IRC log for #asterisk on 20100417

00:00.29DerkKoHow is the recording mixed.... I want to use mixmonitor but have the 2 legs of the recording segragated by sterio channels
00:00.56[TK]D-Fenderpkecastillo: do an AMI originate or Call file.  Specify your channel to call.  Set some variables.  Point to an extension.  Playback your variable filename.  Dial out to another variable PSTN number via some tech.
00:01.11p3nguinderkko: You want to have two recordings or only one?
00:01.30DerkKoOne but the caller on one sterio channels and the callee on the other
00:01.37[TK]D-FenderDerkKo: then MixMonitor is not for you.
00:01.46p3nguinderkko: MixMonitor() joins them together for you; Monitor() records each leg of the call individually.
00:01.59[TK]D-FenderDerkKo: use Monitor and call a clean-up script yourself to merge the way you want to
00:02.31[TK]D-FenderDerkKo: Hint: there is no format that * can write to in STEREO.
00:02.32DerkKoi would have to rearchitecture everything i do... right now i use the cli to trigger the recording start from a php script
00:03.10DerkKowell i said sterio channel to make sure it got not confused with any other soft of channels
00:03.11pkecastillo~[TK]D-Fender~ thanks you very much, I will continue working on this.. thanks again!!
00:03.12DerkKobut i get you.
00:03.33DerkKomonitor() cant be invoked trough the cli :-(
00:04.05pkecastilloI notice if I have changes, and comment.
00:04.29[TK]D-FenderDerkKo: AMI <-
00:04.48DerkKoAMI ?
00:04.59infobotwell, ami is the Asterisk Manager Interface, a way to control an Asterisk server via a TCP/IP socket. See
00:05.00DerkKoOh management interface
00:05.01joakoDoes anyone know how do change the polycom configs server from the config file?
00:05.20[TK]D-Fenderjoako: server.1. <-
00:05.48DerkKoyea that complicates things for me on the programing side... Specially playing around with sockets i guess i have no other choice though.
00:06.21[TK]D-FenderDerkKo: PHP-AGI has an AMI class in it that makes this easy
00:06.51joako[TK]D-Fender, Not reg.1.server.1.address=
00:09.31manxpowerjoako: it would be the flash device settings
00:09.53joakomanxpower, Right it is some bootloader paramater that is not in the default config files
00:10.02manxpowersee the docs in the Admin manual, no, they are not in the default configs.  Normally you just set it via DHCP
00:10.21manxpowerjoako: it is documented in the Admin Guide
00:11.03joakomanxpower, Do you know under what it is documeted? Because I have the SIP admin guide here and I can't find it
00:12.12manxpowerPage A-157 of the 3.2.2 Admin Guide
00:13.28joakomanxpower, but for legacy phones?
00:16.06jsjcArgh I erased my src/asterisk so some changes I did are gone. Few days ago I was told here a file where to change the global default language in asterisk so before compiling all will be set to es instead of en. Anyone has logs dating back 1 week or so?
00:18.21p3nguin./include/asterisk.h DEFAULT_LANGUAGE
00:19.31jsjcthanks p3nguin !
00:20.36jayteejsjc, for future reference of IRC logs for this channel go here:
00:21.02jsjcthanks jaytee  I was looking for it in google. but I found a site that was no longer working.
00:21.50jsjcbookmarked!! ;)
00:23.07*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
00:23.38ChannelZoh noes i are being recordaded?
00:24.22florzit seems like you is
00:24.27manxpowerjoako: for stuff running 2.x firmware you have no option other than DHCP or manual provisioning server setup
00:25.03manxpowerand whatever bootloader is for that firmware branch.
00:25.44manxpowercome to think of it the <device ... settings ARE set by the firmware.  bootloader -> firmware -> firmware sets the flash options for the bootloader -> phone reboots
00:26.11joakomanxpower, 3.x but some of the phones only go to 3.1.6 or something like that
00:26.31manxpowerjoako: I guess you'll have to read thru the changelogs
00:27.37normaldotcomafter upgrading Asterisk to 1.4 on my centos box, calls are being dropped with "no reply to our critical packet" after 15-20 seconds
00:27.44*** join/#asterisk Jumpie (
00:28.15R-Guyjoako: Isn't the configure server provide using DHCP?
