IRC log for #asterisk on 20100613

00:03.23exothermcpabelanger: also when I call them they are busy.  trying to figure out why.
00:05.12*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
00:05.23pfndo people still use tdm400p's?  I should get rid of mine
00:07.39*** join/#asterisk itbuddha (
00:14.49*** join/#asterisk danj1980 (~dan@
00:16.13danj1980Quick questions... can you use the extensions.conf file together with realtime?
00:17.51danj1980even in the same context?
00:18.49xhelioxI'm not certain, but I don't believe so.
00:19.14xhelioxI can tell you in 3 seconds though.
00:20.51danj1980ok thanks.
00:22.34xhelioxI just added an extension in extensions.ael to a context I also have in extensions.conf
00:22.37xhelioxand it merged them.
00:22.44xhelioxthat's something I always wondered too. ;)
00:22.53danj1980thanks for trying it out
00:22.56xhelioxI don't do very much with ael though, so it never really mattered.
00:25.33danj1980and if it works with ael, it will work in the same way with realtime?
00:26.45*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
00:26.46xhelioxpresumably, couldn't say and can't test.
00:27.03xhelioxmy experience with realtime extensions has always been horrid++++.
00:27.20xhelioxmaybe they've gotten the kinks worked out, but it was bad.
00:29.49danj1980thanks for your advice
00:30.31xhelioxno problem.
00:31.19xhelioxand even if the antenna is ok, a meter will tell you if it's interacting with something
00:40.42pabelangerexothermc: What DAHDI hardware?
00:41.19xhelioxhey danj1980
00:54.10[TK]D-Fender[20:17]<danj1980>even in the same context? <- sort of.  Make a container context and include one linked to realtime, and the other static
01:00.26*** join/#asterisk johnf (
01:01.38johnfI'm getting an exit non-zero when using follow me, any pointers on how to debug this?
01:03.53*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (~ming_zym@
01:08.00danj1980thanks [TK]D-Fender
01:08.27*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
01:09.10*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:11.02sky1975Can somebody tell me where can I get a supprot for ooh323
01:14.08*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (
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02:03.56*** join/#asterisk mrtortoise (
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02:27.15drmessanoWell, you get a Delorean
02:27.25drmessanoA big ass roll of cable
02:27.58drmessanoFind a nice, tall building near the town square
02:28.50drmessanoOrder a flux capacitor from Mouser.  Needs to be rated to handle at least 1.21 Jigawatts
02:30.16drmessanoInstall said flux capacitor in Delorean.  I would recommend arc welds over nut/bolt/lock washers
02:30.39drmessanoFind a pic of your family, for reference.  Tuck it in the pocket of your vest
02:31.15drmessanoPoint said Delorean to intersect cable at the moment you've achieved the following:
02:31.19drmessano* 88 miles per hour
02:31.32drmessano* Lightning strike
02:32.25drmessanoI guess I left out the bit about how to rig the cable, but that's probably commented in the source
02:32.41*** join/#asterisk fleebailey33 (~fleebaile@unaffiliated/fleebailey33)
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02:44.48*** join/#asterisk variable_office (
02:45.24variable_officeis there a way to tell via the api whether a given channel is on hold. or what the current active call is for a given sip peer?
02:46.06*** join/#asterisk docelmo (8d98dd73@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:46.44docelmoSay anyone got a sec to help me figure out a FXO problem with a Verizon phone line?
02:46.59docelmoI have did everything I can think of now I am just plum out of ideas
02:47.30xhelioxWhat's up?
02:48.08xhelioxyeah. what's the problem?
02:48.47docelmoTDM400P..  Has worked fine forever..  Just updated software and now my FXO ports are not responding
02:49.00xhelioxwhat did you update?
02:49.12docelmoWhen I call it just rings asterisk doesnt see it.  When I try to dial out of the port it says its not available..
02:49.45docelmoJust FYI not a novice..  Just suck at configuring boards
02:49.48xhelioxwere you using dahdi previously or did you upgrade from zaptel?
02:49.57sky1975Anybody to give me a help on ooh323
02:50.11docelmodahdi -> dahdi
02:50.32xhelioxdahdi show status -- does that display anything?
02:51.30docelmoWildcard TDM400P REV I Board 5           OK      0      0      0      CAS Unk  YEL      0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)
02:51.31xhelioxdoes it show the card?
