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
14:10.08michael-ileifmadsen: my extensions.conf generator needs an overhaul :) thanks for the info
14:10.30*** part/#asterisk Mhaddog (
14:10.52[TK]D-FenderMicIs your product released to the public?
14:10.57[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: Is your product released to the public?
14:11.00leifmadsenjust be aware that if you use a pattern match, and want certain letters literally matched (like X, N, Z or x, n, z) then you have to do something like:   exten => _[n]a[n]cy,1,NoOp()
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14:11.23michael-i[TK]D-Fender: yes :
14:13.08michael-iworking on 2.1 right now and expanding the applications to also be able to use patterns instead of static's snowballing out of control
14:13.52[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: Is the GUI downloadable separately?
14:13.56michael-i"I'll refactor this in the next release" has finally caught up with me
14:14.14michael-i[TK]D-Fender: no, it's a solid firmware with everything pretty tightly coupled together
14:14.31michael-iI know :) I get that request about once a month
14:14.39Naikrovekthat's all?
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14:15.00leifmadsenmichael-i: FAQ? :)
14:15.13hrhrhr_is anyone actually using enum
14:15.17hrhrhr_forums suggest it's a bit... shit
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14:15.40leifmadsenI've used it a bit, and it works sometimes. We have a chapter in the new book that suggests is a better alternative
14:15.43hrhrhr_i can't even find a uk number on enumquery
14:16.08leifmadsendoes the UK have ENUM provisioned?
14:16.24hrhrhr_nominet appear to be looking after it
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14:17.17hrhrhr_and i guess i would have to open the box up to the internet
14:17.25hrhrhr_which fills me with a sense of dread
14:19.40leifmadsenhrhrhr_: well you obviously need internet access to be able to place a SIP call....
14:19.44leifmadsenand to do the lookup
14:19.52leifmadsenthere is no getting around that
14:19.56hrhrhr_i meant for incoming calls
14:20.00hrhrhr_is isn adoption likely to be any better than enum?
14:20.07leifmadsenprobably not
14:20.12leifmadsendepends who you're calling and such
14:20.20leifmadsenand for ENUM you don't have to accept calls to use it
14:20.29hrhrhr_of course
14:20.41leifmadsenI've set it up to do an ENUM lookup first, and if no response or number, call out SIP provider directly
14:20.51hrhrhr_but if everyone adopted that mentality there would be no enum i guess
14:21.10hrhrhr_what's the lookup delay etc like?
14:21.36hrhrhr_i've tried to look amongst major uk retailers to see if anyone is supporting it and i'm not having much luck
14:21.38henkok, does anyone have any definitive information on where asterisk looks for sounds? mine are in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom, which is underneath astvarlibdir (/var/lib/asterisk) in asterisk.conf. nevertheless asterisk can neither find 'sounds/custom/myfile' nor 'custom/myfile' in a PlayBack() even though those files do exist with a .gsm suffix. any idea what could be wrong?
14:21.44hrhrhr_it seems like another great idea fallen
14:21.53*** join/#asterisk nova911 (~Adium@
14:22.00michael-ileifmadsen: just updated my faq with it in there...just takes a nudge for some tasks I guess
14:22.56leifmadsenmichael-i: amen on that -- I finally spent time getting authentication and directory control on my subversion server for a couple of clients I was using it for along with multiple mediawiki's using the same code base but separate tables
14:23.08leifmadsenneeded a nudge from someone
14:26.50patrick^is there a way to specify a sip template to use when using asterisk realtime database ?
14:28.26patrick^in other words can the "name" field in the database contain also a template to use
14:29.18patrick^as in  [1234567890](template1)
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14:55.37jamkoAnyone real savvy with reinvites, and T.38??  Have a challenging one for you if you are.
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14:59.38anonymouz666oh my gosh
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15:05.35kalimcI have a virtual PRI (from working with my asterisk system, everything is working as expected, I can make and receive calls over my VOIP phone.  What I'd like to do is connect my home lines (previously installed by bell) to my asterisk box, without the need for SIP phones.  What methods, or hardware would I need to make the demarkation point for my home phone lines connect into my asterisk b
15:06.15mroeok, gonna do my best:  I have a T-1 connected to *.  6 channels of that T-1 are in a 'hunt group'.  Other than the main number does each channel need to have DID assigned to it, like how analog hunt groups work?
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15:06.40kalimcSorry, was disconnected, my question was:
15:06.43kalimcI have a virtual PRI (from working with my asterisk system, everything is working as expected, I can make and receive calls over my VOIP phone.  What I'd like to do is connect my home lines (previously installed by bell) to my asterisk box, without the need for SIP phones.  What methods, or hardware would I need to make the demarkation point for my home phone lines connect into my asterisk b
15:06.46mroekalimc I believe you are asking about analog cards
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15:07.27kalimcOk, so I would need an FXO card to bridge my phone lines, to the PRI?
15:08.02kalimcRegular Phone ---> FXO Card ---> Asterisk ---> PRI
15:08.06kalimcah ok
15:08.10bougymanS = station
15:08.13bougymanO = office
15:08.22bougymanyou want stations connected to asterisk.
15:08.41ChannelZno it sounds like he wants POTS lines connected to it.
15:08.50QwellChannelZ: "home lines"
15:09.00Qwellhe wants to connect to the dmarc so he can plug phones in the existing outlets
15:09.02Qwellie; FXS
15:09.04kalimcWell, I have 2 DID's (via PRI)
15:09.16kalimcQwell, yes
15:09.32kalimcRogers does this with their phone/modem
15:09.39Qwellobviously, you'll only be able to make one call at a time via those outlets
15:09.51Qwellsince, afterall, they are all physically connected
15:09.54kalimcYes, they gave me a free second channel
15:09.54keith4oh, you want to replicate something like Vonage?
15:09.56bougymanyou could split the wiring, but yeh.
15:10.09Qwellbougyman: yeah that was my next comment.  it's a pain depending
15:10.10kalimcI really only need the one
15:10.28keith4you need whatever the green modules are, from digium ;-)
15:10.37bougymankalimc: use one for voip and one for your rj-12 lines.
15:10.44kalimcah ok
15:10.48Qwellit was neat at the last apt I was in.  I replaced an outlet *inside*, and because of how the wiring was, it propagated through
15:11.10kalimcso the physical lines, would I connect an RJ-45 cable from the De-mark into the FXS card?
15:11.15*** join/#asterisk rafael-ec (~rafael@
15:11.21bougymankalimc: likely rj-12
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15:11.43bougymanand probably a usb single-FXS adapter.
15:11.48Qwellkalimc: RJ-11(12?), really
15:12.06[TK]D-FenderkalYou just want to use a regular phone?
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15:12.32kalimcI have 3-4 phones in my place here, that all go down to the de-mark in the basement
15:12.38[TK]D-Fenderkalimc: Then get an ATA instead
15:12.44bougymankalimc: just get an ATA
15:12.57keith4much cheaper
15:12.58kalimcfrom that demark, I want to be routed to my asterisk that has a pri w/did
15:13.09kalimcah ok
15:13.18kalimcI'll look into that
15:13.30bougymanstay away from the linksys/sipura/cisco
15:13.50keith4mroe: are you asking if you can have multiple channels for a single DID via PRI, like you can with an ITSP?
