IRC log for #asterisk on 20100603

00:01.18knarflywxactly what does sip show channels report?
00:01.54*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
00:02.01p3nguinexisting sip channels
00:02.33*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
00:02.49knarflyso iif no one is on any of my extensions and I do sip show channels at the cli and a channel shows up what does that mean?
00:03.09p3nguinYou've confused extensions and sip channels.  Again.
00:03.57p3nguinsip show channels shows SIP CHANNELS, not extensions.
00:04.14knarflyokay but if there are no users on the phone why would a strange IP address (not my provider's) show up in sip show channels?
00:04.47p3nguinSomeone might be making an anonymous call inbound, or maybe there was an phone registering.
00:05.20p3nguinThere should be a message to indicate the reason the channel is active.
00:06.18knarflyhow would I see the message, all it says is the channel and a strange callerID
00:06.31p3nguinYou can also use "sip show channel <channel>" to see more info on the channel.
00:06.48p3nguinsip show channels does not show "callerID."
00:06.58knarflyokay thanks.
00:07.41p3nguinIt does, however, show a "Call ID," which is a unique identification for the channel.
00:07.44knarflyexcuse me...Call ID not callerID ... my bad
00:08.54p3nguinThat's the abbreviated name of the channel.
00:08.54p3nguinIf, for example, the Call ID is 69b0359a0d5, you could try "sip show channel 69b0359a0d5<TABKEY>" and it should complete the full channel ID and then you can press Enter. looks like it has something to do with my VOIP provider
00:10.56p3nguinThere's no "last message" showing when you did sip show channels?
00:11.09p3nguinlike  Rx: INVITE
00:11.15p3nguinor  Rx: REGISTER
00:12.05knarflyok it's showing up as an incoming call...which is strange because this is a private server and no one has the DID
00:12.28*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:12.47knarflythe IP address is in Santa Clara, CA
00:13.09p3nguinCheck "core show channels" to see if there is an active call.
00:14.20p3nguinIf there is, it will show you the location in the dialplan where the call is.
00:14.23knarflyshows 0 active calls but this things is coming and going like some kiddie on this channels is trying to hack in or gain access to the service
00:14.46p3nguinIf the IP address is of no use to you, block it at the firewall.
00:15.03p3nguinThe IP address is in the sip channel information.
00:15.09vader--i know im going to get flack for asking this hehe.. I am running make menuselect right now and im looking for unneccessary modules i can remove. I am going to be running freepbx 2.8 B2 on top of asterisk
00:21.19p3nguinNow, before we get too far away from strange sip channels being active... how can I "close" a sip channel that is active?  There's no active call, so I can't do a soft hangup on it.
00:23.08knarflyp3nguin: can't say from my end...that IP turned out to be my VOIP provider...although I don't understand...they usually only show up as a sip registry
00:23.12*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
00:23.28p3nguinHeh, so you blocked your ITSP!
00:23.52*** join/#asterisk pabelanger_ (
00:24.57carrarblock everything
00:25.04knarflyno I just took a closer look at the IP again and then pinged the information I knew about my provider
00:25.24carrarlessen your change of getting h4X0r3D
00:28.58knarflycarrar: h4X0r3D ???
00:33.52grungies1138Hacked in queer speak
00:37.44*** join/#asterisk romb_work (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
00:40.06knarflytakes another Percocet and drifts off into the jazz music and into the darkness
00:40.19*** part/#asterisk knarfly (
01:00.50*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
01:02.47miamisebNight all.
01:02.58*** join/#asterisk hfb (~hfb@
01:03.49*** part/#asterisk k-man (~jason@unaffiliated/k-man)
01:08.27*** join/#asterisk netpro25_ (
01:09.11*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
01:09.27netpro25_Hello, does anyone know what the going rate is for setting up an asterisk server and phones?
01:11.35*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (~ming_zym@
01:21.04*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
01:35.52rjk`I need an outbound calling system
01:36.11rjk`and do you think I can find one for skype ?
01:36.29rjk`rhetorical question
01:36.35rjk`bleh :(
01:36.47netpro25_$1 eh
01:37.00netpro25_thats good, I should sub out the work to you
01:37.01pabelanger_netpro25_: $40 - $250 per hour?
01:37.39netpro25_pabelanger_, I mean for a complete system with lets say 3 phones
01:37.46netpro25_not including hardware
01:39.25pabelanger_netpro25_: like I said, anywhere from $40 to $250 per hour.  You would need to spec out what you needed.
01:39.32pabelanger_programming wise
01:39.59netpro25_pabelanger_, k. Guess I will just charge per hour, wanted to charge per phone and per server.
01:42.53*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:44.56p3nguinMost people have an hourly rate for services, but you can certainly specify a total price for the entire job if that's what you want to do.
01:50.48ChannelZHourly ho, or contract ho?  Choose wisely!
01:51.18*** join/#asterisk pyite (~dschreibe@unaffiliated/pyite)
01:52.31coppicefor some, a 5 minutely ho offers better value
01:53.51vader--how can i test connectivity to a remote sip server?
01:54.34ChannelZconnect to it?
01:55.16ChannelZor you could play with sipsak
01:55.22ChannelZwhich sounds totally dirty but it's not
01:56.18vader--ya i asked this guy to configure his firewall but im not sure if he did or not
01:59.08vader--when i do a netstat -an on  the box i don't see an port 5060 listening
02:02.26*** join/#asterisk MarqueI (
02:03.47*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
02:07.48p3nguinAre you ON the server when you check netstat?
02:08.15p3nguinYou indicated a remote server, so I'll need some clarification.
02:08.41vader--yes isn't loading
02:09.50p3nguinDo you know why?
02:10.03*** join/#asterisk moy (
02:12.21vader--it wasn't loading because there is no sip.conf file
02:12.25vader--im trying to install freepbx
02:15.06*** join/#asterisk Carlos_Tico (
02:16.31*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (~Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
02:20.40vader--ok getting further
02:20.47vader--now im getting no matching peer found
02:21.01*** join/#asterisk MhaddogM1 (
02:21.04*** part/#asterisk coil (platypus@unaffiliated/coil)
02:21.44p3nguinFailure to create the necessary peer definition will do that.
02:22.25vader--i did though
02:22.56p3nguinFailure to configured it correctly will also result in failure.  :)
02:24.40*** join/#asterisk mhaddog (
02:24.50Carlos_Ticoi have an issue with the dtmf .. whenever i call an ivr cant detect the tones or detects the wrong ones ?
02:25.24p3nguinWhat dtmfmode are you using?
02:25.46Carlos_Ticoon the outbound trunk dtmfmode=rfc2833
02:27.13vader--p3nguin ive created an extenstion in freepbx: 2000 with a secret of test
02:27.25p3nguinI'm sorry to hear that.
02:27.27vader--when i pop that info into zoiper soft phone
02:27.43vader--username: 2000 password: test i get that no matching peer
02:27.49p3nguinSubsequent references to FreePBX will not gain you any brownie points.
02:28.07vader--hehe i know :-)
02:28.19*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
02:28.19*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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02:28.19*** join/#asterisk grungies1138 (
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02:28.19*** join/#asterisk gloin (me@unaffiliated/gloin)
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02:29.09Carlos_Tico<p3nguin> What dtmfmode are you using? -->  dtmfmode=rfc2833
02:30.54Carlos_Ticop3nguin ?
02:31.44grungies1138so I tried to 'file convert' in asterisk to get my MOH files to work, but it can't read either my coverted wav or my mp3
02:36.40*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:38.58*** join/#asterisk spenguin[work] (~penguin@
02:43.36spenguin[work]how do I figure what codec is currently in use
02:43.41spenguin[work]when we make sip calls
02:44.19p3nguinsip show channels
02:44.37spenguin[work]will try it out p3nguin
02:45.01p3nguinIt'll work.
02:45.06*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (~linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
02:45.38*** join/#asterisk MhaddogM1 (
02:45.43spenguin[work]p3nguin: Im just wondering in general what codec is being used
02:45.54spenguin[work]this would show active calls
02:46.01carrarsplit personality?
02:46.45spenguin[work]and I dont really get anything under the "Format" section
02:46.50p3nguin"in general what codec is being used" doesn't make sense to me.
02:46.51spenguin[work]just  0x0 (nothing)
02:46.59p3nguinNo codec is used if there is no call.
02:47.13p3nguinMake a call and a codec will show up there.
02:47.19Carlos_Tico<p3nguin> What dtmfmode are you using? -->  dtmfmode=rfc2833
02:47.27russellbyou can see it in "core show channel <foo>", as well
02:47.30p3nguinThat's three times you've said that, now, carlos_tico.
02:47.32spenguin[work]p3nguin: what about incomming calls?
02:47.43p3nguinIf it's a sip call, there will be a codec.
02:47.44spenguin[work]incomming sip*
02:47.54Carlos_Ticoyes bcz i didnt hear your advice ?
02:47.58spenguin[work]I dont see anything, will paste
02:48.00*** join/#asterisk mhaddog (
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02:48.31spenguin[work]    17772043xxx      0b6b0bxxxed  00759/00000  0x0 (nothing)    No
02:48.46p3nguinI guess it's not an active call, then.
02:48.50*** join/#asterisk jesselang|laptop (
02:48.56spenguin[work]eh, ill confirm
02:49.55jesselang|laptopHello.  kaldemar, remember me from yesterday?  I was asking about whether you could see which call leg signaled the call tear-down from AMI events.  It doesn't seem that you can.
02:54.20spenguin[work]p3nguin: ok I got "alaw" under format
02:54.28spenguin[work]so that should be the code?
02:54.36p3nguinThen you know what codec that leg of the call is using.
02:54.42spenguin[work]ok sir
02:54.51p3nguinalaw is g.711a
02:55.46spenguin[work]which end decides what codec should be used, what if the codec is not supported on the other end
02:56.07spenguin[work]hrm, so sip handles that?
02:56.30p3nguinIf you configure only g729 on your side, but the other side only supports alaw, no coced will be chosen and the call will fail.
02:56.37p3nguinYes, sip handles that.
02:56.51spenguin[work]ok p3nguin
02:56.55p3nguinerm, codec
02:58.36p3nguinIf you look in your sip debug, you'll see where the codec is negotiated.
02:59.00spenguin[work]ok, well I want to set a higher quality codec
02:59.06spenguin[work]and ensure itll fallback
02:59.09p3nguinThere isn't one.