02:52.30*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
02:52.47docelmoAny thoughts?
02:53.07xhelioxand dahdi show channels  ?
02:53.38docelmoshows business as usual
02:53.46pabelangerdocelmo: What version of DAHDI did you updated too?
02:54.22docelmoWell thats what asterisk shows anyhow
02:55.03pabelangerAnd you restarted DAHDI after you installed the software? IE: /etc/init.d/dahdi restart
02:55.14pabelangerand then asterisk
02:55.21docelmoyep..  even went as far as to reboot the box
02:56.17pabelangerdocelmo: any reason you didn't upgrade to DAHDI 2.3.0?
02:56.30docelmoRPM's Im lazy
02:56.55pabelangerEither way, have to bail.  Try rolling back to previous version of DAHDI
03:06.28*** join/#asterisk cmn (~carlos@2001:0:53aa:64c:f9:ae00:a015:cbd7)
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08:36.25ruben23hi guys..
08:39.18*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
09:13.42*** join/#asterisk infobot (
09:13.42*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2010/06/01),, (2010/05/20), 1.4.32 (2010/06/01), *-Addons, (2010/06/08),, 1.4.11 (2010/04/15), dahdi-linux 2.3.0 + dahdi-tools 2.3.0 (2010/04/13), libpri (2010/06/08) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-bug
09:26.09*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
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09:33.04Blackveloh my fault. didnt escape \ ()/ signs
09:34.38*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
09:43.21*** part/#asterisk GameGamer43|Mac (
09:47.34*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
09:51.50*** join/#asterisk TJNII (~TJNII@
09:52.06infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
10:03.42*** join/#asterisk felipe_ (
10:16.13*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
10:29.34*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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10:34.06guzahi, can someone help me, i can not find IVR configuration menu in asterisknow GUI
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10:37.02*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (
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10:58.39*** join/#asterisk Z_God (~julius@2001:888:141f:0:221:5dff:fe2a:6806)
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11:22.35*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~unit41@
11:31.06*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
11:31.31gavimobilefolks, after I press *77 to record so I can sucessfully hear the record , but after that how do I save it.. it doesn't appear in the default folder /var/spool/asterisk/tmp  or /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/tmp
11:31.52gavimobiledoes it save automatically? what I noticed is that it says in the docs pres *99 to hear therecording... which that doesn't work either. what I do is I press # then I hear a message asking me if I want to hear again by pressing 1 or rerecord by pressing 2
11:41.06*** join/#asterisk ltd (
11:42.39*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
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11:52.41pabelangergavimobile: #freepbx
11:54.04*** join/#asterisk cmn (~carlos@2001:0:53aa:64c:4fa:94c6:a015:cbd7)
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11:57.24gavimobileaskedthere already
11:57.57pabelangergavimobile: Then wait, this channel is not for FreePBX support
12:04.39*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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12:55.08*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (
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13:13.36*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
13:15.32[sr]hi [TK]D-Fender
13:42.05*** join/#asterisk iscario (
13:52.57*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~annon@
13:53.01Dovidj #asterisk-il
13:54.32*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
13:54.37*** join/#asterisk Z_God (~julius@2001:888:141f:0:221:5dff:fe2a:6806)
14:02.27*** join/#asterisk cmn (~carlos@2001:0:53aa:64c:4fa:94c6:a015:cbd7)
14:03.16[sr]i'm sad
14:06.55*** join/#asterisk Lantizia (
14:08.02LantiziaHey does anyone know of any guides for converting the releases .tar.gz in to debian packages?  (not from SVN to debian)
14:08.55LantiziaI basically have my own things I like to put in menu select... but I've several phone systems to manage... and APT would be a good way to keep them updated
14:09.00*** join/#asterisk x303 (
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14:19.00*** join/#asterisk maldous (
14:20.23maldoushi. quick question. my sip.conf has a single [general] register=> that works. i only want asterisk to answer a call to the registered client. what goes in extensions.conf to answer everything/anything?
14:20.58maldousasterisk is reporting Call from '' to extension 'p123456789' rejected because extension not found.
14:21.17maldous(where p123456789 is my client)
14:21.48maldousexten => _p123456789,1,Playback(welcome-message)
14:21.56maldousno workee. any ideas?
