IRC log for #asterisk on 20100612

00:09.37*** join/#asterisk spiceycurry (~mcurry@2002:63f7:e93e:0:5ab0:35ff:fe71:4ac1)
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00:38.45*** join/#asterisk darg (~djc@
00:39.19dargOk. I'm at a loss to explain this. I have a Dial, that rings a SIP device. following that at the next prio, I have a voicemail
00:40.02dargwhat happens, is the device rings until it times out, and then instead of going to voicemail, it disconnects the channel
00:40.19dargthe console never shows it even trying to run the vicemail
00:40.50p3nguinWhat is the timeout value in your Dial()?
00:41.18p3nguinJust for the heck of it, turn it down to something obscenely short, like 12.
00:41.31dargok one sec
00:41.50p3nguinI'm thinking maybe the phone is dumping the channel after an internal timeout.
00:42.20dargok, time to check the spa config then
00:42.25dargit went to vm that tim
00:43.27p3nguinMy Cisco 7912G has a ring timeout value in it, which can be used to handle voicemail or forwarding at the phone level rather than at the call control device.  Your phone might have something similar.
00:43.46dargits a spa-200
00:43.53dargphone is just an analog phone
00:44.23p3nguinI don't have experience with that ATA, but there is probably some type of timeout setting that is causing the behavior.
00:44.35*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
00:44.39dargtheres a bunch of 'timer' settings, but they have wonderfully useless names like
00:44.47darg"SIP timer B", "SIP timer H"
00:45.33p3nguinLook for some timer with a value of around 30 seconds or whatever time your call was falling apart.
00:45.52dargwell, theres 5 of them set to 32
00:45.59p3nguinoh no!
00:46.00dargF, D, B H and J
00:46.08p3nguinTime to dig out a manual.
00:46.17dargyeah im googling
00:47.19*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (~ming_zym@
00:47.56dargwell i found some info, but it isn't really useful
00:47.57*** join/#asterisk dieno (773f883e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:48.04dargB is 'invite time out"
00:48.07dienohi every one
00:48.14dargF is 'non-invite time out'.
00:48.20dargI may just say fsck it and set them all to 40
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00:48.39p3nguinOr one at a time until you find the right one.
00:48.54dargbut who cares if I add 8 seconds to some other timer?
00:48.56dargnot gonna break anyway
00:49.25dienocan any one please explain me from my log am i having pri configured correctly
00:49.33dargeither that O I suppose I could use 30 for the dial timeout
00:49.39darglemme see how that works
00:50.47dargmust be too close.. it dumped it
00:51.22dargi'll stay at 30 but change all those from 32 to 35
00:52.20dargstill no joy
00:54.43spiceycurrydarg: set asynchronous balanced mode extended
00:54.45dienohmmm any one with pri experience please
00:54.56spiceycurrythats a problem
00:55.07dargspiceycurry, say what?
00:55.19dargthats a spa setting or something in *?
00:55.22spiceycurrythe hopeful resolution is that you screwed up your timing config
00:55.36spiceycurrylets see your span configs
00:55.48dargoh yer talking to dieno
00:55.52darghis PRI
00:55.57spiceycurryok lol
00:56.14spiceycurrydieno: lets see your span config lines- you prob screwed up your timing
00:56.44dargp3nguin, any way I can tell * to go fall through if theres no answer even if the spa dumps the call?
00:57.04dargto be honest, i'd want it to go to vm for any sort of error.
00:57.07p3nguinYou could check sip debug and see what is going on.
00:57.20dargonly time it shouldnt is if the call is actually answered
00:57.29p3nguinGenerally, I don't want my phones or devices to make any of their own decisions.
00:58.05dargok, sip sebug.. gonna run a call and see wht I get
00:58.07spiceycurrydieno: your timing settings are probably wrong, or your card is screwed.
01:02.08NuggetMy friend just bought a new car, it only drives in reverse.  It's a Dis lexus.
01:02.34p3nguinReverse is better than nothing, I guess.
01:03.05p3nguinI need the help of an audiophile for my car's problem.
01:03.33dargtheres the sip debug, if anyone better at reading that than me wants to look
01:03.51dargive obfuscated some phone#'s and IP's
01:04.21*** join/#asterisk blaines (
01:05.18dargim gonna see if 25 for the dial timeout works
01:06.45dienospiceycurry can you please let meknow what configuration you will be want to see
01:06.46dargok that seems to work.. but its really short than id like
01:07.29*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (~IceChat7@
01:07.42spiceycurrydieno: are you using dahdi or zap?
01:07.50dienospiceycurry if you want i will paste my chan_dahdi and dahd-channels.conf
01:08.13spiceycurrydieno: pastebin /etc/dahdi/system.conf
01:09.15dienospiceycurry there it is
01:10.31spiceycurrydo you have a warrany on that card?
01:10.46dienoand surprisingly i just bought it
01:10.51dienolike a few hours ago
01:10.54spiceycurryyou'll want to call them up
01:11.41dienobut what will would explain them any idea ?
01:11.41spiceycurrythey'll do some loop tests
01:11.41*** join/#asterisk SaiSoma (~chatzilla@
01:11.41dienooh got it
01:11.41spiceycurrytell them your getting "set asynchronous balanced mode extended"
01:11.46spiceycurrythats a problem with the timing
01:12.08dienook got it thanks for your time mate
01:12.40spiceycurryno prb, good luck
01:13.40dienospiceycurry btw one more question please
01:14.18dienodo you think thats the configuration will be used in outbound or is it going to out/in both like FXO
01:15.15spiceycurrydont follow you
01:15.53dienodoes this configuration is good with outboung calls ?
01:16.06dienoif this card is replaced
01:17.10spiceycurrythat config is only for the hardware... lets see your: /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf, /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
01:17.23spiceycurryyou using analog?
01:17.55bjhaidI run asterisk on my ubuntu machine, I would want to know how I can make asterisk run at start-up so if I am not present someone with a poor knowledge of linux can get the asterisk box started by starting the ubuntu machine
01:18.51dienospiceycurry please take a look at it
01:19.11*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
01:19.58*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
01:21.01dlynesbjhaid, if you installed asterisk from the binary on ubuntu 10.04 LTS, it would already be running when you reboot
01:21.12spiceycurrydieno: looks good.  did you setup your extensions.conf?
