IRC log for #asterisk on 20100630

00:28.05*** join/#asterisk Ziaeon (
00:39.37*** join/#asterisk Mango (
00:39.55MangoDoes anyone have a CallWithUs account, and five minutes to help me test something?
00:40.42carrarI have a unlimited zoo pass
00:40.55Mangocan you register a softphone to it? :)
00:41.01carrarI think so
00:41.10MangoOk, thanks.
00:41.26carrarThey can play the monkey sound bite
00:41.39carraror maybe that was actual real monkeys
00:46.35*** join/#asterisk TJNII (~TJNII@
00:47.56infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
00:49.59cmendes0101Mango: do you need Callwithus account specifically
00:50.27MangoYes.  I'm trying to confirm an exploit I discovered.
00:50.33MangoTheir tech support doesn't believe me and won't test it.
00:51.45cmendes0101oh nvm then lol
00:51.51MangoAnd they are being really fucking pretentious.
00:53.14*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
00:53.50*** join/#asterisk mathslinux (~mathslinu@
00:54.06*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
01:00.31*** join/#asterisk Whtsup (
01:00.35Whtsuphow r u
01:01.11Whtsupit is better to connect to asterisk boxes with sip to sip or iax to iax
01:01.27*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (~nighty@
01:01.32Whtsupany suggestion
01:01.40ChannelZit depends
01:02.14ChannelZif you are routing the media from one to the other, IAX could save you bandwidth and grief with its own trunking
01:02.15Whtsupwell i m getting some jerk in voice quality
01:02.36Whtsupi m using g723 codec
01:02.52Whtsupand delay b/w to asterisk boxes is 200 ms
01:03.09Whtsupi have connected with iax
01:03.17Whtsupany suggestion to improve sound quality
01:03.21ChannelZWell if your network connection is crap there's not a lot you can do about it either way
01:03.34Whtsupno my connection is good
01:03.50Whtsupdelay is 200 ms constant
01:04.03Whtsupeven when call is active
01:04.51ChannelZif you're getting dropouts it suggests something is going on
01:05.25Whtsupso what should i do now
01:06.53ChannelZYou could increase the jitter buffer I guess
01:07.16Whtsupwell jitter buffer is off
01:07.21Whtsupi m new to asterisk
01:07.36Whtsuphow can i on this jitter buffer
01:08.00ChannelZsee iax.conf (you said you're using IAX)
01:08.19devmodthere was a list somewhere of recommended places to get dids from... ?
01:08.21Whtsupi m using iax.conf
01:08.21*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
01:08.27infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
01:10.54devmodis that only for did in the US?
01:11.08xhelioxVoIP MS, Junction, and some of the others have international DIDs.
01:11.16devmodI need france and germany..
01:11.30xhelioxI can't say which ones they have without looking.
01:11.55devmodtried didww and they asked me for a bunch of documentation to get a did in france (passport copy, utility bill, etc)
01:12.06ChannelZOh, the French.
01:12.26devmodIs that something expected when getting DID in france?
01:13.30ChannelZDunno.. it just sounds like a very french thing to do
01:13.33WIMPyIn Germany you won't get geonumbers without a corresponding postal address.
01:13.37devmodlol it sure does
01:17.24*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (~cesar@
01:22.55*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:27.36hhoffmanjaytee: sorry, got pulled away... I see the extension being dialed on the console with sip debug on... but on the sip client I don't hear what asterisk is playing
01:36.37MangoHow can we add to itsplist-ca?
01:40.11*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
01:40.49hhoffmananyone know of a provider that also offers SMS?
01:41.07MangoCallWithUs has it in beta for the US.
01:41.49hhoffmanoh, nice! thanks, I'll check them out :-)
01:41.51Mangoactually, that's not right
01:42.10MangoLooks like it's more than the US.  However, you can only send, and not receive.
01:42.21hhoffmanah, ok
01:42.35hhoffmanI'd like to replicate what google voice is doing
01:42.40MangoGoogle Voice allows you to send and receive.  But they don't support SIP of course.
01:42.43Mango...ah, you know that :P
01:44.23hhoffmanyeah, their service is great... but as a company they have too much info already
01:44.59MangoWouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them.
01:45.27hhoffmanhehe, yeah
01:46.56coppiceWouldn't trust them any more that I really need to, just like I trust anyone else
01:47.22hhoffmanso, I've got a asterisk service with a public ip and sip clients behind nat. sometimes voice works for the client but other times not. Usually I'll hear asterisk on the first extension called but on subsequent I get no audio even through the console shows audio being played
01:47.58Mangodoes it work if you set a stun server on the sip clients?
01:48.42hhoffmanhmm, I don't know. I'll have to read up on using STUN
01:49.07MangoWhat hardware are the SIP clients?
01:49.44hhoffmansoftware... twinkle on linux (at the moment)
01:49.52Mangohrm, not sure how to configure that
01:50.07Mangoanother way to diagnose is to do
01:50.09Mangortp set debug on
01:50.27Mangoin the Asterisk console.  If one of the IPs is the public IP of the client, then a STUN server won't help.
01:50.41hhoffmanoh, ok... let me start there
01:50.53infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
01:51.10hhoffmanah, yeah... it's sending it to the rfc1918 address space
01:51.23*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:51.25Mangook.  you can try setting nat=yes for that peer.
01:52.12hhoffmanyeah, I have that... one sec, I'll pastebin sip.conf
01:53.02*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
01:53.03*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
01:54.23*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
01:54.52hhoffmanso, my setup is a little different then the link as my asterisk box has a public ip addr... but the rest of the setup seems to match
01:55.30Mangosquints at it
01:55.33*** join/#asterisk pabelanger-lap (
01:56.04*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
01:58.13hhoffmanhmm, do I need the high numbered ports open in the firewall on the asterisk server?
01:58.53Mangoif Asterisk is replying to a 192 address, that won't help
01:59.05hhoffmanyeah, good point
01:59.34Mangois there any configuration  in Twinkle to set an external IP?
01:59.38hhoffmanso, do I just plug in a public stun server to the client and that's it?
