IRC log for #asterisk on 20100709

00:00.11*** part/#asterisk drclue (
00:00.13bmoraca_workthe alternative is to manually program your round-robin...which could get difficult.
00:00.27bmoraca_work(though definitely possible)
00:00.34gloinrrmemory looks fine for this purpose
00:01.07gloinack, gotta get away from desk now or never
00:01.17gloinmaybe brain will work better tomorrow morning
00:01.22glointhanks bmoraca_work
00:01.47bmoraca_workyep, i'm out the door too
00:10.01*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
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00:25.23*** join/#asterisk mattwj2002 (~Matt@wikisource/
00:25.29mattwj2002hi guys
00:25.59mattwj2002anyone ever hear of
00:26.13mattwj2002they appear to have just about every did under the sun
00:27.24*** join/#asterisk drclue (
00:27.31mattwj2002oh wait
00:27.37mattwj2002nevermind I read it wrong
00:28.07drclueSometimes I can really hate OS distros
00:28.44drclueSo where was I when the OS of the moment took a hard left?
00:33.54*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
00:38.34carrarsounds like using the wrong OS at that moment
00:38.51*** join/#asterisk AndyML (
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01:18.08drclue@carrar I've been at moments using the wrong OS since the mid 1970's , but at the moment the wrong OS is whatever I'm using.
01:20.25drclueMy distro has been having some intermittent keyring issues over the last six months and occasionally for no apparent reason looses it's mind. I know how to cure it , but I have but one life and cannot really afford to go about fixing OS issues for free
01:20.28*** join/#asterisk voxter (
01:21.26drclueI think it will be quicker and easier to write myself a personal OS hack , which I guess I will do over the wqeekend
01:23.29*** join/#asterisk b0gatyr (
01:27.39tzafrir_laptopgrabs the cluebat
01:28.16tzafrir_laptopdrclue, hmm... fix those keyring issues?
01:28.56*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
01:28.58drclue@tzafir_laptoop  You can bet I will recode the distro routines this weekend
01:29.34drclueThey have had this problem fo six months and it really gets me pissed
01:29.47tzafrir_laptopdrclue, if you can't figure out how to fix the keyring issues, well...
01:30.20drclueI can certainly figure out how to recover , and also know how to fix it , but I should not have to
01:31.10tzafrir_laptophmm.... I guess that's your workaround for the problem
01:31.38drclueI have recovered from this a few times now , and know at least sorta how it happens and certainly how to fix it, but it really annoys me that I have to fix it myself
01:31.52tzafrir_laptopAnyway, GTG
01:33.38drclueI'd much rather be focusing on my HUD code for AsterClick than trying to figure out the latest hole in my OS distro
01:35.58DogBoywhat distro is that drclue
01:36.42drclueWell the dogstro of the day is ubuntu
01:37.46*** part/#asterisk mattwj2002 (~Matt@wikisource/
01:40.39p3nguin_laughs uncontrollably
01:41.24p3nguin_Someone using Ubuntu wonders why things are broken.  That's funny.
01:42.04DogBoywhat do you use p3nguin_
01:42.53tzafrir_laptopSomeone not bothering to troubleshoot an issue, and then goes on to set up Asterisk. Oh well
01:44.56*** join/#asterisk blomlet (
01:45.43p3nguin_dogboy: Desktop - ArchLinux; Servers - FreeBSD, OpenBSD, ArchLinux, CentOS, SME Server (distro built on CentOS), Windows Server 2003
01:47.15drclueActually I have a house full of machines with different distros and none of them can claim sainthood
01:48.44*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (
01:49.17DogBoyme too but I mostly use debian
01:49.28DogBoyI've used ubuntu before
01:49.57p3nguin_There's not a lot of operational differences, as far as I know.
01:50.32DogBoybut of the bsd variants I've only used openbsd
01:51.30DogBoyhmm, it's asking me for the ITU-T telephone code
01:51.40DogBoyI guess I can google on that
01:51.43DogBoyno clue
01:52.06*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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01:54.03drclueMy debian is sorta OK , as it's hard lefts are simply crashes and next boot its happy
01:54.55drclueThere is no OS without it's hard lefts , but some hard lefts annoy me more than others
01:57.44p3nguin_You mean "its har[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[C[Cd lefts" and "it's happy," I presume.
01:57.59p3nguin_what the heck
01:58.14DogBoythere goes one now
01:58.59p3nguin_"its hard lefts" and "it's happy"
01:59.24p3nguin_I have no idea what that was all about.
01:59.32drclueHard lefts is I guess an ancient phrase that predates Microsoft and Apple so I guess I would simply be showing my gray hairs by mentioning "hard lefts"
02:02.47drclue"hard lefts" is pretty much any instance where the proper interaction with software or equipment results in an outcome beyond the control of the user
02:04.21DogBoymy computer usage predates those companies also
02:04.53p3nguin_I didn't start using computers until about 1984.
02:05.05p3nguin_<-- youngster
02:05.29drclue@DogBoy We ought to compare our eyeglass prescriptions I guess :)
02:05.44*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (~cesar@
02:07.38drclue@p3nguin So I guess your hard drive if any at the time was 5-10 megs. You could today probably store maybe two of your favorite bands tuness on that MFMor RLL drive
02:08.35p3nguin_I think the smallest hard drive I still possess is 250M.
02:09.03drclueI remember decorating my Christmas tree with streaming punched tape
02:09.40drclueGold on one side , green on the other
02:10.49drclueDo not fold spindle or mutilate was printed on most of my programming cards back in the day
02:11.26drclueWe had quality cards , as the others did not say shit
02:11.47drclue150 baud was super fast
02:12.22drclue4K of memory was as impressive as a 12 inch penis
02:13.01coppiceand a lot bigger than 12"
02:13.21coppicenobody used 150bps. 110 was the norm
02:14.12drclueNow wait a minute , American scientific was doing 8 inch floppies and most hard drive platters were under 20 inches
02:15.02coppicehard drive platters were all 14", so the overall drive could fit in an 19" rack
02:15.31drclueWell I was never the norm. I was striping multiple nacho 150 baud modems in the day and was doing stolen speeds near what today is bad DSL
02:16.50drclueHard drive platters came in a lot of sizes , covering a range of teens
02:18.05drclueI never cared that much as I aimed to take tape , platters or whatever and spread it out over the memory of many mainframes and minis.
02:18.29coppice14", 8", 5.25", 3.5". attempts to do anything else died very quickly
02:18.55drclueThe days when folks did not think there might be folks using there systems without permission
02:20.06drclueI never gave two shits about the medium. I always stripped multiple machines on multiple networks around the world for whatevr I wanted to do
02:21.27drclueBank of America  worked just fine for storage
02:29.03drclueWhat really pisses me off about when the ubuntu keyring takes a left is that all my providers pull in their horns too and I have to have conversations with everyone and their uncle.
02:30.38drclueI do like the anal retentiveness of my providers , as that is at least in part why I picked them, but keyring failure without cause really makes me want to kill,spindle , mutilate
02:37.18*** part/#asterisk drclue (
03:00.13*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
03:03.56*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
03:37.10*** join/#asterisk Tulga (~chatzilla@
03:38.03TulgaI have "[Jul  9 11:37:27] WARNING[15830]: pbx.c:3769 __ast_pbx_run: Channel 'DAHDI/124-1' sent into invalid extension '3030' in context 'from-outside-redir', but no invalid handler" error on CLI. I created 3030 in extensions.conf. where is my mistake?
03:46.34*** join/#asterisk joobie (
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03:47.40seanjohncan someone point me to how to use selinux with asterisk?
03:48.07joobieseanjohn, what about it?
03:48.59seanjohnI have always seen, from two years ago, that we have to disable selinux for asterisk.
03:49.17joobieguys, i have a polycom 320 with 2 line keys.. and have one registration to asterisk with the "number of line keys" set to 2 (so that I can select line 2 and dial,etc).. Is there a way I can use the dial cmd so that it dials line 2 of the phone instead of line1?
03:49.51joobieseanjohn, you can run selinux in an audit mode.. i think it's permissive mode frmo memory
03:49.53seanjohnyeah, joobie, dial(sip/trunkname/number)
03:50.06joobieseanjohn, set it to that.. and log what it trips up on
03:50.11joobiefix it.. then log more
03:50.21seanjohnok, i was going to go that route
03:50.36joobieit's the best route, because the way you've setup asterisk will largely impact your selinux rules
03:51.22joobiebtw, that dial(sip/trunkname/number) will dial the handset, but it will dial the line key 1 on the handset
03:51.37joobieit will only dial line 2 of the handset, if line 1 is busy..
