IRC log for #asterisk on 20100616

00:00.06[TK]D-Fenderbran: Updating your kernel <-
00:00.12[TK]D-Fenderbran: Just like it sounded like
00:00.16brani didn't really update my kernel
00:00.22KavanSinterested to transfer *directly* to voicemail - currenlty use ** to initiate transfer - any ideas?
00:00.24branim using whatever kernel that came with AsteriskNOW 1.7
00:02.38brycebaril[TK]D-Fender: Right, I see the D() option, which look like it might work, but I wanted to hear someone confirm that was correct before I asked the second part of my question
00:02.57[TK]D-Fenderbran: recompile wanpipe then
00:03.22bran[TK]D-Fender: i'm recompiling thru ./Setup install
00:03.34branand it always fails @ the utility compile part
00:03.35[TK]D-Fenderbrycebaril: That should work... dependent on propre call-progress monitoring.
00:03.51[TK]D-Fenderbran: Then clearly you should look at the compile failure
00:04.23brycebarilwhich is is it possible to dial a different extension after bridging for each resource on a dialstring, i.e. extension 111 for 5551212 or extension 22 for 5553434
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00:06.29[TK]D-Fenderbrycebaril: Please rephrase came out a mess
00:07.31brycebarilI am dialing 2+ numbers simultaneously using Dial()  in my example, 5551212 and 5553434.  Each of them has different extensions I would like to dial depending on which number answers
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00:10.26pabelangerbrycebaril: senddtmf
00:10.46pabelangerbrycebaril: after your channel gets answered
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00:12.04brycebarilwhich won't work since the application is inside a FastAGI app that called Dial() and Dial() is blocking?  Right?  (I understand that isn't best practice, I didn't write this)
00:12.29brycebarilOr can I use that via a macro?
00:13.16pabelangerbrycebaril: No, once you dial your number, your context we move to the next priority.  Simply call SendDTMF
00:13.56pabelangerbrycebaril: DIALSTATUS variable
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00:15.32[TK]D-Fenderbrycebaril: then dial 2 local channels each with the added DTMF to add.
00:18.21brycebarilSo from what I understand I can set some channel variables that will indicate which extension to dial depending on which number answers, and then even though my AGI app is waiting for Dial() to return, I can put something in extensions.conf that can read those variables, know what number was connected and send the appropriate DTMF?
00:19.21*** join/#asterisk Get_The_Fish (
00:20.13[TK]D-Fenderbrycebaril: My way you don't HAVE to know anything.  Or check anything
00:20.25[TK]D-FenderBryAnd the calls are simultaneous, not sequential.
00:20.58brycebarilok, what do you mean by dial two local channels then?
00:25.55[TK]D-Fenderbrycebaril: chan_local
00:26.08[TK]D-Fenderbrycebaril: Go read up on your Asterisk channel types
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00:45.18evoltechIs there a way to do chat over sip with an asterisk server?
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00:48.38Get_The_Fishhey all... I'm a little confused on DAHDI on CentOS/RHEL- I shouldn't see a DAHDI process running, but I should see a kernel module (even if I am using DAHDI dummy).  Is dahdi_test and timing test in asterisk the only way to see if it's "working"?
00:49.23sam555is there a separate chat for asterisk now?
00:50.21SaiSoma|AtHomehey guys, trying to work with waitforsilence and getting what i consider unexpected results (never finishes waiting, even if i specify a timeout).  here's an example without the timeout set:
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01:20.58neurosyshas anyone heard of a call being disconnected after 20 seconds of receiving it from a parked ext?
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02:16.17k-manis a cisco IP phone model 7940 any good?
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02:22.33*** join/#asterisk fred1_ (~djc@
02:22.36fenrusi like it
02:23.01fred1_or say if I had a set of lines, and I want ring-over (eg ring first available line)
02:25.02p3nguinfred1_: Are you talking about a single extension ringing more than one phone?
02:25.29fred1_no i only want it to ring the one first available line
02:25.47fred1_like say I had a dozen phone lines as a modem pool from a telco
02:25.52fred1_but only one phone #
02:26.14ChannelZyou could use a queue but it might be overkill
02:26.14fred1_they might implement that as 'forward on busy' with each line forwarding to the next
02:26.34fred1_if I just use two Dial() commands with sequenced priority, will that do what I want?
02:26.53fred1_eg exten => xxx,1Dial(IAX2/peerA)
02:26.58p3nguinYou have to use a single extension, which you said NO to already.
02:27.02fred1_exten => xxx,2Dial(IAX2/peerB)
02:27.02ChannelZit could, if the device doesn't implement any sort of 'call waiting' causing a second call to it to ring
02:27.24fred1_this is for an incoming call. I have two iaxmodem devices setup
02:27.26p3nguinAnd so I will leave you to your own devices.
02:27.34fred1_if the first is busy, I want it to ring to the second
02:27.57fred1_er, missed a "," between the priority and the Dial, there
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02:28.11ChannelZre: dialing in sequence as you say will work, so long as peerA doesn't do call waiting and accept a second call as I said
02:28.37fred1_hrm. well the peer is iaxmodem. How do I make sure it doesnt do call waiting?
02:29.02fred1_or does it even support call waiting
02:29.24fred1_wouldnt seem to serve much purpose for a virtual modem.. even V.92 would be pointless i thin
02:29.51ChannelZI have no idea, this is the first time you mentioned anything about an iaxmodem
02:30.53ChannelZIAX2/peerA and IAX2/peerB are iaxmodems?
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02:32.30ChannelZwell my guess is they don't support CW and will just return a BUSY or CHANUNAVAIL or something
02:32.30fred1_i probably used the wrong terms.. one 'extension'. but two peers. want to ring first available.. ala 'hunt group'
02:32.45fred1_Seems like a reasonable guess.. I would hope, anyway
02:32.56ChannelZno I get that, I just don't understand what the iaxmodems are doing.. these virtual fax or something?
02:33.36fred1_pretty low traffic, low likelyhood of even two coming at the same time.. but I figure just in case
02:33.57fred1_and I just wanted to prove I could do it
02:34.28fred1_next I'll be running DOSEMU, setting up a whole bank of a dozen of them, and running a DOS based BBS on it! :P
02:34.47fred1_virtual BBS
02:35.39fred1_anyway.. im also setting up to use for outbound, and I wanted to keep a free channel for inbound while a send was in progress
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02:36.51fred1_i'll just go with hoping/assuming that IM doesnt do CW
02:37.01fred1_maybe I'll test that out tomorrow
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03:04.41resnoi was reading about using google voice to get a free homephone. is the linksys spa-3102 the "best" ata to use?
03:05.00fred1_GV doesnt offer SIP
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03:06.02resnofred1_: using freepbx and ipkall i believe
03:06.04fred1_theres some limited interaction with gizmo, but its awkward to setup
03:06.12fred1_believe what?
03:06.14fred1_GV doesnt offer SIP
03:06.34resnofred1_: this what i was reading :
03:06.35fred1_oh ok.. so you plan on getting the phone service from ipkall
03:06.41fred1_then getting a local number from GV
03:06.46op3rhello is it possible to just overwrite zaptel 1.4.21 to dahdi?
03:07.01fred1_yeah I suppose that'd work
03:07.15resnoi know its quite covoluted
03:07.30fred1_oh I know all about convoluted
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03:07.55fred1_as to your original Q, I have no advice as to ATA's
03:08.00resnobut my homephone will spend more time in silence then actually doing anything
03:08.13fred1_I have a spa-2000.. it works, more or less
03:08.34fred1_as long as my wifi uplink stays stable, anyway
03:08.56resnois there any ata i should stay away from?
03:09.06resnoi see several ones on ebay.
03:09.10resnothat you know of
03:09.15fred1_Ive no experience with anything else
03:09.34resnoi see. thanks fred1_
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03:09.36fred1_well, i fiddled a bit with siphon on my iphone
03:09.45fred1_but that doesnt really help you, I dont think
03:09.51resnonot at this point.
03:10.43resnoi can test the setup without with the ata right?
03:10.50resnousing a softphone
03:11.09fred1_should be able to
03:11.24fred1_assuming whatever softphone you have works with your setup
03:12.21fred1_if ipkall offers SIP service, you may not need freepbx tho
03:12.36fred1_just set the softphone to talk right to ipkall..
03:12.46fred1_unless you have some unusual requirement that wont suffice for
03:12.51fred1_or you just want to play with it, of course :P
03:14.34resnoive been doing a lot of research so the services are running together at the moment
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03:21.07resnofred1_: oh, this guide is using sipgate
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03:28.26*** join/#asterisk BrendanMcc (3ce5fc51@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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03:29.03BrendanMcchey guys - got centos 5.3 with our Asterisk box running Elastix for VoIP. I have set up port forwarding on our router and cant seem to get to the box externally on ports 22, 80, or 443. I have port forwarding succesfully working to other devices on the network.. I have firewall switched off after running 'setup' at the CLI and can successfully connect to those ports while on the local network... Have also edited /etc/hosts.allow
03:30.32fred1_either your port forwarding isnt set right, or your ISP is blocking inbound on those ports
03:30.52fred1_oh to other devices..
03:31.00fred1_uhm.. you can only forward a given port to ONE device
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03:37.46BrendanMccyes i know, i tried 80 for one device (worked) then 80 for the centos asterisk box... doesn't work...
03:39.32BrendanMccedited /etc/hosts.allow to be ALLOW=ALL... is there something I have missed
03:39.32p3nguinUse nonstandard ports and forward them (just for testing purposes).
03:40.09p3nguinI doubt the web server would be bound by tcp wrappers.
03:40.37p3nguinIt's not uncommon for ISPs to block standard service ports.
03:40.52BrendanMccill ring bigpond now
03:41.44p3nguinIf you can't connect to the web server on port 80, configure your router to forward port 81 to the server's port 80.  Then test port 81 on the outside.
03:42.27BrendanMccyes ok.
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03:42.32p3nguinOr any other unusual high port would work, too.
03:42.48p3nguin8080 is a typical one to use for http.
03:45.00BrendanMccits a crappy router... only has start and end ports
03:46.54sat-mancan anyone give me a good tutorial link on how to convert .mp3 files into the right format for my moh folder?
03:47.45p3nguinMost of the time, there's a outside port and an inside port, so you can map ports rather than just pass them right through.
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04:51.02zyphlarhah. the latest one, dependency resolution
04:51.17zyphlaroh god it hurts
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05:02.47joakoHow come if I visit downloads page with Internet Explorer I can't copy the URLs?
05:03.12zyphlarproblem #1 is you're using IE ;)
05:03.16zyphlarlemme check
05:04.35zyphlari guess IE doesn't like <a> elements being outside a <div>
05:05.09zyphlarthis is one instance where saying "get a better browser" is actually good, non-snarky advice :)
05:09.08ChannelZthat doesn't make sense
05:09.16zyphlarsure it does
05:09.24joakozyphlar, Sorry I just assumed they were doing it intentionally... they used to do some nasty redirect stuff before on the downloads page
05:09.36zyphlarnice. maybe they are haha
05:09.56zyphlar<a><div>Hello!</div></a> should work though
05:10.01zyphlarjust like <a><img></a> works
05:10.18ChannelZoh you mean divs contained in an a
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05:11.46ChannelZI thought you meant a's not inside divs :)  I was going 'huh? when did that rule happen?'
05:13.41zyphlarawwwwww skee skee god damn!
05:19.10*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
05:24.10op3rhow do you complete remove zaptel and move to dahdi? I keep on getting  ztdummy: Unknown symbol zt_register
05:39.11ChannelZI don't remember if zaptel has a 'make uninstall'
05:39.38ChannelZotherwise really you just remove the kernel modules.. build dahdi, then reconfigure and rebuild asterisk
05:40.27kaldemarits makefile has "uninstall-modules"
05:45.05*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
05:46.33*** join/#asterisk Martinblr (~Miranda@
05:47.10MartinblrI have registerd a ATA with a Asterisk based box, when i try to call from ATA to the PBX I am getting 403 Forbidden message
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05:57.48ChannelZyou might have registered but it's not matching the peer/authing correctly on a call apparently
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06:03.17zyphlaranyone know about ztdummy, the usb timing app?
06:03.46zyphlari was having an IRQ conflict with my USB ports, so i disabled them, now it seems like i have an even worse timing issue
06:04.46zyphlarwondering if my digium te207p t1 card depends on usb for timing or if it truly provides its own
06:06.18MartinblrChannelZ: the status is showing as registered
06:06.40MartinblrChannelZ: the same thing if i tried in softphone it is working
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06:07.23ChannelZthat only means it registered (it successfully told Asterisk its IP address)
06:07.44ChannelZA call could be looking completely different to asterisk.  sip set debug on    and see whats going on.
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06:08.58MartinblrChannelZ: In sip debug I can able to see as SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden after the SIP/2.0 100 Trying message
06:10.13MartinblrChannelZ: I tried the type as peer & friend. No success
06:10.15kaldemarMartinblr: pastebin the sip debug for the whole call and someone will most likely tell you why it happens.
06:10.42kaldemarMartinblr: also enable verbosity in the output with "core set verbose 10"
06:12.19MartinblrMy sip debug
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06:16.31ChannelZNov 30 11:11:46 WARNING[1048]  chan_sip.c: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for INVITE to '"Allo" <sip:2050@>;tag=as1e2809aa'
06:21.43MartinblrChannelZ: yes that is the problem, but the same credentials are working in softphone
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06:24.43ChannelZwell maybe that says more about the device that doesn't work
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06:25.26ChannelZI'm having trouble following what is going on in this dialog.. are there 2 devices besides Asterisk involved?  (I'm seeing a User Agent of 'CEM ATA' and 'CudaTel'
06:26.48MartinblrChannelZ: Asterisk is embedded in this device
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06:30.50rare1980_hi all on Intel Quad Core 2.33GHz system how many calls i can make at same time
06:30.56rare1980_with good quality
06:32.54ChannelZMartinblr: Not sure what to say, maybe the ATA is doing the MD5 hash incorrectly or something.. I'm not enough of a SIP expert to analyze this deeply
06:33.37ChannelZrare1980_: totally depends on what those calls are.  Analog to SIP?  SIP to SIP?  Analog to PRI?  Any transcoding occurring? etc
06:34.04ChannelZwithout specifics, the answer is "probably quite a lot"
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06:42.08MartinblrChannelZ: Ok Thanks
06:50.14rare1980_channelZ: those call would be from my call center to outside lines
06:51.03MartinblrIs there any converter tool from MP3 to GSM support in Asterisk...?
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06:55.02kaldemarMartinblr: sox is fine for that.
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07:00.06ChannelZrare1980_: that still doesn't say anything.  What are the phones in your call center?  What are the 'outside lines'?
07:00.36ChannelZbut alas, bed time
07:05.44tuxx-hey guys, somehow when i add parameter t to the dial command when dialing out on a sip trunk the call seems to fail. When i try it without parameter t, it functions properly. Does anyone have any idea whats going on?
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07:07.32kaldemartuxx-: not without anything to debug.
07:07.50tuxx-oh w8, im fucking up. the whole siptrunk is borked :P
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07:35.59mcr_masvozHi. Can I throw some Asterisk questions there ?
