IRC log for #asterisk on 20100421

00:00.49bmoraca_workhey manxpower, who do you get CNAM from?
00:01.32manxpowerAccudata or some such if my boss ever signs the NDA. is what I think we used for our prototyping
00:01.51bmoraca_worki wish they were cheaper
00:02.40bmoraca_workright now, if i want CNAM, it's $0.65/mo per DID for unlimited lookups.  i'd prefer to have a one-off lookup for DIDs because a lot of my customers don't use their DIDs very often.
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00:03.37fenrusCNAM is some kind of caller-id-database ?
00:03.38bmoraca_workso i can't justify enabling CNAM on 100 DIDs when they take a combined total of 20 calls per day on them, but i know that i'm going to start getting CNAM complaints from certain customers soon
00:03.38manxpowerasteriskcnam is something like 1.2/cents/lookup
00:03.48manxpowerfenrus: cnam IS the callerid database
00:04.09bmoraca_workbut they're the cheapest i've found
00:04.10fenrusmanxpower, in the usa i guesS=?
00:04.12manxpoweryeah, that's it.
00:04.24manxpowerfenrus: correct, but other countries may have similar things
00:05.10fenrusthere's a couple of hacks to make asterisk look up numbers towards some free number-database-services in sweden.
00:05.27manxpowerbmoraca_work: for people with lots of DIDs or want CNAM we usually put in a PRI via the ILEC
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00:06.09bmoraca_workunfortunately, i don't have that luxury (not big enough yet, not a CLEC)
00:06.24bmoraca_workprimarily VOIP trunking
00:07.11Professionalcan any one help me with the weblink which simply explain the asterisk implementation with PD and usage , thanx
00:08.31*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
00:09.18bmoraca_worki should just implement a cache and use my upstream provider for high-traffic numbers and asteriskcnam for DIDs
00:09.41bmoraca_workcan never have enough func_odbc!
00:10.03manxpowerbmoraca_work: I did that.  Used sqlite, actually
00:10.17manxpowerthe all powerful lid_cache.sqlite3!
00:10.33bmoraca_workfun stuff
00:10.38bmoraca_workwell, it's time to go home
00:10.44bmoraca_workuntil tomorrow!
00:10.58manxpowerit was interesting.  It is best to understand your traffic before spending the time one something like that.
00:16.02grandpapadotmanxpower: Ok, I get variable inheritance, but how would I use it with CALLERID(xxx)?  I tried Set(_CALLERID(num)=12345) but no go ...
00:16.12grandpapadot.. on the local child channel
00:16.35manxpoweror maybe __MY_CALLERID_NUM=${CALLERID(num)}
00:16.49manxpowerand do that in the parent channel before your Local/ Dial
00:17.14*** part/#asterisk eskaypey (~Adium@unaffiliated/eskaypey)
00:17.54grandpapadotSo no way to use inheritance on CALLERID()?
00:19.49grandpapadotThe reason is I need to make this compatible with the child Local channel CALLERID(dnid) basically, so I need to set _CALLERID(DNID) in the parent ... There are literrally thousands of files I would have to update for customers to get a new variable set for DNID
00:28.23*** join/#asterisk circut (
00:28.55circuthey all, i just installed an FXS module on my TDM410
00:29.06grandpapadot.. but that looks like my option, lol, DANGIT!
00:29.12circutive got an analog phone plugged into it which gets a dialtone when picked up
00:29.19circutbut the second i press a number i get a hangup
00:29.34circutnothing in the logs or on the console indicating whats wrong
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00:36.41hipitihopis there a standard voice prompt for dealing with anonymous cid calls ?
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00:39.21NuggetI like tt-allbusy for that
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00:42.45hipitihopI would like something more specific like "We don't accept anonymous calls, please enable caller id and call back, goodbye"
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00:46.29circutafter removing my head from the southern portion of my anatomy, i determined the problem was with contexts ;/
00:46.33circutthanks guys
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00:54.11Jumpiehead to rectum contact will do that every time
00:55.31p3nguinBetter than a2m, I guess.
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01:47.29aschneidergHey everybody; I've been searching  a stable Android for the HTC Diamond all the web around. There's a lot of forks. I'm using the XDA-Forums and Connect-UTB's but apps are crashing all the time. Do you guys know of a better version? I understand there's a bunch of work on progress about it.
01:54.16leifmadsenaschneiderg: that doesn't seem like an Asterisk question, unless you misspoke
01:54.35aschneidergsorry all
01:57.26*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
02:09.11carrarJust add "... for Asterisk" to the end
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02:50.08*** join/#asterisk CoolCat2012 (~IceChat7@
02:50.59CoolCat2012hi all, could some give me some light on this ?
02:51.45CoolCat2012the post before the last one
03:04.36*** join/#asterisk Zizou (~zizou@
03:12.22TJNIICoolCat2012: So you're using Trixbox / FreePBX?
03:14.16ChannelZThe PBX of hookers
03:14.40CoolCat2012(elastix bundled)
03:14.40TJNIICoolCat2012: #freepbx
03:14.45infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
03:15.12CoolCat2012TJNII thanks! =o)
03:15.59TJNIIChannelZ: Once again you do not disappoint.  Kudos.
03:17.37ChannelZSorry it's a Pavlovian response every time I hear "Trixbox"
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03:33.47infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
03:33.53manxpowerChannelZ: You too, eh?
03:34.16manxpowerI sometimes can't help myself.  my fingers type that by themselves, I swear!
03:34.45CoolCat2012i would touch asterisk without something like freepbx
03:35.15CoolCat2012(its not easy to setup those text file from the ground)
03:35.18manxpowerCoolCat2012: then you are one of the few on this channel that feel that way.
03:35.40CoolCat2012manxpower im just be sincerity, no offense.
03:35.53*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
03:35.57CoolCat2012i would love to say that i do control asterisk, but im far from that!
03:36.42manxpower"Like meth, you don't control it, trixbox controls you"
03:37.26CoolCat2012no, i dont use trixbox....
03:42.46CoolCat2012cya people, night all!
03:56.57*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (~Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
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04:33.55ChannelZwonders why he has The Price Is Right theme stuck in his head
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05:05.59carrarif you were raided by the FBI they would not even let you keep the quit message
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06:18.56KnightfalANyone know what might cause the following : DEBUG[2622] chan_dahdi.c: Failed to read gains: Invalid argument
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06:26.09kaldemarKnightfal: an invalid argument in your configuration?
06:26.57KnightfalYa Im looking into it. I have a few pstn gateways and all configs are the same its strange.
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06:32.04ChannelZfarts a happy little tune
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08:07.43petern_ponders his pri issue
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08:19.29elzidMorning all, have a question about ices 0.4 and its seeming inability to stream live audio - can it only stream playlists? I'm trying to avoid upgrading to ices 2.0 because it'll break legacy setups...
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08:29.29petern_hmm, is "Restarting T203 counter" normal?
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08:44.48binbash_Hi everyone,
08:45.12binbash_i'm trying to intergrate fax in to my pbx, but i'm not finding that much info
08:45.30binbash_i have a sip trunk from my provider, and i would like to do fax2e-mail on my pbx
08:45.46Jumpieits a bear to setup sometimes
08:45.53Jumpiethere are things like hylafax and astrafax
08:45.57Jumpiebut i have had best luck using an ata
08:47.26binbash_hmm ah a google on ata made some clear
08:47.33binbash_yeah because, we have like 100 numbers
08:47.40binbash_and we route those numbers directly to phones
08:47.54binbash_but it would be great if those numbers could also recieve fax
08:48.09*** join/#asterisk joobie (
08:48.11binbash_so that it would detect that's a fax, and then e-mail it to the e-mail address that goes with the number
08:48.26binbash_or am i on a mission impossible :D?
08:49.20joobiehey guys.. i have a monitoring system that i want to integrate to asterisk to track how many DAHDI channels are in use.. anyone got a good idea on how to do this?
08:49.52joobiei can do passive checks, where every X mins my monitoring system runs a cmd in asterisk and stores the value (this can grab the "current used lines") .. but it runs at a set frequency only (like every 30 seconds)
08:50.22joobiealternatively i can do active checks, where something connects to my monitoring box and pushes a value
08:51.12joobieis there a way in asterisk i can run a script every time i get a call on dahdi? i wanted ot do it in a way that ran as an independant thread to the call being handled
08:51.23joobieso if there was a delay in the script or sumthen, it wouldnt impact the call in any way
08:51.49joobieputting it in the dialplan i was thinking would hold up the call progression if there was a delay with the script running
08:51.57WIMPyjoobie: You could listen on AMI.
08:54.32joobiegood idea
08:54.41joobiethanks WIMPy
09:03.56*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
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09:22.10joobietrying to manually go through the AMi
09:22.13joobievia telnet
09:22.22joobieim putting \r\n at the end of each command, cant seem to login tho
09:22.26joobieis that right for the linefeed?
09:23.19WIMPyIIRC: In theory yes, but in practice it doesn't matter.
09:25.16kaldemarjoobie: just press enter twice.
09:28.13joobietried that
09:28.34joobieok wak
09:28.36joobieit's working now
09:28.53joobiemaybe user error :P
09:28.58joobieso hmm
09:29.08joobieto monitor each time a dahdi call comes in
09:29.14joobiewats a good cmd
09:29.19joobieand out
09:30.05joobielike i guess when i connect to the AMI, i want to be able to see when a DADHI call comes in and ends.. and likewise a sip call
09:30.57WIMPyFrom some distant location im Memory, I'd say newchannel and hangup.
09:33.45WIMPyThere might have been a catch however, where channels get renamed.
09:34.28WIMPyOr was that only the ID?
09:46.20*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
10:24.20*** join/#asterisk AlanW (
10:25.16AlanWGood day.  I having some _fun_ with 1.6.  I moved from 1.4 and the extensions.conf is not working.    I want to strip right down removing all the demo/crude from the default one.
10:25.59AlanWi have:  exten => _0.,1,Dial(IAX2/------etc----)
10:26.27AlanWbut when i attempt to dial anything with 0, asterisk takes over after 3digits.  i can't find who is hijacking that dialplan rule
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11:16.18joobieguys is tehre an * AMI command that I can run to see the total number of DAHDI channels in use? or even llist the channels in use?
11:17.06joobiei have 1.4 btw
11:17.11joobienoticed 1.6 has these inbuilt :/
11:19.25kaldemarjoobie: "Action: Command" lets you use CLI commands.
11:21.35joobiekaldemar, ya, but not sure which cmd in there i can use
11:22.10joobiedahdi show channels vaguely does it.. but the only way to tell that the channel is in use is to check if it has an extension specified.. which im not sure is the best way
11:24.24leifmadsenjoobie: if 1.4 doesn't have the ability to do that, you could use GROUP() and GROUP_COUNT() in your dialplan to track the number of calls
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11:33.18manxpowerAlanW: read the UPGRADE*.txt files to learn about the various changes
11:33.36AlanWthank you
11:35.10manxpowerIf you are using SIP phones then the phone has it's own dialplan
11:37.30AlanWmmm its the polycom handset, and it was working fine under 1.4, now its not letting me dial more than 015 before it cuts off.  so i am thinking 1.6 is the reason here.
