IRC log for #asterisk on 20100617

00:16.30*** join/#asterisk pabelanger_ (
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00:43.00*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
01:00.47*** join/#asterisk rustyclarkson (
01:01.23rustyclarksonWhat's the best way to get holdtime into the CDR?
01:02.17rustyclarksoni can only come up with dumb ideas like an in-queue AGI script to run CDR()
01:10.30*** join/#asterisk arpu (
01:12.06pabelanger-laprustyclarkson: exten => s,n,Set(CDR(holdtime)=1234)
01:14.33rustyclarksonThanks pabelanger-lap, I understand that I can set the holdtime value in the CDR, but I'm concerned about being able to get the holdtime value while in Queue(), then being able to put that into the CDR.
01:17.17pabelanger-laprustyclarkson: core show application Queue
01:17.35pabelanger-laprustyclarkson: look at the macro option
01:17.39*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
01:19.06pabelanger-laprustyclarkson: then extract the QEHOLDTIME in the macro
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01:26.18rustyclarksonthanks pabelanger-lap, didn't realize macro's were a possibility
01:26.27rustyclarksondoesn't help that we're operating under 1.4.22 :s
01:28.20pabelanger-laprustyclarkson: Do you need to access the value, while they are still in the queue?  If not, you can simply write to the CDR after they drop
01:29.20rustyclarksonpabelanger-lap: I do not need access to it, I just need it in the CDR.
01:29.57pabelanger-laprustyclarkson: Then set the value after your Queue comment, next priority
01:30.30rustyclarksonif the caller hangs up before the queue agent, will the Set(CDR...) still get executed?
01:36.34*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (~ming_zym@
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01:38.58pabelanger-laprustyclarkson: core show application Queue
01:39.02pabelanger-laprustyclarkson: option c
01:39.59rustyclarksonoh my god
01:40.19rustyclarksonthe continuous flaws of being on 1.4
01:40.29rustyclarksonthanks very much for your help pabelanger-lap
01:40.47pabelanger-laprustyclarkson: np
01:40.52rustyclarksonI've learnt something new with that "core show application" command
01:45.26*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (~ming_zym@
01:51.56Sargundudes, set +C
01:52.25*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
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01:56.05*** join/#asterisk krahe (
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02:05.34krahehi do I really have to define trunks and Outgoing Calling Rules before inform USERS (SIP) and DialPlan? I am using the GUI interface, and initially I am using Asterisk as a test only for communications on the internal network, latter I am installing an SPA 8800
02:06.52kraheI just want to setup all extensions and users and have it working, with mailboxes, fax, answer machines, etc before put it on production mode
02:08.44rustyclarksonpabelanger-lap: I am wanting to add the CDR holdtime to the Master.csv, but it doesn't look like it's possible to add new fields to the Master.csv without patching Asterisk. If it's not possible, I'm fine with patching Asterisk instead of using an existing editable field.
02:09.04rustyclarksonKind of a question, but I feel I already have the answer :p
02:09.48pabelanger-laprustyclarkson: cdr_custom.conf
02:10.15kraheHi rusty, seems you are away ahead of me on Asterisk, do you have a spare time to give me a hand with my setup?
02:10.41pabelanger-lapkrahe: Yes, you need to create dialplans
02:10.51rustyclarksonI can, but I haven't ever seen the GUI so I'm unsure how helpful
02:11.05infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
02:11.07pabelanger-lapkrahe: ^^^
02:11.24rustyclarkson^^ very useful book
02:13.07*** part/#asterisk lanning (~lanning@
02:13.11kraheThanks rusty, I really appreciate an answer even if you don't know, and pabelanger-lap, yes I am reading the book from asterisk, this free one. On the book they say to create the extension and the users. I did it. but the Asterisk-GUI complains about Trunks and Outgoing Rulles
02:14.16pabelanger-lapkrahe: there is no book for the GUI, I'd suggest dropping it and creating everything by hand.  A great way to learn
02:14.53rustyclarksonkrahe: perhaps you can just enter fake trunk data?
02:14.58pabelanger-lapbtw: which GUI
02:16.08kraheI just checked the GUI because I was doing by hand, I even get to record the extensions and users on mysql table. but what happens is - simple steup, 2 users on sip.conf [a] and [b] - if A dial B and B answer they can talk, but if B calls A and answer it is alway mute
02:17.23rustyclarksonclearly seems like a configuration issue
02:17.35pabelanger-lapkrahe: both on local LAN?
02:17.45krahesorry the GUI is: asteriskGUI from asterisk. I didn't want to install tribox, freepbx and others as they mess up with the rest of the sistem, I really don't like the idea of having apache running as other user
02:18.56kraheeverything is on the local lan, I am not having it going outside yet, I also checked the firewall just in case.
02:21.11*** join/#asterisk Ziaeon (
02:21.25rustyclarksonkrahe: both endpoints are same type of phone?
02:22.13kraheboth endpoints are X-Lite, on running on snow leopard other on bsd
02:24.12kraheas it is an initial system, I am using softphones, once everything is working I intend to put some cisco IP phones
02:24.58rustyclarksonkrahe: so if B calls A and answers, B is muted?
02:26.04*** join/#asterisk ideaman (
02:26.10pabelanger-laprustyclarkson: canreinvite=yes?
02:26.26kraheand must be something on the setup because if I change the extension 1000 to be user B not user A, and them 1001 to be A and not B, then B can call A and the voice is ok, but if A calls B than it is mute call
02:26.44pabelanger-lapkrahe: canreinvite=yes for your end points?
02:26.53rustyclarksonyea, canreinvite could be helpful
02:27.09krahenot sure about this one, just a second
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02:28.41krahethis were the only fields I've inserted on the sip.conf under each sipuser: type=friend
02:28.41krahe;secret=123456 ; to be changed by the users latter
02:29.17krahewithout the starting ';' on the users, this is only the model that I use
02:30.09ideamanso I'm new and i've setup a simple box for testing, using flowroute as my provider, I have 1 Sip phone on my network and 1 peer in my sip.conf. Outbound works fine, but inbound 90% of the time will ignore my timeout, ring once on the Sip phone and never connect from the calling phone. No firewall. Any tips?
02:30.57rustyclarksonkrahe: I'd suggest doing what pabelanger-lap said and give "canreinvite = yes" a try
02:31.01kraheI didn't get to any canreinvite part on the book, I was just following the book and they say on the chapter 4 on starting config, that on this point sip users should be able to talk, as I am having this issue I realize that I must have done something wrong already
02:31.47rustyclarksonkrahe: it's incredibly odd with matching sip.conf contexts that this would occur, u've done a "dialplan reload" as well recently I hope :p
02:31.51*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
02:32.12kraheI will do that and put on the sip.conf for each user, thanks
02:32.55kraheideaman I am a begginer on that as well, sorry I can't help
02:33.08ideamanit's sure fun learning though
02:33.10pabelanger-lapkrahe: unless you are explicitly setting it to no, then RTP should flow directly between your phones.
02:33.11krahebut do you know if you provider have a blocking as well
02:33.34rustyclarksonideaman: what timeout are you talking about?
02:33.35pabelanger-lapkrahe: check your firewalls on your systems
02:34.02ideamanI had ufw enabled, but since deactivated. It's acting like it's a firewall type of issue though
02:34.33kraheok thanks pabelanger-lap, I will come back latter if I can't get it working, and recheck all steps on the book. Thanks for all
02:35.15ideamanhere's a link to more of my details:
02:36.15pabelanger-lapideaman: are you behind a NAT?
02:38.45*** part/#asterisk krahe (
02:39.01ideamanno, i have a public ip address
02:39.37ideamansorry if my answers sound odd, I'm still learning all this
02:40.59pabelanger-lapideaman: we'd have to see a SIP debug trace then.
02:41.06infobotwell, collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to doc/HOWTO_collect_debug_information.txt or
02:41.17pabelanger-lapideaman: however, I'm about to log for the night
02:41.29ideamank. thanks though
02:42.04pabelanger-lapideaman: what version of Asterisk BTW?
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02:48.43rustyclarksonideaman: I agree with pabelanger-lap, a SIP debug is pretty much the only thing to figure it out. If you know how SIP works, it wouldn't be a bad idea to take a look at the problematic SIP conversation.
02:48.56rustyclarksonand now I want to go home
02:49.01rustyclarksongood luck ideaman
02:49.08rustyclarksonthanks again for your help pabelanger-lap
02:49.53ideamani guess i just have to get good at reading the sip debug
02:50.31*** join/#asterisk nice2teach (
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02:52.06nice2teachLooking for some help getting started.  Is anyone available
03:07.42ideamanim new myself. but i can try and help, and I'm sure someone else can chime in
03:11.47*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:25.52ChannelZI guess that wasn't good enough
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04:37.05ChannelZthere's that weird sound again
04:44.16*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
04:46.21*** join/#asterisk whistlr (~whistler@
04:46.41whistlrhi, Im fairly new to asterisk, and have a system with 2 vitelity trunks w/ two different number setup
04:46.48whistlrdifferent host names etc
04:47.02whistlrbut the voicemail keeps being routed to the first number
04:47.07whistlrand I cant figure out why
04:51.03spenguin[work]hey ChannelZ
04:52.07ChannelZwhistlr: vitelity's voicemail or local vm run by you on asterisk?
04:57.46whistlrlocal vm
04:57.54*** join/#asterisk knot (yiffstar66@unaffiliated/devemo)
04:58.07whistlrI have 2 numbers from vitelity
04:58.24whistlrand two TIDs on the system, but I cant get callers to go to the rigth place
05:01.46*** join/#asterisk xbmodder_ (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
05:02.14ChannelZhow do you mean
05:02.57ChannelZthey should come into the extension same as your DID -  exten => 2225551212 etc
05:04.01whistlrso when someoen dials 5552125555 they should go to that "group" of extensions etc
05:04.15whistlrand 5552124444 that group of extensions
05:04.20whistlrbut they all go to teh first number
05:04.33whistlrdisregard i guess for right now
05:04.40whistlri gotta figure out how the system is setup first
05:04.53ChannelZwell I have no idea what you're really saying without seeing some console output and dialplan
05:04.59whistlri didnt set it up and am doing some troubleshooting so I have to figure out whats going on
05:05.20whistlri dont know if they have 2 seperate instances of asterisk running or what
05:09.54*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
05:10.53*** join/#asterisk Micc (
05:11.26MiccSo does a polycom ip450 support siren14? I'm guessing not since I tried to use it and it only does g722.
