IRC log for #asterisk on 20100502

00:02.41seanjohnexten => s,n,GotoIf($[${acode}>=365&{acode}<=384]?blacklisted) what's wrong with that?
00:03.10seanjohni just tested and it returned 0 with acode 367
00:05.27jayteeexten => s,n,GotoIf($[${acode}>=365 & <=384]?blacklisted)        <- what about trying that?
00:08.20seanjohnnevermind, the missing $
00:08.56seanjohnthat works
00:09.24seanjohnafter i'm done excluding all freakin illegal area codes, would you like a copy lol
00:09.44seanjohnthe prefixes are going to be hard
00:10.07seanjohni'm trying to find a site where it will search through all area codes for an existing prefix
00:10.22seanjohnso i'll know which prefixes to exclude
00:12.33seanjohn82 checks so far and i haven't reached the 400's of area codes
00:16.57jayteeactually, this site is better for finding local exchanges in an area code
00:17.01carrarseanjohn, those aren't illegal area codes
00:17.43seanjohni know, i exclude the ones NOT listed
00:17.50seanjohnsee my long, tedious job lol
00:17.54carrarIt's easier to download the current pnpa db and key off of unassigned NPA's
00:18.13carrarrather then hardcode something into your dialplan
00:18.15seanjohnhow would I use it? mysql?
00:18.24carrarI use postgres
00:18.36carrarbut you could use mysql if you really wanted too
00:18.52seanjohni'm still not clear on how to use asterisk with mysql other than CDR(
00:19.27carrardownload this,
00:19.36carrarimport that into your fav db
00:19.54carrarthen use that to help control dialing
00:21.24seanjohnthats not text
00:21.27carrarbut if you are going to block NPA's you need to keep it up to date
00:21.44carrardoesn't matter if it's text or not
00:21.59carrarit's not difficult to convert from access to postgres
00:22.05carraror any other db
00:22.57carrarAll of 2-3 mins maybe
00:23.11seanjohnits down
00:23.47carrarJust fireup access with a ODBC connection to whatever db you are gonna use
00:24.19carrarexport out each table
00:24.33carrarwell the 1 table
00:25.27*** join/#asterisk fink (
00:25.37finkif i want to use speex with asterisk, for example, i need to ensure the voip provider understand speex?
00:25.59carrarunless you want to do transcoding
00:27.02carrarotherwise yes
00:27.55*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
00:28.20seanjohnyes, fink.
00:28.30seanjohnyou can use speex with your client phones
00:28.36seanjohnwithout the provider supporting
00:29.00finkseanjohn: right, but then i will have to transcode at asterisk, and send a different codec to hte provider?
00:30.42Naikrovekbut it's not like you're transcoding blu-ray or anything.  transcoding mono, 16-bit 8khz voice requires very little cpu
00:30.47finkthanks guys
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00:30.58finkNaikrovek: cpu isn't my concern as much as latency :|
00:31.08Naikrovekfink: core show translation
00:31.19Naikrovekthat'll get you the latency numbers
00:31.22Naikrovekand speex is the worst of them all
00:31.25jsjcI have registered the fax for asterisk 1 free channel so now I was wondering with that module runing in my asterisk do I need spandsp and all that to do faxing?
00:31.28finkNaikrovek: really? oh ok
00:31.43jsjcis there any manual from the roots to understand faxing with asterisk in a simple way
00:32.00finkNaikrovek: do you have a recommendation for the best for a high latency connection?
00:32.01Naikrovekjsjc: the documentation on digium's site should give you what you want, if such documentation exists
00:32.01jsjcbecaus everywhere they tell you this can be done this not and this as well.... none of them are too clear (for dumb people like me)
00:32.25jsjcNaikrovek: will read again just in case i missed something
00:32.33Naikrovekfink: transcoding is only going to add maybe a max of 10ms onto whatever latency you already have.
00:32.40Naikrovekfink: so not very much
00:32.51finkNaikrovek: cool, thanks
00:32.58Naikrovekfink: just use a codec supported by the provider (ulaw or alaw, depending on where you are) and you'll be fine
00:33.09Naikrovekif bandwidth is an issue, g729 may warrant some attention
00:34.15Naikrovekmost providers support g729 and most good phones do as well.  so, no translatino
00:35.32finkawesome, thanks
00:41.54TJNIIYou should buy it.  Only $7500
00:42.01p3nguinHeck, get a couple.
00:42.02Naikrovekawesome price
00:42.14Naikrovekgotta convince mgmt that they can't live without it first
00:42.24Naikrovekprobably will get a couple
00:42.53p3nguinThat's the spirit!
00:44.25TJNIIWe have a couple of those at work, buried behind a sea of cat6
00:44.27jsjclooks like i do not need spandsp just the new fax for asterisk now i just need to find some sample configs to give me an idea.... anyone know somewhere to get sample configs for fax for sterisk?
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00:44.50jsjchehe o the next page of the documentation....
00:44.58jsjci thought was finsihed sorry for bothering!
00:45.05Naikroveknot a bother at all
00:45.17Naikrovekthose switches are awesome.  expandable.
00:45.20Naikroveklifetime warranty
00:45.29Naikrovekthey'll probably remain around for 10 years
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00:48.05Naikrovekeven list price for those is half what cisco wants for the same thing
00:49.52TJNIIWe've got a couple ungodly cisco switches floating around.  Things are like 20U, I don't even know how many ports
00:51.42Naikrovekthey're oooold
00:51.45Naikrovekif they're the 6509s
00:52.00Naikrovekthink they can do 288 10/100 ports
00:52.25Naikrovekwhat's the name of the tool you use to patch cables into patch panels
00:52.26TJNIIThey're not in use
00:52.44TJNIIOne is almost literally "floating around" in a 30U mobile rack
00:52.52TJNIIIt is buried in a corner of the lab
00:52.59Naikrovekthey're worthless these days
00:53.03TJNIIPunchdown tool?
00:53.12Naikrovekyeah is it just a 110 punchdown tool
00:53.26Naikrovekor whatever that old phone style punchdown tool was called
00:53.43TJNIII don't think they're 6509s
00:53.53TJNIII'll have to look for a model number Monday
00:54.27TJNIII don't punch cables so I don't know.
00:56.05Naikrovekproduct page says 110 and krone
00:56.09Naikrovekhas his answer
01:03.03enyawixNaikrovek old style punchdown tool was called 66 style. most 110 tools are 66 on the other side
01:03.14Naikrovekah neat
01:03.42enyawixi would not use a 66 block
01:04.08Naikrovekthere is a huge amount of 110 punchdown blocks in the utility room downstairs, probably 1000 lines worth.
01:04.19Naikrovekwonder what this place was before we moved in here...
01:04.33enyawix110 blocks make better phone connections and they are the same price
01:04.48Naikrovekenyawix: this is for a belkin patch panel, didn't know which tool to use to punch wires in there
01:04.53Naikroveksuspected 110 but wasn't sure
01:05.10enyawixpatch panel is 110
01:11.34*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
01:12.33Naikrovekwow win7 crashed on me
01:12.49Naikrovekwonder which piece of hardware did that
01:15.23enyawixI wish windows would go to a bsd base
01:16.26Naikrovekfar too many things to port to a BSD core to even consider that, i'm guessing
01:16.44Naikrovekthey're slowly morphing into their own unix though
01:17.18Naikrovekdrop the drive letters and change to a '/' based filesystem and they'll be pretty damn close
01:20.37enyawixi would want a bash clone as well
01:22.14enyawixanyone have 33.6 fax working? how did you go about it? i can not seem to find a foip machine
01:31.08*** join/#asterisk TmBerg (~TmBerg@unaffiliated/tmberg)
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01:51.08devdvdcan you do ackcall with asterisk 1.6?, and if not, with asterisk 1.4 can i do it with a static agent
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04:01.11davidstraussI just migrated configuration from 1.4 to 1.6. I've worked out most of the changes on my own, but VoiceMailMain doesn't work. It says first that it's playing vm-login (it doesn't), and then it just says goodbye.
04:02.03davidstraussI've tested just playing vm-login, and that works.
04:02.19davidstraussThere's no obvious error in a super-verbose shell
04:11.00*** join/#asterisk jmcdowell (
04:11.03jmcdowellhello all..
04:11.22jmcdowellanyone with good ptsn termination providers, please msg me
04:11.27jmcdowellI am dropping callcentric.
04:13.23davidstraussjmcdowell: I like Vitelity
04:13.45jmcdowellI will check them out
04:14.14jmcdowell1.39 per minute ?
04:15.20davidstraussjmcdowell: cents, maybe
04:15.45davidstraussjmcdowell: and only outbound
04:15.54jmcdowelli get it
04:16.21*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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04:40.09jmcdowelldavidstrauss : Can you give me an example of a bil from these guys for 1 month ?
04:40.12jmcdowellRound numbers ?
04:40.36davidstraussjmcdowell: We're an 8-person company, and I think we're paying $100-200/mo
04:40.53jmcdowellI am just a house..
04:41.07jmcdowellCallcentic went all non-standard..
04:41.26jmcdowellSo I dropped the, starting to look as though we will be without a proiver for while
04:41.31davidstraussjmcdowell: Vitelity just runs Asterisk
04:42.27jmcdowellCC did all sorts of wierd things that make them a PITA
04:42.40jmcdowellI just need 2 dids with one trunk
04:42.50jmcdowellppm -
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04:57.31TJNIIpokes infobot
04:58.03TJNIIis disappointed by the lack of response.
05:02.03p3nguinwonders what's the problem with using Vitelity,, or Flowroute for services.
05:03.10p3nguin*shrug* I guess I shouldn't care if he's without phone service.
05:07.03davidstraussCan anyone help me figure out why my VM config for 1.6 just goes right to "Goodbye" on VoiceMailMain?
05:07.33*** join/#asterisk pav5088 (
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05:08.31pav5088Hi...  most Asterisk GUI's seem to be CentOS based...  I know there was DeStar years ago, but is there anything packaged for modern Debian based distros?
05:08.59*** join/#asterisk Brookss (~SSJGotenk@
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05:10.02TJNIIPfft... who needs a GUI.
05:10.15TJNIIJust install asterisk and be done with it.
05:11.12Brookssquit tryna sound l33t TJ, we all need FreePBX otherwise how could anyone deal with the madness
05:11.46TJNIII've been running source for 3 years AND THAT"S THE WAY I LIKES IT!
