IRC log for #asterisk on 20100326

00:02.57*** join/#asterisk jks (jks@
00:03.40bmoracainteresting...callweaver can act as a T.38 gateway
00:04.48russellbFFA uses a commercially licensed fax stack, not spandsp.
00:07.52hardwiretries to figure out a good method of testing GotoIfTime a lot
00:08.19hardwireI suppose I could randomize the timezone
00:10.40*** join/#asterisk devoid (~devnull@unaffiliated/devemo)
00:12.17russellbhardwire: going to write an automated test for the test suite?!
00:12.26hardwiref no
00:12.44hardwirerussellb: I *am* the test suite
00:13.44hardwireheh.. there is a 'right' subdirectory in /usr/share/timezones
00:13.49hardwireI wonder wth that means.
00:14.12hardwiregood.. posix/Etc/GMT(-+)x
00:14.14hardwirethat should make it easier
00:14.29*** join/#asterisk AndyML (
00:14.52AndyMLhas anyone used twinstar with Xorcom Astribanks?
00:16.22*** join/#asterisk romb_work (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
00:17.11*** join/#asterisk Katty (
00:18.14*** join/#asterisk joobie (
00:18.43joobieguys anyone know of any good fxo units that are cheap and do multiple devices? ive been lookina tthe spa400 from linksys but they are liike 250-300$AUD..
00:21.39joobiehi katty
00:22.40tzafrirrussellb, anyway, here we just switched to DST
00:23.09hardwiretzafrir: where is here atm?
00:23.24manxpowerjoobie: that is cheap
00:23.27hardwirealso.. why is there a GMT-14?
00:23.37tzafrir$ date -d '02:00'
00:23.37tzafrirdate: invalid date `02:00'
00:24.10Kattyjoobie: nada, just tryin to get this headache to go away
00:24.38joobiemanxpower, is it the cheapest option for a multiport fxo without degrading quality?
00:24.55manxpowerjoobie: it might be the cheapest option that will work well.
00:25.01joobiemanxpower, im not too concerned about brand.. more concerned that it's multiport and doesn't screw the quality of the call.. and trying to go el'cheapo
00:25.19manxpowerjoobie: cheap reliable good.  Pick TWO.
00:25.27joobieKatty, "virtual headache" or an actual headache?
00:25.36Kattyreal headache
00:25.45joobiemanxpower, i like all 3 though..
00:25.53manxpowerjoobie: telecom is expensive.  It's more expensive when you try to go cheap.
00:25.55joobieKatty, doh
00:26.19p3nguintzafrir: $ date -d tomorrow
00:26.19p3nguinFri Mar 26 19:26:11 CDT 2010
00:26.24p3nguinworks fine for me
00:26.51joobietzafrir, what are you trying to do
00:27.00Kattygoes upstairs for a bit
00:27.17tzafrirp3nguin, it's an invalid date because that specific time does not exist (due to DST timezone changes)
00:27.33hardwiresomebody.. anybody.. I'm GMT-8 atm.. if I set the timezone in SayUnixTime to Etc/GMT-8 it gives me 8am not 4pm.
00:27.39p3nguintzafrir: Do you really think that's why it is invalid?
00:27.54hardwireits 4pm :)
00:28.00tzafrirp3nguin, yes
00:28.11p3nguintzafrir: I would have to disagree.
00:28.20p3nguintzafrir: What do you think date -d is supposed to do?
00:29.36*** join/#asterisk killfill (~killfill@
00:29.40*** join/#asterisk mykhyggz (
00:29.54tzafrirp3nguin, first libc has to convert the string you gave it to "time" (seconds since epoch)
00:30.09tzafrirThe string is a time in the current time zone
00:30.14*** join/#asterisk W0OTM (
00:30.39killfillwhere can i get information about AMI commands an events?.. i.e. how to use them.. that parameters, etc.
00:30.39tzafrirBut in the current time zone there's no 2AM today, due to switching to DST
00:30.43p3nguinSo are you saying that your libc is broken?
00:31.07tzafririt's a feature
00:31.21p3nguinLet me try 2 am on the day we switched to DST and see what happens.
00:31.21killfilli.e. the Events command is not working for me.. :S
00:31.34hardwireyeh... I'm doing something wrong
00:31.36killfilli get 500 Internal Error when i send "on"
00:31.58killfillim reading but i guess its too old?
00:31.58bmoracahardwire has his own pastebin?  you must screw up like crazy, man!
00:32.40p3nguintzafrir: $ date -d "sunday march 14 02:00"
00:32.40p3nguindate: invalid date `sunday march 14 02:00'
00:33.10p3nguinbut 03:00 is good:  Sun Mar 14 03:00:00 CDT 2010
00:33.18W0OTMwill someone help me debug my sip configuration?
00:33.44tzafririnfobot, tell W0OTM about ask
00:34.59p3nguinWhat I really want to find out is what is accessing my hard disk continuously.
00:35.17p3nguinWhat tools/commands should I be looking for?
00:35.29bmoracaunless you're running linux...then, sorry
00:35.40p3nguinOf course I'm running Linux.
00:36.10hardwireapparently I'm a boob
00:36.20hardwireALL IS WELL FOLKS!
00:36.22hardwireback to work.
00:36.39*** join/#asterisk jtodd (lw9khlieav@asterisk/community-director-and-tie-dye-shirt-lover/jtodd)
00:36.39*** mode/#asterisk [+o jtodd] by ChanServ
00:36.46bmoracaWTB the freakin AT&T tech to show up, imo
00:37.05bmoracamy circuit's broken, they were supposed to be here at 4pm, and i want to go home and drink beer
00:38.16hardwirebmoraca: maybe they are using Etc/GMT*
00:38.35hardwireexten => 8463,n,SayUnixTime(,Etc/GMT+${RAND(0,12)},R)
00:38.39hardwiresimple pleasures
00:38.59hardwireis there any builtin method of detecting how many times invalid has been called per channel?
00:39.04hardwireother than storing a variable?
00:39.25hardwirevia the dialplan.
00:40.48*** join/#asterisk diegomad (mad@
00:41.33manxpowerDefine "invalid"
00:42.43*** join/#asterisk fofware (~chatzilla@
00:43.33bmoracai believe he means the 'i' extension
00:43.52hardwirei invalidly defined it
00:44.22*** part/#asterisk randomuser (
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00:46.51manxpowerI don't think I've used exten => i in years.  I usually define a wildcard extension to catch those and process them myself.
00:47.52hardwirewell.. you are manxy enough to do things like that
00:48.08hardwireI just realized I was taking the counter I already have and replacing it with the same amount of code only using groups
00:48.13hardwirewhich does me very little good
00:51.40hardwirealso.. /me hugs whoever implemented Transfer()
00:51.55hardwireI can actually move stuff off my network now.
00:52.40hardwirecall comes into IVR over SIP.. Detect DTMF.. Transfer to another SIP provider.
00:53.12*** join/#asterisk arnotixe (~arno@
00:59.07*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
01:12.36Slugs_hardwire, i changed my extension.conf, and sip.conf to understand 'context' better, i can dial 48707 from * sip ext 1001, but not the other way around.
01:13.09hardwireerr.. eh?
01:19.06p3nguinGlad I was able to get to the bottom of that little problem.  Software RAID array is rebuilding after the power outage, so of course there's continuous disk activity.  :/
01:19.45*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (~obnauticu@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
01:26.59norrechow can u force a peer to unregister?
01:28.07hardwiresimple enough
01:28.17hardwireno more statically defining those.
01:28.30hardwire15k+ files later
01:28.33Kattyi wanted to share my fun little backup script
01:28.38hardwiredo it!
01:28.49p3nguinslugs_: You cannot dial FROM extensions.  Why are you having such a hard time understanding that?
01:29.14p3nguinslugs_: Devices dial extensions, extensions Dial() devices.
01:29.57Katty <- this is my lil postgres backup
01:30.20p3nguinslugs_: If SIP/1001 can dial 48707 and something happens, it's because you have exten => 48707,1,Somecommand(with,data,here) in your extensions.conf.
01:30.36TJNIIHeh, I have a backup script like that for my Linux box at work.
01:30.36Katty <- this is my other lil backup
01:31.04TJNIIDumps a tarball into a backup directory, which I then copy to the Windows box for the official corporate backup to pick up.
01:31.09Kattyi've been debating adding a mutt to the end of it...but...meh
01:31.21KattyTJNII: the /backups directory is actually a mounted share
01:31.42KattyTJNII: so it actually dumps it to windows server.
01:31.59KattyTJNII: and both and are cronjobs
01:32.53KattyTJNII: i've been debating setting up another server, and doing copy jobs from server a to server b every x minutes to maintain a battle ready secondary phone system should i need it
01:32.59TJNIIUnfortunately my server config is the opposite, so I don't do that.  The Windows machine is a laptop that floats between networks, whereas the Linux box has a static IP.  Though your way would be more convenient.
01:33.52TJNIII don't have it in a cron job because it isn't fully automated.  Though I really only need to backup that system when I modify my test scripts, so it isn't bad.
01:33.54Kattyit's just laziness
01:34.15Kattyi'm really not backing up much myself
01:34.24Kattythe only stuff that changes is the voicemails and maybe extensions.conf
01:34.39TJNIII have a cold spare second * server, I should make some auto-config-sync goodness.
01:34.50*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (~linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
01:34.51Slugs_i don't know y i have this mental block
01:35.16TJNIII really should set up wake on LAN on that so I can kick it and have it fire up without physical access.
01:35.31KattyTJNII: i think i'm just goign to have mine setup on another ip
01:35.38KattyTJNII: then set it up as 'server 2' on the polycom phones
01:35.58KattyTJNII: all that would really need to be done in my acense is to move the pri from one machine to another
01:36.09TJNIIMine is on IP n + 1 as well, both private and public.
01:36.22p3nguinslugs_: What are you trying to figure out now?
01:36.23Kattydear jenny, please move the big white cable from the shiny box labeled 1 to the shiny box labeled 2
01:36.46TJNIII haven't thought og a graceful way to handle failover with my ITSP.
01:37.10Kattywe call the telco and have them forward calls to the mobile phones is pretty good about doin that too
01:37.25Kattybut it's not seamless by any means
01:38.05TJNIIWe've had 2 power failures here in the last 6 months.  I might have to consider getting a cell phone again.
01:38.07p3nguinI'm fortunate enough that mine offers failover automatically.  Just pre-configure it via web portal, and it Just Works.
01:39.20p3nguinAfter the power outage earlier, I decided I needed something else besides just a voice mail box on the failover server... I guess I'll make it dial cell phones.
01:39.47TJNIIIt isn't high priority for me, nobody calls. :(
01:40.01Kattyyeah we don't have much call volume here either
01:40.05arnotixehi I have a working GSM-SIP device; I can call to and through it and receieve calls. I also see SMS messages being recieved by asterisk when I turn on sip debug. But how can I send a MESSAGE packet to the GSM-SIP device? I tried Sendtext() but can't see it working on debug?
01:40.13p3nguinI was trying to make it dial out over PSTN via SPA-3102, but I don't know how to get it to dial from a VoIP call out the PSTN side.
01:40.57p3nguinAs long as I can dial cell phones via VoIP, that'll be good enough for me.
01:41.01p3nguin(for now)
01:41.07*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
01:41.14Kattyyou could dump everyone into meetme
01:41.24TJNIII think my ultimate failure plan is going to be a UPS with lots of batteries.
01:41.39Kattya generator connected to the hamster wheel
01:42.16hardwirelol.. moving nanpa data into /etc/asterisk/nanpa/npa/nxx = fast lookup
01:42.17p3nguinI have one on the gateway and modem, and then another one for Asterisk, but sometimes the power stays off way too long.
01:42.38Kattythat's where a generator would be handy
01:42.44TJNIIYea, I wish my UPS was 12v so I could jumper it to the car.
01:42.58p3nguinYeah, but I'm not going to bother with a generator... my calls are not that critical.
01:43.31p3nguinIf we took in hundreds of calls per day, then I would consider it.
01:44.05*** join/#asterisk Chinorro (
01:44.14TJNIII have a friend who got a big (5kVa or something like that) UPS and batteries cheap.  Last I heard he was wiring his house into it.
01:44.50TJNIIHe has a gas furnace, so he can even have heat.
01:45.03Kattythat would have been nice a coupel winters ago
01:45.14Kattysouthern missouri had about 2 weeks of no power areas.
01:45.20p3nguinI have three 1500s, a 650, and a 500 for my equipment.
