IRC log for #asterisk on 20100805

00:07.32*** join/#asterisk Micc (
00:07.49MiccIs there a way to see who you called on an aastra 6757i?
00:08.04MiccI can see who called me, but isn't there a called list too?
00:10.39NateHBMicc, it is the redail button
00:10.57*** join/#asterisk hopper75 (
00:11.02NateHBwhy cant i spell dial today
00:11.46NateHB[TK]D-Fender: figured out that shit
00:12.30NateHB[TK]D-Fender: I had some kind of intrusion
00:13.36MiccI know about the redial, but I want a list of number dialed and the time spent on the call.
00:25.30*** join/#asterisk sysreq (~sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
00:25.44nix8n82Micc, your asterisk log files should have the information
00:27.00Miccyeah, I know. my customer wants to be able to look it up on the phone.
00:27.13Miccthey are a law office, they charge for every second you talk to them, you know.
00:28.12*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@unaffiliated/kavans)
00:29.31*** join/#asterisk darksk1ez (
00:30.33paulcMicc: What about a script that emails them a call notification at the end of the call.. then they could assign it to a client code etc
00:30.44TJNIIWhy not offer to build a website the secretaries can use?  It would probably be easier for you than making the phone do what they want and you can spin it as less trouble for the hot-shot lawyers.
00:31.53TJNIIOoh,  I like the email idea, too.
00:31.59Miccpaulc, thats an interesting idea. They only need it at the end of the day I think.
00:37.21*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:50.00*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
01:00.02paulcMicc: delayed reply - people at my desk... if you can get them to punch account codes, you could send them a list of all calls, with account codes, at the end of the day.. ready to be handed to a lacky to enter into their billing system etc
01:01.25TJNIII think a intranet wobsite is better if you're going to pitch the lackey / secretary angle.  Though the email doesn't open itself to "we want it to look THIS way" nearly as bad as a site does.
01:05.36KavanSTJNII, what?
01:06.10TJNIIKavanS: Eh?
01:06.37KavanSsorry missed your convo - was trying to figure out what you were tryign to do
01:06.39KavanSjust curious
01:07.11*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
01:07.51TJNIIKavanS: Micc is setting up a phone system for a legal practice where calls are billable hours.  He was wondering about how to get a phone to give a list of calls and durations.  paulc and I were offering alternatives.
01:08.16TJNIIPaul is pitching emails and I'm pitching a website with a call listing.
01:14.41*** part/#asterisk nny (
01:21.24kc8pxywow.. never had that before..   had my console up,  and it looks liek someone did the voip equivilent to a port scan..   looks like they tried to register all of the 4-digit possible extensions
01:22.54TJNIII've had that happe
01:23.08TJNII4 or 5 times.  It is fairly common.
01:23.27TJNIINow my firewall only allows VoIP connections from approved subnets.
01:33.05*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
01:41.34*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (~IceChat7@
01:41.51*** part/#asterisk Vin73 (
01:47.35*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
02:09.14*** join/#asterisk pabelanger-lap (~pabelange@2607:f2c0:a000:166:21a:73ff:fe3f:1711)
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02:19.01*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmuj@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
02:27.44*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (~cesar@
02:36.18*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
02:40.46*** join/#asterisk WowFactor (
02:41.14WowFactorI have a VPS with , I am looking for a VOIP provider to make mostly domestic calls
02:41.28WowFactorI do not like Voicepulse at all, is there another alternative?
02:42.04infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
02:42.38infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
02:43.35TJNIII use Broadvoicem I've used Vitelity as a backup, and prople here are always chattering about
02:47.46WowFactorWhat country is .ms ?
02:49.11WowFactorSo is in montserrat?
02:49.45TJNIILooks like they have offices in Canadia and Mexico.
02:50.14ChannelZerr Texas
02:50.14NuggetDon't mess with Texas.
02:50.47ChannelZbut yes they have POPs all over
02:51.09WowFactorso their selection of .ms is just for vanity purposes?
02:51.16TJNIItom@eServer0 ~ $ whois connect: Connection refused
02:51.21TJNIIWell that's useful.
02:52.46ChannelZI don't know what the significance of .ms is to them
02:52.59*** join/#asterisk mpdavis73 (
02:53.14ChannelZBut people can sell domains in their TLD to anyone.  Like .tv
02:54.03TJNIIChannelZ: Wait, are you implying that the internet transcends physical boundaries?
02:54.08TJNIII don't believe you.  No sir.
02:54.16*** join/#asterisk pabelanger-lap (
02:55.10ChannelZAnd that countries can whore out their domain space to anyone for a buck
02:55.30mpdavis73heh - .ly lybia
02:55.35ChannelZThe .tv domain might be their only industry...
02:56.40ChannelZI'm surprised nobody has
02:57.29mpdavis73i'm considering asterisk to replace or current hosted internet+voip (smoothstone)
02:57.39mpdavis73and have some basic ?s
02:58.17infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
02:58.25TJNIIGood starting point ^^^
02:58.38TJNIIYou don't have to memorize it, but it is wise to at least skim it.
02:59.03TJNIIIf you've got any smarts you'll realize which parts are worth reading and which parts ... arn't.
02:59.08jqlyes, definitely a good starting point
02:59.11mpdavis73we currently have Cisco 7961 phones - will they work?
02:59.18mpdavis73cool, thanks
02:59.27jqlI know a scary amount of info from that book, and I still end up mostly fumbling about
02:59.43jqlI can't imagine what I'd be like if I didn't know all that stuff. :)
02:59.50TJNIIhehehe, but it does cover the basics.
03:00.15mpdavis73my main concern was admin, we have about 60 users, and i am the only real sysadmin
03:00.22jqlcisco phones need to be flashed for sip -- you got that covered?
03:00.34mpdavis73and i am slammed now without any phone admin
03:00.35jqlunless you're gonna try for skinny
03:00.54mpdavis73flashed - via tftp?
03:01.04mpdavis73i'm green in telephony
03:01.15mpdavis73k, i know a bit of tftp
03:01.21jqlin that case, you best hope you inherited phones with sip already
03:01.39mpdavis73linksys routers and such
03:02.04jqlmy main caveat would be to not have any nat between the phones and asterisk
03:02.10jqlcisco phones hate, hate, hate nat
03:02.46mpdavis73that's a completely different concern - we have net through smoothstone as well as voip
03:03.04mpdavis73mpls network for our various offices
03:03.42jqlwell... it's possible to make that work
03:03.51*** join/#asterisk Ziaeon (
03:04.44mpdavis73we are way overspending right now, T1 to every office, some with only 1 user
03:05.07jqldoes it at least include internet?
03:05.15jqlor is that T1 a telephony T1? heh
03:05.19mpdavis73i like smoothstone as they handle all admin, but our ceo wants a cheaper alternative
03:05.38jqlyeah, my company's working on mpls at the moment too. it's fun
03:05.53jqlor working on AND working off
03:06.12mpdavis73smoothstone has an alt route on the router at each office for phones
03:09.34mpdavis73one odd thing i noticed with the cisco 7961's - if another device is connected through it, the device behind shows the phone's mac
03:09.55mpdavis73on a network scan
03:10.42mpdavis73hosed my wyse thin client admin software that id's by mac
03:13.14*** join/#asterisk pabelanger-lap (
03:14.25mpdavis73the good thing is i have already successfully implemented a few open source projects
03:14.35mpdavis73and now accounting loves me :)
03:19.10mpdavis73in book, number of channels - does that mean the max number of simultaneous calls?
03:19.54mpdavis73for system req guidelines
03:22.08mpdavis73thanks for the starting point, i'm sure i'll be back - luckily, i have some time, about 18 months, before our smoothstone contract is up
03:33.31*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
03:38.34*** join/#asterisk Kyosh (whoa@
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03:45.07*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
03:45.29*** join/#asterisk soman (~somnath@
03:55.54*** join/#asterisk Asinus1223 (
03:56.45Asinus1223I cant get an analog phone to ring on an TMD400 FSX port
03:57.04Asinus1223I get a dial tone but no ring when the extension is dialed
03:57.09Asinus1223this is strange
03:59.31TJNIIAsinus1223: Did you plug in the power cable to the card?
04:00.37Asinus1223the molex extension
04:00.51TJNIIWelp, than I'm out of ideas. :P
04:00.52Asinus1223the phone works but just...won't...ring
04:01.08Asinus1223thanks tho
04:01.09TJNIIObvious question:  Have you tried another phone?
04:01.35TJNIIReally obvious question: Is the ringer on?
04:06.15ChannelZSuper obvious question: Is this actually a phone?
04:06.18Asinus1223Bad phone :(
04:06.21Asinus1223thanks all
04:06.54TJNIIgoes *Swish*
04:07.18Asinus12233 days knocking myself out
04:07.28Asinus1223over a $7 WalMart phone
04:07.35TJNIIHALP!  I've plugged a banna into my asterisk but It no call!  Did Raffi lie to me!?
04:12.35*** join/#asterisk kkm (~kkm@
04:12.58drmessanoBANANA FONE?
04:13.38jqlI think you need to use a hamburger phone
04:14.05coppice$7 for a phone that leaves the factory at around $1 is a nice markup :-)
04:14.15drmessanoHAMBURGER PHONE
04:14.33jqlyou can has
04:14.39coppiceI liked the old duck phone that quacked for its ring
04:14.52drmessanoYeah, those were badass
04:15.23drmessanoDuck phone + ATA = well planted hijinx
04:15.45drmessano"WUT IS DAT QUACKIN?"
04:15.51drmessano"I DOT NO?"
04:34.57*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (~cesar@
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04:52.20*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-pqvsarfflwgxmnuy)
04:55.57*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
04:56.21*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
05:33.16*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
05:45.53*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
06:00.49*** join/#asterisk Bendbanks (
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06:24.33*** join/#asterisk hehol (
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06:53.00*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:04.14*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (
07:10.48*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
07:12.22*** join/#asterisk Repzak (
07:15.04ascentpoints to topic, beta2 for 1.8 is already available.
07:20.00*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
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07:44.48*** join/#asterisk DND (~arabia@
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07:53.21*** join/#asterisk Diffen2 (
07:54.07redaxis it safe to make a cron script which simply deletes older voicemail messages than 1week ?
07:54.10*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
07:54.43Diffen2good morning. when i call a queue in my asterisk i dont get any ring signal. as far as i can understand i should use r to get the asterisk to send ring signal instead of moh. my question is, what are the parameter name that should be infront of the r?
07:55.33*** join/#asterisk krion (~seb@unaffiliated/krion)
07:56.48*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
07:57.09kaldemarDiffen2: "core show application Queue" will show you the syntax for the command.
07:57.38Diffen2kaldemar thanks man
07:57.56*** join/#asterisk ickmund (
07:59.44*** join/#asterisk G_G (
08:00.21G_Ghi folks, i am having some trouble with asterisk :( what application can i use to play MP3 files?
08:00.31G_Gat the moment i am using, Application: MP3Player
08:00.56*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@
08:03.39redaxcontrib/scripts/ is a good tool :D
08:04.07G_Gat the moment when i put my .call file into the outgoing folder, it initates the call but hangs up after .5 second ringing
08:04.11G_Gand it wont let me answer
08:05.14Diffen2kaldemar hmmm i dont get it, i guess i should be using r but i cant find out the parameter name. sorry for sucking but i cant figure it out
08:06.11*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
08:06.50*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
08:07.54ChannelZDo you want to see my butt?   Ñ 
08:08.18kaldemarDiffen2: what do you mean by parameter name? just add the r option to your Queue command in your dialplan: Queue(yourqueue,r)
08:09.56Diffen2kaldemar ahh ok i was in queue.conf and tried to find out where to set r
08:10.18G_Gthis is so annoying
08:10.32G_Gcan anyone suggest some troubleshooting tips for me?
08:11.59*** join/#asterisk BenC[UK] (
08:12.28BenC[UK]does the asterisk IVR system allow integration with third party scripts?
08:13.07kaldemarBenC[UK]: sure.
08:14.12kaldemarBenC[UK]: there really is no separate "IVR system", just dialplan that can do pretty much whatever you want, based on what the user does.
08:14.30BenC[UK]Ok cool.. can I get responses from scripts and store them?
08:15.01BenC[UK]I need to make a system where a customer can dial in, and get status from their account
08:17.14Diffen2kaldemar thanks man i found it :)
08:18.15kaldemarBenC[UK]: yes you can
08:18.53*** join/#asterisk coppice (
08:19.07BenC[UK]thank, i've downloaded asterisk now.. just going to get it running in a virtual pc
08:19.37*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
08:22.05*** join/#asterisk Repzak (
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08:27.29G_Gis g729 the only codec asterisk supports?
08:28.14redax`core show codecs'
08:28.16ChannelZno it supports ulaw, alaw, gsm, ilbc...
08:28.44ChannelZg729 is actually one it doesn't support out of the box, in the sense that you need to buy license(s) for it
08:32.19ChannelZactually I guess ilbc is separate.. but anyway...  sleepy time
08:32.57RepzakHello, anyone have a clue why i don't get sound between my asterisk and my phone company?, it calls fine in both directions but no sound. when i enable dmz it also works with sound. i have forwarded the RTP ports specified in the RTP.conf. how can i figure out what other ports to open?
08:33.23infobotrumour has it, sipnat is Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
08:33.29kaldemarRepzak: ^^^
08:42.42*** join/#asterisk gamedna (
08:43.41gamednawhat is the preferred way of building asterisk on OS X?
08:45.14gamednawell,  recommended way…
08:45.31gamednai have it building under snow lep but lots of the deps are missing..
