IRC log for #asterisk on 20100808

00:04.34radenwow this is crazy 2 weeks 3 consulting firms and we still have no name for company :(
00:05.56*** join/#asterisk Professional (~Pro@unaffiliated/shani)
00:07.53radenyou want to hear something F'ed up ?
00:08.19radenTJNII, thats hanging on my wall i say that all the time
00:08.33radencause its the gods honest truth
00:10.22*** join/#asterisk ricrc (~Rick@
00:10.44drmessanoIt's also fun.. which is where IRC comes in
00:11.08ricrcAnyone know how to create a Trunk out of mixed Zap/SIP ?
00:11.40radengives funny look
00:11.40drmessano"You're not smart enough for me to help you, and you won't pay me money, so let me think of some other ways you're probably inept."
00:12.10drmessanoraden: If you put that on a t-shirt I want one too
00:13.14jayteedrmessano, got a quick non-asterisk question
00:14.07jayteecan you recommend any decent priced firewall appliances that handle multiple external IP addresses?
00:14.51drmessanoHow "decent priced"?
00:15.13radenjaytee, ASA  ?
00:15.20jayteewell, one of our clients is currently using a Sonic Firewall TZ-170
00:16.32jayteeso preferably less than a grand
00:16.42drmessanoIS the TZ-170 not working out for them>
00:16.49drmessanoEww Cisco
00:17.02radenits under $500
00:17.08raden50 client about 600
00:17.14radenhandle everything nicely
00:17.18radenIm not a huge cisco fan
00:17.26jayteeit only has one WAN interface and it doesn't seem to allow you to setup a second external IP address on the same WAN port
00:18.03drmessanoThe TZ-170 has two WAN interfaces
00:18.14drmessanoAre you sure it's a TZ-170?
00:18.22jayteethe one they have at their office has one WAN and one OPT
00:18.35drmessanoOPT is a WAN interface, and can be used however
00:18.54drmessanoLoad balancing, failover, etc
00:19.01jayteeah, it can?
00:19.38drmessanoWe used them at my former employ... You can set rules to failover ALL traffic to one, the other, and address both interfaces when both are up
00:20.03drmessanoFor example, we would use the OPT interface for one application, the WAN for everything else, and they would failover to each other
00:20.07jayteeit shows as disabled in the web gui. if I connect a CAT5 to an open port on the cable modem will it allow me to configure it?
00:20.21nextimecontinue to have a red alarm on 2 E1 pri that are working for sure
00:20.34jayteeexcellent! I'm going back out there to Ohio next week so I'll give that a try.
00:20.47drmessanoTZ-170 is a good box
00:21.12drmessanoDoes a lot.. Older firmware a bit flaky sometimes, but 4.0+ is solid
00:21.29jayteeit's running 3.x something
00:22.01drmessanoYou may want to update it.. Some later 3.x releases had some issues
00:22.13drmessanoIt was night/day
00:22.30*** join/#asterisk Professional (~Pro@unaffiliated/shani)
00:28.27*** part/#asterisk raden (
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02:01.03*** join/#asterisk irule (~irule@
02:05.06iruleI setup a static IP on spa3102, disabled its dhcp, and then I cant connect to the device using a static IP on linux!  ifconfig eth0 gateway netmask ; route add default gw ; route add default gw, am I missing something?
02:06.37p3nguin_Adding two default gateways isn't going to work.
02:07.18p3nguin_At least not using route(8).
02:08.02*** join/#asterisk keflex (cb297222@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:08.10radenwhy would you have 2 gateways ?
02:08.23p3nguin_lack of understanding, possibly.
02:08.56radenhe needs to setup a route I think
02:09.06radenwithout the gw
02:09.18keflexhey guys, i have what is probably a really straightforward query about importing data from asterisk into ms access, is it possible to do this?
02:09.26p3nguin_If it is on a directly-connected network, there will already be a route.
02:09.34radenp3nguin_, true
02:09.46radenkeflex, importing data ?
02:10.02pabelangerkeflex: Only via ODBC
02:10.04p3nguin_So what is the network range of the Linux system and what about the SPA device?
