IRC log for #asterisk on 20100323

00:00.04sbraththe thing is if it's just a simple setup, a freepbx distro is ok, but when you want more features your kinda boxed in.
00:00.25Kobazit would be nice if emacs wasn't written almost entirely in lisp... it's quite slow for some things
00:00.30bobisaok because im new in this world and i want to know what are my option
00:00.47ChannelZnano nano
00:00.50sbrathmost of the freepbx distros have limitations, that require you to Buy a higher version to get more than like 1 queue. or more than x lines.
00:00.58KobazChannelZ: it used to be pico
00:00.58Slugs_just start w/ asterisk and edit cfg's would be my advice
00:01.12ChannelZyes and I still call it pico
00:01.22ChannelZpico -w xxxx is a force of habit
00:01.28Kobazback when everyone used pine
00:01.33Slugs_ohh pine
00:01.35bobisathere is some site with good tutorial ?
00:01.42vader--anyone in here happen to work with adtran units? looking for configuration samples on getting it to work with asterisk
00:01.46ChannelZvi makes me sad inside
00:01.49Kobazi think it was silly that the pine people didn't want to split pico off into a seperate project
00:01.49vader--i have an Adtran TA924e
00:01.54Kobazhence nano spawned
00:01.55Slugs_bobisa, what distro
00:01.59vader--alittle confused with how to configure it
00:02.27bobisaasterisk now
00:02.40Kobazand also some licensing issues
00:02.56Slugs_so its all up, u just need to configure it?
00:02.57*** join/#asterisk jksM (jks@
00:03.15ChannelZif you JUST want a simple PBX and don't want to do much of anything cool, use freepbx..
00:03.20Kobazvader--: adtran makes a whole boatload of stuff... you'll have to be more specific
00:03.34bobisaand before buying some exta stuff i want to cofigure it with x-lite
00:03.53Slugs_there you go
00:03.58*** join/#asterisk trentcreek (
00:04.04vader--TA924e voip gateway
00:04.12infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
00:04.13vader--im diagraming in visio what i want it to do right now
00:04.22*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
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00:04.29ChannelZSlugs_: infobot is our bitch
00:05.37Slugs_slaps infobot
00:06.39Kobazvader--: you'll likly have to dig up your manual, set the sip credentials on it and asterisk
00:07.17vader--well i think the way i want to use the TA924e is different than the way most use it
00:07.27bobisawhat are difference between distribution
00:07.52Slugs_bobisa, what now?
00:08.17Slugs_asterisk distros?
00:08.21bobisabefore you ask me what disribution that i have
00:08.47ChannelZThe difference is mostly preference
00:09.03ChannelZRun whatever the hell you want
00:09.25*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:09.46ruben23hi setup DID # for incoming call, DID is register to the carreir but when i test incoming calls i get this error----->
00:10.21ChannelZyou have some mess there
00:12.04ChannelZtheir auth doesn't match your config and I dunno what the UNAVAILABLE is all about
00:13.23*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
00:14.00sbrathbobisa: they are all basicly FreePBX + extras. Like trixbox charges for more features and is available using asterisk 1.6.x and PBX In A Box is also available with asterisk 1.6 and some extras.   My preference would be PBX in a box as it also has a firewall configured by default.
00:19.08hardwireThe proper use of figlet
00:20.34vader--kobaz this is what i want to do
00:21.02vader--I want all my FXS channels for analog phones, fax machines, etc go into the TA924e
00:21.10vader--i want the PRI line from the telco to come into it
00:21.28vader--and then have the TA924e connect to my internal lan and present that to the Asterisk box
00:21.55vader--so if a call comes in from the PRI it can be sent to either the cisco IP phones or to an FXS channel
00:22.11vader--and vice versa if a call is initiated from the inside it can go to the PRI line
00:33.45sbrathvader--: Good luck :)
00:34.50sbrathas long as the ta924e can establish a SIP trunk connection to the asterisk should be possible, but will take a fair amount of SIP routing.
00:35.09sbrathwhy didn't you just get a T1 card and a FXS card for the asterisk box?
00:37.16Corydon76-digHe felt he wasn't spending enough cash...
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00:41.59vader--i don't want any hardware tied to the asterisk box
00:42.08vader--it's going to run in a VM
00:44.02sbrathI saw your irc log from back in january asking about the adtran
00:44.55vader--ya the engineers at adtran said it could be done
00:45.06sbrathsorry, I've never setup the adtran for anything other than a V.35 T1 inbound connection.
00:45.42*** join/#asterisk pawz (
00:45.44sbrathI can also turn my van into a hovercraft, but it'll take some time and hard work installing the fans :)
00:46.42sbrathI'd start with just configuring the adtran as a SIP server, since you have to get the PRI into a device that can route the calls to a SIP trunk
00:47.06sbrathstart with the simple stuff, make the adtran work without the Asterisk.
00:48.04vader--well what i wanted to do first was try and get an IP phone internally to call a FXS line
00:48.25sbrathSince the FXS ports on the Adtran will have to route calls to the local devices, and the dialplan/routing will need to be smart enough to route local extensions to the FXS ports or to the SIP trunk into the asterisk.
00:48.25vader--i can setup all the FXS ports
00:48.35doctorraydumb question.. how do I disable the macro-stdexten?  It's not in any of my config/dialplan files
00:48.41sbrathcan you setup a SIP trunk on the adtran ?
00:48.44doctorrayit's taking priority over my local context
00:49.20vader--you can setup Trunk Groups and Trunk Accounts
00:49.30Corydon76-digdoctorray: First, uninstall FreePBX
00:49.42vader--right now i have a Trunkgroup - SIP and Trunkgroup - PRI
00:49.57doctorrayCorydon76-dig: never installed; setup asterisk from source
00:50.01vader--Trunkgroup - SIP has a trunk account called Trunk - SIP
00:53.14doctorrayI'll rephrase.  app_macro is taking over my local extension dialing and looking for macro-stdexten for macro stdexten, which doesn't exist
00:53.21doctorrayunload app_macro?
00:54.51doctorray...which makes it say "no application 'macro' ..."
00:56.41doctorrayaha, the pbx_extension_helper
00:56.59doctorraynow to figure out how to modify that around..
00:59.25hardwireany special way of including special extensions like i,t,h into another context from another context?
01:10.54VoIP-Penguinexten => i,1,Goto(other,i,1)  perhaps?
01:11.10*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
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01:16.11*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
01:18.46trentcreekIs there anything to do to make it so I can see what an AGI acript is doing in the AMI? I have "agi set debug on" and debugging and other gooddies turned on, but I only am seeing it LOG ON and LOG OFF
01:19.29BeaveI have a old phone with a iaxy.. pulse works fine, yadda yadda..  does anyone remember if the iaxy had enough power to driver the ringer? like on a old Western Electric phone?
01:20.37*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
01:23.02hardwireVoIP-Penguin: that might have to do
01:24.35*** join/#asterisk nickaugust (
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01:49.23*** join/#asterisk antiwire (~antiwire@unaffiliated/antiwire)
01:50.01aceiohow can i tell asterisk to bar international calls
01:50.15*** join/#asterisk epaphus (~name@
01:50.34VoIP-PenguinDon't create an extension for them.
01:51.03VoIP-PenguinOr specifically create an extension for them that does not dial out.
01:52.27epaphusHello. Iam using ekiga/twinkle with integrated sound cards analogue headsets on different PCs running ubuntu. Codec is GSM and PCMU.. and sound prefs are set to max. Even like this sound is very low.. for me and for the other party that hears me. Skype works crystal clear. Also using USB headsets improves everything a lot.  Is there anything that I can do on the asterisk level?
01:52.53aceioVoIP-Penguin: okay cheers, and it that simple
01:55.04*** join/#asterisk pawz (
01:59.20*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~ITadmin@
02:00.08*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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02:00.24norrechow do you change the xmit speed for the app_fax mod?
02:00.42epaphussorry i got disconnected...
02:00.44epaphusdid anybody reply? :)
02:03.13hardwirejaytee said: hi
02:03.53jayteeyes, but I was saying hi to Katty's hi
02:10.46ChannelZI completely solved your problem, but I guess now you'll never know.
02:13.02keith4_if I want to set up a console channel on another box, what are my options? I'd like to avoid installing asterisk on it. Maybe some sort of network sound daemon?
02:13.56*** join/#asterisk Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
02:14.11keith4_can * open multiple alsa console channels? like, if I had two sound cards?
02:14.33Slugs_with wget how can i grab all files in a dir?
02:14.59keith4_what does that have to do with asterisk?
02:15.02keith4_read the wget man page
02:17.07*** join/#asterisk krynnotaur (~krynnotau@unaffiliated/krynnotaur)
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02:34.08ChannelZthere's -r for recursive
02:37.06*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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02:51.08trentcreekIs there anything to do to make it so I can see what an AGI acript is doing in the AMI? I have "agi set debug on" and debugging and other gooddies turned on, but I only am seeing it LOG ON and LOG OFF
02:54.10ChannelZAGI and AMI are two different things
02:54.28ChannelZsee 'manager debug'
03:03.52trentcreekChannelZ: yes, I turned on the agi debugger
03:04.30trentcreekIt only shows the script logging in an dout
03:04.34ChannelZAGI is one thing. AMI is another.
03:04.38ChannelZPlease re-read what I said
03:04.41trentcreekI know
03:05.01trentcreekbut the script is inside the AGI directory, logging into the AMI
03:16.49*** join/#asterisk TheTosh (~Lynx@unaffiliated/thetosh)
03:17.20*** join/#asterisk GoRK (
03:22.42GoRKhello everyone; having some audio trouble wondered if anyone had any suggestions -- remote user is on satellite isp (hughesnet) with polycom 601 behind NAT. asterisk 1.6.0 with other phones on LAN in private ip space (so * is rtp proxy in this situation) -- codec is g.729. audio downlink to the phone on satellite sounds perfect, but audio coming back from the satellite phone is choppy. Don't really know where to start tweaking.
03:22.42GoRKrunning internal timing but also have DAHDI hardware available; tried both ways
03:24.03ChannelZUpload from satellite is the suck.  Like, a modem.
03:25.12keith4_whoa. voip over satellite? seriously?
03:25.14ChannelZWorse actually
03:25.16GoRKi understand the bandwidth constraint; i dont think that is the problem here; i can switch the codec to ulaw and actually improve the sound quality
03:25.27ChannelZIt's bandwidth AND latency probably
03:25.56epaphushey guys.. i have PCs with ekiga/twinkle connected with asterisk.. they all sound low on volume.. is it possible to increase that on the server side?
03:26.00ChannelZyou could crank up the jitter buffers which will add delay and might make the audio less choppy
03:26.54GoRKim thinking that because * is in the rtp stream its not letting the polycoms jb take care of the problem; but the jb cant be enabled per channel can it?
03:27.12GoRKpolycom to polycom with no asterisk is fine also -- ie dial by ip
03:29.47ChannelZIf * is in the middle then its jitter buffers are probably somewhat more important than the phone's I'd have to guess
03:31.11GoRKwell i was hoping that when asterisk does packet2packet bridging it would be just relaying the packets as they arrived and the jb on the phone would be able to compensate
03:32.11GoRKis the jitterbuffer or internal timing/rtp improved in releases after the 1.6.0 series?
03:35.30ChannelZI think, but I don't know for sure, if * is in the middle it's outputting a steady stream.. there just might happen to be silence, coming from the source side jitter
03:36.33*** join/#asterisk Rajmohan (~raj@
03:37.03Rajmohanhi, can anyone guide me how to setup asterisk behind nat router
03:37.05ChannelZbut I could be wrong, maybe it does just pass packets along as they come from the other end in whatever fashion they arrive in which case the phone should be able to figure it out.  Dunno
03:37.11infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
03:37.47trentcreek~burn book
03:37.48infobotACTION pours gasoline all over book, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze
03:38.48GoRKthat is sort of what it sounds like; as i said switching to ulaw improves it; im thinking since there is simply more data to send it gets more tx timeslots and the data arrives in a more regular fashion
03:40.48GoRKwell ill try messing with some jitter options and also try to get asterisk to get out of the rtp stream and see what i can accomplish; just wanted to check and see if anyone else had some experience with this particular situation before i started shooting
03:45.48ChannelZRajmohan: if your firewall is a Linux box it might also help to use nf_conntract_sip - though I was trying to play with it this weekend and actually am baffled by the fact that without any NAT options on the server or my client (or the connection tracker) my RTP is working... makes it hard to test
03:46.42antiwireYou just load that and it does stuff?
03:47.14Rajmohani dont have the firewall enabled rightnow
03:47.24Rajmohanonly the router has static ip with nat
03:47.39Rajmohannow i need the asterisk, freebpx to work with the static ip
03:47.55Rajmohani forwarded the port 80 from the router to the asterisk box
03:47.59Rajmohanit does not work yet
03:48.29ChannelZantiwire: well the idea is that like other connection trackers, it 'watches' the SIP traffic through the firewall and will automatically port forward and/or fudge stuff in the packets to make things work
03:49.55Rajmohancan you help with this pls
03:50.19[TK]D-FenderRajmohan: What does port 80 have to do with this?
03:50.48ChannelZRajmohan: port 80 is only freepbx's management.. but all things being equal that should work if you're trying to hit up the management interface from the outside
03:51.31Rajmohanhow do i setup with a router configured with static ip
03:51.40ChannelZ(or at least I assume, does freepbx use port 80 by default?  I know AsteriskNOW does)
03:51.45[TK]D-FenderrajYou've been linked to the guide already
03:53.21ChannelZRajmohan: if you want people/phones from the outside to connect to it, you'd have to port-forward 5060 for SIP, a range of RTP ports per rtp.conf...
04:07.51*** join/#asterisk dkirker-openmobl (~dkirker@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
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04:37.04sawgoodfrom an end point (SIP phone) on an Asterisk 1.6 box, *98 feature code goes to voicemail ... from this can you simply 'listen' to your greetings without having to re-record them?
04:37.19*** join/#asterisk Peste_Bubonica (
04:37.22Peste_BubonicaHi all...
04:37.31sawgoodeverytime I do this ... I am only prompted to record them
04:37.44Peste_BubonicaAsterisk Supports video conference? over sip or h323 or another proto?
04:37.48sawgoodI believe one is recorded already .... but I cannot hear it
04:38.15sawgoodthis is to a virtual mailbox with no phone assigned, so I cannot simply 'call the extension' and no answer
04:40.45VoIP-PenguinIf there is no phone, then you CAN call the extension and get no answer.
04:41.08sawgoodAs soon as I dial 400 ... I get a system prompt saying the extension is not vaild
04:41.11sawgoodits very strange ...
04:41.48VoIP-PenguinThen it must not be valid.  Call an extension that runs VoicemailMain() and enter the mailbox number when prompted.
04:42.38VoIP-PenguinI know exactly what the problem is...
04:42.41sawgoodVoIP-Penguin: I do that by using *98 from another phone
04:43.01VoIP-PenguinYou're using FreePBX and wanting help in the Asterisk channel.
04:43.08sawgoodthen I put in extension 400 ... then the password
04:43.24sawgoodthe stuff I am asking in FreePBX is closely related but not the exact same
04:43.35VoIP-PenguinYou put in extension 400 and then the password... which doesn't make a bit of sense to me.
04:43.36sawgoodit is for another concern I have on another FreePBX box
04:43.53sawgood*98 ... then 400 then the VM password ...
04:44.11VoIP-PenguinSo then 400 is the mailbox number.
04:44.14sawgoodThis does work ... I am able to get to the VM of 400 from another phone by using *98
04:44.24sawgoodyes, 400 is the mailbox number ...
04:44.28VoIP-PenguinYou tried to convince me 400 was the extension, but it clearly wasn't.
04:44.31sawgoodI cannot dial 400 though from another phone
04:44.34antiwirecheck your dtmf settings
04:44.48VoIP-PenguinSo... what was the problem again?
04:44.51sawgoodto me ... an extension is not a phone ... but rather a call route
04:45.02*** join/#asterisk Neo31 (~Neo31@unaffiliated/neo31)
04:45.20antiwireit sounds like his phone isn't sending dtmf in the expected format
04:45.24sawgoodI would like to 'listen' to the recorded default greeting of 400 without having to overwrite it
04:45.27VoIP-PenguinExtensions are those numbers and/or letters in extensions.conf that make things happen when you call them from a device.
04:46.34antiwiresawgood: are you sure that what you are hearing happen isn't the VM autoattendant timing out instead of receiving key pushes?
04:46.53VoIP-PenguinOkay, I understand your goal, but I would have to poke around in VoicemailMain to know if you can listen to your own greeting.
04:47.10sawgoodThere is no AA on this box
04:47.18VoIP-PenguinI would think you could listen to it.
04:47.30sawgoodI think this might be the answer ...
04:47.44sawgoodI recorded a greeting for 400 ... very generic ...
04:48.06sawgoodThe office manager did *98 to get to 400, and she automatically heard my greeting
04:48.12VoIP-PenguinOptionally, you could pull the greeting sound file from the file system and play it.
04:48.23sawgoodI think she over-wrote the greeting, but did not save it ... thus erasing the greeting
04:48.42sawgoodnow, when you do *98 400 ... you do not automatically hear anything 'because the greeting is gone'
04:49.15sawgoodI think that might be what is happening ... I double check this by doing it in my LAB
04:49.36sawgoodVoIP-Penguin: neat answer ... I think I'll do that just for fun!
04:50.36*** join/#asterisk chuchete (
04:51.28chuchetesame one can help me with a Linksys spa3102?
04:51.48VoIP-Penguinchuchete: Ask the question.
04:51.52*** join/#asterisk igorg (
04:52.43chuchetebefore all thanks and sorry my bad english. I am spanish....
04:54.48chuchetewell I am trying to configure a spa3102, put at the moment I dont want to use a Asterisk implementantio, the only I need ate the moment is just use a ip phone with a spa3102 th make regualr phone calls
04:55.11sawgoodSPA3102 = standard ATA?
04:55.21chuchetethats is
04:55.30chucheteis that possible?
04:55.35VoIP-PenguinThe 3102 is a VoIP gateway, with Ethernet, FXO and FXS ports.
04:55.39sawgoodWell, most ATA and SIP phones require a 'registration' ...
04:56.14sawgoodThe ATA would need an 'account' on some SIP proxy and/or a FXO line .. to make an outbound call
04:56.15chucheteI am trying with a softphone
04:57.22chucheteI just want to use the spa as a gw betwing my softpphone and the ptsn
04:57.33sawgoodthat is do-able ...
04:57.40VoIP-PenguinYou'll have to use the VoIP-to-pstn gateway settings to be able to call from an IP phone to the pstn.
04:57.52sawgoodDo you have a standard 'telephone' line inserted into the ATA?
04:58.31sawgoodon your ATA box, put in the information for the softphone under some 'account' tab
04:58.32VoIP-PenguinIf it wasn't going on 00:00, I would dig out the 3102 documentation and figure it out.
