IRC log for #asterisk on 20100628

00:00.52[TK]D-FenderNO, it isn't
00:00.52mattwj2002I am not connecting to asterisk
00:01.39mattwj2002I want to get it to connect to a DID directly
00:03.50[TK]D-FenderA DID is a *PHONE NUMBER*.  there is no such thing as "connect directly".
00:04.01[TK]D-FenderThat term is pure rubbish
00:04.18mattwj2002I meant without going through asterisk
00:04.27mattwj2002of my own
00:04.37[TK]D-FenderAlso vague
00:04.42[TK]D-FenderSIP is SIP
00:04.55mattwj2002are you going to help are be a pain in the ass?
00:04.56[TK]D-Fenderthat CALLER can 404, the called NUMBER can 404.
00:05.26mattwj2002screw it
00:05.28[TK]D-FenderAnd YOU aren't giving a useful difinitive answer about WHAT is failing <-
00:05.38mattwj2002screw it
00:05.43Kevin`mattwj2002: what will be called here? your provider will connect to your phone directly? does your phone register with the provider?
00:05.44mattwj2002I am out of here
00:05.48[TK]D-Fender404 can be a DIFFERENT kind of response for MULTIPLE things
00:06.17[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: Your info is incomplete and you're asking about help with things that are outside of *
00:06.28mattwj2002I understand
00:06.41FutureWebHey everyone, My ISP modem uses VoIP, and I need to figure out what settings (SIP/etc) its using :P anyone know a method how ? I can provide Modem info etc etc
00:06.53mattwj2002freenode needs a general voip channel
00:07.14[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: Your problems is specifics.  Or more directly your lack of having them.
00:07.16Kevin`if you asked your question better you'd probably get an answer here
00:07.22mattwj2002[TK]D-Fender I am sorry I got mad at you
00:07.29[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: What is that 404 as response TO?
00:07.41[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: Can you even tell?
00:07.48[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: otherwise asking anything mroe is pointless
00:08.01mattwj2002I would assume it can't connect to the address
00:08.05mattwj2002but I can ping it
00:08.13[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: "Assume"  doesn't help
00:08.16mattwj2002from my pc anyways
00:08.27[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: Yes it "connects. and is being REFUSED
00:08.37[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: For one of the 2 things I already told you
00:08.37FutureWebso anyone has an Idea about my quesion ? please :)
00:08.44[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: You don't seem to be paying attention
00:09.00[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: They are telling you to GTFO <-  And I told you the 1 REASONS why that might be.
00:09.23[TK]D-FenderFutureWeb: ISP's tend to lock you out.  You are likely in a dead-end with this
00:09.49[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: 404 is an ANSWER
00:10.19[TK]D-Fender[20:07]<[TK]D-Fender>mattwj2002: What is that 404 as response TO? <----RESPONSE
00:10.38FutureWebno idea :/ the modem has VoIP in it, and Im sure it authenicates using SIP (they said so lol), so if I got get the settings (Address and Secret) I could bypass the modem and make asterisk use the DID :)
00:11.02[TK]D-FenderFutureWeb: Maybe.  of course there are MULTIPLE ways they can lock you out.
00:11.09[TK]D-FenderFutureWeb: Could eb a whole lot more than that
00:11.20Kevin`FutureWeb: have you tried asking them?
00:11.24mattwj2002so [TK]D-Fender question
00:11.37mattwj2002is it possible too many failed attempts?
00:11.49FutureWebthey dont know what VoIP etc is... only 1 tech knew :/ and he seems to h ave vanished away now :|
00:11.58FutureWebthat one tech told me they use SIP
00:13.35[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: NO
00:20.35*** part/#asterisk mattwj2002 (~matt@wikisource/
00:21.29[TK]D-Fenderg even :0
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00:34.16*** join/#asterisk ivanvujisic (5b9450be@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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00:35.56ivanvujisicI'm trying to move dialplan to agi shell script. echo "EXEC GOTO $1|4" works, but I can not find related agi syntax for GOTOIF
00:37.05ivanvujisicin dialplan I put AGI(/path/to/script|${EXTEN})
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00:38.04[TK]D-FenderiviGOTOIF has parms jsut like every other app
00:38.30[TK]D-Fenderivanvujisic: Go rad them.  EXEC can call it
00:39.00[TK]D-Fenderivanvujisic: although normally you would EXIT your AGI at a different context/exten/prio instead
00:40.19*** join/#asterisk ldiamond (60167564@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:40.19ivanvujisicso how can we translate this from dialplan GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num):1}" = "0628030729" ]?CID_OK) to agi
00:40.52[TK]D-Fenderivanvujisic: First why are you even THINKING about jumping out of your AGI?  Second you wouldn't need to use a dialplan app to do it <-
00:42.06ivanvujisicactually I'm trying to move part of dialplan to shell script to hide it (encrypt it by shc)
00:42.15ldiamondDoes Asterisk support receiving text messages through SIP?
00:42.47Alton35you mean sms?
00:43.37ivanvujisicmaybe echo "EXEC GOTOIF $["${CALLERID(num):1}" = "0628030729" | CID_OK" is right agi syntax?
00:44.00ldiamondWell, in the SIP protocol it is not called SMS. That would be up to the provider to support SMS right?
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00:46.02ivanvujisic[TK]D-Fender: I want to jump somewhere else from agi script
00:46.40florz_encrypted dialplan_?
00:46.49ivanvujisicwhy not?!
00:46.56Kevin`why so?
00:46.58ivanvujisicdo you know what is shc?
00:47.14florzmust be something idiotic, if you ask me
00:47.16ivanvujisicto protect my knowledge
00:47.43florza helmet protects your knowledge
00:47.47Kevin`i'm all for job security, but I would try to find someone else if I saw my employee doing that
00:48.03florznot some idiotic code obfuscation device
00:48.53ivanvujisicdid you tried shc to encrypt shell script?
00:48.55florz(and, damn, don't EVER confuse "encryption" with "obfuscation" - that's really basic knowledge, actually)
00:49.16Kevin`ivanvujisic: why would that matter?
00:49.25Kevin`shc looks like it makes a binary out the shell script
00:49.32Kevin`would have to read the code to see how
00:49.46ivanvujisicI'm not the only owner of root account
00:50.14Kevin`that said, why don't you just write the script in c from the start
00:50.15[TK]D-Fenderivanvujisic: There is another AGI command to set the exit point <-
00:50.21[TK]D-Fenderivanvujisic: Go read your basics again
00:50.37florzwhatever your problem is, code obfuscation is not the solution
00:51.02florzand encryption protects secrets, not knowledge
00:51.26florzreal encryption that is, the stuff with keys, you know?
00:51.26[TK]D-Fender[20:42]<ldiamond>Does Asterisk support receiving text messages through SIP? <- Asterisk is NOT a messaging platform.  If this is what you're looking for, look elsewhere
00:51.59ivanvujisicI use to convert shell scripts to C by shc, did anyone use it?
00:52.19Kevin`ldiamond: asterisk has support for sms
00:52.25florzivanvujisic: I doubt anyone wants to admit they are an idiot ...
00:52.42Kevin`oh, I get it
00:53.16Kevin`ivanvujisic doesn't want to answer the questions, he wants to talk in pm to someone who already "understands" why you would obfuscate everything randomly
00:54.04ldiamondKevin`: Thanks. I suppose that in order to receive SMS, it is required that the VOIP provider has the capability to forward it to your Asterisk server, which is apparently not the case with mine.
00:54.11ivanvujisicanyway, I really need agi GOTOIF syntax
00:54.24florzivanvujisic: NO, YOU DON'T
00:54.28pepselapit's on voip-info
00:54.34[TK]D-Fenderivanvujisic: No, you DON'T
00:54.42[TK]D-Fenderivanvujisic: There is another AGI command to set the exit point <-
00:54.54[TK]D-Fenderivanvujisic: Read the BOOK
00:55.16ivanvujisicthanks, you were most helpfull
00:55.22Kevin`ivanvujisic: exactly what secret are you trying to hide? it's obviously not elite asterisk configuration, but some specific passwords or such?
00:57.00ivanvujisicit's not password, it's my dialplan for listening recorded calls
00:57.10florzgee, the man page of this shc stuff even more-or-less explicitly says that anyone with a remote clue can "decrypt" any scripts "encrypted" with it
00:57.14pepselapexten => username,1,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" = "+18005551212"]?reject:allow)
00:57.24Kevin`ivanvujisic: and exacrtly what secret does it contain?
00:58.04ivanvujisict's my dialplan for listening recorded calls
00:58.13ivanvujisicit's my dialplan for listening recorded calls
00:58.31Kevin`and what part of it is secret information?
00:58.34Kevin`"so what?"
00:58.36[TK]D-Fenderivanvujisic: We heard youthe first 3 times
00:58.54ivanvujisicanyway, nobody here don't know how to convert GOTOIF to agi
00:59.06Kevin`they are saying it isn't necessary
00:59.16florz"BUT I REALLY WANT TO BE AN IDIOT!!!1"
00:59.31pepselapivanvujisic: ...
00:59.50[TK]D-Fender[20:58]<ivanvujisic>anyway, nobody here don't know how to convert GOTOIF to agi <- YOU on the otherhand do NOT appear to be listening
01:00.35ivanvujisicI can tell you same, I just asked if somebody know the syntax
01:00.58pepselapivanvujisic: < pepselap> it's on voip-info
01:01.22pepselapivanvujisic: < pepselap> exten => username,1,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" = "+18005551212"]?reject:allow)
01:01.34ChannelZsee SET EXTENSION and SET PRIORITY et al
01:01.47troy42ivanvujisic: in agi, you can use whatever language you want, do get variable callerid(num), and check it and act (go to a different extension, etc)
01:02.19*** join/#asterisk thissucks (
01:02.25troy42also, you'll avoid blindness from having to deal with syntax like that :o
01:02.58Kevin`'but I want to use sh converted to c that only uses dialplan-like commands'
01:03.04ivanvujisicyou dont have to search voip-info, show application GotoIf is ok
01:03.39troy42Kevin`: well, we all know that scripting languages were created exclusively for system, exec, and popen :-)
01:03.49troy42who needs other calls anyway
01:04.41ivanvujisicI know it'll be easier to write it in C, but I'm familiar with shell scripting
01:04.55Kevin`both sh and c have conditionals
01:05.12troy42use asterisk::fastagi or adhearsion or phpagi or whatever
01:05.31Kevin`ivanvujisic: of course, they are proper lanugages
01:05.36troy42if you know bash or csh, a perl example is going to be easy to follow
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01:07.23florzivanvujisic: by the way, in case you haven't noticed yet, your great shc "protection" puts your extremely secret script into the process list for every user(!) on the system to see
01:08.02ivanvujisicok, but I have to push asterisk command from C to stdout and I dont know the exact gotoif syntax
01:08.03[TK]D-FenderSome people feel the need to hide the evidence that they can't code....
