IRC log for #asterisk on 20100802

00:01.06*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
00:04.23TJNIIOld rotary phones used to have a 3rd ground wire, but that was for party line ringing, not the voice circuit.
00:04.50*** join/#asterisk aurix (~aurelio@
00:07.28*** join/#asterisk seanjohn (
00:07.41seanjohnoriginate sip/201 application macro connect argument1,argument2
00:07.59seanjohnthese are originated but the arguments don't get passed
00:08.13*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
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00:11.01Mark22seanjohn: could you give an example in a pastebin of your dialplan we can look at to help you?
00:11.59seanjohnthe dialplan is [macro-connect] and the arguments are used as ${ARG1} ${ARG2} and so on
00:12.20Mark22that sounds correct
00:12.30*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
00:12.34seanjohnits a bug in asterisk's orginate
00:13.44seanjohnwith other apps, you would do arg1,arg2,arg3 and so on and they would pass to the application correcly but originate is looking at the arguments concatenated together with ',' as contexts and priority
00:14.14seanjohnoriginate sip/201 application macro connect,argument1,argument2
00:14.44seanjohnit tries to do argument1@connect
00:15.32seanjohnit thinks macro is a dial command
00:17.10Mark22sorry, I don't know the solution to your problem :S
00:17.49seanjohni figured out the difference. With using macro as the originate application, you have to do macroname|arg1|arg2|arg3 instead of macroname,arg1,arg2,arg3
00:18.09seanjohnother applications will take commas
00:18.25Mark22with asterisk 1.6?
00:18.47seanjohn1.4; i'm sure with 1.6 too. remember, this is using the originate application command, not in a dialplan
00:19.59Mark22that is probably the difference (I do everything if possible using the dialplan)
00:24.43*** join/#asterisk brut- (
00:32.04*** join/#asterisk SaiSoma|AtHome (
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00:32.49SaiSoma|AtHomehey guys, can anyone point me to a tutorial of asterisk/mysql and handling an array of data (i need to loop through the array in asterisk)
00:41.54kc8pxyhow do i get the info i need to have you guys help diagnose connection issues?
00:48.59*** join/#asterisk rlankfo (
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00:58.35ChannelZwell you could start by explaining what the issue is
01:02.40*** join/#asterisk Bendbanks (
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01:10.17infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
01:13.36kc8pxyi have 2 sip peers trying to call each other. we seem to be able to connect the call reliably,  but only once could we hear each other. I've tried everything i know, and need to know how to assemble the proper data to get diagnostic help here so connecting is more reliable.
01:14.55Bendbankshi I'm trying to install asteriskforskype and I seem to be missing the file after the install, does anyone have any thoughts
01:29.16kerframilkc8pxy: rtp problems are commonplace. where are the peers in relation to one another? is nat employed in the network path between them and/or the server? if so, what if anything, have you done to address it? you can use set sip debug to obtain diagnostic information.
01:29.33kerframilkc8pxy: it's also worth noting that one can force asterisk to stay in the media path by setting canreinvite=no
01:33.30*** part/#asterisk thansen (
01:35.15kc8pxykerframil:  both peers are set to canreinvite=no, and the server is on the gateway for lan it's on.  one client is on the lan,  one is in the wild, on the internet. the firewall on the gw has 10000-20000 set to accept for rtp,  neither are set to nat.
01:42.44*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (
01:43.00kerframilkc8pxy: do you have wgetpaste?
01:46.09*** join/#asterisk thansen (
01:50.25*** join/#asterisk philipp64|laptop (~chatzilla@
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02:17.00_structzGugge, there?
02:28.43*** join/#asterisk boodu (
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05:37.20redaxwhat's this extensions registers at my sip server with unknown user.... from ?
05:37.22redaxlogger.c:     -- Registered SIP '3706' at port 5060
05:37.44redaxsome kind of security hole?
05:40.51*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
05:48.33*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
05:50.57*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
05:52.02sawgoodBy default, does a Diguim (Asterisk Appliance) AA50 run the same Asterisk (1.4 or 1.6) as other items, or is the build of software on these appliances more like SwitchVOX SMB stuff?
05:52.25redaxpackets coming from
05:55.34*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
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07:37.55*** join/#asterisk _zoom_ (~admini@
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07:38.18_zoom_hi, to specify rtp port range for certain sip channel?
07:39.10tzafrir_zoom_, you were given some answers (basically: change the source, and it's not going to be easy)
07:39.25tzafrirWhy would you need that?
07:39.38tzafrirFor a specific channel? For a group of them?
07:40.26_zoom_may be,
07:41.25_zoom_i have two nodes behind nat f/w, i cannt change there port number (5060)
07:42.07_zoom_n i should drop calls from outside to f/w and dnat sip request to one of those two node
07:44.49*** join/#asterisk mbranca (
07:49.34*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@
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08:01.29*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
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08:19.09tzafrir_zoom_, so you have a problem with NAT
08:19.14tzafrirAsk about that
08:19.56tzafrirFor starters:
08:19.58infobothmm... nat is Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
08:21.09*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
08:30.26*** join/#asterisk ruyo (~psantos@
08:32.29[sr]hi portuga
08:33.46[sr]ruyo: it's for you
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08:34.40ruyoHi, sir. :>
08:37.13_zoom_tzafrir: exten => _XXXXX,1,dial(${EXTEN}@
08:37.23_zoom_i do dnat in f/w
08:37.35_zoom_but internal sip info is the problem
08:38.01tzafrir_zoom_, for starters, externip and localnet
08:40.16tzafrir_zoom_, also: the NAT router is the asterisk server? Or a different box?
08:40.29_zoom_different box
08:44.18*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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09:07.49tzafrir_zoom_, so you want any rtp port that is related to a call through the externip to be allocated from a different pool of ports?
09:08.32tzafrirI suspect having more than one pool of ports is doable. What version of Asterisk is it?
09:34.48*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
09:35.09*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
09:35.27[sr]_zoom_: be more exact about the version, 1.6.2.?
09:52.57[sr]that way its easier for them to help you
10:07.10*** join/#asterisk Bendbanks (
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10:32.13m_tadeuhi...I just noticed that the cdr fields in the csv file are not the ones in the mysql database
10:32.35*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
10:33.07m_tadeuI need some fields that exist in the csv file to be in the mysql cdr do I do that?
10:34.36*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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10:40.16m_tadeuah I think I got it :) going to test it now
10:40.36*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
10:55.45m_tadeuno do I get asterisk to insert 'start', 'answer', 'end' firlds?
10:55.55m_tadeuin the cdr table, I mean
11:03.48*** join/#asterisk [netman] (~netman@
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11:26.39m_tadeuah I got it :)
11:30.36*** join/#asterisk [netman] (~netman@
11:33.25m_tadeuwhy is start time and answer time the same all the time?
11:34.19*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
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11:41.17*** join/#asterisk DogBoy_ (~john@unaffiliated/dogboy)
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11:53.20*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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11:56.16*** join/#asterisk Jinxed- (~Jinxed---@
11:56.28Jinxed-what is the recommended install for asterisknow
11:56.46Jinxed-nvm.... lol it timed out and picked the default
12:01.29*** join/#asterisk telnettech (~telnettec@
12:03.18*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~RLACUMBA@
12:03.40ruben23hi guys any idea on how to set dial pla for calling paris..anyone can share..
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12:13.14*** join/#asterisk Trixboxer (
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12:21.35*** join/#asterisk hariom (~hariom@
12:22.46hariomI want to start asterisk in non root user mode so that no body can modify anything in tty 9. Can somebody suggest a robust way to do that?
12:24.55*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
12:26.59Jinxed-the 32 bit version of *now should be able to work on a 64 bit machine correct?
12:27.15*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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12:29.49fauxalliance @ hariom
12:30.03fauxalliancechroot = robust
12:31.09hariomfauxalliance: what do you mean by chroot = robust?
