IRC log for #asterisk on 20100429

00:00.22Joelcarrar, awk '{if ($7 == "cn") { print $3 }}' country-ipv4.lst is a smidge cleaner, as well.
00:00.42Joelif you insist on bash :)
00:00.59Joelit's really just awk.
00:01.17carrarI never went back to make it better, just was my inital step by step striping through the data
00:01.29Joelcould probably pot it in a sed one liner too
00:01.44carrarI like CIDR blocks
00:02.02Joelthen change $3 to $5
00:02.04carrar$3 is the wrong field
00:02.25carrarthen I run that through the perl cisco ACL module
00:02.32carrarand create the actuall ACL
00:03.19carrarworks well
00:03.41carrarand wala, you have a nice updated ACL on your cisco router
00:05.31jayteedon't you mean voila?
00:06.02carrarI mean whatever I am thinking and don't write!!
00:08.01carrarI've actually set aside of IP's that are not used, and block China from those IP's and have been loggin hits and ports
00:08.05carrarYesterdays Total Hits from China: 21141
00:08.40carrarwith port 1434 udp being the most popular yesterday with 10,698 hits
00:10.14*** join/#asterisk pkecastillo (~pirruar@
00:10.17carrarand IP doing 2,807 of those hits
00:10.19pkecastillohello guys
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00:13.27Joelsed -e 's|.*:\s\(.*\)\s: cn.*|\1|' -e 's|.*[a-zA-Z].*||' country-ipv4.lst mostly there
00:13.32Joelprobably a nicer way though
00:14.05carrarthat spits out nothing on my box
00:14.22carrarjust spaces
00:14.23*** join/#asterisk diegomad (mad@
00:14.54carrarbut points for making the line with lots of regex :)
00:15.13*** join/#asterisk shimizu (~shimizu@
00:16.06shimizuGood day everyone
00:16.23shimizuI have a question regarding software design
00:16.37carrarcode in assembly language
00:17.42shimizuhehe :) I have'to design a realtime billing on django, so is it correct to wait for cdr-s on AMI?
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00:18.40shimizucarrar: that would be too much :)
00:20.07shimizuOr should i use mongo-db instead, asterisk has support of it
00:23.23Joelcarrar, sed -e 's|.*:\s\(.*\)\s: cn.*|\1|' -e 's|.*[a-zA-Z].*||' -e '/^$/d' country-ipv4.lst
00:23.29Joelnot happy that's it three patterns...
00:23.50carrarspits out 6 # symbols
00:24.07Joelmay have to be tweaked for whatever format you have of this file
00:24.16carrarit's ok, mine works fine :)
00:24.49Joelreplacing the space to the left of cn with a \s might make it more portable.
00:25.26carrarMine's easier to read alos :)
00:25.33*** join/#asterisk arpu (
00:25.53carrarand shorter
00:26.00*** join/#asterisk RobH_ (~robh@wikimedia/RobH)
00:28.31*** join/#asterisk boodu (~boodu@
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00:31.02shimizuhardwire: yeah
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00:31.09*** join/#asterisk c0dyhi11 (
00:31.36c0dyhi11Is there a way to dial outbound over a dahdi trunk straight from the CLI?
00:32.02c0dyhi11I'm tryin to trouble shoot some dahdi problems and i have no clue where to begin.
00:35.18*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (
00:35.44shimizuWhat is the validation rule for sip username ?
00:36.40c0dyhi11are you asking me that?
00:36.59shimizuif you know the answer :)
00:37.03carrarc0dyhi11, like originate?
00:37.24c0dyhi11originate is a command in the CLI?
00:38.46jayteeis there a limit to the number of characters in a labeled priority? I would think there must be
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00:40.09c0dyhi11it says the usage is "channel originate <tech/data> application <appname> [appdata]"
00:40.16c0dyhi11I'm not sure what that means.
00:40.22c0dyhi11the channel is 1
00:40.37c0dyhi11is the application the phone number?
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00:41.54Joelc0dyhi11, show applications
00:42.16joobiehmm.. Joel, any idea where the "num line keys" option is on a polycom 600 ?
00:42.22joobiecant seem to locate it in the web config
00:42.25joobie320 had it.......
00:42.41c0dyhi11show applications says "no such command"
00:42.56Joeljoobie, don't have access to a 600 to check.
00:43.08Joelc0dyhi11, then I guess you have to do what people did back in the old days
00:43.40c0dyhi11that doesn't sound fun.
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00:43.47Joelc0dyhi11, research.
00:43.48carrarjoobie, program your polycom via ftp config files
00:43.57carrarnot the web interface
00:44.25Joelcarrar, p.s. my awk solution owns your stringed up mess :)
00:44.36carrarhaha whatevah!
00:44.52carrarMine is simple, shorter, easier to read :)
00:45.10carrarand works
00:45.33Joelyou fail and counting then
00:45.41Joeland my awk solution works as well
00:45.56Joel79 > 39
00:46.38coppicenah, you'll feel greater at 39 than at 79
00:46.42carrarok here are the two lines as I least read
00:46.51carrargrep ": cn :" country-ipv4.lst | awk -F: '{print $2}' | sed "s/ //g" | sort -n
00:46.52carrarsed -e 's|.*:\s\(.*\)\s: cn.*|\1|' -e 's|.*[a-zA-Z].*||' -e '/^$/d' country-ipv4.lst
00:47.23carrarYour's looks 6 chars longer and isn't even sorted!!
00:47.47Joelmine can be golfed down to 30, and yours just to 71 with no real work
00:47.54Joelawk '{if($7=="cn"){print $3}}'
00:47.58Joelif you call sed awk
00:48.02Joelthen I'm really worried about you
00:49.53carrarnever mentioned that
00:50.16Jumpiecan somebody help me out with some dahdi issues hehe
00:50.27Jumpiei originally had trixbox...scrapped it and reinstalled clean centos+freepbx
00:50.28carrarSo that line is 6 characters shorter
00:50.35Joelcarrar, indeed I did, and you even acknowledged it. If you need me to continue to own you, I will ;)
00:50.43Jumpiebut...the issue is regarding that i dont have a /dev/dahdi, so dahdi_cfg and dahdi_Genconf dont work
00:50.58Jumpiei have dahditools and its latest..i think im missing somethin simple
00:50.58JoelJumpie, who did you buy the card from?
00:51.04carrarI've never claimed to be the AWk master, simple provided a solution to a problem
00:51.24Jumpiefrom a vendor i have always before..the card is fine. its a tdm400p..and it worked with trixbox
00:51.24carrarAlways ways to improove everyones output
00:51.28Jumpiethe card is not the issue
00:51.41Jumpiei think im just missin some files
00:51.50JoelJumpie thanks for jumping down my throat, but that's not the angle I was taking things.
00:52.02Jumpielol sorry..just people keep sayin is the card fine..yes it is
00:52.09Jumpielspci shows it correctly and functional
00:52.13JoelJumpie, put the output of lsmod and dmesg on pastebin.
00:52.17JoelJumpie, and lspci
00:52.19Jumpiek sec
00:52.23Joellspci -vvv would be nice
00:52.36Jumpieyou want full dmesg output?
00:52.41JoelJumpie, would be nice.
00:52.43Jumpiek sec
00:52.48Joellspci doesn't indicate functionality per say, either.
00:52.53JoelJust hardware seen on the pci bus.
00:53.11Jumpietrue..well i guess i was sayin at least somehow/somewaht the os sees the card hehe
00:53.14Jumpieill post the -vv
00:53.16Jumpieer vvv
00:53.20Joelcarrar, agreed, which is why I gave you alternatives to stimulate your thought process
00:53.33carrarI'm stimulated
00:53.41Joelthe more shit you string together, the more chances of something breaking
00:54.41Jumpiedmesg is past my buffer
00:54.48JoelJumpie, /var/log/messages
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00:55.19Jumpieis ther a way to 'select all' within nano or vi?
00:55.23Jumpieso i can paste it all into pastebin
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00:57.57Jumpienm i figured out a way
00:58.56Jumpie  dmsg
00:59.35Jumpie lsmod
01:01.12Joelwhat do you see missing in the second link?
01:01.44Jumpie lspci
01:01.49Jumpieits not there ..i nkow
01:01.53Jumpiesays unknown module
01:02.03Joelwhat says unkown module?
01:02.03Jumpieyet /etc/dahdi exists..i even tried to unblacklist the device
01:02.20Jumpietrying to do lsmod dahdi or lsmod wcdtm
01:02.30Jumpieer whatever it is...i used the right one just cant remember it offhand
01:02.50Joelwhat happens when you type modprobe dahdi
01:03.00Jumpiewhatever libraries were pulled on my trixbox worked fine so i think its somethin basic im missing
01:03.09Jumpiefatal module dahdi not found
01:03.14Joelthere's your issue.
01:03.17Jumpieso /etc/dahdi exists /dev/dahdi doesnt
01:03.28Jumpiebut...i have the latest dahdi tools
01:03.33Jumpiecan i maybe blow it away redo it?
01:03.43Jumpiejoel..i am 99.99% sure my card is fine
01:03.56Joelare you done freaking out and would you like more help?
01:03.58Jumpiejust frustrated :(
01:04.05Jumpiefreakout mode: disabled
01:04.16Joelrpm -ql dahdi-tools
01:04.29Joelnow tell me, do those looks like TOOLS or do they look like MODULES?
01:04.51Jumpieit looks to me all relevant paths on the system pertaining to dahdi in some way
01:05.03Joelrevisit my question
01:05.04Jumpiethey are files
01:05.06Joeland pick one of the two options
01:05.11Jumpiei'd say tools
01:05.16Joelyou can do this, I believe in you.
01:05.20Jumpieyay me
01:05.22JoelSo what do you think is missing then?
01:05.25ChannelZThey look like yummy gumdrops to me
01:05.38Jumpieit looks to me, something somehow hasnt created the module?
01:05.44ChannelZYeah.  Maybe you.
01:05.48Jumpieand the actual interface to the card isnt recognized?
01:05.58JoelJumpie, and if we know the tools come from the TOOLS rpm, do you think just maybe there is an rpm for modules?
01:05.59Jumpiekeep in mind, while im not a super linux nub, im not super guru either
01:06.25Jumpiestrange they werent pulled from the getgo
01:06.34JoelYou have gotten this solved much easier by a) keeping an open mind and not FREAKING out. b) providing a clear and concise description of the issue contains TONS of detail
01:06.37Jumpiejoel i dont remember the exact syntax, i can search for relevance right?
01:06.44Jumpieyes, i appreciate it
01:06.45Joelyum search dahdi
01:06.46Jumpieand you have been patient
01:07.04carrarc) by eating gumdrops
01:07.06Jumpieok, a lot of stuff starting with kmod-dahdilinux....
01:07.19JoelJumpie, are you using centos's repos for asterisk?
01:07.26Jumpiekmod-dahdi-linux.i686  i thnk?
01:07.34Jumpiei believe so
01:07.40Jumpieregular, not beta, etc
01:07.41JoelJumpie, most likely, yes, try it.
01:07.45Jumpiek sec
01:08.31JoelIf that doesn't work, then follow the instructions on this page:
01:08.40Joelcentos patches things HEAVILY
01:09.03Joelthe 5.4 release kernel contains well over 3,000 patches against it.
01:09.05JumpiePackage kmod-dahdi-linux-2.3.0-1_centos5.2.6.18_164.15.1.el5.i686 already installed and latest version
01:09.05JumpieNothing to do
01:09.22Joeldunno, I wouldn't use any of centos's default rpms.
01:09.39Jumpieso the issue is the repo is probably wrong
01:09.54JoelThe issue is you don't have kernel modules installed for dahdi that match the running kernel.
01:10.15Joelif you see a version in your yum search that match your running kernel, feel free to try them.
01:10.15Jumpieso when i did a yum update is probably when it got broken?
01:10.30JoelI've given you a link that should hopefully take care of it
01:10.35Joelon that note, good night, I am going home.
01:11.01Joel(if you bought the card from digium (tdm400 is old, btw) they would have been able to help you with all of this for free I believe)
01:12.06*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
01:14.43Jumpiehmm ok...i have the correct repos
01:14.57Jumpieper that url..i already have those 2 files with the correct info
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01:23.46carrardid you want to know the context length?