01:45.46Kattyit's quite an experience to go 2 weeks without any power
01:45.51Kattyin the dead of winter
01:45.56Kattywith ice all over everything
01:46.00TJNIII'll bet I remember one of those storms in Iowa.  Woke up and half the apartment had power.
01:46.12TJNIIAnd the power transformer outside was _angry_ about it.
01:46.50TJNIII like having periods without power, its fun.
01:48.16TJNIIThough the house I grew up in had a sump pump, and my Dad had it rigged so the smoke detector would go off when the pit filled up.  I have not-so-fond memories of being woken up in the middle of the night to start the generator.
01:48.25p3nguinOne 1500 on the gateway and modem, and the 500 on the main asterisk system at the primary location.  One 1500 on my primary server (which is at the secondary location), one 1500 on the modem and gatway at the secondary location, along with the 650 on the backup asterisk box.
01:48.29*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
01:48.41LemensTSwhats good
01:48.43Kattyhi LemensTS
01:48.46Kattyhugs LemensTS
01:49.04p3nguinSo I really have better power protection on the backup system.  :/
01:49.12TJNIII don't think any of the servers at work are on UPSes.  They are all protos in testing, though, so I guess it isn't worth it.
01:49.16LemensTSsup katty.
01:49.25LemensTSwhat no survivor on tv tonite grrr
01:49.28KattyLemensTS: just took some pain killers.
01:49.32KattyLemensTS: head's killin me
01:49.45TJNIIp3nguin: You apparently do.
01:49.55LemensTSKatty: chase it with a beer and it wont
01:50.11TJNIILet me guess, you're prepared if the first goes out but not the second, right?
01:50.12p3nguinI'm actually wanting to get another 1500 just for phones.
01:50.13Kattydont like beer
01:50.20TJNIIWine then.
01:50.22Kattyi think it was from dehydration
01:50.36Kattyi drank literally nothing all day long
01:50.47Kattyi should probably go get another glass of water
01:51.21TJNIIMake a white russian with creme de menthe instead of vodka.
01:51.26TJNIIIt is delicious.
01:51.40p3nguinWhat really annoys me is when the power is out all over town and my batteries last longer than those of the ISP.  Then I'm sitting here still trying to use the internet and the ISP has no power.
01:51.45LemensTSwhite russians are dangerous they taste to good
01:51.57TJNIIThat tastes like melted mint ice cream.
01:52.12TJNIIUse peppermint schnapps and it tastes like an Andes mint.
01:52.31p3nguinI have a box of those right here on my desk.
01:52.36TJNIIp3nguin: At least you're on the right side of that problem.
01:53.13p3nguinI just hate losing power.  Period.
01:53.21LemensTSp3nguin: lol i always race home to shut my servers off. good thing they have a fancy shutdown tool that i have not installed software for
01:53.34p3nguinStill going.
01:53.51TJNII/proc/mdstat whoo!
01:54.09p3nguinlemensts: Yeah, my box didn't shut down before the battery exhausted, now I'm waiting on the raid to rebuild.  :(
01:54.35p3nguinAt least it's running at a reasonable speed.
01:54.45p3nguin60 MB/s
01:54.47LemensTSraids suck blah
01:55.04Kattyryan's been raiding all night :<
01:55.14Kattydidn't kind of raid, but still makes me sad.
01:57.30LemensTSa b c
01:58.12p3nguinUgh, that reminds me that I need to go over to the farm supply store with some white spray paint.
01:58.33LemensTSwhat reminds u of that
01:58.35p3nguinI was there earlier and the banners out front read, "Customer Appreciation Day's."
01:58.35TJNIII don't think they would care for that.
01:59.05p3nguinNot Days like normal people.
01:59.20TJNIITaco bell had a sign that said "99 cent taco's" for a long time.
01:59.26TJNIIWe would point and laugh.
01:59.38p3nguinI got one for ya.  Just a second.
01:59.50hardwireI love tacois!
02:00.10hardwire-> home
02:01.05LemensTSWe had a billboard of these 3 kids in a car drinking hanging out the window having an absolute hell of a time. And it said something bout Your actions influence others. And they want people not to drink? lol
02:01.57TJNIITime to go.
02:02.09p3nguinwell hell.
02:02.14*** join/#asterisk rossand (
02:02.34p3nguinI wanted him to see this:
02:03.18p3nguinI took the picture, then called them to let them know they shouldn't let the retarded kids do the marquis.
02:03.45*** part/#asterisk AndyML (
02:04.01*** join/#asterisk hluesea (~hulusikah@
02:16.37*** part/#asterisk Sipster (~18c8052d@gateway/web/freenode/x-nbnzaiuqqwymdrgd)
02:23.42*** join/#asterisk the1_ (~x@
02:23.47*** join/#asterisk romb_work (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
02:29.02p3nguinThat seems to work pretty good.  When the ITSP goes to failover, now it rings cell phones before dumping to voicemail.
02:29.46p3nguinHeck, I could incorporate the IVR and everything on the secondary box, and then dial cell phones instead of local phones.
02:32.45*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k (
02:33.22darkdrgn2kHi, how can im writing a short dial plan, i have it dialing a number. Is ther a way i can make it wait a few seconds then send a DTFM tone to it?
02:34.00darkdrgn2ki know i can make it wait using wait..
02:34.04darkdrgn2kbut how do i send a dtfm tone
02:34.52Slugs_darkdrgn2k: SendDTMF(digits[|timeout_ms])
02:35.04darkdrgn2kthat would owork wouldnt it
02:35.17arnotixedarkdrgn2k, I'm trying the same with Dial(number,timeout,D(905)) but I can't seem to make it work.
02:35.31arnotixeneither M(macroname) works for me it seems.
02:39.15darkdrgn2kD might be what im looking for
02:40.33arnotixedarkdrgn2k, please tell me if it works for you
02:40.42darkdrgn2kwhat do you put for timeout
02:41.13*** join/#asterisk Sipster (
02:41.17darkdrgn2kit worked find
02:41.48darkdrgn2kexten => s,n,Dial(SIP/9051953776@Line,,D(1))
02:42.21darkdrgn2kis there any way i can make it delay a second or two before briding the call?
02:44.39*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
02:49.17the1_darkdrgn2k 905 is the local?
02:49.23the1_did it work?
02:51.49*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
02:52.38Kattypeeks in
02:52.57ChannelZah crap I forgot I need to go take out the trash
02:53.27Kattyi never take out the trash
02:53.40Kattydeligated that responsibility to ryan years ago :P
02:54.56ChannelZWell I live alone so I guess you can call me Ryan
02:55.32Kattybummer :<
02:56.14Katty <- not political.
02:56.51Slugs_setup a goto(trash)
02:57.02ChannelZReally? That cat looks like a democrat.
02:57.46ChannelZI mean look at the confusion on his face. I doubt he has a job.
02:57.49Kattyyou mean, democat
02:57.57ChannelZMaybe I could hire him to take out my trash
02:58.03Kattymaybe he's
02:58.44ChannelZok brb
03:00.25Kattyherroes LemensTS
03:03.36*** join/#asterisk phix (
03:03.37phixhi gang
03:04.22darkdrgn2kthe1_: sorry 1 is the local
03:04.25darkdrgn2kfo rme
03:04.27darkdrgn2kfor me
03:04.36darkdrgn2kbut i still hear a quick He  from Hello
03:08.13Kattyawww hehehehe
03:09.38*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
03:14.12norrechow can you tell what user asterisk is running as?
03:15.57Slugs_ps -aux | grep asterisk
03:16.52p3nguinslugs_: -aux is invalid.  You probably mean aux.
03:17.01ChannelZDepends on your ps
03:17.27ChannelZIt might complain but show you anyway
03:17.59norrecoh yeah, i was forgetting x lol
03:18.11p3nguinIt says STOP USING THE WRONG SYNTAX PLEASE, but then shows you what you wanted to see anyway.
03:18.24ChannelZSounds familiar
03:18.30ChannelZAre you German?
03:18.52hlueseais anyone try to chan_mobile here ?
03:19.31*** join/#asterisk hluesea (~hulusikah@
03:19.36hlueseaactually i want to how many mobile phone supported at 1 usb dongle ?
03:20.31p3nguin"Note that "ps -aux" is distinct from "ps aux". The POSIX and UNIX standards require that "ps -aux" print all processes owned by a user named "x", as well as printing all processes that would be selected by the -a option. If the user named "x" does not exist, this ps may interpret the command as "ps aux" instead and print a warning. This behavior is intended to aid in transitioning old scripts and habits. It is fragile, subject to ...
03:20.37p3nguin... change, and thus should not be relied upon."
03:21.33p3nguinSo I'm going to start creating user x on every system just to break people's habits.
03:22.23antiwireyou SOB
03:23.11ChannelZWell, he doesn't get out much..
03:23.31p3nguinWhy do I need to go out at all?
03:24.01ChannelZSo the rest of us have some relief
03:24.02p3nguinI can have beer and pizza catered... I have running water and electricity...
03:26.49p3nguinAnd just so you know, you can use ps all by itself to find out the same thing as displaying everything and then piping it into grep.  ps -C asterisk u
03:27.46Kattypeeks in
03:28.41*** join/#asterisk geneticx (
03:28.56*** join/#asterisk strungmind (
03:29.15Kattyi've got dah munchies
03:29.43Kattylet's go to steak n shake
03:29.55p3nguinI don't blame you, but I'm thinking I should skip the food and just go to bed.
03:30.07Kattyyes it would probably be healthier
03:30.16p3nguinI went there for lunch yesterday, so I should skip it tonight.
03:30.23Kattybut then the legs will start hurting :<
03:30.31Kattydo your legs hurt when you get hungry?
03:30.43p3nguinnot that I know of.
03:31.14p3nguinI just get stomach cramps, due to some stupid spastic colon thingy.
03:31.54Kattyguess we all have our own responses
03:31.58p3nguinIt's a bother.
03:32.13Kattymy legs also ache when i get too cold
03:32.18p3nguinThe solution is to keep mealtime consistent.
03:32.33Kattyi just eat when i'm hungry
03:32.39Kattyit's usually about the same time tho, really
03:32.40*** part/#asterisk manxpower (~ewieling@
03:34.06p3nguinOne time I was trying to explain to my dad about my stomach situation, and he told me about some woman he knows that had a similar problem.  Her solution was to have six meals per day instead of the normal three.  I've often wondered if I could adapt to six half-sized meals.
03:34.39p3nguinI hate to eat just to be eating.
03:35.08antiwireThat's called "issues"
03:35.10Kattyprobably 300 calorie meals
03:35.39p3nguinI'm just wondering if it would be good for anyone or only those with certain conditions.
03:35.43Kattyalot of people i know eat several little meals a day
03:36.41p3nguinI figure I would be tempted to eat regular sized portions instead of what I should be having.
03:36.57antiwirenuts, fruit, water
03:37.20p3nguinI like some nuts, but it's easy to have too much.
03:37.48p3nguinSome fruits I'm not fond of, like peaches.  Blehck.
03:38.13antiwireDon't eat the fur
03:38.22p3nguinShave it first?
03:40.11*** join/#asterisk pawz (
03:49.12*** join/#asterisk b14ck (~comradeb1@
03:56.41*** join/#asterisk romb_work (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
04:06.41norrecdoes any1 have any experience with fax for asterisk?
04:12.45ChannelZI got my free license but have never actually set it up
04:12.50*** join/#asterisk chilicuil (~chilicuil@unaffiliated/chilicuil)
04:18.41darkdrgn2khi im briding a call using exten => s,n,Dial(SIP/18887775509@MyTrunk,,D(1))
04:18.58darkdrgn2kis there a way i can delay the bridge a few seconds. i get the first 1/2 a word before the D(1) kicks in'
04:21.49norrecChannelZ: hm, well idk if that helps too much lol
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04:32.31spartan07is away: I'm busy
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05:51.08AeroCloudanyone know what hardware if any other than upgrading the cpu helps with transcoding?
05:58.18AeroClouddarkdrgn2k: did you try the M() macro inside the dial.. and issue a Wait(2) inside that macro?
05:59.28AeroCloud<-- sleep
06:09.17norrecdoes any1 have any experience with fax for asterisk?
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06:17.34SouthSuburbTechcould someone help me config google voice and gizmo5 in asterisk
06:17.42SouthSuburbTechi've google and tryied everything , can't seem to get it working
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07:02.36sawgoodWhere is everyone?
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07:10.57siva214215When I try to run "console dial 1001" at CLI prompt the response is "No such command 'console dial 1001' ??
07:11.06siva214215what is wrong with this??
