IRC log for #asterisk on 20100726

00:24.53*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
00:25.22GoshenDoes anyone know how to log into the Sipura 2102 admin pannel? just going to its DHCP assigned ip doesn't work, and I can't find the user manual online, the devices is not locked
00:33.10*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:35.30*** join/#asterisk Beltechs (
00:38.31*** join/#asterisk iamy_china (~iamy_chin@
00:41.21*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
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00:45.12Beltechshello Im using *1.6 and Im having remote extension issues where the phones are unregistering. I ran sip set debug peer 6960. I am able to decipher I have posted on Thank you.
00:45.24*** part/#asterisk iamy_china (~iamy_chin@
00:45.43BeltechsFender u there?
00:45.50Beltechsu ther
00:52.41BeltechsThis pasepin is of another extension that is constantly unregistering.
01:11.46*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
01:11.54*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
01:12.00*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
01:13.33GoshenI remembered, to configure a Linksys spa2102 you have to plug your computer into the ethernet port
01:21.27ManxPowerOr you can dial *** (IIRC) and get into the Configuration Menu
01:25.03GoshenNow I need to make a dialplan for the Sipura so it sends the dial to asterisk faster without waiting
01:25.46GoshenIt waits 10 seconds before it sends the dial to Asterisk which is really annoying
01:26.42GoshenI am thinking that is because of the dialplan in the firmware
01:28.37Goshenhappen to know a dialplan so I don't have to figure it out? :)
01:29.31ChannelZdepends on what all you want to do
01:30.00ChannelZ([2-9]xx[2-9]xxxxxx|911) would let you make 10-digit calls plus 911 in the US
01:30.37ChannelZ(asterisk extensions programmed accordingly)
01:31.13Kevin`mine is (*xx|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.|1xx|5xx|9|8)
01:31.18Kevin`but I forget what it does
01:31.22Goshenthe asterisk extensions will be 102   or 103
01:31.37ChannelZso add 1xx
01:31.39Kevin`probably just matching stuff so it doesn't delay. everything goes through asterisk
01:32.05Goshencool thanks!
01:32.32Goshenwhy did you add 9 and 8 to yours?
01:32.41Kevin`because i have a 9 and 8 extension
01:32.50Kevin`which gives a dialtone on different lines
01:33.26Goshenthats a good idea
01:33.36Goshenso you can choose what outbound line you are going out on
01:34.53drmessanoChoosing outbound lines or trunks by prefix is kinda silly
01:35.57Kevin`the purpose is to bypass asterisk's normal dialplan and enter a number directly on the line
01:36.14Kevin`I mostly use it for testing
01:36.15drmessanoDialplans should be built in Asterisk that make proper use of the distinction between different routes
01:36.41Kevin`how do YOU let a user choose a route for a call
01:36.52drmessanoYou don't
01:37.08Kevin`now, see, that's annoying sometimes :)
01:37.19GoshenI can see the logic in that though, because say you wanted the caller ID of the call to be a specific number, you need to do the prefix meathod
01:38.02Kevin`if I want the caller id to be a specific number, I have an extension in asterisk that asks for a phone number, sets the caller id, then goes back to asking for a number to call
01:38.07drmessanoIf you have a need for a different outbound route, the dialplan should reflect that difference
01:38.47Kevin`again, mostly for testing
01:38.54drmessanoFor example, if I have a different provider for local calls, my dialplan should use that provider/line based on the dialed number.
01:39.01Kevin`I don't really do prank calls ;p
01:39.31Kevin`drmessano: of course. but what if you want to dial a local number through the other provider for some reason?
01:39.44Kevin`or the other way around
01:41.04drmessanoKevin`: That argument isn't enough of a reason to (1) make users dial a prefix before each call and (2) allow them to have that power.
01:41.32Kevin`of course they don't HAVE to dial the prefix
01:41.39Kevin`as to power, yes, but this is for me
01:41.56drmessanoI'm not arguing about your testing extension
01:41.58Kevin`i'd prefer just pressing a number to fiddling with making a call manually on the console
01:42.02drmessanoSo what's the issue?
01:43.10*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
01:45.25Goshenthat didn't speed it up, it still waits 10 seconds before passing the call to Asterisk
01:48.43*** join/#asterisk [netman] (~netman@
01:57.35drmessanoGoshen, if the dialed digits match the dialplan, there wont be a delay
01:59.22GoshenI am reading the cisco documentation - it says to use S0 at the end of the dialplan, but it doesn't work
02:06.54Goshenaha, I had one too many X's :)
02:07.13Goshenfixed now :)
02:07.26Gershwinanyone here ever used or configured a nortel 1535?
02:08.06Gershwinthis one here:
02:16.43*** part/#asterisk pyite_mac (~dschreibe@unaffiliated/pyite)
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02:40.56*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog_Mac (
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02:53.19*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (~manxpower@
02:54.11*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
03:16.39ChannelZlooks like an Ikeaphone
03:17.13*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (~khaled@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
03:17.21GershwinI thought it looked more like a Macysphone or a Targetphone
03:17.26Gershwini would have never guessed Ikea
03:17.39xhelioxI had heard Ikea was investing heavily in the telephony market..
03:18.03xhelioxTheir hardware echo canncelation algorithm is going to blow the doors off the market. I can't wait.
03:18.27xhelioxCould triple call capacity on lower end servers.
03:18.47ChannelZAnd when the phone rings, it emits a meatball smell
03:19.20xhelioxThat's really a feature that Polycom should pick up on.
03:19.42xhelioxEvery time the phone rings, I cry out.. "damn that lack of meatball or cookie smell!"
03:20.56xhelioxI prefer the server.0.smell="chococlate_chip_cookie", but to each their own.
03:23.22*** join/#asterisk hseagle (~eagleonli@
03:26.00*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
03:26.52GoshenI am trying to provision my IAXy 2 and using the linux that Asterisknow installed, but it doesn't have SVN, what do I type into yum to install svn so I can compile the iaxy software?
03:27.22xhelioxlol - Goshen..
03:27.34xhelioxDid you go out and buy every random SIP/IAX device on the planet?
03:27.47Goshen:) no, I had stuff left over from my old install
03:28.21GoshenPolycom is working, Sipura is working, now I am playing with my IAXy
03:28.21xhelioxCould be my imagination, but it seems like you've mentioned every ATA/voip phone on the market in the last 48 hours.
03:28.24GoshenI like this Polycom 303, I think I will get 10 more
03:28.36xhelioxIt's been a long long time since I had my IAXy in operation anywhere..
03:29.12xhelioxBut I suspect you'll have to use svn to checkout the iaxyprov tool. I don't think I've seen it anywhere in a long time.
03:29.43xhelioxI know the asterisk-trunk hasn't had the iaxy firmware published for many moons, you have to get it outside of the asterisk source and it's a very very discontinued product.
03:30.07xhelioxDon't get me wrong, I respect the desire to experiment, just made me chuckle. :)
03:30.22xhelioxAnd there's nothing all that wrong with an IAXy, I used one for quite some time at home.
