IRC log for #asterisk on 20100503

00:13.10*** join/#asterisk Researcher (~user@unaffiliated/unafilliate)
00:17.30*** join/#asterisk Professional (~Pro@unaffiliated/shani)
00:17.40TehRabbittany idea what would cause this:
00:17.41TehRabbitt[May  2 20:16:52] WARNING[5156]: channel.c:2589 ast_prod: Prodding channel 'Skinny/500@CISCO-1' failed
00:19.46Jumpiehmm..i changed some settings so it shouldnt look like its sending from another domain
00:20.02Jumpie<PROTECTED> i think im gettin what you said...that delay
00:20.52p3nguinLike I said, greylisting isn't new.
00:21.21Jumpiethe greylisting is the delay you talking about?
00:21.29Jumpiei know of white/black listing greylisting i dont really hear that term?
00:21.46traderzp3nguin, so i fixed it and seems tons of others have had the same issue and nobody posted that they ever fixed it but i did it..
00:22.03traderzthis is why i wanted to see your files
00:22.35traderzversios 6.x and backwards use the P0S in the OS9* file
00:23.23traderzversion 7.x use the P003 in the OS* file but directions also date you need to use the image_version in the SIP files
00:23.33traderzand if you use the same P003 filename it wont ever work..
00:23.50traderzso you must use P0S in the SIP files and P003 in the OS9*
00:24.16p3nguinimage_version:P0S3-08-11-00 ;SIP image
00:24.25traderzya exactly
00:24.37traderzif you would hav showed me that i would have been done days ago lol
00:24.38p3nguinI read the documentation.
00:24.42traderzinstead i had to figure it out
00:24.52traderzehehhe i did too and didnt see that
00:25.02p3nguinNo one held my hand when I needed to configure it.
00:25.35traderzanyways - hopefully my time spent will help someone else
00:26.51*** join/#asterisk mr_ian (
00:28.15TehRabbittp3nguin: I still can't figure out how to get the phone to route calls from the SCCP side to the SIP side (outgoing trunk)
00:28.43p3nguinThat's all there is to it.
00:28.57TehRabbittIs that in extensions.conf or sip.conf?
00:29.14p3nguinCreate an extension, make it Dial(SIP/yourpeer/somenumber).
00:30.10traderzanyone recommend any good wifi sip phones?
00:30.10*** join/#asterisk Brookss (~fedora@
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00:37.36*** join/#asterisk devdvd (
00:38.56*** join/#asterisk davidstrauss (~davidstra@wikimedia/davidstrauss)
00:39.17devdvdhey all, with asterisk 1.4.30 is there anyway to announce a call to an agent when using ackcall?
00:44.11*** join/#asterisk jasonjjohnsonjr (
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00:46.36davidstraussI have an issue with the voicemail service on * 1.6 on Ubuntu 10.04
00:46.45davidstraussIt just says "goodbye" when I call it.
00:46.54davidstraussThe * shell doesn't tell me anything useful.
00:47.38*** join/#asterisk diegomad (mad@
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00:54.34ChannelZWhen you call it, as in VoiceMailMain?
00:55.20davidstraussChannelZ: yes
00:55.33davidstraussChannelZ: In the shell, it says it's playing vm-login and then goodbye
00:55.41davidstraussChannelZ: But I only hear it play goodbye
00:56.14davidstraussChannelZ: I'm worried the build it broken for Ubuntu 10.04, so I'm building out a CentOS 5.4 machine now.
00:56.15*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
00:56.21ChannelZit works fine here
00:56.47davidstraussChannelZ: The built-in packages for U 10.04?
00:56.55ChannelZno not using their packages
00:56.58davidstraussChannelZ: Ah
00:57.19davidstraussChannelZ: I am using the Ubuntu packages, which worked fine for me for Asterisk 1.4
00:58.47devmodany good docs about building a queue ?
00:58.51davidstraussChannelZ: did you compile it yourself?
01:02.57*** join/#asterisk t0rrieri (~Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
01:03.14*** join/#asterisk DarkNet (
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01:09.02TehRabbittOk, I've looked at dozens of dialplans, tried getting extentions to work internally, but the best i've been able to do was get one phone to be able to call the other, but there was no audio and I couldnt' call back the other way...  on top of that I still can't get an outgoing trunk to work and I feel like at the rate i'm going i'll never figure it out... the SIP phone is a desktop softphone (x-lite) and is assigned to extention 100
01:09.50devdvdTehRabbitt  have something that looks like
01:10.01devdvdhold on
01:10.07*** join/#asterisk joobie (
01:10.10devdvdactually do a pastebin of your dialplan
01:10.46TehRabbittthere is none now, I deleted the entire .conf file since none of it worked... basically i'm starting off with [default] again lol
01:10.56devdvdok well do what you had
01:11.02devdvdthen we can help you fix it
01:11.05joobieguys need to get the lastest firmware + config for a polycom 320 and polycom 321
01:11.13devdvdWe'll nominate ChannelZ to help you :P
01:11.39joobiedo we need a support contract with polycom to get this?
01:11.56davidstraussjoobie: no
01:12.25joobiedavidstrauss, know where we can download
01:13.36TehRabbittOk here is what I had:
01:13.37davidstraussjoobie: As seen from this page:
01:13.42TehRabbittfrom about 3 hours ago :(
01:14.29TehRabbittBasically I just want extention 100 to be able to make a call to extention 500, and vice versa... and also allow it to dial out using [VOIP1] which is the SIP provider
01:14.59joobiethanks davi
01:15.25devdvdand when you try to dial from 100 to 500
01:15.31devdvdwhat does your asterisk console say?
01:15.33davidstraussTehRabbitt: What's the output from the asterisk shell?
01:15.56TehRabbitt[May  2 21:16:32] WARNING[5430]: pbx.c:1832 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'SetCalledParty' for extension (users, 500, 1)
01:16.21devdvd44.exten => 500,1,SetCalledParty("CISCO Wireless" <500>)
01:17.12devdvdlooks to me like an issue with your sccp channel driver
01:17.15TehRabbittwhere do I put that?
01:17.16p3nguintehrabbitt: (1753.31) <p3nguin> I also do not have SetCalledParty() as a valid application, so check your system to see if you do or  do not have it.
01:17.29devdvdnot supporting that application
01:17.41*** join/#asterisk pabelanger_ (
01:17.49p3nguinIt's not a channel driver that doesn't have support for the application... the application does not exist in Asterisk.
01:17.54devdvdTehRabbitt: that is telling you that the function setcalledparty DOES NOT exist
01:18.03TehRabbittso what do I do?
01:18.08p3nguintake it out.
01:18.12TehRabbittfrom where?
01:18.13p3nguinRead the book, first.
01:18.16devdvdwhy are you using SetCalledParty?
01:18.17infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
01:19.21TehRabbittwhere is setcalledparty anyway?
01:19.33devdvdread your dialplan....
01:19.39p3nguinI finally got around to getting chan_sccp installed.
01:20.02p3nguindevdvd: I'd recommend the book instead of the dialplan.
01:20.08TehRabbittso what do I use instead of that then?
01:20.17TehRabbittjust remove the line?
01:20.22devdvdp3nguin: yea i get that but he asked [18:19] <TehRabbitt> where is setcalledparty anyway?
01:20.31devdvdwhich is in his dialplan
01:20.50devdvdTehRabbitt: i suggest you read the asterisk book before you start ripping dialplans off the internet :)
01:20.51TehRabbittso just use: exten => 500,1,Dial(SCCP/Wireless)
01:21.01infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
01:21.18devdvdi hate telling people to RTFM
01:21.35devdvdbut at this point it seems like you haven't even taken the time to understand the basics on your own
01:23.55Jumpieanybody know why my dmsg shows as having 4 cpus..and it mentiosn somethin about they are off synch and that its 'correcting' them
01:24.00Jumpiebut its a dualcore atom d510
01:28.42TehRabbittdevdvd: ok I now kinda understand how the dialplan works, and was able to get one phone talking to the other... my question is though: why no audio?
01:28.57devdvdcheck your codecs
01:29.26pabelanger_TehRabbitt: or are you behind a firewall / NAT
01:29.44p3nguinNo audio?  Probably an RTP problem.
01:31.09TehRabbittdevdvd: how would I go about that?
01:31.23TehRabbittp3nguin: How would I be able to determine if it's an RTP problem?
01:31.51devdvdpastebin the configuration file for your phones
01:32.04devdvdprobably like sccp.conf or something like that
01:32.18devdvd(unless your using skinny then it would be something like skinny.conf
01:32.52TehRabbittalright hold on
01:34.00joobieguys is there a way to find out what bootrom version is on a polycom phone, without physical access (have remote access only atm)
01:34.07TehRabbittit's the skinny.conf that came with asterisk
01:35.13devdvdok..actually at this point i need to ask
01:35.17devdvdwhat kind of phones are you using?
01:35.27devdvdare they sip
01:35.34devdvdor cisco sccp/skinny?
01:35.49devdvdi seen cisco and made the wrong assumption
01:35.51TehRabbittone SIP softphone (desktop) and one sccp/skinny phone
01:36.06TehRabbittthe SCCP/Skinny phone is the one that is having the issues though
01:36.58devdvdwell, you can rule out an rtp issue, bring up another sip softphone
01:37.02devdvdconnect it to the system and dial between
01:37.15devdvdif you can get audio between them
01:37.18devdvdits probably not rtp
01:37.27devdvdand at that point, possible codec related
01:38.15TehRabbittfor instance, I can dial out / use the softphone to connect to the digium test server using SIP but the SCCP one connects and has no audio
01:38.25TehRabbittno audio between the phones either
01:38.42devdvdfind the configuration file for your sccp phone
01:38.45devdvdand pastebin it
01:40.11TehRabbittit's an XML file hosted on a TFTP server
01:40.28devdvdnot that
01:40.38devdvdim talkin about the file on your asterisk box
01:40.49devdvdif thats what your using
01:40.54TehRabbittthats the one
01:41.00*** join/#asterisk mog (
01:42.09devdvd12.;allow=all              ; see doc/rtp-packetization for framing options
01:42.12devdvdthat might be your problem
01:42.27devdvduncomment allow=all
01:42.32devdvdsee if that helps
01:42.33devdvdif not
01:42.36devdvdfind the doc its talkin about
01:42.37devdvdand read it
01:43.01TehRabbitti'm trying that...
01:43.14TehRabbittthere's another option there specifying if the server should handle audio or if the phone should
01:43.21TehRabbitt;earlyrtp=1                  ; whether audio signalling should be provided by asterisk
01:43.27TehRabbittnot sure if that could be it
01:43.34devdvdplay with the options
01:45.05TehRabbittnope nothing... with both settings enabled/disabled
01:45.54*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (~yeah@unaffiliated/slugs-/x-6594848)
01:46.33TehRabbittthe phones can dial eachother but there's like no audio at all on the SCCP phone
01:46.48*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
01:47.21TehRabbittok this is weird...
01:47.28p3nguindevdvd: skinny still uses RTP, as far as I know.
01:47.41devdvdp3nguin, you'd know better than I
01:48.00TehRabbittwhen I make a call from the SIP phone to the SCCP phone, no audio, but if I hit a button it makes a constant Tone of whatever number I hit and i can't stop the tone unless I hang up
01:48.12devdvdive not touched a cisco phone that required sccp/skinny in ~5 years
01:48.49p3nguinI'm debating on configuring this sccp.conf now that I got chan-sccp-b installed.
01:49.07devdvdp3nguin, you do much with queues?
01:49.18TehRabbittp3nguin: what is chan-sccp-b?
01:49.29p3nguinIf this channel driver is better than the one that comes with asterisk (chan_skinny), then it has to be worth trying again.
01:49.48p3nguintehrabbitt: 3rd-party native sccp channel driver
01:49.59TehRabbitthm... would that fix my problem perhaps with the audio?
01:50.03devdvdwonder if you can still get those cisco 20's for dirt cheap
01:50.06p3nguinchan_sccp rather than chan_skinny
01:50.46p3nguintehrabbitt: No, it's not going to fix your audio.  It has way more to configure than skinny.conf, and you probably haven't even mastered that yet.
01:51.05TehRabbittHeh... true...  i'm just trying to figure out why audio won't work 0_o
01:51.08*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
01:51.24*** join/#asterisk Brookss (~SSJGotenk@
01:54.54pabelanger_TehRabbitt: is your asterisk and phone behind firewalls?
01:55.30TehRabbittthe AP that the phone connects to is directly attached to the server through a switch... internal LAN.. I can't make calls even internally
01:56.14TehRabbitti've even gone the step of putting the AP directly on one of the network interfaces of the server with a crossover cable and still same issue.. it can connect, it can dial another extention, but no audio incoming or outgoing from the SCCP phone
01:56.26TehRabbittif I hit a button on the phone I just hear a continious DMTF tone
01:59.20*** join/#asterisk aceio (~c2cbd7fe@gateway/web/freenode/x-gjbkfwfmbqxaqyiq)
02:00.01TehRabbittand I just checked my /etc/hosts file to confirm that  is only set to localhost
02:02.20devdvdTehRabbitt: have you tried restarting asterisk after these changes?
02:02.28*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
02:02.52TehRabbittI've tried restarting asterisk as well as the entire server at least once and neither helped (thought it'd be worth a try)
02:03.02TehRabbittnot the same phone but I found this on google:
02:04.32TehRabbitteverthing I am reading is refrencing NAT / Ports not being open but This is pretty much a  direct connection from the phone to the server
02:04.39TehRabbittand the server isnt' blocking anything afaik
02:06.12TJNIIWhy don't you stop spinning your wheels and try with a SIP softphone.  Once you get that working you can work on that Skinny phone or whatever it is you've got.
02:06.22p3nguinHave you pasted all your configs, in their entirety, masking ONLY passwords, yet?
02:06.38TehRabbittYes I have
02:07.11TehRabbittTJNII: I have the SIP softphone able to dial out / hear audio to the asterisk test server...  the SCCP phone can dial out / dial in but there is no audio
02:07.46TehRabbitthold on, i'm going to post each config file as-is (minus passwords)
02:08.08[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: In and out from where, to where?
02:09.17carrarAudio is over rated anyhow
02:10.48*** join/#asterisk gospch (
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02:13.48p3nguinNot causing the problem, but the users context has a failed exten in it.
02:14.11p3nguin500,2,  = invalid
02:15.10TehRabbittp3nguin: didn't see that, fixed it
02:16.50p3nguinIn that one, line 34... they aren't likely to decide to put their server behind NAT all of a sudden, so you'll never need it.  (I'd delete it so there is no confusion.)
02:17.29p3nguinand insecure=very may not be valid anymore.
02:18.18p3nguinalso not causing the problem
02:22.33TehRabbittany ideas?
02:22.46p3nguinEverything looks okay to me.
02:26.37p3nguintehrabbitt: Can you call successfully from sip 100 to sip 200?