01:21.16p3nguindarg: I guess SIP/2.0 487 Request Terminated is where the phone says "Stop calling me!"
01:21.25dienoyup all smooth with round robin
01:21.27*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
01:22.15dienospiceycurry thanks again :)
01:22.23*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
01:23.36bjhaidwell dlynes, I use ubuntu 9.10 and it does not run until i initialise it from the terminal
01:24.05spiceycurrybjhaid: service asterisk start
01:24.23dargp3nguin, hrm.. ok.. but obviously that doesnt help figure out how to tell it to quit that
01:24.40p3nguinThere has to be a manual somewhere.
01:25.05bjhaidspiceycurry where do i include service asterisk start?
01:25.14dargwell, i have a manual.. but it doesnt really explain anything.. its just a reference
01:25.18spiceycurryyou dont, that will start it
01:25.39bjhaidi type it at the terminal?
01:25.58spiceycurrybjhaid: yes... also- look for a file named asterisk in /etc/init.d
01:26.32bjhaidspiceycurry, what do i do to the file?
01:26.42dlynesbjhaid, /etc/init.d/asterisk start
01:27.17bjhaidspiceycurry: i change the name of the file or?
01:27.53spiceycurryrun it
01:28.16spiceycurryif it is there, it will start when booted- so long as your configs are ok
01:28.55bjhaidSpiceycurry, I am running on windows right now, I would get that done later and if I have problems would check the channel tommorow, thanks
01:29.17*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (~ming_zym@
01:29.41drmessanoI could have sworn there was a decision that all installed "servers" in Ubuntu would run at startup
01:30.54*** join/#asterisk Doc (~scott@2001:470:1:8::2)
01:31.10Docanyone got any recommendations for a good/free softphone that supports multiple accounts?
01:34.21Docis it stable now days?  i havent tried it for a fair while, but it had a habit of crashing a lot...
01:34.46exothermcI'm trying to load dahdi but I'm getting Running dahdi_cfg:  DAHDI_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22)
01:35.00exothermchmm not sure why that inverted sorry.
01:35.56dargstill no joy
01:37.57dargfound this:
01:38.11darglook for "more than one minute"
01:38.23dargbut mine is stopping at 30s..
01:38.34dargi checked those values, they are 60.. for grins I made them 90
01:38.35dargno change
01:39.17spiceycurryexothermc: pastebin your dahdi config file /etc/dahdi/system.conf
01:43.51*** join/#asterisk zyphlar (
01:43.58zyphlarhey there my lovelies
01:44.28zyphlar[TK]D-Fender you there? i fixed that awesome freepbx pri issue thanks to digium
01:45.03spiceycurryexotermc: get rid of ",yellow"
01:45.15exothermcspiceycurry:  ok ya it was before, but didn't matter.
01:45.41zyphlarquestion, i'm trying to use a dual t1 card to pass thru a PRI from my telco provider thru asterisk to another box
01:45.54spiceycurryyou need to save the file, and at the CLI> prompt type... dahdi restart
01:46.02zyphlarshould my 2nd span have channels 25-48, or should it be channels 1-24?
01:46.11exothermcspiceycurry:   yup no dice.
01:46.22spiceycurryzyphlar: 25-48
01:46.33zyphlark thx
01:48.31spiceycurryexothermc: try stopping the asterisk service, than the dahdi service, and restart everything
01:48.53exothermcasterisk isn't even running, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't need to be yet.
01:48.55*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (~ming_zym@
01:49.01exothermcrestarting dahdi now.
01:49.03spiceycurryok, stop the dahdi service
01:49.24exothermcspiceycurry: same thing.
01:49.36spiceycurryrepaste your new config
01:49.37zyphlarspiceycurry: know how i could troubleshoot that inner t1(pri) link not showing as connected? both cards are red despite looking ok in dahdi_cfg -vvv
01:49.47zyphlarit's set as pri_net as well
01:50.19spiceycurryzyphlar: what does dahdi_tool say?
01:50.33zyphlarspan 1 is OK, span 2 is red
01:50.44spiceycurryis span 2 plugged in?
01:50.51zyphlaryep i'll triple check
01:51.18spiceycurryzyphlar: on the circuit (on the wall) are the lines all green?
01:51.36dargtry swap the first and second spans, see if the problem is the card or the span itself?
01:52.45zyphlarmy guess is that span2 doesn't realize it's supposed to be pri_net
01:53.13zyphlari used the same cable that was from telco->asteriskspan1 and plugged it into asteriskspan2->intertel and same deal
01:53.26zyphlarit's as tho asteriskspan2 isn't providing a signal which is what pri_net is supposed to do
01:53.28*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
01:53.49zyphlarboth asteriskspan1 and intertel work with telco
01:53.52exothermcreally odd that dahdi is complaining about the arguments of span 1.  I'm 99% sure they are correct.
01:53.55zyphlari'm inserting asterisk in between the two
01:54.41dargwell I had a 52 page pdf.. now ive found a 137 page one.. maybe it has more useful info
01:55.34spiceycurryexothermc: weird, it works on mine-
01:56.03spiceycurryexothermc: Your timing is weird though- mine is 1,2,0   and 2,1,0
01:56.17spiceycurryI also have 1 less channel on the second span
01:56.28spiceycurryas 48 is usually the next dchan
01:56.46spiceycurryzyphlar: could it be the cable?
01:56.49exothermcspiceycurry: you just use your second span as your primary timer where I use my first as the primary.
01:57.09zyphlardefinitely not; again, same cable, works when connected from either PBX to my telco
01:57.13zyphlarjust not from PBX-PBX
01:57.16exothermcspiceycurry: mine are configured with 1 dchan for both pris.
01:57.19*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:57.32zyphlarconclusion: asterisk span2 isn't providing a PRI
01:57.37zyphlarnot sure how to troubleshoot
01:58.03spiceycurryexothermc: I would delete the file and recreate it, in the case there is some hidden char or something
01:58.12spiceycurryby chance did you "copy/paste" it?
01:58.51*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
01:59.30spiceycurryzyphlar, post your configs (pastebin)
02:00.02*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
02:00.12dargsigh.. nothing useful there either
02:00.14dargthis sucks
02:00.15zyphlarspiceycurry: thanks
02:00.16exothermcspiceycurry: I comment out the span lines and it loads just fine.
