IRC log for #asterisk on 20100722

00:00.05DogBoyoh wait he's dead already
00:05.44DogBoy"Under patent law, it is a legitimate use to study or experiment with a patented technology without paying for a patent license."
00:06.19WIMPyIch which countries?
00:06.51[TK]D-FenderDreamLand :)
00:07.10*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (
00:11.45DogBoy"Free vs Paid G729 codec for asterisk."
00:12.27*** join/#asterisk pabelanger-lap (
00:16.59xhelioxNot that I'm indifferent to breaking software licenses, but when's the last time (if ever) that someone has gone to jail for that?
00:19.28[TK]D-Fenderxheliox: My bet would be : nasty fine
00:20.17xhelioxprobably more likely a civil judgement
00:20.35xhelioxand the patent holder would have to determine damages
00:24.13*** join/#asterisk _Speedy2k (
00:27.06_Speedy2kCan someone help me to manualy desactivate the hardware echo cancelation of my TDM400p, i know Rhino have a line to add into the rhino.modprobe.conf, but don't know how to do it for a digium card ?
00:27.57*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
00:29.42ChannelZit should be in your /etc/dahdi/system.conf
00:30.02*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~PhatJ@asterisk/original-h323-guy/JerJer)
00:30.20_Speedy2kfor the hardware echo cancelation to be activated what it should look lie ?
00:31.02_Speedy2khere is my current system.conf file
00:31.03_Speedy2k# Span 1: WCTDM/0 "Wildcard TDM410P Board 1" (MASTER)
00:31.03_Speedy2k# Global data
00:31.03_Speedy2kloadzone= us
00:31.03_Speedy2kdefaultzone= us
00:33.23ChannelZI'm not sure what the hardware ec is called
00:34.11ChannelZdahdi_scan might tell you
00:34.39WIMPyIf I understood it right, hw-ec is activated automatically, if detected.
00:34.51_Speedy2kdescription=Wildcard TDM410P Board 1
00:34.52_Speedy2kdevicetype=Wildcard TDM410P (VPMADT032)
00:34.53_Speedy2klocation=PCI Bus 04 Slot 01
00:35.02infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
00:36.25_Speedy2kI want to disable it
00:37.47ChannelZdo  echocancel=off
00:39.08ChannelZactually that would go in your /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
00:39.59ChannelZthe 'echocanceller' in system.conf just selects which ones to enable, you can cofigure what channels use it at all in chan_dahdi.conf
00:43.42_Speedy2kOk but digium doesn't have a line to add in the module loading file to disable the hardware board like rhino ?
00:44.04ChannelZwho cares?
00:47.07_Speedy2kI want to do a fxotune, but they tell to disable echo cancelation when doing that, but if asterisk if shut off, how-do i know th eboard down't do any echo cancelation ?
00:50.40*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
00:51.20*** join/#asterisk [netman] (~netman@
00:55.14ChannelZwho are 'they'?
00:55.53WIMPyDon't you know THEM?
00:56.24*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
00:57.46KattyQwell: i was thinking of redditrouletting
00:58.10KattyQwell: there's only 2 people on.
00:58.18*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
01:02.42Kattyhi leif
01:02.50leifmadsenKatty: heyo!
01:02.52Kattyno one wants to roulette with me
01:03.20leifmadsenKatty: I'd totally "roulette" with you
01:03.24leifmadsen(whatever that means)
01:03.38leifmadsenthat, and I have no idea what "redditroulette" is
01:03.52Kattyit's like chatroulette
01:03.59Kattybut for reddit users. so much smaller population
01:04.56*** join/#asterisk ltd_wk (
01:05.02*** join/#asterisk [netman] (~netman@
01:06.00*** join/#asterisk Lantizia (
01:06.58leifmadsenKatty: and less penis?
01:07.49Kattylol yes, that's the point
01:09.52leifmadsenJerJer: heyo!
01:09.59JerJersup sup
01:14.44leifmadsennada much -- just printing off some forms so I can get my SCSI HD order through
01:18.38drmessanoI saw your tweet about those drives earlier.  Sounded like the usual (1) Does someone have these? and (2) Which kidney do you want?
01:19.39leifmadsendrmessano: ya, I found a site that has them, and I'm just filling out the forms for which kidney I have to donate
01:20.19JerJerleifmadsen:  i might know another source too
01:20.29leifmadsenwell I've already placed the order
01:20.36leifmadsenI'm just filling out the CC info now
01:20.41leifmadsen$29 a drive
01:20.47leifmadsendidn't seem TOO bad
01:21.00drmessanoI had to buy a couple drives for HP servers.  $500 for a 146GB "Drive kit" from HP or $235 for the original OEM drive and $1.50 for the spline driver to replace the drive in the shell
01:21.09leifmadsenand now my brscan app isn't being detected by gscan2pdf
01:22.36TJNII$29 a drive?  How big?
01:23.49leifmadsen36GB SCSI U160 80pin
01:24.05TJNIIThat's not bad.
01:25.08TJNIII actually salvaged a pile of 36G SCSI drives from some decomissioned servers this week.  Haven't done anything with them, yet.
01:25.32drmessanoUse the .90 mil garbage bags.  Less tearing
01:27.26TJNIIHaha.  I got my hands on a FC JBOD I used instead of them, so they are probably going back out for the recycle guys.
01:36.06*** join/#asterisk QubeZ (~nkasu@
01:36.12QubeZhello all
01:36.40QubeZI just installed the UT50 Sangoma usb adapter and compile wanpip-voicetime source but my dahdi_test is still running very low timings: 99.971% etc... Any ideas?
01:41.51*** join/#asterisk jql (
01:42.01pabelanger-lapQubeZ: low?
01:42.25QubeZpabelanger-lap: isn't 99.998% the expected value when using a dedicated timing hardware?
01:44.20pabelanger-lapHmmm, you should be good until 99.975 from what I've read.  So, you do need to bump it up a little
01:44.52QubeZpabelanger-lap: not sure why its not working properly
01:45.07pabelanger-lapperhaps an IRQ issue?
01:45.20pabelanger-lapAre you sharing the IRQ?
01:45.38pabelanger-laptry a different slot
01:47.00QubeZits a usb port
01:48.27pabelanger-lapQubeZ: do you need it?  If not, disable it in your bios
01:48.44pabelanger-lapotherwise, like i said, try another slot
01:48.52QubeZpabelanger-lap: no i mean, the timing device is a usb device
01:49.03QubeZi enabled apic in the kernel and rebooting now
01:49.19pabelanger-lapQubeZ: ok
01:49.48QubeZthanks for getting me on the right path (irq issue)
01:58.29*** join/#asterisk boodu (
02:01.43*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
02:14.59*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
02:15.46mmlj4are there docs for splitting voice and data channels on a digium T1 card? I can't find any
02:16.41*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
02:18.45pabelanger-lapmmlj4: yes, in DAHDI sample files
02:40.24*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
02:50.12*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~RLACUMBA@
03:17.59*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
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03:29.04*** join/#asterisk BeatJunkie (
03:30.41mmlj4nethdlc=13-24 # trivial, hah
03:31.26phixhi gang
03:31.57*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@wikimedia/RobH)
03:31.57*** join/#asterisk quintana (
03:35.46WIMPyTo the Polycom fans in here: Is teh SoundPint ip 430 SIP a decent model for evaluation or is it more mlike low end?
03:38.35carrarit's a excellent phone
03:39.08WIMPyOk, then I will try to get one of them.
03:39.16mmlj4if you can stand polycom, anyway
03:39.34WIMPyThat's what I wanted to find out.
03:40.10WIMPyMay people seem to like them so I want to find out if I do as well.
03:40.20carrarthough the 430 has been replace by the 450
03:40.46carrarbut 430 still makes a great desktop (none g722) phone
03:41.04WIMPyBut that wouldn't make sense if it's a model likely to give me a bad impression.
03:41.19carrarDo you want g722?
03:42.16WIMPyDon't care. It really just to find out about Polycoms. So if that's the biggest point, it does not matter.
03:42.32WIMPyOterwise G722 is a good thing, off course.
03:42.43carrarWhy don't you read their marking information so that you can make the correct choice
03:43.18WIMPyMarketing can tell you a lot... But not what it's really like.
03:44.48carrarwe use a lot of Polycom, they're great phones. Also if you need support on their phones for bug fixes we've gotten new code for fixes.
03:45.03carrarNot gonna get that from Cisco
03:45.59WIMPyWell, some people also like Cisco, but I'm not so sure about their expertise in that area.
03:46.07carraryeah I like the look and feel of cisco
03:46.20carrarthe 7941, 7970
03:46.30carrarthey are decent phones
03:47.25WIMPyProblem is their licencing for SIP firmware.
03:47.38carrarand their support
03:47.54WIMPyThat's understood :-)
03:53.25WIMPyI don't need a phone. It's just that a bunch of those 430s are on ebay and I thought that it might be a good chance to find out about Polycom and if they're really good.
03:54.15WIMPywonders if that information will rise the prices...
03:54.25mmlj4how much are they going for?
03:54.26carrarI like polycom, they have a ton a features and work great in a mass deployment
03:55.03WIMPySome are still waiting for the first Euro to be bid.
03:56.15WIMPyThe highest is 6,50.
03:56.22WIMPyWith 5h to go.
03:57.36carrari don't see it
03:57.53carrarBut then again I suck at eBay
03:58.07ChannelZebay sucks
03:58.15carrarthats probably why
03:58.25WIMPyDid you search worldwide?
03:58.41carrarnot if thats the default
03:59.01WIMPyIt isn't.
04:00.04carrarIs that phone from Nigeria?
04:00.39WIMPyNobody knows...
04:01.20carrarUsing that bidding tool that bids up a few cents right at the last min?
04:01.39WIMPyDoing that by hand.
04:01.51carrarI tried using one of those once and it didn't work
04:02.22carrarwas pissed cause it was a awesome deal on a coffee grinder
04:02.22phixI like my snom
04:02.49WIMPyJa, Snom ist the best I've seen so far.
04:02.58carrarnot a fan of Snom
04:03.37WIMPyActually it's the only voip phone Ive seen so far, I like at all.
04:03.56carrarwoah you need to try more phones
04:04.13WIMPyWell, the linksys SPA 962 hardware with Snom Software would be ace :-)
04:04.54WIMPyMaybe I find another kind I find usable?
04:05.03WIMPyIt's always good to have choice.
04:05.09carrarit is
04:05.35phixWIMPy: ja!
04:09.16*** join/#asterisk iscsi (~light@
04:17.01*** join/#asterisk pabs3 (
04:19.55pabs3how do I make the voicemail unavailable message not include a reading of the extension that was dialed?
04:20.08pabs3s/voicemail/default voicemail/
04:26.32ChannelZI think it only does that when you have no greeting actually recorded?  (IE it's all generic)
04:28.07ChannelZhmm or not. Mine doesn't.  Guess I'm not sure what exactly you're referring to then.
04:28.45ChannelZor are you running FreePBX?  probably it does a bunch of extra nonsense
04:29.37ChannelZnope I stand corrected!  Calling VoiceMail with the 'u' flag but no custom greeting recorded will say that.
04:29.45WIMPyNo, standard asterisk also reads the extension (or mailbox#?) unless anything is recorded.
04:29.48ChannelZSo record a greeting.
04:29.58*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@wikimedia/RobH)
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04:30.48pabs3ChannelZ: I want to the change the default, not the one for a particular mailbox
04:32.22pabs3tries without the 'u' flag
04:33.27ChannelZThat will just play the instructions.
04:34.44pabs3yeah, not exactly what I want
04:34.54ChannelZwell what is it you want it to say?
04:35.27ChannelZYou could re-record vm-intro (or kludge it together from other existing prompts you want it to say)
04:35.39ChannelZotherwise you're off to the races hacking the source
04:35.55ChannelZor building the entire thing with MiniVM
04:38.00pabs3meh, will just leave it with |u for now
04:38.47pabs3I wanted something like "The person you have called is unavailable"
04:39.05ChannelZMake it say whatever you want.. Playback() that, then call VoiceMail with the 's' flag
04:40.29pabs3but then if a user has recorded their own greeting, they'll get both greetings :)
04:42.09ChannelZlife is full of ups and downs
05:02.46*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
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05:10.49*** join/#asterisk josexato (~josexato@
05:12.42josexatoHello, where can i find information about how dsp.c is called during a call?
05:13.30josexatodoes any body knows if it's working constantly
05:37.46*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
05:38.14pabs3ChannelZ: a few playbacks and gotoifs later, I have something much closer to what I wanted, thanks for the advice
05:43.00*** join/#asterisk dmz (
06:02.17*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-qhjdeeemnlmzcgux)
06:11.02*** join/#asterisk frk2 (~faraz@zivios/member/fkhan)
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06:22.16*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
06:27.16*** join/#asterisk KingDavidNYC (
06:27.24KingDavidNYChello everybody
06:28.00KingDavidNYCanybody here?
06:29.58KingDavidNYCthere your are, here is one guy!
06:30.15KingDavidNYCis everybody else sleep?
06:32.40KingDavidNYCmy friend, do you know trixbox?