07:36.48zyphlarfor posterity: my static problem was due to span2 on my digium card being bad. Digium support RMA'd, no problem
07:41.48mcr_masvozI've a problem with playback on asterisk: I do a "PlayBack(file)" and asterisk sudenly stops playing after random seconds and asterisks is blocked until i hangup the phone. (pri environment). The PRIs are ok (verified with telco). Anybody has a similar problem?
07:42.03mcr_masvozI tryed all versions of asterisk 1.6 and dahdi
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07:59.57DNDquestion guys. if my MOH in mp3 format is a large file(around 6mb), will it affect cpu usage or memory usage?
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08:13.00mcr_mvto much quality for telco use. Change sound quality to 16 bit , 8kHz, ....
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08:13.38mcr_mvand use native formats
08:13.41mcr_mvmp3 is for CD wuality
08:13.45mcr_mvnot for telco quality
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08:42.19angryuserhello, what was the name of the web interface to manage asterisk's conference rooms ? (kick mute invite) ?
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08:52.26tzafrir_laptopwow, infobot is slow. I ended up quoting dpkg (from #debian) instead
08:57.40drmessanothe bench-g729 app doesn't bench generic
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08:59.18Faustovcould anyone please tell me what nat=yes exactly does?
08:59.47mcr_mvin the sip.conf.sample is described
09:00.03mcr_mvit ignores the ip from SIP packet
09:00.19mcr_mvand only takes care the ip from IP paquet
09:00.32Faustovwhat about RTP?
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09:01.40tzafrir_laptopangryuser, webmeetme? cmeetme?
09:02.11mcr_mvfausotv, please check sample conf... for more detailed explanation
09:04.06Faustovmcr_mv: thanks
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09:04.56mcr_mvu r welcome :)
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09:16.07mcr_mvI've a problem with playback a file in asterisk. The file is a GSM 8KHz, 16bit, mono, playable without problems in sox. But when I place the file in asterisk, asterisk sudenly stops playing and stops execution until I hungup channels. Any idea what's happening?
09:17.27cfhhi all , I tried to use blind transfer code by asterisk ( the # ) with a patton fxs (with a dect phone connect) but it doesnt work . What can I do ?
09:20.25cfhmcr_mv : do you have converted the file with sox ?
09:21.52cfhcan I see the command of the conversion ?
09:23.58mcr_mvwhait... i think i found the problem... (ffplay has the same problem that i found on asterisk... i think that the problem is sox)
09:24.42mcr_mvanyway the comand is: /usr/bin/sox file.wav -r 8000 -c 1 file.gsm
09:25.31cfhcan  you try with : sox -V file.wav -t gsm -r 8000 -U -b -c 1 file.gsm
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09:28.42coppicemcr_mv: sox won't guess from the suffix that you want to convert to GSM. you need to explicitly tell it, as in cfh's command
09:29.10mcr_mvok thanks.
09:29.28mcr_mvcfh, with your command sox said: sox sox: Bits value `-c' is not a positive integer
09:29.51cfhmcr_mv : sox version ?
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09:30.57mcr_mvthe correct cmd is: sox -V file.wav -t gsm -r 8000 -U -b 16 -c 1 file.gsm ... (you forget the number after '-b' option )
09:31.24mcr_mvSoX v14.2.0
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09:33.52coppicefor GSM encoding the -b is irrelevant. it will be ignored
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09:45.38mcr_mvI have the same problem with the args you proposed... i will try convert file with ffmpeg and will say you something.
09:48.21Faustovmcr_mv: how about canreinvite? In the sip.conf.sample it is not even mentioned (version - but I can see it makes a difference when set to yes or no
09:49.12kaldemarFaustov: reinvite has been renamed to directmedia by that version.
09:50.03Faustovoh, thanks
09:53.33tzafrir_laptopcoppice, sox does guess the type from the file name suffix
09:53.38tzafrir_laptop$ sox /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Side_Right.wav /tmp/test.gsm
09:53.38tzafrir_laptopsox WARN formats: gsm can't encode at 48000Hz; using 8000Hz
09:54.25tzafrir_laptopYou can override that by explicitly stating the "file type" (-t)
09:54.29coppicetzafrir_laptop: is that a recent change?
09:54.39tzafrir_laptopNot that I know of
09:55.14tzafrir_laptop.gsm files have always just worked for me with sox (that is: in the last 5 years)
09:58.20*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
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10:02.51mcr_mvtzafrir_laptop, for me too but i tryed play a gsm file converted from sox and asterisk can't play it
10:03.22tzafrir_laptopwas 'play' able to play it?
10:03.27mcr_mvi tryied to play it with ffmpeg and have the same problem.
10:03.48mcr_mvplay is able to play it, but ffplay stops playing (like asterisk )
10:04.21tzafrir_laptopThat's odd. How was sox able to figure out the file characteristics?
10:08.02mcr_mvall attributes are ok, except lenght. cmd 'play' says << lenght: unknown >>
10:08.40mcr_mv(i'm looking in google how to convert files to gsm using ffmpeg )
10:14.00Faustovkaldemar: once renamed canreinvite=no to directmedia=no, I get the following errors: - so it seems not only the setting was renamed, but also it does something else...
10:16.25mcr_mvyour phone is behind a firewall/router ? did you opened the ports in the firewall/router ?
10:18.25Faustovit's between two servers, in both cases asterisk binds to a public IP
10:20.07mcr_mvFaustov, if both servers are conected to internet without routers then you don't have to use "nat=yes".. and if your machines are both asterisk is preferible the use of IAX2 protocol rather than SIP protocol
10:21.07Faustovmcr_mv: about the first: there is a machine that is behind a nat that connects to both, just trying to figure out the communication issue between these two
10:21.28infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
10:21.56*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
10:22.15kaldemarFaustov: ^ the first one explains the nat parameters well
10:22.25*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
10:24.59Faustovkaldemar: yeah I've seen that and configured my stuff accordingly...
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10:53.28bodiehi all
10:53.40bodieSomeone with appconference plugin installed?
10:54.41bodieI was reading bunch of pages found on Google and I can't compile it. I'm quite sure that I'm missing some packages in system, but which one? READM from appconference doesn't say what's need as dependency or for compile which is strange of coursew
10:55.00bodiesystem is Ubuntu 10.04 LTS amd64 server
11:00.29*** join/#asterisk gospch (~gospch@unaffiliated/gospch)
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11:16.46yahhIs asterisk 1.6 supports h323?
11:18.40kaldemaryahh: yes
11:19.19*** join/#asterisk guilhermebr (~Guilherme@
11:19.30yahhthank you kaldemar
11:19.55yahhexcly i was to use an asterisk as a gateway for h323 <=> SIP for video calling
11:20.11yahhcan i do that with asterisk 1.6?
11:20.38yahhexcly i wants* to use an asterisk as a gateway for h323 <=> SIP for video calling
11:23.22kaldemaras far as i know, the H.323 channel drivers don't support video calls, but you never it the video payload could be sent outside asterisk.
11:25.25*** join/#asterisk Poincare (
11:25.28yahh"you never it the video payload could be sent outside asterisk"- means ?
11:25.57yahhsorry but i can not understand
11:26.02*** join/#asterisk rare1980_ (~as@
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11:26.36kaldemaruh, what i meant was: "you never know if the video payload...". i was skipping words and threw in a typo to be more confusing. :)
11:27.45kaldemarand by that i mean that if the signaling could be passed through asterisk and the video stream directly between the endpoints. but in a gateway scenario, that doesn't sound like an option.
11:28.07yahhyes correct
11:28.30yahhin gateway it will go through server
11:28.34bodieOk, I'm quite further, but still no go :-(
11:29.47bodieyahh: ha, you are looking for something like me :-)  So I found this , but I'm not able to get it running yet . In OpenBSD it's available as package/port, but I need to start it on Ubuntu and it's a pain
11:30.18*** join/#asterisk fauxalliance (~gerald@
11:32.19yahhbodie: compiling errors?
11:32.55rare1980_on Intel Quad Core 2.33GHz .. using SIP g729 codec how many max calls i can make at same on this server with good quality?
11:33.19bodieyahh: yes and I don't know why, because authors of this plugin doesn't mention anywhere which libraries and dev files are needed
11:33.48bodierare1980_:  quite older comparison, but still something
11:36.09kaldemarrare1980_: did you read the dimensioning article in voip-info?
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11:39.28ujjainis it "Dear Sir or Madam," ?
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11:48.55tzafrir_laptopbodie, looks like a missing include
11:49.03bodieok, to avoid confusion for others. DON'T try to install appconference. You must use appkonference (with K)
11:49.13bodieappconference is more then 2 years old
11:49.15*** part/#asterisk ujjain (~ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
11:49.17bodieappkonference is actual
11:49.43bodiewhich **** is responsible for it is a good idea for investigation
11:50.01lost_soulbodie: is that on openbsd, I only ask because ou referenced that earlier
11:50.18bodieno, on openbsd it's ok
11:50.23lost_soulkk, ty
11:50.43*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
11:50.50bodieit's bad in every manual on net, because it says appconference with c, which leads to sourceforge project with c where is not info that correct is with k
11:50.53lost_soul[TK]D-Fender: wb
11:51.26lost_soulbodie: ah, yea.  I can see where that would cause confusion
11:51.50lost_soulI've never used it, though my * experience is minimal at best
11:52.39bodieyes, it' really confusing. Why don't they remove that page?
11:53.14lost_soulmaybe e-mail the documents maintainer?
11:56.02bodiealready done
11:57.05lost_soulThats about all you can do I suppose.  Would you mind my asking why you must deploy this on ubuntu though since you seem to prefer other operating  systems?
11:57.58lost_soulAs I said, limited * knowledge so I would like to know if  their's limitations on the OBSD port I've always used
11:59.38bodiebecause company OS is just Ubuntu
11:59.42bodieUbuntu everywhere
12:00.10lost_soulah, okies
12:01.02bodiehmm, but again compilation problems
12:01.19[TK]D-FenderJust use ConfBridge
12:02.01bodie[TK]D-Fender: is it able to provide videoconferencing?
12:03.13lost_soulthere's a page about  it, looking myself.  TY [TK]D-Fender
12:04.34lost_soulno metion of video
12:05.26*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (~quassel@
12:06.38m_tadeuhi all
12:07.42*** join/#asterisk rsdvd (
12:08.19rsdvdhello all - can anyone help me troubleshoot why my SPA-3102 ATA does not allow me to dial out?
12:10.00fauxalliancehmm, is 180 beats per minute too fast for hold music?  Alles naar de Klote!
12:10.29fauxalliancersdvd, do you have a dial tone on it?
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12:12.32rsdvdthe handset connect to line is working fine - can dial other phones on the pbx and other sip trunks......what I cannot get to work it using the PSTN on the 3102 to allow me to dial out.   When I try to dial through thr trunk I created for it - I get "all circuits are busy now"
12:13.15fauxalliancersdvd, clearly an issue with outbound routes/trunks.
12:13.51rsdvdyes - I guess!   but I cannot see where....I have searched all day on google and I cannot understnad what I have done wrong.
12:13.59*** join/#asterisk rrb3942 (~rbullock@
12:14.32bodiedone. Installed
12:14.33rsdvdaccording to the CLI it is using the right truck Dial("SIP/5001-00000033", "SIP/spapstn/1571,300,") .... but not connecting
12:15.30lost_soulbodie: appkonfrence? or the alternative?
12:15.44bodielost_soul: appkonference
12:15.56bodielost_soul:  I need videoconferencing
12:16.08lost_soulwhat was the issue?
12:16.15bodiebtw Asterikast manager is really only for Asterisk 1.4.?
12:16.34bodiefirst issue was that mess with appconference and then with appkonference
12:16.48bodiethat you can't set /usr/include/asterisk  , but just /usr/include
12:16.54bodiebut it was quite quick to find it
12:17.13bodienow I need to configure it so back to book from O'reilly :D
12:17.23lost_soulgood luck m8
12:17.53bodieI can't remember nearly anything from 3 day course on Asterisk :D
12:18.06[TK]D-Fenderrsdvd: ....
12:18.11infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
12:18.11bodieyou know, when you don't work with something regularly
12:18.14*** join/#asterisk Trixboxer (~Trixboxer@
12:19.07lost_soulyea, I just switched to obsd 4.7 so need to resetup my *, not looking forward to it due to the same reasoning
12:21.14bodieyes, OpenBSD is wonderful and easy to setup/maintain/update.
12:22.43lost_soulindeed, my setup was messed up from the beginning so I didn't even save my config files.  Asterisk seemed to be working for most of what I wanted.  But trying to get the traffic to  work through pf with hfsc queueing didn't go so well
12:23.00bodiemmmm have someone some good reading about recommended HW regarding videoconferencing? For now I will just prepare demo so it will be quite fine on AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5400+ , 2GB RAM and so on as there will be call eg. between 3 users or so just for demonstration
12:23.13lost_soulseems only one out of three connections were properly made, the  rest would go through the bulk queue and wouldn't connect as a result
12:24.09lost_soulbodie:how large is this company your setting the PBX up for?
12:25.27bodielost_soul: good question and I need to dig answer from my manager first :-)
12:25.51bodielost_soul:  you now that style - hey prepare videoconferencing demo with asterisk tomorrow
12:25.57bodielost_soul:  that's all you get :D
12:28.01bodielost_soul:  ok there was more. I asked and where I can install it? On VM? Common..... No, just grab some machine, there was one somewhere... oh here it is. Take eg. this one, you can delete it -> normal older desktop with cheap components
12:28.19bodielost_soul: for me it will be fun :D
12:31.54*** join/#asterisk rjek (
12:31.59rjekHi.  Where can I download older versions of AsteriskNOW from?  The website only has 1.7, and the "old downloads" section only has older versions of Asterisk, not AsteriskNOW.
12:32.16lost_soulbodie: yea, I enjoyed the learning and setup myself.  I was inquiring since I've only set it up for myself (on a 450mhz pIII).  It works but can only do like three calls at the same time
12:32.37lost_soulso trying to get an idea of how fast of a system you would need for large organizations
12:33.11bodieyep, but I'm taking it as something challenging so I can learn new stuff, but I'm not sure if they will want to wait so long :D
12:33.37bodieanyway some quick setup for 3 users or so will be maybe somewhat ok as I can remember from course
12:33.47lost_soulrjek: maybe see if AsteriskNOW has a channel.  I don't think they support those platforms here, and I honestly have no clue
12:34.12rjekYeah, I've asked there already and am awaiting a reply from the handful of people there.  Thought I'd hedge my bets and ask here too :)
12:35.13lost_soulbodie: once you figure out what video equipment works best, if you can remember, please let me know.  I've been pondering trying video conferencing for some time but have no equipment for it.
12:35.38lost_soulrjek: ok
12:36.36bodielost_soul:  ok. It will be more funny part as I don't know about any video equipment available here so I really don't know what they want to test :D Maybe I need to bring my webcam from home hehe and couple of people here have laptops with webcams
12:37.07*** join/#asterisk btsteve (
12:37.29bodielost_soul:  but it's not a real job regarding webcams. Just those with UVC, not others. UVC is working in OpenSolaris, all BSD and so on
12:37.31lost_soulbodie: thats actually what my main question is.  Will I need specialized equipment or will any compatible webcam work.
