IRC log for #asterisk on 20100707

00:00.00kc8pxyhow do i kick sip peers out?
00:03.38*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
00:04.55kc8pxyis it normal for nat'd sip channels to show in sip sho peer channelname as having an addr->IP showing as undetermined?
00:05.24*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
00:09.05xhelioxUndetermined or unspecified?
00:09.14xhelioxAnd yes, if it says unspecified, that's normal.
00:09.35xhelioxIt would only display if you had the IP hard coded in sip.conf. E.g. No registration.
00:11.47pabelanger-lapkc8pxy: example?
00:12.03xhelioxActually, I lied. Scrap all that.
00:12.17xhelioxgoes back to his cave.
00:14.51kc8pxyis grabbing the data
00:19.10xhelioxkc8pxy de w4gpl..
00:20.50kc8pxyxheliox: qso :)
00:21.45kc8pxyok,  this is getting weirder.
00:22.44kc8pxywhy would my addr->IP not have the same ip as my softphone?
00:23.33xhelioxis one the external facing IP and the other the internal IP?
00:25.49*** part/#asterisk bvector (
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00:37.52kc8pxyok,  so it seems to be my external IP on the softphone..  but that brings up a question in my config. i now know i have the server behind a nat,  and it seems the softphone is also behind one,  and connecting on funky ports.
00:40.49*** join/#asterisk sarah_p (
00:42.22xhelioxare they both behind the same nat device?
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00:55.38pabelanger-lapkc8pxy: Rather then us guessing, post a debug log
01:02.20*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
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01:36.43*** part/#asterisk MuskyMalamute (vintar@unaffiliated/coil)
01:42.02kc8pxypabelanger-lap: would help if i  knew how to generate one, and pastebin it
01:42.36infobothmm... collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to doc/HOWTO_collect_debug_information.txt or
01:42.49pabelanger-lapkc8pxy: ^^
01:43.27kc8pxyxheliox: pabelanger-lap thx..  will do..   i have a really weid set of results...
01:44.29kc8pxypabelanger-lap: problem i think i have, is i'm pretty sure i have a PICNIC error,   just not sure which one :)
01:53.02*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
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02:38.46plut0is there a way to detect when the remote end has answered the call?
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02:45.04plut0WIMPy: care to share?
02:45.32WIMPyNot unless you ask more specific.
02:46.10plut0i'd like to dial a number, after it answers, senddtmf
02:47.20WIMPyTake a look at option D to Dial().
02:50.03*** join/#asterisk Benwa (
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02:56.48Deepsam using the current trunk, got it all compiled and happy
02:57.00Deepshave loaded chan_mobile and got that seemingly working
02:57.23Deepshowever only the first clal appears to have worked correctly
02:57.35Deepsever since that first call, i get lots of static on varying ends of the call
02:57.57Deepsi've tried alignmentdetection=yes on the adaptor, but instead it made both sides noisy
02:58.48Deepsfrom what i understand, this is most likely to be a problem relating to my bluetooth adaptor?
02:59.45*** join/#asterisk Junior (~Juni@unaffiliated/junior)
03:02.41plut0WIMPy: that works, thanks!
03:07.43*** part/#asterisk plut0 (
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03:55.44DogBoyI discovered last night the secret is to read "the book"
03:56.03*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-tuyvrvijpcmmpvqb)
03:56.08DogBoyas if I didn't know that before
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05:30.03thansencan anyone tell or point me to how I can have 'OR' logic in a gotoif condition?
05:31.18thansenI want to check of ${RECORD_STATUS} == "DTMF" OR "HANGUP"
05:32.08carrarsee |
05:32.57thansencarrar: got it, thanks
05:33.10carrarGotoIf($[$["${RECORD_STATUS}" = "DTMF"] | $["${RECORD_STATUS}" = "HANGUP"]]]?true)
05:33.10*** part/#asterisk x-demon (xdemon@2001:ba8:1f1:f0b8:216:5eff:fe00:135)
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05:33.48carrarerr s/]]]/]]/
05:34.16thansenwhy can't you just throw the pipe in a single set of []
05:34.25*** join/#asterisk eye-scuzzy (
05:34.32carrartry it
05:35.13carrarprobably can
05:35.17p3nguin_such as  ["${RECORD_STATUS}" = "DTMF" | "HANGUP"]  ?
05:36.10thansenp3nguin_: yes
05:36.46thansen["${RECORD_STATUS}" = "DTMF" | "${RECORD_STATUS}" = "HANGUP"]
05:37.23thansen*should* that work?
05:37.45carrartest it
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06:05.11thansencarrar: yeah, syntax is valid it appears
06:05.53p3nguin_But does it work as expected?
06:09.36thansenp3nguin_: yes
06:10.21thansenjust had to add the k option to my record function :) then everything was working correctly
06:10.32thansenhad me scratching my head for a minute
06:11.02p3nguin_record function?  Surely you mean application.
06:11.53ChannelZOr I guess that'd be funclication.
06:12.06thansenp3nguin_: yeah :) I'm a noob
06:12.10p3nguin_I also don't have a k option for Record(), so I really don't know.
06:12.16ChannelZWhich could be very dirty if pronounced incorrectly.
06:12.55thansenp3nguin_:    k: Keep recording if channel hangs up.
06:13.17p3nguin_Must be a 1.6.x option.
06:13.27thansenis on 1.6
06:13.38p3nguin_I'll probably never use 1.6.anything.
06:13.55thansenand skip to 1.8 or something?
06:14.02p3nguin_most likely
06:14.24thansenhas kept up to date since 1.2
06:14.36p3nguin_I'm up-to-date, as well.
06:14.51p3nguin_I'm using a pretty recent 1.4 release.
06:15.12thansenif there was ever a series to skip that was it
06:15.21*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh (
06:15.27thansenwith the weird options
06:15.39thansenlike | instead of , or whatever it was
06:16.48p3nguin_As far as I know, all of the 1.4 versions still allow old habits of | instead of , .
06:16.48ChannelZwasn't | in there since the beginning of time?
06:17.46thansendon't remember, just that they switched away from it right after they added it
06:17.48p3nguin_I think I was using a | as recently as 1.4.21, if I remember my version number correctly.
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06:18.21ChannelZI think | was the normal delimiter, then , was added, and now | is finally deprecated
06:18.30p3nguin_I think I changed them all after tk yelled at me a couple times.
06:18.56thansenChannelZ: I'm pretty sure it was the opposite
06:19.17p3nguin_The pipe was used in 1.2.
06:19.41p3nguin_The pipe still worked in 1.4, but the comma was the new preferred delimiter.
06:20.18p3nguin_I doubt that the pipe has been reintroduced in 1.6 branches.
