IRC log for #asterisk on 20100626

00:01.21cweagansdrmessano, WIMPy: thank you for the advice!
00:03.48*** join/#asterisk sputnick (~sputnick@unaffiliated/sputnick)
00:03.54sputnickhi there
00:06.05sputnickanyone can give me a short exemple to play "hello-world" to put in extension.conf when I press "4" when the connection was made ? ( and "Hangup" only after that )
00:16.56p3nguinexten => 4,1,Playback(hello-world)
00:20.20sputnickp3nguin: that snippet just play "hello-world" if I call "4". Waht I mean is by exemple I call "303", then I listen a message, and I have to type a choice, let's say "4" or "5". Do you get me ?
00:27.45*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
00:28.18*** join/#asterisk Dunkirk (
00:28.29sputnickWhat I starts with : I "just" need to know how code line 2
00:29.13sputnickthis one is better :
00:29.33DunkirkI'm going _crazy_. Anyone try to run a TDM400P under Ubuntu (10.04)? I can't get it to come up.
00:29.42pabelanger-lapsputnick: core show application WaitExten
00:30.50sputnicknice pabelanger-lap, thanks
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00:35.56p3nguinsputnick: I doubt line 3 is going to do what you want it to do.
00:36.08sputnick"exten => s,4,Read(TEST||10)" seems interesting
00:41.32*** join/#asterisk jtrimmer (
00:44.15jtrimmerEvening everyone.  I'm trying to create a call file to run a custom context but it doesn't seem to be working.  I think my problem is in the Channel: line I don't understand it completly.  Channel: Local/1000@testing-context  does 1000 have to be a real extension?
00:44.42sputnickthanks pabelanger-lap, I test it
00:45.50pabelanger-lapjtrimmer: no, but it has to be a valid exten within testing-context
00:46.06pabelanger-lapIE: [testing-context]
00:46.20pabelanger-lapexten => 1000,1,Verbose("Hello World")
00:46.39jtrimmerohh I see
00:48.54jtrimmerso if I had say Channel: Local/milk@testing-context  then it would in theory work if I had exten=> milk,1,Verbose("Hello World") ?
00:49.25pabelanger-lapjtrimmer: Yes
00:50.39jtrimmerty very much that just made the fog in my head clear right up
00:51.15*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (~twanny@
00:51.37twanny796skype for asterisk module?
00:51.49pabelanger-laptwanny796: what about it?
00:52.06twanny796pabelanger-lap: where can I get it from?
00:52.16sputnickpabelanger-lap: very good :) But if I hit "4" * understand immediatly to play "foo" but if I choose "4" I have to wait.
00:52.18infobotit has been said that skypeforasterisk is a Digium-made channel driver that allows Asterisk to connect to the Skype network using a Skype-supported connection method. Unlike all other solutions it does not require X11, kernel modules, or a Windows machine. See for details
00:52.32sputnick( wait to listen bar )
00:53.28pabelanger-lapsputnick: Say that again?
00:55.41sputnickWhen I call 303, I listen "choose 4 or 5" sound, then if I choose "4", "foo" is played just after I type it and if I type "5", I need to wait some secondes to listen "bar" sound.
00:56.46pabelanger-lapsputnick: you must have some other exten in that context that start with 5.  IE: exten => _510,1,blah()
00:57.21pabelanger-lapsputnick: your best to move that logic into another context and use goto(new_context,s,1) to access the menu
00:57.35pabelanger-lapsputnick: your delay is because of pattern matching
00:57.46sputnickyes I have 500.
00:58.22pabelanger-lapsputnick: So, WaitExten see the 500, because it is in the same context. And will timeout after 3 seconds.
00:58.38sputnickunderstand yes pabelanger-lap
01:00.14pabelanger-lapsputnick: When I design IVRs using asterisk, I will create a new context for each menu.  IE: [AA-MainMenu]  then when I need to move to a new menu, I use the goto command.  Makes it easy and clean to read / understand
01:01.07sputnickpabelanger-lap: yes, that's what I try, I'm very new to * ;)
01:02.05infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
01:02.08pabelanger-lapsputnick: ^^
01:02.33sputnickthanks, I have already this book opened  right here
01:02.55pabelanger-lapsputnick: Then you are on your way.
01:03.02sputnickdream of a French version of this book
01:04.09twanny796is there a compiled module of skypeforasterisk 1.4?
01:06.24pabelanger-laptwanny796: Yes, from Digium
01:06.42infoboti guess skypeforasterisk is a Digium-made channel driver that allows Asterisk to connect to the Skype network using a Skype-supported connection method. Unlike all other solutions it does not require X11, kernel modules, or a Windows machine. See for details
01:06.49pabelanger-laptwanny796: ^^
01:08.40twanny796pabelanger-lap: but digium are selling it!!
01:09.04pabelanger-laptwanny796: Of course, they built it.
01:10.43twanny796pabelanger-lap: ok, is there an open skype for sip?
01:11.42pabelanger-laptwanny796: no, Skype is a propriety protocol, not the same as SIP
01:12.21pabelanger-laptwanny796: There is no free skype channel driver.  You have to buy one from Digium or write your own.
01:16.09*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
01:16.48twanny796pabelanger-lap: what happened here?
01:18.19pabelanger-laptwanny796: Did you read the article?
01:19.23twanny796pabelanger-lap: yep, I just read it ;(
01:35.51sputnickthanks all & especially pabelanger-lap. I find my way :
01:43.21p3nguinsputnick: That's still not the ideal way.
01:43.45sputnickwhy ?
01:45.49pabelanger-lapsputnick: If you use WaitExten, you can add some error handlers and digit timeouts.
01:46.14pabelanger-lapsputnick: IE: exten => i,1,playback(invalid)
01:47.16pabelanger-lapsputnick: But still a good first round
01:48.47drmessanoWait, Digium SELLS stuff?
01:48.52drmessanoThose bastards
01:49.17sputnickok pabelanger-lap
01:49.32*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
01:58.38p3nguinsputnick: Why?  Because something similar to this makes more sense to most people:
02:12.12*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
02:14.39sputnickthanks p3nguin, I put it close to me to read when my brain will be more... cooler
02:17.58ChannelZmmm dirrtay
02:24.28*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
02:26.00WIMPyHmm. Did I get something wrong about allowmultiplelogin=no in manager.conf? I would understand that you can login once per user only, but it seems I can only log in once in total.
02:26.35*** join/#asterisk Ziaeon (
02:26.55WIMPyI have two isers. One is logged in and when I try the other I get "Login Already In Use"
02:29.09WIMPyGot it. Was a typo, but it definitely gives te wrong error message.