02:26.57TehRabbittSIP200 isnt' installed yet (will be on my laptop) but I will try that now
02:29.30[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: just test with voicemail direct with your single phone.
02:29.47[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: prove the phone leg is fine.
02:31.09devmodlooking for any docs explaining how to setup queues on asterisk, any links ?
02:32.19TehRabbitt[TK]D-Fender: don't have VM set up yet afaik
02:32.35TehRabbittso far i'm just tryign to get them talking among eachother
02:33.35[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: "them"?
02:33.42[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: Go set up a VM then.
02:33.52TehRabbittthe desktop softphone and the sccp phone
02:33.53[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: its 2 lines
02:34.20TehRabbittcorrect, and they can't talk to eachother
02:34.39[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: prove each independantly
02:35.53*** join/#asterisk gospch (
02:36.51devdvdfigured a work around for the whole pre-announe queue issue :)
02:36.56TehRabbittNope they def work
02:37.11TehRabbittlaptop right next to speakers of desktop == Major feedback once call connected
02:37.26TehRabbittI can take the laptop into the other room, talk into it's mic and hear the desktop and vice versa
02:37.31TehRabbittcrystal clear
02:38.31TehRabbittso SIP to SIP works
02:38.53TehRabbittExt 100 -> 200 and Ext 200 -> 100 works full audio crystal clear
02:40.39TehRabbittvoicemail apparently works as well heh
02:44.29TehRabbittIt's gotta be a codec issue or something how can I be certain?
02:45.41ManxPowerset disallow=all and allow=ulaw
02:45.41devdvdTehRabbitt: do this, skinny set debug
02:45.46devdvdthen attempt to make a call
02:45.58devdvdthen pastebin the output from the console
02:46.25TehRabbittjust type skinny set debug into the CLI?
02:48.07*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:48.08TehRabbittgot it i'm pastbining it now
02:50.01TehRabbittdoes it help at all? :-\
02:52.09devdvdhave you tried putting allow=all
02:52.16devdvdin your phone definition in skinny.conf
02:53.34*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
02:53.57TehRabbittYep tried that
02:54.06TehRabbittactually *just* tried that...
02:56.02TehRabbittSIP Host:
02:56.08*** join/#asterisk joako_ (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
02:56.15TehRabbittsrry wrong post
02:56.24TehRabbitti was pasting into notepad
02:56.35devdvdtry it like that and repaste your debug output
02:56.55TehRabbittlike what?
02:57.04TehRabbittthe allow=all?
02:57.09devdvdtry setting allow=all
02:57.12devdvdrestarting asterisk
02:57.21devdvdthen do skinny set debug
02:57.30devdvdattempt to make a call
02:57.51devdvdand show us the debug output
02:58.02Jumpieany idea why not all of my isnt being displayed in the email?
02:58.11Jumpieis what i have
02:58.18Jumpieit works fine, but anything after the length isnt displayed
02:58.36Jumpiebasically everything after the first it some word wrap thing messing it up?
02:58.48TehRabbittthat's the debug output
03:00.30*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
03:00.34*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
03:02.45Jumpieshit! that was it
03:02.53Jumpiethat file doesnt like hard carriage returns.....
03:16.22TehRabbittanyone here?
03:16.55Jumpiedunno enougha bout that man
03:17.28*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
03:20.23TehRabbittoh :(
03:27.07*** join/#asterisk gospch (
03:29.23*** join/#asterisk TehRabbitt (
03:30.43TehRabbittany ideas on how to get this cisco phone able to actually work with audio?
03:34.17[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: You have not proven the phone direct to *
03:35.42*** join/#asterisk gospch (
03:38.34*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
03:40.33TehRabbitt[TK]D-Fender: How have I not proven it? Extension 100 Can call Extention 200 and hear voice 2 ways
03:40.41TehRabbittso SIP works, SCCP however not working
03:41.10TehRabbittthoth*CLI> skinny show devices
03:41.10TehRabbittName                 DeviceId         IP              Type            R NL
03:41.10TehRabbitt-------------------- ---------------- --------------- --------------- - --
03:41.10TehRabbittCISCO                SEP001AA192AB6D   7921            Y  2
03:41.10TehRabbittCISCO                SEP001AA192AB6D                  7921            N  2
03:41.56[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: ....
03:42.11[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: Its just not sinking in.
03:44.05TehRabbitthow do you want me to prove it?
03:44.09*** join/#asterisk gospch (
03:44.55TehRabbittwhen I make a call, I dont even hear ringing on the Cisco handheld...
03:45.14ManxPowerTehRabbitt, I think he means protocol debug
03:45.29TehRabbitti've posted that a few times, i'll post it again
03:45.57[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: I'm going to try this one last time.
03:46.01TehRabbittthat is the debug for SCCP
03:46.10[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: Try to follow with me.
03:46.44TehRabbittfrom the Cisco phone?
03:46.47[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: YES
03:47.06[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: What part of "test these fucking phones independently" was not clear?
03:47.45[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: Remove variables to confirm what does, and does not work on the smallest scale.  Do NOT involve added devices.
03:47.57[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: if it works direct then there is a problem in the conversion.
03:48.05[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: But get off your ass and PROVE IT
03:48.59TehRabbittOk, Can record a VM on both SIP softphones, When I dial the VM # from the Cisco phone I dont hear *anything* at all, just says "connected"
03:50.43ChannelZwandered away several hours ago..
03:50.47devdvdyea likewise
03:50.51TehRabbittEverything I see online says to use "SCCP" instead of "Skinny"  should I even bother or will I have the same issue?
03:50.56*** join/#asterisk jtodd (jyc1l5tlkv@asterisk/community-director-and-tie-dye-shirt-lover/jtodd)
03:50.56*** mode/#asterisk [+o jtodd] by ChanServ
03:51.37TehRabbittChannelZ: yes it's still going on, so far I can get 3 softphones and a PAP2 working via SIP but Skinny still won't work
03:51.38p3nguinchan_skinny DOES work.  I've used it.
03:51.41p3nguinIt doesn't work for all features, but it does make and receive calls.
03:52.25*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
03:52.26[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: Go check your firewall on the server
03:52.31p3nguinI'm just about to dive in on configuring sccp.conf to test out chan_sccp.  I'll report failures and success in a few hours if all goes well.
03:52.39TehRabbittwhere would that be because I've never installed a firewall on that server
03:52.53p3nguiniptables -L -nv
03:53.00p3nguinSee if anything is there.
03:53.01[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: Really... sure it wasn't part o fhte OS install?
03:53.26p3nguinspecifically, iptables -L INPUT -nv
03:53.42TehRabbitt"0 packets 0 bytes" is all it shows
03:54.01p3nguinAlso, did you verify that chan_skinny is loaded/working?
03:54.18p3nguinIt has to show more than just that.
03:54.30p3nguinIt's a verbose app, so there should be quite a bit more.
03:54.41TehRabbittanything specific I should try?
03:54.52TehRabbittIt wont' let me unload chan_skinny says it is in use
03:54.56TehRabbitti've tried restarting asterisk
03:54.58TehRabbittstill nothing
03:55.25[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: "iptables --list" <- PASTEBIN
03:57.39[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: ok, that isn't it then.  Good. Teh phone is on the same local subet as *, right?
03:59.15TehRabbittYes. it is... The AP is connected to the same switch as teh server, same local subnet
03:59.26TehRabbittphone ==
03:59.33TehRabbitt* =
04:00.53*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
04:01.17TJNIISubnet mask of on both the server and the phone?
04:03.44p3nguinThis sccp.conf is a LOT different from skinny.conf.
04:05.37TehRabbittp3nguin: how's it different?
04:05.54p3nguinLots more settings/options available.
04:06.41p3nguinIt'll take me a while to wrap my head around the new config before I can put it in use.
04:09.26TehRabbitthere is the latest debug output
04:12.47TehRabbittOk... I just rebooted the phone while keeping debug skinny on.... this is the output during boot up:
04:12.51TehRabbittit's quite a bit
04:12.53TehRabbittdiscusses codecs
04:19.14[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: Should have "disallow=all", followed by "allow=ulaw"
04:19.22[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: Apply, reload, retest
04:21.06[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: show us
04:22.15TehRabbittHere is the output of debug again
04:23.04[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: CONFIGS
04:23.13TehRabbittkk hold on
04:24.49*** join/#asterisk mun27 (
04:25.26mun27I am unable to register with my asterisk server
04:25.53mun27when I use xlite I am able to register
04:26.06mun27but using othe sip soft phone I am not
04:26.16[TK]D-Fendermun27: pastebin the SIP DEBUG of your attempt from * CLI
04:26.19infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
04:26.55TJNIII thought he was debugging skinny
04:27.06TJNIII thought sip worked....
04:27.33TJNIIWait, you were talking to someone else.
04:27.34ChannelZwho? different person
04:27.36TJNIICarry on.
04:27.42TehRabbittlol different person lol
04:28.18TJNIIcatches his mistakes, but sometimes it doesn't happen fast enough.
04:28.26ChannelZPLZ HALP my toast does burn toast when I turn it on dark but not light
04:28.44TJNIIhave you tried running it under the faucet?
04:28.47TJNIITo cool the toast?
04:28.49devdvdyeah toast! :)
04:28.53TJNIIWhoo toast!
04:29.02ChannelZyes but then spark come out and house burn, what to do?
04:29.54TehRabbitt[TK]D-Fender: any ideas about the Skinny.conf?
04:29.54TJNIII don't belive that.  Pastebin a log of your house burning.
04:30.57TJNIII don't see a 911 transcription!  How am I supposed to debug that!
04:33.04TehRabbittHere is my house it's in fire see:
04:33.33devmodwhen using a queue, can I ring the agent phones instead of directly connect the customer to them ?
04:36.12TehRabbittdo you think SCCP will work or is it a lost cause at this point?
04:36.43devdvdhey, does asterisk have the ability to dial all agents in a queue n times then drop out to the next priority (ex. Dial 1>2>3>4>1>2>3>4>drop out of queue into next priority)
04:37.15devdvdso in that case it would dial through the queue twice
04:37.16[TK]D-Fendermun27: Ok, that is a local device registering to your *.  It is getting challenged, and your device is not responding with auth
04:37.17devdvdthen drop out
04:37.38TehRabbitt[TK]D-Fender: any other ideas I should try with skinny?
04:38.16[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: I never saw your updated configs
04:38.46TehRabbittposted them a while ago
04:39.03[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: Line 61. <- You Allow=all again
04:39.16[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: the peer is more specific than [general].  Now try to do the job RIGHT
04:40.05TehRabbittAh.  didn't see that one :(
04:40.08*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
04:40.19mun27[TK]-Fender: I have the source code for this softphone client, this registers successfully with the company asterisk server who developed  this. But I want it to register with my own *.
04:42.40mun27[TK]D-Fender: Need some hint so that I can make changes in the source code
04:42.42TehRabbitt[TK]D-Fender: here is the updated skinny.conf still doesn't work with "allow=ulaw"
04:42.54p3nguinNow... do I really want to reflash my phone from SIP to SCCP... that is the question.
04:43.12TJNIIDon't be a wuss. Do it!
04:43.14devdvdp3nguin: only if you really hate your phone
04:43.17devdvdand yourself
04:43.30devdvdbut honestly, probably be less painful to just go slit your wrists
04:43.42p3nguinI'm doing it for the greater good of mankind.
04:43.49p3nguinI have to test chan_sccp.
04:44.00TehRabbittp3nguin: if it works well...  let me know lol
04:44.09p3nguinchan_skinny sucked, so I went SIP.
04:44.32*** join/#asterisk iluminator101 (~iluminato@unaffiliated/iluminator101)
04:44.42TehRabbitt[TK]D-Fender: here is the updated skinny.conf still doesn't work with "allow=ulaw"
04:44.43p3nguinchan_sip is pretty good, but I think I could have more active features on the ole Cisco with SCCP.
04:45.04devdvdwhat kinda cisco phone you using?
04:45.10iluminator101i am having trouble provisioning a phone
04:45.53iluminator101linksys spa941 with elastix and skype
04:46.25TehRabbitt[TK]D-Fender: did you see the pastebin?
04:46.58TehRabbittthese are the codecs my phone supports: Voice CodecsG.729a, G.729ab, G.711u, G.711a
04:48.15p3nguinHere goes...
04:49.44*** join/#asterisk frk2 (~faraz@zivios/member/fkhan)
04:49.59frk2whats happening guys?
04:50.15frk2is there a way to connect a 4-wire E&M line to asterisk?
04:50.33frk2got some army guys with REALLY obsolete hardware here
04:50.37frk2am wondering if its possible
04:52.12*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (~linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
04:52.12TehRabbitt[TK]D-Fender: you still here?
04:52.27devdvdmight be possible over a T1 interface frk2 but im not sure.
04:52.49frk2devdvd, but im not getting the E&M over a T1
04:53.03frk2its just plain old 4 wire E&M hooked up to a old VHS Radio
04:53.59devdvdi meant interfacing the E&M with asterisk using a t1 card (like i said, thats just speculation from what i googled)
04:54.36devdvdbut i dont know
04:54.39devdvdsorry :(
04:54.43*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
04:54.59TehRabbittcan anyone give me any more suggestions on this skinny.conf issue?
04:55.35*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
04:55.44frk2any ideas anyone? or should I be using a E&M channel bank?
04:56.53*** join/#asterisk Brookss (~SSJGotenk@
04:58.10TehRabbitt[TK]D-Fender: you still here???
04:59.13p3nguinNot having a lot of luck with chan_sccp.
04:59.32TehRabbittp3nguin: what luck are you having heh
04:59.36*** part/#asterisk iluminator101 (~iluminato@unaffiliated/iluminator101)
05:00.31p3nguinI've configured sccp.conf to what seems like a reasonable configuration.
05:01.23*** join/#asterisk Keal (~chiamuff@unaffiliated/jargon)
05:01.37p3nguinThe phone took the SCCP image and registered.
05:01.45KealWhere the Hell is voipmonk?
05:02.01p3nguinBut it doesn't make calls.  A call to 500 (the echo test) goes to busy.
05:02.22KealI need some code to blatantly rip off for some major corporation that detects dial tones and identifies them in response.
05:02.51TehRabbittp3nguin: at least you can hear a busy tone :-p
05:03.15p3nguinchan_skinny never gave me any troubles with dialing phone numbers.
05:03.21KealI will donate 3500 USD into your paypal after sufficient assistance.
05:07.09KealIs anyone going to assist me or do I need to start ordering hits on users.
05:09.34*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-jsxhzvtdeegtfohu)
05:11.21p3nguinOh, problem solved.  default context in sccp.conf was "sccp" and I need my phone in a different context than that.
05:14.35*** join/#asterisk gospch (
05:14.57p3nguinSo far, so good.
