IRC log for #asterisk on 20100415

00:04.24manxpowerUm, where are all the idiots?
00:04.45leifmadsenpoints up :)
00:05.09manxpower90 mins and not even a FreePBX question or a question easily answered by reading the docs.
00:05.29carrarMy Asterisk browser is not working
00:05.35carrarpls fix thanks
00:06.20carrarand how to I make these soundcards function like a ATA
00:07.06carrarI have solder
00:11.46ChannelZHalp me, when I dial my peer my ITSP rings and sounds like it's congested, what button do I click?????!??!!11!
00:12.03p3nguinonly if you put out
00:12.25*** join/#asterisk PeterHup (
00:14.44manxpowerI should have kept quiet.
00:22.24carrarThats against IRC regulations
00:26.41hardwirefun cop
00:28.11manxpowerIf Katty can do it....
00:30.52*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
00:31.16*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:39.30*** part/#asterisk tvaughn (tyler@
00:59.58*** join/#asterisk diegomad (mad@
01:10.15*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
01:10.50*** join/#asterisk TJNII (~TJNII@
01:12.01*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
01:16.46*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
01:19.13*** join/#asterisk ltd_wk (
01:22.36*** join/#asterisk chendy (~chatzilla@
01:23.41*** join/#asterisk Jed (
01:24.17PeterHupHi Jed
01:24.35JedHey, I'm trying to figure out a way to disable call waiting in asterisk
01:24.51JedI know in trixbox *71 works, but on asterisk it does not.
01:25.04JedDo I need to enable something for that?
01:26.01*** part/#asterisk PeterHup (
01:27.09JedI've tried a few work arounds, like setting call limits to 1, but then was unable to transfer calls.
01:30.33*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (~ReDNeQ@
01:30.38*** join/#asterisk ltd_wk (
01:31.24*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
01:32.45*** join/#asterisk felipe_ (
01:44.03*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
01:44.44*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:51.28*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
01:52.26*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
02:07.49*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
02:09.34*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
02:12.31*** join/#asterisk CatLynx (
02:13.46CatLynxAnyone know how the mwi works on the Analog adaptor for the FXS port?
02:14.12CatLynxas in, what does the FXS port do to trigger the WMI on the phone? is it like CID?
02:15.53CatLynxwonders if everyone is alseep now.
02:16.21CatLynxstill finding new issues with his TDM410 card
02:22.21*** join/#asterisk spenguin[work] (~penguin@
02:23.51*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
02:23.58*** part/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
02:33.07*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (~maxagaz@
02:34.35manxpowerCatLynx: Yes
02:34.53manxpowerAssuming you are not using some bizzare hotel type phone with hotel type mwi
02:35.27manxpowerCatLynx: I would have to look up the specs for VMWI
02:35.34manxpowerthat's what you want, right?
02:36.07manxpowerJed: correct.  *71 is trixbox.
02:36.19manxpowerSet it up however you want in Asterisk.
02:36.49JedWhats the syntax for it?
02:37.01*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
02:37.17manxpowerJed: however you write it.
02:37.36manxpowerJed: do you have Asterisk?
02:37.45manxpowerGood.  Now.  What kind of phone do you have?
02:37.45Jed1.4.29 iirc
02:37.53Jedcisco 7940
02:38.13manxpowerGood.  Now disable the call waiting on the phone or write a complex set of dialplan macros to do it for you.
02:38.28manxpowerPerhaps you should go back to FreePBX/Trixbox?
02:38.36JedWell, i tried from the phone, but it doesn't actually seem to disable anything
02:38.58manxpoweror you can edit the phone config files and disable it there.
02:39.37spenguin[work]hands manxpower a drink
02:39.55Jedmanxpower: Yes, I know I have to write out the dial plan but I'm not really sure on how to do it
02:40.08manxpowerMaybe not all that complex, actually.  Use AstDB to store the CW state, then use ChanIsAvail to determine of the channel is in use, then determine what to do with the call.
02:40.23manxpowerJed: Right.  We are not here to teach you dialplan stuff.  You should start with reading the Asterisk book
02:40.25infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
02:40.27infobothmm... toolkit is Remember Asterisk isn't really a PBX.  Asterisk is a TOOLKIT that helps you build a PBX from scratch, much like libraries help you build an application from scratch.
02:41.14manxpowerlook at "core show application chanisavail"
02:41.20jayteea toolkit that's missing a 6mm hex wrench
02:41.37manxpowerjaytee: naw, a toolkit missing some poor programmer to write it for you
02:41.50JedI was actually looking into devstate
02:42.13manxpowerWith devstate I think you need to set up asterisk to track device states.  MUCH more complex
02:42.49JedOk, I think you've pointed me in the right direction with chanisavail, which is what I was trying to ask I guess
02:42.56JedI will look into it
02:43.38manxpowerJed: no, you need to read the Asterisk book
02:44.24JedI've started to
02:47.46*** join/#asterisk OrNix (~ornix@
02:53.26manxpowerJed: you should do "core show applications"
02:56.07JedI've written basic dial plans before and some interactive auto attendants, nothing that complex
02:57.18manxpowerreally, it is better to leave it disabled in the phone itself (I don't recall the Cisco provisioning stuff)
02:57.36manxpowerlet the 2nd call roll over to the 2nd line if you must, but leave call waiting off.
02:58.17JedWell, the issue seems to be the call waiting beep is cutting out part of the conversation
02:58.37JedI don't if its the phone or asterisk thats causing this
03:00.34manxpowerit is the phone
03:00.50JedIs this a known cisco phone issue?
03:01.09manxpowerthis is an issue with all phones I'm aware of, including POTS service from the telephone company
03:02.02manxpowerI never could understand "call waiting" being a feature of a multiline phone
03:03.12patrbgrrr...asterisk cdr_mysql doesnt seem to be working correctly...the cdr_addon_mydql module is loaded and the config is correct....but under 'registered backends' no mysql
03:03.27patrbcan anyone give me some suggestions? I have it working in 1.4
03:04.20patrbthe cdr_mysql module was compiled with asterisk-addons-1.6.12
03:05.39*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
03:12.34CatLynxis back
03:13.05CatLynxHi Max, so I am testing a TDM410 with a AT&T coredless phone and the WMI not working for that phone on the FXS port.
03:13.24manxpowerCatLynx: when you ho off hook do you get a stutter dialtone?
03:13.56CatLynxI take the cordless phone and plug it in to a SPA-3102 the wmi works
03:13.59manxpowerMWI is the stutter dialtone.  VMWI is a blinking light on the phone.
03:14.17manxpowerI'm waiting for the answer to my question
03:14.20CatLynxI get a stutter dialtone on the TDM410
03:14.39CatLynxI plug the panasonic phone in to the TDM410 the WMI works
03:15.01CatLynxbut not on the AT&T phone, and if I use the SPA-3102 both phone works for the WMI
03:15.07*** join/#asterisk badweather (
03:15.23manxpowerSo when you plug the AT&T phone into the TDM card you do NOT get a stutter tone?
03:15.32CatLynxit gets stutter tone
03:15.39manxpowerthe stutter tone is "MWI"
03:15.40CatLynxbut no WMI lite
03:15.56CatLynxso it could be a audio level issue?
03:15.58badweatherIs there an ENUM number that can be used to test an outbound trunk? Just set it up on my trixbox but I wonder if the numbers I'm trying are no longer functional
03:16.00manxpowerCatLynx: check the settings for the AT&T phone.
03:16.09manxpowerit works with one phone and not the other.
03:16.32manxpowerThe Uniden phone I used to have had an option to enable/disable VISUAL MWI
03:16.36CatLynxmax: the at&t phone works on the SPA-3102 adatpor along with the pansonic phone
03:17.13manxpowerCatLynx: then you have an issue not related to Asterisk's MWI.
03:17.48CatLynxmanx: I was wondering if its a audio level issue
03:18.42CatLynxmanx: so when the phone is onhook the FXS port sends a stutter tone when it needs to trigger the WMI lite?
03:19.40CatLynxI was thinking if the audio level as at a level that it would work on one brand phone and not the other
03:20.23*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
03:21.17CatLynxwhat chan_dahdi.conf setting would adjust the WMI tone level?
03:22.03*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:22.10CatLynxthis is asterisk dahdi
03:22.10ChannelZdon't think there is one but there is an overall txgain and rxgain in the dahdi config
03:22.56ChannelZactually I guess it is in chan_dahdi
03:23.30CatLynxChan: I try messing with that one and had no luck I try txgain from +10 to -10 in 5db steps and had no luck :(
03:25.19voxterAnyone familiar with the MACRO_RESULT variable changing behavior in 1.4? I was using it in a call screening macro that seems to have broken.
03:26.17manxpowervoxter: it should be documented in UPGRADE*.txt
03:31.02CatLynxwonder if my problem is the stutter timing
03:36.10CatLynxim reading there is 2 kind of MWI from the telco Stutter Tone and FSK
03:36.25CatLynxI need to take a butt set and see which one is the SPA adaptor is doing
03:36.32CatLynxand compair it with the asterisk
04:03.52*** join/#asterisk blaines (
04:06.03*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
04:08.35*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
04:18.21hardwiresigh.  Codec negotiation makes me insane.
04:18.27hardwireinsane.. got no brain.
04:22.16badweatherWhat would cause enum outbound to always give a congestion message?
04:32.12ChannelZcold a flu season
04:36.33*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
04:38.15badweatherharr. ;)
04:39.36badweatherI can see that it's resolving ok, but doesnt' want to connect. Is it possible those in routes are not set up on the other end?
