IRC log for #asterisk on 20100325

00:02.25*** join/#asterisk killfill (~killfill@
00:02.52killfillhey guys.. im doing requests to asterisk ajam (8088) how do i arrage thing so i can debug in asterisk whats happening?.. i see nothing in aterisk -vvvvvv...
00:03.03*** join/#asterisk jksM (jks@
00:03.08*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
00:05.33*** join/#asterisk TJNII (~TJNII@
00:05.46infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
00:06.02infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
00:07.23*** join/#asterisk Katty (
00:10.57Kattyanyone familiar with port 2000 'phonebook'?
00:11.10hardwireyeh :)
00:11.12hardwireit's old skewl
00:11.50Kattyheh. i googled it and found Nugget in an old irc log
00:12.10KattyNugget: ping
00:13.03Kattylooks like some sort of cisco  thing
00:14.04*** join/#asterisk bobisa (
00:14.13Kattyyay  for google
00:14.16Kattyinfobot: google
00:14.17infobotextra, extra, read all about it, google is
00:14.37*** part/#asterisk killfill (~killfill@
00:14.48bobisadoes starfish is a good choice for ipbx ?
00:15.22Kattywhy are you asking that in an asterisk channel
00:15.26Nuggethi katty
00:15.36bobisastarfish is not based on asterisk ?
00:15.52Kattyi've never heard of starfish
00:15.56KattyNugget: how're you deary
00:16.01bobisajust asking
00:16.01Nuggetlife is good
00:16.28Nuggetback to the track on saturday and the weather's supposed to be doubleplusawesome
00:16.39Nuggetyup yup
00:16.40Kattygood. i didn't want a rainy easter anyway
00:17.06KattyNugget: telnet
00:17.10Kattynot first :<
00:17.18Kattyi will have to try again tomorrow
00:17.21Nuggetit's rainy there today, though, so that means it'll be muddy.  no spins
00:17.29Kattywas nice here
00:17.33Kattyjust got back from a walk.
00:17.39Kattyapparently i average 14min 20 seconds per mile
00:18.21Kattyi guess.
00:18.27Kattydunno. it's the pace i always walk with the pup
00:18.36Kattyjust used my ipod to record it this time
00:18.50Kattystill need to time my run
00:18.59Nuggetgot an iPhone?  RunKeeper is awesome.
00:19.09Nuggetbut it needs gps I think, so it wouldn't work on a touch
00:19.13Kattynah, it's an ipod nano
00:19.31Kattyhas a little transmitter you put on the shoe, and a reciever into the phone as an attachment
00:19.41TJNIISo, last night the power went out.  My * server went down with it, as you might expect.  Sometime today (I was at work) power was restored and the server came back on.  Asterisk seemed to come up okay, except it didn't put the two peers for my ITSP in the right incoming context and they didn't show up in "sip show peers" when I logged in.  I restarted Asterisk and now it is fine.  Anyone heard of something like that?
00:20.41Kattyhun, i've heard of crazier stuff than that with power outages
00:20.51Kattyi've had a power outage and my entire xserver took a crap
00:21.12TJNIII need to stop being cheap and buy batteries for the UPS.
00:21.33Kattywell linux sure doesn't like to be shut down abruptly
00:21.41Kattyif it will save you some stress and headaches, you should do it
00:21.48Kattyif for no other reason than your peace of mind
00:22.17Kattymmmkay, shower time for me.
00:22.34*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
00:22.35TJNIII should, the power isn't as clean out here as it was back in Iowa.
00:23.00*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
00:23.42TJNIIThough at least the puzzle of why I kept getting milliwatt whenever I called my home phone is solved...
00:25.34Kattyi'm glad the stove didn't turn itself on when you called ;)
00:26.14TJNIINo, no.  The appliances arn't on the network.
00:26.17TJNII.... yet.
00:26.31TJNII(Firmware is still alpha.)
00:27.16TJNIII'm not joking, either.  I want the dryer networked into * so it calls me when it is time to change the load.
01:39.38*** join/#asterisk infobot (
01:39.38*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk,, (2010/03/12), 1.4.30 (2010/03/12), *-Addons (2009/12/18),,, 1.4.10 (2009/12/02), dahdi-linux 2.2.1 + dahdi-tools 2.2.1 (2010/01/20), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-bugs
01:39.59p3nguinMeetMe will either keep or pass DTMF, depending on what options you use.
01:44.47*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
01:44.47*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
01:47.02p3nguinI'll sure be glad when my new mattress gets here.
01:47.58*** join/#asterisk idespinner (
01:53.41rizwankthanks for option p.
01:53.48*** join/#asterisk randomuser (
02:39.39*** join/#asterisk infobot (
02:39.39*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk,, (2010/03/12), 1.4.30 (2010/03/12), *-Addons (2009/12/18),,, 1.4.10 (2009/12/02), dahdi-linux 2.2.1 + dahdi-tools 2.2.1 (2010/01/20), Libpri (2009/10/20) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow,#switchvox,#freepbx,#asterisk-dev,#asterisk-bugs
02:40.20*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
02:53.09*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
02:56.32*** join/#asterisk idespinner (
03:03.21*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (
03:11.28*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
03:13.42TJNIIGoogle is making shit up.  The text in the search window says "4.25.6 Selecting the serial flow control scheme".  I go the page and there is no section 4.2.6, and google's header frame says "These terms only appear in links pointing to this page: serial flow"
03:14.54Miccwow, this is a new one. I got an extension change to state Ringing when nothing is happening.
03:16.25Miccso I guess I can't make a hint have multiple SIP devices and seperate them with &
03:17.18*** join/#asterisk megalomano (~jun-kame@
03:18.18*** part/#asterisk megalomano (~jun-kame@
03:23.18*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
03:29.03p3nguinmicc: While extensions don't have states, channels do... and I thought you could hint two channels at a time, but I could be mistaken on that part.
03:44.48*** join/#asterisk lmsteffan_ (
03:44.51*** join/#asterisk lmsteffan (
03:50.17*** join/#asterisk romb_work (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
03:55.45*** join/#asterisk javisj (
03:56.21javisjI jsut installed asterisk I more o less understand but it is a nightmare to configure from scratch ...
03:57.07infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
03:57.07ChannelZhmm nightmare?
03:57.36javisjnot exactly a nightmare actually i am pretty excited about ti because all the possibilities...
03:57.39p3nguinI don't know so much about nightmare, but you can certainly spend a lot of time on it.
03:58.05javisjbut that makes me wonder too much. I need to get to the point. I am looking for someone with capabilities of configuring SIP trunk, Skype Trunk, Fax2email, and 5 users. Kind of a freelancer just for the initial setup
03:58.30ChannelZSkype ain't free.  But the rest is not so bad
03:58.37javisjp3nguin: It is a total new world so is amazing all the new things and how excited I get thinking each thing
03:58.40ChannelZWith a basic understanding of what you're doing it doesn't take that long
03:58.41p3nguinHow much does the job pay?
03:58.55javisjChannelZ: I know it is not free I will pay the trunk and for labor of setting all that up
03:59.16javisjI am looking for someone confident with their skills than can give me an estimate cost of this
03:59.34javisjis for a familyhomebusiness
03:59.35ChannelZoh you want someone else to do this
04:01.21javisjjust for the initial setup
04:01.35javisjlater on I will be able to mock around with it
04:01.37javisjand learn
04:01.48javisjbut I am overwhelmed with information....
04:02.46p3nguinDo you need it done right this minute?
04:05.11javisjp3nguin: no rush at all
04:05.43javisjp3nguin: time is not a contstraint I just want to learn slowly and I have plenty to read...
04:05.57sawgoodIn a nutshell, what is the Asterisk Manager account used for?
04:06.30p3nguinjavisj: If you start with The Book, you'll be able to configure most of the stuff yourself.
04:06.57javisjp3nguin: i got it so I am going to dive into it see what I can get
04:07.09p3nguinUnless you don't understand any of it, it's not that bad.
04:07.14javisjI am just having some issues with the default config files that come with so much... shit...
04:07.37p3nguinThe default configs are ONLY for example/documentation.  They are not to be used.
04:07.37javisjI was thinking to use asterisk-gui but dont know if just going for doing it by hand...
04:07.44p3nguinasterisk-gui is dead.
04:07.51javisjohh i see
04:07.57p3nguinHasn't been maintained for some time.
04:08.07javisjno worries will not use then
04:09.07javisjso I will start reading the book then
04:09.07javisjso why there is so many config files?
04:09.07p3nguinAsterisk has lots of capability.
04:09.07javisjabsolutely but I learnt to keep things simple
04:09.20p3nguinSo you won't need to bother with some of them.
04:09.22javisjeven that can do EVERYTHING I just need it to do a few things
04:09.35javisjcould I delete or moved the ones I dont need?
04:09.55p3nguinYou probably could, but I would just leave them alone.
04:10.26javisjhehe having that many files just makes me wonder around heheh...
04:11.01*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (~ReDNeQ@
04:11.06p3nguinAre you going straight VoIP, or are you going to connect to the PSTN too?
04:11.17javisjI have PSTN too
04:11.28javisjthat is all the cool stuff
04:11.34p3nguinHow will you connect your Asterisk system to it?
04:11.44javisjyes will be connected
04:11.58p3nguinThe question was "How?"
04:12.11javisjthe users are via analog phones
04:12.19javisjWell I have a card installed
04:12.35javisjat the moment I have asterisk installed drivers in place etc
04:13.22p3nguinDo you have a regular residential phone line hooked to the card?
04:13.24ChannelZDoin' it fo tha shortiesssss
04:15.06p3nguinOr are you going to use a PRI/T1?
04:15.35javisjyes will be hooked to card it is not hooked as of yet
04:15.40javisjjust need to plug the cable
04:15.49javisjand will have hooked 4 phones for users
04:15.50p3nguinYeah, I understand you're going to hook "it" to the card...
04:15.54javisjand 1 fax for sending fax
04:15.59p3nguinI'm asking WHAT will be hooked to the card?
04:16.23javisj1 residential line, 4 telephones, 1 fax
04:16.24p3nguinLots of technology available -- you need to be specific.
04:16.34javisjtelehpones are normal analogue telephones
04:16.58p3nguinDo you have FXS cards/ports for the phones, or are you going to use ATAs with them?
04:17.21javisjI have FXS ports for the phones and fax and FXO for the input line
04:17.35p3nguinOkay, sounds good so far.
04:17.42javisjthen one SIP line innbound/outbound call
04:17.47*** join/#asterisk xuser (~xuser@unaffiliated/xuser)
04:17.52javisjand the skype
04:18.13p3nguinYou're going to buy a DID to get calls over the internet in addition to the PSTN?
04:18.35p3nguinor only SIP URI calling over the internet?
04:18.57javisjmy telephone company already has a voip phone setup at home. And I can use it with sipphone on computer so I thought that asterisk will be able to use it as well
04:19.22p3nguinoh it will, you're right about that.
04:20.10javisjso at least i have a slight idea of what asterisk is capable of...
04:20.32p3nguinIt sounds like you've at least got part of a plan thought up.
04:20.40javisjyes part of the plan
04:20.47javisjeven hardware its set
04:20.53javisjand software installed
04:20.57p3nguinYou're on the right road.
04:21.03javisjnow it comes part to tackle the 105 .conf's!
04:21.14javisjhopefully i can start doing some rm here and there
04:21.18javisjand reduce that large number
04:21.18p3nguinprobably only less than 10, actually.
04:21.44javisjthat made me smile! with luck in a few days i have this up and running
04:22.51p3nguinsip.conf, extensions.conf, voicemail.conf, queues.conf, dahdi.conf
04:23.16p3nguinMaybe a few more.
04:24.31p3nguinThe book is pretty good, so you'll do fine and learn a lot from doing it yourself.
04:25.40javisjyes definetly i wanted myself but infor was so scattered around was frustrating
04:25.44p3nguinOn the other hand, if you're in a spot where you need it done right away and don't have the time, I'm sure we can work out something.
04:25.54javisjthis book at least has everything in one source so I am doing it muself
04:25.56p3nguinHang around here and ask good questions.
04:26.05infobot[answers] Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
04:26.29javisjno worries ! I will formulate complete questions with all the info just in case
04:26.38javisjThanks lot for help p3nguin
04:27.30p3nguinIf you stay here long enough, you'll see when the most people are active to get more help.
04:28.03javisjgood sometimes lot of plataforms users are not active so its hard to get things done
04:28.08p3nguinIs it almost 6:30 PM where you are?
04:28.11javisjso for faxtoemail I can find free solutions?
04:28.30p3nguinSure, there are some free options.
04:28.42javisjskype I will need to pay i was considering Skype for SIP (form skype) that has an ongoing cost of $5 month or A trunk from digium that is just $66 forever
04:29.00javisjp3nguin: it is around 3pm here
04:29.10p3nguinAh, I miscalculated.
04:29.10javisjand around 5am where I am setting up asterisk hehe
04:29.41p3nguinI think daytime in north america is when the most people are active.
04:29.43javisjI live in aussie land but help mum back home in Spain where things are not going great at the moment..
04:29.54javisjso the son needs to do some work from the other side of world
04:30.18javisjoh well i am going to dive into this will share some concerns in the next few days! and probably years! hehehe
04:30.39p3nguinRead and ask questions... you'll be done in no time.
04:41.27*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (~chris@
04:58.08*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
05:01.31*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (~ReDNeQ@
05:04.35*** join/#asterisk ltd_wk (
05:10.51*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
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05:32.06*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
05:39.00*** join/#asterisk eppigy (
05:41.29ChannelZThe wheels on the bus go round and round!
05:47.25ChannelZand the wheels have fallen off.
05:49.18*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
05:49.28sawgoodIf I wanted to hire someone to 'help' with my dialplan (to add an 'application') is this called programming?
05:50.13sawgoodSo, I would like the Asterisk application called ExtenSpy added to my dialplan
05:50.23sawgoodIs this the correct terminlogy?
05:51.02ChannelZwell sort of.. I thought you were asking about having a custom application written for you
05:51.29sawgoodI think ExtenSpy is an application for Asterisk (which exists already) but is not part of the standard build
05:51.32sawgoodIs that right?
05:51.34ChannelZBut yeah you are 'programming the dialplan' so to speak by adding things to make it do stuff
05:51.53ChannelZWell it's in 1.6.1 anyways.  It might be in a module you just don't have loaded
05:52.06sawgoodreally?  ... its not part of 1.6.0?
05:52.37sawgoodI have Asterisk ... and I've checked online for modules, and it is not part of that database
05:52.45*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (~ReDNeQ@
05:52.45*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
05:52.45*** join/#asterisk keith4_ (~keith@unaffiliated/keith4)
05:52.45*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
05:52.45*** join/#asterisk astrutt (
05:52.45*** join/#asterisk devoid (~devnull@unaffiliated/devemo)
05:52.45*** join/#asterisk Pimmetje (~Pimmetje@
05:52.45*** join/#asterisk devmod (
05:52.45*** join/#asterisk chazzam (
05:52.45*** join/#asterisk Akiraaa (~Akiraaaa@
05:52.46*** join/#asterisk n0cturnal (
05:52.46*** join/#asterisk Acro (~omgponies@unaffiliated/acro)
05:52.46*** join/#asterisk Beave (
05:52.46*** join/#asterisk angler (~angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
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05:52.46*** mode/#asterisk [+o angler] by
05:52.49ChannelZI have no idea
05:52.49sawgoodmaybe it is in another database, or it has to be loaded manually?
05:53.04ChannelZI'm looking
05:53.52ChannelZit should be in app_chanspy
05:54.09ChannelZmodule load app_chanspy
05:54.28*** join/#asterisk btsteve (
05:55.41sawgoodChannelZ: How come I don't see this module when I ask for updates?
05:55.48sawgoodIs it only availabe IF you have 1.6.1.x?
05:55.52ChannelZask who for what updates?
05:56.07sawgoodright ... I am speaking of checking for modules inside of FreePBX
05:56.14sawgoodYou probably mean from the CLI, right?
05:56.25ChannelZhell if I know about freepbx
05:56.33sawgoodSo, you can load modules from the CLI?
05:56.43sawgoodHow can you 'scan' to see if there are available modules?
05:56.44ChannelZthe asterisk console yes
05:56.59sawgoodInteresting ...
05:57.13sawgoodCan I get a 'list' of modlues from the Asterisk console?
05:57.25ChannelZ'module show' which show every loaded module.  Some might not be loaded which live in the asterisk lib directory
05:57.47sawgoodwow a morse code module
05:58.08sawgoodAre the modules in module show already installed in the Asterisk build I have ?
05:58.30ChannelZYeah they are actually loaded
05:58.57sawgooddumb question ... but is is 'possible' a module is loaded in Asterisk that FreePBX knows nothing about?
05:59.01ChannelZAs I said there could be more that are not loaded - you typically don't load up a bunch of crap you're not using
05:59.29sawgoodmodule show = what modules are currently installed on your box ...
05:59.35ChannelZYeah it's entirely possible, fpbx confines you to doing whatever it is they let you do.
05:59.37sawgoodwhat command shows available modules from online?
05:59.57ChannelZno, not just 'installed' but ones that are actually currently loaded and resident in the running asterisk
06:00.18ChannelZThere's no command that shows others.. they (generally) live in /var/lib/asterisk/modules
06:00.40sawgoodSo, how does one 'know' if there are additonal modules which they might want/need
06:00.49sawgoodlike with yum list
06:01.07ChannelZTwo different things
06:02.07ChannelZIf you are using packaged asterisk, depending on who packaged it they might have split some modules up into different pacakges.. which I have no idea
06:02.32ChannelZGenerally all modules are built with asterisk though with the exception of a couple as part of asterisk-addons
06:02.42sawgoodChannelZ: are 'modules' installed and removed sort of like RPM packages?
06:03.26ChannelZ"modules" in freepbx are actually plugins to freepbx its self
06:03.35sawgoodright ... I got that part ...
06:03.41sawgoodfrom the CLI when I do a module show
06:03.48ChannelZas I said, it depends on who build the package.  Maybe they are, maybe they aren't, I don't know.
06:03.51sawgoodthese have nothing to do with FreePBX, right?
06:04.18sawgoodexcellent ... so a module show from the CLI tells me what modules are 'loaded' on my box currently?
