IRC log for #asterisk on 20100704

00:14.53*** join/#asterisk splnet (~splnet@
00:18.58NightMonkeyHi all. I'm looking at testing/playing around with Freenum, for which I just got a number assigned. However, up to now my asterisk has been safely tucked behind NAT.
00:20.35NightMonkeyInformation seems to be scattered on properly securing Asterisk (or VoIP services) on the Internet. Is it generally better to put some sort of SIP proxy on the Internet, that proxies for Asterisk, and how do you mitigate simple DoS attacks?
00:24.25*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
00:30.21[TK]D-FenderNightMonkey: SIP attacks would be via something like fail2ban.  Everything else is basic firewalling
00:32.31NightMonkey[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.
00:42.45splnetDoes anyone know of any free SIP providers that are providing Skype peering?
00:46.35pabelanger-lapsplnet: just get the SFA channel driver and set it up yourself
00:48.31Docteh"skype peering"?
00:48.39splnetpabelanger-lap: not familiar with that, but I'm assuming that requries a skype client on the same box as the asterisk server does it not?
00:49.00splnetSkype has had inbound SIP access for a while now
00:49.02infobotextra, extra, read all about it, skypeforasterisk is a Digium-made channel driver that allows Asterisk to connect to the Skype network using a Skype-supported connection method. Unlike all other solutions it does not require X11, kernel modules, or a Windows machine. See for details
00:49.09pabelanger-lapsplnet: ^^
00:49.38splnetonly available for select partners though
00:50.01splnetor at least it was several years ago
00:50.01pabelanger-lapsplnet: what partners?
00:50.18pabelanger-lapSFA is an asterisk channel driver
00:50.46splnetpabelanger-lap: how many simultaneous channels does it support?
00:51.06pabelanger-laplicenses is 1 to 1 ratio
00:51.16pabelanger-lapSo, 10 licenses is 10 channels
00:51.20Doctehcheck out the webpage on it
00:51.58splnetcool! looks interesting
00:54.37splnetWhat I was talking was different. Sip providers could apply to skype to get a special SKYPE only DID that would allow the skype network to call IN to your system .
00:58.30Doctehso skype user punches in a number or a username?
00:58.36ChannelZmaybe I'm missing your subtlety but that's what SFA can do.  Bridge Skype in and out of Asterisk.
00:59.06splnetDocteh:  right a special number
01:00.04splnetChannelZ: the difference is, with the method I'm talking about, all you need is SIP. SKype does the translation
01:00.44splnetAnyhow, this was several years ago.. they may not do that anymore
01:00.45Doctehthat might end up being more expensive than skype for sip, which they're offering in beta
01:00.50ChannelZSkype has their own SKype for SIP product
01:01.13Doctehwell if you present them with a pile of money i'm sure they'll do whatever you want ;)
01:01.50splnetA startup company I was working for in 2005 got one of these numbers. We were trying to rollout a skype for sip like product
01:01.53ChannelZWith Skype For SIP you pay some monthly fee plus whatever minutes.  With SFA you pay once for a channel and any minutes
01:02.06ChannelZSo it's not like you're saving a ton of money buy not doing it yourself
01:03.29splnetChannelZ: so remote users are forced to hairpin audio through SFA right?
01:06.16Doctehthe asterisk server would be running skype for asterisk
01:08.48splnetRight What I meant was: SIP asterisk user a talking to skype user b would be forced to route RTP through the asterisk server, I'm assuming
01:08.56*** join/#asterisk jblack (~jblack@
01:24.59*** join/#asterisk Mango (
01:25.57NightMonkeyAny tips on methods to have asterisk ignore "silent" voicemails? Callers who hang up within seconds of voicemail answering leave 5-7 second recordings of silence or dial-tone, and I'd like to reduce those.
01:26.19NightMonkeyEven better would be to still generate an e-mail, but leave off the attached file.
01:26.59NightMonkey(This is when using the SPA3102 between asterisk and POTS)
01:28.34MangoIs the XML Microbrowser supported on the Polycom IP 320/330?  I found one manual that said it was and one that said it wasn't.