03:51.40*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
03:51.46joobiecan i set it up so that it always dials line 2?
03:58.54ChannelZNot unless there is some SIP header you can attach to clue the phone in or something
03:59.39TulgaI want include some files to [from-outside-redir] group. #include <filename> or just include <filename>?
04:04.41*** join/#asterisk Ziaeon (
04:12.28joobiethanks ChannelZ
04:14.23joobieChannelZ, is it possible to setup an extension on the polycoms so that it's attached to a line key for inbound, but u cant make outbound on it?
04:14.49*** join/#asterisk seanjohn (
04:14.51seanjohnjoobie, you can do dial(sip/trunkname/number@yourcontext,options)
04:16.22*** part/#asterisk neurosys (
04:16.34joobieseanjohn, cant seem to see an option that lets me specify line 2?
04:16.55seanjohnare you using zaptel?
04:16.59seanjohnor dahdi
04:17.12joobie.. what im trying to achieve is, each phone has their own line (line1), which is a unique extension per phone.. but the reception phone, i want to make that ring for say 10 seconds.. if it doesnt answer, i want line 2 on all the other phones to ring so anyone can collect hte call
04:17.55joobieline2 on every other phone i only want to be able to receive calls on.. so line 1 is the only one they can dial out of but they can receive reception calls on line 2
04:18.08seanjohnI'm not really asking if you have dahdi installed; are you using PRI?
04:18.08joobieif they want to dial out, they have to use line 1
04:18.49seanjohnyou have to make a dial plan and your dial would be dial(zap/channelnumber/numbertodial@yourcontext)
04:19.48ChannelZThat's not what he's asking
04:19.52joobiei can dial the phone fine
04:20.09joobieseanjohn, that's not the problem bro
04:20.47seanjohnWhat is he asking ChannelZ. All lines are associated with a tech of sip, zap, iax, h video
04:21.11seanjohnthere's no "line 1 line 2 line 3" and so on with asterisk, just the ATA's or devices
04:21.43joobieseanjohn, i have a polycom 320 on each users desk.. the 320 has 2 physical line keys on the phone
04:21.47ChannelZYes but he's talking about from the phone's point of view.  It's got 2 line keys
04:22.04joobieseanjohn, each phone has its own unique extension registered with asterisk.. and they are registered against line key 1..
04:22.36joobieseanjohn, what i want to do is, on one of the phones (which is the receptionist), they they dont answer the phone in X seconds, i want all the phones in the office to ring on line 2 so that anyone in the office can collect the call
04:22.39seanjohnjoobie: its either ringgroup, pickupgroup, or device
04:22.52joobieline 2 should only be used for this purpose, as an inbound overflow for receptionist.. any calls out should be done from line1..
04:22.54seanjohnunless using users instead of extensions
04:24.17ChannelZjoobie, can that phone not do separate registrations for the two lines?
04:24.23joobiebut whats the best way to setup the phones for this sort of configuration? ie. should i register seperately for each physical line on the phone or should i just do one registration on the phone and do "num of line keys = 2" and then do something funky with asterisk fore this to work
04:24.29joobieChannelZ, it can
04:25.26joobiein the back of my mind im thinking register each phone to a reception extension on line 2... but (a) i dont know if this is necessary and (b) not sure how can i then make specific phones not be able to dial out on the line 2 but let reception to dial out on line 2
04:26.01ChannelZYou're really just wanting to use the 'line 2' key as an indication that a ringing call was one the receptionist didn't get?
04:26.11seanjohni would register separately and control through the dial plan; I don't utilize switchboards
04:26.31ChannelZI mean you mentioned wanting to block outgoing calls from that key but I'm not sure why it matters?
04:29.07*** join/#asterisk Raden (
04:31.21ChannelZwanders off for a potty break
04:32.10joobieChannelZ, yea that's the purpose
04:32.28joobieChannelZ, it's to do with the number of concurrent calls per user.. i dont want to give them the ability to make too many calls at once
04:32.39joobiethis is going to let them make another call if they can on the outbound which iw ant to avoid
04:43.51ChannelZfor what, conferencing?  Chances are the phone can do that its self already unless you have turned it off
04:43.53*** join/#asterisk teknon (
04:44.55DogBoyoh snap
04:45.08DogBoygot 1.6 working on debian on nslu2
04:46.41*** join/#asterisk soman (~somnath@
04:50.24p3nguin_Limiting calls should probably be done with call-limit in each peer definition, I would think.
04:52.11p3nguin_Having k3b BLASTING the trumpet sound after a successful burn is a bit ridiculous.
04:54.10ChannelZImgBurn does that too, the big "ta-da" sound.. scares the shit out of me and I always forget to turn it off
04:54.24p3nguin_Oh, that was sent to the wrong window.
04:54.57p3nguin_Had I sent it to the right channel, it would have been preceeded by this:
04:55.01p3nguin_KDE 3 used to have a way to access the control panel without having to actually run KDE (I think it was kcontrol).  Any idea how I can configure how KDE apps use my sound card without actually running KDE?  I would really like to make KDE things use PCM so I can control their sound volume more easily.
04:55.31DogBoyoh man I hate those k3b sounds
04:56.10DogBoymy brother has his windows machine hooked up to these speakers and he shuts it down at 3 am, and it's like an amplified windows noise
04:56.48p3nguin_I recently upgraded all kde3 stuff, so now nothing behaves like I want.  I don't use KDE, so I don't know how to configure those things.
04:57.02DogBoykde sounds is not something that needed to be emulated from windows
05:00.48p3nguin_I don't know anything about that, either.  I haven't ran Windows on my desktop since 2002.
05:01.18DogBoyme either
05:01.29DogBoyaround that time, I think I quit about 2001 though
05:01.36DogBoyor maybe it was earlier
05:04.33DogBoylike trying to remember when I quit smoking or became vegetarian
05:04.39DogBoywho cares
05:04.47DogBoyI turned away from the dark side
05:05.19joobieChannelZ, each phone has call-limit=2 set on its registration
05:05.36joobieChannelZ, if i allow this new reception extension to make calls out, it lifts that restriction
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05:18.39Radenp3nguin_, what u use for GUI ?
05:18.47RadenKDE 4 annoying and bloated :(
05:18.59p3nguin_GUI of what?
05:19.08Radenlike KDE ?
05:19.28Radenu dont use kde u said, what do you use  ?
05:19.50Radenwhat that ?
05:20.06p3nguin_a window manager that tries to act more like a desktop environment.
05:23.13Radenenlightenment ?
05:23.47DogBoyyea that would be the one
05:23.49Radencause KDE 4 really sucks in my book :(
05:23.56Radenliked 3 a lot better
05:24.06Radenlooking for something different now
05:24.43DogBoyusing gome right now
05:24.51DogBoybut my fav is ratpoison
05:24.59DogBoytoo lazy to set it up
05:25.07*** join/#asterisk Mango (
05:32.05p3nguin_raden: How about xmonad or awesome?
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06:00.39*** join/#asterisk blaines (
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06:10.10*** join/#asterisk Micc (
06:10.23MiccIs there anyway to force an aastra phone out of DND mode?
06:10.35Miccremotely that is, from asterisk.
06:11.01Kyoshdid the user set it in DND?
06:16.58Miccyes, on the phone, they set it with the button on the phone.
06:17.55Miccif I had the phones setup to do xml, I bet theres a way to do it with some xml command.
06:18.50*** join/#asterisk N|Xgurru (~NXgurru@
06:19.28MiccI got ahold of someone on their cell phone, so I don't need to worry about it until next time.
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06:53.34*** join/#asterisk giany (
06:53.40gianyIs there some rule of iptables or some software that we can install to block DoS attacks and authentication requests ( sip register) in Asterisk ?
06:55.30*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
06:55.49ChannelZwell you can block SIP from the outside world if you don't need anonymous sip calls, but you can't really prevent someone from throwing mass amounts of traffic at your IP anyway.