14:30.53pabelangermaldous: check your context
14:31.02maldousdo'h. left out '[default]
14:31.06Lantiziapabelanger, didn't I just say not SVN
14:31.32pabelangerLantizia: ok then... #debian
14:32.38pabelangerLantizia: And if you bothered to look at the link I posted, it was the source code for how debian creates the asterisk .deb files.  Just modify then for your needs
14:35.21Lantiziapabelanger, it's completely useless I've already seen it
14:36.06pabelangerLantizia: Then you need to read how Debian packaging works
14:36.06*** join/#asterisk cmn (~carlos@2001:0:53aa:64c:4fa:94c6:a015:cbd7)
14:41.06maldousok, new question. ;) - my asterisk is just a sip client now. i want dial plan to answer and dial another number. answer works, dialplan has exten => _p.,n,Dial(SIP/p123456789); - asterisk says No such host: p123456789\n Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
14:41.12maldouswhere do i create a SIP channel?
14:42.12pabelangermaldous: sip.conf
14:43.01pabelangermaldous: Where are you expecting the call to actual go?
14:43.56maldousmy incoming extension is of that format - i'm in the dark here.
14:44.11pabelangermaldous: Yes, but what is p123456789?
14:44.30maldousan example phone number
14:44.47maldous(123) 456-789
14:45.11maldousi could be completely wrong here
14:45.28pabelangermaldous: Yes, but for what?  What is that number associated to?  What is the path the call will take from you asterisk box to the far end user?
14:45.55pabelangerYou need an interface to actually send calls over
14:46.16pabelangerIE: a SIP provider, Analog line, Digital (T1 / ISDN)
14:46.22maldoussip provider.
14:46.36pabelangermaldous: then setup a context in our sip.conf for it
14:46.44maldousyep. about to do that. ;)
14:46.53pabelangerIE: [my_sip_providor]
14:47.18pabelangerthen you can do Dial(SIP/my_sip_providor/p123456789)
14:47.27infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
14:47.29maldousthx. will try.
14:47.31pabelangermaldous: ^^^
14:48.32*** join/#asterisk cusco (~trilili@
14:52.01[sr]entao cusco? :P
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15:10.05cuscooi [sr],q uem és?
15:10.49[sr]cusco: lol ninguem que conheç tava a meter-me ctg
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15:11.05cuscousas asterisk?
15:11.55[sr]tem k ser em en
15:12.09[sr]cusco: still a begginer..
15:13.21tzafrir_laptop[sr], hi
15:13.55[sr]tzafrir_laptop: hi
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15:18.37maldousok, i'm stuck.
15:18.49maldousi've made a working call and capture the sip INVITE.
15:19.02maldous has what worked - what should go into sip.conf to "emulate" that?
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15:23.48maldousaah. dummy defaults. let's try.
15:28.15maldousah. my From: line has "Anonymous"
15:28.22maldousanyone know the config that defines this?
15:28.39maldousfromuser and defaultuser don't do it.
15:29.32*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
15:39.51darg_if I have my ATA behind a firewall, can I still tell * to use reinvite to tell it to connect directly to a remote end?
15:40.04darg_if not, is there something I can adjust in the firewall (nat) so that I can?
15:42.24maldousdang. Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"Anonymous" <sip:username@hostname>;'
15:50.02*** join/#asterisk eliel (~eliels@
15:54.32tzafrir_laptopdarg_, nat = yes ; in sip.conf?
16:00.48*** join/#asterisk oej (
16:04.36maldousanyone know how to change Anonymous?
16:07.05*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (
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16:10.26maldousmy digest username is wrong. how, oh how, do i change this..
16:14.29*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
16:21.50maldousblah. i can dial out with x-lite to broadworks, but not asterisk to broadworks.
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16:39.15*** part/#asterisk knarfly (
16:47.04pabelangermaldous: then you have a configuration issue with your asterisk box
16:48.01maldouswould unsupported codecs result in "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized" ?
16:48.53pabelangermaldous: Would have to see a SIP debug trace for the call.
16:48.59infobotmethinks collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to doc/HOWTO_collect_debug_information.txt or
16:49.34pabelangeruse pb to paste the log
16:49.50maldousyeah, yeah. :)
16:50.33*** join/#asterisk Firass-z0r (
16:51.50maldoustomorrow. 2:51am here. tired. too.
16:54.31*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@
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18:18.06xhelioxCherries ftw.
