IRC log for #asterisk on 20100716

00:04.36*** join/#asterisk beardy (~beardy@unaffiliated/beardy)
00:06.24*** join/#asterisk jimi_ (~jimi@unaffiliated/tuxguy)
00:11.34*** join/#asterisk The-Bat (~The-Bat@
00:15.47*** join/#asterisk n3glv (
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00:27.15*** join/#asterisk nsgn (
00:27.52nsgngoodevening. this stupid grandstream handset can't seem to get DTMF to control asterisk IVR menus and such. what the heck? the dtmf palyload type is set to 101 in the phone..which is what asterisk supports is it not?
00:28.47nsgni know the IVRs are responding because calling from an outside phone works when sending tones to control the IVR
00:32.05infobotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
00:32.35nsgnjimi_, i'm aware, but there's one existing here that would be wonderful to use for this simple purpose. polycom is hands down my preference that i use everywhere i choose
00:35.05nsgnbah, it looks like this moronic phone defaults to dtmf in audio only. apparently asterisk doesnt listen for audio dtmf on local extensions. lemme see if this resolves it. didnt realize the phone wasnt sending this the way the polys do by default -_-
00:35.24*** join/#asterisk DrCron (
00:38.15nsgnbah, that did it. that is one annoying default
00:44.05*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
00:45.29*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
00:51.48ruben23hi guys what is the main function of pap2..? is it for anlaog phones being used for VOIP..?
01:02.30*** join/#asterisk itiliti (
01:02.41*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmo-1 (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
01:03.06itilitiI know this isnt an a2billing channel, but there is no one in the a2billing channel ever....Anyone have any experience with A2billing?
01:03.16itilitiI am try ing to configure it to use multiple config files.
01:03.46itilitiI have them setup, I just cant figure out where to reference them in the dialplan, and how to associate a customer with it.
01:05.53*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:18.55Mish-I'm stumped. :( - I had the SPA3000 sending inbound PSTN calls to Asterisk, now when a PSTN call comes in it shows as "Ringing" on the SPA3000, but never goes to Asterisk, no events in Asterisk, not even any UDP packets from the SPA3000, it's definitely an SPA3000 issue, but it all looks correct and I've reconfigured it from scratch, same issue
01:22.40jimi_get_ip_and_port_from_sdp: Failed to read an alternate host or port in SDP. Expect audio problems
01:22.43jimi_what does this mean?
01:40.27jimi_or this Failed to set an alternate media source on glared reinvite. Audio may not work properly on this call.
01:41.17*** join/#asterisk pabelanger-lap (
01:48.07*** join/#asterisk nsgn (
01:48.36nsgngoodevening. i'm having a frustrating issue where voicemail sent out via email never arrive. what the heck gives? i'm not extremely familiar with sendmail but have been banging at this for a while
02:02.30*** join/#asterisk DiligaF (
02:03.29DiligaFDoes anyone have experience with peering Switchvox with Asterisk? I need some help
02:05.03*** part/#asterisk DiligaF (
02:05.54*** join/#asterisk zyphlar (
02:07.16p3nguinmish-: Make sure you've set the pstn-to-voip gateway to enabled.
02:08.09pabelanger-lapnsgn: Work on sending an email outside of Asterisk first
02:10.01p3nguinnsgn: Often, default installed sendmail settings are for local relay only.  You have to change a few lines in a couple files, run a command or two afterward, and then it should work.
02:24.14ChannelZdeath to sendmail
02:25.20*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog_Mac (
02:27.24WIMPyGood for what's printed on the package.
02:38.34*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
02:41.49*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
02:44.30*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
02:53.10nsgnalright, so I can send email from my * box using sendmail at the command line but voicemail email from asterisk never makes it through. what logs can i check to see where this email is failing? it doesnt seem to log in the same spot that command line usage of sendmail does
02:58.18*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
02:58.58*** part/#asterisk LoneElf (
03:15.11*** join/#asterisk defswork (
03:15.11ChannelZnsgn: is your mailcmd in voicemail.conf calling 'sendmail', in the right place?
03:16.59*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
03:19.37*** join/#asterisk whooa (
03:28.08*** join/#asterisk xheliox (
03:29.53*** join/#asterisk KMiLo (~GeniuS@
03:35.15*** join/#asterisk soman (~somnath@
03:42.23*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
03:49.23*** join/#asterisk mboehn (
03:50.01*** join/#asterisk Shaaan (
03:50.15ShaaanHi, has anyone in here ever been able to successfuly do call broadcasting with Asterisk?
03:50.38Kyoshcall broadcasting?
03:50.57KyoshPA system?
03:51.52Shaaanno Kyosh, i guess your not familiar with Call broadcasting...
03:52.12KyoshPA system?
03:52.15Shaaanits Basicly where your able to upload a list of numbers of your customers and have asterisk call them all and play a recorded message and if there interested they press 1.
03:52.22ShaaanKyosh, GOOGLE!
03:53.16Kyoshwe usually call those "dialers"
03:53.29Kyoshand it's not specific to your "customers"
03:53.50ShaaanWell its called a dialer yes, but its more of a Call broadcasting is the technical term, or Blasting.
03:54.21Kyoshblasting, yes
03:54.37Kyoshautodialer, outbound ivr, call blasting is the act of commencing the dialer
03:55.39ShaaanYes, do you know how it can be done with asterisk or a similar Application?
03:55.43Kyoshread that
03:56.34ChannelZI call it "fucking obnoxious political calls at 8pm"
03:56.45Kyoshi get those bitches quite often
03:56.49ChannelZYou know what I really hate, is the ATTENDED autodialers.
03:57.10ChannelZYou know where you pick up the phone and say hello, and no one replies for like 3 seconds because they weren't actually there to begin wtih
03:57.28Kyoshring ring "hello?" .click click . "hello?"  click "hi hello yes hello" . . "buh bye"
03:57.53ChannelZToday I get one on behalf of my phone company (which I recently dumped) which is just irony.  You want to know why I got rid of your service, lady?  You do the math.
03:59.33Shaaanso i guess here we are starting a conversation then trying to help :P
03:59.54ChannelZI have nothing constructive to add.
03:59.59ChannelZWrite a script.
04:00.07ChannelZIt's not really rocket science
04:00.14Kyoshshaaan, did that page help?
04:00.42ChannelZPuke a bunch of call files into the spool directory and let Asterisk deal with it.  Though there is the pesky business of answering machine detection, etc
04:01.15Kyoshbah leave obscene messages
04:03.01ShaaanKyosh, yes it helps a bit i guess its more complex then i thought time to find a developer :)
04:03.29Kyoshfor those i've referred out to that page, few have said that
04:03.55Shaaanwell i would have someone do it so its done right the first time around rather then fiddling with it to be honest :)
04:04.20Kyoshi dont think its too hard
04:04.23Kyoshive never done it
04:04.45Kyoshit requires making the voice prompts, thats always fun
04:04.56ChannelZSpend some time to do it and then sell it to others for dozens of dollars
04:05.07Kyoshright, dozens
04:09.00Shaaanthats where the developer comes in :0
04:09.10Shaaanwhy do it yourself when you can pay someone to do it for you and take the headache
04:19.33*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
04:30.25Alton35they sure have some stupid shows on tv
04:30.45Alton35syfy channel: fact or faked, paranormal files
04:31.17ChannelZDancing With The Stars.. The Bachelor/ette
04:31.33ChannelZdon't get me started
04:35.10ChannelZ*anything* on MTV or E! (except The Soup)
04:36.04*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
04:38.48*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
04:39.36nsgnChannelZ, thanks for your reply. my voicemail.conf doesn't have a mailcmd line..?
04:40.10nsgnis this something with my version or can i declare the line and override the problem default?
04:40.21nsgnbecause i fiddled at the command line and got a sendmail string that works
04:40.29nsgni just couldnt get * to play with it
04:41.27ChannelZdefault is just '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t
04:41.34ChannelZit should be in the example
04:42.20ChannelZmailcmd=/usr/sbin/sendmail -t
04:44.13nsgnChannelZ, isn't in the example file for voicemail.conf either
04:44.29nsgnbut can i go ahead and throw it in voicemail.conf? i'm gonna try
04:45.40ChannelZyes, and yes it is, what version of asterisk are you using
04:46.15nsgnAsterisk 1.4.24
04:47.46ChannelZwell it's in my 1.4 supplied sample configs..
04:48.31nsgnweird. just left myself a VM with the mailcmd set and we'll see if anything happens
04:48.56nsgn! lo and behold
04:49.03nsgnfirst VM email i've gotten this * box to send me
04:49.09nsgnlemme make sure the attachment plays
04:49.42nsgnbeautiful! it plays
04:50.18nsgnChannelZ, thank you for steering me toward that command. god knows why it's non existant on my system but being able to set one manual flag on sendmail that my SMTP server requires is what did the trick
04:51.22nsgnand bonus: it plays on the iphone with no hesitation. this rocks
04:51.49ChannelZcrap your pants!
04:52.04nsgnout of curiosity..if i specify two email addresses in voicemail.conf for that extension will it address to both?