06:56.50Alton35$IPTABLES -A INPUT -i $OUTSIDE -s -d 0/0 -p udp --dport 5060 -j ACCEPT   # SIP from Sipgate
06:56.58Alton35something like that
06:57.01Alton35block everything else
06:57.34ChannelZiptables -A INPUT --in-interface eth0 --protocol UDP --dport 5060 --jump DROP
06:57.51ChannelZassuming your WAN traffic is separated on eth0 for instance
07:02.00gianyok, thanks for your advices
07:11.19carrargiany, you can get a firewall with a IDP system to look for failed SIP registration signatures and then automate a block on that IP
07:11.52carrarcould also do something like that by tailing some logs in asterisk also
07:12.02carrarand block them with iptables
07:12.24carraras a Juniper fw and IDP system is going to very expensive
07:12.31*** join/#asterisk stix (
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07:14.22carrarlook at sshguard
07:14.37carrarmodify that
07:18.29*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
07:26.35Alton35there is a firewall script that kicks around the internet
07:26.38Alton35lemme see if I can find it for him
07:28.16*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
07:32.52Alton35  <-- decent script, can be modified for your use
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08:32.39Mish-Okay, "exten => _1.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@02825508477,30,r)" is letting me use 9 to dial an outside line.  As I won't be using internale extensions at all, how can I make it so any number dialed is sent externally?
08:34.09voxterany of you guys use polycom ip4000's and ever notice that when speaking the speaker goes into a volume suppression mode?
08:45.18*** join/#asterisk N|Xgurru (~NXgurru@
08:55.13sawgoodIf I wanted to copy over a pre-recorded 'greeting' for someone's voicemail box ... (intead of them speaking into the phone) ... what directory would this .WAV file be put in?
08:55.54sawgoodI thought maybe it should go in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/device
08:55.58sawgoodBut I was not sure
09:00.13sawgoodanyone have any idea where I should place my .wav file to be used as the 'greeting' for an extension
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09:18.52sawgoodgot it ... customized voicemail greetings!
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09:49.45_Raptor_how can i perform a partial matching of the calling number: this does not work:
09:49.58_Raptor_exten => 27943/090176.,1,Noop(DEEEEEEEE)
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11:21.48ichdasichhi there. i installed tzdummy on an debian lenny sparc64 following the instructions posted here, in the section 'installation lenny'
11:22.04ichdasichasteriks refuses to work with that module, and gives [Jul  9 12:58:20] ERROR[323]: asterisk.c:2974 main: You have Zaptel built and drivers loaded, but the Zaptel timer test failed to set ZT_TIMERCONFIG to 160.
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11:22.30ichdasich/dev/zap is accessible to the corresponding user.
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11:23.41ichdasichand zttest is working just fine.
11:23.43ichdasichany ideas?
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12:09.07Jimmy00784Hi, I am an Asterisk enthusiast and new to Asterisk
12:09.16MangoHI Jimmy
12:09.20Jimmy00784Hi Mango
12:09.59Jimmy00784I have the software installation completed, and I can connect to the console successfully
12:10.20Jimmy00784I was hoping to configure my modem to work with Asterisk
12:10.50MangoIn what way?
12:11.16*** join/#asterisk Benwa (~Benwa@unaffiliated/benwa)
12:11.21Jimmy00784to make outbound calls, or receive inbound calls, or both....
12:11.42Jimmy00784It's a voice modem on my Laptop
12:11.52MangoI'm not entirely sure that's possible.
12:12.16MangoIt can be done with some models of Intel PCI modem, but since it's a voice modem, you may be out of luck.
12:12.59Jimmy00784It's hard to believe that an open source project of such great magnitude would not have a provision for voice modem....
12:14.19Jimmy00784does asterisk provide a way to introdice new device classes?
12:14.37[TK]D-FenderJimmy00784: Voice modems aren't full duplex and lack other features.
12:15.02MangoThe quality of the ones I have tried is crap, too.
12:15.16[TK]D-FenderJimmy00784: And no, unless your device is based on one of the 2-3 chipsets the X100P was branded under it is worthless for your project
12:15.26Jimmy00784Thanks Fender, I understand that...
12:15.46[TK]D-FenderJimmy00784: No "buts".
12:16.32Jimmy00784I understand, no buts.... is there any way to use those modems for what ever features they can provide?
12:16.35[TK]D-FenderJimmy00784: It isn't a worthwhile venture to go writing DAHDI drivers for 2-bit junk modem out there that even has a prayer of working for this.
12:16.41[TK]D-FenderJimmy00784: No.
12:17.33[TK]D-FenderJimmy00784: So if you have POTS line you want to use with * then you'll just have to pick up a compatible device
12:18.00Jimmy00784Ok, in a more broader context, to introduce new device classes, would one have to write DADHI drivers if one is not already available?
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12:18.22[TK]D-FenderJimmy00784: Correct
12:18.30*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
12:18.50Jimmy00784I see... I appreciate you help on this, Mango, and Fender.
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13:19.01jkroonwhat could possibly be wrong if I can make outbound calls over a BRI but not receive any?  (Digium 410P card)
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13:20.06[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: What do you see?
13:20.34jkroonsync frames in intensive debug ... can pastebin the intensive debug (phone attached to the analog port does ring)
13:21.51jkroonNT2 unit from Telkom.
13:23.51jkroonok, tried a different (known to work with siemens PABX), same result.
13:24.08[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: What does your telco say they see?
13:24.36jkroonif you can get them on the line for me i'll happily ask them :(
13:25.05jkroonbut sarcasm put aside the point is that it works when plugged into a siemens PABX.
13:25.25jkroonreality is getting hold of them is difficult to say the least.
13:26.34[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: I would certainly call Digium support ASAP if you're under warranty
13:27.18jkrooni am, got a call open with them via email.  just going to test with older (2.2) dahdi drivers.  I upgraded them last weekend to 2.3 and the unit hasn't been in much use since then.
13:27.23WIMPyI can't see any incomming call.
13:27.41*** join/#asterisk Weazel (
13:28.45Weazelhey guys, can anyone help me with dtmf and disa ? i have a context for disa, but for some reason when i get the dialtone to dial, it wouldn't take my dtmf's although it dtmf works on ivr etc
13:30.38jkroonWIMPy, that's the point.
13:31.46*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@wikimedia/RobH)
13:32.14[TK]D-FenderWeazel: What kind of channel?  Pastbin the backup showing they navigated the IVR to get there and include your channel driver configs and all related dialplan
13:32.20infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:34.17Weazelthanks just a sec
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13:35.01jkroon[TK]D-Fender, libpri change perhaps?
13:35.48[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: Could be... I don't know much about BRI
13:36.04jkroonah ok
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13:43.21Weazel[TK]D-Fender: sry it took me long time --
13:43.31Weazeli had to call the guy to make a test so i can copy the verbose
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13:44.18Weazelthis is when they called the inbound that goes to Custom-destination and to the custom-disa context
13:44.39Weazelthey recieve the long dialtone to start the call, but they can't really press anything from that point, and it just goes to timeout
13:44.49[TK]D-FenderWeazel: that isn't the COMPLETE call
13:45.02[TK]D-FenderWeazel: or the complete dialplan
13:45.16Weazelomg sorry i'll repaste
13:45.22[TK]D-FenderWeazel: No mention about * version either
13:46.42[TK]D-FenderWeazel: You should also Answer() first
13:46.52Weazeli'll add the Answer now
13:46.54Weazeland its 1.6
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13:47.05jkroon[TK]D-Fender, ptp vs ptmp
13:47.08Weazeland its
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13:47.38[TK]D-FenderWeazel: exten => 100,n,DISA(no-password|from-internal) <-- try "," instead of "|"
13:47.54[TK]D-FenderWeazel: Not sure if the instructions are still wrong and it requires "," as the delimiter
13:48.32Weazeli'll try it now thanks
13:51.14Weazelit gives him now an instant hangup
13:51.59Weazeloh wait my bad
13:52.01Weazelsec checking again
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13:54.25Weazelthe Answer() was hanging up the call... but the "," delimiter did the trick
13:54.31Weazel[TK]D-Fender: Thanks alot mate
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13:56.13[TK]D-FenderWeazel: You should read the changes between versions ....
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14:03.39patrick--Hey all. when redirecting an incoming call from the pstn to an external number in the pstn via my asterisk, how can i send the actual CLIP of the caller and not the asterisk' ?
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14:07.22[TK]D-Fenderpatrick--: * will pass on whatever the current CID is unless your config told it otherwise or unless your outbound call ignores what * sends.
14:10.10Guggeand most PSTN networks will by default ignore what * sends ....
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14:19.24gianyanyone can tell me in  this line : Executing [receive@fax-rx:20] ReceiveFAX("SIP/1101-083a0378", "/home/tvox/fax_files/fax-2-rx.tif,d") in new stack
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14:19.33gianywhat does the d after , does?
14:21.42[TK]D-Fendergiany: "core show application ReceiveFAX" <-
14:25.16giany[TK]D-Fender: thx..but it isn't too usefull
14:26.41[TK]D-FendergiaWell what does it say?
14:26.49[TK]D-Fendergiany: Well what does it say?