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12:38.03bodielost_soul: yep, but I need to dig that info first what they want to use for it
12:38.19lost_soulyep, sounds like an interesting project
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12:42.26bodielost_soul:  so they will use just webcams
12:49.27*** part/#asterisk rsdvd (
12:56.38[sr]hi people
13:01.07yahhkaldemar: openH323 is supporting video codecs i think
13:01.12*** join/#asterisk mifadir (
13:02.22yahhhow it would be to use that for gatway of h323<->SIP
13:03.03mifadiryou must install it first with h323 support
13:07.09*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
13:08.17yahhbut i was looking for some information before experimanting that
13:09.36mifadirit's not easy to install openh323 form source code you must do it with the rigth ptlib,
13:09.53mifadirin a first time it"s better to install it from PKG
13:10.11[sr]hi Naikrovek [TK]D-Fender
13:12.34yahh:) thanks
13:13.28yahhthat's why i am looking for information first
13:14.40mifadirthis is a comptible version
13:17.26Naikrovekjeepers creepers ubuntu 10 reboots fast
13:17.31Naikrovekoops, wrong chan
13:18.35Naikrovek(about 20 secs in a vmware vm if you're in this channel and are curious about what I consider 'fast')
13:20.03bodieare you using your computers or rebooting?
13:20.08bodieI prefer to use them ;-)
13:20.19Naikroveksystem update required
13:20.26Naikroveksystem reboot required
13:20.43bodiecompare it with reboot time of eg M9000
13:20.57bodiethen you will stop to care about speed of reboot if it's 15s or 10s :D
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13:21.57*** join/#asterisk orangey (
13:22.10orangeyhello all
13:22.41orangeyi've been googling around trying to figure out a couple of things, but haven't had any luck..
13:22.54orangeySpecifically, has anybody run into a voip provider that gives a DID that accepts / sends SMS?
13:23.08orangeyI'm happy to setup my own asterisk that does the same if it's at least possible..
13:23.19orangeybut so far google voice is the only place where I've seen such a service
13:25.00Naikrovekorangey: you in the US
13:25.05orangeyin canada
13:25.23Naikroveki think you'll find it very difficult to find a voip provider that sends or receives SMS
13:25.26orangeywhich is why hacking something into gv is a bit less of an option too.
13:25.27Naikrovekthat's a europe thing
13:25.43orangeyNaikrovek: are there european providers that do?
13:26.04Naikrovekorangey: to/from european numbers, yes, but probably only if you're in europe
13:26.09orangeyI know that the chances of a canadian provider are almost nil
13:26.33orangeyI figured that finding a european / american service that also had canada support may happen
13:26.34Naikrovekmanxpower (who often frequents this channel, though I've not seen him lately) knows a little about this
13:27.53orangeyah, awesome
13:27.56orangeythank you Naikrovek
13:28.01orangeymay I ask what kind of setup you have?
13:28.13Naikrovekjust a basic asterisk install connected to a voip provider
13:28.15WIMPySMS is usually done in-band, just like fax, so I guess it's really hard to find. I haven't heard of any providers supporting it.
13:28.34lost_soulorangey: I looked for the same, wasn't able to find a service
13:28.54Naikrovekwhat do you want SMS service for
13:29.16orangeyAny idea how google voice does it?
13:29.24orangeyWell, I am about to move to a new city
13:29.32orangeyright now, I use GV for SMS and a SIP provider for voice
13:29.58lost_soulease of use, rather than relying on instant messenging or the like it would be beneficial to have all communications run through *
13:30.00*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
13:30.00orangeyit would be spectacular to have one number that can do SMS and voice.. SIP is a must, since I want to be able to route the number wherever I want, put it to asterisk, etc.
13:30.04lost_soulat least IMO it would
13:30.16*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
13:31.18lost_soulnot to mention many people have unlimited SMS on their cellular phones, I see no down side to it
13:31.42orangeyfauxalliance: awesome. that gives some excellent leads
13:33.55orangeyfauxalliance: I think I can send SMS pretty easily.. and receive it easily
13:33.59orangeybut a unified number?
13:34.01orangeyThat's the trick
13:34.14orangeyright now, I can have that with GV, but again, not in canada
13:34.22fauxallianceunification is indeed a magic word.
13:34.39orangeywhich actually leads to the question - is there gv voice / sms integration into asterisk?
13:34.43fauxallianceis in canada, with GV
13:34.55fauxallianceorangey, not afaik
13:35.24*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
13:35.25drmessanoHow would you integrate it?
13:35.41fauxallianceorangey, i bet it would be trivial to get GV to forward txt to email and have allison dispatch it to you via cepstral... food for thought.
13:36.03orangeydrmessano: how would you integrate which?
13:36.08orangeyfauxalliance: probably very true
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13:36.20drmessano[09:34] <orangey> which actually leads to the question - is there gv voice / sms integration into asterisk?
13:36.26drmessanoWhat is there to integrate?
13:36.27*** join/#asterisk neurosys (~neurosys@
13:36.43orangeydrmessano: pick up a phone hooked into asterisk, it calls via gv
13:36.58orangeyor femtocell asterisk -> cell phone sms? :)
13:37.01orangeyI know.. I'm dreaming
13:37.02*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
13:37.10*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
13:37.27Polysicslooks like i got hacked :-(
13:37.29orangeybut that's another question.. can I think about femtocells / asterisk?
13:37.35drmessanoConsidering that GV doesn't have that capability anywhere without a GUI. no
13:37.37orangeyPolysics: what did?
13:37.39*** join/#asterisk farkus (
13:37.53orangeydrmessano: see SipSorcery
13:37.54fauxallianceorangey, that functionality is already available, i have two GV lines 'integrated' into asterisk per se...
13:38.02orangeyfauxalliance: how?
13:38.05fauxalliancePolysics, chinese hackers?
13:38.08Polysicsorangey, i had this asterisk box that was configured to use an outbound pre-paid SIP provider
13:38.26Polysicssomeone managed to start making calls and got 50 euros of traffic off to some russian numbers
13:38.28fauxallianceorangey, ringback, parking lots, custom extensions.. it's all in the book.
13:39.01fauxalliancePolysics, did you close _all_ your tcp ports?
13:39.39Polysicsthe server itself is open, it has to be a voice server for a distributed service
13:39.48Polysicsi suppose i did something bad :-(
13:39.56[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Aren't your servers in that gov't controller psycho-limited network?
13:40.04Polysicsbut i also supposed people could connect only if they had a SIP account
13:40.04fauxalliancestupid, hacker did something bad.
13:40.11*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@
13:40.13Polysics[TK]D-Fender, no, clients are
13:40.16Polysicssome of the mat least
13:40.20drmessanoorangey: It's not Sorcery, it's hacks using the "could-change-at-a-moments-notice" GV web interface.  That's not even remotely reliable enough for Asterisk to touch.
13:40.49Polysicshow do i secure a * server?
13:41.04[TK]D-FenderpoyDuct tape <-
13:41.04drmessanoThere's a handful of AGI's out there that do the same, but nothing I would ever want to rely on
13:41.12fauxalliancedrmessano, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic - A.C. Clarke
13:41.14orangeydrmessano: no no.. I'm talking about that service, SIPSorcery, which is a nice way of doing it
13:41.18*** join/#asterisk beefpastry (
13:41.34[TK]D-FenderPolysics: permit/deny on SIP peers.  Fail2ban for log-based protection
13:42.14fauxalliancePolysics, and re-consider tightening up TCP, with whitelists, or kitten sacrifice..
13:42.23*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
13:42.24fauxallianceor CLOSE the DAMN ports.
13:42.57orangeykitten sacrifice definitely
13:43.02drmessanoWell, the SipSorcery page is useless to me.. Requires Silverlight
13:43.11orangeydrmessano: same here : )
13:43.13orangeyit's the huge problem
13:43.15fauxallianceno hackers allowd.
13:43.21orangeythe blog is more useful
13:43.31jayteehas anyone here tried using a Vonage softphone account as sip account with Asterisk?
13:43.35*** join/#asterisk ChUbB (
13:43.40drmessanoIt's not a huge problem.. It's a good indication of the apples and oranges were at here
13:43.53fauxalliancejaytee, isn't that counter intuitive?
13:44.02Polysics[TK]D-Fender, permit/deny works on IPs?
13:44.03[sr]jaytee: i use the 3CX softphone and never had problems
13:44.21*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (~CunningPi@
13:44.41orangeydrmessano: i.e., the major discussions critical of sipsorcery are about that damned interface
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13:44.53orangeythe only advantage being that it's a one-time setup
13:44.59[TK]D-FenderPolysics: yes
13:45.01orangeyregardless, he does good thinking and work
13:45.09drmessanoAsterisk is a telephony toolkit/engine, not a pretty colored GUI phone-app-thingo that plugs into anything the author could scrape together some halfway working code to support.  The protocols that Asterisk supports all have proper application support
13:45.18Polysicsbut i can't be sure a peer will connect from the same IP
13:45.51Polysicsand btw, how can i figure out how the attack was done?
13:45.55drmessanoIn other words, you won't see Asterisk supporting GV through some dodgy perl code wrapped in the tarball
13:46.26jaytee"Introducing the new and improved Pretty Colored GUI Phone-App-Thingo version 2.0 from Ronco!!!"
13:46.26m_tadeuis the application AgentCallbackLogin deprecated in asterisk1.6?
13:46.28drmessanoWhen GV gets a proper API, then maybe
13:46.36rrb3942Polysics, check your asterisk logs to see if they are full of failed registrations
13:46.40fauxalliancedrmessano, chigger-rigged for sure.
13:46.44jayteem_tadeu yes it is
13:46.49orangeydrmessano: I appreciate that.
13:47.05orangeydrmessano: it's the debian way : )
13:47.36m_tadeujaytee: do you know which application is replacing that functionality?
13:47.54yahhis it possible to use asterisk as a gateway between sip<=>h323?
13:48.21[TK]D-Fender[09:46]<rrb3942>Polysics, check your asterisk logs to see if they are full of failed registrations <- that's nto how these attacks work
13:48.29jayteem_tadea, there were some AEL examples in the source docs of how to replace that functionality but not much else.
13:48.42Polysics[TK]D-Fender, although in this case they might
13:48.55[TK]D-FenderPolysics: they throw calls at yuo direct
13:48.58m_tadeujaytee: ok thanks
13:49.03Polysicssince i DO have someone trying to register all peers from 10000 to 99999
13:49.14Polysicsmight it be part of the whole attack?
13:49.23*** join/#asterisk Arsenick (
13:49.31drmessanoI know some people are happy with routing a call via to to to some Perl Script to to Some App on a Windows box to TiVo to Asterisk to get a call, but most of us here are NOT
13:49.50mifadiripsec   Polysics :-)
13:49.53orangeydrmessano: OK, point taken and moving on : )
13:50.01drmessanoThat's more PBX In A Flash type crap..
13:50.02orangeyLet me ask about something else here.. femtocells?
13:50.09Polysicsmifadir, what do you mean? any help is appreciated :-)
13:50.17*** join/#asterisk Benwa (
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13:50.29drmessanoorangey: You're sounding like a buzzword generator.  Ask a full question with an application
13:50.35orangeyheheheheh ; )
13:50.43orangeywell, I'm exploring, so you're right.
13:50.54[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Could be.
13:51.00orangeyI basically am moving into a new city and new home with lots of time and resources
13:51.10Polysicsi see a LOT of "maximum retries exceeded"
13:51.10orangeyso I'm trying to figure out if I can / should do things
13:51.11mifadirPolysics try this url
13:51.22fauxallianceorangey, you can, and you should.
13:51.27orangeyso, are femtocells worth thinking about? Or should I leave it?
13:51.42Polysicsi can't use ipsec on clients
13:51.47*** join/#asterisk hugorebelo (
13:51.51drmessanoDunno, this is #asterisk
13:51.56orangeyfauxalliance: do you use femtocells, or have you seen them?
13:52.02orangeydrmessano: I'm talking about asterisk -> femtocell
13:52.03WIMPyorangey: Try to take a look at openbsc.
13:52.09Polysicscan i use a system wide permit/deny mask?
13:52.11orangeyWIMPy: I'm reading about it now
13:52.20Polysicsthat would ease up having to state a rule for each different IP
13:52.29[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Not sure.
13:52.31yahhis it possible to use asterisk as a gateway between sip<=>h323?
13:52.34drmessanoWhat is Asterisk > femtocell.  How does they hook together?  What's the goal?
13:52.47[TK]D-FenderPolysics: of course you could jsut firewall that system striaght up
13:52.58[TK]D-FenderPolysics: if thats the angle you're going for
13:53.01fauxallianceorangey, we had one installed in the last office because our our strange geography.
13:53.26Polysicsyou mean, just lock out not-authorized blocks?
13:53.34[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Yes
13:53.43drmessanoLast time I checked, the definition of a femtocell was mini cell site with a wired interface for transporting your call over IP
13:53.52orangeyfauxalliance: I'll guess all you got out of it was voice?
13:53.57drmessanoI don't see where Asterisk fits in
13:54.02fauxallianceor repeat to the carrier drmessano
13:54.06bodieyahh:   ;-)
13:54.11fauxallianceorangey, yes
13:54.33drmessanofauxalliance: Wouldn't you just buy a REPEATER and skill the femtocell?
13:55.33*** join/#asterisk benrometsch (
13:55.44drmessanoIn band repeaters have been out for years.  They would be a much better option if your goal is to extend the RF path
13:56.04benrometschhi - anyone got any ideas - I have asterisk 1.6 running nicely but whnever I try and get the callgroups working I lose voice from external SIP calls
13:56.05fauxalliancewe had no network within range to repeat to...
13:56.11orangeyfauxalliance: Did you have it running through asterisk too? I wonder about playing around with SMSs with the femtocell
13:57.29fauxallianceminds the gap.
13:57.40orangey; )
13:57.42coppicefemtocells are only really suitable for very small monks
13:57.55orangeycoppice: what do you mean?
13:57.59fauxallianceor very large houses.
13:58.06fauxalliancein the middle of NOWHERE>
13:58.17*** join/#asterisk mrchrisadams (
13:58.26drmessanofemtocells and Asterisk do not belong in the same conversation.  They don't exist in the same application space
13:58.43drmessanothat's like asking if I integrated my Netflix into apache
13:58.47Polysics[TK]D-Fender, and that is the ONLY defense available?
13:58.56PolysicsIP-based security?
13:59.43orangeyi'll have good reception in the place I go to. I'm trying to use it to do lots with my cell phone without going through my prohibitively expensive carrier
13:59.57orangeyit sounds like I'm hearing that femtocells probably don't do what I'm thinking / seeking
14:00.14orangeyreally only good for voice
14:00.20drmessanoorangey: Your femtocell is a gateway device FOR your "prohibitively expensive carrier"
14:00.41fauxallianceexactly...  let them pay the licensing fees..
14:01.14orangeydrmessano: THat's not how I read it
14:01.17benrometschhi - anyone got any ideas - I have asterisk 1.6 running nicely but whnever I try and get the callgroups working I lose voice from external SIP calls
14:01.36fauxalliancebenrometsch, nat issues?
14:01.40benrometschyeah I think so
14:01.49benrometschbut the rest of the system is workjing perfectly
14:01.50orangeydrmessano: it's a thing your cell phone locks into that then does whatever., like routing phone calls through * or whatnot
14:02.01benrometschit's only when one sip client pulls a call routed to another that I lose voice...