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07:21.17ChannelZsiva214215: do you must not have it loaded
07:22.58ChannelZsiva214215: load chan_oss
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07:25.57sawgoodhow does one determine if they have the 'Asterisk add-ons' installed?
07:28.22ChannelZwell, add-ons comes with format_mp3, chan_mobile, chan_ooh323, some others.. so if you had any of those chances are you got them through asterisk-addons
07:29.26ChannelZok is there some drugged-out version of 'ls' that will let you specify which columns you want to see in what order, like being able to show accessed time and created time together too?
07:29.38siva214215channel2 thanks :)
07:31.03*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
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07:34.13ChannelZguess I can use find..
07:35.30phixIT IS VERY RELEVENT!
07:36.16sawgoodI do not have the module format_mp3
07:36.30ChannelZwell there you go then
07:36.33sawgoodshow module like format (lots listed but not format_mp3
07:36.50sawgooddo the Asterisk add ons come in RPM form?
07:37.14*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
07:39.09sawgoodI see them ... there are several add on RPM modules for 1.6.0
07:39.17ChannelZand 'show module' only shows *loaded* modules
07:39.25*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
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08:02.23*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
08:07.25*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
08:08.00Polysicsi have my queues configured in a MySQL db
08:09.10Polysicsdo i need to add and remove members when they log in, or can i just leave them in and they will be skipped if they are not there?
08:12.31ChannelZWhat do you mean by 'if they are not there'?
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08:12.37Polysicsnot online
08:12.47ChannelZIf their device is active but they are physically not present, then their phones will just ring
08:13.39Polysicsno, i mean, not logged in to the SIP system... this is supposed to be softphone-based
08:14.20ChannelZIf their devices are not accessable at all it's probably OK but might cause a bunch of noise in the console/logs
08:14.32Polysicsso it would be better to add/remove them?
08:14.46Polysicsi already have some AMI monitor that logs who logs in and out
08:14.57ChannelZIdeally yes
08:15.10*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
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08:17.26PolysicsChannelZ, since you seem knowledgeable, can i ask you a big-picture question?
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08:17.56Polysicsssytem we are developing is a web-based translation network, where foreigners living in Italy and working for the governmente provide translations to each other
08:18.12Polysicseverything is web-based usgin Zoiper Web piloted thtough JS
08:18.34Polysicsevery op has one or more language he speaks, which is in a DB table
08:18.49Polysicsi need an incoming call to be routed to a queue for each language
08:19.05Polysicsi also need to be able to directly call one op, but that' easy
08:19.18Polysicswould you use * queues or code it by hand in AGI/AMI?
08:19.30Polysicsi am pretty proficient in Ruby/EventMachine
08:19.39Polysicsactually way better than with * confs :-)
08:20.31Polysicseach call is then logged and the "owning" company for each op gets credits added/deducted, to keep the service fair
08:20.41Polysicsi'd say i have logging nailed down
08:21.17Polysicsalthough i still have trouble keeping tab of each operators' status in a mysql table that can be displayed by PHP
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08:25.06Polysicscoding queues "by hand" looks like overkill, although i could see some benefits
08:25.16creativxare you using extension hints?
08:25.19ChannelZHmm I would probably just use queues, I'm not sure what you'd gain writing it yourself (unless there's just something queues can't do that you would need to do)
08:25.39creativxi use pausequeuemember when an operator changes their status to unavailable
08:25.45Polysicsby the way, let me expose one thing: ops provide "reperibility times" where they are also available on their cellphone
08:25.47creativxi think thats what the ami command was
08:26.02Polysicswrites down what creativx says :-)
08:26.12creativxso basically the members are always in the queue
08:26.17creativxbut paused/resumed as needed
08:26.17Polysicscellphones could be a break-it problem
08:26.29creativxive not tried to tie cellphones into queue handling
08:26.32Polysicscan a queue call a cellphone instead of a SIP user based on time of day?
08:26.33creativxonly on DID calls
08:26.44creativxyeah it can
08:26.49creativxbut you'd have to handle the logic somewhere
08:26.57creativxor wait.. i think it can, hehe
08:27.06ChannelZIf you call a Local channel you can make the dialplan do whatever you want
08:27.23Polysicsso i need to read up on Local channels?
08:27.30ChannelZLocal/999 and make extension 999 do whatever you want
08:27.36creativxlocal channels are a beast of their own :]
08:27.54Polysicsoh, Local just means "call this ext"?
08:28.20Polysicscool, then the idea is: configure SIP and cellphone login in an AGI script that responds to a Local call
08:28.42Polysicsthen queues just call those
08:28.51ChannelZYeah a Local channel is sort of a way to feed a call back into the dialplan
08:28.53Polysicscan a Local call tell the calling queue "skip me"?
08:29.10creativxyeah by modifying channel status i assume
08:29.16creativxunavailable perhaps
08:29.30Polysicssouncs pretty good
08:29.31ChannelZI'm not sure Local channels have status' because they aren't real channels
08:29.35creativxjust like a normal agent that presses hangup on a queue call would make the call jump back into the queue
08:29.47creativxme neither ChannelZ :-)
08:29.54creativxlast time i poked in our conf files were over 1 year ago
08:30.42ChannelZhas to go to bed - have fun y'all
08:30.50Polysicswil ltry :-)
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09:25.01siva214215I've installed asterisk and when I try to connect with ekiga from other host
09:25.29siva214215i'm having the error Registration failed
09:25.52siva214215how can I resolve this??
09:26.40siva214215Any advice is highly appreciated :)
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09:29.48Toommican i use regex in hints ?
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09:51.57TommyBottenToommi: Not regular expressions, but you can use the asterisk pattern matching in versions 1.6.1 and newer
09:52.42Toommii tried : hint(Custom:text) _*51ZZ => {
09:53.02Toommibut it did not worked out
09:53.23Toommibut an extension : _*52ZZ => {  is workin
09:53.41Toommiofc i meant the asterisk pattern ;)
09:57.53Toommiok i am just stupid :)
10:07.18TommyBottenDid it work out?
10:08.35Toommiyeah i just missed a } in a variable in the same line *gg
10:09.45Toommibut my blf still not working with this "more dynamic" hint ^^
10:10.10Toommibut i think i can debug this :>
10:10.32*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
10:10.56tuxx-Hi again! :) Were trying to reinvite our rtp stream, but it somehow fails. We got all sippeers with the options: 'canreinvite=yes', 'nat=no'. Also, the dial statement we use has no extra paramaters. How is it possible that the RTP stream still goes through asterisk when all these options are set?
10:11.18tuxx-oh yeah, codecs are the same for all phones
10:11.28tuxx-read on that thats a well known 'bug' too
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10:36.11jarvis141Hi, mates. Anyone who tried to use Asterisk as a Voice Mail for Cisco Call Manager?
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10:47.42tuxx-Hi again! :) Were trying to reinvite our rtp stream, but it somehow fails. We got all sippeers with the options: 'canreinvite=yes', 'nat=no'. Also, the dial statement we use has no extra paramaters. How is it possible that the RTP stream still goes through asterisk when all these options are set?
10:47.48tuxx-oh yeah, codecs are the same for all phones
10:47.53tuxx-read on that thats a well known 'bug' too
10:48.07tuxx-why does my question involve 3 lines, i wonder
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11:01.34EmleyMoorIs there a way to create a log file of dialplan trace? Had a call get past a filter and am not sure why, and my console session was not connected at the time.
11:03.15TommyBottenYes. Take a look at logger.conf
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11:04.51k-manany traps to watch for upgrading from 1.4 to 1.6?
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11:07.48Dovidj #asterisk-il
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11:10.13k-mani upgraded to 1.6 and can no longer receive calls
11:10.18EmleyMoorTommyBotten: Thanks - now I should be able to see why some calls sneak round
11:10.47EmleyMoork-man: Over what technology?
11:10.54k-manerr... sip
11:12.03k-manwhen i call my number, i get a message from the voip provider saying the number is busy
11:12.29k-manasterisk is receiving info about the call, but not ringing internal phones
11:12.35k-manill paste some info hang on
11:14.01k-manwould the output of sip set debug on have any sensitive info in it?
11:14.56EmleyMoorI don't know - but you could probably tell by reading through it to make sure.
11:15.12k-manthat seems relevant
11:17.28EmleyMoorI'm no expert in 1.6 but I would be double-checking sip.conf and the provider's settings
11:18.25k-manEmleyMoor: ok
11:18.40*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (~Akira@
11:18.40k-manhas the format of extensions.conf changed between 1.4 and 1.6?
11:19.32k-mani don't understand the reason for this messgae "handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate device "0414461104"<sip:0414461104@>;tag=34888250-co3008-INS001" as that is my mobile number that I am calling in from
11:22.20k-manah, its something to do with insecure=very
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11:49.51rare1980_hi all .. i need some info on asterik AMI...
11:53.30tuxx-yay, we found the bug
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11:53.55tuxx-when dtmf = rfc2833 canreinvite=yes doesnt work
11:58.10tuxx-edited with the dtmfmode information
11:58.12tuxx-\o\ /o/
11:58.14TommyBottentuxx-: What??
11:58.20TommyBottenAh... naturally
11:58.47tuxx-when you come to think of it, its pretty logic
11:58.51tuxx-the only problem was finding it
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12:11.51Toommiand another issue, that i googled allready without any success when my agi script send a print there comes this error : ERROR[3888]: utils.c:1128 ast_carefulwrite: write() returned error: Broken pipe
12:12.00Toommiprint example: print 'EXEC AddQueueMember '.(string) $queue.',local/'.$callerId.'@queue-call-phone ' . "\n";
12:12.09Toommiin php^^
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12:17.50Fs0Lam looking to play around with asterisk and freepbx for my home again (through my HT-503 against the wall after playing with it for awhile... firmware upgrade after firmware upgrade to fix issues)
12:18.03Fs0Land I had moved from trixbox to asterisknow in the past
12:18.27Fs0Lwould like to use asterisknow again.  But was wondering if any of the bugs that were found after the initial release were updated in a newer release
12:18.46Fs0Ldoes anyone know if there is a development iso available for asterisknow
12:19.04Fs0Lpossibly with 1.6 on it?
12:21.11kaldemarsomeone at #asterisknow might know better
12:21.30Fs0Lahh... didn't know that existed.  I'll try that
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12:28.39Toommiany ideas on my problem?^^
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12:40.43contrabandaI have 2 E1 cards. 1- Sangoma on slot 1 and 2 - Digium on slot 2. I would like Sangoma to work on ss7 and digion with PRI. I have installed libss7 to support ss7 on dahdi channels. can you please tell where i have to make separate configs for this devices? in chan_dahdi.conf ? /etc/dahdi/system.conf  ?
12:41.00*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~bryan@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
12:42.13[TK]D-Fendercontrabanda: its just more channels and spans... look at any multi-port card config... same thing when adding more.  Find out which device is loaded first and set the channels up appropriately
12:46.36Toommiany ideas on this error:  "utils.c:1128 ast_carefulwrite: write() returned error: Broken pipe" when agi extecuts for example: print 'EXEC Playback agent-loggedoff ' . "\n";
12:50.56*** join/#asterisk hipitihop (~denis@
12:52.08ManxPower-workToommi, It sounds like your script is not following the AGI spec by reading it's STDIN and processing that.
12:52.20ManxPower-workToommi, Are you using an AGI library?
12:52.46ManxPower-workthat would be it then
12:52.47Toommii pastebin it mom
12:52.48rare1980_hi all ... i need some info on asterisk AMI..
12:53.04ManxPower-workToommi, don't bother.  I'll see if I can find the AGI spec.
12:53.30rare1980_i want to make call using 3rd party software... i will want pass call using 3rd party calls to asterisk AMI..
12:53.42rare1980_i need to know what commands i can use?
12:53.47rare1980_any help on this please?
12:54.18ManxPower-workrare1980_, a simple google search would have given you the info you are looking for.
12:54.47infobotanswers is, like, Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
12:54.56ManxPower-workrare1980_, check the Wiki
12:55.23ManxPower-workToommi, did you read the AGI info on  Why are you not using an AGI library?
12:57.22rare1980_ManxPower-work: well i just need to know that is can be done through asterisk AMI??
12:57.46Toommiwell i am just begun to build this pbx and wanted to put the logic outside in a dynamic language that i can controlle, so i just startet to get to know how agi works so i just tried a few comments but i alawys geht the error msg, but my script works perfectly besides that
12:58.29ManxPower-workrare1980_, You did not provide neough information to tell you that.