05:16.54*** join/#asterisk jtodd (hvy7gvrxxe@asterisk/community-director-and-tie-dye-shirt-lover/jtodd)
05:16.54*** mode/#asterisk [+o jtodd] by ChanServ
05:20.24*** join/#asterisk gospch (
05:24.10ChannelZgod iTunes is a slow piece of crap
05:24.49*** join/#asterisk soman (
05:30.45TehRabbittp3nguin: I joined you over with CHAN-SCCP-B and I have audio but I can't dial out to other extentions... i'm guessing it handles dial() differently?
05:31.32ChannelZAlright my brain is not working... what is wrong with   GotoIf($[${DB(cfwd/work)}=1]?callwork,1)
05:34.01p3nguinchan_sccp doesn't do Dial() at all.
05:34.07TehRabbittjust realized that 0_o
05:34.27TehRabbittp3nguin: ok so heres what it's doing now... I can receive calls through SCCP but I can't make calls from the phone to other phones
05:34.41p3nguinWhere's the debug output?
05:34.46TehRabbittbe right back with it
05:35.55TehRabbittthere ya go
05:36.14TehRabbittwhen I call the SIP phones I get a busy signal... when I call the SCCP handheld it goes through
05:36.52p3nguinYou enabled realtime.
05:36.59p3nguinI can only assume this was in error.
05:37.08TehRabbittwhoops where? 0_o
05:37.17*** join/#asterisk SunnyDP (
05:37.17TehRabbittand how do i disable heh
05:37.19p3nguinDuring the "make" for chan-sccp-b.
05:37.24TehRabbittoh :(
05:37.28TehRabbitthow do i fix it?
05:37.33TehRabbittjust remake?
05:38.25TehRabbittgrr how do i remake? i feel stupid
05:38.32p3nguinI'm probably going to go back to SIP before the night is done.  This is still too new for me to troubleshoot.
05:38.41p3nguinmake clean && make
05:39.00TehRabbittdo I use direct RTP?
05:39.09p3nguinI wouldn't.
05:39.15TehRabbittoh 0_o
05:40.46TehRabbittit's showing "200 unknown number"
05:41.55TehRabbittp3nguin: any ideas?
05:42.37p3nguinI don't know what "it" is.
05:43.00TehRabbittthe phone is showing 200 unknown number then giving busy tones
05:43.16TehRabbittbut it accepts calls with full 2 way audio when it receives a call
05:43.19TehRabbittjust can't place one :(
05:43.37TehRabbittI have a feeling it's something i've overlooked but I can't find it in the sccp.conf file
05:43.37p3nguinDid you already recompile chan_sccp?
05:43.45p3nguinand reinstalled it?
05:43.56p3nguinShow me the new debug.
05:45.06TehRabbittwait reinstalled it how?
05:45.18TehRabbitt(where do i copy the module over to)
05:47.57p3nguinHow did you do it the first time?
05:48.55TehRabbitti made it the right way this time and it's not using realtime but is still giving me the same issue
05:49.26p3nguinShow me your sccp context in extensions.conf.
05:50.26TehRabbittexten => 500,1,Dial(SCCP/500,120)
05:50.48p3nguinThat's your "wireless" context.  I clearly asked for your "sccp" context.
05:51.06TehRabbittah... dont have one in there 0_o
05:51.13p3nguinBetter fix that.
05:51.38p3nguinEither create one with extens in it, or change your phone's context.
05:52.15TehRabbittchanging phone's context would be in sccp.conf right?
05:52.24*** join/#asterisk githogori (
05:54.24voxterwhy is my mac playing the fucking 'alert sound' 4 times in a row every 60 seconds
05:54.28TehRabbittOWWWW it worked but OUCH loud feedback sound
05:54.41TehRabbittsounded like a poltergeist inside the phone haha
05:54.43voxtermake it stop!!
05:55.23TehRabbitthaha nvm speakerphone was on :-p
05:56.28TehRabbittsweet transfers work too :-D
05:56.38TehRabbittjust transfered SIP --> SCCP --> SIP
05:57.08TehRabbittthanks to everyone, and thank you p3nguin :-D
05:57.20p3nguinIt's working now?
05:57.27TehRabbittYep 2-way audio with SCCP :-D
05:57.33TehRabbittcrystal clear too :-D
05:57.46p3nguinSo chan_skinny was where the problem lied.
05:58.04TehRabbittsomething in chan_skinny is broken
05:58.12TehRabbitt6 hours later 0_o
05:58.15p3nguinCould have been a configuration error.
06:02.20*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
06:04.02TehRabbittnow just to set up the SIP trunk haha then it'll all work :-D
06:04.07TehRabbittat least all the internal extentions work heh
06:04.19TehRabbitt... 10 hours later jk
06:04.54p3nguinI think I found a bug in chan_sccp.
06:05.42p3nguinWith the mwilamp set to flash, wink, or blink, the light never comes on, even though sccp show device mydevice says MWI is lit.
06:05.52p3nguinIf I set it to on, it actually comes on.
06:06.45p3nguinOn solid is better than not working, though.
06:07.11TehRabbittlol... curious, can I make an exten 411 redirect calls to 1800GOOG411?
06:07.21p3nguinThat's how I do it.
06:08.01TehRabbittexten => 411,1,Dial(SIP/VOIP1/18004664411}) ?
06:08.24p3nguinlose that } in there, and it should work.
06:08.41TehRabbittyea that was a typo of the pinky trying to hit backspace lol
06:08.49*** join/#asterisk DND (~arabia@
06:08.59p3nguinpresses DND
06:09.06DNDhi guys i need help. my phones and softphones are acting lie walkie talkies
06:09.51TehRabbitt(whatever DND has enabled that sounds like PTT... figure out how it's working and implement it as a softkey :-D)
06:09.54ChannelZbreaker breaker good buddy
06:10.15DNDim calling a mobile phone. then whenever i speak, the other party just silents. then whenever i stop talking, i can hear the other party again
06:10.18p3nguintehrabbitt: If you don't have 911 service, you might consider exten => 911,1,Playback(no-911-2)
06:10.30DNDits like whenever im transmitting voice, the receiving stops
06:10.53devmodif i want to externally execute cmds on asterisk, how would I go about it? (ie an app that will add an agent to a queue)
06:10.58TehRabbitt411 isnt working :(
06:11.20p3nguinWhere's the debug?
06:11.42DNDTehRabbitt, you think echo cancel problem?
06:11.52DNDno i dont have PTT enabled if there's a module like that
06:13.20ChannelZaggressive echo cancellation can cause a half duplexy effect
06:13.23ChannelZLike bad speakerphones
06:13.39TehRabbittChannelZ: thats what was causing my banshee noise that was goin on lol
06:14.10p3nguintehrabbitt: That's the entire thing?
06:14.17TehRabbittyep :(
06:14.23TehRabbittthat's the entire thing
06:14.23DNDChannelZ, i have a hardware echo cancel from digium
06:14.37p3nguinTry core set verbose 10 and make the call again.
06:15.01p3nguinThat sip debug wasn't even a full invite.
06:15.43TehRabbittit's immediatally going into "411 not found" on the softphone's display
06:16.00TehRabbitt"address incomplete"
06:17.47DNDp3nguin, nothing wrong actually.
06:18.03p3nguintehrabbitt: You've got no valid dtmfmode.
06:18.03DNDto rest, i called an IVR
06:18.10DND*to test
06:18.13TehRabbittp3nguin: where do i specify that
06:18.21DNDthen tried talking and blowing off to the mic
06:18.37p3nguintehrabbitt: in the peer definition
06:18.43DNDthe IVR just stops talking as if its was blocking something
06:18.54p3nguintehrabbitt: But there should be a default one that would be inherited.
06:19.02DNDthen after im done talking and blowing on the mic, the IVR continues
06:19.13TehRabbittthe thing is, i can't dial 411 from any of the phones
06:19.22TehRabbittit's like it's not even seeing that I defined it as an extention
06:19.51p3nguinShow me the output from "dialplan show 411@users"
06:21.57TehRabbittthoth*CLI> dialplan show 411@users
06:21.58TehRabbittqThere is no existence of 411@users extension
06:21.58TehRabbittnvm forgot to reload
06:22.37p3nguinnothing a quick "dialplan reload" can't cure, huh?
06:22.41TehRabbittp3nguin: this might be more helpful...
06:22.55TehRabbittno now it's just saying no route :-(
06:23.14TehRabbittand on the SIP side it's saying "Service Unavailable" on the softphone
06:23.42p3nguinShow me the peer definition for VOIP1, masking ONLY the passwords.
06:24.33TehRabbittusernames too or just secrets?
06:24.49*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
06:25.19p3nguinFor now, you may hide your usernames if you want.
06:25.38p3nguinAt this point, I don't think that's the issue, so I don't care to see them.
06:26.27TehRabbittwait i think i might have fixed it... hold on
06:27.15TehRabbittthis is the new error that stands out in the debug:  SCCP: Timeout for callid '2'. Going to dial '411'
06:31.50TehRabbittany ideas?
06:32.17p3nguinFor one, is not behind NAT, so get rid of that setting.
06:32.38TehRabbittnat is now set to "no"
06:33.09p3nguinYou know you left your usernames and passwords in the file, right?
06:33.16TehRabbittwait what?!?
06:33.18TehRabbittwhere :(
06:33.49p3nguinYou also left the password in a paste earlier.
06:33.55TehRabbittsigh :(
06:34.05TehRabbitti'm tired heh
06:34.19p3nguinAnyway, is's port supposed to be 5070 instead of 5060?
06:34.48p3nguinDid they tell you to use the fromdomain setting?
06:35.08p3nguinI'd probably get rid of it, then.
06:35.37p3nguinYou want them to think you run a MagicJack?
06:35.39*** join/#asterisk voxter (
06:35.59TehRabbittehh that server yes lol
06:36.18TehRabbitti'm only using this to test the config for right now until I can mess with the Google voice SIP and Gizmo and such
06:37.15p3nguinSave, run sip reload, try the call again, paste the debug.
06:37.19TehRabbittstill fails even with it :(
06:37.45p3nguinI guess I could play with it since I know your creds.  :)
06:38.32TehRabbittgee thanks lmfao
06:38.40TehRabbitt:( haha
06:40.25*** join/#asterisk Professional (~Pro@unaffiliated/shani)
06:40.54*** join/#asterisk Researcher (~user@unaffiliated/unafilliate)
06:40.56TehRabbittthat's the debug
06:41.28TehRabbittcould this be it: "SIP/2.0 502 Bad Gateway"
06:41.49p3nguinYes, but why is it a bad gateway?
06:41.54TehRabbittidk :(
06:43.24TehRabbittheres the latest with a different hostname
06:44.14p3nguinDidn't you tell me that your * box was connected directly to the internet?
06:44.27TehRabbittits on the DMZ of my router
06:44.30p3nguinAnd then we determined that it isn't.
06:44.38p3nguinIt's actually behind NAT.
06:44.51TehRabbittso how do i fix it then?
06:44.53p3nguinBut you've still never configured the nat stuff in sip.conf.
06:44.58infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
06:45.11p3nguinThis is the third or fourth time I've referenced this for you.
06:46.01p3nguinYou've got nat=yes, but you don't have the rest.
06:46.09*** join/#asterisk mr_ian (
06:46.13*** join/#asterisk Professional (~Pro@unaffiliated/shani)
06:46.19p3nguinafter 14 hours.
06:47.03*** join/#asterisk noisewaterphd (
06:48.08TehRabbittSame thing
06:48.14TehRabbitteven with the NAT stuff in there
06:48.22p3nguinShow me the updated sip.conf.
06:48.31p3nguinmake sure you run sip reload, too.
06:49.59TehRabbitti ran sip reload
06:51.13p3nguinI'm not sure if is valid for localnet.  I always thought it had to be
06:52.27TehRabbittstill the same thing :(*
06:52.34TehRabbittbad gateway
06:55.31TehRabbitthere we go this might help more:
06:57.30*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
07:01.06TehRabbitti cant figure out why it wont work :(
07:01.11p3nguinbad gateway
07:01.46TehRabbittif its a bad gateway then how come:
07:01.46TehRabbitt[May  3 03:02:17] NOTICE[8381]: chan_sip.c:12718 handle_response_register: Outbound Registration: Expiry for is 120 sec (Schedul
07:01.55TehRabbittit registers fine
07:02.02p3nguinI guess I'll configure it here.
07:02.20TehRabbittHeh you saved the cred? lmao
07:05.26p3nguinsip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again
07:05.59joobieguys trying to setup a boot server to pass the configs to my polycom phone.. I went and downloaded the "SoundPoint IP, SoundStation IP and Polycom VVX SIP 3.2.3 [Split]" package.. within it there's a heap of .ld files for each product.. i've loaded that up correctly and it updated the bootrom, but just not sure where sip.ld is - it's not in the zip file..
07:08.37p3nguinbad gateway
07:08.50p3nguinNeed a better gateway.
07:09.01TehRabbittwhat defines a better gateway lol
07:09.06p3nguinone that works
07:09.18TehRabbittthat one does work... it's working on a PAP2 right now
07:09.31TehRabbittdialtone and everything
07:09.57p3nguinCan you verify the proxy address in the ATA?
07:10.57TehRabbittIf I use the info from one of my other SIP provders it works
07:11.04TehRabbitthowever I want this one to be the primary for 411
07:11.14TehRabbittand a few other #'s (long distance primarally)
07:12.03*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
07:12.24TehRabbittit works?
07:12.37p3nguinFor toll free 411, you don't even need to use magicjack.
07:12.42p3nguinno, it gives me a bad gateway.
07:12.54TehRabbittoh :(
07:13.07p3nguinBut that's the peer definition I'm using.
07:13.11TehRabbittagain i just wanna see if I can get 411 working on that one since it's a good way of testing it
07:13.30p3nguinYou could test it to a free toll-free termination service.
07:13.44*** join/#asterisk frk2 (~faraz@zivios/member/fkhan)
07:13.52TehRabbittchoose your pick 0_o
07:17.06p3nguinsame problem
07:17.18TehRabbittsigh :(
07:17.30TehRabbittcould it be the non-standard port?
07:18.27*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
07:18.48TehRabbitt800 termination wont work either btw
07:19.06TehRabbittexten => _800NXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/1{EXTEN},60)
07:19.30p3nguinNow that should be working.
07:19.42TehRabbitt"temp fail" is what the phone says
07:19.46TehRabbittno route to host
07:19.55TehRabbitti've reloaded the dialplan several times
07:21.28*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
07:22.00ChannelZo hell
07:22.01Polysicsif the Cdr event isn't reliable for me, can i rely on Bridge and Unlink to tell me when a call is picked up and ends?
07:22.15p3nguinWhat does "dialplan show 8004444444@users" show you?
07:22.23*** join/#asterisk coppice (
07:23.03TehRabbittthoth*CLI> dialplan show 8004444444@users
07:23.03TehRabbitt[ Included context 'external' created by 'pbx_config' ]
07:23.47*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~nathan@
07:24.44*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
07:26.46p3nguinYour MJ setup doesn't work for me, but ideasip tollfree gateway does.