04:54.54ChannelZI don't think you can specify multiple addresses
04:55.03ChannelZprobably have to do that with a sendmail alias or something instead
04:55.55ChannelZneeds a shower and to watch tonight's Futurama
04:55.57nsgnyeah, alias was what i was just workin on. something like cheese@localhost :,
04:56.07nsgnshould be as simple as that, i'd think
04:56.20nsgnbut i'm seriously rough on sendmail so we'll see how i can screw it up
05:11.00nsgnhey, that works. i'll call it a night while things are working ;)
05:11.16nsgnnight! thanks again channelz
05:19.31*** join/#asterisk tengulre (~tengulre@
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06:19.21*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
06:24.22*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
06:41.11*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
06:47.36*** join/#asterisk Pimmetje (~Pimmetje@
06:48.23*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
06:50.05*** join/#asterisk Get_The_Fish (
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07:14.02*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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07:53.05*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:58.08*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
08:11.54*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@nat/redhat/x-zycyebjxobjleydg)
08:24.44*** join/#asterisk iamy_china (~iamy_chin@
08:26.47*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
08:32.13*** join/#asterisk iamy_china (~iamy_chin@
08:33.56Alton35haha, go to
08:36.32gr0mitFaustov, ping
08:50.08*** join/#asterisk krion (~seb@unaffiliated/krion)
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09:25.28*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@nat/redhat/x-hrjhrqbdwehngvhc)
09:26.47*** join/#asterisk FILLVAIO3 (~v_agarkov@
09:27.22FILLVAIO3Hi guys.
09:28.13iamy_chinaFILLVAIO3: Hi
09:28.38FILLVAIO3Is there possible to send vocemails only in email, and do not collect into voceimail dir?
09:38.07*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
09:39.44*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:40.14*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@nat/redhat/x-lembtcjjszyorzcg)
09:45.32*** join/#asterisk conogsm (
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10:04.19*** join/#asterisk Brismark (~whatthe@
10:04.31*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
10:04.40Brismarkanyone alive?
10:05.06Brismarkcan some one help me with streamplayer?
10:05.30Brismarkrussellb .. r u there?
10:27.50*** join/#asterisk michael-i (~michael-i@
10:30.36*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
11:08.47*** join/#asterisk Mish- (
11:09.32Mish-I'm getting nowhere with my SPA3000 inbound, it was working, now not.  I'm starting to wonder if I have an intermittant issue caused by a bad config.  Does Asterisk need to be told if I want it to listen on multiple interfaces?
11:11.03*** join/#asterisk mrchrisadams (
11:26.10*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
11:26.45*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
11:28.50*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
11:38.17*** join/#asterisk Nwab (~Benwa@unaffiliated/benwa)
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12:04.39*** join/#asterisk sysreq (~sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
12:05.51*** join/#asterisk phretor (
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12:09.41*** join/#asterisk fish-bulb (~qcstewart@nat/digium/x-rsqzubwhebbpokdo)
12:10.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
12:17.26*** join/#asterisk phretor (
12:18.11phretorhello, is there any non-official list of supported FXO cards (to be used in EU)? are not easy to get.
12:21.56[TK]D-Fenderphretor: What are your precise needs?
12:23.04phretor[TK]D-Fender: I'm preparing my first Asterisk box and it has to be able to receive calls from either the VoIP network and PSTN
12:23.39phretorI've been told to use Sangoma USB FXO cards but they are not easy to find here in EU. So I thought of using something equivalent.
12:24.37[TK]D-Fenderphretor: I wouldn't look for the USB one first.... I'd go for a card.  And please specify what kin of line you're using for PSTN <-
12:25.00phretor[TK]D-Fender: mh, all I know is that they are PSTN
12:25.28[TK]D-Fenderphretor: How do you not know the kind of line you have?
12:26.29[TK]D-Fenderphretor: Is it indeed an ANALOG line?  (not BRI, etc)?
12:26.32russellbis it a straight line or a curvy one?
12:26.40WIMPydidn't even know there were different kinds so far, but then I'm not a historian :-)
12:26.53phretor[TK]D-Fender: this is a huge building and I would have to figure out who is charge of the telephone system. In any case, which details I need to know specifically? I am pretty sure it's analog
12:27.13[TK]D-Fenderphretor: that s what you have to be completely sure of.
12:27.31phretor[TK]D-Fender: ok, so first analog vs. digital.
12:27.55*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
12:28.07[TK]D-Fenderphretor: if its analog then you need an analog FXO interface.  A lot of EU uses ISDN-BRI for smaller usage as larger PBXs use E1 (typically ISDN-PRI signalling)
12:28.32phretorok, thanks.
12:35.23*** part/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
12:38.20*** join/#asterisk eliel (~eliels@
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12:50.47*** join/#asterisk markfeatherston_ (
12:55.27*** join/#asterisk nonlinearly8 (
12:55.56nonlinearly8Hi to everybody...
12:56.37nonlinearly8I have a problem with the zaptel drivers installation
12:57.32markfeatherston_can you elaborate?
12:58.51nonlinearly8when i type make it responses that: You do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.18-128.el5 kernel installed
12:59.09markfeatherston_what distribution is this?
12:59.25markfeatherston_it needs the headers package for whatever distribution's kernel you are running
13:00.02nonlinearly8I have centos 5.3 with kernel 2.6.18-194.8.1.el5
13:01.00drmessanoyum install kernel-devel
13:01.47nonlinearly8I have already installed kernel-devel
13:02.16drmessanoDoes it match the output of uname -r
13:02.56markfeatherston_did you build your own kernel?
13:02.58drmessanoSounds like you need to reboot
13:03.27nonlinearly8uname -r output No I did not built my own kernel
13:03.33drmessanoYou're probably behind on a kernel update.  Reboot and your kernel will match the installed headers
13:03.42drmessanoThen you can install
13:03.48nonlinearly8sorry I mean No I did not built my own kernel
13:04.03markfeatherston_nonlinearly8: heh, we get that, but you need to reboot
13:04.22drmessanoReboot and run make again.  it will work
13:04.28markfeatherston_centos will push out updates occasionally, and there must have been a kernel releas you haven't updated to yet
13:04.30drmessanoI explained that
13:04.37*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
13:04.39drmessano[09:03] <drmessano> You're probably behind on a kernel update.  Reboot and your kernel will match the installed headers
13:05.08nonlinearly8I will try I will come back...
13:05.11*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:05.16mort_gibI need some info on recording calls using MixMonitor
13:05.33mort_gibI have issues when calls are transferred
13:06.08mort_gibDoes anyone have any input??
13:08.03drmessanononlinearly8: Unless you are planning to reboot, you should run yum update with --exclude=kernel, otherwise your -devel package is going to match the kernel you just installed (but are not running) and anything that requires those to match (like zaptel and dahdi) will fail until you've rebooted
13:09.45markfeatherston_mort_gib: issues could mean a lot of things.  you have to explain this better or nobody can help you
13:10.37markfeatherston_mort_gib: is it disconnecting when it's transferred?
13:11.42Faustovcan i send register() to a certain context or does it always have to be an extension?
13:12.20mort_gibmarkfeatherston_: OK, if an incoming call is transferred I can get the entire call recorded using AUDIOHOOK_INHERIT
13:12.59mort_gibmarkfeatherston_: But if the call is made from, say a receptionist and later passed on to another phone internally, the recording stops
13:13.13FaustovI could of course use extension with a goto to the right context - but I guess that's a workaround
13:15.18markfeatherston_mort_gib:  It seems this was an attemped fix, but this may have not been corrected
13:15.51nonlinearly8I come back...
13:16.51nonlinearly8I have to correct something that I said...
13:17.00*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
13:17.00*** mode/#asterisk [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
13:17.15nonlinearly8the uname -r output the same
13:17.46nonlinearly8but I can not find the source
13:18.30nonlinearly8It appears a /etc/src/kernels with newer version
13:18.52[TK]D-Fendernonlinearly8: It isn't jsut the source <-  You need headers, etc and there is another package or so that can throw off a misleading error like that
13:18.58[TK]D-Fendernonlinearly8: READ ->>
13:19.06[TK]D-Fendernonlinearly8: For the list of dependencies
13:19.18mort_gibmarkfeatherston_ I haven't tried the /n "fix" but I suppose I can try
13:19.49*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (~anonymous@pdpc/supporter/active/zeeek)
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13:20.01ZeeekHay now
13:20.27nonlinearly8But the book says that must have the source or a link to that in the /etc/src
13:20.38[TK]D-Fendernonlinearly8: ALSO.
13:20.43mort_gibmarkfeatherston_ Thanks anyway
13:20.48[TK]D-Fendernonlinearly8: there are a lot of other dependencies.  Now go read
13:20.51markfeatherston_mort_gib: np
13:22.02Zeeek[TK]D-Fender still going strong, cool
13:24.09[TK]D-Fender[09:18]<[TK]D-Fender>nonlinearly8: READ ->>
13:24.32drmessanoInstall KERNEL-DEVEL and it will take care of the needed dependencies
13:24.34nonlinearly8But my problem has not to do with all the insallation
13:24.39Zeeekwhat is an E-SBC?
13:24.48nonlinearly8I did
13:24.53drmessanoThen REBOOT
13:24.57nonlinearly8I did
13:25.10*** join/#asterisk ttwhy (
13:26.31[TK]D-Fendernonlinearly8: Install ALL of the pakcages that page lists
13:27.05nonlinearly8How can I have the kernel 2.6.18-128 and the source in /etc/src/kernels has a directory to 2.6.18-194?
13:27.53[TK]D-Fendernonlinearly8: Because you have outdated stuff.  Go yum update and/or re-install your packages
13:29.20nonlinearly8I will try...
13:30.14*** join/#asterisk pyite (~dschreibe@unaffiliated/pyite)
13:30.26phretor[TK]D-Fender: apparently on this building everything is VoIP and old PSTN terminals use PSTN-over-VoIP
13:30.54[TK]D-Fenderphretor: Then you don't need any kind of interface card for your "lines"
13:31.16phretor[TK]D-Fender: I'd just need an ethernet card and the IP of the VoIP concentrator
13:31.24chazzamnonlinearly8: if you installed an updated kernel and rebooted, your grub config may be booting the wrong kernel
13:31.41chazzamerr, and you are still not running the right kernel version
13:31.43[TK]D-Fenderphretor: ITSP that is, yes
13:33.53*** join/#asterisk ttwhy (
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13:42.10*** join/#asterisk TheDavidFactor (
13:44.21ickmundI'm having some problems with Asterisk 1.6.9 not receiving an ACK to finalize an initial invite and call is cut after 20 seconds of re-sending the 200 OK. I notice that Asterisk is not adding a record-route with its IP, which as I understand things it should. Is this a bug, a configuration issue or a misunderstanding on my part?