06:34.01cmendes0101me? not specifically, but if you have a question just ask. Someone will probably answer
06:35.20KingDavidNYCthis is a trixbox that has a programmed queue,  I need to change the order of the extensions in the queue programtically
06:35.56KingDavidNYCcan anybody tell me where trixbox stores the queue information?
06:44.25*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
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06:54.47ChannelZonly the pimp knows
06:59.13*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
06:59.30*** join/#asterisk Aurs (
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07:24.42*** join/#asterisk davido1 (
07:25.25davido1hello room... Can someone help me to understand how hints and notifycid work?
07:26.21*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
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07:27.22*** join/#asterisk OlafsenM (~mark.olaf@
07:31.37*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (~lucky@
07:31.53*** join/#asterisk Aqituado (~aqutiado@
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08:06.13*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@nat/redhat/x-lblmuofafawykoby)
08:07.24davido1So anyway, I have some Snom phones here. My SIP peers all use the context "from_intern" to dial. In the context "from_intern", I have hints for the peers configured. But when, say, the peer 3 calls the peer 5, all I see in my display is: "From: 5 To: 5"
08:07.30davido1Any help?
08:10.26Aqituadosorry, nothing comes to mind (but i am new at this)
08:10.34*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
08:10.57AqituadoWhat does: "Really destroying SIP dialog" mean.... (from sip debug)....
08:14.36*** join/#asterisk mpe_ (
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08:22.00ChannelZwell SIP is a dialog in that most messages need a reply.  So they are sort of cached until whatever action is complete and the SIP conversation as it were is over, and then destroyed (forgotten)
08:22.42*** join/#asterisk garymc (
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08:23.06Aqituadothe reason im asking, is that my calls are being "cut off"
08:23.27AqituadoReally destroying SIP dialog '6d45ef5f21eb0bcd528aabbb73dedb49@' Method: OPTIONS
08:23.31garymcgood morning all
08:23.34Aqituadoand then my calls end :(
08:23.55Aqituadoit seems more frequent with offsite phones (nat) than internal phones.
08:24.02Aqituadobut that could just be random
08:24.06Aqituadomorning garymc
08:24.23*** join/#asterisk mpe (
08:25.47Aqituadocould it be that im loosing packages, and somehow asterisk thinks the dialog is over, and calls a hangup ?
08:25.49ChannelZWell they might be related but it's not necessarily that particular dialog being destroyed that is doing it.  OPTIONS is usually just Asterisk 'pinging' the peer
08:26.02*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
08:26.57Aqituadowhere should i start looking when asterisk calls "hangup" on my calls randomly.... (within a few minutes per call)
08:27.22ChannelZdo you have a call timeout set?
08:27.37Aqituadodunno, where can i find it ?
08:28.20Aqituadobut it does sound promissing
08:28.27ChannelZWhatever Dial() command used should appear on the console
08:28.52ChannelZDo all your calls get undesireably ended?  Is it the same duration each time?
08:29.16ChannelZDoes the media stream choke and then after a time the call terminates or is the whole thing just bang, disconnected?
08:29.32Aqituadoits not exactly the same duration
08:29.44Aqituadocould be a choke.....
08:30.21AqituadoI dont see any timeout .... (did a search in the dump ive made with v30 d30 and sip debug
08:30.26*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
08:32.48Aqituadocan i send the dump (500 lines) to you ? so you could just "scan" it through to se if you se any abnormalityes ???
08:33.07ChannelZpastebin it
08:33.34Aqituadocheck =)
08:34.14*** join/#asterisk frk2 (~faraz@zivios/member/fkhan)
08:36.12Aqituadoive got one more conversation with similar debug info that i could paste ....
08:38.50mort_gibAqituado is this SIp - to - SIP?
08:39.17mort_gibnetwork and NAT problems would be a guess
08:39.38Aqituadobut the funny thing is, that the problems just came out of random....
08:40.01Aqituadoi havent touched anything. have been working for 1½ years.... now ... 1 month ago or so... it began doing "funny" things....
08:40.29Aqituadobut ive also exsperienced it Onsite -> PSTN ... (witch is also SIP..... :S)
08:41.00mort_gibAqituado Setup smokeping to monitor SIP devices that have issues
08:41.18Aqituadowhat am i looking for ?
08:41.22*** join/#asterisk geemee (
08:41.33mort_gibhigh latency, lost packages
08:41.54Aqituadoshouldnt i also be noticing this in the conversation ?
08:42.22Aqituadothe conversation is "smooth" no delays and so on...
08:42.43mort_gibBut somehow packages are dropped
08:42.56geemeeMorning / Evening all. I have joined 2 asterisk boxes together and have set the dial plan so extenstions at both sites can call each other. How can I setup so that if someone externally phones into 1 trixbox I can transfer the call to the other box?
08:42.57mort_gibI had a similar issues with a Sangoma card
08:43.14mort_gibA firmware update cleared the issue
08:43.16ChannelZSo in the example you pasted, SIP/409 is calling a bunch of other peers but you're answering SIP/407 ?
08:43.30Aqituadoyes... 409 is calling a ringgroup.
08:43.40Aqituado207, 307, 407
08:43.46Aqituadoand 407 pickes up
08:43.57ChannelZgeemee: make an extension that Dial()s an extension on 'the other side'.. transfer to that extension
08:44.59geemeeChannelz: Ahhh.. so I make say an extension 400 on trixbox 1 and this dials()s extension 500 on asterisk server 2
08:45.02Aqituadois there some way i can make asterisk more "resiliant" agaings lost packages ?
08:45.38geemeetherefore to transfer to 500 I would transfer the call to 400
08:46.08ChannelZgeemee: yup
08:46.34geemeeexcellent, cheers for you help.. I may need to work on logic for the extensions now but that can be sorted out.
08:47.34ChannelZtypically you designate a range of extensions (IE 1xx is office 1, 2xx is office 2) or some other pattern that you can easily pick up anything dialed with a certain prefix and just barf it to the other server
08:48.29Aqituadowell.. thats just extention logic, and not realy the issue here =) but in my head, i picked 1xx ring group, 2xx softphone, 3xx tablephone, 4xx laptop softphone
08:49.02geemeeChannelZ: thats fine for creating a new setup but its a different story when you inherit lots of independant offices that were never linked before and had their own structure
08:49.08Aqituadomight not be the normal way to do it, but its been doing the job for 4 years now =) ..... granted ive only got 6 "persons"
08:49.32ChannelZAqituado: Well I don't see anything in the dialog to indicate that either end is terminating the call on purpose, so I'm not sure what is going on -- probably what mort suggests, some other network issue is causing a breakdown.
08:50.53ChannelZgeemee: well you can do it however you feel like, that's just a common way so you don't have to write crazy big dialplans to handle being able to call each extension at each remote office.  Basically make an "area code" that applies to other offices.
08:51.01Aqituadoill setup smokeping and start monitoring the connection
08:51.09*** join/#asterisk ndemir (~ndemir@
08:51.30Aqituadoand i gues there is no way of making asterisk more resiliant agaings packet los ?
08:51.37ndemirhow can i run asterisk 1.4 on tcp port? It runs on udp.
08:51.57geemeeChannelz: yeah thats what Im thinking.. essentially changing from 3digitextensions to 4 digit extensions for transferring to other offices.
08:52.07ChannelZSo if Person@Office-A wants to call Person@Office-B, he dials "02xxx" or something where 'xxx' is Person@Office-B's local extension.
08:52.19*** join/#asterisk mpe (~mpe@
08:52.36geemeeYep Makes perfect sense and easy structure for people to remember
08:52.46ChannelZyou use the 02 as a way to match a pattern but strip it off and just send the call to the correct office with the plain extension
08:52.51*** join/#asterisk mpe (~mpe@
08:55.23Aqituadois there some debug/verboose lvl i can set that tells me when there is packet loss ? and why it calls the Hangup ???
08:55.32ChannelZAqituado: Do you have notices turned on for console logging, and some verbosity turned on?  It seems to me there is no real indication that anything other than a normal call termination has happened.
08:56.08Aqituadoi have debug 30, verbose 30 and sip debug on the two extentions
08:57.34ChannelZbut is notice turned on in logger.conf?  I don't see any.
08:57.56Aqituadoill look
08:58.14Aqituadowhats the path for logger.conf again ?
08:58.40ndemirhow can i run asterisk 1.4 on tcp port? It runs on udp. how can i run asterisk 1.4 on tcp port? It runs on can i run asterisk 1.4 on tcp port? It runs on udp.
08:58.47ChannelZ/etc/asterisk in normal world, you're running trixbox (?) which I have no clue what they might have done
08:58.52AqituadoChannelZ found =)
08:59.22ChannelZndemir: maybe google maybe google maybe google
08:59.24AqituadoChannelZ the paste i gave you was from console, so there is no notice there..... because i wanted to have SIP debug
08:59.47Aqituadoill make a dump from the full log and pastebin it... give me a moment
08:59.55tzafrir_laptopndemir, not 1.4.  That is: not without heavy-duty patching, IIRC
09:00.02*** join/#asterisk ruyo (~psantos@
09:00.39ChannelZAqituado: well all I can tell is the call seems to end normally, Asterisk sends a BYE to the phone..
09:00.58Aqituadoso its not because of packet loss ?
09:01.19tzafrir_laptopIt's of the type of fixes that if you didn't know how to search for in google, you probably have no chance of successfully backporting ;-)
09:01.24ChannelZAqituado: Perhaps trixbox is doing some weird shit I'm not seeing, setting a call timeout somehow with one of it's AGIs... or I see some references to call recording, maybe there is a limit set somewhere there, or your disk is full... I have no idea
09:02.06Aqituadolots of disk free
09:02.14ChannelZwith notices/errors turned on you can try another call and see if it says anything interesting right before it ends the call
09:02.26Aqituadothx =) i might be back :D
09:02.28ChannelZbut based on this I don't really see what is going on.
09:03.01Aqituadoill try and pastebin the full log and come back.... just gota snip' the right part .
09:04.52*** part/#asterisk ndemir (~ndemir@
09:06.26ChannelZI did just notice line 520 which looks odd to me ("xpires: 180I>") but maybe that's a bad paste?
09:07.30Aqituadoill check my dump....
09:08.16ChannelZI think it must be just a console vomit, the I> is from the console prompt srv-trix*CLI>
09:08.35Aqituadoyes... that seems likely
09:08.39ChannelZlike it's overlayed.  dunno where the E went but I'm sure it's just fluke
09:08.51Aqituadoi have a BUTLOAD of:
09:09.05Aqituado[Jul 22 10:15:46] DEBUG[17525] channel.c: :::=== Now have 1 locks (recursive)
09:09.05Aqituado[Jul 22 10:15:46] DEBUG[17525] channel.c: ::::==== Channel SIP/407-0000002d was locked
09:09.05Aqituado[Jul 22 10:15:46] DEBUG[17525] channel.c: ::::==== Unlocking AST channel SIP/407-0000002d
09:09.05Aqituado[Jul 22 10:15:46] DEBUG[17525] channel.c: ::::==== Channel SIP/407-0000002d was unlocked
09:09.05Aqituado[Jul 22 10:15:46] DEBUG[17525] channel.c: ====:::: Locking AST channel SIP/407-0000002
09:09.19Aqituadowe are talking .... 200mb of that... in 1½ hour....
09:09.44Aqituadothat is not "normal" :) and might have something to do with the problem.... not sure.... im still looking for the conversation ive pasted..
09:12.46ChannelZwell yeah that's what you get for turning on debug
09:12.56Aqituadoohhh :) so thats normal ?
09:13.10ChannelZ[Jul 22 10:15:46] DEBUG[17525]
09:13.24Aqituadobut it seems to be the same two extentions doing it.
09:14.08ChannelZevery random thought going through Asterisk's head is getting logged.  It's debug, not an error.  It's meant to trace just about every step * is doing
09:14.12Aqituadoi mean,... its like.... 200 lines for each second... only those two extentions.... :D
09:14.40ChannelZyou almost never need debug on and certainly not on maximum
09:14.58Aqituadoill keep that in mind
09:15.08Aqituadoive just msg'ed you
09:15.20Aqituadothought it be better than not spamming the channel with log
09:15.47*** part/#asterisk davido1 (
09:19.19infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
09:19.34tzafrir_laptopSome more spam to the channel
09:20.35Aqituadotzafrir_laptop =)
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10:20.57ndemirwhat  parameters should i pass to AJAM for click2call?
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10:52.40addesweI have a short question about FreePBX... I've made some extensions (sip) and clicked save (submit) and also clicked Apply Configuration Changes. They show up in the webinterface but when i run a sip show users in CLI, I got no users. /etc/asterisk/* has writingpermissions and im running out of ideas. I guess it stores all values in the mysql database. But how do i make it write the configfiles? Sorry for my english, my na
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10:56.19Aursaddeswe: I think you should try that question in #freepbx
10:58.35addesweAurs : Never crossed my mind. Thanks for the tip! :-)
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11:06.13oryxtechi all
11:06.28oryxtecon asterisk CLI i am getting these error msgs
11:06.29oryxtec[Jul 22 07:00:59] ERROR[4555]: chan_sip.c:15359 sipsock_read: We could NOT get the channel lock for SIP/sipdialers-08224dd0!
