IRC log for #asterisk on 20100410

00:15.27*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
00:21.34*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
00:25.54*** part/#asterisk SeriousMatters (
00:30.56*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
00:58.07*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
01:05.24*** join/#asterisk Paulius (~Paulius@unaffiliated/paulius)
01:06.33PauliusI've got a question. I'm trying to link two PBXes togethor. All I want to do is have a remote extension. I created an IAX2 trunk to the first PBX on the second PBX. On the first PBX, the second PBX is just added as an extension. Outgoing calls work fine, but I can't receive calls. Any tips/pointers?
01:30.27*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:33.47*** join/#asterisk diegomad (mad@
01:40.41*** join/#asterisk wdbl (
01:44.28*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
01:48.59*** join/#asterisk wdbl (
01:49.49*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
01:53.21*** join/#asterisk xuser (~xuser@unaffiliated/xuser)
01:57.08*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
01:58.47*** join/#asterisk wdbl (
01:59.49PauliusFound it. New IAX2 security:,_CallToken_Support_required
02:15.14*** join/#asterisk dewinda (~sahan@
02:20.52*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
02:24.02*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
02:24.47*** join/#asterisk githogori (
02:25.47hardwirethere shold totally be a start,end option for playback
02:25.53hardwireerr.. shuold :)
02:27.08*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
02:27.38*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
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02:36.21*** join/#asterisk angler (~angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
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02:40.41*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
03:02.40ChannelZhardwire: get coding
03:04.08*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
03:05.11ChannelZYes.  Yes it is.
03:06.39ChannelZIt's 9.
03:06.46Slugs_i saw that
03:06.57Slugs_it's 11 for me
03:07.12Slugs_mnt time?
03:07.25Slugs_where about?
03:07.28*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
03:07.44Slugs_you ski?
03:07.59ChannelZNot in ages
03:08.27Slugs_you wathe the broncos>
03:08.48ChannelZno I hate football
03:08.56Slugs_what do you watch
03:09.06hardwireChannelZ: no you!
03:09.35ChannelZhardwire: hey, you want it..
03:09.36Slugs_shane you watch football?
03:14.21Slugs_ChannelZ, how long have you be an asteirks user?
03:14.39ChannelZhmm a little over 2 years now I guess
03:15.06Slugs_How long w/ linux?
03:15.38hardwireSlugs_: football is hard for me to concentrate on
03:15.44hardwireso I usually just eat the doritos
03:15.48hardwirebbl -> home
03:16.12ChannelZuhm... gosh... I've no idea.  10ish+ if I had to guess?
03:16.47Slugs_when you first stated using it was it difficult at all for you?
03:17.31carrarAsterisk does have a bit of a learning curve
03:17.36ChannelZI setup our first NAT/firewall at the place I used to work at on Redhat 5 or 6 I think
03:17.52ChannelZWhich, linux or asterisk? (or both?)
03:18.02Slugs_yeah sorry, linux
03:18.19Slugs_but both answers i would like ;)
03:18.26ChannelZWell I was used to CLIs, I was an Amiga user
03:19.11ChannelZSo I wouldn't say it was hard to learn but I don't pretend to know everything now either
03:19.34Slugs_i just run into compile issues,
03:19.44Slugs_libraries are like an art form
03:19.56Slugs_that's what i get stuck on the most
03:20.54Slugs_my compile issues stem most from missing libs, or duplicate libs or misplaced libs
03:21.05ChannelZYeah I'm the least comfortable with that as I don't really keep up on it.  I programmed in C on the Amiga back in the day and was used to arcane compilers then, but I feel out of coding for quite awhile
03:21.41Slugs_yeah, i think it would be smart to know C.
03:21.51Slugs_esp with a C based os
03:22.05ChannelZThe great thing about open source is a ton of people are working on a ton of things and you can use lots of other people's code.  The terrible thing about open source is a ton of people are working on a ton of things and you can use lots of other people's code.
03:22.20Slugs_good point
03:22.36Slugs_i never really thought of that
03:22.40ChannelZdependencies are a bitch
03:22.53Slugs_prob the best way for me to learn is looking at code
03:23.06Slugs_what distro are you using?
03:23.21ChannelZguess it depends on what you're looking at :)  There's some pretty obscure terse shit roaming around
03:23.32ChannelZUbuntu nowadays
03:23.34Slugs_hmm yah
03:23.54Slugs_yeah i have openbsd, ubuntu and centos boxes
03:24.03Slugs_i like them all pretty well.
03:24.28ChannelZMy first was RH, back on a 386.  Ran SuSE for awhile at my old job mainly because it had software setups for RAID already.  Ran Slackware for awhile.  The last time around I used Ubuntu
03:24.33Slugs_i built a LFS box to learn but that was a bitch
03:24.48Slugs_oh yeah i had slack
03:24.53Slugs_slack 9
03:24.59Slugs_never used it since tho
03:25.19ChannelZMe either (I think was on 10)
03:25.34Slugs_ubuntu is pretty simple with dependencies and such
03:25.36ChannelZI liked that it was stripped-down and no-nonsense, but that became to be kind of a PITA at the same time
03:25.45*** join/#asterisk chendy (~chatzilla@
03:25.56Slugs_you would like LFS im sure then
03:26.05Slugs_can't get more stripped down that that
03:26.51ChannelZheh well it's fun to tinker and learn on those types of systems, but then you want some niceities
03:27.08Slugs_like a package manager
03:27.13ChannelZI just don't like using taken-over systems from the get-go, because you don't learn about how things work, only how this one thing wants you to work
03:28.01ChannelZThis is why I detest FreePBX.. I think most people do things backwards, they say "I want to play with asterisk, I'm going to get AsteriskNOW to start learning it because it seems easy"
03:28.03Slugs_yeah, ill never run a windows box again, unless i forced
03:28.20ChannelZBut all you're learning is how FreePBX obfuscates the entire process
03:28.34Slugs_and you limited!
03:28.57ChannelZI mean I wrote HTML by hand for a long time, great knowledge.. but now I use Dreamweaver :)
03:29.09Slugs_lol yeah
03:29.39Slugs_i did the same, I feel as long as 'you konw it' make your life easy if you can
03:30.01Slugs_but if you don't you need to learn the hard way first or you really 'dont know it'
03:30.08kukuAnything that will handle Faxes over ip really well ?
