IRC log for #asterisk on 20100403

00:00.33sawgoodI just build Asterisk from src ... when I type in asterisk -rvvvv this is the error I get
00:00.34sawgood> You need to verify that the number in question is available.  Use a
00:00.35sawgoodsite like to see if the number is available.  It
00:00.35sawgoodneeds to say "Immediately available" and I believe the price is $49.
00:00.35sawgoodDo not order from them.   When you find the number you want, simply log
00:00.35sawgoodonto our site and place an order online.
00:00.43sawgoodsorry wrong paste!
00:00.54sawgoodUnable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
00:01.05Qwell...does it?
00:01.09sawgoodthe file does not exist
00:01.13manxpowersawgood: -r says REconnect to an existing Asterisk process
00:01.15Qwellthen Asterisk isn't running.
00:01.32manxpowerasterisk with no options will start it and throw it in the background
00:01.34sawgoodok ... let me try just Asterisk (I'm a bone head)
00:01.47hardwiresawgood: here here!
00:01.53manxpower-c tells it to stay in the foreground, good for debugging startup issues, but little else
00:02.18sawgoodI get the same error ... after running asterisk (the file is then created) ... then asterisk -rvvvv
00:02.39sawgoodsrwxr-xr-x  1 root root    0 Apr  2 10:01 asterisk.ctl
00:03.19sawgoodmy /etc/asterisk folder is 100% empty
00:03.35manxpowersawgood: correct.
00:04.04manxpowerasterisk is a toolkit, you need to write those files.  samples can be installed with "make samples".  Did you read ANY of the readmes or install instructions?
00:04.09hardwirezomg.. this packet of fruit jellies is all grape
00:04.13hardwirechecks to see if he won something
00:04.21hardwirewrites a letter.
00:04.29manxpowersawgood: see The Book
00:04.31infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
00:04.31sawgoodyou are right ... I did not run those commands
00:04.34sawgoodbe right back
00:04.55carrarmanxpower, Where is the START icon?
00:05.02*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
00:05.06carrarwhy do I need to create config files!!!
00:08.00sawgoodso, stupid question, but should'nt I run make samples and make config from /usr/src/asterisk folder?
00:08.41infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
00:08.57hardwirehelp me.. help you..
00:09.29carrarsawgood, did you read the output of the make install?
00:12.03sawgoodwell, no not 100% ... I saw some rather long text message in blocks ...
00:12.27sawgoodwhat will happen IF ... I re-do the ./configure then make then make install process for Asterisk?
00:12.47sawgoodwill this allow me to make samples and make config?
00:12.57hardwiredid you already type make install?
00:13.01sawgoodI have the box imaged, so its a 7 min process to put it back to a base install
00:13.01hardwireif so.. type make samples
00:13.03hardwireand then make config
00:13.20sawgoodI did (make samples) produced NO output
00:13.33hardwirewhat does 'make kittens' do.
00:13.37sawgoodI did this from the /usr/src directory
00:15.24TJNIImake me a sandwich
00:15.29QwellIt definitely did not produce no output.
00:15.47TJNII(That was a valid command in the april fools xkcd cli, btw)
00:15.55QwellTJNII: duh :p
00:16.00Qwellas was sudo make me a sandwich
00:16.10Qwellas was su
00:16.16Qwelland lots of other random crap
00:16.18TJNIIThe adventure game was my favorite
00:17.55grabesIs there any other tips for building asterisk 32 bit on 64 bit os - ./configure --build=i686 --host=i686  ??
00:18.32Qwellgrabes: not here, no.  Find somebody elsewhere that's willing to help you violate patent and copyright laws.
00:21.18tzafrir_laptopgrabes, 64 bit kernel or OS?
00:21.25tzafrir_laptopWhy would you want to do that?
00:21.32Qwelltzafrir_laptop: see above
00:23.22grabestzafrir_laptop: I don't want to step on anymore toes, then I already have.  Qwell, thanks for your input.