03:31.52hmodesit's also the only UA on earth that supports pulse dialing :)
03:33.24GoshenI just need to know what the package name is called on centos that will give me an svn client
03:34.30hmodessubversion.i386 : Modern Version Control System designed to replace CVS
03:34.43hmodesfrom epel, I think
03:35.44hmodesah, nope, rpmforge
03:37.22hmodesrpmforge and epel make centos actually useful ;p
03:40.35*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
03:45.13*** join/#asterisk soman (~somnath@
03:47.39*** join/#asterisk mutineer612 (
03:49.30mutineer612I have been testing Avaya 96xx phones with Asterisk 1.6.2 running the SIP firmware.  The phones register with Asterisk just fine and most basic functions are working correctly.  However when I setup the same configuration using Switchvox "free" edition I'm unable to get the phone registered.  Has anyone else tried an Avaya phone?  Or have suggestions as to why Asterisk 1.6.2 works but Switchvox v9525 does not work?
03:54.12*** join/#asterisk radic (~radic@
04:00.06Gershwindunno.. but i bet a quick call to digium during business hours would help
04:10.58[TK]D-Fendermutineer612: Nothing changes with the registration process.
04:11.16[TK]D-Fendermutineer612: So some basic configuration is simply wrong on your Swithvox setup
04:12.47Gershwingood point
04:13.07Gershwindoesn't switchvox usu. lag asterisk by a few digits?
04:13.23Gershwinor no... i don't use sv btw, so dunno
04:14.22[TK]D-Fenderlag is irrelevant for this
04:16.05mutineer612hmm... my sip.conf is very simple... the only thing that I can think of that is different is that my Asterisk setup was 4 digit, and Switchvox is a 3 digit dial plan.
04:16.13Gershwinok... i think what you're sayign is that the avaya 96xx have auto-provisioned for some time now
04:19.09hmodessip set debug peer avaya
04:19.55[TK]D-FenderDialplan has no impact on registration
04:19.57Goshenhmodes, thanks :)
04:20.02hmodes9 times out of 10 the authentication is failing for a stupid reason :)
04:20.14hmodesyou'll see it in the sip 401/403
04:24.25GoshenI get this when trying to make the iaxyprov utility- make: cc: Command not found
04:24.25Goshenmake: *** [provision.o] Error 127
04:24.55mutineer612ok, I'll have to get a sniffer setup... as I cant run the debug cmd from Switchvox server.  It has no cmd line access.
04:28.51[TK]D-Fendermutineer612: Go change that.
04:31.42hmodesyeah, not being able to debug is fairly fail
04:31.51xhelioxGoshen: yum install gcc  :P
04:33.49Goshenxheliox,  thanks
04:34.47drfreezeWhat does Answer() really do. Is it just a demarcation of call progress?
04:35.30drfreezeBecause Background can be run with option 'n', which means that audio is being played before the call is answered
04:37.39*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@wikimedia/RobH)
04:37.54hmodesin the sip-world answer is the difference between a 180 session progress and 183 early media, I think
04:37.58[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: Because maybe you want to make sure the call doesn't fall through, and not all channels support early media, etc
04:38.27hmodesalso that
04:39.31hmodesit mostly matters for billing systems
04:40.45hmodesgenerally if you 'answer' a call, billing begins, otherwise you can ring-through and not get charged
04:41.03hmodesat least that's been my experience
04:41.58[TK]D-FenderIf you try early media with most ITSPs I'm sure you'll find yourself billed for that time.
04:42.21[TK]D-FenderWhich will lead to billing mismatches
04:42.38drfreezeIf an incoming call is sent to a sip phone with dial and answer is never called explicitly, does answer get implicitly called when the call is picked up?
04:42.42[TK]D-FenderOnly benifit is for your caller...
04:42.57[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: Yes
04:43.08[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: Allowing end-end progress
04:43.23[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: HOWEVER you runt he risk of split call-timeout issues
04:43.57[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: By answering you can ring longer than your caller may permit allowing you to ring the dest longer
04:45.04drfreezewhat if, instead of answer, I run Progress
04:45.05*** join/#asterisk Arsenick (
04:45.21[TK]D-FenderdrfNo dodge on this one.  Answer or do not.f
04:45.26drfreezeI assume that is meaningless to the ITSP
04:50.38*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
05:01.30*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
05:03.48xhelioxI'm unreasonably bored.
05:03.55xhelioxAnd rather jet lagged, ironically.
05:05.10hmodesanswer, or do not, that's quite deep
05:07.12xhelioxTK is quite the philosopher.
05:07.37xhelioxTo dial or not to dial, that is the question.
05:16.23[TK]D-FenderDo, or do not.  There is no try. </yoda>
05:25.32*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
05:31.30hmodesif only more sip implementations understood this
05:37.03*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
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06:06.24hmodesholy crap it's another upc user
06:06.25*** join/#asterisk mpe (
06:11.40hmodesI think I scared him off
06:25.57*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (
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06:28.24gavimobilehi folks, for good quality phone calls I would need high upload speed, is that correct?
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07:28.25gavimobilegood morning
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07:51.43Marquelhow do i make automon-feature work? since i've haven't had any feature.conf up until now i'm afraid it's not even read during asterisk startup. where can i look further? asterisk is 1.2 and i can't update due to driver issues.
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08:52.44d43mOni have a problem with backup and restore
08:53.09d43mOni use asterisk with freepbx
08:53.21d43mOni backup the databases and files config
08:53.48tzafrir_laptopd43mOn, #freepbx
08:54.00d43mOnok thanks
09:20.36*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (~nighty@
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09:44.37*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:52.58tzafrir_laptop - and now check the site it mentions
10:17.18*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
10:33.01*** join/#asterisk ankur_6997 (~Dev_1@
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10:35.10ankur_6997hi every one i am new to astrisk and i am trying to implement a IVR using asterisk but i am not sure weather multiple caller can be handled by the IVR when i connect alocal PSTN line number to my astrix box using a FXO card
10:35.42ankur_6997please make it clear
10:36.48tzafrir_laptopThis is #asterisk, not #aterix :-) . Also, what you write will be easier to parse if you apply some occasional punction marks
10:37.36tzafrir_laptopAn FXO line only handles a single caller at a time, right
10:37.42hmodesalso a single fxo line is always a single fxo line
10:37.47hmodesyes, that
10:38.17ankur_6997so only one caller will be handled at one time ?
10:38.35hmodesif you only have one line going in to the box, yes
10:39.02ankur_6997i have tested my ivrs with callcentric 's number it can handle multiple users
10:39.45tzafrir_laptopAsterisk has no problem supporting multiple calls, provided the channel supports it
10:39.47hmodespresumeably callcentric delivers their calls with voip and don't immediately limit you per-channel
10:39.55tzafrir_laptopFXO does not
10:40.06hmodes^what he said
10:40.13tzafrir_laptopIf you want more than one call at a time, get multiple FXO lines
10:40.13ankur_6997so what is the solution
10:40.37ankur_6997ok but i want to use only one number
10:40.47tzafrir_laptop(or E1, or VoIP trunks, or whatever)
10:40.53ankur_6997say 12345678
10:41.00hmodeshave your DID delivered over sip
10:41.06hmodessee:, etc.
10:41.55ankur_6997i have no idea about DID
10:42.16ankur_6997i want this service for Indian number
10:42.23hmodesdirect-inward dial, a phone number, basically
10:42.27tzafrir_laptopThe issue here is not really Asterisk It's how that call is delivered to Asterisk
10:43.09hmodesI think voip is marginally illegal in india
10:43.18hmodeswhich is very unfortunate
10:43.43ankur_6997yes but what i have to do for that many ivrs system are used in india
10:44.49hmodesso long as nobody notices, you're probably good..  I have no idea how one gets an india-did tho'
10:45.07ankur_6997so what i have to do to achive this(multiple user supporting IVR system) using pstn lines ?