06:04.22ChannelZasterisk is generally compiled with almost everything as a dynamically loadable module, so you can only run the bits you need
06:04.32sawgoodI have 156 loaded modules it sayws
06:04.46ChannelZYeah that's fairly average
06:05.05sawgoodI was wondering if there was a 'place' on the Internet where 100's or 1000's of additional modules are located
06:05.14sawgoodLike for example ChanSpy and ExtenSpy
06:05.27ChannelZChanspy and extenspy are both standard in asterisk
06:05.46sawgoodOk ... since they are 'standard', how come module show does not list them on my system?
06:05.49ChannelZThere are 3rd party modules but I wouldn't say 100's and certainly not 1000s
06:06.10ChannelZbecause you probably just don't have it loaded - as I said earlier, type "module load app_chanspy"
06:06.37sawgoodok ... now we are getting closer to my original question ...
06:06.56sawgoodsince the modules are not loaded ... how to I see a list of non loaded but available modules?
06:07.05sawgoodcan one do this from the CLI?
06:07.14ChannelZand I told you that twice too.. they are in /var/lib/asterisk/modules (generally)
06:07.17sawgoodor, do you simply 'look' in a directory?
06:07.24sawgoodthank you!!!
06:08.12sawgoodI don't have a /var/lib/asterisk/modules directory
06:08.12Dovidmorning y'all
06:08.16*** join/#asterisk romb_work (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
06:09.03Dovidsawgood: try /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
06:09.12ChannelZ*now must toss it elsewher
06:09.25sawgoodthey they are ...
06:09.56sawgoodIs there a way with ls to 'output' the number of files in a directory?
06:10.00ChannelZoh no that is default, I'm just typing crazy shit
06:10.35ChannelZls -l |wc -l
06:11.03sawgood158 in the directory
06:11.39sawgoodI think 'two' fiiles exist in every directory to make up the 'folder' ....
06:11.49sawgoodso these must be the 156 which are loaded already
06:12.03ChannelZno -l doesn't show . and ..
06:12.28sawgoodwell, I guess there is only 2 modules which are not loaded than
06:12.44ChannelZProbably.  It doesn't have to be 1:1
06:17.10sawgoodChannelZ: how does one get a module 'loaded' in Asterisk?
06:17.27ChannelZmodule load xxxx
06:17.46sawgoodok cool ... does that module than 'install' and stay as part of your build?
06:17.50ChannelZand/or you can add it to modules.conf to load (or not)
06:20.34ChannelZ(and actually from earlier, ls -l outputs a total on the first line so the  ls -l | wc -l  will show +1
06:21.41sawgoodthank you ...
06:21.46sawgoodI found modules.conf ...
06:21.51sawgoodthis is exciting news to me ...
06:22.30javisjsawgood:  seems you are as excited as I am! with all this new info... I have enough to dream for a month!
06:22.37sawgoodSo, when someone wants the Asterisk dialplan to do 'something' it does not do by default ... you would put in the syntax to the file(s) ... and this would point to the module needed
06:22.38ChannelZI just jizzed in my pants
06:22.40sawgooddoes that sound right?
06:22.47sawgoodme too ..
06:23.08*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (
06:23.14sawgoodIs this what is called 'AGI programming'?
06:23.14ChannelZno it's sort of backwards
06:23.50javisjSo the modules loaded in asterisk that in my case are 174, I most likely dont use even half of them... how can I tell asterisk to forget about them? So as well I could take out their conf files and make my asterisk cleaner
06:23.55ChannelZA module offers 'services' to asterisk.. app_*.so are dialplan applications, func_*.so are dialplan functions, format_*.so are file format handlers, etc.
06:24.24ChannelZjavisj: you can 'module unload' them and/or tell them to 'noload' in modules.conf
06:24.43sawgoodSo, what type of 'thing' would ChanSpy and ExtenSpy be 'called'
06:24.47ChannelZwith autoload turned on, * will generally load just about everything it finds
06:24.54ChannelZthey are dialplan applications
06:25.04javisjwhat is recommended to load as few as possible right?
06:25.23sawgoodDoes an application mean something different than a module?
06:25.26ChannelZwell it's a waste of resources having things loaded you're not using
06:25.26javisjis there anything that is essential to asterislk that I should be not unloading?
06:26.08ChannelZsawgood: yes, a module is a module.. like a DLL on Windows.. it's a shared library of code that can be loaded dynamically by a program - a plugin
06:26.37ChannelZjavisj: yeah quite a few
06:28.00javisjok I see I will keep reading then, with time I will start understanding whichones I really need
06:28.12ChannelZsawgood: a dialplan application is a term specific to asterisk.
06:28.16sawgoodSo, are applications actual files/directories, etcs?
06:28.33sawgoodOr is an application a set of 'code' which pulls its information from modules?
06:28.45ChannelZmore or less
06:29.30ChannelZRather than 'ChanSpy' being built into the core of asterisk, it's externalized into a dynamic loadable module (.so stands for 'shared object') so that someone who doesn't need it doesn't have to load it
06:29.49sawgoodIf someone wanted an application for Asterisk ... which did not exist ... would this be the work of a programmer skilled AGI?
06:30.05ChannelZAfter it's loaded though it basically becomes a part of the main application.  In fact, you can compile asterisk yourself and 'internalize' any modules you want
06:30.51ChannelZYes and no, AGI just lets Asterisk execute an external program.. whether it's written in C, PHP, perl, a shell script, etc.
06:32.07sawgoodChannelZ: are you familar with the Asterisk (Digium) support policy ... for sale to the public
06:32.09ChannelZAnd that program can interact to a certain degree with asterisk
06:32.26sawgoodBasically, for $595 it covers one server with 2 support tickets  for 12 months
06:33.32sawgoodsteep price, but it might be what I am looking for to help with ExtenSpy ...
06:33.50ChannelZif you say so.
06:34.05ChannelZDo you have app_chanspy loaded?
06:34.12sawgoodI will look now ... brb
06:34.29ChannelZmodule show like chanspy
06:35.20sawgoodyes, it is loaded
06:35.40sawgoodDo you think ExtenSpy is a application module included with Asterisk?
06:35.51ChannelZok now we're just going in circles
06:36.21ChannelZExtenSpy() is provided by app_chanspy (as is ChanSpy()) so it should already be useable in your dialplan
06:36.29ChannelZcore show application extenspy
06:36.55sawgoodvery nice!
06:36.57ChannelZNow how you actually hook that up into freepbx I have no idea.
06:37.10sawgoodI don't care about hooking it up in FreePBX ...
06:37.21sawgoodI am going to study how to write it in my dialplan
06:37.30sawgoodyou've given me the faith I needed
06:38.14ChannelZwell that's easy
06:39.05sawgoodChannelZ: where are you located at?
06:39.17ChannelZexten => 555,1,ExtenSpy(222)    would try to listen to extension 222 in the same context when you dial 555
06:39.23ChannelZCO USA
06:39.50sawgoodAre you a Denver Broncos fan?
06:40.07ChannelZI don't really care about football
06:40.23sawgoodSo the syntax you gave me ... its that 'simple' to do?
06:40.45sawgoodWhat does the 1 do in the statement?
06:40.59ChannelZThat's the extension priority
06:41.23ChannelZEvery 'step' has a sequential number
06:41.38infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
06:41.40*** join/#asterisk AeroCloud (
06:41.41sawgoodsometimes I see a 's' in these statements (near the front of the syntax) ... what does that do?
06:41.43ChannelZYou should really read that
06:41.58sawgoodI have it actually
06:42.04AeroCloudis there an asterisk command to hangup the callee of a bridged channel?
06:42.11ChannelZs is a special extension which is the absence of an extension
06:42.18ChannelZAeroCloud: soft hangup
06:42.19*** join/#asterisk diegomad (mad@
06:42.20AeroCloudonly the callee..
06:42.49ChannelZSo only give it their channel
06:43.07ChannelZBut I dunno who the other person will be left talking to either way..
06:43.20AeroCloudexample: you call person b.. after talking for a bit.. you want to hangup on b and call c
06:43.26AeroCloudwithout redialing
06:43.53AeroCloudthis is incoming did's
06:43.58ChannelZIs it supposed to read your mind and dial c by its self?
06:43.58AeroCloudlike calling cards
06:44.06AeroCloudit would send back to ivr
06:44.08AeroCloudto dial
06:44.16AeroCloudI just cant get it to only hangup on b
06:44.23AeroCloudit hangs up both sides.. or noone
06:44.39AeroCloudif I blind transfer to a bad channel.. it makes the channel hang
06:44.45ChannelZyou can use the 'h' flag in Dial()
06:45.00ChannelZand then make it continue in the dialplan, and program accordingly
06:45.04ChannelZcore show application Dial
06:45.09AeroCloudI was unsure of that
06:45.16AeroCloudcause it says * will hangup the caller
06:45.26AeroCloudnot the callee
06:45.29ChannelZ(and actually I think you want H not h)
06:45.40ChannelZread a little
06:45.42*** join/#asterisk corretico (~laguilar@
06:46.05AeroCloud#  H: Allow the caller to hang up by dialing *
06:46.24AeroCloudthat does not say, hangup the callee by pressing *
06:46.33AeroCloudI will try it.. thanx for the info
06:48.07ChannelZsee F
06:49.05ChannelZor you can use 'g' and just depend on the other end to hang up
06:49.38ChannelZI'm not positive if H/h terminate the channel immediately regardless if you are using F (or g), never tried
06:50.37sawgoodexten => s,n,ExtenSpy(${EXTENSION}@from-internal,b)
06:50.45sawgoodWhat does the s do in this statement?
06:50.57ChannelZs is the extension
06:51.13ChannelZwhich means 'no extension'.
06:51.48ChannelZIE on a POTS line, my incoming calls go into an 'incoming' context and the dialplan starts on the 's' extension when someone calls.. because there is no extension on an incoming call in that case
06:52.32sawgoodI see 's' in a lot of dialplan syntax
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06:52.45sawgoodfor example: exten => s,1,Playback(vm-extension)
06:53.28ChannelZyeah.. if you are creating a bunch of IVRs in separate contexts it's common to see the 's' extension used for each context.
06:54.46*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
06:58.18ChannelZAeroCloud: I just tried it, using gH I can press * and continue on in the dialplan (which in your case would Goto or something to jump back to your IVR letting people make a call or whatnot)
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07:00.32AeroCloudok cool
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07:04.06ChannelZgoes to poo and shower
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07:15.11AeroCloudwell that kinda works the way I wanted it
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07:29.53AeroCloudit hung me up too
07:30.42ChannelZhmm does your dialplan actually do something after the Dial?
07:32.36AeroCloudthis is the line right after dial
07:32.37AeroCloudexten => _X.,n,NoOp(HANGUPCAUSE is ${HANGUPCAUSE})
07:32.48AeroCloudI wanted to see what it would return
07:32.59AeroCloudit did not do the NoOp, just hung me up
07:38.15AeroCloudnext test.. was different result
07:38.29AeroCloudfirst time.. it displayed 0 as hangupcause
07:38.35AeroCloudand continued on
07:38.43AeroCloudthen 2nd time.. it hung me up
07:39.26*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
07:42.55AeroCloudI waited 3 more seconds the 2nd time
07:43.05AeroCloudfirst time I did it within 2 seconds of pickup
07:43.34AeroCloudoh well, going to bed now.. will work on this tomorrow...
07:46.56ChannelZif I    cp -R '/home/server/Archives/archive_store/store_20081212/DS MXF' '/home/server/Archives/outbox'
07:47.29ChannelZit tells me that it cannot stat a file in the DS MXF dir, permission denied.  Yet I can manually stat it, look at it, see it, copy it...
07:49.01*** join/#asterisk mpe_ (~mpe@
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08:38.58Polysicstwo different tasks at hand
08:39.22Polysics1 - store SIP users' status in a MySQL table (online/busy/offline)
08:39.43Polysics2 - users have different "languages", create a queue for each language and stick calls into it
08:39.50*** join/#asterisk CoderForLife (
08:40.07Polysicsi have a running EventMachine service to handle FastAGI and AMI
08:40.11Polysicsjsut need some pointers
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08:55.33Polysicshello ManxPower
08:55.50Polysicsi need a few pointers :-)
08:56.19Polysicsfirst, what is the best way to store users' status in a table? i need online/busy/offline, nothing more
08:56.42Polysicsi have an AMI client logging events around
08:56.54Polysicsusers will be mainly reached through queues
08:57.09*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (~khaled@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
08:57.21Polysicsi also need to put users in the proper language queue when they log in, but i suppose that's something i can do on login
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09:02.30javisjbefore I been told that asterisk-gui is old... so it is recommended do the config  no-gui? or is there any gui I could install that is simple and just manages asterisk?
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09:25.57tuxx-hey guys, when im in a conference with another person (meetme), is it possible to transfer the other user to some extension? When i try it, the person im trying to redirect the call to doesnt hear anything, and the person in the meetme im trying to transfer is still in the meetme on his own.
09:26.19tuxx-maybe its better to use callparking with out switchboard instead of a meetme
09:26.41tuxx-the only thing were stuck on now is the transfer from a meetme, anyone got a clue? :)
09:32.18*** join/#asterisk pentanol (
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09:46.34tamieltuxx-: res_features don't work in app_meetme
09:46.56tamieltuxx-: res_features only work in bridged situation
09:48.08tamiel(when channel is bridged with another one, not the bridge new api from 1.6.2)
09:58.50*** join/#asterisk ddefrenne (
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10:17.39adncthe disposition field of cdr records in the database are with numbers like: ANSWERED=8, NO ANSWER=4, BUSY=2, FAILED=1 but i also have some entries with 0 as value. what does 0 refer to?
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12:06.02infoboti heard answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
12:09.35*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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12:10.44jkroonhi guys, having an issue connecting a Digium Quad BRI (all ports in NT mode) to another Quad BRI (all in TE mode).
12:11.46jkroonsignalling is set to respecitively bri_net (NT) and bri_cpe (TE), however, NT side (pri show spans) reports "Provisioned, Down, Active" whilst TE side reports "Provisioned, Up, Active"
12:12.01jkroonany ideas on what I can do to figure this out and get it to work?
12:14.26jkroonI've been through that before.
12:15.05jkroonon a few occasions.  I've yet to actually receive a reply on any of them.
12:17.41russellbwow, seriously?
12:17.49russellbthat is certainly not right
12:17.55russellbtry calling
12:18.21ManxPower-workrussellb, try contacting Digium support sometime via e-mail from an account that they would not recognize.
12:18.23russellbor if you get me your contact info, i'll walk down there myself later today and make sure someone calls you :-)
12:18.35ManxPower-work"secret shopper"
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12:21.35jkroonrussellb, pvt?
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12:22.39jkrooni lie.  i got a reply to issue #WEI-945710
12:22.47jkroonbut it never got resolved.
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12:36.10roeI am using a snom370, I realize that my issue is probably a phone specific issue and thus this might not be the correct place.  On speaker phone the output of the speaker seems to change drastically if the microphone detects noise (the speaker gets lower)
12:36.56*** join/#asterisk kombi (
12:38.00kombiafter a year of faultless operation suddenly I get "Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI' (cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion) What could have happened?
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12:45.28tzafrirkombi: missing digits?
12:45.46kombitzafrir: how would I tell?
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12:46.13tzafrirkombi, is it analog? PRI?
12:46.22kombiyip, B410P
12:46.53tzafrirkombi, one thing to try would be to use 'pri debug span NN'
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12:47.35pentanolhi every1
12:47.36kombiSending Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended
12:47.53pentanolI've got warning on conference server Maximum retries exceeded on transmission szguunqpdlbpltu@laptop for seqno 536 (Critical Response) -- See doc/sip-retransmit.txt
12:48.10pentanolconferencing kind of works, but may I filtering this?
12:48.44pentanolI've readed this document, thefore I decided to ask here....
12:49.02kombitzafrir: that gives the same error (and uhm,.. how do I stop the polling?..;)
12:49.18tzafrirkombi, if you only see those, you don't even have layer 2 up
12:49.24tzafrirdo incoming calls work?
12:49.33kombijeez.. no they don't
12:49.37tzafrirDoes an outgoing call work immediately after an incoming call?
12:49.49kombilet me try..
12:50.35kombinope.. doesn't...
12:52.01kombitzafrir: can I tell whether layer 2 is up with dahdi show status?
12:52.50Faustovdahdi show channels shows it
12:53.27kombisays "In Service".. weired..
12:54.20tzafrirkombi, what signalling have you set for it?
12:54.20kombipri show span 1 gives "Status: Provisioned, Down, Active" (whatever that means)
12:55.03kombitzafrir: where is it set?
12:55.24kombinever mind.. fxo_ls
12:55.43*** join/#asterisk kerframil (~kerframil@gentoo/user/kerframil)
12:56.05tzafrirkombi, that can't be
12:56.19tzafririt has to be bri_<something>
12:56.50kombitzafrir: I'll best pastebin my configs...
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12:59.30tzafrirkombi, can you include dahdi-channels.conf as well ?
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13:00.06tzafriralso: is that connection PtP or PtMP?
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13:01.21kombi ptp/ptmp where do I tell again?
13:02.10kombibri_cpe_ptmp it says in dahdi-channels.conf
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13:03.44tzafriris it a connection you can connect a standard ISDN phone to?
13:04.21kombimust be ptp, but inclusion of dahdi-channels.conf is commented out
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13:04.53tzafrirIf so: it's ptmp (point to multi-point - allow connecting multiple phones on the same line)
13:05.25tzafrirchange it back to _ptmp and use:  dahdi restart
13:05.33tzafririn the starisk CLI
13:05.41tzafriror restart asterisk
13:06.04kombitzafrir: but it already says ptmp in dahdi-channels.conf, no?
13:06.47kombisorry, actually it says pri_cpe there..
13:07.07kombifile unchanged for some nine month..
13:07.22kombiok, I'll try that
13:07.39tzafrirkombi, ptp is mostly used in business-grade connections
13:07.55tzafrir(it's simpler and more reliable, but you can't connect ISDN phones to it)
13:08.36kombithat is actually kind of what we are, the B410P is used to connect to PSTN and our line is PTP
13:09.01kombido you want to see the output of dahdi restart?
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13:12.20kombitzafrir: I'll do an ultra hard reboot including disconnecting power now...