05:12.19Brookssquit tryna sound l33t I said, githead XD
05:12.32TJNIII am ;33t/
05:12.52TJNIIis also somewhat drung
05:13.20TJNIII earned that title when I found myself explaining the nuances of ARP and DHCP to my coworkers
05:13.22JAMMAN2110On the internet, no one cares
05:13.34TJNIIThis amn speeks truth
05:13.58TJNIII could call you a donkey f*cker, and nobody would care but you.
05:14.03JAMMAN2110Hurrrrrrrr i so l3t3 cuz i haxd da govt ma'n
05:14.30JAMMAN2110But I agree, Asterisk without FreePBX is quite easy
05:14.35TJNIImakes a note to get revenge on JAMMAN2110 when sober
05:14.47JAMMAN2110Why are you seeking revenge?
05:14.54TJNIIOh, you know.
05:16.01JAMMAN2110I hope none of them play Neopets
05:16.08TJNIIwanders off for burritos.
05:17.46Brookssi played yugioh b4... still have my cards XD
05:18.36Brookssbefore that it was pokemon...
05:18.47JAMMAN2110I stopped at Pokemon
05:18.58JAMMAN2110When they added more than the original Pokemon I got pissed off
05:19.14Brookssyou mean after the 151, yea
05:19.28Brookss(mewtwo was 1)
05:19.41JAMMAN2110So realistic "The whole world only has 151 pokemon"
05:19.48JAMMAN2110Then suddenly "Oh it has 5000 now"
05:20.38BrookssI could sing the song, 'catchem catchem gotta cat..' and then say all the pokemon in song XD ... ya who the hell is going to keep paying attention if they make it that many :o
05:21.43Brookssdon't even get me started on digimon
05:24.52Brooksswho tells you where to start then learn to use asterisk cli
05:26.56pav5088I've been writing documentation on how to use GOsa (ie. the software to manage an LDAP based infrastructure)...  Noone seems to have heard of it, although apparently Munich uses it for their Linuxification (and other european cities such as Paris and Amsterdam)
05:27.38pav5088There's an Asterisk module, but it's only for managing handsets, peoples details etc...  I don't think it handles dialplans etc... etc...
05:27.48p3nguinpav5088: FreePBX is not "based on" any Linux distribution.  You may download and install FreePBX on Debian if that's the sorta thing that makes you feel good.
05:28.36*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
05:28.56dzupsupport for * is dropping anytime soon from freepbx ?
05:28.57TJNIIp3nguin: Don't encorage him!
05:29.19TJNIIMy god man, you've been here long enough to know that.
05:29.22p3nguinAs far as I can tell, Asterisk is the only thing FreePBX controls.
05:29.30pav5088Well...  users like "easy", so if I'm not going to get the sack when Australia finally gets decent internet because of the cloud offerings from Amazon et al I need to learn how to do "easy".
05:29.38p3nguinBut, since I don't use it, I don't actually have any idea.
05:30.12pav5088Most techies hate Apple too...  but the market talks.  *shrugs*
05:31.02ManxPowerpav5088, we don't care what you use, but FreePBX is off topic on this channel.
05:31.12p3nguinThat is true.
05:31.40pav5088...and Debian is off topic in the FreePBX channel...  *shrugs*  things fall between the cracks.
05:31.50TJNIIpav5088: Yea, go Macs with 7.2% market share WHOOOO!
05:32.25pav5088TJNII, it's better than Linux...
05:32.38TJNIIDem's fightin' words, boy....
05:32.44pav5088...though Ubuntu seems to be making a dint by pandering to end users.
05:32.46p3nguinWhat if my Mac runs Linux?
05:33.32TJNIII thought they all did now, or at least BSD....
05:33.43Brooksswhat if your mac is build from parts of freebsd which is close to linux, but you choose to run parallels to do ubuntu over the mac
05:34.11pav5088TJNII, well, they put a nice front end on it...   which is kind of what my first question related to.
05:34.43Andrew_MWhat if you use your scooter as a bycicle, can you go on the bycycle lane?
05:35.05TJNIIpav5088: I'm sorry, what was your first question again?
05:35.11p3nguinIf you have a friend with you, you can go in the car pool lane.
05:36.13ManxPowerp3nguin, a mac running linux?  I think the term is "masochist".
05:36.16*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
05:36.24pav5088TJNII, how to get myself a deb for an asterisk GUI...  asterisk and op-panel seem to be bundled, but I guess I'm looking for the 3rd party repo for FreePBX, Elastix or whatever.
05:36.52ManxPowerhave fun, don't bother to tell us how it works out.
05:36.53p3nguinElastix is an entire distro as far as I know.
05:37.12TJNIIOh. right.
05:37.51p3nguinFreePBX is just another piece of software that you install on your existing OS to blow apart Asterisk and make it "easy."  *sigh*
05:39.25JAMMAN2110Ubuntu is growing in market share
05:39.48pav5088p3nguin, I'm sure the oldschool PBX guys talking same way about VOIP and telephony.
05:41.28TJNIISpin it however you want, man.  Grow a pair and configure your PBX without shiny buttons and menus.
05:42.04TJNII'Cus otherwise in 2 weeks you'll be back here asking why it doesn't do what you want.
05:43.09p3nguinIt really doesn't even take testicular fortitude to admin a box without a GUI.  It just takes some reading to develop an eventual skill for not needing to point and click to get things done.
05:43.38p3nguinWe have a term for people that don't want to read and learn.
05:44.02Naikroveknot even that.  just learn how to read and write the dialplan and contexts.
05:44.10pav5088TJNII, right after you take up growing your own food, servicing your own car and generating your own electricity.  People get simplification wrong lots, but once simplicity evolves enough it wins.  Simple, cheap, ubiqitous.
05:44.15Naikrovekbut whatever, freepbx fits for some people
05:44.27Naikroveki use it
05:44.34Naikrovekon another server, i don't
05:44.35Brookssasterisk cant imagine a world without freepbx
05:44.48p3nguinOf course it does.  Just because you want to use it does not make you lazy, but using it because you're lazy speaks for itself.
05:44.59Naikrovekasterisk has no imagination, so you're kinda right
05:45.00TJNIIpav5088: Eh, 2 outta 3 ain't bad
05:45.07TJNIIhas a bropwn thumb
05:45.23Naikrovekwtf is a brown thumb
05:45.31TJNIIMy plants all die.
05:45.36p3nguinkills vegetation
05:45.41pav5088TJNII, well, I've done all of the above...   but I prefer not to have to.
05:45.42p3nguinopposite of green thumb
05:45.46ChannelZWhew.  I thought it was a toilet joke.
05:45.54p3nguinAt first I did too!
05:45.58TJNIIYay!  ChannelZ is here!
05:46.02TJNIIPoop joke time!
05:46.04ChannelZToiletpaper Malfunction
05:46.06Naikrovekopposite of green thumb would be red thumb?  color wheel
05:46.14Naikrovekcaca humor is funny
05:46.21p3nguintechnicalities, naikrovek
05:46.26ChannelZExcept plants don't turn red when they die
05:46.42Naikrovekyour thumb turns red when you jab it with a hand trowel
05:46.50Naikrovektrying to dig up a potato
05:47.00pav5088TJNII, word of the day - faecolith
05:47.12Naikrovekfeh i'm tired, my jokes suck at the moment.  at every moment, really
05:47.28ChannelZNaikrovek: But you're funny LOOKING
05:47.31Naikrovekmigrating from a 1tb san to an 8tb san via USB disk
05:47.33TJNIIAn enema should fix that.
05:47.45ChannelZUSB3 I hope
05:47.58TJNIII don't think that is a USB port.
05:48.01Naikrovekwell usb2 but it's going pretty damn slow
05:48.03TJNIIThough it may fit.....
05:48.13p3nguinUSB enema
05:48.38Naikrovekbacked up 1tb san to 250gb USB disks, replaced disks in SAN, all that, now putting data back on
05:48.40ChannelZthat reminds me I was maybe going to upgrade my server to the new Ubuntu tonight
05:48.41Naikrovekwhat a PITA this is
05:48.55ChannelZmake it x64 now that I have a CPU made in this decade
05:49.10ChannelZHas anyone installed off a USB stick?
05:49.17JAMMAN2110USB is easy
05:49.34ChannelZI think I have a bootable one all setup but the docs are somewhat conflicting and vague.. they say you just copy the .iso file on there too?
05:49.36JAMMAN2110Considering updating mine
05:49.43JAMMAN2110I have Asterisk compiled on it
05:50.23ChannelZthe only part I'm not looking forward to is getting my whole qmail system back up
05:51.14TJNIIQmail is easy once you remember all the stupid shit you had to wade through to get it working in the first place....
05:51.41TJNIISMTP auth?  Who needs that!
05:51.53Brooksst33ch me your l33t ways TJ
05:52.01pav5088p3nguin, the best nerds are lazy...   they spend more effort up front so they don't have to eg. waste brain space on syntax that has nothing to do with the actual problem.
05:52.41TJNIIBrookss: Read the RFCs for ARP, IP, UDP, and BOOTP and we'll talk.
05:52.53ChannelZI have mine pretty well patched up, I just need to make sure I have the right source tree backed up
05:53.13BrookssTJ I can do that EASILY, however I won't understand a bit of it
05:53.39TJNIIOh, and ICMP.  That is a good one.
05:56.02ChannelZfo shizzle
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06:46.11Naikroveki love windows 7 but I hate whoever wrote the "Time remaining" algorithm for file copies.  30 minutes.  12 hours.  2 hours.  24 hours.  15 minutes.  8 hours.
