IRC log for #asterisk on 20100710

00:00.19*** join/#asterisk voxter (
00:00.57ChannelZgrinder13: these don't make complete sense;  From Server A you are registering as 1001 on - which server is that IP?  Because I don't see 1001 on Server B
00:03.42ChannelZalso it would help to see console output from one of the failed calls
00:03.43grinder13yes, need to clarify that. Server A is and Server B is
00:04.06ChannelZok so you are registering to yourself, but at this point that's unrelated
00:05.07grinder13so my confs look ok?
00:06.17ChannelZwell, I think, without knowing what you're dialing and from where
00:08.14grinder13for example 1000@ServerA calls 2000@Server B (and generally 1XXX@ServerA<--->2XXX@ServerB)
00:10.26ChannelZre: show verbose console output because something doesn't add up
00:11.17ChannelZbut I'm at work and need to leave so I'll be MIA for a bit, someone else might be pick up
00:12.26grinder13well ok, thanx anyway. I 'll post again tomorrow, because I have to live as well and close the lab
00:12.40grinder13have to leave :p
00:14.04grinder13just a question: What about the pedantic option. I am not sure I understand what that is about by looking at the sip.conf it seems that it solved the problem for some people
00:14.27*** join/#asterisk joobie (
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00:22.01kukuI'm having an issue with two SIP calls getting glued together, even though I have canreinvite=no.
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00:23.32russellbwhat is the problem?
00:24.08carrarPeople keep answer the phone!!!
00:24.56kukurussellb: The problem is that when the calls get joined, there is no more audio
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00:26.32sawgoodIf the user's on an Asterisk box (using SIP extensions) claim calls keep dropping after 5 minutes or less (and nothing like this shows in the switch logs), what would be a good Asterisk CLI process to try and capture this?
00:26.42sawgoodOr, should Wireshark be used instead?
00:29.18carrarYou have wireshark installed on a asterisk box?
00:29.56carraror using tcpdump on the asterisk box and using wireshark to view that capture?
00:30.06joobiekuku, sounds like you have a problem with RTP
00:30.10carrar(on another machine) :)
00:30.23infobotrumour has it, sipnat is Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
00:30.44joobiekuku, can you make other types of calls on your setup? Is it just this type of call playing up?
00:30.44sawgoodI have both Wireshark (GUI and non GUI) and tcpdump installed on the Asterisk box
00:31.31kukujoobie: no issues dialing in and talking to a sip device, or other way around. Only when I dial into asterisk, and have asterisk forward the call (righ away, in the dialplan ) to an external number
00:32.15*** part/#asterisk rustyclarkson (
00:35.46p3nguin_People keep answering the phone...  THAT IS TERRIBLE!  :D
00:38.09kukujoobie: I will try to adjust rtp settings, but I'm worried that it reinvites the calls.
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00:46.07joobiesawgood, sip debug
00:47.05joobiekuku, sip debug to the rescue
00:47.10joobiekuku, you can see if it's sending the invite
00:50.58emoraHow does Asterisk select the appropriate codec to use for each call?
00:52.00joobieemora, you can specify a preference in the config
00:52.03Tim_Toadyit doesnt, its just relies on the allowed codecs you have specified
00:54.00joobiewhich is how asterisk can select the appropriate codec
00:54.21emorajoobie: I know I can specify a format. But the case is that I can specify several. In reality, if I dont Aasterisk will be forced to transcode.
00:55.06emoraIf I allow G722 and alaw, what criteria does it use to select the appropriate codec
00:55.38kukujoobie: there is an Invite
00:55.39emoraActually, I will have g722, g729, alaw and ulaw
00:56.14kukujoobie: I do have insecure=port,invite
00:56.48joobieemora, in sip.conf, allow= is in order of preference
00:57.27joobiejust do disallow=all in your global and then allow=codec1,codec2, etc in your user section
00:58.13emoraPrecedence is established exclusively by the order of allow= directives in sip.conf ?
00:58.48joobiekuku, my knowledge for your problem is limited - but if you are seeing the calls bridge from the control channel
00:58.56joobiethen it will just be rtp that is falling over
00:59.07joobiein which case look at sip debug and see what rtp ports are being used
00:59.18joobieand make sure there's no firewall / routing issues in the way
00:59.53joobieemora, nod, so long as you disallow=all in global
00:59.56emoraI dissallow all then allow the codecs I want my endpoint to support.   But what happens when my endpoint supports wideband (g722) and a call comes in with alaw?  My endpoint supports alaw too.  Will asterisk opt for alaw or will it transcode?