00:29.50sawgoodhow come when I un tar using xvfz (asterisk sounds) ... it did not untar them into a sub-directory
00:29.55sawgoodit put them in the same directory I am in
00:30.04sawgoodthe other tars automatically made a sub directory
00:30.24TJNIIThe other files were stored within a subdirectory in the tra file.
00:30.29TJNIIThe sounds were not.
00:30.42TJNIIHence they were extracted into the same directory.
00:30.51sawgoodSo, any place in particular I should untar the sound files?
00:30.59TJNIIYou should have checked the paths with the -t option.
00:31.08sawgoodnice ... thanks for the tip
00:31.11capitanQwell, wow... why is that question violating patents/copyrights?
00:31.20capitanjust curious...
00:31.27Qwellcapitan: read up.  I'm not getting into it any further.
00:31.27carrarscroll back
00:32.34sawgoodConnected to Asterisk currently running on Asterisk162-LAB (pid = 21026)
00:32.35capitanahhh... that's what happens when i only read the tail end of a conversation ;)
00:32.39sawgoodthank you very much!
00:32.49sawgoodCan I have my place on the high horse now?
00:32.57carrarcapitan, sometimes thats best
00:33.15sawgoodI did it ... who needs a GUI ... what a bunch of whimps
00:33.28sawgoodthey should ban those darn .ISOs
00:35.10sawgoodTo get your dCAP, one of the requirements I hear is to build Asterisk from src in the lab, so you can complete the exercises
00:35.30*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
00:35.32Qwellsawgood: that's the easiest part..
00:35.36Qwellit's like 2 commands
00:35.43sawgoodDo you guys think FreePBX is even part of the dCAP?
00:35.51sawgoodwell, looks like I got the easy part done!
00:35.52Qwellno of course not
00:35.54sawgoodtime to party!
00:36.12sawgoodI'm gonna get my dCAP!
00:36.59sawgoodSee, the way I figure it ... you can sort of 'tell' if someone is skilled with * by what 'version' they are running (in a nutshell) ... if they have anything 1.4, then they probably do not know shit!
00:37.20*** join/#asterisk stimoceiver (~483628ce@gateway/web/freenode/x-omqbdzhhnvpfxvjw)
00:37.21*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
00:37.24sawgoodI love this room ... I almost fit in!
00:37.31QwellOr they know a lot more than you do..
00:37.52sawgoodright ... other side of the coin would be a 'master guru' running 0.9!
00:38.01stimoceiveris there an #asterisk-social or #asterisk-clueless channel
00:38.06stimoceiveror maybe an #asterisk-teatime
00:38.10carraryou're in it
00:38.27sawgoodstimoceiver: don't hate, man ...
00:38.43stimoceiversawgood: no i meant for me =)
00:39.14sawgoodso, what to tackle next ... hmmm ... maybe this thing they call the dialplan (shouldn't be that hard)
00:40.04sawgoodextensions.conf is 16 pages LONG!!!!!!
00:40.07sawgoodwhat the hell!
00:40.18carrargets ready to queue up the smartass comments
00:43.06wwalker[context_name]\nexten s,1,AGI(agi://   and adhearsion sure cleans up the dialplan
00:44.02*** part/#asterisk grabes (~460f0278@gateway/web/freenode/x-certrqkxkagigjdl)
00:51.04chazzamsawgood, if all you are concerned about is how long the extensions.conf file is, you can make a new file, put most of extensions.conf in it, and then add '#include <name-of-new-file>' to extensions.conf. It tends to make things painful to sort out, but it does cut down on the length of any one file... ;p
00:55.20ChannelZsawgood: Whose extensions.conf?
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01:45.28sawgoodChannelZ: dinner break sorry ...
01:45.37sawgoodthanks for the tips
01:52.20*** join/#asterisk mr_ian (
01:56.09manxpowerMany of the "old timers" run 1.4
01:59.42*** join/#asterisk qxork (
01:59.54carrarWhat are people running 1.2?
