IRC log for #asterisk on 20100409

00:04.06*** join/#asterisk blaines (
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00:09.21*** join/#asterisk CVirus (~Satan@
00:11.47*** join/#asterisk diegomad (mad@
00:12.36*** join/#asterisk fnordus (~dnall@
00:19.04*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
00:20.54*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (
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00:25.52*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:31.42jsjcI know i will need to integrate myself but spandsp does it come with res_fax or res_fax_digium? if not... where can I find that?
00:32.39*** join/#asterisk manxpower (~ewieling@
00:32.40jsjcso that will be included in fax for asterisk?
00:33.40*** join/#asterisk adam_g (
00:34.33adam_ghi, does asterisk do any kind of preservation of connection state or something similar by default? trying to re-route packets out a secondary ISP to SIP provider, but asterisk seems to not want to play nice with second network
00:34.42jsjcfound spandsp! ;)
00:35.16p3nguinadam_g: You'll have to formulate your dialplan and SIP peers appropriately.
00:35.52TJNIIReroute packets?  So you want to be able to switch the active interface mid-call?
00:36.43TJNIIthinks this is a OS level routing problem, not a Asterisk problem.
00:36.52*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
00:36.54adam_gnot necessarily mid-call, even restarting asterisk would be fine
00:36.56*** join/#asterisk Brian_H (
00:37.14TJNIIWhy don't you expand on _exactly_ what you are trying to accomplish.
00:38.11adam_gasterisk server has a default gw of a local router, which then has two connections to the internet
00:38.22carraradam_g, run BGP
00:38.26vader--what would be the best way to stress test my asterisk box for phone calls
00:38.41vader--i have a 23 channel PRI line and i want to try and get as many calls going
00:38.44vader--to test for echo
00:38.45vader--call drop
00:39.14adam_gwe'd like to be able to simply re-route packets from the asterisk host thru secondary provider if needed
00:39.31carrarthats just you configuring your router
00:39.36carrarnothign to do with asteirsk
00:39.46TJNIIThat isn't a asterisk problem, save for the external IP changing.
00:39.57adam_gright, thing is.. when we switch routes at the router, all traffic except SIP works just fine
00:40.10WIMPylast time I tried two uplinks I ran into problems with Asterisk as well, but that's some time ago.
00:40.19TJNIIDo you have externip set in your sip.conf?
00:41.00adam_gTJNII, nope
00:41.45TJNIIAre you configured for outside sip clients to connect in?  Does outbound calling work?
00:42.20adam_gthe issue as far as i can see, is that when we do re-rooute out the second interface, tcp shows SIP traffic leaving thru the appropriate inteface but with a source ip of the first interface
00:43.03carrarI thought your router has the second interface?
00:43.06jsjcso spandsp does not have nothing to do with Digium's Fax for Asterisk?
00:43.08carrarnot asterisk
00:43.10WIMPyadam_g: But Asterisk is not running on the router, is it?
00:43.17adam_gsorry, wording it porrly
00:43.35adam_gtcpdump'ing on the router
00:43.57carrarrouter is linux?
00:44.05adam_g(on router) re-route all traffic thru second  external interface.. asterisk's gateway stays the same (via router)
00:44.11adam_gyes, linux
00:44.19carrarthats probably you're problem
00:44.48TJNIIsnaps his fingers
00:44.59TJNIIHow are you implementing the NAT gateway?
00:45.00WIMPyadam_g: looks like a more general problem. Are you usind SNAT or Masquerading?
00:45.33adam_glike i said, when things are re-routed, all traffic from asterisk host reroutes accordingly, works fine.. except SIP which is still leaving with the old external IP
00:45.40adam_gWIMPy, SNAT
00:46.02WIMPyadam_g: Then try flushing the routing cache.
00:46.17WIMPyBut it might be something more fundamental.
00:46.30carraror buy a real router
00:46.43adam_gWIMPy, tried, haven't had much luck
00:47.50adam_gWIMPy, `ip route get` reports correct, ping from asterisk host to sip provider look fine, except the sip traffic
00:47.58*** part/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
00:48.00WIMPyIn that case, I'd suspect your setup. Multihomed can be a little tricky. Especially when policy routing is involved.
00:48.38WIMPyI'd suspect routing table selection, but this is not the time of day for me to think about this kind of stuff.
00:52.32adam_give tried lots of things with ip route2, fwmark, etc
00:54.37*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
00:56.24*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:59.31WIMPyWhat do you use fwmarks for? I'd suggest to look at 'ip rule'.
01:00.03vader--is there a way to see the callerID that is inside a sip connection coming in on the console?
01:00.12vader--the caller id shows up fine on our ip phones
01:00.23vader--but in the asterisk console all i see is the SIP connections
01:00.25KavanSvader--, yes, increase asterisk verbosity....should show in SIP headers
01:00.54carraradam, I would use a cisco router running NAT with a policy based route that uses IP SLA to ping the next hop to set a valid default route
01:01.09carraror bgp
01:02.41*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
01:03.11KavanSvader--, errr my around a bit for "sip debug" levels, that should do it
01:03.20TJNIIvader--: You can always throw a noop in your dialplan, too.
01:03.28vader--i have that
01:03.33vader--but i dunno what variable to pull
01:04.31vader--i got it
01:04.37vader--i was just calling CALLERID
01:04.47vader--im upgrading from 1.2 to 1.6 they removed that
01:04.51vader--you have to specify it now
01:05.13p3nguinWhat are you trying to find out?
01:05.25vader--i just wanted to see it in my log
01:05.26p3nguinOh, nevermind.  I see...
01:05.30vader--in the console
01:06.14*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (~chris@
01:06.16p3nguinor num or name
01:06.22vader--ya got it now
01:06.48vader--what would be a decent way to test an asterisk setup?
01:07.02vader--im going to try and get a bunch of people to call in and max out our PRI
01:07.11p3nguinYou can use a verbose level to determine when it is displayed, too.  Verbose(3,${CALLERID(all)})  would provide the detail at core set verbose 3 or more.
01:07.39vader--any thoughts?
01:08.07KavanSvader--, I've seen slides on people scripting such a scenario...but i've not done it myself
01:08.35carrarvader, SIPp?
01:08.52TJNIIList your DID as a free sex line number on 4chan.
01:09.02KavanSlol TJNII
01:09.02TJNIIThat might have long term reprocussions, though.
01:09.06vader--i was going to create a DID
01:09.09vader--for people to call in
01:09.17KavanScorrection: List your DID as a *underage* sex line number on 4chan.
01:09.23vader--but im not sure what to put on the asterisk system that will be a good reresentation
01:09.24KavanSthen 4chan would be going crazy...
01:09.30KavanSoh snap!
01:09.47vader--because in the real world it would be PRI to Asterisk to IP Phone
01:10.11*** join/#asterisk blaines (
01:10.17vader--PRI <--SIP--> Asterisk <--SIP--> IP Phone
01:10.34vader--if i just terminate at the asterisk box it won't be generating as many sip connections
01:10.43p3nguinIf you are using PRI, do you really think there is SIP between it and Asterisk?
01:10.50vader--just PRI <--SIP--> Asterisk
01:11.05p3nguinMore like PRI <-> Asterisk
01:11.09vader--not in my setup
01:11.16TJNIIYou could set up another * box and relay the call a couple dozen times.
01:11.18p3nguinWhy would there be SIP between PRI and Asterisk?
01:11.31vader--my PRI line terminates in an Adtran 924e
01:11.35vader--carrar bingo
01:11.43*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
01:11.50vader--the unit then presents it as a sip connection to asterisk
01:12.05p3nguinSure.  You left out that piece of hte puzzle, though.
01:12.10TJNIII had a dialplan error allow one bad call to open a couple hundred SIP connections between two * boxes once.  Was fun.
01:13.33*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
01:20.14*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
01:30.13*** join/#asterisk digilink (
01:31.17vader--so any thoughts on what i could do to test asterisk?
01:32.01Maliutaorder 3000 pizza's from dominos in Iraq?
01:32.16vader--i mean what i could program into the dialplan
01:32.17Maliutaask it hard questions about quantum physics? ;P
01:32.33vader--so once people connect it could give me a good representation of whats going on
01:32.44*** join/#asterisk chendy (~chatzilla@
01:41.41*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
01:42.49jsjcis it opossible to dial a few extensions at same time?
01:42.57jsjcfor example passsing to the first available agent...
01:43.09jsjchow can I perform taht in my dialplan?
01:43.45vader--exten => 1072,2,Macro(stdexten,157,SIP/001759E5591E-02&SIP/001759E55612-02)
01:44.01vader--just put a & between the dialing things
01:44.48jsjcso could I do exten => 1000,2,Dial(DAHDI/1&DAHDI/2&DAHDI3)
01:44.57vader--yes should work
01:45.01jsjcand then the phones connected in dahdi 1 2 and 3 will be ringing
01:45.28vader--i grabbed my example from the wrong config
01:45.30vader--but that will work
01:46.08jsjcbecause now i am starting to get confused when it comes to simple stuff
01:46.24jsjcwhere can I find dialplan examples so I can learn a bit more?
01:46.46vader--thats usually where i find all my stuff
01:47.44jsjcok going there! thanks
01:49.48jsjcwhat is the difference between exten => _1,1 and exten => 1,1
01:51.43infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
01:53.33TJNIIjsjc: The _ means pattern match.  So exten => _1,1,app() shoule be the same as exten => 1,1,app()
01:53.42*** join/#asterisk OrNix (~ornix@
01:54.02vader--can you loop the playback of a sound file?
01:56.05TJNIIjsjc: Do you understand why?
01:56.08jsjci thought that because in book just appears in the matching patterns
01:56.17jsjcbut if I put _1X then is a different story
01:56.26*** join/#asterisk snot (~snot@unaffiliated/snot)
01:56.31jsjcit is anything that matches 1 and any other digit there
01:56.40jsjctwo digit starting by one
01:56.44TJNIIexten => 1X,1,app() is not the same as exten => _1X,1,app()
01:56.47jsjcbut extension 1X will be extension 1X
01:57.22jsjcgood at least i am getting somethings clearer...
01:58.00*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
01:58.19TJNIIExtensions don't have to be numbers.  I have some alpha extensions in my dialplan that are used as goto targets from other locations.
01:58.21jsjci dont knwo how it is this called in telephony but i know there is... in hotels when teh cleaners finish clenaing rooms they dial in the phones to change the status of the roomo
01:58.39jsjci was thinking to use something like this to check in staff at work
01:58.47TJNIIYou can do that with AGI
01:58.55TJNIII have an AGI that controls my stereo.
02:00.32TJNIIOne of my friends had an AGI that was linked to an online calendar.  The "Hootenany Hotline."  You'd call in and it would tell you when and where the next party was.
02:00.40TJNIII was disappointed when he let that lapse.
02:02.31*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
02:03.30vader--i need something to test this :-/
02:14.21jsjcasterisk can do some fancy shit...
02:14.30jsjcbut before fancy need to get it just working...
02:14.49jsjcif I use Background() can I dial an extension while background is playing?
02:15.13manxpoweryes.  also look at Read()
02:19.21*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
02:19.27jsjchaha what is the use of what-are-you-wearing!?
02:19.29jsjcthat is funny...
02:28.05ChannelZThere are lots of random gems
02:40.41ChannelZscreaming monkeys
02:53.10*** part/#asterisk djMax (~chatzilla@
02:57.00*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
02:57.20vader--why isn't my realtime voicemail working :-/
02:57.24vader--im gettting
02:57.25vader--[Apr  8 22:48:08] WARNING[6666]: res_config_mysql.c:325 realtime_mysql: MySQL RealTime: Invalid database specified: asterisk (check res_mysql.conf)
02:57.44vader--but if i run realtime mysql status i get general connected to asterisk@localhost, port 3306 with username root for 0 seconds
02:57.45Corydon76-digvader--: do you have [asterisk] in res_mysql.conf?
02:58.00Corydon76-digOr do you have [general]?
02:58.20jsjcI have configured defaultlanguage to es but sounds still sounding in en
02:58.29jsjcwhy coudl be this issue?
02:58.39Corydon76-digvader--: then that's your DB name you should be using
03:00.07vader--here is what my extconfig.conf line looks like
03:00.07vader--voicemail => mysql,asterisk,voicemail_users
03:00.13vader--my database is called asterisk
03:00.19vader--my table is called voicemail_users
03:01.14vader--the context in my voicemail file is general
03:01.19Corydon76-digvader--: According to your configs, your dbname is general
03:01.24vader--and the context in res_mysql.conf is general
03:01.41vader--in res_mysql.conf it's dbname = asterisk
03:01.44Corydon76-digbut as extconfig is looking for [asterisk], it's not finding it
03:02.06Corydon76-digvader--: nope, extconfig is looking for a context name in res_mysql.conf
03:02.19Corydon76-digIt ain't finding it
03:03.14Corydon76-digeither change extconfig to point to general or change res_mysql.conf to say [asterisk]
03:09.15vader--that worked
03:09.29vader--hmm now i wonder why it isn't emailing the voicemails
03:12.51*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
03:15.31vader--could be no mail server running too
03:15.52vader--hmm sendmail is running
03:36.40*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
03:50.08*** join/#asterisk tvaughn (
03:52.49jsjcI have 3 dahdi channels for three users but I want just to have one common voicemail it is viable?
03:53.12jsjcI do not want every person to have a voicemail it is pointless in our setup.
03:53.42jsjcso I am trying to have all extensions ringing at same time and send to voicemail if none answered
03:53.50jsjcbut cannot get it to send to voicemail.
03:54.07ChannelZwhy not
03:54.35ChannelZDial(DAHDI/1&DAHDI/2&DAHDI/3,20) then VoiceMail(1) or whatever
03:55.17jsjcexten => s,n,Dial(DAHDI/1&DAHDI/2&DAHDI/3,20)
03:55.18jsjcexten => s,n,VoiceMail(100,u)
03:55.20jsjclike that?