05:12.20MiccI found on the web some lists of other polycom phones that support siren14, so i'm guessing the ip450 doesn't support it since its not in that list.
05:13.42*** join/#asterisk Ziaeon (
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05:59.24coppiceMicc: Polycom are really bad for specifying which codecs each phone supports. but I'm pretty sure G.722,1C is not supported by the IP450
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06:41.58*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
06:43.01Chris-NBis it possible to configure a queue that every call which is placed in it is routet to agent 1 (10 Secondes) and then to agent 2.
06:43.16Chris-NBand not place call 1 to agent 1, call 2 to agent 2, call 3 to agent 1 ....
06:43.55Chris-NBevery call should be routet to agent 1, if no answer, route to agent 2 and then leave the queue
06:45.33kaldemaryou can do that in your dialplan with queue timeouts.
06:49.39Chris-NBI've asterisk
06:49.53Chris-NBthe call is only placed for 20 seconds in the queue
06:50.05Chris-NBand every agent gets called 10 seconds
06:50.28Chris-NBso, the first caller is routet 10 seconds to agent 1, 10 seconds to agent 2 and then drops out
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06:51.01Chris-NBbut, if the first call gets answered by agent 1, the second call is routet to agent 2 (even if agent 1 is free)
06:51.22Chris-NBI want every call be routet to agent 1 first (if he is free)
06:51.48kaldemaryour last two requirements conflict.
06:52.55kaldemaranyway, there is no queue strategy that will function exactly like that. you need to do that in your dialplan.
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06:55.45Chris-NBmy requirements do not conflict
06:56.22kaldemar"if the first call gets answered by agent 1, the second call is routet to agent 2 (even if agent 1 is free)" clashes with "I want every call be routet to agent 1 first (if he is free)"
06:57.51Chris-NBboth agents are free, first call gets routet to agent 1, call gets answered, call gets disconnected. both agents are free, call gehts routet to agent 1 and not to agent 2
06:57.57Chris-NBthats what I want
06:58.04Chris-NBdon't think that clashes
07:01.20ChannelZIf you want to keep using queues, I think the strategy of 'linear' should be doing what you want
07:01.47kaldemarif "if the first call gets answered by agent 1, the second call is routet to agent 2 (even if agent 1 is free)" is NOT what he wants after all.
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07:02.03ChannelZwhat I don't remember is if 1.4 had linear or if it was called something else, etc
07:03.08kaldemarit does not have a linear strategy.
07:03.20ChannelZsuck.  Upgrade I guess. :)
07:05.59kaldemaror DIY in the dialplan. :) own queues for the agents and timeouts for queue apps in the extension.
07:08.24ChannelZyeah probably makes more sense since none of the other features of queues are seemingly desired
07:10.28*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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08:01.20festr_karma gones from issue.digium? :)
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08:23.04tzafrir_laptopfestr_, I'm not really sure how useful it really was
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08:44.13*** join/#asterisk Lantizia (
08:44.46LantiziaHey is it normal to have a line that looks like... "<3248>pickupgroup=1 " ... i.e. those brackets in-front for an extension?  or have I found a typo?
08:50.48*** join/#asterisk krion (~seb@unaffiliated/krion)
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08:51.16yskasGood Day
08:51.37yskasCan any one point me in the right direction to setup a PTT with asterisk
08:51.39kaldemarLantizia: where did you find that?
08:51.52Lantiziakaldemar, in a phone system
08:52.10Lantiziakaldemar, "sip.conf" basically all the extensions/peers are defined in there
08:52.37kaldemarLantizia: "phone system" means nothing in asterisk. where in sip.conf?
08:52.53Lantiziakaldemar, inside the section for 3248
08:53.52kaldemarif it is an uncommented parameter under [3248], there should be no <3248> in front of "pickupgroup".
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08:55.18Lantiziakaldemar, thought as much - someone must have screwed up
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09:14.31markitoxshello, i was wondering if you guys could help me, whenever i connect to the asterisk console i get LOTS of messages like this one: << [ TYPE: Null Frame (5) SUBCLASS: N/A (0) ] [SIP/2908-Genius-b4331148] , how can i turn that off?
09:14.56*** join/#asterisk blaines (
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11:10.15soliaxhi all... is this the right channel to ask a question about problems i'm having with the uni-ast package?
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11:22.50joobiesup boys
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11:44.08Yudaisrael1984hi everyone im installing a new, fresh , installation and i get a error "you do not appeaer to have the sources for the 2.6.18-164.15.1.el5PAE kerme; omsta;;ed
11:44.26Yudaisrael1984kernel installed
11:44.31*** join/#asterisk viq (~viq@unaffiliated/viq)
11:45.06fenrustry installing the headers
11:45.14fenruswhat distribution is it?
11:45.31Yudaisrael1984centos 5.4
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11:46.18fenruscheck the packet-system for something like kernel-headers or kernel-sources
11:46.25fenrusfor your kernel
11:47.32Yudaisrael1984meaning to do a yum list installed and grep kernel?
11:51.35*** part/#asterisk neurosys (
11:52.50joobieguys is there a way with moh to allow the caller to press a number and then make moh jump to the next mp3?
11:53.10joobieusing multiple mp3's atm for my moh.. context points to the dir
11:53.28kaldemarYudaisrael1984: "yum install kernel-PAE-devel"
11:53.48Yudaisrael1984ok trying that
11:54.10kaldemaryou probably need other dependencies installed too.
11:54.42Yudaisrael1984doesnt show that it needs any other dependencies
11:56.11Yudaisrael1984the following are installed : kernel kernel-PAE kernel-PAE-devel kernel-devel kernel-headers
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11:57.09bodiehi all, have someone recommendations for SIP softphone for appkonference plugin?
11:57.23gianyanyone can tell me why I have calls in : sip show channels that do not get deleted? e.g : myip    ffd24fb757  00b153774767905  0x0 (nothing)    No  (d)  Rx: ACK
11:57.24bodieI'm trying Ekiga, but when I call to conference I can't use webcamera
11:57.38bodieit doesn't show as option to enable it for this call
12:03.46Yudaisrael1984any ideas?
12:05.45*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
12:06.53joobiere TK
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12:13.09xEBIxif in users.conf a context is set than it wil search for it it [] in extensions.conf in search in it for the extension, right?
12:13.36[TK]D-FenderxEBIx: And it matches that user, yes
12:13.59infobot[~users.conf] users.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable * config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
12:14.07*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
12:14.23joobieu might know this
12:14.33joobieis there a way with moh to allow the caller to press a number and then make moh jump to the next mp3?
12:14.58joobiei mean, without going and creating my own thing outside of moh
12:16.07xEBIx[TK]D-Fender, so using users.conf is not that good idea?
12:16.37[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: No
12:16.55joobiethat sucks
12:17.00[TK]D-FenderxEBIx: Less than the individual pieces are worth and creates useless dialplan, etc
12:17.52xEBIx[TK]D-Fender, so i should better set up my clients in sip.conf?
12:18.00joobieYudaisrael1984, whats ur prob again? i lost my backlog
12:18.18[TK]D-FenderxEBIx: Yes
12:19.37xEBIxthe most of entris in users.conf i can copy to sip.conf, don't I?
12:20.14[TK]D-FenderxEBIx: Were you using AsteriskGUI before?
12:20.26Yudaisrael1984i get a error "you do not appeaer to have the sources for the 2.6.18-164.15.1.el5PAE kernel installed
12:20.32xEBIxI am not using AsteriskGUI at all
12:20.35Yudaisrael1984i have the dependencies installed
12:20.40Yudaisrael1984yet i still get that message
12:21.27xEBIxi even don't know if its installed, i guess not
12:22.02joobierpm -qa | grep kernel-headers
12:22.05kaldemarYudaisrael1984: does "yum info kernel-PAE-devel" list same kernel version as "uname -r"?
12:22.06joobiewat do u get
12:22.38*** join/#asterisk romb_work (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
12:22.42Yudaisrael1984uname -r is 2.6.18-164.15.1.e15PAE
12:22.49joobieif do umm..
12:22.55joobierpm -qa | grep kernel-
12:23.15joobiebased on kaldemar's comment it may be PAE
12:23.43joobiei didnt know there was a PAE kernel
12:23.44kaldemarYudaisrael1984: there's a mismatch.
12:23.45joobiefor linux
12:23.48joobiei thought that was a linux thing
12:23.59joobiei mean windows thing
12:24.16Yudaisrael1984i agree how do i fix that
12:24.31[TK]D-FenderxEBIx: Then yes I'd highly recomend undoing your use of users.conf then
12:24.46kaldemarYudaisrael1984: upgrade your kernel to the latest in package management?
12:24.57Yudaisrael1984im using only cli
12:24.57joobieyum install kernel-headers-2.6.18-164.15.1.e15PAE
12:25.06xEBIxok doing it
12:25.06joobiedo that
12:25.14joobieu will install the headers for your current kernel
12:25.35joobieif u wana upgrade ur kernel tho do wat kaldemar said
12:25.38Yudaisrael1984non are available i get from yum
12:25.52joobiecan u upgrade ur kernel?
12:25.59joobielike any reason not to?
12:26.13Yudaisrael1984no i can do that no problem
12:26.18joobiethen do that
12:26.26joobiethen install the same version of hte kernel-hedaers pkg
12:26.31joobieand bobs ur bitch
12:26.32joobieor uncle
12:27.01Yudaisrael1984so i am upgrading kernel with yum?
12:27.11Yudaisrael1984yum upgrade kernel*
12:27.48joobieyum install kernel
12:27.57joobieu should always install ur kernel rather than upgrade
12:28.00joobieso u can fallback
12:28.04joobieif needed
12:28.13joobiesomething i learnt in rhce
12:28.15joobiemakes sense
12:28.22joobiefaggot teacher.. but made sense..
12:28.42Yudaisrael1984so i did that got the response package already installed nothing to do?
12:28.54joobiespecify the specific kernel
12:28.56Yudaisrael1984is there anything to do maybe in the yum folder?