01:29.10NightMonkeyMango: I have it "working" (but it's a bear)
01:30.51NightMonkeyMango: Just a simple weather page, but spacing is quite tight.
01:31.05Mangook, so not much room on the screen?
01:31.22NightMonkeyMango: Right. And the supported syntax is rather anemic.
01:31.50NightMonkeyMango: But the feature is there. At least with relatively recent firmware.
01:32.28MangoFirmware is free, right?
01:33.44NightMonkeyIn cost, if not in spirit.
01:34.08MangoThere's a bunch on eBay right now.  I'm thinking of picking one up.  $60; not bad.
01:35.17DoctehI've been emailing myself spectrograms of messages
01:35.24NightMonkeyMango: Don't expect to have much fun with the screen, but as a phone, it's been very solid over several years.
01:35.48Mangoas for your question, you may want to experiment with silencethreshold and maxsilence
01:36.22NightMonkeyMango: Thanks.
01:36.24Doctehdo either of those cause the recording to get thrown out?
01:36.36Doctehor does it just make asterisk give up quicker
01:37.12MangoMy wife has a very soft voice.
01:37.26MangoIf improperly configured, the recording will get thrown out.
01:40.26MangoIt rather annoys her.
01:41.58NightMonkeyHrm. Those get me part way there, but it doesn't appear to cause the message to be abandoned before adding it to a mailbox.
01:43.12NightMonkeyMango: No worries. Not a big deal, but just annoying.
01:44.13NightMonkeyMango: Have you worked with Polycom phones before?
01:44.31MangoNo, I have not.
01:44.42MangoAny gotchas?
01:45.23NightMonkeyMango: Firmware updates, IIRC, are only via tftp/bootp and the configs are held in XML files. Not all config options are available through the phone's web server, or menus.
01:46.02MangoThat's minorly annoying, but I can live with it.
01:46.15NightMonkeyMango: The XML files, at least for me, are hell to work with. Giant long many-screen'd lines make vi kinda unhappy.
01:46.31MangoI'm used to it...I write webapps.
01:46.48MangoNo less hell, but at least it's the same hell :)
01:47.15NightMonkeyMango: Then you're set.
01:47.19*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
01:47.34MangoWhat I'm really after is the multiple registrations
01:47.40MangoMy SPA921 only supports one registration.
01:47.48NightMonkeyMango: For multiple lines?
01:47.52MangoServer down?  Oh!  That's too bad!
01:48.09MangoFor redundancy
01:48.22NightMonkeyMango: Oh. I haven't tried that, but I *think* that's doable.
01:48.31MangoYeah, I've been reading the admin guide and it seems to be.
01:48.53MangoWith the SPA921, you can configure priority based on a SRV record, but it only registers to the backup after the primary has been confirmed down.
01:49.09MangoWith the Polycom, you register to both at once, so there is no downtime.
01:49.42Doctehhow long does it take the phone to realize the server is down?
01:50.37MangoIt depends on the registration interval.
01:50.49NightMonkeyMango: Gosh, that's a dim way of offering "backup" functionality.
01:50.57Mangoaye :)
01:51.10MangoWhen I bought this phone I didn't know anything about VoIP.  So I didn't know to investigate that.
01:51.16MangoI just went, "CTU Ringtone!  Cool!"
01:52.37NightMonkeyHow can Cisco be so smart in some areas and so dim in others? Too much left brain, not enough right?
01:53.33MangoI think this might be a rebranded Sipura
01:53.49MangoI guess they wanted people to buy the higher-end phone that did have that feature.
01:54.30MangoNo problem if you have your SIP servers on the same LAN as the phone; then there's no need for registration.
01:56.55Doctehdidn't linksys buy sipura?
01:57.37Doctehmy SPA3102 is a Linksys by Cisco version
01:59.03MangoTechnically, Cisco bought Sipura and gave it to Linksys as a present.
01:59.07*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
02:21.44*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
02:28.13ChannelZIf that's true Linksys gave it back because all Linksys is doing is home routers and things now.