06:29.20thansenlooks to me like it was added in 1.4, doesn't really matter I guess though
06:31.15ChannelZThat looks like more of a note to that specific application
06:31.58*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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07:07.32ranjanhi all. i want to know how we can call to a normal telephone with it possible to do so??
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07:09.45ranjanwhat is t38modem ?? Can it replace a hardware modem??
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07:12.05ranjanChannelZ, thansen, do you know what t38modem is?
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07:23.58ChannelZyeah, a contradiction in terms
07:24.26*** join/#asterisk stix (
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07:26.43gavimobilefolks, im having trouble with music on hold.   im using asterisknow version 1.7, could someone give me a hand please
07:27.24gavimobilei tried to upload both .wav and .mp3 files, without any "-" or "_" in  it. seems to add a "_" regardless.  i noticed that asterisk things there are 2 slashes before the file name  "//orig_LetsGo1" also i dont see an extention name eg".mp3" or ".wav"  listed in the log, however in /var/lib/asterisk/moh/test/orig_LetsGo1  has the extention name of .mp3.
07:28.37*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@wikimedia/RobH)
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07:36.02ChannelZlooks like maybe you have a trailing / on the pathname for the MOH files
07:37.51ChannelZ* can't play .mp3 without the add-on handler, but it's a waste of CPU anyway.  Easier to do 8khz mono .wav files, or if you are using a specific codec all the time for your channels (gsm, g729 etc) to have them in the native format.
07:39.35gavimobileChannelZ: I didn't addthe trailing /, maybe its freepbx, but freepbx says its not my issue and that it's a bug with asterisknow
07:39.48gavimobileChannelZ: please see
07:39.56ChannelZThis is why I hate FreePBX
07:40.34gavimobileChannelZ: lol...  trixbox?
07:41.03ChannelZhow about just asterisk
07:41.10DogBoyI couldn't even figure out what tribox was
07:41.15DogBoylame site
07:41.16ChannelZPBX for whores
07:41.32DogBoyit should say that on an about link
07:41.39DogBoybut it don't say nothing
07:42.00ChannelZre: how about just asterisk?
07:42.08DogBoythat's how I roll
07:42.24ChannelZIf you want to learn asterisk, you're not going to by using these gay GUIs
07:42.35DogBoysame is true of any guis
07:42.36ChannelZwhich are purposely designed to completely obfuscate how the thing works
07:43.08ChannelZin any case, the link to the discussion you provided seems specific to mp3 files.  wav's should be working.
07:43.12gavimobileill bet yourright...
07:43.37gavimobilebut I learn much better with hands on then taking it apart
07:43.59gavimobileso I would really like to get this gay asteriskbox of mine working
07:44.02infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
07:46.51ChannelZre: the wav files should work so long as they are the right format
07:47.32ChannelZ8khz, MONO, 16-bit is fine - called blah.wav etc
07:48.05gavimobileChannelZ: ill try to convert them now
07:48.47ChannelZYou can grab the stock files from
07:49.45ChannelZand for the record, the double slashes seem not to be a problem
07:50.05gavimobileChannelZ: I believe these were working. but I want to custom sounds
07:50.29*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@nat/redhat/x-ptduiaezjcuqtccm)
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07:53.22ChannelZok so you know it's you then
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08:13.50joakoI have a queue setup. Is there a way that I can set different paramters depending on where in the dialplan it was called? I want to be able to enter some people into the queue with periodic annoucements and some without
08:14.33joakoI think I might need to create 2 queues define agents as a 3rd queue?
08:17.51*** join/#asterisk kaldemar (~kaldemar@unaffiliated/kaldemar)
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08:24.19ttwhyHi, can i limit the slots for a possible queue connection? (i am using zoiper which offers more than one parallel connection and so does not report the queue list, that the agent is already in a call whats stupid for a priority based queue list ;) )
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08:54.42ttwhya method to limit the parallel calls of a agent from a queue list? someone got any ideas?
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10:27.51vltHello. Is there a way to "redirect" call that is currently ringing on one extension to another one from the CLI?
10:27.59vlt*a call
10:33.56nettieHi guys, anyone using Sangoma B700 FlexBRI card please?
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11:01.20BartockbatzHey Ladies and Germs - just flew in from LA - cripes my arms are tired!
11:01.27BartockbatzI know - old joke
11:02.38BartockbatzHey - anyone point me to a good, opensource voice-recognition library for Asterisk? I see a few commercial ones out there, but my Scottish roots make me too cheap to purchase the license.
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12:01.20telnettechgood morning is the channel doing this fine morning?\
12:01.46Faustov~seen gr0mit
12:01.47infobotgr0mit <~tim@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 15d 15h 41m 52s ago, saying: 'hey guys - can anyone recommend a provider who can provide a 212 area DID please?'.
12:03.06tzafrirwhere does it?
12:03.54*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh (~alhafoudh@
12:03.57AlHafoudhhi all
12:04.06AlHafoudhguys, does someone have worked with Nuance TTS/ASR?
12:04.51AlHafoudhwhen I try to synthesize text in other language than english, i get this error: Jul 07 11:40:21.50|TUCPU=62|TKCPU=31|TID=3980|0|9102|SID=EMDEELIFAAAFJDBLAAAAAAAB|Vocalizer Plugin|Cannot process speak data. TTS_ERROR \= TTS_E_SSML_PARSE_ERROR(Code\=180)
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12:13.33jnicolahello all!
12:14.07jnicolaim trying with free fax for asterisk.. asterisk v1.6.2.9
12:14.38jnicolabut i cant receive fax.
12:14.45jnicolathe error is:
12:15.01jnicolajust a minute
12:16.42*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
12:18.47jnicolaERROR[18673]: res_fax.c:685 set_fax_t38_caps: channel 'SIP/XXX-00000007' is in an unsupported T.38 negotiation state, cannot continue.
12:18.59jnicolaim tryng with t38.
12:19.05jnicolawithout g711
12:19.38jnicolaits a problem of sender or its a problem of my asterisk!?¿
12:20.33[TK]D-FenderYou need G.711 for T.38
12:23.05*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-hgpxbajhvbmgokgm)
12:27.09evilbitjnicola: are you following a particular how-to? fax over t38 is next on my todo list
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12:27.46jnicolafax for asterisk digium manual
12:28.17jnicolai have downloaded a free license..
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12:29.25jnicolai set max and min rate.
12:29.53jnicolai set the peer in sip.conf... set all in [general] section in sip.conf
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12:32.46evilbitah, ok
12:33.00*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Delphi@
12:33.35DelphiWorldANY PROVIDER THAT ofer Iax2?*
12:36.13*** join/#asterisk itiliti (~itiliti@
12:36.21itilitigood morning all.
