IRC log for #asterisk on 20100724

00:03.37*** join/#asterisk b14ck (~b14ck@
00:10.47NEEDINGHELP123anyone here?
00:11.30ChannelZjust us trannies
00:11.49NEEDINGHELP123++++  ooh323_indicate 18 on ooh323c_o_3
00:11.50NEEDINGHELP123---   setup_rtp_connection
00:11.50NEEDINGHELP123---   find_call
00:11.50NEEDINGHELP123+++   find_call
00:11.50NEEDINGHELP123+++   setup_rtp_connection
00:11.50NEEDINGHELP123---   ooh323_hangup
00:11.51NEEDINGHELP123+++   ooh323_hangup
00:11.51NEEDINGHELP123---   close_rtp_connection
00:11.52NEEDINGHELP123---   find_call
00:11.52NEEDINGHELP123+++   find_call
00:11.53NEEDINGHELP123+++   close_rtp_connection
00:11.53NEEDINGHELP123---   onCallCleared ooh323c_o_2
00:11.54NEEDINGHELP123---   find_call
00:12.00ChannelZyeah nobody is going to help you when you flood the channel like that
00:12.47NEEDINGHELP123i'm not flooding i'm posting the msg
00:12.53infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
00:16.27*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
00:34.43leifmadsenNEEDINGHELP123: it's still called "flooding"
00:51.02*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
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01:06.05*** join/#asterisk teknon (
01:13.19*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
01:17.53*** join/#asterisk Sipster_ (
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01:25.58*** join/#asterisk BeatJunkie (
01:48.28*** join/#asterisk caim (~user@unaffiliated/caim)
01:50.40cmendes0101Im trying to stream audio out of a call by using EAGI. I'm using a method I found on the internet that calls this script by EAGI
01:51.16cmendes0101Its not working to well. Is there a way I could take out the ezstream portion to replace with something else to test. Like if I output to a file could I play that file back?
02:14.16*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Brandon@
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02:15.56*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (
02:24.33TJNIIcat /dev/fd/3?  Wouldn't that be some open file for the bash process?  What kind of chicanery is that script doing?
02:25.28*** join/#asterisk sezuan (
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02:27.08*** join/#asterisk hopper75 (
02:31.37*** join/#asterisk aster1sk (
02:38.14aster1skIf you had unlimited development resources for a from-scratch web based Asterisk manager panel - what would you want to see?
02:41.19*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
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02:44.11xhelioxA developer behind the project that doesn't have to ask questions like that.
02:44.13chuckfI'd like to see something that works in all cases from the novice user to the most advanced. I want something that autocompletes what I intend to do and not what I actually put into the field.
02:47.16aster1skI agree with both of you, though in my defence I believe a dev must probe to see what the community wants.
02:47.58aster1sk... in order to create a successful project.
02:48.56aster1skI believe that on the fly validation is key, meaning that there are checks in place to determine conflicting configurations.
02:49.32aster1skI also believe that there should be a basic / advances user interface for those who are looking for total control.
02:50.56aster1ski just built a stock minimal os in a VM with * 1.6.2 to spec - I want to write a secure web UI as a replacement for the alternatives.
02:50.57*** join/#asterisk comradeb14ck (~b14ck@
02:52.41aster1skThis is probably the wrong channel to be asking these kinds of questions, most of us run vanilla * and have no need for a ui.
02:53.26[TK]D-Fenderaster1sk: No necessarily
02:53.49aster1sk[TK]D-Fender: elaborate.
02:54.06[TK]D-Fenderaster1sk: Yes, we appreciate the raw control over the core, but LOTS of people here run GUI installs as well.  So far there aren't a lot of good free ones.
02:54.35[TK]D-Fenderaster1sk: FreePBX isnt multi-tennent, and has other failings (which are being worked on for 3.0 but thats far off and not for * yet)
02:54.44mmlj4anyhow, define secure
02:54.47[TK]D-Fenderaster1sk: AsteriskGUI is well ... dead
02:55.19aster1skWell first of all the web daemon should not be run as root.
02:55.22aster1skor asterisk
02:55.49aster1sksecondly, auth should be both session / ip based.
02:56.11aster1skI also think that openssl would be nice, even with an unsigned cert.
02:56.16mmlj4mine runs as user apache... I don't see a problem
02:56.31mmlj4you want SSL? trivial
02:56.49aster1skOh that is fine, I am talking about the dists that run * as a priv user
02:56.55*** join/#asterisk grabes (
02:57.31[TK]D-Fenderaster1sk: Off direct functionality the others don't.  yes the invisible perks like "stock" settings that are more secure are a bonus, but if you want to stand out, then you need to work different.
02:57.57aster1skI was thinking about a drag/drop IVR
02:58.07mmlj4for HTTP auth... well, turn it on and limit as you please
02:58.26mmlj4my point is... what you're wanting isn't that groundbreaking
02:58.53aster1skno sh1t, you focused on the security comment.
02:59.24[TK]D-Fenderaster1sk: And you just mentioned about the first NON-security thing to do :)
02:59.32mmlj4any what "ooh, asterisk, I wonder what that is... will it run on windows?" luser cars about security?
02:59.33[TK]D-FenderastaAfter I prodded :)
03:00.16aster1skHeh true, well to be honest I am not really interested in writing support for anything but *nix / asterisk
03:00.28aster1skbut if the demand is there I may roll out a M$ version.
03:00.53aster1skLet me outline my goals and see if this will convince you...
03:01.00mmlj4<aster1sk> but if the demand is there I may roll out a M$ version.
03:01.03mmlj4you just lost me
03:01.11aster1skM$ == windows.
03:01.35mmlj4i mean you just told us you don't really understand security at all
03:01.35russellb1) Write GUI.  2) ???  3) PROFIT
03:01.56aster1skNo profit whatsoever.
03:01.56chuckfbut a web interface should be OS neutral
03:02.15aster1skchuckf: false.
03:02.39chuckfwhat do you mean false? Of course a web interface should work for all OS's
03:02.42aster1skServer side.