01:08.25Kevin`I think this may be hopeless
01:08.26[TK]D-Fenderivanvujisic: YOU DON'T FUCKING USE GOTOIF. WAKE. THE. FUCK. UP,
01:08.43xhelioxjumps out of his chair
01:08.47[TK]D-Fender[21:01]<ChannelZ>see SET EXTENSION and SET PRIORITY et al
01:08.51xhelioxyou have angered the Fender..
01:09.13ivanvujisicI already use SET VARIABLE
01:09.16[TK]D-Fenderivanvujisic: Stop trying to use a wrench like a fucking hammer.  ChannelZ even HANDED you the God-damn answer
01:09.33ChannelZI give and I give
01:09.43[TK]D-Fenderivanvujisic: set the CONTEX, and EXTEN, and PRIORIT with the damn AGI command you already have and just END your fucking script.
01:10.08[TK]D-Fenderivanvujisic: GotoIF is NOT for AGI.  Round peg, square hole
01:10.35[TK]D-Fenderivanvujisic: Appendix C : READ IT
01:11.04ivanvujisicok, finaly you helped me
01:11.09[TK]D-Fenderivanvujisic: Give how adept yous eem at this, you don't have code WORTH stealing.
01:11.31ChannelZThe Goto and If in GotoIf are two different things in AGI - If is whatever construct conditionals have in whatever language you're using, and Goto is setting the context/extension/priority as I mentioned
01:11.49*** join/#asterisk _Eagle_ (
01:12.00ChannelZgoes back to fapping
01:12.29_Eagle_is there a definitive list of everything in asterisk that requires a dahdi timing source?
01:15.50WIMPy_Eagle_: Meetme and page. That should be it.
01:16.08[TK]D-FenderIAX2 Trunk Mode
01:16.50WIMPyHmm. Does it automagically fall back to normal mode then?
01:16.53_Eagle_meetme, page, and iax2 trunking?  is that all?
01:17.35[TK]D-Fender_Eagle_: Pretty mch.  Got a SPECIFC thing you're worried about?
01:17.36WIMPyI have an iax peer in trunk mode bit no dahdi any more. But I haven't seen any failure.
01:17.38xhelioxI thought transcoding in general was improved with a timing source?
01:17.53[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: it will simply NOT trunk.
01:17.59[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: They will go independent
01:18.11[TK]D-Fenderxheliox: No relation
01:18.23xhelioxno j/k, just k :)
01:18.29xhelioxgoes back to his cave
01:18.48_Eagle_i wasn't sure it if was needed to play audio files accurately (playback/background), or for music on hold, or for mp3 playback for music on hold, or anything else like that?
01:19.00WIMPyI guess I can live with a few bits of overhead.
01:19.20_Eagle_i'm using SIP, not IAX... and only one box will have MeetMe running... so is it 100% safe to not install dahdi_dummy on my boxes that don't use iax or meetme?
01:19.48[TK]D-Fender_Eagle_: or Page
01:19.58_Eagle_what exactly is page?
01:20.02_Eagle_is that for pagers?
01:20.21florzand "accurately" is completely irrelevant anyhow in this context
01:20.53_Eagle_what i meant, florz, is...  will the audio playback quality be distorted at all?  or less than top quality?  without timing?
01:21.39WIMPyAnd Meetme can be replaced by Confbridge. It just won't do announcements ATM.
01:22.09ChannelZPage is like a one-way conference so you can yell at people
01:22.18_Eagle_i've been using asterisk since around 2002 or 2003... but every single box i've set up has had a digium card or ztdummy/dahdi_dummy... so i'm nervous about the idea of setting up production boxes without timing... just want to be sure i'm not making a mistake
01:22.48[TK]D-Fender_Eagle_: and the reason for NOT doing it?
01:23.37_Eagle_tkd-fender:  well first, no digium card... and second, dahdi_test is showing low numbers  99.6%, etc
01:25.23[TK]D-Fender_Eagle_: What do you think is worse?  Having a minor variation in a timer.. or NONE AT ALL?
01:26.04_Eagle_tkd-fender:  well that's why i'm asking if anything else uses the timing...  if nothing USES it, then why do i need it at all?
01:26.36_Eagle_adding the dahdi drivers is an extra step that is unnecessary, at least i hope
01:27.50_Eagle_if i'm sure these machines won't be using iax trunking, meetme, or page...  then i just want to be clear that not having dahdi_dummy loaded won't be a bad thing?  no negative impact on everything else in asterisk?
01:29.26WIMPyhas lived very well without it for several weeks now.
01:30.03[TK]D-Fender_Eagle_: No.
01:30.25_Eagle_are you sure?
01:31.33*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43|Mac (
01:31.34_Eagle_do you use asterisk in production without any dahdi drivers installed on the machines?
01:31.58[TK]D-Fender_Eagle_: Now you can't even take "yes" as an answer.
01:32.06[TK]D-FenderGood fucking grief
01:32.33[TK]D-Fender_Eagle_: Another 20 or 30 times to tell you the 3 things that require it?
01:32.55_Eagle_tkd-fender:  i'm sorry if that offended you, i just don't like short answers of "no" after i've typed 3 or 4 lines of questions
01:32.59[TK]D-Fender_Eagle_: If you don't need them then you should be fine without it
01:33.11[TK]D-Fender_Eagle_: Its the same question 4 times....
01:33.18_Eagle_thank you
01:34.09WIMPyCould it be that res_timing_timerfd is good enough for iax trunking?
01:34.23*** part/#asterisk GameGamer43|Mac (
01:35.31florzgiven that the intarwebs are gonna add jitter anyhow ...
01:36.15_Eagle_i just wanted to be thorough...  i need to buy about 10 more servers... and this is going to affect that decision...  thousands of dollars...  and if there was any misunderstanding, and i come back here in 2 weeks and complain, i doubt you or anyone else is going to volunteer to pay for the unusable servers :-)  you're gonna say "well, you should have been absolutely sure and not just take the first answer from someone you've never talked to before"
01:36.55*** join/#asterisk Poincare (
01:38.55[TK]D-Fender_Eagle_: if this could cost you thousands of dollars perhaps you shouldn't be looking to cut corners
01:38.55WIMPydidn't know there where special servers that wouldn't let you install dahdi it you wanted to.
01:40.41_Eagle_tkd-fender:  how is it cutting corners if i don't need iax trunking, meetme, or page?   why spend an extra $xxx for a digium card or whatever just for timing if it isn't needed?
01:40.55_Eagle_especially when we're talking 10 servers = 10 cards
01:41.42Kevin`there's a dummy dahdi timer source that works fine, especially if you aren't actually using it normally
01:41.58_Eagle_i'm also looking at using machines that don't have a pci or pci-e slot in the first place...
01:42.14WIMPyAre you sure hardware helps if it's not coneected to a timing source? I'd doubt it.s better than dahdi-dummy.
01:42.15_Eagle_kevin:  yes, i know about dahdi_dummy... thank you
01:42.23[TK]D-Fender_Eagle_: Timing helps keep MPG123 in-line.  * can whine without it.  What were planning on using?
01:43.17florzwell, the crystals on the digium cards are probably higher quality than your average CPU clock ;-)
01:43.35_Eagle_i don't think i need mpg123...  ill either use wav files for music on hold, or the mp3 add on from asterisk-addons
01:44.00_Eagle_but last time i tried using the mp3 add on, it crashed my machine... so i switched back to wav files
01:44.51_Eagle_tkd-fender:  but yes, that's the kind of info i'm looking for... a definitive list of why timing is needed in asterisk...  so now we have meetme, iax trunking, page, and mpg123
01:44.59Kevin`florz: is the timer interrupt used based on the adjusted rate that ntp corrects for?
01:45.50WIMPyflorz: In that case a GPS receiver might be better than a telephony interface.
01:45.54_Eagle_anything else i should add to that list?
01:47.44Kevin`why hasn't (or have they?) someone made an adapter with a crystal and divider that connects to serial, parallel, pci interrupt, or something else and just ticks away, for asterisk
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01:48.35florzKevin`: I don't really have a clue - and I guess it doesn't really matter, as ntp probably still has quite a bit of low-frequency jitter anyhow
01:48.48drmessanoI believe Sangoma has such a beast
01:49.21Kevin`ntp is just used to correct the drift rate of the high speed oscillator in the computer
01:50.35florzWIMPy: well, only if the telephony interface is unconnected and you are actually talking to the PSTN somewhere through IP
01:51.01[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: VERY nifty
01:51.16drmessano$73 from the first google hit
01:51.43WIMPyflorz: Unconnected was my precondition.
01:51.44[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Though they should have added the MB header>USB-B as an adapter and not a separate unit altogether
01:51.50drmessano$65 for the UT51 from the first hit
01:52.23Kevin`that's a bit expensive, but I suppose it's a relatively specialty product
01:52.35Kevin`i'm tempted to make a clone, but what's the point
01:52.36drmessanoOk, that $73 was high... It's $65 for either from a few other sites
01:54.00WIMPyEven a serial port should have an adequate timing source.
01:54.07florzKevin`: well, yeah, but that correction is not instant and not perfect, obviously - and also the purpose is long-term stability, not short-term stability, the latter being the important thing for telephony
01:54.57WIMPyIt's still best if everyone uses the same clock source, off course.
01:56.35Kevin`florz: of course. this is assuming the computer's oscillator has fairly good stability but is off by a constant amount
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01:59.32_Eagle_thanks for the help, guys
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06:31.12timahvo1Hi guys
06:31.23timahvo1can anybody help me with this
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07:01.26athomHi guys, is there anyone who is using Vitelity services?
07:01.29athomam I going to pay if I dial my friend's mobile phone (Bulgaria) and he don't answer the call? Are they charge for un-answered calls?
07:03.22ChannelZI guess it depends on how much they know about call progress
07:04.02athombecause Rapidvox are charging
07:04.08athommy friend didn't answer the call
07:04.12athomand I'm still charging..