02:00.25exothermcfrom what I'm reading the card driver isn't loading.
02:00.43dargwhy the hell should this spa-2000 not let a phone ringer longer than 30s
02:01.12zyphlarspiceycurry: sorry
02:01.35dargneed to find a spa2000 irc channel
02:01.58zyphlartrying to specify timing as 0 on span2
02:03.25zyphlardoesn't seem to help
02:03.52dargcisco bought sipura i see
02:04.13spiceycurryweird :O
02:04.24spiceycurryback soon, have to jet
02:04.41xhelioxthat happened like..
02:04.59xhelioxat least 4 years ago
02:05.34xhelioxI hear the govt ordered a break up of AT&T
02:05.36dargah.. well.. this rock I live under tends to filter out stuff like that
02:06.20dargso any idea why a spa-2000 might refuse to ring the phone longer than 30 seconds?
02:06.51dargincoming call, * dials the spa, it rings, if the timeout is about 30 or higher, the spa dumps the call, and * doesnt fall through to vm
02:06.59zyphlarAH! might be a t1 crossover
02:07.25xhelioxAin't that interesting.
02:07.30dargthe * dial() timeout, that is
02:07.39dargif I make it 25, it works fine.. but I really want 35
02:07.43xhelioxSurely there's a time out setting in the Supra?
02:08.08dargyeah.. i found some 'timer' values that were set at 32.. tried changing them to 40.. no dice
02:08.22dargthought I had it at first
02:08.41xhelioxonly way to know for sure is to look at the sip debug and determine who is requesting the hang up
02:08.59dargthe spa is.
02:09.17xhelioxYeah, really couldn't say.
02:09.17dargp3nguin helped me find that
02:09.31dargthe sip debig is here:
02:10.00zyphlarwoot! i had to make a t1 crossover cable in order to connect from asterisk pri to another local pri
02:10.01dargbeen googling and googling.. cant seem to find any explanation
02:10.12zyphlari.e. pri_net doesn't work unless you've got a crossover cable
02:10.31dargzyphlar, all depends on the polarity of the t1 jack(s) you are connecting
02:10.55dargjust like old ethernet ports before auto-mdi..
02:11.03dargyou cant connect a hub to a hub without a crossover
02:11.06dargditt pc to pc
02:11.28xhelioxdarg: normally I'd dig deeper for you, but I can't offer any serious assistence at the moment.
02:11.41dargxheliox, np
02:12.11dargmaybe the thing needs a cold reboot for those timers to take effect
02:12.13dargwtf its worth a try
02:12.57p3nguinI found something.
02:13.00zyphlaryeah i remember. just figured pri_net would configure the asterisk card to be opposite polarity
02:13.13p3nguinlook under Distinctive Ring Patterns
02:13.39exothermcdamn card was configured for E1
02:13.48p3nguindarg: Look at the Ring Cadence settings.
02:13.55dargyeah i tried that already
02:14.02p3nguindarg: Tried which thing?
02:14.05dargthey were set to 60.. for grins i changed them to 90
02:14.09dargdidnt change anything
02:16.50dargthanks though
02:19.12*** join/#asterisk Trixboxer (~Trixboxer@
02:21.05dargwell im done with it for tonight.
02:21.16dargthanks all for trying
02:32.39*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
02:41.41zyphlardialplan question for you homies
02:42.16zyphlarif i want to Dial("DAHDI/g2/${EXTEN}") where ${EXTEN} equals the DID Asterisk received, how would I do that?
02:42.35zyphlari.e. i want to transparently pass thru DIDs I receive that start with the number 6
02:43.01zyphlarright now ${EXTEN} seems to be not passing the right things
02:43.11zyphlarnot sure how to debug what it is tho
02:43.32p3nguinexten => _6X.,1,Dial(DAHDI/g2/${EXTEN})
02:43.36p3nguinLike this?
02:43.41zyphlarhrm i'll try that
02:47.10*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
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02:53.21zyphlari'm using freepbx but nobody's responding in that channel... is there a way to add this trunk->trunk route in the gui, or do i hafta add it in a certain place?
02:54.51infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
02:54.54p3nguinNo clue.
02:57.30*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (~cesar@
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03:17.14zyphlargot it
03:22.25*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
03:22.40SedoroxDo variables in AEL get reset when moving between contexts?
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03:46.13zyphlarhey there seems to be static when calling from my inner pbx to the telco
03:47.03zyphlaris that a timing issue? if so what timing should i use? (it doesn't seem like my telco is providing timing since it always defaults to internally clocked)
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03:57.59psilikonzyphlar, i recently had an audio issue that was due to the tx gain being set too high that caused clipping.
03:59.04psilikonzyphlar, pri?
03:59.33zyphlari think it might actually be only due to echo cancellation since i'm talking to myself
03:59.39zyphlarinbound and outbound only seem fine
03:59.49psilikonwhat type of card?
03:59.54zyphlarjust in case i set each span to timing=0 so it's internally clocked
04:00.00zyphlaruhhh te207p?
04:00.04zyphlardual t1 digium
04:00.30psilikonnever used that one. We mostly use sangoma A104's
04:03.35*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
04:05.04zyphlarcool well thx all
04:05.41zyphlarbtw i got that span-span forwarding done in freepbx by defining an inbound route to a custom destination.
04:11.09*** join/#asterisk SaiSoma (~chatzilla@
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06:14.40exothermianyone able to help me with a couple Qwest PRIs?
06:17.45exothermiAll the channels keep going red no matter how I configure dahdi
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06:25.22Jumpieany recommendations of providers that have good rates for in/outbound AND sms forwarding?
06:25.34Jumpielookin for diff 'one stop shop' options
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07:40.31hariomWhat is the best file format to record a file in asterisk? wav, gsm or WAV (wav49). My goal is to get the high quality recordings.
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07:41.43Ziaeonwav49 is good, good quality and a tenth the size of wav
07:41.56Ziaeonbest quality and performance is wav of course
07:42.04Ziaeonbut you'll fill up the drive quick, depending on volume
07:42.20ZiaeonI use a custom script to convert everything to mp3, but thats for a specific purpose...