04:58.33chucheteI can actualy me phone calls from my standard analog tenephone pluged on the spa
04:59.09sawgoodThen on your softphone ... put in the ATA information ... and your softphone should 'register' to the ATA as an extension (at least that is how Grandstream ATA boxes work)
04:59.16chuchetehere it is 6 in the morning ;)
04:59.20sawgoodno, wait a second ...
04:59.31sawgoodI was wrong
04:59.59sawgoodYou probably cannot 'register' a softphone onto an ATA unless the ATA has something special/different than I am thinking
05:00.13VoIP-PenguinIt would have to be a registrar.
05:00.21chucheteI can conect to the spa from the softphone, but if i try to dial, nothing happend
05:00.22sawgoodVoIP-Penguin is right ... I was wrong
05:01.01chucheteis not enough to be a sip client to connect to the spa?
05:01.02*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
05:01.14sawgoodmost softphone (esp. Xlite; EyeBeam; Bria) require the phone be registered to a 'server' before they can make a call
05:01.35sawgoodbeen down this road a few times
05:01.37VoIP-PenguinYou have to configure the ATA with device/user information, then place calls to it.  It would then dial out to the pstn if configured to do it.
05:01.55chuchetetha is ATA?
05:02.00sawgoodI'm sure that is absolutly right
05:02.04chuchetewha is ATA?
05:02.18VoIP-PenguinSPA-3102 is an ATA
05:02.20chuchetewaht u mean with ATA? sorry
05:02.20ChannelZanus tickling aparatus
05:02.23chucheteahhh ok
05:02.48chuchetewell the ata has factory defaults, except the wan settings
05:02.57VoIP-PenguinI wonder if any of the softphone apps have registrar stuff built in.
05:03.22chucheteI have no problems withe registrations issues
05:03.23VoIP-PenguinIf so, I guess that would solve the problem.
05:03.44chuchetethe softphone is configurated to not register
05:04.10VoIP-PenguinThere are so many settings in the 3102, it is easy to get confused.
05:04.26chucheteIn my case is pretty simple
05:04.29sawgoodI wanted one time to make two EyeBeam softphones to work talking over the Internet to each other, but they have to have a SBC in the middle
05:04.33sawgoodkind of a drag ...
05:05.09chucheteI just need to use a sip client to place regular calls using de ATA
05:06.17chuchetetry to find google info but all the info refers to asterisk implementation
05:06.21sawgoodchuchete: you are probably 'missing' one piece of the puzzle ... or you have to do some 'trick' on the ATA to make it work the way you want it to
05:06.54chucheteI supposed this was the simplest  way to use it
05:07.00sawgoodto me, you only have 2 of the 3 requirements met
05:07.26VoIP-PenguinYou can probably configure the PSTN user tab and have the softphone register to the ATA.
05:08.45chuchetewhy the ata does not place the call that I am tring to do from the softphone?
05:09.28sawgoodchuchete: you have to do more work on the ATA first ... before things will work
05:10.46chuchetejejejej I kown my friend, but after been reading a lot a playing a lot as well I am a bit confused
05:11.20chuchetelooks like the simpliest way to use it, its not supported
05:11.30VoIP-PenguinI think it might be supported.
05:11.33sawgoodwow ... you didn't read what VoIP-Penguin said
05:12.03chuchetesorry what u mean sawgood ?
05:12.18VoIP-PenguinI'm just not in the mood to dig out the instruction manual and get a route to a 3102 so I can login.
05:12.23sawgoodYou need to follow the TIP VoIP-Penguin gave to you
05:12.45VoIP-PenguinLater, maybe; just not right now.
05:13.25chucheteok, thank u very much, I will keep trying
05:14.15VoIP-PenguinMaybe at 21:00  :)
05:16.59VoIP-Penguinchuchete: I mean 21:00 your time.
05:18.29chucheteok, I´ll be back by that time then and comment my progress
05:19.59sawgoodThe RPM for Asterisk 1.6.0 ... is updated in the repo ... took my box to ... very COOL!!
05:41.52simcop2387with asterisk 1.6.1 how would i check how long a call has been up? (call was over sip if that matters, i'm not seeing anything in sip show channel)
05:51.03sawgoodI have an Asterisk 1.6.0 box running with a SIP trunk as the only way to send/receive calls
05:51.11sawgoodI can make 2 way audio outbound calls just fine
05:51.44sawgoodWhen I call the DID ... I see in Asterisk the call arrives at the IP PBX, but I am getting a teleco error telling me the call cannot be completed as dialed
05:51.54sawgoodany tips to why I cannot receive an incoming call
05:52.47sawgood"The number you have dialed ... is not in service" ....
05:52.59sawgoodI'm not sure if this is an Asterisk system prompt or a teleco prompt
05:53.19VoIP-PenguinYou probably don't have an extension for the call.
05:53.35VoIP-PenguinBut without a sip debug, how will we ever know?
05:54.11sawgoodI have an extension for the call (my softphone) ... which can make outbound calls
05:54.21*** join/#asterisk mog (
05:55.29sawgoodis the troubleshooting command simply ... sip debug?
05:57.16*** join/#asterisk PARAG (
05:57.36sawgoodSo, I take it the system prompt I am hearing is an Asterisk system prompt
05:57.45VoIP-Penguinsawgood: phones are not extensions.
05:57.58VoIP-PenguinI repeat, phones are NOT extensions.
05:58.17sawgoodso, I do not have an extension which can take the call
05:58.20VoIP-PenguinIf your call does not work, it is probably because you do not have an extension for it.
05:58.36sawgoodhow do I 'see' if my softphone is an extension ...
05:58.50VoIP-Penguinphones are NOT extensions.
05:59.04sawgoodok ... let me try another re-wording then
05:59.22sawgoodright now, the inbound route is to 'go to' extension 800 ... I have my softphone registered as extension 800
05:59.25sawgoodis that correct?
05:59.37VoIP-PenguinClose, but no.
05:59.49VoIP-PenguinPhones are not extensions.  Phone cannot register as extensions.
06:00.05VoIP-PenguinExtension 800 can Dial your softphone.
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06:00.19sawgoodvery nice answer ... ok ...
06:00.33sawgoodso, when a call comes into extension 800, how come my softphone does not ring?
06:00.41sawgoodis there a way to test this?
06:01.20VoIP-PenguinMaybe extension 800 does not exist.
06:01.30sawgoodwhen I dial *65 from the softphone, I hear the system prompt tell me, "your extension number is 800"
06:01.33VoIP-PenguinMaybe exten 800 does not have a Dial command to dial your phone.
06:01.51VoIP-PenguinUntil you give me a sip debug, I still don't know why there is a failure.
06:02.02sawgoodhow do I turn on SIP debug
06:02.10sawgoodI tried: sip debug .... debug sip ...
06:02.14sawgoodnothing worked
06:02.17VoIP-Penguinsip set debug on
06:02.19sawgoodthank you
06:02.56sawgoodok ... it is on ... should I call the DID now?
06:03.41sawgoodok ... I have done it ... now how do I get the 'text from this" simply do a copy paste?
06:03.53infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
06:04.02VoIP-PenguinCopy it and pastebin it.
06:04.50VoIP-PenguinEven if I can determine why the behavior exists, I doubt I can tell you how to fix it because you are using FreePBX and we can't support that.
06:05.04infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
06:05.14sawgoodactually this is trixbox CE ... a different PBX
06:05.23VoIP-PenguinIt's still using FreePBX.
06:06.01sawgoodwell, I'll keep my fingers crossed ...
06:07.32*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
06:07.38VoIP-PenguinIt looks like a perfectly good call to me.
06:08.34sawgoodoh ...
06:08.36sawgoodcool ...
06:08.48sawgoodthe call arrives ... but it does not ring the softphone ...
06:09.01sawgoodI tried changing the extension to a 'hard phone', but the same result happens
06:09.09sawgoodMaybe if I create a ring group
06:09.19VoIP-PenguinCall came in, looked for 5105501404 in from-sip-external, then executed 5105501404@from-sip-external.
06:09.45VoIP-PenguinIt appears that there isn't anything for it to do there.
06:10.34infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
06:10.55infobotit has been said that voip is Voice over IP
06:11.20VoIP-PenguinThe channel was answered, then played back the sound file like you said, then played the congestions tones...
06:11.54sawgood'maybe' this is a SIP trunk provider concern?
06:12.04VoIP-PenguinIf you weren't using a GUI, it would be a simple thing to fix.
06:12.19sawgoodI notice on the SBC ... the 'orgin' IP is ... when it is normally the static public IP address of the IP PBX
06:12.37VoIP-PenguinIt would be as simple as  exten => 5105501404,1,Dial(SIP/800,30)
06:13.15sawgoodwhat does the 30 represent?
06:13.17VoIP-PenguinYour call is making it to your box just fine.
06:13.27VoIP-Penguin30 second timeout on the Dial() application.
06:13.34sawgoodthank you for your help
06:14.05VoIP-PenguinYou could leave off the ,30 and it would timeout because of another timeout value anyway.
06:14.11sawgoodI know on the SBC ... all the other 'working' accounts do not have for an orgin IP ... they have the IP address of the IP PBX, but to me that would seem to mean the call would not arrive to the IP PBX at all
06:16.28sawgoodVoIP-Penguin: do you work for Digium in Alabama?
06:16.58*** join/#asterisk githogori (
06:22.09VoIP-PenguinGood luck in your configurations... time for sleep for me.  (if I don't go now, I may not get to go at all.)
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07:42.54doolittleworkhi there i have the following 1 lines of code exten => _[*0-9].,n,GotoIf(${VALID_EXTEN(mainout,${EXTEN},1)}?mainout,${EXTEN},1) and i am battling to make sence of it, could someone please enlighten me
07:43.31*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (~khaled@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
07:43.32doolittleworkwat does the $VALID_EXTEN bit do
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07:53.03kaldemardoolittlework: core show function VALID_EXTEN will tell you. but that exten won't work because of a syntax error.
07:59.16chucheteIt wooorkkkkkks !!!! I did itttt
08:00.53doolittleworkthx kaldemar
08:01.14*** join/#asterisk LnxBil (
08:01.18LnxBilHi everybody.
08:02.16LnxBilI've problems with dialplan from LDAP on asterisk It doesn't get loaded.
08:02.55LnxBilI use 'extensions   => ldap,"dc=XXX,dc=XXX",extensions' in extconfig, but the querylog of my ldap server doesn't show any queries
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08:14.37doolittleworkkaldemar: Goto(restart) can this restart the dialplan if placed at the end or the context?
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08:19.10ChannelZdoolittlework: no that would jump to a priority label called 'restart'
08:19.20Toommiis there an event or something similar which is called when a phone is registering on asterisk
08:19.30kaldemardoolittlework: there is no such thing as restarting a dialplan. and it doesn't matter if something is at the end of a context.
08:20.07ChannelZToommi: Only in Manager really
08:23.18ToommiChannelZ can you specify please
08:24.26ChannelZthe Asterisk Manage Interface - too expansive to explain in a few lines here
08:24.29ChannelZAnd I'm going to bed anyways
08:24.39*** join/#asterisk ice (
08:25.05ChannelZbut if you setup an AMI user properly and login to AMI with it, you will get 'events' about certain things
08:25.07Toommiimagine i googled allready :)
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08:26.18ChannelZin particular look at the Events command
08:27.50Toommiok thank you ;)
08:30.30icehi, iuse FAQ: to set up a callback, but hat i must setting in, when my outline is exten => _X.,1,Dial(DAHDI/g0/${EXTEN})
08:39.39*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
08:43.12doolittleworkwhat the hell will this do?  "(${nolb_${n}}?"
08:43.44*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
08:44.49kaldemardoolittlework: nothing
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08:51.03kaldemardoolittlework: show some more if you want to know what something does. that just _maybe_ holds some value.
08:51.19kaldemarand is surrounded by irrelevant characters.
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09:01.44doolittleworkwe had someone setup a iax trunk for us before, but he passed away, sad to say, now I must decode it, must say having fun with  asterisk, but quite a huge task if i only started linux three weeks ago, I need to change this over to a sip trunk
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09:58.24aruntomarcan't hear voice on incoming call, using pri line with asterisk and redfone appliance, but the outgoing works fine
09:58.37davixhow can I limit chanspy to only a range of extensions?
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10:06.30infobotextra, extra, read all about it, answers is Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
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10:48.47icesomeone have good how to create callback asterisk ?
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11:05.11ManxPower-workA well known april fool's joke: Left Handed Whoppers: In 1998, Burger King ran an ad in USA Today, saying that people could get a Whopper for left-handed people whose condiments were designed to drip out of the right side.[8]  Not only did customers order the new burgers, but some specifically requested the "old", right-handed burger.
11:08.06*** join/#asterisk AsteriskNoob (
11:08.16AsteriskNoobHello all.
11:08.30AsteriskNoobQuick question about TFTP if anyone can help.
11:08.49yangManxPower-work: they can only trick americans with such tricks
11:09.25ManxPower-work"Phone call: In 1998, UK presenter Nic Tuff  of West Midlands radio station Kix 96 pretended to be the British Prime Minister Tony Blair when he called the then South African President Nelson Mandela for a chat. It was only at the end of the call when Nic asked Nelson what he was doing for April Fools' Day that the line went dead."
11:22.14*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
11:26.32redaxwhat does asterisk do with user pressed flash button on a phone, using PAP2 ATA, pap2 sends the Flash button via AVT/INFO ?
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11:30.47c0rnoTaredax: it sends Hold via DTMF signalling (AVT/INFO/InBand)
11:34.06ManxPower-workThat is incorrect.
11:34.58ManxPower-workWell, OK.  Sort of correct.  It sends a hold message, NOT DTMF.  However other than that it is all handled on the ATA, not Asterisk
11:37.03ManxPower-workPolycom phones, for example, default to sending an invite with a a=recvonly in the SDP
11:37.20ManxPower-workThat causes the server to play hold music to the caller
11:38.21c0rnoTaYeap, ManxPower-work, thanks for correction
11:41.45dwarkenwhere do i put a dialplan for incoming calls?
11:41.57infoboti guess thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
11:42.15c0rnoTadwarken: thebook tells you
11:43.06ManxPower-workdwarken, Where you set your system up to send them to.  You must design that yourself.
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11:55.25redaxManxPower-work: just asked what happens if I turn off the 3way conference, and call waiting service in the ATA, and it sends FLASH via sip info to the asterisk.
11:58.22*** join/#asterisk TheTosh (~Lynx@unaffiliated/thetosh)
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12:11.00dwarkensome take a look at    ? :)   i'm lost
12:13.48*** part/#asterisk aruntomar (~test@
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12:15.08ManxPower-workdwarken, you don't do this in the dialplan.  How are calls getting into the system?  SIP, PRI, CAS T-1, POTS?
12:15.12cellZeroanyone know how to pass variable between AGI scripts?
12:15.30ManxPower-workcellZero, set a dialplan variable
12:16.26dwarkenManxPower-work:  i'm using SIP...
12:16.59ManxPower-workdwarken, then the context= line in the sip.conf entry for that incoming device specifies where in extensions.conf the call will land.  This is only for calls coming from that device.
12:17.01cellZeroManxPower-work: I'm using phpagi, and the set_variable function, but when i call the get_variable function it complains about Undefined variable.
12:17.28[TK]D-FendercellZero: then you're calling it wrong
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12:17.42Toommiany idea why my callrecording does not work, intern is works perfectly by if i call from extern it does not work, extension config is similar wW option is set
12:17.43ManxPower-workcellZero, You must be doing something wrong then.  I am assuming these are multiple AGIs run during the SAME CALL?
12:17.59ManxPower-workToommi, you are not setting DYNAMIC_FEATURES
12:18.09cellZeroManxPower-work: Yes
12:18.22Toommioh ofcouse i set it :)
12:18.33ManxPower-workcellZero, then you are doing it wrong or there's a problem in phpagi (which would not suprized me at ALL)
12:18.48Toommiand automon in feature conf ist = *1
12:19.09[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: No, the AGI lib has been very stable for a long time
12:19.12Toommiand not marked out :X
12:19.26ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender, No, phpagi sucks. 8-|
12:19.40cellZerolet me pastebin, and if anyone has a moment to look at my script, please do
12:19.42[TK]D-FenderManxPower-work: I've never seen a problem that was user-based
12:19.52ManxPower-workFor one thing it only supports a fairly small set of AMI options.
12:20.41*** join/#asterisk thecardsmith (
12:21.26ManxPower-workToommi, now is the time where you paste the CLI output, the dialplan parts and your features.conf to
12:21.57cellZeroif anyone knows phpagi, please take a look here
12:22.36Toommiintern it works if i call from 16 to ext 12, but if i been called from extern (in a queue to an agent) for example agent 16 who can record intern, it doesnt work
12:23.02ManxPower-workcellZero, I don't see any errors
12:23.04Toommiintern cli output :   > User hit '*1' to record call. filename: wav,auto-1269350568-16-12,m
12:23.08dwarkenManxPower-work:  cant find any  context= line in the sip.conf  ??
12:23.23ManxPower-workToommi, I'm waiting.
12:23.38*** join/#asterisk arpu (
12:23.44ManxPower-workdwarken, I guess that's why it doesn't work then.  Now STOP.  And go READ THE BOOK.
12:24.40ToommiManxPower-work: features.conf :
12:25.40cellZeroManxPower-work: I'm using PHPAGI 2 from, thinking there might be a bug when retrieving variables
12:26.01ToommiManxPower-work: cli for intern recording where it works
12:26.45ManxPower-workToommi, that is useless.  do a "set verbose 3" and try it again
12:27.07[TK]D-FenderToommi: And you aren't showing the complete call.
12:27.42Toommihere is complete call for the extern call i hit the record key but nothing happens :X
12:27.47ManxPower-workToommi, the first dialplan priority I want to see is priority 1.
12:28.07ManxPower-worknot priority 7.  [s@queue-call:7]
12:28.24ManxPower-workYou need to show the complete call, not parts of it.
12:28.44*** join/#asterisk adnc (~numer@unaffiliated/adnc)
12:29.32Toommiok sry
12:30.58ManxPower-workToommi, I do not see that W or w on the Queue line.
12:31.44Toommioh god i am so stupid i put it in the call Executing [16@queue-call-phone:2] Dial("Local/16@queue-call-phone-b5d5;2", "SIP/16,15,tTwW") in new stack
12:33.16*** join/#asterisk ddefrenne (~ddefrenne@
12:33.51[TK]D-FendercellZero: I certainly have no reason to believe that
12:34.29Toommithank you very much it works now, i didnot thought enough :x
12:34.32*** join/#asterisk bobisa (~boboboboo@
12:35.10bobisahi, i want to buy some ip phone, and i dont know whitch one to buy. have some suggestion ?