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04:31.34*** join/#asterisk Alton35 (~alton@
04:34.05Alton35A question, if I may.  By way of background, running Asterisk right now, with phpagi.php and an "incoming.php" answering calls.
04:34.40Alton35The problem is that if the caller hangs up, the program exits immediately.  I had programmed a lot a couple of years ago with this same setup, and don't remember this behaviour.
04:35.04Alton35It is something with version 1.6?  Or just my memory failing me?
04:36.02Alton35By "exits immediately", I mean that the program is interrupted, and I can't detect the hangup and write a CDR.
04:42.03*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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05:24.38[TK]D-FenderAlton35: Your program isn't responsible for writing CDR,  * does that already.  And you rpogram gets a SIGHUP which you are capable of trapping
05:38.49*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
05:39.47Alton35Odd, I don't remember having this problem previously.  It was a calling-card program and I always wrote my own CDRs.
05:40.15Alton35I'll see about the SIGHUP though.  Good tip.
05:41.46*** join/#asterisk QubeZ (~nkasu@
05:41.50QubeZhello all
05:42.25QubeZwhat is the preferred method to failover or load balance an Asterisk server? Right now our border server servicing all of our 800/888 numbers is the sole system and we need to plan for failure.
05:43.34Alton35Put another system in and have your provider send to both of them.
05:44.41QubeZif sent to both, how do we control which one handles the call and routes?
05:44.58Alton35They can control that.
05:45.14Alton35I'd let both of them run, though, and if one goes down, well, you should figure that out and fix it.
05:45.48Alton35Do you know what's sending to you?  Acme Packet or the like?
05:46.37QubeZyes, Time Warner Telecom
05:46.49QubeZbut we'd rather not have them control, maybe something like OpenSER would be useful here?
05:47.09Alton35they can do it any way you want it, load balance between the two servers or just send to the 1st unless it fails
05:47.32Alton35I don't know, I always wrote little switches in asterisk too, but whatever you put in there will just add to the "complication", you know what I mean.
05:48.19Alton35I don't know how redundant you want to be, but different server, on a different circuit, different location if possible, can't hurt.
05:48.40QubeZyup, so we were thinking to have an OpenSER in front of both proxy servers and it handles all the balancing BUT then what if the OpenSER server goes down hehe
05:49.00Alton35that's what I mean, it's more complication on your end, let them handle it, they won't mind
05:49.35Alton35well, duh, if it's Time Warner, they might be lucky to figure out how.  :-)  but it's easy
06:00.44*** join/#asterisk lhz (
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06:34.03Alton35Hah, I finally ran across the "solution", well, what I was doing before,
06:34.13QubeZAlton35: ?
06:34.15Alton35which is to run DeadAGI() instead of AGI()
06:34.23Alton35a question I posted before you arrived I think
06:34.37Alton35how to keep asterisk from killing your program when the caller hangs up
06:35.00Alton35Fender, I did find the code to catch the SIGHUP too, so thanks.
06:35.52QubeZAlton35: we use DeadAGI also to gather some more info and record stuff into the DB after a caller hangs up
06:36.57Alton35yeah, and I had done that a couple of years ago, I just bleepin' forgot
06:37.08Alton35The docs keep saying not to use it, but everybody does.
06:38.16Alton35well, it says deadagi() is deprecated in version 1.6 and will be removed some time,
06:38.22Alton35not sure whether that's a shame or not  :-)
06:38.32Alton35There is this signal-handling code, here:
06:39.06Alton35# Callers hanging up will cause SIGHUP, so trap that and do nothing for now.
06:39.06Alton35declare(ticks = 1);
06:39.06Alton35function signal_handler($signal_number)
06:39.20*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
06:39.30Alton35I do nothing in the routine, to ignore the signal, since my code catches hangups elsewhere.
06:41.47*** join/#asterisk coppice (
06:47.00Alton35I just tried out the SIGHUP-catching code above and it worked fine, for what it's worth.
06:47.06Alton35This calls for a drink!  :-)
07:03.34*** join/#asterisk clyrrad (
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07:36.32*** join/#asterisk athom (
07:36.33athomI'm using AsteriskNOW 1.7, FreePBX 2.7 and followed this guide for adding extensions: BTW, setted "NAT IPs from sip_nat.conf" and opened "IPTables port 5060" but I can't register to the extension that I want.. any help please?
07:39.30Alton35What sort of extensions?  IP phones?
07:46.27Kyoshiptables?  is the pbx forward facing or behind the NAT?
07:47.03athomyes, I just want to connect to the extensions with softphone
07:47.04Kyoshyea dude thats my first concern
07:47.13Kyoshis the pbx forward facing or behind the NAT?
07:47.19Kyoshsimple question
07:47.27athomit's different PC
07:47.33athomI mean, not local
07:47.36Kyoshlet me spell it out for you
07:47.53Kyoshdoes the pbx have a public IP or a NAT ip?
07:48.04athompublic IP
07:48.10Kyoshmakes sense
07:48.17Kyoshhave you tried a softphone?
07:48.31athomI need to set the NAT ips from FreePBX
07:48.34athomnot from sip_nat.conf
07:48.46Kyoshwell actually
07:48.46athommaybe that's the problem, I'll check it now
07:48.54Kyoshthats not the problem
07:49.09Kyoshyou are setting static ip's for the sip phones in freepbx or sip_nat.conf?
07:49.28Kyoshleave the IP's for the phones blank
07:49.31Kyoshthey will self register
07:49.41Kyoshand of course, i mean on the pbx
07:49.42*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
07:51.02athomnow when I go to Asterisk SIP Settings
07:51.04athomit shows me error
07:51.10athomthat I need to remove the lines from sip_nat.conf
07:51.12athomI removed them
07:51.14Kyoshcause you already went down the wrong path
07:51.37athomI click on auto-configure and it set the IPs
07:51.44athomI'll try now to connect from softphone
07:51.50Kyoshwhat ip's?  the ip's for the phones?
07:51.57athomno no
07:51.58Kyoshman ur vague
07:51.59athommy static IP
07:52.18Kyoshsip_nat.conf should not be necessary since the pbx is NOT behind a NAT
07:52.26Kyoshleave that shit alone
07:52.29Kyoshleave it
07:52.43athomso I need to make extension NAT disable?
07:52.51Kyoshextension nat?
07:52.58athomI mean
07:53.08athomin the extension shows: NAT: Yes
07:53.13athomI need to make it NAT: no, right?
07:53.27Kyoshyou seem to be confusing extensions with the pbx
07:53.39athomyeah :))
07:53.49Kyoshin freepbx, under extensions, all that config is for the user phones, not the pbx settings
07:54.15athomso how I need to set it up?