14:02.17fauxalliancebenrometsch, could be a codec
14:02.19drmessanoorangey: It sounds like you're reading product brochures glued together with kiddie paste.  You're asking about technologies and not applications of said technologies\
14:02.36benrometschfauxalliance: any easy way I could check that?
14:03.01rrb3942Polysics: strong sip secrets and bruteforce detection, but good ACLs/Firewall rules can prevent the attackers from ever getting a chance
14:03.12orangeydrmessano: I think it was pretty clear early on that you and I were thinking differently here. But I'm getting tons of very useful information from others, with the only cost being your irritation. I think we can leave it like that.
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14:03.19fauxalliancebenrometsch, take a verbose capture of the CLI result and describe for the audience a little about your particular setup...
14:03.34Polysicsrrb3942, i do not see anyone registering though
14:03.46Polysicscan calls be invoked even without registering?
14:03.51fauxalliancePolysics, apparenty
14:03.56drmessanoOrangey, I don't think we're thinking here at all.  You're throwing out buzzwords and don't seem to have any real knowledge of the technology and it's applications
14:04.07*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (~jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
14:04.18rrb3942but they should still need to authenticate on the invite
14:04.35orangeydrmessano: does your IRC application have ignore?
14:04.50drmessanoYou're wanting to use Asterisk to route around your carrier using your carriers OWN GATEWAY... which is like saving your dog from the sharks by throwing it IN THE WATER
14:04.54benrometschFairly standard office setup - internal asterisk box, external VOIP provider, SIP clients inside the office
14:05.08Polysicsrrb3942, i am stumped at how to proceed
14:05.11fauxalliancebenrometsch, WTF is that, my poor eyes.
14:05.15benrometschcalling lol
14:05.26drmessanoorangey: If that's how you're going to be, then so be it..  I am trying to waste my time offering you some insight, but if you want the middle finger, you go it
14:05.32benrometschwhat's wrong with it?!?
14:05.51orangeydrmessano: you're not insightful to me. Your values and direction are different and probably incompatible to mine
14:06.04fauxallianceITS A SCREENCAP OF PLAIN TEXT!  use pastebin
14:06.17orangeyas indicated by the fact that I have gotten tons from other people, whereas you would have simply stonewalled me becuase I don't fit your mould of how learning should be done.
14:06.34[TK]D-Fender[09:58]<Polysics>IP-based security? <- what else is there?
14:06.41fauxalliancedid not spot socrates here
14:06.49*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (~khaled@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
14:06.59[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Someone keeps lying to you.. you ignore them :)
14:06.59fauxalliance[TK]D-Fender, mac filters
14:07.10Polysics[TK]D-Fender, password-based security, which i thought DID work :-)
14:07.18Polysicsi probably had bad secrets, ok
14:07.27drmessanoorangey:  I think you need to learn someting about ANY of the technology you're asking about before you start talking to me about "direction".  It's clear to me you don't have any goals here other than gluing buzzwords, and if that frustrates you to hear it, you can't either stop being argumentative and listen to those that do know, or hit ignore
14:07.32orangeyActually, I find fauxalliance did a good job here.. It is clear that I'm a beginner and there's a gap, but still the information was delivered where appropriate.
14:08.01Polysicsnow yo ucan go leverage the cloud for added value virtualization of software as a service
14:08.05*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
14:08.06orangeydrmessano: I'm not the one who's irritated. That's why I'm trying to help you too.
14:08.09fauxalliancewith a hint of sarcasm fwiw
14:08.09rrb3942if all your phones are on a lan or static IP's firewall the heck out of the system
14:08.11orangeyI'm not here to irritate you
14:08.14tuxx-waarom is het zo warm
14:08.16tuxx-wrong chan
14:08.20drmessanoI'm not irritated.
14:08.23orangeyfauxalliance: I think that's part of it.
14:08.36Polysicsrrb3942, problem is, the point of the system was to be distributed and allow operator's mobility
14:08.45[TK]D-Fender[10:07]<Polysics>i probably had bad secrets, ok <- If yours are weak you may not log enough failures to trigger bans, etc
14:09.08Polysicsusing a browser-based SIP ohone operators could log in fro manywhere
14:09.34orangeyfauxalliance: I loved the 'mind the gap' thing. it cleverly and non-judgmentally says everything necessary
14:09.46Polysics[TK]D-Fender, i am afraid I need another solution
14:09.50drmessanoYet another clod who thinks if someone doesn't agree with him or coddle him, they're "irritated"
14:10.10orangeydrmessano: sorry. Should I assume this is your way of conversation then?
14:10.22fauxallianceorangey, yes, indeed.
14:10.35fauxallianceor you will have to mind the boot, schwoomp.
14:10.35orangeyheh ; )
14:10.38[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Here's a thought: Rather then based on post-logging bans, enable a deny-first style firewall, and have them use a login-page from their station to ENABLE their IP for a time.
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14:10.56[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Far more secure, and you can force-close those on timer, etc
14:11.14Polysics[TK]D-Fender, taht would be done at the iptables layer? or directly on *?
14:11.16[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Especially valid if they are using a web-phone from a host you control
14:11.20[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Yes
14:11.35fauxalliance[TK]D-Fender, OpenBSD has a wonderfully captivating authenticating gateway all because of PF.
14:11.50fauxallianceSSH in, or no phone for you.
14:12.51Polysics[TK]D-Fender, how can i figure out how the attack happened?
14:12.58drmessanoor you could just use a femtocell > Skype > Windows Me > X-Lite > Asterisk
14:13.12drmessanoAuthenticate over RF using two-tone paging
14:13.13benrometschany ideas fauxalliance ?
14:13.18[TK]D-FenderPolysics: unless you're loggin that kind fo activity or it is still happening.. you'll never know
14:13.23fauxalliancebenrometsch, yeah, more log please...
14:13.27fauxallianceis hungy
14:13.34benrometschthat's all I got?!?
14:13.50drmessanoThat's what she said
14:14.23Polysicsi do have the attacker's IP
14:14.41fauxalliancePolysics, what good is that.
14:14.48drmessanoPolysics: Was the lost valued at greater than $4999 ?
14:15.00drmessanoThe FBI doesn't care otherwise
14:15.04fauxalliance50> euro
14:15.09Polysics[TK]D-Fender, what i realyl wanted to ask is: is there any other way, otehr than bruteforcing a SIP account, to trigger a call?
14:15.17Polysicsdrmessano, 50 euros
14:15.20drmessanoShitty dialplan
14:15.30[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Yes... allowing un-authed calls in the first place
14:15.34Polysicsbut the real problem is that i can't bring the system up again unless i figure out what happened
14:15.49Polysics[TK]D-Fender, what controls that? maybe the problem is simply there
14:16.11*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
14:16.12drmessanoDumping all unauthed calls into the eff-me-from-behind default context
14:16.19drmessanoWhere they'
14:16.21fauxalliancedrmessano, not worthy of being called a 'dialplan'  more of a dial'hopethefuckitworks'scheme
14:16.31[TK]D-FenderPolysics: allowguest=yes in [general].  Having a context specified there and usable extensions, etc
14:16.32drmessanoYeah exactly
14:16.33Polysicsand the IPs will probably be fro msome poor guy with a compromised Windows ME box anyway
14:16.46[TK]D-FenderPolysics: even HAVING a context named [default]  dumb
14:16.55drmessanoor a trixbox
14:17.03Polysicswhat can I show you so you can tell what i did wrong, if you cna?
14:17.10fauxalliancespeaking of phoning home.
14:17.13Polysicssip.conf and extensions.conf?
14:17.19drmessanoI hear trixbox supports femtocells, and kills kittens
14:17.42xhelioxonly fluffy white kittens
14:17.46timholumdoes anyone know of a good phone that allow's for programable buttons?
14:17.47fauxalliancetrixbox supports?
14:18.02fauxalliancei didnt think they encouraged that type of activity.
14:18.06timholumpreferably polycom, but I am open to other sugestions
14:18.08[TK]D-Fendertimholum: Polycom
14:18.27Naikrovektimholum: Polycom
14:18.30fauxallianceanything but grandstream or avaya.
14:18.41infobotfrom memory, femtocell is <define> femtocells and asterisk?  GRAB TEH GLUE!
14:19.15*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
14:19.29infobotmethinks femtocell is femtocells and asterisk?  GRAB TEH GLUE!
14:19.31timholum[TK]D-Fender Naikrovek: which models allow for programmable buttons?
14:19.53Polysicsfor what it's worth, the attacker's IP are chinese
14:19.57Naikrovektimholum: all from the 321 up
14:20.03fauxalliancePolysics, thay all are
14:20.08drmessanoPolysics: That's worth nothing
14:20.20WIMPyNow we just need to #define GLUE LCR and the puzzle is complete.
14:20.20drmessanoThat's like saying "For what it's worth, this is made in china"
14:20.24drmessanoIt's worth about 10 cents
14:20.33fauxalliancethats how you know they 'are exerrent'
14:20.35Polysicsit just reinforces my not liking the chinese :-)
14:21.00timholumNaikrovek: ok I currently have a 320 that is probably why mine does not have that feature :)
14:21.00fauxallianceprolly some script kiddie and a hole to china
14:21.02[TK]D-Fendertimholum: You'd get a more comprehensive answer if you actually told us exactly what you had in mind instead of asking it piecemeal <-
14:21.10drmessanoPolysics: Nobody asked you to shop at Walmart or allow guests on your "call-the-world-for-free" context
14:21.11Naikrovektimholum: your 320 can do it, too
14:21.14[TK]D-Fender[10:20]<timholum>Naikrovek: ok I currently have a 320 that is probably why mine does not have that feature :) <- It does.  RTFM :)
14:21.29Naikrovektimholum: what [TK]D-Fender said
14:21.33timholum:) I will have to do that
14:21.39Polysicsdrmessano, is the problem in sip.conf and/or extensions.conf?
14:21.50fauxallianceprobably both
14:21.59drmessanoPolysics: Sorry, app_psychic is broken.  Where's the pastebin?
14:22.01[TK]D-Fenderpummels timholum with the Polycom Adminitrators Guide: steel-cover Edition
14:22.17fauxallianceyou can read the book, or eat it.
14:22.21tuxx-thats gotta hurt
14:22.27tuxx-does it have spikes [TK]D-Fender ?
14:22.33fauxalliancediamond plate
14:22.38tuxx-steel-spike-covered book
14:22.56timholumoh and you wanted to know what I was trying to do, I am trying to make a call center app that a user just has to press a button to call the next person on the list
14:23.00[TK]D-Fendertuxx-: No, I have a 2x4 with some rusty nails however :)
14:23.24drmessano99% of asterisk hacks are from shitty dialplans.  The other 1% are trixboxes compromised via their Windows On Barbie subsystem using the ohgodken API
14:23.26[TK]D-Fendertimholum: that is a boring f-ing SPEED DIAL
14:23.42*** join/#asterisk rocksfrow (
14:23.45[TK]D-Fendertimholum: FFS its a 10 second job without even modding the buttons
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14:24.14[TK]D-Fenderresumes pummeling timholum with the Polycom Adminitrators Guide: steel-cover Edition
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14:24.53drmessano"shitty dialplans" includes dumping unauthed calls into "naughty places" in the dialplan
14:25.09Polysicsextensions.conf and sip.cof
14:25.11yahhI think asterisk can work as a gateway between SIP and H323, am i right?
14:25.18fauxalliancedrmessano, what do you tink about asterisk barbie on solaris
14:25.40[TK]D-Fendercontext=incoming                 ; Default context for incoming calls
14:25.47[TK]D-Fenderexten => _0.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}
14:25.49Polysicsi am using Adhearsion for al ot of things, but before we look into that, i wanted to be sure the problem was not simply there
14:25.52fauxalliancePolysics, or maybe you transferred that polite caller to extension 91.
14:25.55[TK]D-FenderPolysics: You're just F-ing ASKING for it...
14:26.27Polysicserm, i suppose i fucked up badly :-)
14:26.28rrb3942very ouch
14:26.29[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Please place the abrrel firmly to your temple, stand over there on that plastic sheet and pull the trigger, k? :|
14:26.33drmessanoYep, that dialplan is like bending over at the nudist colony
14:26.33kaldemaryahh: still yes, but you might want to forget the video part.
14:26.52Polysicsshoudl i stand here on the big red X?
14:27.05drmessanoPolysics, don't drop the soap
14:27.14*** part/#asterisk bodie (
14:27.20Polysicsok, what do I do then?
14:27.20fauxallianceshall we make some swag out of it.  'Plan B' t-shirts and the like.
14:27.21yahhkaldemar: following link show that if i use openh323 then it is supporting video
14:27.39fauxalliancePolysics, reboot three times in quick succession and learn how TCP/IP works.
14:27.55Polysicsjust so you know, i will be blaming an obscure bug in the exact version of * i am using
14:28.22fauxalliancePolysics, thats ok, asterisk knows better, and blames YOU, not even the hacker, just you.
14:28.24drmessanoI'm sure the devs will appreciate that
14:29.00Polysicsnot in public, just with the bosses that luckily are not good with technical speak (and apparently i am not either)
14:29.18fauxalliancePolysics, then keep that to yourself.
14:29.50mcr_mvhow to deactivate mmx, sse, etc. features at compiletime in asterisk ?
14:29.52drmessanoSo you want to regain confidence with your bosses by blaming the PBX instead?
14:30.04[TK]D-FenderPolysics: You point non-authed calls to [incoming] which automatically allows OUTGOING.  in [general] do context=gofuckyourself
14:30.05drmessanoThat'll show em!
14:30.26*** join/#asterisk wcselby (~wcselby@
14:30.27Polysicsno, i want to avoid getting executed in the break room
14:30.43Polysicscoffee machine guillotine
14:30.46fauxalliancedrmessano, o/\o
14:31.08*** join/#asterisk garymc (
14:31.24Polysics[TK]D-Fender, i get the problem with the extension
14:31.33kaldemaryahh: where? it says that the OpenH323 library supports video, nothing about asterisk channel drivers supporting video.
14:31.37Polysicsbut where do calls go without a default extension
14:31.46fauxalliancePolysics, you don't get it.
14:32.00fauxallianceThey go where you tell them / allow them to go.
14:32.00yahhkaldemar: ohh yes
14:32.24yahhyou mean channel drivers are not supporting video
14:32.58yahhbut without asterisks how they can use openh323 liberary?
14:33.20yahhusing any other pbx system or switch?
14:33.25kaldemaryahh: yes, i said specifically "H.323 channel drivers".
14:33.32Polysicsfauxalliance, you mean, i use the context option in the SIP accounts, not the default one
14:33.43Polysicscan i just remove the "context" in [general]?
14:33.48kaldemaryahh: it's a library, any other software may use it.
14:33.59drmessanoPolysics: ~book
14:34.34infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
14:34.37drmessanoPolysics: This is Asterisk 101 here.  For the sake of the security of your box, I suggest a read of the book
14:34.49yahhkaldemar: okay
14:35.01wcselbyPolysics - the "default" context is the default, whether you have it there or not, in the general section of sip.conf.  The only thing you can do is set a new context.  However, the only thing this is really going to get used for is anonymous sip calls coming in over the internet
14:35.03yahhthank you for your help
14:35.29Polysicswcselby, so i can just remove the option?