01:24.42carrar#define AST_MAX_CONTEXT80/*!< Max length of a context */
01:24.52Jumpieyay it works
01:24.58Jumpiei had  2.6.18-164.15.1.el5PAE  and the PAE version wasnt the one installed
01:25.35jayteecarrar, thanks
01:25.39Jumpiei kinda wish i could get rid of older versions though
01:26.33jayteethat's helpful but I was wondering about the length of labeled priorities. what file did you find that #define? it may have other useful info
01:26.52carrarI pasted the file name
01:26.55jayteeoh, I see the file name abovie. thanks
01:27.26*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (bryan@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
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01:46.35*** join/#asterisk Ropeguru (
01:46.40RopeguruEvening all
01:46.57RopeguruAnyone here that might be able to help with an AsteriskNow install issue??
01:48.05TJNIIRopeguru: You should really seek help in #asterisknow
01:48.13infobotit has been said that asterisknow is based on Asterisk, but is difficult to support in #asterisk for a number of reasons.  Please seek support in #asterisknow instead.
01:49.00RopeguruThaks.. I did not see a reference to #asterisknow on their website. Only #asterisk. Will slide on over there. Thanks
01:49.24*** part/#asterisk Ropeguru (
01:51.01Jumpiecan anybody help me? im a  bit confused and not sure if this is beyond the scope of this channel, i have also installed freepbx and in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf i have changed the secret, thinking this is what controls the admin account
01:51.13Jumpiebut that isnt being passed correctly, mor is the wrong account
01:51.20Jumpiebecause admin/admin is the only thing still accepted, which i cant have
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01:58.16ChannelZshits on freepbx
01:58.55pabelangerJumpie: #freepbx
02:00.22TJNIIcan't remember who got all butthurt last night after being told to seek support there
02:04.11*** join/#asterisk slinksh0t (
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02:06.20Jumpiepabelanger they kinda idle haha
02:06.20Jumpiejust curious if anybody knew off hand
02:06.20*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
02:12.08c0dyhi11has anyone tried to run an analog line over Magic Jack?
02:17.41drfreezeAnyone know if you have to explicitly compile in echo cancellation in dahdi?
02:18.16drfreezeI get this error right after the call is answered
02:18.16drfreeze[Apr 28 21:14:50] WARNING[5452]: chan_dahdi.c:1776 dahdi_enable_ec: Unable to enable echo cancellation on channel 1 (No such device)
02:21.24*** join/#asterisk Andras888 (~60fa1253@gateway/web/freenode/x-lciyjcihfyvitlot)
02:22.00ChannelZno software ec should be there.. what are you trying to use?
02:24.12drfreezeno ec should be 'where'?
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02:26.15ChannelZSorry, I meant to say "no, software EC should be there.."
02:26.56drfreezeby 'there', you mean in dahdi?
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02:28.50ChannelZlsmod |grep echocan
02:31.15drfreezelsmod has nothing with echo
02:31.26drfreezelsmod | grep -i echo #=> nonthing
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02:32.29*** join/#asterisk Andras888 (~60fa1253@gateway/web/freenode/x-findhjoikxpzmxma)
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02:34.16Andras888Hi All!
02:35.12Andras888Hello Jed__
02:36.14ChannelZOh really?
02:36.25ChannelZlsmod |grep mg2
02:36.25ChannelZdahdi_echocan_mg2       7688  4
02:37.12Andras888I have a question regarding phone setup in Asterisk... 2 of them seems registered, but cannot call one-another...
02:37.19Jumpiehmm this seems like a serious issue
02:38.15ChannelZAndras888: Is it setup in your dialplan?  Are you getting errors or indications on the console?
02:38.35Andras888sip.conf and dialplan has 2 entries each...
02:39.15Andras888I get SIP channel errors for unknown reason (20)?
02:39.56Andras888Must I specify the extension in the phone's web setup, or the call should complete based on the dialplan entries?
02:40.18pabelangerdrfreeze: lsmod will tell you if your echo cancel module is loaded.  If it returns nothing then you don't have it loaded.
02:40.32pabelangerdrfreeze: IE: check your system.conf file for dahdi
02:40.49ChannelZAndras888: Pastebin some ACTUAL console output
02:41.18drfreezepabelanger: how do I load it?
02:41.44pabelangerdahdi should load to depending on your system.conf settings.
02:42.46Andras888ChannelZ: I am not currently at work where the problem is, but have remote access.  Is there a log file for earlier errors from the afternoon?
02:42.51drfreezeI guess my next question is how do I find the name?
02:43.24pabelangerdrfreeze: It is all in the README file
02:51.59ChannelZdrfreeze: did you build the dahdi drivers yourself?
02:54.02drfreezepabelanger: hmmm, all I'm seeing is: <<_echo_cancellers,Echo cancellers>> and <<_tone_zones,tone-zones>> are
02:54.05drfreezehandled separately later.
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02:54.50drfreezewctdm is loaded
02:55.46drfreezeso far teh only solution I see online is a guy who bought a hardware echo canceller. :)
02:56.15ChannelZre: did you build the drivers yourself?
02:56.55drfreezeyes. from 2.2.1+2.2.1
02:57.32ChannelZAnd do you have them turned on in /etc/dahdi/system.conf ?
02:58.43ChannelZIE "echocanceller=mg2,1-4"
02:58.53*** part/#asterisk Mhaddog (
02:59.05drfreezeI have them in /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
02:59.31ChannelZechocanceller=xxx is not valid there
03:00.32ChannelZYou tell dahdi what canceller it should use per channel in /etc/dahdi/system.conf and then tweak parameters for cancellation in general in chan_dahdi
03:01.33ChannelZfix your config, restart the drivers, it should start up the right echo cancel module
03:02.16drfreezeok, ran dahdi_genconf and it generated:
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03:02.52ChannelZyes.. which is /etc/dahdi/system.conf, NOT /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
03:03.03drfreezerestarted asterisk, but not drivers
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03:03.14drfreezeye sto /etc/dahdi/system.conf
03:06.33drfreeze[Apr 28 22:05:26] WARNING[7791]: chan_dahdi.c:1776 dahdi_enable_ec: Unable to enable echo cancellation on channel 1 (No such device)
03:06.50ChannelZCould it possibly have something to do with... <drfreeze> restarted asterisk, but not drivers
03:07.20drfreezeI did a modprobe -r wctdm; modprobe wctdm
03:07.22ChannelZWhen I says <ChannelZ> fix your config, restart the drivers ....
03:07.38ChannelZstop asterisk, stop the drivers, restart them, see if it loads the mg2 module on its own
03:08.26ChannelZas in '/etc/init.d/dahdi stop' or whatnot depending on your distro
03:11.06drfreezenot seeing any new moduels loaded
03:11.41*** join/#asterisk baddragon (yiffstar66@unaffiliated/devemo)
03:12.50ChannelZWhat does   dahdi_cfg -t -v  show you
03:13.27drfreezeChannelZ: seems like it is fixed now
03:14.36drfreezeChannelZ: thanks
03:14.59*** join/#asterisk boodu (~boodu@
03:15.22ChannelZsure - you really need to start the drivers with the init script as it will run dahdi_cfg for you and other magic based on config files
03:17.50*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
03:24.35*** part/#asterisk Andras888 (~60fa1253@gateway/web/freenode/x-findhjoikxpzmxma)
03:24.58drfreezeok, it's been awhile since I have done analog, but if I wanted to use the default echo canceller, how do I enable echocan in /etc/dahdi/system.conf - is there a name for the default cancellor?
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03:32.17[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: mg2
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03:46.55murdock_utHas anyone noticed that if you do a module reload and then do a dialplan reload that asterisk does weird things?
03:48.09joobiemurdock_ut, no.. what weird things?
03:48.29carrartime goes backwards for me
03:48.32Jumpiemysql is evil
03:48.40carrarPostgreSQL FTW
03:48.42Jumpiewhoever designed the syntax needs to be covered in honey and ants
03:49.17murdock_utWell normally when I run dialplan reload I see a bunch of stuff.  Well I don't after a module reload.  Running
03:49.34murdock_utIt acts like I didn't do anything.
03:51.17murdock_utAnd when I look at the messages log I see things like this: [Apr 28 15:41:18] WARNING[24044] pbx.c: Unable to register extension '0', priority 1 in 'system_ivr', already in use
03:51.54murdock_utThere is an entry for every line in my dialplan that says it's already in use.
03:52.08murdock_utI think that is weird.
03:52.28[TK]D-Fendermurdock_ut: what module?
03:53.03murdock_utI guess all of them since I type "module reload"
03:54.04[TK]D-Fendermurdock_ut: that isn't a command you should be issuing blind like that.
03:54.11[TK]D-Fendermurdock_ut: how about something SANE...
03:54.35murdock_ut[TK]D-Fender: must be habit from the "reload" days of 1.2
03:54.54[TK]D-Fendermurdock_ut: Well we still have "reload"
03:56.35murdock_utIf I do that it does the same thing as if I did a module reload.  Things get messed up.
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05:31.40jsjcI did compile and installed dahdi before
05:31.48jsjcnow I want to remove absolutely everything to start fresh...
05:31.57jsjcbecaus ei am getting some weird errors
05:32.07jsjchow i can know what to delete?
05:32.13Jumpielol you are the 3rd dahdi stress situation
05:36.09*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
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05:41.52carrarJust re-install the OS :)
05:41.58carrarprobably faster
05:42.30*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
05:43.07carrarAll these people suffering from DSS (Dahdi Stress Syndrome)
05:43.27carrarDSDS (Dahdi Stress Disorder Syndrome)
05:44.35Jumpiehaha the card detected?
05:44.45Jumpieis the service started, etc
05:44.51Jumpiecan you run dahdi_config -v ?
05:45.06jsjcJumpie it was not now
05:45.10jsjcso I want to clear that old version
05:45.15jsjcand install fresh 2.3.0
05:45.26Jumpiewell i had issues with an older version
05:45.29Jumpiei really didnt 'clear' it
05:45.35Jumpiebut i downloaded the correct one
05:45.42Jumpiewhat is your kernel version?
06:00.16*** join/#asterisk mykhyggz (
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06:33.00ChannelZwhispers "make uninstall"
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06:40.14*** join/#asterisk Imo (
06:40.19Imohello, i have installed an OpenVZ Centos and i have installed asterisk. but asterisk dont lunch on start up. i have set the runlevel on 3 and 5. in normaly centos works well but. what can i do ?
06:44.49*** join/#asterisk AndyF (~a@
06:45.54Imocan somebody help me ?
06:50.25Tim_ToadyImo run the init script by hand and see if thes some error
06:50.48Tim_Toadyu installed from source?
06:51.29*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
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08:04.58*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
08:05.24Polysicsanyone knows why when i do a call and log it on CDR, the timer starts from when the phone rings?
08:05.40Polysicsinstead of when the call is actually picked up?
08:05.52Polysicsmight have something to do with using the "m" option on Dial?
08:06.56carrarYou looking at duration or billsec?
08:09.39Polysicssince it made sense :-)
08:09.46carrardon't answer the channel
08:09.50carrarremove the MOH
08:09.53*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
08:10.18*** join/#asterisk Professional (~Pro@unaffiliated/shani)
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08:10.50Polysicshmm, then how do i provide the message to the user?
08:10.57Polysicsi am required to play that message
08:11.08carrarwhat message
08:11.09Polysicsbut then again, i suppose that the message answers the channel
08:11.22Polysics"you are waiting to be connected to the desired operator"
08:11.34carraryeah the call is connected at that point
08:12.52Polysicsso i suppose CDR is useless for me, and I have to use some sort of AMI parsing
08:13.18carraror create your own logfiles
08:13.20Polysicsalso because i could use the CDR event to at least detect the call's end, but it would not tell me anything about if it was answered or not
08:13.22geloin cdr you have a field with the call duration from the moment when it were answered
08:13.53Polysicsgelo, yes, but since I have MoH on the channel, it starts from when MoH starts, that is, at the very beginning
08:14.55*** join/#asterisk denon (
08:14.55*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
08:15.22gelook, then you must create your own logfiles, like carrar said
08:15.35Imoi get this error Starting asterisk: Cannot find specified TTY (9)
08:17.28Polysicshow do i create my own logfiles? AMI?
08:18.43carrarWhat do you want to log?