12:29.11Yudaisrael1984whats the kernel that i should be upgrading to?
12:29.21joobieactually i think im trippen .. that install cmd might be for rpm
12:29.29joobieyou may need to do upgrade inyum
12:29.38joobietry the specific ver.. if it doesnt work., upgrade with yum
12:29.44joobiesry, had a few scotches
12:29.55joobiebut the advise is still good
12:29.59joobiei think
12:30.05Yudaisrael1984upgrading yum is the same? yum upgrade?
12:30.20joobierpm -i on kernels
12:30.26joobiewill keep the current kernel
12:30.28joobieand install another
12:30.36joobieso you can roll back if your system shits its dacks
12:30.45joobieyum, i think you may need to do upgrade
12:30.49joobiebut try install first
12:31.01joobieyum install kernel-ver
12:31.13joobieif fails, yum upgrade kernel*
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12:35.30Yudaisrael1984doing all that now i will update soon
12:39.41xEBIxhow fo i rebuild the fullname directive in users.conf?
12:42.49*** join/#asterisk sputnick (~sputnick@unaffiliated/sputnick)
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12:45.32[TK]D-FenderxEBIx: What did it do?
12:46.35xEBIxthe argument shows up in the display of a called SIP phone
12:46.46[TK]D-FenderxEBIx: callerid <----
12:47.18sputnickhi there
12:47.18xEBIxcallerid is more a redirect, isnt it
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12:48.45sputnickanyone can explain me how make a call to a phone from the command line from my debian asterisk box ( only SIP ) ? ( just ringing, that's enough for now... )
12:49.10xEBIxahh i see
12:49.33[TK]D-Fendersputnick: help console dial
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12:50.14sputnick[TK]D-Fender: where ?
12:50.23[TK]D-Fendersputnick: * CLI of course
12:50.49sputnick[TK]D-Fender: I don't get you
12:51.05[TK]D-Fendersputnick: Go to * CLI and type that in and read the instructions
12:51.15sputnickho ! sorry
12:52.19bodiehmmm... it's really funny. What people use for appkonference and video?
12:52.48bodiebecause Ekiga doesn't offer webcam during call, linphone crashes on stack smashing detected, Xlite is just for Windows, Twinkle doesn't have video support
12:53.36[TK]D-Fender" Xlite is just for Windows".. No
12:53.39infobot[~xlite] X-Lite is a free SIP soft-phone for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux that can be downloaded from
12:54.42sputnick[TK]D-Fender: do you have a real example to call someone from "console dial" ?
12:55.02[TK]D-Fendersputnick: The instructions show you waht to do.  Do it.
12:55.27sputnickdone [TK]D-Fender, only : "console dial [extension[@context]] "
12:56.20[TK]D-Fendersputnick: So go do it
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13:06.07eduzimrsu know something about DTMFMODE Problem between asterisk servers ?
13:08.02tzafrir_laptopsputnick, there's also originate, if you want to generate a call from a different phone
13:08.25m_tadeuhi everyone...I want to AddQueueMember as soon as the agent registers the softphone in the that possible?
13:08.38xEBIxthe context directive does not make sense in client definitions in sip.conf, is it?
13:09.37[TK]D-Fendereduzimrs: Failure to agree on mode will kill dtmf.
13:10.03[TK]D-FenderxEBIx: Of course it does.  Every device points to a context.   That's where their calls go <-
13:10.41[TK]D-Fenderm_tadeu: You'd have to monitor with AMI or similar and lauch that yourself.  All external scripting
13:10.49xEBIxok and the context directive points were incoming calls go?
13:11.03xEBIxin general i mean
13:12.04m_tadeu[TK]D-Fender: so asterisk sends me an event when some phone registers?
13:13.05[TK]D-FenderxEBIx: calls from that device go where you tell them to.
13:13.29[TK]D-Fenderm_tadeu: there may be.  Or you can use REGEXTEN as a trigger for something more detectable
13:17.11eduzimrs[TK]D-Fender where i set dtmfmode in E1 channel ?
13:17.28[TK]D-Fendereduzimrs: You don't that is always inband.
13:18.59xEBIxhmm problem i don't get, Ive context=default in [general] in sip.conf, in [default] in extensions.conf is set the correct extension but incoming calls aren't routed, can't find extension
13:21.13[TK]D-FenderxEBIx: perhaps you should really REALLY look at that call then.
13:21.34[TK]D-FenderxEBIx: and you should NEVER use [default] as a context
13:22.24xEBIxi even can copy and search it, and it will find
13:23.08xEBIx[TK]D-Fender, what do you mean with dont use default as context?
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13:24.31[TK]D-FenderxEBIx: You seem to have trouble with the most direct statements. You should never create or use a context named [default]  EVER.  Change the name of the context your phone will be using and in [general] you should NOT point to a context that lets a call co out of your system, etc
13:25.29russellb[TK]D-Fender: you seem to have trouble being nice :-p
13:26.47xEBIxhmmm context=default is default in the config here...
13:27.00[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Oh we're very far from the magma I'm capable of... you know it :)  This is only the slightest of edge...
13:27.14[TK]D-FenderxEBIx: Don't do that then.  make it ANYTHING else.
13:27.18otavioHello; I'm having a hangup when transfering the call but only when the call is using a SIP trunk; when using dahdi it works
13:27.36russellb[TK]D-Fender: ANYTHING?  what about empty
13:27.52[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: No, that would be NOTHING :p
13:27.56xEBIx[TK]D-Fender, why?
13:28.02[TK]D-FenderxEBIx: Security reasons
13:28.03russellb[TK]D-Fender: whitespace?
13:28.29xEBIx[TK]D-Fender, can you explain that a bit more?
13:28.36[TK]D-FenderxEBIx: [default] is a built-in fall-back for many things and you do not want some accident allowing a caller to do something you did not specifically choose to allow them to.
13:28.42eduzimrs[TK]D-Fender hum, letme explain u my problem, i have an asterisk server where DTMFMODE=rfc2833 when a dial to another asterisk that uses E1 trunk the digits typed in the IVR are not recognized
13:28.45[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: MORE "nothing" :p
13:28.53[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: *poke*
13:28.57russellb[TK]D-Fender: a binary blob that is invalid text?
13:29.09otavioDo someone have any idea how I can discover it?
13:29.52anonymouz666russellb: sorry to ask you directly, but about this mail you wrote long ago: - is this already available in 1.6.2.x?
13:30.01xEBIx[TK]D-Fender, right now i've got nothing than demo in default so what could happen?
13:30.19[TK]D-Fendereduzimrs: See you mention using E1, and then seem to imply SIP.  The bits are slow to add up.  So you are going server to server via SIP and out #2's E1?
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13:31.19[TK]D-FenderxEBIx: What could happen is that you'll continue to build up your system forgetting these common good practices and then some day accidentally have a dialplan failure allow callers to use your outbound resources at YOUR cost.
13:31.26russellbanonymouz666: nope, it still behaves the same way.
13:31.59xEBIxhmm i see your point
13:32.01anonymouz666alright thanks
13:32.12anonymouz666no reason yet to move to 1.6.2.X
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13:32.23russellbanonymouz666: 1.8 will be in beta soon anyway :-)
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13:32.35m_tadeu[TK]D-Fender: do you know where can I find a list of events send to the AMI?
13:32.38[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: Here's one : Every lower branch is about to be in security-fix-only status
13:33.03[TK]D-Fenderm_tadeu: * CLI has all sorts of help and lists... take a look.
13:33.23anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: yeah sure. I read the asterisk versions table...
13:33.55eduzimrs[TK]D-Fender the call outgoing in a sip channel and is received by a dahdi-channel in E1 trunk
13:34.23[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: And depending how far back your configs are standard for you may have a larger than necessary upgrade bump by putting it off too long.
13:34.47[TK]D-FenderediCare to tell me how you go out SIP and in E1?
13:34.52[TK]D-Fendereduzimrs: Care to tell me how you go out SIP and in E1?
13:35.20[TK]D-Fendereduzimrs: You are leaving off important bits again
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13:51.50mallchinHi guys -- I am getting no audio when dialling via SIP -- could it be to do with trunking?
13:51.55mallchinWhat is trunking, and do I need it?
13:53.46mallchinas dahdi replaces zaptel, is there a replacement to ztdummy?
13:55.22kaldemarthere is no trunking in sip. if you have a NAT involved in your setup, see this:
13:55.27infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
13:55.41kaldemarif there's not NAT, check your codec settings.
13:56.07bn-7bcmallchin: dahdidummy
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13:56.16kaldemarthe dummy module functionality is in the core dahdi module in newer versions, there is no separate dahdi_dummy anymore as far as i know.
13:56.24anonymouz666sipnat is trademark of [TK]D-Fender
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13:57.12eduzimrs[TK]D-Fender ok, im dialing from a IAX peers configured in a asterisk server that allow calls through a internet connection and im trying to call another asterisk that is configured to make/receive calls by an E1 trunk so it doesnt accept my digits typed in IVR
13:57.37russellbi don't understand why people in this channel try to say that "SIP trunk" doesn't exist.  It's extremely common terminology in the VoIP industry ...
13:57.45[TK]D-Fendereduzimrs: IAX doesn't even HAVE a "dtmfmode".  It is always Out  Of Band.
13:58.25xEBIx[TK]D-Fender, I don't get it working. please have a look at my config  sip.conf extensions.conf
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13:59.32xEBIx[TK]D-Fender, sip.conf is already outdatet, I commented context in [general] out and put the sipgate accounts to the correct clients
13:59.52kaldemarrussellb: if you refer to what i said, i didn't say that. i meant that there is no trunking (as in iax2 trunking) in sip.
14:00.16russellbah, fair enough
14:00.18Lord_RahlNeed help setting the moitor_filename for queue calls recording. here is how I like my format to go MONITOR_FILENAME=${TIMESTAMP}-${CALLERIDNAME}-${AGENTEXTEN} I am not sure where to place it?
14:00.53russellbkaldemar: i've seen some others in here go on rants about the term "SIP trunk" when used in the context of connectivity to a termination provider.