07:04.15athomthis is terrible :(
07:04.47ChannelZdepending on the path the call takes one can't always know when a call has been answered
07:05.24athomso they maybe will be charging
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07:05.48timahvo1can anyone please point me in the right direction towards resolving this
07:06.11timahvo1can make calls between sip phones on the same LAN
07:06.30timahvo1but can't dial out on the PSTN line
07:06.59ChannelZNeed to see actual dial string
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07:10.40timahvo1ChannelZ: ^
07:13.56ChannelZIs DAHDI running and configured correctly?  What does 'dahdi show channel 1' say?
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07:18.19timahvo1ChannelZ: no dahdi channel 1 , channel 25
07:19.08ChannelZyou're trying to dial out DAHDI channel 1
07:20.38timahvo1ChannelZ: am sorry am really new at this can you give me an example of how my extensions.conf should look like to make a call on 25 ?
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07:24.36tzafrir_laptopthat's odd. Is the "," interpreted as part of the dial string?
07:25.52ChannelZhmm no that's the way it always looks
07:26.02tzafrir_laptoptimahvo1, though it's a bit odd if you don't have channel 1 and do have channel 25
07:26.44timahvo1tzafrir_laptop: how so ?
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07:27.07tzafrir_laptoptimahvo1, what device(s) do you have?
07:27.40ChannelZwill venture a guess of a 2-port PRI card and things are configged on the second port...
07:30.34timahvo1tzafrir_laptop: Ethernet controller: Digium, Inc. Wildcard AEX410 4-port analog card (PCI-Express) (rev 11)
07:30.46timahvo1thats waht I get from lspci
07:31.17tzafrir_laptopwhat's the output from dahdi_hardware ?
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07:31.49timahvo1pci:0000:14:08.0     wctdm24xxp+  d161:8006 Wildcard AEX410P
07:31.49timahvo1pci:0000:18:08.0     wcte12xp+    d161:8000 Wildcard TE121
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07:38.38timahvo1mmade the change in extensions.conf and get this now -->
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07:43.51timahvo1tzafrir_laptop: is there away I can force dahdi to configure my channels sequentially, i.e start with 1 instead of 25 ?
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07:44.32tzafrir_laptoptimahvo1, what do you have in /etc/dahdi/modules ?
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07:45.46matagou_i have an asterisk 1.4.32 + chan_mobile  installed from trunk
07:46.45ChannelZtimahvo1: you could unplug your TE121
07:47.00ChannelZtimahvo1: it's being seen first, consuming channels 1-24
07:47.29matagou_an issue appears when two simultaneous calls through chan_mobile are done. It is described here
07:48.26matagou_so, i want to upgrade the asterisk up to latest 1.6 version, to use chan_mobile from asterisk-addons
07:48.54timahvo1tzafrir_laptop: ChannelZ
07:49.21timahvo1thats my /etc/dahdi/modules
07:49.47ChannelZyou might be able to comment out wcte12xp so it won't be seen
07:50.10matagou_the dialplan under Asterisk 1.4 is compatible with latest asterisk 1.6 ?
07:50.20ChannelZBut then if you decide you need to use that card again in the future all your channel numbers will change again, so why bother?
07:50.58ChannelZmatagou_: mostly but there are some syntax changes, read the UPGRADE-* files
07:51.16timahvo1what about the error am still getting even after I changed the channel to 25 in extensions.conf ?
07:51.21timahvo1still the same as before
07:51.52ChannelZwhat does "dahdi show channels" tell you?
07:52.29matagou_ChannelZ: thanks for tip
07:52.34tzafrir_laptoptimahvo1, list only those two modules there, in the order you want
07:52.45tzafrir_laptopthat is:
07:53.07tzafrir_laptopwctdm24xxp and then, in the next line  wcte12xp
07:54.02timahvo1ChannelZ:   Chan Extension  Context         Language   MOH Interpret        Blocked    State
07:54.14timahvo1I hope am not flooding
07:54.40timahvo1tzafrir_laptop: ok
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07:55.54tzafrir_laptoptimahvo1, after you've edited that file, use:
07:56.32tzafrir_laptop/etc/init.d/asterisk stop; /etc/init.d/dahdi restart; /etc/init.d/asterisk start
07:56.51tzafrir_laptopthough I suspect you'll need to reconfigure both, as channel numbering has changed
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07:58.31sawgoodBy default, when one installed Asterisk 1.6.x, do you then have the ability to send/receive calls in any codec other than G.711 ulaw (or alaw)?
08:00.16ChannelZyeah.. gsm, g726, g722...
08:00.30ChannelZsome others
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08:01.38sawgoodIs G.711 the samething as PCM?
08:02.26ChannelZg711 is ulaw/alaw - it is a PCM codec yes
08:03.13sawgoodChannelZ: cool ... so what does one have to 'do' in order to have their Asterisk box be able to send/receive calls using G.729?
08:03.30ChannelZbuy licenses for it
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08:03.54tzafrir_laptophave a working g729 codec :-(
08:04.03ChannelZactually if the two end points can do g729 and Asterisk doesn't need to be in the media stream, I think it can pass thru
08:04.05tzafrir_laptopBuying licenses alone won't help
08:04.07ChannelZbut I could be wrong
08:04.14sawgoodOh ... well, I know when using other (non Asterisk IP PBX boxes) (like for example TalkSwitch and /or Allworx) you  can simply choose a different codec in the setup of either their phones or the IP PBX
08:04.55sawgoodMaybe the 'license' for them is built into their software???
08:05.08ChannelZYou can restrict peers to whatever codecs you feel like that they support.. but g729 is commercial so you need to download and install the codec and buy license(s) for Asterisk
08:05.33sawgoodoh ok ... I get it better now ... thanks ... I'll read about it at Digium then
08:05.50ChannelZYes a lot of devices are licensed for g729 out of the box; other PBXs might bundle them into the cost
08:06.47*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
08:07.09Polysicsanyone knows if x-lite supports the URL parameter of dial()
08:07.24Polysicsi was trying to make the browser pop up a page with some info when a call comes in
08:07.40Polysicsi could also do that with an HTTP client and some AMI magic, but was jsut curious
08:08.23ChannelZAsk Counterpath.  My guess is either no, or only in a paid version of one of their products
08:09.14Polysicsis there any client that does the above?
08:09.22Polysicsif not i'll just go the HTTP route
08:12.12ChannelZZoiper Biz might
08:12.54*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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08:13.41ChannelZactually Communicator Free might
08:13.49ChannelZby the sounds of it
08:13.50PolysicsChannelZ, from your experience, is this kind of stuff best handled through HTTP services?
08:14.05ChannelZ??  I have no experience with this
08:14.38Polysicsyou looked like someone that has seen a lot of stuff :-)
08:14.58ChannelZyou are wanting to pull up info about someone on an incoming call or something?
08:15.39Polysicsclassic call-center functionality, i suppose
08:16.14Polysicsunless they do it by hand, when you call a phone company they already have your info up from your number
08:19.26ChannelZHalf the time that shit makes me punch in my phone number and account number and then they STILL ask me both
08:21.37ChannelZhmm.  Well in spite of their feature grid, all this stuff seems to be ghosted out in the preferences
08:22.44ChannelZit didn't do anything special providing a URL on Dial() and the options for it to open a URL its self are ghosted out.  Hmm.
08:26.43sawgoodThe G.729 licensing from Digium seems rather straight forward and simple ... did I get the right impression?
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08:30.39ChannelZyeah.. $10/channel IIRC
08:31.44sawgoodnice .... so basically if I give them $10 bucks I could make one call using G.729 ...
08:32.05sawgoodWhat do I have to 'do' on the Asterisk box to make a G.729 call (outside of buying the license)
08:33.25Polysicspricing is pretty honest then
08:33.45ChannelZyou download the g729 module and install it, and then install the license
08:34.37sawgoodright ... that is why they allow you to d/l the software from their website for 'free' ... you'll need a license key before it starts to work
08:34.41sawgoodgot it now ... thanks!
08:34.54ChannelZthere is a separate license tool
08:35.28ChannelZWhen you buy licenses you get a code;  You run the license tool, type in the code, and then it generates a unique license for your machine and installs it
08:36.28sawgoodSo, if I had to do a re-install of the box (because it is a LAB unit) that would still be ok (for future testing)
08:39.23ChannelZNot sure what all infomation they use to generate a fingerprint for your machine
08:39.41ChannelZMAC address no doubt but not sure what else it may or may not use
08:41.00ChannelZ"These license files are tied to the
08:41.48ChannelZYou can re-register once with a different MAC, any more than that and you have to call Digium and explain
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08:51.57ChannelZhi.. bye
08:51.58ChannelZ(bed time)
08:53.54geemeeHey Folks... Anyone got experience of Virtualising Asterisk.. Would be for smallish office 40 users and 10-15 remote users. would also probably host small conferences
08:55.12sawgoodAny ideas or suggestions on how to make this need happen ... A front desk work has a SIP phone (either a Grandstream or an Aastra), and she needs to know when a voicemails has been left in the general voicemail box (in addtion to her own VM).  Does anyone know of a way to make a button on the phone light up if a message is left in the general voicemail box?
08:55.38sawgoodOr, to light up her MWI button if a message is left in EITHER the general voicemail and/or her own voicemail box
08:56.12sawgoodAs a 'work around' I have her SIP phone registering as two different accounts on the same phone
08:56.46sawgoodIf a VM is left for 'line 1' the MWI light comes up.  If a voicemail has been left for line 2 (the VM MWI light does not come on)
08:57.20sawgoodLuckly, the Grandstream phone will put a 'mail icon' in the LCD if a VM is left on 'line 2'
08:57.35sawgoodit is as close as I've been able to make things work
08:57.35geemeesawgood: not the same but setup email alert? can also have wav of voicemail attached.
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08:58.02sawgoodgeemee: that is a decent approach too ...
08:58.22sawgoodbut the company might not always allow her access to a PC and/or a PC might not be available near her phone at all times
08:58.53sawgoodYou would think this should be as easy as a 'hint' for BLF ... but its not
08:58.53geemeeWe have it setup here.. works well and remote users can check voicemail via email.. I realise its not what you are after but just a suggestion.
08:59.27sawgoodIt would be 'cool' if somehow I could make a voicemail box be an 'extension' and then map the 'extension' to a BLF key on the Grandstream phone
09:00.12sawgoodgeemee: by default (for your Asterisk box sending SMTP messages) are you using sendmail on the box?
09:00.46geemeesawgood: errr.. cant recall exact setup.. I think sendmail with using our exchange server as smarthost. Was simple to setup.
09:01.07sawgoodsmarthost was pretty easy for me to configure ...