06:51.04coppiceWindows 7 is so good its actually not much worse than XP
06:53.55Brookssahahaha, a genius I once knew... who got fired for other reasons than his knowledge said to count in 15minute increments it makes it easier than saying 'I worked for 24 minutes' instead do '30 minutes'
06:56.30Naikroveki soooo much prefer win 7 to XP
06:56.41Naikrovekxp came out almost 10 years ago now
06:58.35Brookssremember when everyone preferred win2000 to xp... or 98 to winme? it always ended up being over resource usage
07:01.45ManxPowerI prefer to run newer hardware with older OS
07:04.58coppiceWin2000 was a terrible resource hog. Machines moved from NT 4,1 to Win2000 were usually more stable, but desperately slow
07:05.52coppicethough if you ever used NT 4.1 on an Alpha, you will never have seen it do a BSOD on you
07:06.10Brookssand THATS when they found out 128MB's was NOT going to be enough
07:09.29*** join/#asterisk SunnyDP (
07:09.49BrookssI remember me and my best friend had old computers and he brought his over, I gave him a 32 or a 64mb stick, which was alot but... we were poor so we were also 15 years behind everyone else... ;'-( I miss those days... its nostalgia.. having that 486DX and saying he could now do Win98 instead of 95 even tho XP was out by then
07:12.23Brookss*sigh* ANYWAYS /clear
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07:20.32Yudaisrael1984can someone here please recomend a good firewall that works well with voip for commercial use? (capabilities needed is nothing more then regular firewall policys with no smart application features or anything like that and that it should be able to work 100% with voip)
07:24.45ChannelZthose two requests seem to be at odds
07:25.34ChannelZYou need one with 'smart application features' in order to 'work 100% with voip'
07:28.48BrookssFortigate firewall
07:28.54Brookssif you ever find the cash
07:29.13fenrusstonegate?, cisco asa?, zyxey zywall?
07:29.24fenrusthere's probablu hundreds of firewalls that work great
07:33.59*** join/#asterisk kartik (~koolkarti@
07:53.14Naikrovekcisco asa is nice
07:53.28Naikrovekentry level one is $400 i think
07:53.32Naikrovekprobably cheaper solutions about
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08:58.08Yudaisrael1984brookss fortigate firewall DOES NOT WORK WITH VOIP
08:58.24Yudaisrael1984i have one now it screwed me over big time
08:58.54Yudaisrael1984anyone know about juniper
09:05.26*** join/#asterisk blaines (
09:09.57Yudaisrael1984<Brookss> have u managed to get the fortigate to work with voip?? if so how?
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09:52.13JAMMAN2110Test failed
09:52.14Brookssback from watching a movie
09:52.16JAMMAN2110Please try again
09:52.24BrookssTest test... testing 123
09:52.32JAMMAN2110had to try that
09:53.47Brooksswhat are you doing
09:54.23Brookssis thinking of perusing /. for the latest scoop
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12:00.18*** join/#asterisk Yudaisrael1984 (~Yuda@
12:01.01Yudaisrael1984anyone here know fortigate firewalls? or can guide me to the correct place for help with a fortigate firewall
12:02.59ChannelZTry Google
12:03.19Yudaisrael1984tried nothing is mentioned there about what i need help with
12:03.45Yudaisrael1984i need to set up the firewall that the phones behind it will talk to my asterisk server
12:06.57carrarYudaisrael1984, are they not working?
12:07.09Yudaisrael1984not with voip
12:07.14carrarMake sure to enable NAT on the phones and Asterisk
12:07.20Yudaisrael1984i did on both
12:07.26carrarand turn off any ALG or fixup protocols on the firewall
12:07.31Yudaisrael1984im trying to
12:07.35carraror any SIP helpers
12:07.38Yudaisrael1984there are sooooooo many
12:07.49carrarRefer to the instructions for your firewall
12:07.51*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (~cesar@
12:07.55Yudaisrael1984im looking at it
12:08.08Yudaisrael1984its in front of me this second and i turned most of the things off
12:09.34carrarYudaisrael1984, your asterisk server is not behind NAT correct?
12:09.50Yudaisrael1984legal ip not behind any firewall
12:10.14carrarWhat does tha tmean
12:10.34carrarAre you suggesting the asterisk box is behind a NAT server
12:10.38Yudaisrael1984that it has a internet ip address (no nat)
12:10.49Yudaisrael1984no it does not have a nat
12:11.14carrarTHen the phones should work fine behind a NAT/fw
12:11.27Yudaisrael1984and its not thats why im here looking for help
12:11.31carrarassuming they are configured as such
12:11.56Yudaisrael1984i agree there shouldnt be any problems although there is and thats why i am here
12:12.08Yudaisrael1984i have been working on it for 5 days now
12:12.13carrarWhat does your packet dumps say?
12:12.15Yudaisrael1984went thru every detail
12:12.39carrarIn the CLI of the fortigate type the following:
12:12.39carrarconfig system settings
12:12.39carrarset sip-helper disable
12:12.39carrarset sip-nat-trace disable
12:12.41Yudaisrael1984i came to the conclusion that the firewall is changing the contact info even though it is set not to
12:12.42carrarthen reboot
12:13.08Yudaisrael1984i have sip status disabled nat-trace disabled
12:13.08carrarConfig system session-helper
12:13.09carrar(now look for SIP, mostly it will be "12")
12:13.09carrardelete 12
12:14.19Yudaisrael1984there is no sip
12:14.24Yudaisrael1984it was deleted already
12:16.44Yudaisrael1984any other ideas?
12:17.00Yudaisrael1984i took off the replacing of contact header
12:17.04Yudaisrael1984still nothing doing
12:17.43carrarDoes the phone work if you don't use the firewall
12:17.51carrarverify it
12:18.41Yudaisrael1984other clients are working (clients that are NOT behind a fortigate firewall)
12:19.12carrarAre they behind some other firewall?
12:19.43Yudaisrael1984some are behind basic linux firewalls others are not
12:19.44carrargood thing tomorrow is Monday then :)
12:19.52Yudaisrael1984this is from thursday
12:19.54Yudaisrael1984my luck
12:20.18Yudaisrael1984i had my server within the firewall before but then nothing worked
12:20.21carrarMonday being, you can get support from fortigate
12:20.35Yudaisrael1984do they give support on the phone?
12:20.39Yudaisrael1984or only with a ticket?
12:20.46carrarI don't use fortigate
12:20.55carrarno idea
12:21.01Yudaisrael1984oh so then how did u have all that info
12:21.11carrarI was googling for you
12:21.34Yudaisrael1984hehe i googled couldnt find it (im just not lucky this weekend)
12:21.48carrar"asterisk fortigate"
12:22.06Yudaisrael1984and my isp experts who claim they know everything about the fortigate say its not possible to do so many sip phones behind a fortigate firewall
12:22.15Yudaisrael1984and i think that they dont know what they are talking aobut
12:22.19carrarTHen it's crap
12:22.23carrardump that PoS
12:23.05carrarI have DSL Modems that work better then that
12:23.29*** join/#asterisk rossand (
12:23.45carrarbut might give fortigate a call just to be sure
12:24.02carraror email or whatever you have to do
12:33.59*** join/#asterisk orioni (~chatzilla@
12:34.18orionihi there , is it possible to use a gsm modem as a gateway on asterisk ?
12:34.42orionii have 3 for every provider and i want to do a lcr for the outgoing calls
12:36.45Yudaisrael1984carrar just restarted again this time it worked
12:40.44carrarrestarted the fw?
12:40.53carraryou did do that last time correct?
12:41.44*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (~cesar@
12:42.39carrarorioni, a cellular GSM modem?
12:42.55carrarwith a analong output?
12:43.04carraror sip?
12:43.11orionianalog rj11
12:43.18carrarAll you need is a ATA then
12:43.31orioniwhich connects to my alcatel pbx
12:43.49orioniso an ATA for every of my gsm
12:44.13carrarAudio codes makes nice quality ones that support 4, 8, 16 24 etc..
12:44.26orioniand how to configure the dialplan to use ata based on the destination
12:44.27carrarYou pick FXO or FXS
12:44.33carraror mix and match
12:44.51orionilooking for a reference , a general idea
12:44.51carrardepends what ATA but you can tell it what chanel to use
12:45.13carrargoogle "asterisk ATA config" or analog device
12:45.19carrarlots of examples out there
12:45.22orionisth like asterisk and analog gsm modems
12:46.15carrarfor GSM modems I'd go with a SIP based ATA
12:46.54orionii have a spa2102
12:47.00orioniwill that work ?
12:47.03carrarAsterisk -> sip -> ATA -> analog line -> gsm modem
12:47.20carrarnever used one
12:47.30carraris it FXO or FXS?
12:47.36carrarand what is the the GSM output?
12:47.58orioniits the ATA not the gsm modem
12:48.03orionilinksys spa2102
12:48.12carrarbut the GSM  has a fxs or fxo analog port
12:48.16carraryou sid
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12:48.52carrarI suspect the GSM is also FXS
12:49.25orioniyou connect a phone to the gsm modems
12:49.36carrarso yea
12:49.40orioniand you can make outgoing calls using the sim card on the gsm modem
12:49.49carrarYou can;t connect two FXS devices to each other
12:50.01carrarone needs to be FXO other FXS
12:50.23carrarSo you need a FXO ATA
12:50.42orioniany brand / version
12:50.50carrarI'm partial to audio codes
12:50.51orionilow cost :)
12:51.00carrarbut they are expensive
12:51.15carrarot ADIC600 with FXO blades and a T1 card
12:51.17orioniwhich model of AC
12:51.34carrarhow many GSM Modems you gonna connect?
12:52.17orionione for every provider here
12:52.36carrarThey make a 4 port FXO ATA
12:52.47carrarSIP out the otherside
12:53.02*** join/#asterisk Bartockbatz (
12:53.17orionididnt get this
12:53.35orioniso 3 port to the modems and the last to the asterisk ?
12:53.55carrarAudio Codes MP-114 with FXO
12:54.34carrar3 ports to the GSM Modems
12:54.36carrar1 spare
12:54.41BartockbatzHi - questtion for everyone - Asterisk 1.4 - would like to be able to display incoming caller ID from my SIP trunk. Would like to make sure that I am able to view this in a softphone client such as X-Ten or Ninja Lite. Thanks for anyone and everyone's assistance!
12:54.44carrar1 Ethernet doing SIP to Asterisk
12:55.32carrarYou can register the AC as 1 group with each device as a rollover
12:55.41carraror 3 seperate ATA's
12:55.59carrarvery flexible
12:56.09orionigot it
12:56.13orionithanx man
12:56.28carrarI am sure there are cheaper ways to do it however
12:56.47carrarbut if I were to build it for a client
12:56.51carrarI'd pick that
12:56.57carraror something compairable
12:58.09orionii c
12:59.38carrarBartockbatz, Whats the question?
12:59.43coppice has a number of options for GSM to SIP
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13:00.16carrarbut you already have the GSM modems right?
13:00.57carrarI there was a PCI card with 4 GSM modems in it that can work with asterisk
13:01.02carrarerr ^I recall
13:01.28carrarnot sure if you can still get that
13:02.36carrarVoiSmart vGSM board in that list
13:04.55BartockbatzHi carrar - I want to be able to see caller ID in my softphone client - I am a little lost
13:05.34Bartockbatzso, incoming calls from the SIP trunk, I would like to see the caller ID info displayed. Am I a giving you enough info
13:20.49*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (~cesar@
13:29.57BartockbatzI guess I should ask what should be in the dialplan for this.