08:18.45*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
08:18.55carraror track
08:19.45Polysicsi need to log the duration of calls coming in both to direct numbers and to queues that have the same people in them
08:19.53Polysicsthis is a translation service
08:20.32Polysicspeople either know the code of the single person they want to talk to, or just ask for a language they need translation for
08:21.21carrarprobably want to parse AMI events
08:21.25Polysicsa secondary function i will have to sort out somehow is: if an operator is talking on a queue and gets called directly, is there a way to enqueue that call to that operator?
08:21.43Polysicsyes, i probably need to react to bridge and hangup events
08:22.26Polysicsthe single-user queue thing is probably more complicated
08:22.49*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
08:26.06geloyou could use local channel in queue, set the moment when the dial is done in cdr
08:28.12Polysicsyes, but it will still start the timer when it dials, not when it is answered
08:28.15Polysicsor not?
08:29.28carrarM(x): Executes the macro (x) upon connect of the call
08:31.51geloor G() if you prefer
08:36.38*** join/#asterisk raj-darkmystery (~test@
08:36.48raj-darkmysteryhi friends
08:37.01raj-darkmysteryneed some help with asterisk troubeshooting
08:37.52raj-darkmysteryfor outgoing calls cant here anything untill 28 sec passed, specially unable to here outgoing ring
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08:41.21raj-darkmysteryhello expertise... need a li'l help
08:47.52*** join/#asterisk joobie (
08:48.56spenguin[work]raj-darkmystery: check the console
08:49.02spenguin[work]whats happening
08:49.23raj-darkmysteryhi spenguin[work]
08:49.47raj-darkmysterythanks for your resonse.. actually i am facing some problem with ringing
08:50.19raj-darkmysteryif anyone calls out then no one can hear if its ringing or not.. if not answered then after 28 sec can hear ringing volume
08:50.54raj-darkmysteryhope that you are getting what problem i am facing spenguin[work]
08:52.19*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
08:53.39raj-darkmysteryare you there spenguin[work] ?
08:55.49*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:56.27Jumpiehey guys
08:56.45Jumpieis there a particular 'faxing' module one should get?
08:57.05Imoi get this error on startup "Starting asterisk: Cannot find specified TTY (9)" what can i do ?
09:00.01*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
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09:04.54raj-darkmysteryanyone here.. need li'l help with asterisk
09:05.27petern_press shift-8?
09:06.22spenguin[work]raj-darkmystery: but you dont hear it ringing, does it right?
09:07.05raj-darkmysteryyes spenguin[work] .. i cant here if its ringing or not but if the person receives the call then i can here his/hers voice properly
09:07.38raj-darkmysteryissue is i just cant here the ring for outgoing calls
09:07.49*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
09:08.07raj-darkmysteryi can here ring after 28 secs
09:08.16cjkhi, does anyone know a basic wlan voip phone that works (battery life) and maybe transfers
09:08.46Jumpiei bought one of these free fax for asterisk licenses off digium's site for "zero dollars" but...all i get is a confirmation and thank you i supposed to get some key shortly?
09:09.02Jumpielol..i was impatient
09:09.12*** join/#asterisk sergey (
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09:09.51raj-darkmysteryhi kaldemar
09:10.08raj-darkmysteryhope u still can remember me
09:11.01raj-darkmystery'm again facing last times problem.. ringing after 28 secs :-/ calling is fine but cant here outgoing calls ring
09:11.17spenguin[work]eh, sorry Im just buried under work "[
09:11.46raj-darkmysterythats fine spenguin[work] at least you tried to help.. thanks for that
09:12.18raj-darkmysterybut let me know spenguin[work] , if you figure out the cause of the problem
09:12.51raj-darkmysterykaldemar, are you there? :-/
09:13.17*** join/#asterisk kartik (~koolkarti@
09:14.08*** join/#asterisk dinesh___ (
09:14.39dinesh___hi folks, is it possible to specify different allowed codecs for different "register => .." entries in sip.conf ?
09:14.51*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
09:15.07dinesh___i have on incoming number that handles g729,gsm,g726,ulaw,alaw, but another just ulaw,alaw
09:15.27dinesh___so i'd rather no have to limit the codecs in [general]
09:15.34dinesh___rather not*
09:15.46*** join/#asterisk Z_God (
09:16.11raj-darkmysteryproblem with outgoing call ring.. anyone knows how to solve the issue?
09:20.47Jumpieso can you actually use gmail servers for outgoing email options in asterisk? or is it assumed you are the admin of some corporate email server?
09:22.37*** join/#asterisk mr_ian (
09:24.36geloJumpie asterisk just sends mail, doesn't bother about how your mail server is configured
09:24.47geloso you can use whatever you want
09:25.00Jumpiegelo but the problem is how some ISPS allow you do send out on smtp
09:25.05Jumpiei.e. being cox/comcast
09:25.28gelothat's not an asterisk problem
09:25.33gelobut a network problem
09:26.18Jumpieso it just needs an smtp host/password
09:26.19Jumpiethast it
09:26.27Jumpieits up to you to be sure its possible form your network/isp
09:26.29spenguin[work]hey, Ive been trying to understand wat g1,g2 means in this case
09:26.38Jumpiespenguin[work] , groups?
09:26.49spenguin[work]whats g1, g2?
09:26.49Jumpieits a group
09:26.53spenguin[work]group of?
09:26.54Jumpiewhich is a collection of channels
09:27.03spenguin[work]oh ok
09:27.18geloin fact, 1 or 2 is the group
09:27.19Jumpielook at /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf
09:27.22spenguin[work]channel =>1-15,17-31
09:27.27spenguin[work]that grouping?
09:27.31gelog means the way it dials the group
09:27.32Jumpiealso check out your trunks, and how you ahve it set
09:27.53Jumpiegelo but you can specify indiv channels too tho if i recall
09:28.06geloof course
09:28.09spenguin[work]bchan=1-15,17-31 ?
09:28.23gelobut you can make dial(DAHDI/G1/....
09:28.23spenguin[work]so thats two groups?
09:29.06geloand that would be dialing the group's channels from uppest (if this word exists) to lowest
09:30.42gelo...highest would have been better :P
09:35.27*** join/#asterisk OrNix (~ornix@
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09:38.50dinesh___heh weird ulaw sounds actually pretty good
09:39.22dinesh___perhaps better than g729 , gsm and g726
09:39.49ChainsawThat's expected, yes.
09:40.10Chainsawulaw is only barely compressed and it uses a fair amount of bandwidth.
09:40.26dinesh___cool then
09:40.31Jumpieare default allows decent?
09:40.41Jumpiei cant remember if ulaw is allowed by default on extensions
09:40.47dinesh___i'm only interested in quality
09:40.56Jumpieimportant to me too
09:42.51dinesh___but in the general case, more bandwidth doesn't necesseraly mean better quality
09:43.23dinesh___old codecs might be way worse than newer ones, but in this case ulaw is indeed great
09:51.11*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
09:51.32Jumpieim curious if there is a way to see a voicemail for another extension on a sure there is
09:51.47Jumpiethe idea is..a house based system only has one did...and its gonna ring all 7 extensions as a ringgroup
09:51.55Jumpienobody is gonna 'leave a message' for the kitchen or for the basement, etc
09:52.05Jumpieso i want any given phone to be able to see if a general voicemail has been left
09:52.08Jumpiethis a pain to setup?
09:53.18geloyou mean mwi?
09:53.59*** join/#asterisk sulex (~sulex@
09:54.06Jumpieyea but can you query that on an extension you arent registered on?
09:54.08*** join/#asterisk ickmund (
09:54.17Jumpielike, im deferring the 'house' general voicemail to lets say extension 501
09:54.30Jumpiebut i'd like any phone in the house to see if there is a voicemail on that extension
09:54.36Jumpiesimple, or funky php script?
09:54.55*** join/#asterisk kruemeltee (
09:55.02kruemelteehello everybody
09:55.14geloafaik asterisk just sends a notify to the extension with the same number as the given voicemail
09:55.38kaldemarJumpie: a simple extension. core show application VoiceMailMain.
09:55.50kruemelteeis there any way to get the SIP number of the agent wo takes the call from the queue within the filename of MixMonitor?
09:55.51geloif you want further functionality, you must use "externnotify" option, which allows you to execute a script/program
09:56.23geloas asterisk does not support publish
09:56.43gelotalking about sip
09:59.32*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
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10:01.30Jumpiecomcast fart
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10:09.04raj-darkmysteryproblem with outgoing call ring..
10:09.14raj-darkmysteryhave googled a lot bt no luck
10:11.23*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull_ (~pinoyskul@
10:11.28*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
10:11.37dinesh___so what?
10:11.44dinesh___what you're saying doesn't make any sense
10:17.38*** join/#asterisk hehol (
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10:22.45spenguin[work]from the asterisk console is it possible to make calls as a certain user?
10:23.39*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
10:24.30Jumpiemay have to user some perl script
10:25.48Jumpiesee if ther is some guidance ther for ya
10:26.22kaldemarspenguin[work]: yes if you make an extension that modifies the caller id.
10:27.26kaldemarhelp console dial will tell some more about dialing from command line.
10:32.20spenguin[work]kaldemar: Im on asterisk 1.6.2
10:43.39*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
10:49.04*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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10:56.04*** join/#asterisk daya (~daya@
10:57.43dayaMy asterisk server is hosted in one of the public IP, the clients(PAP2 devices) are behind the nat firewall, the phone only ring but I can't hear any audio
10:57.59dayaI have set nat=route in sip.conf
10:58.13dayaIs there is any extra config in sip.conf
11:04.00infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
11:04.04kaldemardaya: ^^
11:04.08*** join/#asterisk zorp75ck (
11:04.40dayagelo, isn't it default
11:05.31geloi don't trust defaults, i check everything myself
11:06.03joobieanyone played with ?
11:06.52*** join/#asterisk hc_e (~hc@pdpc/supporter/active/hc-e)
11:06.54dayagelo, ok I set careinvite=no, do I set nat=route or yes
11:07.09leifmadsencanreinvite=yes is the default
11:08.05hc_eI've a question about chan_sip of the latest asterisk rc ( I'm running it on an openvz guest and notice that under certain conditions the usage of 'dgramrcvbuf' rises significantly.
11:08.34hc_eI suspect this happens when the connection between asterisk and sip client is poor / suffers from high packet loss. Can anyone confirm this?
11:09.32geloyeah, canreinvite=yes makes more sense as default value
11:10.19dayagelo, My asterisk server is in public IP, and pap clients are behind nat, do I need to set nat=yes in sip.conf
11:10.54Gido-Edaya, does it work without?
11:12.38dayaGido-E, Its not working in both cases
11:12.54kaldemardaya: check the guide above. you only need nat=yes for the clients in sip.conf, not under general.
11:13.09dayaGido-E, but when I put nat=yes, the ring cames but no conversation
11:14.45Gido-Edaya ok, then the RTP stream is not good forwarded or blocked.    Check your firewalls and NAT helpers.
11:15.21*** join/#asterisk raj-darkmystery (~test@
11:16.10*** join/#asterisk ChaosDragon (~bjastles@
11:17.07raj-darkmysterytrying to deploy asterisk server over centos 5.1, if i fire make for dahdi-linux, getting following error.. not getting how to resolve the issue :-/
11:17.27*** join/#asterisk stmaher (~stephen@
11:17.27raj-darkmysteryYou do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.18-164.el5PAE kernel installed
11:17.30stmaherhi guys..
11:18.01stmaheris there a way in asterisk to force rtp through asterisk? and bind the sdp outbound from the asterisk box to tell rtp to goto a specific ip address?
11:18.03geloraj-darkmystery try installing the sources...
11:18.15joobieguys anyone been able ot integrate skype video into asterisk?
11:18.27*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
11:18.29joobiewant to have a handset registered on my asterisk box but the option to skype video call.. just duno if it's possible
11:18.29stmaherim getting an issue where asterisk is issuing out the public IP address of the company and not its internal address
11:18.30raj-darkmysterygelo, i already did that have installed kernel-PAE-devel but still the same error
11:18.32stmaherin the sdp
11:18.36joobiefound a page on skype saying that they do SIP
11:18.37joobiebut not video
11:18.57gelodid you update kernel recently? did you reboot the machine?