02:29.26MangoI don't recall any major developments in Linksys products
02:29.34Mango*Linksys VoIP products
02:29.49Mangomost of them stayed the same, didn't they?  they just got rebuilt to look like Cisco
02:30.07MangoMy phone's admin page still says "Sipura SPA Configuration"
02:31.52CrymsoniteI was able to make a SIP call to my Server B, and ring my sip soft phone.  But the only way I could get it to work, was to add an extension, and Dial the SiP device locally.  DIAL SIP/ServerB/SIPPhone1, it treats the SIPPhone1 as a extension to look up on Server B.  Is there anyway, I can just tell server B to dial the device named SIPPhone1, not go to the extension SIPPhone1?  Or is there a clever easy way to acheive what I want?
02:32.39ChannelZI dunno.  I have a bunch of SPA922s that are all branded Linksys but all that's on Linksys' site anymore is this 'Valet' thing, although the pictures have Cisco on them.  No VoIP stuff appears on last I looked
02:32.40CrymsoniteSorry thats wrong, I did Dial SIPPhone1@ServerB
02:33.08ChannelZCisco lists all the SPA phones as 'Cisco SPA9xx' yet all their pictures still say Linksys.  So who the hell knows.  Identity crisis
02:34.36ChannelZCrymsonite: Server A has an extension 111 which does a Dial(SIP/ServerB/222) and ServerB's extension 222 does a Dial(SIP/softphone)....
02:35.38ChannelZassuming 'softphone' is registered to ServerB that's about how it aught to work
02:35.47Crymsoniteyes, exactly
02:36.12CrymsoniteI was not looking forward to writing to the extensions.conf and sip.conf all 200 sip phones that I would use in production.
02:37.29ChannelZif you classify them, you don't have to.  IE if ServerB has 200 phones and all the extensions are similar (like 1xxx), you can just use a pattern.
02:37.29CrymsoniteWonder if theres a way I can pass a variable to ServerB at the sametime, to help out.
02:38.54CrymsoniteLike naming them 1SIPPhone1, 1SIPPhone2, 1SipPhone3, use a pattern match, and strip the first one and do the dial?
02:39.00CrymsoniteThat just might be it.  :D
02:39.18ChannelZwell no
02:39.32ChannelZextensions are generally just numbers.
02:39.37ChannelZDevices have names.
02:40.15ChannelZAs in  exten => 100,1,Dial(SIP/JoesPhone)
02:40.33ChannelZDial 100, it calls JoesPhone
02:41.28CrymsoniteServerB wouldn't retain any of the variables used by the call from ServerA would it?
02:41.37ChannelZIf you want to not have to write a dialplan for each person, the easiest way probably is to make all your SIP device names the same as their 'extension'
02:42.52CrymsoniteYeah, that makes perfect sense.  Just making sure theres no shortcut way of doing what I want before I write it off on my want list.
02:42.58ChannelZThat way you can do  exten => _1XXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}) for instance.. someone dials 1234, asterisk calls SIP/1234
02:44.44DoctehIf I did that I'd prefix the sip usernames with something
02:45.02ChannelZdo whatever you want
02:45.17ChannelZWith Asterisk, You Can Do That(tm)
02:51.07CrymsoniteAh I just got it.  Thank god for FastAGI. :D
02:52.15*** join/#asterisk mrchrisadams (~Adium@
02:55.53*** join/#asterisk Ziaeon (
02:58.15penguin_icehey where can i find a free-text-to-speech for my asterisk box to read out the news
02:58.28penguin_icenot flite or swift they sound like shit
02:59.22*** part/#asterisk rossand (
03:01.18Doctehget a mac and use the Alex voice?
03:02.27penguin_icedo i have to have a mac?
03:03.03penguin_icecant i just get the alex voice into my linux machine?
03:03.09pabelanger-lappenguin_ice: sphinx?
03:03.20Doctehwell theres a tts engine in recent OSX, I tried looking around but nobody seems to have tried hacking it onto linux
03:08.09ChannelZWhat, you no likes Festival?