13:46.01[TK]D-Fenderickmund: that isn't a real * version, and I'm not seeing a pastebin of the SIP DEBUG to trace
13:47.47ickmundIf I re-phrase things as: In theory, should * always add itself to record-route in the 200 OK?
13:48.49[TK]D-Fenderickmund: Not sure.  * isn't a SIP router so I'm not sure that'd be the behaviour you'd see
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13:55.41ZeeekSession Border Controllers and their relation to SIP in about 2 hours on VUC - http://vuc.Me and #vuc right here on Freenode
13:58.56Naikrovekis thinking of setting up a TF2 server at work.
13:59.27*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
14:00.20[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: I miss the old office FPS lunch times we used to have.
14:00.57Naikroveksame here
14:01.19Naikrovekwhen i worked at Verio part of the interview process was Quake II deathmatch skills
14:01.25Naikrovekwe wound up playing tons of starcraft though
14:01.50*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
14:01.54drmessanoI used to play Command and Conquer with a former General Manager
14:02.15drmessanoMade it a necessity to keep the network running up to par
14:02.51Naikrovekwhen quake 1 came out we'd have deathmatches (we were an ISP so there were always people coming in to play) and we'd MURDER the network.
14:02.58Naikrovekthat game used all available bandwidth
14:03.03Naikrovekall available
14:03.09Naikrovekeven things like DNS lookups would fail
14:03.38Naikrovekit was
14:04.06phretorwhat's the difference between Asterisk and AsteriskNOW? Just user friendly-ness?
14:04.26Faustovyes, asterisk is more user friendly
14:04.29Naikrovekasterisk is software that must be installed on a linux OS
14:04.39*** join/#asterisk SaiSoma (
14:04.46NaikrovekAsteriskNOW is a linux distribution with asterisk included, and a web GUI as well
14:05.49SaiSomahey guys, I have a digium TDM800P hooked to analog 1fbs and I'm getting serious . .I hesitate to call it echo, more like strong sidetone.  Only on my side, the remote end works fine.  any ideas?
14:06.31SaiSoma1.6.2.7 asterisk, dahdi 2.3.0
14:06.43chazzamgo to first then
14:06.53chazzamthere were issues in 2.3.0 with analog cards
14:07.00SaiSomadoing so now
14:09.06phretorah I See
14:10.09*** join/#asterisk MrJones (
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14:10.39MrJoneshow exactly would I do a phone extension to my capi calls coming from a single number so I can access multiple, different phones through it?
14:11.01MrJonessome sort of tutorial or so would be nice, the ones I found deal with administration GUIs and other things to configure this
14:11.04wpbrownDo you guys recommend any call center reporting packages that work well with Asterisk?
14:11.32MrJonesand simply adding the extension to the incoming exten number command doesn't work since the additional digits don't get passed on it seems
14:11.48MrJones(it gets immediately routed to the default number without any additional digits I typed into my phone)
14:11.57nonlinearly8thanks to everybody specially [TK]D-Fender...I updated and ok...
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14:17.07SaiSomachazzam: updated.  still sidetone/echo locally
14:17.21chazzamhmm, and you've run fxotune ?
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14:18.17SaiSomanope.  all new to the analog/asterisk thing.  typically have used sip trunks before.  i'll find docs on it.  I don't mean to be ignorant, just point me in the right direction and I'll work to correct it:).
14:18.31chazzamheh, aiigt
14:18.47chazzamif the system had zaptel before, then make sure to run the dahdi one from /usr/sbin/fxotune
14:19.01SaiSomanah, new build.  dahdi only, but thanks
14:19.06MrJonesso how can I make asterisk record additional dialed numbers before immediately diving into the incoming context and pick the exten line there?
14:19.23MrJonesto make up longer numbers than the original base number of my capi device
14:19.26chazzamsomething like <stop asterisk> fxotune -i 4; fxotune -s; <start asterisk>
14:19.53chazzamis generally enough for most people
14:20.11chazzamcan take a while depending on how many fxo ports you have though
14:20.29SaiSoma*nod*.  only 8.  it's running now
14:20.39SaiSomalow usage lines, so it's not a big deal
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14:21.55chazzamkay, it'll run through all the ones you don't have up to 255, so don't get scared
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14:22.19chazzambut it'll fly through those
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14:24.32Naikrovekhmm TF2 server is like 3GB to download.  that will choke the office T1 for some time
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14:32.00SaiSomachazzam: ahh .the wonders of fxotune.  not perfect, but the sidetone is more than manageable now.  thanks!
14:32.14*** join/#asterisk Shaaan (
14:32.51chazzamheh, yay!
14:32.58chazzamit might be further tweakable
14:33.09chazzamwhat got written out to /etc/fxotune.conf?
14:33.39chazzamthey may all be the same, so an example of a line would suffice in that case
14:33.50SaiSomaexcept 8
14:33.54SaiSomawhich is all 0s
14:34.05SaiSomait had almost no "echo" before"
14:35.06SaiSomabah.  spoke too soon.  echo back.
14:35.18chazzamhmm, yeah all 0s. if you run fxotune again with -v -p, it will print out the parameters it is going through, and you can pick one of the ones from the top five list made by -p
14:35.23SaiSomaexcept on 8
14:35.26chazzamthen just fill in those values
14:35.30chazzamin the file
14:35.36chazzamremoving spaces and stuff
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14:35.58chazzamand what is the number of taps shown in the cli when you run 'dahdi show channel 1' ?
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14:36.11SaiSoma1 tap
14:36.30chazzamthat means echo cancellation isn't enabled
14:36.49chazzamtry turning it on and see if it changes at all?
14:36.56*** part/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
14:37.14chazzamit may not, but why not try kicking it on and off eh?
14:38.40SaiSomammm.  i must be misunderstanding.  in /etc/dahdi/system.conf i have echocanceller=mg2,1-8
14:38.59SaiSomathat doesn't do it then.  something have to go in /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf too maybe?
14:39.29chazzamechocancel={yes,128,256,512,1024} type stuff
14:39.34chazzambut yes==128
14:39.44SaiSoma*nod*  reading now
14:39.58chazzamand for hardware echocan, any (positive) number == yes
14:40.02chazzamI believe
14:41.17*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~anonymous@pdpc/supporter/active/zeeek)
14:41.31SaiSomatesting now. channel 1 has 128 taps
14:42.02SaiSomastill echoing.  running the fxotune -v -p
14:42.09*** part/#asterisk rafael-ec (~rafael@
14:44.18SaiSomaas a side note, a butt set on the lines directly gets 0 echo/sidetone problems.  probably doesn't matter, but just an FYI
14:48.22chazzamhmm, ok. does this card have the purple vpmadt032 module attached?
14:52.24SaiSomamm.  i don't know.  it's in the server in a rack
14:52.41SaiSomais that the hardware echo cancellor?
14:54.15SaiSomaany way to tell without physically looking?
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14:55.27chazzamdahdi_scan or dmesg or cat /proc/dahdi/1 might tell you
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14:56.30chazzamwhat values did you pick for fxotune from the -p?
14:57.33SaiSoma#3 on here:
14:57.43SaiSomaonly using one port at a time for testing
14:58.21SaiSomato make those setttings take effect, i edit /etc/fxotune.conf, stop asterisk, restart dahdi, start asterisk, right?  am i missing anything?
15:00.36SlatorI'm trying to set up a way of logging some or all users out from their devices at the end of the day.
15:00.57SlatorI've written a macro for this, but would ideally find a way of doing it from the CLI
15:01.28SaiSomaok, this is interesting
15:01.46SaiSoma  it appears that hardware ec is on port 8 (which sounds good) but not on the others.
15:01.55SaiSomasomehow my config must be messed up?
15:02.03[TK]D-FenderSlator: Please elaborate on this "logging out"....
15:02.23Slatorsystem is in device and user mode. Users log in to a device in the morning using *11
15:02.33Slatorthen should log out at the end of the day with *12
15:02.39Slatorbut often forget
15:03.23SlatorI already have a system to clear all the call users from the queues but there doesn't seem to be a command to manipulate or even show logins at the CLI
15:03.32MrJoneshmm. I dare toask again, hoping someone has an idea (and it isn't a too newbish question): when I get a call from my CAPI device, asterisk goes to the respective context and fetches the "exten" line with that number. that's fine, but if I dial additional numbers asterisk will still fetch the "exten" line with the original number, not one of the additional numbers
15:03.49MrJonesso how can I make "subnumbers" then and have asterisk wait for those additional numbers and get the respective exten line with those numbers being appended?
15:04.30[TK]D-FenderSlator: Go look at the dialplan code that uses and make your own dummy form and dump a bunch of call-files or AMI/CLI Originates pointed to that dialplan  in a scripted manner
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15:05.53[TK]D-FenderMrJones: Make an exten for that part of the pattern * grabs in the manner you consider "premature", and run a silent IVR to collect the remaining digits and include the timeout.
15:06.34SlatorI knocked up the macro earlier, but I need a way to do this from the asterisk CLI.
15:06.47SlatorWouldn't originate need to have someone pick up a phone
15:07.00[TK]D-FenderSlator: Told you already : call files, or AMI/CLI Originate <-
15:07.07[TK]D-FenderSlator: No.
15:14.41*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
15:15.36SlatorTK: What do you suggest that I use for the other channel in the originate command?