13:34.40*** join/#asterisk MiserySoft (
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13:35.40MiserySoftHi, anyone know which version of asterisk is in the current ubuntu server repositories ?
13:36.20MiserySoftJust installing 10.04 server, and hoping my existing asterisk config files will still be OK ?
13:36.27fenrusapt-cache show
13:36.55fenrusor check
13:37.17MiserySoftfenrus: Thanks..
13:39.08MiserySoftlooks like 1.6.*   my old install was 1.4, are the config files similar syntax ?
13:42.12ariel_MiserySoft: depends on what you were doing
13:42.31ariel_1.6 did change allot, your just going to have to do some reading and testing.
13:43.10MiserySoftariel_:  digium card+ analog adapters... really only extensions.conf I need to keep
13:43.29MiserySoftand sip.conf I guess
13:43.31ariel_once again depends on what you were doing
13:44.17MiserySoftNothing fancy, but I guess there's an hours reading.. Thanks.
13:49.42ariel_just wondering why you upgrade or switched?
13:49.54*** join/#asterisk stix (
13:51.15MiserySoftariel_:  Old asterisk server was on debian ... TDM card stopped working after an apt-get upgrade... so did a backup and decided to have a clean start..
13:51.28MiserySoftonly home system, 10 extensions + 2 sip trunks
13:51.33fenrusi'd go back to debian :)
13:52.17ariel_I would too
13:52.29MiserySoftI prefer debian for stable server tasks like this, but got an ugly message about a kernel flag being deprecated and udev not working properly..
13:52.35MiserySoftso time for  a clean sweep.
13:52.51MiserySoftplus it's sunday afternoon and I'm bored :-)
13:53.02ariel_I don't (IMO) Ubuntu makes a good server
13:53.29ariel_I use ubuntu for my desktops
13:53.35ariel_debian for my servers
13:53.37fenrusi'm running an ubuntu machine as asterisk server somewhere, it's working fine :)
13:53.52fenrusariel_, sounds like my approach
13:54.05MiserySoftI waited for 10.04 LTS before switching,
13:54.38MiserySofthave a cctv system running dapper drake LTS upstairs
14:11.05Kyoship cams?
14:11.25MiserySoftyeah.. ZoneMinder with Axis IP cams
14:11.37*** join/#asterisk Benwa (
14:12.25Kyoshi ve been looking for a list of open source NVR's, but never found any
14:12.45MiserySoftZoneMinder... highly recommended
14:13.06Kyoshhave you used any windows nvr's to compare it to?
14:14.01Kyoshbecause i have cert in alot of commericla stuff, then there's milestone which aint cheap and i got cert in that, but i think my boss can pay me more to do work rather than pay me less and pay vendors more
14:14.37*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
14:15.01Kyoshit has events so i guess it has notifications too
14:15.46Kyoshreally nice
14:15.49Kyoshthanks for the heads up
14:15.54Kyoshgonna try it
14:16.11MiserySoftglad I could help..
14:28.10*** join/#asterisk nickaugust (~anonymous@
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14:30.17Kyoshmisery, does it have a remote-view client to view from other computers?
14:33.52riddleboxhey guys my salesman and I demo'd a system the other day and the customer asked, if there was anything where he could go to a website on his network and change his forwarding options?
14:34.10riddleboxdoes anyone know of anything to do that?
14:42.24Kyoshfor an individual extension?
14:43.26Kyoshhave the user log in
14:43.32*** join/#asterisk MhaddogM1 (
14:43.46Kyoshits under vmx locator or follow me or even phone features
14:43.51Kyoshits all right there
14:49.25*** join/#asterisk Bartockbatz (
14:50.00BartockbatzHey - question about caller ID with asterisk and a SIP trunk - anyone got a minute??
14:50.24florzBartockbatz: no, that's off topic in here
14:50.46Bartockbatzokay - can you recommend a channel?
14:51.45Bartockbatzflorz can you recommend a channel?
14:52.06*** join/#asterisk Brookss (~Brookss@
14:52.09TJ^Bartockbatz i think hes pulling yr leg man
14:52.26TJ^Bartockbatz just ask the question :)
14:52.32Bartockbatzhard to tell - I guess I have been 'owned'
14:52.37florzI'd recommend you rather ask the question the answer to which you are actually interested in, instead of waiting for 200 people to say "yes, I am here, but I have no clue whether I can help you"
14:53.15BartockbatzOkay - it has been years since I used IRC - sorry - I forgot the 'nettequite'
14:53.34*** join/#asterisk DennisG (DennisG@2002:541e:88d0:0:151f:c3f8:13cd:37eb)
14:54.26Bartockbatzokay - SIP trunk - incoming calls do not show the caller ID info in the CLI (with set sip debug) - shows 'anonymous'
14:55.30Bartockbatzso, I am to assume that there is a change/modification I need to make to the dialplan to show the caller ID info - follow? If I seem like I don't have a clue, you are right - not an asterisk guru
14:56.13florzis the caller ID included in the SIP messages?
14:56.25florz(and if so, where?)
14:56.55Bartockbatzthe provider claims the include it
14:57.11Bartockbatzthey include it
14:57.16florzwell, have you verified that?
14:57.48Bartockbatzyes - their tech folks have told me that - ( after asking 3 times, and getting the same answer)
14:59.06florzwell, have _you_ verified that?
14:59.11florzlike, using a packet sniffer
14:59.50BartockbatzI don't remember - however, I shall look at get back to you folks - good place to start
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15:38.44Kyoshmiserysoft, got a sec?
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16:18.02MiserySoftKyosh: I'm here now
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16:25.15infobot[~mailinglist] The Asterisk mailing lists can be found at , Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
16:25.20infobot[~answers] Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & Docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
16:31.45*** join/#asterisk Andrew_M (~485018b7@gateway/web/freenode/x-qkjrkydujjzlxerl)
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17:22.40flip__i need to configure a group of gsm phone numbers in my asterisk to forward a call from numer 23 to 5 mobile phones... how can i configure it to prevent that a mailbox of a mobilephone s answering the call?
17:23.10flip__something like press # to get the call at the beginning would be ok
17:23.29flip__any hints how i can do that or any manualpages? i didn't find anything that fits
17:26.31TJNIIAnswering machine detection, find me / follow me does that IIRC / make the dial drop the callee into a context with a menu...
17:27.24ManxPowerflip__, you basically can't.  Answering machine detection might help, and timeouts might help, but the only way for it to work 100% of the time is to disable voicemail on the cell/mobile
17:28.05ManxPowerflip__, if you are willing to do answer confirmation then all things are possible. See "core show application dial"
17:38.13[TK]D-Fenderflip__: "core show application dial" <- M()
17:39.42*** join/#asterisk Heretic (
17:40.07Heretichi al
17:40.52flip__ManxPower: [TK]D-Fender: thx
17:40.59flip__will have a look
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17:56.40torriohi guys, i set asterisk up these days and was playing with the dailplan. Everything worked fine. When i powered my asterisk host on today ... i still get a timeout, now. My softphone is registered in "sip show peers", when calling i recieve a 408 ! When doing a "dailplan reload" no errors are shown ... someone can help me out of this ?
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18:03.05torrio... when calling there is nothing in the CLI
18:06.00p3nguinincrease verbose level and reload the dialplan again.
18:06.11p3nguinTurn on sip debug and try to make a call, too.
18:12.32torrioverbose is 20, sip set debug -> SIP Debugging re-enabled, is the sip debug, was "Ignoring this INVITE request" !
18:13.43*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
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18:20.52infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
18:20.56p3nguintorrio: ^^
18:22.41SaiSomaquestion regarding queues:  I cannot get periodic announcements to function properly.  they just never play.  any ideas?  here is the config:
18:24.40p3nguinsaisoma: periodic-announce is supposed to be a file name.  Is that value that you have set a file name?
18:25.01SaiSomayes.  verified functional by using dialplan to play it prior to entering the queue
18:25.09SaiSomait is a wav file
18:25.19SaiSomadoes it need the extension? (unlike in the dialplan?)
18:25.39[TK]D-FenderSaiSoma: Where is the CLI output of a failed attempt?  What version are you running?
18:26.07SaiSomaver is the ver, getting cli, one sec
18:26.12p3nguinI don't even know what "does it need the extension?" means.
18:26.34[TK]D-FenderSaiSoma: periodic-account-frequency = 15 M---- wuold help if this said ANNOUNCE, not ACCOUNT
18:26.57SaiSomaoh holy .  . .ok.  thanks.  stupid typos.  i've been looking at it for 30 mins.
18:27.07SaiSoma[TK]D-Fender: thanks . a LOT
18:27.26p3nguinOh, "periodic-accounce"
18:27.40SaiSomayea, caught that one too
18:27.49SaiSomaknocks self on head.
18:28.31p3nguinI would have expected the core to complain about those at some point.
18:29.06ManxPowerSaiSoma, take a break.  you are suffering from fatigue.
18:29.12SaiSomanever saw anything in the cli output.  verbosity is at 101.  but hey, i'm supposed to be smarter than the PC eh?
18:29.25SaiSomaManxPower: you are more than likely correct sir!  lunch time anyway
18:32.56p3nguinIs Dial()'s M() option supposed to return after the macro finishes if there was no Hangup() in the macro?
18:38.04*** join/#asterisk orioni (~chatzilla@
18:38.12orionianyone used sth like this
18:38.24orionicant find a way how to configure the asterisk  to use that as a gateway
18:43.53[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: there is a variable associated with that... read up
18:44.29[TK]D-Fenderorioni: Where do we see you try?
18:45.42orioni[TK]D-Fender : sorry
18:45.50orionididtn got that
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18:58.31LemensTS__If i do g729 it still has to transcode moh, voicemail, anything else?
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19:04.52TehRabbittQuick question, does anyone have experiance setting up SCCP phones?
19:04.58TehRabbittCisco 7921G
19:05.22TehRabbittusing a LaFonera as an AP connected to my linux box directly
19:06.37p3nguinI've only used chan_skinny, and it's not that wonderful.
