IRC log for #asterisk on 20100426

00:08.10*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
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00:44.51root52Ok, after working with HANGUPCAUSE I see what I think is my problem. Asterisk does not "hangup" when it recives a 404 from my SIP provider. Insted it waits until the SIP provider sends a SIP 408 request timeout causing HANGUPCAUSE to have 18. Any clue on how I can get asterisk to "hangup" when it recives the first 404 packet from the SIP provider?
00:46.12*** join/#asterisk QaDeS_ (
00:47.34KyoshGotoIf and ChannelStatus
00:47.38Kyoshsomething like that
00:50.57Kyoshnot sure tho
00:51.37*** join/#asterisk iluminator101 (~iluminato@unaffiliated/iluminator101)
00:51.53iluminator101i am trying to setup asterisk with skype
00:52.27iluminator101i have the digium skypeforasterisk, but i am running into few issues
00:52.49Kyoshroot52: here you go,
00:53.35Kyoshand 404 is a message, not a packet root52
00:54.24root52Kyosh: good point ;-)
00:55.20Kyoshbut sadly after the Dial, i think it's going to wait for the 408 or 480
00:55.37Kyoshwhat is the 404 message?  whats it defined as?
00:55.48root52not found
00:56.06root52as in "that is not a real number that this server can find"
00:56.45root52I get like 3 of thoes before I get the 408 timeout and that is when the dial cmd exits
00:57.28Kyoshits gotta match one of them
00:57.35root52but by the time I get the 408 timeout HANGUPCAUSE is set to 18 (timeout) and DIALSTATUS is set to congesstiong.
00:57.46Kyoshbut i wouldnt know how to hook the DIALSTATUS after the DIAL
00:58.05root52it does, problem I don't want to wait for the 408 I want dial to exit after the first 404
00:58.11Kyoshlike creating an capturing a 404 event during the call, would be nice
00:58.36root52haha yes time to put on my non-exsient developer hat
00:59.04ChannelZiluminator101: like what
00:59.15*** join/#asterisk hipitihop (~denis@
00:59.27iluminator101is sip alias
01:00.06ChannelZSkype For Asterisk is different than SIP for Skype
01:00.45ChannelZ(or Skype for SIP I guess it's called)
01:01.35iluminator101so what sip alias would i use
01:02.07iluminator101i setup up the skypeforasterisk trunk as digium instructed me to do, i provisioned the phone
01:02.24iluminator101i reads failed on the phone
01:02.52ChannelZI think you have two separate problems
01:03.17ChannelZYou can't get your SIP phone to register with Asterisk?
01:05.10iluminator101i deleted all the vertical line codes
01:06.17ChannelZthat really has nothing to do with anything but ok..
01:14.15Kyoshroot52: why would you need to develop?  i would hope its something you can handle in a dialplan
01:14.22Kyosh'i would hope'
01:14.51iluminator101freepbx error i am getting is Could not reload FOP server
01:15.31Kyoshor FreshOuttaPee
01:23.02carrarOh man that sucks
01:23.42jayteeI don't use FOP, I'm a Dapper Dan man
01:23.46carrarHow can we in this freebpx unrelated channel help?
01:24.23Kyoshoh i know i know
01:24.26Kyoshwe cant!
01:24.55carrarDapper Dan still come in a round can?
01:25.09carrarthats HOT++
01:25.24carrarPICS!!! of the Dapper Dan hair
01:25.47jayteeI don't really have a can :-)
01:26.00jayteeand I shave my hed
01:26.34carrarYou shaved a @ symbol on your head?
01:26.43carraror *
01:28.31jayteeno, just shave my head down to 1/8"
01:28.43jayteeno patterns or symbols
01:28.56carrarHow creative is that!
01:28.58root52Kyosh: still thinking about it. I think the key to what I want is for asterisk to term the dial cmd after the first 404 message is recived
01:31.49*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (~ReDNeQ@
01:34.22*** part/#asterisk iluminator101 (~iluminato@unaffiliated/iluminator101)
01:39.37Kyoshbut how could asterisk listen for an event during a dial/call?
01:40.44KyoshThere is also no way to look at a SIP response in the dialplan, even though it is reported on the debug console (if debug level >3). (Even though you can see every other SIP header with ${SIP_HEADER(<header_name>) you cannot see the actual response code.)
01:40.44KyoshThere should really be a FAIL result so that it is possible to distinguish between "CONGESTION" and a genuine call setup failure, but there isn't.
01:40.49Kyoshthere we go
01:40.55Kyoshu aint the first with this problem
01:48.35*** join/#asterisk pabelanger_ (
01:58.51*** join/#asterisk OrNix (~ornix@
02:02.08manxpowerKyosh: HANGUPCAUSE is more or less Q.931 cause codes.
02:02.50manxpowera 404 would (I think) be HANGUPCAUSE 1
02:03.08manxpowerThere's an RFC defining what SIP responses map to which G.931 code
02:03.11manxpowerQ.931, that is
02:03.32manxpowerUse DIALRESULT only when you don't really care too much what happened to the call
02:10.47*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
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03:05.36Kyoshmanxpower: wasnt my concern, i only helping root52.  i also suggested looking into if asterisk has events that can be captured.  but it doesnt seem that way.