14:28.40[TK]D-Fendergiany: Looks like it ISN'T an option and probably does absolutely nothing
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14:30.37giany[TK]D-Fender: nevermind , i
14:30.45gianyfound what is all about
14:30.59gianyit enables/disables ECM
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14:34.34gandhijeeanyone here have a cisco 7970?
14:39.52pabelangerAny recommendations for g722 phone?
14:40.07Naikrovekpabelanger: Polycom IP 335, 450, 650
14:41.05pabelangerNaikrovek: danka
14:42.10Naikrovekgandhijee: not a lot of cisco phone owners in here, i don't think.  p3nguin has some though, and apparently he loves them
14:42.18Naikroveknot sure about that EXACT model though
14:43.11gandhijeei finally got this 7970 flashed over to SIP, but i think i need someone with CCM to generate a config for me
14:44.09Naikrovekp3nguin has his set up to use standard firmware, not sure he could help with that.  he uses the cisco protocl
14:44.21stixHi guys. Do you have any clue where to look when almost all my calls are being disconnected? I have tried with two different providers. The call gets established and then sometimes after a while it gets disconnected...
14:44.36Naikrovekstix: is NAT involved somwwhere
14:45.18stixeverywhere :)
14:45.25Naikroveki would be looking closely at that
14:45.43Naikroveknat holes are created dynamically and they can close automatically
14:45.51Naikrovekduring calls is unusual, however
14:46.06Naikrovekmost often the symptom is one-way audio
14:46.14Naikrovekbut disconnected calls are not uncommon
14:46.19stixhmm okay
14:46.37stixI will look into that now
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14:47.29infoboti guess sipnat is Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
14:47.35Naikrovekstix: ^^^^^^^^^^^
14:47.40Naikrovekmay help you
14:48.19*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@wikimedia/RobH)
14:54.46BartockbatzHey all
14:55.14Bartockbatzokay - got the dialplan working to dial out - but I want to add one more feature
14:56.05Kobazfeatures schmeatures... we don't need no stinkin features
14:56.39Bartockbatzha! Kobaz
14:56.42Bartockbatzexten => _X.,n,Dial(${OUTBOUNDICOM}/${EXTEN},60)
14:57.28Bartockbatznow - where would I look this up - I want to add to this a 3 digit number, then Asterisk prompts you for your number you want to dial
14:57.55Bartockbatz${OUTBOUNDICOM} does work - I tested it
14:58.00[TK]D-FenderBartYou've already dialed the number you wanted to dial based on that pattern.  Why ask for more?
14:58.00Naikrovekyeah wow
14:58.04Kobazall my unit tests passed from last night
14:58.21Kobazthey all passed!
14:58.36Naikrovekbetter check your tests.  make sure they don't just return(true);
14:58.43Kobazi think perl's socket->getline does not work across packet boundaries or something
14:58.48Bartockbatz[TK]D-Fender: the client has 3 digit extensions - wants to have one specifically for getting an 'outside line'
14:58.52stixNaikrovek, I think adding "nat=yes" to the trunk did the trick :)
14:58.55Kobazi replaced it with my own getline... and now stuff is working nicely
14:59.03Naikrovekstix: nice
14:59.09stixthank you
15:00.27Bartockbatz[TK]D-Fender:  I get you - but when the client is paying the bills, I do - unless it is just not freakin' possible
15:00.40[TK]D-FenderBartockbatz: you jsut showed us a pattern for 2+digits calling out
15:00.59Naikrovekcan't you put a password on the trunk that lets you leave the local phone system
15:01.36Naikrovekor (better) just do call logging so you can see what people are doing, then deal with abusers appropriately
15:01.54[TK]D-FenderBartockbatz: DCC = evil.
15:01.59Naikrovekdoesn't know, and has a headache
15:02.16Bartockbatzsorry - been a while since I used IRC - no more DCC
15:03.05Bartockbatzexten => _X.,n,Dial(${OUTBOUNDICOM}/${EXTEN},60) ?
15:03.17[TK]D-Fender[10:57]<Bartockbatz>now - where would I look this up - I want to add to this a 3 digit number, then Asterisk prompts you for your number you want to dial <-- why dial a big pattern and THEN ask what to dial?  And what is "add to this 3 digit number"?  This pattern is VARIABLE length.  Add what?  Where?
15:04.15Bartockbatzokay -  using your SIP phone - internal extensions are 3 digits
15:05.02Bartockbatzwhat they want is to reserve a particular 3 digit extension that will prompt you for an external number
15:05.11[TK]D-FenderBartockbatz: So go make one.
15:05.57Bartockbatzokay - that is where I am a little clueless - I want to add this to my dialplan - what Asterisk application can allow this?
15:06.27Bartockbatz"throw me a bone, people" - sorry for the dumb questions, but I am kind of new to this.
15:06.44[TK]D-FenderBartockbatz: "core show application read" <-
15:07.24Bartockbatzmagic - :)
15:07.24Kobazthunderbird crashed... and now all it does is crash when it starts up
15:07.56Naikrovekdelete profile, start over
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15:08.04Kobazhah, no way
15:08.11Naikrovekor, if your OS supports it, revert to previous snapshot
15:08.29Kobazreverted to 3.0.1
15:08.32Kobazi was running 3.1
15:08.40Kobazi dont have teh snapsnots
15:08.44Naikrovekno i mean revert profle to previous disk snapshot
15:09.22Naikroveki haven't used thunderbird in a very long time, can you import from one profile to another?
15:09.38Naikrovekif so, MOVE old profile, create new, then import from old, moved busted profile
15:10.43Naikrovekold & busted.  new hotness.
15:10.55Naikroveklaughs at his boss.
15:11.14Naikroveki wrote a query to show monthly minutes usage for our phone system
15:11.24Naikrovekboss is blown away by my sql skills.
15:11.28Naikrovekquery is maybe 100 chars long
15:11.42KobazNaikrovek: oh... umm... i think it might have a profile importer
15:11.42Naikroveki've written oracle queries that were KBs in size
15:12.01*** join/#asterisk gnuday (
15:12.14KobazNaikrovek: my biggest query so far spans about 100 lines
15:12.26Naikrovekthey can get big
15:12.28Kobazbut that query is also using several views, which are each about 20 lines
15:12.33Naikroveki used to know how to do some really neat stuff with oracle
15:13.03Naikrovekand i believe in shoving as much of the work as possible into the SQL query
15:13.06Kobazi like postgres these days
15:13.09Kobazoh yeah
15:13.13Kobazapplication code sucks
15:13.15Naikrovekyeah postgres 9 looks awesome
15:13.17Kobazthrow it all on the database
15:13.18gnudayhi, has anybody managed to get sipwitch and asterisk working together i.e. cross registration.
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15:14.50KobazNaikrovek: yeah the built-in replication in 9 is going to be pretty cool
15:14.50kn0xanyway to run a script after stop gracefully?
15:15.05NaikrovekKobaz: that's exactly what i was talking about.  yes.
15:15.39Kobazand exclusion constraints look exciting too
15:15.54KobazAND listen/notify will be able to send payloads
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15:17.31Kobazand join optimization is cool too
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15:23.02kn0xor do i have to watch something with waitpid()
15:24.19Kobazsounds like a good idea
15:25.50Kobaznow we need to have a continuous integration system going
15:27.32Naikrovekanyone know of a CDR query that can show the max number of simultaneous calls at any point in a time period
15:27.52KobazNaikrovek: we had to write some funky stuff to do that
15:28.11Naikrovekyeah i'm thinking about how to do it and it seems non-trivial
15:28.58Naikrovekis calldate the time of the origin of the call or the end
15:29.25RadenNaikrovek, trying to figure out your max concurrent calls ?