14:00.59russellband I think it's silly is all :-)
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14:02.04[TK]D-FenderLord_Rahl: Before calling Monitor
14:02.27Lord_Rahl[TK]D-Fender: in the queue.conf
14:03.02[TK]D-FenderxEBIx: Go look at the CALL.  Enable SIP DEBUG at * CLI and look at what the request actually looks like
14:04.01Lord_Rahl[TK]D-Fender: like this ?
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14:06.50[TK]D-FenderLord_Rahl: What does the sample config show?
14:07.06[TK]D-FenderLord_Rahl: I'm rather certain the () are inappropriate
14:07.44Lord_Rahl[TK]D-Fender: the queue context
14:08.01[TK]D-FenderLord_Rahl: Sorry, you answer doesn't make any sense.
14:09.35Lord_Rahl[TK]D-Fender: sorry it was the queue i set up. Here is the whole queue.conf
14:09.47eduzimrs[TK]D-Fender my aoutgoing call is from a SIP Channel and is received by a E1 trunk (dahdi)
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14:11.36bent_screwdriverAnyone upgraded to dahdi that has the VPM (hw echo can) module for the digium TE122? I had to downgrade from 2.3.0 to becuase of a bug where the VPM module was constantly resetting and they say it is fixed in
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14:14.58xEBIxhmm this is strange sip debug says Looking for 6344662e0 in sipin (domain at a point, ist reload resetting thin sipin is nowere set anmore
14:15.48m_tadeu[TK]D-Fender: cool...I'm taking the proper eventsin AMI...I think I can manage with this. thanx
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14:16.19mallchinkaldemar: excellent, thank you, I'll have a read
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14:23.43xEBIxhmm i ssee reload in cli is not a good idea in every case
14:23.49xEBIxit works
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14:29.25QbYWhatwould make a box not respond to anything.  I look at network traffic and see it being flooded with registration requests, while sip debugs show nothing
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14:30.05QbYno call processing whatsoever
14:32.12russellba deadlock
14:32.17QbYafter a reboot?
14:32.19russellbtry upgrading asterisk.
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14:51.56wcselby seems to be broke
14:52.22wcselbyahh, nevermind
14:52.26wcselbyi think i see why
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15:06.08siyasimple question: why is one trunk listed as monitored and the other one (different ITSP but same config) unmonitored
15:06.42rocksfrowcan you dial into another phones voicemail if you know the password?
15:06.49rocksfrowi'm trying to share a voicemail box with a few users
15:06.56rocksfrowwhat is the best way to do this?
15:07.02rocksfrowa few phones**
15:07.29wcselbyrocksfrow - setup an exten that goes to VoicemailMain(@context), and then follow the prompts
15:07.45wcselbysiya - you've got a qualify=yes statement on one, and not on the other
15:07.56rocksfrowwcselby, just curious, how could i dial into the main voicemail from a phone?
15:08.09wcselbyrocksfrow - setup an exten that goes to VoicemailMain(@context), and then follow the prompts
15:08.23wcselbyi.e exten => 3500,1,VoicemailMain(@default)
15:08.30siyawcselby, changed my google search and found that so tx for the confirmation. (I tend to trust irc more than google)
15:09.00wcselbythen, on a phone that has access to that contex tthat you put that exten, dial 3500
15:09.00rocksfrowwcselby, *98 is what i was looking for.
15:09.00wcselbyand follow the prompt
15:09.05siyawcselby, and with regards to extensions? created three equal extensions and one has status unmonitored
15:09.10wcselbyrocksfrow - well, you didn't say you were using freepbx
15:09.35rocksfrowwcselby, =P
15:09.55siyais there a way to stop the following messages in console: "Manager 'admin' logged on/off"
15:09.56p3nguinThat was a strategic calculation on his part.
15:10.00wcselbysiya - the same applies, if an extension is unmonitored it's either missing a qualify statement or it's "qualify=no"
15:10.11siyawcselby, tx
15:10.30wcselbysiya - don't have the freepbx status page up when you access your asterisk console
15:10.41infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
15:11.02wcselbyrocksfrow - *98 in freepbx just does what I said up a few lines
15:11.04siyawcselby, apart from the obvious... ;)
15:12.06siyaI changed the wrong setting (qualify as opposed to nat, I really should read better... 8sigh*
15:12.09wcselbyugh, i open a ticket on and it's closed before I can try the suggested fix
15:12.35wcselbysiya - :)
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15:16.21wcselbyi'm confused, why was 1.4.32 released on 06-01-10, but changes made to the code on 05-06-10 are in the 1.4.33-rc1 release.....?
15:17.09pabelangerwcselby: Thats the way releases work.
15:17.27siyawcselby, "displayconnects = no" >> manager.conf
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15:18.35pabelangerwcselby: once we create a 1.4.32-rc1, we only fixes bugs related to RC-1.  So when we release 1.4.33-rc2, we take a new snapshot from 1.4 branch, not the previous RC
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15:19.46wcselbypabelanger - i guess I'm just too tired to understand it this morning.  man i'm dragging
15:20.10wcselbydays like today I really wish caffiene didn't give me migraines
15:20.42russellbit's not that bad .. 1.4.X-rc1 is a copy of the 1.4 branch.  additional changes to 1.4.X-rcX are just to fix identified regressions introduced in that release, not general fixes from the 1.4 branch made while RCs are being tested
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15:21.29russellband then once it's out, we start over, copy the 1.4 branch to 1.4.X-rc1, test for regressions, release
15:21.44russellba monthly cycle
15:21.57wcselbyrussellb - i think i get it :)
15:22.02russellbbe careful talking to leifmadsen when it's that time of the month
15:22.08wcselbyrussellb - it's slowly penetrating the fog in my head
15:22.15wcselbyrussellb - haha
15:22.32rocksfrowfrom asterisk CLI how can i debug why my voicemail emails arent sending out?"
15:22.43rocksfrow-rvvvvvvvvvvv doesnt output anything about even trying to send an email
15:22.55rocksfrowis there some debugging i need to enable?
15:22.58wcselbyrocksfrow - not sure you can....try reading through your /var/log/maillog file
15:22.59rocksfrowfor voicemail details?
15:23.01russellbleifmadsen: i was explaining the monthly (release) cycle
15:23.04rocksfrowokay, thanks
15:23.38leifmadsenwcselby: all RC1's come directly from the 1.4 branch. If additional RCs are required, then a copy of the last RCx  (RC1 for example) is copied to RCx+1 (RC2) and then the changes that are causing the RC to be released are merged to that tag. Of course the changes are also merged to the 1.4 branch.
15:23.46leifmadsenrussellb: how dare you :)
15:24.14leifmadsenrocksfrow: nothing in the CLI for that -- check mail logs per wcselby
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15:24.44russellbleifmadsen: it's almost like we should write a blog post about our monthly development iterations
15:24.51thegoatanyone here using the chan-sccp-b drivers?
15:24.52leifmadsenoh snap yo
15:25.00Kobazrussellb: that sounds lovely
15:25.05leifmadsenrussellb: hell, let me just go start on that like I said I would a month ago
15:25.15leifmadsenpabelanger: non-root install will have to wait for this afternoon I think
15:25.18russellbor i could like i said i would months ago ... but i won't
15:25.33leifmadsenwell I do the releases, so I might as well write it up
15:26.19rocksfrowshould have checked that his mail server wasn't blocking the emails first :-p
15:26.30rocksfrowmy pbx box is just fine, lol
15:26.43russellbohhhh technology, you so silly
15:26.43wcselbyspeaking of releases - any ideas when 1.8 will become an official release?
15:26.48thegoati've been using the chan-sccp-b driver from sourceforge, and it likes to crash for some reason when i pick up a call.  It  causes asterisk to seg fault.  but it's still more stable thatn the canned sccp driver....was just wondering if anyone else had the problem and if they found a solution
15:26.52leifmadsenwcselby: in the future
15:26.54russellbwcselby: hoping for beta within a month
15:26.59russellbthen hoping to release in a few months
15:27.01wcselbyleifmadsen - haha
15:27.09wcselbyrussellb - ahh, cool.
15:27.15russellbby October
15:27.15leifmadsenit'd be nice to have a 1.8.0 by Christmas
15:27.23russellbleifmadsen: AstriCon, dude!
15:27.23wcselbyrussellb - was just wondering if you were going to try and release by astricon
15:27.32leifmadsenrussellb: ya I don't believe in artificial deadlines :)
15:27.46russellball release deadlines are artificial
15:27.46Kobazchristmas... heh
15:27.52russellbbut without them, it'll drag out forever
15:28.26wcselbyi realize you guys are coders and not marketing people, but have you heard anything about a convention discount at the Gaylord Hotel for astricon?
15:28.44russellbif it's not on, then i have no idea
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15:29.15Kobazmmm, earlybird discount
15:29.28wcselbyooooh, call for papers is still open
15:29.39wcselbymaybe I could do a talk on the asterisk release cycles.......... ;)
15:31.33russellbi'll probably include that in my talk :-p
15:31.54wcselbyrussellb - heh
15:31.56beekrussellb: Same talk as last year's then?  Or has the release cycle changed again?   ;-)
15:32.02pabelangerleifmadsen: no problems
15:32.14russellbbeek: we change it monthly
15:32.23mallchinhi guys, I'm getting lots of errors loading modules
15:32.25mallchin[Jun 17 16:29:58] WARNING[26314] loader.c: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_adsi_unload_session
15:32.26russellbnot really ... it's the same, so I don't actually have anything to say about it
15:32.39beekrussellb: Just like your underwear.
15:32.48russellbmallchin: you need to load before that module
15:33.07mallchinrussellb: thank you
15:33.12russellbwhich should happen automatically unless you use a custom modules.conf
15:33.16russellbin which case, add it :-)
15:33.21mallchinrussellb: I have autoload set to yes, is loading all modules a good idea?
15:33.46leifmadsenI could probably talk about the release cycle stuff :D
15:34.01russellbwell ... that's sort of a loaded question.  it may or may not be a good idea, heh.
15:34.06leifmadsenthat reminds me, I need to email jtodd to find out what talks, if any, I'm doing so I can determine how much I need to prepare
15:34.21russellbleifmadsen: did you put in a proposal?