08:45.36*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
08:45.50gamednabefore i go and hunt everything down myself, wanted to see if there were any suggestions
08:46.58Repzakdid as this page: but lo luck
08:48.05gamednalinks to sip&nat
08:50.03*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
08:57.13*** join/#asterisk Repzak (
08:57.22Repzakwho is deciding the RTP port, the server or the client?
08:57.51florzboth, obviously
08:59.20Repzakdepending on what way the call goes or?
08:59.23kaldemarRepzak: enable verbosity and sip debug, and pastebin a failed call.
08:59.28infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
09:00.15Repzakno rtp debug?
09:00.30florzRepzak: I said both, not either.
09:01.22kaldemarRepzak: the sip debug shows used rtp ports and addresses. no rtp debug.
09:01.35florzand it's pretty obvious that you can't allocate ports on a remote host
09:02.38kaldemarserver decides the used server port and client the used client port. they just send the addresses and ports to each other via SIP.
09:10.30*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
09:11.51kaldemar"Kasper" seems to be behind a nat. did you configure so in sip.conf?
09:12.43Repzaknat=yes externip= xxx localnet=
09:13.01Repzakunder general
09:13.18kaldemaryou thought you did, but you didn't.
09:13.21Repzakunder my 100 extension i have nat=no
09:13.25gamednaanybody have suggestions for building asterisk on OSX?
09:13.33kaldemarpastebin your sip.conf, masking any secrets
09:16.29gamednakaldemar: i have asterisk building on OSX, but i am wondering about how to handle all the deps for various featuers.   basically w/o having to hunt down each lib and build them independently
09:17.04gamednastuff like mysql, libxml, popt, etc
09:17.06kaldemarRepzak: what is
09:17.43Repzaklocal ip
09:18.15kaldemaryou need to show what happens before "-- Executing [100@incoming:1] Dial("SIP/46902283-081be728", "SIP/100") in new stack"
09:18.20kaldemarshow the whole call.
09:19.19*** join/#asterisk Bendbanks (
09:21.46Repzakcomplete call
09:25.16*** join/#asterisk nextime (~nextime@unaffiliated/nextime)
09:25.53nextimehello all. I have a wct4xxp card ( te405p first generation ) with 4 E1 of different operators plugged in
09:26.15nextimeall 4 pri have the same issue: PRI span 1/0: Provisioned, Down, Active
09:26.42nextimeloading dahdi modules with debug=1 show me
09:26.43nextime[252481.351981] wct4xxp: LOF/LFA detected on span 1 but debouncing for 2500 ms
09:26.43nextime[252481.352045] wct4xxp: LOS detected on span 1 but debouncing for 5000 ms
09:26.53nextimeand also [252481.365112] Detected loss of E1 alignment on span 0!
09:27.30nextimethe operators are insisting that they pri are working good, and also using they test device it work
09:27.49nextimeany idea on what can be the cause of this lack of alignment of my pri?
09:30.57Repzakhmm.. The phone i am calling from is also on my IP.. must be
09:31.43Repzakit has number 46902283, and calls 46902283
09:31.54Repzakmy asterisk also registers to that number
09:32.44Repzakso it get the call on which my router changes to
09:33.02Repzakbyt this seems to work correctly
09:33.18Repzakbut the RTP packets seems lost in both directions
09:33.45Repzaki have set an option in musimi called RTP so it forces all data packets arround their server (i think)
09:39.37*** join/#asterisk sulex (
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09:42.14Repzakkaldemar.. any clues?
09:45.24Repzakit seems the data is on port 46156 when running in DMZ...
09:46.35Repzakhow can i control that port, it is outside the RTP range i set in asterisk
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10:11.50redaxis it possible to add a voicemail as a queue member ?
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10:32.36kerframilnextime: I don't have an answer as such, but this may help:
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11:03.29m1olufhi all
11:04.06m1olufi need some help with hfc based car in dahdi: anyone?
11:04.17m1olufcar=card :)
11:05.05*** join/#asterisk king313 (~king313@unaffiliated/king313)
11:06.40m1olufi need some help with hfc based card in dahdi: anyone?
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11:30.31*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
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11:31.49redaxadding voicemail to queues is possible, although I loose the monitor possibilitÃy in queue...
11:32.47*** join/#asterisk hopper75 (
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11:45.24*** join/#asterisk telnettech (~telnettec@
11:52.42redaxdon't you know any Asterisk manager event "grep" ?
11:53.03redaxlike filter some kind of events...
12:01.06*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (
12:15.07*** join/#asterisk TimToady_ (
12:15.27Diffen2Hello, does anyone know if its possible to remove missed call from a phone when you have a missed call from a queue? Sample, one queue has two agents and when there are an incoming call to the queue it calls on both agents at the same time. One takes the call and the other are stucked with a missed call in the display.
12:15.37*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
12:19.04beardyDepends on the phone, and I think finding one that allow you to control such a thing with an interface other than its buttones will be hard to find..
12:21.52*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
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12:23.03*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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12:24.07ThornI've got a queue with rrmemory strategy. is it possible to set a member to only receive calls when other members are busy?
12:24.14*** join/#asterisk DogWater (
12:24.15ThornI'm running 1.4
12:25.09[TK]D-FenderThorn: PauseQueueMemeber
12:25.15*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
12:25.23[TK]D-FenderThorn: OOps, forget that
12:25.33[TK]D-FenderThorn: Use member priorities
12:25.45*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
12:26.19Thornwill they work with rrmemory? documentation only talks about priorities in connection with ringall
12:26.53ThornI mean this
12:26.53[TK]D-FenderThorn: Should work fine.
12:27.06[TK]D-FenderThorn: And the WIKI it not the authority on *
12:27.43Thornyou mean member penalty?
12:28.08Thornas in member => SIP/200,1
12:28.16[TK]D-FenderYes, that
12:28.23[TK]D-Fendermixed the wording
12:28.30Thornok I will try that thank you
12:28.38Thornthat page mixes it too
12:28.39[TK]D-Fenderhasn't gotten to his first cup of coffee yet...
12:29.11Thornwhat's the authoritative documentation on asterisk? always wondered about that :)
12:29.20DogWaterofftopic: Is anyone familiar with software for windows called VoIPBox/VoipSwitch?
12:29.53infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
12:29.59ChainsawDogWater: Running servers on the Windows operating system seems a rather silly idea. Don't you want high uptime for these things?
12:30.50[TK]D-Fenderbeardy: That book isn't either.....
12:30.58Thornisn't the book somewhat outdated and non-comprehensive?
12:31.02[TK]D-FenderThorn: What counts is what's in your tarball
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12:31.17[TK]D-FenderThorn: Like almost all * documentation :)
12:31.32beardyThen there is none, never, for nothing.
12:32.30DogWaterChainsaw: No I am not the user, we have some users who are installing this software onto our hosting servers (VPS, Dedicated) and they all seem to be getting compromised in short order the only common thread being that this particular software is installed on all of them, so I am trying to find people who have used this product or are aware of it.
12:34.01[TK]D-FenderDogWater: You're asking for a Whopper from a McDonalds with that ;)
12:34.43DogWaterOkay, I was just asking since this seems to be the most voice centric place on Freenode that I have found, I appreciate your time.
12:36.43drmessanoWe hate Windows, in general
12:36.52ChainsawDogWater: Windows boxes get owned all the time though. You really feel it's specific to that bit of software?
12:37.36[TK]D-FenderI think "Windows" is a common thread too ;)
12:39.34DogWaterOn a fully updated Windows 2008 R2 node it should be nearly impossible for someone to create a new administrator account and disable the default administrator account remotely without credentials and/or without Malware coming in via IE8/web.
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12:39.57drmessano"My Windows boxes keep getting compromised and they're all running...."  "Windows?"  "Ok, fine.."
12:40.07oktayanybody familiar with PSTN-To-VOIP on spa/sipura boxes ?
12:40.16DogWaterBut I don't want to get too much into an OS war here, but thanks for your time.
12:40.20[TK]D-Fenderoktay: Many of us.
12:40.25oktayvery good.
12:40.33drmessanoDogWater: Except for a new vuln?
12:40.43oktayi know you can limit who can use that by caller id, and the rest will pass through
12:41.07oktaybut what i want is to dedicate one pstn number for it (actually an extension on my legacy pbx)
12:41.21oktaythat extension is 116.. which is the line attached to the spa
12:41.25[TK]D-Fenderoktay: Still not too clear.
12:41.39oktaybut when I call 130, it still gives me the beep for password to do pstn to voip
12:42.22[TK]D-Fenderoktay: I doubt any of us have ever passworded the device itself...
12:42.37oktayyou've done Caller ID matching?
12:43.13oktayactually. this has been a bit premature i think.. i will come back after trying a few things.
12:43.39[TK]D-Fenderoktay: Normally we let ALL calls out on it , and all calls in and let * handle everything
12:44.07[TK]D-Fenderoktay: If yuo want the device to be smarter... I'd recommend visiting Voxilla's forums
12:44.20oktaywill do. i am too confused right now :)
12:47.40redaxcan I copy files in dialplan?
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12:48.58[TK]D-Fenderredax: System()
12:49.16redaxehh :) thanks
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13:28.28silvestre_idHow can i get the agent number who answered a queue call? I'm using AGI with Queue app like: Queue(servicedesk|t||||crm_info.agi)
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13:35.30[TK]D-Fendersilvestre_id: Get it where?
13:36.04silvestre_idwith agi
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13:39.17silvestre_idIf the Asterisk generate a variable indicating who answered the call, I know what it is to get the information by agi
13:40.08[TK]D-Fendersilvestre_id: Do an AMI call to see who it is bridged to, or check the queue log.
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13:45.55anonymouz666coppice: do you know if SIP/RTP can handle the modem communication (ContactID protocol) that uses the phase-shifted analog signals?
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13:46.33khussein78can i ask about Hylafax here ?
13:46.54silvestre_idI will do something to merge the information from queue_log to AGI.
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13:50.56coppiceanonymouz666: what protocol is that?
13:51.46anonymouz666It is used for panel alarms
13:53.52anonymouz666there's a handshake between the client and remote panel
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13:54.52anonymouz666the handshake consists in: A burst of 1400 Hz. ±3% tone with a duration of 100 msec. ±5% A pause of 100 msec. ±5%. A burst of 2300 Hz. ±3% tone with a duration of 100 msec. ±5%
13:55.52anonymouz666there's an old thread on asterisk-users that someone states that this protocol (ContactID) won't work with SIP/RTP at all
13:57.31anonymouz666Using PAP2 indeed doesn't work. I just plugged into a legacy PBX (FXS without RTP) and everythings goes fine.
13:59.15coppicethe message says they send DTMF
14:00.49anonymouz666I do not understand. DTMF shouldn't be a problem.
14:01.45anonymouz666if it was just the case, we detected the 50ms DTMF (sent by the client) emulate to 80ms and pass-through to the DAHDI channel
14:03.26anonymouz666coppice: but that statement is true when it says that phase-shifted signals could be a problem to SIP/RTP?
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14:13.29coppicethat exchange about modems is garbage. nnetheless, the last message makes it sound like the real requirement is to carry DTMF, and some simple tone bursts
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14:16.18anonymouz666some simple tone bursts that shouldn't be a problem to PAP2
14:16.40anonymouz666and that tones differs from CED tones, so you have to explicity disable the EC
14:16.54Kobazaughh switchvox is such a pain
14:17.34anonymouz666coppice: that makes sense?
14:17.55viraptorhi, I've got a TDM fxo channel on a digium card on asterisk 1.4 - when a call comes in, I'm trying to reject it with hangup or congestion, but the line keeps ringing and asterisk tries to route the call again (as if it was a new one) - is there any specific way to reject calls?
14:19.23[TK]D-Fenderviraptor: Show us the call
14:19.44[TK]D-Fenderviraptor: And there is no such thing as "rejecting" an analog call
14:20.01[TK]D-Fenderviraptor: There is either "answer" or "don't answer"
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14:22.37viraptor[TK]D-Fender: so how do I signal "busy" for example?
14:22.41tzafrir_laptopviraptor, don't Answer() the call
14:22.43Kobazi have this silly switchvox server
14:22.49Kobazbut this seems to be a sip problem
14:22.53viraptoris that possible from the client side?
14:23.11Kobazaudiocodes is dialing in on sip... and asterisk never hits any dialplan
14:23.13viraptorwhat I want to achieve is quick hangup of unrecognised calleids
14:23.18[TK]D-Fenderviraptor: You have an analog phone on an analog line.  How do YOU make a "busy"?
14:23.39[TK]D-Fenderviraptor: Busy is the telco saying you're on the phone.  You do that by BEING on the phone.
14:24.02[TK]D-Fenderviraptor: A quick hangup means you're answering and hanging up
14:24.04KobazSIP/2.0 484 Address Incomplete
14:24.08Kobazi think that's the problem... right?
14:24.54[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Looking for 1 in sip_provider_103 (domain
14:25.08[TK]D-FenderINVITE sip:1@;user=phone SIP/2.0
14:25.21viraptor[TK]D-Fender: so I have to answer then... ok - I'm still new to analog lines in a way
14:25.22[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Are you even LOOKING at what's coming in? :)
14:25.32Kobazthis config is really limited
14:25.40Kobazi have it set up to match all
14:25.52Kobazbut it seems match all doesnt match that for some reason
14:25.54[TK]D-FenderKobaz: O RLY?
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14:26.17Kobazthat's the rule that it made
14:26.22[TK]D-FenderKobaz: that isn't "all"
14:26.27Kobazno, it isn't
14:26.50Kobazthat doesn't match '1' does it
14:26.57Kobazit's expecting at least two characters
14:27.20[TK]D-FenderKobaz: nope...
14:27.41[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Try again...