11:19.18raj-darkmysteryyes i did
11:20.00raj-darkmysteryor if anyone can provide with accurate instructions for deployment, gelo
11:20.24gelosorry, i'm a debian user
11:21.10raj-darkmysterygelo,  me also.. thtz why got stuck :(
11:21.28*** join/#asterisk torrio (
11:21.49raj-darkmysteryanyone can help out with this issue or with proper instructions over asterisk deployment with dahdi using redfone
11:22.00raj-darkmysteryissue: You do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.18-164.el5PAE kernel installed
11:23.06*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
11:23.36torriohey guys, is it possible to run asterisk and softphone still for development issues on one host ?
11:24.38ChaosDragonhello all, any one have experiance writing dsp code ...
11:27.34raj-darkmysterykaldemar, are you there?
11:31.45coppicestatistics suggest about 50,000 people have experience writing dsp code
11:32.51leifmadsenand what percentage of that were successful at it? :)
11:33.20eject_ckHi all
11:33.36ChaosDragonok so let me rephrase is there anyone that can point me to documentation on writing some new dsp for an asterisk ap ;)
11:33.38eject_ckI'm getting warning "[Apr 29 13:32:57] WARNING[29967]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:1912 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read too short" when I'm trying to send FAx
11:33.50leifmadsentorrio: yes -- run on different SIP port
11:33.56*** join/#asterisk The-Bat (~The-Bat@
11:34.06leifmadsen(i.e. asterisk on 5060 and the phone on 5061)
11:34.23leifmadsenheads off to work on the 3rd edition of TFoT
11:34.33coppicei don't think they gather stats like that. surveys don't usually ask "do you do X?" and "are you incompetant?"
11:35.58coppiceeject_ck: you are probably getting UDPTL on your RTP port
11:39.05dayaGido-E, what are the change that I need to set in pap2 linksys adaper if asterisk is in public ip and client are behind the nat
11:39.22dayaGido-E, I have set nat=yes in sip.conf
11:40.51coppiceChaosDragon: You're question seems vague
11:42.07ChaosDragonI would like to extend the apt_rpt app by adding a few new funtions to it that would require some dsp
11:42.46coppiceare you a DSP engineer, or are you looking for one?
11:43.18*** join/#asterisk thebaddragon (yiffstar66@unaffiliated/devemo)
11:45.03hc_emy problem seems to be that the asterisk rtp code doesn't call recvfrom(2) in time in some situations, so the dgram buffer fills up until it reaches its limit, temporarily making the whole openvz guest offline
11:45.24hc_eI don't know what to do - this problem seems to be present even in the current release candidate - any suggestions?
11:45.42ChaosDragondepends on how complicated it is I always like to learn new skills
11:45.54*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (~james@
11:45.59[Outcast]I was wondering if someone could look at and tell me why asterisk will not obey the 302? it should send another reinvite to the contact in the redirect message right?
11:46.03[Outcast]or do I need to modify the to URI as well?
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11:46.52coppiceChaosDragon: so you are really looking for a book on basic DSP?
11:47.35ChaosDragonthat or example code
11:48.30eject_ckcoppice: "you are probably getting UDPTL on your RTP port" what does it mean for me ?
11:50.23eject_ckI have Asterisk behind firewall and forwarded all the needed ports
11:51.29eject_ckCan someone help with my problem
11:51.37eject_ckthere is verbose log for my session
11:52.22eject_ckI have extension in extensions.conf and call file which I'm copying to spool/outgoing then call invokes and I see teh log records
11:54.09coppiceChaosDragon:example code demands a specific requirement. A good beginner's book is understanding dsp by Richard Lyons
11:54.33*** part/#asterisk hc_e (~hc@pdpc/supporter/active/hc-e)
11:54.54coppiceeject_ck: UDPTL means T.38 packets
11:55.37*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
11:56.14eject_ckcoppice: yes I know :), but why I see teh warnings ?
11:56.37eject_ckBtw, I have my * box behind NAT. Can this be a problem ?
11:56.42ChaosDragonI don't know how familier you are with radio there is a tone control method we use that is called CTCSS and another one DCS I would like to add this detection in to app_rpt
11:57.55*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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12:07.49eject_ckThere is all of my configs and call file
12:08.23eject_ckI'm getting call on fax machine (where I wanna to SendFax)
12:08.33eject_ckthen nothing happens
12:09.09*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
12:09.11coppicebasic tone detection is pretty easy. robust detection rather less so. good luck
12:10.06*** join/#asterisk kamh (
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12:11.50agxi've 2 SIP accounts registered with the same "host=xxx" BUT incoming call are always matched using the "host" value; instead how do i config sip.conf to match INVITEs using the phone number (fromuser) ?
12:11.54ChaosDragonIt would be similar to the DTMF detetion
12:14.20coppicemaybe. it depends on the actual tones, and what else might be present with the tones
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12:42.00agxdoes "type=user" in sip.conf works  in a differents from 1.4 to 1.6?
12:42.12agxdifferent way*
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12:58.01highvoltzIs it possible to assign a different ringtone to a specific incoming DID?
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13:04.02Scorcererhow can i enable users to text-chat through asterisk ?
13:04.21[Outcast]oops wrong room
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13:12.25spiceycurryI am doing a "sip show peers" and it is showing 1 online - however my x-lite softphone cannot connect ot the asterisk server (getting a registration error: 408 request time out).  So how could 1 sip be online?
13:13.18[Outcast]spiceycurry: are you behind nat?
13:13.43spiceycurryhmm, it is on the local network.  however, let me check my mac firewall settings
13:13.48agxspiceycurry: when you go offline without unregistering then you're online untile asterisk send you an OPTIONS (qualify=yes) and you don't reply
13:15.58spiceycurryHere are my logs:
13:16.14spiceycurrysays failed to write on 34 broken pipe
13:16.21spiceycurry(read the bottom portion)
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13:17.45spiceycurryvery strange
13:19.22spiceycurryis this a DNS prob, or could it just be my settings?
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13:23.16spiceycurryGetting a registration error: 408 - Request Timeout, here is my log. What should I try?
13:24.39ArsenickHi all, we have a 1800 number on our PSTN line  and this 1800 line go in the queue setup by our provider, I would like to know if there's a way to match a pattern and do something special with call from this line, I mean is it possible to know this call come from the 1800 line ? even if the call enter in the same zap as the other calls ?
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13:30.09eject_ckI see in messages  T38FaxUdpEC in udptl.conf is no longer supported; use the t38pt_udptl configuration option in sip.conf instead.
13:31.34eject_ckwhere get description of available options for sip.conf and udptl ?
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13:36.42leifmadseneject_ck: look in the sample files (<asterisk_src>/configs/*.sample)
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13:38.55kruemelteeis it possible to create a custom variable for each sip account for using within the dialplan? If so, how?
13:39.24manxpowerkruemeltee: see setvar= in sip.conf.sample
13:39.34kruemelteeokay ... thanks :-)
13:40.18spiceycurrycan someone share with me via pastebin, their iptables file for asterisk?
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13:50.17moos3is it possible to fax over SIP
13:50.33Naikrovekmoos3: yes
13:51.12moos3i just tried and got no carrier detected ideas?
13:51.21moos3i'm using hylafax with iaxmodems
13:51.59Naikrovek"hi is it possible to drive a car on the road"  "yes"  "my car won't go ideas"
13:52.02Naikrovekgoing to need more than that
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13:52.40Naikrovekneed some error messages, things of that nature
13:52.49moos3ok I can recieve just fine over my PRI, when I try to send out over the pri the fax fails
13:53.04Naikrovekwhat codec are you using
13:53.10Naikrovekif not G711 you're likely to have issues
13:53.53moos3my iaxmodems are using alaw
13:53.57moos3for the codex
13:54.01Naikrovekokay that's fine then
13:54.44Naikrovekunfortunately you've exhausted my knowledge of faxing using asterisk.  hang out, though, someone will read this and ask you more questions.
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13:57.59moos3here is whats in the console for asterisk
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14:07.09Yudaisrael1984can someone explain to me how asterisk is sending out packets with no nat when nat is set to yes
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14:07.09[Outcast]can you pastebin your config: sip.conf?
14:07.09[TK]D-FenderYudaisrael1984: perhaps you should SHOW US
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14:08.12Yudaisrael1984how can i get it if its realtime?
14:08.20Yudaisrael1984how can i copy relatime to u?
14:09.05gelpghi, my B400P ISDN card permanently changes the master
14:09.13gelpglike this from syslog:
14:09.26[Outcast]in that case....what is the ip address in the contact field in DB?
14:09.36gelpgdo you have any idea how to fix this?
14:11.20[Outcast]gelpg: what is problem you are having....that log snippet tell me nothing.
14:11.54[Outcast]gelpg: nevermind didn't see the line above
14:12.10gelpgOutcast: i have 3 ISDN ptp line and I can't dial out
14:12.41gelpgOutcast: the dahdi_tool shows all the spans are red
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14:13.20gelpgOutcast: I tested the card in another place and the card worked with the same config
14:13.28beefpastryHas anybody attempted to use a sip warning header to prompt a pop-up on polycoms?
14:13.53gelpgOutcast: so it is a telco problem or I should fix something?
14:15.20[Outcast]gelpg:hmmmm.....could possible be...if it work on a different set of ISDNs that are exactly the same...I would call my provider to trouble shoot.
14:16.36gelpgOutcast: and what should I tell them? What is the problem?
14:17.17[Outcast]gelpg: It seems like a signaling problem on the dchans
14:18.00[Outcast]gelpg: but that is only a guess
14:18.44gelpgOutcast: thanks, I'll try
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14:21.06manxpowerIf the span is RED, then you do not have a line connected to the card
14:22.22gelpgmanxpower: phisically I have
14:22.59gelomanxpower not necessarily, there are providers which save energy disconnecting l2
14:23.14coppicebut emotionally there may not be closure
14:23.35manxpowergelpg: RED means "no layer 1"
14:24.00[Outcast]maxpower: if there is no carrier signal on the dchan it will be red as well
14:24.07gelook, all layers then :)
14:24.17manxpower[Outcast]: as far as I'm concerned that is layer 1
14:24.37manxpowerno d-channel would not cause a red alarm
14:25.00manxpowerd-channel is a higher level protocol
14:26.17[Outcast]manxpower: yes it would
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14:27.20coppiceOutcast: a red alarm would cause no D-channel, not the other way around
14:27.27Chainsawbeefpastry: It's documented in the Polycom SIP administrators guide; I've toyed with the idea but not implemented it. You can cause popups or a lightning bolt (as a more more info marker).
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14:28.24beefpastryI've been playing with it for the last day...I know the header is going out, but the polycom is unaffected (and it should be provisioned correctly)
14:29.07leifmadsenbeefpastry: never knew such a thing existed -- sounds useful if it works
14:29.09gelpgmanxpower: I disconnected all the cabels but the first one
14:29.16Chainsawbeefpastry: What mode did you opt for? Direct or passive?
14:29.25gelpgmanxpower: and i have this:
14:29.43manxpowergelpg: now take that cable and plug it into an ISDN phone and confirm that the line is not working
14:29.55gelpgmanxpower: the cabel is good, another ptmp works well with that
14:30.14[Outcast]feel free to correct if I am wrong....if I understand what you are tell me...if you plug a wink t1 in a port that was configured for pri it would not cause a red alarm?
14:30.21gelpgmanxpower: it is a ptp line, it won't work with an isdn phone
14:30.25manxpower[Outcast]: correct.
14:30.31gelpgmanxpower: as far as i know
14:31.00manxpowergelpg: you have a line problem.  you can waste days trying to diagnose it or you can call the trouble into the telco
14:31.21beefpastryChainsaw: you talking about web or passive?
14:31.51Chainsawbeefpastry: Yes, that's the only "popup" I know you can trigger on a Polycom with a SIP header.
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14:32.07Chainsawbeefpastry: You basically command the microbrowser.
14:33.35[Outcast]manxpower and coppice: just labbed it, I stand corrected and little more educated...thanks :)
14:33.54[Outcast]gelpg: as stated you should still contact our provider
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14:39.25gelogelpg wait a minute, do you have bri or pri lines?
14:39.38gelpggelo: bri
14:39.52gelpggelo: signalling: bri_cpe
14:41.00gelosorry, but in your last paste i read "PRI got event". Is it DAHDI doesn't mind if it has pri or bri?
14:41.38gelpggelo: dahdi sent it in CLI
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14:44.21geloI know, I'm just a little surprised I hadn't notice that before...