11:06.30oryxtec[Jul 22 07:00:59] ERROR[4555]: chan_sip.c:15360 sipsock_read: SIP transaction failed: 73f7b70b7258f6ee607f35ae72601638@
11:06.34oryxtecplease any help on this
11:09.06oryxtechelp!!!!!!!! plz on this
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12:00.11garymcHi, I know this may be a silly question but i will ask it anyway.
12:00.23garymcI have isdn30 with 8 channels
12:00.54garymcdoes this mean I can have one call coming in and 7 waiting in the que at max. Or can i still get 30 in the que?
12:01.41*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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12:03.21fibresHi all.
12:03.34telnettechgarymc...... if you have 8 Voice channels then that is all the calls you can have.....
12:03.43fibresDoes anyone know a way to block a certain ip range from accessing my asterisk server? I have someone trying to hack my asterisk.
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12:04.39garymcHow many channels of voip can one have?
12:05.27garymccos im looking at expanding my call center to 10 staff and im going to need possibly 60 channels to handle incoming calls
12:05.38garymcthats so people can que
12:05.39drmessanoDepends on bandwidth, and if the plan you have with your ITSP is limited to a specific number of channels
12:05.50garymcand wait to get through to a staff clerk
12:06.09ChainsawIf any transcoding is required, the amount of CPU power on the Asterisk server comes into play.
12:06.14drmessanoUnlimited plans tends to limit to a specific number of channels
12:06.23ChainsawBut if not, it's indeed just down to what your ITSP contract specifies.
12:06.42drmessanoBut metered is generally "if you have money and calls, we can help you spend it"
12:07.03*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
12:07.18garymctheres nothing more I like more than spending money
12:07.33drmessanoGotta spend money to make money
12:10.41coppicebut I mostly need to make money to replace what my family spends
12:15.25*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
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12:40.14Jinxed-how easy would it be to implement voice mail with asterisk in an existing voip system?
12:41.28[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: meaning?
12:41.40BarthezZyou mean asterisk as a voicemail for an other voip system?
12:41.48[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: * VM is * VM.
12:42.04[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: * gets a call.  Yuo call voicemail.  The end.
12:42.42garymc[TK]D-Fender : Is there a way i can stop a missed call showing on other extensions that didnt answer a call that was answered on another extension. As it shows a missed call that wasnt actually missed?
12:43.02BarthezZgarymc depends on the phone you are using
12:43.07garymcim using polycom phones
12:43.14[TK]D-Fendergarymc: Go read the admin guide.
12:43.16BarthezZread the docs to check for the feature :)
12:43.45garymcok you know if its able to do so, may save me an hour or so reading through to find its not possible
12:44.01garymcwhat would the feater be listed as?
12:44.58[TK]D-Fendergarymc: Perhaps you should consider using the powerful text search options in most PDF readers....
12:45.09[TK]D-Fendergarymc: and look for the obvious ones
12:45.20garymchmmm didnt know that i could do that
12:45.21*** join/#asterisk FILLVAIO3 (~v_agarkov@
12:45.29FILLVAIO3Hello people!
12:46.13FILLVAIO3Does anybody know good visual cdr log analizer/collector?
12:46.39[TK]D-FenderFILLVAIO3: MS Excel
12:48.06Jinxed-BarthezZ: correct asterisk as a voicemail system for another voip system
12:49.02BarthezZJinxed- shouldn't be hard, create the extensions in asterisk to just go to voicemail directly, and on the other voip system after $timeout transfer the call to the extension on asterisk, done :P
12:49.12[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: I still don't see what this other system has to do with * in any special way.  Voicemail is voicemail.  What makes your need SPECIAL?
12:49.39[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: Send the call to *.  Dump into Voicemail. THE END.
12:49.47FILLVAIO3[TK]D-Fender: but what about web interface for cdr? I have find many of this, but what is the best, i don't know. And i don't have a chance to install all of them.
12:50.00[TK]D-FenderFILLVAIO3: Areski seems decent
12:50.05garymcanyone give me a tip as what to input in the search field for my problem?
12:50.09Jinxed-[TK]D-Fender: Sorry... im just asking.... I have never used * before
12:51.09[TK]D-Fendergarymc: how about words like MISSED <--- geez....
12:51.28garymcyeah its not giving me much <--------- geeezus
12:52.28[TK]D-Fendergarymc: Guess after looking up about 3-4 key works you should be able to either find it, or conclude that it does not exist
12:52.35FILLVAIO3[TK]D-Fender: thanx a lot! Do you think this is the best of all?
12:52.52garymcok im looking at something here, not quite sure how Id go about tit though
12:52.58[TK]D-FenderFILLVAIO3: Not yet.  That means I'd have to have TRIED them all
12:53.48garymcis this what i should be looking at? : Specify per-registration whether all missed-call events or only
12:53.49garymcremote/server-generated missed-call events will be displayed
12:54.14garymcam i on the right track here?
12:54.24[TK]D-Fendergarymc: Servers don't tell phones that they missed calls.
12:54.32[TK]D-Fendergarymc: completely backwards
12:55.04[TK]D-Fendergarymc: Phone sees a call. You don't answer and the phone say  YOU MISSED ANOTHER ONE
12:55.46garymcyes but i have some phone lines set to ring three phones. So if one person answers the call another phone shows it as missed, but it wasnt missed
12:56.08Jinxed-BarthezZ: is * just for linux
12:56.08garymcthis is really starting to piss people off in the office
12:58.07tzafrir_laptopJinxed-, Asterisk is most commonly used on Linux. It is also known to run on some other systems, such as FreeBSD
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13:00.47garymc[TK]D-Fender : Im looking at your link and it seems a bit jumbled to me. What exactly does this tell me to do?
13:00.57Jinxed-tzafrir_laptop: how compatible is it with ubuntu?
13:01.20garymcI can see there is a patch file. But I dont know how to install it or configure it
13:01.42[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: fine
13:01.42tzafrir_laptopJinxed-, Ubuntu is a Linux distribution
13:03.30garymcOh well im no nearer to fixing this issue. I need some plain english guidance
13:03.56garymcstep by step would be nice but.........
13:05.32*** join/#asterisk Fefeu (~Felipe@unaffiliated/fefeu)
13:07.03garymcOK TK where would I place this patch file to make it work?
13:07.24[TK]D-Fender09:00]<Jinxed->tzafrir_laptop: how compatible is it with ubuntu? <- Ubuntu = Linux.  Asterisk runs on linux.
13:07.56*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:09.53[TK]D-Fendergarymc: It refers to something you should be LOOKING AT
13:10.25garymcim looking for a folder called apps on my asterisk server but cant find it. Am i on the right track
13:11.21tzafrir_laptopgarymc, do you see the link to 'wget patch'?
13:12.15tzafrir_laptopAdd ' --dry run' to the end of the command-line it gives you, just to be on the safe side
13:12.32[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: He doesn't actually NEED it... this is something for him to read to see SOMETHING ELSE.
13:13.24oryxtechi all... when i try to make manual call i get this error msg
13:13.25oryxtec[Jul 22 09:12:14] ERROR[4555]: chan_sip.c:15359 sipsock_read: We could NOT get the channel lock for SIP/sipdialers-0823dd00!
13:13.25oryxtec[Jul 22 09:12:14] ERROR[4555]: chan_sip.c:15360 sipsock_read: SIP transaction failed: 1a52429320121c0f685931f50bcb3b3a@x.x.x.x
13:13.25oryxtec[Jul 22 09:12:14] ERROR[4555]: chan_sip.c:15359 sipsock_read: We could NOT get the channel lock for SIP/sipdialers-0823dd00!
13:13.25oryxtec[Jul 22 09:12:14] ERROR[4555]: chan_sip.c:15360 sipsock_read: SIP transaction failed: 1a52429320121c0f685931f50bcb3b3a@x.x.x.x
13:13.30infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:13.35oryxtecplease could any one guide me
13:13.35[TK]D-Fenderoryxtec: No NOT flood in here
13:13.54[TK]D-Fenderoryxtec: What version of * are you using exactly?
13:14.25[TK]D-Fenderoryxtec: ANCIENT.  Loaded with bugs which this is likely one of
13:14.26*** join/#asterisk oej (
13:14.32[TK]D-Fenderoryxtec: UPGRADE
13:15.09oryxteci was having same issue on asterisk 1.2 soo i upgrade it 1.4 but still same soo u think this is a bug
13:15.14oryxtecwhich ver should i use
13:15.34garymcyzafir i do see that link
13:15.41leifmadsenoryxtec: uhhh.... 1.4.34 is coming out today
13:15.48leifmadsen1.4.16 is like... 2 years old or something?
13:16.04[TK]D-Fenderoryxtec: 18 releases old <-
13:16.06leifmadsenhow did you even decide on that version?
13:16.09garymcafter runnning that command do i need to do anything else?
13:16.13oryxtecfrom where i can download 1.4.34?
13:16.14[TK]D-Fenderoryxtec: and that is just in that BRANCH
13:16.17oryxteccan u pass me link
13:16.24leifmadsenoryxtec: have you tried looking at ?
13:16.24[TK]D-Fenderoryxtec: my guess....
13:16.37oryxteclet me check
13:16.39leifmadsenlike i said, 1.4.34 is coming out today, which implies it is not yet out
13:16.43[TK]D-FenderQuick... who makes Microsoft Excel?
13:16.45leifmadsen1.4.33.1 is out though
13:16.50leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: Linus!
13:16.52[TK]D-FenderWhat colour was Napoleon's white horse!??!
13:16.58leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: Black!
13:16.59[TK]D-FenderWHO SHOT J.R>?!
13:17.05leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: you totally did it
13:20.45garymctzafrir_laptop I ran that command in putty on my asterisk server and It says unknown bash command etc
13:23.23NaikrovekWIMPy: polycom conversation last night: yes polycom phones are awesome
13:23.40mmlj4or not
13:23.46Naikroveki'm replacing every non-polycom phone in the house with the polycom variety
13:23.58mmlj4the things feel flimsy in my hand
13:24.01Naikrovekthere's no "or" here.  Polycom > all
13:24.49[TK]D-FenderJust for one day...
13:25.17garymc[TK]D-Fender : i put the right command in now. It now says "File to Patch:"     what do i do here?
13:25.30[TK]D-Fendergarymc: NOTHING.
13:25.39Kattymmlj4: buy something you're happy with.
13:25.40garymcdo i just hit enter?
13:25.48[TK]D-Fender[09:12]<[TK]D-Fender>tzafrir_laptop: He doesn't actually NEED it... this is something for him to read to see SOMETHING ELSE.
13:26.05garymcgod damn
13:26.08Kattymmlj4: for most of us it's been polycom. but you're entitled to your own opinion too.
13:26.34Naikrovekhe's entitled to his own opinions, but not his own facts.
13:26.38*** join/#asterisk Jinxed- (93b138ea@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:26.39Naikrovekfact is, polycom > all
13:26.51[TK]D-Fender\Everyone is entitled to my own opinion ;)
13:27.06KattyNaikrovek: oh shush.
13:27.22drmessanoPer the ticket, if he actually READ it, it points to the 'c' option for DIAL.. the patch was shown to be useless because the 'c' option was doing what it was supposed to, which happens to be a demo of EXACTLY what garymc needs
13:27.29Jinxed-how easy is it to remove *b from ubuntu if you don't like it
13:27.44[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Oh sure... jsut #&*$^&#$^ HAND it to him...
13:27.45drmessanoJinxed-: rm -Rf /*
13:27.57Jinxed-drmessano: lol...
13:28.07drmessano[TK]D-Fender: He couldnt find it if you slapped him with it
13:28.19mmlj4Katty: I do
13:28.20drmessano[TK]D-Fender: May as well, or this could go on for hours
13:28.21Jinxed-nah i'll skip any type of rm -rf
13:28.22[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: True.  But what does that have to do with this? ;)
13:28.34[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: MY SYSTEM AM SCREW!
13:28.38Kattyinfobot: crittercam
13:28.39infobotcrittercam is probably Katty's live broadcast of The Nut House at
13:28.42mmlj4linksys (now it's cisco)
13:29.15garymcdrmessano so how do i do it?
13:29.17*** join/#asterisk moy (
13:29.24[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Dear God..
13:29.34[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Can't even lead this horse to water...
13:29.51[TK]D-Fenderis still pretty sure he can hold its head under though...
13:30.05Kattyso much negativity this morning
13:30.18Naikrovek"crittercam"  that's what I call C-SPAN.  Congresscritters.
13:30.22[TK]D-FenderKatty: You POSITIVE of that? ;)
13:30.43drmessanogarymc: 'c' option for Dial
13:30.50Kattywell i'm still hopeful people are going to be nice.