10:45.11hmodesyou're probably best off just getting a number in another country and routing your calls that way
10:45.22ankur_6997any idea ?
10:45.56ankur_6997can you give me some links to do the same as you have suggested ?
10:46.05hmodesbuy an E1 or look in to sip trunking over ipsec :)
10:46.51hmodesfrom what I gather, your mileage will vary either way
10:47.25hmodesip connectivity in india looks to be pretty crap
10:48.26hmodestho' I did manage a callcenter there without getting yelled at regularly by my boss, so it seems nobody actually notices ~300ms of lag, or they don't complain loud enough, anyway
10:48.45*** join/#asterisk Benwa (~Benwa@unaffiliated/benwa)
10:49.18Trixboxerankur_6997, get a TATA E1 PRI line
10:49.47Trixboxercall them and they will give you a 100 DID E1 pri line with 30 channel capacity
10:51.14Trixboxerand ankur_6997 losts his ans :)
10:54.48hmodesit's best not to sell E1s to people anyway :)
10:55.50hmodestdm is for suckers
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11:16.01Trixboxerhmodes, no option in india, no one ready to give T1
11:16.13tzafrir_laptopT1? E1?
11:20.50*** join/#asterisk Benwa (~Benwa@unaffiliated/benwa)
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11:40.11*** join/#asterisk E-bola (~bola@
11:40.43E-bolaI keep getting Username/auth name mismatch when i try to have my polycom soundstation ip 6000 register with my asterisk server (1.4)
11:41.03E-bolaAsterisk just keeps telling me that: chan_sip.c:8507 check_auth: username mismatch, have <107>, digest has <>
11:41.57E-bolaAnybody know what might be the problem?
11:44.20hrhrhrhow does a ring group actually work? is it just putting a load of dial/sip extensions on a line? :P
11:45.05*** join/#asterisk iamy_china (~iamy_chin@
11:46.30*** join/#asterisk Deathvalley122 (~Death@unaffiliated/deathvalley122)
11:46.52Deathvalley122hello asterisk is open source right?
11:46.53ChainsawE-bola: If I read that right, your soundstation is not sending a user name.
11:46.55ChainsawDeathvalley122: Yes :)
11:46.56beardyI guess that is what happens, jut aliased/shortened syntax.
11:47.09*** join/#asterisk garymc (
11:47.18Deathvalley122how come I see a list of prices for asterisk?
11:47.35ChainsawDeathvalley122: Because you may want a commercially supported version of Asterisk, rather than an open source version.
11:47.50ChainsawDeathvalley122: If you are a business that does not employ any programmers for example, the availability of source code may not sway you.
11:47.52Deathvalley122ohh commerical I see
11:47.56beardyBecause you're looking at's priced products?
11:48.07E-bolaChainsaw: Im pretty sure its indeed the soundstation thats the issue, problem is i got no idea how to fix it
11:48.17E-bolaAfter changing the password on asterisk it started doing this :(
11:48.18Deathvalley122what are the list of 1-800 numbers?
11:48.33ChainsawE-bola: I have a SoundStation 670 here, authenticating to successfully.
11:48.34Deathvalley122or any numbers for that matter
11:48.52E-bolaChainsaw: cant u set the ip address on the web interface on that one either?
11:48.54ChainsawE-bola: How are you provisioning them? Automatically over HTTP? Or are you manually setting things?
11:48.57E-bolaThe firmware seems a bit odd to me
11:49.07E-bolaChainsaw: only have 1 polycom, so everything manualy
11:49.12ChainsawE-bola: I use DHCP and auto-provision over HTTP.
11:49.16drmessanoDeathvalley122: Huh?
11:49.27E-bolaYa if i read the admin guide correctly, that allows you to control more stuff
11:49.45Deathvalley122the 1-800 numbers you get with asterisk
11:49.48ChainsawE-bola: Now it's asking me for a password that I don't know. Hah.
11:49.52ChainsawE-bola: Never done it manually.
11:49.52Deathvalley122what are the list of them
11:50.04drmessanoThey're on the website
11:50.47drmessano"Contact us"
11:51.16redaxis there a way to get app_voicemail as dumb as listening messages / next/prev and delete... so no folder options no greeting recordings etcetc...
11:53.00beardyredax: Grab it, rewrite.
11:53.13Chainsawredax: I do not see suitably options on VoiceMailMain, no.
11:53.37Chainsawredax: So you will have to implement most of it yourself. (Doable, but no silver bullet)
11:55.24redaxis app_minivm useable for a minimalistic stuff?
11:55.59redaxI've found a few documentation about minivm, but first I tried app_voicemail.
11:56.00tzafrir_laptopDeathvalley122, open source may still be commercially supported
11:56.11redaxbut seems like app_voicemail kinda hardcoded...
11:57.11tzafrir_laptopI bet Chainsaw would be willing to provide you commercial support for Asterisk, for the right price ;-)
11:58.14tzafrir_laptop(or maybe also provided it's on a Linux system of a specific distribution. I heard those who provide commercial support have wierd requirements)
11:59.02Deathvalley122commerical seems a bit out of my price range tbh
11:59.57*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
12:00.01hmodesand so you find yourself here, dealing with us assholes
12:00.09redaxhuh. nobody tried minivm ? :-o
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12:10.34tzafrir_laptopredax, hmm... yes, app_voicemail is hardcoded. Have you tried minivm?
12:11.02redaxnot yet tzafrir, just reading that small documentation of it
12:11.16redaxseems to be sufficient for my needs for the first sight
12:14.04Deathvalley122eh I dunno the commerical packages seem expensive to me ...
12:14.06*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
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12:15.31ChainsawDeathvalley122: The commercial support basically replaces a full-time position at your company.
12:15.46ChainsawDeathvalley122: And it is priced as such.
12:16.07Deathvalley122500 dollars is too much Chainsaw ...
12:16.16Deathvalley122I can not afford that
12:16.43ChainsawDeathvalley122: Okay, so consultancy & commercial support is out. Asterisk can still be used; the download is free.
12:16.57ChainsawDeathvalley122: But you will be doing the work yourself. I hope you understand that. Writing a dial-plan, etc.
12:17.28Deathvalley122not really I am new to this Voip stuff ...
12:17.45infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
12:17.52ChainsawIndeed Fender, I second that suggestion.
12:18.07*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
12:18.11beardySo was I a couple of months ago. Hppy reading.
12:23.57tzafrir_laptopwell, if Digium's prices are high, there's a business oportunity for someone else to provide a cheaper support ;-)
12:24.46ChainsawI limit the time I spend on Asterisk. It's better for my blood pressure.
12:25.13beardyI do the same but with people.
12:26.04ChainsawPeople are usually fine. It's the amount of shouting I have to do before people look at patches here.
12:34.38*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
12:34.56Deathvalley122Chainsaw: where can I buy a 1-800 number or does asterisk provide 1-800 numbers to use to contact your guys support for me to use if that makes sense
12:35.23ChainsawDeathvalley122: Digium is not a telco.
12:35.45[TK]D-FenderDeathvalley122: Asterisk does not provide "services".  It lets you USE them however
12:35.56*** join/#asterisk oej (
12:35.57ChainsawI see Fender has this in hand. Lunchtime for me.