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15:29.47Naikrovekyes, but on a sliding scale.  I want to see max simultaneous per month, week, day
15:30.35Kobazthere's always subqueries
15:30.50Naikroveki mean i have the calldate, i have the duration
15:30.51Radenvery possible todo
15:31.03KobazNaikrovek: we wrote ours using the cdr csv file, and perl
15:31.09Kobazi have the code somewhere
15:31.17Kobazi'll have to ask my brother when he gets into the office
15:32.14REdOGalot of the example extension sections are defined as _X. how do I pass a call to that context when those are the only extensions? I keep getting errors about Channel sent into invalid extension
15:32.24KobazNaikrovek: the easiest way is to actually store the current simultenous calls every 5 seconds
15:32.28Naikrovekmy stupid right-brained head thinks of things graphically and spatially, which is sometimes a hindrance in thinking of problems like this
15:32.32KobazNaikrovek: and then you don't need to calculate it
15:32.58Naikrovekyeah but eh
15:33.01Naikrovekthe data is here
15:33.07Naikrovekjust need to figure out how to get it out
15:33.11Kobazthat's always the problem, isn't it
15:33.20Naikrovekmy SQL-fu is weak
15:33.33Naikrovekneed to think about this for a few minutes
15:33.41Kobazhere's the main thing with data
15:33.50Kobazit's always easier to split stuff out, than to piece things together
15:33.52[TK]D-FenderREdSHOW US <-
15:33.54infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:34.00[TK]D-FenderREdOG: ^^
15:34.19Naikrovekthe parts of my brain that I can't directly control will crank on this then suddenly i'll know the answer, or at least have an approach
15:34.22Kobazso, your cdr query... is a case of piecing things together
15:34.45Kobazso in other words... you're screwed
15:35.53Naikrovekwell for each second (or each 5 second period of a time period) or whatever I can query the database for all calls started before it and extend out into that moment in time.
15:36.14Kobazthat's going to be a lot of queries
15:36.29REdOGtypo in that one on Goto
15:36.32REdOGleft in a .
15:36.34Kobazi know there is a better approach... but I didn't write the code, so i don't know offhand
15:36.43[TK]D-FenderREdOG:     exten => 3374070903,1,Goto(time,s.,1) <--- "s"... this is a literal LETTER.  your pattern is purely NUMERIC
15:36.45Naikrovekyeah but i can optimize and get smarter about it once it's working inefficiently
15:37.00[TK]D-FenderREdOG: there is no "s" anything in there
15:37.03Kobazyeah. that's what they all say
15:37.22[TK]D-FenderREdOG: Also your exten doesn'tr even haev a "1" priority
15:37.26REdOGI know, Ive been trying all kind of things there ... nothing seems to work....
15:37.29Kobazi once inherited a project that was a perl script, that generated an xml file for a realtime web dashboard... the project was to make it update every 5 minutes
15:37.35KobazNaikrovek: you know what the problem was?
15:37.44Qwellcron wasn't running?
15:37.44bmoraca_workwooo...i get to develop a residential VoIP billing platform!
15:37.52Kobazthe script took 8 hours to run
15:38.05Radenbmoraca_work, can u build one for me tooo :(
15:38.09[TK]D-FenderREdOG: Well you're juping to an exten for which no match exists, and to a priority which the only one you did make doesn't even have.
15:38.21bmoraca_workraden: if it works well, i could sell it to you :P
15:38.36REdOGHow do I move it to [time] then?
15:38.48Radenbmoraca_work, ill just keep working on mine then :(
15:38.53KobazQwell: apparently the guy who wrote it, didn't understand what a database was for... and was doing manual joins in perl, and individual row selects, on >5 million row datasets
15:39.12[TK]D-FenderREdOG: Also you call Return() in there  This isn't even a GOSUB like it looks like it deserves to be.
15:39.29[TK]D-FenderREdOG: Go make this a proper Gosub or Marco.
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15:41.48Naikrovekouch, my ego.
15:42.08Naikrovekwas going my query wrong, the billable minutes one
15:42.39Naikrovek40,000 minutes in one month
15:42.42Naikrovekcan't be right
15:43.50bmoraca_workis that what one of your customers used?
15:43.55REdOGwhat address do I use in a gosub for that context though?
15:44.18Naikrovekno this is just something i am working on to exersize my mysql/sql muscles
15:44.23Naikroveknothing hinges on this data
15:44.31Naikrovekno this is what i used, my company
15:44.39REdOGgosub(time,s,n)? gosub(time,_X.,n) ? gosub(time,?,?) nothing I try seems to work
15:44.42Naikrovekthe organization which employs me
15:46.02Naikroveki found my error because my provider sent me a billing report showing how they calculate it
15:46.27Naikrovekthey bill me for all time i use their trunk, not just when a call is answered or whatever
15:46.49Naikrovek42k minutes in jan '09
15:46.59Naikrovekthat was when we only had 4 trunks, too
15:48.14[TK]D-FenderREdOG: Make your actual exten "s" <---
15:48.44[TK]D-FenderREdOG: and then call it properly via Macro, Gosub, etc and pass it PARAMETERS.
15:49.40REdOGI replace all the _X. w/ s?
15:49.59[TK]D-FenderREdOG: Yes.
15:53.03kn0xis there a way to run a script when asterisk shuts down
15:53.26[TK]D-Fenderkn0x: add it to the script you use to run * in the first palce.
15:53.27REdOGjust add to the init script?
15:59.26*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
16:00.18Naikrovekalright i think i have this worked out.  my report matches my providers to within a hundred minutes or so per month.  that must be rounding errors
16:00.43Naikroveki go to 4 decimal places, they go to 1
16:00.53kn0x[TK]D-Fender: im doing top gracefully though
16:00.53Naikroveksuppose i could adjust that as well but FEH
16:01.44[TK]D-Fenderkn0x: What part of "whatever called * should execute whatever you want when it exits" is not completely clear by now?
16:02.09[TK]D-Fenderkn0x: * was started via some shell script, right?  then MOD IT.
16:05.37Naikrovekoffice 2010 support ligatures.
16:05.44Naikrovekholy f
16:05.51Naikrovekofftopic but whoa
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16:07.48*** join/#asterisk ZeXr0 (
16:08.00ZeXr0Anyone recalls the conversion of yesterday with incompetent admin and stuff like that ?
16:08.33ZeXr0Because I've got a very good joke about that...
16:08.46QwellZeXr0: there are several such conversations per day
16:09.07ZeXr0Well it seems that our Asterisk server got "hacked"
16:09.14ZeXr0well one of them
16:09.22ZeXr0Here's the joke
16:09.29Qwelland by "hacked", you mean they guessed the password of "1234"?
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16:09.50ZeXr0Qwell : Wow, do you work at my office without me knowing
16:10.07QwellYou mentioned incompetence.  That's rule #1.
16:10.18Corydon76-digQueue SpaceBalls clip
16:10.22ZeXr0Well then here's the second part of the joke :P
16:10.23ZeXr0exten = _9NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/14383381940/1${EXTEN:1})
16:10.23ZeXr0exten = _91NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/14383381940/${EXTEN:1})
16:10.40Qwellin [default], right?
16:10.45QwellI'm shocked.  Absolutely shocked.
16:11.17*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
16:11.18ZeXr0All there's missing is a big flashing red light that says UNSECURE ASTERISK SERVER HERE !
16:11.26Naikrovekdoesn't get it. :(
16:11.49ZeXr0Naikrovek : About everyone can dial in our system, and make phone calls
16:12.14Naikrovekyeah i get the implication, but i gleaned that from the "UNSECURE ASTERISK SERVER HERE" line.  not because of anything else
16:12.20Corydon76-digZeXr0: do you also have allowguest=yes in sip.conf?
16:12.28QwellCorydon76-dig: naturally
16:12.32Naikroveki really need to work on learning the dialplan
16:12.49ZeXr0Corydon76-dig : OMG ...
16:13.07Naikroveki have allowguest=yes but i have to because of how my provider works.  i firewall the CRAP out of the machine so no one by my provider can reach the phone server though
16:13.32drmessano12345?  I have that same combination on my luggage!
16:13.32ZeXr0Well Naikrovek, I could say about our server, How do you configure a firewall ?
16:13.43QwellZeXr0: README-SERIOUSLY.bestpractices.txt
16:13.47QwellREAD IT.  SERIOUSLY.
16:13.49Naikroveki do it at the router, the firewalling
16:13.52Naikrovekhaven't been hacked yet
16:13.55ZeXr0Qwell, I know, and I didn't set up the box
16:13.59Naikrovekjust jinxed himself
16:14.10Qwellwell, if you're surprised by the allowguest setting, you should still ready it :p
16:14.18ZeXr0now I need to wait ... for a feedback to disable the server, and change about every thing in it
16:14.29ZeXr0I'm surprise that it's set to yes :P
16:14.41ZeXr0I didn't configure the server
16:14.45drmessanoZeXr0: Until then, what is the IP?
16:14.46mockerZeXr0: Add a step to enter a passcode for every outbound call. :)
16:15.01Corydon76-digZeXr0: allowguest=yes is not insecure by itself... only if you allow outgoing calls in the default context
16:15.49Corydon76-digThe purpose of allowguest is to allow you to publish things like SIP/ and have it work with no prior knowledge of a caller
16:15.56bmoraca_workhas anyone used PortaOne's RADIUS deal with 1.6.2?