14:35.42wcselbyPolysics - which, unless you have a need for, is generall a bad idea.  You can set "allowguest=no" to remove that behavior
14:36.03Polysicsby the way, fro mwhat i gather, the problem is only marginally with that
14:36.15Polysicsit's the outbound extension that allows the attack
14:36.22drmessanoPolysics, not true
14:37.01Polysicsdrmessano, but if the context does not have an extension taht allows calling outside, how can that be done?
14:37.22drmessanoPolysics:  You putting unauthed INCOMING calls into a context that allows OUTGOING with NO AUTH is the problem
14:37.30wcselbyPolysics - you shouldn't have an extension that allows outbound calling in your default context.
14:37.35drmessanoHaving a nice TV isn't a problem, your FRONT DOOR IS OPEN
14:37.37*** part/#asterisk mifadir (
14:37.54Polysicsthat means that removing the extension fixes half of the problem, no?
14:38.26Polysicsthen i can just use allowguest=no in sip.conf and that should do it
14:38.46Polysicsi did a stupid thing, but this looks like a fix
14:38.55*** part/#asterisk rjek (
14:38.58Polysicsthen i will learn the book by memory, but now i need to fix this :-)
14:39.16fauxalliancePolysics, strike that, reverse it.
14:39.25drmessanoYou need to fix this buy implementing a proper dialplan, which involves that book and not 3 lines of code
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14:42.10drmessanoActually, the sample sip.conf probably has enough warnings in there to get you past this.
14:45.39m_tadeuplease take a look at ...thanx
14:46.14Polysicsdrmessano, i appreciate you telling me to go study, because you are right
14:46.34Polysicsbut please tell me is allowguest=no and removing that extension will allow me to get the system back up
14:46.51Polysicsthe extension isn't even used, it is probably some old test code
14:47.12drmessanoYes. do that and you're done
14:47.28p3nguinDid you read the book already?
14:47.36drmessanoHe doesn't care/want to
14:47.52Polysicsi sure will, you can bet on it
14:47.53p3nguinOh, then we probably don't care or want to help him.
14:47.53drmessanoSo to answer your question, do that and you're done
14:48.02Polysicsbut one thing is knowing things deeply, which i need to do
14:48.10Polysicsone thing is fixing a blocking problem
14:48.17drmessanop3nguin: "Thank you, drive through" is more like it
14:48.40Polysicsi do care about the book ,just i can't read a book in 30 minutes :-(
14:49.00drmessanoNo, you could have read the sip.conf sample 5 times by now, like I suggested
14:49.06drmessanoBecause even it tells you "DONT DO THIS"
14:49.12drmessanoand documents the allowguest
14:49.24drmessano[10:47] <drmessano> Yes. do that and you're done
14:49.33drmessano^^^ There's the McDonalds answer
14:49.34Polysicshad missed that, thanks
14:49.35*** join/#asterisk Footman (
14:51.37FootmanI've a problem with this configuration : Phones <-> PABX Siemens HiPath 3350 <-> BRI card <-> Asterisk <-> Internet
14:51.50Footmanno problem for incoming calls
14:52.04fauxalliancedrmessano, and by "do that" you meant read the book of course...
14:52.32drmessanoWhat book?
14:52.51fauxalliancethe one that should be in Polysics hands..
14:52.52p3nguinBook?  We don't need no stinking book.
14:53.04Footmanbut for external calls, I can't see callee number (Asterisk say extension s does not exist)
14:53.08fauxalliancenope, just a sensible dialplan..
14:53.10drmessanoIf you looked at his dialplan, he has no interest in reading the book, nor has he ever.
14:53.15WIMPyFootman: What's the exact setup? What hardware, what driver and what's the issue?
14:53.27fauxalliancedrmessano, if it makes you want to vomit, it must be 'art'
14:54.02Polysicsjust so you know, the book is in my shopping cart right now :-)
14:54.08drmessanoI'm just hoping he drags this out longer so I can finish these few calls I have to make
14:54.24FootmanWIMPy: Asterisk with Junghanns duoBRI card
14:54.26p3nguinfootman: If the call is being fed into the proper context, either make sure the numeric extension gets added to your calls OR create the 's' extension within that context.
14:54.37Polysicsdrmessano, lol, then it must be someone else's system, as my * is down :-)
14:54.41p3nguinpolysics: It is available in PDF version for free.
14:54.57Polysicsi like having dead trees in my hands
14:55.09*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
14:55.10fauxalliancePolysics, <google>filetype:pdf asterisk</google>
14:55.11drmessanoPolysics: ... but you're DOWN
14:55.13Polysicsand since i actually realyl need reading it, it is correct to give back :-)
14:55.17Footmanp3nguin: the problem is that I can't launch the call via Internet if I don't have the callee number...
14:55.48WIMPyFootman: What's connected where and how?
14:56.13drmessanoPolysics: Why don't you check out the PDF and fix your system first.  Then worry about giving back
14:56.14p3nguinThe other side needs to be sending the numeric extension, but it hasn't been configured to do it.
14:56.28Polysicsif someone wants soem free calls, i will be taking up the server now and still ahve 5 euros of credit :-)
14:56.55drmessanoPolysics: Did you fix the dialplan?
14:57.17Polysicsremoved extension, allowguest=no in sip.conf
14:57.27Polysicsso i think there are no free calls to be had
14:57.31FootmanI can see the callee number in the CLI with "bri intense debug span 1", for example : [Jun 16 16:17:19] VERBOSE[22386] logger.c: 1 < Called Number (len=13) [ Ext: 1  TON: Unknown Number Type (0)  NPI: ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (E.164/E.163) (1)  'XXXXXXXXXX' ] (XXXXXXXXXX is the callee number)
14:58.11wcselbydid Polysics ever pastebin his extensions.conf and sip.conf for ya'll?
14:58.46*** join/#asterisk tarik (~chatzilla@
14:59.04tarikHi all
14:59.35FootmanWIMPy: I have phones connected to a PABX Siemens HiPath 3350. This PABX is connected to an Asterisk server via a Junghanns duoBRI card. The Asterisk server is connected to Internet for join SIP providers.
15:00.30WIMPyFootman: So you're running * in NT mode?
15:00.30wcselbyPolysics - um....
15:00.42FootmanWIMPy: yes, NT mode
15:00.56WIMPyFootman: I'd guess there's something wrong with the 'immediate' settings.
15:00.59Polysicswcselby, i know (actually i don't but i now understand what was wrong)
15:01.17FootmanWIMPy: I'm in France, if it's important
15:01.18*** join/#asterisk Glasswalker (
15:01.57wcselbyPolysics - you need to take your outgoing extension out of the incoming context, create an outgoing context, and include that in your [phones] context.  but then, unless it's in your agi, I don't see how you're calling your phones....
15:02.10Polysicsi am dialing them in the AGI
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15:02.25Polysicsbut the AGI always checks for the user to be a valid SIP peer
15:02.50GlasswalkerHey, I have trixbox, I'm trying to connect it to my talkswitch PBX by setting up a generic SIP extension on the talkswitch, and then connecting to it as a trunk on the trixbox. The SIP extension works fine from generic SIP softphones.
15:02.51wcselbyPolysics - but from what I can see, even with allowguest=no, you might be screwed
15:03.03Polysicswcselby, since i do not actually need the outgoing extension, i just removed it
15:03.05GlasswalkerProblem is it's not working, and the talkswitch doesn't even show the asterisk box attempting to connect.
15:03.25GlasswalkerI have asterisk connected to a voip provider with a trunk fine, and that trunk works great.
15:03.34infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
15:03.35Glasswalkerso how do I determine if it's connecting, or what do I look for in the logs
15:03.38wcselbyGlasswalker ^^^^
15:03.54wcselbyGlasswalker - or try the trixbox forums
15:04.23wcselbyPolysics - you removed the outgoing extension, but not the ability to make an outbound call.  thus you need an outgoing extension
15:04.39wcselbyat least, that's how I see it....?
15:04.53FootmanWIMPy: this is my zaptel.conf and zapata.conf :
15:04.58m_tadeuI'm having some trouble with realtime queues. when I register a client the register doesn't show on the table. Posted some details in . Can someone take a look, plz? thanx :)
15:05.10Footmanwhat do you mean by immediate settings ?
15:05.16Polysicswcselby, how does a client initiate a call without an extension to call?
15:05.27wcselbyPolysics - huh?
15:06.03wcselbyPolysics - you should have separate inbound, outbound, and internal contexts.  I mean, you don't have to, but it's a nice separation.  you stuff too many things in one context and you open yourself to attack.
15:07.23Polysicsthe system is supposed to be like this: incoming -> IVR, internal (called "phones") => users calling each others, outgoing => calling user's cellphones when out of office
15:07.24tarikI'm working with Asterisk, and I've seen two missed calls, but i don't know the number/extension who called me, and when i check my reports (FreePBX) i've seen in the channel ( sip/
15:07.36Polysicswcselby, all the calling is supposedly done by AGI
15:07.43Polysicsthe extensions are just entry points
15:07.46WIMPyFootman: If I remember correctely there are seetings called immedieate and alwaysimmediate which you might want to play with. But meybe that was on misdn. - Too long ago.
15:07.58WIMPyBut the HiPath will always use overlap sending.
15:07.58tarikwhat that's mean ( sip/ ?
15:08.16Polysicsand there is NOTHING in the AGI taht allows calling an arbitrary number
15:08.18wcselbytarik - it's a sip channel from a peer at
15:08.44tarikBut i don't know this ip
15:08.49[TK]D-Fenderm_tadeu: Queue member table is for STATIC devices.  It replaces the "member=>" lines from queuws.conf.  Therefor dynamically added devices will NOT be added
15:08.55*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~unit41@
15:09.08wcselbyPolysics --> exten => _0.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1} allows outgoing calls over your trunk
15:09.29wcselbyif someone were to dial 0123456789, you'd end up sending 123456789 to
15:09.33Polysicswcselby, which is the extension I removed as it is not needed by the system, just some old code
15:09.36wcselbyas an outbound call
15:09.54wcselbyif you removed it, you should have taken it out of the pastebin
15:09.59wcselbysorry, it confused me
15:10.00ruben23hi guys how do i stop running asterisk not on console...
15:10.17wcselbytarik - then someone has registered to your system on that IP and is using it
15:10.29[TK]D-Fenderruben23: conenct to it and do "core stop now"
15:10.38m_tadeu[TK]D-Fender: so the only way to check which agent are in the queue is with 'queue show' command?
15:10.52[TK]D-Fenderm_tadeu: Or related AMI commands
15:11.18m_tadeu[TK]D-Fender: ah cool...thanx
15:12.31FootmanWIMPy: immediate seems to be for FXS
15:12.52[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Depends on your sue of a startup script.  You should already know which one you may be using
15:13.03[TK]D-Fenderruben23: otherwise call it with asterisk -rx
15:14.39*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
15:14.59Polysicswcselby, current configs
15:17.17ruben23[TK]D-Fender:asterisk -rx stop now
15:18.26ruben23asterisk -rx "stop now"
15:18.29wcselbyPolysics - you should be safe for now, but please, please, please, buy the book, then download the pdf, and read that until you get the hard copy, and then read that.
15:18.49wcselbyPolysics - then keep it on your desk, and refer back to it
15:19.00Polysicsbook is already incoming, and the PDF version already downloaded, i had an order on AMazon open anyway :-)
15:19.29wcselbyPolysics - good luck, and welcome to #asterisk
15:19.59Polysicswcselby, thank you for not bashing me, although some bashing WAS in order after all :-)
15:20.26wcselbyPolysics - it happens in here from time to time.  at least [TK]D-Fender didn't pull out his ClueBat[tm]
15:20.39quenenni2what does mean "the dial tone will continue after you pressed 9" in [local] ignorepat ?
15:20.49Polysicsno, he was busy hitting someone with a Polycom manual
15:20.54Polysicsi got lucky
15:22.12infobot*WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*
15:23.48*** join/#asterisk devdvd (
15:25.27devdvdanyone using the polycom 321, im having a problem getting it to connect to asterisk.  It dont even seem to be trying to connect to the server.
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15:28.52[TK]D-Fenderquenenni2: Do you use Zaptel/DAHDI FXS channels?
15:29.55quenenni2no i do not use zaptel... (note that i'm a total asterisk-noob)
15:29.57Polysicsshtop the whacking, my eyes shwell up and i can't shee the conshole
15:30.44[TK]D-Fenderquenenni2: then ignore it.  It does not apply to you
15:30.59quenenni2ok thanks but what does it means?
15:31.36[TK]D-Fenderquenenni2: It means exactly what it says.  If you started to dial a # that started with "9" then it would not stop the dialtone upone receipt of that first digit
15:31.42*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
15:33.51Naikrovekdevdvd: how are you configuring the phone
15:35.02devdvdNaikrovek: via the web interface
15:35.03*** join/#asterisk theHub (~theHub@
15:35.12Naikrovekdevdvd: how many phones, just 1?
15:35.34quenenni2[TK]D-Fender, sorry english is not my mother tongue, what does exactly means : " then it would not stop the dialtone upon receipt of that first digit"
15:36.02[TK]D-Fenderquenenni2: Start dialing a # with 9 and the dialtone won't stop
15:36.05Naikrovekquenenni2: you will hear dial tone, you will dial 9, you will continue to hear dialtone until you dial another digit
15:37.59[TK]D-Fenderquenenni2: La tonalite que t'etends avant de composer le numero arretera-pas si il commence par un 9
15:38.10[TK]D-Fenderquenenni2: Mieux?
15:39.05devdvdNaikrovek: yes, just 1 phone, ill be setting up an autoprovision server later.  Just a moment and ill tell you what i got for each field.
15:39.09devdvdin the web gui
15:40.05Naikrovekeven for one phone, an FTP server with configs is easier than the web gui
15:40.14Naikrovekand i'm not saying that to be snarky
15:40.24Naikrovekprimary benefit of the ftp server is you can give the phone some place to put its logs
15:40.29Naikrovekthen you can see what is going on
15:40.38Naikroveks/primary/one of the/
15:40.45[TK]D-FenderUsers programming Polycom phones via the web interface should be dragged out and shot.  Survivors should be shot AGAIN
15:41.00Naikroveki won't go that far, but you're on to something there
15:41.02quenenni2[TK]D-Fender, yes better... ;) but if i just press 9 i'm supposed to hear infinitly the dial tone?
15:41.07Naikrovekthey'll want to shoot themselves by the time they're done
15:41.08drmessanoI refuse to use any phone without a proper gopher interface
15:41.43[TK]D-Fenderquenenni2: Not il va ignorer seulement ce premiere 9
15:41.57*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:42.01[TK]D-Fender(ignorer de desactiver le ton)
15:44.04tarikwcselby: tarik - then someone has registered to your system on that IP and is using it =>> I can't see any extension registred in my asterisk
15:44.39quenenni2[TK]D-Fender, ok i aproximately understand, i will care later...
15:45.06*** join/#asterisk hfb (
15:46.31drmessanoOMG that sounds like that other guy
15:46.40drmessano"I know I am gonna get hacked, but lunch is getting cold"
15:47.30[TK]D-Fendertarik: You don't need to be registered to PLACE CALLS
15:50.06tarik<[TK]D-Fender : But how i can deny the person who use my asterisk ?
