IRC log for #asterisk on 20100625

00:00.10a1fai may have to add a small pbx
00:02.07[TK]D-Fendera1fa: Could have sworn I told you that...
00:02.15[TK]D-Fendera1fa: Oh wait... I DID
00:02.34coreyf1513is it harmful to run StopMusicOnHold if it's already stopped, or StartMusicOnHold if it's already Started?
00:02.59[TK]D-Fenderdaog: It would help if you actually showed the configs we need to look at....
00:04.53a1fa[TK]D-Fender : i know.. i know.. i could've got away with it on teliax, but with this other provider I am going to need to be more creative
00:06.08a1fa[TK]D-Fender : what's your opinion on freeswitch?
00:07.45*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
00:08.13daogi put the config file for dahdi please let me know if you need other more
00:08.23[TK]D-Fendera1fa: Its.. there....
00:09.25[TK]D-Fenderdaog: add "busydetect=yes".  Restart *. Retest
00:12.12daogok let me do
00:12.20Draivenhi, I am using a ManagerConnection and OriginateAction for make a call and the class can connect successful with the asterisk server, but the originateResponse.getResponse() is equal to 'ERROR'. How I can show what is the error? in the messages logs only show me == Manager 'asterisk' logged on from and == Manager 'asterisk' logged off from
00:12.32Draivenit is the class
00:14.11a1fa[TK]D-Fender : now if I can find a compact * box
00:15.06*** join/#asterisk pabelanger-lap (
00:15.30Draiventhe  result is originateResponse.getResponse(): Error
00:15.53*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
00:17.13Draivensomebody can help me, please?
00:17.53*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
00:18.49miamiseba1fa, wrt54g , although it'd be wierd using that for production
00:20.07pabelanger-lapDraiven: #asterisk-java
00:20.58[TK]D-Fendera1fa: WRT would do for basical forwarding.
00:21.02a1famiamiseb : how about something supported
00:21.07daogdon't work  log
00:21.09a1faSwitchWox is a overkill
00:21.16a1faand its sex-pensive
00:21.18WIMPymiamiseb, a1fa: Or the D-Link Horst-Box which natively runs Asterisk? (although a older version).
00:21.25a1faerr. switchvoc
00:21.55a1faWIMPy : where do you buy that
00:22.18Draivenpabelanger, ok, thx
00:22.31miamiseb - A Linux distribution tailored to run Asterisk on VIA Mini-ITX boards and which is small enough to fit on a 128MB or 512MB, or 1GB compact flash card and 512MB of RAM.
00:22.37WIMPya1fa: Some online store of your choice?
00:22.48a1fawhats the model name?
00:23.06WIMPyUgm. let me see.
00:23.11a1fadoes it come with FXS ports?
00:23.20Draivenpabelanger, #asterisk-java is empty
00:23.57a1fanot for sale
00:24.16a1fain the US
00:24.17miamisebbuilt it.
00:25.07daogtk : don't work test call her
00:28.18*** join/#asterisk Mw3_ (
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00:28.57a1fa[TK]D-Fender : so it is not possible to configure SPA8000 1 SIP -> multiple FXS?
00:29.45[TK]D-Fendera1fa: unsure but doubtful
00:30.01a1fatoo bad.. wasted hardware :(
00:30.20a1fais a good looking appliance.. i am going to have my cisco rep bring me one to test
00:30.36[TK]D-Fendera1fa: Doesn't guarantee a "no".  Go download the manual or something
00:32.07*** part/#asterisk Get_The_Fish (
00:32.47miamisebyou should be able to setup the same sip account on multiple lines, and just have ONE of them register
00:33.15miamisebif your looking to deliver calls in a ring group type setup where it hunts linearly, it's unlikely you'll get what you want with the SPA alone.
00:33.20*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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00:34.54a1fabut what if someone else picks up.. does it go to a different channel?
00:35.23*** join/#asterisk viq_ (~viq@unaffiliated/viq)
00:35.23miamisebthat would be a hunt group. No.
00:35.48miamisebyou'd need a pbx to do that, at least going from the spa's I've worked with (spa2102)
00:36.24*** join/#asterisk pabelanger-lap (
00:36.37miamisebI only had two ports, but had the same issue, both could dial out, but only would deliver to one. You could always try it and see though, as that'll give you a nice definite anwser.
00:42.13*** join/#asterisk coil_ (platypus@unaffiliated/coil)
00:42.22coil_is there anyway to make my google voice account work with asterisk
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00:48.57nix8n82probably if your a good enough hacker.
00:49.39russellbif you have a gizmo account, then yeah ...
00:50.01russellbof course, you have to define "work with"
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00:51.00miamisebGoognight all.
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00:55.31coil_russellb, well, make calls with it through *
00:58.08*** join/#asterisk devdvd (
00:58.17devdvdhi all.
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01:04.01devdvdive got a system setup where calls come in and just get forwarded to an external number.  I want to allow those external numbers to be able to transfer calls between each other.  But what im finding is each time they try to transfer a call it goes into the default context and wont let them complete the transfer cuz it says 91 (9 is the number to dial outside) is not a valid extension.  Now, the quick and dirty solution is obviously to incl
01:04.43devdvdso my question to you all there a way to detect that a call coming in off the trunk channel is a transferred call
01:04.53devdvdso it gets dumped into a different context
01:05.02devdvdor can you all offer up a better way to do what im trying
01:11.23a1fa[TK]D-Fender : how about trixbox with asterisk on top of it :P
01:12.58*** join/#asterisk corretico (~laguilar@
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01:37.51*** join/#asterisk corretico (~laguilar@
01:39.37*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
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02:19.44*** join/#asterisk knctrnl (
02:20.19*** join/#asterisk corretico (~laguilar@
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02:25.17ChannelZdevdvd: you might look at the channel var TRANSFER_CONTEXT
02:25.25*** join/#asterisk boodu (
02:25.32ChannelZnot sure if it does what you want it to
02:38.55*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
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03:01.22*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (~cesar@
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03:29.23*** join/#asterisk Kyosh (
03:29.43*** join/#asterisk sudhir492 (
03:29.52sudhir492Hi all
03:30.29sudhir492When I set forwarding on the cisco phone, the caller id of the original caller is not passed in the forwarded call
03:30.56sudhir492Is there a way to set that so that forwarded call has original caller's id?
03:31.24WIMPyForward it on the pbx instead of the phone.
03:31.59sudhir492I know, but some of the users are so used to doing that on the phone, that I cannot help it.
03:32.39sudhir492Forwarding on the PBX has not problem at all
03:33.14WIMPyMaybe you can tell the phone to tell the pbx?
03:33.40sudhir492The question is HOW?
03:34.24WIMPyonly knows the other cisco ones, the sipura shit.
03:34.47sudhir492how do you do that in Sipura?
03:35.43WIMPyI'm not sure, as I don't really use it for much mor than catching dust, but I think it had a setting to send codes on forwarding requests.
03:37.19WIMPyOr maybe you could do a browser interface and put that on a button?
03:41.31*** join/#asterisk devdvd (
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03:45.48sudhir492WIPMy, thanks for your support. I figured out how to do that
03:49.33*** join/#asterisk s0lid (~s0lid@
03:50.29photographehi, ne1 here know how to setup SLA with linksys spa942 and asterisk
03:57.04devdvdhey, trying to get video working over a sip channel. here is my sip.conf, output from the cli and the macro-extensions context that i use to dial
03:57.36devdvdI am using x-lite 4 beta phones (xlite3 crashes on x64 win7)
03:57.46devdvdwhat happens is i click start video
03:57.52devdvdbut none comes through on the other end
03:58.53*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
03:59.11devdvdany thoughts?
04:01.36*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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04:12.19knotHow can I get google voice working with Asterisk? I can't find the SIP details
04:14.17WIMPyphotographe: Maybe you should take a look at issue #11688
04:16.59jsgoeckeknot you need to use SIPPPhone/Gizmo
04:17.04jsgoeckeProblem is, if you don't have it already
04:17.20jsgoeckeAs Google closed the account sign-up when they acquired Gizmo
04:17.28knotThere is no oppurtunity for success at all?
04:17.42jsgoeckeOnly one way in and out of GV with SIP, Gizmo/SipPhone
04:17.47jsgoeckeOtherwise, it is PSTN
04:19.29*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
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04:24.00photographeWIMPy were i check issue 11688
04:26.06photographethanks WIMPy i will try that
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05:48.56*** join/#asterisk iamthelostboy (~nathan@
05:49.23iamthelostboyhello, i am trying to have my dialplan enter a queue just once, then on timeout, exit, though i cant make it do it..
05:50.03iamthelostboyi have timeout set in queue.conf, as well as using Queue(test,n,,,8) and it just sits in the queue
05:51.18*** join/#asterisk Buklov (~3232@
06:00.07*** part/#asterisk coil (platypus@unaffiliated/coil)
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06:10.54p3nguiniamthelostboy: I'm not seeing any evidence.
06:11.41p3nguinI don't even us the n option and mine exits after the timeout.
06:12.55*** join/#asterisk ketema (
06:16.15p3nguinAnd now I'm leaving, so it doesn't really matter anyway.
06:17.13iamthelostboyhmm.. seems i had too many options in my configuration
06:17.20iamthelostboyremoved them and it worked.. thanks..
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07:02.47*** join/#asterisk azizLIGHTS (
07:04.45azizLIGHTSnot sure if this the place to ask you. can anyone recommend sip service that i can use to receive inbound calls for free (i can hook upto ipkall if no # is provided) not interested in outbound (as that charges money)
07:20.47[TK]D-FenderIPKALL <-
07:34.39azizLIGHTSyes ipkall
07:35.07azizLIGHTSi know of it, but im looking for sip service :)
07:40.08*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (~Godfather@
07:42.04[TK]D-FenderazizLIGHTS: Thats what they are
07:42.34[TK]D-FenderazizLIGHTS: IPKALL provides a free DID
07:43.25*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
07:43.30azizLIGHTSyes but i need a sip provider to give to ipkall you see
07:43.51[TK]D-FenderazizLIGHTS: No, you don't
07:44.43azizLIGHTSwell im not familiar with all everything sip related. so let me explain what im doing :)
07:44.48azizLIGHTSmaybe then you can recommend what i do?
07:45.38azizLIGHTSi use the sip client on my nokia phone over wifi
07:45.49azizLIGHTSit asks me for username/pass for a sip service
07:46.14azizLIGHTSso what i have now i have voipbuster (i paid $), and connected that to ipkall to receive incoming calls
07:46.18*** join/#asterisk raj-darkmystery (~suraj@
07:46.44azizLIGHTSbasicall im looking for alternates to voipbuster :)
07:46.59raj-darkmysteryhi friends... getting an error in debug mode.. dont know how to troubleshoot this.. please help me with this "Received SIP subscribe for peer without mailbox"
07:47.24raj-darkmysteryi know i am supposed to do something in voicemail.conf but not sure what to do
07:48.09[TK]D-FenderazizLIGHTS: IPKALL offers a DID.  Point it to your server.  THE END
07:48.29*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
07:48.30azizLIGHTSok thanks :)
07:48.34[TK]D-Fenderraj-darkmystery: Create a mailbox, and specify it in your SIP peer
07:48.48*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@nat/redhat/x-csfggakglwifvxlk)
07:49.07raj-darkmystery[TK]D-Fender, thats what I am asking.. how i can create a mailbox?
07:49.24raj-darkmystery[TK]D-Fender, i have specified that peer in sip.conf
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07:50.02raj-darkmystery[TK]D-Fender, user us also able to make calls but what about this error.. 'm not sure what exactly to do :(
07:50.05[TK]D-Fenderrajgo read the voicemail.conf sample config.  Its 1 LINE
07:50.16[TK]D-Fenderraj-darkmystery: go read the voicemail.conf sample config.  Its 1 LINE
07:50.18athomPlease help: I install AsteriskNOW 1.7, updated FreePBX to 2.8 to get started but I had an error with MOH module and uninstalled it, it's still on my system but in "Module Admin" shows me "Not Installed (Locally available)". Now when I try to install it I get error "Cannot write to file". Maybe the solution is to remove it from my system and then download the missing packages from "Modules Admin"?