12:36.34itilitiI am trying to forward calls through asterisk, and record the audio stream.
12:36.35[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: teliax,
12:36.55DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: for wholesale or retail please?
12:37.02itilitimy prolem is that when I tell the box to answer the calls, my dialer get confused, and thinks the call is answered.
12:37.24itilitiSo I am trying to forward the calls without answering the call, and then start recording after it is answered by the called party.
12:38.43itilitiHere is my dialplan....
12:39.13itilitiI removed the answer, and now I get:   chan_sip.c:20063 handle_request_invite: Call from 'patton-3' to extension '3124988982' rejected because extension not found.
12:39.18[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: YES
12:39.30DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: thank you a lot
12:39.35itilitipatton-3 is my device on the inside that conencts via PRI to my dialer...
12:39.49[TK]D-Fenderitiliti: You have no priority "!" <-
12:40.11itilitiahhh... so put a 1 on the first line?
12:40.23AlHafoudhanyone has experience with Nuance TTS/ASR?
12:40.23[TK]D-Fenderitiliti: Yes, the first has to be "1"
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12:46.37pabelangeritiliti: *CLI> dialplan show 3124988982@dialer-out
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12:50.30itilitisounds good. it worked, thx....
12:51.16itilitidont know why I didnt see that..... duh....
12:52.36[TK]D-Fenderitiliti: Alway start be the basics.  Confirm your very first priority is 100% right.  Then make sure that the call is even landing in that CONTEXT <_
12:53.18[TK]D-Fenderitiliti: This means looking at the call.  Your debug doesn't prove what peer got matched so you may think "Yeah it says to go to ABC!", but if the auth fails it'll fall elsewhere.
12:53.19*** part/#asterisk rossand (
13:00.46itilitiI got you. It is working properly. Thx four your quick help...
13:01.28itilitiBTW, what does the "_" mean anyway.
13:01.37evilbitI use teliax, and they are pretty good
13:02.35evilbit_ is a pattern matcher
13:03.04evilbitor rather it says that what comes after is a pattern to be matched
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13:18.32itilitianyone know what the switch is to turn off the "beep" on Mixmonitor?
13:18.54itilitiIt just plays once at the beginning of the mixmonitor app to the caling party...
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13:32.02ncopaare there any rss feed or something i can subscribe to for new releases of asterisk and related packages?
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13:40.49bragonCould we have with asterisk 1.2.27 have many extension.conf and sip.conf ?
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13:41.28pabelangerbragon: #include?
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13:41.43bragonpabelanger: where can i include that ?
13:41.49bragonpabelanger: in extension.conf ?
13:42.04bragonpabelanger: do you have the syntaxe ?
13:42.11bragonOr an exemple.
13:42.24pabelangerbragon: I doubt 1.2 supports it
13:42.42bragoni can't upgrade.
13:43.11pabelangerbragon: then backport the code
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14:08.21[TK]D-Fenderbragon: Yes 1.2 supports includes
14:08.50bragon[TK]D-Fender: \o.
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14:21.43BullterdHey All - Anyone know if localphone let you change the asterisk box a geo DDI is pointed at?
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14:30.26AlHafoudhusing Nuance Speech server, when I try to synthesize text in other language than english, i get this error: Jul 07 11:40:21.50|TUCPU=62|TKCPU=31|TID=3980|0|9102|SID=EMDEELIFAAAFJDBLAAAAAAAB|Vocalizer Plugin|Cannot process speak data. TTS_ERROR \= TTS_E_SSML_PARSE_ERROR(Code\=180)
14:30.34AlHafoudhwhat should i do?
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14:47.21pabelangerAlHafoudh: Contact Nuance?
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15:00.37_pepo_hi friends
15:04.35*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (~ckwall@
15:07.35[T]ankI am getting an error when dialing out using h323. It says that the host does not exist. I have my context in the config, I dont understand why i am getting this error: I have posted some output and configs. Could someone double check my work?
15:08.10Kattygood morning all you beautiful people!!!!!
15:08.47[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: exten => _XXXXX,1,Dial(H323/Avaya/${EXTEN})
15:09.02[T]ankhmmm... ok.
15:09.53[T]ankgives me the same output. Its saying "No such host: Avaya"
15:10.37_pepo_I am with problems in my queue, some calls are rejected after hearing the message from the queue when it tells me my place in queue, the call is closed
15:12.46_pepo_what can be wrong?
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15:14.04[TK]D-Fender_pepo_: Absolutely anything.  Especially because you are showing absolutely nothing.
15:15.45[T]ankam i using the correct config files?
15:16.07wcselbyKatty - you're far too happy at this time of the day
15:16.13[T]ankI cant understand why it wouldnt find the host [Avaya] since it is in the h323.conf
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15:17.19_pepo_the use of my call is: exten => 100, n, Queue(callcenter-100-152,,,,600)
15:17.56_pepo_is there some configuration in queues.conf that cause thiw desconection?
15:18.16wcselby[T]ank - is there an "h323 show peers" option of some sort?
15:18.26[TK]D-Fender_pepo_: Look at the ENTIRE CALL.  Not just 1 silly line of dialplan.
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15:19.24[T]ankwcselby: Im not seeing anything.... at least anything similar to like a sip show peers... currently google'ing. brb
15:21.57[T]ankthere is an ooh323 show peers. but that is an entirely different channel type, isnt it?
15:22.54[T]ankif i dial using the 00h323 channel type, i dont get any host errors, but it gives me a congestion error.
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15:27.32Joe_CoTso when compiling asterisk and choosing options with make menuconfig, I don't have the option to compile app_meetme, because it depends on dahdi. I have dahdi compiled and loaded into the kernel. Any idea what asterisk is really checking?
15:28.12pabelangerJoe_CoT: re-run ./configure in Asterisk
15:28.14WIMPyDid you run configure after installing dahdi?
15:28.28pabelangerJoe_CoT: If still a problem pb your config.log
15:28.32[T]ankstart with a make distclean, then configure
15:30.10*** join/#asterisk ^Winampbot^ (
15:30.41markfeatherston_Joe_CoT: configure seems to try to build a test file linking against dahdi.  If it can't find the headers or the libs it wouldn't work
15:30.57^Winampbot^how can i run a command or script when a telefon logs in to sip?
15:31.30[T]ank^Winampbot^: look into the asteriskmanager and AGI
15:31.40Joe_CoTran make distclean (which did more than make clean did, so i was hopeful), then ./configure, then make menuconfig, still XXXed out
15:31.58[T]ankwhich packages have you isntalled?
15:32.06[T]ankthere are two dahdi packages.
15:32.37Joe_CoTI have installed dahdi, based off what mark said looks like I need dahdi-source as well. trying that
15:33.07markfeatherston_Joe_CoT:  does "/usr/include/dahdi/dahdi_config.h" exist?