02:59.11spenguin[work]incase its not supported
02:59.18p3nguinalaw is the best you have.
03:00.01spenguin[work]well these guys are planning to move all sip calls to over skype
03:00.04spenguin[work]for quality
03:00.13spenguin[work]which I think isnt really a good idea
03:00.16p3nguinI'd fire them.
03:01.33coppicei'd fire anyone saying alaw is the best you can get
03:02.09p3nguinWhat codec do you think he has that is of better quality than alaw?
03:02.28spenguin[work]by quality I meant, audio - its ok if its a bit bandwight consuming
03:02.34coppicepractically any wideband codec
03:02.57p3nguinYou would have to buy a wideband codec if you wanted something better than alaw.
03:03.54p3nguinIf he says he has a wideband codec, I'll retract my statement.
03:04.15coppiceskype is wideband
03:04.40*** join/#asterisk githogori (
03:04.44spenguin[work]so its either skype or any other commercial codec
03:04.51spenguin[work]if thats the right word
03:05.30p3nguinIs your provider giving you a skype channel driver when they change or will you have to buy your own?
03:05.53spenguin[work]p3nguin: we have to buy our own
03:06.02p3nguinI think it costs something like $60 USD per channel.
03:06.05*** join/#asterisk niekie (quasselcor@CAcert/Assurer/niekie)
03:06.11spenguin[work]I think its a stupid move
03:07.15spenguin[work]if we did purchase a wideband codec, we just have to ensure our voip provider supports it?
03:07.42p3nguinPretty much, yes.
03:08.00coppicemost people who support wideband support G.722
03:08.11p3nguinBoth ends need to allow the codec in order to be able to use it.
03:08.53*** join/#asterisk k-man (~jason@unaffiliated/k-man)
03:08.59k-manim having some problems with sip registration
03:09.16p3nguinAs I mentioned before, the sip debug will reveal what codecs the other side has available, so you can see what they are supporting and choose one of those.
03:10.01spenguin[work]p3nguin: ok
03:10.16k-mani keep getting Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #6)
03:10.30k-manit was working fine until today
03:10.36k-mancould it be the router somehow?
03:12.02grungies1138For those that care, I figured out my MOH issue.  I'd still like it to just use MP3s but I'm happy it works.
03:12.44p3nguinmoh happily plays mp3s.
03:16.34grungies1138caouldn't get it to.
03:17.02p3nguinDid you build asterisk with mp3 support?
03:17.05grungies1138tried with the mpg123 application set up listed in musiconhold.conf sample stuff.  no errors but no audio
03:17.23grungies1138I didn't compile it.  did apt-get install asterisk
03:17.48p3nguinThat's weird that it wouldn't have been included.  Did you install asterisk-addons, too?
03:18.27p3nguinYou also don't need to do anything special in musiconhold.conf to make it play mp3s.
03:18.38p3nguinHere's my mp3 class:
03:18.55p3nguinThen I just put some mp3 files in the directory specified.
03:19.04p3nguinThat's all there is to it.
03:19.51grungies1138do you know what the ubuntu package would be for addons?  I tried, but couldn't fin dit
03:19.55grungies1138find it*
03:19.57spenguin[work]coppice: skype uses the silk codec?
03:20.08spenguin[work]havent they open sourced it?
03:20.24p3nguinapt-cache search asterisk
03:20.43p3nguinIt should literally be called asterisk-addons.
03:22.03grungies1138ahh asterisk-mp3
03:23.18k-manhow can i test if a sip register connection is failing due to my router?
03:23.25coppicesilk seems to be in limbo. you can get the source, but the attached strings aren't entirely clear
03:25.45coppicethere is IETF work now to blend SILK and CELT and other good stuff into a possible new IETF codec
03:26.03*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
03:27.04grungies1138ok in MOH.conf  - [default] mode=quietmp3 directory=/var/lib/asterisk/moh random=yes
03:27.09grungies1138p no errors and no audio
03:27.34*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
03:29.23p3nguinDo you have ONLY mp3s in that directory?  My guess is that you do not.
03:29.39p3nguinThere's a good reason to use /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3.
03:29.40grungies1138hmm.  no.
03:29.46grungies1138ok let me shift them
03:30.19*** join/#asterisk MhaddogM1 (
03:34.08*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
03:38.04grungies1138O'Doyle rules!
03:38.14grungies1138and so does p3nguin
03:48.47*** join/#asterisk soman (~somnath@
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04:04.12p3nguingrungies1138: I take it you have mp3s on hold, now.
04:07.15spenguin[work]coppice: hrm
04:10.01*** join/#asterisk kaldemar (~kaldemar@unaffiliated/kaldemar)
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05:39.40d4rkstardrmessano are you there?
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05:53.10*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
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05:59.59kruemelteegreets all in the channel
06:02.58*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
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06:57.28*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~nathan@
07:02.19nix8n82I want to have 3 or 4 asterisk servers on a local network dial through another server on that network that has a public ip and connects to one or more sip providers, all rtp traffic must pass through the server with the public ip and then to the other servers on the network, what software other than asterisk would I need and what would be the right technical name for the server with the ip?
07:06.26kaldemarnix8n82: asterisk can do that. if you don't want asterisk for it, you could probably use a SIP proxy and an RTP proxy.
07:10.17*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
07:11.44nix8n82Thanks kaldemar, so if I want the other servers handle recordings,voicemail,ivr's,and maybe other cpu intensive task I just dial the main server and then have that server dial again without answering, because I don't want the other machines to think a call has been answered until my sip provider connects the call to the pstn
07:13.02nix8n82I would like to stick with asterisk
07:21.54*** join/#asterisk dD3 (
07:34.06dD3hey. i'm completely new to this. how do i connect Yealink Usb phones to the asterisk server ?
07:34.24dD3some documentation would be appreciated
07:36.36drmessanodD3: You don't
07:37.09drmessanoThe USB is meant to be used in conjunction with something like Skype
07:37.28dD3oh ?
07:39.04dD3so i cant use the usb phones ?
07:39.13dD3that is connected to a computer
07:39.53drmessanoYou don't connect the phone to Asterisk.  You use it in conjunction with a desktop client, of which, Skype seems to be the most noted on their website
07:39.57NiugeSguys.. i'm also quite new and installed asterisknow.. having a few error messages pop up in freepbx..  Could not reload FOP server, Failed to copy from module agi-bin.. any suggestions..
07:40.04*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
07:40.15NiugeSI had a search on the net but answers are vary different on solutions
07:40.18mianoscan anyone suggest the best codec for an IAX trunk between servers on a LAN?
07:40.21drmessanoIt looks as though perhaps one or two of the devices may work with OTHER softphones, but they do specifically mention Skype quite a bit
07:40.31mianosulaw, alaw? or use the g729?
07:40.34mianosnot a lot of calls
07:40.42mianosand tons of CPU
07:40.43drmessanomianos: I would stick with ulaw
07:40.57mianosyer, thanks, thought so
07:41.06dD3drmessano: would i need to get the pbx system then ?
07:41.14dD3and connect that to pstn network
07:41.29drmessanodD3: PBX System?
07:41.52dD3ok. i think i'm completely confused
07:43.16drmessanoThe Yealink *USB* phones work with a COMPUTER... You don't "connect them" to Asterisk in the sense you would a traditional stand alone SIP phone.  MOST of the phones seems to mention SKYPE as a target for the phones usage
07:44.35drmessanoIf some of them work with a SIP SOFTPHONE that will work with Asterisk, you're set.. but the issue is not "How do I connect the phone to asterisk", it's "can I use these phones with SOME SIP softphone that I can then use with Asterisk"
07:45.07dD3so i need to look for a SIP softphone ?
07:45.36drmessano*That works with the YEALINK PHONE*
07:45.38dD3oh wait
07:45.45dD3yes ok
07:46.56dD3drmessano: so i get the yealink phone. with a softphone(the pc software) that connects it to the asterisk server.
07:47.25drmessanoIf you dont have the USB phone, dont bother getting one.. Get a real SIP phone
07:48.08drmessanoA USB phone is only a glorified headset.. Don't waste your time.  Get a real phone
07:48.31dD3what else do i need to create the connection between softphone and the server ?
07:49.14*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@nat/redhat/x-jzzgiumlpyozqpwj)
07:49.17kaldemarNiugeS: try in #asterisknow and #freepbx
07:50.05drmessanodD3: That's it
07:50.06dD3you see.. i dont need to make outside calls.. only phones that is connected to the server should be able to phone
07:50.19dD3so only the IP of the server.. and then i'm set ?
07:50.23drmessanodD3: Ok, that's irrelevant
07:50.32kaldemarmianos: if bandwidth is no issue, use alaw or ulaw. if the calls are going out of the LAN and bandwidth is an issue and you want to avoid transcoding, consider using something else.
07:50.42drmessanodD3: The client really has nothing to do with your intended usage
07:51.01drmessanodD3: A phone doesn't care if you're making inside or outside calls
07:51.05dD3oh ok.
07:51.21dD3thanks alot drmessano you cleared up lots of things
07:56.23dD3lol.. sorry.  and you can transfer calls.. and block the phone so that you can only dial certain numbers ?
07:56.49*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
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08:31.51mianosis IAX trunking always GSM?
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08:39.39mianosoh ok, yer my iax trunk was provisioned from users.conf and was not relaoded
08:44.06*** join/#asterisk BANSAL (~bansal@
08:55.08*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
08:56.31sawgoodI have a remote extension which will not register to an Asterisk box (the remote extension has a public IP with no firewall concern) ... the Asterisk box has no firewall concern (I have local phones registered to the box) sip set debug from the CLI keeps saying "Bad Auth"
08:56.40sawgoodI know for sure 100% the secret is correct on both sides
08:56.46sawgoodI've restarted the Asterisk box, etc.
08:56.58sawgoodthere is no NAT concern here ...
08:57.01sawgoodany tips?
08:58.48kaldemarlook at sip debug to know what peer it matches.
08:59.39sawgoodI have sip set debug on
08:59.43sawgoodnot sure what you mean?
09:00.27*** join/#asterisk emora (
09:00.42sawgoodsip set debug peer 1281 (says no IP found)
09:01.37ChannelZIs it a dynamic peer?