15:13.51kalimccan anyone recommend a good ATA?
15:14.16kalimc(not too overboard in pricing)
15:14.17mroekeith4, yes.
15:14.21russzaptel tdm400
15:14.34Qwellruss: welcome to 2010 :p  dahdi, tdm410
15:14.44ruyoAnyone knows of any problem of a third call comming in in PTP BRI interface?
15:14.53ruyo(With mISDN 1.1.8)
15:15.02keith4mroe: oh, then i have no idea
15:15.11Qwellruyo: wouldn't the telco just reject it?
15:15.36ruyoApparently depends, if you have call forward or hold enabled, it doesn't.
15:16.13[TK]D-Fenderkalimc: Linksys PAP2T-NA, or Linksys SPA-2102
15:16.27ruyoThe problem is that Asterisk isn't replying "busy", so I get a line unavailable kind of tone
15:16.28*** part/#asterisk rafael-ec (~rafael@
15:16.31ruyoLike congestion.
15:16.31kalimcthankyou TK, I will look at them now
15:16.31mroethanks for the question clarification, it will probably help get my question answered
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15:19.38kalimcJust to clarify, if I were to get either ( Linksys PAP2T-NA, or Linksys SPA-2102) would that remove the need for asterisk (plug in settings to router) or would I still be able to use asterisk with it?
15:19.54ruyoI get this on mISDN debug when I place a third call to asterisk -->
15:20.05kalimcI'd like to get the benefits of voicemail, and all the asterisk goodies.
15:20.07bougymankeith4: i like
15:20.16[TK]D-Fenderkalimc: the ATA jsut lets you use analog phones as SIP devices.  That doesn't mean they LEAD anywhere
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15:20.27keith4bougyman: good to know ;-)
15:20.30[TK]D-Fenderkalimc: So what would be processing the CALLS made using it?
15:20.42[TK]D-Fender[11:06]<mroe>ok, gonna do my best: I have a T-1 connected to *. 6 channels of that T-1 are in a 'hunt group'. Other than the main number does each channel need to have DID assigned to it, like how analog hunt groups work? <-  Whcat kind of T1?
15:20.46kalimcI see, so I could then connect the sip devices through asterisk! :)
15:21.57keith4[TK]D-Fender: he said "yes" when I assumed he was referring to PRI...
15:22.07[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: I assume as little as possible
15:22.11bougymanwith the yealink i posted you wouldn't need a phone switch, though, unless you wanted it.
15:22.13mroe[TK]D-Fender, yes that was my question
15:22.14keith4bougyman: what's so great about the yealink?
15:22.27mroe[TK]D-Fender, keith4 summed it up a bit better for me
15:22.34bougymankeith4: just low price and nice quality, it's a value judgement.
15:22.37kalimcok perfect.  thank you for your help.  I am sure this is commonly done these days, so I will google for instructions.
15:22.51[TK]D-Fendermroe: Normally PRI's don't have subset hunt groups.  All DID's pointed at them can land on any free channel.
15:23.07[TK]D-Fendermroe: I've seen some very rare exceptions to this however
15:23.09keith4bougyman: where could I buy one?
15:23.39mroe[TK]D-Fender, sorry, I don't really understand your answer
15:24.01[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: Yealink, GAH.  What do you actually need?
15:24.19keith4[TK]D-Fender: nothing. i just wanted to investigate his value claims
15:24.33keith4i've never actually used an ATA, but i keep meaning to get one to play with
15:24.34bougyman[TK]D-Fender: he wants an ata, he's been recommended a 410 , 400, and the yealink
15:24.43[TK]D-Fendermroe: Channels are not normally assigned DID's.  All DID's aimed at your PRI can fall on any open channel normally.  You don't assign "groups", etc
15:24.45keith4bougyman: actually, that was kalimc
15:24.50bougymanoh, heh.
15:25.01[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: PAP2T-NA for you then as you[re UK
15:25.07keith4am not!
15:25.16keith4is insulted
15:25.51[TK]D-Fender[11:24]<bougyman>[TK]D-Fender: he wants an ata, he's been recommended a 410 , 400, and the yealink <- First two aren't even ATA's, and the third is a cheap-shit  Chinese device no regular here would ever recommend.
15:26.03[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: Weren't you?
15:26.18[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: Perhaps I've mixed you up along the way... whereabouts?
15:26.32bougymankeith4: the yealink outperforms the sipuras, i haven't tried the 400 or 410 cards.
15:27.22bougymaner [TK]D-Fender.
15:27.23mroe[TK]D-Fender, thanks, so I can yell at our telco for being dumb
15:27.44[TK]D-Fenderbougyman: Outperforms in what way?
15:27.51bougymani've tried the zorcoms, sipuras, yealink, audiocodes, and a few others.
15:28.00bougyman[TK]D-Fender: works.
15:28.14bougymanthe sipuras have more than a few critical bugs.
15:28.17[TK]D-Fenderbougyman: So do all the Linksys models
15:28.31[TK]D-Fenderbougyman: And Sipura hasn't existed for YEARS
15:28.32bougymanyes, i mean sipura, cisco, and the linksys stuff.
15:28.52bougymanthey all share at least one of these bugs.
15:29.03[TK]D-Fender[11:28]<bougyman>the sipuras have more than a few critical bugs. <- Please do share in detail as they are what most of us here use, recommend, and are happy with
15:29.04bougymanand cisco refuses to fix it, i told them about it over a year ago.
15:29.23bougymaninbound caller id, if it has a comma, is not quoted in the sip header.
15:29.39bougymanthat breaks all sorts of stuff.
15:29.57keith4[TK]D-Fender: US
15:30.32[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: How many ports do you need?
15:30.37keith4[TK]D-Fender: yah, that's my usual vendor. they don't have the yealink ATAs, that I can see. (not that I want to get one, necessarily)
15:30.55keith4i would've defaulted to the linksys pap2, probably. that's sufficient for testing, no?
15:31.29keith4... which is good, because they don't have much for ATAs, other than cisco/linksys
15:31.39keith4(or grandstream. ick)
15:32.04[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: If you only need 1 port, then get your money's worth and get the SPA-3102 instead as that'll also give you an FXO interface, and integrated router (which you don't have to use)
15:32.09infobotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
15:32.22keith4ha. *extreme* prejudice
15:32.32bougymanthe spa3102's are the ones that gave us the most headache.
15:32.46bougymanhad to write just to be able to use them at all.
15:34.25bougymanif you want a spa3102 i have boxes of them.
15:34.38keith4just found one on ebay for $9.99. can you beat that?
15:34.41bougymanpaperweights, you pay shipping i'll send you onw.
15:34.52jamkoT.38 reinvite issue.  Anyone?
15:35.46[TK]D-Fenderbougyman: I do see one consistent element if your claims about problems with these devices.  YOU :p
15:36.09bougyman[TK]D-Fender: I'm responsible for the firmware not quoting From headers?
15:36.16bougymani hadn't looked at it like that before.
15:37.51*** part/#asterisk mheadd (
15:38.42ruyoDid ISDN die everywhere, including Europe?