07:54.19Kyoshso NAT=yes for the extensions, thats all for the phones
07:54.29Kyoshso if the phones are behind a nat, then yes.  nat=yes
07:54.43Kyoshi would also suggest leaving the IP address for the phones blank
07:55.01athomok, I did it
07:55.04*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
07:55.09athombut I still can't register with the softphone
07:55.20athomBTW, I'm on other PC
07:55.23Kyoshactually the host should say 'dynamic'
07:55.38athomthe softphone is in the office, the FreePBX is in home
07:56.01athomI'm in the office now and I'm trying to connect with softphone to the FreePBX
07:56.06athombut it shows me time out..
07:56.19Kyoshok so on the freepbx machine, if at a console you do an ifconfig command, it will show the public ip?
07:57.29Kyoshim just being thorough, i hope you understand
07:57.38Kyoshnow the iptables
07:57.47athomI opened port 5060
07:57.50athomI think..
07:57.50Kyoshare you familiar with configuring iptables?
07:57.57athomI saw a guide
07:58.13Kyoshone sec
07:58.29athomI typed this
07:58.30athomiptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 5060 -j ACCEPT
07:58.36athomthen save and then reboot
07:59.06Kyoshone sec buddy
07:59.10athomokay :D
08:00.16Kyoshim actually gonna check to see if you opened it properly
08:00.20Kyoshif you dont mind
08:00.25athomno problem of course
08:00.29Kyosha quick scan
08:00.39fenrusheh, that setting might not persist after a reboot ;)
08:00.52athomI saved the iptables
08:00.57athomand then stop/start
08:00.59athomand then reboot..
08:01.11athomto be sure :D
08:01.21athommaybe this is the problem , I don't know
08:01.38athomI added a port 80 to iptables and now I can access to FreePBX
08:01.45athombut I can't access to 5060 maybe..
08:02.08athomthis is the log: 10:52:05 Registering user '8520@'
08:02.08athom10:52:38 Timeout registration for '8520@'
08:03.11Kyoshnothing is open
08:03.20athomoh my good :((
08:03.30athomcan you give me a command to open it please
08:03.43Kyoshhell if i know
08:03.46Kyoshi dont use iptables
08:04.06Kyoshlemme see if i can find one
08:04.23athomokay thanks
08:05.22Kyoshyup he's locked
08:06.13athomwhat does it means?
08:06.20Kyoshtry what i pasted
08:06.35athomI used the second one from voip-info
08:06.44Kyoshtry the first one
08:06.52Kyoshand remember you need to open RTP as well
08:07.10athomokay, I stopped the iptables
08:07.11Kyoshtry them now and do not reboot
08:07.38athombut I think 5060 is still stopped..
08:08.09athomwhat is RTP? :D
08:08.53Kyoshreal time protocol
08:08.59Kyoshthe proto used for the voice transit
08:09.42athomokay, the iptables is stopped now
08:09.58athombut maybe port 5060 is still closed
08:10.04athombecause I can't register to the extension
08:11.22Kyoshservice asterisk restart
08:11.47athomcan I amportal restart?
08:12.12athomStopped Asterisk.. asterisk stopped.. Starting Asterisk.. asterisk started
08:12.18athomit's ready :)
08:12.29athomI still can
08:12.33athom*can't register
08:12.47Kyoshstill filtered
08:13.16Kyoshwhy do you have the pbx at home and the connections from the office?
08:13.24Kyoshkinda backwards
08:14.07athombecause I need set-up the .call files from windows and upload them with SSH to the server
08:14.12athomand then the server start calling
08:14.30athombut now I'm just trying to connect with a normal softphone
08:14.36athomfor testing
08:15.03athomcan I set the extension's port to 5061
08:15.11athomand try to connect to port 5061?
08:15.38athomoh, BTW in the extension shows me: deny:, permit:
08:15.40athomis this good?
08:15.59Kyoshis this a home project or office project?
08:16.27Kyoshoh so why do you want to connect from the office to your home?
08:16.50athomI don't
08:16.53athomI'm trying because
08:16.59*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh (
08:16.59Kyoshyou said that is what you are trying to do
08:17.04athomwhen I move .call file to outgoing/ path
08:17.11athomasterisk don't call
08:17.24athomand maybe there is some problem
08:17.25Kyoshi am lost
08:17.29Kyoshgives up
08:17.46athomokay, the problem is that I want to call to number 359898602211
08:17.58athomand I maked a simple file
08:18.01Kyoshyou are a phisher
08:18.04*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
08:18.11athomand moved it /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
08:18.21athombut asterisk don't make any moves and don't call to this number
08:18.42athomand one guy from here told me 1st try to connect with a softphone
08:18.45athomand look what will be happen
08:18.57athomSIP trunk is setted and working
08:19.03athombut I just can't set the extension..
08:20.43athomIP Phones Online
08:20.44athomIP Trunks Online
08:21.39Kyoshmake sure the data is in the .call file
08:21.46Kyoshcheck the bottom of that page
08:21.59athomthis is the same guide
08:22.03athomthat I was doing..
08:22.26athomChannel: SIP/bgopen/359898602211
08:22.30athomApplication: Playback
08:22.31athomData: hello-world
08:22.33athomthat's it..
08:22.39athomthe file was
08:22.50athomand I chown-ed to asterisk:asterisk and move the file..
08:22.51athombut nothing..
08:23.23athomthe trunk is connected, everything looks fine but asterisk don't do anything..
08:24.29athomoh my gooodd
08:24.32athomis working now
08:24.47athomI don't know what I was doing last night..
08:24.56athommaybe I didn't chown-ed it correctly
08:25.35athomI placed the .call file and it calls to my number
08:25.50athomthanks alot!
08:27.01Kyoshi didnt do anything
08:27.29Kyoshbut glad you're happy now :)
08:28.11athomno no
08:28.12athomthanks a lot
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10:52.58postkonformHello, at all
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10:57.28postkonformI have a problem with the CDRs. When I redirect an incoming call with Goto to an extension which then initialises a call via Dial, no CDR is written into my mysql database. If i use Gosub instead it works. The problem now is, that I use the redirect action of the api to redirect incoming calls, and I need CDRs to be written, but Redirect seems to use goto instead of gosub
10:57.47postkonformami , not api
10:58.07*** join/#asterisk imox1234 (
10:59.36postkonformthe interesting thing is, it writes a CDR if no bridge was established (no answer, busy, fail) but not if the call was answered
11:00.03postkonformis this a bug in the goto app or am i doing something wrong?
11:02.12postkonformno suggestions?