15:16.13[TK]D-FenderSlator: chan_local naturally......
15:16.15Slatoror should I define another macro to just tit there for a bit then hang up?
15:16.28[TK]D-FenderSlator: Congratulations, you seem to be catching on...
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15:17.44MrJones[TK]D-Fender: do you know a good tutorial for that? or an example config how this would look like - IVR seems to be a wide field to learn
15:18.17[TK]D-FenderMrJones: It isn't.  Its about 6 lines of dilaplan for your complete solution
15:18.35[TK]D-FenderMrJones: WIKI / Book time.
15:21.20SaiSomachazzam: bah!  I think I found it.  line 8, no echo.  move physical wiring on telco demarc (swap 7/8), echo moves to 8, 7 clear.  change back and then reverse 7/8 at the card, same result, so it's not the port, it's the wiring
15:21.22chazzamSaiSoma: hmm, I don't think hwec can be turned on/off for particular ports on a card
15:21.51SaiSomachazzam: yea, sorry on that one, the port was active when i looked.  that indicator appears on active ports so it seems
15:21.55chazzamheh, but to ask an earlier question, fxotune -s is what applies the parameters from /etc/fxotune.conf
15:22.07SaiSomachazzam: *nod* and thanks
15:22.13Slatorsaisoma: waterlogged pair maybe.  Try yelling at BT
15:22.29MrJones[TK]D-Fender: is there a specific name for the directive that will fetch additional numbers for me? so I can jump to the right section in the docs
15:22.32SaiSomaSlator: nah.  just running across server room from the physical card to the demarc
15:22.52Slatorif it's that short a run, I'd just replace the cable
15:23.48[TK]D-FenderMrJones: WaitExten
15:24.05MrJonesthanks :)
15:24.14Kobazevery time i see the name MrJones i keep thinking of the counting crows song
15:25.01SaiSomaSlator: yup. omw.  bbiab
15:25.23[TK]D-FenderKobaz: I play it...
15:25.51[TK]D-FenderKobaz: And tonight is another paying gig.
15:26.32Kobazoh, nice
15:26.48Kobazi've been playing guitar for about a year
15:26.57Kobazhaven't gotten into singing yet
15:28.00chazzamSaiSoma: you're welcome! glad you got it figured out
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15:38.24xhelioxdammit to hell, now I'm singing that friggin song.
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15:47.25DogBoywhat song? "stairway to gilligan's island"?
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15:50.15coppicestairway to devon
15:51.34telnettech`Mr Jones and me...wanna be a big staaaaaarrr'
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15:58.28MrJoneshi. I tried using waitexten now and it looks like this: expected result: I dial xxx 914880102 and get immediately into the 02 extension. actual result: the call is still handled by the default extension and as soon as asterisk is taking/answering the call, I need to enter 02 manually and additionally
15:58.43MrJonesso I cannot simply append it to the original phone number when doing the initial call which was what I intended to achieve
15:59.27MrJonessomeone having an idea what I might do so adding it to the original number works aswell? (given that's possible at all)
15:59.36MrJonesif that helps ,it's a capi connection and not some voip thing
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16:29.50kukuAnyone know of an issue with recording calls on transfers ?
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16:36.40telnettechMr Jones: have you tried a GotoIf statement in your current dialplan?
16:37.10MrJonestelnettech: I read about Direct Inward Dial (DID) now
16:37.10Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
16:37.22MrJonesis it possible that the phone company will simply not pass on those additional digits at the end of the dialed number?
16:37.28MrJonesif it's not "activated"
16:37.45MrJonesso users will always need to dial them AFTER actually dialing the base number to connect to the asterisk if that's not activated
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16:38.20MrJoneswhich is a bit odd and only useful for playing an audio file saying "Welcome to blah. If you want to speak to section a, press 1. IF you want to..." but not for direct dials
16:38.30telnettechso you need to setup an simple IVR that once the called dials the DID number the caller then needs to decide which person they want
16:38.58MrJonesit seems I don't get the full DID number but only the truncated base number
16:39.07MrJonesWaitForExten() will also just fetch additionally pressed numbers AFTER the actual dial
16:39.13MrJonesof which additional digits are simply omitted
16:39.16MrJonesno idea how to fetch them
16:39.24[TK]D-FenderMrJones: So whats wrong with the code you've shown?  Also you need to ANSWER first
16:39.31MrJonesyea I added that for now
16:39.38telnettechthat is where a GotoIf statement can come in
16:39.47MrJones[TK]D-Fender: I don't know. nothing maybe? it might be possible the phone company needs to support DID if I get that feature right
16:39.58[TK]D-FenderMrJones: Show us the failed call
16:40.45telnettechTK .....couldnt he do a GotoIf statement like GotoIf($[${EXTEN}=01]?01,1:)
16:41.02MrJonesso I dialed actually 9148801-01
16:41.08MrJonesand that's how it looks like in the asterisk output:
16:41.42MrJonesit doesn't seem to get that additional -01 of the original dial and WaitForExten() only waits for digits entered manually by the caller after the initial call
16:41.58[TK]D-FendermrHow long did it actualy wait for the timeout?
16:42.15MrJones5 seconds, you can hear the silence prompted by Answer()
16:42.21MrJonesand if you enter 01 during that time it works
16:42.36[TK]D-Fender[12:40]<telnettech>TK .....couldnt he do a GotoIf statement like GotoIf($[${EXTEN}=01]?01,1:) <--- umm... wow.. caffeine time bro :)
16:42.40MrJoneswell, 1 actually... switched to one digit since for two I probably need two WaitForExten(), haven't tried that yet
16:42.57MrJonesthe exten is 0148801
16:43.02MrJoneseven if I dialed 91488011
16:43.05telnettechcorrect cause the telco is ignoring have told the telco that you want 7 digits for your DID
16:43.12[TK]D-FenderMrJones: use _X and see if you get ANYTHING
16:43.27drmessanoYou can't pass additional digits until asterisk is in the loop
16:43.39telnettechTK.....whats wrong with my GotoIf statement? :0)
16:43.47drmessanoDialing two extra digits before the call is even switched will just send them to the bitbucket
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16:44.23MrJonesdrmessano: how is it done then?
16:44.36MrJonesdo telcos normally fetch those and add them to the original call?
16:44.50drmessanoYou can't arbitrarily add extra digits to a number
16:45.43drmessanoOnce Asterisk answers the call, your waitexten can wait for the 01, 02, etc
16:45.55drmessano(no, you dont need a WaitExten for each digit)
16:46.44MrJonesah ok
16:47.03MrJonesdrmessano: but the user will always need to dial 01 manually? and any appended stuff to the original, dialed number gets thrown off
16:47.25MrJonesthanks for making that clear
16:47.25telnettechMr Jones.....the point is that the Asterisk box has to answer the call and then you can dial the digits for the callers you want.....there is no way around that part
16:47.26drmessanoYour lucky what you're dialing is even being passed at ALL
16:47.28[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: LOTS
16:48.06drmessanoMrJones:  I've never seen a case where dialing 55512129999 was passed as 5551212 and the 9999 was ignored
16:48.07[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: GotoIf($[${EXTEN}=01]?01,1:)  <-- first if the ${EXTEN} is 01 you then jump to.. THE SAME EXTEN.  Loop
16:48.40MrJonesdrmessano: huh?
16:48.46drmessanoMrJones: Normally, most telco switched would stab you in the throat and dump the call
16:48.50telnettechthat is the exten => that he wanted it to go to if someone pressed 01
16:49.01MrJonesdrmessano: that happens here though
16:49.04[TK]D-FenderMrJones: Look at the channel debug for your call.
16:49.10[TK]D-FenderMrJones: See what BRI passes on.
16:49.32MrJonesdrmessano: but I see, we will simply need to register those subnumbers with the telco then
16:49.40drmessanoOk, great.. It's actually IGNORING the extra digits and completing the call... However, don't expect those extra digits to get passed
16:50.21[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: NO DCC
16:50.34[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: std /msg
16:51.06telnettechok sorry
16:52.57[TK]D-Fender[12:48]<[TK]D-Fender>telnettech: GotoIf($[${EXTEN}=01]?01,1:) <-- first if the ${EXTEN} is 01 you then jump to.. THE SAME EXTEN. Loop
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17:23.22rbdanyone have a good, cheap, per minute outbound SIP trunk provider they can recommend?
17:23.37infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
17:23.57infobotmethinks trunk is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term.
17:24.21rbdSIP termination provider, then :)
17:24.31infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
17:24.40p3nguinITSP is a better term.
17:24.51Teknickali've had very good success so far with sipstation, but that is unlimited minutes not per minute
17:25.30rbdyeah...I'm using didforsale for inbound...outbound would harly be used, so I was looking for something that didn't cost per month...was just a per minute thing
17:25.50p3nguinIf you want metered channels (and you said you do), will be my recommendation.
17:26.29*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
17:26.31TeknickalI'm kinda new here, so I don't want to seem like a jerk just jumping in with my problems, but hoping someone here can help me debug an asterisk 1.2 system
17:26.41TeknickalI did not build this system so I know very little about it
17:27.06Teknickallooking at the asterisk -r output I see a lot of warnings
17:27.54mmlj4so pastebin them
17:28.02infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:28.47TeknickalI don't want to flood it so I'll just abbreviate stuff
17:28.58Teknickalheres one that comes up a lot, just unsure what it means:
17:29.00[TK]D-FenderTeknickal: PASTEBIN <---------------
17:29.12Teknickalalright, sheesh
17:29.25[TK]D-FenderTeknickal: And don't be too conservative in what you show us.  You'll likely end up cutting off the import parts
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17:30.35Teknickalthats just one of many, i'm culling through the logs now to find more
17:30.57[TK]D-FenderTeknickal: *1.2 is full of deadlock issues, and theya re NOT getting fixed at this point.