01:59.47*** join/#asterisk mrchrisadams (
01:59.58MangoI'm afraid I don't know Twinkle, but that should be pretty much it.
02:00.03MangoLet's try it and see if it works.
02:00.22hhoffmanok, and I don't have to "sign up" or anything for the stun service to work?
02:00.27hhoffmanknows nothing about stun
02:00.29Mangono, it's free to use
02:01.36*** join/#asterisk eliel (~eliels@
02:03.01hhoffmanhmm, ok... so now it's sending to my public ip addr... I guess I've got to forward from the nat/router back to the sip client?
02:03.51MangoThat would work, but I'm not sure why it's not doing that on its own.
02:04.16hhoffmanunsure... just seeing packets via rtp debug
02:04.24Mangoand still no audio?
02:05.24hhoffmansometimes :-(   voicemailboxmain just worked and then hangup and redial that extension doesn't provide audio now
02:06.37*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
02:07.03hhoffmanoh, well... I think I'll get some sleep... thanks for the pointers!
02:12.32Mango~action Mango
02:12.32infobotbonks Mango over the head
02:12.37MangoThis little guy is amusing!
02:22.16*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
02:34.39*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
02:39.05MangoDoes anyone have a CallWithUs account, and five minutes to help me test something?
02:48.17*** join/#asterisk dmz (
03:14.14*** join/#asterisk knctrnl (
03:22.27*** join/#asterisk soman (~somnath@
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03:48.51*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
03:52.07*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog_Mac (
03:53.28*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
04:22.46*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
04:25.40*** join/#asterisk githogori (
04:35.52EmleyMoorIs there information anywhere on what RTP ports softphones use?
04:40.35*** join/#asterisk Benwa (
04:40.55xEBIxEmleyMoor, thats not specified mostly you can set the port in the configuration of the software.
04:54.17*** join/#asterisk mrchrisadams (
05:04.59*** join/#asterisk Junior (~Juni@unaffiliated/junior)
05:18.12Alton35leifmadsen, I remember you after all this time
05:18.25Alton35several others, actually, I guess the regulars
05:25.39*** join/#asterisk SiNGLer (
05:36.18*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-zqwsampgkqfafmyc)
05:49.33*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
05:51.27*** join/#asterisk mrchrisadams (
06:29.41*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (~Godfather@
06:37.35*** join/#asterisk Benwa (
06:42.23angryuserGood morning
06:42.55angryuserWhat is the best faxdetect module for asterisk ?
06:54.29*** join/#asterisk soman (~somnath@
06:54.30*** join/#asterisk af_ (~getsmart@
06:58.44ChannelZangryuser: fax detection is built in
06:59.52*** join/#asterisk eye-scuzzy (
07:00.40angryuserChannelZ, i know, the question is there are different modules for the same thing ? For example more performant
07:01.40*** join/#asterisk Flametail (48174409@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:01.45angryuserChannelZ, i need as fast as possible detection.
07:02.28Flametailwhat softphones do you guys recommend?
07:06.38ChannelZangryuser: It can only detect as fast as the calling fax machine sends the tone
07:06.46ChannelZI've found it to be instantaneous once it hears it
07:07.05ChannelZFlametail: I like Zoiper (Classic even)
07:07.24*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
07:07.48Flametailand im kinda new to sip......say the guy I want to call is extension do I dial him?
07:07.50angryuserChannelZ, can you show me your conf ? I remember that there were a delay setting
07:09.13mort_gibFlametail: exten => 123,1,Dial(SIP/123)
07:11.17ChannelZin my case, in chan_dahdi.conf all I have is "faxdetect=incoming" and then in my extensions.conf I have an extension called "fax" in the 'incoming' context which sends the call to my fax machine
07:11.48ChannelZthere is no delay setting I"m aware of
07:12.00*** join/#asterisk mpe (
07:12.11Flametail@ mort_gib :S ok.....say server is little better explanation?
07:12.45mort_gibFlametail: how about a better explanation of your problem
07:13.14FlametailI dont really know how to dial an SIP from a softphone....
07:14.00mort_gibFlametail: well, your softphone needs to register with some kind of SIP server, like asterisk
07:14.40Flametailyeah..I am trying to go through with that with the zoiper account wizard
07:15.00mort_gibFlametail: If your Softphone is on the same SIP server, and in the same context, my reply above is correct, although I would add exten => 123.1.Dial(SIP/123,20,tT)
07:15.15ChannelZnot necessarily, Zoiper can 'direct dial' SIP URIs
07:15.30ChannelZbut presumably this whole exercise is to play with Asterisk, so..
07:15.34Flametailerror code 102 when trying to register just now
07:15.55mort_gibChannelZ: and he stated that "and im kinda new to sip"
07:16.17mort_gibSo go ahead and explain SIP URI's to him
07:16.58ChannelZwell you're telling him to Dial peers which probably don't exist either, my guess is basically nothing is configured.  We have no idea what he's doing
07:17.15mort_gibFlametail: how about a better explanation of your problem
07:17.28*** join/#asterisk frk2 (~faraz@zivios/member/fkhan)
07:17.36infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
07:20.11*** join/#asterisk krion (~seb@unaffiliated/krion)
07:21.18*** join/#asterisk lhz (
07:21.34FlametailSo you think theres a problem serverside since I couldnt connect?
07:23.43*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (
07:25.22ChannelZwe have no idea, you've told us nothing about your configuration, what/who you're trying to connect to...
07:25.56ChannelZYou maybe typed in the wrong credentials, the wrong hostname, your firewall may be blocking traffic...
07:27.03SiNGLeris where a wait to play sound/announcement to callee, after Dial L() parameter's connect announcement to caller?
07:27.32FlametailI have install asterisk on a firewalls...I added the extension and put in the right credentials....more or less out of the box config since I have little idea of what im  doing, I just have to do it
07:29.01ChannelZSiNGLer: ummmm... what?
07:29.24ChannelZFlametail: is this FreePBX?