03:09.12Doctehpenguin_ice: I had better results using the regular swift engines instead of the special 8khz ones
03:09.23pabelanger-lappenguin_ice: nevermind, sphinx is ASR
03:13.55DoctehI wonder how hard it'd be to run darwin binaries on linux
03:30.43*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
03:39.17*** join/#asterisk DrCron (
04:04.01coppicepenguin_ice: swift is as good as anything out there, but many of the Cepstral voices are poor. Try swift with the callie voice, and its pretty reasonable. I don't know anything better (except in demos - demos usually sound wonderful)
04:05.38*** join/#asterisk DogBoy (~john@unaffiliated/dogboy)
04:12.47*** join/#asterisk mrchrisadams (
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04:18.20*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (~lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
04:46.44Doctehthe apple one reminds me of Doctor Manhatten from the Watchmen movie
05:45.48*** join/#asterisk srbaker (
05:50.06*** join/#asterisk Arsenick- (
05:53.39ChannelZIs that naked glowing guy?
05:56.30*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
06:01.14*** join/#asterisk geneticx (
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06:30.14*** join/#asterisk raden (
06:31.13radenheya Naikrovek
06:31.17radenmorning Katty
06:47.07*** join/#asterisk mrchrisadams (
06:51.18redaxgood morning,
06:52.49redaxdon't you know what makes my asterisk losts sip phones... I had to downgrade to 1.6.0.x
06:53.06redaxafter 1-2 days it get loose more and more sip client
06:53.29redaxafter asterisk restart everything's fine again for a few hours/days
06:57.24radensip debug ?
06:57.56redaxnot yet, my collegue just reported the problem
07:06.45*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
07:09.16*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (~linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
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08:06.59*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (~Godfather@
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08:24.26ndemirhello. what is the differences between softswitch and IP PBX? (freeswitch vs asterisk)?
08:39.03*** join/#asterisk blaines (
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08:59.31*** join/#asterisk Gnarfy (~ik@
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12:10.54*** join/#asterisk dauergast (
12:12.15dauergasthi is it possible to playback a sound file to the channel, after I hang up?
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12:15.37dauergastwhen i hangup before the person on the other side does, can I use the hangup extension?
12:16.41florzsure you can - "hangup" is just another word for "noop"
12:46.45*** join/#asterisk Mango (
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13:06.35*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog_Mac (
13:08.08dauergastso hangup extension is triggered when caller, OR callee hang up?
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14:24.39*** join/#asterisk N|Xgurru (~Netgurru@
14:35.44N|Xgurruhi everyone
14:35.54N|Xgurruneed help
14:36.11N|XgurruI am having one issue in Asterisk voice recording with record() function
14:38.04N|Xgurruwhen someone records his voice through sip that last few seconds of voice gets recorded fast
14:38.15N|Xgurrumeans last few seconds of voice is fast
14:38.46N|Xgurruanyone has any such issues in Asterisk ?
14:40.31N|Xgurruanyone there pls ???????
14:57.43troy42nobody here but us bots
14:58.49*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
15:06.02*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
15:09.27N|Xgurruneed help in asterisk record fast issue?
15:09.34N|Xgurrukindly someone reply
15:14.15*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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15:39.20*** join/#asterisk Entulho (
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16:06.29*** join/#asterisk pabelanger-lap (
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16:22.17*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
16:36.53*** join/#asterisk csd-199 (~asdf@
16:37.56csd-199hi to all. I just installed asterisk 1.6 in CentOS using YUM... but it didn't install the ilbc codec, How can I install the ilbc codec?
16:39.41[TK]D-Fendercsd-199: has to be compiled seperately and has prerequisites
16:40.18csd-199uff that means I have to do all manualy, right?
16:44.59*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (
16:49.53[TK]D-Fendercsd-199: Cruise the repo to see if its there somewhere
16:50.36carrarManually is the best way
16:51.42carrarOtherwise it's like going to fast food, you really never know whats inside your food
16:52.17rajivcan someone recommend an origination provider in the US for residential+asterisk use? ideally someone with unlimited incoming minutes.
16:52.52infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
16:53.13infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
16:53.22rajivcarrar: thx
17:13.28*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (~Godfather@
17:19.03rajivhow about a company in the boston, ma, usa area who can setup and manage an asterisk pbx for a small business ?
17:20.36[TK]D-Fenderrajiv: Wouldn't that be YOU?