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11:25.12athomI'm using AsteriskNOW 1.7, FreePBX 2.7, SIP trunk successfully connected and making calls from .call files. I want these calls to hang-up after 1 ring.. how can I make that kind of DialPlan in FreePBX?
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12:39.21Godfather_how should i play a file durnig a conversation?
12:40.35Godfather_for example, i want to play an announcement when presing some keys (*3), should i use features.conf?
12:40.37*** part/#asterisk bird_of_Luck (
12:55.33*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
12:55.59FutureWebdoes anyone know a good mp3 to ulaw convertor ? please (dont tell me use sox or whatever it is.. cause it doesnt wanna work :| )
12:57.49*** join/#asterisk gnomie (
13:00.27gnomieIs it possible to make an outgoing direct ip call from Asterisk without having a sip trunk?
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13:11.19pwellanyone know what system is the old school party lines use?
13:11.34pwellthe free one's with the 9 rooms and a lobby
13:13.25athomI'm using AsteriskNOW 1.7, FreePBX 2.7, SIP trunk successfully connected and making calls from .call files. I want these calls to hang-up after 1 ring.. how can I make that kind of DialPlan in FreePBX?
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13:31.41gnomieathom: inside the call files you can set a parameter Waittime for how long you want it to ring. See
13:32.28*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
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13:43.07Godfather_can anyone explain me this?  I tried both, defining that variable and not (dynamic_features), and in both cases i'm able to use the feature in the caller/called party?
13:49.12troy42doc/tex/channelvariables.tex:${DYNAMIC_FEATURES}   * The list of features (from the [applicationmap] section of
13:49.21troy42you may already know this, but it looks like it may be specific to those
13:49.24*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
13:49.46troy42(i haven't personally used that variable, i just grepped the source)
13:50.00*** join/#asterisk sequencer (~something@
13:50.07sequencermorning all
13:50.30sequenceranyone available to help ? :)
13:51.00troy42morning :) ask and see
13:51.22sequencerthnx! i am having trouble with my sip conf and x-lite :s
13:52.53sequencerUsing SIP RTP CoS mark 5
13:53.04sequenceridont even know what that means :s
13:53.32troy42no idea whether anyone's around, it might be worth saying what problem you're having
13:54.01sequencerbasically more like.. a first time installation
13:54.13sequencerneed to configure extensions / SIPs
13:54.38sequencerthen need to configure it to connect to another Server via IAX
13:54.41troy42checked TFOT yet?
13:54.55sequencerwhats that ? :s
13:55.15sequenceram not a guru.. just a 3 hours working on this :s
13:55.16troy42pop over to
13:55.21sequenceri got this
13:55.26troy42or actually
13:55.53sequenceri already have it
13:56.03sequencerbut it doesnt seem to work with what am having
13:56.25sequencerexten => 1000,n,Dial(SIP/1000,30)
13:56.39sequenceri am trying a test extension
13:56.47sequencerbut it doesnt make calls
13:57.14fenrusdoesnt the n need to be 1 for the first entry?
13:57.20troy42does it register?
13:57.27troy42fenrus: and yes
13:57.36*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
13:58.08*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
13:59.24sequencerok heres my conf
13:59.46troy42are you able to register?
13:59.56sequenceram not sure..
14:00.06sequencermy xlite doesnt actually "register"
14:00.14sequencerit displays ready 1000
14:00.41sequencerbut only if i removed the setting "register with domain"
14:00.59troy42i'd suggest getting on the asterisk console, running "sip set debug on", "core set verbose 999", and "core set debug 999" and seeing what happens when you start xlite
14:01.34troy42or asterisk -vvvvvvv when starting the cli and flipping on sip debug
14:01.47troy42makes breakfast
14:02.20sequencerok here comes trouble..
14:02.52troy42i doubt it's broadly-applicable enough to be useful, but i've got screenshots of an xlite config at
14:03.38sequencerwhopa !
14:03.55sequencer408 request time out :s
14:05.26troy42hm, i see the unauthorized response with the realm to auth with, but no reply
14:06.15sequencermisconfig ?
14:06.33*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
14:06.36troy42potentially. i'd double-check your sip user settings, and make sure it's matching your user
14:07.40troy42may need to tinker with the "insecure" option, although with what's there i don't know for sure
14:07.52*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
14:07.59troy42and/or "host" to make sure your host matches or is dynamic
14:08.09troy42bbiaf, bagel
14:08.40sequenceram not sure if this is right though
14:10.02sequenceri got sth wiered
14:10.14sequencerwhy does it say
14:10.30sequencershouldnt this be my global IP ?
14:12.13fenrusdoes that machine have any other ip-address on any other interface
14:12.24sequencerwhich machine ?
14:12.45sequencerthe server or my client ?
14:13.03fenrushm, sorry - did not read what you've written
14:14.06*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
14:14.18troy42sequencer: you may need nat=yes
14:14.25sequencerin sip ?
14:14.42troy42multitasking here so may be off a bit, but check out the nat option
14:14.51sequencerlets try
14:15.11sequencerJun 26 16:20:49] NOTICE[28957]: chan_sip.c:21639 handle_request_register: Registration from '"test"<>' failed for '' - Username/auth name mismatch
14:15.11sequencerScheduling destruction of SIP dialog 'ODkyNDcyODc3ZjRhYTg0YTYzNzUxZTg2ZTNjMWY5OGQ.' in 32000 ms (Method: REGISTER)
14:16.01sequencerthanks man!
14:17.42sequencerbi called my self
14:17.50sequenceri couldnt hang up :s
14:18.13sequencerits fine though
14:18.18sequencernot a big deal :s
14:18.37sequencernow need to configure iax :s
14:19.23sequencerthe echo test isnt working though :s
14:21.38*** join/#asterisk troy42 (
14:22.29troy42brews 49th parallel coffee
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14:26.53sequenceram having a trouble with getting in the echo test
14:27.17sequencerit just says calling.. :s
14:27.31sequencerthen it times out and starts ringing
14:30.39*** join/#asterisk garymc (
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14:38.33p3nguinDid you post your dialplan in
14:39.04garymcanyone familiar with freepbx here as none around in other channel?
14:42.55sequencerp3nguin yeah i did
14:43.08*** join/#asterisk nicoAMG (~nicoamg@
14:48.02p3nguinSo you dial 500 on your phone, and what happens?
14:51.20*** join/#asterisk mifadir (29891ea9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:56.03*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
14:57.50sequencerpretty much nothing
14:58.16sequencerit just keep sayin Calling..
14:58.36sequencerafter a minute i start to hear that its ringing on the other side
14:58.39sequencernothing else :s
14:59.10p3nguinthe other side of what?
14:59.16sequenceri mean..