11:38.26manxpowerremember each digit is not sent to asterisk as you dial it.  The phone collects digits and when it thinks it has enough, it send them all to Asterisk at once.
11:40.04AlanWwell i _want_ to believe you.  but all the handsets are doing this, cisco/polycom, and they weren't doing this under 1.4
11:40.14AlanWso extensions.conf is playing a factor here i am sure.
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11:41.40AlanWalso since moving 1.6, it seems to be way more sensitive to NAT phones; as my handsets are showing UNREACHABLE status way more than they use to.
11:45.30joobieleifmadsen, do i have to unset group() for a channel when it hangs up or is that automatic?
11:45.47leifmadsenjoobie: automatic
11:46.09manxpowerjoobie: "core show function GROUP" does not say?
11:46.26joobieleifmadsen, can group_count() be pulled from the asterisk console?
11:46.34joobiemanxpower, duno
11:46.37leifmadsenjoobie: not to my knowledge
11:46.44joobiedoh.. that could be a prob
11:46.57manxpowerjoobie: you might want to read the docs for the functions/applications you are using.
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11:47.43joobieim thinking of using the AMI to monitor the channels in realtime, so i can instantly update my monitoring system when it sees a new call / sees a call hangup.. but i need an additional check to run say every 5 mins, just to confirm the channels are in sync.. like every 5 mins, "how many channels are actually in use" type thing, to ensure i dont fall out of sync
11:48.15joobiemanxpower, that's an interesting idea
11:48.36manxpowerjoobie: radical, I know.
11:48.52joobiemanxpower, word has it you are the SMS guru
11:49.23joobieleifmadsen, btw thanks for the knowledge on group*()
11:50.41manxpowerjoobie: I am not an SMS guru.  I just know the answers to the most common problem that people have with SMS and Asterisk.
11:51.11joobiemanxpower, i was looking into integrating SMS into asterisk the other day.. needed a way to get an SMS into asterisk. The only decent way I could find was to hook up a PSTN line that supports SMS (managed to find 1 AU provider that does this)
11:51.12manxpowerThat problem is "app_sms is not working".
11:51.18joobieis this the only way to suck in an SMS into * ?
11:51.59manxpowerjoobie: no, but it is the only way app_sms supports SMS i.e. over PSTN lines.
11:52.22joobiebut app_sms doesnt even work over PSTN lines?
11:52.25manxpowerif yo want SMS some other way, there are a zillion and 25 sites out there with web interfaces for sending SMS.
11:52.38manxpowerjoobie: no,  app_sms ONLY WORK S ON PSTN LINES
11:52.39joobiethe sending part is fine
11:52.43joobiethe receiving is a problem
11:53.08joobiedoes app_sms work for sending SMS over PSTN also?
11:53.52manxpowerpeople seem to think app_sms is some magical SMS thing.  It is not.  It simply sends and receives SMS using FSK (think 1200 baud modem) over PSTN lines.  The fact that there are NO PSTN SMS providers in the USA seems to confuse many people.
11:54.14manxpowerjoobie: app_sms ONLY supports SMS over PSTN.  It supports no other type of SMS
11:55.03manxpowerthey really should rename app_sms to some thing like app_esti4582 or something like that.
11:55.03joobiethat is the product i was looking at integrating to
11:55.56manxpowerjoobie: does the service use PSTN lines?
11:56.50joobieit's a little limited though - it will only work between telstra products
11:56.58joobieie. you can't sms across to another carrier
11:58.04manxpowerif it uses SMS (real SMS, not some marketing product for text messaging) over PSTN lines then it should work with app_sms
11:58.07*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
11:58.18joobiewhat is the protocol
11:58.25joobielike is there a formal standard
11:58.41joobieknowing these ass bandits
11:58.55joobieit will use a modified version
11:59.16manxpowerETSI ES 201 912
11:59.25manxpowerAs documented in "core show application SMS"
11:59.30joobieahh .. good old ETSI ES 201 912
11:59.43joobiethat core show application thingie came handy again
11:59.47joobie2 times in a row
11:59.53joobieyou might be onto something manxpower
12:00.01manxpowerjoobie: it is the most useful command in asterisk.  start using it.
12:01.02joobiemanxpower, so what have you used app_sms for before? what type of setup
12:01.17manxpowerjoobie: I live in the USA.  I have never used app_SMS.
12:01.23infobotManxPower has been using Asterisk in production since late 2001.  Currently works at InterGlobe Communications, a CLEC based in NYC with service in NY, NJ, FL, and TX.
12:01.28manxpowerBut I've been around long enough to know this stuff
12:01.54joobie.. "Telstra use ETSI standard ES 201 912 for their fixed line sms product,
12:01.55joobiewhich is what most fixed line sms implementations use in other
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12:02.44manxpowermost people seem to think app_sms is for MOBILE SMS
12:04.24joobiefuk knos how u would try and hook up a mobile telephone to asterisk
12:04.50manxpower"very poorly" is usually the answer to that
12:06.35joobiethese ass bandits at telstra are the only ones in AU with the product
12:06.41joobiebut they resitrct it so it only works on their network
12:07.06manxpowermany providers have a public SMSC
12:09.10joobiei dont know too much about SMSC's
12:09.15joobieexcept that it was a number in my phone
12:09.19joobieunder SMS settings
12:09.21joobieon my old nokia
12:09.24joobieabout 10 years ago
12:10.55joobiepresuming it's the router for the SMS's though
12:11.20joobietelstra will probably restrict the DST of the numbers to be their mobile numbers
12:11.27joobieunless it's from a telstra mobile number
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12:16.35joobiehello [TK]D-Fender
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12:18.54kruemelteehello everybody :-)
12:20.36joobienight guys
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13:12.21jayteehi Katty
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13:18.10elzidguys - anyone know how to convert ices2 ogg output to mp3 on the fly?
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13:25.42davido1hello room
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13:27.29davido1I'd like to send a custom notify message to my sip peers... is that possible from asterisk?
13:28.25pabelangerAnybody know if the Persian language is supported?
13:28.46pabelangeror something similar in grammar syntax
13:32.04kaldemardavido1: "help sip notify" in CLI. sample sip_nofity.conf has some message types.
13:32.08tzafrir_laptoppabelanger, in say.conf? say.c ?
13:32.19pabelangertzafrir_laptop: yar!
13:32.33tzafrir_laptopWhich of the two? (IIRC: not in either)
13:32.53tzafrir_laptopAnyway, look in say.c
13:33.37davido1kaldemar: Yeah, I've used that before, but now I want to send it directly from the dialplan... What I want, actually, is to display some text in a peer without having to make a call...
13:33.38pabelangertzafrir_laptop: ya, currently check, figured I'm ping the channel
13:34.11manxpowerdavido1: sounds like you are setting yourself up for failure
13:34.29kaldemardavido1: i've used sipsak for that. calling cli commands from dialplan is a bit ugly.
13:34.39davido1manxpower: i know :(... hahaha, but it's not me who asked for it :p
13:36.14davido1kaldemar: yes, I've usesd sipsak for that too... but i wanted to know if there's an alternative. Something a bit prettier than s => { System(run-command);} to execute a script that would use sipsak to send the text...
13:36.56manxpowerdavido1: any thing you do for this will be a hack.
13:37.10davido1manxpower: Maybe I can display text in another way apart from sending a notify?
13:37.34davido1manxpower: SipAddHeaders wouldn't help or?
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13:38.42davido1manxpower: Ah, but then I would have to call the peer... Hmm...  No good
13:38.46davido1Oh well
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13:40.27manxpowerdavido1: um, that is TOTALLY dependent on the PHONE.
13:41.23elzidices anyone? how to convert ogg stream into mp3 on the fly for live traffic?
13:41.35davido1manxpower: But, independently of the phone, if I want to send something to it without calling, I have to use notify, is it?
13:41.36ruben23i got sample number  02828260357 where this needs to be added with 44(area code) and strip the 0 value which it will be 442828260357 at the final stage of dialing..
13:41.58ruben23how do i setup the exten sion of that
13:43.32manxpowerdavido1: um, that is TOTALLY dependent on the PHONE.
13:44.28davido1manxpower: Okok... hehe... What do you know about Snom phones?
13:44.53manxpowerdavido1: no.
13:44.58infobotrumour has it, answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
13:45.02manxpowerI bet there's info in the web
13:45.51davido1manxpower: Ok, thanks anyway =)
13:46.23ruben23manxpower: any sample extensions patter
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13:47.14freezeyso i have a conf set with meetme and internally it works how would i set it to be able to be dialed from outside? it comes into my phone system but says not in service
13:47.24ruben23i get this work------->exten => _44.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@<carrier ip>)
13:49.16manxpowerruben23: I don't see anything that could hold the number you provided.
13:49.34manxpowerit won't be EXTEN, since your pattern would not match 02828260357
13:49.59manxpowermaybe you need something like exten => _0.,1,Goto( 44${EXTEN:1},1)
13:50.49ruben23manxpower: i just need to remove 0 then i can add up prefix 44 + number without zero then im ok..
13:51.00carrarmanxpower, it's like you've read the book or something
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13:51.23carrarHow do you know this mojo
13:51.33manxpowercarrar: more like read channelvariables.txt before they removed the .txt version and replaced it with a .tex file.
13:51.44manxpowerthat's where you learn this stuff.
13:51.51jayteei hate the tex version
13:52.13manxpowerjaytee: I rant about the conversion to .tex about once a month.  Never does any good, but it does make me feel better.
13:52.34*** part/#asterisk Slashman (
13:52.36jayteemanxpower, yeah I bitched a couple times and then resigned myself to it
13:52.40carrarformulate a EMail and we'll all send it once a month
13:52.50jayteeand I've really got nothing against people with latex fetishes :-)
13:53.03carrardepends who is in the laex
13:53.49carrarPerhaps alison
13:53.55carrarcan make audio versions of the txt files
13:54.11manxpowerjaytee: but the info is in the asterisk.pdf!
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13:57.43jayteemanxpower, thanks for pointing that out! I didn't realize that was in the pdf.
13:57.50jayteejust started browsing it.
13:57.55freezeyanybody have any idea why i cant dial my conference bridge from the outside? if i won that DID block shoulnt it append my NPA-NXX- to the extension?
13:58.23leifmadsenfor those who want TeX to text, I found the steps easily with google
13:59.00leifmadsencd /usr/src/asterisk/docs/tex ; latex asterisk.tex ; catdvi -e 1 -U asterisk.dvi | sed -re "s/\[U\+2022\]/*/g" | sed -re "s/([^^[:space:]])\s+/\1 /g" > asterisk-docs.txt
13:59.05leifmadsenless asterisk-docs.txt
13:59.20manxpowerfreezey: you should ask on #freepbx
13:59.21carrarassuming you have catdvi
13:59.30leifmadsencarrar: because apt-get install catdvi was hard?
13:59.39manxpowerleifmadsen: I need to download 105MB of RPMs first
13:59.49leifmadsenapparently I'm not on ignore anymore
14:00.04jayteei would never ignore you
14:00.08manxpowerleifmadsen: I'm on my personal account using Pidgin, which does not have a /ignore.
14:00.19manxpowerAlso you've not been coming in, bitching about us and then leaving.
14:00.58manxpowerI am glad that the command to convert from tex to txt is so easy.  I'm sure all the n00bs already know that command.