09:01.22geemeesimple as in had it up and running in 5 minutes
09:01.26sawgoodBut now, I disable sendmail on the boxes, and I use a light weight SMTP front end on the box
09:01.56sawgoodby-pass sendmail and basically dump emails out as a smart host client to a hosted mail server running sendmail
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09:53.40Martinblrhave anybody tried integrating Nokia E63 with Asterisk..?
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10:43.07Blackvelhi all. any IVR gurus here for brainstorming? i am in the need to extend/optimize my current IVR system and status routing playbacks (out off office, vacation, available times). i am looking for the best way to dynamically change times (A-B, C-D or A-D) and to combine the playback prompt with time information (one of my prompts uses fixed times as well as fixed IVR GotoIfTime and would need to be re-recorded for every change -
10:45.10Blackvelis it best to use only fixed times with fixed prompts (like i have right now)? then it is a nightmare to change for e.g 1 week. or how to do it dynamically (including specific time playbacks)
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10:47.36tzafrir_laptopBlackvel, "dynamically change" as in edit extensions.conf and reload?
10:49.21tzafrir_laptopAlso, "playback prompt with time": see the application SayUnixTime
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10:51.39Blackveldynamically change time routings as of variables (gotoiftime, e.g asterisk database) and dynamically circuit switching as of calling 401, 402, 403 which writes variable IVR_CIRCUIT_AVAILIBILITY (this is done already) but would need manual extensions.conf modification for new routings
10:53.04Blackvele.g for this week i need to have the system open up 10-15 and let the caller know about that time. this is not possible yet with any extensions.conf routing or my current fixed time programming :)
10:53.54Blackveldoes it suck when the "normal ivr playback" gets interrupted by a different / standard prompt?
10:54.03Blackvele.g for saying the time?
10:56.04Blackvelwould you record all time prompts for sayunixtime manually? :)
10:57.01ChainsawBlackvel: Change voice mid-sentence is highly noticeable and tends to sound tacky.
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10:57.51ChainsawBlackvel: Like on some UK train stations: *female voice* The next *male voice* First Capital Connect *female voice* service departs from platform 12.
10:58.22Blackvelhehe yeah ;)
10:58.44ChainsawBlackvel: It makes you subconsciously question what happened to the female announcer. Was she off sick? Did she get fired?
10:59.03ChainsawBlackvel: It's likely that your customers will do the same. I'd get both recorded by the same person.
10:59.10Blackveli feel thisk about this programming too :)
11:00.41Blackveldoes that make sense playback(a) + playback(b) + playback(c) + playback(d) where a is normal introduction, b time from, c "word to" and d time to
11:01.17ChainsawBlackvel: Should work, yes. You can string things together like that.
11:01.42Blackvelbad thing to record all prompts manually one after one (as you can hear that).
11:02.22Blackvelthere is no easy way in german to express english language like : office closed but you can reach us in the following time + a to b
11:02.46Blackvelgerman always combines the words time a to b is always in the middle of the sentence
11:02.47ChainsawYour word ordering is completely different, yes.
11:03.02ChainsawBe glad you don't have to write it. Capitals everywhere ;)
11:04.29Blackvel"You can string things together like that." in one playback? i think i used multiple playbacks
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11:04.47Blackvelbut i fail to do the time thing...didnt use sayunixtime yet
11:04.58ChainsawBlackvel: In multiple playbacks, yes. That's basically what SayUnixTime does internally anyway.
11:05.28Blackvelwould you recommend going back to one prompt? and if time really has to change (in asterisk database) then its a 1 minute thing to re-record 1 prompt which includes time information?
11:05.34ChainsawBlackvel: I wonder how that is going to work with drei-und-zwanzig vs twenty-three though.
11:06.11Blackvelwell e.g its 13:00pm to 14:00pm and 18:00pm to 19:00pm
11:06.46Blackveland for this week i need 10:00am to 15:00pm
11:07.26Blackvelfrom or to time can be one recording (not 1 + 3)
11:07.50Blackvelthe fastest way probably would be to use only one prompt
11:08.14Blackvelotherwise i would have to record at least 10am, "to", 15pm
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11:14.06Blackvelhonestly i have to say that i do not change time too often
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11:15.11edgarswhich cpu better performs with voice transcoding amd or intel?
11:19.18coppicewell, a 12 core AMD definitely beats the intel atom
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11:21.40edgarsit also can beat 166mmx too
11:22.21coppicewell, if you ask a silly question, you should expect a silly answer
11:22.52edgarsvery fundamental question
11:24.30FutureWebhmm anyone knows how to make zaptel display my cards information ? such as version etc etc pls
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11:26.26tzafrir_laptopedgars, with an Intel CPU you can do AMD() . With an AMD one you can't do INTEL()
11:26.45tzafrir_laptopSo I guess that answers the fundenmental question
11:27.13sawgoodIf I have Asterisk installed on a box with an unknown type of TDM PCI card, is there an easy way from the CLI to determine which card is installed in the PC?
11:27.23tzafrir_laptopFutureWeb, there's zaptel_hardware, though it's not really as reliable as dahdi_hardware
11:27.39tzafrir_laptopsawgood, dahdi_hardware
11:28.48sawgoodwell, from the CLI there is a dahdi command
11:28.58sawgoodnot sure what dahdi_hardware is
11:30.12sawgoodfound it
11:30.15tzafrir_laptopsawgood, !dahdi_hardware   #?
11:30.25sawgoodyou meant from the Linux CLI ...
11:31.03edgarstzafrir_laptop: so intels iX is a good choice :>
11:31.18sawgoodtzafrir_laptop: thank you ... I did not know you could run a standard command from the CLI (using a !)
11:31.20sawgoodvery nice!
11:31.21sawgoodthank you!
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11:31.58coppiceedgars: define a goal and you might get a more meaningful answer
11:32.55edgarscoppice: main idea is to support ~20-30 simultaneus calls
11:36.14edgarsg.729 is a bad choice :)
11:36.51coppiceso, its mostly fax you want?
11:39.09edgarsit's not a local office pbx, thats why our sip guy uses 711. Fax and calling server
11:39.38edgarsmostly voice calls
11:41.54coppicespandsp will do 100 channels of fax on a single core of any respectable processor
11:44.46edgarsand how about voice calls? :)
11:45.01FutureWeb[ ~]# zaptel_hardware
11:45.01FutureWebpci:0000:03:05.0     wcfxo-       1057:5600 Wildcard X100P
11:45.18FutureWebI have that anyone know how the zaptel.conf in /etc/ should be especialy the span part? :/
11:46.21coppiceedgars: you said they are all 711
11:49.59edgarscoppice: as i understand 711 is for voice calls too
11:50.23coppicejust if everything is 711, there is no transcoding
11:50.54edgarswhy did he didnt tell me about that :/
11:53.34tzafrir_laptopFutureWeb, no need for any "span" part for that card
11:54.18tzafrir_laptopFutureWeb, 'zapconf zaptel' should generate one for you...
11:54.35tzafrir_laptopFutureWeb, but then again, do use DAHDI. It's the latest version of Zaptel
11:55.29FutureWebwell yum wont install dahdu lol
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12:00.04FutureWebmy dahdi seems to be messed up or somethin :S
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12:01.23tzafrir_laptopFutureWeb, please be more specific
12:01.40tzafrir_laptopWhat distro do you use?
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12:02.49tzafrir_laptopI suspect  package called 'dahdi' only includes userspace parts
12:03.04tzafrir_laptopAnd not the kernel modules
12:03.18tzafrir_laptopWhere did you install dahdi from? From what yum repo?
12:03.39SiNGLerdidn't see the question, but dahdi-tools is userspace utils
12:06.29SiNGLeris there a way to play announcement to both callee and caller after call is answered?
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12:15.35[TK]D-FenderSiNGLer: Not directly.  You could use M() to playback for the CALLEE and Originate() a new local channel to ChanSpy Whisper to the CALLER.
12:16.02FutureWebgrea dahdi didnt find the card :p
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12:20.38stopeI'm trying to compile the addons package with mysql support but the module is not being created, I have the latest source, am I missing extra parameters on ./configure  ?
12:22.00SiNGLeryou need mysqlclient dev package
12:22.28SiNGLercheck if "make menuselect" allows you to select mysql addon
12:25.08stopeit's all XXX'd out
12:25.29stopeI'll look for that package and install it
12:26.18SiNGLeron debian it's libmysqlclient-dev, not sure about other distros
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12:26.38stopeok, I know the one you're talking about... installing it now
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12:27.16nextimemumble: latest asterisk in sid: if i try to use chan_alsa ( or chan_oss with oss emulation in the alsa support ) i get a zombie process of asterisk if i try to restart it, making it unusable and needing a reboot of the whole server
12:27.30stopethanks SiNGLer, that did the trick   :)
12:27.38nextime( sid => packaged for debian unstable )
12:28.22[TK]D-Fendernextime: And what version of * is that precisely?
12:28.43nextime[TK]D-Fender : 1.6.2
12:28.51[TK]D-Fendernextime: And what version of * is that precisely? <--------------
12:29.25nextimelet me reboot the server and i will check at core show version
12:33.24nextime[TK]D-Fender: *CLI> core show version
12:33.24nextimeAsterisk built by buildd @ biber on a i686 running Linux on 2010-05-07 11:31:33 UTC
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12:34.02SiNGLer[TK]D-Fender: thnx for suggestion, today I'll try to do it
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12:52.38matagou_can i ask here a question about Asterisk GSM trunks ?
12:53.01[TK]D-Fendermatagou_: No such thing... but go ahead
12:54.16matagou_[TK]D-Fender: i meant things like chan_mobile trunks via Bluetooth GSM phones
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12:57.24guvenin a system like Core-GWC-Proxy-Asterisk Pbx-Users , is it possible to refer(transfer) a call to someone who is out of the network.I mean A and B are talking and they are in the same network,B is going to refer C and A&C will start talking,but C is in another network.So can asterisk refer a call to outer users ?
12:57.40guveni mean is there a way to send refer through a proxy
12:58.30pabelanger[TK]D-Fender: Actually there is, beroNet has one (  But like most channel drivers, its not integrated into
12:58.59matagou_i have an asterisk 1.4.32 and chan_mobile revision 421 from asterisk-addon-trunk. The chan_mobile module iq quite unstable - it can crash Asterisk when using 2 simultaneous call through chan_mobile FXOs, it can give errors like mbl_read() read error 104, or so on
12:59.40pabelangerguven: Yes, that is how SIP refers work.