18:18.13*** join/#asterisk kartik (~koolkarti@
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18:45.37docelmoAnyone have any thoughts on why a TDM400P w/ FXO ports would not sense an incoming call or also allow outbound calls via that channel?
18:48.21*** join/#asterisk MiserySoft (~lnd@
18:48.40Mhaddog_Machave you revise your inbound routes? and trunks?
18:50.32*** part/#asterisk mintux (~mrg@unaffiliated/mintux)
18:51.11docelmoMhaddog_Mac: me?
18:52.40docelmoI cant even get asterisk to kick up and show a call coming in on the channel
18:52.44*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@
18:53.21docelmoRouting calls via the dialplan is the last of my worries right now..  Im just trying to get calls to come in and out
18:53.30*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@
18:53.37Mhaddog_Macis the card being recognize on dahdi? have you do dhadi show channels?
18:53.49Mhaddog_Macis the card being loaded up?
18:54.02docelmoyep..  everything is 100%
18:54.08Mhaddog_MacI have not mentioned dial plan...
18:54.32Mhaddog_MacI mentioned trunks and routes, that they are setup the right way to allow you to place a call....
18:55.04docelmoRight now yes..  I am trying to push a call out and nothing happens on the channel.  When I call it it just rings..  Nothing more
18:59.35Mhaddog_Macyou sure the telco line is fine?
18:59.50Mhaddog_Macand when you place the call u see the channel become active
19:10.27docelmoWhen I place the call no..  It bombs..  Yes the line is good from the CO.  I plugged my phone into it.
19:10.58docelmothats what I get when I use ANY of my FXO channels
19:15.12cuscodocelmo: what happens when tying to dial inboud?
19:15.25cuscodoes asterisk say anything?
19:19.39pfnso, does meetme still require dahdi devices anymore?
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19:46.31cuscopfn: you can use pseudo
19:55.31*** join/#asterisk crazybyte (~crzp@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
20:08.19pfncusco, that's the usb fake driver isn't it?
20:09.25WIMPypfn: You can also use ConfBridge instead of MeetMe. That works without dahdi.
20:10.18pfnoh, is confbridge the "replacement" for meetme?
20:10.46ChannelZhmm.. is dnsmgr in a module or part of the core?
20:11.18WIMPypfn: I think so
20:11.25WIMPyChannelZ: Module
20:12.36ChannelZwhich?  I can't figure out what seems relevant
20:12.44*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
20:13.06[sr]WIMPy: LCR's working great :) TE mode configured and understood, only missing some time to test NT mode
20:14.15WIMPyChannelZ: Hmm, maybe I'm actually wrong. I don't see any module like dns, but I thought I reloaded it some time when I had trouble with it.
20:14.56*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
20:14.58WIMPy[sr]: Great. But except for the interface configuration there is no difference in usage.
20:15.25ChannelZI just grepped the source tree and it seems to be in main/ :(
20:15.35[sr]WIMPy: i see, for NT mode i just have to use a ISDN crossover type cable, correct?
20:15.58WIMPy[sr]: yes
20:16.44[sr]WIMPy: one thing came to my mind now, the Hour/Date information that my ISDN phones has on the display, this will work when connected to the card? or its just a feature from the conventional PBX?
20:16.49WIMPyprefers crossover adaptors however. Different cables can be irritationg.
20:17.51WIMPyLCR will transmit date/time. If you have a Siemens phone, you will have to configure Siemens bug compatibility however.
20:18.09[sr]damn! yes i do have siemens phone's
20:18.21[sr]the PBX now is a siemens HIcom 100
20:19.53*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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20:19.55[sr]WIMPy: where do i find info about that siemsns bug bypass/workarround?
20:20.03WIMPyUnfortunaletly that's configured per extension and not per port.
20:21.03WIMPyParameter "seconds".
20:22.50*** join/#asterisk Mango (
20:23.29MangoUSD$5 by PayPal for anyone who can help me make Outbound MWI Subscriptions work!
20:25.52[sr]WIMPy: was trying to find on the pdf docs from lcr and dont see it
20:25.58*** join/#asterisk oej (
20:28.11ChannelZminimum wage
20:28.25Mangonot if it takes five minutes
20:28.27[sr]$5 its not enought even for a dinner here :P
20:28.43Mangook, what's it worth to you? :)
20:28.53ChannelZwell if it took 5 minutes you'd have probably figured it out yourself by now
20:29.01drmessano$37.50 an hour, rounded to the first hour... it just cost you $5 for me to open the link
20:29.18Mangoyou have a no fix no charge policy
20:29.49MangoChannelZ: Perhaps you're smarter than me.  I'm willing to pay to be humiliated ;)
20:29.51ChannelZneeds breakfast/lunch. hmm....