15:33.19^Winampbot^hm, ok, i´ll look there
15:33.41ChannelZ^Winampbot^: you can try 'regcontext' and 'regexten' in sip.conf to make it start executing a dialplan context, depending on what you need done.  (I guess you could run an AGI too.)
15:34.03Joe_CoTmarkfeatherston_, it does now. Installing the dahdi-source fixed it, thanks!
15:35.38^Winampbot^ah okay, thats exactly what i´ve looked for :D
15:35.40^Winampbot^thank you
15:37.35*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
15:38.11[T]ankhere is the debug output when using ooh323
15:38.41aphexeris it possible that the M() option in the Dial command only works when calling local SIP users?
15:38.53aphexerI can only get it to work when dialing local sip users...
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15:39.43ChannelZit shouldn't really know the difference.
15:39.55[TK]D-Fenderaphexer: No.
15:39.57[T]ank here are my registered channel types. does everything look ok for ooh323 and h323?
15:40.53[T]ankdevicestate shows "no" shouldnt those be "yes"?
15:44.38aphexerChannelZ, [TK]D-Fender: could you take a look at this?
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15:50.36tzafrir_laptopJoe_CoT, you need dahdi-source and libtonezone-dev
15:50.47[TK]D-Fenderaphexer: Perhaps you should actually look at the ENTIRE CALL
15:51.04Joe_CoTtzafrir_laptop, already go it, thanks
15:51.20tzafrir_laptopI don't think you need to have dahdi itself installed merely for building asterisk
15:52.08[T]ankim freaking stumped... how is this not finding the host from h323.conf? Or, why cant i get the call to go out via ooh323?
15:52.18aphexer[TK]D-Fender: how do you mean?
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15:55.55markfeatherston_aphexer: not sure if this is what he meant, but try turning up the verbosity and watch the failing call in the console or /var/log/asterisk/full
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15:57.59[TK]D-Fenderaphexer: Showing a catalog sales sheet for a gun won't help investigate a murder.  You may want to consider looking at the VIDEO RECORDING of the perpetrator shooting the victim in the head with it <-
15:58.06*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@wikimedia/RobH)
15:58.32[TK]D-Fenderaphexer: Picture of car "new" = worthless.  Video of "car crash" useful".
15:58.51paulcpabelanger-lap: Delayed reply but thanks for that heads up on asterisk test suite from yesterday - much appreciated :)
15:58.55aphexer[TK]D-Fender: hm, I'll need a translation into tech talk :)
15:59.21aphexermarkfeatherston_: I'll try increasing debug output...
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16:02.43Whtsuphelllo how r u
16:02.58Whtsupi m getting this message in my asterisk console what does it means
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16:05.35Whtsupany one alive ?
16:08.11aphexermarkfeatherston_: the logs don't tell me anything knew... it does look like it only executes the .sh script only once though
16:08.47*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Delphi@
16:08.51DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: sory!
16:09.03DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: all the providers that you gave me require a cc;)
16:09.43Whtsupwht does it means
16:09.47Whtsupneed help plz
16:10.40ChainsawDelphiWorld: Is it a problem to be personally identifiable? Are you planning on selling certain pharmaceuticals?
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16:11.04DelphiWorldChainsaw: be calm and know what you are saying
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16:11.15markfeatherston_Whtsup: it looks like there are dozens of things that can cause that error.  firewall messing with rtp, a bad pstn, codec issues, specific sip client issues.
16:11.26ChainsawDelphiWorld: Classic feet shuffle. Okay.
16:11.45DelphiWorldChainsaw: in here there is no credit card
16:12.08markfeatherston_aphexer: I'm not sure what that means in this context, what sh script?  Could you pastebin some of the logs?
16:13.11aphexermarkfeatherston_:, that's a part of the dialplan
16:13.16aphexerI call a sh script there to get some dat
16:13.41aphexerthe log file only shows one AGI "run"
16:15.09p3nguin_delphiworld: has IAX2 support and you can pay by PayPal.
16:15.24DelphiWorldyes, p3nguin_
16:15.33DelphiWorldp3nguin_: i am with it allready :D
16:15.40DelphiWorldp3nguin_: but i can't see the config
16:16.40markfeatherston_aphexer: that may be the problem.  pastebin the call logs though if you can.  it should be running it twice
16:16.41p3nguin_"the config"  <-- what EXACTLY are you wanting to see?
16:18.51aphexermarkfeatherston_: => that's all I can find in the 'full' log
16:19.09aphexer(except some messages when the config is reloaded etc)
16:23.11markfeatherston_aphexer: that's not what I need to see, that's just the sh script executing.  I need to see the actual call log where it tells it to execute the agi script
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16:24.37markfeatherston_aphexer: core set verbose 4, and find the call again.  That will show the dialplan executing as well
16:24.46aphexerok thanks, i'll try that
16:25.54troy42yeah, also agi set debug
16:26.17troy42you'll see args to each command, at least with fastagi and i assume with local agi
16:28.45aphexer[Jul  7 20:25:16] VERBOSE[28067] logger.c:   == Spawn extension (macro-sendcustomername, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/To-Provider-09938820' in macro 'sendcustomername' => that might be it... though I don't understand why it happens
16:29.06aphexers,3, that's the Festival command
16:29.21aphexerwhy would it exit non-zero?
16:29.32markfeatherston_aphexer: are you using sip reinvite?
16:29.42aphexernot that i know :)
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16:34.50aphexermarkfeatherston_: a more complete log is here:
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16:37.48Gary_Bare there different versions of Q.931 for ISDN? (uk)
16:38.29Gary_Bi just heard our telecom providers line is V0.8, is this different from V1, is there a standard
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16:43.50leifmadsenfor those buying voip adapters in Canada, who do you use?
16:44.28leifmadsenaha, I think I found who I used before (
16:49.09markfeatherston_aphexer: I'm really not sure what is happening.  Check to make 100% sure sip reinvite isn't enabled though.
16:51.52aphexermarkfeatherston_: I just checked, everyone it says canreinvite=no... but what has that to do with this problem?
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16:54.15markfeatherston_aphexer: if you use a sip trunk and it was forwarding the rtp stream there, i don't think agi can do anything with it
16:55.38aphexermarkfeatherston_: it's rather Festival which is trying to output some audio
16:55.51aphexermarkfeatherston_: why wouldn't that be possible? just sending some audio over a channel, and after that connect it...
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16:57.57markfeatherston_aphexer: it should work as far as I can tell.  I'm not sure what else would cause it.
16:58.28spiceycurryIs 'h' a reserved character in the first parameter of an exten=> h,1,... meaning hang-up?
16:58.34spiceycurry(When hung up)?