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13:18.38kombitzafrir: when doing dahdi restart, which configs are read exactly?
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13:27.29tzafrirkombi, configs of . That is: basically chan_dahdi.conf (but also users.conf . You don't use it, right?)
13:27.43jkroontzafrir, if I have two digium BRI cards and I connect an NT port to a TE port - do I just set signalling to bri_net on the NT side and bri_cpe on the TE side?
13:28.35tzafrirjkroon, IIRC, yes
13:29.00jkrooni was hoping you're going to tell me i'm being stupid.
13:29.12tzafrirspeaking of BRI cards: anybody has any missing PCI IDs in that driver?
13:29.20jkroonTE side says link is up, NT side says to bugger off.
13:29.43jkroonusing a normal straight cable.  both sides has a green light up.
13:30.05*** join/#asterisk dinesh___ (
13:30.32dinesh___hi all, I have a kind of general question: Are phone number prefix-free? (i.e. there is no such numbers such that one is prefix of another)
13:31.09jkroondinesh___, you can do whatever you want there.
13:31.34dinesh___yup, but I mean real phone numbers you can find
13:32.03dinesh___i've never seen a number prefix of another
13:32.27dinesh___perhaps there are even limitations regarding this on older hardware
13:32.35[TK]D-Fenderdinesh___: What prefix?
13:32.52jkroonhe means like my number is 786 and your is 7865, then my number is a prefix of yours.
13:32.52dinesh___let's say 911 is a valid number, and then another valid number would be 911453210
13:33.14jkroonthere is such problems with very, very old analog exchanges.
13:33.21jkroonthose that still used linefinders.
13:34.18[TK]D-Fenderdinesh___: Generally you won't get multiple length patttern overruns like that
13:35.10jkroonnor would i recommend configuring them, even though you can if you wanted to.
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13:36.30dinesh___ok thanks ;)
13:37.13dinesh___i'm super happy, since today I have no analog phone line anymore (saves 25 USD/month), and my old number got ported to an internet-based SIP provider, and it's all working ^^
13:37.51dinesh___i got still have to optimize on the asterisk side, like dialing "9"[number] would force to dial through SIP provider 2 instead of 1
13:39.12dinesh___(but the linksys wireless adapter for their sip ATA was total crap, I had to remove it)
13:39.49dinesh___for some reason it gets a signal strenght of just 30% when still in the same room than the access point ..
13:40.05tuxx-oi guys, when using the ReceiveFax application, the dialplan doesnt continue, it exitst after receivefax has been executed. Does anyone know how this is possible?
13:40.52Chainsawtuxx-: You do your cleanup in the h priority.
13:40.54jkroonyes.  ReceiveFax will terminate when the channel gets hung up.
13:41.26ManxPower-worktuxx-, correct.  When the channel hangs up the dialplan will jump to the "h" extension.  If there is no "h" extension, the dialplan terminates.
13:41.41tuxx-thanks! :)
13:41.54*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (~rgsteele@
13:43.34jkroontzafrir, this looks weird: - garqi 1-4 and c3po 1-2 is PRI and works, what messes with my head is the BRI links (all the others).  garqi 5-8 is connected to 9-12 and 13-16 to c3po 3-6 ... all the TE ports are Up, and their connected NTs is down.
13:43.41*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
13:45.22tzafrirjkroon, "garqi"? huh?
13:45.40jkroonmachine names, look at the pastebin.
13:45.53jkroonit's with those BRI cards we mentioned earlier.
13:46.07tzafriroh, ok. using a search engine helps
13:47.15jkrooni've tried that.
13:47.28jkrooneither i don't know what to feed google or i'm looking at my eyelids.
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13:51.22srothhi, i have a question. During a conference i want to start an agi script when '*' ist pressed. The AGI Script is a DTMF menu und make some mysql selects. I search since 2 days to solve the problem. But i can't find a way to start a agi script by pressing a key. I only find features.conf, but this only  work wenn i use DIal to a local Channel before i get in to the conference room.
13:52.22jayteeanyone have a recommendation for a ITSP providing cheap 800 Toll Free inbound that services the state of Indiana?
13:52.51[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I don't recall 800 #'s being state specific.
13:53.15[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Or ITSP's that care where you are
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13:53.33pentanolanybody here use opensips\ser kamailio so as to load balance client between asterisk servers?
13:54.31tzafrirjkroon, is it ptp or ptmp?
13:54.43jkroonbri_net and bri_cpe
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13:55.25tzafrirwhat do you see in 'pri debug' on one of those spans?
13:55.42tzafriractually: intense debug (or debug level 2)
13:57.04Skeeter-does anyone recommend sipp to test the capacity of an asterisk system?
13:57.08jkroonwould it confuse you to see them on the same machine or would you prefer I use one of the cross-linked spans?
13:59.15*** join/#asterisk Katty (
14:02.43Kattyso who wants to hold my hand with a pg_restore this morning
14:02.55Kattyi just wanna learn how to do it
14:02.59Kattynothing is broken :P
14:06.24jkroontzafrir, i have no idea how to interpret this:
14:06.54jkroonfrom my very much non-existent experience it looks like TE receives stuff from NT but not the other way round ?
14:07.11tzafrirHDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 16: something wrong in the D-channel data
14:08.00Kattyi recently swapped an A101 and an A101D around
14:08.07Kattywithout reconfiguring anything
14:08.14Kattyand spazed about the D channel
14:08.18Kattyjust throwin that out there
14:08.35jkroonok ... how do I figure out what?
14:08.50tzafrirA101D is a A101 with an extra D channel?
14:09.04Kattyi believe D is some sort of additional echo module
14:09.15Kattyit's basically the same card, but with echo cancelation
14:09.18Kattyand a bigger price tag
14:09.38Kattythe folk at sangoma had me swap them around for testing purposes, said no reconfiguring was required
14:09.51jkroonthese don't have echo cans on them afaik but I can quickly rip open the case to check.  putting the cards in TE mode gets them to link with my providers though.
14:09.55Kattybut i did notice that for some unusually odd and seemingly unrelated reason, the D channel constantly spazed.
14:09.58tzafrirjkroon, don't know. Contact support? :-(
14:10.11jkroondropped greg an email.
14:10.20jkroonsupport doesn't respond.
14:10.30Kattyprobably because they've been helping me ;)
14:10.38Kattylet me get you another contact email
14:10.55Kattyjkroon: ->
14:11.03jkroonalso seeing some strange congestion (34) issues when trying to route with pri.
14:11.55Kattyi've also been having congestion issues
14:12.02Kattybut, that's obviously related to snickerdoodled D channel
14:12.42jkroonwell, I am basically plugging a PRI on a NT configured channel straight back into a TE and looping my calls 30 times through that.
14:12.48jkroonstill, not expecting it to go belly up.
14:13.05Kattyi don't suppose you have another quad bri card
14:13.08Kattyto swap out and test
14:13.19jkrooni've got 4.  two of them in NT mode, two in TE mode.
14:13.25jkroonboth do exactly the same thing.
14:13.32jkroonso I'm quite sure it's software.
14:13.38Kattycertain sounds like it
14:13.54jkroonprobably some config issue...
14:14.09Kattyanyone from i9 technologies lurking this morning
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14:14.28Kattydont' make me call you!
14:14.28tzafrirjkroon, what do you see with pri intense debug (on both sides)?
14:14.48jkroontzafrir, see the pastebin @
14:14.58jkroonoh wait, for the PRI with 34 ... ?
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14:16.05tzafrirc3po sends a SABME. It gets no SABME from the other side
14:16.14Kattyhow do i see the timestamp on a particular file
14:16.29tzafrirgarqi gets a SABME and properly responds with a UA
14:16.40tzafrirThat UA likewise does not get to the other side
14:17.07tzafrirSo c3po can send to garqi, but not the other way around
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14:17.23jkroonok, both sides link with no alarms (both says OK).
14:17.33jkroonprotocol error or config?  how do I check the config?
14:17.35tzafrirI vaguely recall some bug in that driver that had that symptom
14:17.53jkroondahdi ??
14:17.53tzafrirBut then again, I figure the support people would be more familiar with it
14:18.00jkroonlet's hope.
14:18.03tzafrirtrying a later version might help
14:18.10KattyQwell: ping
14:18.26Kattyfile: YOU
14:21.56Skeeter-i need something to test the capacity of simlutanous call of my PBX, how can i check it out?
14:22.42NaikrovekSkeeter-: make a call, put it on hold.  make another call, put it on hold.  make another call, put it on hold
14:22.49NaikrovekSkeeter-: what phone do you have
14:23.02Kattyhi Naikrovek
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14:23.08Naikrovekhi katty
14:23.33Skeeter-Naikrovek, polycoms
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14:23.58NaikrovekSkeeter-: if you have recent models you can get up to 4 calls going per line key
14:24.16Naikrovekmake a call, put it on hold.  repeat
14:24.34Kattycall a meetme, put it on hold. repeat
14:24.54Kattymost fun i've had all week, annohying the crap out of a whole room of people with my on hold music
14:24.56Skeeter-that sounds not professional
14:25.01NaikrovekSkeeter-: or you can use SIPp to do that kind of thing i think
14:25.13NaikrovekKatty: lol yeah
14:25.20Skeeter-SIPp is weird
14:25.41Kattyi need to learn how to do a pg_restore
14:25.41NaikrovekSkeeter-: if you want to test how many hundreds of calls you can have on your box, that i don't know how to do.  i'm sure there's a way though
14:25.46tzafrirSkeeter-, use another Asterisk, on a stronger system :-)
14:26.00Kattymaybe Kobaz will help me later.
14:26.08tzafrirsipp is also known to help
14:26.08Skeeter-i just wanna test the capacity
14:26.21Skeeter-its running on a dual CPU xeon quad with 8gb of ram
14:26.25tzafrirSkeeter-, are you familiar with 'originate' ?
14:26.42tzafrirMEmory is probably not the bottleneck. CPU power may be
14:27.35Skeeter-tzafrir, no
14:28.12Skeeter-im getting 100% cpu with 12 calls
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14:28.58NaikrovekSkeeter-: what!?  something's up
14:29.09Naikroveki know of no codec that would do taht
14:29.34Kattyi have no idea
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14:32.34Kattyanyone ever heard about a network card turning itself off after a period of time? i have to ifdown and ifup againf or it to work
14:32.47Kattyhappens with the onboard, so i added another nic. it does the same thing
14:33.06devoidKatty: Power management?
14:33.33beekHi Katty.   I was going to suggest a BIOS 'sleep' setting, but with the inserted NIC?   Nevermind...
14:33.49Skeeter-Katty, which distro, do you have a GUI?
14:34.09NaikrovekKatty: i also suspect power management.
14:34.09Kattyi just xset -dpms
14:34.12Kattywe'll see what happens
14:34.19Kattyi'll check bios too
14:34.27KattySkeeter-: it's debian, and yes it is running xserver
14:34.35Skeeter-network manager
14:34.39Skeeter-the new one does that
14:34.46Skeeter-i got it on my laptop
14:34.50tzafrirdpms is for the screen only, right?
14:34.51Skeeter-deibna squeeze
14:34.52Kattyhow do i uhh
14:35.08Kattypolitely tell it to stop screwing up my connecton
14:35.13Skeeter-i modprobethe b43 driver and bring it back
14:35.19Skeeter-seems the only work around
14:35.22Kattygood lord
14:35.34Kattyis it croned?
14:35.46Kattycron job
14:36.23Skeeter-u could make a pidof that check every minute if the netowrk is up , if not issue ifdown and up
14:36.39Kattyyeah but the phones will still go down
14:36.49Kattyat least at night they would
14:36.57Kattywhat if i just kill xserver
14:37.17Kattytho i'm not quite sure how to do that
14:37.38Kattymaybe a croned ping
14:37.54Skeeter-ur asterisk has a desktop/GUI?
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14:38.35KattySkeeter-: it's there in case someone needs to reboot the system
14:38.42KattySkeeter-: i don't want them tinkering about the terminal
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14:38.50KattySkeeter-: but i can deal with it
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14:39.35Skeeter-Katty, i dont recommend you GUI on an asterisk server for CPU peaks and less process uses too, but that just me
14:39.38Skeeter-reboot system?
14:40.19Kattylooks like i'm running at rc2
14:40.29Kattyrunlevel2, i mean
14:41.05Skeeter-i dont know what that means
14:41.22Kattyone of the run levels executes the gui
14:41.24p3nguinkatty: Seriously, you're giving someone far too much control by giving them console access.  Use ssh and only give them access to the reboot or shutdown stuff.
14:41.40Kattyp3nguin: i'm not giving them any console acess, that's the point.
14:41.40[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Hire a system admin.  One who will also make sure you're not running FreePBX like yuo do
14:41.48p3nguinkatty: You just said you were.
14:41.56Kattyp3nguin: the gui is there simply for them to click Actions and restart
14:42.10p3nguinkatty: The physical box is the console.  You're giving them console access.
14:43.04p3nguinAnd runlevel 2 in Debian has squat to do with Xorg running.
14:43.22p3nguin2-5 should all be exactly the same.
14:43.56p3nguinXorg runs because of gdm being told to start as a service.
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14:44.36patrb'ello 'ello
14:44.38Kattyp3nguin: how would you recommend keeping gdm from running then?
14:44.56devoidp3nguin: delete /etc/init.d/rc2.d/Sxxgdm (or something like that)
14:45.31p3nguinI would use whatever tool debian wants me to use, such as the update-rc.d thing or dkpg-reconfigure.
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14:46.25Kattyhi wcselby
14:46.31p3nguinI also wouldn't have a monitor or a keyboard on the server, since that only facilitates console logins (which should never be allowed).
14:47.06p3nguinAs a matter of fact, gdm and xorg shouldn't even be installed at all.
14:47.39wcselbyconsole logons are sometimes the only that can save you if you have issues with network connectivity
14:47.56wcselbybut hey, I jumped into the middle of a conversation here
14:47.57p3nguinAnd that's when you grab a monitor and keyboard and go to the SECURED server room.
14:47.59wcselbyso ignore me :)
14:48.09Kattyk, i found the debian services manager, and unchecked gdm (=
14:48.10wcselbyi was about to say, I'd have them all in a secure server room
14:48.27wcselbythat only authorized people had access to
14:48.32Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, whats your point?
14:48.56KattySkeeter-: i'll see what happens.
14:49.02p3nguinskeeter-: It seemed more like a suggested command rather than a point.
14:49.09KattySkeeter-: hopefully with gdm not running, that silly network manager thing will not be an issue
14:49.28Skeeter-p3nguin, then im sorry
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14:49.34Skeeter-i didnt mean it
14:49.39p3nguinNetwork Mangler is one of the first thing that normally gets removed.
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14:51.31[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: Point is its loaded up with AGI's and other monitoring processes that bog down your capacity.  Then again I don't recall you stating any goals you are looking to acheive.
14:52.25Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, are you referin to Katty's problem if not what are you refering to?
14:53.42[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: You want to test capacity.  I'm listing things working against yours
14:54.00Kattykatty has no problems
14:54.02Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, oh that, i gave up, thanks for you time tho
14:54.21Skeeter-Katty, Issue*?
14:54.23Kattyi'm very healthy!
14:54.33KattySkeeter-: that's just an inconvience
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14:55.02KattySkeeter-: a problem would be breaking a leg
14:55.17KattySkeeter-: gotta take it all in stride
14:55.41*** join/#asterisk McBoingbo (
14:56.14McBoingboGuys, how can I add (if I can) multiple extensions to this line "exten => 1,1,Goto(hrsg-extensions,228,1)"?
14:56.42McBoingboexten => 1,1,Goto(hrsg-extensions,SIP/262&SIP/238,1)?
14:57.40[TK]D-FenderMcBoingbo: You can't Goto a DEVICE
14:57.48[TK]D-FendermcgGoto = jump to EXTENSION
14:57.52p3nguinHe thinks phones are extensions.
14:58.01McBoingboyou know what I mean
14:58.05p3nguinDo we?
14:58.13Kobazyou know what he means
14:58.21p3nguinWe really only know what you show us or tell us.
14:58.26[TK]D-FenderMcBoingbo: Goto = jump to line in dialplan.  Not "make these devices ring.  That would be a DIAL
14:58.35Kobazjust explain that extensions are bits of dialplan, and devices are phones... and quit pretending :P
15:00.39Kattywhat's the name of the voicemail module
15:01.07McBoingboso with GOTO, you can not send to multiple extensions then?
15:01.32p3nguinI usually just run "module show like voice" to find it.
15:01.33[TK]D-FenderMcBoingbo: You jump to AN extension. SIP/262 is NOT an extension.
15:01.35KobazMcBoingbo: sending a call to multiple devices requires Dial()
15:01.53p3nguinmcboingbo: With Goto, you can only Go To another extension.
15:02.06p3nguinmcboingbo: Phones are NOT extensions.
15:02.19p3nguinmcboingbo: You cannot Goto() phone devices.
15:02.24McBoingboso unless I made an extension that dialed several DEVICES :P, I need to use dial
15:02.29Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: in the regular world, 262 on your desk would be an extension... in the asterisk world... an extension is a bit of code in extensions.conf telling the system how to handle when someone dials a number
15:02.33p3nguinmcboingbo: exactly
15:03.03[TK]D-Fender[11:02]<McBoingbo>so unless I made an extension that dialed several DEVICES :P, I need to use dial <- hmmm...
15:03.09[TK]D-Fender[10:58]<[TK]D-Fender>McBoingbo: Goto = jump to line in dialplan. Not "make these devices ring. That would be a DIAL
15:03.11Kobazwill dial three phones
15:03.16McBoingboCan you mix parameters like GOTO on priority 1 and Dial on priority 2?
15:03.21p3nguinkobaz: My phone can be reached by pressing in extension 262... that does not make my phone extension 262.
15:03.27Kobazp3nguin: sure it does
15:03.33p3nguinno, it doesn't.
15:03.42Kobazp3nguin: to anyone who isn't a phone guru... that makes perfect sense
15:03.47[TK]D-FenderMcBoingbo: Priority 2 won't get executed... you are GOTO-ing AWAY from it
15:03.58p3nguinkobaz: That's just how people rationalize it.
15:04.05p3nguinkobaz: They see it logically rather than literally.