02:05.22devoidStupid? (;
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04:35.10aceiogood nite all
04:35.53*** part/#asterisk aceio (~5d60a88a@gateway/web/freenode/x-dztjjgfzvfnvicux)
04:46.58manxpowerpeople running 1.2 have significant amounts of custom code and patches that would be very hard to port to 1,4 and even more so to 1.6
04:47.26manxpowerThese people end up rewriting quite a bit of it from scratch.
04:49.44*** join/#asterisk romb_work (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
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08:00.17*** join/#asterisk sergee (serg@
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08:07.07sergeeGoodday! a little question about Digium's hardware echocanceler VPMOCT128 - is there any way to check it's status? are there any way to affect it's work? i mean select channels (timeslots) where it is enabled, change echo tail length etc.. ?
08:09.20*** join/#asterisk mpe (
08:20.11sergeeor is there any way to check if VPMOCT128 is connected to TE405 or not? i can't find anything related to VPMOCT128  in dmesg output
08:23.47xnixanHi, what would be the hardware requirement in a server that will run telephone system with 50-60 extensions ?
08:29.22antiwirexnixan: all IP phones or analog too?
08:29.54xnixanantiwire, all IP phones!
08:49.45*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
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09:44.42xnixanSorry for asking again, but i did not get a clear answer for my question about, what would be the hardware requirement in a server that will run telephone system with 50-60 extensions ?
09:50.58Guggexnixan: an atom based board would do if there is just a few of them in use at the same time, and no audio is transcoded
09:51.26Guggeif you have 50-60 simultanious calls, and are gonna transcode to g729, it requires more
09:51.45xnixanGugge, thanks
10:26.36*** part/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
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11:14.58pentanolhi anybody alive there?
11:22.14hurdmani'm probably alive, or not, depends on if you open the chan or not
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11:45.22ectospasmsergee: VPMOCT128 won't be specified in dmesg, you should see something about a VPM after wct4xxp loads.  If it only says "not present", then your VPMOCT128 is inoperative or missing.
11:46.05ectospasmsergee: you can always use visual inspection of the TE405 to see if it has a VPMOCT128 inserted into it.
11:46.20*** part/#asterisk fgs (
11:46.31ectospasmsergee: you control the VPM with the echocancel settings in Asterisk (chan_dahdi.conf)
11:46.53*** join/#asterisk pinoyskull (~pinoyskul@
11:47.02WIMPyDo you?
11:47.23WIMPyI ythought it switches to hardware if detected and ignores the config?
11:49.08*** join/#asterisk fleebailey33 (~fleebaile@unaffiliated/fleebailey33)
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12:37.16DelphiWorldINUM HD Conferencing test 883510001289100
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12:47.51DelphiWorldVoip People welcome to conference about INUM 883510001289100
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14:18.03spenguin[work]whats the conference about 883510001289100
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15:07.43spenguin[work]when Ive specified settings for a PRI card under chan_dahdi.conf
15:08.01spenguin[work]the context= , means the context where all the incomming calls would be dropped into?
15:09.21*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
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15:17.45*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
15:18.31spenguin[work]if the pri card is hooked up and shows up fine in the asterisk cli, would an incomming call show up in the asterisk cli?
15:18.45spenguin[work]no dialplan added yet
15:18.58spenguin[work]for dahdi
15:19.11voipmonkit should if u have verbose enabled
15:19.32WIMPyIf you set verbose and debug high enough, it will probably tell you the context doesn't exist.
15:19.37voipmonkit should complain about a context or '' or the inbound number
15:19.55spenguin[work]hrm, I guess its something else then
15:20.06voipmonkmake sure u dont have an intern turning up your circuit
15:20.39spenguin[work]> dahdi show channels
15:20.51spenguin[work]all 31 of those channels show up as In Service
15:20.55*** join/#asterisk Circlefusion (
15:21.10spenguin[work]Description                              Alarms  IRQ    bpviol CRC4   Fra Codi Options  LBO
15:21.12spenguin[work]wanpipe1 card 0                          OK      0      0      0      CCS HDB3 CRC4     0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)
15:21.26spenguin[work]Im not sure about what this means
15:21.33spenguin[work]but Alarms says OK
15:21.51WIMPyseems fine so far
15:22.01spenguin[work]does the box need a reboot?