12:35.43[TK]D-Fenderbobisa: Polycom > All
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12:36.48infobotWhile personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows: Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, Cisco 79XX, everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
12:37.32*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
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12:41.25LnxBilAnyone using LDAP for Dialplan?
12:41.45[TK]D-FenderLnxBil: Never that I've heard of
12:42.02AsteriskNoobI'd say forget Cisco 79xx... Config nightmare for me so far..
12:43.43[TK]D-FenderAsteriskNoob: They aren't that big a deal... just that the end value isn't usually better than Polycom.
12:44.04[TK]D-FenderAsteriskNoob: Most would say Polycom is harder (and I agree) to start... but its the end that counts
12:47.51ManxPower-work"I do not want people to be agreeable, as it saves me that trouble of liking them." --Jane Austen
12:48.16*** join/#asterisk adnc (~numer@unaffiliated/adnc)
12:48.56AsteriskNoobFender: Well, I've got a brick sitting on my desk right now. New to the whole SIP phone thing myself, but looking forward to having full SIP implementations soon. Just not happy with the configuration steps required like TFTP servers, etc... Telnet or a web page would have been nice.
12:48.57Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
12:49.22c0rnoTaI'v found queue.conf, where members described like "Agent", but there are no agent describtion lines in agents.conf , could be this configuration useful for queue ? Is there another way to describe agents (not realtime method - there are no realtime engines configured)?
12:49.30AsteriskNoobEvil yes, but it's a simpe option if used locally.
12:49.58[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Huh?
12:50.20[TK]D-Fenderc0rnoTa: Huh?
12:50.47LnxBil[TK]D-Fender: It works, at least it did once on a test machine. Unfortunately, I'm not able to reproduce it. Authentication works, VoiceMail works, but Dialplans don't work
12:51.27*** join/#asterisk mikkel (~mikkel@
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12:53.18Skeeter-Morning yall
12:54.20bobisaok, but im new in this world, for now is for test purpose, but i want to keep it after, also i want to have access to my anolog line and my skype sip, does polycom still the best choice ?
12:55.01*** join/#asterisk gego (
12:55.02ManxPower-workbobisa, Polycom is a SIP phone.  Just like all the other SIP phones out there.
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12:55.42ManxPower-workbobisa, you really should read the Asterisk Book.
12:55.44c0rnoTa[TK]D-Fender: queue.conf have "member => Agent/32" line, but in agents.conf definition of the agents isn't exist. As I know, call to this queue wouldn't be useful because there are no members in queue. Am I wrong?
12:55.46infobotsomebody said answers was Asterisk Book: & SIP w/ NAT: & Wiki: & docs: /path/to/src/asterisk/doc & 1.4 .vs. 1.6.0 .vs. 1.6.1: : /path/to/src/asterisk/UPGRADE*.txt
12:55.57[TK]D-Fenderbobisa: For * to use Skype, there is a $66 USD pay-only per channel cost.
12:56.06[TK]D-Fenderbobisa: And "test" means nothing
12:56.14[TK]D-Fenderbobisa: you buy a phone to USE.
12:56.27[TK]D-Fenderbobisa: To qualify for "test", just install a soft-phone
12:56.47bobisai know but i want to start the right way,
12:57.10[TK]D-Fenderc0rnoTa: then I guess you'd better go DEFINE that Agent, then shouldn't you"
12:57.13*** part/#asterisk ManxPower-work (~manxpower@
12:57.20[TK]D-Fenderbobisa: What do you actually want to do>?
12:57.49bobisai want to replace my existing pbx that got trouble on it, for asterisk
12:57.59bobisai want to know if that will be my best choice
12:58.06bobisaor i buy a new pbx
12:58.13jblackYou're asking in #asterisk? Of course asterisk is the best choice.
12:58.45LnxBilIs there any way to debug the Realtime dialplan lookup?
12:58.52jblackIf you don't go with asterisk, your hard drives will explode and you'll be fired. You'll be so sad about that...
12:59.08jblackthat you won't look both ways when crossing the street on the way home, and youll get hit by a car...
12:59.19c0rnoTa[TK]D-Fender: ok, thx
12:59.25jblackthus killing you. So, when you look at it carefully, it's a matter of life or death for you to install asterisk.
12:59.39[TK]D-Fenderbobisa: No pressure :)
13:00.13bobisai know, but the cost will make my choice, that why i have so much question before starting anything
13:00.39[TK]D-Fenderbbogo isntall *.  Downlaod the book.  install a softphone.  Play around.
13:00.41jblackOh, it's a matter of life and death.. but it's a matter of your death. We'll keep on living, even without you.
13:00.43[TK]D-Fenderbobisa: ^
13:00.48jblackChange that order.
13:01.04jblackDownload the book. Read the book, install a soft phone, then install asterisk and play around. =)
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13:03.12gegojblack: Actually I sometimes was so desperately trying to get things working in * that I nearly got hit by a car ...
13:03.23gegojblack: how do you explain that ?
13:03.40jblackYou -didn't- get hit by a car, =because you had worked on asterisk=
13:03.51c0rnoTaOh! Another way to define agents is users.conf - i'v forgot it.
13:04.00jblackHad you done something else, your timing crossing the street would have been different, and you woulda gotten squahsed.
13:04.08infobot[~users.conf] users.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable * config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
13:04.10gegoAh, now I see ... thanks
13:04.35jblackDon't thank me. I don't work on the code.
13:05.22*** join/#asterisk nickaugust (
13:06.24gegono, but you gave me these deep insights of how things work ... in a bigger picture
13:07.19c0rnoTaWhat means "toaster grade"? :)
13:08.20c0rnoTaPBX like a toaster? :)
13:08.34[TK]D-Fenderc0rnoTa: Yes... a "dumb appliance"
13:09.28c0rnoTaI'm solidarity with u
13:09.52c0rnoTaDon't like "users.conf way"
13:09.57jblackoh man we're FUCKED!
13:10.08jblackBill Gates is now getting invovled in nuclear reactor development
13:10.37coppiceah, the blue smoke of death
13:10.58c0rnoTathat's why i'v forget about users.conf, cause i don't use it. So, [TK]D-Fender, thank you again!
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13:39.04PARAGGuys, is it easy to sniff the SIP Passwords ??
13:40.17Toommiinstall tshark and try yourself ^^
13:40.32filethey aren't sent in plain text.
13:40.42*** join/#asterisk jmacz (~jmacz@
13:40.43PARAGYes it is encrypted
13:41.21PARAGToommi, did you try ever ?
13:41.51fileyou use wireshark or whatever to get the MD5 hash if just using UDP or TCP, but that's not the password
13:41.54Toommino but i am installing :)
13:42.11tzafrirPARAG, the passwords are not sent in the clear. Only a md5 checksum of them, along with that of the realm (domain) and a random "nonce" is sent
13:42.40PARAGtzafrir, that is correct. But do you know any any way we can sniff it ?
13:42.46tzafrirSo not encrypted. Hashed
13:43.15tzafrirAnd no, you can only sniff the hash
13:43.28PARAGtzafrir, and what can i do with hash ?
13:43.42tzafrirsmoke it
13:44.03PARAGi don't want to do there is no way u mean
13:44.04coppiceor make cookies
13:45.47Toommicakes in small :)
13:45.55Naikroveksomeone said cookies?  i'll take 10
13:47.52*** join/#asterisk Akiraa (~Akira@
13:48.07[TK]D-Fenderspins up "Nookie" by Limp Bizkit
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13:59.16Naikrovekmd5 hashes are the way you can validate passwords without transmitting them
13:59.43Toommiyes but md5 is not really secure
13:59.46Naikrovekbut with enough time md5 hashes can be brute forced.  takes a loooong time though
13:59.51*** join/#asterisk epaphus (~name@
13:59.55Toommior rainbow tables
14:00.00Toommiwith much luck ;)
14:00.06patrbPARAG: an md5 hash may as well be a plain text password unless you salt it
14:00.19epaphushey guys.. i have PCs with ekiga/twinkle connected with asterisk.. they all sound low on volume.. is it possible to increase that on the server side?
14:00.22epaphusive done everything i can on the client machines
14:00.27Naikrovekthe no-salt  md5 are already all brute forced, up to like 16 chars
14:00.52patrboh and dont salt it with something stupid like their username
14:00.56patrblooks at microsoft
14:01.09coppiceToomi: the safe makers understand the nature of security better than computer people. they know nothing is totally safe. its all just a scale you need to rate things on
14:02.18Toommiyes i know it
14:02.40patrbi think that mentality is a cop out, if you're a should understand security
14:02.44coppiceso you know that "yes but md5 is not really secure" is a meaningless statement
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14:03.32coppiceMD5 is very secure against attacks by my mum, and rather less secure against attacks by the NSA when they have the bit between their teeth
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14:04.58Toommii tried to say that md5 is not soooooooooooooooooooooo secure that when you hash your passwords that it is really save
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14:05.32Toommibut in this case it is enough secure
14:07.03coppicereally safe against who?
14:07.50patrbbuy seriously...md5 may protect you from your mom, but even a 12 year old with a bad attitude could figure out how to crack it
14:07.57patrb..unless its salted
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14:08.32coppiceMD5 still ain't that easy to crack. very few demonstrations of faking MD5 have been staged
14:08.45patrbthats an ignorant statement
14:09.03patrb1 sec, getting a link
14:09.04Naikrovekcoppice: it's not easy to reverse, but it's easy to brute force
14:09.27Naikrovekcoppice: md5 is fast, you just md5 the dictionary (to start with) and try to match hashes
14:10.32patrbIf you have Itunes, download the talk from Defcon 17 called "Cracking 400,000 Passwords or How to Explain to Your Roommate why the Power Bill is a Little High"
14:10.37patrbIts free
14:11.06*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
14:12.58patrbcoppice: there are also websites that let you paste your md5 hash...then the site servs you the cracked hash from a simple DB query
14:14.27coppicethese things are really cracking a poor use of MD5, rather than MD5 itself. SHA512 would fail as badly
14:14.52*** join/#asterisk rttrey (~trey@
14:15.39coppicethe fun one I saw was googling for SHA1s, and getting a reasonable number of hits on the things that generated them
14:17.00florzEssentially, they demonstrate that dictionary attacks do indeed work - which really is highly surprising!
14:19.43ACK-NAKSIP auth question:: A registration statement with the authuser parameter matches WHAT value in the [user] context?
14:19.56ACK-NAKor is it supported?
14:20.32*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
14:20.42ACK-NAK...I mean the [user] context of sip.conf obviously
14:20.46[sr]how can i know which kernel module to load for my card?
14:20.50coppiceflorz: I always take my passwords from a Chinese dictionary :-)
14:21.39ACK-NAKcoppice: florz: I make my passwords really hard.  Instead of 123456, I start with 6 and count DOWN 654321.
14:21.56ACK-NAKThat'll fool 'em
14:22.21ACK-NAKSpaceballs:  The password is 1,2,3,4,5
14:22.49Kobazthat's my password
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14:22.58ACK-NAKsorry to 'out' your super-duper secret.
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14:23.35coppiceNow, actually cracking MD5 is still a bloody serious endeavour today, though anything new should use something tougher, as it will probably become a lot easier within the life of any new system
14:23.38ACK-NAKSome of my passwords are so secret EVEN I don't know what they are anymore
14:24.03Kobazwrites down his new password 1,1,1,1,1
14:24.42ACK-NAKKobaz: Oh I see.  I take YOUR password, now YOU gotta steal MINE!  Damnit!  It was so easy for me to remember 1,1,1,1,1
14:24.44*** join/#asterisk nickaugust (
14:25.16PARAGguys i found one tool
14:25.30PARAGit seems to be very powerful
14:25.37patrbcain is really only good for arp poisoning from a windows box
14:25.39patrbat least w/ my testing
14:25.43coppiceif triple-DES is good, I guess triple-ROT13 should be good, too
14:26.12patrbId rather use back track and all of its tools anyday
14:26.16patrbettercap ftw
14:26.17Kobaztripple-DES on top of quadrouple! ROT-13 is the best
14:27.09zoid_99I can't find this in the docs anywhere.  Can I store a register => username:secret@host/callbackextension in a realtime table?
14:27.14ACK-NAKAnybody who's watched spinal tap knows the new standard is eleven-DES.  It's so strong you can't even look at it.
14:27.24*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
14:27.27Kobazzoid_99: yeap
14:28.05zoid_99kobaz: cool.. do I have to reload anything to force a register?
14:28.53Kobazyou could force a reregister with a reload
14:29.07[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Last I heard you could only put peers in there
14:29.47Kobazi have registrations in my realtime db
14:29.56Kobazwell it's not realtime realtime... it's static-realtime
14:30.02zoid_99kobaz:  what table
14:30.08zoid_99ah... static realtinme
14:30.37dwarkenanyone got an example for making a limit on incomming sip calls?? and then redirect them to another extension if the max channels get exceeded???   i cant get it to work and going crazy! :D
14:30.49zoid_99thanks kobaz
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14:31.40Kobazrealtime realtime has several limitations
14:31.55zoid_99yeah.. that's what I noticed
14:31.57Kobazlast i read, there were voicemail issues and yeah, you cant put in registrations
14:32.10[sr][TK]D-Fender: how can i load the module to my new ISDN card? i mean, how can i know the module name?
14:32.18zoid_99what I'm trying to do is make an outbound registry when I get an inbound registry
14:33.25Kobazthere's no real functional difference really between static realtime and the realtime realtime, other than 1) you need to do a reload to get the new data in 2) there's no limitations
14:33.54[TK]D-Fenderdwarken: "core show function GROUP" <-
14:34.19[TK]D-Fender[sr]: I don't do BRI
14:34.34[sr][TK]D-Fender: oh i see, any idea where i can get such info?
14:34.42Kobazif you have control over both ends, you should do full PRI... BRI is a waste
14:34.49[TK]D-Fender[sr]: Google
14:36.19ACK-NAKAnyone?  SIP auth: A registration statement with the authuser parameter matches WHAT value in the sip.conf  user's context?
14:36.43*** join/#asterisk yahh (~root@
14:36.53dwarken[TK]D-Fender:     i have set context in   incoming   to     context=incoming     also tried to put  context=incoming in sip.conf    and made  [incoming]   in extensions.conf  and put the code in that area....
14:37.17yahhi want to make 2 groups in dahdi-channels.conf
14:37.40yahh1st group with span 1
14:37.50yahhand sencond group for span 2,3 and 4
14:37.56yahhso how to configure
14:38.18yahhi can see in default generated configuaration having following
14:38.30yahhgroup = 63
14:38.43yahhtwo different values for single span
14:38.48[TK]D-Fenderdwarken: You were unclear about what devices you were checking.  if these are local phone-type devices, then use Cahnisavail <-
14:39.28yahhi am confuse here what this 2 different values are for?
14:40.11vader--is highly confused where to start configuring this adtran ta924e :-/
14:40.20[sr][TK]D-Fender: hum, i havent found nothing yet...
14:40.55VoIP-PenguinYay, the new Yellowbook has been delivered!
14:41.07vader--this is what i would like to achieve
14:41.37ACK-NAKVoIP-Penguin: What's a BOOK
14:41.50VoIP-Penguinack-nak:, of course.  :D
14:42.00Naikrovekvader--: use next time.  tinypic suuuuucks
14:42.16*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
14:42.21VoIP-Penguinnaikrovek: or
14:42.52Kobazvader--: adtran tech support?
14:43.01sawgoodhey VoIP-Penguin: you wanna know why I was not able to receive a call at the softphone?
14:43.05sawgoodI fixed it ...
14:43.08vader--haven't called them yet
14:43.15ACK-NAKVoIP-Penguin: My wife's was looking at her companys books, and realized they were still spending $20,000/year on a stupid yellowpages ad.
14:43.18VoIP-Penguinsawgood: Yeah.  I would like to know.
14:43.31dwarken[TK]D-Fender:   local phonetype devices??
14:43.43sawgoodVoIP-Penguin:  I need to 'set' the option under general settings to 'allow annonymous sip calls'
14:43.46VoIP-Penguinack-nak: Must have been a good one; mine doesn't cost anywhere near that much.
14:43.50sawgooddo you know how to do that from the CLI?
14:43.58ACK-NAKVoIP-Penguin: LOL
14:44.04Kobazvader--: wouldn't that be the most obvious choice?
14:44.11VoIP-Penguinsawgood: You shouldn't be allowing anonymous calls -- configure your "from-trunk" peer correctly.
14:44.13[TK]D-Fenderdwarken: You want to see if no-one of those 3 SIP phones is in use first, right?
14:44.30sawgoodoh .. cool ... let me look at those settings then
14:44.48Kobazvader--: being that you were here yesterday and noone knows how to help you so far... i would assume adtran knows their own products quite well
14:44.59dwarken[TK]D-Fender:  i want to redirect incoming calls to ring group 900 if  3 of the 4 phones are busy...
14:45.16VoIP-Penguinsawgood: keep in mind that I rarely touch FreePBX... but there is a place to configure your provider to get calls via your DID.
14:45.46VoIP-Penguinsawgood: Dump FreePBX and I can tell you exactly how to configure the peer.
14:46.07sawgoodI am at the CLI now ... I am opening the file with the peer details ...
14:46.11[TK]D-Fenderdwarken: Tehn use Chanisavail to see which are on the phone
14:46.31[TK]D-Fenderdwarken: "core show application chanisavail"
14:47.08sawgoodVoIP-Penguin: I do not really see anything in peer details which would make a difference ... any suggestions?
14:47.21VoIP-Penguinsawgood: Dump FreePBX, then I'll tell you.
14:47.35VoIP-Penguinsawgood: Seriously.
14:47.38sawgoodI am at the CLI of Asterisk ...
14:47.44sawgoodCentOS 5.4
14:47.46VoIP-Penguinsawgood: sip.conf
14:48.00VoIP-Penguinsawgood: sip.conf... which is not found on Asterisk's CLI.  :/
14:48.03sawgoodoh ... that low of a file ... since this is a 'trixbox' ...
14:48.18infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
14:48.19sawgoodit is more likely a sip_general_custom.conf file
14:48.35VoIP-PenguinNo clue.
14:48.43*** join/#asterisk mrbnet (
14:48.55VoIP-PenguinI'm just telling you where it is for _Asterisk_
14:49.15[sr]damn cant find any info about the HFC-4S card
14:49.36VoIP-PenguinSince you have the GUI, you should be configuring your provider in there rather than in the files directly.
14:49.53[sr]dahdi_hardware find's it
14:50.14sawgoodwhat section of sip.conf would the setting go in?
14:50.30VoIP-Penguinthe one for your peer.
14:50.42*** join/#asterisk pentanol (~pentanol@
14:50.51sawgoodI see that area in the text file
14:50.58tzafrir[sr], it should be supported by chan_dahdi
14:51.02VoIP-PenguinPeers have their own definitions, after the general and after all the default settings.
14:51.08tzafrirwhat version of asterisk it is?