13:30.54Kattyeven if i'm the only one (=
13:31.01drmessanogarymc: Thats what ALL OF THIS is pointing you to
13:31.05garymchow do i do that drmessano
13:31.12[TK]D-Fenderspins up some Eric Carmen jsut for Katty
13:31.23[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: FAIL
13:32.57garymccome on guys how do i implement the 'c' option
13:32.58drmessanogarymc: One of the examples in the ticket shows you.  You're making this impossibly difficult and the example is RIGHT THERE
13:33.10drmessanoIt's IN THE TICKET he LINKED YOU
13:33.33garymcyeah im looking but im not as clever as you lot
13:33.52drmessanoThere's no 'CLEVER' here... you want to know how to do it.. it's THERE
13:34.40oryxtec[TK]D-Fender: i ve upgrade asterisk to which latest i found on
13:34.49oryxtecnow i m getting this error msg ERROR[4674]: utils.c:968 ast_carefulwrite: write() returned error: Broken pipe
13:34.58*** join/#asterisk tuxx- (
13:35.26oryxtecand ERROR[5141]: utils.c:968 ast_carefulwrite: write() returned error: Connection reset by peer
13:35.43leifmadsenoryxtec: means audio was playing when the call was hung up
13:35.49leifmadsenI see that sometimes
13:36.00leifmadsenwhat is the actual problem?
13:36.44garymcIm looking at the ticket and nothing there tells me where the C option is located..
13:36.48oryxtecthe problem is b4 i was getting some error msgs coz that my asterisk was giving me ltos on pro.
13:37.01oryxtecsoo i upgrade it to
13:37.18oryxtecnow those msgs are gone but this one are now showing up on asterisk cli
13:37.33garymcand how i turn it on or off
13:37.43Kattyhugs leifmadsen
13:38.04leifmadsenhugs Katty back
13:38.23tzafrir_laptopJinxed-, aptitude purge asterisk #?
13:38.27oryxtechow can i fix this error msg
13:38.39oryxtecwrite() returned error: Broken pipe
13:40.08Naikrovekgarymc: i want to avoid yelling at you but the 'c' option is shown right there on that asterisk issues page
13:40.28Naikrovekobserve this part: Dial(SIP/2024,30,c)
13:40.34Naikroveknote the 'c'
13:40.43Naikroveknow ask again where the 'c' option is
13:41.00garymcyes ok... maybe it cos im running freepbx ?
13:41.05garymcim confused
13:41.14Naikrovekshoots himself in the brain
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13:41.27Jinxed-is the best way to install * for ubuntu just from the built in software center?
13:41.40NaikrovekJinxed-: define "best way"
13:41.41KattyJinxed-: i prefer from the tarballs.
13:41.43garymcI woulda done that for you naikrovec
13:41.59Jinxed-Ok best way for someone who has never touched *
13:42.07mmlj4apt-get install asterisk
13:42.10mmlj4if it's there
13:42.11NaikrovekJinxed-: does it HAVE to be ubuntu
13:42.23KattyJinxed-: would you like me to pastebin some stuff for you?
13:42.26Naikrovekrecommends AsteriskNOW for people wanting to try it out
13:42.35mmlj4ok, so what's wrong with ubuntu? don't like group hugs?
13:42.37Jinxed-Well I already have it set up with other things
13:42.43Naikrovekubuntu is fine
13:42.48Naikroveki like ubuntu i use it everywhere
13:43.05Jinxed-also do i need to install gastman with asterisk?
13:43.08*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
13:43.08Naikrovekbut AsteriskNOW as a distribution is better for just testing asterisk, I think.  unless you REALLY don't want a gui for it
13:43.32Jinxed-Naikrovek: isn't gastman a gui?
13:43.40KattyJinxed-: when i was first learning, i did it from tarballs. but as long as it's well documented i'd think just about any way would be suitable for someone new. just make sure there are lots of instructions.
13:43.40Naikrovekif you want asterisk and you do NOT want a gui, then yeah "apt-get install asterisk" should probably do the trick
13:43.57NaikrovekJinxed-: the only asterisk GUI worth mentioning is FreePBX
13:44.40Jinxed-the voip system im trying to connect to was all command line
13:44.50Jinxed-so im not overally opposed to it, obviously a gui would be nice
13:44.51Naikrovekasterisk is all cmdline and config files
13:45.02Naikrovekvanilla asterisk, i should say
13:45.23Naikrovekif you plan to do a lot of pbx stuff or have complicated requirements freepbx probably won't get you where you want to go
13:45.26Jinxed-I was just going to try to see if I could convince others to take a serious look at *
13:45.33Jinxed-and I figured if I could get voice mail working
13:45.36Jinxed-for at least 1 phone
13:45.37KattyJinxed-: a GUI is nice for end users to update a few things, like names associated with extensions... but i wouldn't use it as something to configure the bulk of your asterisk boxes.
13:45.39Jinxed-by a demo this afternoon
13:45.41NaikrovekJinxed-: easy
13:45.46Jinxed-then it would be worth it
13:45.56NaikrovekJinxed-: AsteriskNOW can have you up and working with voicemail in 30 minutes
13:46.05oryxtecvoice is getting really bad... now these msgs are on asterisk cli channel.c:952 __ast_queue_frame: Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to Local/8600051@default-81e2,1
13:46.08oryxtecplz help :(
13:46.14NaikrovekJinxed-: you can have 1000 extensions set up in an hour
13:46.18KattyJinxed-: if you'd like, i can pastebin my exact setup process.
13:46.20Naikrovekor less
13:46.37KattyJinxed-: but it doesn't include configuration specifics.
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13:46.54Naikrovekoryxtec: bandwidth all used up?
13:46.59Jinxed-Katty: that would be nice
13:47.19Jinxed-Naikrovek: I really wish I could try it, but I don't have a comp that I can spare to put the distro on
13:47.31NaikrovekJinxed-: virtual machine, then
13:47.41oryxtecnaikrovek: i m using only one ext for dialing
13:47.50oryxtecand voice is really braking out
13:47.52mmlj4Jinxed-: vmware
13:48.10Naikrovekoryxtec: what is the bandwidth between you and the place you're calling
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13:48.26Kattyhi basty
13:49.04NaikrovekJinxed-: VMware player is free and will let you install AsteriskNOW without any extra hardware
13:49.41oryxtec512 KB
13:49.43Naikrovekoryxtec: is anything else (other than IRC) happening over that link as you try to make a call
13:49.43bastyI am trying to code a little agi script (in bash) for my asterisk. How can I tell asterisk to use the variable...the output of my script ? For right now I am trying something in bash with : "echo "SET VARIABLE test \"${CIDNAME}\"" <- but if I noop ${test} its empty
13:50.03Jinxed-Naikrovek: I have never used vmware... what is it?
13:50.59Naikrovekah wait that's not right
13:51.38Naikrovektl;dr - it allows you to run an operating system entirely within another operating system
13:51.40oryxtecby the i have asterisk installed on sun virtual machine
13:51.59Naikrovekoryxtec: what kind of virtual machine; what hardware are you on
13:52.29oryxteci ve server on 2.2 dual core 1gb ram
13:52.37oryxtecon that server i ve installed
13:52.40Naikrovekif you have some 32-bit cpu then that could cause issues.  64-bit hardware should be fine
13:52.45oryxtec32 bit
13:52.56Naikrovekthere's your issue
13:53.02hrhrhrwhat's the best way to route a wan trunk... is iax2 a measurably better performer than say... sip?
13:53.21oryxtecwht should i do now
13:53.22Naikrovekhrhrhr: for multiple calls, iax2 uses considerably less bandwidth than sip
13:53.39Naikrovekhrhrhr: and iax2 can be encrypted on a protocol level
13:53.41Naikrovekunlike sip
13:53.43hrhrhrthanks Naikrovek. is there anything better than iax2?
13:53.58Naikrovekhrhrhr: what does 'better' mean
13:54.04hrhrhri need to route from .uk to .sg
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13:54.11hrhrhrjust wondering the best way to go about it
13:54.19Naikrovekuse iax2
13:54.38hrhrhrnow i just need to find a provider out there that supports it :D
13:54.46Naikrovekthere are a few but not many
13:54.52NaikrovekSIP is widespread and very common
13:55.18hrhrhrcan you quantify how much better it is for say, 5 calls?
13:55.25hrhrhror even 2
13:55.39leifmadsenyou need to do like 20+
13:55.42leifmadsenor 10+
13:56.06Naikrovekbut will use less bandwidth than sip for any more than 1 simultaneous call.  obviously 100 calls would save more bandwidth than just 2
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14:07.41digitalmlim using asterisk and freepbx and would like to modify extensions_custom.conf for a custom outbound dial paln. i've created an extension (1000) and I've pointed my .call file that I'm placing the the outgoing directory to use this extension. the problem is i dont know how to specify the right call context in the extensions_custom.conf file to get used
14:07.49digitalmlcan anyone help please
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14:11.27Jinxed-Naikrovek: any tut on how to go about intalling *now within vmware?
14:12.22[TK]D-Fenderdigitalml: So what do you want on each side of this call?
14:12.37[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: Its an ISO.  You install it like any other
14:12.49[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: Or... you could jsut install on the Ubuntu you already have
14:13.06digitalml[TK]D-Fender: im just trying to place an outbound call with some pre recorded messages and wait() inbetween
14:13.22Jinxed-[TK]D-Fender: that is waht Im planning on doing is just installing vmware and then trying to put *now on that
14:13.30[TK]D-Fenderdigitalml: You want to call out using FreePBX's normal call processing rules?
14:13.41Jinxed-how much space do i need for *now
14:13.45[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: What do you want to do with *?
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14:14.05[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: And is your Ubuntu system running all the time you need your * system running?
14:14.13Jinxed-Right now I just want voicemail for an existing voip demo system (not* call manager)
14:14.30Jinxed-[TK]D-Fender: it is just for a demo, so no
14:14.34digitalml[TK]D-Fender i think so yes
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14:14.56Jinxed-my goal is to show that * is worth looking into a bit
14:15.18[TK]D-Fenderdigitalml: Channel: Local/thenumberasyouwoulddialit@from-internal/n
14:15.18Jinxed-but the demo is in ~3 hrs
14:15.49digitalmland then modify [from-internal]
14:15.54digitalmlin extensions_custon.conf
14:15.55[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: You've never installed * before and you expect to learn enough to even be processing calls and have VM's set up.... your odds are frighteningly low
14:16.16[TK]D-Fenderdigitalml: I jsut gave you the CHANNEL line for your call file
14:16.35[TK]D-Fenderdigitalml: The rest is normal as to where you DUMP them onece they answer
14:16.56[TK]D-Fenderdigitalml: context, extension, priority <-
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14:18.09Jinxed-[TK]D-Fender: [09:46] <Naikrovek> Jinxed-: AsteriskNOW can have you up and working with voicemail in 30 minutes
14:18.19NaikrovekJinxed-: install vmware.  reboot.  download asterisknow ISO image.  create new virtual machine in vmware, tell it to boot to the ISO you downloaded.  observe as you install an operating system inside another operating system
14:18.42[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: There is a difference between POSSIBLE, and "can do this knowing NOTHING"
14:18.47NaikrovekJinxed-: set up the virtual machine to use BRIDGED networking (default is NAT)
14:19.56NaikrovekJinxed-: get the IP address of the virtual machine, then and proceed in setting up an extension and turning voicemail on
14:19.57Jinxed-haha sounds good Naikrovek
14:19.57Jinxed-I will update as I go
14:19.57[TK]D-FenderJinxed-: Yes, I could get a full system running in under an hour, but thats experience.  And to get it running, boxes configured, etc... FreePBX wasn't meant to have generic boxed normally either.  handling GENERIC SIP calls?  oh boy.  We don't even know WHAT they will look like coming from your system.  That is a lot of testing right there.
14:20.04Naikrovekthis probably isn't #asterisk fare, keep me update in #asterisknow
14:20.54[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: You know how to setup a VM-only "extension" in FreePBX?
14:21.29Naikrovekuhh, set up an extension, turn voicemail on, don't connect a phone to it :)
14:21.32Naikrovekother than that, no
14:21.43[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Or are you suggesting making an "extension" that no-one will actually log into and that's all?
14:21.50[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Guess so.  FUGLY
14:22.02Naikroveki never claimed to be an expert
14:22.11Naikrovekif i do it the wrong way i do it the wrong way
14:22.34[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: FreePBX is the completely wrong way :)
14:22.42Naikrovekwell for now i'm stuck with it
14:22.52[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: for HIM.
14:23.10[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: You... well it may be fine for you.  Are you actually using it like it's MEANT to be used?
14:23.12Naikrovekhe has 3 hours
14:23.24Naikrovekjust tryin to help
14:23.43Naikrovekchrist when will my receptionist learn to use the effing phone
14:23.45[TK]D-Fender[10:23]<Naikrovek>he has 3 hours <- he shouldn't leave things to teh last minute and set unrealistic goals
14:23.50Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: true
14:24.27[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: So, Are you using FreePBX for the things it is meant to do?  Generic phone setup, route calls from normal resources in normal ways, etc?
14:24.51Naikroveki don't have any thing spectacular going on
14:25.47[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Then its right for you.  It isn't a tool to try and implement just back-end stuff.  that creats SIP users it shouldn't, etc.. and there is likely a bit of extra trickery jsut to get away with this context-wise depending on how his existing system even hands off the call to *.