03:55.40jsjcmhnm lets test again something might not be working...
03:58.06ChannelZone ringy-dingy
03:58.12ChannelZtwo ringy-dingies
03:59.34jsjcohh ohhh yeap.. was something stupid...
04:06.01patrb-afkSo im still a bit green as an asterisk admin...ive never needed to connect/disconnect our PRI's.  Assuming the server is already configured for the PRI, will I need to run any scripts/restart any services for the connection to initiate?
04:06.51*** join/#asterisk blaines (
04:09.19*** join/#asterisk tvaughn (tyler@
04:10.03jsjcwhy when I call to a sip account that asterisk is registered to (asterik is client of that sip) then asterisk sends it to the context I have set on sip.conf but as well starts ringing in one of my asterisk sip clients
04:10.21patrbI should mention that is a sangoma card running w/ the wanpipe/wanrouter software
04:10.32jsjcI think i have not said anything anywhere so the asterisk client gets the ring....
04:11.25jsjcoh no no
04:11.31jsjcis this sip client has both sign up hehe
04:11.33jsjcwhat a nightmare!
04:11.40jsjci was going nuts...
04:16.02*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
04:22.14jsjcI have a confused asterisk... hehehe I have two folders with sounds /var/lib/asterisk and /usr/share/asterisk ...
04:22.42jsjcat the moment it is not reading es from /var/lib/asterisk but en from /usr even I have es mentioned everywhere.
04:23.17jsjcin asterisk.conf I have mentioned astdatadir => /var/lib/asterisk
04:23.22jsjcisnt good enough?
04:24.33*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
04:24.38*** join/#asterisk Micc_ (
04:31.20*** join/#asterisk RobH (
04:34.21jsjcroot@localhost:/etc/asterisk# asterisk -U asterisk -G asterisk -C asterisk.conf
04:34.22jsjcUnable to open specified master config file 'asterisk.conf', using built-in defaults
04:34.28jsjcmight have something to do...
04:34.35jsjcalways trying to load the built in...
04:37.45*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (~obnauticu@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
04:41.08*** join/#asterisk joobie (
04:41.46joobiehey guys.. got a few polycom 320's.. just wondering if there's something decent to use (preferably hardware based) that can allow a supervisor / trainee to listen in on a converstaion on the phone itself?
04:42.05joobiepolycom's have a 2.5mm jack.. but doesnt seem to run concurrently with the headset.. it's either or
04:42.27joobiewas thinking about getting a 2.5mm splitter and plugging in an extra set of headphones - but just not sure if there's a more elegant solution
04:44.56patrbok, ive got the PRI's coming into my 1.6 box...testing my dial plan im getting the following error:  I think its probably just syntax.  Any suggestions?
04:46.43*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-blvoqltskhiyyccc)
04:51.27ChannelZjoobie: well if you're talking about * and the media stream is running through it, you can ChanSpy from another phone
04:53.58ChannelZpatrb: yeah show us the actual dialplan
04:55.02*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
04:58.20joobieChannelZ, i'm talking about * but i'm trying to go with a hardware based solution for other reasons
05:03.10jsjcI am trying to change the bloody default language but no chance.. this asterisk it is reading shit from somewhere....
05:13.19*** join/#asterisk mog (
05:34.01*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
05:45.43*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
05:57.53*** join/#asterisk soman (
06:03.00*** join/#asterisk Nombrandue (
06:05.43ChannelZHEY! If you were a hotdog, and were starving, would you eat yourself?
06:06.10NombrandueDoes anyone have any idea's how to get Asterisk to see a Sipura SPA-3201 ATA as a trunk device?
06:08.31ChannelZDo you mean 3102?
06:08.49Nombrandueyes sorry
06:09.03ChannelZAnd what do you mean bu 'trunk device'
06:10.01*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
06:10.15Nombrandueto show up as a trunk in, say the Asterisk-GUI, or some other flavor of GUI for Asterisk. Namely to replicate what is seen with having a provider such as Broadvoice, or having an analoge card in place
06:11.56Nombranduethat is a lot like how I have it set up now (Background on this, I am migrating from Callweaver to Asterisk, due to feature sets)
06:12.50Nombranduemy issue is I am trying to re-write my dial plan in a way I can use the other tools, like freepbx, or asterisk-gui, and change the configs there, instead of by hand every time I am working on a new line.
06:12.53*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
06:13.20*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (
06:13.30ChannelZOne you configure the 3102 it registers like any other device
06:14.18kaldemarNombrandue: if you want to use a GUI, then use a GUI. don't modify the configs by hand. if you're asking what kind of configs a GUI makes, you'll be better off asking in a GUI channel.
06:15.23Nombranduekaldemar: That is one thing I will be working on over the weekend, is pestering people in the GUI channels about that. If I go that route, I will need to convert my existing dial plan to something I can import, and I have, so far, found much that would do that
06:16.13ChannelZThese GUIs cause more headaches than they solve
06:16.39ChannelZBut I'm really confused because your question seems to have absolutely nothing to do with the SPA3102
06:17.05NombrandueChannelZ : just a seperate part of my total migration problem
06:17.51kaldemarasterisk itself really does not separate "trunk" devices and other devices. they're all pretty much the same.
06:18.17Nombranduethe SPA3102 works, perfectly, with my old setup using Callweaver. I stop Callweaver, and start Asterisk, with a like setup (configs copied over and modified for the new syntaxes) and everything works fine, for about an hour. Then no inbound calls ever register, only outbound work
06:19.33NombrandueIf I restart Asterisk, it works again, for a while, then no more calls come in from the SPA. But I do see the RTP traffic start for a moment, but nothing happens across the dial plan, and the line just keeps ringing with no pickup
06:19.36Polysicsi have realtime queues defined. how can i force a reload without restarting * when i change something?
06:19.42Polysicsso far only restart fixed it
06:20.04NombrandueI am 80% sure it is something to do with SIP, SIP registration, and timeouts
06:20.21ChannelZmodule reload app_queue  ?
06:21.03ChannelZNombrandue: probably.  After an hour does 'sip show peers' show the SPA with no IP and/or unreachable?
06:22.05NombrandueI am not sure, I will check that though. If that is the case, I would think I need to adjust that on Asterisk. I am pretty damned sure so much has changed on the SIP side with Asterisk from what the CW was, that is part of my problem
06:22.55ChannelZIt depends.
06:25.21ChannelZThere's half a dozen different things it could be
06:26.23Nombranduein a nutshell, I am moving from Asterisk 1.2 to 1.6.1, configuration wise
06:26.27ChannelZIs the SPA local to the * box?
06:26.41ChannelZDoes it really have a dynamic IP address?
06:26.43*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
06:27.19Nombrandueno, the SPA is on the network, static IP's on both the SPA and the * box, and they are connected at 100MB/s on a gig switch
06:28.04kaldemarNombrandue: there are quite a few changes between 1.2 and 1.6.1. read UPGRADE*.txt in an 1.6.1 source package to see the configuration syntax changes.
06:28.06ChannelZThen why not just config the IP of the SPA in sip.conf and forget registering?
06:28.45NombrandueI have the SPA set up as a user in sip.conf, for inbound and outbound, right now
06:29.58ChannelZWhat I'm saying is that if they're both on the same network, there's no NAT between them, and they both have static IPs, there's no real benefit in setting it up as a dynamic user in sip.conf and making the SPA register.
06:31.38ChannelZAlthough you said outbound works, inbound doesn't.. which would imply * knows how to read the SPA but the SPA is not knowing how to reach *
06:32.45ChannelZwhich doesn't make much sense but either way I'm not going to sit here guessing every possible scenario with no real information to go on
06:33.06Nombrandueinbound works, it just times out after a while
06:33.56Nombranduewhen I am running callweaver, inbound and outbound work, all the time, with the SPA in the sip.conf file, as the inbound extension and the outbound device (as outlined in the documentation you posted earlier)
06:34.03*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
06:35.15ChannelZgreat.  This isn't #callweaver and we're not clairvoyant enough to see your configs and console output
06:35.41Nombrandueis there a pastebin I can use, if that would help?
06:35.53infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
06:39.04Nombranduethe SPA config that works is:
06:39.24NombrandueI am working on getting the other ones up as well.
06:42.46kaldemarNombrandue: monitor is not a valid parameter, and insecure does not take "very" as a value.
06:42.58kaldemarin asterisk, that is.
06:43.45ChannelZI think that's from 1.2
06:44.09kaldemar"very" was valid until 1.4.
06:44.13*** join/#asterisk pif (
06:44.48kaldemarbut there's not monitor parameter in 1.2 either.
06:44.49ChannelZI meant that sip.conf - he said it was the "config that works" which I am assuming is this old setup
06:45.27NombrandueCallweaver was a branch off 1.2, which is what that is from. Yes, what I am getting right now is from the old setup
06:45.49ChannelZI'd never heard of it but never ran 1.2.  But I"m waiting for the config that _doesn't_ work since it's more useful fix a problem than fix a not-problem
06:46.28*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
06:46.32ChannelZbut I"m thinking I'd really rather go play video games.
06:47.31ChannelZI do see 'qualify' is turned off, perhaps the SPA is getting bored and going to sleep.
06:48.59*** join/#asterisk sulex (
06:49.30Nombranduethat is possible
06:50.20NombrandueI will work on the config and remove the old stuff out, and finish transcribing it, instead of trying to limp along until I got more time to do it completely. Thanks for the help so far
06:53.50sawgoodI have an Asterisk box which I added dhcpd to (so my phones could grab and IP address from the IP PBX) ... This part is working, but I do not think the phones can 'reach' the Internet (there is two NICS in this box) (one NIC has a static live public IP ... and the 2nd NIC is a 172.16.x.x NIC issuing DHCP)
06:54.01ChannelZyou say it happens after an hour, that's the default registration expire in the 3102
06:54.04sawgoodIs there anyway to 'know' if the phones can reach the Internet?
06:54.23ChannelZsawgood: like, testing...
06:54.39sawgoodI am trying to have the phones do f/w updates from Snom, but they fail ... I think there is no route out (I do not have a SIP trunk setup on the box yet)
06:55.01sawgoodI have the correct statements in sip_nat.conf ...
06:55.11sawgoodBut I think the IP PBX is not a 'router' ...
06:55.24ChannelZwell that's up to how you have your server setup
06:55.35sawgooddo you mean dhcpd.conf by chance?
06:56.13ChannelZno, the thing as a whole.  Are the phones on the same LAN segment as *?  Is there a router on that segment connected to the net?  Is it setup to NAT local traffic out, etc etc etc
06:56.50sawgoodThe * box has two NICs (one NIC has a static IP out to the Internet ) with no router/firewall in front of it.
06:57.07sawgoodThe * box can reach the Internet just fine, and I can SSH into the * box from another Internet host
06:57.30ChannelZWhat is the other NIC, LAN?  Private address space?
06:57.37sawgoodI 'think' when the phones (getting 172.16.50.x IP addresses from DHCP) try to go out to the Internet ... there is no route
06:57.59sawgood2nd NIC is (DHCP from .10 to .25)
06:58.50sawgoodI have a default gw statement in route for the public NIC (eth0) ... and it is working ... but (eth1) is static 172.16.50.x
06:58.52ChannelZSo the server is the router.  And it sounds like you have no NAT setup
06:59.17kaldemarsawgood: your dhcpd needs to send an "option routers" to the clients.
06:59.21ChannelZso the phones send traffic to the server which has no idea what to do with it and drops it on the floor
06:59.25sawgoodChannelZ: I think you are right ... I probably need NAT setup (I thought doing SIP setting NAT=yes) would work for this
06:59.37ChannelZno, it has nothing to do with the phones
06:59.56sawgoodoh ... the option routers should NOT be, but rather the LIVE static eth0 NIC IP address
07:00.00sawgoodlet me try that
07:00.03ChannelZwell.. it COULD have something to do with the phones but you have other problems
07:00.45sawgoodmy option routers statement = .... not the WAN NIC for eth0 (maybe that is the concern)
07:00.49ChannelZThat won't get you much further.  If you're not running NAT the traffic has nowhere to come back to
07:01.49*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:03.28ChannelZiptables --table nat -A POSTROUTING --out-interface eth0 --jump SNAT --to the.real.ip
07:03.31kaldemarsawgood: it needs to be the router of your network, whatever that is.
07:04.26sawgoodDo you mean the 'default gateway' ... there is no router .... just the phone, the IP PBX, and straight out to to the Internet via a Comcast cable gateway
07:04.37ChannelZYour linux box IS the router
07:05.06ChannelZYou just haven't configured it to NAT machines on the local side of your network out to the rest of the world
07:05.21sawgoodyes, I agree the Linux box is acting as a router ... it has two NIC cards (one public and one private IP address)
07:05.33sawgoodHow do I setup NAT on the Linux box (the router)?
07:05.41ChannelZAnd unless you have multiple IPs coming from comcast and are giving each phone a real IP, and have it routed as such on the Linux box, this won't work without using NAT.
07:05.53ChannelZRead back 4 lines
07:06.01kaldemari guess there's a channel for linux networking too. :P
07:06.11sawgoodiptables --table nat -A POSTROUTING --out-interface eth0 --jump SNAT --to the.real.ip
07:06.38ChannelZyes assuming eth0 is your WAN interface, and the.real.ip should be it's real-world ip address
07:06.40sawgoodChannelZ: is this what you meant?
07:06.51sawgoodright ... but I think iptables is 'off' ...
07:06.55sawgoodfirewall is stopped
07:07.03ChannelZIt's never off, it's just not doing anything.
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07:07.48ChannelZI must say you are bold for putting a box on the net with no firewall up to this point!  I hope you know what all is running on it
07:08.50sawgoodwhen I typed in your iptables command (the only thing the statement did not 'like' was the IP address at the very end)
07:09.21sawgoodI forgot the word --to (and then the IP)
07:10.58sawgoodhow to I 'see' if iptables is running the command I just typed in
07:11.23ChannelZiptables -t nat -L
07:11.24ChannelZsort of
07:11.51sawgoodlooks good ... so far
07:12.05ChannelZdoes 'route' show a default route with a comcast gateway?