12:31.47[TK]D-Fenderrobust = full featured
12:31.50fauxalliancechroot  is capable of coping well with variations
12:32.08infobot[~asterisk-non-root] Running * as non-root is covered in chapter 13 of Asterisk:The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (~book) and an article written by Leif Madsen at , and for Debian :
12:33.58infobothmm... selinux is the NSA's port to Linux of the FLASK security Architectur, called Security Enhanced Linux.
12:46.46*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@
12:49.11*** part/#asterisk kleofas (
12:50.16ruben23but how would be my dial plan look like
12:52.16drmessanoNo different than any other pattern matching, and now you have the prefixes
12:54.02*** join/#asterisk andresm (~andresm@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
12:57.38ruben23drmessano:can you give me sample like..please
12:58.19[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Dial(sip/PROVIDER/00331234567)
12:58.28infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
12:58.34*** join/#asterisk mog (
12:58.36Jinxed-So I just installed *now, and Im stuck at the terminal... how do I get to the gui?
12:59.00[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: Via a WEB BROWSER on another computer
12:59.43MaliutaI thought xterm+screen+vim _was_ a gui
12:59.58Jinxed-[TK]D-Fender, didn't work
13:00.24Jinxed-[TK]D-Fender, I did an ifconfig on my virtual machine running *now
13:00.28Jinxed-got the ip address
13:00.36Jinxed-and typed it in my browser and got nothing
13:00.54[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: maybe your VM networking is bad
13:01.02[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: Is it listening on the port?
13:01.17Jinxed-[TK]D-Fender, how would i check for that?
13:01.47[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: netstat -an|grep 80
13:02.39Jinxed-[TK]D-Fender, should I do that in the VM or on my actual ubuntu desktop
13:02.54[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: on the SERVER
13:03.42Jinxed-[TK]D-Fender, it says stream connected
13:04.09[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: Show us.,..
13:04.33*** join/#asterisk dandre (
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13:07.36phretorcould you recommend a good ISDN card for a linux-based Asterisk installation? It doesn't necessarily have to be an officially-suported card: as long as it's know to work robustly, I'm fine.
13:08.37phretorand also, I've been given an ISDN PRI, is there anything special that I need to know in order to set up an Asterisk box for making outbound calls?
13:09.33*** join/#asterisk b0ot (~b0ot@
13:09.52b0ot[TK]D-Fender, (This is Jinxed- )
13:10.02b0otsorry it took me a sec to get my other laptop online
13:11.00[TK]D-Fenderb0ot: the 1st line, not the 2nd
13:11.12[TK]D-Fenderb00it is listening.  Your vm networking seems to eb at fault
13:11.12*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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13:12.08b0otyou don't happen to know what I might need to do to fix it :/ ?
13:12.25b0otshould the network adapter be set to NAT?
13:12.48*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
13:13.19[TK]D-Fenderb0ot: Go ask in whatever channel supports your VM environment.  That would not be "here"
13:18.07*** join/#asterisk Nwab (~Benwa@unaffiliated/benwa)
13:22.17*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
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13:52.40phretoris there any special hardware requirement for making calls from an ISDN PRI?
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13:55.41Chainsawphretor: Aside from a PRI ISDN adapter or PRI ISDN-to-SIP gateway? No.
13:56.50*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
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14:03.56kc8pxyi know I've asked this again in recent memory, but my brain has been on teh fritz.  where is a link on how to properly perpare debug output for offering here?
14:04.27*** join/#asterisk spiceycurry (
14:05.57infobotACTION DeBuggers $1
14:06.05ChainsawAh well. It was worth a go.
14:06.09*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
14:06.11ChainsawOnly Fender knows all of the ~annoyances
14:06.41ChainsawGoshen: That's where we want it. But there's an explanation of *what* we want.
14:07.27Goshenyou don't want to comb through 40 pages? :)
14:09.00eppigywin 15
14:09.26kc8pxyi think i'm having rtp issues..  i've gotten ONE successful voice call out of probably 20 tries,  and 80% of those actually connect the sip channels.
14:09.36kc8pxykaldemar:  bookmarking
14:10.04*** part/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
14:10.27infobotextra, extra, read all about it, sipnat is Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
14:10.50kaldemarkc8pxy: that's a file in the source package.
14:11.20Goshenkc8pxy, if you can, use IAX
14:13.50spiceycurryJust restarted my asterisk server, which has been running seemingly fine for a couple months.  , and getting the new error "FATAL: Module dahdi not found".  When I run - find /lib/modules -name dahdi - I am getting /lib/modules/2.6.18-164.15.1.el5/dahdi - however when I run modinfo dahdi - I am getting modinfo: could not find module dahdi.  Any ideas?
14:15.02russellbspiceycurry: is that the kernel version you are actually running?
14:15.29spiceycurry[root@f2e6 asterisk]# uname -a
14:15.29spiceycurryLinux 2.6.18-194.8.1.el5 #1 SMP Thu Jul 1 19:04:48 EDT 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
14:16.19russellbwell I think the dahdi you see from find is a directory
14:16.23russellbyou should see dahdi.ko
14:16.41russellbsee what's in that dir
14:17.14spiceycurrythere are .ko files there
14:17.27spiceycurryis there a way to reinstall?
14:17.40russellbsure, download dahdi and install ..
14:17.58russellbyou can try running insmod directly on dahdi.ko and see if it's complaining about something
14:18.42*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
14:19.10[TK]D-Fender[10:14]<russellb>spiceycurry: is that the kernel version you are actually running? <- NO
14:19.35[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: /lib/modules/2.6.18-164.15.1.el5/dahdi  !=   Linux 2.6.18-194.8.1.el5
14:19.39[TK]D-Fender194 != 164
14:19.50ruben23hi guys how do i verify if my call are suing g729 codec or g711..? are there way i can see it..
14:20.00spiceycurryshit, someone must have upgraded my kernel
14:20.19[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Look at the SIP DEBUG
14:20.33kc8pxyGoshen: both channels are phones,  on on the internet from my android phone (sipdroid), and one from my pc,  using ekiga.
14:20.36spiceycurryI suppose I am going to have to reinstall dahdi now
14:20.48[TK]D-Fender[10:17]<russellb>sure, download dahdi and install ..
14:20.55kc8pxyGoshen:  i don't think either of those does iax :)
14:21.26b0ot[TK]D-Fender, I got it WORKING!!!!
14:21.42*** join/#asterisk dacm_work (
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14:23.07[TK]D-Fenderb0ot: Congratulations.
14:23.07Goshenkc8pxy, looks like there are iax clients for droid
14:23.39drmessanoIAX is never the answer to "I have a SIP problem"
14:23.47drmessanoIf it's NAT, fix it
14:23.50kc8pxyGoshen:  what is the name?
14:23.52infobotsipnat is, like, Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
14:24.25Goshenkc8pxy, looks like iaxagent
14:24.55b0ot[TK]D-Fender, When I loaded freepbx it says that Critical Error: retrieve_conf failed, config not applied. Crtical Error * Manger connection Failure.... is this normal or something I should be concerned with
14:25.24*** join/#asterisk coppice (
14:25.24[TK]D-Fenderb0ot: NOT SUPPORTED HERE.
14:25.30[TK]D-Fenderb0ot: #freepbx
14:26.41dacm_workThis probably isn't the right place to ask this (a pointer on where to ask this would be almost as welcome as an answer) but I have a question regarding what a PBX can actually do. (I'm a telephony n00b.) - Let's say I have one line connected to a PBX with many handsets connected to the PBX. If someone calls, is the line still tied up for the duration of the call, or can another handset pick up a second incoming call? (C
14:26.41dacm_workan a second handset make any outgoing calls?) If it is tied up, then how do people have single phone numbers that can take multiple calls? (Are incoming calls redirected to other lines?)
14:27.12Goshenkc8pxy,Zopier does IAX....two IAX clients..problem solved ;)  and you only have to open one port for IAX
14:28.33kc8pxyGoshen:  that's if my problem ins a non-nat, rtp issue with sip.  I'm still working on getting the debug info for you guys. only have 1 call either inbound or can get services from your telo provider that will allow you to get multiple channels depending on your needs
14:30.15kc8pxyit's not nat,  i'm fairly sure of it,  because i put the server on teh gateway this time, so no connections need nat,  and the sip channels in sip.conf are not set to nat. sip show peers also shows none of the channels involved  having nat.