01:01.36joobieemora, im not sure.. but i'd guess that if you specify allow=g722,g729,alaw and a call came in only supporting alaw.. it would use alaw
01:02.03joobiei dont think it would transcode - otherwise it would negate the disallow=all allow=specific_codecs_only options
01:03.41emoraMy question is because I'm looking to understand what criteria Asterisk uses to select a codec.   On the one hand, I want the best call quality possible when wideband is available but I want to avoid transcoding when a narrowband call comes in.
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01:04.18joobiemeans dont accept any codec
01:04.31joobieallow=specific_codec, means allow only these codecs, in the order specified
01:05.07joobieso if you want to support wideband when it's avaialble as your "first priority", throw it in as the first allow option
01:05.14joobiethen put your other codecs after that
01:05.23emorajoobie: dont get me wrong, but you are stating the obvious
01:05.23joobiethen bob's your uncle
01:05.52joobieemora, no shit.. i don't understand what you mean then
01:06.26joobieif you have an endpoint connected to asterisk with ulaw
01:06.40joobieand a call comes in connected to asterisk via alaw
01:06.49joobieof course it will transcode?
01:06.52emorawhat will asterisk do when an alaw call comes in on a channel that supports alaw and then bridges that call to bridge it to a endpoint that supports g729 and alaw?
01:07.11joobieit will transcode
01:07.23joobieim guessing
01:07.28joobiejust test it bro
01:07.34joobieand feed back the response
01:08.29kukujoobie: but I don't want to reInvite... I want to keep the call
01:09.16kukujoobie: plus the rtp port is just 5060: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK58e3d50e;rport=5060;received=1
01:09.53joobiekuku, send us your dialplan for that portion so i can see what ur trying to do
01:13.16sawgoodWhy is it so 'hard' to find an ITSP offering DID numbers in Alaska?
01:13.39kukujoobie: the dialplan ? Call comes in, and its a one liner,   dial(sip/XXXXXX@voicepulse-primary)
01:16.07kukujoobie: I also made the astersik box DMZ
01:16.32p3nguin_That's part of the problem, I'm sure.
01:17.02p3nguin_Why do all these people think they need to put their asterisk systems in a DMZ when they don't even understand what a DMZ is?
01:21.40joobiekuku, what are the firewall rules on your DMZ
01:22.25kukuits all open
01:25.06kukuI made some changes
01:25.13carrarsawgood, cause there's only like a couple providers in AK and they make it pricy
01:25.24kukuNow I get Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/Epd66Nvn97-b7909ad0' status is 'NOANSWER'
01:25.32carrarACS, GCI & AT&T
01:25.43carrarmaybe more now
01:26.05carrarACS being the incumbent
01:26.14joobiehow is it a dmz if its all open?
01:26.23carrarhaha joobie
01:26.30p3nguin_Why it is so hard to forward port 5060 for SIP and a range (often 10000-20000) for RTP, rather than inappropriately assigning a DMZ.
01:26.32carrarI wasn't gonna say anything on that
01:26.55kukuwell, this dmz assigns 1-to-1
01:27.28kukup3nguin_: I did that. In case the comcast router was doing it inproperly, and added dmz.
01:27.56kukup3nguin_: the comcast router allows only 5000 ports, so I did from 10000-14000, I also updated rtp.conf to reflect those changes.
01:28.11kukuI also stopped/started astersik ( not reload )
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01:45.04kukuok. Somehow it started working...
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04:07.41ChannelZClap your hands
04:27.06*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
04:30.06joakoIn the dialplan how can I get a variable number of digits input?