09:01.45kaldemaryou can't set sip debug on a peer if it's not registered. either "sip set debug on" or "sip set debug ip <ip>"
09:01.47sawgoodThe remote phone has a static IP
09:02.04sawgoodright ... the remote phone will not register that is the concern
09:02.09sawgoodI keep getting "bad auth"
09:02.16sawgoodI know for sure the password is dialed in
09:02.18ChannelZyeah but does asterisk know that?  As kaldemar says you can't debug by peer if it hasn't registered
09:02.45sawgoodI'm trying to see why it will not register
09:02.53sawgoodthe secret is simply 11aa11
09:02.58sawgoodvery simple secret
09:03.08kaldemarsawgood: asterisk doesn't see the registering phone as you expect it to, that's the issue here.
09:03.31sawgoodI understand that part ...
09:03.38kaldemarsawgood: now enable sip debug to see what device definition in sip.conf it matches.
09:03.43*** join/#asterisk Gokee2 (
09:04.09kaldemarand pastebin it, if you can't figure it out yourself.
09:05.53sawgoodI see the extension in sip.conf ... all is correct
09:06.03sawgoodI have the right extension and secret in sip.conf
09:06.26sawgoodI see packets come in from the remote phone to the Asterisk box (when sip set debug on) is set
09:06.38sawgoodthe sip invite request says, "Bad Auth"
09:06.52ChannelZwhat does the console say (not the sip debug)?
09:07.22ChannelZLike 'wrong password', or 'no matching peer found', or 'username mismatch'....
09:07.24sawgoodwithout sip debug on set at the CLI (if it is off) ... nothing poplulates in the CLI
09:07.31ChannelZcore set verbose 5
09:07.47sawgooddefinitely at 5
09:07.52sawgoodcore set verbose 5
09:08.09ChannelZand it says *nothing*?  It should be saying something
09:08.24sawgoodnothing (not a single frame of information) comes across the CLI ...
09:08.35kaldemari'd wait for a pastebin from this point on...
09:09.30ChannelZdid you disable warn/notice in your logger.conf or something for console?
09:10.33sawgoodnothing ever populates on the screen
09:10.46sawgoodjust sits there with core set verbose 5 and core set debug 5
09:10.58ChannelZhmm I guess you must have then
09:11.30ChannelZlook in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf for a line starting with console =>
09:11.53sawgood;console => notice,warning,error,debug
09:12.04ChannelZand that's it?  there's not one that isn't commented out?
09:12.21*** join/#asterisk blaines (
09:12.47sawgoodfour or five instantes of console, and each has a ; at the start of the line
09:13.16ChannelZok.. so remove the ; from the head of that one line, save, and then 'reload' on your asterisk.  You might want to turn debug off because it's going to vomit up a lot of stuff you won't care about unless you have big problems you're trying to solve.
09:13.40ChannelZ(it's in the [logfiles] section)
09:14.10sawgoodok done ...
09:14.14sawgoodcore set debug 0
09:14.18sawgoodI'll reboot my phone now
09:14.35mianosback to iax trunking, can I trunk from 1.4 to 1.6?
09:14.56ChannelZmianos: probably.. I don't think the protocol has changed in any meaningful way
09:14.58mianosi get this: chan_iax2.c:10147 socket_process: Rejected connect attempt from, requested/capability 0x8/0xe00c incompatible with our capability 0x703.
09:15.14mianosiax2 show peer firewall6iax
09:15.14*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
09:15.26mianosabd the other end
09:15.40sawgood[Jun  3 00:36:14] NOTICE[5495]: chan_sip.c:21549 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:1281@>' failed for '173.13.158.                                                  29' - Wrong password
09:15.45sawgoodfinally something!
09:15.54*** join/#asterisk emora (
09:17.14mianosthey are the next two bits
09:17.30mianosbit 1 is 723 and bit 2 is gsm
09:18.21sawgoodwow ... keeps saying 'wrong password" (I have 11aa11) its in sip.conf and the Grandstream phone GUI
09:18.24sawgoodvery strange
09:18.53ChannelZare you sure you don't have two peers defined that could match that?  Like one with a static IP set in sip.conf
09:19.51*** join/#asterisk krion (~seb@unaffiliated/krion)
09:20.02sawgoodnothing else comes from the network I am on to the Asterisk box ...
09:20.18sawgoodits just a lab GXP2010 phone with a live static IP
09:20.43sawgoodhost=dynamic in sip.conf for this phone, but i've never seen that be a concern
09:20.51*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
09:21.29ChannelZpastebin your sip.conf
09:22.38mianoshmm, ok, the global settings mask off the allowed settings in the iax trunk sections of users.conf
09:23.22dD3what is good hardware products for PSTN networks ?
09:23.45ChannelZDigium TDM..
09:24.00mianosgood old TDM400P
09:24.08dD3thanks :)
09:24.31mianosI used to have a X100 card, shite
09:24.44mianosthen used a sipura3000 as an FXS / FXO
09:24.49mianospretty good
09:24.54mianosthen got a TDM400
09:24.56ChannelZsawgood: that's the only thing in there?
09:25.19sawgoodI have about 4 other working local extensions ... but thats about it
09:25.19mianosdon't worry about the echo cancelloe, oslec works better than the hardware
09:27.46ChannelZwell either you maybe have a duplicate which you didn't show me, or perhaps you've got the wrong password typed into the phone.. a space or some other junk character that you're not seeing perhaps
09:28.04sawgoodoh good point ... thanks!
09:30.25ChannelZbed time
09:30.41sawgoodme too
09:39.28*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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09:42.06dD3cheap SIP phones ?
09:42.24*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
09:43.55mianosmitel or snoms
09:44.14mianosI have 4 different ones from ebay
09:44.15mianosall work
09:48.17*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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09:51.10dD3with this Digium TMP400P  can one connect it to a office telephone network ?
09:51.16dD3and still transfer calls
09:53.19domiis there a better method of deny outgoing calls than answer with Busy()?  ie: exten => _0900X.,1,Busy()
09:53.56domii also tried SendText() but the client do not display it
09:54.05mianosdepends on the transfers
09:54.33domiwith SIP-Clients
09:54.40mianosit will do hook flash
09:55.52kaldemardomi: Hangup, Congestion, Playback... depends on what you mean by better.
09:56.44domihmm... sending a 403?
09:57.07domior 488
10:01.02*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
10:04.45domiand how can i use the function keys on a snom phone to show the status of an other extension?
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10:19.02dD3i can use this with asterisk ?
10:29.10tzafrir_laptopdD3, you surely can use it as a low-quality sound card
10:29.36tzafrir_laptopBut also look for a kernel module called 'yealink'. I suppose it supports those
10:34.46dD3hmm. ok.. and one more thing.  is it possible to connect a existing telephone network(RJ11) to a TDM400P ?
10:35.09*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (~mike@
10:35.11dD3so that we still can transfer calls etc
10:36.04tzafrir_laptopdD3, you need one with an FXO module
10:36.35dD3so if it supports it. it will be able to work
10:36.44dD3this one supports it
10:43.32kruemelteeif I want to use * within a hotel I need to summarize how much a person who uses his telephone has to pay for his calls ... may anybody give me a hint how to realize this issue with asterisk?
10:44.06Chainsawkruemeltee: Generally you'll want to use CDR (Call Dispatch Records) to record this information.
10:44.26Chainsawkruemeltee: And then a package like A2Billing can read this CDR information (in a file or a database) and produce bills.
10:45.29kruemelteeoh ... there's already a package, that collects this information? CDR ist already collecting the time and duration of every call ... I just needed to figure out the costs ...
10:45.44kruemelteethanks a lot for this hint ... I'll try to search for this one ...
10:45.56Chainsawkruemeltee: A2Billing might be able to do what you want, yes.
10:46.09Chainsawkruemeltee: Perhaps the others have competing software to suggest as well :)
10:47.13kruemelteeI'll try it at first with a2billings ... hope I'm able to reset the running costs if the person leaves the hotel :-)
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11:08.15emoraName resolution failure causes asterisk to bog down.  Can we configure asterisk to not resolve dns names?
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11:48.34ujjainHow can I troubleshoot bad telephony at some times from an office in Suriname that uses satellite?
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11:57.10ujjainDo people here use Asterisk with 500ms+ latency?
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12:04.55Polis_tttujjain: no, 500 isn't so good :)
12:06.11ujjainI know :D
12:06.16ujjainBut it' s the best stable you can get
12:06.18ujjainit' s satellite internet
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12:37.59cuscowhats the most common cause for audio to go only one way?
12:38.17[TK]D-Fendercusco: NAT/firewall
12:38.31cuscowhat if we are on the same network?
12:38.44cuscowell it is a VPN, we can treat it as the same network...
12:38.49cusco(I guess)
12:39.29[TK]D-Fendercusco: Perhaps you should look at the call
12:41.40cusco<--- Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to --->
12:43.09*** join/#asterisk soman (~somnath@
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12:45.03cuscoI am also capturing with wireshark at the end that I can hear, but not talk...
12:45.18[TK]D-Fendercusco: You're only looking at one end
12:45.20cuscoI don't really know what to look for
12:45.32[TK]D-Fendercusco: and look in * CLI, not an external tool
12:45.44cuscook, Im looking in * cli
12:46.00cuscowireshar was only to check if RTP was set with * or the other softphone
12:46.24cuscook so this is asterisk box2 and asterisk box3 lol
12:46.36cuscoa sofptphone registered on each end
12:48.04*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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12:48.25cuscopeer information
12:49.26[TK]D-Fendercusco: Looks like the same subnet.  Why is that?
12:50.05cuscoit is the same subnet...
12:50.10cuscoshouldn't it be?
12:50.19[TK]D-Fendercusco: Multiple boxes, same LAN?
12:50.25cuscoits a VPN
12:50.36cuscoso we are phisically far away
12:50.44cuscobut same LAN
12:50.49[TK]D-Fendercusco: That is not normal.  Normally you mix multiple different subnets together with direct routing
12:52.01*** part/#asterisk ujjain (~ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
12:52.18cuscoerr.. Im confused
12:59.13cusco[TK]D-Fender: do you mean the subnet mask?
12:59.51[TK]D-Fendercusco: What are yours?
13:00.23[TK]D-Fendercusco: because you are showing a standard class C which would normally be
13:00.45cuscook you mean the mask
13:01.02[TK]D-Fendercusco: or though that runs the risk of overlap.  Anything else is not standard and not considered healthy
13:02.18cusco[TK]D-Fender: but we are using
13:02.51cuscowich is pretty normal
13:03.06[TK]D-Fendercusco: That makes no sense.  How does anything know what is on each side?  How do you deal with all the excess broadcast traffic?