03:30.47ChannelZFax For Asterisk?
03:30.55Slugs_it's like buying a mac and saying you know debian
03:31.09ChannelZAnything-over-IP working 'really well' has more to do with what happens between point A and point B that isn't in your control
03:31.46*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
03:31.46*** mode/#asterisk [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
03:32.17leifmadsenI run Linux on my Mac :)
03:32.23leifmadsen(not OSX)
03:32.48ChannelZI really hate OSX's mouse accelleration
03:32.59leifmadsenI really hate Linux's shitty trackpad support
03:33.04leifmadsenit's very "grainy"
03:33.19leifmadsenwhen I go on a diagonal, I can see the mouse moving in steps
03:33.29ChannelZI feel fatigued after working on a Mac for half an hour.. it's like the most imprecise thing ever
03:33.37Slugs_i'm getting a mac for app building purposes
03:33.59leifmadsenI have a MacBook Pro and my next laptop will certainly not be a MacBook Pro
03:34.07ChannelZwhat, iphone app building?
03:34.13Slugs_is there any 'easy' way to build iphone apps on something other than a mac?
03:34.38Slugs_you need osx tho right?
03:34.51leifmadsenI don't build iphone apps because iphone sucks :)
03:35.03Slugs_yeah i figured
03:35.12Slugs_leifmadsen, what phone do you have
03:35.17leifmadsenNokia E71
03:35.19leifmadsenawesome phone
03:35.24ChannelZI'm not sure if their emulator runs in a 3rd party VM or if it's their own
03:35.27leifmadsenI have been able to multitask for over a year
03:35.38Slugs_that is a brick, toss it in the nearest lake
03:35.42Slugs_lol jk
03:35.57leifmadsenhey, I can run Skype in the background (native app) and still do whatever I want in the foreground
03:35.57ChannelZThe Palm Pre for instance just uses Virtual Box
03:36.21Slugs_leifmadsen, honestly how is batter life while app is bg'ed?
03:36.30leifmadsenworks for the whole day
03:36.48Slugs_well iphone 4.0 will finially have that
03:36.53leifmadsenbattery life is actually pretty good. I run Seven which is push email, along with skype and fring for IM and it lasts about 12 hours
03:36.53Slugs_finially ;/
03:37.00leifmadsenlate to the party
03:37.05leifmadsenand you have to have 3GS
03:37.09leifmadsenhonestly, fuck apple
03:37.19Slugs_leifmadsen, i have edge ;0
03:37.23leifmadsenI have 3G
03:37.27Slugs_fuck att
03:37.27leifmadsenok bedtime
03:37.31leifmadsenfuck Rogers
03:37.47*** part/#asterisk SwapDonkey (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
03:38.12Slugs_ChannelZ, how do you compare virtualbox w/ vmware?
03:38.17ChannelZI just like how Apple used to be the 'fight The Man' company.. and now they ARE The Man 10X over
03:38.26ChannelZI dunno I've never used vmware
03:39.04Slugs_i have a FS virtualbox, centos 5.3 runs pretty well
03:39.24Slugs_its configured so i can pop it up and boom make calls
03:39.35Slugs_asterisk, and FS
03:39.59*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
03:40.09Slugs_have you tried FS or do you get booted for mentoining it ?
03:42.06ChannelZFS?  Freeswitch?
03:42.25ChannelZno never tried it
03:43.27Slugs_do you run asterisk in a corporate env?
03:43.31p3nguinA friend of mine uses FreeSWITCH because he believes everything bad that the FreeSWITCH devs say about Asterisk.
03:44.21ChannelZWell, a corporation of 2 I guess :)
03:44.38Slugs_what do you do?
03:44.56Slugs_p3nguin, you convience him otherwise?
03:44.58ChannelZVideo post.. edit, graphics, animation
03:45.07*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
03:45.17Slugs_im terrible with that
03:45.28p3nguinslugs_: Nope.  I just tell him that their opinions aren't necessarily right.
03:45.35ChannelZI started my own place with a former coworker a couple of years ago, needed a phone system, so I built my own from * :)
03:45.56Slugs_very cool
03:46.28Slugs_p3nguin, you use * in corporate env?
03:47.06Slugs_ChannelZ, all voip?
03:47.30ChannelZInternally, but externally POTS on a TDM card
03:47.39p3nguinslugs_: If your definition of corporate is the same as that of channelz... yes, I use it in a corporate environment.
03:48.26Slugs_im trying to incorporate * in a 5000+ endpoint avaya system
03:48.34Slugs_it's been fun
03:48.58ChannelZoh yeah I remember you saying you were doing it to add some extensions
03:49.14Slugs_yeah i finially got it ;0
03:49.20Slugs_took long enough
03:49.55Slugs_h323 support is pretty sparse ...
03:50.27ChannelZjust old I guess
03:50.54Slugs_it's disappointing
03:51.38Slugs_opal seems pretty active regarding h323
03:52.04Slugs_i had the pleasure of chatting with the author
03:52.23Slugs_no opal support in * it seems
03:53.28ChannelZDon't know what that is
03:53.53Slugs_h323 stuff
03:54.52Slugs_is iax2 used only to connect asterisk boxes together?
03:55.16ChannelZIt's most useful for that but not only by any means
03:55.47Slugs_you can connect endpoints with it?
03:56.49ChannelZNot sure of any hard devices using it (which isn't to say there aren't any, I just don't know of them) but Zoiper for instance can speak IAX
03:57.11Slugs_oh cool
03:57.43*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
03:57.45Slugs_i just installed syphon on my iphone and connected that to my * and it works really well
03:58.49Slugs_i don't really like google, but they have their hands in everything, and the products are nice
04:01.32ChannelZThe Google knows all, sees all
04:02.47Slugs_exactly y i don't like them
04:03.06p3nguinYou aren't the only one with those feelings.
04:03.58p3nguinJust look at that deal with Buzz.
04:05.03Slugs_lol ChannelZ, i saw that
04:17.59pentanolif I use odbc and users in database I can't use trunk auth between few asterisk just from sip.conf?
04:22.29*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
04:22.58ChannelZ"You can keep any sip users in the flatfile AND use RealTime. How cool is that?"