00:29.49manxpowernormaldotcom: did you read the UPGRADE*.txt?
00:30.13normaldotcommanxpower: I should probably check that out :D
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01:47.26Kobazwhere's katty
01:56.05*** join/#asterisk Caplain (
01:56.19CaplainLooking for 500 in from-pstn (domain
01:56.19Caplain<--- Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to --->
01:56.19CaplainSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
01:56.22Caplainthat is a LIE
01:56.35Caplainextension 500 exists
01:56.38Caplainwhy does it hate me?
02:03.14\malex\Qwell: yes, the allworx 9112 is a sip phone. i got it sort of working, where it connects and is able to place and receive calls. i'll have to wade through the config file to get the soft keys to work and such
02:11.05fenrusCaplain, did you reload the dialplan? :)
02:11.15Caplainmany many times
02:11.41Caplainits an old asterisk setup that used freepbx
02:12.34Caplainso i think ill scrap it and start over :(
02:12.53Caplainthe only reason i want freepbx is the music on hold feature
02:13.17fenrusmoh is available in asterisk :)
02:13.29Caplaini know
02:13.35Caplainfpbx is a frontend
02:13.49Caplainbut ...meh, ill figure it out. i was avoiding starting over
02:21.15*** join/#asterisk L2Logic (
02:21.58L2Logicgood day..  has anyone experienced issues with rhino's 4 port t1 card with dahdi ?
02:27.43ChannelZCaplain: Are you sure your context is right?
02:27.58Caplainyes im sure
02:28.06Caplainand ill be sure after the format, too
02:29.28ChannelZgoes back to fapping
02:36.05*** join/#asterisk kartik (~koolkarti@
02:47.53p3nguin<Caplain> the only reason i want freepbx is the music on hold feature     <-- what a weird thing to say.
02:48.12Caplainwell its harder to set up via nano
02:48.40p3nguinUh, no.
02:49.38Caplainfine. its harder to set up via nano when it was already set up via freepbx
02:51.21Caplainasterisk is now online :)
02:52.24manxpowerFreePBX is like if you bought a car with the hood welded shut and when you finally open the hood, all the sizes are in Andorian.
02:53.04manxpowerFirst you need to learn Andorian then you have to craft the tools to work with the andorian measurements.
02:53.11manxpowerEasier to just do it right in the first place.
03:00.59*** part/#asterisk Caplain (
03:02.03p3nguinFollowing his logic, it's easier to work on with the hood welded shut.
03:04.54*** join/#asterisk moy (~chatzilla@
03:05.13manxpowerp3nguin: yes, unless you need to modify something
03:05.28jayteeAndorians are far more trustworthy than Tellurites or Romulans
03:05.55*** join/#asterisk kartik (~koolkarti@
03:06.29manxpowerjaytee: yeah, but who else uses fractions of an andorian light year as a base unit of measure????
03:06.57*** part/#asterisk normaldotcom (
03:08.48jayteewonders how long an Andorian year is
03:16.18*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
03:16.27manxpower...three Federation standard years (one Andorian year) ....
03:17.31b14ckSup guys. I've got a weird problem. I'm trying to compile asterisk-addons, and I'm using ubuntu-server 8.10. I'm trying to compile with app_addon_mysql (it depends on mysqlclient), but I've already install mysql-client and it is still not available. Am I missing something? ubuntu doesn't have a `mysqlclient` package.
03:18.10b14ckHere's my package list:
03:18.17b14ckI've already got it all installed :x
03:18.22jayteestarts worrying about manxpower and wonders if he can speak Klingon
03:18.25b14ckBut the option in make menuselect is xxx'ed out
03:20.56manxpowerjaytee: not at all, but I bet google does.
03:21.20manxpowerb14ck: then ./configure did not find the requirements, and in fact it should tell you what is missing when you move to the XXX'd out option
03:24.07b14ckmanxpower, it says: "checking for mysql_config... no
03:24.12b14ckbut there is no mysql_config package
03:24.53b14ckwell lets see
03:24.56b14cki'll install mysql-admin
03:24.59b14ckmaybe thatll do it
03:26.11fenrusisnt the name of the packet mysql-client ?