04:46.55*** part/#asterisk badweather (
04:48.12CatLynxmanxpower: I listen to the TDM410 for the MWI on the FXS port and its using FSK
04:48.30CatLynxmanxpower: the SPA is using FSK as well
04:49.16CatLynxponders why the MWI not working on the TDM410 but it works on the SPA
04:49.47*** join/#asterisk rdircio (~admin@
04:50.26infobot[answers] Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
04:51.28CatLynxI could not find any info on setting the MWI levels
04:52.22ChannelZI sure hope I did my taxes right
04:52.48ChannelZfucking Rube Goldberg tax system
05:01.05infobotremember, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people. <>
05:07.15*** join/#asterisk kartik (~koolkarti@
05:12.18CatLynxok I see something diffrent on my MWI issue the SPA is doing RP pulse before sending FSK tone
05:12.32CatLynxthe TDM410 is not doing that its just sending FSK
05:14.20CatLynxim going to add cidstart=polarity and see if that works for MWI also
05:19.29*** join/#asterisk dangerkoffe (~dangerkof@
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05:29.57*** join/#asterisk synch (~d2d46c84@gateway/web/freenode/x-ogprgdiezweabyhs)
05:36.14*** join/#asterisk CatLynx (
05:38.44*** join/#asterisk kartik (~koolkarti@
05:39.49*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (bryan@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
05:39.49*** join/#asterisk ivaxer (
05:39.49*** join/#asterisk BarthezZ (
05:39.49*** join/#asterisk hurdman (
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05:44.56*** join/#asterisk luke-jr (~luke-jr@2002:62b3:1d4c:0:20e:a6ff:fec4:4e5d)
05:51.14CatLynx[2010-04-14 22:50:42] WARNING[11772]: chan_dahdi.c:9167 mwi_send_process_buffer: MWI FSK Send Write failed: Resource temporarily unavailable
05:51.21CatLynxscratches head and ponders
05:58.32*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
05:59.08*** join/#asterisk dangerkoffe (~dangerkof@
06:06.44*** join/#asterisk Tulga (~chatzilla@
06:07.11Tulgahow to limit incoming call 1 for sip agents? I'm using 1.6.2
06:07.42CatLynxcall-limit = 1
06:07.48Tulgain sip.conf?
06:08.04Tulgait limit all call limit or each SIP agent limit?
06:08.08Jeddoesnt that limit all calls?
06:08.10CatLynxdepends where you want it
06:08.11Jedinbound and outbound?
06:08.21CatLynxit limits both direections
06:08.30CatLynxyou can do it global or per user
06:08.38CatLynxoh wait
06:08.41CatLynxper user
06:10.05*** part/#asterisk synch (~d2d46c84@gateway/web/freenode/x-ogprgdiezweabyhs)
06:10.57TulgaI put call-limit=1 in general block. but my sip members still have calling
06:11.04TulgaI did sip reload
06:11.29CatLynxput it in where the user config is
06:11.36*** join/#asterisk ktwilight[m] (~ktwilight@
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06:18.11Tulgaok it works
06:18.14Tulgathank you CatLynx
06:30.16*** join/#asterisk e-jones (~jkastner@nat/redhat/x-xmrmeeggtkrbxnhs)
06:34.24*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
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06:51.39*** join/#asterisk kruemeltee (
06:52.00kruemelteehello again :-)
06:59.06*** join/#asterisk khussein78 (~khussein7@
07:00.00*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
07:00.01khussein78i am configuring iax2 trunk with voip provider in my country, i opened port 4569 from and to their server on my juniper SGG5
07:00.18khussein78i can see peer is connected but i cannot register to their server
07:00.43khussein78in asterisk logs i cannot find any thing helpful about why registration is not established
07:00.48khussein78any help here
07:03.26*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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07:04.24khussein78how can i debug iax registration ?
07:19.43*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
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07:21.44*** join/#asterisk J4zen (
07:22.21J4zenHi there, im about to setup a STUN server for a client. What package would you recommend? It'll be used for Asterisk/SIP routing.
07:25.56ChannelZHmm never had to set one up
07:26.09*** join/#asterisk creativx (
07:35.47ChannelZkhussein78: turn in iax debugging, turn up the console verbose a little, it should tell you if it's timing out or rejecting or what
07:36.23khussein78ChannelZ, i run iax2 trunk debug
07:37.00khussein78ChannelZ, or i should run another command ?
07:45.48ChannelZiax2 set debug on
07:47.40ChannelZcore set verbose 5
07:48.08*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
07:53.08khussein78only thing i saw about their IP is doing dnsmgr_lookup for ''
07:54.25*** join/#asterisk gego (
07:54.49ChannelZwhat does your 'iax2 show registry' say?
07:55.52khussein78i see this in log
07:55.53khussein78No IAX provisioning configuration found, IAX provisioning disabled
07:56.09*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
07:59.08ChannelZok so if you think you're trying to register with someone else but iax2 show registry shows nothing, you probably have jacked up your iax.conf
08:00.25*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@nat/redhat/x-vigalhehieqfxqdk)
08:02.16*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh (~alhafoudh@
08:02.17AlHafoudhhi guys
08:04.04AlHafoudhwhen i have h323 on local network and SIP provider and I have faststart=0 in h323.conf, i cannot hear ringback while calling to SIP, no control tones, just disconnection if destination is unreachable or immediately call connection, during call building i hear silence, is there any parameter that does that? from my cisco colleague I got that cisco has "tone ringback alert-no-pi" parameter on dialpeer
08:06.13ChannelZyou lost me at 'hi guys'
08:07.04*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
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08:23.08*** join/#asterisk kartik (~koolkarti@
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08:29.37khussein78ChannelZ, sorry, but what do you mean by jacked up iax.conf
08:29.51*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
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09:01.52khussein78i added #include iax_registrations.conf before #include iax_additional.conf
09:03.06khussein78i got this
09:03.08khussein78WARNING[26135] pbx.c: Context 'from-trunk-iax2-6656399200' tries to include nonexistent context 'from-trunk-iax2-6656399200-custom'
09:07.44*** join/#asterisk emaia (
09:08.49emaiai need help with JTAPI. anyone can help? thanks
09:13.46*** join/#asterisk creativx (
09:17.51*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
09:18.03*** join/#asterisk Z_God (
09:24.36AlHafoudhplease anyone? i cannot hear ringback when calling from h323 phone to sip provider
09:25.36*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:30.30*** join/#asterisk Wildy (
09:38.44*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (~maxagaz@
09:47.25*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
09:50.51*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (
09:59.41*** join/#asterisk Akiraaa (~Akira@
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10:07.12*** join/#asterisk chendy_ (~chatzilla@
10:13.49manxpowerkhussein78: FreePBX/Trixbox is not supported here
10:13.52infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
10:18.52WildyOk, I've a question about Local channels. We're using and have noticed that the a Local channel might become hung and the call would get written to the CDR much later than it should. Any advice?
10:19.58WildyI'll try to arrange an update tonight and see what would happen. But I'd like to know if this is a known situation (possibly version-unrelated?)
10:27.11manxpowerWildy: if it is then the fix should be listed in the changelog
10:28.07Wildyok, i'll look it up on bugs
10:28.32Wildyall in all, freepbx drives me mad, and we're using it (with some mods) on a live call center
10:30.29kruemelteecan anybody tell my what's happening, if I do a : Goto(context,007,1) and within the context the is no extension with "007", but another one with pattern matching (_X.) ... will * enter this extension instead?
10:30.41*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
10:32.39kruemelteeokay ... puuh ... :-)
10:36.17Mark22I currently use DTMF=rfc2833 and that works great when we call to most external numbers, but for some numbers it doesn't work. What could I use so we can use a call menu with anyone we can call?
10:37.00*** join/#asterisk arpu (
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10:44.27Mark22setting dtmfmode=info did fix it
10:44.48shamelessn00bhi, I needed help regarding integrating my asterisk PBX with coolswitchIP
10:56.03*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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11:30.13AlHafoudhwhen i have h323 on local network and SIP provider and I have faststart=0 in h323.conf, i cannot hear ringback while calling to SIP, no control tones, just disconnection if destination is unreachable or immediately call connection, during call building i hear silence, is there any parameter that does that? progressinband=never did not work in sip.conf
11:31.24AkiraaaIf anyone is using Skype for Asterisk, do you have some general impressions or recommendations? Are there quirks and caveats?
11:32.04ChainsawAkiraaa: Skype for Asterisk will not allow you to use a Skype subscription, only SkypeOut credits.
11:32.09shamelessn00bhow can I create a SIP trunk between asterisk and some other SIP switch
11:39.17*** part/#asterisk moos3 (
11:39.18AkiraaaChainsaw: from the digium description Key Features: "Make Skype to Skype calls "
11:39.43ChainsawAkiraaa: Yes, you will be able to call Skype users for free.
11:39.54ChainsawAkiraaa: If you have SkypeOut credit in the account, you will be able to make outbound calls to the PSTN.
11:40.10ChainsawAkiraaa: If you have a Skype *subscription* that allows you to call out to the PSTN, it will *not* work.
11:40.33AkiraaaChainsaw: Ah, I see. Thanks for the clarification!
11:43.14*** join/#asterisk adnc (~numer@unaffiliated/adnc)
11:47.16*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
11:53.56*** join/#asterisk cjk (~cjk@
11:54.13cjkhi, is there a way in asterisk to launch a call, wait for the first ring and hangup?
12:14.26*** join/#asterisk zarnick (~zarnick@unaffiliated/zarnick)
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12:15.23zarnickguys, I'm having a serious problem with Asterisk (someone is using it to make international calls :O) can someone help me block this?
12:16.54Chainsawzarnick: Make sure you are using contexts correctly.
12:17.04zarnickI can see on the logs conections from SIP/<IP>, which should be wrong, every connection should be made from SIP/<extensions>
12:17.05Chainsawzarnick: I should not be able to dial out on the PSTN if I'm not a local user.
12:17.27Chainsawzarnick: So local SIP users & remote SIP users should *never* be in the same context.
12:17.46WIMPyCertainly not guests.
12:17.55zarnickChainsaw: yeap, that's the point, however, I wasn't the one who installed this server, and know squat about Asterisk, how can I check this?
12:18.13Chainsawzarnick: There are context settings in sip.conf
12:18.41*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
12:18.47Chainsawzarnick: Have a look, see where your authenticated users are ending up.
12:20.12zarnickHum, I'll take a look, any specific option that I should look for?
12:20.20Chainsawzarnick: context=
12:22.09zarnickwhat does the context= means?
12:22.41zarnickI can see some stuff
12:22.45Chainsawzarnick: It sets the context that the SIP account is in. Please go read up on the use of contexts in Asterisk.
12:22.54Chainsawzarnick: It is the only way you can secure this installation.
12:24.49*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
12:25.22zarnickI will, I'm just afraid to actually lock on everyone...since this is in production and I don't have a test environment :$
12:26.45Chainsawzarnick: That's not a workable situation. Clone what you have and fiddle with the test box until you get it right.
12:27.23Chainsawzarnick: Or turn the production system off until you can secure it. It sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
12:27.36zarnickChainsaw: you got that right
12:28.16zarnickanother question, is there any way to record the international calls that are being generated?
12:28.32Chainsawzarnick: Yes, you need to set Asterisk to full logging. What version is it?