07:13.04ChannelZok so your box should masquerade any LAN traffic it can't otherwise figure out how else to route out your cable
07:13.32sawgooddw = eth0 = (Which IP should I use for NAT .30 or .20)?
07:13.54ChannelZDo you have a block of multiple IPs?
07:14.52ChannelZwell you can use any one you want so long as they are routed to and you have an interface listening.  But for the sake of ease use whatever IP you already are using
07:15.09ChannelZwhich is .20 I guess
07:15.30sawgoodyeah ... the phone fails to 'go out to the net' and get a f/w update ...
07:15.43sawgoodI do not think traffic can leave the phones and get to the Internet
07:16.05ChannelZpastebin the output of "iptables -L -v -n" and "route"
07:21.57ChannelZeth0 is ?
07:22.24ChannelZand eth1 is what?
07:23.03sawgoodI have another customer with this same setup ... I am SSHing into their box to see thier iptables statement
07:23.32ChannelZand you have set as the IP for 'option routers' in your DHCP that is serving the phones?
07:24.15sawgoodno I changed it to
07:24.21sawgoodI can change it back if you think it will work
07:24.56ChannelZand you'll have to reboot the phones too after restarting dhcpd
07:25.28ChannelZalso double-check   iptables -t nat -L POSTROUTING
07:26.28sawgoodChain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT)
07:26.28sawgoodtarget     prot opt source               destination
07:26.28sawgoodSNAT       all  --  anywhere             anywhere            to:
07:26.43sawgoodI did dhcpd restart
07:26.49sawgoodshould I reboot the phone?
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07:27.05ChannelZoh.. and "cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"
07:28.06sawgoodwas the output
07:28.14ChannelZecho "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
07:28.33ChannelZthen reboot your phones so they get the right info and try again
07:29.43ChannelZAnd if it still doesn't work it's hard to say without being able to dig around in your machine, but do you have any other computers/laptops you could put on the LAN and see if they work
07:30.06ChannelZ(and why, just as an aside, do you have 14 IPs but apparently nothing but 1 server on your cable?)
07:31.14sawgoodI have other routers and devices using up all 14 IP address (only 1 spare)
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07:31.37sawgoodThis setup I have now ... was 'working' until I had to rebuild the box the other day
07:31.54sawgoodI did not document how to 'make the Linux box into a router' ... I am trying to do that now
07:32.18sawgoodstill 0
07:32.32ChannelZuhm.. so let me get this straight then... physically, from the perspective of this box, it has one NIC going directly to the cable modem.. and another which goes into a hub or switch, and the ONLY other things on that hub/switch are the phones?
07:32.45ChannelZyou probably have to be root to set it to 1
07:33.20sawgood100% correct ... in the network layout you described
07:33.50sawgood3 phones plugged into a PoE switch and a 4th cable running to the 2nd NIC in the Linux box
07:34.13sawgoodsuper clean simple Ethernet switch and cable run to a Comcast gateway
07:34.36sawgoodI am definitely root ....
07:35.38ChannelZyou echo'd 1 to /proc/sys/net/ipv4_ip_forward and then cat'd it and it still said 0?
07:36.41*** join/#asterisk greysd (
07:37.11sawgoodI did it two more times ... it goes through with no error, but when I check it ... it still says zero
07:37.19ChannelZtry "sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1"
07:37.48greysdHi! Please, how can i trace a call transfers?
07:38.11*** join/#asterisk viq (~viq@unaffiliated/viq)
07:38.21ChannelZgreysd: sip debug and watch the messages?
07:38.38ChannelZor maybe not since you don't say transfers between what
07:39.11*** join/#asterisk samy^ (
07:39.11sawgoodnow it has a 1 in the statement
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07:41.27sawgoodIts working now, Bob!
07:41.38sawgoodI am getting firmware updates from Snom on the phone
07:41.49ChannelZI think I just shit my pants
07:42.07sawgoodSo, did I just make this box into a DHCP server and a router?
07:42.26ChannelZyes.. a masquerading router
07:42.39sawgoodNAT, right?
07:43.35greysdA call B, B answer, B call C, C answer, B transfer A to C, A talk with C. i want to record  in DB that A call B and B transfer it to C.
07:44.17sawgoodSo, If I scroll back in this channel window and make notes ... I should be able to document what we did to make it work?
07:46.32ChannelZYes.. you can turn on ipv4 forwarding in /etc/sysctl.conf to make it 'permenant', or write a simple firewall script that does the sysctl bit and sets up iptables for doing NAT
07:47.59sawgoodnet.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
07:48.09ChannelZwell you want 1 to turn it on
07:48.11sawgoodThis is the statement in my /etc/sysctl.conf file now
07:48.35sawgoodwe set this to a 1, but the file has 0
07:49.14ChannelZthe file is a config file, not a current state
07:50.03ChannelZsysctl sets kernel parameters.  sysctl.conf is a config file to set a whole bunch of parameters the same way every time the system boots
07:50.04sawgoodI edited the file to change it to a 1
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07:51.48Tim_Toadyi have a real strange prob with an asetrisk box.I running with latest dahdi, my sip phones are spa921 and i have a B410P card connectin to bri lines
07:52.12Tim_Toadyhalf of my calls are failing
07:53.06Tim_Toadywhen the other side answers the call i get a SIP/2.0 503 Service Unavailable
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07:53.34Tim_Toadyit seems to happen randomly
07:53.42Tim_Toadyand i cant think of something
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07:55.44Tim_Toadyinternal calls work perfectly
07:55.59Tim_Toadyi get this only in outgoint call to the bri lines
07:56.23sawgoodChannelZ: can you see if these step by step notes look right:
07:57.05ChannelZAnd does it happen from the save device to the same number all the time or that's random?
07:57.43Tim_Toadyprob appeared after i upgraded to the latest linksys fw, 5.1.8
07:58.28Tim_Toadybut i have the same devices deployed in many sites with the same configuration same asterisk without having the same prob
07:58.29*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
07:58.31ChannelZhave you looked harder at SIP debugs to see what messages are going back and forth to try and see if it's a negotiation problem between * and the phone?
07:58.47ChannelZsawgood: more or less yes
07:58.47Tim_Toadythats what im looking now
07:58.59sawgoodChannelZ: thank you!!!
07:59.07*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
08:05.21sawgoodwhen one is working strickly with extensions.conf (and you want to make a company wide 'number' for all extensions to dial to reach voicemail ... would it look something like this:
08:05.42sawgoodexten => 404,1(VoiceMailMenu)
08:06.45ChannelZexten => 404,1,VoiceMailMain
08:07.00sawgoodoh ... the () mean something else, huh?
08:07.26ChannelZwell () is for arguments.  You also missed the , after the priority (1) and there is no application called VoiceMailMenu
08:07.30ChannelZbut other than that..
08:07.55sawgoodI was 'close' ... not bad for less then a few days from breaking away from FreePBX!
08:08.28sawgoodChannelZ: even without using FreePBX ... does Asterisk src require MySql to work?
08:08.41sawgoodOr is MySql only something for GUI
08:08.49ChannelZit's for 'realtime config'
08:08.53tuxx-and for cdr's
08:09.07ChannelZbeing able to put some configs in a database instead of static config files
08:09.12ChannelZand logging as tuxx says
08:09.14sawgoodSo, the 'Asterisk Manager' is still part of the build though, right?
08:09.15tuxx-time to get some asphalt in my longues.
08:09.40ChannelZManager is "standard", yes
08:10.11sawgoodSeem to me that Asterisk was about about 25Mb tops ... not very large of an application
08:11.04sawgoodThese 'extra' things like FOP, ARI ... are not part of Asterisk ... they come from the 'distro's' adding them, right?
08:11.36ChannelZyeah.. FOP is a totally separate thing, 3rd party.. ARI I'm not sure what that is
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08:11.50sawgoodAsterisk recording Interface
08:11.50ChannelZbut FOP gets put in as part of FreePBX I think
08:12.58sawgoodIn FreePBX (when one wants to ADD a system recording for an IVR menu) ... the *77 process from a phone is used ... how does one create the .wav files from scratch in Asterisk for IVR menus?
08:13.38ChannelZmake an extension that does Record(whatever.ulaw)
08:13.57sawgoodoh ... neat ... one extension for making recordings only so to speak
08:14.37sawgoodChannelZ: you've never been tempted to try out a GUI?
08:14.55ChannelZyeah just make a bunch if you have a few to record, make them all different extensions for whatever filenames... or put a bunch in a row on the same extension, and everytime you hit # to end the recording it'll go on to the next one
08:15.30ChannelZI have FreePBX running in a VM to see what it looked like but I haven't played with it a lot because it seemed a little pointless to
08:16.06sawgoodwhat about call recording on demand ... it is *1 with FreePBX ... what do you do to launch this in Asterisk only?
08:16.57ChannelZthat's 'automon', and you have to have Dial()ed with proper flags to allow recording
08:17.08sawgoodDo you think the 'distros' have hurt the Asterisk business or made it more open to others to get involved?
08:17.27ChannelZI have no idea
08:18.08sawgoodI got ExtenSpy working on a few IP PBX boxes with whisper mode and barge mode ... thanks to your help!
08:18.15sawgoodThe customer's love this feature!
08:18.32ChannelZThere are some companies who have created "telephone appliances" with them, like a phone-system-in-a-box.  I don't know how well they sell vs hiring a consultant or a company who builds a system themselves
08:19.11ChannelZYou're not the one that owns a pizza place are you?
08:19.19sawgoodPlus ... there is several OEM makers of IP PBX boxes like Allworx, TalkSwitch, and Epygi which are not based on Asterisk
08:19.28sawgoodno pizza place for me
08:19.54ChannelZI think that was someone else with an 's' nick
08:19.59sawgoodThe PIKA appliance
08:20.06ChannelZSluggs or something maybe.  so much for my brain
08:20.14sawgoodand trixbox "Rhino" solutions
08:20.42sawgoodI guess its off to sleep for me ... take care!
08:21.16ChannelZyeah there's a lot out there.  I got into * because I needed a small phone system for my business.. my partner was looking at an old Merlin system on eBay for some crazy amount of money, and I was like NOOOO don't you dare
08:24.47voxterAnyone have any idea why after converting one side of an asterisk trunk to 1.4, an IAX peer is now expiring its registration after 20 seconds of registering, every time?
08:29.06Polysicswhat is the proper way in 1.6 to have users be able to take only 1 call at once?
08:29.16Polysicsis there a setting, or do i need logic?
08:29.44Polysicscallcounter only enables me to actually KNOW the SIP device's status
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08:29.53Polysicstalking about SIP devices here, to be correct
08:30.00Polysicsthey have no extension associated
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08:34.30Tim_ToadyPolysics disable callwaiting on ur sip phones
08:35.47Polysicsi don't see the option in the db, sorry
08:36.00Polysicsis it a sip.conf option?
08:36.09ChannelZno, on the phone its self
08:36.22Polysicsi can't do that :-(
08:36.42Polysicscomplicated to explain why, so i won't bore you
08:36.48ChannelZMost SIP phones, even so-called "single line" phones have a call-waiting feature that lets them accept another call.  You should be able to turn that off in the phone's actual config.
08:36.50Polysicsbut doesn't call-limit do exactly that?
08:37.47ChannelZcall-limit is being deprecated
08:38.28Polysicsand replaced by?
08:40.11*** join/#asterisk kruemeltee (
08:40.12Polysicsmight it be busylevel?
08:40.18kruemelteehello all together :-)
08:40.34Polysicsalthough the wiki says you need call-limit for busylevel to work, which is confusing :-)
08:40.34ChannelZapparently hosing it up in the dialplan yourself with the GROUP_COUNT function or something
08:40.58PolysicsChannelZ, i find that not very smart, but hey, i don't code *
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08:42.30ChannelZDidn't we go over this the other day?
08:43.42jsjcwhen I play exten => s,n,Background(welcome) plays in english should I set exten => s,n,Background(es/welcome) so plays spanish?
08:43.58ChannelZAt least for me setting 'callcounter=1' in sip.conf works and manually checking the status with the DEVICE_STATE function
08:44.05kruemelteedo I have to see the CIDName within "database show" of every phone thats registered? for instance callerid is set to "CCA 1 <601>" ... do I have to see "CCA 1" within "database show"?
08:44.18Gido-Ejsjc, it is also possible to set language to es
08:44.29ChannelZjsjc: no you'd set the language for the channel to es
08:44.38jsjcGido-E: I have set language to es all around and does not play es....
08:44.45PolysicsChannelZ, yes, we did, and that works, but there are a number of settings that might do that instead - i was basically trying to find out why non of them work :-)
08:45.18ChannelZyou should just fix your phones but nevermind
08:45.37jsjcI am receiving the call through SIP and in general has language=es and in the actual [user] has language=es as well
08:45.39PolysicsZoiper web doesn not have a provisionable setting for that :-(
08:45.43Polysicsthat is the problem
08:45.53jsjcI actually would like to setup whole asterisk to es unless otherwise mentioned
08:46.54ChannelZjsjc: where have you changed the language?  Channels have a default (sip.conf, chan_dahdi.conf, etc depending)
08:48.45*** join/#asterisk chendy_ (~chatzilla@
08:49.50ChannelZjsjc: did you set it globally?
08:50.21*** join/#asterisk mahiti-irc (~mahiti@
08:51.23mahiti-irci installed asterisk 1.4.27 and ooh323c in a centos machine
08:51.37jsjcChannelZ: I set it up in [general]
08:51.55jsjcany way to set it up global?
08:51.57mahiti-irci need asterisk to talk with a hypermedia GSM server
08:52.01ChannelZwell that's what I meant
08:52.15mahiti-ircwhen i use a softphone like sjphone
08:52.17ChannelZI just set mine to es, put a file in the es directory and it worked
08:52.22mahiti-ircwhich is working
08:52.36ChannelZIs it saying "Playing 'xxxx' (language 'es')" on the console?