15:39.42ruyo* ISDN BRI
15:40.01Qwellruyo: no
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15:41.08ruyoIs just that I read a lot people complaining about the future of the development of mISDNv2
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15:43.09[TK]D-Fenderruyo: That's not the only driver youe know...
15:43.44keith4bougyman: so where would you be shipping these 3102s from? ;-)
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15:44.54ruyo[TK]D-Fender, yeah, but it's the better implemented so far, no?
15:46.59bougymankeith4: dallas
15:47.09bougymanyou want two?
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16:15.53b11d`hey everyone
16:16.23b11d`just curious.. on 1.8, if I have a PRI configured, but not plugged in, I should be seeing a "No D-Channel available, using Channel 24 as default anyway"   warning, correct?
16:16.33b11d`Im just trying to understand if I'm seeing correct behavior here or not
16:17.44*** join/#asterisk Wimd (
16:18.30Wimdhey, i have some weird problem with an URI dial. it works on a test trixbox, but on the plain asterisk server i actually need it on it wont work
16:19.02Wimdthe thing is that i do dial(sip/num@host) and i get a sip response from a totally diffrent host
16:19.33Wimdwhen i do it on the other asterisk the sip invite just keeps retransmitting
16:20.04Wimdive been looking around and all i can see for uri calls is that srvlookup=yes needs to be set, wich is the case
16:20.37*** join/#asterisk Shaaan (
16:25.35Naikrovekanyone know when Polycom SIP firmware 3.3 is going GA
16:26.40mroeis there anything interesting in the release?
16:27.34*** join/#asterisk QubeZ (~nkasu@
16:27.40QubeZhello all
16:27.49QubeZis there a way to use chanspy but not have it cycle through extensions, but rather allow the user to enter it?
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16:29.16[TK]D-FenderWimd: Trixbox uses * so your comparison means nothing
16:29.25[TK]D-FenderWimd: and we don't see configs & debug
16:29.58[TK]D-FenderQubeZ: Do your own READ() first
16:30.20QubeZ[TK]D-Fender: ok
16:33.15jamkoHello, need some help with a T.38 config issue on asterisk Just want to pass the traffic through from sip ata, to sip provider.. Both have T.38 capability, but call fails if reinvite comes from provider.  Works fine if reinvite comes from mediatrix ata.  Anyone? I have full debug dumps, and pcap logs ready and waiting
16:37.37*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
16:39.42Wimdfirst part is a working invite
16:40.12[TK]D-FenderWimd: Contact: <sip:547@> <------- you clearly haven't set your * up to work properly from behind NAT
16:40.40Wimdwell, that one is actually the one that does work
16:40.51[TK]D-FenderWimd: It's wrong.
16:41.27Wimdi can dial number@ip from the server with 192.168... thats behind nat
16:41.32[TK]D-FenderWimd: And your second gets no answer and you've provided no details, and masked numbers
16:41.47[TK]D-FenderWimd: We don't have a clear description of where each server is, etc
16:41.49Wimdthe first and second dial ar the same uri
16:42.21[TK]D-FenderWimd: Doesn't matter who you call when youa re configued in a way that you can even get an ANSWER
16:42.56[TK]D-FenderWimd: It's not the callee that is the problem, its the caller
16:44.30Wimdso, if i have an asterisk, directly on the internet so no nat and i try to call a number@host and hot get any answer
16:44.53Wimdand then i have another server, natted, and when i do the same thing i do get an answer
16:45.13Wimdwhere should i be looking? ive temporarely disabled iptables on the public server, no diffrence
16:45.33QubeZ[TK]D-Fender: would you take a quick peek at this and offer thoughts?
16:45.51bougymanhave you tried canreinvite=no in your sip.conf, Wimd?
16:46.29Qwellcanreinvite is for rtp.  you'd get one-way audio, not call failure
16:46.36*** join/#asterisk devmod (
16:46.59[TK]D-FenderWimd: You have masked important info and I have no proof any of what you did is legit, or info on your networking, etc.
16:47.09[TK]D-FenderWimd: You offer nothing for us to debug
16:47.41jamkoHello, need some help with a T.38 config issue on asterisk Just want to pass the traffic through from sip ata, to sip provider.. Both have T.38 capability, but call fails if reinvite comes from provider.  Works fine if reinvite comes from mediatrix ata.  Anyone? I have full debug dumps, and pcap logs ready and waiting
16:48.37Wimdwell, [TK]D-Fender, if you need to know the axact uri, its 0103004410@
16:49.06Naikrovekwe need debug logs, some error messages from a sip debug or the asterisk log
16:49.08[TK]D-FenderWimd: No, we need to see the FULL packets, and I we can't see that IP's are at all right.  No firewall settings, nothing.
16:49.24[TK]D-FenderWimd: Play this game and you'll lose right out of the gate.
16:58.55*** join/#asterisk Shane-S (
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17:01.06bklangHello all.  I'm trying to use AMI to detect DTMF for calls in-progress.  I have it working fine for some calls, but not others.  The difference seems to be which SIP peers are involved.  But I want to verify my basic assumption, that Asterisk should generate DTMF AMI events even when two channels are bridged?  (I am using Asterisk 1.6.1 and 1.8.0-beta3 and canreinvite=no to keep the media local)
17:01.51bougymanbklang: using rfc2833compensate or no?
17:02.34bklangno, but dtmfmode=rfc2833
17:03.44bklangoddly, the DTMF detection works fine before and after the call is bridged to an outbound channel
17:03.53bklangit only seems to fail during the period the call is bridged
17:04.00bklangand I get events to support that
17:04.19bklangEnabling RTP debugging shows that I can see the rfc2833 information being passed through Asterisk
17:04.23bklangand the DTMF shows up on the far end as well
17:04.29bklangit's only the AMI events that appear to be missing
17:08.14TheDavidFactorI've got a client using sangoma PRI cards that's having problems with DTMF being lost. The cards do not have hardware EC so no hardware DTMF. They're using a really old asterisk (1.4.2) and libpri (1.4.4) we've already added relaxdtmf=yes; I would assume that PRI's are sending DTMF out of band so it should be pretty reliable. Before they spend money on HWEC cards can anyone tell me if it...
17:08.16TheDavidFactor...would be worth upgrading to the latest libpri? if so, which version of asterisk is required to use the latest libpri?
17:09.13*** join/#asterisk jshriver (
17:09.32jshriveranyone know how to test callerid functionality on an asterisk box?
17:10.31Shane-SHi, work asked me to look into phone systems, I am 100% newbie to phones. We current have 4 POTS connecting to a phone server, that then has a unit powering digital phones, but they use cat3/rj11 connectors, I assume asterisk can run them, but what is needed to communicate with them
17:10.38*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
17:10.59jshriverComputer running asterisk, and a digium card with FXO chips
17:11.30QwellShane-S: Asterisk does not work with "digital" phones.
17:11.44Qwellunless somebody makes (usually very expensive) hardware for them.