03:03.15aster1skI am saying I wouldn't write a port for 3cx or whatever it is called.
03:04.04aster1skThe app will only dump configs for * on a *nix box, the web ui will surely work cross platform, but the app is intended to configure *nix hosts.
03:04.37aster1skI think that is where we got messed up.
03:04.41chuckfis there a * that runs on MS Windows?
03:04.58aster1skI believe on old version however dev was discontinued.
03:06.56aster1sknone of you have probably never seen my any of my projects but everything I do out side of work is totally open source.  Take a look at or
03:07.05chuckfit looks like the last updae was 2/2008. You cannot consider that a valid option
03:07.37mmlj4lemme guess... you write in python?
03:08.07aster1skPHP actually, but language doesn't really matter to an experienced developer.
03:08.40russellbwhat about doing it in bash
03:08.41TJNIIOh god.
03:08.44mmlj4Wrong. Java. I win.
03:08.47TJNIIIs that you, DrClue?
03:09.04chuckfassembly for the win!
03:09.12aster1skObfuscated perl FTW
03:09.30aster1skguhh you beat me to it lol
03:09.44TJNIIObfuscated perl?  Isn't that an oxymoron?
03:10.23russellboxymoron?  you mean redundant?
03:10.55aster1skrussellb: ++
03:11.21aster1skbuys beers for all
03:11.53TJNIIrussellb: Not the attack vector I was expecting.  You are, however, correct.
03:12.16chuckfcalls his AA sponsor telling of someone trying to sabotage his sobriety
03:13.27infobot<(*.*<) <(*.*)> \(*.*)/ (>*.*)>
03:16.21aster1ski love the simplicity of askozia, I would like to build upon the stability / ease of use with escalated control.
03:17.21carrarIs that Disco dan dancing?
03:18.26*** part/#asterisk grabes (
03:20.09pabelanger-lapaster1sk: askozia was build on m0n0wall, so you should be fine.
03:23.36aster1sktrue - but now is a t2 buils
03:23.46aster1skI was thinking minimal debian.
03:25.27aster1skheh guess a $few_beers->leet_status($status)
03:25.48aster1skguhh I am going away, time for real life heh.
03:30.04[TK]D-FenderReality is for people who can't handle drugs...
03:31.57aster1sk[TK]D-Fender: how bout booze?
03:32.06[TK]D-Fenderaster1sk: that counts
03:32.29aster1skwell that explains why I am not making sense then.
03:33.31aster1skyou know what's got me drinkin so heavy... those damn 7961's with the 7914 sidecar.
03:34.45aster1skbuilt sccp-b on there and had to provision the device but the boss wouldn't give me router creds [though i doubt the router had 66 to begin with]
03:35.40aster1skso I had to use my sketchy dev box with win 7 to load this skinny firmware....  i told him to buy aastra / polycom but he insisted the reception phone be the 7961 for asthetics.
03:36.33*** part/#asterisk russellb (~russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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03:37.58aster1sknow I would have been fine with SIP image on the 7961 but this bloody sidecar is not supported with sip,  after a few hours I was able to get the thing runnig but had to catch up on other work that caused me to stay two hours later.
03:41.18Gershwinopen up the 7961 and break something internally
03:42.00Gershwinbecause the broken phone means that you essentially "wasted your time"... tell your boss not to buy another POS cisco or he can set it up
03:46.52aster1sk^^ good advice
03:50.19[TK]D-Fender"We can make it look like an accident"
03:55.50*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
03:56.47aster1skwell once configured I wasn't so upset
03:56.58aster1skbut cisco's sure are a pain
03:57.38TJNIIAgain with the redundancies from you.
04:04.49aster1skThis channel isn't as friendly as I remember.
04:05.05aster1skWell I am out of cigarettes, later fellas,
04:11.33*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
04:11.44xhelioxrolls his eyes
04:12.34*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
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05:22.58*** join/#asterisk Mango (~iMango@
05:27.11MangoAnyone aware of a Canadian VoIP provider that went bankrupt this week?  Apparently they stopped routing calls at 3:30PM Eastern on Wednesday.
05:28.56coppiceit must be VoIP bankruptcy week
05:30.37DogBoyoh my word
05:30.38coppiceHowlertech, the G.729 codec guys, and someone else I forgot also passed away this week
05:30.49MangoRats :(
05:38.23*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
05:40.24drmessanoGlad I invested my money in their floating codec
05:40.43drmessanowell, floating codec license
05:41.09drmessanoAnother reason why cloud licensing sucks
05:46.10*** join/#asterisk dmz (
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06:01.30coppicetheir non-floating licences will be just as screwed, as soon as anything in a system is changed
06:04.13coppicefloating licences are a well liked idea by people who want to implement failover, but that's the very area where floating licences are most problematic
06:20.18drmessanoGuess paying the extra 2 bucks for Digium G729 licenses was worth it
06:20.27drmessanoUnless 1.8 sucks ass and Digium goes down in flames
06:20.40drmessanoMAKE IT COUNT, GUYS
06:24.31coppicedigium needs to streamline its versions. there are too many balls in the air
06:25.32drmessanoI think that's where the new-old release model comes in
06:26.18*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
06:27.55drmessanoIt's a shame there's so many installs out there being admined by unqualified individuals, because it's going to be a while before 1.4 and the three 1.6.x releases go away..meaning those balls are gonna hang around for a while
06:28.09drmessanoI left off 1.2 in there too
06:28.31coppicethe three 1.6.x "releases" was total mismanagement
06:31.09drmessanoI think they had the right idea with the faster releases, just wish the "LTS" would have kicked in sooner and maybe we would have 1.4 LTS out there, a 1.6, 1.8, and 1.10 release behind us, and be talking about a 1.12 LTS release now.
06:33.34drmessanoI really didn't have a problem with the 1.6.x releases other than it confusing the crap out of newbs and fly-by-night "admins" who didn't "get it".