03:26.46manxpoweryou are looking for -dev packages
03:27.03manxpoweror -devel packages, depending on your distro
03:28.04fenrusmy guess is libmysqlclient15-dev :)
03:30.52Jumpieanybody have any success running asterisk in conjunction with any house alarm systems?
03:31.04Jumpiei thin it shouldnt really be an issue....dedicated line coming in...just need an fxo card right?
03:38.39Jumpienormally alarms have dedicated lines right?
03:38.43Jumpiethey dont just call on the normal house #?
03:39.07ChannelZit depends on how much you're paying and your system
03:39.24Jumpiehe's rich, probably alot
03:39.27Jumpieits a honeywell vista 20p
03:39.29ChannelZIn some cases the alarm can be hooked directly up to a line and it will dial out to home base (not you)
03:39.37Jumpieguy's a congressman
03:39.54Jumpiewell if that's the case i may not even ened to interface it at all then!
03:40.00manxpoweryou should patch the alarm into the line before Asterisk
03:40.04Jumpiewhcih is the way i hope
03:40.12Jumpiemanxpower...the system si already in place
03:40.24Jumpiereplacing his crappy panasonic
03:40.43manxpowerJumpie: that does not change my answer
03:41.03Jumpieyea but...what do you mean by 'patch into the line'?
03:41.13Jumpieif its a 3rd line
03:41.23manxpoweris the line used for anything else?
03:41.58p3nguinWhy would you want your alarm to rely on yet another component such as asterisk and the computer which runs it?
03:42.27Jumpiep3nguin well..the problem is..its a proprietery setup im not 100% familiar with, and the customer doesnt know all teh technical details
03:42.36JumpieIF its tied into his existing phone system, then yes ill have to tie it in
03:42.41Jumpieif itw as independant all along, then i shouldnt have to mes with it
03:42.46manxpowerJumpie: then you should get the information before jumpie-ing to assumptions
03:42.51Jumpiemanxpower well no kidding
03:42.59manxpowerfrom the customer
03:43.02Jumpiemi just trying to thinkg technically in my head for the future, and what i may have to do
03:43.06Jumpieyea, he's a busy guy hehe
03:43.08Jumpiehe has to call the company
03:43.27Jumpieand give permission to let me talk about the account
03:43.33Jumpieand that's what im waiting on at the moment
03:44.20manxpowerbest to worst 1) dedicated line for the alarm 2) put a splitter on the line before the line gets to the PBX, one port goes to the PBX, one to the alarm system 3) worst possible: wire the alarm into the PBX as an analog extension
03:44.54manxpowerand 4) practically guarnteed to not work: put the alarm on an ATA
03:46.07Jumpiemanxpower if its a dedicted line coming in to the alarm...
03:46.13Jumpieand it has dialtone..wouldnt i need an fxo port?
03:46.22Jumpieor is the alarm itself an 'analog device' needin an fxs port?
03:47.11p3nguinThe alarm system may very well be just like a phone, which connects TO an FXS port.
03:47.43*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
03:47.47ChannelZSurely this puke congressman can afford a dedicated line for it anyway
03:48.02JumpieChannelZ no doubt
03:48.11Jumpiehe got his 11 year old daughter a $1200 laptop
03:48.53manxpowerthe device would have the correct interface to talk to the telco
03:49.42manxpowerall the ones I've seen used dedicated POTS lines that just plug into the side of the alarm unit mounted in the telco closet.  The system calls out each night to verify connectivity with the alarm company (and who know what else it does).
03:50.12Jumpiemanxpower..ah true
03:50.14manxpowerIf I was an alarm company I would not provide service unless the device has a dedicated POTS lines
03:50.56Jumpiedont wanna miss out on a call because your daugher was chit chatting with a friend
03:50.57p3nguinclosed-loop system
03:51.13*** join/#asterisk Caplain (
03:51.16Caplainno reply to our critical packet
03:51.21Caplainim behind a nat
03:51.28Caplaini set nat=yes
03:51.32Caplaini still get htat error
03:51.35Caplainwhat do
03:51.45p3nguinIs your asterisk system behind NAT?