14:59.28sequencerits not my phone is ringing like am recieving calls
14:59.34sequenceri hear a ring on the line
14:59.39sequencerlike if am calling someone
15:01.23*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (
15:02.00p3nguinThis is how I prefer to use the echo test.
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15:03.26sequencerthe call was picked up
15:03.32sequencerbut i didnt hear anything
15:03.37p3nguinUsing my way?
15:04.08p3nguinDo you have NAT in between your phone and asterisk system?
15:04.15*** part/#asterisk mesfet (
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15:04.18sequencerwhats that ?
15:04.24infobotnat is, like, Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
15:04.43sequenceri did set it up
15:04.53sequencerwihtout it  i couldnt register
15:04.59p3nguinIs Asterisk behind NAT, too?
15:05.20sequencerthe nat is configered within asterisk
15:05.25sequencerin the sip.conf
15:05.35p3nguinIs Asterisk behind NAT, too?
15:05.51sequenceri am not sure what do you ask exactly
15:06.00sequencerasterisk is on a server
15:06.05sequencerwith DMZ option
15:06.54sequencerif you can explain it better i might be able to answer
15:07.01p3nguinThat's probably half the problem.
15:07.07p3nguinNo one understands DMZ.
15:07.57Guggesequencer: is the server behind some router running NAT (sharing a public ip with computers having private ips)
15:07.59p3nguinIf the Asterisk system is behind NAT, you need to configure it accordingly.
15:08.02infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
15:08.20sequencerwell.. yeah
15:08.22sequencerthats right
15:08.39sequencerthe server itself is set as DMZ through the routere
15:08.47p3nguinANd that's half the problem.
15:08.55sequencerDMZ: Dimilished Zone
15:09.41sequencerthe server basically has the same IP address as the connection
15:09.42Guggedemilitarized zone
15:09.49sequencersame same.. :S
15:10.07Guggebasically is not enough, the server does not know the external ip, unless you set it with externip
15:10.13Guggewhen its running behind NAT
15:10.37sequencerdoes it have to be a statis ip ?
15:10.46Guggeno, you are allowed to change that setting
15:10.51Guggebut its gonna be boring
15:11.03Guggeyou need to change it every time the public ip changes
15:11.07sequencerhow about if i set it to a dynamic domain name?
15:11.31sequencerdo i set this in the sip.config or extensions ? :d
15:11.32p3nguinFollow the guide listed above.
15:11.57p3nguinCome back when you're finished.
15:12.15sequencerok .. but..
15:12.24p3nguinMeanwhile, forget about DMZ, since no one seems to understand what it is nor the proper usage of it.
15:13.09sequencerwhats the exact topic to use though ?
15:13.15sequencerheres the situation:
15:13.45sequencerclients within the network will be using asterisk to connect to a third party iax server
15:13.46*** join/#asterisk btsteve (
15:14.00p3nguin"the network"
15:14.05p3nguinWhat network are you talking about?
15:14.06sequencerthey will connect locally to the server
15:14.13sequencerLAN users
15:14.16p3nguinThe one where Asterisk resides?
15:14.31sequencerbut as am on a remote side
15:14.42sequenceram trying to configure and test it from a remote
15:15.00*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
15:15.09p3nguinGet the damn DMZ setting disabled and configure it in a more appropriate way.
15:15.24sequenceri have to set it through dmz
15:15.37sequenceror i will have to use port forwarding for all ports
15:15.51p3nguinAsterisk doesn't need "all ports."
15:16.10p3nguinIt needs one port for incoming SIP and a small range of ports for RTP.  That is all.
15:16.20*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
15:16.25sequenceri understand
15:16.28sequencerbut its a hassle
15:16.44sequencerdmz basically gives the public ip to the server
15:16.50Guggewhat happens when some other user behind that NAT router is using one of the ports asterisk tries to use for RTP?
15:17.00Guggethen that DMZ setting is useless
15:17.02p3nguinIf you understood, you wouldn't be here arguing with me that you need to have it in DMZ, which is most definitely not implemented correctly in the first place.
15:17.21sequencerno its not :s
15:17.22p3nguinDMZ absolutely does not give a public IP address to the server.
15:17.55Guggeif it did, no other users behind that router would be able to access the internet :)
15:18.00sequencerit emulates it
15:18.07p3nguinNo it doesn't.
15:18.36sequencergiving access to WAN users to be able to access the private server through the Public IP address
15:18.45p3nguinThat's retarded.
15:18.50sequencerinstead of assigning valid port forwarding
15:18.54sequencermaybe it is..
15:19.02p3nguinAnyway, you feel like you know more about this, so I'm going to leave you to your own devices.
15:19.10sequencerbut thats the setup we have here :s
15:19.16p3nguinGood luck!
15:19.17sequencerlol thanks
15:19.23sequenceri really need it!
15:19.40p3nguinIf you're willing to do some networking the right way, I'm sure someone will be willing to help you.
15:19.55sequencerso, how would it be the right way?
15:20.05sequencerjust setup port forwarding ?
15:20.17p3nguin1) You don't understand what DMZ is, so stop trying to use it.
15:20.30p3nguin2) Forward the ports that are necessary and nothing else.
15:20.56garymcAnyone know how to transfer calls to a que in freepbx?
15:21.17infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
15:22.00*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
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15:33.19FutureWebdoes anyone know a good mp3 to ulaw convertor ? please (dont tell me use sox or whatever it is.. cause it doesnt wanna work :| )
15:33.58*** join/#asterisk mesfet (
15:34.02ChainsawFutureWeb: You could use lame to decode the MP3 to a regular WAV. It'll become easier from there.
15:34.20FutureWebI tried wav etc.. none works
15:34.54ChainsawFutureWeb: That's not what I'm saying.
15:35.13ChainsawFutureWeb: I'm saying make it a two-stage process. MP3 -lame-> WAV -sox-> G.711 ulaw.
15:36.49FutureWebChainsaw: WAV -sox-> G.711 ula << its that part which I have no idea what img onna use to do it ?
15:36.53FutureWeb*im gonna
15:37.03Tim_Toadyif you load on asterisk you can use the mp3 files directly or use asterisk -rx "file convert foo.mp3 foo.ulaw" to convert them to ulaw
15:37.07GuggeFutureWeb: install sox, and mpt support for it, then itll work fine :)
15:37.19Chainsawtransfers FutureWeb's call to Tim_Toady
15:38.01FutureWebkk thanks let me try ;D
15:38.01Tim_Toadybut i think using lame + sox might produce better quality output
15:39.02Guggei think sox uses lame for its mp3 support actually :)
15:41.56FutureWeb[ moh]# asterisk -rx "file convert lg.mp3 lg.ulaw"
15:41.56FutureWebUnable to open input file: lg.mp3
15:41.57FutureWebCommand 'file convert lg.mp3 lg.ulaw' failed.