07:27.44TehRabbittstill not working for me
07:27.52ChannelZMaybe you should just go back to writing letters
07:28.21Polysicsis Unlik ALWAYS fired when an answered call ends?
07:28.43TehRabbittfunny ChannelZ
07:28.47JAMMAN2110Well they would fire the receptionist
07:28.52JAMMAN2110But shes obviously not there to fire
07:29.34JAMMAN2110(Please ignore how sexist that comment is)
07:30.21ChannelZoh.  I get it
07:30.36ChannelZI don't know anyone named Unlik
07:30.52JAMMAN2110There is that guy called "Link" on the Matrix
07:30.59JAMMAN2110Guess everyone has an opposite
07:31.03ChannelZMake a good stripper name
07:31.10Polysicsthe Unlink AMI event, come on :-)
07:31.33ChannelZHush, you're interrupting our irreverence
07:31.46Polysicsoh, i am sorry
07:32.15JAMMAN2110Polysics - do you see it being "fired" everytime a call isnt answered?
07:32.57TehRabbitthm is it true will pay you for toll-free calls?
07:33.23*** join/#asterisk drcode (~c7cbb864@gateway/web/freenode/x-tunoadprlifnkkhy)
07:33.23TehRabbittbecause if so, i'll set them up for the Tech support #'s that put me on hold for 2 hours +
07:33.25drcodehi all
07:35.14p3nguintehrabbitt: Where did you hear that?
07:35.51drcodeis there support in h323?
07:35.56drcodein astriks?
07:36.11p3nguinperhaps you meant asterisk
07:36.21PolysicsJAMMAN2110, it apparently does, yes
07:36.23ChannelZyaes thar is
07:36.36TehRabbittthat's where
07:36.37JAMMAN2110Well then Polysics - You've answered your own question :) Good work!
07:36.38drcodeI mean somthing like mcu
07:36.43TehRabbittFuture Nine Requires an account to be created - but you can terminate toll-free traffic for free. No payment required. If your toll-free volume is high Future Nine may even compensate you (pay you) for those minutes. (SIP registration not required)
07:36.59TehRabbittSimwood eSMS Require an account to be created but offers a small credit to your account for all US toll-free traffic. If volume is higher, commercial outpayments are available on normal settlement terms.
07:38.04ChannelZok WTF, pulldown menus in Illustrator are suddently opening to the left of the menu instead of the right.
07:38.59JAMMAN2110Bad karma
07:39.00Polysicswiki says multiple unlinks can be seen for a single call
07:39.14TehRabbittp3nguin: see what i mean?
07:39.37TehRabbittdo you think it's true?
07:39.37Polysicsso i am not sure i can reliably use that
07:39.49TehRabbittthey support 729 codec too which is nice
07:40.45p3nguinYou bought some g.729 licenses?
07:40.46Polysicsi have never seen more than one Unlink for a call, then again, i have never seen asterisk not being able to set up a native bridge
07:40.55Polysicstbh i have no idea how to produce tath to test
07:41.56TehRabbittno lmao but it's good for future use i suppose
07:42.15*** join/#asterisk CleanerX (
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07:44.21TehRabbittbooo ok something is wrong here :(
07:48.04TehRabbittany reason my dialplan son't show existsance of 8004444444@users?
07:48.29TehRabbittexten => _1800NXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/futurenine/${EXTEN})
07:48.47ChannelZThere's no 1
07:50.27TehRabbittworks now :)
07:52.36TehRabbittwhat is an incoming DID?
07:53.07infobotextra, extra, read all about it, did is Direct Inward Dialing, or just a phone number
07:53.13TehRabbittah lol
07:54.42TehRabbitthey p3nguin, what was that 911 announce you told me to set up?
07:55.01TehRabbittexten => 911,1,Playback(no-911-2) right?
07:55.17TehRabbittwhat happens if i dial 911 afterwards? just an error?
07:55.39p3nguinIt plays the sound file by the name of no-911-2, and then exits.
07:56.29TehRabbitthm, question...  how do I setup music on hold?
07:56.30TehRabbittis it easy?
07:56.34TehRabbitti have an MP3 I want to use
07:59.48*** join/#asterisk Polis_ttt (
08:00.27nix8n82yes it's easy if you know what you are doing
08:00.33ChannelZit's much easier to just convert it to an 8khz wav and use it that way
08:00.55TehRabbittwell where do i configure the location to the wav file?
08:06.13TehRabbittok i put an audio file in the /var/lib/asterisk/moh directory but MOH doens't work
08:07.17*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
08:08.29*** join/#asterisk Boardy (
08:09.47BoardyI have 3 phone numbers and so I register 3 times (with the same provider) in my sip.conf. But it seems my provider is a little bit confused by this at startup of asterisk.
08:09.51*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Miranda@
08:09.55DelphiWorldgood morning
08:10.07BoardyIs it possible to have these 3 registrations happen with a certain interval?
08:10.07davidstraussBoardy: You shouldn't have to register three times just for three DIDs.
08:10.19davidstraussBoardy: Who is your provider?
08:10.28DelphiWorldanyone know how do i build a asterisk based call generatore?
08:10.29Boardyxs4all, dutch provider.
08:11.05davidstraussBoardy: Generally, providers let you route any number of DIDs to peers you configure on your acount.
08:11.08BoardyThey have their VoIP handled by b3g (French)
08:11.31davidstraussBoardy: Does your provider create a new peer per DID?
08:11.57davidstraussBoardy: And it's a problem if you register them all at once?
08:12.12davidstraussBoardy: Why is that a problem?
08:12.30ChannelZcall your provider and tell them to fix their shit
08:12.35BoardyThe problem is that Asterisk "thinks" they are all registered, but I can't be called.
08:12.48davidstraussBoardy: I'm worried you're creating a workaround to a problem you don't fully understand.
08:13.02davidstraussBoardy: I'm not even convinced that staggered registration would fix it.
08:13.03BoardyThat might well be the case...
08:13.45BoardyWell... I turned off my server last weekend, because of a thunderstorm and had to get things going afterwards.
08:13.53davidstraussBoardy: Your provider almost certainly has thousands of DIDs and peers it manages registrations for. It would take *extra effort* for them to throttle registrations between your DIDs/peers.
08:15.00BoardyOk... I don't know exactly what's the problem but: I can call myself from one DID to another. But I can't call myself from my cell phone
08:15.23BoardyI finally managed to solve it by uncommenting all but 1 registration
08:15.47BoardySorry... should be "commenting"
08:16.01BoardyThen that one DID worked.
08:16.01TehRabbittw00t MoH works... SIP works... SCCP works... Toll Free dialing works... 411 and 911 work... now all I have to do is get the damn incoming / outgoing SIP working lmao
08:16.09TehRabbittanyway i'm off to bed... night everyone
08:16.14TehRabbittthanks again to p3nguin
08:16.35davidstraussTehRabbitt: I'm sending a hitman to your location just to verify that 911 *really* works.
08:16.51BoardyAfter that I uncommented one more registration
08:16.57TehRabbittnight all
08:16.57BoardyThen the 3rd.
08:17.50BoardySo it's a little bit strange to get it working this way, but now everything is Ok. (Until the next thunderstorm)
08:21.21davidstraussBoardy: If delaying the registrations does, indeed, fix things, you may be able to set the peers to *not* automatically register and then have a script that uses the CLI or management interface to do them in a staggered way.
08:22.48BoardySounds sensible.
08:23.03BoardyBut indeed twisted to have to do it this way.
08:24.02davidstraussBoardy: It's your provider's fault.
08:24.30BoardyYes. It definitely is.
08:24.44BoardyThanks for your help.
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09:02.16*** join/#asterisk daMull (~beutenmue@
09:03.16daMullHey I got a problem using SNOM 3x0 phones and an hosted asterisk pbx. The phones won't respond to the "Unauthorized" answer of the asterisk with Digest auth
09:04.51daMullit's basically the same sip trace as in:, but the last step of answering the "Unauthorized" correctly doesn't happen. any ideas? (Snoms are 320, 360 and 370 using firmware 7.3.30 and factory defaults)
09:05.11daMull(I know it's slightly offtopic ..)
09:05.29Gido-Ei like to be offtopic
09:05.40Gido-Eontopic is boring.
09:08.02daMullok ;-) any interesting ideas?
09:08.39Gido-EdaMull dont use SNOW phones, good enough?
09:09.53daMullGido-E: someone here bought bout 20 pcs .. so not an option
09:10.02*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
09:10.52Gido-EdaMull yea, default problem.
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09:11.35daMullGido-E: so basically I'm stuck and need to get it working ;-)
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09:15.07Gido-EdaMull yep, something like that.
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09:40.35ttwhyHi, can you tell me are possible reasons if sometimes (50% of the calls) asterisk is ringing and the client is receiving the call, but if the client picks up the phone asterisk receive a hungup from the client and the call will be rejected (tried 2 differend softphones)
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09:56.45ttwhyand maybe a nother problem -> ReceiveFAX breaks after a fax is received. The Fax will be stored in the spool, but the commands after the ReceiveFAX command will be skipped (most of the times). But they tif files are 100% okay. (i use a cron now to pull them out of the spool directory which is quite lame)
09:57.30Gido-Ei use agx_fax for my fax
09:57.39Gido-Etxfax and rxfax and work great.
09:57.53frk2hmm. Is it a good idea to use asterisk as a large scale VOIP gateway?
09:58.00frk2or should i look at freeswitch for that
09:59.56Gido-Efrk2 gateway?
10:00.26Polysicsi am a newbie, but i have never heard about a voip gateway
10:00.34Polysicsserver, proxy, not gateway :-)
10:02.10drcodeany one did use astk with video ?
10:02.19drcodecan it support h323?
10:03.29coppicettwhy: sounds like you are not picking up the hangup condition, so your scripts behaviour depends on which end hangs up first
10:05.30ttwhyso, i need to insert the Hangup condition?
10:05.57ttwhyi will try that
10:09.27frk2Yes :)
10:09.29frk2a Proxy
10:09.45frk2a VOIP service provider, to sell wholesale minutes,etc
10:09.57Gido-Easterisk is not a proxy
10:10.03frk2Gido-E, I know
10:10.10frk2but it can be used as such
10:10.26Gido-EI wouldn't use asterisk for it.
10:11.44frk2Gido-E, I know im not comfortable eitehr
10:11.50frk2but the customer insists
10:12.09frk2is it just a bad idea or simply wont work with that scale (and accuracy of billing)
10:12.55Gido-Efrk2 the customer pays, why even worry?
10:13.22frk2Gido-E, the customer also comes to you when things break and makes your vacations impossible :)
10:14.03Gido-Efrk2, don be that stupid to give him that support level.
10:16.13*** join/#asterisk davidstrauss_ (~davidstra@wikimedia/davidstrauss)
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10:16.22frk2but i cant just sell them stuff that sucks
10:16.32frk2while i've used asterisk for 150-200 concurrent calls
10:16.42frk2i dont know how it fares with 1000 node concurrent
10:16.46frk21000 concurrent calls
10:16.56frk2and then there is the problem with SIP interoperability
10:28.28ManxPowerHow do I confirm hardware EC is enabled on a Digium card?
10:31.09frk2Has anybody here used a2billing?
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11:12.06daMullhow can I manually test a sip register from a pc?
11:12.23daMullare there tools for that?
11:12.35ManxPowerdaMull, your question makes no sense
11:13.26kaldemardaMull: use a software phone
11:14.17daMullkaldemar: what would you recommend on a Linux host? (probably including the capability to log)
11:17.58ttwhydaMull, ekiga or zoiper
11:20.25Gido-Etwinkle doesn't compile annymore for kde4, is my experience.  SO for me it is now, Ekiga.
11:23.07ManxPowerdrat!  Digium support is much more clever at avoiding customers that I thought.
11:26.28ManxPowerIt is pretty cool.  You must have a serial number in order to get support on a card.  There is no way that I know of to get the serial number without opening up the server.
11:26.30*** join/#asterisk waa (
11:26.57geloyou should have thought of it prior to installing the card, shouldn't you? :)
11:27.21ManxPowergelo, considering our history with Digium cards, yes, we should have.
11:28.01Gido-EOr just email them all, with the text,       One of these.
11:28.08ManxPowerit is also pretty cool that a card can only be registered to one account.  So we need a "company" account rather than an account for each tech.
11:28.23ManxPowerGido-E, I did.  the message got rejected.
11:28.43Gido-EManxPower :-)         Yea, they dont need you.
11:29.05Gido-EManxPower registering cards, i have never done that.
11:29.17ManxPowerIf I had the money I'd buy the customer a Sangoma out of my own pocket and just avoid these problems
11:29.23*** join/#asterisk eliel (~eliels@
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11:29.38Gido-EManxPower why register the hardware at all?
11:29.51ManxPowerGido-E, because they won't provide support if you don't register your card?
11:30.12Gido-Esupport on the hardware, which hardware?
11:30.23ManxPowerYou can't even open a case without selecting your problem card from a list of cards registered on that account.
11:31.02ManxPowerGido-E, TDM24xxP
11:31.06*** part/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~JAMMAN211@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
11:31.50Gido-Epci expres, ISDN PRI?      No problems with those cards.
11:32.01Gido-EI didn't even know you could file a bug.
11:32.28ManxPowerwctdm24xxp 0000:06:08.0: Found a Wildcard TDM: Wildcard AEX2400 (0 digital modules, 24 analog modules)
11:32.52ManxPowerwctdm24xxp 0000:06:08.0: Missed interrupt. Increasing latency to 23 ms in order to compensate.
11:32.55ManxPowerbunches of those.
11:33.29*** join/#asterisk soman (
11:35.47carrarI use a T1 or sip for that many analog ports
11:36.03carrarto some other analog outputting device
11:36.03ManxPowercarrar, I would to if I had a choice.
11:36.15ManxPowerBut these are PLAR to a trading floor
11:36.20carrarinform the customer it's the better option
11:36.44ManxPowerAlready have, already tried.
11:37.11carrarthey rather take the chance of a blackout?
11:37.28carraraka card crapping out
11:37.36ManxPowerturns out the "carrier" (aka some company that does PLAR lines for brokerage houses) can't even tell us the signaling of the CAS channels of the T-1 going into their locked channelbank.
11:37.37carraror something else
11:38.24carrarno remote access?
11:38.30ManxPowerI just want Digium to tell us 1) card is broken 2) card is out of warrenty.  Then I can buy a Sangoma
11:38.58ManxPowercarrar, no access into the carrier's locked channelbank, no.
11:40.29carrarusing fxo_ks?
11:40.57carrarwe use that with ADCI600 is you can see that in their cage
11:41.11carrarman my typign sucks
11:43.05DNDguys what is trunkrealloc=yes ?
11:43.08DNDwhat does it do?
11:43.23DNDand iaxcompat=yes
11:44.45ManxPowerDND, the .sample config files doesn't explain the option?
11:45.59Gido-EDND where is the manual of users.conf?
11:46.13Gido-EManxPower documentation is poor.