03:54.22ChannelZThe other end doesn't know it, or your firewall is blocking outgoing
03:55.35ChannelZOr the NAT is busted completely
03:55.40ChannelZSo many choices
03:56.49Caplainp3nguin, yes
03:57.23p3nguinDid you also correctly set localnet and externip or externhost?
03:57.26Caplainits a pos verizon gateway router. i told those gits all i wanted was a modem
03:57.34Caplaini did not...
03:58.02manxpowerI wonder what would make a car alarm go off exactly every 30 mins
03:58.51manxpowerconsidering the neighborhood I live in, I almost expect some to shoot the SOB that owns that fscking annoying car alarm
03:58.56coppicea car thief with a watch?
03:58.59p3nguinpunk-ass kids
03:59.17manxpowercoppice: I just got in from watching the damn thing.  not anyone around.
03:59.36manxpowermy balcony is on the 2nd level about 40 ft from it.
03:59.46manxpoweractually more like 30
04:00.17p3nguinNow that I think about it, isn't it likely that the alarm's phone line is a dry pair?
04:00.37manxpowerp3nguin: that was the old school way.  modern ones are all POTS in my experience
04:00.43p3nguinIf so, it wouldn't do any good to hook it to ... oh.
04:00.58p3nguinI didn't realize things had changed.
04:01.37*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
04:01.37manxpowerI work for a CLEC, with Verizon as the ILEC and we always have a customer with an POTS alarm out of service somewhere
04:02.32*** join/#asterisk isb-asteri (~geosohaib@
04:03.35coppicemanxpower: a ninja car thief with a watch?
04:03.48ChannelZand a beanbag gun
04:04.23fenrusnot very ninja to trip the alarm
04:04.47manxpowerI don't mean "around 30 mins", I mean almost exactly 30 mins.  based on my observations it drifts by less than 1 min per day
04:04.48ChannelZBut ninja not to be seen doing it
04:05.02coppicethat's what he's trying to do. he has been contracted to annoy the neghbours
04:05.14ChannelZCar alarms are so pointless
04:05.17isb-asteriI am using Asterisk
04:05.34ChannelZCool. I am using
04:05.36manxpowerit belongs to the new BF of the downstairs neighbor.
04:05.37isb-asterii have little problem regarding outbound calls
04:05.53coppicemost people just want the car thief to finish his work and drive away to stop the noise
04:07.37ChannelZYeah hello
04:08.22fenrushm, i wonder if theres rent-a-car-thief -service somewhere
04:08.27ChannelZDon't priv me please, ask in the channel
04:08.57coppicefenrus: have you seen the prices Hertz charge?
04:09.12fenruscoppice, :)
04:09.57Jumpiecoppice yep
04:10.01Jumpiei told one lady to jump off a cliff
04:10.07Jumpiei was gettin a quote movin from maryland to phoenix
04:10.13Jumpieshe said like $7200
04:10.18Jumpiei asked her if she was high
04:11.06ChannelZDid she laugh like a pot smoker?
04:11.40Jumpieshe got quiet
04:11.43Jumpiei kenw she was full of it
04:11.50Jumpiei mean..even when i was in the army and i would PCS across country
04:11.55Jumpiei saw the summary of charges
04:11.57Jumpieand it wasnt near that
04:12.07Jumpiei think an 18 footer with FULL service, as in they box, pack, etc was under 5k
04:16.47*** join/#asterisk rdircio (~admin@
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04:20.15coppiceI had an avis car for 3 days once, when I returned it their system printed out a bill for something like $3k. when I said there must have been a mistake, they said there was a penalty for early returns - I'd only had the car 70 hours
04:21.11Jumpiei would have told them to shove that bill up their ass
04:21.26Jumpieif anything it seems an early return is good, because they can re rent it out sooner than they planned
04:21.52coppicethe manager had to tear up the original agreement, and produce a new and sane one that I paid for
04:22.05*** join/#asterisk joako_ (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
04:22.27Jumpielol sane
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05:40.14*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk,, (2010/03/12), 1.4.30 (2010/03/12), *-Addons,,, 1.4.11 (2010/04/15), dahdi-linux 2.3.0 + dahdi-tools 2.3.0 (2010/04/13), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-bugs
05:40.32ChannelZYeah.  Please stop.