19:06.52TehRabbittp3nguin: what do you mean "not that wonderful" :-\\
19:07.57p3nguinUsing the skinny channel driver that comes with Asterisk, there's a lot of SCCP functionality that isn't present or doesn't work.  There are 3rd-party SCCP channel drivers that address these problems, though.
19:08.07TehRabbitti just picked up this phone thinking I could use asterisk as an intermediary between 3 different SIP lines I have through but I cant figure out how to get the phone to connect
19:09.00p3nguinConfigure skinny.conf.  Load or reload chan_skinny.  Use the phone.
19:10.30TehRabbitthm...  well basically this was my thinking originally since I know almost *nothing* about asterisk right now and have just started dabbling in it the other day...  I want to set up one of the 3 lines as an outgoing trunk, 2 as incoming, and also allow my friend from his house to use the asterisk server (if possible... i'm guessing it's just a matter of port fowarding) to connect and place calls using a SIP Linksys PAP2 from his house
19:11.44p3nguinIf your Asterisk computer is behind a NAT router, then you'll need port forwarding and also need to correctly configure Asterisk for NAT.
19:11.49infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
19:12.08TehRabbittAh thanks
19:12.46TehRabbittsuprisingly it seems rather easy to set up, it's just a matter of planning everything out first i suppose...  In theory, once it's set up, I would be able to use my IP phone here to call my friend's IP phone correct?
19:12.55TehRabbittjust by dialing extention?
19:13.18p3nguinEach extension you create in extensions.conf can be configured to do just about anything you want.
19:13.43p3nguinThis includes dialing SIP devices by SIP URI, even.
19:13.58TehRabbittnice... and as long as I use regular SIP phones etc I don't need any special hardware correct?
19:14.21p3nguinYou can use SIP phones or even an ATA and a regular phone.
19:14.45p3nguinAs long as your device(s) speak a language that Asterisk has a channel driver for, you can communicate with it.
19:15.00p3nguinI use both SIP and IAX2 for phones right now, and I have used SCCP before.
19:15.20TehRabbittHm so SCCP is not too hard to get working?
19:15.33TehRabbittbecause I can't seem to get this phone to "see" the server :-(
19:15.48p3nguinNo, but the chan_skinny driver that comes with asterisk isn't great.
19:16.29TehRabbittoh... :-\  so what would you reccomend I do heh  basically I just want this phone to be an extension I can take outside / into another room so i'm not tied down to my desk
19:16.41p3nguinphones are not extensions
19:16.44p3nguinphones are phones
19:17.01p3nguinExtensions are the rules in extensions.conf that tell asterisk how to process calls.
19:17.12TehRabbittah.  aka which phone to send it to?
19:17.24p3nguinExtensions don't even have to send calls to phones.
19:17.39TehRabbitti'm guessing they can also be sent directly to voicemail or such?
19:17.49p3nguinexten => 100,1,Playback(tt-weasels)
19:17.53*** join/#asterisk eliel (~eliels@
19:17.58p3nguinextension 100 plays that sound file and hangs up.
19:18.02p3nguinno phone involved.
19:18.12p3nguinSure, to voicemail or anything.
19:18.14[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: they do whatever you tell them to
19:18.16TehRabbittSo in other words one of those "our normal business hours are XYZ thank you ... click"
19:18.52p3nguinexten => 9934567,1,Goto(hours,s,1)
19:19.11[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: it can make you coffee.  It can change tracks on a jukebox playback, it can send an e-mail toa firend for you.  If can report if a server is responding to pings, or.... whatever
19:19.22p3nguinThen in the hours context, exten => s,1,Playback(our-hours-are)
19:19.27TehRabbittI guess basically what i'm asking... this SCCP phone I have, is there a basic way I can get it so I can just make and receive calls on it just basic functionality?
19:19.40p3nguin(1408.59) <p3nguin> Configure skinny.conf.  Load or reload chan_skinny.  Use the phone.
19:19.48TehRabbitt[TK]D-Fender: hm so basically extensions acn do almost anything?
19:19.58[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: yes
19:20.31TehRabbittp3nguin: alright, i'm guessing once I configure skinny.conf and reload chan_skinny, It should basically be the equivilant to a regular phone running off an ATA? (you dont get the full package of SCCP features)
19:21.10p3nguinchan_skinny does allow making and receiving calls.  I do know that much.
19:21.25p3nguinIt didn't allow me to make transfers from the phone, though.
19:21.40TehRabbitti'm guessing the "roaming phonebook" and "push to talk" that the phone's firmware supports wouldn't work though correct?
19:22.00p3nguinThat depends on how those things are incorporated.
19:22.04*** join/#asterisk iscario (
19:22.15TehRabbittI think it's all "Cisco Call Manager" that normally handles it :-\
19:22.34fenrusthe CME
19:22.37p3nguinIf the phone book uses http and xml, you can set up those things.
19:22.55fenrusisnt there a SIP software available for that phone ?
19:22.57p3nguinI wouldn't expect PTT to work, though.
19:23.00[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: forget PTT.  Phonebooks may not directly involve SCCP
19:23.02p3nguinno, there isn't.
19:23.11fenrusthat's a shame
19:23.13TehRabbittfenrus: apparently SIP was never made for this phone
19:23.20p3nguinThe 7921 wireless phone currently only has an SCCP image.
19:23.27TehRabbittyea :-\
19:23.46fenrushm, i read 7912G somewhere
19:23.57p3nguinIt's too bad, because that's a desired phone.
19:24.20TehRabbittp3nguin: I know, i mean other than the lack of SIP it's a great little phone... I just wish it had built in SIP because it'd make things 10x easier
19:24.47p3nguinUse chan_skinny for now just to get it "online" with Asterisk.
19:25.04TehRabbittp3nguin: have you ever used the 7921?
19:25.11fenrushm, we had problems with that phone roaming between different access-points
19:25.22p3nguinI'm familiar with it a little, but I've never owned my own.
19:25.33fenruswe had some older phone version
19:25.58TehRabbittAh... yea apparently for it to even "find" the asterisk server, I need to specify the location within an XML file hosted by TFTP
19:26.15p3nguinThat's easy enough.
19:26.30fenrussome dhcp-options and an tftpd and youre set
19:26.31iscarioplease : "IAX includes the ability to authenticate in three ways: plain text, MD5 hashing, and
19:26.31iscarioRSA key exchange. This, of course, does nothing to encrypt the media path or headers
19:26.31iscariobetween endpoints." ----> does it means that a man in the midle won't be able theorically to uncipher the voice data, but will be able to know from and where the packets are going ?
19:26.49*** join/#asterisk crazybyte (~crzp@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
19:27.11TehRabbittonly other thing I didn't like about this phone is it's lack of WPA/WPA2
19:27.28TehRabbittit "supports" it but only if it also uses a username/password or something 0_o
19:27.46p3nguinInstall the hpa tftpd on the same computer and put your files there.  Rather than make your dhcp server tell the phone where to look for the tftpd, just set it manually in your phone.
19:27.52TehRabbitthence the use of a seperate AP directly attached to the server
19:29.06p3nguintftp-hpa... should be available in your repos.
19:29.31TehRabbittit's better than regular tftpd?
19:29.45p3nguinWhat do you mean by "regular"?
19:29.50p3nguinextra/tftp-hpa 5.0-3  Official tftp server
19:30.11TehRabbittdebian has 2 packages available "tftpd" and then "tftpd-hpa"
19:30.27p3nguin*shrug* choose one.
19:30.43TehRabbittwell I chose the HPA one and it's installed now i'm just trying to find it's .conf file lol
19:30.55p3nguinI don't use Debian, so I don't know what the other one is.
19:31.39p3nguinThere probably isn't a conf for it.
19:32.03TehRabbittoh... hm how do I specify the directory the files will be in then?
19:32.18ChannelZyou run it that way
19:32.46p3nguinThe init script might have something for tuning, or it could just be hard-coded in the script.
19:32.57TehRabbitt  good tutorial I just found... though it's for Ubuntu, debian uses the same exact commands since ubuntu is built upon debian
19:33.13ChannelZthe one I'm using you can run from inetd.conf for instance
19:33.23p3nguinI actually have /etc/conf.d/tfptd which sets the TFTPD_ARGS value that my /etc/rc.d/tftpd script uses.
19:33.38TehRabbitti'm gonna try to get this working and see if the phone can register to the asterisk server heh
19:33.40p3nguin/etc/conf.d/tftpd, that is
19:34.50TehRabbittare you running gentoo?
19:35.00p3nguinMe?  No, ArchLinux.
19:35.39p3nguinIf you've already got xinetd going, it's certainly a reasonable idea to pop your tftpd stuff in there, since it only spawns the processes as needed.
19:36.13*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
19:36.28ChannelZDo you need tftp all the time?
19:36.48TehRabbittthe phone polls the TFTP server every few minutes to make sure it's still connected 0_o
19:36.49p3nguinI wouldn't want to have to turn it on and off when needed.
19:37.05TehRabbittthat's how the phone can tell if it's "in range" or not
19:37.23ChannelZThat's... a choice..
19:37.53p3nguinEither way (tftp as a daemon or tftp from xinetd), it isn't going to create a lot of load on the system.
19:37.54TehRabbittChannelZ: howso?  the phone is hardcoded to auto-check for the XML file every erm 2 min or so
19:38.19ChannelZI just mean that's a strange and dumb design
19:38.20*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
19:38.36TehRabbittChannelZ: Cisco Designed it, I just bought it heh
19:39.07TehRabbittthey want you to use the phone on THEIR AP's with built in TFTP servers, along with THEIR server software (call Manager)
19:40.24TehRabbittAll the XML file contains is what "extensions" the phone will be able to dial out from and also the IP address of the asterisk server
19:41.08TehRabbittif it can't find the XML file it just goes into a constant reboot until it does... I did get it working using TFTP on my windows machine but it just says "invalid SCCP server"
19:42.34*** join/#asterisk Akiraaa (~Akiraaaa@
19:43.14p3nguinUntil you configure chan_skinny or another channel driver, you do have an invalid SCCP server.  :/
19:43.25TehRabbittexactly 0_o lol
19:44.03TehRabbittso i figure since I got it working using the XML file on the windows machine, once i figure out TFTP on this machine, I can actually have the phone connect to the same machine for both TFTP as well as SCCP
19:44.37p3nguinThat's how I do it.  No reason to NOT have the tftpd on the same box as Asterisk.
19:45.01TehRabbittexactly but I can't figure out how to get TFTP to run now haha
19:45.02p3nguinNow when you start doing hundreds of phones checking the tftpd all the time, there could be a reason.