14:51.26sawgoodit is not labeled as peer (it is labeled as the username of the SIP ITSP)
14:51.39pentanolhi guys
14:51.41*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
14:51.41pentanolapp_meetme.c:3531 find_conf_realtime: No DAHDI channel available for conference, user introduction disabled (is chan_dahdi loaded?)
14:51.53pentanolwhich driver I should use?
14:51.59VoIP-Penguinsawgood: I suspect that editing of it directly will end up with your changes being lost the next time you click APPLY in the GUI.
14:52.07pentanolI've loaded dahdi
14:52.08[sr]tzafrir: i only have there the channels for my tdm400
14:52.20sawgoodI understand that part ... I just wondered what the syntax would/could be
14:52.29tzafrir[sr], what's the output of lsdahdi ?
14:52.44[sr]tzafrir: only the tdm400
14:53.02VoIP-Penguinsawgood: Here is a working example sip.conf.
14:53.19pentanolI've auloaded this drivers
14:53.20pentanoldahdi_dynamic_eth dahdi_dynamic_loc dahdi_echocan_jpah dahdi_echocan_kb1 dahdi_echocan_mg2 dahdi_echocan_sec dahdi_echocan_sec2 dahdi_transcode dahdi_dynamic dahdi_dummy dahdi crc_ccitt
14:53.44*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (~manxpower@
14:54.29[TK]D-Fenderpentanol: did you recompile * after installing DAHDI, and did you initialize it befoer starting *?
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14:54.53Kobazyou don't have to recompile asterisk for dahdi updates
14:55.07Slugs_hola katty
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14:55.40Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: asterisk does not statically link with dahdi system libs
14:55.42pentanol[TK]D-Fender nope, perhaps I've compiled asterisk with another dahdi version then...
14:55.43[TK]D-FenderKobaz: You do have to compile * after DAHDI however
14:56.02pentanolbecause it compiled well after I received dahdi compiled
14:56.20Kattygot lots of sleep last night
14:56.30[sr]tzafrir: i think the problem is the missing load of the kernel module,
14:57.08tzafrir[sr], specifically, wcb4xxp
14:57.19tzafriris it shown with a '-' in dahdi_hardware ?
14:57.49[sr]tzafrir: that module doesn't load nothing
14:57.58[sr]tzafrir: ya, a "-" in the end
14:58.13[sr]tzafrir:  qozap- exactly
14:58.58pentanol[TK]D-Fender I should use  chan_dahdi /
14:59.16ManxPower-workpentanol, your question makes no sense.
14:59.18tzafrir[sr], that suggests it is actually not listed as supported
14:59.31tzafrir[sr], what version of dahdi (linux/tools) is it?
14:59.51[sr]tzafrir: what does that mean?
14:59.52tzafrir[sr], though it's probably only an issue of a missing ID or two
14:59.59VoIP-PenguinI got woke up way earlier than I wanted by someone banging on the door.  By the time I got there, no one was around.
14:59.59[TK]D-Fenderpentanol: If you ahve no cards, use dahdi_dummy.  Then do "dahdi_cfg -vvvv" beofre starting *.  Start * manually.  Then test meetme
15:00.00[sr]tzafrir: oh... don't tell me that!
15:00.07tzafrirhow did you install dahdi?
15:00.25[sr]tzafrir: its an trixbox
15:00.33[sr]tzafrir: how can i know the dahdi version?
15:00.39ManxPower-workAh, trixbox.
15:00.40tzafrirrpm -q dahdi
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15:01.34[sr]ops sorry
15:01.53ACK-NAKI know everybody does it, but why is it considered (or is it) considered bad practice to name devices after their extension number?
15:02.01[sr]well not too old, i see on asterisk website that it has version 2.2.1
15:02.08ACK-NAKi.e. [1004]
15:02.45VoIP-Penguinack-nak: The only thing I know of is that it makes things easier to guess device names when trying to crack the system and make free calls.
15:03.01leifmadsenACK-NAK: because 1) it can be a security hazard, and 2) you should abstract the extension number and person from the device incase you design to reprovision it for someone else
15:03.15KobazACK-NAK: some people like to make devices named after the mac address, so they can switch the extension numbers around without changing the device names
15:03.22[TK]D-FenderACK-NAK: Because scanners target straight numeric peers.  one they find a hit they start hacking the shit out of yoru to crack the pass
15:03.42leifmadsenACK-NAK: think of hot desking for instance, when several people might login to a device (shared device) then it makes no sense to name the device an extension number
15:04.01KobazACK-NAK: but you'll still have to reprogram the phone itself for it to show up it's new extension number
15:04.17KobazACK-NAK: so it kind of defeats the purpose of having generic names
15:04.18VoIP-Penguinkobaz: its new ...
15:04.24leifmadsenour (Asterisk book) new documentation goes into detail about why MAC addresses are "the better way"
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15:04.38yahhi want to make 2 groups in dahdi-channels.conf
15:04.44ACK-NAKSo what's a boy to do?  Create a lookup table in the dialplan i.e. exten=>1004,1,Dial(${1004})
15:04.45yahh1st group with span 1
15:04.53yahhand sencond group for span 2,3 and 4
15:04.56cellZerofreepbx overwrites my dialplan, where would i place custom que code?
15:05.03leifmadsenACK-NAK: ya, you can use the AstDB for that kind of thing
15:05.05yahhso how to configure
15:05.14KobazcellZero: if you din't use freebsd, you wouldn't have to worry about it overwriting your configs
15:05.21leifmadsenACK-NAK: or func_odbc if you want to use a relational database
15:05.23Kobazfreepbx rather
15:05.45[sr]tzafrir: ideas? update dahdi? try the most recent trixbox, kill my self? :P
15:05.56*** join/#asterisk AsteriskNoob (
15:06.01KobazACK-NAK: use good firewalling practices and your device names won't matter
15:06.38cellZeroKobaz: Freepbx is nice for those big changes, but not flexible for very detailed functionality
15:06.56tzafrir[sr], can you pastebin the output of lspci -v
15:07.05tzafriror at least the relevant entry for that card
15:07.06cellZeroKobaz: Suppose i could just do away with freepbx from this point onwards
15:07.14VoIP-PenguinI'd rather not use FreePBX for any changes at all.
15:07.21KobazACK-NAK: a private asterisk system should not allow inward access to local sip extensions... whitelist your sip itsp's and that's it
15:07.46KobazcellZero: i find it's easier to do mass changes by editing the configs directly... search and replace, or writing shell scripts
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15:11.41tzafrir[sr], this device seems to be supported as of 2.2.1
15:12.20ACK-NAKleifmadsen: Kobaz: TK]D-Fender: Correct me if I'm wrong, but is the purpose of the 'authuser' parameter is to create the very abstractoon between the device name and the username used to validate the connection?
15:12.45tzafrireither install from source or rebuild their rpm package with a different version of dahdi
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15:13.04[sr]tzafrir: hum... i have to see if the newer trixbox has the 2.2.1 version of dahdi, there's one new version of trixbox than the one i have
15:13.21Qwell[sr]: AsteriskNOW does
15:13.33KobazACK-NAK: yes
15:13.36VoIP-Penguinack-nak: You didn't list me... but I don't even know of an "authuser" setting.
15:13.53KobazACK-NAK: it's a *very* useful feature to have
15:14.00[sr]Qwell: hum.. i could also try, asterisknow also has the freepbx interface? or whats the difference from trixbox? if you know
15:14.03ACK-NAKVoIP-Penguin: fatfingered.  Sorry
15:14.18VoIP-PenguinSo what did you actually mean?
15:14.20Qwell[sr]: AsteriskNOW = CentOS + Asterisk + FreePBX
15:14.25[sr]Qwell: i'm still on testing so i can do what i want, not in production yet
15:14.29Qwell[sr]: trixbox = those + tons of other garbage
15:14.38leifmadsenACK-NAK: except it isn't dynamic if you're abstracting the information into the dialplan like in the scenario of a hot-desking application
15:14.38[sr]Qwell: hum
15:14.48Kattyfile: new complaint about ipod nano. i had my nike workout almost done, and i was trying to figure out what buttons to push to finalized the workout...and i somehjow managed to back out of the program to the Menu. completely dumped all the data from my workout
15:14.49[sr]Qwell: i think i'll give it a try then...
15:14.50Qwelland, AsteriskNOW is maintained by somebody who knows what he's doing.  ie; me.
15:15.09QwellAfterall, there's a reason trixbox decided to start using my packages (after how many years?)
15:15.14[sr]Qwell: heeh :P
15:15.26[sr]Qwell: i trust in you! i'm going to give it a try
15:15.32Kattydon't trust him.
15:15.34KattyDON"T DO IT
15:15.37Qwellfirst time I've ever heard that.
15:15.44Qwell"I trust you Qwell!"  Bad idea.
15:15.51Kattyyou can't trust mages.
15:15.52dwarkenif i set context=incoming  in sip_general_aditional.conf  it says [Mar 23 16:13:50] NOTICE[2507] chan_sip.c: Call from '' to extension 'XXXXXXXX' rejected because extension not found.   XXX = sip phone number...
15:16.34KattyQwell: i was actually thinking about renewing my account.
15:16.47Qwellwant mine?
15:16.53KattyQwell: ryan and his brother have given up on star trek online and are now playing WoW again.
15:16.57Kattyno, i have a mage.
15:16.58Kattyand i hate it.
15:17.54Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: authuser= is really nice.... you can have a sip peer say [foo] and have authuser=bar, dial SIP/foo   and it will use the username bar when making calls to
15:18.24Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: i use it all the time for doing unit testing
15:18.36ACK-NAKVoIP-Penguin: leifmadsen: true, but it seems that combining an abstration layer for the purpose of hotdesking and the purpose of security may be convenient but a poor logical grouping fo functionality.  In other wrods it would seem that an install that needs no hotdesking should be able to eliminate a supplemetal layer of abstraction just for the purpose of security if the security paradigm were sufficently robust.
15:18.38[TK]D-Fenderdwarken: No, XXX is and EXTENSION in EXTENSIONS.CONF
15:18.52[TK]D-Fenderdwarken: This is not a "sip phone number"
15:19.06[TK]D-Fenderdwarken: Which is a BS term as it is
15:20.34dwarken[TK]D-Fender:  i wrote XXX so i didnt publish my sip number.. :)         i have made [incoming] in extensions and put in some code..  no matter where i put  context=incoming i dont listen to incoming in extensions.conf
15:20.39KobazVoIP-Penguin: have you done hotdesking with polycom phones?  do you reboot the phone with it takes over a new extension?
15:20.40*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
15:21.02NaikrovekKobaz: i've done it, no you don't need to reboot the phone if you do it the way i did it
15:21.15[sr]Qwell: asterisknow version 1.5.0, already has version 2.2.1 of dahdi?
15:21.20KobazNaikrovek: how would it show up the new extension on the display? microbrowser?
15:21.25Kattyeveryone around me is falling to pieces
15:21.26Qwell[sr]: It will when you yum update
15:21.31Kattysister is getting surgery on her neck
15:21.36Kattymom's getting xrays on her wrist
15:21.37[sr]Qwell: i get you
15:21.45[TK]D-Fenderdwarken: I see no proof of what peer it matched or what context it looked in... but XX is NOT a  "sip phone number.  It is an EXTENSION.
15:21.47Kattydad's going to the doctor about insulin shots >.<
15:21.51NaikrovekKobaz: the address of the phone shows up, according to whatever the registration files tell it to say.  not necessarily the extension that actually rings at that phone
15:21.56Kattyspeak of that
15:21.59KattyQwell: phone call?
15:22.08*** join/#asterisk fofware (~chatzilla@
15:22.16KattyQwell: no phone call? or negative?
15:22.26Qwelljust meh
15:22.38Kattysyntax error near 'just'
15:22.51Naikrovekm e h .. meh
15:23.00dwarken[TK]D-Fender:  XX = XXXXXXXX    it write my sip number i got from my provider.....
15:23.10dwarken8 digits is a danish number
15:23.38[TK]D-Fenderdwarken: Meaningless.  Your acll comes in.  We don't see what peer it matched (if any) or what conetxt its looking for that extension in.
15:23.50[TK]D-Fenderdwarken: Enable SIP DEBUG and look at another call.
15:25.04leifmadsenACK-NAK: well, you can name your peer definitions anything you want -- asterisk won't stop you. Just pick a naming convention that is scalable, logical, and useful. Many have found MAC addresses fit that criteria, but there is nothing to say that is the only (or best) way
15:27.08ACK-NAKVoIP-Penguin: leifmadsen: Kobaz: [TK]D-Fender: So is setting up all of my device user definitions to use "authuser" a soud design decision?  Is it a smart and secure alternative to abstracting device names from the dialplan with a lookup table or is there an implication that I'm not considering?
15:27.28dwarken[TK]D-Fender:  ??
15:27.33leifmadsenACK-NAK: I've never done that, and I'm not sure I like it, but have at it :)
15:27.34Kobazleifmadsen: there are some limitations on peer names... you wouldn't want a peer name of ][
15:27.52KobazACK-NAK: whatever works
15:27.56leifmadsenKobaz: that isn't really a very logical or scalable convention :)
15:28.08Kobazleifmadsen: heh
15:28.14Kattyoh nice.
15:28.22Kattyrandom 'walk in' wants to know if we'll burn a dvd for him
15:28.24Kobazleifmadsen: i haven't tried it, but i think using ][ would break the parser
15:28.29Kattywe don't /have/ walk ins
15:28.37leifmadsenKobaz: I think so too
15:28.42Kattywe don't even deal with individuals
15:28.55Kattyso why on earth did someone come /here/
15:29.06leifmadsenif someone walked into my office and asked for much of anything I'd probably freak out a little bit
15:29.09leifmadsenworks from home
15:29.25Kattyleifmadsen: well he didn't come to my office, he walked in upstairs and talked to the girl who answers the phone
15:29.31leifmadsenKatty: I only deal with bits of electronic information, possibly or unpossibly entered by people
15:29.32Kattyleifmadsen: and she called me about it
15:29.35VoIP-Penguinack-nak: I don't even have an authuser setting listed in my sample conf.  I'm still waiting on some clarification about this setting.
15:29.50Kattyleifmadsen: yeah, me too
15:30.16KobazVoIP-Penguin: whoops
15:30.19[TK]D-Fenderdwarken: [Mar 23 16:24:57] VERBOSE[2507] logger.c: Found no matching peer or user for '' <-- didn't match any peer
15:30.19KobazVoIP-Penguin: it's fromuser=
15:30.31ACK-NAKleifmadsen: Kobaz: I like the [mac] convention idea since device-specific configs are often married to that string anyhow.  Softphones would need a different naming convention, but they're already 'special' being What would be some of the pitfalls of going down that road,
15:30.48[TK]D-Fenderdwarken: [Mar 23 16:24:57] VERBOSE[2507] logger.c: Looking for 46963355 in incoming (domain <-- looking for a match to 46963355 in [incoming] and not finding one.
15:30.59VoIP-Penguinkobaz: I tried to ask about that a while back, but didn't get any answer about it.
15:31.16leifmadsenACK-NAK: I just use the [mac] of a network interface on the computer running the softphone -- no need to have separate conventions
15:31.31*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (~CunningPi@
15:31.50ACK-NAKVoIP-Penguin: I dont' see it either.  It's been tough to find solid info on what such a convention would look like.
15:31.56KobazVoIP-Penguin: it changes the username that it will use when calling out
15:32.07dwarken[TK]D-Fender:   thats when it try to make  group count on the ring group called 6000   and dont know where it gets 46963355 from....       in the trunk i have tried to set context=incoming but it dosent look at the [incoming] in exteinsions.conf
15:32.09VoIP-Penguinkobaz: That's not "authuser"
15:32.12KobazVoIP-Penguin: instead of using it's own peer name or username
15:32.21VoIP-Penguinkobaz: its own!
15:32.22KobazVoIP-Penguin: fromuser... from within a peer definition
15:32.31[TK]D-Fenderdwarken: they are sending the call to that number
15:32.46VoIP-Penguinkobaz: "using it is own peer name" doesn't make sense!
15:33.09*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (~chris@
15:33.09Kobazyeah yeah
15:33.15ACK-NAKleifmadsen: I see.  I was thinking of the problem of having one set of credentials being used between multiple devices.  PC Softphone, Smartphone client etc.
15:33.18Kattyhi Netgeeks
15:33.19VoIP-Penguinkobaz: And I do know about fromuser.  I use it.
15:33.28*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
15:33.31VoIP-Penguinkobaz: The problem was the authuser part.
15:33.39Dovidanyone here work with fastagi + php /
15:33.41dwarken[TK]D-Fender:    hmmm....  gotta look at it tomorrow,  i'm going crazy and done at work for today... :)
15:33.48KobazVoIP-Penguin: with registrations?
15:34.16leifmadsenACK-NAK: that's what abstracting can do though -- separate registrations for the "devices" then you can say, "Jimmy is extension 1004, and his devices are 0004f2040001, 0004f2040002, and 0004f2040003"
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15:35.06VoIP-Penguinkobaz: I guess I should have said I did use it.  Back when I used SIP for my ITSP, I used fromuser for their peer.  I now use iax2 and don't use fromuser.
15:36.08VoIP-PenguinAnd yes, I used dynamic registration to them.
15:41.14VoIP-Penguinleifmadsen: Is there a guide on doing that type of abstraction?
15:42.05leifmadsenVoIP-Penguin: just the hot-desking example in Asterisk:TFoT v2 I think -- we're working on an update that talks about best practices better than we did before (now that some actually exist)
15:43.38VoIP-PenguinI wouldn't mind knowing how to handle device names relative to extensions in a logical way when hotdesking isn't involved.
15:43.58leifmadsenwell, hot-desking is just an example of the abstraction
15:44.12leifmadsenat another site (call centre) I just used astDB
15:44.43leifmadsendevice/0004f2040001/extension   :   100
15:44.57leifmadsendevice/0004f2040001/persons_name  :   Leif Madsen
15:45.14leifmadsendevice/0004f2040001/voicemail_account  :   lmadsen@company_xyz
15:45.28leifmadsenor however else you want to handle it
15:45.49leifmadsenanother site I've used a relational database with func_odbc and 3 tables:  ast_devices, ast_extensions, ast_users
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15:46.38leifmadsenast_devices has information about the device (realtime registration data, etc...), ast_extensions has the extension number and link to and, and ast_users has information about a person
15:47.00Kattydances with leifmadsen
15:47.23leifmadsensteps on Katty's toes
15:48.09ACK-NAKVoIP-Penguin: Lleifmadsen: WRT MAC--at some point doesn't it start to make sense to not tie a specific device to a unique set of auth credentials?  Imagine separate gmail credentaials for your smartphone, laptop, tablet & desktop.   I know what you're saying, and I know that things work the way they do because of the mechanics of the protocol.