17:31.04[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: What precise version are you on?
17:31.19*** part/#asterisk drumkilla (~russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
17:32.02DogBoyheh, got asterisk 1.6 install on seagate freeagent dockstar
17:32.24Teknickali know its outdated, but they've got some much junk running on this system its going to be a nightmare to upgrade
17:32.46TeknickalI'm suggesting getting a second box, running it in parallel until we get everything transitioned, and then dumping the current
17:33.02[TK]D-FenderTeknickal: We're on 1.2.40  At a MINIMUM upgrade to the latest in your branch
17:33.04p3nguinYou could just upgrade if the hardware is still good.
17:33.11*** part/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
17:33.25TeknickalI plan on it, but I have no idea what it will break
17:33.38Teknickalthey are using some kind of autodialer but I dont know anything about it
17:34.05[TK]D-FenderTeknickal: Fear of the random unknown is SAID.  You have problems NOW.  If your unjustified fear worth more than solving the problem you are showing us?
17:34.12Teknickalits a mess...ive done plenty of new installs, but don't have much experience fixing asterisk because my boxes always work so beautifully
17:34.56Teknickali know what you're saying fender, trust me, but I only started working on this an hour ago
17:35.07TeknickalI'm not in a rush
17:36.39[TK]D-FenderTeknickal: Well 1.2 as a branch has all sorts of issues in core design.  these things happen.
17:36.52[TK]D-FenderTeknickal: You are currently 4 branches behind
17:37.05[TK]D-FenderTeknickal: And on one that has no more bug-fixes coming.
17:37.13TeknickalFully agree...I started using Asterisk on 1.4 and any time I see a 1.2 system its always buggy
17:37.45Teknickalstupid question here, but can I upgrade to the latest 1.2 branch without taking down the system?
17:38.22p3nguinYou'll have to restart asterisk, but other than that, probably.
17:38.22[TK]D-FenderTeknickal: Of course you have to restart *
17:38.25TeknickalDidn't think so
17:38.37p3nguinRestarting asterisk isn't hard.
17:38.53p3nguinand only takes a few seconds, if there are no calls at the time.
17:39.20p3nguinDId 1.2 have restart gracefully or restart when convenient?
17:40.05Teknickalwhats the easiest way to see how many calls are in progress in 1.2
17:40.16Kobazdoes restart when convenient still block all new incoming calls until it restarts?
17:40.26KobazTeknickal: show channels
17:40.28*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
17:40.35Teknickalwhen convenient still takes calls, just restarts when there is no activity
17:40.37p3nguingracefully does that, when convenient restarts when there are no calls.
17:40.51Kobazah okay
17:41.11Kobazi once used gracefully on a high volume production system, and i'm like... oh shit,, it's blocking calls now
17:41.21Kobaztook me a little while to figure out how to unlock it
17:41.30p3nguinYou can undo it?
17:41.40Kobazyeah it's like cancel restart, or something like that
17:42.08TeknickalRight now there are about 40 calls in progress...I think I'll wait until tonight
17:42.28Kobazp3nguin: ever since then i always restart manually
17:42.38telnettechTK....sorry had to take care of something...... using 1.4.22
17:42.47TeknickalI truly appreciate all the help you guys are offering, btw
17:42.50p3nguinI hate waiting, so I don't like "when convenient" nearly as much.
17:42.50Kobazp3nguin: "abort shutdown"
17:44.01Kobazi gotta upgrade this system at some point
17:44.15Kobazi have to restart it every few days because it leaves open file handles in sip
17:44.18[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: Umm... I never asked you :)
17:44.41[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: Never NEAMT to :)
17:45.02b14ckHey everyone, I've got a very finnicky problem here with a new install. I've been trying to figure it out for ~2 days now, to no avail.
17:45.17b14ckHere's a pastebin which contains the problem description at the top, and all the relevant configuration files:
17:45.27*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@
17:45.31[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: Your 2 nicks are the same length and same first 2 letters... completely missed that one...
17:45.42b14ckBasically, to summarize: I cannot load because Asterisk thinks that my sip.conf contains #include directives to files which do not exist.
17:46.06[TK]D-Fenderb14ck: Yup, pretty clear error
17:46.14*** join/#asterisk m_c_le (~marcello@2001:470:1f0b:d4b:2e0:4dff:fe6c:9372)
17:46.17b14ck[TK]D-Fender, did you check out my pastebin?
17:46.21[TK]D-Fenderb14ck: Yes
17:46.22b14ckIt's super weird.
17:46.25b14ckWhat's the problem?
17:46.27[TK]D-Fenderb14ck: Nope
17:46.36Kobazlooks pretty obvious to me:   ---> /nfs/aserisk/maain/sip/sip_main.conf
17:46.40[TK]D-Fenderb14ck: Seriously?
17:46.44[TK]D-Fenderb14ck: Are you even reading?
17:46.46Kobazdo you always spell main with two a's?
17:46.50[TK]D-Fenderb14ck: [2010-07-16 12:43:40] ERROR[9982]: config.c:1098 process_text_line: The file '/nfs/aserisk/maain/sip/sip_main.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist. <--- 2 x "a"
17:46.55b14ckKobaz, [TK]D-Fender, look down one section
17:47.00*** join/#asterisk jpmcallister (~ec06113@
17:47.02b14ckIn the part where I pastebin my /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
17:47.10b14ckThat file does NOT contain the spelling that asterisk is outputting.
17:47.11[TK]D-Fenderb14ck: /nfs/asterisk/main/sip/sip_main.conf
17:47.28b14ckMy sip.conf says:
17:47.31Kobazb14ck: something tells me you're not showing us everything
17:47.33p3nguintwo probablems.
17:47.35b14ck#include "/nfs/asterisk/main/sip/sip_main.conf"
17:47.41b14ckAsterisk says:
17:47.49Kobazb14ck: cd /nfs/asterisk; grep maain * -R
17:47.49b14ckhe file '/nfs/aserisk/maain/sip/sip_main.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist."
17:47.59p3nguinDid you reload the files?
17:48.09*** join/#asterisk mbowie (
17:48.23p3nguinOh, you're trying to load the module, nevermind.
17:48.30[TK]D-Fenderb14ck: You aren't looking at the right file in the right place or similar
17:48.39Kobazb14ck: grep grep grep
17:48.51b14ck[TK]D-Fender, I've grepped every single *conf file in my /nfs/asterisk directory, none of them contain 'maain'
17:48.59b14ckOk, I'll paste the greps.
17:49.14[TK]D-Fenderb14ck: Why do you have sip.conf in /nfs AND in /etc ?
17:49.23p3nguingrep -r aserisk /
17:49.30Kobazb14ck: and grep /etc/asterisk for maain too
17:49.36[TK]D-Fender <-- this shows configs in /nfs
17:49.40b14ckThe files are all /nfs/asterisk/blah, but it is symlinked to /etc/asterisk
17:49.48b14ckSo that Asterisk can use the same config files on multiple servers.
17:49.59Kobazb14ck: sounds like a bad design... but... continue
17:50.16[TK]D-Fender <-- here you are shoing us ***ETC* sip.conf
17:50.37b14ckHere's my grep output:
17:50.49b14ck[TK]D-Fender, /etc/asterisk/sip.conf is a symlink to /nfs/asterisk/sip.conf
17:50.54mbowieGood day folks. I've had someone suggest Asterisk as the solution to a problem and I'm not sure if it's possible based on what I've read. It was basically suggested to use to TA's with Asterisk in the middle to simulate a local extension to a branch PBX.  Is that doable and if so, what's the terminology I should be googling?
17:50.56Kobazb14ck: no
17:51.04p3nguin(1249.23) <p3nguin> grep -r aserisk /
17:51.07Kobazb14ck: no no no
17:51.07[TK]D-Fenderb14ck: I see 2 places and nothing that backs it up
17:51.21Kobazb14ck: cd /etc/asterisk; grep maain * -R; cd /nfs/asterisk; grep maain * -R
17:51.22b14ck[TK]D-Fender, gotcha, let me do another pastie.
17:51.30p3nguin(1251.03) <p3nguin> (1249.23) <p3nguin> grep -r aserisk /
17:51.43Naikrovekp3nguin: is recursing again
17:52.01pabelanger-lapmbowie: TA's?
17:52.13Kobazp3nguin: why would you want to do that?
17:52.33b14ckKobaz, this will take a few minutes, there's a lot of files in here
17:52.33p3nguinYou know what grep does, so you already know why.
17:52.42Kobazb14ck: don't do anything fancy... just do those
17:52.43mbowiepabelanger-lap: Telephony adapters... although I suppose that's irrelevant really.
17:52.49Kobazwhat the hell do you have in there
17:52.55b14ckKobaz, there's a *lot* of code in there, and
17:53.03b14ckAlso soundfiles for version control purposes
17:53.05Naikrovekit's probably something like non-printable characters in the text files.  delete the include line and retype it by hand
17:53.08b14ckIt's complex.
17:53.15b14ckNaikrovek, already did that.
17:53.17*** part/#asterisk m_c_le (~marcello@2001:470:1f0b:d4b:2e0:4dff:fe6c:9372)
17:53.24Naikrovekb14ck: k
17:53.26*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
17:53.48Kobazb14ck: obviously you have maain somewhere in your config... and so far you haven't found it by just looking at where you're thinking to look... so you might as well look at everything
17:53.51pabelanger-lapb14ck: try: #include '/nfs/asterisk/main/sip/sip_main.conf' (in your sip.conf)
17:54.06pabelanger-lapb14ck: single quotes
17:54.10b14ckpabelanger, ok
17:54.15Kobazb14ck: either that, or it's some crazy-weird asterisk bug... but it sounds very much configuration
17:54.29pabelanger-lapKobaz: yes, it is
17:54.30b14ckKobaz, I've had a lot of experience setting up / using asterisk, never seen this before.