14:31.03drmessanokc8pxy: Have you added any parms like externhost, localnet, etc?
14:31.11*** part/#asterisk spiceycurry (
14:31.14Goshenkc8pxy, So you have your asterisk server open to internet?
14:32.29[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: You can process calls sent to * by whatever you set it up with in any way you want.
14:32.58kc8pxyGoshen: until i can get regular calls working, yes.  i can make calls from lan to vpn phones fine, no rules to limit how rtp works in that crossover.   but lan and internet is buggered right now.
14:33.31[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: You have a mix of analog line, digital trunks, some ITSPs, a bunch of various phones?  Place a call with Phone X, it can try any ersource you want.  If its unavailable you can choose another, or do whatever you want
14:34.05dacm_worktelnettech: So the line would be tied up unless I pay for multiple channels?
14:34.05Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
14:34.25telnettechdacm_work: correct
14:34.32drmessano[TK]D-Fender: If I need to replace a _  with a space in the middle of a variable, what function would be the cleanest way to do it.  Looks like there's no REPLACE until 1.8 and I see quite a few different (ugly) ways to do it
14:34.32dacm_worktelnettech: Thanks.
14:35.12[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Macro that loops char by char for the length.  Old school
14:35.26[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Because REGEX only matches
14:35.50dacm_work[TK]D-Fender: I was considering the case of a single analogue line coming in to the PBX and nothing else.
14:36.14[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: * can only do with that analog line the same things you can do with a regular phone plugged into it
14:36.25[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: It doesn't make it any more capable
14:37.08dacm_work[TK]D-Fender: Yeah. I didn't know what was actually possible with an analogue line. (Telephony noob!)
14:37.16dacm_workThanks for the help guys.
14:37.25[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: and people have multiple cal;ls from the same "number" because the numebr that is sent is jsut callerid.  it can be made ot look like "whatever"
14:38.11[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: those with MULTIPLE analog lines usually set up a hunt group and have the telco cycle through them on incoming to the primary (pilot) number, and set the callerid on outbound from all of them to this same number
14:38.40[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: Other techs allow you to set CID yourself like PRI's, ITSPs, etc
14:39.26dacm_work[TK]D-Fender: I think I understand.
14:39.54[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: With analog its all about the telco doing this for you.  Other techs give you more direct control
14:40.24dacm_workI see.
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14:42.26iratikHow can I prevent sip extensions from registering outside of the local network?
14:43.04dacm_workBasically we are a small business with currently 3 analogue lines that are all public and used for different things. It would be nice to be able to stop (or at least reduce the chance of) a line becoming engaged. Are there any techs that you would suggest for that? (Obviously we are still quite small so cost is a factor.)
14:44.21[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: If each has its own number then this poses issues.  You can't choose to have them look unique when calling out for one purpose and then look like a "primary" when used for another purpose
14:45.02[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: So do you needs these 3 lines to each have their own unique number published for processing incoming calls differently?
14:46.26dacm_work[TK]D-Fender: Out-going calls don't matter so much. But incoming calls we have public unique numbers for each line/
14:46.48[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: Well if you only want the outgoing to look like the same, then ask your telco
14:46.50dacm_workAnd they are processed differently.
14:47.34[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: But you WILL get a busy on incoming unless you set up a hunt group.  But then again you'll never know what # was dialed if you get a call on a cascaded line
14:48.15dacm_workSure but that won't allow us to take multiple calls on the same line. Which is what I'd like ideally. So I was wondering if there is a tech better than analogue for this.
14:49.15radenmorning Katty
14:49.33[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: ISDN PRI, or get an ITSP
14:49.59radento work I go blah
14:50.18Kattyraden: fml?! )=
14:50.23Kattyraden: i hope your day gets better.
14:50.37dacm_work[TK]D-Fender: Great I'll look into those. ;-)
14:50.42dacm_work[TK]D-Fender: Thanks again!
14:51.06radenKatty, we will see ... fighting the depression
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14:52.35anonymouz666iratik: deny/permit settings
14:53.06iratikYep.. I can use those in [general] in sip.conf right?  Then just allow my internal network and each of my trunking providers?
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14:54.01anonymouz666Look at the sample. It will show where can be used and its syntax
14:54.33iratikty btw
14:57.22kc8pxy[TK]D-Fender: PRI sounds a bit of overkill for his situation:)
14:57.24Kattyhugs on wcselby
14:57.32kc8pxy[TK]D-Fender:  but it would work :)
14:57.59wcselby:) hi Katty
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14:59.19Kattywcselby: how are you deary
14:59.46wcselbyKatty - good good, working in the trenches again this morning.  yourself?
15:00.00Kattywcselby: trenches?
15:00.06Kattywcselby: doing good... little hungry tho
15:00.35wcselbyheh, i grabbed some super healthy mickey d's on the way in (you know, the sausage egg and cheese mcgriddle....probably only 700 calories)
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15:01.18Kattyi had a homemade sammich. egg, cheese, pepperoni, and a grilled cheese kind of setup
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15:01.39Kattythose mcgriddles are so bad for your health
15:01.49Kattyhey KavanS
15:02.10wcselbyahh, it's only 560 calories according to their website
15:02.21Kattythat's not /too/ bad.
15:02.27Kattyi usually eat about 500 a meal
15:02.30wcselbythat what happens when you're running late
15:02.37Kattybut i'm sure it was packed with fat....
15:02.47Kattyyeah :<
15:02.49wcselbyyeah, it's not the best thing in the world I could have eaten for breakfast
15:02.56Kattycould have been worse.
15:03.06wcselbyi could have gotten the meal
15:03.08Kattycould have a whopper combo at bk for breakfast.
15:03.36Kattythat's okay tho.
15:03.42Kattyevery once in awhile isn't that bad
15:06.09Kattywcselby: did i tell you i had bloodwork done, and i'm still anemic? )=
15:06.46wcselbyKatty - no, sorry I didn't hear about that
15:06.54wcselbythat means you don't have enough iron, right?
15:07.53Kattyi did the vegetarian thing awhile back thinking it would help my health, but then when they did a blood test and found i was anemic i stopped.
15:08.12Kattyi /thought/ that by eating meat again i would be okay...but apparently i'm still not getting enough iron
15:08.20prgmrchrisvegan is dangerous
15:08.27wcselbyshe didn't say vegan
15:08.34Kattyi did vegan for about a year. and vegetarian for about a year.
15:08.36prgmrchrisim just adding to what she said
15:08.44wcselbygotcha (both of you :))
15:08.50Kattyvegan was pretty dangerious
15:08.55Kattybut you can do vegan if you do it right
15:08.58n3hxsChew on nails Katty,
15:09.09ChainsawVegan just seems... tedious to me.
15:09.13Kattybut it's very expensive, and difficult, to maintain those lifestyles.
15:09.19ChainsawThe amount of things you'd have to give up on seems extensive.
15:09.40prgmrchrisanimals eat other animals in the wild, its natural
15:09.46prgmrchrisyou shouldnt feel bad about eating meat
15:09.51Chainsaw(Steak & bacon are why I would never be a vegetarian, but I can understand that choice.)
15:10.07prgmrchrisyou dont see peta out in the jungle trying to save things from getting eating by lions/tigers
15:10.35n3hxsthey would be eaten by lions/tigers ;)
15:10.58iratikBeing vegan really opens you up to new creativity... Before I went vegetarian/vegan.. when i was hungry i could stop at hardees or mcdonalds ...  Now i have to give it some thought ... felt like eating junk food was integrated into my "auto-pilot" ...   Plus..  I love soy cheese!
15:11.18DogBoysoy cheese
15:11.31coppiceyou could stop at macdonalds in india
15:11.38Kattyvegan/vegetarian for me was about the animals.