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15:51.42[TK]D-Fendertarik: permit/deny masks on your SIP peers.  disallowing unauthed calls.  Firewall your server, etc
15:51.59Polysicsit is a sort of common problem then :-)
15:52.35[TK]D-FenderPolysics: Yes, the Moron Virus it approaching CDC alert level Orange
15:52.51Polysicshas it ever been lower? :-)
15:53.02enzoI have a strange thing, I use asterisk to automatically answer when ring begins, however asterisk waits several rings before taking the call
15:53.28*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
15:53.38p3nguinenzo: I don't see your dialplan.
15:53.39enzoI suspect some threshold
15:53.51Corydon76-digenzo: DAHDI channels?
15:54.25enzoit's not a problem of dialplan p3nguin, I'm using my dialpan for several years. But I have changed my line in. It's now the line from an internet box
15:54.50p3nguinIn that case, show ALL of your configuration files.
15:54.53[TK]D-Fenderenzo: via what interface?
15:55.05*** join/#asterisk bodie (
15:55.24bodienice one for telephony :-)
15:55.32enzoI have a X101P to get the call when line is ringing
15:55.45Corydon76-digenzo: set callerid=no
15:55.55Corydon76-digerr, usecallerid=no
15:56.02enzoI try
15:56.26enzoin the log is the called ID = unknown, you think it takes some time trying to get the caller id Corydon76-dig ?
15:56.43Corydon76-digThe reason it rings several times is that the callerid appears in the signal between the first and second rings, so Asterisk needs to wait for both
15:57.07Corydon76-digonly then is the dialplan started
15:58.32enzoI have put no in my zapata.conf, but asterisk waits again a long time before really getting the call
15:58.48Corydon76-digenzo: did you restart?
15:59.06enzoi've done /etc/init.d/asterisk restart indeed
15:59.22Corydon76-digpastebin your entire zapata.conf
15:59.55*** join/#asterisk KnucKles_ (~bocao_198@
16:01.09enzo Corydon76-dig
16:01.12KnucKles_Hi all!!
16:01.39KnucKles_Does anyone knows whats is the error  PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS   on Primary D-channel of span 1?
16:02.30ChainsawKnucKles_: It suggests corruption of data on your D-channel, which could have many causes.
16:02.45ChainsawKnucKles_: It this a known good span? (i.e. you have had it connected to other equipment and placed calls over it?)
16:03.50KnucKles_Chaninsaw: Yes.. I can send and receive calls normally but, after 3 hours I need to restart the DAHDI (dahdi restart)
16:04.06Corydon76-digenzo: watch the console when you call in at verbose >= 3
16:04.22Corydon76-digenzo: does it start the simple switch immediately upon the first ring?
16:04.35enzoi've done this debug, i paste it
16:04.48KnucKles_Chaninsaw: because the span freeze.
16:05.33enzo Corydon76-dig
16:05.56enzono the simple switch is after the 5 ring or more Corydon76-dig
16:06.20Corydon76-digenzo: then it's your telephony provider, not you
16:06.48[TK]D-Fenderenzo: If you plug an analog phone in parallel, do you hearing it ring for 5 times before * pics up?
16:06.56enzoI try
16:07.05KnucKles_Chaisaw: I'm connected on span 1 with the PSTN provider and on span 2 the PBX. The connection with PBX there is no problem. Only with PSTN
16:07.28*** join/#asterisk orangey (
16:07.35orangeyI think I got it!!!
16:07.55orangeyIt looks like Twilio offers DID numbers that do both SMS and voice (looks like SIP)
16:09.41lost_soul3 cents per SMS, not to bad but that can certainly add up quickly
16:10.28orangeylost_soul: less than the 15/sms charged to me now : )
16:10.30*** part/#asterisk bodie (
16:10.37orangeyregardless, I can't figure out how to do sip with this thing
16:11.14lost_soulorangey: yea, so long as it's a cut rate from what you pay now I guess ya can't go wrong
16:12.00orangeybut obviously a nogo if no SIP. Alarmingly, it looks like THEY run Asterisk, but that their API is proprietary
16:12.43*** join/#asterisk chazzam (
16:13.02lost_soulorangey: the method I was looking into was to get one of those devices that incorporate GSM cellular line into asterisk, if you have a plan offering unlimited SMS it would be the cats ass, but still would need to figure out how to send the SMS through asterisk
16:13.49orangeyI have time and desire. but the issue is that i want a google voice-like thing where a unified number receives SMS and voice, and then delegates them wherever I want
16:14.09orangeytwilio does that
16:14.17orangeywhich is interesting
16:14.18*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (
16:16.45enzo[TK]D-Fender: Corydon76-dig, when i plug a simple phone, it ring immediately when i call the line
16:17.02enzoAnd i can also see the caller id
16:17.17enzomy provider sends it when it knows it
16:19.20*** part/#asterisk jbeez (
16:19.43Corydon76-digenzo: Ask your reseller for hardware support
16:19.52enzoI'm in France by the way with an internet provider that gives me a telephony line via internet
16:20.37[TK]D-Fenderenzo: And it takes 5 rings for "simple switch" to appear?
16:20.39enzoBut the strange thing is that a simple telephone gets the call immediately, and everything works fine
16:20.45enzoyes [TK]D-Fender
16:20.57enzo5 rings, 8 rings sometimes !
16:21.01[TK]D-Fenderenzo: Perhaps your ringing indication isn't right for your line
16:21.24enzoit's surely some setting to inform asterisk when to take the call
16:22.40*** join/#asterisk cmn (
16:22.58lost_soultheir stating there towards the bottom that twilio uses asterisk as it's backbone, I haven't yet found concrete evidence proving this but it wouldn't surprise me
16:24.11orangeylost_soul: this looks like what it does is creates a front-end. It itself is not a SIP provider or whatnot
16:25.03lost_soulorangey: yes, basically looks like your paying for their web interface and virtual phone numbers and such
16:25.06enzo[TK]D-Fender: Corydon76-dig is there some setting in asterisk to detect more easily when a ring is done ?
16:25.20orangeylost_soul: So, the hack here would be twilio to receive SMS / voice, which then distributes to asterix / whatever. The shame is that they don't let you just link in your SIP device and cut out the middle man, as it were
16:26.52lost_soulorangey: well, if you can indeed confirm it's asterisk their using.  You could replicate it's workings I'm sure
16:27.36*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
16:27.41lost_soulgranted, it may very well not be worth the time it would take though.  But would be very interesting to do
16:28.42orangeylost_soul: the real problem is getting a DID that accepts SMS / voice
16:28.57orangeyif I could do that inexpensively, I think all the pieces are in asterisk to replace this indeed
16:30.03orangeyoh. I might have hit a showstopper: "Twilio SMS does not support toll-free phone numbers, **Canadian phone numbers**, or phone numbers in other countries"
16:30.10orangeyand I'm trying this for a canadian phone number..
16:32.13*** join/#asterisk Ta^3 (~tacvbo@
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16:33.07CrashSysHow do I globally change the time zone that voicemail.conf is using?
16:33.14lost_soulorangey: lol, always something that ends up biting ya in the ass.  Been there, done that
16:33.19CrashSysI know I can do it user by user but is there a way to do it globally?
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16:43.49FootmanWIMPy: with immediate=no and overlapdial=no or yes in zapata.conf, and span timing to 0 in zaptel.conf, the extension called is the first number of the callee number
16:44.17russellbwhat is this zaptel that you speak of
16:45.19Footmanfor example, we call 00123456789. The first 0 permits to go out the PABX. The second 0 is called by Asterisk via the SIP provider
16:45.43Footmanmaybe I can retrieve the numbers with Read function ?
16:46.05Footmanrussellb: this is /etc/zaptel.conf
16:46.26*** join/#asterisk githogori (
16:46.56branwhat does DAHDI_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6) mean when I try to run dahdi_cfg?
16:49.03kn0xanyone familair with ERROR[5783]: res_config_mysql.c:1456 mysql_reconnect: MySQL RealTime: Failed to connect database server phone_dat on localhost (err 2002). Check debug for more info.
16:50.09kn0xif i restart asterisk it says connected to database for X minutes..  so i am assuming this happens after certain ammount of time
16:50.41FootmanWIMPy: OK, it works with the Read command ! :) But is there no way to have directly the callee number from the PABX ?
16:53.01lost_soulMy situation is such that I would like to run asterisk on my router machine which runs openbsd.  This router is also queueing traffic via pf with ALTQ.  Without the queueing everything seems to work fine but with queueing enabled calls only connect one in three times roughly the rest of the time their going to the bulk queue.  What I'm wondering is whether I need to use a sip proxy to resolve this matter.
16:53.35lost_soulI would prefer keeping this all on the same machine, but if I must seperate them I can do so
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16:55.52infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
16:56.18*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
17:03.43kn0xlol how is teliax and broadvoice more respected than
17:04.44fauxalliancelink2voip needs more respect...
17:05.18Qwellfauxalliance: never heard of it.
17:05.41Qwellbusiness with "2" in their name...well...
17:06.17fauxalliancethey have great rates, and an actual support team, not a loopy IVR
17:06.42*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
17:07.37enzoI use asterisk 1.4, I've seen last asterisk uses dahdi instead of zaptel. Does my X100P will work with last version of asterisk ?
17:07.50kn0xfauxalliance: and ipsec tunnel, not bad
17:08.28kn0xvitelity has lost all credibility with me
17:08.58leifmadsenenzo: X100P is not specifically supported or many years now -- it may or may not work
17:09.33enzowell, I'd like to know before upgrading :)
17:10.00leifmadsenlike I said - it is not supported
17:10.13leifmadsenif you want a guarantee that your card will work, use modern hardware
17:10.26tzafrir_laptopenzo, should generally works just as well as it did with Zaptel
17:10.43enzowhat card would i use to replace this old x100P leifmadsen ?
17:10.46kn0xick x100p ick
17:10.48tzafrir_laptop(not to mention some minor bug fixes)
17:10.51fauxalliancesketchy CID at best... yet still better than my GS...
17:11.05tzafrir_laptopThat is to say: assuming you don't use a kernel < 2.6.9
17:11.20kn0xenzo: sangoma b600
17:11.33enzoit's sold by digium kn0x ?
17:12.06leifmadsenenzo: TDM400P with 1 FXO module
17:12.27kn0xdigium doesnt have any fixed configuration analog cards anymroe
17:12.40Qwellwhy would you want a fixed config card?
17:12.49enzoI have a TDM40B, but I guess it's a very old hardware also, no more officially supported ?
17:13.01tzafrir_laptopkn0x, "fixed configuration analog card". That's a nice name for it :-)
17:13.52kn0xwondering how long til realtime loses connection with mysql again -_-
17:15.06*** join/#asterisk Lord_Rahl (
17:15.34Lord_Rahlanyone know of a way to test latency between two points? I am going to deploy asterisk I need to make sure the network can handle it
17:15.46enzoI could replace my X100P and TDM40B with a sangoma b600 kn0x ?
17:16.20Qwellenzo: or a Digium TDM410
17:16.32kn0xenzo: yes they're pretty cheap and are actually 4FXO + 1 fxs
17:16.38leifmadsenLord_Rahl: ping? traceroute?
17:16.45kn0xin a single full-length pci
17:16.57enzoQwell: it's quite expensive for a simple thing
17:17.02kn0xLord_Rahl: ping
17:17.43Lord_Rahlleifmadsen: they work I was thing something more like packet island but open source
17:17.50enzo1 fxs for line in and i could connect 4 telephones on the card for internal communication, things like that kn0x ?
17:17.54wcselbyto have manager.conf changes take effect (asterisk 1.4.x), is it sufficient to run 'module reload manager' from the asterisk CLI or do I need to completely restart asterisk?
17:18.36kn0xenzo: there are some chinese operations that make cheaper than sangoma, but they're definately sketchy... sangomas is a respectable company
17:18.46kn0xenzo: opposite fxs are for stations
17:18.57kn0xfxo fore lines
17:19.42*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
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17:20.43enzokn0x: and you know other brands like sangoma ? I mean strong (and cheaper) cards
17:20.48*** join/#asterisk crazybyte (~crzp@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
17:23.30kn0xenzo: R4FXO by rhino
17:23.42kn0xbut sangoma porbably better support
17:24.15enzoI think you're french kn0x, so you may know Free provider or Bouygues Telecom right ?
17:27.03kn0xhaha nope im in chicago
17:27.56enzothe fact is my card detect badly when a call arrives
17:28.05*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
17:28.11enzoI wonder if with a modern card it will work better ?
17:28.43kn0xit doesn't detect ring?
17:29.01kn0xperhaps there are settings for ring voltage if your card is not detecting ring
17:29.27enzoit detects rings, but at the 4th or more...
17:29.54mort_gibHi, I have an issue with a Digium Wildcard B410P, or the ISDN line
17:30.37*** join/#asterisk cnu (
17:30.44mort_gibAll seems to be working but when I try to place a call on the channel it's not not going, not hangup or anything just nothing happens
17:31.54mort_gibMind you, the loco Telco had ISDN lines and mobiles down for two hours today, so that might be the reason
17:33.32*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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17:34.37t_dot_zillais there a way to enable sip debug on only certain calls instead of every call?
17:35.11[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: ip/peer/all.  take yuor pick
17:35.55t_dot_zillawhat is the command to turn sip debug on an ip ?
17:36.04*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
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17:37.24[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: help sip
17:48.30*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (
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17:57.14*** join/#asterisk x-demon (xdemon@2001:ba8:1f1:f0b8:216:5eff:fe00:135)
17:57.31x-demonhi guys. I can't configure mysql for asterisk, it says wrong database
17:57.41x-demoni verified details - they're OK.
17:58.22x-demon[Jun 16 18:58:08] WARNING[6531]: res_config_mysql.c:943 config_mysql: MySQL RealTime: Invalid database specified: 'voiceone' (check res_mysql.conf)
17:58.32x-demoni'm trying to install voiceone
17:58.41x-demonvoiceone works okay, but asterisk not...
18:00.42x-demoneven if i change details on config, it still throws absolutely same error
18:01.17QwellDid you check res_mysql.conf?  pastebin it
18:01.18infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
18:01.18Qwellglares at infobot
18:01.58x-demoni also have mysql,voiceone in extconfig
18:02.01x-demonoh okay, one se
18:04.12x-demongot it
18:04.50x-demonnot [general]
18:05.28x-demonwel, not it gives me connection refused...
18:06.41x-demonafter setting up socket it works okay...
18:09.49*** join/#asterisk kerx (~kerx@
18:12.50x-demonQwell, well i configured everything, but asterisk still refuses connections
18:13.21*** join/#asterisk otavio (~otavio@debian/developer/otavio)
18:13.57otavioHello; what can cause the call to hungup after 12 to 15min of duration?
18:14.09Qwelllots of thigns
18:14.17Qwellshow logs of it happening
18:19.58otavioQwell: [Jun 16 14:09:28] NOTICE[29308] chan_sip.c: Peer 'Vono' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: 34
18:20.01otavio[Jun 16 14:09:46] NOTICE[29308] chan_sip.c: Disconnecting call 'SIP/Vono-0000004f' for lack of RTP activity in 31 seconds
18:20.26*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~unit41@
18:23.18otavioWhat is RTP activity?