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12:59.16Toommihere is my script at this time: it is just technical preview
12:59.25ManxPower-workToommi, did you read the AGI info on
13:00.17[TK]D-FenderSilly errors and design failures
13:00.29Toommiand i read the agi chapter in the german "asterisk buch"
13:00.38Toommiwith his examples i get the same errors :/
13:01.03[TK]D-FenderToommi: then maybe you shouldn't be following that site <-
13:01.42rare1980_ManxPower-work: basically i have a predictive dialer on windows. which is based on intel dialogic .. now wht i want to remove dialogic and use SIP through asterisk ... now wht is want... i want to make predictive calls through my predictive dialer and pass those calls to asterisk AMI.. asterisk will dial those numbers using dial plan
13:01.45Toommiwell i guess he has a lot of knowledge, it the maker of "gemeinschaft" if you know it ;)
13:02.31[TK]D-Fenderrare1980_: Go read up on "AMI Originate"
13:02.49rare1980_humm.. ok thanks
13:02.54[TK]D-FenderToommi: Either his samples are bad.. or your adaptation of them is
13:03.21rare1980_wht is differnce between asterisk AMI and asterisk AGI
13:04.18[TK]D-Fenderrare1980_: NOTHIGN to do with each other
13:04.47Toommi[TK]D-Fender getting the same error with the samples provied by asterisk  :P
13:05.08[TK]D-Fenderrare1980_: AGI = external processing of a call instead of straight dialplan.  AMI = random non call-specific * server manipulations
13:05.31[TK]D-FenderToommi: Show me where you're reading ..
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13:07.04Toommidont getting you
13:08.23[TK]D-FenderTommyBotten: show me the site with the broken sample
13:09.06*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (~manxpower@
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13:09.08[TK]D-Fender[09:04]<Toommi>[TK]D-Fender getting the same error with the samples provied by asterisk :P <- Provided by "Asterisk" huh?  WHere?
13:09.50ManxPower-workWow, Toommi you're an idiot
13:09.52rare1980_[TK]D-Fender: short question.. for my task i would be using AMI or AGI? makeing outbound or inbound call using 3rd party software?
13:10.08ManxPower-workToommi, you do not have an AGI script.
13:10.17[TK]D-Fender[09:02]<[TK]D-Fender>rare1980_: Go read up on "AMI Originate" <- are you even reading what we're telling you?
13:10.48rare1980_yes i am...
13:10.50TommyBotten[TK]D-Fender: You didn't mean me?
13:10.51ManxPower-workToommi, your program is not a valid AGI program.
13:11.28[TK]D-FenderTommyBotten: Correct. Autocomplete error from before.  Please disregard.
13:11.40ManxPower-workToommi, AGI programs must be written a specifc way.  You did not write your program that way.
13:12.01*** join/#asterisk sysreq (~sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
13:12.02ManxPower-workNow why don't you stop wasting everyone's time and go read up on how to write an AGI program.
13:12.58ManxPower-workrare1980_, Have you looked up the AMI info in the Wiki?
13:13.04ManxPower-workIt's not sounding like you did.
13:13.21rare1980_Maxpower-work: yes..
13:13.26rare1980_i just reading that
13:13.44rare1980_right now i am goign through this link
13:13.46[TK]D-Fenderrare1980_: Show me the "Asterisk" sample you said was "broken".
13:13.50ManxPower-workrare1980_, so you understand that AMI is an interface to control Asterisk.  It is not something you "send calls thru"
13:13.56[TK]D-FenderToommi: rather...
13:14.07ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender, he's not following the AGI spec
13:14.22[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Oh I know full well where the first glaring error is
13:14.45rare1980_manxpower-work: yeh i am getting the idea
13:14.48ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender, he's not reading STDIN before sending stuff to Asterisk for one thing.
13:14.59[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: Oh no... far worse than that <-
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13:15.20ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender, I stopped at the first "It's obvious THIS one didn't read the docs" problem.
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13:16.24highvoltzHey guys, I have a phone thats on a remote subnet over vpn thats able to register and make outbound calls, however the status is "UNREACHABLE" in peer detail. When called it goes directly to voicemail. I checked DND and its not on. Any ideas?
13:16.41rare1980_guys let me read and i will get back to you .. .thanks for ur help
13:17.23infobotrumour has it, answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
13:19.12*** part/#asterisk ManxPower-work (~manxpower@
13:19.22[TK]D-Fenderhighvoltz: if its listed as "UNREACHABLE" then * won't even TRY to call it
13:19.50highvoltzwhat might list it as UNREACHABLE but be able to register?
13:20.03*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (~anonymouz@
13:20.06[TK]D-Fenderhighvoltz: "qualify" failure
13:20.29*** join/#asterisk ddefrenne (~ddefrenne@
13:20.43norrecis there a way to get asterisk to register via another port?
13:20.56[TK]D-Fenderhighvoltz: it could register.  Then respond OK to which * doesn't necessarily expect an answer and then simply never know that outbound packets aren't routed right at all.
13:21.02*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
13:21.23[TK]D-Fendernorrec: ":1234" after the host in your register statement
13:21.36norrecah, thanks
13:22.07ToommiManxPower-work: is this "agi" script also not written in the specific way you meant, and yes i read the the informations of voip info
13:22.13highvoltzhmm weird. should I try turning off qualify?
13:22.24Toommioh he leavt :X
13:22.31highvoltzI have another locaiton, exact type of setup with same hardware and its working fine with the same settings
13:23.26norrec[TK]D-Fender: that didnt seem to work... its still registering from 5060
13:23.37*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (~manxpower@
13:24.15[TK]D-Fendernorrec: You want * to not listen on 5060, but rather something else?
13:25.28*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
13:25.41highvoltzI'm also seeing in peer details its using a weird port, 2069 - all the others are using 2051 and 5060
13:25.47[TK]D-FenderToommi: Apparently your ability to mimc that scrip failed as of the FIRST LINE
13:25.47norrec[TK]D-Fender: no, i want asterisk to register from, for example, 5061 to 5060
13:26.15[TK]D-Fendernorrec: I'm not sure I get your sample of 2 ports...
13:26.27[TK]D-Fendernorrec: whats wrong with th resister it sends out?
13:26.47darkdrgn2kmorning guys
13:26.49norrec[TK]D-Fender: ok, well i have 2 asterisk servers, and as a patch to get though the day i need to connect the 2 of them via a sip trunk
13:26.55ManxPower-workToommi, You MUST read the STDIN input to your script!!
13:27.02norrechowever, i need 4 different sip trunks between the same 2 servers
13:27.26darkdrgn2ku have a dialplan
13:27.27darkdrgn2kexten => 18007775509,n,Dial(local/18007775509@outbound,,D(1))
13:27.29norrecand since they are multicontextual and running on the same ip:port it causes issues
13:27.47Toommii did but same result at all, script works in the way it meant but there is still this error
13:27.48darkdrgn2kit takes a few seconds to actualy dial it, and the end user hears silence..
13:27.49ManxPower-worknorrec, You should not run multiple asterisk servers on the same machine.
13:28.02norrecits not on the same machine
13:28.03darkdrgn2ki tried adding "exten => 18007775509,n,Ringing" just above it but it doesnt seem to work
13:28.05darkdrgn2kany ideas?
13:28.08[TK]D-Fendernorrec: Then you need each running on a different listening port so they can RETURN to the proper server... Also they'll need separate RTP ranges, etc.
13:28.11ManxPower-workToommi, use the phpagi library
13:28.20[TK]D-Fendernorrec: change the bindport
13:28.25[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: first line <-
13:28.28ManxPower-workdarkdrgn2k, adding "r" or "ringing" almost never helps.
13:28.40ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender, I'm not going to debug this guy's program.
13:28.53norrecso just do bindport=5061 for the peer right?
13:28.56darkdrgn2kManxPower-work: any idea how i could accomplis this?
13:29.03ManxPower-workdarkdrgn2k, do you answer the call first?
13:29.16ManxPower-workdarkdrgn2k, ringing should be heard automatically.
13:29.27darkdrgn2kManxPower-work: yes the call is already answered
13:29.36ManxPower-workdarkdrgn2k, why?
13:29.43darkdrgn2kManxPower-work: becuase this call is comming from another context
13:29.48ManxPower-workYou should never answer a call unless you MUST.
13:30.07ManxPower-workdarkdrgn2k, post answer ringback is handled by /etc/asterisk/indications.conf
13:30.33[TK]D-FenderToommi: Youre script is bad from the very first LINE in it.
13:30.41[TK]D-FenderToommi: Now go COMPARE them.
13:30.43ManxPower-workpre=answer indications are handled by the SIP device itself.
13:31.09[TK]D-Fendernorrec: No... you need asterisk to listen on a different port altogether... the peer has nothing to do with registering.
13:31.28darkdrgn2kManxPower-work: ok but how can i synthesize ringing, or even play an audio click WHILE its trying to connect
13:31.35darkdrgn2k(dead air sounds like somethings wrong)
13:31.56*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
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13:32.23Kattyhi leif
13:33.03Kattylet's hug
13:33.05Kattyhugs leifmadsen
13:33.10leifmadsenhugs back!
13:34.15ManxPower-workdarkdrgn2k, fix your /etc/asterisk/indications.conf
13:34.43darkdrgn2kManxPower-work: it looks like indications just holds what kinda of ring to present, not any contexts
13:35.03darkdrgn2kManxPower-work: i dont understand how it has anything to do with initialiting ring-like sounds on the line
13:35.04ManxPower-workdarkdrgn2k, indications.conf specifics off hook audio indications.
13:35.12ManxPower-workring, busy, ringback, etc.
13:35.24ManxPower-workdarkdrgn2k, do you or do you not have a /etc/asterisk/indications.conf?
13:35.54ManxPower-workargueing with me will not change how Asterisk works.
13:37.42PolysicsManxPower-work, quote of the week right there :-)
13:37.49ManxPower-workAh!  I see you were on my /ignore list.
13:42.22*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
13:42.54darkdrgn2kManxPower-work: im not argueing just dont understand. and yes i do hae one
13:42.57darkdrgn2k(soryr phone)
13:43.22ManxPower-workdarkdrgn2k, then there must be something else wrong.
13:43.38ManxPower-worklacking /etc/asterisk/indications.conf is the most common reason for not getting ringback.
13:43.52ManxPower-workBy far the MOST common reason.
13:44.03darkdrgn2kManxPower-work: im sorry, there may be some miscommunication
13:44.17[TK]D-Fender[09:31]<darkdrgn2k>ManxPower-work: ok but how can i synthesize ringing, or even play an audio click WHILE its trying to connect <- wHERE IS THE failed ATTEMPT FOR US TO LOOK AT?
13:44.33*** join/#asterisk lordoxide (~chatzilla@
13:44.37*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
13:44.41darkdrgn2kManxPower-work: normaly i DO hear ringing when i do dia() under other situations
13:44.48darkdrgn2kexten => 18007775509,n,Dial(local/18007775509@outbound,,D(1))
13:44.59darkdrgn2kwhen i dial that i get pause pause "he" pause pause Ring
13:45.15darkdrgn2k(he from the HELLOW that is said just before 1 gets pushed)
13:45.25*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
13:45.48ManxPower-workdarkdrgn2k, when [TK]D-Fender asks for the failed call attempt, he's not asking for a single line.  He's asking for the cli output of a failed call.
13:45.49darkdrgn2kfrom my understainding D(1) is sopposed to dial 1 BEFORE it bridges that call, no?
13:46.06ManxPower-workdarkdrgn2k, remove the extra options for debugging
13:46.20darkdrgn2kManxPower-work: sorry i missed that. but technically the call back does not FAIL
13:46.37darkdrgn2kManxPower-work: it is simply dead air for about 5 or 7 seconds with a "he" in the middle
13:46.44ManxPower-workdarkdrgn2k, You do not know enough to know what we need to see.
13:46.56darkdrgn2kthe call ultimatly suceeds
13:46.58ManxPower-worknow, either pastebin the output of a problem call or stop wasking our time.
13:47.26ManxPower-workdarkdrgn2k, and yet, chances are the info we need to solve the issue may be in the pastebin info that we have not seen yet.
13:48.43darkdrgn2kone moment loging call to paste
13:49.02lordoxidesup all, I need a little asterisk help, I relatively new to asterisk. I have a sip provider which gives us 2 trunks for sip.conf (link2voip), both are setup and working. They gave a macro for extensions.conf which will try trunk2 then back to trunk1 if there is congestion. My only problem is if I'm trying to originate a call via a manager login, I cant get it use the macro for dialing. I'm...