15:42.13Tim_Toadyloaded format_mp3 module?
15:42.23FutureWebI guess so let me re-check
15:42.25Guggemaybe try full path to the file
15:43.11FutureWebin what conf file would that be exactly ?
15:43.14FutureWebthe moh one ?
15:43.16FaithfulI can not get * to answer my SPA3000. It picks the call up but the call does not pass through to the extension that answered instead the SPA3000 says it is busy... and it's the same when you try to trunk out of it to pstn
15:43.35Guggefile convert /path/to/lg.mp3 /path/to/lg.ulaw
15:43.55FutureWebahaa that worked
15:44.14Guggewithout the path asterisk has no idea where your files are
15:48.30sequencerhi again
15:48.35sequencerman what a mess!
15:49.12sequencerapparently.. i have the worst setup ever!
15:49.48Alton35I thought the DMZ thing would get you by, at least for testing.  But I have no idea what sort of problem you have.
15:50.07sequencerasterisk server behind nat, using sip to register at a second server, clients connect to the server from LAN and from internet behind NAT
15:50.26sequencerit does get by though..
15:50.57sequencerthe only thing i can do is to bind the router mac address to the server's
15:51.02Alton35ever consider a vpn?
15:51.10Alton35I have zero problems getting stuff here and there, usually use openvpn.
15:51.26sequenceryeah.. but configuration is a hassle
15:51.31Alton35not at all
15:51.32sequencerthe server is used for everything..
15:51.36Alton35get into it, it's very simple.
15:51.42sequencerdatabase, webserver..etc
15:52.46*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
15:53.15sequenceram trying to get ast. to register to another server but it fails :s
15:53.43sequenceram sure its because its behind nat
15:53.54sequenceri enabled nat=yes in the sip.conf
15:55.44Alton35I dunno, just giving you something that's sure to work.  It's good to get into the vpn thing for situations such as this.
15:56.50sequenceryou mean to tie both servers in a vpn ?
16:06.11*** join/#asterisk Alton35 (~alton@
16:06.36Alton35sequencer: yes, directly together
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16:07.59Alton35I wouldn't expect to pump a huge amount of traffic through it, but for making things work, it's fine.
16:08.00*** join/#asterisk ph8 (ph8@unaffiliated/ph8)
16:08.26sequencerthanks.. but it wont work in my case :s
16:08.37ph8morning all, i'm trying to setup asterisk/freepbx - freepbx can't connect to the asterisk manager though and nmap says it's not listening for connections on localhost or elsewhere - do i have to explicitly enable it comehow?
16:08.51sequenceri only have a register access on the second server
16:10.36Godfather_can anyone explain me this?  I tried both, defining that variable and not (dynamic_features), and in both cases i'm able to use the feature in the caller/called party?
16:13.37Kyoshi have no idea what that pastebin post is in regards to
16:13.47Kyoshis there a specific file that belongs in?
16:13.57Kyoshany way to further expand on what you are trying to do?
16:14.09*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
16:16.12Kyoshguess not
16:17.16Godfather_Kyosh, its to me?
16:19.19Godfather_Kyosh, i've defined this feature:
16:19.20Godfather_asterisk -rx "file convert /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/k2.mp3 /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/k2final.ulaw"
16:19.25Godfather_Dynamic Feature           Default Current
16:19.25Godfather_---------------           ------- -------
16:19.25Godfather_antispam                  no def  #9
16:20.16Godfather_and i read i need to define DYNAMIC_FEATURES=antispam# in extensions.conf
16:20.18Godfather_to enable it
16:20.45Godfather_i tried both, defining it in [globals] and not defining it, and both works
16:20.53ph8anyone got any idea why my asterisk manager might not be listening? enabled = yes in manager.conf
16:20.59Godfather_then i dont understand that paragraph in features.conf
16:22.21Kyoshyea dude that should be in your pastebin too
16:24.32*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
16:24.46Kyoshph8: did you reload ast after enabling?
16:24.56Kyoshgodfather, yea it doesnt make much sense
16:24.59ph8Kyosh:  yeh did a service restart
16:25.26Kyoshgodfather: but there are samples, testfeature => #9,peer,Playback,tt-monkeys  ;Allow both the caller and callee to play
16:25.26Kyosh;                                            ;tt-monkeys to the opposite channel
16:25.36Kyoshph8, hmmm
16:25.49Kyoshph8, did you assign users to the manager?
16:26.00sequencerok so after i have this outrageous setup i decided to get a vps to run asterisk :s
16:26.31Kyoshgodfather, may help
16:26.55Kyoshas an example at ledast
16:28.37Godfather_Kyosh, i'll have a look at it, ty
16:32.24ph8Kyosh:  yeh the standard admin one looks like it's configured ok
16:32.46ph8i have [admin] secret = 1234 permit=
16:32.52ph8and the read/write lines
16:36.41ph8Kyosh:  ah it would appear asterisk crashes whenever i try and connect to the manager
16:46.29*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
16:54.01Kyoshthats not good
16:58.01*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
16:58.34Godfather_Kyosh, did you understand my question?
16:59.55Godfather_Kyosh, my application maps works fine, i dont know why works if i not set [global] dynamic_features=antispam#
17:01.57pwellanyone know what system is the old school party lines use?   Defcon for example and other from back in the day.   It was always the same setup so it must have been either one guy or propriatary equiptment.  "Welcome to the Board.."  "You are in the Lobby"    "Room 3"
17:04.45*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
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17:20.55*** join/#asterisk sequencer (~something@
17:20.59sequencerhi all :)
17:21.21sequencerAlton35 :)
17:35.45*** join/#asterisk MiserySoft (
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18:21.15athomI'm using AsteriskNOW 1.7 with FreePBX 2.7, how to make automatically hang-up after 1 ring (dialplan) when making a call?
18:21.57athomI was using WaitTime: 1 but this is not after 1 ring, it's after 1 second.. and sometimes it even don't make the call..
18:22.43*** join/#asterisk MohsenSaeedi (~mohsen@unaffiliated/mohsensaeedi)
18:22.52MohsenSaeedii have problem with elastix 1.6 and 2.0 rc3 too. i have openvox A400 and when i configured my voip system everything works very good. but when i restarted my system then i couldn't connect to outbound trunk . when i use 9 i got 503 eror
18:30.05[TK]D-Fenderathom: ..