18:23.51Qwellit means you aren't receiving anything from the other side.  likely because of a firewall issue.
18:24.18[TK]D-FenderQwell: I doubt that they'd stay on a call without hearing you talk for 15 minutes :0
18:24.30Qwellstupid firewall that closes the port
18:24.33[TK]D-FenderQwell: I'd bet on silence-suppression...
18:24.37Qwellnot uncommon
18:25.06otavio[TK]D-Fender: humm but why this happens with 12 to 15min only
18:25.22otavio[TK]D-Fender: it is very rare to have an issue before it
18:26.32otavioQwell: any idea?
18:26.52*** join/#asterisk PMantis (
18:26.54branhow do I actually setup my Polycom 335 with freepbx?
18:26.58otavio[TK]D-Fender: in fact I was talking with a customer when the call hangup
18:27.15otavio[TK]D-Fender: but this happens only using SIP trunk; using PSTN it works fine
18:28.18[TK]D-Fenderbran: There is a wonderful Administrators Guide no their site.  Go get it
18:29.06leifmadsenholy crap, did you know in (at least 1.6.2) you can do:
18:29.39leifmadsenapparently that works... I never expected it to :)
18:29.53PMantisWhat are the possible reasons for this:  "Command 'module load' failed."
18:29.56devmodSomehow I got to a state that whenever I receive a call I see "Setting the marker bit due to a source update" constantly spewing on the console before dropping the call. Any idea why this happen?
18:30.04QwellPMantis: what is the line immediately before that?
18:30.27PMantisQwell, "Unable to load module"
18:30.47Qwelland before that?
18:31.09PMantisQwell, Me typing the command. :)
18:31.26Qwellso turn up verbosity/debug
18:32.27otavio[TK]D-Fender: any idea how to check about silence supresion?
18:33.06PMantisQwell, Hmmm, such an obvious choice. Is there a CLI command to reload asterisk.conf/ Not sure that modules reload will work.
18:33.19bran[TK]D-Fender: there's no specific FreePBX info in this guide :(
18:35.44otavio[TK]D-Fender: VAD is disabled on the phone
18:36.06PMantisbran, Likely someone in #freepbx has configured one before.
18:36.06leifmadsenPMantis: asterisk.conf has to be reloaded with a 'core restart now' I'm pretty sure
18:36.44PMantisleifmadsen, I was afraid of that. Gotta wait till there's no calls.
18:37.15PMantisQwell, What's a good debug level? looks like the default is 3?
18:37.48PMantisIOW, does it go up to 10, 64, 255, 65535... ?
18:37.57Qwellcouple billion
18:38.10leifmadsenthe answer really is 5
18:38.11PMantisI was gonna try 10
18:38.13*** join/#asterisk Gek_ (
18:38.14leifmadsen10 is fine
18:38.17leifmadsenuse whatever you want :)
18:38.53wcselbyi use 1, 3, 6, or 10 depending on what I want to see
18:39.05wcselbyand 0 if don't want to see anything
18:39.15Gek_afternoon guys.  I'm doing my first asterisk (asterisknow) setup just to play it and try to do some intergration into my existing callmanager system.
18:39.18leifmadsenif you grep through, there is I think like 2-3 messages above 4
18:39.20leifmadsenpabelanger: would remember
18:39.32x-demonis warnings about nonexistant columns in mysql tables critical?
18:39.34Gek_before doing so, I believe that I need to get sccp working...
18:39.47Gek_i'm having difficulties finding exactly what I need to get/do.
18:39.50*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
18:40.00Gek_can someone please give me a little direction?
18:40.06QwellGek_: Asterisks SCCP support doesn't include acting as an endpoint.
18:40.10pabelangerleifmadsen: 15
18:40.16gavimobilewhere can I find the CREATE DATABASE script on the iso image of asterisknow?
18:40.27gavimobileI totally screwed up my mysql databas
18:40.35Qwellgavimobile: /usr/src/freepbx/
18:40.54PMantisgavimobile, Or:
18:41.07leifmadsenputnopvut: ping?
18:41.10Qwellactually, it's right in the top-level SQL/ subdir there
18:41.15Gek_Qwell, I'm not certain by exactly what you mean.
18:41.27QwellGek_: What do you want Asterisk to do with CCM?
18:41.48Gek_I'd like to try and impliment  a voicemail server instead of using unity... thats one thing
18:41.55Qwelluse SIP
18:42.00putnopvutleifmadsen: PONNNNg
18:42.09Gek_another is maybe do some call recording and other basic things like transfers... or maybe a calling queue
18:42.18leifmadsenputnopvut: just curious if I'm seeing the expected behaviour here -- caller sits in a queue and hears the message stating they are first in line. However, it does not state how long the average wait time is. The 2nd (or later) caller in the queue does hear that though. Is that expected? Do you remember if that was reported and fixed in a later version of 1.6.2?
18:42.52Gek_Qwell, I'm trying not to reconfigure too much on the ccm side only to try and get asterisk to fit in a little
18:43.03Gek_or to start experimenting
18:43.04leifmadsenI'm using a pre- version on this particular clients because it "just works" :) -- we're in the process of coordinating a system update to the latest 1.6.2.x though
18:43.09Qwellwell, unless you use some protocol that both support, it's not going to work.
18:43.19Qwellso...use SIP.
18:43.32putnopvutleifmadsen: I don't believe the hold time announcement is based on position. I think it's based on how long the caller has been in the queue, coupled with the presence of previous callers in the qeuue.
18:43.41*** part/#asterisk gavimobile (
18:43.57leifmadsenputnopvut: ya, seems odd -- never plays for the first caller in the queue though (in my particular setup which is pretty straight forward)
18:44.01putnopvutleifmadsen: so, the caller in the front may not get hold time announcements because previous callers haven't contributed to the average hold time enough to give an accurate estimate.
18:44.04leifmadsenthe 2nd caller always hears the avg wait time, but not the first
18:44.26putnopvutWhich version, in particular, are you looking at?
18:44.28PMantisQwell, I finally have the debug level up - picked 10, then 100... still no additional output.
18:44.38leifmadsenthis is in a test though -- perhaps you're right about the 2nd caller not being around enough?  however we left it running for a while, let the 1st caller hang up, then the 2 -> 1 never hears the avg wait time (who did previously)
18:44.47putnopvutleifmadsen: And if possible, test with a later 1.6.2 and see if things start working as you expect.
18:44.54leifmadsenputnopvut: Asterisk SVN-branch-1.6.2-r198794M
18:45.12leifmadsenputnopvut: ya, that is the next step here -- I'm just going to tell them we'll see if it's still an issue in the later versions and if so, report a bug
18:45.18leifmadsenwas just curious if there was a particular reason it worked that way
18:45.24leifmadsenlike you said, might be fixed in later versions
18:45.26putnopvutleifmadsen: I don't remember any issue coming up about that. But that may have been something that was fixed during my extended stay in CCBS land :)
18:45.33leifmadsenyep not a problem
18:45.46*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
18:46.19*** join/#asterisk QaDeS (
18:46.23gloinbit of a puzzler here: I've got an asterisk box talking to an older shoretel system over some sip trunks.  I can dial out from asterisk to shoretel using a callfile, but when I log into an asterisk extension, that extension isn't dialing out
18:47.18putnopvutleifmadsen: looking at the 1.6.2 tip, it does appear at a cursory glance to do what you're saying, still.
18:47.35leifmadsenputnopvut:  oh ok, then I can file an issue about that when we update and confirm that is the case
18:47.51putnopvutleifmadsen: cool.
18:47.54leifmadsenputnopvut: I appreciate you looking into that -- I know you're crazy busy with other things
18:48.12putnopvutIt's all good.
18:48.49putnopvutWhen it comes to things like this, I always wonder whether the decision to do such a thing was intentional.
18:48.55leifmadsenya same here
18:49.01putnopvutCould always be an oversight though.
18:49.04leifmadsenI can understand not saying how many callers though
18:49.13leifmadsenmakes no sense to know how many people are behind you :)
18:49.18leifmadsenbut the average wait time seems to make sense
18:49.19putnopvutHell, looks like 1.4 has the same behavior.
18:49.33leifmadsenyes I'm first in line, but am I waiting for 2 mins or 45 mins?
18:51.04leifmadsenclient: unique test cases come up as people use the system more, that's natural
18:51.15leifmadsenme: ya, I guess no one tests the user experience very much :)
18:54.00gloinah, dialplan weirdness
18:54.04gloinbut this is even worse
18:54.35*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@wikimedia/RobH)
18:55.03gloinI go straight from "SIP/trunk-0001blahblah is ringing" to "SIP/trunkblah answered" to "Executing [h@macro-dialout-trunk:1]"
18:55.18gloinso I can get the phone to ring, but the moment it answers the hangup gets called
18:55.25gloinI'm not understanding why it's going to hangup
18:58.01gloinany ideas?
18:58.20idespinnerdelete everything from your dialplan
18:58.24PMantisgloin, Might need to pose the dialplan.
18:58.27idespinnerexcept the importan parts
18:58.29PMantiserrr post
19:01.13gloinargh, this will be messy, freepbx...
19:02.24Qwellgets a mop for the blood
19:03.15Kobazgloin: you'll need to paste your sip debug
19:03.21PMantisgloin, It's also possible that a SIP message is telling it to disconnect. Have you ran 'sip set debug on' then tried?
19:03.23Kobazgloin: the phone itself is probably hanging up
19:03.38PMantisods at Kobaz
19:03.44Kobazthe 'h' exten runs when the sip session dies
19:03.45PMantiserr  s/ods/nods/
19:03.56Kobazit's not going to get called for no reason
19:04.25gloinok, let's see what this does
19:04.29Kobazunless you specifically call it with a Goto ot Gosub... but you shouldn't do that
19:06.12gloindebug is putting it mildly
19:06.19PMantisWell, I did everything that I can think of to show that the module is there, but no go:
19:07.29*** join/#asterisk patrick^ (
19:11.10*** join/#asterisk citywok (
19:11.41citywokI've been struggling with my phones intermittently losing their registrations to *.  Check out my log/sip.conf entry.  All sip.conf entries are auto-generated so they are all identical to this:
19:15.34PMantiscitywok, Probably has to do with the registration timeout period on the phones. Try reducing this.
19:15.35*** join/#asterisk MiserySoft (
19:16.09gloinPMantis and Kobaz: here's the debug output up to the point where it starts executing the hangup (but after it's begun the process):
19:16.11citywokregister more often or register less often?  I htink i already have it set pretty agressively
19:16.35*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
19:16.51citywokYea, i had set the registration period to 15 seconds somewhere along the way to try and combat this I think.
19:17.57*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
19:20.16PMantisgloin, From what I can see the problem begins on line 553... where the 10.1.xx.xx device sends "BYE".
19:20.54gloinPMantis: that's the softphone
19:21.43gloinI see what you mean though
19:21.52gloinI can call into that softphone without error
19:21.53PMantisgloin, @ like 492, it's answered, then I see an OK and an ACK, then BYE.
19:22.34zyphlarACK might mean that the phone is choking, see if it has anything lodged in its throat
19:22.52citywokPMantis: additionally, looking at historical data going back the last week it appears to happen 90% of the time DURING business hours.  even most of the phones are always connected.
19:24.11citywokit's also site independent.  I've got 4 locations and they all drop randomly.  I'm kind of curious if it's a netowrking issue with my provider, but there is so much QoS going on it really shouldn't be able to happen.
19:25.07PMantisgloin, Is there a firewall between these devices?
19:25.36gloinPMantis: no, but there certainly might be some network ACLS
19:25.43gloinlogs onto the switch
19:25.55gloinack, which switch
19:25.59PMantisgloin, Check to be sure the RTP ports are open.
19:27.48PMantisgloin, Note line 473, and 493
19:28.39PMantisgloin, If audio can't be established, that will cause some SIP devices to terminate the call.
19:28.50*** part/#asterisk MiserySoft (
19:28.58gloinwhat the heck is at that address?
19:29.15PMantisgloin, LOL, I can't answer that. :)
19:29.24gloinworking on it heh
19:29.52PMantisI'm fairly confident you have an ACL issue
19:30.14gloinseems like the best place to start for sure
19:30.24glointhanks for the help (especially the sip debug on part)
19:30.35PMantisgloin, Certainly!
19:32.18PMantiscitywok, I would suggest decreasing your registration timeout on SIP links, so they register more often. Losing registration is usually because it expires before another one is sent/received.
19:32.45*** join/#asterisk utahsaint (
19:33.28PMantisStill not sure why I can't load the mysql cdr module... Using Ubuntu 10.04 packages, BTW:
19:33.46citywokregistertimeout  defaults to 20.  how high is it safe to go?  I don't see any comments about that in the wiki.
19:35.09PMantiscitywok, 20 should be OK, that causes a frequent registration (every 20 seconds).  So, you said it's the PHONES that are losing registration? Hard phones?
19:35.32citywokAastra hard phones and Zoiper softphones both intermittently drop out.
19:36.35citywoki pulled the logs for the last week and it happens every night at midnight (i have a bunch of scripts that generate a lot of load at this time) -- but other than that it doesn't happen outside of normal business hours.
19:41.34PMantiscitywok, OK, on the Aastra phones and in the Zoiper software, set the registration expiration to something lower.
19:42.04PMantisThis will cause then to register with * more often.
19:42.29citywokInterestingly i Grepped my logs for Lagged (250 lines), and for Reachable (2344 lines) -- More often they reconnect without * seeing them as lagged.
19:43.13PMantisIf * expected to hear from a phone every 5 minutes, and it doesn't hear from one in 6, the registration is lost.
19:44.05PMantiscitywok, Of course if the network is congested and it keeps sending registration messages and they're lost, that's a different story altogether.
19:44.33citywokyea, so it's the other way around most of the time then.  the phone has given up on the old registration and is attempting a new one thinking it expired?
19:44.41x-demonasterisk not starting :(
19:44.49x-demon5060 port - connection refused
19:45.33citywokyea, but i don't _think_ we have any packets being lost.
19:45.46citywokas long as the phone QoS tags the packet the network will make sure the packet gets there.
19:46.10PMantiscitywok, You *WANT* asterisk to receive a registration request before it expects one.
19:47.42citywokso if * by default expects registration every 60 seconds with qualify=yes, and the phone registration period is 15 seconds (which is probably a bit too aggressive), how come the phone is effectively re-registering under a new session (indicated by teh Reachable w/out a Lagged)
19:48.28citywoki can see that it happens when my server is under heavy load, so if the box itself is loaded then it appears to lose registrations very frequently.  (backup script Tarring several GB of files)
19:48.52PMantiscitywok, Ahhhhhhhh, ok
19:49.06citywokbut outside of that there shoudl never be more than 5 or 10% load on the box (that happens at midnight every day)
19:49.27citywokwe do encode all of the recorded calls in to MP3's, but that's niced to 19 so that shouldn't interfere with asterisk
19:51.00PMantiscitywok, Registration is simply the phone's way of saying, "I'm here, at this address and this port, if you need me"
19:51.54citywokYea.  Which is important for the auto-dialer which Asterisk uses to originate calls for phones (we're a call center)
19:51.59PMantiscitywok, It can do that every 5 seconds if it wants to, but it has to be frequent enough that * doesn't assume it died or was unplugged.