04:30.33*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
04:33.21*** join/#asterisk corretico (~laguilar@
04:38.48pentanolyes, I made it, use sippeers form config...
04:39.20pentanolbut , I've got an error when I tries querying users in rooms via odbc module ... Unable to execute query
04:39.33pentanolthere my config and error
04:40.12pentanolsouch a query works well if I puts it just in mysql client...
04:40.25*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
04:46.18*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
04:51.55*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-irugqisorfpcjewy)
04:54.08pentanol[TK]D-Fender here?
04:55.16hardwirehe's off kicking booty
04:55.21*** join/#asterisk mjsilva (
04:56.25mjsilvaanyone know how to change the __FROM_DID=user_ip from a portech?
04:57.48mjsilvathe user_ip is killing me, since I have two GSM cards I want to be able to set inbound routes for each one
04:57.52mjsilvabut I can't since every call I make to the GSM comes with this wierd DID
04:59.06hardwireportech GSM?
04:59.20hardwireI have a few.
04:59.27*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
04:59.38hardwireI use sip accounts and that seems to make things easier.
05:00.26mjsilvahardwire: but with sip accounts, you are able to see the caller number?
05:01.29mjsilvamy problem with sip accounts was that
05:02.14mjsilvaI couldn't see the caller number in my phones, I saw the sip account number
05:02.56hardwiredo me a favor and when you answer a call from the GSM gateway.. automatically run DumpChan()
05:03.01hardwiresee what pops up
05:05.28mjsilvahardwire: using freepbx, this is what I have:
05:07.25hardwireapparently freepbx is incapable of using dumpchan?
05:07.55hardwirewhat was the phone number that called the GSM gateway for that log?
05:08.42mjsilvathis one
05:09.07hardwireI could have guessed that cause it's in that log file several times
05:09.11mjsilvaI got the CID name and the trunk SIM2
05:09.27hardwirewhat do you need?
05:09.28mjsilvabut I can't route in freepbx with either I guess
05:09.38hardwirethat's a freepbx problem
05:09.44mjsilvaonly with CID numbers and DID
05:09.47infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
05:10.56hardwiremjsilva: just a hint.. you should be able to tell the portech what extension to call on your freepbx system
05:11.06hardwireset that to the SIM card ANI
05:11.26hardwireportech has examples of this in their docs
05:13.16mjsilvayes hardwire I know that 1000@ for example on mobile to lan, but my problem is that next I can't see the number..... unlesss I call a ring group... humm gonna test it
05:13.42contrabandaPlease i need hepl with dahdi. I have configured chan_dahdiwith pri and ss7 signalling. when i restart asterisl it gives me dahdi errors.  Please help to fix this problem.
05:14.12hardwirecontrabanda: who are you using SS7 with?
05:14.51hardwirealso.. restart asterisk
05:15.19hardwirelike it's screaming at you.. if you changed any of the variables it mentions before the error you'll need to reload the channel driver completely
05:15.20*** join/#asterisk TrippaOP (
05:15.26hardwiresafest bet is to restart asterisk
05:15.50hardwireTrippaOP: An operator will be with you shortly.
05:16.05TrippaOPi need some help, i've setup asterisk, i am in australia and i think we use G729 here, i cant seem to have my calls forwarded, i just need some help setting it up..
05:16.29hardwireTrippaOP: who are you interfacing asterisk with?
05:16.40TrippaOPmy voip provider
05:16.48TrippaOPmy isp gives a free voip account
05:17.01hardwireah.. that explains your codec reference.
05:17.02mmlj4"I need my own VOIP on my computer that can allow me to use my dial connection through my VOIP over my broadband.  I do not have a phone line and I need a solution to have use dial up service.  I am open to any and all ideas on how to do this."
05:17.06mmlj4good luck
05:17.22mmlj4hardwire: indeed
05:17.42hardwiremmlj4: where'd you see that?
05:18.16hardwireTrippaOP: did your ISP give you any details?
05:18.25mmlj4newbies overthinking problems, always good for a laugh
05:18.45TrippaOPyes i have the sip address, port username and password
05:18.51mmlj4"go get a skype account" && problem solved
05:19.08TrippaOPwhen i do sip show registry
05:19.10TrippaOPit shows as registered
05:19.10hardwireTrippaOP: did they give it to you?
05:19.18hardwirejust making sure
05:19.20contrabandahardwire: i want to have ss7 and Pri. ss7 will use different span and pri another one
05:19.24TrippaOPit works fine on my router
05:19.31hardwirecontrabanda: stop asterisk
05:19.33hardwirecontrabanda: start asterisk
05:19.43TrippaOPbut i want a 'preamble' before the call is answered
05:20.03hardwireTrippaOP: so you can make calls?
05:20.43hardwireTrippaOP: humor me.
05:20.59TrippaOPa ladys voice comes on "call can not be completed as dialed"
05:21.13TrippaOPit seems to be a message part of asterisk
05:21.54hardwireso yer a nub?
05:22.06infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
05:22.28hardwireredbull + book = power
05:22.41TrippaOPso its not a quick easy fix
05:22.45TrippaOPi thought it was to do with the codecs?
05:22.47hardwireit's quick for me
05:22.50hardwirebecause I read the book :)
05:23.07TrippaOPmy softphone is eyebeam
05:23.22TrippaOPi registered using extension 2000
05:23.23hardwireyour softphone is not covered in the hallowed pages of thine above mentioned book.
05:23.53hardwireusually your sip phone has to have a context set to something that has dialplan available to route a call
05:23.55TrippaOPits weird
05:24.13hardwireand in your extensions.conf there would be a context for that
05:24.25hardwirefollowed with some dialplan that says how to route a call based on what is dialed
05:24.37hardwireis that already set up?
05:25.20TrippaOPok so i am using as the admin panel
05:25.30TrippaOPi dont need to edit .conf files right
05:25.38TrippaOPi can just configure everything frm GUI ?
05:26.07TrippaOPFreePBX Connections
05:26.07TrippaOPIP Phones Online
05:26.07TrippaOPIP Trunks Online
05:26.07TrippaOPIP Trunk Registrations
05:26.24infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
05:27.01TrippaOPso generally
05:27.08TrippaOPwhat is the quickest and easiest way to set it up
05:27.11TrippaOPusing the config files
05:27.15TrippaOPor using the web interface?