14:27.46[TK]D-FenderKobaz: NO <-
14:27.54Kobazone set followed by another set
14:28.18[TK]D-Fender[10:27]<Kobaz>one set followed by another set <- close but no cigar
14:28.31Kobazbut but
14:28.56[TK]D-Fender[10:26]<Kobaz> '_[a-zA-Z0-9_+][a-zA-Z0-9_].' => 1. Set(is_provider=1) <- read it again.
14:30.05Kobaz'_[a-zA-Z0-9_+][a-zA-Z0-9_].'  the first []  any char a-zA-Z... etc  the second [a-zA-Z..etc] matches another.. with a '.
14:30.10Kobaz'  one or more match
14:30.18Kobazoh... it's looking for a minimum of three
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14:32.52[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Doing a job right the first time is efficient.  Doing it right after 37 tries is job security
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14:36.25babyhueyI have a question with the Digium Asterisk Appliance.  Does it come with root access by chance?
14:37.10[TK]D-Fenderbabyhuey: Which?
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14:39.56ixydhey guys, iam trying to send faxes via sip/t.38 through the 1.8-svn from yesterday and iam wondering that the asterisk is reinviting to alaw after a couple of pages...can you tell me why the asteirsk is doing so? any hints would be great! :)
14:40.45[TK]D-Fenderixyd: #asterisk-dev <-
14:40.55ixydah ok thank you!
14:41.53drmessanoMaybe Asterisk gives up on T.38 like we all do
14:42.28anonymouz666drfreeze: LOL
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14:42.51ixydhehe maybe...but the transfer is doing really well until the asterisk gets the idea to reinvite with t.38, it is just a stupid pass through :)
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14:46.18tzafrir_laptopixyd, so you were transferred back here?
14:46.48ixydseems so :(
14:47.14chazzamixyd: so you are trying to call SendFax from asterisk, or is this a passthrough fax via sip?
14:47.22chazzamare you using spandsp?
14:47.36ixydit is just passthrough
14:48.18anonymouz666anyone in here uses the DNSMASQ with Asterisk?
14:48.19chazzamso it starts in G.711 and sends a few pages, then asterisk does a re-invite to switch to t.38, then it fails and drops back to g.711?
14:48.23ixydthe asterisk is just doing the sip routing, faxdetection in sip.conf is outcommented which should then be "no" as the comment says
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14:49.14chazzamixyd, you realize 1.8 is still in beta right? have you tried explicitly setting faxdetect=no?
14:49.40Kattyhugs wcselby
14:49.46ixydit is starting with g.711 until one either the pstn-gateway  or the ata detects the CED-tone and does the reinvite to t.38 which does very well until the asterisk decides to reinvite with g.711
14:49.46wcselbymorning Katty
14:49.50iratikAnyone ever have trouble using SPAN to monitor g729 traffic from asterisk on catalyst switches? The RTP becomes totally garbled as soon as i activate the destination port
14:50.08ixyd@chazzam you are right! i will set it to no right now
14:50.11babyhuey[TK]D-Fender: the aa50 s808
14:50.37[TK]D-Fenderbabyhuey: IIRC You can SSH to it normally.  It runs rPath (suck)
14:51.00babyhueyok, as long as i am able to add files to the tftp and such for other phones
14:51.19[TK]D-Fenderbabyhuey: I'd call Digium sales first..
14:51.51chazzambabyhuey: the aa50 runs uClinux, and you can enable SSH in the networking page in the GUI
14:51.58babyhuey[TK]D-Fender: ok, I was going to, just thought i may be able to ask in here first, thanks for your help!
14:52.09ixyd@chazzam but as i see faxdetection should lead the asterisk to jump to the fax extension which doesnt exist...but it doesn jump anywhere in the dialplan, it just does the reinvite... :(
14:52.12babyhueychazzam: perfect, thanks
14:52.42chazzamits shell is.... limited though, so don't expect all the normal linux commands to work
14:53.19chazzamixyd: well, it will forward the re-invite requests and re-write them
14:53.25chazzamdo you have all the ports open for UDPTL?
14:53.37chazzamif that traffic isn't flowing through, then it will get cancelled
14:53.56ixydyes, iam watching almost every packet in wireshark and everything looks good to me
14:53.59wcselbyso i was playing around wtih realtime and adaptive odbc last night, the results weren't quite what I was expecting
14:54.43wcselbythe adaptive odbc would create the tables, but it wouldn't really create the whole table.  for that I had to pull from an example online
14:54.45ixydthe only things catching my eye are some rtcp packet from asterisk to the extensions which are dropped
14:54.55chazzamin the SDP information for the re-invites do the IP addresses and ports match up? the UDPTL should be flowing through asterisk then being passed on to the end-points. NOT going straight between the endpoints
14:55.31ixydyes, it is passed through the asterisk
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14:59.53HmailHi guys, I am having trouble connecting 2 voip lines to 2 extensions. At first, both lines connect to both extensions, but pretty much all of a sudden none of the extensions are available, and the ss-noservice message is played. I can't figure out why they aren't available, but I have tried with multiple phones and the problem remains the same. Do you have any idea where to look to figure out why this is happening?
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15:03.49iratikOn that note
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15:04.28ixyd@hmail what do you see in the cli during that?
15:05.38Hmail@ixyd: A lot. I don't see something like: extension not found or something like that.
15:06.02Hmail@ixyd: I can paste it in pastebin or something if you want
15:06.04ixydcan you show it on pastebin?
15:06.11Hmailok, hold on\
15:07.22*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
15:09.09wcselbyany suggestions for cdr analyzers that people here have worked with or seen and liked?
15:09.14Hmail@ixyd: this is part of the log, it looked like it was from one conversation (where it didn't work):
15:11.18ixyd@Hmail is that asterisk@home?
15:11.36Hmail@ixyd: trixbox
15:11.54ixydhm k iam not familiar with that..
15:12.20[TK]D-FenderHmail: It calls the device then it dies.  We can't see why because you aren't looking at the SIP DEBUG <-
15:12.44ixyd- SIP/200-00000016 is ringing
15:12.48wcselbyixyd - trixbox is asterisk@home
15:13.04Hmail@[TK]D-Fender: Okay, i'll try to enable sip debug
15:13.55ixyd@wcselby iam neither familiar with trixbox nor aah ;)
15:14.28[TK]D-Fenderixyd: Then why did you ask about it in the first place?
15:15.15ixydi wanted to know where the not-so-simple dialplan comes from and the first google matches for the used macros looked like aah
15:15.25Hmail@[TK]D-Fender: this is with debugging enabled:
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15:16.38Hmail(sip debugging that is)
15:17.09ixydin the first pastebin it looked like the extensions 200 was ringing?!
15:18.23Hmail@ixyd: Well, I'm not really sure if that was the most recent log. The second pastebin is recent. And it definitively didn't ring then
15:19.17Hmailalso, it looks like if asterisk reloads the configuration, it works again for some time (can't figure out how long). Then it stops working
15:19.22[TK]D-FenderHmail: I don't see a COMPLETE call to debug here
15:19.34ixydas you know i dont know trixbox but to me it looks like you are missing a mapping from the external number 858783641 to an internal extension?
15:21.09Hmail@[TK]D-Fender: I called, got the noservice message, hung up, and then copied the log from the console. Do you miss something from the start or from the end?
15:21.27[TK]D-FenderHmail: this last call was an inbound call you didn't set up a DID for
15:21.43Hmail@ixyd: I guess. But I don't know why it does work sometimes
15:21.53[TK]D-FenderHmail: This is GUI config issue, and it is NOT supported here
15:22.58Hmail@[TK]D-Fender: Erm, I have a inbound route for all DID's. So I should have it
15:23.15[TK]D-FenderHmail: You FAILED
15:23.24Hmail@[TK]D-Fender: How do you know it's a GUI issue?
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15:23.39[TK]D-FenderHmail: Because the call was accepted and your DIALPLAN told them to GTFO
15:23.50RussThere isn't a way to dynamically create extensions, is there?
15:23.58[TK]D-Fenderrussyes there is
15:24.06[TK]D-Fenderruss: yes there is
15:24.44RussI want to run AGI to parse the CID of the extension against a nanpa database to make some entries for 10 digit rules
15:25.20ixydfor my above mentioned t.38 problem: it looks like a session timer?! expires, which makes the asterisk reinvite the call legs....any ideas on this?
15:26.29jpmcallisterHello. I'm trying to install with asterisk16 from digium repos. When I try to load de module I compiled I get that message: Module '' was not compiled with the same compile-time options as this version of Asterisk.
15:26.41Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix pls??????
15:26.58Kattyit does not come on????
15:27.17nix8n82Katty, are you being funny or mocking someone?
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15:28.09Naikroveknix8n82: she does this all the time
15:28.24Naikroveknix8n82: she's being cute.  mocking everyone who doesn't know how to ask for helps
15:28.39sgtpepperHi guys... quick question... is there a way to avoid asterisk sending the 183 and 180 after an invite?
15:29.17ixyd@sgtpepper sure you dont want ringing?
15:29.47sgtpepperits a long story.. basically.. I'm routing that call by a trunk that might later give me a 503
15:29.54nix8n82That's what I thought, but then again she could of hit her head and went retarded.
15:30.04sgtpepperso I want the ringing when that trunk is actually ringing
15:30.16sgtpepperixyd: I don't know if I'm making my point clear
15:31.58ixydhm i think asteirsk should only send 180 or 183 to the caller it already an prov-response was sent by the callee..?!
15:32.10ixydor are you using the "r" option in your dial statement?
15:32.42Kobazanyone know how to set the timzone on a spa-941
15:32.57sgtpepperlet me check
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15:33.01[TK]D-Fendersgtpepper: Run a SIP proxy in front of *, or "vi chan_sip.c"
15:33.41[TK]D-Fender[11:32]<ixyd>or are you using the "r" option in your dial statement? <- VERY wrong.
15:33.56[TK]D-Fenderixyd: That will ANSWER the caller.
15:34.32radenMorning  Katty :D
15:35.02sgtpepper[TK]D-Fender: that was my fear...
15:35.13sgtpepperadding yet another box..
15:35.17radenjpmcallister, ask in #linux or #c
15:35.41Kattyhugs on raden
15:35.47Kattyraden: ohai. howrechu today
15:36.27radenKatty, I'm well and how are thee ?
15:36.51jpmcallisterraden: I'm using the asterisk pakhages from digium. I just want to add codex_speex. It is compiled, but it does not load in asterisk.
15:38.10nix8n82jpmcallister, you might want to recompile asterisk with your speex codex
15:38.15ixyd@[TK]D-Fender in my asterisk 1.4 the call isnt answered even with the r-option
15:39.41jpmcallisternix8n82: That was what I was afraid... tank you anyway
15:39.48p3nguinjpmcallister: Try the proper spelling of instead.
15:39.58radenjpmcallister, load the module ?
15:41.04nix8n82Don't be scared it only hurts for a minute.
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15:41.53jpmcallisterraden: I'm using binary asterisk packages from digium. I compiled with the same source version of asterisk. But the codec does not load. I get ther error:  Module '' was not compiled with the same compile-time options as this version of Asterisk.
15:41.54nix8n82or do like p3nguin and raden said and try to load it manually from the cli first.
15:42.12jpmcallisternix8n82: I'm trying to load from the cli
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15:42.24p3nguinYou haven't shown us any evidence of that.
15:45.39[TK]D-Fender[11:35]<sgtpepper>adding yet another box.. <- don't need another box.  Yuo can run it on the same
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15:50.38angavmxHello everyone. I'm looking information for a Voipsolutions ATA MTA-102. I can´t get it connected to asterisk using Elastix. Anyone has any experience with this equipment?.
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15:52.17[TK]D-Fenderangavmx: A brand no-one is likely to have even heard of let alone encountered...
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15:54.27angavmxhahahaha kind of. I have found that these misterious boxes were distributed by several companies but the manufacturer is not clearley identified, so far all I know is that these use a Broadcom BCM1112 chip
15:54.57gr0mitanyone played with the Goip gsm sip gateways ?
15:56.19angavmxStill I havefound several posts (covered with dust) where people seem to have installed them with asterisk
15:59.14[TK]D-Fenderangavmx: The only people who care what chip they use are those who actually write firmware...
15:59.36[TK]D-Fenderangavmx: Again I can't imagine anyone who'd be in here would so much as touch it with a 10' pole
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16:03.19angavmx:( I had a little, tiny, minuscule hope that someday I would find the way to set my annoying white boxes to astersik... Hey! for sale! cheap Voip ATAs!
16:03.35[TK]D-Fenderangavmx: how much is "cheap"?
16:04.05angavmxmhhh... 45 USD?
16:09.26p3nguinIt better be really good for that price.
16:09.52drmessanoYou know that one can buy "unlocked" PAP2's on ebay for $30 or so, right?  That includes shipping
16:10.11drmessanoAnd you're asking $45 for your unknown, probably locked, whitebox ATA special?
16:10.29drmessanoI will give you $5 each for them
16:10.49p3nguinI'll give you $45.
16:10.50chuckfbut the extra $15 is for the game you get to play with it once it arrives!
16:10.55p3nguinfor nine of them.
16:11.55drmessanoI'll give you $50
16:11.58drmessanoFor 10
16:13.12[TK]D-Fenderangavmx: Shit price for a shit product.  FAIL
16:13.47[TK]D-Fenderangavmx: --- <$45
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16:15.56angavmxok guys you force me to make my desition... now my boxes are destinated to hold my door open :P
16:16.40[TK]D-Fenderangavmx: I doubt they are sturdy enough for that either...
16:17.20angavmxmhhh... U right ... :S
16:17.43drmessano$45 each lol
16:18.28wcselbyhey [TK]D-Fender - you've answered this for me before but I failed to bookmark it.  what's a good, web-based cdr analysis tool?
16:19.37drmessanoangavmx: I will buy all you have for $5 each.. if I can unlock them and use them for Asterisk, you can keep the $5.  Deal?