15:22.15spenguin[work]after installing installing the PRI card etc
15:22.21voipmonku can call your telco
15:22.26voipmonkand have them test with you
15:22.35voipmonkdont be afraid to call them
15:22.42voipmonkyou paid for their help ( I hope )
15:22.54voipmonkmake sure you know how they are billing you for the call, too
15:22.59voipmonkif its included you're good
15:23.33voipmonkmake sure you know who's doing the dinging before you do any ringing
15:25.57spenguin[work]voipmonk: ah well this box is remotely located and I dont think it would go ahead before monday - Im going to try setup some dialplan to make outbound calls
15:26.08spenguin[work]I should be able to test calls from the CLI?
15:26.13spenguin[work]asterisk cli
15:26.35spenguin[work]just dial calls
15:27.03WIMPyAnd you don't need a dialplan for that.
15:27.17WIMPyjust try originate.
15:33.48spenguin[work]well dial from cli requires OSS
15:34.06spenguin[work]which requires oss.conf which requires the context to be specified
15:51.26*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
15:52.14WIMPyI didn't say dial.
15:53.58spenguin[work]sorry, Im not very good at this
15:54.35spenguin[work]you meant ?
15:55.34WIMPyNo, CLI originate.
15:55.55WIMPyJust try at the console.
15:56.51WIMPyBut they're obviousely related.
15:58.54Slugs_originate <tech/data> application <appname> appdata
15:59.34spenguin[work]ah well I was trying origi<tab> wasnt getting anywhere
15:59.41spenguin[work]hence thought it wasnt a cli command
15:59.57Slugs_oh it works alright!
16:02.13Slugs_i make phone calls every day to my wife, and when she picks up its Kesha - Tick Tock
16:02.34Slugs_shes like wtf
16:03.13WIMPyYou stalk a woman after marrying her?
16:03.52*** join/#asterisk DennisG (~DennisG@
16:04.18Slugs_im f'ing crazy!
16:05.46Slugs_spenguin[work] you get it?
16:07.12spenguin[work]Slugs_: nope
16:07.34spenguin[work]nothing when I type orig <tab> <tab>
16:07.52spenguin[work]-asterisk*CLI> originate
16:07.52spenguin[work]No such command 'originate' (type 'core show help originate' for other possible commands)
16:08.28spenguin[work]whats wrong?
16:08.58*** join/#asterisk Igramul (
16:10.00IgramulHi, my MeetMe is very choppy. I guess, I need to define the ISDN-Card as timing reference, right?
16:12.34WIMPyInterestingly it doesn't work for me anymore, either. Has it moved somewhere else?
16:13.40spenguin[work]Slugs_: heh what else can she expect from a guy who works with asterisk :D
16:13.56WIMPyyes. it 'channel originate' now.
16:15.12|amadeus|hello peeps
16:23.37spenguin[work]can I see a sample of channel originate
16:23.59*** join/#asterisk _buck (~buck@
16:24.30WIMPychannel originate dahdi/1/yourmobilenumber application sayunixtime
16:25.02Slugs_WIMPy, what's the 1 part for?
16:25.40WIMPyThe cahnnel. You would usually specify a group here.
16:26.04Slugs_got it
16:26.19spenguin[work][Apr  3 21:57:38] NOTICE[3183]: channel.c:3866 __ast_request_and_dial: Unable to request channel DAHDI/1/<my cell number>
16:26.31spenguin[work]d2-sv-sterco-asterisk*CLI> core show channeltypes
16:26.36spenguin[work]DAHDI       DAHDI Telephony Driver w/PRI             no           yes          no
16:26.46spenguin[work]does that seem ok?