07:51.19ChannelZsee #freepbx
07:51.35athomok, I'm posting it there
07:51.42*** join/#asterisk frk2 (~faraz@zivios/member/fkhan)
07:52.00[TK]D-FenderChannelZ: Actually He multi-cast it to all 3 channels
07:52.15Godfather_why diguim sell analogs cards without the echo canceller module? i mean, who will need it without the echo canceller? This is just for making more money?
07:52.15ChannelZOh, how lovely for everyone.
07:52.32ChannelZGodfather_: I use software EC and it works fine
07:52.42Godfather_ChannelZ, mg2?
07:52.53Godfather_or oslec?
07:53.10*** join/#asterisk troffasky (
07:53.50[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Stock SWEC with DAHDI isn't very good.
07:54.26[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: OSLEC is a much better option in the "free" side, and Digium's cards under warranty are entitled to HPEC.
07:54.38[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Or can be added for $10/channel
07:55.21Godfather_[TK]D-Fender, whats Stock SWE?
07:56.09ChannelZI'm using mg2.  On rare occasions I will answer a call with some echo but it figures it out after a few seconds.  Maybe I'm just getting lucky with my telco and whose calling
07:56.22Godfather_Well, really i tried mg2 and i get a big echo on one side.
07:57.03Godfather_I'm a newbie and thats why i'm thinking SF echo cancellers doesnt work :|
07:57.16[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: SoftWare Echo Cancellation
07:57.49[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: No... they don't work because they don't work
07:58.09[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: Some are hit&miss depending on your line conditions.
07:58.15[TK]D-FenderGodfather_: so DEAL WITH IT
07:58.34[TK]D-Fenderok.. bed time..
07:58.36[TK]D-Fenderlater all
07:59.26Godfather_I'm no going to deal with it, im forced to buy the fu*****-echo-canceller module.
08:00.20Godfather_ChannelZ, then you are a lucky guy
08:09.59coppiceGodfather_: MG2 is pretty useless, but OSLEC with an analogue card that has just a few channels works fine. That is why Digium and Sangoma and everyone else sell smaller cards without hardware echo cancellation.
08:11.08Godfather_coppice, i understand: oslec > mg2?
08:11.24*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
08:11.38coppiceno. OSLEC works. MG2 doesn't
08:12.43Godfather_mg2 isnt supposed to work with dahdi analog cards?
08:13.07coppiceits pretty useless.
08:13.51Godfather_coppice, do you have an analog card with oslec?
08:14.35coppicewhat relevance does that have?
08:14.57Godfather_yesterday night i compiled with dahdi, but i cant enable it, i'm doing something wrong
08:15.42coppiceif tzafrir is around, he is the best person to ask about configuration problems with that
08:15.47*** join/#asterisk BrendanMcc (
08:16.03Godfather_here is a pastebin ,
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08:16.40Godfather_Hum.. ok, he told me about oslec yesterday i think.
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08:35.40tzafrirGodfather_, I generally use the patch
08:35.57Godfather_hi tzafrir
08:36.12Godfather_hum, did you see my pastebin?
08:37.32Godfather_I restarted dahdi and i noticed this -> "/usr/share/dahdi/waitfor_xpds: Missing astribank_is_starting", i'm not sure if it could be related  with "[Jun 25 10:27:38] WARNING[20374]: chan_dahdi.c:2005 dahdi_enable_ec: Unable to enable echo cancellation on channel 1 (No such device)"
08:38.40Godfather_in fact, i googled it, and its a svn-commit by  you
08:40.44tzafrirGodfather_, if you don't have an Astribank, you don't really need that, so you can ignore that warning
08:40.52tzafrirIt was fixed later on
08:41.16Godfather_yes, i dont, then i'll ignore it.
08:41.33Godfather_tzafrir, how can i apply the patch?
08:42.39*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
08:43.35tzafrircat file | patch -p1 --dry-run # test
08:43.38tzafrircat file | patch -p1
08:43.45tzafririn the asterisk source tree
08:43.58tzafrirthat is: in the dahdi-linux source tree
08:44.16Godfather_asterisk source tree or dahdi-linux?
08:45.03tzafriryou'll also need to remove the module oslec, as it uses the name 'echo' for that module there
08:45.25tzafrirBut it should be pulled automatically
08:45.47Godfather_rmmod oslec?
08:46.21Godfather_he next patch would create the file drivers/staging/echo/echo.c,
08:46.21Godfather_which already exists!  Assume -R? [n
08:46.55*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~James@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
08:53.29tzafrirhmm... start off with a clean dahdi-linux tree
08:53.58Godfather_i tar.gz again my dahdi-linux-current.tar.gz and now seems ok
08:56.11*** join/#asterisk mallchin (
08:57.01Godfather_tzafrir, done, i have compiled dahdi-linux (with your patch) and dahdi-tools, now, should i try it now making a call?
08:57.01Godfather_or i have to do something previous
08:57.53tzafrirwhat's the output of lsdahdi  ? Do you see a SWEC?
08:58.32Godfather_tzafrir, no
08:59.02Godfather_vitto:/etc/dahdi# lsdahdi
08:59.55tzafrirso you don't have any dahdi channel ATM. You can't make calls like that
09:00.06tzafrirwhat's the output of: lsmod | grep dahdi
09:01.17Godfather_now throws output
09:01.45Godfather_maybe cause i restarted dahdi?
09:02.38mallchinhi guys, how to pass comma in an argument to a macro? they get interpreted as delimeters and the string is split into two arguments
09:02.42tzafrirlooks OK now
09:02.56*** join/#asterisk elwinformsma (~elwinform@
09:02.57tzafrirNow you just need to make sure asterisk is properly configured.
09:03.02Godfather_Echo Cancellation:
09:03.02Godfather_32 taps
09:03.02Godfather_currently ON
09:03.10tzafrirWhat do you see on 'dahdi show channel 1' in asterisk?
09:03.17tzafrirah, ok. Great
09:03.27Godfather_what number of "taps" should be ok?
09:03.37Godfather_more taps means more echo cancellation?
09:04.38tzafrirBasically. A tap is a sample. The more samples the echo canceller looks at, it is able to cancel sources of echo that are farther
09:04.47tzafrirBut also spends more CPU cycles on it
09:05.41tzafrir"X taps" means "a tail of X/8 milliseconds"
09:05.53elwinformsmaHello, i have a issue with queues in combination with reinvite. Sometimes this results in onesided speech. Does anyone know if setting the option 'w' in the queue app results in reinvite being off for all calls to that queue?
09:06.48Godfather_tzafrir, i tried with 256 taps now
09:07.02Godfather_i have some echo in one side (on my ip-phone)
09:07.26Godfather_but muuuch better than mg2.
09:08.51Godfather_tzafrir, thx!
09:08.51*** join/#asterisk frk2 (~faraz@zivios/member/fkhan)
09:13.19*** join/#asterisk daemon (
09:14.00daemonhey guys got an odd problem, I have just deployed asterisk with a couple of SIP tunnels (remote providers) set up alq etc... got my sound quality absolutely perfect, infact everything works apart from a really odd bug
09:14.06daemonsometimes like first in a mornin
09:14.19daemonit will cut the first call made off after 1 minute ~ 20 seconds
09:14.22daemonafter that its fine
09:14.31daemonif its left 4/5 hours not in use it will do the same, one again next call is fine
09:14.40daemonnot exactly sure what the problem is
09:14.52daemonim using:
09:15.11daemonwe dont generally make many more calls than two at a time
09:15.13mallchinhi, how can I get asterisk-1.6 to pass this string to the macro without pasing the commas please?
09:15.26mallchinexten => _X.,n,Macro(MySQL-select,SELECT prefix,idcode FROM foo)
09:15.52daemonno idea about acros but my et would be you need to turn it into a string before you send it
09:15.54daemonor escape the commas
09:15.59daemontried \ '' or ""
09:16.29mallchinescaping works, but the escape character gets passed to the macro too, which confuses the MySQL command
09:17.19daemontry ' ' that is the normal 'do not interpolate' quote
09:17.19mallchintried quoting the string but that doesn't appear to work, I'll try single quotes, not tried that
09:17.34mallchinI use single quotes in the string too, I guess I'll need to escape them then
09:18.06daemonthat or use " in the string if you can and ' as the surround
09:18.14Godfather_maybe you could cut your arguments, ${ARG:1} or somethink like that
09:19.09mallchinhow would cut help? :) I want to pass the entire string as one argument
09:19.37Godfather_it wouldnt sorry
09:19.56Godfather_mallchin, maybe if you set a variable?
09:20.05Godfather_with the complete string
09:20.17daemonthats a good idea
09:20.24mallchinGodfather_: good idea, I'll try that next
09:20.30mallchinthanks :)
09:20.33daemona variable should not be double interpreted
09:20.56daemonanyone have any ideas about mine :)
09:21.37mallchinsingle quotes didn't work, I'll try the string
09:23.06Godfather_daemon, your prob is veeery odd
09:23.09Godfather_sorry xD
09:23.13*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
09:23.15daemon:) np
09:23.56mallchinvariable didn't work :/
09:25.35mallchin"SQL_QUERY="SELECT prefix,idcode FROM AVSProxySIPFilter LIMIT 0,1"") in new stack
09:25.47mallchin"MySQL-select,"SELECT prefix,idcode FROM AVSProxySIPFilter LIMIT 0,1"") in new stack
09:25.52mallchin"Query MYSQL-RESULT 1 "SELECT prefix") in new stack
09:25.54*** join/#asterisk mrchrisadams (
09:28.04elwinformsmaHello, i have a issue with queues in combination with reinvite. Sometimes this results in onesided speech. Does anyone know if setting the option 'w' in the queue app results in reinvite being off for all calls to that queue?
09:29.47*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:29.51*** join/#asterisk krion (~seb@unaffiliated/krion)
09:37.49*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
09:38.01krionhi guys
09:38.33mallchinhaving real problems here :/ must be possible to pass a string containing commas without passing escape sequences, to a macro?
09:38.50krionis a mean jitter of 1 ms could explain low quality of voip calls (apology for my englsih) ?
09:39.37krion here is an analysys of a call whith poor quality, i don't know what's supposed to be correct value for max delta, max skew etc...
09:40.11troffasky1ms is very low, so I doubt it
09:41.50AAAmallchin  single quotes like --> '
09:41.52*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
09:42.57kriontroffasky: and what about a max delta of 250ms ?
09:43.14troffaskyI don't know what that means
09:44.34AAAkrion  delta is the time transpired. 250ms is about a quarter of a sec
09:45.49mallchinAAA: doesn't appear to work for me
09:46.05mallchinexten => _X.,n,Macro(MySQL-select,'SELECT prefix,idcode FROM AVSProxySIPFilter LIMIT 0,1')
09:46.25mallchin"ARG1 = 'SELECT prefix") in new stack
09:46.35AAAmallchin  oh, asterisk stuff. why not ask on #asterisk?
09:47.43mallchinthis isn't woodshop class?
09:47.48AAAmallchin  and double quotes don't do it either?