07:43.34hariomConsidering that I get about 25 calls per hour, what do you suggest? These recording should be of good quality (good in the sense audible difference compared to other)
07:43.34florzZiaeon: hard disks have become larger in recent years, in case you haven't notices ...
07:44.11hariomI have been using sox to convert wav to gsm. But .gsm files are not very good when played back.
07:44.12Ziaeonflorz: you are obviously underestimating the volume of my customers :)
07:44.39Ziaeonim talking about a 20,000 tollfree bill a month.
07:44.43Ziaeondebt consolidation call centers =/
07:44.50florzZiaeon: 20000 frogs?
07:45.16Ziaeonmight as well be frogs with what USD is worth these days
07:45.30hariomZiaeon: do you suggest to record as .wav?
07:45.46Ziaeonif you have a big harddrive, and not a lot of volume, why not
07:46.03florzZiaeon: that would be in the region of 2 mio minutes, then?
07:46.39hariomIs it possible to record directly in Ogg or Mp3 format?
07:46.50Ziaeonno you have to save in wav and convert it to mp3
07:46.54ZiaeonI have a script for such purpose
07:47.00Ziaeonand you have to edit the dialagi
07:47.39hariomI use simply a shell script with sox to convert all wav to ogg or gsm
07:47.44florzhariom: that really only makes sense if you have to send them by email or somesuch, otherwise you are just creating complication and CPU overhead
07:48.16hariomYes, I need to send recording back to my clients.
07:48.29florzZiaeon: that would make ~ 1 TB of data to record all of it as uncompressed WAV ... !?
07:48.36Ziaeonjust record in wav49 then, its good quality and emailable size
07:49.00Ziaeoni get so many recordings, that I cant delete them!
07:49.03Ziaeonif I do rm *
07:49.06Ziaeonit says "too many arguments"
07:49.43Ziaeon(i can delete the directory, though)
07:50.11florzthen you obviously must first have deleted the files inside ...
07:50.50florzyeah, still that first deletes the files inside ;-)
07:51.19florzfind . -type f -maxdepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0 rm would do just as well
07:52.26florz(and probably would even be faster due to the pipe buffer in between the two
07:52.47ZiaeonI use find also to delete files that are older than a month or two months etc
07:52.48Ziaeonfor maintenance
07:53.10Ziaeonyeah but for some reason, doing rm -rf on the dir works, where as rm * in the dir gives error of too many arguments
07:53.37Ziaeonprobably a linear argument instead of a batch job
07:53.43florzwell, for the obvious reason that one of them has only two arguments, while the other has thousands?
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08:09.17jblackThe key part is the "-r" which stands for "recursive"
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08:52.37ChannelZok WTF does 'context=from-trunk' mean?
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09:02.05ChannelZnevermind.. I thought 'from-trunk' was maybe a special keyword or something but apparently not, these people just don't know what they're doing is all
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10:24.16khussein78i need to convert cisco 7911 to SIP to connect to asterisk server ? where can i find the image and show to upgrade
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10:41.46[sr]im interested in know from where came the name "asterisk" to the asterisk project
10:42.28[sr]yes but why chose that name
10:42.44[sr]it could be comma => ,
10:42.51[sr]or dot, => .
10:42.56[sr]just curious
10:43.52troffaskycomma and dot aren't on a 12 button keypad!
10:45.11[sr]i see
10:45.16[sr]but it could cardinal then => #
10:45.28*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
10:46.17[sr]asterisk sounds better its a fact
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11:21.31jblack[sr]: irc is not twitter. You don't need to hit the enter key every 14 characters
11:33.28*** join/#asterisk replifs (
11:34.03replifsHi, I order VoIP number but the people told me that I need to send them VoIP Gateway information, to connect to the phone via SIP softphone
11:34.19replifsdoes I understand this right? :)
11:35.01replifsI need to get VoIP Gateway to connect to the phone with softphone?
11:36.04*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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11:36.33replifsI install VoIP Gateway, set SIP settings, connect to the VoIP Gateway with setted SIP settings and finally VoIP Gateway connects to their servers?
11:36.37replifsis that how it works? :)
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11:53.45[sr]replifs: you order a number to use with the provider you use, maybe voipbuster?
12:01.34replifsI don't know they just give me a number
12:01.44replifsand they tell me - if I want to dial mobile phones
12:01.47[sr]but voipbuster?
12:01.55replifsor mobile phones call me
12:01.59replifsI need to use softphone
12:02.06replifsto use softphone I need to set SIP details
12:02.20replifsbut I can't connect with them directly, I need to have VoIP Gateway
12:02.30replifsI don't know just some voip number
12:02.34replifswhat is voip buster?
12:02.36[sr]who are them?
12:02.47replifsin my country
12:03.34*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
12:03.37[sr]for sure u just need to use a sip client and enter the details, but the best is to ask them help
12:03.51[sr]but u'll hit the call center for sure and that is going to be painfull
12:06.27*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
12:15.15replifsyes thank you
12:15.25replifsthat's what I'm going to do :)
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15:59.48*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
16:11.00*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
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16:12.01KavanSparsing "sip show channels" to see if an extension is in use - would it be safe to say that Rx: ACK is a safe assumption for the Last Message: of a sip channel that is in use?
16:12.11KavanSi.e. call in progress
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16:17.59[TK]D-FenderKavanS: "core show hints" <- and set each one up with one.
16:19.00[TK]D-FenderKavanS: Or make a an extension that dumps "ChanisAvail" resulst out somewhere.  Hints are more practical, and less work though and usable elsewhere
16:19.23*** join/#asterisk residentgrey (
16:21.01KavanS[TK]D-Fender, during a call via core show hints - my SIP/501 is showing as "idle"
16:23.09KavanSI looked into ChanisAvail and also ExtensionState - chanisavail didn't seem to fit the bill
16:23.25KavanSChanIsAvail is not a solution to tell you conclusively whether the channel is busy or not, it is primarily to tell you whether it would be possible to send a call there. Whether that call would end up being accepted or not is entirely up to the peer that we send the call to, and they could easily reject the call even though they do not appear to be 'busy'.