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05:37.18DogBoy"dialplan basics"
05:37.48joakoI ended up doing: exten => getdigit,1,Background(silence/5); exten => 0,1,Set(OURNUMBER=${OURNUMBER}${EXTEN}); exten => 0,2,Goto(getdigit,1); exten => #,1,Set(CALLERID(number)=${OURNUMBER}); exten => #,2,Goto(voicemenu-custom-10,s,1)
05:38.04joakoNeed to pass callerid between ivrs on pstn link that won't pass correct callerid
05:50.45*** join/#asterisk Jumpie (
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07:18.23radenI have a PAP2T connecting to asterisk over the internet !!! not LAN !!!  I can call from the PAP2t everything is fine audio both ways   if i call the pap2t from any phone I can hear person on pap2t but they cannot here me
07:20.20radenoh jesus now its working WTF
07:21.32radenIt works yea
07:21.36radenjust dont know why
07:37.54*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@wikimedia/RobH)
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07:48.24mattwj2002hi all
07:57.02*** join/#asterisk aceio (c2cbd7fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:58.28aceioiam trying too prevent international call how too i create it
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08:08.34ChannelZaceio: change your dialplan so it's not possible to dial whatever international codes
08:14.40aceioChannelZ: can you show me an example plz
08:17.25aceioChannelZ: this how i  allow outbound calls exten => _X.,1,Dial(DAHDI/g1/${EXTEN},${DIAL_TOUT},HrS(600)TWK)
08:18.29*** join/#asterisk FILLVAIO3 (~v_agarkov@
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08:31.03FILLVAIO3Hi guys
08:32.56*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@wikimedia/RobH)
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08:35.35E-bolaIf i can play audio out through my soundcard through both ALSA and OSS with various players, why cant i get asterisk to use either of them through the console?
08:35.54E-bolai have both modules compiles, but neither of them are able to produce any audio output over my speakers :(
08:36.39E-bolathis is newest asterisk
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09:02.14ChannelZaceio: you basically have a complete wildcard, people can dial anything they want.  Make the pattern more specific.  I don't know what normal local/long distance numbers look like to you compared to international numbers
09:02.22*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
09:04.27ChannelZHere in the US for instance we generall need an 'exit code' of 011 to dial another country... so we don't allow 0 to be the first digit since no numbers in the US ever start with 0
09:06.18aceioChannelZ: okay gotcha
09:06.20ChannelZI think from the UK international always starts with 00 so you'd construct your pattern accordingly
09:06.54aceioChannelZ: that is  correct
09:06.55ChannelZanyway you can use various pattern characters for the extension to match only certain digits
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09:08.07aceioso once i get the pattern right, how to i drop the call
09:08.21ChannelZWell the idea is to match the stuff you DO want to allow, not the stuff you don't.
09:08.49ChannelZBut otherwise you can just 'Hangup'
09:08.55ChannelZOr maybe play back an error message first
09:08.58ChannelZbut anyway
09:11.45aceiookay thank you..
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09:12.55ChannelZthe Z character might help you, which means only digits 1-9, and N which is 2-9
09:14.00ChannelZso  _0NX.  would be 'a 0 followed by 2-9 followed by any numbers of 0-9'
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09:18.59aceiocool i willl try that
09:19.25ChannelZwell that wasn't necessarily a useful pattern for you, just an example. So construct accordingly :)
09:19.31ChannelZoff to bed for me
09:20.13aceioChannelZ: sure i shall let you know how it go's
09:22.57FILLVAIO3Guys, is there anybody know software for collect and manage call statistics?
09:24.00*** join/#asterisk nickzxcv (
09:24.22nickzxcvdoes anybody know about compiling dahdi on sparc64?
09:24.37nickzxcvi just tried to compile the freebsd port and I got ===>  dahdi-2.3.0rc2 is only for i386 amd64, while you are running sparc64.
09:36.42emoraHow should I interpret output of core show translation:  alaw & ulaw -> g729 encoding is at 12000 microseconds.  ??
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10:14.29DelphiWorldnickzxcv: ask here about dahdi :D :P xD :-;)
10:14.58DelphiWorldrussellb: you are new for me;)
10:17.20nickzxcvso i'm compiling dahdi on freebsd on sparc64, and apparently BIAS is already defined in machine/frame.h and its redefined in drivers/dahdi/dahdi-base.c
10:17.51nickzxcvi'm trying to figure if its a redefinition of the same thing, or different things with the same name
10:18.21*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Delphi@
10:23.14nickzxcvfrom the comment /* define the add-in bias for 16 bit samples */ i think its a namespace collision, so i'm renaming it DAHDIBIAS :-/
10:25.12nickzxcvah, unknown opcode :(
10:25.25nickzxcvi guess dahdi really isn't portable to sparc64 :(
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10:51.49nickzxcvit looks like the assember parts of dahdi, are its versions of test_and_set_bit and test_and_clear_bit
10:53.03nickzxcvi suppose linux has a sparc64 implementation of those and bsd doesn't have them at all, and the author of the bsd port of dahdi only ported the i386 version?