14:01.08leifmadsenI didn't know about that either
14:01.12leifmadsenI just googled and it was the 2nd link
14:01.16leifmadsen"convert tex to text"
14:01.28leifmadsenor "convert tex to ascii"
14:01.41manxpowerMy problem with .tex files is not that *I* have problems reading them.  It's that the poor n00bs that can barely type "less file.txt" have problems
14:02.12manxpowerwe need to lower the barriers to reading the docs, not raise them.
14:02.20leifmadsenmkrelease is the script we use to generate our releases, and it is available publicly. Anyone is welcome to submit a simple patch to add the converted text files.
14:03.03manxpowerleifmadsen: thank you.  I will keep that in mind and might even post a bounty for it.
14:03.36manxpoweris such a patch likely to be accepted?
14:03.40tzafrir_laptopleifmadsen, that still requires the tex stuff installed
14:03.49tzafrir_laptop(for running latex and catdvi)
14:03.57leifmadsentzafrir_laptop: welcome to 3 minutes ago
14:04.03manxpowertzafrir_laptop: if I understand it correctly, it would only require it on the digium machines that build the releases?
14:04.19leifmadsenI already have that stuff installed on the machine I use to make releases
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14:04.27manxpowerand I don't care if Digium has to install 100MB of stuff just to do something.
14:05.04tzafrir_laptopwell, the machine building proper packages has to have tex anyway, to build asterisk.pdf
14:05.09leifmadsenI would even install 1GB of stuff is necessary
14:05.11manxpowerjaytee: one of my other pet peeves is that Digium isn't confident enough in their own software to run the latest release on their corporate PBX.
14:05.12leifmadsenit's just disk space
14:05.29leifmadsenmanxpower: digium runs switchvox
14:06.09jayteewhat's that expression about eating the dogfood that's used in software development?
14:06.09tzafrir_laptopleifmadsen, if you build in a chroot builder (do you?) , extra build dependencies mean extra build time, eventually
14:06.22manxpowerjaytee: I think they are all cat people. 8-)
14:06.32leifmadsentzafrir_laptop: I build in a virtual machine dedicated to building releases. That's all it does.
14:06.45manxpowerjaytee: anything I deploy to customers is first tested on our own corporate people.
14:06.49tzafrir_laptopmanxpower, so the cats are eating the dogfood?
14:07.07leifmadsentzafrir_laptop: I don't build Asterisk on this machine, I simply use it for packaging the source code into .tar.gz files
14:07.07manxpowertzafrir_laptop: no, that's the point.  nobody is eating the dog food except the customers.
14:07.35manxpowerok, not customers, but end users
14:07.37jayteeit was something Microsoft changed in their policies after the Vista embarrassment where they in most areas run the latest test versions to try to catch more issues before release
14:07.52jayteesomething like "eating your own dogfood"
14:08.09manxpowerjaytee: a radical shift in software development 8-)
14:08.12tzafrir_laptopjaytee, huh? "eating their own dogfood" appears in articles about MS from way before Vista
14:08.50jayteeyeah, I just googled. I'm seeing stuff from 1988
14:09.05jayteeobviously they should get out of the dogfood business :-)
14:09.43leifmadsenmanxpower: actually the change would go in build_tools/prep_tarball of the asterisk source
14:11.06jayteeanyone care to give a "guesstimate" of the number of Asterisk servers in production in the US and Canada only? and worldwide?
14:12.06leifmadsen100 hundred thousand million
14:12.20ChainsawOne billion doll... eh, machines.
14:13.08jayteeok, so lebenty-leven it is!
14:16.03elzidsorry guys - this isn't a repeat question - this is more to do with the * Ices() function than the linux ices package: there's an * cmd called Ices(), it outputs an ogg format audio stream and I need to convert it to mp3 on the fly - can I just run a System call and execute a batch ices command with pipes through lame etc? My assumption here is that Ices() in * effectively calls ices bin on the OS. Any ideas anyone
14:16.16[TK]D-Fenderthat's 10 million.
14:16.20[TK]D-FenderMath FAIL
14:17.40[TK]D-Fender(10 million million that is)
14:18.10[TK]D-Fenderwonders if there is a fixed name for that...
14:19.56Naikrovek10 trillion
14:20.01Naikrovekmy math is not to be trusted, btw
14:25.42Woody2143Hey all, I'm looking for a point in the right direction. I want to add a param to the SIP From header. I see the SIPAddHeader for adding headers but is there a function for manipulating existing headers?
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14:27.32[TK]D-FenderWoody2143: No
14:28.30Woody2143I figured as much, I'd been searching around for awhile. Thank you.
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14:33.00manxpowerWoody2143: What *specific* thing do you want to do to the From headeR?
14:33.35manxpowerthere is no general way to modify existing headers, but there are config options for specific things like the From domain, etc.
14:34.10Woody2143add 'pstn-params:80'; eg From: <sip:+12015550000@;pstn-params=80>
14:34.53manxpowerWoody2143: That's not going to happen. 8-|
14:35.02Woody2143No worries
14:35.43manxpowerWoody2143: header modification and stuff like that is the function of a SIP Proxy, which Asterisk is not.  You could easily do it with something like SER/OpenSIPPS/OpenSER or whatever they changed the name to this week
14:36.26*** join/#asterisk FreezeS (~KVIrc@
14:36.42FreezeShi guys
14:36.54Woody2143Cool, thanks for the information max
14:37.08FreezeSI need to know the codecs of a call
14:37.28FreezeSthe codec that comes in, the one that goes out and whether it was transcoded or not
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14:38.12FreezeSright now I can get the codec that comes in and if it's transformed into SLIN or not
14:38.27FreezeSbut I can't get the codec that goes out of asterisk
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14:40.14manxpower"sip show channels"
14:40.42FreezeSmanxpower: I need that in an agi script ran in deadagi
14:40.48FreezeSsorry, I should have mentioned that
14:41.02davido1see you guys
14:41.03*** part/#asterisk davido1 (
14:41.25manxpowerFreezeS: read channelvariables.tex  There should some SIP related variables that may have that info.  I doubt you will be able to do this.
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14:42.52sbrathI moved all my SIP devices from users.conf to sip.conf and now I have 1 extension that's getting a time limit. Is their some sort of default timelimit of like 20 minutes?  Can it be defined somewhere other than the Dial() ?
14:43.13manxpowersbrath: no.
14:43.37manxpowerit can be set with the TIMEOUT stuff, but since you wrote the dialplan you should know.
14:43.40sbrathWierd, at about 13 minutes she says she gets a "Beep" and then at 18 minutes it cuts the channel.
14:43.47sbrathI guess is could be the ATA
14:43.52manxpowersbrath: pastebin the problem call
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14:44.51FreezeSmanxpower: right now I'm using CHANNEL(audioreadformat) but this has only the data for the A channel
14:46.54[TK]D-FenderFreezeS: Go make an AGI that will use AMI to poll the channels for this info
14:47.25FreezeS[TK]D-Fender: that's exactly what I was trying to avoid
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14:51.51[TK]D-FenderFreezeS: Actually... if you're in the dialplan.. there is only an "A" channel
14:52.06manxpowersbrath: it does not look like a dialplan / config issue.
14:52.25FreezeS[TK]D-Fender: thanks
14:52.39[TK]D-Fendersbrath: Try again with SIP DEBUG enabled for that peer so we can see who initiates the hangup, and for what reason.
14:54.59sbrathgood idea.
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14:57.09pentanolbmoraca_work you're even use func_odbc? it working for you properly? on which asterisk version? presumably you can argue this behaviour?
14:59.05[TK]D-Fenderpentanol: Going on well over a week and I have yet to see the proof I asked for
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15:00.08pentanolI see, but I still can't evaluate it
15:00.25[TK]D-Fenderpentanol: Show us the isql backup.
15:00.56pentanoldb is clear
15:01.14SaintJeanHi, is the variable ${DIALEDPEERNUMBER} still broken?
15:01.48pentanolin first it should check out entries and then add something news
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15:07.07bmoraca_workwow, someone asking me a question completely out of the blue!
15:07.29bmoraca_worki haven't been in this channel in 15 hours, lol
15:07.45pentanolyou're don't like that colour?
15:08.02bmoraca_workpentanol: does your query execute outside of asterisk's ODBC connector?
15:08.14pentanolof course
15:08.20[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: I've asked for this repeatedly.  I never got it
15:08.37bmoraca_workpentanol: interesting, because your DISTINCT syntax is INCORRECT.
15:09.08pentanolUnable to execute query [SELECT t_dst FROM av_trunks  limit 1]\n"..
15:09.28pentanolholy crap
15:09.45bmoraca_workyou've got other problems then.
15:10.05pentanolreadsql=SELECT t_dst FROM av_trunks  limit 1
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15:10.48southtel_Hey everyone.
15:10.48bent_screwdriverhow to add an extra field to the CDR for mysql storage? i created the field recorded in the cdr table, in mysql, and put this in the dialplan: exten => s,n,Set(CDR(recorded)=1) (ast 1.6.2)
15:11.16leifmadsenbent_screwdriver: you're using cdr_adaptive_odbc ?
15:11.30pentanolbmoraca_work could you show your func_odbc.conf.... where readsql...
15:11.55bent_screwdriver@leifmadsen: i'm not sure
15:12.36leifmadsenme either
15:13.12bent_screwdriver@leifmadsen: how could i find out. i just yum'ed asterisk and asterisk addons and created the cdr table
15:13.19carrarbooleans are for wusses ;)
15:13.21leifmadsenthen you probably don't
15:13.31leifmadsenls /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/cdr_adaptive_odbc.*
15:13.31bmoraca_workpentanol: not sure what good it will do
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15:14.20pentanolon which * version?
15:14.26pentanolodbc version also...
15:14.39bmoraca_work1.6.2.0, but i've used it on 1.4 as well without issue
15:14.45pentanolwhere did you get this odbc?
15:14.46southtel_Has anyone out there dealt with heavy static on a PRI line?
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15:15.34leifmadsenstatic on a PRI? seems odd ;)
15:15.38leifmadsenit'd a digital circuit
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15:16.39bent_screwdriver@leifmadsen: no such file or directory so i guess not. do i need to add the custom field to cdr_custom.conf?
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15:17.03leifmadsennot sure -- it probably isn't going to do what you expect then
15:17.10leifmadsencdr_custom is for writing to a CSV file
15:17.14pentanolwhat from you've installed  these odbc drivers?
15:17.15southtel_I've got an older PBX connected to a PRI, and on the majority of outbound calls, there's heavy static, but only on the external end.
15:17.43pentanolbmoraca_work poke
15:21.15bmoraca_workpentanol: "yum install unixODBC mysql-odbc-devel"
15:21.36bmoraca_workmysql-connector-odbc or something
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15:23.55beefpastrysaw an old post that said alsa support doesn't that still the case?
15:24.43[TK]D-Fenderbeefpastry: with what?
15:25.02idespinnersouthtel_, my guess is that its possibly a bad card
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15:25.15beefpastrytrying to rig an overhead pager to see if it works better than paging through my polycoms
15:25.46beefpastrythe echo in the main office from the polycoms is a little distracting
15:26.24[TK]D-Fenderbeefpastry: have you considered trying it?