03:17.28*** join/#asterisk Brookss (
03:22.59spenguin[work]is this cheap or what
03:24.24BrookssThe Budget One
03:25.13spenguin[work]does it get any cheaper?
03:25.21spenguin[work]other than ebay
03:25.33BrookssGrandstream has a reputation for cheap/cheaply made phones so, idk... in the end it's how much you value your time vs grandstream issues
03:28.52infoboti guess grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now..  Though therealcircut says that they're not that bad
03:29.55spenguin[work]hrm k
03:32.39infobotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
03:44.12Naikrovekpolycom polycom polycom
03:49.48*** join/#asterisk pabelanger_ (
03:56.27ChannelZThat's one of the worst logos I've ever seen in my life
04:05.46Naikrovekwhat is
04:05.52*** join/#asterisk joobie (
04:11.26joobiegot my monitoring system in realtime, showing the channel usage of DAHDI and 2 sip peers
04:11.44joobiekicks ass for keeping track of how many lines you're using and when peak is etc
04:14.04TJNIIThat logo is pretty atrocious.
04:14.15Naikrovekhah lol yes it is
04:22.27*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
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04:29.18*** part/#asterisk manxpower (~ewieling@
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04:45.13spenguin[work]joobie: kewl
04:45.18spenguin[work]care to share how
04:50.52*** join/#asterisk RobH (
04:53.39Kyoshwhats a good ata that supports T.38?
04:53.50*** join/#asterisk QaDeS_ (
05:03.37BrookssIve faxed over it
05:03.42*** join/#asterisk rdircio (~admin@
05:03.51Brookssthrough asterisk/sip
05:03.57Brookssgood quality
05:04.50Kyoshulaw or t38?
05:05.27Brookssulaw setting, but it uses t38 protocol on its own when doing fax
05:05.40Brookssso long as it's allowed on ata I mean
05:05.55Brookssheres what I also used
05:06.11Kyoshi wouldnt think id try a sipura
05:07.09Kyoshthat link doesnt show a device
05:07.20BrookssI think its just a config help
05:07.41KyoshCan I use fax over your service?
05:07.41KyoshThe short answer is yes, you can.
05:07.43Kyoshthats it
05:07.55Kyoshgotta scroll way down
05:09.57Kyosh. Try to avoid faxing long documents. Try to fax pages in bunches of 2-3 at most to maximize chances of success.
05:10.00Kyoshdont like that one
05:10.04Kyoshive done 10+ pages
05:11.01Brooksssame, its jus a recommendation, but I've faxed more over it
05:15.48*** join/#asterisk OrNix (~ornix@
05:21.46joobiespenguin[work], via the AMI interface
05:22.00joobiespenguin[work], and a perl script that listens for the specific events.. which ties back to zabbix
05:23.02joobiei faxed over alaw
05:23.04joobieit was fine
05:25.59*** join/#asterisk soman (
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05:33.13spenguin[work]joobie: okay nice, I was thinking of playing around with some openflashchart
05:43.16*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (~Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
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05:56.33joobiespenguin[work], what's openflashchart?
05:57.08joobiespenguin[work], i wrote a flash app a few years ago which in realtime, plotted network usage per protocol on a flash line graph
05:57.15joobieit updated every half a second
05:57.50joobieit worked by listening for a tcp connection from the firewall, which had its own script to collect the data from iptables and then push it to the flash box
05:57.53joobiewhich then plotted
05:58.07joobiebut hrm.. for asterisk, i was thinking a realtime view is probably not so important
05:59.03joobierather if you integrate to monitoring system (such as zabbix or nagios), you can view historic trends and also send notifications if all lines are almost in use etc
05:59.03joobiebenefit of this is you get the history trends which can help you when considering upgrades
05:59.11joobieBTW i used a perl module some other dood wrote to integrate to AMI
05:59.18spenguin[work]joobie: yeah realtime isnt really imp, its just to impress your bosses
05:59.20joobieit was pretty basic with this module
05:59.30joobierealtime was important for that flash app i wrote
05:59.43joobiewe had issues where people in the ofifce would start saying why is the internet so slow
05:59.51joobiewith this app we could see very easily what was consuming the link
06:00.56spenguin[work]what flash app have you coded, joobie
06:01.11spenguin[work]I was hoping openflashchart would be more realtime
06:01.24joobiei wrote my own
06:01.31joobiewas a few years ago..