05:40.34isb-asteri[Apr 17 10:39:30] WARNING[32496]: app_dial.c:860 wait_for_answer: Unable to forward voice or dtmf
05:41.09*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
05:41.20carrarlooks like ${TRUNKMSD} isn't 1
05:41.41isb-asterilet me check it again
05:41.46carrarjust replace it with :1 for testing
05:43.06ChannelZToo much junk in your trunk
05:43.33isb-asteriexten => _9.,1,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:1})
05:44.42isb-asterireplaced it with 1
05:45.01isb-asteribut same result
05:45.25carraryeah you are still missing stuff
05:45.54isb-asteriyeah missing but dont know what
05:46.02carrarWhere is the console dial output
05:46.44Jumpiebut why would that only happen with land line
05:46.51Jumpiemaybe i dont udnersatnd those type of number formats cause im nit he states but
05:46.57Jumpiedo mobile have some kinda diff prefix
05:47.06Jumpieah ok..i scrolled up
05:47.27isb-asteriyes mobile have different
05:47.37isb-asteriChannel 0/31, span 1 got hangup request, cause 3
05:47.46ChannelZThat isn't the important part
05:48.07infobotrumour has it, bp is pb backwards
05:48.14infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
05:48.19carraruse that
05:48.35carrarTK will put you line
05:48.58carraroh he left
05:50.35infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
05:51.03ChannelZit's like Short Attention-Span Theatre in here
05:52.36ChannelZLOL the Church of Latter-Day Saints has web ads.
05:52.53coppicedo the Amish have web ads?
05:53.03ChannelZspider web ones maybe
05:56.04JumpieChannelZ im sure they arent offensive or spammy tho
05:56.16Jumpieits more like 'hey be nice to your kids' 'hey spend time with your wife'
05:56.31Jumpiei'll take those ads over viagra and fleshlight ones
05:57.11ChannelZit was a fake IM client with stuff like "what made u decide?"  "i want 2 know what happens when I die"
05:58.16coppice"What will happen when I die?"
05:58.18coppice"You can choose. Just make a will"
05:58.40ChannelZ"Obama takes all your money"
05:59.10coppiceI find religious ads quite offensive
05:59.30Jumpieif the ad themself isnt pushing doctrine down yoru throat
05:59.32Jumpieit shouldnt be offensive
05:59.33Jumpieand honestly
05:59.37Jumpiethose such ads shouldnt be there
05:59.51Jumpiecurious to me because I am LDS
06:00.12ChannelZI don't really care I just think it's funny seeing advertisements for religions
06:00.34ChannelZLike those stupid Scientology ones ("religion" used loosely)
06:00.42Jumpie"you are the proton"
06:04.13ChannelZSomeone with skype want to help me test something?
06:07.48*** join/#asterisk DJF5 (~a@
06:10.51carrarwhen the girls form thailand want to talk, accept
06:11.12carrartell them you have big money
06:11.41coppiceare these Thai girls pushing the Church of Latter-Day Saints?
06:12.03carrarpushing away probably
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10:14.59admin0this is result of my core show translation ..  what does it tell:
10:15.06admin0does the big numbers mean its bad ?
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11:12.54IceFhi..  is there any recommended size for RAM when using Asterisk ?
11:34.15carrarWhatelse is running on then box?
11:34.25carrarweb server?
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11:34.40carrarhowmany clients
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11:37.28IceFup to 1000 clients ... server would be only for asterisk
11:49.25*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (~dan@
11:49.39dandate2how would i configure RTP port forwarding with multiple computers on the network?
11:59.51infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
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12:43.29pentanolanybody knows where I may found for free sounds to IVR?
12:45.49carrarin /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
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13:23.58pentanolcarrar there tinyest quantity
13:24.17carrarinstall them
13:24.28pentanolwhat from?
13:24.34*** part/#asterisk slidesinger (
13:24.39pentanoli didi it
13:25.23carrartry again
13:26.04pentanolactually I needed background music
13:27.06pentanolnothing about background
13:29.47*** join/#asterisk blaines (
13:37.22carrarYou are going to need to acquire your own copyright licenses to play "background" music in your ivrds
13:37.55carraror get copyright free music
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15:49.53shamelessn00bhi, can anyone tell me what does the status column signify that results from the output of core show channels?