17:11.45bklangShane-S: digital phones are almost always completely proprietary.  You may be able to get Asterisk to talk to your digital phone system, but it will be over a standard interface (such as T-1, SIP or analog)
17:11.49NaikrovekShane-S: hardware is available to interface with those POTS lines, but you'll need to get some new phones
17:12.18NaikrovekShane-S: the phones are cheap and good
17:12.35Naikroveki was thinking about this the other day
17:12.51jshriveraye you'll need sip phones
17:12.56Naikrovekpeople go barking "I WANT VOIP" then they see what a cisco solution costs then they go around barking "VOIP IS DEAD"
17:13.17Naikrovekbut an Asterisk & Polycom solution is pretty damn cheap
17:13.24jshriverand save yourself some headache and buy a premade box with service plan.  Running an el-cheapo one here and it's a flippin nightmare. FXO chips burn out every storm, instable.. just a nightmare
17:13.30Naikrovekfor what you get it's a bargain and a half
17:14.39NaikrovekShane-S: I was in a similar situation to you just 2 years ago
17:14.39xuserjshriver: do you ground the lines?
17:14.45jshriverI have wondered though why does asterisk itself not have a # sip phones limit, but if you buy a box from say Digium you're only allowed n phones. Dont see why the # of phones has anything to do with pricing
17:14.48Shane-SDoes the digium site have phone prices, so I can at least show work what a solution might cost compared to the company we have wanting to bring in a phone server...that a pentium III desktop...which scared me
17:15.07jshriverxuser: yup, each line is on a $100 phone line protector that's grounded.
17:15.08NaikrovekShane-S: how many digital phones do you have
17:15.56Shane-Sabout 40, but 5 phones are the advanced with an LCD and/or phone bank light/button to monitor who is on the lines
17:16.23Shane-Sthe rest just have number pade and the outgoing/voicemail/transfer buttons
17:16.35Naikroveki'll PM you some details to get started
17:17.49*** join/#asterisk Crashvr (
17:19.24[TK]D-FenderShane-S: What model of phones exactly?
17:19.49Shane-SI am not at work...hang on let me text the maintenance guy
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17:25.14gamednaShaaan: are you around?
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17:40.52SargunWhat SIP/IAX providers do you guys use for termination and origination in the UK?
17:42.56infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
17:43.13infobothmm... itsplist-uk is UK based ITSps include and a few other tinpot companies you can dig up with google.
17:43.13keith4guess there's not a ~itsplist-uk?
17:43.18keith4ah, there is
17:43.33ChainsawOf course there is.
17:43.46keith4i vote for the tinpot companies
17:50.14TheDavidFactoris there a PRI expert who can tell me how to tell if DTMF is being sent inbound or out-of-band on a PRI?
17:50.33Shane-S[TK]D-Fender: well the maintenance guy is gonna be awhile, I will tell you phones when I go in tomorrow :D
17:51.05[TK]D-FenderShane-S: What overall system is it?
17:52.24Shane-SI want to say vodavi...but that is wrong. I have only seen the voicemail server, so I will have to check the PBX, it is in a closet I never go into
17:52.42Shane-Slet me call into work and see if the secreatary can tell me the phone brand name at least
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17:54.14Shane-Sokay phones are branded with infinite
17:54.28Crashvrhello guys, someone will explain to me an efficient way to make calls using SIP timeout in time for the return of the ring, and not by time to answer.
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17:54.36NaikrovekShane-S: ?
17:54.56Naikroveklooks like vodavi may be right
17:55.07Shane-Shehe yeah I was right :P
17:55.23Shane-Snow the PBX...I never look at long enough to know the name :P
17:55.32Naikrovekprobably vodavi as well
17:56.07Naikroveki dunno i found it on google images
17:56.52Crashvrif anyone knows please send me message!
17:57.00[TK]D-FenderShane-S: those phones are all but certainly unusable with *
17:58.06[TK]D-FenderCrashvr: Not happening.  That would require large rwrites to chan_sip, app_dial, and their underpinnings
17:58.26Shane-Salright, can * communicate/integrate with the PBX, and handle the POTS/Voicemail/Message parts, or is that all PBX...sorry totally new to this
17:59.55fauxallianceinfobot Naikrovek++
18:00.34Shane-SI only ask to know if there is a middle of the road "upgrade" price to offer, or if I am just going to report back its $6,000+ no matter what we pick
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18:10.20bklangAlright, I've narrowed down my DTMF problem.  When using alaw as the codec, DTMF events are not generated when bridged.  When using ulaw, DTMF events are generated when bridged.  DTMF events work fine on both codecs when the call is not bridged between two channels
18:10.24bklangAnd this is using rfc2833, not inband
18:11.04bklangI would not have thought the codec would make a difference.  Isn't that the point of rfc2833?
18:11.24Naikrovekwell it may be a bug
18:11.33bklangYeah, guess I'll open a ticket
18:11.34Naikrovekbut yes you're right, that's the point of out-of-band DTMF
18:12.02bklangstrange that I see the same behavior in both Asterisk 1.6.1 and 1.8.  If it is a bug, it's a longstanding one. I'm kinda surprised I'd the be the first to hit it
18:12.19Naikrovekin the US, ulaw rules the roost
18:12.40Naikrovekeurope uses ulaw but maybe they don't use asterisk or ... hell i dunno
18:12.45bklangheh yeah
18:12.50Naikrovekeurope uses alaw*
18:13.26*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@wikimedia/RobH)
18:15.51WIMPyHmm. Seems to work for me, but I'm not sure what the phone uses, apart from that it's not in band.
18:15.52[TK]D-FenderCodec doesn't dertermine RFC2833
18:16.54*** join/#asterisk chuckp (
18:18.04Naikrovekyeah that's what we mean
18:18.16Naikrovekrfc2833 shoudl work independent of any codec
18:20.42rustyclarksonWhich media player does asterisk use to playback MOH? (in mode=files)
18:24.01Naikroveki always thought asterisk played them itself
18:24.05Naikrovekbut i could be wrong
18:24.41gamednabklang: i just fired up asterisk 1.8 w/ wireshark and zoiper configured for alaw
18:25.20bklangKeep in mind that DTMF is working with ALAW.  It's only in a specific circumstance I have an issue
18:25.30gamednaim geting rtpevents out of band
18:25.54bklangIt's only when the incoming call (using alaw) is bridged with an outbound call.  Even then DTMF works (it is properly sent to the far end) but AMI "DTMF" events are not triggered
18:25.59bklangthat's really my issue, I need those DTMF events
18:26.09gamednaRFC 2833 RTP EVENT, EventID: DTMF Four (4)
18:26.14bklangthe oddity is that the events work fine with GSM and ULAW
18:26.39bklangRight, I get the events when the call is accepted by Asterisk, it's only after I place an outgoing call and the channels are bridged that the events stop
18:26.44gamednalet me try w/ a Bridge() in th callplan
18:26.53bklangjust try a Dial() in the dialplan
18:27.03bklangwait for the call to be accepted by the far end and then see if you get DTMF events
18:27.20gamednaoh, that i did
18:27.30gamednayes, im getting the events on the far side
18:27.39bklangI'm not talking about RTP events, I'm talking about AMI events
18:27.49bklangRTP works end-to-end, it's the AMI events that go missing
18:28.24gamednaso, RTP event goes from phone to asterisk, then when you dial out to another endpoint the event dissapears
18:28.49bklangno, the RTP events work fine.  When DTMF is detected by Asterisk it should write an AMI event to all AMI listeners who have events enabled.