12:35.58[TK]D-FenderDeathvalley122: ....
12:36.01infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
12:36.18Deathvalley122so how is my clients gonna call us if I set this up?
12:36.33[TK]D-FenderDeathvalley122: Depensd hoy you CHOOSE to set it up
12:36.41[TK]D-FenderDeathvalley122: Depends how you CHOOSE to set it up
12:37.07[TK]D-FenderDeathvalley122: * processes calls.  How you arrange to have them arrive is up to you.
12:37.24Deathvalley122I want to use a 1-800 number so that the clients can call us
12:37.30[TK]D-FenderDeathvalley122: Analog lines, digital trunks, VoIP protocol of some sort, etc... all up to you
12:37.30Deathvalley122instead of using the ip
12:37.54[TK]D-FenderDeathvalley122: Again, the # is a PSTN #.  How it physically arrives at your server is up to you
12:38.29[TK]D-FenderDeathvalley122: Traditional telco's off physical lines to deliver calls, you are you use an ITSP, etc
12:38.40[TK]D-Fender[08:35]<infobot>[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
12:39.06Deathvalley122thing is this is goning be a rented dedicated server the hardware of it is out of my hands
12:39.20beardyDeathvalley122: Asterisk is a PBX, a telephony switch implemented in software. What kind of telephony services, technologies, "phone numbers" and so on you want to use, is up to you.
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12:42.23Deathvalley122is confused
12:43.24[TK]D-FenderDeathvalley122: What is confusing about this?
12:43.47beardyDeathvalley122: To hook up a DID (phone number) of any kind, you buy a SIP trunk from an ITSP (see above), cnnect to it, and have the calls to your purchased/rented number be sent to your Asterisk, and handled in the way you cnfigure it to.
12:44.30Deathvalley122I dunno where to get one
12:44.33beardysprinkles some o:s
12:44.54[TK]D-FenderDeathvalley122: maybe if you read the blurb I had infobot give you TWICE <-
12:45.07Deathvalley122yea no links
12:45.10Deathvalley122I need links
12:45.11[TK]D-FenderDeathvalley122: Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs. <--------------------
12:46.00[TK]D-Fenderwaits to see some minimal neuro-electric activity
12:46.03beardyIt could say "/msg infobot itsplist-us" to be more clear.
12:46.16*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (
12:46.17[TK]D-Fenderbeardy: No need.... it sya it even more direct and shorter
12:46.34beardy"Enter" where? one wonders.
12:46.54beardySome surely do anyway.
12:47.36TJNIIWell, most people see someone enter ~itsp and put 2 and 2 together.
12:47.58[TK]D-Fenderbeardy: Yeah, and how was that blurb "activated" exactly?  It not like we haven't spammed up half a dozen of these since his arrival
12:50.16Deathvalley122I see
12:51.22[TK]D-FenderDeathvalley122: Show us :)
12:51.42Deathvalley122its kinda like a domain almost
12:51.52garymcHi im reading that the c option for dial commands for 1.6.2 is in the app_queue file. Anyone know where that file is located?
12:53.16garymcsorry that should been in freepbx channel ^
12:53.26[TK]D-Fendergarymc: CORRECT
12:53.40garymcwhat is correct?
12:54.24garymcfreepbx one of the file name? or both ? :P
12:54.29beardyYour retraction I suppose.
12:56.30Deathvalley122[TK]D-Fender: sorry for the frustrations just kinda new to all of this.
12:56.36beardyDeathvalley122: Yes. It has many similarities.
12:57.23joobieim out of red wine :/
12:58.21TJNIIBreakfast of Champions.
12:58.42beardyges to move cows.
12:58.58garymcdrinking wine at this time
12:59.17Deathvalley122wow talk about a long doc you guys have ...
13:00.54*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
13:02.04drmessanoDeathvalley122: Asterisk is a full out telephony platform used for creating anything from a simple voicemail system, to a very complex PBX system.. Learning Asterisk is like learning a new programming language
13:02.10[TK]D-FenderDeathvalley122: What did that blurb tell you do?
13:02.51Deathvalley122it gave me a list of links
13:03.18joobiegarymc, 11PM here
13:03.20*** join/#asterisk cdahmedeh (~cdahmedeh@
13:03.26Deathvalley122where I can rent itsp
13:03.30garymcahhh nice
13:03.38Deathvalley122in the U.S.
13:03.53joobieim in AU
13:03.58tzafrir_laptopinfobot, tell Deathvalley122 about itspus
13:04.04[TK]D-FenderDeathvalley122: What did that blurb tell you do? <------------
13:04.12joobieanyone want to hook up some international IAX's to benefit on call oruting
13:04.16[TK]D-Fender[08:45]<[TK]D-Fender>Deathvalley122: Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs. <--------------------
13:04.19joobiei can pass to the AU network for free
13:04.21joobiefor landline
13:04.24tzafrir_laptopinfobot, tell Deathvalley122 about itsplist-us
13:04.31Deathvalley122yea I did it in msg
13:04.44joobieanyway want to setup some trunks for some cheap routing?
13:05.03joobiefree AU calls! :P
13:05.10joobie.. just not mobile
13:05.19Deathvalley122I think I found a cheap one I can actually get a number locally ...
13:06.06[TK]D-FenderDeathvalley122: 1-800 has nothing to do about "local" really....
13:06.44Deathvalley122no it doesnt but I found one locally from a site
13:07.08Deathvalley122its not a 1-800 number either
13:07.30*** join/#asterisk t_dot_zilla (
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13:10.56[sr]it's possible to block an incoming call that doesn't have a CID?
13:11.04[sr]for now i just want to know it its possible
13:11.16[TK]D-Fender[sr]: You can do whatever you want with your calls
13:11.32Deathvalley122well when I have time I will sit down for a certain hours and read bits and pieces of the doc not gonna have time to read it all
13:11.35[sr]block it, and play a recoded message, can it be done?
13:11.43[TK]D-FenderDeathvalley122: All of those ITSPs offer Toll-free services
13:12.03[TK]D-Fender[sr]: What does "block it" mean when you are answering the call and playing thema  message?
13:12.12[sr][TK]D-Fender: that!
13:12.28[sr]not exactly block, answer and play the message
13:12.46Deathvalley122 not that one its all area code ones [TK]D-Fender
13:12.54joobie[sr], why do u want to do that?
13:13.02[sr]joobie: just curious :)
13:13.24[TK]D-FenderDeathvalley122: Right hand column on THAT page ---->Local & Toll-Free Numbers
13:13.29[TK]D-FenderDeathvalley122: TOLL FREE
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13:29.40pabelangerQ: ACLs with domains names? Does that make sense?
13:31.45t_dot_zillawe are having a problem with a line staying active after it's completed a transfer....has anybody dealt with an issue like there a setting that needs to be changed in asterisk?
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13:37.49[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: Perhaps you could validate your scenario for us...
13:38.42t_dot_zillaactually i cannot...for some reason it is only happening at one customer location and i am unable to go to the location
13:39.15hrhrhrputnopvut: is masking available to everyone?