07:29.50FlametailI used the asteriskNOW iso image
07:30.08ChannelZSee #freepbx and/or #asterisknow
07:30.37*** part/#asterisk Flametail (48174409@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:30.53ChannelZI dunno if you have to add a sip peer in freepbx, or if adding an 'extension' does these things for you, or what... such is the way with a system which is designed to completely obscure normal Asterisk configuration
07:31.38SiNGLerChannelZ: I play connect announcement to caller (I set LIMIT_CONNECT_FILE=audiofile and then use Dial(ABC/asd,,L(x)), caller hears audiofile, meanwhile callee hears ringing. after audiofile ends, caller and callee can talk, but before that I want to play beep to callee
07:36.22ChannelZthere is the A() option but I'm not sure what order things occur in
07:36.35SiNGLerA() is played before
07:36.56SiNGLerand M() is executed before and it blocks
07:41.57*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
07:43.26ChannelZdunno sorry
07:54.36*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
08:10.04*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@nat/redhat/x-zvxhxemmkevyadap)
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08:12.28*** join/#asterisk ruied (~ruied@
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08:31.02*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~chatzilla@
09:02.21*** join/#asterisk slin (~slinky@frugalware/developer/slin)
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09:19.24*** join/#asterisk Jomu (~Jomu@
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09:40.10*** join/#asterisk soman (~somnath@
09:40.28*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:51.29*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-rvdneeexzthgvnyh)
09:59.01*** join/#asterisk Gary_B (~IceChat7@
09:59.40Gary_Bquick question, anyone know if an old avaya ip office 403 supports routing all mobile calls down 1 of its 2 PRI cards
10:02.42*** join/#asterisk mrchrisadams (
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10:51.45*** join/#asterisk mrchrisadams (
10:52.06*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (~Godfather@
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11:07.36*** join/#asterisk asamoah (~caio@
11:10.49*** join/#asterisk Han (~han@unaffiliated/han)
11:11.22HanHi, the on hold music of our asterisk is gone. We didn't change anything. Does anyone have a bright idea?
11:12.01ChainsawHan: Please don't lie to me.
11:12.12ChainsawHan: If nothing was changed then the behaviour would still be the same.
11:12.25ChainsawHan: You don't know what has been changed, but the hold music has ceased.
11:12.27HanI didn't say nothing changed.
11:12.40ChainsawHan: So, could you try "core set verbose 10" and "core set debug 10"
11:12.49ChainsawHan: Then put a call on hold whilst watching the console. Any errors/warnings?
11:13.13DNDguys is the pri line really have to do some sort of "restarting" once in a while?
11:13.18ChainsawHan: An arbitrary group of people said "it wasn't me". That's neither helpful nor relevant. Let's concentrate on the problem at hand.
11:13.24DNDwe have a E1 line over dsl
11:13.43Hanoh, it's already at 10/10 and it only says: started music on hold, class default, on channel xxxxxx
11:14.51ChainsawHan: moh reload
11:15.00ChainsawHan: Check for errors. Call again and put on hold afterwards.
11:21.28*** join/#asterisk voxter (~voxter@
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11:27.13*** join/#asterisk voxter (
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11:45.31tzafrir_laptopHan, start with:  moh show classes   and:   moh show files
11:45.41tzafrir_laptopThat should give some useful information
11:50.13*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@nat/redhat/x-rpaeikyfoettqedw)
11:52.08gadams999has anyone played around with dahdi hardware under ESX (PCI passthrough mode)?
11:59.56*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
12:03.23*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@nat/redhat/x-onmulilopbtfhwws)
12:07.03*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
12:14.06*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog_Mac (
12:16.43Godfather_how do i dial my mobile configured with chan_mobile?  Now i'm able to dial through the mobile with exten => 30,1,Dial(Mobile/nokia/${NUM_TO_DIAL},45), but, how can i dial to the mobile with another extension? i mean, exten=> 31,1,Dial(Mobile/nokia) or something like that?
12:23.54Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, Dial a headset using Dial(Mobile/device) in the dialplan.
12:24.00Godfather_i tried that
12:24.06*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
12:24.11Godfather_-- Executing [31@internal:1] Dial("SIP/104-00000031", "Mobile/nokia") in new stack
12:24.11Godfather_[Jun 30 14:17:16] WARNING[12807]: chan_mobile.c:601 mbl_request: Cant determine destination number
12:24.36Godfather_But seems chan_mobile expects a 3rd parameter
12:25.22[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: it does.
12:25.28*** join/#asterisk fish-bulb (~qcstewart@nat/digium/x-dfvzdxxnctyizfxf)
12:26.08Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, i just want to dial this device with another SIP extension, for example, with my softphone dial to the Mobile
12:26.31[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: And did you read that doc about 20 more times?
12:26.42[Outcast]normallly how long does it take for a license to be approved?
12:29.16[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Phone = fxo, headset=fxs.  The End.
12:30.47*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
12:31.40*** join/#asterisk Ziaeon (
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12:44.59*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
12:45.01evilbitOT: does anyone have a recommendation for a provider that does both SMS (receive/send) and IAX or SIP?
12:45.30*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
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12:58.19[TK]D-Fenderevilbit: * doesn't do SMS over SIP/IAX
12:58.24*** join/#asterisk mikkel (~mikkel@
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13:06.51Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, then, should i configure a headset for my mobile? the same MAC address?
13:07.04*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (
13:07.41[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: No, it is SEPARATE.
13:08.15[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: * talks DIRECTLY to a headset, NOT through a phone <---n
13:09.03Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, and then...
13:09.28[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: there is no "then"
13:09.37*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
13:10.14Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, its posibly to dial to the phone using mobile_chan yes or no
13:10.35[TK]D-Fender[08:29]<[TK]D-Fender>Godfather_: Phone = fxo, headset=fxs. The End.
13:10.53[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Phone = FXO ONLY
13:16.03*** join/#asterisk Benwa (
13:18.19evilbitis there a good place to read up on setting up T.38 Fax support over IP?
13:22.06*** join/#asterisk eye-scuzzy (
13:22.40xhelioxOpposed to t.38 over some other protocol? :P
13:23.01*** join/#asterisk frk2 (~faraz@zivios/member/fkhan)
13:24.34evilbitjust trying to be as specific as possible ;-)
13:25.56*** join/#asterisk fullstop (
13:26.03*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
13:26.38fullstopHi all.  I'm having some troubles with DTMF and RFC2833.  It works for some time, but then stops, leaving the caller stuck.