14:44.24beefpastryChainsaw: that was my next thing to look into...figured if I had asterisk doing what it was supposed to do and the polycom was set up as the Admin guide says, there had to be a missing part of the admin guide.
14:45.00Naikrovekthere is a polycom manual on how to configure the phones for use with asterisk.  maybe that'll help?
14:45.15Naikroveki haven't read it and I dunno what you guys are working on so i don't know if your situation is covered in there
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14:52.17beefpastryNaikrovek: the UsingPolycomswithAsterisk guide primarily talks about efks and things to override default settings that disagree with *
14:52.50Naikrovekyeah i was just looking through it (I printed it out weeks ago) and i'm of no help again :)
14:53.22beefpastryIt's a handy guide for starters, though. ;)
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14:58.30beefpastryChainsaw: and voIpProt.SIP.header.warning.enable=1 the header is being sent ("Warning: 399..."), but no luck so far.
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15:00.24spiceycurrySetup my iptables, all working now.  My x-lite connected to my server.  However, when I dial a number, I get "Call Failed: Not Found".  Where could Iook to get more info about what is happening?
15:01.07Guggewhats written in the asterisk cli when you dial?
15:01.23spiceycurryI will see
15:01.27[Outcast]spiceycurry: dialplan?
15:02.01spiceycurryextension not found
15:02.23spiceycurryI suppose I am missing something in another conf file
15:02.31[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: extensions.conf <-------
15:02.38spiceycurrysweet, thanks so much! :D
15:02.40[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: Which is 90% of Asterisk
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15:11.11kombiif it says "Unable to create channel of type 'foobar'", what is happening?
15:11.28[TK]D-Fenderkombi: Never heard of chan_foobar before
15:11.44[TK]D-Fenderkombi: How about SHOWING US THE PROBLEM?
15:12.01kombiyou won't like it... I try to get sccp running
15:12.28outtolunche's mikey, he doesn't like anything
15:12.28[TK]D-Fenderkombi: that's only part of the picture
15:12.42kombitrue.. wait, I'll post the output
15:18.00*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
15:21.18spiceycurryMy colleague tells me that I could make an outgoing call by specifiying zap, however, I am using dahdi.  What is the equivalent of 'zap' ?
15:22.15spiceycurrydo I need the trailing / ?
15:22.23ChannelZlike DAHDI/1/5551212
15:22.31spiceycurryok gret, thanks
15:23.15kombi[TK]D-Fender, everyone:
15:23.59pabelangerAnybody have any experience with
15:24.55pabelangerWas looking for feed back from people running it.
15:25.35gelopabelanger: i tried it some time ago. didn't like it, there were more calls not working than before
15:25.52gelobut of course, i may have done some things wrong back then
15:26.47pabelangergelo: Ya, know some people take are using it, but I don't really understand the benefit for them.
15:28.12gelopabelanger: yeah, i tried it thinking that it would really improve codec negotiation, but the calls just failed in different ways
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15:28.51spiceycurryDoes this make sense to dial out for area code 1 (226) ?
15:29.46pabelangergelo: It seems to me, if you locked down which codec you wanted asterisk to use, there would no reason to use the patch.
15:32.05gelopabelanger: right. That's why i'm not using it
15:33.20pabelangerspiceycurry: What does your provider require.
15:33.54spiceycurrygood question
15:34.14spiceycurryI was provided with almost nothing for info.  I think we are using telus
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15:35.38pabelangerspiceycurry: try passing 10 digits, see what happens.  Otherwise you need to call your provided and see what they need
15:35.51spiceycurryok great, I will give that a try
15:36.44spiceycurryHere is the error: [Apr 29 06:37:47] NOTICE[5489]: chan_sip.c:20059 handle_request_invite: Call from 'mike' to extension '2262082003' rejected because extension not found
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15:38.09kombi[TK]D-Fender: did you take a look?
15:38.13leifmadsenspiceycurry: means the context that is being used to match the extension does not contain a pattern match or that extension
15:38.23spiceycurryok, thanks again
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15:43.47henry-nicolasHi *, against you, what's the best web interface for asterisk currently ? supporting contexts, ivr, extension, call group/conference/forwarding/queues and it should also be able to make your coffe :) I would like to get that interface to only push data in a database and not to get other daemons running just for the web interface.
15:46.57*** join/#asterisk Jibbs (
15:47.35Jibbshi everyone... i have an asterisk (trixbox) install and for some reason my outbound calls are dropping around 32-35 seconds consistently... hardware phone OR softphone... any insight on this would be GREATLY appreciated
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15:49.07spiceycurryWhere would I register a dahdi channel, as I am getting these messages:
15:49.08spiceycurryWARNING[5887]: channel.c:4035 ast_request: No channel type registered for 'DAHDI'
15:49.19spiceycurryWARNING[5887]: app_dial.c:1745 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI' (cause 66 - Ch...
15:50.00spiceycurryMy span: OK              T2XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 1
15:52.10tamielspiceycurry: try "module load"
15:52.16spiceycurryok  sec
15:52.47spiceycurryUnable to load module
15:53.02spiceycurryand loader.c:794 load_resource: Module '' could not be loaded.
15:54.38tamieldid you install dahdi and configure it (/etc/dahdi/*.conf and /etc.asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf) ?
15:54.59spiceycurryI believe so, but I will look again
15:55.20spiceycurrymy conf files are there
15:55.46Jibbsis there a list of ports to forward by my router for asterisk? i've seen about a dozen websites and they're all slightly different
15:55.51[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: Show us.  also do "dahdi show channels" from * CLI
15:55.59infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
15:56.08[TK]D-FenderJibbs: ^^^
15:57.03spiceycurrydoing /etc/init.d/dahdi status works, and shows all pri
15:57.32spiceycurry1 - 23 = Clear, 24 = HDLCFCS
15:59.12Jibbsits not a NAT firewall (at least not natively) its a netgear router lol
15:59.22[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: that is NOT what I asked yuo to do
15:59.37[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: that has no impact on whever ASTERISK is configured to use DAHDI at all
15:59.54[TK]D-FenderJibbs: same info is in there
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16:09.10Jibbsok yeah i have it set up ok...
16:09.50Jibbsdoes anyone know how to disable UAC in asterisk?
16:10.27florzdon't load chan_sip
16:10.51Jibbsok then how do i do that? lol sorry learning here
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16:14.51leifmadsenJibbs: noload => in modules.conf
16:15.48iscariohi, here is my extensions.conf (i omit general and globals) and my problem is that the "s" name seems not to work.... if i put 123 instead, it works, but not with 's', is it normal ?
16:16.00leifmadseniscario: 's' is not a catch all
16:16.14leifmadsenif that's what you're thinking it does
16:16.32leifmadsen's' will not match 123
16:16.36iscariothat was what i understood ;) leifmadsen
16:16.44leifmadsenyou misunderstood incorrectly
16:16.47iscariowhat does the 's' is for then ?
16:17.05Jibbsso my asterisk is sending a "BYE" 30 seconds after my outgoing calls connect... any reason why that is?
16:17.08leifmadsen's' means "start" and is for match calls that do not send an extension request (i.e. analog lines)
16:17.31leifmadseniscario: use a real pattern match to do what you want
16:17.44leifmadsenwhere did you read that 's' is a catch-all?
16:17.52jayteei thought s stood for "shit! I can't find this number anywhere."
16:18.28iscariooh i see leifmadsen , then what is the wildcard ? * ?
16:18.43iscarioor maybe i should continue reading the doc^^
16:18.49leifmadseniscario: you need to read some basic dialplan documentation
16:18.59leifmadsenyes, you're asking Asterisk 101 questions
16:19.06jayteejokers and one-eyed jacks are wild
16:19.06iscariook no problem! thx leifmadsen
16:19.25iscariook thx jaytee
16:19.39Jibbswhy would me asterisk server be sending a "BYE" to my phone after 30 seconds of being connected ?
16:19.54leifmadsenJibbs: not getting a response back or not getting audio?
16:20.06Jibbsi've been talking to people and just poof
16:20.26Jibbsdoesn't happen on internal calls
16:20.33leifmadsencheck the sip trace to see if the phone's response is getting back to asterisk
16:20.38leifmadsensounds like a NAT issue
16:20.49leifmadsensomeone isn't responding to something that needs to be responded to
16:20.49Jibbshow can i check that?
16:20.54leifmadsensip set debug on
16:21.08Jibbsthat's gonne be fun reading through that text lol
16:21.29Jibbsok its on
16:21.33Jibbswhat am i looking for?
16:21.42*** join/#asterisk sysreq (~sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
16:21.50leifmadsenwell, once you understand how SIP works, it'll be easier to understand what is going on
16:22.00leifmadsenI'd suggest reading the first 30 pages of the SIP RFC
16:22.11leifmadsenit does a good job of giving an overview of how SIP works
16:22.23Jibbsright i'm looking for some sort of acknowledgement that some sort of packet is coming back to determine the call is still active, coorect?
16:22.43leifmadsenyou might see asterisk retry sending a request multiple times
16:23.00leifmadsenif that is the case, then you know the phone isn't getting the requests correctly, or isn't responding
16:23.13leifmadsen(the issue could really be anything, but that's where I'd start)
16:24.26JoelJibbs, fwiw, I myself am in complete agreement with leifmadsen.
16:24.46Jibbsyeah i'm sure its server and or firewall related
16:24.54*** part/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
16:24.57Jibbsits not the phone tried 2 phones, and a soft phone
16:25.07Jibbsthis is the 2nd computer its happening with
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16:25.22kruemelteebye bye ... :-) Have to go home now :-)
16:25.27Joelyeah, it's almost always networking related, but because everyone's network is different, there is no sure fire answer.
16:25.36Jibbsi'm just trying to get some guidance
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16:27.04[TK]D-FenderJibbs: I'm not seeing SIP DEBUG of your failed call anywhere
16:27.40Jibbsi'm trying to isolate it... i have 3 phones so i'm turning 2 off so they dont interfere, i will pastebin something shortly
16:28.46JibbsRetransmitting #4 (NAT) to .... how can i stop this lol i turned the phone off and its just going crazy spamming me with that
16:29.38dohdhi all
16:30.06JoelJibbs, that's the exact clue leifmadsen was telling you to look for.
16:30.16Jibbsno thats from the unplugged phone
16:30.17pabelangersip set debug off
16:30.26pabelangersip set debug ip <phone IP>
16:30.39JoelJibbs, I'm not here to argue with you, if you don't believe me, that's a-ok :)
16:30.52Jibbslol no i get it...
16:31.12Joelsignal to noise ratio limit hit for the day, switching to lurking.
16:31.16Jibbsi'm just telling you that i unplugged the phoen so my debug window was clean, that IP is from the phone i just unplugged and wasnt happening before
16:32.31pabelangerJibbs: And that will not stop asterisk from sending SIP packets to the phone, since it still exists in your sip.conf file
16:32.53Jibbsok i get that
16:33.09Jibbsalright i did what you said pabelanger... i set the sip debug to the ip of my softphone
16:33.26pabelangerJibbs: reproduce your issue
16:33.32Jibbsi did
16:33.50infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:34.28Jibbsi'm not sure if i missed something... is there a way for me to send my debug to a log?
16:34.52JoelI would just use ngrep myself
16:35.32pabelangerwe need a !collectdebug setting :)
16:36.10infobotACTION DeBuggers $1
16:36.10Jibbsok let me do that real quick
16:37.56Jibbsshould i also have debugging on the external IP?
16:38.02Jibbsnot just my soft phone?
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16:38.46pabelangerJibbs: yes
16:38.55Jibbspabelanger may i PM you my pastebin?
16:39.14JoelYes, pm it, make sure as few eyes as possible are able to help you :P
16:39.48Jibbsjoel.. i just really dont want to expose my cell # is that alright?
16:39.57JoelJibbs, you can mask your cell #
16:40.05Jibbsyes i know
16:40.10JoelJibbs, just do a simple search and replace.
16:40.14Jibbsthat requires search and replace! :P
16:40.44Jibbslol its 7 megs
16:40.48Jibbsof text
16:40.52Jibbsfor liek 30 seconds
16:42.17Joelperl -pie 's/1800goaluv/1800notmine/g' trace
16:42.25Jibbsshould i try a different level of verbosity?
16:43.49pabelangerinfobot: debug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to doc/HOWTO_collect_debug_information.txt or
16:43.50infobot...but debug is already something else...