02:10.21pabelangerif ms access even supports it
02:10.50keflexterminology is probably way off, to be honest i only found out about asterisk when i had a look to see what an .sln file is. basically, it looks like we use asterisk in our call center to monitor call data, i need to use that data in a seperate database
02:12.13p3nguin_I probably asked that wrong, actually.
02:12.47keflexpabelanger: do you think i'd need to be walked through the process or is it simple enough?
02:12.51p3nguin_Did you intend to put on the Linux box?  And what is the address you put on the SPA device?
02:18.17infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
02:18.24pabelangerkeflex ^^^
02:18.36pabelangerBest to read the book if you don't know about asterisk
02:20.02*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43|Mac (
02:25.55*** join/#asterisk irule (~irule@
02:36.49iruleI am trying to send everythiong I dial into asterisk but the spa3102 is still ignoring all the configurations I setup from the voxilla wizard, what dialplan should I setup in the spa to make sure EVERYTHING goes to wasterisk instead of all this hohopla?   ([2-79]11<:@gw0>|xx.|*xx.|**xx.|<#,:>xx.<:@gw0>|<#,:>*xx<:@gw0>)   ..perhaps just "X."?
02:46.00*** part/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
02:58.55radenirule, WTF ?
03:00.06iruleraden I currently dial something in the phone connected to my spa3102, and the call goes through to PSTN without ever going into the asterisk
03:00.45radenis the 3102 registering with asterisk ?
03:00.49radensip show peers ?
03:01.07irulepstn-spa3k/asterisk                  5061     Unmonitored  ---yes
03:01.30iruleI used the voxilla wizard to configure the ata
03:01.41radenwhats the Ip of your asterisk box ?
03:02.05iruleata is and asterisk is
03:02.16radenwhats gateway ?
03:02.23radensip show registry  ?
03:02.42irule0 SIP registrations.
03:02.49iruleweird :s
03:02.54irulewhat does it mean?
03:02.55radenyour asterisk box is registered no where
03:03.08raden2 SIP registrations.
03:03.25iruleoh :s
03:03.27radenthat means whoever your ITSP is your not registering to them
03:03.57iruleso the voxilla wizard is not the answer to my prayers lol
03:04.33iruleis there a doc that may help me troubleshoot the registration?
03:04.35radengod no
03:04.54radenyour ITSP should have docs on how to register to them
03:05.21*** join/#asterisk littleball (
03:05.40radensip show settings    ( PASTEBIN )
03:05.46littleballhello, does asterisk support sip MESSAGE instant messaging?
03:06.34littleballI try to use X-lite to send instant msg, but I got Error: Unsupported media type
03:07.08radentrying to send x lite to xlite ?
03:07.42littleballSIP/2.0 415 Unsupported Media Type
03:07.46radenasterisk might need a module loaded
03:11.27littleballso far, I feel that asterisk /sip 's presence and instant messaging support is very bad
03:11.43radenmight be a port issue
03:11.52littleballcannot match to any current popular IM like MSN, gTalk or Yahoo etc.
03:12.35radenwell write a module
03:12.51radenwhen i have a couple 100k laying around and some time ill get right on that
03:13.04radenprobally version 2.0 will have all the goodies
03:13.17radenirule, reading still
03:13.50iruleraden cool thanks
03:16.38radenthats a isue
03:17.45iruleok, I guess that goes into sip.conf
03:20.37radenmy asterisk server
03:21.47radenpaste your sip.conf or just msg it to me
03:26.48irule   ..I added the last line, reloaded and externip is still the same :S
03:28.24iruleactually says n sip.conf under [general] add a register definition which I dont have, may that be the clue?
03:31.34radenthats your actual SIP.CONF ?