06:01.53joobiemine basically plotted a line graph.. each protocol had a line itself with its own colour
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06:02.03joobiethen i wrote the change every 0.5s
06:02.06joobieto a bitmap
06:02.11joobieshifted the bitmap left X pixels
06:02.20joobiethen wrote to the end of the bitmap
06:02.22joobieshifted it again
06:02.26joobieand so forth
06:02.44joobieit gave the appearance of a scrolling graph and saved some i/o in using the bitmap
06:04.09joobiei would use something like that spenguin[work]
06:04.14joobiejust had a look at that site
06:04.24joobiethe graphs dont look that crash hot
06:04.49joobieits very easy to do the above sorta thing in flash these days
06:04.51joobiebitmaps are native
06:05.03joobieand you can do some funky stuff
06:05.15joobielike i had sliding scales going for the y axis
06:05.25joobieso if the value was very high, it would dynamically scale the y axis
06:05.31joobietoo low, go the other way
06:05.42joobiei duno if that openflash one you're looking at will be that fliexble
06:05.51spenguin[work]ofc2 has to read in the data, and then itll show the loading screen
06:05.57spenguin[work]totally beats the realtime idea
06:06.36joobieliterally man.. bitmap, reposition, write out what you want to the right, snapshot the bitmap
06:06.43joobiejust do a loop like that and you can get it looking realtime
06:11.09*** join/#asterisk ktwilight[m] (
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06:50.55*** join/#asterisk J4zen (
06:51.10J4zenGoodmorning guys
06:53.51J4zenA client of mine has requested that id look into videophone solutions where he can start video-conference calls with at least three people. Ofcourse theres plenty of high-end expensive solutions from Tandberg and such, costing well over 3/4k $. I'm looking for something a tad smaller and less costly, it should be a bit larger than a traditional SIP-phone only with a larger display. Think along the lines of a Tandberg E20, but cheaper. Does anyone
06:54.36J4zenfor reference, the tandberg E20:
07:02.53*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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07:07.45spenguin[work]really cool, quick thinking
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07:50.12funtoo_nbuis there a way to make musicon hold play a specific file every time, and then go to a random queue of files
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07:57.09*** join/#asterisk voipnoob (~i@
07:57.56voipnoobHi - I am doing an academic study on setting up a VOIP business at a high level
07:58.06voipnoobis this the right place to ask questions?
07:58.46voipnoobI am located in India
07:59.15voipnoobAssuming I have one or more asterisk servers setup, what are the next steps to setup a VOIP busines
07:59.31voipnoobi.e. how do I figure how many Asterisk Servers I need to have for 'n' number of users
07:59.51voipnooband how do I go about getting SIP Trunking?
08:00.04voipnoobi am looking for all this info a high level
08:02.01spenguin[work]that should help the first question
08:02.09funtoo_nbuspenguin[work]: ohh do me now plz :D
08:03.14spenguin[work]if I have PRI signalling incorrectly set, would I recieve calls at all?
08:03.23spenguin[work]or theres only one way to find out?
08:03.49spenguin[work]voipnoob: btw, Im from India too :)
08:05.35funtoo_nbuspenguin[work]: i want asterisk to play a greeting msg when placed on hold but then play a random file in the moh directory
08:09.05spenguin[work]well before hold, use playback
08:09.24spenguin[work]you can specify 'random' in the moh config
08:14.36*** join/#asterisk JustERR (~justerr@
08:14.54spenguin[work]I get these errors in the logs, whenever theres a call comming in - "chan_dahdi.c:12581 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1"
08:15.06*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
08:15.14spenguin[work]although the call is established sucessfully
08:18.23JustERRHey guys, i've got a problem. My application is monitoring Asterisk events through AMI. The problem is that Asterisk drops my AMI client connection when the traffic load reaches about 4-5Mbit / 3-4 kpps. Does anyone have an idea on how to solve this?
08:18.35funtoo_nbuwhat do you mean play back?
08:18.41funtoo_nbuin extensions.conf?
08:18.53funtoo_nbubefore the call is answered?
08:21.03*** join/#asterisk raj-darkmystery (~test@
08:21.12raj-darkmysteryhi Slugs_
08:22.39raj-darkmysterysorry but someone accidently deleted the book you have provided me.. can you please send the link of the asterisk book
08:24.44spenguin[work]funtoo_nbu: nah, what I meant was you could have an exten that plays back the msg to the user before you have him on hold
08:27.30spenguin[work]funtoo_nbu: or better yet is you can transfer the call to an exten, that would playback the msg
08:27.40spenguin[work]then put the call on hold
08:28.50funtoo_nbuwhy so complex
08:29.09spenguin[work]not really complex
08:29.30*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (
08:30.35funtoo_nbuk hold
08:30.52funtoo_nbusee i guess ive never looked into how asterisk even handles placing calls on hold
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08:34.14voipnoobspenguin - tx
08:34.20voipnoobsorry got called away for a moment
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08:37.57raj-darkmysteryhi Slugs_ you there?
08:38.48voipnoobspenguin - the link you pointed me to
08:39.04voipnoobseems to be more about deploying Asterisk on a LAN
08:39.09voipnoobI am wondering about WAN
08:39.31voipnoobwhere can i find Asterisk loads for WAN
08:39.42spenguin[work]you asked about how an asterisk box would scale across number of calls
08:40.05voipnoobyes, but that seems to be referring to calls inside a LAN
08:40.16voipnoobi.e. all the VOIP users are inside an intranet
08:40.43voipnoobi would assume that WAN requirements & load handling capabilities would be totally different
08:40.50spenguin[work]whats the difference?
08:41.05spenguin[work]with wan you are limited by your bandwidth
08:41.22spenguin[work]and itsp accounts
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09:38.16tzafrir - anybody tried it?