13:00.04Chainsawpabelanger: They are proud to be using Realtek chips. I'll give that a miss if you don't mind.
13:00.44matagou_my question is: latest Asterisk 1.6 + chan_mobile from asterisk-addons   is more stable and is ready to use in SOHO environment? what alternatives are?
13:01.17pabelangerChainsaw: There GSM modules use a Siemens chip
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13:01.30guvenpabelanger: Thanks for the answer.Interesting thing is that,i'm doing my summer training in a telecommunication company which uses asterisk 1.4x and they say they are not able to refer to outer users because askterisk can't sen refer messages to proxy and asking me to solve the situation
13:01.48Chainsawpabelanger: They could use a chip personally hand-crafted by the archangel Gabriel for the GSM side...
13:02.03*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
13:02.13Chainsawpabelanger: Using a Realtek chip on the PC interface means it'll still fall down under any level of real traffic.
13:03.01pabelangerChainsaw: Regard less, each card only support 2 channels
13:04.14pabelangerguven: Now you know more then your boss :)
13:04.39pabelangerguven: It is possible, but without any knowledge of your network we are in the dark
13:05.03*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
13:08.59guvenpabelanger: :) Well,simply network is like Core-Gwc-SSL(as proxy server) and Asterisk Pbx
13:09.19guvenand they say when they use pi..(forgot the name,an open source pbx again)
13:09.43guventhey can use refer without any problem that's why they think asterisk is the problem.
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13:10.07pabelangerguven: Can you dial the SIP extension directly, via the Proxy?
13:11.05guvenpabelanger: Must be positive,because system works as it should except the refer outer side
13:11.51pabelangerguven: Then, a REFER should work too.  What is the actual problem when you transfer to the proxy?
13:13.29guvenpabelanger: They were keep saying that asterisk can't send refer to the proxy but seems like noone actually know the exact error..Which makes me wonder around searching for an answer without knowing the exact problem
13:13.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
13:13.44guvensorry for asking questions without giving too much descriptions by the way.. I don't like this situation either.. Just trying hard now to get the logs
13:13.56guvenwill ask you guys after having them
13:14.40pabelangerguven: Sounds like somebody on your staff is lazy! ;)  Either way, you got the right idea.  Find out the actual problem / error and we can help debug then.
13:14.46infobotmethinks collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to doc/HOWTO_collect_debug_information.txt or
13:14.50pabelangerguven: ^^
13:15.53*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (~Godfather@
13:16.08guvenpabelanger: Thank you for the informations,i'll get those logs for sure this time,and yes they are pretty lazy.. (:
13:16.14matagou_please review my posts
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13:19.36pabelangermatagou_: chan_moblie is not very popular, not sure how stable it is.
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13:21.05matagou_pabelanger: what solution is stable for make/receive calls to GSM networks from asterisk?
13:21.17*** part/#asterisk grummund (~grummund@unaffiliated/grummund)
13:21.44[TK]D-Fendermatagou_: Some other GSM device that talks SIP to *.
13:22.33[TK]D-Fendermatagou_: because * doesn't speak "GSM"
13:23.21matagou_[TK]D-Fender: please give examples. What about pci GSM adapters or GSM gateway that connects to Asterisk FXOs ?
13:23.23pabelangermatagou_: ^^ A GSM gateway with SIP support
13:24.01matagou_* to asterisk via FXOs
13:25.03*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
13:25.08[TK]D-Fendermatagou_: FXO= CRAP.  PCI should work, but that requires a slot in your server and puts a lot of the more interference susceptible bits too close to well... things that might interfere
13:25.28[TK]D-Fendermatagou_: SIP would be preferable
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13:30.10ChainsawRight over there sir, next to the toilets.
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13:31.56E-bolaDo anybody know a way to make hint subscriptions react to DND on/off on snom phones. My blf's work great on my snom phones except they doesnt take DND status into consideration
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13:36.05[TK]D-FenderE-bola: Not possible.
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13:37.47E-bola[TK]D-Fender: Mmmm well im pretty positive that u can do it with custom headers, enabling and disabling the hint
13:37.55E-bolabut i was hoping for a better/simpler way to do it
13:38.03[TK]D-FenderE-bola: There is no message sent to * for its state <-
13:38.21[TK]D-FenderE-bola: Nothing to track/trigger on
13:38.25E-bolaThere is when u define the DND on and off codes
13:38.34E-bolawhich i already to do sync DND status on phone and asterisk
13:38.35pabelangerE-bola: Or have Asterisk control your DND states.
13:38.37[TK]D-FenderE-bola: DND is a "reaction" from the phone,
13:38.48E-bolaso asterisk already knows if the phone is on DND or not
13:38.57ChainsawE-bola: Not until it sends a call there.
13:39.05E-bolawrong all of you im afraid :)
13:39.07*** join/#asterisk DND (~arabia@
13:39.08ChainsawE-bola: And the phone responds with "No! I'm on DND"
13:39.08E-bolalemme paste my dialplan
13:39.12[TK]D-FenderE-bola: So what happens on * side wthn you hit DND?
13:39.19E-bolahoes to pastebin it
13:39.21[TK]D-FenderE-bola: You saying it dials an extension as specified?
13:40.12E-bolaas u can see asterisk simply checks if the phone is on DND before it dials it
13:40.29E-bolathe snom phone sends *79 and *78 to asterisk when turning dnd on/off
13:40.39DNDgood day. i need some help with g729. we have 2 asterisk connected via iax. server A can call Server B with G729 but the problem is B can call A but cant switch to g729 only  other codecs
13:41.04E-bolaso as I said, asterisk already has the DND status in its DB, im just trying to find the best way to "notify" a hint listener when a phone goes on DND
13:41.09DNDi tried restricting it to g729&gsm but server A is switching to gsm.
13:41.09[TK]D-FenderE-bola: that is not "DND".  That is "I'm using AsDB with some dialplan to implement something I'd like to call an integraetd feature but isn't fixed"
13:41.27[TK]D-FenderE-bola: If that's how you're doing it....
13:41.29DNDyou talking about me? :D
13:41.31E-bola[TK]D-Fender: thats just definitiona nonesence, in effect its DND
13:41.39infobot[~devstate] Devstate is an Asterisk 1.4 module for custom BLF device state, see the following link -=- , or
13:41.51[TK]D-FenderE-bola: native in 1.6.0+
13:42.02E-bolaYep, already using it to monitor queue's
13:42.17[TK]D-Fender[09:41]<E-bola>[TK]D-Fender: thats just definitiona nonesence, in effect its DND <- definitions are details, and in this world details can get you KILLED
13:42.18E-bolabut im not sure how to use it in combination with "normal" hints
13:42.25freezeyfor the follow me feature. Say i forward a phonecall to a cellphone how do i allow the cellphone voicemail to take the phonecall not the asterisk system?
13:42.50[TK]D-FenderE-bola: add a CUSTOM one in your dialplan code to match the toggle
13:42.58[TK]D-FenderE-bola: Its documented.  Go read.
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13:43.28E-bola[TK]D-Fender: I know, but sometimes somebody else has already done the exact same thing, and its easier to share
13:43.30[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Cell will ANSWER when it takes VM.  Why would * take over?
13:43.33E-bolaSharing is good, mmmkkkk :)
13:43.44[TK]D-FenderE-bola: Go read you lazy fuck :p
13:43.52[TK]D-FenderE-bola: for 1 bloody line.
13:44.03[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his trusty ClueBat (tm)
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13:47.13freezey[TK]D-Fender: because what i am getting is the call dies right before the vmail on their side picks up
13:47.44freezeyfot eh destination if no answer
13:48.38E-bola[TK]D-Fender: Im not so sure devstate can be used for this. Because as it is now im monitoring the devicestate of the phone. If i change it to a custom devicestate and try to combine that with the phone's state i dunno how....
13:48.57E-bolaA custom device state doesnt "turn off" the hint automatically
13:49.47[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Perhaps you should actually LOOK at the call <---
13:50.12E-bolaHmm actualy you could get around BUSY and DND with dialplan tricks, but the ringing part i dont see how would be possible
13:50.23[TK]D-FenderE-bola: There is no "automatic"  You're doing this in your DND enable/disable code
13:50.40[TK]D-FenderE-bola: And you don't need "ringing"
13:51.16freezey[TK]D-Fender: for the destination if no answer settings pushes to the local system VM but i want it to notdo that lol
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13:51.52[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Perhaps you should actually LOOK at the call <---
13:52.25freezey[TK]D-Fender: yeah i am looking at the call and i see where it spawns the end destination in the new stack
13:53.31[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: The most worthless of emssages
13:53.52cuscoI am having troubles with echo cancellers in dahdi
13:54.25cuscoif i set up other than mg2, ti is either not recognised when I run dahdi_cfg or kernel freezes...
13:55.38freezey[TK]D-Fender: got it... it was all just a timing issue. increased the ring time
13:55.39freezeygood now
13:55.43cuscothat pri card always worked well, now we moved it phisically to another machine with a new PRI line, and operators are hearing echo
13:55.50cuscoso im guessing I need to change the echo canceller
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13:59.30cuscowhat can I do?
14:00.25E-bola[TK]D-Fender: Mmmm well i dont NEED to show if a phone is ringing, but its nice after all for the receptionist
14:00.53[TK]D-FenderE-bola: Where exactly is ringing coming into this?
14:00.58E-bolabut if i change the hint to a custom one, i have to turn it on and off myself in the dialplan, unlike if u use the normal hints for a SIP account
14:01.16E-bola[TK]D-Fender: notifyringing = yes
14:01.32[TK]D-FenderE-bola: single hint, checking TWO things <----
14:01.36E-bolaI dont JUST need DND monitoring i still need to monitor the extensions normal events (busy,ringing)
14:02.47E-bolaSo i guess i can make the dialplan do Set(DEVICE_STATE(Custom:MyCustomHint)=INUSE) whenever i do soemthing with the phone
14:03.08E-bolait "ought" to work, but i dont feel confident it wont get out of sync or some other weird stuff hehe
14:03.29E-bolait wouldnt work for queues either
14:03.38E-bolasince they dont go through dialplans :(
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14:03.56E-bolaThats a gamestopper :(
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14:04.58[TK]D-FenderE-bola: You only need to set your CUSTOM one for DND purposes.  your HINT will look at TWO things.
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14:05.34E-bola[TK]D-Fender: I didnt know a hint can check 2 different states?