03:36.16iruleraden sorry, this is the complete sip.conf
03:36.44radenwow what a mess either of them
03:36.52iruleraden now that I have register => my sip show registry says:                N      asterisk           120 Rejected
03:37.45iruleraden this is the default file from ubuntu 10.04 plus the lines at the end and my register => and that is it
03:38.19irulebut my registry was rejected, that is sad :s
03:43.58radenyou should have a general context  a provider context and a phone context
03:44.02radenthats all you need
03:47.18irulethat sounds like stereo instructions lol
03:59.20*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
04:00.14iruleAug  7 22:58:52] WARNING[1460]: chan_sip.c:18069 handle_response_register: Got 404 Not found on SIP register to service asterisk@, giving up on "register => asterisk:pastevoip2pstn@" , is the format for register correct? thanks
04:01.41b14ckHey guys. Quick question. Gusub() has a description of: Gosub([[context,]exten,]priority[(arg1[,...][,argN])])  If I do: exten => s,n,Gosub(something,s,1(hi,there)) how would I access 'hi' and 'there' from my 'something' subroutine?
04:01.50*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
04:03.46WIMPyARG1, ARG2, ...
04:03.58b14ckSo ${ARG1}, ${ARG2}, etc?
04:04.57radenirule, why are you registering to yourself ?
04:06.51p3nguin_Someone forgot to read The Book.
04:06.57iruleradem huh¿?
04:07.19radenH0ly fing sh1T
04:07.48irulehttp:// is the ip of the spa3102
04:08.14radenirule, why would asterisk register to it ?
04:08.27radenp3nguin_, i have a pounding headache from this channel today
04:09.29p3nguin_Sometimes you just have to walk away.
04:09.46p3nguin_I know it's hard to do, but you must have discipline.
04:10.17iruleraden well as I understand it, the text in sip.conf -> [general] -> register => asterisk:paste@ should be this? or should I use the servers ip in the¡is line?
04:10.49p3nguin_register statements are to tell ANOTHER server how to reach you.
04:10.53irulep3nguin_ raden is a happier person than you because he helped me :D
04:11.03iruleoohh  ok! lol
04:11.03p3nguin_I've helped you, too.
04:11.42irulep3nguin_ you rock too
04:11.42radenp3nguin_, I just know how difficult it can be
04:11.51radenIm almost done with my 10 page Asterisk setup from the begining  then i can throw that at people
04:12.02p3nguin_If you have an ITSP and you don't set your IP manually (static) in their customer panel, you'll probably be using a register statement for it.
04:12.22DogBoywhat are you gonna do with that raden
04:12.54radenDogBoy, do with what ?
04:13.02p3nguin_register statements are most often used by people who have dynamic public internet addresses, such as home DSL or cable modem service.
04:13.03radenthe 10 page asterisk setup manual
04:13.04DogBoy<raden> Im almost done with my 10 page Asterisk setup from the begining  then i can throw that at people
04:13.07radenput it on the web !
04:13.15radenso i can just give people a link
04:13.54radenjust instructions in detail on how to install from source on opensuse  asterisk with all options and setup 2 phones to a ITSP
04:14.02radennothing fancy but will hopefully help people
04:14.28p3nguin_So you're going to also include the spec file for the srpm?
04:16.05radennot from rpm
04:17.21p3nguin_Maybe you need to reread my question.
04:17.43radenI dont get what your asking
04:17.53p3nguin_You know what an SRPM is, right?
04:18.26radenrpm with package source code
04:18.32radenshould I ?
04:18.54radenI know what it is just never made one
04:19.08radengoing to be doing one on ubuntu soon too
04:19.15radenfor them weird people that like that OS
04:19.41p3nguin_If you're writing the guide for OpenSUSE specifically, you should be providing a spec file to create the srpm so the person using the guide can create their own OpenSUSE RPM to install/deinstall/upgrade/downgrade.
04:21.07DogBoyp3nguin_, if you're telling people how to do it you should just do it yourself
04:21.07radenwell im running on opensuse so im just writing it saying this is what im running
04:21.20radencause there is alot of issues installing asterisk on opensuse
04:21.22p3nguin_I don't get paid enough to do it for him.
04:21.28radenI mean like 15 things that go wrong
04:21.36DogBoybut enough to tell him how to do it
04:21.41radenim just happy to have p3nguin_ advice
04:21.50radenIm doing it for the channel
04:21.51iruleactually, I am testing asterisk in a laptop, wireless internet and a crossover cable through eth0 to the spa3102, so my setup has less erros, what book?
04:21.59radenits more of a install and then asterisk simple config guide
04:22.05radenthat gives a outline of thigs
04:23.25p3nguin_It's really annoying to query the package manager and not see all the software that is installed.