18:29.19gamednawell, this is my setup...
18:29.33gamednazoiper -> Asterisk box 1 -> IAX TRUNK -> Asterisk Box 2
18:29.46gamednadial in to box 1
18:29.52gamednapress 1 to dial to other box
18:29.58*** join/#asterisk grolloj (
18:29.59gamednacalls out to the other box
18:30.03gamednapress 1 do play monkeys
18:30.12gamednaand monkeys play
18:30.15bklangYes, that works fine for me
18:30.28gamednai guess im not really following then
18:30.32bklangTo see what I'm talking about you have to open a connection to the Asterisk Manager Interface and request taht events be sent to you on that socket
18:30.51bklangyou will see the DTMF events when you press "1" to connect to Asterisk Box 2
18:31.02bklangbut you probably won't see the DTMF event when you press "1" to hear monkeys
18:31.15gamednabut that works under ulaw
18:31.54bklangyou're seeing events on the AMI connection?
18:34.17gamednabklang, one moment let me set that all up
18:35.19*** join/#asterisk philipp64|laptop (
18:39.13gamednabklang: what is the command you issue to get the events?
18:39.22gamednaim logged into my AMI on both boxes
18:39.45bklangAction: login
18:39.46bklangEvents: on
18:40.05bklangyou can also do
18:40.10gamednaim already logged in
18:40.11bklangAction: Events
18:40.23bklangEventmask: On
18:40.48bklangbrb 10 minutes, picking up my daughter from the bus
18:41.46gamednabklang:  confirmed its working on box one, not receving on box 2
18:42.09gamednabklang: switching to ulaw and trying again
18:42.54imox1234hey, i was wondering if someone could help me with a problem i have... I already posted it in the issues forum of asterisk but after some talk there is no more response
18:43.22gamednabklang: you are right...
18:43.33gamednaDTMF shows up on both for ulaw and gsm
18:43.58Naikrovekbut not alaw?
18:44.01imox1234i already tried updating to
18:44.02gamednabklang: but DTMF does not show up on the second box under AMI when running alaw
18:44.08gamednaNaikrovek: correct
18:44.14gamednaNaikrovek: im running 1.8
18:44.27Naikrovekwell crap we gotta get that fixed before release brah
18:44.48gamednaNaikrovek: Asterisk SVN-trunk-r280910 built by nick @ NickMAC.local on a i386 running Darwin on 2010-08-05 09:02:54 UTC
18:44.51Naikrovekand by "we" i mean "not me because i don't work there"
18:45.18*** join/#asterisk SaiSoma (
18:45.28gamednathat is the first box
18:45.32gamednasecond box is...
18:46.09gamednaAsterisk built by root @ on a i686 running Linux on 2010-06-08 22:01:27 UTC
18:46.18gamednalet me reverse and see if it changes
18:46.22gamednacalling from 1.6 to 1.8
18:47.00gamednaits just one of my testing boxes
18:47.09Naikroveki'm just kiddin anyway
18:47.14Naikroveki run it in production
18:47.22Naikrovekcan't wait to get rid of it tho
18:47.31gamednasame here, just love their phone provisioning
18:47.41Naikrovekheh i don't even use that part
18:48.05gamednalove that i can provision 60 phones in under 30 mins
18:48.20Naikroveki wrote a perl script for that
18:48.22anonymouz666what phones?
18:48.34gamednapolycom, grandstream, and aastra
18:49.20gamednapolycoms take a while to boot up, but that is not my problem really
18:49.30gamednai can bulk add all my extentions and just hand out phones
18:49.53Naikrovekthat's what i do
18:49.56gamednafreepbx supposedly has a module now for this,b ut i have not really tested it
18:49.56Naikrovekhandy dandy i tell ya
18:50.03gamednaNaikrovek: oh yea
18:50.05*** join/#asterisk JimVanM (
18:50.30gamednabklang: i reversed the scenario...  asterisk 1.6 -> 1.8 box and the same thing happens
18:50.39gamednabklang: ulaw works, and alaw does not work
18:50.53Naikrovektime to head to #asterisk-dev and let them know
18:50.56Naikrovekor file bug rept
18:51.02gamednaill let bklang handle that
18:51.13gamednasince i dont use ami much
18:56.00gamednabklang: i THINK the packets are being sent from box 1 to box 2 but they are not being interpreted by box 2
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19:10.45bklanggamedna: yep, ulaw and gsm work, alaw does not
19:11.40gamednawell i confirm it
19:11.55gamednaits pretty strange
19:12.14bklangyeah, it is strange
19:12.33bklangI get the warnings when I use a codec other than ulaw or gsm about inband DTMF detection, I suspect it's an errant check along those lines
19:14.01imox1234have nobody any idea?
19:15.08*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (~manxpower@
19:15.15infobot[~answers] Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & Docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
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19:17.48bklanggamedna: would you mind commenting on that ticket that you can reproduce the issue?
19:21.03ecraneany ideas on why asterisk thinks a sip peer is dynamic even though I specify the host's IP in sip.cfg?
19:21.41[TK]D-Fenderecrane: You are backwards
19:21.56[TK]D-Fenderecrane: I NEEDS to be dynamic in order to be ALLOWED to register
19:22.20ecranedoh... thanks.
19:22.28*** join/#asterisk megalomano (~samus@
19:25.23gamednabklang: will do
19:27.19bklanggamedna: THanks.  Thanks also for your help in troubleshooting/verifying the issue
19:27.49gamednabklang: you are welcome... Glad i could help out.   I find that diving into problems are the best way to learn
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19:43.25gamednabklang: done
19:43.30bklangThanks again
19:43.42*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-qgzhakzcbbdjzxuz)
19:43.47gamednatook me a sec, b/c i had to finish my lunch
19:44.09gamednatake a look at it and let me know if you want me to add anything else?
19:44.41bklangI think between our two comments it describes the issue.  I'm reading through chan_sip.c and rtp_engine.c right now...
19:44.43gamednai would have uploaded the capture file, but i had already closed out of wireshark
19:52.52gamednabklang: any insight?
19:53.12bklangI've found the function that creates the AMI event.  Now tracing that backward ...
19:56.47bklangseems to only emanate from either ast_write() or ast_read()
20:04.49gamednabklang: im not really familiar with AMi, can you Dial out using AMI?
20:05.26bklangKinda.  You can "originate" a call, which opens a channel and directs it either to another channel (such as a SIP peer) or into the dialplan (context,exten,prio)
20:06.33gamednawhats the command for that?
20:06.41gamednai only see Bridge, but not Dial or something similar
20:06.48gamednaoh, nevermidn
20:06.52gamednai see originate
20:07.08bklangOriginate :)
20:07.28bklangit's not Dial like you'd think of with AGI because there is no corresponding channel with AMI
20:07.32gamednawish they sorted the command list
20:07.35bklangit's a unilateral action
20:08.00gamednaso what happens when you originate?
20:08.07gamednado you have to bridge that call to another channel?