13:40.15hrhrhrmode +x
13:40.19hrhrhror whatever it's called on here
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13:43.43[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: SSH doesn't care where you are, and that has nothing to do with even describing the precise circumstances involved
13:45.01t_dot_zilla[TK]D-Fender: the servers are here, i can access asterisk and do a sip trace the problem is, there are 100s of calls going on every second and i will be unable to locate the sip trace for that customer
13:46.07[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: You shouldn't ask us to fix a problem you can't show us.... And that doesn't stop you from doing the other part...
13:46.21*** join/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (~Mundt@
13:47.09t_dot_zillathe circumstances in queue recieves call, call is transfered to another phone outside queue, phone in queue has active line until transfered call has ended, during this time the line is supposedly active and will not recieve incoming calls but does have a dialtone
13:47.15leifmadsenhrhrhr: what does +x do?
13:47.23leifmadsenhrhrhr: likely only ops can set masks on the channel
13:47.44hrhrhrmode +x is hostname masking
13:47.56hrhrhrit's normally accessible via some sort of reg
13:48.00hrhrhrie nickserv
13:48.04hrhrhrbut i dont see the option on freenode
13:48.11hrhrhrclearly, it is available tho
13:49.03leifmadsenhrhrhr: I think you have to speak with freenode staff to change it
13:49.10*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
13:49.26leifmadsentypically people in prominent projects or people who donate get hostmasks
13:49.37leifmadsenI'm not sure what the rules are though
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14:00.39t_dot_zillawe are having the same problem described here....
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14:04.08leifmadsenreading through that forum I'm not convinced there is a bug present. Anyone who says they have it haven't been able to provide enough information to reproduce it on a consistent basis or really explain what is going on.
14:05.45*** join/#asterisk Khratos (~jespinal@
14:05.53garymcOk i think this is the right place. I need to get my reason headers working. How do I start. my phones firmware are upto date and my polycoms apparently support it. But I cant get it working
14:05.57garymcanyone help me out
14:06.10*** join/#asterisk eliel (~eliels@
14:06.14KhratosIs there some 'setting' that could lead dahdi installation not to create the /etc/dahdi directory?
14:07.39t_dot_zillaleifmadsen: why would someone lie about a problem that is occuring?
14:07.52leifmadsent_dot_zilla: I didn't say they were lieing about the problem
14:08.04*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
14:08.23leifmadsent_dot_zilla: what I said was that I'm not convinced it is actually a bug (could be a configuration issue) because no one has been able to provide information on how to reproduce it consistently
14:08.59t_dot_zillaleifmadsen: it could be a configuration issue....but what config would cause that problem to occur?
14:09.32leifmadsent_dot_zilla: if I knew that, then I'd have already replied on the forum stating what the issue is -- I'm saying not enough information has been provided in order to diagnose what the real problem is
14:10.23t_dot_zillaleifmadsen: it is difficult to know what is going on because i have phones on the same asterisk box with identical setup and i cannot replicate the problem
14:10.42leifmadsent_dot_zilla: and either can I, so we're at the same spot we were several minutes ago
14:11.11t_dot_zillaleifmadsen: but that kind of eliminates a configuration problem because i'm using the same asterisk box that the customer is
14:11.55*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@wikimedia/RobH)
14:24.22[TK]D-Fender[09:47]<t_dot_zilla>the circumstances in queue recieves call, call is transfered to another phone outside queue, phone in queue has active line until transfered call has ended, during this time the line is supposedly active and will not recieve incoming calls but does have a dialtone <-- what PHONES?  Transfered HOW?
14:25.21*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
14:25.57t_dot_zilla[TK]D-Fender: the phone (polycom) that transfered the call has a dialtone yet will not receive incoming calls....this happens if the call is blind / normal transfer using the polycom softkeys
14:26.31[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: Because you need to use * based DTMF transfers otehrwise the queue will not know that they aren't on the same call.
14:26.37[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: because of how it is handed off.
14:27.24t_dot_zilla[TK]D-Fender: so you are saying use the # (or whatever you have set in * to do a xfer)   ?
14:27.39[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: Yes
14:27.41*** join/#asterisk ruyo (~psantos@
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14:54.35hmodesI was not paying attention, come again?  Should we use phaetons?
14:55.00*** join/#asterisk Tagor (
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14:55.17TagorIs there a way to Dial() and then Playback() when the phone is picked up?
14:55.23*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
14:55.30TagorIt doesn't continu with the Playback() after the Dial()
14:56.01hmodesI'm pretty sure this was covered earlier, you either answer() or you don't
14:56.06Kattyi got to work this morning.
14:56.08ChainsawHi Katty :)
14:56.11Kattyand at 9 i got tired.
14:56.26ChainsawKatty: This is a Monday thing. I'm fairly sure it happens to all of us.
14:56.27Kattyand i just jolted awake in my chair.
14:56.33[TK]D-FenderTagor: "core show application dial" <-----------
14:56.34Katty(an hour later)
14:56.34ChainsawKatty: Were you spotted?
14:56.42KattyChainsaw: not that i know of :P
14:56.48KattyChainsaw: if someone did walk in, they didn't wake me up.
14:57.00Tagorhmodes: I have this: s,1,Answer()   s,2,Dial(SIP/xxxx@default)    s,3,Playback(something)     but it won't playback during the dial()
14:57.03ChainsawKatty: Coffee time :D
14:57.08KattyChainsaw: eeek, no
14:57.27ChainsawKatty: Ehm, tea time? It doesn't work as well...
14:57.33hmodesWell then, you answered
14:57.33KattyChainsaw: my stomach is a bit messed up. had a few sips of sprite this morning and started having problems again
14:57.43Tagor[TK]D-Fender: I tried 'g' but that only playbacks when the other party hangs up
14:57.44ChainsawKatty: Ah, quite.
14:57.54hmodeseither answer the call, or don't.  It's as simple as that.
14:57.56ChainsawKatty: Loud music?
14:58.01KattyChainsaw: been having stomach cramps, which radiates real bad and makes it feel like my chest hurts
14:58.18Tagorhmodes: that's what I did
14:58.22ChainsawKatty: That sucks, I'm sorry :(
14:58.24KattyChainsaw: oh i'm wide awake now :>
14:58.41[TK]D-FenderTagor: Clearly "g" isn't the right answer <-
14:58.47KattyChainsaw: all good (= they're getting better.
14:58.58hmodesOkay, so you answered() it and then dialed elsewhere
14:59.12hmodesam I not following your logic?
14:59.39*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
15:00.02hmodesyou answered the call, you'll be billed for that
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15:00.31hmodesthat is tantamount to a session progress
15:00.58hmodesthere's no getting around this
15:01.05[TK]D-Fender[10:56]<Tagor>hmodes: I have this: s,1,Answer() s,2,Dial(SIP/xxxx@default) s,3,Playback(something) but it won't playback during the dial() <- of course not.  When you hit priority 3, you have LEFT dial, and your call is ENDED.. or never happened
15:01.10*** join/#asterisk bmoraca_work (
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15:01.50hmodesshit, seriously?
15:02.23hmodesI fail, it seems
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15:03.22beardyYes. I wonder though, if the other end hangs up, then you might come back to the dialplan. But you can never trust that anything after Dia() gets run.
15:03.59hmodesI should stop being authoritative, clearly.
15:04.12Tagor[TK]D-Fender: thanks, I didn't saw the a-option. But this doesn't work: s,2,Dial(SIP/xxxxxxxx@default,20,a(/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/something))  it does dial, but doesn't play the file
15:04.47beardyhmodes: If you Background() something before the Dial(), it might go on playing whie dialing.. experiment and report.