15:48.56leifmadsenACK-NAK: perhaps it does -- feel free to provide a better logical schema
15:49.00ACK-NAKBut certain simple things start to seem unnecesarily kludgey
15:49.17leifmadsenACK-NAK: I'm not saying MAC address is the *best* method -- just the best method for what I've had to implement
15:49.48ACK-NAKleifmadsen:  Right. and at some point you gotta just 'do' rahter than design forever
15:50.18leifmadsenso I'm not sure why we're still having this conversation :)
15:50.26Kobazdo de do
15:50.27spenguin[work]Katty: whats cooking
15:50.29VoIP-PenguinChoosing to use the mac address of a device for its name doesn't seem like that much of an issue to me.
15:50.33leifmadsenit's like you're trying to convince me of something :)
15:50.38leifmadsenbut I'm not quite sure what....
15:51.05Kobazokay so... i have a t1 between an axeterisk and an avaya... and i just learned now that the length of the line is 433 feet
15:51.18Kobazcurrently we're set to an lbo of 0-133...
15:51.38Kobazso what sort of problems would that cause
15:51.56[sr]Qwell: the default user & pwd for asterisknow is?
15:52.10Qwellin the quickstart guide
15:53.00Kattyhugs spenguin[work]
15:53.07Kattyspenguin[work]: yeah i've not been cooking lately
15:53.10Kattyspenguin[work]: /at all/
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15:53.43ACK-NAKleifmadsen: thanks for your ideas.
15:54.13spenguin[work]kk, just gardening?
15:54.24Kattyspenguin[work]: been too soggy :<
15:54.31Kattyspenguin[work]: might get my feathers wet
15:54.39ACK-NAKleifmadsen: maybe I
15:54.41spenguin[work]heh k
15:54.57Kobazso noone knows what an incorrect lbo setting would do
15:55.40Kattyi'm not sure i even know what that is
15:56.02Kobazit's the cable distance setting
15:56.24Kattyno, no idea.
15:56.48coppiceif you don't get it in the right ballpark you tend to increase the bit error rate, but it often makes little difference
15:57.40Kobazwe're not getting any bit errors
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15:57.44Slugs_loves * ty
15:57.59Kobazthe line had the d channel up, but we completely lost connection it seems
15:58.18Kobazi was watching pri debug on outgoing calls, and there was nothing coming back from the other t1 interface
15:59.05Kobazno alarms, no errors, pri up and active, d channel active... but no data
16:01.11Slugs_ChannelZ thats for u
16:06.37Kattywhy is writing up a grocery list so hard
16:06.37Kattyeverything i think is just.... too much effort
16:06.37Kattymaybe i'll live off hotpockets for a week
16:06.54*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
16:07.17Slugs_HOT POCKETS
16:07.28Slugs_you know jim gaffigan?
16:07.33Kattyhotttttttttttt pockeettttt
16:07.56sawgoodWhat is a Asterisk CLI command to 'learn' / 'see' what SIP phones are currently registered as extensions?
16:08.05Kattyfor those of you who didn't get the reference:
16:08.07Slugs_sip show peers ?
16:08.19ACK-NAKShould alwaysauthreject=yes be considered a foolproof solution to aforementioned naming-your-endponts-as-their-extension-number" security problem?  or not.  Is there still be a vulnerability?
16:08.34leifmadsensawgood: sip show peers
16:09.01Slugs_leifmadsen, i said it already, steeling my thunder ;/
16:09.11Slugs_i only know so much ... ;/
16:09.15leifmadsenSlugs_: oh, I didn't see, I just saw the question :)
16:09.21ACK-NAKSlugs_: Wouldn't it be 'sip show users'
16:09.29leifmadsenACK-NAK: users doesn't show registration
16:09.33sawgoodIf I see a 'phone' in the listing ... does that mean for sure it is registered as an extension?
16:09.37leifmadsenACK-NAK: peers contains the registration info
16:09.53leifmadsensawgood: no, you'll see an IP address
16:10.05ACK-NAKusers is just who's registerd TO YOU, not who you're registered to?  Am I thinking of this correctly?
16:10.12leifmadsen(Unspecified) or something will show up if it is not registered
16:10.24sawgoodnice ... thank you, sir!
16:10.33leifmadsenACK-NAK: neither... peers is who is registered to use (host=dynamic) and sip show registry  is for who you're registered to
16:10.54leifmadsenACK-NAK: users are for authenticating incoming connections that are matched on username (and not IP address)
16:10.58sawgoodwhat is sip show users for?
16:11.04leifmadsensawgood: see above
16:11.09KattySlugs_: LEAN pockettsssss
16:11.14spenguin[work]Katty is lazy lazy
16:11.18ACK-NAKThanks leifmadsen
16:11.22Kattyspenguin[work]: i know :<
16:11.26Kattyspenguin[work]: have no energies
16:11.44sawgoodSo, is there a way to 'tell' Asterisk to 'pause' filling up the screen after I issue sip show peers ...
16:11.55sawgoodbecause it flows off the screen to fast with other details behind it
16:11.55ACK-NAKSo can someone help me usnderstand why sip show users has name and username?
16:11.57Kattyspenguin[work]: solar panels are clearly not recieving enough sunshine
16:12.10devoidasterisk -rvvvvvv (pipe) tee asterisk.out
16:12.13Slugs_Katty, y don't i take a laean pocket it put it directly in the toilet
16:12.23ACK-NAKDo I understaned that name is the name as referenced in the dialplan and username is somethign like an authenticating username?
16:12.25Kattyflushhhhhhhhhhhh pocketttt
16:12.36sawgooddevoid: what is 'tee asterisk.out' for?
16:12.46devoidsawgood: to get the output into a file
16:12.57*** join/#asterisk nbash (
16:13.10leifmadsenlogger.conf can also be used for that, but the 'tee' method is easier
16:13.13sawgoodso would this be right .... asterisk -rvvvv sip show peers file.txt
16:13.21Kattyspenguin[work]: i had a cookie for breakfaset
16:13.28Kattyspenguin[work]: it was a chocolate chip cookie with caramel
16:13.31leifmadsenasterisk -rx "sip show peers" | tee /tmp/output.txt
16:13.46leifmadsenor asterisk -rvvvv | tee /tmp/output.txt
16:13.48Kattyspenguin[work]: probably why i'm running low on energies of late
16:13.49sawgoodnice tee is a GNU command ... got it
16:13.49leifmadsenthen run "sip show peers"
16:14.02leifmadsenok seriously, if I don't eat now, I may die
16:14.08Kattyleifmadsen: leif.
16:14.16Slugs_feeds leifmadsen
16:14.27Katty^- hot pocketttt
16:14.42ACK-NAKleifmadsen: if you're eating chipotle, be sure to buy some chipotleaway!
16:14.49Kattyi'm thinking like frozen microwavable macaroni and cheese for lunch
16:16.31Kattyfile: you can actually tweet your order?
16:16.43Kattyfile: :<
16:16.44nbashhey guys can I get someone to look at myt config...I'm able to dial extensions (ie 2000) however pstn sip is not working.  Extensions:  Sip:
16:17.06sawgoodwow ... asterisk -rx 'sip show peers' worked like a charm
16:17.21sawgood-x must mean to 'excute' what is in ''
16:17.35Kattyi wonder if anyone ever screens asterisk
16:17.57ACK-NAKKatty: yes, but the screen is coarse.
16:18.34Slugs_sawgood, correct, it's so you dont have to be in the CLI
16:18.57sawgoodwhy does 'sip show peers' and/or "sip show peers" both work?
16:19.05sawgoodis there a difference between ' and "
16:19.21Kattybut too lazy to go get anything
16:19.26nbashwhen I try and call a pstn number I get invaild number (dialing 1XXXXXXXXXX) when I dial my DID I get number not in service
16:19.31Slugs_both are quotes in it's eyes
16:19.36sawgoodKatty: I'm going to cook myself 3 fried eggs ...
16:19.48sawgoodSlugs_: thank you
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16:19.53Kattyi take it you're not allergic to them
16:20.08Slugs_sawgood: np.
16:20.10sawgoodna ... I love fried eggs, and we have this 'shop cat' ... and he loves eggs too
16:20.30sawgoodyesterday, I gave him 6 pieces of a nice steak
16:20.41sawgoodhe was licking his lips after that meal
16:20.43Kattykitty was no doubt apeased.
16:21.17Kattyryan and i went out for dinner on valentines day, but the steak was awful. ended up giving over half of our steak to him that evening
16:21.21sawgoodHe helps to keep the squirrels at bay ...
16:21.35sawgoodthey don't dare come around anymore with him on the prowl
16:21.40Kattyand by him i mean our dog
16:21.59sawgoodwhat kind of dog?
16:22.07Kattyfull blooded german shepherd
16:22.12nbashanyone ;-)
16:22.27sawgoodnice ... I had a German Shepherd once name Sgt. she was a good dog
16:22.38sawgoodMy last do was a Pug ... he died at 6 ... his name was Payday
16:22.44Kattyhis papers say Kaiser Riddick der Kleine Hobbit mit Waggytail
16:22.54sawgoodwhat a name
16:22.57ACK-NAKA good dog is the best kind of dog.  There is no higher compliment in dog nomenclature.
16:23.26sawgoodyou ever watch the TV show, "Dog Town" ... its really cool
16:23.37citywokhmm my * installation just crashed out during a reload
16:24.10Slugs_don't stop make it pop!
16:24.25citywokthis is the last thing i see in my logs... [Mar 23 08:48:02] VERBOSE[9909] pbx.c:     -- Added extension '+1425XXXXXXX' priority 1 to sip-inbound-context-autogeneration (0xaf7faba0)
16:24.34ACK-NAKUse 'bad dog' too frequently and you can scar that dog emotionally.
16:24.57ACK-NAK...he'll start doing dog drugs.
16:24.59sawgoodI know this problem I am facing is not * realted (I'm speaking about RTP in general) (it is a TalkSwitch IP PBX) ... if you answer an incoming call for 3rd ring completes ... you'll have no outgoing audio to the incoming caller
16:25.05sawgoodvery strange
16:25.15sawgoodIf you wait for 3 or 4 rings to complete, you can talk just fine
16:25.54nbashis there a support irc chan?
16:26.07sawgoodIf you pick up the incoming SIP trunk call on the 1st, 2nd, or sometimes 3rd ring ... you'll have no outgoing RTP to the incoming caller (but you can hear them saying ... hello hello hello)
16:26.09Kattyyou mean paid support?
16:26.21Kattyprobably not
16:26.30Kattyi'm sure paid support cases are handled over the phone
16:26.35sawgoodI have Wireshark captures I am sending them today
16:26.40sawgoodI hope they know of a fix ...
16:27.04Kattyif not, we'll send my dog after them
16:27.15nbashjust need some help...tryin to learn how to do an initial config...I think I have everything configured configured right but I cant access my external sip trunk
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16:27.41nbashI can dial between sip phones but not access external (incomming or outgoing)
16:27.50sawgoodWhat in general is the opinion of FreeSwitch compared to Asterisk?
16:27.54ACK-NAKKatty:  you mean your good dog.  Going back for a minute to the discussion of naming phones equal to their extension numbers: Should alwaysauthreject=yes be considered a foolproof solution to that issue?  No?  Is there still be a vulnerability I'm not getting?
16:28.16[TK]D-Fender[12:19]<nbash>when I try and call a pstn number I get invaild number (dialing 1XXXXXXXXXX) when I dial my DID I get number not in service <-- your extensions.conf can't match a number starting with "1" as dialed from a phone
16:28.18Kattysawgood: i haven't used freeswitch before
16:28.34Kattysawgood: but many of the original folk who put lots of time and effort into asterisk are now working on the freeswitch project
16:29.16Kattynbash: please don't send me private messages
16:29.21ACK-NAKsawgood: I've never used FS, but I would say that freeswitch is less featured, less mature, but may have a better religion.
16:29.32ACK-NAKby religion I mean...
16:29.45citywokcan somebody help me understand a backtrace and why my server crashed?
16:29.52Kattysawgood: you can always test it out for yourself and see how you like it.
16:30.07ACK-NAKsawgood: by religion I mean adherence to  some architectural imperatives.
16:30.12sawgoodI am sort of waiting for FreePBX 3.0 to come out to do that
16:30.26sawgoodACK-NAK: I get the same feeling as what you wrote
16:30.32Kattyohhhhh i need some motivation today
16:30.46ACK-NAKKatty: C.O.F.F.E.E.
16:30.47Kattyand a 3.55mm cable
16:30.50sawgoodI've been told FS ... supports SLA and the Broadsoft SLA service
16:31.00Kattysawgood: go visit #freeswitch
16:31.06Kattysawgood: ask your questions
16:31.32KattyACK-NAK: i'm drinking soda :/
16:31.40KattyACK-NAK: almost 32 oz
16:31.44KattyACK-NAK: it's jut not workin
16:31.52ACK-NAKKatty: screw that.  I just use the 1/8 inch cables instead of the 3.55mm buggers.
16:32.00KattyACK-NAK: well....
16:32.08ACK-NAKKatty: Yowza. you've got a high sugar tolerance.
16:32.10KattyACK-NAK: i need to connect my ipod to the aux in my car
16:32.25ACK-NAKKatty: That'd waste me.
16:32.35KattyACK-NAK: it's why i'm so sweet
16:32.38KattyACK-NAK: badumching
16:32.43sawgoodIs there any 'effective' tools to use with Asterisk to determine a SIP calls MOS or R-Factor score?
16:32.59Kattyits what
16:33.04ACK-NAKsawgood: a polycom soundpoint
16:33.11Kattyyou gotta speak english
16:33.13Kattyyou're killin my head
16:33.27Kattyi might implode
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16:33.37Kattyhi KavanS
16:34.00sawgoodWhat can that SIP phone do for MOS?
16:34.20ACK-NAKKatty: speakign of cables, I bought a german table saw, now I have to find metric wood!
16:34.54Kattyforces self to go to lunch. bbl
16:34.58ACK-NAKsawgood.  I think their produtivity suite has some tools for determiing MOS and other subjective quality factors.
16:35.13sawgoodACK-NAK: nice ... I'll call them today to find out
16:35.13citywok[TK]D-Fender: you around? can you check out this backtrace? -- i think a user dialed their phone and the entiure system crashed. any ideas?
16:35.40citywokit was in the middle of a reload command when it happened, not sure if that is relevant or not
16:36.37nbashthey should really rename this room to asterisk-general chat...sigh.
16:37.11sawgoodfrustration ... its a rough thing
16:38.04Naikrovekor maybe he should get some patience
16:38.22ACK-NAKsawgood: Their web site has a podcast that you can absorb on the train.
16:38.38ACK-NAKor whatever 'way home' you take.
16:38.54*** join/#asterisk ManxPower-work (~manxpower@
16:39.11sawgoodseems like this 'suite' is a feature key which costs extra ...
16:39.27sawgoodmight be worth it though if it can help t/s VoIP quaility concerns
16:39.36Naikrovekthe productivity suite?  yes  $6/phone
16:39.54*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
16:40.02sawgoodoh ... that is not bad at all
16:40.14Naikrovekit doesn't really do a lot as i understand it
16:40.19sawgood$6 bucks for two phones (one at the customer site and one in the LAB)
16:40.22sawgoodoh ...
16:40.33Naikrovekoh i could be wrong
16:40.36sawgoodI need an effective way to 'see' MOS and/or R-Factor scores 'live'
16:40.36ManxPower-workI've never seen the need for the Polycom suite.
16:40.38Naikrovekread up on it on polycom's site
16:40.50ManxPower-workAdds a few features a larger corporation might want, but that's about it.
16:40.54Naikrovekwhat are MOS and R-Factor scores?
16:41.04ACK-NAKNaikrovek: it seems that they should just throw the bastard in to the base price--that way you wouldn't have to fu¢k around with licensce keys and auth scheme etc.  You pay them $6 to waste $50 of the clients money.
16:41.21ManxPower-workNaikrovek, MOS is the perceived call quality
16:41.39Naikrovekyou can watch jitter and latency in real time i think
16:41.43Naikrovekbut those aren't the same
16:41.49RypPnsawgood vqmanager has those stats, but its non-free
16:42.03sawgoodRypPn: thanks ... looking at it now ..
16:44.26ManxPower-workACK-NAK, so add $6 to the cost of the phone so 5% of people have the feature they want?
16:44.26Slugs_did the agi debug command change in 1.6?
16:44.28[TK]D-Fender[12:27]<nbash>I can dial between sip phones but not access external (incomming or outgoing) <- as I told you your [phones] context does NOT have something to match a number starting with "1"
16:44.41ManxPower-workSlugs_, you know where to get the answer to the question.  UPGRADE*.txt
16:44.54Slugs_thx ;)
16:47.00ManxPower-work<sarcasm> I can't wait for Polycom to release their SDK.  It is being released on March 1 2010! </sarcasm>
16:47.10Naikroveknot out yet?
16:47.17ManxPower-workNaikrovek, hope. nope
16:47.33ManxPower-workthe original release data was supposed to be Feb 1
16:48.01ManxPower-workIt will also be awesome when they finally release a firmware that works with the Adtran LLDP stuff.
16:50.36sawgoodseems like VQManager is a 3k a year software service ... very expensive ... but it might do the trick for troubleshooting
16:52.27*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
16:52.45Polysicshow do i make sure my AMI script is receiving ALL possible events?
16:53.09Kobazwhen you log in... do Events: all
16:53.11Polysicsmanager.conf has both read and write set to system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user
16:53.53Kobazthere's more than that
16:54.34ManxPower-workKobaz, that depends on the version of Asterisk you are using.
16:54.40Kobazthat too
16:54.40*** join/#asterisk ddefrenne (~ddefrenne@
16:54.47Polysics16.1 here
16:54.58Kobazit'll just ignore the stuff it doesn't know about
16:55.01ManxPower-work1.6.1.x at least.
16:55.06*** join/#asterisk r0fl (~r0fl@unaffiliated/r0fl)
16:56.00Polysicsdo i need to restart * after changing manager.conf?
16:56.08Kobazmanager reload
16:56.53Polysicsthanks, i will remove some when i know i do not need them
16:57.04Polysicsi am trying to figure out some things, needed to see them all
17:00.19Slugs_agi debug is now 'agi set debug on'
17:02.16Kattyi got lunch
17:02.53Kattychicken sammich
17:04.03Slugs_im on Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) and
17:04.31Slugs_agi is awesome
17:04.42Slugs_thats a fun chapter
17:06.24ACK-NAKdeny= doesn't work in [general]  Why not?  Seems I should be able to disallow everythign and then opt-in
17:06.59Kattytoo bad that's not the way the banks work.
17:07.00ddefrenneshouldn't you place it in the user-config?
17:08.07epaphushey guys.. i have PCs with ekiga/twinkle connected with asterisk.. they all sound low on volume.. is it possible to increase that on the server side?