13:03.28[TK]D-Fendercusco: Or are you referring to a single endpoint being VPN'd?
13:03.45cuscowe don't, we are the same network. so we can route between and
13:03.55[TK]D-Fendercusco: And not a site-site VPN
13:04.20cuscoit is a site-site ip2sec
13:04.25cuscorouter to router
13:06.33cusco[TK]D-Fender: the networks are not bridged, only routed
13:07.28[TK]D-FenderHard to route when teh ermote doesn't have their own mask for your gateways to know whose traffic is whose
13:07.39[TK]D-Fendercusco: anyway pastbin a COMLPETE call end to end.
13:09.13cusco[TK]D-Fender: when I trace connection to it shos the packet going first to the router (
13:09.41cuscoits just that box2 has a lot going on (live) and its hard to filter exactly what I need
13:09.45cuscobut let me try
13:09.46*** join/#asterisk tuxx- (
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13:09.55[TK]D-Fendercusco: Your 2 peers for 2 boxes were both 192.168.2.X.  This is the first mention of 10.X.X.X
13:10.00*** join/#asterisk henk (~henk@
13:10.34cuscolet me explain
13:10.42[TK]D-Fendercusco: Either your paste was bad or your description that folloed extremely misleading
13:10.45*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:11.15cuscobox2 is but as I am phisically here, I registered myself ( at
13:11.39cuscothen called a phone registered on box3 (
13:11.42*** join/#asterisk clintc (
13:12.01cuscoand that phone is
13:12.14cuscois that ok?
13:12.34cuscoso I will try to get a log of the entire call
13:12.42[TK]D-Fendercusco: yes
13:12.48*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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13:14.20ornWhenever I try to use the featurecode attended transfer (as configured in features.conf), I get the playback "Transfer" and a dial tone, but as soon as I enter the first digits, I get "WARNING[11165]: features.c:1436 builtin_atxfer: Did not read data.", which is the same error as occurs in a timeout when no digits are entered. Blind transfer works like a charm. Any ideas?
13:14.46*** join/#asterisk thehar (
13:15.01tuxx-Hi guys, could anyone tell me what kind of bugs i could encounter if i disabled the break in the following piece of code in apps/app_dial.c ?
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13:15.52cusco[TK]D-Fender: so that is sip debug on the other ent:
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13:15.58cuscoand dialplan
13:17.44[TK]D-Fendercusco: again, why am I seeing only ONE subnet here?  You said that each then had their own completely different class.
13:18.20cuscodialplan here
13:18.43cusco[TK]D-Fender: well like I said both end-phones have the same subnet
13:18.54cuscoone of the asterisk box is on another subnet
13:19.15henksubnet != subnet mask
13:19.24henki'm not sure if you are confusing those...
13:19.26[TK]D-Fendercusco: Either your network concept is whacked or your description is.
13:19.37cusco14:11 < cusco> box2 is but as I am phisically here, I registered myself ( at
13:19.40[TK]D-Fenderhenk: I have no confirmation of a different mask.
13:19.41cusco14:11 < cusco> then called a phone registered on box3 (
13:19.54cuscothe mast is the same
13:20.12[TK]D-Fendercusco: Where do I see box2 traffic with that IP on it?
13:20.35henk[TK]D-Fender: afaict he has the same mask but once for and once for more i have not understood yet 'g'
13:20.38cuscowell my peer (699) is registered on it
13:20.48cuscosip.conf from also registers in
13:20.53*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
13:24.04domihow can i react on the response of Authenticate() without priority jumping?
13:24.32[TK]D-Fendercusco: ok, disable reinvites across the board and retest.  I can't see or prove anythign and this descrption is turning into a circular mess where I never actually see IPs from the otther range.
13:25.40*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
13:27.03cusco ok I made this up on paint
13:27.13cusco(I have no drawing tools here)
13:27.37cuscook I will disable re-invites (tho the whole point is to make RTP audio go trough endpoints only)
13:29.47tuxx-Hi guys, could anyone tell me what kind of bugs i could encounter if i disabled the break in the following piece of code in apps/app_dial.c ?
13:30.28cusco[TK]D-Fender: audio works like that. let me paste
13:31.06cuscoone end:
13:31.49pabelangertuxx-: Why are you commenting it out?
13:32.17[TK]D-Fendercusco: Your phones don't know what is local and things go bad from there.  Leave them without reinvites
13:32.21cuscoI lost the other end buffer
13:32.38cusco[TK]D-Fender: but the whole point is to have re-invites
13:32.45cuscophones don't know what is local?
13:32.53cuscowhat do you mean?
13:33.09[TK]D-Fendercusco: Reinvites require them to send their own contact headers.
13:33.22cusco[TK]D-Fender: ok what is wrong with that?
13:33.31[TK]D-Fendercusco: they phones aren't that smart <-
13:33.38*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
13:33.42[TK]D-Fendercusco: Jsut... don't
13:33.55cusco[TK]D-Fender: here is the big problem
13:34.02cuscoso we are office1 and office2
13:34.13cuscoall PRI lines are comming in office1
13:34.25cusconow we have some PRI as well on office2
13:34.51cuscoand we will take a large amount of calls from that PRI line in office2, so operators on office2 will pick them up
13:35.02*** part/#asterisk muiro (~muiro@unaffiliated/muiro)
13:35.27cuscobut wen they are all busy, office2 will pass the calls down to office1 as well
13:35.31cuscoso far so good
13:36.27[TK]D-Fendercusco: If your point is close.... please take aflying leap at it...
13:36.30cusconow our queuing box is here at office1 so incomming calls come trough office2 come in office1 for queuing and then go back to office2 to be picked up
13:36.54henkit's a pity lines on irc must be so short...
13:36.56*** join/#asterisk Baylink1 (
13:37.42cuscoto save bandwidth we would like to route calls comming in office2, queuing in office1 and picked up in office2, stay inside office2
13:37.50tuxx-pabelanger: were having some problems with a switchboard, and this seems to fix the problem.
13:37.53cuscomaitain the traffice inside office2
13:37.59cusconot sure if I was clear
13:38.23cuscowas I?
13:39.00tuxx-i know its not the best way to fix it, but we need a quick workaround / fix before tomorrow, and was wondering if i comment the break out would that cause any more problems. pabelanger
13:39.24[TK]D-Fendercusco: ugh
13:39.45cuscomy boss doesn't aprove of having different asterisks for different queues
13:40.24*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
13:40.52cuscoso I thought canreinvite would help
13:41.37pabelangertuxx-: Its usually best to QA patches before putting them into production.
13:42.11[TK]D-Fendercusco: Your networking is not playing well into this.
13:42.58tuxx-i know pabelanger, problem is, we need it fast xD
13:43.46BarthezZHmm, I'm looking for a way to limit the number of active calls going over a SIP uplink, but it consists of 5 registrations... Would it be a smart move to put an astdb counter before and after the Dial commands for the in-and outgoing calls to increment and descend the number? and check if it's too high?
13:44.16cusco[TK]D-Fender: what modifications should I do to my network?
13:44.21cuscohave different netmasks ??
13:45.44[TK]D-FenderBarthezZ: GROUP() + GROUP_COUNT()
13:46.47BarthezZ${VOIPMAX} is a user-set Global which limits the concurrent number of outbound VOIP calls
13:46.53BarthezZawsome :) thanks [TK]D-Fender
13:47.01pabelangertuxx-: then you have your answer.  Expect problems.
13:47.46tuxx-tnx for the help pabelanger :)
13:48.04cusco[TK]D-Fender: talking of GROUP() We are using that to limit only one call for each peer but in the dialplan for outbounds there is no group() nor group_count
13:48.19cuscois it ok to put them there as well, and dialplan on inbounds will know about them??
13:49.26cuscoand what modifications on my network would be needed?
13:51.59[TK]D-Fendercusco: I'm not certain what point breaks this.
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13:53.51BarthezZlol Fender, you trekkie! :+
13:54.59[TK]D-FenderBarthezZ: Star WARS.... </fail>
13:55.23BarthezZthey both have stars?
13:55.33BarthezZI only watched star trek voyager because 7of9 was hot
13:55.36lowtekOk, this is cool -
13:55.47henkonly the wars have yoda!
13:56.40[TK]D-FenderBarthezZ: You mean 38ofD
13:56.48Baylink1"2 of 38".
13:56.56BarthezZ2 of D^2
13:57.07Baylink1And in fact, I think Jeri Ryan was a 36DD.
13:57.23[TK]D-FenderBaylink1: Borg enhanced ;)
13:57.27Baylink1Mr Bra says 36D, but I think he's wrong.
13:57.35Baylink1And I'm a professional at this.
13:57.45Baylink1No, really; I once went 8 for 9 at a Hooters.
13:58.08*** join/#asterisk af_ (~getsmart@
13:58.20Baylink1Our waitress friend was so surprised that she kept calling over her cow-orkers (a pun which, on reflection, is much more appropriate here than usually).
14:00.08[TK]D-FenderGOT MILK?
14:00.41[TK]D-Fender"I'd asy about 2 large D-cups worth!"
14:00.54BarthezZThis is the moment my boss in me is saying "get back to work"
14:01.21*** join/#asterisk lirakis (
14:01.22KavanSBarthezZ, agreed - shall we start announcing the size of our male members?
14:01.41BarthezZplease don't, you would lie anyway
14:02.07KavanSBarthezZ, was making a point ;)
14:02.21BarthezZjust lay it on the table and keep it there
14:02.43cusco[TK]D-Fender: 10.100.100
14:02.55Baylink1No, really; I hit on 8 of 9, and on the 9th one, the girl was actually not certain she was wearing the proper size.  :-)
14:03.02Baylink1"What do you call that?"
14:03.12Baylink1"It's something like a man's penis, only smaller."
14:04.46[TK]D-Fender"For a long time - in fact, from the beginning if my memory serves correctly - Skype has "promised" that Skype-to-Skype calls will "always be free". Well, it turns out that promise is worth exactly as much as any other promise Skype has ever made, or will ever make for that matter. A big, fat nothing."
14:04.59[TK]D-Fender"Skype calls made on the iPhone via 3G will be "free" only until the end of this year. They originally tried to make the cutoff even earlier - August 2010 - but have apparently retreated to a later date as a result of a huge protest from Skype users. They don't mention it specifically, but you can bet your last dollar that the same "Whoops, no longer free" policy will apply to other...