15:34.27leifmadsenrussellb: yes, I think I put in 2-3
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15:36.04russellbnice moves
15:36.26leifmadsenhe'll probably come back with all 3 talks
15:36.38leifmadsenI put 3 in so they could pick 1 of the 3, heh
15:36.43mallchinrussellb: hehe, well, I can't help it would be better to load support specifically, but I don't know what support I need
15:37.04mallchinrussellb: are there particular modules one would usually load? I have no pri but am using SIP and IAX2
15:37.17russellbi just use autoload, i'm lazy
15:37.29leifmadsenI use autoload along with menuselect to make sure I only enable what I need
15:37.39mallchinrussellb: autoload works for me too, not if it errors like this
15:37.40pabelangerleifmadsen: About 'How to submit a bug report to issue tracker'? :)
15:37.46leifmadsenit's too hard to use a long list of load => directives and then have a problem when I try to upgrade
15:37.55pabelangers/About/How about
15:38.01leifmadsenpabelanger: I spoke to some people about that thing last year informally actually
15:38.30russellbi think it would be fun to do a talk called "Silly Asterisk Demos" ... with a bunch of silly asterisk examples that involve asterisk participation
15:38.37russellblike the ones The_Boy_Wonder and I did this past weekend
15:38.51*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (~CunningPi@
15:38.54russellba MeetMe() that people can call into where you get a random PITCH_SHIFT() before you enter
15:39.05LantiziaAnyone got any experience with the Aastra XML input screens and perhaps why they don't go-the-hell-away after you press Done?
15:39.10mallchinrussellb: does that look right? normal to get all those errors?
15:39.13pabelangerleifmadsen: or better yet!  How NOT to submit a report. m17446
15:39.25russellbno, that does not look normal.
15:39.29russellblooks like you're missing res_features?
15:40.02russellband res_smdi
15:40.16russellbyou broke it.
15:40.45mallchinhits it with a stick
15:41.17wcselbypabelanger - haha, I thought you were linking my issue from last night......
15:41.27wcselbydodged a bullet
15:41.39russellbno, we made fun of your issue in a private chat room
15:41.47wcselbyrussellb - i figured as much
15:41.52russellb(not really)
15:41.58wcselbyrussellb - you could have made fun of it in here, i wouldn't have minded
15:42.10russellbi don't even know what issue it is
15:42.11pabelangerwcselby: I don't even remember the issue
15:42.34mallchinrussellb: does this look good? :)
15:42.38wcselbylol, I wouldn't expect you guys to.
15:42.54russellbmallchin: yup.
15:43.02russellbmallchin: ls /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
15:43.16russellbalso, what asterisk version?
15:43.24wcselbyman I'm tired
15:43.34russellb~thwack wcselby
15:43.35infobotACTION bludgeons wcselby on the arm with a AS/400
15:43.41russellbdid that wake you up?
15:43.55wcselbyow, as/400's are big
15:44.11mallchinrussellb: asterisk-
15:44.18russellbthat's ollllld
15:44.24mallchinI know :(
15:44.37mallchinbut try getting my developers to move to 1.6.x
15:44.43russellbwe've made 1130 changes to asterisk 1.4 since then :-p
15:45.01russellbhow about 1.4.3X where X is the latest, heh
15:45.04mallchinthey'd need to make 1130 to our code to use them :)
15:45.07brycebarilHeh you think that's old... I'm updating our software from a custom ast 1.0 -> 1.6
15:45.22russellb1.0 ftw
15:45.28mallchinI'm using Gentoo -- is the latest in portage
15:45.36mallchinI'd have to compile 1.4.3.x from source
15:45.42russellbmake it happen!
15:46.01wcselby1.4.32, or 1.4.33-rc2 (which resolves my issue from 1.4.32)
15:46.08mallchinstill, these should work on, right?
15:46.08Corydon76-digmallchin: have you considered contributing some of those changes back to the project?
15:46.28russellbwget ; tar xvzf asterisk-1.4-latest.tar.gz ; cd asterisk-1.4.3X ; ./configure ; make ; sudo make install
15:46.49russellbmallchin: i can't remember all 1130 fixes since 1.4.22 :-)
15:47.09mallchinCorydon76-dig: they're not to the source code, but the dialplans and such have changed from 1.4 to 1.6 and would require re-writing them
15:47.12russellbwe (dev team) just have a general policy of only spending time debugging problems on the latest release
15:47.17wcselbyrussellb - I think at this year's astricon you need to announce that after 1.6.2, the new version numbers will be named after odd african animals, progressing one letter up the alphabet for each release.
15:47.40mallchinrussellb: that's fair enough, I should jolly them to move to 1.6, but that's another day
15:47.43mallchin(or year)
15:47.47russellbnot 1.6, latest 1.4
15:47.52russellbwe still support 1.4
15:48.11mallchinaah okay, well, I could try and get latest 1.4 installed
15:48.22mallchinbut I'll need to compile it from source
15:48.31mallchinhugs portage
15:48.33wcselbyasterisk aardvark.  asterisk basilisk.  asterisk chimera (okay so not from africa, but still, fun names)
15:48.38russellbsee commands i already provided :-p
15:48.48russellbexcept fix the "X" in 3X
15:49.00russellbbecause i'm lazy and don't remember the number ... even though it's in the channel topic......
15:49.02leifmadsenwcselby: you can be in charge of creating that list :)
15:49.14leifmadsen1.4.32 :)
15:49.19leifmadsenoh you just said that
15:49.24leifmadsengoes back to writing
15:49.29russellbgoes back to reading
15:49.31mallchinrussellb: yep, I'll see if I can create an ebuild for it :)
15:50.36russellbcloses IRC for a while ...
15:51.06mallchinokay, thanks guys! o/
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16:00.16*** part/#asterisk BlueJay (
16:10.37Qwellpabelanger: I've given the "how not to report a bug" talk
16:12.17KobazQwell: you mean like.... "asterisk broken, pls fix.. tks"
16:12.39Qwellone of the examples I used was "Asterisk are crash!"
16:12.58Qwell(yes, that's a real example)
16:13.41Kobazreminds me if an email i got when i was running a hosting business
16:13.49Kobaz"I am incrit in yo business"
16:15.06thegoator i like ' can you reboot the internet'
16:15.29wcselbyKobaz - what the hell was that supposed to translate to?
16:15.45thegoati  am interested in your business?
16:15.52Kobazwcselby: hah
16:24.58*** join/#asterisk vadi (davi@unaffiliated/vadi)
16:26.31vadiCan configure asterisk to pick up the phone which is connected to the PC via a classic phone modem via serial port?
16:30.23vadiIs it a must use a PCI card
16:30.36vadior can I use Asterisk to manage
16:30.47vadipick up a phone line
16:31.05wcselbyKavanS - i think he's trying to saying, "Can asterisk be configured to pick up the phone which is connected to the box asterisk is running on, if the phone is connected via an old-school serial modem"
16:31.13wcselbyto which the answer would be, no, I don't hink so.
16:31.15vadiof classic phone modem connected via serial port?
16:31.19wcselbybut I could have my translation wrong
16:31.37KavanSheh had a bit of trouble understanding that :P
16:31.38tzafrir_laptopvadi, do you use chan_dahdi / chan_zap ?
16:32.10wcselbythe only way to connect an analog phone to the asterisk box is with an FXS port on a telephoney card, or an ATA sitting on the network
16:32.21BarthezZ!extension mobility
16:32.23tzafrir_laptopAlso: is this an analog phone, or a line to your provider?
16:32.36vadiI would like experiment with Asterisk to pick the phone and so avoid the phone-spam (you know)
16:32.37BarthezZhmm, what were the infobot commands? :p
16:33.01tzafrir_laptopwcselby, you mention two methods. Which one of them is "the only one"?
16:33.12infobottzafrir_laptop, i love abuse, feed me!, or whack, yo
16:33.25BarthezZ~extension mobility
16:33.35vaditzafrir_laptop, It is an analog phone which I use in my home
16:33.36wcselbytzafrir_laptop - haha, the only ways*
16:33.37BarthezZhmm, he doesn't listen to me :p
16:33.49infobot[~fxsfxo] An FXO port expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the telco. An FXS port expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
16:33.49kn0xhow many times should asterisk Retransmit SIP message if it is expecting ACK (UDP)
16:34.11kn0xi counted asterisk retransmitting 183 8 times
16:34.24tzafrir_laptopvadi, a modem is a FXO device. It's like a phone. If you want to connect a phone you need an FXS adapter
16:34.46vadiI see
16:34.54tzafrir_laptopvadi, that said, Asterisk does not support using serial modems as FXO devices
16:34.54vadiHow much does it cost? The cheaper one?
16:36.01wcselbyit sounds like vadi is wanting asterisk to pick up incoming calls to combat phone spam
16:36.41kn0xyou will need an fxo device then vadi
16:37.00vadiany guess about FXO device price?
16:37.03wcselbyso he would need an FXO card.  if he also wants to connec this phone to the asterisk box as well (so he can eventually answer the call), he'll need an FXS port.  So a two port card, one FXO, one FXS.
16:37.12kn0xvadi: sangoma b600
16:37.37vadisearching for it
16:37.38wcselbymeh, i'm not thinking things through properly
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16:37.56BarthezZoh btw tzafrir_laptop, I again want to thank you, your solution worked perfectly :)
16:37.59wcselbyif he's got an analog phone, he'll need the FXO/FXS card.  If he's got an IP phone, all he'll need is an FXO card.
16:38.01BarthezZbeen running stable for about a week now :p
16:40.40vadiwcselby, My home have two phone ports, so I could use an FXO card with a Software Phone in my PC?
16:42.17wcselbyvadi - you should speak with tzafrir_laptop, he's more up to speed on all the analog telephony stuff than I am.  :)
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16:43.40vadithanks wcselby
16:43.50tzafrir_laptopvadi, that's one very specific modem. Basically it's a soft-modem for which the host-processing is already written
16:44.36vadiI would need to know the hardware which would be supported by my Debian GNU/Linux squeeze PC, and
16:44.52vadithe software phone advised to use
16:44.58vadion that Debian box
16:45.24*** join/#asterisk QaDeS (
16:45.31tzafrir_laptopinstall the package dahdi, and run 'dahdi_hardware' . If you don't see anything, you don't have the hardware :-(
16:46.15*** join/#asterisk tzanger (
16:46.20tzangergood afternoon
16:46.27tzangerit's been a while since I've been in here :-)
16:46.40tzangertzafrir_laptop: hello
16:47.08tzangerwhat was teh name of that third-party utility that nicely abstracted the AMI
16:47.09*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
16:47.34tzangerit basically held one connection to asterisk and did all the multiplexing itself, provided different machine-parseable connections, etc.