15:04.25McBoingbois that the same case for Dial for the first line then a goto next?
15:04.27Kobazp3nguin: sure in an avaya system i can set up exten 2000 to ring 20 phones
15:04.28Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, do you give any asterisk training?
15:04.33Kobazbut the rest of the world doesn't think like that
15:04.34p3nguinkobaz: They think, "Oh, I call 262 to ring that phone, so that phone must be extension 262," but they are wrong.
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15:05.06[TK]D-FenderSkeeter-: I don't have a formal class, but have consulted for specific training.
15:05.16Kobazpeople see 262 on their desk... they are sitting at extension 262
15:05.20Kobazno ifs ands or butts
15:05.27Kobaz(to the lay person)
15:05.30Skeeter-[TK]D-Fender, ok, contact infos?
15:05.35jkroonok ... this is a weird one, setting up span 4 of my quad pri in net mode and looping it back to one of the cpe ports I can't make any calls over that.
15:05.38p3nguinkobaz: You're trying to rationalize it just like other people do.
15:06.08jkroonhowever, just moving the exact same config to a different port (and obviously adjusting the numbers accordingly) it works sweet.  patlooptest isn't picking up any problems either.
15:06.11McBoingboso when setting up a menu system for your frontend (reception, etc) GOTO is ideal because it GOTO's-away, but if I used DIAL for the menu choices, does that create an issue?
15:06.30Kobazp3nguin: i'm giving you the perfectly good reason why you should accept that people think of extensions the way they do... and it'll make it less frusterating for people asking questions
15:06.54p3nguinkobaz: If my phone is found internally by SIP/0011-fe32-6ab1, that's the phones ID... not any of the other ways the phone can be rang.
15:07.12Kobazi'm not arguing over how it works
15:07.19McBoingboladies, ladies
15:07.23McBoingboIm over it
15:07.40Kobazi'm saying if you guys quit saying "huh? extension?".... and instead just explain what the difference is
15:07.47p3nguinIf 262 causes it to ring, that doesn't make the phone extension 262 -- it means there is an exten 262 that rings my device.
15:07.51Kobazit will be easier on everyone, and it will make us look less arrogant
15:08.12p3nguinFrom the IVR, 2 also rings my device.  That doesn't make my phone into extension 2.
15:08.16Kobazp3nguin: I KNOW THIS
15:08.22p3nguinokay then
15:08.29Kobazp3nguin: i'm saying that people who aren't phone gurus... do not know this
15:08.41p3nguinStop trying to justify the words of those who don't know and should be learning.
15:08.51p3nguinIf they need to learn it, teach them.
15:08.53Kobazi'm not justifying anything, you're the one who said that
15:09.00Kobazmy only point was
15:09.00McBoingbooh my god, I will never call 238 an extension EVER again
15:09.05Kobazbe easy on the new people :P
15:09.31McBoingboI was about to hang myself with my shoelaces p3nguin, and thats on your sarcastic ass
15:09.51NaikrovekMcBoingbo: you're not the only person that feels that way.  many have /ignore'd him
15:10.11p3nguinMy feelings are DEEPLY hurt.
15:10.19Naikroveksuuure they are
15:10.26Naikrovekyou relish it
15:10.32Kobazit's like... you guys get offended when someone calls sip/123 an extension
15:10.35Kattyyes he does.
15:10.37Kobazwho just started using asterisk a week ago
15:10.38wcselbyMcBoingbo - that's not really how IVRs work
15:10.44McBoingbohey p3nguin, go fly...errr ohhh sorry p3nguins cant fly.... /BOOT
15:11.00Kattybut i think anyone around here is looking for any reason to go off on someone
15:11.05Kattysomething in the air i say
15:11.06KobazKatty: hehe
15:11.16wcselbyyou setup a menu that accepts DTMF, then create new extensions in your extensions.conf in the same context that have actions based on the number entered
15:11.17p3nguinI'd rather let them know that phones are not extensions.
15:11.21Kobazi vote for a happier atmosphere
15:11.27Kattyi second the motion
15:11.31Kobazp3nguin: yeah, exactly...
15:11.48McBoingbook so back to my original question, if I change GOTO to dial for both my menu choice priorities 1 and 2 will it get borked?
15:11.49bmoraca_workoh for the love of god, not this bullshit again
15:12.01Kattybmoraca_work: welcome to #asterisk!
15:12.03Kattybmoraca_work: ;P
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15:12.20KobazMcBoingbo: menu option 1... Dial(foo)   menu option 2... dial(Bar)
15:12.20bmoraca_workthere's a place for pedants.  IT is not one of them.
15:12.40Katty3 System(eject!)
15:12.56McBoingboKobaz: thanks, I was concerned that GOTO properly moves away from the context and DIAL didnt, might not make much sense, but want to be safe
15:12.59KobazMcBoingbo: keep in mind... asterisk can only process one line of dialplan at a time... so if you're dial()ing... it's not doing *anything* else, until it's finished dial()ing
15:13.00KattySkeeter-: so far so good
15:13.22Skeeter-Katty, nice
15:13.24KobazMcBoingbo: well... one like of dialplan at a time... per call
15:13.33KobazMcBoingbo: you can be running multiple calls at the same time etc
15:13.40KattySkeeter-: this calls for tea
15:13.57p3nguinYou can certainly Dial() more than one device at a time, though.
15:14.04wcselbyMcBoingbo - i'll try to show you a snippet of an IVR / menu / whatever you want to call it
15:14.19p3nguinYou just can't Goto() more than one extension at a time.
15:14.19McBoingboI just thought menu choices are typically better to use GOTO, if it is then I will create an extension that points to 2 devices, then GOTO it
15:14.32KobazMcBoingbo: sooo. in conclusion... if on line 1, you goto... and then on line 2 you dial... well.. that dial wont get hit, since your doing your goto first
15:14.55Kobazmake extension 2000, or whatever... and then it dials sip/123 and sip/124
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15:14.59McBoingboits a menu system, I dont want anymore choices, once a choice is made, go away
15:15.17McBoingboyeah prolly the best way to go, keeps it generic too
15:15.48p3nguinThen [sales] has exten => steve,1,Dial(SIP/steve,30)
15:16.14p3nguinDialplan logic isn't too difficult.
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15:17.22guaxHi folks. Got a simple scenario but have a problem with assisted xfers. My notebook as server, asterisk 1.4.29. Three users, 2 ip phones 1 sofphone. In any association when A calls B and B xfer to C. C answers the call the call ends and B goes back to A, clean log, no hangup. Asterisk just sends a BYE. Its a local network completely isolated.
15:17.40guaxfirst i tought a nat related but disabled nat for everyone and nothing
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15:19.49wcselbyguax - please provide us with console output and a sip debug (assuming these are sip phones)
15:22.31l2trace99is there away to see the pri signalling w/ dahdi ?
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15:23.24l2trace99or at least to see the channels in use ?
15:23.46leifmadsenguax: try 1.4.30 as a bunch of transfer issues have been resolved recently
15:24.57guaxleifmadsen, ok.
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15:31.12guaxdownloading on a dead slow conection =/
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15:37.39tzafrirl2trace99, what do you mean? see where?
15:38.25l2trace99in the cli
15:39.01l2trace99or even in dahdi_tools
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15:40.24jkroontzafrir, dahdi 2.2.1 - same problem.
15:41.17tzafrirl2trace99, you can check the signalling of spans
15:41.42tzafrirthe signalling of channels would show "PRI" or something similar, IIRC
15:41.54tzafrir(in 'dahdi show channel NN')
15:42.01tzafrirwhat do you need it for?
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15:44.26l2trace99dahdi show channel [channel #] doesn't show any thing different from a channel inuse and a channel not in use
15:44.44l2trace99unless I am missing something
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15:49.25michael-iHi everyone. I'm having trouble getting transfers working on my analog phone. When I use threewaycalling=yes and transfer=yes in chan_dahdi.conf, pressing the flash key initiates a three way call. I just want transfers to work so I removed threewaycalling and now it no longer reacts to the flash key.
15:50.08michael-iI hear a tone (not dtmf) but nothing happens. Nothing is logged by asterisk either. (using
15:52.02guaxleifmadsen, its solved, thank you
15:52.10leifmadsenthanks for testing :)
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15:54.35guaxleifmadsen, it solved my other problem with xfers as well. im officially happy now.
15:54.41leifmadsenw00t :)
15:55.35guaxthat make me a CDR away of perfection, aeuhuhe, will keep developing my awesome AMI listener of doom
15:57.26kombihas 1.6.2 changed in terms of variables in the dialplan? I use _XXX to tell internal calls from outside calls but that doesn't seem to work in my newly installed 1.6.2
15:58.39guaxkombi, be more specific, you mean _XXX are not matching with your internals?
15:59.00bmoraca_workis t38 support markedly superior in vs.
16:01.17*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (~CunningPi@
16:01.22kombiquax: our internals are one or two digits, so everything longer than that goes out. Now, when one dials outside the first digit is used to call an inside phone instead.
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16:02.47guaxkombi, dialplan on pastebin please
16:03.08kombiquax: coming up quax;)
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16:08.22guaxkombi, first of all, your code is a mess =P
16:08.30kombiquax: thanks..;)
16:09.02kombioutgoing calls are dealt with in lines 30 and 31...
16:09.29*** join/#asterisk BCS-Satori (
16:09.50guaxok, dialplan reload and asterisk log please
16:09.57BCS-SatoriI just wanted to check if "limitonpeers" still a valid command in sip.conf for Asterisk
16:10.02E-bolathey arent if what ur saying is true
16:12.05AeroCloudFrom asterisk Dialplan & bridged call, is it possible to execute a command while on the call to disconnect ONLY the callee, not the original channel?
16:12.25leifmadsenBCS-Satori: look at the sip.conf.sample for 1.6.2
16:14.07BCS-Satorileifmadsen: I searched the file didnt see any record of that command
16:14.09infobotrumour has it, answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
16:14.12kombiquax: hmm, I run tail -f on /var/log/asterisk/messages but absolutely nothing appears when I try to dial out
16:14.18ManxPower-workBCS-Satori, no, it is not.  read the UPGRADE*.txt files.
16:14.28leifmadsenBCS-Satori: then it has likely been removed -- check UPGRADE.txt and CHANGES
16:15.05kombiquax: as does core set verbose 1000 show anything siginificant..
16:15.12guaxis guax
16:15.17AeroCloudSlugs_ I dont know about oh323... but you can get the original DID by using ${EXTEN}, you might want to set a variable
16:15.19guaxquax will not highlight me
16:16.02guaxleave the rasterisk open, run the test, and paste the result
16:16.02kombiguax: I can't get any good output, neither from messages nor from cli...
16:16.15guaxand do a dialplan show
16:16.41guaxa dialplan show will show who the priorities where interpreted by asterisk
16:16.53guaxhow the pr...*
16:17.03Slugs_AeroCloud, DID is what the outside caller dialed?
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16:17.36AeroCloudfor example you send them to [incoming-did] context.. first line might be..
16:18.08AeroCloudthen later you can grab it in other contexts
16:18.36*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (~chris@
16:19.09AeroCloudthe __ before the variable name, makes it global on that channel, and is passed to any future channels opened by that channel
16:19.42Slugs_AeroCloud, awesome ill try that
16:19.50AeroCloudnp, goodluck :)
16:20.02BCS-SatoriManxPower-work: Thanks; it has been renamed to "counteronpeer"
16:20.16guaxkombi, can you make a test call and paste the cli log?
16:20.23guaxa core set verbose 3 should do it
16:21.06Slugs_AeroCloud, whats DNIDDigits?
16:21.06kombiguax:  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 <- is all I get in CLI...
16:22.52AeroCloudI have no idea
16:23.11AeroCloudbut I get the incoming number like you need in my dialplan
16:23.14guaxare you with core set verbose 3
16:23.26guaxare this phone really using that asterisk? =P
16:23.57AeroCloudI store it in a mysql database, so I know where a person called and if a specific DID is the issue
16:24.03kombiguax: but the dialplan show thing was good, must I maybe now simply put the _XXX. before everything else in priority? I would wonder how to do that though, dialplan does not seem to be parsed in a procedural way.. | yes, core set verbose 3 (was 10000). Phones absolutely use that very *, just had a few incoming calls that display nicely..
16:24.29Slugs_ok ty
16:25.11Naikrovekoh yeah
16:25.27NaikrovekAeroCloud: you're the one with the ginormous asterisk system
16:25.30guaxkombi, incoming and outgoing calls are the same thing for asterisk if you got no log on the call something is wrong, not on dialplan, its a sip phone? show its sip configuration?
16:25.44AeroCloudyeah tons of servers load balanced
16:27.08AeroCloudI need to be able to disconnect the called party and remain on the line and continue dialplan.. anyone know a way the H inside Dial() disconnects both parties
16:27.25kombiguax: -- bear in mind that all this worked fine in 1.6.1 only hours ago... (weired, isn't it..)
16:27.58AeroCloud<- using 1.6.2
16:29.16*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
16:30.06leifmadsenAeroCloud: Bridge() ?
16:30.19AeroCloudbridge it to a bad channel?
16:31.23leifmadsenI think you bridge to an application
16:31.28leifmadsenor a location in the dialplan
16:31.32leifmadsencould be Hangup() I guess
16:31.41AeroCloud1 minute, got a phone call
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16:32.13leifmadsenI'm just throwing out a random idea. I haven't spent a lot of time thinking about the problem since I'm working on other things
16:33.04ManxPower-workAeroCloud, Sounds to me like you don't have a priority after the dial, or your screwed up your features.conf
16:34.26guaxkombi, then i dunno
16:34.50Naikrovekhe wants to disconnect a call, keeping the originating caller on the line, disconnecting the called party
16:35.26kombiguax: maybe you can show me how you tell outgoing from internal calls?
16:35.37leifmadsenAeroCloud: with 'H' you can't use 'g' because the calling party was hung up, which is where the dialplan execution is happening
16:36.04guaxkombi, i have a special agi of awesomeness that makes the request process and all the management of incoming and outgoins via routing table
16:36.05leifmadsenAeroCloud: so once the calling party is hung up, there is nothing to continue on in the dialplan. The far end wasn't executing anything in the dialplan.
16:36.30kombiguax: awesomeness.. i like that..,)
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16:36.32guaxits not internacionalized
16:36.36guaxso you will suffer
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16:36.44guaxits an on going project
16:36.48kombiguax: as i always do...;)
16:37.12guaxkombi, but anyways it was made for 1.
16:37.31kombiguax: quite liked my approach with the pattern though, nice and simple..
16:37.35p4nthersorry if this is an obvious question but I've looked and haven't found anything out there ...
16:37.45leifmadsenAeroCloud: it really seems like you need to use 'g' with Dial() along with a blind transfer type of feature that transfers the called party to Hangup()
16:37.48guaxp4nther, the truth is out there
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16:38.02p4ntheris no longer valid ?
16:38.06kombiguax: I'll deve into voip-info for an hour then, thanks guax!
16:38.18guaxthen you have time
16:38.32ariel_hello folks
16:39.10p4nther@guax ... :-)
16:39.14megalomanohi people , one question , how to assign a number for mi asterisk box ( PSTN )
16:39.36devoidmegalomano: Get a landline number?
16:40.17ariel_I have an issue with call-limit=1 in asterisk,  for sip.  I need to limit the amount of calls to a sip phone is there any other way to do this or a simple dial plan for counting calls up on the sip phone?
16:40.23*** join/#asterisk fofware (~chatzilla@
16:40.29guaxp4nther, SETI's been looking for years for something out there and nothing. You cant blame yourself.
16:40.43Mhaddoghello... I need some help...
16:40.50p4nther@guax ... lol
16:40.53leifmadsenariel_: GROUP() and GROUP_COUNT() ?
16:41.00megalomano<devoid>: i.e ... 5514540099 is the number to my asterisk box
16:41.31p4ntherconary has been timing out since FEB ... not sure if it's on my end or not .... asteriskNOW 1.4.18 ...
16:41.31megalomano<devoid>:local dialing
16:41.56MhaddogMy server had a bad shutdown and now asterisk does not recognizes the sangoma cards... at startup I got a loading ec image oct6116-64s.ima... and centos gets stuck in there...
16:42.14MhaddogI have reinstalled dahdi and wanpipe (sangoma drivers)... any ideas?
16:45.20*** join/#asterisk voipmonk (
16:46.36ariel_leifmadsen: any sample on how to use it?
16:46.50leifmadsencheck google, but it should just be:
16:48.19leifmadsenyou'll have to enable it on both terminating and originating sides of the dialplan
16:48.29leifmadseni.e. when you call the peer, and when the peer places a call
16:49.28ariel_ok let me see how to get that working on a dial plan.  Just seems a really nutty way to only allow one call at a time to a phone.
16:50.30hardwirethat probably needs fixed
16:51.04Slugs_morning hardwire
16:51.14hardwireariel_: I have that argument as well, however it's better to handle things like that from the dialplan than it is from the channel driver
16:51.18hardwiremodularity and all!
16:51.24hardwiregod bless local channels
16:52.22*** join/#asterisk VEc (~Vector@
16:52.29AeroCloudleifmadsen: so your saying blind transfer to say extension 1, and its Hangup()
16:52.50leifmadsenAeroCloud: possibly something like that could work -- not sure if you can automate that blind transfer with a single key or not
16:52.54AeroCloudI will give that a try, but I think that hung me up before
16:53.13leifmadsenAeroCloud: ya... you could potentially do a Bridge() perhaps on the OTHER channel, and bridge it to the Hangup() application
16:53.26VEcWhats everyone favourite T1/E1 -> SIP GWs ? I am looking for something with greater than 4 E1s per GW ?
16:53.42AeroCloudthis is my current blind transfer
16:53.43AeroCloud;Transfer Extensions
16:53.44AeroCloudexten => 1,1,Bridge("HANGUP_NOW!!${RAND(1,999999)}")
16:53.44AeroCloudexten => 1,n,Wait(4)
16:53.44AeroCloudexten => 1,n,Goto(${DIALEXT},1)
16:53.49AeroCloudbut it does not hangup the callee
16:54.15AeroCloudit does send the main caller back with the goto()
16:54.26AeroCloudbut leaves the callee idle there
16:54.30leifmadsenBridge() doesn't let you specify which channel to run it on? Thought it did.