16:23.55[TK]D-Fender[12:21]<KavanS>[TK]D-Fender, during a call via core show hints - my SIP/501 is showing as "idle" <- set your peer up right
16:23.56KavanSbasically I'm trying to determine if a line is in use/call is in progress for a certain SIP peer - if it is idle/ringing - I am not concerned about that
16:24.11*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (~ming_zym@
16:24.14[TK]D-Fender[12:23]<KavanS>ChanIsAvail is not a solution to tell you conclusively whether the channel is busy or not <- incorrect
16:24.18KavanSok - configuration error? :\ calls seem to work fine on
16:24.34KavanSok - chanisavail definition I pulled from
16:24.43[TK]D-FenderKavanS: And you CAN'T know if the device will actively reject you.  There is no dodging that bullet
16:24.56KavanSwell I'm not worried if the device is going to reject me
16:25.02KavanSI just want to see if it is making a call over the system
16:25.17KavanSi.e. if someone is on the line
16:27.27KavanSpeer I'm testing (501) is setup with qualify=yes
16:29.31[TK]D-FenderKavanS: menngless...
16:29.46[TK]D-FenderKavanS: Pastebin your peer
16:30.01[TK]D-FenderKavanS: nvm
16:30.13[TK]D-FenderKavanS: Should be : type=peer , call-limit=99
16:30.18[TK]D-Fenderkavait'd BETTER be
16:32.33*** part/#asterisk peterosd (
16:45.29KavanScall limit is set
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16:48.54[TK]D-FenderKavanS: type=peer?
16:49.38KavanSwhoa - missing that line for this peer
16:49.43KavanStrying again
16:50.13*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
16:50.19KavanSstate is still idle with type=peer and call-limit=99 - via core show hints
16:50.45[TK]D-FenderKavanS:  [general] limitonpeers=yes
16:50.52*** join/#asterisk eliel (~eliels@
16:50.56[TK]D-Fenderkava mod all, and reload SIP, and pastebin the lot....
16:51.47KavanSok - modded with limitonpeers
16:52.24KavanSok - shows as inuse now
16:52.35KavanSvia core show hints
16:56.01*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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17:10.41KavanSok - getting some results here that are worthwhile
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17:51.22[sr]hi WIMPy, i think i finally have lcr and asterisk working! now i have a setup problem on the incoming route to send call's to my sip extension
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18:00.13[TK]D-Fender[sr]: Perhaps you should show us your call and the problem with it
18:01.22*** join/#asterisk kartik (~koolkarti@
18:01.47[sr]i see there "due to extension missmatch"
18:01.52[sr](you're going to kill me now)
18:01.53*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
18:02.14[sr]i've setup an inbound route, without specifying any DID, and set the destination to a sip user
18:04.43[sr]i'm not getting the part of "extension missmatch"
18:04.59[TK]D-Fender[sr]: There clearly isn't a match in extensions.conf for exten=234377460 context=Ext_hfc4s_1 complete=no)
18:05.21[TK]D-Fender[sr]: It is telling you EXACTLY what it's looking for in extensions.conf... this isn't even a guess.
18:08.16[sr][TK]D-Fender: going to try with the docs samples
18:11.30*** join/#asterisk Pimmetje (~Pimmetje@
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18:13.23[sr][TK]D-Fender: a small help, extern=5,1,Dial(SIP/my_sip_number)
18:13.30[sr]exten sorry
18:13.45*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@
18:13.50[TK]D-Fender[sr]: it isn't LOOKING for "5".  It's looking for "234377460"
18:14.01[TK]D-Fenderexten=234377460  <---------------------------------
18:15.04[sr]lets see what is going to happen....
18:15.30[sr][TK]D-Fender: just perfect! :D
18:16.20[sr]perfect perfect!!!!
18:18.19[sr][TK]D-Fender: ok so i see this cannot be some by freepbx
18:18.22[sr]no problem about that
18:18.37[sr]i have to this to each number, right?
18:21.31[TK]D-Fender[sr]: This is a number that lands on your system.. It is one of YOUR numbers, right?  not the callers?
18:21.51[sr][TK]D-Fender: yap, my question was, i have to route each of my numbers
18:23.57[sr][TK]D-Fender: ok so far so good, call you tell me or point me to what the arguments mean? exten=>number,1,dial(sip999)
18:24.01*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (
18:24.04[sr]what does "1" means?
18:25.10[TK]D-Fender[sr]: You don't seem to understand the basics of the dialplan.  Setting up LCR to take calls is the SMALLEST portion of *.  The other %95 is your DIALPLAN.  Go read Chapter 5 <-----
18:25.12infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
18:27.14*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
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18:32.34[sr][TK]D-Fender: i'm to take a look
18:33.45*** part/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
18:35.51Naikrovekeventually you will see why that is funny
18:36.26[sr]the extra "eye"?
18:37.47Naikrovekwhen you see it you'll laugh
18:38.01pabelangerits looking right at me
18:39.20Naikrovekgotta be a photoshop job
18:39.32[sr]dont find it..heeh
18:39.56[TK]D-FenderESL <- thats why
18:41.45*** join/#asterisk dauergast (
18:42.23[sr]esl = ?
18:43.09[TK]D-Fender[sr]: You're not reading between the lines....
18:45.27dauergasthi, im using asterisk, compiled from source. Porblem is that asterisk sometimes takes ages to respond to calls, internal calls external calls, doesnt matter. After about 20 seconds == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 appears in the CLI and asterisk establishes the call, i cant find a solution, already reistalled ubuntu server, but i doesn't seem to change anything
18:48.59*** join/#asterisk blaines (
18:49.52pabelangerdauergast: enable SIP debugs and trace your calls
18:50.29infobotcollectdebug is probably a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to doc/HOWTO_collect_debug_information.txt or
18:50.59drmessanoAt least ASTERISK logs something
18:51.04drmessanokicks ejabberd
18:51.28drmessanokicks ejabberd again
18:51.41drmessanohey ejabberd, look over there
18:51.45drmessanokicks ejabberd again
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19:03.10dauergastok, here is the debug output, tried a few times to call internal applications, at the last try, calling 960, it hangs about 10 seconds
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19:10.02dauergastit happens randomly, all calls come from the internal lan, same subnet
19:11.13Deeewayneanyone know if sending spam text messages to cell phones is legal?