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11:52.56infobot[~users.conf] users.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable * config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
11:54.20frk2toaster grade
11:54.32coppiceI like toast
11:54.39*** join/#asterisk bminish (~bminish@pdpc/supporter/professional/bminish)
11:54.45frk2doesnt that mean robust as hell? :)
11:54.52frk2my toast from 1973 is still toasting away
11:55.35bminishjust tried to go to on centos 5.4 64bit and now asterisk segfaults on startup, ideas?
11:55.50coppiceand what other config file can offer you crumpets
11:57.56carrarLet me know if you need help with iaxcompat=yes
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12:00.08ManxPowerbminish, "asterisk -cvvv" to test
12:01.45bminishManxPower: segfaults after see
12:02.28plundraHmm, do I need to restart something for set{interface,queueentry,queue}var to affect new calls?
12:02.57Gido-EManxPower nice discription. But where is the howto/documentation of users.conf?
12:02.57plundraI've done a queue reload all, as well as reloading the dialplan, but doens't seem to set any variable anyway.
12:03.54ManxPowerbminish, then remove it
12:04.17ManxPowerGido-E, I don't know since I don't use it.
12:05.21bminishManxPower: did that, it's not the func_rand module it's whatever comes after it ..
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12:06.18ManxPowerbminish, then remove everything from /usr/lib/asterisk/modules and reinstall Asterisk
12:06.29bminishgot as far as this time around, I kinda need that module..
12:07.42bminishManxPower: good call
12:08.28*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (~cesar@
12:09.11bminishahh, it's G279 from 1.6.1.x that's upsetting things
12:11.07daMulldamned snom phones .. zoiper registers perfect .. so it cannot be the router
12:11.18ManxPowerof course it can be the router1
12:11.40ManxPowerdid you do something stupid like enable NAT support on the SNOM?
12:12.01ManxPowerRemember phone nat + asterisk nat = not working NAT
12:12.05daMullManxPower: I have them on factory defaults
12:12.25ManxPowerdaMull, is the factory default to enable NAT or disable NAT support?
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12:16.29daMullManxPower:the only settings I find in the nat category are a possible stun server
12:17.43daMullManxPower: Besies I see incoming udp packets from the asterisk server in the phone sip trace, so connection probably works
12:17.57ManxPowerI assume you actually mean "<daMull> ManxPower:the only settings I find in the nat category are a possible stun server and those settings are disabled"
12:18.28daMullManxPower: Yes ;-) sorry for typos and crappy english
12:18.33ManxPowercarrar, I'm sometimes amazed at how difficult it is to get people to answer a simple question.
12:19.25daMullI am astonished how difficult it is facing hundreds of weird names options, to answer a simple question.
12:19.50ManxPowerdaMull, And yet you even told me the option you were looking at and STILL didn't say if it was disabled or enabled.
12:20.29ManxPowerdaMull, I wish you the BEST of luck.
12:21.41bminishManxPower: thanks for the help, sorted now
12:22.01carrarInternet Licenses, great idea!
12:23.44daMullManxPower: I honestly don't know if the stun server settings, are the only nat related settings in those damned phones
12:24.47bminishone last question, upon a restart my hints for the parked calls slots always come up as 'in use' when the are really idle, parking and then unparking a call in eahc slot cures this but is this a bug ?
12:26.48devmodif i want to externally execute cmds on asterisk, how would I go about it? (ie an app that will add an agent to a queue)
12:27.18ManxPowera command is not an app
12:27.48ManxPowerasterisk -rx "any CLI command"
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12:34.07devmodManxPower, I see. So, how could a remote server execute cmds on my asterisk server?
12:34.41ManxPowerdevdvd, you would have to ssh into the server and execute the CLI commands
12:35.07ManxPowerIt's good that you are not trying to execute applications, because those can only be done as part of a manager connection or dialplan call.
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12:35.51devmodManxPower, I meant programmatically
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12:38.39Dovidhi. is it possible to bindport to two ports ?
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12:49.52[TK]D-FenderDovid: no
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12:53.21DovidTK: can i set bindport for a peer ? (i doubt it)
12:53.28Dovidif not I will just set up OpenSIps
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13:12.19guyvdb_What is the equiv of Hook-On/Hook-Off time in asterisk?
13:13.36Baylink-stillafkMorning, Katty.  You find a place to do your shades?
13:13.41Baylink-stillafkguyvdb_: Expand?
13:15.12KattyBaylink-stillafk: no i just sat around on my tail all weekend.
13:15.47guyvdb_Baylinl-stillafk : In an analog system hook-on is the minimum time a system recognize as an SLT hang up
13:15.56Baylink-workI changed out battery strings in 3 3kVA UPSs.  Damn, lead's heavy.
13:16.20Kattyi was supposed to learn how to play magictg this weekend.
13:16.29Kattywe were gonna go to one of the quieter bars and play there, but..
13:16.41Baylink-workI hadn't heard the phrase before, guyvdb_.  Since SIP is an authoritative control channel, I don't understand that it matters.  You send  the SIP equivalent of "DISCONNECT" and the call's gone.
13:16.42Kattywe got to drinking and giggling and it never happened
13:16.56Baylink-workSome of the best times you'll never remember, yes...
13:17.05Kattyand then came the ill
13:17.16guyvdb_Ok thx
13:17.32devmodWhat would I used if i wanted to have a web app make use of AMI? is there a lib out there for any web tech i could use?
13:18.32Baylink-workYou're looking for "language bindings" to AMI for web CGIish languages, like PHP, devmod?
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13:19.28devmodBaylink-work, right that is what i meant
13:19.44Baylink-workHow hard are you planning to hammer your Asterisk instance, and which version is it?
13:20.24ManxPowerKatty, I guess Ferrets are not so bad after all:
13:20.43devmod1.6.2.6 and I am right now developing just a proof of concept. But eventually might not be so hammered but definitely several concurrent request might occur
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13:21.28devmodBaylink-work, and I am right now developing just a proof of concept. But eventually might not be so hammered but definitely several concurrent request might occur
13:21.32Baylink-workOk.  I ask this, because the guy who wrote Vicidial used to have my job, and he tells me that older Asterisks got unhappy if you did too many connection-setups to AMI per minute.  Lock-up unhappy.  Sounds like you'll be ok.
13:21.35|amadeus|guten morgen
13:21.49MiserySofthi all , anyone have an experience (good or bad) with TDM400 clones from ebay ? My authentic digium board has died. Looking for a cheap replacement.
13:21.59devmodBaylink-work, right now all i was trying to accomplish really was a web interface for the agents to log into
13:23.49devmodagents as in queues
13:24.32Baylink-workHave you *looked* at Vicidial?
13:25.17*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
13:25.49Baylink-workIf you're doing nearly anything that involves Agents and Queues, it might be a better solution to your problem (#include <stddisclaimer.h>)
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13:29.46Andrew_M_Hi Baylink-work: What can Vicidial do that Asterisk cannot?
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13:30.27hurdmanis there a nice way to convert an existing diaplan to a schemas ?
13:30.51Baylink-workWell, vicidial can't do *anything* without Asterisk, of course, but other than that, it does substantially everything you can get out of any commercial callcenter management package, including full web management and reporting, and a web interface for agents.
13:32.32[TK]D-Fender[09:21]<Baylink-work>Ok. I ask this, because the guy who wrote Vicidial used to have my job, and he tells me that older Asterisks got unhappy if you did too many connection-setups to AMI per minute. Lock-up unhappy. Sounds like you'll be ok. <-astmanproxy
13:33.22Andrew_M_Baylink-work: Oh, OK, Is it like Qmetrics?
13:33.41Baylink-workI'm not familiar with that, but probably...
13:34.19Baylink-workIn fact, I think that merely instruments the built in queue facilities on Asterisk.
13:34.24Baylink-workVD replaces them completely.
13:36.15Baylink-workVD is also GPL.
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13:37.04Andrew_M_Baylink-work: Thanks!
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13:45.14maruzoriginate use dtmf to call out?
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13:47.10devdvdhey, does asterisk have the ability to dial all agents in a queue n times then drop out to the next priority (ex. Dial 1>2>3>4>1>2>3>4>drop out of queue into next priority) or is it all based on timeouts
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13:57.52pabelangerAnybody have any documentation on the distance limitations for T1/E1?
13:59.34pabelangerI believe it is 655ft
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14:00.10devdvdpabelanger: you talkin from dmarc to device or outside of dmarc?
14:00.37devdvdputnopvut: master of queues eh?
14:00.54putnopvutheh, yeah leifmadsen came up with that one :)
14:01.04leifmadsenbecause he is
14:01.10pabelangerdevdvd: Total cable length between any T1 device.
14:01.12leifmadsenlet it be said; let it be known!
14:01.18devdvdwell maybe you can answer me a question or 2 :)
14:01.26devdvddoes asterisk have the ability to dial all agents in a queue n times then drop out to the next priority (ex. Dial 1>2>3>4>1>2>3>4>drop out of queue into next priority) or is it all based on timeouts
14:01.34leifmadsenI can only please one person per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look good either.
14:01.52devdvdwho do i have to kill for it to be my day?
14:02.04putnopvutdevdvd: no there's no configurable number of cycles. The best you can do is base it on timing.
14:02.08leifmadsendevdvd: ummm... yes you can do that. It has to do with number of retries
14:02.12putnopvutleifmadsen ?
14:02.18leifmadsenputnopvut: I could have sworn you could do that...
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14:02.29leifmadsenbut I'm no master of queues!
14:02.33putnopvutThe only thing I'm familiar with is the n option, which will go through one cycle of members.
14:02.36putnopvutAnd then drop
14:02.46leifmadsenI'm thinking in queues.conf there is a retries option... hmmm
14:02.58putnopvutthere's a retry option, which will tell how long to wait before retrying.
14:02.59devdvdthere is
14:03.09devdvdthe retry options tells it howlong to wait before retrying again
14:03.19devdvdyea what put said :)
14:03.30leifmadsenputnopvut: ah yes, you are correct -- I just looked at the docs
14:03.37leifmadsenappears as if queues is all based on timing -- not cycles
14:03.43devdvdthats fine :)
14:03.47devdvdi can suffer with that
14:04.33[TK]D-Fenderdevdvd: just Dial() the bunch of them.
14:05.37devdvdyea but that would negate the queue wouldnt it?
14:09.58[TK]D-Fenderdevdvd: yeah i would kill ordering... depend if you have the volume to deal with
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14:16.33roewhat is the preferred method of ensuring that multiple digium cards come up in the same order at boot?
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14:19.58Polysicshow do i ask * for its exact version on the command line?
14:20.28Mark22core show version
14:20.33Mark22if I remember correctly
14:20.37ManxPowerasterisk -rx "core show version"
14:21.26Polysicsanyone ever had problems with 1.6.11, AGI and hangups?
14:21.59Polysicsapparently, when the calleR hangs up a call, then you request DIALSTATUS via AGI, you get HANGUP200 result=1 (CANCEL), which is one HANGUP too much :-)
14:22.22Polysicsi'd blame some buffer not being flushed, if i had the slightest idea :-)
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14:33.09devyllis there any knows issues with Fax machines via Asterisk ?
14:33.24ManxPowerdevyll, yes.
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14:35.35devyllIs it possible to create an error free env with asterisk and fax machines ? (tunning asterisk in a specific way / buying a specific type of fax machine with some .. special types of modems or features)
14:37.14ManxPowerdevdvd, stick to PSTN, no VoIP and chances are it will work fine.
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14:46.34devyllManxPower, same for app_rx and app_tx ?
14:46.49devyllfax2email I mean
14:46.59devyllincoming and outgoing
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14:51.36mnick86hi, how can I log all the manger-events sent by asterisk ?
14:51.56russellbmnick86: hi :-)
14:52.18russellblog on the asterisk console?
14:52.21mnick86ahoi russell :)
14:52.29mnick86I want it in a file
14:52.43mnick86I am currently on telnet, but that's not nice :)
14:52.43Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
14:52.46russellbthere is nothing built in for asterisk for it
14:53.10mnick86okay I see ... I will use telnet and some pipes
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14:58.49ManxPowerdevdvd, you changed your question
14:59.27Bartockbatzokay - dumb-ass newb question
15:00.23BartockbatzI have a SIP trunk - when I call the number, I would want it to ring extension xxxx for 30 seconds and if no answer go to voicemail
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15:01.12[TK]D-FenderBartockbatz: then Dial() that device.  Then call Voicemail.
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15:02.45Bartockbatzregister =>
15:02.52Bartockbatzgoes to vm
15:03.08[TK]D-FenderBartockbatz: That has nothing to do with your DIALPLAN
15:03.40[TK]D-FenderBartockbatz: That tells them to send calls to your server targeting exten "6000" in whatever context is used by whatever peer gets matched and authed for the call
15:03.58[TK]D-FenderBartockbatz: it does not imply any action * will take when a call is received
15:04.17ManxPowerWhat would cause this: wctdm24xxp 0000:02:08.0: VPM: Support Disabled
15:04.23BartockbatzI am a little clueless - so excuse my dumb questions
15:04.50Bartockbatzso - to register I should use in the sip.conf the following:
15:05.06[TK]D-FenderBartockbatz: You did just show us you're registr line.
15:05.15[TK]D-FenderBartockbatz: But again that jsut tells them where to send calls to <-
15:05.24[TK]D-FenderBartockbatz: What you DO with calls is based on yoru dialplan.
15:05.57Bartockbatzokay - so register line is fine - but should not send directly to extension 6000
15:06.17[TK]D-FenderBartockbatz: You made the classic mistake of thinking a SIP DEVICE is an EXTENSION
15:06.21[TK]D-FenderBartockbatz: it is not.
15:06.27Bartockbatzoh - okay
15:06.35ManxPowerBartockbatz, you really should read the Asterisk book
15:06.37Baylink-workManxPower: VPM is apparently related to echocan, according to google.
15:06.47ManxPowerBaylink-work, correct.  now why is it disabled?
15:06.49[TK]D-FenderBartockbatz: And "extension" is a number that can be dialed in yoru dialplan.  What action is taken when it is dialed need not have anything to do with any kind of phone at all
15:07.05Baylink-workHellifino.  :-)
15:07.10[TK]D-FenderManxPower: is it present ont he card?
15:07.14Bartockbatzokay - I will crack the books - I guess I am just a little impatient
15:07.27ManxPower[TK]D-Fender, it is supposed to be, but I can't fly to NYC right this moment to check for sure.
15:07.32Baylink-workThere is a traditional litany of "why isn't my HW echocan working" things to check, is there not?
15:07.40[TK]D-FenderBartockbatz: Do you also have a peer set up to auth the calls they should send you?
15:07.45ManxPowerBaylink-work, if there is I've not been able to find it
15:07.50[TK]D-FenderManxPower: Call someone local :)
15:08.07Baylink-workI infer this is a fresh deployment, ManxPower
15:08.39[TK]D-FenderI infer SFA
15:09.14Bartockbatz[TK]D-Fender : like you said - I need to read the Asterisk book - very clueless
15:09.29ManxPowerBaylink-work, no, it is fresh look at the problem.