14:09.56[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his trusty ClueBat (tm)
14:10.04[TK]D-FenderE-bola: Read.  The.  DOCS
14:11.07E-bola.... reading
14:11.10E-bolafirst page didnt mention it
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14:12.40[TK]D-FenderE-bola: & <-
14:12.43E-bola[TK]D-Fender: is a 404 btw
14:13.39cuscook so im reading on how to install oslec
14:15.01E-bola[TK]D-Fender: sorry but unless im blind i cant find anything about how to specify a 1 hint for multiple devices
14:15.11[TK]D-Fender[10:12]<[TK]D-Fender>E-bola: & <-
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14:16.04E-bolais not listed ANYWHERE!!
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14:17.37[TK]D-FenderE-bola: It is.  The quality and depth of your research is evident.
14:19.30E-bolanot on anywhere you pointed me too
14:20.08cuscoit says that I should copy `drivers/staging/echo` from a recent kernel tree (at least 2.6.28-rc1)
14:20.15cuscobut Im running kernel 2.6.26
14:20.29[TK]D-FenderE-bola: Like I said... NO DEPTH.  If I don't hand it to you you won't get off your ass to look.
14:21.36E-bola[TK]D-Fender: I obviously did look, and already read what i coudl find before, since i already use the function
14:21.37[TK]D-FenderE-bola: This is even in the basic WIKI page for Asterisk Standard Extensions.
14:21.46E-bolayou even prooved it by showing how a search for the function doesnt provide detailed docs
14:22.29[TK]D-FenderE-bola: And put the app name into immediately produces the good link I gave.  Stop being a lazy ass.
14:22.39[TK]D-Fender^^^^^ clear instructions on multiple devices.
14:22.49[TK]D-FenderE-bola: Separate by "&"
14:23.00[TK]D-FenderE-bola: Its listed elswhere are well
14:23.33E-bolawell contrary to what u might think i dont find it obvious to search for asterisk standard exstentions when im looking for info on devicestate :)
14:23.42[TK]D-FenderE-bola: LAZY ASS.
14:23.48E-bolanot to mention i was adviced against using in this very channel
14:23.58E-bolai even think u recomended against it :)
14:24.07E-bolabut NEVERMIND hehe
14:24.09E-bolaand thanks
14:24.15[TK]D-FenderE-bola: It should simply be the LOWER on the list, not off it entirely.
14:24.54Naikrovekit's based on reality but requires references from other sources
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14:53.00hurdmanif i have to send some log from asterisk via an udp socket, is there an existing class or i need to make a patch for log ?
14:53.35fenrusdo you want it to syslog to a remote host ?
14:53.51hurdmanfenrus: to a QT gui
14:53.58hurdman( c++ )
14:54.28Beavehurdman: just need a popup when errors occur or something?
14:54.29fenrushm, perhaps you can pass it to syslog att localhost, and from syslog route the stuff you want to another host/port
14:56.38Beavehurdman: set syslog in the logger.conf,  load Sagan ( enabled the asterisk.rules (not many there).. use "external program:" in Sagan with a program like "xmessage" (or whatever)
14:56.54hurdmanBeave: slot into an ui to "flash some button"
14:56.59Beaveif your just looking for popups...
14:57.07Beaveah.. nevermind then.
14:59.17*** join/#asterisk troffasky (
14:59.19hurdmani'll extend the ast_log function or something like this
14:59.53Beaveerrr (incorrect link).. anyways...
15:04.57*** join/#asterisk Dksaarth (
15:05.07pabelangerhurdman: why duplicate what syslog can do?
15:05.32Beavepabelanger: I think he just wants a hook into a custom gui app,   not sure.
15:05.38Beavebut yeah.
15:05.47DksaarthHi guys - I have a strange problem - I am trying to originate a call from a sip extension over a pstn line - the destination cellphone rings, but the call is hung up immediatly, resulting in a missed call before anybody can answer the phone. Anybody seen something like this before ?
15:06.32Dksaarththe command i am using in the asterisk cli is - originate SIP/2001 extension 082xxxx317@from-internal
15:06.44hurdmanBeave: pabelanger i juste need critical and warning into a QT gui app for a stupid user
15:07.34Beavehurdman: does the QT gui app do anything else?
15:08.04hurdmanBeave: yes of course :)
15:08.15Beaveheh. okay..
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15:40.06FutureWebJust to let you all know, I am offering shells capable of running Asterisk, with a Dedicated Public IP aviable, incase anyone wants one, let me know in a Pm :)
15:40.20FutureWebthats just to help people who cant host it them self, not to spam btw ;D
15:41.33Qwellunless it's free, it's spam.  so yeah
15:41.40FutureWebI cant give it out for free, but since I wanna help people instead of making profit
15:41.45FutureWebif your not makin a profit
15:41.48FutureWebits not spam :P
15:41.54FutureWebwell thats how I think of it anyhow
15:42.00FutureWebif you consider it as spam sorry then :/
15:42.01Qwellyes it is.  please refrain from any paid advertisements here
15:42.07FutureWebkk sorry
15:46.00Naikrovekthis Sriracha hot sauce is going to kill me
15:46.43QwellNaikrovek: worth it.
15:47.10QwellNaikrovek: ever actually used it as a hamburger, as the bottle suggests?
15:47.13Qwellerr, on
15:47.27Naikroveknot yet
15:47.30Qwellit's actually pretty awesome
15:47.33Naikrovekit is awesome
15:47.35Qwelluse it instead of ketchup
15:47.38Naikrovekbut oh my stomach
15:47.46Naikroveki must have an ulcer or something
15:47.53Naikrovekit's some of the best hot sauce i've ever eaten
15:48.14Naikrovekand i got it at walmart of all places
15:48.20Naikroveklike $2.50 or something
15:48.22Qwellfor like $2.50, heh
15:48.22*** join/#asterisk QubeZ (~nkasu@
15:48.25QubeZhello all
15:48.40Naikrovekit'll take at least 6 months to get through this bottle
15:48.44QwellI use the hell out of that stuff...
15:49.07QwellI get those frozen chimichangas, and smother them with it.
15:49.16Qwelladd some horseradish...
15:49.31Naikrovekyou like to have clear sinuses
15:49.38Qwellnot really smother. :p  I put like 3-4 lines across it
15:49.38Naikroveksounds like you require them
15:49.52Naikrovek3-4 lines for me on turkey sandwiches
15:49.55QubeZwe have a server running Centos 5.3 kernel 2.6.18-92.1.22.el5 and after turning on recordings, the server locks up with random memory errors but never does this when recordings aren't enabled. We have 2 servers exhibiting this behavior and both are set to record calls fulltime. We are currently recording to a ramdisk. Any ideas?
15:50.29QwellQubeZ: run memtest on that server?  sounds like you've got some bad RAM there, that's only getting used when you record
15:50.48QubeZQwell: we tested ram and it came back fine
15:51.38QwellNaikrovek: makes me want to go get thai food today..
15:51.53QwellQubeZ: are the other boxes running the same kernel?
15:51.58QubeZnot sure what else it could be, as soon as we enable recordings... boom issues
15:52.30QubeZQwell: we've thought about that too, reluctant to upgrade just yet but wanted to shoot out my issue here before proceeding
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15:55.19p3nguinqubez: Did you run memtest86+ on the systems unchanged from the way you use them in production?
15:57.24QubeZp3nguin: yup, both prod servers have had memtest run on them. Even tested another server that doesn't do recordings and as soon as we enabled recordings, it began to freeze too
15:57.32QubeZsame kernel so what Qwell eluded too many be the real issue
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16:34.17zxvffhi, i have an asterisk setup using asterisk and FreePBX. I have a user who claims he called a customer and heard a message that said "the extension xxxx has been routed to phone number xxxxxxxxxx"
16:34.27zxvffany clue what this is or how I can correct it?
16:34.36infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
16:34.38wcselbykicks infobot
16:34.40wcselbythere you are
16:34.57zxvffokay, wasn't sure if it was freepbx or asterisk related. thanks
16:42.46anonymouz666ok guys, gotta go. time to win another world cup.
16:42.57anonymouz666brazil again.
16:59.21ChannelZI have a cup right here
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17:03.19[TK]D-Fendergoes to find 2 girls...
17:03.54ChannelZMake sure they're from different countries
17:05.40p3nguinI don't know whether to be concerned or turned on.
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17:30.07branguys |I can't get my Polycom to show up in FreePBX, any ideas?
17:30.23infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
17:30.27pabelangerbran: ^^^
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17:42.15Krolik13there is any distance limit for an telephone cable between FXS and phone?
17:44.55Kyoshusing cat1?
17:46.06*** join/#asterisk TheSov (~a@
17:46.38[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: Of course.
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17:47.25[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: Dependent on the grade of wire, the interface used, the phone used, solar flare activity, and flux in the aurora borealis
17:47.35TheSovdont forget neutrinos
17:48.24SiNGLerand possition of Mars and Venus
17:48.44Kyoshand how much an ant can shit in a day
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18:22.40*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2010/06/18),, (2010/05/20), (2010/06/22), *-Addons, (2010/06/08),, 1.4.11 (2010/04/15), dahdi-linux 2.3.0 + dahdi-tools 2.3.0 (2010/04/13), libpri (2010/06/08) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-b
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18:26.56[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: See all of the OTHER factors as well
18:27.09[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: I'd recommend calling the manufacturer
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18:30.25Krolik13[TK]D-Fender> thanks
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18:32.35Krolik13[TK]D-Fender> what E1 (ISDN PRI) equipment for Voice Gateway do you recommend?
18:33.17[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: In 99% of cases, Sangoma A-Series cards
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18:34.42Krolik13[TK]D-Fender> thanks again for your advice!
18:35.10Krolik13[TK]D-Fender> what about Digium E1 pci? who many % of 100%? :)
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18:35.35QwellKrolik13: some people prefer different things.  you'll get different answers if you ask different people.
18:36.13Qwellof course, buying Digium hardware helps support Asterisk.
18:36.46Krolik13what is better, to user E1 Pci cards, or an external gateway voip hardware?
18:36.53[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: Depends on your needs
18:36.54Krolik13i'm just new in it. sorry for stupid questions
18:37.08Krolik13need is: ISDN PRi - 30 channels, E1
18:37.21Krolik13i don't mind use PCI card, ori hardware gateways
18:37.28Krolik13just tell me what is more stable and better
18:37.31[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: For a single PRI and a rather simlpe server, PCI is considerably more cost effective.  I recommend SIP gateways for large HA type setups though
18:37.31russellbDigium E1 card!  :-)
18:37.37Krolik13because you have great experience
18:38.35Krolik13[TK]D-Fender> from the gateways, what brands/models do you recommend?