13:49.03lordoxide...sure what the proper syntax for the Channel Line is, "Channel: SIP/1xxxxxxxxxx@trunk1 works, but how do I use the dialing context instead?
13:49.37*** join/#asterisk geneticx_wrk (
13:50.49kaldemarlordoxide: use a local channel, like Local/exten@context
13:51.22lordoxidei've tried, that works with call files but with the php script accessing the manager it was not =) im trying again now tho
13:52.40*** join/#asterisk Circlefusion (
13:53.01lordoxidewell now it works, so i don't care why it didnt before, thanks kaldemar =)
13:53.08darkdrgn2kLog ->
13:53.40darkdrgn2ki understand this is not a support for freepbx, my question originated from a custom dialplan that was not part of freepbx
13:54.05ManxPower-workdarkdrgn2k, you are on your own.
13:54.30ManxPower-workNow if you want to create a simple diaplan without a gazillion lines of FreePBX crap, then I might change my mind.
13:54.45darkdrgn2kManxPower-work: i figured as much, i guess i have to build a seperate astrisk box, with only my custom dial plan and come back to try to resolve it before i try to integrate it with the freepbx krap :)
13:55.11ManxPower-workdarkdrgn2k, *nod*  FreePBX is much more complicated than regular Asterisk.
13:55.20darkdrgn2kManxPower-work: belevae me i know that
13:55.39darkdrgn2kManxPower-work: im trying to learn dialplans.. but i cant remove myself from freepbx just yet.. hopefully soon
13:55.42anonymouz666I am worried... that FreePBX crap keeping growing and growing. The -users list is totally infected
13:56.32darkdrgn2kanonymouz666: i agrea... hence me being emberased to even show that im using it :-S
13:56.54darkdrgn2ki was hopeing the answer was something as silly as "s,1,ring-user()" lol
13:57.17[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k: At wahat point to does the silence start, and where does it end?  Why isn't SIP DEBUG included?
13:59.05darkdrgn2kits hangs at 70
14:01.01ManxPower-workdarkdrgn2k, you won't learn dialplans by using the FreePBX dialplan
14:01.11*** join/#asterisk linuxcentos (
14:01.20ManxPower-workanonymouz666, I know.  I'm close to abanding #asterisk and asterisk-users
14:01.43darkdrgn2kManxPower-work: yes and no.... i do get to playu with some basing ideas on a live system...
14:01.47ManxPower-workdarkdrgn2k, no, it is as simple as Dial(TECH/peer/dest)
14:02.13[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k: And you aren't looking at a relevant leg of this call.
14:02.25*** part/#asterisk ManxPower-work (~manxpower@
14:02.35darkdrgn2k[TK]D-Fender: which would be
14:03.05[TK]D-Fender[09:57]<[TK]D-Fender>darkdrgn2k: At wahat point to does the silence start, and where does it end? Why isn't SIP DEBUG included?
14:03.23darkdrgn2kim pasting the sip debug
14:03.26darkdrgn2kand it starts at 70
14:03.34*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
14:03.48Kattyhi coppice
14:03.50darkdrgn2kdebug ->
14:03.56darkdrgn2kfrom line 70 sip debug
14:06.03*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (bryan@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
14:07.02darkdrgn2kit seems the the delay is from ME and the remote number. SO i guess i would need to find a way to play an audio file fofr x number of seconds WHILE the call was being made
14:10.50gegoI'm trying to get the fax application working for me in * 1.6.2 ( interface is BN8S0 mISDN/lcr )
14:10.57gegoit gives this error: app_fax.c:337 fax_generator_generate: Only generating 240 samples, where 256 requested
14:12.39gegodoes anyone know what it means? can it be caused by a missing time source (since the test machine is not connected to PSTN) ?
14:12.43*** part/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
14:14.30[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k:  sadly incomplete
14:14.57*** join/#asterisk wcselby (~wcselby@
14:17.50Kattyglomps wcselby
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14:19.40darkdrgn2k[TK]D-Fender: You know this is has gone into a whole debug of the dial plan and frankly i dont want to put anyone throuhg a debug of the FREEPBX dial plan. ITs an inconvenance but it works. thank you for tryining im just gonna live with it :)
14:20.21[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k: Who said the problem was the DIALPLAN?
14:22.19*** join/#asterisk eppigy (
14:22.32[TK]D-Fendereppigy: HELLO YOU ARE DAVE!
14:23.13*** join/#asterisk dennisG (~visionlab@
14:23.33*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (bryan@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
14:24.20eppigyIT IS TRUE
14:25.03Kattyhugs eppigy
14:26.32wcselbywhat's a glomp?
14:26.49[TK]D-Fenderwcselby: Like a blorp, only different
14:27.15darkdrgn2k[TK]D-Fender: sory the problem is my laggy provider.. i just confirmed that... takes 6 seconds to connect!
14:27.32darkdrgn2k[TK]D-Fender: so now the question is, can i play an audio clip for a few seconds during the lag
14:29.34[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k: Dial with "r" option.
14:30.04[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k: And I'm nt going to clami "laggy" as a culprit here
14:32.21darkdrgn2k[TK]D-Fender: If i was not a guy i could kiss you1
14:32.33*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
14:32.37Kattywcselby: <- How To Glomp
14:33.11darkdrgn2k[TK]D-Fender: ill debug the "lag" when i get rid of freepbx.. really dont want to put any one through that :-P
14:34.08wcselbyKatty - so I'm the bishi?  and that makes me dead by the end of the description.....
14:36.18Kattyhas anyone tried calling i9technologies lately?
14:36.23Kattyall i ever seem to get is their voicemail.
14:36.30Kattyno one's returning my calls :<
14:36.48Kattyand it's not even for support!
14:37.04p3nguinYou're calling sales?
14:37.18p3nguinYou'd think they'd want to take that call.
14:37.22Kattyi know, right?
14:37.34Kattyinfobot: seen seanmh
14:37.35infobotseanmh <n=johndoe@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 164d 19h 15m 54s ago, saying: 'Katty: how's the 1.6 testing going?'.
14:37.41Katty^- that's also a bad sign.
14:37.46p3nguinlong time
14:38.02Naikrovek164d?  wow
14:41.29*** join/#asterisk ghenry (~ghenry@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/ghenry)
14:41.38ghenryone of our customers got hacked into
14:41.43ghenryLots of calls to 14112800043820919507
14:41.49ghenryWe don't allow anon sip calls
14:41.54ghenrysip is blocked from outside
14:42.01*** part/#asterisk benngard (~benngard@
14:42.02ghenryall extension have very good passwords
14:42.08ghenryusing apg
14:42.11*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
14:42.41*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
14:43.42Kattyghenry: we had that happen once too
14:43.53Kattyghenry: ended up locking down 5060 to only particular connecting, static, ip addresses
14:43.58Dovidghenry: do you see the calls on your system or on ur bill
14:44.36Kattyi'm sure he just sees it on his call logs, since he has sip calls blocked
14:45.13ghenryon system
14:45.19ghenryhow did they get in?
14:45.36ghenrylots of this 14112800043820919507
14:47.02Kattycheck your firewall logs
14:48.13*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (~chris@
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14:58.34ghenrythat's the logs
15:01.57[TK]D-Fenderghenry: Looks like a ZAP device placed those calls... got a DISA you left poorly secured?
15:02.18[TK]D-Fenderghenry: or a poorly laid out dialplan?
15:02.26ghenryPBXinAFlash with fail2ban on
15:02.32ghenryanon sip not allowed
15:02.37ghenrysip blocked at firewall
15:02.39*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
15:02.50ghenryinbound routes goes to day night mode or voicemal
15:03.10[TK]D-Fenderghenry: 2010-03-26 02:36:48 Zap/2-1... UNAVAILABLE 14112800043820919507 ANSWERED 22:10 <--- where do I see **SIP** in this?
15:03.31ghenryyou dont ;-)
15:04.06wcselbyghenry - did the calls all go out from a single extension?
15:04.56wcselbywere they from sip extensions?
15:05.59wcselbythen why are you worried about sip?
15:07.36ghenryjuset trying to work things out
15:07.49ghenry102.   2010-03-23 17:41:25  Zap/3-1...   WITHHELD  0034673259966  ANSWERED  12:31
15:07.56ghenryHas to be a voicemail hack
15:08.10ghenryWe have a mobile callerid
15:08.51ghenryVoicemail unavailable kicks in after 5.30 ish
15:09.00ghenrythen goes to vm unavaible
15:09.05ghenrysome hack there
15:09.08ghenrycheck logs
15:09.24ghenryCan you get an internal line via central voicemail?
15:09.47wcselbyif your dialplan is bad, I suppose so...?
15:10.09wcselbythere's two options that I know of to exit the voicemail app, pressing zero or *.
15:10.19ghenrythis is freepbx
15:10.31wcselbyyour dialplan should have catches for these, and I think voicemail.conf defines whether they're able to use them or not, and where to send them
15:10.52infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
15:12.51*** join/#asterisk flapjacks (
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15:14.13freezeyhey for some reason i am getting all circuits are busy when doing a dundi transfer.. it was working earlier but not now
15:14.58*** join/#asterisk Obeliks (obeliks@gentoo/contributor/Obeliks)
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15:16.56bmoraca_workfreezey: the temperature in Spain dropped by 2 degrees last night causing your issue.
15:18.29*** join/#asterisk Pimmetje (~Pimmetje@
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15:23.41Katty^- bastard operator from hell
15:27.12*** join/#asterisk kartik (~koolkarti@
15:28.35coppiceKatty: AT&T? T-Mobile?
15:31.00*** join/#asterisk adnc (~numer@unaffiliated/adnc)
15:31.38ghenryI just managed to dial out via voicemail
15:31.46ghenrywhen you get to voicemail
15:31.50adncis it possible within the cdr records to see if it was an incomming or an outgoing call?
15:31.59ghenryhit 0 but dial an external numebr right away
15:32.05ghenryand it passes it out
15:33.05Kattycoppice: buwha?
15:33.08Kattycoppice: i use sprint.
15:36.23Kattycoppice: i was boggling over my isymphony config giles
15:39.56wcselbyghenry - let the folks at freepbx know what you've found
15:40.04wcselbyor whatever you were using again
15:40.42*** join/#asterisk Lord-Rahl (
15:41.34Lord-Rahl? for someone I trying to ring and ext but if they do answer go to next step not to voice mail. Is there a way to do that?
15:42.02Lord-Rahldo not answer*
15:42.41[TK]D-FenderLord-Rahl: Yes.  Dial.  Then call voicemail.  The end.
15:42.54*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
15:42.57p3nguinlord-rahl: You mean you want to call exten 100 and SIP/stan will ring for a while, then go to voicemail if there is no answer?
15:44.43patrbLord-Rahl: dont forget to save Kahlan
15:45.32Lord-Rahlp3nguin: I do not want it to go to voicemail I want to goto next step in the dial plan. I am under the impression that is a dial sip/stan if it fails on time out asterisk send it to voicemail automatically
15:46.19p3nguinlord-rahl: If it goes to voicemail, the next step in the dialplan is probably Voicemail().
15:46.22Lord-Rahlp3nguin: Do I need to send an over ride command to stop it from doing that?
15:46.36p3nguinno, just take out the Voicemail() line.
15:46.46p3nguinDialplan 101 stuff.
15:46.58[TK]D-FenderLord-Rahl: Your dialplan does what YOU tell it to.  There is no such thing as "automatic"
15:47.15[TK]D-FenderLord-Rahl: if it goes to VM, that's because you told it to
15:47.33p3nguinAt least because someone told it to.
15:47.39*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (~Akiraaaa@
15:47.40p3nguinHe's probably using a GUI.
15:48.09Lord-Rahlp3nguin: yep macro's suck
15:48.17[TK]D-FenderLord-Rahl: No, they don't
15:48.40[TK]D-FenderLord-Rahl: they do exactly what you told them to do and are meant to save you repeat code where the flow can profit from it
15:49.45Lord-Rahli need to learn them
15:49.45*** join/#asterisk imcdona (imcdona@
15:50.42[TK]D-FenderLord-Rahl: Macro is a single dialplan app... "core show application macro".  Extremely little to know
15:52.43*** join/#asterisk RobH (
15:53.49*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
15:54.10Lord-Rahl[TK]D-Fender: take this '  exten=s,1,Set(__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=${FEATURES})' what is _DYnamic_Features mean I know it a function but how do find this function and what it does
15:54.23p3nguinsyntax error
15:54.37Lord-Rahlvoip-info or something
15:55.33[TK]D-FenderLord-Rahl: it is not a feature.  its a var used by features.conf
15:55.46[TK]D-FenderLord-Rahl: to determine DTMF functionality for a given call
15:56.45*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
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15:59.30flapjackscan anyone think of what when I park a call im not hear the extension where the call was parked. Yes in the CLI i see it is playing the sound files
16:00.53[TK]D-Fenderflapjacks: If you did a BLIND transfer instead of an ATTENDED one like you're supposed to
16:01.02*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (~CunningPi@
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16:02.16p3nguinWhen you do a blind transfer, your side of the call ends as soon as the phone number sends.  There wouldn't be time to hear the spot where you parked it.