05:27.25infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
05:27.46hardwiremanxpower: should I graph how often that macro is called?
05:27.49mmlj4hey manxpower
05:27.58manxpowerhello mmlj4
05:28.18manxpowerhardwire: better to graph the poor sods that don't realize that FreePBX is nothing like asterisk.
05:28.29mmlj4manxpower: had you heard that UMC closed all but one location (covington), then sold out to the hospital?
05:28.33hardwireTrippaOP: I wanna help you.. but I'm not too familiar with FreePBX problems.
05:28.59manxpowermmlj4: not surprising.  I'm very happy at my new job
05:29.04mmlj4TrippaOP: it's a flippin' web interface... duh
05:29.24TrippaOPhardwire: do you suggest i just use the config files?
05:29.52manxpowerTrippaOP: we don't care what you use, but if you want help here you will not be using gui generated config files.
05:29.56hardwireI actually suggest you use the book
05:30.01hardwirewhich leads to just using the config files
05:30.08hardwireand offers you an awesome amount of asterisk-fu
05:31.07hardwireTrippaOP: any reason you're not connecting eyebeam directly to your provider?
05:31.10*** join/#asterisk Wildy (~simba@
05:31.31TrippaOPhardwire:  i would like to have a preamble
05:31.36TrippaOPor IVR
05:32.07hardwirewhat kind of preamble?
05:32.13mmlj4I keep finding that there are few sysadmins left in the world... everyone wants to use linux, but no one wants to do more than desktop stuff with it... same thing here... most folks just want to make a couple of phones work with some sip provider, and be happy
05:32.24TrippaOP"Hi thanks for calling, please wait while we take your call "
05:32.28TrippaOPor even an "IVR"
05:32.43hardwiremmlj4: if you wanna do neat stuff.. use the right channel
05:32.58hardwireTrippaOP: that would be an IVR in the loosest terms :)
05:33.08TrippaOPahh i see
05:33.13TrippaOPwell that's what iam trying to acheive
05:33.23TrippaOPusing eyebeam directly to voip provider works fine
05:33.42mmlj4if you dont' need an IVR, and just an announcement, it's implemented in exactly 1 line of code in your dialplan
05:34.21hardwireTrippaOP: a base install of asterisk and nothing else.. lets see.. you could get that going in around 10 lines of changed config?
05:34.25hardwiremaybe less
05:34.52hardwireset up extensions.conf.. set up a sip registration.. add a sip peer and a sip friend.
05:37.07*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
05:37.30*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
06:00.04TrippaOPi did all that hardwire
06:00.13TrippaOPeven says its registered
06:02.53*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
06:08.09*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
06:17.28*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
06:31.45hardwirewell.. I lost trippaop.. I dunno if he knows it's not magic and needs a route
06:41.39*** join/#asterisk Akiraaa (~Akira@
06:46.49*** join/#asterisk ivaxer (
06:49.57*** join/#asterisk dewinda (~sahan@
06:52.45dewindaim trying to use ODBC cdr in Asterisk 1.6 where can I find the quarry to create cdr table.
06:54.45dewindacan someone help me to sort out pgsql odbc cdr issue
06:55.50*** join/#asterisk pif (
06:56.07*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
07:07.00ChannelZlook at realtime_pgsql.sql in contrib/scripts
07:10.10dewindathanks got it its working
07:17.57carrardewinda, don't need ODBC for psql cdr
07:19.11dewindabut its working, is there any drawback
07:19.20*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
07:23.54dewindanow issue is  duration and billsec both are equal (Im using  DAHDI and gsm modem with polarity reversal for testing )
07:26.29carrarextra layer htat you don't need
07:27.31carrarYou can get to NY form LA by stopping in texas, but why not just fly direct?
07:27.31NuggetDon't mess with Texas.
07:29.24dewindathats true I quite new to asterisk , I fallowed "Asterisks Future of telephony " books instructions
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07:31.25dewindaIm getting  ANSWERED for every cdr even without answer and  duration and billsec both are equal . any idea to sort this out
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07:44.34*** join/#asterisk FabiOne (~fabi@
07:44.37FabiOnehi all
07:51.12ChannelZyo yo yo
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08:44.07ttwhyHi, can someone suggest me a good windows softphone (light and reliable, free would be best)? i've tried ekiga and x-lite but booth produce problems (but differend ones ;) )
08:44.09*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
08:48.05dewindax-lite works well
08:50.41[TK]D-Fenderttwhy: Could you be a little more specific than "produces problems"?
08:51.08*** join/#asterisk kartik (~koolkarti@
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08:52.51ttwhy[TK]D-Fender, ekiga stops working after a while and x-lite crashes while phoning
08:53.33infobot[~zoiper] Zoiper (Formerly known as Idefisk) is a free SIP and IAX soft-phone for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux that can be found at
08:53.48ttwhythanks! i will try that one
08:53.57ChannelZ3CX Phone although it's kind of retarded iphone clone
09:00.45*** join/#asterisk sulex (
09:01.35FabiOnei don't like zoiper, i prefer 3CX
09:02.55FabiOnesomeone here tryed the cisco sip softphone?
09:11.26*** join/#asterisk zamba (
09:12.23ChannelZnever heard of it
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09:31.49pentanolg'day, FabiOne perhaps you knows why it can happening?
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10:36.41Belgarathis there any way i can use stun when I use asterisk as a client ?
10:42.55pentanolBelgarath on client side you use it Dial(SIP/whatever/did)  ?
10:45.20Belgarathsorry for break in the middle
10:45.42pentanolso what's problem?
10:45.46Belgarathbut i was more looking the other way around
10:45.51Belgarathi have incoming connections
10:46.01Belgarathand they are not forwarded properly throu the nat
10:46.03pentanolyou should use into [whatever] nat=yes
10:47.01*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
10:52.47BelgarathVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5565669e;rport
10:52.47BelgarathFrom: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as1fa42532
10:52.55Belgarathi got sth like theat in the debug
10:53.04Belgaraththat is obviously not what i have in externip
10:53.09Belgarathis that ok ?