15:11.49DogBoythink of the whales
15:11.55Kattyit was just an attempt to try an alternative diet to see how it would affect my health
15:12.02coppicewhales. yummy
15:12.05Kattyi was hoping for a positive outcome, but it just didn't happen.
15:12.11Kattyso whatever. it's fine.
15:12.19DogBoyso you went back to raw meat
15:12.24n3hxsHow many calories in a humpback?
15:12.33KattyDogBoy: well honestly, i'm not a big fan of meat to start with.
15:12.37KattyDogBoy: i'd rather eat pasta.
15:12.50KattyDogBoy: i'd rather eat mac and cheese than a steak
15:12.53DogBoyI'm vegetarian also
15:12.55wcselbyKatty - so does taking iron supplements help any?
15:13.10wcselbymy wife used to take slowFE when she was having anemic issues
15:13.15Kattywcselby: i'm hoping so... they're going to run another blood test in about 3 months to see
15:13.33Kattywcselby: i'm making myself eat more iron rich items too
15:13.36wcselbyjust be careful not to take too much, it can mess up your stomach
15:13.37DogBoyI always get a kick out of people making a distinction between vegan and vegetarian
15:13.46DogBoycause it's never right
15:13.47Kattywcselby: okay, i didn't know that...the pill they have me on is 65mg
15:13.52iratikI heard that IRon is really easy to overdose on .. and are there any security auditing tools to test a public IP and produce a list of issues with that public IP?
15:14.07Kattywcselby: and the pharmacist says that you can take 1-3 pills a day just depending on how well your body absorbs it
15:14.17iratikEasy to crack sip passwords etc..
15:14.21[TK]D-FenderPETA : People for the Eating of Tasty Animals
15:14.24Kattywcselby: so i don't really think that adding a few iron rich items to my diet will really cause for an overdose.
15:14.42wcselbyiratik - you mean like nmap?
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15:15.26wcselbyKatty - hmm, i didn't really mean overdose per se - it just would hurt her stomach, and sometimes caused constipation
15:15.28iratikneat little utility
15:15.30eppigyGOOD MORNING
15:15.46wcselbywhich in turn would hurt her stomach more
15:15.49wcselbyetc etc
15:16.03Kattywcselby: ah yes, the dr did tell me about that.
15:16.09Kattywcselby: he was all drink moar water!
15:16.32wcselbyshe's got other issues though - mostly hyper (or hypo) glycemia
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15:16.48wcselbyhypo I think (i get them mixed up)
15:17.01Kattythey did check my blood sugar levels with another blood test....they seem to be right in the middle (90) so they're not concerned at all
15:17.22Kattywhich i'm really really happy about considering i have 2 diabetics in my immediate family
15:17.32Kattysister and dad.
15:17.38wcselbykeep an eye on that
15:17.47Kattymost definately. i take after mom a lot.
15:17.51wcselbysorry, don't mean to sound like your doc / mom / whatever :)
15:17.52Kattya whole lot.
15:18.09Kattyand she doesn't have any diabetic problems. good levels, including good blood pressure
15:18.24Kattymy blood pressure has been so crazy these last few months, i was bordering hypertension. 145/75
15:18.49wcselbyyikes, that's high
15:18.59Kattyafter i got out of my stressful relationship, it went down to about 122/66
15:18.59wcselbyi'm pretty overweight, and I don't even go that high
15:19.07wcselbyheh, yeah I can understand that
15:19.10Kattyand i work out at curves and what not.
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15:19.16wcselbyyeah, i don't
15:19.23Kattywhen i went to the dr last week, it was 102/75
15:19.47Kattyso it's definately getting back down to /normal/ levels. i'm just concerned tho, because i also stopped taking my BC to see if it was having any affect on the blood pressure
15:19.57Kattynow i have to get back on the BC and see if it's going to spike the levels on me
15:20.19wcselbywhich one do you take?  they all are a little different, right?
15:20.23Kattystress can do a lot of things, and this has been one hell of a month
15:20.27wcselbymy wife hasn't found any she likes
15:20.39Kattyyeah they're all a little different. i'm on Yaz just because it seems to help with my mood swings.
15:20.42wcselbythey all have some kind of negative side effect for her
15:20.56wcselbyyeah, that's the one everyone seems to be on these days
15:21.03Kattyoh yeah, mine kills my sex drive
15:21.08Kattyit's terrible
15:21.26Kattybut i'm way too squeamish to get the depo shot..soo....
15:21.39Kattythey might change it up, but..idk
15:21.51Kattyi guess i don't really care at this point whether or not i have a sex drive lol
15:23.21Kattywcselby: do you know what they have your wife on?
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15:24.27wcselbyKatty - she's not on anything at the moment
15:24.43Kattyhey Qwell
15:25.00Kattywcselby: well if she finds somethin that works well, i'd be interested in knowing what it is
15:25.15wcselbyi'll let you know
15:25.26wcselbythe problem with those is they take like a month or two before they start to work, right?
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15:28.04Kattywcselby: yeah they asked me to wait a full month
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15:28.33Kattywcselby: so it does take a little bit to start working
15:28.48ijpalmerhi, Is there a command to logout all users from all queues, I'm running * 1.4.27
15:29.41[TK]D-Fenderijpalmer: No.
15:29.53[TK]D-Fenderijpalmer: You'll have to script this yourself
15:30.21ijpalmerD-Fender: OK thanks
15:30.46*** part/#asterisk ijpalmer (
15:30.53wcselbywouldn't restarting the queue service with "persistentmembers=no" work?
15:31.06eppigyanother satisfied chatter
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15:33.08[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: taht would only affect on complete restart
15:33.14[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: Which I doubt he wants to do
15:33.17wcselby[TK]D-Fender - ahhh, gotcha
15:33.32wcselbyjust throwing out an idea, had no idea if it would work or not
15:34.56KattyHELLO DAVE
15:35.07Kattyhugs eppigy
15:35.16Kattyeppigy: i decided no btw.
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15:35.48wcselbydo iMac's display Flash okay?  I know there's like a rift between Apple / Adobe recently.....
15:36.18[TK]D-Fenders/recently/most of the last decade/
15:36.44wcselbyhence my question
15:37.04wcselbyi've got a client that has an office full of imacs.  i'm wondering if fop2 will display okay for them
15:37.42Kattywould take long to setup a demo and just check it
15:37.53Kattyyou'd only have to add like...1 extension
15:38.24wcselbyyeah, but then the client would ask "why is there only one extension on there, I thought you said I could see everything..." blah blah blah...difficult client
15:38.35wcselbynow, if I had an imac handy............
15:38.41wcselbywhich I might, now that I think about it
15:38.59wcselbysearches client main office for an imac
15:40.37Kattywcselby: lol
15:40.40Kattywcselby: yeah i know how that goes.
15:43.01eppigyKatty: rude
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15:43.27eppigythat is a shame
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15:44.03Kattyeppigy: yes it is a shame.
15:44.58eppigypretty much what i expected though i guess
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15:56.25telnettechKatty: Have you talked with jaytee in a while? I have seen him on here forever and a day
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15:58.08QwellDeeewayne: ping!
15:58.30Kattytelnettech: hmm, no. i haven't talked to him in awhile
15:58.44DeeewayneQwell, hey, what's up ?
15:59.03Qwellthought you might enjoy that
15:59.51telnettechkatty:  im gonna have to dig into my classroom folder and find his number and check on him
16:00.21Kattytelnettech: i think he's on my fb, let me check.
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16:01.17Kattytelnettech: yeah he's still making posts.
16:01.25Kattytelnettech: there was a post on his page from yesterday
16:01.44Deeewaynebear hugs Katty
16:01.56Kattytelnettech: would you like me to let him know you were asking about him? (=
16:02.13Kattyhugs Deeewayne
16:02.25telnettechyeah....tell i said hi....havent had much time to socialize with me moving from 1 city to another
16:02.34Kattywill do
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16:16.59pwntanghi there
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16:17.46pwntangdoes anyone know what "noisy feedback tells" means within the SIP debug please?