19:45.09TehRabbittlol true
19:46.08p3nguinInstall it.  See if there is a config file under /etc/sysconfig (or where ever debian puts them), then adjust it if needed.  Then start the server with /etc/init.d/tftpd start.
19:46.40TehRabbittkk *crosses fingers* lol
19:47.00p3nguinThe tftp root is probably something like /var/tftp or /var/tftpboot.
19:47.46TehRabbittyea, i figured that out it's in inetd.conf
19:47.49TehRabbittbut now i get this:
19:47.49TehRabbittthoth:~# /etc/init.d/tftpd-hpa restart
19:47.49TehRabbitttftpd-hpa disabled in /etc/default/tftpd-hpa
19:48.15p3nguinadds this to another reason to never use Debian.
19:48.33TehRabbittfixed it heh "run as dameon" was set to "no"
19:48.52TehRabbittAnnddddd its alive!
19:49.26p3nguinDo you have the files (or at least a template) that the phone wants from tftp?
19:50.19TehRabbittYes there's actually a tutorial on how to set up those files but they expect you to already have experiance with tftp / asterisk
19:50.19TehRabbittthey give you a nice XML template though
19:53.03*** join/#asterisk Raden (~Raden@
19:56.03iscariohi, i am looking forward a good IAX softphone (client) with alphanumerics touch , and if possible open-source (at least free). Does anyone know one ? thx
19:57.18p3nguiniscario: zoiper
19:58.29iscarioi know this one, what bother me was that i could only use ABCD on the visual pad.... thx anw p3nguin
19:59.18Baylink-afkYeah; zoiper's pretty nice.
20:00.25Baylink-afkIt's free predecessor had a few more features, but also possible a nasty crash-your-server IAX bug.
20:00.56[TK]D-Fenderiscario: what is the point of having more than ABCD on the dialpad?
20:01.17p3nguinThe keyboard can enter all the other keys.
20:01.53Baylink-afkABCD are on there for full 16-key TouchTone<tm> support, not for alpha entry.  JFYI.
20:02.23TehRabbitthm what does this mean from a tutorial i was following:
20:02.24TehRabbittyou will also need chan-sccp-b svn (March 2008) for the device to show correctly in asterisk (im using 1.4.13 with svn pulled -06/03/08 dod)
20:02.35TehRabbittdo I need to worry about that?
20:02.39[TK]D-FenderTehRabbitt: that version is ancient
20:02.52iscarioi thought that i could ask the user to enter a name instead of nums, so that an alphanumeric keyboard would have been helpful [TK]D-Fender
20:03.11[TK]D-Fenderiscario: You can, but there is no point of being on the pad since you can't use it once the call is placed
20:03.51Baylink-afkWhereas being able to dial DTMF is.  Does 2833 send the high-4?  :-)
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20:04.15[TK]D-FenderBaylink-afk: Should
20:04.23Baylink-afkSo you'd hope.  ;-)
20:04.42[TK]D-FenderBaylink-afk: Its active on the PST, so I can't see how they'd not support it
20:04.43iscariotrue, i didn't knew that in fact. [TK]D-Fender ... I thought it could work, but i think i understant know ;)
20:05.08Baylink-afkWell, not really... I don't know of any production use of ABCD on PSTN switches, myself, at least.
20:05.22Baylink-afkIt's really rare on end-devices, for that matter.
20:06.01*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
20:06.24Baylink-afkAnd, since I have this cool new thing called The Google, I looked: yes, 2833 encodes 0-9 ABCD, # * and FLASH
20:09.18TehRabbittOk well the phone is looking for the TFTP server and is not finding it :(  and then just goes "not in service"
20:09.45fenrusprovide the tftp-server address with a dhcp option
20:09.57p3nguinI wouldn't bother with that.
20:10.11p3nguinProvide the dynamic tftp address in the phone manually.
20:10.24p3nguinwe're talking about ONE device, here.
20:11.02TehRabbittHeh... I put the IP for TFTP into the phone and it's "looking for CM Entries" but it fails / goes "not in service"
20:11.12TehRabbittso i'm thinking it's TFTP that's not running properly
20:11.26TehRabbittTFTP Timeout
20:11.44TehRabbittDNS Unknown Host, TFTP Timeout
20:11.49TehRabbittthat's what it shows in the phone's status log
20:11.54fenruscheck the daemon log and if the tftpd is running
20:14.09TehRabbittnope not running
20:14.11ChannelZdo you know what path/filename it's looking to fetch?
20:14.13TehRabbitthm weird
20:17.53*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
20:19.44TehRabbittHmph phone still can't find the TFTP server :(
20:20.20fenruscan you download stuff from it manually ?
20:20.24fenruswith a tftp client
20:20.52TehRabbittthats the XML file it's supposed to pull
20:20.58TehRabbittthe so-called "CM List"
20:21.11TehRabbitthavent' tried that... lemme try pulling using a tftp client
20:24.01*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
20:24.37p3nguinIf the phone doesn't know where the tftpd is, it cannot get that file.  Did you specify in the phone's settings where the tftpd is?
20:24.48p3nguinIn SIP, you use the dynamic tftp setting.
20:25.07TehRabbittyep, which is up, responds to ping, and TFTP is running however clients can't connect to TFTP so its gotta be an issue with the TFTP still
20:25.12TehRabbittTransfering file XMLDefault.cnf.xml from server in ascii mode...
20:25.12TehRabbittPacket will be sent. len=61, opcode=1
20:25.12TehRabbittPacket received. len=36, opcode=5
20:25.12TehRabbittError occurred during the file transfer (Error code = 8):
20:25.12TehRabbittUnsupported option(s) requested
20:25.57p3nguinHow about your /etc/hosts.allow file?
20:26.06p3nguinDid you specify in.tftpd: ALL: allow
20:26.25TehRabbittI dont think I did... lemme check
20:26.47p3nguinThe system's log file should have been griping about it.
20:28.00*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
20:28.11TehRabbittMay  2 15:49:24 thoth in.tftpd[8048]: cannot bind to local socket: Address already in use
20:28.11TehRabbittMay  2 16:09:01 thoth /USR/SBIN/CRON[8119]: (root) CMD (  [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && find /var/lib/php5/ -type f -cmin +$(/u
20:28.11TehRabbittsr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) -print0 | xargs -n 200 -r -0 rm)
20:28.16TehRabbittthats what it shows 0_o
20:29.19p3nguincannot bind to local socket: Address already in use
20:29.39TehRabbittyea :-\ how do I know what else is using that address
20:29.39p3nguinSo you need to destroy whatever is using your port.
20:29.43p3nguinlsof -i :69
20:30.01TehRabbittin.tftpd 8291 root    4u  IPv4  66992       UDP *:tftp
20:30.24p3nguinStop the tftpd for a few seconds and then restart it.
20:30.52p3nguinYou should not see that message again.
20:32.54p3nguinNow you've got me thinking about trying chan_sccp.
20:36.47*** join/#asterisk gospch (
20:38.09TehRabbittits still not working so i'm restarting the machine and seeing if it loads on boot / perhaps something else was using the port or something idk
20:38.22p3nguinDid you see the message again?
20:38.33ManxPowerWhy don't you ask on the channel for your distro?
20:38.41p3nguinBy the way, this isn't Windows, so restarting doesn't "solve" problems.
20:38.44TehRabbittI did.. they sent me here haha
20:39.17TehRabbittp3nguin: I know that lol but I'm figuring since i've started and stopped services so many times perhaps one of them I lost track of is still running or idk
20:39.36p3nguinThings don't work like that.
20:40.53ManxPowerchances are xinetd is configured to launch a tftp server as well.
20:41.08fenrusinetd's are only problems.
20:41.31p3nguinI'm pretty sure he started it as a daemon.
20:42.03ManxPowerimagine what would happen if xinetd also tried to listen on the same port
20:42.14TehRabbittthat's what i think was happening
20:42.30TehRabbitthence why i commented it out in xinetd and just left it installed as a daemon
20:42.31p3nguinThen don't start it from xinetd or don't start it as a daemon.
20:42.35ManxPowerfixing that is a distro question
20:43.12p3nguinAnd you normally don't comment out things in xinetd to stop them.  You have to set it to disabled.
20:43.27TehRabbittoh 0_o
20:43.52TehRabbitti'm hopping over to #debian to ask them why TFTP wont work heh
20:48.13*** join/#asterisk crazybyte (~crzp@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001) sure doesn't make it easy to get the v2 stable package.
20:53.53TehRabbittp3nguin: what do you mean?
20:55.36TehRabbittv2 better than v1 i'm guessing?
20:59.46*** join/#asterisk Jumpie (
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21:02.28TehRabbittOk, so how do I change the interface that TFTPD is bound to?
21:04.15fenrusprobably some listen-statement in the config
21:04.55TehRabbittwell the good news is running netstat it shows SCCP and asterisk are all running / listening but apparently TFTP is assigned to the IP which would be causing some issues lol
21:05.31p3nguin0.0.0.0 is all IP addresses on any interface.
21:05.40TehRabbittoh :(
21:05.47p3nguinSince you probably only have one interface with one IP address, you're fine.
21:05.48TehRabbittsooo still dont know why TFTPD wont connect
21:06.01p3nguinHow about hosts.allow like I asked?
21:06.39fenrustftpd-hpa and non inetd-crap, will be up and running in 5 minutes.
21:06.43fenrusnow off for bed.
21:07.47TehRabbittp3nguin I added that line into hosts.allow
21:07.52TehRabbittfenrus: i'm using tftpd-hpa
21:08.06p3nguinNow show me some useful logs.
21:08.13fenrusadd some debugging, and parse the logs
21:09.12TehRabbittwhich logs do you want to see?
21:10.06fenrusthe daemon logs telling you why your client cant connect
21:11.10TehRabbittlooks like the only thing in daemon.log that refrences tftpd is:
21:11.11TehRabbittMay  2 15:36:59 thoth xinetd[8013]: added service tftp [file=/etc/inetd.conf] [line=34]
21:11.40fenrusgrep -i tftp /var/log/*
21:11.40p3nguinSo you're still running it through xinetd AND as a stand-alone daemon?
21:11.44TehRabbittin my inetd.conf file:
21:11.44TehRabbitt#tftp           dgram   udp     wait    root  /usr/sbin/in.tftpd /usr/sbin/in.tftpd -s /var/lib/tftpboot
21:11.51fenrusrestarted inetd ?