16:02.25*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
16:03.26flapjacksthanks guys, new it had to be user error
16:11.38*** join/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (~mundt@
16:12.49asteriskATmarmuDwhat would be the best solution to get info in the dialed number(s) transferred to another server via LAN (using channel variables and AGI?)
16:14.26ariel_transferred how?
16:15.59asteriskATmarmuDdon't know... at least over the local network
16:16.41asteriskATmarmuDthere is another server which needs to get the status of the "connections"
16:17.06asteriskATmarmuDand take immediate action depending on the connection/channel status
16:17.36asteriskATmarmuDI'm thinking of messages like (number, status) for exmaple (36363636, busy)
16:18.01ariel_still don't understand if you transfer a call to another box it is via sip, iax2 or what ever. but you can just correct the info it sends via the dial plan
16:18.13asteriskATmarmuDno, sorry
16:19.18asteriskATmarmuDI don't want to do anything with the connections... only if the state of a connection changes from dialing to connected or busy or answered/not answered
16:19.40asteriskATmarmuDthe other system should be informed immediately
16:19.54*** join/#asterisk rare1980_ (~rare1980@
16:20.13ariel_have a service run on other box to get your status via the ami, or post your status of the call to a DB like mysql and read it from the other system.
16:20.27ariel_info from one system to other can be had many different ways
16:20.34*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
16:20.45asteriskATmarmuDhmm ok, is that possible without having the "external" system pulling for info?
16:20.51wcselbyi think leifmadsen made a presentation about doing that sort of thing with xmpp at last year's astricon
16:21.00asteriskATmarmuDwould be nice, if the server running asterisk would "push" the info on change
16:21.23ariel_it can to a db then you just read them off the db
16:23.38rare1980_i have assigned privilege read = call,log in manager.conf  but i have designed an API on windows so i can see asterisk call events i can connect to askterisk AMI and get dialing results going on asterisk CLI... i can connect to astersk AMI .. but i am not getting all call events on my windows API.....
16:23.55rare1980_i can get call events result but not all of them..
16:24.01rare1980_any knows the reason
16:24.04rare1980_? plz help
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16:32.37hardwirerare1980_: please attempt to hold your horses
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16:32.50hardwirethe little boys room is down the hall if you absolutely have to go.
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16:34.51Kattyfile: so what do you do if your apple device locks up
16:36.46Kattyi've never seen a device without an off button
16:37.00wcselbythe off button on the iphone is the lock button at the top
16:37.05wcselbyyou hold it down for five-ten secondw
16:37.13Kattywell...this is an ipod nano
16:37.16Kattyany idea where it's off button is?
16:37.19wcselbythen you slide across the screen
16:37.19Kattythere's a hold button at the top
16:37.24*** join/#asterisk Z_God (
16:37.30wcselbyprobably hold that down for a five seconds
16:37.36Kattyit does uhh
16:37.38Kattygo down
16:37.42Kattyit just slides from left to right
16:38.14*** join/#asterisk pzn (~pzn@pdpc/supporter/active/pzn)
16:38.20Kattyerm doesnt'
16:38.41p3nguinThat reminds me of a bunch of weirdos posting bad reviews on the Samsumg T260HD because it didn't have a power button on the monitor/TV... said they HAD to use the remote to power it on or off.
16:38.44Kattyyeah see?
16:38.45*** join/#asterisk fors1 (
16:38.46Kattyno off button
16:38.48Kattyjust sleep mode
16:38.59Kattyand then the hold will keep it in sleep mode
16:39.00wcselbyexactly Katty
16:39.03Kattybut it's still not /off/
16:39.04p3nguinThe power button was a touch sensitive spot on the front panel rather than a button.
16:39.10pznHi. I have several extensions and several sips (around 50 each). I just want to deny sip/300 to call to extension 304. all other things are allowed. it there a simple way of doing that?
16:39.30Kattyi've never seen a device that does have an OFF button
16:39.36p3nguinIt even had the regular |O markings on it to indicate that it is a power button.
16:39.37Kattyjust a sleep button
16:40.07Kattypzn: yes you can check the callerid number before you dial 304
16:40.21Kattypzn: and if the callerid number is 300, then route it somewhere else
16:40.55Kattypzn: like uhh, blacklist
16:41.12pznKatty: ok, if caller id is 300, hangup()... but I think callerID can be configured by the user of sip/300 in his device
16:41.25p3nguinBlacklist usually is a common list that you'll be using on multiple extensions... not good for only one extension.
16:41.30pznKatty: I should match the real user, not called id.
16:41.33Kattypzn: well then you can check it against the user
16:41.51p3nguinYou could probably even match against the SIP information.
16:41.54Slugs_Katty: it says the nano does not have on or off, it has awake and asleep
16:41.59KattySlugs_: i know
16:42.08KattySlugs_: which is why i'm so baffled
16:42.16KattySlugs_: how does this thing NOT have a manual OFF setting >.<
16:42.27pznok, I'll search for variables that can have sip information (mainly the username). thanks!
16:42.28Slugs_drain battery
16:42.28KattySlugs_: there's not even a battery pack to get at
16:42.31wcselbybecause it's an apple product
16:42.39Kattydear apple, stop being so confusing.
16:42.42wcselbyand apple does things their own way
16:43.05pznp3nguin: nice! thanks!
16:43.17Kattydear apple, please also stop this nonsense of trying to keep me from moving audio files from my ipod into do realize your device is mass storage and i can see the mp3s right??? thx, Katty
16:43.45p3nguinpzn: Combine that with an ExecIf(), and you'll be good to go.
16:43.46Slugs_i hate itunes more tha bill gates i think
16:44.00Kattywell i haven't jailbreaked the ipod yet
16:44.15Kattysomething like that
16:44.22wcselbyi like most things about my iphone, but there are a few that makes we think about jailbreaking it
16:44.26Kattysnickerdoodled firmware!
16:44.30Slugs_my iphone is jailbroken/unlocked
16:44.36Slugs_its the only way to go
16:44.47Kattywell come jailbreak mine
16:44.51Kattyi'll buy you lunch
16:44.55Slugs_its easy
16:45.05Kattyif i jailbreak it, will my nike app still run?
16:45.15Kattythat's good.
16:45.21Kattyelse the ipod would be officially dead to me
16:45.22Slugs_all apps still work
16:45.31Kattywell, this is more than an app
16:45.42Kattyit's a transmitter in the shoe, and a reciever bit that plugs into the ipod
16:46.00Slugs_yeah it would still work
16:47.18Kattywell maybe you can walk me through it later (=
16:47.37Kattyi've put in 4 hours overtime this week and they're tellin me to go home early
16:49.46*** join/#asterisk hwa (
16:51.20p3nguinIf you put in 4 hours ot, I would expect you to get to leave 6 hours early.
16:51.49p3nguinI guess it doesn't work that way since you didn't actually hit the 40.
16:55.05*** part/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (~mundt@
16:56.12Kattyyeah i haven't hit 40 yet
16:59.44*** join/#asterisk paulc (~paulc@unaffiliated/paulc)
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17:15.53angryusercan someone recommend me Reliable T.38 provider
17:18.41W0OTM[Mar 26 12:18:23] WARNING[12380]: app_dial.c:1242 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
17:18.58infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:19.14W0OTMsry wrong window
17:22.33Slugs_W0OTM: pastebin your sip.conf and extension.conf
17:27.01*** join/#asterisk aandrade (~aandrade@
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17:27.55Nuggethaha.  jamie hyneman emoticon:  \:€
17:28.54k-has anybody had experience installing asterisk 1.6 with dahdi on gentoo linux?
17:29.11Nuggetk- I run it on a gentoo-server box.  no clue about the gooey desktop crap.
17:32.24k-Nugget, do you have any clue about this error?
17:32.32*** join/#asterisk b14ck (~comradeb1@
17:32.48Nuggetdid you compile and install dahdi?
17:33.09Nuggetand configure it and load the module
17:33.32*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
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17:35.13k-Nugget, yes, I have installed net-misc/dahdi- and configured it
17:36.56SargunWho do you guys use for IP Geolocation?
17:37.35k-It seem like a problem creating /dev/dahdi when dahdi install performs
17:37.42p3nguingeodns or geoip
17:37.44*** join/#asterisk sysreq (~sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
17:39.44Nugget/dev/dahdi is a cmponent of the kernel module.  if it doesn't exist, that means that dahdi isn't configured properly
17:40.09*** join/#asterisk lanning (~lanning@
17:40.09Nuggeteither it's misconfigured, the module isn't actually loaded, or both.
17:40.15*** join/#asterisk bmoraca (bmoraca@
17:40.52NuggetI don't know anything about installing dahdi from binary, so that's all I know, sorry.  I'm a suspender-wearing, bearded unix geek and I build stuff from tarball.
17:43.12*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
17:44.18k-Nugget, I dont like binary so much either, thats why I prefer gentoo =)
17:45.16k-Nugget, I'm going to double check my config, then let you know, thank you!
17:45.31Nuggetthere's a dahdi-test script (forget the exact name) that should be helpful.
17:45.45*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (~Akiraaaa@
17:45.53Nuggetand check dahdi_genconf and see what it suggests
17:47.36k-Nugget, I will, thanks
17:49.03Kobazwhat's a good car cdma booster
17:49.23p3nguinlike an amplifier?
17:49.39Kobazthere's like 23987983724 of them
17:49.42Kobazbut which ones are good
17:50.24p3nguinOh, hmm, I just had one of my consultants working on a CDMA MogFi project.  I'll have to ask him what amps he prefers.  What kind of phone do you have?
17:50.42Kobaza client of mine just gave me a crackberry
17:50.49p3nguinwhich model?
17:51.00*** join/#asterisk Heretic (~Fallen@
17:51.04Kobaz8350 or something
17:51.17Hereticlo all
17:51.36p3nguinThat's a Curve, right?
17:52.27*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
17:53.12p3nguinAre you going to use a magnet mount external antenna?
17:53.31Kobazi suppose
17:53.49Kobazi'm thinking of getting the data plan and tethering and all that
17:54.01Kobazand i frequently travel to areas where i get like 1 bar of service
17:54.35p3nguinSo far, he's said, "Well, for any CDMA/GSM phone you would just use something Wilson makes. For a Blackberry phone you would need something that works passively."
17:55.38p3nguin"Meaning, the amp/antenna wouldn't connect to the phone, it would basically add an antenna  inside your car/home/office which your phone would use as a repeater, in which that then  communicated with the towers."
17:56.18Kobazisn't that what the amps do?
17:56.32p3nguinAmplifier is such a general term.
17:57.20p3nguinTo me, an amplifier is any device that boosts the RF output of another device directly.
17:57.25ChannelZhmmm.  Can you not Pickup a ringing call that was transferred from another phone?
17:57.52p3nguinIf all devices are in the right call groups and pickup groups, I would think so.
17:58.32p3nguinkobaz: I don't really consider a repeater to be an amplifier, but I'm also not into the whole cellular thing, either.
17:59.26ChannelZoh I think I see what happened maybe.. when I do the transfer, it goes out in a different context
17:59.56ChannelZalthough they are included in each other.  hmmm.
18:00.39ChannelZI guess it can't see through that.
18:01.41p3nguinkobaz: " has a lot of reading information regarding amps, antennas, passive repeaters, etc. CDMA/GSM amps are expensive. A 3watt amp by Wilson is over $250"
18:02.05p3nguinHope this is at least somewhat useful to you.
18:02.37Kobazi think i've been to this site before
18:02.47*** part/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
18:04.32p3nguin"Antenna goes outside the home/office/car and goes inside to the "amp" and then from the amp it  goes to what is called a passive repeater/antenna."
18:05.03p3nguin3 Watts / 26dB gain on that one.
18:05.49*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (
18:05.51Kobazpreferably a non-direct connect
18:07.10*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
18:08.29bmoracaif i recall correctly, adding w's before the number in a dial string causes it to take the line offhook, pause, and then dial, correct?
18:08.39p3nguinWhat does direct connect even mean on a passive system?