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16:52.10nextimeafter 2 days working, with asterisk 1.6.9 and latest dahdi, i have a te405p card that won't work anymore with 4 different E1 pri from 4 different providers. All 4 spans say PRI span 1/0: Provisioned, Down, Active, enabling debug on dahdi and wct4xxp modules say: [20634.579962] wct4xxp: LOF/LFA detected on span 1 but debouncing for 2500 ms, [20634.579987] wct4xxp: LOS detected on span 1 but debouncing for 2500 ms and [20634.593108] Detected loss of
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16:52.21nextimeanyone have an idea on what can be the problem?
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17:15.37p0nshi guys, i was wondering if there is any way of debugging a 401 unauthorized error on a sip client. I'm having this error with a softphone on a specific internet connection but the same softphone and config connected via another connection works without issues.
17:16.18p0nsis there any way of knowing why asterisk is rejecting the register request only when connected via this specific connection?
17:16.47beardyBecause you connect to, and/or run Asterisk behind a NAT, on one or both ends.
17:17.14p0nsthe softphone is always nated
17:17.20p0nsat home, with nat, it works fine
17:17.31p0nsvia 3g connection, also nat, works fine
17:17.38p0nsbut at work, with nat, it doesn't register
17:17.50p0nsthe servers gets the register request but it denies it
17:18.10beardyThe firewall at work isn't stateful then?
17:18.42p0nsdon't know, it's just a wrt54gl router
17:18.43beardyIt doesn't allow the reply packet back in to your phone.
17:19.42*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
17:21.44p0nsoh, that's a fact... just enabled my softphone's sip log and it's not getting any request back...
17:22.47p0nssomehow the router is changing the IP on the Contact: Header
17:22.59p0nsand Via
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17:27.47WIMPyp0ns: Don't load nf_nat_sip on the router.
17:28.37p0nsit's using default firmware, couldn't find any voip related config :/&
17:29.23[TK]D-Fenderp0ns: * shouldn't even be caring about the contact header
17:29.43[TK]D-Fender(if its eh softphone side that is being altered)
17:30.03WIMPyYou're screwed then. You could try with nat=no for that account, but that's a rather bad situation.
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17:30.45p0ns[TK]D-Fender, now i think it's not asterisk caring about it, nor the 401, but the softphone isn't getting any replies from *
17:31.03[TK]D-Fenderp0ns: Where do we get to SEE this conversation to debug?
17:32.13p0nsi'll try to upload it
17:32.46infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:33.17p0nsbut the fact is that the softphone package is send with the internal, private IP on the Contact and Via headers, and on asterisk it's log as replaced with the public ip adress
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18:07.26spiceycurryI did not specify any users or extensions in my sip.conf, as I read that asterisk will send all incoming calls that do not match a user or peer to the context I defined in my sip.conf.  Providing that I have my sip.conf file setup, and my extensions.conf, will this allow a 'catch all' answer?
18:07.48spiceycurryI have extensions setup with a catch all _X.
18:08.30spiceycurryI have a rule in extensions.conf that will pickup any unhandled call.
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18:09.13[TK]D-FenderBAI BAI
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18:14.34[TK]D-Fender[14:07]<spiceycurry>I have extensions setup with a catch all _X. <- isn't a "catch-all".  It says precisely what it will catch, and that is clearly not "all".
18:15.40drmessanoYeah, works fine as long as they're not calling nobody
18:15.55spiceycurrythere is only inbound calls
18:16.06spiceycurryI catch every extension with _X.
18:16.16[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: No, you don't
18:16.42[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: You appear to have a real misunderstanding of what that pattern covers.
18:16.45spiceycurryHmm, could you please explain, as I am a bit confused
18:17.01spiceycurryThe asterisk book says that it catches all extensions
18:17.07spiceycurryI've tested it also
18:17.16spiceycurryit indeed catches all as far as I can tell
18:17.18[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: Since you think you know what it does, how about you tell US.  What EXACTLY does "_X." mean?
18:17.26[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: Berak it down
18:17.33spiceycurryOk, one sec.
18:18.00[TK]D-Fender(This should take time.  Means you clearly are trying to actually read it for yourself again and don't actually KNOW the answer)
18:18.26spiceycurryIts in the asterisk book
18:18.40[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: Instead of your head.
18:18.50spiceycurrystop being a dick, and give me a second
18:19.16[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: You've had 2 minutes, and wasted much of them writing back instead of just coming back with the answer :)
18:20.12[TK]D-Fendernotes another person easily distracted from actually finishing looking for their answers
18:20.50spiceycurryI believe that _X. will match any extension that starts with a number, and match anything after with the 'wildcard' .
18:21.11spiceycurryI did not want to use _. as it made no sense
18:21.35spiceycurrypage 138, and its in the ~book
18:21.49[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: What is this "believ" nonsense?
18:22.16spiceycurryread the book
18:22.19[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: Tell me what EACH character in that exten means
18:22.35spiceycurrythe '_' specifies a pattern
18:22.40[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: I read the book.  Both releases of it.  I've also met the authors.
18:23.01spiceycurrythe X will match any number between 0-9
18:23.22spiceycurryand the '.' is wildcardmatch that matches one or more characters
18:23.37[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: Therefor it will not catch ALL.
18:23.55spiceycurryI am only interested in real number matches
18:24.08[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: Also will not catch all NUMBERS either
18:24.18spiceycurryHow so?
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18:24.27[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: 5 <-------------
18:24.40[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: Will. No. Match.
18:25.04spiceycurryOk, well, I am only interested in numbers matching _X.
18:25.13spiceycurryso yes, 2 or more
18:25.28[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: Better.
18:25.58[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: So... now... what is you point in all of this you brought up?
18:26.35adynok so I haven't started the research so just a quick yes or no will work, is load ballancing an asterisk setup possible?
18:27.06[TK]D-Fenderadyn: Depending on your precise definition and circumstances, yes
18:27.58spiceycurryI was wondering if my context=unidentified-sip (under [general]) will catch all calls where it cannot match a user or peer
18:28.46spiceycurryps- I also met Jim here in Toronto.  We often call him for help with our other system, but he has not messed with FFA as of yet.
18:28.54[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: that is where call will go if they don't match a peer and you allow anonymous calls
18:29.13spiceycurryah ok, I must be missing the anonymous setting
18:29.16*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
18:29.35ruben23hi guys any help how to on setting u IVR for asterisk.
18:29.46infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
18:29.46[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: Why are you even GUESSING?  You also seem to have an issue actually looking at a CALL
18:29.50Qwellruben23: ^
18:30.07[TK]D-FenderQwell: Whats scary is how many years he's been in here....
18:30.18[TK]D-FenderQwell: And is still miles away from 101 stuff
18:30.53*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
18:30.56*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~Aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
18:31.04spiceycurryI've been in here almost 3 months I think
18:32.04[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: Wasn't referring to you
18:32.04Qwellspiceycurry: not you
18:32.08spiceycurryah ok
18:32.25spiceycurryDoes Jim come in here?
18:32.41[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: So... where do we see you actually looking at a call you think should have been processed differently?
18:32.45[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: Very rarely
18:33.39spiceycurry[TK]D-Fender: I am getting calls via my pri fine, they get caught and processed as I'd like.  What I am trying to do is also handle all incoming SIP calls and handle them much as I am my PRI calls.
18:34.02[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: So... where do we see a failure to look at?
18:35.55spiceycurryI think it was a firewall issue, the admin just came over and told me he had not forwarded 5060 to my ip
18:36.18spiceycurryIs anyone able to try and make a call to anony@
18:36.25spiceycurry(thats port 8191)
18:36.58[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: So basically... you didn't even LOOK for the call.
18:37.05spiceycurryI was not seeing one
18:37.16[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: Were you sitting at CLI with SIP DEBUG enabled?
18:37.24spiceycurryI am right now
18:37.33[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: NOW.. oh yeah... great.
18:37.46spiceycurrySorry, I have been
18:38.02[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: So... do you see anything?