12:29.27zarnickOne sec
12:30.00Chainsawasterisk -r
12:30.01Chainsawcore set debug 10
12:30.03Chainsawcore set verbose 10
12:30.27Chainsawcore show channels <- That will show you calls in progress.
12:30.52ChainsawFurther calls will show on that console, keep it open.
12:31.40zarnickallright...and how do I filter only calls on a specific trunk?
12:32.07Chainsawzarnick: If you see a channel you like, core show channel X
12:32.23Chainsawzarnick: There is tab completion in this console, you will find that handy.
12:32.47zarnickthanks...and to record the call?
12:33.11ChainsawI don't monitor on my system, you'd have to ask others.
12:34.09zarnickanyone knows how to record a incoming call?
12:34.50*** join/#asterisk TommyBotten (
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12:35.57zarnickChainsaw: isn't there an option to block SIP connections from specific IPS? for now I could use this until we have a full test server
12:36.13Chainsawzarnick: That would be a firewall. Don't overthink it :)
12:37.34ChainsawThere may already be a firewall in the path in your network. If so, blacklist the problematic IPs there.
12:37.50ChainsawFailing that, you may configuring a firewall easier than familiarising yourself with a complete Asterisk configuration.
12:38.01ChainsawEspecially if time is of the essence.
12:38.13zarnickdamn...having to become a asterisk admin without knowing how to be, and on such a stress hard...hehehe
12:38.22zarnickthe firewall team has already being warned...
12:38.51ChainsawDon't warn them. Tell them what to do. "Blacklist IP addresses 1, 2 & 3 and report to me when you're done."
12:38.56TommyBottenI'm using *, and a queue with three static agents. When agent 1 has answered an incoming queue call and 2 and 3 are idle - And two additinal calls comes into the queue. The result is that agent 1 can never get call 2, even after he is finished call 1. Call 3 however is directed at agent 1.
12:39.19TommyBottenI have set autofill to yes.
12:39.21Chainsawzarnick: You've clearly been put in charge of this situation. So take charge and neutralise the threat.
12:39.41zarnickon the contexts, there's an option called "outbound-allroutes" that's disabled on the context for international calls, what this option means?
12:40.04zarnickChainsaw: yeap, I think they already blocked (I get no more international calls from those ips)
12:40.18Chainsawzarnick: I can't decode a dial plan based on off-hand observations. You'd have to pastebin me the whole thing.
12:40.30Chainsawzarnick: The dial plan lives in /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf in most cases.
12:41.40zarnickChainsaw: any thing I should clear of the extensions.conf file before pasting it?
12:42.10Chainsawzarnick: Check it over for passwords, internal IP addresses, hostnames that you wouldn't want a random guy on the street to know, etc.
12:42.54zarnickyeah...checking it...the problem I see is that it has a lot of it would end up being a gigantic paste
12:42.59zarnick(BTW: This is TrixBox)
12:43.18ChainsawI can't help you with that.
12:43.27ChainsawYou really should have mentioned that a good half hour ago.
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12:45.21Chainsawzarnick: There is a #trixbox channel, I'd suggest asking your question there.
12:45.30ChainsawMorning Leif.
12:46.35*** join/#asterisk ickmund (
12:46.37zarnickChainsaw: I will, thanks anyway ;)
12:55.48*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (
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12:55.57eject_ckHi all
12:56.57*** join/#asterisk mdg (~mdg@unaffiliated/mgroman)
12:57.09guyvdb_Hi, I am looking to start using the AMI. Is the file astman.js in static-http the implementation of AJAM? And is this calling AMI to execute? Finally is asterisk-gui written using AJAM and AMI?
12:57.59eject_ckI need to send PDF file from Linux machine to fax SIP chan
12:58.29eject_ckI have SIP connection to provider and want to send pdf to fax machine
12:58.42[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: Unless you're running T.38 on it your odds are low
12:58.47eject_ckI have it
12:59.11eject_ck[TK]D-Fender: what the next ?
12:59.14[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: Go lset up your peer accordingly and "core show applications like fax" at * CLI for the apps.
12:59.31[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: You'll ahve to convert it to TIFF first
12:59.34*** join/#asterisk _gm (~quassel@
12:59.39[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: plenty of CLI tools for that
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12:59.57eject_ckI need send faxes from asterisk server
13:00.42*** join/#asterisk russo (
13:00.44[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: Yes... we got that already...
13:00.54[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: So go look at the apps that do this
13:01.17[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: "core show applications like fax"
13:01.21eject_ck[TK]D-Fender: s04*CLI> core show applications like fax
13:01.40[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: then you are clearly missing the SpanDSP libs reuired for them to have been built
13:01.52eject_ckI'm on ubuntu
13:02.01[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: Go install the pre-reqs
13:03.31[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: Then rebuild *
13:03.45russohey guys, i'm trying to setup asterisk to run as a sip proxy to my sip providers (i want to be able to use multiple providers for example), in any case i noticed that asterisk is listening on a bunch of ports with protocols i don't need... i.e. dundi, anyway where can i diable all these daemons? (all i really need iirc is sip, right? <- netstat, to show you whats running)
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13:04.05eject_ck[TK]D-Fender: pre-compiled binaries not work ?
13:04.21[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: If you don't have the .so for those apps... clearly NOT
13:04.40*** part/#asterisk muiro (~muiro@unaffiliated/muiro)
13:04.45[TK]D-Fenderrusso: modules.conf <-
13:04.52[TK]D-Fenderrussnoload the ones you don't need
13:04.59[TK]D-Fenderrusso: noload the ones you don't need
13:05.13russo[TK]D-Fender: thats where i looked first too, but i didn't find dundi in there for example
13:05.25russothis is on debian lenny
13:05.29russoits the stable asterisk
13:05.31[TK]D-Fenderrusslook in your modules folder.. it will be rather obvious
13:05.39russoah okay
13:07.30*** join/#asterisk rdircio (~admin@
13:09.02russo[TK]D-Fender: where is the modules folder by default?
13:09.20russoah found it
13:09.28[TK]D-Fenderrusso: depends on your OS.  common is /var/lib/asterisk/modules
13:09.30russofind / | grep asterisk | grep modules ;)
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13:10.27pabelangeranybody using an Aastra 6731i?
13:13.54[TK]D-Fenderpabelanger: Got a more specific question about them?
13:14.18eject_ck[TK]D-Fender: I found asterisk_faxreceive in packages. WIll it work?
13:14.34[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: Go try
13:14.48eject_ckwhat .so I need ?
13:15.16eject_ckcore show applications like fax return 0 as well :)
13:15.17[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: just install it and see if the previous command shows you an app.
13:15.28[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: then its no good
13:15.45eject_ckthere is list of files
13:16.23mdgthats mighty jaunty of you
13:18.02*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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13:18.46eject_ckI loaded teh modules manually
13:19.09eject_ck[TK]D-Fender: I have rxFAX and TXFax applications
13:19.24[TK]D-FenderejctGood.  there you go.
13:19.33*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
13:19.38eject_ck[TK]D-Fender: what the next ?
13:19.50[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: USE them
13:19.56eject_ck[TK]D-Fender: how :)?
13:20.17[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: ever heard of dialplan?  Have * call out and call that app
13:20.34[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: "AMI  originate" "call files", etc.  Take your pick
13:21.16eject_ckSo I need send .TIFF files using console
13:21.24eject_ckis it possible ?
13:21.40russohey thanks again [TK]D-Fender!
13:21.59russoi just like to audit my logs :P
13:22.11mdgSo.. Adhearsion is a Ruby DSL for creating dialplans?
13:22.17russoand i would be going wtf at every audit if i saw asterisk using stuff that i don't actually use ;)
13:22.27[TK]D-Fenderrusso: Its good to disable channel drivers and listening daemons you have no need of for security reasons alone
13:22.56russothat too, i mean i would have them firewalled off... but disabling is still better
13:23.06[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: Have * call out.  dump call into dialplan.  Call the app, passing it a TIFF.  The End
13:23.22guyvdb_He do i get help on AMI commands? For instance if I type "manager show command login" it does not show me the parameters to pass. Where would i find them?
13:23.43[TK]D-FenderrussIndeed. More stable as less to load, and You do't have to worry about holes, when you don't mount the wall.
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13:30.34clive-here is a beginners question, what is RTP format 101 referring to?...or which codec is that ?
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13:31.51[TK]D-FendercliG.722 I believe
13:32.01[TK]D-Fenderclive-: iG.722 I believe
13:32.49clive-TK, thanks....
13:33.52c0rnoTaHello all
13:34.18c0rnoTai'm getting segfault sometimes
13:34.38c0rnoTausing libpri-
13:36.50c0rnoTacan anyone say that there is no problem in latest SVN version? :)
13:38.34leifmadsenc0rnoTa: no
13:38.45leifmadsenc0rnoTa: i'm sure there is at least 1 issue that has no yet been found
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13:44.42hurdmanis there someone here who can set CALLERID with a T2 NGN ? i try and try again and i can set it , only show or mask :'(
13:45.05[TK]D-Fenderc0rnoTa: Given that its about 4 months old now... why isn't everyone else having your problems with it?  Perhaps you should look at the bigger scope of your scenario.
13:48.25ChainsawRight, so what format of certificate would Asterisk like? The .crt followed by the CA and then the key?
13:48.27ChainsawOr just the key?
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13:51.55Chainsaw(It's not a self-signed certificate either, so why this is so problematic... I don't quite understand)
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13:52.37cyyawhi, why allow = alaw, ulaw is incorrect , ' ulaw' no codec
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13:53.26c0rnoTa[TK]D-Fender: thanks for your advice. I'm looking in bugtracker and see that somebody had segfaults wired with libpri- So, i'll dig deeper and in bigger scope for some more info about my segfault. May be, someone already solved it. Anyway, thanks.
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14:22.09Chainsawltns Katty
14:22.50eject_ck[TK]D-Fender: can you look at my extension for sending faxes ?
14:22.54eject_ckexten => _X.,1,Set(CALLERID(numm)=12345)})
14:22.54eject_ckexten => _X.,2,Dial(SIP/trunk-sip/${EXTEN:1},20,rt)
14:22.54eject_ckexten => _X.,3,txfax(/tmp/file.tiff)
14:23.13[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: No.
14:23.28[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: I told you what you need to do to have CALL OUT
14:23.52[TK]D-Fendereject_ck: "call file", "AMI Originate", "CLIE originate".  Go read
14:24.50hurdmaneject_ck: you have to mm in your CALLERID(num
14:25.10*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
14:26.03[TK]D-Fenderhurdman: Irrelevant.  This solution does not work.