16:25.46angavmxdrmessano: hahahahah I'm actually tring to set them up 4 Asterisk so... I guess I will accept the $5 from myself... but I'd offer you the $5 if you got me to connect them :P
16:26.12Diffen2Hello, i want to setup one dynamic conferenceroom assigned to one phonenumber, i want only to promote one number and it should be able to dymically create conferencerooms of the pincode that the users enter. And it should be able to hold simultanious of conferencerooms. I have looked at the option D but that only create one conferenceroom and doesnt allow others to enter other pins. Does anyone have a clue on what o
16:26.12Diffen2ption i might use?
16:27.53drmessano$5 to help you set up the ATAs?  $25 each and you have a deal
16:31.12angavmxdrmessano: U mean 5 times the valued cost of the box considering that I can get an Unlocked Lynksys PAP2 for 30 bucks including shipping?... I put $10 on the table (and I wont tell you helped me)
16:32.30drmessanoIf you're looking to hire a consultant to set up your ATA's, I will be glad to charge you 1/2 of my hourly rate, which is $25, and consider it a "charitable contribution to the spread of Asterisk".  You should be thanking me.
16:33.47angavmxwas just kidding, but I'll get serious then :)
16:35.05[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: Areski
16:35.14wcselby[TK]D-Fender - thanks
16:35.21drmessanoHowever, continued looking of said gifthorse in said mouth will only push my desired compensation much closer to my $100 an hour "overtime emergency rate" rather than simply charging the standard $50.  I will also be forced to charge applicable sales tax, VAT, and SPLOST on said labor, as I would no longer be contributing to a charitable institution
16:36.12drmessanoNow, I will fax over the appropriate IRS forms, which I need signed in triplicate and faxed back, preferably over SIP/T.38, and we can get started on those ATA's
16:37.01angavmxand you might add iternational rates too :D
16:37.40drmessanoAlso, I will need these faxed back in COLOR and all signatures in BLUE ink only, please.. and no felt tip pens, crayons, sharpies, or colored pencils, thanks
16:38.09[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Can I get that in cornflower blue?
16:38.37angavmxCome on... no crayons?
16:39.47[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I've had co-workers whose natural writing skills were comparable to 1 CPI Crayola :)
16:43.39*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (~IceChat7@
16:44.04paulcDiffen2: You could use Read() to get a PIN/conf ID from the caller, then use the D option to create it dynamically
16:45.45bjhaidhello, please does anyone know of any open source sip phone for use on wifi enabled symbian phones (e.g nokia e70)
16:49.12Diffen2paulc ok thanks man i will take a look at it. Its too bad that the option D doesnt add more conferences when one is active
16:51.31bjhaidfender i have googled and not found something reasonable that's why i am asking
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16:58.16Russso... [TK]D-Fender... generating extensions on the fly, how would one do that?
17:05.14Russeg, _602NXXXXXX, _480NXXXXXX, _623NXXXXXX
17:10.03*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (~IceChat7@
17:10.43p3nguinWhy would those need to be generated on the fly?
17:10.57p3nguin_NXXNXXXXXX would take care of them all.
17:12.15*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
17:13.45RussI want 7 digit and 10 digit dialing to work
17:14.02Russ_706XXXX is a valid 7 digit number
17:14.04carraronly allowed 6
17:14.07Russbut 706 is also a NANPA area code
17:14.18p3nguinWrite the extensions, then.
17:14.44p3nguin7061234 does not match _NXXNXXXXXX
17:14.50Russyes, then I have to write out all possible extension combinations for all possible source caler ids
17:15.07carrarwhy not have 2
17:15.08Russyes, but 7063331234 matches _706XXXX
17:15.18p3nguinno it doesn't.
17:15.44Russas soon as I hit the 1 (7th digit) it will match the _NXXXXXX rule
17:15.52p3nguinYou're only going to be dialing a few different area codes if you're using 7-digit dial.
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17:16.31RussI'm trying to make a generic nanpa infastructure that keys off your source CID
17:17.10carrarSo you need database of what a local call is depending on your caller ID?
17:17.15Russsuppose I could generate a context for each 10 digit dialing region
17:17.45RussI need to check, but I don't think nanpa is mean enough to assign an NXX to a state with an area code matching it
17:17.56Russso 50 contexts for the US
17:19.02[TK]D-Fender[13:15]<Russ>yes, but 7063331234 matches _706XXXX <- NO
17:19.20carrarWelcome to 2 mins ago TK!! :)
17:19.22Russ7063331 certainly does
17:19.38[TK]D-Fenderruss: That is a SEVEN digit fixed length pattern.  It will NOT match a 10 digit dialed numebr
17:19.51Russif I'm touch dialing on a POTS telephone it does
17:19.53carrarRuss, how so?
17:20.11Russwhy would the extension matching rules wait for more digits, wouldn't it match right away?
17:20.17[TK]D-Fenderruss: Connected to * how?
17:20.22carrargrabs the bunt from Russ, ENOUGH!!
17:20.34[TK]D-Fenderrussbecause it isn't matching a 10 digit number... it is STOPPING after 7 <-
17:20.54[TK]D-Fenderruss: * = ASTERISK
17:21.50Russisn't that what I said?
17:22.15[TK]D-Fender[13:20]<Russ>*? <-
17:22.29RussI mean before that, it stops at 7
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17:22.46carrar7 != 10
17:22.55RussI know, but you hit 7 on the way to 10
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17:23.13carrarno you hit 7 and stop
17:23.54Russah, so if I have _602NXXXXXX and _NXXXXXX, depending on the sort order, it could easily use the _NXXXXXX extension
17:24.08Russ(if I dial 6023335555
17:24.49infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
17:24.55[TK]D-Fenderruss : There is no "could".  * picks the most specific pattern that matches.
17:25.04Russthat means my contexts need to not only list a _<area_code>NXXXXXX for every planned 10 digit dialing area code, but also a _<nxx>XXXX for every NXX in the region
17:25.34[TK]D-Fenderruss: Or a single open-ended pattern and you process it all yourself.
17:25.43Russas long as no NXX codes overlap area codes in that 10 digit dialing region, I'm fine
17:26.13Russyes, but then I don't get the same timeout and/or instant extension match behavior
17:26.18*** join/#asterisk mpd (
17:26.34silvestre_id[TK]D-Fender: The channel variable received by AGI on the Queue is the real channel for the agent who answered the call. Now everything is working.
17:26.55p3nguinDial more digits if you want 10.  Dial less if you want 7.
17:27.14*** part/#asterisk mpd (
17:27.17RussI want it to match right away if I dial a 7 digit number with a valid NXX for my region
17:28.09p3nguinI recommend that you learn pattern matching.
17:28.13p3nguin~pattern matching
17:28.14infoboti heard pattern matching is explained here:
17:28.22Kyoshcan asterisk real-time work with IAX in order to load the extensions dynamically from the database?  if so, what would the table structuure look like?
17:28.23[TK]D-Fenderruss: [13:25]<Russ>as long as no NXX codes overlap area codes in that 10 digit dialing region, I'm fine <- this will almost invariably happen...
17:28.40*** part/#asterisk jpmcallister (~ec06113@
17:28.41[TK]D-Fendersilvestre_id: Glad to hear
17:28.43Russ[TK]D-Fender, do you have an example?
17:29.46Russ700 isn't a valid NXX anywhere
17:29.58[TK]D-Fenderruss : There.  COULD be NXXXXXX or waiting for more to match NXXNXXXXXX
17:29.59p3nguinIt would be pretty easy to rip the area code out of the caller ID, then stick it over on the Dial() command when dialing a 7-digit number.
17:30.11Russthat is why I have the nanpa databases
17:30.19[TK]D-Fenderruss: 905-7223 <- '
17:30.37[TK]D-Fenderruss : the last 4 digits can be ANYTHING.  FFS.
17:30.42Russp3nguin, that is assuming you know that the user is doing 7 digit dialing
17:30.49[TK]D-FenderrussSo yes, you're GOING to get overlap
17:31.04carrarRuss, 7 digit numbers don't have a NPA
17:31.06p3nguinI don't have to know what they are dialing -- the patterns take care of that for me.
17:31.11[TK]D-Fender[13:30]<Russ>p3nguin, that is assuming you know that the user is doing 7 digit dialing <- You DON'T know what they are dialing until they are DONE
17:31.21Russp3nguin, if you are willing to wait till the stop dialing
17:31.34[TK]D-Fenderruss: if 2 matches are possible (waiting for more or happy as we are) then yuo will WAIT
17:31.44[TK]D-Fenderruss: That is the way of things
17:32.41RussI'm still looking for the NXX area code ambiguity
17:33.00Russwhen they dial the first three digits, you should be able to tell whether it is a valid NXX in your 10 digit area, or a valid area code in your 10 digit area
17:33.04carrarset a timeout
17:33.07p3nguinWe don't care about the area code.  The pattern matching still works the same.
17:33.11carraruse a lcads db
17:33.18carrarwrite something
17:33.36Corydon76-digRuss: that was once true, but it's no longer true
17:33.47RussCorydon76-dig, can you give an example?
17:33.53Corydon76-digRuss: 414
17:34.34[TK]D-Fenderruss: I have 905 as a local exchange here NXX-XXXX as 7-digit, and it is ALSO the start of an AREA CODE.  Thus it overlaps
17:34.42Corydon76-digAt one time, 414 was only an area code.  But I know that in the 615 area code, 414 is also a legitimate NXX
17:34.49*** join/#asterisk angavmx (~angav@
17:34.50Russ414 is an area code in WI, and it is properly marked as UA in the nanpa database for all area codes in WI
17:35.09Russ[TK]D-Fender, an area code in your state?
17:35.41[TK]D-Fenderruss: not mine personally.  Next door, yes
17:36.16Russdamn canadians
17:36.44Russsuppose canadians won't get 10 digit dialing then
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17:37.04[TK]D-Fenderruss: Wrong
17:37.12[TK]D-Fenderruss: Had for many years in many cities
17:37.34RussI think canada does have rules, you just need to know the regions
17:37.43Russ'226","905","","","Not Available","","Not available - existing Canadian NPA"'
17:37.43[TK]D-Fenderruss: NANPA <-
17:37.46carrarno rules in CANADA
17:37.56carrarit's the last wild frontier!!
17:37.58*** join/#asterisk j4m3s (
17:38.05Corydon76-digThe general rule is 'best effort'
17:38.09p3nguinWhat would be wrong with  _NXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/itsp/${CALLERID(num):3}${EXTEN})  ?
17:38.12Russso in 226, you need to dial 1 to get to 905 area code
17:38.19Russer, wait other way around
17:38.35Russer, yes, the first time
17:38.51[TK]D-Fenderruss: The smarter you try to be, the dumber you may end up looking.  Go ahead and fish for trouble.  You will find it.  The karmic wheel doesn't make a beeping sound when it backs up over you.
17:38.54p3nguinThat would match when the person has dialed 7 digits, then take their own area code from their own CALLER ID number and dial the area code and 7 digits.
17:39.01Russ226 and 249 both list 905 as reserved, so those area codes can 10 digit dial 905 area code
17:39.22Russp3nguin, but it would break 10 digit dialing
17:39.43p3nguinIt doesn't care about 10 digits, since the pattern is only 7.
17:40.04Russif I want 7 digit dialing to wait for the timeout
17:40.38[TK]D-Fenderruss: What are your users dialing using?
17:40.46RussPOTS via dahdi
17:41.54Russthe nanpa database actually make this easy, if you have an NPA list another NPA as an NXX with "UA" or "Not Available", then they are part of a 10 digit dialing area
17:44.10Russnow I just need to make something that walks though the database and makes s/CID matching rules for each area code, within each one of those, a set of 10 digit dialing rules
17:44.33j4m3sanyone in here with good routes to latin america?
17:45.43RussThe only thing that would then suck is if I had to call out on POTS and figure out whether or not to dial a 1
17:47.35RussI don't actually have to be very smart, for any area code, list all UA (unassigned) NXX's that are valid NPAs as prefixes for 10 digit dialing
17:49.04*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (~IceChat7@
17:49.25Russthanks for helping me think though this and recognize the problems in my original, naive dialing plan rules
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17:59.15[TK]D-Fendercheers the start of "Personal Pronoun Week"
18:10.05*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~nate@
18:11.15*** join/#asterisk Jinxed- (~b0ot@
18:13.47Jinxed-how come the switchvox can only support a fraction of the concurrent calls that the regular version of asterisk can
18:14.51[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: The number is a lie or is flatly artificail
18:15.17[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: Feel free to specifically link us so we can tell which it is.
18:15.33Jinxed-[TK]D-Fender, I talked with a sales guy today
18:15.51Jinxed-it was something like 70 to 90 concurrent calls for switchvox
18:16.03Jinxed-and 500 concurrent calls with asterisk on a server
18:16.30idespinnerJinxed-, Switchvox dimensions very conservativley
18:17.04idespinnerthey claim 70-90 with full call recording while taking a backup, etc...
18:17.15idespinnerrunning CDR reports
18:18.27Jinxed-idespinner, is the regular version of * able to do that with the 500 number they quoted?
18:18.51idespinnerdunno, its all about hardware not software
18:19.13[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: SHOW US
18:20.48Jinxed-show you what?
18:21.18[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: Where these claims are made
18:21.39Jinxed-[TK]D-Fender, these were verbal claims made to me when I called Digium sales
18:21.50[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: Its worth as much as you can show us...
18:23.39Jinxed-[TK]D-Fender, sorry I don't have a transcript of the chat
18:23.54Jinxed-I will probably get an email though
18:23.55idespinnerJinxed-, there are specs on the switchvox website
18:24.10idespinnerthe larger aa355 does spec out to about 70 concurrent calls
18:24.18Jinxed-it's alright, I like the custom asterisk solutions better anyway
18:24.42idespinnerbut that is a conservative estimate. You may want to jump in #switchvox to ask there...