13:27.49fullstopI see the RFC2833 RTP DTMF in both wireshark and RTP debug in asterisk, but they are never forwarded to the sip channel.
13:28.19fullstop(forward might be a bad word -- rtp.c sees them, chan_sip.c does not after a certain point)
13:28.50*** join/#asterisk youngproguru (~youngprog@
13:29.30fullstopI ran a monitor on the channel, and listened to the inbound audio, and it appears as if there is a very short "real" DTMF whenever a button is pressed, but I am not set to "auto" so I don't believe this should make a difference.
13:30.07fullstopIs it possible that one of the inband DTMF turds is tricking asterisk into going to inband mode?
13:30.39fullstopIs there any way to identify what DTMF mode is being used on a particular channel from the console?
13:32.45fullstopsip show settings shows global settings, but they could be different for a channel.
13:33.59pabelangerfullstop: If you are using rfc2833, you should not hear any tones.
13:34.23*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
13:35.07fullstoppabelanger: should is the key word!
13:35.30pabelangerfullstop: Asterisk is not smart enough to do dynamic DTMF. If you set rfc2833, it will not do any inband
13:35.34[TK]D-FenderfuuYou should be using rfc2833 not auto as your mode then
13:35.51fullstoppabelanger: we are using a PaeTec SIP connection, maybe I need to talk to them.
13:36.01fullstopI am using rfc2833, not auto.
13:37.04fullstoprtp correctly identifies the rfc2833 packets, but never gives them to the channel.
13:37.30fullstopIt doesn't happen all the time, but I have confirmed that it happens occasionally.
13:38.34pabelangerfullstop: I see the problem....
13:38.37pabelangerfullstop: Toronto_Ontario
13:39.18fullstoppabelanger: Clearly I've run into the elusive metric RTP vs imperial RTP problem.
13:39.20*** join/#asterisk jtrimmer (
13:40.15pabelangerfullstop: Are you able to reproduce the problem; even tho it is intermittent?
13:40.28fullstoppabelanger: yes, but sometimes it takes 30 minutes or more.
13:40.48jtrimmeris there any way to make a call out through asterisk and have it loop it back into a specific channel into the phone system.  trying to test out some stuff like a customer calling in.
13:42.33pabelangerfullstop: You'll need to capture a full debug log, with RTP enabled showing the problem then.  Then trace, where asterisk is loosing the dtmf
13:42.47*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (
13:43.02pabelangerjtrimmer: Yes, Transfer()
13:43.43pabelangerjtrimmer: or Dial the specific channel
13:43.59fullstoppabelanger: I don't have the asterisk log where I lose the DTMF (I have it right after it lost it), but I do have a wireshark log from when it lost the DTMF.
13:44.46pabelangerfullstop: If you if see the problem in wireshark, then the problem is outside the control of Asterisk
13:44.54structzHi i'm having a problem when seding a fax using a D-LINK ata i get this message on asterisk CLI and my asterisk justs stops working -  channel.c:1044 __ast_queue_frame: Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to IAX2/mediagateway-1755 (asterisk on debian)
13:45.14pabelangerfullstop: Assuming the trace is inbound to Asterisk
13:45.16fullstoppabelanger: No.  I see the DTMF in both wireshark and in asterisk
13:45.34fullstopAsterisk sees the DTMF and prints them out in the RTP log
13:45.51fullstopIt just stops sending them to the channel at some point.
13:45.52pabelangerfullstop:  but I do have a wireshark log from when it lost the DTMF. <-- typo?
13:46.27fullstopSorry.. by "lost" I mean that asterisk no longer presents the DTMF to my dialplan.
13:47.17fullstopIt most certainly receives the rfc2833 DTMF -- this has never stopped coming through.
13:47.58pabelangerfullstop: Well, you have the right idea.  Capture both debug and wireshark log, we'll have to trace why Asterisk is dropping them.  Is this a new problem?  Have you changed Asterisk recently?
13:48.36fullstoppabelanger: This is a brand new setup, and we are testing it out.  Interestingly enough, I can recreate it in both 1.4.32 and
13:49.02fullstopI've not changed asterisk, except from 1.4 -> 1.6 to see if it was present in both.
13:49.42pabelangerfullstop: Can you test with another ITSP?  Is this problem specific to them?
13:49.49*** join/#asterisk hugorebelo (
13:49.58fullstoppabelanger: Unfortunately, I do not have another ITSP at present.
13:50.06*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
13:50.24fullstopHowever, PaeTec is listed under supported providers.
13:50.46pabelangerfullstop: Time to debug, and if you believe an Asterisk bug open an issue on the tracker.
13:51.36fullstoppabelanger: to get started, do you have any idea how data from the RTP stream makes it to the channel?
13:52.57*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
13:53.08pabelangerfullstop: not will out looking
13:53.47*** join/#asterisk grinder13 (~grinder@
13:54.09fullstopi'll do better next time
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14:06.04*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
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14:06.42Winkiehey chaps, i am trying to use my phone to forward a call to my mobile. when the call comes in, the phone sends a 301 or 302 (i forget) with the new number, and asterisk proceeds to dial Local/mobilenum@correctcontext
14:06.44*** join/#asterisk apal0s (
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14:07.00Winkiehowever, it then immediately gets a: Everyone is busy/congested at this time
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14:07.11Winkiei can make the calls manually on my phone, one in and one out through the provider
14:07.17apal0sHello, quick question, is there a way to issue a tranfser via REFER?
14:07.35[TK]D-FenderWinkie: pastebin a complete failed call with your dialplan/
14:07.38infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:07.56apal0sfull question is how can i issue a call transfer, vi a 480 REFER on a remote sip server
14:08.08apal0swith asterisk 1.4.26 acting as "client"
14:08.11[TK]D-Fenderapal0s: Transfer()
14:08.20apal0s[TK]D-Fender: it doesnt seem to work
14:08.28apal0sand i am guessing 1.4.26 isn't buggy
14:08.35[TK]D-Fenderapal0s: If reinvites have not been disabled it should.