15:09.33[TK]D-FenderBartockbatz: Slow and steady.  Little steps will get you functional in short order.
15:09.37ManxPowerWe've had EC problems for a LONG time.
15:09.47[TK]D-FenderBartockbatz: If your peer is already set up, its a matter of 3 lines of dialplan <-
15:09.54Bartockbatz[TK]D-Fender : Good advice - thank you
15:10.01Baylink-workBartockbatz: I have a little time for remedial Asterisk, if you'd like to go off-channel
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15:15.09pabelangerheh, all theses Asterisk webinars and can't view them because they don't offer a Linux client.
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15:20.14Naikrovekpabelanger: run windows in a virtual machine or switch to a more supported desktop OS
15:20.25Naikroveki would go the virtual machine route, personally
15:20.38Naikrovekthere are a lot of problems that virtual machines solve
15:20.59pabelangerNaikrovek: lol. not an option
15:21.17Baylink-workManxPower: Isn't there some driver debugging you can turn on for boot time that will tell you *why* it doesn't like the EC?
15:21.26Naikrovekhow is a virtual machine not an option?  download vmware player (free) and download windows 7 enterprise trial (free)
15:21.26Baylink-workCan you go to SWEC temp?  Or too much load?
15:21.43gelopabelanger: ask for your girlfriend's laptop with vista
15:21.49gelothat's what i do :P
15:22.52pabelangerNaikrovek: I understand the concept of running is a virtual machine.  However, it is not an options for me.
15:23.07pabelangergelo: gf running Ubuntu on her eeepc
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15:24.27pabelangerI just find it a little humorous the concert of the webinar is to promote Asterisk (open source) and the client of the webinar is Windows only.
15:24.49[TK]D-Fenderpabelanger: Who's webinar is it?
15:27.19pabelanger[TK]D-Fender: this one is from Xorcom (
15:27.59leifmadsenGotoMeeting right?
15:28.12leifmadsenthey should be using (which is not windows only)
15:28.13pabelangerleifmadsen: yar!
15:28.20leifmadsenhates gotomeeting for that very reason
15:28.39russellbdigium has started doing asterisk intro webinars
15:28.40leifmadsenoh, and the fact that everytime I leave a meeting they spam me by opening a new browser window with a link to buy gotomeeting
15:28.42russellbi wonder what they use
15:28.47leifmadsenprobably gotomeeting ;)
15:28.54pabelangerrussellb: gotomeeting :)
15:28.56leifmadsenwould NOT be shocked
15:29.13Qwellwe do, and I've heard complaints about it.  which I've passed on
15:29.51russellboh well, at least there is a webinar at all
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15:31.42moos3can any one help me with hylafax?
15:31.53ManxPowerBaylink-work, I don't know.  Do you have a link?
15:32.00ManxPowerWhat would cause this: wctdm24xxp 0000:02:08.0: VPM: Support Disabled
15:32.25Baylink-workManxPower: Digium or Sangoma?
15:32.36ManxPowerBaylink-work, Digium
15:32.53Baylink-workIt's in the zaptel.conf, I think; lemme look
15:33.11ManxPowerBaylink-work, echocancel=yes is set
15:33.36ManxPowerBaylink-work, and I'm using DAHDI, not zaptel
15:34.00Baylink-workYou may have to generalize then; I have no Dahdi here.  Wait one.
15:34.13ManxPowerI wish dahdi_cfg didn't lie about the EC being used.
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15:34.49ManxPowerBaylink-work, I am familiar with Asterisk and DAHDI.  I am not familiar with the details of debugging VPM issues.  That is why I am here.
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15:39.46Baylink-workManxPower: mattf tells me that VPM is a compile time option for DAHDI/Digi, he thinks in wct4xxp.c
15:39.56Baylink-workHave you been down that road?
15:40.03Baylink-workOr did it used to work ok?
15:40.09Baylink-work(ie: not disables)
15:40.12ManxPowerI cannot say if it ever worked.
15:40.25Baylink-workOk.  Hopefully that's a pointer then.
15:40.40ManxPowerNo, it is not disabled in wctdm24xxp.h as far as I can tel.
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15:41.35Baylink-workThat's the equivalent file for your model of card, then?
15:41.39ManxPowerWe ended up using HPEC just to keep the users from screaming
15:41.45ManxPowerBaylink-work, correct.
15:42.07Baylink-workHmmm.  Google tells me there's a debug=1 option for the module, but what it'll log, I couldn't tell you.
15:42.14ManxPowerI'll rebuild DAHDI from the official tarball this evening to confirm.
15:42.53ManxPowerBaylink-work, it is OK to say you have no idea how to fix the issue.
15:43.05Baylink-workI know that.
15:43.56Baylink-workDon't know you well enough to predict what you've already tried.
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15:57.29leifmadsenhas anyone tried loading SFA with asterisk trunk?
15:57.46leifmadsenI tried a while ago and it failed, but I think that was a problem in 1.6.2 that got fixed as well and I haven't had a chance to try again recently
15:58.05leifmadsenreally wants the calendar integration stuff, but not lose the the SFA and G.729 modules ;)
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16:09.43raden_workwhy does exten => s,n,Dial(SIP/101,20)  not follow what i have forwarded in the database
16:09.52raden_workjust rings that extensions
16:12.14paulcraden_work: What do you expect it to do? That's a standard "Dial" command right there..
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16:15.26leifmadsenDial() is doing it exactly what you're telling it to do...
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16:16.01ManxPowerraden_work, AGAIN, that is a FreePBX thing
16:17.03raden_workok yes im a mornon it has to check the database
16:17.08raden_workthanks :)
16:17.35leifmadsenasterisk does what you tell it to do
16:23.05DefrazJust trying to create a bash script to dial out and play message when a server is down. I have my bash script doing the check and even emailing the message but I wanted my asterisk server to call out. I have the sip trunks setup and I have a registered phone calling out and it works.
16:23.18DefrazNo just need to write an agi script I think to do the calling out.
16:23.21Defrazand say the message
16:23.45DefrazI can send commands at the CLI to do the call out and such just don't know how to tell it to do it from the bash script.
16:23.50Defrazis there a tutorial for that?
16:26.55leifmadsenDefraz: trigger a call using a callfile
16:27.15DefrazJust like have it dial then wait for an answer then play the text file that would be created.
16:27.21leifmadsenDefraz: search google for callfile, then use bash to write the file and move it to /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/
16:27.36Defrazokay thanks
16:28.57Defraznice that might be what I want.
16:29.19[TK]D-FenderDefraz: asterisk -rx "originate ..........."
16:30.38leifmadsenassuming the originate CLI command is present in his version of Asterisk
16:30.52leifmadsenI also don't like the idea of using the CLI to process commands from a script
16:30.58leifmadsenbut that's just me
16:32.01[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: In many cases no.. but for a single call like this with no need of a reult code, etc... more than fine, and saves a lot of other code
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16:32.18[TK]D-FenderdefYou could also netcat an AMI call for this :)
16:32.23leifmadsenhmmm.... I guess I would use the [applicationmap] in features.conf to add a call recording DTMF trigger for when I'm in a conference room?
16:32.44leifmadsenthe 'r' option to MeetMe() implies I'm recording all conferences
16:33.00[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: well.. that conference anyway
16:33.13leifmadsenI mean all conference calls
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16:58.50DefrazWEll that worked quite well thanks.
17:00.13Brian_HI have polycom 330 phones with the latest firmware/boot rom, when I reload my asterisk config the phones reboot, I'm not sure why.  Does anyone know of a way to prevent that from happening?
17:00.34Naikrovekthey all reboot at once?
17:00.49Naikrovekdid you use some BS helper app to configure your phones
17:00.52Brian_Has soon as I type "reload" in the asterisk console
17:01.09Brian_Hno just the example configs I'm serving them up via ftp
17:01.39Naikrovekthe phones actually reboot?
17:01.42Brian_HI've got logging enabled, but I can't make heads or tails of it
17:01.46ManxPowerBrian_H, are you using a GUI like FreePBX or Trixbox?
17:01.52Brian_Hyea they say "rebooting now"
17:02.05ManxPowerBrian_H, no they do not.
17:02.05Brian_Hno gui, just asterisk configs
17:02.08Naikrovekfreepbx and trixbox don't do this
17:02.40Naikrovekthere's something set up to tell the phones to check for new configs, and if they're new, to reload
17:02.48Naikroveki experimented with this for a few hours
17:02.53Naikrovekbut it was annoying
17:02.53Brian_HI was saying, no I was not using a gui
17:02.54ManxPowerthey might say something else, but they don't say "rebooting now".
17:03.13ManxPoweryour incorrect report makes us suspect everything you tell us.
17:03.41ManxPowerIn 10 years of using Asterisk and Polycom phones I've never heard of what you are reporting
17:03.58Naikrovekthe phones can check for new config whenever they get a SIP OPTIONS packet i think, and reload if they see the new config files
17:04.01[TK]D-FenderBrian_H: How did you configure them?
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17:04.31ManxPowerBTW, the message is "Restarting Phone"
17:04.35Brian_Hvia config files, on the ftp server, I can post the configs if you wish
17:04.55[TK]D-FenderBrian_H: PB the logs
17:05.58lordvadrI'm experiencing trouble with Playtones in  Only plays about 500ms of the tone and then goes silent.  I've tried Answer and Progress (and both) prior to with no change.  Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong?
17:06.45[TK]D-Fenderlordvadr: do a Playbac of 2s of silence before playtones
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17:18.45iscariohi, i would need some help to use the encryption with IAX2. here is my probleme ; . I can register as usual with my client, but i cannot make a call. is there is something special i have to configure with my client ?
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17:20.10ManxPowerOn this date in 1977 the first telephone was installed in the White House
17:20.23ManxPowerbetter 1877
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17:22.19[TK]D-Fenderiscario: chan_iax.conf:7540 authenticate_verify ; call terminated, incomming call is unencrypted while forceencrypted  is enabled.   <- your CLIENT isn't encrypting the call
17:23.36iscarioso that's mean that is doesn't support the encryption feature, right ? [TK]D-Fender
17:23.58iscarioor is it a bad client configuration ?
17:24.03ManxPoweriscario, either
17:24.05ManxPowercheck your client
17:24.09[TK]D-Fenderiscario: or
17:26.00iscariommmh ok
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17:29.24imox1234hello, can somebody give me a good instruction to install CDR mysql ?
17:29.55Qwellimox1234: yum install asterisk-addons
17:29.59[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: its in the addons docs
17:30.11iscariomy client is idefisk ( how could i know if it provides this IAX2 encryption ?
17:30.17imox1234i have installed the asterisk addons
17:30.29imox1234and edit the cdr_mysql.conf
17:30.32idespinnerwarning: chan_dahdi.c pri_dchannel: PRI error on span 0: we think we're the CPE, but they think they're the CPE too.
17:30.38idespinner^ does span 0 really mean span 1??
17:30.42*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
17:31.27imox1234[TK]D-Fender: there are the docs ?
17:31.29[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: Sample table layouts and DB create scripts are included.
17:31.46[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: Go actually look at the contents of your tarball
17:31.51ManxPoweridespinner, you have a loopback on the line
17:32.10[TK]D-Fenderiscario: Go read its manual
17:32.13idespinnerManxPower, yes
17:32.33[TK]D-Fenderiscario: Idefisk is OLD.  Good odds that encryption didn't even exist back then.
17:32.37infobot[~zoiper] Zoiper (Formerly known as Idefisk) is a free SIP and IAX soft-phone for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux that can be found at
17:32.38imox1234[TK]D-Fender: sorry i see only readme .....
17:32.41idespinneralthough im curious about the SPAN numbering
17:32.49ManxPoweridespinner, it was not a question, it was a statement.  You have a loop on the line so you will get that error
17:32.53[TK]D-Fenderiscario: Also no guarantee that its newer version does.  You'll have to actually go check for yourself
17:33.01[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: Look harder
17:33.15imox1234[TK]D-Fender: how called the files ?
17:33.30ManxPowerimox1234, We are not the IDEFisk support channel
17:33.40imox1234bl abla
17:33.47*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:34.13[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: How about that blatantly obvious "doc" folder?
17:34.17idespinnerManxPower, TY, but I know SPAN 0 does not have a loopback. I'm just trying to see if someone knows if SPAN 0 is the same as span 1 in chan_dahdi.conf
17:34.34*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
17:34.41idespinner8 ports of PRI in this box...
17:34.43ManxPoweridespinner, I guess I could go experiment for you.
17:34.54ManxPowerI imagine it means span 1
17:35.00idespinnerI aswell....
17:35.14imox1234[TK]D-Fender: ok i found this thanks :D
17:35.26idespinnerManxPower, just unplugged loopbacks on ports 7 and 8... messages seemed to have went away...
17:36.02iscariothx [TK]D-Fender
17:36.11imox1234[TK]D-Fender:which module i have to include ?
17:36.26Brian_H[TK]D-Fender, app log  boot log  this is right after typing reload in the asterisk console
17:39.01*** join/#asterisk Arsenick (~y@
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17:46.07imox1234i need the or ?
17:46.12imox1234i dont have this odule
17:46.21imox1234but i have installed the asterisk addons
17:46.24*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (~manxpower@
17:48.52saisomaimox1234, did you do a make menuselect when you were installing the asterisk addons to ensure that the cdr mysql piece was going to install?
17:49.50imox1234yes i make menuselect. but by the cdr_addon are XXX and i cant change this
17:50.02*** join/#asterisk eliel (~eliels@
17:50.13[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: Because you are missing PRE-REQUISITES
17:50.15saisomaimox1234, what OS are you on?  you will need the mysql and mysql-devel packages
17:50.20[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: which are clearly listed below
17:50.33imox1234i have centos 5.4
17:50.42imox1234and i have mysql and mysql-devel
17:50.42leifmadsenimox1234: you also need to re-run    ./configure   after you install deps
17:51.01imox1234yes I did
17:51.06saisomaleifmadsen, is def correct imox1234
17:51.08leifmadsenthen you're missing a dep still
17:51.57imox1234and what is  PRE-REQUISITES ?
17:52.22[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: "stuff you need to compile it"
17:52.29imox1234ahh ok i have this
17:52.37imox1234i have complied asterisk
17:52.38[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: Can't bake a cake without the ingredients
17:52.47*** part/#asterisk mboeru (
17:52.52[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: Well you need OTHER shit to compile addons with MySQL support
17:53.30imox1234[TK]D-Fender:  WHICH ????
17:53.45leifmadsenlook in config.log
17:57.14imox1234hmm now i have installed this all, mysql-devel was not installed. but the module will not load too
17:58.47saisomaimox1234, haveyou re-ran configure since mysql-devel installed?
17:59.15imox1234an restart asterisk :D
17:59.24saisomaso you then ran make menuselect for asterisk-addons and cdr mysql was there?