14:26.20[TK]D-Fenderhurdman: CID won't be an issue when the fax will never get sent.
14:26.47*** part/#asterisk hc_e (~hc@pdpc/supporter/active/hc-e)
14:26.49luke-jrwon't that call the target, and if that fails, transmit a fax to the person who dialed?
14:27.08[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr: Something like that... but is not at all what he wants to do.
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14:32.50kruemelteesays goodbye :-)
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14:38.39WIMPyI'm still cowfused regarding dahdi grouping. I have a 'line' comming on two PRIs. Using one D-Channel seems to work incl. fail-over.
14:39.18*** part/#asterisk cm_ (
14:39.39WIMPyHowever I cannot dial out using dahdi/g1/, setting an explicit channel is ok. What are the relations between spanmal and group settings?
14:40.44WIMPyI found different examples. Is the third parameter of spanmal the logical link within the group or should it be globally unique?
14:42.55[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: PASTEBIN <-
14:43.10[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Show us your configs and your failed dialout attempt
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14:45.01Kattywell i did my good deed for the day.
14:45.11Kattyone of my co-workers had to bring her son in because the lady that watches him has strep
14:45.21Kattyso i donated my laptop and netflix account so he could watch spongebob
14:46.22WIMPyWait. Looks like I broke it further now.
14:47.58[TK]D-FenderKatty: No good deed goes unpunished
14:48.09NaikrovekKatty: you may wanna listen in on spongebob; it's pretty good at times
14:48.34Kobazthis is strange
14:49.14Kobaz  i park someone... and then my 'h' exten runs... but it doesn't run correctly... it does a gosub to prio 1, but prio 2 starts executing
14:49.28KobazGosub("Parked/SIP/240-000031d6<ZOMBIE>", "dialOut,h,1")
14:49.34Kobazthat should go to priority 1 you would think
14:50.10Kobazleifmadsen: my thoughts too
14:50.27leifmadsenI'm not sure you should be doing a GoSub() on the 'h' exten
14:50.31Kobazleifmadsen: the bugs just seem to find me...
14:50.34leifmadsenthe channel is dead
14:50.51leifmadsenyou can't just loop back up to the top and start a new call
14:51.02Kobazwell it's running a hangup handler
14:51.22KattyNaikrovek: naw, i got work to do
14:51.27KattyNaikrovek: but his mom's sittin with him
14:51.30leifmadsenI usually do it by writing the hangup handler in a new context, then include => hangup_handler
14:51.46Kobazi've never done it that way before
14:51.48leifmadsenexten => h,1,DoStuff()
14:51.53beekKatty: Spongebob rocks!
14:51.59leifmadsenI've never done it the way you're doing it :D
14:52.02Kobazi always just gosub
14:52.10Kobazbut this gosub isn't like the others
14:52.15Kobazit's starting on line 2, and not line 1
14:52.15leifmadsenthere are 100s of ways to shoot yourself in the foot!
14:52.32leifmadsencan I see the whole console trace?
14:52.36Kobazso, some important variable init isn't being done
14:52.40leifmadsenyou park someone, then it starts at h,2 ?
14:52.47*** join/#asterisk tuxxie (
14:53.41Kobazthere should be a way to not specify a dial device with ParkAndAnnounce(), that bugs me... but that's another ossie
14:54.15leifmadsenKobaz: huh... that is very strange
14:54.20Kobazwhen the caller gets parked, it runs the 'h' for some really weird reason
14:54.34Kobazat the end of that log... the caller is spinning in park
14:54.39Kobazand did not hang up
14:54.50*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
14:54.53tuxxieif i have a large voip network using with a router running QOS and only phones are on my swicthes do i need to enable qos on the layer 2 switches? It seems to me there would be no reason to set priority. Correct?
14:54.53leifmadsenthe zombie channel is executing 'h' it would seem
14:55.11leifmadsentuxxie: I've never set QoS to begin with, and my calls work just fine :D
14:55.32leifmadsenKobaz: that does indeed look strange though... its like Asterisk is executing h,1 in one context, then falling to the next priority somewhere else
14:55.46leifmadsenwhat happens if you change the extension name?
14:55.53Kobazchange what to what?
14:55.58leifmadsenlike GoSub(dialOut,hangup,1)
14:56.02Kobazi can try
14:56.13leifmadsenmore a curiosity than anything
14:56.20Kobazrewrites the extensions view
14:56.26leifmadsenI wonder if it would go to hangup,2
14:56.31Kobazyeah i have no idea
14:56.35leifmadsenwe'll find out
14:56.43leifmadsenthat might help to narrow down what is actually happening
14:57.47tuxxiewe are having some phone issues with pore phone quiltiy. I am using a edgemarc router for my for sip trunking and I see pore MOS scores in the edgemarc's logs.
14:58.18Chainsawtuxxie: You probably mean "poor" instead of "pore".
14:59.05tuxxieWe run around 70 concurrent calls and have 10Mbs detitacted to sip traffic
14:59.09tuxxie:/ sorry
14:59.11p3nguinbetter than pour, I guess.
14:59.28Chainsawtuxxie: What are these "MOS scores" that you are speaking of?
14:59.44coppicea rolling log gathers no MOS
15:00.12Kobaztuxxie: ?
15:00.29leifmadsenKobaz: huh!
15:00.40Kobazit's not supposed to do that
15:00.43leifmadsenI have no idea why it does that...
15:00.47leifmadsenI'd file an issue
15:01.00Kobaztuxxie: what are you inviting me to?
15:01.01leifmadsenyou find some weird issues that I have no idea how they haven't been run into before
15:01.17Kobazleifmadsen: i know... every week i find something new
15:01.27Kobazleifmadsen: i'm on a roll
15:01.27leifmadsenKobaz: you're me about 2 years ago :)
15:01.35p3nguinA good beta tester you are.
15:01.35leifmadsenI was the master bug finder back in the day
15:01.38leifmadsennow look at me!
15:02.45Kobazso if i put a noop on line 1
15:02.53Kobazit'll run the way it's supposed to
15:03.36Kobazleifmadsen: am i the only one writing non-normal dialplan?
15:03.38*** part/#asterisk tuxxie (
15:03.42leifmadsenKobaz: apparently ;)
15:03.49Kobazleifmadsen: if all i do is dials and includes, everything is fine
15:04.04Kobazas soon as i do something new, i find 23472389723497 bugs
15:04.35Kobazoh yeah... i have a local channel race condition you can add to the documentation
15:04.48leifmadsenKobaz: I've written some pretty complex dialplans in the past... so not sure why you're having so many issues
15:05.09leifmadsenKobaz: I have a system in production with like 1500 lines of dialplan
15:05.29Kobazi have agi scripts (including libs) that are 3-5000 lines
15:05.39leifmadsenya, I don't do much AGI stuff
15:05.41Kobazit's not actually the dialplan complexity... you can get as complex as you want
15:05.54Kobazbut... it's like  unexpected behaviors from asterisk that get me
15:06.00leifmadsenare you using realtime dialplans?
15:06.01Kobazdialplan itself is fine for the most part
15:06.14Kobazstatic-realtime and ael, and agi
15:06.31Kobazbut the static realtime is theoretically the same as writing extensions.conf directly
15:06.49leifmadseninteresting... I don't use AEL... so maybe the way its compiling back into dialplan is causing the issues?
15:06.57Kobazi dont think so
15:07.02Kobazit looks fine in the dialplan show output
15:07.06leifmadsenI remember trying AEL for about 20 mins once, and stopped when I ran into issues for something very simple
15:07.11leifmadsenbut that was a LONG time ago
15:07.11Kobazit's the executor that's skipping a line
15:07.22Kobazat least that's what it looks like
15:07.23leifmadsenstrange... never seen that
15:07.29Kobazi mean, 1, just doesn't rnu
15:07.32Kobazrun... blarg
15:07.44*** join/#asterisk omni__ (
15:07.49leifmadsennot sure how we'd debug that.... but it should probably be filed as an issue
15:07.54Kobazworking on it
15:08.19*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
15:08.22hardwirecoolio eh
15:08.36mdgbest rapper of all time
15:09.22Kobazit takes so long to make a good bug report
15:09.54Kobazleifmadsen: in may i'm actually hiring a guy whose job will partly be debuging/filing asterisk bugs
15:10.09leifmadsenKobaz: yay! saves you some time I'm sure :)
15:10.13Kobazit just sucks up so much of my time
15:10.38omni__hi guys i need some help. i have been getting this while trying to dial out handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '81223544' rejected because extension not found
15:10.39leifmadsensounds like a good job for someone. Be sure to introduce me to them so I know how it is when (s)he comes around
15:10.56leifmadsenomni__: sounds like a missing extension in the context that it is being looked up in
15:11.06hardwireomni__: your phone doesn't appear to have a peer associated with it
15:11.10Kobazand i need to finish my group vars stuff one of these days, so it makes it into 1.8
15:11.23Kobazand the other 3 patches on the back burner too
15:11.32leifmadsenomni__: look at which context the peer is matching on with 'sip set debug peer <foo>' and then see what context it wants to match on, and then run "dialplan show 81223544@context-matching-on"
15:11.45omni__ok let me try
15:11.52leifmadsenomni__: also make sure your phone or whatever is actually authenticating
15:12.00omni__yah it is authenticated
15:12.03leifmadsenall those issues can be easily debugged with 'sip set debug'
15:12.31Kobazsip set debug and a fancy comb
15:13.32WIMPyOk, now I got it as far as I can dial out using a group, but it will only use the second line.
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15:14.17WIMPyThat's the box using old zaptel.
15:14.27[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Where is the call?
15:15.44*** part/#asterisk pabelanger (
15:15.56WIMPy[TK]D-Fender: As I said, it works with group now, but it never uses the first line, only the second.
15:16.09[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: ....
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15:16.32WIMPySo unless I pull the second line, everything is fine.
15:16.44WIMPyBut that's obviousely not he ide.
15:18.53WIMPyIt only cycles channels 32-62, but it should be all 1-62.
15:19.15WIMPy(except 16 and 47, off course)
15:20.09omni__There is no existence of 81223544@hkg-rshkg extension
15:20.11omni__it shows this
15:21.27omni__[Apr 15 23:16:01] NOTICE[7513]: chan_sip.c:15124 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '81223544' rejected because extension not found.Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '4a64d0ae106356c811449bcb02a1f4ac@ipaddress' in 32000 ms (Method: INVITE) -- and this..