16:44.06pabelangerinfobot: collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to doc/HOWTO_collect_debug_information.txt or
16:44.07infobotpabelanger: okay
16:44.19infobotrumour has it, collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to doc/HOWTO_collect_debug_information.txt or
16:46.12Jibbspabelanger this log is massive
16:47.43pabelangerJibbs: then trim it down.  Just before you place your call 'logger rotate', reproduce issue, then 'logger rotate' again.
16:48.04Jibbsyeah in the 30 seconds of me logging the file is up to 7 megs
16:48.14Jibbsi mean its not terrible but its too big for pastebin it seems
16:48.22*** join/#asterisk diegomad (~mad@
16:49.41pabelangerYou will have to figure out what other garbage is listed in the log file and unload modules.
16:50.04Jibbsi went to verbose 1 for a sec
16:50.15pabelanger7MB for 30seconds seems way to much for 1 sip channel
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16:54.18Jibbs this is from my asterisk box
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16:54.53Jibbs(other ip)
16:55.29Jibbsyeah its only on outbound calls i can receive just fine
16:56.35pabelangerJibbs: What is your actual issue?
16:56.45*** join/#asterisk moos3 (~rgenthner@
16:56.53Jibbsmy outgoing calls, without fail, disconnect after 30 ish seconds
16:57.08moos3any one have ideas on my issues?
16:57.21[TK]D-FenderJibbs: And where is this outbound call to look at?  Please do NOT include all the extra spam debug.  basic verbose + SIP DEBUG only
16:57.37Joelmoos3, what issue? does it hurt when you pee? or?
16:57.52Jibbsok well i followed that link pabelanger posted it said to set verbosity to 15 so what should it be set to?
16:58.43[TK]D-FenderJibbs: you have core debug enabled.  Don't.  Next, show us a COMPLETE call, with your sip.conf masking only passwords
16:58.50*** join/#asterisk sun28 (
16:59.15moos3Joel, i can't get faxes to go out, but i got them working coming in
16:59.33Jibbscore set verbose 15   .... is that what you want to see?
17:04.23Jibbsis that better?
17:08.40pabelangerJibbs: your setup for NAT is wrong.
17:09.05pabelangerpost your sip.conf file
17:10.34Jibbsshow's a bunch of includes...
17:17.18pabelangerJibbs: better get some help from #freepbx, since you are running the GUI.  Not sure the settings you need for it
17:17.39Jibbsactually i just think i figured it out by accident
17:17.53Jibbsand to be honest i feel like a turd
17:18.34Jibbsi was hunting through my router settings and there is some sort of "Disable SIP ALG" setting in there, i turned that on and it seems to be working... not sure what SIP ALG is but it seems to have done the trick
17:18.49lvlolvlo@Jibbs SIP ALG = SIP Application Layer Gateway
17:19.16lvlolvloit is designed to assist VoIP (SIP) traffic transverse over your NAT'ed network
17:19.18QwellALG = break SIP
17:19.22Qwellin all cases.
17:19.23Jibbslol i see that now
17:19.33Qwellthere are 0 working ALG implementations.
17:19.34lvlolvlohowever, it will more than often break SIP/VoIP on your network
17:20.22Jibbswell i must say thank you to all that helped me
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17:34.17moos3Joel, any ideas why the call would fail
17:34.56Joelmoos3, no idea, I haven't done a whole lot w/ faxing.
17:38.12moos3Joel, ok cool
17:38.51*** join/#asterisk Jumpie (
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17:40.26phobosdhey, any good asterisk devs out there want to help me with writing some statistical software
17:40.33phobosdwill pay, etc
17:40.57pabelangerphobosd: #asterisk-consultants
17:42.14Jumpieheh didnt know of such a channel
17:42.26*** join/#asterisk voxter (
17:44.39outtolunci stopped hangin out in there due to lack of screen space and visitors
17:47.40Joelprobably better off trying to find a solution that already fits, or comes close...
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18:20.45ArsenickHi all, How can i see the number dialed to get into my system asterisk ? is this possible ? I want to match a pattern when a call is comming from a specific number..
18:21.38JoelArsenick, on most t1's, and most voip providers you can, yes.
18:23.16ArsenickJoel, and on classic PSTN line ? because we have a single number here, ppl dial 666-7777 and the telco automaticly send the call to one of the 6 phonne line.. so it's never incomming in the same ZAP channel... I don't know how can I say hey the incomming call was for the 1800 line, move it to the queue...
18:23.35ArsenickJoel, btw thanks for your awnser
18:23.42JoelArsenick, no, the telco doesn't sent the number dialed over a true pstn line, there is no way to send this info.
18:25.17[TK]D-FenderArsenick: Analog lines "just ring".  Thre is no DID on them except in very rare implementations
18:25.43Arsenickso the best way to do this will probably to "move" the 1800 line to a VOIP provider..
18:25.56moos3can anyone help me with hylafax not sending faxes out?
18:26.13*** join/#asterisk mnick86 (
18:26.18Arsenickand then I'll be able to handle the destination caller id..
18:26.32Arsenickmoos3,  95% chances are that your modem is wedged ?
18:27.11moos3Arsenick, its a iaxmodem, now do i un wedge it
18:29.32Arsenicklol, I was just kidding.. I didn't work a lot with hylafax, the only thing I remember was the damned serial modem was always wedged..
18:29.37Arsenickgood luck!
18:29.58ArsenickThanks Joel and [TK]D-Fender for your help
18:34.00moos3Arsenick, thansk
18:35.26JoelArsenick, correct, moving it to a voip provider may be your answer. Although a pri or isdn may provide you with better call quality and slas.
18:35.54moos3anyone good with hylafax and iaxmodems
18:37.57*** join/#asterisk rocksfrow (
18:38.09rocksfrowdoes anybody here use asterisk for a SMS gateway?
18:38.42manxpowerrocksfrow: have you read the SMS info in /doc ?
18:38.48manxpowerwell doc/
18:39.23rocksfrowyou can use a cell phone to do it right
18:39.30rocksfrowthats why im asking if anybody has experience with it
18:39.59rocksfrowbut the cell phone option probably sucks.
18:40.03rocksfrowslow as hell i would imagine
18:40.32rocksfrowi've been using clickatell, and have been happy until a month ago their short codes got blocked, they've been down for over a month
18:41.24manxpowerthe string "cell" and "mobile" do not appear in my sms.txt
18:41.54manxpowerhave you read the output of "core show application sms" ?
18:42.56manxpowerWhich ETSI ES 201 912 will you be using? which ETSI ES 201 912 service provider will you be using?
18:43.33manxpower(as you know from the docs, ETSI ES 201 912 is the only "sms" protocol app_sms supports)
18:46.03rocksfrowyeah, my question was preliminary, "does anybody use asterisk for an sms gateway"
18:46.42rocksfrowmore or less asking HOW GOOD it works, not HOW it works
18:46.44rocksfrowbut thx manx
18:47.19*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
18:47.25Joelrocksfrow, the best sms gateways to use all use email to operate.
18:47.36manxpower*nod*  I was inquiring to find out if you were one of the very small number of people that live in an area that Asterisk's SMS support is compatible with.
18:47.48rocksfrowJoel, eh..not sure about that
18:48.17rocksfrowJoel, i have read about em though..
18:48.17Joelrocksfrow, sorry, if you do any amount of worthwhile volume they are.
18:48.27rocksfrowJoel, why so?
18:48.43rocksfrowJoel, most messages are one-offs, not bulk
18:48.45Joelrocksfrow, it sounds like you need to do some basic research on available sms gateway options.
18:48.47rocksfrow(for me)
18:48.53rocksfrowJoel, lol.
18:48.57Joelwell in that case then use a cellphone.
18:49.06Joelor a cell modem and a sim card.
18:49.35rocksfrowJoel, i'm very aware of available sms gateways, I'm basically just curious on if anybody uses their asterisk boxes to send SMS, and how their experience with it has been
18:49.53manxpowerI've seen people here spend three hours learning about Asterisk's SMS support, only to realize that since they live in the USA/Canada they can't use app_sms
18:49.54JoelI've used asterisk to send sms
18:49.57Joelworks great.
18:50.05Joelalthough I've only used it between asterisk machines.
18:50.33rocksfrowmanxpower, yeah..that's why i was asking about the cell phone method, bc i did read that app_sms has limited support
18:51.01rocksfrowI'm blown away by Clickatell
18:51.06rocksfrowmy account has been down for a month and a half
18:51.12rocksfrowand support pretty much just says, sorry gotta wait lol
18:51.28rocksfrowi think they had some clients spamming like crazy which in turn got most of their shared codes blocked
18:51.44rocksfrowi'm looking at FastSMS now
18:52.40rocksfrowhey guys so I should add 0800NXXXXXX to my dial patterns in order to call UK 800 numbers, right?
18:52.47rocksfrowi've never even heard of 0800 numbers. lol
18:53.38rocksfrowlooks like they have 0-808 as well
18:57.47rocksfrowi guess that makes sense my PRI isn't going to let me call UK toll-free numbers from the US?
18:58.16*** join/#asterisk Yudaisrael1984 (
18:58.41Yudaisrael1984is there anyone here willing to help me with a mystery in asterisk that might have a man in the middle involved
18:58.47p3nguinrocksfrow: Are you allowed to call internationally?
18:58.58Yudaisrael1984i pasted to pastebin a debug of an ATA i need to know if it looks like theres a man in the middle
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18:59.45rocksfrowp3nguin, i was just about to play with that...but the company doesn't have a local # posted to call
18:59.56Yudaisrael1984the symptom is that the call gets cut off in middle
18:59.56Yudaisrael1984and on the server the debug is retransmitting to the correct ip of the ATA
19:00.37rocksfrowanybody have an international # i can test calling?
19:00.43rocksfrowim in the USA
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19:03.19Yudaisrael1984hello anyone???
19:03.47paulcrocksfrow: UK 0800 numbers - some are 6 digit, some are 7
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19:03.51p3nguinrocksfrow: You'll have to have a matching extension for it, but you can call 44 1223 770 016 to test international calling.
19:03.53rocksfrowp3nguin, yes. international calls wokr.
19:03.58rocksfrowp3nguin, i just called a hotel in UK :-p
19:04.02paulcrocksfrow: call +44 1534 888222 to get my voicemail in the UK
19:04.05p3nguinrocksfrow: That'll work, too.
19:04.06rocksfrowp3nguin, i added the internatinoal dialling pattern..and it worked great.
19:04.16rocksfrowpaulc, thanks bro, already found a hotel # to test :-p
19:04.42rocksfrowso, it makes sense that UK toll-free's don't work.
19:04.42p3nguinrocksfrow: Add one matching the toll-free numbers, too, and see if it works.
19:04.48rocksfrowp3nguin,  i did.
19:04.52rocksfrowdid you see the line i pasted?
19:05.00*** join/#asterisk citrus2 (
19:05.01rocksfrowthe call gets passed, then gets a signal to hang up
19:05.05rocksfrowassuming from the PRI
19:05.26p3nguin<rocksfrow> hey guys so I should add 0800NXXXXXX to my dial patterns in order to call UK 800 numbers, right?   <-- no, that is not a valid pattern
19:05.32rocksfrowp3nguin, -- Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16
19:05.47rocksfrowp3nguin, that pattern isnt valid?
19:05.48p3nguinPatterns must begin with _
19:05.56rocksfrowp3nguin, no..
19:06.03rocksfrowp3nguin, probably should mention i'm using freePBX :-p
19:06.04citrus2i just set up a asterisk box in the amazon EC2 cloud. when it calls my phone and plays a file its really stuttery   any reason this may be?  ping times look great from the server..
19:06.08rocksfrowthat's probably why we're not matching up.
19:06.54p3nguinI don't know anything about FreePBX, since this isn't the appropriate place for it.  But anyway, extension patterns begin with an underscore.