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18:38.56russellbhe recommends a server with a Digium E1 card in it as a gateway :-D
18:39.25[TK]D-Fenderneeds a new "dummy" ... this one is going all Chuchy-like
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18:39.45[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Put down that knife!
18:40.22Tim_Toadyeggs digium bacon digium digium digium sausage digium and digium
18:42.17Krolik13[TK]D-Fender> is it this one: Sangoma A101 Single Voice and Data Card (one E1) port?
18:42.45[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: A101d <- w/ HWEC
18:44.07Krolik13[TK]D-Fender>what about A101DE ?
18:44.08[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: "I'm gonna pout at you until I get my way..." - Hootie & The Blowfish
18:44.20[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: Sure if you need it in PCI-E
18:44.42russellb[TK]D-Fender: that band is from my hometown.
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18:45.18[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: That song is on my perform list.
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18:47.22Krolik13[TK]D-Fender> sorry for borring you, but just to confirm if i understand right: you wanna say that A101DE is better then digium's TE121B ?
18:47.31wcselbyjust got invited to SW:TOR beta, kinda
18:47.36Krolik13thanks again for all your recommandations
18:47.42[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: IMO
18:48.20Krolik13thanks mate
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18:49.52evilbithi, reading up on asterisk and receiving SMS txt messages. I'm a little confused. Can it be done with asterisk using just VOIP and a DID number?
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18:50.41Krolik13[TK]D-Fender> just forget to ask you about client side: FXO ports.. what gateways should be find for about 8-24 FXO ports?
18:51.50SiNGLerKrolik13: you can try Audiocodes SIP GW
18:52.27pabelangerevilbit: define SMS
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18:53.02evilbitpabelanger: cell phone txt messages
18:53.09[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: anything above 8 I'd look at PRI options very hard.  8-12 I'd aim for PCI probably.  12+ would be SIP gateway.  Either AudioCodes or Mediatrix
18:53.22evilbitso, I'd like to txt back and forth from my cell to asterisk
18:54.05Krolik13[TK]D-Fender> asterisk and PCI E1 will be quite far from the clients. So i need to place several gateways, far away on the LAN, closer to the clients...
18:54.27pabelangerI don't recommend Audiocodec.  Only because configuring them the first time stinks.
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18:55.07Krolik13Telecom -> E1->PCI->Asterisk->LAn->(Switches)->Lan->FXO_Gateways->Phones
18:55.20pabelangerevilbit: You will need a SMS service provider for your Asterisk box.
18:56.15evilbitah, ok... so if I have a DID from a iax provider there's no way to use that same number for SMS?
18:56.18[TK]D-Fenderpabelanger: Startup curve isn't a great detminating factor.  Think long term quality
18:56.55pabelangerevilbit: No, because your provider does not supply SMS services.
18:57.01Krolik13[TK]D-Fender> if to choose between AudioCodes or Mediatrix, what do you recommend?
18:57.10Krolik13for FXO_Gateways
18:57.27[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: Kinda a toss-up. Might say either...
18:57.39pabelanger[TK]D-Fender: They are good boxes; just terrible to use in a lab environment.
18:58.24Krolik13[TK]D-Fender> i should relay on your experiense, as i don't have option to test any of those gateways. Thanks!
19:00.41[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: I don't have a lot of experience with these external gateways, but a decent viewpoint as to what makes to use and for what kind of usage.
19:00.59[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: Your specific needs may vary.
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19:05.04DeeewayneWhat's the highest number of digium/sangoma quadspans that people have running in a single production box without problems?
19:05.14jdoeWhy would the feature codes for ChanSpy not work? Voicemail works, so I assume button presses are being sent correctly.
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19:05.48WIMPyDeeewayne: There are also 8xE1 and E3 interfaces.
19:06.39DeeewayneWIMPy, sangoma?
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19:11.48Krolik13[TK]D-Fender> does E1 PRI ISDN type of connection has specific signals (like SIP has) for disconnect event, instead of detecting disconnect tone?
19:12.10russellbyes, but only on digium cards
19:12.21SiNGLerit does, by protocol
19:12.33[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: Yes, this is the point of PRI.  OOB signalling
19:12.42Krolik13[TK]D-Fender> wandefull!!!
19:13.02[TK]D-FenderDeeewayne: Digium has always maintained you shouldn't have more than 2 cards in a given server.
19:13.17[TK]D-FenderDeeewayne: That in mind one could say 16 Ports
19:14.03Krolik13russellb> are you fan of digium? ;)
19:14.17russellbKrolik13: that's my employer
19:14.26Krolik13oh, i see :)
19:14.27Deeewayne[TK]D-Fender, I've heard that before not sure that digium agrees w/ that limitation
19:14.30leifmadsenand he's a fan
19:14.56leifmadsenDeeewayne: isn't there some sort of satisfaction guarantee if it didn't work? :)
19:15.41Deeewayneleifmadsen, wouldn't the guarantee be more like if it doesn't work, we'll give you your money back?
19:15.55[TK]D-FenderDeeewayne: these recommedations were directly from
19:15.59leifmadsenDeeewayne: if multiple cards didn't work, that sounds like "not working"
19:16.05leifmadsenDeeewayne: I'd check with sales first
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19:31.10jdoeAnyone?, ChanSpy with an explicit channel works, #/* don't work for scanning though.
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19:37.41[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: Show us
19:38.00jdoe[TK]D-Fender: sure, what would you like to see?
19:38.14[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: I dunno.. that actual PROBLEM maybe?
19:38.22[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: Show us it "not working"
19:38.33[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: And enough backup to clearly indicate that it should have
19:38.54jdoe[TK]D-Fender: I'm not sure how to demonstrate that when I push a button nothing happens.
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19:39.50jdoeI can pastebin configs, but core/sip debugging didn't show anything obviously relevant.
19:42.59evilbitwhen a sip user dials a outside (of asterisk) number where does the CID get set?
19:45.02jdoe[TK]D-Fender: is extensions.conf. What I want is for an extension to be able to dial 999 and cycle through the channels in the CSR group. In practice what happens is that I get dropped into ChanSpy, get dead air, and no button presses do anything.
19:45.13[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: I want to SEE the channels that are active, and I want to SEE you calling chanspy
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19:48.29[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: "core show channels concise"
19:48.36[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: sip show channels = crap
19:48.43jdoesure, one sec.
19:48.50pabelangerAnybody using Broadvoice? Do they support / supply DNS SRV records for SIP phones?
19:49.07jdoe... well shit, that IS more useful.
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19:50.40[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: options    b: Only spy on channels involved in a bridged call.
19:50.54[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: Nobody is BRIDGED
19:51.10[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: Perhaps yous hould actually read the options you are using with your applications
19:51.20jdoe[TK]D-Fender: the queue doesn't bridge calls?
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19:54.11jdoe[TK]D-Fender: 3343 and 3288 are caller and callee respectively, my understanding was that when a queue call gets picked up the two are bridged.
19:54.26[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: 2 PEOPLE aren't talking together.
19:54.44[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: When the schmuck gets ANSWERED then there is something to spy on
19:55.02[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: He's sitting IN LINE to be answered
19:55.12jdoe[TK]D-Fender: no he's not, they're in a call.
19:56.56[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: Not sure if you can do that.  Try a more direct call.
19:57.11jdoemore direct? how do you mean?
19:57.14Krolik13[TK]D-Fender> about E1 PCI A101d, there is any processing load over the server's CPU during voice calls? if so, how can i calculate the resources that i need for an specific amount of concurent calls?
19:57.18[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: DIAL
19:57.45jdoe[TK]D-Fender: dial what? 3343 dialed to enter the queue.
19:57.58[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: the card doesn't place any load on your server, and you can fully load a quad-port card on anything worth even thinking about for * in general
19:58.11[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: ... Direct Dial.  No Queue
19:58.32[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: Could be that Chanspy will only look at Dial-based calls
19:58.49jdoeI don't think that's the case, if I give ChanSpy SIP/3343 it spies on the channel
19:58.53jdoeit's only the cycling that's not working.
19:58.58[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: When using that "bridged option" anyway
19:58.58Krolik13[TK]D-Fender> great! what abou *? what resouces does it need for a specific amount of concurent calls?
19:59.06jdoe[TK]D-Fender: oh, hmm
19:59.17[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: What do you intend to do exactly>?
19:59.26jdoe[TK]D-Fender: even that would be a little strange. MixMonitor is smart enough to use "b" to only record when two people are actually SPEAKING on the call.
20:00.02Krolik13[TK]D-Fender> kind of call-center. People to call to some numbers, to be set on queue, and wait for answers from support team.
20:00.08jdoe[TK]D-Fender: was kinda hoping I could do the same here... realistically I could just just do something silly like 99XX in extensions.conf and use that to give exact channels to ChanSpy I guess...
20:00.50[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: call recording?  Where are you agents erlative to your server?
20:01.51Krolik13[TK]D-Fender> yep, call recoding, agents are in the LAN (soft or hardphones)
20:02.46[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: Core2 Duo type server, pair of decently fast HDs in RAID 1 or a 5+ array
20:03.10[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: 4 gig ram.  Which when you get down to it is practically common spec for analog watches these days
20:03.19Krolik13[TK]D-Fender> what CPU frequesncy?
20:03.32[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: Won't really matter.
20:03.45[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: Just go for what looks like a fairly decent PC today
20:03.48Krolik13why exactly 4 gb? how did you calculate it?
20:04.07[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: I calculate by "max out 32bit OS"  cost effective
20:04.26[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: You won't haev to think about it for a long time
20:04.40Krolik13[TK]D-Fender> thanks much for you support and time!
20:04.50[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: You're welcome.
20:05.18[TK]D-FenderKrolik13: My advise is free, and my support very accessible :)
20:05.49Krolik13[TK]D-Fender> you are like gift for us! God bless you
20:05.56*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
20:06.14[TK]D-Fenderis a regular 'ole Jack-In-The-Box
20:07.22Qwellorders a Sourdough Jack and seasoned curly fries
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20:12.16[sr]just discovered something interesting
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20:12.30[sr]the state phone company uses & support asterisk
20:12.40[sr]it's on the asterisk official video
20:12.50Qwellthere's an Asterisk official video?
20:13.21[sr]the video that is on front page front page recently changed again?
20:15.43[sr]"get started video"
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20:39.35infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
20:42.31wcselbywakka wakka
20:43.34twanny796Skype for asterisk could not be loaded? Any skype users?