15:50.04shamelessn00bstatus up/down
16:07.13manxpowershamelessn00b: generally that would indicate that the channel has been answered, as far as I know.
16:07.38shamelessn00bdown means answered or up means answered?
16:07.48*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
16:08.03manxpowerI think Up would mean answered, but why don't you try it and see?
16:08.07shamelessn00bI'm having an issue, same channel, having statuses up and down at the same time :S
16:08.25shamelessn00bwith different numbers on the same channel
16:08.44manxpowerthat's not the same channel then
16:09.11manxpowerwhy dont you post some CLI output showing the example
16:10.11shamelessn00bok wait a sec
16:11.49manxpowerremember (almost) all calls have TWO channels.
16:12.01manxpowerthe inbound leg and the outbound leg
16:16.19shamelessn00bactually this is what thats bthering me
16:16.25shamelessn00bsee the channel count
16:16.32shamelessn00btheres this huge difference
16:17.00shamelessn00bthat keeps on increasing over time (the channel count) and then my asterisk suddenly restarts
16:17.40*** join/#asterisk StevenR (
16:18.39manxpowersucks to be you.  virtually nobody here uses ss7
16:18.54shamelessn00bI dont think its ss7 related
16:19.06shamelessn00bI'm not getting any ss7 related errors
16:19.07manxpowerthe first example could be simply a buggy AGI script
16:19.23shamelessn00bits not just the AGIs
16:19.31*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
16:19.53manxpowershamelessn00b: and yet, the only channels you showed us were AGI channels.
16:20.18shamelessn00blemme show you some others
16:20.33manxpowerwhy don't you show us the output of core show channels like I asked for.
16:21.42shamelessn00bbut theres like 1024 channels
16:21.56manxpowerdo you know which channel is causing the problem?
16:22.23manxpowerreally, at 1024 channels you are far, far beyond anything asterisk was ever designed for on one servr
16:23.07shamelessn00b16 gb ram
16:23.20shamelessn00b4 quad cores etc
16:23.53manxpowerand depending on the card, servicing 1024*8000 interrupts per second
16:24.44shamelessn00bnaa, we are using sangoma, they did something with chunk sizes
16:24.50shamelessn00bto reduce the interupts
16:25.09manxpowerhow many file descriptors?
16:25.35shamelessn00blemme check
16:26.15shamelessn00bbut I'm not getting any too many open files errors
16:26.41manxpowershamelessn00b: your system is so far out of what everyone else uses that I really can't help you.
16:26.57shamelessn00bk thanks anyways
16:31.09manxpowerIt's like asking why your car keeps stalling out, only to mention later that the "car" is a 15 ton piece of earth moving equipment
16:34.18*** join/#asterisk pkecastillo (~pirruar@
16:35.11pkecastillohello guys!
16:40.48pkecastillosomebody know how execute two applications using AMI?, like an dialplan in the extensions.conf.
16:47.12[TK]D-Fenderpkecastillo: I told you this last night.  YOU CANNOT.  Period.  There is no exception.
16:47.36[TK]D-Fenderpkecastillo: You either tell it to execute a SINGLE application, OR you point it to an EXTENSION in your dialplan.
16:48.25pkecastilloyes i understand, but need work with ami not command!..
16:48.57[TK]D-Fenderpkecastillo: You want AMI to execute an application direcdtly without a call?
16:52.38p3nguinStill going at it, I see.
16:52.39pkecastilloyes, i want generate a call with playback. when the playback finished i need redirect to call another number in the same channel.
16:54.04pkecastillolike a dialplan priorities (extensions.conf)
16:54.20*** join/#asterisk imo (
16:55.23imohey there. anyone here?
16:55.42[TK]D-Fenderpkecastillo: Generating a call = Originate.  That has the only 2 options I've just repeated for you again
16:57.44imoI want to use a very basic asterisk configuration. My question is, how can I configure asterisk to use a MySQL database instead of the conf files for registering new extension/sip-accounts and storing connection data
16:58.12pkecastilloyes, i understand you, but it is the firsth part, because the second part is make the redirect call another number.