17:21.35rajiv[TK]D-Fender: funny. i have one client i'm managing but need to step away from that. they have an asterisk box i built for them but its time to upgrade
17:30.34[TK]D-Fenderrajiv: Foster an admin :)
17:35.35Godfather_is possibly to know who hang up the channel ? (caller or callee)
17:41.00*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (~obnauticu@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
17:47.01[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: g <-----------
17:49.16*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
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19:06.43infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (Canada) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,
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19:37.51lbtHi... just wanted to mention that I've made a clone at gitorious for the UK-CLID patches that have been floating around for a few years : ... just an FYI and maybe for google for UK caller ID
19:38.50lbtcheers... feel free to irc pm me
19:38.55*** part/#asterisk lbt (~david@Maemo/community/contributor/lbt)
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19:50.23*** join/#asterisk seanjohn (
19:53.25seanjohnqualify=yes or qualify=100 was what I THOUGHT was the time, in ms, it took to connect the call and then go to the next trunk in context if it couldn't connect, for instance 10000, in 10 seconds. I have now realized this is actually the maximum delay allowed for each trunk before marking it unusable.  WHAT config parameter actually does the time to connect a call, in sip.conf.  My trunks have always been in sequential order of execution f
19:53.25seanjohnleast latent to the most and NONE are over 80ms.
19:54.48seanjohnI have already set the default of qualify to 100ms and all trunks now have qualify=yes instead of a time definition
19:56.21[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: Aualify is not a valid means of judging anything more than if the host is responding.
19:56.47[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: It is NOT viable for calculating latency in generla as OPTIOSN packets my get lower prioritization, etc.
19:56.50seanjohnyeah, i figured that out. Is there a parameter for sip.conf to limit how long it takes to connect a call?
19:57.00[TK]D-FenderdeanjPolycom's look like 80ms on a local LAN
19:57.12[TK]D-Fender[15:56]<seanjohn>yeah, i figured that out. Is there a parameter for sip.conf to limit how long it takes to connect a call? <- no
19:57.19seanjohnI use linksys ATA's and they get 20ms on local lan
19:57.37seanjohnI think i'll set qualify to 200
19:57.40[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: It also wouldn't be a PARAMETER, it'd just be a "statistic", and one dependent on your basis of valuation
19:57.59[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: leave Qualify at 2000+ is you know what's good for you
19:58.18[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: That doesn't set the frequency so it won't hurt you to save some breathing room
19:58.33seanjohnI know I was just hoping to have faster failover
19:59.04[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: If the host is considered "up" then the call will take some time to fail....
19:59.12[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: Firmly in TFB territory
20:00.21seanjohnmy trunks are reporting their ACTUAL time in ms through "sip show peers" but the ATA's are showing fake
20:00.37seanjohn20ms to travel through 100 feet of cable?
20:01.29[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: as I said this isn't true latency.  So take that idea and BURN IT
20:01.33WIMPyseanjohn: 100ft of cable plus trhe software of the ata.
20:01.36*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
20:02.37seanjohnas far as the prioritization, I have tos_sip=cs3 and tos_audio=ef WHILE, at the same time, I have the firewall marking all packets originating from or going to ports 5060:5064 and 10000:20000 with 10000:20000 my RTP port settings
20:03.10seanjohncall quality is great
20:03.13[TK]D-FenderseanAll meaningless
20:03.51seanjohnuhhh TC (traffic control) shows the upstream prioritized
20:04.49seanjohnclass htb 1:30 parent 1:1 leaf 30: prio 3 rate 52000bit ceil 600000bit burst 6Kb cburst 1599b
20:04.56[TK]D-FenderseanDevices can choose to RESPOND to OPTIONS with a lower priority <------
20:05.05seanjohnthat's the class asterisk falls into
20:05.35[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: The path may be incredible but the device says "OPTIONS?  Fuck it, I don't care, you can WAIT and will report in SLOWER"
20:05.57seanjohnyou're talking about the devices that are remote?
20:06.12[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: failover isn't going to trigger any faster
20:06.18seanjohnthe media converter honors QoS
20:06.32[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: No, I'm talking about EVERY FUCKING DEVICE regardless of location <-
20:06.42[TK]D-FenderseanYou aren't getting it.