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11:17.03*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk,, (2010/03/12), 1.4.30 (2010/03/12), *-Addons,,, 1.4.11 (2010/04/15), dahdi-linux 2.3.0 + dahdi-tools 2.3.0 (2010/04/13), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-bugs
11:18.59*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
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11:44.54viszis there a way to kill a zombie channel with status 'Ring' without restarting asterisk?
11:45.29c0rnoTasoft hangup
11:45.36viszyep,  tried that
11:47.14J4zenI'm looking for a video-phone such as the Polycom VVX-1500, but it needs to support three-/fourway video-calls. Anyone know of such a device?
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11:57.07tzafrirvisz, sounds like a bug. Can you reproduce it?
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11:57.59tzafrirpetern_, can't ejabberd be also a gateway to MSN-messanger?
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12:03.17carrarJ4, get yourself a Videoconferencing MCU
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12:03.50J4zenlike Tandberg solutions?
12:04.04carrarlots of MCU venders out there
12:04.24J4zenyou don't know of any solutions where the phone/device provides native support for three-way calls?
12:04.38J4zenwhen you switch to MCU appliances the costs of such a solution skyrocket
12:04.48J4zenor am i mistaking?
12:05.36carrarmaybe sipwitch?
12:06.23carrarno idea really
12:19.18carrarThere is also Ekiga
12:19.19*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (~jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
12:22.12J4zencarrar: if i'm not mistaking those are only gateway/servers to 'support' three-way video conference calls. However you'd still need a device capable of initiating them, that's what im currently looking for
12:22.29*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
12:23.56visztzafrir, propably something to do with --without-dundi =P
12:24.19tzafrirvisz, huh?
12:24.46tzafrirWhy do you think this is related?
12:26.36carrarJ4, try openmcu
12:27.32carrarPart of the h323plus project
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12:34.39*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
12:34.53J4zenvery nice carrar, that might do the trick
12:34.57LemensTShow  can you make a sip user reregister
12:35.05LemensTSbesids sip reload
12:37.44carrarreboot the sip user (phone)
12:37.54[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: that doesn't make another client re-register
12:38.08LemensTScarrar: Tried that a few times, its not showing it reregistering
12:38.15[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: only thing that will is a decision on the client itself
12:38.17ChainsawIf it's a phone, you might be able to send it a sip notify.
12:38.25LemensTSSPA 2102 i think
12:38.38[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: If it isn't registering... then something is wrong.
12:38.41petern_tzafrir, i guess. i never bothered figuring out how
12:38.49[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: bad networking or config on the client
12:39.28LemensTSTK: yea i had them reboot the router and the phone adapter several times. The SPA 2101 is registerd just fine. But they have no dial tone
12:39.57LemensTSI thought rebooting the SPA would make it unregister and re-register like it does when you reboot Xlite...
12:40.03LemensTSmaybe it dont
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12:41.03ChainsawLemensTS: Not all SIP clients are that polite. On my doorbell, I had to tick a "unregister when rebooting" box.
12:43.49[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: I've never heard of a device that wouldn't try if you pulled the power and reconnectede
12:44.09[TK]D-Fender"Unregister" = irrelevant
12:44.28LemensTSTK: Yea im sending them a new ATA I think the device is bad.
12:44.29[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: Maybe your side is the problem
12:45.07LemensTSTK: is there any way to flush registrations and make them reregister?
12:48.44[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: On the device?  Doubt it.  It will try on boot.
12:48.56[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: and probably on call/timeout
12:51.19[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: So you sat on CLI with SIP DEBUG while they rebooted the ATA?
12:53.39LemensTSTK: yea i just see options and 489's (489's because of 1.4 issue and linksys)
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12:54.09J4zenSilly question; a three-way call. Does that mean you can have a conversation with 2 other people (3 including yourself), or with 3 other people (4 including yourself)?
12:55.01*** join/#asterisk muiro (~muiro@unaffiliated/muiro)
12:55.12[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: pastebin it all
12:55.26[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: 3-way = 3 people
12:55.39J4zenin total.
12:55.43[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: Yes
12:55.54J4zenAlright, Thanks [TK]D-Fender
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12:56.16beekmornin' [TK]D-Fender
12:56.31[TK]D-Fenderbeek: Mornin'
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13:33.28Kyoshi like to look at 3ways in a different way :)
13:34.01Kyoshhi cusco
13:35.11cuscoI'm wondering... if we have two asterisk boxes placed in geographical different places, both have incoming pri lines.. now if calls come random trough pri-geo1 or pri-geo2, should we have a single queueing asterisk or both? or what I was really wonderibng was, having some dundi config that directs from queue to operator
13:35.16cuscohello Kyosh
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13:38.11Kyoshcusco, you gave a scenario without telling us what you want to accomplish
13:38.49Kyoshdo you want a single queue for both locations, shared across the 2 pbx's?  because thats what it sounds like you want
13:39.42Kyoshjust remember, each pbx sees itself as an individual and can pass calls between other pbx', but queue are independant of each pbx
13:39.56Kyoshbut he's not even talking so i'll go lay down
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13:44.03cuscoat first I thoguht about two different queues, both using the same realtime mysql information
13:44.43cuscothat way I would get total redundancy.. if say, internet goes down at geo-1, geo-2 can still queue and has operators to work..