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14:25.55[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: I'm betting this gets ugly, fast
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14:27.35[TK]D-Fendergrabs a soda and a medium popcorn and sits down for the show.
14:28.31Naikrovekwhy not large?  long movie
14:28.56Naikroveki'm not good at regular asterisk stuff.  i've never done it, mostly
14:29.16Naikrovekso my direction was to help in a way i knew how
14:29.31Naikrovekthat would meet his stated goals within the stated timeframe
14:29.33Naikrovekthat's it
14:29.43Naikrovekany requirements or goals beyond those are not considered
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14:30.14[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Except... given his goals and circumstances aren't normal he'll likely spend more time fighting with FreePBX just to get a minimal broken idea working....
14:30.22[TK]D-Fendergrabs another fistful of popcorn
14:31.07Naikrovekmaybe, but maybe not
14:31.14Naikrovekmaybe he'll get it working
14:31.23Naikrovekmaybe his demo will be successful
14:31.28Naikrovekmaybe it won't
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14:31.44Naikrovekbut i've given him all he needs - some google mixed in and he'll be there
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14:31.53Naikroveki don't see what the problem is, really
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14:32.05Naikrovekmaybe it's not the IDEAL solution but whatever
14:32.19Naikrovekwhat percentage of solutions even approach ideal
14:32.27[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: LOTS :)
14:32.39Naikrovekit's a freaking demo
14:32.48Naikrovekit's not even going to make or receive calls
14:32.57[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Plain * would take SO much less time to set up that FreePBX for this technically...
14:33.03Naikrovekthen tell him how to do it
14:33.05Naikroveki don't know how
14:33.11Naikroveki have the desire to help, you have the know how
14:33.18[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Assuming being at least slightly familiar with it
14:33.44Naikrovekwell i can write a custom java network server in an hour, and when people need help with it i help
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14:33.52Naikroveknot saying you don't help
14:33.55Naikrovekbut i WANT to help
14:33.57Naikrovekso i helped
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14:35.04Naikrovekyou finish typing your witty retort, hit enter and i'll ignore it and we can move on
14:35.23SuPrSluGanyone heard of an issue with mwi in asterisk 1.6.2?
14:35.40NaikrovekKatty: can you send me that config doc you offered whats-his-nose earlier
14:35.41SuPrSluGno notify messages are sent
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14:44.44sulexhello. Card: Digium TE410P; Kernel: Linux ubuntu 2.6.32-21-server; libpri:; dahdi: dahdi-linux-complete- After the knightrider blinking the leds turn off, all the module are loaded but no PRI cable are attached to the card. The strange thing that is happening is that dahdi_tool reports all the four spans as "OK". I already called Digium but they say they will not give me support on that card because it's out of warranty. Question
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14:47.01digitalml[TK]D-Fender: you around?
14:47.52[TK]D-Fenderdigitalml: Yes
14:48.41[TK]D-Fendersulex: You have no cable attached.  What is that actual PROBLEM here?
14:49.22joobie[TK]D-Fender, get with it bro - cable is old school ;P
14:49.48digitalml[TK]D-Fender: so in my .call file i have: Channel: SIP/trunkname/numberToCall Extension: 100 Context: testcontext
14:50.10digitalmland in my extensions_custon.conf i have a [testcontext] section
14:50.21digitalmlwith a bunch of exten => crap
14:50.32digitalmlthe call gets placed
14:50.46[TK]D-Fenderdigitalml: ok....
14:50.59digitalmlbut all i hear is a "goodbye" instead of whats in my extensions_custom.conf
14:51.08digitalmllike something went wrong?
14:51.26digitalmlany ideas?
14:51.31[TK]D-Fenderdigitalml: I guess so.  Maybe you should LOOK at the call file and the CALL, and your configs.
14:52.09digitalmlwhat do you mean, i am looking at them
14:52.13digitalmlbut i cant see what is wrong
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14:52.59[TK]D-Fenderdigitalml: What do you expect us to say?  WE can't see it.
14:53.07[TK]D-Fenderdigitalml: PASTEBIN is your friend <-
14:53.10infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:53.18joobiei just realised
14:53.24joobieu have a lot of patience tk
14:53.42[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Yeah, I haven't killed anyone in DAYS....
14:53.59sulex[TK]D-Fender: with no cable attached, I'm supposed to have the span allarmed or at least not shown as OK in dahdi_tool. with asterisk turned on and cable attahced I'm getting a D-channel not available. of course if i attach those E1 to another box(as5350 from cisco) everything is ok. the point is that the card before the dist-upgrade was working great. so this is why I ask
14:54.03leifmadsenhe likes his shift key though :_)
14:54.44[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: INDEED!  I don't do any of this lazy-ass caps-lock BS either.  No, I hold it down MYSELF!
14:55.07[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Cause these peeps.. they're like... TOTALLY worth it you know ;)
14:56.33leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: snap :)
14:58.48WIMPyCan someone tell me what CCSS means?
14:59.43pabelangerWIMPy: Context?
15:00.12WIMPyFound it on a slide from a talk about new features in 1.8.
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15:02.01garymcwhat command do i use to show what version of asterisk im using?
15:06.13ChannelZcore show version
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15:11.34digitalml[TK]D-Fender: this is what isn't working...
15:12.49[TK]D-Fenderdigitalml: I  don't see the failed call...
15:13.18[TK]D-FenderDigiAnd I don't see you specifying the PRIORITY in your call-file either
15:13.25pabelangerWIMPy: Call Completion Supplementary Services
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15:16.28WIMPyAh. Thanks.
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15:32.05kn0xcdr mysql (addon) is inserting blank rows
15:32.20kn0xeverything is default. Csv file has correct values
15:32.33wcselbyare you getting any rows?
15:32.37wcselbyi mean, rows with any data
15:36.31kn0xno data at all
15:36.50[TK]D-Fenderkn0x: Cool.
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15:38.43kn0x[TK]D-Fender: not a bit :\
15:39.15[TK]D-Fenderkn0x: Feel free to do something to fix it then...
15:40.23kn0xthats why i brought it up in the channel...
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15:41.52geemeeHey folks. Using a test server with AsteriskNOW 1.7 I cant get CDR to log any calls. Any ideas?
15:43.11geemeeIts a fresh install.
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15:44.26[TK]D-Fenderknkn0And didn't tell us what * version, what Addon's version, no call debug, no configs, no details on what backend actually....
15:44.45[TK]D-Fenderkn0x: When you feel like doing sonething to help people help you... let us know ;)
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15:46.25kn0xasterisk cdr_addon_mysql
15:46.56radicis there a way to synchronize the in and out -records?
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15:48.03geemeekn0x: sure I installed the asterisk addons but not the cdr addon. Will give that a go.
15:48.04kn0xradic: not using ForkCDR()
15:48.26radickn0x: I dosn't used it anywhere
15:48.44kn0xgeemee: sorry, that wasnt to you..
15:48.48asteriskATmarmuDhow to check if a sip-phone is off/on hook
15:48.53geemeeah ok :)
15:49.00kn0xgeemee: but what are you trying to do?
15:49.06asteriskATmarmuDwith analog ones I got a message on the CLI in the past
15:49.38geemeeessentially have a clean asterisknow install on test server but no call logs showing. Curious where to start.
15:49.44Naikrovekbmoraca_work: ping
15:50.11pabelangerasteriskATmarmuD: device hints
15:50.27kn0xcsv ? check /etc/asterisk/cdr.conf
15:50.31kn0xand look at [csv]
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15:50.37geemeeHi again Naikrovek :)
15:50.46kn0xshould be in /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/
15:50.59bmoraca_workwhat's up, Naikrovek ?
15:51.08Naikrovekbmoraca_work: can i /msg you about a cisco question
15:51.15kn0x[TK]D-Fender: and theres nothing on the debugs about the mysql cdr
15:51.16Joe_CoTIs there anyway to tell when a meetme recording starts, or when it ends, besides keeping track of everyone that joins and leaves and the meetmecount?
15:51.24geemeekn0x: ah.. file exists but is blank.. could explain it.
15:51.33bmoraca_workNaikrovek: I don't see why not...but i can't promise to answer :)
15:51.40kn0xwhat about cdr.conf
15:51.42Naikrovekfair enough
15:52.16kn0x[TK]D-Fender: cdr mysql status tells me its writing them.. the counter goes up
15:52.27geemeethe file has nothing in it
15:52.42pabelangerasteriskATmarmuD: best you got is to setup a device hint (extension.conf) for the SIP connection.  On/off hook events don't really exist for SIP.
15:53.10geemeekn0x: nothing in the cdr-csv either
15:53.52pabelangerslaps infobot with a trout
15:54.14kn0xgeemee: add
15:54.15kn0xloguniqueid=yes ;log uniqueid
15:54.16kn0xloguserfield=yes ;log user field
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15:57.19geemeekn0x: need to restart anything?
15:59.40kn0xgeemee: module reload
16:00.09wcselbyasteriskATmarmuD - hints are indeed in asterisk 1.4
16:00.35asteriskATmarmuDwcselby: ok, first panic calmed
16:00.36wcselbyasteriskATmarmuD - but like pabelanger stated, there's no real on-hook / off-hook with sip phones
16:01.01asteriskATmarmuDwcselby: can I get this info in some way? for example using hints
16:01.28asteriskATmarmuDwcselby: I need to know if a phone is on/off hook
16:01.28wcselbyasteriskATmarmuD - not that I know of
16:01.35asteriskATmarmuDwcselby: great ;)
16:01.43asteriskATmarmuDwcselby: thx for the info
16:02.35geemeekn0x: hmmm still nothing.. sql appears ok..
16:02.41geemeeas in service running
16:02.52geemeelooking through full logs
16:03.43geemeethink I have found my problem : Failed to connect to mysql database
16:05.13kn0xgeemee: that will only enable csv...
16:05.37geemeeThere is no CSV file also..
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16:19.15digitalmlcan anyone help as to why i'm getting the error listed here please:
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16:20.14Joe_CoTIs there anyway to tell when a meetme recording starts, or when it ends, besides keeping track of everyone that joins and leaves and the meetmecount? Or is there a way to tell whether asterisk is currently writing to a recording file?
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16:21.04leifmadsendigitalml: did you #include the correct file?
16:21.27leifmadsendid you reload the dialplan after modifying it?
16:21.31leifmadsennot sure what else it might be
16:21.52digitalmlim using free pbx and it was my understanding that the extensions_custom.conf is already #included
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16:22.44digitalmli guess i wouldnt know hwo to reload the dialplan since i simply edited the conf file outside of freepbx
16:23.22Joe_CoTdigitalml, from the asterisk shell, dialplan reload
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16:27.08digitalmlreloading the dial plan worked
16:27.09digitalmlwoo hoo
16:27.10digitalmlthanks guys
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17:13.37LemensTSsip show peer voipinnovations ( Codec Order  : (g729:20,ulaw:20) )
17:13.46LemensTSthat does mean g729 is rated higher right?
17:14.01LemensTSit seems to go to ulaw no matter whatn unless i take ulaw out
17:14.12LemensTSthen g729 works fine
17:14.39*** join/#asterisk eliel (~eliels@
17:17.31timholumgood morning
17:18.18andrebarbosaLemensTS, what is the codec offered by the other end?
17:18.22andrebarbosamaybe is only g711
17:19.13LemensTSandrebarbosa: ulaw by default, g729 if i request it in sdp
17:20.57andrebarbosayou need to enable sip debug, and see the logs
17:21.11andrebarbosaif one end offers only g711, asterisk will avoid transcodding
17:21.23[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: just because * preferes it doesn't mean its preference is what counts the most.
17:32.14*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
17:36.51*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
17:45.36*** join/#asterisk ruyo (~psantos@
17:49.13*** join/#asterisk telnettech (~telnettec@
18:20.10LemensTSTKD-Fender: Voip-innovations says if I give g729 priority they will do that instead of g711.
18:23.34*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
18:29.02philipp64|laptopcoppice: regarding the GSM v. GCC-4.2 stuff...  I opened a new bug for that... 17688... but was wondering; did anyone ever investigate how the object code differed between GCC 4.2 and GCC 4.3? it can't be that different... you'd think that diff'ing disassembling listings would give a smoking gun.
18:30.10coppicepeople don't want proper answers. they remove the opportunity to whine and moan from a position ot ignorance
18:32.16philipp64|laptopwell, I don't know enough about GSM encoding for the assembly to make much sense to me... and it's been a while since I stared at x86 instructions (I think DOS 3.0 was out at the time).
18:32.31*** part/#asterisk RobH (~robh@wikimedia/RobH)
18:33.34philipp64|laptopour compiler tools team at Cisco has some slick tools that would "diff" two builds side by side and highlight how object changed.  very handy for identifying regressions introduced by compiler version bumps.
18:33.46philipp64|laptopbut I don't have access to any tools like that now.
18:34.15philipp64|laptopwhat about making the codec_gsm be built externally to asterisk against Spandsp?  You seem to not be a fan of that idea.