14:05.00[TK] versions."
14:08.24*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (~jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
14:09.38lowtekNo comments on my iPhone Asterisk Manager app?
14:10.13pabelangerlowtek: Is it open source?
14:11.07*** join/#asterisk centoslinux (~centoslin@
14:13.39Baylink1[TK]D-Fender: Not Skype's fault: *every carrier*'s data plan ToS says that you can't make phone calls over it -- though I expect Verizon's LTE700 to differ when it rolls out, as the native telephony app will be VoIP; LTE is a data only air-interface -- so I've been surprised that they allowed this at all, much less encouraged it.
14:13.44*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (
14:13.51Baylink1Carriers Do Not Want flat-rate telephony, unless they're getting the money.
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14:17.14BarthezZ[Jun 3 16:17:24] WARNING[14948]: pbx.c:1854 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'Group' for extension (macro-dialOut, s, 4)
14:19.44[TK]D-FenderBarthezZ: FUNCTION <---------
14:19.51[TK]D-FenderBarthezZ: pay attention
14:20.53BarthezZoh ofcourse
14:21.01BarthezZdamn... I need vacation
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14:24.45cusco[TK]D-Fender: so if we changed to - would that make any difference?
14:25.18cuscoI am trying to understand what kind of network set up would work
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14:25.24*** mode/#asterisk [+o putnopvut] by ChanServ
14:25.38kruemelteesay goodbye for the rest of the day :-)
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14:32.39hurdmanhello folks !
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14:33.42hurdmanif i make a gosub to a subroutine sub-A  from an extension, and a goto from my sub-A to a sub-B, if i make a return into sub-B, i return back to my extension ?
14:34.13p3nguinThat's what Gosub() does.
14:35.04p3nguinExcept that call processing is based on a TO extension and not a FROM extension.
14:37.27hurdmanso into sub-B , it should not know where i'm from ?
14:38.25p3nguinsub-B should know that you came from sub-A, so it would return to the sub-A dialplan.
14:38.43p3nguinThat's what Return() is for.
14:40.13hurdmanmmmh, thanks, i'll think hard my dialplan
14:40.16*** join/#asterisk sarthor (~sarthor@unaffiliated/sarthor)
14:40.46sarthorHi, I need Help, Can we use normal pci modam as a FXO card in Tribox? Will it work, I am not so can not understand this link " " very well. HELP
14:41.29[TK]D-Fendersarthor: No
14:42.00[TK]D-Fendersarthor: Only a few select chipsets are supoprted as X100P's, and even those SUCK
14:42.46sarthor[TK]D-Fender,  I can not get FXO card here in my city, (i am in Jeddah Saudi Arabia), what shuld i do? Any idea?
14:43.10sarthorand also in my given link , one modem card is mentioned of motorolla. i have same card here. .
14:44.33[TK]D-Fendersarthor: Does Zaptel/DAHDI see it as an X100P?
14:45.04[TK]D-Fendersarthor: pastebint he output of "dmesg"
14:45.07infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:45.44sarthor[TK]D-Fender, ] my machine is not yet installed, i am just working on preparation.
14:46.04[TK]D-Fendersarthor: You won't haev an answer until you do.
14:46.30*** join/#asterisk Kyosh (
14:46.37sarthor[TK]D-Fender, hmm. i am gong to get a RAM for the new PC , and start installaton of tribox.
14:46.41Kyoshdoes asterisk maintain a log file other than /var/log/asterisk/messages where sip requests (such as authentication) may be logged?  otherwise is there a config param i need to specify in asterisk to store more concise information?
14:46.57Kyoshsorry if anyone answered, i was disconnected :(
14:47.17sarthor[TK]D-Fender, i will be back here, hope you not forget me to keep continue you help, if you were free. thank you.
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15:13.24fourjahnHello.  Can someone point me in the right direction documentation-wise for overcoming registration timeouts?
15:13.51fourjahnI'm currently able to download the initial configuration to our Polycom 601 phones.  However, it times out during registration.
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15:21.31ChannelZwrong address? firewalled off?
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15:22.45centoslinuxWow, University of Oslo chose Asterisk & OpenSER
15:22.50granteforjahn: does asterisk show the phone even trying to connect?  usually that means it can't connect to the asterisk server - bad config, no dns, firewall, etc.
15:24.02Carlos_TicoOpenSER ?
15:27.03fourjahngrante: no it doesn't show the phone even trying to connect
15:27.32jhirleyfourjahn: is it downloading the config from the tftp server ?
15:28.00jhirleywhat does the tftp log show, for that matter is it even getting an IP Address ?
15:28.06grantefourjhan: then something is wrong wtih the phone's config or network.  maybe a typo in the server address?  Or try using the IP address instead of hostname.
15:28.22fourjahnjhirley: yes it downloads the config from the server
15:28.33fourjahnand we're using ftp not tftp for the polycoms
15:29.03fourjahngrante: thanks ... i've only been using the ip address of the server.
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15:29.16jhirleyis this problem limited to just that 1 phone or all other phones ?
15:29.18fourjahnproblem is i'm new to this company so i'm just figuring out their topography
15:29.28fourjahnjhirley: when i try to register my softphone, i get 408
15:29.44dlublinkIs it possible to set variables on individual call legs instead of on channels? This would be really useful for dynamic features.
15:30.04p3nguindlublink: channels are call legs.
15:30.13jhirleyis post 5060 between you and the * box open ?  is it a firewall issue ?
15:30.23jhirleyport 5060*
15:30.35fourjahnjhirley: i've removed every point of firewall i can think of
15:30.43fourjahnhere's the setup
15:31.14fourjahnunless the POE switch is causing an issue
15:31.25fourjahnbut this usually isn't the case as it should be 'dumb'
15:31.29dlublinkWhen using the dial command, can I set a variable on the legs created by the dial command? Can I create different values for each leg that is created? Can the leg return variables back to the channel that called the dial command ?
15:32.00fourjahnPhones ==> POE Switch/Patch Panel ==> Linksys WRT110 ==> Asterisk
15:32.11fourjahnWe kept the Avaya POE switches
15:32.28fourjahnThere is another PBX on the network.  Perhaps that's causing an issue?
15:32.39fourjahnWe have an Avaya IP400 still in use.
15:32.59fourjahnI could build a Vyatta router to segment the network until if this is the case.
15:33.33granteforjahn: is it feasible to connect a computer to the phone's network cable and make sure you can ping the asterisk server?
15:33.47p3nguindlublink: You can set variables on each channel, but I'm not sure what happens to the variables once the call is bridged.  With hope, someone else will jump in here and enlighten us.
15:33.50grantefourjahn: and see if your softphone at least tries to connect
15:34.04fourjahngrante: i can but the phone still is able to dwonload the cfg settings
15:34.21fourjahnfor instance, if i completely 'format' the phone
15:34.33fourjahnand simply enter the FTP IP and login credentials, it is still able to download
15:34.37grantefourjahn: that would at least eliminate switch/firewall concerns.  it might be able to connect via ftp but not sip.
15:34.59fourjahngrante: are you referring to the network segementation?
15:36.44grantefourjahn:  any other phones on that switch?  can they connect?
15:39.30Carlos_Ticoguys in need to test a sip trunk is there any number that you have that streams music or something ?
15:39.51lordvadrIf I execute a Goto to a different context in a realtime dialplan, does that same realtime dialplan get looked at first for the context or does it breakout to the main dialplan at which point I have to send it back to the "switch => Realtime/..."?
15:40.26fourjahngrante: the other phones can connect but they are registering to the Avaya IP400 that is also on the network with the Asterisk box
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15:57.24prouteHello all. I use asterisk 1.4.29 with Aastra DECT 620D. Sometimes * crash randomly... I update * to 1.4.32 and I have the same issue. I meet this problem only with these DECT. I have about 300 others * (same release) and I have no problem.
15:57.44prouteSo someone have already got a problem with aastra dect ?
15:57.49proutethanks for your help
15:57.59prouteto infoirmation I have this: segfault at 84 ip b7f44130 sp b6283548 error 4 in[b7f3c000+15000]
15:59.46Kyoshdoes asterisk maintain a log file other than /var/log/asterisk/messages where sip requests (such as authentication) may be logged?  otherwise is there a config param i need to specify in asterisk to store more concise information?
16:03.38*** join/#asterisk mweichert (~mweichert@
16:04.02mweichertis their a recommendation NOT to install Asterisk in an OpenVZ container?
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16:04.47fourjahngrante: if you're still around, the phones aren't registering still.  i haven't segmented the network yet.  that's my next step.
16:04.50*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (~cesar@
16:06.15pabelangerproute: doc/backtrace for information about segfaults.
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16:08.45jhirleyanyone having follow me issues with 1.6.2 ?
16:10.30infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:11.50proutepabelanger: thanks, I will track the crash and I will come back here...
16:11.54grungies1138Can Conferences (MeetMe) be the same as extension numbers?
16:12.26grungies1138So If my extension is 208 I can assign a conference of 208 to that user?
16:14.21KavanSgrungies1138, what?!
16:14.28KavanSgrungies1138, have you even used asterisk? :)
16:14.31idespinnerunless your referring to 'meetme' pin numbers....
16:14.41grungies1138no KavanS I'
16:14.48grungies1138I'm new and making sure.
16:14.51KavanSahh cool
16:14.55*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
16:15.00KavanSyeah you can get asterisk setup pretty quickly to test and determine it's features
16:15.21grungies1138yeah.  I've been going through one feature at a time and setting things up to practice
16:16.38grungies1138I'm reading through the meetme.conf and it's mentioning scheduling.  Is it possible to schedule an actual time and/or date range for when the room is built and torn down?
16:19.26*** join/#asterisk houms (
16:19.41houmsis intercom possible on the aastra 9133i? I can do it manually by pressing *80+ extension, but I would like to know if you can program the key like on the 6753 or 6757 series?
16:19.56raden_workhoums, yes u can
16:20.46*** join/#asterisk nny_1 (
16:20.59houmsany idea how to achieve it? not sure what I am missing? in the 6757 the config has
16:21.02houmssip intercom type
16:21.10houmssip intercom prefix code
16:21.14houmssip intercom line
16:21.45nny_1have a dial plan doing: exten => _xxxxxxx,3,Dial(DAHDI/g1/${EXTEN},,WrK) and it outputs in console as Executing [6842002@sip:3] Dial("SIP/100-00000015", "DAHDI/g1/6842002||WrK") in new stack but ZIZ gte an error WARNING[6984]: chan_dahdi.c:2289 dahdi_call: Unable to start channel: No data available any advice?