06:34.21drmessanoYou spent almost as much time figuring out which branch they were on as you did fixing their issue
06:35.26drmessanoor the complaints that 1.6.2.x shouldn't be so different from 1.6.0.x, though that was entirely the idea.
07:08.51*** join/#asterisk timholum_ (
07:09.10timholum_has anyone sucsessfuly gotten the gtalk module to work?
07:10.50*** join/#asterisk digitalml (
07:13.07timholum_it appers that the my jabber and gtalk modules are not enabled, but I compiled? any idea's
07:15.41timholum_I have autoload=yes in modules.conf and in my modules folder I have and, and they are not in an noload command in the modules.conf
07:21.16*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
07:21.57timholum_is anyone online?
07:25.48WIMPytimholum_: No, the internet is broken.
07:26.16timholum_WIMPy :), I ment in the channel that is still here :)
07:26.22digitalmlnooooooooooooooooooo, not the internet
07:26.24digitalmli cant live without it
07:26.38timholum_I need a new job if it is broken :)
07:27.00WIMPydigitalml: Maybe you can get some UUCP replacement.
07:28.39timholum_that would suck, I dont think logmein supports uucp :)
07:29.48WIMPywonders why that could matter
07:31.02timholum_90% of my work is done on windows machines remotly ( using logmein )
07:31.51digitalmljust threw up a little in his mouth
07:31.55WIMPysends his condolence
07:32.30timholum_:) I like linux a lot better, but I have to go where the work is :)
07:38.25timholum_hmm, when I try to do load it tells me " loader.c:382 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"  yet I do have in /usr/local/lib/
07:38.37timholum_is there a different directory that I have to load that into?
07:42.12*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
07:43.05ChannelZldconfig  ?
07:46.27*** join/#asterisk timholum1 (
07:46.44timholum1sorry, my flaked out there for a min
07:47.16timholum1ChannelZ: I just did ldconfig then restarted asterisk and I get the same error
07:47.19WIMPySo the internat actually IS broken?
07:48.16timholum1:) my internet does that every few days, I am looking for a new ISP
07:49.02timholum1it is worse when it rains, so I think there is a leek in one of the pedistils on my block
07:51.41digitalmlso guys, setting up a small asterisk install at home and was wondering what a decent cheapo router would be to do QOS... I was thinking this:
07:51.56digitalmlcheapo < $300
07:53.08WIMPyCan't tell abot the specific product, but the Vigor series seem to perform very well.
07:54.12digitalmlcant find a single review on the 2920 though
07:57.46ChannelZOoOoo, ASCII-art Asterisk logo for 1.8
07:58.09*** join/#asterisk timholum1 (
08:06.06*** join/#asterisk Ziaeon (
08:22.46*** join/#asterisk garymc (
08:23.46garymcyo anyone around.
08:24.53garymcI upgraded to 1.6 yesterday. Broke my working system. I must have had a few addons that need upgrading too. Is there anyway of me knowing or finding out what addons I had? I upgraded from 1.4
08:25.33Kyoshi would have stayed at 1.4.2
08:25.47garymci need a feature that only 1.6 has
08:25.54WIMPyIt should have moaned about them when installing.
08:26.35WIMPymake install again and see if it moans about old modules.
08:26.41Kyosh1.4 will outlive 1.6
08:27.12Kyoshcept 1.6.2
08:27.18WIMPysees five days more for 1.6 there.
08:27.45Kyoshthats what i said
08:27.47Kyoshcept 1.6.2
08:28.04garymci got 1.6.2 sorry
08:28.14garymci think letme check again :S
08:28.27Kyoshno i wont letyou
08:29.00Kyoshwhat happens when you teach your customer how to manage an asterisk box?
08:29.49WIMPyYou long for an app_eliza?
08:29.57Kyoshthey get a $3500 bill from verizon because the dumbasses added an extension with a 3 digit numeric secret which is accessible over the internet
08:30.03garymcI wont be teaching no body
08:30.34garymcim not good enough
08:30.57garymcKyosh ouch
08:31.10garymcsomeone using chatlines for free :)
08:31.25Kyoshthe best part is, they tried to blame me
08:31.45Kyoshoh no, they got hacked and someone was vishing all over the world, especially to africa
08:32.31garymcso do you know how to find out what plugins I had and what im now missing?
08:32.32Kyoshso i checked their log files and found that the ext in question was added this year.  i installed asterisk 1-1/2 years ago with all configs at that time
08:32.49Kyoshnopes, i have no clue which app your missing
08:32.58garymchow could I find out?
08:33.09Kyoshno clue
08:33.10WIMPygarymc: make install again and see if it moans about old modules.
08:33.21garymcno it didnt moan
08:33.43garymcit went clean as a whistle but removed my Sangoma card
08:33.56garymcwell the card disapeared and had to get new drivers for it
08:34.11garymcwas a ball ache to get working so I wont be doing that again
09:02.15*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
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10:56.37*** join/#asterisk FILLVAIO3 (~v_agarkov@
10:58.04FILLVAIO3Hi guys, does anybody know wy wav files playing but streaming does not work in musiconhold?
10:59.13tzafrirFILLVAIO3, what do you mean by "does not work"? What have you set up? What have you expected to happen? What hapened?
11:00.11*** join/#asterisk Jasnejac (~kvirc@
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11:01.58FILLVAIO3i have radio stream -, but in asterisk i can use mpg123 or streamplayer with <ip> <port> parameters
11:03.35tzafrirFILLVAIO3, what Linux program can you use to play it?
11:04.30FILLVAIO3application=/usr/bin/mpg123 -q -r 8000 -f 8192 -s --mono
11:05.02tzafrirMIME type of that page: video/x-ms-asf
11:05.22tzafrirLook into mplayer
11:07.25FILLVAIO3in debian?
11:09.18*** join/#asterisk mpe_ (
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12:42.09*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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12:43.05_zoom_guys have faced a problem of passing g729 over openvpn?
12:44.08[TK]D-Fender_zoom_: Why should OpenVPN care about the packets you pass in it?