09:48.09AAAmallchin  seems like you are misisng an (
09:48.26AAAmallchin  nm, I'm blind
09:48.56AAA"ARG1 = 'SELECT prefix") in new stack
09:49.04AAA^-- mismatched quotes
09:49.18mallchinthat's part of the logs
09:49.37mallchinexten => s,1,NoOp(ARG1 = ${ARG1})
09:49.56mallchinit must have passed the single quote to the macro
09:50.24mallchindouble quote a no-go
09:51.03mallchinit seems quotes and double quotes are passes to the macro, and escaping works, but the argument contains the escape characters
09:51.21*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
09:51.33mallchinI'm pretty adept with syntax and suprised it doesn't work, it seems almost impossible to get the desired result
09:51.39*** join/#asterisk jayprakash (~jay@
09:52.03mallchinhugs PHP
09:52.09krionAAA: ok, thanks
09:53.39troffaskythat's got to be a bug then if the escape chars 'work' but get passed on
09:53.58AAAmallchin  grrr. I know what you mean. in the time you could put \ in front of stuff, you seek the real answer with no results
09:55.01mallchinI wouldn't mind escaping, it's the correct solution, but the escape character should be removed
09:55.20AAAmallchin  with single quotes too?
09:55.51mallchinAAA: single and double quotes get passed to the macro
09:56.11*** join/#asterisk evangelion (
09:56.30AAAhack in a sed -e 's/\\//g' at the end or some'n?
09:56.57evangelionhello, how can i force asterisk to avoid transcoding at all?
09:57.03mallchin"Query MYSQL-RESULT 1 "SELECT prefix\") in new stack
09:57.36mallchinAAA: seems the only way, I'll try it now
09:57.40evangelioni mean how can i force asterisk to negotiate the _same_ codec in both side of a bridged call?
09:57.49AAAjust realized he was on the wrong channel
09:57.53mallchinAAA: ;)
09:58.09mallchinAAA: I wondered about your #asterisk statement
09:58.21AAAmallchin  hehe, just hit me...
09:58.34*** part/#asterisk azizLIGHTS (
09:59.57troffaskyevangelion, set only one codec as allowed for the peer in sip.conf
10:00.39*** join/#asterisk jayprakash (~jay@
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10:04.58Delido1983Hello, i have an problem with the caller id Num from some incomming calls i can see only the base number from it. If i call from my handy to asterisk all is okay but 2 customers who called in the nummber is incorrect
10:05.39Delido1983i have debug the call: [Jun 25 11:44:01] VERBOSE[20481] chan_dahdi.c: [Jun 25 11:44:01] < Calling Number (len=14) [ Ext: 0  TON: National Number (2)  NPI: ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1) [Jun 25 11:44:01] VERBOSE[20481] chan_dahdi.c: [Jun 25 11:44:01] <                           Presentation: Presentation permitted, user number not screened (0)  '221XXXX966' ] [Jun 25 11:44:01] VERBOSE[20481] chan_dahdi.c: [Jun 25 11:44:01] < [6c 08
10:05.43Delido1983i see only 221XX0
10:06.23*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
10:06.59evangeliontroffasky: i can't
10:07.09*** join/#asterisk sp4rc (
10:07.52sp4rcguys, can someone point me to a website/document which contains information about codecs (bit-robustness, packet-loss tolerance)?
10:09.39sp4rcwhich codecs are the most widely spread?
10:10.12sp4rcg.711 / speex / ilbc / ... ?
10:11.05Chainsawg711 here.
10:11.24Chainsawg722 means I get half-speed distorted calls pretty much immediately.
10:11.31ChainsawSo I disallow that explicitly.
10:11.39sp4rcChainsaw: can you say something about the packet loss tolerance?
10:11.46Chainsawsp4rc: <1% for G711.
10:12.09Chainsawsp4rc: Generally worse for codecs that compress more.
10:12.10sp4rcChainsaw: hm, do you have any sources? i need those for my thesis
10:12.23jayprakashHi, i am facing problem to getting incoming caller id from my PSTN line. I am using Sangoma sangoma AF200 card with my asterisk box. can u tell me how to get the caller id of indian PSTN line
10:13.08sp4rcChainsaw: so you mean, the higher the compression ratio the lower is the packetloss tolerance?
10:13.31Chainsawsp4rc: That is correct. It makes sense mathematically.
10:13.42Chainsawsp4rc: Here is how I acquired my sources, I would recommend you try something similar:
10:14.26sp4rcChainsaw: thank you very much, tried googling myself before... but couldnt find anything useful except:
10:14.43Chainsawsp4rc: G711 tends to be yardstick that everything else is compared to.
10:14.48Chainsawsp4rc: So that will need to be in your search string.
10:15.09sp4rcChainsaw: G711 is the codec used by isdn, right?
10:15.37mallchinwhat would be the regexp command to set a string removing backslashes please?
10:17.34Chainsawsp4rc: That is correct.
10:17.52Chainsawsp4rc: And as always, there is a "rest of the world" and a "United States" version of it.
10:18.17sp4rcChainsaw: which means a-law and u-law
10:19.16troffaskyAmerica, Fuck Yeah!
10:20.22Chainsawsp4rc: Indeed.
10:21.29daemonmallchin, s/\\// will remove one
10:21.38daemonor replace it for // nothing
10:22.02daemonmind you, you should if its perl re be able to use a different regex char
10:22.11daemonso s#\## should also work
10:22.46mallchindaemon: thanks, I was planning on using RegExp in asterisk, unsure of the syntax
10:23.06mallchinexten => s,1,Set(SQL=${REGEX("[s/\\//]" ${ARG1})})
10:23.30daemonshould work if its using perl re, try it :)
10:24.03mallchinwil do :)
10:24.48mallchinSQL = 1 :-/
10:26.26daemon<daemon> eval: my $str = 'some\stuff'; ($str) =~ s/\\//; return $str;
10:26.27daemon<buubot> somestuff
10:26.28*** join/#asterisk Trixboxer (~Trixboxer@
10:27.10mallchindo I need to do an exec to perl?
10:27.33daemonmallchin, you do know from earlier that im a total noob with asterisk and im only advising you on what happens in different apps and languages right lol
10:27.52daemonim steeping out now before I tell you to try something and your pc turns into nuclear missile launcher and kills the world ;)
10:27.53*** join/#asterisk micols (
10:28.15mallchinit says skynet active?
10:29.07daemonare you still trying to ge asterisk to send comma
10:29.08Godfather_i getting Junk at the beggining of frame each time the mp3 on musiconhold is repetead (duration 8 secs)
10:29.09daemonwithout processing it
10:29.10Godfather_[Jun 25 12:24:06] WARNING[26259]: mp3/interface.c:216 decodeMP3: Junk at the beginning of frame 49443304
10:29.19mallchindaemon: yes
10:29.47mallchinI just want to pass a string to a macro as one argument, and containing commas
10:30.25mallchinpretty basic stuff :(
10:35.00daemonmallchin, just a test
10:35.02daemonnot sure what this actually does
10:35.07daemontry setting ya crap in one of these
10:35.29daemonand send it in your macro as:  NoOp(${someVar});
10:38.37*** part/#asterisk debuggerboy (~anish@
10:39.19daemonoh wait
10:39.20daemonI see
10:39.34Godfather_whats the problem?
10:39.41daemonno-op means debug
10:39.44daemondrop the message to console
10:39.58daemonbut simply (${someVar})
10:40.01daemonshould now work
10:40.14daemonIm reading from a bug report about comma's I did not read the bit that said noop was debug purpose ;p
10:40.46daemonexten => s,1,Set(SQL=(${someVar})
10:40.52daemonexten => s,1,Set(SQL=(${someVar}))
10:40.54daemonshould be the ticket
10:41.36daemonmaybe do not need extra ( )
10:42.29mallchinexten => s,1,GotoIf(${REGEX("[s/\\//]" ${ARG1})}?foo)
10:42.33mallchinexten => s(foo),n,NoOp(Deprecated - Your query contains deprecated features.)
10:42.44mallchin[Jun 25 11:40:41] NOTICE[4155]: pbx.c:3744 pbx_extension_helper: No such label 'foo' in extension 's' in context 'macro-MySQL-select'
10:43.56daemoni wonder, this is probably not the right way to do this
10:44.01daemonbut can you use ^ instaed of ,
10:44.07daemonand in macto-MYSQL-select
10:44.10daemonregex change ^ to ,
10:44.33daemonor some other really weird character
10:44.45evangelioncan i force asterisk to negotiate the _same_ codec in both sides of a bridged call even if multiple codecs are allowed?
10:44.45mallchinI don't use ^
10:45.34daemonexten => _X.,n,Macro(MySQL-select,SELECT prefix,idcode FROM foo)
10:46.01daemonmallchin, as the command is MYSQL-select do you need to send SELECT in the query?
10:46.02troffaskywhy allow multiple codecs if you want to restrict it to one?
10:46.52mallchindaemon: MySQL-select is a macro which runs the command MYSQL()
10:47.27*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
10:47.31mallchinI don't understand why, when I have a label in the context, it says I do not
10:47.37mallchincan you not use labels in macros?
10:47.44evangeliontroffasky: i don't want to restrict it to one! i want to avoid transcoding and be free to choice the codec time by time
10:48.22daemonmallchin, weird according to the docs
10:48.39daemonexten => _X.,n,Macro(MySQL-select,SELECT prefix\,idcode FROM foo)
10:48.43daemonshould work flawless
10:49.37mallchindaemon: it passes the whole string as one argument to the macro, but doesn't strip the backslash, which invalidates the SQL
10:51.41daemonmallchin, how is MYSQL() defined
10:51.43daemonis it an internal command
10:52.11mallchinyes, part of asterisk-addons I believe
10:52.48daemonexten => s,3,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} SELECT\ name\ FROM\ sip\ WHERE\ name\ LIKE\ "'${ARG1}%'")
10:52.57mallchincan anyone tell me why jumping to foo fails in this macro please?
10:53.23daemonapparently you can only fetch one
10:53.24mallchindaemon: asterisk 1.4 and below require the backslashes
10:53.27daemonand you do not use comma
10:53.43mallchinyou can fetch multiple fields
10:54.16mallchinthis worked on asterisk-1.4, but broke with the MYSQL changes on asterisk-1.6
10:56.17daemonthis is annoying
10:56.23daemonits such a stupid little problem
10:56.43mallchinyep :(
10:58.18*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
11:00.16Guggemallchin: what is wrong with Macro(macroname,"string,with commas")
11:00.18*** join/#asterisk stix (
11:00.32daemonGugge, we tried that earlier tried '' too
11:00.55mallchinGugge: it passes the double-quotes and the backslash to the macro
11:01.01Guggewhat backslash?