15:21.29*** join/#asterisk Z_God (
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15:23.29Kobazleifmadsen: what module should this be filed under... what's the module for the dialplan executor
15:23.40leifmadsenKobaz: try pbx_config
15:23.53Kobazthere it is
15:24.25_omermy asterisk 1.4.29  seems not getting details from  say.conf ... I have commented out almost everything but saynumber() still works the same...I am using mode=new under [general] in say.conf
15:24.35_omeris there anything that I have missed?
15:27.53Kobazwhat the bloody hell
15:27.58Kobazleifmadsen: it has to do with park_timeout
15:28.11Kobazleifmadsen: if you take out the park_timeout option... it works fine
15:28.13leifmadsenKobaz: good ol' parking...
15:28.27leifmadsenthat sounds wrong in so many ways
15:28.44leifmadsenwell, at least you can provide some additional information about how to reproduce it I think
15:32.44WIMPy[TK]D-Fender: No hint, what I'm doing wrong?
15:33.02*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
15:33.32WIMPyHe, I already said, that calls are working twice.
15:34.05WIMPyIt's just that I can't group two spans togeter. r1 will only ever use the second.
15:34.34WIMPyIncomming calls are comming on both.
15:34.50hardwireso you have group=1 before span 1 and group=1 before span 2?
15:34.53WIMPyIt's just that group thing I don't get working.
15:35.11*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
15:35.34WIMPyBefore? Ok, that's a hint.
15:36.04hardwireyou have to define a group before you say channels => xx-yy
15:36.06*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
15:36.33hardwireand it's inherited.. so if you are defining span 1 and 2 as long as group is set before span 1 and not set again.. span 2 will be in that group
15:36.34omni__is it possible for a sip to dial to another sip and the sip dial out again?
15:36.43hardwireomni__: sure
15:36.51WIMPyso channel should always be the last entry?
15:36.55hardwireWIMPy: yes
15:37.13omni__as in the 1st sip will dial to the 2nd sip to make the 2nd sip to dial out
15:37.14hardwireotherwise there is no way to know what is specific to those channels
15:37.24*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:37.38hardwireomni__: this dialing that you speak of is not difficult
15:37.39_omermy asterisk 1.4.29  seems not getting details from  say.conf ... I have commented out almost everything but saynumber() still works the same...I am using mode=new under [general] in say.conf
15:38.08hardwire_omer: pete and repete were in a boat.. pete jumped out.. who's left?
15:38.18*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
15:38.29_omerhmmm boat ;)
15:38.34omni__thanks hardwire i tried to do this but i kept having extension rejected because is not found
15:38.48_omerF is still a grade
15:38.50[TK]D-Fenderomni__: Go create one to match it then
15:38.52p3nguinPut the calls into a context where the extension exists.
15:38.53hardwireomni__: I'm not convinced that your sip phone is recognized as a peer
15:38.58*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (~anonymouz@
15:39.08WIMPyhardwire: Thanks. That was it.
15:39.12WIMPyNow it's all working.
15:39.22hardwireWIMPy: that'll be $5
15:39.26omni__i've set the sip type to be a peer
15:39.36omni__it doesnt mean it'll be a peer?
15:39.49*** join/#asterisk badweather (
15:40.01hardwireif you do that then host has to be defined
15:40.06hardwireand correct
15:40.28hardwiretypically you define a friend for a phone, not a peer, then the phone registers to asterisk and you can see the registration happen and succeed
15:40.41hardwireas well as see lots of information when using sip show peer xyz
15:40.53WIMPyOk, thinking back it seems obvious. An explicit hint somewhere might be a good idea, tho.
15:40.58hardwirevital information like the UserAgent and the IP it registered from
15:41.11hardwireif this isn't what you'er doing.. then use a peer and make sure host is set correctly
15:41.14p3nguinSome people seem to think phones should be peers.
15:41.32hardwirep3nguin: it works fine as long as everything is static
15:41.43omni__ok...the 1st sip in the 1st server shows that it is connected to the 2nd server
15:42.10omni__but on the 2nd server, it shows unknown
15:42.22hardwireWIMPy: I believe the explicit hint is encoded into the brains of people that don't believe text files are magickal :)
15:42.40*** join/#asterisk arpu (
15:43.08WIMPyNo good for the blind. Unfortunaletly sometimes I'm amongst them.
15:43.56hardwireThere are a few peeps in here that are blind afaik
15:46.14*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
15:48.10*** join/#asterisk jsjc (~chatzilla@
15:48.51jsjchello i am gavin some issues setting queues and looks like after joining the queues hangs up straight away (well I actually dont know if even joins it...) how coudl I debug queues?
15:50.22_omerany help on  say.conf ?    my asterisk 1.4.29 isn't getting details from it ...
15:50.26*** join/#asterisk lordvadr (
15:50.43badweatherWhat is a typical reason for getting a congestion message. I have it on 2 peers that I can't figure out what's wrong(ENUM, and Voxalot). I would like to get ENUM working most all
15:51.01*** join/#asterisk Sipster_ (
15:51.10leifmadsenbadweather: more information needed
15:52.20*** part/#asterisk eject_ck (
15:53.29badweatherleifmadsen: for my ENUM I can see it resolve the right domain and then it tries to made the contact with it may be).  But it just says all circuits are busy
15:53.44Naikrovekthat's it
15:53.49NaikrovekKatty: what's the number again
15:53.53Naikrovekfor the immigration people
15:54.03p3nguinFed up, huh?
15:54.05leifmadsenbadweather: again, more information required. Try pastebin'ing the sip trace somewhere
15:54.15Naikrovekso sick of my employer hiring idiots that need visas instead of qualified americans who are unemployed
15:54.16leifmadsenmaybe the other end isn't answering?
15:54.28leifmadsenhides from Naikrovek
15:54.39Naikrovekcanadians dont' bother me
15:54.50Naikrovekyou're also not a complete moron
15:54.53Naikroveknot even a slight moron
15:54.56leifmadsennot completely
15:55.04leifmadsenthere is light!
15:55.16Naikrovekthese jackholes we're hiring are borderline retarded
15:55.17leifmadsenI'm slightly moronic at times
15:55.32Naikrovekyes, slightly, at times.  these people are completely moronic all the time
15:55.47Naikrovekand they've spent $30k in visa fees in the past month
15:55.59Naikrovekwhile I go without tape backup or even switches capable of VLANs
15:56.47mdgtape backup ?!
15:56.54leifmadsenbadweather: you don't show me at all what I requested :)
15:57.02leifmadsenyep, you're making a call... yep, it's getting rejected...
15:57.12leifmadsenI have no idea why because you don't have any SIP trace output on the outgoing leg
15:57.38leifmadsenbadweather: you're also passing back a pipe that I don't think you want to pass back
15:57.41leifmadsenthat is likely causing the problem
15:57.44Naikrovekmdg: i can't back up anything and i have terabytes of stuff that need backed up daily
15:57.50Qwellleifmadsen: stop passing the pipe
15:57.56leifmadsenQwell: beat you :)
15:58.00Naikrovekmdg: if too many disks fail, we're up a creek without a paddle
15:58.14Qwellleifmadsen: you misunderstood sir
15:58.15leifmadsenNaikrovek: at that point, you quit :)
15:58.22Naikrovekleifmadsen: quit and do what
15:58.25Naikrovekthere are no jobs here
15:58.29leifmadsenQwell: I guess so?
15:58.40Naikrovekand probably thousands of unemployed nerds seeking work
15:59.03p3nguinwhich they won't hire at that place.
15:59.09leifmadsenstart a new business on company time :)
15:59.16badweatherOk I see that extra pipe is there. how do I enable the sip trace on the output?
15:59.27leifmadsenbadweather: the trace is unnecessary -- the pipe is effing you up
15:59.36leifmadsenthere isn't even an INVITE going out
15:59.42anonymouz666to use sip realtime friends I just need to use both users+peers (extconfig) and insert into db as type 'friend'?
15:59.42leifmadsenfix your script
15:59.45Qwellleifmadsen: that sounds awesome without context
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15:59.54Qwellie: <leifmadsen> the pipe is effing you up
15:59.56leifmadsenQwell: weeee!
16:00.03leifmadsenQwell: perhaps I was being clever
16:00.13badweatherleifmadsen: Ok, I'm using trixbox so I'm just using their settings. Will have to see where that might be occuring
16:00.26leifmadsenits in the enumlookup.agi
16:00.29leifmadsenfix the script
16:00.35leifmadsenanother happy trixbox user
16:00.42*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Miranda@
16:00.44DelphiWorldhi all!
16:00.48DelphiWorlderror compiling dahdi:
16:00.49DelphiWorldYou do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.28-18-server kernel installed.
16:00.53DelphiWorldubuntu server
16:00.57leifmadsenI need one of those cartoon graphics of a kid peeing on a trixbox logo
16:01.02QwellDelphiWorld: So install the sources
16:01.20leifmadsenDelphiWorld: apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
16:01.31p3nguinsources, not headers.
16:01.34*** join/#asterisk abatista (~chatzilla@
16:01.42leifmadsenif it's for DAHDI, the headers are all that are necessary
16:01.48DelphiWorldQwell: how to please
16:01.54leifmadsenDelphiWorld: see my command above
16:01.58omni__anyone attending asterisk conference
16:01.59DelphiWorldleifmadsen: k
16:02.02leifmadsenp3nguin: the text is misleading
16:02.07leifmadsenomni__: which one?
16:02.12omni__in may
16:02.21leifmadsenomni__: which one?
16:02.22p3nguinIf they meant headers and said sources, then I agree.
16:02.22omni__in kuala lumpur malaysia
16:02.40leifmadsenI got invited to speak at it, but I can't attend because flights are $2000
16:02.53*** join/#asterisk TheDavidFactor (
16:03.01DelphiWorldTheDavidFactor: TDF!
16:03.08omni__i see
16:03.21coppiceleifmadsen: don't be silly. flights to KL are very cheap
16:03.31leifmadsencoppice: from HK they are :)
16:03.37leifmadsenit's the flight to HK that is expensive I guess ;)
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16:04.33DelphiWorldleifmadsen: only this? is installed
16:04.51leifmadsenDelphiWorld: what are you trying to install?
16:04.55DelphiWorldleifmadsen: compiling;)
16:05.04DelphiWorldleifmadsen: dahdi complete
16:05.14leifmadsenI've only needed the headers for that... unless they changed something
16:05.22leifmadsenyou have the headers for your currently running kernel?