08:52.37mahiti-ircbut asterisk is not able to make a dial ouut
08:52.48jsjccan I set it up in asterisk.conf as a default language?
08:52.50mahiti-irccan anyone help me on this
08:54.46ChannelZjsjc: well you could either 'hotwire' it by turning off the language prefix, and setting the sounds directory to the 'es' subdirectory, or move them all out of the language directory
08:55.08ChannelZjsjc: Are all your calls only coming in/out via SIP?
08:55.16jsjccoming in via SIP
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08:55.42jsjcbut if I open the voicemailmain it is in es
08:56.05ChannelZthat's what I tested
08:56.22jsjcI have an extensions that execs VoicemailMain() and appears to be spanish
08:56.30jsjcbut the Background(welcome) it is english...
08:57.41ChannelZAre the permissions on your sounds such that * is able to access them?  And you didn't answer my other question
08:58.01ChannelZdoes the console show (language 'es') when it's playing back
08:58.10jsjcI am confused now I have two asterisk sound folders /var/lib/asterisk/sounds and in /usr/share/asterisk/sounds one of them is missing the spanish... so I am confused...
08:58.46ChannelZdefault is /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/xx/ where xx is the language
08:59.12ChannelZdo 'core show settings'
08:59.34jsjcsays defualt language english
08:59.36ChannelZactually that doesn't show you the sound dir
08:59.42jsjcnop it does not
08:59.44*** join/#asterisk Z_God (
08:59.47jsjci been trying that for a while
09:00.01*** join/#asterisk contrabanda (~contr@
09:03.04mahiti-irccan anyone help me
09:03.42contrabandaPlease i need hepl with dahdi.
09:04.25jsjcChannelZ: will do some investigation if not just will leave using my custom made prompts
09:04.49ChannelZwell it's pretty easy to figure out
09:04.57ChannelZwhere are your custom prompts?
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09:11.17jsjcthe structure of sounds folder is language en/allthesounds and then folders within en for follome phonetics.....
09:11.37jsjcor sounds/es and sounds/phonetic/es
09:13.13contrabandaPlease i need hepl with dahdi.
09:13.22*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
09:13.23ChannelZit should all be /var/lib/sounds/xx/*
09:13.37ChannelZlike /var/lib/sounds/en/phonetic/* and /var/lib/sounds/es/phonetic/*
09:14.05ChannelZIf you tell it to play a sound that doesn't exist in the current language, it falls back to trying the default language
09:14.43ChannelZYou're probably getting english because your spanish files are not structured right or asterisk otherwise can't read them
09:15.06jsjcChannelZ: I think that is the issue I will sort it out and test
09:15.15ChannelZAre you trying to use the default asterisk 'es' sound pack?
09:15.35jsjcI cannot find default es soundpack
09:15.39ChannelZWhat version of asterisk?
09:15.54jsjcwhen I compiled the asterisk looks like did not put
09:16.15jsjcmaybe default is the colombian accent one... and I really didnt like it so I am getting the spain version
09:16.26jsjcnothing wrong with colombianS!? My housemate is one of them hehe
09:16.30ChannelZgo into your build directory and do "make menuconfig"
09:16.43jsjcChannelZ: all spanish are selected
09:16.53ChannelZthen go into "Core Sound Packages", turn on CORE-SOUNDS-ES-ULAW, save, and make install
09:17.11jsjcyeap that is like htat
09:18.35contrabandaPlease i need help with dahdi.
09:18.38mahiti-irccan anyone help me debug openh323 with asterisk 1.4 on centos
09:18.41*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:18.48sulexplease, what's the right way to completely stop using extensions.conf in favor of ael? (apart from having a 0 size .conf)
09:21.19jsjcPlaying 'welcome.ulaw' (language 'en') why!?
09:21.47ChannelZjsjc: you have something not configured right
09:21.56ChannelZjsjc: paste your sip.conf
09:22.02jsjcChannelZ: I know but looking around and no luck
09:22.16ChannelZcuz I just downloaded and installed the es core sounds and this bitch is yelling at me in spanish
09:22.27Tim_Toadysulex just load module and put ur extensions.ael in place
09:24.20ChannelZand you're not setting it to something else somewhere in your dialplan
09:24.29jsjcmnm let me check
09:25.00jsjcin [general] says language=es
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09:25.22jsjcthat is the only place I have mentioned language
09:26.01sulexTim_Toady: yep and it's working, but since now extensions.conf is useless and i see its loading as a waste of resources(yes I'm in paranoid land), i was wondering if there's a way to get rid of its loading. but maybe it's the * core in charge of its loading, and so is not possible to avoid its parsing?
09:26.13ChannelZI mean you're not using the LANGUAGE function anywhere... this isn't freepbx or something doing something crazy in another config file.../
09:26.26jsjcChannelZ: if I do cat * |grep language in /etc/asterisk just replies me with language=es
09:26.46mahiti-irccan anyone help me debug openh323 with asterisk 1.4 on centos??
09:26.48Tim_Toadysulex delete it and remove module
09:26.49ChannelZgrep -i
09:27.04kaldemarjsjc: NoOp(${CHANNEL(language)}) in a call
09:27.28jsjcI have not mention bloody language...
09:27.29Tim_Toadysulex sorry i mean module
09:27.38jsjcI am just thinking this thing of having to sound directories
09:27.47jsjcand it is reading from one of them not the other?
09:28.00jsjcbut the same in asterisk.conf i have set datadir to be /var/lib
09:28.04ChannelZno even if it's playing a file out of 'en' if it thinks the channel is 'es' it should say that
09:28.17ChannelZat least in 1.6.1
09:28.54sulexTim_Toady: I try that, thanks. i thought pbx_config was in charge of the parsing not onlx of extensions.conf but from the source i see iwas thinking wrong. thanks
09:29.35ChannelZyou have something crazy going on with your configs or something, barring some sort of bug in your version which I tend to doubt
09:30.22ChannelZI could probably ssh in and figure it out if you were so inclined but else I need to go to bed
09:30.27jsjcI tend to rule out bugs and more something i am doing... but definetly even if I specify Playback(es/welcome) should be spanish right?
09:31.13jsjcChannelZ: just go to bed will mock around a bit more if not will ask this again tomorrow
09:31.15mahiti-ircwhich is latest supported openh323 driver for installation on asterisk
09:31.31ChannelZno not unless the file was .../sounds/en/es/welcome.ulaw
09:31.59*** join/#asterisk alhafoudh (~alhafoudh@
09:32.00alhafoudhhi guys
09:32.53mahiti-ircwhich is latest supported openh323 driver for installation on asterisk 1.4
09:33.13alhafoudhanyone can help me with this? Avaya has LAR feature, look ahred routing, to use this, i need to send reason code 34 back to avaya when circuit has congestion but i also need to preserve call progress setup fields which are controlled by progress_setup=8 setting in h323.conf but it does not work, can anyone help?
09:34.22jsjcok so that is why that does not work neither...
09:34.38jsjcany possibility of setting whole default language of asterisk to es
09:34.46jsjcbecause when checkin core show settings
09:34.56jsjcappears default language = en
09:35.09jsjcwhere shoul I address to put in es?
09:38.30alhafoudhanyone please can help?
09:38.42alhafoudhmahiti-irc: 1.19.1
09:39.08mahiti-ircalhafoudh, which one openh323 or h323plus ?
09:39.13mahiti-ircwhich is better?
09:43.13alhafoudhanyone please?
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09:48.04mahiti-ircalhafoudh, these days replies came very late
09:48.12mahiti-ircu have to wait :)
09:57.37sulexthe underscore in front of a variable used in Read(), does it make the variable inheritable by the child channels as in SetVar()?
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10:23.58_markh_'m trying to build a system where a user (with no headphone/speakers) can play a video to their PC but listen to the audio via a phone. I envisage a system whereby the user visits a web page, is presented with a phone number/pin. They dial the number, enter the pin and then press play on their onscreen player.
10:23.59_markh_I'm thinking that we can adapt a video streamer to connect to an asterisk conference, playing the audio into the conference which contains the (only) user. Or is there a better way?
10:25.02Zeeekwhat is the advantage of the phone here?
10:25.36_markh_The use has no sound card on their PC, but they do have a phone on their desk
10:25.39Zeeekoh, no audio system at all
10:25.54Zeeekbut it would never be in sync
10:26.24ZeeekI wonder where you see the need for such a thing?
10:26.31_markh_It doesn;t really need to be in sync (i.e. there's no lip sync involved), just a commentary
10:26.49_markh_It's a software demo
10:26.55Zeeekwhat population segment needs this?
10:27.17Zeeekmost computers have a least speakers
10:27.36_markh_This is in a health service environment
10:27.43_markh_Reception PC
10:27.50Zeeekpatient side or professional side
10:28.19_markh_Even if they have a sound card (on the mobo) they won;t have headphones/speakers
10:28.28Zeeekand the video in question is from a commection you contriol or any potentiazl video anywhere?
10:28.52ZeeekIOW what videos, where are they coming from
10:28.53_markh_Our video
10:28.58Zeeekall in one place?
10:29.07Zeeekhow many?
10:29.12Zeeekless than 100 ?
10:29.29_markh_probably only one
10:29.43ZeeekI'd recommend you extract the audio and just initiate a call to the requester
10:30.06ZeeekThere are many free tools to extract the audio to WAV or whetevr you need
10:30.21_markh_the only trouble there is that the we can;t always DID to the user
10:30.34Zeeekthen just call the number or whatever, and play theaudio file or use an IVR to allow them to start the play
10:30.39_markh_and how would we launch the sound at the same time as the video
10:31.27ZeeekYou'd need some progralmming to start
10:31.51Zeeekyou would call a normal phone?
10:32.25ZeeekI'd say they're looking at the page, the click on a button that calls them
10:32.46Zeeekwhen they answer the IVR asks them to hit the # key when the are reay to start the video
10:33.24Zeeekif there werer several videos it could be like "Press 1 for geriatic assination
10:33.42Zeeekpress 2 for diahretic analisys"
10:33.57Zeeek"to restart the audi at any time, hit *"
10:34.08ZeeekI need to go to lunch
10:34.14*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
10:34.16Zeeeksounds like an interesting project, tho
10:34.31_markh_Thx for te ideas
10:34.54_markh_I'm just not sure how to start the cide from *
10:35.09_markh_cide  ;) = video
10:37.24*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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10:47.11Zeeek_markh_: I think the only way is on the site itself, the sperson starts the video when they get the calls
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11:08.34nagios1111hi, i get  this error in asterisk pbx_spool.c: Call failed to go through, reason (3) Remote end Ringing
11:08.45nagios1111any body have an idea??
11:08.58nagios1111how to resolve it
11:13.03*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
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11:21.40_markh_Zeekek: I'm wondering about using MOH to play the audio. If we take an opensource streaming app, break out the audio (probably easier said than done), route it through ffmpeg and make it available to asterisk as a MP3 streaming source, I can connect the user that calls in to an extension that plays that MP3 source as audio. That way, when the user hits play on their browser they will hear...
11:21.41_markh_...the audio as MOH.
11:22.06_markh_Zeeek: :)
11:22.46_markh_One day I'm going to learn to type...
11:26.23alhafoudhanyone can help please?
11:26.30alhafoudhanyone can help me with this? Avaya has LAR feature, look ahred routing, to use this, i need to send reason code 34 back to avaya when circuit has congestion but i also need to preserve call progress setup fields which are controlled by progress_setup=8 setting in h323.conf but it does not work, can anyone help?
11:27.15Zeeek_markh_: it might work, if it does maybe yiu can sell the idea :)
11:28.01Zeeekis leaving to shop for food and beer for the VUC ( #vuc on - starts in 4.5 hours)
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11:33.18TSMany good serial port bods here mind to answer a few questions for me, pvt if needed instead of the room
11:34.09nagios1111can you help me to resolve this error pbx_spool.c:347 attempt_thread: Call failed to go through, reason (3) Remote end Ringing
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12:23.57*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
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12:29.50Skeeter-Yesterday's gun talk made me go crazy so i buy a new carrying case for my G17
12:31.43*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
12:34.14ariel_I do own a gun, but that is due to it was my dad's.  But overall it's locked in a safe box.  I really don't like them.
12:35.18Skeeter-Probably the only thing that makes me Zen
12:36.03[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: 'cause nothing says eastern philosophy & peace... like guns
12:36.53Skeeter-i dont get anything u just said, but your always right so... +1
12:37.19ariel_I was in the Military and I know how to shoot, but still think there dangerous and most don't have the respected needed to own one.
12:37.31*** join/#asterisk e-jones (~jkastner@nat/redhat/x-wbjfhufdnwwjxbkg)
12:40.06[TK]D-Fenderprefers the feel of his katanas. Anything worth doing is worth making personal.
12:40.08Skeeter-im in Canada, so obviously, if you own a pistol/revolver legaly, you only shoot at the range like me
12:40.57Skeeter-wonders if katanas can dodge gun's bullets...
12:41.06pentanolhi there. why can be happening this error... ast_func_read: Function CHECK_DST not registered
12:41.11jblackOh of course. Canadians are so sensible in that way
12:41.18Skeeter-i cant remember that movie where they could
12:41.27Skeeter-jblack, bullsh1t
12:41.38jblackGuns only at the range, trash only in receptacles. Sex only in bed.
12:42.04jblackand everyone that can sing or dance sent across the border
12:42.13Skeeter-Harder for citizen to defend themself, but easier for criminal
12:42.15pentanolthis is defined  into func_odbc.conf
12:45.17*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
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12:49.09Skeeter-how can i see if i have installed the asterisk-addons
12:51.49[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: see any of the modules loaded?
12:51.55*** join/#asterisk rbd_ (
12:52.13Skeeter-i tried to load, and its not there
12:52.53Skeeter-What would installing asterisk-addons affect my productivity
12:54.51*** join/#asterisk sysreq (~sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
12:54.57[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Grammar fail.  Try again.