11:01.19mallchinGugge: sorry, it passes a backslash if one is in there
11:01.54mallchinGugge: using your example, without the backslash, it splits the string at the comma
11:02.06Guggei guess you would have to strip the " from the arg in the macro, if the MYSQL() cmd wont accept them
11:02.19Guggehmm,  strange
11:02.55daemonmallchin, I would be tempted to make a perl script call that instead of MYSQL()
11:02.56mallchinfrustrating :(
11:03.04daemonthen you can do any processing you want in the script
11:03.40mallchindaemon: it's a solution, I would use a PHP AGI rather than perl, but I'd rather fix the issue as I will encounter it elsewhere in the futurte
11:04.14daemonso you are saying
11:04.16daemon" " works
11:04.18daemonbut it sends the " as well
11:04.42daemon"some,random,crap gets passed as litrally "some, random, crap"
11:06.07mallchinit gets passes as "some
11:06.16mallchinthe comma splits the string
11:06.27daemonI think I have an idea
11:08.18mallchinI tried that, but I'll give it another go
11:08.43daemonexten => _X.,n,Macro(MySQL-select,$["${someVar}"])
11:09.07daemonI need a moment to type up the idea
11:09.10daemonI think that could work
11:09.30Godfather_c'mon daemon go
11:10.29mallchinkk :D
11:11.23mallchinexten => _X.,n,Set(SQL=SELECT prefix,idcode FROM AVSProxySIPFilter LIMIT 0,1)
11:11.24mallchinexten => _X.,n,Macro(MySQL-select,${SQL})
11:11.33mallchin"ARG1 = SELECT prefix") in new stack
11:11.40mallchin"ARG2 = idcode FROM AVSProxySIPFilter LIMIT 0") in new stack
11:11.45mallchin"ARG3 = 1") in new stack
11:11.59daemondamn it
11:13.02mallchinI tried $["${SQL}"] too but the double quotes get passed inside the string
11:14.16daemonit should not interpolate a comma in a variable
11:14.17daemonthis is freaking nuts
11:15.08daemonmallchin, this is a really random observation and probably will just flat out not work
11:15.11daemonwhat happens if you use $SQL
11:17.23*** join/#asterisk mpe (
11:18.51Faithfulasterisk says it's answering the pstn-to-voice gateway on this spa3102 but it isn't it just keeps ringing on the pstn side.  I have tried both a spa3000 and spa3102 with the same problem now
11:19.16*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
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11:29.06mallchindaemon: I don't think $SQL is valid syntax
11:29.18daemonah :( did not think so
11:29.27daemonright im going to go out and get drunk
11:29.40daemonI admiteddly was gonig to do the garden today, but after trying to figure this out
11:29.44daemonthe pub sounds a better bet
11:29.48daemonsorry I could not help mallchin
11:29.54mallchinit's a lovely day for the pub here
11:30.01daemonyeah its nice here to (england)
11:30.07mallchindaemon: no problem, thanks for trying :)
11:30.17mallchinEssex :)
11:30.21daemonoh just a side though.. I have no IDEA if this is even possible
11:30.36daemonbut can you bind together the value of two different commands
11:30.41daemonthe thought is you could maybe do something like
11:30.50daemonexten => _X.,n,Set(SQL=SELECT prefix FROM AVSProxySIPFilter LIMIT 0,1)
11:30.56daemonexten => _X.,n,Set(SQL=SELECT idcode FROM AVSProxySIPFilter LIMIT 0,1)
11:31.01daemonand call them seperately then bind the values
11:31.06daemonnot pretty but no comma's so it should work
11:31.21daemonyou do not need limit 0,1 btw limit 1 does the same thing ;)
11:32.09mallchindaemon: I could, but I use commas elsewhere in the statement -- I simplified the statement when testing, thus the limit 0,1
11:32.20mallchindaemon: the proper statement only returns 1 row
11:32.28daemonah :(
11:32.49daemonok buddy im off to wetherspoons :P good luck and if it does not work, ill buy you a drink at the bar ^_-
11:33.01mallchinhave one on me mate!
11:33.06mallchinenjoy :)
11:34.12sp4rcChainsaw: can you make a statement about the quantitativ (percentage) packet-loss of ilbc, amr-nb and gsm efr?
11:34.28sp4rcChainsaw: i mean packet-loss-tolerance
11:35.06Chainsawsp4rc: I can make educated guesses, but if you want hard numbers and "sources", you're going to have to ask Google.
11:35.58sp4rcChainsaw: all i can find are statements like 'better then...'
11:36.28Chainsawsp4rc: It is highly dependent on what packet loss compensation algorithms are in use at both ends (and even the type of packet loss, intermittent high packet loss is a lot worse then loss that is consistent over time).
11:37.07Chainsawsp4rc: I found benchmarks with graphs and well defined testing conditions. Please try a little harder.
11:37.07sp4rcChainsaw: okay i see this is big studying field for itself...
11:37.22Chainsawsp4rc: I must remind you that it is your thesis, not mine.
11:38.42sp4rcChainsaw: i am aware of that, thank you. the main focus is not on codec's and packet loss but handoff technics over different network technologies
11:39.56coppiceilbc has better tolerance of packet loss than AMR-NB, but its bit rate is so much higher, you could send AMR-NB with redundancy, still be at the ilbc bit rate, and have better packet loss tolerance than ilbc. :-)
11:40.00Chainsawsp4rc: I can tell you that the packet loss tolerance of SIP can be lower then G711.
11:40.18Chainsawsp4rc: We had no discernable voice quality problems, but a faulty switch caused intermittent transfer failures.
11:40.44Chainsawsp4rc: Packet loss does funny things to UDP-based protocols.
11:43.39sp4rcChainsaw: i need to define different criteria for a mobility system, one of this is to keep the packet-loss as small as possible... but this value mainly depends on the choice of codec
11:44.09Chainsawsp4rc: Lowest possible loss, but don't underestimate consistency.
11:44.52sp4rcChainsaw: ...which goes hand in hand with jitter
11:44.54Chainsawsp4rc: A consistent 120ms latency with 2% loss can be more reliable then wildly varying 20-100ms latency and no loss at all.
11:44.59Chainsawsp4rc: Indeed.
11:45.23sp4rcChainsaw: i see...
11:45.27Chainsawsp4rc: Just be sure to include it in all your explanations, because they'll have you on the hook for oversimplification otherwise.
11:49.04sp4rcChainsaw: so one should _always_ look at the three main parameters: packet-loss, jitter, latency
11:49.18sp4rcChainsaw: i mean looking at them at the same time
11:49.50Chainsawsp4rc: Indeed. That defines how well a network link will perform with VoIP.
11:51.42*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (~Chris@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
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12:10.32ZeXr0In my callflow, I'm doing SendDTMF(#) then Read(data). The automated device that is calling only pause for 100ms before sending a series of DTMF, but it seems that the Read isn't fast enough, and there's some keys that are missed. Is it possible to play a DTMF tone in the background and start listening right when the tone is played ? Or is there any alternative solution, like doing Background(PoundSound) ?
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12:16.53Delido1983Hey, i have a problem to see the correct callernumber from 2 customer:   chan_dahdi.c: [Jun 25 11:44:01] < Calling Number (len=14) [ Ext: 0  TON: National Number (2)   Presentation: Presentation permitted, user number not screened (0)  '2XXXX19966' ]  Presentation: Presentation allowed of network provided number (3)  '2XXXX0' ] The degug show this: i want to see the real Numer '2XXXX19966'  but i see only '2XXXX0'
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12:29.40rotheradhaving an issue with my setup this morning
12:29.49rotheradive added a new trunk to a secondary sip provider
12:30.04rotheradand now whenever my SCCP devices call out there is no audio being received
12:30.17rotheradaudio is being sent as the other person can hear the sccp device
12:30.22rotheradbut not the other way
12:30.41rotheradthey are dialling out with a prefix that ensures it goes out 1 particular sip trunk
12:30.44matagou_having issue when upgrading asterisk 1.4 to 1.6
12:31.26*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
12:33.15matagou_after upgrading asterisk to latest 1.6, when trying to start asterisk, it crashes and keep restarting
12:33.57ZeXr0matagou_ : I can't really help because I don't know a lot, but you can try to stop asterisk, and then run asterisk -vvvvgc
12:34.17ZeXr0you might receive more information about why asterisk isn't starting
12:37.17pabelangermatagou_: Read my instructions on your issue
12:38.35*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
12:39.27matagou_ZeXr0: started asterisk -vvvvgc, it complains with errors on loading modules and unknown functions
12:39.27Delido1983matagou_: its happend when asterisk load old moduls (asterisk 1.4) i must clear the modules folder than is all okay :D
12:39.45Delido1983then reinstall asterisk..^^
12:40.27matagou_ZeXr0: loader.c:429 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_custom_function_register
12:41.18matagou_ok,  i will try to remove the /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
12:41.42matagou_and issue command             make install        again
12:42.59matagou_pabelanger: where i can read your instructions?
12:43.32pabelangermatagou_: In the mantis issue you reported this morning
12:44.30matagou_i will check it right now
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12:54.58matagou_ok, i will execute all the steps in mantis
12:55.05matagou_will report later
12:55.11matagou_thanks for support
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13:21.26knctrnlDoes anyone know of any good articles or any opensource software to exploit the features of fax for asterisk?
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13:21.39knctrnlor does one need to write something custom?
13:23.07Naikroveknot a lot of us use fax for asterisk, as i understand it
13:23.14Naikroveknot a whole pile of fax expertise in here
13:23.56knctrnlI have not looked deeply into it. I was just wondering if it was even worth exploring.
13:24.21knctrnlemail to fax and fax to email look like a huge cost savings to a large enterprise
13:25.26*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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13:28.21Kattyooo! squirrely visitors this morning!
13:29.17Kattysquirrels are funny like that. the feeders have been empty for a couple months. but i fill them up and in 30 minutes POOF. breakfast time.
13:31.28*** join/#asterisk timeshell (
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13:40.15mallchinhow can I remove backslashes from a string please?
13:42.59*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
13:43.10mallchinkk, thanks
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13:56.18*** join/#asterisk Arsenick (
13:58.45Delido1983can someone help me with my callerid Num? i have a problem..
13:59.19infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
13:59.42Delido1983Hey, i have a problem to see the correct callernumber from 2 customer:    The degug show this:  chan_dahdi.c: [Jun 25 11:44:01] < Calling Number (len=14) [ Ext: 0  TON: National Number (2)   Presentation: Presentation permitted, user number not screened (0)  '2XXXX19966' ]  Presentation: Presentation allowed of network provided number (3)  '2XXXX0' ]i want to see the real Numer '2XXXX19966'  but i see only '2XXXX0'
14:01.01WIMPyWhat you see IS the real number.
14:01.18WIMPyBut I dont think, you have a choice, which number you see.
14:01.56Delido1983if the customer called me to my handy i see the full number
14:05.58*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
14:06.51mallchinhow can I pass a string containing commas to a macro?
14:08.17*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-exmsjgvchyipmhme)
14:13.49ZeXr0mallchin : Have you tried with ""
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14:15.27mallchinZeXr0: yes, the double quote is passed as part of the string, and the comma is still interpreted as a delimeter
14:16.08*** join/#asterisk Benwa (~Benwa@
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14:20.06mallchinI am suprised this doesn't work
14:20.15mallchinseems like a basic feature
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14:26.48russellbmallchin: I think you escape it with a backslash
14:27.59russellbmallchin: version?
14:28.48pabelangerDelido1983: Call your telco, they are blocking your ANI
14:29.25*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (~Godfather@
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14:30.49Delido1983pabelanger: outgoing callerid num is everytime correct (i think so) only incoming  is the problem
14:31.28pabelangerDelido1983: Yes, I understand.  Tell your telco that.
14:31.52pabelangerDelido1983: The problem is outside of your (asterisk's) control.
14:32.02*** join/#asterisk s0lid (~s0lid@
14:32.05Delido1983pabelanger: ah okay i missunderstood this
14:33.23Delido1983pabelanger: okay and the option prilocaldialplan oder pridailplan can not be the problem?
14:34.33pabelangerDelido1983: You'd need to pb a debug log for your PRI so we can see the IE
14:35.28Delido1983pabelanger: chan_dahdi.c: [Jun 25 11:44:01] < Calling Number (len=14) [ Ext: 0  TON: National Number (2) Presentation: Presentation permitted, user number not screened (0) '22XXX66' ] Presentation: Presentation allowed of network provided number (3) '22XXX0' ]
14:35.38Delido1983pabelanger: or you need more?
14:35.53*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
14:36.07mallchinrussellb: Asterisk
14:36.26pabelangerDelido1983: If that is the information you get when you enable pri debug, then the problem is with your telco.
14:37.12Delido1983pabelanger: thanks for this information i will call vodafone
14:37.49russellbmallchin: app_macro doesn't use the argument parsing API which properly handles this ... so you can't do it
14:37.58russellbkicks app_macro.c
14:38.22mallchinkicks app_macro.c too
14:38.30mallchincan I patch it to make it so?
14:38.41russellbsure, it's just software :-)
14:39.10mallchinhrm, maybe a monday morning thing
14:39.28russellbit's not a one liner or anything, though
14:39.41mallchinI had a feeling that might be the case, hehe
14:39.54mallchinis there a workaround?