12:45.34_zoom_[TK]D-Fender: dont know, but when i use g711 it worked very good, but comes to .729 openvpn link goes down
12:46.56*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
12:48.30[TK]D-Fender_zoom_: makes no sense.  Its both basic UDP at the same packetization rate, just slightly smaller packets
12:49.01pabelanger-lap_zoom_: do you have g729 liceneses?
12:49.13_zoom_[TK]D-Fender: yeah for one channel
12:49.16*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
12:50.57pabelanger-lapwe would need to see a debug log from asterisk, why the call is rejected
12:53.02[TK]D-Fenderpabelanger-lap: He never said it was dropped or rejected by *
12:53.12[TK]D-FenderpaHe said OpenVPN goes down.
12:54.25pabelanger-lapThen debug openvpn
12:54.53_zoom_it dropped when  callee send 200 OK -accept-
12:55.33[TK]D-Fender_zoom_: And you're sure that OpenVPN itself is what goes down?
12:55.35_zoom_this has nothing to do with firewalls or IDS a cross internet right?
12:55.55pabelanger-lap_zoom_: post a SIP Debug
12:56.43_zoom_yes, cause i got pinging replies from
12:58.40pabelanger-lapI doubt openvpn is actually dropping, maybe a codecs issue
13:02.17tzafrirFILLVAIO3, in Debian? maybe look into
13:07.29FILLVAIO3i have sh script, where mplayer command [/usr/bin/mplayer "mms://" -really-quiet -quiet -shuffle -ao pcm -format 0x2000 -channels 1 -af resample=8000 -ao pcm:file=$PIPE | cat $PIPE], but playing go too slow and with distortion. does any body know why?
13:11.15*** join/#asterisk joobie (
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14:04.23*** join/#asterisk Goshen (
14:05.16Goshenok, I got a Polycom 330, installed AsteriskNOW, Updated Freepbx, how do I get my phone talking to asterisk? :)
14:06.44[TK]D-FenderGoshen: <- go download the admin guide
14:08.29*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
14:08.55GoshenSweet, 421 pages! :)
14:10.32NEEDINGHELP123Hi Guys
14:10.38NEEDINGHELP123please advise
14:10.45NEEDINGHELP123"no channel type registered for oh323"
14:10.54NEEDINGHELP123even though the h323 module is loaded
14:11.02NEEDINGHELP123I get he error above
14:11.20*** join/#asterisk ttwhy (
14:12.11[TK]D-FenderNEEDINGHELP123: then use h323, not oh323.  Ther are MULTIPLE H.3233 channel drivers for *
14:12.45NEEDINGHELP123tried that aswell
14:14.32[TK]D-FenderNEEDINGHELP123: there is also ooh323
14:31.19*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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14:55.58Goshenhow do I increase the verose level? set verbose doesn't work
14:57.32*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
14:57.46LemensTSis there a cli cmd to show the variables of a call
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15:44.40sokoowhi all
15:45.30sokoowI need some help with receiving calls on 7941G, anybody would help please?
15:50.59*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
15:53.49sokoowI need some help with receiving calls on 7941G, anybody would help please?
15:54.52halindromeI am using FreePBX ( configured with a sipgate account and a gv account for incoming and outgoing calls.  It was working great.   Then I stupidly applied some centos upgrades.  now when I make a call it seems to take about 30 seconds for anything to happen - like it is trying something and waiting for it to timeout.  Does anyone know where I can look to figure out where it is getting wedged?
15:59.09*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (~g_r_eek@
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16:04.42pabelanger-lapGoshen: core set verbose 15
16:05.12infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
16:05.14pabelanger-lapsokoow: ^^^
16:05.35pabelanger-laphalindrome: #freepbx
16:07.04sokoowpabelanger-lap ;)
16:13.18*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@wikimedia/RobH)
16:16.46halindromepabelanger-lap: okay thanks
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17:20.12stanmancanAnybody have any issues installing on Ubuntu through aptitude ?
17:20.47ChannelZjust builds the source.. easy-peasy
17:21.15stanmancanI'm getting errors, mostly because of dahdi
17:21.51stanmancansudo aptitude install asterisk asterisk-1.6.2 asterisk-config asterisk-sounds-extra asterisk-sounds-main
17:22.11ChannelZwhat do you mean errors because of dahdi then
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17:22.34stanmancanDo I need to install all/any of the recommended?
17:22.43stanmancanI've already installed linux-source
17:23.27ChannelZnot unless you want to build dahdi yourself from source
17:23.53ChannelZbut if you're going to do that you might as well build asterisk yourself too and not put on half these things you probably don't even need
17:24.26stanmancanI just figured using the package manager would be easier to do updates and stuff later?
17:24.46stanmancanAny good tutorials on 1.6/1.4  on building from source?
17:24.57ChannelZshrugs - depends on what release stream you're on and if the package manager keeps it up to date
17:25.10ChannelZmake install
17:25.18chuckfstanmancan: the package manager will be easier for updates, as the Ubuntu project updates things. But they may be slower than what you want
17:25.18ChannelZTutorial complete
17:25.46stanmancanI really don't expect to be updating that much TBH
17:26.01ChannelZI know some people came here complaining of * in Ubuntu 10.4 awhile ago but I don't remember what the issue was
17:26.05stanmancanBut I _am_ rather new in linux, I can make my way around it no problem but I don't have much experience building things
17:27.17chuckfstanmancan: will your asterisk install be on a dedicated box?
17:30.22pabelanger-lapstanmancan: You should beable to just do $ apt-get install asterisk, and it will resolve all dependancies.
17:30.51pabelanger-laphowever, they do use some custom patches
17:32.37stanmancanwell, on a VPS
17:32.46stanmancanrunns my webserver and stuff too
17:33.54xhelioxI smell a "running Asterisk on a virtual guest" discussion coming on.
17:34.43ChannelZI smell tacos
17:35.19xhelioxWell at least we know how to excite drmessano.
17:35.26stanmancanWhats wrong with running on a vps?
17:35.38drmessanoWell, nothing
17:35.45xhelioxlol - that about sums it up.