16:16.24ZeXr0Qwell : Where's the Readme
16:16.35Qwellin the root of the source dir
16:17.45drmessanoIt's funny that people are so worried about VPN, SRTP, 3 levels of NAT, port knocking, and scripts to detect failed authentication attempts, but they put the lamest, most insecure dialplan ever on a box.
16:18.01drmessano"it starts with the dialplan, stupid" <-- My Tombstone
16:19.33drmessanoThere needs to be an undocumented alloweveryoneidontcare=yes that sets allowguest and ties the entire dialplan together like a big un-nested wirenut
16:20.02Qwelldrmessano: trixbox mode?
16:22.26drmessano"There is absolutely NOTHING to worry about.  We are NOT doing ANYTHING suspicious here" - Kerry Garrison <-- prints to the console every 10 mins
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16:25.13nettieHi guys, anyone know how to set the msn of a P-t-P ISDN link please? I tried everything but the MSN sent is always the same.. any idea? thanx in advance
16:25.41Naikrovekkerry works for now
16:25.55Naikrovekor at least he's sending email on their behalf
16:25.57Qwellhe moved on from 888voipstore?
16:26.04Naikroveki think so, yes
16:26.35nettieand of course I'm using qozap
16:26.48Naikrovekbtw, Qwell, my stomach is finally getting used to the sriracha sauce.  soo good
16:27.14Qwellgetting used to it?  you clearly aren't using enough
16:27.43QwellNaikrovek: use about 17x as much.
16:28.07Naikrovekwell it always tasted lovely but far out it would make my stomach and various unmentionable parts of my digestive system revolt and attempt mutiny
16:28.20Naikroveknow it doesn't
16:28.26Qwellyeah.  use more.
16:28.30Naikroveki am
16:28.52Naikrovekhad it on an omelet a few days ago.  omg heaven
16:30.58drmessanoWhen I want my system to revolt, I just sneak some dairy into something
16:31.09Naikrovekreally, dairy?
16:31.16Naikrovekoh i'm so happy i don't have that problem
16:31.19Qwellhe's hardcore
16:31.19drmessanoNo hot sauce can match a healthy dose of undigestable lactose
16:31.20Naikrovekloves cheese
16:31.49drmessanoI love cheese too.. until 12 hours later
16:32.32QwellI had a rather amusing experience with hot sauce once..  At a "mexican" restaurant here, we asked for tapatio.  They had never heard of it.
16:32.45Qwellwe look up, and they have a huge bottle of it.  as decoration.
16:33.17Qwellit's still there too..  and they still don't offer it.
16:33.52Naikrovekthat's like owning a car dealership, having Jaguars everywhere but only selling chevy
16:33.56Naikrovek"what's a jaguar"
16:34.21Qwellthey asked "What's tapatio?" so we pointed to the big bottle of it.
16:34.40coppiceNaikrovek: an Indian car
16:35.01drmessanoThat's probably one of those places you ask for something with a Tomatillo sauce and they tell you "no", only to bring out a tray of enchiladas with "green sauce" on them to next table
16:35.24drmessano"Wait, what?"
16:36.33*** part/#asterisk dandre (
16:37.02drmessanoAmericanized Mexican Restaurants - employing clueless help since 1821
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16:37.37DogBoyever notice how they have mexican cooks in chinese restaurants and chinese ones in mexican ones
16:37.54drmessanoThat's all over, huh?
16:38.19kn0xok thanks [TK]D-Fender .. sorry i was slightly confused
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16:39.06ideamanSo I have a verizon Mifi Card, and I want to use a wireless router to receive the signal, then hook up a few ip phones wired coming out of it. Is there any devices like that. Somewhat the opposite of a wireless router we know now?
16:39.40drmessanoI had two apartments downstairs from mine with the chinese waiters/waitresses for the asian buffet place in one, and the mexican cooks for the same place in the next apartment.  Both rented out by the owners.  Both had about 7 or 8 people living in them
16:40.10drmessanoideaman: EVDO router
16:40.25drmessanoKyocera KR2
16:45.14ideamandrmessano: just checking out the both the cradlepoint and the kyocera. So is there any way to get away from the wired USB into the cradlepoint, or is just how it has to be?
16:46.07drmessanoMost devices are USB now
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16:46.21drmessanoThe KR2 is an older box, that supports both
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16:49.25DogBoyone of my favorite restaurant stories is when I was eating in this bowling alley (famous for having good food) and these six japanese girls came in and all six ordered the same identical meal
16:49.51Qwellthat isn't the entire story I hope
16:50.11DogBoyit was like the scene in tampopo, something weird too like western barbeque t-bone steak
16:50.23DogBoyyou have to know about japanese culture to get it I guess
16:52.10Naikroveki guess
16:53.08*** join/#asterisk unisonarthur (~adl505@
16:53.30DogBoythat's the scene I refer to
16:54.55coppiceTampopo is a mass of references to the wild west
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16:56.18DogBoyit is?
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16:58.05coppiceit was referred to as a spaghetti eastern :-)
16:58.27REdOGcan I get an extension that executes a bash script?
16:59.26REdOGooh, tks
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17:10.14kn0xany reason why using originate from console gives me: handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE but the same peer works fine from Dial() in the dialplan?
17:10.38Qwellkn0x: not without context, no
17:11.14kn0xok.... >originate SIP/18005551212@my-peer application Milliwatt
17:11.19kn0x^ i get that
17:11.33kn0xbut Dial(SIP/18005551212@my-peer) works fine
17:11.50REdOGthat works and executes the command howerver my sip client gets a 603 call declined error
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17:19.14xhelioxNot really a problem, but maybe a bug? Or just my lack of understanding of how it's supposed to work. But if I use s,1 in a call file, it doesn't go to failed,1 -- but if I use 1,1 it does go to the failed extension.
17:19.33xheliox(if/when the call fails)
17:20.32*** join/#asterisk Mango (
17:21.09MangoWhen I am dialing a SIP URI, is there a way to tell Asterisk that the peer is behind NAT, without creating it in sip.conf?
17:21.13REdOGah, one must duh
17:24.57drmessanoMango: Why would you need to do that?
17:25.37MangoMainly because I'm ridiculous.
17:25.56p3nguin_mango: If you call a SIP URI, it is the recipient's responsibility to have it configured accordingly.
17:26.28MangoThat's what I thought...figured I'd double check.  Thanks!
17:26.41p3nguin_Think of it like picking up your phone and dialing a phone number.  You've dialed it correctly, but there's no answer on the other side...
17:26.52kn0xMango: it would be the [general] setting i believe
17:26.53p3nguin_They don't have any phones plugged in!
17:27.01p3nguin_So of course there's no answer.
17:27.14p3nguin_But that's not your fault, and there's nothing you can do about it on your side.
17:27.46kn0xoh, the remote peer.. nevermind i misread that
17:28.39MangoI did try it though, just in case ;)
17:31.37*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
17:32.40REdOGI notice when I do sip show channels there are a few local ip addresses listed that have last message Rx: REGISTER ... where do these come from?
17:33.11REdOGI haven't set up those machines as channels...
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17:35.22seanjohnNOTICE[7254]: chan_sip.c:17118 sip_poke_noanswer: Peer '2001' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: 0
17:36.24p3nguin_You could have also said "qualify=yes" there.
17:36.39seanjohnin sip.conf, all extensions have qualify=yes
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17:37.21seanjohnthe trunks have qualify=100 as they always report accurately
17:37.51seanjohnfender told me to put them at 2000
17:38.03seanjohnthe trunks are fine
17:38.59grinder13hello! I keep getting some messages like "doing dnsmgr_lookup for ''" in the CLI, but I have striclty disabled this funciontality in the dnsmgr.conf. how can I turn it off? it seems that this thing creates problem with SIP registrations for my clients.
17:39.53grinder13in the dnsmgr.conf ?
17:40.07seanjohnyour sip_general.conf
17:40.19grinder13ok, let me check
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17:41.15seanjohngrinder13:  sorry, its
17:41.52grinder13yeah, that's what I saw in the sample sip.conf
17:48.29grinder13ok, it seems it works now. thanx seajohn
17:48.39grinder13going back to work :)
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17:58.45kn0xthe invites even look the same
18:01.15seanjohnp3nguin_:  it use to say "options command not supported" for the peer that is failing qualify and it would ignore the response; now, it thinks the peer is unreachable
18:01.41seanjohnhow can I fix this, other than putting qualify=no
18:02.05p3nguin_qualify sends an OPTIONS to the peer.  What more do you want?