16:05.30leifmadsentry changing "header" to "source" I guess
16:05.53DelphiWorldleifmadsen: is installing i think
16:06.40DelphiWorldleifmadsen: after make/make install i do dahdicfg?
16:06.53leifmadsenI don't know... I don't do hardware very much
16:07.00p3nguinhardwire: I decided since you suggested that my phones (which are configured as peers with dynamic host) needed to have a static host setting to work, I would set host=<phone's IP address> just to see what happens...
16:07.02leifmadsenfor dahdi, it's just 'make all' I thought
16:07.46p3nguinhardwire: chan_sip.c:9374 register_verify: Peer 'somename' is trying to register, but not configured as host=dynamic
16:07.56hardwirefix it!
16:08.03p3nguinhardwire: chan_sip seems to want it to be dynamic.
16:08.23leifmadsenthe peer can't register if host= is set to dynamic
16:08.31hardwirep3nguin: I'm not really sure what you're trying to accomplish
16:08.34hardwireat all
16:08.38hardwireeven if it's just beefing with me
16:09.03hardwireyou can make all your phones peers.. just don't have them register..
16:09.07hardwirethat part seemed obvious
16:09.10p3nguinI had it dynamic, but changed it upon your suggestion that peers need to be static.  It it now static and this message is generated, ending in failure.
16:09.25p3nguinit is, rather
16:09.30hardwirejust shakes his head
16:10.01p3nguinEither I missed something, or the suggestion that peers need to be static was not complete.
16:10.17DelphiWorldthanks p3nguin, le!
16:10.22DelphiWorldthanks p3nguin, leifmadsen!
16:10.40hardwirep3nguin: this was all about another user right? not you're specific scenario?
16:10.46hardwireI know you hate that.. sorry
16:11.51hardwireeither way.  I have several phone devices configured as peers for testing reasons.. and if omni__ had a good reason for configuring it that way then it shouldn't get in his way
16:12.06hardwiremany things won't work for him.. but calls will
16:13.02hardwireas long as he has it configured right on both the phone and the asterisk box
16:13.03p3nguinhardwire: I simply took your word that peers should be set static and not dynamic.  I changed a phone's peer definition accordingly, and it ended with failure as listed above.  I'm just trying to understand your statement that peers need to be static.
16:13.18hardwirep3nguin: go take a walk off a short iceberg?
16:13.41p3nguinHow is that productive?
16:14.17hardwireWhy should it be?
16:14.30hardwireyou like your little battles in here.. dunno why.
16:14.38p3nguinOr is this your way of saying you're offended?
16:15.19hardwireI am actually offended that you would just think that would do what you want.. as experienced as you are.. then you bring it back up to me as if it should have just because I said so.
16:15.27hardwireThere's more too it and I honestly think you knew that.
16:16.11hardwireYou're just being a stinker.. I have 0 idea why.
16:16.39p3nguinNo, you're wrong about that.  I was making an honest effort to follow your suggestion, and now you're being an ass about it.
16:17.47p3nguinIf there was more to it, you could have said that instead of taking offense unnecessarily.
16:21.29bmoraca_workdrama in the asterisk channelz!
16:22.12hardwireThis is all stemming from past conversations.
16:22.34DelphiWorldhow do i configure systel.conf for dahdi
16:22.39DelphiWorldusing my te120?
16:22.39hardwireMeh.. I got upset and I shouldn't have.. I just didn't want to outright say "B.S."
16:22.55DelphiWorldleifmadsen: or p3 Acrony config?
16:24.03p3nguin<@leifmadsen> the peer can't register if host= is set to dynamic   <-- chan_sip said "Peer is trying to register, but not configured as host=dynamic"  ... meaning that it can only register if it IS set to dynamic.
16:24.32p3nguinThese things don't add up, and I would like to know why.
16:24.50hardwireI wasn't concerned with what leif said.
16:25.10hardwireI just assumed, poorly, that people knew peers don't/can't register and that host would have to be set to a static ip/dns
16:25.23hardwireinfact.. i said it like 3 times.
16:25.30hardwireI really don't want to go back and look
16:25.56DelphiWorldtzafrir_laptop: any clue?
16:26.24tzafrir_laptopDelphiWorld, I normally just generate it with dahdi_genconf
16:26.35tzafrir_laptopIs it ISDN?
16:26.42tzafrir_laptopE1, I suppose
16:27.06DelphiWorldtzafrir_laptop: yes, a pri E1
16:27.15p3nguinAnd that's what doesn't add up for me.  My phones (type=peer) do register and use host=dynamic.  If this is a sensitive area for some reason, just forget the whole thing.
16:27.53tzafrir_laptopDelphiWorld, if the card is set as E1, dahdi_genconf should generate a proper configuration for it
16:27.55*** join/#asterisk MAbbas (~abbas@
16:28.05tzafrir_laptopit's default is for CPE ("TE")
16:28.07bmoraca_workyou don't need to register to a peer when it is configured with a static IP (asterisk already knows where to send packets)
16:28.50MAbbasHi All, anybody know where dialplan "Log()" goes to?
16:28.56p3nguinHmm... I'm not registering TO a peer... the phones are peers and register TO asterisk.  Perhaps that was the confusion that led here?
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16:29.38bmoraca_workp3nguin: the phones are trying to register to a PEER configured in asterisk.  if the PEER configured in asterisk is set with a static host, it does not need a device to register to it.
16:29.54DelphiWorldtzafrir_laptop: no in dahdi_channel.conf but in /etc/dahdi/system.conf
16:30.05bmoraca_workp3nguin: the only point of registering to a SIP proxy is to let that SIP proxy know where that named peer resides.  setting a static host accomplishes the same thing.
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16:30.23p3nguinbmoraca_work: I agree.
16:30.36bmoraca_workp3nguin: right, so what's the point?  you're trying to do something that makes no sense.
16:31.02bmoraca_workperhaps asterisk's handling of such case could be a little cleaner, but the fact is that trying to register to a static peer is pointless.
16:31.20bmoraca_workp3nguin: turn "Register with proxy" off on your phone and it will work just the same.
16:31.33bmoraca_work(the same as if it was registering with a dynamic peer, that is)
16:32.50hardwireanybody know a US ITSP that lets me set isup-oli?
16:32.59hardwireneeds to pass ani 70
16:34.10tzafrir_laptopDelphiWorld, by default it creates /etc/dahdi/system.conf and /etc/asterisk-dahdi-channels.conf
16:35.32p3nguinbmoraca_work: I have my phones' peer definitions set to type=peer and host=dynamic.  The phones register; they work.  The point was that hardwire said during another conversation that peers are to be configured statically.  I changed my entries to use the IP addresses rather than being dynamic, but asterisk then complains that the peer is trying to register but is not set to dynamic.
16:36.15*** join/#asterisk paulc (~paulc@unaffiliated/paulc)
16:36.40bmoraca_workp3nguin: so you fucked up a config ideology that hardwire mentioned offhand in a previous conversation and you're starting a fight over it?  good lord, man, get a job.
16:37.41hardwireactually.. I put up the fight :)
16:37.52bmoraca_workoh, heh
16:38.27p3nguinbmoraca_work: I then provide this information in an attempt to understand the original claim that peers are not to be configured dynamically, like I had mine configured.  I took it to mean that I had configured mine incorrectly.  I didn't want to fight over anything -- just needed to comprehend the statement.
16:38.54hardwirep3nguin: any idea why you are using type=peer for phones?
16:39.09hardwiresorry.. for phones that register.
16:39.35p3nguinhardwire: Absolutely.  [tk]d-fender told me that phones should be peers, never friends (except with few exceptions).
16:39.37bmoraca_workp3nguin: like i said, it's a config ideology.  some people prefer "friend" for phones and "peer" for trunk connections.  the bottom line is that there isn't really any difference between the two anymore.
16:40.25hardwirethere is
16:40.31hardwirefriends match auth names
16:40.59hardwirepeers match IP
16:41.10hardwirethis is based off of my own experience
16:41.27hardwireI had trouble using authenticated connections between machines when using peers
16:41.49hardwiremostly because I needed several authenticated connections between two machines and they needed to be distinctly identified
16:41.53bmoraca_workhardwire: match_auth_username=yes ftw
16:42.13hardwirebmoraca_work: that doesn't enable peers to match auth, afaik
16:42.19bmoraca_workyes it does
16:42.37hardwireI thought it just changed how the username was gleaned.
16:42.39bmoraca_worki ran in to the same problem as you (single machine, multiple peer auths) and that fixed all of my issues
16:43.11hardwireyeh.. i read it wrong
16:43.17hardwirethat would have been useful
16:43.21*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
16:43.48hardwireactually.. I was using both sip and IAX.. it wouldn't have helped with IAX
16:44.05hardwireeither way.. I landed on friends as being a good option.. with static defaultip
16:44.26hardwireand rsa auth.. since that seemed to be easy enough
16:47.11*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Miranda@
16:47.38Kobazso umm
16:47.40KobazCall Center Tie T1 (DS1 circuit 01C20) is setup for protocol a ( AT&T custom), b8zs / esf.
16:47.46Kobazno wonder we were having problems
16:47.54Kobazwhat the hell is protocol a
16:49.08hardwirewould the polar opposite of a be z or m?
16:50.21Kobazso... we were set up as NI2 with a sangoma card
16:50.25Kobazit's amazing it worked at all
16:51.14MAbbashow do I print debug messages in asterisk dialplan?
16:51.42hardwirebmoraca_work: match_auth_username comment in sip.conf wouldn't have lead me to that idea... crazy.. I'm going to look at the changelog real quick
16:52.18*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
16:52.57hardwireI wonder if your fixup is inadvertant or not.
16:54.27*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Miranda@
16:54.39DelphiWorldwhere dahdicfg is located?
16:54.40bmoraca_workhardwire: it tells asterisk (at least, this is how i read it) to match the peer name specified in the SIP packet, rather than the IP address in the From: field
16:54.58bmoraca_workhardwire: which would be consistent with individual peers not being able to be told apart when registered from the same IP address
16:56.06bmoraca_workhardwire: the hardware i was using was an Adtran TA908e and what was happening was that each of my calls were not coming through as their independent registrations, but rather as the lowest numbered peer name (consistent with asterisk's peer matching when only IPs are available)
16:56.08hardwireok.  I was thinking differently.. that it would simply use the username in the digest rather than the user in the From .. since user is in there as well.