10:59.26nickzxcvinteresting, in linux for sparc i think it doesn't even use assembler to do the function
10:59.53nickzxcvbut its still sparc specific i guess, because the point of it is to test the cpu about this
11:01.32nickzxcvthere should still be a more portable way to do the test maybe though?
11:08.27nickzxcvthis sounds like a good solution ?
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11:14.37mvahi there!
11:15.06mvacan somebody tell me, how i can fix this:
11:15.12mva== Registered translator 'lintog722' from format slin to g722, cost 999
11:15.12mva[Jul 10 17:47:49] WARNING[14801]: translate.c:654 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format f
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11:24.55nickzxcvapparently the portable way to do test_and_set_bit and test_and_clear_bit on freebsd, is to use atomic_cmpset to emulate them?
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12:59.19grinder13hello guys! I have a problem with a "482 loop detected" error. the setup is two servers over a SIP trunk.  here are my confs: (for ServerA with IP and (for ServerB with IP and here a log when I am trying to call extension 2000@ServerB from extension 1000@ServerA using the "channel originate" command
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13:30.09af_where could i find pinout for a E1 cable?
13:30.22af_normal and crossover
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13:35.02WIMPy1 Tx+  2 Tx-  4 Rx+  5 Rx-
13:37.45af_WIMPy, that's normal or cross?
13:38.42WIMPyThat's the pin-out. For a normal cable any patch cable will do. For X-Over you need to cross 12 and 45.
13:39.32af_patch cable? mmmh
13:40.18af_like a bri S cable? any wire in the same position?
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13:43.51WIMPyFor a BRI you usually only have a 8P4C cable. A normal Cat5+ patch cable will fit both BRI and PRI.
13:54.39af_WIMPy, you mean I can use ethernet cables?
14:03.09chuckfloves standards
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14:38.49grinder13hello! anybody for this? I have a problem with a "482 loop detected" error. the setup is two servers over a SIP trunk.  here are my confs: (for ServerA with IP and (for ServerB with IP and here is a log when I am trying to call extension 2000@ServerB from extension 1000@ServerA using the "channel originate" command:
14:42.28*** join/#asterisk Nwab (~Benwa@unaffiliated/benwa)
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15:00.10hipitihopanyone here familiar with integrating asterisk with mythtv ? in particular I'm tryong to follow these instructions, but the OSD does not show any caller details.
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15:02.56russellbhipitihop: start by trying to run the mythtvosd command manually, not from asterisk
15:03.05russellbthen go back to messing with asterisk once you have it working as you expect
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15:45.16grinder13anyone for this? It's a problem with a "482 loop detected" error. the setup is two servers over a SIP trunk.  here are my confs: (for ServerA with IP and (for ServerB with IP and here is a log when I am trying to call extension 2000@ServerB from extension 1000@ServerA using the "channel originate" command:
15:47.51[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: Line 91 : sending to 192.168.1.
15:48.01russellbgrinder13: an invite is begin sent from .1.2 to .1.2
15:48.03[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: Line 91 : sending to
15:48.19russellbso it's telling you "wtf?"
15:48.21[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: Line 97 : Contact is
15:48.29[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: it IS call itself.
15:49.20russellband this is Asterisk sending a call to SIP/1000, which is apparently itself
15:50.14[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: Is SIP/1000 a softphone RUNNING on your * server as well?
15:50.24grinder13yes, I 've seen what you are saying. but where is the error?
15:50.25[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his ClueBat (tm)
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15:50.30grinder13Fender, no
15:50.48[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: What is it?
15:50.50grinder13SIP/1000 is registered by ServerA
15:51.09grinder13check my confs. you 'll see exactly what I 'm doing
15:51.20Trixboxergrinder13, if its a trunk dont use it as extension over ServerA
15:51.46[TK]D-FenderTrixboxer: that makes no sense...
15:51.48russellbgrinder13: you're having the server register with itself?
15:51.53russellbthat doesn't make any sense
15:52.20Trixboxer"SIP/1000 is registered by ServerA" and used as extension on the same server
15:52.26grinder13russell, I have it like that because I want to generate calls from ServerA->ServerB
15:53.12russellbok, well, the whole SIP/1000 thing needs to be ripped out of the picture, it's not necessary and it is what is causing this problem
15:53.18[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: SIP/100 is SereverA.  You are having * call itself.
15:53.42[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: Why is ServerA registering to ITSELF?