18:35.12*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
18:35.53coppicelooking at the different code only helps a little. it doesn't tell you which changes are just because the compilers work differently, and which are because the optimiser is being told the wrong thing. I expect there is a sea of code generation changes, which would make the error like a needle in a haystack
18:36.14coppiceif you obey the licencing, you can do what you like
18:44.37*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
18:46.16*** join/#asterisk KingDavidNYC (
18:46.23KingDavidNYChello everybody
18:46.45Kattyleifmadsen: ping.
18:46.53KattyKingDavidNYC: howdy.
18:47.08pabelangerQ: astctlowner in asterisk.conf, anybody give me the 30 word or less description?
18:47.10Kattyleifmadsen: there is a certain pork tenderloin recipe i intend to weasel out of you.
18:47.14raden_workhugs katty !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18:47.24KattyHAI RADEN!
18:47.26Kattyhugs raden_work
18:47.31raden_workwhere u been :P
18:47.36KingDavidNYChi Kathy
18:48.00Kattyhugs wcselby
18:48.08Kattyraden_work: i thought i told you
18:48.13Kattyraden_work: or perhaps i'm loosing my mind
18:48.18Kattyraden_work: single again?
18:48.20Kattyraden_work: moved.
18:48.23Kattyraden_work: etc.
18:48.36raden_workKatty, yes you did just never thought we'd see so lil of you : P
18:48.47Kattyraden_work: well i had a lot going on :<
18:48.51KingDavidNYCcan anybody help with a quick question in trixbox? I am making changes to the database, and then I reload in the CLI, but it doesn't seem to take the chages
18:50.13KattyKingDavidNYC: not too familiar with trixbox i'm afeered :<
18:50.17mmlj4good luck getting an answer
18:50.34KingDavidNYCI need it
18:50.40Naikrovekask in #trixbox
18:50.55KingDavidNYCthanks guys
18:52.39leifmadsenKatty: oh ya? :)
18:55.39leifmadsenKatty: Diana's BBQ sauce (any flavour -- I used Smoked Hickory I think). Brush on and marinate in fridge for 2-3 hours. BBQ on full heat -- sear each side for about 1-2 minutes each on the grill directly above the flame. Brush on more sauce then place on top rack of BBQ at 400F for 20 minutes rotating once (I did it with with 7:30 left). Use additional spices if you want (I added roasted garlic and pepper). After 20 minut
18:55.39leifmadsenes inside should be 170F. Take off BBQ and wrap in tinfoil for 10 minutes to absorb the juices. Slice into dimes and eat! :)
18:57.24*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
19:00.40*** join/#asterisk Professional (~Pro@unaffiliated/shani)
19:02.06*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
19:08.00raden_workSounds Nummy
19:12.37*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
19:14.38*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
19:23.32leifmadsenit was quite juicy :)
19:32.01philipp64|laptopcoppice: we could narrow things down by compiling one module at a time with optimization, until it breaks.
19:32.30philipp64|laptopthen we'd know which module to look at.  as I remember, though, the generated code actually doesn't change that much from one compiler version to another.
19:32.40carrarof BBQ
19:33.05philipp64|laptopin 12 million lines of code, when we changed from gcc 3.3 to 4.1, less than 200 files had different object.
19:33.20philipp64|laptopout of about 40,000.
19:40.28*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Delphi@
19:40.36DelphiWorldanyone own grandstream gxp1200?
19:44.57*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
19:45.18*** join/#asterisk kfife (
19:46.12*** join/#asterisk NEEDINGHELP123 (
19:47.04NEEDINGHELP123hello guys, i really need some help with H323, i am doing a project and i'd like to understand the some things about the project, i will be willing to pay for the help.. please PM me if your available
19:47.18NEEDINGHELP123not the H323 in asterisk, but H323 in general.. i need a pro
19:55.19DelphiWorldhi NEEDINGHELP123
19:55.26*** join/#asterisk timholum (
19:55.35*** join/#asterisk godfather_ (
19:56.26*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Delphi@
19:56.38Katty<- just got flowers delivered to work.
19:56.50*** join/#asterisk simond (
19:57.18simondIn asterisk 1.4, is there some way to see whether a dahdi channel is in alarm within the dialplan? ChanIsAvail does not seem to know.
19:57.26pabelangerNEEDINGHELP123: Or just ask your question here
19:58.03*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
19:59.32*** join/#asterisk andresm (~andresm@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
19:59.40QwellKatty: got a stalker?
19:59.53KattyQwell: so much for being single a couple months eh?
20:00.01Qwellguess so
20:00.11KattyQwell: can't even be single for 3 damn weeks without someone knockin at the door
20:00.14Qwellno Qwelldate(TM) either. :P
20:00.23KattyQwell: well i tried to get you to roulette last night!
20:00.26KattyQwell: you snob.
20:00.27Qwelldid you?
20:00.35QwellI wondered why this channel was blue this morning..
20:00.38KattyQwell: too busy sitting in ER i guess! without me!
20:00.50QwellI was killing computer monsters
20:00.52KattyQwell: they are very pretty flowers tho.
20:01.03KattyQwell: it's all white.
20:01.12KattyQwell: i recognize white roses in there.
20:01.19Qwellnote to self: randomly send flowers when interested
20:02.14KattyQwell: flowers are nice, but i'm getting a slightly creepy stalker vibe off it
20:02.14NuggetWhat am I gonna do with 40 subscriptions to Vibe?!
20:02.31KattyQwell: perhaps might be cause i didn't ever get any flowers from ryan. ever. in 3 years.
20:02.36Qwellnote to self: DON'T randomly send flowers when interested
20:02.59KattyQwell: i think it's okay to randomly send flowers.
20:03.03KattyQwell: just not...anything big.
20:05.25Qwellnote to self: DO be creepy, but only slightly.  check!
20:09.00KattyQwell: i'm sure it's all dependant on the girl.
20:09.10KattyQwell: personally, i would have prefered something slightly more geeky.
20:09.21KattyQwell: like a bonsai with Tetris Pieces hanging on it
20:18.59[sr]WIMPy:  LCR could take controls of the led light's on each port on the cards, like DAHDI does.. green on OK, blinking red on failure/not configured
20:24.05*** join/#asterisk Failrar (
20:28.43NEEDINGHELP123Hi Guys
20:28.59NEEDINGHELP123I need help I need to understand some thing for a uni project that I AM totally stuck with
20:29.28raden_workQwell, if we were to write a book of do's and dont's about pursuing a woman, it would totally contradict itself :)
20:29.30QwellIf your university requires you to learn H323, you should drop out.
20:29.34*** join/#asterisk dailylinux (
20:29.38Qwellraden_work: that's the point
20:29.48infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:29.49NEEDINGHELP123I need to udnerstand how to make a call
20:29.54infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
20:29.59QwellNEEDINGHELP123: read that.
20:30.03infobotbrain is probably a very useful device.  It is advised that you ensure your brain is switched to the "on" position before continuing.  If you need assistance, please consult your directory.  This is a recording.
20:30.32raden_workNEEDINGHELP123, Picking up the phone and dialing would be a good start
20:30.52NEEDINGHELP123I understand a sip call
20:31.07NEEDINGHELP123I understand IAX call
20:31.14NEEDINGHELP123and how it initates and the codecs etc etc
20:31.25raden_workdrops head on desk
20:31.26NEEDINGHELP123what I dont understand and cant get help with is the way an h323 call is made
20:31.53NEEDINGHELP123can you help me please?
20:32.22NEEDINGHELP123i.e. give me an example packet of an h323 call
20:32.26NEEDINGHELP123how to initate it
20:32.57pabelangerNEEDINGHELP123: read the book
20:34.53NEEDINGHELP123which book man?
20:34.59infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
20:35.00NEEDINGHELP123I'm looking for help
20:35.19NEEDINGHELP123I dont have that much time
20:35.31NEEDINGHELP123I need some one to be serious and helpful that is not too much to ask for I hope
20:36.30leifmadsenNEEDINGHELP123: hire a consultant
20:36.41NEEDINGHELP123Thats what I am looking for
20:36.41leifmadsenif time is really that critical
20:36.46NEEDINGHELP123who wants to help?
20:36.52NEEDINGHELP123I am more than willing to pay
20:36.54NEEDINGHELP123for this service
20:36.57leifmadsensee asterisk-biz mailing list
20:37.07NEEDINGHELP123and to finish with answers that wont help me
20:38.08leifmadsenI have a 1 million dollar pre-paid retainer for all services
20:38.16pabelangerNEEDINGHELP123: Ask your questions, be specific.  You may get an answer.
20:38.32raden_workleifmadsen, im way to damn cheap at 55/hr then
20:39.03leifmadsenraden: write a book! charge whatever you want!
20:39.33NEEDINGHELP123listen good
20:39.39NEEDINGHELP123your not helping your just bullying here
20:39.49NEEDINGHELP123sort it out please specifically
20:40.13NEEDINGHELP123I am looking for the equivilent of a invite packet for H3232
20:40.20NEEDINGHELP123do you understand that
20:40.26NEEDINGHELP123and can you help please
20:40.30NEEDINGHELP123thank you
20:42.33leifmadsenNEEDINGHELP123: there are several links to papers and such here:
20:42.35pabelangerspecifically H.225.0
20:42.54leifmadsensuch as
20:43.03russellbleifmadsen charges 1 million?  I'll cut a deal at 950k
20:43.32leifmadsenrussellb: what do you know.. you haven't even co-authored a book! :)
20:43.45leifmadsenrussellb: oh? you wrote large chunks of asterisk?!  pffft
20:44.05leifmadsenrussellb: please, that might impress the ladies, but not I!
20:44.19russellbthrows at leifmadsen
20:45.01leifmadsenrussellb: all that proves is that you're lazy at 4am and on Sundays
20:45.08russellbtrue statement
20:45.12leifmadsenDEDICATION MAN!
20:45.58leifmadsenrussellb: heh :)
20:46.19russellbyou're calling me lazy on Sunday?
20:46.21russellbyou suck all weekend
20:47.26pabelangerDidn't know that existed
20:47.34russellbit's sekret
20:47.34leifmadsenrussellb: apparently I have a Leif :)
20:47.40russellbterrible joke
20:47.43leifmadsen<-- troll! :)
20:48.02leifmadsenrussellb: sign my releases!
20:48.07russellbon a conf call
20:48.09*** join/#asterisk Gershwin (~fake@unaffiliated/gershwin)
20:48.55pabelangermarkster  2007-05-23 21:23 <- most recent commit
20:51.37Gershwinanyone here have an EOC (ethernet over copper) circut provisioned?
20:51.45*** join/#asterisk edguy3 (
20:52.00russellbpabelanger: he has people for that now :-p
20:52.23Gershwineither point to point or w/a CLEC/ILEC/ISP, etc
20:55.46*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
20:58.33*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
21:01.52NEEDINGHELP123Hi guys
21:02.05NEEDINGHELP123I need an example of an h323 invite packet
21:02.53raden_workI believe hes wondering if someone has a example of a debug they can show  him from a initiated call  ..
21:03.16telnettechneedinghelp: everyone is helping you....go to the wiki and it will give you everything you need
21:03.30telnettechit isnt rocket science you know
21:03.48NEEDINGHELP123its not giving me what I need
21:03.58NEEDINGHELP123and I cannot find an example of this packet
21:04.04*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:04.04NEEDINGHELP123for h323
21:04.04telnettechkeep reading....IT WILL!!!
21:04.11russellb"H323 INVITE" does not compute
21:04.41NEEDINGHELP123but surely if you guys know someting you would be willing to put me out of misery and assist me
21:04.56NEEDINGHELP123rather than have banter and fight m way for an answer
21:05.20russellbH.225.0 is what you're looking for within H.323 ... and it's based on ISDN Q.931
21:05.28russellbthe call setup message is "SETUP"
21:05.37drmessano~shoot NEEDINGHELP123
21:06.02russellb"H.323 Network Signaling" on this page gives you an overview:
21:06.56*** join/#asterisk garymc (
21:07.48garymcHi people, I want to make a backup of my Asterisk before I upgrade to 1.6 anyone help me do this?
21:07.48NEEDINGHELP123I simply need the tcp packet that initates a call in h323
21:07.54NEEDINGHELP123I have no idea how to do it
21:08.00NEEDINGHELP123I have no idea how to see it
21:08.08NEEDINGHELP123and I simply am at my wits end
21:08.11NEEDINGHELP123I am reading
21:08.23NEEDINGHELP123as much information as everyone is giving me
21:08.44russellbwhat do you mean you need the TCP packet?
21:09.02russellbare you familiar with the OSI model for how network protocols operate?
21:09.38NEEDINGHELP123I need the application layer protocl spefication
21:10.42Qwellso download it?
21:12.31*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
21:13.09russellbyou're welcome.
21:13.41russellbsends a bill
21:14.18Kattyhungry :<
21:14.54NEEDINGHELP123but that's a hell of a lot of data ;-). Look, I have to write an application that tests my h323 phones connection. I don't need the entire protocol but I'm having a very hard time finding the information I need for this exactly. And I'm on a tight deadline as well...