20:08.24bklangno, you have to specify a destination
20:08.29bklangthe destination can be another channel or it can be a dialplan location
20:08.56gamednai get that, but in order for the call to be meaningful, you need some type of person on the other side...
20:09.03bklangperson or dialplan, yeah
20:10.11gamednaah, so you set Channel as the destination
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20:10.18gamednaand Exten to the other side
20:10.52[TK]D-FenderChannel is who you cll.  They get dumped into the DIALPLAn or into a specific app directly
20:11.04[TK]D-FenderThat is all.  Never another device directly
20:11.07gamednai see that now
20:11.14bklangyeah, I misspoke above.  You can either drop them into the dialplan or execute a specific app
20:11.21bklangif you want to directly bridge two channels you can use the Dial app
20:11.24gamednaSequence of events: first the Channel is rung. Then, when that answers, the Extension is dialled within the Context to initiate the other end of the call. Note that the Timeout only applies to the initial connection to the Channel; any timeout for the other end can be specified, for instance in a Dial command in the definition of the Context.
20:11.40bklangApplication: Dial \n  Data: SIP/otherguy,30
20:12.24gamednathis is pretty powerful
20:12.55gamednaso, here is another thing, using ami i could dial 2 external numbers and then bridge them together
20:13.19bklangYes, though you'd need to specify a holding place after they connect but before they bridge
20:13.24bklangmaybe a parking lot, for example
20:13.25gamednamake a call, play an announcement, then make another call, play an announcement..    Then bridge them toegehter
20:13.35bklangor a conference room would work
20:13.47bklangIf you get into programming with AMI and AGI, I might recommend you check out the Adhearsion project.  It provides a nice API on top of AGI/AMI
20:13.56[TK]D-Fender[16:11]<bklang>if you want to directly bridge two channels you can use the Dial app <- this does not directly bridge 2 channels.  This spawns a new call to bridge to.  Yours implied existing
20:13.58gamednai have actually been reading up on that
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20:25.29JerJerCould someone here send me a fax?  Trying T.38 on 1.6
20:26.18anonymouz666this is JerJer
20:26.35anonymouz666I would send you an e-mail with some file attached
20:26.39anonymouz666it is easier and WILL work
20:27.00JerJerlawyers deal with official documents so fax it is
20:27.31JerJeri don't have a POTS line and testing T.38 inbound and outbound at the same time is kinda not 'testing'   :)
20:27.55QwellHP has a fax callback thingie
20:28.09JerJeryeah, it never calls me back
20:28.19nix8n82there are several online fax services, A couple of them offer a trial and I think there may be one that allows you to send one or two a day free. either way you will have to google it
20:34.54*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (~manxpower@
20:35.03JerJernix8n82:   thanks
20:35.54JerJerboodu:  howdie
20:36.16nix8n82JerJer, your welcome, you did the work
20:36.44JerJerheh so-called 'work'   :)
20:36.57*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
20:37.05exothermcWhen doing SIP to TDM, are there some settings I can change to lower the load?
20:37.28exothermcI'm running on an older box, but even with 20 calls I'm spiking the CPU.
20:37.47exothermcI'm just wondering if there are some RTP intensive modules that can be unloaded etc.
20:38.37JerJerexothermc: are you transcoding ?
20:38.49exothermcJerJer: Nope ulaw only.
20:39.13*** join/#asterisk DogBoy (~john@unaffiliated/dogboy)
20:40.10moyexothermc: how big the "spike" and is it really just a spike or the load stays for the duration of the calls?
20:40.34exothermcpretty much always high load, but you can see it max the CPU.  spike is the wrong word.
20:40.46JerJerload as in cpu usage or 'load average'  ?
20:41.50exothermcJerJer: single CPU box with a load average of 4 sustained and CPU hits 99.9 a lot, and stays above 85.
20:42.31exothermcThe majority of the CPU time is spent on hardware interupts.
20:43.23JerJerhmmm  something isn't right with that then
20:43.26moyexothermc: how are you checking that? .... is there high cpu usage only when there is calls? ... there is some thread spinning most likely .... use top or ps to find the offending thread, then pstack to have a hint of which module launched that thread
20:43.42JerJeri've done way more than 20 calls SIP -> TDM without transcoding on a single box
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20:43.53JerJerexothermc: what CPU?
20:44.27exothermcJerJer: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.40GHz
20:44.41JerJerkinda lower end, but should do way more than 20
20:44.46exothermcJerJer: cpu family 15 model 4
20:45.16exothermcmoy: ok it is asterisk that is spinning up btw, let me play withy pstack
20:45.16*** join/#asterisk bse-r (~bse-r@
20:45.18ecrane<--------- noob user of ekiga 2.0 + asterisk = fail
20:45.35bse-ri created a dial plan called [ext-local-custom] to monitor zap trunk with BLF exten => line1,hint,Zap/2     exten => line,1,Dial(Zap/2), the problem is, if the person is using the aastra 9143i phone and press the "blf programmed key" the person open the zap trunk and asterisk is ignoring PIN  SETS
20:45.46bse-rso the person can dial ignoring PIN because it is opening the ZAP trunk directly
20:46.09gamednabklang: just went though adhearsion's docs.     Wonder if it could be used to manage a cluster of Aseterisk boxes
20:46.22gamednainteresting concept actually
20:46.28bklanggamedna: It definitely could, with the caveat being that AMI is specific to one Asterisk host
20:46.41bklangbut it defintely could process calls on AGI from multiple Asterisk hosts
20:46.43moyexothermc: yes asterisk, but asterisk spawns many threads, you need to find which one is being a cpu hog, top -H -p `pidof asterisk`, shows per thread info
20:47.07JerJermoy:  that is a very nice man
20:47.11JerJerer command
20:47.11exothermcmoy ok doing that now.
20:47.45JerJermoy:   then strace the pid that is cpu bound?
20:47.49gamednacan adhearsion initiate the AMI  connection?
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20:48.05gamednaall the examples show them connecting when someone calls
20:48.44moyJerJer: yes strace, or "pstack `pidof asterisk` > file" and find the stack corresponding to the PID/TID of the offending thread, which typically is some loop
20:48.51JerJergamedna:   you mean like a persistent AMI connection?
20:49.00exothermcmoy: Looks like it is spread pretty evenly across 15 or so threads.
20:49.01gamednagamedna: yea...
20:49.02JerJermoy:   very good to know
20:49.05JerJertakes notes
20:49.13gamednaJerJer: yea
20:49.14exothermcmoy: No one thread really taking the cake here.
20:49.33moyexothermc: pastebin the output
20:50.29moyexothermc: so now do
20:50.41moypstack `pidof asterisk` > /tmp/asterisk-stack
20:50.52moyand pastebin the file
20:51.17gamednaJerJer: bklang: i know that thinks like FOP and such maintain connections..   Just wondering if Adhearsion can do it
20:51.19bklanggamedna: yes, it can initiate AMI connections, but only to one Asterisk host at a time
20:51.42moyseveral threads above 6% is not very good sign
20:51.45bklangpart of the power in Adhearsion comes from being able to use AGI and AMI in one programming framework
20:51.56bklangbut it works just fine using either by itself
20:52.16*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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20:53.09exothermcmoy: ok waiting to install pstack (yum takes a very long to time to do anything at this load)
20:53.18bklangAdhearsion runs as a daemon so it maintains the AMI connection (for things like events) as long as the process is running
20:53.46gamednait keeps one thread for each connection right?