16:58.57spiceycurryBetter yet, is 'h' an extension for "hung-up" ?
16:59.15BullterdExchange can suck my cock tbh
16:59.22Bullterdjust totally fucked me out of my evening
16:59.42aphexermarkfeatherston_: ok, well thanks for looking at it :)
17:00.00markfeatherston_aphexer: no problem.  Good luck with the agi
17:00.18p3nguin_spiceycurry: h is the hangup extension.
17:00.35spiceycurryok thanks, thats what I was praying to jesus about.
17:00.45spiceycurryWhere is Jesus anyhow?
17:01.02spiceycurry[TK]-D is my jesus
17:01.19[TK]D-Fenderwalks on water... and holds heads under
17:01.45[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: "h" = Asterisk Standard Extension.  They're like Pokemon... gotta catch'em all
17:02.06spiceycurryok great
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17:06.03p3nguin_~asterisk standard extensions
17:06.04infobot[asterisk standard extensions]
17:06.36[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: And no, it isn't so much "reserved" as it is "jumped to by default on hangup".  You could jump there explicitly, pass it as the exten to dial in a REGISTER statement, dial it direct on a phone with alpha capabilities, etc.
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17:18.32spiceycurryI'm using Fax For Asterisk, I am receiving faxes perfectly, and I have the tiff files being placed in a directory when they are completed.  There are a lot of variables I would like to store when the fax is received (such as the caller id, the number called, etc).  How could this be done easily?
17:19.53*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
17:20.35spiceycurryPerhaps there is methods to write SET variables to a text file ?
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17:21.49spiceycurryah ok great
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17:33.04Bartockbatzokay - silly question time again
17:34.16BartockbatzI want to configure my dial plan, so that if I dial a particular code, such as 898 from any particular extension, I can dial out using my SIP trunk
17:35.49BartockbatzI am a little clueless - I am thinking that I need to use the Dial() application - but I am wondering if anyone can give me boost?
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17:36.38tzafrir_laptopBartockbatz, what do you mean by "code"? Number to dial?
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17:36.51Bartockbatzoh - sorry
17:36.57lirakisBarthezZ,  ... exten _898XXXXXXX => Dial(sip/provider/${EXTEN:3})
17:37.05lirakisor however you remove the first 3
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17:37.16thehar9:00 < Lenolium> det3: Yeah, he's out today, heading to SF, then returns tomorrow morning and leaves for LV
17:37.44Bartockbatzkind of like on a traditional PBX, dial 9, then your phone number for an 'outside' line?
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17:38.09lirakisBarthezZ, --------------^
17:38.27lirakistab completed wrong
17:38.34lirakissee above
17:38.36BartockbatzOkay - I see lirakis :)
17:38.43Bartockbatzthanks much!
17:39.41Bartockbatzso, just so I fully understand lirakis , the exten_898xxxxxxxxx=> is any extension who dials 898
17:40.01p3nguin_Why would anyone need to dial 898 on the front of the phone numbers?
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17:40.51Bartockbatzthen the Dial(sip/provider/${EXTEN:3}) means dial using sip provider the number from the extension, dropping the first 3 numbers?
17:41.17Bartockbatzlirakis: ------------------------^
17:41.24lirakisBartockbatz, not just 898.  898 followed by 10 digits
17:41.29leif[mobile]The first 3 chars of the EXTEN  var  yes
17:41.46lirakisthat gets everything but the first 3 i thought
17:42.04p3nguin_It is a 3-character offset.
17:42.12lirakisp3nguin_, right
17:42.14Bartockbatzokay - it is a European SIP trunk - so , more than 10 digits - so I would have to wildcard that
17:42.19lirakisso it gets all except the first 3
17:42.23lirakisBartockbatz, change as needed
17:42.27lirakisi gave you an example....
17:42.28lirakisrun with it
17:42.34p3nguin_But why would anyone need to dial 898 on the front of the phone numbers?
17:42.42p3nguin_Why not just dial the phone number you want to call?
17:42.43markfeatherston_p3nguin_: we have a prefix for dialing out with a different caller id.
17:43.09p3nguin_Different prefixes = different caller id numbers?
17:43.29Bartockbatzthank you lirakis
17:43.29lirakissensing disaster, quietly walks away
17:43.32p3nguin_Will you ever call one phone number and use more than one caller id number?
17:43.52p3nguin_What are the conditions for changing the caller id number?
17:44.36markfeatherston_p3nguin_: I run a collection agency's IT.  Some companies want us to act as internal collections for them, so we call out as that business when we collect on those accounts
17:45.05markfeatherston_so just depending on the time of day for that agent, or what their manager says t hey should work on
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17:46.01p3nguin_So dialing a prefix of 55 might set your caller id number to 3214567890, and dialing a prefix of 88 might set the caller id number to 8775551111?
17:47.20p3nguin_Your application of it makes at least a little sense.  bartockbatz, on the other hand, doesn't seem to have any good reason other than he's living in the age of an old PBX where he has to dial a code to get an "outside line."
17:48.24p3nguin_Screw all that.  Just pick up the phone and dial the number you wish to be connected to.
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18:06.46Bartockbatzokay - next question folks
18:07.54Bartockbatzmaybe I fat-fingered something
18:08.13markfeatherston_that's not a question
18:08.41Bartockbatzexten _898XXXXXXX => Dial(sip/provider/${EXTEN:3})  - exten = or exten => ???
18:09.12[TK]D-FenderBartockbatz: VERY wrong
18:09.23[TK]D-FenderbarkGo read any other code sample.  Seriously
18:09.41infobot[~answers] Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & Docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
18:10.18*** join/#asterisk Arsenick (
18:11.46BartockbatzOkay [TK]D-Fender - best place for me to look this up - if I read about it , then try it , I won't have to ask you folks all these silly questions!
18:12.21[TK]D-FenderBartockbatz: exten => pattern,priority,application(data)
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18:12.52[TK]D-FenderBartockbatz: Your's was split in bits with "=>' jsut shevaed anywhre, and no priority.
18:13.16[TK]D-Fendercan't type for beans today
18:13.34BartockbatzNo talking about shoving - you know how long it's been ??
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18:14.00Bartockbatzanywho - let me look that up - see if I can make sense
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18:26.25iscariohello, i just wanted to know which  value to assign to the parameter 'allow' in iax.conf in order to be able to record  a conversation in wav format instead of gsm ?
18:28.30[TK]D-Fenderiscario: IRRELEVENT
18:28.45[TK]D-Fenderiscario: * records in the format you tell it to when you call the app in the DIALPLAN
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18:29.42iscario[TK]D-Fender: oh, is it  mixmonitor who decide that ?