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15:27.22beefpastryworking on it...tried dsp because of the post, but was getting busy when dialing
15:27.45p3nguinWhat about using record and playback instead of paging real time?
15:28.35leifmadsenbeefpastry: when you do the paging do you mute the phones too? I think you can do that...
15:29.36Faustovis there any simple way to send SMS from asterisk CLI?
15:29.40southtel_idespinner, interesting thought...any experience with that?  A card going partially bad like that?
15:29.59Faustovis there any simple way to send SMS from asterisk CLI through a SIP provider?
15:30.49[TK]D-FenderFaustov: No.  Asterisk is NOT an SMS platform
15:30.57beefpastryI overrode the default (freepbx) paging dialplan to not try phones in's more an office design issue (and perhaps a networking issue)...there is a slight delay from the pager to the pagees so the echo comes from hearing the real voice before the page comes through
15:31.16leifmadsenbeefpastry: ahh --- use earplugs :)
15:31.31beefpastryMy office is in a different area...not my problem ;)
15:31.47p3nguinOr use the phone like a hand mic instead of a phone (with the ear piece on your ear).
15:32.01beefpastryBut the secretaries complaining is probably a worse annoyance.
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15:32.22p3nguinOkay, maybe I still have no idea what the actual problem is.
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15:34.33p3nguinAlright, now I got it.  If you use the record/playback idea, the delay between the real voice and the page will be much larger, so the annoyance would be lessened.
15:35.44bent_screwdriver@leifmadsen: just figured out that you have to add the key and value to cdr_manager.conf. also a restart was required as a reload didn't take it.
15:36.20leifmadsencdr_manager.conf? that doesn't make much sense since it seemed you were trying to write a custom field to your database
15:36.27leifmadsenat least that's how I read it
15:36.40leifmadsenit's more likely the restart did the trick and not the cdr_manager.conf change
15:36.59beefpastrybut the time it would leave customers parked wouldn't be desirable
15:38.14bent_screwdriver@leifmadsen: good point. i'll take it out of manager and see if it still pops the field, just out of curiosity
15:39.59Naikroveki thought the internet had everything
15:40.12Naikroveki want a funny poem about faxing to put on my fax cover sheet
15:40.24Naikrovekguess i'll have to write one
15:40.43Naikrovekthis ... could take time
15:41.51coppiceOH FAX!
15:42.03Naikrovekthat's a good poem title
15:42.11Naikrovekmaybe a limerick would be better
15:42.22leifmadsenNaikrovek: write a haiku!
15:42.31Naikroveki can barely write my name
15:42.45p3nguinbeefpastry: 5 seconds to record the page, 5 seconds to playback the page.  Seems okay to me.
15:42.50Naikroveki'll give it a go, though
15:43.25beefpastryyeah...try to get my secretaries to keep a page to 5 seconds and I'll buy you a big steak dinner.
15:43.56p3nguinI would expect 7 seconds max.
15:44.22p3nguinA person should not feel uncomfortable on hold for at least the first 30 seconds.
15:44.38bent_screwdriver@leifmadsen: you're right. i commented out the key/value, restarted *, and the field is still populating. must have just needed to add field to db, add Set(CDR(field)) to dp, and restart. thx for your help.
15:44.42p3nguinI'm usually okay for a couple minutes.
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15:51.49Get_The_Fishhey leif, I think that I found a bug in LDAP realtime sippeers... is documenting the behavior enough to get a bug report started?
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15:52.11leifmadsenGet_The_Fish: open the bug, state how to reproduce the issue, and what the bug is
15:52.32Naikrovekhere's what i came up with.  the bandwidth order fax:
15:52.51bmoraca_workmysql-connector-odbc or something
15:52.58Get_The_FishI never know how much detail to put in bug reports, and I think that two things are related to each other... I dont want to waste anyone's time either
15:53.09asheroni cant get digium asterisk gui to work with asterisk, does anyone has this problem to ?
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15:53.35bmoraca_workasheron: #asterisk-gui or #asterisknow for help with that
15:53.43asheronbmoraca_work: thx
15:53.50beefpastryOur paging requires a little more information due to the nature of the business...10 seconds is a more likely goal for us, but we're also a service company so promptness with calls is imperative
15:54.36[TK]D-Fender#asterisk-gui , not #asterisknow .  That distro stopped using the old OS, and the old GUI.  Neither is really supported anymore
15:55.20bmoraca_workwell there you go
15:56.31smooth_penguinhey, how do I figure if a asterisk training/cert center is legitimate or not?
15:56.53d1bsmooth_penguin: ask a few good questions
15:56.58leifmadsensmooth_penguin: request references
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15:58.26Qwellmalcolmd FTW
15:58.31Qwelllurker :)
15:58.50malcolmdyeah, i did that yesterday, too ;)  popped in with a URL and disappeared again, silently...
15:59.58bmoraca_worknot a single US center listed there
16:00.00smooth_penguinmalcolmd, ok they are listed there but I wasnt able to find them using the training locator
16:00.03smooth_penguinhence I asked
16:00.06asheronis there a gui like asterisk gui that works with 1.6 version of asterisk ?
16:00.55bmoraca_workit seems asterisk's international appeal is greater than its US appeal...either that or US telco engineers are smart enough not to need training (HAHAHA)
16:01.19smooth_penguinThis is wrt "Enterux Solutions Private Limitd"
16:01.46smooth_penguinI was looking for a Indian center
16:02.26smooth_penguinbut wasnt able to find one through the locator - came across this center by chance while googling around
16:03.31Naikrovekseriously?  no reviews on my office fax cover sheet poetry?
16:03.38malcolmdsmooth_penguin: means enterux doesn't have an upcoming class that they've listed with us - or that we've failed to properly register their notice of such an upcoming class in our system
16:04.17smooth_penguinIm just trying to be totally sure Im paying the right folks
16:04.24manxpowerasheron: virtually nobody here uses a GUI with Asterisk.  Those people are in OTHER channels.
16:04.52d1bwhat's a gui ?
16:05.21bmoraca_workhmmm...i wonder how much it costs to take the dCAP exam and whether it's worth it from a career point of view....
16:05.36leifmadsend1b: globally unique identifier
16:05.42asheronmanxpower: oke, i will have to stop using it then, and learn more about it
16:05.50malcolmdsmooth_penguin: re: the url.  interesting.  i'll alert the training folks here.  drop me an e-mail with your e-mail if you want them to get back to you directly.
16:05.57bmoraca_workleifmadsen: isn't that GUID?
16:05.57d1bleifmadsen: that's gln
16:06.04p3nguinBefore we get too far away from the CDR topic... when should duration and billsec values be different?  Reviewing my csv, the two values always match.
16:06.09leifmadsenlets not be pedantic here, I was having fun :)
16:06.26manxpowerasheron: no reason to not use a GUI.  This is simply not the place to get support for GUIs
16:06.49smooth_penguinmalcolmd, ok thanks, Ive spoken to enterux, and they just had unconvincing reasons
16:07.18manxpowerd1b: No, I'm not going to start using a GUI
16:07.21bmoraca_workp3nguin: duration would be the life of the channel where billsec is the length of time the call was connected.  if you have lots of ringing time, billsec will be less.  if you always immediately answer the call (findme or IVR, etc), then they'll always be the same
16:07.38p3nguinAh, okay.
16:07.40bmoraca_workor if you're using analog channels, they'll likely always be the same too
16:07.46bmoraca_workat least, that's what i've always held it to be
16:07.52bmoraca_workif i'm wrong, someone will correct me, i'm sure
16:08.10manxpowerbmoraca_work: Dialing on analog takes a few seconds
16:08.13d1boh sorry i read it wrong
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16:10.21asherond1b: i cant you that, i have a dedicated server
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16:11.10bmoraca_workasheron: nothing stoping you from using the asterisknow repo to load the same utilities it uses (freepbx)
16:12.01asheronbmoraca_work: i will look into freepbx
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16:13.18MuffinMan[ready for testing] [Asterisk] Documentation 0017220: [patch] Add ability to generate an ASCII document from the TeX files reported by lmadsen
16:13.20leifmadsenmanxpower: ^^^^
16:14.17smooth_penguinmalcolmd, Ive sent the mail
16:14.31d1booo mantis
16:15.59malcolmdsmooth_penguin: got it; replied :D
16:16.21[T]anki am finding that AMD as i have it configured is most often times correctly detecting machine and human correctly. But when it detects machine, its still playing the recorded message to early. Its playing the message while the voicemail greeting is playing. When i use: exten => s,n(mach),WaitForSilence(2500) it causes the call to hang up. What am I doing wrong? Here is my extension and how i have it set up: and here
16:16.24smooth_penguinthanks :)
16:16.33[T]ankcould anyone possibly suggest what I am doing wrong?
16:16.45malcolmdsmooth_penguin: thank you for pointing it out
16:17.08[T]ankactually in the examples i gave above, it doesnt look like its playing the message at all
16:17.10Naikrovek[T]ank: AMD is a black art; i don't think anyone has mastered it yet
16:17.15leifmadsen[T]ank: I've not heard of too many people who have had luck with AMD() unfortunately
16:17.16smooth_penguinmalcolmd, oh well np, infact Im hoping they are legit so I can get certified ;P
16:17.26leifmadsenNaikrovek: black art++
16:17.52*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
16:18.12[T]ankthats too bad. it could do so much
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16:27.00tzafrir_laptopOK. Updated spandsp git repo. Also included there the scripts for importing tarballs.
16:28.17hardwireI kinda wish there was a userspace dundi query system
16:28.32hardwireleifmadsen: I suppose I could use AMI
16:28.36leifmadsenhardwire: why not use the CLI?
16:28.42leifmadsenhardwire: dundi lookup foo@bar bypass
16:28.44hardwireleifmadsen: because
16:29.03leifmadsenthat's about as userspace as it gets :)
16:29.06hardwireleifmadsen: I also want a standalone dundi server.. I do very .. very .. evil things with dundi.
16:29.17leifmadsenwelcome to the club
16:29.25leifmadsenmine kills kittens
16:29.26hardwireI'm talking 4 goats in a day
16:29.35leifmadsengoats aren't cute like kittens
16:29.46hardwirekittens have a spawn point..
16:29.49hardwiregoats are finite.
16:30.20tzafrir_laptopafter you killed them: sure they are
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16:32.16hardwireleifmadsen: any insight into "realtime" dundi mappings?
16:32.25hardwireplease say "oh.. that just plain works".
16:33.59leifmadsenhardwire: I'm not sure what you mean
16:34.16leifmadsenlike using realtime to store the mappings? doesn't exist afaik
16:34.34hardwireit does if I use extconfig I suppose.
16:34.50leifmadsenstatic realtime I guess :)
16:34.55hardwiresuper cool
16:34.59leifmadsenthank you
16:35.06hardwireoh you're so very welcome.
16:35.20leifmadsenaaaaaaand scene.
16:35.55hardwireerm.. I think the biggest hurdle in what I wanted to use dundi for was overcoming how the results are returned
16:35.58hardwireI needed RR
16:36.31hardwireso I ended up using dundiquery in the dialplan and reimplementing the dundi switch
16:37.10hardwireI'm still reading the dundi code to figure out the best method of returning a round robin offset list to the switch for equal weight results.