18:28.34[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: Show me this "switchvox" you were quoted about.
18:29.10Jinxed-they were the ones who talked about switchvox
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18:29.27Jinxed-well the nice thing about the asterisk is that you don't have to pay per subscriber
18:29.33Jinxed-you can just pay for the support
18:29.41Jinxed-I feel that it is more flexible
18:29.44Jinxed-than the turnkey solutions
18:30.05[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: Ask yourself what this support covers and costs, and what you'll need.
18:30.11Jinxed-plus if your system was almost completly up and running but you just needed to add a couple of lines
18:30.22[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: As well as what it takes to be "turnkey".
18:30.25idespinnerThe purpose of switchvox is just to be a pbx for those who cant/dont want to manage a linux server
18:30.29Jinxed-it would be very costly to have to pay the subscription on all your lines
18:30.44raden_workJinxed-, wtf are you trying to accomplish ?
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18:31.23Jinxed-I was just finding more information about Digium/Asterisk for possible solutions
18:31.45*** join/#asterisk JamesHarrison (
18:31.50carrarSwitchVox is a great product
18:32.09Jinxed-i never said it wasn't
18:32.21[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: here's a good one : What exactly is this "switchvox" your were being informed about?
18:32.32drmessanoAsterisk can handle 500+ concurrent calls on the RIGHT SIZE server
18:32.48drmessanoYou were spec'ed a SPECIFIC piece of hardware
18:32.58carraror more on a LEFT SIZE server
18:33.05drmessanoYou're comparing apples and monkeys here
18:33.10KavanSJinxed-, basically your best bet is to buy support from digium - asap
18:33.32carrarMillions of Monkeys, Millions of thumbs!
18:33.40KavanS<<<<--- not employed or affiliated by digium
18:33.42KavanSjust sayin!
18:33.51Jinxed-KavanS, if we ended up going with asterisk, that is what we would do
18:34.13drmessanoThat switchbox system that handles 70 calls likely can handle approx 70 calls if you reformatted and install a base OS and asterisk.. You spec'ed out HARDWARE and then asked support a general asterisk question, which they answered correctly
18:34.14KavanSJinxed-, asterisk is awesome - I can't see using any other PBX for our SMB
18:34.33Jinxed-[TK]D-Fender, this switchvox:
18:34.34KavanSJinxed-, 500 concurrent calls is a bit out of my experience though :)
18:34.36carrarJinxed, if you want to use Asterisk you have a lot of learning that needs to happen, keep that in mind
18:34.48carrarthere is a learning curve
18:34.50Jinxed-oh, I know
18:34.55carrarmuch larger then switchvox
18:34.59carrarmuch much
18:35.12carrarswitchvox is plug and play
18:35.26[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: Switchvox is HARDWARE <-------------------
18:35.31Jinxed-I am new to a lot of IP/VOIP world, but my background is EE/CE
18:35.37[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: comparing it to software is folly
18:35.41carrarSwitchVox is Hardware & Software
18:35.47drmessanoJinxed-: If you pointed me to box A and I told you it could handle about 100 concurrent calls, then asked me "How many calls can Asterisk handle per server", I would tell you "500 or so" based on that being a best practice
18:36.10[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: * scales to your hardware.  Mind you the extra crap they shove in with the GUI etc will artifically limit you as well
18:36.12drmessanoBut the second query is NOT based on hardware specs, where the first one IS
18:36.24Jinxed-they said switchvox with 70 concurrent calls would be about 400 extentions
18:36.25[TK]D-Fender[14:35]<carrar>SwitchVox is Hardware & Software <- can you buy the software separately?
18:36.43[TK]D-Fender[14:36]<Jinxed->they said switchvox with 70 concurrent calls would be about 400 extentions <- BS statistic
18:36.50carrarwe have
18:37.00[TK]D-Fendercarrar: Can Joe Blow?
18:37.04Jinxed-[TK]D-Fender, exactly... switchvox from what they said is a commerical version of * meaning that the configuration files and everything are hidden from the user and it is a GUI configuration
18:37.07carrarprobably not
18:37.13carrarbut it does come with software
18:37.17[TK]D-Fendercarrar: Lets just say "no" then :)
18:37.29carrarit's a hardware & software solution
18:37.37punxosI'm want to install asterisk in gentoo, but I have this msg I think that  I need asterisk-sounds-1.6.XX but don't exist this ebuild
18:37.51[TK]D-Fendercarrar: But not sealed for freshness :)
18:38.08[TK]D-Fenderpunxos: Go complain to your packager
18:38.08carrarIf they include M&M's they might be sealed
18:38.37Jinxed-[TK]D-Fender, I thought you worked for digium
18:38.40drmessanoJinxed-:  GUI doesn't mean "can handle less calls"... if you drop a bunch of extra running apps on there, that's one thing.. Your box that can handle about 70 calls likely couldnt handle much more if it was stripped down, and thats assuming theres any extra running processes on there that a bare * box wouldnt have
18:38.48Jinxed-last time I asked who here works for digium a bunch of people said they did
18:38.52[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: Where would you get that idea?
18:39.15[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: I said a bunch of people did.  I never said I wasn one of them.
18:39.20Jinxed-last time I asked who here works for digium a bunch of people said they did <---
18:39.20punxosA solution is to install asterisk-1.2 but I prefere 1.6 obviously
18:39.21carrarI work for Sustainable VoIP
18:39.26raden_workJinxed-, what are your intentions how big of a company etc... ?
18:39.32[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: Them != me :)
18:39.48Jinxed-I could just imagine calling you for help...
18:39.50[TK]D-Fender[14:39]<carrar>I work for Sustainable VoIP <- how long do you think that will last? ;)
18:39.52drmessanoI work for Diguim.. Not to be confused with Digium
18:39.55raden_workdrmessano, our single core P4 2.8's will handle 200 calls on pass through easily
18:39.57carrarTK, I made that up :)
18:40.12drmessanoraden_work, Good for you..
18:40.20wcselbydrmessano - lol, Diguim
18:40.23wcselbythe other Digium
18:40.50carrarVoIP will soon be replaced
18:40.57raden_workcarrar, by what ?
18:41.08[TK]D-FenderVoCP <-
18:41.22drmessanoraden_work:  The query here isn't about what Asterisk can handle.. it's about looking at a SwitchVox box spec'ed to run about 70 concurrent calls, then asking "how many calls can Asterisk handle".. which are two different things
18:41.23[TK]D-FenderCarrier Pidgin > YOU
18:41.24carrarVoice over Telepathy
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18:41.40raden_workdrmessano, ahh gotcha
18:41.49carrarVoCP is ND backup plan
18:42.05Jinxed-Well I thought it was strange... but the two versions of * have to be different right? I mean a commerical version and the open source version... different licensing
18:42.08[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: odds are any of those servers they sell could support a LOT more than that.  Everything is variable however.
18:42.15Jinxed-I just found it odd that commerical version would be that much worse
18:42.21[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: No, hardly different at all
18:42.41[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: You pay for their GUI, their ahrdware, and their suppotr, and pay for it in $ and control.
18:43.04drmessanoraden_work:  He asked about a SwitchVox that's spec'ed for 70 calls and then was told Asterisk can handle 500 per server.  Yes, my oranges are sweet, and my monkey drinks water.. What does one have to do with the other?
18:43.13[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: You buy a solution that is about as locked as any other out there.....
18:43.44drmessanoA WRT54G can handle a handful of concurrent calls with Asterisk.. does that mean Asterisk sucks and Trixbox doesnt?
18:43.49citywokI was unable to break 240 calls on my old dual xeon 3.6, :(
18:43.50carrarJinxed, take the time to learn Asterisk from Source and build it yourself!
18:43.54carrarThats what I recommend
18:44.01infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
18:44.04carrarread that
18:44.08[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: And when you sell a product you don't want to get smashed for your product not working up to someones unrelaistic goals.  So the (cl)aim low.
18:44.09Jinxed-haha, I have the book now
18:44.26Jinxed-and that book has a lot of stuff that is out of date
18:44.42Jinxed-yes i understand
18:44.43[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: Correct, thats why there are docs in teh TARBALL
18:44.45raden_workthere another book
18:44.46carrarYou have to start someplace
18:44.59[TK]D-Fender[14:44]<raden_work>there another book <- several
18:45.03drmessanoJinxed-: Some of the CODE is out of date.. the other 80% of the book is ESSENTIAL reading
18:45.21raden_workPractical Asterisk 1.4 and 1.6: From Beginner to Expert
18:45.26raden_workthat one really freaking good :)
18:45.58carrarWhere is the PDF of it?
18:46.13drmessanoI refuse to read any book that doesn't address 1.8
18:46.16raden_workLOL there is not one
18:46.21Jinxed-anyone read this
18:46.22Jinxed-Learning Guide for Asterisk 1.6: Learn how to build a PBX using Asterisk in a week (Volume 1)
18:46.22drmessanoNot reading OLD material
18:46.25wcselbyraden_work - that's the book made from, right?
18:46.42drmessanoJinxed-: You should read ANYTHING at this point
18:46.48carrardrmessano, you want my copy of Asterisk 2.0?
18:47.00drmessanoJinxed-: ANYTHING = better than what you've read currently
18:47.01[TK]D-Fendercarrar: I remember that :)
18:47.06wcselbycarrar - I think you can go to and get all the content of that book
18:47.34drmessanocarrar:  I have some pre-release Asterisk code too.. Wanna buy it?
18:47.42carrarYes Please
18:47.59drmessanoPost 1.8 kinda stuff.. all the source code
18:48.03carrarI want it to just work in 30 seconds when I click GO
18:48.05wcselbydrmessano - I'll give you five bucks for it
18:48.16wcselbybut you'll have to fill out a lot of IRS forms and stuff
18:48.18wcselbyin blue ink
18:48.20Jinxed-carrar, you need my config files then
18:48.26drmessanowcselby:  Paypal it, and I will send you a link
18:48.39raden_work1.8 going to have SRTP ?
18:48.51carrarYou didn't get the memo?
18:49.00drmessano1.8 is going to have a SHITload of acronyms, raden_work
18:49.06wcselbydrmessano - i'll need the forms filled out first, they require social security number, birthdate, bank account numbers, bank account routing numbers, etc.  if you could include a dna sample that'd be great as well
18:49.12wcselbyfor biometric security,  of course
18:49.26carraroh man, the more acronyms the better!
18:49.43drmessanoTCP, SRTP, HTTP, IAX, VOIP, IPV6, and some SNMP amongst other things
18:49.52[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: IIRC If you don't STFU with these acronyms ASAP you'll be DOA PDQ, AOK?
18:50.07drmessanoROFLMAO KTHXBYE
18:50.11KavanSlolz ^
18:50.24drmessanoWait, that's an acronym and a meme
18:50.25wcselby[TK]D-Fender - IDK my BFF Jill?
18:50.37KavanSwcselby, BFF 4-EVUH?
18:50.46wcselbyit's only a meme if you add the ^_^
18:50.55drmessanoSorry, I got my 1337-sp33k and my LOLCAT crossed again
18:51.19carrarpoints LASER EYES at drmessano
18:51.33drmessanoCEILING CATS carrar
18:51.55wcselbyhay guys my asteris server stopp, fix pls? ^)^
18:52.00drmessanoDon't make me invisible bicycle you
18:52.06carrarok, that about wraps up my doy of work
18:52.29*** join/#asterisk gamedna (
18:52.48drmessanowcselby, oh hai, i can haz 1.8 srtp lol, iax u vrry much
18:52.54drmessanoO RLY?  YA RLY!
18:53.28wcselbymeh, time for work
18:53.42wcselbystupid having to pay bills and stuff
18:54.21drmessanoSo when is Digium bringing IAXtel back?
18:54.25drmessanoI am waiting...
18:55.48[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Don't forget to hold your breath!
18:57.44drmessanoI would call him direct and ask him, but teh Google failed me
18:58.27[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I can tell you his last 4 digits ;)
18:58.51Jinxed-you guys ever hear of twillio
18:59.03wcselbyvoip in the cloud
18:59.17KavanSwcselby, do you run asterisk in the cloud?
18:59.20wcselbythey presented at astricon last year
18:59.25wcselbyno, twillio does, i think
18:59.29KavanSoh nice
18:59.35KavanSwould be interested to hear their success
18:59.45drmessanoHow do you reboot a cloud?
18:59.45wcselbylot of cloud presentations last year, I think it had it's own track
18:59.49drmessanoYou people amaze me sometimes
19:00.17KavanSdrmessano, whatever you call it - cloud is here to stay ;)
19:00.18*** join/#asterisk kl4m (
19:00.32raden_workshakes his head
19:00.39KavanSlol whatever...
19:00.46KavanSyou guys take it as a joke
19:00.50KavanSI realize the cloud is a big marketing joke
19:01.21KavanShowever - it's going to be an interesting proposition for businesses moving forward
19:01.30KavanSyou can sit by and watch the train pass, or get with the program
19:01.33KavanScloud is here to stay.
19:01.37drmessanoKavanS:  Yeah, to a point.. I haven't been convinced that realtime voice works with all my end user devices connecting to some remote server.
19:01.59KavanSdrmessano, yeah I didn't think asterisk would fair well in a virtualized environment...
19:02.06KavanSjust speaking of it as an abstract concept...
19:02.15*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~nate@
19:02.28KavanSeverytime you mention "cloud" in a tech channel - there is a bit of a scuffle ;)
19:02.30raden_workKavanS, SOME REMOTE SERVER @!!!