14:08.41[TK]D-Fender1.4.26 is old
14:08.41imcdonawhen using agent penalties, does the "ringall" strategy ring in order of penalty?
14:08.59apal0slot's of things are backpoted to him, so it should be fine
14:09.02[TK]D-Fenderimcdona: It will ring GROUPS of memebers by penalty
14:09.10apal0sby reinvites you mean the canreinvite option ?
14:09.24imcdonathnks tk
14:09.39[TK]D-Fenderapal0s: no, we're at now.  I'm not talking another branch.  You are several releases behind within 1.4 itself
14:10.25Winkie[TK]D-Fender: looks like i don't have the log, just generating one now so gimmie a few mins, i'm probably using a v old asterisk too
14:10.25leifmadsen1.4.34-rc1 is out too
14:10.25Winkieoh i guess that's not too old
14:10.26[TK]D-FenderWinkie: Shouldn't matter
14:10.49leifmadsen1.6.2.5 was released in February 2010
14:11.03apal0s[TK]D-Fender: for X reasons oprting everything back on an embedded device, doesn't seem too appealing to me atm, but i don;t think i've seen any bug reports for the Transfer() for a while
14:11.07apal0si might be wrong
14:11.15apal0sand 1.6 is way too weird atm
14:11.18apal0sat least for me
14:11.29apal0soprting = porting :)
14:11.36leifmadsen1.6.2.5 is actually based on
14:11.40leifmadsenso yes... it is old
14:11.52[TK]D-Fenderapal0s: Well perhaps at a minimum you should provide actual debug for us to look at
14:12.17apal0sok, suppose we are using AEL
14:12.21apal0sthe entry is like this
14:12.39apal0s115 => {  transfer(SIP/XXXXXXXX };
14:12.42apal0swhere XXXX is a number
14:12.47[TK]D-Fenderapal0s: Show the CALL DEBUG.
14:12.51apal0sonly thing i see is a re-invite going there
14:12.58[TK]D-Fenderapal0s: Your dialplan will show istelf there
14:13.13leifmadsenheh:, revision 238499. Current 1.6.2 branch revision:  273145. You do the math :)
14:13.16*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
14:14.52Winkie[TK]D-Fender: is the dialplan and log, i've replaced sensitive numbers with AAA, BBB and CCC
14:15.04apal0s[TK]D-Fender: meaning ? core set verbose = xxxx, sip set debug ?
14:15.16apal0swhich party of the call actually interests you ?
14:15.19Winkiedoing this manually from the phone works fine, the call completes outbound and can be transferred
14:15.40[TK]D-Fenderapal0s: I see no Transfer there <-------
14:16.01Winkie[TK]D-Fender: sorry for the terrible hacky bits in the dialplan, they're mostly unused and just from me messing around
14:16.04[TK]D-Fenderuncrosses some wires
14:16.05Winkiei don't think they're affecting it
14:17.13[TK]D-FenderWinkie: Now do that again and stop masking numbers.  this is precisely what is screwing up and you are killing the most important evidence
14:17.35*** join/#asterisk rocksfrow (
14:17.55Winkie[TK]D-Fender: i'll have to put it somewhere private then
14:17.59Winkiegimmie a minute
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14:27.56Yoda_1204Has anyone been able to get a Vodavi/IPECS IP 7024D h.323 hard phone working with asterisk 1.6?
14:28.51*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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14:29.04Winkie[TK]D-Fender: well trying to paste that massive log into screen killed it :D
14:29.07Winkiei'll get it for you momentarily
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14:33.29Winkie[TK]D-Fender: thanks to debugging, i found the problem i think
14:33.33Winkieno chan_local or w/e for some reason
14:33.36Winkiemy own stupid fault
14:35.05Winkiecheers for the help
14:40.53*** join/#asterisk Yoda_1204_ (~chatzilla@
14:51.11[TK]D-FenderYoda_1204: Noone uses those phones here
14:51.41[TK]D-FenderYoda_1204: And as far as I'm aware FreePBX doesn't support H.3232 devices
14:52.18*** join/#asterisk brycebaril (
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14:57.01fullstoppabelanger: Are you there?
14:58.53Yoda_1204Ok thanks for checking, just trying to use the 80 phones we have already. bummer.
15:01.26*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@wikimedia/RobH)
15:02.02Yoda_1204[TK]D-Fender Thanks again for you help
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15:06.18MangoLooks a bit like a Grandstream
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15:44.11evilbitfor manager.conf and http.conf is there already a manager app for asterisk 1.6 or do I need to enable in both those files and then get a manager app in addition?
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15:47.26ronii know that this is the wrong to do that but is working ..  somebody can help me to resume this ...
15:47.45roniexten => _2XXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/022${EXTEN:1}@IPCOMUNICACIONES)
15:47.45roniexten => _3XXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/023${EXTEN:1}@IPCOMUNICACIONES)
15:47.46roniexten => _4XXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/024${EXTEN:1}@IPCOMUNICACIONES)
15:47.46roniexten => _5XXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/025${EXTEN:1}@IPCOMUNICACIONES)
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15:52.50wcselbyroni - what is your question?
15:52.51LantiziaHey is there a way I can ask asterisk which codecs it supports?
15:53.14wcselbyLantizia - sip show settings
15:53.20Lantiziacool thanks
15:53.32*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
15:53.33QwellLantizia: you can just say "Asterisk, which codecs do you support?"
15:53.40Qwellasking isn't the issue
15:54.14p3nguinWhat's wrong with using core show translations?
15:54.17wcselbyevilbit - manager is basically an API, you can either write your own app for it, download one of many out there, or simply telnet to the box on the proper port and enter the commands in the order required
15:54.27wcselbyp3nguin - that'll probably work just as well
15:54.41wcselbyif not better
15:54.49LantiziaQwell, wcselby understood what I was asking, it's lovely you have to pick at the question _after_ an answer has been given
15:54.59p3nguinIf there's no time in the field, it's not supported at thist ime.