20:30.08*** join/#asterisk x303 (
20:30.31ChannelZMango: No, but just looking at your description my guess is it's going to take more work in digging through the source, as opposed to just some configuration option set wrong
20:30.34drmessanoYou've already humilitated yourself by offering $5 for a bounty.. the additional heckling is no charge
20:31.06MangoChannelZ: No chance I missed something blindingly obvious?
20:31.16drmessanoYeah, you left out a zero
20:31.23drmessano$50 <-- or maybe two
20:31.24Mangono I didn't
20:31.28MangoI was offering $0 before :D
20:32.31drmessanoYou do realize it's almost insulting to everyone else here to offer $5 to fix a problem, as if that's all their time or skill is worth, right?
20:32.35drmessanoJust sayin'
20:34.28MangoI was hoping someone would say, "You left out a semicolon...that'll be $5 please."  I'm sorry if I offended anyone; I didn't intend to.  Thank you all for looking at the link.
20:34.59pfnugh, why is asterisk not responding to SIP 407
20:35.07pfnit says auth required, then asterisk doesn't even bother sending a response
20:39.47ChannelZMango: only thing I can think of is it's something to do with the realm maybe, that its not matching the right peer to auth or something.  I have no idea
20:40.03ChannelZor its simply broken
20:40.06MangoOkay, I'll keep digging.  Thanks for the pointer.
20:40.11MangoThat's possible too :P
20:40.22WIMPy[sr]: No idea, where I could have found it, if not in the pdf.
20:44.08[sr]WIMPy: ok i'll search later, one thing, the card has a power jack, just like IDE disks for example, this doesn't need to be connected, or does it? the card can give power to the phone in NT mode withuot that
20:46.10ChannelZIt does for FXS ports
20:46.27ChannelZ(IE if you have FXS modules for analog phones connected to the card)
20:47.05[sr]i see, makes sense
20:47.16[sr]to power the ports
20:47.31[sr]but for the NT mode, the port doesn't need that when we talk ISDN?
20:47.32WIMPy[sr]: Don't know about the openvox (it was openvox, wasn't it?). It's probably to supply power on NT ports, but it may be able to forward power from the TE to the NT port as well, if you have power
20:47.37WIMPyon the line.
20:47.38ChannelZyeah.  I think if you've got FXO only it's not necessary but don't quote me on that
20:48.07ChannelZfor what you've got I have no idea
20:48.27[sr]ChannelZ: think not, i have one machine with FXO cards and that is not connected, in fact i don't remember if it has this power jack
20:49.46[sr]WIMPy: yap openvox, i'll try NT mode without connecting this to see what happens
20:50.46florz[sr]: for providing power, you'll probably have to connect power - but depending on the device you may not need a powered bus at all
20:51.01[sr]WIMPy: one cool thing is that i have a few ISDN modems that used to connect to the net, that can be used for TE mode :) and they are really cheap
20:51.47[sr]florz: i see, i'll do the test :)
20:51.51WIMPy[sr]: Probably most people do, if they only need one or two ports.
20:53.33[sr]WIMPy: i'm going to collect all this old ISDN modems to work with LCR... it's cheaper than the VOIP cards!!
20:53.47drmessanoI was told by someone, [TK]D-Fender maybe, that the cards should be powered no matter what.. that bus power isn't sufficient
20:54.21drmessanoI had questioned the need if I had no FXS ports, but seems that's irrelevant
20:58.12[sr]one interesting thing, my 4 FXO port card
20:58.39*** join/#asterisk exothermi (~exothermc@
20:58.52[sr]hum forget
20:58.59[sr]i was going to say nonsense
21:01.04*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
21:03.01exothermiHi I'm trying to bring up 2 PRIs, using the dahdi driver.  I get "PRI span 1/0: Provisioned, Down, Active", and when I start asterisk cat /proc/dahdi/1 reports the status of all channels as " (In use) "  Where as before I start asterisk that isn't present.
21:03.39exothermiThe other thing is         CRC4 error count: 90432 which doesn't seem correct.