13:44.54cuscoit would also save some bandwidt
13:45.30cuscobut then my boss thinks its best to have one queue only, he is afraid of implications of asterisk now knowing if some operators not queuing on this side are in a call from the other side's queue
13:46.06cuscoso one queue only is doable (we have that right now, if peer is x, y or z, the dial goes trough a IAX2)
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13:46.32cusconow with incomming pri also at geo2 I think I can do the same..
13:46.43cuscothen I remembered reading somehting about DUNDI
13:46.55cuscowich publishes the available route to a certain peer
13:48.14Kyoshfirst hurdle is a single queue shared across multiple asterisk boxes in different geo locations
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13:48.42cuscoI will read you later tho...
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14:15.29ManxPower-workWhat would cause asterisk to not have a version number?  The only difference (MIGHT) be a missing library, but I have no idea what
14:16.29Corydon76-digLack of a .version file in the root directory
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14:16.44Corydon76-digroot source directory
14:17.01ManxPower-workCorydon76-dig, what would cause that?
14:17.19Corydon76-digA user who knows how to use the 'rm' command
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14:18.55ManxPower-workmust have been a failure in the rsync
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14:34.21kruemelteehello all together
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14:38.25kruemelteeis there any other possibility to call a secondary connected telephone system ... I have one and in the past I dialled with the help of "Dial(SIP/Number@external-System)" but since firmware upgrade this way doesn't work anymore ... may they have changed something?
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14:39.12kruemelteemaybe they need another SIP header correctly set? But I don't know which one ...
14:39.29kruemelteeare there other possibilitys like the "old" way?
14:40.02viszkruemeltee, instead of 'external-System' try the ip-address
14:40.24viszif you had a trunk named 'external-System'
14:40.49kruemelteeso like "Dial(SIP/number@external_IP)"? ... I already tried ... and of course I have a trunk called "external-System" ;-)
14:41.42viszi have had similar problem with couple of servers, and using a ip-address fixed it
14:42.17kruemelteethe external system registered successfully at asterisk ... in the past and today ... but since this firmware upgrade this way doesn't work ... the hotline told me, they worked a lot at the SIP protocoll and there were many changes within this upgrade ... but they didn't tell me which changes ...
14:43.02kruemelteethe port too? Like "Dial(SIP/number@IP\;Port)"?
14:43.27*** part/#asterisk scottsmith7 (~ssmith@
14:44.02kruemelteesorry ... meant Disl(SIP/number@IP\:port)
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14:54.25viszgot a dialogic 3008 for test
14:54.30viszships with windows xp =P
14:54.33viszmedia gateway
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15:40.26herzanhey everybody
15:40.33herzani need help with my asterisk server
15:41.04infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
15:41.53herzanok the thing is I have an inbound route I call from outside the company, after that it connects to the DISA which reroutes to my outbound route
15:41.56herzanthe outbound route has a pinset
15:42.15herzanthe pinset is supposed to keep other people from misusing our telehpone service.
15:42.31leifmadsenfollowing so far
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15:42.46herzanwhat I want to do is to let the outbound route not ask for pin if known cell phones or other known phone numbers call
15:43.10herzanif the caller is not recognized it is not supposed to ask for a pin
15:43.15infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
15:43.18leifmadsenherzan: match on callerID then I suppose (which isn't necessarily secure, but can work)
15:43.20herzanI mean it is supposed to ask for pin
15:43.53herzanmatch caller ID will not ask for pin anymore ?
15:44.04leifmadsenno, I'm saying match on callerID to skip the pin part
15:44.10leifmadsenif you're using a GUI, you're in the wrong room
15:44.33herzani dont mind working on the conf files
15:44.43herzanif you tell me which ones i should take a look at
15:45.35[TK]D-Fenderherzan: there is no confi file, and these scripts addons, etc aren't supoprted here
15:45.55[TK]D-Fenderherzan: These are GUI config issues.  You aren't in control of your dialplan.  Tehir scripts are.
15:46.22herzanok thank you. where could i ask the question then? freepbx?
15:46.54leifmadsenherzan: the problem is that as soon as you modify anything in the GUI again the changes you make will be overridden -- you have to make the changes to the PHP scripts that build the asterisk configuration files
15:46.57leifmadsensee #freepbx
15:47.12*** join/#asterisk QbY (
15:47.45QbYis it possible to tell asteirsk to log (to file) every step for a particular call..  have a very busy server, but need to see every step for a call...
15:48.19leifmadsenQbY: uncomment 'full' in logger.conf
15:48.27leifmadsenthen 'logger reload' from the CLI
15:48.52QbYleifmadsen: yes, i know how to do that.. but what i want to do is to capture for just one call going through the server
15:49.00leifmadsennot possible -- use 'grep'
15:49.49herzanok thank you!
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15:54.35bochis it possible to search a database key from the value of it ?