20:07.03[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: APPLICATION LEVEL LATENCY <---- Has JACK-SHIT to do with youre REAL NETWORK PERFORMANCE
20:07.24[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: Stop compareing apples an ORANGUTANS
20:07.35*** join/#asterisk Obeliks (obeliks@gentoo/contributor/Obeliks)
20:08.03seanjohnI get what you're saying but, remotely testing 1000 miles away, the setup is fine with me and has no delay. Thanks for helping me with qualify. I set it to 2000
20:08.16[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: Yes the packet arrives fast and I shove it on the BOTTOM of the to-do list.
20:08.35seanjohnI know I have no control of downsteam
20:08.59[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: I suggest a higher qualify because in the case of a freak slow response it will consider the peer down and burn a call attempt it shouldn't should one be requested.
20:09.11seanjohnI have seen that
20:09.21seanjohnthat's what made me question qualify
20:09.22[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: So it plays virtually no role in the bigger scheme of failover.
20:09.35seanjohnI know, I was asking what did, if any
20:09.41seanjohnand you said nothing is available
20:09.49[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: it has no impact on a call taking to long once the host is considered "up" anyway
20:10.38seanjohnI was hoping there was a way, if the "ringing" wasn't generated within a certain ammount of time, it would hop to the next trunk; I guess I'll just have to play with different options in the dialplan to do this
20:11.50seanjohnlike, macro and Wait(5) then gotoif($[${CONNECTED}!=1]?failovermarked or something
20:12.37seanjohnor ${CHANNEL(status)}=something
20:12.49[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: Not ever SIP service & device reports Ringing back and no, this isn't an "option"
20:13.13[TK]D-FenderseanAnd dialplan won't report "connected", that means you LEFT DIAL
20:13.26[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: I think you need caffeine.  a LOT
20:13.52WIMPyseanjohn: *IF* you really want to do it, AMI would be your friend.
20:14.19seanjohnI know the dialplan won't report connected BUT ${CHANNEL(status)} or something will say RINGING and, if it does, the macro will not continue on
20:14.26WIMPy[TK]D-Fender: <ore likely he had too much already.
20:14.35[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: No, it WONT
20:14.52seanjohnthere's no variable, automatically set, that reports the channel status of ringing?
20:14.53[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: Dialplan does not continue executing during your DIAL.
20:15.23[TK]D-Fenderseanjohn: This is not happening.  ANY of it.  Seriously dead issue.  Lights are on.  The Wheel is spinning.  The hampster is #&$^ING DEAD
20:15.31seanjohnwierd, cause it did it a couple of times when I didn't want it to, with the "g" option set
20:15.50seanjohnburries the hamster and the hatchet that killed it
20:16.08[TK]D-Fendersean"G" is post dial.  that means * gave up for whatever reason it chose to.  This is not an opportunity for you to SUPERVISE the call
20:16.40seanjohnok, thank you fender. Go take your blood pressure medication.
20:24.10*** join/#asterisk elliot98 (~elliot@unaffiliated/elliot98)
20:24.26elliot98quietly enters and takes his seat
20:24.50elliot98raises hand
20:25.08[TK]D-Fenderis a proponent of Richard Dreyfus' "Death Therapy" method
20:26.02elliot98what is the best method the dynamically change global dialplan variables?
20:27.17*** join/#asterisk eliel (~eliels@
20:31.00[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: Meaning?
20:32.27elliot98is there a way to change the value of global variable outside of a dialplan
20:33.02elliot98basically, it needs to be changed, but not by a call being placed into the system
20:33.08seanjohnelliot, you can do it in call files
20:33.38[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: Use AstDB instead.  globals don't survive an * restart.  AstDB does
20:34.20elliot98and AstDB can be set using a auto-call?
20:34.37[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: Can be set many more ways than that
20:34.48elliot98I was thinking of reloading the diaplan with an updated [globals] section
20:34.55[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: AMI, OS + * CLI, etc
20:38.37elliot98also, I've been trying to find out a way to have the background command break only if a valid digit is entered
20:38.45elliot98I tried the m option, but that didn't seem to work
20:39.21[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: It will break on any digit because SOMETHING will get hit regardless.