16:37.24hardwireI'm guessing I should be doing this the same way DNS works.
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16:55.28manxpowerleifmadsen: you have removed one of the few things about Asterisk itself that I thought was a real and serious barrier to n00bs.
16:55.47manxpowerI should have put "easily fixable" in there.  THANK YOU.
17:00.26*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43|Mac (
17:01.23leifmadsenmanxpower: ya took me about 2 hours, but I got it
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17:02.44Naikrovekhardware the .tex documentation
17:02.54Naikrovekhardwire: the .tex documentation
17:03.20hardwireNaikrovek: .tex documentation was a n00barrier?
17:03.33Naikrovekhow many of your users know how to compile .tex
17:03.38Naikrovekinto a pdf or dvi document
17:03.47leifmadsenmake asterisk.pdf :)
17:04.01Naikrovekif latex or tex are installed...
17:04.15Naikroveknot saying tex is a bad idea
17:04.17Naikrovekmy resume is in .tex
17:04.22Naikrovekbut newbs don't grok tex
17:06.14*** part/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (
17:07.18hardwireok so.. my project over the next week or so is to smartly change how sip reload handles sip reregistration.
17:07.56hardwireI need to add a 'sip registration reload' command for forced registration reload and only reregister if a peers data has been invalidated in any way during a 'sip reload'
17:08.09hardwirethis is mostly due to problems I'm having with broadvoice
17:08.35hardwirewhich.. at this point.. are easier to handle using python + twistedsip as a registration UAC.
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17:09.18hardwirethey have a 30 second registration timeout and limit (per auth name/or ip if not present) 10 attempts per second.
17:09.51hardwireso sip reload unfortunately causes sip reregistrations to happen.. and for some reason asterisk likes to register a good half dozen times per registration for some reason.
17:10.42hardwireso.. yeh.. even an idle system has trouble keeping 8 registrations to broadvoice active without hitting their limit problem
17:10.49hardwiretheir solution is to use DNS-SRV
17:11.10hardwirehowever that means I need to have a broadvoice peer that allows the entire gamut of broadvoice gateways access in through a single peer.
17:11.36hardwireright now I have to manually update /etc/hosts before each sip reload
17:14.33bmoraca_workhardwire: why not just use realtime sip peers?  i haven't done a sip reload on my main asterisk box in months.
17:15.07hardwirebmoraca_work: even without sip reload I run into this problem after a few days and network connection problems.
17:16.31bmoraca_worksounds like broadvoice needs to fix their shit
17:17.40hardwireaccording to broadvoice.. their shit is awesome.
17:18.07hardwirebecause every other UAC supports DNS-SRV and when it fails with one proxy it re-registers to the other.
17:18.39*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (~icebrkr@
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17:18.52[TK]D-Fenderaccoding to others, our awesome is shit
17:19.23hardwireI can't seem to find a good SIP proxy that supports DNS-SRV and acts as a UAC
17:19.32hardwirehowever.. I got simpleopal to work almost well enough
17:19.43hardwireand I'd have to run some tests to see if it should use another IP or not
17:20.14hardwiresimpleopal unfortunately doesn't support changing the IAX port that it can use.. and SIP redirection is broken
17:21.23*** join/#asterisk spiceycurry (
17:22.05bmoraca_worki'm going to be testing multiple asterisk boxes, sharing a single RT database, with dundi between them and DNS SRV distributing client connections between them...i hope it works :P
17:22.15spiceycurryis there a way to automate the make menuselect for asterisk off hand?
17:22.19hardwirebmoraca_work: good luck
17:22.24hardwireI've done something similar
17:22.41hardwireI had to write some custom dialplan for stdexten macros
17:22.47hardwireit collated results from dundi_query into a dialgroup
17:23.00hardwirethat way multiple phones could register with the same extension at all asterisk nodes
17:23.19hardwireI set up an amazing system for doing a completely distributed asterisk setup
17:23.21hardwireand my boss said no
17:23.27hardwirehe couldn't understand the dialplan anymore
17:23.33hardwiresooo.. it's all flatfile now :)
17:23.55spiceycurrySHIZ, just ran into the 64-bit problem I think with chan_ooh323
17:24.16spiceycurryShould I be running asterisk on a 32-bit system?
17:24.52bmoraca_workhardwire: my benefit is that my system doesn't get phones registered directly to it, but rather i use it as a switch among many other asterisk boxes
17:25.10bmoraca_workso they'll only ever be registeres to one at a time
17:25.35spiceycurryAnyone have problems compiling asterisk with the chan_ooh323 errors?
17:25.51freezeywhats the dial plan look like so the user doesnt have to dial one to get dial out
17:25.58freezeyi have NXXNXXXXX
17:26.01freezeythat wasnt doing it
17:26.14p3nguindoesn't have to dial one?  What does that mean?
17:26.23p3nguinOn, dial a 1 on the number?
17:26.33freezeyyeah like 1=800=44444
17:26.35freezeycrap like that
17:26.37hardwirebmoraca_work: exactly
17:26.52spiceycurryDo I have voice?
17:26.52hardwirebmoraca_work: the beni to me was that people could register their phones on the closest proxy
17:26.57hardwirethey could literally take them from site to site
17:27.01hardwireor hotdesk one already on site
17:27.02p3nguinsomething like  exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/itsppeername/1${EXTEN})
17:27.06hardwireand I wouldn't have to do lots of crazy
17:27.39freezeyp3nguin: yeah i had that but a change reverted and now its not working
17:27.47spiceycurryCan anyone read this?
17:27.56p3nguinfreezey: Show me the failure.
17:28.10bmoraca_workhardwire: well, that'll be an eventual goal (geographically distributed POPs)
17:28.10p3nguinOtherwise, I maintain that this is how it is done.
17:28.11freezeyp3nguin: these are the ones i have now 1|NXXNXXXXXX NXXNXXXXXX 1NXXNXXXXXX 81NXXNXXXXXX
17:28.18hardwirebmoraca_work: indeed
17:28.19bmoraca_workbut we'lre a bit aways from there now
17:28.23hardwiremay your efforts be fruitful and multiply.
17:28.35hardwireit was pretty easy to set up the initial part
17:28.45hardwireI even got distributed queues and conferencing working
17:28.53hardwirethe only real problem was pulling back reports.
17:29.00hardwirealso.. iax2 transfers are THE BOMB
17:29.05bmoraca_worki've already confirmed that the shared RT database works great
17:29.12hardwirehello call.. goodbye call.. mwa ha ha ha ha
17:29.22hardwirebmoraca_work: distributed DBs can be a pita
17:29.30hardwireI'd recommend something like SymettricDS
17:29.30bmoraca_workthat's the next issue...
17:29.33hardwirefor sanity sake
17:29.38hardwireit's free
17:29.57bmoraca_worki was trying to get mysql clustering set up, but after losing half my hair, i gave up
17:29.58hardwirebmoraca_work: it hooks into your tables and adds triggers to them..
17:30.08hardwirethen performs differential sync
17:30.16hardwiresql independent.
17:30.19freezeyp3nguin: so i am not sure why that would happen if i have those in my dialplan
17:30.22freezeyitw as working earlier
17:30.23freezeynow just stopped
17:30.29hardwirebmoraca_work: yes.. it works really well.. it's java based tho
17:30.31p3nguinfreezey: Show me the failure.
17:30.52bmoraca_workwell, if it can do symmettric replication, that'll work great
17:31.05bmoraca_workif i can time replication to only happen ever 5 minutes or something, that'd be great, too
17:31.20bmoraca_workit'd be great for distributing points of failure as well
17:31.25bmoraca_workthis might be a great solution
17:31.53p3nguinfreezey: FreePBX?
17:32.03p3nguinfreezey: There's yer problem.
17:32.10freezeystupid thing reverts changes every god dam time you do anything
17:32.20p3nguinYeah, that's how it works.
17:32.22freezeyi had to put this up in order for people who do not understand howto use CLI can add users etc
17:32.30p3nguinYou aren't supposed to alter the config files by hand.
17:32.33freezeythis is more oof a headache
17:32.38freezeyyeah but the interface blows chunks
17:32.44p3nguinStop using FreePBX.
17:33.01freezeyif i leave nobody will know howto use the phones
17:33.04p3nguinThen learn to use it correctly.
17:33.25freezeyso i gues i am going over to that chan to ask them eh?
17:33.35p3nguinThat's where I would start.
17:33.55p3nguinIf you weren't using FreePBX, we could solve it here.
17:34.17*** join/#asterisk soman (
17:34.58bmoraca_workhardwire: do you know if symmetricds runs on windows?
17:35.17hardwirebmoraca_work: it's java!
17:35.20hardwireI believe it does
17:35.30hardwireas well as interfaces to MsSQL
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17:35.51bmoraca_workasterisk extconfig realtime doesn't like mssql, lol
17:36.10hardwireI use realtime ODBC
17:36.19hardwireand MySQL
17:36.21hardwireit's nice
17:36.35bmoraca_workres_odbc and extconfig problems at all
17:36.51bmoraca_worki don't use realtime extensions, though.  only SIP.
17:36.54hardwireoh.. doesn't like mssql
17:37.09hardwirealso.. symmetricDS can be queried ala HTTP
17:37.11bmoraca_workit worked, for the most part, but it couldn't see some of the table names
17:37.13hardwireso you could use res_curl :)
17:37.21hardwireDO IT@
17:37.24hardwireDO IT NOW!
17:37.43hardwireI should really be focusing on getting hylafax set up
17:37.44bmoraca_worki'd just like to replicate from one central database to a local instance of mysql on each proxy
17:38.04hardwireyeh.. use something that does that on behalf of the built in replication.
17:38.22hardwiretrust me
17:38.47hardwireI just tossed a mysql master/master solution because it kept finding problems and crashing to a halt
17:38.55hardwireand in the mean time queries were being made on the outdated host.
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17:39.03bmoraca_workit looks like this SymmetricDS does what i need
17:39.15hardwirebmoraca_work: yeh.. I tested it for a while and it appeared sane
17:39.22hardwirebut it's a bit abstract
17:39.31hardwireit took me a while to get the hang of ut
17:41.26*** join/#asterisk moos3 (
17:44.18bent_screwdriveranyone know where to get soft cat5/6 so i can make some patch cables like those that come with Polycoms?
17:44.35[TK]D-Fenderbent_screwdriver: huh?
17:44.51fenrusjust buy pre-fabricated patch cables?
17:45.05bent_screwdriver[TK]D-Fender: those patch cables that come with Polycoms are much more flexible
17:45.41bent_screwdriverfenrus: okay, who sells pre-fab patch cables that are soft/flexible like those that come with Polycoms?
17:45.47p3nguinbent_screwdriver: They are likely to be regular Cat 5e stranded patch cables.  You can make your own or get them from CDW.
17:46.01bmoraca_workthe user guide's only 60 pages...
17:46.19*** join/#asterisk Peste_Bubonica (
17:46.22Peste_BubonicaHi all
17:46.25bent_screwdriverp3nguin: i have 4 boxes of cat5 and 2 cat6 and the cable is much more ridgid....
17:46.34p3nguinbent_screwdriver: Are they stranded?