16:54.40*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
16:54.46AeroCloudbridge does..
16:54.52AeroCloudI send them to a bad channel
16:54.58AeroCloudso asterisk should disconnect them
16:55.09AeroCloudbut it doesnt
16:55.14leifmadsennot sure... I'd have to play around with it on a test system to know any more than what I'm saying now :)
16:55.22leifmadsennever done that before
16:55.26AeroCloudI have been messin with this for awhile
16:55.36AeroCloudthe H inside dial works if done within 2 second of answer
16:55.43AeroCloudonce after 2 seconds.. it hangs up both
16:56.02leifmadsenprobably because the calls have been bridged in the core
16:56.26AeroCloudI have thought about storing the callee sipcallid
16:56.27Kattyhmm. network card is still shutting it self off :<
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16:56.45AeroCloudand then issuing a hangup on that channel via manager
16:56.52AeroCloudbut doesnt work right
16:57.44AeroCloudit sounds like such a simple thing to do, there should be a cmd to do that
16:59.02Kattyhas anyone ever heard of a situation where after a system goes idle, the network card turns itself off? I thought perhaps at Skeeter's suggestion it had something to do with gdm, so i've disabled gdm. Unfortunately it's still happening, regardless of whether it's the integrated card or the pci card i stuck in there.
16:59.41AeroCloudKatty, sorry never heard of that issue before
16:59.50AeroCloudmaybe there is a motherboard issue with power
17:00.09p4ntherdon't mean to interrupt but does anyone else still run the older AsteriskNOW and get the '' timeout ?
17:01.26Qwellp4nther: nobody sane
17:01.38QwellYou should very seriously consider upgrading
17:01.46spenguin[work]Katty: turns itself off .. does the interface show up with ifconfig?
17:02.12Kattyspenguin[work]: yes, ifconfig shows it. but i can't ping it or ping from it.
17:02.18Kattyspenguin[work]: an ifup then ifdown sorts it out
17:02.21[TK]D-Fenderp4nther: The old one = dead
17:02.25p4nther@Qwell, true ... I was letting the conary thing do the updating until it stopped
17:02.29Kattyspenguin[work]: sadly, i can't really do that in the middle of a production server all the time :/
17:02.44spenguin[work]Katty: what network card is it
17:03.01spenguin[work]lspci | grep -i ethernet
17:04.11p4ntherThanks guys ... just the answer I suspected ... I was presuming it was on my end cuz there was nothing mentioned in the forums anywhere ...
17:04.49Kattyspenguin[work]: should the output really take this long?
17:06.42p4ntherTK-D-Fender & Qwell ... thanks again ... would you suggest switchvox or stay with AsteriskNOW ?
17:07.15Qwellp4nther: If you're willing to pay for switchvox, definitely go with that.  I've never used the free version, so can't comment.
17:07.22*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
17:08.00spenguin[work]Katty: or lspci and look in there for ethernet
17:08.02p4ntherIt's no prob's building from scatch, 15+ years doing Unix Sys Admin (Solaris speciality...) but am quite lazy !!!
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17:09.09p4ntherQwell --- ooops, perhaps I should read things first !! didn't realize it was a pay thing !!! Free = me !!!!
17:09.32Qwellp4nther: well, like I said - there is a free edition, but I've never used it
17:10.50Kattyspenguin[work]: i added a ping -i 300 myrouter command to rc.local
17:11.10Kattyspenguin[work]: if it's really shut it down because of being idle, that should at least prove or disprove it
17:11.32spenguin[work]hrm, yeah but never heard of a ethernet card going off to sleep before
17:11.44Kattyme either
17:13.06p3nguinDoes ethtool say anything useful about it?
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17:17.56Kattynothing useful in dmesg
17:17.59Kattyp3nguin: i'll get it
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17:18.38Kattysupports wake on: g, wake on: d
17:18.43Kattynot sure what that really means.
17:18.56Kattybut i just noticed my resolf.conf was overwritten by network manager
17:19.01p3nguing is magic packet, d is disabling it
17:19.40p3nguinShould have removed network mangler already.
17:20.02Kattywell it's certainly gone now
17:20.08Kattyi don't appreciate Managers overwriting my conf files
17:20.31p3nguinIt's really bad about doing things people don't want it to do.
17:20.47p3nguinEven more so when using wifi stuff, it seems.
17:20.49Kattywe'll see if that has any affect on it.
17:21.16p3nguinNetwork Manager does like to suspend network interfaces.
17:21.25*** part/#asterisk l2trace99 (~jr@
17:21.37Kattyi'll suspend IT in a minute
17:21.41Kattywell, you know
17:21.56p3nguinhammer and chisel?
17:22.37*** part/#asterisk McBoingbo (
17:24.10p4ntheronce again, thanks guys ... and I'm off ... I'll check back once I've got the lastest AsteriskNOW installed ... I like it cuz it's simple ... it uses the 'rpath' appliance method of Linux underneath lessening the admin and maintenance time
17:25.39Qwellp4nther: New versions of AsteriskNOW no longer use rPath as a base.
17:25.49QwellThey use CentOS, which should provide much more timely (and easier..) updates.
17:25.55p3nguinOh no, now he's going to hate on it.
17:26.18*** join/#asterisk hluesea (~hulusikah@
17:26.19p4nthernot at all, CentOS makes it even easier !!!
17:27.29Kattydear polycom, please boot faster.
17:28.59spenguin[work]8:37  Katty: supports wake on: g, wake on: d
17:29.06spenguin[work]thats for wake on lan
17:29.38spenguin[work]Id suspect the card being faulty for acting up
17:29.40elred_Katty : i used to talk INTO a phone, not TO a phone
17:29.42p3nguinWith Cisco phones, they are constantly checking the tftpd for the files.  If the files aren't there, it takes a LOT longer for the phones to boot; when the files are present, phones boot quickly (usually under 1 minute).  Could similar things be going on with your Polycoms?
17:30.54Kattyspenguin[work]: i would too, except it happens with both the integrated and the other pci network card i put in there
17:31.01p3nguinIf the NIC goes wonky again, I would check to see if ethtool shows any errors or other helpful info while the NIC is in the messed up state.
17:31.13Kattyp3nguin: i'll check that for sure
17:31.21*** join/#asterisk FabiOne (~fabi@
17:31.34p3nguinMeanwhile, it's lunch time!
17:31.36FabiOnehi all
17:31.39Kattyp3nguin: i'm just impatient
17:31.58FabiOnei've a little problem on my dialplan
17:32.33AeroCloudleifmadsen: the blind transfer to Hangup worked
17:32.54AeroCloudthank you
17:33.23FabiOnehow to drop a unanswered call?
17:33.46hardwireis autofallthrough=no in your dialplan?
17:34.24FabiOnei use freepbx fronten
17:34.36AeroCloudwrong channel here then
17:34.43hardwirebefore you get flamed out of the channel
17:34.47hardwireyou should check with them first
17:34.52FabiOneok, i'm sorry
17:35.21AeroCloudwhen you do a transfer, does a variable get sent or saved.. like transferstatus ?
17:36.03Kattyalright. time to let this box go idle
17:40.31[TK]D-FenderAeroCloud: Only on blind transfers, not attended
17:46.05guaxthis is worth a 2l coke
17:46.29AeroCloudTK, I got it, thanx
17:46.52guaxwhen you need this kind of information do a ChanDump()
17:47.09guaxit will tell you every variable available at that point on dialplan execution
17:47.35AeroCloudjust hate to do that on production servers lol
17:48.33*** join/#asterisk GreyFoxx (
17:48.37guaxproduction servers are the best testing servers. aways have real case scenarios. aeuheauhe
17:48.42AeroCloudthanx for the info guax
17:49.12AeroCloudnow I just gotta figure out how not to execute the h, on the blind transfered channel
17:49.27AeroCloudsince its within the same context..
17:49.52c0rnoTagoodbye all
17:49.58GreyFoxxAnyone here a "heavy" user of the Asterisk Manager interface ?  I've implemented several things in our network to use the manager to gather data but one of the guys in charge of the box fears that too many calls to the manager could make asterisk unstable
17:50.20GreyFoxxAnd I'm looking to find out if people are using some sort of proxies to minimize connections or if his fears Are just unrealistic
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17:50.26AeroCloudI do 100's of calls to the manager every few minutes
17:50.32AeroCloudservers are stable for over a month now
17:50.34GreyFoxxdirectly to the manager?
17:50.49ariel_hardwire: sorry for a late reply. But I got called out to a customer.  I have a macro that I made for call counts already.  Just was trying not to use a macro for this gateway we are putting up.
17:51.03guaxi usually do hundreds of requests per second
17:51.09GreyFoxxThe majority of our network is running 1.4.x  but we have one box running 1.2.x and maybe he had a bad experience with it
17:51.19AeroCloudI'm using 1.6
17:51.26AeroCloudso not sure about 1.2 or 1.4
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17:51.50GreyFoxxguax: Directly to the manager? What version of asterisk ?
17:52.43AeroCloudguax: you know how hard ChanDump() would be to read with 200 concurrent calls on production server lol
17:53.00AeroCloudhard enough finding what I'm doing sometimes
17:53.07guaxAeroCloud, thats why we have full log with grep
17:53.14AeroCloudgood idea
17:53.22ManxPower-work1.2 had such bad problems with manager connections that someone actually wrote a proxy
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17:54.18GreyFoxxManx: Yeah. And I think that is why he is worried.  He found even the copy of astmanproxy he used was crashy :)
17:56.00guaxi saw some lock problems with manager once, but never tryed again neither remember what do to test it =P
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17:56.23MiccThe current manager stuff has to be good. Digium sells a lot of features that use it in their asterisk appliances.
17:57.04MiccNot necessary sound logic, but it may have some merrit.
17:57.30hardwireariel_: gotcha
17:58.18guaxMicc, my switchvox test shows some cdr inconsistencies. Not sure that means something =P
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18:01.58batphonei have a customer asking me questions about sip privacy headers
18:02.24batphoneim running a wholesale carrier switch and they register phones to some other box that connects to another switch, which then connects to me
18:02.42batphonethey are saying that MY switch needs to be recognizing the *67 dial code and procesing it
18:02.47batphonechanging up the caller id, etc
18:02.51batphonerather than their asterisk box
18:02.54batphoneis this true?
18:04.26*** join/#asterisk V4mpire (~Gary@
18:04.30batphonewe reject calls that dont begin with a 1 anyway
18:04.31Naikrovekif the downstream provider doesn't allow people to block outgoing callerid then maybe it's up to you
18:04.45V4mpireHi does anyone know anywhere for free UK geographical DID's to forward to a sip account ?
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18:05.26batphonebeing a class 4 switching provider i dont think its my responsibility to employ feature sets on my gear
18:05.49batphoneso if upstream's upstream class 5 isnt doing it, i dont see how i can help
18:07.48Naikrovekwe should be asking you this question, not vice versa
18:08.15guax8100388 cdr entries leave selects quite slow =P
18:08.40florz... then you are doing something wrong ...
18:08.56dinesh___so far i didn't find any free sip number provider to work properly ( or, numbers are not reliable, sometimes cannot be called, etc
18:10.13dinesh___well sometimes, actually it's more most of the time
18:13.43dinesh___hmm i think i'll try to add skype as an inbound number to my asterisk server
18:13.55dinesh___i heard that there was a module to handle skype's protocol
18:14.58dinesh___erf it has to be bought :(
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18:18.01highvoltzso I have a remote phone over vpn thats going to voice mail when you call it. The phone can call out no problem and it shows registered at the phone, but its not showing a subscription on the server. what might be the problem?
18:18.31highvoltzDND is off
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18:18.44V4mpiredinesh___ is this any use to u
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18:19.57sbrathso is it possible that chan_sip can deadlock, and not prevent calls in general from comeing in, just prevent SIP endpoints from being able to register?
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18:20.49batphoneNaikrovek: class 4 and class 5 services are completely different. they can be looked at almost like the OSI in networking. class 4 services are plain, wholesale traffic swtiching which might correspond to layer 2 or 3 in the networking world.
18:21.19sbrathI guess I need to brush up on dumping core when it happens next, as currently when this occurs their is nothing in the logs to signal the problem. sip show peers looks ok... It's wierd.
18:21.20batphoneNaikrovek: class 5 on the other hand is things like voicemail, call forwarding, find me/follow me, call queus, etc. and would be more analogous to the application layer of networking.
18:21.45batphoneNaikrovek: in telecom there is a distinct difference between the two and a clear line dividing the contracts held between parties along these numbers.
18:22.24batphoneNaikrovek: i was just wondering if anyone in here really expected someone like the local telco or SIP provider to pass your *67 code to the remote CO for processing.
18:23.26batphonei am just not aware of any inherent functionality in the SIP protocol itself to cause a class 4 switch to modify the caller ID based on the dialed number without some outside agreement stating that this functionality will be worked into the product.
18:27.24*** join/#asterisk knarfly (~vlad@
18:28.06knarflyit's been a while since I configured a dial plan, what's the latest incarnation for
18:28.06knarflyexten => s,1,Wait,20  ; Wait 20 seconds
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18:28.35slacker775anyone try sip trunks from  we need sip outbound termination that just works and other providers we have tried so far like to go to crap when we need to make important calls
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18:29.01Kattywell i just tried calling the new asterisk box
18:29.03Kattyafter letting it idle
18:29.05Kattyit worked.
18:29.08knarflyslacker775: I used them before and it worked well, they ar kind of expensive
18:29.22slacker775yeah, the $$ is my biggest issue w/ them really
18:29.33Miccbatphone, your provider should have a way to handle *67 with a sip header, but it doesn't get passed on to the CO.
18:29.53Kattyit's been sitting idle for about 40 minutes
18:29.58knarflystill $30/month is not that bad, but you can get less expensive service
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18:31.07Miccbatphone, you might have to process the *67, strip it out and add the sip header before dialing out your provider.
18:31.32Miccbatphone, some might do that for you.
18:31.41slacker775yeah, i'd like to pay less, especialyl since our usage fluctuates a lot, # active lines and minutes/mo
18:32.12knarflywhere is the latest TFOT book
18:32.20Miccslacker775, where are you located?
18:32.30slacker775we've been using vitelity & voicepulse to-date and they can work great at times, but then sometimes echo, noise, or all circuits busy
18:32.40dinesh___oh localphone looks great, anyone tried it already ?
18:32.43slacker775we're in tampa here but call out all over the US & canada
18:33.04dinesh___their DIDs are cheap, 0.75 euros/month and are geographical ones
18:33.23Miccslacker775, we are in Seattle. We use vitelity for long distance, I know what you mean. its not always 100%.
18:33.44slacker775yeah, and it CAN work great for periods of time and it's costing us almost nothing
18:33.50Miccslacker775, we have a local provider for all local calls. And that is 100%
18:33.56batphoneMicc: being an intermediary i would think this sort of functionality would be up to the endpoints
18:34.10slacker775unfortunately, 90% of our calls are LD
18:34.13batphoneMicc: you wouldnt want your ISPs core routers doing deep packet inspection on your Youtube videos
18:34.21batphoneMicc: inserting ads, etc
18:34.46batphoneMicc: you want your ISPs core routers to find the best path to for your traffic to route.
18:35.31Miccbatphone, your right, but some ITSPs will do features like that for you so you don't have to impliment them yourself.
18:35.43Miccbatphone, but for the most part, your right, its up to the end points.
18:35.52batphoneMicc: in which case you would be purchasing class 5 services
18:36.47Miccslacker775, we are looking for a better long distance provider too. A local one if possible. I don't think its vitelity's fault. It seems to be problems on the public internet most of the time.
18:37.40Miccslacker775, if you find a good cheap provider, let me know. The only thing I can find thats 100% would cost about 5 times as much.
18:38.36slacker775voicepulse seemed pretty good when i first set them up a month or so ago, but lately i get nothign but all circuits busy....   yes we've paid the bill! lol
18:39.32Miccbatphone, in your example, that would be correct. But I don't think most ITSPs classify themselves that way.
18:40.05Miccslacker775, I haven't tried voicepulse, but I have heard stories, not good oens.
18:40.08newsmafiai have the same problem with Voicepluse...lots of intecept. I've used teliax. they are pretty solid.
18:40.37Miccslacker775, vitelity is pretty good, we rarely have a problem with them.
18:41.03Miccslacker775, its usually a problem with the internet. Although some of their defaults might limit your calling internationally.
18:41.32slacker775yeah, we can usually deal w/ canada but canadians can't call our vitelity 800 #'s and such...
18:41.34Miccslacker775, they have you turn it on first, then they have a rate limit that it will reject if your call is going to be more than 20 cents a minute.
18:42.09Miccslacker775, thats also an option I think. It should work from canda, but it'll cost more and vitelity has to enable that for you manually I think.
18:42.11slacker775oh yeah? didn't know that..
18:42.29slacker775yeah, i did enable at least basic intl calling...
18:42.54slacker775i wouldn't mind falling back to vitelity or whatnot if other 'premium' outbound lines are used up... aint workign w/ trixbox so far it seems tho
18:43.02slacker775cfg issues on my end i'm sure
18:43.16Miccslacker775, vitelity is pretty good about responding to open trouble tickets. I've opened probably 50 or so and they all get taken care of pretty quickly. Usually they make an adjustment to my account and fix the problem.
18:44.13Miccslacker775, yeah, we fail over to vitelity for all calls.
18:44.18slacker775i probably need to bug them more often when i'm havign issues...
18:44.29slacker775any particular trick for failing over to a 2nd/3rd provider?
18:44.38Micceven local calls, sometimes theres a local routing problem.
18:45.06Miccslacker775, just add more Dial's in the dial plan.
18:45.31slacker775jeez (on trixbox 2.6) just noticed the trunk sequence part on outbound routes
18:45.41Miccslacker775, I check the dialstatus, but you can just dial them without checking it too.
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18:46.42Miccslacker775, good dialplans take constant grooming, kind of like good hair.
18:47.00Miccat least thats been my experience.
18:47.01slacker775yeah, no kidding... that's why i keep my hair short!
18:47.28MiccI am always looking for ways to improve my dialplan to make it more fail safe and user friendly.
18:48.30MiccI watch logs and sometimes the console and when I see stuff happen that I don't like, I get to work on fixing it. Weird stuff happens that you don't think about the first time through.