17:08.22*** join/#asterisk Skeeter- (
17:08.34[TK]D-Fenderepaphus: Fix the client
17:08.37*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
17:09.35*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:09.45infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
17:10.07infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
17:10.19ManxPower-workepaphus, for the most part, no it's not fixed on the server
17:10.32ManxPower-workYour audio may not even go thru the server.
17:11.26[TK]D-Fenderepaphus: If you feel like mangling your dialplan in 1.6+ you can try "core show function VOLUME"
17:11.44ACK-NAKddefrenne: that's my point.  YES, so you have to repeat the statement in EVERY user config or use a template.  Extra work.  Why not parse it in [general] and apply to all user confisgs
17:11.56*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
17:11.56ManxPower-work[TK]D-Fender, Hopefully that disables reinvites
17:12.53ACK-NAKinstead of permit= doesn't work with hostnames.  Is there a parameter that does?
17:13.14ManxPower-workof course permit doesn't work on hostnames.
17:13.45ACK-NAKManxPower-work:  Why not?  something like
17:13.47ManxPower-workACK-NAK, 1) why are you using permit/deny instead of allowing the client to register and authenticate that way 2) hostnames change IP addresses all the time.
17:14.14ManxPower-workACK-NAK, today is and tomorrow it's
17:14.22ACK-NAKsee externip= vs externhost=
17:14.33ManxPower-workACK-NAK, see how poorly externhost= works
17:14.41florzManxPower-work: and for finding out exactly this there exists a system called DNS!
17:14.49ManxPower-workACK-NAK, but if you feel so strongly feel free to submit a patch
17:15.03ManxPower-workflorz, and Asterisk's support for DNS is one of the worst I've EVER seen.
17:15.31florzManxPower-work: well, yeah, that's true - but there is not general technical reason for why this can't work
17:16.04ACK-NAKLets say our brother server in the republic of Texax get a new subnet from ARIN.  We have to change our config.   I see your point about registraiton though.  That's kind of what its' for.
17:16.08ManxPower-workflorz, so few people use permit/deny I guess it's never been a priority.
17:18.16*** join/#asterisk Slugs_ (
17:19.43Kattyi'm going to glue your tail down.
17:21.15Kattyinfobot: seen seanmh
17:21.19infobotseanmh <n=johndoe@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 161d 21h 59m 38s ago, saying: 'Katty: how's the 1.6 testing going?'.
17:21.19ACK-NAKManxPower-work: I think the real point here is that registration is a method for being FOUND (and authenticated), and allow/deny is a secuirty construct.  Therefore the functions are different.  Register carries a level of vulnerabilty if your trunkign credentials are hacked or leaked.   Less of a threat when you can lock it to a host or subnet, using deny/permit, and the DNS hostname is a dynamic way of delegating the responsib
17:21.19ACK-NAKility of managing the IP addresses to the remote server.
17:21.29Kattyeppigy: amn't
17:21.45ACK-NAKseeen avatar
17:22.01Kattyeppigy: ryan was watching twilight last night
17:22.06Kattyeppigy: im feeling a bit disturbed
17:24.18ManxPower-workACK-NAK, I have 2 responses to that 1) you are welcome to submit a patch to and 2) DNS can be hacked
17:24.29*** join/#asterisk TheDavidFactor (
17:25.36florz"DNS can be hacked"?!
17:26.00Kobazoh noeses
17:26.34infobotit has been said that infobot is a hack!, or known to have only said one useful thing. a tool, or dating the fembots, or [TK]D-Fender's b*tch, or suck, or a pain in the ass
17:26.34ManxPower-workflorz, from man-in-the-middle to someone stealing your domain and everything in between.  Why do you think everyone is moving to DNSSec?
17:27.09[TK]D-FenderMAH BITCH!
17:27.41zoid_99how do I set the name of an ASTOBJ?  ast_copy_string(reg->name,username,sizeof(reg->name)); doesn't seem to do anything
17:27.42florzManxPower-work: well, (a) what can _not_ be "hacked"? and (b) how would you "hack" DNSSEC?
17:27.48Kobazzoid_99: #asterisk-dev
17:28.36ManxPower-workflorz, I mentioned it only as a potential solution
17:28.59Kobazflorz: penetrate a server that runs a dnssec'd domain, steal the keys/certs... proceed to do a man in the middle attack
17:29.15florzManxPower-work: but it's not a "solution" to DNS it's _part_ of DNS
17:29.41florzKobaz: "runs"?
17:29.56florzKobaz: and anyhow, that's not exactly hacking DNSSEC, then
17:29.58Kobazflorz: do you know how dns works?
17:30.05florzKobaz: I suppose so
17:30.41Kobazthen it should be obvious how you can do hijacking
17:30.42ManxPower-workKobaz, you send a request to a server that you can't verify the identity of, then you get a response that you can't verify where it came from.
17:30.57KobazManxPower-work: hah, yeah, exactly
17:31.10florzKobaz: of a DNSSEC-signed domain when the resolver does verification?
17:31.19ACK-NAKManxPower-work: You're right, dns can be hacked, but it's an astronomically higher hurdle to hack BOTH dns and sip credentials.  As far as submitting a patch, I'm just cutting my teeth in this stuff.  That's out of scope for some time.
17:31.41*** join/#asterisk romb (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
17:31.42ManxPower-workACK-NAK, Um, SIP credentials are MD5 DIGEST authenticated.
17:32.05ACK-NAKManxPower-work: your point being...
17:32.08ManxPower-workso unelss you are an idiot and don't use decent passwords I suspect SIP is more secure than DNS
17:32.42florzI assume that allow/deny does catch the SIP message before it hits the parser?
17:32.53ManxPower-workflorz, I'd have to look at the code.
17:33.05florzthat alone would be a good reason in asterisk's case
17:33.21florzand potentially even generally
17:33.45ACK-NAKManxPower-work: I already know that my password 1,2,3,4,5 is NEVER goign to be hacked, but I would say that the probabilty of someone simultaneously 'bruteforcing' my uber secure 12345 and ALSO hacking DNS is right up there with monkeys flying out of my asterisk.
17:34.12ManxPower-workACK-NAK, as I said, if it's so important submit some code.
17:35.06*** join/#asterisk ParanoyaM (
17:35.30ParanoyaMhi, is it possbile to protect my ippbx from 100 attempts of dialing one number?
17:35.49ManxPower-workParanoyaM, I don't know, but in theory you can in Asterisk
17:36.19ParanoyaMManxPower-work: maybe you know where i can read about this?
17:36.35*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (
17:36.56ManxPower-workParanoyaM, Do you understand what Asterisk IS?
17:37.01infobottoolkit is, like, Remember Asterisk isn't really a PBX.  Asterisk is a TOOLKIT that helps you build a PBX from scratch, much like libraries help you build an application from scratch.
17:37.59ManxPower-workParanoyaM, you CODE it in your dialplan.  Check the time, check the number, store the information in a global variable or data store, check it the next time a call happens.
17:38.23ParanoyaMManxPower-work: problem in that: number changes
17:38.23ManxPower-workWhy do you not want your users to dial the same number 100 times?  Can't you just smack them upside the head if they do that?
17:38.44ParanoyaMbecause it is gray termination
17:38.51codefreeze-lapI wrote an app to do that! ;)
17:38.57Kobazas opposed to yellow or blue?
17:39.04ManxPower-workKobaz, "unofficial, usually illegal" routes.
17:39.13ParanoyaMwhen one call goes out from 40 sims it leads to blocking sim
17:39.34ManxPower-workParanoyaM, the dialplan is where you would code this.
17:39.39ParanoyaMcodefreeze-lap: can you share your solution?
17:39.43KobazParanoyaM: are you one of those fradulent robodialer companies?
17:39.52ParanoyaMKobaz: no
17:39.54Kobazi know they all use asterisk
17:40.01Kobazthey use the default music on hold
17:40.22ManxPower-workKobaz, and fail one out of 10 calls to collect the CNAM dip revenue?
17:40.36codefreeze-lapparnoyaM: the app to smack someone upside the head?
17:40.46ACK-NAKAll of my asterisk robodialers are chaged to use the Microsoft OC MOH
17:40.48ParanoyaMcodefreeze-lap: no
17:41.12ManxPower-workParanoyaM, have you read the Asterisk Book
17:41.27infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
17:41.34ACK-NAKlet me let me.... awwww I wanted to do ti.
17:41.58ACK-NAKsomebody else pls ask about the book.  I'll get ready so I can do it!
17:41.58Kattyokay someone gets to help me for a change
17:42.06Kattyi have a very serious issue
17:42.11Kattyand it's been bother me for HOURS now
17:42.12spenguin[work]run shome
17:42.14Kattymy grocery list is empty
17:42.14ACK-NAKhave youread the ~book
17:42.21spenguin[work]Katty: brocolli
17:42.24Kattyand i just ....can't deal with it
17:42.32codefreeze-laplay it on Katty now, ACK-NAK!!!
17:42.41infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
17:42.49Kattyputs book on grocery list
17:42.53outtolunchands katty a pen/pencil
17:42.54Kattyoh wait, i already have one
17:43.04ACK-NAKlet me get you a...
17:43.06infobotit has been said that pencil is something you write with
17:43.18ACK-NAKwhere's infobot when you need 'em
17:43.28Kattyhe's right there
17:43.32ManxPower-workThere is nothing wrong with playing with the bot, but it is best done in private and wash your hands after.
17:43.33Kattyat least i assume infobot is a male
17:43.35Kattyinfobot: are you a male?
17:43.47Kattyinfobot: are you a female?
17:44.21ACK-NAKinfobot: [male]Yep, I'm a dude.
17:44.34Kattyi smell impersonation
17:44.48Kobazi dunno, it's hard to tell
17:44.49ACK-NAKahhhhhhh.   That's not all you smell
17:45.06codefreeze-lapIt smacks of a turing test to me...
17:45.07*** join/#asterisk hluesea (~hulusikah@
17:45.09Kattyactually i smell febreeze
17:45.16Kattythe container says....
17:45.18ACK-NAKActually the infobot just hijacked my account for a sec!!  WFT?
17:45.19*** join/#asterisk lanning (~lanning@
17:45.31KattySpedial Edition caramel cream and bliss
17:45.44ACK-NAKThat pefectly explains the comment above being preceded by my nick
17:45.53KattyACK-NAK: of course, dear. of course.
17:46.23ACK-NAKThat infobot... Damn he's clever.  He also hates to be anthropomorphized.  He totally hates taht.
17:46.31*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
17:46.52Kattyhi anonymouz666
17:47.18ACK-NAKanonymouz666?  Impersonating the devil---anonymously.
17:47.20Kattystares at blank grocery list
17:47.31Kattyputs down broccoli
17:48.38eppigyRIBEYE STEAK
17:48.56Kattyeppigy: will you cook it for me?
17:49.01Kattyactually, i bet ryan would cook it
17:49.06Kattythat's a wonderful idea, dear.
17:52.55bmoraca_worki have some ribeyes in the freezer
17:53.01bmoraca_workshould thaw them out and cook them
17:55.38*** join/#asterisk geneticx_wrk (
17:56.07Carlos_PHXDamn, I'm hungry.  No steak in the house, but some spicy Italian sausage on the grill would work for lunch.
17:56.25Carlos_PHXLet Katty talk about veggies again, that will kill my hunger.
17:59.51*** join/#asterisk uqlev (~yuriy@
17:59.56*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
18:01.36*** join/#asterisk DJF5 (
18:02.17bmoraca_workwtb a voice wholesaler on the west coast that doesn't suck
18:03.53Kattywhat are you going to do
18:03.56Kattybuy a new voice?
18:04.06KattyCarlos_PHX: broccoli and carrots
18:04.12KattyCarlos_PHX: i a rich cheese sauce
18:04.23KattyCarlos_PHX: with a crunchy cornflake topping, and bacon
18:04.30*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
18:04.31KattyCarlos_PHX: feeling less hungry?
18:08.13hardwirebmoraca_work: mmm.. steak
18:08.18hardwirefor.. breakfast?
18:08.34bmoraca_worksteak and eggs, baby!
18:08.50hardwireI love that about camping
18:08.56hardwiresteak + eggs + potatoes
18:09.31Kattyfrom Reddit: Today, I receveived a letter from Blue Cross informing me that my son would be dis-enrolled from my health plan because he'll be 22. I think I'm going to receive another letter soon. Thank you, Mr. President.
18:09.33DJF5maybe not an asterisk question perse... but how can the process `asterisk -gcvvvv` keep running even if i tried stopping it with all
18:09.40DJF5even kill -9 $PID
18:09.52DJF5top sais: 27513 root            6  -8    0 19192K 14708K STOP   1   0:00  0.00% asterisk
18:09.59DJF5keeps hanging in STOP
18:11.42KobazDJF5: something is badly locked up at the OS level, for that process
18:14.21*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
18:14.39QwellThis is why you don't use kill -9.
18:14.40sbrathIf I set a CALLERID(name) in a cid-macro from my incoming context, and then send the call to new context to begin a IVR or a Queue processing, I loose the over-ridden CALLERID(name) does CALLERID(name) changes have a scope?
18:14.56citywokfor some reason each time asterisk does a reload, a lot of my aastra phones go to no service and it takes a few minutes for them to re-register
18:15.06citywokany ideas?
18:15.27*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
18:16.23sbrathDJF5: if kill -9 dosen't work then asterisk is locked and holding onto something. You'd have to init 6 to fix it.
18:16.56*** join/#asterisk kotp (~vgoff@
18:16.58sbraththat is very unusual.
18:17.17*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
18:17.38DJF5yes, my thoughts exactly :p
18:18.19DJF5@Qwell, i tried stopping it every way without -9
18:18.24DJF5then even -9 didnt work
18:19.18afo0lhi guys, anyone know what causes "zaphfc: hfc busy." when modprobing zaphfc?
18:19.51[TK]D-Fendersbrath: No, CID does not get choved back like that.  Show us the actual problem happening
18:25.01KattyLimbaugh said that he never said that he was going to move there but that, .Once all this gets implemented, I am going there for my health care.. <-  <- also completely off topic.
18:25.05Katty^- amusing
18:25.41Kattywhy would you say you never said something, when your exact words are plasted all over youtube
18:25.54Kattydoes not seem to make good sense.
18:26.03Kattybut he's not moving
18:26.12Slugs_plsated would work if your from boston
18:26.16Kattythe limbaugh lawfirm looked same as always when i drove by it this morning
18:26.22[TK]D-FenderKatty: He needs gravity to be repealed first ;)
18:26.38Kattyi should call the lawfirm and ask them when he's moving
18:27.01bmoraca_workit'd be way slick if USAA had health premiums are going up 25% in april...ick
18:27.29*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
18:27.34Kattybmoraca_work: you can buy into the exchange
18:27.44Slugs_don't get sick, no nned for insurache
18:27.55KattySlugs_: yeah, try to tell that to my appendix.
18:27.58KattySlugs_: erm, lack of appendix
18:28.02bmoraca_workSlugs_: actually, by law, you must have insurance or pay a fine now
18:28.08Kattybmoraca_work: not yet
18:28.12Kattybmoraca_work: that starts in 2014
18:28.24Naikrovek.. what katty said
18:28.31Kattybut that's the same as China
18:28.36Kattyeveryone there has to carry insurance too
18:28.37Slugs_Katty, i got in a car accident in july, my insurance lapsed few months eairlier, 200k bill
18:28.45KattySlugs_: ouch
18:28.46bmoraca_workeither way, the bullshit that was passed on sunday is bullshit and everyone who voted for it needs to be lit on fire
18:28.48KattySlugs_: good job
18:29.02KattySlugs_: <3
18:29.11Kattybmoraca_work: thanks, but i'll take my bullshit.
18:29.24Kattybmoraca_work: and the bullshit will make sure that my father gets the insulin shots he needs.
18:29.24Slugs_yeah i kmnow how much it sux not to have insurance that's for sure
18:29.58bmoraca_workKatty: i have no problem with health insurance or medical care reform, but the bill that was passed is NOTHING except a big payout to insurance companies.  it doesn't do anything to make anything better for anyone, except to CUT medicare benefits.
18:30.15*** part/#asterisk btsteve (
18:31.49Kattybmoraca_work: it does do anything but make sure my father can't be dropped because he has diabetes?
18:32.07Kattybmoraca_work: it doesn't do anything, but make sure children can't be barred and excluded from coverage for preexisting conditions?
18:32.13Kattybmoraca_work: pull your head out of your ass dude (=
18:32.18Kattybmoraca_work: we can talk about it in private if you want
18:32.24bmoraca_worki'd rather not.
18:32.29Naikrovekbmoraca_work: read:
18:32.33bmoraca_workdebating politics sets my teeth on edge.
18:32.37Ad-Hochi ppl
18:32.40Kattyi can see that.
18:33.27bmoraca_worki rest by my statement that anyone who voted for this bill should be summarily executed in the worst possible fashion.  i'm particular to drowning in an oil fire, myself.
18:33.39Kattywell then line me up for the firing squad
18:33.43Naikrovekme as well
18:34.05bmoraca_workKatty: you're not a congressman, so I don't need to :P
18:34.10Naikrovekdon't let fox news do your thinking for you.  if you came to your opinion on your own, that's fine, just don't let limbaugh, hannity or anyone on fox think for you
18:34.19Naikrovekor anyone at all, really
18:34.22Kattyfox news should be shot.
18:34.37Kattythey should have entertainment purposes only disclaimers on the bottom of their screen
18:34.44bmoraca_workNaikrovek: i don't watch opinion news programs.  i watch CNBC in the morning for financial news and that's all.
18:35.07Naikrovekconservatives should be all over this because it does more to balance the budget than anything done since 1993
18:35.14Naikrovekthat was clinton, btw.
18:35.21[TK]D-Fender[14:33]<Naikrovek>don't let fox news do your thinking for you. if you came to your opinion on your own, that's fine, just don't let limbaugh, hannity or anyone on fox think for you <- as has been well covered, those hosts are not "Fox News".  Those are Fox Opinion Commetators
18:35.26Naikrovekfiscal conservatism and conservatives do not mix
18:35.39Kattyis that how they get away with it?
18:35.44Kattyit's all Opinions
18:35.47bmoraca_workNaikrovek: modern day republicans != conservatives
18:35.50[TK]D-FenderKatty: Yup
18:35.56Kattycrazy stuff
18:36.08bmoraca_workNaikrovek: also...$1T in increased spending != balancing the budget.
18:36.09Kattybmoraca_work: what's your opinion of the tanning bed stuff?
18:36.16[TK]D-FenderKatty: You should become a TDS & TCR addict like me :)
18:36.33Naikrovekbmoraca_work: it will reduce the deficit by $1.8B
18:36.37Naikrovekbmoraca_work: read some more
18:36.47Kattyhealthcare is eating us alive
18:36.53bmoraca_workKatty: i don't think the government has any right (the CotUS supports this) to tell me what I can and cannot do, who I should or should not be able to spend my money with, or whether I should or should not have insurance
18:37.04bmoraca_workKatty: that's fine, but subsidies (what this bill is) are not the way to fix it.