14:40.01russellbbut FWIW, line 352 in apps/app_macro.c is where you would start looking
14:40.15mallchinexcellent, thanks, I'll have a look now
14:40.22russellbyeah, there's some workarounds
14:40.38russellbinstead of a macro argument, just set a channel variable and read it in your macro
14:40.47russellbthat's all arguments to Macro() get turned into anyway
14:40.57mallchinusing Set()?
14:41.00*** join/#asterisk Pidgeon (
14:41.24mallchinOkay, great, I'll give it a go
14:41.39PidgeonHello, before I start using asterisk I would like to know if there is a TAPI driver for it to appear in Windows Telephony - is there one?
14:43.29*** join/#asterisk mog (
14:44.04drmessanoPidgeon -->
14:44.08drmessanoQuite a few hits there
14:46.03mallchinrussellb: works for me, thanks
14:46.12*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
14:47.28mallchinI'm sending a call via IAX but get no audio
14:47.34drmessanoPidgeon: and FWIW, Asterisk supports a range of protocols and methods for initiating calls, if there is a TAPI driver for that particular protocol, it should work.  As you can see there are quite a few SIP TAPI apps, which seems to be the common Windows TAPI target for Asterisk
14:47.43mallchinrussellb: been bugging me all day that macro problem, thanks again :)
14:48.37russellbmallchin: you're welcome, that'll be $9.95
14:48.54drmessanoirussellb ?
14:49.13drmessanoI thought the russellb wasn't approved for the iPhone store
14:49.16*** join/#asterisk sysreq (~sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
14:49.24ZeXr0mallchin : That doesn't parse ...
14:49.26russellbdrmessano: was denied :-(
14:49.34Pidgeonthanks drmessano... I'm just specifically wondering if something will put a provider in the Telephony mmc snapin. I have done nothing with TAPI before so my question is probably stupid but there isn't anything that clearly explains how this all works (for any switch, I've been playing with an avya IP400 so far today for this)
14:49.47mallchinZeXr0: escape the $? :)
14:49.51PidgeonI'll be trying to use with it
14:50.22mallchinZeXr0: you mean, payment failed? >.<
14:50.33*** join/#asterisk Sorcier_FXK (~sorcierfx@unaffiliated/sorcierfxk)
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14:51.17drmessanoPidgeon, you'll just have to play with it.  There's numerous links in that Google search, and I have experimented with one or two of them in the past under XP
14:51.35WIMPyDelido1983, pabelanger: I wonder if it would't make sense to actually handle this relatively common situation and put the two numbers into callerid(num) and callerid(ani).
14:51.50roeWhat is the recommended way to have clients record IVR messages?  Is there a recommended way?
14:51.52drmessanoI don't do a lot of Windows anymore, so not sure what StillWorks(TM)
14:52.24drmessanoroe: I always find that a $20,000 audio production studio works well
14:52.47roethanks.  I'll take that under advisement
14:52.52drmessanoroe: Don't get cheap on the mic's.. RE20's are the way to go, even at $500 each
14:53.14roeluckily we are installing a new phone system at a sound studio
14:53.22drmessanoroe: You can also use any audio editor you like, since we're not talking high quality audio here
14:55.18roedrmessano, so from that I can surmise that a computer+mic is preferred/recommended as compared to some kind of direct from phone setup?
14:56.04drmessanoYou can go either way, but it's only going to sound as good as the microphone.  If you have a decent phone to record the prompts, go for it
14:56.55drmessanoroe: This is open source, there is no "preferred".. only "patches", "bugs", and "feature requests"... ("oh my!")
14:57.49drmessanooh man
14:57.58roedrmessano, I work with a lot of OS projects, most of them while robust and flexible have a 'preferred' way.  Thanks for the info.
15:00.38*** join/#asterisk rocksfrow (
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15:02.08drmessanoNo one ever created anything better or new going with "preferred", unless we're talking about simply being an end user.
15:02.39jsgoeckeThose of you who want an update on Adhearsion 0.8.4 join the VUC today
15:03.32*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
15:06.02mallchinany reasons why IAX2 might not plau audio?
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15:10.51pabelangermallchin: Codec issue?
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15:13.13xbpmallchin: nat?
15:13.30mallchinxbp: both on internal subnet
15:13.37mallchinpabelanger: trying some different codecs
15:13.49mallchinhope another codec will work :)
15:14.31*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
15:14.46pabelangerxbp: NAT and IAX2 usually not a problem
15:15.25mallchinI'm dialling via SIP, so it could be a SIP issue
15:15.35mallchinSIP call across net, then internal IAX link
15:15.54infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
15:16.32pabelangermallchin: Don't reinvite RTP on SIP if you want to use IAX2 trunks.
15:17.20mallchinwould directmedia=nonat do?
15:18.06mallchintrying directmedia=no too
15:18.44*** join/#asterisk wam (~wam@unaffiliated/wam)
15:19.39drmessanoThere's more than that involved.  Follow the link
15:19.49mallchinreading the guide :)
15:19.51*** join/#asterisk raj-darkmystery (~suraj@
15:20.01wamHi, I'm trying to install asterisk gui with asterisk 1.6. Now after the login in the gui the interfaces reloads over and over and over again. The reason seems to be (after a wireshark session) that the rawman command "dialplan%20reload" doesn't work. Asterisk responds with "No such command". Then the interface reloads.
15:20.18wamAny hints? Must I configure the gui for this asterisk version explicitly?
15:21.01raj-darkmysteryhey friends.. i was wondering if i can use my asterisk voip configured at my office from my home network.. is it possible?
15:21.16russellbraj-darkmystery: yes.
15:21.48*** join/#asterisk krion (~seb@unaffiliated/krion)
15:22.23raj-darkmysteryrussellb, can u tell me how i can use that... i have configured my client side soft with all the details 'm using in office but its throwing error :(
15:23.35ChannelZHumm.  Anyone have issues with ChanSpy totally ignoring you hitting the '*' key to switch channels?
15:23.40*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
15:24.18drmessanoraj-darkmystery: Assuming you are using SIP, see here:
15:24.27infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
15:25.20drmessanoOk, ports are mentioned
15:25.45mallchinworks yay :)
15:25.53mallchinnot on speakerphone though
15:26.22mallchinCisco VoIP phone (hard)
15:26.38[TK]D-FenderCisco phones + NAT handling = PAIN
15:27.01mallchinI'm only using for testing, hopefully in real world it'd work
15:27.22mallchinstrange it doesn't work on speakerphone though
15:27.22troffaskyyeah, cos if it doesn't work in testing, it's usually fine in the real world
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15:27.59troffaskyuse IPv6 then you won't need NAT
15:28.10mallchinif I could, I would
15:28.10troffaskysee, simple solution :-)
15:28.20drmessanomallchin: See "Van Halen - Running with the Devil" and anything by Ozzy for some inspiration dealing with Satanic cultures such as the one surrounding Cisco
15:28.33mallchinfires up Spotify
15:28.58mallchinso, do you think this might just be a problem with the Cisco phone? let me try another
15:29.03drmessanomallchin: Also, play the Beatles White Album backwards
15:29.07troffaskysatanic culture? is that like evil yoghurt?
15:29.16*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
15:29.45niekieSemi-offtopic question here: Caller ID can't get blocked to US toll-free numbers, or can it?
15:30.01niekieRead something about Wikipedia suggesting it doesn't get blocked to toll-free numbers.
15:30.29mallchinhrm, only works on the Cisco
15:30.34drmessanoniekie: That's entirely baseless, considering it's your provider who determines what CID gets passed
15:30.42mallchin[Jun 25 16:26:06] ERROR[28657]: rtp.c:3438 ast_rtcp_write_sr: RTCP SR transmission error
15:31.08*** join/#asterisk Raden (~Raden@
15:31.18[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I found the simple life... ain't so simple..
15:31.37drmessanoniekie: Flowroute allows me to be a telephone tough guy, tollfree or not
15:32.22niekieWell, seems I get passed caller ID from Skype calls (which I thought usually have blocked CID) on toll-free lines.
15:32.30troffaskymallchin, what only works on the cisco?
15:32.45niekiedrmessano: this was the quote from Wikipedia: "In the U.S. the FCC requires the number to be transmitted to toll-free numbers regardless of whether the number is blocked."
15:33.13*** join/#asterisk freezey (
15:35.40drmessanoniekie: That would be great if I was blocking my number
15:35.48mallchintroffasky: internal phone dialling a sip extension to a remote box
15:37.50drmessanoniekie: What if I am presenting no number at all?
15:38.10*** join/#asterisk Bartockbatz (
15:38.42*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
15:39.27BartockbatzHello folks - I am using Asterisk 1.4x and I would like to know where to look to disable the default VM messages - ie , "the user at extension 155 is not available...."
15:40.05Bartockbatznot looking for a hand-out - what application/part of the dialplan/config would I look into. - thanks
15:40.45*** join/#asterisk idespinner (
15:41.00drmessanoniekie: "In the U.S., if you're one of the 3 people still using analog lines from AT&T, or are using one of the few ITSPs that ridiculously ties your termination to some DID you purchased, the FCC requires the number to be transmitted to toll-free numbers regardless of whether the number is blocked."   <-- Sounds like we need a revision
15:42.58*** join/#asterisk Hurky (
15:43.08niekiedrmessano: heh.
15:43.35Hurkyanybody tryed time based includes ?
15:44.17Hurkyinclude = DID_trunk_1_timeinterval_oficina-tarde|16:30-19:30|mon-fri|*|*
15:45.13Hurkysomething must be wrong with the time, cause it does not work, but if I replace 16:30-19:30 with an * it will
15:45.26drmessanoniekie: Also see the next paragraph on "CallerID Spoofing", which is inaccurate.   Again we're working off the assumption that some DID I purchased can and should be tied to my termination.. which is a wrong that a lot of providers are making "right".
15:47.05BartockbatzHello folks - I am using Asterisk 1.4x and I would like to know where to look to disable the default VM messages - ie , "the user at extension 155 is not available...."
15:47.07Bartockbatznot looking for a hand-out - what application/part of the dialplan/config would I look into. - thanks
15:47.09*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
15:47.32drmessanoBartockbatz: You don't need to repeat every 8 minutes
15:48.15BartockbatzSorry - just a little impatient - I figured someone would have answered by now
15:48.58BartockbatzThank you niekie - :)
15:49.02niekiedrmessano: *nod*
15:49.25niekiedrmessano: my VoIP provider seems to pass the caller ID I provide on calls I originate.
15:49.43mort_gibHurky: Are you jumping to another context??
15:50.58drmessanoniekie: There is a big difference in providers.  Some are nothing more than "AT&T over SIP", charging only slightly less for calls and operating under the same primative rules and assumptions"
15:51.33drmessanoniekie: I use Flowroute.  Mitnick uses Flowroute.  I could pwn Mitnick.  Enuff said.
15:51.44*** join/#asterisk oldhack (
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15:53.27niekiedrmessano: how does Flowroute bill you? E.g. what payment methods?
15:54.12Hurkymort_gib, yeah, but it only should jump to it at certain date
15:54.38Hurkyit is this but it does not work as it should i think
15:55.11niekieFlowroute's FAQ entry about billing doesn't seem that informative. All it says is "You'll be billed from your prepaid account credit.". It doesn't say how to top it up.
15:55.20niekieOh, never mind.
15:55.22niekieI already found it.
15:55.26niekieAmazon payments :\
16:00.52Bartockbatzhey - that did the trick - thanks for your time , folks.
16:02.08*** join/#asterisk roni (~roni@
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16:08.18ronii everybody .. i got 2 sip providers connected to my asterisk , i need one to make local calls , and the other to make international calls .. is there a way tu use the same dial number to call ?
16:09.40roni9(00) international and 9 (local) , is there a way to do that ?
16:10.00ronisorry if my english is not clear
16:10.23infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
16:10.24[TK]D-Fenderroni: Yes... make your PATTERN for one, use provider A, and the other pattern use provider B
16:10.25Qwelllook at pattern matching
16:11.01drmessanoand please look into not using 9 as a dial prefix.  Pattern matches are your friends.  9 is so "1997ish"
16:11.13ronithanks ..