15:55.22*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
15:55.35[TK]D-Fenderboch: parse out "database show"
15:55.52[TK]D-Fenderboch: there is no * function for this, so you'll need to script it
15:55.57boch[TK]D-Fender, yes but  i mean right from dialplan
15:56.00bochokey, thanks
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16:10.54leifmadsenvoxter: ping?
16:11.01MuffinMan[new] [Asterisk] Core/General 0017235: [patch] asterisk dsp always reports detected DTMF length to be 0ms reported by frawd
16:11.07leifmadsenany chance at all that would resolve your DTMF issues?
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17:20.45voxterleifmadsen: checking
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17:27.30leifmadsenvoxter: coolio
17:27.34voxterleifmadsen: hmm.. im really not certain if this would help.. I think this is only applicable when asterisk is already told to attach a length variable to the event, in my case, the problem isnt that asterisk doesnt know how to do it, its that when it sees SIP/RFC2833 on both ends, it decides to not come up with its own values and just pass along what it got
17:27.54leifmadsenvoxter: gotcha -- kinda was thinking that myself, but thought I'd check
17:28.04voxterleifmadsen: ya no worries, thanks for pointing it out man!
17:29.50Naikrovekanyone know a good network inventory spreadsheet template
17:29.53Naikroveknot sure how to go about this
17:32.28leifmadsenNaikrovek: hmmm... might check Google Docs and see if anyone has created a template. I have a friend who has done that a few times. I think he used some software to get the initial inventory off the network as well through auto-searching.
17:32.51Naikrovekgoogle docs is a good idea
17:32.58Naikrovekgoogle proper isn't helping much
17:40.56p3nguinIs Asset Tracker no good for that purpose?
17:41.07Naikrovekboss wants spreadsheet
17:41.20Naikroveki say webapp would probably be better suited but whatever
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18:15.11roeso my snom 370 has started dialing letters instead of numbers all of a sudden, I don't really see the 'alpha/numeric' toggle button.  Any thoughts?
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18:17.15pabelangerroe: web interface?
18:17.35roewhat about it?
18:18.01pabelangerpabelanger: look for toggle button there.
18:18.54roeyea, that is where I don't see it
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18:21.14roenm, found it, that was stupid
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18:47.12pabelangerAnybody using CEL for reporting yet?
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18:51.17Naikrovekoh i need to audit more
18:51.49Naikrovek4 oracle databases running, none of which are use for dev, all used for production, which is counter to the license agreement at oracle's site.
18:51.54Naikrovektime to cut some power
18:52.45*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
18:54.19leifmadsenpabelanger: not yet :(
18:55.50pabelangerleifmadsen: I'm adding it to my LiveCD of Asterisk trunk this week.  Looks very interesting.
18:56.23leifmadsenyes it does -- it is designed to resolve a lot of the issues with CDRs
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19:01.17infobot[~answers] Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & Docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
19:01.19infobot[~mailinglist] The Asterisk mailing lists can be found at , Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
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19:22.39p3nguinnaikrovek: I pulled a few sheets with asset info on them.  What exactly are you looking for?
19:23.00Naikrovekp3nguin: never done an inventory system/spreadsheet before.  not sure how to go about it
19:23.11Naikrovekan example that will get the wheels turning is all i need, really
19:26.14p3nguinDo you know if you want one sheet per asset tag or one sheet with multiple assets?
19:30.51Naikrovekone sheet, multiple assets
19:31.27Naikroveki suppose i can list installed hardware and software somewhere else
19:31.58Naikrovekthis just screams database to me but i dunno
19:32.02Naikrovekboss wants spreadsheet
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19:39.18doctorrayMixMonitor closes the filestream when a call is parked... is there any way to make it continue
19:42.17leifmadsendoctorray: I don't think so -- you can try using AUDIOHOOK_INHERIT() but once the channel that initiated the call recording goes away, I think it's just gone
19:44.33doctorrayI suppose I could put another mixmonitor command in append mode in the parkedcallstimeout context, as well as writing my own parked call context that re-initiates recording
19:44.52doctorrayI don't really need a recording of them on hold, but I do need it for when it picks back up again
19:45.02p3nguinIt also stops recording if the call is transferred, which is annoying.
19:45.58leifmadsenp3nguin: that's the point of AUDIOHOOK_INHERIT()
19:46.06doctorrayp3nguin: I just tested that in my setup and it continued recording after a transfer
19:46.32p3nguinCan you tell me where/how that is used?
19:46.41leifmadsenp3nguin: core show function AUDIOHOOK_INHERIT
19:47.16leifmadsendoctorray: I tested that today and noticed that the transfer has to be initiated by the called channel though and not the originating channel
19:47.34p3nguinSo it needs to be added to every extension that dials phones, yes?
19:47.36doctorraygreat.. :)
19:47.56leifmadsendoctorray: go ahead and try, but that's what I came up with today (which actually makes sense to me).
19:48.43MuffinMan[feedback] [Asterisk] Applications/app_mixmonitor 0017244: MixMonitor fails to record atxfer calls reported by Samael28
19:48.48leifmadsendoctorray: see the note I added near the end
19:49.10leifmadsenp3nguin: added to whatever dialplan will initiate a MixMonitor()
19:49.14p3nguinOh, what I asked about isn't right.