16:58.29pkecastilloin the same channel!
16:58.55[TK]D-Fenderpkecastillo: No.  There is no redirect.  You are either A. Executing a SINGLE application.  Or B.  Executing a EXTENSION in your dialplan.
16:59.49*** join/#asterisk P1ersson (
17:00.00imoDoes anyone know a good tutorial for configuring asterisk to use a MySQL database like AsteriskNow does
17:00.32[TK]D-Fenderimo: What aspect of AsteriskNOW's use of MySQL are you referring to?
17:02.04manxpowerpkecastillo: why not use .call files?
17:02.09manxpoweror use chan_local/
17:02.12pkecastillohow i can mantein or get the channel after playback?, any event?
17:02.17imoI want that the extensions aren't stored in the conf file. Instead Asterisk should write these information into a selfmade MySQL database. Also the connections should be written into that database instead of the conf file
17:02.36imoSo I can access them from a self made GUI
17:02.46imoAnd have full control
17:03.29*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
17:03.40[TK]D-Fenderimo: that isn't how AsteriskNOW works.  The gui GENERATES the flat .conf files BASED on the databes<-
17:03.51[TK]D-Fenderimo: this i not LIVE.  this is "on call" generation
17:04.07[TK]D-Fender[13:02]<pkecastillo>how i can mantein or get the channel after playback?, any event? <- NO FUCKING OPTION.
17:04.25imoSo, asteriskNOW reads the conf files and stores the information into the database (like mirroring the data on the mysql database)
17:04.37[TK]D-Fenderimo: NO, THE reverse
17:05.11pkecastillo~[TK]D-Fender~ oks... sorrry for insistence...
17:05.14[TK]D-Fenderimo: AsteriskNOW (the FreePBX GUI part) upon your TELLING it to update will generate the .conf's based on the databasse
17:05.15*** part/#asterisk StevenR (
17:05.40pkecastilloregards guys!
17:05.44*** part/#asterisk pkecastillo (~pirruar@
17:06.17*** join/#asterisk blaines (
17:06.18imoOk, I understand. Thank you
17:07.15imoSo I have to use the conf files, and put the MySQL database on a higher layer. Then for example, insert a new user into the database and synchronise the conf file with the information in the database?
17:09.41*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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17:29.28[TK]D-Fenderimothats what they do.
17:29.36[TK]D-FenderimoYou don't have to do "anything"
17:49.49*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@
18:03.03*** join/#asterisk stix (
18:05.41*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Miranda@
18:05.44DelphiWorldhi all
18:05.54DelphiWorldplease any free tts engine to record prompts?
18:06.23ChannelZYou could go to Cepstral's website and type in samples and steal them
18:06.39DelphiWorldChannelZ: free?
18:06.48ChannelZOr I have an old DECtalk demo for Windows so you can make them all sound like Stephen Hawkings
18:07.06ChannelZWell "steal" usually implies money you didn't pay....
18:07.13DelphiWorldChannelZ: give it to me!
18:08.11DelphiWorldChannelZ: i realy i need to build my IVR
18:09.18DelphiWorldChannelZ: what tts?
18:09.36ChannelZI told you, DECtalk - oldschool, sounds like Stephen Hawkings!
18:10.01DelphiWorldChannelZ: waiting
18:10.21ChannelZWhy don't you pick up the phone and record your own?
18:11.47DelphiWorldChannelZ: server not found:
18:11.53DelphiWorldChannelZ: my own voice is not good;)
18:11.56ChannelZoh.. I think your netblock might be blocked in my firewall
18:12.25DelphiWorldChannelZ: why?
18:12.45ChannelZspam.  try again
18:14.00DelphiWorldChannelZ: downloading;)
18:14.52DelphiWorldChannelZ: ok, close now!
18:16.36*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
18:18.00DelphiWorldChannelZ: don't work;)
18:18.13ChannelZwhat doesn't
18:18.42DelphiWorldChannelZ: desktalk
18:18.47DelphiWorldChannelZ: unable to convert to audio
18:20.02ChannelZoh the demo can't export to wav.  I just record the audio out (internally through my soundcard)
18:20.16kaldemaryou can record with asterisk
18:20.23DelphiWorldplease if any member that have a tts engine (sapi5 for windows) let me know!