18:02.28seanjohni know this. The device isn't reponding to options
18:03.04ChannelZIsn't responding or is responding with an error?
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18:07.41t_dot_zillacan you mark packets w/IP Precedence or DSCP in asterisk ?
18:15.25kn0xwhere does the  CLI originate get its callerid settings froM?
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18:17.30ChannelZthe government
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18:20.21t_dot_zillacan you mark packets w/IP Precedence or DSCP in asterisk?
18:21.40kn0xt_dot_zilla: see tos setting
18:24.13seanjohnChannelZ:  it use to respond with an error and Asterisk would count that as a valid qualify; now, it doesn't respond
18:25.10seanjohnwith  qualify=no it will ring the device but will not connect the call
18:27.06seanjohnasterisk 1.4 seems to have this long-standing bug
18:28.11ChannelZis this device remote?
18:28.38ChannelZit could just as well be a network issue
18:28.45seanjohnno its not remote
18:28.53seanjohnthe remote devices are working fine lol
18:29.13seanjohnno change here and everything was fine yesterday
18:38.10*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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18:40.40Slugs_Chainsaw, thank god your on.  All my calls are being routed to a local fast food chain.  They call back the caller id and and yell at me and say I owe them 30,000 dollars for wasting there time for loss of business
18:40.46Slugs_HELP PLZ!
18:41.59Chainsawraises eyebrow
18:42.32p3nguin_That's a good one!
18:45.07coppicedon't trust fast food places. they might be cheetahs
18:46.11Slugs_ChannelZ help!
18:48.54Slugs_i ment ChannelZ, he knows how to fix these issues
18:50.13*** join/#asterisk snayder (~douglas@
18:52.24snayderI need help with pjsip library, anybody uses this stack?
18:53.34seanjohnNow this is TRUELY a bug: chan_sip.c:17118 sip_poke_noanswer: Peer '4346074064' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: 10 >> THE DEFAULT QUALIFY IS IN USE OF 2000 (2 seconds)
18:54.34[TK]D-FenderseanHow so?
18:55.02seanjohnLast Qualify: 10 and the device is registered
18:55.36[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: So?
18:55.48p3nguin_The LAST qualify was 10.  Now it is more than 2000.
18:56.03[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: Device regists.  Device does respond to a bunch of qualify's.  Then it FAILS TO.
18:56.23[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: Answered well beofre.  DIDN'T ANSWER NOW
18:56.34seanjohni hate linksys
18:56.41[TK]D-FenderseanHow is your device's failure to report back on time a BUG?
18:57.07seanjohni read that it was a bug in 1.4 that hasn't been fixed, as of february
18:57.37p3nguin_Show me the open bug report.  I'm interested.
18:57.56seanjohnnot a bug report, an article that described the report
18:58.24[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: I see nothing worthy of counting as "evidence"
18:59.09ChannelZSlugs_: Do what now?
18:59.48seanjohnon g729, why can't we use inband?
19:00.01ChannelZbecause the compression destroys the frequencies
19:00.05Chainsawseanbright: Because there isn't sufficient audio bandwidth to accurately represent DTMF.
19:00.28Chainsawseanbright: It is optimised to represent the human voice, which isn't a dual-frequency signal.
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19:00.46QwellChainsaw: my voice is
19:01.01ChainsawQwell: That is an aftermarket upgrade.
19:01.04ChainsawQwell: I'm not counting those.
19:01.05ChannelZIf you're one of those tuvolian throat singers you're hosed (or whatver they are called)
19:03.50ChannelZTuvian.  Whatever.
19:05.39*** join/#asterisk REdOG (~REdOG@gentoo/user/redog)
19:06.21REdOGwhy is my * trying to register a sip channel on my UPS?
19:07.49p3nguin_Show us the debug.
19:09.15REdOGnm, that's an external connection coming in with an ip reference the same as my internal network
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19:39.35seanjohnWell, [TK]D-Fender, if anyone asks why asterisk is not qualifying their PAP2-NA's, tell them to only use line 2 on them. Line 1 refuses to register or, when both lines are in use, both of them become unreachable as they don't respond to qualify.
19:39.54seanjohndumb linksys
19:40.34seanjohni had to pull another one out of the box and ignore line 1 on the other one
19:40.38[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: Then don't use qualify and let them deal with their own NAT handling
19:41.09seanjohnthere was no nat between this device
19:41.31seanjohnin-house device. the remote devices work perfect. 100 registered and reachabler
19:41.36[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: Then jsut forget qualify altogether
19:42.04seanjohni tried doing qualify=no on the devices on these ATA's. The line rings but does not answer
19:42.18seanjohnit's the device's fault, like you said
19:42.22[TK]D-Fendersean got SIP debug etc to back it up?
19:42.49seanjohni'm in asterisk -r now but, when I call one of the devices, it does not generate output
19:43.05seanjohneven though it follows the dialplan
19:43.35seanjohneverything else shows up in the manager
19:43.56seanjohnpap2= faulty ata
19:44.18[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: You should be seeing *'s packets...
19:44.54seanjohni should also be seeing output in the manager when one of the pap2's makes or receives a call, other than using originate
19:45.24seanjohni fixed it but, for future reference, pap2's suck
19:45.35seanjohnI think I am going to try grandstream
19:45.54seanjohnhow did I fix it? only use one line per device
19:47.07seanjohn2002/2002    D   N   A  1027     OK (16 ms) 2002/2002    D   N   A  1027     OK (16 ms) 2001/2001    D   N   A  1027     OK (16 ms) 2001/2001    D   N   A  1027     OK (16 ms)
19:47.33seanjohnthose are the two pap2's that were one pap2 with 2 lines
19:47.54[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: pastebin your peers for them
19:48.33seanjohneverything is going to show fine now fender. I have fixed it
19:48.58seanjohnthat was the sip show peers output for those devices
19:49.27seanjohni have qualify=yes on them and the default qualify=4000
19:49.43seanjohnmy trunks have qualify=100 and they ALWAYS report correctly
19:51.38seanjohnthe great thing is, out of all the headache i've had, the people that pay me for voip have never had a problem. It's always problems with my devices inside the house. I'm guessing asterisk doesn't know what to do with 0 ms reponse time or the ATA's don't and they go nuts.
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20:14.07drmessano0ms response time?
20:14.19drmessanoFunny, I can get .750 ms
20:14.23drmessanoBut not zero
20:14.31drmessanoMaybe my cables are too long
20:19.24xhelioxThat's the problem.
20:22.15[TK]D-Fenderwe'll never know because like all people with "mysterious" problems he has shown the typical amount of back.  Namely "Jack Shit"
20:22.44[TK]D-Fender"Oh the problem fixed itself" or "I dealt with it" usually = "I'm a fuck-off" :p
20:23.13Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: it thought it was more like: i would love to help you with your mysterious problem, but all you've given me to work with is jack, and shit
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20:26.25[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
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20:36.37JerJersomeone remind me which file i can copy into the source tree to preserve my configure selections from before
20:38.32JerJergrumbles about autoconf
20:39.20russellbyou mean menuselect selections?
20:39.35JerJerthank you
20:39.56russellbhope all is well btw, long time no see
20:41.16*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (~chatzilla@
20:41.52JerJerthings are good - not really doing asterisk/voip any more
20:44.17JerJeri got my insurance license 2 weeks ago and am now doing  insurance and bonds
20:44.56JerJerof course the phone system question came up.... I wasn't about to watch someone drop 20 grand on cisco / avaya BS
20:46.55voxterinteresting how many people 'got out' of voip. too bad, its right at the most interesting time!
20:47.14JerJerive been jacked around too much
20:47.52voxterhey by the way, any of you guys use polycom ip4000s? Ive noticed just the other day that the ip4000 vs ip6000, the ip4000 will mute/reduce speaker volume when the microphone is active and the ip6000 does not. I'm curious if thats a setting or by design
20:48.04voxterlike a duplex issue or "Feature"
20:48.15idespinnerVAD activity maybe?
20:48.19idespinneraastras do that
20:48.49voxteri checked, VAD is off.
20:48.57voxterat least in the polycom's sip.cfg
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20:51.16JerJerrussellb:  ever play with the fax for asterisk free stuff ?   all i ever get is errors... No Fax
20:51.37russellbnah, i haven't worked on it, others here have
20:51.40russellbit's supposed to work, heh
20:51.48JerJerwho should i pester?