19:07.10*** join/#asterisk moos3 (~rgenthner@
19:07.14rocksfrowp3nguin, i guess freePBX is putting the _'s
19:07.22rocksfrowthe way they have it is a textbox you separate each pattern by a new line,
19:07.22manxpowercitrus2: what is the JITTER
19:07.24p3nguinlet's hope
19:07.34rocksfrowp3nguin,  i know it's valid, bc the others i am using
19:07.40rocksfrowand the pattern worked
19:07.52rocksfrowbefore i add it, my phone will say invalid # or w/e
19:07.57rocksfrowthen i'll add dials..but the PRI just hangs up
19:08.22rocksfrowand from asterisk CLI i see, "Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup request, cause 16"
19:08.38citrus2manxpower,  i don't understand your question
19:08.41rocksfrowp3nguin, i wouldn't expect a UK toll free to work
19:08.49rocksfrowyou can't call a US toll-free from UK
19:10.18manxpowercitrus2: look in the doc/ directory of the Asterisk source directory, there should be at least one, maybe two documents on jitter.
19:12.32ikariWWhy would my database be logging the destination number as "s" in the database after an upgrade to 1.6?
19:12.52citrus2manxpower, i don't see any jitter docs  i see jabber,  but that is obviously not it
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19:23.08[Outcast]anyone else notice google not working?
19:24.19Yudaisrael1984hello anyone here to help??
19:24.53jayteeGoogle works just fine for me
19:26.36*** join/#asterisk Jumpie (
19:26.45Jumpiehey guys
19:27.04Jumpieon a tdm400p card....the port assignment is port 1 is at the very top right? farthest from mobo i think somebody said?
19:27.29Qwellit's the one with a '1' on the port.
19:27.32*** join/#asterisk corretico (~laguilar@
19:28.15Jumpiemine arent la bleed
19:28.24*** part/#asterisk gelo (
19:28.38Jumpieor if it is...its behind the metal of the slot opening
19:29.41Jumpieah ok..
19:30.07pabelangerYudaisrael1984: User-Agent: ITM4L Softswitch ?
19:30.35pabelangerhow is your log related to Asterisk?
19:30.36Yudaisrael1984thats the switch
19:30.44Yudaisrael1984thats the ATA
19:30.47Yudaisrael1984the end user
19:30.59Yudaisrael1984calls get disconnected
19:31.28Yudaisrael1984u can see that after the begining of a session it gets the packets from a different ip
19:34.07sat-manI have a polycom ip650 on an asterisk box with the time/date just flashing. Can't check my call log on the phone because it can't figure out the time/date. Rebooted and unplugged. Any tips?
19:34.21pabelangerYudaisrael1984: I'll ask again, how is this related to Asterisk?
19:34.52Yudaisrael1984because its connecting to a asterisk server
19:35.02Yudaisrael1984all my calls are cutting off
19:35.26Yudaisrael1984so i did a debug on the end user as well as on my asterisk
19:35.38Yudaisrael1984how can i keep a debug clean??
19:36.06pabelangerYudaisrael1984: Then post the debug logs from Asterisk, not your end user.
19:36.22sat-manI have a polycom ip650 on an asterisk box with the time/date just flashing. Can't check my call log on the phone because it can't figure out the time/date. Rebooted and unplugged. Any tips?
19:36.45Yudaisrael1984ok how can i do that and keep it clean
19:36.56pabelangersat-man: patience young grasshopper.
19:37.21leifmadsensat-man: means you need to setup the SNTP Address
19:37.31[TK]D-Fendersat-man: Set up its SNTP server
19:41.03moos3has anyone ever gotten iaxmodems to send faxes out over SIP
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19:42.26moos3so far, i'm failing
19:42.49moos3i can do it from sendfax on the cli faxes no issue, but from a hylafax client
19:43.18p3nguinSo the probably isn't iaxmodem.
19:44.23moos3well it tries to send it but returns no carrier detected or no answer from remote
19:44.50moos3I watch the call happen i watch it answer but just requeues
19:46.43moos3i have been working this all day, but can't figure out why its failing
19:47.33moos3i'm open to all kinds of suggestions
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19:50.55moos3i have tried this exten => _X.,1,Dial(${PRIPORTS}/${EXTEN}), exten => _X.,1,Dial(local/${EXTEN}), not sure what else to try
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19:57.31[TK]D-Fendermoos3: You have 2 priority "1"'s for that.
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19:59.57timholumHello, I am wondering if anyone knows of a way that I can make someone type a number in order to accept a call?
19:59.57moos3[TK]D-Fender, what do you mean
20:00.36spiceycurrywhere could I find instructions installing asterisk 1.6.2 with DAHDI and LibPRI... the asterisk book states Zapta/ZT stuff, and I do not want to confuse anything.
20:00.58[TK]D-Fender[15:50]<moos3>i have tried this exten => _X.,1,Dial(${PRIPORTS}/${EXTEN}), exten => _X.,1,Dial(local/${EXTEN}), not sure what else to try <-- two exten lines with PRIORITY 1
20:01.00leifmadsentimholum: look at the M() option of Dial()
20:01.21timholumleifmadsen: Thanks
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20:04.48Yudaisrael1984anyone know of a asterisk consultant who would help solve a issue with payment?
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20:06.48moos3[TK]D-Fender, not i only try one of those at a time
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20:12.50spiceycurryTAKE THAT: “Digium Asterisk Hardware Device Interface”, it’s pronounced “Daddy”
20:13.11spiceycurryshould I put daddy on my box?
20:14.16[TK]D-Fenderspiceycurry: MOMMY puts DAHDI in her box....
20:14.36spiceycurryoh, I see.  It all makes sense to me now! :D
20:15.00moos3[TK]D-Fender, here is what my fail notice looks like from hylafax
20:15.03[Outcast]a joke about mounting stuff comes to mind
20:15.04spiceycurryI knew this channel was not so dry lol
20:15.32spiceycurryOutcast, you can get more information on the mount command by typing: mount man
20:15.39spiceycurryor wait, man mount
20:15.45infobot[~sex] updatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; emerge --oneshot condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; emerge -C condom; make clean;  sleep;
20:15.56spiceycurrylol wtf
20:16.23Scorcereri'm trying to install asterisk GUI (2.0.4) to my asterisk ( and all i get after logging in is "The GUI does not have necessary privileges. Please check the manager permissions for the user !"
20:16.38[TK]D-FenderScorcerer: #asterisk-gui <---- not supported here
20:16.44Scorcererah, thanks
20:17.16[TK]D-FenderScorcerer: Actually... we should say "not supported anywhere" in that there isn't an active maintainer.
20:18.27Scorcereri'm still thinking that it isn't some kind of big bug, but rather a small one so i can use gui for learning and stuff :>
20:21.17[TK]D-FenderScorcerer: As I said, it is unmaintained and has a lot of "holes" in its implementation.  Not sure what you expect to learn from it, or achieve using it, but best of luck
20:21.54Scorcererthanks, looks like i'm gonna need it :D
20:23.02Scorcererand out of curiosity, is there any gui-web-etc app you recommend, or only CLI and documentation ?
20:24.06*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@
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20:24.15[TK]D-FenderScorcerer: FreePBX is maintained at least and far more complete
20:24.20infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
20:25.39*** join/#asterisk iratik (
20:25.40Scorcererbut isn't it some fork of asterisk ?
20:26.23ChannelZIt's a sort-of front end to it
20:26.25iratikGuys I need your help pretty badly. Asterisk seems to be taking up way too much CPU time. How can i figure out what is causing asterisk to be so busy?
20:26.47Scorcererah, thanks, i'll look into it :)
20:27.03*** join/#asterisk PuroOsso (~PuroOsso@unaffiliated/puroosso)
20:27.52iratikis there a top for asterisk so i can find out exactly what inside asterisk is causing the main process to take so much cpu?
20:28.16[TK]D-Fenderiratik: What ver again?
20:28.27iratikomg its god
20:28.54ChannelZtype H to see threads though that might not be of any help
20:29.10[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Oh... unsupported.  Best of luck with that
20:29.17ChannelZbut I'll echo the 'eeks', kick 1.2 to the curb
20:29.23[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBL
20:29.35iratikDoes 1.2 have problems with cpu usage?
20:29.47spiceycurryis "Fax for Asterisk" with T.38 able to be run on 64 bit?  For some reason I was told only could be done on 32 bit
20:30.25Qwellspiceycurry: yes, as of semi-recently
20:30.32spiceycurryok cool
20:30.49ChannelZonly under 1.6.2 yes?
20:31.07spiceycurryI am using 1.6.2
20:31.08ChannelZoh no I see an x64 for, nm
20:31.25ChannelZwell then you're in luck :)
20:32.24ChannelZiratik: it has problems with being really old
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20:50.05patrbAnyone know of a good failover solution if servers are in 2 different data centers?
20:50.26idespinnerwould dundi work?
20:50.38patrbI've been trying with dundi
20:50.40idespinnerits kind of a broad question
20:51.07idespinnerpolycoms can handle multiple registrations and backup servers
20:51.13patrbwhatd id like is for an extension to be on both servers, have all calls to that extension go to server A, if server A goes fails over to server B
20:51.31patrbdont really care about my sip registrations....just this single extension
20:52.16patrbI've tried this by putting the extension in different dundi priorities on both servers...but no luck
20:58.55[TK]D-Fenderpatrb: Basic dialplan on each and a peer on each side
20:59.51*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
21:00.04manxpowerwash it frequently
21:00.29manxpowerI really should make sure I'm not reading the scroll back before I respond to statement 4 hours old.
21:02.57patrb[TK]D-Fender, thats what I was thinking...I guess I have a fundamental misunderstanding of what dundi priorities are for
21:03.28*** join/#asterisk lanning (~lanning@
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21:06.51elielhello, is there any condition/reason that makes asterisk only send rtp (while reproducing moh for example), only when it receives a rtp packet? i am having sound problems and asterisk ~1.4.21 is sending the rtp only when it receives a packet if there is no audio coming into asterisk it doesn't send rtp
21:08.35*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (~Miranda@
21:08.42Toerkeiumhello guys
21:09.26Toerkeiumdoes anyone knows why the caller hear his voice with eco? I'm using SJPhone, a Sound blaster 24 bits sound card and windows OS, obviously as server I'm using asterisk
21:09.30Jumpiethis siemens gigaset a580 ip are fun to deploy
21:09.46Jumpiethe web gui is impossible to use though utnil you initiate a base station firmware upgrade from handset
21:12.27*** part/#asterisk ikariW (
21:23.26p3nguinSo what you're saying is that Siemens ships useless phones.
21:24.42*** join/#asterisk KNERD (~KNERD@
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21:27.06Jumpieheh well..they have good call quality
21:27.12Jumpiei just think the initial setup is cumbersome...
21:27.16Jumpienot complex..just cumbersome
21:27.44*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
21:28.11*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
21:28.22MT`AwAyhi, is there a way to remove the ;received= in the Via: header for reply to incoming calls? I see there's a patch for asterisk 1.2 for that but I'm running 1.6 ...
21:30.42*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
21:33.48Jumpiethese seimans can only do 2 i am tryin to do a mesh setup across 2 base stations with 3 phones
21:33.55Jumpie2 devices can be registered with the same credentials right?
21:34.47leifmadsen1 device per peer definition
21:34.57leifmadsenotherwise the registrations fight
21:35.03leifmadsenasterisk is not a proxy
21:35.09Jumpiewell im tryin to make it so i can effectively make 3 calls on 3 wireless headsets
21:35.19Jumpieand i was told i can register multiple base stations to 1 headset
21:35.19p3nguinmt`away: Check the SIP_HEADER function.
21:35.26Jumpie1. for coverage and 2. for round robin
21:35.38Jumpietryin to figure out how im gonna do this sip wise
21:35.40leifmadsenthat'd be dependent on the base station itself
21:35.42leifmadsennot asterisk
21:35.42p3nguinI wouldn't even know how to go about doing one handset to multiple bases.
21:35.53MT`AwAyI modified channels/chan_sip.c with the original "no ;received=" patch, I just had to modify it a bit to make it work
21:36.54Jumpieleifmadsen yea..but you have to setup the possible sip accounts to be 'doled out' to the headsets
21:36.57Jumpieat the bsase station
21:37.25Jumpiethe idea is that that either base station can handle extensions a, b, c
21:37.29Jumpiebut not the same time
21:37.38leifmadsenok, but they have to all register individually
21:37.50leifmadsento different peer/friend definitions
21:38.14Jumpiebut in the end...there would be "2" devices registerd as a, b, c, respectively right? are you sayhing as long as its not at the same time?
21:38.35p3nguinIt could be possible that the handsets do the registering and the bases are just dumb bridges.
21:38.49Jumpiethats how it works
21:38.53Jumpiedect only to handsets
21:38.54leifmadsenI have no idea how your system works. I'm just saying what Asterisk expects.