18:38.15spiceycurryexcept a flashing prompt
18:38.20[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: Then * has nothing to do with this
18:38.33spiceycurryI suppose I'd need a call to come through right?
18:38.42spiceycurryI am waiting for one
18:38.48spiceycurrycall em baby
18:39.06spiceycurryFree Sex: anony@
18:39.48[TK]D-FenderWRONG PLUG-IN
18:41.25spiceycurryAnyone know of a free Sip to Sip service?
18:42.26spiceycurryOther than my own server?
18:42.29Qwellwhy would you have to pay somebody to do a SIP to SIP call?
18:43.07spiceycurryI want to test my sip from outside, what services could I use?
18:44.24hardwirethis is driving me up the wall.. I can't seem to turn off "telephone-event" media
18:44.37*** join/#asterisk rossand (
18:44.47hardwireI just want be in the middle on these calls.. not relay progress (over g.729??!)
18:45.25spiceycurryThanks a bunch
18:45.45*** part/#asterisk rossand (
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18:48.07*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
18:48.29Naikrovekeyeballs Polycom SPIP 3.3 firmware release notes...
18:50.16spiceycurryWell, looks ok (errors are because I don't have the capacity to send a fax over sip)
18:50.27Naikrovekthis firmware is smarter - config options are smarter, i mean
18:50.32spiceycurryI just called, and saw that come up
18:50.48spiceycurryAnyone know a Fax over Sip service I could use to insure I can receive my fax?
18:50.51spiceycurry(test fax)
18:51.19[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: Try using a fax machine.
18:51.39*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
18:51.44spiceycurryI do not have a fax machine here, that will send a fax over sip
18:52.20[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Yup... they make things sound a fair bit scarier through... doesn't feel like just another release.  They word it in a way to make you feel its for a whoel other protocol or hardware series
18:52.46spiceycurryAnyone know of a SIP client that can send faxes?
18:52.48[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: Why woul the person calling you have to use SIP?
18:53.10[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: I have a fax machine.  I can send faxes anywhere I can CALL
18:53.12spiceycurrybecause, that is the way we have it setup.  We have a customer who sends us fax over SIP
18:53.23Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: yeah it's a bit more ominous.  pre-3.3 configs won't work on 3.3 and vice versa.
18:53.37spiceycurryWe also allow customers to send faxes via pstn to our pri (it all works)
18:53.44[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: You want to know if you can RECEIVE a fax.  It is meaningless as to where it comes from
18:54.07spiceycurryI can receive a fax through the PRI just fine, what I need to test is receiving a fax via SIP
18:54.21[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Polycom X.Y releases might break beween "y"'s already.  quite known.
18:54.27spiceycurryDo you know of a SIP client that will send a fax over sip?
18:54.29[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: "z"'s are OK though
18:55.02[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: Who will be sending you SIP calls for this?
18:55.03Naikrovekyeah i know but never has it been like "your old configs will NOT work" but rather "you may experience issues"
18:55.15Naikrovekjust weird
18:55.17[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: No.. the old stuff could stop you dead as well
18:55.55spiceycurryOur customers customers.  They receive faxes from their pstn and route them again to us.
18:55.56Naikrovekso no big deal then
18:56.19spiceycurryOur customers receive faxes, and resend them to us via SIP
18:57.51[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: What are THEY using to send them to you?
18:58.27[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: And why SIP?  Better to receive at their side and transfer in some non-flaky manner directly.
18:58.38spiceycurryI believe they use Fax For Asterisk.  And we
18:58.44adynI've had nothing but problems with FAX'ing over SIP trunks
18:58.56spiceycurryThey are using SIP, and there is nothing I can do to change it unfortunatly
18:59.01spiceycurryI have to work with what they have
19:00.02*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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19:05.00spiceycurryCustomer said that they are getting faxes from pstn, and routing them through a meta switch gateway
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19:09.32dacm_workAre sip-trunks far more cost effective than ISDN-PRI or am I misunderstanding something?
19:12.30Chainsawdacm_work: They are likely to be cheaper for you, as ISDN-PRI tends to flow into the incumbent telco.
19:13.03Chainsawdacm_work: Where-as SIP could terminate at a VoIP service provider... or even the party you wish to speak to.
19:13.40dacm_workChainsaw: So if you're a telco ISDN-PRI is cheap? :-)
19:14.32Chainsawdacm_work: For you, yes. For whatever poor shmuck you're billing... not so much.
19:15.11dacm_workGot it.
19:15.22*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
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19:15.58dacm_workGuess I'll be going with SIP then. Can't believe how cheap it is, hope I'm not missing something.
19:16.59dacm_workBTW does SIP/VOIP use up much bandwidth? (Will probably bump up my bandwidth anyway.)
19:18.30Chainsawdacm_work: It depends on what codec you use, and how many calls you plan on making simultaneously.
19:19.22Chainsawdacm_work: Latency usually plays a bigger role than raw link speed. (An ideal link for VoIP has consistent low latency)
19:19.30*** join/#asterisk Beltechs (
19:20.31Qwelldacm_work: what you're missing, is that the reliability of ISDN is far higher than any protocol that goes over the public Internet.
19:22.24WIMPydacm_work: It will depend heavily on your location.
19:23.33dacm_workQwell: Thanks.
19:24.45rootlinuxhow can i put the caller and callee on hold before the time out with the following dial command?
19:24.45rootlinuxexten => myext,11,Dial(${PSCHANNEL}${TOPHONE},60,gm)L(90000[:60000][:30000])M(feedback,${CALLHISTID}))
19:24.57dacm_workChainsaw: Let's say that I wanted 5 concurrent calls with quality as good as an analogue line? Do you have any idea whether I would need a monster internet connection to handle that?
19:26.12ariel_Anyone in South Florida area looking for work dealing with installation and configuration of asterisk system full time work?
19:26.57Chainsawdacm_work: You'd need roughly 350kbit/sec symmetric. Mind your upload, consumer links tend to be rather dire in that respect.
19:28.11rootlinuxany idea?
19:28.14dacm_workChainsaw: Thanks. (I'm probably going to go for some business package with decent upload.)
19:28.29Chainsawdacm_work: It would be best if the router you go for supports QoS (quality of service).
19:29.00Chainsawdacm_work: That way you can have it prioritise your telephony traffic ahead of any other packets, to make sure the latency does not start varying wildly. (That is generally what kills a call or annoys people)
19:29.27dacm_workChainsaw: Thanks for the advice. :-)
19:29.40*** join/#asterisk korcan (
19:29.42Chainsawdacm_work: You're welcome :)
19:38.44[TK]D-Fenderrootlinux: Don't use L() to limit your call.  in yuor M() spawn an external watcher that will issue an AMI Redirect to split them up.
19:41.58BeltechsHello. Using *1.6 Im having sound quality issues. have a digium t1 card, TWBC PRI for incoming, sip trunk for out.
19:42.11*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
19:42.34Beltechsout bound calls have 2 second delay for the receiver to hear the caller
19:43.11rootlinux[tk]D-Fender: But the M() are executed only when the callee answers ...
19:43.41[TK]D-Fenderrootlinux: Yes, and you can deduct the ring time fron there
19:46.49rootlinux[TK]D-Fender: Thanks man .. i will test ir
19:47.28[TK]D-Fenderrootlinux: If your limit is already low you can set teh RINGING  time in your dial statement to that max an backtrack accordingly
19:47.35[TK]D-Fenderrootlinux: that way you still have the same net limit
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19:55.49rootlinux[TK]D-Fender: Waht i need is when the maxcall time is over in this case 90000 L(90000[:60000][:30000])  .. run a macro o agi script and put the caller and calle on hold..
19:56.37[TK]D-Fenderrootlinux: There is no "hold".  You need to actually hijack the call
19:57.57rootlinux[TK]D-Fender: ok :( .. you know how can i read to do that?