19:02.42KavanSraden_work, bacon or pork - all the same buddy ;)
19:02.45raden_worknothing wrong with cloud if it on your local network
19:03.11gamednamy old boss said my head was always in a cloud
19:03.15raden_workasterisk works fine in VM for me
19:03.18drmessanoI can see offloading a LOT to the cloud.. I am a big fan of Google Apps, for example.. and hosted CRM, and even online backup.. But I think there's enough client to client usage that warrants your phone switching being done onsite
19:03.37raden_workTotally agree
19:03.54KavanSyep, I can't see * being a solid solution in the cloud
19:04.02KavanSbut I would love to see more info on it
19:04.30raden_workinfo on what ?
19:04.35gamednain my experience, the problem w/ cloud services is not the provider or the service, its always the last mile to the end user
19:05.06*** join/#asterisk Shaaan (
19:05.07drmessanoAretta has done some neat stuff with these stripped down, hosted FreePBX+Asterisk "Virtual PBX's".. It's insane how well they work with the specs they provision out for each VM
19:05.11raden_workgamedna, totally
19:05.25Shaaanhas anyone ever run Asterisk with a large volume of calls 200+concurrent calls on HP Proliant Servers?
19:05.27drmessanogamedna:  Exactly
19:05.34Shaaanor does anyone have any suggestions on hardware for 200 + concurrent calls?
19:06.01gamednaim a big fan of virtual + cloud but when you are deploying and enterprise or carrier grade app/service there is way too much outside of your control.
19:06.07drmessanoraden_work runs a couple hundred concurrent calls, but I think he's using Vista
19:06.36*** join/#asterisk Russ (~russ@
19:07.06raden_workShaaan, dualcore w/ 4 GB ram
19:07.39Shaaanraden 200 concurrent calls + generating i would say additional 60 calls per minute or more its going to be a dialer..
19:07.53drmessanoDo you work for Obama?
19:07.55raden_workdrmessano, Asterisk built by root @ linux-zm7c on a i686 running Linux on 2009-07-27 20:11:39 UTC
19:09.12gamednamy take on cloud is that you really need some good partnerships w/ the last mile providers to be successful in the long run.   Amazon / akamai work b/c they are so heavily interconnected.
19:09.13raden_workhaha i hate windows never even used vista
19:09.47gamednagoogle also has been extremely innovative w/ this as well.
19:09.53drmessanogamedna:  Yeah, nothing like rain taking out your cloud
19:10.03gamednadrmessano: hahaha
19:10.21raden_workShaaan, all matters codecs etc too
19:10.51Shaaanwell codecs will be g711 or ulaw
19:11.13raden_workdrops head on desk
19:11.26drmessanoSeriously though.. Put 25,000 users on and then explain to the CEO what "Backhoe Fade" is in layman's terms
19:11.58raden_workShaaan, well g711 or ulaw ?
19:12.11nix8n82I don't know what you mean by backhoe fade
19:12.17gamednadrmessano: hahahaha
19:12.21Shaaang711 most likely
19:12.37gamednai used to work in construction.. i know all about backhoe fade
19:12.47raden_workShaaan, u sure u dont want to use ulaw ?
19:12.53drmessanoWikipedia ---> Backhoe fade or JCB fade is a humorous term coined by the telecommunications industry, referring to the accidental severing of a cable by a backhoe or similar construction activity.
19:13.14drmessanoDeserves it's own entry, IMHO
19:13.14Shaaanokay lets base it on ulaw then...
19:13.20raden_worknever done that 0:)
19:13.20Shaaanwhat are we looking in terms of hardware?
19:13.42raden_workShaaan, you should really decide if your going to use ulaw or g711
19:13.50raden_workalso bandwith ?
19:13.57gamednadrmessano:  in contrast to your comment, we have become "accepting" of backhoe fade w/ our home POTS service b/c there is a decent SLA attached to it
19:14.33gamednadrmessano: but we hate it if our internet goes down
19:14.40Shaaanraden_work, g711 and gigE
19:14.48gamednab/c it could go down for no good reason and w/o an SLA
19:15.09gamednai have 2 installs that use verizon FIOS
19:15.22raden_workwhat your WAN connection ?
19:15.24wcselbyShaaan - ulaw is g711, raden_work is just messing with you
19:15.33gamednaand i always get 1 phone line w/ it just so the SLA is there in case something goes wrong w/ the fiber line.
19:15.37raden_workwcselby, totally ruining my day dude :)
19:15.48drmessanogamedna:  We've also become accepting of last mile fade on the near end because of occasional service outages.. which generally amount to the same SLA as you get from say something like Exchange run by a fully staffed department.  But putting all your faith in that its not run on a Comcast 12/2 connection takes a lot
19:15.53Shaaanthats what i thought i was a little confused, i was like hrmp something is wrong..
19:16.03raden_workShaaan, ok ill be nice so G711 on a dual core youll be able to handle roughly 250 calls going
19:16.07raden_workon a 2.5
19:16.08wcselbyShaaan - for your 200+ concurrent calls, do you plan on doing this over digital trunks (T1 / E1, etc) or using an ITSP, because that will make a big difference
19:16.12Shaaananyway can someone suggest a decent harware setup for lets say 200 concurrent calls per minute and another 100 being placed per minute
19:16.27gamednadrmessano: i agree… so then it boils down to the amount of risk your business can absorb..
19:16.29*** part/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
19:16.48Shaaanwcselby, well the server is connected via GiGE, but the calls are being terminated via SIP
19:17.00drmessanogamedna:  How the hell do I know RoxMyVox isn't running Trixbox on some GX240 with 512MB RAM?
19:17.29wcselbyShaaan - you'll need a very large pipe then.  the server may have gige, do you mean to say that you've got 1000 MB/s bandwidth between your server and your provider?
19:17.30gamednadrmessano: i dont think it matters what they run, as long as the service they provide is good.
19:17.43Shaaanwcselby, yes
19:17.43gamednathat is the whole cloud mentality
19:17.45raden_workShaaan, you actually have a full GIGE connection to your ISP ?
19:17.46drmessanogamedna:  But I can start firing admins or buying new hardware when the in-house PBX doesn't work.. eventually something will budge enough that we're back up
19:18.10gamednadrmessano:  right… but that is a business decision
19:18.14raden_workShaaan, I find that hard to believe
19:18.19Shaaanat my office, from my ISP wich is TiNEt
19:18.34gamednahere is another example.  hosted PBX's for realtors
19:18.40wcselbyShaaan - nice.  you still may want to look into a lower bit rate codec, such as g729 or whatever
19:18.43gamednano office, no phones, no nothing
19:18.44wcselbybut that adds to system overhead
19:18.58gamednayet the system routes calls to each realtor's cell on the road
19:19.07Shaaanwell hence i wanna get a decent server to handle the overhead
19:19.08wcselbygrab yourself a nice dual quad-core server with 6+ gb of RAM, and you should be set
19:19.11drmessanoGoogle just needs to start offering hosted PBX services and we can scratch that off the list of stuff we need to worry about it.
19:19.17*** join/#asterisk ZeXr0 (
19:19.20Shaaanbut g729 is WAAAY to big of a resource hog
19:19.28gamednathere is a chance that mycloudpbx.fart all of a sudden gets hit by a meterorite and that whole business goes down
19:19.35raden_workg729 in passthrough is not a issue
19:19.49carrarg729 in hardware
19:20.11gamednachances are that if you get a good virtualpbx in a good datacenter w/ a company that provides good service, you will be fine
19:20.15wcselbyhowlertech (I think) makes a g729 transcoding card that offloads the transcoding overhead associated with g729
19:20.33Shaaanso your suggesting use g729 ?
19:20.34wcselbyoffloads from the cpu to the car
19:20.36carrarSo does Digium
19:20.47wcselbyShaaan - if you find you're having bandwidth issues.
19:21.01wcselbyrule of thumb is what, 100Kb/s per g711 call?
19:21.19wcselby64Kb/s for the actual call, plus overhead
19:21.34wcselbyyou're talking 200-300 concurrent calls
19:21.48Shaaanin theory shouldn't a gigE have enough bandwidth to support it without having the need to compress it using g729
19:22.07wcselbyso 100Kb * 200 = 20,000Kb/s, or 20Mb/s
19:22.10nix8n82I thought it was 64kb/s per rtp channel and isn't there two channels per call?
19:22.22gamednashaaan:  how many g711 can you realistically squeeze into a 1gigE line?
19:22.30drmessanogamedna:  True, then you're also looking at "DIY" PBX + hardware hosting or a complete hosted turnkey.. Do you want a whole cloud, part of the cloud, or just the fluffy part?
19:22.32wcselbynix8n82 - one channel coming in, one channel to the phone, hopefully the phones aren't going over the same gigE pipe
19:22.48Shaaani would think if its a burstable gigE
19:22.58Shaaanyou should be able to get 20mb/s traffic to it no problem
19:23.08wcselbyShaaan - hopefully
19:23.16wcselbyShaaan - and my math may be off, it's been known to happen
19:23.21gamednadrmessano: i just want the silver lining  =)
19:24.02ShaaangigE is burstable according to my SLA upto 1000mB/s
19:24.03carrarShaaan, you are getting a SLA for LINE RATE GigE?
19:24.13wcselbyShaaan - so again, like I said, a dual quad-core (2x quad core procs) box with 6+ gb of ram should be good.
19:24.14Shaaanerr not SLA lost
19:24.22*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
19:24.23carrarGigE can really mean you can do 120Mbps
19:24.27carrarand no more
19:24.33carrardo you really know
19:24.40nix8n82I'm a little confused, if you have an incoming sip call from your provider and it hits an ivr wouldn't that call take up 128kbs for that call as long as asterisk is playing the ivr?
19:25.24carrarg711 call is about 88kbps with overhead
19:25.30Shaaanso then what would my line capacity need to be according to your calculations i would need what like fios or fiber in there to handle that many calls ?
19:25.44infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
19:25.46carrar88kbps up and down
19:25.50drmessanoor cable
19:25.55raden_workG.711 86.2 KBPS
19:26.11drmessano50 meg, 100 meg DOCSIS 3.0 and lots of prayer
19:26.15carrarGET IT RIGHT!
19:26.19raden_workG.729 31.2 KBPS
19:26.44gamednacarrar: you mean 120MB/s
19:26.54raden_workShaaan, are you sure its a full GIGE connection ?
19:26.54carrarI mean Mbps
19:27.01Shaaanyou guys are more confused then i am :|
19:27.01raden_workis it sync or async ?
19:27.04Shaaanradenn yes.
19:27.16carrarno one talks in bytes
19:27.21raden_workget a quad core 8 GB ram youll be fine
19:27.25drmessanoG.726 (32 Kbps).......55.2 Kbps  <-- PWN
19:27.44raden_workwhere u get 55.2 from ?
19:27.45drmessanoAlso get lots of crack
19:28.00drmessanoG.726 (24 Kbps).......47.2 Kbps
19:28.03ShaaanIntel® Xeon® X7550 (8 core, 2.0GHz, 18MB, 130W)
19:28.04drmessanoReading, raden_work
19:28.12gamednacarrar?   gigE why only 120 megabits/sec
19:28.15raden_workShaaan, overkill
19:28.28carrargamedna, GigE can mean you can just burst over 100 Mbps
19:28.34carraror it can mean LINE RATE
19:28.38drmessanoAsterisk doesn't support 23 Kbps G.726, so fail
19:28.41drmessanoor 24
19:28.51raden_workAh did not know that
19:29.05carrarlots of stuff can do "gige" but really can't sustain line rate gige throughput
19:29.11raden_workI dont understand why G.726 not more popular seems like a good codec never used it though
19:29.32wcselbyhow much bandwidth do the wideband codecs use?
19:29.35drmessanoraden_work: Because you can bootleg G.729
19:29.37raden_workShaaan, and then you need a switch and a router that can handle that much through output
19:29.42carrargige for general laymans term is it auto negotiates to 1000mbps
19:29.55[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: because much lower BW options come close enough in quality.
19:29.58carrarnot really a thruoghput rate of 1000Mbps
19:30.22raden_work[TK]D-Fender, makes sense and G.729 licensing is cheap in all reality
19:30.26carrartypically line rate gige is much more expensive
19:30.31wcselbywhy is everyone argueing with him about gige.
19:30.41[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: GSM is also much lighter
19:30.43carrargive us something else to argue abo ut
19:30.54wcselbyif he's supposed to be getting gige from his isp, then he should be getting it.  he can take up specifics with them
19:30.57raden_worknever played with gsm
19:30.58Corydon76-digg729 is expensive, though, in terms of CPU usage
19:31.01[TK]D-Fender13 vs 32
19:31.06drmessano"Dark fiber" <--- Argue
19:31.10wcselbyhe asked about server hardware, which several people have given him suggestions for
19:31.10carrarOH MAN
19:31.21carrarstart your own ISP with DARK FIBER
19:31.23raden_workCorydon76-dig, only if you actually decording
19:31.26drmessanoBUY AMD.. INTEL SUCKS
19:31.27raden_workright ?
19:31.30carrarShould do that
19:31.33drmessanoWANNA FIGHT ABOUT IT?
19:31.39drmessanoHows that?
19:31.43carrarStep outside pls
19:31.45Corydon76-digraden_work: No, encoding also takes a lot of CPU
19:31.52wcselbydrmessano - MS > MAC
19:31.54ShaaanCorydon76-dig, any suggestons from you and [TK]D-Fender and from you?
19:31.55wcselbythere, fight
19:32.07drmessanoUbuntu IS INDEED the best distro
19:32.14wcselbyMS > all OS
19:32.15raden_workCorydon76-dig, well yes both ways the translation but in pass through it doesnt put any extra load on the cpu does it ?