16:47.53tzangerthat's it!
16:48.26tzangerthanks Qwell
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16:51.33kn0xanywhere to configure sip retransmit attempts?
16:52.28kn0xor at least a timeout for retransmits?
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16:55.04kn0xalso any reason asterisk would send 183 Session Progress *AFTER* 200 OK ??
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16:59.06Naikroveklaunches Portal
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17:02.38wcselbyNaikrovek - did you see the portal 2 teaser?
17:02.51wcselbyYou monster....
17:04.09Jumpieim waitin for it :)
17:04.14Jumpieportal was fun but it was too short imho
17:06.14Naikrovekyes i saw the teaser
17:06.22Naikrovekthere are some decent gameplay vids on youtube as well
17:06.30Naikrovekportal 1 was an experiment
17:06.37Naikrovekthey didn't expect anything to come of it
17:06.42Naikrovekkaboom - hugest game they've done
17:07.34*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
17:09.06Naikroveki love those turrets too: "i don't blame you"
17:10.50Qwell"Are you still there?"
17:10.58Qwell"There you are!"
17:11.11Qwellthe audio is what really made that game ;p
17:12.49wcselbyQwell - yeah, that was awesome
17:12.51wcselbythat, and the cake
17:13.16wcselbyi was talking to a buddy, and he was like "yeah, I'm almost done with the game, I'm on the last puzzle I think..."  I started laughing at him
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17:18.41Naikrovekguy i work with here is on the glados fight
17:18.46Naikroveki'm like come on
17:19.05Naikrovekmissile turret, portals, enemy... how is that hard
17:19.31Naikrovekthen he goes "what missile"
17:19.36SedoroxWhen calling Queue() and passing an AGI to it, is there a way to pass parameters to the called AGI?
17:21.47Naikroveki play that whole game over and over just to listen to glados harass me
17:22.33NaikrovekSedorox: yes
17:22.43Naikroveki think
17:23.03Sedoroxagi(aginame.agi,arguments), instead of just the aginame.agi?
17:23.09Sedorox( I just came across that)
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17:27.14ryanlinanyone familiar with the dialplan in cme?
17:27.18ryanlincallmanager express
17:31.15*** join/#asterisk t_dot_zilla (
17:32.11t_dot_zillacan you adjust the audio volume of calls in asterisk?
17:33.05angryuserzap has a gain
17:33.13angryuseri suppose
17:33.27angryuserPAP2T devices has a gain
17:33.29*** join/#asterisk Benwa (
17:33.33t_dot_zillawe're getting complaints our MOH is too loud, so we lowered the volume on the actual wav files, but in asterisk they sound exactly the same
17:33.57angryusert_dot_zilla, from different clients ?
17:34.30angryuserhm, how have you lowered the volume ?
17:34.47t_dot_zillain audacity, i lowered the gain significantly
17:35.06angryuserthat should do the trick normally
17:36.00angryuseryou can not lower the volume of sip channels, thats for sure
17:36.14t_dot_zillawould asterisk automatically adjust the volume of the MOH ?
17:36.24angryusert_dot_zilla, no
17:40.06ChannelZwhat format are the audio files in?
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17:51.36t_dot_zillaPCM 8kHz Mono 16bit 128kbps  wav files
17:51.59t_dot_zillaChannelZ: what is the recommonded format ?
17:52.14[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: THE FORMAT YOUR CHANNELS WILL USE
17:53.39tzafrir_laptopt_dot_zilla, is disk space an issue?
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17:54.10t_dot_zillatzafrir_laptop: no
17:54.23tzafrir_laptopt_dot_zilla, also note that you can have the samee file in multiple formats
17:54.50t_dot_zillatzafrir_laptop: what purpose would that serve?
17:55.09tzafrir_laptopif remote users connect through gsm, having gsm files there will save on transcoding
17:58.08*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
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17:59.26grapsusIs it possible to force asterisk to reply to SIP messages to the IP adress in the UDP header and not the one in SIP ?
17:59.43fiferAnyone know of a way to control the mic volume on/for an individual Aastra phone?
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18:00.24t_dot_zillatzafrir_laptop: most calls are using g711(ulaw), if we put the MOH in that format, would it still be able to transcode for calls that use other codecs ?
18:00.25fiferI'm specifically dealing with 6731i and 6757i phones
18:01.26tzafrir_laptopt_dot_zilla, transcoding between that and slinear or wav is minimal
18:01.59tzafrir_laptopWhat I like about wav files is that they have proper headers and thus easier to play in other tools
18:02.01Slugs_can somebody identify the error, here is a error log of a non working ext and a working one. face_ears/136
18:02.22Slugs_can somebody identify the error, here is a error log of a non working ext and a working one.
18:02.37t_dot_zillatzafrir_laptop: but when you have 1000 calls on MOH, it could start to lose quality. so it will be able to transcode ulaw to calls using other codecs ?
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18:03.42tzafrir_laptopt_dot_zilla, if so, slap in ulaw files as well
18:04.45t_dot_zillatzafrir_laptop: will asterisk know to use the ulaw instead of wav on g711 calls?
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18:17.15[TK]D-FenderSlugs_: clearly the dialplan doesn't have a match
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18:24.03t_dot_zillafor MOH will asterisk know to use the ulaw instead of wav on g711 calls?
18:24.21Qwellwhy would it know that?
18:24.25fiferFound it: "headset tx gain" config file parameter
18:24.39wcselbyanyone here use queuemetrics much?
18:24.48t_dot_zillabecause the call uses ulaw
18:25.26*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
18:26.09t_dot_zillamy question is, if i have two files, lets say moh.wav and moh.ulaw, a caller is using the ulaw codec and is put on hold, will the caller hear the wav or the ulaw ?
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18:31.37wcselbyanyone know how to setup queuemetrics so that only certain people can view stats for certain queues?
18:36.17p3nguint_dot_zilla: Put the call on hold and use lsof to find the open file.
18:37.35wcselbydoh, nevermind, fount it in their FAQ
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18:40.51[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: ulaw clearly
18:43.38p3nguint_dot_zilla: Something like the following could be useful:  lsof -u asterisk |grep -i "sln\|mp3\|ulaw\|wav"
18:43.51p3nguinThis helps me find which sound files are being used.
18:44.43neurosysHave remote phones that are disconnecting exactly 20 secs after retriving parked calls. I'm stumped :(
18:54.41*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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18:56.13Traderzcan anyone share there list of good voip/sip providers that can be used for unlimited business service and would be helpful to be able to pass my own caller id.. i know about broadvoice but looking for other suggestions.
18:56.31*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
18:59.16infobotitsp-list is, like, Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , , , ,
18:59.30wcselbyTraderz ^^^
19:01.52[TK]D-Fender"unlimited" isn't, and isn't often worth it
19:02.23neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Any ideas on mine ?
19:02.42[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Nope
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19:11.28chuckfwonders why vitelity is at the end of that list
19:13.26infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
19:13.28*** join/#asterisk rocksfrow (
19:13.57rocksfrowcould anybody assist me in figuring out why lspci says 'unknown device' for my digium card
19:14.00rocksfroweverything is working great
19:14.12p3nguinDid you update the data?
19:14.20p3nguinpoints at qwell
19:14.21rocksfrowbut, i just got a second _identical_ server... and put the same card in it, and it shows the correct name of the card int hat one
19:14.32Qwellclearly it's not identical
19:14.35Jumpielol is identical
19:14.44rocksfrowi just figure w/e setup i did before
19:14.45Qwell...clearly it isn't
19:14.46rocksfrowisnt' identical
19:14.48p3nguinIt's not identical, since there is a difference.
19:14.50rocksfrowthe hardware is the same
19:15.00rocksfrowthe only difference is my pciids aren't udpated ont he one server?
19:15.10Qwellprobably not
19:15.11p3nguinDon't make us keep guessing.
19:15.19tzafrir_laptoplspci -q
19:15.20p3nguinUpdate the data and then let us know.
19:15.43rocksfrowtold ya ;)
19:15.50rocksfrowyou guys are awesome, thanks for hte help
19:15.56rocksfrowupdate-pciids did the trick
19:15.58rocksfrownow they're IDENTICAL
19:16.02Qwellno they aren't
19:16.03p3nguinNow they might be identical.
19:16.15rocksfrowhow aren't they
19:16.31p3nguinRun the update on both at the exact some microsecond.
19:16.35tzafrir_laptoprocksfrow, what does dahdi_hardware say about that card?
19:17.40rocksfrow..there is no more issue
19:17.44rocksfrowthey are identical
19:17.50rocksfrowjust was asking why qwell is saying they are not
19:17.56rocksfrowby identical, imeant identical as far as lspci output
19:18.13*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
19:18.26Jumpieanybody know how asterisk will perform in 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5xen?
19:18.36Jumpieany issues with xen kernel?
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19:22.45tzafrir_laptopJumpie, not if you use latest DAHDI
19:24.09Jumpiewell i dont really need dahdi
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19:24.15Jumpiealthough i may need it for timing?
19:24.20Jumpiethis will be straight ip
19:24.29Jumpiedo you still need dahdi for meetme?
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19:29.38wcselbyJumpie - yes dahdi is still needed for meetme
19:30.16Jumpieso i just need to get a slightly older version
19:30.37[TK]D-FenderOr stop using MeetMe
19:30.38WIMPyBut you can use Confbridge instead of Meetme.
19:30.47Jumpiei really dont care about meetme either
19:30.59Jumpiei was just concerned about compilation/stability issues with xen
19:31.00WIMPyUnless you need enter/leave sounds, wich don't seem to be working there.
19:31.15t_dot_zillafyi, asterisk does not automatically choose ulaw instead of wav MOH
19:31.17Jumpiei wanna tweak this image and replicate the snapshots later
19:31.58t_dot_zillaseems to me that asterisk chooses the MOH randomly, does not prioritize according to codec
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19:35.22[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: show us
19:36.06t_dot_zillahow ? i just called from my cellphone (g711) and it played a wav instead of the ulaw that is there
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19:37.47[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: show us <------------
19:38.06t_dot_zilla[TK]D-Fender: show you what?