18:37.07Kattybmoraca_work: what does that have to do with tanning beds?
18:37.14*** join/#asterisk thecardsmith (
18:37.27bmoraca_workKatty: the government shouldn't dictate whether i can or cannot use a tanning bed or to tax my use of it.
18:37.40Naikrovekbmoraca_work: then you're saying that the income tax, social security, and all of those things are all unconstitutional?
18:37.48Kattyalong with cigarette tax
18:37.53Naikrovekbecause you dont' ahve a choice with those either
18:37.54Kattyand all tax, basically
18:38.19bmoraca_workNaikrovek: social security, yes.  income tax, not necessarily.  it's written into the CotUS.  government control of business is specifically written OUT of the CotUS.
18:38.27*** part/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
18:38.35bmoraca_workKatty: sin taxes are supposed to be levied at the state level, not the federal level.
18:38.43[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Income tax is specifically uncontitutional.
18:38.54*** mode/#asterisk [+m] by Qwell
18:38.58QwellBack to Asterisk.  Thanks.
18:39.06*** mode/#asterisk [-m] by Qwell
18:39.11Naikrovekthanks qwell
18:39.47*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
18:39.55Kattywe have one of those?
18:40.04bmoraca_workmy blood pressure's high enough already
18:40.06Slugs_i just typed it
18:40.16Kattywell there are actually a lot of people in there
18:40.18*** join/#asterisk Aven (~avenger@
18:40.33Kattyi left
18:40.43Naikrovekthat place would be a madhouse
18:41.02Slugs_yes it would
18:41.30Katty13:41 -!- Nick MadHatter is already in use :<
18:42.04Slugs_there ya go
18:43.17Kattyso how about that grocery list
18:43.18Slugs_i dont take sides, i just want people to that 'need' help and art lazy, get help
18:43.37Kattyso far i have steak and broccoli
18:43.54Slugs_mashed potatoes
18:44.32bmoraca_workpie is always good, too.  claim jumper dutch apple pies...mmmmm
18:44.32KattySlugs_: have you seen those new steamfresh bags in the frozen section which is mashed potatos?
18:44.43KattySlugs_: you microwave it and then mush it, and BAM mashed potatos
18:44.49Slugs_lol yeah
18:45.16Slugs_or the granulated mess add water or milk and BAM mashed taters
18:45.41bmoraca_workKatty: have you seen the frozen bags in freezer sections that are veggies+sauce?  they have broccoli and cheese...microwave and ready!
18:45.51*** join/#asterisk hfb (
18:45.52Kattybmoraca_work: i certainly have!
18:45.59Kattybmoraca_work: some of them are quite tasty
18:45.59bmoraca_workthey're pretty good
18:46.21bmoraca_worki like the red potatos & green beans in the rosmary sauce
18:46.22bmoraca_workit's good
18:46.28ACK-NAKDifference between deny and contactdeny?
18:46.51ACK-NAKUsers vs peers?
18:47.03ACK-NAKConfirmation anyone?
18:47.36*** join/#asterisk BreezBl0k (
18:47.43Kattygets a post it note, writes confirmation on it in crayon, and hands it to ACK-NAK
18:47.54Kattyyou can haz confirmation
18:49.12ACK-NAKkatty: but is also true that permit restricts BOTH and contactpermit only restricts user registration address?
18:49.27*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
18:49.45KattyACK-NAK: i have no idea
18:49.45BreezBl0kHi I have Yealink T-28P phones all work fine apart for one extension, you can ring it when it first powers on but shortly after it will go to voicemail without ringing but you can make calls out, if you reboot it its works both ways for a few mins again
18:50.10ACK-NAKACK-NAK hands confirmation note back to katty
18:50.11KattyBreezBl0k: what happens when you replace the phone
18:50.16KattyACK-NAK: :<
18:50.17BreezBl0ksame thinh
18:50.22Kattyputs postitnote on forhead
18:50.31BreezBl0kgod dammit thing!
18:50.32Kattyi are confirmed.
18:51.08BreezBl0ki swapped phone and same issue moved phone to where a behaving phone is connected as well
18:51.16KattyBreezBl0k: do you have two devices trying to register as the same extension
18:51.33BreezBl0kno i even change secret to rule that out
18:52.05bmoraca_workACK-NAK: according to, contactpermit/deny are used for registration, whereas permit/deny are used as an ACL.  i can't really think of a normal situation where the two would be different.
18:52.14BreezBl0kits realy stumping me i changed firmware as well to no avail
18:52.20KattyBreezBl0k: when the phone starts messing up, does it list an ip address in sip show peers
18:53.50ACK-NAKbmoraca_work: but they make two just so it's simple.  :-)
18:55.46VoIP-PenguinCrap.  I forgot to have lunch.
18:56.55bmoraca_workACK-NAK: think about NAT for a minute...the ACL is going to be based on the global IP whereas the registration contact could be the inside IP
18:57.00Slugs_gives VoIP-Penguin a hot pocket
18:57.08VoIP-PenguinWhat kind!?
18:57.25bmoraca_workACK-NAK: like I said, though...i can't really think of a reason why they would need to be different...but the flexibility is there
18:57.26VoIP-PenguinI likes me some ham and cheese.
18:57.40Kattyhotttttttt pockettttt
18:57.41Slugs_man i was goingg to give you that one too
18:57.52VoIP-PenguinPizza is good, too, as long as it isn't the old one.  The new pizza is far better.
18:57.56BreezBl0kasterisk debug information states Extension 4152 is not available to be called
18:57.59bmoraca_workcaliente pockets...
18:58.20ACK-NAKbmoraca_work:  My brain hurts.
18:58.30Qwellham and cheese.  pfft.  they started cubing the ham.
18:58.44Slugs_Qwell, lol yeah
18:59.01ACK-NAKbmoraca_work: contactpermit=hostname (vs IP)  didn't freak out the way permit=hostname does on reload.  That could be useful.
18:59.03VoIP-PenguinNo more sliced ham?
18:59.32*** join/#asterisk trevorsharrison (~tharrison@
18:59.51ACK-NAKbmoraca_work: wrong.  Nevermind
19:00.37ACK-NAKbmoraca_work: wait, maybe not.
19:01.01bmoraca_workACK-NAK: i don't think it does reverse lookups like that
19:01.24Kattytrevorsharrison: are you ford's brother?
19:01.44*** join/#asterisk chuckf_ (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
19:02.13ACK-NAKYes, I agree. but it should.
19:02.20ACK-NAKbmoraca_work: ^^^^^
19:02.41bmoraca_workACK-NAK: i disagree...too time consuming
19:03.32ACK-NAKbmoraca_work: how so?  Externrefresh=x
19:03.58ACK-NAKbmoraca_work: or DNSACLRefresh=x or somethign like that
19:04.25bmoraca_workACK-NAK: you want to perform a reverse lookup on every single packet that comes in?  not a good idea, imo.  ACLs are done by IP for a number of reasons
19:04.32bmoraca_workanyway, off to lunch
19:04.48ACK-NAKbmorca_work: right. Cache.
19:06.16BreezBl0kKatty is what debug is saying
19:06.56[TK]D-FenderBreezBl0k: ...
19:06.59infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
19:08.45Kobazokay, i have a T1 LBO question...  we have a 440ft cable between an avaya and an asterisk.  I can set the lbo on asterisk to 440-550, but on the avaya i have settings in dB.  What's the lbo eqivalencies to decibals?
19:10.22*** join/#asterisk romb_work (~romb@unaffiliated/romb-work/x-7222485)
19:10.44QwellKobaz: somewhere between 0 and -7.5, it looks like
19:11.04QwellWhat options are there?
19:13.48*** join/#asterisk andres833 (~andres833@
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19:15.26*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
19:16.39*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
19:17.29Kobaz0 -15 and... sec
19:17.37trevorsharrisonMy asterisk setup with a 4 port analog digium card just started having problems with inbound calls not getting audio (can't hear ivr greeting or audio from my polycom ext).  Rebooting/powering off asterisk server + telecom equip hasn't fixed it.  Outbound works fine.  Don't have anything right now to independently test the lines with.  Probably dialplan corruption?
19:17.40bmoraca_workKobaz: leave it default unless you have a problem
19:17.47Kobazbmoraca_work: we have problems
19:18.11QwellKobaz: I would guess -15 or -22.5
19:18.15Kobaz0, -7.5, -15, -22.5
19:18.32Qwell440-550 isn't a valid lbo though afaik
19:18.45Kobazthat's in feet, on a sangoma card
19:18.46Qwellthe closest would be 399-533
19:20.32Kobaz110-220  220-330 330-440 440-550  550-660  0DB 7.5DB  15DB 22.5DB
19:20.35Kobazare the sangoma options
19:21.12Kobazwhat if i just set the sangoma to be 15DB and the other side to be 15DB
19:21.22Kobazand just not mess with the distance-based settings
19:22.29bmoraca_worki had fun yesterday when some idiot plugged my PBX into a data T1...trying to figure out why all my channels are ringing at the same time and i'm not getting DNIS information...freakin idiots
19:23.17*** join/#asterisk magronez (~eusei@unaffiliated/magrao/x-2903)
19:24.28Naikrovektrevorsharrison: hang tight someone will help i'm sure
19:24.37Naikrovekpatience is key in here sometimes
19:25.38[TK]D-Fender[15:17]<trevorsharrison>My asterisk setup with a 4 port analog digium card just started having problems with inbound calls not getting audio (can't hear ivr greeting or audio from my polycom ext). Rebooting/powering off asterisk server + telecom equip hasn't fixed it. Outbound works fine. Don't have anything right now to independently test the lines with. Probably dialplan corruption? <- no
19:26.12[TK]D-Fendertrevorsharrison: go prove audio from the TDM to * direct.  use Record & Playback for this.  If that works, then the problem is between * and your phones.
19:27.50NetgeeksHi Katty Long time no chat (responding to you from yesterday - lol)
19:28.14trevorsharrisonI'm a little confused.  Are you thinking about a (sigh, I can never remember the correct TLA) FXS vs a FXO?  My digium is to connect to the PSTN for inbound phone lines.
19:28.51[TK]D-Fendertrevorsharrison: there are 2 calls happening.  One between your TDM card and *.  The second is from * to your phones.
19:29.09[TK]D-Fendertrevorsharrison: We need to isolate which leg has the problem.
19:29.38trevorsharrisonk.  lemme give you a few more data points.
19:29.59trevorsharrisonWhen I call in, if I get routed to an IVR, I don't hear the IVR recorded greeting.
19:30.20trevorsharrisonIf I navigate to, for instance, the interactive directory, I don't hear any prompts.
19:30.58trevorsharrisonLooking at the verbose logging in asterisk -rvvvv, I can see my DTMF effecting stuff.
19:31.52trevorsharrisonIf (calling in from outside using my cellphone) I connect to an extension, I can hear sounds from the cell phone on my ext, but no sound going the other way.
19:32.07[TK]D-Fendertrevorsharrison: Forget DTMF.  Prove AUDIO.
19:32.38trevorsharrisonthe last thing I typed doesn't?
19:32.46[TK]D-Fendertrevorsharrison: If you have no IVR audio then you likely either have a HWEC issue where its spooling all the audio, or you have a gain issue
19:33.07KattyNetgeeks: yes, it's been HOURS
19:33.26trevorsharrisonk.  I can start with the zaptel config.
19:33.42Netgeekshehe, I just had my client open and about 2/3ds of the way up the scroll bar I see a little marker that means someone said my name
19:33.53Netgeeksso I scroll up, and there you were
19:33.54*** join/#asterisk knarfly (
19:33.54[TK]D-Fendertrevorsharrison: What precise card do yuo ahve.  What * Version, What Zaptel version
19:34.05trevorsharrisonancient... hold on....
19:34.36knarflyIt's been a while since I configured Asterisk on FreeBSD...I made a simple install from the ports but the console keeps showing me this
19:34.39knarflyWARNING[7324]: db.c:57 dbinit: Unable to open Asterisk database '/var/db/asterisk/astdb': No such file or directory
19:34.39knarfly[Mar 23 15:31:39] WARNING[7324]: db.c:498 ast_db_gettree: Database unavailable
19:34.44trevorsharrison[TK]D-Fender: # rpm -qa | grep zap
19:35.05tzafrirknarfly, permissions issue?
19:35.17knarflytzafrir: as root?
19:35.24[TK]D-Fendertrevorsharrison: I don't believe those versions are necessarily compatible
19:35.34tzafrirasterisk not running as root but that directory is woned by root?
19:36.04knarflytzafrir: asterisk can only be run as root.
19:36.05tzafrirmaybe the directory does not exist?
19:36.11tzafrirknarfly, why?
19:36.15knarflylet me check
19:36.29tzafrirruns Asterisk as 'asterisk'
19:36.36Qwellruns Asterisk as 'bob'
19:36.37trevorsharrison[TK]D-Fender: asterisk-1.4.22-3
19:36.43trevorsharrison(sorry its taking so long)
19:36.46VoIP-Penguinknarfly: Really?
19:36.51tzafrir(and the init.d script fails you if you instruct it to run asterisk as root)
19:37.09VoIP-Penguinknarfly: I guess you better send that memo to all the people that don't run it as root.
19:37.19tzafrir(unless you give root an id that is not 0)
19:37.35knarflyVoIP-Penguin: sorry my inexperience is showing...this is my setup
19:37.55VoIP-Penguinknarfly: As a matter of fact, I think most people recommend to NOT run it as root.
19:38.09tzafrirknarfly, anyway, the point is that asterisk attempts to generate the astdb on startup
19:38.13knarflythe /var/db/asterisk directory did not exist...that directory was always created during the installation of previous copies
19:38.31tzafriranother sanity check: is there free disk space? writable mount?
19:39.00QwellFreeBSD.  I'm sure there's some config/path screwiness.
19:39.22knarflythe console is quiet was this missing directory. this is the first time I've ever had to manually create it though
19:39.23VoIP-PenguinI have Asterisk 1.4 on FreeBSD, and I don't have the /var/db/asterisk directory.
19:39.58trevorsharrison[TK]D-Fender: I just noticed a "zaptel: no version for "oslec_echo_can_traintap" found: kernel tainted." in my /var/log/messages.  I'm not sure that warning was in the log before (the uptime was 290+ days since last reboot) and the log files have been rotated since.
19:40.11knarfly1.6.0.21 running here
19:40.39Kattywhere do you guys get your plane tickets
19:40.44QwellKatty: expedia!
19:40.52KattyDOT COM
19:41.12knarflywill never buy Grandstream phones again....2 out of 3 have just stopped working
19:41.20Qwellknarfly: they do that.
19:41.24infobotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
19:41.34Netgeeksdepends on where I'm going, but then again, I'm more concerned about convenience than price in most cases
19:41.40knarflyinfobot: live and learn
19:42.03knarflythe bad taste of poor quality remains long after the sweet taste of a cheap price fades
19:42.14ManxPower-worktrevorsharrison, there is nothing wrong with a tainted kernel
19:42.55trevorsharrison[TK]D-Fender: ah, finally found info about the card: "Wildcard TDM400P REV E/F"
19:43.48trevorsharrisonManxPower-work: yeah, I agree, but the message seemed to indicate that the echo cancelation missing was due to kernel taint.
19:44.00*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
19:45.18*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~465bd509@gateway/web/freenode/x-qchbeiomecvctvrw)
19:48.06Kattywoah. flight to dallas: 2hrs. amtrak to dallas: 15.5hrs
19:48.19jayteewhat's the diff in price?
19:48.24Katty200 vs 90
19:48.45Kattyi think i'll just pay the 200 bucks and be there in time for breakfast
19:48.51jayteehow much is 13.5 hours of your time worth to you?
19:49.00Netgeeksconvenience wins over price again!
19:49.08Kattyi'm not going to spend 15.5 hrs on a train
19:49.22Katty <- my destination
19:49.39Katty^- goin with my mamma
19:49.48jayteesitting in the same seat for 15.5 hours could never be enjoyable and in some cases might be fatal
19:50.34VoIP-PenguinI get tired of sitting in the same spot after just a couple hours.
19:50.38trevorsharrisonafk for abit
19:50.40NetgeeksKatty, if you hadn't mentioned texas, I would have looked at that and said, 200 bucks to go to africa?  no way
19:50.52KattyNetgeeks: that's more liek 4grand
19:51.24Netgeeksand don't forget the vaccinations and the doctor bill for the hospital stay when you get back
19:51.52jayteeif I was going to travel outside the US I'd only go to countries that don't hate us so that only leaves me with Australia
19:52.14VoIP-PenguinWhat about India?
19:52.24Kattyi don't want to go to india
19:52.31jayteewell, they don't hate us so much as the whole scorn thing
19:53.05Netgeekshey now, there are other countries that don't hate the US... like..... New Zealand!  okay, new zealand is part of australia kinda like canada is part of the us
19:53.18jayteeyeah, Kiwis are cool people
19:53.27*** join/#asterisk Z_God (~julius@
19:54.05jayteeIndians are nice too
19:54.45Netgeeksit seems to me that india is either too hot or too wet.... sometimes both at the same time
19:55.11jayteeyes, but there is naan
19:55.56hardwireahoy beasties
19:56.06jayteeahoy, matey
19:57.44hardwireanybody using followme and cdr_adaptive_odbc?  followme in is crashing when attempting to use cdr resources that include cdr_adaptive_odbc.
19:57.51hardwireeven if I specify nocdr
19:59.31*** join/#asterisk Mango (
20:00.31MangoI'm trying to set up DNS SRV records so that my devices will fail over to a backup Asterisk server if the primary is unavailable.
20:00.47VoIP-PenguinThat should be easy enough.
20:00.52MangoThe problem is, my SPA921 doesn't seem to respect priority.  I set one to priority 10 and one to priority 20, but it randoms between the two.
20:01.12MangoI set weight to 0 for both - is that right?
20:02.01hardwireweight is per priority
20:02.08hardwireso you did gud
20:02.16hardwireexcept if they are in the wrong order :)
20:02.38MangoI don't care about the order at this point - I'd settle for the phone picking one and sticking to it :P
20:02.56MangoThe phone acts as if the primary server was unreachable...but it wasn't.
20:03.19beekhugs Katty -- waves to jaytee.
20:03.59VoIP-Penguinmango: What happens if you set both to the same priority and set the weight of one a little higher than the other?
20:04.09MangoLet's find out.
20:04.25Mangoa little as in how much?
20:04.42Mangook, so 1 and 2.  one moment.
20:04.46VoIP-Penguin5, 10, whatever
20:05.00Mango5 and 10.'
20:06.43*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
20:06.50VoIP-PenguinI would normally not do it that way, but given your problem, I would at least test it.
20:07.26VoIP-PenguinIt seems like a lot of clients don't work well with SRV for some reason.
20:07.47jayteehi beek
20:08.38Mangook, registered to primary
20:09.08beekjaytee: How goes the new gig?