19:32.17wcselbynow, fight
19:32.22carrarbody slams drmessano
19:32.23carrarNO WAY
19:32.30raden_workdrmessano, suse is and AMD sucks !
19:32.32carrarSAY IT
19:32.34Corydon76-digraden_work: if it's truly passthru, there's no extra load, no
19:32.50wcselbyi actually prefer Mint to Ubuntu for desktops, and CentOS / Red Hat over Debian for servers, but it doesn't really matter all that much in the end
19:32.58drmessanohurls Edukubuntuxanadubuntu disks at carrar
19:33.19carrarUbuntu is a good desktop
19:33.29wcselbybut in the end, windows 7 > all
19:33.32drmessanoUbuntu is a good desktop, server, and coffee maker
19:33.36carrargreat desktop actually
19:33.44ShaaanCorydon76-dig, any suggestions dude on hardware and line for a dialer thats going to have 200 concurrent calls?
19:33.46gamednaIBM PC JR all the way!!!!
19:33.56carrarFreeBSD FTW
19:34.09drmessanoFreeBSOD is more like it
19:34.15raden_workShaaan, dude a P4 will handle it get a freaking quad and 8GB of ram and youll seriously be fine
19:34.29gamednadrmessano:  FreeBSOD = windows vista that came w/ your netbook
19:34.59raden_workand id personally recommend running RAID 1 w/ spare drive on controller for automatic failover
19:35.17Shaaanraden_work its also the fact that i need to know take into consideration if i use g726 or g729
19:35.29*** join/#asterisk phix (
19:35.32raden_worka quad will handle that much G729
19:35.43drmessanoBSD is for for guys who have the extra time not kissing girls to screw around with a *nix variant made intentionally difficult
19:35.44raden_workonly time it taxing the CPU is when using IVR or doing translation
19:35.47drmessanoTHERE, I SAID IT
19:36.21gamednadrmessano: i thought that was AIX
19:36.24KavanSagrees :) with drmessano!
19:36.38wcselbyfreebsd is easier than openbsd to work with :P
19:36.55drmessanowcselby:  I feel so sad for you, man
19:36.59KavanSI like *bsd core on osx
19:37.13carrarFreeBSD makes the girls hot
19:37.24wcselbythat little devil penguin man
19:37.28wcselbydoes it every time
19:37.45gamednawcselby: haha
19:37.46wcselbyi think that's where p3nguin get's his attitude from
19:37.52Corydon76-digbsd core on osx makes the developers punch holes in the wall
19:37.58drmessanowcselby, "I know one BSD variant from another so well I can point out their core differences" = "I really need a woman.  Even a fat, ugly Waffle House waitress with no teeth"
19:38.13wcselbydrmessano - hahaha
19:38.37wcselbylife is good here in my mother's basement, what can I say
19:38.51carrardrmessano, move to Alaska
19:39.01wcselbyi live in houston, i didn't know what a basement was until I was 13
19:39.05drmessanowcselby: "Mooooom, knock before you enter my LAIR, PLEASE"
19:39.05gamednawcselby:  you just reminded me of will ferrel in wedding crashers
19:39.25jdoeoff-topic, why can I not make a digitmap for a polycom phone that accepts 9[2-9]xxxxxxxxx and [2-9]xxxxxxxxx? It always matches the shorter so when I dial an initial 9 I get a truncated number :/
19:39.57raden_workShaan, get like a quad 2.5 , 8 GB RAM, Hardware based NIC, RAID 1 w/ 3rd drive for fail over you'll be set for a while
19:40.19wcselbyyou need a 4x 6-core server with 48GB of ram, dell makes them for their blade chassis
19:40.33drmessanoOh, and get one of those Dell hats
19:40.34[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: Change the order they appear in the string
19:40.48wcselbyi have a client with a few of those in their blade chassis
19:40.52jdoe[TK]D-Fender: I've tried both ways, neither works.
19:40.54drmessanoI need to get servers with weatherproofing on them
19:41.10gamednawcselby: your client must be poor now…   j/k
19:41.13wcselbyoriginally bought to be a vmware cluster, then they were going to be a sql cluster, now I think they're running MS Hyper-V
19:41.22wcselbyi think the server is only like 9k
19:41.42wcselbythey've probably got 250k in servers sitting in their datacenter
19:41.51wcselbyservers / network equipmnet
19:41.52drmessanoMS Hyper-V?  OMG, they must be running Office 2010
19:42.06[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: Do what I do then.. screw specific patterns and jsut slap a timeout on EVERYTHING
19:42.08wcselbydrmessano - some of them in their it department are, yes
19:42.27drmessanowcselby:  48GB RAM would be a minimum for Office, would it not?
19:42.40wcselbyabout an 80% ms shop, with about 20% linux / other
19:43.01wcselbyalthough they did get juniper network gear because (seriously) one of their old network admins liked that it ran on BSD
19:43.18wcselbythat, plus it was like half the cost of an equivalent cisco deployment
19:43.24[TK]D-Fender[15:39]<raden_work>Shaan, get like a quad 2.5 , 8 GB RAM, Hardware based NIC, RAID 1 w/ 3rd drive for fail over you'll be set for a while <- 4 drive RAID 6
19:43.25jdoe[TK]D-Fender: yeah... sigh. Kinda wish they'd made the firmware suck less before they EOL'd it.
19:43.30wcselbyalthough now none of their staff understand juniper gear
19:43.51[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: Its list of shortcomings is comparatively small....
19:44.10raden_work[TK]D-Fender, you need 5 drives to do raid 6
19:44.22drmessanoJuniper gear is just like anything else.. There's nothing you can't do with it once you pass 12 certification exams
19:44.35raden_work[TK]D-Fender, the performance increase would be tremendous though
19:44.43raden_workI personally run raid 10 w/ failover drive
19:45.17jdoe[TK]D-Fender: depends on how old your gear is. I'm stuck on 2.1.3, it has some especially annoying bugs. My favorite is how it forces the phone to wipe and reimage itself every time it restarts, so it takes a couple minutes every time to test the digitmap ;)
19:45.23[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: "Diagram of a RAID 6 setup, which is identical to RAID 5 other than the addition of a second parity block" <- Raid5 + 1 MORE drive.  So 3 drives for the % + 1 = 4
19:45.37[TK]D-Fender(instead of %)
19:45.55gamednaTK, if you are going to deal w/ 2 drive failures w/ raid 6, you are better off w/ raid 10
19:46.02gamednamore performance
19:46.06drmessanoI like HP's RAID devices.. Lose a drive on a 3 drive RAID 5 array and it dynamically reallocates disk space across the other drives on the controller until you restore the drive
19:46.24wcselbywho uses raid anymore, I just build my systems on 256gb thumb drives
19:46.27[TK]D-Fendergamedna: No, RAID 10 can fail if 2 drives fail.
19:46.37[TK]D-Fendergamedna: RAID 6 @ 4 drives survives
19:47.00drmessanoRAID 5 @ 2 drives survives with an HP DL380 series lol
19:47.47[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Yes... in a 3-drive array.  But that's nto the point :)
19:48.01[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: That 2-drive solution doesn't survive 2 failures :)
19:48.14KavanSraid? dude - booting from floppy works just fine!
19:48.44citywokgamedna: you aren't guaranteed 2 drive failures in raid10
19:48.59citywokthat's a real bad strategy to go with.  if both drives in a mirror fail you're toast
19:49.17gamednaright, that is true
19:49.27citywokbtw i've seen that happen. it's no fun.
19:50.01gamednathanks for setting me straight citywok
19:50.30gamednai never use raid anymore, i just use cloud services
19:50.43*** join/#asterisk Thorn_ (~thorn@unaffiliated/thorn)
19:50.49citywokyou must not have lots of storage requirements, or you have a massive budget
19:51.03drmessanoHow do you reboot a cloud?
19:51.10carrarHe had money belonging to him in Nigeria from some King
19:51.15carrarhe's rich
19:51.16gamednacitiwok: im just playing on the previous conversation
19:51.28citywokthat should do the trick drmessano
19:51.41citywokah, i didn't read that far back gamedna
19:51.46gamednadrmessano:  dont reboot, be root.
19:51.59drmessanocitywok:  You're 0% fun, and that's with NO drive failures
19:52.08KavanSyou don't need to reboot the cloud
19:52.17[TK]D-Fender[15:50]<gamedna>i never use raid anymore, i just use cloud services <- that means you have no idea where your actual data is or what its odds of survival are :)
19:52.17KavanSisn't that the entire idea?
19:52.25citywokhah. what happens if the cloud crashes?  does it rain?
19:52.44[TK]D-Fendercitywok: Oh I feel it coming down again....
19:52.46gamedna[TK]D-Fender: im not serious about that comment… guess you missed the cloud debate a while back.
19:52.53drmessanoKavanS:  Clouds have no place to insert floppy disks.. Have you ever tried to stick a floppy in a cloud?
19:53.11citywokdrmessano: not in a cloud, just an apple pie. but it wasn't very floppy at the time.
19:53.11KavanSdrmessano, I'm floppying the cloud as we speak!
19:53.12[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I did.  It tripped the water sensor
19:53.42drmessanoWhat happens when the cloud says "Please insert disk in drive A:"  ?
19:53.53gamednayou press the any key
19:54.11[TK]D-Fenderlooks for the "any" key
19:54.18citywoki have alt!
19:54.29*** join/#asterisk philipp64|laptop (
19:54.34drmessanoI tried to plug a thumb drive into a cloud once, and it fell straight down and hit me in the face.
19:55.01raden_work[TK]D-Fender, your correct Im so used to using it with a hot spare LOL 5 was the number in my head
19:55.07drmessanoSo much for telling Laslo to reboot 3 times
19:55.33drmessanoITS THE GREY ONE
19:55.36drmessano"They're all grey"
19:55.41[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: RAID 6 witha  hot spare?  Thats like 3 non data drives...
19:55.50[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: paranoid much?
19:56.00drmessano"Dude, you just rebooted the Exchange server"
19:56.21raden_work[TK]D-Fender, I dont like liability, I'm sure you can understand....
19:56.23gamedna[TK]D-Fender, whats your chassis drive limit?
19:57.19[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Sure you can do it.. it just sounds extreme.  RAID 6 was already a jump up on RAID5 + HOT because it survives 2 simultaneous without waiting to rebuild the hot spare.
19:57.31drmessanoCould be worse.. could be a RAID .5.... that's one drive and a spare on the shelf
19:57.48KavanSraid is meh
19:57.52[TK]D-Fendergamedna: I don't run 6 here yet.  I have 5+a currently
19:57.57gamednadrmessano: yea, and then you plug in the spare to find out it does not work
19:58.19*** join/#asterisk ideaman (
19:58.26raden_work[TK]D-Fender, raid 6 nice.... i normally run 10 + hot spare
19:58.31drmessanogamedna:  You're assuming I got to image the new drive from the bad drive before it died
19:58.47raden_work[TK]D-Fender, yes totally paranoid :(
19:58.48KavanSgamedna, for a couple bucks more you could have the entire system redundant - why stop at the drives? ;)
19:59.12gamednakavans, that is what i use.
19:59.18gamednaredundant everything
19:59.27drmessanoHe even studders in meetings
19:59.36gamednayyou you you betcha
19:59.42drmessanoJust so his words are redundant
19:59.58gamednaim so redundant i say the same thing twice
20:00.09drmessanoI keep a spare fiance' in the spare bedroom just in case
20:00.27gamednadrmessano: i thought you used
20:00.34raden_workgamedna, our asterisk servers run a round robin DNS with Mysql Master master both with raid 10 and redundant power supplies witch is probally a lil much
20:00.45gamednasounds nice
20:00.47drmessanogamedna: Like I said earlier, have you ever tried to stick.... oh nevermind
20:01.08raden_workgamedna, its in testing for last 3 months working good so far
20:01.11gamednaraden_work:   how do you handle registration?
20:01.29drmessanoHe doesnt have any phones
20:01.33drmessanoHe went over budget on the servers
20:01.34raden_workmysql, master master
20:02.02drmessanoSorry, had to..
20:02.20raden_workgamedna, they basically clone each other
20:02.22*** part/#asterisk kkm (~kkm@
20:02.47drmessanoOk, out for a few.. I will be back.. (Yes, that's a warning)
20:02.51raden_workgamedna, the master master makes the 2 mysql databases one
20:03.03raden_workthrows drmessano outa the room :)
20:03.18gamednadrmessano: dont spend too much time in the clouds…
20:03.21*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (
20:03.23KavanSoh snap
20:04.13gamednaraden_work: so each asterisk server can register based on the mysql database
20:04.22gamednayou dont need a single registration server
20:04.50raden_worklike how do we register to our ITSP ?
20:05.16raden_workour how do phones resiter to asterisk ?
20:05.20gamednawell, both
20:05.36gamednaeach server have a connection to your ITSP
20:05.53raden_workwell we are a itsp  but we connect to another one
20:06.01gamednai figured w/ that setup
20:06.11raden_workok here is how it works
20:10.21*** join/#asterisk eppigy (
20:12.40Shaaanthats a NICE SERVER!
20:13.59carrarSure is
20:14.02carrarPLS SEND
20:14.45ShaaanCarrar, i think that would alone handle the 200 calls per miute no problem :)
20:14.49Shaaan4 x 6 cores
20:15.12carrardoesn't take much to handle 200 calls per min
20:15.25Shaaanwell how about generating 200 calls
20:15.31Shaaanor even 100 calls per minutes
20:15.53carrarJust passing SIP?
20:16.00carrar100 calls a second
20:16.41Shaaanmaybe i should get a cheaper server and buy like 5 of them and do a cluster
20:16.45Shaaanmuch more effective i would think
20:16.55carrarWhat are you trying to do, you need to know that first
20:17.53carraropensips states it's doign 900 per second
20:18.17carrarSo if all you are doing is sip setup
20:18.31carrarperhaps I missed your original question
20:19.22Shaaanbuilding a Dialer, and Terminating those calls via SIP
20:19.27Kattyhugs carrar
20:19.36carrarKATTYHUGGLES Katty!!