18:48.52Micctrixbox probably has a good starting dialplan though.
18:48.55slacker775especially if you have diff providers for different intl calls and all of that fun
18:49.09slacker775i'm on a pretty std, basic dialplan, especially since i only have the one out really
18:49.32ManxPower-worktrixbox talk?  ta ta
18:49.34*** part/#asterisk ManxPower-work (
18:50.30Miccopinions and veiwpoints on trixbox are not necessary the view of this channel or the asterisk community.
18:51.14MiccI don't use trixbox, so I don't know much about it.
18:51.47Kattyeveryone sure has been cranky lately
18:52.22MiccWell, I have to get going. I was suppose to leave a while ago. I've got customers to go see and tweak some adapter settings.
18:52.43spenguin[work]im going home
18:53.01Kattyninite penguin
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18:54.21highvoltzso I have a remote phone over vpn thats going to voice mail when you call it. The phone can call out no problem and it shows registered at the phone, but its not showing a subscription on the server. what might be the problem? DND is off
18:54.26*** join/#asterisk bmoraca (bmoraca@
18:55.14bmoracaso I've got an E&M wink trunk here that's immediately hanging up on some (not all) calls.  that's likely a timers issue between me and the telco, right?
18:55.24Kattyhi bmoraca
18:55.26bmoracawishes this customer really had a PRI like they said they did
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18:59.21bmoracai don't need to worry about E&M types with dahdi, do I?  i don't recall finding anywhere to configure types 1-4
19:01.50knarflylike I said, it's been a while, the caller called my providers number, the call came through to my SIP phone inside my LAN. I could hear the caller but they could not hear me.
19:02.28beekhugs Katty
19:02.35Kattyhi beekers
19:02.37Kattyhugs beek
19:02.47beekHow are you today Katty?   Is the crittercam fired up?
19:03.00Kattyno crittercam is off. it's all raining and gross outside today
19:03.26beekDamn... we have the same.  I was hoping for a nice sunshine and wildlife video feed.
19:04.06Kattyyeah, sorry :<
19:04.49*** join/#asterisk romb_work (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
19:05.13knarflywow, I can't recall what the fix for this was...I can here the callers but they can't hear me!
19:05.57Kattythat usually have to do with natting and rtp ports
19:06.03Kattyinfobot: nat?
19:06.04infobotrumour has it, nat is Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
19:06.07Kattyhrm no
19:06.10Kattyinfobot: sip nat?
19:06.14Kattyinfobot: nat sip?
19:06.18Kattyinfobot: natsip?
19:06.26infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
19:06.30Kattythere we go
19:07.39Kattymy workstation is Ticking
19:07.43Kattynot like hard drive ticking
19:07.47p3nguinIT'S A BOMB!
19:07.48Kattyit's like...clock ticking
19:07.50KattyIT"S A BOMB
19:08.14bmoracap3nguin's been watching too much Live Free Die Hard
19:08.17Kattyprobably because i'm installing this piece of software
19:08.31p3nguinBomb software?
19:08.56p3nguinHow To Turn Your Workstation Into A Bomb v3.6
19:09.28Kattyrequires 2 cellphones, or a garage door opener and reciever
19:09.59Kattyi'm actually installing quickbooks
19:11.02chuckfthat's just the timer counting down to when the license on quickbooks will expire
19:11.26chuckfit'll quiet down soon
19:11.32Kattyi doubt that
19:11.34Kattymister smart tail
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19:11.48Kattyhi fifer
19:13.40fiferWhen I last worked extensively with * a 2.4ghz pentium or even celeron would easily handel 1-2 PRI's and 60 phones, even quite a bit more. I'm setting up a new system with * 1.6.0 and the indicated load but I'm having issues with the machine I now have it in.
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19:14.34fiferIt is a Pentium 4 2.8ghz but I have another dell box that has either a P42.4ghz or a celeron (bios says P4, dell config info (from service tag) says Celeron)
19:14.48fiferShould this box still very easily handle this load?
19:15.19fiferIt might actually be a single PRI and 10-20 chanells of sip trunking
19:15.40Naikrovekfifer: yeah
19:15.44Naikrovekshould be more than fine
19:15.48fiferIn reality the load would not likely rize above using halfe that even once a month
19:16.02Naikrovekbut P4s *suck* in comparison to a modern intel proc
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19:16.06fiferThat is what I thought, just wanted to pose the question
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19:16.25p3nguinWhat if the moderm processor is a P4?
19:16.38fiferI'm well aware! We are actually only starting out with 4 pstn lines, by the time we have everyone on board we can likely buy a new machine to replace this one
19:16.41fiferjust can't now
19:16.43Naikrovekwell the p4 arch is quite old now
19:16.45maximCHanyone here use SfA? ever since I upgraded to I have trouble
19:17.01Kattycome on quickbooks! come on! you can DO EET
19:17.08Kattystares at installation progress bar
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19:17.14p3nguinWhen did they stop making the P4?  I know it started a LONG time ago.
19:17.25fiferI'm having motherboard chipset issues with my a1200p and the existing machine
19:17.53Qwellfifer: Call your manufacturer.
19:17.58fiferI even have a new machine I could use if I had to but it will not accept a full length card
19:18.35Kattycall Qwell
19:18.39Kattyi would.
19:18.45Kattyrings Qwell
19:18.52fifer@Qwell: You have said that multiple times, and I'm sure your point is that you know I CAN't. I would love to have bought a digium card but it was not an option.
19:19.03Qwellfifer: Why can't you?
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19:19.24fiferThe ONLY way I was going to get them on * was to keep the cost bellow a certain amount. I simply can not afford even an 8 port DIgium card right now.
19:19.26fiferNot my money
19:20.02Kattymoney's tight everywhere, all over the country, right now
19:20.12p3nguinWhy does that prevent you from calling the manufacturer of that card?
19:20.15fiferI won't go into details, just not an option, and I know most are not running into this issue, I just have the bad luck to have a motehrboard that conflicts
19:20.20QwellYou've probably spent more money trying to fix the problem than buying non-crap hardware.
19:20.27*** part/#asterisk newsmafia (
19:20.29Kattyperhaps he got it off craigslist :P
19:20.46p3nguinThe mfgr should still support it.
19:20.55Kattywatches the polycom bootrom update breat the quickbooks install
19:21.10Kattyinfobot: breat?
19:21.28Kattywhile both are verbs...
19:21.32Kattyi don't really think this applies
19:22.14p3nguinHope it's the phone and not your hard drive.
19:22.18fiferI'm dealing with Openvox via the net, but there in Beijing so I have not had the ability to call them yet due to the time diference. I plan on trying tonight
19:22.25Kattyp3nguin: nothing's wrong with my phone
19:22.30Kattyp3nguin: just updated the bootrom
19:22.45Kattyp3nguin: now that the dtmf is definately not phone related
19:23.32Qwellfifer: there's nothing anybody in here can do to help you with a hardware problem...
19:23.47Kattyfifer: i can offer a hug.
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19:24.41fifer@Qwell: Sure there is, I have helped myself. Often it is not at all for sure that it is a hardware problem. Informed/expert troubleshooting can often provide a solution without changing hardware. I'm just running out of things to try
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19:25.18fiferI have already reduced the issue by a factor, but it is still there ( audible clicking once every 30-120 sec)
19:25.53fiferI'm just trying to do the best I can with the situation and I do apreciate the help I have already recieved here during the past week.
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19:26.34Kattyi sure these polycoms had a fun lil icon for when their httpd is up
19:26.44Naikrovekaudible click once every 30-120s?  I get 120 clicks per second.
19:26.46fiferKatty: Thanks! :-)
19:27.04NaikrovekKatty: it comes up when the main phone ui comes up for me
19:27.28KattyNaikrovek: takes mine a couple minutes
19:27.38Naikrovekdiff't model than me
19:27.46Kattyprobably. these are older
19:27.59Naikroveki'm 100% 3[32][01]
19:28.11Naikrovek320, 321, 330, 331
19:28.18Kattythis particular one sitting on my desk is a 501 i believe
19:28.21Kattybut it could be a 500
19:36.14*** join/#asterisk nightrid3r (
19:36.21EladI am looking at setting up an asterisk server and was hoping to have some questions answered. Are these systems cost efficient for an office of 10 or less people? Seems like you need to get a T1 to provide the ability for multiple calls to take place at once. Or am I misinformed?
19:37.08seanbrightwhen you have multiple people join a MeetMe
19:37.12AeroCloudeach call uses a certain amount of bandwidth based on the codecs you are using
19:37.23AeroCloudyou just need to have internet to support that amount of bandwidth
19:37.27seanbrightactually, nevermind.
19:37.31AeroCloudyou can use SIP termination
19:37.58[TK]D-FenderElad: Cost effective compared to what?  * can use the same kinds of connectivity as any other system.  * doe not make such connectivity CHEAPER.  * just makes the PBX core & control YOURS
19:38.35AeroCloudseanbright: you answered yourself?
19:38.45[TK]D-FenderElad: Want to use a T1?  Sure.  What to use an ITSP?  Sure.  Want to use analog POTS lines?  Sure.
19:38.53seanbrightAeroCloud: yes
19:38.57*** join/#asterisk pawz (
19:38.59Elad[TK]D-Fender, we currently use Packet8, and we are looking at adding on 8 new users, so I am trying to figure out which method will be cheaper for phones. Pay $30/per month/per user or switch to something like Asterisk
19:39.11AeroCloudwe used a Business Cable connection at one of my past work places
19:39.16[TK]D-FenderElad: Wire-line connection require an appropriate piece of interface hardware of course
19:39.18AeroCloudcheaper than T1 for sure
19:40.08[TK]D-FenderElad: What does that $30/mo actually give you?  See they probably bundle support for a certain number of phoens & lines , plus LD, etc al together making it harder to evaluate the value they offer you
19:42.56KobazElad: how many users do you have already? 8 users at 30 bucks a month is $240, which is about the price of a t1
19:43.04KobazElad: and you'll get much better call quality
19:43.10NaikrovekElad: i have a T1 carrying voice and data, and about 80 phones.  I pay for the data T1, I paid $1500 for the server, and $100/phone.  I have 8 channels (think of them as simultaneous calls in to or out of the building) and I pay $44 each, monthly, with free calls to US, Canada, and parts of Europe
19:43.40AeroCloudDont forget the cost of hosting/managing the server etc
19:44.12Naikrovekwell i host mine in the office and that but yes, he'll need to consider that
19:44.30AeroCloudif you arent a strong server administrator, know *
19:44.42Naikrovekjust had to show his accountant how to use quickbooks.
19:44.43AeroCloudyou might just be better off paying someone else, unless your willing to spend hours learning it
19:44.44[TK]D-FenderPeople please be SPECIFIC baout what your T1 carries.  Is it DATA, or VOICE.  You can get 8 channels over DSL easily enough
19:44.58[TK]D-FenderT1 Voice requires an interface card.  Data does not.
19:45.14AeroCloudif you use SIP phones, you can do DSL or multiple DSL's
19:45.21AeroCloudlower your cost
19:45.25Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: data t1 still requires hardware to interface... via either card or gateway
19:45.52bmoracadata needs a DSU, voice needs a CSU
19:46.04bmoracafractional data also needs a CSU
19:46.05[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Most ISP's will provide you a router, etc... I'm talking about not needed a T1 Voice card for your * server <-
19:46.22EladWe already have a spare server that I was going to put everything on (in the office),  we have a bunch of Packet8 phones (that I am researching to see if they are compatible with Asterisk), and I was looking at different connection methods to determine which card I need to buy. Then I was going to look at overall cost for the different options we are considering
19:46.42Kobazpacket8 is just sip
19:46.56AeroCloudasterisk supports SIP, and SIP is cheapest
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19:47.35AeroCloudyou will need to find SIP termination and buy enough channels to support your maximum concurrent users
19:49.31Eladsorry, I am not finding a lot of information on google, is SIP Termination a service I pay for that will allow some company to route phone numbers to my IP where the Asterisk machine would catch them, and then distribute to the phones in my office?
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19:50.46NaikrovekElad: yes.
19:50.54NaikrovekElad: companies that do that are called ITSPs
19:50.55wcselbyElad - look for ITSP's or VoIP providers.  A lot of them use the term "Sip Trunk", even though that's really a misnomer
19:50.56NaikrovekI think..
19:51.07wcselbyNaikrovek - yeah it's an ITSP
19:51.14wcselbyinternet telephony service provider
19:51.16wcselbyor something like that
19:51.45wcselbyanyone in here use
19:51.48AeroCloudeach channel you purchase allows that many concurrent calls
19:52.17AeroCloudsome providers sell flat unlimited rates for us/canada, others cheap monthly and per minute rates
19:52.40Naikrovekand you can have as many internal calls as your server can handle, it's the outgoing and incoming calls that count against that channel number.
19:52.42AeroCloudyou will have to figure out what works best for your company
19:53.16AeroCloudNaikrovek: thanx for clarifying what could be confusion
19:53.49AeroCloudif you have 16 phones, doesnt mean you need 16 channels
19:53.57AeroCloudyou might be good with 4 or 5
19:54.05Naikroveki remember one dude coming in here getting confused by it then swearing off of voip forever
19:54.21Naikroveki don't think he'll stick to that but i felt it needed clarification
19:54.31EladAeroCloud, so you are saying if the most people that will be on the phone at once is 5 out of the 10, then I only need 5 channels?
19:54.40NaikrovekElad: yes
19:54.48NaikrovekElad: i have 80 phones, but only 8 channels
19:54.53EladI should clarify, 5 outbound/inbound calls at once
19:55.05AeroCloudoutbound ^
19:55.07Naikrovekevery phone in the place could call another phone in the office and not use a single channel
19:55.14Eladgot it
19:55.15AeroCloudinbound is limited by your DID providers channels
19:55.20Naikrovekbut only 8 people can call home at once
19:55.29wcselbyNaikrovek - you ever setup international digitmaps for polycoms?
19:55.38Naikrovekwcselby: yeah
19:55.46EladI appreciate you guys answering my questions, I was kind of confused by everything and wasn't sure where to start
19:55.55Naikrovekwcselby: but i shortcut them, i don't account for every possible digit length
19:56.01AeroCloud* can be cheaper, but it takes more management time
19:56.02wcselbythat's what I need
19:56.07wcselbycould you share a snippet?
19:56.11AeroCloudonce you get it setup its easy :)
19:56.16Naikrovekwcselby: stand by
19:56.30EladI am sure we will just use a "vanilla" install for a while
19:56.40AeroCloudit doesnt quite work that way
19:56.55AeroCloudunless your using a GUI, then we cant support that in this channel
19:57.04KattySkeeter-: so far the network card hasn't idled out
19:57.12Naikrovekwcselby: lol what i have won't help you.  hehe i'm so stupid.  011xxx.T
19:57.13KattySkeeter-: i ended up completely apt-get removing the networkmanager thing
19:57.18Skeeter-Katty, good to hear
19:57.18AeroCloudyou will have to learn about dialplans and build a dialplan that works for your company
19:57.20KattySkeeter-: just disabling gdm didn't do much
19:57.23Naikrovekwcselby: i guessed i shortened that up a while ago
19:57.38KattySkeeter-: we're about to slide the server in tonight at 5PM...about 2 hours
19:57.39p3nguinelad: Termination is for calling out of your system to the PSTN; origination is when calls from from the PSTN through your ITSP to you.
19:57.40wcselbyNaikrovek - yeah that's what we have, but my user isn't able to enter anything other than 011+ plus the country code before the dialplan tries to dial it
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19:57.49KattySkeeter-: the real test will be tonight (=
19:57.59p3nguinelad: And you don't have to use SIP, you can easily use IAX2.
19:58.05Skeeter-Katty, keep me up to date
19:58.22Naikrovekwcselby: really.  the . should allow you eo enter any number of digits as long as you don't wait T seconds between digits
19:58.23cuscowhat test Katty ?
19:58.39cuscoany number > 1
19:58.41Kattycusco: just updating our production server
19:58.52wcselbyNaikrovek - where is T defined, that's probably my error
19:59.11cuscoKatty: from what to what?
19:59.13Naikrovekwcselby: T defaults to 3 but you can override it
19:59.15AeroCloud_X. matches anything
19:59.35Kattycusco: 1.4.somethingsomething to 1.6.2
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19:59.55cuscomanny cli commands have changed meanwhle
19:59.59cuscoand functions
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20:00.02cuscoslight changes...
20:00.11Kattynot many
20:00.14cuscolike CALLERID(number) is now CALLERID(num)
20:00.19rocksfrowanybody have customer service headset suggestions? (good noise cancel, good voice quality, comfortable)
20:00.19Kattyand the ones that have changed are plastered all over 1.4 cli
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20:00.42Kattyjust little stuff like stop now is now core stop now
20:00.50AeroCloudcucso didnt CALLERID(num) work in 1.4 also
20:01.14cuscoAeroCloud: maybe, I don't know. All I know is that it is deprecated in 1.6.2 and no longer works
20:01.24Kattycusco: my backup script has changed slightly
20:01.30Kattycusco: due to directory names
20:01.53cuscoKatty: I guess you will have to know about changes you did not predict once you move on to 1.6 :P
20:02.02cuscomaybe you got them all!
20:02.10p3nguinrocksfrow: monaural or binaural?
20:02.22cuscojust yesterday I found out soft hangup no longer works
20:02.32rocksfrowwell, i was thinking binaural..what do you prefer?
20:02.34Kattyyeah it's another command
20:02.36Naikrovekrocksfrow: i use my xbox360 headset from time to time, but not noise cancelling
20:02.39rocksfrowi'm thinking binaural will have better noise cancel
20:02.40cuscochannel request hangup
20:03.06p3nguinrocksfrow: Plantronics H251N for mono, H261N for bi.
20:03.20rocksfrowyeah, the h261N is what i was looking at actually
20:04.08cuscoand out last update was more than a week ago
20:04.11p3nguinrocksfrow: Good choice.  I personally use an H251 (mono, voice tube (not noise cancelling)), and I've been wanting to upgrade to the H261N.
20:04.18cuscoso I might find ou that there other stuff not working :p
20:04.47*** join/#asterisk norrec (
20:05.07rocksfrowp3nguin, what do you think of the polycom 550's ?