17:54.38b14ckThis happened after an asterisk upgarde
17:54.44b14ckThe config files have not been modified.
17:54.55b14ckBut I don't doubt it could be a config issue
17:54.58b14ckWhich is why I'm asking =p
17:55.12Kobazjust find your maain... if you can't... well... time to start digging through the asterisk code
17:55.13Naikrovektime for some sanity checks
17:55.13[TK]D-Fenderit is.  Files aren't where you think they are, etc.
17:55.21[TK]D-Fenderb14ck: You are overlooking something basic
17:55.36[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: No... he is quite clearly insane... no need to check ;)
17:55.37b14ck[TK]D-Fender, I'm sure you're right. That's why I'm here. Thanks for all the help so far :)
17:56.10b14ckhey pabelanger if i use single quotes I get a new error messsage oO
17:56.11b14ckI get: [2010-07-16 12:55:45] ERROR[10181]: config.c:1098 process_text_line: The file ''/nfs/asterisk/main/sip/sip_main.conf''
17:56.16b14ckWhich also isn't correct.
17:56.27pabelanger-lapb14ck: upgrade to latest 1.6.2 branch, it should be fixed
17:56.51b14ckpabelanger, I am using the latest.
17:56.54KobazThe parser appears to be dropping the 7th character and doubling the 16th character:
17:57.01Kobazlike i said
17:57.06pabelanger-lapb14ck: is not latest
17:57.10b14ckSo wait, is this a confirmed bug then? Or am I crazy?
17:57.12Kobazcrazy-weird asterisk bug
17:57.14jpmcallisterdo not use any quotes
17:57.39pabelanger-lapb14ck: $ svn co
17:57.39b14ckOh shit
17:57.42b14ckIf I remove quotes it works
17:57.44b14ckgod damnet
17:57.47Kobazb14ck: it was one or the other... configs or crazy-weird bug
17:57.48b14ckI knew I wasn't crazy@!
17:57.53Naikrovekwhy would you quote it
17:57.57Naikroveki dunno
17:58.00b14ckBecause that's the standard syntax.
17:58.05Naikrovekis it
17:58.09KobazNaikrovek: because most config syntax allows quotes
17:58.13Kobazbut asterisk is special
17:58.19b14ckOh wow.
17:58.21Naikrovekshort bus special?
17:58.21b14ckIt not works.
17:58.29*** join/#asterisk russellb (~russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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17:58.34Naikrovekyay b14ck
17:58.36KobazNaikrovek: asterisk handles quotes very poorly in general
17:58.43b14ck[TK]D-Fender, woa that's crazy =p
17:58.51Naikrovekseems like that's something that's been figured out in other bits of software... the quoting
17:59.10b14ckpabelanger, thanks so much!
17:59.22b14ckpabelanger-lap, not sure if I could have gotten that one without your help
17:59.30b14ckWill update to svn release, and try that
17:59.42b14ckI spent an entire 2 days debugging that.
17:59.43Naikrovekif only somenoe could invent something to match patterns in some regular way
17:59.46b14ckI grepped every file in there.
17:59.49pabelanger-lapb14ck: np
18:01.41b14ckSomeone should add some unit tests to asterisk.
18:01.54b14ckI bet it would be a huge project though, to unit test the entire asterisk core.
18:01.59b14ckSince there are none (that I'm aware of) atm.
18:02.00pabelanger-lapb14ck: patches welcome
18:02.06Naikrovekif only there were a technology to automate that.  ah well.  maybe my grandparents will live in such a new-fangled time period
18:02.17Naikrovekman i manged that
18:02.18*** join/#asterisk exelnet (
18:02.24jpmcallisterAnyone linked asterisk with a SIEMENS HIPATH 4000?
18:02.45florz... in particular you'd have to deal with all the bugs you'd find ... ;-)
18:02.50Naikrovekdoes the siemens speak SIP
18:03.10Naikrovekflorz: this is why there aren't any good C/C++ static analysis tools
18:03.12jpmcallisterno, It is trunked through E1
18:03.22florzNaikrovek: hmm?
18:03.24Naikrovekjpmcallister: CAN the siemens speak SIP
18:03.37jpmcallisterNaikrovek: no. it is trunked via E1
18:04.16Naikrovekdata e1 or voice
18:04.32exelnetheya. my asterisk installation with capi isdn trunk is working fine, except a small problem. it doesnt play any ringtone when dialing out. so it stays silent till the other side picks up
18:04.43jpmcallisterNaikrovek: it is working except for one facility. When a try to config a "follow me" from an analog extension to an asterisk one I get an error in asterisk: WARNING[3417]: chan_dahdi.c:12784 pri_dchannel: Ring requested on unconfigured channel 0/0 span 1
18:05.13Naikrovekjpmcallister: you should have started with that.  :)  someone can help you but it isn't me
18:05.46jpmcallisterNaikrovek: tank you anyway :)
18:06.18jpmcallisterNaikrovek: my main problem is that siemens is  like a black box to me
18:07.59pabelanger-lapexelnet: There is usually no ringback on ISDN
18:08.11telnettechjpm......what version of software do you have on the HIPATH
18:08.23pabelanger-lapexelnet: Your telco maybe able to provide inband ringback, call them
18:08.53pabelanger-lapexelnet: or use 'r' flag in dial command
18:09.01exelnetpabelanger-lap: well it works when i use it with any of my isdn phones...
18:09.23jpmcallistertelnettech: I don't really know. Like I said it is a black box to me. I was hopping to discover something on the asterisk side
18:12.08exelnetpabelanger-lap: hmm how can i add this flag? i might have to do this in freepbx. this is my dialstring: CAPI/ISDN1/$OUTNUM$  where should i add the flag there?
18:13.42Naikrovekexelnet: Dial(CAPI/ISDN1/$OUTNUM$,r) I believe
18:14.13Naikrovekbut that means it will sound like ringing no matter what.  bad phone number?  ringing.  busy?  ringing.  out of service?  ringing.
18:15.36b14ckAh, everything is back to normal operations now.
18:15.41exelnetNaikrovek: ok, thats not what i want. i want a similar ringing to the one used by my phone
18:15.48Naikrovekyes, i know
18:15.57Naikrovekbut you'll have to speak with your ISDN provider probably
18:16.16Naikroveknormally they don't ring because phones aren't usually put on the ends of ISDN circuits
18:16.26exelnetNaikrovek: well it works with all phones... i doubt its the providers fault
18:16.42Naikrovekwell i don't know then
18:16.48Naikrovekif it works with all phones what's the problem
18:16.59exelnetNaikrovek: in germany we use isdn phones directly behind the ntba, which is common.
18:17.25exelnetNaikrovek: well not with the sip ones connected to the asterisk server
18:18.11Naikrovekhmm.  are you sure the source of the ring sound is the provider and not the ISDN phone itself
18:18.50tzafrirNaikrovek, what do you need static analysis tools for?
18:19.12Naikrovektzafrir: i'm spoiled on them in Java, I don't need them for C.  I don't know C
18:19.35exelnetNaikrovek: well if its the phone, then it does know a way how to play different sounds for busy free, ...
18:19.40tzafrirNaikrovek, you have a code base and you want to get around?
18:19.54tzafrirIs that code base Asterisk?
18:20.34*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
18:20.36Naikrovekearlier there was a conversation about a bug in Asterisk that funges up #include lines.  I was saying "if only there were automated computing tools to catch bugs like this" knowing that there are lots of them
18:21.01Naikrovekthen someone said "C programmers don't use them because they don't want to fix bugs"
18:21.13tzafrirNaikrovek, IIRC there is
18:21.29Naikroveki know there are, there are lots of static analysis tools
18:21.40Naikrovekand testing suites
18:22.02pabelanger-lapexelnet: either way, call your provider.  They will tell you very easily if they are providing ringback or not.
18:22.31[TK]D-FenderBRI should send progress.
18:22.43Naikrovekbut will it send the progress as audio
18:22.47Naikrovekor as a signal
18:23.00*** join/#asterisk arielb27 (~chatzilla@
18:23.01Naikrovekfor something to interpret then play a sound on its own
18:23.52*** part/#asterisk arielb27 (~chatzilla@
18:23.59pabelanger-lapNaikrovek: Usually not, that is the whole purpose of the call progress message.  Without a debug from exelnet we cannot see what is happening
18:24.11ChannelZOT I know but is anyone here running Snow Leopard and Firefox?
18:24.24tzafrircppcheck looks potentially interesting
18:26.43exelnetpabelanger-lap: after some more googling and reading the readme of the asterisk capi channel plugin i found an option: /bo
18:26.54exelnetdoes what it should :=)
18:27.03*** join/#asterisk timeshell (
18:29.14tzafrirhmm... here's one report from cppcheck:   [main/ast_expr2.c:3517]: (error) Memory leak: vs
18:31.40tzafrirfunction op_tildetitle()
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18:40.56*** join/#asterisk ZeXr0 (
18:41.45Kobaztzafrir: post to the asterisk-dev mailing list with your findings
18:42.12ZeXr0I have an application that receive a call and capture the digits pressed (it's a device that is sending a code). I'd like to be able to record the digits pressed but in a wav file for debugging purpose. Monitor() doesn't seems to work well with the default DTMF. Is there another way to record what is pressed in an audio file ?
18:42.34Naikroveksounds like you need in-band DTMF
18:42.34yonahwany suggestions for a door phone setup with a pure voip installation? I've checked out the wiki but can't really decide what my best option is and not sure how dated the information there is.