19:52.24citywokthe other thing i've noticed is the phones themselves can go "No Service" on it, and you wont be able to make outbound or take inbound calls.
19:52.37PMantiscitywok, Ahh, cool. I used to do work for a call center.
19:53.01citywokYea, it can be interesting.  the asterisk replacement system i built here is about 700x better than our old Inter-Tel digital system.
19:53.26citywok2 full racks of telephone gear to a pair of 1U servers (primary and standby)
19:53.46PMantiscitywok, Yup. The one I build replaced an Interactive Intelligence system - the license fees were WAY too high.
19:54.10citywokIf the phone has gone No Service, that seems to indicate the phone itself lost the registration if asterisk has a 10:1 ratio of Reconnects compared to the number of times it noticed a phone was gone.
19:54.25citywokam i understanding that right?
19:54.46citywokPMantis: no kidding.  $6,000 for an ATM switch.  We bought one on ebay for $200 and our dealer was pissed.  lol.
19:55.21citywoki'm pretty sure our Inter-Tel deal cost several hundreds of thosuands of dollars, and i built an asterisk replacement with every feature we needed from the old system in less than 6 months.
19:55.35PMantiscitywok, If the phone thinks there's no registration it's likely because it sent a registration request, and it never received a reply from *. WHY that happens is what has to be determined. Perhaps network congestion for the * port, system load, etc.
19:57.38*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
19:58.19PMantiscitywok, So, it cost them half your annual salary + plus hardware.... and they don't have to keep paying.
19:58.49*** join/#asterisk d00gster (~dt@
19:58.55*** part/#asterisk d00gster (~dt@
19:59.28citywokyea, the 60 * $217 (Aastra 6757i) + the license for the Softphone was like a grand.
19:59.40PMantiscitywok, Not to mention that I bet you learned a LOT in the process. :)
20:00.11PMantiscitywok, 60 * $217 is more than a grand already. :)
20:00.31citywokhah, yea i hadn't worked with a shit ton of * features before this.  We'd been using it as a media converter (we converted the T1s coming out of our InterTel system to SIP to cut our LD rate in half)
20:00.50PMantiscitywok, LOL, nice
20:00.56citywokwe also used that step to do all of our call recording, which we couldn't have on our old system without paying Inter-Tel $200,000
20:01.06citywoki did it with a $1000 server and $500 quad port T1 card. lol.
20:01.23citywokyea, they wanted 200 grand.  I even built desktop screen recording :)
20:01.51citywokokay, so i should be looking at the * server then trying to figure out what is happening to the registartion responses.
20:02.23*** part/#asterisk orangey (
20:02.49PMantiscitywok, Yeah, you'll have to know when the phones are NOT registered and capture the packets just BEFORE that happens. :)
20:03.12citywokyea, story of my life. do the impossible.
20:03.32citywokeither that or turn on tcpdump with a lot of disk space and keep a watchful eye to make sure it doesn't run me out of space.
20:05.12*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
20:08.34*** join/#asterisk crazybyte (~crzp@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
20:09.57wcselbyso, i've got a box that when I sync it up with our ntp server, it's (gmt offset) hours behind
20:10.10wcselbythis means I need to ..... update hardware clock?
20:12.43*** join/#asterisk Shaaan (
20:13.17ShaaanHey is anyone around have a few questions on a redundant reliable tollfree did provider and a regular did provider im looking for about 10 LOCAL DIDS and 1 TollFree DID with 20 channels or so
20:13.41*** join/#asterisk brandonf (
20:13.50brandonfnot sure if this is * or freepbx, but having an issue with a couple specific phones on conference calls/meetme.  I have both ops dialing into a meetme conference, but when my buddy tries to conference an outside number, the conference call goes active, but the original person can't hear the conferenced person (chan_dahdi.c: New owner for channel 1 is DAHDI/1-1 / app_meetme.c: Ooh, something swapped out under us, starting over / app_meetme.c:
20:16.35*** join/#asterisk netmax (
20:25.19[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
20:28.03citywokShaaan: a lot of people use voicepulse,flowroute, and vitelity
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20:39.35wcselbyanyone else running asterisk 1.4.32 right now that can help me test something?
20:44.56wcselbyi'm having this issue (, but on 1.4.32 release
20:45.12*** part/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
20:45.29wcselbythe issue is closed, as it was for a candidate and resolved with at the time.  How do i reopen, or do I just create a new issue?
20:47.12*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
20:47.21russellbnew issue
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20:48.16wcselbyrussellb - creating now
20:50.24t_dot_zillai have set atxfer => # and blindxfer => ##     i cannot blind transfer, it automatically does an attended transfer then looks for the extension beginning with '#'
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20:50.47t_dot_zillais there a problem with my setup?
20:51.16Tha_MAolhello. my iax2 trunk is on-line, (( 1 iax2 peers [1 online )), cli Verbosity at 10, I dial the number from cell, get busy signal, no action CLI
20:51.26Tha_MAolall sip extensions work fine and call each other
20:51.32Tha_MAolnot a firewall issue.
20:52.02Tha_MAolextensions from different ip addresses
20:52.34Tha_MAolwhat am I doing wrong?
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20:55.10cuscoin .call files, can I set Channel: Local/blah
20:56.08[TK]D-Fendercusco: Yes
20:56.45Tha_MAolsomething with my provider perhaps?
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20:59.50Tha_MAoli am not sure what to do next, any pointer would help
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21:00.24kfifedoes anybody know a way to generate a list of all ASTDB's?
21:00.46[TK]D-Fenderkfife: database show
21:01.07kfiferight.  THat's if I know the name of the ASTDB.
21:01.17kfifewhat if I want to see all families
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21:01.32[TK]D-Fenderkfife: database show
21:01.44kfifeI see
21:01.53kfifegot it.
21:03.09Tha_MAolmy aix trunk configuration
21:03.34kfifeAnd if I have thousands of name value pairs, and I want to find just the family names, I'd have to spool this into a file and grep it?
21:03.51wcselbyrussellb - thanks
21:05.20cuscoand in a .call file I can: Set: var=bla
21:05.28cuscoseveral times, mre than one var
21:06.17citywokkfife: DATABASE SHOW <TREE>
21:07.01kfifecitywok: I LOVE your nick
21:07.20citywokdid you need a flight? /me rotates sign.  Cityairlines, how cna i help you?
21:08.26kfifecitywok: Citybank makes citiInvestments-needs government bailout :-)\
21:09.31kfife[TK]D-Fender: nothing like select distinct (family) from AstDB? :-)
21:09.44citywokkfife: read what i just told you :)
21:12.07kfifecitywok: for me I observe that spews out all 10,000+ name value pairs in my AstDB, leavign those orphan families with just a few name/value pairs awash in a sea of other crap?
21:12.37*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
21:12.40citywokif you type in the name of the tree you are looking in, you will only get the pairs for that one tree
21:12.51[TK]D-Fenderkfife: Using relational DB terms to a NON relations BDB....
21:13.06citywokif you have that many orphaned keys you need to fix your code that is saving those pairs to make sure you remove them
21:13.14*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
21:13.15[TK]D-Fenderkfife: You may now proceed to stab yourself with a rusty spork :p
21:13.25kfife[TK]D-Fender: I know.  My oracle background...
21:13.53citywoki have like 100 orphaned values in one tree but i'm too lazy to go clean it up. from when i was writing a new piece of code and it wasn't always removing the entries.
21:13.54kfifecitiwok: certainly I can do an asterisk -rx "..." spool it into a file then grep it, but if there's a shortcut I'd like to know it.
21:14.19kfifeSounds like there "ain't"
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21:15.55citywokwould give me a txt file with every key for tree VMCALLID
21:16.17citywokthen you just need to pipe each of those txt file keys in to an asterisk -rx database delete command
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21:16.38citywok(my keys are all 15 digits long, so it's 11-25)
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21:19.58kfifecitiwok: clever.
21:22.46*** join/#asterisk felipe_ (
21:23.44citywokyou're welcome :)
21:24.09citywokthough now that you made me write that i guess tonight i'll run it on my own database and clean it up. lol
21:24.23[TK]D-Fender[17:13]<kfife>citiwok: certainly I can do an asterisk -rx "..." spool it into a file then grep it, but if there's a shortcut I'd like to know it. <- plenty of BDB libs out there.  its a file.  Deal with it :)
21:25.33citywok[TK]D-Fender: can you modify it with * running or do you need to stop it?  if you want to modify the db directly that is.
21:25.55*** join/#asterisk rene- (
21:25.58rene-hello guys
21:26.22kfife[TK]D-Fender: Can I manipulate the BDB files on disk outside of asterisk?  Where does ast stick the files?
21:27.18rene-does anybody has a comment (good or bad) about TCAST Communications? I am planning on doing business with them but i would like to know about other people experiences with them
21:27.40[TK]D-FenderfkPerhaps you should look for something suspicioulsy like "astdb"
21:27.47[TK]D-Fenderkfife: fPerhaps you should look for something suspicioulsy like "astdb"
21:30.55kfifeGot it.  Thanks.  For migration purposes, does  /var/lib/asterisk/astdb contain the entirety of the data structure?  In other words, can I just drop that file form the losing instance to the gaining instance? (assuming identical versions of course)
21:31.04kfife[TK]D-Fender: ^^^^^^
21:31.23citywokkfife: yes
21:31.34kfife[TK]D-Fender: citywok: thanks!
21:31.39citywokand it took a 3 line perl script to run through the txt file and remove all the entries. thanks for giving me the ambition to do it.
21:31.53kfifecitywok: :-)
21:32.14PMantisAhhh, perl. love it
21:37.39*** join/#asterisk QaDeS (
21:40.40kfifeIs there a way to interrogate whether there is a marked user in conference number X?
21:41.06citywokwhat's a marked user?
21:41.12*** join/#asterisk mpe (
21:41.21kfifeAFAIK, a marked user is the conference leader.
21:41.32kfifespecified by option "A"
21:41.58kfifeIf option W is invoked, conference participants do not "meet" until marked user arrives.
21:46.44kfifecitywok:  I'm having nick envy.  That's clever.
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21:55.04t_dot_zillai have set atxfer => # and blindxfer => ## i cannot blind transfer, it automatically does an attended transfer then looks for the extension beginning with '#'
21:55.14t_dot_zillais their a problem with my setup?
21:57.11[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: you're dialing to slow chances are.  Or should pick another patterns
21:57.17[TK]D-Fendert_what phones are you using?
21:58.02t_dot_zillapolycoms, and i'm pressing ## very quickly
21:58.33[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: Then you should be SHOT for even trying to use DTMF transfers
21:58.44t_dot_zillawhy is that
21:58.58[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: that is the equivalet to buying a Ferrari and strapping a horse to it to DRAG it around town
21:59.08[TK]D-Fendert_Polycoms have REAL transfer buttons.
21:59.21t_dot_zillai'm aware but not all of our customers have polycoms
21:59.24t_dot_zillasome just ATAs
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21:59.36[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: then I guess you should give a more comprehensive answer
21:59.52[TK]D-Fendert_And those ATA's ALSO have their own transfer features
22:00.22t_dot_zillayes but most are regular phones that don't have transfer buttons
22:01.19[TK]D-Fender[17:59]<[TK]D-Fender>t_And those ATA's ALSO have their own transfer features <-------
22:01.39[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: Perhaps you should read the manuals for the equipment you run.
22:01.44t_dot_zillawe'd like to bypass configuring the ATAs
22:01.52t_dot_zillawe'd like asterisk to handle the call features
22:02.11t_dot_zillathe less configuration per device the better
22:02.33[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: Horrible idea.
22:02.56[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: And there is NOTHING to "configure" for any of those
22:03.14t_dot_zillayes you have to configure the devices to connect to asterisk, that should be it
22:03.44t_dot_zillai'm just trying to figure out why ## will not do a blind transfer
22:05.00[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: did you completely restart * after changing the shortcut to that?
22:05.51[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: These devices don't need to be configured to transfer calls.  Their own native capabilities are MUCH better than * doing it and doesn't screw with DTMF in IRV's, etc
22:06.17*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
22:06.21t_dot_zillano i did not restart * and that is not an option
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22:08.27[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: Too bad.  For features.conf changes, you need to reload some nasty stuff.  "reload" won't cut it
22:08.46citywokdo a silent restart
22:08.50citywoksomewhere along the way all your calls will end
22:09.01[TK]D-FenderOr block your ears so you can't hear the screaming :D
22:10.21t_dot_zilla[TK]D-Fender: i suspected that is why changes were not taking when we edited features.conf
22:10.57t_dot_zillawe're also having problem with parking calls
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22:11.32t_dot_zillano matter how we edited the features.conf and extensions.conf files, no changes seemed to be taking
22:12.45[TK]D-Fendert_dot_zilla: extensiosn.conf does take
22:13.13t_dot_zillaok, thanks, good to know
22:13.27*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
22:13.48t_dot_zillai'll wait till everybody's gone tonight and do some tests on our office pbx
22:20.38*** join/#asterisk Peaceful (
22:21.43PeacefulDo all digium cards in a server have to operate off of one timing source?
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22:22.52Peaceful...or can you tell one card to use one of its ports for its timing source, while another card uses one of its ports for a timing source?
22:23.16Peacefulor is timing per-port?  Can each port take its own timing?
22:24.29[TK]D-FenderPeaceful: yea
22:24.43[TK]D-FenderPeaceful: primary, secondary, tertiary, etc
22:25.32PeacefulSo, if I have Qwest, Verizon, and 2 other carriers, I could plug one PRI from each carrier into a 4-port digium card and tell each port to take timing off of what is connected to it?
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22:52.23kfifeIf I've found a trivial documentation bug, does that rise to the level of opening up a bugtracker issue?
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22:58.07fenruskfife, bugs are bugs.. :)
22:58.23fenruseasy tickets are good for statistics
22:59.25p3nguinI've considering opening tickets for grammar and such in sample configs and docs, but never did it.
22:59.39zyphlarPeaceful: i think the documentation says that the card will only operate on one timing, so possibly not
23:00.07zyphlari think primary/secondary/etc is "which one should the card use" not "how should this span be timed"
23:00.15Peacefulzyphlar: What if I have two cards, then?  Can I set each card to a separate timing source?
23:00.35zyphlari think so, simply because there are timing sync cables necessary to sync timing between cards
23:00.56zyphlarpure speculation though, you might want to read the Asterisk O'Reilly book or contact your card manufacturer
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23:01.10PeacefulI've read the dang book.  It's vague as heck.
23:01.20Peacefuland googled.
23:01.49Peacefulbut I haven't called Digium, so that's a good suggestion.  I'll see if their guys can answer that.  They've had difficulty answering most of questions in the past, though.
23:02.06Peacefulmeanwhile, if anyone _knows_ the answer, do spit it out!
23:02.53zyphlaryeah Digium's support is great, they spent an hour with me on the phone the other day.
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23:03.15zyphlarhint: call after normal biz hours Alabama time
23:03.38zyphlarless call volume, i was the only caller that night
23:04.45zyphlarthough that was support, if you're calling sales might be different
23:08.08gloinah well, my problem from earlier today turned out to be the most obvious thing: a faulty softphone
23:11.50zyphlarthe problems are always less complicated in retrospect
23:13.42kfifefenrus: thanks
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