19:11.29Deeewayne(I'm a receiver not a sender)
19:12.03*** join/#asterisk blaines (
19:13.27[sr]at least in here, when people subscribe to sms service, it becames legal 'cause the user signed, the problem it to stop the service
19:23.39*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
19:25.33pabelangerdauergast: [Jun 12 20:53:09] WARNING[10929] res_musiconhold.c: Found no files in '/var/lib/asterisk/schleife/'
19:26.07pabelangerdauergast: you have audio file issues.
19:26.37p3nguindeeewayne: In the US?
19:27.45Deeewaynep3nguin, yes
19:27.45dauergasti know, currently im not yet finished copying all the sound files back, but I have had the problems with the delayed calls before, this shouldn't cause such problems?
19:28.40p3nguinIn short, yes it is illegal.
19:28.51dauergastpabelanger: do you need other logs / traces to determine the problem?
19:28.52DeeewayneI thought so
19:30.47Deeewaynegoes off to BBQ
19:31.04pabelangerdauergast: you'll need to better describe what a 'delayed calls' means.  IE: dead air, dtmf, what is the actual problem
19:31.31*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
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19:33.42dauergastpabelanger: when i'm trying to make a call from my softphone, sometimes it keeps saying connecting... for a couple of seconds before asterisk recognizes that a client wants to make a call, this can take up to 30 seconds
19:34.49pabelangerdauergast: How do you not it is not the softphone that is the problem?
19:34.53pabelangerIE: resolving DNS
19:36.22dauergastusing the snom190 hw phone doesn't make any difference, i think this is a generally configuration or network issue
19:37.11dauergastthe asterisk is reached by its lan ip address, dns is not used
19:38.14pabelangerdauergast: if you are on the same LAN, why do you have NAT enabled?
19:38.25pabelangerdauergast: pb your sip.conf
19:43.16pabelangerdauergast: once the first INVITE message gets to Asterisk it takes less then .01 seconds for Asterisk to answer the channel.
19:43.30pabelangerIE: Asterisk is not the problem
19:44.01dauergastpabelanger: here is my the sip.conf
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19:51.09dauergastok, i will disable nat for the peers, and try again
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20:07.05dauergastafter sending out nine invites to asterisk with no reply, the softphone ends the call 'No Connection'
20:11.08dauergastmaybe 1000 port for RTP are too less?
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20:14.16p3nguinI use much less than that.
20:19.08dauergastis it possible that the sip modules 'freezes' for whatever reason every x seconds?
20:20.25*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
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20:28.43KavanSis there a simple way to say "if callerid digits = 3" goto?
20:28.50KavanSgotoif I assume...googling...
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20:38.53dauergastsame issue with my asterisk in vm, after replacing only the sip.conf, i think there is something wrong
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20:44.23Blackvelhi all. protected my asterisk local server with a fail2ban jail. is there any tool which tries to hack into to test it?
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20:45.45xhelioxa soft phone and the wrong password? :P
20:46.12xhelioxis it on a public IP? I can try to register for you.
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21:07.46KavanSexten = s,n,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" = "[0-9][0-9][0-9]"]?begin)
21:08.10KavanS^^^ what is wrong with that statement? - it shows that the caller ID is 501 - but it is not going to begin
21:10.07KavanSNoOp("SIP/501-000000xX", "501")
21:11.43KavanSahh it's my regex :\
21:15.45Blackvelanyone uses fail2ban? fail2ban-regex can not get a right match. i added a new regex for ACL error (permit/deny). what is wrong? date?
21:15.45Blackvelfail2ban-regex /var/log/asterisk/messages /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/asterisk.conf
21:16.13xhelioxdid you change the time stamp format in logger.conf?
21:16.36Blackvelyes, but i think there is still something wrong with it
21:16.54Blackveleven fail2ban-regex uses timestamp check?
21:17.22Blackvel2010-06-12 23:01:13 NOTICE[7697] chan_sip.c:
21:17.25Blackvelis this any correct?
21:18.17xhelioxMy log says.. [2010-06-12 17:17:15] NOTICE[8656]
21:22.00BlackvelNOTICE.* .*: Registration from '.*' failed for '<HOST>' - ACL error (permit/deny)
21:22.04Blackvelsomething wrong with that?
21:25.49[TK]D-Fender[17:08]<KavanS>^^^ what is wrong with that statement? - it shows that the caller ID is 501 - but it is not going to begin <-- since when did you think you could just shove a patter/regex like that?  "core show function REGEX"
21:26.15KavanS[TK]D-Fender, I know - I know
21:26.18KavanSI fixed it...
21:43.55*** join/#asterisk x303 (~x303@
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21:52.47*** join/#asterisk TheKing (~chatzilla@
21:53.59TheKinghi all. i m new in open source, and i want to know what is the difference between FreePBX and Asterisk?
21:55.15TheKingshould i use Asterisk or FreePBX, i know that AsteriskNOW is using FreePBX but is that good to use for production environment?
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22:03.41ruben23hi guys
22:04.04carrarHow are you?
22:04.49carrarTheKing, are you still here?
22:05.00carrar"the difference between FreePBX and Asterisk?"
22:05.04TheKingi m fine thank u
22:05.07carrarOne is a PBX01 software
22:05.12carrarOne is a Operating System
22:05.20carrarerr PBX01=PBX
22:05.33carrartwo completely different items
22:05.49carrarAsterisk being the PBX software
22:06.04carrarAsterisk can run on FreeBSD
22:06.13carrarBut I wouldn't recommend it
22:06.30carrarI would use CentOS 5.5 OS instead of FreeBSD
22:06.40carrarunless you are a FreeBSD guru
22:06.45TheKingi m using CentOS 5.5 right now
22:06.55TheKingno i m new in Linux
22:07.04carrarCentOS is good then
22:07.18carrarAsterisk works great in CentOS
22:07.53carrarI wouldn't change it
22:08.10carrarunless you are not running Asterisk from the source and compiling it
22:08.23carrarthen I would just compile from source instead of RPM's
22:08.41carrarbut whatever works for you
22:09.14TheKingi used AstersikNOW but when i install it i could not find the IVR tab
22:09.19nightwalkcarrar: What do you have against FreeBSD? Is driver support lacking for PBX-type cards or something?