12:56.37Skeeter-If i stop asterisk, then install asterisk-addons, start asterisk. Will it crash
12:57.12*** join/#asterisk btsteve_ (
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13:06.03Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, still grammar fail?
13:06.12Skeeter-i ordored the poster BTW
13:07.16[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Why would you think * would crash if you add a module to it?
13:07.38*** join/#asterisk muiro (~muiro@unaffiliated/muiro)
13:07.45Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, its asterisk, which cause 0.1% of the problem
13:07.46[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: If I turn off my TV and then connect a DVD player to it and turn it on, do you think it will die?
13:07.58Skeeter-im behind it which is 99.9% of the problem
13:08.05[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: You are being neurotic for nothing again
13:10.21manxpowerSkeeter-: show us a pastebin of asterisk starting as "asterisk -cvvv"
13:10.27manxpower(when it fails)
13:10.34manxpowerI doubt that's the problem, but you never know.
13:10.51Skeeter-i didnt installed them, im pretty sure of it
13:11.18[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: are the modules THERE?
13:11.34manxpowerSkeeter-: nevermind.  I thought you had a valid question.
13:11.55Skeeter-i dont know any module beside, and its not there, LIKE i mentioned BEFORE
13:12.12manxpowerSkeeter-: What is your ACTUAL problem?
13:12.17Skeeter-ok maybe i didnt
13:12.39Skeeter-asterisk-stats looks into the mysql asteriskcdrdb to get infos
13:13.04Skeeter-mysql isnt loading/parsing data from /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/master.csv
13:13.04manxpowerAh,  Now the truth comes out.  You have a question about asterisk-stats and asteriskcdb.
13:13.12*** join/#asterisk pif (
13:13.27manxpowerdoes the module show when you do "core show modules"
13:13.34Skeeter-manxpower, thats the goal, not the problem
13:14.03manxpowerso the problem is "mysql isnt loading/parsing data from /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/master.csv"?
13:14.34contrabandaPlease i need help with dahdi.
13:14.35manxpowerA problem is something like "When I do X, then Y happens, this is a problem".
13:14.41Skeeter-manxpower, but the module does it?
13:14.46manxpowerSkeeter-: when you have an actual problem feel free to come back.
13:15.01*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
13:15.05manxpowerSkeeter-: I have no idea what that silly CDR thing does.  I'm trying to help with Asterisk, not billing your clients.
13:15.15[TK]D-Fender[09:13]<Skeeter->mysql isnt loading/parsing data from /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/master.csv <--- .... why would MySQL give a shit about some random TEXT FILE?
13:15.15Skeeter-i mean the module if called for some reason?
13:15.37manxpowerSkeeter-: I wish you the BEST of luck.
13:15.55Skeeter-manxpower, thats not about billing, i just wanna have some stats
13:16.06manxpowerSkeeter-: I wish you the BEST of luck.
13:16.09[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: If you set your CDR up properly it will log to MySQL.  There is no "in between"
13:16.32Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, tell me whats used for then?
13:21.29*** join/#asterisk VEc (~Vector@
13:21.47VEcDoes anyone have any tips for running Asterisk in VMware ?
13:22.16contrabandaPlease i need help with dahdi.
13:22.55VEccontrabanda : what help do u need ?
13:23.15Skeeter-VEc, what tips do you want
13:23.16ZeeekIt's official! [TK]D-Fender is NOT our special guest today on #vuc in 2.5 hours
13:24.16Skeeter-Zeeek, whats is that conference about?
13:24.25VEcSkeeter- : does it work :O ? is it true that accurate high resolution timing is not possible in VMware ? is there away to resolve it ?
13:24.29*** join/#asterisk TJ^ (
13:24.36contrabandaVec: from log which i have posted you will find outmy chan_dahdi.conf and asterisk output when i try to reload it
13:24.38ZeeekSkeeter-: VoIP
13:24.43TJ^so fed up of dealing with dell
13:24.47TJ^they piss me off
13:24.53Skeeter-Zeeek, why is it on lunch time?
13:25.02TJ^why move everything to india where no one can help you
13:25.13Skeeter-VEc, i dont know what ur talking about, only thing i know is PCI card wont work
13:25.56Skeeter-TJ we use Dell for customer that we hate, those that will nvr come back
13:26.03ZeeekIt isn't in my time zone
13:26.44ZeeekSkeeter-: it is 12 Noon EDT, 9AM PAcific, 5PM UK, 6PM Europe evening in India, very early Saturday in Hong Kong
13:26.51[TK]D-Fender[09:16]<Skeeter->[TK]D-Fender, tell me whats used for then? <- Giving * the ability to store CDR's in MySQL
13:27.17ZeeekFor the VUC in your time zone, see
13:27.38[TK]D-FenderZeeek: I love your exclusion of UK from Europe :)
13:27.42Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, just wondering, does it take it directly from the file or directly from asterisk?
13:27.58ZeeekBecause the UK is not in the same time zone!
13:28.06[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Its an asterisk module.... * uses it directly
13:28.18WIMPyIt's not only the timezone.
13:28.35Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, once installed, it will not store older calls details...?
13:28.51Zeeekbtw, next week, starting Wednesday if you are in Europe (even the UK) AstriEurope is on for three days, it's free and several people are there from Digium and from the VUC
13:29.15ZeeekSeveral of us are meeting up there
13:29.53*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (~anonymouz@
13:29.54ZeeekThe amazing tie-dye shirts will be there
13:30.22*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
13:31.11[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: * doesn't do time travel.
13:31.38[TK]D-Fenderhides his pre-release copy of
13:31.55VEcSkeeter- : have u ever run it on Vmware ?
13:34.48*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
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13:37.37slashtomi'm linking up asterisk-1.4 (ooh323 module) and gnugk, so that sip clients can call h323 clients. calls from sip clients to h323 always appear, however most of the time the call is immediately terminated (each side says the other one disconnected). where should i start looking?
13:37.42Skeeter-VEc, i got 1 right next to me
13:38.58*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
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13:41.52VEcSkeeter- : what verison of Asterisk and Dahdi u running on it ?
13:42.13Skeeter- with the latest dahdi
13:42.15VEcSkeeter- : how many calls go though it per hour or day ?
13:42.21Skeeter-about 5
13:42.29VEcper hour ? or per day ?
13:42.41VEcwhat version of VMWare ?
13:42.48*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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13:43.31Skeeter-per day
13:43.36*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
13:43.42Skeeter-vmwamre sphere 4
13:44.24Skeeter-i dont recommend vmware for asterisk simply cuz its preferable to have a dedicated box
13:44.24*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
13:44.25contrabandaPlease i need hepl with dahdi. I have configured chan_dahdiwith pre and ss7 signalling. when i restart asterisl it gives me dahdi errors.  Please help to fix this problem.
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13:47.45TJ^System uptime: 10 years, 14 weeks, 2 days, 9 hours, 34 minutes, 3 seconds  ???
13:47.50VEccontrabanda : I never knew Dahdi support SS7, so not going to be able to help u there
13:48.04TJ^thats not right
13:48.16Naikrovek10 years.  sacre bleu
13:48.27TJ^wonders how to fix that...
13:48.49TJ^u got it too then...
13:48.51TJ^wonder why that is
13:49.00VEcTJ^ : I was just kidding
13:49.05TJ^oh :(
13:49.18Skeeter-Naikrovek, another french folks here, oh bin caliss
13:49.32Naikroveki'm not french
13:49.40Naikroveki just wish i spoke french for some reason
13:49.46Naikrovekalways wanted to speak french
13:49.50Naikroveki'm a fat-ass from illinois
13:50.17Skeeter-hands Rosetta Stone to Naikrovek
13:51.06Skeeter-Naikrovek, u gimme asterisk courses, i give u french courses
13:52.48Naikroveki should probably learn asterisk then
13:52.56Naikroveki know asterisk "am pu"
13:53.04Naikrovekspelling unknown for those words, btw
13:53.21Skeeter-un peu
13:53.27Naikrovek(french for "a little") whatev.. okay
13:54.00Skeeter-but if u read am pu in englsh, it almost make sense
13:54.16Skeeter-like u said, speeling unknown but still make sense
13:54.41Naikrovekonly makes sense when he misspells in french
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14:20.00Faustovdoes anyone know of something like teamspeak but based on sip/asterisk?
14:20.20Naikrovekthose are called softphones
14:20.37Naikrovekor just "phones"
14:20.39Faustovsoftphones into permanent conference call (meetme)?
14:20.43Naikrovekand conference rooms
14:20.57Naikrovekyeah the phone still has to dial into the room somehow
14:21.02Naikrovekbut the room can persist
14:21.06Naikrovekwith or without callers
14:21.26Faustovnow what I'm still missing is a) push-to-talk b) indication who is speaking atm
14:21.36Faustovany chance some solution could give such functionality?
14:22.00Naikrovekthe notification of who is talking, that's not technically possible with telephones as far as i know
14:22.12Naikrovekpush to talk is a feature on some softphones i think
14:22.36*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
14:22.59FaustovI was wondering if some softphone would allow such functonality, hence asking around
14:23.06Faustovand googling in the meantime
14:23.07*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@2620:0:860:2:21e:c2ff:fe03:2465)
14:25.19Skeeter-Anyone ever played with auto-installer
14:29.17*** join/#asterisk [SySteM] (
14:29.43[SySteM]Hi, anyone got a swissvoice IP10S (sip) on asterisk ? i need some helps please
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14:30.28ijpalmerhi if I'm creating an iax2 channel to another server what is the failure code and what is the name of the variable the code is set against
14:31.25[SySteM]i can call with my swissvoice IP10S and it can receive call .. but 10 minutes after do nothing.. phone return a : SIP response 486 "Busy Here"
14:34.17Naikroveknever even heard of swissvoice
14:35.35[TK]D-Fender[10:21]<Faustov>now what I'm still missing is a) push-to-talk b) indication who is speaking atm <- b = EASY TO WRITE A SCRIPT FOR
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14:36.32[TK]D-Fenderijpalmer: ${DIALSTATUS}
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14:37.21Faustov[TK]D-Fender: do you have a specific client in mind?
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14:37.50ijpalmerThanks [TK]D-Fender
14:38.29infoboti guess toywy is The one you write yourself.
14:38.31[TK]D-FenderFaustov: ^^^
14:38.48*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
14:39.52Faustov[TK]D-Fender: I'm under the impression I'd be doubling someone's efforts, I'm in fact quite sure someone already tried writing a softphone which has ptt and a gui display of conf call members
14:40.22[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Sure.. everyone is trying to turn one product into a direct equivalent of another.
14:40.37[TK]D-FenderFaustov: best of luck in your search for it of course...
14:41.07[TK]D-FenderFaustov: A softphone that also can specifically tap into * to check confrence speakers...
14:41.32[TK]D-FenderFaustov: This sould be something commercial at best.  They pieces are eay, the package someone will want real money for
14:42.01Faustovyup, there's money in it ;)
14:42.32[TK]D-FenderFaustov: Beacuse the only people who'll want it are pretty much for commercial use
14:43.14*** join/#asterisk micols (
14:43.34Faustov[TK]D-Fender: Maybe, I'd say whoever does not want a closed, slowly evolving solution like teamspeak or ventrilo, wich such client would be able to craft whatever he needs
14:43.54Faustovso whoever wants to play around with asterisk possibilities will be interested
14:45.49Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, how would you provide buddy watch support ith polycoms over an IAX trunk, u already figured me sth out but i cant remember what it was
14:46.18[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: I don't
14:46.46Skeeter-it was sth about making another iax trunk and send device_stats via dialplans to the new trunk
14:47.38Skeeter-there is some prerequist that i cant find for that
14:48.03[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: And your problems are nameless as always...
14:48.44*** join/#asterisk dewinda (~sahan@
14:48.50Skeeter-when settings make menuconfig, under ressoucres_module res_ais is marked [XXX] cuz i need some prerequist
14:49.25[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Novel idea : FULFILL THE DAMN PRE-REQUISITE
14:57.05*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
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15:00.00Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, i did apt-get install openais
15:00.34Skeeter-i wonder why no one else wants that feature so badly
15:01.23[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: You mean badly enough to install the pre-reqs?
15:01.49[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Apparently we HAVE this feature.
15:02.08Skeeter- i followed this
15:02.15[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Do I ahve to "badly want" the basic SIP phone support I already have?  Should I be raving why no-one else wants it
15:03.36*** join/#asterisk hluesea (~hluesea@
15:03.38[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: or is the fact that no-one is talking about it a testament tot he fact it work, therefor why discuss it?
15:04.03*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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15:04.08Skeeter-i dont understand what u just said
15:04.26Gido-ESkeeter- /me to :-)
15:04.30[TK]D-Fender[11:00]<Skeeter->i wonder why no one else wants that feature so badly <- Who says they don't want it?  We already HAVE it.
15:04.36mort_gibSkeeter-: Don't worry you'll get used to TK before long! :-)
15:04.46Gido-Ei think [TK]D-Fender is in a happy mood
15:04.47*** join/#asterisk freezey (
15:04.57Skeeter-Gido-E, better then ever
15:05.00[TK]D-Fenderhasn't killed anyone in over a WEEK
15:05.21freezeyhey when dialing a external number... in order to not use the 1 before the number would the dialplan look like NXXNXXXXXX
15:05.37Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, we have it , it doesnt work for me
15:05.50Skeeter-no one SEEMS to be using it
15:11.11Kobazanyone familiar with adtran ta904
15:12.52*** join/#asterisk blaines (
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15:14.28leifmadsenSkeeter-: what feature?
15:14.45Skeeter-leifmadsen, i dont wanna get another person into that
15:14.52Skeeter-device_state over IAX
15:15.04[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Who says hundreds of people aren't using it?
15:15.07Skeeter-goal is to have buddy watch working on polycoms over IAX
15:15.20Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, me
15:15.30[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Based on what?