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12:19.03leifmadsenmorning all
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12:44.08Belgarathwell i kind of solved my problem
12:44.17Belgarathbut i have two different providers
12:44.31Belgarathand one only works when I have nat=route
12:44.40Belgarathand other when I comment it out oalltoghether
12:44.58Belgarath(default setting)
12:45.10Belgarathis there a way to combine the two ?
13:01.15*** join/#asterisk FlaPer87 (~FlaPer87@unaffiliated/flaper87)
13:01.15rubbsBelgarath: cant help you, but i love the nick. my netbook's hostname is Polgara
13:01.46FlaPer87hey guys, I'm writing a new cdr for asterisk. If I want to compile it should I create my own makefile or it is good enough to put the .c file in the cdr folder?
13:09.10infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
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13:16.12Belgarathjaytee: i know
13:16.21Belgarathbut the point is that i have two different connections
13:16.29Belgarathand each work with different typoe of nating
13:16.45Belgarathis there a way to do nat on per peer basis
13:18.17jayteewithin the definition for that peer in sip.conf
13:22.53Belgarathwhen i use localnet
13:22.58Belgarathanywher e in sip conf
13:23.09Belgarathit just does not allow me to connect to the providers
13:23.15Belgarathif I remove it i can register ok
13:25.19FlaPer87I'm trying to compile the cdr I'm writing, it depends on other libs that are not in the standard paths, how can I include those paths using the asterisk Makefiles?
13:27.22jayteeFlaPer87, might want to ask that in #asterisk-dev
13:27.36FlaPer87jaytee: you're right, thanks ;)
13:30.31*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
13:35.35BelgarathI think I will go looking for iax providers:)
13:35.39Belgarathsip is useless
13:36.22*** join/#asterisk tessier_ (~treed@kernel-panic/copilotco)
13:38.21jayteeBelgarath, my condolences on the loss of your President and so many others this morning
13:41.53Belgaraththank you
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13:57.47manxpowerBelgarath: sip was never designed to do what you are doing with it.
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14:09.19Belgarathmanxpower: sip was never desing to be used in the modern network environment you mean :)
14:10.37BelgarathI think my solutiopn would be to put another asterisk over the vpn on a vps
14:10.44Belgarathwhich in turn would have public ips
14:12.43piparkukahi, everyone. I can't find information about SMS service via SIP.
14:16.00mmlj4piparkuka: google... surely the wiki has entries for that
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14:16.58piparkukai know
14:17.49manxpowerBelgarath:it was never designed for being routed by the server and not the network
14:18.15Belgarathmanxpower: routers doing nat would have the same problem
14:18.19manxpowerpiparkuka: When you find out let us know!  We've never heard of it either.  What specific thing were you looking for?
14:18.21Belgarathwould they not ?
14:18.52Belgarathso any network where each device does not have it's own ip address is not suitable
14:19.08manxpowerBelgarath: Possibly.  You would have similar (but easier to fix) if you wanted your web server to do something similar.
14:19.27manxpowerBelgarath: no, multiple default routes is unsuitable unless running a routing protocol
14:19.40Belgarathmanxpower: eachg protocol that have separate data nad control stream is broken design
14:20.05Belgarathincluding FTP
14:20.24manxpowerBelgarath: Exactly!  DCC in IRC, FTP, some older chat systems.
14:21.27piparkukai have sip trunk, so i thought to use it as sms trunk
14:21.53manxpowerpiparkuka: you can't.
14:22.26manxpowerpiparkuka: ANY reference to direct SMS support in Asterisk is specific to SMS over PSTN lines using an FSK modem-like tone to talk to a SMS service provider
14:22.36piparkukai see
14:22.43piparkuka10x a lot
14:23.02manxpowerthere is also in "core show application sms" as well as the doc/ directory of Asterisk.
14:23.32manxpowerpiparkuka: you can, of course, pretty much do anything you want with an AGI script and wget/curl if you want web based "SMS" services -- they are really web/SMS gateway companies.
14:26.26*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
14:27.15manxpowerThat is not really an "SMS" thin from Asterisk's point of view.
14:27.38piparkukai wanted to ingerate nagios with asterisk in order to send sms alerts
14:28.20manxpowerpiparkuka: you should be able to send them direct from Nagios.
14:28.43manxpowerwell, you would need to write a script, of course, but it might be easier
14:29.15piparkukayes of course
14:29.23*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
14:29.38piparkukabut first i wanted to check if asterisk supports sms over sip trunk
14:30.11piparkukai didn't find any information about sms in SIP RFC
14:30.18[TK]D-Fenderpiparkuka: it doesn't.  Asterisk is not a messaging platform
14:31.13piparkukathanks to u i know :)
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14:39.57Naikrovekthinks of returning to bed.
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15:08.24TJNII"so any network where each device does not have it's own ip address is not suitable" for any IP based communications.
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15:21.39mutaxHi there. I have a question concerning System() and MusicOnHold(). Is this feasable? I am executing an external command that takes some time and during that time I want the caller to hear some music. But when I call MusicOnHold before the System Application, the System Application is not executet.
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15:47.02n3llyb0yHello. I had a spot of trouble a few days ago using an IVR prompt which uncovered a config problem I had. I thought I had solved the problem but something strange is happening when receiving calls that are originating outside of the country. The user will hear the IVR, select a menu and then either get an engaged tone or simply cut off. There is nothing in the debug telling me why that might be. Anyone have any ideas?
15:48.00p3nguincore verbose will show what is happening.  Can you start by providing that?
15:48.26n3llyb0ysorry to sound so green but what is core verbose?
15:48.37p3nguincore set verbose 100
15:48.48p3nguinThen originate the call that has trouble.
15:49.06n3llyb0yokay p3nguin. will have a go. does this group use a pastebin?
15:49.07mutaxn3llyb0y: in the asterisk console (asterisk -r -c)
15:49.22p3nguinAfter the failure, paste the ENTIRE output from the beginning of the call to the end of the call into
15:49.37n3llyb0ythanks :)
15:50.15p3nguinThis output probably won't say why it fails, but at least we'll have a place to start.  The core output will show what actually happens.
15:50.19mutaxmeanwhile - does some of the rejoined people know how I can play music while waiting for a System() command to get executed...?
15:50.54WIMPymutax: Make it an agi instead?
15:52.07mutaxuff. convert a shellscript and a perlscript to agi... only to get .... music -.-
15:52.56WIMPyI'd think you just add acommand to play a sample at the beginning.