20:54.25gamednaso if that daemon gets 5 calls, each call is handled in a seperate thread
20:55.51moyexothermc: ok ... although as you said, the biggest chunk seems to come from hardware interrupts ... is that load kept even after hanging up all calls?
20:56.32moywhich hardware are you using?
20:57.06exothermcmoy: sangoma A104d
20:57.28exothermcmoy: I'll pull this leg out of route and let the calls die down, but I don't want to just drop them all.
20:57.36moydriver version and signaling being used? PRI?
20:57.54exothermcPRI and the latest driver
20:58.14*** join/#asterisk shido6_ (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-rhwqwutzkwbfmakq)
20:58.17exothermcactually I'm using 3.5.11
20:58.29moyso not latest :)
20:58.32*** part/#asterisk bse-r (~bse-r@
20:59.00exothermcmoy: ya so many different installs a little hard to keep track off the top of the head, had to look.
20:59.26moyexothermc: pastebin also your wanpipe1 -> wanpipe4 configurations ... and wanrouter hwprobe verbose output
21:00.20bklanggamedna: one thread for each AGI connection, yes.
21:00.39bklangIt has two global threads for AMI, shared among all calls.  One thread for events and one thread for actions
21:00.53bklangIf you're interested there's an active channel at #adhearsion.  I don't want to add too much noise here
21:03.06*** join/#asterisk QubeZ (~nkasu@
21:03.08QubeZhello all
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21:04.09QubeZcan anyone help with a chanspy issue? I'm trying to figure out how to validate its an extension in the spygroup:
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21:04.56paulcAnyone here had any experience with PortaOne (PortaSIP, PortaBilling, etc)?
21:05.04exothermcmoy: Ok got gdb installed, running pstack now
21:05.05moyexothermc: is that the output of wanrouter hwprobe verbose? I thought verbose gave a little more output
21:06.16exothermcmoy: and here is the stack:
21:07.20[TK]D-FenderQubeZ: That is a broke up sample, please post it complete
21:07.28*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
21:07.41[TK]D-FenderQubeZ: ${vSPYGROUP} <-- and nowhere is this being set that we can see.
21:08.33moyexothermc: you need to take both the top output and the pstack close enough in time, the top you pasted mentions threads that no longer exist in the pstack (because probably some calls were hangup or whatever)
21:08.52exothermcmoy: ok jas
21:08.56moyI also notice you have quite old hardware, isn't it? did you get that card on ebay or something?
21:09.34[Outcast]I all ask again so does any one know how to change the via link ?
21:09.53exothermcmoy: ya
21:10.33exothermcmoy: Ok so now the call load is lowered down to 5 calls and no threads are over 3%.  Do I have to abuse the users to get proper debug?
21:12.42[TK]D-Fenderexothermc: No, but I'm sure its a lot of fun :)
21:15.25rustyclarksonCan anyone tell me if asterisk uses an external player to playback MOH, when mode=files?
21:16.30exothermcok ramping up calls again.
21:16.34*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
21:17.33ChannelZrustyclarkson: no.. files are files
21:17.44exothermcmoy: You want the threads over what before I dump the pstack?
21:18.01exothermcmoy: I have some at 3.6 now.
21:18.28moyexothermc: yes, run top, copy the snapshot showing the load, then immediately afterwards run pstack
21:18.57exothermceven though my load average is still 0.00?
21:19.19rustyclarksonChannelZ: thanks for your feedback
21:19.48exothermcit is like it will take some time to build it up higher.
21:19.56exothermcoh there we go.
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21:26.53moyexothermc: so it seems the channel bridges are the ones ... but seems like a driver/hardware problem, see my pm
21:26.56JerJervery odd:  res_fax.c:1041 receivefax_t38_init: error reading frame while generating CED tone   (v1.2.0)
21:27.15exothermcmoy: Ya emailing Marc now.
21:27.19nix8n82bougyman, you have spa3102 that in theory work?
21:27.52nova911Landline call's over opevpn from remote office is getting dropped after 20 seconds well as normal extension call's working fine
21:27.56exothermcmoy: So you guys don't want to put NFAS in the libpri stack of freeTDM  ?  :)
21:29.40moynot that we don't want ... we're busy as hell, but patches are welcomed :)
21:30.02exothermcmoy: lol ya I hear you, I couldn't code my way out of a wet paper bag though.
21:32.19bougymannix8n82: if you don't need caller id inbound from them, they work fine.
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21:33.06bougymanif you do, you need something like
21:33.27bougymanother than that I had no severe issues, just a lot of tweaking of gains to get the echo to go away
21:33.37bougymantheir echo cancel is awful, support will tell you to turn it off.
21:34.06bougymani stopped using them because support told me they didn't care about fixing the inbound callerid issue, they recommended I turned off inbound caller id.
21:34.17bougymanthat wasn't very acceptable for my clients.
21:34.41bougymani made that packet scrubber just to get me by til I could get FXO cards to replace them.
21:34.43nix8n82yeah I want caller id info too
21:34.55*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
21:34.56bougymananything with commas in it will break most sip stacks.
21:35.06bougymannever tried against asterisk, it might or might not care.
21:35.24nova911anyone for help….
21:35.25bougymanagainst kamalio, two commercial devices, and freeswitch, the packet was rejected for a malformed sip header.
21:36.03bougymani think i tried yate, too, and it was broken.
21:39.01nix8n82how much do you want for one?
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21:43.25voxteri realize that 1.2 is way the hell out of focus now, but im curious if any of you have experienced two phones that connect from different locations, one receives early media via SIP and one simply does not? I'm debugging a weird case where some users dont get early "ringing" media, and registering my own phone to it (same phone firmware and all) works fine
21:43.43*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
21:43.43voxtertcpdump shows that the asterisk box in question forwards early media rtp to me, but never tries to send it to the other user.
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21:47.01QubeZ[TK]D-Fender: the spygroup is being set in the extensions.incl file like standard: exten => 880,n,Set(__vSPYGROUP='fl-tc01') in the extensions.conf file
21:47.13*** join/#asterisk mweichert_ (~mweichert@
21:48.08[TK]D-FenderQubeZ: Stop putting quotes around variables <-
21:48.20[TK]D-FenderQubeZ: this isn't a real programming language
21:48.23QubeZ[TK]D-Fender: ok
21:48.29mweichert_When I use follow me to forward calls to a cell phone, once the call has been established, is the call reliant at all yet on the PBX? If the PBX goes down, will it affect the call on the cell phone?
21:48.32[TK]D-FenderqueAndd your sample was diced and incomplete
21:48.54[TK]D-Fendermweichert_: What is "forward"?
21:48.56QubeZ[TK]D-Fender: i left it incomplete because im not sure how to complete it
21:49.15[TK]D-FenderQubeZ: Try actually doing something and highlight the point of failure
21:49.31mweichert_[TK]D-Fender, follow me
21:51.26*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
21:51.33[TK]D-Fendermweichert_:Since when is the call NOT bridged by *?