21:38.59Jumpieright..i understand
21:39.02Jumpieasterisk only sees the base station
21:39.10Jumpiecan register up to 6 extensions per base
21:39.23p3nguinIf Asterisk only sees the bases, then they are not just dumb bridges.
21:39.35p3nguinYou can register 6 handsets per base.
21:39.41p3nguinnot extensions, handsets.
21:39.42Jumpieright, 2 concurrent channels
21:39.52Jumpiewell, you can also do 6 sip extension :)
21:39.57Jumpiemaybe its 8....
21:40.17Jumpieim showing 6 entries
21:40.30Jumpiefor sip connections
21:40.37Jumpiemaybe its coincedence?
21:40.38p3nguinsip devices, sure, but the bases don't give a rat's ass about the extensions.
21:40.54Jumpieoh oh..well
21:40.57Jumpieyea i see what your saying
21:41.04Jumpiei was just logically associating them mentally :P
21:41.17p3nguinThe bases support six handsets.
21:42.02p3nguinWithout seeing the base configuration, you could probably have a single extension ring all six handsets.
21:42.57Jumpieyea, but only 2 per base station can actually talk :(
21:43.03Jumpiewell and...a 3rd on pots
21:43.04*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
21:43.18Jumpiei think it seems a silly limitation to allow 6 headsets per base
21:43.49Jumpieand not 6 concurrent channels
21:44.37p3nguinI agree, but that's how they built the hardware.
21:44.40*** join/#asterisk murdock_ut (
21:54.56*** part/#asterisk mnick86 (
21:58.19Jumpieinteresting, gui is much faster in ie
21:58.23Jumpiefail @ seimens developres
22:01.27*** join/#asterisk Akiraaa (~Akiraaaa@
22:02.48Jumpiehmm...these sip registrations are being rejected as unauthorized
22:02.55Jumpieeven though im using the correct info...same as i did in the aastras
22:03.21*** join/#asterisk ikariW (
22:05.45ikariWWhy would my CDR log "s" as the "dest" instead of the actual destination number? i think it works
22:06.31Jumpiecould invalid rtp port range effect even a sip registration?
22:07.30leifmadsenRTP != SIP
22:07.30leifmadsenthey are different protocols
22:07.30Jumpieyea..i know..just... only thing i changed
22:07.30Jumpieand now its magically registered
22:08.54ikariWI'd even take just a hint . . . or an RTFM with a reference to a section?
22:10.00Jumpieah...i thin i know what i did
22:10.13Jumpieis it normal for ip dect devices to have god aweful ping times when they are 5 feet away?100-120ms
22:10.24JumpieikariW i think there are some tweaks you can do
22:10.36Jumpiewhat does s refer to again? hehe
22:10.51ikariWJumpie: ha ha. Right.
22:11.00ikariWJumpie: Any idea on what I'd need to change?
22:11.44ikariWJumpie: I wonder if I'm not returning from a gosub right or something.  So I'm ending on s.
22:12.19ikariWJumpie: But I don't see that anywhere in my dial plan. (no Goto(failure))
22:14.36ikariWAll of the src for outbound are correct.  Also, all of the src/dest for inbound are correct.
22:18.12*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
22:20.05ikariWWell, If no one knows, does anyone want to make wild accusations?
22:20.09ikariWCongress?  Congress is incorrectly setting dst in my CDR? ;)
22:22.20*** join/#asterisk theshadow (
22:23.24theshadowI've read through most of the O'Reilly PDF but I haven't run across what I need to be able to do. Can a SIP phone register anonymously or just be assigned a random ID?
22:24.23theshadowTo put it into context we have dialing nodes (machines) that we need to test our software with, part of this is getting them to dial our desk phones. So it would be nice if they could register w/out having to be in the sip.conf file.
22:24.33*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (~Greek-B0y@
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22:30.42[TK]D-Fendertheshadow: "autocreatepeer=yes"
22:31.18theshadowD-Fender ty
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22:35.45hardwireriddle me this... what's in the box?
22:35.52hardwirewait.. that's not a riddle.
22:35.55hardwirejust tell me whats in the box.
22:37.02leifmadsenhardwire: step 1) get a box, step 2) cut a whole in the box, step 3) put your...
22:37.06leifmadsenoh wait, not what you meant
22:37.21Qwellleifmadsen: ...
22:37.22hardwireoffers leifmadsen a riddlehole
22:37.26leifmadsenQwell: weee!
22:37.44Qwellleifmadsen: step 4) have her open the box
22:38.01paulc@leifmadsen: I'm back at my desk after a deluge of meetings - get my tweet?
22:38.39hardwireit's so not friday.
22:38.43leifmadsenpaulc: yep! I DM'd you
22:38.53leifmadsenpaulc: just said to shoot me an email :)
22:39.00leifmadsenhardwire: it certainly is not...
22:39.04leifmadsenI wished it was friday yesterday
22:39.11leifmadsenthese 12 hr days are taking their toll
22:39.14hardwiretoday is sorta my friday.. taking tomorrow off
22:39.37Slugs_i wish it was sat everyday
22:39.52leifmadsenSlugs_: amen!
22:40.07leifmadsenI wonder if that's what it's like being homeless
22:40.10leifmadsenthey might be onto something there
22:41.06Slugs_hardwire, i finally got that proj done
22:41.29MT`AwAyyay, the patch works
22:42.08MT`AwAybtw is there any way to make a feature request for asterisk? I got a patch, it would just need a config param to make things "clean"
22:43.28*** join/#asterisk lnd (
22:44.15paulc@leifmadsen: Ok cool - I'll drop you an email tonight once I'm home and free from the day job :)
22:44.23leifmadsenok coolio :)
22:44.39leifmadsenpaulc: include your skills, what you can do (and want to do), and your rate
22:44.54leifmadsenMT`AwAy: feature request, no -- feature with patch, yes
22:45.24leifmadsenMT`AwAy: if you have a patch that at least mostly implements what you want to accomplish, you can file it with the issue tracker at
22:45.55MT`AwAyleifmadsen, problem is I have no idea how to add a sip per-user/peer parameter
22:46.12*** join/#asterisk devdvd (
22:48.20paulc@leifmadsen will do sir *doffs hat*
22:49.28Scorcerertext chat embedded in some clients (like ekiga od eyebeam) should work out of the box (assuming that clients can call each other ? os there is some option i should enable?
22:50.25*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
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22:52.44[TK]D-FenderScorcerer: * is NOT a text messaging platform and will not pass these on
22:53.22Scorcererok, thanks
22:55.22theshadow[TK]D-Fender: Alright they can now log in anonymously, and I can even call those nodes from my desk phone, but they can't seem to dial any of the defined extensions.
22:56.04*** join/#asterisk KNERD (~KNERD@
22:56.20[TK]D-FenderthePerhaps you should look where the calls are being SENT
22:59.34*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
22:59.58theshadow[TK]D-Fender: Could you elaborate a bit, in my extensions.conf I have the context loading [internal] within it I have the defined dial plan for extensions. Within the sip.conf file I have context set to default and in the [default] section I have type=friend host=dynamic context=internal
23:00.14*** part/#asterisk MT`AwAy (~MagicalTu@2001:41d0:2:973::aeb)
23:02.04[TK]D-Fendertheshadow: context=default is where it will look in the DIALPLAN.
23:02.14[TK]D-Fendertheshadow: it is not a reference to a PEER to use as a template
23:02.35[TK]D-Fendertheshadow: the call would eb looking in [default] in extensions.conf, not "incoming"
23:02.39[TK]D-Fenderor "internal"
23:02.51theshadowi see
23:03.01hardwireSlugs_: howso?
23:03.06*** join/#asterisk jks (jks@
23:04.49*** part/#asterisk ikariW (
23:05.13TJNII"browser based IDE"  Grnahhhhhhh....
23:11.42Jumpiei was thinking the siemens gigaset a580ip could have headsets registered to multiple base stations
23:11.46Jumpiewas hoping for a redundant type setup
23:15.49infobot[~A580] The Siemens Gigaset A580 IP with ECO DECT technology is multi-line so you are free to register up to 6 handsets for 6 SIP accounts from different providers and make up to 3 calls in parallel: 2 VoIP calls and 1 fixed-line call.  See for details.  Cost is about $70USD for one handset with base.  Extra A58H handsets are around $40USD each.
23:16.17p3nguinDoes their product page mention anything about that?  Maybe there's a data sheet?
23:21.19Jumpiep3nguin i had thought they did..and i talked to a guy in here a few days ago that used them extensively and said he thought you could
23:21.21Jumpiei mean its not a huge deal
23:21.32Jumpiei'll just dedicate 2 headsets to one and the 3rd to the other
23:21.38Jumpieits why i got the 2nd base station
23:21.59Jumpiei get that the 6 headset capability is more for accessibility
23:22.15Jumpiebut customer wants to be able to theoretically use all 3 at a given time..which cant be done tied to a single base station so i got 2 :D
23:24.02*** join/#asterisk TheDavidFactor ( does seem to be holding the registration on both base stations..but not at the same time
23:26.26p3nguinI would need to get some handsets and couple bases before I could guess how to set up the things.
23:26.33Jumpieit seems like there is a back and forth registration
23:26.44Jumpiei wonder if its available on demand if channel is unavail
23:27.04Jumpiei figure 3 sip registrations semi chattiness isnt too bad
23:27.13Jumpieits not that hard i have the hang of it
23:27.23Jumpiethe key is you have to upgrade th base firmware FIRST from the headset
23:27.28Jumpieor its pretty unaccessible
23:27.35Jumpieand..apparently IE is much better than ff
23:27.43Jumpielike bya factor of 100
23:28.34ChannelZis a 'u' with a line over it pronounced like 'you' ?
23:29.01Jumpiei cant remember all the funny symbol types heh
23:29.07Jumpiei do remember what an umlat is :P
23:29.18p3nguinHas firefox gone that far down that IE is now better?
23:29.39Jumpieit has somethin to dow ith the javascripting bs
23:29.44Jumpiei mean normally i have to use ff on most things
23:29.50p3nguinOh, bad web devs.  Got it.
23:29.51Jumpiethis is first time i've had to 'resort' to ie over ff haha
23:29.58Jumpiea ton of forum complaints
23:30.15p3nguinWhat about if you used IE Tab to load the IE engine in firefox?  Would that solve it?
23:30.17Jumpiealso it tries to auto reg you forsome trial gigaset voip thing..which is rather chatty at first
23:30.24Jumpiep3nguin heh haven tried that
23:30.26Jumpiewent the easy route
23:30.40Jumpiei remember using that could simulate several browsers couldnt you
23:30.46p3nguinright click, click use IE.  Not much easier than that.
23:31.02Jumpielike...every minute
23:31.04Jumpiethey are swapping
23:31.05TJNIIMozilla's software is so bloated nowadays.  I've stopped using both Firefox and Thunderbird.
23:31.15Jumpienot to mentnion every time they claim to fix the memory issue
23:31.20Jumpieits still eatin like 800mb with a few tabs
23:31.38Jumpieinvite/register traffic isnt actually too bad overhead wise is it?
23:31.42Jumpieif 3 did it every minute
23:31.48Jumpiewould that be a considerable network hit?
23:32.13Jumpieim still deciding if i want to disassociate the 3rd headset from the first baes
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23:47.24ruben23hi why do i experience choppy line even my bandwidht is 10 Mbps and im only using around 1Mb on my voice traffic..any explantion.
23:47.48ChannelZlatency latency latency
23:48.30ruben23ChannelZ:my latency is steady...
23:48.48ChannelZDoesn't really matter how fast the packets can get from one place to another if they're arriving at inconsistent intervals
23:49.57ruben23ChannelZ: any possible correction i can do on my end..
23:50.37ChannelZYou can try toying with your jitter buffer if that is indeed what is going on
23:51.57ruben23ChannelZ: jitter is..?
23:52.23ChannelZwhen packets show up inconsistently
23:53.09ruben23like having latency 220ms then drop 240ms then again 230ms then back to 220ms
23:54.45ChannelZBetween you and the remote end?  That seems a little high
23:56.36Jumpielol i cant seem to unregister this handset from the original base station
23:59.50*** join/#asterisk Andras888 (~60fa1253@gateway/web/freenode/x-rhwmgzjkxtsosjyz)

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