17:59.35imox1234now a *
17:59.39imox1234and i have installed all
18:00.23saisomaimox1234, is this: load =>
18:00.26saisomain your modules.conf?
18:01.32saisomaimox1234, if you run this from the command line
18:01.32saisomarasterisk -x "module show"|grep mysql
18:01.41saisomadoes it show             MySQL CDR Backend                        0         Simple Mysql Interface                   0            MySQL RealTime Configuration Driver      0
18:02.18saisomaok, so the module is loaded
18:02.22saisomawhy do you think it isn't?
18:02.46imox1234cdr show status
18:02.57imox1234are only csv and cdr-costum
18:03.01imox1234or its right ?
18:03.37saisomano, i show mysql under registered backends
18:03.41saisomaon my system
18:04.01saisomahave you setup cdr_mysql.conf, created the database and such?
18:04.09saisomasetup permissions for the mysql user?
18:04.44imox1234how can i check if asterisk can connect to my database ?
18:05.05saisomais it on the same server or another server?
18:05.05leifmadsenlook at your database connection log?
18:05.13saisomaor test it from the cli.
18:05.23imox1234how ?
18:05.50saisomamysql -u<username> -h<hostname> -p   <databasename>
18:05.57saisomait will prompt for the password
18:06.01saisomaif you can get in
18:06.03saisomaand do a
18:06.05saisomashow tables;
18:06.16saisomathen you should be able to query via *
18:06.30saisomabut you'll need to double check your perms for write access, etc
18:06.59imox1234and now when i call asterisk will wirte it in the mysql table ?
18:07.28saisomaimox1234, i can't say that will fix everything, but it's a step in the right direction
18:07.39*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
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18:08.45imox1234how can i test from the asterisk CLI if the asterisk connect to mysql ?
18:08.49saisomaimox1234, did you test your mysql connection?
18:08.56saisomamysql -u<username> -h<hostname> -p   <databasename>
18:08.59imox1234my connecten work
18:09.10saisomathat's not from the cli, but it's from the server's cli
18:09.20imox1234its work
18:09.37imox1234and how can test if asterisk work ?
18:09.48saisomaimox1234, ok.  make a call through the system and see if it's recorded
18:09.55imox1234ok #
18:10.54*** join/#asterisk theshadow (
18:18.49*** join/#asterisk mkad (
18:19.15theshadowI'm trying to create a sip trunk between my asterisk box and Junction Networks I can't seem to get through the following is what my config and logs look like yes is shows registered. Any help would be greatly appreciated
18:19.18mkadWhen I want to shape outgoing traffic is it better to do it as egress on ISP interface or as ingress or local interfaces ?
18:19.26mkadI mean VoIP traffic
18:19.41mkadand which qdisc is best for SIP
18:23.11[TK]D-Fendertheshadow: Go PB a call with SIP DEBUG enabled
18:24.08*** join/#asterisk stix_ (
18:29.27*** join/#asterisk imox1234 (
18:30.01imox1234hello, i have set the cdr_mysql settings and restart my asterisk but now i can run asterisk ?
18:30.21devmodI think I saw someone saying there was a flickering issue with etherpad on firefox. has it been fixed?
18:30.31devmodwrong chan :P
18:30.41imox1234what can i do :-)
18:32.47[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: Go run asterisk
18:33.25imox1234dont work
18:35.25*** join/#asterisk binbash_ (
18:36.30[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: Neither does your description
18:37.09imox1234Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
18:38.17ariel_it appears to not be running.  Try asterisk -vvvgc
18:39.36imox1234[May  3 22:38:31] WARNING[29837]: config.c:1107 process_text_line: parse error: No category context for line 14 of /etc/asterisk/cdr_mysql.conf
18:40.57[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: Go fix your config
18:41.06imox1234but what is wrong :D
18:41.42[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: LINE 14
18:42.02[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: "No category context" <- go read the SAMPLE config and see what heading you're missing
18:43.54imox1234ok now work but i dont get CDR's in my mysql database
18:45.21imox1234Not currently connected to a MySQL server.
18:45.46imox1234but the cdname username password all right
18:46.01[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: Did you jsut place a call?
18:47.04imox1234mom i will check my settings :d
18:48.34imox1234hmm all right
18:48.37imox1234but dont connect
18:49.57[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: Go prove that you can conenct with the supplied user & pass
18:50.10imox1234i can connect
18:50.14imox1234with this user
18:50.14[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: and that the datase & tables are set up right
18:50.18[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: Show us
18:50.31imox1234how show you ;) ?
18:51.07[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: PASTEBIN
18:51.16infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
18:51.24imox1234yes i now
18:51.40imox1234but what ?
18:51.56*** join/#asterisk rare1980_ (~rare1980@
18:52.50imox1234[TK]D-Fender: what should i past ?
18:52.51[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: Show us your configs and connections attempt, and what * CLI shows on load, etc
18:57.56*** join/#asterisk megalomano (~klonstein@
18:58.16megalomanohya people
18:59.34vader--are you any of you guys consulants who do asterisk installs?
18:59.57imox1234member:%5BTK%5DD-Fender: whats wrong :-) ?
19:01.20*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
19:01.46[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: Where is the proof of you connecting with that user?  showing us the tables?  Where is the ERROR you said you were getting?
19:01.54[TK]D-Fendervader--: Plenty of us
19:03.06megalomanoi have some doubts about the caller id , i wish to customize this variable , i.e , if the caller # is 65464 ,the softphone  shows "lolo"
19:03.15imox1234member:%5BTK%5DD-Fender: can you say me what i have to write in the terminal. i only connect with mysqladministrator and this work. but there dont have any output log
19:03.50[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: mysql <- at CLI
19:04.00imox1234what ?
19:04.06[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: mysql <- at CLI
19:04.08imox1234mysql and what ?
19:04.22[TK]D-Fenderand connect with your user & pass
19:07.03imox1234and how ?
19:07.11imox1234mysql -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD ?
19:07.30imox1234sorry i always use phpmyadmin
19:08.01[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: We aren't here to teach you MySQL
19:08.07[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: Try #mysql
19:08.22imox1234ok i login ? and what should you past ?
19:09.52*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
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19:10.23imox1234[TK]D-Fender:  hello ??
19:11.24[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: You never showed us the actual errors.  You don't seem to be capable of even Google-ing how to conenct to your own MySQL DB with the proper user to prove that its even in good shap to be used.  We can't help you until you do
19:12.59megalomanosome help
19:14.31[TK]D-Fendermegalomano: "core show function CALLERID"
19:14.37[TK]D-Fendermegalomano: "core show application set"
19:14.42[TK]D-Fendermegalomano: "core show application gotoif"
19:15.59*** join/#asterisk DennisG (DennisG@2002:541e:88d0:0:151f:c3f8:13cd:37eb)
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19:18.17megalomano­Adler says:
19:18.37megalomano[TK]D-Fender: thanks
19:19.08*** join/#asterisk kartik (~koolkarti@
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19:21.43[TK]D-Fendermegalomano: And please don't flood the channel
19:22.01imox1234[TK]D-Fender: whats you problem ? my user can connect to mysql and my database are right
19:22.05imox1234this is not the problem
19:22.30*** join/#asterisk ccesario_ (
19:22.31[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: You haven't even shown us the error, or proven that your database is there, that the tables are right or anything
19:23.03imox1234[TK]D-Fender: which error ? asterisk said only not connected to mysql database
19:23.12imox1234i dont know WHICH ERROR ?
19:23.16[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: Not in your pastebin it didn't
19:23.24imox1234what ?
19:24.51[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: module reload
19:25.34imox1234same too
19:26.27[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: PASTEBIN
19:27.30[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: do and uload then a reload of it
19:31.15[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: now go prove that the user can connect via the CLI app and that the DB is there and it has rights to it
19:33.37imox1234i use phpmyadmin
19:33.44imox1234and it works
19:33.49[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: SHOW US
19:34.00imox1234i can give you my login
19:34.04imox1234for my phpmyadmin
19:37.39*** join/#asterisk saisoma (
19:38.41imox1234[TK]D-Fender:  its ok ?  or you need more ?
19:38.56vader--i was just wondering what the average cost would be for a small 4 ip phone/ 2 FXO setup
19:39.42[TK]D-Fendervader--: price of PC + price of card + price of 4 phones.
19:39.58vader--they have the PC And the line card and the phones
19:40.03vader--im just wondering configuration cost
19:40.08imox1234[TK]D-Fender: ??
19:40.19vader--for someone to do it
19:40.20[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: That user has no priveleges <-
19:40.31[TK]D-Fenderimox1234: assigned priveleges = BLANK
19:40.53*** join/#asterisk baddragon (yiffstar66@unaffiliated/devemo)
19:41.01imox1234ohhh sorry wrong screenshot
19:41.42vader--wasn't sure how people priced it
19:42.04*** join/#asterisk mpd (~chatzilla@
19:48.12*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
19:53.16devmodany recommendations on best AMI bindings for php or ruby?
19:55.38paulcMake me an offer and I'll tell you if it's too low ;-)
19:57.06*** join/#asterisk acxty (~acxty@
19:57.47acxtyHi guys, I am register to the provider. But when I receive a call it says that my extension was not found
19:58.51paulcacxty: what context does the inbound call land in, and what extension is being presented?
20:00.20acxtycontext [110] and the extension configure is 110
20:00.53acxtyI made some test with xlite and it can receive the phone calls
20:03.40[TK]D-Fenderacxty: that is a SIP PEER, not an EXTENSION
20:05.21paulcacxty: your context should be something like [in-provider-A] and have an extension 110 in there
20:05.46paulcor by "extension" do you mean "DID" - the number that the provider is sending you (public phone number, long, not a short extension number?)
20:06.02*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
20:09.16[TK]D-Fenderpaulc: Its the error he gets when he forgets to actually creat his dialplan properly
20:13.13paulcYes.. I hear you..
20:13.22paulca low quality day at the day job, and out there in the real world too it seems
20:13.49paulcdreams of alternative options and fidgets a bit
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20:29.25drift-i've got issue with 2 phone lines disconnecting when they want to... 1 call comes in it connects then disconnects 2 nd call comes in say hello then disconnects 3rd time it stays connected
20:29.39drift-all on iax2 with
20:34.15drift-anyone heh
20:34.47*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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21:04.53voxterI nee to be able to send "Supported: 100rel" when i dial a nortel SBC from asterisk. Anyone know if theres an option to do this?
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21:06.03voxterthe header is already there, i need to amend it.
21:06.11*** part/#asterisk mnick86 (
21:06.32wdoekes2sipaddheader inserts the header. editing a header is not easily done, afaik
21:07.26*** join/#asterisk RockyMountains (
21:08.03wdoekes2amend #define SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS "replaces, timer" in the source? :)
21:08.46voxterWow. I hope thats not the actual fix! lol.
21:09.02voxterConsidering sip interop is such a bitch most of the time, you think that'd be configurable.
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21:09.59wdoekes2you could sipaddheader the complete thing and hope that the nortel reads the first
21:10.06*** part/#asterisk RockyMountains (
21:11.51voxterhmm. it seems that the Supported: is something established in peer dialog.
21:14.05wdoekes2the sip_options[] indicate that chan_sip does not support the 100rel PRACK stuff.. that may be a reason that it's not listed in the supported_extensions ;)
21:14.38voxterAre you seeing this in chan_sip.c or somewhere else?
21:14.44wdoekes2chan_sip.c indeed
21:15.29voxterok, so asterisk simply doesnt support PRACK (100rel) ok.
21:16.26wdoekes2correct.. so your initial "question" was bad
21:17.03wdoekes2you don't want to set a header, you want a feature
21:17.13voxterRight. The bitch of it is my ITSP (Nortel SBC) says i cant call certain numbers because we are not sending 100rel.  The question now will be, if i arbitrarily send 100rel, will that simply make their end work, or will it break things..
21:17.20voxterI'll have to investigate that
21:17.32russellbwe plain don't support it
21:17.53russellbput asterisk behind kamailio or something that does support it
21:17.57russellbthat's the best solution I think
21:18.10voxterrussellb: im curious, if i did send 100rel to them, if their switch will then respond in a way that asterisk wont be able to adhere to, or are they rejecting my call simply on the basis that 100rel is not in the header?
21:19.06russellbif they expect that to work, the call will fail anyway
21:19.13russellbit's not just a little diddy in a header
21:19.20russellbit means additional messaging in the call
21:19.30russellb100rel - reliable transmission of provisional responses
21:19.36voxterWhats messed up is that its only required for me to call "some" toll free numbers.
21:19.39voxtergo figure.
21:20.45wdoekes2mm.. could be they want ACK's on early media (like to tell you how expensive/free the call is, before starting the billing)
21:20.55dohddoes anyone know phones that have 't9 like dictionary lookups', like e.g. avaya has?
21:22.52dohdeeh, directory I mean of course
21:25.44*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~annon@
21:28.02[TK]D-Fenderdohd: The phone isn't the part that has the brain.
21:28.11[TK]D-Fenderdodthis is done PBX-side
21:29.40*** join/#asterisk aceio (~c2cbd7fe@gateway/web/freenode/x-arilrntcanxvfqbm)
21:30.00dohdbut most phones I see have horrible interfaces for them
21:30.12dohdlike the polycom I played with, you have to spell the name you are looking for
21:30.25dohdso c is (3x pressing the 2), etc
21:30.57dohdI can live with having to distribute directory information
21:31.08dohdor create a seperate app for it perhaps
21:32.34dohdI'm trying to pick telephones for an asterisk setup to replace the stuff they currently use
21:32.46dohdand they have phones with a seperate keyboardish thing
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21:33.10dohdvery old phones, but I'm afraid they'll complain if they don't get something good enough in return
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21:37.35[TK]D-Fenderdohd: t9 dial by name is boring dialplan stuf
21:38.09[TK]D-Fenderdohd: with polycom you aren't actually turning text into numbers, you are LITERALLY dialing alpha chars
21:38.33dohdwell, I wasn't thinking of vanity dialing
21:39.00dohdand I was talking of the dictionary lookup stuff
21:39.36dohddial by name wouldn't work if you had 10 jansen's (or smith or whatever)
21:41.12*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (~jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
21:41.36dohdon the avaya you'd go to the directory, press 526 and it would let you scroll through all the directory entries that matched [jkl][abc][mno]
21:41.42[TK]D-Fenderdohd: It would if it prompts you to clarify the ambiguity
21:42.15*** join/#asterisk davidstrauss (~davidstra@wikimedia/davidstrauss)
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21:46.11dohdhmm... I'll give it some more thought...