21:11.53TehRabbitti'ts got a # in front of it
21:12.05TehRabbitti've restarted the whole server, that should restart inted no?
21:12.41fenrusare you certain that the xinetd read from inetd.conf and not some other file ?
21:12.42ManxPowerI thought all the distros switched to xinetd, but I guess not.
21:12.45TehRabbitthold on for pastebin
21:12.57ManxPowerwhy don't you just stop inetd all totather to test
21:13.03ManxPowertogether, even
21:13.22fenrusi dont understand why all distros still include that crap
21:13.38*** join/#asterisk fofware (~fabian@
21:13.47fenrusinetd is obsolete and gives more problems than it solves.
21:13.57TehRabbittCan't even remove inetd... it won't let you
21:14.05*** join/#asterisk jasonjjohnsonjr (
21:14.19fenrusit sure does, i dont run the crap on any of my debian servers
21:14.22fenrusdpkg --purge
21:14.27fenrusand update-rc.d is the shit
21:14.32fenrusno i really need to leave.
21:14.36ManxPoweris there a dpkg --binge too?
21:14.51TehRabbittfenerus how do I remove it? heh
21:18.17TehRabbittOk, so I can confirm TFTP is running but nothing is connecting to it :-\
21:19.57p3nguinIt would have taken less time to just use it the way they wanted you to use it.
21:20.11TehRabbittwho cisco? heh
21:20.15TehRabbittor tftpd?
21:20.28TehRabbittwell i'm trying to use it the way they want me to
21:20.30TehRabbittbut it wont work
21:20.37Jumpiewhen you email voicemails to a particular email
21:20.43Jumpieis that supposed to show in asterisk cli?
21:21.13TehRabbitti'm going to purge tftpd and reinstall it
21:21.13Jumpieim having issues with sendmail
21:21.16Jumpieand not sure if im missing sometin
21:22.14Jumpiei see entries in /var/spool/mail/asterisk that the email was formatted but not sure if it im trying on a diff extension and not seeing anythign else
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21:28.11ChannelZJumpie: sendmail is a living issue
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21:31.48JumpieChannelZ yeah :(
21:31.50*** join/#asterisk gospch (
21:32.04Jumpiei know you guys hate im using freepbx..but that isnt the issue following
21:32.14Jumpiecan you verify if th at looks to be a sound tutorial?
21:32.33Jumpiebecause honestly there aer several others that give varying answers as to what should be in what files..and imw orried im not quite right
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21:54.49Jumpiei found out what's going on
21:54.55*** join/#asterisk baddragon (yiffstar66@unaffiliated/devemo)
21:54.58Jumpiethe email WAS going out..but was getting sent to spam in gmail
21:55.07Jumpieits because its going from asterisk@..... to voicemail@....
21:55.16JumpieReceived-SPF: neutral ( is neither permitted nor denied by best guess record for domain of client-ip=; sure this is an issue this an actual dns change i need to do? or something i can tweak with sendmail?
22:00.12TJNIISetting the RDNS for your domain really helps when you're running a MX.
22:00.20TJNIIDon't know if you can do that with dyndns, though.
22:01.40chuckfJumpie: how many people are going to be using this asterisk system as it is configured?
22:02.02*** part/#asterisk bminish (~bminish@pdpc/supporter/professional/bminish)
22:02.03Jumpiechuckf well really just 2
22:02.19Jumpiebut i want to be sure i cant have others try to somehow use the dyndns domain in their emails as well?
22:02.34JumpieTJNII this is really a dns issue? i cant change somet things in sendmail to avoid this behavoir? i mean i understand why gmail is doing this
22:03.46chuckfJumpie: at TJNII said, its a reverse dns issue and and gmail is catching it as spam. I don't believe that the free dyndns can do rdns
22:03.51TJNIIYou're hitting a spam filter.  You're already down because you're (assumedly) on a home connection.  Most major ISPs check the RDNS record, and if it doesn't match you get filtered.
22:04.23*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
22:04.50Jumpieso this has nothing to do with the asterisk user vs "voicemail" from
22:04.53Jumpieok..i just wanted to verify that
22:05.00chuckfJumpie: the easy thing to do is just whitelist the domain through your gmail or set sendmail to forward and use your gmail to send the vmails out with your gmail account
22:05.04Jumpiethis is really only going to one email account..i was using the jumpie@gmail to test sendmail
22:05.20Jumpiei ust hope...where i send it to doesnt totally block it..if he sets it to not set that email as spam we should be ok
22:16.48p3nguinYou could easily configure postfix to relay via your gmail account.  I can only assume sendmail is almost as easy.
22:19.16Jumpiep3nguin actually im lookin on dyndn's web site
22:19.23Jumpiethey offer a mailhop secure relay option
22:19.40p3nguinThey can't do much better than relaying through gmail.
22:19.49Jumpiealthough i still run into reverse dns issue
22:19.58Jumpiei mean everything works functionally
22:22.13TehRabbittp3nguin: i'm back...
22:22.15TehRabbittTFTP is working...
22:22.21TehRabbittnow it just shows up "Registration Rejected"
22:22.26TehRabbittasterisk isn't accepting the phone :(
22:22.31p3nguinconfigure it.
22:22.50Jumpiewhatp hoen
22:22.50TehRabbittaight lol
22:22.53Jumpieer phone
22:23.30p3nguinFrom what I can tell, no configuration needs to be done on the phone.  You configure skinny.conf with the info and that's it.
22:24.01*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
22:24.54Jumpieim curious if you can statically assign up addresses to aastra 6731i
22:24.57Jumpiefrom config file
22:24.58Jumpieand not on the phoen
22:25.07Jumpiedhcp default
22:25.40p3nguinAre you talking about dhcp reservations?
22:26.13TehRabbittp3nguin: yea I think it's just an issue with the skinny.conf file
22:26.19Jumpieso that it doesnt use dhcp to obtain
22:26.23Jumpiei wanna statically assign ips to my phones
22:26.34Jumpieits easy in the phone but..i wanna see if i can do it via mac.cfg
22:27.06p3nguinAnd where does the mac.cfg come from?
22:27.46Jumpiethe MAC.cfg is the phones macaddress in caps.cfg
22:27.49Jumpieresides in /tftpboot
22:27.51Jumpieauto configures phones
22:27.57Jumpieper phone config...vs aastra.cfg which is global
22:28.01p3nguinSo the file is on a server.
22:28.05Jumpieyea on the pbx
22:28.17Jumpiei just dont remember the syntax on how to statically assign ips to the phone
22:28.25Jumpieif im ATt he phone...which im not cause i 3000  miles away, i cans et it up no problem
22:28.27p3nguinHow do you propose to get the file from a server which is on a computer network which speaks IP... without the phone having an IP address?
22:28.33Jumpiehaha no
22:28.36Jumpielet me back up
22:28.47Jumpieall im saying is..i want to statically assign the ip to the phone vs it getting it via dhcp
22:28.55Jumpiewhich i can do IF im at the phone through the phone ui
22:28.57p3nguinThat would be done IN THE PHONE.
22:29.10Jumpiebut im sayin im pretty sure within the phone configs in MAC.cfg i can do it also
22:29.15p3nguinor by a static dhcp entry.
22:29.23Jumpiei need to research the syntax
22:29.39p3nguinYou're not going to get the mac.cfg from the server if you don't already have an IP address.
22:30.20Jumpieyea i can
22:30.42Jumpieas soon as the phone is on the network it sendsa  broadcast
22:30.49Jumpieif the mac.cfg already exists
22:30.56Jumpieit finds it
22:31.01Jumpieat this poitn connectivity isnt an issue
22:31.07Jumpieall im saying is now..i have an ip on the phone..but its gotten by dhcp
22:31.12Jumpiei want to statically assign ips to all these phones
22:31.21Jumpieand then label the phone with the ip
22:31.29Jumpieim doign this to dumbproof it for user..i dont really care
22:31.43*** join/#asterisk jameswf (~james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
22:32.07TJNIIHeh, my IP phones are the only things on my network that I don't care what IP they get....
22:32.17Jumpiestrangely, sometimes i ahve to 'nudge' the phones to finding the server
22:32.35TehRabbittp3nguin: It works... :-D
22:32.36JumpieTJNII i really dont care but, i want the customer to be able to log into the phones through web ui and change things
22:32.41TehRabbittshows the time, and the extension #
22:32.46Jumpieand i dont want to try to step him thorugh how to find the IP and confuse him
22:32.55Jumpieyay :D
22:33.09p3nguintehrabbitt: 523 hours later...
22:33.23TehRabbitthaha and now I need to figure out how to configure asterisk to actually place a call outbound lmao that should be easy though...
22:33.41p3nguinand probably sip.conf.
22:34.02p3nguinAre you talking to your ITSP via SIP or IAX2?
22:34.07*** join/#asterisk jasonjjohnsonjr (
22:34.07TehRabbittso just take my SIP credentials, put them into sip.conf then just configure extensions.conf telling what ext 500 is supposed to do?
22:34.24p3nguinThat's pretty much it.
22:34.24Jumpievoip termination provider
22:34.29infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
22:34.29TehRabbittAh, ViaTalk uses SIP
22:34.49TehRabbittthey give me the SIP proxy, port, and UN/PW for me to connect
22:34.54Jumpieaaw..dyndns wanst $19.95 for outbound mail relay
22:35.01p3nguinThat goes in sip.conf then.
22:35.11p3nguingmail is free!
22:35.31TehRabbittfor SIP?
22:35.32TehRabbitti'm confused
22:35.34TehRabbittOHHH nvm
22:35.49*** join/#asterisk CoderForLife (
22:35.52TehRabbittif only google voice supported SIP now THAT would be nice
22:36.04p3nguinThey do... sorta.
22:37.33NuggetI love that site.
22:37.37p3nguindisregard that first one.
22:39.36*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (~Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
22:41.30TehRabbittSigh call is failing :(
22:41.47p3nguinpaste the info into if you want anyone else to look at it and help.
22:42.01*** join/#asterisk JT (~j@unaffiliated/jt)
22:46.28p3nguinWhat context is your phone in?
22:46.35TehRabbittwhat do you mean?
22:46.56p3nguinI mean:  The context for your phone is _________.  fill in this blank.
22:47.10TehRabbittExtension 500
22:47.28TehRabbittthose last 3 lines
22:47.40p3nguinI don't know how else to put it.