19:58.43infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
20:01.19*** join/#asterisk FinboySlick (~shark@
20:02.28rootlinux[TK]D-Fender: ok man thanks for your  help.. i will read and search about hijack a call with dial command
20:10.31*** join/#asterisk [netman] (~netman@
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20:28.38[sr]hi mates
20:28.57[sr]i have a box that has dahdi 2.2.0, with a 4 port FXO card
20:29.46[sr]when i make a call using one of the FXO ports, when the person in the other side disconnects, the call on my side doesn't disconnect, who know if this is fixed on 2.3.0 ?
20:30.28*** join/#asterisk xibalba (~reza@
20:30.31xibalbahey everyone
20:30.43xibalbai was wondering if anyone has had much luck getting voip phones to work over a linksys wrt54g
20:31.01xibalbait's been hit or miss for me, 1 location registers 1 phone, another location registers all 4 phones
20:31.15xibalbawas looking to see if anyone had any insite on this router pertaining to voip
20:31.17xibalbaand sip
20:31.38nextime[20634.593108] Detected loss of E1 alignment on span 0!
20:31.44nextimebad, bad thing.
20:32.09[TK]D-Fender[sr]: this isn't a DAHDI prblem, this is a "my line lacks CDS"
20:32.11infobot[~cds] Call Discconect Supervision is a service placed on analog lines to be able to signal you that that the calling party has hung up.  This is typically done either by a momentary battery cut, or by a polarity reversal on the line.
20:32.22nextime[TK]D-Fender : yes i know
20:32.50infobotsip is probably Session Initiation Protocol, (see RFC 3261) It's HIP to be SIP!
20:32.58[TK]D-Fendernextime: And I clearly wasn't talking you :)
20:33.00infobotwell, wrt54g is a linksys WAP/Router that is very flexible if used with after-market firmware
20:33.07[sr][TK]D-Fender: hum... nice, it may be 'cause its connected into my PBX analog line... and it doesn't have that info for sure, i'll try on a real POTS... second
20:33.26[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
20:33.29nextime[TK]D-Fender : and also i know it isn't an other side issue, but a physical line issue, old and bad cables
20:33.40nextimesorry :P
20:34.09nextimealso my issue isn't on an analog line :D
20:34.21nextimeanyway, it is a line problem and not a dahdi one :)
20:35.00tzafrir[sr], if none of the proper fixes work, use busydetect and the likes
20:35.12*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
20:35.17xibalbasorry to interupt again, but anyone know if the base model wrt54g is any good for voip?
20:35.46nextimexibalba : did you mean to install * on it?
20:36.13xibalbano i ment to use sip phones behind it. i have a hosted pbx, and am trying to get clients at a couple sites to connect back to it.
20:36.18[sr]tzafrir: hum tried with a direct POTS line and nothing, when the other side disconnects my side doesn't, but i still have one other line to try..tomorow i'll reask this matter
20:37.00nextimexibalba : if you mean just to use it as a network layer, yes, it work, and i don't see why it should'nt work as expected
20:37.08tzafrir[sr], the point is that the your end decides when the line is open. The the CO can only hint you to hang up
20:37.28nextimeanyway, i have 2 clients here connected by a wifi link on a wrt54gl with openwrt on it
20:37.30nextimeand it work.
20:37.50xibalbayeah i think this is just a wrt54g, i think that may be the problem. and i cannot put openwrt on it. they're 3,000 miles away
20:38.07nextimexibalba : i don't see any relevant difference
20:38.32xibalbacould be the nat'ing algorithms used.
20:39.33nextimexibalba : of course you need to enable the nat helper on the * side and/or to use another way to bypass the nat problem
20:39.37*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
20:39.52nextimexibalba : but seriously, i don't think it can do any serious problem
20:41.14nextimeold wrt54g use linux, so it is the same nat layer of the openwrt firmware, new one use vxworks if i rightly remember, and the vxwork nat isn't a problem in my experience
20:41.55*** join/#asterisk hopper75 (
20:44.23xibalbayou know if there is any setting you nee dot change?
20:44.30xibalbaat a couple of locations only 1 phone will register at a time
20:44.40xibalbawhen a 2nd phone attempts registration it kicks the first one off
20:52.51*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
20:53.35*** join/#asterisk bbonora-vaio (
20:54.23bbonora-vaioAre there any Developers in the Seattle Area?
21:04.52dacm_workCould anyone here tell me the typical latency required to use a sip trunk effectively?
21:05.24Chainsawdacm_work: <120ms at least. <80ms for good performance.
21:05.53Chainsawdacm_work: The lower the better, as long as it is consistently that low.
21:06.01*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
21:06.08bbonora-vaiowhere would I find a consultant in the seattle area to help me setup an asterisk system for our office
21:06.20dacm_workChainsaw: Thanks again. (My current connection is about 70ms, - and this connection feels sucky!)
21:06.26defsdoorbuy me a plane ticket!
21:06.54xibalbai've had voip working fine under 200ms
21:07.00xibalbaover 3g @ 70mph =P
21:07.05*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog_ (
21:13.17bbonora-vaiodefsdoor: where do you live
21:13.46defsdoorbbonora-vaio, install a minimal debian and let someone do it remotely
21:14.01bbonora-vaiothat's fine too
21:14.06bbonora-vaioare you available
21:14.17bbonora-vaioand what is your charge
21:14.37bbonora-vaioI have asteriskNow already installed on a machine
21:14.50defsdoorI roll my own
21:15.09bbonora-vaioHere is what I need it to do
21:15.36bbonora-vaiowe are getting rid of our office space and everybody will be working from home.
21:16.01bbonora-vaiowhen somebody calls our number we want the standard greeting to play with our current options
21:16.31bbonora-vaioif somebody dials my ext. it will ring my cell phone, skype account and home phone
21:16.55bbonora-vaioif I don't answer it will kick back to the system and prompt the user to leave a voicemail
21:17.33bbonora-vaiowe don't need the ability to make calls from the server remotely
21:18.04[TK]D-Fenderbbonora-vaio: No GUI handles Skype yet <-
21:18.15[TK]D-Fenderbbonora-vaio: Should roll your own for this
21:18.17*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
21:18.34[TK]D-Fenderbbonora-vaio: And of course you'll have to buy a SFA license
21:19.35BeltechsShould my dahdi system.conf file have
21:24.46tzafrirBeltechs, sure, why not?
21:25.14tzafrirIt means that channels 1-23 will use the echo canceller mg2
21:30.34*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
21:34.04*** join/#asterisk ghenry (d49f3b55@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/ghenry)
21:34.28ghenryHi, What's the default packaet size in 1.4?
21:34.57Qwellpacket size of what?
21:35.28ghenrysample rate, sorry
21:35.39Qwellsample rate of what?
21:35.39ghenry20ms or 30ms
21:35.55QwellYou need to be much more specific.
21:36.03Corydon76-digIt depends upon the codec used
21:36.20Corydon76-dig20ms for most codecs, but 30ms for others
21:36.22ghenryWell, alaw, ulaw and g729a
21:36.34Qwell20ms, 20ms, 30ms
21:36.44ghenrySorry, I presume people can read my mind :-)
21:36.52Qwellof course, this assumes RTP
21:37.13ghenryYeah, sorry. RTP, alaw and ulaw
21:38.30*** part/#asterisk ghenry (d49f3b55@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/ghenry)
21:38.41dacm_workDoes anyone here have a lot of lines that need to be accessible to one IP phone? Most phones claim to only support up to 4 lines. I'm wondering how to work around that...
21:39.03[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: Doesn't work like that
21:39.21*** join/#asterisk Nwab (~Benwa@unaffiliated/benwa)
21:39.40dacm_work[TK]D-Fender: Good. How does it work if you don't mind me asking?
21:39.43[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: That usually descibes how many unique identities it may have, or simultaneous calls the phone can be on.
21:40.07[TK]D-Fenderdacm_work: you could have 100 lines, but how many CONVERSATIONS should one user be juggling?
21:40.15Chainsawdacm_work: You will generally use a dial plan to route inbound calls to the phones. So even if you have 64 lines coming in, you will generally have an extension number on the phone that you route it to.