16:27.32WIMPyLooks like your signalling connection doesn't work. Do you have the correct switchtype?
16:27.59spenguin[work]its set to euroidsn
16:29.34spenguin[work]our other asterisk setups use euroidsn
16:30.20WIMPyLooks ok. What happens if you call that line from elsewhere? Do you have a phone that can display the cause value?
16:30.53spenguin[work]WIMPy: Ive got the telco guys to check the line out since its not reachable from here
16:31.14spenguin[work]so I guess the PRI line is just down
16:31.55WIMPyThat happens, but the way iI know it, you get a remote alert then.
16:32.08WIMPyAKA yellow alarm
16:32.12spenguin[work]hrm true
16:33.27WIMPyYou can try to see if 'pri intense debug' shows up anything.
16:37.07*** join/#asterisk manxpower (
16:37.47spenguin[work]I had to use  pri set debug 2 span 1
16:40.12WIMPyOk, do you also receive anything?
16:40.34spenguin[work]nope, just sending
16:41.44infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:42.50manxpowerif you do NOT have a red/yellow/blue alarm and you receive nothing from the telco when you enable pri debug then, assuming you didn't screw up building Asterisk, then you call your telco and say "I have no traffic on the D-channel"
16:43.53spenguin[work]asuming I didnt screw up building - well I dont see how that could happen
16:44.29spenguin[work]I dont have any RYB alarm
16:45.22manxpowerNot using the latest astrisk with the latest dahdi (for whatever branch you use) would be considered "screwing up asterisk build".  You can have very similar symptoms as the line not working
16:45.27spenguin[work]would I need to rebuild the pri lib if I downloaded and build dahdi, dahdi-tools from svn?
16:45.47manxpowerspenguin[work]: no.  dahdi doesn't deal with PRI, that is part of Asterisk
16:45.58spenguin[work]what about libpri?
16:46.15spenguin[work]libpri, spandsp those are the two I didnt rebuild
16:46.41manxpowerBECAUSE you are having problems I would rebuild everything from scratch.  dahdi, libpri, asterisk, spandsp in that order,.
16:46.55spenguin[work]ill do that
16:47.04manxpowerNormally would not not need to upgrade Asterisk because of a minor update to libpri, but in this case....
16:47.25manxpowerspenguin[work]: sangoma or digium card?
16:47.26spenguin[work]hands manxpower a drink
16:47.51beekwhere's the wanpipe?
16:47.52manxpowerbecause Sangomas are VERY sensitive to minor version changes.
16:48.12*** join/#asterisk rare1980_ (~rare1980@
16:48.13manxpowerdo all that rebuilding I suggested, then rebuild the sangoma wanpipe stuff
16:48.21spenguin[work]manxpower: I rebuilt the sangoma driver too
16:48.23spenguin[work]but anyway
16:48.24spenguin[work]ill redo
16:48.33manxpowerspenguin[work]: AFTER rebuilding everything else or before>
16:48.52spenguin[work]I learned dahdi needed to be before
16:49.01spenguin[work]anyway, will let you know
16:49.03manxpowerspenguin[work]: Sangoma has great support.
16:49.03*** part/#asterisk _buck (~buck@
16:50.12manxpowerspenguin[work]: I still suspect your line is not working and you will need to call your telco, but it you want to make sure it's not a software issue.  Sangoma have GREAT cards, but their install can be a little more complicated
16:50.44spenguin[work]yep, theres issues on the line, but I really need to clear my head on the clean install part
16:50.51spenguin[work]the previous admin was playing around
16:51.14manxpowerI had a system down for almost a day because I didn't rebuild everything before calling the telco,.
16:51.28spenguin[work]hes even downloaded zaptel-1.4
16:51.58manxpowerspenguin[work]: just follow the sangoma setup insructions for Asterisk
16:52.11manxpowerfollow them *exactly* even for stuff that doesn't make much sense
16:52.27Slugs_anybody use pastebinit?