19:38.31*** join/#asterisk ZeXr0 (
19:38.51[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: Everything related to this clearly...
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19:39.19t_dot_zillaasterisk   9617     asterisk 34r      REG      253,0  4464220    1599994 /var/lib/asterisk/moh/macroform-the_simplicity.wav
19:39.32t_dot_zillanot using ulaw
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19:39.54ZeXr0How fun is that... I've setup Asterisk and everything at the office. Everythings seems to work fine and all. Doing the installation of the server at the client's datacenter. It doesn't work anymore. Unable to access the redfone. And no way to debug remotly because the computer doesn't have access to the internet ...
19:40.44*** join/#asterisk Tarantulafudge (
19:40.53citywokmake sure you didn't set the IP of your office in the asterisk config file, and now it's trying to bind to a non-existent address?
19:41.11p3nguint_dot_zilla: You have macroform-the_simplicity.wav and macroform-the_simplicity.ulaw in the same directory?
19:41.13[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: Everything related to this clearly... <------------------
19:41.18*** join/#asterisk blaines (
19:41.26TarantulafudgeI need some help troubleshooting occasional calls not being made by the AMI originate
19:41.28t_dot_zillap3nguin: yes
19:41.53citywokTarantulafudge: post the AMI output on pastebin
19:41.58[TK]D-FenderZeXr0: And you brought the redfone there set it all up, changing, MAC's, etc?
19:42.09Tarantulafudgecitywok, there is no ami output
19:42.13t_dot_zillaasterisk   9617     asterisk 34r      REG      253,0  2573886     424341 /var/lib/asterisk/moh/reno_project-system.ulaw
19:42.16t_dot_zillait's random
19:42.26citywokhow is there no output?  if there's no output then it must not have received the command
19:42.49t_dot_zillai just called 6 times and each time used wav, except just now it used the ulaw
19:42.51Tarantulafudgecitywok, its the asyncronous originate AMI command via StarPy
19:43.08TarantulafudgeI'll post it
19:43.22citywoktelnet in to it normally then, and log the output
19:43.34[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: Everything related to this clearly... <------------------
19:43.35citywoki'd suggest using putty so you can log it
19:43.55t_dot_zilla[TK]D-Fender: what else do youwant to know ?
19:44.05[TK]D-Fendert_is that call you can come up with?
19:44.10[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: is that call you can come up with?
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19:44.47t_dot_zilla[TK]D-Fender: huh
19:45.02[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: You show us 1 little line...
19:45.04*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
19:45.13[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: I said show us everything related to this call
19:45.24t_dot_zillathat line is indicating what asterisk is using for MOH
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19:46.45citywokvoip must be a trunk to another server, so you dial sip/voip/${EXTEN} ?
19:46.57t_dot_zillai'm calling the same number from my cellphone and each time asterisk is choosing wav or ulaw as MOH, it is not choosing ulaw everytime
19:47.00[TK]D-Fendermoves on to more productive things...
19:47.36Tarantulafudgecitywok, yeah
19:47.42citywokt_dot_zilla: it sounds like it's randomly selecting what file to use, probably the way it's configured
19:48.38citywokbut like [TK]D-Fender said, because you didn't provide the full call log, without context we have no idea what it's doing.  have a nice day :)
19:48.57citywokwell, like i suggested, connect to the AMI manually and log the output
19:49.02citywokthen you can see what happens
19:49.21t_dot_zillawell, i'm not concerned with it anymore, alls i know is asterisk does not prioritize MOH files according to call codecs
19:49.40citywokit's supposed to
19:50.00citywokso all you know is on your system it isn't prioriting in a consistent manner.
19:50.39[TK]D-FenderKnowledge without really looking != knowledge
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19:51.20citywoknow please stop filling the channel with stupid comments. if you actually want help from [TK]D-Fender i'd suggest you provide him the informatino he asks for.
19:52.17[TK]D-FenderNot "stupid", just "unvalidated"
19:52.39grumpyoldmananyone know if SRV records are being properly sorted in 1.4.29 ? config file text says no, it looks like there is code for sorting but It keeps alternating destination in practice.
19:54.58neurosyscall drops after placed in prking after exactly 20 secs. any ideas?
19:56.31Tarantulafudgecitywok, how do I do originates from telnet? I'm logged in as I type this
19:56.48TarantulafudgeAction: Originate ?
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19:58.04TarantulafudgeThe unmade calls always seem to occur when I'm making more than one call at a time
19:58.20Tarantulafudgebut only sometimes
19:58.21[TK]D-FenderTarantulafudge: LOGIN FIRST <--------
19:59.35Tarantulafudge[TK]D-Fender, I'm logged in now
20:00.06carrarI'm logged in too
20:00.34carrarI've got a dozen laser cats pointed at you
20:02.01[TK]D-Fendercounters usign sharks with frikken lasers on their heads
20:02.20carrarland sharks no less
20:02.25kn0xdialog_unlink_all: Unable to cancel schedule ID
20:02.31kn0xany idea what thats all about?
20:02.48TarantulafudgeOh I see how this works
20:03.01Tarantulafudgethis should be helpfull, thanks
20:03.28p3nguint_dot_zilla: Can you provide a sip debug of a call which has chosen ulaw for moh as well as a sip debug of a call which has chosen wav for moh?
20:05.19p3nguint_dot_zilla: If you don't care WHY it happens, delete the files which are of the format that you do not want to use for moh.
20:06.16t_dot_zillap3nguin: i'd like to have the wavs in there incase some calls from a polycom that uses better codecs
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20:07.34p3nguint_dot_zilla: What codec might the phones use that would be better than ulaw?
20:08.20p3nguint_dot_zilla: Are you supporting g722 on your Asterisk system?
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20:08.55cuscoif PRI tells me hangupcause 27
20:09.13cuscocan I validade that hangup cause in h extension to playback(some audio) ?
20:09.52leifmadsent_dot_zilla: I have a feeling the translation cost between ulaw and adpcm to slin is probably the same
20:10.10leifmadsencusco: you can't play audio from the 'h' extension -- the call is hung up
20:10.30cuscocan I have a goto in h extension?
20:10.34cuscooops nevermind
20:10.51cuscoso for every extension I must add that validation?
20:10.51leifmadsent_dot_zilla: on my system it is the same, so it may just be random which gets picked because neither is preferred over the other
20:11.04p3nguinh can run commands, but it wouldn't be able to play a sound since the channel doesn't exist anymore.
20:11.13cuscois there an extension that the call might go triough I get hungup cause 27 in one end
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20:11.19leifmadsenwhat that guy said :)
20:11.33leifmadsen'h' still works, just no audio
20:11.55cuscoso if I would like to make user listen so some audio if sip says BAD GATEWAY
20:12.15p3nguinThat should already happen.
20:12.26p3nguinIt should play the congestion tones.
20:12.44cuscoouch, I don't have congestion tones
20:12.55p3nguinI'd be surprised if you don't.
20:13.08cuscowell, this configuration was mutilated before I knew about asterisk
20:13.12leifmadsenthen use something like the ${DIALSTATUS} variable after you try to Dial()
20:13.28cuscoI will look how to play congestion tones by default instead
20:13.42cuscoelse I have to validate ${DIALSTATUS} in 30 different extensions
20:13.54p3nguinThat's what macros are for.
20:14.32cuscobut our 30 extensions are not calling any macro right now.. so I still have to call it 30 times
20:15.41t_dot_zillap3nguin: MOH with wav file
20:16.20cuscoso... congestion dialtones should be played automatically, right?
20:17.17p3nguinNot dial tones, but congestion tones.
20:17.37p3nguinWhen there is a circuit error, congestion tones are almost always played.
20:21.49t_dot_zillaMOH with ulaw file:
20:36.12leifmadsent_dot_zilla: like I said earlier, there is no weight difference between adpcm and ulaw
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20:36.34bodieHi, is there someone who uses appkonference for video calls?
20:43.40bodieso no one uses appkonference?
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20:51.27Ast001hello can someone tell me what is the last line of asterisk originate command's response ?
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20:51.46Ast001I mean AMI originate command
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20:54.28MiccI've got a problem with DTMF tones out our PRI. I think it worked before upgrading dahdi to the latest version, but I'm not sure. What kinds of things should I check? It seems like the tones are all the same no matter which number is pressed.
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20:58.09Ast001Can I catch response from AMI originate if I use originate with async ?
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20:59.33rocksfrowhey guys, am i missing something? yum install libpri says pri is installed, but asterisk CLI says no such command 'pri'
21:00.52WIMPyrocksfrow: You're missing a driver for your hardware, I guess. Like dahdi.
21:01.54rocksfrowdahdi_hardware outputs the correct card
21:01.54*** join/#asterisk CraigW76_ (
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21:02.28WIMPyIs it configured? is chan_dahdi loaded? If not, what happens if you turn up debug and try to load it manually?
21:03.24[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: and your configs?  What about "dahdi show channels", "dahdi show status"?
21:03.54rocksfrowhrm, no such command for dahdi either
21:04.00rocksfrowi guess i just haven't configured dahdi yet
21:04.05rocksfrowit's an asterisknow box
21:04.07[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow:  You "guess"?
21:04.20rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, sort of figured it would out of box
21:04.30[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: what do you see when you check dahdi from OS CLI?
21:04.40rocksfrowno such command dahdi
21:04.45rocksfrowoh wait
21:04.47rocksfrowfrom OS cli
21:04.51[TK]D-Fender[17:04]<rocksfrow>i guess i just haven't configured dahdi yet <- YOU configure DAHIDI...
21:04.55rocksfrowelaborate on 'check dahdi'
21:04.59[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow:dahdi_cfg -vvvv
21:05.33rocksfrow0 channels to configure
21:05.39rocksfrowconfiguration is empty
21:06.33rocksfrowthat did the trick
21:07.15rocksfrowwell, atleast dahdi_cfg is showing me the spans now
21:07.23rocksfrowi still dont' have the management commands within asterisk CLI..