15:52.57*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
15:53.47mutaxlet's see :) thanks again fot the tip
15:53.53mutaxehrm. hint
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16:02.37n3llyb0yreally appreciate the help :)
16:03.07p3nguinThat's nice, but it's not what I asked for.
16:03.16*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
16:05.22Naikrovekoh dear
16:05.34Naikrovekthe head IT guy in my india office is having trouble with pscp
16:05.39Naikrovekscp, really
16:05.47Naikrovekwell, computers, really
16:05.52[TK]D-Fenderpcp really?
16:05.52p3nguinLike... doesn't know how to use them?
16:06.05Naikrovekmy main IT dude in an office of 100+ people can't figure out scp
16:06.28p3nguinWhat's to figure out?  Where's his failure?
16:06.45Naikrovekhis failure is that he's an idiot
16:07.17Naikrovekall he knows is windows gui stuff and he doesn't even know that well
16:07.36Naikrovektold him how to map a drive across active directory domains and he said he needs further explanation on how to do that
16:07.37manxpowertry winscp
16:07.42p3nguinTell him to use WinSCP or filezilla.
16:07.44Naikrovekon a saturday
16:07.50Naikrovekwinscp is a good idea
16:08.05n3llyb0yahh yes actually set the verbosity level - yes that would help
16:08.30jayteeif he can't figure out how to use Filezilla he should be shot
16:09.30Naikrovekhe keeps pasting me the error the windows commandline gives when it can't find the file you're tryign to run
16:09.51manxpowerNaikrovek: thank you for making me appreciate our Windows admin a little more (not much, but a little)
16:10.29Naikroveki've told him three times now "add the file to your path"
16:10.40Naikrovekand three times he's come back with the same damned error
16:11.35[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: he has internet access right?
16:11.38p3nguinDoes he understand and speak the same language you are using to tell him how to do it?
16:12.23Naikrovekp3nguin, seems to.  he can spell my name perfectly, which no other indian seems to be able to do
16:12.44Naikrovekwhen i speak with him on the phone, it sounds like he understands
16:12.50Naikrovekbut then he pastes the error message
16:12.55Naikrovekand i *know* he's useless
16:13.07Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender, yes to internet access
16:13.19Naikrovekbut i suppose you have to know how to use a computer to be able to use the internet to find anything out
16:14.02[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: ...
16:14.13[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: VNC over and take f-ing control of his station.
16:14.22[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: And do it yourself and save the greif
16:14.36Naikrovekhe did give me his details
16:14.55[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Every one of my office stations has it, and every mobile user has a 2-icon solution to immediately handing me control from "wherever"
16:15.12Naikroveki need that
16:15.18Naikrovekbut here's the thing with these guys
16:15.25Naikrovekif i start doing their work, they'll completely give up trying
16:15.32[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: replace them
16:15.54Naikroveki wish i could, but you see, they're related to the owner or someone else important
16:16.09Naikrovekthat entire office is related to itself
16:16.18Naikrovekpeople actually LIVE in the fucking office
16:16.18*** part/#asterisk ivaxer (
16:16.54[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: \o/
16:16.58[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: pick your poison
16:17.05Naikrovekpeople literally have job titles of assistant to the assistant to the assistant to junior whatever
16:17.10[TK]D-Fenderprefers iocain
16:17.34n3llyb0yaha. verbose output is good - I think I see what's happening. Basically the dialtone coming in from the foreign  connection doesn't get picked up -  instead i get an UNKNOWN
16:17.48Naikrovektries to take a nap...
16:18.32[TK]D-Fendern3llyb0y: PASTEBIN is your friend
16:18.35infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:20.10n3llyb0yline 165 is I believe where it's all going tits
16:20.18*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
16:20.27Naikrovektits are when things start to go great
16:21.05[TK]D-Fendern3llyb0y:   == Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/' status is 'UNKNOWN' <-- you have run out of steps in your extension and autofallthrough is enabled.  the call thus ends immediately
16:22.18[TK]D-Fendern3llyb0y: You need to set "autofallthrough=no" under [general] or as a Set() in your dialplan
16:22.19n3llyb0yyeah. it seems that when the call is coming in from Sweden the dialtone isn't recognised as a valid menu choice and then I haven't put anything in place when that happen
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16:22.47[TK]D-Fendern3llyb0y: Otherwise running out of steps will not lead to that context acting as an IVR, but rather a "Nothing more to do?  HANGUP"
16:23.13[TK]D-Fendern3llyb0y: This is not a "dialtone" issue
16:23.27[TK]D-Fendern3llyb0y: you are making an IVR.  What does dialtone have to dow ith anything?
16:25.19n3llyb0ysorry just not sure of all the nomeclature in telephony. Basically when the remote user presses '2' for example, it's not actually recognised is what I'm thinking. I know the remote caller is pressing something and it fails at that point. the dialplan works when I test it with UK based land lines and phones
16:26.37[TK]D-Fendern3llyb0y: AFAIK DTMF is the same everywhere.