15:55.16p3nguins/at thist ime/now/
15:55.43QwellLantizia: If his question answered the problem, then you didn't ask the right question. :)
15:56.14LantiziaQwell, his question answered a question?  wow you're just as good as saying what you mean as I am
15:56.43QwellIt's still before noon.  I'm allowed to use a wrong word here and there.
15:57.30QwellThe correct answer to the question asked, however, was given by p3nguin.
15:57.51evilbitwcselby: ok, thanks....  is Asterisk Flash Operator Panel still a good choice in 1.6.x?
16:01.13wcselbyevilbit - i don't use it, so I can't give you a good answer
16:01.27evilbitnod, thanks anyways :-)
16:03.32*** join/#asterisk spiceycurry (
16:03.48infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
16:04.02spiceycurryinfobot, who is spiceycurry
16:04.03infobotsomebody said spiceycurry was a bot molester.  He touches my no-no area!
16:04.32fullstopbad spicycurry
16:04.37evilbitthe links don't work :-( timeouts
16:04.59spiceycurryinfobot, what is sex
16:05.00infobot[~sex] updatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; emerge --oneshot condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; emerge -C condom; make clean;  sleep;
16:05.17spiceycurryinfobot, who is your daddy
16:05.17infobotI think you lost me on that one, spiceycurry
16:05.32spiceycurryinfobot, your daddy is dahdi
16:05.33infobot...but your daddy is already something else...
16:05.40spiceycurryinfobot, what is daddy
16:05.41infobotfrom memory, daddy is copperd
16:06.11spiceycurryinfobot what  is t.38
16:06.12infobotspiceycurry: I think you lost me on that one
16:06.33spiceycurryinfobot, t.38 seems to be a question that gets you fisted here.
16:06.39*** part/#asterisk spiceycurry (
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16:07.13Qwellleifmadsen: asteriskdocs site b0rked?
16:07.23Qwell(I dunno who actually manages that)
16:08.24wcselbydoes someone need a copy of the pdf?
16:08.36Qwellwcselby: evilbit I assume
16:09.11evilbitI got a copy of the pdf via google... but giving a heads up b/c lots of ppl here reference those links via the bot
16:09.12wcselbyevilbit - if you need the pdf, PM your email and I'll send it over
16:09.23wcselbygotcha even
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16:49.04nix8n82Does anyone know or is Nir Simionovich here?
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16:52.49CaT[t3]has anyone compiled the wanpipe sangoma drivers? i'm having issues with unresolved symbols wrt it and dahdi and whilst I resolved this once before I cannot, for the life of me, remember how. anyone able to help? :/
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17:00.38leifmadsenQwell: huh... that is hosted by file I believe
17:00.52leifmadsenQwell: oh I know the problem
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17:00.58leifmadsenjsmith needs to update the DNS
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17:13.07joe_kanyone know of a softphone that will pop up a web page when an incoming call occurs
17:13.16joe_kwith an url parameter of the caller id
17:13.21joe_k(to do a CRM query)
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17:21.13leifmadsenjoe_k: that's the first useful idea for sending a phone a URL that I've ever heard of
17:21.26leifmadsenjoe_k: which of course helps you none -- don't know of any phones that will do that
17:22.14[TK]D-Fenderjoe_k: Plenty of other little scripts that will let you push things like this
17:22.26[TK]D-Fenderjoe_k: Doesn't have to be part of the phone itself
17:25.02wcselbyqueuemetrics has a section that will do that, but it may be more than what you're looking for
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17:29.26markfeatherston_On the StartMonitor event, how would I get the extensions in that channel?  GetVar doesn't seem to give me any extensions in the channel it returns.
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17:38.53ManxPowerCan anyone tell me that number is "1 dB" on zt_monitor/dahdi_monitor?
17:39.35Kobazanyone ever configure lldp on a dell powerconnect switch
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17:47.08evilbitcan anyone point me to docs for setting up faxing via t.38 in asterisk-1.6
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17:52.58wcselbyevilbit - using FFA?
17:53.29*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@wikimedia/RobH)
17:53.30wcselbythat would be here --->
17:54.10evilbitthat's the proprietary one? I see modules and entries in sip.conf is there a free one to mess around with?
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17:57.17wcselbyyou can lookup spandsp
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17:58.14evilbitah, is that the other way? I'd read about it but thought it was for analog lines as opposed to IP
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18:01.53citywokI was told that the reason i'm having issues with one of my carriers is they are sending a mulit-part mime message, and * doesn't support that.  I'm running, is that something that has been fixed in a future version?
18:02.43*** join/#asterisk sarah_p (~sarah_p@
18:04.15pabelangercitywok: Depends, what messages are they sending to you?
18:04.58WIMPyevilbit: There is also the version with iaxmodem and hylafax.
18:05.56citywokpabelanger: just building the call, but when building the call through to microsoft office communicatinos server it fails, not when going through to an aastra handset
18:06.21*** join/#asterisk Alii (~alii@nat/digium/x-yvkarlaempygkyub)
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18:06.36citywoka guy on the OCS team looked at my packet dumps and said "Looking closer at the Invite, I believe I see the issue.  The SIP Provider is sending a multipart MIME body and Asterisk does not support multipart SDP.  There is a bug on multipart "
18:07.22pabelangercitywok: I have OCS 2007 Speech Server and asterisk 1.6.0 working with no problem.  Recently upgraded to 1.6.2.
18:07.43citywokyea, mine works great with flowroute and, but not with qwest
18:08.04pabelangercitywok: I would upgrade to latest 1.6.2, and retry.  And if a problem open an issue on the tracker.  We'll need SIP debugs tho
18:08.13*** join/#asterisk githogori (~githogori@
18:08.26*** join/#asterisk SomethingISODD (
18:08.29SomethingISODDHello all
18:08.44SomethingISODDquestion can anyne tell me how to convert from GSM to a g729 audio file?
18:09.06pabelangercitywok: FYI:
18:09.08citywokOk.  I'm planning on goign to 1.6.2 next week in production, so when i do my next test upgrade i'll test out this issue and see what happens.
18:09.20pabelangerSomethingISODD: sox
18:09.39SomethingISODDsox can convert to g729 ok thank you
18:09.40tzafrir_laptoppabelanger, can sox decode / decode g729?