17:36.25ChannelZstanmancan: chances are you don't even need dahdi
17:36.42stanmancandahdi's just for call conferencing right?
17:37.00xhelioxstanmancan: Certain applications within Asterisk need a solid timing source. Some virtual machines are better at allowing that than others.
17:37.33stanmancanShould I just build from source?
17:41.17digitalmlso guys, setting up a small asterisk install at home and was wondering what a decent cheapo router would be to do QOS... I was thinking this:
17:41.51stanmancanGot an old spare computer around?
17:45.27stanmancanif so you could drop a couple $40 intel NIC's in and make your own
17:46.02digitalmlhow do i build my own?
17:46.35stanmancanthere's a few other options, but that's what I've used
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17:55.12digitalmlthe sip limitation on the NAT feature seems like a problem
17:56.05stanmancanThere's a way around it but I can't recall exactly what
17:56.14stanmancaninvolves pinging every ____
17:57.18sokoowanybody would help with cisco + asterisk combo ?
18:00.57stanmancanChannelZ: any good tutorials for building from source?
18:03.17digitalmlso right now im using a SIP provider for outbound calls and can get 5 to 10 simultanous connections at once and pay about 1c per min.  if i ever grow past this. it is possible to buy a digium card that will take in a t1 connection and give me 24 outbound lines, right?
18:03.46xhelioxdigitalml: Correct, but you don't have to use a Digium card, there are other compatible hardware.
18:04.42*** join/#asterisk mafrac (~mafrac@
18:06.44mafracHi anybody.
18:07.28sokoowhi all, could somebody help with cisco phone problem please :
18:07.31mmlj4I bet nobody answers you
18:07.35digitalmlxheliox is there anything else that gives more lines than 24 per connection?
18:07.43digitalmlor just gotta buy more t1 lines?
18:07.59mmlj4or move to europe
18:08.20mafracAny spanish speaker for a private question?
18:08.21stanmancanwell... where do you live?
18:08.25stanmancanT1 is actually pretty slow
18:08.34stanmancanyou're paying more for the reliability than anything
18:10.38stanmancanI know when it's carrying voice it can do 24 connections
18:10.45stanmancanbut for data it's only 1.544 megabits per second
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18:11.29digitalmlright but all i care about it voice
18:11.47Kyoshdigitalml: what exactly are you looking for?
18:11.49stanmancanwhich really isn't very fast, seeing as Verizons FIOS gives you 50Mb down 20Mb up for $140/m
18:12.13digitalmlwow wish i had fios here
18:12.16stanmancanDepends on your voip provider though, I would assume if you're using voip that it's going over as 'data'
18:12.22digitalmlhave cos and i get 50down 5up for 179
18:12.33digitalmlcos = cox
18:12.39Kyoshcox is a joke
18:12.48digitalmlyah well all thats avaiable where i live
18:12.48Kyoshany cable company offering above 40mbps is a joke
18:12.57Kyoshis this for home or business?
18:13.03digitalmlsmall business
18:13.07digitalmlKyosh i was saying
18:13.08digitalmlright now
18:13.09Kyoshhow many users?
18:13.12digitalmli use a sip provider
18:13.21stanmancani think when they refer to T1's "24 channels of voice" they're talking about a traditional provider, not voip
18:13.21digitalmland get about 5 to 10 concurrent connections at once
18:13.23digitalmlwhich is fine
18:13.28digitalmlbut if i ever need anything more
18:13.28stanmancanI could be wrong though!
18:13.32digitalmli would have to get a card
18:13.34digitalmlwith a t1 line
18:13.38digitalmlfor 24+ connections
18:13.42Kyoshdigital, how many users?
18:13.58Kyoshseriously lets get down to the meat of it
18:14.20Kyoshhow many users do you need to service??
18:14.29Kyoshhow many concurrent calls would you like to have?
18:14.39digitalml3 currently which uses up the 5 sip connections i have
18:14.48digitalmli can up that to 10 sip
18:15.02digitalmlwhich might support 6-7 users
18:15.19digitalmlbut past that i wont be able to use my sip provider
18:15.19Kyosh50mbps via cable should be sufficient for a few hundred users, but of course its cable
18:15.34digitalmlthats down
18:15.36digitalmlnot up
18:15.39digitalmlonly 5up
18:15.41Kyoshfigure this much, 64kbps per call
18:15.55Kyosh78 calls on 5mbps
18:16.03Kyoshnow do you trust cox to deliver that
18:16.05stanmancanmost cable providers will have a business package that offers an asyncronous connection
18:16.09Kyoshthey offer no CoS
18:16.11digitalmlmy sip porvided doesnt support more than 10
18:16.25Kyoshwho is the provider?
18:16.57stanmancanuh, yea they do ?
18:18.29digitalmlstanmancan: they say that but you have to 'ask' to do more than 5 simultaneous
18:18.33digitalmland give reasons
18:19.00stanmancanI've never heard of anybody having issues
18:19.22stanmancaneven if you did "I need 24 channels to run my business"
18:19.49digitalmlhmm ill have to try that
18:20.15*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@ states they can support more than 10 concurrent tho
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18:25.00stanmancanSoooo.... Any good tutorials on installing from source?"
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18:28.20drmessanoSome providers have a soft limit because some customers are so fucking dumb, they have their boxes get exploited, end up with 200 concurrent calls from china, and wonder why they have a $10000 bill
18:29.16drmessanoSorta like making your kid prove he's not dumb enough to drink the antifreeze before letting him play in the garage, even though you told him he could play anywhere he wants
18:29.28ChannelZstanmancan: re: ./configure; make; make install
18:30.35digitalmldrmessano: although with you pay first, so a $1000 bill really couldnt happen
18:32.11drmessanodigitalml: Same difference.  If you charge up your account and let yourself get pwn3d, they still have to deal with you
18:32.24drmessanoIt's a safety net
18:33.39*** join/#asterisk lhz (
18:34.05drmessanoI know several providers I used had "unlimited" termination, but all had some cap that required you to call them and prove your worth before they adjusted it
18:34.17drmessanoQ. What is your name?