21:15.16russellbi'm not writing code for your school project, heh
21:16.54NEEDINGHELP123I don't want anyone to write the code, but I'm just looking for easy documents that describe the structures involved of the data that is being sent and what the responses are.
21:17.05russellbthat's what the standards are
21:17.15russellbit's not a simple standard
21:17.24NEEDINGHELP123I can tell ;)
21:17.46Gershwinsorry, had to step away
21:17.49Gershwinyou still there pabelanger?
21:18.27Gershwindid you mean to say you've got an EOC circuit at one of your locations?
21:19.42NEEDINGHELP123the situation is this
21:19.58NEEDINGHELP123My class teacher has a project
21:20.05NEEDINGHELP123and he wants us to develop the software
21:20.16russellbyour teacher is getting you to do his work?  :-)
21:20.26NEEDINGHELP123to dial his h323 phone
21:20.29NEEDINGHELP123that is the competition
21:20.35raden_workI was just going to say .....
21:20.53raden_workget a h.323 phone :)
21:21.07NEEDINGHELP123I know but the problem is is I cant do that
21:21.19russellbinstall asterisk?
21:21.23NEEDINGHELP123I would use a call generator
21:21.23russellband tell asterisk to make a call?
21:21.43NEEDINGHELP123thats not the idea the idea is that we can create the packet in order to dial that phoen we have the details and all authenticaiton
21:21.53NEEDINGHELP123so all is easy
21:22.01NEEDINGHELP123but I must use a packet that we created
21:22.16NEEDINGHELP123if I could pull apert an open source h323 phone and see what the packet it
21:22.22raden_workI cannot believe are phone are working
21:22.24raden_work13 (  1019.066 ms   1020.974 ms   1020.831 ms
21:22.25russellbwrite an app against this library then
21:22.27raden_workto vitelity
21:22.51NEEDINGHELP123I would but I dont have the time and dont have the knowledge either
21:23.02russellbwell you're screwed
21:23.21drmessanoLet me guess, there's a monetary prize?
21:23.30NEEDINGHELP123but to send a packet across the unis network and dial a phone when I know the IP and have authentication
21:23.33NEEDINGHELP123should be easy
21:23.37*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
21:23.41russellbno, it shouldn't be easy
21:23.44NEEDINGHELP123its more an issue of respect
21:23.50NEEDINGHELP123and my teachig appreciating me
21:23.51russellbit gets no easier that writing a trivial application against an existing protocol stack
21:23.56raden_workWhats her name ?
21:24.10NEEDINGHELP123Mrs Wright
21:24.26NEEDINGHELP123professor balanksy
21:24.33drmessanoNEEDINGHELP123: Well, considering that this channel is logged and searchable with google, I hope your teacher doesn't find where you came here to solicit a SHORTCUT
21:24.37drmessanoSo much for Respect
21:24.53drmessanoF minus minus
21:24.53NEEDINGHELP123it is innovative
21:25.06raden_workdrmessano, this channel logged to a website or something  ?
21:25.08NEEDINGHELP123and if she does hcek then I will be more than happy to explain
21:25.21drmessanoraden_work: Yeah
21:25.41raden_workinteresting ..
21:25.55kn0xwomen dont know anything about voip anyway...
21:26.01NEEDINGHELP123even if I use wireshark
21:26.04drmessanoCheck the first post
21:26.13kn0xdrmessano: NSFW
21:26.32drmessanoIt's educational, not porn
21:26.39NEEDINGHELP123if I use wireshark how will I analyze the protocl
21:27.12drmessanoIf can help H323 help and some cream for that bump, he's good to go
21:27.44drmessanos/If can help/If he can get/
21:27.51drmessanobrain/keyboard fail
21:28.15drmessanoEither way, google is your friend
21:29.20drmessanoLast post was that he was trying to get closer pics with his digital camera and would check back :(
21:30.00drmessanoNEEDINGHELP123: If you use Wireshark, you ARE analyzing the protocol
21:30.14russellbdrmessano: heh, i don't know about that ...
21:30.27russellbwireshark is decoding it, it's up to the human to analyze :-)
21:31.07russellb(so no)
21:31.15drmessanoNEEDINGHELP123: If you use Wireshark, and your eyes aren't CLOSED, you ARE analyzing the protocol
21:31.32*** join/#asterisk thansen (
21:31.57NEEDINGHELP123is anyalysing
21:32.10NEEDINGHELP123but understanding it is better
21:32.10kn0xNEEDINGHELP123: you look at the packets captured... thats your call flow.
21:32.16drmessanoAnalysis is the process of breaking a complex topic or substance into smaller parts to gain a better understanding of it.
21:32.24NEEDINGHELP123because then I can get the packet =and understand where to put my details and win the frigging competition
21:32.28infobotACTION watches russellb pull the trigger:  Click!
21:32.42drmessanoand win the frigging competition <---
21:32.43infobotACTION watches kn0x pull the trigger:  Click!
21:32.45thansenI have an asterisk server registered as sip endpoint to a provide.  I just restared (without making any changes to sip.conf) and now I keep getting SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required
21:32.50drmessanoNOW we get to the bottom of it
21:33.01russellbthansen: that's normal for the first response you get
21:33.09drmessanoWhat is in it for ME, NEEDINGHELP123 ?
21:33.22russellbdrmessano: some pics
21:33.23thansenrussellb: I've been getting it for 1.5 hours :( killing business
21:33.49drmessanorussellb: ROFL
21:34.01russellbthansen: try reloading?  *CLI> module reload
21:34.30drmessanorussellb, since you're the drum master.. rimshot, plz
21:34.42thansenrussellb: same thing
21:34.44russellbcracks a mean rimshot
21:34.52russellbthansen: restart again? :-/
21:35.00*** join/#asterisk PTorres (~PTorres@
21:35.03drmessanoDid you reboot 3 times?
21:35.11Corydon76-digthansen: are you sure you made no changes?
21:35.12*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (~IceChat7@
21:35.34Corydon76-digLike, checked the timestamp on the file?
21:35.43drmessanoNEEDINGHELP123: Do NOT PM me
21:36.14thansenkeep getting [Jul 22 15:35:42] WARNING[24405]: chan_sip.c:12675 check_auth: username mismatch, have <alarmguard-801>, digest has <alarmguard-802>
21:36.26drmessanoNo, I will not help you.. and no you cannot afford my asking price
21:37.02bjhaidi installed dahdi via sudo apt-get dahdi on my ubuntu machine, just want to know if it would work well
21:37.13NEEDINGHELP123so why did you ask what is in it for me?
21:37.17NEEDINGHELP123is that not just an ass
21:37.20NEEDINGHELP123of a thing to say
21:37.28NEEDINGHELP123and then to put me down
21:37.29infobotthe enter key is not a substitute for punctuation. Use a period '.', exclamation mark '!', question mark '?', comma ',', colon ':', semi-colon ';' emdash '--', or  ellipsis '...' instead.
21:37.33kn0xNEEDINGHELP123: $150/hour
21:37.39kn0xprepaid paypal
21:37.47[TK]D-FenderNEEDINGHELP123:  ... [17:33]<drmessano>What is in it for ME, NEEDINGHELP123 ? <-- he asked what what was in it for HIM
21:37.57[TK]D-FenderNEEDINGHELP123: not YOU
21:38.07infobotACTION watches russellb pull the trigger:  Click!
21:38.12russellbcome on infobot, kill me nowww
21:38.19kn0xhaha russellb does infobot every kill anyone?
21:38.24infobotACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
21:38.26Corydon76-digrussellb: so you can go home
21:38.30drmessano~shoot NEEDINGHELP123
21:38.31Qwell~kill kn0x
21:38.32NEEDINGHELP123let me ask it straight as a dice
21:38.38infobotACTION watches russellb pull the trigger:  Click!
21:38.38NEEDINGHELP123becasue I am not getting anything here
21:38.52drmessanoNEEDINGHELP123: Let me tell you, as lumpy as a bump..
21:39.09[TK]D-FenderNEEDINGHELP123: No-one is going to waste their time on a useless project for charity for a person who doesn't execpt to have to do any work.
21:39.09russellbNEEDINGHELP123: I have given you links to protocol overview documents, the specifications for the protocol, and an implementation of the protocol.  someone else gave you a packet capture.
21:39.10russellbwhat else could you get?
21:39.16NEEDINGHELP123do you know the answer to my question
21:39.24drmessanoYes I do
21:39.28Corydon76-digNEEDINGHELP123: I'd say you're well out of your depth.  You probably need to take a few training courses, first
21:39.48russellbCorydon76-dig: heh, clearly, but he's trying to impress his female teacher and win a competition or something
21:39.59Qwellwhat does the winner get?
21:40.05russellbi don't know, but i want my cut
21:40.11Qwelland do I have to be a student to enter?
21:40.31Qwell~cut russellb
21:40.33Corydon76-digNEEDINGHELP123: how old are you?
21:40.35Qwellstupid bot
21:40.36NEEDINGHELP123no you can enter via me as a proxy
21:40.38russellb~thwack Qwell
21:40.47[TK]D-FenderNEEDINGHELP123: You clearly lack the skills that would make worthy of being considered "impressive".  Doing this for false pride as an act of charity is a waste of our time.
21:41.09NEEDINGHELP123there is nothing false about it
21:41.15NEEDINGHELP123I need to dial her phone
21:41.18NEEDINGHELP123no matter how I do it
21:41.21[TK]D-FenderNEEDINGHELP123: it is when everyone else hands you the answer
21:41.45drmessanoHe just wants to ask her out
21:41.47Corydon76-digNEEDINGHELP123: if you want to impress her, do your homework
21:41.57[TK]D-FenderNEEDINGHELP123: Am I impressive because I hire a professional boxer to fight my personal fights?
21:41.57NEEDINGHELP123no your wrong
21:42.02Corydon76-digconsistently and on time
21:42.04drmessanoYeah, and get some cream for that 5 yr old bump
21:42.08russellbit's "you're", not "your"
21:42.22russellbdrmessano: it's funny that he never told you that wasn't him, heh
21:42.25NEEDINGHELP123you come from a world of thought that is taught to you
21:42.29NEEDINGHELP123line breeding
21:42.29drmessanorussellb: Indeed
21:42.42NEEDINGHELP123I need the answers that I need so I can move on
21:42.46NEEDINGHELP123I am willing to pay for that
21:42.56drmessanoNEEDINGHELP123: Maybe of us are self taught nerds.. They don't teach "VoIP" in school
21:42.57kn0xNEEDINGHELP123: not enough.
21:42.58russellbasterisk-biz mailing list
21:43.04NEEDINGHELP123will somebody please take my F******* money and help with the ansqwer and give me the exact specs of what I need?
21:43.25kn0xslaps % around with a large trout. NEEDINGHELP123
21:43.38Corydon76-digWhat you need is a mathematics degree
21:43.38drmessano~trout NEEDINGHELP123
21:43.44drmessano~slap NEEDINGHELP123
21:43.59drmessanoNEEDINGHELP123: What did the 5 fingers say to the face?
21:44.09russellb~frag drmessano
21:44.12drmessanoI'M RICK JAMES
21:44.16russellbinfobot forgot a lot of commands :-(
21:44.27drmessanoYeah, WTF happened to it?
21:44.28raden_workinfobot loose his brain ?
21:44.33russellbguess so
21:44.38infobottimriker is probably my owner maintainer of BZFlag, member of a ton of open source projects the guy who GPL'd SCO's ABI files, giving every Linux user the right to use them ;-), or a very cool guy.
21:44.43infobot[HappyClownPBX] is currently in closed beta, approaching 12GB in size, uses Asterisk for its core, it pwns, is also now compatible with the Diahatsumashiniriki Keyotason 200LP-A11 SIP phone
21:45.02infobotsomebody said drumkilla was Russell Bryant, the Asterisk release branch maintainer <>, or someone who should be ph33r3d, or russellb
21:45.09*** join/#asterisk moy (~moy@
21:45.11russellbthat's ancient
21:45.17infobot[drmessano] the leading cause of censorship in #asterisk, maybe a Doctor, not really a mess um a no..... The Doctor is accepting new patients, <drmessano> I am not a OB/GYN but I'll have a look anyway, and is earning his reputation daily
21:45.18russellbso someone must have pruned silly stuff
21:45.39infobot[corydon] one of the most l33t Asterisk developers around.  He has been around longer than you have.
21:45.57infobotyou are, like, Russell Bryant <> or <>, the Asterisk project lead.  Blog @
21:46.06russellbinfobot is a valley girl?
21:46.24infobotwell, trixbox is SH1TB0X. Basically a CRAPPY, closed-source distro. STAY AWAY!
21:46.29*** part/#asterisk thansen (
21:46.36Corydon76-digWhat's odd is that I haven't edited mine
21:46.37raden_worklol, im outta here
21:46.45russellbwaves to raden_work
21:49.30*** join/#asterisk b14ck (~b14ck@
21:49.41NEEDINGHELP123I helped myself
21:49.52NEEDINGHELP123with some nicotine and coffeee
21:50.06NEEDINGHELP123now I still need some help
21:50.34russellbgood luck with that
21:50.34NEEDINGHELP123I offer a bounty of 500 USD for this
21:51.27NEEDINGHELP123what more can I try guys
21:51.33NEEDINGHELP123you can see that I need the assistance
21:51.34russellbyou can try more money if you want
21:51.43NEEDINGHELP123and you can see that I'm not getting anywhere
21:51.46kn0xNEEDINGHELP123: okay, let me give you my US checking account number..