18:30.07[TK]D-Fenderiscario: No, it is YOU who decides when you call that app
18:30.31markfeatherston_iscario: you say what format you want when you call record
18:31.14[TK]D-Fendermarkfeatherston_: Extremely wrong application
18:31.33markfeatherston_didn't know what
18:31.38[TK]D-Fendermarkfeatherston_: Didn't think thqat left any room for misinterpretation.
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18:31.52[TK]D-Fendermarkfeatherston_: he wants to record the CALL
18:32.33markfeatherston_so, monitor?
18:33.05iscario[TK]D-Fender: sorry, i don't understand. In my Dialplan, i call mixMonitor(), when do i have to tell it the format ?
18:33.24[TK]D-Fenderiscario: "core show application mixmonitor" <-
18:37.25*** join/#asterisk mercutioviz (~michaelco@freeswitch/developer/msc)
18:37.57REdOGwoo hoo I have calls coming in!
18:38.37*** join/#asterisk QubeZ (
18:38.43QubeZhello all
18:38.44iscario[TK]D-Fender: damnit , it is not installed on this computer. Is it just the extension that it is chosen who allow to choose the right format ? if no, i ' ll read at home the man when i'll be back ;)
18:38.45REdOGwhen I get a call I see "Call from '' to extension ... " in the console, why would the '' be empty?
18:38.59REdOGseems like CID would be there
18:39.06[TK]D-Fenderiscario: PARDON?
18:39.12[TK]D-Fenderiscario: WHAT isn't "installed"?
18:39.23[TK]D-Fenderredunless they don't have one.
18:39.28QubeZi am running Asterisk and my chanspy module is only allow me to monitor one extension after logging then i have to cancel the session and restart it to monitor another extension. Anyone heard of this issue? Rather than having the ability to go from one ext to another?
18:39.36[TK]D-FenderREdOG: LIke... blocked number.  Or just not available
18:39.59REdOGbroadvoice seems a bit dodgy
18:40.23REdOGI get non stop timeout attempts
18:40.36iscario[TK]D-Fender: sorry, i meant :
18:40.37REdOGbut when I first fire up asterisk my calls seem to come in
18:40.38*** part/#asterisk mercutioviz (~michaelco@freeswitch/developer/msc)
18:41.20*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
18:41.57[TK]D-Fenderiscario: Congratulations.  Now how did you install *?
18:44.29iscario[TK]D-Fender: can't remember, it is just my laptop here, i installed it few weeks ago^^ i don't know why it is like that, but it doesn't really matter , i'll have a look on my real server
18:45.10*** join/#asterisk rossand (
18:46.01[TK]D-Fenderiscario: Yes, it definitely helps to read the instructions
18:46.47iscario[TK]D-Fender: ;) thanks anyway
18:49.01*** part/#asterisk rossand (
18:50.28*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
18:50.51branso weird, i can call landline numbers thru the skype extension, but i can't hear anything
18:51.51REdOGok i am being blocked
18:52.12REdOGwhat setting would cause asterisk to keep trying to register even after it has?
18:53.19branhow do I install this g729 codec?
18:55.30*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
18:56.04LemensTSprefered polycom phone for phone to phone intercom?
18:56.36REdOGis the config insecure=very still valid for *- ?
18:56.49LemensTSand do you have to modify the .cfg of the phone for intercom to work
18:57.44NaikrovekLemensTS: all
18:57.58Naikroveki do need to find a voip phone with a louder headset and/or speaker though
18:58.43Naikrovekand yes you need to tell the phone you want it to answer the intercom type of call
18:58.51LemensTSNakrovek: is intercom paging something i can code in asterisk 1.6 to work with teh polycoms, or do i have to make a boot server and modify the .cfg of the polycoms to do that? (long time ago seemed i did that to make it work)
18:58.53NaikrovekRing Answer, it's called
18:58.55[TK]D-FenderredDecices re-register on a demanded frequency you know...
18:59.16Naikrovekyes you need to modify a config somewhere (or create one to override default)
18:59.23Naikrovekbut it's a simple change
18:59.27[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: Yes you need to provision them
18:59.37[TK]D-FenderREdOG: Decices re-register on a demanded frequency you know...
18:59.49LemensTSNakrovek: TK: Thanks, didn't know if thats how it was still or not.
18:59.57Naikrovekstill is
19:00.03Naikrovekbut its an easy change
19:00.15Naikroveki put my config up on pastebin some time ago --- wonder if i can still find it
19:00.16REdOG[TK]D-Fender: the company is blocking me because I send too many registrations
19:00.17[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: Hasn't changed, is unlikely to ever do so
19:01.00REdOGcan I manipulate the frequency?
19:01.17*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
19:01.18brandoes g729 come free with my SFA license?
19:01.18Naikrovekhow many are you sending...
19:01.41REdOGnot that many tbh
19:01.47Naikrovekhow many are you sending...
19:01.50[TK]D-FenderREdOG: registertimeout=X
19:01.50pabelangerbran: I believe so
19:01.58REdOGevery 20 seconds it looks like
19:02.07Naikrovekhow many phones
19:02.16[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Not Applicable
19:02.17REdOGjust 1 channel
19:02.22REdOGno phones yet
19:02.23[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: * > ITSP reg interval
19:02.35branpabelanger: is g729 automatically installed when I installed SFA?
19:02.36[TK]D-FenderREdOG: See above
19:03.39Naikrovekin other news, i just discovered half-life and team fortress 2 thanks to the steam summer sale
19:03.42Naikrovekin a word: whoa
19:04.33REdOGthats a time sink for me
19:04.46Naikrovekno kidding
19:05.20pabelangerbran: cannot remember been awhile since I used SFA.  Contact Digium
19:05.57Naikrovekthe product page should say so
19:06.08Naikrovekand i would guess no because they sell G729 as well
19:06.37branhow do I check which modules are loaded in asterisk?
19:07.07[TK]D-Fenderbran: "core show modules"
19:07.19branNo such command 'core show modules' (type 'core show help core show' for other possible commands)
19:07.34[TK]D-Fenderbran: "modules show "
19:07.41Naikroveklol "core show help core show"
19:07.43branNo such command 'modules show' (type 'core show help modules show' for other possible commands)
19:07.57Naikrovekwhat version are you using
19:07.58[TK]D-Fenderbran: "help"
19:08.01*** join/#asterisk githogori (
19:08.07branno help either
19:08.12branim using
19:08.19[TK]D-FenderbraNo help?
19:08.19Naikrovekis asterisk running
19:08.33branyeah no help
19:08.37branthis is fucked
19:09.08beeknotes the technical term used to describe the problem.