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18:34.20drmessanoQ. What is your quest?
18:34.30drmessanoQ. What is your default context?
18:34.32digitalmlyup same as
18:34.34drmessano"Uh, I don't know"
18:35.59russellbdrmessano: installing asterisk makes me like vonage right?
18:36.29xhelioxonly if you hum that silly jingle.
18:36.45xhelioxdoot doo doot doot dooo
18:36.45digitalmlwoo woo, woo woo woo
18:36.47Kyoshi have a customer who was compromised.  dumbass office manager decided to create a new extension and use a 3 digit numeric password.
18:36.51drmessanorussellb: app_vonage is in 1.8.  Please see release notes
18:37.05Kyoshthey now have a $3500 bill from verizon to follow.
18:37.35russellbKyosh: that happens far too often :-(
18:37.38Kyoshmore like
18:37.55Kyoshrussellb: yup i've seen it before, but just not for so much
18:38.06Kyoshand its only 765 minutes too
18:38.15Kyoshmost calls were to africa strangely
18:38.44mmlj4anyone use the official asterisk yum repos?
18:39.30russellbyes, people use it :-)
18:39.52mmlj4do you use it?
18:39.56russellbI do not.
18:40.00russellbI don't actually use asterisk.
18:40.01mmlj4can you tell me about your experiences, then?
18:40.23russellbI just know that the repo gets a lot of traffic, heh
18:40.26russellband it's kept very well up to date
18:40.34Kyoshmmlj4: huh?
18:41.07mmlj4Kyosh: I'm asking if anyone here uses the repos, and mind telling me what their experiences are with it
18:41.15Kyoshid love to know who these people are doing all this vishing crap
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18:42.49mvahi there!
18:42.58russellbmmlj4: well, the repo is maintained by a developer at Digium that I trust.  He developed all of the packages and keeps them all up to date.  You should have no worries using the repo.
18:43.22russellbmva: hi2u2
18:43.48mvai'm trying to build * from trunk, but it says, that it cannon find "../defaults.h". Which package i should install for it?
18:44.49mvapossible, make -j5 bug?
18:46.24russellbmake -jN works ... sort of, but not fully
18:46.32russellbsometimes you have to run it a few times to get the build to finish
18:47.54mvacrappy :( Actualy, i'm trying to make gentoo ebuild for building * from trunk, and get this thing. As i see, it is only way to "make -j1" here...
18:48.00mvathx for advice ;)
18:50.43drmessanoYeah, or reboot exactly 3 times
18:52.13xhelioxwhat if I goofed and rebooted 4 times?
18:52.40drmessanoThou shall not countest to 4
18:53.01drmessanoThou shall not countest to 2 unless thou are proceedeth to 3
18:53.06drmessano5 is right out
18:55.14mmlj4well, it seems to install and start, anyhow
18:55.39mmlj4debian ships *, but that likes to core dump
18:58.02stanmancanso do i JUST need to download the base asterisk files to make it?
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19:12.01nsgnhello. what would be the most logical method of causing a number being dialed out to be rewritten entirely to another number. say having a customer of mine dialing my 800 number be seamlessly rewritten to actually call my local number?
19:16.53nsgncan this be done with outgoing dial rules?
19:22.36*** join/#asterisk pif (
19:22.41nsgnman, i cant seem to google this either. i need to basically need calls to a certain number outbound to be directed to a different number entirely than is dialed before it leaves my * box
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19:26.23xhelioxnsgn: It's just be a basic dial rule in whatever context your phone is in. exten => 4075551212,1,Dial(Dahdi/g1/4075551313)
19:26.41xhelioxif you dialed 4075551212, it would dial 1313 instead.
19:27.10*** join/#asterisk mpe (' website down? someone mind checking for me? i cant get to it which is pretty rare for them
19:28.49Kyoshits up
19:28.52Kyoshcheck your dns
19:29.50nsgndarn time warner
19:32.11stanmancanSo I just made and installed asterisk, how do i install the gui now?
19:33.09*** join/#asterisk Beltechs (
19:33.32xhelioxpain. the awful terrible overwhelming paaaaaaaaaaiiinn....
19:33.51Kyoshstan, gui?
19:34.13stanmancanKyosh: I thought there was a GUI available now, maybe not
19:34.14Kyoshlooks around in confusion
19:34.33Kyoshyou want a gui for asterisk, use asterisknow
19:34.41Kyoshinstall freepbx as an overlay
19:34.43BeltechsIm using asterisk 1.4 and trying to use/setup AJAM. I cant find http.conf in etc/asterisk do I have to create the file?
19:34.45stanmancanyea but i dont' want to dedicate a whole box to it
19:34.46xhelioxThere's several web based interfaces for Asterisk, but.. I don't think there are too many people in this channel who will assist you with it.
19:34.48Kyoshbut asterisk has no gui
19:36.36nsgnasterisknow's freepbx interface is decent for small purpose stuff. good for learning, occasionally convenient for quick changes, but eventually you'll wanna work up to just doing it with the configs. i started in freepbx. it's a good way to start if you need to do things quick, but i'm pretty much done installing it on boxes i do now
19:36.54stanmancanAny good books you guys would recommend?
19:37.12xhelioxno actually, freepbx is an excellent way not to learn anything.
19:38.09infobotit has been said that thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
19:38.34nsgnfree pdf is pretty nice
19:39.06xhelioxrussellb: Read? C'mon, that's so 20th century.
19:39.16xhelioxrussellb: Is there some magical software that can do it all for me?
19:39.30xhelioxFairy dust perhaps?
19:42.29nsgnwell..i just changed my dns and' website still wont call up..from here or on another internet connection i'm remotely into. what the heck?
19:42.40nsgni'd say they went down but someone in here said they could get to them
19:42.54stanmancanworks fine for me
19:42.58nsgnannnd nevermind
19:43.07nsgnthe very second i said that it starts working when it wouldnt for the past half hour
19:43.40nsgnso what are yall's thoughts on the whole iNum thing?