18:09.55[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: anywhere * issues DTMF
18:10.11p3nguinIf you're using the D() option in Dial, I know you can put in pauses before sending the DTMF with w.
18:11.32*** join/#asterisk socain (~socain00@
18:12.07bmoraca[TK]D-Fender, well, it's an E&M Wink trunk, so it's dialing via DTMF, so i guess that counts
18:12.20bmoracagetting the telco to support this stupid thing is a pain in the ass
18:12.22[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: should
18:12.42Kobazp3nguin: very cool
18:12.48Kobazso the antenna is seperate
18:13.07p3nguinkobaz: That first product isn't really direct connection because there is no antenna jack/connector.  It just uses velcro to hold the passive receptor to the phone.
18:13.32Kobazi would prefer not to have to connect/velrco stuff though
18:13.38socainAny polycom users know how to get 650 arrow keys to work so you can arrow through on-hold calls? I have a polycom 601, same sip ver 3.2.2, and it works on it.
18:14.04bmoracathe trunk is immediately answering and then giving an immediate disconnect about 90% of the time.  that doesn't sound like an issue with the Digium hardware, i wouldn't think...
18:14.41[TK]D-Fendersocain: arrowing through implies use of multiple calls/line-key.  behavior shuold be identical if your linekeys are allocated identically
18:14.46[TK]D-Fendersocain: Which I seriously doubt
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18:17.00p3nguinkobaz:   62 dB gain!
18:17.32p3nguinkobaz: If you don't want to do the velcro thing, that second link looks like it could be something you would like.
18:18.26socain[TK]D-Fender: i have side cars on the 650 with 6 like keys for the 1 and only registration. What is the best way to disply on hold calls if you have multiple key appearances. The display only shows the last call I touched and no name/etc. for the other on hold calls.
18:18.35*** part/#asterisk dandre (
18:18.51p3nguinkobaz: I guess it has an in-car antenna to pick up your phone, then repeats it back out the external antenna.
18:19.23*** join/#asterisk dandre (
18:19.42Kobaz62db, heh nutty
18:19.43p3nguinkobaz: It also looks like you get all the parts for only $182.71
18:19.57*** join/#asterisk jtodd (g1ky15qewk@asterisk/community-director-and-tie-dye-shirt-lover/jtodd)
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18:20.06p3nguinYeah, that one is a bit crazy.  For buildings, though.
18:20.18Kobazthat's for a building, yeah
18:20.37Kobazthat would be nice for my house out in the boonies
18:20.46Kobazi get one bar if i walk half way up the hill
18:20.55Kobazor stand on the picnic table outside the house
18:21.44AeroCloudanyone know any way to increase transcoding performance?
18:21.57*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
18:22.00AeroCloudreduce the cpu usage per ^
18:23.15*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
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18:23.40jkroonhi guys, so I've got asterisk in a deadlocked state ... what info do I need to grab for a proper bug report?
18:24.45Kobazprobably sigquit it, and get a core
18:25.05Kobazjkroon: what did you do to it?
18:25.42jkroonmy monkey test.  basically I take a quad pri digium card, put two ports in net mode, two in cpe, loop them with crosses.
18:26.00Kobazand that's it?
18:26.05Kobazstarted it up and it's deadlocked?
18:26.07*** join/#asterisk aidinb (
18:26.42Kobazand it's not a loopback if it's one port to another... that's just a crossover
18:26.44jkroonthen I originate a call that has MOH on the one side and a recursive dial on the other, so basically if not all dahdi channels used, pass the call out, if all used (determined by Dial() failing with something other than ANSWER), Answer() the call, wait 0.1 seconds and hang up.
18:26.54Kobazjkroon: #asterisk-dev
18:26.56jkrooninitiate two of those, give it about an hour and *boom*
18:27.15Kobazdoes it make a boom sound too?
18:27.18jkrooni said looped, not loop back :p
18:27.37Kobazbut looped doesn't even make sense in that context
18:27.37jkrooni wish.  that would at least give me the satisfaction of seeing it blow up properly.
18:28.26jkroonok, so just crossed back to the same server?
18:28.42Kobazjkroon: do i have to go to your computer and type /join #asterisk-dev for you
18:28.58*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
18:29.28Kobazjkroon: generically it's considered a crossover yeah.. out and back to the same card
18:30.16Kobazyou did join
18:30.17jkrooni've already joined.
18:30.21Kobazi was looking at the wrong window
18:30.50jkroonjust busy typing an overly long message (trying to fit as much info into a single message as possible whilst still hopefully keeping it relevant)
18:32.36SouthSuburbTechi have asterisk set up to recieve calls in, how do i configure it to make calls out using gizmo
18:33.28Kobazokay yeah, mm
18:33.38*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
18:33.39kazaa_litehi all
18:34.03kazaa_litehow can i change the text colour of messages appearing on CLI?
18:35.02kazaa_litei just installed asterisk and it has poor grayish colour in output of commands
18:35.09kazaa_litewhich is very hard to read
18:35.23kazaa_liteeverything was ok with ast v.1.4.x and 1.6.1.x
18:37.34hardwirehrm.. if you Goto from a Gosub extension.. return will never be met right?
18:37.36Kattytried a new burger place for wasn't really new but it's the first time i've been there.
18:37.41hardwireunless the goto fails to find the extension/context
18:37.51*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
18:41.45socain[TK]D-Fender: you were right. If i change linekeys=1 then I can arrow through the multiple calls on hold.
18:42.14[TK]D-Fendersocain: No, the real difference is "callseperlinkey"
18:43.49AeroCloud[TK]D-Fender: Do you know much about transcoding?
18:44.10socain[TK]D-Fender: I set it to 1, and 6, and they both had the same appearance. Nothing happens and I cant see the names of the on-hold calls. If I only set 1 line key, with multiple calls per key, then i can arrow through. is there a better way to display all of the calls when you have multiple line keys?
18:44.14[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: just ask
18:44.49[TK]D-Fendersocain: Typically with multiple keys yuo assign 1 per key and only use 1 reg for it
18:45.07AeroCloud[TK]D-Fender: I have a pretty beefy server, dual quad core, 8gb ram, and I can only transcode about 110 calls to g729 before the asterisk server explodes
18:45.33AeroCloudI know the server should be able to handle atleast 300 or more transcoded calls
18:45.34socain[TK]D-Fender: i'll try that and see what it looks like.
18:45.51[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: Make sure to stand as close as possible to tighten the shrapnel pattern ;)
18:45.54AeroCloudthe asterisk server restarts itself
18:46.11AeroClouddropping all 110 callers
18:47.03AeroCloudright now we are limiting each server to only 100 callers because of this.. but there has to be something we can do
18:47.07[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: I'd check your OS and module build format to make sure you're on the most optimised for your platform
18:47.13AeroCloudhow does asterisk transcode? Ram? HD?
18:47.37[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: RAM... this is realtime..
18:47.47KobazAeroCloud: what do you mean it restarts itself?
18:47.57*** join/#asterisk mr_ian (
18:47.59KobazAeroCloud: asterisk crashes? the machine reboots randomly? what?
18:48.00AeroCloudit restarts itself
18:48.11AeroCloudasterisk restarts itself after it crashes
18:48.21Kobazokay so you don't have a load issue, you have an asterisk bug
18:48.47Kobazhave you gotten the core file and did a backtrace?
18:48.54*** part/#asterisk ACK-NAK (
18:49.04AeroCloudno, i have logging = off
18:49.11Kobazthat's not what i asked
18:49.14AeroCloudproduction servers cant afford too many logs
18:49.19Kobazsure they can
18:49.32Kobazthe more logging the better
18:49.32AeroCloudnah we use minimal quick drives
18:49.36jkroonAeroCloud, i've started running production boxes with sipdebug=yes
18:49.42Kobazjkroon: nice
18:49.53jkroonworks wonders for informing clients that it's their phones that are broken.
18:49.55AeroCloudthats nice with the logging, maybe I'll throw 1 in the loop
18:50.02Kobazyou need the core file
18:50.05Kobazrun asterisk with -g
18:50.08jkroonneed to logrotate it often though.
18:50.11Kobazrecompile with DONT_OPTIMIZE
18:50.16Kobazjkroon: haha yeah
18:50.24*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
18:50.25AeroCloudin the last month, we have over 750,000 calls on 1 server
18:50.26Kobazjkroon: i forgot to set up logrotate on this one box... 5 gigs of logs after a week
18:50.31AeroCloudlimiting to 100 concurrent
18:50.43AeroCloudthats alot of logging
18:50.44jkroonis that it?
18:50.52jkroonI do 13GB/day!
18:50.57jkroonwith sipdebug that is :p
18:51.01KobazAeroCloud: follow my instructions, get your core file, post a bug on
18:51.07Kobazjkroon: i didn't have sip debug on
18:51.15Kobazjkroon: that's just dialplan output
18:51.15AeroCloudI'll have to replicate it again with a server
18:51.22AeroCloudsucks to have to drop 100+ people
18:51.38jkroonno, core set verbose 0 :)
18:51.55Kobazit does, but you'll have to dig and post a bug so you can get this fixed
18:52.11*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
18:52.16AeroCloudit might be an issue with the transcoder
18:52.20AeroCloudmore than asterisk itself
18:52.24Kattyif i wanted to launch an .sh from rc.local
18:52.25Kobazit could be an issue with anything
18:52.25AeroCloudthats why I'm asking questions
18:52.28Kattywhat is the syntax i would use
18:52.32Kobazasking questions is not going to help
18:52.47Kobazgetting a backtrace from your core file is the only thing that will point you in the right direction
18:52.53*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@
18:52.55Kobazdoing anything else is useless and a complete waste of time
18:53.23Kattyhow do i put /path/to/my/ start into rc.local <- better question
18:53.35KobazKatty: put /path/to/my/ into rc.local
18:53.48jkroonmy other open problem (still need debug data) is eyeBeam (mac) making a call into asterisk, if I bridge it to an IAX/2 channel, works, if I bridge it to SIP ... no voice.
18:53.50KattyKobaz: i don't need any fancy usr bin whatever stuff?
18:53.58Kobazkatty: for what?
18:54.00jkroontcpdump shows rtp going towards eyeBeam, nothing coming back.
18:54.00socain[TK]D-Fender: ok, when i put it back to 6 line keys, with 1 call per key, it puts a call on each line but the display only shows the name, number, and duration of the last call I touched. So if I have 6 calls on hold i cannot see the name/number next to each line key. would adjusting font size allow the display to show the names of all callers?
18:54.04KattyKobaz: idk.
18:54.12KattyKobaz: i've never put anything into rc.local :P
18:54.12Kobazjust put the thing in there
18:54.14jkroonalso another day's problem.
18:54.21Kobazand add a & if it doesn't spawn in the background by itself
18:54.33Kobazotherwise it'll lock up your boot process and you wont get a login prompt
18:54.55hardwireis there a known tried/true method of checking to see if a variable exists for IF statements?
18:55.00hardwireexists + has content
18:55.11hardwiredo the "${var}" != "" test?
18:55.42AeroCloudits wierd.. 8 cores.. so at 100 calls asterisk shows about 30% cpu usage.. but after the 110 mark it jumps up exponentially
18:56.15Kobazsounds like a task scheduling issue
18:56.47Kattycan i run rc.local
18:56.50Kattyjust to test it
18:56.54Kobazsh /etc/rc.local
18:57.56Kattywhat does 'sh' mean?
18:58.18Kobazit's usually a symlink to bash on most linux systems
18:58.35Kattyis that the windows equivilent of exe?
18:58.47Kobazif /etc/rc.local wasn't executable you would have to run it through something
18:58.56Kobazso it's like the windows equivalant to batch
18:59.25Kobazassuming /etc/rc.local is executable. which it probably should be... and you're running on a fairly normal linux system, which you probably are
18:59.38Kobazthen there would be no real difference between sh /etc/rc.local and just plain /etc/rc.local
19:00.14Kobazit's not equivalent to exe
19:00.21Kobazchmod u+x would be the equivalent to exe
19:00.32Kobazaka: shell script
19:01.02Kattywell i added isymphony into and it works like a charm (=
19:01.10Kattyi should also add a mutt in there
19:01.15Kattyto tell me the server rebooted
19:01.22Kobazmake sure to background it
19:01.31Kattybackground it?
19:01.38Kobazyou can use straight-up mail if you don't need anything fancy
19:01.45Kobazecho "whatever" | mail ...options
19:01.56Kattyi was just going to like echo "foo" | mutt -s "zomg server restart"
19:01.58Kobazecho "whatever" | mail ...options &     <-- background
19:02.20Kattywill echo etcetcetc be fine in rc.local?