20:05.31p3nguinrocksfrow: My only reserve is spending the $65 or $70 on a headset when I already have a working one.  I don't use Polycoms.
20:05.50rocksfrowp3nguin, right..makes sense..what phones do you use?
20:05.54[TK]D-FenderIP 550 = waste
20:06.03p3nguinrocksfrow: I use Cisco 7900 series.
20:06.11rocksfrowoh realllly
20:06.13[TK]D-FenderA bastart inbetween product that doesn't fit in the lineup in a debate between cisco and polycom
20:06.32rocksfrowjust can't wait to get off these damned grandstreams!
20:06.39[TK]D-FenderIP 335/450 sit in the mid-rage, IP 650 on the high.  No place for the 550
20:06.43rocksfrowp3nguin, could you pursuade me one way or the other?
20:06.48sbrathrocksfrow: I used good quality, they sent me headsets to try free of charge, and 30 days to evaluate.
20:06.54p3nguinrocksfrow: Depending on your ties with Cisco, you might prefer Polycom.
20:06.55socainAny idea why I can't arrow through on-hold calls with a new Polycom IP650 (SIP 3.2.2)?
20:07.01Qwell~cisco licensing
20:07.02norrecrocksfrow, ugh, i'm trying to get off grandstreams myself
20:07.04sbrathand nothing over 50$ most were like 39$
20:07.06Qwellstupid bot
20:07.06KingDavidNYCcan anyone please help me with a question I have about queues?
20:07.16cusco~stupid bot
20:07.17infobotStupid human.
20:07.17rocksfrownorrec, i feel for you..
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20:07.32rocksfrowsbrath, thanks i'll check em out
20:07.49*** join/#asterisk Alagar (~Administr@
20:07.54sbrathrocksfornow: And if your doing grandstream, make sure you DON't use the rj11 jack, get the 2.5mm plugs.
20:08.01norrecrocksfrow, u should take a look at snom, the inital deployment is kind of a bitch but it seems like a good compromise between polycoms and grandstreams
20:08.38rocksfrowsbrath, no, ordering new phones at the same time of the headsets
20:08.46rocksfrowreally leaning towards the polycom phones, and plantronics headsets
20:09.07p3nguinHeadsets I definitely say Plantronics, but the phone choice is going to be up to you.
20:09.11rocksfrowi have 20-30 grandstreams i want to go office space on :-p
20:09.43sbrathrocksfornow: which model grandstreams?
20:11.02rocksfrownice voiplink has bulk discounts1
20:11.44sbrathrocksfornow: also check for phones.
20:12.02*** part/#asterisk Mhaddog (
20:12.29rocksfrowsbrath, ~10 2000's, and a bunch of the budgetone 200s
20:12.52sbrathya, I'm using 2020's and 2010's with good luck.   For now..
20:13.04rocksfrowsbrath, no freezing?
20:13.10sbrathwhat are the 2000's doing for you?
20:13.12rocksfrowyou're using PoE?
20:13.19rocksfrowsbrath, freezing..
20:13.20sbrathI'm not using PoE.
20:13.26rocksfrowsbrath, ah..
20:13.34rocksfrowwell, the 200's aren't on PoE, and still randomly freeze
20:13.35sbrathHow do they freeze? How can I tell
20:13.39rocksfrowunplug/plug back in and they come back up fine
20:13.49rocksfrowsbrath, the phones will go inactive in the FOP panel
20:14.23rocksfrowother than that I haven't had major major problems..
20:14.41sbrathI've had a few occurances of asterisk not being able to deliver a SIP call, and every phone say's it's trying to register, but I'm thinking that's a asterisk issue since if I restart asterisk the phones come back on-line.
20:14.52rocksfrowfortunately most people in the office don't use their phones, i'm replacing all phones that are used a lot
20:14.54rocksfrow(customer service)
20:15.14sbrathFOP, so you're using FreePBX or a distro?
20:15.21rocksfrowsbrath, yeah..the issue i have is total can see the clock on the LED screen frozen
20:15.36sbrathwhat firmware are you running?
20:15.41rocksfrowsbrath, asterisknow/freepbx
20:15.59rocksfrowsbrath, i haven't flashed them
20:16.03rocksfrow(i know)
20:16.08infobotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
20:16.17rocksfrowi just love that
20:16.55sbrathI wish I had the budget for Polycoms, but my Merlin converts like the "Keysystem" like phones with all the lights...
20:17.02*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
20:17.10rocksfrowsbrath, i'm also attracted to the ftp provisioning for the polycom phones
20:17.15rocksfrowwould be quite convienient
20:17.29nightrid3ri'm looking for sip/iax phones that don't need to get firmware from a server,
20:17.40sbrathFor the grandstreams I'm using gsutil, which is a perl script that will find all the phones and update their configs ;)
20:17.50rocksfrownightrid3r, i dont think my grandstreams do
20:17.59rocksfrowsbrath, oh? interesting..
20:18.19rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, which polycoms do you suggest then?
20:18.19sbrathalmost all phones now have the firmware local, except Cisco which are a PITA to setup :)
20:18.30*** part/#asterisk GreyFoxx (
20:18.32p3nguinCisco phones are simple to set up.
20:18.52sbrathok, if you have a contract with cisco and the software, then yes ..
20:18.59socainAny Polycom users know how to configure the phone where you press *X, then press speed dial contact, and it sennds the *X and the speed dial number to the PBX? Right now it just wipes out the previous input and dials the extension...
20:19.01p3nguinIf you think they are difficult, I believe that you have never done it.
20:19.25[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: 321/331/335/450/650 depending
20:19.49Naikrovekrocksfrow: i use polycom and i love them.  i have 320s, 321s, and 330s.  they're inexpensive, excellent, and my users seem to like them, except one old guy who thinks the bell style handset can't be beat
20:19.49[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: Actually... I probably wouldn't suggest 331... the 335 might be a better option in that bracket
20:19.53rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, so you like a 3-line phone vs a 4-line?
20:20.02Naikrovekyeah 335 is good
20:20.05[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: # of lines almost never matters
20:20.14Naikrovek335s can handle up to 8 calls i think
20:20.14sbrathI've setup a Cisco 7960....
20:20.19[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: Every polycom can handle at least 4 calls anyway
20:20.23rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, yeah..i was going to say i only use one line on my 4-line grandstreams
20:20.28rocksfrowbut who knows what i'd want to do
20:20.31rocksfrowi plan on using separate lines
20:20.31p3nguinsbrath: Then you know it's a breeze.
20:20.32sbrathAnd I use it at home now, but I had to setup a tftp server, configure a XML file, ...
20:20.36rocksfrowfor separate calling queues, perhaps
20:20.40*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
20:20.54p3nguinI think it's a lot less bother than Polycoms.
20:21.16[TK]D-Fendersocain: Polycom speed-dials will not do in-call DTMF.  its always new call/target for Polycom feature
20:21.28knarflyI'm running asterisk- on FreeBSD...I used to run ztdummy in order to use the meetme functions but now it is dahdi that is required???
20:21.32sbrathI agree the polycoms are a headache in setting up all the XML files for dialplans and such for the phone, but once it's configured they are nice.
20:21.41[TK]D-Fenderrocksfrow: I manipulate CID to indicate queue calls
20:21.59rocksfrow[TK]D-Fender, right.
20:21.59Naikroveksbrath: i have a set of scripts that i'll share with anyone - makes it easy
20:22.01knarflysbrath: stay the heck away from Grandstream too...I got burned big time on these
20:22.07*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
20:22.10rocksfrowknarfly, hehe..can you elaborate?
20:22.50Naikroveki had grandstream.  they would echo and not hang up when you put the headset down, one of them never rang.
20:23.03Naikrovekthey are now in a landfill
20:23.03knarflyrocksfrow: I bought three phones from GS...a BudgetTone 200 and two GXP2000
20:23.18knarflythe BT200 is the only one out of the three that works now.
20:23.26rocksfrowknarfly, funny..
20:23.29rocksfrowi have a bunch of 200's too
20:23.32rocksfrowand some 2000's
20:23.36[TK]D-Fendercehckout time, later all
20:23.37sbrathrocksfornow: I also manipulate CIDNAME to indicate call queues, since the phones can handle 30 characters for CIDNAME, and the phone company only really provides about 15 characers..
20:23.39rocksfrowthe 200's randomly freeze up on me
20:24.08knarflyI used the GXP2000 for a short time, then apparently they did a firmware update and both of them went south within hours of each other...and the vendor said I was SOL
20:24.28rocksfrowheh, nice
20:24.53knarflyyes, nice to throw $100 into the garbage cans
20:25.01knarflymake that $180
20:25.02sbrathput them on ebay :)
20:25.08p3nguinsbrath: My problem with that is that I could manipulate the CID/name immediately before sticking the call into a queue, but then while the caller is waiting (s)he can dial an extension to reach someone directly.  It would be confusing.
20:25.15knarflyno, I wouldn't do anything like that
20:26.03knarflyso does anyone know how to run meetme without a timing device?
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20:26.31p3nguinI suppose I could throw in another context where the CID change would get undone when the caller pops out of the queue.
20:26.41sbrathp3nguin: you mean that others would be confused as to why the callerid(name) had "CS" or something prepended ?
20:27.04sbrathok, what you just said, that's what I do :)
20:27.08p3nguinsbrath: That was my thought, but I think I could work around it with another context to strop those back off.
20:27.18p3nguinstrip, rather
20:27.27sbrathstrop is better :)
20:27.38p3nguinStrop tease!
20:28.07seanbrightanyone have any first hand experience with this beast:
20:28.08sbrathI think it's nice to see that the call I'm getting was actually originally desin for CustomerService, I know how to answer then.
20:28.10p3nguinNow I have dialplan changes to design.
20:28.48p3nguinsbrath: Absolutely.
20:29.25hardwirepriority jumping (large offsets) is getting me into a lot of trouble lately
20:29.36wcselbyanyone have any contacts with AT&T sip sales?
20:29.49hardwirewcselby: I do.. shoot me your email
20:30.32p3nguinsbrath: I hate simply saying, "This is Rob. May I help you?"  It would be much better to be able to say, "Support, this is Rob. May I help you?" if I knew they were looking for support rather than having a problem with a bill.
20:31.30*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
20:31.31p3nguinOf course if there were no problems with billing ever, that could also be useful.  :/
20:32.04sbrathI have my caller-id macro do a mysql dip to lookup the CID and find the customer# and customer type, and prepend it to the callerid-name, I was also messing with the callerid-number but that pissed of the Transfer stuff, and nobody could transfer those calls :)
20:32.57sbrathI also have that macro check calls to direct lines, and if a known person is calling, it steals their call and sends it to a IVR, even if they dialed me directly because they did a Call-Back :)
20:33.57*** part/#asterisk simcop2387 (~simcop238@p3m/member/simcop2387)
20:34.15rocksfrowdoes anybody else think the 335's are ugly? lol
20:35.23wcselbyi do
20:35.33wcselbyi haven't liked the look of any of the sub 500 polycom phones
20:35.39wcselbybut I'm biased I guess :)
20:35.53p3nguinGreat.  A power outage.
20:35.56Naikroveki like the 335s
20:36.09Naikrovekbut yes the higher end ones look better
20:36.41hardwireit's nice being able to have exten,5000(name),dostuff included into the current context
20:36.48hardwirebut there's a lot of room for overlap
20:37.57*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@
20:40.57rocksfrowi dono these 550s i like better
20:41.30rocksfrowall of these are 2 calls per line
20:41.36rocksfrowdo you guys know of any phones that can do more?
20:41.47sbrathrocksfrow: grandstream :)
20:41.49sbrathHe He
20:41.55rocksfrowsbrath, i know!! lol
20:41.58ariel_2 calls per line?
20:42.01sbrathWhy would you need more than 2 calls anyway?
20:42.47rocksfrowsbrath, ..i guess i won't/wouldn't
20:42.50sbrathI guess 2 inbound calls, one on hold, and then doing an attended transfer.
20:42.51ariel_with asterisk, there is always conference
20:43.21rocksfrowim leaning towards these 550s
20:43.24rocksfroweven though i know its a waste
20:43.30rocksfrowbut they're so much nicer looking, heh
20:44.26Skeeter-POLYCOM FTW
20:44.34Skeeter-sry for da caps
20:44.50Qwellrocksfrow: Free The Whales
20:45.01Skeeter-flick the world or for the win
20:45.05Naikrovekrocksfrow: my Polycom 321 can do 4 calls per line key
20:45.13Naikrovekfor a total of 8.  the phone cost $80
20:45.31Skeeter-Naikrovek, refurb/stolen?
20:45.35rocksfrowNaikrovek, • Up to 2 lines with up to 2 calls per line
20:45.42Naikroveknot stolen or refurb
20:46.01Skeeter-rocksfrow, play with the .cfg files
20:46.05Naikrovekrocksfrow: come over here and watch as this phone does 8 calls simultaneously
20:46.11Skeeter-my 550 takes 6 lines per key
20:46.51Skeeter-Naikrovek, Nice.
20:47.00Naikroveki buy all my phones from these guys
20:47.02Naikrovekthey're good
20:47.30Naikrovekand the phones are very capable indeed
20:47.35wcselbyNaikrovek - are those backlit?
20:47.37Naikroveknot had a single problem with them that i didn't cause
20:47.41Naikrovekwcselby: no, but the 335s are
20:47.53wcselbyi'd like a backlit phone for my office at home
20:47.59wcselbyi've got a 7941
20:48.02wcselbyat home
20:48.07wcselbyit doesn't have the backlit
20:48.14wcselbyhave to go to 7945 I think for that
20:48.19wcselbymakes the price go ^^^^
20:48.46wcselbyjust as you like the polycoms, I like the ciscos
20:48.52Naikrovekpicture on that site doesn't show it but the 335 supports G722, Siren7 and Siren14
20:48.59wcselbyalthough, qwell yells at me about the cisco licensing
20:49.24Naikroveksupposed to have a call manager license even if you don't use call manager
20:49.31Qwellwcselby: Because I respect copyright.
20:49.40Naikrovekwhich i think is BS but if that's their license, then that's their license
20:50.14Naikrovekgotta follow it or you're vulnerable legally
20:51.13*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
20:51.15sbrathis anyone using yet? I'm on and thinking to upgrade.
20:51.33Naikroveksbrath: is there something on that you need
20:51.51ariel_wow, I am still on
20:52.15sbrathis faxdetect=yes also on ?
20:52.34hardwireI'm using
20:52.41hardwireand faxdetect should be in
20:52.58wcselbyi think i'm on still
20:53.41ariel_hardwire: in 1.6 for single calls to sip device call-limit works but only if you setup the sip as peer.
20:53.43sbrathI've been running since it came out with no issues, then just starting 2 days ago, it started locking all the sip endpoints out. I do sip show peers and they are all there, but no phones can register, I restart asterisk and all the phones are back online.
20:54.26sbrathseems to happen about once a day, usually at 8am or 6pm, so just as I'm waking up, or walking out ... :(
20:54.54ariel_cron job to restart just prior
20:54.57sbrathwhat's more exciting, is that there are no indications in the logs of an error.
20:55.17sbrathariel_: I'd considered the microsoft approach, but it makes me feel dirty...
20:55.31ariel_I was just kidding
20:55.40sbrathI'd have to slower longer in the morning to make me feel right..
20:56.16sbrathneat :)
20:56.22*** join/#asterisk timeshell_atwork (
20:56.40ariel_I just finished 4 days of testing with people from France (Alcatel) trying to show off there system compared to my Asterisk based Gateways, so I am a bit abrasive today
20:56.40sbrathinfobot is smart ;)
20:57.17sbrathare they hard to deal with, and was asterisk better?
20:57.23hardwireariel_: rough
20:57.38sbrathAlcatel == Lucent right ?
20:57.48hardwirethey are lovers
20:57.51ariel_yes but this is an actual Alcatel PBX
20:58.14hardwireariel_: did they compete well?
20:58.14ariel_they think there smarter then us America's in there words. and that there system can do no wrong...
20:58.46ariel_oh, they left blown away with all we can do via your simple setup in there view.
21:00.10hardwireariel_: yeh.. I like that some PBXs offer absolutely no choice as far as hardware interop
21:00.13hardwiretheir pbx.. their phones
21:00.17ariel_we can trunk easier, we can ring devices on other servers like they are connected to same system. We have a better access to caller ID info and much more
21:00.20hardwireyou'd think they would have the most amazing stuff in the world
21:00.34hardwirebut I like that asterisk allows for interop with anything that likes specs :)
21:01.21ariel_we ended up having to do the pin colleciton on our gateway, and even do the LCR due to there trunks only like sending called number and not name.
21:01.35ariel_there attitude was why we need E1 or trunk to send more.
21:01.49jksMis just distracted by there there
21:02.08hardwireariel_: ew
21:02.20hardwireyuo guys using a custom rate engine?
21:02.33p3nguinIf the stupid power doesn't come back on soon, my UPS batteries are going to be exhausted.
21:02.43sbrathany sugestions on a Fax T38 provider that will take a ported-in number in the US?
21:02.58ariel_but the good part is that we proved to them we can plug into there PBX and not cause any issues to them. So we got a nice Certification from them
21:03.28hardwirep3nguin: this is why I have a farm of hamsters and a large array of hamster wheels
21:03.28ariel_hardwire: radius engine not really custom but works
21:03.40hardwireariel_: how does it handle route selection?
21:03.48p3nguinThe hamsters got flooded out.
21:03.50hardwirewe use a2billing at the moment.. I'm creating my own system.
21:03.52ariel_by account codes
21:03.57p3nguinI figure that's also why the power is off.
21:04.08hardwireariel_: that wouldn't be LCR then right?
21:04.22ariel_the way we use it yes
21:04.31p3nguinI'm down to about 11 minutes left on battery, then the gateway and modem will be offline.  :(
21:04.41hardwirep3nguin: I'll pray for you
21:04.52sbrathwhen you disconnect we know the battery is gone...
21:05.01AeroCloudbackup generator :)
21:05.05ariel_we do mysql look up for the contry code then city then get the account code then route that via our dialing rules
21:05.06p3nguinI don't even know the runtime on the battery for the Asterisk box, but once the gateway is offline, it won't matter anyway.