21:03.41WIMPyIn use by Asterisk. So far so good.
21:04.02exothermiWIMPy: ahh that is what that means?
21:04.39exothermiWIMPy: ok so how about:  "PRI span 1/0: Provisioned, Down, Active"  from pri show spans ?
21:04.54exothermiThe "Down" part doesn't look good.
21:05.34*** join/#asterisk x303 (~x303@
21:05.34WIMPyIndeed, but I'm not that familiar with dahdi messages and heir meanings/causes.
21:06.53[sr]WIMPy: now that i know LCR, i'd love to have a PRI line!!!
21:08.06WIMPy[sr]: PRI with LCR will only work with HFC-E1 cards, AFAIK.
21:08.13[sr]WIMPy: just curious, how much cost a BRI line (2 channels) where you are?
21:08.18pfnah, needed the defaultuser option
21:08.40*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
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21:09.39WIMPy[sr]: Starts at about 24 EUR/Mon I think.
21:10.02[sr]WIMPy: hum i see, i pay 35€+VAT month for each :S
21:10.38[sr]but i'm going to move to another operator that charges 16€ per each BRI line, with national limited call's
21:10.44[sr]unlimited i mean
21:12.06[sr]exothermc: my FXO card, with dahdi alsi show's "in use" when they are not in a call
21:15.37exothermi[sr]: Ok so that is normal.
21:16.01exothermibut pri show spans still show the span being down.
21:16.42[sr]well that dont know
21:17.26[sr]one think i noticed with LCR on my BRI lines, is that when they don't show the UP state in the LCR monitor tool, they came imediattly UP when i call on of the numbers, may be the same
21:17.59*** join/#asterisk x303 (~x303@
21:18.41exothermiSo ya to me LCR means Least Cost Routing.  What are you referring to?
21:19.23[sr]its an interface like dahdi
21:19.28[sr]but different
21:19.32WIMPyNo, PRIs are always active, Energi saving is only done on BRIs.
21:19.56[sr]WIMPy: cool, that is energy saving, leaned one more
21:19.56WIMPyLinux Call Router
21:20.44WIMPyThat's the idea, but I don't know it it really saves any measurable amount of energy.
21:21.31[sr]it may be irrelevant..i think, to put the line up when a call arrives it has to have energy also
21:22.20*** part/#asterisk pfn (
21:23.41exothermiactually reading the openvox manual, and There maybe some hardware switches I can make.
21:26.45*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
21:28.46[sr]WIMPy: ah one thing, this HFC-4S could have 4 ports, but it's really a openvox model with only 2 ports, it has the place on the card... but the chip's the 2 other ports are missing
21:30.32WIMPySo it's upgradable :-)
21:30.44*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
21:35.31cuscopri show spans is not showing on asterisk cli
21:36.02cuscoonly pri intense debug
21:39.31*** join/#asterisk danj1980 (~dan@
21:39.44danj1980Hi all, I have a problem with realtime SIP.conf
21:40.19danj1980I've added a SIP account into realtime db (and I have some others listed in the sip.conf file).
21:40.42danj1980When the sip account makes a call, qualify lists it as REACHABLE.
21:40.55danj1980However, a few seconds after the call has finished, it switches to UNREACHABLE
21:41.12danj1980The SIP account listed in the sip.conf file are working without any problems.
21:41.27danj1980Can anyone point me in the right direction?
21:41.53cuscodanj1980: in your db there should beasetting called "qualify"
21:41.56cuscoset it to yes
21:42.29danj1980I have qualify=yes in the general section of sip.conf
21:42.37danj1980Should that not cover it?
21:43.06danj1980Im getting this error now:  Qualify is incompatible with dynamic uncached realtime.  Please either turn rtcachefriends on or turn qualify off on peer 'sipuser_201'
21:46.18danj1980ok, enabled rtcachefriends. and it works now.
21:49.45[sr]WIMPy: which trademark do you advice for SIP desk phones, with and without PoE
21:51.15WIMPyFrom the ones I have tried I'm only convinced by the Snom 360/370. 320 is probably ok if you don't need a big display.
21:55.44*** join/#asterisk cdahmedeh (~cdahmedeh@
21:56.22[sr]hum, the problem will be to find them here in PT
21:57.10[sr]hum they here distributers here
21:57.19[sr]going to check the phones how they look :)
21:58.10[sr]they have both PoE and non-PoE?