19:02.25Kattyor do i need to turn it into an sh
19:02.28Kattyand then execute sh
19:02.29Kobazit's just a regular shell script
19:02.38Kobazit's already a shell script
19:03.52Kattychecks her phone for sms
19:04.36hardwirewonders if he's missing out by not using AEL
19:04.38*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
19:04.40Kobazhardwire: yes
19:04.49hardwireKobaz: you bastard.. I don't want to change my dialplan
19:04.50KobazKatty: tail -f /var/log/mail  (or whatever mail server you're using)
19:04.59Kattyit's there (=
19:05.18Kattydoes mutt let you specific the sending party?
19:05.36Kattydigs through man
19:05.42Kobazi like swaks
19:05.46Kobazyou can do anything with swaks
19:05.56Kobazincluding sending attachments, do authentication, all that good stuff
19:06.04Kattyi know mutt does attachments
19:07.15Kobazhardwire: dialplan without ael is like driving in a mustang gt with only two cylinders fireing
19:07.45Kobazit works, and it'll get you from point a to point b... but man you're missing out
19:08.32Kobazhardwire: but i found that for me, rewriting everything in AGI made things even better
19:09.47Kattywaits for sms again
19:10.20Kattypokes phone
19:10.31KattyDear Sprint, hurry it up. Love, Katty
19:11.22*** join/#asterisk DennisG (DennisG@2002:541e:88d0:0:f9e4:43ec:892b:7e5a)
19:11.37Kattythere's really no reason for this
19:11.40Kattyit's just an email
19:13.31*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
19:14.13Kattyalright so if i date it gives me the date
19:14.16Kattyhow do i date into an echo
19:15.58p3nguinHmm, what do you need/want to do?
19:16.03*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
19:17.41ChannelZdate into an echo?
19:18.54ChannelZlike    echo "Hey bitches, today is `date` and I feel fine"
19:25.57p3nguinWe may never know.
19:26.30paulcKobaz: So AEL instead of extensions.conf - big fan?
19:26.50Kobazpaulc: as long as you understand how it's converted... it's wonderful
19:27.06paulcInteresting.. cos I've never really played with it.. but might be worth a look..
19:27.14Kobazi really can't stand unstructured programming
19:27.32paulcright now I'm wondering about IVR with database integration and scalability.. pondering a few ideas.. and not really in the mood for work at the day job
19:27.36Kobazi think extensions.conf should be phased out and just have ael be the standard... it seems silly
19:28.02*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
19:28.03Kobaz10,print hi
19:28.06Kobaz20,goto 10
19:28.23Kobazreminds me of the horrible days of BASIC programming
19:29.47*** part/#asterisk muiro (~muiro@unaffiliated/muiro)
19:31.54Corydon76-digKobaz: If you have a problem with it, then you should be using pbx_lua, not pbx_ael
19:31.57paulcLOL but it's still a lot nicer than some of that XML configuration stuff you get with a different product a co worker of mine was a huge fan of
19:32.06*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (~rgsteele@
19:32.07paulcXML = bloat
19:32.27KobazCorydon76-dig: i tried pba_lua.. didn't like it
19:32.57Kobazi use ael for quick little dialplan stuff, menues and whatever
19:33.05Kobazi write actual applications using AGI
19:33.19Corydon76-digSomeone will always need to be proficient in extensions.conf, because AEL is translated directly into it
19:34.50Kobazjkroon: i can play later, i have a dual span in a test box
19:35.12Kobazspeaking of dual spans
19:35.24paulcKobaz: What do you write your AGI in?
19:35.31Kobazshould i get a quad span, or two dual spans
19:35.42Kobazpaulc: perl
19:35.50jkroonsingle dual span in fine.
19:36.01leifmadsenjkroon: he's asking how he should configure 4 spans
19:36.07leifmadsenKobaz: I'd say single quad-span
19:36.10Kobazjkroon: this is for a new job
19:36.19jkroonoh, nm.  this is getting confusing.
19:36.39jkroonwell, according to digium they officially don't support more than three of their cards in a single box.
19:36.58Kobazpci bus contention
19:37.25*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
19:37.40jkroonwell, it's three BRIs and one PRI, but I can reproduce with a single BRI and a single PRI ... so their argument in this case doesn't stand ground.
19:38.45Kobazi need a new phone/board vendor
19:39.03Kobazthe one i've been dealing with for the past two years is taking a nosedive in terms of support
19:40.21*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
19:44.19paulcI hate it when support nosedives. It's sad when good companies that you've loved previous go downhill
19:44.55Kobazall i'm trying to do is rma two phones
19:45.08Kobazi've been trying to get the rma numbers for a week now
19:46.48paulcYou need some "Best of British Bolshyness" on the phone :)
19:47.11paulc"Look, this is ridiculous. I've got these phones, they're faulty, all I need is an RMA, why is this taking so long - what's the problem? is there anything I can do to help?"
19:47.25paulcugh - nothing pisses me off more than bad customer service.. cos 99% of the time, it's avoidable
19:47.51*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
19:53.20*** join/#asterisk |AnToS| (
20:25.52*** join/#asterisk infobot (
20:25.52*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk,, (2010/03/12), 1.4.30 (2010/03/12), *-Addons (2009/12/18),,, 1.4.10 (2009/12/02), dahdi-linux 2.2.1 + dahdi-tools 2.2.1 (2010/01/20), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-bugs
20:25.57Skeeter-ah nice
20:26.02infobotit has been said that qwell is a patented liquid formula that contains three plant-based bio-active agents that work together in a perfectly balanced combination. These agents act synergistically to boost your good cholesterol and slash the bad.
20:28.06*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (
20:28.51nix8n82Anyone know what the difference is in polycoms 3.2.2 combined and 3.2.2 split?
20:29.13DelphiWorldSkeeter-: hahaha
20:29.27*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
20:30.07Skeeter-combined is 1fil that contains all informations for all phones(bootrom firmware, etc) split = obvious
20:30.22Skeeter-nix8n82, remember that im most of the time wrong
20:30.50nix8n82Skeeter-, good to know, thank you
20:31.04DelphiWorldwhere i can see the numbering plan of the world in ITU?
20:31.25Skeeter-~where i can see the numbering plan of the world in ITU?
20:31.38Skeeter-task must be impossible
20:32.08DelphiWorldSkeeter-: respect yourself
20:32.34QwellITU doesn't handle numbering plans.
20:33.06*** join/#asterisk Oozio (
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20:42.40nix8n82might be another dumb question, but can you have some polycom phones running sip 3.0 and another group 3.2.2 and still talk to each other with asterisk?
20:43.22Qwellsure, it's just SIP
20:43.43wcselbythose are firmwares on the phones, and yes they can be different
20:43.59nix8n82Thanks Qwell and wcselby
20:47.21megalomanohi , someone have any howto or file , to configure a quintum tenor af series in asterisk?
20:48.35*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
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20:52.41hardwirehuts ${ARRAY...
20:59.25voxterThis is strange... If i force a SIP trunks codec to ulaw only, passing calls in and to my fax server (hylafax) work great.  If i set my sip peer to g729  AND ulaw to my provider (they pick g729 by default), and use SIP_CODEC to force the call to change to ulaw, that seems to work (by evidence of sip show channels, i see ulaw codec being used) yet all faxes fail, as though its not "really" ulaw. What gives?
20:59.27*** part/#asterisk rttrey (~trey@
21:00.11*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
21:00.30p3nguinWhere's the sip debug?
21:00.52*** join/#asterisk kazaa_lite (
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21:17.24voxterp3nguin: have to reproduce again after hours, it affected too many people to keep it going.
21:17.50voxterI suspect that asterisk 'thought' it was ulaw, but it was still using g729 to my trunk provider.
21:17.59p3nguinYou do a lot of faxing, huh?
21:18.16voxterI dont, but my customers do. Inbound.
21:18.18voxterIts unfortunate.
21:26.02*** join/#asterisk jsgoecke (
21:26.09jsgoeckeHello all
21:26.28paulchi hsgoecke
21:27.37paulcAny IVR type peeps in here? I'm wondering about the feasibility of replacing a 920 port IVR box with Asterisk.. polling a back end database (via CURL? or AGI?) to find out what to do next..
21:27.44paulcdreaming dreams on a Friday afternoon at work...
21:28.53*** join/#asterisk timholum (
21:29.01jsgoeckeWell, Asterisk could foot the bill based on requirements of course. You could use it in conjunction with Adhearsion ( of course. Which provides a dev framework that supports both AGI and AMI.
21:29.53jsgoeckeI keep getting this error when trying to compile a vanilla Asterisk 1.4.30 on Snow Leopard
21:29.57jsgoeckesrc/add.c:1: error: CPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction set
21:30.00jsgoeckeHow do I get around this?
21:31.01jsgoeckepaulc Which type of IVR are you looking to replace and what is it doing exactly?
21:32.39*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
21:34.54hardwirewith gosub, how can you tell if an argument was used explicitely.. because it inherits ARG*
21:35.10hardwireso checking to see if an arg exists doesn't really work well.
21:38.11*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
21:49.24*** join/#asterisk Sparky-UK (
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21:51.38Sparky-UKCan anyone tell me why I can get a call to SIP/SER1/1234 working in a dial plan, but not from an originate command?
21:55.04*** join/#asterisk moy (~chatzilla@
21:57.11paulcjsgoecke: delayed reply, people keep stopping by my desk. We have a chat line type product, people scrolling through greetings, messaging each other etc
21:57.43jsgoeckek, seems like you would need an async API for that to be done easily, something like the AMI of Asterisk
21:57.48jsgoeckeWhich IVR vendor do you use now?
21:58.17paulcCT-ADE, previously on top of Dialogic, but now on top of a Vail SIP stack pretending to be Dialogic (cos we're sneaky like that)
21:59.10*** join/#asterisk adnc (~numer@unaffiliated/adnc)
21:59.28jsgoeckeWhat is wrong with the way you are doing it now?
21:59.52sbrathI just had a wierd experience, I added a few new extensions to users.conf, and did a sip reload, dialplan reload and voicemail reload and then all the phones un-registered? I'm wondering that since I'm using users.conf instead of seperate files that this might be gunking me up ?
22:00.56paulcjsgoecke: we have some architectural issues with the way it's designed/works.. accounts belong to nodes, it's not truly meshed/scalable, a bunch of stuff
22:01.23paulcack - I have a meeting - back in 30 or less
22:01.25jsgoeckeWell, Asterisk will take some work too. For 920 ports of conferencing you are going to have to do some clustering.
22:02.01paulcjsgoecke: it's mostly message passing, not conferencing... 26 systems x 920 ports per box (but typically running at less than 50% capacity). I'll ping you when I'm back.
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22:05.14infobot[~users.conf] users.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable * config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
22:08.06*** part/#asterisk bsaxon (~bsaxon@
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22:16.01ManxPower-workHow are you today, [TK]D-Fender
22:16.26[TK]D-Fenderhappily home.
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22:30.40hardwirewonders if a threaded manager_http.c will ever happen
22:31.30hardwiremanager_curl.c would be it I suppose
22:32.39hardwireponders using trunk+CEL
22:34.27hardwireI told my boss a year ago that I would try it out
22:35.06*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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22:59.07jsgoeckeWell, Asterisk could foot the bill based on requirements of course. You could use it in conjunction with Adhearsion ( of course. Which provides a dev framework that supports both AGI and AMI.
22:59.07jsgoeckeI keep getting this error when trying to compile a vanilla Asterisk 1.4.30 on Snow Leopard
23:01.39jsjclooking for someone to provide around 60minutes of asterisk support for a decent price. I started reading the book but it is out of my hand the first configuration. I will be able to implement things after and here and there but first setup it is out of my hands
23:07.23*** join/#asterisk moy (~chatzilla@
23:10.38paulcjsjc: what kind of stuff you looking to do?
23:16.15*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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23:21.01ChUbBwhat device do I need to connect a asterisk server to a BT phone line ?? whats best a device/box or an internal card and whats cheapiest ??
23:25.02ChainsawChUbB: To connect to a BT phone line and make calls you would need an FXO port.
23:25.26*** join/#asterisk JRandolph (~Casper@
23:25.29ChainsawChUbB: An internal PCI card like the Digium TDM410 with (at least) 1 FXO module can do that job.
23:28.17*** join/#asterisk Mhaddog (
23:28.27Mhaddoghello, good night all
23:30.38paulcChUbB: Or something like a Sipura SPA-3000 works well too
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