19:49.19leifmadseni.e. add 1 additional line before MixMonitor()
19:49.20p3nguinyeah, I just read that.
19:50.01doctorrayi see
19:51.41p3nguinDoes it matter if the inherit line goes before or after the MixMonitor line?
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19:51.57doctorrayCan the call parking context be modified to set that, such as a exten => 700,s,blah blah before it actually parks it
19:52.43leifmadsenp3nguin: not sure -- just put it before
19:53.07p3nguincore show ... indicated to put it after, so that was why I didn't know if it mattered.
19:53.19leifmadsenah odd -- probably doesn't matter then
19:53.27leifmadsentry it and find out which one works :)
19:53.54doctorraythanks for the help.  I'm gonna test after lunch
19:54.03[TK]D-Fenderdoctorray: No.  So don't include the context directly and just make your own.
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19:55.21doctorray[TK]D-Fender: I'll try.  I may come back later and ask about that.  thanks
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20:59.50p3nguinIf a context has no BackGround()s or WaitExten()s in it, there's no reason to have an 'i' exten, yes?
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21:14.17manxpower"i" is for "I"VRs
21:14.30manxpowerjust remember that and you'll be good.
21:14.40manxpowerif it's not an IVR chances you don't need it.
21:15.54p3nguinIt's part of an IVR, which is the reason I'm asking.  But I can't think of any reason 'i' would ever be able to be reached if no caller input is accepted via BackGround or WaitExten.
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21:17.25leifmadsenwhen you say IVR you probably mean auto-attendant :)
21:17.46p3nguinBecause this section does not allow any interaction.
21:17.50leifmadsendon't worry, that'll get all explained in the new book
21:17.58leifmadsenthat's not the difference
21:19.02leifmadsenauto-attendant is the menu you typically hear and can dial extensions from and press numbers to generate DTMF to go to other parts of the menu. And IVR is typically something similar, but gets information from an external source (such as from a database) and returns data dynamically.
21:19.15*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:19.54p3nguinSo then most people who say IVR are probably using the term incorrectly.
21:20.02leifmadsenmost people just substitute the terms interchangeably
21:20.46leifmadsenfor example:  when you call Pizza Pizza and it says, "Would you like the exact order as last time?" and you press 1 for yes and you're done, that is an example of IVR
21:20.47paulcchatline = IVR
21:20.52paulcmy daily bread and butter :)
21:20.53ariel_no some of us know what an ivr is, and I use them all the time, for collecting info, like cc, or pins for different routes
21:21.19leifmadsenAsterisk just makes the line between IVR and auto-attendant blurred because Asterisk is so good at both
21:21.32leifmadsenhowever, it's just a term, and who cares? :)
21:21.47ariel_your correct
21:21.54p3nguinOkay, then the context in question is pre-processing for an auto-attendant.  No user input is able to be accepted, thus no 'i' exten should be needed.  Sound right?
21:22.27leifmadsenif you're not accepting input from a user then there is no possibility of them dialing something wrong
21:22.38leifmadsenthus you don't need 'invalid'
21:22.44p3nguinThat was my thought exactly.
21:22.53leifmadsenand now I leave
21:23.01p3nguinWould the same be true for t and T?
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21:25.02doctorrayleifmadsen: it appears that setting the AUDIOHOOK_INHERIT to yes will continue a MixMonitor into call parking and picking up the parked call, but only if the called channel parks it
21:25.48doctorraywhich, for my particular application, will probably be alright
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21:26.56p3nguinCan a channel other than the called channel perform the park?
21:27.18p3nguinAren't there only two channels involved in the call anyway?
21:27.25p3nguincalling and called
21:27.38p3nguinand I'm sure you don't allow the calling channel to park himself.
21:31.13doctorrayif the caller is in the building with a sip phone, then technically they could park a call they made
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21:39.17doctorrayand now for something completely unrelated
21:40.04doctorrayI'm using the MySql CDR addon, and it won't record the caller ID name field, in the database as 'clid' -- haven't been able to find much online as to troubleshooting that.
21:40.13doctorraydoes anyone have a direction to point me in?
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21:46.46doctorrayI think I foudn it
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21:49.51infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:51.13doctorraythaaanks TK
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21:53.37[TK]D-Fenderdoctorray: Wasn't actually for you...
21:55.24leifmadsendoctorray: ya, if the called channel does the parking I would expect it to work
21:55.51doctorray[TK]D-Fender: good deal. :)
21:56.03*** join/#asterisk Get_The_Fish (
21:56.46Get_The_Fishhey, whats the deal with the patch file on for  Whats it for
21:57.17[TK]D-FenderGet_The_Fish: My guess would be patching some previous version into 16.2.7
21:57.45Get_The_Fishthat would be my guess as well.  Hoping for a definite answer
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22:01.45ecranereading RFC 3261 - It talks about something called a sip 'core' can someone describe to me what is a sip core? Is it any sip device (client, server, proxy, etc.?)