15:54.10russellbchange SIP/1000 to something that is a peer defition for serverb
15:54.15[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: And what is the point of Having A call itself to call out to B?
15:54.33[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: I think he should be using a LOCAL channel on A to call out to B.
15:54.44[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: He just seems to shove SIP in every place he can.
15:54.55russellbwell, maybe ... point is, SIP/1000 is bogus
15:55.03[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Indeed..
15:56.10grinder13I 've tried with local as well. the thing is that I 'm getting these errors with other calls as well, eg from 1001@ServerA->1002@ServerA or 1001@ServerA->2000@ServerB
15:56.17grinder131001, 1002 are softphones
15:56.33grinder13i 'll post the logs from home to see.
15:56.43grinder13i have to leave the lab now :(
15:56.50[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: grinder13 If 1000 is a softphone why is ASTERISK REGISTERING AS IT <----
15:56.52russellbbefore you go any further, you need to convince yourself of why SIP/1000 is wrong
15:57.15russellbit's pretty important for understanding
15:57.15grinder13Fender, 1000 is NOT a softphone
15:57.33[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: <grinder13>1001, 1002 are softphones <--------------
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15:57.42[TK]D-Fenderdigit fail
15:57.47russellb[TK]D-Fender: you lose
15:58.07grinder13as I said I just want to generate calls from 1000@ServerA -> 2000@ServerB and do traffic measurements
15:58.11[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: Still 1000 IS that server itself .  Why are you having * call itself?
15:58.30Trixboxergrinder13, exchange the register => statement on both the servers
15:58.31grinder13but I am NOT calling 1000 from 1000
15:58.39grinder13thats what I am saying
15:58.57[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: You are
15:59.00russellbdude, I'm telling you, Asterisk is not doing anything wrong here.  It is doing what you tell it to.  trust me.  :-)
15:59.01grinder13I am doing a "channel originate SIP/1000 extension 2000"
15:59.13russellbthat statement tells Asterisk as step 1, to call SIP/1000
15:59.31russellbbefore extension 2000 is even brought into the picture, step 1 is to call SIP/1000
15:59.34russellbthat's what you see in your log
15:59.42grinder13hmm, ok
15:59.48[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: <--- line 4.  It ir registering to ITSELF. Line 15. we can SEE where ServerB is ...
16:00.04[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: B is 2.2
16:00.11[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: So A is point to ITSELF
16:00.17grinder13I 'll post the logs from the other calls from home as I said
16:00.31grinder13security guy wants me out of the lab
16:00.35russellbI don't need to see any more logs :-)
16:00.48russellbtell the security guy to STFU
16:01.09russellbtell him you have work to do and for him to go eat a doughnut
16:01.38grinder13i told him so, but hell :(
16:01.56russellboh well
16:02.03[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: here are my confs:  (for ServerA with IP <------------then why is there a REGISTER in this pastebin pointing to ITSELF
16:02.12[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: WAKE UP
16:02.18grinder13talk to you soon
16:02.22russellb[TK]D-Fender: CALM DOWN
16:02.24Trixboxergrinder13, exchange the 'register => ' statement on both the servers
16:03.41russellbwelcome to Saturday, folks
16:03.50*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@wikimedia/RobH)
16:03.51[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Where the crazies run free...
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16:19.26p3nguin_shoves in a stale twinkie
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17:21.18grinder13hello again! here to sort out the 482 issue i was talking earlier
17:24.26[TK]D-Fender[12:02]<[TK]D-Fender>grinder13: here are my confs:  (for ServerA with IP <------------then why is there a REGISTER in this pastebin pointing to ITSELF
17:24.57[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: pastebin is for server whose IP is  It has a register for 1000 that points to its OWN IP.
17:25.06[TK]D-Fender'griIs this now entirely clear?
17:25.10[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: Is this now entirely clear?
17:25.30[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: WHY is it pointed to itself?
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17:30.21[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: So did you get that before your connection flaked out?
17:31.08grinder13well, ok. i was studuying what you were saying earlier and I think that i got it
17:31.55grinder13so the question no is: how can I generate calls from ServerA to ServerB? maybe with the "console dial" command?
17:32.22[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: You both adeed a useless layer to this.. and then broke it.
17:32.28grinder13no softphones involved
17:32.36[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: what do you want o have on each side of the call?