22:09.26carrarI love FreeBSD
22:09.31carrarbut for someone new
22:09.37nightwalkPC-BSD, then
22:09.38carrarand Asterisk
22:09.44carrarit's prbably not the best choice
22:09.51nightwalkPC-BSD seems just as easy as any linux distro
22:10.14nightwalkThe only thing I don't like about FreeBSD are the non-obvious device naming scheme
22:10.23*** join/#asterisk viq (~viq@unaffiliated/viq)
22:10.26carrarSpeaking of FreeBSD
22:10.26carrar8.0-RELEASE-p2 FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE-p2
22:10.29carrarI need to update that
22:11.35TheKingis it better than CentOS, did FreeBSD have a GUI, coz u know as a windows user i depend in that GUI in most of my operaitonsd?
22:12.00carrarAre oranges better then apples?
22:12.07carrarCentOS has more support
22:12.13nightwalkOn second thought, you're right, FreeBSD might not be the best for beginners. It's alot like slackware in that you're left to fend for yourself when it comes to resolving package dependencies and installing packages. No rpm/apt-get :/
22:12.17TheKingit depends on ur taste :)
22:12.42carrarI would not recommend FreeBSD for Asterisk users
22:13.03carrarI would recommend FreeBSD for a DB server or web, like servers
22:13.32TheKingso u second my using of CentOS
22:13.47TheKingthey also recommend it in the website
22:14.02carrarI don't recommend AsteriskNOW
22:14.13TheKingthat's it, i knew it
22:14.19carrarI recommend installing Asterisk from source files
22:14.24nightwalkPersonally, I recommend linux as the *host* OS, because there are tons of virtualization technologies it supports. CentOS/RHEL isn't worth using until 6.0 in my opinion, though. VT support is lacking
22:14.27TheKingit's not the best choice
22:14.36carrarfrom here:
22:14.47p3nguin_nightwalk: If you think FreeBSD doesn't do dependencies, you're using it wrong.
22:15.25p3nguin_Time for you to learn how to use ports/packages the right way.
22:15.31nightwalkp3nguin_: I haven't done more than play with it yet. PC-BSD is the only thing that's gotten me that far -- the original FBSD installer is god-awful
22:15.34carrarAsterisk + Asterisk Add-Ons + Dahdi Complete & LibPri
22:16.08p3nguin_PC-BSD is, from what I hear, a pile of crap compared to actual FreeBSD.
22:16.30TheKingdoes "Asterisk + Asterisk Add-Ons + Dahdi Complete & LibPri " it have GUI ?
22:16.42carrarGUI's are for punks
22:17.05nightwalkIt doesn't matter if FBSD were the greatest thing on earth. If the installer is garbage, people aren't going to use it. The FBSD devs would rather bury their heads in the sand and ignore the reality of it, though
22:17.13carrarI don't use any GUI's
22:17.22*** join/#asterisk CngZ (
22:17.28carrarbut I think there might be one in it but I don't know
22:17.49nightwalkThat's why I support PC-BSD's efforts. I don't really *like* GUIs, but I *do* like things being fairly easy to install
22:17.51carrarThe only GUI I use is on my iPhone
22:18.01TheKingi m trying to be a good one, but for the meanwhile i have to be a punk till i learn it very well ;)
22:18.19carrarnt gonna learn it using a GUI
22:18.45nightwalkTheKing: Don't feel bad. I learned the way I did because I'm old, and there WERE no good GUIs in the distros way back when. I'd have used GUIs at first too if they'd been there :)
22:18.53carrarAll you are gonna know is a GUI and not how the configs really work
22:19.36nightwalkcarrar: That statement operates on a fallacy
22:19.40p3nguin_People aren't going to use FreeBSD?  WHAT?!  You realize how many people DO use FreeBSD?
22:19.55nightwalkp3nguin_: Not as many as use linux :)
22:20.01*** join/#asterisk pyite (~dschreibe@unaffiliated/pyite)
22:20.12p3nguin_Don't flatter your Linux-using self.
22:20.29carrarnightwalk, it's opinion, not fallacy
22:20.41TheKingcarrar, i totally agree with u , can u tell me where i can start using Asterisk step by step?
22:20.46nightwalkYeah, I use linux. I also use Solaris, and I plan to switch from Solaris to FreeBSD eventually (for ZFS support; linux can't have it)
22:20.57carrarTheKing, read this and use the source
22:20.58infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
22:21.10carrarYou will be a guru in no time
22:21.21nightwalkI use whatever works for my purposes, so I have no reason to build up any one platform/technology
22:21.37CngZi installed and configured and iaxmodem, and hylafax, i can send fax by a sip line with no problem, but i can't receive fax, the iaxmodem got the call but the sender is saying that it's failed
22:22.32carrarCngZ, look at your log files
22:22.36carrardebug files
22:22.44carrarfind out where it's breaking at
22:23.07carrarfind out what failed means
22:23.14TheKingok, what about the reports u know that management always asks for reports, and some times they asked to have an access by themslefs
22:23.14CngZhum do you know where is the log of hylafax ? i will search :p
22:23.25p3nguin_I've been using FreeBSD almost as long as I have Linux, and I can't say that either is so great above the other that people are going to suddenly stop using the lesser of the two.
22:23.43*** join/#asterisk darg_ (~djc@
22:23.46carrarTheKing, so create a unix login for them, not that they know unix
22:24.04darg_knows eunichs
22:24.04carrarYou can create reports out of the CDR's if you put them in a database like PostgreSQL
22:24.10carrarmake your own  queires
22:24.22darg_ok not really
22:24.30TheKingaha, that's right
22:24.33darg_p3nguin_, you alive
22:24.44p3nguin_only in the flesh
22:24.46carrarThey can then be crontab so they run automatically
22:24.47*** join/#asterisk extnct (~extnct@unaffiliated/extnct)
22:25.06darg_it turned out not to be the spa at all
22:25.08TheKingand save them in PDF format, u r right
22:25.17darg_was a max ring setting in the DID provider
22:25.23darg_set at 30
22:25.42TheKingit needs a lot of works but it may work
22:25.50carrarTheKing, there is not limit what you can do, you can fly to the moon with UNIX
22:25.58carrarNASA did it
22:26.01carrarYou can too!