15:05.36*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
15:05.58[TK]D-FenderTagor: I'm not seeing you showing the call and your backup
15:06.10hmodesI don't spend nearly enough time with agis, but I'll try that and mebbe demand some moosepenis...
15:06.54Tagor[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean with the backup? The only thing I have is:  s,1,anwer()  s,2,Dial(see-above)   s,3,hangup()
15:07.00LemensTSi installed from source, wanting to go to  do i just download teh src of 2.10, then ./configure, make, make install like i did when i installed (without doing make samples of course)
15:07.28[TK]D-FenderTagor: Look. At. The. CALL
15:07.32[TK]D-Fendertageand the FILES.
15:07.38[TK]D-FenderTagor: and the FILES.
15:07.40beardyLemensTS: The README and/or INSTALL file will say.
15:07.52[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: Yes
15:07.55hmodeswhat does your code DO???
15:08.29LemensTSbeardy: ok i was reading the upgrade.txt files, that was the problem then. :) thanks guys
15:12.42Tagor[TK]D-Fender: Ok, I got it working now, thanks. But it won't pass audio from and to both parties when playing the file (the persons can't talk). Is there a way to talk while playing the file?
15:13.02[TK]D-FenderTagor: Not by this means
15:13.44Tagor[TK]D-Fender: Is there a way other then setting up a conference?
15:15.06[TK]D-FenderTagor: Originate 2 local chanspy+whisper channels to taget teh 2 legs of the call
15:17.19*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
15:27.34*** part/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
15:30.05ruyoHow can I force a channel hangup? (soft hangup doesn't hangup)
15:30.54[TK]D-Fenderruyo: Show us.
15:31.41*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
15:31.49ruyoOk, sec.
15:36.59*** join/#asterisk thansen (
15:37.34ruyoChannels keep getting stuck I don't know why.
15:38.00ruyoBut I'd like to be able to manually hangup them before I check what's going on.
15:40.08leifmadsenhmodes: try something like the M() or U() options to DialI() -- may do what you need
15:42.10pabelangerQ: When asterisk does transcoding of g711 to g729, is the process in asterisk g711 -> sln -> g729?
15:42.21russellbA: Yes.
15:42.23[TK]D-Fenderruyo: Ok.... use AMI Redirect to drop them off a cliff <-
15:42.25hmodesI never pay attention to the options.  I either answer, or I don't.
15:43.36ruyo[TK]D-Fender, ok, I'll try that.
15:44.14ruyoBy the way, can this be the result of a bad dialplan?
15:44.28*** part/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (~Mundt@
15:44.49ruyoThe CPU is at 100% most of the time.
15:44.56hmodesit can always be the result of a bad dialplan
15:45.04pabelangerrussellb: thanks
15:45.06beardyAny diallan that doesn't meet your requirement is bad by definition, isn't it? :)
15:45.09Chainsawruyo: It could also be heavy transcoding, which could be due to a bad sip.conf
15:45.10ruyoIt's not a loop though.
15:46.10ruyoThere is no transcoding, everything is alaw.
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15:46.34ruyoWith version 1.4.28 I had segfaults, this is .34
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15:48.32datacompboyHi! Everybody knows where I can find say.conf for slovenian language?
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15:51.50Godfather_how can i enable a sip set debug on a specify user?
15:52.15[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: "help sip" <--
15:52.56hmodesbacon solves all problems.
15:53.20*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
15:53.44Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, but this peer is uneable to log in
15:53.54[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: "help sip" <--
15:53.59Godfather_then it says me Unable to get IP address of peer '100'
15:54.12[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: then SPECIFY THE IP TO LOOKS FOR
15:54.22Godfather_nice idea
15:56.46Kobazthat's weird
15:57.31Kobazt1 circuit is up... no pri signalling on it
15:58.56Godfather_i trying to log in my asterisk. I'm outside the asterisk lan. I configured externip and localnet, but the telephone doesnt register
15:59.16*** join/#asterisk Sipster_ (
15:59.29Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, i pastebin you some stuff if you can see something wrong..
15:59.53hmodesit's not so strange, if the ip doesn't register, yell.
16:00.18Godfather_i recieve the packets and i configure the peer with nat=yes
16:00.33beardyGodfather_: Is the NAT:ing firewall forwarding the ports you run asterisk on. (SIP, 5060 by default)?
16:00.47Godfather_beardy, yes, i opened 5060 and 10k to 20k
16:01.21[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Look at GLOBAL SIP debug
16:01.33beardyGodfather_: Forwarded too, not only opening?
16:01.44Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, ok, 1 sec
16:02.05Godfather_beardy, yes forwarded.
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16:07.01Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, do you see anything?
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17:04.14beardyNot very nice to quit when one spends almost an hour or more trying to help..
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17:05.22Qwellbeardy: welcome to IRC.
17:06.07*** join/#asterisk keith4 (~keith@unaffiliated/keith4)
17:06.08beardyI've been here many years, and have had that countless times.
17:06.30Qwellthen surely you aren't still surprised by it?
17:06.38beardyExercising whineright.
17:06.49*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
17:07.41beardyI give humans the benefit of the doubt from time to time. :)
17:07.51Qwellusers != human
17:08.47beardyI'm well reminded.
17:11.01*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
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18:14.30mcrusing 1.4, is there a setting in sip.conf that controls how often the SIP REGISTER is sent?  Default seems to be 120s, but I want to change it to 60s to help debug some things.
18:15.31mcrI found, defaultexpirey  at, and I'm guessing it's typo for defaultexpiry.
18:17.05[TK]D-Fendermcr: Correct.  The WIKI is often wrong
18:17.15*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
18:17.24wr|can anyone tell me if it's possible to use mISDN V2 w/ asterisk? installing misdn doesn't enable the chan_misdn option in menuselect, that's why I'm asking.
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18:25.39Godfather_[TK]D-Fender i didnt solve the problem, can you try to register to my server..?
18:26.41*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
18:28.29[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Not today, sorry.
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18:35.25fauxalliancewr|, ugg,, is that the domain of the 'Linux Call Router'
18:36.56wr|fauxalliance, I don't understand the question. but as I couldn't get misdn directly to work I proceeded with trying to use LCR (which fails to build, just sent mail to their list)
18:37.10wr|you don't know by chance which asterisk version LCR 1.7 expects?
18:37.21wr|all failures there came from ast_* calls...
18:37.51WIMPyI've used it with both 1.4 and 1.6.
18:38.34WIMPychan_misdn only works with misdn1 which is no longer supported since 10 kernel version or something.
18:38.45WIMPylcr needs misdn2 from a current kernel.
18:40.28wr|lcr says: chan_lcr.c:2382: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
18:41.36WIMPyCurrent kernel? Curent version of misdn_user?
18:43.46raden_workis there a way to set a passcode to dial out ?
18:44.03raden_workso like anyone can dial anyone in building but needs a code to dial a outside line ?
18:44.33raden_workso if i dial 15555555555 it will prompt for a password
18:44.39raden_workthen enter a 4 digit code or something
18:45.06[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Your dialplan does whatever you tell it to
18:45.37raden_workcan it make me toast ?
18:46.00[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Yes.  Mine did this for me years ago.
18:46.09[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: And no, I'm not kidding.