21:08.46rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, any more help? :)
21:08.50[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: And I'm sure your configs are still far from complete
21:09.17rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, well, i've done a backup/restore using freepbx
21:09.44rocksfrowwhich is supposed to copy most of the configs
21:09.44rocksfrowi'm setting up a backup esrver
21:09.44rocksfrowfor an already working setup
21:09.44rocksfrowso ill just have to go through all the configs manually i guess
21:09.44rocksfrowi just figured the freepbx restore got most of em
21:09.45rocksfrowi guess not the actual PRI config
21:10.17rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, any tutorials?
21:10.28rocksfrownvm, got it
21:17.39rocksfrowcan somebody please help me figure out why i cant' use the pri or dahdi commands from asterisk CLI?
21:17.46rocksfrowi have my dahdi configuration working
21:18.37WIMPyDid you restart Asterisk after completing your dahdi configuration?
21:21.00rocksfrowhaha..i'm slow
21:21.02rocksfrowthanks bro.
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21:52.15Sedoroxso any hints for arguments being passed to AGI on queue()? AGI(agi,arg) doesn't wanna work, and I can't just comma after it, as thats other options for queue()
21:52.42Sedoroxor is from queue() only agi, no arguments that we can specify being passed to it
21:56.14[TK]D-FenderSedorox: What does Queue() have to do with AGI()?
21:56.14ChannelZI think the args probably come in as AGI variables as opposed to regular argv type
21:58.07ChannelZAGI Tx >> agi_arg_1: poop
21:58.09ChannelZAGI Tx >> agi_arg_2: pee
21:58.26ChannelZbut I dunno what queue has to do with it either
21:58.43*** join/#asterisk jcims (
21:59.28jcimsany idea why, during sip registration, a cisco 7960 would respond to the proxy's 401 unauthorized with a ICMP port unreachable?  response packet is going to same port as source packet from phone
21:59.29ChannelZOh.  There's a Queue argument to run an AGI
21:59.35*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (~cesar@
21:59.39ChannelZMy guess is it probably doesn't support args.
21:59.53jcimsphone never attempts to authenticate, as though it just doesn't see the 401 coming back, so it just keeps sending register packets
22:02.17jcimsfirewall in the middle doing nat (pat), but frames are making it back to the phone (sniffing via pc attached to phone)
22:03.02WIMPyErr, a PC attached to the phone should not be able to see them.
22:03.44jcimsyeah, a long-standing gripe i have with the 7960's
22:03.44jcimshack the pc and you can sniff comms to the phone
22:03.52jcimsthere's a way to turn it off, it's just not default
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22:07.45jcimsgah, need a beer.  this thing drives me nuts.
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22:08.40jcims$400 phone with no backlight on it.  l8r g8rs
22:08.53citywok:heart: aastra 6757i
22:09.00citywok10 line config versus 400000000 line
22:09.16[TK]D-Fendercitywok: I don't care about the config, I care about the phone
22:09.24[TK]D-FenderPolycom > All
22:09.52citywoki could never a 7960 to work properly, it hated nat (just going from one 192.168 subnet to another)
22:10.24citywoki only played with a few cheap polycoms and i was unimpressed, their speakerphone was horrible.  the cheap aastra had such an amazing speakerphone everybody wanted one. so we bought aastra's.
22:12.53*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (~linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
22:14.55p3nguinI guess I should feel lucky that my phones are on the same network as Asterisk.
22:16.01citywoki've got 5 locations to deal with
22:16.20citywokso i get to play the MPLS cloud game to.  and one site is international (fun!)
22:17.01fenrusdoes your ISP handle all the routing?
22:17.10fenrusand the mpls part of it
22:18.22fenrusmpls-vpn is the bread and butter part of what isps sell today to companys all over..
22:18.44citywokyea, it's glorious how simple it is
22:19.08citywoki configure it the same way as i would a normal edge router, but then i send all of my internal traffic at the same gateway, and it deals with it.
22:19.39citywokit figures out external vs internal traffic and routes to all my locations.  no special MPLS enabled devices or anything, a 10 year old cisco will do the trick if you wish.
22:20.09fenrusyea, since the label switching is done with the isps equipment :)
22:21.12citywokand it's way cheaper than dealing with International point to points. 3mbit Intl E1/T1 was 10grand. we get 4mbit in the MPLS cloud for like 4grand.  and the ping is 200ms instead of 260, and the routing is redundant (i cant tell you how many hong kong earthquakes have taken us down for 2-3 days)
22:22.11fenrusthe only plus with sdh/pdh is the capacity being reserved
22:24.22Miccwhat settings affect dtmf on a pri?
22:26.00*** join/#asterisk stonezone (
22:40.52Deeewaynechanspying on 2 telemarketers trying to figure out what's wrong with their dialer application because they are getting pushed into my blackhole extension
22:43.11KavanSDeeewayne, what does your blackhole extension do?
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22:43.58DeeewayneKavanS, loop forever while playing a lot of different silly asterisk prompts
22:45.05KavanShehe ok
22:47.36fenrusTheese stuff should be published so that we all can use the without effort :D
22:47.58citywokKavanS: that's so mean. our outbund LD gets expensive!
22:48.10citywokyou're wasting 1 penny a minute of their money, imagine the impact on their bottom line! lol
22:49.23KavanScitywok, we have a "blackhole" extension we transfer people to - it serves the function of adding someone to our blacklist playing martin from the simpsons saying "ha ha" then a movie-esque feature of playing a dial tone - then hanging up
22:49.31KavanSwhen they return to call us - of course they hear ss-noservice
22:49.38KavanSprimarily for pesky callers :)
22:49.51ChannelZI have a nice one that plays really bad elevator music, tells them the hold time is 7 hours 40 mins, etc.
22:50.03citywoklol, that's kind of funny. you should change it to "please remove me from all of your calling lists, further attempts will be recorded and pursued"
22:50.14ChannelZthey dont care about such things
22:50.19KavanScitywok, hehe yeah we watch the logs from time to time after we dump someone
22:50.23citywokthen log the attempts :)
22:50.25ChannelZI've had a collection service with the wrong number calling for weeks now
22:50.26fenrusIn sweden we have an opt-out organization
22:50.30KavanSthere are times we dump em - then de-blacklist while they are attempting
22:50.34KavanSthen blame it on our "crazy PBX"
22:50.35fenrustelemarketing should be opt-in.
22:51.00hardwiret.38 is such a pita
22:51.10ChannelZdeath to fax
22:51.13KavanSChannelZ, the ss-noservice tone works for some people - but as you probably already know some people are not discouraged easily
22:51.16fenrusif i want to buy something, i'm not going to do it over the phone.
22:51.16citywokyea, i avoid fax like he plague
22:51.18hardwireChannelZ: agreed
22:51.24citywokwe just install a POTS line at each office and install a fax machine. life is good :)
22:51.26KavanSlol yep fax sucks
22:51.30hardwirewhy people in china awnt to use us as a fax destination I will never know
22:51.34KavanSonly use fax because I have to
22:52.02hardwireKavanS: lies
22:52.14hardwirewe can all simply refuse to allow fax
22:52.20hardwireit's an "all in" death to fax
22:52.30ChannelZKavanS: At home I do Zapateller and that
22:52.41hardwireit will either breath new life into copper pstn services or force everybody to scan things
22:52.47ChannelZAlthough now it's programmed to not even answer() the line
22:52.59KavanSChannelZ, yeah it is nice :) - I do not have a home line myself so I just use google voice # for such things
22:53.08KavanS"oh my home number? - sure!"
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22:54.28rocksfrowhow can i debug why a module isn't loading?
22:54.38rocksfrowi don't get any output what so ever when manually loading it via asterisk CLI
22:54.47rocksfrowany suggestions?
22:55.33*** join/#asterisk Ziaeon (
22:56.39ChannelZyou sure you have notices/errors turned on and the verbosity set up a little?
22:57.19rocksfrowasterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
22:57.29rocksfrownot sure if i have notices/errors turned on
22:57.31rocksfrowhow can i check?
22:58.32ChannelZlogger show channels
22:58.50rocksfrow/var/log/asterisk/full              File     Enabled    - Debug Verbose Warning Notice Error
22:59.10ChannelZwell that one should have everything then.  'Console' might not
22:59.24ChannelZbut if it aint on the disk log either... hmm
22:59.37ChannelZMaybe the module is loading perfectly and just has nothing to say? :)
22:59.58rocksfrowChannelZ, stop there
22:59.59rocksfrowfound it
23:00.04rocksfrowthanks...i didnt look at the filesystem log
23:00.07rocksfrowi was talking about console
23:00.26ChannelZyah 'notices' got turned off console logging at one point or another.  You might want to turn it back on in logger.conf
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23:28.00knarflyif a VOIP phone says it has six line appearance, does that mean I actually can have six separate accounts with my asterisk server and/or other VOIP providers?
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23:35.07stonezoneI have little to no exprience with asterix, but wanted to know if it's possible to create something like a party line with background music.... mayve using a a shoutcast stream or local mp3 playlist where multiple people dial in and can talk and listen to music at the same time?
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23:36.43stonezoneto both, shoutcast or local music files?
23:36.57p3nguinAsterisk can handle both.
23:37.34p3nguinYou'll probably end up using MusicOnHold() and MeetMe() to achieve it.
23:39.56TJNIIRemember to allow good codecs.
23:40.05TJNII'Cus music + gsm = crap
23:40.07p3nguinand disallow all
23:40.48p3nguinAlso remember that Asterisk has to transcode when calls are in a MeetMe conference.
23:41.42ChannelZ*cough* 900 bootycall hotline *cough*
23:42.07TJNIIBarry White in the background... Awww yeah.
23:45.01stonezonemp3player() would do similar?
23:48.01p3nguinYeah, but be careful not to let DTMF into your conference, or they callers could make it exit.
23:48.37tzafrir_laptopBTW: I coun't find the following on the 'net. I believe they would be required for some Asterisk setups:
23:49.06tzafrir_laptop(msg / mail me if it's not OK to post them)
23:49.14stonezonei've got a long way to go before anything is setup. thanks for all the input!
23:50.46tzafrir_laptopI guess some of those could be handy for usage in an IVR
23:58.50*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
23:58.58TJNIItzafrir_laptop: Are you Karl?

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