22:01.45p3nguinI would imagine they are talking about the protocol.
22:01.55*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
22:02.04leifmadsenGet_The_Fish: it'd be a diff between and the changes in
22:02.10leifmadsennote that is not yet out
22:02.16Get_The_Fishwhy thank you sir
22:02.22leifmadsenso it'd be a diff between and the latest release candidate
22:02.33Get_The_Fishyeah, I am testing an issue to see if it exists in the rc
22:03.45ecraneIt's on page 20 of the RFC. Says "Core designates the functions specific to a particular type of SIP entity..............." but I'm having trouble understanding what they are talking about.
22:10.20Get_The_Fishleif, this patch looks like it patches from rc1 to rc2
22:10.46leifmadsenGet_The_Fish: that's right -- it'd be the diff between the previous version
22:10.54leifmadsenso from rc2 the prev is rc1
22:10.55Get_The_Fishah ok
22:10.59Get_The_Fishright rigth
22:11.01leifmadsenthe prev of rc1 is
22:13.51*** join/#asterisk rare1980_ (~rare1980@
22:17.17Get_The_Fishis there an easy way to get the options selected from a previously done "make menuselect"?
22:30.12NaikrovekGet_The_Fish: don't think so.  perhaps they're in the old makefile or something
22:31.21*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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22:37.15*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (~Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
22:37.38drfreezeI am getting a caller with a callerid of Restricted
22:37.46drfreezeI thought collerid had to be a number
22:39.47leifmadsenGet_The_Fish: copy menuselect.makeopts
22:49.08*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
22:55.20Get_The_Fishwhy thank you again Leif.  A fountain of knowledge, you. :)
22:55.29leifmadsenI know some stuff :)
22:55.49infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
22:56.46Get_The_Fishso, are you thinking about doing another rev of *tfot anytime soon here?
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23:31.04cdose1i'm placing automated outgoing calls using call files and all my outbound calls immediately hang up after the end user picks up.  what's up with that?
23:33.06Corydon76-digcdose1: Are you using a codec that you don't have a translator for?
23:34.03Corydon76-digYou'll need 2 translators for each call placed via callfile
23:36.39cdose1CoderForLife, sorry, I'm a bit new to this.  I don't know what codecs you mean
23:36.51cdose1Corydon76-dig, sorry that was meant for you
23:38.29Corydon76-digUlaw?  Alaw?  GSM?  iLBC?  ADPCM?
23:40.19cdose1Corydon76-dig, sorry, I installed asterisk via trixbox, it was set up for me.  the asterisk/codecs.conf file has sections in it for plc and speex, if that means anything.  I don't know where else to look for references to codecs
23:40.38Corydon76-digcdose1: Go ask in #trixbox, then
23:41.04infobothmm... trixbox is SH1TB0X. Basically a CRAPPY, closed source distro. STAY AWAY!
23:41.58cdose1Corydon76-dig, yeah thanks, i already figured that.  but I don't yet have the experience to set up an asterisk server myself.  i find it's always good to jump in with something pre-made, and work your way up from there
23:42.32Corydon76-digThere are plenty of others.  Try PBX-in-a-Flash, I've heard better things about that
23:42.46cdose1Corydon76-dig, really, ok thanks
23:43.01p3nguinPiaF instead of AsteriskNOW?
23:43.27*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
23:43.28Corydon76-digp3nguin: as long as someone else is out there to support it...
23:44.21cdose1p3nguin, you would recommend AsteriskNOW instead?
23:44.24Corydon76-digI'm a CLI person myself
23:44.50cdose1Corydon76-dig, i generally am myself as well, but PBXs are a completely new world to me
23:44.54p3nguincdose1: I've tried both PiaF and AsteriskNOW, and I wouldn't recommend PiaF to anyone.
23:45.32cdose1p3nguin, ok, what would you recommend?
23:45.34Corydon76-digp3nguin: the guy who put together PiaF has been a real asshole towards me.  I feel as though I need to return the favor
23:46.12p3nguincdose1: Start with a good distro, add asterisk, read the book, start configuring, enjoy.
23:46.32p3nguincdose1: if that is not an option, AsteriskNOW is actually pretty decent.
23:46.38Corydon76-digThere's something to be said about people who think law school is an appropriate substitute for years of programming
23:47.24cdose1p3nguin, option 1 definitely is an option, i just wanted to "jump in" so to speak, and start prototyping an idea, before actually commiting to it and spending all the time to set up something more permenant
23:48.02Corydon76-digcdose1: yeah, start by reading the book, first
23:48.08infobotwell, thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
23:49.28cdose1Corydon76-dig, thanks
23:50.42*** join/#asterisk Micc (
23:51.53MiccI keep getting errors receiving faxes with digium's fax for asterisk. I have a SIP trunk that goes to my main server, then from there forwards over IAX2 to another server that is only 1ms away. Would it be better to use SIP?
23:53.37*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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23:53.59MiccIt has no problems sending faxes to SIP peers, but sending to them through IAX -> SIP peer seems to have issues, so I'm thinking SIP->SIP->SIP peer might work better.
23:58.06*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (

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