20:19.44carrarThats a special hug!!
20:20.27carrarShaaan, dialer that runs on the users desktop or on the SIP Server?
20:20.36carraror do you really need a full PBX?
20:20.44Shaaanneed a full PBX
20:20.51Shaaani was thinking asterisk with GNUDialer
20:20.55carrarAsterisk will handle your requirements
20:20.57Shaaanto do voice broadcasting
20:21.08carrareasy I am s ure
20:21.08Shaaanwith live ttansfer to agents
20:21.29carrarYou are only doing 3-4 calls per secodn
20:21.50Shaaanvoice broadcasting with 20 agents your doing about i would say 60 calls per second easy
20:22.06Shaaanand alot of people wont even pick up or most will and wont press 1
20:22.09carrarWHy voice broadcasting?
20:22.14carrarWhy not overhead paging?
20:23.01carrarAlways start with the best machine you can get
20:23.05gamednaoverhead paging = throwing something over the cube walls
20:23.07leifmadsenwhy not underchin paging?!
20:23.21Shaaancomon guys the conversation is going where its not supposed to
20:23.23carrarunderchin causes cancer
20:23.50gamednasorry shaan
20:23.58carrarWhere is this suppose to go?
20:24.22gamedna(to the clouds)?
20:25.05carrarI imagine you could get hardware to run this on for under $300
20:25.34carrardoesn't need to be a $12k HP
20:25.41carrarunless you want it to be
20:25.50Shaaanseems almost untrue how you are going to get 300 hardware to do about 200 concurrent calls and generating another atleast 100 per minute
20:26.07carrarnow we are at 200 concurrent calls?
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20:26.11carrarbefore it was 100
20:26.17Shaaanno, i said 200 before too
20:26.22carrar100 per min
20:26.26Shaaan100 per min yes.
20:26.27carrarI guess
20:26.49carrarDoes Asterisk have to proxy the RTP?
20:27.02carraror will your firewall do that?
20:27.21Shaaanhrmp not decided on that one yet but i would be safe to guess Asterisk
20:27.58carrarand will Asterisk have T1 connected to it?
20:28.01carraror 100% sip
20:28.23carrarAny transcoding?
20:28.43ZeXr0tzafrir_laptop : Do you know if it's possible to use an Astribank using a virtual machine with CentOS on it ? Using a vmware server ESXi ?
20:29.51Shaaanit will be connected to a GigE with SIP termination so 100% sip
20:31.00carrarSo you can do just do g.711 then
20:31.53carrarLet Asterisk off load the RTP over to a firewall or something
20:32.22carrarthen it's all about just call setup for the most part
20:32.35carrarcept for playing recordings, vm and stuff
20:32.42Shaaanno vm
20:32.45Shaaanjust recordings
20:32.55carrarlots of recordings?
20:33.03Shaaanno just 1 for everyone
20:33.06carraralso are you RECORDING the audio/calls?
20:33.08citywokif they are encoded in the same codec as the channel, it should be pretty simple
20:33.43citywokrecording is a beast, i can make about 200 calls simul recorded on a dual xeon 3.6.  not sure how high i can go w/out recording i haven't tried.
20:34.19Shaaanwell i wont be recording the calls
20:34.33Shaaanwe will be doing recording tho
20:34.39Shaaanlike basicly last 1 minute of the conversation
20:34.58carrarYou really don't need a huge machine then if you are NOT recording calls
20:35.24carrarput your audio files in a memory drive
20:35.33carraror record to a memory drive
20:35.37tzafrir_laptopZeXr0, not sure. I heard reports both ways
20:35.39[TK]D-Fender[16:34]<Shaaan>like basicly last 1 minute of the conversation <- doesn't work that way.
20:35.55[TK]D-FenderShaaan: Can't have only the last minute if you don';t knwo when the call will end
20:35.58citywoki can record to disk w/ 200 calls (scsi), but it's not IO limited it's cpu lol.
20:36.11[TK]D-FenderShaaan: You may only KEEP the last minute, but thats actually even MORE processing after
20:36.27Shaaanwe would stop and start recording by doing *somethin and stoping it by *something
20:36.43[TK]D-FenderShaaan: When the other end hangs up on you you'll have nothing.
20:36.49citywokwhy do you only need the last minute?
20:36.56Shaaanokay forget recordings
20:36.58[TK]D-FenderOk, checkout time, BBIAB
20:36.59Shaaanwe wont do recordings
20:37.07citywokyou can record only bridged calls to make sure it only records while people are talking to your agents
20:37.11Shaaancan just use third party then i assume
20:37.32carrarYou can always us a softphone and record your calls :)
20:37.34citywoklike most projects, i'd suggest you come up with a defined requirements list.
20:37.38Shaaanits okay forget recording )
20:37.45citywokthat's a GREAT starting place. knowing what you need.
20:38.04carrarwell if you want recordigns keep it on the list
20:38.15Shaaanmy starting place is trying to figure out my hardware and what software to use for the voicebroadcasting someone suggested GNUDialer
20:38.26carraralso then Asterisk will also then be proxing the RTP
20:38.31carrarthat addes overhead
20:38.39citywokif you dont know your requirements how do you know how to size your hardware?
20:38.39carrarwell handing the RTP
20:39.16Shaaanwell asterisk is going to handle the RTP
20:39.32carrarIF you don't know your requirements yet then just get the fastest machine you can afford and hope for the best!
20:39.48carrarShoot the moon!
20:39.54citywokthat works :P
20:40.18citywokquad 6 core procs, 256gb of memory, and 8 256gb SSD's should suffice.
20:40.49ShaaanFine i'll make a list of req and pastebin it just for you.
20:40.58carrarThats HOT++
20:41.06citywoka project is much more likely to succeed with a list of requirements.
20:41.40*** part/#asterisk punxos (
20:42.20carrarcitywok, stop being practical!!
20:42.37citywoksorry.  and would you believe i'm not even a project manager?
20:44.23dohdcitywok: you're being practical, so yes, I'd believe that
20:44.27*** join/#asterisk buttons840 (~buttons84@
20:44.51citywoklolol.  sorry. i'm just a sysadmin / bad programmer :P
20:45.42buttons840does anyone know what form the callerid field takes in the AMI originate command?
20:48.47*** join/#asterisk dailylinux (
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20:50.31orionihi there , i have an incoming sip and i want to transfer with h323  , is this possible and how ?
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20:50.57Shaaancarrar, citywok,
20:52.19*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
20:52.47gamednahey shaan: instead of putting your eggs in one basket, why not get a bunch of cheaper servers
20:53.02gamednainstead of one expensive one
20:53.28gamednabased on what i am seeing you are probably better off w/ a distributed system
20:53.28carrarHows that distributed queue?
20:54.13gamednathat way failiure is now acoss multple servers
20:54.31leifmadsendistributed queues are hard to do with Asterisk if you're expecting to have the same queue broken between several servers -- you can't transmit call position across servers.
20:54.52gamednadont do the queue in asterisk…
20:55.03gamednahave an app that uses a DB backend
20:55.17gamednaeach server keeps polling for calls
20:55.19gamednagrabs 10 at a time
20:55.23Shaaanso your saying its easy to do a simple que but a distributed one cant be done?
20:55.35leifmadsennot trivially
20:56.20ShaaanOkay updated.
20:56.24leifmadsenif app_queue was modified to transmit queue position to calls across XMPP or something then yes, it could be done
20:56.26gamednathe outbound side is pretty easy
20:56.35leifmadseneverything "can" be done with code changes
20:56.40leifmadsenyay open source!
20:56.50Shaaanfinding a competent developer is the hard part.
20:56.55leifmadsenat the drop of a consultant you can have anything done
20:57.12Shaaanleifmadsen, are you volunteering to be a consultant?
20:57.20carraryay for consultants!!!
20:57.37leifmadsenI am a consultant, but I don't do code changes, sorry
20:57.41leifmadsenpoint at pabelanger
20:57.54Shaaanwhy dont you do code changes?
20:58.10leifmadsenbecause I don't program in C
20:58.40leifmadsenI only write documentation and dialplan :)
20:58.47leifmadsenand PHP when necessary
20:58.54*** join/#asterisk myster (~myster@
20:59.00leifmadsenpabelanger: you should totally take up that consulting job and make app_queue distributable
20:59.10leifmadsenhawtness would abound
20:59.58leifmadsensee scroll back
21:00.07leifmadsen<leifmadsen> if app_queue was modified to transmit queue position to calls across XMPP or something then yes, it could be done
21:00.11leifmadsen<Shaaan> leifmadsen, are you volunteering to be a consultant?
21:00.42pabelanger:) I just finished a contract today, so looking for new work
21:00.52Shaaanjoin the club :)
21:01.04orionihi there , i have an incoming sip and i want to transfer with h323 , is this possible and how ?
21:03.52*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
21:04.18carrarman the blue angels are all over here
21:04.31carrarbuzzin my house
21:05.59*** join/#asterisk Shaaan (
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21:14.15pabelangerorioni: Yes, just bridge the channels within asterisk
21:14.51pabelangerorioni: CLI*> core show application Dial
21:14.55*** join/#asterisk jaxyeh (
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21:17.37citywokcarrar: you in seattle? i'll be out there on saturday on the big boat :)
21:17.40carrarI am
21:17.58citywokahh.  Redmond :)
21:19.18carrarI did the whole boat thing one year, barely made it back to the dock and home, I leave town now when Seafair goes on :)
21:19.32citywokheh.  our ceo owns a 95' tugboat.
21:20.03carrarIs that Bill
21:20.20citywokit's awesome b/c the blue angels use it as a landmark for turning, so they are routinely buzzing over the top of it.  you can smile at the pilots if they are inverted. lol.
21:20.28carrarerr guess it's Steve now
21:20.36citywokno, i don't work directly for msft
21:22.05citywokbtw your resume says Currently working in renton, but it says april2004 - nov2006
21:22.54rootlinuxquestion: can i use the F of Dial comand ption on Asterisk 1.4?
21:24.11bmoraca_workrootlinux: "core show application dial" on 1.4.30 shows only a lowercase f option, no uppercase F
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21:27.17rootlinuxbmoraca_work, ok.. thanks i have the 1.4.24 and only see the f lowercase
21:27.26carrarwhat resume
21:28.09carrarcurrently in that time frame
21:28.45carrarI'm not going anyplace soon
21:28.52carrarworking from home is hard to beat
21:30.42ShaaanCarrar, did you see my paste bin?
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21:31.01carrarthe 1st one
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21:36.44p3nguinI guess no one ever proof read that resume.
21:40.49*** join/#asterisk kerpal (~tyler@
21:41.17kerpalmy asterisk doesn't transcode and i see error reference to slin when i try to playback an mp3 via
21:41.35kerpalif gsm (phone) -> ulaw (gizmo) no audio
21:41.54kerpalif ulaw(phone) -> ulaw (gizmo) audio
21:42.30kerpalMP3Player, and Playback work when called upon via extension
21:42.49kerpalPlayback doesn't play mp3 though, even though I have the module loaded.
21:43.40kerpal[Aug  5 17:43:12] WARNING[26813]: app_playback.c:474 playback_exec: ast_streamfile failed on SIP/tyler-21dde548 for /tmp/Tool
21:44.06kerpal-- <SIP/tyler-21dde548> Playing '/tmp/Tool.slin' (language 'en')
21:46.45[TK]D-Fenderkerpal: Doesn't look like it chose an MP3 file to play...
21:48.24citywokcarrar: out of curiosity i checked your whois and went to your website :)
21:49.07drmessanoPorn and Ducks, huh?
21:49.22citywokyea.  donkeys.
21:50.47drmessanocarrar: out of curiosity i checked your whois and posted your website on slashdot :)
21:51.00drmessanoThe good news is, nobody goes to slashdot anymore
21:53.00leifmadsenslashdot still exists?
21:53.40RussI think they have some script that just reruns random stories every few years
21:53.56*** join/#asterisk Z_God (~julius@2001:610:1908:8000:21e:ecff:fe5d:679e)
21:53.57kerpal[Aug  5 17:53:11] WARNING[27053]: file.c:650 ast_openstream_full: File /tmp/Tool.mp3 does not exist in any format
21:54.09drmessanocarrar: I also just posted your website on Google Wave and submitted it to Lycos
21:54.33kerpali tried to rename to mp3, i heard if you have you could load the file but you would have to remove the end from the file. ill try that desperately here in a sec.
21:54.37Russyou should send them his geocities site too
21:55.02drmessanoRuss: No need, his angelfire site has much more content
21:55.08kerpalbut really i want to know why ulaw->gsm doesn't work and why mp3player doesn't work via pbxspool (no sound)
21:55.36kerpalpbxspool calls
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22:01.46[TK]D-Fenderkerpal: Don't jsut show use the error, show us the COMPLETE call, and the file itself
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22:08.44kerpalhow does one call format mp3 using playback()?
22:10.38*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@unaffiliated/kavans)
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22:18.47[TK]D-Fenderkerpal: How do we SEE you calling it?
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23:14.12cmendes0101I'm having trouble registering sip with Broadvoice. Getting Unauthorized insip debug mode. Would that only be related to the user/pass? or could there be settings that would deny it?
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23:28.36[TK]D-Fendercmendes0101: pastebin the SIP debug of your failed attempts
23:28.39infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
23:50.11cmendes0101Hmm well I ended up reenting the sip information. I don't see an unathorized anymore but now it still doesn't register
23:54.06*** join/#asterisk boodu (

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