22:26.04nightwalkWell, my point was that the linux culture seems more welcoming. FBSD people seem to have more of an narcissist-elitist mentality. Their Way is Perfect, and its blasphemous to even challenge Their Way. Whoa be it to anyone who'd ask them to CHANGE anything :)
22:26.17carrargranted you might need a ship
22:26.21darg_itym "woe be to anyone"
22:28.10TheKinganother question please, does these books teach u how to compile the source code, or i have to look some where else?
22:28.13nightwalkeh, whatever. My inner english instructor gets weekends off :P
22:28.19p3nguin_darg_: That's pretty strange, considering I thought the ATA was sending the termination notice to Asterisk.
22:28.59carrargives you the commands to compile it
22:29.09carrarwalks you through it
22:29.10carrargo read it
22:30.36CngZcarrar: i have found "Failure to receive silence (synchronization failure)." in the xferfaxlogs file
22:31.11carrarCould be cause you are doing it over SIP
22:31.12TheKingcarrar, thank u very much for ur help, i m a .NET developer and if u need any help there i ready, on another hand and as i m new in Linux products can u recommend book or a place i can go for to learn Linux ?
22:31.18carraror could be a  protocol issue
22:31.20nightwalkTheKing: Most well-established packages have an INSTALL file inside of their source tarball that gives you a run-down on what you have to do to compile. A lot of times it's just something like './configure && make && make install' unless you have special requirements
22:31.22carrarhave to google it
22:31.31CngZyes, i'm doing it :) thx
22:32.07carrarTheKing, hrmm anything that specific about the OS you are using, check here
22:33.05TheKingnightwalk, thanks very much
22:33.14darg_p3nguin_, well, in the sip debug I was only debugging the SPA SIP, not the SIP traffic from the DID provider
22:33.27darg_probably the SPA message was just acknowledging a message coming from the origin
22:34.10p3nguin_I see.
22:34.51darg_anyway, thats one thing on my list of things to worry about that I can tick off
22:34.59TheKingthat's great, thank u all.
22:37.35TheKinglast one please, when i try to open OpenOffice writer it shows on the window bar and then disappear, any idea?
22:37.59nightwalkTheKing: Run it from a terminal window. It's probably segfaulting
22:38.29*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
22:38.31TheKingby write, run "OpenOffice"?
22:39.02p3nguin_The program's name is, and it is usually ran by the "soffice" command.
22:40.35nightwalkYes, 'soffice' should work. If that doesn't work, try running it as ''
22:42.05*** join/#asterisk carrar (
22:42.05TheKingthank u
22:43.30CngZcan you advise me a gui for sending fax via hylafax another than avantfax ? :)
22:46.50*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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22:48.33CngZthink found
22:48.49*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
22:57.58*** join/#asterisk f00bar80 (~f00bar80@
22:58.09f00bar80I received a one ring call from this # 973-360-2026, when i checked , it belongs to New Jersey Kushner Co. I called back but the number is disconnected. thousands of reports/online forums when i googled they have the same happened to them , any comment ? here's the link,
22:59.41[psy]maybe a wardailer?
23:03.19*** join/#asterisk jksM (~jks@
23:11.46*** join/#asterisk sky1975 (76f3d0db@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:12.53sky1975Can anyboy help me to get h323 work
23:16.36*** join/#asterisk QaDeS (
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23:20.02sky1975Anybody use h323?
23:28.17nightwalkCngZ: There's a list of third party GUIs on hylafax' website
23:28.58f00bar80[psy], is it a wardailer or  caller id spoofing ?
23:29.14CngZyes, found already found the page, thx
23:31.40sky1975What is the meaning of gatekeeper?
23:33.49*** join/#asterisk pfn (
23:34.02pfndamnit, I need to figure out how to configure my 7960 again...
23:35.09p3nguin_What do you need to know?
23:35.49sky1975<p3nguin_> for me?
23:37.10p3nguin_Please do not quote me.
23:37.13pfnI really just need a /tftpboot directory
23:37.19p3nguin_Create one.
23:37.26pfnthe contents for configuring 7960's
23:37.33p3nguin_SCCP or SIP?
23:37.49pfnmy old asterisk server's hard drive bit the dust, and I didn't save the config anywhere
23:38.15p3nguin_Do you have the firmware files?
23:38.26pfnnot anymore
23:38.27*** join/#asterisk eliel (~eliels@
23:38.54p3nguin_Start by getting that much.
23:39.09p3nguin_I'll get you the config examples.
23:41.33pfnyay for firmware links on voip-info
23:41.39pfndigging through cisco's technet would be a pita
23:41.57p3nguin_Actually, getting the firmware right from is pretty simple.
23:42.13sky1975Can somebody help me to get h323 working?
23:42.31p3nguin_Unless you don't have the proper contract, then it's slightly more difficult to download the files.
23:42.46pfnyeah, I don't have a contract with cisco
23:44.43pabelangersky1975: Do you need to use H323, or can you SIP?
23:45.01pabelangerget h323 support is very rare
23:45.06sky1975I need to user H323
23:45.18sky1975Is that
23:45.23pfnp3nguin_, thanks
23:45.37sky1975I found ooh323 already installed
23:45.53p3nguin_Don't forget to put the right version number in OS79XX.TXT
23:45.56exothermcwhat are the cli commands to show more information about dahdi channels?
23:47.00pfnneed to rebuild my entire asterisk dialplans, pita
23:47.18p3nguin_What happened to your backups?
23:47.46*** join/#asterisk x303 (~x303@
23:47.54pfnbackups?  what are those?  ;-)
23:48.01KavanSbackups? wtH?!
23:48.03pabelangerexothermc: dahdi show channels
23:48.31p3nguin_Ah, yeah, those tend to take up disk space and time.  I forgot that was why people don't use them.
23:48.46exothermcpabelanger: No such command 'dahdi show channels' (type 'core show help dahdi show' for other possible commands)
23:49.30exothermcpabelanger:   module show like dahdi shows that  and 5 other modules with that name are loaded.
23:49.35pabelangerexothermc: then dahdi is not loaded
23:49.44pabelangerexothermc: module load
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23:50.29exothermcpabelanger: ahh I see it now, thanks
23:51.10pabelangerexothermc: edit your modules.conf if you want to load it each time
23:51.16pabelangerasterisk starts
23:58.09exothermcpabelanger: ok so now I have it coming up, but it puts the status of all my channels as "in use" when looking at /proc/dahdi/*

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