16:11.17Qwelldrmessano: I bet Mitnick uses 9
16:11.26*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (~cesar@
16:11.52drmessanoQwell: Probably.  BRB, I need to go pwn him again.
16:12.10QwellFree drmessano!
16:12.40*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
16:12.57freezeywhos attending HOPE this year?
16:13.29elred_freezey: liberty is when you have lost all HOPE
16:14.45drmessanoI get so tired of the mainstream "please, give me a book deal" "hacker" community.  It's almost painful to read 2600 anymore
16:14.58freezeyahhh come on
16:15.00drmessano"Toaster heating elements: EXPOSED"
16:15.06freezeysome of the content in 2600 is whack i will admit that
16:15.12freezeybut the conferences are pretty cool
16:15.19freezeygranted most of them are writing books but still
16:15.35freezeymoney is money my friend however you decide to obtain it
16:15.49drmessanoDo we really need another whitepaper on the Pre-Vista Windows IP stack?
16:15.49freezeyif somebody came to you today and asked you to write a book for a few million you would do it in a heartbeat
16:16.27freezeyif it gets you rich why not?
16:16.48freezeyyou would probably spend less time in here and more time on some boat with a group of chicks
16:16.59drmessanoDo we really need a 3 page article on using Wireshark to sniff out _____ that can be done in your first 5 mins of using the app?
16:17.17freezeymoney is money
16:18.14drmessanoThere's more to life than money.  Give me enough to pay my bills and enjoy a semi-humble lifestyle, and I will keep my dignity
16:18.32freezeyto each their own
16:18.54drmessanoWriting a book on how to get the chick at Wendy's to tell me how to get a free Frosty is just pathetic.
16:19.03*** join/#asterisk Martinblr (~Miranda@
16:19.18Martinblris there any pstn tone generator device..?
16:19.52drmessanoMartinblr: Asterisk
16:20.20Qwellblue box
16:20.30*** join/#asterisk imox1234 (
16:20.57Martinblrdrmessano: to set in Asterisk we need some tone generator to test with different country profile
16:20.59[TK]D-FenderMartinblr: An ATA
16:21.01drmessanoI would Red Box, but I scratched up the front of my BlackBerry trying to figure out where to attach the coke can tab
16:21.12Qwelldrmessano: USB port
16:21.43drmessanoQwell: SOB, that's brilliant. I wasted weeks on that damn coke tab :(
16:22.10drmessanoSo do I just jam it in there?
16:22.16MartinblrBut ATA will have all country tones?
16:23.13[TK]D-FenderMartinblr: Many.
16:23.24*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@wikimedia/RobH)
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16:23.46[TK]D-FenderMartinblr: Of get yourself an FXS card.  * does just about everything
16:24.19*** join/#asterisk emora (~emora@
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16:42.01wcselbyreally bad ymca
16:42.09*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (
16:42.13[TK]D-FenderLokks more like "headache" to me...
16:42.20wcselby[TK]D-Fender - pretty much
16:42.25*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
16:43.38wcselbysorta like the 266mb Master.csv file I'm trying to open in excel, that won't open because it contains more than 1048576 lines
16:44.21p3nguinintroduces split to wcselby
16:44.53wcselbyman split
16:47.16drmessanoThat's one of those Windows apps, right?
16:47.58p3nguinDon't worry, has a counterpart.
16:48.03WIMPyFrom the Microsoft Notwork collection
16:48.06*** join/#asterisk moy (
16:48.23wcselbyi've used openoffice before
16:48.27wcselbyit's calc, right?
16:48.32wcselbyor spreadsheet, or something
16:48.35drmessanoI was reading about Office 2010.. How Excel and Project fully utilize 64-bit, but ACCESS DOESNT
16:49.00niekieBartockbatz: you're welcome :)
16:49.09drmessanoand M$ recommends that unless you REALLY need 64-bit Excel and Project to install the 32-bit version of Office
16:49.16drmessanoIN 2010 MIND YOU
16:49.31wcselbysounds about right
16:49.36drmessanoR U SIRIUS BALLMER?  YES I R
16:50.46*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
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16:52.02drmessanoI reloaded this machine back in January with XP x64 and Ubuntu Karmic.. My first Ubuntu desktop, and so far haven't needed to boot into Windows in 3 months
16:52.25wcselbyhmmmm, maybe I should tell this client I can't open the file in their program, so they need to go ahead and upgrade to storing their CDRs in a database, like I recommended to begin with.......
16:52.54wcselbydrmessano - i preferred linux mint over ubuntu, it's ubuntu with all the stuff ubuntu should have shipped with but didn't
16:53.14wcselbyalthough I will say back in january I reloaded my laptop with windows 7 (removing a dual boot vista/mint install) and I've loved it
16:53.38drmessanoI've had too many issues with 7 on my work laptop
16:53.38*** join/#asterisk nny (
16:54.41drmessanoI prefer Ubuntu over Mint.. Mint was too.. KDE
16:55.01wcselby....did you install mint kde?  I think default mint is gnome....
16:55.08nnyI had asked this question previous, and the overall response ended up stating that I would have to rewrite some code to make this happen. I am trying to eliminate or supress the "State: Ringing" from hints. Any advice greatly appreciated
16:55.15wcselbybut then again, it's been two versions since I last installed, so who knows
16:55.29nnyi am willing to pay someone who knows the code base to help
16:55.38[TK]D-Fendernny: vi chan_sip.c
16:55.45drmessanowcselby: I demo'ed it on a friends machine and didn't like it
16:55.52[TK]D-Fendernny: :)
16:55.58nny[TK]D-Fender: :D
16:56.08drmessanowcselby: I can install additional packages as needed, if that's the real motivation
16:56.25drmessanonano -w chan_sip.c
16:56.25*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
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16:59.23nny#define DEFAULT_NOTIFYRINGING   TRUE            /*!< Notify devicestate system on ringing state */
16:59.34nnyis this what I want to change?
17:00.10*** join/#asterisk hugorebelo (
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17:07.05[TK]D-Fendernny: No.This was looked at before and it was in the other sense IIRC
17:07.18*** part/#asterisk dandre (
17:07.22wcselbyf'in a
17:07.35*** join/#asterisk dandre (
17:08.16wcselby1.5 million records since september of last year, this client wants to know how many times 200 separate numbers called in to the system, and went into one of the queues...
17:08.20wcselbyfor april and may
17:08.31wcselbyand the client didn't want to pay for a database
17:08.46wcselbyi think they're getting a database, whether they want it or not
17:09.05[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: Remarkably easy to import into SQL
17:09.27[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: Assuming you tagged the record in the first place
17:09.31[TK]D-Fender(as to hitting a queue
17:09.47[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: because it's quite possibly not the last app they hit.
17:10.05[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: Go look.  You're either completely screwed, or doing a 1-off import.
17:10.28[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: then again you could jsut as easily such it into a spreadsheet and do a lookup on it
17:10.59[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: That's what I would do if I wasn't expecting to do this regularly... well maybe
17:11.13[TK]D-Fenderoh wait.. 1 million records.
17:11.34[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: Minor script... or SQL would do better...
17:12.01*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
17:12.02[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: Not horrible.  and hopefully "billable"
17:12.19wcselbydefinately billable :)
17:13.23wcselbyi think i'll import the Master.csv into a mysql database, then parse through that to pull any and all references for those src numbers, then filter on date
17:13.40wcselbyshould be easy enough
17:13.44wcselbyonce it's in the database
17:16.20nny[TK]D-Fender: any suggestions on the nomenclature used in chan_sip.c to define ringing states?
17:16.37nnyseems like they use the same for both hints and what we discussed before :\
17:18.35nnyso odd this isn't a simple flag..think of what a sidecar looks like when the dialplan rings all phones at once ><
17:22.03*** join/#asterisk Pimmetje (~Pimmetje@
17:22.33nnyanyone willing to help me track this down I'll be happy to paypal you some dough.
17:24.27[TK]D-Fendernny: look for a "NOTIFY" heading.
17:24.33[TK]D-Fendernny: lemme fire something up
17:26.14nnypabelanger: not sure I follow. Are you saying asterisk manager is responsible for the subscribed state changes?
17:26.55pabelangernny: no, you can expand on the filtering of events however.
17:27.31nnypabelanger: so if I was to apply this patch, how would I make it so the phones did not know of the State: Ringing
17:28.15[TK]D-Fendernny: Found it
17:28.21pabelangernny: It wouldn't, this patch only applies to AMI.
17:28.28nnypabelanger: ahh
17:28.32nny[TK]D-Fender: damn you speedy
17:29.27[TK]D-Fendernny: Just knock out that state from the case
17:29.33daemonhey guys my asterisk works perfectly audio quality excellent, one weird problem, first call of the day disconnects after 10-50 seconds if the voip is not used for 3-4 hours the next call placed will do the same
17:30.08*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
17:30.38nny[TK]D-Fender: so pidfnote = "Ringing";    from  case AST_EXTENSION_RINGING:   ?
17:32.07*** join/#asterisk patrick^ (~patrick_@2001:470:1d:349:219:21ff:fe4e:f5de)
17:32.21pabelangerdaemon: NAT?
17:32.21[TK]D-Fendernny:      switch (state) {   <- under this
17:32.31daemonpabelanger, the following calls are ok
17:32.55pabelangerdaemon: Yes, but are you behind a NAT?
17:33.26daemonpabelanger, yes
17:33.27*** join/#asterisk WWGD (~WWGD@
17:33.51nny[TK]D-Fender: ok i'll remoev both, recompile and test, thanks
17:34.46pabelangerdaemon: Either way, we would need a SIP trace to see what is going on.  I would guess something with your NAT table expiring after 3-4 hours.
17:35.49*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@
17:36.20daemonpabelanger, the asterisk is on the head gateway
17:36.22daemonnot on a nat'd box
17:36.31daemoneven though that box does nat
17:36.36daemonthe asterisk its self has a clear path
17:37.38infobotcollectdebug is probably a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to doc/HOWTO_collect_debug_information.txt or
17:37.42pabelangerdaemon: ^^^
17:37.47daemonty ^_^
17:42.21nny[TK]D-Fender: I removed those states, recompiled and tested. CLI shows 190@hints               : SIP/190               State:Ringing         Watchers  0
17:42.42nnywhen i call it. did i miss something? I'll PB my chan_sip.c section
17:48.04*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh (~AlHafoudh@
17:50.12Katty <- squirrely has damage to his left ear )= what shall we name him?
17:51.17nnyjust need a mike tyson squirrel now
17:51.32Kattyi don't get the holyfield reference
17:52.10keith4" which Tyson infamously bit off a portion of Holyfield's ear."
17:53.13Kattythat is an excellent name sir.
17:54.53Kattyholyfield he shall be named!
17:55.02nnyheh nice
17:55.26nnyan alternative owuld have been van gogh gor your classier typers
17:56.08Kattyi like that one better
17:56.17Kattybut i wonder if sir squirrel took that ear to a local brothel
17:56.23Kattyand if he did, which lovely lass of a squirrely got it
17:57.46FaithfulI can not get * to answer my SPA3000. It picks the call up but the call does not pass through.
17:59.44*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
18:00.31nnyFaithful: can you post the CLI output to pastebin?
18:00.58[TK]D-Fendernny: From what I saw in the code... if should prevent the SIP packet from being sent out.  Is that not the functional end of your goal?
18:01.08[TK]D-Fendernny: You should still see the HINT track it though
18:01.18*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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18:01.28nny[TK]D-Fender: it is. I didn't see the hint track it, was wondering if I removed the appropiate offending bits
18:01.53nny[TK]D-Fender: is the hint changes state in CLI, but the packet is not sent, this would suffice.