18:20.34DelphiWorldkaldemar: i know
18:20.41DelphiWorldkaldemar: but my voice is not good
18:21.14ChannelZBetter than Stephen Hawkings?
18:21.47DelphiWorldChannelZ: bad;)
18:24.36ChannelZWhat Windows are you running
18:25.20DelphiWorldChannelZ: windows XP
18:32.00DelphiWorldChannelZ: anything?
18:34.41*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
18:35.30*** join/#asterisk diegomad (~mad@
18:35.44diegomadHi, how to evaluate a variable when running a call?
18:37.31*** join/#asterisk endemic (
18:38.07diegomadI define a global variable, DID_ROUTE = Main, $ (EXTEN), 1
18:38.08diegomadbut when I do a show_globals => DID_ROUTE=Main,, 1
18:38.53diegomadeval function not working me
18:39.22diegomadMain,${EVAL(${EXTEN})},1 => Main,,1
18:41.26DelphiWorldp3nguin: any idea about a tts?
18:58.56hardwirediegomad: you may be more interested in using gosub
18:59.03hardwirevs trying to eval a global
19:00.11hardwirealso.. 'DID_ROUTE=Main, $ (EXTEN), 1' wouldn't be anything eval would be able to use
19:01.15hardwirepbx01*CLI> dialplan set global DID_ROUTE Main,$\{EXTEN\},1
19:02.59*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
19:07.16diegomadhardwire, I do a gosub after evaluating the global variable, your solution is perfect, thanks :p
19:07.27hardwirediegomad: I recommend crazy meds.
19:07.28*** part/#asterisk heath (~quassel@unaffiliated/ybit)
19:08.20diegomadhardwire, jajajaja, why? O.o
19:08.40hardwirediegomad: in my didroute gosub I specify the context, extension, and priority including some special keywords and then do all the fixups in that gosub before I goto the location
19:09.01*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Miranda@
19:09.02hardwireI think you'll find that after a while your global is better placed in a didroute gosub.
19:09.12hardwireor in the gosub call itself
19:09.59diegomadhardwire, exten => _X.,n,GotoIf($["${DID_ROUTE_${EXTEN}}" != ""]?EVAL(${DID_ROUTE_${EXTEN}}))
19:10.32hardwirediegomad: ah, that makes more sense than what you originally posted
19:10.57hardwirealso.. all of that can easily exist in the dialplan without globals.  but I don't obviously know what it is you're doing
19:11.49kaldemarEVAL is missing ${}
19:11.50hardwiregiven you don't need to change it often
19:12.16diegomadmmm my asterisk version is 1.4.24
19:12.33diegomadhardwire, I need
19:13.00hardwireI need too buddy.
19:13.02hardwireI have needs
19:35.11diegomadhardwire, you're right "all of that can easily exist in the dialplan without globals" :p
19:40.27*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~annon@
19:41.47Dovidhi all. Asterisk decided to core sump when I started using MOH+Real time. anyone have an idea what this means ?
19:43.40manxpowerDovid: to diagnose core dumps, read the backtrace.txt (or similar file)
19:50.37*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
19:58.20Dovidmanxpower: I tried doing it but i re-compiled asterisk to build it with the extra options. oh well. gona have to wait till it core dumps again
20:05.35*** join/#asterisk lep_ (
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20:23.29Dovidwhen I use madplay to send a stream to Asterisk - which codec should I use so that I do not do any transcoding ?
20:23.31Dovide.g. wget -q -T 120 -O - http://SOME_STREAM_URL | /usr/local/bin/madplay -Q -o raw:- --mono -R 8000 -a -10 -
20:28.08*** join/#asterisk iluminator101 (~ad02048d@gateway/web/freenode/x-oszjfyspifahbyzq)
20:29.56iluminator101does anyone know how to configure 3cx with skype
20:34.29iluminator101how do i configure asteriskwin32 with skype
20:38.45*** join/#asterisk LND (~LND@
20:55.42mmlj4skype won't work with asterisk unless you pay for the right software
20:55.42mmlj4unless you do some sort of out-of-band wizardry, I guess
20:55.44mmlj4which is probably less likely to happen on windows, anyhow

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