21:46.37dohdI've considered dial by name, but it didn't make me feel confident yet about being accepted as a solution
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22:00.41devdvdhey all, im setting up asterisk 1.4 using the agentcallbacklogin function.  What i want to do is have the agent be dynamic, so if they dial in from their non-sip phone and enter user,pass,ext (ex. 100,1234,100) then it will log that user in as agent 100 on extension 100 then extension 100 will point to wherever the agent is (sip phone or non-sip phone)
22:01.40[TK]D-Fenderdevok, it already does this
22:01.50devdvdis there a way to get the number the agent called in from (i know it is set in a variable) but from the looks of it the variable is created at runtime
22:02.09devdvdTK, i know it does part of it..i guess im missing something
22:02.32*** join/#asterisk MhaddogM1 (
22:02.34[TK]D-Fenderdevdvd: I dunno... maybe the CALLERID?!
22:02.37devdvdthe part that is confusing to me is the "new extension"
22:02.49devdvdno , thats not what i mean TK
22:03.18*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
22:04.21devdvdwhat im saying is when an agent calls in, i want them to enter their user, pass and extension, and i want them to be able to enter the same extension every time, and it will basically just find them (ie Dial(SIP/100) will change di Dial(SIP/trunk/1234567890)
22:05.26devdvdi dont even know if such a thing would be possible, just one of these "it would be nice to do" type of things
22:05.37[TK]D-FenderdevWell you tell Agentcallbacklogin where to call....
22:05.55devdvd== Setting global variable 'AGENTBYCALLERID_1234567890' to '869'
22:06.03*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
22:06.05devdvdis the runtime variable that gets set, but it looks like thats dynamic
22:06.21devdvdi got ya tk
22:06.25ruben23hi anyone have tried dialing autralian number..?
22:06.26devdvdand that being the case
22:06.29devdvdi cant do what i want
22:06.53devdvdbecause i could enter the callback number as 1234567890 but it still wouldnt know the trunk
22:06.54[TK]D-Fenderdevdvd: which is?
22:07.12devdvdwhen an agent calls in, i want them to enter their user, pass and extension, and i want them to be able to enter the same extension every time, and it will basically just find them (ie Dial(SIP/100) will change di Dial(SIP/trunk/1234567890)
22:07.17[TK]D-Fenderdevdvd: I don't think you get it....
22:07.27devdvdTK your probably right
22:07.49[TK]D-Fenderdevdvd: * dials a LOCAL CHANNEL in the context targeted and ANY dialplan you want can be there WAITING for it.
22:08.53devdvdhmm...i think youve given me an idea :) thanks :)
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22:40.24Brian_HI just installed a polycom 330 phone, I can get the phone to register with asterisk, however if I leave a voicemail for the extension it sends the phone into a reboot
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22:43.19davidstraussBrian_H: Check your sip.cfg. It's likely there's an invalid configuration for message waiting.
22:44.01davidstraussBrian_H: That will crash the phone when the SIP server instructs it to show the message waiting indicator LED/sound.
22:44.49Brian_Hok that makes me feel a little better :)
22:44.56Brian_HI'll try playing with that
22:45.01Brian_Hgoes to look at the admin guide
22:45.10davidstraussBrian_H: try a stock sip.cfg
22:45.27davidstraussBrian_H: or pastebin you sip.cfg (and other xml config) for me
22:45.33Brian_Hthis is the one that came with the latest firmware/boot rom :(
22:45.39Brian_HI'll paste them though :D
22:46.13davidstraussBrian_H: I have a whole office filled with 320 and 321 models. This exact thing happened to me when the MWI config was bad.
22:46.30Brian_Hok I really appreciate this
22:46.31Brian_Huploading now
22:47.02davidstraussBrian_H: Also, a diff versus the contents of the zip from Polycom would be helpful.
22:47.23davidstraussBrian_H: And the MAC addr of one of the phones haven a problem alongside its config
22:48.19Brian_Hpastebin is fighting me
22:48.26Brian_Hcan I email you the files maybe?
22:48.28davidstraussBrian_H: i use pastie
22:48.34*** part/#asterisk andreas-- (~andy@unaffiliated/slacky)
22:49.58Brian_Hthats mac.cfg
22:50.18davidstraussBrian_H: I'm suspicious of the avanphone201.cfg,
22:51.31Brian_Hwon't let me post the sip.cfg too big
22:52.01davidstraussBrian_H: post the diff versus the stock sip.cfg, if any
22:52.09davidstraussBrian_H: I really need to see kavanphone201.cfg
22:52.42Brian_H^ thats it
22:53.02davidstraussif that's kavanphone201.cfg, then what's the mac-specific phone config?
22:53.30Brian_Ha pointer to that file, I followed a howto on or something
22:53.49Brian_Hthats the mac.cfg
22:54.36Brian_Hgetting diff now
22:55.09davidstraussBrian_H: OK, then I also need to see server.cfg and phone1.cfg
22:55.41Brian_Hthose are the defaults as well, but I will post them
22:57.10davidstraussBrian_H: Is the diff vs. the stock sip.cfg empty?
22:59.22Brian_Hdavidstrauss, thats the diff
22:59.29Brian_HI changed the timezone offset
22:59.50davidstrauss<         <MESSAGE_WAITING"message waiting" se.pat.misc.1.inst.1.type="chord" se.pat.misc.1.inst.1.value="1" se.pat.misc.1.inst.2.type="chord" se.pat.misc.1.inst.2.value="2" se.pat.misc.1.inst.3.type="chord" se.pat.misc.1.inst.3.value="1" />
22:59.50davidstrauss>         <MESSAGE_WAITING"message waiting" />
22:59.53davidstraussyou can't do that
23:00.14davidstraussjust change "chord" to "silent" in each instance instead of ripping out the types and values
23:00.36Brian_Hoh, man that howto I followed apparently is not good :(
23:02.21davidstrauss<MESSAGE_WAITING"message waiting" se.pat.misc.1.inst.1.type="silent" se.pat.misc.1.inst.1.value="1" se.pat.misc.1.inst.2.type="silent" se.pat.misc.1.inst.2.value="2" se.pat.misc.1.inst.3.type="silent" se.pat.misc.1.inst.3.value="1"/>
23:02.27davidstraussthat is what we use to silence it
23:02.49Brian_Hok going to put the default back and change only the tzsetting and your setting
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23:03.32davidstraussBrian_H: you probably need that digitmap
23:03.56Brian_Hthanks for your help with this, I really appreciate it
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23:08.28Brian_Hdavidstrauss, is there a way to clean up these .cfg files, short of manually, so they look a little nicer? it drives me nuts that they are like that
23:08.44Brian_Hrebooting the phone now with the new sip.cfg in place
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23:09.06davidstraussBrian_H: Typically, you should be putting the overrides into a separate file.
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23:09.20davidstraussBrian_H: I forget whether you need to load the overrides before or after sip.cfg.
23:09.40Brian_Hfrom the howto, before, but that howto apparently was crap :p
23:09.55davidstraussBrian_H: also, you're using a funny file scheme. that's why i was confused about the mac.cfg.
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23:10.24Brian_Hif you don't mind, what config are you using
23:10.32Brian_Hagain the howto suggested that
23:11.36davidstraussBrian_H: You should generally have one 0000...snip...00.cfg file that specifies the file paths and basic config. Phones will load a file with their MACADDR-phone.cfg on their own.
23:12.10davidstraussBrian_H: Phones read both 000000000000.cfg and MACADDR-phone.cfg to determine their config.
23:12.21sawgoodIs it 'do-albe' with Asterisk 1.6.2.x to have Asterisk make bulk outbound calls (and when the phone is answered by the end user) to have a generic greeting played ....
23:12.41sawgoodWhat is the term for this activity called?
23:12.48davidstrausssawgood: yes
23:12.54davidstrausssawgood: and the term for that is "annoying"
23:13.02sawgoodI agree ...
23:13.12sawgoodI have a client wanting me to do this for them over a SIP trunk
23:13.17Brian_Hdavidstrauss, :D phone DID NOT reboot
23:13.18sawgooda call campaign is what I call it
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23:14.02sawgoodSo, I could do some reading about it online, what keywords should I use?
23:14.57Brian_Hdavidstrauss, so is it recommended to just put all these customizations in the 00mac00.cfg file?
23:15.08sawgoodI guess basically it is a pre-quailifed leads out to phone numbers which have shown an interest in the product (to remind them they can have help if they call back)
23:15.16davidstraussBrian_H: If the customizations are for your complete system, no
23:16.02davidstraussBrian_H: You should have something like myoffice.cfg listed in 000000000000.cfg
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23:16.25davidstraussBrian_H: only per-phone customization should go in MAC-phone.cfg
23:16.37davidstrauss(btw, MAC is always the mac addr of the specific phone)
23:17.41davidstrausssawgood: You're looking for the Originate command from the manager interface, btw
23:18.06devmodLets say I have a video call between two endpoints going on, can I originate a voice call and make the audio part of the existing call? kinda like a conference on the fly?
23:18.48davidstraussdevmod: merge separate audio and video calls?
23:20.29devmoddavid, the existing videocall stays as it is, but the audio get merged into a "conf call"
23:21.09davidstraussdevmod: so there's an existing conf call?
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23:21.57Brian_Hdavidstrauss, before with my crazy sip.cfg file, (don't know if that was the cause) if I typed "reload" in my asterisk console it would reboot the phone, would those settings potentially be the cause?
23:22.06devmoddavidstrauss, hopefully not. basically an agent receives a video call, and then the agent calls a third party through a voice call only. I want to bridge the audio streams like in a conference
23:22.10Brian_Hdoesn't appear to be doing it now
23:22.25davidstraussBrian_H: reload causes asterisk to send fresh message waiting notifications
23:22.39Brian_Hahh that would do er then
23:22.41devmoddavidstrauss, I see how i could create a conference call for every one of these instances but that doesnt sound right for some reason...
23:22.41Brian_Hman you're pro
23:23.16davidstraussdevmod: your problem is still a little vague to me
23:23.36Brian_Hdavidstrauss, are you located near portland?
23:24.08davidstraussBrian_H: I live in Austin, TX. I will probably head to portland for CLS and maybe OSBridge
23:24.21Brian_Hyou should look me up :) I'll buy you a beer
23:24.24devmoddavidstrauss, let me give you a little more context. A customer calls into a call center and connects to an agent using audio and video. Then I need to somehow bring a third party into this existing call , this third party would participate using audio only
23:24.50davidstraussdevmod: just have the end user initiate and bridge the call using his handset
23:25.06davidstraussdevmod: is the audio coming into a decent voip handset?
23:25.14devmodits a softphone
23:27.23davidstraussdevmod: use the manager interface to originate the new call and then bridge the channels
23:27.50davidstraussdevmod: that may do the trick
23:28.02devmoddavidstrauss, looks like it, gonna look into it. Thanks
23:28.49davidstraussBrian_H: btw, sntp is best set for your polycoms via dhcp
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23:29.51Brian_HI have my ntp server pushed out via dhcp but the phones were still off
23:30.32carrar1 hour off?
23:30.42davidstraussBrian_H: off in what way?
23:30.51Brian_Hoff as if it were not being pushed out
23:30.56davidstraussoption ntp-servers;
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23:31.13davidstraussoption time-offset -21600; # Fix for your non-DST time zone
23:31.19Jumpieanybody know if its possible to set a static ip address in an aastra phone's MAC.cfg file, instead of doing it on the phone ui?
23:31.25Jumpieim sure there is, but dunno syntax
23:31.39Brian_Hdavidstrauss, add that in the dhcp conf or in the sip.cfg?
23:31.44Brian_HI have that in the sip.cfg
23:31.47davidstraussBrian_H: dhcp conf
23:31.56davidstraussJumpie: Is that file hosted on a server or on the phone?
23:32.29davidstraussJumpie: if that file is hosted on a provisioning server, you have a chicken/egg problem with your approach
23:32.30Jumpieserver in /tftpboot
23:32.45Jumpiethe phone already knows the tftp server ip
23:32.56Jumpieand sends out a broadcast even if it has no config, can always find the server
23:33.00Jumpiethats why i love aastra phonse
23:33.21davidstraussJumpie: but it needs to have an ip to talk to the tftp server
23:33.27Jumpiebasically the issue is...i am not locally at the phones, and not tryin tos tep the client into configuring it as such
23:33.35Jumpiedavidstrauss no it doesnt
23:33.50Jumpieif i preemptively place that phones mac.cfg in the server..w.hich i have...the phone can find it
23:34.01Brian_Hok changed and rebooting phones to see if it works
23:34.02Jumpiebut..its up now anyway, its on dhcp though
23:34.12davidstraussJumpie: how is the phone talking to the tftp server without an ip?
23:34.22Jumpiei want to statically assign ips to these phones i can give customer a sheet of addresses/passwords
23:34.29Jumpieprobably liek bootp or something
23:34.31Jumpiel2 broadcast
23:34.38Jumpieafter all a mac address isnt a layer 3 thing :
23:34.40Jumpie:P only works that way IF i already have the MAC.cfg on the server...which i do
23:35.00davidstraussJumpie: just configure the dhcp server to hand out fixed addresses by mac
23:35.03Jumpiethe phone is up now but its not static
23:35.07sawgoodSo, If I wanted to have my Asterik box 'blast' out a pre-recorded message to tell all the end points it dials what the latest status is with the project ... where I can read more about how to do this?
23:35.16Jumpiedavidstrauss..the pbx isnt handing out the dhcp..the router is
23:35.29davidstraussJumpie: and you can't configure the router?
23:35.33sawgoodA pre-recorded message telling people where to call to get more information
23:35.36Jumpiethis is just some netgear
23:35.40Jumpiei dont think you can get that granular
23:35.47Jumpieif i was using a linux box or cisco sure
23:35.50Jumpiebut ill check hold on
23:35.53davidstraussJumpie: almost every crappy router lets you reserve IPs by mac
23:36.25carrarJumpie, why would they need static IP's?
23:36.27Jumpiei didnt know that..thought you could pretty much set scope and thast it
23:36.38Jumpiecarrar they dont 'need' it really but, the customer may want to edit speeddial settings
23:36.46davidstraussJumpie: nah, plenty of $20 routers let you fix the ip by mac
23:36.48Jumpiei dont think he's going to want to trty to figure out what the ip is if its changed
23:36.50carrarYou don't push speed dials to the phone?
23:37.05Jumpiecarrar i tried...but it didnt take
23:37.08Jumpiei had to do it with webgui
23:37.14Jumpiethis is a non very tech sav vy customer
23:37.18Jumpieits gotta be GUI GUI GUI for him
23:37.23Jumpieand yes davidstrauss i found it...good call
23:37.27Jumpiei didnt think it'd be on such a cheap router
23:37.46p3nguinI would I would have thought of that two-three days ago.  *sigh*
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23:42.26davidstraussBrian_H: I just requested a connection with you on linkedin
23:45.40Kobazapparently avaya definity system 6 has broken callerid name support for pri
23:46.30Kobazit's sending a malformed DISPLAY IE
23:52.03davidstraussKobaz: You're lucky. I'm having trouble getting any CID records out of this Definity unit:
23:52.44Kobazso, adtran tech support has given me the info that the definity is botching up... i wonder if it's fixable
23:53.05Kobazsangoma + libpri can suck out the name from the malformed message.. why can't adtran

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