20:52.18JerJeri'm hoping the new 1.6 has some 'fixes'
20:52.29russellbyou could try the list for some help maybe
20:52.34russellbotherwise, you can get help with a paid license
20:52.36russellbthat's about it
20:52.40russellbT.38 is a pain
20:52.56JerJeryeah, we might have to cough up for a paid license
20:53.29JerJerwe also have a lame SPA9000 - its the only thing i had laying around that supported T.38
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20:55.11JerJerwas pondering doing a hylafax hook, but not sure if that would jive with res_fax_digium
20:55.24JerJerwish this crap was easier  :)
20:55.55JerJerhell we might pay for e-fax....  heh
20:56.19voxterI do all efax with hylafax
20:56.26voxterits ... it works.. :P
20:56.33voxterits kind of a pain, but it works.
20:56.39JerJerefax as in or your own roll ?
20:57.05JerJerwhat really sucks is i have a box full of Brooktrout and ECON DIVA T-1 fax cards, but no PRI
20:57.07voxterour own roll
20:57.25JerJervoxter:  how do you interface with a phone line ?
20:57.35voxterJerJer: iaxmodem + spandsp
20:57.36JerJeror just 'pstn'
20:57.47voxterJerJer: oh, wait, do you mean a phone line as in pstn or as in a fax machine?
20:57.48JerJeryeah - i had that working back in the day
20:58.15voxterJerJer: we get pstn via sip (or pri, no difference) then it goes to an iaxmodem then to hylafax on /dev/ttyIAX<xx>
20:58.18JerJerthe 'voip provider' we are using supports T.38 on SIP
20:58.25voxteryeah, mine doesnt.
20:58.31voxterI send it to the pstn using g.711
20:58.43JerJerand its 'reliable'?
20:58.49JerJeri've always had trouble
20:59.07JerJer(with fax over 711 in general)
20:59.31Corydon76-digI find that it's much more reliable if you use 10ms packets
21:00.00Corydon76-digit cuts the latency to the point where faxes generally work all the time
21:00.23JerJerhmm - now is there that setting in sipura devices
21:01.09JerJerRTP packet size?    0.030  ?
21:01.24Corydon76-digRight, knock that down to 0.010
21:01.27voxterJerJer: yes its reliable as long as the g711 link to the pstn is "clean"
21:01.59voxterJerJer: i also found that its reliable from something like a PAP2 with a fax machine plugged into it as long as you disable silence suppression and VAD
21:02.11JerJerand echo can
21:02.16voxteryes, and disable echo can
21:02.18JerJerbeen there :)
21:02.45voxtert.38 would be nice, but those tweaks and g711 are reliable enough (99.9%) to not force me to start the headache of t.38
21:12.00Corydon76-digbtw, a clarification to t.38 is working its way to standardization...
21:12.47Corydon76-digwhich should make various vendor implementations more interoperable
21:14.17Kobazsounds good
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21:31.04Joe_CoThi guys. make menuconfig won't let me select chan_dahdi. It looks like what it's failing on is tonezone. What is tonezone, how do i get it?
21:31.04QwellJoe_CoT: dahdi
21:31.46Joe_CoTQwell, I have dahdi, i have it loaded, I have the source files. Meetme is willing to build (it depends on dahdi), chan_dahdi won't.
21:32.24QwellWhat part of dahdi did you install, exactly?
21:32.26*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
21:33.39Joe_CoTdahdi, dahdi-linux, dahdi-source
21:33.54QwellYou need dahdi-tools.
21:34.40Joe_CoTlooks like I needed libtonezone-dev. found it, thanks
21:42.37*** join/#asterisk eric256 (~ejh@
21:43.53*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
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21:47.13[sr]hi WIMPy
21:53.36*** part/#asterisk eric256 (~ejh@
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22:05.52*** join/#asterisk Mythmon (~cooperm@osuosl/staff/Mythmon)
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22:07.06MythmonI inherited the OSU Open Source Lab ftp mirrors recently, and I noticed that although we have a mirror for the asterisk project, it's automatic rsync updates have been failing for quite some time, and your site doesn't seem to link to any external mirrors any more.
22:07.43MythmonI just wanted to confirm that our mirror services were no longer being used, and then I was going to delete it from our server to free up space for other projects.
22:08.20pabelangerMythmon: best to send an email to asterisk-dev mailing list
22:08.52Mythmonpabelanger: ok, i will do that.
22:12.54*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (~chatzilla@
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22:38.17JamesHarrisonI'm having troubles with a DID on a SIP trunk tying into Asterisk, has my configs and my sip debug from a test incoming call
22:40.10drmessanoJamesHarrison: Look at your contexts
22:40.36drmessanoYou have incoming but no incoming-pstn, which is referenced in sip.conf
22:41.29*** join/#asterisk grinder13 (
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22:44.39JamesHarrisondrmessano: Fixed that, oops, but still no joy; still get the 401 and Ignoring this INVITE request
22:45.56*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
22:48.03drmessanoJamesHarrison: and insecure= should be port,invite for 1.6.2.x
22:48.17drmessanovery doesn't exist
22:50.15JamesHarrisondrmessano: bingo, that did the trick... very was the option provided in my supplier's docs, evidently out of date :)
22:50.19JamesHarrisondrmessano: cheers for the help!
22:50.52drmessanoNo probs
22:51.01DogBoyI think it tells you that in the console too
22:51.26DogBoysomething like: yo wassup... very has been deprecated
22:51.48drmessanoBut that's not the case in 1.6.2.x
22:51.54drmessanoIt was deprecated for 1.4
22:52.05drmessanoIt's been disemboweled in 1.6.x
22:52.05JamesHarrisonHeh, ouch, well out of date :)
22:52.47drmessanoPeople still referencing 1.2 should be shot
22:52.53drmessanoand hung
22:53.01drmessanoHung, then shot, then hung some more
22:53.02Qwelldrmessano: You just referenced it.
22:53.11drmessano~shoot drmessano
22:53.12infobotACTION shoots drmessano in the head with a spitwad!
22:53.20drmessano~hang drmessano
22:53.21infobotACTION grabs drmessano by the neck, slips a noose around his neck and then leads him to the tallest tree around
22:53.25drmessano~shoot drmessano
22:53.26infobotACTION shoots drmessano in the head with a frozen turkey cannon!
22:54.00*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-oytdjnepqbmhsvmx)
22:54.23drmessano1.2 should only be used with rotary phones and if you smell really bad
22:54.28DogBoyyea, all it says is: set_insecure_flags: Unknown insecure mode 'very' on line 31
22:54.59shido6what do you guys use to monitor your asterisk systems?
22:55.08drmessanoshido6: End users
23:06.50JamesHarrisonshido6: pretty sure I've seen some munin scripts floating around, as for the actual process monitoring I'm using monit
23:07.17shido6thats what Ive been reading through for the last 30 minutes
23:07.23shido6and saw the iphone app, too
23:07.26Jumpieanybody hav experience using ldf/csf i conjunction with iptables?
23:07.33Jumpieer lfd
23:07.35shido6i think i'll give it a try
23:07.40shido6does it cost anything?
23:10.28drmessanoshido6: Monit, not M/Monit
23:11.34*** join/#asterisk mifadir (
23:13.59ChannelZJamesHarrison: Vitelity?
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23:14.13*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@wikimedia/RobH)
23:14.28JamesHarrisonChannelZ: What, my ISP provider? No,
23:14.51ChannelZAh.  JUst wondering cuz Vitelity's docs are similarly out-of-date :)
23:15.03ChannelZDidn't realize you were in UK
23:15.39JamesHarrisonHehe, fair enough :)
23:15.39*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (~lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
23:17.06JamesHarrisonsiptrunk seem to be doing just fine with the exception of some terrible documentation, seems to be quite a lack of SIP trunk/DID providers these days
23:17.12JamesHarrison(In the UK at least)
23:18.45*** join/#asterisk joobie (
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23:35.34grinder13hello! I 've setup a SIP trunk like it is described here: and The problem is that I am getting the well known "482 loop detected" error. any hints?
23:47.10ChannelZwithout seeing your dialplan configs, it sounds like you've probably created a loop then....
23:48.35grinder13i 've done it like it is described in that urls, but give me a minute to do a proper job and copy to pb
23:51.49*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
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23:53.18ChannelZwell I'm not going to read pages of threads and then guess about what you did differently.  My guess is you have a context messed up and calls are going into the same context they are trying to leave out of, thus looping
23:54.31grinder13here you go. Server A: , Server B:
23:54.42*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
23:56.18root52Hey all. I am trying to get dahdi to start. I have done this many time before but this time it is odd. When I try to start dahdi it fails with a message about how it failed because of an invalid module format. I look at dmesg and I see this line... dahdi: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout I am not a kernel expert but i may have to be real quick ;-) any thoughts?

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