21:42.45dacm_workIs there an easy way to know which number someone has dialled other than routing the calls? And is it possible for one handset to `pick up' for another? (I've seen that done before but don't know if it was some weird proprietary system.)
21:44.44ChainsawOur system has a "Pick Up" key on every phone, yes.
21:44.51ChainsawIf you hear a phone ringing, you can steal the call.
21:45.10nextimedacm_work : for the first, just look at the channel variables ( ${EXTENSION} but not only this )
21:45.21nextimefor the pickup... just look at the features.conf
21:46.01nextimeand the pickup group for the account config
21:46.29dacm_workLooks like I can do everything I want.
21:47.06dacm_workJust need to wiggle out of out current telephone + broadband contract and buy some hardware. :-)
21:47.30dacm_workThanks for being so patient with me guys, you've been a real help!
21:49.55nextimeis patient thanks to the local phone carrier that has some E1 pri working 1 days of two from 4 months....
21:50.50*** part/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
21:51.23*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@unaffiliated/kavans)
21:57.27*** join/#asterisk Hydrant (~aj@unaffiliated/hydrant)
21:57.47Hydrantare equipment suggestions on topic here ?
21:58.53ChainsawTo a degree.
21:58.56ChainsawPlease ask your question.
21:59.48HydrantI'm looking for suggestions for VOIP phone that I might use for incoming / outgoing SIP (to a provider server) that doesn't require an asterisk server locally (to boot the phone)... if such a thing exists
22:00.18ChainsawSure, that exists. Do you want an analog line on it as well?
22:00.26ChainsawDECT portable or fixed line?
22:00.44Hydrantif it has both great... but otherwise just voip is fine
22:01.08Hydrantthat is, just SIP
22:01.15[TK]D-FenderPolycom > All
22:01.36ChainsawHydrant: The Siemens "chagall" platform has most of what you're looking for :)
22:01.47Hydrantright now I have a bunch of Polycom soundpoint 320s, but as far as I know I can't do this kinda setup with them
22:01.50ChainsawHydrant: Any specific demands? Answering machine?
22:02.06ChainsawHydrant: Then even a C450 should do nicely.
22:02.21[TK]D-FenderHydrant: You don't need a local server to boot one of those
22:02.30Hydrantwell... maybe... a friend of mine is moving across the country... and so I want to set him up with a phone to keep in touch with his friends... but also setup some extension on my own asterisk system so that we can talk for free
22:03.06Hydrant[TK]D-Fender: right... I can boot it... but I couldn't find out how to use it for outgoing SIP with my provider... it didn't seem to be possible
22:04.36[TK]D-FenderHydrant: SIP requires the same boring things for whatever you want to to use.
22:04.44[TK]D-FenderHydrant: user, pass, IP.  Teh End
22:05.59Hydrant[TK]D-Fender: hrrm... I couldn't figure it out, I'm not yet a voip Jedi... merely a voip droid ;-)
22:07.43*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
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22:08.14[TK]D-FenderHydrant: Well... you show no hints no what you've tried and hearing "but I tried" really is just wind....
22:08.23disposableis there a way to limit the maximum frequency of login attempts by a single sip peer?
22:10.49disposableto e.g. 1 per second? i have blocked all amazon ec2 ip ranges on my firewall, but i'd like to at least slow down the attempted break-ins by IPs i don't know about. like at this very moment.
22:11.33*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (~Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
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22:14.35MiccIs there a way to tell a polycom ip450 to silent ring with an alert-info header or something?
22:16.13MiccWhere is everyone today?
22:20.33*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
22:20.55disposableMicc: let me know if you find out (about the polycom, not the location of everyone), ive been looking for a way to do the opposite
22:21.51rootlinuxeveryone is on vacation
22:22.17nextimeno vacation this summer
22:22.50Miccdisposable, what do you mean by the opposite? I know there is a way to do different rings on an aastra, and I know you can setup different ring tones on a polycom in the cfg file and associate that with an alert-info header.
22:22.58chuckfI'm having a vacation this summer
22:22.58MiccMaybe I should try doing that and making it silent.
22:23.25MiccI don't get a vacation this summer. I have to work every day, even weekends.
22:23.28chuckfnextime: so they do exisit this year
22:23.33disposableMicc: i'd like to force a phone to ring even when it's on silent. but i doubt it's possible.
22:23.59nextimechuckf : yes, but not before october
22:24.12Miccdisposable, ah, well the better way to do that is if you could do the silent ring with a header then you never need to put the phone itself on silent.
22:24.55chuckfthat's alright, depending on where you're going
22:25.31*** join/#asterisk Ziaeon (
22:26.19[TK]D-Fender[18:14]<Micc>Is there a way to tell a polycom ip450 to silent ring with an alert-info header or something? <- yes
22:26.35[TK]D-FenderMicc: Same means as you do for paging and other distinctive rings
22:26.53MiccTKD-Fender, ok, I know how to do that, I just wasn't sure if it would work as aastra's don't allow that.
22:27.34[TK]D-FenderMicc: Aastra isn't exactly the Gold Standard ;)
22:29.15MiccTKD-Fender, I know, but I really like their phones a lot except for a few really stupid things they left out.
22:30.34[TK]D-FenderMicc: oh well...
22:30.42*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
22:31.10disposableMicc: we have a customer with a large call centre. some of the people there tened to turn their ringer volume down and pretend their phone isn't in the currently ringing group. so i set the ringer volume to 100% in the cfg files;. but if they choose the silent ringtone, i just don't know how to overcome that.
22:32.43MiccAh, that sounds like a personel problem.
22:32.52Chainsawdisposable: Trying to fix a social problem with technical measures is doomed to fail.
22:32.54*** join/#asterisk gamedna (
22:33.18disposableChainsaw: sad but true... they're always a step ahead
22:33.28[TK]D-FenderChaI bet to differ .... DON'T TASE ME BRO!!!
22:35.14MiccLots of technology solves social problems, and creates new ones, but in this case I don't think theres a quick fix.
22:35.46[TK]D-FenderMicc: Printers make nice pink slips ;)
22:36.43nextimethe fix is to remove the volume button adjustament
22:36.54nextimei mean physically :)
22:38.29Miccnextime, that could work.
22:38.53Miccthen they wouldn't be able to change the handset/headset volume either though.
22:39.08[TK]D-Fendernextime: No, then you'v have to do it to all phones.  Make an example of the slacker in front of his once peers.... then ensure his story lives on through furure hirings
22:41.18disposablenextime: i've disabled ringer volume adjustments, it's always at 100% and can't be changed. i'd just like a way to disable the silent ringtone somehow.
22:54.40*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
22:55.38*** part/#asterisk Hydrant (~aj@unaffiliated/hydrant)
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23:53.28hardwirewhy is it when the link I'm using for asterisk is suddenly saturated and unusable.. it effects the local side of the network between phone and pbx (no load on pbx other than attempting to make external calls)
23:53.50hardwireis there some sort of blocking being done to accept new calls on port 5060?
23:54.15hardwirelink I'm using for sip channels from asterisk.. sorry
23:54.27hardwireI can't seem to explain this properly enough.
23:54.43xheliox5060 is for signaling.. SIP needs RTP, which the port range for your install would be in rtp.conf.
23:55.17hardwirexheliox: when asterisk is being told to make 20 calls to other public servers that aren't responding.. 1 call to internal services seems to be blocked.
23:55.26hardwiresip sessions time out
23:56.30*** join/#asterisk doctorray (
23:57.07doctorrayDoes anyone know a Polycom dealer on the west coast?  I need to pick up a couple of IP 650s and sidecars asap but don't want to pay through the nose for shipping from NY
23:58.10*** join/#asterisk dunhamda (
23:58.38hardwirejust pay with your bosses visa.
23:58.46hardwirethrough somebody elses nose
23:58.52*** join/#asterisk boodu (
23:59.27albertAsteriskhello boodu
23:59.40*** join/#asterisk lirakis (

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