18:46.34raden_workI bet anything is possible with proper interfaces
18:48.05raden_workI love asterisk, so many possibilities
18:53.05*** part/#asterisk mcr (~mcr@2001:4830:16ca:1:20d:60ff:fefa:7f03)
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18:54.37wr|WIMPy, linux 2.6.34, misdn 2.0.1
18:55.29WIMPymisdn? That's in the kernel.
18:55.47wr|misdnuser I mean of cause :)
18:57.16Kattypokes at raden_work
18:57.27WIMPyThat's what I use as well, but Asterisk
18:57.29*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh (
18:57.42wr|I'll try that.
19:01.13*** join/#asterisk QubeZ (~nkasu@
19:01.15QubeZhello all
19:01.23raden_workpokes at Katty
19:02.00QubeZanyone here compiled the wanpipe-voicetime drivers for UT50 usb voice synch tool? I'm wondering if it is supposed to show up as a DADHI device because when I run dahdi_hardware, it doesnt show up. However, the timing is great and I see its being used via cat /proc/dahdi/1
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19:14.57ZeXr0I'd like to know, what would be the best way to play a message "To Continue in english, press 2", and then continu with the callflow if nothing is pressed
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19:19.47afinkHey guys I'm having trouble with a PRI t1 bouncing, seems to be losing the d-channel and Qwest wants to play the blame game.  Can anyone help me get evidence that the problem is not asterisk.  Or if it is?
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19:22.27wr|WIMPy, using now, gives me the same errors.
19:25.15WIMPySo what is it about?
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19:26.54wr|chan_lcr.c:2381: error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type. that line is: ast_playtones_start(ast, 0, ts->data, 1);
19:27.19wr|there are other "incompatible pointer type" warnings at lines calling ast_* functions as well
19:29.44WIMPyYour Asterisk is in working condition?
19:30.10wr|actually I don't know, just freshly compiled
19:30.17WIMPyCan it find the headers?
19:30.29WIMPyAnd installed?
19:30.31wr|before that cleared all old headers
19:30.56wr|starts up correctly
19:31.05WIMPyCalled configure again?
19:31.30*** join/#asterisk [netman] (~netman@
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19:32.10wr|what's confusing is that ./configure seems to ignore my --prefix
19:32.37wr|but I doubt that is the problem
19:34.07WIMPyAre you using the current LCR?
19:34.28afinkanyone have any insight on these errors: [Jul 26 14:35:11] ERROR[4291]: chan_dahdi.c:8744 dahdi_pri_error: Short write: 0/15 (Unknown error 500) and [Jul 26 14:35:11] ERROR[4291]: chan_dahdi.c:8744 dahdi_pri_error: Write to 41 failed: Unknown error 500
19:34.32WIMPyI'm not sure how current the tarballs are.
19:34.39wr|1.7 (from lcr-20100601.tar.gz)
19:35.01wr|hm. /me looking for a repo
19:35.44*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (~manxpower@
19:35.48wr|hm. actually the tarball contains a git repo *g* unfortunately I'm not
19:35.55infobot[~answers] Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & Docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
19:38.04wr|WIMPy, do you know a public clone URL? I cant find any...
19:38.13wr|ah. found.
19:38.44unspinwhere can i find some decent quality sound files, english female (not Allison).  French English or Spanish
19:38.56unspinbeen googling for a bit, haven't found too much
19:40.56ZeXr0What would be the best way to play a message "To Continue in english, press 2", and then continue with the callflow if nothing is pressed
19:41.57wr|ZeXr0, maybe the timeout function? but actually I don't know...
19:42.20*** join/#asterisk thansen (
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19:43.10wr|WIMPy, latest lcr from git master compiling just fine. thank you.
19:43.24*** join/#asterisk thansen (
19:43.53ZeXr0I guess Read(SendToEnglish, prompt) would do the work
19:44.28goofy03hi i try to install asterisk with freepbx but when i make a call after numbering i get a weird ring not a real call
19:44.38Qwellgoofy03: #freepbx
19:45.03goofy03sorry ok
19:46.47goofy03Channel 'DAHDI/2-1' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default', but no invalid handler do you know what this mean ?
19:47.14Qwellgoofy03: It means you did something wrong.  #freepbx
19:48.44goofy03what is 's' extension ? i need a 63PO Droid
19:49.21*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
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19:52.35DrkShadowhow do I undo a shutdown request? ast_channel_alloc: Channel allocation failed: Refusing due to active shutdown
19:52.48DrkShadowI did restart gracefully.. I was under the impression it would NOT refuse incoming calls
19:52.50*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Delphi@
19:52.57DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: :P
19:53.16QwellDrkShadow: that's the difference between "when convenient" and "gracefully"
19:53.29QwellI actually don't think you can stop a shutdown
19:53.46Qwellleifmadsen: truth?
19:53.55*** join/#asterisk oc80z (
19:54.00leifmadsenQwell: I think there is actually a command to kill that... checking
19:54.08DelphiWorldhi leifmadsen
19:54.14QwellI know there is in Linux, but...
19:54.32leifmadsenDrkShadow: core abort shutdown
19:54.36Qwelloh, huh.
19:54.46leifmadsenif it works... I have no idea :)
19:54.53DrkShadowdamn. I JUST did a restart now cause we couldn't dial out ;-) thanks though.
19:55.09QwellDrkShadow: ahh well.  blame solar flares.
19:55.16DrkShadowhahaha, yep
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20:34.09ZeXr0hum Is there a reason why AGI have a function SAY DATE but their is no equivalent function in Asterisk programming ?
20:36.06ZeXr0is date a real date, like 2010-05-05 or is it really a number of seconds ?
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21:06.07GabrielPiassettahello, can i pass two or more files to "get option" in agi?
21:07.36QwellGabrielPiassetta: I don't know what "get option" does, but when playing sound files, you can usually do file1&file2&file3
21:10.06*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
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21:15.31GabrielPiassettaQwell, in playback this works, but in get options no,  get options behaves similar to stream file, its wait for user to make a choice in a ura
21:26.41hardwireany way to force no media for ringing?
21:26.51hardwireI want my servers completely out of the way for media
21:27.14hardwirecall comes in via sip.. leaves via sip.. media for ringing still comes from asterisk.. no dial parameters being used and no answer on the asterisk box
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21:29.23hardwireI have progressinband=never set
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21:31.21DelphiWorldhow do i see my iax2 channel status?
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21:32.46DelphiWorldhow do i see my iax2 channel status?
21:33.12russellb*CLI> iax2 show channels
21:34.32DelphiWorldok russellb
21:34.36DelphiWorldrussellb: but this show channels
21:34.45DelphiWorldhow do i see if my iax2 account is regged?
21:35.09DelphiWorldrussellb: nm
21:35.09russellb*CLI> iax2 show registry
21:35.09DelphiWorldrussellb: got it
21:35.09DelphiWorldrussellb: iax2 show peers
21:35.51DelphiWorldthank you russellb
21:36.43hardwirethis is so strange.. maybe I've just never noticed that even if I disable inband progress.. it's still there.
21:38.35DelphiWorldrussellb: to reload config i use reload right?
21:38.48*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
21:39.50ManxPowerDelphiWorld, show peers shows CLIENTS registered TO your server.  show registry shows YOU registered to OTHER servers.
21:40.15DelphiWorldthank you ManxPower and russellb
21:40.40ManxPowerrussell's answer is correct for your question.