21:05.37ariel_our mysql has a store policy that updates info via the Radius
21:05.42sbrathwe just had that same thing happen, so I went out and bought some mondo batteries, I can go for 3-4 hours on battery now, and if I shutdown all the dev servers probably more like 6....
21:06.09rocksfrowdoes anybody know any telephonydepot coupon codes? :-p
21:06.10*** join/#asterisk Madoc (
21:06.18seanbrighta2 infotech : problem solved
21:06.24seanbrightis that irony?
21:06.43MadocIs there a an easy way to alter the makefile or something so I can link libsox to my custom app?
21:07.10ariel_if there is a rate change it just gives us the new account code to use and we route on that. Then post our cdr's to the mysql db in i_calls then the store procedure updates the  Radius server.
21:07.17p3nguinI don't know about irony, but it's certainly annoying.
21:07.27AeroCloudI want a new feature: HangupAndGoto(), this will be able to be run via application map, and disconnect the current callee, then goto the context, extension, priority specified.
21:07.32p3nguinIt'll throw the phone number into the failover server which is voicemail only.
21:09.10wcselbyany way to quickly skip to voicemail number 71?
21:09.38nightrid3rp3nguin: go to the parking lot and grab all the car battry's you can find :)
21:09.49p3nguinhaha, good idea!
21:10.31p3nguinI guess if the power doesn't come back on soon, I'll go find something else to do, possibly in the rain.
21:11.03sbrathDo I have access to look up the Email address of a SIP  endpoint to use it to send them their fax?
21:11.19nightrid3rp3nguin: like connect a long power cable to a broom stick and stand on the roof ?
21:11.21sbrathor do I have to configure that lookup outside the voicemail stuff.
21:11.45p3nguinnightrid3r: Unfortunately there is no lightning.  :/
21:11.50*** part/#asterisk Madoc (
21:13.46Guggeis it possible to have Dial play music, and a dialtone at the same time, or do i just have to make my musicfiles sound like they have a dialtone?
21:14.16ariel_wow dial tone and music together, why?
21:14.46knarflyis there anyway to keep Asterisk from reporting that it's mapped to my ITSP every three minutes and clogging the console with unwanted messages about it?
21:14.47bmoraca_workis there any way to have Asterisk monitor packet loss and jitter?
21:15.17Guggeariel_: because music sounds strange, but low music with a dialtone sounds fine :)
21:15.38Guggeknarfly: what messages?
21:16.14knarflyGugge -- ast_get_srv: SRV lookup for '' mapped to host, port 5060
21:16.44knarflythis keeps repeating over and over again...!
21:17.33Guggeenable dnsmgr
21:18.08knarflyGugge: can you explain a little more in detail on how one does this?
21:18.18Guggelook in dnsmgr.conf
21:19.10knarflyGugge: ok thanks got to figure out how to get meetme working?
21:19.47Guggeenable a timer :)
21:20.28knarflyI installed dahdi with this FreeBSD server...I don't know how to do that with zaptel and zaptel does not work with *-1.6.x
21:20.47sbrathzaptel == dahdi
21:20.51Guggedahdi is the new zaptel
21:20.56Guggejust use dahdidummy
21:21.12knarflyah,,, you mean dahdi has a dummy?
21:21.24Guggedahdi is "just" a renamed zaptel
21:21.46Guggeso yes, theres a dahdidummy like there was a ztdummy
21:22.12knarflythen I guess I'm the dummy for now figuring that one out myself  8-)
21:23.23knarflystill getting that annoying dns message even though I've restarted *
21:24.10knarflyGugge: didn't find the dahdidummy.ko file,,,how so I kldload it
21:24.19KattySkeeter-: still no luck
21:24.25KattySkeeter-: however the results of nmap are very interesting
21:24.51KattySkeeter-: i ran nmap locally on itself, 0.12, and it reports about 6 things running. when i nmap from the other server, going TO 0.12, it says only 80 and 5060 are open
21:25.30knarflyGugge: can dahdi be loaded after Asterisk is complete or must it go in ahead of asterisk like zaptel required?
21:25.41KattySkeeter-: the mac address also doesn't match
21:26.01Guggeknarfly: you should only get that dns msg when asterisk makes a dns lookup
21:26.09Guggeand it should cache that for a longer time with dnsmgr
21:26.24Guggei think dahdi needs to be there before you compile asterisk, but i dont know
21:26.40Guggei dont use it :)
21:26.51knarflyGugge: yes, but I guess it's doing it every 300 seconds, so I'll have to reset it....looks like I will have to reinstall * as well...
21:27.22knarflyI  can't recall if I set dahdi to install, I thought I did but I don't find / -name "dahdi*" -print comes up empty
21:28.40KattySkeeter-: if i ifup and down eth0, and run nmap again, all the ports are back ;) i'm guessing one of our toshiba test ip phones is sitting on 0.12 playing with my head all day ;)
21:29.02Kattygiggles at the entire situation
21:29.04knarflyoops, I just found dahdidummy.ko
21:29.38knarflyactually it's dahdi_dummy.ko
21:30.47knarflyGugge: yippee! Meetme works
21:30.59knarflythat was painless
21:31.20knarflyunlike the pinched nerve in my shoulder from typing all day!
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21:32.46knarflyGugge: how do I start dahdi_dummy.ko at boot time?
21:33.04Guggedont know
21:33.08Guggei use freebsd :)
21:34.01knarflyyes, I speak FreeBSD here too....I will dig into this...I used to have enable_zaptel in /etc/rc.conf and ztdummy loaded from the file in /etc/rc.d
21:35.25Guggeyou could just make a script in /usr/local/etc/rc.d that loads it
21:36.09knarflyGugge: the script is already there,,,I will edit it to include dahdi_dummy.ko
21:36.26Guggeahh yes, the dummy module isnt added as default
21:39.33knarflyactually it just needs the tweak to /etc/rc.conf   dahdi_enable="YES" and dahdi_modules="dahdi_dummy.ko"
21:39.49knarflynow to reboot and test it out
21:44.40knarflyGugge: works great
21:47.11Kattyhi p3nguin
21:47.15Kattydo you need a hugeroonie
21:47.19p3nguinAmeren has a huge outage area.
21:47.26Kattymajor bummer.
21:47.30Kattyi hope my house is still okay
21:47.36Kattyis it just the STL area?
21:47.47Kattynot that you would probably know
21:47.51Kattyconsidering you have no power ;)
21:48.02p3nguinSTL area plus a few extenuating areas
21:48.27Kattyone way to find out
21:48.29Kattycalls her house
21:48.31p3nguinWell, I only called the Ameren IP number.
21:48.42Kattyoh, auto attendant. hmm, guess we have power ;)
21:48.53p3nguinI think the other side of the river is on Ameren UE.
21:49.04knarflydo polycom phones suck as bad as Grandstream phones?
21:49.11Kattyknarfly: not at all
21:49.14p3nguinThere's also Ameren CIPS, which I have no clue where they are.
21:49.15Kattyknarfly: polycoms ar eone of the bestest
21:49.43knarflyI need a new 4 line phone to replace the POS phones that GS sold me
21:50.37*** part/#asterisk slacker775 (
21:50.54Kattymost phones these days don't really work  with 'lines'
21:51.08Kattyyou usually have the phone registered as 1 extension, and then the system just gives it the next open line
21:51.45p3nguinWhen I called the number to report/inquire the outage, they have a recording listing all the cities without power rather than having a person actually answering the phone, so I'm expecting several hours without power.
21:51.47Kattyi'm using a polycom 500 or a 501, don't recall, and it has enough for 3 different registerations
21:52.04Kattyi guess i could setup my dialplan to make each one be a different 'line'
21:52.06p3nguinAnd phones cannot "register as extensions"
21:52.07Kattybut that seems pretty silly
21:52.31p3nguinPhones can certainly register, but that doesn't magically make it an extension.
21:52.38Kattyknarfly: your best bet is to call telephonydepot, and tell them you need a phone that will support x concurrent calls at a time
21:53.02Kattyknarfly: they have a very wide variety of phones...i tend to prefer polycoms..
21:53.13Kattyknarfly: they will no doubt share their best sellers with you
21:53.16Slugs_im not grapsing 'context' fully.  Is it true that the 'context' only has to show up in the configuration of the channel, ex. sip.conf and the dialplan.  So if i had a context called 'asdf' it would have to appear in sip.conf as context=asdf and extension.conf as [asdf] and underneath that have exten => 1000,1,Dial(SIP/{$EXTEN})  ?
21:53.44KattySlugs_: first you tell your phone what context it's supposed to be in, in sip.conf
21:53.50KattySlugs_: then you pickup the phone and it goes OKAY I GO HERE
21:53.51p3nguinslugs_: The dialplan context starts with the square-bracketed letters/numbers.
21:53.57KattySlugs_: then it starts at [OKAY I GO HERE]
21:54.03KattySlugs_: and whatever you punch it, it matches
21:54.39p3nguinThe peer/device/phone context simply says where to send the call.
21:54.41p3nguinnothing more.
21:54.50KattySlugs_: so if your phone is set to be [from-internal] in your sip.conf, and you pick up your phone and dial 911... it will go directly to [from-internal] in extensions.conf and look for an entry (or a matching pattern) for 911
21:55.08KattySlugs_: well more like context=from-internal in sip.conf, but you get the idea
21:55.24p3nguinOn an incoming call from the ITSP, the context for the ITSP's peer is where the call is sent (as long as the call is correctly matching that peer definition).
21:55.43KattySlugs_: p3nguin's right, same thing happens in zaptel.conf or chan_dahdi.conf
21:55.49Slugs_yes definitily ty both so much
21:55.54KattySlugs_: you assign your channels, or lines, or whatever to a group, and you give the group a context
21:56.10wcselbytime to head out i think
21:56.11KattySlugs_: so when you get an incoming call, it goes directly to [from-pstn] or whatever in extensions.conf and looks for something to do
21:56.19p3nguinIf there is no match in the context, it will then check in any included contexts.
21:56.23p3nguinin order.
21:56.41Slugs_got ya
21:56.47Slugs_ty ty ty
21:57.38p3nguinYou can then use lots of other applications to jump around to different contexts based on the extension that matches.
21:57.46Katty3 minutes till i swap the servers around
21:57.47knarflyOK I found a po;ycom phone that looks right. It says it's PoE so will that mean my standard Ethernet cables and connections will work with it to draw power?
21:57.51p3nguinGoSub, Goto, GotoIf, etc.
21:58.07Kattyknarfly: if it's what i'm thinking, probably not
21:58.31Kattyknarfly: the 500 and 501 that we have here, have an ac power adaptor, and from that power adaptor is a little thing to run power through the cat5 on, but one end is notched
21:58.33Slugs_p3nguin, i really need to make sure i understand this b4 anything ;/
21:58.46Kattyknarfly: the notched in goes directly into the phone, so you don't accidnetally put power into wall jack
21:58.47p3nguinThe book explains most of it pretty good.
21:59.06*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
21:59.24Kattyknarfly: call them and make sure
21:59.44p3nguinFriggin' power is spazzing out here, now.  I'm going to be non-existent before long.
22:00.12Kattywell have a nice evening
22:00.16Kattytime for me to swap servers myself
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22:00.51p3nguinI guess I can mess around with some hardware as well, since there's nothing else to do.
22:01.46knarflyKatty: yep, you need a PoE switch to run this otherwise I have to purchase a power supply for it
22:01.58knarflymy switch is standard, not PoE
22:02.41p3nguinOh, wait, I think the power must be back on over there.
22:02.56p3nguinThat's probably why it's spazzing out here.
22:06.28knarflyGugge: this dns message is killing pops up even when I'm trying to ee a file...I know it won't be included but it's making it difficult to read what I'm this thing neccessary?
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22:08.10freezeytrying to setup dundi between two PBX systems... i can do dundi show peers and the peer comes up but when i try to call it gives me all circuits are busy now
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22:09.49russellbtest with *CLI> dundi query
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22:13.34knarflyrolls up another one and blazes into the night 8-)
22:19.00freezeyrussellb: the query works and retruns the info needed
22:19.18freezeywhen attempting to call still get all circuits are busy
22:21.34freezeypulls all the proper info as well when dialing just gets all circuits are busy now
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22:25.55jdoecan anyone here help me with a quick polycom question? built-in (non asterisk) transfer is immediately trying to transfer after 3 digits of the extension are entered, I don't see anything relevant in the config. What am I missing?
22:27.00cuscocould use features.conf *8
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22:28.24jdoecusco: I could, but most people are going to press the button instead of remember the feature code, and the phones are old enough that I can't use the speeddial hack (because there's no efk)
22:29.59freezeyok so i can query via cli and that works... when i type the extension on the phone it pulls the correct name information for the user i am trying to call.. the only problem is now it still says all circuits are busy
22:38.17p3nguinWhat's the fix for Dial(SIP/username@ saying "no such host"?  I tried changing the IP address to a peer name rather than the IP address, but it didn't help any.
22:38.48*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
22:42.31dinesh___hm that's a weird syntax, usually I do SIP/username@sip_provider where sip_provider is registered in sip.conf
22:44.37p3nguinSure. But how do you send a phone number?
22:44.51[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Dial is broken for that...
22:44.55[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: make a peer
22:45.03p3nguinI did make a peer.
22:45.43[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: well you're dialing by IP.
22:45.47p3nguinLet me see what it does without the username in the Dial.
22:45.55[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: you aren't using the peer in there
22:47.04*** join/#asterisk smooth_penguin (~smoove@
22:47.42p3nguinDial(username@newpeer/3149691077) fails the exact same way... but if I take out the username and make sure the username is in the sip entry, then I do not get the error.  I guess that fixes it, huh?
22:48.21p3nguine.g., Dial(SIP/newpeer/3149691077)
22:48.23freezey[TK]D-Fender: one who knows everything want to try and assist with my small issue?
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22:50.36[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: You're doing it wrong.. the peer should have the user.. you should not be specifying it in the dial
22:50.51[TK]D-Fenderfreezey: Ask and we'll see
22:50.55*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
22:51.11freezeyits a dundi issue... so i can query via cli and that works... when i type the extension on the phone it pulls the correct name information for the user i am trying to call.. the only problem is now it still says all circuits are busy
22:51.12p3nguinYeah, I changed that and the no such host error disappeared.
22:52.15p3nguinBut now the device must not know what to do with the phone number because the channel gives a circuit-busy response.
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22:52.31p3nguinThis is still progress.
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22:54.56freezey[TK]D-Fender: what i do notice is the dial plan on _53XX(extensions for other office) it looks like this _53XX,1,Macro(outisbusy,) i tried adding lookupdundi which i specificed in extensions.conf but it still bombs... when i added the lookupdundi it gave me a different error message... which leads me to believe it has something to do with this option
22:57.42freezey[TK]D-Fender: nm i got it
22:57.44nix8n82Some one asked me a question if it was possible to send text data to a ip phone and have a key or two make a choice from that phone and have asterisk call a number or send to a meetme, or just log information into a database. If so what is it called so I may google it to get more info?
22:57.55freezeywas that
23:00.44[TK]D-Fendernix8n82: No.  there is no generic "sent text toa  phone and get some input back".
23:01.29[TK]D-Fendernix8n82: Several IP phones have browsers of some kind on them that you can push information /pages to by other means
23:03.57nix8n82Cool xml/xhtml?
23:04.35nix8n82Do you know of an example I could look at?
23:05.32nix8n82for like polycoms and grandstreams?
23:05.41[TK]D-Fendernix8n82: Depends on the phone.  There is no standard
23:10.05nix8n82[TK]D-Fender thanks for your response and input, I appreciate it.
23:11.00*** join/#asterisk arpu (
23:14.24nix8n82Have you heard of pushing an xml stream to a phone and changing the meaning of possible programable buttons on the fly?
23:16.53nix8n82probably with polycom or grandstream, the ones with out the xhtml browsers?
23:17.30hardwireon the fly eh?
23:17.51hardwirehas a hard time understanding which part of a pbx handles the "on the fly" part.
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23:18.42nix8n82with out having to re provision from the boot server
23:18.54hardwirenix8n82: what initiates that?
23:19.47nix8n82a button being pressed on the phone that isn't part of the standard keypad on a phone
23:19.54hardwirethis may be entirely possible.. I'm just not sure how to approach it as a standard based on general user requirements.
23:20.09hardwirenix8n82: so bam.. you're a different extension?
23:20.33hardwireor "press this button to remap all your screen buttons to the weather"
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23:23.44nix8n82press this button to punch a time clock, or a call is here, send it to place a or b, or add to blacklist while in call before hanging up, your boss is a tool? button 1 = yes button 2 = no, button 3 plead the 5th
23:24.11hardwireplead the 5th should be the 5th button
23:24.21hardwire4th should be a golf joke
23:24.41nix8n82good call
23:26.24hardwirenix8n82: I'm not familiar with a method to remap anything on the fly
23:26.34nix8n82yeah neither am I
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23:31.35hardwirenix8n82: I had a hunch
23:32.18upbgoogles hardwire
23:32.22norreci'm running asterisk and have SpanDSP installed but i'm going to swtich to fax for asterisk and i assume i need to removed SpanDSP but i'm not really sure how... do i just do make menuselect and unselect the fax or what...
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23:32.31hardwireupb: I wouldn't do that at work
23:32.39upbits 1 am here
23:33.57hardwire15:33 CTCP TIME reply from upb: Fri Mar 26 01:33:14 2010
23:34.03hardwireit appears you are mostly accurate
23:34.08ChannelZnorrec: probably just need to not load the driver/module/whatever it is
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23:35.21infoboti guess answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
23:35.33norrecChannelZ: where do i set what loads at startup?
23:35.38theharmanxpower: see.
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23:36.03ChannelZnorrec: well I'm assuming there's a module you load into asterisk, in which case /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
23:36.27ChannelZnorrec: I don't really know anything about SpanDSP...
23:37.07ChannelZnorrec: if it's just a library of support code and an asterisk module, then you can just 'noload' the module to make sure
23:38.13norrecChannelZ: alright, thanks
23:45.31bmoracadamn telco
23:45.37bmoracasupposed to be here an hour ago
23:47.02bmoracanorrec, i'm pretty sure that fax for asterisk uses spandsp.  that said, having it installed won't hurt anything.
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23:53.31p3nguinI don't think I have spandsp support and I do use FFA.
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