04:23.38radenp3nguin_, totally agree
04:23.46radenwhen i build from source it does show in yast though
04:23.47p3nguin_I wish more people did.
04:24.13p3nguin_That's pretty neat.  How does it do that?
04:24.17radenthere is a ton of things i like about suse
04:24.30radenI honestley dont know
04:24.59p3nguin_I've never been a big fan of it, but it's not on my "do not use" list.
04:25.23radenThings just seem to work
04:25.32radenasterisk was the biggest PITA to install on it though
04:25.39radenbut i documented it last time
04:25.57p3nguin_I've recommended it to a couple people for desktop Linux and they've been fairly satisfied with it.
04:26.14radenit rocks with KDE
04:26.21radenenlightment it flys
04:26.50radenour server at office has been running opensuse for over a year without a reboot
04:26.52p3nguin_I'm also not a big KDE fan, but I do use e17 religiously.
04:27.05radenkde has its perks
04:27.09radenim learning to deal with it
04:27.10iruleraden yes opensuse which Ive used on some of my customer's sites, is very user friendsly compared to debian, redhat and mandriva which I also know pretty well
04:27.20p3nguin_I use a fair amount of KDE software, just not KDE itself.
04:27.43iruleraden but sometimes it forces you to stay in the GUI, which I hate :s
04:27.48p3nguin_I like Qt based apps quite a bit.
04:27.50radenbows down to debian
04:28.02p3nguin_Debian can eat my ass for all I care.
04:28.03radenirule, i can get outta the gui anytime i want
04:28.16radendebian is really powerful and stable
04:28.16irulep3nguin_ me too, Im on gnome runnig kphone :)
04:28.18p3nguin_Nothing "forces" you to use a GUI.
04:28.52iruleraden yes I have more debians in customer's sites than the rest OS's :)
04:29.15radendebian good server os that it in my opinion
04:29.26radeni only use opensuse everywhere cause i try to stick with one thing
04:29.34radenand its what works all around for us
04:29.39irulep3nguin_ well, zypper sucks compared to gui yast2 though
04:29.47radenover 100 machines a lot easier when i know what OS im dealing with
04:30.05radenwhat wrong with zypper ?>
04:30.25iruleslower, even on high end machines
04:30.37radenscratches head
04:31.07irulezypper is the CLI installer on opensuse, but it is too slow to even install nano text editor
04:31.13radenflys like a bat outta hell on my machine
04:31.54jqleh, it's slow because of the mirrors
04:31.59jqlI ended up having to make a local mirror
04:32.14radenSat Aug  7 23:31:49 CDT 2010
04:32.14radenserver100:/home/tanning # zypper install nano
04:32.15jqlredhat's mirror speed checker in yum is AWESOME by comparison
04:32.31radenInstalling: nano-2.1.7-1.1.1 [done]
04:32.31radenserver100:/home/tanning # date
04:32.31radenSat Aug  7 23:32:00 CDT 2010
04:32.34radenhow is that slow ?
04:33.14iruleatfot still second edition from 2006, no third? :s
04:33.16radenand thats my slow ass asterisk box sitting on a 1 MB DSL connect
04:34.44iruleraden I believe you, I dont know the difference that your xos has with the machine I tested on, but that one took ages just to start installing
04:35.04radenzypper flys all i can say
04:35.17radenyast would have took a min todo that
04:36.50iruleraden if you help me register my asterisk to the spa3102 fxo, Ill believe you even if you say that obama and the pope are related lol
04:39.30irulea blonde asks her husband for the shampoo -its right there beside you, honney -oh, I need another one, because this is for dry hair and mine is already wet!
04:40.04jqlI like that blonde joke
04:40.10jqlI'm going to use that
04:40.10p3nguin_(2310.49) <p3nguin_> register statements are to tell ANOTHER server how to reach you.
04:40.25p3nguin_You do not register your asterisk system to your ATA.
04:40.46irulep3nguin_ oh thanks, Ill test arround that :)
04:40.55radenyour SPA registers to asterisk > asterisk register to ITSP
04:41.15*** join/#asterisk mayfield (
04:41.23radenirule, my normal fee is $50 for a hour
04:41.24p3nguin_Configure a SIP PEER on Asterisk.  Setup the ATA to use the same info as the peer.