15:15.33leifmadsendefine your topology, because obviously Polycom doesn't support IAX
15:15.34ZeeekOfficial time is BEER O CLOCK
15:15.36Skeeter-'s opinion doesnt count
15:15.49[TK]D-Fender[11:05]<Skeeter->[TK]D-Fender, we have it , it doesnt work for me <- you haven't shown us the problem.
15:15.51Zeeektopical anesthetic
15:16.01Kattypeeks in
15:16.04Kattyhugs on Zeeek
15:16.06[TK]D-Fenderpokes out
15:16.18Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, i cant even install/compile it
15:16.38Skeeter-leifmadsen, well, device_state can be sent via iax with res_ais
15:16.46[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: You've shown us nothing.  Results are likely to scale accordingly.
15:16.46leifmadsenit's not sent via IAX
15:16.50leifmadsenit's sent via AIS
15:16.51Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: lol
15:16.59Naikroveki'm using that
15:17.04ZeeekUPS works best for us
15:17.15Zeeekno ports needed
15:17.21hardwireJust sign here.
15:17.22[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: CreativeCommons Licensed
15:18.07*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
15:18.54MuffinMan[assigned] [Asterisk] Core/General 0016573: [patch] [regression] iaxclient (tested with Zoiper) registered to asterisk shows devicestate Unavailable instead Not-InUse reported by nenadr
15:19.04leifmadsennote that device_states with IAX2 are not nearly as robust at SIP device_states
15:19.46MuffinMan[16573#0119180] Commented by russell on 2010-03-09 at 12:52: While the text says "unknown", app_queue should continue to work properly.  If that is not the case, please clarify the call scenarios that are not working properly.  As indicated in previous updates, this is a side effect of the device
15:19.46MuffinMan..state handling for IAX2, but will not cause problems as far as I know.
15:19.46MuffinMan..The patch to the devicestate core is not something we can do as it will change behavior in many cases.
15:20.57Skeeter-so its in the working
15:21.08leifmadsenread the entire issue
15:21.09Skeeter-this is too technical for me
15:21.11leifmadsenthat issue should really just be closed
15:21.25leifmadseniax2 does not support device states like SIP does
15:21.38ScottyWe're givin' it all we can Captain!
15:21.39QwellScotty: O.o
15:21.50ScottyShe's gonna blow soon
15:22.13leifmadsenif it works, it works, if it doesn't, then it doesn't.
15:22.30Bonesdamn it Jim, I'm just a country doctor
15:23.03James_Tiberius_KSTand down!
15:23.57bmoraca_workyay for sed!
15:24.15*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (~chris@
15:25.01Skeeter- : installing openais, with the right configs AND starting openais gives the same result
15:27.34leifmadsenyou don't have the OpenAIS development libraries installed then
15:27.51leifmadsenAsterisk has to be able to compile against the development libraries
15:28.29leifmadsenstarting OpenAIS doesn't actually mean anything to Asterisk. There is a guide in the doc/ directory I followed and it worked pretty much the first time. Have you been following that documentation?
15:29.53*** join/#asterisk arpu (
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15:32.27Skeeter-i used
15:36.22*** part/#asterisk _penfold1972_ (
15:36.38snot - asterisk wont start. thats what I have in my log. any ideas? please let me know if additional information is needed
15:36.54snotstandard 1.4 from the debian lenny repo
15:37.08*** part/#asterisk aceio (~90fe6658@gateway/web/freenode/x-kfscnydknzorrztv)
15:39.29Qwellsnot: Did you do something silly like install multiple voicemail packages?
15:39.34Qwell(hint: you did)
15:39.37leifmadsensnot: looks like it's trying to load multiple versions of app_voicemail -- look in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/  for app_voicemail*  and see if you have multiple values. Somethign like or whatever
15:39.42leifmadsenQwell: ;)
15:40.03leifmadsensnot: use modules.conf to noload =>  (or whatever the modules names the package installed)
15:40.09bmoraca_worki thought that menuselect prevented you from doing that...
15:40.22leifmadsenbmoraca_work: there is no menuselect when installing from packages
15:40.30bmoraca_workreading ftw
15:40.32leifmadsenhe installed from the debian lenny repo
15:40.42leifmadsenyet another reason it is better to install from source :)
15:40.59ZeeekLast call for beer: join us anytime on #vuc - or call in and talk via SIP. YOu're VoIP users after all
15:41.04*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (~anonymous@pdpc/supporter/active/zeeek)
15:43.46*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:44.07snotasterisk:~# ls /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/app_voicemail*
15:44.07snot/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/  /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/  /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
15:44.11snotappeasrs so :)
15:45.05*** join/#asterisk mhaddog (~mhaddog@
15:45.57snotI'm a bit confused... what do I need to purge?
15:47.15snotasterisk-sounds-extra was the key to it
15:48.05snotdamn! it wasnt!
15:48.09snotstill not working
15:48.50snotasterisk:~# /etc/init.d/asterisk start && ps aux | grep aster
15:49.02snotthat returned asterisk  5560  0.0  2.4 241324  6220 ?        Rsl  17:47   0:00 /usr/sbin/asterisk -p -U asterisk
15:49.10snotbut it wasnt running for long
15:49.14idespinneranyone here know of a zoip port to 1.6?
15:50.59*** join/#asterisk elzid (
15:52.24elzidhey - can someone shed some light on the extent to which dns srv lookups are implemented in asterisk 1.6?
15:53.12*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
15:56.52elzidvoip-info doc says dns srv lookups are partially implemented - how partial is partial?
15:57.17elzidpriorities/weights? Yet the functions/logic exists in 1.4/1.6 code...
15:57.19Qwellvoip-info is rarely accurate/up-to-date
15:57.53*** join/#asterisk jtodd (hh5z2zrcqm@asterisk/community-director-and-tie-dye-shirt-lover/jtodd)
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16:00.02*** join/#asterisk hfb (
16:00.19elzidyes it seems - but the last update date is farely recent...
16:00.38elzidhas anyone tried and tested dns srv lookups - successfully?
16:03.13leifmadsendefine "successfully"
16:03.25leifmadsenI'm using 1.6.2 and DNS SRV lookups seem to work for me
16:09.43elzid@leifmadsen: sorry - are you able to dial to an FQDN via a dns srv lookup, selecting the correct DNS target applying the priorities and weightings set? i.e. can you send traffic to a peer who is load balancing via SRV records in DNS?
16:10.14leifmadsenelzid: weightings don't work in Asterisk because it'll just select the first one returned
16:10.26snotleifmadsen: I added noload => to the end of modules.conf but it's still the same warnings in the log
16:10.45leifmadsensnot: perhaps you have other modules also listed
16:11.07snotleifmadsen: I'll nopaste, 2 sec
16:11.35snotleifmadsen: there
16:11.43snotleifmadsen: danish btw.?
16:12.00leifmadsendanish heritage, but only speak english :)
16:12.25snotleifmadsen: oh I see. very common name(s) in denmark
16:12.44leifmadsenyep :)  I'm John Smith in DK :)
16:13.10elzid@leifmadsen: so only priorities are implemented? so noway to load balance?
16:13.35leifmadsenas is my understanding anyways
16:13.42*** join/#asterisk dandre (
16:13.43snotleifmadsen: indeed, my last name is jensen which is just as common
16:13.44elzid"srv_callback() function puts the
16:13.44elzidrecords returned by the DNS lookup into priority order (lowest numbersfirst), and then the process_weights() function sorts by weight within each priority."
16:13.51leifmadsenfull DNS SRV weighting and priority stuff is not implmented -- just the first record returned is used
16:14.03snotleifmadsen: did you have an idea about what I nbeed to adjust in my modules.conf?
16:14.14leifmadsensnot: I don't -- doing too many things at once
16:14.37elzid@leifmadsen: thanks - can I take this as the "current" situation?
16:15.01leifmadsenelzid: do you also have dnsmgr enabled?
16:15.02snotleifmadsen: np mate, if you find the time please take a look at - otherwise I'll try/ask later
16:15.40leifmadsenelzid: the lookup won't be done each time you place a call -- the DNS SRV records will be updated whenever the dnsmgr is set to update the records in memory
16:15.52leifmadsenelzid: you could potentially do it if you have a low refresh time
16:16.38elzid@leifmadsen: but how would multiple lookups effect anything if srv lookup returns the first line always...?
16:16.51leifmadsennot sure
16:17.02leifmadsenI've never tried doing anything failover with SRV records
16:17.11leifmadsenI don't believe Asterisk is going to do what you want though
16:17.22leifmadsenI know SRV record implementation is minimal
16:19.17elzid@leifmadsen: mmm - I'm more interested in load balancing rather than failover... its frustrating that the situation's not changed in at least the last 5/6 years... I see posts from 2004 mentioning incomplete srv lookup features! Anyway, perhaps openser (or its newer branches) is the way to go for load balancing? frustrating because it needs more budget as its a new network component...
16:19.58leifmadsenelzid: well apparently no developer has been interested enough to move SRV records further, so....
16:20.12Qwellwhat he's saying is: patches are welcome
16:20.20leifmadsenelzid: using opensips or kamailio or something may be the way to do that... just send the call to that application, and have it do the load balancing stuff
16:21.24elzid@leifmadsen: yeh - I 'spose that's the only way it's going to happen - many thanks for your time mate
16:21.51snotleifmadsen: in case you or anyone else care... a few more noloads was the key to it
16:21.57snot(more errors to come though)
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16:43.05shinao1hi community, i am suddenly getting 'all-circuits-are-busy' errors when i try to make calls over my dahdi trunks.. and in the logs i see this error message: 'Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI' (cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion)' which leaves me utterly confused. How do i deal with this please?
16:44.10*** join/#asterisk RobH (~robh@2620:0:860:2:21e:c2ff:fe03:2465)
16:44.30paulcshinao1: Are you using POTS lines or T1/E1?
16:45.02shinao1POTS--fxo lines
16:46.04*** join/#asterisk magronez (~eusei@unaffiliated/magrao/x-2903)
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16:49.56Qwellshinao1: Asking the same question in multiple channels is very rude.
16:50.38shinao1my apologies.. i shall curb my enthusiasm from now on.
16:51.38*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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16:54.35cuscoTelco is stating that we mark our outboud calls as international calls even tho they are national
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16:55.50jblackAre they staying they're too stupid to handle the routing correct?
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16:58.44hlueseahello, i want to run a cli command via php on website but when i try to run it turns me (Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does  /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?) ) error... When i try to run it from command panel it is working when i tried to run from my php it is successfull from same server but i can't run it from web. Can anyone know the solution ?
17:00.03cuscojblack: maybe... thy say it messes their accounting...
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17:00.12cuscoanyway this is what they sen't me
17:00.21cuscothey complain about TYPE_B number
17:00.52*** join/#asterisk Z_God (~julius@2001:888:141f:0:221:5dff:fe2a:6806)
17:01.05Qwellthey're double-charging you?
17:01.21cuscoQwell: they are not, only asking me to change that...
17:02.12cuscoIm not sure what is the dahdi parameter to set it right...
17:02.35cuscoI had switchtype=dms100
17:02.40cuscojust changed it to national
17:03.08cusconot sure if that's it tho...
17:04.08Corydon76-digMost of the switchtypes are ni-2, just variants thereof
17:05.05Corydon76-digThat's probably not what you want.  What it looks like is that they want you to change the pridialplan
17:06.05Corydon76-digIn most cases, you can set it to 'unknown' and it will just work.  If they're adamant that it be correct, set it to 'dynamic'
17:06.48Corydon76-digand the prefix sent to dahdi will determine the Type Of Number sent
17:07.11Corydon76-digPrefix of 1 is national, 011 is international, anything else is local
17:08.13*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
17:09.31Corydon76-digJust under the pridialplan section in chan_dahdi.conf are the exact settings for which prefix sets which TON
17:09.43Corydon76-digJust know that the prefix is stripped
17:11.22anonymouz666Corydon76-dig: the ISDN book you bought is really good! :P
17:12.33*** join/#asterisk Fubard (~brawr@
17:13.58Corydon76-digI'm relying on memory of how it's implemented in chan_dahdi, having spent a good amount of time in that particular code
17:14.18Corydon76-digand also having read the spec
17:14.58*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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17:22.11Kattyi joined curves.
17:23.32hardwireKatty: congrats
17:23.41hardwireI joined the get my ass outside and walk the dogs club.
17:24.51*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
17:27.09Kattyhardwire: that's great!
17:27.35hardwireI do it often enough as is.. but now that we have sun again they are a lot longer :)
17:30.35jblackI stopped eating carbs. ;)
17:30.43jblackI have lost 17 pounds so far
17:31.28anonymouz666no carbs, no energy
17:32.08jblackThat's about 1/3 true.
17:32.39ariel_I need my bread.
17:32.47*** join/#asterisk Circlefusion (
17:33.33jblackariel_: Yeah. A life without bread, potatos, fruits, veggies, pasta, pancakes and most veggies is not easy.
17:33.35ariel_hardwire: you up to some t/s
17:34.08ariel_ohhhh god.... pancake (Simpson tone)
17:34.42*** join/#asterisk Cherebrum (jgarland@
17:35.57CherebrumI would like to donate some $$$ to the asterisk project in exchange for having something contributed to the code. Who can I talk to?
17:36.30florzthere is no such thing as "the asterisk project"
17:36.43Cherebrumthat sucks
17:37.07florzthere is digium, who publish the canonical asterisk version, and who certainly can do development work for money
17:38.29florzand there are third parties who do provide similar services, just without any guarantees that things will end up in the canonical version, obviously
17:38.55CherebrumThis would go into the dialplan
17:39.11Cherebrumthe example dialplan
17:39.13Cherebrumnot the code itself
17:39.37TJ^u promoting something in the dialplan?
17:39.59Cherebrumnot really...
17:40.05CherebrumI run
17:40.08Cherebrumit's a free service
17:40.15TJ^florz canonical, are the same guys who own ubuntu?