21:41.03DelphiWorldManxPower: yes...i was litle confused
21:44.45*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
21:47.57DelphiWorldcould someone help me configure my asterisk
21:48.34carrarWhats broken?
21:48.40*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (~manxpower@
21:50.23DelphiWorldcarrar: couldn't understand the config;)
21:50.38carrarDid you read the book?
21:50.40[TK]D-Fenderpummels DelphiWorld with a hard-cover copy of THE BOOK
21:50.52infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:51.02DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: give me a Compiled html one no in pdf
21:51.14DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: is not fully accessible/readable by blind users
21:51.16carrarSee above PDF link
21:51.26DelphiWorldCarlos_PHX1_: see my msg
21:51.47[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: Go pay someone to convert it for you
21:51.49carrarYou can readh HTML or PDF?
21:52.00carrarCause both exist out there
21:52.04[TK]D-Fendercarrar: visually impared <-
21:52.05DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: give me a credit card to pay
21:52.10DelphiWorldCarlos_PHX1_: i can read html
21:52.31DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: if i can pay i don't wait for you to say it
21:52.31[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: Well the HTML link is right there
21:53.50carrarTOO many options!
21:57.26DelphiWorldcarrar: reading
21:58.10*** join/#asterisk pabelanger-lap (
21:58.21carrarI'm gonna go to Costco then!
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22:09.59aBs0lut30got a strange problem guys, on an outbound call over a sip trunk to a cisco gateway(non callmanager) the call goes out, but I never hear ringing, just dial, and after a few seconds your connected, any ideas?
22:16.01*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
22:16.33anonymouz666very bizarre situation, a te420p installed on the system, and dahdi_tool shows OK for both spans without ANY cable connected.
22:16.49anonymouz666anyone already seen that
22:18.15anonymouz666it should output RED...
22:18.24anonymouz666I think this card is broken
22:18.31leifmadsenanonymouz666: time to call Digium
22:20.05anonymouz666time to practice my english
22:20.39*** join/#asterisk [netman] (~netman@
22:20.42nightwalkOk, so I disabled callprogress, yet I *still* have users reporting being disconnected in the middle of their calls. Any ideas on the next most probable culprit?
22:20.58anonymouz666Use callprogress=no
22:21.05nightwalkAlready did that
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22:26.07nightwalkaBs0lut30: Maybe a side effect of answer()'ing in the dialplan?
22:26.48*** join/#asterisk Mark22 (~mark@unaffiliated/mark21)
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22:27.48Mark22after looking at multiple options I can't find a good solution for my problem :S I have a part from extensions.conf and from the log available at
22:29.07Mark22the problem: the mobile phone (number starting with 06) goes to voicemail and with that voicemail the phone is answerd, however I want it to wait for me pressing a digit before it gets answerd for the caller (in this case sip account 1010)
22:29.36Mark22I want something that I could use with multiple numbers (multiple mobile phones/sip accounts at the same time)
22:29.52Mark22is there a solution for it or am I looking in the wrong direction?
22:34.09*** join/#asterisk prgmrchris (~chris@
22:41.46nightwalkMark22: That wasn't really very clear to me
22:43.17Mark22I was testing if I could call a number (in this example 9000) so a mobile phone rings and when I pickup I need to press a key before the caller knows that I did pick up that mobile phone
22:43.46Mark22when the mobile phone is already in use it goes directly to the voicemail on that mobile phone and that is something I don't want
22:44.16Mark22so the voicemail on the mobile phone is hopefully never used (or at least the caller doesn't know it is used)
22:47.41DogBoywhat do you want to happen instead
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22:49.05Mark22in the future I'll add at least one sip account and probably 3 sip accounts and an extra mobile phone so they should ring and after 30 seconds (or another time) it should retry to see if the phone is available or not
22:49.34Mark22even going to another extension in asterisk is acceptable
22:50.08Mark22as long as the voicemail from the mobile phone isn't given to the original caller (and I can't disable that f*cking voicemail)
22:56.48*** join/#asterisk Ziaeon (
23:06.04[TK]D-FenderMark22: Problem is you are performing an SASO in trying to create an IVR in your macro.  This is NOT how you do it.  Use READ()
23:06.23infobot[~soso] Shoot-On-Sight Offense
23:06.29[TK]D-FenderThere we go
23:06.55[TK]D-FenderMark22: You are "running out of s" on your macro and it jsut falls through.  it won't wait.  Wrong approach.  Use Read()
23:08.15Mark22looking at it now
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23:22.16nightwalkAny other probable culprits for dropped calls, aside from callprogress?
23:24.34nightwalkOnly thing I'm seeing are the MFC/R2 options, and if I read correctly, that doesn't apply since I'm in the US
23:28.51[TK]D-Fendernightwalk: And you haven't told us what you ARE using.
23:29.12nightwalktdm400 compatible card, 1 FXS, 3 FXO.
23:30.07nightwalkFXO-FXO calls are fine, but FXO-FXS calls drop every once in a while.
23:30.07nightwalkMaybe...busydetect? I have busycount set to 8 already. Any bad side effects from just disabling it?
23:32.25Mark22[TK]D-Fender: thank you for pointing in the right direction now it is working (if someone wants a copy from what I've now just ask)
23:32.40[TK]D-Fendercallprogress=yes is the usual culprit.  The other is odd spikes triggering a CPC.
23:32.50infobot[~cds] Call Discconect Supervision is a service placed on analog lines to be able to signal you that that the calling party has hung up.  This is typically done either by a momentary battery cut, or by a polarity reversal on the line.
23:34.29nightwalkcallprogress is already disabled, and if I'm not mistaken (which I very well may be), the cds options are in with the MFC/R2 options, which don't apply since this is in the US
23:34.53nightwalkErr..*apparently* don't apply, rather
23:35.29[TK]D-Fendernightwalk: CDS is a standard analog think
23:35.40[TK]D-Fendernightwalk: Please never ever mention R2 again, OK?
23:35.53[TK]D-Fendernightwalk: Wrong tree.  Nothing applicable.
23:36.14nightwalkNo problem. I'm American so who *cares*, about the rest of the world? :)
23:37.37*** join/#asterisk root52 (
23:37.43nightwalkSo, if I have this straight, you're saying the telco may just suck?
23:37.46[TK]D-Fendernightwalk: Thats the spirit...
23:38.22[TK]D-Fendernightwalk: Could be....
23:38.28nightwalkBecause that's a distinct possibility out here in BFA....
23:39.52[TK]D-Fendertimes up... out for a bit, BBL
23:41.34root52Good Day all. I have a problem with an asterisk server randomly crashing. So in the safe_asterisk man page it says that it will cause asterisk to "dump core" if it were to crash. along with trying to restart it. I have got core dumps in the past by re complying asterisk with (i think it was...) the CORE_DUMP option checked. So am I to assume that if I start asterisk with safe_asterisk and it crashes I will end up with a dump?
23:41.34*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
23:43.29nightwalk[TK]D-Fender: Well, I upped busycount from 8 to 12, and set busypattern (with the default of 500, 500). That's the only things I see here config-wise that seem like they kinda, sorta could cause this problem.
23:44.21nightwalkroot52: That's probably dependent on your system allowing core dumps in addition to the asterisk-specific options
23:56.50Mark22root52: what asterisk version are you using? please provide more information

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