16:56.10bmoraca_workusing that setting fixed it
16:56.47bmoraca_workhardwire: i don't believe asterisk uses the username in From, because that could technically be anything
16:56.47hardwireand that doing so inadvertantly resolved a problem you were having.
16:57.04hardwirebmoraca_work: this is a question for the great digifolk
16:57.09DelphiWorldany dahdi guy
16:57.29MAbbas[TK]D-Fender: any idea, how do I log messeages to logfiles in asterisk. I have tried dialplan application "log()". But I am unable to find my logged messages
16:58.00*** join/#asterisk DennisG (DennisG@2002:541e:88d0:0:2c4e:5af5:41da:8e9b)
16:58.23bmoraca_workhardwire: my experience is that From: is very unreliable for anything except IP address.  having it match the username in the digest instead of the IP address gives me the ability to match based on peer name instead of IP address, which is what I wanted.  type=friend may do the same thing without needing the extra setting.
16:59.21bmoraca_workfor instance, my AS5400 gives the source ANI of the calling party in the From: header.  not useful for any kind of authentication.  the TA908e does pretty much the same thing.
16:59.52hardwirewith those types of situations you would typically use IP auth and a peer type
17:00.20*** join/#asterisk edwin_quijada (~macaruchi@
17:00.24hardwireI understand how this resolves the problem you were having now that I know the ANI was changing
17:00.39hardwireit's all clicking now
17:00.44edwin_quijadaSomebody can put me in the rigth direction to get FastAGI works in Windows?
17:00.48hardwirebut typically in a phone situation.. the ani never changes
17:01.03bmoraca_workand i usually have my phones as type=friend
17:01.11[TK]D-FenderMAbbas: Show me a call using it, and show me what logs you're looking in.
17:01.14hardwireI like that they added this option.. it's better IMHO to depend on the digest section
17:01.52Kattywhat's the good word, gents.
17:02.37[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: Go write an app in a windows hosted language.  The End.
17:02.52bmoraca_workhardwire: indeed.  was tearing my hair out for the better part of an hour before i figured that issue out.
17:03.38DelphiWorldi have: /usr/share/dahdi/waitfor_xpds: Missing astribank_is_starting
17:03.41bmoraca_workwhat was weirdest is that in all of my testing, i never ran into the issue
17:03.53DelphiWorldKatty: ;)
17:04.05edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: but who respond to that program?
17:04.35[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: Huh?  It LISTENS for connections on the FastAGI socket.
17:04.54*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
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17:10.23MAbbasis agi_uniqueid and call Id the same?
17:13.07_omermy asterisk 1.4.29  seems not getting details from  say.conf ... I have commented out almost everything but saynumber() still works the same...I am using mode=new under [general] in say.conf
17:17.22*** join/#asterisk hackeron (~hackeron@gentoo/user/hackeron)
17:18.27hackeronhey, I'm experiencing heavy echo even though I have a hardware echo canceller. I see "Booting VPMADT032" and "VPM present and operational (Firmware version 120)" in dmesg but I'm still experiencing heavy echo - any suggestions?
17:18.29bmoraca_workwhat's a good text-to-speech (free) engine for asterisk 1.6.2?
17:18.55hackeronit's a digium wctdm24xxp card with a hardware echo canceller
17:19.12[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: Nothing "good".  Festival is pretty much it.
17:20.04hackeronI have no echo canceller set in /etc/dahdi/system.conf and echocancel = yes in chan_dahdi.conf
17:20.07hackeronis that right?
17:20.15Kobazbmoraca_work: cepstral is not too expensive
17:21.47bmoraca_worklol...festival is in the CentOS default repos
17:22.04*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (~CunningPi@
17:27.30tzafrir_laptophackeron, no. You need to set echocancel for every channel
17:28.20hackerontzafrir_laptop: I have echocancel = yes
17:28.21hackeronchannel = 1-4
17:28.24tzafrir_laptophackeron, hmm... you use a hardware ec...
17:28.33hackerontzafrir_laptop: yeh, I do
17:28.38hackerontzafrir_laptop: a VPMADT032
17:34.22hardwiredid you say the echo cancel was disabled in dahdi/system.conf?
17:36.39*** join/#asterisk githogori (
17:37.25DelphiWorldroot@freswitch:/usr/src/freeswitch# lsmod | grep dahdi
17:37.25DelphiWorlddahdi_voicebus         51648  1 wcte12xp
17:37.25DelphiWorlddahdi                 211080  5 wcte11xp,wcte12xp,dahdi_voicebus
17:37.25DelphiWorldcrc_ccitt              10112  1 dahdi
17:38.39*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Miranda@
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17:51.41*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~Miranda@
17:51.50DelphiWorldwhile runing /etc/init.d/dahdi start:
17:51.51DelphiWorldLoading DAHDI hardware modules:
17:51.51DelphiWorldwcte12xp: done   wcte11xp: done
17:51.51DelphiWorldRunning dahdi_cfg: .
17:51.57DelphiWorldLoading DAHDI hardware modules:
17:51.57DelphiWorldwcte12xp: done   wcte11xp: done
17:51.57DelphiWorld./usr/share/dahdi/waitfor_xpds: Missing astribank_is_starting
17:51.57DelphiWorldRunning dahdi_cfg: .
17:52.16DelphiWorldeuro ISDN
17:54.32bmoraca_workyou can't use festival without a soundcart?
17:57.00hardwirebmoraca_work: false
17:57.12bmoraca_workit's telling me it can't open /dev/dsp
17:57.28hardwireare you telling it to write to a file?
17:57.53bmoraca_worki can use it from within asterisk without errors, but i get no audio
17:58.13bmoraca_workwhen i run the "festival" program itself and use (SayText "hello world"), it tells me it can't open /dev/dsp
17:58.22*** join/#asterisk wunderkin (
17:58.27hardwirecause by default it attempts to use the sound card
17:58.36hardwireit can output to a pipe, file, or dsp
18:01.11hardwirebmoraca_work: check out the text2wave program that is insalled with festival
18:01.46bmoraca_worki want to use festival from within asterisk...not sure if text2wave is going to be appropriate
18:01.55tzafrir_laptopDelphiWorld, a symptom of missing libusb-devel at build time
18:02.06tzafrir_laptopif you don't have an astribank, it should be harmless
18:02.36hardwirebmoraca_work: are you issuing an Answer() first?
18:02.39p3nguinbmoraca_work: You just need the proper festivalrc and it'll work fine.
18:04.18hardwirethe festival app should, if it hasn't already, implement disk caching.
18:05.06bmoraca_workp3nguin: i don't have the "aplay" application that is referenced by those festivalrc, i'm not sure how well that's going to help
18:05.20DelphiWorldtzafrir_laptop: span=1,1,0,cas,hdb3
18:05.26DelphiWorldtzafrir_laptop: what is this line?
18:05.30p3nguinbmoraca_work: aplay is part of alsa.
18:05.45p3nguinYOu can have alsa without a sound card.
18:05.49tzafrir_laptopDelphiWorld, cas? That's odd. Id should be ccs
18:05.54bmoraca_workahh, there it is.  had to updatedb before it showed up
18:06.01DelphiWorldtzafrir_laptop: yes i know
18:06.04*** join/#asterisk timeshell (
18:06.13DelphiWorldtzafrir_laptop: span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4 that is corect?
18:06.19tzafrir_laptopany chance you try to configure it as R2 ?
18:06.26bmoraca_workdoes that have to be in festivalrc or can i put it in festival.scm?
18:06.27p3nguinActually, aplay is part of alsa-utils, but meh.
18:06.36tzafrir_laptopyes, you last line is correct
18:06.45DelphiWorldtzafrir_laptop: no, no in this server but in another server and i remember this line
18:06.51*** part/#asterisk badweather (
18:07.22DelphiWorldtzafrir_laptop: but anyway the dahdi device is unable to operate
18:07.42tzafrir_laptopDelphiWorld, what error do you get?
18:08.20DelphiWorldtzafrir_laptop: chan 1/2/3/4 not found...
18:09.14p3nguinI suppose it wouldn't hurt to make the changes to festival.scm, but I typically throw the stuff into my .festivalrc without too much trouble.
18:09.19tzafrir_laptopDelphiWorld, do you actually have /dev/dahdi/1 ?
18:09.52*** join/#asterisk sun28 (
18:10.31DelphiWorldtzafrir_laptop: yeah, i have from 1 to 31
18:10.56bmoraca_workmore errors
18:11.07bmoraca_workalsa complaining about not being able to find a soundcard
18:11.21DelphiWorldtzafrir_laptop: span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4
18:11.26DelphiWorldtzafrir_laptop: bchan=1-15,17-31
18:11.28Naikrovekalsa and pulse are reasons why linux still sucks on the desktop.  my god those are both abysmal
18:11.31DelphiWorldtzafrir_laptop: dchan=16
18:11.36tzafrir_laptopDelphiWorld, please pastebin the output of lsdahdi
18:12.16Naikrovekmost of the time, they work.  when they don't... well best of luck to ya, fella
18:12.29DelphiWorldtzafrir_laptop: i can't read it all i need to elarge my putty window but i can't
18:12.35DelphiWorldtzafrir_laptop: may you ssh?
18:14.07DelphiWorldplease anyone fix my euroISDN problem with dahdi
18:16.26*** join/#asterisk QubeZ (~qube@
18:16.31QubeZhello all
18:17.10QubeZi have 2 queues assigned to a user with penalty null and penalty 10, i want to add a third with higher priority... do I need to change the null to something like 9 then add the new queue as 8 or can I use negative numbers (-1)?
18:18.31p3nguinI just realized that I have an onboard sound card, so maybe that's why I didn't have too much trouble with festival.  The sound card isn't being used for sound, but it is present.
18:19.32leifmadsenshouldn't matter
18:19.41*** join/#asterisk Wildy (~simba@
18:19.44leifmadsensound card isn't used to create the audio
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18:21.49p3nguinJust a thought... albeit not a reasonable one.
18:22.22bmoraca_workmore work than it's worth at this point
18:22.53DelphiWorldtzafrir_laptop: in /dev/dahdi:
18:24.52p3nguinHere's my festival.scm:
18:27.37*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
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18:31.19bent_screwdriveranyone ever submitted a feature request to polycom before?
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18:33.04Naikroveki havent'
18:33.25Naikroveksubmit one for me would ya?  iax2 support would be nice
18:33.34*** join/#asterisk jmkgreen (
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18:35.08bent_screwdriveri submitted a couple. if they're responsive i'll let the group know...likeley not.