19:46.47*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (
19:50.55nsgnare there any providers that allow free inum sip calls without purchasing other services?
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19:57.11nsgni'm having a hard time finding one
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20:37.05albertasteriskanybody help me with a polycom ip phone?
20:38.42talntidWhat's going on? :O)
20:38.52[TK]D-Fenderalbertasterisk: Ask a specific question and you might get a specific answer...
20:38.53albertasteriski forgot the admin password
20:39.04[TK]D-Fenderalbertasterisk: 456 <-
20:39.08talntidDefault username is "Polycom" - password is "456"
20:39.14albertasteriskno it does not
20:39.22nsgnthere's a hard reset for it if you specified one other than default and forgot it
20:39.30albertasteriskno other person has changed this pass
20:39.30nsgnensure the P in polycom is upper case
20:39.33albertasteriskand i dont know
20:39.47Goshenalbertasterisk, I had to do that today, here is the link
20:39.52nsgnit is Polycom with uppercase P and 456. if it is not you need to hard reset the phone
20:40.12nsgnotherwise your browser may be doing something weird or (highly unlikely) the phone's software is damaged
20:40.19GoshenNow I jsut need to figure out how to set up this Polycom 330 to connect to my Asterisk box I just installed
20:40.36nsgnGoshen, that should be a 10 second deal
20:40.39albertasteriskwhat is the hard reser please
20:40.46nsgnalbertasterisk, varies by model. google
20:40.49Goshenalbertasterisk, I gave you the link
20:40.55albertasterisksoundpoint 500
20:41.07nsgnoh well, i'm starving. later
20:41.10albertasteriskok i will chek the link thanks goshen
20:41.29Goshennsgn, have a cookbook? or link?  someone told me to read the manual this morning, and I have been its great, buts it is 421 pages!
20:42.01*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
20:42.08[TK]D-Fenderalbertasterisk: the default is Polycom:456
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20:42.39[TK]D-Fenderalbertasterisk: For the WEB interface that is.  for phone functions, its just "456"
20:43.30albertasteriski try with 456 and it does not work
20:43.39[TK]D-Fenderalbertasterisk: Try WHERE?
20:43.57GoshenI have a set to factory defaults Polycom 330, and fesh installed and updated Asterisknow box(centos) now how do I get the polycom to connect, do I need to set up an ftp server and put the config files on it?
20:44.16[TK]D-FenderGoshen: No, but it's highly recommended
20:44.31Goshenhave a link to a sample config?
20:44.50[TK]D-FenderPeople configuring Polycom phones via the web interface or directly on the phone should be dragged out and shot.  Survivors should be shot AGAIN.
20:45.16talntidGoshen, you put the files in an accessable FTP (or http) server, and the phone connects and asks for [macaddress].cfg
20:45.19[TK]D-FenderGoshen: Samples are in the firmware ZIP
20:45.39talntidSample files:
20:45.43albertasterisk[TK]D-Fender i press 4 6 8 * and next: 456,
20:46.29albertasteriskalso i press 4 6 8* and next: MAc Address
20:47.00albertasteriskand it does not work
20:47.35talntidalbertasterisk, we have all given you plenty of information to solve your issue
20:49.47albertasteriskI've tried it all worse I have not succeeded in restoring Administrator Passwords
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21:23.59albertasteriskplease someone help em, I'm in Colombia needs your help
21:25.06pabelanger-lapBogata is a nice place
21:25.06albertasteriskI could not know how to recover an administrator password Polycon SoundPoint 500
21:25.14albertasteriskjejeje xd
21:25.18albertasteriskcartagena is better
21:25.55albertasteriskpabelanger dou you know about ip phones polycom?
21:26.09pabelanger-lapSeriously, if you are close to Andres Carnes in Bogota, go!  Awesome place
21:26.26albertasteriskpolycom soundpoint 500
21:26.41pabelanger-lapNo, that is the default password '456'
21:26.47pabelanger-lapif I remember right
21:27.04albertasteriskthe default password is 456 but someone changed ah need to delete or change
21:27.39pabelanger-lapfactory reset then
21:28.01TJNIIOh if only someone had posted a forum link to instructions.....
21:28.05albertasteriskplease tell me how to do a reset factoyr please
21:28.28albertasterisknot what you say in that link does not work
21:28.29TJNIISomeone named Goshen .... When you asked an hour ago.....
21:29.07TJNIISo what does it do?  You're just crying "It doesn't work!"  We're not psychic, you need to give details.
21:29.09TJNIIDon't pm me
21:29.30albertasteriskok wait
21:30.25xhelioxsprinkles magic fairy dust on albertasterisk's phone
21:30.54mmlj4you know someone pointed you to a webpage showing you how to reset the phone
21:31.34mmlj4maybe you should as your system administrator to reset the phone for you
21:31.58albertasteriskhe intentado presionando 4 6 8 *  y me pidio la contraseña del administrador, y como no la tengo ingrese la direccion MAC, luego se reinicio, y trato deentrar al >SETUP y em pide una contraseña y le doy 456 que es la que tare por defecto y no funciona
21:32.05mmlj4ugh, why am I so grumpy today?
21:32.17albertasteriskI tried pressing 4 6 8 * and I asked for an administrator password, and as I have not enter the MAC address, then reboot, and try to deentrar> SETUP em for a password and I 456 that is the task default and does not work
21:32.23xhelioxmmlj4: This channel can have that affect on you.
21:33.03digitalmlis it possible to have a dial plan connect a caller on the line that originated from an asterisk outbound call connect them to a differnt external phone number and not an internal extension?
21:33.18TJNIIBased on the forum post you need to use 468* to get to the password prompt, then enter the mac address with lowercase characters as the password.  Does that do anything?
21:34.14mmlj4ok, I'll be nice and hopefully contructive: it's a sad fact that any newbie can post on a forum, which means that many times forums are the worst places to look for help
21:34.46mmlj4seek out experts and clued users instead of newbies
21:35.12albertasteriskok TJNII wait givem a second please
21:35.25TJNIIhahaha.  Yea, when I post in a forum it is usually because I've exhausted all other option that I know of.  I love it when some newbie replies with the first google result.