04:41.35radenI have almost made more money in this room this week than at the office
04:42.57iruleoh, but I am a student on a low food burget :s
04:46.43radenI wish I was a student
04:47.22radenI keep getting deadlines for this website and they keep adding shit :(
05:01.14Gershwinanyone here using an sbc for load balancing, srtp/rtp proxy, transcoding, etc?  (e.g., juniper, ingate, acme, etc.)
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07:36.15Alton35hah, I was about to tell him that I did use an SBC
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10:10.52DNDguys any idea why my x-lite gives out "Account Disabled"?
10:11.14DNDits registering fine but when i dial it gives like that
10:35.54*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
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10:47.07b_52lightguys is there a js sip client ?
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15:58.53_zoom_hi, plz reference for ooh323.conf?
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16:02.28tzafrir_zoom_, the sample ooh323.conf ?
16:02.58rethusi use php-agi with this command: $agi->exec('Conference', 'web123'); but the conference are not created...
16:03.02tzafrir(and , well, chan_ooh323c.c , I guess )
16:03.05_zoom_i had installed ooh323 addon, but only include the .so
16:03.12rethusthere are no errors - even if i do agi set debug on
16:03.24rethusany idea, why this agi-command not work?
16:03.25tzafrir_zoom_, what version? installed from what package?
16:03.57tzafririt's part of addons
16:04.13tzafrirAre you sure it's not in the doucmentation directory of that package?
16:04.35_zoom_i had ran rpm -ql
16:06.12_zoom_once i put the file asterisk should start using h323 normaly, right?
16:13.53_zoom_tzafrir, is it possible to pass asterisk a h323 call without auth.?
16:14.26tzafrir_zoom_, no idea
16:14.44*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
16:15.15_zoom_tzafrir, thanx
16:15.34rethuscan someone tell me, why agi exec Conference web123 doesnt work?
16:15.57rethusChannel Conference does not exists or cannot lock it
16:16.03rethusis the return message
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17:34.01_zoom_canreinvite=no, howto in h323
17:35.55*** part/#asterisk b_52light (~b_52light@
17:38.40rethushow can i get a usable output in cli > agi ?
17:38.58rethusmaybe for echo vars or some other debugging text
17:40.02TJNIIIts agi.  Edit the script.
17:46.09ChannelZagi set debug
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18:15.44rethushave done agi set debg on
18:16.04rethusproblem is to get a nice to view output... not that RX TX lines
18:16.16rethuswhere each second line says "Invalid command"
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18:18.24rethusother question
18:18.32rethusi try to set the conference via agi.
18:18.38*** part/#asterisk rossand (
18:18.45rethuseverytime i execute the command, i got: Could not find application (Conference)
18:19.25ChannelZthen you're not doing it right
18:20.41[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Go prove it exists
18:21.23rethusi mean: i have try it on the clo
18:21.32rethusagi exec Conference "web123"
18:21.40rethussays: Channel Conference does not exists or cannot lock it
18:21.56rethusbut in the api i see, if is not created, it will be created
18:22.07rethusor did i use the wrong command
18:22.56[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Show us the APPLICATION exists
18:23.14rethuswhat command on cli ?
18:23.37rethusah, found it
18:24.01rethusits not there.
18:24.09rethushave i to install it on some way ?
18:26.52rethuslittle question BTW. have i to add all usable conference-rooms to meetme.conf... or can i do it dynamicly - to create a new conference-room?
18:32.25rethus[TK]D-Fende: how can in install "Conference" as applikation ?
18:32.31_zoom_fellas, does asterisks- has bug "No rtp port remaining,"?
18:39.06[TK]D-Fenderrethus: It is a THIRD PARTY app.  Perhaps you should GOOGLE it
18:39.35[TK]D-Fender_zoom_: How many did you configure it for?