18:42.53Naikrovekdoor phone?  like "hey can i get in" kind of a thing?
18:43.18yonahwNaikrovek: yes, with capability to open striker
18:43.20Naikrovekpretty easy to find phones that hot-dial a number when picked up
18:43.31Naikrovekwell the phone will never be able to open a striker
18:43.43Naikrovekyou'll have to have the phone connect to something that can control a striker
18:43.46ZeXr0Naikrovek : Like before answering the call I should set SIPDtmfMode(inband) ?
18:44.18NaikrovekZeXr0: i dunno if you can do it per-call.  the provider has to know to send the DTMF to you in-band I think
18:44.19yonahwNaikrovek: I don't really mean a phone but rather an intercom system, we currently have one setup with our Toshiba system but it seems to be proprietary
18:44.28*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
18:44.32[sr]howdy friends
18:44.59Naikrovekyonahw: well you can easily have a phone dial a receptionist or something when picked up.  receptionist can push button controlling the striker
18:46.05Naikrovekhow does it work currently
18:46.17Naikrovekperson picks up phone, dials passcode, door unlocks?
18:46.48yonahwNo, there is an intercom panel which you would press the button on, extensions ring and then by the press of a button signal is sent to striker
18:47.02Naikrovekeasily done with voip.
18:47.16Naikrovekeasily replicated
18:47.21yonahwthere is one device which controls all this called the MDFB Door Phone which in turn connects to a Toshiba controller
18:48.02yonahwI can figure out the dial plan for this but don't know what it would take to control the MDFB which sends the signal to the striker by closing the circuit
18:48.04Naikrovekso does a person push a button on a computer to open the door or is it something else
18:48.16yonahwA button on their phone
18:48.27NaikrovekABCD button column?
18:48.31Naikroveknot enough phones have those
18:48.43Naikrovekoh lol
18:48.50Naikrovek"a button" not "the A button"
18:48.56Naikroveknevermind me
18:49.17yonahwI was wondering what you meant by the ABCD button column, got you now
18:49.44Naikroveksome older phones (and the DTMF standard) allow an extra column of buttons to the right of the three columns commonly seen
18:49.48NaikrovekA B C D
18:49.59Naikrovekthey were originally intended for menus, I believe
18:50.10Naikrovekphones should have a hexadecimal keypad
18:50.17Naikrovek0-9, A-F
18:50.19yonahwyeah, I do recall having seen one of them back in the day and am familiar with the dtmf standard specifying them
18:50.25Naikrovekokay cool
18:50.49Naikrovekanyway, asterisk can call system applications
18:51.11Naikrovekso if you want, you can have a phone auto dial an extension (which could then ring a group of phones)
18:51.13Naikroveksomeone picks up
18:51.32Naikrovekif person is authorized to enter, person who answered pushes a button.  this would then launch a system command within linux to do what you needed
18:51.54Naikrovekso now it's a matter of finding a controller that can interface with linux.  door striker controllers are not expensive
18:52.10yonahwright what i was asking about is the controller part
18:52.12Naikrovekor you could just go the analog route and put a button on everyone's desk
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18:52.32Naikrovekpinball machine servo, and a 24v power supply or whatever the striker requires
18:52.43Naikroveki dunno
18:52.47Naikroveki'm loopy on medicine today
18:52.51Naikrovekbut i'm close to a solution
18:52.56yonahwthere seem to be so many options and what I would really like is to use the existing wiring
18:53.13Naikrovekwhat's the wiring to the door striker look like
18:53.16Naikrovekcouple of wires?
18:53.31yonahwyeah there are two pairs one carrying power apparently
18:53.46yonahwthey go to the intercom which must in turn be wired to the striker
18:54.47yonahwthe controller has a wire to power, a pair for voice, and then another wire to the striker with a wire joining the power to the striker
18:55.02Naikrovekthere has to be an asterisk solution for this for sale by someone
18:55.32Naikrovekweird that the controller is in the phone path
18:55.53yonahwthat's what I was hoping, I do see a page about it on the wiki but some of the products don't seem to be around anymore and nothing really presents a complete solutions
18:55.55Naikrovekit must just listen for a DTMF tone and when it hears it the door opens
18:56.10yonahwexactly what it does
18:56.32Naikrovekcouldn't the caller outside just play the DTMF himself to open the door?
18:56.41yonahwToshiba tends to do things in the most difficult and esoteric fashion possible
18:56.47Naikrovekphone probably has no buttons but the sound could be recorded
18:57.08Naikrovekand you're getting rid of the phone system this interacts with
18:57.13yonahwprecisely, you could probably play it back or just provide the voltage
18:57.53yonahwPhone system is on it's way out the door, along with it's hefty price and lack of features
18:58.01ZeXr0Naikrovek : Seems like I won't be able to record the digits pressed. If I change the mode, I can't use the Read function. So I'm out of luck on that one. I'll have to rely on the other side of the conversation to find out why it's not working properly.
18:58.33NaikrovekZeXr0: if the DTMF is inband you'll be able to record it, but you'll have to set the entire trunk to in-band
18:59.07Naikrovekyonahw: maybe, if the door phone is working well enough as it is, you could leave that bit analog and plug it into asterisk via an FSX card
18:59.42yonahwSo I originally was hoping to do that but it seems that this particular one requires the Toshiba door controller to work with
18:59.52wpbrownDo you guys recommend any call center reporting packages that work well with Asterisk?
19:00.01yonahwnot really a surprise based on my experience with the rest of the Toshiba system
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19:00.55yonahwI also would rather use an ATA instead of actually getting an FSX card since we don't have any other analog devices for the system and all our lines are already sip
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19:02.59NaikrovekI would think that an ATA would work just as well
19:03.21Naikrovekjust a matter of interfacing that analog line for that one phone with your voip system
19:03.43Naikrovekthis might not be a bad idea actually
19:03.48*** join/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
19:03.56Naikrovekfind an EE major online or at the local college
19:04.16Naikrovekask them to design/build you a controller that integrates perfectly with your asterisk system, and uses existing wiring
19:04.24mbowieGood day folks. I've had someone suggest Asterisk as the solution to a problem and I'm not sure if it's possible based on what I've read. It was basically suggested to use to ATA's with Asterisk in the middle to simulate a local extension to a branch PBX.  Is that doable and if so, what's the terminology I should be googling?
19:04.34yonahwhmm I never thought of that but it might actually be a nice route to go
19:05.33*** join/#asterisk exelnet (
19:06.06Naikrovekmbowie: yes it's possible.  you want asterisk to be a PBX for a bunch of analog phones
19:07.06mbowieNaikrovek: In a sense.  The idea is to maintain the legacy PBX (for "company" reasons) but add SIP functionality via ATA's connected to extensions.
19:07.53exelnethmm still got a problem. my sip clients should always use the capi trunk, so i set a dial rule: "."  but how can i handle outgoing calls in the +49 format? e.g.: 01234567 works, +491234567 not.
19:08.13Naikrovekexelnet: +49|.
19:08.24Naikrovekhmm that may be a FreePBX thing though
19:09.29exelnetNaikrovek: well asterisk initiates the call, but i get the busy tone.
19:09.30Naikrovekmbowie: set up an Asterisk system.  Trunk it to the legacy system someone is in love with.  connect your voip phones to asterisk, leave the legacy phones on the legacy system
19:10.07exelnetbah laptop is dying... need to restart again... brb
19:10.12Naikrovekexelnet: you want to strip the +49, right
19:10.22exelnetNaikrovek: yeah just a second
19:12.02mbowieNaikrovek: That's pretty much what's been done.  What we're looking for now is for those extensions to be usable via SIP... so if someone on the legacy system dials 2002 (which one of the ATA's is connected to) the call goes to the SIP extension.  By the same token, calls from the SIP extension presumably need to have the DTMF kicked down to the legacy PBX.
19:12.20Naikrovekyeah that's doable
19:12.34mbowie(I may well be missing the elementary... if that's the case, don't hesitate to kick me in the teeth. ;-) )
19:12.45Naikrovekit's just going to be a setting in Asterisk and the legacy PBX to direct calls to the appropriate extensions to the appropriate place
19:13.16mbowieIs there a term I should be googling for this, or is it really just a matter of getting my head around it?
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19:13.41Naikrovekso on Asterisk, you'd do something like: exten _4XXX,1,Dial(SIP/trunk_to_legacy/${EXTEN})
19:13.53Naikrovekif your legacy extensions are 4000-4999
19:14.17Naikrovekthe setup on the legacy side will depend entirely on the product manual
19:14.25Naikroveki can't tell you what to do there
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19:15.19mbowieOk.. I think you've described it in a way that makes more sense to me.  I'll run with that and see what I come up with.   Sincerest thanks for taking the time (and keystrokes) to humor me. ;-)
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19:16.38Naikrovekexelnet: i think the Asterisk dial command may be something like exten => _49XXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/whatever/${EXTEN:2})
19:16.42Naikrovekto strip the 49 off
19:16.58Naikrovekthe _ means to pattern match
19:17.02Naikrovekmbowie: glad i could help
19:18.27exelnetNaikrovek: well the problem is: its +491234567 or 01234567
19:19.39Naikrovekexten => _49XXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/whatever/0${EXTEN:2})
19:19.46Naikrovekthat strips the 49 and adds a 0
19:19.50Naikroveki think
19:19.53Naikrovekmy dialplan-fu is weak
19:20.17Naikroveksomething like that though
19:20.22Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: wake up
19:20.26Naikrovekneed dial plan help
19:20.29yonahwI think you really need _+49XXXXXXX
19:20.35Naikrovekhow do you dial a +
19:20.58NaikrovekUS numbers are actually +1 (321) 321-3213 but we dont' dial a +
19:21.09*** part/#asterisk joeflyde (~user@
19:21.19Naikrovekhe's indicating that the 49 is a country code
19:21.21[TK]D-Fender+ = 00
19:21.29exelnetNaikrovek: + = 00... yeah
19:21.51Naikrovekexten => _0049XXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/whatever/0${EXTEN:4})
19:22.41Naikrovekthanks for that 00 info though
19:22.41exelnetok so what i need would be a general replace + with 00
19:22.45Naikrovekthat answers a few questions
19:23.03Naikrovekafk a moment
19:25.14exelnetNaikrovek: your solution would always add a 0
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19:25.57yonahwexelnet: you need to have different matches for the different options
19:26.09yonahwthat solution handles the +49 case
19:26.24yonahwyou need another line in the dialplan to handle the 0. case
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19:27.51[TK]D-Fenderexelnet: Where do you actually gt a "+" sign literally?