18:30.10infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
18:35.58*** part/#asterisk athom (
18:46.32*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
18:46.34[sr]hi :)
18:46.43*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@
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19:22.43daemonhey guys is there a way to rbing up a console or such for asterisk (debug purpose)
19:23.34x-demondaemon, asterisk -r
19:23.47x-demonthen core set verbose 10 for more verbosity
19:30.17[sr]one thing
19:30.28[sr]i don't know the name in english
19:30.50[sr]are you seeing the external rings?, that ring when a call is received?
19:35.59*** join/#asterisk brezular (
19:48.11Alton35Goal!  ;-)
19:49.14Alton35Those Ghana guys are all over the place.  We're lucky to get anything.
19:50.09Godfather_They're more athletics
19:51.02Alton35and so accomplished that the ref almost never calls a penalty on them  ;-)
19:51.11Godfather_btw, i was big surprised how usa played previous rounds, very well
19:51.27*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (~chatzilla@
19:51.41Alton35This isn't the sort of thing that we follow much here, so we're just as surprised.
19:52.11Godfather_Here spain ^^
19:53.06Alton35here the US
19:53.32Alton35mucho gusto
19:53.39Godfather_n1 :-)
19:55.09EntulhoIf I have an asterisk behind NAT, do I solve the problems using a SIP proxy, or SIP proxy is not to solve this?
20:00.14infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
20:00.31drmessanoAsterisk will work fine behind a NAT.  Configure it properly.
20:01.57*** join/#asterisk crazybyte (~crzp@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
20:05.33Entulhook, thanks
20:09.14*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
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20:28.36MohsenSaeediI couldn't use dahdi show channels in asterisk!
20:29.00MohsenSaeedibut i installed my openvox card and it's detected by linux. what is wrong?
20:29.28ChannelZdid you rebuild asterisk after having built dahdi?  (I assume you didn't have it before)
20:29.59MohsenSaeediChannelZ: i installed asterisk and dahdi with rpm
20:30.38ChannelZthen did you configure /etc/dahdi/system.conf and /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf appropriately?
20:31.27MohsenSaeediChannelZ: I configured it with dahdi_genconf
20:31.54MohsenSaeediChannelZ: I can paste it to paste bin if you want
20:32.53ChannelZgenconf makes a file which is not normally automatically read by asterisk
20:33.21ChannelZI forget what it's called, dahdi_channels.conf or something
20:33.58ChannelZit's NOT a complete chan_dahdi.conf file, the intention is that you setup some global options and then include the dahdi_channels.conf file
20:34.05MohsenSaeediChannelZ: you mean dahdi-channels.conf?
20:34.49*** join/#asterisk nicoAMG (~nicoamg@
20:35.02MohsenSaeediChannelZ: I configured all of them with elastix. but when i reboot my  system then asterisk couldn't detect dahdi! and i can't use dahdi show channels for example.
20:35.04Godfather_MohsenSaeedi, maybe you forget to add to the end of chan_dahdi.conf "#include dahdi-channels.conf"
20:35.48MohsenSaeediGodfather_: no. elastix add this line automatically
20:37.41Godfather_MohsenSaeedi,what returns lsdahdi ?
20:39.25Godfather_seems ok
20:39.47MohsenSaeediGodfather_: yes. but asterisk doesn't work with dahdi!
20:40.33MohsenSaeediGodfather_: i don't have deep knowledge for debugging this problem . please help me. that's very bad for me if i can't solve this problem
20:44.19WIMPyMohsenSaeedi: Is chan_dahdi loaded? Try to turn up verbose and debug and to load it manually. That should tell you what's going on.
20:45.21MohsenSaeediWIMPy: should i run ls chan_dahdi on the asterisk console with high verbose?
20:46.22WIMPyTry module unload then module load
20:46.22MohsenSaeediWIMPy: which should i load manually? please help me.
20:46.47Godfather_MohsenSaeedi, try this: service dahdi stop, service asterisk stop, service dahdi start, service asterisk start
20:47.33MohsenSaeediGodfather_: I tested it. but didn't solve my problem
20:48.07MohsenSaeediWIMPy: sir, my output is here
20:48.11*** join/#asterisk Z_God (~julius@
20:48.46WIMPyThat looks good to me.
20:49.13Godfather_MohsenSaeedi, dahdi show status ?
20:49.17MohsenSaeediWIMPy: that's good? i see some error! Unable to load module
20:49.18MohsenSaeediCommand 'module load' failed.
20:49.52*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (~obnauticu@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
20:50.03Godfather_thats not good.. :|
20:50.22WIMPyErrr. Indeed. Interesting. It obviouselt gets loded, however.
20:50.25MohsenSaeediGodfather_: i don't have this command
20:50.41Godfather_yep, i forgot sorry, you dont have dahdi at the moment
20:50.59Godfather_re-install dahdi
20:51.07MohsenSaeediGodfather_: my problem is very interesting :D
20:51.17MohsenSaeediGodfather_: ok. i will do it
20:53.21MohsenSaeediGodfather_: now system is reinstalling dahdi packages
20:55.40[sr]hi WIMPy
20:55.55WIMPyhi [sr]
20:56.06*** join/#asterisk pabelanger-lap (
21:04.45[sr]WIMPy:  got a question :)
21:06.57MohsenSaeediWIMPy and Godfather_: i reinstalled dahdi but no change!
21:07.33MohsenSaeediWIMPy: do you want to ssh to my box?
21:09.24WIMPyMohsenSaeedi: I'm sorry, but after that rather interesting paste I have reached the end of my knwledge.
21:09.51Godfather_MohsenSaeedi, let me try
21:10.05Godfather_but i've no idea how elastix works
21:10.12MohsenSaeediGodfather_: ok, wait .
21:10.28MohsenSaeediGodfather_: elastix is not important in this case
21:10.32Godfather_i suppose.
21:10.44MohsenSaeedithis problem is exist between asterisk and dahdi module
21:11.24Godfather_MohsenSaeedi, maybe you could install dahdi from sources instead of rpm
21:11.33[sr]WIMPy: i dont know the correct name but i'll try to explain, do you see the external rings, normally fire departsments have it, when the phone rings, that ring also rings so that everyone can listen the fone
21:11.37MohsenSaeediGodfather_: maybe
21:11.55[sr]WIMPy: how could be integrated/configured with voip? is there any special deviced for voip ?
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21:12.30Godfather_[sr], a megaphone?
21:12.49[sr]Godfather_: dont know if thats the name, let me try to find a pic on google... sec
21:12.50Godfather_this could be a funny riddle
21:13.15MohsenSaeediGodfather_: do you received information about my box on private message?
21:13.15Godfather_[sr], whats your primary language?
21:13.24[sr]Godfather_: PT
21:13.33Godfather_[sr], in PT is..?