18:09.55pabelangeractually not sure
18:10.46citywokpabelanger: oh okay, so this may have been fixed in
18:10.46pabelangerfigure it could
18:11.07SomethingISODDthe reason i ask, i am having an issue with asterisk, it will not play numbers because its not in G729 format
18:11.32SomethingISODDand i cant find any references, to convert from the gsm to a g729 and it doesnt seem like sox will handle it
18:12.40leifmadsenSomethingISODD: use the 'convert' option on the Asterisk CLI when you have loaded (and working)
18:13.24SomethingISODDoh i didnt know asterisk had a convert option.. thank you
18:15.29[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD: what "numbers"?
18:16.50SomethingISODDactually any number.
18:17.06[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD: How?  What recording?
18:17.56SomethingISODDok this is from the last test
18:17.58SomethingISODD[2010-06-30 10:52:41] WARNING[30327]: file.c:664 ast_openstream_full: File digits/1 does not exist in any format
18:17.58SomethingISODD[2010-06-30 10:52:41] WARNING[30327]: file.c:991 ast_streamfile: Unable to open digits/1 (format 0x100 (g729)): No such file or directory
18:19.01[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD: You shouldn't be converting those
18:19.16[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD: You should have installed the entire recording pack in G.729
18:19.32SomethingISODDactually i just checked in G729 directly and its showing the digits in there.
18:19.34[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD: this was an option when you installed *
18:21.42*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
18:22.39SomethingISODD[TK]D-Fender if the sound files are in the g729 directory any idea why they would not be working
18:23.13[TK]D-FenderSomethingISODD: If you upgraded from older versions your folders may not be in the right state
18:23.29citywoki just had a user in a meetme conference, all of a sudden there call was no longer going, the phone was offline.  he dialed the conference again, and it put him back in the conference, as well as had the conference greeting overlayed on TOP of it.  wtf?
18:23.49citywoktheir*.      5 seconds later it dropped him out again
18:33.07citywokany ideas what that is about?  It's happened to me quite a few times actually.
18:33.38citywokand it only seems to happen when a user is in a meetme conference, so i'm thinking it's pretty coincidental / likely an issue with meetme.
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18:45.46grinder13hello! after a reboot all of a sudden nothing works in both of my asterisk machines!!!! "sip/iax2/dialplan reload" gives me an error of no such command. "module show" says that no (0) modules are loaded!! what the heck?
18:47.05*** join/#asterisk rossand (
18:47.53rossandNeed some advice compiling on F13. Details here: Thanks.
18:47.57grinder13i think i 've found it and it has nothing to do with the ownership of the files. let me check it
18:48.04*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
18:48.32[TK]D-Fenderrossand: configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check
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18:48.43[TK]D-Fenderrossand: go install the pre-reqs for *.  These haven't changed in years
18:49.16evilbitI asked about this yday but still haven't figured it out. Is there a way to automate playing a IVR to a SIP client that has just registered as opposed to making them dial a extension to get to it?
18:49.25markfeatherston_rossand: run "yum groupinstall "Development Libraries" "Development Tools"
18:50.18[TK]D-Fenderevilbit: Set something like regexten" and trap the AMI event the dialplan addition "should" make (not certain).  Or track teh status yourself and originate a call to it
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18:51.36rossand[TK]D-Fender: markfeatherston_ Thanks. I'll install those groups and try again. Thought I had added the dependencies listed but must have missed something. Thanks again.
18:51.45evilbitoh, thx!
18:52.29grinder13just as I suspected. i am a complete idiot! i moved modules.conf in a different folder in both machines... what kind of an a.....e am I?
18:54.26*** part/#asterisk Tili (~faizan@
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18:58.25markfeatherston_using AMI, how can I get a list of all local extensions in a channel?  I'm trying to send a sip notify to my phones so we can have an indicator light to show when call on demand (MonitorStart/MonitorStop) is active.
19:00.53*** join/#asterisk Sorcier_FXK (~sorcierfx@unaffiliated/sorcierfxk)
19:01.09evilbithmm, well I can see it add the extension with a priority of 1 but nothing happens
19:05.10[TK]D-Fenderevilbit: Of course not.  YOU haev to trap it and fire off the Originate
19:06.53evilbitok, thanks. i'll read up on how to do that
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19:33.52drfreezeYesterday we changed from an analog setup to a PRI
19:34.06drfreezeWe are using the same dialplan.
19:34.33drfreezeWhen an inbound call comes in it rings phones A and B
19:34.42drfreezeA answers the call and all is good
19:34.53drfreezeWhen another inbound call comes in, B answers the call
19:35.11drfreezeWhen B answers, A loses inbound audio for 30 seconds, then it returns
19:36.03drfreezeAny ideas on where to start looking for problems?
19:38.30[TK]D-Fender* cli
19:39.47drfreezesip debug maybe?
19:40.53*** join/#asterisk REdOG (~REdOG@gentoo/user/redog)
19:41.29REdOGHas anyone here taken the asterisk advanced course from digium?
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19:42.24pabelangerREdOG: Yes
19:43.28REdOGwas it worth it?
19:43.29[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: and PRI debug
19:44.17*** join/#asterisk Entulho (
19:45.24REdOGIm a linux admin/consultant not much of a phone guy. But our company is looking at getting a new system so...I natuarlly began reading up on asterisk
19:45.26raden_workis there a way to dial my phone from a web browser  ?
19:45.37drfreezeI'm using the latest version of dahdi. First time for that.
19:45.46drfreezeWonder if new bugs have been introduced
19:46.12pabelangerREdOG: For me it was a way to visit Digium and write the dCAP.  I already had a strong understanding of Asterisk and VoIP in general
19:46.15[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Several web-based softphones out there...
19:47.03pabelangerREdOG: If your boss is paying for the trip, then go for it :)
19:47.13REdOGlol, I'd have to convince him but yea
19:47.26REdOGso Im trying to get myself confident enough to take that route
19:47.27[TK]D-FenderREdOG: What kind of deployment are you looking at making?