18:40.36[TK]D-Fender_zoom_: I'd check your channels and be sure you aren't being flooded with RTP request by some scanner
18:40.51[TK]D-Fender_zoom_: and that your system open files hasn't peaked
18:41.21_zoom_[TK]D-Fender: nop
18:41.44[TK]D-Fender_zoom_: just for fun, epand your range
18:42.55rethus[TK]D-Fender: i didn't know this. thanks... now i try this
18:43.25_zoom_[TK]D-Fender: i had only 32 channels behind asterisk
18:43.31rethus[TK]D-Fender: how can i find out, where my asterisk-include dir is
18:45.33[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Keep reading.  You've been jumping at things you don't seem to comprehend and don't seem to be doing your homework.  We shouldn't be learning it for you
18:49.07rethusbut what is meaned by asterisk-include-dir ?
18:49.44*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
18:50.17[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Maybe you should GOOGLE that term and look.
18:50.46rethusk, but what for this irc..
18:50.54rethusif not to help each other
18:51.20[TK]D-Fenderrethus: It isn't so you can be a COMPLETE lazy ass and not lok anything up and make use explain al lthe things you can learn if you tried even a LITTLE at all
18:51.59[TK]D-Fenderrethus: You are trying to have everone do EVERYTHING for you
18:52.15rethusthats not right!
18:54.48rethusbut some little things - i only ask in the irc... cause whats the problem to tell only shortly... its the path normaly xyz/zzz... thats are only small tipps which help each other.... don't know whats the problem now... i do answering on such question of other users if i know the answer... thats what makeing the difference while using irc... fast and short answers (helping hands)
18:55.34[TK]D-Fenderrethus: "asterisk-include dir" <- GOOGLE IT.  This inot hard
18:55.44[TK]D-Fenderis not*
19:07.37*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
19:07.40rethusfound nothing
19:09.54rethusso find / | grep "asterisk" also found no include directory
19:10.36xhelioxThe pain, the horrible awful blinding pain.
19:11.44*** part/#asterisk rethus (
19:12.04xhelioxWell, this Excedrin really is 'quick acting'.
19:12.47*** join/#asterisk cdahmedeh (
19:22.31tzafrir[TK]D-Fender, if he didn't find /usr/include/asterisk after running 'make install', something went wrong in 'make install'
19:23.06tzafrirSending him off to a wild google chase is not exactly the best idea in such a case
19:23.58xhelioxPresuming that he actually didn't find it.
19:24.45xhelioxHow many times has someone told you they don't see X on the screen and it's right in front of them? He was rather hopeless.
19:25.41[TK]D-Fendertzafrir: Not a wild Google chase when you only get a few hundred references to the folder up front
19:26.16[TK]D-Fendertzafrir: Seriously, should you even be a sysadmin of any level if you can't google a single term and expect people to jump for you?
19:27.32*** join/#asterisk imox1234 (
19:28.01*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
19:40.07bn-7bctzafrir: : can you past tha last few lines of the output form "make install" in a pstpin so we can jave a look?
19:41.32tzafrirbn-7bc, no. It's not me who potentially had the pronlem
19:42.08bn-7bctzafrir:  sorry misred
19:43.18*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
19:44.47*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~nate@
19:53.47nextimeis fighting with a quad pri te405 card that won't work
20:00.22*** part/#asterisk sjobeck (
20:15.44nextimeok, after two weeks of a pri card correctly work, now they are all down from 4 days ago. I really need to get my car and go to the datacenter 50km away from here to check the cables
20:20.25ChannelZthat or you pay people at the datacenter to do it
20:26.29pabelangerRed alarms?
20:27.21nextimeChannelZ: sadly i havetwo monkeys at the datacenter, but they are unable to solve the issue, so, i better do to solve it by my own
20:27.25nextimepabelanger : yes.
20:28.02nextimethe sad part is that apparntly with the same cable a tech from the telco is saying "all it seem to work here" where it connect his own "test device"
20:28.26nextime( it was do it two days ago with me at the phone and the monkey at the datacenter )
20:31.17*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
20:34.13*** join/#asterisk krdian (
20:38.56*** join/#asterisk exothermi (
20:39.12exothermiWhat is the best way to originate multiple calls at the same time?
20:40.10exothermiI'm trying to use AMI but it appears to be very synchronous.