20:39.47[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: thats the point of the "i" Asterisk Standard Extension.
20:40.42elliot98that's what i figured...but wondering if there is some sort of way to work around that
20:41.20elliot98so if an invalid digit is pressed do not stop the playback
20:42.02*** join/#asterisk blaines (
20:42.41[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: Nope
20:44.00elliot98only voicemail playback has some playback features
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20:58.53elliot98so there is no way for a dialplan to break a background command only with specific digits
21:00.36*** join/#asterisk Mango (
21:08.30elliot98do ABCD dtmfs exist in Asterisk?
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21:13.33elliot98Controlplayback also breaks when a digit is entered...why?
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21:26.55[TK]D-Fenderelliot98: Show us how you are using it
21:27.13[TK]D-Fender[17:08]<elliot98>do ABCD dtmfs exist in Asterisk? <- yes
21:43.02CrymsoniteOutbound call on Server A, Dial SIP Device on Server B, I'm doing this all with AGI/AMI.  I need to somehow identify on the Server B side, that the call originated from a specific DAHDI channel.  Any ideas on how I can get this done?
21:43.32CrymsoniteThe DAHDI channel being the outbound call on Server A.
21:51.54*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
21:58.11*** join/#asterisk Whtsup (
21:58.28*** join/#asterisk niekvlessert (
21:58.44niekvlesserthey guys! what about srtp/tls in 1.4?
22:00.27*** join/#asterisk viq (~viq@unaffiliated/viq)
22:05.06niekvlessertif i do a reinvite between aastra's with srtp and tls, using asterisk 1.4, might that work?
22:05.41niekvlesserti guess srtp/tls only works well with trunk?
22:10.39[TK]D-FenderCrymsonite: Add a SIP header before you call to server B.  Pick it off in server B's dialplan and do whatever you want with it
22:17.01*** join/#asterisk cutencool (~dostnfrie@
22:19.37niekvlessertanyone has a nice url about libsrtp & asterisk 1.4?
22:20.36Doctehwhats so bad about 1.6?
22:22.21*** join/#asterisk mrchrisadams (
22:23.27niekvlessertwell, the whole system is based on 1.4 :(
22:23.42niekvlessertnice and stable
22:25.19niekvlessertyou have experience with srtp stuff?
22:26.59niekvlessertdoes anyone think it's important on a lan?
22:27.18Doctehs means secure right? you tell me, its your lan
22:28.00niekvlessertwell, if it's a lan, only local people can listen to calls with a sniffer...
22:28.37niekvlessertwhich can be trouble when an important person is talking...
22:30.19*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
22:31.45Doctehhubs or switches?
22:31.46[TK]D-Fenderniekvlessert: 1.4 is ancient, get your platform off of it
22:32.01niekvlessertok, 1.6 then
22:32.07Doctehalso if you've got people sniffing your lan they are a bigger problem then whatever is being said over voip
22:32.15CrymsoniteThanks fender, didn't know about that function.
22:32.19WIMPyDocteh: Doesn't matter unless managed.
22:32.20niekvlesserthow much trouble do I need to expect with 1.6 and srtp/tls?
22:32.40niekvlessertDocteh: agree, customer thinks otherwise.....
22:35.41cutencoolcan any one tell me the password of elatix a2billing ?
22:36.50cutencoolany one there?
22:38.52[TK]D-Fendercutencool: a2billing is not supported here, nor is elastix
22:41.56*** join/#asterisk mharris (~mharris@fedora/mharris)
22:47.38cutencoolk thanx.
22:54.04*** part/#asterisk Whtsup (
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23:18.57iceypHey guys, does anyone know of a web based pbx like trixbox that I cna have multiple clients on, i.e. hosted pbx that we could host for clients on a single system
23:20.03iceypI've trialed PBXnSIP but i find it to be a little too difficult for setting up auto attendants or IVR
23:29.15niekvlesserticeyp: no easy way to go, buy the asterisk book. :)
23:29.37*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
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