17:40.29Cherebrumand I am willing to donate to have my service used by default in the example for calling tollfree numbers
17:40.42Cherebrumit's mutually benefitial. :)
17:40.45florzTJ^: no, canonical is just an english word
17:40.51p3nguinHow could it be used by default when there is no working default dialplan?
17:41.02Cherebrumthere is a demo
17:41.05p3nguinNo default.
17:41.18TJ^Cherebrum take the source and make ur own?
17:41.25p3nguinThe sample extensions.conf is not usable.
17:41.57CherebrumI have not interest in using asterisk for anything myself
17:42.01Cherebrumer no
17:42.58CherebrumI just want to make it easy for people to discover and make use of my free service
17:42.59TJ^Cherebrum looks like a good idea
17:43.05TJ^what is it exactly tho
17:43.06shinao1um also, how do you clear these kinds of errors? I noticed  this as well  'WARNING[3671] chan_dahdi.c: Detected alarm on channel 24: Red Alarm'
17:43.16QwellCherebrum: you aren't really familiar with how open source projects work, are you?
17:43.17shinao1my channels are all congested
17:43.24p3nguintj^: It's free toll free termination.
17:43.25TJ^a sip trunk to your servers that gives free calls to toll free's?
17:43.36Cherebrumexten => _1888NXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}
17:43.36idespinnershinao1, you fix that by calling the telco or plugging the t1 cable back in...
17:43.49Cherebrumsomething like that in the example dialplan
17:44.26shinao1its fxo ports
17:44.31shinao1but ok ill try that
17:44.44idespinnersame deal...
17:45.08idespinnerfxo ports detecting no carrier signal. have you hooked up a buttset to the lines?
17:45.43TJ^shinao1 did u just install the fxo card?
17:47.26CherebrumQwell: I am familiar. Asterisk also isn't exactly opensource either
17:47.27*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
17:47.38p3nguinIt isn't?
17:47.45p3nguinHow do I have the source of it?
17:47.51QwellI'd love to hear the answer to this
17:47.52CherebrumYou have to sign away rights to your code in order to contribute
17:48.04QwellCherebrum: how about you actually *READ* the license agreement?
17:48.06TJ^im new to asterisk (less than a week working on it) and I know its opensource
17:48.28TJ^Qwell u know as well as i do no one reads those :P
17:48.32CherebrumAsterisk has two license agreements available, and they aren't compatible with each other
17:48.33idespinnerABE isnt open source
17:48.37idespinnerhe has a technicality
17:48.42Deeewaynesigns away Qwell
17:48.44idespinnerits dual licensed
17:48.47p3nguinAsterisk is still open, though.
17:48.57p3nguinABE isn't Asterisk.
17:48.59QwellAsterisk Business Edition != Asterisk
17:49.02Qwellp3nguin: exactly
17:49.11TJ^what is asterisk business edition?
17:49.20Corydon76-digWell, it is, but it's not Asterisk Open Source
17:49.21shinao1no TJ^
17:49.21Cherebrumbut ABE uses most of the asterisk code base
17:49.23idespinnererr well, thats not quite how didigum marketed it
17:49.38*** part/#asterisk The_Canuck (
17:49.38p3nguintj^: A non-free, commercial implementation of Asterisk, I guess.
17:49.49idespinnerits all semantics really
17:49.54TJ^shinao1 in the asterisk CLI have you tried "dahdi show status" ?
17:50.02p3nguinSemantics?  Really?
17:50.26Corydon76-digABE is marketed under a different license and also contains some code that is not in open source
17:50.30CherebrumI guess maybe I need to contact the Digium business office
17:50.44idespinnerabe is EOL...
17:50.45shinao1yes i have TJ^
17:50.56Qwellidespinner: i don't think so
17:51.02idespinnerdigium has moved to 'open source asterisk' with support contracts
17:51.14idespinnerQwell, no to ABE going eol?
17:51.16shinao1alarms section shows OK on all lines
17:51.40Corydon76-digidespinner: it's simply not being marketed to the small business community
17:51.47TJ^shinao1 woudldn't know what to do past that im too much of a noob
17:51.58TJ^but you should make a call and pastebin the log from asterisk -r
17:52.00shinao1thanks anyway
17:52.18idespinnerthe understanding I was given from our reps was that ABE was going EOL in a year or so...
17:52.37Corydon76-digidespinner: As a product, it is
17:53.38Corydon76-digidespinner: as a branch which is source-licensed to others to modify and build their own products, it's not
17:53.39idespinnerCorydon76-dig, maybe theres something i'm missing. Is abe being rebranded, sold to only specific markets, something else?
17:54.11idespinneryou mean by how its now referenced as a 'telephony toolkit'
17:54.37TJ^guys for a small business less than 10 extensions which "flavour" of asterisk would u reccommend? ie, asterisk now, plain old vanilla, vanilla + freepbx, trixbox... etc...
17:54.47Corydon76-digABE as a binary-only product is EOL.  ABE as a source-product is very much alive
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17:55.06[TK]D-FenderTJ^: depends what you want to do
17:55.58TJ^[TK]D-Fender got the FXO working
17:56.01TJ^it was the RJ11
17:56.13Corydon76-digidespinner: note that there's also stuff in open source that is not currently in ABE, either, but may be merged at some future time
17:56.16[TK]D-FenderTJ^: UK wiring FTL?
17:56.45idespinnerCorydon76-dig, i'm curious as i've installed ABE here on test machines. What does ABE have that open source doesnt?
17:56.51TJ^[TK]D-Fender yea went to the store bought an RJ11 that was dedicated for modems and it worked straight away
17:57.03[TK]D-FenderTJ^: \o/
17:57.06idespinnerto me it's only a 'more regression tested source'
17:57.08Qwellidespinner: support
17:57.16idespinneryes, and support
17:57.45Corydon76-digidespinner: support and methods to ensure that ABE support is given only to those with proper ABE licenses
17:57.58idespinnerlol, well yea
17:57.58TJ^[TK]D-Fender might sound like an obvious question, but what makes more expensive FXO cards better than a xp100se?
17:58.15idespinnerbut I meant, anything feature wise...
17:58.31idespinneryea we get an extra ./registerbe
17:58.34Corydon76-digidespinner: a few extra connectors to commercial-only backends
17:58.39[TK]D-FenderTJ^: duplex issues, PCI stability (X100 = shit), CID is flakey on those, etc
17:59.12TJ^duplex? PCI as in the interface?
17:59.18[TK]D-FenderTJ^: hardware echo cancellation options, etc
17:59.34Corydon76-digidespinner: I don't think anything that you couldn't get by purchasing those commercial modules and linking them to Asterisk Open Source, though
18:00.02[TK]D-FenderTJ^: X100p are nasty when sharing interrupts, los of clocking can cause timeing issues and all sorts of other bad stuff
18:00.12TJ^so which FXO card would u recommend for a small business that had less than 10 users?
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18:00.46idespinnerCorydon76-dig, i'm pulling the latest abe documentation now...
18:00.58Corydon76-digand to be clear, those commercial modules are items where our hands are tied... licensing of those technologies are what make them commercial-only
18:01.32idespinnerthe only few i can think of are cepestral and lumenvox
18:01.40TJ^can anyone recommend a good fxo carD?
18:02.13Corydon76-digUsually because there are some patents with vicious maneating lawyers behind them
18:02.14ariel_hello Devon_
18:02.29idespinnerTJ^, TDM410p or AEX410
18:02.31Devon_hello Ariel
18:02.49[TK]D-FenderTJ^: don't count users.. count lines
18:03.10TJ^1 line
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18:05.08idespinnerlooks like the ABE manual has turned into mostly and asterisk-gui manual... :/
18:05.32TJ^idespinner AEX410  <---- $615!!!
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18:05.37TJ^thats a lot
18:05.54TJ^for such a small company
18:06.00idespinnerfor 1 port of fxo?
18:06.07idespinneryou could get by with a spa3102
18:06.09QwellTJ^: feel free to price "other" PBX vendors
18:06.19Qwellif you think that's a lot, you'll cry when you see theirs
18:06.33idespinnerQwell, thats certainly true
18:06.35TJ^ive seen some cards in the 1000's
18:06.58TJ^but this is for a small company with one line and a low budget
18:07.01DeeewayneI have some cards that used to be in the 15,000's
18:07.12QwellTJ^: then you don't need a quad module..
18:07.19idespinnera spa3102 is pretty cheap both in cost and in function so dont use it for mission critical stuff...
18:07.22TJ^and everyone flammed me when i asked bout the x100's lol
18:07.31Qwelland you probably don't need HWEC either
18:07.35[TK]D-FenderTJ^: You seem to need 1 little line. Stick witht eh card you have until it isn't good enough
18:07.59QwellDeeewayne: you should ebay them for full former retail
18:08.33Deeewayneyes, that would be awesome, but they were given to me for 'research purposes only'
18:08.40Qwellbah! :)
18:08.48Deeewayneand these days, they are worth much less
18:09.09TJ^there isnt an entry level FXO for under £100?
18:09.45DeeewayneI need a certain canadian to help me out :-)
18:09.55[TK]D-FenderTJ^: Closest is the Linksys SPA-3102
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18:21.28TJ^openvox any good?
18:21.40QwellTJ^: are any chinese clones good?
18:21.48Qwell(hint: no0
18:22.06TJ^Qwell im asking cos i dont know
18:22.09skeptikalLinksys SPA-3102
18:22.10TJ^openvox are clones?
18:24.40anonymouz666I think so
18:25.03Deeewayneputs another dime in Qwell
18:25.15DeeewayneQwell, I'm enjoying your comments this afternoon
18:26.06Corydon76-digTJ^: most of their cards are
18:26.07QwellDeeewayne: don't mind me - I'm just procrastinating breaking a bunch of systems
18:26.24Qwellwonders how many people really use 1.6.0 with AsteriskNOW
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18:26.43DeeewayneI'm procrastinating working on a tcl script because I have to test on windows
18:27.16anonymouz666TJ^: the openvox cards uses the same drivers as digium ones
18:27.24TJ^Corydon76-dig so buying an official digium card is the way to go?
18:27.35TJ^anonymouz666 so what makes em so bad?
18:28.07Corydon76-digTJ^: not to mention that most of their cards are clones of the previous generation of Digium cards, cards which hit EOL due to various issues with them
18:28.22TJ^ok thats good to know
18:28.47TJ^so from what i gather getting a proper digium card seems to be the way to go
18:29.40rubbsOk, so I was given a server (asteriskNow) and a linksys phone (boo I know), and I have an incoming SIP account. When I call the incoming SIP number from my cell I can see the Active Calls go up one on FreePBX, but I get the "cannot connect to that number" message. I'm guessing its from the asterisk box. I can access the Voicemail of the ext from the phone. What am I missing?
18:30.50TJ^am i going to get grilled for asking what the best phones to buy are?
18:30.59QwellTJ^: polycom
18:31.09Qwellrubbs: #freepbx
18:31.10rubbsTJ^: I asked last week, I got Polycom as an answer all the time
18:31.23rubbsQwell: ah, thanks I'll check there.
18:31.32TJ^they seem nicely priced
18:31.39hardwireanybody think of a way to add dialplan from the dialplan?
18:31.41Qwellthey definitely are
18:31.49hardwireyes.. I'm evil
18:31.54hardwiremaybe I shold be using a realtime switch
18:31.58TJ^Qwell why they so good?
18:32.05Qwellhardwire: asterisk -rx "extension add ..."
18:32.15Qwellhardwire: exten => _foo,1,System(asterisk -rx "extension add ...")
18:32.32QwellTJ^: because they're polycom
18:32.42Qwellthat's like asking why cheetos are so amazing
18:32.43hardwireQwell: I thought about that.
18:32.47NaikrovekTJ^: they're just really, really well designed.  easy to configure.  easy to diagnose.  look good.  work good.  sound good.  they behave.  once, my phone bought my dinner.
18:32.53hardwireQwell: fine.. I'll do it that way
18:33.02Qwellhardwire: that's such a terrible way to do it
18:33.16TJ^Naikrovek thanks
18:33.30NaikrovekTJ^: these are not uninformed opinions, mind you.
18:33.49hardwireQwell: bite me in the toe.
18:33.50NaikrovekTJ^:  I love polycom because I use them a lot and they've *never* let me down
18:34.05TJ^i was going to go for snom or cisco
18:34.05hardwireQwell: sigh.. you're right.. dialplan reload would be fail.
18:34.09hardwireI need more coffee
18:34.20TJ^good to know that polycom are good
18:34.47NaikrovekTJ^:  others will recommend aastra.  those are fine too, i'm sure.  just avoid cisco and grandstream
18:34.59Naikrovekone is too expensive, the other too cheap
18:35.11TJ^we currently have grandstream budgetones as part of the trial phase
18:35.16TJ^their not too bad
18:35.21Naikroveknot yet they're not
18:35.27TJ^got 2 of them
18:35.28Naikrovekmine caused all kinds of problems
18:35.54hardwirenow to see if I can use astdb from queues.conf as an "extension state" hint.
18:37.56TJ^oh polycom look good 2 lines
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18:39.06kukuIs asterisk a good tool to send/receive faxes over ip ?
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18:40.44chuckfif by good you mean it works when it wants to on occasion with some prodding, then yes
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18:43.27idespinnerwas browsing throught the Asterisk 1.4  source and noticed this: "#define NUM_DCHANS 4 /*!< No more than 4 d-channels */" Does this mean we can only have 4 dchannels(4 pri's) max per asterisk instance?
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18:46.55freezeyok question... so the dundi does a lookup everything works perfect between machines but 1 machine cant transfer it is getting rejected for some reason
18:48.00freezeywhat i do notice is that on one machine their is a T next to the port when i run iax2 show peers on the other machine thre is not
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18:51.29Fubardjdoe: i'm noticing the same issue you had yesterday with MWI now retaining message notification; but this is on *1.6, on my *1.4 server it manages MWI correctly. which ver are you using?
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18:56.57AndyGraybealis there a general telecom channel?