22:47.44p3nguinYour phone.
22:47.47p3nguinIt is in a context.
22:47.56p3nguinWhat context would that be?
22:48.02TehRabbittI'm not sure what you mean by context though that's what has me confused
22:48.23p3nguinIn skinny.conf, you had to configure an entry for your phone.
22:48.42p3nguinThe entry for the phone require a setting of "context" in it.
22:48.46p3nguinWhat value does it have?
22:49.29p3nguinIs this your ENTIRE extensions.conf in the pastebin?
22:49.44p3nguinThen that's why your calls don't work.
22:49.55TehRabbittoh lol
22:49.59p3nguinYou're missing some important things, plus your phone isn't in the proper context.
22:50.12TehRabbittwhat context should it be in?
22:50.21p3nguinProbably users based on this paste.
22:51.06TehRabbittany good examples or a simple tutorial on how I should set up this extensions.conf?
22:51.58Jumpiehaha i actually had the first time i ever needed to do ipconfig /flushdns
22:52.03p3nguintehrabbitt: ^^
22:52.08Jumpiemade a ch ange to dyndns and my host wasnt resolving right
22:53.24TehRabbittok i'm gonna try that and see if it works
22:53.31p3nguinI also do not have SetCalledParty() as a valid application, so check your system to see if you do or do not have it.
22:54.12p3nguinMake sure you run "dialplan reload" after you save your changes.
22:54.28TehRabbittok apparently I can make internal calls but I can't dial out still
22:55.08p3nguinYou might have to reload the chan_skinny driver after changing it.  I can't recall if there is a reload for its settings.
22:55.17Jumpiemy friend uses asterisk to handle his door buzzing in and out
22:55.26TehRabbittJumpie: how? lol
22:55.30Jumpiethe pin codes are given out to certain people and they are 'hidden 'extensions on an ivr
22:55.51Jumpiei think like 5 bad attempts in a row, rings his number or sends him a text or something
22:56.07p3nguinI see that you are trying to dial out through SIP/VOIP1.  Do you have a peer definition in sip.conf for VOIP1 where you have all the settings for your ITSP?
22:56.30TehRabbittyes I do
22:56.45p3nguinDid you run "sip reload" after saving the changes?
22:56.48TehRabbittwhen I dial a # such as 1-555-555-1212 it says "connecting" then juts hangs up
22:56.55p3nguinBetter do that.
22:57.02TehRabbitthow do I run that?
22:57.16Jumpiefrom asterisk cli
22:57.22p3nguinyou type in sip reload and press Enter on the asterisk console.
22:57.37TehRabbitt[May  2 18:58:11] WARNING[4657]: acl.c:408 ast_get_ip_or_srv: Unable to lookup 'proxy1.
22:57.43TehRabbittapparently it can't find my SIP proxy
22:58.21*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (
22:58.21p3nguinPaste your entire sip.conf, removing your passwords.
23:02.14*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
23:02.47TehRabbitthm this is the error asterisk throws when I dial a +1(xxx)xxx-xxxx number
23:02.48TehRabbitt[May  2 19:02:59] WARNING[4682]: chan_skinny.c:2461 skinny_ss: Can't match [11] from '1234561414' in context users
23:04.16p3nguinIs your asterisk system connected directly to the internet?
23:04.27TehRabbittYes it is..
23:04.37TehRabbittI can ping out from the server
23:04.55p3nguinAre you trying to relate those two things?
23:05.07p3nguinBeing able to ping out from the server does not make it a direct internet connection.
23:05.30TehRabbittOh you mean do I have a router, yes I do... but the old PAP2 behind the router never had an issue with SIP
23:05.39p3nguinIt's not being any NAT/firewall/router devices?
23:05.45*** join/#asterisk jks (jks@
23:06.02p3nguinThat's not a direct internet connection, then, and you need to follow the sipnat guide.
23:06.06infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
23:07.07p3nguinYour sip.conf is lacking necessary configuration.  <--- this is what I was trying to say.
23:08.00p3nguinHere's an example of a working sip.conf:
23:09.37p3nguinThis example contains an asterisk box behind NAT, with an example of one ITSP using two servers with static configuration, one ITSP using a dynamic configuration, and one phone.
23:10.38*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (~lesouvage@
23:12.06*** join/#asterisk traderz (
23:12.43traderzanyone here familiar with the protocol application invalid issue on cisco 7960 phones and how to fix it? i can run version 6.x of the software but can't get to 7.x or 8.x ..
23:13.38p3nguinI use SIP 8.11 on 7940/7960 phones.
23:13.44p3nguinNo problems that I can tell.
23:14.15traderzp3nguin, is yours a version g or the older unit?
23:14.54p3nguinWhy can't they be old an G models at the same time?
23:15.18TehRabbittwhat is this line for:
23:15.20TehRabbittregister =>
23:15.26TehRabbittin the example you sent me
23:15.28p3nguinregistering to your ITSP
23:15.42TehRabbittthat might help no? heh
23:15.54traderzp3nguin, how did you get it to work. mine fails everytime...
23:16.04traderzwhat do you have in yoru tftp directory?
23:16.11TehRabbittso what is that 105123 for?
23:18.28p3nguintraderz: OS79XX.TXT, P003-08-11-00.bin, P003-08-11-00.sbn, P0S3-08-11-00.loads, P0S3-08-11-00.sb2, RINGLIST.DAT, SIPDefault.cnf, SIP<mac address>.cnf, dialplan.xml
23:19.27p3nguintehrabbitt: I'm starting to get the impression that you failed to look at the sample config files AND the provided documentation AND you didn't read The Book.
23:19.40infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
23:19.41traderzp3guin, can i see what you have in your SIP* files
23:21.29Z_Godwhen I define different extensions in the same contexts in extensions.conf and extensions.ael will the just be merged?
23:21.53Z_Godwhen I type 'ael reload' I just get 'command failed' is there any way to see why it failed?
23:22.14TehRabbittp3nguin: any ideas on how to get the route to work?
23:22.17traderzis that your current config?
23:22.37p3nguintehrabbitt: Yes.  Read the friggin' book and configure everything correctly.
23:22.52p3nguintraderz: No.  You don't need MY configs.
23:23.35traderzp3nguin, those configs on that site are from version 4.x days
23:24.03p3nguinThen don't use them if you feel like they're wrong.
23:27.02traderzp3nguin, i was hoping to seee if there is a difference in your configs versus my configs
23:27.06Jumpieif i delete the actual voicemails in the voicemail recording directory
23:27.14Jumpiewill that get rid of the voicemail notification on the actual phones?
23:27.24p3nguinPretend like the files I just gave you are mine.  Compare it to your own.
23:27.30Jumpiei'm doing some testing at a locaion that's not physically where the pbx/phones are, and just wanna fast delete all the voicemails
23:28.18p3nguinIf you delete the files from /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/mailboxid/whatever... yes, the MWI will turn off.
23:28.26Jumpieperfect, thanks
23:28.33Jumpieand figured out an easy way to send multiple emails :)
23:28.43Jumpiesetting up an alias and then sending to thatalias@localhost
23:32.11*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~chatzilla@
23:32.30traderzp3guin, do you use dhcp for your phone or hard code ip?
23:32.30*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
23:36.41traderzanyone here familiar with the protocol application invalid issue on cisco 7960 phones and how to fix it? i can run version 6.x of the software but can't get to 7.x or 8.x .. once i try to upgrade from 6.x to 7.x i get protocol application invalid and its stuck unless i go back to verson 6.x
23:40.37p3nguinWhy can't you follow the same guides that everyone else uses, use the same sample configs that everyone else uses, and fix it yourself?
23:40.56traderzcuz i have been following them and it's not working after hours of time..
23:41.08carrarBecause you are here so that they do not have to research
23:41.13Jumpieso think if i used gmail as mail relay instead of comcast..i may have better luck?
23:41.23Jumpiemy problem is...even using a different relay is still going to have a reverse dns issue
23:41.44p3nguinPut the files into the tftp root, removing all others, boot the phone.
23:42.16p3nguinjumpie: You use those services as a relay so that you don't have to worry about YOUR OWN reverse DNS.
23:42.18carrardoesn't comcast buisness let you send Email?
23:42.37p3nguinLet them handle DNS.  That's what the relays are for.
23:43.23p3nguinThe relays won't give a shit what your DNS looks like... they'll send (as long as you are allowed to relay through them).
23:43.58p3nguinThen THAT server talks to other servers, and the other servers look at the DNS of THAT server that just relayed for you. pretty sure thast what i did
23:44.26Jumpieim using comcast's relay
23:44.38Jumpieand yet gmail is bitching about the email but it accepts it ins pam
23:44.38p3nguinAnd what's the current issue?
23:44.41Jumpieyahoo doesnt even take it
23:44.54Jumpiebecause the domain im supposedly sending from doesnt match the reverse you sayhing if i dont try to masq
23:45.10Jumpieand just let it 'be from comcast' ?
23:46.06p3nguinIf you relay through gmail, you actually authenticate your server like a client to gmail.
23:47.36Jumpieno kidding
23:47.46Jumpiewell...take a lookt at this..and can you tell me if this is a yahoo issue, or my server
23:48.45TJNIIYahoo is bad if you're running your own server
23:48.51Jumpieyea it seems to be not likcing
23:48.57p3nguinI would need to see the maillog.
23:49.04TJNIIThey regularly delay my mail for at least an hour as an "anti-spam" measure.
23:49.48Jumpieis th at yahoo rejecting me? or is that something actually wrong with their mail server at the moment
23:50.08p3nguingreylisting isn't new technology.
23:50.29Jumpieif i use gmail as my relay, my concern is will i resolve this yahoo issue
23:50.56p3nguinstat=Service unavailable  ... no other codes, such as 450 or 500?
23:50.57Jumpieand lookin at that log not 100% sure what it means by service unavaialble..i'd figure it'd say something about some authentication problem
23:51.06Jumpiehmm..lemme look more
23:51.54Jumpieon the gmail oen that does go through
23:51.59Jumpieit says dsn 2.0.0
23:52.08Jumpieyahoo says dsn 5.0.0 not sure what that is offhand
23:52.37Jumpiebut ther codes
23:56.09Jumpiesomebody mentioned going right through gmail instead
23:56.22Jumpieit may be better
23:56.25Jumpieas relay
23:58.01p3nguinYeah, I mentioned it... because most receiving servers will accept mail from gmail.

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