16:21.58*** join/#asterisk Z_God (
16:22.03houmsbut trying this on the 9133i does not seem to work
16:22.04nny_1but I get an error*
16:22.15houmsraden any pointers you can give?
16:22.44raden_workhoums, its in the PDF manual for the phone
16:23.50houmsI am looking at the pdf but it seems to only refer to the 480 series for intercom setup
16:24.05raden_workOMG page 21
16:24.06houmsit seems to say that it is not an option on the 9133
16:24.13nny_1rofl found one damn google link about no data available, and it's an IRC log of [TK]D-Fender telling someone how useless TDMOE is...
16:24.22ornIs it not possible to execute the command SIPAddHeader from AGI?
16:24.26houmsadmin guide?
16:24.59raden_workhoums, sorry for being short boss up my ass
16:25.16nny_1says "chan_dahdi asked DAHDi to do something with hook start... and it failed" from IRC log..
16:25.32raden_workhe can sit at his computer and master bate all day while the rest of us try to keep this place afloat .
16:25.59grungies1138Sounds like a sweet gig
16:26.40KavanSat least someone's getting something done!
16:26.41houmslol, fair enough, no worries I understand. even a simple response is greatly appreciated on my end
16:27.10grungies1138At least he's got his finger on the pulse of the company!  LOL
16:27.11houmspage 21 just basically says you can setup the auto answer feature. It does not go any further about how to program a key for it
16:27.20houmsgrungies, LOL
16:27.48houmsnot the only thing he has his fingers on...
16:27.52grungies1138Houms: is there a feature to program like a Dial button?
16:28.28houmswhat do you mean a feature to program?
16:28.32houmsits for intercom
16:28.32nny_1this IRC log of jaytee and [TK]D-Fender is full of hilarity
16:28.46grungies1138Can you program a button to just dial digits?
16:28.54ornWhat's the difference between the return code 200=0 and 200=1 in AGI?
16:29.05houmsi have tried but if i program a speed dial for example it fails because it is just *80
16:29.16houmsit doesn't know it supposed to wait for the actual extension
16:29.56grungies1138not sure.
16:30.01houmsI was thinking using spre and then program that for *80 and then hit spre button and extension but that did not seem to work either
16:30.08houmsthough I am not sure on spre syntac
16:30.26houmsis it spre or sprecode? and is this doable?
16:31.17jayteenny_1, what log?
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16:41.27nny_1jaytee: i have an error i am trying to figure out
16:41.39nny_1: have a dial plan doing: exten => _xxxxxxx,3,Dial(DAHDI/g1/${EXTEN},,WrK) and it outputs in console as Executing [6842002@sip:3] Dial("SIP/100-00000015", "DAHDI/g1/6842002||WrK") in new stack but ZIZ gte an error WARNING[6984]: chan_dahdi.c:2289 dahdi_call: Unable to start channel: No data available any advice?
16:41.58nny_1if i dial in to the channel it works fine
16:45.32jesselangHow can I tell which end of the call is hung up?  Using AMI events would be nice.
16:45.43grungies1138MixMonitor() is basically call recording?
16:45.54jesselanggrungies1138, yes.
16:47.25Naikrovekis looking at prices for new steelcase desks. result: OMFG
16:48.49[TK]D-Fendernny_1: that's a PRI isn't it?
16:50.40grungies1138So Monitor() and MixMonitor() basically record each sode of the call seperately and either do or do not mix the recordings after?
16:51.24*** join/#asterisk luke-jr (~luke-jr@2002:62b3:1d4c:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d)
16:53.15[TK]D-Fendergrungies1138: MixMonitor records pre-mixed.  Monitor starts separate and can merge after
16:54.05carrarfunny it says that right in the explaination of the command
16:54.23grungies1138funny that I want to make sure I /understand/
16:54.37carrarmight ask again to be sure
16:54.45nny_1[TK]D-Fender: nah just POTS
16:55.48nny_1[TK]D-Fender: TDM400P
16:55.50[TK]D-Fendernny_1: :/  pastebin your configs
16:57.56grungies1138What I think is funny is when someone is so full of themselves that they begrudge someone who attempt to learn something that they already know.
16:58.22KavanSgrungies1138, maybe you could try out what you are attempting to learn at the same time as asking questions?
16:58.34nny_1[TK]D-Fender: do you want all of extensions.conf or just the dial plan part that dials out?
16:58.45*** join/#asterisk hajkym (
16:59.01KavanSgrungies1138, assuming that someone will give you a) software and b) support for free - somehow implies that you think that computer expertise is "like picking fruit off a tree"
16:59.23KavanSgrungies1138, IRC = you get what you pay for...don't expect enterprise support from IRC ;)
16:59.32KavanScustomer service in IRC - well that's another subject in itself! :)
16:59.39[TK]D-Fendernny_1: DAHDI only
16:59.40hajkymi have little problem i have establishe call between 2 UA.. and about few second these UA get BYE
16:59.44hajkymhere is log from asterisk
17:00.08hajkymScheduling destruction of SIP dialog '442b09431eadfe393287c75c36d6f8f2@' in 32000 ms (Method: INVITE)
17:00.15hajkymwhat does mean...
17:00.29nny_1[TK]D-Fender: ok
17:00.37grungies1138at the same time, I asked a simple question.  it required a simple answer.  I asked for no support on MixMonitor() or anything.  Yet I get berated?
17:00.43*** join/#asterisk flapjacks (
17:00.51KavanSlol grungies1138 it is IRC - this is to be expected
17:00.55[TK]D-Fenderhajkym: You are showing us as of the start of the "h" exten... this is TOO LATE
17:01.02[TK]D-Fenderhajkym: the call dies PRIOR to that
17:01.12KavanSgrungies1138, I think if you are expecting people to treat you with some definition of respect - is a bit much :P
17:01.15grungies1138KavanS: That is an excuse.
17:01.28nny_1[TK]D-Fender: hmm chan_dahdi.conf seems wrong
17:01.28[TK]D-Fendergrungies1138: Let it go...
17:01.41nny_1[TK]D-Fender: er nm
17:03.43grungies1138If we were in person, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't talk to me like that.
17:03.46nny_1[TK]D-Fender: if you need anything else lemme know
17:04.16*** join/#asterisk dmast (
17:04.36p3nguingrungies1138: What makes you so confident in that statement?
17:04.41KavanSyeah agreed
17:05.01KavanSinternet hardasses are quite common these days...
17:05.18KavanSthe only thing I was saying is - be patient, google and "experiment" before asking questions
17:05.23KavanSpeople will treat you with more respect
17:05.30grungies1138because I would beat his ass
17:05.47p3nguinMaybe he would beat yours, too.
17:06.00KavanSinstead of talking trash and acting like you are the Arnold Schwarzenegger of #asterisk
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17:08.14mtryfossis it normal to get these messages on a heavily used system: chan_dahdi.c: !! Got reject for frame 48, retransmitting frame 48 now, updating n_r! ?
17:08.43citywokwhile you guys are talking about mixmonitor, has anybody ever heard of mixmonitor recordings being off by around .7s?  we've found that the two legs of the call are overlapping by .7s
17:09.50nny_1how i envision this going down
17:10.04[TK]D-Fendernny_1: what card?
17:10.08KavanSnny_1, lol
17:10.56nny_1[TK]D-Fender: [TK]D-Fender tdm01b
17:11.47[TK]D-Fendernny_1: Got another module?  This one may be dead.
17:11.51nny_1KavanS: also:
17:12.03nny_1you can be peter griffon
17:12.36nny_1[TK]D-Fender: i can try another. It's odd though, (i had mentioned this before, but not in our conversation) incoming calls work
17:12.38KavanSlol I think I'll pass
17:13.30jesselangcitywok, you mean the calls aren't mixed out of sync?
17:13.43fourjahnHas anyone experienced registration timeouts behind NAT?
17:13.50citywokyea, exactly.
17:14.06[TK]D-Fendergrungies1138: Cool it.
17:14.07jesselangcitywok, I haven't seen that before.  Sorry.
17:14.19[TK]D-FenderKavanS: And stop antagonizing him
17:14.27jesselangfourjahn, are you using qualify=yes?
17:14.53fourjahnjesselang: yes
17:15.14fourjahnThe phones we're using are Polycom 601.  The Avaya PBX being behind the same NAT wouldn't cause an issue would it?  I can't imagine ..
17:16.16nny_1[TK]D-Fender: do you think a module can be bad but still accept incoming calls?
17:16.44jesselangfourjahn, what protocols are in use with Asterisk?  And with Avaya PBX?
17:17.11[TK]D-Fendernny_1: Little grey on...
17:17.21fourjahnjesselang:  sip for asterisk and h323 for Avaya
17:18.59fourjahnjesselang: i was goign to try and segment the network with a vyatta router but the system i threw together has a bad NIC
17:19.18fourjahnjesselang: so now i need to find a cheap router lying around the office to see if its truly something on the network
17:19.21nny_1[TK]D-Fender: i should tell you more details, i updated dahdi and asterisk today to 1.4.32 from 1.4.24 and dahdi from to 2.3
17:19.30fourjahnjesselang: but the softphones won't reg either so
17:19.31jesselangfourjahn, are the phones behind NAT?  Or is it Asterisk and Avaya behind NAT?
17:19.39fourjahnjesselang: both
17:19.47nny_1[TK]D-Fender: and this error only shows up in logs after the update it seems (i just discovered this)
17:20.12fourjahnjesselang: i can get the asterisk box on a public ip, i just need to call the isp and request a block of IPs
17:20.17fourjahnbut that might take a while
17:20.21jesselangfourjahn, so basically: phones <-> NAT <-> cloud <-> NAT <-> asterisk/avaya
17:21.01fourjahnjesselang: actually, i just started here ... so let me try and break down how their telco closet is setup
17:21.29fourjahnjesselang:  ISP (NAT'd .. needs to be converted to bridge mode at some point) -<-.
17:22.14fourjahnjesselang: ISP <-> Linksys WRT100 <-> PoE Switches
17:22.30nny_1is that double NAT?