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17:47.00bmoraca_workbent_screwdriver: any patch cable made with stranded cable will be.
17:47.15bmoraca_workbent_screwdriver: for bulk patch cables, i buy them from PI Manufacturing (
17:47.16cuscoI have a queue and clients wating in queue, and asterisk is not dialing to members
17:47.20p3nguinThat's what I'm saying.
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17:47.49moos3whats a good linux sip or iax soft phone to use
17:47.52bmoraca_workbent_screwdriver: per spec, though, patch cables should ALWAYS be stranded.  spec calls for 90m of solid core, flanked by 5m of stranded on either side.
17:47.54bent_screwdriverp3nguin: they are. i'll get some that aren't and see if that works. thanks p3nguin and bmoraca_work
17:48.07cuscoI don't know what to do
17:48.20p3nguinSolid wire is usually more stiff than stranded, and usually isn't used for patch cables.
17:48.32[TK]D-Fendercusco: You might want to unpause some members
17:49.06Peste_BubonicaIm making testes on a IAX2 channel, on two asterisk boxes The latency between each server is about 20ms, 25ms MAX. I can hear a MP3 clear, and without issues over this channel,using MP3Player(), but a simple application that uses Playback stalls, like a voicemail application, or a macro that use 3 or 4 playbacks. The dialplan stalls, and I need to hangup the call
17:49.37bent_screwdriverp3nguin: okay, i just noticed the polycom cables have info on them so maybe i can start there....
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17:49.55[SySteM]I search some help about asterisk 1.4 and app_fax on debian lenny
17:50.31[SySteM][Apr 21 19:31:39] WARNING[5593]: /usr/src/asterisk/agx-ast-addons/app-spandsp/app_fax.c:524 fax_run: TXFAX: Channel INF is NULL, i will continue...
17:50.32[SySteM][Apr 21 19:31:39] WARNING[5593]: /usr/src/asterisk/agx-ast-addons/app-spandsp/app_fax.c:500 fax_run: TXFAX: Channel has been hanged at fax.
17:50.32[SySteM][Apr 21 19:31:39] ERROR[5593]: /usr/src/asterisk/agx-ast-addons/app-spandsp/app_fax.c:214 phase_e_handler: [FaxSent ERROR] result (49) The call dropped prematurely.
17:50.38infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:50.44p3nguin[system]: pastebin
17:50.44cusco[TK]D-Fender: ok they were paused for other reason only for a couple of seconds
17:50.49cuscohere they are not.--
17:50.52cuscoI don't knwo what to do
17:51.24[SySteM]asterisk call number on txfax() and... nothing.. its blank
17:51.40[SySteM]20 sec next.. hangug and 'got theses lines on my console view
17:53.34[TK]D-FendersusUNPAUSE someone
17:53.39[TK]D-Fendercusco: UNPAUSE someone
17:53.48*** join/#asterisk githogori (
17:54.21cusco18:50 < cusco>
17:54.24cuscothey are not paused!
17:54.44cuscothey were paused because they were answering other queues
17:54.53cuscothis specific queue was not being answered
17:55.14*** join/#asterisk jehovah (~bisconer@unaffiliated/jehovah)
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18:09.18[TK]D-Fendercusco: Then you should ahve stopped it from calling them
18:15.34hardwirewonders why asteriskcallbacklogin died for realz.
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18:19.30azertyuioi can't see asterisk on my sys
18:19.32azertyuioon freepbx it says asterisk not running it is a critical error
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18:19.54azertyuiowhat too do ?
18:21.08p3nguinYou have two choices.
18:21.47p3nguin1) Ask in the freepbx channel, 2) Stop using freepbx.
18:22.41azertyuiowhy have to stop using freepbx ?
18:22.53p3nguinbecause we don't support it here.
18:23.17jehovahwhats the defualt login for FreePBX?
18:23.28infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
18:23.28Qwelljehovah: #freepbx
18:23.31Corydon76-digand if they're not going to support it, then you really don't have much of a choice
18:24.15*** join/#asterisk knctrnl (~aembrey@
18:24.21p3nguinYep.  If the result of #1 is unsatisfactory, the only remaining thing is #2.
18:25.54*** join/#asterisk kannan (~kannan@
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18:26.47knctrnlI have been reading about this topic and I have read that it has to be supported by the phone provider and want to know if my info is correct.  Is it possible to configure asterisk to receive SMS messages on a landline?
18:27.12leifmadsenknctrnl: in certain countries under the correct circumstances
18:27.22leifmadsenin Canada or USA -- no.
18:27.42leifmadsenit works in Germany afaik
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18:28.30*** join/#asterisk FlaPer87 (~FlaPer87@unaffiliated/flaper87)
18:28.55FlaPer87hey guys, is it possible to know (with asterisk) if the number I'm dialing is a mobile number?
18:29.17QwellFlaPer87: not without something external that can provide a list
18:29.21Qwellie; no
18:29.26p3nguinIf you implemented some type of database, sure.
18:29.45p3nguinAsterisk alone... refer to qwell's answer.
18:30.03*** part/#asterisk azertyuio (
18:30.15FlaPer87I don't care if I get the inf after or before calling
18:30.22FlaPer87actually after would be better
18:30.25p3nguinAnd even with the database, there is nothing to ensure a mobile number is going to a mobile phone these days.
18:30.36p3nguinFor example, my Google Voice number is a mobile number.
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18:31.19leifmadsenp3nguin: one of my VoIP numbers was a mobile phone number I ported a while ago
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18:31.49FlaPer87I see
18:32.01p3nguinWithin the past few years, knowing for sure that a landline number went to a landline phone and mobile to mobile was much more accurate.
18:32.18*** join/#asterisk azertyuio (
18:32.20p3nguinI mean, prior to the last few years it was easier.
18:32.29azertyuioi connect connect to asterisk
18:32.37p3nguinWithin the last few, things have evolved too much.
18:32.38Qwellazertyuio: #freepbx.
18:32.44*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@2620:0:860:2:21e:c2ff:fe03:2465)
18:32.52azertyuionoone there
18:32.57Qwellnot our problem.
18:33.02azertyuioand also for me its logical
18:33.04p3nguinDoesn't mean we suddenly support it here.
18:33.14azertyuiothe problem is from asterisk
18:33.21leifmadsen#asterisk is not #freepbx tier 2 support
18:33.22p3nguinOkay, show us.
18:33.34azertyuiothat's why freepbx don't support ?
18:33.35p3nguinIf it's an asterisk problem, maybe we can fix it.
18:33.40Qwellp3nguin: <td>Asterisk ERROR</td>
18:33.52Qwellyou think i'm kidding, sir.
18:33.54p3nguinThat's a freepbx problem.
18:33.59p3nguinNo, I believe you.
18:34.09azertyuiowhat i give the exact error ?
18:35.52p3nguinProvide an asterisk error and we might be able to help, provided that the error is not caused by freepbx.
18:36.20p3nguinYou may paste the asterisk error into
18:36.29azertyuio this is what i got
18:36.46p3nguinOkay, asterisk it not started.
18:36.53p3nguinReboot the computer and try again.
18:37.09azertyuiofrom one week i got this error
18:37.20azertyuioi reboot system several time
18:37.30p3nguinneed more info
18:37.36leifmadsenmeans asterisk doesn't start up on reboot
18:37.49Qwellleifmadsen: freepbx starts it
18:37.52leifmadsenrun "asterisk -c" and look at what is causing asterisk to fail to start
18:38.12leifmadsenQwell: ah, then he's scuppered probably
18:40.20azertyuioplz wait
18:41.27azertyuiothis what i got for asterisk -c
18:42.32p3nguinas root, run "namei -mx /var/run/asterisk/" and paste the output in pastebin.
18:42.58kannanI have an autodialer app with asterisk ; i get a lot of circuit-busy errors from the SIP provider, this happens on and off , sometimes the autodialler goes great. Also, the problem , its only on UK numbgers, and USA numbers goes fine, the SIP service provider says it is a dialler problem, how can i start troubleshooting ?
18:43.25azertyuioare you sure for " namei - mx "
18:43.38azertyuiomy distro is ubutnu
18:43.55p3nguinsudo namei -mx /var/run/asterisk/
18:44.03*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
18:44.23azertyuionamei: failed to stat: /var/run/asterisk/ No such file or directory
18:44.58p3nguinhmm... even if the file doesn't exist, it should have output the permissions on each directory in the past.
18:45.25azertyuioso ?
18:45.39azertyuiowhat do you think ?
18:45.47p3nguinCheck them each manually with ls -dl
18:46.00azertyuioeverythings was working perfectly from 3 week
18:46.09azertyuiothe problem come after reboot my system
18:46.10p3nguinbut now it doesn't
18:46.20p3nguinso you don't need to keep saying that it was working before.
18:46.44azertyuiols -dl
18:46.45azertyuiodrwx------ 6 root root 4096 Apr 19 12:55 .
18:46.55p3nguinls -dl /var
18:46.59p3nguinls -dl /var/run
18:47.01p3nguinls -dl /var/run/asterisk
18:47.14p3nguinc'mon, man... throw me a friggin' bone, here.
18:47.32QwellUbuntu clears /var/run/ on boot.
18:48.00p3nguinadds that to his list of reasons to not use Ubuntu
18:48.03leifmadsenmkdir /var/run/asterisk
18:48.39azertyuiothis is what i got
18:49.24p3nguindo like leifmadsen suggested to create the dir.
18:50.20p3nguinNow start asterisk with asterisk -c like before.
18:51.38Kobaznanobots did it
18:52.14voxterIm sad that there was a patch to remove colorized logging from asterisk logfiles and not make it an option :( It was nice to be able to tail / less in color when looking back through older logs.
18:53.06leifmadsenvoxter: I had no idea such an application even existed to allow that
18:53.17leifmadsenvoxter: I'd argue that is a regression!
18:53.25p3nguinAsterisk is not thread safe. ?  Does this mean you need to run safe_asterisk or whatever it's called?
18:53.40voxterleifmadsen: it was enabled "by mistake" where the color codes were being written to the logfiles. tzafrir decided to remove it and not allow it as an option.
18:53.41Slugs_Im trying to use grep to find an extension 8xxx, and i only want each match to appaer once
18:54.23leifmadsenvoxter: can you submit an issue for that? I'd argue that is a regression to be honest
18:54.25Naikrovekvoxter: it caused CPU spikes.  the fix is to cure the spikes and leave it an option, IMO but of course I'm free to submit a patch
18:55.14voxterNaikrovek: oh really! Hmm. thats no good. maybe the code that caused cpu spikes could be looked at, but having color codes available when debugging is super handy.
18:55.18azertyuiowhat have i to do concratly ?
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18:55.27azertyuioexcatly ?
18:55.37Naikrovekvoxter: yeah someone was talking about it in here a couple days ago
18:55.54Naikrovekfound out that it was the colorized logging option that was causing the cpu spikes
18:56.32voxterleifmadsen: the decision to remove it (and patch) is here:
18:56.42voxterleifmadsen: whats the best course of action? should i do something about it, or?
18:57.26voxteri was wrong, it was tilghman not tzafrir
18:57.30*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
18:57.31KobazNaikrovek: really?