20:09.09VoIP-Penguinprimary is weighted to 10 and the secondary is weighted to 5?
20:09.29VoIP-PenguinAnd the priority is 10 on both?
20:09.48VoIP-PenguinSOunds good.  See how it works.
20:09.53Mangoit re-registered to the primary
20:09.57Mangoand then registered to the secondary
20:10.09Mangosecondary again
20:10.22VoIP-PenguinSo it still doesn't know what it should be doing.
20:10.52VoIP-PenguinIs there any chance that it's a DNS and host issue rather than the client being borked?
20:11.10Mangotheoretically possible.  the host name is
20:11.15jayteebeek, it's good although sometimes a bit overwhelming
20:11.20Mangoit looks right but I'd appreciate a second set of eyes
20:11.54VoIP-Penguinmango: Looks okay to me.
20:11.58MangoIt doesn't seem to want to switch back to the primary.
20:12.17beekjaytee: I know the feeling.
20:13.07*** join/#asterisk nickaugust (
20:13.32VoIP-Penguinmango: I would go ahead and put the records back to the "normal" way since this way didn't seem to change anything.
20:13.56Mangook, that is at
20:14.10VoIP-PenguinOh, okay.
20:14.11Deeewaynejaytee, this comment is a little late, but the country of Georgia does not hate the US either
20:14.29Mangomaybe I'll experiment with proxy redundancy method
20:14.38Deeewayneand they like to party too
20:14.57Mangoset to "Based on SRV port".  so far we're on the primary.
20:15.17VoIP-Penguinmango: That might be the only alternative if the client won't cooperate.  At least you know the proxy is (supposed to be) designed to do it right.
20:15.36Mangoah, nope.  just jumped to the secondary.
20:15.51Mangoand back to the primary.  lol.
20:15.53VoIP-Penguinbased on SRV port?  Shouldn't it be based on something else?
20:16.05VoIP-PenguinLike the SRV priority?
20:16.15MangoThat's "Normal"
20:16.22Mangothe only other option is "Based on SRV port"
20:17.07*** join/#asterisk atis_work (~atis_work@
20:21.29hardwireMango: dns-srv seems to be a lost technology for some phones/switches
20:21.42hardwirethe actual implementation of it is.. strange.
20:21.44MangoApparently so :-/
20:22.39Mangojust found that
20:22.43Mangoat least I'm not the only one :P
20:23.20VoIP-PenguinIt's a pretty good thing if your devices will just use it right.
20:27.58vader--would this violate anything in asterisk's  1.6.2 dial plans
20:28.00vader--exten => 130,1,Macro(stdexten,130,SIP/001759CB88AC-01&SIP/SALESVOIPGW-01-X130)
20:28.30VoIP-PenguinLooks okay to me, but Macro is being deprecated in favor of GoSub() and Return().
20:34.01Kobazthis avaya is so old, and has an old t1 board, that LBO cannot be configured
20:35.10Slugs_Kobaz: ive completed the ~book should i be an expert now :)
20:35.55bmoraca_workSlugs_: read it 3 more times and implement a few production systems first
20:36.10Slugs_yeah exactly
20:36.35Slugs_this agi stuff is pretty facinating
20:41.44Kattyso is anyone in dallas texas
20:42.12beekKatty: There are lots of people in dallas texas!
20:42.21Kattybut is anyone /here/ in dallas
20:42.35beekAhh... different question. ;-)
20:42.47*** join/#asterisk DotHack (~dothack@
20:42.49beekopens at the comedy club Friday night.
20:43.10Kattybeek: i'll be sure to bring my pillow
20:43.21Kattytickles beek
20:43.24DotHackanyone has experience with gsm hardware?
20:44.11Corydon76-digDotHack: Yes, I use an Android phone on a near-daily basis
20:44.46Kattyi'm not old enough to rent a car :<
20:44.50Kattythis makes me sad.
20:45.01DotHackCorydon76-dig: foolish me. IRC asks for a more specific approach. I mean icm asterisk :)
20:45.13bmoraca_worklol @
20:45.15*** join/#asterisk jhutchins_lt (
20:45.42*** part/#asterisk jhutchins_lt (
20:45.49MangoKatty: if you're over 21, Enterprise will rent to you.
20:45.53MangoMost other places you have to be 25.
20:46.14jayteeI think ACE will rent at 21 also
20:46.23jayteeHertz and Avis won't though
20:46.53MangoAlso, there's a loophole at Enterprise
20:47.05Mangoif you're married and your spouse is over 25, you can both drive the car, and you don't pay the underage rate.
20:47.33MangoWe will be renting a car the day AFTER my birthday this year.  It will be the first year I won't have to resort to loopholes :)
20:47.39Kattyit's just me and my mother
20:47.45Kattylooks like she's going to have to rent it in her name
20:47.54Kattythis place requires 26+
20:47.56bmoraca_workjaytee: they will if you pay an extra $40/day
20:48.25Mango$40!?  At Enterprise it was only $14
20:48.32MangoHigh, but not outrageous
20:48.42bmoraca_workMango: i ran into that when renting a car on my honeymoon
20:48.43*** join/#asterisk alaskappa (
20:48.57bmoraca_workMango: thankfully, i rented through USAA and they waived all those extra fees for me
20:48.58mrbnetIs it possible to route different trunks through different network interfaces within asterisks config? or would I need to utilize static routes for this?
20:49.21Mangobmoraca_work: excellent.
20:49.32MangoThe other thing to avoid is the 3rd party liability.
20:49.51MangoIt was vastly cheaper to get it through my regular auto insurance.  If I rent a car two times in a year, it's paid for.
20:50.19Kattythis place is about 45/day
20:50.23Kattydoes that sound about average?
20:50.35DotHackmrbnet: i thick routing is the best option, asterisk uses the routing table of the os to connect to sip trunk
20:50.50MangoKatty, what city/state?
20:50.55KattyMango: dallas, tx
20:53.09VoIP-PenguinThat is a fairly standard rate.
20:53.25MangoThey tend to get lower if you buy a week at a time.  A bunch of places have $269/week, taxes included.
20:53.40knarflycan anyone recommend a good, reliable, and inexpensive VOIP provider these days
20:53.58ACK-NAKknarfly: I have great luck with Vitelity
20:54.02VoIP-Penguinknarfly: or Flowroute
20:54.03KattyMango: hrmm. we won't be out there a full week, but i will keep that in mind regardless
20:54.10mrbnetDotHack: That is what I figured, thx. Now I get to figure out how to handle routing through multiple default gateways.
20:54.17Kattyinfobot: itsp-list
20:54.18infobot[itsp-list] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , , , ,
20:54.19ACK-NAKknarfly: I like them because thy can set CNAM.  That's rare.
20:54.29ACK-NAKknarfly: Teliax sucks IMO
20:54.35KattyI use bandwidth
20:54.40Netgeekswicked camper rentals in Australia gave you an extra free day's rental if you picked up the camper in the buff
20:54.46VoIP-PenguinThere's no guarantee that the CNAM will be looked up, though.
20:54.46ACK-NAKknarfly: Voicepusle keeps getting more and more expensive!
20:54.49DotHackmrbnet: you cat have multiple default gateways!
20:55.04VoIP-PenguinFor example, if you call me on AT&T, I bet I won't see your name.
20:55.21*** join/#asterisk brezular (
20:55.24MangoSo Katty - how old are you? ;)
20:55.42Mangoducks whatever Katty threw at him
20:55.56ACK-NAKVoIP-Penguin:  if you're calling anyone on the PSTN with Callerid then YES, it will be looked up.  Any RBOC will do that dip even if two-bit ITSP's are too cheap to pay the dipping fees.
20:56.04*** part/#asterisk rttrey (~trey@
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20:56.05GuggeDotHack: you can use source routing though, and have a default gateway pr source ip
20:56.11hardwirenowait.. 30 flirty and thriving.
20:56.21DotHackmrbnet: sorry, it is possible just google it
20:56.26beekMango is playing with fire.
20:56.53VoIP-Penguinack-nak: How can you guarantee that AT&T is going to lookup your CNAM from an LiDB that your CNAM has been entered into?
20:57.07knarflyKatty: I'm a native Dallas Texan transplanted to Miami...would love to be back in Big D again
20:57.20ACK-NAKVoIP-Penguin: because you pay to insert it into their database.
20:57.46mrbnetDotHack: err, right, that doesn't make sense. I have one interface connected to the Internet the other in on an internat network with many different subnets. Is there a way to make the route go back out the nic it came in on, easily?
20:58.13VoIP-Penguinack-nak: I tried to get AT&T to enter my name into their DB, but no one there seems competant enough to get it done for me.  Any tips?
20:59.17ACK-NAKVoIP-Penguin: Of course you couldn't.  The big boys dont' give a SHIT about you or about the tiny ITSP's of the world but when Vitelity partners with a very large carrier and slip LIDB assignment as a legal technicalitiy THEN they can set CNAM For most numbers, not all.  So far I'm at about 90%  100% for regional numbers.
20:59.45ACK-NAKI run in to trouble in the rural telcos of the world.
21:00.17VoIP-PenguinI use, which is a Vitelity reseller.  Maybe I can get Vitelity to do it for me.
21:00.20DotHackmrbnet: yes thats possible but i have to look that up
21:00.40DotHackmrbnet: are you using firewall?
21:00.57ACK-NAKVoIP-Penguin:  Possible.  They charge a 1x $10 fee.  Takes over a month.  Some iTSP's can inject your number into CNAM using a '911 technicality', but that workaround carries monthly fees.
21:01.45ACK-NAKVoIP-Penguin: can set CNAM for numbers that Vitelity can't but their 'fix' carries a MRC.  Not so VIte.
21:02.14VoIP-Penguinack-nak: I think I'll take one more shot with getting AT&T to do it for me for free before I try to get Vitelity to do it.
21:02.26ACK-NAKYou can use any two-bit for thermination, but origination requires careful selection.
21:02.35ACK-NAKVoIP-Penguin:  You're wasting your time.
21:02.49ACK-NAKVoIP-Penguin: You are absolutely positiviely wasting your time.
21:03.17DotHackmrbnet: what exactly are you trying to do?
21:03.19mrbnetDotHack: Yes, the only way I can think is to copy the static routes from the firewall to the asterisk box. All the end points are behind the the firewall with the asterisk box. Phones are in multiple locations on multiple subnets. I would like to peer my asterisk box with another but avoid the natting firewall.
21:03.59*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (~Chris@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
21:04.07teknoprephey all
21:04.43DotHackso you have 2 asterisk boxen with 2 natting firewalls between them?
21:05.22ACK-NAKVoIP-Penguin: I used to port my numbers TO AT&T (RCF) just long enough to get the CNAM set.  THen I'd port to the ITSP of choice.  THen the record would sit out there as an orpahn.  Years ago they started 'killing orphans'.  They don't want to help you.  People like us are killing their core business .
21:05.33*** join/#asterisk jro (
21:05.52Katty <- the voices of Megatron (left) and Optiumus Prime (Right)
21:05.59jroAre there any setups or modules that have the line dispaly "on another call" or similar when dialing an extension and the person is on a line?
21:08.14DotHackis it possible with a sip phone to show the name of the callee on the callers phone?
21:08.20DotHackand if so how?
21:08.22*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
21:08.30mrbnetDotHack: only one natting firewall, I would also prefer to put those asterisk services on another IT
21:08.36mrbnetDotHack: IP*
21:09.28*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
21:09.33DotHackmrbnet: but how do you plan to circumvent the natting firewall?
21:10.22mrbnetDotHack: through a second NIC connected directly to the net, firewalled of course
21:11.28DotHackmrbnet: you can add ip of the peering asterisk box in your routing table with a gateway of the net
21:11.46DotHackand let your default routing alone
21:12.10hardwirewhen I first got started with asterisk the Sipura SPA-3000 was my main device.
21:12.33hardwirewhat was weird is I kept seeing spa3k as an abbreviation.. and I kept wondering what idiot kept mispelling and leeting the word 'speak'
21:13.19Katty <- long, but so totally worth it
21:13.29Katty^- not recommended with those who have religious sensitivities
21:13.54mrbnetDotHack: I would route that IP though the default route of the internet NIC, right?
21:14.15*** join/#asterisk thecardsmith (
21:14.23DotHackmrbnet: yes that would be correct
21:15.00DotHackmrbnet: but not the nic that is connected to the nat fw
21:15.33mrbnetDotHack: right, I will give that a try
21:17.09mrbnetDotHack: I was hoping to stay away from managing some static routes if the number of peers starts to grow
21:17.48DotHackmrbnet: maybe then you have to consider removing the asterisk box from the nat
21:20.01*** join/#asterisk hesco (
21:21.34hescois there any experience documented somewhere related to sizing servers to provide capacity for the meetme application?
21:25.18Kobazit looks like TrySystem SYSTEMSTATUS in very unreliable
21:26.26*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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21:28.52ecraneKatty: Nice one
21:30.50*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:31.04hardwireit's [TK]D-Fender !
21:31.10hardwirehe'll fix it!
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21:37.27Kattygrumbles at the bank
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21:39.43DeeewayneKobaz, I think it depends on the return code of the application and not all applications return consistent results, like app_queue
21:42.56Kobazthis isn't tryexec
21:42.59Kobazthis is trysystem
21:43.05Kobaztrysystem(test -r /foo/bar)
21:43.11Kobazreturns very inconsistant results
21:43.53Deeewayneyeah, tryexec....sorry
21:43.53Kobazi haven't looked at the code, but i think SYSTEMSTATUS doesn't take into account the return code of the command
21:44.00Deeewayneyou're correct
21:44.08Deeewaynemy mistake
21:44.28bn-7bccan anuone point me to a place in europe I (as a peuvate person) cab buy a 877w with advanced ip cervixesc pre installed?
21:44.36Kobazi'm getting SUCCESS even if the file doesn't exist
21:45.24Kobazbut... i'm getting either APPERROR or SUCCESS... randomly... on a file that doesn't exist
21:45.57Kobazso that's kinda useless
21:46.03bn-7bcI tried to find a reseler localy (ib borway) but they dont sell to non bizz users :(
21:50.02*** join/#asterisk Micc (
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21:52.10Kobazi have a question about the question for questioning questions that result in questions
21:52.14Kobazwrong window
21:54.43mmlj4Kobaz: still funny, though
21:54.57vader--can you do parts of your confiruation in realtime?
21:55.11vader--like if i only want to do sip.conf in a database?
21:55.14Kobazhalf my stuff is realtime, half my stuff is still config files
21:55.33vader--what do you have in realtime and whats in config files?
21:55.46Kobazrealtime is sip/iax/extensions/voicemail
21:56.14hardwireI like using views for realtime extensions :)
21:56.15hardwireit's evil
21:56.16Kobazconfig files is the base stuff like loggers, indications, etc
21:56.32Kobazmy stuff just calls stored procedures
21:56.52hardwirecreate view select * from sippeers and turn it into extensions format crazyness
21:57.39hardwireI stay away from stored procedures since they aren't inter-DB proof enough.
21:57.57hardwiresince I assume I'll change the backend DB at any given moment :)
21:59.36vader--do you guys use any front end to manage the databases?
22:00.14Kobazhardwire: if you're going to change the db backend at any moment... i would say that's not a very good development methodology
22:00.24bn-7bcbardon my questions they where ment for #cisco
22:01.46hardwireKobaz: creating a product for multiple walks of life.. is all :)
22:03.10Kobazso your users may change the backend at any moment
22:03.45hardwireI'd like to see something work well between DBs if it ever turns into a product
22:04.03hardwireotherwise I'd be pimping python in postgresql :)
22:06.11*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
22:12.55Slugs_hey hardwire
22:13.02Slugs_que pasa
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22:25.25bmoraca_workrofl @
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22:27.08crizzlyhey ho.
22:27.58crizzlyis it possible to add certain colors in asterisk CLI to VERBOSE messages ?
22:28.40crizzlyalso why in last csv in verbose-level 0 or off, i still these "-- Locally bridging SIP/...."
22:29.28citywokis there a functional, still findable outlook dialer for *
22:30.06*** join/#asterisk rooky (
22:31.04bmoraca_workcitywok: snap-a-number is the best i've seen
22:31.19Kobazbut every dial to a local channel is more calls on the stack
22:31.40bmoraca_worki know that digium bastardized it, but you might be able to find a download in the wild
22:33.13*** join/#asterisk doctorray (
22:33.16citywokthanks i'll take a look
22:33.23citywokof course i have x64 beta 2010, gotta find an 07 test boxc
22:34.24*** join/#asterisk s4msung (
22:34.43hardwireSlugs_: hi
22:35.00hardwiredislikes programming IVR
22:39.07*** join/#asterisk adnc (~numer@unaffiliated/adnc)
22:39.50adnci get a "Got SIP response 400 "Bad Request" back from" although sip show peer shows in the status field OK
22:40.00*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
22:40.27adncRegistration for '' timed out, trying again
22:40.52adnci get these all the time and
22:41.49jdoehow can I troubleshoot cdr_odbc? odbc.ini etc. is setup properly since I can connect with isql... cdr_odbc.conf has the same information, res_odbc.conf uses the dsn in odbc.ini and is connected... but calls aren't being logged, csr_odbc complains that it can't find the database handle.
22:43.42*** join/#asterisk Digr (
22:45.32Digri have a problem with my asterisk gui. i have installed asterisk gui  but when i try it says Access Denied sorry i cannot let you do that Dave
22:45.45Digrcan you plz give some help?
22:46.36bmoraca_workDigr: you're not going to find any help here with that
22:46.48bmoraca_workDigr:  try #asterisk-gui i think it is
22:47.11Digrok thank you bmoraca
22:47.33*** part/#asterisk Digr (
22:48.14doctorrayhooray for successful test calls!
22:48.25citywokbmoraca_work: that works well on my x32 office 2007
22:48.32citywokbeta x64 2010 not so much
22:48.39bmoraca_worknot surprised
22:51.59*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
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23:09.41jdoeanyone use cdr_odbc?
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23:20.16ACK-NAKAlaysauthreject = yes, not yet supported in iax2?
23:20.46*** join/#asterisk Mango (
23:23.44Kattyi just got back from running
23:26.50ACK-NAKGood for you Katty!
23:26.53ACK-NAKSeriosuly I mean it.
23:27.02ACK-NAKI used to run more.  Now I bike.  12 Marathons.
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23:47.19bmoraca_worki Asterisk Y2K38 compliant?
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23:47.51jstapletonis there a good way to tell what dtmfmode is being used in a conversation?
23:51.16wart___is there a way to trace individual ports?  I have reason to suspect that the router I'm sitting behind or the Cable ISP provider is doing strange things.  My various softphones are pretty intermittent when it comes time to make a call.
23:52.01MangoIs there any way to forward port 5061 to 5060 using a router, for outgoing connections?
23:52.21MangoMy device wants to connect on 5061 but this Asterisk server is only open on 5060.

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