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22:20.49*** join/#asterisk Beltechs (~Beltechs@
22:22.33BeltechsHello Im using asterisk 1.6 one of my extensions is all of sudden unregistering its on the same lan and this just started today
22:22.52Beltechsany ideas what might be causing this extension to fall off?
22:23.07leifmadsenBeltechs: not enough information provided
22:24.09troy42if you can only provide that, paypal leif $150 to fix it :-)
22:24.13leifmadsensomeone refresh my memory what the variables are for either setting or getting the filename of what was recorded with Monitor()?  tex/channelvariables.tex is failing me
22:24.38leifmadsenI'm busy working on automated testing scripts...
22:24.42Beltechsthe extension sits on the same lan as the PBX, when I reboot the phone it registers and then after a half hour it show greyed out in fop
22:24.54Beltechsbut maybe you can help me and I can donate
22:25.01troy42Record uses RECORDED_FILE, i think it's MIXMONITOR_FILE for mixmonitor
22:25.07troy42er _FILENAME
22:25.27troy42google says yup
22:25.54troy42actually, i've only used mixmonitor, not monitor
22:25.56BeltechsIm using polycom sp550
22:26.15leifmadsentroy42: I'm using Monitor() as mentioned
22:26.21Beltechsthere are 47 other polycoms on the same lan and only 1 is doing this
22:26.34leifmadsenBeltechs: perhaps it needs to be RMA'd?
22:26.45leifmadsenBeltechs: perhaps the port is bad? perhaps the cable is bad? perhaps the port on the switch is bad?
22:27.05leifmadsenBeltechs: always check layer 1 (Physical layer) first and verify there is no problem with it
22:27.09leifmadsenthen move up the layers
22:27.16Beltechsgot ya
22:27.21leifmadsenperhaps it has nothing to do with layer 7
22:27.26troy42i dunno, if 47 work and 1 don't, i'd blame something that's common to all 48
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22:29.11Beltechstroy42 i dont know what that means but the phone files were automatically generated through an endpoint manager
22:29.23Beltechsif it makes a difference
22:29.40troy42that's just me chuckling at problem diagnosis
22:29.41leifmadsenprobably doesn't
22:29.50leifmadsenBeltechs: he was being sarcastic
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22:29.59leifmadsengo check your connections
22:30.14leifmadsentry moving the phone to a different port  on the network and see if it still does it
22:30.33leifmadsenthat's a good test to see if it's the phone or the port -- try another phone on the same port as the dead phone and see if it does it too
22:30.48leifmadsenbasically I'm saying there is probably little chance it's actually asterisk
22:30.54leifmadsenand if it is -- you need to provide a sip trace showing what is going on
22:35.58Beltechsgot ya, I will have to do that onsite tomorrow.
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22:37.17BeltechsI also have 3 extension at a remote site and 1 or another is always unregistering.
22:37.46Beltechsleif should I use like sip debug ?
22:37.57leifmadsenBeltechs: you should like yes
22:38.28Beltechscool let me find the correct command Its different on 1.6
22:39.12Beltechssip set debug on ??
22:39.35Beltechshow do I reference the extension?
22:39.46Beltechssip set debug on XXXX ??
22:41.38bougymanBeltechs: help sip set
22:41.45bougymanyou can do it by ip or peer
22:41.58Beltechslike my extension right?
22:42.11Beltechssip set debug on :6000??
22:42.11bougymani dunno, i always use IP.
22:42.31Beltechsgot ya let me see if I can get the ip
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22:54.07*** join/#asterisk citrus2 (~citrus2@
22:54.51citrus2whats a cheap and easy card for asterisk that will support isdn/t1?
23:02.05infoboti guess cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
23:02.32[TK]D-Fendercitrus2: a single T1?  Any expectation for expanded needs?
23:03.23troy42roll 256MB VM with 10 hertz timing, save coin
23:04.07Micc_Are there any plans for asterisk to support 100rel PRACK? Or is that not something that is useful for asterisk to support?
23:09.09russellbMicc_: no immediate plans
23:09.17russellbit would be _VERY_ hard to implement
23:09.32russellband you can likely work around it if you need it by putting a proxy in front of Asterisk that does support it
23:11.55*** join/#asterisk pabelanger-lap (
23:12.39jamkoAnyone ever experience a sip.conf file corrupting, to where a UA will get "wrong password" errors, eventhough the password is correct?  Then in order to fix the issue, you have to add or delete some other lines elsewhere in the sip.conf file?
23:13.10jamkoI fixed it once before by retyping the entire file, but it was a nightmare.  Copy and paste would not work.
23:14.42Micc_Does OpenSER and SIPS support 100rel/prack?
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23:18.38bougymanMicc_: if you tell it to
23:18.49Micc_right right.
23:18.57bougymanopenser (kamalio) is like a closed firewall.
23:19.05bougymanit will only do what you tell it to, explicitly, nothing more.
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23:20.27bougymanthe cluecon talk suggested the codebase is shared again.
23:20.41bougymanwith openser/kamalio, that is.
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23:29.55Micc_so which one is better sips or openser or ser? For simple load balancing to asterisk servers.
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23:30.15Micc_I'm not convinced its even needed when most devices support a backup registrar.
23:37.39Beltechssip set debug on 192.168.0.XXX:5060 6000 is this command correct?
23:38.48bougymanMicc_: kamalio seemed to get the most buzz, but all 3 seem adequate, in my experience.
23:39.05bougymanheck kamalio and ser are just diff frontends to the same code these days.
23:39.37bougymanMicc_: load balancing != failover, which a backup registrar can indeed handle.
23:41.02bougymansip set debug
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23:42.13bougymanif you do sip set debug peer 3122 it would just look up the ip that peer is registered to and use it.
23:42.21bougymanso that's a shortcut if it shows up in sip show peers
23:42.40Beltechsno such command
23:43.01bougymansorry, i'm on a very old box here.
23:43.14bougymanmaybe someone on a newer version can show the equivalent.
23:43.34bougymanred*CLI> sip set debug peer 3122
23:43.35bougymanSIP Debugging Enabled for IP:
23:43.38bougymanthat's how I do it here.
23:43.57Beltechslet me try
23:44.47Beltechsok that gave me something like what you posted
23:46.58pabelanger-lapAnybody recently played with GNUdialer?
23:47.59bougymanonly if recently means october of 09
23:48.22bougymanafter using a horrible commercial dialer and testing every open source one I could find, i decided to write one
23:48.37bougymanvici has actually worked for us, though it's almost amazing that it does.
23:49.43*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
23:50.05ruben23hi is voice traffic or voip consider as broadcast..?
23:50.58bougymannot unless you're using a broadcast voip protocol.
23:51.04bougymanso almost all of the time, No.
23:51.29bougymando you mean broadcast from a networking standpoint?
23:52.09ruben23bougyman: yes on a networking standpoint layer 2 broadcast
23:52.37bougymanthen it's generally unicast, not multicast/broadcast.
23:53.21ruben23bougyman:ok thanks.
23:59.08Beltechshello I have poste my peer debug The phone is able to make outbound calls. During this debug the phone just rang in my ear but never rang at the extension.

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