18:02.47[TK]D-Fendernny Under this :  static int transmit_state_notify(struct sip_pvt *p, int state, int full, int tim
18:04.11[TK]D-Fendernny: You could drop a very quick CASE / IF right at the start to do a "break;"
18:05.06nnyFaithful: is this vanilla asterisk?
18:05.21Faithfulno it is a trixbox
18:05.27*** join/#asterisk sulex (
18:05.29infobotsomebody said trixbox was SH1TB0X. Basically a CRAPPY, closed-source distro. STAY AWAY!
18:05.50Faithfulopensource gpl
18:06.05nnyer I dont remember the ~command, but trixbox isn't supported here
18:06.20[TK]D-FenderFaithful: Trixbox FORKED FreePBX, etc.
18:06.30Faithfulwho cares?
18:06.38Faithful* is *
18:06.49Faithfulit's an * issue not trixbox
18:07.00nnybasically it's not supported here because the 90 million pounds of stuff added on top of asterisk make it very hard to diagnose issues
18:07.20[TK]D-FenderFaithful: Try showing a COMPLETE call.
18:07.31[TK]D-FenderFaithful: And * doesn't have a problem "picking up".
18:07.44infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
18:07.58nnythanks heh
18:08.07drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Tarbaj the Egyptian Magician.  "I punch my chest and it disappears into the crowd"
18:08.25nnyhas a new client entrenched in freepbx who wants simple changes made (DID routing, etc).. wish me luck
18:08.27Faithful* doesn't have a problem picking up... it is the SPA-3000
18:08.48Faithfulwhich... is a pain to configure with * as I understand it...
18:09.04drmessanospa-3xxx is easy to config with *
18:09.16Faithfulthe FXS port is just fine... but the PSTN-VOIP gateway is a pain.
18:09.28drmessanoNot really, no
18:09.42drmessanoI wrote a guide on it, feel free to have a look
18:09.44drmessanoit's simple
18:10.01FaithfulOk... I will look there... if I haven't already seen...
18:10.12drmessanoI doubt you have if you're still having a problem
18:10.37drmessanoThat's the thing about guides.  The goal is usually "end up with this thing working"
18:10.52[TK]D-Fender[14:08]<Faithful>which... is a pain to configure with * as I understand it... <- no
18:10.53*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (~cesar@
18:11.07devdvdanyone using x-lite to video conference with asterisk.  I've tried just about everything i can think of and read but cant seem to get video to go through. I'm using asterisk
18:11.09devdvdHere is a paste with entries from my sip.conf general, and the 2 extensions im calling between, cli output of the call and my extensions macro.  The problem im having is that I cant get video to display on the other end (ex. 873 calls 871 but 871 never receives video
18:11.33devdvdwas wondering if anyone had any thoughts.
18:11.40*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
18:11.45nnyshoot me
18:11.59nny2:10:46 PM) nny: if I add DID routing in extensions_custom to the existing from-trunk context, will they work and presist through updates/ reloads etc?
18:11.59nny(2:10:58 PM) Defraz_ [] entered the room.
18:11.59nny(2:11:08 PM) fauxalliance: ?handedited @ nny
18:11.59nny(2:11:08 PM) FreepbxBot: nny: Das machine ist nicht fur der fingerpoken und mitzengrabben. Ist easy schnappen der springenwerk, mit spritzensparken und flitzenflamen. Ist nicht fur der wanstaseein und rubbernecken kinder. Keep das hands in der pockets.
18:11.59drmessano~shoot nny
18:12.00infobotACTION shoots nny in the ear with a frozen turkey cannon!
18:12.05nnysorry for spam
18:12.17nnyshoot me again
18:13.24*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
18:13.26[TK]D-Fenderreaches for Mr. Pointy
18:13.33Faithfuldrmessano, this is the * channel you shouldn't give ~freepbx help in here ;-)
18:13.46drmessanoI wasn't
18:14.28*** join/#asterisk spenguin[work] (~penguin@
18:14.51Faithfuldrmessano, the howto you posted (which is excellent by the way)
18:15.36drmessanoFaithful, contains both FreePBX GUI config and vanilla Asterisk config
18:16.36Faithfulcrazy thing is I am certified digium :) I know how to root around in there
18:16.43[TK]D-FenderIt was more of a GTFO (over THERE) anyway...
18:16.57[TK]D-FenderFaithful: You shouldn't * as root.  FAIL
18:17.26Faithfulnot that sort or root
18:21.13drmessanoCertified doesn't mean "know how"
18:21.25*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (
18:22.09*** part/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
18:22.12nny[TK]D-Fender: (2:03:51 PM) [TK]D-Fender: nny: You could drop a very quick CASE / IF right at the start to do a "break;". can you elaborate?
18:22.52infobotit has been said that dcap is Digium Certified Asterisk Professional.  See
18:23.23Faithfuldrmessano, actuall I do know how... I was just fishing for someone who might have the heads up on it.
18:23.42infobotrumour has it, msce is a Minesweeper Consultant and Solitaire Expert.
18:24.02infobotrumour has it, ccna is cisco certified network associate
18:24.43*** join/#asterisk DrDamnit (
18:24.46infobotfrom memory, ccna is Can't Comprehend Network Administration
18:25.21DrDamnitOther than using file convert in the CLI, how can I convert SLN files back to WAV?
18:26.14DrDamnitOf course... once I give up searching google, and decide to come ask the experts, I run into this: sox -t raw -r 8000 -s -w -c 1 {inputfile}.sln {outputfile}.wav
18:26.21DrDamnitIs that right?
18:26.26[TK]D-Fendernny: Right at the start of that function copy the case that checks the state code isolating the ringing types and do a break.
18:27.06infobothmm... a+ is more like D-
18:35.40nny[TK]D-Fender: hrmm. This looks like something I may have to find someone who is fluent in C to work on. My skills are very limited
18:36.57[TK]D-Fendernny: I don't do C but the syntax is close enough to PHP/Pascal that it shouldn't be a big dea for me...
18:52.48*** join/#asterisk t_dot_zilla (
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18:56.21timholumdoes anyone know of a good tutorial for editing softkeys on a polycom phone. I have been trying with no sucsess
19:03.43Naikrovektimholum: i believe polycom has one
19:03.49Naikrovekdigs up URL
19:05.50Naikrovekbelieve it's in the second half of this document:
19:11.08*** join/#asterisk ddickenson (~ddickenso@
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19:39.56jmlsevening all
19:40.25jmlsdoes anyone know someone I can contact in order to test a 999 service ? I *really* don't want to call and say "just testing" ... ;)
19:40.34jmls(sorry, 999 in the UK)
19:41.02*** join/#asterisk daog (danolga@
19:43.55daoghello all please i need some idea in order to fix a problem with the disposition field for the outgoing call going to dahdi channel becouse always set and answered when the call steal in process or is not answered that issue created a cdr with billsec value that must be 0
19:44.26daogthe card that i have is tdm410p with 4 fxo port
19:56.56*** join/#asterisk bio-tty (
19:57.13bio-ttyis there a good sip client for blackberry?
19:58.27*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh (~AlHafoudh@
19:59.23xuserI doubt it.
20:17.55Kattywell now i have van gogh AND holyfield
20:18.08Kattysomething is happening to my squirrels
20:18.24ChannelZTurn off the microwave
20:18.25Katty <- another notched ear victim
20:19.13*** join/#asterisk florz (nobody@2001:1a50:503c::1)
20:19.15jblackI hate squirrels.
20:19.16*** part/#asterisk jblack (
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20:19.53Kattybut they have such cute little noses
20:19.57Kattyand they tuck their paws under
20:20.35Kattyis it pronounced holyfield or hollyfield
20:21.12*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Delphi@
20:25.14DelphiWorldhi Katty;)
20:25.41wcselbyo/ Katty
20:25.48wcselbyplaying with furry animals again?
20:26.29*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Delphi@
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20:28.55Kattywcselby: mhmm.
20:28.58Kattyhugs wcselby
20:29.29bio-ttyshure theres no sip client for blackberry around?
20:29.35bio-ttywould be so uber cool
20:29.37Kattyi hear gizmo is
20:29.45Kattybut i've never had much luck with it
20:29.58Kattymost providors aren't keen on the idea of allowing SIP
20:30.16bio-ttyprovider gimme internet
20:30.47bio-ttyinternet is a service givving access and transport.
20:31.02wcselbya lot of cell providers will block SIP traffic on their networks though
20:31.08bio-ttyit gives the freedom to use what the heck i want on top of that
20:31.20wcselbyjust depends on which cell provider you use
20:31.21bio-ttythats why pple want inet.
20:31.41bio-ttyah, i just thinking about home-netw
20:31.55wcselbybio-tty - I meant, they block SIP traffic on their data internet networks
20:32.27wcselbyalthough AT&T started allowing SIP traffic late last year I think
20:35.04timholumIm sorry my browser crashed befor I could get the answer last time i asked but does anyone know of a good tutorial for editing softkeys on a polycom phone. I have been trying with no sucsess
20:35.12drmessanoGizmo on the BB isn't a real SIP client
20:35.29drmessanoIt's an XMPP client for the IM, and it bridges calls like the GV app does
20:35.43bio-ttycan i have a xmpp server?
20:35.50bio-ttyand set the bb to use it?
20:35.51p3nguinOnly if you ask nicely.
20:35.55drmessanoOf course you can
20:36.02p3nguin(if you ask nicely)
20:36.09drmessano(if you ask nicely)
20:36.35timholumI have been reading the manual on my phone, and they give me an idea as to what to do but I just keep failing :(
20:36.36p3nguinI recently deployed openfire.  It's pretty simple to set up and use.
20:36.55drmessanoI used Openfire until I realized how horrible it is
20:37.00drmessanoEjabberd and never looked back
20:37.18p3nguinI considered ejabberd, but it seemed more difficult.
20:37.37p3nguinI had been using jabberd, but it's a wreck.
20:38.01p3nguinIt died on two boxes, so I had to replace it with something that worked.
20:38.13drmessanoejabberd is a little messy, but once you get it, it's not much more cryptic than asterisk
20:38.17bio-ttyso bb can do jabber and xmpp to do voip with my server?
20:38.28drmessanobio-tty: No,
20:38.30[TK]D-Fender[15:03]<Naikrovek>timholum: i believe polycom has one
20:38.32[TK]D-Fender[15:03]* Naikrovekdigs up URL
20:38.33[TK]D-Fender[15:05]<Naikrovek>believe it's in the second half of this document:
20:38.35[TK]D-Fendertimholum: ^^^^^^^
20:38.40[TK]D-FendertimSave the link and download it
20:38.49drmessanobio-tty: BB can do Jabber/XMPP CHAT
20:39.02bio-ttyi want voip
20:39.04drmessanobio-tty: No BB SIP voice and no XMPP Jingle
20:39.10drmessanobio-tty: I want a pony
20:40.04bio-ttyi want a rope
20:40.08drmessanobio-tty: This isn't McDonalds, BTW.. Questions should be in complete sentences, not orders shouted through a cartoon characters face
20:40.56infobotrumour has it, now is a good time to tell you that I have 6 gigabytes of data
20:41.14infobot[now] a good time to tell you that I have 6 gigabytes of data
20:45.56timholumThanks, I think I have it now, I did not have "enhanced-feature-keys" enabled
20:46.43*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
20:54.20wcselbyany regressions with ?
20:55.15drmessanoNothing thats made the papers though
20:55.30drmessanoSo "No serious issues"
20:56.08drmessanoYou may as well have asked if there were any bugs in
20:56.13drmessano"Most Likely"
20:56.17wcselbywell, are there?
20:56.24drmessanoWithout a doubt
20:56.29wcselbyit's been a long week
20:56.31p3nguinalready a bugfix release on 1.4.33, hmm?