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20:47.04mza-is there a good howto on setting up TLS?
20:47.10mza-im sure it's been asked 100's of times
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21:49.46WIMPySan someone spot why this incomming sip call gets disconnected immediately?
21:52.07Dksaarthwimpy, have you got sdpignoreversion in the peer definition?  see
21:52.13Dksaarth(total random guess)
21:54.43WIMPyOutgoing is ok for me, but I'll give it a tr.
21:54.54*** join/#asterisk Joe_CoT (~joecot@pdpc/supporter/active/joe-cot)
21:55.55WIMPyNope, no difference.
21:55.58Joe_CoTis there any way to change the formatting of cli command output? I'm trying to parse the output from cli commands over the manager interface, and it's rather hard to separate fields in the output
21:56.12Joe_CoTsomething like csv, or even tab delimited, would make things much easier.
21:57.30tzafrir_laptopJoe_CoT, not really. Consider using the manager interface?
21:58.39Joe_CoTtzafrir_laptop, I am using the manager interface. But there not all the commands i need are manager commands, so I have to run them as cli commands through the manager.
21:59.03Joe_CoTAnd that works fine, but it outputs it like the cli would, and that output isn't very clean to parse.
21:59.23daemonhey all im just setting up queing for asterisk
21:59.36*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:59.37daemonI use ilbc, how much bandwidth per user shall I allow fr
21:59.49*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
22:01.59*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~James@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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22:12.34*** join/#asterisk cweagans (~cweagans@
22:13.03cweagansis it possible to have two pbx boxes behind a single firewall on a single public IP address and still have them both register and make calls and such?
22:13.26cweagansregister to an external sip provider, that is
22:15.34[TK]D-Fendercweagans: run them on separate SIP ports & RTP ranges
22:15.58cweagans[TK]D-Fender: I'm not really sure how to do that..
22:16.20[TK]D-Fendercweagans: si.conf, rtp.conf.  blatantly obvoius parms
22:16.20*** join/#asterisk Micc (
22:16.29cweagans[TK]D-Fender: heh, thanks
22:19.38Miccis sip info the same as sip notify?
22:19.39*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
22:20.15Blackvelwhat would be the fastest way to manually record my own voice for various times which i want to use prompts for? create extensions to record every hour manually? i have no programs to record all hours by one and then split the wav/gsm afterwords :(
22:21.36jdoe[TK]D-Fender: well I figured out at least part of my problem. The SPYGROUP channel variable is somehow, somewhere, getting unset. I'm getting dead air in chanspy etc. because it has no 'valid' channels to pick from. Any insight on how/when variables get cleared?
22:21.48Blackvelwould you do it like this ? would you use sayunixtime or would you try to just to pass the variables from database e.g _myxyztimehhfrom to playback?
22:22.24Blackvele.g announce_abc_timefrom1300
22:23.05*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
22:23.30Miccit looks like sip info and sip notify dtmf methods are different, does asterisk support sip notify dtmf method?
22:25.26*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
22:26.34*** join/#asterisk bran (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/bran)
22:26.43branwhy doesn't my polycom 330 auth with asterisk?
22:26.46bran<--- Transmitting (no NAT) to --->
22:26.48branSIP/2.0 403 Forbidden (Bad auth)
22:26.50branVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK91c3010e28424E09;received=
22:27.06fenruslooks like incorrect username/pw
22:27.39*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
22:27.46brani use the extension # as username and the secret as password right?
22:28.09[TK]D-Fenderbran: YES
22:30.06jdoe[TK]D-Fender: nevermind. Root cause is that I'm an idiot and it was a dial plan issue. SPYGROUP was only being set some of the time. Facepalm. Thanks for your help earlier.
22:30.39*** join/#asterisk Scorcerer (
22:31.22bran[TK]D-Fender: but i am using the right username and password....
22:31.55branreg.1.label="201" reg.1.type="private" reg.1.lcs="" reg.1.csta="" reg.1.thirdPartyName="" reg.1.auth.userId="201"
22:32.13branso that's 201/lol123
22:32.21brani don't know why it's not working :(
22:34.44jdoebran: try reg.1.address="201"
22:35.52jdoebran: I don't have the docs handy right now to confirm that's correct, it's how my configs are though and they work.
22:36.10[TK]D-Fenderbecause addess is NOT the IP of your server
22:36.14[TK]D-Fenderit is there USER
22:36.28branif that's it i'll kill myself
22:36.50[TK]D-Fenderbran: Please stand on that plastic sheet over there
22:36.50jdoebran: that was frequently my response while dealing with polycom configs.
22:36.56*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (
22:37.12[TK]D-Fenderbran: And press the barrel firmly to the temple
22:37.21[TK]D-Fenderloads up a few more sub-sonic rounds
22:39.22*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (~Godfather@
22:41.02branholy fuck it works
22:41.55brani love you guys
22:42.27branhow do I dial to a landline?
22:42.37branthere's a default in here that's 9|.
22:42.39jdoepick up receiver, press buttons?
22:42.43*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
22:42.57branbut i can only seem to dial up to 10 digits into the phone
22:43.05branif I dial 9 first, don't I need 11?
22:44.21cweagansbran: 1) Install AsteriskNow
22:44.23cweagans2) ???
22:44.25cweagans3) Profit!
22:46.41brani am using asterisk now!
22:48.02*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
22:50.53cweaganscan anybody help me get my 2 pbx's working?
22:51.34infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
22:51.42pabelangercweagans: ^^^
22:51.54cweagansI have two PBX systems behind a single firewall with a single public IP. One of them completes calls through Speakeasy sip trunks intermittently (when it doesn't, it's asterisk error code 21 - call rejected). The other PBX will not complete a call at all. Same error code.
22:51.57[TK]D-Fenderbran: Go fix the dialplan on the phone
22:52.32cweagansI've tried changing the SIP ports and the RTP ports. One of them is on 5060 and the other is on 5061 for sip
22:52.41cweagansfor rtp, pbx1 is 10000-20000
22:52.48cweaganspbx2 is 20001 to 30000
22:53.27cweagansI don't know enough about VoIP systems I guess....I may be able to convince my boss to pay somebody for fixing it, if anybody is interested
22:55.24bran[TK]D-Fender: got it
22:55.46branright now if somebody calls in, Asterisk picks up and says "This number is not in service..."
22:55.53branwhere is the setting for this?
22:56.12cweaganscreate an inbound route (or whatever it's called in FreePBX)
22:57.22[TK]D-Fenderbran: #freepbx <----------------
22:58.16branhmm k
22:59.22TrixboxerHi, does anyone have got success for cpanel and asterisk installation on the same system .. i'm going to do it.. just want to have some reviews :)
23:01.29*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
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23:06.37*** join/#asterisk radic (
23:07.03radicwill that work? >>
23:13.45[TK]D-Fenderradic: exten => asd,n,Set(NUM=Math(${NUM}+1,i)) <- massacred syntax on a priority that will never execute anyway
23:14.10[TK]D-Fenderradic: exten => asd,n,GoTo(asd,2) <- Also never going to execute
23:15.42radic[TK]D-Fender: I have many loops like this and I naver had a problem
23:16.01WIMPyCan someone spot why this incomming sip call gets disconnected immediately?
23:18.28radicWIMPy: dialplan waere noch hilfreich
23:19.45[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: 1st allowing all codecs = ICK.  Second, I'm betting you didn't prevent reinvites.
23:19.54WIMPyYou can see it being executed there. I does an Answer(), send an OK and receives a CANCEL, but I don't see why the call gets cancelled at the moment of answering.
23:19.54[TK]D-Fender[2010-06-28 23:39:37] Capabilities: us - 0xc7fffff (g723|gsm|ulaw|alaw|g726|adpcm|slin|lpc10|g729|speex|ilbc|g726aal2|g722|slin16|jpeg|png|h261|h263|h263p|h264|mpeg4|red|t140|siren7|siren14), peer - audio=0x90d (g723|ulaw|alaw|g726|g729)/video=0x0 (nothing)/text=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x90d (g723|ulaw|alaw|g726|g729) <- BAD
23:20.54p3nguinThat's a LOT of codecs that will never get used.
23:21.08WIMPyI tried alaw only and I also tried without reinvites. But I changed to just Answer and Musiconhold for testing.
23:21.27[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: What you've shown begs to differ and looks bad
23:21.42[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: And doesn't include configs
23:21.56WIMPyIt made no difference so I allowed all again.
23:22.56WIMPyUnfortunaletly I don't knpw since when that's broken, as its a number I don't uasually use.
23:23.24[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Also why do we only see a PART of the OpenSER part of this?
23:23.54WIMPyThat's the full call.
23:24.02[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: the ONLY part of that comm we see is the CANCEL.
23:24.25WIMPyAnd yes, I also noticed huawei and openser being mixed..
23:24.34[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: text search your pastebin.  ONE occurence
23:24.50[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: My trust has shunk to microscopic proportions
23:26.01WIMPyThe only interesting thing I see is more than one IP, which looks quite interesting.
23:27.27WIMPyThe call seems to come in twice from different IPs.
23:29.12branso i did a yum install asterisk16-skypeforasterisk
23:29.15branwhere did that stuff go?
23:29.20branit's now showing up under modules
23:31.23*** join/#asterisk kotp (~vgoff@
23:31.53[TK]D-Fenderbran: Did you buy and install your licenses?
23:32.01brannot yet
23:33.05[TK]D-Fenderbran: Then don't expect to see the module load
23:35.37WIMPyHmm. Is it possible that the provider actually isn't cancelling the call answered call, but the other call, that was also generated?
23:36.01bran[TK]D-Fender: ok i just used register to enter my key
23:36.08WIMPyAnd * getting confused by that double call?
23:36.49WIMPyAt least it confuses me, but that doesn't mean much :-)
23:37.10*** join/#asterisk mrchrisadams (
23:40.05brani still don't see the module listed in asterisk tho
23:42.51cweagansbran: asterisk != freepbx
23:43.01*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
23:43.14branhow do I check what modules are loaded from asterisk's prompt?
23:43.25WIMPyOk, so I guess that CANCEL is ok. So the question is why the BYE comes immediately.
23:53.54*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (~manxpower@
23:54.10ManxPowerAnyone have any ideas on where in the actual ael file this error occurs?  "LOG: lev:4 file:ael.flex  line:647 func: ael_yylex  Unhandled char(s):"
23:55.20*** join/#asterisk Micc (
23:56.15brancan i configure skype lines in freepbx at all?

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