21:58.51WIMPyPOE or 5V PSU.
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22:14.35lwizardli'm looking to get my sip details from my magicjack so that i can use it in an asterisk pbx can someone help with that ?
22:20.09[sr]WIMPy: nice
22:20.40[sr]WIMPy: one thing in asterisk, the phone list per SIP account, it's not centralized in asterisk, is it?
22:21.08[sr]at least the softphone i use, 3CX, it's created locally
22:21.09*** join/#asterisk tehrabbitt (
22:21.42[sr]ChannelZ: cool site
22:23.34lwizardlChannelZ, yes but issue with what google finds doesn't work anymore since the newer updates. all those pages are from 2008-2009
22:26.52[sr]ChannelZ: do you know if the address book, can be centralized in asterisk?
22:26.57[sr]per SIP account
22:27.29ChannelZWhat 'address book?'
22:27.50*** join/#asterisk Mark22 (~mark@unaffiliated/mark21)
22:28.02tehrabbitthey guys, not sure if you remember me or not..  ChannelZ might... Anyway, interesting thing I found with SIP...  I was having all those issues behind my NAT router on comcast... and mysteriously about 2 weeks later it just *works* without me touching anything...  so my thinking is comcast is blocking SIP traffic or at least shaping it
22:28.58lwizardltehrabbitt, I wouldn't put anything past comcast. Comcast does what they please when ever they want
22:29.25ChannelZis on Comcast business
22:29.28Mark22Hello, is it possible (and if yes where should I look) to do something like the following: press your customer number and end with a # (the customer number is at least 2 digits, but could also be 6 digits, the first number for the customernumber is never a 0 (cleaning it from entered 0's isn't needed))
22:30.02[sr]ChannelZ: how could i say, each SIP user can't create it's own addressbook, and that be centralized in asterisk? or doesnt work that way? for example, if i connect from differents phones
22:30.19MangoMark22: Sounds like you want to create an IVR.
22:30.20WIMPy[sr]: I use the minibrowser for a central directory. But some phones (like e.g. the Snom) also support LDAP.
22:31.02[sr]WIMPy: i get it, no way that, that info be saved by SIP user
22:31.06Mark22Mango: I know I need something like an IVR, I did even look at (but I couldn't find a solution for ending it with a # so it could be multiple numbers long)
22:31.18MangoMark22: might be a good place get you started :P  looks like you already found it.
22:32.08WIMPy[sr]: SIP won't provide directy syncronisation or so, no.
22:32.23[TK]D-FenderMark22: Or you could match a variable length # with a  more open patterna and chk the validity after the fact
22:32.27[sr]WIMPy: i see, it could something interesting for future..
22:32.44[TK]D-FenderMark22: If you want to terminate with a "#' then, that's what Read() is for, vs an IVR
22:33.28Mark22we use a xml file for directories (a single file per client, a client can have multiple phones), we provide the files using a tftp connection (also used to configure their phones, as I don't like using the web interface if I need to configure 10 phones at 1 day)
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22:36.05alanciohi people, how can I know from what iax channel a call is coming from?
22:36.26Mark22[TK]D-Fender: thank you, I should be able to make something with Read()
22:36.27[TK]D-Fenderalancio: Look at the channel name itself
22:36.30WIMPyalancio: Put them in different contexts.
22:36.52alancioWIMPy: thats what I'm trying to avoid
22:37.04alancio[TK]D-Fender: I tried that, and I get the incorrect channel name!
22:37.48ChannelZincorrect how
22:37.50alancio[TK]D-Fender: instead of getting the right one, I always get the last defined peer
22:38.02Mark22alancio: in some cases you could also use Include => some context
22:38.31alancioMark22: yes, I'm using that
22:38.50ChannelZwhat var are you looking at?
22:38.51alancioI think the reason why I get the incorrect channel name is because I'm using templates when defining the iax peers
22:39.02[sr]well going to sleep
22:39.03[TK]D-Fenderalancio: From what you're saying it's matching the WRONG peer.  Don't expect * to tell you ANOTHER one that that.
22:39.15[sr]stay ok folks
22:39.32alancioI'm printing ${CHANNEL}
22:39.34[TK]D-Fenderalancio: fix your peers
22:39.57alancioif I use CHANNEL(peername) I don't get anything
22:40.41Mark22what asterisk version do you use?