20:56.51wcselbyand I just found out that when I thought I was going to be done at 8 tonight, is more like 1 or 2 am tonight
20:56.57wcselbyso I'm kinda glad I slept in a little
20:57.50pabelangerp3nguin: a regression with FXS
21:00.43p3nguinDoesn't appear to be anything that will affect me, so I guess I can forget about it.
21:01.30*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~James@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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21:12.29wokkadis this a good place to ask for help with a new setup, with a novice asterisk user?
21:12.40*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh_ (
21:13.04[TK]D-Fenderwokkad: Depends on the question.  Try to be specific
21:13.27wokkadasterisk version, i have sip phones and sip trunks working for inbound and outbound calls just fine
21:13.47wokkadtrying to get a 7960 sccp phone going... it registers, but can't call any extensions our outbound, nor can be called
21:13.57wokkadtrying to figure out how to do some debugs,etc to resolve it
21:14.22wokkadusing chan-sccp-b
21:14.41wokkadsccp show looks normal for devices, lines, etc
21:15.11wokkadso i think its a problem in my extensions.conf
21:15.33[TK]D-Fenderwokkad: What do you see in CLI when you try a call out?
21:16.12wokkadnot a lot, even when i set a core debug, but i do see some interested info from an sccp debug, let me post to pastebin
21:18.14wokkadit talks about line 601-0000008 not found
21:18.14wokkadand the 7960's extension is 601
21:18.14*** join/#asterisk lanning (~lanning@
21:18.14wokkadtrying to call ext 702
21:18.14wokkadwhich is a sip softphone and working normally
21:19.52[TK]D-FenderSEP00152BFF663D: Finish to indicate state SCCP (InvalidNumber), SKINNY (Proceed) on call 601-00000008
21:19.57[TK]D-FenderInvalid # it says
21:20.16wokkadthe 601 is invalid?
21:20.23[TK]D-Fender-- SCCP:       exten: "702"   -- SCCP:     context: "sccp"
21:20.37[TK]D-Fenderwokkad:  indeed check your dialplan
21:20.39wokkadext 701 can dial 702 with no issues
21:20.51[TK]D-Fenderwokkad:  indeed check your dialplan <--------------------
21:21.55wokkadsee, this is where i'm lost... if 701 can dial 702, why can't 601, the dialplan doesn't restrict except on calls going to googlevoice
21:22.24devdvdwokkad: do a pastebin of your dialplan
21:22.26*** join/#asterisk emora (
21:22.55[TK]D-Fenderwokkad: ...........
21:22.58[TK]D-Fenderwokkad:  indeed check your dialplan <--------------------
21:23.22wokkadok, another dumb question, where is that kept in /etc/asterisk?
21:23.38*** join/#asterisk moy (
21:23.59wokkadi've only modified routes, etc through freepbx, but i'm finding that it isn't the best for indepth work
21:23.59wcselbyexcept not in all caps
21:24.10[TK]D-Fenderwokkad: Then indeed your context is WRONG <-
21:24.18[TK]D-Fenderwokkad: and time for you to head to
21:24.21infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
21:24.43[TK]D-Fender[17:20]<[TK]D-Fender>-- SCCP: exten: "702" -- SCCP: context: "sccp" <--- phones yshould point to [from-internal]
21:24.56wokkadgotcha, i'll muck around in there, sorry to have botthered you
21:25.02wokkadthanks for the pointers tho
21:25.17p3nguinSounds like the default sccp.conf is being used.
21:25.34wokkadyeah, copy/pasted from a site that had a howto
21:26.18[TK]D-Fenderwokkad: Don't do that with bomb-difusing instructions.
21:26.20[TK]D-FenderJust sayin'
21:26.33*** join/#asterisk azlon (~demo@
21:26.41wokkadsorry, just trying to learn this stuff
21:26.53azloncan i use my google voice account with asterisk?
21:28.28[TK]D-Fenderazlon: JFGI <-
21:28.43[TK]D-Fenderazlon: Took longer for you ask than Google to answer.
21:29.23wokkad[TK]D-Fender: btw, it was the context, changed it to match the other phones and it can now dial...  thanks very much for the point in the right direction
21:29.35wokkadi'll bug the fpbx folks for any further questions
21:29.44[TK]D-Fenderwokkad: Excellent
21:37.42carrarFriday already
21:39.42azlon[TK]D-Fender, yeah, those links didnt work
21:40.04azloncan i even use google voice to dial out on asterisk?
21:40.11azlonisnt gv inbound only?
21:41.17*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (~IceChat7@
21:42.50[TK]D-FenderalzYes these guides work, and there are ways of using GV for outbound IIRC
21:43.14[TK]D-Fenderazlon: Which one of those guides even tells you haw.
21:44.04wcselbyazlon - check out the ultimate pbx from nerd vittles, they have info on using gv with asterisk
21:44.07azlonmaybe im getting ahead of myself... i just isntalled asterisk today
21:44.29azlonwcselby, i was going to try that but they want me to download an iso and install it as my os...
21:44.49wcselbyazlon - but if you read their website and guides, you'll get a good idea of how to do it
21:45.23wokkadto some extent, you have to download their scripts that do a lot of it, they don't explain a lot of what is going on
21:45.30[TK]D-Fenderazlon: "They"?  Who the hell is "they"?
21:45.56[TK]D-FenderOh... Nerd Vittles SuperCrapAllInOneISO.
21:46.45*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
21:47.04[TK]D-Fender[17:44]<azlon>maybe im getting ahead of myself... i just isntalled asterisk today <- not that much more than anything else if you actually set up a minimal dialplan and soft-phone by now.  But in vanilla *... I'm dubious
21:53.35wokkadis it worth starting out with something like asteriskNOW, using freepbx, or am i better off learning everything from the ground up, not relying on the gui... the conf files are a bit daunting
21:55.58[TK]D-Fenderwokkad: Depends if yuo want actual control over what happens or if you can be happy enough hacking what you need into FreePBX's cookie cutter format
21:57.08*** join/#asterisk troy42 (
21:57.32wokkadunderstood...  i'm a network engineery by trade... doing cisco network and voip, cisco CM and CME is no problem for me
21:57.36wokkader, engineer
21:57.42wokkadi'm not a typists, damnit!
21:58.13wokkadand i play with bsd/linux as a hobby, so that part is no problem... just trying to get my head around how asterisk is all tied together
21:59.11[TK]D-Fenderwokkad: Define your goals and the means will announce themselves
21:59.35troy42my voice is my passport, verify me
22:01.37Chainsawtroy42: You should listen to our hold music. You'll like it :D
22:02.01troy42nice =)
22:02.16wokkad[TK]D-Fender: to learn... i'm ditching vonage at home, have asterisk in a vm at my colo
22:02.28troy42our demo number uses the matrix sample ("the phone booth at..")
22:02.32wokkadi'll have 2 or maybe 3 phones and did's setup to learn with, and use at home
22:02.55wokkadi'm not sure what i'll do past that... maybe integrate it in the future at work for shits and giggles
22:09.36wokkadi'd like to find a really good guide... take a freshly installed asterisk... teach you the simple basics of setting up a phone, a trunk, dial out, and in, and then expand upon that with more features, etc
22:09.58infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
22:10.04p3nguinThere it is.  ^^^^
22:10.11wokkadbut most of the guides i've found online all point you to iso's or gui's
22:10.22wokkadp3nguin: thanks!
22:10.41wokkadi'll dump the pdf on my ereader and peruse it
22:10.43p3nguinGrab the PDF.  Spend a few days reading through it.
22:11.27p3nguinI first read the book from a cold start.  You've at least got a little bit of familiarity with asterisk already.
22:12.22wokkadyeah, lots of reading, trial and error
22:12.33wokkadmy asterisk bookmark folder is getting quite large
22:12.42p3nguinIt's good for you.
22:12.52wokkadoh yeah, i learn by tinkering with it
22:17.41wcselbylater folks
22:26.06*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
22:49.44wokkadthanks again for everyone's help, have a great weekend
22:49.45*** part/#asterisk wokkad (
22:57.20*** join/#asterisk pabelanger-lap (
23:02.56*** join/#asterisk jks (jks@
23:17.03*** join/#asterisk svm_invictvs (~patrick@unaffiliated/svminvictvs/x-938456)
23:17.07rustyclarksonIs it possible to track the amount of time someone is put on hold during a call? I know it's possible when put in a queue, but what about outside of a queue??
23:17.46svm_invictvsI'm having trouble getting my asterisk installation to forward voicemail to email.  Does anybody know of places I shoudl star tlooking to figure out what's going wrong?
23:21.48[TK]D-Fenderrustyclarkson: no
23:22.18[TK]D-Fendersvm_invictvs: Whatever MTA you are having * use
23:28.15*** join/#asterisk cweagans (~cweagans@
23:29.13cweagansI have two Asterisk PBX systems behind my firewall. Right now, 5060 and all the RTP ports are forwarded to pbx1 and the calls are working, but I'm not sure what to do about the second pbx (pbx2), because obviously the ports cannot be forwarded to both machines. What's the best way to handle this?
23:31.28jsgoeckeyou may customize the second machine's asterisk/sip.conf and asterisk/rtp.conf to use alternative ports
23:31.30jsgoeckeAnd then forward there
23:32.15cweagansjsgoecke: okay. that second machine is using speakeasy sip trunks. Will it matter what the sip port is or can I just change it on the PBX and call it good?
23:39.49drmessanoYou're only changing the LISTEN port
23:40.53*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
23:41.30cweagansso do I need to tell speakeasy to signal on a different port then drmessano?
23:41.36cweagansor is it okay?
23:42.40*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
23:43.39drmessanocweagans: This is TCP/IP 101.  Changing your listen port is fine.  You do NOT need to tell them anything
23:44.47cweagansI guess I just don't understand what actually happens when a SIP call comes in. It was my understanding that the SIP Trunk provider sent a packet on port 5060 that says 'hey, you have a call coming in. do something with it' and then the call audio was handled on a different port.
23:45.22cweagansdrmessano: so, continuing my (incorrect) understanding, if the pbx was not listening on 5060, it wouldn't get that message and the call would never happen
23:46.06cweagansat what point do I start being wrong there? =D
23:46.41*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (~sjobeck@
23:47.17sjobeckhey, hi, all, hope all is well. may i fire off a quick question about "asterisk desktop assitant"?
23:47.26WIMPycweagans: Nowhere. The point of registering a SIP account is to tell the other party where you can be reached.
23:47.54sjobeckI have ADA installed & seemingly running fine but it fails to originate the call. i *think* its configured correctly. just no call after user hits dial on the button on ADA>
23:48.05cweagansWIMPy: okay. So when my pbx registers, it will say 'I'm listening on this port. please signal me there'?
23:48.36WIMPycweagans: That's the idea
23:48.53cweagansWIMPy: hmm. well that's easy =D
23:48.56cweagansWIMPy: thanks :)
23:49.24WIMPyAnd if you have a connection tracking firewall, you don't need to forward more than the SIP port, if at all.
23:49.35drmessanoYou don't need to forward the SIP port
23:49.57drmessanoif you have a need to forward the SIP port (external clients) you can't without the RTP ports.  They go hand in hand.
23:50.42cweagansdrmessano: well, I know it didn't work when the ports weren't forwarded.
23:51.09drmessanocweagans: Asterisk should work fine as a CLIENT behind a NAT
23:51.21WIMPyWorks foir me, but it depend upon your firewall.
23:51.24drmessanocweagans: Connection to your ISP doesn't require open ports.
23:51.45sjobeckany one out there get ADA working?
23:52.10drmessanoYou only open ports if your Asterisk box is being connected TO by external clients (phones, admin interfaces)
23:52.31drmessanoand you DONT need to change the SIP and RTP ports for two Asterisk boxes behind a NAT
23:53.27drmessanoThey're connecting to your ITSP just as two phones or ATA's would, neither of which require port forwarding
23:55.29*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
23:58.29*** join/#asterisk CoderForLife (

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