18:57.47leifmadsenvoxter: well I don't particularly care that much about it (and would prefer no colour tags in the logs) but if it was something you found useful, that tends to get into the realm of a regression (loss of functionality). The thing to do is probably to file a new issue stating it should be configurable, and to link to the original issue.
18:57.54NaikrovekKobaz: yeah
18:57.58Naikroveksearches his logs
18:58.19voxterNaikrovek: if you could find that info ill submit it with my bug report
18:58.20Kobazhow much of a spike?
18:58.38NaikrovekKobaz: don't remember off hand, looking it up now
18:58.55azertyuiohow to run safe_asterisk ?
18:59.34p3nguinhard stuff, there
18:59.57*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
19:00.13*** part/#asterisk FlaPer87 (~FlaPer87@unaffiliated/flaper87)
19:01.33azertyuiothis is it
19:04.18azertyuioso there is no solution for that ?
19:05.21*** join/#asterisk sahafeez (
19:08.07slawekHi everyone, I am a student and new to asterisk, I am trying to modify audio in Asterisk - i would like to hide some information in voice audio(using steganography)
19:08.07slawekwhile talking using PSTN network. How could I modify the audio that i being sent from one end point to another? I mean i would
19:08.07slaweklike to be able only to modify one persons voice on one side and read that on the other side of the call, to look for information.
19:08.07slawekI have to boxes with asterisk connected by fxs/fxo interfaces.
19:08.38slaweki don't now how to start - I am looking for maybe some example code or info where to look for.
19:08.42NaikrovekKobaz: still looking
19:08.48[TK]D-Fenderazertyuio: You are running #freepbx .  You do not use saf_asterisk.  Continue your support in there.
19:09.03leifmadsenslawek: I think you want to look at JACK
19:09.15leifmadsenslawek: you can connect to JACK from Asterisk using app_jack.c
19:09.27slawekcan i use jack to get audio from one person?
19:09.41slawekbecause i now checked the audiohooks
19:09.56slawekand i get the mixed audio in a channel (i think)
19:09.59leifmadsenslawek: potentially. I'm not sure how the implementation is in JACK, but if you want to manipulate audio outside of Asterisk, I think JACK is the right approach there
19:10.36*** join/#asterisk mpe (~mpe@
19:10.55slawekwell I can manipulate it in asterisk not necessarily in an another program
19:11.06leifmadsenslawek: looking at the documention in app_jack.c it seems to allow you to send input and output audio separately
19:11.10slaweki tried to write a dialplan function based on func_volume
19:11.44leifmadsenbeyond that, this may be a question for #asterisk-dev if you're doing actual C coding
19:12.03leifmadsenpassing encrypted data via steganography in phone calls seems really neat to me :)
19:12.17slawekoh i didn't know that there is such a group thanks :)
19:12.24*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
19:13.31Naikrovekargh i can't find that conversation anywhere
19:13.50Naikrovekthe word "color" is used a hell of a lot in the channels i lurk in
19:14.03Naikrovekbut i KNOW someone had a cpu spike problem because of colorized logging a few days ago
19:14.03azertyuiohow to install gnome on hosted server ?
19:14.15leifmadsennot an #asterisk problem
19:14.36azertyuiolol i m sorry
19:14.37Naikrovekazertyuio: same way you do it on a non-hosted server.  but we don't know how and we can't help you with that
19:14.37p3nguinnaikrovek: Did you make sure you tried the variation "colour" as well?
19:14.45Naikrovekp3nguin: ooh
19:14.52*** part/#asterisk azertyuio (
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19:15.06Mangovi /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
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19:15.57Naikrovekp3nguin: no good :/
19:16.11ecraneMango: Could have been worse, could have been rm /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
19:16.34jayteei remember that conversation about the color text in the CLI but I can't remember the date it took place.
19:16.41MangoTrillian insists on popping up the chat window when I log in.
19:16.47jayteeotherwise you could search on
19:16.59Naikrovekjaytee: i have the logs but i can't find it
19:17.12jayteeit was over a week ago
19:17.20Naikroveki was gonna say it was about a week ago
19:17.27Naikrovekeither way i can't find it with grep
19:17.31Naikrovekwill have to READ oh the horror logs this chat and lets you pick by date but doesn't let you search
19:18.03*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
19:21.49Naikroveknot in my logs because it happened over a weekend.
19:21.49Naikrovekgranpapadot was having the issue
19:21.49NaikrovekTJNII was the one who mentioned the CPU spikes
19:22.36Naikrovekyes that's it
19:22.39Naikroveksome color option
19:22.54voxterdamn, i forgot to click advanced and tag it as a regression, and now i cant edit the issue? lame
19:23.01Mangonote to self
19:23.08Mangomy wife is not impressed by Playback(tt-monkeys)
19:23.17Naikrovekconversation about color options continued here:
19:23.29Get_The_Fishso, is it helpful to include the full log of the asterisk startup in a bug report if it's not related to the startup of asterisk? I was thinking it would show whoever is looking the modules that are loaded, but it might just be spam.. what do you think?
19:23.37Naikroveka color option turned on caused cpu spikes
19:24.21Get_The_FishI think a helpful CLI feature would be something like "show tech support", which spits out useful info such as the version, loaded modules, and whatever else may be helpful
19:25.31voxterNaikrovek: thanks for the URL. Am i understanding this correctly that if asterisk is launched in color CLI mode at ALL (let alone colorized logfile writing) that this happens?
19:25.40leifmadsenthe command would actually be 'core show tech support' :)
19:25.56Naikrovekvoxter: ask granpapadot or whatever his name is when/if he shows up
19:26.09leifmadsen~seen grandpapadot
19:26.18infobotgrandpapadot <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 18h 57m 12s ago, saying: '.. but that looks like my option, lol, DANGIT!'.
19:26.34Naikrovekmust be a different timezone guy
19:26.40Naikroveki rarely see him anymore
19:26.41Get_The_Fishlol yeah, something like that
19:26.57jayteeI was just reading the logs and it seems to only have happened when * was initialized in the init script
19:27.03Get_The_FishI think it might be helpful in quite a few instances
19:27.21Naikrovekjaytee: if it's a bug with how ansi colors are handled it won't be limited to startup
19:27.29Naikrovekjaytee: but yes you're right
19:27.33Naikrovekthat's where his problem was
19:27.37voxterjaytee: yeah, when some sort of COLOR variable is set.. but, isnt everyone's CLI color enabled by default?
19:28.16jayteeat the beginning of the next days logs grandpapadot mentions #COLOR=yes
19:28.25Naikrovekyeah the 11th
19:28.33jayteeI've never had spikes on any of my * boxes from the color option being set
19:28.37Naikrovekaccording to infobot's sense of time
19:29.24jayteegrandpapadot said he was going to look in mantis and submit a bug report if it wasn't already in there.
19:29.46*** join/#asterisk MmixX (mmixx@
19:31.01Naikrovekthis is some #asterisk cooperation right here
19:31.07Naikrovekthis color thing
19:31.11Get_The_Fishso, would a full log of the asterisk startup be helpful in a bug report, if the bug in question isnt related to a module not loading or something else startup related, or would it just be more crap to sift through?
19:31.12*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
19:31.13Naikrovekmaybe it's for real, maybe it's not
19:31.36voxterIm so confused, this COLOR variable is not set on centos' stuff, but when it is set on debian, what does it do differently?
19:32.03voxterwell. that answers that question.
19:32.22Naikrovekthat's a debian bug, not asterisk
19:32.28Naikrovekand a lame bug at that
19:32.41leifmadsenGet_The_Fish: a module not loading on startup is rarely a bug in Asterisk -- it's usually a load order thing that can be corrected in modules.conf
19:32.45voxterwell, its not a debian bug per se
19:33.01voxterits that debian assumed that passing -c to asterisk meant "color" when it means "console"
19:33.12voxterit actually has nothing to do with color at all.
19:33.13Naikrovekwell that script is part of the asterisk package provided by debian repositories
19:33.15jayteeno, it's an init script bug and leif already posted a fix for it
19:33.33voxterThe actual issue is that debian tries to request an attached console to asterisk in an init script.
19:33.38leifmadsen'make config' with the latest checkout of a branch
19:33.42voxterit just so happens that the variable is "called" COLOR
19:33.47Get_The_Fishright right, but I am asking if showing the full asterisk startup is helpful for a run of the mill bug report in something that occurs after a startup... I was thinking that people seeing all the modules loaded, conf files, etc might be helpful to at least have on hand
19:34.02leifmadsenGet_The_Fish: not typically useful
19:34.33Get_The_Fishgotcha, just more crap to sift through... ok, just checking
19:34.35bmoraca_workmmmm...deli cut roast beef on whole wheat ciabata bread with spicy mustard and pickles...mmmm
19:35.30voxterleifmadsen: can you mark 17222 as a regression please? I missed it when filling out the form for the first time and cant find how to edit it, i dont believe i can.
19:35.42voxterleifmadsen: or is that something that you only do once you decide it is infact a regression.... :P
19:36.28leifmadsenvoxter: done
19:36.40Naikroveki wanna learn to park a car like this:
19:36.48manxpower"220 packages / 246MB to update, continue?"  I think someone has not updated their system in a while.
19:38.17Naikrovekbmoraca_work: awesome
19:39.41bmoraca_workNaikrovek: learn to park like this and I'll give you a cookie:
19:39.49voxterleifmadsen: thanks! I also asked murf about fixing the parking lot thing, i think he might look at it, but not for quite a while. anyone else you know looking to fix this and finally get real multiple parking lots working? the feature is pointless without it almost, and its SO useful!
19:40.08Naikrovekbmoraca_work: i love the title of that post:  "aww, he thinks he's telephone poles"
19:40.17leifmadsenNaikrovek: weird, that link must be going around everywhere today
19:40.28*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:40.35Naikrovekthat's where i saw it
19:40.43Naikroveklots and lots and lots of people frequent that site
19:40.51bmoraca_workNaikrovek: is another great site
19:41.02p3nguinI like that one.
19:41.14p3nguinkludges everywhere.
19:46.29*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
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20:06.39Peste_BubonicaSome can Help me? I have two servers connected via IAX2. When I try to access a voicemail(or another application that uses playbacks) from a server to another, via a SIP Phone, the call always stalls, in the middle of the dialplan. Somethings is played, then, the call stalls, and I need to hangup... If I connect this SIP Phone directly to the other server, using a vpn for example, I can access the voicemail normally
20:07.21*** join/#asterisk binbash_ (
20:07.32Peste_BubonicaIve tryied to connect the boxes using sip to, for tests, and the call stalls two. only works, if I connect the SIP Phone directly to the server that I want to talk. I can bridge the calls with my localservers
20:08.00*** join/#asterisk QaDeS (
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20:09.56bent_screwdrivercall parking internally: when user A calls user B and user B parks the call it stops in the dialplan. If user A parks a call they made it continues through the dail plan, onto the next priority. Is this normal/expected?
20:11.05bent_screwdriver* 1.6.2
20:12.44hardwireanybody ever found a DECT dual-line headset?
20:15.40MangoI can start Asterisk from the command line but not via cron.  The cron log says it started, but it didn't.  Any ideas?
20:16.18fenruscheck the logs.
20:16.24fenruswhy would you want to start asterisk from cron ?