20:41.59*** join/#asterisk trafalgargirl (
20:49.13*** join/#asterisk philipp64|laptop (
20:51.47*** join/#asterisk mac-mini (~mac-mini@unaffiliated/macmini/x-648924)
20:52.27[TK]D-Fenderexothermi: As in?
20:53.04exothermi[TK]D-Fender: Ok just stumbled across the "Async" option for originate.
20:53.13exothermiwhich changes everything.
20:54.14exothermi[TK]D-Fender: is there a good way on the CLI to tell which dadhi channels are in use, and if they are the other channel they are bridged with (if any) ?
20:55.09nextimeis start to think that maybe it is better to change the te405 card he own and buy a more recent one
20:55.29[TK]D-Fenderexotherm: core show channels concise
20:55.50nextimeone of the 4 pri that aren't working if plugged in another machine with an old version of asterisk and the old zaptel drivers is working
20:56.05nextimewith latest asterisk and latest dahdi isn't working anymore
20:56.13exothermi[TK]D-Fender: great thanks
21:07.47*** join/#asterisk mac-mini (~mac-mini@unaffiliated/macmini/x-648924)
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21:41.04*** join/#asterisk b_52light (~b_52light@
21:41.21b_52lightppl do yu know any provider than send fax for yu ?
21:41.27b_52lightthat have interesting proces
21:43.35[TK]D-Fenderb_52light: What is an "interesting" process?
21:45.29*** join/#asterisk Professional (~Pro@unaffiliated/shani)
21:45.39b_52light[TK]D-Fender, sorry i mean affordable prices
21:45.56b_52lightsome provider that offer soap api and stuff ?
21:46.52[TK]D-Fenderb_52light: Might have better luck just Google-ing for this as it has nothing to do with *
21:47.40b_52light[TK]D-Fender, yeah sorry for disturbng ..
21:47.45*** part/#asterisk b_52light (~b_52light@
21:48.30*** join/#asterisk philipp64|laptop (
21:49.28*** join/#asterisk DJF5 (
21:49.57*** join/#asterisk Paulius (~Paulius@unaffiliated/paulius)
21:50.31PauliusHey guys. Does anyone have any experience making Nortel phones work with Asterisk? I've got everything working, except the address book. Googling didn't help too much.
21:55.54[TK]D-FenderPaulius: * doesn't have anything like an addressbook
21:56.59PauliusWell, directory, or whatever it's called.
21:57.05*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (~obnauticu@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
21:57.09PauliusThere's a button on the phone which ressembles an address book.
21:57.24ChannelZwhat's it supposed to do?
21:57.37PauliusI'm guessing display the address book. It doesn't do anything now.
21:58.54ChannelZwell that would be something specific to the phone and/or some propriatary thing from Nortel if it's supposed to fetch a global address book from someplace
21:58.59[TK]D-FenderPaulius: That entire concept does not exist in * in any form.
21:59.30Paulius[TK]D-Fender: So I can't use any address book on nortel phones?
22:00.04PauliusYou'd think that reverse engineering the address book protocol would be easier than the signaling and voice protocols.
22:00.05ChannelZit has nothing to do with asterisk
22:00.10[TK]D-FenderPaulius: I do not know how those phones work or how you can feed the data to them, I just know that ASTERISk has nothing to do with this
22:00.53PauliusI was hoping for some general vo-ip knowledge. I personally don't mind if it's not the asterisk which would handle the addresses.
22:04.13[TK]D-FenderPaulius: That isn't even a VoIP question.  Whatever that addressbook uses it sure isn't VoIP
22:04.44Paulius[TK]D-Fender: The asterisk channel was the closest channel that would be about vo-ip discussion, hence why I came here.
22:05.00PauliusIt's still clearly related to a IP phone.
22:05.18[TK]D-FenderPaulius: Cisco & Polycom each support LDAP addressbooks.  Polycom also supports flat-files.  God only knows what those phones you ahve support.
22:05.49[TK]D-FenderPaulius: Just a note, your phone also uses electricity, but that doesn't mean we know how to fix your stove.
22:06.39mboehnPaulius: it's nortel i2004 or something?
22:06.45Pauliusmboehn: Yes, i2004.