16:52.52spenguin[work]whats that
16:53.03Slugs_you can pb from cmd line
16:53.09Slugs_it looks awesome
16:53.20spenguin[work]oh, I used to use wgetpaste
16:53.41Slugs_did that paste to pb?
16:54.41spenguin[work]yeah, to multiple ones
16:57.31spenguin[work]but that was just  ls| wgetpaste
16:57.40spenguin[work]and it pasted it from cli
16:57.58spenguin[work]you could selec different pb services
17:00.19spenguin[work]a normal pots line would not act as a PRI line right?
17:00.39spenguin[work]unless the telco made necessary changes?
17:13.17*** join/#asterisk jmls (
17:13.30jmlsevening all
17:13.33jmlsusing 1.6.2
17:13.44jmlswhy the warning ? Works fine in 1.4
17:21.58Corydon76-digjmls: because the application delimiter is the comma in 1.6, but it's the pipe in 1.4
17:22.38Corydon76-digjmls: it's probably preferable to set app_set=1.6 in [compat] in asterisk.conf
17:24.04jmlsdamn, this is data returned from a web service
17:24.18jmlsruns off to look at [compat]
17:27.17IgramulZaptel was renamed to DAHDI, right?
17:27.36Igramuland ztdummy is now dahdi_dummy?
17:29.41spenguin[work]manxpower: ok well recompiled everything - still nothing on the D channel
17:35.06jmlsCorydon76-dig: thanks.
17:41.41jmlsCorydon76-dig: we make a lot of use of data returned from a web service, and ARRAY to split it into variables
17:42.01jmlsIf I wanted to use the new 1.6.2 format (no app_set = 1.6)
17:42.16jmlshow would I get the data into ARRAY ?
17:42.34jmls(the web service returns foo:bar instead of foo,bar
17:42.50jmlsbut ARRAY only takes "," as a delimiter ...
17:43.49*** join/#asterisk Yoe (
17:44.04Yoehi -- how well does asterisk deal with faxes? Or do I need something else for that?
17:45.02IgramulYoe, I am using asterisk for faxes. No problems so far.
17:45.59IgramulYoe, however, I did some coding to forward incomming faxes as e-mail and to accept faxes in PDF format via a web page.
17:46.54YoeIgramul: this is for a prospect who wants to replace their current phone setup with 'something else'. I'll be suggesting they use asterisk, but they have a fax that they'll need to use
17:47.14Yoewill probably use an ATA for that one; so as long as transmissions work well, nothing else matters
17:47.37Yoeit's just that I heard there might be some issues, and I want to be sure that it's possible before I make promises I can't keep :-)
17:47.46IgramulYoe, I do not have any experience with analog fax machines on asterisk.
17:48.15IgramulI am using the asterisk server itself as fax machine.
17:48.16hardwireit's like a phone.. only squeeky
17:48.46hardwireIgramul: I use hylafax+iaxmodem + avantfax
17:48.48Igramulhardwire, right - but You need to restrict the voice codecs to those that allow fax transmission.
17:49.08WIMPyWebfaxing sounds cool.
17:49.15hardwireit works out pretty well.. but I'm tempted to write a better interface to either hylafax or asterisk fax
17:51.17IgramulWIMPy, the trick is to write a PHP script, that accepts a file (pdf) and a phone number, transform the file into tiff (ImageMagick) and create a call-file that sends it as fax to the phone number.
17:51.52hardwireor use sendfax
17:52.15Igramulhardwire, the call-file uses the sendfax application ;)
17:52.27hardwirefrom mgetty?
17:53.18Igramulhardwire, no - the dialplan application SendFax from asterisk.
17:53.25hardwireah ok
17:53.32hardwireI'm talking about the binary.
17:53.45hardwireI be talking bout it willuz!