17:33.15grinder13I want to A to call B and B to answer by playing a pre-recorded message
17:33.32grinder13and then do performance measurements
17:34.03grinder13nothing hard for the experienced Asterisk user
17:34.54*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
17:36.31grinder13and repeat the experiment with the IAX protocol
17:36.31[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: originate local/extentodialotherserver@dialplancontextthathasit extension extenwithplaybackstuffetc@context
17:37.24grinder13ok, i c
17:37.49grinder13what about the "console dial" command?
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17:41.45[sr]hi WIMPy
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17:41.57[sr]WIMPy: my kernel modules mISDN crash when i disconnect a call :S
17:51.32[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: No
17:51.43[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: Console dial is to use the CLI as a softphone
17:51.58[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: You want to send an automated recording.
17:52.36[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: You could remove 1 side of the local dialplan by doing :
17:53.01[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: originate SIP/peerforserverB/number extension extenwithplaybackstuffetc@context
17:54.46grinder13if "console dial" works as a softphone from the CLI then isn't that want exactly I want to do? generate a number of calls with the "console dial" cmd from ServerA to ServerB and ServerB answer by playing the pre-recorded message?
17:55.06grinder13also I didnt get the second part of what you just said
17:57.24[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: You want A's callout to be automated and to play a recording to B.
17:57.35[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: This is not a "person" talking
17:58.09[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: Actually... this is A calling and sending.  if you just want a to call out.. you could potentially use console dial
17:59.05grinder13Ino, I want A to call and B to answer and play the message back to A
18:05.38ChannelZyawns and stretches
18:06.10ChannelZgrinder13: so have you removed the bogus 'register' lines in your sip.confs?
18:06.32grinder13not yet
18:06.42ChannelZyou should
18:06.44grinder13the security guard kicked me out of the lab
18:07.07grinder13will do tomorrow
18:07.09*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
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18:12.32grinder13i can't ssh. the routers/workstations we have at the lab are not connected to the Internet. they are just there for our Cisco stuff, etc
18:15.01[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: then "console dial exten@context" and make that exten dial out using server B's peer entry
18:15.15[TK]D-Fendergrinder13: You don't even need registrations for anything ehre that I can see
18:18.24*** join/#asterisk grinder13 (
18:21.42[TK]D-Fender[14:15]<[TK]D-Fender>grinder13: then "console dial exten@context" and make that exten dial out using server B's peer entry
18:21.44[TK]D-Fender[14:15]<[TK]D-Fender>grinder13: You don't even need registrations for anything ehre that I can see
18:23.33grinder13ok, got it
18:23.42grinder13thanx :)
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20:29.00knctrnli am passing a call over to an IAXMODEM through a macro. My DID is coming through on the iaxmodem as "s" from the macro. is there anyway i can have it maintain the original extension?
20:29.00knctrnlexten => 211,1,Macro(Dialfax)
20:29.01knctrnlexten => s,1,Dial(IAX2/faxiax01/${EXTEN})
20:30.09knctrnlnevermind found it
20:35.40elielknctrnl: yes, MACRO_EXTEN or passing it as a parameter to the macro
20:50.33nightwalkI know there are several settings that affect it...anyone know off-hand which setting would be *most likely* to cause (dahdi-based) calls to be dropped in the middle?
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21:29.44[TK]D-Fendernightwalk: "callprogress=yes" <- synonymous with "disconnectmycallswhenleastconvenient=yes"
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21:35.16ChannelZThey managed to make this thing look like a VCR from the 90s.
21:49.52[sr]i like nostalgic hardware :)
21:50.06[sr]also stuff's like my spectrum 128k with k7's
21:50.16[sr]DataGeneral Servers with DG/UX
21:50.45[sr]oh well... time flies!!!
21:58.08*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~bkruse@
21:58.08*** mode/#asterisk [+o bkruse] by ChanServ
21:58.36bkruseCan I haz the asterisk?
21:59.47ChannelZYes.  Fo free even
22:00.05russellbbkruse: !
22:00.47*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
22:00.51bkruseHey russellb! How are you my friend?
22:01.10russellbgood, you?
22:01.17bkruseI am doing pretty good my friend, thank you!
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22:31.05mattwj2002hi all
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22:56.52root52Hey All Anyone have experience wiring a sangoma a200 in Australia? I have my 4pin rj11 from the PTSN that has dialtone when plugged into a POTS phone. I plug it into the sangoma FXO port and using the wanpipemon tool see no line voltage voltage on the port. Any trick I missed?
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