19:09.38branConnected to Asterisk currently running on ps (pid = 3625)
19:09.38branVerbosity is at least 10
19:09.50branps*CLI> help
19:09.51branNo such command 'help' (type 'core show help help' for other possible commands)
19:10.19bransweet core show help is working
19:12.34*** join/#asterisk spiceycurry (
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19:16.08rocksfrowcan anybody assist me in confirming that long distance is not working?
19:16.18rocksfrowi had random fax issues
19:16.23tzafrir_laptopbran, /etc/asterisk/cli_aliases.conf may be useful
19:16.23rocksfrowand now random outbound calling issues
19:16.30rocksfrowand now i'm thinking something is up with long distance
19:16.34rocksfrowbc local calls seem to work fine
19:16.38rocksfrowbut long distance aren't...
19:16.43rocksfrowhow can i confirm this before calling my telco?
19:16.52brantzafrir_laptop: i dont have that file
19:17.04branwhere can i find a document with the latest commands for asterisk 1.6.2
19:17.05rocksfrowis there anything within asterisk that would cause it to suddenly start giving busy signals on a long distance call?
19:17.09tzafrir_laptoplook at the sample one
19:17.14branall the random snippets i find online are for older version or something
19:18.04tzafrir_laptopIIRC the sample one aliases 'help' to 'core show help'
19:18.09rocksfrowtoll free #'s work too
19:18.45tzafrir_laptopbran, configs/cli_alises.conf in the source directory
19:18.50brantzafrir_laptop: i don't mind typing the whole core show help command lol, as long as it works
19:19.34[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: CALL
19:20.31*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
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19:25.45rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, by CALL, do you mean call the telco?
19:25.59rocksfrowi'm creating a trouble ticket now, i'm just always afraid i'm going to report an issue that is being caused by asterisk
19:26.11rocksfrowthe error log says 'other hangup'
19:26.18[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: "how do I know if its working" <- TRY IT
19:26.31[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: Fuck logs.  TRY NOW <-
19:27.49rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, lol
19:27.54rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, i can pastebin
19:28.26rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, i previously thought this issue was an issue with FAX
19:28.41rocksfrowsimply bc by random chance, we were faxing long distance more often than we were calling long distance
19:28.49*** join/#asterisk voxter (~voxter@
19:29.04rocksfrowi'm actually quite pleased to learn its an issue with long distance in general, that probably means my fax will start working again when i fix this
19:29.13*** join/#asterisk fofware (
19:29.44[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: "thinking" tends to be worthless. LOOKING is important.
19:29.54rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, you'll see what i mean when you see the log
19:34.55*** join/#asterisk jonmasters (
19:36.06*** join/#asterisk veryhappy (
19:37.01veryhappysorry last time as i tried my internet connection broke
19:37.44rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, any clue?
19:37.46veryhappyperhaps someone can suggest me a nice easy tutorial for asterisk also with installation of sip xlite
19:39.06REdOGveryhappy: ?
19:39.27REdOGIt's what ive been using
19:39.58[TK]D-Fenderveryhappy: a usable SIP peer definition is about 6 lines in sip.conf.  teh rest is dialplan
19:43.03[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow:       Presentation: Presentation permitted, user number passed network screening (1)  '5110' ] <-- why are you sending a bogus CID # to the PSTN?
19:43.23[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: Toll-free's should tell you to GTFO, etc.
19:43.28[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: its asking for trouble
19:43.34rocksfrowtoll frees and locals work
19:43.37rocksfroweverything has been working fine
19:43.41rocksfrowi imagine thats some weird config
19:44.02rocksfrowlong distance has been working before this
19:49.02rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, i will configure a default CID on the route to try to avoid that from happening
19:49.08rocksfrowbut that is not why long distance is not working
19:50.38*** join/#asterisk veryhappy (
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19:53.11*** mode/#asterisk [+o malcolmd] by ChanServ
19:53.20Naikrovekjust replaced my aged postfix server in about 30 minutes, from decision to do it to completion
19:53.28Naikroveknot sure if that's quick but it's certainly quick for me
19:53.36Naikrovekseeing as how it's a relay for exchange only
19:54.11rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, >                           Presentation: Presentation permitted, user number passed network screening (1)  '4108145945' ]
19:54.17rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, that better? :)
19:54.25rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, still same busy signal, though
19:54.56rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, but thanks for that tip, glad i got that straightened out
19:55.13rocksfrowi have a support ticket open with the telco on it
19:56.28rocksfrowq931_hangup: other hangup
19:56.28rocksfrowNEW_HANGUP DEBUG: Calling q931_hangup, ourstate Outgoing Call Proceeding, peerstate Incoming Call Proceeding, hold-state Idle
19:56.28rocksfrowq931.c:4686 q931_disconnect: Call 32771 enters state 11 (Disconnect Request).  Hold state: Idle
19:56.50rocksfrowyou think i should try powering off/on the PRI equipment
19:57.52veryhappyhello ... have a question can you please suggest me an easy tutorial for asterisk installation perhaps with sip and x-lite ... thank you
19:58.11[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: Could be they are actually BUSY
19:58.25[TK]D-Fenderveryhappy: ...
19:58.28infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
19:58.34infobot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
19:58.47[TK]D-Fender^^^^^^ For added "inspiration" about a more complete simple setup
19:58.50rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, they aren't busy
19:58.52rocksfrow6 diff numbers?
19:59.00rocksfrowthat i call on my cell phone immediately after and they all ring
19:59.14rocksfrowyou seem to miss that this has been working for 6 months now
19:59.22rocksfrowan install manual probably isnt my answer at this point
19:59.42rocksfrowcould the fact that it happened so randomly mean a hardware issue?
19:59.42[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: I trust NOTHING about claims to changes made/not made... have to judge what I see in front of me.
19:59.56[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: I don't do "time travel" or "story time"
19:59.58rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, so what does that log tell you? what is that 'other hangup'
20:00.03rocksfrowthere isnt much documentation on that
20:00.24veryhappythank you i will try it
20:00.49rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, oops did not see veryhappy chime in there, lol
20:01.00rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, is there any other info that would help?
20:01.16rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, but i'm positive the other end is not busy
20:01.23*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
20:01.30rocksfrowtoll frees work, locals work, long distance gives me busy
20:01.52veryhappyif this works then im [veryhappy]
20:02.32veryhappyi'll call myself and wonder why nobody is on the other side... sure NOT :D
20:02.54veryhappygood thank you
20:03.12*** part/#asterisk veryhappy (
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20:06.15*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (~eject_ck@
20:06.44eject_ckHi guys, can someone recommend SIP hardware phone with PPTP client ?
20:07.13eject_ckISP banned VoIP
20:07.23Naikrovekwhat country are you in
20:07.25eject_ckNaikrovek: yes, pptp
20:07.48eject_ckNaikrovek: does it matter ? For suggestion ?