18:35.24*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
18:35.39jmkgreeni've upgraded from 1.4 to 1.6 and now the AJAM interface is giving me 404 not found. I'm not sure what I'm missing..?
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18:38.08jmkgreenand soon as I do that, i fix the damned thing
18:40.42bent_screwdriverisn't there some program that will write a rule to iptables if it sees too many failed sip login attempts in the logs?
18:41.16[TK]D-Fenderbent_screwdriver: fail2ban <-
18:41.33bent_screwdriverahhh...that rings a well?
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18:41.47[TK]D-Fenderbent_screwdriver: apparently
18:41.59bent_screwdriver[TK]D-Fender: thx!
18:42.41*** join/#asterisk Knightfal (
18:43.27KnightfalHey guys any one notice in 1.4.30 that queues.conf "persistentmembers = yes" is not loading agents from astDB
18:43.39Knightfalon restart :)
18:51.31bent_screwdriveranyone have the backlight on the Polycom 650's fail? they're always on and I'm worried they'll fail after a while. any way to put the light on standby?
18:51.53Naikrovekbent_screwdriver: LEDs don't usually fail for years unless they're overdriven
18:51.58Naikrovekwhich could very well be the case
18:52.30Naikroveka slightly overdriven LED will only last, say, a year.  an LED running on the proper current and voltage has an MTBF somewhere in the decades
18:52.45Naikrovekbut it should not stay on
18:52.50Naikrovekupgrade firmware if you can
18:52.58Naikrovekmay have been fixed already
18:53.18bent_screwdriveri'm on the latest 3.2, well as of a couple weeks ago...
18:54.13bent_screwdriverdo you have ones that turn off when not in use?
18:54.15ChannelZThey don't have a 'screen saver' mode that turns it off after a time?  Perhaps the config got set incredibly high
18:54.46bent_screwdriveri'll look thorugh the config/admin manual to see if i see anything. thx.
18:55.37*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
18:56.39mdgwhat a guy
18:57.10leifmadsenNaikrovek: there is an option for that
18:57.27leifmadsenbent_screwdriver: there is an option for that to turn them off on idle
18:57.27Naikroveknone of my phones light up
18:57.55bent_screwdriver@leifmadsen: thx. looking throgh the manual now to find the setting
18:58.15leifmadsenin <user_preferences
18:58.17leifmadsenof sip.cfg
18:58.33leifmadsenabout line 182 of my configuration
18:58.50bent_screwdriver@leifmadsen: perfect! found what you're talking about. Thanks!
18:59.04leifmadsenset to 0 and the backlight will turn off on idle
19:01.14*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
19:06.35bent_screwdriver@leifmadsen: that setting is working great. thats for the help.
19:06.55leifmadsenI just modified that the other day myself since I got my first backlit phone :)
19:07.00leifmadsenG.722 sounds amazing btw
19:07.52hardwireit sort of sounds like G.729 when you say it out loud.. except for the nine part
19:08.07Qwellhardwire: and the a
19:08.10bmoraca_workstupid as5400
19:08.27hardwireQwell: oh yeh
19:08.32hardwirefreaking annex
19:08.51hardwireQwell: maybe it's just a canadian codec?
19:10.14bmoraca_workwtb my as5400 to hunt the way it's supposed to!
19:13.33*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (~Akiraaaa@
19:17.43*** topic/#asterisk by leifmadsen -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk,, (2010/03/12), 1.4.30 (2010/03/12), *-Addons,,, 1.4.11 (2010/04/15), dahdi-linux 2.3.0 + dahdi-tools 2.3.0 (2010/04/13), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-bugs
19:18.16*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
19:18.17leifmadsenThe second round of release candidates for Asterisk,, and are now available!
19:18.43leifmadsenAsterisk-Addons releases 1.4.11,,, and are now available!
19:20.59*** join/#asterisk blaines (
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19:32.35edwin_quijadasomebody has used fastagi with asterisk?
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19:37.45[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada: Are yougoing to come up with a different question?  This has been answered a dozen times now.
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20:21.41Joelanyone happen to know of a softphone that allows you to add custom sip headers?
20:25.04KnightfalNot really. What are you trying to accomplish?
20:25.33JoelI'm trying to add a custom sip header to a phone call :)
20:25.38JoelI'll just bounce it through a relay.
20:25.43JoelWas just hoping to save some setup
20:28.14*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
20:29.44[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
20:32.21*** part/#asterisk Joel (~jjshoe@unaffiliated/joel)
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20:46.13*** join/#asterisk CatLynx (
20:47.31CatLynxgave up on trying to get MWI working on the AT&T cordless phone
20:49.30KnightfalHey guys any one notice in 1.4.30 that queues.conf "persistentmembers = yes" is not loading agents from astDB
20:59.32*** join/#asterisk dsfr (~dsfr@pdpc/sponsor/digium/dsfr)
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21:38.36Micc_I'm trying to build, but I keep getting this libxml2 dev package needs to be installed when I run ./configure. But it is installed. xml2-config exists and apt-get install libxml2-dev says its already installed.
21:41.02Corydon76-digMicc_: platform?
21:41.13*** join/#asterisk RobH (
21:41.27Micc_ubuntu server 9.10
21:42.20Corydon76-digMicc_: what's the actual error in config.log?
21:43.48*** join/#asterisk citrus2 (
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21:44.49citrus2i'm looking for a solution for sip failover, to auto detect if one provider is down to use another.    anyone have any ideas?
21:44.54citrus2outbound only
21:45.35Corydon76-digTurn on qualify
21:46.00bmoraca_workcitrus2: qualify + a second Dial command right after the first...if the first isn't available, the second will execute
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21:48.55citrus2thanks i will look into that
21:49.37Kobaz   404 not found
21:50.04Kobazoh, it's rc2
21:50.11Kobazthe link is wrong on the release page
21:51.40lernestim doing a fresh installation and after doing ./configure I get this
21:51.40lernest                     lernest ¦ The configure script must be executed before running 'make'.
21:51.40lernest                     lernest ¦ **** Please run "./configure".
21:52.07Qwelllernest: then you didn't run it, or didn't run it properly
21:52.22lernest[Qwell] I did
21:52.22Qwellor it wasn't successful, and there would have been an error
21:53.17*** join/#asterisk TJNII (~TJNII@
21:53.41lernest[Qwell] I get this at the end
21:53.48lernestconfigure: error: *** termcap support not found (on modern systems, this typically means the ncurses development package is missing)
21:54.00Qwellwell, there you go
21:54.32lernest[Qwell] what shoul I do
21:55.58Qwelltypically means the ncurses development package is missing
21:59.28lernest[Qwell] ok thanks
22:02.30leifmadsenKobaz: my bad! fixed on (per #asterisk-dev)
22:04.46yonahwjust installed asterisk 1.4.30 dialplan reload --> no such command 'dialplan reload'
22:04.55yonahwhas this been removed?
22:05.00Kobazyonahw: module load
22:05.04Kobazno, not from 1.4
22:05.31yonahwKobaz: thank you
22:05.49Kobazyonahw: that works? edit /etc/asterisk/modules.conf... and add load =>
22:06.12yonahwyes thank you
22:06.26Kobazmodule load order is not guaranteed
22:06.47Kobazrestart and make sure it loads up... you may need to tweak the orer
22:07.15yonahwi didnt make the samples
22:07.23yonahwand dont yet have a modules.conf
22:07.39yonahwhavent touched asterisk in a few years and figured id be better off being explicit
22:07.55yonahwso as i find things i am missing i will add them in
22:08.08yonahwof course modules.conf was bound to be an early issue
22:08.25Kobazwell, you're going to be missing a whole lot without the default modules.conf
22:08.30Kobazbasically, you'll be missing everything
22:08.46Kobazit's much better to start off with the defaults and then remove things you dont need... there's lots of modules
22:09.35yonahwi hear where you are coming from but i find it easier to learn this way
22:09.46yonahwif everything is there how do i know what i do or dont need
22:10.14Kobazi guess
22:10.36yonahwanyhow thanks
22:16.01*** join/#asterisk paulc (~paulc@unaffiliated/paulc)
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22:38.41*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk,, (2010/03/12), 1.4.30 (2010/03/12), *-Addons,,, 1.4.11 (2010/04/15), dahdi-linux 2.3.0 + dahdi-tools 2.3.0 (2010/04/13), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-bugs
22:39.45*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
22:40.39*** join/#asterisk jsjc (~chatzilla@
22:41.22jsjcI have some issues with queues I dont know why when get sto the queue the call hangs up... I wonder why and I would like to debug it but dont know how I can approach that... any help?
22:44.56jsjcIt is strange.. all goes good I can sign up into the queue, but is all when it comes to the queue that call gets terminated
22:49.03Kobazif you had an understandable question, it would probably help
22:49.27Kobaz"I dont know why when get sto the queue the call hangs up"    <--- what does that mean?
22:52.53*** join/#asterisk ecolitan (
22:56.02bmoraca_workwonder if anyone knows this offhand before i configure it in a lab environment:  if I have two Asterisk boxes reading the same realtime SIP table and a peer registers with one and then registers with the other without the first registration failing, will DUNDI update to the newest box or will it advertise out both boxes?
22:59.59p3nguinjsjc: core set verbose 10
23:00.21p3nguinjsjc: Make a call, allow it to reach the queue where the hangup occurs.
23:00.37jsjcok lets check!
23:00.43jsjci had vervose to 5 so needs to be 10!
23:00.55p3nguinjsjc: probably not
23:01.04jsjcverbose ME!!!
23:01.11p3nguinjsjc: But you do need to look at and interpret the output.
23:01.28*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
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23:03.31jsjcthats it...
23:03.37p3nguinThe only thing?
23:03.40jsjccannot interpret that..
23:03.45jsjcbecasue sounds just hang up
23:03.53p3nguinThe phone is a SIP phone?
23:04.55jsjcyes where i am calling from is SIP
23:05.01p3nguinsip set debug on
23:05.11p3nguinMake the call again.
23:05.26jsjci will pastebin it
23:05.36p3nguinGreat idea!
23:06.21*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
23:09.53Kobazverbosity levels suck
23:09.58Kobazverbosity tokens ftw
23:11.59p3nguinI don't see anything jumping out saying "here's what went wrong."
23:16.18jsjcp3nguin: i will recheck extensions and queues conf see what its is right but makes it jump
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