19:29.27exelnet[TK]D-Fender: mobile phones show incoming connections as +491... so if any of the users adds a number to his/her addressbook, it is highly possible it starts with +
19:30.27exelnethmm i wonder how i integrate those rules with freepbx... in freepbx, the rules and the dial string get seperated
19:30.49p3nguinStrip the + from the CALLERID() as it comes in.
19:31.36exelnetp3nguin: well i cant do this since those calls will not go over the pbx
19:31.38Naikrovekexelnet: that would add a 0 only when the number starts with 0049, and it would strip the 0049 before adding the 0
19:31.53Naikrovekif you have an actual + then just remove it in the same manner
19:32.03Naikrovekexten => _+49XXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/whatever/0${EXTEN:3})
19:32.09[TK]D-Fenderexelnet: So the call comes in via SIP with a literal + in front?  Feel free to manipulat the number however you want before passing the call on so that its formatted in a way that a phone can just it back and go out the way you'd like
19:32.30Naikrovekcaller id manipulation does kinda seem like the answer
19:32.34Naikroveka little
19:32.42[TK]D-Fenderexelnet: And as to how to do that within the scope of FreePBX.. that isn't supported here, ask in their channel.  As for dilapln raw... well... this is variables 101
19:32.52p3nguinI have one DID that the CID would have +1 on the front of the 10-digit number when it came in.  I ended up using this to get rid of it (and standardize it with my other DIDs):  ExecIf($["${CALLERID(num):0:2}" = "+1"]|Set|CALLERID(num)=${CALLERID(num):2})
19:38.47*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
19:39.55exelnetok i hacked it a bit... i added a second trunk with CAPI/ISDN1/00$OUTNUM$/bo   and added two outbound routes X.  and +|.
19:40.40p3nguinLame people and their stupid GUIs.
19:40.46Naikrovekeh freepbx alone isn't stupid
19:40.52Naikrovekit's just not #asterisk
19:41.25Naikrovekanyone know if chan_sccp supports video
19:41.40Naikrovekboss is gonna want me to get one of those it hink
19:41.42Naikroveki think
19:41.54exelnetyeah... hrhr p3nguin :=) i would prefer doing it by hand if i have to do more complicated things... but freepbx helps me staying noob :=)
19:42.11exelnetp3nguin: your solution is way better though...
19:42.12Naikroveknothing wrong with freepbx, if it gets you what you need
19:42.13p3nguinRather than normalizing the Caller*ID to not include a non-standard dial character, let's just add a new "route" to compensate.
19:42.29Naikrovekp3nguin: WHOA
19:42.35exelnetp3nguin: thats why i added *hack*
19:42.36Naikrovekno need to add a new route man
19:42.43Naikrovekjust add a new rule to the EXISTING route
19:43.03exelnetNaikrovek: i cant do this, since the gui wont let me :=)
19:43.26Naikrovekit won't?
19:43.59p3nguinFreePBX doesn't allow manipulation of Caller*ID?  Add another reason to the list for why not to use it.
19:44.30Naikroveki think you can to a degree
19:44.38Naikrovekbut not sure; never tried
19:44.46exelnetp3nguin: well it might, havent looked into manipulation yet
19:45.34p3nguinSanitizing the CID seems like a simple task.  I find it hard to believe it can't be done, and done easily.
19:47.01Naikrovekthere is a module to do it, it appears
19:47.11Naikrovekagain, haven't tried it
19:47.32Naikroveklooks like it will do what you pasted in earlier though
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19:49.06Skeeter-Does anyone happen to have some Old Spectralink 8030 in his hands??
19:49.21exelneta stupid question. is the cid the number the client tries to dial? e.g +491234567 ?
19:49.52yonahwthe cid is the caller id
19:50.16yonahwhow are your users trying to dial with a +? what device are they using?
19:50.39exelnetyonahw: mobile
19:50.58exelnetyonahw: long press the 0
19:51.32yonahwexelnet: these are users dialing into your system or out from?
19:52.13exelnetyonahw: using my system to dial out.
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19:52.52yonahwhow are they connected to your system?
19:53.36adam1How can I get my PBX system to dial a 310-1010 (Pizza hut) does not support local dialing of these such numbers is there a main number that 3101010 works  (canada).
19:53.57Naikrovekadam1: why is 310 special
19:54.00Naikrovekeggs him on
19:54.21adam1because I want to order my pizza god dammit! :P
19:54.31Naikrovekbecause 310 will find the local pizza place even if you dunno the local number
19:54.42[TK]D-Fenderadam1: Because wants you to dial more than 7 digits <-----
19:54.57yonahwso you need to strip then the way Naikrovek was telling you before
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19:55.15Naikroveki told my wife to strip.  she hit me.
19:55.25yonahwyou can manipulate the number being dialed so that it is acceptable to your provider
19:55.50[TK]D-Fenderadam1: And you made a very sweeping claim that you can grab ANY phone in Canada and just dial 310-1010 and it will work.  Lots of places require 10 digits regardless
19:56.01[TK]D-Fenderadam1: And yes I'm talking analog Bell lines
19:58.01ZeXr0[TK]D-Fender : Even here in montreal, there are some number that can still be dialed with only 7 numbers
19:58.02yonahwadam1: what happens if you prepend your area code to the number?
19:58.26ZeXr0But these are exception
19:59.11ZeXr0But I can confirm that in the 514 with my cellphone, dialing 310-1010 does in fact reach pizza hut
19:59.15[TK]D-FenderZeXr0: I'd love to know where..
19:59.48adam1thank you ZeXr0
19:59.49[TK]D-FenderZeXr0: most cell companies required 10 digi LONG before many exchange areas like Montreal, GTa, etc required it
19:59.57ZeXr0Let me try with a Bell analog line
20:00.16adam1ZeXr0: I'm in St. Catharines it works on my Rogers iphone.
20:00.55ZeXr0[TK]D-Fender : And the bell analog line from Montreal (514) also allows 310-1010
20:01.18adam1<---me thinks I started something hehe
20:01.50ZeXr0But dialing 514-310-1010 works too. But 450-310-1010 doesn't work
20:01.53adam1but seriously now when customers switch to us they have to use the local pizza hut # form the phone book. I wish there was a way to route them all.
20:02.03ZeXr0I'll see if a friend of mine that dial it from a 450 line to see if it's working
20:04.25ZeXr0It works from a 450 number, you can dial 310-1010 but not 450-310-1010
20:04.45adam1well alternative is to order form pizza hut website hrmzz
20:06.22adam1I suppose an alternative is to get once big enough to get it is a Bell PRI with multiple outgoing channels and use a digium card to do the 310-1010
20:11.32ZeXr0There's a weird ringtone when calling 310-10-10
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20:22.52[TK]D-Fendercehckout time, later all
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20:39.19[sr]it looks winter here!!!!!!!
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21:07.33xxNickxxHow can I trigger/run a script (python, php or any other kind of script) on an incoming call. I would like to pass the caller ID information to the script.
21:08.10[TK]D-FenderxxNickxx: "core show application system"
21:08.19xxNickxxthank you
21:08.31p3nguinYou can also use AGI.
21:08.44[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: lets not complicate things just yet
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22:21.35digitalc2Any bug marshall's around?  I'd like reopened
22:23.06digitalc2The problem is confirmed in, although I can't update the bug with such details.
22:25.31pabelanger-lapdigitalc2: simple create a new issue, we can reference the original.  Besure to also upload a complete debug log.
22:25.36infobotcollectdebug is, like, a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to doc/HOWTO_collect_debug_information.txt or
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23:35.39xxNickxxtotal newbe here: i am in asterisk CLI (issued asterisk -r) and now want to try out some commands. Whatever i type does not work....
23:36.03bkrusexxNickxx: asterisk -r
23:36.07bkrusethen type 'core show channels'
23:36.13xxNickxxcore show application system
23:36.16bkruseit would help to know the version
23:36.17xxNickxxworks and shows me some help
23:37.11xxNickxxit says the syntax for System command is: System(command)
23:37.45xxNickxxI try System(ls) and i get an error message
23:38.06bkruseThat is for use in the Asterisk dialplan
23:38.14xxNickxxi just installed the latest asterisk now version on a VM to test somoe stuff
23:38.26bkruseexten => 1,1,System("ls") ; this has no point, whatsoever
23:40.35xxNickxxwhat i am trying to do is: 1. detect an incoming call 2. run a python script passing the caller ID info to it.
23:40.41xxNickxxis this too complicated?
23:40.53xxNickxxor i can do it easily
23:41.44bkrusethat's relatively simple, look on for asterisk agi
23:41.46bkrusethere are python examples
23:42.43beardyFor it to have any meaning you'd want speak the text.
23:47.32xxNickxxso to call AGi commands, i have to add the command to extensions.conf?
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23:49.23csd-199hi. I'm using the command  "Record" in order to record voice but it does now work. I read that I must press "#" key to stop record, but seems not to work, any idea?
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