17:22.42fourjahnBehind the POE switches and patch panel are the Avaya PBX and Asterisk
17:23.03fourjahnnny: appears to be so .. their old technician never told their ISP to change their modem over to bridge mode
17:23.06nny_1ISP (NAT) <-> LINKSYS WRT100 (NAT) <-> LAN
17:23.17fourjahnnny_1: yes
17:23.31jesselangfourjahn, yeah, SIP won't play nice with that.
17:23.31nny_1ouch, yeah our ISP does that by default it's annoying
17:23.49jesselangfourjahn, you need to get that squared away, first thing.
17:23.56nny_1is it DSL?
17:24.05fourjahnalright .. give me 15 mins i'll call
17:24.08fourjahnnny_1: cable
17:24.55hajkym[TK]D-Fender: and by this log you can me tell what is wrong?
17:25.05nny_1should be easy to add another device to the modem via switch (and tell them you need to do so) and put a public NIc on *, will work with remote SIP behind NAT at that point. But you will need to do some setup in asterisk too
17:27.58fourjahnnny_1: i installed the Asterisk SIP module
17:28.30nny_1fourjahn: one sec, i suck with irc bot commands
17:28.34infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
17:28.40nny_1hooray for zoidberg!
17:29.18nny_1actually for asterisk just put nat=yes in sip.conf under the remote peer entry
17:29.27nny_1i don't think you need to do anything else if the asterisk box has a public IP
17:29.45*** join/#asterisk MiserySoft (
17:30.29[TK]D-Fenderhajkym: Nope.  Describe the setting
17:33.29hajkymi can''s too dificult...i don't know how is asterisk set...ok thx..i try make copy of asterisk settings and home try simulate situation
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17:43.53nny_1[TK]D-Fender: sorry didn't get a chance to finish the conversation, did you suggest I order another module in spite of the other circumstances (post update, works on incoming)
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17:44.29[TK]D-Fendernny_1: Actually first chaqnge the modules POSITION on the card.  Could be the card base, not just the module.  That si a "freebie"
17:45.08nny_1will try that today. May be easier to get them to order a new card with HWEC anyways, this one has been in service for 3 years or so
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17:50.15fourjahnnny_1: okay the cable cannot bridge without a dedicated IP which takes 3 days to provision
17:50.18lirakisrandom question ... any one know if you can dial non-numeric contacts on a gxp (2020) handset?
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17:50.35lirakisas speed dial or from the keypad?
17:50.57[TK]D-Fenderfourjahn: VPN or proxy
17:51.03nny_1fourjahn: sounds about right
17:51.14fourjahnnny_1: so in the meantime, i should be able to plug the asterisk server into one of the ports on the cable modem/router and forward the appropriate ports
17:51.15nny_1fourjahn: what [TK]D-Fendersaid
17:51.26*** join/#asterisk lhz (
17:51.37nny_1fourjahn: see
17:51.41infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
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18:15.07tzafrir_laptopwonders if there's any chance will be replaced with mediawiki or whatever
18:15.26tzafrir_laptopOne that allows simply reverting bad commits
18:16.08*** part/#asterisk KnickLighter (
18:16.47[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: TikiWiki lets you revert to any version really easy
18:17.04tzafrir_laptop[TK]D-Fender, so I managed to miss that
18:18.05tzafrir_laptopSpecifically, reverting richboy360 ("stop spamming, i am the admin. I will delete your account if you spam in the future. Please stop editing pages")
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18:34.31fourjahnnny_1: okay i read the docs .. it looks like my nat settings weren't being saved to my sip.conf
18:34.39fourjahnfrom the FPBX GUI
18:34.47nny_1eww fpbx eh>?
18:34.57infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
18:35.37fourjahnwell i can do this manually
18:36.10ChannelZwonders if someone has already written a doc "10 reasons why not to use FreePBX"
18:36.18fourjahnso what i've done for the time being is put the Asterisk server on the main Comcast modem/router
18:36.28fourjahnsince we can't get dedicated IPs for a few days
18:36.35nny_1that *should* work with a vanilla asterisk
18:36.37fourjahni'm configuring the NAT now
18:37.07lirakisruns away
18:37.19fourjahnnny_1: well i'm not using a distro if that's what you mean?
18:37.59nny_1fourjahn: vanilla asterisk (no gui stuff)
18:39.02fourjahnnny_1: looks like i need to call comcraps again .. the port forwarding never seems to take
18:39.19fourjahnnny_1: i can always put it in DMZ for the time being *sigh*
18:39.39fourjahnonce i get public IPs it won't be an issue
18:40.10fourjahni'm just tired and my ass is being ridden by the sales reps and the man
18:40.19ChannelZwhy cant you get statics for days?  They don't have someone who can click a few buttons until next week?
18:40.50*** join/#asterisk Arsenick (
18:40.59p3nguinDMZ is never implemented correctly on those appliances.  And if by some chance it is, the people using it don't know what DMZ actually is and does.
18:41.17fourjahnChannelZ:  because Comcast makes you wait for EVERYTHING
18:41.31fourjahnChannelZ:  I asked about expediting she said the best they could do is 24-48 hours.
18:42.37fourjahnthis "business gateway" doesn't work .. the settings are just for decoration apparently
18:43.17p3nguinTomorrow is National Donut Day --
18:43.42ChannelZhmm.  Was this a new cable install or an existing one?
18:44.23fourjahnChannelZ: Existing.
18:44.48fourjahnChannelZ: What I was saying earlier is I'm new to the company and their old IT guy has such a clusterbomb
18:44.57p3nguinIs the modem acting as a bridge or a router?
18:45.11fourjahnp3nguin: at the moment, router.
18:45.55p3nguinI would do what I could to make it a bridging modem and use my own router.
18:47.05*** join/#asterisk spiceycurry (
18:47.10infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
18:47.38fourjahnp3nguin: comcast will not allow us to bridge it without a static ip
18:47.56*** join/#asterisk Kobaz (
18:47.57fourjahnwhich we of course cannot get for a couple of days
18:48.03p3nguinHow are they preventing it?
18:48.29p3nguinTypically, you go in the UI and change the setting.
18:49.45fourjahnp3nguin: bridging options in the UI are 1-to-1 NAT and static routing
18:50.21*** join/#asterisk YellowX (
18:50.23p3nguinI would probably try 1:1 NAT and still use my own router.
18:51.48p3nguinI run a dynamic IP and NAT at home, and I have very few issues with Asterisk on that network.
18:53.49p3nguinMy main problem is that one of my ITSPs only provides static SIP, so if my IP address changes, I have to go update my IP in their portal manually.
18:54.04fourjahnp3nguin: Problem is I don't know if these setting are actually 'taking'.  When I attempted port forwarding earlier, it was not forwarding the ports from Comcast's router.
18:54.10*** join/#asterisk jblack (~jblack@
18:54.27p3nguinNot a huge deal, though, since that one's not my primary DID.
18:54.39jblackany jobless friends of mine working in DC?
18:56.09spiceycurryI setup my phones in SIP.conf correct?
18:56.14*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
18:56.19p3nguinsip.conf, actually.
18:58.32spiceycurrydo I need any phones or extensions setup in sip.conf if I intend to use fax only?
18:58.40spiceycurryI am guessing probably not
18:58.46p3nguinextensions go in extensions.conf, not sip.conf.
18:59.09[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: And that would depend how your faxes come in
19:00.10p3nguinIf you have a peer that sends the fax calls to you, it would be a good idea to correctly configure the peer in sip.conf.
19:00.16spiceycurrySorry, I meant do I need any phones setup in sip.conf if I intend to use fax only?
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19:00.39p3nguins/a peer /a sip peer /
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19:01.57spiceycurryI am doing email to fax, and fax to email only.  No real phones or faxes
19:02.42spiceycurryDo I need a peer to answer a line?
19:03.03*** join/#asterisk MiserySoft (
19:03.04spiceycurryI mean, in order to get a fax, do I need to use sip.conf file?
19:03.25spiceycurryOr could I simply have the extensions.conf file handle all incoming calls
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19:08.10p3nguinIt depends on how you receive the fax, but [tk]d-fender already said this.
19:08.44[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: extensions.conf doesn't make a call arrive to *.  How are yuo getting your calls?
19:09.13spiceycurryI am getting calls through voip
19:09.15p3nguinIf your fax comes in using SIP, then you need to have at least a minimal sip.conf to make chan_sip even work.
19:09.21spiceycurrysorry  SIP
19:09.37[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: Wel I guess you need a sip.conf if you're oing to be using SIP, now aren't you?
19:09.49spiceycurryyes sir :D
19:09.59p3nguinIf you have a designated SIP peer for your faxes, you should (but don't have to) configure a peer definition for that peer.
19:10.50p3nguinIf you want anonymous SIP calls for receiving fax, then you don't need to configure a peer definition for it, but you still have to have a minimal sip.conf to make chan_sip work.
19:11.29spiceycurryok cool
19:11.31p3nguinBeyond that, call processing is done in extensions.conf.
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19:13.20jblackI need to find an american with a bs that knows ASP/ajax, etc, willing to move to dc
19:14.11spiceycurryCan I have my callgroup and pickupgroup the same group?
19:14.23p3nguinThat's kinda the point.
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19:33.58scrooge-mcduckhmm, how can i detect the + being using for a call?
19:36.10scrooge-mcduckwhen call like +42123456 etc.
19:37.00ChannelZI still don't know what you mean, how you can 'detect [it]'
19:37.31ZeXr0is it even needed
19:37.51ZeXr0isn't it like some sort of convention for how to dial internal number ?
19:38.21*** join/#asterisk nortonek (
19:38.36ChannelZwell there is no + key, no.. it means "you had to have dialed something before all this probably".  A country code of some sort
19:39.13jblackchannelz: If you consider sip addresses, + is a possibility. =)
19:40.12ZeXr0From wikipedia : For most countries, this is followed by an area code or city code and the subscriber number, which might consist of the code for a particular telephone exchange. ITU-T recommendation E.123 describes how to represent an international telephone number in writing or print, starting with a plus sign ("+") and the country code. When calling an international number from a fixed line phone, the + must be replaced with the international cal
19:40.22ChannelZwell I suppose so but I still don't understand the question he asked
19:40.49ZeXr0Let's wait :P
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19:59.29pabelangermust get new batteries for my keyboard
19:59.46russellbi have a keyboard that i spilled water on the other day that you can have
20:02.04theharruns through the channel fast and furiously
20:02.21Qwelltrips thehar
20:02.30theharfalls onto russellb
20:03.23ChannelZtake off your pants!