17:54.59hardwireI'm not quite sure what the difference is between fax for asterisk and the built in free spandsp solution
17:57.56*** part/#asterisk nny (~Scott@
18:04.44Igramulhardwire, I have no idea, either. All I know is that SendFax and ReceiveFax in the dialplan work as advertised. However, I have not tried to simultanously send multiple faxes.
18:14.29doubletokercan someone tell me where to look if I want to route people
18:14.43Igramuldoubletoker, what do You mean by route?
18:14.44doubletokerdepending on thier caller id to a tutorial or something
18:15.04doubletokerI want to send them different places in my dial plan
18:15.15doubletokerdepending on who's calling me
18:16.26doubletokerI'm not sure how you read the caller id of who is calling you, I see you can set your own
18:16.49doubletokerwith the CallerID() app
18:16.59*** part/#asterisk Yoe (
18:17.21*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
18:17.39Igramuldoubletoker, You can read it with ${CALLERID(num)}
18:17.56Igramuldoubletoker, You can check for it like in
18:18.13Igramulsearch for "ex-girlfriend" on that page ;)
18:20.39jmlsis callerid(number) valid in 1.4, and not 1.6.2 ?
18:20.45jmlsi.e. should I use callerid(num)
18:24.44*** join/#asterisk krynnotaur (~krynnotau@unaffiliated/krynnotaur)
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18:27.51TJNIII just found a new in sealed box copy of OS/2 for $1.
18:28.05doubletokerone last question, and I know I could look this up but it would be quicker if someone would just tell me
18:28.10TJNII"Your onramp to the information superhighway"
18:28.49doubletokerwhat is command to print something to the CLI
18:29.16doubletokerso I can debug this while I'm testing this
18:35.38*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
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19:51.27*** join/#asterisk rare1980_ (~rare1980@
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19:55.59rare1980_any help on asterisk load balancing?
19:56.54dennisGwhat's the problem rare1980_ ?
19:57.12dennisGjust say the problem ^^
19:58.14rare1980_i m really sick and tired only bcoz on voipmonk..
19:58.36rare1980_i paid him for some services and its been over then 1 month
19:58.45rare1980_he is not helping me..
19:58.59rare1980_i need help on load balancing
19:59.06rare1980_and a2billing.
19:59.13dennisGaah that's bad service
19:59.33dennisGbut what is the problem with your load balancing issue?
19:59.34rare1980_not only bad .. highly unprofessinal as well.
19:59.45dennisGyes that's true
20:00.22rare1980_i have some requirments..... and he said this can be done through a2billing and load balancing
20:00.54rare1980_let me tell u those requrments
20:00.57dennisGwhat are your requirements? :P
20:02.53rare1980_plz have a look to this
20:03.19rare1980_a2billing is ready but only part is left load balancing
20:03.43rare1980_and i don't know how to do that
20:04.38dennisGhmm.. i thought load balancing over multiple asterisk boxes
20:04.50dennisGthis is just load balancing over multiple providers
20:04.52rare1980_i simply want this
20:05.00rare1980_how this can be done??
20:05.17dennisGjust create it by yourself? )
20:05.33*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
20:05.34rare1980_what do u mean by?
20:06.10dennisGlog every call in a database and use this in your application
20:07.00dennisGa calling card system is nothing more then a GUI, database and some Asterisk scripts
20:07.40rare1980_plz can you help me on this?
20:14.29*** join/#asterisk Researcher (~user@unaffiliated/unafilliate)
20:19.17TJNIIrare1980_: And what kind of help do you want?  Are you programming this yourself, or do you want someone to do it for you?
20:24.36dennisGhehe i'm already helping him =)
20:24.48dennisGjust to save him some bucks ghehe
20:31.30*** join/#asterisk stix (
20:40.53Researcheris now away: You Can find me on Dalnet/Freenode/IrcNet/Efnet/GameSuge/
21:05.08*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
21:07.10*** join/#asterisk raghu_ (~raghu@
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21:07.36raghu_Hey hii
21:07.47raghu_m bit new to asterisk
21:07.58raghu_any1 here
21:08.03raghu_to help me out
21:08.18raghu_damn so sux
21:08.26*** join/#asterisk kotp (~vgoff@
21:08.47raghu_any1 here?