19:47.39REdOGour company is moving to a new facility
19:47.47REdOGso an entirely new network basically
19:48.04raden_work[TK]D-Fender, Sorry, should have been more specific. I would like to dial via clicking a number in a web browser and having asterisk dial my number and pickup my phone at my desk a aastra 9133i
19:48.11[TK]D-FenderREdOG: I meant in terms of call handling requirements, etc/
19:48.30[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Originate <_ AMI, CLI, etc
19:48.56raden_workIll look into it, much appreciated .
19:48.57REdOGto begin aprox 20 phones which would expand to about 75 within a year or 2
19:49.16pabelangerREdOG: Read up the book, download, compile asterisk and start playing with it.
19:49.22[TK]D-FenderREdOG: Again, not quantity of phones.. or line.  What kind of CALL PROCESSING are you looking at?
19:49.28REdOGI've compiled asterisk plenty
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19:49.47[TK]D-FenderREdOG: Who will administer your system?
19:49.48REdOGGot in on my desktop actually
19:50.13REdOGunless I just get a phone company installed deal
19:50.25[TK]D-FenderREdOG: So far you probably don't need any special coruse to get you started.  You just need.... to get started
19:50.35REdOGya kind of
19:50.41REdOGin the planning faze
19:50.48REdOGabout 4 months from construction
19:50.54REdOG1 yr till move
19:51.16[TK]D-FenderREdOG: tons of time
19:52.15REdOGya, so ive got asterisk 1.6 installed on my desktop now, and am working on messing with broadvoice to play for now
19:53.16pabelangerREdOG: Playing with it is not too hard.  The difficult part is troubleshooting problems :)
19:54.06REdOGproblems? what problems?
19:54.56*** part/#asterisk nextime (~nextime@unaffiliated/nextime)
19:56.20REdOGok, so what would I need to play with our PRI after hours?
19:58.33[TK]D-FenderREdOG: a PRI card in your server
19:59.09REdOGa problem free one?
20:00.07[TK]D-FenderREdOG: An even better idea.
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20:17.56evilbitis there a sendDMTF or similar that can be used when answering a incoming call? google voice has a annoying prompt to answer a call
20:18.25[TK]D-Fenderevilbit: Yes.... SendDTMF() <----
20:18.32evilbitthx :-)
20:18.43[TK]D-Fenderevilbit: We hid it... in the big print.
20:19.03evilbithahah, I mistyped DMTF that's why I didn't see it ;-)
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20:25.08[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
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21:36.49JerJeri am attempting to setup a free fax channel but there is no 'register' app like the README says there should be
21:39.19[TK]D-FenderJerJer: "register" is for FFA which is not free
21:40.01JerJeri have the one 'free' key that starts with FFA
21:40.13JerJerbut there is no register app in that directory structure
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21:46.50JerJerugh - i found it
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21:48.25JerJerwtf - Server response: ERR - Invalid prefix, should be 'FAX'
21:48.37JerJeri was given a FFA-blah key
21:50.32JerJerdon't even know why i bother
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21:54.56joe_k[TK]D-Fender: sorry about the late reply.  If the calls aren't coming from my asterisk service, it's hard to "catch" them to take action (otherwise I would just send an IM to the recipient with the CRM link)
21:55.09joe_k[TK]D-Fender: but if the softphone did it, it would be damn simple and hard to break
21:58.45[TK]D-Fenderjoe_k: What do you mean not coming from *?
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22:29.01PauliusWhat's the best way to disable Dahdi? I'm not using it, never will, and it's bugging the hell out of me.
22:29.59WIMPySo why did you install it?
22:30.18PauliusCame with the distro. Can I uninstall it easily?
22:31.21WIMPyI don't know if YOU can remove it easily. But be aware, that meetme and page need dahdi.
22:31.39PauliusNot using those features either.
22:32.45fenrustry unloading the dahdi modules
22:32.53fenrustrial and error o/
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22:48.05encinomanDoes anyone know of a provider that can give me a toll-free line with no connection charge from payphones?
22:48.47[TK]D-Fenderencinoman: The ultimate free-ride.  NO
22:49.03encinomanRingcentral does.
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23:12.18twanny796in the asterisk console I get 'Remote UNIX connection/disconnection' ??
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23:14.23WIMPySome[one|thing] is opening/closing a *console.
23:17.34twanny796WIMPy: how can I see who/where/how/why?
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23:18.06Alton35netstat maybe?
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23:26.20paulcuh.. ignore me..
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23:27.30drfreezeHey, what is it called when a phone gives the tone that another call is incoming?
23:28.12drfreezeI have this problem with polycom phones when calling multiple phones via sip
23:28.29drfreezeThe problem is this. I have phones A and B
23:28.35drfreezeA takes an inbound call
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23:29.13drfreezeWhen another call comes in and asterisk rings A and B, the audio from call A is lost for 10-12 seconds
23:29.14ariel_call waiting
23:29.31drfreezeThe audio returns without picking up the call
23:30.01drfreezeThis just cropped up when switching from a TDM analog setup to PRI. We are using the same dialplan
23:30.28drfreezeSo, I don't think the problem is a network problem, but a feature in asterisk or on the polycom phones
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23:43.04drfreezeOk, have more data
23:43.08drfreezeWhat is happening is when the second call comes in and rings the current in-use phone, the audio is suppressed for 20 seconds and then returns
23:43.30drfreezeits like call waiting gone awry
23:44.58drfreezeAnyone have any clues on fixing this?
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23:46.11Guggedont call the phone if its in use
23:49.37drfreezeI'm wondering if this has anything to do with single line keys
23:49.43drfreezeStill, it shouldn't kill the audio
23:52.24drfreezeGugge: rrrriiight......
23:53.47p3nguinWhile I wasn't able to figure it out, I would disable call waiting and make the queues not ring phones that are in use.
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23:55.31drfreezep3nguin: know how to disable call waiting?
23:56.50p3nguinThat's phone-specific.
23:58.00p3nguinAnd what I mean by that is:  I do not know how to disable it on your phone.
23:59.06p3nguinAsk me about a Cisco 7912/7940/7960, and I can probably walk you through it.  Anything else, you can probably find out as quickly as I can.

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