21:51.47NEEDINGHELP123I will pay a price
21:51.54NEEDINGHELP123no issues
21:51.56[TK]D-FenderNEEDINGHELP123: You just offered to one person who doesnt want your money, and another who I believe might have a confict of interest in accepting it.
21:52.07kn0xNEEDINGHELP123: ...please let me know what nigerian bank you will be wiring from
21:52.20NEEDINGHELP123thats funny
21:52.36NEEDINGHELP123but seriously
21:52.45NEEDINGHELP123I cant get too much sense from anyone here
21:52.54NEEDINGHELP123I am offering a service and looing for a service
21:53.03NEEDINGHELP123what can be better than this
21:53.16NEEDINGHELP123you guys have the knowledge and I have resources
21:53.18Kattypossibly kittens.
21:53.46NEEDINGHELP123it seems totally crazy that this is the case
21:53.56Kattyno i think kittens are simply awesome.
21:54.04NEEDINGHELP123so please step forward any one that is will to help me
21:54.15Kattygonna say it now--i'm out.
21:54.24kn0xasterisk addons occassionally I am getting cdr_addon_mysql.c: Unable to query table description!!
21:54.25NEEDINGHELP123thaks katty
21:54.29Kattyi'm too busy, gotta meet Qwell in ER.
21:54.35Kattyor that's my excuse.
21:54.46NEEDINGHELP123blowdrying your hair
21:54.51Kattygod no.
21:54.59Kattyblowing drying your hair does an insane ammount of damage to it
21:55.11Kattythen you have to oil it for 2 weeks straight to get the proper moisture back in there.
21:58.31NEEDINGHELP123I did not think that it would be this hard to get a tcp packet in a protocol that is used ww on a dialy basis
21:58.41NEEDINGHELP123my tutor was having a big laugh with us
22:01.40kn0xNEEDINGHELP123: what is your assignment anyway?
22:02.44kn0xNEEDINGHELP123: why dont you ask your classmates how they are tackling the issue
22:02.54QwellKatty: going without me?!  I see how it is.
22:03.59*** part/#asterisk PTorres (~PTorres@
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22:08.00kn0xis mysql through odbc better-supported than cdr_addon_mysql?
22:08.01drmessanokn0x: His ASSignment is to annoy an IRC channel into revealing that H323 is extinct
22:08.04drmessanoFine, you GOT US
22:08.08drmessanoH323 is EXTINCT
22:08.12drmessanoThere, WE SAID IT
22:10.08NEEDINGHELP123how can it be extinct Dr?
22:10.20QwellHe's a Dr.  Don't question him.
22:10.28NEEDINGHELP123it is the most widely used protocol?
22:10.37QwellH.323?  Widely used?  No.
22:10.40kn0xdrmessano: lol
22:11.03NEEDINGHELP123I'm in a nightmare
22:11.07NEEDINGHELP123a real one
22:11.13NEEDINGHELP123please give me some insight?
22:11.31NEEDINGHELP123(regardless, I need to know about the packet)
22:12.51QwellNEEDINGHELP123: Please leave.  You've been given more than enough information.  We aren't here to do your homework for you.
22:13.03drmessanoH.323 isn't widely used.  It's widely extinct
22:13.20NEEDINGHELP123please don't mistake questions for completeing my homework
22:13.29NEEDINGHELP123I have no intention to insult anybody
22:13.40NEEDINGHELP123so far it is harmless banter
22:13.42drmessanoBesides which, those bumps
22:13.46NEEDINGHELP123and I have only been asking questions
22:13.54drmessanoYes, and we have ALL answered you
22:13.58NEEDINGHELP123so I dont understand why you would ask me to leave
22:14.06drmessanoA DEVELOPER gave you very specific info
22:14.09NEEDINGHELP123thank you for being decent human beings
22:14.17NEEDINGHELP123and assisting another with his problems
22:14.17drmessanoShalom, my friend
22:15.10NEEDINGHELP123anything I say is not going to help
22:15.18NEEDINGHELP123or get my the right answer here
22:15.29drmessanoYou got lots of answers
22:15.32NEEDINGHELP123for sure
22:15.38NEEDINGHELP123I was told to go and read
22:15.43NEEDINGHELP123and that h232 is dead
22:15.45QwellCorrect.  Go and read.
22:15.48Qwelland H.323 is dead.
22:16.26drmessano[17:05] <russellb> H.225.0 is what you're looking for within H.323 ... and it's based on ISDN Q.931
22:16.26drmessano[17:05] <russellb> the call setup message is "SETUP"
22:16.26drmessano[17:06] <russellb> "H.323 Network Signaling" on this page gives you an overview:
22:16.28*** join/#asterisk andresm (~andresm@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
22:16.32drmessanoThats what russellb told you
22:16.36drmessanoNow roll with that
22:16.46drmessanoThat was well over an hour ago
22:16.50drmessanoDUH much?
22:17.09*** join/#asterisk tompaw (
22:17.28NEEDINGHELP123okay guys
22:17.38*** join/#asterisk _zoom_ (~zoom@
22:17.39NEEDINGHELP123IF i dont get what I need I'll come back
22:17.48drmessanoPlease don't
22:17.49NEEDINGHELP123thank you for your help
22:18.16drmessanoThis isn't #h323, this is #asterisk.. You got your info
22:18.23drmessanoWhich was off topic, mostly
22:18.24bmoraca_worki can plz has halp plz!
22:18.28_zoom_hi guys, have u ever faced a problem of passing .729 over openvpn?
22:18.34drmessanoNow roll with that, and good luck with that bump
22:18.37tompawGuys, do you know of any software that would produce a graph of an audio file? (.wav)
22:18.57drmessanotompaw: An audio editor?
22:19.01bmoraca_worktompaw: nero wave editor does it...i'm sure any of the pinnacle software would as well
22:19.07tompawI want to protect my switch against FAS and I was considering passing the calls through asterisk, monitoring them and producing a graph outputs
22:19.25tompawerm... but I need something open source that I can run from *nix console
22:19.30tompawlike wav2png ;P
22:24.09*** part/#asterisk NEEDINGHELP123 (
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22:37.58Trabhello, I'm hoping someone can help me. I'm considering using asterisk as our new phone system, but I need to know if it's capable of doing a few things
22:38.12bmoraca_workTrab: ask your questions
22:38.28QwellTrab: the answer to any question you may have is "yes".
22:38.43QwellI challenge anybody to come up with something that Asterisk cannot do.
22:39.09Trabwell, we want to have multiple phone lines come in, and then when they make a call, be able to pick which number to use out. seems pretty basic to me...
22:39.17bmoraca_workQwell: queues shared between multiple boxes over a large geographic area :P
22:39.43Qwellbmoraca_work: simple.  couple lines of dialplan.
22:40.05rbd_hi guys, running asterisk 1.4.30. on a linode (Xen hypervisor) instance and ubuntu 9.10. dahdi_dummy was the stock ubuntu one, and after switching to the linux-xen kernel, compiled and loaded fine. I can even get a caller to join a meetme conference. However, after some time (around 30 seconds?) the user is kicked from the conference and Asterisk prints out: app_meetme.c:803 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo device. seems like dahdi/asterisk
22:40.15*** join/#asterisk viq (~viq@unaffiliated/viq)
22:40.19bmoraca_workQwell: and queue position is maintained over all boxes to any agent on any box?
22:40.22Trabdoes asterisk work with ringcentral?
22:40.28Qwellbmoraca_work: sure
22:40.35QwellTrab: is it SIP?
22:40.49bmoraca_workTrab: it's certainly possible...though you'll go crazy if you try to implement that with analog lines
22:41.21Trabwell, here's our problem. (and please be kind, I certainly didn't design or endorse the current system)
22:41.45Trabwe have vontage phone lines right now. and their service to us, sucks. we have spent hours working on it, and cant determine why
22:42.13Trabso, they're switching to cox analog lines instead. (we just moved, have 50mbit connection, barely using it, and vontage still sucks)
22:42.41TrabI believe they just had ring-central numbers forwarding to vontage.
22:42.55Trabwhat they want to do, is when they make a phone call out, be able to use the ring-central number
22:42.59Trab(for caller id)
22:43.05Trabbut have that integrated into the phone.
22:43.10bmoraca_workTrab: cancel the move to cox analog lines and signup with a SIP provider or something that will give you the ability to specify outbound callerid over a multi-channel connection
22:43.27Trabdoes ringcentral offer that service?
22:43.36bmoraca_worki don't know what ringcentral is
22:44.04bmoraca_workdo you just use them for toll-free?
22:44.24[TK]D-FenderTrab: I've never heard of them either in the many years I've been here
22:44.29Trabno. it's kinda like a google voice from what I gather.
22:44.37Trab basically pointless in the context of asterisk, then
22:44.48[TK]D-FenderTrab: I'd suggest porting to a decent provider that lets yous et your CallerID as other have suggested
22:45.27Trab•bmoraca_work• maybe. I'm slightly confused. this seems needlessly complicated..
22:45.30[TK]D-FenderTrab: yes, Vonage sucks.  Feel free to ditch them
22:45.37Trab(not asterisk, but the current system
22:45.43Trabthat they have in place
22:46.01bmoraca_workTrab: yes, it does seem needlessly complicated.  there's no reason to have ringcentral when you have asterisk.  i can see how they might want that in other situations, but asterisk can do all that by itself
22:46.22Trab•bmoraca_work• as far as I'm aware asterisk isn't a phone service though, right?
22:46.24Jumpieman inception was badass
22:46.29Trabso who would be providing our phone lines?
22:46.34bmoraca_workTrab: the bottom line is that with an analog line (whether they're provided via an ATA, over cable, or direct copper), you cannot specify callerid
22:46.41[TK]D-FenderTrab: Correct, * is not a SERVICE
22:46.53bmoraca_workTrab: anyone you want can provide your phone lines.  but if you use analog, you are severely restricted.
22:46.53[TK]D-FenderTrab: * is a PBX a telephony toolkit <-
22:47.16Trab•bmoraca_work• so who would provide a digital line?
22:47.27[TK]D-FenderTrab: Another ITSP <-
22:47.35infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
22:47.45bmoraca_workTrab: your local ILEC or CLECs can provide PRIs if you need that kind of capacity...or you can use an ITSP
22:48.46Trabis there one vs the other that will likely work better?
22:48.58TrabI guess my fear of this whole thing is: my boss was giving me a crapstorm over vontage sucking.
22:49.04bmoraca_worki can't stand, in my mind, anyone but them is good.
22:49.06Trabthey're trying to blame our router, our network, etc etc.
22:49.09QwellTrab: That would be because Vonage sucks.
22:49.14Traband it's really, vonage
22:49.25bmoraca_workhowever, i usually use myself as an ITSP and don't work with any others outside of wholesaling with globalpops
22:49.27Trabso with an ITSP we're not gonna have those issues?
22:49.51bmoraca_workTrab: you may have other issues, but likely not the same ones as with vonage.
22:49.58[TK]D-FenderTrab: You can. Vonage is an ITSP
22:50.05[TK]D-FenderTrab: You seem to miss the big print.
22:50.12[TK]D-FenderTrab: the point is they SUCK
22:50.29Trabokay. so even if vonage is an ITSP, I shouldn't judge all ITSP's on vonage sucking
22:50.43Trab•bmoraca_work• what is a PRI?
22:50.50infobotmethinks pri is [~pri] Primary Rate Interface, often called T1 or E1 (European Standard). E1 offers 30 ISDN B-Channels a 64kBit/s + 1 D-Channel with 64kBit/s. The T1 has 23 B-Channels + 1 D-Channel. Cards to use with *: T100P, E100P, TE410P, R1T1,R2T1,R4T1, etc.
22:51.28[TK]D-FenderTrab: PRI is a signallng used on T1 (and similar) circuits to your telco
22:51.44[TK]D-FenderTrab: note this is NOT a "data" circuit
22:51.53[TK]D-FenderTrab: TDM to the telco
22:52.10Trabgot it.
22:52.37Jumpiemessing with euro circuits got confusing when i worked at sprint
22:52.43Jumpiethe heirarchy is different
22:53.13Trabokay, so if I go with a better ITSP and use asterisk, i should have much more control. my next question is this: which ITSP can you recommend? is the first one I'm looking into
22:54.06*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
22:56.59[TK]D-FenderTrab: I'd start with , and then
22:57.02bmoraca_workTrab: yeah, a PRI is a digital voice'll give you very good control over your system, but is generally intended for higher-volume installations.
22:57.39[TK]D-FenderTrab: PRI is best, but requires a more expensive link to your telco, and a hardware interface investment
22:58.22bmoraca_workif you have a good quality internet connection and router, you can have nearly as good service from an ITSP.
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23:21.54bmoraca_workmmmmm hmmmmmmmmm
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