20:03.30theharoh noes
20:03.42theharfeels a raping about to occur
20:04.42russellbtickles thehar and then runs away
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20:13.07jblackAsterisk, athens style?
20:13.31[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Know the motto of the Greek Army?
20:13.47[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Never leave a man's behind :)
20:13.49*** part/#asterisk lowtek (
20:33.04*** join/#asterisk Bartockbatz (
20:33.31Bartockbatzhey all - have cdr to MySQL database question -
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20:34.31Bartockbatzthe is loaded - database credentials tested manually, however I cannot get a MySQL connection
20:34.54d4rkstarhi, is there a place where check latest bugfixes for asterisk?
20:35.30Bartockbatzbesides the asterisk messages log, where would be another place to look to see where the failure is?? I don't want to have to attach to the module is gdb if I do not have to
20:35.36d4rkstarthank you q
20:35.44d4rkstarthank you Qwell
20:37.13tzafrir_laptopd4rkstar, #asterisk-commits :-)
20:37.21Bartockbatzwhat I am seeing is a message that cannot connect - something this simple, driving me mad :
20:37.48d4rkstari'm trying to get t.38 fax working on asterisk :|
20:38.30tzafrir_laptopBartockbatz, you connect to mysql through TCP port? unix-domain socket?
20:39.53d4rkstarhere is a log of what happens when a fax is received (t.38)
20:40.31Bartockbatz<tzafrir_laptop>Oh yeah - sorry - database is on the same machine
20:41.12tzafrir_laptophave you configured the connection through a port? Through a file (socket)?
20:42.17Bartockbatzyes tcp 3306
20:42.29Bartockbatztcp port
20:42.57d4rkstarBartockbatz: can you pastebin your my.cnf file?
20:43.04Bartockbatzyes - I can
20:46.21*** join/#asterisk SaiSoma (
20:56.00d4rkstarBartockbatz: did you have that pastebin?
20:56.18BartockbatzI may not need to send it -
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21:17.15lordvadrHow do I get * 1.6 to store fields other than ipaddr in the sipregs table in ODBC?  Debug says it's skipping them but I can't seem to find where to turn that on.
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21:50.39miamisebAlthough it's offtopic, I'm looking for people who have experience with a2billing rating. I need to get it to rate some calls I stuck into it's cc_call database or find out weather this is possible. I DO NOT want to put a2billing in the call path, just export my cdr's from my current solution, massage em a bit and stick them into cc_call and get them rated/invoiced/billed using the a2billing portion
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21:52.11houmscan anyone point me in the right direction to change the behavior of intercom, where intercoming  a user who is already on a call autmatically puts the users call on hold? we are using aastra 9133i handsets
21:52.26miamisebI've generated a test rate for the USA destination and added a couple of calls into the cc_call database with that destination id, but it's not rating the calls (not picking up any buy and sell rate)
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21:55.04miamisebAlso, suggestion of other free call rating solutions that allow import of CDR's would be appreciated. I've tried DTH billing, which is good and works for what we want, but it's also 3k.
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22:08.37Shaaanhas anyone in here setup vicidial before??
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22:10.54houmscan anyone point me in the right direction to change the behavior of intercom, where intercoming  a user who is already on a call autmatically puts the users call on hold? we are using aastra handsets
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22:16.09[TK]D-Fenderhoums: Not possible
22:20.11vader--hey tk do you know the command for dahdi to see what ports are in use and conected? I have a TDM410P card and i want to see what the status is of each port
22:20.27vader--it's a 3FXO 1FXS
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22:22.15[TK]D-Fendervader--: dahdi show channels
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22:25.11vader--i found it
22:25.16vader--i was looking for service dahdi status
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22:32.12houmsFender may i ask what the allow barge in feature does in that scenario?
22:33.04houmsalso if I disable auto answer on that extension does that pretty much disable intercomming as well?
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22:34.52houmsis it an asterisk issue or aastra issue? I have read it is possible to have the extension return busy when the person is on the line?
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22:42.38p3nguinvader--: That isn't an Asterisk command.
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22:49.31LantiziaHey, can anyone recommend a good but affordable supplier of PRI to SIP and BRI to SIP gateways?
22:50.01LantiziaI know about Patton, and that Mediatrix are rebranded Patton devices already... but wondering if theres any others I'm unaware of
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22:59.17miamisebIf you hadn't used the word affordable...we use ciscos for PRI to SIP.
22:59.39Lantizianeed a supplier than can deal with both PRI to SIP and BRI to SIP
23:00.17LantiziaPatton look the cheapest so far... it'll never beat actual PRI/BRI cards in phone systems... but using gateways makes it alot easier to virtualise the phone system and put it in high availability
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23:04.07tzafrir_laptopLantizia, that's interesting. Can you virtualize that gateway itself?
23:04.26Lantiziatzafrir_laptop, obviously not :)
23:05.15Lantiziabut replacing an ISDN gateway is trivial if it's config is backed and you've another on standby.  as opposed to opened up a physcial asterisk based phone system (thus taking the entire system down) and replacing a card
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23:14.40knarflywhy does this alway result in unavailable instead of "on the phone" when the callee is on the phone?
23:16.10p3nguinI would be surprised if it works at all.
23:16.58SaiSoma|AtHomegrrr.   my xlite has decided to stop working (used for development).  anyone recommend another softphone that's free?  audio quality not important
23:17.01knarflyp3nguin: what's the deal
23:17.20knarflySaiSoma|AtHome: ZoIPer
23:17.24p3nguinBad application syntax, duplicate priorities...
23:17.26knarflyit's IAX2
23:17.31p3nguinand SIP
23:18.02p3nguinFor Windows, zoiper is by far the best softphone I have used.
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23:18.09knarflyso what you're say is that as an asterisk tech I suck....
23:19.21p3nguinThat's the nice way of putting it.
23:19.34knarflyp3nguin: I don't follow the duplicate is for is the callee doesn't answer, is in the can and the other is if they are on the phone, having phone sex!
23:20.01p3nguinexten => 101,3,Hangup()
23:20.10p3nguinexten => 101,3,Hangup()
23:20.18p3nguinaka duplicates.
23:20.28*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (~Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
23:20.31p3nguinThat's invalid if you ask me.
23:20.42knarflyoh yes, I see that now...the last one should be 101, 104, Hangip()
23:20.47p3nguincore set verbose 4, then run dialplan reload and see if * complains.
23:21.13p3nguinExcept that we don't do priority jumping anymore and we don't use numbered priorities.
23:21.23SaiSoma|AtHomegah.  same thing.  not the software then, something on my system, but only with softphones.  too weird.  no audio.  period.
23:21.44knarflyI copied this from an old doc
23:21.55p3nguinThat's why it's an old method.
23:23.43knarflyok sau how does one get  the * server to say "on the phone" instead of always unavailable...otherwise my bosses will always think I'm just not answering my phone instead of being on it.....having phone sex!
23:24.03p3nguinCheck the DIALSTATUS.
23:24.41p3nguinAlso, before I forget, review all the Dial() options and take out the ones that you don't need.
23:26.09knarflyCool !
23:26.43knarflyfound ${DIALSTATUS} in TFOT Manual....RTFM now!
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23:29.30knarflyThink I've got with this one
23:31.18p3nguinI think that'll work.  Still need to review those Dial() options, though... I can't imagine you actually need wWFotThH.
23:31.36knarflyI'm anal
23:31.49p3nguinIf you were, you wouldn't have all those options.
23:32.26knarflyI want to be able to record calls,, that's the most important...the others are just my testing
23:32.37p3nguinYou know that the options you have there will allow me to call your phone, start recording, and even transfer the call, right?
23:32.54SaiSoma|AtHomei've been looking, but haven't been able to find anything on getting the last_insert_id from MYSQL.  Any pointers?
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23:35.24saftsackhi, maybe wrong channel, does somebody use hylafax with capi4hylafax?
23:35.34knarflynope that sux...still tells the calling party that I'm unavailable...not on the phone
23:37.03p3nguinAdd the Verbose in there to output the value of DIALSTATUS so you can see what is going on.
23:38.35knarflystand bu
23:39.48*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (bryan@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
23:40.11p3nguinThere's also another way to branch out depending on DIALSTATUS.
23:40.27knarflynope it's still saying the callee is unavailable
23:41.37knarflyI make a call on 201 then while that call is gong I call it from 101...101 should hear that 201 is on the phone but it keeps saying my bosses will keep thinking I'm fucking off instead of being on the phone....fucking off
23:42.53p3nguinThe dialstatus is showing what?
23:43.34*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
23:43.52knarflystand by checking again
23:45.53knarflyMy CLI shows this on the call
23:47.35p3nguinIt's doing what it's supposed to be doing.
23:48.11p3nguinSince you won't add the Verbose(${DIALSTATUS}) to SHOW YOU the dialstatus, you don't realize it.
23:49.20knarflyI am using the text you posted and it has the Verbose(${DIALSTATUS}) in it...and I restarted *
23:49.25p3nguinGotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "BUSY"]?busy:unavail)    <-- If "${DIALSTATUS}" does not equal "BUSY", jump to label unavail (priority 3).
23:49.41p3nguinYou don't need to restart asterisk just to change the dialplan.
23:49.47p3nguindialplan reload is sufficient.
23:50.18knarflyI copied and pastes. let me dounle check for typos
23:50.20p3nguinGoto (deluxe,101,3)
23:50.33p3nguinThe diaplan has succeeded.
23:50.59p3nguinSo now it comes down to knowing what the dialstatus is.
23:51.11p3nguinYou know what it isn't.
23:53.58knarflyso how can I check what DIALSTATUS get's set to
23:55.01[TK]D-Fender[19:48]<p3nguin>Since you won't add the Verbose(${DIALSTATUS}) to SHOW YOU the dialstatus, you don't realize it.
23:55.42knarflyok so are yous guys saying that I don't have the my's in there
23:56.17p3nguinThen one of two things is true:  You either didn't run dialplan reload or DIALSTATUS is empty.
23:56.35[TK]D-Fenderknarfly: You asked how to check it.  Well holy shit THAT CHECKS IT
23:56.53p3nguinWith core verbosity turned up, you would see where Verbose() is being ran, too.
23:57.58knarflythis is how each extension is setup now this not the way you posted?
23:58.15knarflyand when I start asterisk I start it with sox (6) v's
23:58.41knarflyI restarted asterisk
23:59.56knarflyso DIALSTATUS is empty   ???

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