16:27.27n3llyb0yand that is a very fair point. I will look into the autofallthrough setting as you suggest. Thanks for the assist
16:27.37mutaxagi in shesllscript is c00l ;)
16:27.41*** part/#asterisk mutax (~mutax@erde.kf.TU-Berlin.DE)
16:31.05[TK]D-Fendern3llyb0y: Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to <-- also, Sipgate should NOT be considered as being behind NAT.  Set all of their entries to "nat=no"
16:34.21n3llyb0y[TK]D-Fender - thanks man. the autofallthrough fixed it. I'll look at the outgoing sipgate nat settings too. I admit I copy and pasted those
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16:38.35Naikroveki'm going to fly to india and smash this dude in the head
16:38.45Naikroveknot because he's indian
16:39.21Naikrovekbut because he's a moron and despite working where he works for coming up on 5 years he still hasn't a damned clue what he's doing
16:40.58Naikrovekpeople like this need to be shunned
16:41.03Naikrovekthere's no penalty for him to be an idiot
16:41.08n3llyb0yoh man this is just too cool. I'll never need to speak to the mother in-law by accident again. Home IVR is a great. Thanks to all you *ers
16:41.23Naikrovekasterisk is awesome
16:42.44*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
16:44.05n3llyb0ythe (free) product and (free) support I have receieved to date is fantastic. I have suggested that our corporate Avaya system is in the dark ages in comparison. Will wait and see what comes of that
16:45.23Naikrovekn3llyb0y: hang out in here for a few weeks and just watch as some of these problems get fixed
16:45.39Naikrovekany questions about availability of support will vaporize
16:45.46Naikrovekthis is an awesome community
16:47.50n3llyb0yNaikrovek - I am in no doubt of that. Despite having zero background in telephony I now have a pretty functional pbx all in the space of a couple of weekends. There are things we'd like to do with the telephone systems at work and I'm seeing how we might accomplish that by ditching the proprietary vendor
16:49.12Naikrovekasterisk is very competent
16:49.16Naikrovekvery robust
16:50.28n3llyb0ynot only that the API is great. That's my angle. I have to interoperate with the Avaya system at work and quite frankly it's shit
16:52.05n3llyb0yanyways. thanks again to all. I'm going to go have some beer and think up ways to make the telemarketers life a living HELL
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18:20.55spenguin[work]Naikrovek: get me hired in the indian office ;)
18:21.53spenguin[work]but I hate working with any sort of windows boxen
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18:56.22Naikrovekspenguin[work]: are you in india?
18:57.02spenguin[work]Mumbai :)
18:57.27Naikrovekmy office there is in hyderabad.  and i don't know anyone smart in hyderabad
18:57.42Naikrovekor i'd hire 'em
18:57.45Naikrovekor get them hired
18:57.59spenguin[work]ah ok
18:59.34spenguin[work]Naikrovek: well yeah theres very few folks _good_ with *nix here Id say, tough to find
19:00.13spenguin[work]but Hyderabad has some open source talent, atleast better as compared to Mumbai
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19:19.49spenguin[work]if it interests anyone
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19:20.45ChannelZare there boobs in it?
19:21.53spenguin[work]well if you watch closely
19:21.57spenguin[work]maybe :p
19:22.59ChannelZhmm wrong aspect ratio
19:23.11spenguin[work]its huge
19:25.12ChannelZit's supposed to be 860x540
19:25.19spenguin[work]heh, he says this channel has some "corky" characters
19:26.21*** join/#asterisk DJF5 (
19:26.52spenguin[work]ok, my bad
19:27.25ChannelZI'm sure there are some corky ones (heavy drinkers)
19:44.25*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
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20:18.57TJNIIjust found a copy of MSIE3 lurking in some floppies
20:19.15antiwireomg kill it!
20:19.55TJNIIantiwire: You want a copy? :P
20:21.02spenguin[work]yeah you cant have it infecting machines
20:21.13spenguin[work]I thought it was eliminated from society
20:21.17TJNII[TK]D-Fender: I think I have that somewhere in here.....
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20:40.16ChannelZI'm surprised it ever fit on a floppy
20:42.16TJNII4 floppies
20:42.26TJNIIStill sealed in the original baggie
20:43.47TJNIIUnfortunately my old 5 1/4" drive doesn't want to cooperate, so I don't think I'll be salvaging any data off my really olf floppies today.
20:43.53TJNIIis cleaning house
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20:59.31BelgarathI am still fighting with sip behind nat
20:59.44Belgarathcan somebody please look at my debug log :
20:59.49Belgarathand tell me what is wrong ?
21:00.58Naikrovekspenguin[work]: you missed the kind of joy i had with my indian coworkers this morning
21:01.35Naikrovekspenguin[work]: pasting me windows cmdline messages stating that the file cannot be found, asking me what to do
21:01.46spenguin[work]oh man :\
21:02.16Naikrovektelling me SSH isn't running, when they were trying to connect to a machine via DNS that didn't have an entry in DNS.  they just named the computer xyz and tried to ssh to it
21:02.31Naikrovekthings like that
21:02.32NaikrovekBASIC stuff
21:02.40Naikroveklost on them, rather
21:03.34*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
21:03.55Naikroveklast guy we hired had a clue, but he left because he had to babysit.  we only paid him i think 9 lacs so it's no surprise to me he left
21:04.01spenguin[work]eh, I can only imagine - well put them through a bunch of tests and, fire + hire
21:04.31Naikrovekeveryone tells me 9 lacs is a lot but when i do the conversion it's like USD$15k/yr
21:04.54spenguin[work]Naikrovek: in India it is a decent amont
21:04.56Naikrovekthat's 900,000 rupee per year for anyone who wants to know what a lac is
21:05.45spenguin[work]currently gets paid about half of that :s but Ive just got about 3yrs of experience
21:06.02Naikrovekwell the guy who doesn't know squat makes less than you
21:06.13Naikrovekyour english is amazing
21:06.18Naikroveki want to hire you :)
21:06.34spenguin[work]if its voip related, Id be interested :)
21:06.39Naikrovekyou could have a career in the US
21:06.49Naikrovekand make 10x what you're making there
21:06.58Naikrovekthere's definitely voip work to be done
21:07.43Naikroveki think everyone in that office has a traditional phone connected to whatever analog phones connect to
21:07.49Naikrovekbut i'm pushing for voip hard
21:08.01Naikrovekthere are only like 15 phones there now, but like 80 people
21:08.04Naikrovekand they don't have a server locally
21:08.07Naikroveka phone server
21:08.12Naikrovekso they connect to mine over vpn
21:08.27Naikrovekmostly it's stable but there are some issues i need resolved
21:10.43Naikrovektheir infrastructure is super old and it all needs rearchitected, so you could have a hand in that if you wanted
21:10.54Naikrovekyou could get to touch anything linux, windows, or cisco related
21:11.00Naikroveki REALLY need a guy there
21:11.14Naikrovekso if you don't want it, that's fine, if you know someone who might be keen, please let me know
21:11.23spenguin[work]hrm seems interesting Id give the option a thought, really
21:11.46spenguin[work]may I pm?
21:11.50Naikrovekspenguin[work]: pm me your email and i'll forward it to the head dude there in that office.
21:11.52Naikrovekof cource
21:11.55Naikrovekof course
21:12.23Naikrovekhead guy nayeem is smart, but overwhelmed.  IT is sorely lacking however
21:16.12TJNIISometimes I get to play IT support for the Indian software staff.  It's ..... fun.