21:13.38[sr]portuguese :)
21:13.46Godfather_i know
21:13.48Godfather_the word
21:14.32[sr]Godfather_: well, campainha de telefone
21:15.10[sr]Godfather_:  WIMPy, ring's like this one:
21:15.10WIMPy[sr]: So you just need an extra (extra loud) bell?
21:15.22[sr]WIMPy: that may be the correct word :)
21:16.07[sr]normally they are fixed on the wall
21:16.09Godfather_jingle bells
21:16.12WIMPy[sr]: There are one for POTS, but using Asterisk you could control round about anything via some script.
21:16.44WIMPyGodfather_: I guess it's more about decibells :-)
21:17.27*** join/#asterisk Krolik13 (
21:17.37[sr]WIMPy: hum, doesn't exist any kind of this bell's, that have full integration with asterisk? only workarrounds?
21:18.10WIMPyI have not seen simple bells with SIP support.
21:18.39[sr]i may query my supplier about this
21:18.39Krolik13sorry, i'm a little bit confused. I have two sip users, and one gateway with two FXO ports. How can i configure that each user's call to be routerd to spefixic FXO port. Let say, user1=FXO1, user2=FX02.
21:18.51WIMPyBut you could recycle any phone with an optical ringin indication as an hardware interface.
21:20.22WIMPy[sr]: I guess I'd wire it to the servers parallel or serial port.
21:20.22[sr]WIMPy: hum, an ideia, but i have to study one thing 1st that is how the things work now with "normal" phones/PBX's
21:20.49[sr]WIMPy: interesting ideia, i know a few things about eletronic and could build something to make it ring
21:21.29WIMPy[sr] either via a pots line (directely in parallel to the phone) or via an extra alarm output.
21:21.33Krolik13sorry, i'm a little bit confused. I have two sip users, and one gateway with two FXO ports. Asterisk in the middle. How can i configure that each user's call to be routerd to spefixic FXO port. Let say, user1=FXO1, user2=FX02. How to force user to get specific extension in dialplan?
21:22.17Jomuby his default context
21:22.35JomuKrolik13 give user a context, and route him by that context
21:22.38Krolik13Jomu> default context as i know works just for incomming calls... no?
21:22.50[sr]WIMPy: going to check about that :)
21:23.32JomuKrolik13 default does... but give user his context, meaning his default
21:24.26Krolik13ok, thanks
21:24.27Krolik13let me try
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21:49.25Krolik13i've created a new extension content, and I thought that using exten => s,1, will cover all extensions by default. But unfortunately asterisk gives me a error that it doesn't find any extension. why?
21:50.25Gugges is not a default extension
21:50.30Guggeits just an extension named s
21:50.35Krolik13which one is default?
21:50.54Guggeyou _can_ use i (invalid), but i wouldnt recommend it
21:51.06Krolik13ooo, cool idea :D
21:51.11Guggeno its not
21:51.15Krolik13why you don't receomment it?
21:51.27WIMPyKrolik13: Maybe you should take a look at the book.
21:51.33infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:51.53Krolik13thanks for the link
22:08.25*** join/#asterisk mifadir (29891eab@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:14.00*** join/#asterisk voxter (~voxter@
22:18.23pabelanger-lapKrolik13: exten => _.,1,blah()
22:18.37pabelanger-lapIs a wildcard exten, but NOT recommend
22:20.34p3nguinYeah, terrible idea.
22:22.28p3nguingugge: The i extension is only "invalid" from interactive commands, such as voicemail, directory, BackGround, or WaitExten.  It won't catch non-matching extensions otherwise.
22:23.03*** part/#asterisk sekil (~Ognjen@
22:23.17p3nguinkrolik13: You'd be better off defining the extension that you are trying to reach or at least a pattern that matches it.
22:23.22WIMPyp3nguin: It does.
22:28.05p3nguinwimpy: Are you trying to get me to believe that 'i' will match if there is no other extension in a context?  'Cause it won't.
22:28.54WIMPyIt does for me.
22:29.07p3nguinI don't see how.
22:29.40p3nguinIt should give you a busy tone and the CLI should show you that the call to exten <something other than i> was rejected because it was not found.
22:29.54Godfather_WIMPy,  i believe you are wrong
22:30.08WIMPyIt goes to i, that's what it always did.
22:30.19Godfather_try to do a Goto(asdf,1)
22:30.27WIMPyBut maybe that's because I use overlap dialling.
22:30.31p3nguinIt can't just magically go to 'i'
22:30.45Godfather_in my case no.
22:31.20p3nguinIf you have a single context where calls are routed, and the only exten in it is 'i' ... unless you dial 'i' there is no match, so the call fails.
22:31.22WIMPyGoto is quite different from dialling.
22:31.24Krolik13what is the best one port E1 voice gateway?
22:32.12WIMPyI obviousely have other extensions, but if none is matched, it goes to i.
22:32.24p3nguinThe CLI will show you call from <you> to extension <something> rejected because extension not found.
22:32.54p3nguinIf it doesn't, your test isn't valid to begin with.
22:33.03WIMPySeems to depend on the channel used.
22:33.24p3nguinWhich tech are you using for the test?
22:33.53WIMPymisdn used to work the same.
22:34.27WIMPysip does not, but IIRC SCCP did as well.
22:35.07p3nguindialplan should be completely independent of the channel technology used, so I don't see how it could matter.
22:35.32WIMPyLooks like it isn't.
22:36.22WIMPyI think it worked with IAX as well, but I switched that link to dundi.
22:36.48p3nguinI'm going to test sccp.  I'm sure it will behave the same as sip, though.
22:37.53WIMPycant test sccp as that ceased to work some time.
22:37.56p3nguinYep, tones.  Sounded like congestion tone rather than busy, though.
22:40.31p3nguinI don't have an IAX2 phone handy right now, so I can't test it, but I bet it would behave exactly the same as SIP and SCCP do.
22:41.54[sr]going to sleep
22:41.56[sr]see ya
22:46.53EntulhoUsing a client with STUN, and a SIP Proxy with RTPProxy, shoud be enough to make this client behind a NAT to connect to an external Asterisk??
22:47.46WIMPyNothing will usually do just as well.
22:47.54infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
22:54.04*** join/#asterisk timholum_droid (
22:54.22timholum_droidHello everyone
23:02.59*** join/#asterisk jksM (jks@
23:14.44WIMPyJust trying to get chan_skinny up again.
23:15.20p3nguinchan_skinny sucks; use chan_sccp instead.
23:15.34WIMPyEven if I copy the current example skinny.conf and uncomment the devices, skinny show devices stays empty.
23:41.27*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
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23:49.47WIMPyDoesn't look like I have much luck with chan_sccp.

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