20:16.53leifmadsenthat seems like the wrong approach... :)
20:16.59ecranefenrus: lol.. good question
20:17.37fenrusi'd start it with init-scripts and perhaps use cron as keepalive..
20:17.43paulcisn't that why we have safe_asterisk script?
20:18.37Mangofenrus, ok, tell me more please :)
20:19.03fenrusMango, what distro do you use ?
20:19.06*** part/#asterisk Get_The_Fish (
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20:19.33fenrusMango, try reading
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20:34.09raden_workcan someone tell me what " Operator Service Provider" means on a telco bill Calls 4 Amount $ 169.80
20:34.50Qwellraden_work: "operator"
20:35.00raden_workwhy would it be $170 ?
20:35.10Qwellraden_work: note the quotes.
20:35.32QwellSounds like a premium-toll call.
20:35.52raden_workits under usage charges
20:35.57raden_work0 mins
20:36.01raden_workqty 4
20:36.21jaytee"It's a trap!"
20:36.32pabelangerraden_work: Ask your telco?
20:36.36paulc"And I'd have gotten away with it - if it wasn't for those pesky kids!"
20:38.58*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
20:40.24ecraneraden_work: Nobody dialed '0' and asked an operator to help them make a call, did they? Voicemail hacker?
20:40.44raden_worki looked it up
20:41.00raden_workits basically long distance service through a non traditional company
20:41.20Mangolike 101-55-66 or somesuch?
20:43.37jayteeraden_work, does it show what numbers were dialed?
20:44.14*** join/#asterisk Failrar (
20:48.09raden_workjaytee nothing just says operator service provider  min: 0 amount " 169.80
20:49.27jayteeraden_work, I'd dispute it with your telco then.
20:50.02raden_workits a customer who wanted to give us a quote for a VOIP system
20:50.09raden_workalot of charges ive never seen before
20:50.27raden_work10 lines costing them over 1500 a month with less than 3000 min of outbound volume
20:53.10jayteeraden_work, I'm confused. this is one of their bills or one of yours?
20:53.22raden_worktheir bills
20:53.41raden_workjust all sorts of odd charges on it
20:53.47jayteeso they're being overcharged then
20:54.14raden_work1b LN for unlimited EAS 2 @ 49.95
20:54.20*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
20:54.29raden_workBusiness EAS 10 @ 19.75
20:54.33p3nguinThere's no need to blame it on [tk]d-fender
20:54.43p3nguinOh, hi there, [tk]d-fender.
20:54.44raden_workyes there is
20:55.20jayteeback before Worldcom went bust a company I worked at had merged with a company in New Jersey that had MCI Worldcom service. I had to go over their bills and they were getting charged $5 a minute for a fax call from NJ to Indiana.
21:01.42*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
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21:06.59idespinneris the asterisk-gui project dead or still going strong?
21:07.06p3nguindeath to gui
21:07.31idespinnerthe project or just in general?
21:07.43miamisebHi all, I've got ztdummy loaded but when I try to join a conference I get WARNING[10516]: app_meetme.c:1097 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo device. Asterisk
21:08.27p3nguinmiamiseb: You need a timging device that works with your version of Asterisk.  Remove zaptel and install dahdi, then load dahdi_dummy rather than ztdummy.
21:08.35miamisebah ha.
21:08.46p3nguintiming, that is
21:09.00miamisebMust I recompile dahdi or is that module built already? modprobe dahdi_dummy = no dice
21:09.11[TK]D-Fenderidespinner: Cryogenics w/ freezer-burn
21:09.20p3nguinYou'll need dahdi installed before you compile asterisk.
21:09.54miamisebI used a iso similar to asterisknow, thirdlane, which I'm pretty sure has dahdi built in.
21:10.39p3nguinThen I have no idea what else to tell you.  Maybe someone else is interested.
21:11.02idespinneri'm still a little lost on the answers, are you telling me its just on hold for a really long time and may never come back?
21:11.43miamisebThe dahdi modules were built for previous versions of the kernel, but not in /lib/modules for this kernel version, maybe I can find that source laying around or just recompile em myself
21:11.55miamisebthanks anyway for pointing me in the right direction p3nguin
21:12.20p3nguinSounds like you know how to get there from here.  :)
21:15.08miamisebYup, compile and installed for latest version and now getting /lib/modules/2.6.18-164.11.1.el5/dahdi/dahdi_dummy.ko lsof doesn't show it in use though.
21:15.13miamisebgoes to search
21:15.27miamisebErmm getting FATAL: Error inserting dahdi_dummy (/lib/modules/2.6.18-164.11.1.el5/dahdi/dahdi_dummy.ko): Device or resource busy
21:15.40p3nguinUsually you can update via package manager and get things of compatible versions.
21:16.45miamisebrmmod ztdummy and zaptel followed by the modprobe worked. Yeah, I've got yum keeping me up to date but couldn't find the packages for zaptel or dahdi there even though I've got the asterisk-current repo
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21:24.57VaGoNeTaSwho knows which is the package required for cdr_pgsql ??
21:25.09VaGoNeTaSi thought it was pslib-dev but it wasnt
21:25.32p3nguinyum search pgsql
21:27.43VaGoNeTaSthat's the ne
21:27.45Kattycollapses somewhere
21:28.11miamisebBah, I'm getting  WARNING[14211]: app_meetme.c:1097 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo device even though dahdi_test can open the psuedo device and dahdi_dummy module is loaded, any other ideas?
21:28.29Kattywhat a day
21:30.11miamisebdahdi show status also shows the dahdi_dummy but has an alarm as unconfigured, is that normal?
21:30.26miamisebKatty, difficult times?
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21:31.08Kattyno, not difficult
21:31.14Kattyjust tedious
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21:46.17jayteehi Katty
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21:47.56citywokdoes anybody have a good recommendation for wholesale LD? 200k/mi/mo.  Tired of's idiocy
21:51.21leifmadsenodd, I always had good luck with, but I do very simple things for that customer
21:51.25leifmadsencitywok: Level 3?
21:51.36leifmadsenor do they require a million minutes a month now?
21:52.05leifmadsenor you could try Global Crossing...
21:53.04citywokHmm.  I've only worked with VP, flowroute, and has been the cheapest & best call quality, but as a company they suck.  Now i have to prefix 011 in front of all calls to hawaii, alaska, and puerto rico.
21:53.31citywoki'll check in to L3 & GC. thanks for the suggestions
21:55.41miamisebbandwidth is the largest level 3 reseller, so your already with level3 indirectly, if only because you won't meet the ridiculous minimum commitment with lvl3
21:56.11citywokbandwidth has horrible customer service and i'm tired of being dicked around by them
21:56.23*** join/#asterisk dennisG (~dennisG@2002:541e:88d0:0:213:2ff:fe56:e380)
21:56.54citywokbut the call quality has been much better than i've gotten with VP or flowroute
21:57.02miamisebSo if anyone is familiar with meetme in 1.6, I should really only have to install and get working dahdi_dummy (because I have no real timing) and make sure that chan_dahdi loads and shows the dummy channel right?
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22:07.20raden_workhow does one go about getting in a phone book or having the correct phone number on the internet if they use VOIP ?
22:08.05hardwireyou pay them
22:08.53bmoraca_workfunc_odbc does NOT like it when your ODBC user doesn't have privs
22:09.04bmoraca_workcatastrophic asterisk fail!
22:12.02bmoraca_workmy brilliant cnam caching uses two queries and that's it!  it's excellent!
22:16.41*** join/#asterisk tkrn (
22:19.24raden_workis there a phone that has a line indicator for like 10 extensions ????
22:19.32raden_workwithout having a addon caddy on the side ?
22:19.38p3nguinPhones don't care about extensions.
22:20.04*** join/#asterisk blaines (
22:20.24p3nguinunless you're talking about BLF
22:21.39*** join/#asterisk blaines (
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22:22.04p3nguinblaines: C'mon, dude, take us off auto-join until you can fix your client.
22:22.05raden_workyea BLF
22:22.21raden_worklike need to know if 100-110 is on the phone
22:22.31raden_workis there a LCD phone or a phone that has 10 BLF's  ?
22:22.33p3nguinthen the answer is no.  You would need a lamp for every buddy that you want to subscribe to.
22:22.49`paulif i have an old versioned (1.4) asterisk built from source and i want to update it to latest 1.4 whats the proper way to do it?
22:22.59p3nguinOh, there could be one with 10 on it, but I don't know the model.
22:23.08miamisebThe cisco had a addon, that can do it
22:23.14bmoraca_workraden_work: Adtran makes a SIP phone with 12 line apperance buttons that can be used for BLF
22:23.16miamiseblemme go look at my model number
22:23.32bmoraca_worknot usable with SIP firmware
22:23.35p3nguinand he wants to do it without a sidecar.
22:24.20p3nguinThere could be some phone out there that has 10+ lamps.
22:24.21raden_workhow many BLF ?
22:24.45blaineshow many times did I connect?
22:25.06p3nguinblaines: This time, just once.
22:25.20p3nguinblaines: Usually 20-100 times, though.
22:25.29miamisebOr just use something that is completely digital and scroll up down
22:25.54blainesp3nguin: i dunno what there is to fix... but the connection is flaky depending on where I'm at
22:25.59bmoraca_workraden_work: Adtran has a phone with 12 line buttons that can optionally be used for BLF.  try that.
22:26.10raden_workim looking at them all
22:27.30bmoraca_work"POLYCOM INC" just called one of my customers
22:30.21miamisebfrom google: Max sendq exceeded is when the server is flooding the client, not the
22:30.21miamisebusing this mechanism. Doing a /who on a channel with 500 users is likely
22:30.21miamisebto cause this
22:30.33miamiseberrm, sorry for the scroll
22:34.51*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (~Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
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22:59.01miamisebHave a good night all.
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23:26.43citywokmy aastra 6757i has 12 buttons that can do BLF
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23:27.54parimhey guys, how well does asterisk run on the wrt54g?
23:30.22p3nguinparim: Try it and let us know.
23:31.49parimok p3nguin, i will
23:32.05parimthis is my first trial with asterisk
23:32.26p3nguinWouldn't a normal computer be a better idea for a novice?
23:33.15parimi am going to try it out on a gentoo machine and if i get that to work then i am going to switch to the wrg54g
23:33.26parimsorry wrt54g
23:33.54[TK]D-Fenderparim: You mean on a device that aspires to the power of my wrist-watch?  Yeah.. thats a fair testing ground....
23:34.52TJNIII know Gentoo is kind of the red-headed stephild of the Linux world, but comparing it to a wrtist watch is a bit harsh.
23:35.59parimTJNII: i have been using gentoo as my primary machine for about 2years now,
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23:49.00citywoki think he was comparing the wrt54g to a wristwatch
23:49.08citywokb/c it has a 200mhz processor that can barely do 30mbit
23:49.31citywok15mbit of traffic and i bet the call would be choppy just b/c the proc would be peaking
23:50.27Naikrovekbmoraca_work: why would polycom call one of your customers i wonder
23:50.41citywokb/c they are advertising on an unrelated matter?
23:50.51citywoki got called by polycom a few weeks ago...
23:51.43infobotsomebody said answers was Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
23:54.47parimis the spa-3000 still the cheapest device with both FXS and FXO ?
23:58.19*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)

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