21:08.47dennisGwhat's the problem?
21:08.59raghu_oh hii
21:09.05raghu_itz not problem
21:09.23raghu_just i need to implement CRM with asterisk
21:09.34raghu_i need to know how
21:10.01raghu_r u here?
21:10.04dennisGmaybe there is just a plugin ?
21:10.16raghu_no plugin's
21:10.29dennisGelse you need to create it by yourself. read the AMI documentation ;)
21:10.44raghu_m in a company which provide CRM solutions
21:10.48raghu_to clients
21:11.18raghu_but we need to implement complete CRM solutions using asterisk
21:11.44raghu_u got my point dennis?
21:12.11raghu_r u busy?
21:13.06raghu_lol jus thot i could find some help here
21:13.11raghu_neva mind
21:13.26TJNIIYou've yet to ask a real question.  Just spammy fragments and half-thoughts.
21:13.35infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:13.39TJNIIRead this ^
21:15.23*** join/#asterisk ChrisWi (
21:16.56dennisGhe mate.. just have some patient
21:17.13dennisGpatience *
21:20.16dennisGand yes. TJNII is right. just read the Asterisk documentation
21:20.29*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
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21:45.16*** join/#asterisk rampage73 (
21:46.11rampage73anyone have experience getting faxing to work through an ATA and asterisk ? i seem to have hit a brick wall and now it is falling on me! :P
21:47.10rampage73Asterisk, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2009 Digium, Inc. and others.
21:47.29TJNIIDo you have T.38 support?
21:48.08rampage73i am not sure how can i tell? sorry i am new to asterisk also
21:48.17rampage73i know the ata has it
21:48.51TJNIIIf the ATA has it you're off to a good start.  You'll have to wait for someone else though, I don't use it.  I just know the basics.
21:49.31rampage73thanks for helping
21:49.40rampage73any info around here is good info
21:54.16*** part/#asterisk strungmind (
22:09.49rampage73it was grandstream ht286 that had ht287 firmware the ht487 works fine!
22:10.01rampage73in case anyone else wants to know
22:14.06*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (~chris@
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22:31.47ChannelZYou want to fax through an ATA from a physical fax machine?
22:33.33*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
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22:57.25*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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23:04.46TJNIIThat kid was a winner....
23:10.53*** join/#asterisk l2cache (
23:12.44l2cacheHi, I have a fresh install of CentOS 5.4 and I did the Yum install for asterisk16 exactly in the instructions. I made sure the asterisk16-addons-mysql package installed too via yum, but it did not create the sample /etc/asterisk/cdr_mysql.conf file?  Any ideas how to generate the sample?
23:14.35l2cacheThe module is there and loaded too, I get the error that cdr_mysql.conf is missing.  I just need a way to have the install properly add that file for me.
23:14.48*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
23:16.15ChannelZgo download the asterisk-addons source from and steal it out of there for reference?
23:16.16l2cacheI did a yum remove asterisk16-configs and installed it again, still no cdr_mysql.conf file.
23:16.30l2cacheI thought about doing that, but shouldn't it come with the file?
23:16.34ChannelZOr there might be a separate 'configs' package specifically for asterisk-addons
23:16.42l2cacheah, good point on the separate configs
23:21.56l2cacheno luck
23:25.07*** join/#asterisk geneticx (
23:25.57l2cacheI suppose the config is basic enough in the cdr_mysql file, it is just annoying that every other yum install includes the custom .conf file for you.
23:28.59*** join/#asterisk dennisG (~dennisG@2002:541e:88d0:0:213:2ff:fe56:e380)
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23:52.12TJNIINO!  I don't have a floppy cable!  How am I supposed to install OS/2 now?!
23:52.29TJNIII really wish I had found this in time for April Fools.

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