22:07.50mboehnthe "whole phone" is controlled from the unistim driver in asterisk
22:08.55PauliusKinda also the reason why I asked the address book question in here.
22:09.32Pauliusmboehn: As I mentioned when I entered in, I got everything working. Meaning I can perfectly make and receive calls.
22:13.00mboehnPaulius: the addressbook-part isn't made (yet?) afaik
22:13.19PauliusWell how recent is the whole unistim thing?
22:14.05mboehnnot new :-p
22:14.19Pauliusyea... so the chances of an address book within the near future are low.
22:15.29mboehnwould think so
22:16.25PauliusI'm finding forums posts of people using a newer model which has a SIP firmware.
22:16.34PauliusAnd this one retries a configuration file via TFTP.
22:16.46PauliusBut doesn't seem like this one knows anything about config files nor TFTP
22:22.20*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
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22:58.46*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
23:04.17*** join/#asterisk Lantizia (
23:09.18*** part/#asterisk Pk408 (~PsychoKlo@unaffiliated/pk408)
23:09.51*** join/#asterisk Sivrullirmiut (~Glacial@unaffiliated/sivrullirmiut)
23:10.48SivrullirmiutI r haz a telephone, it tells me to kill
23:11.40Sivrullirmiutr u smuxy?
23:11.49Sivrullirmiutit haz dese pwerz
23:12.09SivrullirmiutI knot say no
23:12.42[TK]D-Fenderno/me searches for his taser.....
23:13.09Sivrullirmiutu got da smexy
23:14.03Sivrullirmiutmeh, in short, I'm after a ban.
23:14.17Sivrullirmiutcooperation would be appreciated
23:15.43Sivrullirmiutyour ops fail
23:15.56Sivrullirmiutfail like a fox
23:16.46SivrullirmiutI have an ice-rink would you like to visit?
23:17.15Sivrullirmiutit has hidden fish frozen in it
23:17.37Sivrullirmiutand father o'malley can sodomise you
23:17.43Sivrullirmiuthe likes it
23:18.06Sivrullirmiutespecially if you're young
23:19.00Sivrullirmiutso, hows the weather?
23:20.59Sivrullirmiutyou bored a failtroll into quitting out of boredom
23:21.06*** part/#asterisk Sivrullirmiut (~Glacial@unaffiliated/sivrullirmiut)
23:24.10[TK]D-FenderDarn... took too long coming back and missed the change to KB him
23:29.26*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
23:43.29*** join/#asterisk albertAsterisk (c8740411@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:43.44albertAsteriskanybody from colombia?
23:43.54ChannelZyes but they're all off getting high
23:44.40*** join/#asterisk ltd_wk (
23:45.19albertAsteriskfuck u
23:45.37grungies1138I'm a little confused on setting up DAHDI channels
23:45.38ChannelZyes my pants are looser
23:45.50albertAsteriskjo jo jo idiot
23:46.10albertAsteriski dont know about dahdi grungies, sorry
23:46.26ChannelZgrungies1138: confused how
23:46.47grungies1138I'm looking at chan_dahdi.conf and not sure how to confugure it,.
23:47.45ChannelZFXO, FXS, or both?
23:47.57grungies1138ChannelZ: 2 FXO
23:49.10grungies1138in /etc/dahdi/system.conf I configured fxols = 1,2
23:49.14ChannelZAn extremely minimal:
23:49.50ChannelZthis would configure channels 1 and 2 as FXO (fxs signalling) and send incoming calls to the 'incoming' context of your dialplan
23:51.24ChannelZoh.. and assuming channels 1 and 2 are actually your FXO channels
23:56.40[TK]D-FenderalbertAsterisk: BTW, cool it...
23:57.45[TK]D-Fendergrungies1138: If you have FXO modules for use with lines you need FXSLS, not FXOLS
23:58.12grungies1138oh.  ok
23:58.19[TK]D-Fendergrungies1138: * acts as a "station".  The signaling name is the reverse what what you connect to to
23:58.56[TK]D-Fendergrungies1138: You use an FXO interface to connect to an Office. You are therefor the station.  a little confusing for sure
23:59.13grungies1138Ahh I get it.

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