22:40.44alancio[TK]D-Fender: fix them how? should I not use templates?
22:40.57alancioI'm using asterisk 1.4.31
22:41.12[TK]D-Fenderalancio: How do you think we can advise at this point?  You haven't shown us anything.
22:41.26alancio[TK]D-Fender: ok, I'll post something, hold a sec
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22:46.12[TK]D-Fenderalancio: Why did you creat 5 identical looking peers?
22:46.43alanciofor ease of management
22:46.43[TK]D-Fenderalancio: And I don't see any DEBUG for the incoming call
22:47.15alancioDEBUG? what do you mean?
22:47.20*** join/#asterisk kruemeltee (
22:47.28[TK]D-Fenderalancio: I don't see the IAX DEBUG dump of the incoming call.
22:47.49alanciooh sorry, I only copied one line, let me put the whole thing
22:53.09[TK]D-Fenderalancio: Fill in proper "username" into each.
22:53.50alanciook, I'll try that
22:56.31alancioYES! That did it! you are a genious
22:56.43alanciothanks a lot
22:57.05alancioI'm using the channel name to add the appropriate prefix to the caller id
22:57.24alancioI think its more elegant than having different contexts, and repeat everything
22:57.29*** join/#asterisk fofware (~fabian@
23:02.53ChannelZWait() will break if a channel hangs up yes?
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23:07.02Mark22ChannelZ: what would it break? the call or something else?
23:08.22ChannelZwell I mean asterisk won't just hang if I use a crazy Wait value
23:08.48ChannelZBasically I want to 'ignore' calls from certain people, not even Answer() so I don't get billed for the call :)
23:09.21ChannelZBut if I just NoOp or something and drop through the end of the dialplan, it returns a BUSY to my ITSP which then in turn sends me an alert email
23:12.03ChannelZlooks like it works
23:16.12*** join/#asterisk fuziontech (
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23:24.05Mark22some action based on the caller id would be nice, i need to look for that (there is an option, I should be able to do it with some AGI scripting or System() I think)
23:24.14Mark22do you need to pay for incoming calls?
23:26.40ChannelZI'm just doing AGI, looking up CID numbers in a database to figure out what to do with specific calls
23:27.03ChannelZAnd yes I pay for incoming calls.  It's not much but for all these telemarketers I'd rather not even waste the penny
23:31.23Mark22I am also thinking about a database to look it up to change the caller id (for outbound calls) or the name for a number (inbound calls)
23:32.02ChannelZyeah I do that too for incoming, a lot of people's CNAM's show up as "MOBILE PHONE" or a city name or something else worthless
23:36.06Mark22I just want to do it for the names I know (source: customer address books :P)
23:37.54ChannelZright thats all I do.  It's hooked up to my customer/client contact database
23:38.41ChannelZlike a few people call from their company so their normal caller ID name shows up as 'Company X' or whatever, but they have their own direct DID so I convert it into their name
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23:45.51joakoHow can I set what codecs are used for a SIP channel outside of sip.conf?
23:48.01[TK]D-Fenderjoako: huh?
23:48.34joako[TK]D-Fender, My SIP provider allows g729 but does not announce it. So if I put disallow=all, allow=g729 I can use g279
23:48.51joakobut if I put disallow=all, allow=g729, ulaw it will never use g729
23:50.00[TK]D-Fenderjoako: show the debug
23:50.17[TK]D-Fenderjoako: And remember it is a quesiotn of whose PREFERENCE is used
23:50.26lwizardlso anyone here know much about getting SIP details from a magicjack ? all the stuff online is no longer working on the newest updates. I have the password but not my username and proxy
23:50.35*** join/#asterisk cosmicwombat (~cosmicwom@
23:51.12joakoHmm, today it is saying Capabilities: us - 0x1 (g723), peer - audio=0x90d (g723|ulaw|alaw|g726|g729)/video=0x0 (nothing)/text=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x1 (g723)
23:51.20joakobut before it was peer ulaw only
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23:53.51[TK]D-FenderLooking like someone SNAFU'd
23:56.01joakoEither way I need to use 1 codec for voice calls and 1 codec for fax calls. How would I do that with the same sip peer?
23:57.08krahehi, I am having problems to setup asterisk with mysql, it complains about pgsql, I am not sure if I can run without postgresql, I wonder if someone here can give me some help to setup asterisk

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