19:00.38Fubardjdoe: well atleast we know you're not the only one experiencing it. dunno how to fix it but i know 1.4 doesnt have this issue. likely linked to a feature new to 1.6.2
19:01.51idespinnerFubard, are these sip channels?
19:02.09idespinnerdo you have mailbox=1234 in your peer definition in sip.conf?
19:02.19idespinnerjust a thought, as thats something new in 1.6
19:03.55jdoeidespinner: yes.
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19:08.29jdoeFubard: well if this is a regression and not just my shitty phones, maybe I'll take a look at how mwi works since I currently have no idea.
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19:13.10KnightfalHey guys if I am changing a single app can I just recompile that particular app
19:13.50leifmadsenjust run 'make'
19:13.56KnightfalI thought so just wasnt sure
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19:18.09jdoeFubard: I'll let you know if I find anything.
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19:19.37Knightfalone more ... how can i get the inbound leg of the calls channel from app_queue peer->name returns Agent/888 but I want the inbound leg such as SIP/Yadda-00000xx
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19:33.22azertyuihi there
19:33.52azertyuiis there anyone here ?
19:34.38azertyuiwell i need kind of billing management module for my callshop which one do you advice me ppl ?
19:36.39Fubardjdoe: same here, knowing there are 'ghost VMs' floating around somewhere angers me in a way i cant articulate
19:37.34bmoraca_workanyone here use callcentric?
19:37.54azertyuiwhat is that ? bmoraca_work
19:38.06bmoraca_workit's an obscure-ass VOIP provider
19:38.21[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: They're pretty big.  A few of my clients have used them
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19:38.44bmoraca_work[TK]D-Fender: i meant that their service delivery is obscure, not that the company was small
19:38.50azertyuidoes they offer a good service ?
19:39.02[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: meanint?
19:39.21bmoraca_work[TK]D-Fender: i don't like the way the talk SIP
19:39.42[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: Yeah, thier heading mangling needed to parse the DID is a PITA
19:39.48[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: Fugly.
19:39.55[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca_work: But functional
19:40.00bmoraca_workif only just
19:40.07azertyuiPITA ?
19:40.14bmoraca_workpain in the ass
19:40.47TJ^anyone know a good phone supplier in the uk?
19:41.02azertyuii was thinking it as in new service like DID
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19:41.43azertyuigood phone supplier ? TJ
19:41.55azertyuigood phone supplier ? TJ^
19:42.14azertyuiwhat phone do you need ?
19:42.17TJ^polycoms specifically
19:42.40azertyuifor what purpose ?
19:42.57Fubardpresumably to make calls with
19:43.57azertyuido you need any specific model on polycom ?
19:44.04jdoeFubard: a reload triggers the mwi for me as well. For some reason the send_mwi (and adding MWI subs) isn't being triggered on SUBSCRIBE
19:44.39Fubardjdoe: i dont want to jinx it but i think i found it... one sec...
19:44.45azertyuihow many do you need ?
19:45.34kukuchuckf: Anything that will handle Faxes over ip really well ?
19:47.36Fubardjdoe: nvm, it still does it. when the phone comes back up, i get a notice but when the phone is turned off and receives a message it forces mwi into an amnesic state. completely forgets i had a message waiting.
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19:47.59Fubardbut if it knows its gotta message and it reboots, it comes back up knowing there's a message waiting
19:48.35jdoemine doesn't. comes up as a blank slate (presumably because it's wiping its fs every time)
19:49.13Fubardthats odd. what makes you think its wiping each time?
19:49.15[TK]D-FenderTJ^: how many phones do you need?  What kind of call volume?
19:49.48TJ^four phones
19:49.57Fubardusually you gotta tell it specifically to wipe fs
19:50.03jdoeFubard: the display on the phone asking me to please wait while it formats ;)
19:50.13jdoeFubard: yeah, it's a known issue with this firmware.
19:50.21Fubardjdoe: thats a fair assumption to make then lol
19:50.23[TK]D-FenderTJ^: and the call volume & functionality requirements?
19:50.39jdoeFubard: it's annoying, and more annoying because it's likely the last they'll release for this phone.
19:50.43[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: Really... which?
19:52.02jdoe[TK]D-Fender: polycom's 2.1.3 firmware. 2.1.2 doesn't do it.
19:52.14[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: What model of phone?
19:52.34Naikroveki think 500s go newer than that.  maybe i'm thinking of 501
19:52.48jdoe501 goes newer
19:52.50[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: 2.2 is where they droped the 500/300
19:52.57Naikrovekoh wow
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19:53.02Naikrovekhow old is 2.2
19:53.03[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: My home IP 501 is on 3.1.3 currently
19:53.14bmoraca_worki've got a 501 on 3.2 i think
19:53.18bmoraca_workmaybe 3.1
19:53.22bmoraca_workdon't remember
19:53.26jdoeyeah. Unfortunately we have a ton of 500s, so 500s are what we're stuck with.
19:53.33Naikrovek3.1.3 (3.1.6?) is the highest they go on 501
19:53.38leifmadsenelzid: ping
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19:53.59jdoeso my options are either "phone formats and re-downloads its settings every boot" or "occasional one-way audio"
19:54.03jdoetalk about a crappy choice ;)
19:54.03[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: SIP 2.2.0 = Aug 17, 2007
19:54.21[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: Or pick ANOTHER firmware release
19:55.30leifmadsenelzid: you want func_srv I think
19:55.45jdoe[TK]D-Fender: if I go too early I lose some of the config changes that make management more pleasant.
19:55.56leifmadsenelzid: Set(RESULT=${SRVQUERY(})
19:56.07TJ^[TK]D-Fender im going after the polycoms 321
19:56.18[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: Keep in mind how old those phoes are.
19:56.34[TK]D-FenderTJ^: Where are they to be placed?
19:56.36leifmadsenelzid: Set(NUM_OF_RECORDS=${SRVRESULT(${RESULT},getnum)})
19:56.57[TK]D-FenderTJ^: and what kind of call volume?
19:57.05leifmadsenelzid: Set(FIRST_RECORD=${SRVRESULT(${RESULT},1)})
19:57.14leifmadsenelzid: if you wanted, you could cycle through with a loop I suppose
19:57.28hardwirewhere've you been?
19:57.46manxpowerhardwire: in trunk-land
19:57.57leifmadsenhardwire: I think it's new within the last couple of weeks
19:58.11jdoe[TK]D-Fender: believe me, well aware. Unfortunately like I said, we have a bunch so I'm kinda stuck with them.
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19:58.11Corydon76-digleifmadsen: btw, SRVQUERY is not necessary at all
19:58.15leifmadsenelzid: note func_srv is only in trunk
19:58.18hardwireI've been thinking about how to deal with SRV all week
19:58.21Corydon76-digleifmadsen: the result ID is the same as the query
19:58.23jdoeboss sees "they're cheap", I'm the one that has to fight with them.
19:58.29[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: Be prepared to tell management they might not be "happy"
19:58.57[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: How much was "cheap"?
19:58.58leifmadsenCorydon76-dig: assuming you don't want to hit SRVRESULT() a few times
19:59.00jdoethat's probably a non-starter, trying to move away from an overpriced proprietary system that works with the same phones :/
19:59.14Corydon76-digleifmadsen: The result is cached
19:59.25[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: Old Shoretel?
19:59.26jdoe[TK]D-Fender: I forget off the top of my head. They all came from ebay.
19:59.31jdoe[TK]D-Fender: you know it.
19:59.41Corydon76-digleifmadsen: always cached, whether you start with the QUERY or not
19:59.51[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: Passingly aware of.... never had to personally touch.
19:59.55hardwireleifmadsen: yeh.. I was trying to figure out a way to use the result of SRV/DNS lookups as the peer ID
20:00.00hardwirethat will help dramatically.
20:00.13jdoe[TK]D-Fender: it's unpleasant. I mean the phones work well enough, the system is a monstrosity and written entirely in js as near as I can tell.
20:00.18[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: Still good phones... but the firmware is at the end of their road, so its like buying anything else used
20:00.34hardwirewishes he could see the dnsmgr cache however
20:00.35jdoethat's my take on it too.
20:00.42[TK]D-Fenderjdoe: Yes, trash the core and the phones should be OK I guess
20:00.43TJ^[TK]D-Fender in an office and call volume is your average small business so i dunno 50-60 calls/day
20:00.52TJ^maybe even 40 calls/day
20:00.56jdoe[TK]D-Fender: that's what I'm hoping, I imagine my ass is somewhat on the line if not ;)
20:01.07[TK]D-FenderTJ^: I would go with Linksys SPA in your case
20:01.09leifmadsenCorydon76-dig: so I can do:  Set(FIRST_RESULT=${SRVRESULT(${SRVQUERY(},1)})
20:01.29leifmadsenCorydon76-dig: so I can do:  Set(SECOND_RESULT=${SRVRESULT(${SRVQUERY(},2)})
20:01.51[TK]D-FenderTJ^: FAR cheaper in the UK, and the Polycom IP 321 requires you to have a PoE switch unless you buy it with a power brick (extra).
20:02.16Corydon76-digleifmadsen: Set(FIRST_RESULT=${SRVRESULT(,1)})
20:02.24TJ^ooh... shit PoE switch 4got bout that
20:02.37leifmadsenthen why even have SRVQUERY()
20:02.49[TK]D-FenderTJ^: do you have an extra ethernet jack each place you want a phone by?
20:02.51TJ^ty [TK]D-Fender
20:02.55Corydon76-digleifmadsen: to mirror DUNDIQUERY and ENUMQUERY
20:03.06TJ^extra jack, yeap
20:03.28Corydon76-digleifmadsen: I think we'll eventually change those two functions to make the QUERY irrelevant (but backwards compatible), too
20:03.51[TK]D-FenderTJLinksys SPA-941 should do
20:04.13Corydon76-digleifmadsen: but my criterion for modeling that way was to reduce the need to train anybody on using it
20:05.19iheffnerI'm having some difficulty finding documentation on setting up sip friends through ODBC. I'm using and extconfig.conf essentially says that just about any .conf can be loaded from realtime storage.
20:05.26iheffnerit points to a file doc/extconfig.txt for specific table formats, but I don't find this under doc/ in my source tree (or under SVN trunk or 1.6.2 branch).
20:05.33iheffnerThe best I can find is this file [ ] but it looks like it is for 1.4. Should I expect the same to work in 1.6?
20:05.33TJ^[TK]D-Fender the 941 is the same price as the polycom
20:06.34[TK]D-FenderTJ^: I advise you to shop around.  A LOT.  go collect a bunch of local resellers and then link them in for us after so we can give you a more balanced opinion.
20:07.05TJ^there are only 3-4 good sellers in the uk
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20:20.22michaelyI seem to recall a dial plan application that would let you build custom AMI events, NOT UserEvent. It was something like BuildEvent. Does anyone remember what it was?
20:21.02azertyuiwell about my problem
20:21.18azertyuiwell i need kind of billing management module for my callshop which one do you advice me ppl ?
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20:30.59azertyuianyon ehre ?
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20:33.59ChannelZWe were playing the Quiet Game.
20:34.01ChannelZYou just lost.
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20:35.24hardwireIs quite game over?
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21:09.06manxpoweriheffner: have you looked in the doc/ directory of the Asterisk source?
21:11.12ChannelZok wtf is wrong with Macbooks' wireless
21:11.43ChainsawChannelZ: It's just an Atheros 5000 or 9000 series adapter in most cases.
21:11.52ChainsawChannelZ: Nothing particularly special about it.
21:12.07ChannelZI have clients here working all day, and then all of a sudden after hours of no issues, they get knocked off the network.. the signal blinks in and out
21:12.29ChainsawUse 802.11A if the macs are suitable for it.
21:12.30iheffnermanxpower: I looked in doc/ under where I unpacked the tarball. I also looked online under svn trunk/ and 1.6.2/
21:12.31ChannelZYet I'm in the same room and nothing of interest is happening on my computer
21:12.47*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
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21:27.32jdoeFubard: ... damnit, I could have *sworn* I'd already checked this, but if you don't have a msg.mwi.1.subscribe="1234" it won't actually send the subscribe request. That's annoying.
21:33.54jdoeFubard: anyway, it works for me now.
21:42.58*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (~herbayjha@
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21:45.38bjhaidI am having serious problems connecting my client software to asterisk, i tried x-lite would not connect, and i tried with twinkle too, it wouldnt, i cannot get to call myself, i am not on a network, just trying all this out locally, can i not get to connect without been on a network?
21:51.15*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
21:51.25ChannelZlike you're running the softphones on the same computer * is running on?
22:00.48*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
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22:08.23hardwireapt-get install memlockd
22:08.25hardwirefind /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/ -type f >> /etc/memlockd.cfg
22:08.37hardwireaaaaaand yay
22:12.47*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
22:19.05Qwellhardwire: neat
22:21.21*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
22:21.37hardwireQwell: my IVR is much more responsive
22:21.43hardwireunder heavy disk load :)
22:22.36riddleboxhey all, is there a setting to tell asterisk to only allow sip devices to connect from your internal network? or to only allow like SIP/535 to come from a specific IP Address?
22:23.50Chainsawriddlebox: Yes, there is support for access control lists.
22:26.51bmoraca_workriddlebox: check the allow and deny settings
22:27.24riddleboxbmoraca_work, Chainsaw, ok thank you
22:27.57bmoraca_workallow and deny are distinctly different from disallow and allow, however
22:32.00QwellI think you mean permit/deny
22:33.35riddleboxdissallow and allow are for codecs right?
22:33.47bmoraca_workblah yes
22:33.57bmoraca_workit's friday
22:34.10bmoraca_workand they're still too similar
22:37.04*** join/#asterisk dajhorn (
22:37.18Fubardi got an hour to kill and i dont know what to do
22:37.32riddleboxso in your general settings you could say deny= then permit
22:37.49riddleboxand it would only allow connections for the network correct?
22:41.38*** join/#asterisk Circlefusion (
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22:57.20jdoeFubard: you saw the message earlier? I don't suppose you explicitly subscribe?
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