20:07.56Naikrovekjust curious
20:08.01Naikrovekdoesn't really matter
20:08.50eject_ckI have cisco 7960 and not able to use it
20:09.15Naikrovekcan you tunnel the voip through something else
20:09.28eject_ckthere are couple of ways for me: 1) router with pptp client; 2) VoIP phone with pptp client; 3) PATA with pptp client
20:10.09eject_ckyes, I can in theory but really I don`t have devices which support pptp
20:10.34eject_ckso maybe some one know any above for ~ 100$
20:11.13Naikroveki don't know of any myself but there might be some
20:13.10Naikrovekgov'ts banning voip is a pretty good benchmark for super-corruption
20:13.13Naikrovekat least in my mind
20:13.20Naikrovekreality always seems to be different
20:14.44*** join/#asterisk tsalvador (~tsalvador@
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20:17.40[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Not a sign of corruption.  Buy influence to circumvent laws would be.
20:17.55[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: That just makes them opressive :)
20:18.53Naikrovekyeah i guess
20:21.02*** join/#asterisk blaines (
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20:23.45elliot98slides into his place
20:23.48eject_ck[TK]D-Fender: do you have in mind device what I need ?
20:25.12markfeatherston_eject_ck: you're almost definately going to be better off using a router that supports it, or set up a dedicated box that just handles the vpn that you can forward the routes to.
20:25.20elliot98sometimes when I try to authenticate a device using a static IP address, the device does not properly get just gets thrown into the default contet
20:25.26[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: Plenty fo devices out there.  None I would personally consider
20:25.38[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: You could jsut go for a cheap netbook and soft-phone
20:26.12elliot98what would be causing this behavior?
20:27.01[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: Can't say, because we can't SEE
20:29.31*** join/#asterisk rustyclarkson (
20:29.32raden_workelliot98, pastebin ?
20:29.44raden_workshrinks boss with shrink ray
20:31.08[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
20:32.23*** join/#asterisk diegomad (~mad@
20:32.44eject_ckplenty != work for me
20:33.00eject_ckthanks anyway
20:34.22Kattyhere squirrely squirrely squirrel:<
20:34.27Kattydinner is served :<
20:35.09*** join/#asterisk psilikon (
20:35.56markfeatherston_eject_ck: why is handling the vpn on the router side not an option?
20:36.23raden_workheya Katty
20:36.27Kattyhi raden
20:36.35raden_workhow are things going ?
20:36.49Kattya bit rocky at the moment
20:36.59raden_workoh ?
20:37.11raden_workwhy dat
20:37.40Kattyraden_work: ->
20:38.01tsalvadoranyone know what file i need to use to config VM
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20:38.49KattyQwell: ping
20:39.52*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (~pdugas@
20:40.18tsalvadorkatty, what about a log file to check why calls are disconnecting right after the VM greeting?
20:40.54markfeatherston_tsalvador: /var/log/asterisk/full
20:41.14markfeatherston_you might need to turn up the verbose level to get what you want
20:41.47tsalvadori don't have /full
20:42.32SiNGLerenable it in logger.conf
20:48.41markfeatherston_How do I list the channel variables from cli?
20:51.31*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
20:52.15Trixboxerfor connecting more than 3 sites ( all to each other ) is IAX2 better or SIP trunk?  currently both are working
20:52.58Kattyhi Chainsaw
20:53.06ChainsawHello Katty :)
20:53.33*** join/#asterisk Sheeplet (
20:53.44rocksfrowChainsaw, do you remember helping me debug my "fax" issues the other day?
20:53.48*** join/#asterisk _pepo_ (c837ea09@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:53.50Sheepletlo all
20:53.51rocksfrowthe 'other hangup' debug message?
20:54.01_pepo_hi friends
20:54.09rocksfrowChainsaw, turns out its a long distance issue in general, not fax
20:54.13Chainsawrocksfrow: To a degree, yes.
20:54.52rocksfrowChainsaw, local and toll free calls are working fine
20:54.55*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
20:54.58rocksfrowChainsaw, but long distance is giving me a busy signal
21:00.18Kobazso... is it bad when the telco tells you it's going to take 30 days to install a T1... and then they ask for the programming details.  And then three weeks go by and they ask again for the programming details... and then two weeks later they still haven't actually started the installation
21:02.07markfeatherston_do you have anything in your contract saying they have to have it completed in 30 days?
21:02.27Kobazgenerally we get the contract when the thing is installed
21:02.40Kobazor right when the guy comes to turn it up
21:02.57Kobazi think it has to do with this buyout going on
21:03.12Kobazwindstream bought dne communications, and it's been mostly hell
21:03.33Kobazcustomers t1 lines are going up and down randomly
21:04.12markfeatherston_find someone else or give them a deadline of today/tomorrow
21:04.16Kobazheh yeah
21:04.24Kobazthe problem is, verizon is like 200 more a month
21:06.03*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (~pdugas@
21:17.01rocksfrowChainsaw, it was a telco issue
21:17.06rocksfrowthey just fixed it!
21:17.12Chainsawrocksfrow: Awesome :)
21:17.19rocksfrowthey made a typo in the billing #
21:17.28rocksfrow914 instead of 814
21:17.52rocksfrowChainsaw, atleast now i have fax to email setup too :-) heh
21:18.11Chainsawrocksfrow: *G* So close, yet so far.
21:21.11*** join/#asterisk Alton35 (~alton@
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21:27.38REdOGwell that didn't help...
21:27.43REdOGfkn broadvoice
21:28.16REdOG45 minute wait each time I start up *
21:28.50*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
21:29.03markfeatherston_I didn't know a 486 would run *
21:29.08markfeatherston_why is it so slow to boot?
21:29.14markfeatherston_or is that to register?
21:29.32REdOGit registers right away but then keeps trying to register
21:29.33Corydon76-digI'm sure you could get a 486 to run Asterisk
21:29.51REdOGafter the 5th or so attempt they say they are blocking my ip
21:29.52Corydon76-diggood luck on transcoding or anything else that takes up CPU
21:30.07REdOGbut my softphone still registers
21:30.11REdOGis confused
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21:42.45joakoI enter asterisk queue and it says " your time on hold should be 1 minute 110 seconds"  how does that make sense?
21:43.28pabelangerjoako: Because Wookies live on Endor?
21:43.40markfeatherston_I walked into a fast food restaraunt and they said "please wait sir".  Why did they make me wait?
21:43.55markfeatherston_joako: we need details :P
21:44.18*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
21:44.55joakowhy would it say 1 minute 110 seconds? shouldn't it say 2 minutes 50 seconds?
21:45.25markfeatherston_wait, i missed that.  I've never heard that in my queue
21:45.26mockerjoako: It takes 115 seconds for asterisk to calculate a minute.
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