21:36.12albertasteriskthen you can help me or not?
21:36.32mmlj4dude, we've tried helping you for over an hour
21:37.03TJNIII probably can't help you.  However, if you TRY THE SUGGESTIONS MADE and REPLY with WHAT HAPPENS people may be able to actually diagnose your problem.
21:37.08mmlj4if your phone is not broken, then the passwords easily reset
21:37.27*** join/#asterisk philipp64|laptop (
21:37.40albertasterisksorry, I think the translation from English to Spanish is highly ambiguous as there is communication error, anyway much help pro sgracias
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21:41.14albertasteriskI really appreciate your help very much pro if at any time there was a communication misunderstanding, I think it is because wing translation, greetings from Colombia, who have a great day! Proponer una traducción mejor Gracias por proponer una traducción al Traductor de Google. Sugiere una traducción mejor:   Idiomas disponibles para traducción:  afrikaans albanés alemán árabe armenio azerbaijani bielorruso búlgaro c
21:41.36albertasteriskjeje xd
21:42.28digitalmlwtf was that
21:45.08TJNIIAnother newbie in over his head + a language barrier.
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21:49.23GoshenShould my polycom 330 be a friend or peer?
22:03.58p3nguin_Phones are almost always fine as peers.
22:04.32xhelioxBut it's always nice to have more friends.
22:07.30*** join/#asterisk devdvd (
22:09.35devdvdhey all, using asterisk and have my queue members in a mysql database. the issue is im using a linear strategy but when asterisk pulls the members from the table, it orders by the interface field ASC, i actually want it to order by the uniqueid field ASC
22:09.57devdvdis there somewhere in the configs that i can cahnge this that im just not seeing or will i need to modify the source
22:16.52*** join/#asterisk MatBoy (
22:31.16Alton35I can help people who speak spanish if they'll message me.
22:31.33Alton35That is, if I can help them with their particular problem.  I guess at the very least I could translate.
22:32.10*** join/#asterisk devdvd (
22:37.10traxxhi. does anybody know of any CCBS functionality that works with asterisk ?
22:48.36russellbtraxx: Yes.
22:48.40russellbIt is supported in Asterisk 1.8.
22:48.40digitalmlis it possible to have a dial plan connect a caller on the line that originated from an asterisk outbound call connect them to a differnt external phone number and not an internal extension?
22:48.49russellbtraxx: testing would be great :-)
22:50.03russellbdigitalml: yes
22:50.12russellbit's just as easy as connecting them to an internal extension
22:50.28russellbasterisk knows nothing about "internal" vs. "external"
22:51.43digitalmlhmm ok
22:51.51digitalmlbut will the call still be through my sip trunk
22:51.54digitalmlusing my sip mins?
22:52.35devdvdyes, at that point you would be using double your minutes cuz you would have 2 simultanious calls at once
22:52.54devdvdanother caveat is you need to make sure your provider will even allow you to have 2 concurrent calls on the same trunk
22:53.00devdvdelse you will have to get another trunk
22:53.02digitalmlthey do
22:53.24digitalmli already have concurrent outbound calls on the same trunk
22:53.30digitalmlbut i dont currently forward anyone
22:53.57russellbthe provider might let you redirect the call instead of having it go through your box
22:54.06russellbtry using the Transfer() application in the dialplan and see what happens
22:55.22digitalmlcool thanks, ill look into it
22:56.15*** join/#asterisk sezuan (
22:56.43*** join/#asterisk netmax (
23:05.35*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
23:14.11*** join/#asterisk drfreeze (~Jim@
23:14.36drfreezeAnyone know how to get callerid name and num to display on a polycom phone?
23:15.11drfreezeI see lots of posts on how people only got name to display because they were running old firmware
23:15.43drfreezeI'm running 3.2.3 bootrom on a 550
23:16.35drfreezeand sip.ld ver
23:29.21*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
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23:30.56*** join/#asterisk lancey (~root@
23:32.07lanceyhi all. i'm having problems with res_config_mysql on * the bindings seem to be configured okay, the module does connect to mysql, but when i do a simple 'realtime load ...
23:32.31lanceyi get no rows matching your criteria... though there are rows matching
23:32.52lanceyand, as a result, nothing using realtime could work. any hints to what to look at?
23:33.14digitalmlso right now i have my .call file calling a cetain context in my dial plan. but i now need to pass some arguments to that context. how can i do this? do I have to use AGI?
23:34.30lanceydigitalml: use SetVar in the callfile
23:34.52digitalmlok ill look into that, thanks
23:35.01lanceydigitalml: 'Setvar: variable=value'
23:35.58digitalmland inside the context how do i read that?
23:36.18lanceydigitalml: ${variable}
23:36.54digitalmli can do $() outside an AGI file? eg: directly inside the extensions.conf?
23:37.12lanceydigitalml: sure. what asterisk version are you running?
23:37.34lanceydigitalml: its ${} - the brackets are curly
23:37.59lanceydigitalml: yup, you are perfectly fine with ${variable}
23:38.19digitalmlsweet, ill give it a go
23:38.34lanceyur welcome
23:52.14digitalmlanyone have a good sugestion for a decent qos router < 300
23:53.16lanceydigitalml: depends on what you mean by decent, and what bandwidth it's gonna push, number of conns, etc.
23:53.52lanceydepends on the currency of the 300 too ;)
23:54.00digitalml300 usd
23:55.11lanceydigitalml: we use lots of cisco 1711/12, but that's mainly because of their secure vpn features. they do qos fine though
23:55.26digitalmlyah dont really need vpn
23:55.29lanceyand they fit in the bill (refurbished)
23:56.42lanceyhmmm. i think something is fucked up with my res_config_mysql generally. it does not give me help for 'realtime mysql cache'
23:57.57lanceydigitalml: a mikrotik will also do the work.
23:58.21digitalmlsomeoen suggested this:
23:58.26digitalmlever hear of it?

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