21:16.52TJNII"It's not booting!"  "No, it is done booting. It is at EFI waiting for you.  Just like I told you when I closed your ticked 3 hours ago."
21:18.16Naikrovekit is certainly a challenge
21:18.17Naikrovekat times
21:18.30*** part/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
21:20.50spenguin[work]eh Ive worked at dell tech support for a while, made me feel sorry for what you guys go through
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21:52.11ChannelZBelgarath: I see 'UNAUTHORIZED' which seems to imply it has nothing to do with NAT
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22:11.19Slugs_good afternoon ChannelZ
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22:25.55byteme`spenguin[work]: I'm working at a startup myself and going through 20 scripts (which are all differnet) that download files from customer websites and then send them to a differnet server.  One process I just discovered is sending the file to three different machine ( a linux box, a windows box, and then to another linux box).  Each box runs it's own "script" to send the file to the next server.  It's just ridiculuous.  Yeah IT jobs can really suck.
22:26.51spenguin[work]byteme`: well automation is good :p
22:27.04byteme`only if it's done right and it's managable
22:27.17byteme`if each process is done differnetly, what's the point?
22:28.02spenguin[work]IT jobs get boring when repetative and cant be automated
22:28.07spenguin[work]or is just a pita to automate
22:28.37byteme`each transfer has it's own script and it's all different. Not to mention each server downloads the files different ways.  It's so screwed up that windows machines are connecting via cifs and download the files and deleting them before another script from another box runs and processes them.  You can't scale a business like that
22:29.03byteme`spenguin[work]: downloading files are not hard to automate when you have a centralized managed server doing it.
22:29.17byteme`not 20 machines all downloading files at their own times, with the own scripts, etc etc
22:30.11spenguin[work]maybe the process needs a change ? :p
22:30.16byteme`I apparently can't spell or type complete sentences so I guess I should shut up :P
22:30.40Belgarathbyteme`: you should improve the process
22:30.51*** join/#asterisk mhaddog (~mhaddog@
22:30.56byteme`yeah the process needs to change, but that is very painful for most companies.  They would rather use the same old broken process than make it better
22:31.23Belgarathbyteme`: do it as transparent for them as possible
22:31.25byteme`I'm going to however try my best to convince them to let me change it.  It's going to be a slow painful process
22:33.22Belgarathnice quit message
22:42.32TJNII's OS/2 install media is corrupt.
22:42.41TJNIISo much for that practical joke...
22:47.11ChannelZI think the place I used to work has a voicemail system running on OS/2
22:51.04TJNIII suppose it could be copy protection, though I can't think of what kind of copy protection could exist on a 1.44MB floppy intended to be read by a DOS system....
22:54.00*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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23:41.34jblacktjnii: Are you kidding?
23:41.46jblackthere were all kinds of copy protection for floppies.
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23:45.05grandpapadotHey guys, when running asterisk as a user it keeps one of my cpu's at 73%, when running as root it's a nice level 0.0, both with no real usage, any ideas what would cause a race condition?  I checked all the file permissions.
23:45.06Belgarathjblack: soem of them still cannot be broken without special hardware
23:45.35grandpapadot.. and this is consistent on 6 identical servers.
23:45.51Belgarathgrandpapadot: looks like some kind of bug/lockup
23:46.01grandpapadotThat doesn't exist when run as root?
23:46.12Belgarathdoes it also happens if you put suid on it ?
23:46.24synaptic2010hi all
23:47.00grandpapadothaven't tried that, just running as user "asterisk" from my init script or from the console as "root"
23:47.21Belgarathyou can try running it for a while with strace
23:47.30Belgarathsee if there are any permission denied
23:47.38grandpapadotgood idea, thanks!
23:47.53synaptic2010I am looking for some one to teach me asterisk any one?
23:48.10Belgarathsynaptic2010: what do you want to know
23:48.19TJNIIjblack: Please enlighten me then, for I am ignorant.
23:48.38synaptic2010how to setup, whole sale clients, how to add DID's from Providers
23:48.48BelgarathTJNII: most of them was using bad bits on the disc
23:48.59Belgaraththat could be read with special code written
23:49.09Belgarathlike you just skipped couple of bytes
23:49.13Belgarathand there was your data
23:49.19Belgarathbut when yoou use dos commands
23:49.26TJNIIddrescue would have overcome that.
23:49.29Belgarathit tried to read the whole block that was broken
23:49.34TJNIII was trying to image them
23:49.42BelgarathTJNII: no it wont
23:49.54Belgarathbecause whole block copied would eb emptied by ddrescue
23:50.00Belgarathand vital data would be lost
23:50.17TJNIII was getting entire disks with only one good sector.
23:51.10Belgaraththe only thing tat they need to put in good sectors was the code to read the rest of the disk
23:52.00TJNIII see
23:52.23TJNIIWhat was that code written to?  The drive?
23:52.31TJNIIWhat unlocked the "bad" data?
23:52.57Belgarathit was just floppy driver that was skiping the bad bits
23:53.09grandpapadotBelgarath: Weird, when I kick it off with strace -u asterisk /usr/sbin/asterisk -vvvgc -U asterisk -G asterisk it doesn't spike the CPU, but when I kick it off with the init script (/etc/init.d/asterisk) it does.  I don't see anything weird with the init script... hrm
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23:53.33Belgarathkick it the same way
23:53.42Belgarathas you did with strace without init.d
23:53.43grandpapadotso strace the init script?
23:53.54grandpapadotstrace -u asterisk /etc/init.d/asterisk ??
23:54.09Belgarath/usr/sbin/asterisk -vvvgc -U asterisk -G asterisk
23:54.20Belgarathafter su - asterisk
23:54.29grandpapadotk, one sec
23:54.52TJNIIYou don't have to su to the asterisk user.
23:55.07TJNIIThat's what the -U asterisk does.
23:55.33Belgarathstupid me
23:58.18grandpapadotWeird, but only spikes when I initialize through the init script ...
23:58.47Belgarathgrandpapadot: can you paste initscript somewhere
23:59.23TJNIIThere are some known issues about CPU spiking.  I don't remember what they are, though.
23:59.38TJNIISomeone was griping about color options causing that.
23:59.46grandpapadotAhaha, one sec, I'm using that.

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